Capacitor 4

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Charging and discharging of a capacitor

The circuit of document 2 includes:

• an ideal battery of electromotive force E; (K)
• a resistor of resistance R = 100  ; D
(1) (2)
• a capacitor of capacitance C; +
• a double switch (K);
• a lamp (L) considered as a resistor of resistance r = 50 . q
A – Charging of the capacitor + C r (L)
(K) is turned to position (1) at t0 = 0, so the capacitor, which is
initially neutral, starts charging. At an instant t the charge of
plate P is q. R
1. Determine in terms of E, R and C the differential equation in q. F
2. The solution of the obtained differential equation has the form
Doc. 2
of q = A(1 – ) , where A and  are constants. Determine the
expressions of these constants.
E τ
3. Deduce that the expression of the current during charging phase is i  e
4. Document 3 represents the variation of the current i as a function of time t.
Use document 3 to:
4.1) determine the value of E;
4.2) determine the value of . Deduce C.
5. Calculate the electric energy stored in the capacitor at the end of charging phase.
B – Discharging of the capacitor
The capacitor is totally charged. The switch (K) is turned i (mA)
to position (2) at an instant taken as a new origin of time
t0 = 0. Take into consideration the positive direction
during the discharging phase.
1. Determine the differential equation that describes
the variation of uC = uPH during this discharging
2. Verify that uC = E is a solution of the obtained 80
differential equation.
3. 60 44.4
3.1) Show that uC = 4 V at the instant
t1 = 0.11 s.
3.2) Calculate the electric energy stored in the
capacitor at the instant t1. 20
3.3) Deduce the average electric power consumed t (s)
by the lamp during [0, t1]. 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Doc. 3
Part Exercise 2 Points
1 ug = uC + uR  E = R i + uC
E dq q
 
R dt RC
2 dq A  τ E
A  1 1

 e ,   Ae τ (  )
dt τ R RC τ RC

A = CE ,  = RC , q  C E (1  e τ )
3 
dq CE  τ E  τ
t t
A q  C E (1  e τ ) , i   e  e
dt RC R
4.1 I0 = E/R = 0.12  E = 12V
4 4.2 At t =  , i = 0.37 I0 =0.37 ( 120) = 44.4 mA. Graphically  = 0.2 s
C   2  103 F
5 1 1
W  Cu C2  (2  103 )  122  0.144J
2 2
1 du C u C
uC- R i =0 ,  0
dt rC
2 du C E 
du C u C
uc = E ,   e rC ,   0 , it is verified
dt rC dt rC
3.1 uc = E , At t = 0.11 s , uc = 12 =4V
3.2 1 1
Wremaining  Cu C2  (2  103 )  (4)2  0.016 J
B 2 2
3 3.3 Wlost = W0 – Wremaining = 0.144 – 0.016 = 0.128J
P  1.16 W

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