2019 Quiz 1

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Quiz - Chotnical Engineering Thertnodynamics (CH 2010)

Answer all questions. Maxirnurn Marks 25

in P, v and T
J, Show Chatan ideal gna followsthe cyclic relntionnliip
'3 mark'
[unctions (plot potential vs distance)
2. Sketch the following inter-molecular

(n) Jlnrd sphere

(b) Sutherland
(c) Lonnnrd-Joncs
potential fimctions.
Also write the mathematical form that describe the above mentioned
'6 marks'
The volume of each compartrnent
3, A well-insulated, rigid vessel is divided into two compartments by a partition.
is 0.1 ma, Onc compartmcnt initially contains 400 moles of gas A at 300 K, and the other compartment
Gas A is non
initiallyevacuated, The partition is then removedand the gas is allowed to equilibrate.
of state:
under thcsc circumstances but can be described well by the followingequation

t,-b Tv 2

with constant
a = 42(JKm 3/rn01 21 and b = 3.2 x 10¯5m 3/mol

You may take the ideal gas heat capacity of gas A to be

= (3/2)R
where R is the universal gas constant (= 8.3147K)
Calculate the final temperature
[S marks}

4. Given the critical temperature and pressure for propane (Pc=42.24bar and Tc=370K) and ethane (Pc=4S.qy
bar and K), calculate the following(Note 1 bar=100000 Pa and R = 8.314J/(mol.K)):

(a) The pressure needed to fill a 0.1 rn3 vessel at room temperature (295 K) to store 50 mol of propane
(b) The pressure needed to fill a 0.1 mgvessel at room temperature (295 K) to store a mixture of 20 mol
propane and 30 mol of ethane
[7 marks]

A. Equation or seate

van der Waals

RI' a 3

= —0.2599 + 0.2599)'
RI' aa(T) 0.42748R21? 0.08664RTc
v —b¯ v(v + b)'

K = 0.480 + 1.574W — 0.170

aa(T) 0.45724R2T? 0.07780RTc
v —b v(v + b) + b(v

= 0.37464+ 1.54226W — 0.269929

B. Calculation of As, Au and Ah using Equation of state

Relations in terms of independent variables T and v

dv; Au = c-vdT+ T —

Relations in terms of independent variables T and P


C. Determination of parameters for binary mixtures

amia = y?aal + + bmix = Ylbl +

au = v'G(1 —k12); B,nix= + + y3B22

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