TO-Order No0100920220422

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Approval of True Up for the period from FY 2016-17 to FY

2020-21 and Annual Performance Review
for the FY 2021-22;
Approval of Aggregate Revenue Requirement for the period
from FY 2022-23 to FY 2026-27 of TANGEDCO
Determination of Tariff for generation and distribution for
FY 2022-23 to FY 2026-27

Order No.07 of 2022 in T.P. No.1 of 2022 dated 09-09-2022

(effective from 10-9-2022)
(Constituted under Section 82(1) of Electricity Act, 2003)

(Central Act 36 of 2003)


Thiru M.Chandrasekar – Chairman

Thiru K.Venkatesan – Member

Order No.07 of 2022 in T.P. No. 1 of 2022 dated 09-09-2022

In the matter of: Approval of True Up for the period from FY 2016-17 to FY 2020-
21 and Annual Performance Review for the FY 2021-22; Approval of Aggregate
Revenue Requirement for the period from FY 2022-23 to FY 2026-27 of
TANGEDCO and Determination of Tariff for generation and distribution for FY
2022-23 to FY 2026-27
In exercise of powers conferred by sub-section (1)(a) of Section 62 and Clauses (a) of
sub-section (1) of Section 86 of the Electricity Act 2003 (Central Act 36 of 2003) and all
other powers hereunto enabling in that behalf and after considering the views of the State
Advisory Committee meeting held on 11 August 2022 and after considering suggestions
and objections received from the public during the public hearings held on 16 August
2022, 18 August 2022 and 22 August 2022, as per sub-section (3) of Section 64 of the
said Act, the Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory Commission (Commission) hereby
passes this Order for Approval of True Up for the period from FY 2016-17 to FY 2020-
21 and Annual Performance Review for the FY 2021-22; Approval of Aggregate
Revenue Requirement for the period from FY 2022-23 to FY 2026-27 for TANGEDCO
and Determination of Tariff for generation and distribution for FY 2022-23 to FY 2026-

This Order shall take effect on and from 10 September 2022.

Sd/- Sd/-
(K.Venkatesan) (M.Chandrasekar)
Member Chairman
(By Order of the Commission)

(Dr. C.Veeramani)
Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (TANGEDCO) True-Up, ARR and Tariff Order, 2022


A&G Administration and General

ABC Aerial Bunched Cables
ABR Average Billing Rate
APR Annual Performance Review
APTEL Appellate Tribunal for Electricity
ARR Aggregate Revenue Requirement
CAGR Compounded Annual Growth Rate
CEA Central Electricity Authority
CERC Central Electricity Regulatory Commission
CFL Compact Fluorescent Lamps
CGS Central Generating Station
COS Cost of Supply
CPP Captive Power Plant
CSD Consumer Security Deposit
CWIP Capital Work in Progress
DA Dearness Allowance
EA Electricity Act
ED Electricity Duty
FRP Financial Restructuring Plan
FY Financial Year
GFA Gross Fixed Assets
G.O. Government Order
GPF General Provident Fund
GoTN Government of Tamil Nadu
HT High Tension
HVDS High Voltage Distribution System
kWh kilo-Watt hour

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Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (TANGEDCO) True-Up, ARR and Tariff Order, 2022

LT Low Tension
LTOA Long Term Open Access
MTOA Medium Term Open Access
MU Million Units
MW Mega-Watt
MYT Multi-Year Tariff
NTI Non-Tariff Income
O&M Operation & Maintenance
PF Power Factor
PLF Plant Load Factor
R&M Repair & Maintenance
RoE Return on Equity
SLDC State Load Despatch Centre
STOA Short Term Open Access
T&D Transmission & Distribution
TANGEDCO Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation Ltd.
TANTRANSCO Tamil Nadu Transmission Corporation Ltd.
TNEB Tamil Nadu Electricity Board
TNERC Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory Commission
ToD Time of Day
TP Tariff Policy

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Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (TANGEDCO) True-Up, ARR and Tariff Order, 2022

Table of contents

1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................... 13
1.1 Preamble ....................................................................................................................... 13
1.2 The Electricity Act, 2003, Tariff Policy and Regulations ............................................ 14
1.3 Tariff Filing ................................................................................................................... 16
1.4 Petition Filing................................................................................................................ 16
1.5 Procedure Adopted........................................................................................................ 17
1.6 Transfer Scheme ........................................................................................................... 19
1.7 Unbundling of TNEB .................................................................................................... 21
1.8 Applicability of Order ................................................................................................... 21
1.9 Layout of the Order ....................................................................................................... 22
1.10 Approach of the Order .................................................................................................. 22


COMMISSION’S VIEW ...................................................................................................... 24
2.1 Background ................................................................................................................... 24
2.2 Commission’s Analysis and Decisions ......................................................................... 24
2.3 Detailed comments........................................................................................................ 28

3 FINAL TRUE UP FOR THE PERIOD FROM FY 2016-17 TO FY 2020-21........... 29

3.1 Background ................................................................................................................... 29
3.2 Energy Sales.................................................................................................................. 29
3.3 Energy Availability ....................................................................................................... 36
3.4 Energy Balance and Distribution Losses ...................................................................... 39
3.5 Fixed Expenses ............................................................................................................. 41
3.6 Operation & Maintenance Expenses ............................................................................. 42
3.7 Capital Expenditure and Capitalization ........................................................................ 46
3.8 Depreciation .................................................................................................................. 47
3.9 Interest on Loan and Other Financing Charges ............................................................ 50
3.10 Return on Equity ........................................................................................................... 53
3.11 Interest on Working Capital (IoWC) ............................................................................ 56
3.12 Other Debits .................................................................................................................. 61

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3.13 Operating Charges and Extra-Ordinary Items .............................................................. 61

3.14 Prior Period Items ......................................................................................................... 62
3.15 Other Income and Non-Tariff Income .......................................................................... 62
3.16 Summary of Fixed Charges .......................................................................................... 64
3.17 Variable cost for own generating stations ..................................................................... 69
3.18 Plant Load Factor (PLF) ............................................................................................... 71
3.19 Auxiliary Consumption................................................................................................. 72
3.20 Station Heat Rate (SHR) ............................................................................................... 74
3.21 Specific Oil Consumption (SOC) ................................................................................. 75
3.22 Fuel Related Parameters ............................................................................................... 76
3.23 Price of Primary Fuel .................................................................................................... 77
3.24 Computation of Energy Charges ................................................................................... 78
3.25 Power Purchase from other sources for FY 2016-17 to 2020-21 ................................. 81
3.26 Summary of ARR for the period from FY 2016-17 to FY 2020-21 ........................... 109
3.27 Revenue from sale of power ....................................................................................... 111
3.28 Revenue Gap/(Surplus) for the period from FY 2016-17 to FY 2020-21 .................. 116


4.1 Energy Sales................................................................................................................ 118
4.2 Energy Balance and T&D loss .................................................................................... 123
4.3 Energy Availability: Own Generation ........................................................................ 125
4.4 Energy Availability: Other Sources ............................................................................ 127
4.5 Fixed Expenses ........................................................................................................... 131
4.6 Operation & Maintenance Expenses ........................................................................... 131
4.7 Capital Expenditure And Capitalization for FY 2021-22 ........................................... 136
4.8 Capital investment plan for new control period .......................................................... 136
4.9 Business Plan .............................................................................................................. 142
4.10 Depreciation ................................................................................................................ 143
4.11 Interest on Loan and Other Financing Charges .......................................................... 146
4.12 Return on Equity ......................................................................................................... 149
4.13 Interest on Working Capital (IoWC) .......................................................................... 151
4.14 Other Debits ................................................................................................................ 154
4.15 Operating Charges and Extra-Ordinary Items ............................................................ 155

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4.16 Other Income and Non-Tariff Income ........................................................................ 156

4.17 Summary of Fixed Charges ........................................................................................ 158
4.18 Power Purchase from Other Sources .......................................................................... 178
4.19 Aggregate Revenue Requirement ............................................................................... 200
4.20 Revenue at existing Tariff ........................................................................................... 203
4.21 Revenue Gap/(Surplus) ............................................................................................... 204
4.22 Cumulative Revenue Gap/(Surplus) ........................................................................... 204

5 TARIFF PHILOSOPHY .............................................................................................. 206

5.1 General Approach ....................................................................................................... 206
5.2 High Tension supply consumers -General Provisions applicable for High Tension
Supply: ................................................................................................................................... 206
5.3 High Tension Tariff I .................................................................................................. 211
5.4 High Tension Tariff II ................................................................................................. 212
5.5 High Tension Tariff III ............................................................................................... 213
5.6 High Tension Tariff IV ............................................................................................... 213
5.7 General Provisions applicable for Low Tension Supply ............................................ 214
5.8 Low Tension Tariff I-A: ............................................................................................. 218
5.9 Low Tension Tariff II-A: ............................................................................................ 222
5.10 Low Tension Tariff II-B (1) ........................................................................................ 223
5.11 Low Tension Tariff II-B(2)......................................................................................... 223
5.12 Low Tension Tariff II-C: ............................................................................................ 223
5.13 Low Tension Tariff III-B: ........................................................................................... 224
5.14 Low Tension Tariff IV: ............................................................................................... 224
5.15 Low Tension Tariff V: ............................................................................................... 225
5.16 Low Tension Tariff VI: ............................................................................................... 225
5.17 Applicability of tariff schedule ................................................................................... 226
5.18 Tariff Clarification: ..................................................................................................... 226
5.19 PROPOSED AND APPROVED TARIFF.................................................................. 229
5.20 Recovery of existing regulatory assets and deficits .................................................... 233
5.21 Revenue gap at proposed tariff ................................................................................... 233
5.22 Voltage wise cost of supply ........................................................................................ 235
5.23 Average cost of supply and cross subsidy reduction trajectory .................................. 237

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5.24 Wheeling charges ........................................................................................................ 242

5.25 Losses applicable for open access consumers ............................................................ 245
5.26 Cross subsidy surcharge .............................................................................................. 246
5.28 Additional surcharge ................................................................................................... 250
5.29 Grid Availability Charges ........................................................................................... 250
5.30 Time of Day Tariff ...................................................................................................... 252

6 TARIFF SCHEDULE .................................................................................................. 257

6.1 Tariff for High Tension Supply Consumers ............................................................... 257
6.2 Tariff for Low Tension Supply Consumers: ............................................................... 266

7 SUMMARY OF DIRECTIVES .................................................................................. 288

7.1 Compliance of Earlier Directives................................................................................ 288
7.2 Fresh Directives .......................................................................................................... 300

8 ANNEXURES ............................................................................................................... 304

COMMITTEE........................................................................................................................ 304
NOTICE ................................................................................................................................. 305
HEARING ............................................................................................................................. 513
8.4 ANNEXURE IV – TNERC’s PUBLIC NOTICE ...................................................... 529
OF TANGEDCO ................................................................................................................... 533
NADU .................................................................................................................................... 536


COMMISSION .................................................................................................................... 539

10 APPENDIX 2: CAPITAL INVESTMENT BOOKLET........................................ 676

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List of tables

Table 2-1: Summary of key tariff proposals in TANGEDCO's original petition and additional affidavit ........... 24
Table 3-1: Total Sales for the period from FY 2016-17 to FY 2020-21 as approved by the Commission (MU) . 33
Table 3-2: Energy availability from own stations as submitted by TANGEDCO (MU) ...................................... 36
Table 3-3: Energy Availability from own generating stations approved by the Commission after true-up (MU) 37
Table 3-4: Energy availability from Other Sources as submitted by TANGEDCO (MU) ................................... 38
Table 3-5: Energy availability from Other sources approved by the Commission after true-up (MU) ................ 38
Table 3-6: Total Energy availability for TANGEDCO approved by the Commission after true up (MU) .......... 39
Table 3-7: Energy Balance as submitted by TANGEDCO (MU)......................................................................... 39
Table 3-8: Energy Balance approved by the Commission after true-up for FY 2016-17 to FY 2020-21 (MU) ... 40
Table 3-9: Power Purchase Quantum allowed after true-up for the period from FY 2016-17 to FY 2020-21
(MU) ........................................................................................................................................................... 41
Table 3-10: O&M Expenses as submitted by TANGEDCO (Rs. Crore).............................................................. 42
Table 3-11: Applicable DA rates considered by the Commission ........................................................................ 43
Table 3-12: O&M expenses approved by the Commission after true-up for the period from FY 2016-17 to FY
2020-21 (Rs. Crore) .................................................................................................................................... 45
Table 3-13: CAPEX and Capitalization submitted by TANGEDCO (Rs. crore) ................................................. 46
Table 3-14: CAPEX and Capitalization approved by ERC (Rs. crore) ................................................................ 46
Table 3-15: Depreciation as submitted by TANGEDCO (Rs. Crore) .................................................................. 47
Table 3-16: Depreciation approved by the Commission after true-up for the period from FY 2016-17 to FY
2020-21 (Rs. Crore) .................................................................................................................................... 49
Table 3-17: Interest and Finance charges as submitted by TANGEDCO (Rs. Crore) .......................................... 50
Table 3-18: Loan and Interest Expenses approved by the Commission (Rs. crore) ............................................. 51
Table 3-19: Break up of Interest Expenses approved by the Commission after true-up for the period from FY
2016-17 to FY 2020-21 (Rs. Crore) ........................................................................................................... 51
Table 3-20: Interest on Consumer Security Deposit approved by the Commission after true-up for the period
from FY 2016-17 to FY 2020-21 (Rs. Crore) ............................................................................................ 52
Table 3-21: Other Finance Charges approved by the Commission after true-up for the period from FY 2016-17
to FY 2020-21 (Rs. Crore) .......................................................................................................................... 53
Table 3-22: Return on Equity as claimed by TANGEDCO (Rs. Crore) ............................................................... 54
Table 3-23: Interest on Working Capital as submitted by TANGEDCO (Rs. Crore) ........................................... 56
Table 3-24: Interest on Working Capital approved by the Commission after true-up for the period from FY
2016-17 to FY 2020-21 (Rs. Crore) ............................................................................................................ 60
Table 3-25: Other Debits as submitted by TANGEDCO (Rs. Crore) ................................................................... 61
Table 3-26: Operating Charges and Extra-ordinary Items as submitted by TANGEDCO (Rs. crore) ................. 61
Table 3-27: Prior period items, submitted by TANGEDCO for FY 2016-17 to FY 2020-21 (Rs. crore) ............ 62
Table 3-28: Prior period items, submitted by TANGEDCO for FY 2016-17 to FY 2020-21 (Rs. crore) ............ 62
Table 3-29: Other Income as submitted by TANGEDCO (Rs. Crore) ................................................................. 62
Table 3-30: Non-Tariff income as submitted by TANGEDCO (Rs. Crore) ......................................................... 63
Table 3-31: Other Income and Non-Tariff Income approved by the Commission after true-up for the period
from FY 2016-17 to FY 2020-21 (Rs. Crore) ............................................................................................. 63
Table 3-32: Fixed Cost summary submitted by TANGEDCO (Rs. Crore) ................................................... 64
Table 3-33: Fixed Cost summary approved by Commission for Distribution function after true-up for the
period from FY 2016-17 to FY 2020-21 (Rs. Crore)............................................................................... 65
Table 3-34: PAF considered by the Commission ................................................................................................. 67
Table 3-35: Fixed Charges approved by the Commission for Generation function after true-up (Rs. Crore) ...... 68
Table 3-36: PLF as submitted by TANGEDCO ................................................................................................... 71

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Table 3-37: PLF approved by the Commission after true-up for FY 2016-17 to FY 2019-20 ............................. 71
Table 3-38: Auxiliary Consumption as submitted by TANGEDCO .................................................................... 72
Table 3-39: Auxiliary Consumption approved by the Commission after true-up for FY 2016-17 to FY 2020-
21 ................................................................................................................................................................ 73
Table 3-40: SHR as submitted by TANGEDCO (kCal/kWh) .............................................................................. 74
Table 3-41: SHR approved by the Commission after true-up for the period from FY 2016-17 to FY 2020-21
(kCal/kWh) ................................................................................................................................................. 75
Table 3-42: SOC as submitted by TANGEDCO (ml/kWh) ................................................................................. 75
Table 3-43: SOC as approved by the Commission (ml/kWh) .............................................................................. 76
Table 3-44: GCV approved by the Commission after true-up for the period from FY 2016-17 to FY 2020-21
(kcal/kg) (kcal/SCM) .................................................................................................................................. 77
Table 3-45: Price of primary fuel as approved by the Commission (Rs./MT or Rs./SCM) .................................. 77
Table 3-46: Variable Cost of Generation approved by the Commission after true-up for the period from FY
2016-17 to FY 2020-21 (Rs. Crore) ............................................................................................................ 79
Table 3-47: Energy charge approved by the Commission after true-up for the period from FY 2016-17 to FY
2020-21 (Rs./kWh)...................................................................................................................................... 80
Table 3-48: Power purchase expenses submitted by TANGEDCO ...................................................................... 81
Table 3-49: Summary of Power Purchase approved by the Commission after true-up for FY 2016-17 .............. 85
Table 3-50: Summary of Power Purchase approved by the Commission after true-up for FY 2017-18 .............. 89
Table 3-51: Summary of Power Purchase approved by the Commission after true-up for FY 2018-19 .............. 93
Table 3-52: Summary of Power Purchase approved by the Commission after true-up for FY 2019-20 .............. 97
Table 3-53: Summary of Power Purchase approved by the Commission after true-up for FY 2020-21 ............ 103
Table 3-54: Summary of ARR approved by the Commission after true-up for the period from FY 2016-17 to FY
2020-21 (Rs. Crore) .................................................................................................................................. 110
Table 3-55: Revenue from Sales approved by the Commission after true-up for the period from FY 2016-17 to
FY 2020-21 (Rs. Crore) ............................................................................................................................ 111
Table 3-56: Revenue Gap/(Surplus) approved by the Commission after true-up for the period from FY 2016-17
to FY 2020-21 (Rs. Crore) ........................................................................................................................ 117
Table 4-1: Sales approved by the Commission for FY 2021-22 to FY 2026-27 (in MU) .................................. 120
Table 4-2: Energy Balance for the Control Period as submitted by TANGEDCO ............................................. 123
Table 4-3: Approved Energy Balance for the Control Period............................................................................. 124
Table 4-4: Net Generation from Own Plants for the Control Period as submitted by TANGEDCO ................. 125
Table 4-5: Approved Net Generation for the Control Period (MU) ................................................................... 126
Table 4-6: Energy Availability from other sources as submitted by TANGEDCO (MU) .................................. 127
Table 4-7: Energy Availability from other sources as approved by the Commission (MU) .............................. 129
Table 4-8: O&M Expenses as submitted by TANGEDCO (Rs. Crore).............................................................. 132
Table 4-9: O&M expenses approved by the Commission for FY 2021-22 to FY 2026-27 (Rs. Crore) ............. 135
Table 4-10: CAPEX and Capitalization submitted by TANGEDCO for FY 2021-22 (Rs. crores) .................... 136
Table 4-11: CAPEX and Capitalization approved by ERC (Rs. crores) ............................................................. 136
Table 4-12: Capital expenditure submitted by TANGEDCO in its CIP (Rs. crores) ......................................... 139
Table 4-13: Capitalization submitted by TANGEDCO in its CIP ...................................................................... 139
Table 4-14: Approved capital expenditure for the control period (Rs. crores) ................................................... 140
Table 4-15: Approved capitalization for the control period (Rs. crores) ............................................................ 140
Table 4-16: Approved funding of CAPEX for the control period (Rs. crores) ................................................... 142
Table 4-17: Depreciation as submitted by TANGEDCO (Rs. Crore) ................................................................ 144
Table 4-18: Depreciation approved by the Commission for FY 2021-22 to FY 2026-27 (Rs. Crore) ............... 145
Table 4-19: Interest and Finance charges as submitted by TANGEDCO (Rs. Crore) ........................................ 146
Table 4-20: Loan and Interest Expenses approved by the Commission (Rs. Crore) .......................................... 147

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Table 4-21: Break up of Interest Expenses approved by the Commission (Rs. Crore) ...................................... 148
Table 4-22: Interest on Consumer Security Deposit approved by the Commission (Rs. Crore) ....................... 149
Table 4-23: Other Finance Charges approved by the Commission (Rs. Crore).................................................. 149
Table 4-24: Return on Equity as claimed by TANGEDCO (Rs. Crore) ............................................................. 149
Table 4-25: Interest on Working Capital as submitted by TANGEDCO (Rs. Crore) ......................................... 151
Table 4-26: Approved Interest on Working Capital (Rs. Crore) ........................................................................ 154
Table 4-27: Other Debits as submitted by TANGEDCO (Rs. Crore) ................................................................. 154
Table 4-28: Operating Charges and Extra-ordinary Items as submitted by TANGEDCO (Rs. crore) ............... 155
Table 4-29: Other Income as submitted by TANGEDCO (Rs. Crore) ............................................................... 156
Table 4-30: Non-Tariff income as submitted by TANGEDCO (Rs. Crore) ....................................................... 157
Table 4-31: Other Income and Non-Tariff Income approved by the Commission (Rs. Crore) .......................... 158
Table 4-32: Fixed Cost summary for FY 2021-22 as submitted by TANGEDCO (Rs. Crore) .......................... 159
Table 4-33: Fixed Cost summary for FY 2022-23 as submitted by TANGEDCO (Rs. Crore) .......................... 160
Table 4-34: Fixed Cost summary for FY 2023-24 as submitted by TANGEDCO (Rs. Crore) .......................... 161
Table 4-35: Fixed Cost summary for FY 2024-25 as submitted by TANGEDCO (Rs. Crore) .......................... 162
Table 4-36: Fixed Cost summary for FY 2025-26 as submitted by TANGEDCO (Rs. Crore) .......................... 163
Table 4-37: Fixed Cost summary for FY 2026-27 as submitted by TANGEDCO (Rs. Crore) .......................... 164
Table 4-38: Fixed Cost summary for Distribution function ............................................................................... 166
Table 4-39: Fixed cost as approved by ERC, for Generation (Rs. Crore) .......................................................... 167
Table 4-40: Approved PLF for Own Generating Stations for FY 2021-22 to FY 2026-27 ................................ 169
Table 4-41: Approved Auxiliary Consumption (%) for Own Generating Stations for FY 2021-22 to FY 2026-
27 .............................................................................................................................................................. 169
Table 4-42: Approved SHR (kcal/kWh) for Own Generating Stations (Coal & Gas Power Plants) for FY 2021-
22 to FY 2026-27 ...................................................................................................................................... 170
Table 4-43: Approved SFOC (ml/kWh) for Own Generating Stations for FY 2021-22 to FY 2026-27 ............ 171
Table 4-44: GCV of coal/gas (kcal/kg)(kcal/SCM) as considered by the Commission for FY 2021-22 to FY
2026-27 ..................................................................................................................................................... 171
Table 4-45: Price of coal/gas (Rs./MT)(Rs./SCM) as considered by the Commission for FY 2021-22 to FY
2026-27 ..................................................................................................................................................... 172
Table 4-46: Approved net generation for Own Generating Stations for FY 2021-22 to FY 2026-27 ................ 173
Table 4-47: Approved Energy Charges (Rs./kWh) for Own Generating Stations for FY 2021-22 to FY 2026-
27 .............................................................................................................................................................. 175
Table 4-48: Approved Variable Cost (Rs. Crore) for Own Generating Stations for FY 2021-22 to FY 2026-
27 .............................................................................................................................................................. 176
Table 4-49: Power Purchase Expenses for FY 2021-22 to FY 2026-27 as submitted by TANGEDCO ............ 179
Table 5-1: Category wise revenue at proposed tariff (Rs. crore) ........................................................................ 233
Table 5-2: Expected annual deficit/(surplus) at proposed tariff (Rs. crore) ........................................................ 234
Table 5-3: Average cost of supply for control period ......................................................................................... 235
Table 5-4: Voltage wise technical losses considered, for determination of VCOS (%) ..................................... 236
Table 5-5: Estimated VCOS determined by the Commission (Rs./kWh) ........................................................... 237
Table 5-6: Category wise cross subsidy approved by the Commission .............................................................. 239
Table 5-7: Approved Cross-Subsidy Reduction Trajectory w.r.t. ACOS ........................................................... 241
Table 5-8: Wheeling charge proposed by TANGEDCO for FY 2022-23 .......................................................... 242
Table 5-9: Allocation Matrix for Allocation of Segregation of Accounts between Wires and Supply Business 243
Table 5-10: Approved network cost for wire business ....................................................................................... 244
Table 5-11: Approved wheeling charges for the period from FY 2022-23 to FY 2026-27 ................................ 244
Table 5-12: Applicable losses for Open Access transactions for FY 2022-23 onwards ..................................... 245
Table 5-13: Proposed cross subsidy surcharge ................................................................................................... 246

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Table 5-14: Values of various components considered by the Commission ...................................................... 248
Table 5-15: Approved CSS for FY 2022-23 ....................................................................................................... 248
Table 5-16: Approved CSS for FY 2023-24 ....................................................................................................... 248
Table 5-17: Approved CSS for FY 2024-25 ....................................................................................................... 249
Table 5-18: Approved CSS for FY 2025-26 ....................................................................................................... 249
Table 5-19: Approved CSS for FY 2026-27 ....................................................................................................... 250

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1.1.1 Consequent to the enactment of the Electricity Regulatory Commissions Act, 1998
(Central Act 14 of 1998), the Government of Tamil Nadu (GoTN) constituted the
Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory Commission (TNERC or Commission) vide
G.O.Ms. No.58, Energy (A1) Department, dated March 17, 1999.
1.1.2 The Commission issued its first Tariff Order under Section 29 of the Electricity
Regulatory Commissions Act, 1998, on 15-03-2003 based on the Petition filed by the
erstwhile Tamil Nadu Electricity Board (TNEB) on September 25, 2002.
1.1.3 The Electricity Regulatory Commissions Act, 1998 was repealed and the Electricity
Act, 2003 (Central Act 36 of 2003) (hereinafter referred as “the EA, 2003” or “the
Act”) was enacted with effect from June 10, 2003.
1.1.4 The Commission notified the Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms
and Conditions for Determination of Tariff) Regulations, 2005 (herein after called
TNERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff) Regulations, 2005) on
August 3, 2005, under Section 61 read with Section 181 of the Act.
1.1.5 The Commission issued its first Order (Order No. 2 of 2006) on Transmission
Charges, Wheeling Charges, Cross Subsidy Surcharge (CSS) and Additional
Surcharge on May 15, 2006, based on the Petition filed by the erstwhile TNEB on
September 26, 2005, under Section 42 of the Act.
1.1.6 The Commission notified the TNERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of
Tariff for Intra-State Transmission/Distribution of Electricity under MYT
Framework) Regulations, 2009 (herein after called MYT Regulations) on February
11, 2009.
1.1.7 Subsequently, TNEB filed an Application for determination of Aggregate Revenue
Requirement (ARR) with Tariff for all functions on January 18, 2010, which was
admitted by the Commission after initial scrutiny on February 9, 2010. The
Commission issued its second Retail Tariff Order on July 31, 2010 (Order No. 3 of
1.1.8 The erstwhile TNEB was formed as a statutory body by GoTN on July 1, 1957, under
the Electricity (Supply) Act, 1948. TNEB was primarily responsible for generation,
transmission, distribution and supply of electricity in the State of Tamil Nadu.
1.1.9 GoTN, vide G.O (Ms.) No. 114 Energy Department, dated October 8, 2008 accorded
in principle approval for the re-organisation of TNEB by establishment of a holding

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company, namely TNEB Ltd. and two subsidiary companies, namely Tamil Nadu
Transmission Corporation Ltd. (TANTANSCO) and Tamil Nadu Generation and
Distribution Corporation Ltd. (hereinafter referred as TANGEDCO or the Petitioner)
with the stipulation that the aforementioned Companies shall be fully owned by the


1.2.1 Section 61 of the Electricity Act, 2003 (herein after referred as the Electricity Act,
2003 or the Act) stipulates the guiding principles for determination of Tariff by the
Commission and mandates that the Tariff should ‘progressively reflect cost of supply
of electricity’, ‘reduce cross-subsidy’, ‘safeguard consumer interest’ and ‘recover the
cost of electricity in a reasonable manner’.
“Section-62 (1):

1. The Appropriate Commission shall determine the tariff in accordance

with provisions of this Act for

a. supply of electricity by a generating company to a distribution

licensee: …;

b. transmission of electricity;

c. wheeling of electricity;

d. retail sale of electricity.


1.2.2 TNERC notified its TNERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff)
Regulations, 2005 specify the factors that will guide the Commission in determination
of Tariff, the relevant extract of which is reproduced below:
“4. Tariff setting principles

The Commission, while determining the tariff, shall be guided by the

following factors:-

(i) The guidelines outlined in Section 61 of the Act …

“The Appropriate Commission shall, subject to the provisions of this

Act, specify the terms and conditions for the determination of tariff, and
in doing so, shall be guided by the following, namely:-

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(a) the principles and methodologies specified by the Central

Commission for determination of the tariff applicable to
generating companies and transmission licensees;

(b) the generation, transmission, distribution and supply of

electricity are conducted on commercial principles;

(c) the factors which would encourage competition, efficiency,

economical use of the resources, good performance and
optimum investments;

(d) safeguarding of consumers’ interest and at the same time,

recovery of the cost of electricity in a reasonable manner;


(ii) Rationalisation of tariff

… … …”

1.2.3 The Tariff Policy notified by Govt. of India on January 28, 2016, specifies the
following objectives:
“The objectives of this tariff policy are to:

(a) Ensure availability of electricity to consumers at reasonable and

competitive rates;

(b) Ensure financial viability of the sector and attract investments;

(c) Promote transparency, consistency and predictability in

regulatory approaches across jurisdictions and minimize
perceptions of regulatory risks;

(d) Promote competition, efficiency in operations and improvement

in quality of supply;

(e) Promote generation of electricity from Renewable sources;

(f) Promote Hydroelectric Power generation including Pumped

Storage Projects (PSP) to provide adequate peaking reserves,
reliable grid operation and integration of variable renewable
energy sources;

(g) Evolve a dynamic and robust electricity infrastructure for better

consumer services;

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(h) Facilitate supply of adequate and uninterrupted power to all

categories of consumers;

(i) Ensure creation of adequate capacity including reserves in

generation, transmission and distribution in advance, for
reliability of supply of electricity to consumers.”


1.3.1 TANGEDCO was incorporated on December 1, 2009 and started functioning as such
with effect from November 1, 2010.
1.3.2 Subsequent to the filing of Tariff Petitions by TANGEDCO for determination of retail
supply tariff for FY 2012-13, the Commission scrutinized and reviewed the same.
After a thorough review, the third Order (Order. No. 1 of 2012) of the Commission
on Retail Supply Tariff, Wheeling Charges and other related charges was passed on
March 30, 2012.
1.3.3 TANGEDCO filed the Tariff Petition for determination of tariff for Generation and
Distribution for FY 2013-14, which was scrutinized and reviewed by the Commission.
Based on this Petition and after considering views of the State Advisory Committee
and the public, the Commission passed the fourth Order on June 20, 2013.
1.3.4 TANGEDCO did not file the ARR and Tariff Petition for FY 2014-15 before the
Commission. In the absence of Tariff Petition, the Commission initiated a suo-motu
proceeding for determination of tariff in accordance with Section 64 of EA 2003.
After thorough review of the available information, the Commission passed the fifth
Order on December 11, 2014.
1.3.5 In 2017, TANGEDCO has filed the Petition for final truing up of FY 2011-12 to FY
2015-16, determination of Multi Year ARR for FY 2016-17 to FY 2018-19 and
determination of Retail Tariff for FY 2017-18. The petition was scrutinized and
reviewed, and the Commission passed the sixth Order on August 11, 2017.
1.3.6 The current tariff proceedings commence from the filing of Petition by TANGEDCO
for Approval of True Up for the period from FY 2016-17 to FY 2020-21 and Annual
Performance Review for the FY 2021-22; Approval of Aggregate Revenue
Requirement for the period from FY 2022-23 to FY 2026-27 and Determination of
Tariff for generation and distribution for FY 2022-23 to FY 2026-27.
1.3.7 Based on the Petition and after considering views of the State Advisory Committee
and the public, the Commission hereby passes the seventh Order.


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1.4.1 In the previous tariff order, ARR for TANGEDCO was approved only till FY 2018-
19. There are no approved values for FY 2019-20 to FY 2021-22 to undertake
comparison for true-up and Annual Performance Review (APR). TANGEDCO has
submitted that all the ARR figures considered for true up for FY 2019-20 and FY
2020-21 are based on audited accounts of the respective years
1.4.2 TANGEDCO has stated that it taken the cognizance of actual available data for the
projections of ensuing years.
1.4.3 TANGEDCO has also clarified further on the below aspects:
(a) The projections of ARR of FY 2022-23 to FY 2026-27 is done based
on past performance and expected growth in each of the cost element
and revenue for the ensuing year. The APR for FY 2021-22 is based
on the provisional data.

(b) Escalation Factors have been considered for projecting certain

expenses on a realistic basis.

(c) The figures mentioned in each of the Tables in their petition are the
amount in Rs. Crore unless otherwise specified.

(d) No cost of generation (variable as well as fixed) has been considered

for own wind generating stations, i.e., Tirunelveli and Udumalpet.
However, the net-generation due to these windmills has been
considered in Energy Availability.

(e) The T&D loss calculated for the entire control period is without
consideration of wheeling units during the respective years.

1.4.4 The Commission had reviewed the data available thoroughly, and have undergone
public consultations regarding the Petition filed by TANGEDCO. After undertaking
due process, the Commission hereby passes its seventh Tariff Order for


1.5.1 Regulation 7 (2) of the TNERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff)
Regulations, 2005 specifies as under:
“The applicant shall publish, for the information of public, the contents
of the application in an abridged form in English and Tamil newspapers
having wide circulation and as per the direction of the Commission in
this regard. The copies of Petition and documents filed with the

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Commission shall also be made available at a nominal price, besides

hosting them in the website.”

1.5.2 TANGEDCO has published the Public Notice on the petition in the following
newspapers on 21/07/2022 to 22/07/2022.
• The Hindu (English)
• Times of India (English)
• Dinathanthi (Tamil)
• Dhinakaran (Tamil)
1.5.3 TANGEDCO published the copy of the Petition on their website.
1.5.4 Abridged version of the petition and a public notice was also issued by the
1.5.5 The Commission has provided sufficient time to Stakeholders for submission of
written comments and suggestions on the Petition filed by TANGEDCO. The last date
for submission of written comments and suggestions was August 24, 2022. In fact,
all the suggestions received till August 30, 2022 were considered.
1.5.6 The Petition was placed before the State Advisory Committee on August 11, 2022.
The list of Members who attended the State Advisory Committee meeting is placed
as Annexure I.
1.5.7 The list of stakeholders who have submitted objections/suggestions/views regarding
the Petition in response to the Public Notice is placed as Annexure II and the issue
wise summary of objections/suggestions/views along with TANGEDCO’s Replies
and the Commission’s ruling on each issue, are included in Chapter 2.
1.5.8 The Commission conducted the Public Hearing at the following places on the dates
noted against each:
Date and day Place Venue Time
16 August 2022 Coimbatore S.N.R. College Auditorium, From 10.00
(Tuesday) Nava India Bus Stop, AM
Avinashi Road,
Coimbatore 641 006.
18 August 2022 Madurai Lakshmi Sundaram Hall, From 10.00
(Thursday) Thallakulam, AM
Madurai 625 002.

22 August 2022 Chennai Kalaivanar Arangam, From 10.00

(Monday) Chennai 600 005. AM

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1.5.9 The list of participants in each public hearing, is placed as Annexure III to this
Order. The objections/suggestions/views raised by the participants are discussed in
Chapter 2.


