The Gut Flora As A Forgotten Organ

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The gut flora as a forgotten organ

Article  in  EMBO Reports · August 2006

DOI: 10.1038/sj.embor.7400731 · Source: PubMed


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2 authors:

Ann O'Hara Fergus Shanahan

National University of Ireland, Galway University College Cork


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The gut flora as a forgotten organ

Ann M. O’Hara1 & Fergus Shanahan1,2+
Alimentary Pharmabiotic Centre, University College Cork, National University of Ireland, Cork, Ireland

The intestinal microflora is a positive health asset that crucially sequence data has facilitated the development of molecular
influences the normal structural and functional development of probes for fluorescence in situ hybridization, DNA microarrays
the mucosal immune system. Mucosal immune responses to resi- and gene chips that can identify and enumerate specific species.
dent intestinal microflora require precise control and an These molecular approaches have been used to examine the indi-
immunosensory capacity for distinguishing commensal from viduality and stability of the flora over time and to detect shifts in
pathogenic bacteria. In genetically susceptible individuals, some its composition after weaning, exposure to antibiotics or dietary
components of the flora can become a liability and contribute to changes. Although the intestinal flora of an adult alters with
the pathogenesis of various intestinal disorders, including inflam- lifestyle, diet and age (Hopkins et al, 2001), the prevailing influence
matory bowel diseases. It follows that manipulation of the flora to of the host genotype over environmental factors on an individual’s
enhance the beneficial components represents a promising thera- microbial diversity has been shown in a comparative study of the
peutic strategy. The flora has a collective metabolic activity equal flora of adults with varying degrees of genetic relatedness
to a virtual organ within an organ, and the mechanisms underlying (Zoetendal et al, 2001).
the conditioning influence of the bacteria on mucosal homeostasis The structure and composition of the gut flora reflects natural
and immune responses are beginning to be unravelled. An selection at both the microbial and host levels, which promotes
improved understanding of this hidden organ will reveal secrets mutual cooperation within and functional stability of this complex
that are relevant to human health and to several infectious, ecosystem. Although bacteria predominate, archaea and eukarya
inflammatory and neoplastic disease processes. are also represented. Acid, bile and pancreatic secretions hinder
Keywords: commensal bacteria; homeostasis; intestinal epithelium the colonization of the stomach and proximal small intestine by
EMBO reports (2006) 7, 688–693. doi:10.1038/sj.embor.7400731 most bacteria. However, bacterial density increases in the distal
small intestine, and in the large intestine rises to an estimated
Introduction 1011–1012 bacteria per gram of colonic content, which contributes
Host–microbe interactions occur primarily along mucosal sur- to 60% of faecal mass (Fig 1A). In addition to variations in the com-
faces, and one of the largest interfaces is the human intestinal position of the flora along the axis of the gastrointestinal tract, sur-
mucosa. The intestine is adapted to bi-directional host–flora face-adherent and luminal microbial populations also differ
exchange and harbours a diverse bacterial community that is sep- (Eckburg et al, 2005), and the ratio of anaerobes to aerobes is lower
arated from the internal milieu by only a single layer of epithelial at the mucosal surfaces than in the lumen.
cells. Resident bacteria outnumber human somatic and germ cells The fetal gut is sterile but colonization begins immediately after
tenfold and represent a combined microbial genome well in birth and is influenced by the mode of delivery, the infant diet,
excess of the human genome (Shanahan, 2002). Collectively, the hygiene levels and medication (Gronlund et al, 1999). Enterobacteria
flora has a metabolic activity equal to a virtual organ within an and bifidobacteria represent early colonizers, although differences in
organ (Bocci, 1992). gut microflora composition and the incidence of infection occur
Most bacterial species cannot be cultured, but modern molecular between breast- and formula-fed infants (Mountzouris et al, 2002). It
methods, such as broad-range sequencing of 16S ribosomal RNA seems that these pioneering bacteria can modulate gene expression
from amplified bacterial nucleic acid extracted from faeces or in the host to create a suitable environment for themselves and can
biopsies, indicate evolutionary divergence that can be used to prevent growth of other bacteria introduced later to the ecosystem
identify and classify bacteria. The availability of bacterial (Xu & Gordon, 2003).

