New Species of Gasteroid Fungi For Georgia's Mycobiota

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New species of Gasteroid fungi for Georgia's mycobiota

Article · July 2021


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4 authors, including:

Angelina Jorjadze Ketevan Batsatsashvili

Ilia State University Ilia State University


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A. Jorjadze et al. Annals of Agrarian Science 19 (2021) 68-76

Annals of Agrarian Science

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New species of gasteroid fungi for Georgia’s mycobiota

A. Jorjadzea, K. Tigishvilia, I. Kupradzea, K. Batsatsashvilib,*
Department of Spore-producing Plants and Fungi, Institute of Botany, Ilia State University;
1, Botanikuri Str., Tbilisi, 0105, Georgia
School of Natural Sciences and Medicine, Ilia State University; 3/5 K. Cholokashvili Ave., Tbilisi, 0162, Georgia

Received: 14 December 2020; accepted: 28 December 2020

Nineteen species of gasteroid fungi of 10 genera and six families were recorded in steppe and semi-desert habitats of Georgia, the South
Caucasus, in 2019 within the framework of a research project “Dryland cryptogams of Georgia: diversity, conservation and potential
as bioindicators of desertification” supported by Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation. Five species: Cyathus stercoreus
(Schwein.) De Toni, Disciseda bovista (Klotzsch) Henn., Gastrosporium simplex Mattir., Geastrum floriforme Vittad. and Geastrum
xerophilum Long ex Desjardin are new for Georgia’s mycobiota.

Keywords: Agaricomycetes, Gasteromycetes, Biodiversity, Drylands, Kvernakebi, Gareji.

*Corresponding author: Ketevan Batsatsashvili; E-mail address: [email protected]

Introduction Materials & Methods

Gasteroid fungi (Gasteromycetes) is a group in Study area
the phylum Basidiomycota with basidiospores devel-
The study area covers parts of the major distri-
oping in angiocarps, friutbodies closed until basid-
bution range of Georgia’s semi-arid open forests
iospore maturation. Species of this group are mainly
terrestrial, epigeous or nypogeous, partly saprobic of Pistacia mutica Fisch. & C.A. Mey. and Juniper
spp., scrub constituted by various hemi-xerophilic
and partly ectomycorrhizal; they are cosmopoli-
species with predominance of Paliurus spina-christi
tan, occurring especially in warm dry areas [1]. The
first comparatively large (28 species) of Georgia’s Mill., various steppe communities mostly made up of
gasteroid fungi was included in a work by Voronov Botriochloa ischaemum (L.) Keng, semi-desert veg-
etation dominated by Artemisia lerchiana Weber and
[2]. Data on separate species are given in works by
Haussknecht [3], Voronov [4], Voronikhin [5, 6], a number of transitional and mixed communities [15,
Singer [7], Vasilkov [8], Kreisel [9], Jorjadze [10-12] 16]; it particularly includes southern slopes and foot-
hills of the Kvernakebi low range along the left banks
and annual reports of the Department of spore-pro-
of the river Mtkvari (Kura), and Gareji and Taribana
ducing plants and fungi of the Institute of Botany, Ilia
State University, Tbilisi, Georgia. The first annotated drylands on the Iori plateau. The 70 km long Kver-
checklist of Georgia’s gasteroid fungi was published nakebi range stretches along the left bank of Mtrkvari
from the river Sakashetiskhevi to the west reaching
by Nakhutsrishvili in 1972 and later in 1982 with 53
species recorded throughout the country [13, 14]. the river Aragvi to the east. The 170 km long and 50-
60 km wide Iori plateau is stretched from the north-
west to the southeast between the rivers Mtkvari and
Alazani. The elevations within the study area mostly

