Three Phase Half Wave Rectifier

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Objectives: .............................................................................................................................................................................. 1
Introduction:............................................................................................................................................................................ 1
Operating principle of three phase half wave uncontrolled rectifier: ................................................................................ 2
Methodology: .......................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Hardware: ........................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Connection Diagram: ...................................................................................................................................................... 4
......................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Software: ............................................................................................................................................................................. 5
1. Input voltage’s waveform: .......................................................................................................................................... 5
Procedures:.............................................................................................................................................................................. 6
Results:.................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
................................................................................................................................................................................................ 8
................................................................................................................................................................................................ 8
Discussion and Analysis: ........................................................................................................................................................ 9
Conclusion: ........................................................................................................................................................................... 10
References:............................................................................................................................................................................ 10

 Draw the conduction table and waveforms of a three-phase half wave uncontrolled
converter supplying resistive and resistive inductive loads.
 Calculate the average and RMS values of the input / output current and voltage waveforms
of a three-phase uncontrolled half wave converter.
 Analyze the operation of a three-phase half wave uncontrolled converter to find out the
input / output current and voltage waveforms along with their RMS and Average values.
 Find out the harmonic components in the input / output voltage and current waveforms of
a three-phase uncontrolled half wave converter.
 Analyze the operation of a three-phase half wave uncontrolled converter supplying a
Resistive load.


Single-phase rectifiers are widely utilized in low-power applications, notably for powering
electronic circuits. They can be used to power tiny dc loads that rarely surpass 5 KW. Three phase
ac-dc power supply are typically used above this power level. The drawbacks of single-phase ac-
dc converters are numerous.

Utilizing three-phase ac-dc converters significantly reduce a number of these drawbacks. Since
electrical power is always transferred and distributed in three phases, it is therefore somewhat
natural that high power should load the three phases symmetrically, which is what happens when
bulk loads are provided by three-phase converters.

When compared to single-phase rectifiers, polyphase rectifiers produce output voltage and current
with less ripple. The accompanying equipment is smaller and the polyphase rectifier's efficiency
is likewise higher. A three-phase supply offers a variety of circuits to choose from. Depending on
whether three or six diodes are used, these can be divided into one of two groups. In this part,
these topologies will be deeply examined.

Three diodes are connected to each of the three phases of the transformer's secondary winding in
a three phase half-wave rectifier. Secondary is also known as Star Connected Secondary because
the three phases are connected in the shape of a star.

Operating principle of three phase half wave uncontrolled rectifier:

The simplest three-phase rectifier topology is the half-wave uncontrolled converter. Although it
is rarely used in reality, three-phase converter operation can be better understood thanks to this
information. The three-phase half wave unregulated converter's circuit layout, conduction table,
and waveforms for providing a resistive inductive load are shown in Figure below:

The load current (io) has been assumed to be ripple-free for the sake of simplicity. The anode of
a diode is linked to each phase voltage source in a three-phase half-wave unregulated converter,
as depicted in Figure above. The positive load terminal is created by joining the cathodes of all
three diodes. The supply neutral is wired to the load's negative terminal.

It should be noted that the converter always runs in continuous conduction mode for the type of
load selected. The conduction diagram can be used to conveniently generate the conduction
diagram for the second waveform of the diode. A phase diode only conducts when that phase
voltage is the highest of the three since diodes can only block negative voltage, according to the
conduction table. The circuit shown in Figure is also referred to as the "maximum value" circuit
in signal electronics. Other waveforms can be easily produced from the supply voltage waveforms
and the conduction table once the conduction diagram has been drawn.

The phase current waveforms are particularly noteworthy. They all contain a dc component that
travels through the AC source.