1.6.1 The proposal for Assets Transfer and Employee transfer called as Tamil Nadu
Electricity Board (Reorganization and Reforms) Transfer Scheme, 2010 was notified
by GoTN vide G.O. (Ms) No.100 Energy (B2) Department dated October 19, 2010
with the effective date of implementation as November 1, 2010. Based on the above
notification, TNEB was re-organized with effect from November 1, 2010.
1.6.2 As per the Transfer Scheme the Provisional period for transfer of Assets was 1 year
and for transfer of employees was 3 years. From November 1, 2010 onwards, all the
employees of the erstwhile TNEB stood transferred to and absorbed in TANGEDCO
on a provisional basis and assigned to the services of the relevant transferee, viz.,
TANTRANSCO and TNEB Ltd., on deputation on “as-is-where-is” basis until further
notice for permanent absorption into respective entities.
1.6.3 At the time of issue of Suo-Motu Tariff Order dated December 11, 2014, the Transfer
Scheme was not finalised. Therefore, the Commission had stated the following
regarding the provisional Transfer Scheme:
“This Transfer Scheme is provisional and addresses various issues like transfer
of assets, revaluation of assets and partly addresses the issue of accumulated
losses. This Transfer Scheme envisages deployment of staff of the erstwhile
TNEB to TANGEDCO and TANTRANSCO. The Commission in its earlier Tariff
Order No. 3 of 2010 dated 31-07-2010 had suggested in line with the National
Electricity Policy (para 5.4.3) and Tariff Policy that the accumulated losses
should not be passed on to the successor entities and financial restructuring has
to be resorted to clean up the Balance Sheet of the successor companies and
allow them to start on a clean slate so that the successor entities could start
performing better. The statutory advices that have been sent to the Government
of Tamil Nadu in this regard are appended as Annexure V. The Commission has
also issued a statutory advice with regard to the establishment of a separate
Generating Company and establishment of four Distribution Companies so that
the performance of these companies can be improved and efficiently monitored,
which will enable proper investments and growth of the individual company.
This document is appended as Annexure VI.

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Subsequently, as per the request of TNEB Limited, the second provisional

transfer scheme was notified by the State Government vide G.O. (Ms.) No.2,
Energy (B2) department, dated 2nd January 2012 with amendment in the
restructuring of Balance Sheet of TNEB for the successor entities i.e.
TANGEDCO and TANTRANSCO, considering the audited balance sheet of
TNEB for FY 2009-10 and it had extended the provisional time for final transfer
of assets and liabilities to the successor entities of erstwhile TNEB up to 31st
October 2012. The same has been appended as Annexure VII.

This Transfer Scheme is also provisional and is subject to revision. The

transactions for 7 months i.e. from 1st April 2010 to 30th October, 2010 do not
get reflected in the opening balance sheet of the TANGEDCO as specified in the
Transfer Scheme.”

1.6.4 GoTN vide the Gazette Notification G.O. (Ms) No. 49 dated August 13, 2015, issued
the final Transfer Scheme.
“In the Government order first read above, Government have notified the Tamil
Nadu Electricity (Re-organisation and Reforms) Transfer Scheme, 2010. The
erstwhile Tamil Nadu Electricity Board has been reorganized with effect from
01.11.2010, as per the provisions of the Electricity Act, 2003. In the above
transfer scheme , the assets and liabilities were segregated based on the
available unaudited balance sheet of erstwhile Tamil Nadu Electricity Board as
on 31.03.2009 instead of balance sheet as on 31.10.2010 which was not ready
at that time and stated that this shall be provisional for a period of one year
from the respective date of transfer as per the clause 9(1) of the said scheme
(i.e., upto 31.10.2011).

Now, the Chairman and Managing Director, Tamil Nadu Generation and
Distribution Corporation Limited has stated that as the audited balance sheet
as on 31.10.2010 is ready, it is essential to issue notification for the final
amendment to the earlier transfer scheme notified in Government Order 2nd
read above for giving effect to the transfer of assets and liabilities to successor
entities of erstwhile Tamil Nadu Electricity Board as on 01.11.2010.

Amendment to the existing Tamil Nadu Electricity (Reorganisation and

Reforms) Transfer Scheme, 2010 notified in G.O.Ms.No.100, dated 19.10.2010,
subsequently amended in G.O.(Ms.) No.2, Energy (B2) Department, dated
02.01.2012 by issuing Notification for giving effect to transfer of assets and

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liabilities to successor entities of erstwhile Tamil Nadu Electricity Board

Limited as on 01.11.2010 be issued.

The Notification appended to this order will be published in the Tamil Nadu
Government Gazette, Extraordinary, dated 13.08.2015.”

1.6.5 The final Transfer Scheme notified by GoTN came into effect from November 1,
1.6.6 TANGEDCO’s Balance Sheets from FY 2011-12 to FY 2014-15 were prepared on
the basis of the provisional Transfer Scheme, whereas the Balance Sheet of FY 2015-
16 has been prepared on the basis of final Transfer Scheme, i.e., impact of overall
adjustment from November 1, 2010 to March 31, 2015 has been considered in the
Balance Sheet of FY 2015-16.
1.6.7 As the process of revaluation pertains only to book entry and has no material
significance in regulatory process, the Commission has considered only book values,
after removing the impact of revaluation, while undertaking true up.


1.7.1 TNEB was unbundled on November 1, 2010. Consequently, it started functioning as
two separate entities namely, TANGEDCO and TANTRANSCO. While
TANGEDCO was made responsible for Generation and Distribution functions,
TANTRANSCO was made responsible for transmission activities within the State.
1.7.2 The Commission in its Tariff Orders dated July 31, 2010, March 30, 2012, June 20,
2013 and December 11, 2014 had indicated that the accumulated losses up to the date
of unbundling will have to be dealt with in accordance with the National Electricity
Policy and Tariff Policy. The Commission had also clearly indicated that any losses
incurred after November 1, 2010 only are being dealt with in various Tariff Orders
subsequent to Unbundling.
1.7.3 The Revenue Gaps arising subsequent to unbundling were dealt with primarily as
Regulatory Asset in the Order of the Commission dated December 11, 2014 and
August 11, 2017.
1.7.4 The approach followed by the Commission to treat the Revenue Gap has again been
discussed in Chapter 6 of this Order.


1.8.1 This Order will come into effect on and from 10 September, 2022. The Tariffs and
other Charges determined in this Order will be valid until issue of the next Order.

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1.9.1 This Order is organized into following Chapters:
a. Chapter 1 provides details of the tariff setting process and the approach of the
b. Chapter 2 provides a brief of the Public Hearing process, including the details
of comments of various stakeholders and views of the Commission thereon;
c. Chapter 3 provide details/analysis of the true-up of ARR of TANGEDCO for
the period from FY 2017-18 to FY 2019-20;
d. Chapter 4 provide details/analysis of Annual Performance Review (APR) of
TANGEDCO for FY 2021-22;
e. Chapter 5 provide details/analysis of the ARR of TANGEDCO for the period
from FY 2022-23 to FY 2026-27;
f. Chapter 6 provides details of the cumulative Revenue Gap/(Surplus),
Regulatory Assets, and determination of Open Access Charges and Retail
Supply Tariff for all consumer categories, and the approach adopted by the
Commission in determining the tariff;
g. Chapter 7 gives the Tariff Schedule applicable for the consumers for the period
from FY 2022-23 to FY 2026-27; and
h. Chapter 8 provides details of the Directives of the Commission for compliance
1.9.2 The Order contains a few Appendices and Annexures also, which form part of the
Tariff Order.


1.10.1 The Commission has taken note of the final Transfer Scheme notified by GoTN vide
G.O. (Ms.) No.49, Energy (B1) department, dated August 13, 2015 with amendment
in the restructuring of Balance Sheet of TNEB for TANGEDCO and
1.10.2 The Commission has referred to the Audited Accounts of TANGEDCO for truing up
the expenses for the period from FY 2016-17 to FY 2020-21 in accordance with the
TNERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff) Regulations, 2005 and
MYT Regulations. Based on the prudence check of the expenses and revenue reported
in the Audited Accounts of TANGEDCO, the Commission has arrived at the
allowable ARR and revenue recovered by the utility.

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1.10.3 The Commission has undertaken Annual Performance Review of FY 2021-22 due to
the non availability of final CAG certified audited accounts.
1.10.4 For the Control Period from FY 2022-23 to FY 2026-27, the Commission has
extended the rationale adopted for allowing/disallowing various controllable
components of the ARR while truing up, to project the ARR for the Control Period
and determine tariff for the period from FY 2022-23 to FY 2026-27.

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2.1.1 The following Section summarizes the key views/objections/suggestions and requests
made by stakeholders. These include submissions received in writing as well as
submissions received, and observations made at the Public Hearings held by the
Commission at three venues.
2.1.2 In this Section, the Commission has addressed the specific views/ objections/
suggestions made by stakeholders on each issue. All comments received from the
stakeholders have been provided to TANGEDCO, Chennai for responding. The
responses so received have been included under the relevant heads.


2.2.1 The Commission has received around 8000 numbers of comments from the stake
holders and during the Public hearing at 3 places viz., Coimbatore, Madurai and
Chennai. Nearly 300 people have represented and put forth various objections,
suggestions and comments on the tariff proposals. The major demands put forth by
the consumers are listed below:- Reduction of fixed cost for the industrial III B LT industry consumers, LT
Commercial consumers and reduction of MD charges for HT consumers. TANGEDCO in their additional affidavit submitted on 30th August 2022 has given a
revised tariff schedule as below:-
Table 2-1: Summary of key tariff proposals in TANGEDCO's original petition and
additional affidavit
FY 2022-23
FY 2022 – 23
Existing Proposed in Additional
Proposed in T.P.
Demand Energy Demand Energy Demand Energy
Charge in charge in Charge in charge in Charge in charge in
Rs./kVA/M Paise per Rs./kVA/M Paise per Rs./kVA/ Paise per
onth kWh (Unit) onth kWh (Unit) Month kWh (Unit)
High Tension
350 635 600 675 550 675
Tariff I

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FY 2022-23
FY 2022 – 23
Existing Proposed in Additional
Proposed in T.P.
Demand Energy Demand Energy Demand Energy
Charge in charge in Charge in charge in Charge in charge in
Rs./kVA/M Paise per Rs./kVA/M Paise per Rs./kVA/ Paise per
onth kWh (Unit) onth kWh (Unit) Month kWh (Unit)
High Tension
350 635 600 700 550 700
Tariff II (A)
High Tension
350 635 600 750 550 750
Tariff II (B)
High Tension
350 800 700 850 550 850
Tariff III
High Tension
350 1100 700 1200 550 1200
Tariff IV
FY 2022-23
FY 2022-23
Existing Proposed in Additional
(Proposed) in T.P.
Tariff Fixed Energy Fixed Fixed Energy
Categor Slab Charge chare Charge Energy Charge charge
y (Rupees in (Rupees chare in (Rupees in Paise
per Kw Paise per Kw Paise per per kw per
per per per kWh per kWh
month) kWh month) month) (Unit)
100 800 0-50 kw 100 800
Low kw
Tension Above
Above 50
Tariff 50 – 60 575 325 800 325 800
– 112 kw
II–B 100 kw
(1) Above Above
600 800 550 800
100 kw 112 kw
100 850 0-50 kw 100 850
Tension Above 50
50 – 60 750 325 850 325 850
Tariff – 112 kw
100 kw
II–B (2)
Above Above
600 850 550 850
100 kw 112 kw
100 0-50 kw 75
Tension Above 50
50 – 35 635 325 750 150 750
Tariff – 112 kw
100 kw
Above Above
600 550
100 kw 112 kw

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Tariff Consumptio Existing FY 2022-23 FY 2022-23

Cate- n Slabs – (Proposed) in Proposed in Additional Affidavit
gory Range in T.P.
kWh and
For consumer For consumer
with with
consumption consumption 50
50 units per 500 100 600 units per month 100 600
month or 100 or 100 units
units bimonthly
For consumer For consumers
with with
consumption consumption
above 50 above 50 units
units monthly monthly or above
or above 100 100 units
units 100 950 bimonthly 100 950
Low 0-50 kw 0-50 kw

Above 50 - Above 50-112 kw
100 kw
500 950 300 950

Above 100 Above 112 kw

700 950 550 950

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Existing FY 2022-23 (Proposed) in FY 2022-23

T.P. Proposed in Additional
Fixed Energy Fixed Charge Energy Fixed Energy
Charge charge in (Rs./kW/ charges in Charge charges in
(Rs./month) Paise per month) Paise per (Rs./kW/ Paise per
kWh kWh(Unit) month) kWh(Unit)
Tension 345 1200 700 1200 550 1200
Tariff VI Considerable reduction as demanded by the public during the Public Hearing.
i) The proposal for fixed charges of LT industrial and commercial consumers have
been reasonably reduced by the TANGEDCO. Hence the major concerns of the
industrial consumers are addressed. So revised rates given by the TANGEDCO
has been accepted by the Commission and approved in the tariff schedule.
ii) Not to levy the peak hour energy charges for LT consumers: In this
connection Commission has given a direction to the TANGEDCO in the earlier
tariff orders to make arrangements to flatten the load curve and make a detailed
study. TANGEDCO has given a Consultant Report and the consultant has a
suggestion to increase the peak hour from 6.30 to 10.30 in the morning and 6 to
10 in the evening. Commission after analysing the latest data and after
analysing the cost of power during this peak hour has come to a conclusion that
in view of the increased renewable energy scenario and increased peak hour
energy charges it is necessary to go for a peak hour energy management by
fixing the peak hour as 6 to 10 hrs and 18 to 22 hrs and to levy peak hour energy
charges to flatten the load curve and also to compensate the licensee towards
the excess cost increase for purchasing peak hour power from the market.
However domestic consumers are exempted from the above charges.
iii) Many of the stake holders have raised certain objections on the losses attained
by the TANGEDCO and reasons for the same. The main reasons for the losses
are increase in the input cost and not increasing the tariff for the past 8 years.
Licensee has not filed any tariff increase petition during the above period in
spite of repeated directions from the Commission. The Commission also could
not take up for the past 3 years due to outbreak of Covid pandemic and Tamil
Nadu Government gave assurance that they will take over the losses sustained
by TANGEDCO from the year 2021 – 22 onwards.
iv) Some of the stake holders have asked the Commission to conduct public
hearings in all the Districts instead of conducting at 3 places. In this connection,
the Commission would like to clarify that the Act mandates only public
consultation and the Commission in earlier Tariff Orders have followed
conducting public hearings in 3 to 4 major cities only and the same procedure

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is repeated now also. All the public have been given opportunities by the
Commission by giving 43 days’ time for furnishing their comments. They have
been informed through the announcement in the websites and through paper
publications in two major English and Tamil dailies. Nearly 6000 stake holders
have given written comments and 279 people have appeared in the public
hearings and expressed their views. Moreover, during public hearing, it is
noticed that same kind of views and suggestions were received in all the 3
places. So, the Commission feels that even if it is conducted in more places, the
views are going to be repetitive and hence the process adopted by the
Commission is fully in line with the provisions of the Act.
v) Increase in Open Access charges : Many captive generators, captive users
have requested not to increase the open access charges. In this connection,
Commission is following the TNERC’s Regulations on wheeling / Network
charges only. The TANGEDCO has proposed 85 : 15 ratio on GFA for
calculating the wheeling charges. Commission has adopted 70 : 30 ratio as
already done in the GISS Regulations. Now wheeling charges have come to 96
paise only against the proposed charges of Rs.1.52. The concession already given to solar and wind generators will continue as per the
Orders of APTEL and it will be reviewed only after the judgement of the Hon’ble
Supreme Court in the appeal against APTEL order.


2.3.1 The detailed comments are provided as a separate Appendix (Appendix 1).

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FROM FY 2016-17 TO FY 2020-21

3.1.1 TANGEDCO, in its Petition, has sought final truing up of expenditure and revenue
for the period from FY 2016-17 to FY 2020-21 based on the actual expenditure and
revenue as per the Audited Accounts. In this Section, the Commission has analysed
all the elements of revenue and expenses for FY 2016-17 to FY 2020-21, and has
undertaken the truing up of expenses and revenue after due prudence check.
3.1.2 A comparison of the figures approved by the Commission in previous Tariff Order
dated 11 August 2017, as submitted by TANGEDCO in its instant Petition, and
approved by the Commission in this Order are shown in the Tables under relevant
sections discussed herein.
3.1.3 It may be noted that in the previous Tariff Order, figures for FY 2019-20 and FY
2020-21 have not been approved. True up for that year has therefore been undertaken
based on prudence review of controllable expenses.


3.2.1 TANGEDCO has submitted that the category-wise sales for the period from FY 2016-
17 to FY 2020-21 are provided in the petition as per Audited Accounts of the
respective years. However, as category-wise sales shown in the Audited Accounts
comprise wheeling units also, TANGEDCO has excluded the wheeling units while
submitting the actual sales for each year.

Commission’s Views
3.2.2 The Commission has approved the actual sales for the period from FY 2016-17 to FY
2020-21 excluding wheeling units, for all categories except Huts, Agriculture, Sales
to Puducherry, and Sales to other states (swap transactions) as submitted by
3.2.3 For approving sales to Huts category, the Commission has followed the same
approach as adopted in previous Tariff Orders, considering actual number of hut
connections, and assumptions on equipments used, their wattage, hours and day of
use. For estimating number of appliances within the huts, the proportion of equipment
in the huts, as considered by the Commission in its order dated 11 December 2014
has been utilized.

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3.2.4 In line with the above approach, sales to Huts category for the period from FY 2016-
17 to FY 2020-21 has been calculated and approved.
3.2.5 Agriculture Category (LT IV)- In Suo-Motu Order dated December 11, 2014, the
Commission had stated the following:
Agricultural category (LT IV): In its reply to data gaps identified by the
Commission, TANGEDCO submitted the revised details of Agricultural
consumption for FY 2012-13. The Commission observed that there was
a significant downward revision in the number of agricultural service
connections submitted in comparison to data in Form F-2 (Sales) of the
petition. The revised agricultural load in HP at the end of the year had
only increased marginally. However TANGEDCO increased its
estimate of agricultural consumption by 1,382 MUs, i.e. from 9,707
MUs to 11,089 MUs.

The Commission re-estimated the agricultural consumption based on

the average capacity of pumpset in the middle of the year as calculated
below. The data on actual additional connections given as well as
corresponding increase in load as submitted by TANGEDCO in its reply
to data gaps has been considered. It has been assumed by the
Commission that 50% of the connections and corresponding capacity
would get added in the first half of the year. The average consumption
in kWh/ HP has been capped at the level as it stood for FY 2016-17
based on the 5% sample study data submitted last year at 923 units.
Based on the above assumptions the agricultural consumption for the
year FY 2012-13 has been estimated as 10,206 MUs by the Commission.

Based on the average consumption per HP/ Annum as per the 5%

sample data for FY 2012-13, TANGEDCO has estimated the annual
consumption as 11,089 MUs. The Commission has calculated the
average hours of daily supply to agricultural consumers based on this
data. It was noticed that the average hours of daily supply for FY 2012-
13 worked out to be higher than that of FY 2016-17. The Commission
opines that this situation is improbable given the facts that the year
2012-13 saw higher shortage of power as compared to the previous year
as well as that 2012-13 was a drought year. Given that additional
connection to the tune of 15,539 were given in the State during the year,
it is evident that the 5% sample data for FY 2012-13 cannot be
considered for estimating annual consumption. Hence the Commission
did not take into consideration the 5% sample study data submitted for
FY 2012-13.”
3.2.6 The Commission has re-estimated the Agriculture category sales for the period from
FY 2016-17 to FY 2020-21 in line with the above approach.

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3.2.7 Sales to Puducherry - In Suo-Motu Order dated December 11, 2014, the
Commission had referred to Order No. 3 of 2010, dated July 31, 2010 and stated the
“3.2.6 Supply to Puducherry The Tariff petition filed by TNEB includes sale of power to the
Union Territory of Puducherry and the projection for various years are
as follows:

(a) 2007-08 393 MU

(b) 2008-09 373 MU

(c) 2009-10 420 MU

(d) 2010-11 445 MU

(e) 2011-12 471 MU

(f) 2012-13 499 MU The Commission desired to know the basis on which power is

being supplied to Puducherry and sought details regarding agreement

if any entered into between the two States. The TNEB has not been able
to produce any agreement for sale of power to Puducherry. In this
backdrop the Commission had examined the tariff orders issued by the
Commission in 2003. The position taken by Government of Puducherry during the

earlier tariff determination exercise was that the tariff for supply of
energy to Puducherry should be as per the Tamil Nadu Revision of Tariff
Rates on Supply of Electrical Energy Act, 1978 and the supply shall be
charged at the rates supplied by NLC to the TNEB plus wheeling charge
at 10 Paise per kWh plus 4% on the energy wheeling towards
transmission loss. The State of Puducherry also disputed the jurisdiction
of the TNERC to decide the tariff for Puducherry. The TNEB had
expressed a view that the agreement between TNEB and NLC is a
bilateral agreement and the Government of Puducherry is not a party to
this agreement. Since the cost of supply at the HT end worked out to
303.69 paise, they proposed to continue charging Puducherry @
Rs.3.00 per kWh under HT Tariff V. The Commission maintained status
quo and continued the then prevailing tariff of Rs.3 per kWh. Since the Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission for the State
of Goa and Union Territory of Puducherry had issued an order on
ARR and Retail tariff for the electricity department, Government of
Puducherry for the financial year 2009-10 on 5-2-2010 the Commission

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had examined that order too and the relevant portion with reference to
sale of power by TNEB to Puducherry is extracted below:

“In respect of purchase of power from TNEB the EDP has submitted
that initially the power availed from TNEB was charged at the rate paid
by TNEB to NLC plus wheeling charges. The TNEB has revised the tariff
to Rs.3.00per kWh with effect from 01/12/2001 treating EDP as a HT
consumer. The EDP has challenged this decision by filing a petition
before Hon’ble TNERC. The Hon’ble TNERC concluded that the sale of
power between EDP and TNEB was in the nature of interstate sale of
power and EDP cannot be treated as a HT consumer and ordered to
maintain status quo. The EDP has challenged this in the Hon’ble High
Court of Judicature at Madras and stay was granted and the Hon’ble
High Court directed payment to TNEB at the rate charged by NLC plus
wheeling charges. The EDP made the payment accordingly. The main
issue is yet to be decided.” The Commission would like to observe that in the absence of firm
sale contract between TNEB and the Government of Puducherry and
with the ever increasing sale of electricity to Puducherry by the TNEB,
a situation is being created which has resulted in the TNEB subsidizing
the electricity consumers of Puducherry at the expense of electricity
consumers of Tamil Nadu. Currently, the TNEB itself is facing an acute
shortage of power and has been purchasing power in the open market
in the range of Rs. 5 to 7 per unit. Whereas the sale to Puducherry is at
the rate of Rs.1.94 per unit. TNEB needs to protect the electricity
consumers of Tamil Nadu.”
3.2.8 Therefore, in line with the approach adopted in the earlier Orders and in view of the
matter being sub-judice before the Hon’ble High Court of Madras, the Commission
has disallowed sales to Puducherry while approving total sales for FY 2016-17 to FY
3.2.9 Sales to other states (swap transactions): As there are not sales to any regulated
consumers within the license area of TANGEDCO, but commercial transactions in
the form of overall power purchase management, the units have not been considered
as part of the sale.
3.2.10 The total sales for the period from FY 2016-17 to FY 2020-21 as submitted by
TANGEDCO and as approved by the Commission is shown in the Table below:

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Table 3-1: Total Sales for the period from FY 2016-17 to FY 2020-21 as approved by the Commission (MU)
FY 2016-17 FY 2017-18 FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21
Tariff Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved
Category of Consumer
Category TANGEDCO after true TANGEDCO after true TANGEDCO after true TANGEDCO after true TANGEDCO after true
up up up up up
HT Industries IA 8,848 8,848 8,991 8,991 10,804 10,804 9,874 9,874 7,989 7,989
Railway Traction IB 832 832 839 839 894 894 922 922 528 528
Govt. Educational
Institutions, Hospitals, IIA 1,408 1,408 1,382 1,382 1,457 1,457 1,526 1,526 1,423 1,423
Water supply etc.
Private Educational
Institutions, Cinema IIB 340 340 344 344 346 346 360 360 160 160
Theatres & Studios
Actual places of public
worship, Mutts and IIC - - - - - - - - - -
Religious Institutions.
HT Commercial and all
Categories not covered III 1,710 1,710 1,717 1,717 1,987 1,987 2,131 2,131 1,384 1,384
in other HT categories
Lift Irrigation and
IV 6 6 7 7 14 14 17 17 19 19
Cooperative Societies
Temporary Supply V 68 68 48 48 37 37 37 37 23 23
Supply to Puducherry 177 - 181 - 137 - - - - -
Sales to Other States
35 - 17 - 992 - - - - -
Total HT 13,423 13,211 13,527 13,328 16,667 15,538 14,867 14,867 11,525 11,525

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FY 2016-17 FY 2017-18 FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21

Category of Tariff Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved
Consumer Category TANGEDCO after true TANGEDCO after true TANGEDCO after true TANGEDCO after true TANGEDCO after true
up up up up up
Domestic, IA
24,681 24,681 25,815 25,815 26,996 26,996 28,650 28,650 30,390 30,390
Handloom, etc.
Huts in Village
panchayats, IB 452 493 391 492 427 492 491 489 393 434
Bulk Supply IC 10 10 11 11 9 9 9 9 9 9
Public Lighting and
Public Water IIA 2,405 2,405 2,247 2,247 2,282 2,282 2,304 2,304 2,403 2,403
Supply & Sewerage
Govt. Educational
IIB (1) 154 154 160 160 169 169 182 182 126 126
Hospitals, Water
supply etc.
Private Educational
Institutions, Cinema IIB (2) 277 277 270 270 267 267 272 272 132 132
theatre & Studios
Actual place of
public worship,
IIC 129 129 135 135 136 136 141 141 112 112
Mutts and Religious
Cottage and Tiny IIIA (1)
271 271 282 282 296 296 302 302 305 305
Power loom IIIA (2) 967 967 957 957 1,023 1,023 1,057 1,057 898 898
Coffee grinding and
Ice factories etc.
and Other Industries IIIB 6,643 6,643 6,805 6,805 7,281 7,281 7,315 7,315 6,925 6,925
not covered under
LT Tariff IIIA
Agriculture and
IV 11,727 10,711 11,250 11,016 13,064 13,135 13,811 13,395 13,956 13,727
Govt. seed farm etc.

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FY 2016-17 FY 2017-18 FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21

Category of Tariff Approved Approved Approved Approved Approved
Consumer Category TANGEDCO after true TANGEDCO after true TANGEDCO after true TANGEDCO after true TANGEDCO after true
up up up up up
Commercial and all
categories not
covered under IA,
IB, IC, V 6,734 6,734 7,169 7,169 7,289 7,289 7,725 7,725 6,199 6,199
Temp. supply (a)
Lighting and
installations, (b) VI 182 182 193 193 221 221 266 266 248 248
Total LT 54,632 53,658 55,687 55,554 59,460 59,595 62,524 62,107 62,097 61,908
Grand Total 68,055 66,869 69,214 68,882 76,127 75,133 77,391 76,974 73,622 73,434

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3.3.1 TANGEDCO meets its energy requirements from its own generating stations,
purchases from central generating stations, IPPs and other sources.
3.3.2 TANGEDCO has submitted its audited accounts for FY 2016-17, FY 2017-18, FY
2018-19, FY 2019-20 and FY 2020-21. As part of the monthly MIS reporting, the
licensee has also submitted actual energy available from various sources.
3.3.3 Based on the information available from the audited accounts and MIS reports, the
Commission in this Section has analysed the performance of TANGEDCO’s own
generating stations. The source wise availability of energy has been discussed first for
TANGEDCO’s own generating stations and then for other sources which includes
Central Generating Stations, IPPs, Renewable sources etc.

A. Own Generation
3.3.4 Based on Plant Load Factor (PLF) and Auxiliary Consumption discussed
subsequently in this Order, the net generation from own stations from FY 2016-17 to
FY 2020-21 as submitted by TANGEDCO is shown in the Table below:
Table 3-2: Energy availability from own stations as submitted by TANGEDCO (MU)
Sl. Station FY 2016-17 FY 2017-18 FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21
1 Ennore TPS 144 - - - -

2 Tuticorin TPS 5,090 4,813 5,808 4,864 3,776

3 Mettur TPS I 5,240 4,667 5,314 4,226 3,241
4 Mettur TPS II 3,213 2,273 2,935 2,413 1,316
5 North Chennai TPS 3,366 3,824 3,633 3,046 2,514
North Chennai Stage
6 5,912 5,447 6,285 5,282 3,356
Total Thermal 22,964 21,024 23,975 19,831 14,204
1 Tirumakottai GTPS 311 266 225 239 178
2 Kuttalam GTPS 336 310 368 121 452

3 Basin Bridge GTPS 11 6 0 1 -

4 Valathur GTPS 905 1,198 1,126 1,221 955
Total Gas 1,562 1,780 1,719 1,582 1,585

Hydro 2,473 3,041 5,451 4,944 5,365

Wind 6 7 6 4 4

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Sl. Station FY 2016-17 FY 2017-18 FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21

Grand Total 27,006 25,852 31,151 26,362 21,159

Commission’s Views
3.3.5 Energy availability from generating stations is dependent on operational parameters,
viz., PLF and Auxiliary consumption. For the purpose of truing up, to estimate energy
availability from own generating stations, the Commission has approved
TANGEDCO’s submission after verifying the same with the Audited Accounts, as
shown in the Table below:
Table 3-3: Energy Availability from own generating stations approved by the
Commission after true-up (MU)
Sl. Station FY 2016- FY 2017- FY 2018- FY 2019- FY 2020-
17 18 19 20 21
1 Ennore TPS 163 - - - -
2 Tuticorin TPS 5,076 4,801 5,770 4,853 3,781
3 Mettur TPS 5,244 4,673 5,314 4,226 3,243
4 Mettur Stage III
3,154 2,243 2,885 2,376 1,298
5 North Chennai TPS 3,383 3,847 3,659 3,089 2,567
North Chennai
6 5,839 5,360 6,142 5,190 3,343
Stage II TPS
Total Thermal 22,859 20,925 23,770 19,733 14,232
1 Tirumakottai
327 284 245 239 179
2 Kuttalam GTPS 353 329 386 121 452
3 Basin Bridge
11 6 0 1 -
4 Valathur GTPS 909 1,201 1,132 1,221 955
Total Gas 1,599 1,820 1,762 1,582 1,585
Hydro 2,492 3,047 5,447 4,806 5,188
Wind 6 7 6 4 4
Total 26,956 25,799 30,985 26,126 21,009

B. Power Purchase from Other Sources

3.3.6 TANGEDCO submitted the power purchase from outside/other sources for the period
from FY 2016-17 to FY 2020-21 after excluding wheeling units, as shown in the
following Table:

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Table 3-4: Energy availability from Other Sources as submitted by TANGEDCO (MU)
FY 2016- FY 2017- FY 2018- FY 2019- FY 2020-
17 18 19 20 21
CGS 33,176 30,986 30,404 28,436 29,331

IPPs 2,071 1,762 2,231 2,367 1,192

Captive &
Nonconventional 6,278 6,701 7,843 9,097 10,148
Other sources
(Trading/Bilateral 19,164 22,506 24,077 28,481 26,559
Total 60,689 61,955 64,556 68,381 67,230
Commission’s Views
3.3.7 The Commission has verified the details of power purchase from other sources from
the audited accounts of respective years. For the purpose of truing up, the Commission
has approved total energy availability from other sources as submitted by
TANGEDCO, as shown in the Table below:
Table 3-5: Energy availability from Other sources approved by the Commission after
true-up (MU)
FY 2016- FY 2017- FY 2018- FY 2019- FY 2020-
17 18 19 20 21
CGS 33,176 30,986 30,404 28,436 29,331
IPPs 2,071 1,762 2,231 2,367 1,192
Captive &
Nonconventional 6,278 6,701 7,843 9,097 10,148
Other sources
(Trading/Bilateral 19,164 22,506 24,077 28,481 26,559
Total 60,689 61,955 64,556 68,381 67,230

C. Summary of total energy availability

3.3.8 Based on the approval given above, the summary of total energy available to
TANGEDCO for each year during FY 2016-17 to FY 2020-21 is shown in the Table

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Table 3-6: Total Energy availability for TANGEDCO approved by the Commission
after true up (MU)
FY 2016- FY 2017- FY 2018- FY 2019- FY 2020-
17 18 19 20 21
Own Generation 26,956 25,799 30,985 26,126 21,009
CGS 33,176 30,986 30,404 28,436 29,331

IPPs 6,278 6,701 7,843 9,097 10,148

Captive &
Nonconventional 2,071 1,762 2,231 2,367 1,192
Other sources
(Trading/Bilateral 19,164 22,506 24,077 28,481 26,559
Total 87,645 87,753 95,541 94,507 88,240


3.4.1 TANGEDCO submitted the Energy Balance statement for the period from FY 2016-
17 to FY 2020-21 excluding wheeling units, as shown in the following Table:
Table 3-7: Energy Balance as submitted by TANGEDCO (MU)
FY 2016- FY 2017- FY 2018- FY 2019- FY 2020-
17 18 19 20 21
Total Energy Required 87,366 87,399 95,334 94,357 88,099
PGCIL Losses 609 691 587 790 1,721
Total Energy Available at State
86,757 86,708 94,747 93,567 86,378
Intra State Transmission losses 4,184 4,176 4,364 4,301 3,369
Intra State Transmission losses
4.82% 4.82% 4.61% 4.60% 3.90%
HT Sales 110 kV & 230 kV Sales
3,262 3,204 3,443 3,252 2,253
Energy Available at Distribution
79,311 79,328 86,940 86,014 80,757
Total LT Sales (MU) 54,632 55,687 59,460 62,524 62,097
Total HT Sales (MU) 13,423 13,527 16,667 14,867 11,525
Total Sales 68,055 69,214 76,127 77,391 73,622
Sales at Distribution Network 64,793 66,010 72,683 74,139 71,369
Distribution Losses 14,517 13,318 14,256 11,875 9,388
Distribution Losses (%) 18.30% 16.79% 16.40% 13.81% 11.62%

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Commission’s Views
3.4.2 For FY 2016-17 to FY 2018-19, the transmission and distribution losses have been
separately approved by the Commission in previous tariff order dated 11 August 2017.
The same is now taken for calculation of energy balance.
3.4.3 For FY 2019-20 onwards, a 0.30 percentage point annual decrease is assumed, as the
same reduction was part of annual distribution loss approved by the Commission for
past years, in previous tariff order dated 11 August 2017.
3.4.4 Considering the above, and submission of TANGEDCO, the following energy
balance has been arrived at.
Table 3-8: Energy Balance approved by the Commission after true-up for FY 2016-17
to FY 2020-21 (MU)
Particulars Unit FY 2016- FY 2017- FY 2018- FY 2019- FY 2020-
17 18 19 20 21
Total Sales MU 66,869 68,882 75,133 76,974 73,434
Additional Power
MU - - - - -
for Kadamparai
Total Energy MU
66,869 68,882 75,133 76,974 73,434
T&D losses % 17.13% 16.53% 16.15% 15.85% 15.55%
T&D Losses MU 13,824 13,644 14,466 14,493 13,517
Energy required at
MU 80,692 82,526 89,599 91,467 86,951
State boundary
PGCIL Losses [only
on inter-State % 0.70% 0.79% 0.62% 0.84% 1.95%
purchase quantum]
PGCIL Losses [only
on inter-State MU 321 382 339 457 929
purchase quantum]
Power Purchase
MU 81,014 82,908 89,938 91,924 87,880

3.4.5 Based on the power purchase and availability approved above, the Power Purchase
quantum allowed by the Commission after true-up for the period from FY 2016-17 to
FY 2020-21, is shown in the Table below:

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Table 3-9: Power Purchase Quantum allowed after true-up for the period from FY
2016-17 to FY 2020-21 (MU)
Particulars Legend
. 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
Total Power Purchase
1 A 81,014 82,908 89,938 91,924 87,880
Energy Purchased from
2 B.1 26,956 25,799 30,985 26,126 21,009
own sources
Energy Purchased from
3 B.2 33,176 30,986 30,404 28,436 29,331
Energy Purchase from
4 B.3 6,278 6,701 7,843 9,097 10,148
renewable sources
5 Energy purchase from IPP B.4 2,071 1,762 2,231 2,367 1,192
Energy purchase from
6 B.5 19,164 22,506 24,077 28,481 26,559
Total Power
Purchase/availability as
7 B* 87,645 87,753 95,541 94,507 88,240
8 C = BA 6,632 4,845 5,603 2,582 360
*B= B1+B2+B3+B4+B5


3.5.1 TANGEDCO submitted that it has considered the Fixed Cost for its Generating
Stations and Distribution function on the basis of the TNERC (Terms and Conditions
for Determination of Tariff) Regulations, 2005 and Audited Accounts for FY 2016-
17 to FY 2020-21.
3.5.2 The Fixed Costs are categorized under the following heads:
i. Operation and Maintenance Expenses
ii. Depreciation
iii. Interest and Finance Charges
iv. Return on Equity
v. Interest on Working Capital
vi. Other Debits
vii. Operating Charges and Extra Ordinary Items
viii. Prior Period Items
ix. Non- Tariff Income and Other Income

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3.6.1 The Operation and Maintenance expense includes actual expenses incurred by
TANGEDCO towards Employee Expenses, Administrative and General Expenses
(A&G) and Repair and Maintenance Expenses (R&M).
3.6.2 TANGEDCO submitted that the O&M expenses claimed in the true up for generation
and distribution function for the period from FY 2016-17 to FY 2020-21 are based on
Audited Accounts for the respective years, after excluding O&M costs incurred
towards TANGEDCO’s wind farms and upcoming thermal power plants.
3.6.3 TANGEDCO requested the Commission to allow the Audited O&M expenses
incurred by the Generation and Distribution function for the period from FY 2016-17
to FY 2020-21
3.6.4 TANGEDCO has submitted that there is an increase in employee expenses, mainly
on account of wage revisions, inflations, etc. which are beyond the control of
TANGEDCO. TANGEDCO has also submitted that they have tried to minimize
R&M expenses in spite of the substantial age of most assets.
3.6.5 The plant-wise actual O&M expenses as submitted by TANGEDCO are shown in the
Table below:
Table 3-10: O&M Expenses as submitted by TANGEDCO (Rs. Crore)
Sl. Power Station FY 2016- FY 2017- FY 2018- FY 2019- FY 2020-
17 18 19 20 21
1 Ennore TPS 126.55 72.89
2 Tuticorin TPS 256.09 253.23 275.06 321.90 286.30
3 Mettur TPS II 230.00 233.87 242.89 229.36 217.38
4 North Chennai TPS 297.58 259.08 249.83 226.62 232.63
5 Mettur TPS 110.53 122.73 159.85 133.91 101.25
6 NCTPS Stage II 192.37 223.44 267.34 218.18 216.86
7 Tirumakottai GTPS 13.74 11.19 12.73 11.52 13.16
8 Kuttalam GTPS 10.51 127.65 13.28 32.09 23.11
9 Basin Bridge GTPS 9.01 11.18 10.66 10.62 10.00
10 Valuthur GTPS 11.09 20.63 29.73 30.87 29.34
11 Erode HEP 59.87 65.10 71.84 76.27 69.79
12 Kadamparai HEP 31.13 26.36 39.82 45.54 43.79
13 Kundah HEP 50.66 60.28 67.16 59.78 76.27
14 Tirunelveli HEP 46.85 51.16 69.48 80.11 77.52
15 Total Generation 1,445.99 1,538.79 1,509.68 1,476.77 1,397.41

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Sl. Power Station FY 2016- FY 2017- FY 2018- FY 2019- FY 2020-

17 18 19 20 21
16 Distribution 5,265.66 7,070.10 8,304.65 8,178.73 8,448.02
17 Total TANGEDCO 6,711.65 8,608.89 9,814.33 9,655.50 9,845.43

Commission’s Views

A. Employee Expenses
3.6.6 In accordance with the TNERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff)
Regulations, 2005, employee expenses except DA has been escalated at 5.72% to
arrive at employee expenses of each year.
3.6.7 As per the TNERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff) Regulations,
2005, only the increase in costs due to inflation is required to be passed through in
tariff. DA percentage notified by the GoTN is dependent on inflation and hence,
increase in employee costs to the extent of DA variation has been allowed as a pass
through in tariff. Therefore, the DA rates notified by GoTN have been used for
estimating the DA instead of taking an escalation of 5.72% as per the TNERC (Terms
and Conditions for Determination of Tariff) Regulations, 2005. The DA rate
applicable is given in the Table below:
Table 3-11: Applicable DA rates considered by the Commission

Year Effective Date Rate of DA Months

1.1.2022 31% 3
1.1.2020 17% 9
FY21 1.1.2020 17% 12
1.7.2019 17% 9
1.1.2019 12% 3
1.1.2019 12% 3
FY19 1.7.2018 9% 6
1.1.2018 7% 3
1.1.2018 7% 3
FY18 1.7.2017 5% 6
1.1.2017 4% 3
1.1.2017 4% 3
1.7.2016 2% 3
1.7.2016(Before wage
132% 6
3.6.8 Further, impact of wage revision in FY 2016-17 implemented in FY 2017-18 has also
been taken into consideration.

