Dream Job Essay

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Anastasya Putri Mulyani (160422078)

University of Surabaya

As an Informatics Engineering college student, in the future, I want to work as a software

engineer or a system analyst. I have a reason why I want to work as a software engineer or a
system analyst, but first I will explain what kind of job is a software engineer and system
analyst. What is being a software engineer mean? Being a software engineer means you
create, design, and develop operating systems, computer programs, and applications. Being a
software engineer also means you analyze user needs, provide consultation services to
discuss design elements, and coordinate software installation. The most important skill you
must have if you want to be a software engineer is critical thinking skill. Critical thinking
skill is needed for problem-solving, making new software that is needed by users, and
developing programs as user needs. To become a software engineer you need to know how to
use the right programming languages, platforms, and architectures to develop everything,
from computer games to network control systems. The challenge to becoming a software
engineer is that when you want to create a program, you have made it unique and useful,
which is different from other programs to attract users’ attention. Because there are so many
people out there that only make programs, but the programs do not have uniqueness so users
are not interested in using them. That is why you must have critical thinking skills. The other
one is system analyst. Being a system analyst means you survey and diagnose database
program issues, resolve user issues, and advise management about systems innovations to
improve productivity. To be a system analyst you need to have technical knowledge.
Technical knowledge includes knowledge of operating systems, programming languages, and
hardware platforms are essential. These technical skills allow system analysts to aid technical
design teams to develop products to suit the client’s requirements. Also, you need to have
communication and interpersonal skills, plus an understanding of standard and new
technologies. Same to being a software engineer, being a system analyst there is also a
challenge, you have to be meticulous when you analyze programs. Because there might be
some errors left if you are not being meticulous. And finally, the reason I want to become a
software engineer is that I want to make my own programs that are useful to others. While the
reason I want to become a system analyst is that if I have not made my very own programs or
maybe I already made it then I want to help others whether it’s a company or a person that
needed advice or consultation for their programs.

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