Misfit Phase 3 Guide and Checkin - 4

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The key takeaways are that this phase focuses on posterior chain development through exercises like back squats and RDLs. It also emphasizes overhead pressing and improving snatch technique through positional work.

The main lifts and movements covered are back squats, squat snatch, push press, squat clean, push jerk, deadlifts/farmers holds, sleds/RDLs, and overhead pressing. Skill work focuses on gymnastics and the olympic lifts.

The aerobic testing focuses on building power output and testing rowing ability over longer distances. The anaerobic testing aims to improve metabolic conditioning through tests like the Misfit Cube.


Welcome to Phase III of the 2023 Offseason! Weeks fifteen through twenty one of a twenty-eight-week plan to create the most
well-rounded, powerful, skillful, and confident version of you. Below you will find an in-depth look at what is in store for you during this
Phase. This framework builds the structure in which our guiding principle of variance is best put to work. Our tagline for this season is all
about approaching what used to look like an obstacle and realizing that the resistance it creates is what turns you into the person you know
you can be. What matters most, is how well you #WALKTHROUGHFIRE.

Phase Peaking Skill Speed Work GPP Focus In WOD Lift Non Mandatory Non Mandatory Non Mandatory

Back Squat Squat Snatch Push Press Squat Clean Push Jerk Deadlift / Sleds / Heavy
Farmers Holds RDLs Days
The Misfit Volume You're entering the Four pressing sessions Our GPP rotation Heavy shoulder to Alternating weeks of Two incredible Once a week you'll
Squat Cycle is final checkpoints of a week in Phase II removes the overhead, the lost barbell cycling and posterior chain be given the option
definitely a "IYKYK" a season long plan brings us armed (pun guesswork of son of competitive overloading the development tools, to go heavy on a lift
moment for to improve and intended), and ready to possibilities in your crossfit movements. musculature most alternating back and in a very
longtime followers. peak your snatch. move big weight upcoming We believe it will be likely to breakdown forth. Whether it's a personalized
Three days a week Seven weeks of overhead with a lot of competitive back, and that you during it. Most weakness or you're session depending
for an entire Phase, positional work and help from the rest of endeavors. Heavy, need to be ready. athletes that need injury prone in that on how warming up
we slowly build and the volume squat your body. If your ego touch and go, skill With a new capacity one, need the other. area, most athletes feels. This session
peak your Back cycle will have you pushes you towards work, complexes, for overhead will find the benefits. serves 2 purposes: a
Squat. Words to the ready to go heavy hips heaving forward and more get you pressing and an reminder that lifting
wise: take care of in Phase IV. and torso leaning back stronger, educate ever evolving is fun as hell in the
yourself, warm up, in the name of more you on your engine, we're right setting or with
base your weight moved, dial it capacity, and bring a digging deep into the right crew. It is
percentages on test back and remember sport specific Phase cycling the bar also practice to rise
week, and move this is a step along the to the work you've overhead once a to the occasion and
like you would in journey to transfer been putting in all week for the whole hit a lift you weren't
the olympic lifts. skills into olympic year. Phase. preparing to be

Aerobic Bias Focus Anaerobic Bias Focus Non-Mandatory
Row Ski Power Output
You've done the work to build the
Rowing season is only two phases supporting musculature and ability to New to Misfit Athletics in 2023 is the Phase by Phase
away. That means we're going to log flush waste in this movement pattern. testing of power output on machines. For athletes that
the longer slower hours now, kick up Now it's time to dig in and find out what struggle to really rev the engine in short sprints, we are
the intensity next, and be ready to row that got you in test week. After that it's offering a non-mandatory test to see how hard you can
at your competitions pace at a much five weeks dedicated to moving the go before dialing it in for five weeks and re-testing.
easier effort. needle even further before the final
showdown with your cube test in week


Phase 3 Metcon Test Phase 3 Interval Test Non-Mandatory
Bar Pull Gymnastics Wallballs Personalized Skill Progressions
Your Metcon test for Phase III will Equal parts capacity building and Another new feature in our 2023 programming is 27
audit your ability to move through de-sensitizing is what we're after in this Week skill progression programming for movements
Chest to Bar Pull Ups and Bar Muscle Phase in regards to wall balls. Remove we have deemed "highly personal weaknesses". Once
Ups under fatigue. Then we alternate the idea of a perceived weakness and a week on the program you will see a non-mandatory
weeks of dedicated skill sessions and operate on data alone. Am I getting session that allows you to tackle either rope climbs,
in workout progressions to spit you better than I was? Great. Rinse and handstand walking, double unders, wall walks, or
back out into re-test week ready for repeat. Double DB OHWL.

Welcome to the Misfit Athletics Phase 3 Weekly Check-in for the 2023 Season. We hope you use this Weekly
Check-In not only to track scores for testing and retesting, but to make thoughtful notes to help you identify
weaknesses, celebrate victories and grow as an athlete throughout the 2023 season.

For Time In WOD Lifting Test Misfit Cube Test For Reps Aerobic Row Test For Time Non-Mandatory
For Time
"Keanu Heaves" Misfit Power Output
4 Rounds Until 40 Shoulder to AMRAP 4 Minutes x 4 8 BBJO 24/20"
Overhead are complete Test - For Reps
800m Run Max Calorie Ski Until Failure: 27 Chest to Bars
4 Rope Climbs Rest 4:00 Row for Distance at a 1:55/2:10 8 BBJO 24/20"
AMRAP 2 Minutes per 500m pace or faster Choose your weakest
40 Wallballs 20/14lbs to 50 Double Unders 21 Bar Muscle Ups sprinting machine between
10' Target Score is total calories. 15,000m Cap 8 BBJO 24/20" Row, Ski, Bike Erg, Air Bike:
15 Toes to Bar 15 Chest to Bars
Rest 5:00
Just like the bus in the 1994
Max Shoulder to OH in thriller, your "50mph" is a 8 BBJO 24/20" 3 Rounds
remaining time 185/130lbs Sprint :20* for Average
Score is total working 1:55/2:10 per 500m pace or 9 Bar Muscle Ups
time. Rest 1:00 faster. This is not based on Wattage
your average split. If your Rest 3:00-7:00
speed drops to 1:56/2:11 or 7 minute cap
slower for more than 2 strokes,
The 4th interval is "for *Air Bike Rounds are :15. All
time", meaning if you the workout ends. If you are capped, C2 machines are :20.
require a 4th interval, your score is 7:00 +
complete all remaining If these paces looks "slow" -
Shoulder to OH after the you're rowing a 15K for time. :01 for every Score is your highest round.
4th Double Under/TTB If you don't think you'll eclipse incomplete rep. Program each machine to
buy-in. Score is the time 10K - follow the Hatchet pacing measure only the :15 window.
on the clock after your instructions.
40th STOH.

Test Test Test Test Test Test

Goal PR Goal PR Goal PR Goal PR Goal PR Goal PR
Retest Retest Retest Retest Retest Retest

High CNS Lifting Test For Weight

Build up to a heavy
Find a 1RM Back Squat 3 position Squat

This lift is to base your Mid Thigh* + Below

percentages on - this Knee + From Floor
is not a competition
lift, so make sure you Drop and reset
keep it safe. between reps
*Above knee/below

Test Test
Goal PR Goal PR
Retest Retest

Welcome to the Misfit Athletics Phase 3 Weekly Check-in for the 2023 Season. We hope you use this Weekly
Check-In not only to track scores for testing and retesting, but to make thoughtful notes to help you identify
weaknesses, celebrate victories and grow as an athlete throughout the 2023 season.

W E E K LY C H E C K - I N







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