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3.6.9 For Ennore TPS, expenses are not considered beyond FY 2017-18.

B. Repair and Maintenance (R&M) Expenses

3.6.10 For approving R&M expenses, the Commission has adopted the same approach as
specified in the TNERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff)
Regulations, 2005, by considering escalation of 5.72% Y-o-Y.
3.6.11 For Ennore TPS, expenses are not considered beyond FY 2017-18.

C. Administrative and General (A&G) Expenses

3.6.12 For approving R&M expenses, the Commission has adopted the same approach as
specified in the TNERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff)
Regulations, 2005, by considering escalation of 5.72% Y-o-Y.
3.6.13 For Ennore TPS, expenses are not considered beyond FY 2017-18.
3.6.14 The O&M expenses approved by the Commission after true-up for the period from
FY 2016-17 to FY 2020-21 is shown in the Tables below:

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Table 3-12: O&M expenses approved by the Commission after true-up for the period from FY 2016-17 to FY 2020-21
(Rs. Crore)
FY 2016-17 FY 2017-18 FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21

Particulars Approved Approved Approved

Approved after Approved after
true up true up
up up up
Ennore TPS 127 124 73 73 - - - - - -
Tuticorin TPS 256 256 253 251 275 244 322 264 286 278
Mettur TPS II 111 100 123 122 160 131 134 140 101 148
North Chennai TPS 298 282 259 256 250 234 227 218 233 229
Mettur TPS 230 229 234 234 243 225 229 239 217 247
NCTPS Stage II 192 111 223 121 267 131 218 134 217 101
14 13 11 11 13 12 12 12 13 13
Kuttalam GTPS 11 10 128 4 13 5 32 5 23 6
Basin Bridge
9 8 11 9 11 10 11 10 10 10
Valuthur Unit-I 11 11 21 15 30 16 31 18 29 19
Erode HEP 60 55 65 62 72 66 76 71 70 74
Kadamparai HEP 31 30 26 26 40 29 46 32 44 33
Kundah HEP 51 51 60 58 67 63 60 62 76 64
Tirunelveli HEP 47 46 51 48 69 53 80 57 78 60
Grand Total
1,446 1,326 1,539 1,291 1,510 1,219 1,477 1,264 1,397 1,282

Distribution 5,266 5,230 7,070 7,043 8,305 7,638 8,179 8,272 8,448 8,708
Generation +
6,712 6,657 8,609 8,334 9,814 8,856 9,656 9,536 9,845 9,990
Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (TANGEDCO) True-Up, ARR and Tariff Order, 2022

3.6.15 TANGEDCO has claimed expenses under the head of Operating Charges, the details
of which have been shown subsequently. As TNERC (Terms and Conditions for
Determination of Tariff) Regulations, 2005 do not allow any separate expenses over
and above the specified expenses, the Commission has not allowed Operating Charges
as sought by TANGEDCO.


3.7.1 TANGEDCO submitted that the expenditure incurred in each power station is on
account of regular works like replacement of worn-out machinery, damaged
equipment, transformers, boilers, generators, stators, auxiliary equipment, etc., which
are necessary works to be carried out for effective and efficient working of the power
3.7.2 The expenditure incurred for the Distribution function during the respective years is
on account of regular works carried out, which were necessary for efficient working
of the distribution system. The works carried out for the distribution function are
mainly on account of addition of LT and HT lines, distribution transformers, services
rendered during the respective years, and works carried out under RGGVY scheme.
3.7.3 TANGEDCO further submitted that the additional capitalization during the respective
years is in line with Regulation 19 of the TNERC (Terms and Conditions for
Determination of Tariff) Regulations, 2005, which have been incurred for efficient
and successful operation of the Generating Stations and Distribution Network.
Table 3-13: CAPEX and Capitalization submitted by TANGEDCO (Rs. crore)
Total Total Total
Particulars Year
Generation Distribution TANGEDCO
Capital Expenditure FY 2016-17 408 4,089 4,498
FY 2017-18 567 3,592 4,159
FY 2018-19 398 3,958 4,355
FY 2019-20 656 4,032 4,688
FY 2020-21 271 4,289 4,561
Capitalization FY 2016-17 1,478 2,458 3,936
FY 2017-18 291 1,736 2,028
FY 2018-19 1,240 2,121 3,361
FY 2019-20 272 1,799 2,071
FY 2020-21 385 4,612 4,996
Commission’s Views
3.7.4 Considering that the CAPEX and capitalization refers to actual expenditure incurred,
the Commission approves the same as below.
Table 3-14: CAPEX and Capitalization approved by ERC (Rs. crore)

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Total Total Total

Particulars Year
Generation Distribution TANGEDCO
Capital Expenditure FY 2016-17 408 4,089 4,498
FY 2017-18 567 3,592 4,159
FY 2018-19 398 3,958 4,355
FY 2019-20 656 4,032 4,688
FY 2020-21 271 4,289 4,561
Capitalization FY 2016-17 1,478 2,458 3,936
FY 2017-18 291 1,736 2,028
FY 2018-19 1,240 2,121 3,361
FY 2019-20 272 1,799 2,071
FY 2020-21 385 4,612 4,996

3.8.1 TANGEDCO submitted that the opening gross block for each generating station and
for distribution function for the period from FY 2016-17 to FY 2020-21 has been
considered as available in the Audited Accounts of respective years without
considering the effect of revaluation reserve. The actual asset additions during the
year have been considered as per audited figures during the period from FY 2016-17
to FY 2020-21 .
3.8.2 The depreciation claimed by TANGEDCO during the year is based on the actual
depreciation reflecting in accounts for FY 2016-17 to FY 2020-21, which in turn is
calculated on the basis of Commission approved depreciation rates for each asset class
and computed on the opening GFA of that particular year.
3.8.3 TANGEDCO further submitted that it has used the weighted average depreciation
rate for the particular group of assets based on depreciation rates specified in the
TNERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff) Regulations, 2005. The
depreciation calculated is in line with Regulation 24 of the TNERC (Terms and
Conditions for Determination of Tariff) Regulations, 2005.
3.8.4 The actual generating station-wise depreciation for the period from FY 2016-17 to
FY 2020-21 as submitted by TANGEDCO is shown in the Table below:
Table 3-15: Depreciation as submitted by TANGEDCO (Rs. Crore)
FY 2016- FY 2017- FY 2018- FY 2019- FY 2020-
Sl. Power Station
17 18 19 20 21
1 Ennore TPS 37.16 - - - -
2 Tuticorin TPS 58.06 65.06 81.62 84.51 86.87
3 Mettur TPS II 30.94 34.17 36.21 37.19 38.12
North Chennai
4 60.64 76.88 78.78 80.53 83.99

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FY 2016- FY 2017- FY 2018- FY 2019- FY 2020-

Sl. Power Station
17 18 19 20 21
5 Mettur TPS 182.61 211.13 233.68 251.02 251.61
6 NCTPS Stage II 432.32 436.92 442.69 455.53 450.92
7 19.52 20.00 20.14 20.22 20.26
8 Kuttalam GTPS 24.45 24.97 26.39 27.61 28.15
Basin Bridge
9 2.39 0.96 2.61 2.61 2.61
10 Valuthur GTPS 50.85 51.14 51.33 51.37 51.37
11 Erode HEP 54.94 78.90 110.25 111.09 111.89
12 Kadamparai HEP 12.42 12.57 12.67 16.68 18.38
13 Kundah HEP 53.83 54.42 42.54 42.39 42.81
14 Tirunelveli HEP 30.13 30.59 37.15 40.14 42.10
15 1,050.25 1,097.68 1,176.06 1,220.89 1,229.08
16 Distribution 807.02 964.33 1,126.56 1,405.70 1,539.37
17 1,857.26 2,062.01 2,302.62 2,626.60 2,768.44
Commission’s Views
3.8.5 While approving the depreciation for the period from FY 2016-17 to FY 2020-21 the
opening GFA (excluding land) for each generating station for FY 2016-17 has been
considered same as the closing GFA for FY 2015-16 as approved in the previous tariff
3.8.6 TANGEDCO has already submitted that the claimed depreciation is excluding the
impact of revaluation.
3.8.7 In order to determine depreciation, the Commission has used the weighted average
depreciation rate for any particular asset group arrived based on depreciation rates
specified in the TNERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff)
Regulations, 2005.

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Table 3-16: Depreciation approved by the Commission after true-up for the period from FY 2016-17 to FY 2020-21
(Rs. Crore)
FY 2016-17 FY 2017-18 FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21

Particulars Approved Approved Approved

Approved after Approved after
true up true up
up up up
Ennore TPS 37.16 37.25 - - - - - - - -
Tuticorin TPS 58.06 57.91 65.06 65.15 81.62 81.50 84.51 84.53 86.87 86.87
Mettur TPS II 182.61 182.70 211.13 211.02 233.68 233.70 251.02 250.93 251.61 251.61
North Chennai TPS 60.64 60.69 76.88 76.99 78.78 78.83 80.53 80.33 83.99 83.99
Mettur TPS 30.94 30.94 34.17 34.17 36.21 36.21 37.19 37.19 38.12 38.12
NCTPS Stage II 432.32 432.55 436.92 436.76 442.69 442.92 455.53 455.60 450.92 450.92
19.52 19.47 20.00 20.03 20.14 20.18 20.22 20.21 20.26 20.26
Kuttalam GTPS 24.45 24.47 24.97 24.93 26.39 26.43 27.61 27.60 28.15 28.15
Basin Bridge
2.39 2.33 0.96 0.87 2.61 2.63 2.61 2.63 2.61 2.61
Valuthur Unit-I 50.85 50.81 51.14 51.13 51.33 51.40 51.37 51.29 51.37 51.37
Erode HEP 54.94 55.00 78.90 79.01 110.25 110.19 111.09 111.03 111.89 111.89
Kadamparai HEP 12.42 12.42 12.57 12.55 12.67 12.70 16.68 16.71 18.38 18.38
Kundah HEP 53.83 53.79 54.42 54.39 42.54 42.48 42.39 42.44 42.81 42.81
Tirunelveli HEP 30.13 30.10 30.59 30.58 37.15 37.15 40.14 40.09 42.10 42.10
Grand Total
1,050.26 1,050.44 1,097.71 1,097.57 1,176.06 1,176.30 1,220.89 1,220.58 1,229.08 1,229.08
Distribution 807.02 769.96 964.33 935.32 1,126.56 1,087.76 1,405.70 1,367.10 1,539.37 1,539.37
Generation +
1,857.26 1,820.40 2,062.01 2,032.89 2,302.62 2,264.06 2,626.60 2,587.68 2,768.44 2,768.45
Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (TANGEDCO) True-Up, ARR and Tariff Order, 2022


3.9.1 TANGEDCO submitted that the loan from Financial Institutions as shown in the
books of accounts is not linked with any particular generating plant or the capex
schemes, as the erstwhile TNEB used to have a basket of loans, which was used to
meet the total capital expenditure of erstwhile TNEB. Hence, it is difficult to identify
the debt / interest and equity of the generating plant or distribution function separately.
3.9.2 TANGEDCO further submitted that the interest and finance charges claimed are with
respect to the interest and finance charges reflecting in the individual balance sheet of
each station for generating function and consolidated interest and finance charges
figure reflecting in balance sheet of each of the 39 distribution circles of TANGEDCO
for distribution function.
Table 3-17: Interest and Finance charges as submitted by TANGEDCO (Rs. Crore)
Sl. Particulars FY 2016-17 FY 2017-18 FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21
1 Ennore TPS 191.10 - - - -
2 Tuticorin TPS 420.52 613.70 275.06 321.90 286.30
3 Mettur TPS II 260.99 365.56 242.89 229.36 217.38
4 North Chennai TPS 430.69 633.27 249.83 226.62 232.63
5 Mettur TPS 728.09 149.55 159.85 133.91 101.25
6 NCTPS Stage II 1,221.78 150.51 267.34 218.18 216.86
7 Tirumakottai GTPS 95.07 147.30 12.73 11.52 13.16
8 Kuttalam GTPS 103.69 122.55 13.28 32.09 23.11
9 Basin Bridge GTPS 113.41 167.23 10.66 10.62 10.00
10 Valuthur GTPS 129.71 177.86 29.73 30.87 29.34
11 Erode HEP 385.75 222.26 71.84 76.27 69.79
12 Kadamparai HEP 75.89 137.68 39.82 45.54 43.79
13 Kundah HEP 198.03 292.37 67.16 59.78 76.27
14 Tirunelveli HEP 116.34 204.74 69.48 80.11 77.52
15 Total Generation 4,279.96 3,384.58 1,509.68 1,476.77 1,397.41
16 Distribution 2,611.98 2,443.75 8,304.65 8,178.73 8,448.02
17 Total
7,986.45 6,689.72 9,814.33 9,655.50 9,845.43

Commission’s Views
A. Interest on Loan
3.9.3 The Commission notes the suggestion of TANGEDCO regarding the need for
revision in the manner of determination of interest expenses. There is a point in the

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contention of TANGEDCO that it suffers heavily on account of interest disallowance,

whereas the scenario has resulted from legacy issues.
3.9.4 At the same time, interest expenses will have to be allowed to be recovered in a
prudent manner. The entire loan portfolio of TANGEDCO cannot in any case be
approved as it is, due to concerns on lending of long term loans to meet revenue
3.9.5 Considering that a methodology has already been arrived at the at time of previous
tariff order which has got finality, the Commission does not desire to change the
methodology for the purpose of true up. However, for FY 2021-22 onwards, a new
methodology is proposed, which is detailed in subsequent sections.
3.9.6 Meanwhile, for the purpose of true-up, the Commission has decided to approve
interest expenses as per the methodology defined in previous tariff order. As IDC is
not separately allowed, no further deduction for the same has been made.
Table 3-18: Loan and Interest Expenses approved by the Commission (Rs. crore)
Particulars FY 2016-17 FY 2017-18 FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21
Opening Loan 38,578.87 42,514.75 44,542.60 47,903.13 49,973.92
Add: Addition for
3,935.88 2,027.85 3,360.53 2,070.79 4,996.40
Add: Addition for
loan repayment of 3,857.89 3,472.10 3,124.89 2,812.40 2,531.16
existing loans
Add: Repayment
393.59 596.37 932.43 1,139.51 1,639.15
of new loans
Less: Loan
4,251.48 4,068.47 4,057.31 3,951.90 4,170.30
Closing loan 42,514.75 44,542.60 47,903.13 49,973.92 54,970.32
Average loan 40,546.81 43,528.68 46,222.87 48,938.53 52,472.12
Interest expenses 4,058.74 4,013.34 4,113.83 4,580.65 4,748.73
Interest rate 10.01% 9.22% 8.90% 9.36% 9.05%

3.9.7 As there is no proper station wise loan portfolio, the above determined interest is
allocated among the stations in the ratio of interest estimated by TANGEDCO.
Table 3-19: Break up of Interest Expenses approved by the Commission after true-up
for the period from FY 2016-17 to FY 2020-21 (Rs. Crore)
Power Station FY 2016- FY 2017- FY 2018-
FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21
17 18 19
Ennore TPS 155 - - - -

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Power Station FY 2016- FY 2017- FY 2018-

FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21
17 18 19
Tuticorin TPS 461 423 412 450 434
Mettur TPS II 59 103 116 142 177
North Chennai TPS 467 436 433 473 460
Mettur TPS 271 252 248 271 261
NCTPS II 1 104 148 192 262
Tirumakottai GTPS 109 101 100 109 106
Kuttalam GTPS 89 84 83 91 90
Basin Bridge GTPS 88 115 126 148 163
Valuthur Unit-I 123 122 124 138 138
Erode HEP - (incl.
Bhavani Barrage
155 153 159 170 187
and Bhavani
Kadamparai HEP 104 95 92 100 94
Kundah HEP 208 201 204 223 221
Tirunelveli HEP
157 141 137 146 140
(incl - Periyar)
Total Generation 2,446 2,331 2,383 2,653 2,734
Total Distribution 1,613 1,683 1,731 1,927 2,015
4,059 4,013 4,114 4,581 4,749
B. Other Finance Charges
3.9.8 Other Finance Charges comprise interest on consumers’ security deposit and other
charges such as cost of raising finance, and bank charges.
3.9.9 The interest on consumer security deposit approved by the Commission is shown in
the Table below:
Table 3-20: Interest on Consumer Security Deposit approved by the Commission after
true-up for the period from FY 2016-17 to FY 2020-21 (Rs. Crore)
Particulars FY 2016- FY 2017- FY 2018- FY 2019- FY 2020-
17 18 19 20 21
Interest on Security
482.66 509.03 586.50 523.34 461.04

3.9.10 The Commission has approved Other Finance Charges such as cost of raising finance,
bank charges, etc., as shown in the Audited Accounts for the period from FY 2016-
17 to FY 2020-21. In accordance with the approach adopted in the Suo-Motu Order

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dated December 11, 2014, other interest as shown in Schedule 12 of the Audited
Accounts has not been allowed while approving the Other Finance Charges.
Table 3-21: Other Finance Charges approved by the Commission after true-up for the
period from FY 2016-17 to FY 2020-21 (Rs. Crore)
Sl. Particulars FY 2016- FY 2017- FY 2018- FY 2019- FY 2020-
17 18 19 20 21
1 Other Finance
934.80 765.00 826.00 970.10 953.53


3.10.1 TANGEDCO submitted that the total equity balance as on March 31, 2011 has been
bifurcated into generation and distribution function based on the opening balance of
GFA allocated to generation and distribution function. TANGEDCO has further
allocated equity for generation function into plant wise based on opening gross block
for each of the plant. The additions and deductions during the year for the period from
FY 2016-17 to FY 2020-21 have been considered by TANGEDCO as per actuals.
3.10.2 TANGEDCO submitted that it has considered rate of return on equity at 14% based
on the TNERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff) Regulations, 2005
and RoE has been calculated on the average equity balance of each generating station
and distribution function.
3.10.3 TANGEDCO further submitted that the Commission in its last Tariff Order
disallowed RoE on the grounds that loan borrowing is more than the capital
expenditure incurred. TANGEDCO submitted that the Utility is entitled for RoE on
the amount invested every year to carry out future capacity additions, in accordance
with Regulation 21 of the TNERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff)
Regulations, 2005 reproduced below:
“21. Debt-Equity Ratio

For the purpose of determination of tariff, debt-equity ratio as on the

date of commercial operation of Generating Station and transmission
projects, sub-station, distribution lines or capacity expanded after the
notification of these Regulations shall be 70:30. Where equity employed
is more than 30% the amount of equity shall be limited to 30% and the
balance amount shall be considered as loans, advanced at the weighted
average rate of interest and for weighted average tenor of the long term
debt component of the investment”

“Provided that in case of a Generating Company or other licensees,

where actual equity employed is less than 30%, the actual debt and

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equity shall be considered for determination of return on equity in tariff

3.10.4 TANGEDCO also submitted that the cost of equity is always higher than the cost of
finance and depriving TANGEDCO of RoE of 14% is resulting in additional cost
burden on the cash starved Utility.
3.10.5 TANGEDCO submitted that it has claimed RoE based on the opening balance of
actual equity reflected in the Audited Accounts of FY 2016-17 to FY 2020-21 and
requested that RoE may be allowed on the grounds that actual equity is being infused
in the TANGEDCO system during that respective year. RoE claimed by TANGEDCO
in truing up for the period from FY 2016-17 to FY 2020-21 has been shown in the
Table below:
Table 3-22: Return on Equity as claimed by TANGEDCO (Rs. Crore)
Sl. Particulars FY 2016-17 FY 2017-18 FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21
1 Ennore TPS
2 Tuticorin TPS 17.75 40.7 46.68 48.56 50.04
3 Mettur TPS II 19.93 45.86 56.72 61.74 62
4 North
21.22 48.87 56.02 59.46 63.00
Chennai TPS
5 Mettur TPS 11.38 26.078 29.81 30.700 31.28
6 NCTPS Stage
41.69 95.37 110.89 114.51 118.11
7 Tirumakottai
4.81 10.99 12.39 12.41 12.41
8 Kuttalam
4.36 9.98 11.78 12.37 12.44
9 Basin Bridge
15.88 36.25 40.75 40.75 40.75
10 Valuthur
8.35 19.08 21.5 21.53 21.53
11 Erode HEP 11.36 26.86 43.23 55.46 55.8
12 Kadamparai
3.64 8.33 9.92 11.27 12.49
13 Kundah HEP 11.78 26.91 30.45 30.66 32.31
14 Tirunelveli
5.16 11.27 14.34 16.78 17.84
15 Total
177.33 406.54 484.45 516.2 529.99
16 Distribution 139.3 321.77 409.49 491.8 626.42

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Sl. Particulars FY 2016-17 FY 2017-18 FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21

17 Total
316.62 728.31 893.94 1,008.00 1,156.41
Commission’s Views
3.10.6 In the Suo-Motu Order dated December 11, 2014, the Commission has stated the
following reason for disallowing RoE to TANGEDCO:
“3.106 In last year order Commission has not considered the equity
requirement while approving the funding requirement of capital
expenditure. This stand was taken because Commission is of the view
that TANGEDCO is mixing the revenue account with capital account
and the equity approved may be again diverted to revenue account. This
can also be observed from TANGEDCO audited accounts wherein the
actual borrowings for FY 11 and FY 12 are significantly higher than
capital expenditure. TNERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination
of Tariff) Regulations, 2005 also allow the Commission for approving
the equity below the norms of 30% requirement. The relevant extracts
of the regulation are reproduced below:

“21. Debt-Equity Ratio

For the purpose of determination of tariff, debt-equity ratio as on the

date of commercial operation of Generating Station and transmission
projects, sub-station, distribution lines or capacity expanded after the
notification of these Regulations shall be 70:30. Where equity employed
is more than 30% the amount of equity shall be limited to 30% and the
balance amount shall be considered as loans, advanced at the weighted
average rate of interest and for weighted average tenor of the long term
debt component of the investment”

“Provided that in case of a Generating Company or other licensees,

where actual equity employed is less than 30%, the actual debt and
equity shall be considered for determination of return on equity in tariff

3.107 Based on the above submissions, Commission has not allowed any
return on equity due to the following reasons:

i. Commission has approved interest on total outstanding loans as

on November 2010

ii. Based on available sources of funding, equity has been diverted

towards revenue account from FY 2003 and hence the addition in equity
base as per audited accounts is on account of funding the revenue
expenditure and not for creation of capital assets.

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iii. Loans approved for funding the capital expenditure for

generating stations and distribution business during the control period
are without considering the equity

3.108 The Commission continues to take the same stand and is not

allowing any return on equity for the current tariff order also.”
3.10.7 The Suo-Motu Order of the Commission was challenged by Tamil Nadu Electricity
Consumers Association (TECA) before the Hon’ble APTEL in Appeal No. 62 and 63
of 2015. The Hon’ble APTEL in its Judgment dated March 2, 2016, upheld the Suo-
Motu Order in its entirety.
“15. The present Appeals, being Appeal Nos. 62 of 2015 and 63 of 2015,
are hereby dismissed and the impugned suo-motu tariff orders, being
SMT Order Nos. 8 of 2014 and 9 of 2014, each dated 11.12.2014,
passed by the Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory Commission, are
hereby upheld. There shall be no order as to costs.”
3.10.8 As the Suo-Motu Order of the Commission has not been further appealed before any
higher authority, it has attained finality. Hence, the Commission has adopted the same
approach while approving RoE as adopted in the earlier Orders. Funding of capital
expenditure has been considered entirely through loans and hence, no RoE has been
approved in the truing up for the period from FY 2016-17 to FY 2020-21 .


3.11.1 TANGEDCO has submitted that it has claimed normative IoWC as specified in the
TNERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff) Regulations, 2005.
However, in accordance with the past Tariff Order, the Security Deposit amount has
been excluded from the working capital requirement of Distribution for computation
of IoWC, though the same is not specified in the TNERC (Terms and Conditions for
Determination of Tariff) Regulations, 2005.
3.11.2 The IoWC claimed by TANGEDCO is shown in the Table below:
Table 3-23: Interest on Working Capital as submitted by TANGEDCO (Rs. Crore)
FY 2016- FY 2017- FY 2018- FY 2019- FY 2020-
Sl. Particulars
17 18 19 20 21
1 Ennore TPS 19.13 0 0
2 Tuticorin TPS 89.08 89.49 131.02 127.86 91.96
3 Mettur TPS 74.51 55.5 82.17 74.92 47.59
4 North Chennai
64.11 67.17 82.11 83.4 72.04

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FY 2016- FY 2017- FY 2018- FY 2019- FY 2020-

Sl. Particulars
17 18 19 20 21
5 Mettur TPS Stage
94.12 79 115.76 108.28 76.48
6 NCTPS Stage II 125.59 92.53 132.33 126.14 90.38
7 Tirumakottai
6.16 6.5 8.54 9.5 8.29
8 Kuttalam GTPS 6.49 9.64 8.87 7.64 9.31
9 Basin Bridge
4.41 5.43 6.97 8 9.07
10 Valuthur GTPS 13.61 12.57 17.4 20.13 15.01
11 Erode HEP 14.93 12.5 17.22 18.16 18.9
12 Kadamparai HEP 3.51 4.4 5.94 6.79 6.7
13 Kundah HEP 8.65 10.55 13.2 14.08 14.94
14 Tirunelveli HEP 8.83 7.28 9.77 10.97 11.04
15 Total Generation 533.13 452.56 631.3 615.87 471.71
16 Distribution 34.73 150.71 42.15 -
17 Total
533.13 487.29 782.01 658.02 471.71
Commission’s Views
3.11.3 The Commission has approved the IoWC separately for generation and distribution
function of TANGEDCO in accordance with Regulation 26 of the TNERC (Terms
and Conditions for Determination of Tariff) Regulations, 2005 as reproduced below,
and after deducting the amount of consumer security deposit from the working capital
requirement, in line with the approach adopted in the suo-motu Order.
“26. Working Capital


(2) Till such a formula is evolved, the norms for Working Capital shall
be as below:

(a) For Coal based / Lignite fired Generating Stations

i. Cost of coal or lignite for one and half month for pit head generating
stations and two months for non pit head generating stations
corresponding to the target availability;
ii. Cost of secondary fuel oil for two months corresponding to the target

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iii. Operation and Maintenance expenses for one month; iv. Maintenance
spares @ 1% of the historical cost escalated @ 6% per annum from the
date of commercial operation; and
v. Receivables equivalent to two months of fixed and variable charges for sale
of electricity calculated on target availability.

(b) For Gas Turbine / combined cycle Generating Stations

i. Fuel cost for one month corresponding to the target availability duly
taking into account the mode of operation of the Generating Station on
gas fuel and liquid fuel;
ii. Liquid fuel stock for half month;
iii. Operation and Maintenance expenses for one month; iv. Maintenance
spares @ 1% of the historical cost escalated @ 6% per annum from the
date of commercial operation; and

v. Receivables equivalent to two months of fixed and variable charges for sale
of electricity calculated on target availability.

(c)For Hydro Power Generating Stations

The working Capital shall cover:

i. Operation and Maintenance expenses for one month;
ii. Maintenance spares @ 1% of the historical cost escalated @ 6% per
annum from the date of commercial operation; and
iii. Receivables equivalent to two months of fixed charges for sale of
electricity, calculated on normative capacity index.


(d) For Distribution System

i. Operation and Maintenance expenses for one month
ii. Maintenance spares for two months based on annual requirement
considered at 1% of the gross fixed cost at the beginning of the year.
iii. Receivable equivalent to sixty days consumption charges.”

3.11.4 Further, as it is difficult to estimate the historical cost of assets for the generation
function, the Commission has approved maintenance spares at 1% of opening GFA
for respective years. The assets have been segregated between generation and
distribution function based on the GFA details submitted by TANGEDCO. The
interest rate for approving IoWC has been considered as specified in the TNERC

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(Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff) Regulations, 2005, i.e., Prime
Lending Rate of State Bank of India as on April 1st of the respective year.
3.11.5 The normative IoWC for Distribution function works out to be negative and has
hence, been considered as zero for most years.
3.11.6 IoWC approved by the Commission after true up from FY 2016-17 to FY 2020-21
has been shown in the Tables below:

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Table 3-24: Interest on Working Capital approved by the Commission after true-up for the period from FY 2016-17 to FY 2020-
21 (Rs. Crore)
FY 2016-17 FY 2017-18 FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21

Particulars Approved Approved Approved

Approved after Approved after
true up true up
up up up
Ennore TPS 19.13 14.01 - - - - - - - -
Tuticorin TPS 89.08 114.94 89.49 112.10 131.02 155.02 127.86 150.56 91.96 117.03
Mettur TPS II 74.51 66.05 55.50 50.27 82.17 69.56 74.92 68.03 47.59 42.85
North Chennai TPS 64.11 59.46 67.17 62.72 82.11 71.15 83.40 70.36 72.04 59.41
Mettur TPS 94.12 54.24 79.00 47.67 115.76 67.00 108.28 65.01 76.48 48.46
NCTPS Stage II 125.59 111.16 92.53 84.55 132.33 121.11 126.14 117.18 90.38 77.51
6.16 4.96 6.50 6.61 8.54 5.98 9.50 8.91 8.29 5.78
Kuttalam GTPS 6.49 6.36 9.64 5.23 8.87 7.17 7.64 5.89 9.31 7.40
Basin Bridge
4.41 5.72 5.43 6.17 6.97 7.32 8.00 8.08 9.07 7.99
Valuthur Unit-I 13.61 13.80 12.57 11.34 17.40 14.79 20.13 18.45 15.01 12.45
Erode HEP 14.93 10.06 12.50 9.65 17.22 12.38 18.16 13.85 18.90 13.78
Kadamparai HEP 3.51 2.97 4.40 5.63 5.94 6.87 6.79 7.21 6.70 6.95
Kundah HEP 8.65 7.76 10.55 9.22 13.20 10.76 14.08 11.49 14.94 11.02
Tirunelveli HEP 8.83 4.66 7.28 5.88 9.77 7.17 10.97 7.97 11.04 7.70
Grand Total
533.13 476.13 452.56 417.05 631.30 556.30 615.87 553.01 471.71 418.32
Distribution - - 34.73 - 150.71 114.46 42.15 - - -
Generation +
533.13 476.13 487.29 417.05 782.01 670.76 658.02 553.01 471.71 418.32

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3.12.1 TANGEDCO submitted that Other Debits incurred during FY 2016-17 to FY 2020-21 are
related to the relevant revenue expenditure discussed in the above sections and hence may be
allowed entirely.
Table 3-25: Other Debits as submitted by TANGEDCO (Rs. Crore)
Particulars FY 2016-17 FY 2017-18 FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21
Total Other Debits 42.47 35.28 35.20 32.91 26.52
Commission’s Views
3.12.2 The above expenses are either relating to provision for bad and doubtful debts or come under
O&M expenses. During the relevant period, there is no regulatory provision for recovering
expenses related to bad and doubtful expenses from the tariff. Further, remaining expenses
are already accounted as part of O&M expenses. Therefore, the Commission does not approve
any expense under this head for the true up period.


3.13.1 TANGEDCO submitted that in order to run a generating station effectively and efficiently,
certain costs are incurred, which are not covered under any of the fixed cost components
specified in the TNERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff) Regulations,
2005. These costs are minimal but necessary in order to run a plant at its optimum level and
hence, TANGEDCO is entitled to recover such cost through its ARR. These costs include
other fuel related costs, cost of water and lubricants and consumables for thermal and gas
generating stations. For hydro generating stations, these costs are relating to station supplies
and cost of water for hydel power.
3.13.2 TANGEDCO submitted that it has categorized such costs under the head Operating Charges.
The Operating Charges and extra-ordinary items as submitted by TANGEDCO are shown in
the Table below:
Table 3-26: Operating Charges and Extra-ordinary Items as submitted by TANGEDCO (Rs.
Particulars FY 2016-17 FY 2017-18 FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21
Total Operating
99.26 99.47 169.37 147.87 121.99

Commission’s Views
3.13.3 It is clarified that the Operating Charges and Extra-Ordinary Items claimed by TANGEDCO
separately, are actually a part of the normative O&M expenses, and have been considered

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there, as discussed earlier in this Chapter. Hence, the Operating Charges and Extra-Ordinary
Items have not been allowed separately.