Lessons from a life without intestinal microflora
Alimentary Pharmabiotic Centre, University College Cork, National University of Ireland,
Cork, Ireland
Enteric bacteria form a natural defence barrier and exert numerous
2Department of Medicine, University College Cork, National University of Ireland, Cork, protective, structural and metabolic effects on the epithelium
Ireland (Fig 1B). Their influence on intestinal physiology has been shown in
+Corresponding author. Tel: + 353 21 4901226; Fax: + 353 21 4345300;
comparative studies of germ-free and colonized animals. Germ-free
E-mail: [email protected]
animals are more susceptible to infection and have reduced vascu-
Submitted 23 February 2006; accepted 24 April 2006 larity, digestive enzyme activity, muscle wall thickness, cytokine


The forgotten organ
A.M. O’Hara & F. Shanahan reviews

Stomach Anaerobic genera Aerobic genera

101– 103 cfu/ml
Duodenum Bifidobacterium Escherichia
101– 103 cfu/ml Clostridium Enterococcus
Bacteroides Streptococcus
Colon Jejunum/ileum Eubacterium Klebsiella
1011– 1012 cfu/ml 104– 107 cfu/ml

Protective functions Structural functions Metabolic functions
Pathogen displacement Barrier fortification Control IEC differentiation Ferment non-digestible
and proliferation dietary residue and endo-
Nutrient competition Induction of IgA
genous epithelial-derived
Metabolize dietary
Receptor competition Apical tightening of mucus
tight junctions
Production of anti-microbial Ion absorption
Synthesize vitamins
factors e.g., bacteriocins, Immune system
e.g., biotin, folate Salvage of energy
lactic acids development

IgA Short-chain Mg 2+ Vitamin K

fatty acids Ca 2+ Biotin
Commensal bacteria Fe 2+ Folate

Fig 1 | Functions of the intestinal flora. (A) Bacteria density increases in the jejunum/ileum from the stomach and duodenum, and in the large intestine, colon-
residing bacteria achieve the highest cell densities recorded for any ecosystem. The most common anaerobic and aerobic genera are listed. (B) Commensal bacteria
exert a miscellany of protective, structural and metabolic effects on the intestinal mucosa.

production ands serum immunoglobulin levels, smaller Peyer’s intestinal epithelial cell differentiation and proliferation, and
patches and fewer intraepithelial lymphocytes, but increased entero- mediate other metabolic effects (Fig 1B; Shanahan, 2002).
chromaffin cell area (Shanahan, 2002). However, reconstitution of Together, this complex metabolic activity recovers valuable energy
germ-free mice with an intestinal microflora is sufficient to restore and absorbable substrates for the host, and provides energy and
the mucosal immune system (Umesaki et al, 1995). Indeed, colo- nutrients for bacterial growth and proliferation. Colonization
nization of germ-free mice with a single species, Bacteroides increases the uptake of glucose in the intestine and, compared
thetaiotaomicron, affects the expression of various host genes that with colonized mice, germ-free mice require a greater caloric
influence nutrient uptake, metabolism, angiogenesis, mucosal barrier intake to sustain a normal body weight (Backhed et al, 2004). This
function and the development of the enteric nervous system (Xu & implicates gut bacteria as modulators of fat deposition in the host.
Gordon, 2003). Moreover, ligands from commensal bacteria and
commensal-derived symbiosis factors influence the normal devel- Host–flora communication at the mucosal surface
opment and function of the mucosal immune system (Mazmanian Host defence requires an accurate interpretation of the micro-
et al, 2005; Rakoff-Nahoum et al, 2004). Commensal bacteria pro- environment to distinguish commensal organisms from episodic
foundly influence the development of humoral components of the pathogens and a precise regulation of subsequent responses. The
gut mucosal immune system (Weinstein & Cebra, 1991) and also epithelium provides the first sensory line of defence and active sam-
modulate the fine-tuning of T-cell repertoires and T-helper (Th)-cell pling of resident bacteria, pathogens and other antigens is mediated
type 1 or type 2 cytokine profiles (Cebra, 1999; Shanahan, 2002). Thus, by three main types of immunosensory cell (Fig 2). First, surface
it is possible that the composition of the colonizing flora influences enterocytes serve as afferent sensors of danger within the luminal
individual variations in immunity. microenvironment by secreting chemokines and cytokines that
The intestinal microbiome has a metabolic activity that is both alert and direct innate and adaptive immune responses to the
adaptable and renewable (Bocci, 1992). Through the production of infected site (Shanahan, 2005). Second, M cells that overlie lym-
short-chain fatty acids, resident bacteria positively influence phoid follicles sample the environment and transport luminal


reviews The forgotten organ
A.M. O’Hara & F. Shanahan

IgA Mucus
Commensal flora

M cell
epithelial PRR


Dendritic cells Chemokines
Th1/Th2 effector T cells

Naïve T cells T regulatory cells

Fig 2 | Immunosensory detection of intestinal bacteria. Surface enterocytes secrete many immune mediators in response to antigens, including antibacterial
peptides, immunoglobulin A (IgA) and chemokines. Specialized epithelial cells, termed M cells, transport and deliver antigens to antigen-presenting cells, which
subsequently process antigens and present them to naïve T cells. Antigen-presenting dendritic cells (DCs) also survey and sample the mucosal microenvironment.
Pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) expressed by DCs and enterocytes mediate the detection of bacterial antigens, and DCs modulate immune responsiveness or
tolerance by promoting either effector or regulatory T cells.