A. Jorjadze et al. Annals of Agrarian Science 19 (2021) 68-76

range from 300 m (Chachuna Sanctuary) to 750 m verse with six species recorded.
(Garedji area) but in places reach 800 m a.s.l. Con- The most abundant were fruitbodies of Disciseda
glomerates, sandstone, clay and in places limestone bovista (Klotzsch) Henn., Disciseda candida (Sch-
shape the geological profile [17-19]. wein.) Lloyd, Tulostoma brumale Pers. and Tulo-
The mean annual temperature of the semi-arid stoma fimbriatum Fr. It is noteworthy that eighteen
areas of the eastern Caucasus is 12-13°C. Summer fruitbodies of T. fimbriatum were collected in a sin-
is very warm with the mean monthly temperature gle open place on 35 cm2 area among Paliurus spi-
of July between 22-24°C; winter in mild as on the na-christi shrubs in the Kotsakhuri dry gorge on the
major portion of the East Georgian territory with the Kvernakebi study area.
main temperature of January ranging between - 4°C Chlorophyllum agaricoides (Czern.) Vellinga and
and 4°C. The average annual precipitation ranges Tulostoma volvulatum I.G. Borshch. Were found in
between 400-600 mm; precipitation decreases to every of the three study areas (Kvernakebi, Gareji
the east being the lowest on Iori plateau. The major and Taribana).
portion of the annual precipitation falls in spring and Five species: Cyathus stercoreus (Schwein.) De
summer in a form of the heavy downpours. Precip- Toni, Disciseda bovista (Klotzsch) Henn., Gastro-
itation is the lowest in winter months with unstable sporium simplex Mattir., Geastrum floriforme Vit-
snow cover, which is in some years absent [18, 20]. tad. and Geastrum xerophilum Long ex Desjardin are
new for Georgia’s mycobiota.
Specimen collection and identification Below a list of the recorded species is given: fam-
Fruitbodies of gasteroid fungi were collected lilies, genera and species are listed in alphabetic or-
in various semi-arid habitats of east Georgia from der. Locality, habitat, substrate, collection date and
June to December, 2019. Carpophores and habitats collector name are given for the species recorded.
were photographed for each collection using Nicon Specimen descriptions are given for the species new
Coolpix L830. Geographic coordinates were record- for Georgia’s mycobiota.
ed for each locality Garmin Etrex 20. Habitat charac-
teristics: slope exposure and inclination, plant cover; Agaricaceae Chevall
and substrate were also recorded.
Disciseda bovista (Klotzsch) Henn., Hedwigia
Species were identified and stored at the Herbari-
42 (Beibl.): (128) (1903) (Fig. 1a)
um of the Department of spore-producing plants and
Fruitbody spherical or depressed spherical to dis-
fungi of the Institute of Botany of Ilia State Univer-
coid, 1-5 cm diam. Exoperidium thick, with break-
sity (at the Cryptogam Herbarium, which is a part of
ages, at maturity cracks into two unequal parts, the
the National Herbarium of Georgia, TBI). Melzer’s
upper part disappears, the lower one remains in as a
iodine reagent or 5% KOH was used for treatment
disc encrusted with soil and plant debris. Endoper-
of small sections of gleba for microscopical exam-
idium spherical 1-3.5 cm diam., leathery, smooth,
ination Olympus CX31RBSF binocular microscope.
persistent, at first greyish, later brown, opens at tip
Various keys were used for species identification [21-
26, etc.]. with a single ostiole. Gleba at first white, dense, lat-
Fungi nomenclature follows Index Fungorum er brown and pulverulent. Spores globose, 6-8 μm
[27]. Vascular plant nomenclature in the short de- diam., verrucose, brownish, with or without short
scriptions of examined habitats follow Gviniashvili sterigmal remnants.
et al. [28]. Habitat: On sandy soil.
Material examined: Near David Gareji Monas-
Results & Discussion tery, Sagarejo Municipality, 600 m a.s.l., N45.3765
E41.4532, 11.11.2019, A. Jorjadze, TBI5022821;
Nineteen species of gasteroid fungi of 10 gen- Uplistsikhe, near old cemetery, Gori Municipality,
era and six families were recorded in steppe and 615 m a.s.l., N41.9718 E44.2043, 25.09.2019, A.
semi-desert habitats of Georgia, the South Caucasus, Jorjadze, TBI5022817.
in 2019 within the framework of a research project Geographic distribution: Argentina, Armenia,
“Dryland cryptogams of Georgia: diversity, conser- Australia, Austria, Czech, Denmark, France, Ger-
vation and potential as bioindicators of desertifica- many, Holland, Hungary, India, Iran, Israel, Italy,
tion” supported by Shota Rustaveli National Science Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Netherlands, New Zealand,
Foundation. The genus Geastrum was the most di- Norway, Poland, Republic, Romania, Russia, Slo-
A. Jorjadze et al. Annals of Agrarian Science 19 (2021) 68-76

vakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkmenistan, N41.9718 E44.2043, 25.09.2019, A. Jorjadze,

Ukraine; North and Southern Africa [9, 23, 29, 30]. TBI5022779.
Notes: Disciseda bovista is morphologically sim- Geographic distribution: Algeria, Armenia,
ilar to Disciseda candida, but is characterized by Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Den-
larger and strongly ornamented spores [31]. mark, Ethiopia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary,
India, Mexico, Israel, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kyr-
Disciseda candida (Schwein.) Lloyd, Mycol. gyzstan, Lithuania, New Zealand, Norway, Poland,
Writ. 1: 100 (1902) (Fig. 1b) Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Socotra (Yemen), South
Material examined: On sandy soil, steppe African Rep., Spain, Sweden, Tanzania, Netherlands,
community, everywhere, scattered, Gareji dry- Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Uganda, Ukraine, United
land, Sagarejo Municipality, 800 m a.s.l., N45.3183 States, Uzbekistan, Zanzibar; Eastern Africa, South
E41.4747, 14.10.2019, A. Jorjadze, TBI5022799; America [9, 23, 26, 30, 32-34].
on sandy soil, Taribana, Chachuna Sanctuary, De-
doplistskaro Municipality, 360 m a.s.l., N45.9764 Tulostoma brumale Pers., Neues Mag. Bot. 1:
E41.2766, 29.10.2019, A. Jorjadze, TBI5022786; 86 (1794) (Fig. 1e)
on sandy soil, steppe community, Gareji dryland, Material examined: On sandy soil, Kvernakebi
Sagarejo Municipality, 825 m a.s.l., N45.3483 Range, Kaspi Municipality, 670 m a.s.l., N41.9672
E41.4842, 19.11.2019, A. Jorjadze, TBI5022820. E44.3374, 14.09.2019, A. Jorjadze, TBI5022810;
Geographic distribution: Armenia, Australia, among mosses, under Rhamnus pallasii Fisch. &
Austria, Czech Republic, Denmark, France,Germa- C.A.Mey., Uplistsikhe, near old cemetery, Gori
ny, Holland, Hungary, India, Iran, Kazakhstan, Lithu- Municipality, 615 m a.s.l., N41.9718 E44.2043,
ania, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Romania, Rus- 25.09.2019, A. Jorjadze, TBI5022809; among moss-
sia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, es, under Paliurus spina-christi, Kotsakhuri dry
United States; South Africa and South America [9, gorge, Kvernakebi Range, Kaspi Municipality, 600
23, 25, 30, 32, 33]. m a.s.l., N41.9602 E44.3801, 01.12.2019, A. Jor-
jadze, TBI5022808.
Chlorophyllum agaricoides (Czern.) Vellinga, Geographic distribution: Armenia, Austria,
Mycotaxon 83: 416 (2002) (Fig. 1c) Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic,