3.14.1 TANGEDCO submitted that the prior period items are mainly on account of payments made
relating to power purchase, revision in tariff payments and fuel price adjustment to Central
Generating Stations. It also includes employee cost, interest and other administrative expenses
relating to prior period.
Table 3-27: Prior period items, submitted by TANGEDCO for FY 2016-17 to FY 2020-21 (Rs.
Particulars FY 2016-17 FY 2017-18 FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21
Prior period items (1,792.76) 306.26 1,314.16 2,429.19 2,948.33

Commission’s Views
3.14.2 Based on the additional clarifications provided by TANGEDCO regarding the applicability
of these expenses, the Commission have approved prior period items as below.
Table 3-28: Prior period items, submitted by TANGEDCO for FY 2016-17 to FY 2020-21 (Rs.
Particulars FY 2016-17 FY 2017-18 FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21
Prior period items (1,792.76) 306.26 1,314.16 2,429.19 2,948.33


3.15.1 TANGEDCO submitted that Other Income mainly comprises interest on staff loans and
advances, income from investments, income from trading, rebate on power purchase bills,
interest on staff welfare, and gain on sale of fixed asset. Other Income for the period from FY
2016-17 to FY 2020-21 as submitted by TANGEDCO is shown in the Table below:
Table 3-29: Other Income as submitted by TANGEDCO (Rs. Crore)
Sl. Particulars FY 2016- FY 2017- FY 2018- FY 2019- FY 2020-
17 18 19 20 21
1 Ennore TPS 53.01 3.74
2 Tuticorin TPS 27.98 27.79 42.23 38.13 36.98
3 Mettur TPS 35.94 32.16 44.17 26.52 17.84
4 North Chennai TPS 27.76 25.62 69.29 14.71 4.2
5 Mettur TPS Stage III 33.10 28.56 46.28 34.78 37.69
6 NCTPS Stage II 16.32 8.05 25.6 7.44 6.42
7 Tirumakottai GTPS 0.07 0.12 0.09 0.1 0.15

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Sl. Particulars FY 2016- FY 2017- FY 2018- FY 2019- FY 2020-

17 18 19 20 21
8 Kuttalam GTPS 0.03 0.29 0.78 0.1 0.15
9 Basin Bridge GTPS 0.04 0.06 0.03 0.02 0.03
10 Valuthur GTPS 0.04 0.1 0.16 0.1 0.29
11 Erode HEP -0.39 -7.65 -5.71 -0.31 -0.1
12 Kadamparai HEP -0.41 0.32 0.53 0.66 1.57
13 Kundah HEP 0.54 1.23 0.76 0.95 0.94
14 Tirunelveli HEP 0.28 0.43 0.68 0.59 1.03
15 Total Generation 194.31 120.82 224.89 123.79 107.38
16 Distribution 1,362.91 2,250.10 967.13 666.55 770.21
17 Total TANGEDCO 1557.223 2370.929 1192.023 790.3415 877.59

3.15.2 TANGEDCO submitted that Non-Tariff Income pertains only to distribution business. Non-
Tariff Income as submitted by TANGEDCO is shown in the Table below:
Table 3-30: Non-Tariff income as submitted by TANGEDCO (Rs. Crore)
FY 2016- FY 2017- FY 2018- FY 2019- FY 2020-
Sl. Particulars
17 18 19 20 21
Meter Rent/Service
1 20.65 21.55 24.51 28.57 31.12
Line Rentals
Recoveries of Theft of
2 59.01 65.33 76.82 74.07 43.75
Power/ Malpractices
Wheeling Charge
3 140.32 221.89 289.81 255.11 250.74
4 Charges collected 390.65 424.87 497.95 576.88 680.79
from Consumers
5 Total 610.63 733.64 889.09 934.62 1,006.40

Commission’s Views
3.15.3 The Commission has approved the Other Income and Non-Tariff Income after comparing
with audited accounts and after prudence check as below .
Table 3-31: Other Income and Non-Tariff Income approved by the Commission after true-up
for the period from FY 2016-17 to FY 2020-21 (Rs. Crore)
FY 2016- FY 2017- FY 2018- FY 2019- FY 2020-
Sl. Particulars
17 18 19 20 21
1 Other income 1557.22 2370.92 1192.02 790.34 877.59

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FY 2016- FY 2017- FY 2018- FY 2019- FY 2020-

Sl. Particulars
17 18 19 20 21
2 Non-tariff income 610.63 733.64 889.09 934.62 1,006.40


3.16.1 The summary of fixed cost for the period from FY 2016-17 to FY 2020-21 as submitted by
TANGEDCO is shown in the Tables below:
Table 3-32: Fixed Cost summary submitted by TANGEDCO (Rs. Crore)

FY 2016- FY 2017- FY 2018- FY 2019- FY 2020-

Sl. Particulars
17 18 19 20 21
1 Ennore TPS 312 132 - - -
2 Tuticorin TPS 814 1,035 1,152 1,372 1,285
3 Mettur TPS 1,079 644 677 817 797
4 North Chennai TPS 847 1,071 1,227 1,190 1,303
5 Mettur TPS Stage III 566 726 804 810 810
6 NCTPS Stage II 1,998 1,029 1,193 1,210 1,369
7 Tirumakottai GTPS 140 196 213 228 250
8 Kuttalam GTPS 145 290 193 225 240
9 Basin Bridge GTPS 145 222 264 299 366
10 Valuthur GTPS 253 292 318 344 374
11 Erode HEP 526 438 515 532 604
12 Kadamparai HEP 128 188 215 240 249
13 Kundah HEP 322 444 478 507 561
14 Tirunelveli HEP 208 306 349 384 408
15 Total Generation 7,485 7,011 7,598 8,158 8,616
16 Distribution 7,256 10,550 14,550 12,523 13,591
17 Total TANGEDCO 14,741 17,561 22,147 20,681 22,207
Commission’s Views
A. Distribution Function
3.16.2 Based on the expenses and income approved after truing up as elaborated in the above
Sections, the summary of approved Fixed Cost for TANGEDCO’s Distribution function is
shown in the Tables below.

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Table 3-33: Fixed Cost summary approved by Commission for Distribution function after true-up for the period from FY 2016-17 to FY
2020-21 (Rs. Crore)

Proposed by TANGEDCO Approved by the Commission

FY 2016-17 FY 2017-18 FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21 FY 2016-17 FY 2017-18 FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21

O&M expenses 5,265.66 7,070.10 8,304.65 8,178.73 8,448.02 5,229.99 7,043.15 7,637.56 8,271.91 8,707.60
Depreciation 807.02 964.33 1,126.56 1,405.70 1,539.37 769.96 935.32 1,087.76 1,367.10 1,539.37
Interest and
3,718.62 3,305.14 3,873.13 4,402.64 5,340.36 2,914.18 2,956.78 3,143.77 3,420.82 3,429.55
finance charges
Interest on
- 47.89 166.28 42.15 - - - 114.46 - -
working capital
Return on
139.30 321.77 409.49 491.80 626.42 - - - - -
Other debits 42.47 35.28 35.20 32.91 26.52 - - - - -
99.26 99.47 169.37 147.87 121.99 - - - - -
Prior Period
Credits / -1,794.14 54.35 1,095.00 2,204.18 2,938.86 -1,794.14 54.35 1,095.00 2,204.18 2,938.86
8,278.19 11,898.34 15,179.68 16,905.98 19,041.54 7,119.99 10,989.59 13,078.54 15,264.01 16,615.38
Less: Other
1,362.91 2,250.10 967.13 666.55 770.21 1,362.91 2,250.10 967.13 666.55 770.21
Less: Non-tariff
610.63 733.64 889.09 934.62 1,006.40 610.63 733.64 889.09 934.62 1,006.40
Net Aggregate
Revenue 6,304.65 8,914.59 13,323.46 15,304.81 17,264.93 5,146.45 8,005.85 11,222.33 13,662.84 14,838.77
Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (TANGEDCO) True-Up, ARR and Tariff Order, 2022

B. Generation Function (Capacity Charges)

3.16.3 As per Regulation 36 of the TNERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff)
Regulations, 2005, fixed components of generation function comprise:
“36. Components of Tariff
1) The tariff for sale of power by the Generating Companies shall be of two part
namely the Fixed Charges (recovery of annual capacity charges) and
variable (energy) charges.
2) The Fixed (annual capacity) charges shall consist of the following elements:
(a) Interest on Loan Capital
(b) Depreciation
(c) Return on Equity;
(d) Operation and Maintenance expenses; and
(e) Interest on Working Capital:
3) The energy (variable) charges shall cover fuel cost.”
3.16.4 The recovery of capacity charges are governed by Regulation 42 of the TNERC (Terms
and Conditions for Determination of Tariff) Regulations, 2005 which states as under:
“42. Recovery of Capacity Charges

1. Full capacity charges (Fixed Charges) shall be recoverable at

target availability specified in clause (1) of Regulation 37.

2. Recovery of capacity charges below the level of target availability

will be on pro rata basis. At zero availability, no capacity charges shall be
3. ……”
3.16.5 The above capacity charges as determined by the Commission are to be recovered when
TANGEDCO is able to meet the target in terms of norms set by the Commission. The
norms specified for recovery of fixed charges as specified in the TNERC (Terms and
Conditions for Determination of Tariff) Regulations, 2005 are reproduced below:
“37. Norms of Operation

The norms of operation for the Thermal Generating Stations shall be as

(i) Target availability for recovery of full capacity (fixed) charges
(a) All Thermal Generating stations in Tamil Nadu except Ennore
Thermal Power Generating Station 80%
(b) Ennore Thermal Power Generating Station (Till Renovation and
Modernization works in all units are completed) 50%

(c) In respect of Generating Stations of ..... As per PPA

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Independent Power Producers

(d) New Thermal Stations 80%”

3.16.6 The Commission has considered the station-wise availability for the period from FY
2016-17 to FY 2020-21 as submitted by TANGEDCO.
Table 3-34: PAF considered by the Commission
FY 2016- FY 2017- FY 2018- FY 2019- FY 2020-
17 18 19 20 21
ETPS 24.65% 6.45%
TTPS 69.00% 66.80% 77.84% 65.44% 50.53%
MTPS-I 84.87% 74.54% 85.53% 68.39% 52.68%
MTPS-II 83.38% 69.08% 75.23% 63.08% 34.60%
NCTPS-I 76.43% 85.28% 82.13% 74.18% 63.71%
NCTPS-II 76.69% 69.14% 75.97% 65.78% 44.88%
Tirumakottai GTPS 91.18% 87.45% 82.36% 84.48% 84.55%
Kuttalam GTPS 91.94% 87.83% 92.56% 28.12% 86.45%
Basin Bridge GTPS 92.03% 76.26% 74.73% 96.34% 98.19%
Valuthur Unit-I 96.62% 95.94% 95.73% 95.07% 76.31%

3.16.7 Therefore, based on component-wise approval given in the above Section and actual
PAF, fixed cost/capacity charges for generating stations approved for the period from FY
2016-17 to FY 2020-21 are shown in the Tables below.

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Table 3-35: Fixed Charges approved by the Commission for Generation function after true-up (Rs. Crore)
Plant Total Fixed Cost Fixed Cost allowed to be recovered
FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21
Ennore TPS 278.20 69.15 - - - 137.15 8.92 - - -
Tuticorin TPS 866.23 822.98 850.89 910.91 879.56 747.13 687.18 827.92 745.12 555.56
Mettur TPS II 364.42 453.97 506.18 574.56 601.88 379.82 392.01 476.00 453.04 260.31
North Chennai TPS 845.55 806.29 748.03 827.17 828.11 807.82 859.51 767.95 767.00 659.48
Mettur TPS Stage I 555.07 538.56 529.67 577.44 556.81 588.86 501.80 566.28 493.64 366.66
NCTPS Stage II* 623.79 737.91 817.23 891.41 885.36 582.25 637.74 776.06 732.96 496.69
Tirumakottai GTPS 147.28 138.94 137.71 150.70 144.49 167.86 151.88 141.78 159.14 152.71
Kuttalam GTPS 130.73 118.36 120.90 129.80 130.48 150.24 129.94 139.89 45.62 141.00
Basin Bridge GTPS 104.56 131.51 146.42 169.15 183.79 120.29 125.36 136.78 203.70 225.58
Valuthur Unit-I 198.59 199.84 206.43 225.50 220.79 239.85 239.66 247.02 267.98 210.60
Erode HEP 274.13 311.68 353.67 366.10 386.89 274.13 311.68 353.67 366.10 386.89
Kadamparai HEP 150.80 139.01 140.29 154.83 151.12 150.80 139.01 140.29 154.83 151.12
Kundah HEP 321.84 321.98 318.72 338.09 337.60 321.84 321.98 318.72 338.09 337.60
Tirunelveli HEP 239.51 225.12 232.99 251.30 249.62 239.51 225.12 232.99 251.30 249.62
Grand Total
5,100.72 5,015.29 5,109.15 5,566.96 5,556.48 4,907.55 4,731.78 5,125.34 4,978.53 4,193.80

Note: For NCTPS Stage II, the Commission has inadvertently approved additional fixed cost in FY16 true up, without adjusting for Plant
Availability Factor. This inadvertent error has been flagged during the Commission’s Audit process, which noted that additional
expense of 15.73 Rs. crore was allowed. Therefore, the same is being adjusted against the amount approved for FY 2016-17, as
part of this tariff order.

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Operational Performance Parameters
3.17.1 TANGEDCO submitted the comparison of actual operational performance parameters of
generation function like PAF, Plant Load Factor (PLF), Station Heat Rate (SHR),
Auxiliary Consumption (AC), Specific Oil Consumption (SOC), etc., achieved during
FY 2016-17 to FY 2020-21 , in order to derive variable cost of own generation, vis-à-vis
operational performance parameters approved by the Commission in the Suo-motu Tariff
Order dated December 11, 2014.
3.17.2 TANGEDCO submitted that the actual operating parameters achieved during the
respective years are dependent of the condition of the machine during the respective
years, which is a function of the following factors:
i. Operation and Maintenance carried out in the plant since commissioning
ii. Degradation due to ageing
iii. Water chemistry
iv. Conditions of the auxiliaries
v. Overloading and partial loading of machines
vi. Number of Start/Stops
vii. Temperature and pressure stress the Machines have been subjected to
viii. Automation of C&I
ix. Condenser Vacuum.

3.17.3 TANGEDCO submitted the following justification for the deviations between the actual
operating parameters and the operating parameters approved by the Commission:
a) Ageing

3.17.4 Frequent tube failures occur due to erosion in the old machines, which may be caused by
poor quality of coal and other constraints. Heat transfer gets affected due to various
reasons and the SHR increases. AC and SOC increase due to low load/partial load
operation because of some technical constraints. Due to many other reasons like
vibrations, eccentricity and high bearing temperature, the auxiliary of respective plants
fails and causes deterioration in performance parameters. The older machines are
affected by such reasons and hence, their performance is poorer as compared to the
normative values.
b) Design Constraints

3.17.5 The operational performance parameters for generating stations specified in the TNERC
(Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff) Regulations, 2005 are based on the
norms specified in CERC TNERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff)

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Regulations, 2005, which in turn is based on design specifications of NTPC Power

Plants. Most of the NTPC power plants have 500 MW Units which enable NTPC to
achieve the target performance parameters specified in the Regulations.
3.17.6 On the other hand, most of the existing plants of TANGEDCO have 110 MW to 210 MW
Units. As the Units are older and smaller in size, it is very difficult to achieve the target
performance parameters specified in the TNERC (Terms and Conditions for
Determination of Tariff) Regulations, 2005.
c) Operational Constraints

3.17.7 There has been a significant amount of backing down in the recent past years. Due to this
the generating stations of TANGEDCO were unable to achieve the Target PLF as
specified in TNERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff) Regulations,
3.17.8 The actual PLF of all thermal generating station of TANGEDCO were below the Target
PLF over the last 3 years which is mainly on account of backing down instructions
received from SLDC/System. However, based on deemed PLF (arrived after considered
backing down units), most of the generating stations were available at a level above the
normative. Further, it is to be submitted that the backing down instructions from
SLDC/System are beyond the control of TANGEDCO. It is therefore requested to
consider the actual PLF achieved by TANGEDCO plants over the respective period.
3.17.9 With the increase in frequency of backing down, number of start and stop operation also
increases proportionately, which not only result in abnormally higher the consumption
of fuels but also affect the operational efficiency of plants.
3.17.10 Further, even under the backed down mode, there are certain auxiliaries which are
required to run at part load as well as full load, this leads to higher auxiliary consumption
for the reduced generation or no generation for which no variable cost is being recovered
from the beneficiaries.
3.17.11 The efficiency of boiler as well as turbine deteriorate with the decrease in loading of the
plant, thus results in higher SHR leading to overall inefficiency.
3.17.12 Backing down not only affects the operation life of plants, but also increases the repair
and maintenance expenses.
3.17.13 Apart from above, many of TANGEDCO plants utilises domestic coal which has high
ash content and low GCV. This causes abrasion of boiler and affects operational
performance of TANGEDCO plants.

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3.18.1 TANGEDCO submitted that the PLF of its power plants has been in line with the norms
approved by the Commission in the last Tariff Order, as shown in the Table below:
Table 3-36: PLF as submitted by TANGEDCO
FY 2016- FY 2017- FY 2018- FY 2019- FY 2020-
Sl. Station
17 18 19 20 21
A Thermal
1 Ennore TPS 6%
2 Tuticorin TPS 60% 57% 69% 58% 45%
3 Mettur TPS 78% 69% 79% 63% 48%
4 North Chennai TPS 67% 76% 72% 61% 51%
North Chennai Stage
5 61% 56% 64% 54% 35%
6 Mettur II 66% 47% 60% 49% 27%
B Gas
1 Tirumakottai GTPS 37% 32% 28% 29% 23%
2 Kuttalam GTPS 42% 40% 46% 15% 55%
3 Basin Bridge GTPS 1% 0.6% 0.0% 0.1% 0.0%
4 Valathur GTPS 59.0% 78% 73% 79% 62%
C Hydro
Kundah Generation
1 7% 11% 24% 23% 24%
2 Generation 15% 14% 16% 17% 17%
3 14% 17% 32% 29% 31%
Generation Circle
Erode Generation
4 12% 20% 37% 30% 36%
Commission’s Views
3.18.2 The Commission has analysed the submissions made by TANGEDCO. The Commission
has approved the actual PLF values as submitted by TANGEDCO, as shown in the Table
Table 3-37: PLF approved by the Commission after true-up for FY 2016-17 to FY 2019-20
FY 2016- FY 2017- FY 2018- FY 2019- FY 2020-
Sl. Station
17 18 19 20 21
A Thermal
1 Ennore TPS 6%

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FY 2016- FY 2017- FY 2018- FY 2019- FY 2020-

Sl. Station
17 18 19 20 21
2 Tuticorin TPS 60% 57% 69% 58% 45%
3 Mettur TPS 78% 69% 79% 63% 48%
4 North Chennai TPS 67% 76% 72% 61% 51%
North Chennai Stage
5 61% 56% 64% 54% 35%
6 Mettur II 66% 47% 60% 49% 27%
B Gas
1 Tirumakottai GTPS 37% 32% 28% 29% 23%
2 Kuttalam GTPS 42% 40% 46% 15% 55%
3 Basin Bridge GTPS 1% 0.6% 0.0% 0.1% 0.0%
4 Valathur GTPS 59.0% 78% 73% 79% 62%
C Hydro
Kundah Generation
1 7% 11% 24% 23% 24%
2 Generation 15% 14% 16% 17% 17%
3 14% 17% 32% 29% 31%
Generation Circle
Erode Generation
4 12% 20% 37% 30% 36%


3.19.1 TANGEDCO submitted the approved auxiliary consumption and actual achieved by its
generating stations in FY 2016-17 to FY 2020-21 as shown in the Table below.
Table 3-38: Auxiliary Consumption as submitted by TANGEDCO
FY 2016- FY 2017- FY 2018- FY 2019- FY 2020-
Sl. Station
17 18 19 20 21
A Thermal
1 Ennore TPS 24.92%
2 Tuticorin TPS 8.25% 8.28% 7.90% 8.28% 8.61%
3 Mettur TPS 8.57% 8.64% 8.49% 8.51% 8.53%
4 North Chennai TPS 9.29% 9.05% 9.15% 9.78% 10.40%
5 North Chennai Stage II
7.36% 7.01% 6.37% 6.87% 8.13%
6 Mettur II 6.79% 7.25% 6.93% 7.05% 7.19%

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FY 2016- FY 2017- FY 2018- FY 2019- FY 2020-

Sl. Station
17 18 19 20 21
B Gas
1 Tirumakottai GTPS 10.64% 12.00% 13.51% 13.18% 16.64%
2 Kuttalam GTPS 10.78% 11.43% 10.40% 9.27% 7.81%
3 Basin Bridge GTPS 3.92% 4.61% 5.41% 4.87% 0.00%
4 Valathur GTPS 6.40% 6.19% 6.47% 5.96% 6.21%
C Hydro
1 Kundah Generation
1.30% 1.30% 0.60% 0.64% 0.66%
Kadamparai Generation
2 1.30% 0.57% 0.50% 0.43% 0.38%
Tirunelveli Generation
3 1.30% 0.44% 0.36% 0.35% 0.31%
4 Erode Generation Circle 1.30% 0.95% 0.33% 0.39% 0.36%

Commission’s Views
3.19.2 The Commission has accepted the actual Auxiliary Consumption as submitted by
TANGEDCO for the purpose of calculation of energy availability. However, for the
purpose of estimation of variable cost per unit, Commission has considered the normative
Auxiliary Consumption, after adjusting for PLF based relaxation provided in the TNERC
(Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff) Regulations, 2005.
Table 3-39: Auxiliary Consumption approved by the Commission after true-up for FY
2016-17 to FY 2020-21
FY 2016- FY 2017- FY 2018- FY 2019- FY 2020-
Sl. Station
17 18 19 20 21
A Thermal
1 Ennore TPS 15.15% 15.15% 15.15% 15.15% 15.15%
2 Tuticorin TPS 8.25% 8.28% 7.90% 8.28% 8.59%
3 Mettur TPS 8.53% 8.56% 8.49% 8.51% 8.53%
4 North Chennai TPS 8.56% 8.53% 8.56% 8.59% 8.59%
North Chennai Stage
5 7.36% 7.01% 6.37% 6.87% 8.13%
6 Mettur II 6.79% 7.25% 6.93% 7.05% 7.19%
B Gas
1 Tirumakottai GTPS 6.06% 6.06% 6.06% 6.06% 6.06%
2 Kuttalam GTPS 6.06% 6.06% 6.06% 6.06% 6.06%

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FY 2016- FY 2017- FY 2018- FY 2019- FY 2020-

Sl. Station
17 18 19 20 21
3 Basin Bridge GTPS 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 0.00%
4 Valathur GTPS 6.06% 6.02% 6.04% 5.96% 6.06%
C Hydro
Kundah Generation
1 0.50% 0.50% 0.50% 0.50% 0.50%
2 Generation 0.50% 0.50% 0.50% 0.50% 0.50%
Tirunelveli Generation
3 0.50% 0.50% 0.50% 0.50% 0.50%
Erode Generation
4 0.50% 0.50% 0.50% 0.50% 0.50%


3.20.1 TANGEDCO requested the Commission to approve actual SHR for its generating
stations considering various justifications, especially relating to loading. The station-
wise SHR as submitted by TANGEDCO is shown in the Table below:
Table 3-40: SHR as submitted by TANGEDCO (kCal/kWh)
Sl. Station FY 2016-17 FY 2017-18 FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21
A Thermal
1 Ennore TPS 4,511
2 Tuticorin TPS 2,535 2,552 2,497 2,528 2,615
3 Mettur TPS 2,484 2,457 2,483 2,482 2,470
North Chennai
4 2,462 2,456 2,450 2,793 2,723
North Chennai
5 2,611 2,645 2,560 2,595 2,611
Stage II TPS
6 Mettur II 2,389 2,344 2,402 2,443 2,437
B Gas
1 2,429 2,861 3,186 2,884 3,216
2 Kuttalam GTPS 2,200 2,511 2,367 2,087 1,994
Basin Bridge
3 2,064 3,426 4,399 4,399 -
4 Valathur GTPS 1,715 2,055 2,078 1,819 1,868

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Commission’s Views
3.20.2 Regulation 37(iii) of the TNERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff)
Regulations, 2005 specifies the norms for SHR. Commission has considered SHR as per
norms, after adjusting for SHR relaxation in line with PLF, as allowed under TNERC
(Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff) Regulations, 2005.
Table 3-41: SHR approved by the Commission after true-up for the period from FY 2016-
17 to FY 2020-21 (kCal/kWh)
Sl. Station FY 2016-17 FY 2017-18 FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21
A Thermal
1 Ennore TPS 3,392
2 Tuticorin TPS 2,535 2,552 2,497 2,528 2,600
3 Mettur TPS 2,484 2,457 2,483 2,482 2,470
4 North Chennai TPS 2,462 2,447 2,450 2,537 2,537
North Chennai Stage
5 2,597 2,597 2,560 2,595 2,597
6 Mettur II 2,389 2,344 2,402 2,443 2,437
B Gas
1 Tirumakottai GTPS 1,850 1,850 1,850 1,850 1,850
2 Kuttalam GTPS 1,850 1,850 1,850 1,850 1,850
3 Basin Bridge GTPS 3,219 3,219 3,219 3,219 3,219
4 Valathur GTPS 1,850 1,850 1,850 1,850 1,850


3.21.1 TANGEDCO submitted that the SOC has been calculated in terms of percentage of total
calorific requirement of the power generating Unit and it has relation with the size of the
generating Unit. For the lower size Units, the SOC remains higher as compared to larger
size power generating Units, because certain amount of SOC remains fixed irrespective
of the size of the generating Unit. The station-wise SOC as submitted by TANGEDCO
is shown in the Table below:
Table 3-42: SOC as submitted by TANGEDCO (ml/kWh)
FY 2016- FY 2017- FY 2018- FY 2019- FY 2020-
Sl. Station
17 18 19 20 21
1 Ennore TPS 8
2 Tuticorin TPS 0.78 1.07 0.53 1.05 1.67
3 Mettur TPS 0.36 0.55 0.35 0.62 0.69

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FY 2016- FY 2017- FY 2018- FY 2019- FY 2020-

Sl. Station
17 18 19 20 21
North Chennai
4 0.85 0.77 0.75 1.03 1.79
North Chennai
5 1.22 1.01 0.78 0.74 1.1
Stage II TPS
6 Mettur II 0.57 0.89 0.56 0.62 0.88

Commission’s Views
3.21.2 Regulation 37(iv) of the TNERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff)
Regulations, 2005 specifies the normative SOC for TANGEDCO’s generating plants. In
previous orders, the Commission had considered revised SOC norms based on the
performance of the generating Stations. The Commission has approved SOC for the
period from FY 2016-17 to FY 2020-21 in accordance with the norms considered in the
previous tariff order, as shown in the Table below:
Table 3-43: SOC as approved by the Commission (ml/kWh)
FY 2016- FY 2017- FY 2018- FY 2019-
Sl. Station FY 2020-21
17 18 19 20
1 Ennore TPS 8
2 Tuticorin TPS 0.78 1.07 0.53 1.05 1.67
3 Mettur TPS 0.36 0.55 0.35 0.62 0.69
North Chennai
4 0.85 0.77 0.75 1.03 1.79
North Chennai
5 1.22 1.01 0.78 0.74 1.1
Stage II TPS
6 Mettur II 0.57 0.89 0.56 0.62 0.88


3.22.1 TANGEDCO submitted that the Gross Calorific Value (GCV) of coal has been in line
with the norms approved by the Commission in the last Tariff Order.

Commission’s Views
3.22.2 The Commission has considered the GCV of coal and gas, as shown in the Table below:

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Table 3-44: GCV approved by the Commission after true-up for the period from FY 2016-
17 to FY 2020-21 (kcal/kg) (kcal/SCM)
FY 2016- FY 2017- FY 2018- FY 2019- FY 2020-
Sl. Station
17 18 19 20 21
A Thermal
1 Ennore TPS 3,244
2 Tuticorin TPS 3,450 3,285 3,454 3,339 3,124
3 Mettur TPS 3,151 3,484 3,540 3,415 3,162
4 North Chennai TPS 3,607 3,376 3,514 3,814 3,253
North Chennai Stage
5 3,632 3,487 3,417 3,584 3,228
6 Mettur II 3,027 3,414 3,579 3,444 3,203
B Gas
1 Tirumakottai GTPS 10,555 10,469 10,445 10,538 10,538
2 Kuttalam GTPS 10,394 10,371 10,114 10,283 10,417
3 Basin Bridge GTPS 10,496 10,572 10,572 10,572 -
4 Valathur GTP 9,710 9,710 9,712 9,723 9,719


3.23.1 TANGEDCO submitted the actual primary fuel prices for the period from FY 2016-17
to FY 2020-21 .

Commission’s Views
3.23.2 The Commission has approved the actual primary fuel prices for the period from FY
2016-17 to FY 2020-21 as shown in the table below:
Table 3-45: Price of primary fuel as approved by the Commission (Rs./MT or Rs./SCM)
FY 2016- FY 2017- FY 2018- FY 2019- FY 2020-
Sl. Station
17 18 19 20 21
A Thermal
1 Ennore TPS 3,609
2 Tuticorin TPS 3,960 4,033 4,768 4,737 3,639
3 Mettur TPS 4,223 4,395 5,064 5,456 4,412
4 North Chennai TPS 3,750 3,401 3,657 4,129 3,343
5 North Chennai
3,879 3,574 3,994 4,430 3,548
Stage II TPS
6 MTPS II 4,094 5,547 5,320 5,502 4,542

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FY 2016- FY 2017- FY 2018- FY 2019- FY 2020-

Sl. Station
17 18 19 20 21
B Gas
1 Tirumakottai
9.92 8.26 10.51 12.75 8.62
2 Kuttalam GTPS 10.81 8.69 10.75 11.94 9.18
3 Basin Bridge
16.68 9.24 0.11 1.46 -
4 Valathur GTPS 14.09 7.99 10.24 12.85 8.35

* In Crores for Basin Bridge


3.24.1 TANGEDCO submitted that based on the actual operating parameters and fuel related
parameters recorded during FY 2016-17 to FY 2020-21 , it has arrived at plant-wise
variable cost of generation.

Commission’s Views The Commission has approved the plant-wise variable cost on the basis of operational
parameters and fuel related parameters approved as elaborated in the Sections
above. The approved Variable Cost of Generation and Energy Charges for Thermal
and Gas stations after true-up for the period from FY 2016-17 to FY 2020-21 is shown
in the Tables below.