antigens to subadjacent dendritic cells and other antigen-presenting Many PRR ligands are expressed by commensal bacteria, yet the
cells. Third, intestinal dendritic cells themselves have a pivotal healthy gut does not evoke inflammatory responses to these bacteria.
immunosensory role and can directly sample gut contents by either Conversely, some commensal bacteria exert protective effects by
entering or extending dendrites between surface enterocytes with- attenuating pro-inflammatory responses induced by various
out disrupting tight junctions (Rescigno et al, 2001). Dendritic cells enteropathogenic bacteria (Kelly et al, 2004; Ma et al, 2004; O’Hara
can ingest and retain live commensal bacteria and travel to the et al, 2006). The host and bacterial mechanisms that underpin these
mesenteric lymph node where immune responses to commensal effects are being explored.
bacteria are induced locally (Macpherson & Uhr, 2004). Thus, act-
ing as a gatekeeper, the mesenteric lymph node prevents access of Host systems that contribute to homeostasis. In the healthy gut, TLR
commensal bacteria to the internal milieu. expression profiles contribute to homeostasis. Normal enterocytes
The ability of immunosensory cells to discriminate pathogenic express low levels of TLR2, TLR4 and the co-receptor MD-2, and lack
from commensal bacteria is mediated, in part, by two major host membrane-bound CD14, which is a co-receptor for lipopolysaccha-
pattern recognition receptor (PRR) systems—the family of Toll-like ride (Abreu et al, 2001; Otte et al, 2004). There have been conflicting
receptors (TLRs) and the nucleotide-binding oligomerization reports relating to the restricted expression of certain TLRs in the gut
domain/caspase recruitment domain isoforms (NOD/CARD; Cario, (Kelly et al, 2005). In particular, expression of TLR5 in vitro seems to
2005). These PRRs have a fundamental role in immune-cell activa- be basolateral (Gewirtz et al, 2001), but TLR5 is expressed on both
tion in response to specific microbial-associated molecular patterns. the apical and basolateral poles in vivo. This illustrates that intestinal
For example, TLR2 is activated by peptidoglycan and lipotechoic epithelial cell lines might express different levels, or have a different
acids, TLR4 by lipopolysaccharide, TLR5 by flagellin, and NOD1/ cellular distribution, of TLRs compared with normal gut mucosa. In
CARD4 and NOD2/CARD15 function as intracellular receptors of gastric epithelial cells, TLR5 can redistribute to a predominantly
peptidoglycan subunits. basolateral localization in response to Helicobacter pylori infection
TLRs and NOD proteins are expressed by surface enterocytes and (Cario & Podolsky, 2000; Schmausser et al, 2004), suggesting that
dendritic cells (Abreu et al, 2005), and in the gut PRRs seem to be under certain conditions TLR5 redistributes to the basolateral mem-
crucial for bacterial–host communication. Decreased enterocyte brane where it is ideally positioned to detect translocated flagellin. In
proliferation and levels of cytoprotective factors have been observed addition, intestinal enterocytes constitutively or inducibly express
in TLR-defective mice, and TLR signals mediated by commensal bac- high levels of the TLR inhibitor Toll-interacting protein (Tollip; Otte
teria or their ligands are essential for intestinal barrier function and et al, 2004). Tollip expression correlates directly with the luminal
repair of the gut (Fukata et al, 2005; Rakoff-Nahoum et al, 2004). bacterial load in vivo and is highest in healthy colonic mucosa.


The forgotten organ
A.M. O’Hara & F. Shanahan reviews
Surface enterocytes also express high levels of a Toll/interleukin-1 Commensal Pathogenic
receptor-containing inhibitory molecule referred to as single bacteria bacteria
immunoglobulin IL-1R-related molecule (SIGIRR). SIGIRR-deficient
animals are more susceptible to experimentally induced colitis, sug-
gesting a role for SIGIRR in tuning mucosal tolerance towards com-
mensal flora (Garlanda et al, 2004). Additional TLR suppressors, such
as A20 and TRIAD3A, have been identified in other systems (Boone
et al, 2004; Chuang & Ulevitch, 2004), but whether these mediators
regulate TLR signalling in the gut is unknown.
Recent evidence suggests that, similar to Tollip, NOD2 might
suppress inflammatory cascades, and mutations of NOD2 are
associated with Crohn’s disease (Bairead et al, 2003). NOD2 can IκB kinase activation
modulate signals transmitted through TLR3, TLR4 and TLR9 (Netea IκBα degradation
et al, 2005; van Heel et al, 2005). Although wild-type NOD2 acti-
vates pro-inflammatory signals, stimulation of NOD2 with p65
peptidoglycan has been shown to inhibit TLR2-driven Th1 cytokine p55 p65
responses, and in the absence of NOD2 peptidoglycan triggers
imbalanced TLR2-mediated cytokine production (Watanabe et al, NF-κB activation
2004). Conversely, peptidoglycan induces a pro-inflammatory Nuclear translocation