Material examined: Near Salsola sp., on san- Denmark, England, Estonia, Finland, France, Ger-
dy soil, Kvernakebi Range, Kaspi Municipality, many, Greece, Hungary, India, Iran Ireland, Italy, Ja-
670 m a.s.l., N41.9672 E44.3374, 14.09.2019, A. pan, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Netherlands, New Zea-
Jorjadze, TBI5022797; under Salsola sp., on sandy land, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia,
soil, Kvernakebi Range, Kaspi Municipality, 650 Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tunesia, Turkmenistan,
m a.s.l., N41.96186 E44.3466, 23.09.2019, A. Jor- Ukraine; North America [9, 23, 30, 32, 33].
jadze, TBI5022812; under Salsola sp., on sandy soil,
Uplistsikhe, near old cemetery, Gori Municipality, Tulostoma fimbriatum Fr., Syst. mycol. (Lun-
615 m a.s.l., N41.9718 E44.2043, 25.09.2019, A. dae) 3(1): 43 (1829) (Fig. 1f)
Jorjadze, TBI5022780; on soil, steppe community, Material examined: On sandy soil, Kvernakebi
near David Gareji Monastery, Sagarejo Municipali- Range, Kaspi Municipality, 650 m a.s.l., N41.9621
ty, 600 m a.s.l., N45.37652 E41.4532, 11.11.2019, A. E44.3462, 23.09.2019, A. Jorjadze, TBI5022808.
Jorjadze, TBI5022823. Geographic distribution: Argentina, Armenia,
Geographic distribution: Algeria, Armenia, Austria, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany,
Australia, Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, France, Hungary, Iran, Italy, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Lithuania,
Germany, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kyr- Macedonia, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal,
gyzstan, Lithuania, Mongolia, New Zealand, Ro- Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzer-
mania, Russia, Slovakia, Sweden, Tajikistan, Turk- land, Ukraine; North America [9, 23, 29, 30, 32, 33].
menistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan; South Africa, South Note: Eighteen carpophores found on area of 35
America [9, 23, 32, 33]. cm2.
Tulostoma volvulatum I.G. Borshch., Mat. Bot.
Mycenastrum corium (Guers.) Desv., Annls Geogr. Aralo-Kaspi Imp. Akad. Nauk. St. Petersb.
Sci. Nat., Bot., sér. 2 17: 147 (1842) (Fig. 1d) 7: 189 (1865) (Fig. 1g)
Material examined: On sandy soil, Uplistsikhe, Material examined: On sandy soil, Uplistsikhe,
near old cemetery, Gori Municipality, 615 m a.s.l., Gori Municipality, 600 m a.s.l., N41.9593 E44.2414,
A. Jorjadze et al. Annals of Agrarian Science 19 (2021) 68-76