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Table 3-46: Variable Cost of Generation approved by the Commission after true-up for the period from FY 2016-17 to FY 2020-21 (Rs. Crore)

Own Generating FY 2016- FY 2017- FY 2018- FY 2019- FY 2020- FY 2016- FY 2017- FY 2018- FY 2019- FY 2020-
Station 17 18 19 20 21 17 18 19 20 21
Ennore TPS 99.89 - - - - 76.45 - - - -
Tuticorin TPS 1,624.81 1,655.45 2,182.64 1,916.89 1,278.75 1,630.22 1,661.26 2,196.68 1,916.37 1,270.69
Mettur TPS I 1,118.61 937.39 1,287.76 1,017.66 494.79 1,118.22 937.32 1,130.49 1,014.69 493.51
North Chennai TPS
958.13 1,048.43 1,029.06 1,031.85 801.36 958.12 1,044.18 1,028.59 934.81 746.37
NCTPS II 1,913.82 1,588.45 2,068.01 1,839.32 1,226.73 1,912.73 1,589.05 2,068.48 1,833.76 1,227.72
Mettur TPS II 1,799.64 1,608.10 2,029.64 1,833.14 1,064.19 1,790.69 1,573.37 2,023.60 1,826.67 1,054.70
Gas - - - - -
Tirumakottai GTPS 79.45 68.27 83.56 96.05 56.26 60.50 44.15 48.52 61.45 32.41
Kuttalam GTPS 86.18 73.09 103.20 32.43 86.08 72.16 54.17 80.67 28.66 79.87
Basin Bridge GTPS 16.68 9.24 0.11 1.46 - 12.90 7.14 0.09 1.13 -
Valuthur GTPS 240.50 203.98 263.68 312.21 163.35 259.50 194.43 234.82 316.61 161.82
Total 7,937.71 7,192.40 9,047.66 8,081.01 5,171.51 7,891.49 7,105.09 8,811.94 7,934.15 5,067.09

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Table 3-47: Energy charge approved by the Commission after true-up for the period from FY 2016-17 to FY 2020-21 (Rs./kWh)

Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by the Commission

Own Generating FY 2016- FY 2017- FY 2018- FY 2019- FY 2020- FY 2016- FY 2017- FY 2018- FY 2019- FY 2020-
Station 17 18 19 20 21 17 18 19 20 21

Ennore TPS 6.93 4.69

Tuticorin TPS 3.19 3.44 3.76 3.94 3.39 3.20 3.45 3.78 3.95 3.36
Mettur TPS I 3.65 3.40 3.89 4.35 3.78 3.65 3.40 3.89 4.35 3.79
North Chennai TPS I 2.85 2.74 2.83 3.39 3.19 2.82 2.71 2.81 3.04 2.91
NCTPS II 3.04 2.95 3.23 3.47 3.17 3.03 2.89 3.22 3.47 3.14
Mettur TPS II 3.48 4.12 4.39 4.22 3.76 3.48 4.12 3.85 4.22 3.75

Tirumakottai GTPS 2.56 2.56 3.71 4.02 3.15 1.85 1.55 1.98 2.38 1.61
Kuttalam GTPS 2.57 2.36 2.81 2.67 1.91 2.05 1.65 2.09 2.29 1.74
Basin Bridge GTPS 15.67 15.78 20.45 18.18 - 11.80 11.84 8.51 13.57 -
Valuthur GTPS 2.66 1.70 2.34 2.56 1.71 2.86 1.62 2.08 2.60 1.69

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2016-17 TO 2020-21
3.25.1 TANGEDCO submitted that the power purchase cost available in Audited Accounts for
the period from FY 2016-17 to FY 2020-21 is inclusive of Wheeling Charges and
Wheeling adjustments. However, while considering power purchase in the current
petition, Wheeling Charges and Wheeling adjustments have been excluded, in line with
the Commission’s approach in the last Tariff Order.
Table 3-48: Power purchase expenses submitted by TANGEDCO
Year FY 2016-17 FY 2017-18
PP Cost
Units Units PP Cost
Power Sources (Rs
(MUs) (MUs) (Rs Crore)
Central Generating Stations
Neyveli TS-I 3,004.63 1,342.93 2,710.29 1,441.69
Neyveli TS-II Stage I
2,655.81 905.91 2,162.23 835.77
Neyveli TS-II Expansion
Neyveli TS-I Expansion 1,310.78 511.59 1,110.47 452.28
Neyveli Expansion Unit II 608.03 284.87 853.85 489.49
NTPL JV with NLC 2,264.85 997.26 2,038.38 1,057.78
Ramagundam I&II 3,554.65 1,022.88 3,165.30 997.79
Ramagundam III 824.23 262.55 868.02 270.16
Simhadri Stage II -Unit III
1,211.79 548.86 1,142.01 547.89
Simhadri Stage II -Unit IV
NTPC_TNEB JV Vallur Unit
6,030.85 2,667.17 4,672.79 2,399.52
NTPC_TNEB JV Vallur Unit
Talcher 3,357.35 840.41 3,370.73 777.13
Madras APS 2,059.28 435.91 1,870.82 414.79
Kaiga APS 1,541.23 482.29 1,725.93 549.52
4,376.83 1,468.45 4,548.40 1,868.10
Kudankulam II
NTPC ER 375.80 123.51 310.87 103.59
Kudgi Unit I
- - 435.92 274.55
Kudgi Unit II
Total CGS (i) 33,176.13 11,894.62 30,986.01 12,480.04
Madurai Power Corporation 11.31 43.01 - -
Pillaiperumalnallur 199.31 177.42 - -
TAQA (STCMS) 1,005.22 573.34 921.25 543.92
LANCO Power (Aban co) 480.97 138.95 469.44 131.72
PIONEER Power co. (Penna) 373.79 109.04 370.86 101.31
Total IPPs (ii) 2,070.59 1,041.76 1,761.56 776.95
Windmill 3,627.00 1,308.33 3,428.00 1,199.69
Co-generation 641.17 324.99 333.00 170.20
Biomass 22.71 12.38 13.60 7.43
Captive generation 67.32 14.07 22.24 4.35
Solar 1,919.80 1,313.47 2,903.93 1,550.95

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Year FY 2016-17 FY 2017-18

PP Cost
Units Units PP Cost
Power Sources (Rs
(MUs) (MUs) (Rs Crore)
Total Renewables (iii) 6,277.99 2,973.24 6,700.76 2,932.62
Short Term and Others
UI Power (1,034.18) (6.31) (36.00) (7.95)
Traders-MTOA 1,273.63 742.69 1,187.00 627.61
Traders-LTOA 17,853.46 8,483.27 7,718.00 7,927.81
Traders -STOA 689.05 266.50 871.00 1,057.37
Power Exchanges 382.46 148.21 1,947.29 818.20
Swap - - 819.00 505.55
Total Short Term and
19,164.42 9,634.36 22,506.29 10,928.59
Others (iv)
Total 60,689.13 25,543.98 61,954.62 27,118.20
Transmission Charges
TANTRANSCO/PGCIL/PO - 2,563.17 - 3,065.23
Total Power Purchase Cost - 28,107.15 - 30,183.43
Less Hydro Utilization fund - (1260.90) - -
Total Power Purchase Cost - 26,846.25 - 30,183.43

FY 2018-19
Sr No. Units PP Cost
Power Sources
(MU) (Rs Crore)
Central Generating Stations:
1 Neyveli TS-I 2,422.63 1,169.09
2 Neyveli TS-II Stage I
2,704.80 918.88
3 Neyveli TS-II Expansion
4 Neyveli TS-I Expansion 1,285.78 433.87
5 Neyveli Expansion Unit II 905.94 445.79
6 NTPL JV with NLC 2,193.56 1,146.04
7 Ramagundam I&II 3,281.63 1,075.10
8 Ramagundam III 813.65 266.50
9 Simhadri Stage II -Unit III
1,266.80 614.52
10 Simhadri Stage II -Unit IV
11 NTPC_TNEB JV Vallur Unit 1
5,259.23 2,964.75
12 NTPC_TNEB JV Vallur Unit 2
13 Talcher 3,199.10 798.51
14 Madras APS 839.47 317.20
15 Kaiga APS 1,628.91 714.20
16 Kudankulam
3,104.22 1,370.76
17 Kudankulam II
18 NTPC ER 249.39 81.89
19 Kudgi Unit I
1,248.83 798.74
20 Kudgi Unit II
21 Total CGS 30,403.92 13,115.84
22 TAQA (STCMS) 1,232.45 633.73
23 LANCO Power (Aban co) 647.51 205.11
24 PIONEER Power co. (Penna) 351.32 109.91
25 Total IPPs 2,231.28 948.75

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FY 2018-19
Sr No. Units PP Cost
Power Sources
(MU) (Rs Crore)
26 Windmill 3,909.00 888.86
27 Co-generation 342.05 160.65
28 Biomass 11.26 6.23
29 Captive generation 24.94 5.07
30 Solar 3,556.00 1,672.13
31 Total Renewables 7,843.25 2,732.94
Short terms and Others
32 UI Power 179.00 24.80
33 Traders-MTOA 1,780.02 666.28
34 Traders-LTOA 17,976.47 9,164.44
35 Traders -STOA 1,403.45 779.98
36 Power Exchanges 2,738.43 1,508.69
37 STOA Charges - 605.45
38 Swap - 66.70
39 Total Short term and Others 24,077.37 12,816.34
40 Total 64,555.82 29,613.87
41 TANTRANSCO Charges - 2,247.32
42 POSOCO, PGCIL Charges - 1,163.22
43 Total Power Purchase Cost 64,555.82 33,024.41

Sr FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21
No. PP Cost PP Cost
Power Sources Units Units
(Rs (Rs
(MU) (MU)
Crore) Crore)
Central Generating Stations:
1 Neyveli TS-I 345.25 156.55 1,972.92 830.23
2 Neyveli TS-II Stage I 2,530.28 912.73 1,817.98 652.76
3 Neyveli TS-II Expansion
4 Neyveli TS-I Expansion 1,394.17 500.27 1,222.18 451.29
5 Neyveli Expansion Unit II 722.53 370.51 943.31 488.29
6 NTPL JV with NLC 1,834.17 977.60 2,108.42 1,077.33
7 Ramagundam I&II 2,992.16 1,023.75 2,924.77 961.85
8 Ramagundam III 808.05 272.76 688.12 226.14
9 Simhadri Stage II -Unit III
1,042.79 542.70 851.02 491.22
10 Simhadri Stage II -Unit IV
Unit 1
4,357.70 3,015.11 3,625.65 2,436.99
Unit 2
13 Talcher 3,045.81 851.65 3,338.50 918.09
14 Madras APS 1,089.23 304.65 1,012.66 263.08
15 Kaiga APS 1,642.20 599.50 1,609.00 551.05
16 Kudankulam
5,899.57 2,424.05 6,335.85 2,653.68
17 Kudankulam II
18 NTPC ER 240.06 84.82 319.77 107.78
19 Kudgi Unit I 492.18 561.23 560.99 579.71
20 Kudgi Unit II
21 Total CGS 28,436.14 12,597.89 29,331.13 12,689.48

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Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (TANGEDCO) True-Up, ARR and Tariff Order, 2022

Sr FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21
No. PP Cost PP Cost
Power Sources Units Units
(Rs (Rs
(MU) (MU)
Crore) Crore)
22 Pillaiperumalnallur - 33.48 1.75 160.35
22 TAQA (STCMS) 1,316.95 707.80 811.72 519.30
23 LANCO Power (Aban co) 759.07 255.77 170.17 57.34
24 PIONEER Power co. 290.84 98.98 208.55 70.98
25 Total IPPs 2,366.86 1,096.04 1,192.19 807.96
26 Windmill 3,837.00 1,025.59 3,731.00 1,383.04
27 Co-generation 296.00 134.85 283.45 135.69
28 Biomass 3.85 2.16 2.99 1.74
29 Captive generation 12.79 2.43 16.03 3.29
30 Solar 4,947.00 1,894.03 6,115.00 2,266.77
31 Total Renewables 9,096.63 3,059.06 10,148.47 3,790.53
Short terms and Others
32 UI Power 348.85 254.52 71.99 352.52
33 Traders-MTOA 3,530.93 1,437.46 1,209.79 681.85
34 Traders-LTOA 18,289.31 8,562.17 18,199.69 9,358.53
35 Traders -STOA 1,313.66 628.16 1,629.59 591.05
36 Power Exchanges 4,998.45 2,066.40 5,447.66 1,713.60
37 STOA Charges - 513.93 372.34
38 Swap - -
39 Total Short term and 13,462.64 26,558.72 13,069.89
40 Total 68,380.83 30,215.63 67,230.51 30,357.86
41 TANTRANSCO Charges - 2,270.07 2,263.24
42 POSOCO, PGCIL Charges - 1,315.78 1,762.86
43 Total Power Purchase Cost 68,380.83 33,801.48 67,230.51 34,383.96
Commission’s Views
3.25.2 For truing up purposes, the Commission has considered the actual power purchase as
submitted by TANGEDCO. However, power purchase has been restricted to the energy
requirement approved by the Commission corresponding to the approved Transmission
Loss and Distribution Loss levels, as elaborated in an earlier Section.
3.25.3 For the purpose of determination of total power purchase cost to be allowed after true up,
the Commission has adopted the following methodology:
a. Energy available from Must-Run Power plants will be dispatched first.
b. Energy availability from Hydro generating plants will not be subjected to MoD.
c. Must run status of nuclear, wind, solar and cogeneration plants to be maintained
3.25.4 Any excess power purchase cost on account of additional losses is adjusted against Power
Exchange quantum.
The summary of Power Purchase approved by the Commission after truing up for the
period from FY 2016-17 to FY 2020-21 is shown in the Tables below:

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Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (TANGEDCO) True-Up, ARR and Tariff Order, 2022

Table 3-49: Summary of Power Purchase approved by the Commission after true-up for FY 2016-17

FY 2016-17

Total Variable

Cost Rs./kWh
Total Cost Rs
VC Rs./kWh

Crores (5+6)
Units in MU
S. Source of Power

Total Fixed
Cost Rs.

Cost Rs.
No. Purchase


Central Generating
1 Neyveli TS-I 3,004.63 3.50 1,051.62 291.31 1,342.93 4.47
2 Neyveli TS-II Stage I
2,655.807 2.67 707.83 198.09 905.91 3.41
3 Neyveli TS-II
4 Neyveli TS-I Expansion 1,310.78 2.54 333.21 178.38 511.59 3.90
5 Neyveli Expansion Unit II 608.03 2.45 148.94 135.93 284.87 4.69
6 NTPL JV with NLC 2,264.85 2.59 585.99 411.27 997.26 4.40
7 Ramagundam I&II 3,554.65 2.27 807.08 215.80 1,022.88 2.88
8 Ramagundam III 824.23 2.18 179.94 82.62 262.55 3.19
Simhadri Stage II -Unit
1,211.79 2.73 330.27 218.58 548.86 4.53
Simhadri Stage II -Unit

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Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (TANGEDCO) True-Up, ARR and Tariff Order, 2022

FY 2016-17

Total Variable

Cost Rs./kWh
Total Cost Rs
VC Rs./kWh

Crores (5+6)
Units in MU
S. Source of Power

Total Fixed
Cost Rs.

Cost Rs.
No. Purchase


Unit 1
6,030.85 2.47 1,488.34 1,178.83 2,667.17 4.42
Unit 2
13 Talcher 3,357.35 1.66 558.87 281.54 840.41 2.50
14 Madras APS 2,059.28 2.12 435.91 - 435.91 2.12
15 Kaiga APS 1,541.23 3.13 482.29 - 482.29 3.13
16 Kudankulam
4,376.83 3.36 1,468.45 - 1,468.45 3.36
17 Kudankulam II
18 NTPC ER 375.80 2.34 87.85 35.66 123.51 3.29
19 Kudgi Unit I
20 Kudgi Unit II
Total CGS 33,176.13 8,666.61 3,228.01 11,894.62 3.59
21 Madurai Power Corpn 11.31 4.10 4.64 38.37 43.01 38.03

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Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (TANGEDCO) True-Up, ARR and Tariff Order, 2022

FY 2016-17

Total Variable

Cost Rs./kWh
Total Cost Rs
VC Rs./kWh

Crores (5+6)
Units in MU
S. Source of Power

Total Fixed
Cost Rs.

Cost Rs.
No. Purchase


22 Pillaiperumalnallur 199.31 6.41 127.71 49.71 177.42 8.90
23 TAQA (STCMS) 1,005.22 3.45 346.51 226.82 573.34 5.70
24 LANCO Power (Aban co) 480.97 1.94 93.15 45.80 138.95 2.89
PIONEER Power co.
25 373.79 1.97 73.55 35.49 109.04 2.92

C Renewables
26 Windmill 3,627.00 3.61 1,308.33 1,308.33
27 Co-generation 641.17 2.87 184.21 140.78 324.99 5.07
29 Biomass 22.71 - 9.35 3.03 12.38 5.45
30 Captive generation 67.32 2.09 14.07 - 14.07 2.09
31 Solar 1,919.80 6.84 1,313.47 - 1,313.47 6.84
33 UI Power
34 Traders-MTOA 1,273.63 335.54 407.15 742.69
35 Traders-LTOA 17,853.46 2.60 3,396.42 5,086.85 8,483.27 4.75

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Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (TANGEDCO) True-Up, ARR and Tariff Order, 2022

FY 2016-17

Total Variable

Cost Rs./kWh
Total Cost Rs
VC Rs./kWh

Crores (5+6)
Units in MU
S. Source of Power

Total Fixed
Cost Rs.

Cost Rs.
No. Purchase


36 Traders -STOA 689.05 3.85 266.50 - 266.50 3.87
37 STOA Charges
39 Power Exchanges 382.46 - 148.21 - 148.21
41 Swap
Less: Additional power
44 purchase due to additional (6,631.75) (2,924.60) 4.41
T&D losses
Total 55,091.56 16,288.29 9,262.01 22,625.69 4.11

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Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (TANGEDCO) True-Up, ARR and Tariff Order, 2022

Table 3-50: Summary of Power Purchase approved by the Commission after true-up for FY 2017-18

FY 2017-18 (Actuals)

Total Variable

Cost Rs./kWh
Total Cost Rs
VC Rs./kWh

Crores (5+6)
Units in MU
S. Source of Power

Total Fixed
Cost Rs.

Cost Rs.
No. Purchase


Central Generating
1 Neyveli TS-I 2,710.29 4.19 1,136.63 305.06 1,441.69 5.32
2 Neyveli TS-II Stage I
2,162.23 2.96 640.07 195.70 835.77 3.87
3 Neyveli TS-II
4 Neyveli TS-I Expansion 1,110.47 2.73 303.27 149.01 452.28 4.07
5 Neyveli Expansion Unit II 853.85 2.72 231.99 257.50 489.49 5.73
6 NTPL JV with NLC 2,038.38 3.12 635.90 421.88 1,057.78 5.19
7 Ramagundam I&II 3,165.30 2.39 755.19 242.60 997.79 3.15
8 Ramagundam III 868.02 2.35 204.06 66.10 270.16 3.11
9 Simhadri Stage II -Unit III
1,142.01 2.82 321.89 226.00 547.89 4.80
10 Simhadri Stage II -Unit IV
11 4,672.79 2.93 1,370.73 1,028.79 2,399.52 5.14
Unit 1

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Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (TANGEDCO) True-Up, ARR and Tariff Order, 2022

FY 2017-18 (Actuals)

Total Variable

Cost Rs./kWh
Total Cost Rs
VC Rs./kWh

Crores (5+6)
Units in MU
S. Source of Power

Total Fixed
Cost Rs.

Cost Rs.
No. Purchase


Unit 2
13 Talcher 3,370.73 1.59 536.15 240.98 777.13 2.31
14 Madras APS 1,870.82 2.22 414.79 - 414.79 2.22
15 Kaiga APS 1,725.93 3.18 549.52 - 549.52 3.18
16 Kudankulam
4,548.40 4.11 1,868.10 - 1,868.10 4.11
17 Kudankulam II
18 NTPC ER 310.87 2.34 72.59 31.00 103.59 3.33
19 Kudgi Unit I
435.92 3.67 159.99 114.56 274.55 6.30
20 Kudgi Unit II
Total CGS 30,986.01 9,200.86 3,279.18 12,480.04 4.03


21 Madurai Power Corpn

22 Pillaiperumalnallur - - -

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Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (TANGEDCO) True-Up, ARR and Tariff Order, 2022

FY 2017-18 (Actuals)

Total Variable

Cost Rs./kWh
Total Cost Rs
VC Rs./kWh

Crores (5+6)
Units in MU
S. Source of Power

Total Fixed
Cost Rs.

Cost Rs.
No. Purchase


TAQA (STCMS) 921.25 3.56 327.65 216.27
23 544
LANCO Power (Aban co) 469.44 1.84 86.43 45.29 2.81
24 132
PIONEER Power co.
370.86 1.84 68.14 33.17 2.73
25 (Penna) 101

C Renewables

26 Windmill 3,428 3.50 1,199.69 - 1,200 3.50

Co-generation 2.44 95.01 75.19 5.11

27 333 170
3.86 5.25 2.18 5.46
29 Biomass 14 7
1.96 4.35 - 1.96
30 Captive generation 22 4
31 Solar 2,904 5.34 1,550.95 - 1,551 5.34

33 UI Power

Traders-MTOA 1,187.00 5.29 627.61

34 628

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Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (TANGEDCO) True-Up, ARR and Tariff Order, 2022

FY 2017-18 (Actuals)

Total Variable

Cost Rs./kWh
Total Cost Rs
VC Rs./kWh

Crores (5+6)
Units in MU
S. Source of Power

Total Fixed
Cost Rs.

Cost Rs.
No. Purchase


35 Traders-LTOA 17,718.00 4.47 7,927.81 7,928 4.47

871.00 4.48 390.55 -

36 Traders -STOA 391
37 STOA Charges 667
Power Exchanges 1,947 4.20 818.20 -
39 818
41 819 506 506
Less: Additional power
purchase due to additional (4,845) (2,122.14) 4.38
44 T&D losses
Total 57,146 23,474.87 3,651.28 25,004.00 4.38

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Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (TANGEDCO) True-Up, ARR and Tariff Order, 2022

Table 3-51: Summary of Power Purchase approved by the Commission after true-up for FY 2018-19

FY 2018-19 (True-up)

Total Variable

Cost Rs./kWh
Total Cost Rs
VC Rs./kWh

Crores (5+6)
Units in MU
S. Source of Power

Total Fixed
Cost Rs.

Cost Rs.
No. Purchase


Central Generating
1 Neyveli TS-I 2,422.63 3.23 781.49 387.60 1,169.09 4.83
2 Neyveli TS-II Stage I
2,704.80 2.59 700.15 218.73 918.88 3.40
3 Neyveli TS-II
4 Neyveli TS-I Expansion 1,285.78 2.40 308.63 125.24 433.87 3.37
Neyveli Expansion Unit
5 905.94 2.38 215.98 229.81 445.79 4.92
6 NTPL JV with NLC 2,193.56 3.17 694.77 451.27 1,146.04 5.22
7 Ramagundam I&II 3,281.63 2.54 833.30 241.80 1,075.10 3.28
8 Ramagundam III 813.65 2.48 201.96 64.54 266.50 3.28
Simhadri Stage II -Unit
9 247.10
1,266.80 2.90 367.42 614.52 4.85
Simhadri Stage II -Unit

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Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (TANGEDCO) True-Up, ARR and Tariff Order, 2022

FY 2018-19 (True-up)

Total Variable

Cost Rs./kWh
Total Cost Rs
VC Rs./kWh

Crores (5+6)
Units in MU
S. Source of Power

Total Fixed
Cost Rs.

Cost Rs.
No. Purchase


11 1,201.16
Unit 1
5,259.23 3.35 1,763.59 2,964.75 5.64
Unit 2
13 Talcher 3,199.10 1.73 553.29 245.22 798.51 2.50
14 Madras APS 839.47 3.78 317.20 317.20 3.78
15 Kaiga APS 1,628.91 4.38 714.20 714.20 4.38
16 Kudankulam
3,104.22 4.42 1,370.76 1,370.76 4.42
17 Kudankulam II
18 NTPC ER 249.39 2.23 55.62 26.27 81.89 3.28
19 Kudgi Unit I 315.92
1,248.83 3.87 482.82 798.74 6.40
20 Kudgi Unit II
Total CGS 30,403.92 9,361.18 3,754.66 13,115.84 4.31


21 Madurai Power Corpn

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Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (TANGEDCO) True-Up, ARR and Tariff Order, 2022

FY 2018-19 (True-up)

Total Variable

Cost Rs./kWh
Total Cost Rs
VC Rs./kWh

Crores (5+6)
Units in MU
S. Source of Power

Total Fixed
Cost Rs.

Cost Rs.
No. Purchase


22 Pillaiperumalnallur - -

23 TAQA (STCMS) 1,232.45 3.28 403.72 230.01 633.73 5.14

LANCO Power (Aban
647.51 2.24 145.22 59.89 205.11 3.17
24 co)
PIONEER Power co.
351.32 2.25 79.18 30.73 109.91 3.13
25 (Penna)

C Renewables

26 Windmill 3,909.00 2.27 888.86 - 888.86 2.27

27 Co-generation 342.05 2.82 96.43 64.22 160.65 4.70

29 Biomass 11.26 3.96 4.46 1.77 6.23 5.53

30 Captive generation 24.94 2.03 5.07 - 5.07 2.03

31 Solar 3,556.00 4.70 1,672.13 - 1,672.13 4.70

33 UI Power

34 Traders-MTOA 1,780.02 2.10 374.38 291.90 666.28 3.74

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Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (TANGEDCO) True-Up, ARR and Tariff Order, 2022

FY 2018-19 (True-up)

Total Variable

Cost Rs./kWh
Total Cost Rs
VC Rs./kWh

Crores (5+6)
Units in MU
S. Source of Power

Total Fixed
Cost Rs.

Cost Rs.
No. Purchase


35 Traders-LTOA 17,976.47 2.41 4,332.62 4,831.82 9,164.44 5.10

36 Traders -STOA 1,403.45 5.00 701.34 78.64 779.98 5.56

37 STOA Charges 605.45 605.45

39 Power Exchanges 2,738.43 5.51 1,508.69 - 1,508.69 5.51

41 Swap 67 66.70
Less: Additional power
purchase due to (5,603) (2,577.32) 4.60
44 additional T&D losses
Total 58,773.95 19,573.28 10,015.79 27,011.75 4.60

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Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (TANGEDCO) True-Up, ARR and Tariff Order, 2022

Table 3-52: Summary of Power Purchase approved by the Commission after true-up for FY 2019-20

FY 2019-20 (True Up)

Total Fixed Cost

Cost Rs. Crores
Total Variable

Cost Rs./kWh
Total Cost Rs
VC Rs./kWh

Crores (5+6)
Units in MU

Rs. Crores
Source of Power Purchase

A Central Generating Stations

1 New Neyveli TS
345.25 2.30 79.27 77.29 156.55 4.53
2 Neyveli TS-II Stage I
2,530.28 2.71 686.37 226.35 912.73 3.61
3 NLC TPS-II Second Expansion
4 Neyveli TS-I Expansion
1,394.17 2.49 346.93 153.33 500.27 3.59
5 Neyveli Expansion Unit II
722.53 2.53 182.83 187.69 370.51 5.13
6 NTPL JV with NLC
1,834.17 2.98 547.48 430.12 977.60 5.33
7 NTPC SR (Ramagundan I & II)
2,992.16 2.63 787.08 236.66 1,023.75 3.42
8 NTPC SR -III (Ramagundam III)
808.05 2.59 209.53 63.23 272.76 3.38

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Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (TANGEDCO) True-Up, ARR and Tariff Order, 2022

FY 2019-20 (True Up)

Total Fixed Cost

Cost Rs. Crores
Total Variable

Cost Rs./kWh
Total Cost Rs
VC Rs./kWh

Crores (5+6)
Units in MU

Rs. Crores
Source of Power Purchase

9 Simhadri Stage II -Unit III

1,042.79 3.24 338.32 204.38 542.70 5.20
10 Simhadri Stage II -Unit IV
11 NTPC_TNEB JV Vallur Unit 1
4,357.70 3.78 1,647.53 1,367.59 3,015.11 6.92
12 NTPC_TNEB JV Vallur Unit 2
13 Talcher
3,045.81 2.02 615.04 236.61 851.65 2.80
14 Madras APS
1,089.23 2.80 304.65 304.65 2.80
15 Kaiga APS
1,642.20 3.65 599.50 599.50 3.65
16 Kudankulam
5,899.57 4.11 2,424.05 2,424.05 4.11
17 Kudankulam II
18 PFBR Kalpakkam

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Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (TANGEDCO) True-Up, ARR and Tariff Order, 2022

FY 2019-20 (True Up)

Total Fixed Cost

Cost Rs. Crores
Total Variable

Cost Rs./kWh
Total Cost Rs
VC Rs./kWh

Crores (5+6)
Units in MU

Rs. Crores
Source of Power Purchase


240.06 2.37 56.89 27.94 84.82 3.53
20 Kudgi Unit I
492.18 3.77 185.63 375.60 561.23 11.40
21 Kudgi Unit II
- - - - -
25 NTPC/Barh-1
- - - - - -
26 NTPC/Barh-2
- - - - - -
- - - - - -
28 NLC Talabira
- - - - - -
Total CGS
28,436.14 9,011.10 3,586.79 12,597.89 4.43

29 - -

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Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (TANGEDCO) True-Up, ARR and Tariff Order, 2022

FY 2019-20 (True Up)

Total Fixed Cost

Cost Rs. Crores
Total Variable

Cost Rs./kWh
Total Cost Rs
VC Rs./kWh

Crores (5+6)
Units in MU

Rs. Crores
Source of Power Purchase

30 - 33.48 33.48
31 1,316.95 3.53 464.53 243.27 707.80 5.37
LANCO Power (Aban co)
32 759.07 2.42 183.45 72.32 255.77 3.37
PIONEER Power co. (Penna)
33 290.84 2.49 72.40 26.58 98.98 3.40
C Renewables

34 Windmill 3,837.00 2.67 1,025.59 - 1,025.59 2.67

35 296.00 2.97 87.88 46.97 134.85 4.56
Cogeneration new
36 - - - - -

37 Biomass 3.85 4.15 1.60 0.56 2.16 5.61

38 Captive generation 12.79 1.90 2.43 - 2.43 1.90

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Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (TANGEDCO) True-Up, ARR and Tariff Order, 2022

FY 2019-20 (True Up)

Total Fixed Cost

Cost Rs. Crores
Total Variable

Cost Rs./kWh
Total Cost Rs
VC Rs./kWh

Crores (5+6)
Units in MU

Rs. Crores
Source of Power Purchase

39 Solar 4,947.00 3.83 1,894.03 - 1,894.03 3.83

Co-Gen in Co-op Sugar Mills
40 - - - - -
41 UI Power

42 3,530.93 3.88 1,368.71 68.74 1,437.46 4.07

43 Traders-LTOA 18,289.31 2.62 4,791.04 3,771.12 8,562.17 4.68

44 Traders -STOA 1,313.66 4.78 628.16 628.16 4.78

45 CPP_Traders - - - - -
Power Exchanges
46 4,998.45 4.13 2,066.40 - 2,066.40 4.13
47 - - - - -
48 - - - - -

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Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (TANGEDCO) True-Up, ARR and Tariff Order, 2022

FY 2019-20 (True Up)

Total Fixed Cost

Cost Rs. Crores
Total Variable

Cost Rs./kWh
Total Cost Rs
VC Rs./kWh

Crores (5+6)
Units in MU

Rs. Crores
Source of Power Purchase

49 - - - - -
PGCIL Reactive
50 - - - - -
Less: Additional power purchase
due to additional T&D losses (2,582.47) (1,136.28) 4.40
STOA Charges
52 513.93 513.93
65,449.52 21,597 8,364 28,824.82 4.40

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Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (TANGEDCO) True-Up, ARR and Tariff Order, 2022

Table 3-53: Summary of Power Purchase approved by the Commission after true-up for FY 2020-21

FY 2020-21 (True Up)

Total Fixed Cost

Cost Rs. Crores
Total Variable

Cost Rs./kWh
Total Cost Rs
VC Rs./kWh

Crores (5+6)
Units in MU

Rs. Crores
Source of Power Purchase

A Central Generating Stations

1 New Neyveli TS 2.33

1,972.92 458.79 371.43 830.23 4.21
2 Neyveli TS-II Stage I 2.74
1,817.98 498.23 154.53 653 3.59
3 NLC TPS-II Second Expansion - -
- - - -
4 Neyveli TS-I Expansion 2.52
1,222.18 308.50 142.79 451 3.69
5 Neyveli Expansion Unit II 2.60
943.31 245.35 242.94 488 5.18
6 NTPL JV with NLC 2.87 1,077
2,108.42 604.50 472.83 5.11
7 NTPC SR (Ramagundan I & II) 2.425
2,924.77 709.29 252.56 962 3.289
8 NTPC SR -III (Ramagundam III) 2.37
688.12 162.89 63.24 226 3.286

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Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (TANGEDCO) True-Up, ARR and Tariff Order, 2022

FY 2020-21 (True Up)

Total Fixed Cost

Cost Rs. Crores
Total Variable

Cost Rs./kWh
Total Cost Rs
VC Rs./kWh

Crores (5+6)
Units in MU

Rs. Crores
Source of Power Purchase

9 Simhadri Stage II -Unit III 2.90

851.02 247.12 244.10 491 5.77
10 Simhadri Stage II -Unit IV - -
- - - -
11 NTPC_TNEB JV Vallur Unit 1 3.05 2,437
3,625.65 1,105.77 1,331.22 6.72
12 NTPC_TNEB JV Vallur Unit 2 - -
- - - -
13 Talcher 1.97
3,338.50 657.24 260.84 918 2.75
14 Madras APS 2.60
1,012.66 263.08 - 263 2.60
15 Kaiga APS 3.42
1,609.00 551.05 - 551 3.42
16 Kudankulam 4.19 2,654
6,335.85 2,653.68 - 4.19
17 Kudankulam II - -
- - - -
18 PFBR Kalpakkam - -
- - - -

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Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (TANGEDCO) True-Up, ARR and Tariff Order, 2022

FY 2020-21 (True Up)

Total Fixed Cost

Cost Rs. Crores
Total Variable

Cost Rs./kWh
Total Cost Rs
VC Rs./kWh

Crores (5+6)
Units in MU

Rs. Crores
Source of Power Purchase


319.77 79.17 28.61 108 3.37
20 Kudgi Unit I 3.19
560.99 178.95 400.76 580 10.33
21 Kudgi Unit II -
- - - - -
25 NTPC/Barh-1 -
- - - - -
26 NTPC/Barh-2 -
- - - - -
- - - - -
28 NLC Talabira -
- - - - -
Total CGS
29,331.14 2.97 8,723.64 3,965.84 12,689.48 4.33

29 SEPC - -

30 Pillaiperumalnallur 1.75 7.26 1.27 159.08 160.35

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Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (TANGEDCO) True-Up, ARR and Tariff Order, 2022

FY 2020-21 (True Up)

Total Fixed Cost

Cost Rs. Crores
Total Variable

Cost Rs./kWh
Total Cost Rs
VC Rs./kWh

Crores (5+6)
Units in MU

Rs. Crores
Source of Power Purchase

TAQA (STCMS) 3.60 519.30

31 811.72 292.18 227.11 6.40
LANCO Power (Aban co) 1.30 57.34
32 170.17 22.12 11.02 3.37
PIONEER Power co. (Penna) 1.63 70.97
33 208.55 33.93 20.33 3.40
C Renewables

3.71 1,383
34 Windmill 3,731.00 1,383.04 3.71
Co-generation 3.04
35 283.45 86.22 49.48 136 4.79
36 Cogeneration new - - - - -

4.37 1.74
37 Biomass 2.99 1.31 0.44 5.83
2.05 3.29
38 Captive generation 16.03 3.29 - 2.05
3.71 2,267
39 Solar 6,115.00 2,266.77 3.71
40 Co-Gen in Co-op Sugar Mills - - - - -

Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory Commission Page 106

Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (TANGEDCO) True-Up, ARR and Tariff Order, 2022

FY 2020-21 (True Up)

Total Fixed Cost

Cost Rs. Crores
Total Variable

Cost Rs./kWh
Total Cost Rs
VC Rs./kWh

Crores (5+6)
Units in MU

Rs. Crores
Source of Power Purchase

41 UI Power

Traders-MTOA 5.64 681.85

42 1,209.79 681.85 - 5.64
43 Traders-LTOA 18,199.69 4,929.46 4,429.07 9,358.53 5.14
3.63 591.05
44 Traders -STOA 1,629.59 591.05 - 3.63
45 CPP_Traders - - - - -

Power Exchanges 3.15 1,713.60

46 5,447.66 1,713.60 - 3.15
47 TANTRANSCO charges - - - - -

48 Swap - - - - -

49 ABT PGCIL - - - - -

50 PGCIL Reactive - - - - -

Less: Additional power purchase

due to additional T&D losses (359.62) (160.75) 4.47

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Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (TANGEDCO) True-Up, ARR and Tariff Order, 2022

FY 2020-21 (True Up)

Total Fixed Cost

Cost Rs. Crores
Total Variable

Cost Rs./kWh
Total Cost Rs
VC Rs./kWh

Crores (5+6)
Units in MU

Rs. Crores
Source of Power Purchase

52 STOA Charges - - 372.34 372.34

Total 66,798.91 17,079.92 12,884.52 29,844.60


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17 TO FY 2020-21
3.26.1 Based on the component-wise approval as elaborated in the above Sections, the
summary of Aggregate Revenue Requirement for TANGEDCO as whole for the period
from FY 2016-17 to FY 2020-21 as approved in earlier Orders, as submitted by
TANGEDCO and as approved after final true up are shown in the Tables below:
Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (TANGEDCO) True-Up, ARR and Tariff Order, 2022

Table 3-54: Summary of ARR approved by the Commission after true-up for the period from FY 2016-17 to FY 2020-21 (Rs. Crore)
Particulars Proposed by TANGEDCO Approved by ERC
FY 2018- FY 2019- FY 2020- FY 2018- FY 2019- FY 2020-
FY 2016- FY 2017- FY 2016- FY 2017-
19 (True- 20 (True- 21 (True- 19 (True- 20 (True- 21 (True-
17 18 17 18
up) up) up) up) up) up)
Power Purchase Cost 24,283 27,118 29,614 30,216 30,358 22,626 25,004 27,012 28,825 29,845
PGCIL & SLDC 2,563 3,065 3,411 3,586 4,026 2,563 3,065 3,411 3,586 4,026
Generation cost
(Own Generation 15,324 14,302 16,817 16,388 13,910 13,124 12,120 13,921 13,501 10,624
Return on Equity 139 322 409 492 626 - - - - -
Interest and finance
3,719 3,305 3,873 4,403 5,340 2,914 2,957 3,144 3,421 3,430
Depreciation 807 964 1,127 1,406 1,539 770 935 1,088 1,367 1,539
Interest on Working
- 48 166 42 - - 114 - -
Operation and
5,266 7,070 8,305 8,179 8,448 5,230 7,043 7,638 8,272 8,708
Maintenance Expenses
Other Debits 42 35 35 33 27 - - - - -
Operating charges 99 99 169 148 122 - - - - -
Prior Period Credits /
-1,794 54 1,095 2,204 2,939 -1,794 54 1,095 2,204 2,939
Total Revenue
50,350 56,284 64,852 66,947 67,213 45,432 51,179 57,422 61,176 61,110

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3.27.1 TANGEDCO submitted that revenue from sale of power as relevant for the true up

Commission’s view
3.27.2 The Commission has considered the revenue from sales as given in the Audited Accounts
for the period from FY 2016-17 to FY 2020-21 . However, as revenue in the Audited
Accounts consist of revenue from wheeling units also, the same has been deducted from
the total revenue, whereas TANGEDCO has reduced the wheeling revenue from the
category-wise revenue. Further, as sales to Puducherry have been disallowed by the
Commission, corresponding revenue has also not been considered.
3.27.3 The revenue from sales approved for the period from FY 2016-17 to FY 2020-21 is
shown in the Table below:
Table 3-55: Revenue from Sales approved by the Commission after true-up for the period
from FY 2016-17 to FY 2020-21 (Rs. Crore)

S. Year FY 2016-17
Consumer Category Tariff Sales (MUs) Revenue (Rs. Crores)
I I High Tension Supply
Registered factories, Textiles,
1 Tea Estate, Software Industries IA 8,848 9,431
2 Railway Traction IB 832 637
Govt. Educational Institutions,
3 Govt. Hospitals, Water supply IIA 1,408 1,324
4 Private Educational Institutions IIB 340 280
Commercial and all categories
5 not covered in other HT III 1,710 2,068
Lift Irrigation and Co-operative
6 IV 6 -
Soc. for Agriculture
HT Temporary Supply for
7 68 110
construction & other purpose
Supply to Pondicherry plus Other
8 212 86
9 Sub Total HT (A) 13,423 13,936
II II. Low Tension Supply
10 Domestic, Hand Loom etc. IA 24,681 6,709
Huts in Village panchayats,
11 IB 452 -

