CM50266 Case Study 2 Peer Assessment Form: Your Lab 2 ID ID of Assessed Work

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CM50266 Case Study 2 Peer Assessment Form

See notes and additional guidance at the end of the form before starting.

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Your Lab 2 ID 21645671
ID of Assessed Work 21645726

Task Criteria Mark
Task 1a Has the raw data been summarised?
(3 marks) The data has been observed and cleaned as necessary, 1 mark. 3
If basic total milage per region is given, 1 mark.
Or, if the millage per region and vehicle type is given 2 marks.
Task 1b Has an analysis of annual trends been clearly presented?
(2 marks) If the presentation is purely descriptive, 1 mark. 1
Or, if it provides insights into what may have caused the trends noted,
2 marks.
Task 2a Has an appropriate choice of regression model been made?
(2 marks) 2

Task 2b Has the choice of regression model been properly justified?

(1 mark) 0

Task 2c Has the regression model chosen been correctly applied?

(2 marks) If yes, but with a minor error, 1 mark. If fully, then 2 marks. 1

Task 3a Has a reasonable estimate the number of electric miles driven each
(2 marks) year over the time period been provided? 0

Task 3b Has a reasonable estimate of how much power generation will be

(2 marks) needed to achieve this been provided? 0

Task 3c Have one or more independent estimates of the likely generation

(1 mark) required been found? 0

Task 4 Based on the presentation of the previous tasks, is a reasonable

(3 marks) recommendation made? 0

Task 5 Has a reasonable executive summary been provided?

(3 marks) If it contains a summary of some of the key points of the video 2
presentation, 1 mark.
Or, contains a summary of most of the key points of the video
presentation, 2 marks.
Or, if it provides a concise summary of the key points of the video
presentation, 3 marks.
Presentation a Is the content delivered using a mix of audio and visual approaches?
(1 mark) 1
Presentation b If the correct terminology used when discussing the content?
(2 marks) If less that 1/3, no marks, if 1/3-2/3 then 1 mark, if more than 2/3 then 2
2 marks.
Presentation c Do the majority of graphs, charts and tables contain the appropriate level of
(1 mark) detail? 0

Presentation d Are all graphs, charts and tables clearly labelled?

(2 marks) If less than 1/3, no marks, if 1/3-2/3 then 1 mark, if more than 2/3 then 1
2 marks.
References Have appropriate references been provided where appropriate?
(3 marks) Or, if a few assertions or assumptions are underpinned by appropriate 3
references, 1 mark.
Or, if an appropriate set of references are included for most
assumptions or assertions but it is not always clear where they apply,
2 marks.
Or, an appropriate set of references are included for most
assumptions or assertions and it is clear where they apply, 3 marks.

Task 1 visualistaions very blur.
Task 3 - no estimate
task 2b- justification not satisfactory
task 4 - no estimate generated, just sources suggested
The Your CS2 ID field is the numeric value assigned to each submission. Do not use your
username or student id number.

Each piece of work to be assessed is named using the ID of the corresponding piece of work.

Where you do not award a mark, you should provide a reason. Use the labels to indicate to which
criteria a reason applies.

The videos can be found at:

Note that some videos were submitted in two parts. In this case, you should watch both parts and
assess them as if there were a single video presentation.

And the executive summaries can be found at:

Additional guidance on some of the criteria

The specification for this coursework specified a maximum 10 minute video. You should therefore stop assessing the
video after 11 minutes (including +10% margin.) You may watch the video beyond this point, but should not award
any marks for the tasks covered in the additional time.

Task 1

a. If the data has been read successfully, with a clear indication of how the missing minor road
data will be handled award one mark. It is ok at this stage to ignore the minor roads, so long
as it is done deliberately.

If mileage has been correctly calculated and summarised by region but not by vehicle type
you can award an additional mark.
If the mileage has been correctly calculated and summarised by both region and vehicle
type you can instead award two additional marks.
If instead of mileage, vehicle counts are used, you should not award any marks.

b. An analysis of the trends should be provided at the level of detail carried out in in a. If the
analysis is simply a description of the trends observed, you may award one mark. If some
consideration of why those trends may have occurred and what that this will mean for the
choice of approach to regression has been given you should award two marks instead.

An example reason why the trends may be present is the financial crash of 2008. An
example impact on the regression, would be different vehicle type/region combinations
having different trends that when extrapolated may change the total predicted mileage
significantly for a given method compared to performing the regression on the aggregate

For this part of the task, you may award marks if vehicle counts have been used in place of
mileage, provided that the student has indicated that the count is of observations rather
than count of vehicles present and that a vehicle may be counted multiple times.

Task 2

a. A regression model is appropriate if is suitable for the nature of the data observed. A way to
assess this is to consider the likely error that may be present in the model. For example, a
linear regression may not be appropriate for data that does not approximate a straight line.
You can also be guided by any justification given the author. Award either 0 or 2 marks.

b. Even if you disagree with the justification and have therefore not awarded marks in (a) you
can award marks in (b) if a justification is clearly given.

c. A minor error is one that may cause a small error in the result that is not likely to lead to a
significant change to any conclusions reached using it. You can award marks here, even if
the model is not appropriate or justified.

Task 3

For each part (a-c), you should either award the whole mark or zero. For a and b you will need to
evaluate the evidence present as the basis of the figures given. And consider if any assumptions
made are reasonable. There are two reasonable approaches. Firstly, to estimate the likely
proportion of electric vehicles and multiply this by the previously predicted mileage to predict likely
EV mileage and then estimate the power demand the charging for this level of mileage would
need. Alternatively, the number of EVs can be researched, and an average mileage per vehicle
used to estimate the amount of power required. The latter approach does not use the results of the
regression in the previous task.

If task 2 was performed on vehicle counts rather that mileage and this figure is used as the basis
of calculating power demand, no marks should be awarded for task 3(a+b).

Task 4

You should award 1 mark if a recommendation is made. An additional 1 mark if a justification is

given for the recommendation, including any assumptions made. And a further mark if the
justification is reasonable. For example, it is unlikely that using just solar generation would be
appropriate if most vehicles were charged overnight. Such a recommendation that does not
consider this would only receive 1 mark. A reasonable recommendation will likely use a mix of
generation technologies to address any shortcomings of relying on a single technology, consider
when charging was likely to occur and attempt to minimise the overall cost of generation.

Task 5

The summary should fit on a single page, excluding a title page if present and a bibliography. If it
does n’t fit within a page, it does not sufficiently summarise the content. All content should be in
the presentation or summary page. Any other appendices should not be considered in evaluating
the content and can be ignored.
The expected key points are:

Any significant trends noted in the data, and their likely causes.

The nature of the regression applied and why.

The predicted mileage with some reasoning about why.

The predicted power demand as a consequence.

A recommended approach to satisfying this demand with a reason why it’s an appropriate

Some variation from this is appropriate if it reflects the content of the presentation.


It is acceptable to provide the references either in a bibliography as part of the executive summary
document or place them on screen.

Where they are placed in the document, or at the end of the video presentation, they should be in
the Bath Harvard format, and cited when relevant within the presentation.

Where included on a slide at the appropriate point the presentation, a more abbreviated form may
be used, to avoid cluttering the screen, so long as it is clear what source is being referenced. For
example, a url could be used without detail of a last visited timestamp when used on the slide that
refers to it, but is should be a full reference if placed at the end of the presentation.

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