Three-Phase Full-Wave Rectifier With R & R-L Loads

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Objectives: ...................................................................................................................................... 2
Introduction:.................................................................................................................................... 2
Methodology: .................................................................................................................................. 4
Connection Diagram: .................................................................................................................. 4
By MATLAB: ............................................................................................................................. 5
Procedures:...................................................................................................................................... 5
Results:............................................................................................................................................ 5
Part 1: pure resistive (Rtotal ......................................................................................... 5
Part 2: with resistive and inductive load (L=100 mH):............................................................... 6
Discussion: .................................................................................................................................... 10
1. Rectifier circuit with R load: ................................................................................................. 10
2. Rectifier circuit with R-L load: ............................................................................................. 11
Conclusion: ................................................................................................................................... 11
References:.................................................................................................................................... 12
1. Construct and observe the waveform and performs and parameter of three-phase full-wave
uncontrolled rectifier.
2. Know the effective of R and R-L load on the outputs.
3. Simulate the circuit by MATLAB software.

For an uncontrolled three-phase bridge rectifier, six diodes are used, and the circuit again has a
pulse number of six. For this reason, it is also commonly referred to as a six-pulse bridge. The B6
circuit can be seen simplified as a series connection of two three-pulse center circuits.
For low-power applications, double diodes in series, with the anode of the first diode connected to
the cathode of the second, are manufactured as a single component for this purpose. Some com-
mercially available double diodes have all four terminals available so the user can configure them
for single-phase split supply use, half a bridge, or three-phase rectifier.
For higher-power applications, a single discrete device is usually used for each of the six arms of
the bridge. For the very highest powers, each arm of the bridge may consist of tens or hundreds of
separate devices in parallel (where very high current is needed, for example in aluminum smelting)
or in series (where very high voltages are needed, for example in high-voltage direct current power
The pulsating DC voltage results from the differences of the instantaneous positive and negative
phase voltages VLine, phase-shifted by 30°:
The ideal, no-load average output voltage Vav of the circuit results from the integral under the
graph of a DC voltage pulse with the period duration from 60° to 120° with the peak value:

If the three-phase bridge rectifier is operated symmetrically (as positive and negative supply volt-
age), the center point of the rectifier on the output side (or the so-called isolated reference potential)
opposite the center point of the transformer (or the neutral conductor) has a potential difference in
the form of a triangular common-mode voltage. For this reason, these two centers must never be
connected to each other, otherwise short-circuit currents would flow. The ground of the three-
phase bridge rectifier in symmetrical operation is thus decoupled from the neutral conductor or
the earth of the mains voltage. Powered by a transformer, earthing of the center point of the bridge
is possible, provided that the secondary winding of the transformer is electrically isolated from the
mains voltage and the star point of the secondary winding is not on earth. In this case, however,
(negligible) leakage currents are flowing over the transformer windings.
The common-mode voltage is formed out of the respective average values of the differences be-
tween the positive and negative phase voltages, which form the pulsating DC voltage. The peak
value of the delta voltage Vcommon-mode amounts ¼ of the peak value of the phase input volt-
age Vpeak and is calculated with Vpeak minus half of the DC voltage at 60° of the periods:

If the circuit is operated asymmetrically (as a simple supply voltage with just one positive pole),
both the positive and negative poles (or the isolated reference potential) are pulsating opposite the
center (or the ground) of the input voltage analogously to the positive and negative waveforms of
the phase voltages. However, the differences in the phase voltages result in the six-pulse DC volt-
age (over the duration of a period). The strict separation of the transformer center from the negative
pole (otherwise short-circuit currents will flow) or a possible grounding of the negative pole when
powered by an isolating transformer apply correspondingly to the symmetrical operation.
1x step down transformer.
6x power silicon diode.
Connected in parallel)
2x 50 mH inductive load. (Connected in series)
1x dual oscilloscope.
1x four channel amplifier.
2x multimeter.
Safety connection.

Connection Diagram:

1. Connect the three-phase full wave rectifier circuit as shown above.

2.After completing the connection switch on the power source.
3.Connect the instrument measurement.
4.Measure the average and RMS of the output voltage and current.
5.Adjust the isolation amplifier and oscilloscope to make it readable.

Part 1: pure resistive (Rtotal :

parameter Measured value Calculated value Error
Vm 63.64 V 63.64 V 0%
Vdc 101.6 V 105.196 V 3.42 %
Vr.m.s 5.14 V 105.35 V 95.12 %
Idc 2.5 A 3.15 A 20.63 %
Ir.m.s 0.019 A 3.16 A 99.4 %
ID dc 1A 1.053 A 5.03 %
ID r.m.s 1.4 A 1.824 A 23.25 %

comment: In this plot of different curves, there are three voltage lines each has a
phase difference of 120 degrees between each other. While the curve above them is
the output voltage after the full rectification. Finally, the curve beneath them is the
diode s voltage which operates in the negative side of the curve.