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S. Year FY 2016-17
Consumer Category Tariff Sales (MUs) Revenue (Rs. Crores)
LT Bulk supply for railway,
12 IC 10 5
defence colonies etc.
Public Lighting and Public Water
13 IIA 2,405 1,671
Supply & Sewerage
Government and aided
14 Educational Instn., Government IIB (1) 154 105
Hospitals etc.
15 Private Educational Institutions IIB (2) 277 231
Actual Place of Public Worships,
16 II C 129 70
Mutts and Religious institutions
17 Cottage and Tiny Industries 271 130
18 Power loom etc. 967 187
Industries not covered under L.T.
19 IIIB 6,643 4,717
Tariff IIIA (1), IIIA(2) incl. IT
Agriculture and Govt. seed farm
20 IV 11,727 -
Commercial and all categories
21 not covered in other LT V 6,734 6,034
Temp. supply other than
22 Domestic and Lavish VI 182 282
23 Sub Total LT (B) 54,632 20,141
24 Total HT and LT {A+B} (C) 68,055 34,076
*Revenue is excluding wheeling charges and grants

S. Year FY 2017-18
Consumer Category Tariff Sales (MUs) Revenue (Rs. Crores)
I I High Tension Supply
Registered factories, Textiles,
1 Tea Estate, Software Industries IA 8,991 8,265
2 Railway Traction IB 839 649
Govt. Educational Institutions,
3 Govt. Hospitals, Water supply IIA 1,382 1,243
4 Private Educational Institutions IIB 344 285
Commercial and all categories
5 not covered in other HT III 1,717 1,725
Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory Commission 112
Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (TANGEDCO) True-Up, ARR and Tariff Order, 2022

S. Year FY 2017-18
Consumer Category Tariff Sales (MUs) Revenue (Rs. Crores)
Lift Irrigation and Co-operative
6 IV 7 -
Soc. for Agriculture
HT Temporary Supply for
7 48 86
construction & other purpose
Supply to Pondicherry plus Other
8 198 101
9 Sub Total HT (A) 13,527 12,355
II II. Low Tension Supply
10 Domestic, Hand Loom etc. IA 25,815 6,283
Huts in Village panchayats,
11 IB 391 -
LT Bulk supply for railway,
12 IC 11 7
defence colonies etc.
Public Lighting and Public Water
13 IIA 2,247 1,538
Supply & Sewerage
Government and aided
14 Educational Instn., Government IIB (1) 160 110
Hospitals etc.
15 Private Educational Institutions IIB (2) 270 229
Actual Place of Public Worships,
16 II C 135 71
Mutts and Religious institutions
17 Cottage and Tiny Industries 282 128
18 Power loom etc. 957 151
Industries not covered under L.T.
19 IIIB 6,805 4,579
Tariff IIIA (1), IIIA(2) incl. IT
Agriculture and Govt. seed farm
20 IV 11,250 -
Commercial and all categories
21 not covered in other LT V 7,169 6,317
Temp. supply other than
22 Domestic and Lavish VI 193 297
23 Sub Total LT (B) 55,687 19,710
24 Total HT and LT {A+B} (C) 69,214 32,065
*Revenue is excluding wheeling charges and grants

FY 2018-19
S. Tarif
Consumer Category Sales Revenue*
No. f
(MUs) (Rs. Crores)
I High Tension Supply

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FY 2018-19
S. Tarif
Consumer Category Sales Revenue*
No. f
(MUs) (Rs. Crores)
Registered factories, Textiles, Tea Estate, Software
1 IA 10,804 9,615
Industries etc.
2 Railway Traction IB 894 698
Govt. Educational Institutions, Govt. Hospitals,
3 IIA 1,457 1,090
Water supply etc.
4 Private Educational Institutions IIB 346 276
Commercial and all categories not covered in other
6 III 1,987 2,079
HT categories
Lift Irrigation and Co-operative Soc. for
7 IV 14 9
HT Temporary Supply for construction & other
8 V 37 56
9 Supply to Pondicherry and Other States 1,129 476
Sub Total HT (A) 16,667 14,300
II Low Tension Supply
10 Domestic, Hand Loom etc. IA 26,996 9,857
11 Huts in Village panchayats, TAHDCO etc. IB 427 195
12 LT Bulk supply for railway, defence colonies etc. IC 9 4
Public Lighting and Public Water Supply &
13 IIA 2,282 1,612
Government and aided Educational Instn., IIB
14 169 117
Government Hospitals etc. (1)
15 Private Educational Institutions 267 228
Actual Place of Public worships, Mutts and
16 II C 136 98
Religious institutions
17 Cottage and Tiny Industries 296 148
18 Powerloom etc. 1,023 616
Industries not covered under L.T. Tariff IIIA(1),
19 IIIB 7,281 5,077
IIIA(2) incl. IT
20 Agriculture and Govt. seed farm etc. IV 13,064 4,091
Commercial and all categories not covered in other
21 V 7,289 6,628
LT categories
Temp. supply other than Domestic and Lavish
22 VI 221 524
23 Sub Total LT (B) 59,460 29,197
24 Total HT and LT {A+B} (C) 76,127 43,496

*Revenue is excluding wheeling charges and grants

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Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (TANGEDCO) True-Up, ARR and Tariff Order, 2022

FY 2019-20
S. Tarif
Consumer Category Sales Revenue*
No. f
(MUs) (Rs. Crores)
I High Tension Supply
Registered factories, Textiles, Tea Estate, Software
1 IA 9,874 9,106
Industries etc.
2 Railway Traction IB 922 706
Govt. Educational Institutions, Govt. Hospitals,
3 IIA 1,526 1,135
Water supply etc.
4 Private Educational Institutions IIB 360 286
Commercial and all categories not covered in other
6 III 2,131 2,226
HT categories
Lift Irrigation and Co-operative Soc. for
7 IV 17 11
HT Temporary Supply for construction & other
8 V 37 50
9 Supply to Pondicherry and Other States - -
Sub Total HT (A) 14,867 13,520
II Low Tension Supply
10 Domestic, Hand Loom etc. IA 28,650 10,447
11 Huts in Village panchayats, TAHDCO etc. IB 491 194
12 LT Bulk supply for railway, defence colonies etc. IC 9 49
Public Lighting and Public Water Supply &
13 IIA 2,304 1,638
Government and aided Educational Instn., IIB
14 182 126
Government Hospitals etc. (1)
15 Private Educational Institutions 272 233
Actual Place of Public worships, Mutts and
16 II C 141 102
Religious institutions
17 Cottage and Tiny Industries 302 153
18 Powerloom etc. 1,057 649
Industries not covered under L.T. Tariff IIIA(1),
19 IIIB 7,315 5,115
IIIA(2) incl. IT
20 Agriculture and Govt. seed farm etc. IV 13,811 4,168
Commercial and all categories not covered in other
21 V 7,725 7,039
LT categories
Temp. supply other than Domestic and Lavish
22 VI 266 602
23 Sub Total LT (B) 62,524 30,473
24 Total HT and LT {A+B} (C) 77,391 43,992
*Revenue is excluding wheeling charges and grants

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FY 2020-21
Consumer Category Tariff Sales Revenue*
(MUs) (Rs. Crores)
I High Tension Supply
Registered factories, Textiles, Tea Estate, Software
1 IA 7,989 7,948
Industries etc.
2 Railway Traction IB 528 471
Govt. Educational Institutions, Govt. Hospitals, Water
3 IIA 1,423 1,075
supply etc.
4 Private Educational Institutions IIB 160 160
Commercial and all categories not covered in other HT
6 III 1,384 1,615
7 Lift Irrigation and Co-operative Soc. for Agriculture IV 19 12
8 HT Temporary Supply for construction & other purpose V 23 40
9 Supply to Pondicherry and Other States - -
Sub Total HT (A) 11,525 11,321
II Low Tension Supply
10 Domestic, Hand Loom etc. IA 30,390 11,068
11 Huts in Village panchayats, TAHDCO etc. IB 393 172
12 LT Bulk supply for railway, defence colonies etc. IC 9 5
13 Public Lighting and Public Water Supply & Sewerage IIA 2,403 1,709
Government and aided Educational Instn., Government IIB
14 126 92
Hospitals etc. (1)
15 Private Educational Institutions 132 119
Actual Place of Public worships, Mutts and Religious
16 II C 112 86
17 Cottage and Tiny Industries 305 157
18 Powerloom etc. 898 560
Industries not covered under L.T. Tariff IIIA(1), IIIA(2)
19 IIIB 6,925 4,728
incl. IT
20 Agriculture and Govt. seed farm etc. IV 13,956 3,167
Commercial and all categories not covered in other LT
21 V 6,199 5,558
Temp. supply other than Domestic and Lavish
22 VI 248 656
23 Sub Total LT (B) 62,097 28,077
24 Total HT and LT {A+B} (C) 73,622 39,398
*Revenue is excluding wheeling charges and grants


FY 2016-17 TO FY 2020-21
3.28.1 Based on the approved Aggregate Revenue Requirement and Revenue from sales, and
after considering subsidy received from GoTN for the period from FY 2016-17 to FY
2020-21 , the Revenue Gap/(Surplus) approved by the Commission is shown in the
Tables below.
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Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (TANGEDCO) True-Up, ARR and Tariff Order, 2022

3.28.2 The cumulative revenue gap comes to be 56,434 Rs. crores. The impact of FRP bond
takeover is not considered, as the same is to clean up the impact of past dues.
Table 3-56: Revenue Gap/(Surplus) approved by the Commission after true-up for the
period from FY 2016-17 to FY 2020-21 (Rs. Crore)

Particulars FY 2016-17 FY 2017-18 FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21

Total Revenue
45,432 51,179 57,422 61,176 61,110
Less: (i) Tariff
Revenue (including 42,561 39,789 42,986 43,995 40,362
(ii) Non-tariff
611 734 889 935 1,006
(iii) Other income 1,363 2,250 967 667 770
(iv) Other Govt
Subsidy (FRP bond - - - - -
take over)
898 8,406 12,579 15,580 18,971

3.28.3 The treatment of this deficit is explained further in the following chapters.

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Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (TANGEDCO) True-Up, ARR and Tariff Order, 2022



4.1.1 TANGEDCO has submitted that it has estimated energy consumption for various
customer categories primarily based on the CAGR trends during past years.
4.1.2 TANGEDCO submitted that during FY 2020-21, the actual sales, except for LT IV
(Agriculture and Govt. seed farm etc.), have been impacted due to the outbreak of
COVID-19. Thus, it has considered the FY 2020-21 as abnormal year, and the sales
projections from FY 2022-23 have been arrived by applying the appropriate growth rate
on the actual sales available for base year, i.e., FY 2019-20 and FY 2021-22. However,
for LT IV (Agriculture and Govt. seed farm etc.), base year for projections has been
considered as FY 2020-21.
4.1.3 TANGEDCO submitted that it has considered the actual figures of category wise energy
sales from FY 2015-16 to FY 2019-20 and FY 2021-22 and projected the sales for FY
2021-22 to FY 2026-27 using trend analysis method. However, when the trend is
observed unreasonable/unsustainable the growth factors have been corrected considering
the recent developments to arrive at more realistic projections.
4.1.4 TANGEDCO also submitted that no wheeling units have been considered in the total
sales MU projected for FY 2021-22 to FY 2026-27.
Commission’s view
4.1.5 The Commission notes the submission of TANGEDCO with regards to impact of
COVID-19 on actual energy sales during FY 2020-21. Further, the Commission is of the
view that TANGEDCO is in a better position to estimate the growth in sales. Therefore,
the Commission has approved the projected sales for all categories as submitted by
TANGEDCO for the Control Period from FY 2021-22 to FY 2026-27, except Huts and
4.1.6 For Hut consumption, the Commission has followed the same approach as adopted in
previous Tariff Orders, considering actual number of hut connections, and assumptions
on equipments used, their wattage, hours and day of use.
4.1.7 For estimating number of appliances within the huts, the proportion of equipment in the
huts, as considered by the Commission in its order dated 11 December 2014 has been

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4.1.8 Agriculture Category (LT IV)- The Commission has re-estimated the Agriculture
category sales in line with the benchmark of 923 kWh per HP per annum that it adopted
in previous orders.
4.1.9 The category-wise sales projected by TANGEDCO and approved by the Commission
have been shown in the Table below.
4.1.10 It may be noted that the Annual Performance Review (APR) for FY 2021-22 is done
along with the overall estimation for new control period of FY 2022-23 to FY 2026-27.
However, the control period remains as FY 2022-23 to FY 2026-27. This is equally
applicable to remaining sections of this chapter.

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Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (TANGEDCO) True-Up, ARR and Tariff Order, 2022

Table 4-1: Sales approved by the Commission for FY 2021-22 to FY 2026-27 (in MU)

Tariff FY 2021-22 (APR) FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24

Consumer Category
Category TANGEDCO Commission TANGEDCO Commission TANGEDCO Commission
Registered factories, Textiles, Tea Estate, Software IA
12,562 12,562 11,796 11,796 12,404 12,404
Industries etc.
Railway Traction IB 1,038 1,038 1,030 1,030 1,083 1,083
Govt. Educational Institutions, Govt. Hospitals, Water IIA
1,548 1,548 1,569 1,569 1,601 1,601
supply etc.
Private Educational Institutions, Cinema Theatres & IIB
224 224 301 301 310 310
Actual places of public worship, Mutts and Religious
- - - - - -
Commercial and all categories not covered in other HT III
1,703 1,703 2,307 2,307 2,428 2,428
Lift Irrigation and Co-operative Soc. for Agriculture IV 45 45 31 31 37 37
HT Temporary Supply for construction & other purpose V 37 37 37 37 37 37
Supply to Pondicherry plus wheeling charges - - - - - -
Supply to Other States - - - - - -
Total HT 17,158 17,157 17,071 17,071 17,901 17,900

Domestic, Hand Loom etc. IA 30,771 30,771 32,158 32,158 33,608 33,608
Huts in Village panchayats, TAHDCO etc. IB* 390 434 390 434 390 434
LT Bulk supply for railway, defence colonies etc. IC 10 10 10 10 10 10
Public Lighting and Public Water Supply & Sewerage IIA 2,375 2,375 2,422 2,422 2,471 2,471
Government and aided Educational Instn., Government IIB (1)
152 152 155 155 158 158
Hospitals etc.
Private Educational Instn., IIB (2) 160 160 194 194 235 235

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Tariff FY 2021-22 (APR) FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24

Consumer Category
Category TANGEDCO Commission TANGEDCO Commission TANGEDCO Commission
Actual place of public worship, Mutts and Religious IIC
121 121 130 130 141 141
Cottage and Tiny Industries IIIA (1) 320 320 331 331 343 343
Power loom etc. IIIA (2) 932 932 960 960 989 989
Industries not covered under L.T. Tariff IIIA (1), IIIA III B
7,692 7,692 8,077 8,077 8,481 8,481
(2) incl. IT
Agriculture and Govt. seed farm etc. LT IV 13,391 16,456 14,462 16,780 15,619 17,504
Commercial and all categories not covered in other LT LT V
7,033 7,033 7,173 7,173 7,317 7,317
Temp. supply other than Domestic and Lavish LT VI
254 254 272 272 291 291
Total LT 63,601 66,710 66,736 69,095 70,052 71,982

Grand Total 80,759 83,867 83,807 86,166 87,953 89,882

Tariff FY 2024-25 FY 2025-26 FY 2026-27

Consumer Category
Category TANGEDCO Commission TANGEDCO Commission TANGEDCO Commission
Registered factories, Textiles, Tea Estate, Software IA
13,044 13,044 13,716 13,716 14,423 14,423
Industries etc.
Railway Traction IB 1,138 1,138 1,196 1,196 1,257 1,257
Govt. Educational Institutions, Govt. Hospitals, Water IIA
1,634 1,634 1,668 1,668 1,702 1,702
supply etc.
Private Educational Institutions, Cinema Theatres & IIB
320 320 330 330 340 340
Actual places of public worship, Mutts and Religious
- - - - - -
Commercial and all categories not covered in other HT III
2,555 2,555 2,689 2,689 2,831 2,831
Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory Commission 121
Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (TANGEDCO) True-Up, ARR and Tariff Order, 2022

Tariff FY 2024-25 FY 2025-26 FY 2026-27

Consumer Category
Category TANGEDCO Commission TANGEDCO Commission TANGEDCO Commission
Lift Irrigation and Co-operative Soc. for Agriculture IV 45 45 54 54 65 65
HT Temporary Supply for construction & other purpose V 37 37 37 37 37 37
Supply to Pondicherry plus wheeling charges - - - - - -
Supply to Other States - - - - - -
Total HT 18,773 18,773 19,690 19,690 20,655 20,655

Domestic, Hand Loom etc. IA 35,124 35,124 36,708 36,708 38,363 38,363
Huts in Village panchayats, TAHDCO etc. IB* 390 434 390 434 390 434
LT Bulk supply for railway, defence colonies etc. IC 11 11 11 11 11 11
Public Lighting and Public Water Supply & Sewerage IIA 2,520 2,520 2,570 2,570 2,622 2,622
Government and aided Educational Instn., Government IIB (1)
162 162 165 165 168 168
Hospitals etc.
Private Educational Instn., IIB (2) 284 284 344 344 417 417
Actual place of public worship, Mutts and Religious IIC
152 152 164 164 177 177
Cottage and Tiny Industries IIIA (1) 354 354 366 366 379 379
Power loom etc. IIIA (2) 1,019 1,019 1,049 1,049 1,081 1,081
Industries not covered under L.T. Tariff IIIA (1), IIIA III B
8,905 8,905 9,350 9,350 9,818 9,818
(2) incl. IT
Agriculture and Govt. seed farm etc. LT IV 16,869 18,228 18,218 19,140 19,676 20,097
Commercial and all categories not covered in other LT LT V
7,463 7,463 7,613 7,613 7,765 7,765
Temp. supply other than Domestic and Lavish LT VI
311 311 332 332 355 355
Total LT 73,563 74,967 77,281 78,246 81,221 81,687

Grand Total 92,336 93,740 96,971 97,936 101,876 102,342

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4.2.1 TANGEDCO submitted that it has considered distribution losses of 11.50%, 11%,
10%, 10%,10% and 10% for FY 2021-22, FY 2022-23, FY 2023-24, FY 2024-25, FY
2025-26, and FY 2026-27, respectively.
4.2.2 TANGEDCO submitted that it has considered the transmission loss for FY 2021-22
to FY 2026-27 at the same level of the actual transmission loss for FY 2020-21 i.e.,
Table 4-2: Energy Balance for the Control Period as submitted by TANGEDCO
FY 2022- FY 2023- FY 2024- FY 2025- FY 2026-
Sl. Particulars 2021-22
23 24 25 26 27
Total Energy
1 96,373 99,418 1,03,152.15 1,08,219.55 1,13,578.91 1,19,250
2 PGCIL Losses 1,721 1,721 1,721 1,721 1,721 1,721
Total Energy
3 Available at 94,652 97,697 1,01,431.17 1,06,498.57 1,11,857.93 1,17,560
State Boundary
Intra State
4 Transmission 3,691 3,810 3,956 4,153 4,362 4,584
Intra State
5 Transmission 3.90% 3.90% 3.90% 3.90% 3.90% 3.90%
HT Sales 110
6 kV & 230 kV 2,253 2,253 2,253 2,253 2,253 2,253
Sales (MU)
Available at
7 88,707 91,634 95,222 1,00,092.04 1,05,242.38 1,10,693
Total LT Sales
8 63,601 66,736 70,052 73,563 77,281 81,221
Total HT Sales
9 17,158 17,071 17,901 18,773 19,690 20,655
10 Total Sales 80,759 83,807 87,953 92,336 96,971 1,01,876
Sales at
11 Distribution 78,506 81,554 85,700 90,083 94,718 99,623
12 10,201 10,080 9,522 10,009 10,524 11,069

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FY 2022- FY 2023- FY 2024- FY 2025- FY 2026-
Sl. Particulars 2021-22
23 24 25 26 27
13 11.50% 11.00% 10.00% 10.00% 10.00% 10.00%
Commission’s view
4.2.3 Considering the historical performance of TANGEDCO, the Commission is of the
view that TANGEDCO has considered appropriate distribution losses for the Control
Period from FY 2021-22 to FY 2026-27 and hence the same has been considered by
the Commission while computing the Energy balance for the Control Period from FY
2021-22 to FY 2026-27.
4.2.4 As regarding the Transmission losses, the Commission in its previous tariff order
dated 11 August 2017 has considered the transmission losses of TANTRANSCO as
3.81% for FY19 and the same has been considered by the Commission while
determining Energy balance for TANGEDCO in the new control period.
4.2.5 Further, the Commission has considered the PGCIL losses as submitted by
TANGEDCO for the Control Period from FY 2021-22 to FY 2026-27. Based on the
above, the Commission has determined the Energy balance for the Control Period
from FY 2021-22 to FY 2026-27 as shown in the Table below:
Table 4-3: Approved Energy Balance for the Control Period
Particulars FY 2021- FY FY FY FY FY
22 (APR) 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27
LT Sales (MU) 66,710 69,095 71,982 74,967 78,246 81,687
HT Sales (up to 33 KV)
14,904 14,818 15,647 16,520 17,437 18,402
Sales to consumers
81,614 83,913 87,628 91,487 95,682 100,088
below 33 KV (MU)
Additional power to
Kadamparai (MU)
Distribution Loss (%) 11.50% 11.00% 10.00% 10.00% 10.00% 10.00%
Distribution Loss (MU) 10,605 10,371 9,736 10,165 10,631 11,121
Energy input at
Distribution periphery 92,219 94,285 97,365 101,652 106,314 111,209
Sales above 33 KV
2,253 2,253 2,253 2,253 2,253 2,253
Transmission Losses
3.81% 3.81% 3.81% 3.81% 3.81% 3.81%
Energy required at State
98,214 100,361 103,564 108,021 112,867 117,957
PGCIL Losses 1,721 1,721 1,721 1,721 1,721 1,721

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Particulars FY 2021- FY FY FY FY FY
22 (APR) 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27
Total Power Required 99,935 102,082 105,285 109,742 114,588 119,678


4.3.1 Total availability from own generating stations as submitted by TANGEDCO is
shown in the Table below:
Table 4-4: Net Generation from Own Plants for the Control Period as submitted by
2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27
Coal Based Thermal
Tuticorin TPS 4,539 4,629 4,642 4,629 4,629 4,629
Mettur TPS I 4,388 4,713 4,726 4,713 4,713 4,713
Mettur TPS II 2,570 2,933 2,941 2,933 2,933 2,933
North Chennai TPS 3,071 3,282 3,291 3,282 3,282 3,282
NCTPS Stage II 4,196 5,866 5,882 5,866 5,866 5,866
NCTPS Stage III - 3,268 3,259 3,259 3,259
Ennore Expansion
Udangudi Stage I - - - - 2,688
Ennore SEZ - - 2,688 2,688 2,688
Total Coal based
18,764 21,423 24,749 27,370 27,370 30,058
Gas based Thermal
Tirumakottai GTPS 141 258 259 258 258 258
Kuttalam GTPS 340 374 375 374 374 374
Basin Bridge GTPS 6 6 6 6 6 6
Valuthur GTPS 886 1,078 1,081 1,078 1,078 1,078
Total Gas based
1,373 1,716 1,721 1,716 1,716 1,716
Hydro Stations
Erode HEP 1,108 1,108 1,111 1,108 1,108 1,108
Kadamparai HEP 864 864 864 864 864 864
Kundah HEP 2,224 2,224 2,230 2,224 2,224 2,224
Tirunelveli HEP 1,136 1,136 1,139 1,136 1,136 1,136
Less: Kadamparai Pump
290 290 290 290 290 290
Total Hydro 5,042 5,042 5,054 5,042 5,042 5,042
Windmills 4 4 4 4 4 4
Grand Total 25,184 28,186 31,529 34,133 34,133 36,821

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Commission’s view
4.3.2 Based on the operating parameters as elaborated in subsequent sections, approved net
generation from TANGEDCO’s own generating stations as shown in the Table below:
Table 4-5: Approved Net Generation for the Control Period (MU)
2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27
Coal Based Thermal
Tuticorin TPS 4,539 4,629 4,642 4,629 4,629 4,629
Mettur TPS I 4,388 4,713 4,726 4,713 4,713 4,713
Mettur TPS II 2,570 2,933 2,941 2,933 2,933 2,933
North Chennai TPS 3,071 3,282 3,291 3,282 3,282 3,282
NCTPS Stage II 4,196 5,866 5,882 5,866 5,866 5,866
NCTPS Stage III - - 3,268 3,259 3,910 3,910
Ennore Expansion - - - - - -
Udangudi Stage I - - - - - 2,688
Ennore SEZ - - - 2,688 4,302 4,302
Total Coal based
18,764 21,423 24,749 27,370 29,635 32,323
Gas based Thermal
Tirumakottai GTPS 146 266 267 258 266 266
Kuttalam GTPS 340 374 375 374 374 374
Basin Bridge GTPS 6 6 6 6 6 6
Valuthur GTPS 886 1,078 1,081 1,078 1,078 1,078
Total Gas based
1,378 1,725 1,730 1,716 1,725 1,725
Hydro Stations
Erode HEP 1,117 1,108 1,120 1,117 1,117 1,117
Kadamparai HEP 864 864 867 864 864 864
Kundah HEP 2,221 2,224 2,227 2,221 2,221 2,221
Tirunelveli HEP 1,145 1,136 1,148 1,145 1,145 1,145
Less: Kadamparai Pump
290 290 290 290 290 290
Total Hydro 5,057 5,042 5,072 5,057 5,057 5,057
Windmills 4 4 4 4 4 4
Grand Total 25,204 28,194 31,555 34,148 36,421 39,110

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4.4.1 TANGEDCO submitted that it has projected energy availability for FY 2021-22 to
FY 2026-27 based on the energy sources available during the year, Central Generating
Stations (CGS) and other sources with which it has tied up power during the
respective year, as shown in the Table below:
Table 4-6: Energy Availability from other sources as submitted by TANGEDCO (MU)
FY 2021-
Own Generating FY 2022- FY 2023- FY 2024- FY 2025- FY 2026-
Station 23 24 25 26 27

Central Generating Stations

New Neyveli TS 3,821.68 3,527.72 3,643.50 3,742.55 3,854.83 3,970.48
Neyveli TS-II Stage
2,734.44 3,725.59 3847.87 3952.48 4071.06 4193.19
- - - - 2,737.23 5,420.25
Neyveli TS-I
1,591.99 1,626.69 1,647.45 1,642.95 1,642.95 1,642.95
Neyveli Expansion
955.49 1,000.06 1,032.88 1,060.96 1,092.79 1,125.57
Unit II
NTPL JV with NLC 1,723.84 1,851.88 1,912.67 1,964.66 2,023.60 2,084.31
(Ramagundan I & 3,221.60 3,393.13 3,504.50 3,599.78 3,707.77 3,819.00
968.26 856.06 884.16 908.20 935.44 963.51
(Ramagundam III)
Simhadri Stage II -
1,209.02 1230.81 1271.21 1305.77 1344.94 1385.29
Unit III
Simhadri Stage II -
- - - - - -
Unit IV
6,044.14 5294.73 5468.52 5617.18 5785.70 5959.27
Vallur Unit 1
- - - - - -
Vallur Unit 2
Talcher 3,508.33 3,531.34 3,647.24 3,746.40 3,858.79 3,974.55
Madras APS 627.57 796.33 822.47 844.83 870.17 896.28
Kaiga APS 1,719.75 1,898.66 1,960.97 2,014.28 2,074.71 2,136.95
Kudankulam 7,781.75 8,114.87 8381.22 8609.07 8867.34 9133.36
Kudankulam II - - - - - -
229.75 115.32 119.11 122.35 126.02 129.80
Kudgi Unit I 905.22 914.74 944.76 970.45 999.56 1,029.55
Kudgi Unit II - - - - - -

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FY 2021-
Own Generating FY 2022- FY 2023- FY 2024- FY 2025- FY 2026-
Station 23 24 25 26 27
NTPC Bongaigaun - 960.00 - - - -
NTPC/Barh-1 2.56 502.46 517.53 533.06 549.05 565.52
NTPC/Barh-2 4.37 593.33 611.13 629.46 648.35 667.80
NTPC/KBUN 3.86 455.58 469.25 483.33 497.83 512.76
NLC Talabira - - - - - 6,158.72
Total CGS 37,053.61 40,389.31 40,686.46 41,747.76 45,688.13 55,769.11
SEPC 89.00 643.29 643.29 643.29 643.29 643.29
TAQA (STCMS) 1,427.87 1,314.00 1,317.60 1,314.00 1,314.00 1,314.00
51.39 - - - - -
co. (Penna)
Windmill 3,235.10 3,332.15 3,432.12 3,535.08 3,641.13 3,750.37
Co-generation 347.07 347.07 347.07 347.07 347.07 347.07
Biomass 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.10
Captive generation 15.18 15.18 15.18 15.18 15.18 15.18
Solar 6,521.39 6,977.89 7,466.34 7,988.99 8,548.21 9,146.59
Total Renewables
10,120.85 10,674.40 11,262.81 11,888.42 12,553.70 13,261.31
Short Term and Others
UI Power 204.78 - - - - -
Traders-MTOA 681.70 910.55 885.65 924.66 962.34 572.06
Traders-LTOA 14,392.12 11,837.20 11,513.39 12,020.53 12,510.44 7,436.75
Traders -STOA 1,732.34 910.55 885.65 924.66 962.34 572.06
STOA Charges - - - -
Power Exchanges 6,329.93 4,552.77 4,428.23 4,623.28 4,811.71 2,860.29
Total Short Term
23,340.86 18,211.07 17,712.91 18,493.12 19,246.83 11,441.15
and Others
Total 72,083.58 71,232.06 71,623.06 74,086.58 79,445.94 82,428.85

Commission’s view
Central Generating Stations

4.4.2 The Commission has reviewed the energy availability from CGS as submitted by
TANGEDCO, and approved after verifying on the basis of allotted shares and other
key parameters.
Independent Power Producers

4.4.3 The Commission has considered energy availability from IPPs as submitted by

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Renewable Energy Sources and Captive Power Plants

4.4.4 The Commission vide its notification dated August 12, 2020, has amended the
Renewable Energy Obligation Regulations, 2010. Post-amendment, TANGEDCO is
obligated to purchase minimum of 21.00% from RE sources in FY 2021-22. Out of
this, 10.50% must be purchased from solar sources in FY 2021-22.
4.4.5 As the RPO is yet to be specified for FY 2022-23 onwards. Regulations 3(2) of the
Commission’s RPO Regulations provides that if the RPO for any of the years is not
specified by the Commission, the RPO specified for the previous year shall be
continued beyond the period till any revision is implemented by the Commission. The
Commission has considered total RPO of 21.00% including solar RPO of 10.50% for
the remaining Control Period from FY 2022-23 to FY 2026-27.
4.4.6 The Commission has considered the energy availability from RE sources and Captive
Power Plants based on installed capacity of such sources in the State and based on
TANGEDCO’s projections of the same.
Long-Term / Medium / Short Term Open Access

4.4.7 The Commission has considered the power from LTOA, MTOA and STOA, as
submitted by TANGEDCO.
4.4.8 The source-wise energy availability from Other Sources considered by the
Commission for the MYT Control Period is shown in the Table below:
Table 4-7: Energy Availability from other sources as approved by the Commission
Own Generating FY 2021- FY 2022- FY 2023- FY 2024- FY 2025- FY 2026-
Station 22 (APR) 23 24 25 26 27

Central Generating Stations

New Neyveli TS 3,821.68 3,527.72 3,643.50 3,742.55 3,854.83 3,970.48
Neyveli TS-II
2,734.44 3,725.59 3847.87 3952.48 4071.06 4193.19
Stage I
- - - - 2,737.23 5,420.25
Second Expansion
Neyveli TS-I
1,591.99 1,626.69 1,647.45 1,642.95 1,642.95 1,642.95
Neyveli Expansion
955.49 1,000.06 1,032.88 1,060.96 1,092.79 1,125.57
Unit II
NTPL JV with
1,723.84 1,851.88 1,912.67 1,964.66 2,023.60 2,084.31

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Own Generating FY 2021- FY 2022- FY 2023- FY 2024- FY 2025- FY 2026-

Station 22 (APR) 23 24 25 26 27
(Ramagundan I & 3,221.60 3,393.13 3,504.50 3,599.78 3,707.77 3,819.00
968.26 856.06 884.16 908.20 935.44 963.51
(Ramagundam III)
Simhadri Stage II -
1,209.02 1230.81 1271.21 1305.77 1344.94 1385.29
Unit III
Simhadri Stage II -
Unit IV
6,044.14 5294.73 5468.52 5617.18 5785.70 5959.27
Vallur Unit 1
Vallur Unit 2
Talcher 3,508.33 3,531.34 3,647.24 3,746.40 3,858.79 3,974.55
Madras APS 627.57 796.33 822.47 844.83 870.17 896.28
Kaiga APS 1,719.75 1,898.66 1,960.97 2,014.28 2,074.71 2,136.95
Kudankulam 7,781.75 8,114.87 8381.22 8609.07 8867.34 9133.36
Kudankulam II
(FARAKKA 229.75 115.32 119.11 122.35 126.02 129.80
Kudgi Unit I 905.22 914.74 944.76 970.45 999.56 1,029.55
Kudgi Unit II
NTPC Bongaigaun - 960.00 - - - -
NTPC/Barh-1 2.56 502.46 517.53 533.06 549.05 565.52
NTPC/Barh-2 4.37 593.33 611.13 629.46 648.35 667.80
NTPC/KBUN 3.86 455.58 469.25 483.33 497.83 512.76
NLC Talabira - - - - - 6,158.72
Total CGS 37,053.61 40,389.31 40,686.46 41,747.76 45,688.13 55,769.11
SEPC 89.00 643.29 643.29 643.29 643.29 643.29
TAQA (STCMS) 1,427.87 1,314.00 1,317.60 1,314.00 1,314.00 1,314.00
51.39 -
co. (Penna)
Windmill 3,235.10 3,332.15 3,432.12 3,535.08 3,641.13 3,750.37
Co-generation 347.07 347.07 347.07 347.07 347.07 347.07
Biomass 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.10
Captive generation 15.18 15.18 15.18 15.18 15.18 15.18
Solar 6,521.39 6,977.89 7,466.34 7,988.99 8,548.21 9,146.59
Total Renewables
10,120.85 10,674.40 11,262.81 11,888.42 12,553.70 13,261.31

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Own Generating FY 2021- FY 2022- FY 2023- FY 2024- FY 2025- FY 2026-

Station 22 (APR) 23 24 25 26 27
Short Term and Others
UI Power 204.78 - - -
Traders-MTOA 681.70 910.55 885.65 924.66 962.34 572.06
Traders-LTOA 14,392.12 11,837.20 11,513.39 12,020.53 12,510.44 7,436.75
Traders -STOA 1,732.34 910.55 885.65 924.66 962.34 572.06
STOA Charges - - - -
Power Exchanges 6,329.93 4,552.77 4,428.23 4,623.28 4,811.71 2,860.29
Total Short Term
23,340.86 18,211.07 17,712.91 18,493.12 19,246.83 11,441.15
and Others
Total 72,083.58 71,232.06 71,623.06 74,086.58 79,445.94 82,428.85


4.5.1 TANGEDCO submitted that it has considered the Fixed Cost for its Generating
Stations and Distribution function on the basis of the TNERC (Terms and Conditions
for Determination of Tariff) Regulations, 2005 and Audited Accounts for FY 2016-
17 to FY 2020-21.
4.5.2 The Fixed Costs are categorized under the following heads:
v. Operation and Maintenance Expenses
vi. Depreciation
vii. Interest and Finance Charges
viii. Return on Equity
x. Interest on Working Capital
xi. Other Debits
xii. Operating Charges and Extra Ordinary Items
xiii. Prior Period Items
xiv. Non- Tariff Income and Other Income


4.6.1 The Operation and Maintenance expense includes actual expenses incurred by
TANGEDCO towards Employee Expenses, Administrative and General Expenses
(A&G) and Repair and Maintenance Expenses (R&M).
4.6.2 Regulation 25 of the TNERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff)
Regulations, 2005, 2005 provides that the operation and maintenance expenses shall
be derived on the basis of actual operation and maintenance expenses for the past
five years. The relevant extract from the said Regulations is as reproduced below:

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25. Operation and Maintenance Expenses

(1) The operation and maintenance expenses shall be derived on the

basis of actual operation and maintenance expenses for the past five
years previous to current year based on the audited Annual Accounts
excluding abnormal operation and maintenance expenses, if any, after
prudence check by the Commission. The Commission may, if considered
necessary engage Consultant / Auditors in the process of prudence
check for correctness

4.6.3 Further, as per the amendment to TNERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination
of Tariff) Regulations, 2005, 2005 vide Notification No. TNERC / TR /5/2-11 dated
13 April, 2014, it was specified that the average of such Operation and Maintenance
expenses derived as per clause 1 of Regulation 25, is to be escalated at the rate of 5.72
% per annum to arrive at operation and maintenance expenses for current year i.e.,
base year and ensuing year.
4.6.4 TANGEDCO has stated that the above provisions were used by it to arrive at the
O&M expenses, considering average of actual Audited operation and maintenance
expenses from FY 2014-15 to FY 2018-19, and applying escalation factor of 5.72%,
with the following deviations: For basic salary, as wage revision was undertaken in FY19, instead of past five years,
TANGEDCO has considered average of actual Audited values of FY 2018-19 and
provisional value of FY 2019-20. FY 2021-22 onwards, the dearness allowance Increased to 31% from 01.01.2022 and
average of 3% increase in future period has been considered for projections.
4.6.5 The Earned leave encashment and terminal benefit have been reduced for FY 2020-
21 only, as reflected in the provisional accounts for FY 2020-21.
4.6.6 All the components of Administrative and General Expenses and Repair and
Maintenance Expenses have been escalated by 5.72% in line with the TNERC (Terms
and Conditions for Determination of Tariff) Regulations, 2005. However, in case
where any abnormal variation has been observed, TANGEDCO has appropriately
modified or excluded that component from normative calculations.
4.6.7 The plant-wise actual O&M expenses as submitted by TANGEDCO are shown in the
Table below:
Table 4-8: O&M Expenses as submitted by TANGEDCO (Rs. Crore)
Sl. Power Station FY 2021- FY 2022- FY 2023- FY 2024- FY 2025- FY 2026-
22 (APR) 23 24 25 26 27
1 Tuticorin TPS 403.77 448.74 479.36 512.01 541.30 572.26

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Sl. Power Station FY 2021- FY 2022- FY 2023- FY 2024- FY 2025- FY 2026-

22 (APR) 23 24 25 26 27
2 Mettur TPS I 309.92 347.23 371.52 397.46 420.20 444.23
3 North Chennai
263.86 293.33 313.37 334.74 353.88 374.12
4 NCTPS II 259.20 280.81 298.41 317.10 335.24 354.42
5 Mettur TPS II 160.85 175.77 187.12 199.20 210.59 222.64
6 Tirumakottai
15.27 17.02 18.19 19.44 20.56 21.73
7 Kuttalam GTPS 25.07 27.47 29.26 31.16 32.95 34.83
8 Basin Bridge
13.81 15.53 16.63 17.81 18.83 19.90
9 Valuthur GTPS 27.16 30.24 32.32 34.53 36.51 38.60
11 Erode HEP 92.08 103.64 111.00 118.85 128.75 136.11
12 Kadamparai
48.73 55.00 58.93 63.13 66.75 70.56
13 Kundah HEP 84.53 94.73 101.36 108.44 114.65 121.20
14 Tirunelveli HEP 74.18 83.51 89.44 95.78 101.25 107.05
15 Total
1,778.43 1,973.02 2,106.92 2,249.67 2,381.45 2,517.67
16 Distribution 8,936.81 9,979.22 10,670.38 11,407.95 12,060.49 12,750.35
17 Total
10,715.24 11,952.24 12,777.30 13,657.63 14,441.94 15,268.02

Commission’s Views

A. Employee Expenses
4.6.8 In accordance with the TNERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff)
Regulations, 2005, employee expenses has been calculated based on average of past
five years, escalated at 5.72% to arrive at employee expenses of each year.
4.6.9 The Commission agrees to the suggestion of considering actual Audited values of FY
2018-19 and provisional value of FY 2019-20 for basic salary component,
considering the impact of wage revision.
4.6.10 DA rate of 31% from 01.01.2022 and average of 3% increase in future period has also
been found to be prudent and approved.