phenotype in mutant mice expressing dysfunctional NOD2

(Maeda et al, 2005), suggesting that in some situations NOD2
mutations might lead to a gain-of-function and elevated pro-
inflammatory cytokine production. In the healthy gut, excessive PPARγ Gene
Th1 responses to the resident flora are also inhibited by the transcription
controlling influence of regulatory T cells and tolerance-inducing
dendritic cells (Rook & Brunet, 2005). p55 p65

Effector mechanisms of the commensal flora. Host inflammatory

responses to pathogenic bacteria and other stress signals are
pivotally controlled by the transcription factor nuclear factor Cytokines
(NF)-κB. Most commensal bacteria do not activate NF-κB, but rather Chemokines
certain species can restrain inflammatory signals in response to
Salmonella typhimurium and its flagellin through pathways that Fig 3 | Schematic illustration of the mechanisms by which some commensal
seem to involve NF-κB (O’Hara et al, 2006). Several distinct mecha- bacteria limit pathogen-induced nuclear factor (NF)-κB signalling.
nisms by which commensal bacteria limit NF-κB signalling have Pathogenic bacteria such as Salmonella typhimurium trigger IκB kinase
been elucidated (Fig 3). These include inhibition of epithelial protea- activation, IκBα degradation and nuclear translocation of p50/p65 NF-κB
some function, degradation of the NF-κB counter-regulatory factor subunits. Some commensal bacteria offset these affects by promoting the
IκBα or nuclear export of the NF-κB subunit, p65, through a peroxi- nuclear export of activated p65 through associations with peroxisome
some proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR)γ-dependent pathway proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR)γ, thereby terminating promoter
(Kelly et al, 2004; Neish et al, 2000; Petrof et al, 2004). Some com- activation. Other commensal bacteria inhibit IκBα degradation.
mensal bacteria might inhibit specific signalling via TLR4 by elevating
PPARγ expression and uncoupling NF-κB-dependent target genes in
a negative-feedback loop (Dubuquoy et al, 2003). Induction of Commensal-derived metabolites and the composition of bacterial
transforming growth factor-β and nerve growth factor, and mitogen- surface structures can also have various impacts on the host immune
activated protein kinase and protein kinase B pathways have also system (Grangette et al, 2005; Menard et al, 2004). Recent compara-
been implicated in the anti-inflammatory effects mediated by various tive genomic analysis and bioinformatic data mining have revealed
commensal bacteria (Ma et al, 2004; Yan & Polk, 2002). Moreover, the presence of type III and type IV secretion systems in commensal
probiotic DNA has been shown to restrain cytokine-induced bacteria (Nagai & Roy, 2003; Tampakaki et al, 2004). Hitherto such
pro-inflammatory responses in intestinal enterocytes ( Jijon et al, secretion systems had only been described for pathogenic bacteria
2004), but the precise immunomodulatory impact of bio-available (Backert & Selbach, 2005), and now warrant studies to determine
commensal DNA in vivo requires investigation. whether commensal bacteria use analogous secretion systems to
Molecular mimicry of host molecules, whereby bacteria display deliver effector molecules that subsequently mediate evasion of host
surface molecules resembling those of the surface of the host, could immune surveillance mechanisms in the gut.
contribute to immune hyporesponsiveness to some resident bacteria.
It has been shown that the synthesis of fucosylated surface mol- The silent partner in disease manifestation
ecules by the commensal strain Bacteroides fragilis confers a com- The gut flora is normally a health asset, but in genetically susceptible
petitive survival advantage, which allows these bacteria to reside in individuals some components of the flora can become a liability.
close contact with intestinal enterocytes that are covered with simi- Aberrant immune responses to luminal antigens underlie the mani-
lar fucosylated glycoproteins and glycolipids (Coyne et al, 2005). festations of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), which comprises


reviews The forgotten organ
A.M. O’Hara & F. Shanahan

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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS immune modulation. Trends Immunol 26: 326–333
The authors are supported in part by Science Foundation Ireland. F. S. has been Ley RE, Backhed F, Turnbaugh P, Lozupone CA, Knight RD, Gordon JI (2005)
affiliated with a campus-based company (Alimentary Health Ltd). The content Obesity alters gut microbial ecology. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 102:
of this article was neither influenced nor constrained by this fact. 11070–11075


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