05.06.2019, A. Jorjadze, TBI5022794; on calcareous tania, Morocco, Russia, Somalia, Soudan, Spain, Tu-
soil, Taribana, Chachuna Sanctuary, Dedoplistska- nesia, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Yemen; North Africa,
ro Municipality, 460 m a.s.l., N41.3187 E 45.9896, Eastern Africa, North America [9, 23, 30, 33, 34].
05.11.2019, A. Jorjadze, TBI5022801; on sandy
soil, steppe community, near David Gareji Monas- Gastrosporiaceae Pilát
tery, Sagarejo Municipality, 600 m a.s.l., N45.3766
E41.4532, 11.11.2019, A. Jorjadze, TBI5022807. Gastrosporium simplex Mattir., Mém. R. Ac-
Geographic distribution: Algeria, Armenia, cad. Sci. Torino, Ser. 2 53: 361 (1903) (Fig. 1h)
Azerbaijan, Egypt, France, Hungary, India, Iran, Isra- Fruitbody hypogeous, chalky white, spherical or
el, Jordania, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mali, Maure- ellipsoid, pearl-like, 0.8-1.4 cm diam., with white

A. Jorjadze et al. Annals of Agrarian Science 19 (2021) 68-76

mycelial cord 5-12 cm long and 1 mm thick, subgleba Geastraceae Corda

absent, growth solitary or in small groups. Exoperidi-
um chalky white, flocculent, covered by with calcium Geastrum campestre Morgan, Am. Nat. 21:
oxalate crystals. Endoperidium at first pale ochreous 1027 (1887) (Fig. 1i)
and cartilaginous, then grey and membranous, crack- Material examined: On sandy soil, under Rham-
ing at maturity. Gleba whitish grey and soft, then pale nus pallasii, Uplistsikhe, near old cemetery, Gori
ochraceous and powdery, without capillitium. Spores Municipality, 615 m a.s.l., N41.97182 E44.20432,
spherical or ellipsoid 3.6-5.2 × 4-5 μm, pale ochra- 25.09.2019, A. Jorjadze, TBI5022784; steppe com-
ceous, finely verrucose. munity made up of Bothriochloa ischaemum, Gare-
Habitat: Underground carpophore found among ji dryland, Sagarejo Municipality, 600 m a.s.l.,
roots of various herbaceous plant species. Ground N45.3766 E41.4532, 11.11.2019, A. Jorjadze,
surface covered with mosses (Pleurochaete squarro- TBI5022825.
sa (Brid.) Lindb.) and lichens (Cladonia rangiformis Geographic distribution: Armenia, Australia,
Hoffm.). Near Paliurus spina-christi shrub. Austria, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germa-
Material examined: Steppe community, near Da- ny, Great Britain, Hungary, Japan, Kazakhstan, Lith-
vid Gareji Monastery, Tapobi, Sagarejo Municipality, uania, Norway, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Spain,
600 m a.s.l., N45.3766 E41.4532, 11.11.2019, A. Jor- Sweden, The Netherlands, Ukraine; South Africa,
jadze, TBI5022805. North America [9, 23, 30, 32, 33, 39].
Geographical distribution: Argentina, Austria,
Bulgaria, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Great Geastrum coronatum Pers., Syn. meth. fung.
Britain, Italy, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Poland, Slova- (Göttingen) 1: 132 (1801) (Fig. 1j)
kia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine [9, 23, 33, Material examined: Among mosses, under
35, 36]. Rhamnus pallasii, Uplistsikhe, near old cemetery,
Gori Municipality, 615 m a.s.l., N41.9718 E44.2043,
Notes: G. simplex grows in well ventilated and 25.09.2019, A. Jorjadze, TBI5022818.
sunny places, where ground surface temperature Geographic distribution: Armenia, Austria, Bul-
reaches 45°C. On calcicolous soils. Associated with garia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, France,
various grasses: Stipa L., Festuca L., Bromus L., Ses- Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, Kazakh-
leria Scop., Agropyron Gaertn., Artemisia L., Carex stan, Kyrgyzstan, Lithuania, New Zealand, Norway,
L. and others [23, 36-38]. Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Swe-
A. Jorjadze et al. Annals of Agrarian Science 19 (2021) 68-76

den, The Netherlands, Ukraine; North America, Cen- North America, Central America, South America [9,
tral America, Australia, Africa [9, 23, 30, 32, 33, 39]. 23, 32, 33, 41].