B. Repair and Maintenance (R&M) Expenses

4.6.11 For approving R&M expenses, the Commission has adopted the same approach as
specified in the TNERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff)

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Regulations, 2005, by considering escalation of 5.72% Y-o-Y on the average of past

five year of expenses.

C. Administrative and General (A&G) Expenses

4.6.12 For approving R&M expenses, the Commission has adopted the same approach as
specified in the TNERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff)
Regulations, 2005, by considering escalation of 5.72% Y-o-Y on the average of past
five year of expenses.
4.6.13 The O&M expenses approved by the Commission is shown in the Tables below:

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Table 4-9: O&M expenses approved by the Commission for FY 2021-22 to FY 2026-27 (Rs. Crore)

FY 2021-22 (APR) FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25 FY 2025-26 FY 2026-27

Tuticorin TPS 403.77 361.99 448.74 404.57 479.36 432.66 512.01 462.64 541.30 489.11 572.26 517.08
Mettur TPS I 309.92 292.30 347.23 328.60 371.52 351.83 397.46 376.64 420.20 398.19 444.23 420.96
North Chennai
263.86 263.86 293.33 293.32 313.37 313.36 334.74 334.73 353.88 353.87 374.12 374.11
NCTPS II 160.85 156.07 175.77 170.72 187.12 181.78 199.20 193.55 210.59 204.62 222.64 216.32
Mettur TPS II 259.20 259.20 280.81 280.81 298.41 298.41 317.10 317.10 335.24 335.24 354.42 354.41
15.27 15.27 17.02 17.02 18.19 18.19 19.44 19.43 20.56 20.55 21.73 21.73
25.07 25.07 27.47 27.47 29.26 29.25 31.16 31.16 32.95 32.94 34.83 34.83
Basin Bridge
13.81 12.66 15.53 14.31 16.63 15.34 17.81 16.44 18.83 17.38 19.90 18.38
27.16 27.16 30.24 30.24 32.32 32.32 34.53 34.52 36.51 36.51 38.60 38.59
Erode HEP 92.08 90.40 103.64 101.86 111.00 109.12 118.85 116.87 128.75 126.64 136.11 133.89
48.73 47.73 55.00 53.94 58.93 57.81 63.13 61.95 66.75 65.50 70.56 69.24
Kundah HEP 84.53 81.93 94.73 91.97 101.36 98.45 108.44 105.36 114.65 111.39 121.20 117.77
74.18 74.18 83.51 83.51 89.44 89.43 95.78 95.77 101.25 101.24 107.05 107.04
1,778.43 1,707.80 1,973.02 1,898.34 2,106.92 2,027.94 2,249.67 2,166.16 2,381.45 2,293.18 2,517.67 2,424.35
Distribution 8,936.81 8,936.81 9,979.22 9,979.22 10,670.38 10,670.38 11,407.95 11,407.95 12,060.49 12,060.49 12,750.35 12,750.35
10,715.24 10,644.61 11,952.24 11,877.56 12,777.30 12,698.32 13,657.63 13,574.11 14,441.94 14,353.67 15,268.02 15,174.70
Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (TANGEDCO) True-Up, ARR and Tariff Order, 2022

4.6.14 TANGEDCO has claimed expenses under the head of Operating Charges, the details
of which have been shown subsequently. As TNERC (Terms and Conditions for
Determination of Tariff) Regulations, 2005 do not allow any separate expenses over
and above the specified expenses, the Commission has not allowed Operating Charges
as sought by TANGEDCO.


FOR FY 2021-22
4.7.1 TANGEDCO has furnished the following Capital Investment for FY 2021-22
Table 4-10: CAPEX and Capitalization submitted by TANGEDCO for FY 2021-22 (Rs.
Particulars Year Total Total Total
Generation Distribution TANGEDCO
Capital Expenditure FY 2021-22
1,614 2,351 3,965
Capitalization FY 2021-22
1,205 2,443 3,648
Commission’s Views
4.7.2 Considering that the CAPEX and capitalization refers to actual expenditure incurred,
the Commission approves the same as below.
Table 4-11: CAPEX and Capitalization approved by ERC (Rs. crores)
Particulars Year Total Total Total
Generation Distribution TANGEDCO
Capital Expenditure FY 2021-22
1,432 2,351 3,783
Capitalization FY 2021-22
903 2,443 3,346


4.8.1 Before proceeding to discuss the proposals in the CIP application of TANGEDCO, it
is to be noted that for the first time, the utilities have come up with the proposal for
approval of CIP spanning five (5) years. In this connection, it is seen that initially
petition was filed vide M.P. No. 9 of 2022, for approval of CIP for the control period
for 3 years as per the Regulation in force. However, subsequently, in the present CIP
application, TANGEDCO has sought approval for a control period of 5 years.
4.8.2 The question as to whether the Commission has the powers to go ahead with respect
to the proposal of 5 years control period Tariff in view of the provision in the MYT

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Regulation for a control period of 3 years can be answered with reference to

Regulation 44 of the MYT Regulation which reads as follows:
“Inherent power of the Commission :

Nothing in these Regulations shall bar the Commission from

adopting in conformity with the provisions of the Act, a procedure, at
variance with any of the provisions of these Regulations, if the
Commission, in view of the special circumstances of a matter or class of
matters and for the reasons to be recorded in writing, deems it necessary
or expedient for dealing with such a matter or class of matters.”

4.8.3 As may be seen from the above Regulation, nothing in the MYT Regulations bars the
Commission from adopting in conformity with respect to the provision of the
Electricity Act, 2003, a procedure which is at variance with respect to Regulation 3(i)
of MYT Regulation which prescribes only three year control period and hence the
Commission is satisfied as to its powers to agree to a longer control period. Having
decided so, it is to be seen whether the control period of 5 years sought for is justifiable
in terms of reasoning. There is no explicit provision in the Act barring the control
period for 5 years for CIP approval nor is there any provision which stipulates that
CIP approval is not permissible for a period beyond 3 years. Hence, the legality of the
control period is sustainable. However, yet another aspect which requires
consideration is the compliance of the other requirements for acceptance of the
proposal. As may be seen from Regulation 3(i) of the MYT Regulation, the same is
followed by Regulation 3(ii), 3(iii), 3(iv) & 3 (v) which deals with furnishing of ARR,
Estimated Revenue from charges, Business Plan, and Capital Investment Plan. It is
seen that there is compliance on the part of the Licensee in regard to the said
provisions and Commission is of the view that there is no bar in accepting the proposal
for control period of 5 years. It is to be observed here that the Capital Investment
Plan filed for a period of 3 years control period was under the active consideration of
the Commission. In the meantime, the utility has moved the Commission with a CIP
application for 5 years control period. Commission cannot delve deep into the
decision of the Licensee to seek a 5 year control period as other requirements have
been met. It is within the exclusive domain of the Licensee to manage its finances
and the micro-management of the finances can be better left to the Licensee as
otherwise it would amount to imposing constraints on micro management of the
finances of the Licensee. Also, there being powers to relax and the proposal for a five
year period having the attribute of securing more consistency to the regulatory
functions, the Commission would not like to go into the wisdom of selection of 5 year
control period, though initially 3 year period was selected. However, Commission
has now amended the MYT Regulations to prescribe a control period of 5 years so as
to give finality to the issue.

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4.8.4 It is seen that there is compliance on the part of the Licensee in regard to the said
provisions and Commission is of the view that there is no bar in accepting the proposal
for control period of 5 years. It is to be observed here that the Capital Investment
Plan filed for a period of 3 years control period has been under the active consideration
of the Commission, and in the meantime, the utility has moved the Commission with
a CIP application for 5 years control period. Commission cannot delve deep into the
decision of the Licensee to seek a 5 year control period as the other requirements
have been met. It is within the exclusive domain of the Licensee to manage its
finances, and the micromanagement of the finances can be better left to the Licensee,
as otherwise it would amount to imposing constraints on the finances of the Licensee.
Also, there being powers to relax and the proposal for a five year period having the
attribute of securing more consistency to the regulatory functions, the Commission
would not like to go into the wisdom of selection of 5 year control period, though
initially 3 year period was selected. However, Commission has now amended the
MYT Regulations to prescribe a control period of 5 years so as to give finality to the
issue. Accordingly, an amendment has been issued in TNERC/MYT/18-4 dated 05-
09-2022 with the following explanatory statement.
4.8.5 The explanatory statement, which is in line with the FOR regulation is reproduced as
“The TNERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff for
Transmission Distribution of Electricity under MYT framework)
Regulations, 2009 is proposed to be amended to align the same with the
existing TNERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff)
Regulations, 2005 of Forum of Regulators and other State Electricity
Regulatory Commissions and to enable the Commission to fix multi-year
tariff on a formula on Consumer Price Index or Wholesale price index.


4.8.6 On the question of the requirement of prior approval of Capital Investment Plan,
before filing of tariff petition under MYT, Commission observes that given the fact
that there is a modified proposal for 5 year control period, the approval of Capital
Investment Plan can be done simultaneously along with the tariff exercise with a rider
that in future the utilities shall strictly adhere to Regulation 3(v) of MYT Regulation
which require taking approval of Capital Investment Plan before placing request for
tariff under MYT frame work.
4.8.7 With respect to the Capital investment plan filed by the Tamil Nadu Generation and
Distribution Corporation Limited (TANGEDCO) for the period from FY 2022-23
to FY 2024-25 in M.P. No. 9 of 2022 in March 2022, Commission after scrutiny of
the proposal, observed that capital expenditure was very high compared to what was

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established in the previous years and directed the Licensee to scrutinize investment
plan in a comprehensive manner considering duration of the projects, urgency, ability
to complete within time schedules, availability of funds etc. and to submit a revised
capital investment plan. TANGEDCO submitted the revised CIP in June 2022 for the
years 2022-23, 2023-24, 2024-25. Subsequently, in compliance to the Multi Year
Tariff period of 5 years of the MYT Tariff regulations, TANGEDCO submitted the
Capital Investment Plan for the further periods FY 2025-26 and FY 2026-27 vide
letter dated 26.08.2022.
4.8.8 On receipt of proposals for the FY 2022-23 to FY 2026-27, and verification of data,
meetings were conducted with the Licensee for validation of data. Commission after
detailed scrutiny and analysis of the Capital Investment Plans filed by TANGEDCO,
has approved the capital expenditure and capitalization for a period of five years from
FY 2022-23 to FY 2026-27 as shown in the abstract below. The details of the schemes
and justifications provided by the Licensee are shown in the booklet attached as
Annexure with this order. The findings on the schemes for the Control Period from
FY 2022-23 to FY 2026-27, directions and approval are rendered in the succeeding
Table 4-12: Capital expenditure submitted by TANGEDCO in its CIP (Rs. crores)
FY 2022- FY 2023- FY 2024- FY 2025- FY 2026-
23 24 25 26 27
Generation 1723.66 2381.82 1518.6 1646.71 1679.69 8950.48
Distribution 7872.69 6798.47 6492.2 2445.44 2424.04 26032.84

Table 4-13: Capitalization submitted by TANGEDCO in its CIP

FY 2022- FY 2023- FY 2024- FY 2025- FY 2026-
23 24 25 26 27
Generation 1208.44 2055.66 2193.84 348.57 482.73 6289.23
Distribution 7884.67 6545.81 6660.49 1814.15 1864.81 24769.92*
*inclusive of schemes under RDSS

Commission’s Views
4.8.9 The schemes have been reviewed based on the provisions in Tariff Policy, provisions
of the Commission’s Tariff regulations 2005 and MYT regulations 2009, and based
on necessity of investment, comparison with previous capital investment plans
approved by the Commission, rate of progress of work, dates of approval/sanctions
obtained and the available funding and scope of tying up for further resources.

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Table 4-14: Approved capital expenditure for the control period (Rs. crores)
Capital FY 2022- FY 2023- FY 2024- FY 2025- FY 2026-
expenditure 23 24 25 26 27
Proposed by
Generation 1723.66 2381.82 1518.6 1646.71 1679.69 8950.48
Distribution 7872.69 6798.47 6492.2 2445.44 2424.04 26032.84
Approved by
Generation 1447.19 2356.83 1579.31 1500.8 1744.47 8628.59
Distribution 4384.8 4651.07 4532.54 2332.16 2370.69 18271.55

Table 4-15: Approved capitalization for the control period (Rs. crores)
Capitalization FY 2022- FY 2023- FY 2024- FY 2025- FY 2026-
23 24 25 26 27
Proposed by
Generation 1208.44 2055.66 2193.84 348.57 482.73 6289.23
Distribution 7884.67 6545.81 6660.49 1814.15 1864.81 24769.92*
Approved by
Generation 926.86 3062.14 2163.7 348.57 482.73 6984
Distribution 4596.64 4379.77 4864.39 1786.65 1822.39 17449.84
*inclusive of schemes under RDSS

4.8.10 Generation function - The schemes submitted by the Licensee seeking approval of
CAPEX and capitalization for Thermal Power Stations are to carry out works for
replacement of economizer coil, replacement of water wall tubes and bends in boilers,
replacement of switch gears, works related to compliance of pollution control norms,
overhauling of ash handling, coal handling systems, IP/LP turbine valves, revamping
of stacker, reclaimer machines, modernization, upgradation of control desk,
installation of fire hydrant system, replacement of soot blower controls, unit auxiliary
transformers, generator transformer, HT mill motors, FD fan motors, replacement of
battery systems, retrofitting of HP,IP,LP turbine rotors, replacement of worn out rails,
automatic coal sampler, works to residential quarters etc.
4.8.11 For many of the schemes, shown in the Thermal power stations of Tuticorin, North
Chennai and Mettur, administrative approvals have not been obtained but the works
have been planned for 2022-23. Many of the schemes proposed during the previous
control period find place in the present investment plan with no expenditure incurred.
Commission has considered expenses for renovation, modernization, upgradation of
systems, replacements that will increase the efficiency and life of the power plants.

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Commission has not approved the lumpsum expenses shown against the category of
‘below Rs 1 crore’. For all schemes with expenses below or upto Rs.1 crore value, the
Licensee may execute the works without prior approval of the Commission. However,
the scheme-wise actual capital expenditure incurred and actual capitalisation shall be
submitted to the Commission at the time of tariff determination.
4.8.12 As regards Hydro projects, the Commission has approved the schemes as submitted
by the Licensee for renovation, modernization and other strengthening works so as
to meet variations in demand –supply. Schemes related to gas stations have been
approved considering the life period and requirement . For the investment proposals
in the existing generating stations commencing during the Control Period, i.e., April
1, 2022 onwards, the Commission directs TANGEDCO to submit the year-wise actual
capital expenditure incurred along with detailed justification for delay, if any, at time
of approval of filing the tariff petitions. The Commission will approve the actual
Capital expenditure and actual capitalisation based on such scheme-wise information,
subject to prudence check.
4.8.13 For meeting the additional demand, TANGEDCO has proposed commissioning of
new projects. There are delays in many of the ongoing projects especially in Ennore
expansion project, Uppur thermal project. TANGEDCO has not detailed about the
future action of Uppur project. For many of the Hydro projects, administrative
proposals are yet to be obtained. Works may be expedited in all the projects to
minimize IDC and avoid cost overruns. After the achievement of COD of the new
projects, the Petitioner is required to approach the Commission for approval of capital
cost and final tariff based on actual capital expenditure incurred till COD, duly audited
and certified by the Statutory Auditor. Commission accords in principle approval to
take up the works for the proposed new projects and for the ongoing projects detailed
in Booklet. The CAPEX for the new projects shall be subject to further scrutiny on
completion of the projects based on actual costs certified by Auditors where
Commission shall duly analyse the expenses and accord approval as per regulations
in place.
4.8.14 Distribution function - The Commission has scrutinized the details of various works
submitted by the Petitioner for the Distribution works. Provision has been made
by the Petitioner for extension of LT, LT-CT and HT supply to various service
categories and establishment of new 33 kV sub stations and improvement works in
sub-stations and networks. Accordingly based on the progress made and the
importance of schemes, Commission has accorded approval of capital expenditure
and capitalization for the control period FY 2022-23 to FY 2026-27 as detailed in the
4.8.15 Conversion of OH lines into UG cable shall be done in locations related to coastal
areas. Accordingly, the same is approved by the Commission in the Chennai area

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besides the area where safety is to be ensured during monsoon and water logging. In
areas other than Chennai, this work is allowed to ensure safety in vulnerable areas and
to connect the existing / proposed RMUs to enhance the operational flexibility.
4.8.16 The original improvement works (other than establishment of sub stations) already
included, but yet to be executed under IPDS are disallowed in view of the
physical/financial closure of the scheme already.
4.8.17 The smart meters for DT metering and feeders shall be provided only where the same
has not been provided. In the existing DTs and feeders where the AMR facility is
already made with establishment of connectivity to the central server, the existing
metering system shall be continued which very well serves the purpose of monitoring
and energy accounting/ auditing.
4.8.18 The duplication of expenditure for HVDS works which are already covered in the
centralized schemes and again repeated in the circle wise improvement are
disallowed. Similarly, the Circle wise duplication of expenditure proposed for smart
metering for consumers is disallowed in view of the scheme being proposed to be
done on TOTEX model under the centralized RDSS scheme. All improvement works
relating to network, replacement /enhancement of equipment, provision of capacitor
to agricultural service connections, HVDS, works relating to enhancing the reliability
and quality of supply etc., shall be carried out with the provisions approved under
improvement category.
4.8.19 Funding of capital expenditure approved by the Commission is tabulated below:
Table 4-16: Approved funding of CAPEX for the control period (Rs. crores)
Particulars 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27
1. Grant 90.86 98.42 64.8
2. Equity 1722.3 2072.84 1814.12 1149.89 1234.55
3. Debt 4018.8 4836.64 4232.93 2683.07 2880.61
Total 5831.99 7007.90 6111.85 3832.96 4115.16


4.9.1 In addition to the Capital Investment Plan, the Commission also has considered the
Business Plan of TANGEDCO, from the various submissions of TANGEDCO.
Especially, the following plans are noted, under the Revamped Distribution Sector
Scheme (RDSS). RDSS - Smart metering works with total project cost of Rs. 19,163.50 crore (Covering
prepaid smart metering, consumer, DT and feeder level metering)
• Implementation in TOTEX model

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• Feeder and DT level automated online energy accounting system

• All feeders to be metered with communicable & AMI/AMR meters by end
of 2022, and integration with National Feeder Monitoring System (NFMS)
• Ensure remote metering at DT level, consumer indexing, AMI etc. for
prepaid smart metering projects
• Prepaid smart meters installed outside customer premises
4.9.2 RDSS - Infrastructure works for loss reduction, with total project cost of Rs. 8,932.29
• Agricultural feeder segregation to be considered on priority
• All segregated agriculture feeders to be solarized under PM-KUSUM or
any other relevant Government scheme
• Services of PMA to be retained
4.9.3 The Commission has also considered planned activities such as reduction of AT&C
losses, putting Govt. offices on smart meter, increasing hours of supply, HVDS supply
etc. as part of the RDSS evaluation matrix.
4.9.4 The Commission has considered the Capital Investment Plan along with these plans
and targets to form the business plan for TANGEDCO, and hereby approve the same.
4.9.5 However, for the next tariff petition, it is directed that TANGEDCO shall submit a
detailed business plan separately, well before the tariff petition is filed.

4.10.1 TANGEDCO submitted for the purpose of computation of depreciation for FY 2021-
22 the closing GFA of FY 2020-21 has been considered as opening GFA for FY 2021-
22. The closing GFA for FY 2021-22 has been worked out by adding the projected
additional capitalisation during the FY 2021-22. This closing GFA of FY 2021-22 has
then be considered as opening GFA for FY 2022-23 and so on.
4.10.2 The depreciation for FY 2022-23 to FY 2026-27 has computed by applying the
weighted average deprecation rate of 5.28% on opening GFA of every year from FY
2022-23 to FY 2026-27 in line with the TNERC (Terms and Conditions for
Determination of Tariff) Regulations, 2005, 2009.
4.10.3 that the opening gross block for each generating station and for distribution function
for the period from FY 2020-21 has been considered with estimated addition of GFA
as per Capitalization.
4.10.4 The depreciation claimed by TANGEDCO during the year is based on the actual
depreciation reflecting in accounts for FY 2016-17 to FY 2020-21, which in turn is

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calculated on the basis of Commission approved depreciation rates for each asset class
and computed on the opening GFA of that particular year.
4.10.5 TANGEDCO further submitted that it has used the weighted average depreciation
rate for the particular group of assets based on depreciation rates specified in the
TNERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff) Regulations, 2005. The
depreciation calculated is in line with Regulation 24 of the TNERC (Terms and
Conditions for Determination of Tariff) Regulations, 2005.
4.10.6 The station-wise depreciation as submitted by TANGEDCO is shown in the Table
Table 4-17: Depreciation as submitted by TANGEDCO (Rs. Crore)
FY 2021- FY 2022- FY 2023- FY 2024- FY 2025- FY 2026-
Power Station
22 (APR) 23 24 25 26 27
Tuticorin TPS 151.11 162.84 173.59 194.14 217.47 218.42
Mettur TPS 83.52 89.17 100.73 108.11 140.06 140.35
North Chennai TPS 154.98 160.59 165.61 171.33 183.29 185.38
Mettur TPS Stage
275.9 282.05 291.29 292.04 315.22 315.51
NCTPS Stage II 388.22 400.44 408.44 460.47 465.94 474.94
Tirumakottai GTPS 29.16 30.65 35.95 37.8 38.54 38.61
Kuttalam GTPS 34.57 34.82 34.88 38.96 39.69 39.79
Basin Bridge GTPS 34.46 34.51 34.51 34.56 34.56 34.56
Valuthur GTPS 39.82 40.61 43.46 50.72 54.41 54.41
Erode HEP 182.79 187.07 190.4 191.72 193.04 193.89
Kadamparai HEP 27.55 28.29 29.38 30.21 31.27 32.33
Kundah HEP 63.94 66.85 66.85 66.85 73.68 76.65
Tirunelveli HEP 45.62 47.59 50.19 52.9 56.86 58.77
Total Generation 1,511.65 1,565.47 1,625.30 1,729.80 1,844.03 1,863.61
Distribution 1,456.65 1,585.65 1,869.01 2,180.69 2,615.04 2,711.90
2,968.30 3,151.12 3,494.31 3,910.49 4,459.07 4,575.51

Commission’s Views
4.10.7 While approving the depreciation, the opening GFA (excluding land) for each
generating station for FY 2021-22 has been considered same as the closing GFA for
FY 2020-21.
4.10.8 TANGEDCO has already submitted that the claimed depreciation is excluding the
impact of revaluation. Further, depreciation has been computed on opening GFA for
the year.

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Table 4-18: Depreciation approved by the Commission for FY 2021-22 to FY 2026-27 (Rs. Crore)

FY 2021-22 (APR) FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25 FY 2025-26 FY 2026-27

Tuticorin TPS 151.11 151.11 162.84 162.84 173.59 171.64 194.14 194.14 217.47 217.47 218.42 218.42
Mettur TPS I 83.52 83.52 89.17 89.17 100.73 98.62 108.11 108.11 140.06 140.06 140.35 140.35
North Chennai
154.98 154.98 160.59 160.59 165.61 164.70 171.33 171.33 183.29 183.29 185.38 185.38
NCTPS II 275.90 275.90 282.05 282.05 291.29 289.61 292.04 290.77 315.22 313.95 315.51 314.23
Mettur TPS II 388.22 388.22 400.44 400.44 408.44 406.99 460.47 460.47 465.94 465.94 474.94 474.94
29.16 29.16 30.65 30.65 35.95 34.99 37.80 37.80 38.54 38.54 38.61 38.61
34.57 34.57 34.82 34.82 34.88 34.87 38.96 38.96 39.69 39.69 39.79 39.79
Basin Bridge
34.46 34.46 34.51 34.51 34.51 34.51 34.56 34.56 34.56 34.56 34.56 34.56
39.82 39.82 40.61 40.61 43.46 42.94 50.72 50.72 54.41 54.41 54.41 54.41
Erode HEP 182.79 182.79 187.07 187.07 190.40 189.79 191.72 191.72 193.04 193.04 193.89 193.89
27.55 27.55 28.29 28.29 29.38 29.18 30.21 30.21 31.27 31.27 32.33 32.33
Kundah HEP 63.94 63.94 66.85 66.85 66.85 66.85 66.85 66.85 73.68 73.68 76.65 76.47
45.62 45.61 47.59 47.59 50.19 49.72 52.90 52.90 56.86 56.86 58.77 58.77
1,511.65 1,511.63 1,565.47 1,565.46 1,625.30 1,614.41 1,729.80 1,728.54 1,844.03 1,842.76 1,863.61 1,862.15
Distribution 1,456.65 1,456.65 1,585.65 1,585.65 1,869.01 1,828.35 2,180.69 2,059.60 2,615.04 2,316.44 2,711.90 2,410.78
2,968.30 2,968.28 3,151.12 3,151.11 3,494.31 3,442.76 3,910.49 3,788.14 4,459.07 4,159.20 4,575.51 4,272.92
Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (TANGEDCO) True-Up, ARR and Tariff Order, 2022


4.11.1 TANGEDCO submitted that for the purpose of computation of interest on long term loan for
APR and ensuing years of the control period, i.e., from FY 2021-22 (APR) and from FY 2022-
23 to FY 2026-27, TANGEDCO has considered that addition in long term loan in a particular
financial year is equal to 70% of capital expenditure projected for that year. Loan repayment
is taken equal to depreciation for that year for given generation plant/distribution business
and additional repayments also considered based on past actuals.
4.11.2 The rate of interest has been considered as 10.15% for FY 2021-22 to FY 2026-27 based on
the average Interest rate of previous year. From FY 2021-22 onwards, the other finance
charges have been estimated with year-on-year annual escalation of 4% applied on the
provisional actual finance charges of FY 2020-21. Any variation with actuals for distribution
business will be considered at time of final truing-up of the respective years.
Table 4-19: Interest and Finance charges as submitted by TANGEDCO (Rs. Crore)
Power Station FY 2021-22 FY 2026-
FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25 FY 2025-26
(APR) 27
Tuticorin TPS 747.62 752.18 751.93 756.79 752.04 737.04
Mettur TPS 446.09 448.82 448.73 458.10 463.84 453.98
North Chennai
799.64 792.51 780.05 770.66 761.70 750.21
Mettur TPS Stage
435.35 430.67 415.65 407.21 396.93 373.64
NCTPS Stage II 527.02 481.63 460.63 434.24 622.32 596.21
178.01 178.11 177.81 174.98 171.83 169.00
Kuttalam GTPS 154.69 151.47 150.09 148.89 145.96 143.08
Basin Bridge
334.82 323.28 311.73 300.18 293.10 290.52
Valuthur GTPS 251.66 251.38 250.13 248.92 245.27 241.21
Erode HEP 387.42 378.73 367.38 354.85 341.80 328.24
Kadamparai HEP 156.36 154.42 152.31 150.12 148.44 147.18
Kundah HEP 369.32 361.48 352.40 346.71 342.26 335.55
Tirunelveli HEP 235.49 234.29 232.18 230.54 228.85 226.53
Total Generation 5023.64 4939.15 4851.20 4782.37 4914.51 4792.60
Interest and
4,609.96 5,290.31 5,675.83 6,171.79 6,411.66 6,308.97
finance charges
Interest on
479.48 498.66 518.60 539.35 560.92 583.36
security deposit

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Power Station FY 2021-22 FY 2026-

FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25 FY 2025-26
(APR) 27
Other finance
1,176.70 1,223.77 1,272.72 1,323.63 1,376.57 1,431.63
11,289.78 11,951.89 12,318.35 12,817.14 13,263.66 13,116.56

Commission’s Views
A. Interest on Loan
4.11.3 The Commission notes the suggestion of TANGEDCO regarding the need for revision in
the manner of determination of interest expenses. At the same time, interest expenses will
have to be allowed to be recovered in a prudent manner.
4.11.4 In the previous years, the Commission has been approving interest expenses, considering
the books of FY 2010 as the base. The methodology has continued till the current true-up
exercise. However, such a methodology, even though trying to address the issue related to
separation of capital and revenue borrowings, at the end result in TANGEDCO being unable
to recover a substantial part of their interest expenses. The Commission is of the opinion
that such a methodology is no longer in the interest of the overall electricity sector in the
4.11.5 Considering the finalization of transfer scheme, the GFA as reflected in the books, after
excluding revaluation reserves can be considered as final. Therefore, the Commission has
decided to consider loans to be linked to GFA and GFA addition, from FY 2020-11.
4.11.6 As the Commission does not provide any return on equity to TANGEDCO, it is assumed
that the entire GFA and capital additions thereafter are funded without any equity
4.11.7 As Commission does not approve any Return on Equity to TANGEDCO due to historical
issues related to non-segregation of capital and revenue borrowing and potential diversion
of equity to fund revenue expenditure, GFA additions are assumed to be funded without any
Table 4-20: Loan and Interest Expenses approved by the Commission (Rs. Crore)
FY 2021- FY 2022- FY 2023- FY 2024- FY 2025- FY 2026-
22 (APR) 23 24 25 26 27
Opening Loan 83,175.04 83,669.32 86,041.71 90,040.86 93,280.81 91,256.82
GFA Addition 3,462.56 5,523.50 7,441.91 7,028.09 2,135.21 2,305.11
Loan Addition 3,462.56 5,523.50 7,441.91 7,028.09 2,135.21 2,305.11
Loan Repayment 2,968.28 3,151.11 3,442.76 3,788.14 4,159.20 4,272.92
Closing Loan 83,669.32 86,041.71 90,040.86 93,280.81 91,256.82 89,289.01

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FY 2021- FY 2022- FY 2023- FY 2024- FY 2025- FY 2026-

22 (APR) 23 24 25 26 27
Average Loan 83,422.18 84,855.52 88,041.29 91,660.84 92,268.82 90,272.92
Interest on loan 8,759.33 8,909.83 9,244.34 9,624.39 9,688.23 9,478.66
Interest rate 10.50% 10.50% 10.50% 10.50% 10.50% 10.50%

4.11.8 As there is no proper station wise loan portfolio, the above determined interest is allocated
among the stations in the ratio of interest estimated by TANGEDCO.
Table 4-21: Break up of Interest Expenses approved by the Commission (Rs. Crore)

FY 2021- FY 2022- FY 2023- FY 2024- FY 2025- FY 2026-

Power Station
22 (APR) 23 24 25 26 27
Tuticorin TPS 679.78 655.16 660.32 664.93 643.29 629.31
Mettur TPS 405.61 390.93 394.06 402.50 396.77 387.62
North Chennai TPS 727.08 690.29 685.01 677.12 651.56 640.55
Mettur Stage II 395.85 375.12 365.01 357.78 339.53 319.02
NCTPS Stage-II 479.20 419.51 404.51 381.53 532.33 509.06
Tirumakottai GTPS 161.86 155.14 156.15 153.74 146.98 144.30
Kuttalam GTPS 140.65 131.93 131.80 130.82 124.85 122.17
Basin Bridge GTPS 304.44 281.58 273.75 263.74 250.72 248.05
Valuthur Unit-I 228.82 218.96 219.66 218.71 209.80 205.95
Erode HEP - (incl.
Bhavani Barrage and 352.27 329.88 322.62 311.78 292.37 280.26
Bhavani Khattai)
Kadamparai HEP 142.17 134.50 133.75 131.90 126.98 125.67
Kundah HEP 335.81 314.85 309.47 304.63 292.77 286.50
Tirunelveli HEP (incl
214.12 204.07 203.89 202.56 195.76 193.42
- Periyar)
Total Generation 4,567.67 4,301.90 4,260.01 4,201.73 4,203.71 4,091.88
Total Distribution 4,191.66 4,607.93 4,984.33 5,422.66 5,484.51 5,386.78
Total TANGEDCO 8,759.33 8,909.83 9,244.34 9,624.39 9,688.23 9,478.66

B. Other Finance Charges

4.11.9 Other Finance Charges comprise interest on consumers’ security deposit and other charges
such as cost of raising finance, bank charges, etc.
4.11.10 The interest on consumer security deposit approved by the Commission is shown in the
Table below. Rate of interest is taken as 4.25% as approved by the Commission in Order
No. 2 of 2022 dated 23-02-2022.