Part 2: with resistive and inductive load (L=100 mH):

parameter Measured value Calculated value Error
Vm 63.64 V 63.64 V 0%
Vdc 102 V 105.196 V 3.012 %
Vr.m.s 5.4 V 105.35 V 94.9 %
Idc 2.3 A 3.15 V 26.99 %
Ir.m.s 0.09 A 2.3 A 96.1 %
ID dc 0.9 A 1.053 A 14.53 %
ID r.m.s 1.4 A 1.33 A 5.23 %

comment: Here it shows only the three voltage lines with the output voltage after
the full rectification process.

comment: It is observed that the diode s output voltage takes place in the negative
side of the curve due to the two pulses occurred, and the fact that it is at the negative
comment: The input voltage takes a regular sinewave curve with a phase shift due
to the configuration of the oscilloscope.

comment: The output voltage curve shows the full rectification of the sinusoidal
form with small recovery time for before each rise.
comment: The output current curve slightly the same as the output voltage with less
amplitude due to having the voltage divided by the impedance in the circuit of three-
phase full rectifier. What appears in the picture is just a shattered second or high
frequency of curve moving with time while taking the shot. Nothing eccentric.

comment: Since it is a three-phase full-wave rectification circuit, the diode s output

current works only every 120 degrees in the first half. Therefore, a whole cycle takes
240 degrees for a full wave. In other words, 120 degrees ON then 120 degrees OFF
and so on.
comment: It is observed that the diode s output voltage takes place in the negative
side of the curve due to the two pulses occurred, and the fact that it is at the negative

1. Rectifier circuit with R load:

At the beginning of the cycle, V3 (the voltage of phase 3) is the largest, so D3 conducts, while
Diode D1 and D2 reverse bias. At the same time, V2 is the smallest, so D5 conduct, while D3 and
D6 are reverse biased.
Current will start from phase 3 through D3, R, D5 and return to phase 2. The voltage across the
load will be Vo = V3 V2.
At 30 electrical degrees, the value of V1 is the largest, so D1 conducts. V2 is the smallest, so D5
continues to conduct.
60 electrical degrees later, V1 is the largest, and V3 is the smallest, so diode D1 and D6 conduct.
60 electrical degrees later, V2 is the largest, and V3 is the smallest, so diode D2 and D6 will
conduct. The principle of operation is the same for the other half of the cycle.
We observe that:
If T = 0.02s is the period of the source voltage, we see that the period of the output waveform will
be T/6. The output voltage will be the line voltage (line-line).
Compared with the three-phase half wave rectifier circuit, the output voltage cycle is T/3. The 3-
phase full wave rectifier circuit has a better output voltage waveform, reducing the filter capacitor
Each diode will alternately conduct for about 1/3 cycle. The diode above will conduct when the
voltage at its anode is the largest compared to the other two diodes. Similarly, the diode below will
conduct when the voltage at its cathode is the smallest compared to the other two diodes.
We observe that: the output current is continuous. The diodes will conduct in the order of six steps:
D1+D5, D1+D6, D2+D6, D2+D4, D3+D4, D3+D5. Each pair of diodes will conduct for only 600
of a cycle (T/6) at any one time.

2. Rectifier circuit with R-L load:

The output waveform of the voltage and the conduction order of the diodes is the same as that of
the rectifier circuit using a resistive load.
The current output is small fluctuation because the characteristics of the inductor do not allow the
current through it to change suddenly. Therefore, the ripple of 3 phase bridge rectifier circuit using
load RL is small.

three-phase rectification is the process of converting a 3-phase AC supply into a pulsating DC

voltage as rectification converts the input power supply of a sinusoidal voltage and frequency into
a fixed voltage DC power. Thus, power rectification changes an alternating supply into a unidirec-
tional supply.
The 3-phase full-wave bridge rectifier which use two diodes per phase requires just three mains'
lines, without neutral, such as that provided by a delta connected supply.
Another advantage of a full-wave bridge rectifier is that the load current is well balanced across
the bridge improving efficiency (the ratio of output DC power to input power supplied) and reduc-
ing the ripple content, both in amplitude and frequency, as compared to the half-wave configura-
By increasing the number of phases and diodes within the bridge configuration it is possible to
obtain a higher average DC output voltage with less ripple amplitude as for example, in 6-phase
rectification each diode would conduct for only one-sixth of a cycle.
Also, multi-phase rectifiers produce a higher ripple frequency means less capacitive filtering and
a much smoother output voltage. Thus 6, 12, 15 and even 24-phase uncontrolled rectifiers can be
designed to improve the ripple factor for various applications.
Rectification of a Three Phase Supply using Diodes (
Working of Three Phase Half Wave Uncontrolled Rectifier | Electrical Revolution

Rectifier - Wikipedia

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