Geastrum floriforme Vittad., Monogr. Lyco- Geastrum nanum Pers., J. Bot. (Desvaux) 2: 27
perd. (Torino): 167 (23 of prepr.) (1842) (Fig. 1k) (1809)
Fruitbody at first spherical 1-1.5 cm wide, slight- Material examined: On sandy soil, open area,
ly concave at base, greyish, at maturity exoperidium Uplistsikhe, near old cemetery, Gori Municipality,
splits into 6-9 unequal rays, expanded fruiting body 615 m a.s.l., N41.9718 E44.2043, 25.09.2019, A.
2-4 cm diam., lobes strongly hygroscopic, upper sur- Jorjadze, TBI5022783.
face of rays glabrous and brown, in dry conditions Geographic distribution: Australia, Austria,
the rays curl around the fruitbody covering it. Endo- Belgium, Great Britain, Czech Republic, Denmark,
peridium sessile, globose to depressed globose, 0.5- Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, India, Ireland, It-
1.5 cm diam., grey-brown; peristome indeterminate, aly, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway,
with uneven fibrillose edge. Gleba dark brown, pow- Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, South African
dered. Spores globose, brownish, warted, 5.5-6 μm. Rep. Spain, Sweden, Tanzania, The Netherlands,
Habitat: On sandy soil, with dry mosses. Ukraine; Southern Africa, Eastern Africa, North
Material examined: Uplistsikhe, near old cem- America, Central America, South America (9, 23, 32,
etery, Gori Municipality, 615 m a.s.l., N41.9718 33, 34, 40).
E44.2043, 25.09.2019, A. Jorjadze, TBI5022813.
Geographical distribution: Argentina, Armenia, Geastrum xerophilum Long ex Desjardin, Pa-
Australia, Austria, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, cific Sci. 65(4): 493 (2011) (Fig. 1m)
Finland, England, France, Germany, Great Britain, Fruitbody at first spherical, at maturity exoperid-
Italy, Kazakhstan, Mexico, New Zealand, Poland, ium splits into 6-7 non-hygroscopic rays rolling up
under endoperidium. Fully expanded fruitbody 15-20
Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden,
mm diam. and 7-10 mm tall. Rays greyish brown,
The Netherlands, Ukraine, United States; Southern
surface encrusted with sand. Endoperidium globose,
Africa [9, 23, 30, 33, 40, 41].
10 mm diam., stalked, pallid-grey, surface furfura-
Notes: G. floriforme morphologically similar to
ceous, then glabrous. Peristome conical, 1 mm tall,
G. corollinum. However, G. floriforme basidiocarps
not delimited, sulcate. Gleba brown. Spores globose,
are hypogeous when unexpanded, have indistinctly
warted, 5-6 μm diameter.
delimited peristomes and mycelial layer is encrusted
Habitat: On sandy soil.
with sand or plant debris. G. floriforme differs from
Material examined: Open area, Uplistsikhe,
G. hungaricum by its indistinctly delimited peristome,
near old cemetery, Gori Municipality, 615 m a.s.l.,
smooth endoperidial surfaces, and larger basidio-
N41.9718 E44.2043, 06.10.2020, A. Jorjadze,
spores. G. kotlabae can be segregated due to its plicate
peristome and verrucose endoperidium [41-43].
Geographic distribution: Brazil, Hawaii, Mexi-
Geastrum minimum Schwein., Schr. naturf. co, Spain, United States [41].
Ges. Leipzig 1: 58 [32 of repr.] (1822) (Fig. 1l) Notes: Geastrum xerophilum, a species typical of
Material examined: On soil, steppe commu- xerophytic environments, occurs in semi-arid climate
nity, near artificial lake, near David Gareji Monas- with low irregular rainfall and high temperature and
tery, Sagarejo Municipality, 620 m a.s.l., 41.4570, evapotranspiration. The species is morphologically
45.3710, 14.10.2019, A. Jorjadze, TBI5022815; similar to G. campestre Morgan, which differs in its
on soil, steppe community, Gareji dryland, Sagare- hygroscopic rays, delimited peristome, and larger
jo Municipality, 770 m a.s.l., N41.4874 E45.3277, spores (6.5-8.0 μm diam.) [44].
07.11.2019, A. Jorjadze, TBI5022804.
Geographic distribution: Australia, Austria, Lycoperdaceae Chevall
Belgium, Congo, Czech Republic, Denmark, Esto- Calvatia candida (Rostk.) Hollós, Term. Füz.
nia, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, India, 25: 112 (1902) (Fig. 1n)
Iran, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithua- Material examined: On sandy soil, steppe com-
nia, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Pakistan, Por- munity, Gareji dryland, Sagarejo Municipality, 800
tugal, Romania, Slovakia, South African Rep., Spain, m a.s.l., N45.3182 E41.4747, 14.10.2019, A. Jor-
Sweden, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Ukraine; jadze, TBI5022795; on sandy soil, steppe commu-
A. Jorjadze et al. Annals of Agrarian Science 19 (2021) 68-76