Component Description
AC power supply 3-phase 380 V
Step down transformer 1
Power silicon Diode 4
100 Ohm resistive load 3
50mH inductive load 2
Multimeter 2
Dual channel oscilloscope 1
Isolation amplifier four 1
Safety connected wiring Few

Connection Diagram:

1. Input voltage’s waveform:

2. Diode’s voltage and current waveform:

3. Output voltage & current of Pure Resistive load’s waveform:

4. Output voltage & current of R-L load’s waveform:


1. Make sure the power source is switch off.

2. Establish the connection according the connected diagram the shown above with Resistive.
3. After completing the connection switch on the power source.
4. Connect the measurement instrument as required.
5. Measure the average & RMS of the output voltage and current and enter the value in table.
6. Measure the average & RMS of diode current and enter the value in table.

1. Pure Resistive load (R = 33.33Ω):

Measured Value
Vm 45×√2 V
Vdc 52.4 V
Vrms 9.2 V
Irms 0.26 A
Io(dc) 1.56 A
ID(rms) 0.72 A
ID(dc) 0.45 A

2. R-L Load (R = 33.33 Ω & L = 100 mH):

Measured Value
Vm 45×√2 V
Vdc 52.7 V
Vrms 9.6 V
Irms 0.05 A
Io(dc) 1.4 A
ID(rms) 0.66 A
ID(dc) 0.48 A

Diode’s voltage with the existence of a capacitive load Diode’s current with the existence of a capacitive load

Output current with the existence of a capacitive load Output voltage with the existence of a capacitive load

Diode’s current without capacitive load Output current without capacitive load

Output voltage without capacitive load

Discussion and Analysis:

A three-phase, four-wire power supply is necessary for a three-phase, half-wave unregulated

rectifier. In an uncontrolled three-phase half-wave rectifier, the output voltage ripple has a
minimum frequency that is two and a third times the input voltage frequency. A three-phase half-
wave uncontrolled rectifier has a dc component in its input line current.
It is obvious that, in contrast to the single-phase rectifier circuit, each diode's conduction angle is
2/3 rather than. The diode in this circuit is on for the source's positive half-cycle (forward-biased).
The voltage across a forward-biased diode is zero and the current is positive when the diode is
assumed to be ideal.
The diode is reverse-biased during the source's negative half-cycle, resulting in zero current flow.
The source voltage, which has a negative value, is the voltage across the reverse-biased diode.
The high ripple factor of this setup is a disadvantage. The ripple factor in the case of a half wave
rectifier is 1.21, and its value cannot be ignored. While the value is relatively substantial in the
case of a half-wave rectifier, it is significantly larger in the case of a full-wave rectifier.
Therefore, in these kinds of arrangements, a smoothing circuit is required to eliminate these
ripples. The DC voltage's AC components are represented by these ripples. The term for this is
pulsing DC voltage. When this pulsating DC voltage is employed in numerous applications, the
gadget performs poorly. As a result, the filter serves as a smoothing circuit for the rectifier system
when the smoothing circuit is used.
However, the rectifier voltage eventually drops to zero following this blending process.
Therefore, the ripple factor can be substantially decreased if a three-phase transformer is used in
place of a single-phase transformer. The fact that the rectified voltage does not fall to zero even
in the absence of a smoothing arrangement is one of the three phase transformer's key benefits.


The three-phase rectification is the process of converting a 3-phase AC supply into a pulsating
DC voltage as rectification converts the input power supply of a sinusoidal voltage and frequency
into a fixed voltage DC power. Thus, power rectification changes an alternating supply into a
unidirectional supply.
However, three-phase half-wave uncontrolled rectifiers, which use one diode per phase, require
a star connected supply as a fourth neutral (N) wire to close the circuit from load to source.
By increasing the number of phases and diodes within the bridge configuration it is possible to
obtain a higher average DC output voltage with less ripple amplitude as for example, in 6-phase
rectification each diode would conduct for only one-sixth of a cycle which will improve the ripple
factor for various applications.

 “Power Electronics”, P.C. Sen; Tata MC Grawhill publishing company limited; 1995.
 “Power Electronics, Converters, Applications and Design”; Mohan, Undeland,
Robbins; John Willey and Sons Ine, Third Edition, 2003.
 What is 3 Phase Rectifier? - 3 Phase Half Wave, Full Wave & Bridge Rectifier -
Electronics Coach.


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