Experimental Investigation On The Design and Optimization of A W-Lan Band Rectangular Micro Strip Patch Antenna With Transmision Line Feeding

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Maheswaran U1, Karunakaran A2, Xxxxxx3
1Assistant Professor, Dept. of Electronics and communication Engineering,
Dhanalakshmi College of Engineering, Chennai, India
2Assistant Professor, Dept. of Electronics and communication Engineering, S.A.

Engineering College Chennai, India

3Assistant Professor, Dept. of Electronics and communication Engineering, S.A.

Engineering College Chennai, India

ABSTRACT are the main 3 key components of a

A microstrip patch antenna that is microstrip antenna. Utilizing the
positioned on a smooth surface and has a transmission line models, which are
low centre of gravity. Typically, a patch becoming more and more efficient for thin
antenna is folded into a rectangular substrates, makes analysis fairly simple
waveguide form to create an antenna. The [2].
size of the antenna is significantly reduced
by this. An antenna's vertical and
horizontal lengths for RF signals 2.4 GHz
are 43 mm and 48 mm, respectively. The
CST planning method is used in the
creation of the rectangle-shaped patch
antenna. For the spectrum interval from
2.4 GHz, the antenna's is 1.2636 GHz and
its reflection coefficient is less than -28.
Patch antennas are essentially directional
This antenna's surface is constructed from
antennas with the main power beam
FR4 metal, which has 4.4 dielectric
created on the patch side and little
properties. A transmission line rectangular
detectable emission [3]. On a dielectric
patch antenna's specific length (28.6 mm)
substrate, a patch antenna is constructed
and width (38 mm) contributed to
using the lithography technique [4].
stimulate a variety of parameters,
Microstrip technology has become more
including the S parameter, the voltage
prevalent in the marketplace for mobile
standing wave ratio (VSWR)of 1.183, as
phones [5], along with multiple band and
well as the impedance matching.
ultra wide technologies worldwide.
It has a wide range of uses, including
Due to its design, reduced fabrication
positioning systems, radar, and short-range
price, compact size, tiny size, and
communication [6]. In this study, we use
simplicity of assembly in microwave
transmission line fading to construct a
circuits, the microstrip patch antenna is
microstrip rectangular patch array and
among the most well-known and often
simulate the results using CST software.
used antennas in wireless communication
[1]. The ground plane, substrate, and patch
DESIGNING PROCEDURE AND The rectangular patch antenna is designed
FORMULATION with the help of CST simulation software.
Impedance matching circuits are needed
for the patch antenna to work better. The SIMULATION RESULTS
patch antenna's input impedance and (w/l)
proportion are related. it is provided from Design and results are done using the

( )( )
εr 2 l 2 transmission line feeding:
Z¿ =90 The size of purposed patch
ε r −1 w
antenna is 28.6, 38 mm (L,W). The length
The substrate FR4 with a dielectric of the feeding line is 28.6 mm as shown in
constant of 4.4 has been used, and the figure 2. In this rectangular patch antenna
frequency range is 2-4 GHz. The substrate design of 48 mm and 1.6 mm sizes are cut
measures 78 mmetres high and 78 mm in to form a rectangular shape structure. The
wide [7] [8]. operated frequency of purposed antenna at
The major steps for creating a rectangular 2.4 GHZ. The value of a VSWR is
patch antenna [9]: calculated at a particular frequency of 2.4
Step 1: Condense and h of substrate, a GHz and value of VSWR is 1.183 as
desirable resonant frequency, and the shown in figure 4. As shown in figure 5
feeding transmission line's impedance. the value of characteristics impedance is
Step 2: Determine the patch's width using 47 to 49 impedance/ ohm.

√ 2
2 f r ε r −1
{W < L}

C = velocity of light (3 x 10^8 m/s)

ε r =Dielectric constant of the substrate
f r= resonant frequency of antenna

Step3: Effective dielectric constant

(√ )
ε r + 1 ε r −1 1
ε eff = +
2 2 h
w the figure 1 shows the design of ground
Step4: Effective length plane with length and width of 43 mm, 48
c mm and tmet="0.035".
Leff =
2 f r √ε .

Step5: Extension length equation

∆ L=1
h∗0.412∗( ε eff +0.3 ) + 0.264
h )
( w
( ε eff −0.258 ) h + 0.8
Step6: Length

L=Leff −2 ∆ L

The patch dimensions is W = 38 mm * L =

28.5 mm, Feed dimension is W L = 3.2
mm* L L= 28.5 mm. The ground plane the figure 2 shows the design of substrate
length and width is calculated as Lg with length and width of 43 mm, 48 mm
= 43 mm and W g= 48 mm respectively. and tsub="1.6" ,


S parameter

the figure 3 shows the design of patch

antenna with length and width of 28.6 mm,
38 mm and tmet="0.035" .then the feed is
given to the antenne with wf= 3.2 mm
with inset on both sides of feed and a Voltage standing wave ratio
notch is cut in the center of patch antenna,

Characteristic impedence

the figure 4 shows 3D view of microstrip

patch antenna.
Gain for 2.4 Ghz

Figure 5 shows the Surface current

distribution for the designed antenna from
2.4 GHz field monitor
2011 IEEE, 3-8 July, Spokane, WA, USA,
[4] Sarkar, I., P. P. Sarkar, and S. K.
Chowdhury, “A new compact printed
antenna for mobile communication,” 2009
Loughborough Antennas & Propagation
Conference, Loughborough, UK,
November 16–17, 2009.
[5] James, J.R. and Hall, P.S.: “Handbook
of Micro strip Antennas”
[6] Dr. Y. Bhomia , Dr.V. Gupta , A.
Bhardwaj , N. Akhtar, “ To Design and
Simulate Microstrip Patch Antenna by
Line Feed, ” 2017 ICECTA, 21-23 Nov.,
Ras Al Khaimah, United Arab Emirates,
[7] M. K. Taher A1-Nuaimi and William
G. Whittow “On The Miniaturization of
Microstrip Line-Fed Slot Antenna Using
Various Slots,” Final author version. IEEE
Loughborough Antennas and Propagation
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