nity, Gareji dryland, Sagarejo Municipality, 600 m Material examined: Kotsakhuri dry gorge,
a.s.l., N45.3766 E41.4532, 11.11.2019, A. Jorjadze, southern macro-slope of the Kvernakebi Range, Kas-
TBI5022791. pi Municipality, 600 m a.s.l., N41.9602 E44.3801,
Geographic distribution: Armenia, Australia, 01.12.2019, A. Jorjadze, TBI5022803.
Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, India, Iran, Geographic distribution: Africa, Armenia, Aus-
Italy, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Lithuania, Poland, tralia, Austria, British, China, Corse, Cuba, Czech
Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, South Afri- Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, In-
can Rep., Sweden, The Netherlands, Ukraine; North dia, Iran, Israel, Italy, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, New
America, South America [9, 23, 30, 32, 33, 45]. Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slova-
kia, South African Rep., Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
Calvatia cyathiformis (Bosc) Morgan, J. Cin- The Netherlands, Ukraine, Zimbabwe; North Ameri-
cinnati Soc. Nat. Hist. 12(4): 168 (1890) (Fig. 1o) ca, South America [9, 23, 30, 32, 33].
Material examined: On sandy soil, steppe com-
munity, Gareji dryland, Sagarejo Municipality, 800 Sclerodermataceae Corda
m a.s.l., N45.3182 E41.4747, 14.10.2019, A. Jor-
jadze, TBI5022822. Pisolithus arhizus (Scop.) Rauschert, Z. Pilzk.
Geographic distribution: Africa, Armenia, Chi- 25(2): 50 (1959) (Fig. 1r)
na, Cuba, Japan, India, Lithuania, Ukraine, United Material examined: On eroded soil, meadow,
States; East Africa, South America [26, 30, 32-34, area of about 5 m radius around Rhamnus pallas-
45, 46]. si, Paliurus spina-christi, Carpinus orientalis Mill.
scrub, Kotsakhuri dry gorge, southern macro-slope
Lycoperdon perlatum Pers., Observ. mycol. of the Kvernakebi Range, Kaspi Municipality, 600
(Lipsiae) 1: 4 (1796) (Fig. 1p) m a.s.l., N41.9602 E44.3801, 14.09.2019, A. Jor-
Material examined: On soil, steppe communi- jadze, TBI5022781; on soil, under Carpinus orien-
ty, near artificial lake, near David Gareji Monas- talis, Kotsakhuri dry gorge, southern macro-slope of
tery, Sagarejo Municipality, 620 m a.s.l., 41.4570, the Kvernakebi Range, Kaspi Municipality, 600 m
45.3710, 07.10.2019, A. Jorjadze, TBI5022782. a.s.l., N41.9602 E44.3801, 10.10.2019, A. Jorjadze,
Geographic distribution: Armenia, Australia, TBI5022789.
Austria, Azerbaidjan, Belgium, British, Bulgaria, Geographic distribution: Austria, Belgium, Bri-
China, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, tish, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland,
France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, India, France, Germany, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Mauritius,
Iran, Ireland, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Lithu- Norway, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Thai-
ania, Luxembourg, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, land; South African Rep., Spain, Sweden, The Neth-
Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovenia, South African erlands, Ukraine, Zambia [9, 33, 47, 48].
Rep., Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, The Netherlands,
Ukraine, United States, Yugoslavia; South America, Acknowledgement
Tasmania [9, 23, 26, 30, 32, 33]. We would like to thank Shota Rustaveli Nation-
al Science Foundation for financial support of our
Nidulariaceae Dumort research within the framework of the grant project
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