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Table 4-22: Interest on Consumer Security Deposit approved by the Commission (Rs. Crore)

Particulars FY 2021-22
FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25 FY 2025-26 FY 2026-27
Opening Security Deposit 12,088.62 12,572.17 13,075.05 13,598.06 14,141.98 14,707.66
Closing Security deposit 12,572.17 13,075.05 13,598.06 14,141.98 14,707.66 15,295.96
Average Deposit 12,330.39 12,823.61 13,336.55 13,870.02 14,424.82 15,001.81
Interest on Security
524.04 545.00 566.80 589.48 613.05 637.58
4.11.11 The Commission has approved Other Finance Charges such as cost of raising finance, bank
charges, etc., after comparing against similar expenses recorded in past years as per audited
Table 4-23: Other Finance Charges approved by the Commission (Rs. Crore)
FY 2021-22 FY 2023- FY 2024- FY 2025- FY 2026-
Particulars FY 2022-23
(APR) 24 25 26 27
Other Finance Charges 1,176.70 1,223.77 1,272.72 1,323.63 1,376.57 1,431.63


4.12.1 TANGEDCO submitted that the opening equity balance for FY 2016-17 is taken as zero and
only additional equity is considered for calculating Return on Equity.
4.12.2 For generation business and distribution business, TANGEDCO has considered equity
addition for FY 2022-23 to 2026-27 to be 30% of capitalization on normative basis in line
with the TNERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff) Regulations, 2005.
Table 4-24: Return on Equity as claimed by TANGEDCO (Rs. Crore)
Power Station FY 2021-
FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25 FY 2025-26 FY 2026-27
22 (APR)
Tuticorin TPS 55.08 64.02 76.47 93.92 103.58 104.34
Mettur TPS I 33.64 40.48 48.01 63.66 76.48 76.72
North Chennai TPS I 66.04 70.27 74.54 81.57 87.16 88.84
NCTPS II 126.48 134.52 158.4 181.26 187.02 194.25
Mettur TPS II 64.56 70.69 74.66 84.18 93.52 93.75
Tirumakottai GTPS 13.01 15.71 18.55 19.58 19.9 19.96
Kuttalam GTPS 12.58 12.7 14.35 16.26 16.59 16.66
Basin Bridge GTPS 40.76 40.78 40.8 40.82 40.82 40.82
Valuthur GTPS 21.85 23.29 27.31 31.67 33.14 33.14
Erode HEP 57.83 60.86 62.7 63.76 64.62 65.31
Kadamparai HEP 13.2 13.92 14.69 15.44 16.28 17.14

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Power Station FY 2021-

FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25 FY 2025-26 FY 2026-27
22 (APR)
Kundah HEP 35.09 36.25 36.25 38.97 42.86 45.25
Tirunelveli HEP 19.37 21.19 23.3 25.95 28.29 29.82
Total Generation 559.48 604.68 670.03 757.04 810.26 826.00
Distribution 774.57 938.58 1,175.25 1,471.96 1,683.24 1,761.06
Total TANGEDCO 1,334.05 1543.26 1845.28 2229 2493.5 2587.06

Commission’s Views
4.12.3 In the Suo-Motu Order dated December 11, 2014, the Commission has stated the following
reason for disallowing RoE to TANGEDCO:
“3.106 In last year order Commission has not considered the equity requirement
while approving the funding requirement of capital expenditure. This stand was
taken because Commission is of the view that TANGEDCO is mixing the
revenue account with capital account and the equity approved may be again
diverted to revenue account. This can also be observed from TANGEDCO
audited accounts wherein the actual borrowings for FY 11 and FY 12 are
significantly higher than capital expenditure. TNERC (Terms and Conditions
for Determination of Tariff) Regulations, 2005 also allow the Commission for
approving the equity below the norms of 30% requirement. The relevant extracts
of the regulation are reproduced below:

“21. Debt-Equity Ratio

For the purpose of determination of tariff, debt-equity ratio as on the date of

commercial operation of Generating Station and transmission projects, sub-
station, distribution lines or capacity expanded after the notification of these
Regulations shall be 70:30. Where equity employed is more than 30% the
amount of equity shall be limited to 30% and the balance amount shall be
considered as loans, advanced at the weighted average rate of interest and for
weighted average tenor of the long term debt component of the investment”

“Provided that in case of a Generating Company or other licensees, where

actual equity employed is less than 30%, the actual debt and equity shall be
considered for determination of return on equity in tariff computation.”

3.107 Based on the above submissions, Commission has not allowed any return
on equity due to the following reasons:

iv. Commission has approved interest on total outstanding loans as on

November 2010

v. Based on available sources of funding, equity has been diverted towards

revenue account from FY 2003 and hence the addition in equity base as per

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audited accounts is on account of funding the revenue expenditure and not for
creation of capital assets.

vi. Loans approved for funding the capital expenditure for generating
stations and distribution business during the control period are without
considering the equity

3.108 The Commission continues to take the same stand and is not

allowing any return on equity for the current tariff order also.”
4.12.4 The Suo-Motu Order of the Commission was challenged by Tamil Nadu Electricity
Consumers Association (TECA) before the Hon’ble APTEL in Appeal No. 62 and 63 of
2015. The Hon’ble APTEL in its Judgment dated March 2, 2016, upheld the Suo-Motu
Order in its entirety.
“15. The present Appeals, being Appeal Nos. 62 of 2015 and 63 of 2015, are
hereby dismissed and the impugned suo-motu tariff orders, being SMT Order
Nos. 8 of 2014 and 9 of 2014, each dated 11.12.2014, passed by the Tamil Nadu
Electricity Regulatory Commission, are hereby upheld. There shall be no order
as to costs.”
4.12.5 As the Suo-Motu Order of the Commission has not been further appealed before any higher
authority, it has attained finality. The Commission has also adopted the same approach in
the previous tariff order dated 11 August 2017. Hence, the Commission has adopted the
same approach while approving RoE as adopted in the earlier Orders. Funding of capital
expenditure has been considered entirely through loans and hence, no RoE has been


4.13.1 TANGEDCO has submitted that it has claimed normative IoWC as specified in the TNERC
(Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff) Regulations, 2005, and that the Rate of
Interest on Working Capital for FY 2021-22 onwards have been considered as 12.05%,
which is the Short term prime lending rates of SBI as on 1 April of the respective financial
4.13.2 The IoWC claimed by TANGEDCO is shown in the Table below:
Table 4-25: Interest on Working Capital as submitted by TANGEDCO (Rs. Crore)
FY 2021-
Power Station FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25 FY 2025-26 FY 2026-27
22 (APR)
Tuticorin TPS 104 114 116 119 120 121
Mettur TPS I 100 116 118 120 122 122
North Chennai TPS I 80 89 90 91 92 92

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FY 2021-
Power Station FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25 FY 2025-26 FY 2026-27
22 (APR)
NCTPS II 98 137 139 141 145 146
Mettur TPS II 72 85 85 86 87 87
Tirumakottai GTPS 7 8 9 9 9 9
Kuttalam GTPS 8 8 8 9 9 9
Basin Bridge GTPS 11 11 11 11 10 10
Valuthur GTPS 13 14 15 15 16 16
Erode HEP 20 21 21 21 21 21
Kadamparai HEP 6 6 7 7 7 7
Kundah HEP 14 14 14 15 15 15
Tirunelveli HEP 10 10 10 11 11 11
Total Generation 544 634 643 653 663 667
Distribution 41 112 145 220 271 275
Total TANGEDCO 584 747 789 873 935 942

Commission’s Views
4.13.3 The Commission has approved the IoWC separately for generation and distribution function
of TANGEDCO in accordance with Regulation 26 of the TNERC (Terms and Conditions
for Determination of Tariff) Regulations, 2005 as reproduced below, and after deducting the
amount of consumer security deposit from the working capital requirement, in line with the
approach adopted in the suo-motu Order.
“26. Working Capital


(2) Till such a formula is evolved, the norms for Working Capital shall be as

(a) For Coal based / Lignite fired Generating Stations

i. Cost of coal or lignite for one and half month for pit head generating stations and
two months for non pit head generating stations corresponding to the target
ii. Cost of secondary fuel oil for two months corresponding to the target availability;
iii. Operation and Maintenance expenses for one month; iv. Maintenance spares @
1% of the historical cost escalated @ 6% per annum from the date of commercial
operation; and
v. Receivables equivalent to two months of fixed and variable charges for sale of
electricity calculated on target availability.

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(b) For Gas Turbine / combined cycle Generating Stations

i. Fuel cost for one month corresponding to the target availability duly taking into
account the mode of operation of the Generating Station on gas fuel and liquid
ii. Liquid fuel stock for half month;
iii. Operation and Maintenance expenses for one month;
iv. Maintenance spares @ 1% of the historical cost escalated @ 6% per annum from
the date of commercial operation; and
v. Receivables equivalent to two months of fixed and variable charges for sale of
electricity calculated on target availability.
(c)For Hydro Power Generating Stations

The working Capital shall cover:

i. Operation and Maintenance expenses for one month;
ii. Maintenance spares @ 1% of the historical cost escalated @ 6% per annum from
the date of commercial operation; and
iii. Receivables equivalent to two months of fixed charges for sale of electricity,
calculated on normative capacity index.


(e) For Distribution System

i. Operation and Maintenance expenses for one month
ii. Maintenance spares for two months based on annual requirement considered at
1% of the gross fixed cost at the beginning of the year.
iii. Receivable equivalent to sixty days consumption charges.”

4.13.4 Further, as it is difficult to estimate the historical cost of assets for the generation function,
the Commission has approved maintenance spares at 1% of opening GFA for respective
years. The assets have been segregated between generation and distribution function based
on the GFA details submitted by TANGEDCO. The interest rate for approving IoWC has
been considered as specified in the TNERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of
Tariff) Regulations, 2005, i.e., Prime Lending Rate of State Bank of India as on April 1st of
the respective year.
4.13.5 The normative IoWC for Distribution function works out to be negative till FY25, and has
hence, been considered as zero for those years.
4.13.6 IoWC approved by the Commission has been shown in the Tables below:

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Table 4-26: Approved Interest on Working Capital (Rs. Crore)

FY 2021-
Power Station FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25 FY 2025-26 FY 2026-27
22 (APR)
Tuticorin TPS 98.73 108.35 109.75 112.01 113.44 114.09
Mettur TPS I 62.39 70.89 72.13 73.56 75.55 76.11
North Chennai TPS I 72.20 79.14 79.87 80.74 81.36 81.88
NCTPS II 72.39 85.58 86.08 86.37 87.39 87.38
Mettur TPS II 93.13 130.38 130.94 134.07 138.02 138.55
Tirumakottai GTPS 5.85 6.47 6.75 6.89 6.84 6.86
Kuttalam GTPS 11.10 11.87 12.15 12.70 12.84 12.92
Basin Bridge GTPS 9.87 9.47 9.40 9.24 9.05 9.06
Valuthur GTPS 12.06 13.13 13.44 14.02 14.18 14.29
Erode HEP 18.16 18.24 18.43 18.54 18.50 18.51
Kadamparai HEP 5.60 5.67 5.81 5.95 6.01 6.14
Kundah HEP 12.28 12.29 12.38 12.50 12.74 12.93
Tirunelveli HEP 8.72 8.89 9.16 9.49 9.70 9.91
Total Generation 482.48 560.37 566.29 576.09 585.63 588.63
Distribution - 5.70 14.51 54.89 81.49 69.37
Total TANGEDCO 482.48 566.06 580.80 630.97 667.12 658.00


4.14.1 TANGEDCO submitted that Other Debits incurred during FY 2016-17 to FY 201516 are
related to the relevant revenue expenditure discussed in the above sections and hence may
be allowed entirely.
Table 4-27: Other Debits as submitted by TANGEDCO (Rs. Crore)
Power Station FY 2021-
FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25 FY 2025-26 FY 2026-27
22 (APR)
Tuticorin TPS 0.57 0.57 0.57 0.57 0.57 0.57
Mettur TPS I 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13
North Chennai TPS I 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11
Mettur TPS II
Tirumakottai GTPS
Kuttalam GTPS
Basin Bridge GTPS
Valuthur GTPS

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Power Station FY 2021-

FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25 FY 2025-26 FY 2026-27
22 (APR)
Erode HEP
Kadamparai HEP
Kundah HEP 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11
Tirunelveli HEP 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02
Total Generation 0.93 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94
Distribution 25.26 25.26 25.26 25.26 25.26 25.26
Total TANGEDCO 26.2 26.20 26.20 26.20 26.20 26.20

Commission’s Views
4.14.2 At present, the Commission has not approved Other Debits for the Control Period on
projection basis. The Commission shall allow Other Debits after scrutiny at the time of true-
up based on prudence check of the audited accounts.


4.15.1 TANGEDCO submitted that in order to run a generating station effectively and efficiently,
certain costs are incurred, which are not covered under any of the fixed cost components
specified in the TNERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff) Regulations,
2005. These costs are minimal but necessary in order to run a plant at its optimum level and
hence, TANGEDCO is entitled to recover such cost through its ARR. These costs include
other fuel related costs, cost of water and lubricants and consumables for thermal and gas
generating stations. For hydro generating stations, these costs are relating to station supplies
and cost of water for hydel power.
4.15.2 TANGEDCO submitted that it has categorized such costs under the head Operating
Charges. The Operating Charges and extra-ordinary items as submitted by TANGEDCO are
shown in the Table below:
Table 4-28: Operating Charges and Extra-ordinary Items as submitted by TANGEDCO (Rs.
Power Station FY 2021- FY 2022- FY 2023- FY 2024- FY 2025- FY 2026-
22 (APR) 23 24 25 26 27
Tuticorin TPS 12.26 12.75 13.26 13.79 14.35 14.92
Mettur TPS I 3.64 3.79 3.94 4.09 4.26 4.43
North Chennai
68.33 71.06 73.91 76.86 79.94 83.14
NCTPS II 37.24 38.73 40.28 41.89 43.57 45.31
Mettur TPS II 3.59 3.73 3.88 4.03 4.20 4.36

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Power Station FY 2021- FY 2022- FY 2023- FY 2024- FY 2025- FY 2026-

22 (APR) 23 24 25 26 27
0.32 0.33 0.35 0.36 0.38 0.39
Kuttalam GTPS 0.27 0.28 0.30 0.31 0.32 0.33
Basin Bridge
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Valuthur GTPS 0.66 0.69 0.72 0.75 0.78 0.81
Erode HEP 0.26 0.27 0.28 0.29 0.30 0.31
Kadamparai HEP 2.36 2.46 2.55 2.66 2.76 2.87
Kundah HEP 7.39 7.68 7.99 8.31 8.64 8.99
Tirunelveli HEP 0.14 0.15 0.16 0.16 0.17 0.18
Total Generation 136.47 141.93 147.61 153.51 159.67 160.10

Commission’s Views
4.15.3 The Commission is of the view that the Operating Charges and Extra-Ordinary Items
claimed by TANGEDCO separately, are actually a part of the normative O&M expenses,
and cannot be separately allowed.


4.16.1 TANGEDCO submitted that Other income from FY 2021-22 to FY 2026-27 has been
estimated based on previous year actual and provision for certain realization from
contingent income and litigations are also taken into account. Any variation with actual
other income may be adjusted at time of final Truing-up.
Table 4-29: Other Income as submitted by TANGEDCO (Rs. Crore)

Power Station FY 2021-

FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25 FY 2025-26 FY 2026-27
22 (APR)
Tuticorin TPS 36.98 36.98 36.98 36.98 36.98 36.98
Mettur TPS I 37.69 37.69 37.69 37.69 37.69 37.69
North Chennai TPS I 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.20
NCTPS II 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.42 6.42
Mettur TPS II 17.84 17.84 17.84 17.84 17.84 17.84
Tirumakottai GTPS 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15
Kuttalam GTPS 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15
Basin Bridge GTPS 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03
Valuthur GTPS 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.29

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Power Station FY 2021-

FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25 FY 2025-26 FY 2026-27
22 (APR)
Erode HEP -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10 -0.10
Kadamparai HEP 1.57 1.57 1.57 1.57 1.57 1.57
Kundah HEP 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.94
Tirunelveli HEP 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03 1.03
Total Generation 107.19 107.19 107.19 107.19 107.19 107.19
Distribution 1,755.73 1,805.73 1,286.21 1,120.21 1,120.21 1,120.21
Total TANGEDCO 1,862.92 1,912.92 1,393.40 1,227.40 1,227.40 1,227.40

4.16.2 TANGEDCO submitted that Non-Tariff Income pertains only to distribution business. Non-
Tariff Income as submitted by TANGEDCO is shown in the Table below:
Table 4-30: Non-Tariff income as submitted by TANGEDCO (Rs. Crore)
Particulars FY 2021- FY 2022- FY 2023- FY 2024- FY 2025- FY 2026-
22 (APR) 23 24 25 26 27
Meter Rent / Service line 32.90 34.78 36.77 38.87 41.10 43.45
Recoveries of Theft of
82.79 87.52 92.53 97.82 103.42 109.33
Power / Malpractices
Wheeling Charges
265.09 280.25 296.28 313.23 331.14 350.08
Miscellaneous Charges
collected from 719.73 760.90 804.42 850.43 899.08 950.51
Surcharge and
Additional surcharge
130.00 130.00 130.00 130.00 130.00 130.00
received from Open
Access customers
Other Miscellaneous
Charges collected from 500.00 500.00 500.00 400.00 400.00 400.00
Total Non-Tariff
1,730.50 1,793.45 1,860.00 1,830.36 1,904.74 1,983.37

Commission’s Views
4.16.3 The Commission has approved the Other Income and Non-Tariff Income after adjusting for
increased receipts expected after the approval of new wheeling charge, surcharges and
miscellaneous charges.
4.16.4 The Other Income and Non-Tariff Income approved by the Commission is shown in the
Table below:

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Table 4-31: Other Income and Non-Tariff Income approved by the Commission (Rs. Crore)
FY 2021- FY 2022- FY 2023- FY 2024- FY 2025- FY 2026-
22 (APR) 23 24 25 26 27
Other income 1,862.92 1,912.92 1,393.40 1,227.40 1,227.40 1,227.40
Non-tariff income 1,730.51 2,113.61 2,612.16 2,712.96 2,819.52 2,932.17
Total 3,593.43 4,026.53 4,005.56 3,940.36 4,046.92 4,159.57


4.17.1 The summary of fixed cost as submitted by TANGEDCO is shown in the Tables below:

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Table 4-32: Fixed Cost summary for FY 2021-22 as submitted by TANGEDCO (Rs. Crore)

Interest Prior
Interest Operation and Extra Non- Total
Depreciati on Return on Other period Other
Name of the plant on loan Maintenance Ordinary Tariff Annual
on Working Equity Debits credits / Income
capital Expenses Charges Income Fixed Cost
Capital charges

TTPS 151.11 747.62 103.71 55.08 403.77 0.57 - 12.26 36.98 - 1,437.14
Mettur TPS I 83.52 446.09 100.48 33.64 309.92 0.13 - 3.64 37.69 - 939.73
NCTPS I 154.98 799.64 79.52 66.04 263.86 0.11 - 68.33 4.20 - 1,428.28
NCTPS-II 388.22 527.02 98.29 126.48 259.20 - - 37.24 6.42 - 1,430.03
MTPS-II 275.90 435.35 71.58 64.56 160.85 - - 3.59 17.84 - 993.99
ThirumaKottai GTPS 29.16 178.01 7.08 13.01 15.27 - - 0.32 0.15 - 242.70
Kuttalam-GTPS 34.57 154.69 7.83 12.58 25.07 - - 0.27 0.15 - 234.86
Basin Bridge-GTPS 34.46 334.82 11.43 40.76 13.81 - - - 0.03 - 435.25
Valuthur-GTPS 39.82 251.66 13.12 21.85 27.16 - - 0.66 0.29 - 353.98
Erode-HPS 182.79 387.42 20.49 57.83 92.08 - - 0.26 (0.10) - 740.97
KadamParai-HPS 27.55 156.36 6.28 13.20 48.73 - - 2.36 1.57 - 252.91
Kundah-HPS 63.94 369.32 14.02 35.09 84.53 0.11 - 7.39 0.94 - 573.46
Tirunelveli-HPS 45.62 235.49 9.67 19.37 74.18 0.02 - 0.14 1.03 - 383.46
Total Generation 1,511.65 5023.64 543.51 559.48 1,778.43 0.93 - 136.47 107.38 -
Distribution 1,456.65 6,266.14 40.60 774.57 8,936.81 25.26 - - 1,755.73 1,730.50 14,013.80
Total TANGEDCO 2,968.30 11,289.78 584.11 1,334.05 10,715.24 26.20 - 136.47 1,863.11 1,730.50 23,460.54

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Table 4-33: Fixed Cost summary for FY 2022-23 as submitted by TANGEDCO (Rs. Crore)

Interest on Interest on Operation and Extra Total
Depreciati Return on Other period Other Non Tariff
Name of the plant loan Working Maintenance Ordinary Annual
on Equity Debits credits / Income Income
capital Capital Expenses Charges Fixed Cost

TTPS 162.84 752.18 114.24 64.02 448.74 0.57 - 12.75 36.98 - 1518.36
Mettur TPS I 89.17 448.82 116.30 40.48 347.23 0.13 - 3.79 37.69 - 1008.21
NCTPS I 160.59 792.51 88.72 70.27 293.33 0.11 - 71.06 4.20 - 1472.39
NCTPS-II 400.44 481.63 136.54 134.52 280.81 - - 38.73 6.42 - 1466.26
MTPS-II 282.05 430.67 84.56 70.69 175.77 - - 3.73 17.84 - 1,029.63
Thiruma Kottai GTPS 30.65 178.11 8.46 15.71 17.02 - - 0.33 0.15 - 250.13
Kuttalam-GTPS 34.82 151.47 8.09 12.70 27.47 - - 0.28 0.15 - 234.69
Basin Bridge-GTPS 34.51 323.28 11.26 40.78 15.53 - - - 0.03 - 425.34
Valuthur-GTPS 40.61 251.38 14.47 23.29 30.24 - - 0.69 0.29 - 360.41
Erode-HPS 187.07 378.73 20.91 60.86 103.64 - - 0.27 (0.10) - 751.57
KadamParai-HPS 28.29 154.42 6.49 13.92 55.00 - - 2.46 1.57 - 259.01
Kundah-HPS 66.85 361.48 14.27 36.25 94.73 0.11 - 7.68 0.94 - 580.44
Tirunelveli-HPS 47.59 234.29 10.08 21.19 83.51 0.02 - 0.15 1.03 - 395.79
Total Generation 1,565.47 4,939.15 634.41 604.68 1,973.02 0.93 - 141.93 107.38 - 9,752.24
Distribution 1,585.65 7,012.73 112.42 938.58 9,979.22 25.26 - - 1,805.73 1,793.45 16,054.68
Total TANGEDCO 3,151.12 11,951.89 746.83 1,543.26 11,952.24 26.20 - 141.93 1,913.11 1,793.45 25,806.91

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Table 4-34: Fixed Cost summary for FY 2023-24 as submitted by TANGEDCO (Rs. Crore)

Interest Prior
Operation and Extra
Depreciati Interest on on Return on Other period Other Non-Tariff Total Annual
Name of the plant Maintenance Ordinary
on loan capital Working Equity Debits credits / Income Income Fixed Cost
Expenses Charges
Capital charges

TTPS 173.59 751.93 116.41 76.47 479.36 0.57 - 13.26 36.98 - 1574.62
Mettur TPS I 100.73 448.73 117.90 48.01 371.52 0.13 - 3.94 37.69 - 1053.26
NCTPS I 165.61 780.05 89.64 74.54 313.37 0.11 - 73.91 4.20 - 1493.03
NCTPS-II 408.44 460.63 138.87 158.4 298.41 - - 40.28 6.42 - 1498.61
MTPS-II 291.29 415.65 85.08 74.66 187.12 - - 3.88 17.84 - 1,039.85
Thiruma Kottai GTPS 35.95 177.81 8.77 18.55 18.19 - - 0.35 0.15 - 259.47
Kuttalam-GTPS 34.88 150.09 8.30 14.35 29.26 - - 0.30 0.15 - 237.03
Basin Bridge-GTPS 34.51 311.73 11.11 40.80 16.63 - - - 0.03 - 414.76
Valuthur-GTPS 43.46 250.13 14.96 27.31 32.32 - - 0.72 0.29 - 368.61
Erode-HPS 190.40 367.38 21.04 62.70 111.00 - - 0.28 (0.10) - 752.90
KadamParai-HPS 29.38 152.31 6.63 14.69 58.93 - - 2.55 1.57 - 262.93
Kundah-HPS 66.85 352.40 14.29 36.25 101.36 0.11 - 7.99 0.94 - 578.31
Tirunelveli-HPS 50.19 232.18 10.39 23.30 89.44 0.02 - 0.16 1.03 - 404.63
Total Generation 1,625.30 4851.20 643.40 670.04 2,106.92 0.93 - 147.60 107.38 - 9938.03
Distribution 1,869.01 7,467.15 145.25 1,175.25 10,670.38 25.26 - - 1,286.21 1,860.00 18,206.09
Total TANGEDCO 3,494.31 12,318.35 788.65 1,845.29 12,777.30 26.20 - 147.60 1,393.59 1,860.00 28,144.11

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Table 4-35: Fixed Cost summary for FY 2024-25 as submitted by TANGEDCO (Rs. Crore)

Interest on Interest on Operation and Extra
Depreciati Return on Other period Other Non-Tariff Total Annual
Name of the plant loan Working Maintenance Ordinary
on Equity Debits credits / Income Income Fixed Cost
capital Capital Expenses Charges

TTPS 194.14 756.79 118.72 93.92 512.01 0.57 - 13.79 36.98 - 1652.97
Mettur TPS I 108.11 458.10 119.90 63.66 397.46 0.13 - 4.09 37.69 - 1113.75
NCTPS I 171.33 770.66 90.61 81.57 334.74 0.11 - 76.86 4.20 - 1521.67
NCTPS-II 460.47 434.24 140.72 181.26 317.10 - - 41.89 6.42 - 1569.26
MTPS-II 292.04 407.21 85.89 84.18 199.20 - - 4.03 17.84 - 1,054.72
ThirumaKottai GTPS 37.80 174.98 8.87 19.58 19.44 - - 0.36 0.15 - 260.88
Kuttalam-GTPS 38.96 148.89 8.52 16.26 31.16 - - 0.31 0.15 - 243.96
Basin Bridge-GTPS 34.56 300.18 10.93 40.82 17.81 - - - 0.03 - 404.26
Valuthur-GTPS 50.72 248.92 15.45 31.67 34.53 - - 0.75 0.29 - 381.75
Erode-HPS 191.72 354.85 21.11 63.76 118.85 - - 0.29 (0.10) - 750.68
KadamParai-HPS 30.21 150.12 6.78 15.44 63.13 - - 2.66 1.57 - 266.77
Kundah-HPS 66.85 346.71 14.61 38.97 108.44 0.11 - 8.31 0.94 - 583.07
Tirunelveli-HPS 52.90 230.54 10.76 25.95 95.78 0.02 - 0.16 1.03 - 415.06
Total Generation 1,729.80 4,782.19 652.86 757.03 2,249.67 0.93 - 153.51 107.19 - 10,218.81
Distribution 2,180.69 8,034.77 219.64 1,471.96 11,407.95 25.26 - - 1,120.21 1,830.36 20,389.70
Total TANGEDCO 3,910.49 12,816.96 872.50 2,228.99 13,657.62 26.19 - 153.51 1,227.40 1,830.36 30,609.50

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Table 4-36: Fixed Cost summary for FY 2025-26 as submitted by TANGEDCO (Rs. Crore)

Interest on Interest on Operation and Extra
Depreciati Return on Other period Other Non-Tariff Total Annual
Name of the plant loan Working Maintenance Ordinary
on Equity Debits credits / Income Income Fixed Cost
capital Capital Expenses Charges

TTPS 217.47 752.04 120.31 103.58 541.30 0.57 - 14.35 36.98 - 1712.63
Mettur TPS I 140.06 463.84 121.71 76.48 420.20 0.13 - 4.26 37.69 - 1188.99
NCTPS I 183.29 761.70 91.53 87.16 353.88 0.11 - 79.94 4.20 - 1553.41
NCTPS-II 465.94 622.32 145.42 187.02 335.24 - - 43.57 6.42 - 1793.09
MTPS-II 315.22 396.93 86.76 93.52 210.59 - - 4.2 17.84 - 1,089.37
Thiruma Kottai GTPS 38.54 171.83 8.91 19.90 20.56 - - 0.38 0.15 - 259.97
Kuttalam-GTPS 39.69 145.96 8.59 16.59 32.95 - - 0.32 0.15 - 243.95
Basin Bridge-GTPS 34.56 293.10 10.26 40.82 18.83 - - 0.00 0.03 - 397.54
Valuthur-GTPS 54.41 245.27 15.66 33.14 36.51 - - 0.78 0.29 - 385.49
Erode-HPS 193.04 341.80 21.21 64.62 128.75 - - 0.30 (0.10) - 749.82
KadamParai-HPS 31.27 148.44 6.92 16.28 66.75 - - 2.76 1.57 - 270.85
Kundah-HPS 73.68 342.26 15.01 42.86 114.65 0.11 - 8.64 0.94 - 596.28
Tirunelveli-HPS 56.86 228.85 11.07 28.29 101.25 0.02 - 0.17 1.03 - 425.48
Total Generation 1,844.03 4914.51 663.28 810.25 2,381.45 0.93 - 159.67 107.18 - 10,666.86
Distribution 2,615.04 8,349.16 271.21 1,683.24 12,060.49 25.26 - - 770.21 1,904.74 22,329.45
Total TANGEDCO 4,459.07 13,263.50 934.57 2,493.49 14,441.94 26.19 - 159.67 877.39 1,904.74 32,996.30

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Table 4-37: Fixed Cost summary for FY 2026-27 as submitted by TANGEDCO (Rs. Crore)

Operation Prior
Interest Interest on Extra
Depreciati Return on and Other period Other Non-Tariff Total Annual
Name of the plant on loan Working Ordinary
on Equity Maintenance Debits credits / Income Income Fixed Cost
capital Capital Charges
Expenses charges

TTPS 218.42 737.04 121.06 104.34 572.26 0.57 - 14.92 36.98 - 1731.63
Mettur TPS I 140.35 453.98 122.29 76.72 444.23 0.13 - 4.43 37.69 - 1204.44
NCTPS I 185.38 750.21 92.14 88.84 374.12 0.11 - 83.14 4.20 - 1569.74
MTPS-II 474.94 596.21 146.11 194.25 354.42 - - 45.31 6.42 - 1804.81
NCTPS-II 315.51 373.64 86.69 93.75 222.64 - - 4.36 17.84 - 1,078.75
Thiruma Kottai GTPS 38.61 169.00 8.94 19.96 21.73 - - 0.39 0.15 - 258.49
Kuttalam-GTPS 39.79 143.08 8.64 16.66 34.83 - - 0.33 0.15 - 243.20
Basin Bridge-GTPS 34.56 290.52 10.27 40.82 19.90 - - 0.00 0.03 - 396.04
Valuthur-GTPS 54.41 241.21 15.76 33.14 38.60 - - 0.81 0.29 - 383.66
Erode-HPS 193.89 328.24 21.21 65.31 136.11 - - 0.31 (0.10) - 745.18
KadamParai-HPS 32.33 147.18 7.08 17.14 70.56 - - 2.87 1.57 - 275.60
Kundah-HPS 76.65 335.55 15.27 45.25 121.20 0.11 - 8.99 0.94 - 602.08
Tirunelveli-HPS 58.77 226.53 11.32 29.82 107.05 0.02 - 0.18 1.03 - 432.65
Total Generation 1,863.61 4792.39 666.78 825.99 2,517.67 0.93 - 166.04 107.18 - 10,726.28
Distribution 2,711.90 8323,97 275.36 1,761.06 12,750.35 25.26 - - 770.21 1,983.37 14,770.35
Total TANGEDCO 4,575.51 13,116.36 942.14 2,587.05 15,268.02 26.19 - 166.04 877.39 1,983.37 33,820.55

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Commission’s Views
A. Distribution Function
4.17.2 Based on the expenses and income approved after truing up as elaborated in the
previous Sections, the summary of approved Fixed Cost for TANGEDCO’s
Distribution function is shown in the Tables below:

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Table 4-38: Fixed Cost summary for Distribution function

Proposed by TANGEDCO Approved by the Commission
FY22- FY22-
FY23 FY24 FY25 FY26 FY27 FY23 FY24 FY25 FY26 FY27
O&M expenses 8,936.81 9,979.22 10,670.38 11,407.95 12,060.49 12,750.35 8,936.81 9,979.22 10,670.38 11,407.95 12,060.49 12,750.35
Depreciation 1,456.65 1,585.65 1,869.01 2,180.69 2,615.04 2,711.90 1,456.65 1,585.65 1,828.35 2,059.60 2,316.44 2,410.78
Interest and finance
4,609.96 5,290.31 5,675.83 6,171.79 6,411.66 6,308.97 4,191.66 4,607.93 4,984.33 5,422.66 5,484.51 5,386.78
Interest on working
40.60 112.42 145.25 219.64 271.21 275.36 - 5.70 14.51 54.89 81.49 69.37
Return on equity 774.57 938.58 1,175.25 1,471.96 1,683.24 1,761.06 - - - - - -
Other debits 25.26 25.26 25.26 25.26 25.26 25.26 - - - - - -
Other interest and
1,656.18 1,722.43 1,791.32 1,862.98 1,937.49 2,014.99 1,700.74 1,768.77 1,839.52 1,913.11 1,989.62 2,069.21
finance charges
Gross Aggregate
17,500.03 19,653.87 21,352.30 23,340.27 25,004.39 25,847.89 16,285.86 17,947.26 19,337.09 20,858.20 21,932.56 22,686.47
Revenue Requirement
Less: Other income 1,755.73 1,805.73 1,286.21 1,120.21 770.21 770.21 1,755.73 1,805.73 1,286.21 1,120.21 1,120.21 1,120.21
Less: Non-tariff
1,730.50 1,793.45 1,860.00 1,830.36 1,904.74 1,983.37 1,730.51 2,113.61 2,612.16 2,712.96 2,819.52 2,932.17
Net Aggregate
Revenue 14,013.80 16,054.69 18,206.09 20,389.70 22,329.44 23,094.31 12,799.62 14,027.92 15,438.72 17,025.04 17,992.83 18,634.09

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B. Generation Function
4.17.3 Based on the expenses and income approved after truing up as elaborated in the
previous Sections, the summary of approved Fixed Cost for TANGEDCO’s Generation
function is shown in the Tables below:
Table 4-39: Fixed cost as approved by ERC, for Generation (Rs. Crore)
Power Station FY 2021-
FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25 FY 2025-26 FY 2026-27
22 (APR)
Tuticorin TPS 1,254.63 1,293.93 1,337.38 1,396.74 1,426.33 1,441.92
Mettur TPS I 806.13 841.90 878.95 923.12 972.88 987.36
North Chennai TPS I 1,213.92 1,219.14 1,238.74 1,259.71 1,265.88 1,277.72
Mettur TPS II 882.37 895.63 904.64 910.64 927.66 919.11
NCTPS II 1,213.33 1,224.72 1,234.43 1,286.75 1,465.11 1,470.54
Tirumakottai GTPS 211.98 209.12 215.92 217.71 212.77 211.34
Kuttalam GTPS 211.25 205.94 207.93 213.49 210.17 209.55
Basin Bridge GTPS 361.40 339.84 332.97 323.96 311.68 310.03
Valuthur GTPS 307.58 302.64 308.07 317.68 314.61 312.95
Erode HEP 643.71 637.15 640.06 639.00 630.65 626.65
Kadamparai HEP 221.48 220.83 224.99 228.44 228.18 231.81
Kundah HEP 493.02 485.02 486.21 488.40 489.64 492.73
Tirunelveli HEP 341.61 343.02 351.17 359.69 362.53 368.11
Total Generation 8,162.39 8,218.88 8,361.46 8,565.33 8,818.09 8,859.82

4.17.4 As per Regulation 36 of the TNERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of
Tariff) Regulations, 2005, fixed components of generation function comprise:
“36. Components of Tariff
1) The tariff for sale of power by the Generating Companies shall be of two part
namely the Fixed Charges (recovery of annual capacity charges) and
variable (energy) charges.
2) The Fixed (annual capacity) charges shall consist of the following elements:
(a) Interest on Loan Capital
(b) Depreciation
(c) Return on Equity;
(d) Operation and Maintenance expenses; and
(e) Interest on Working Capital:
3) The energy (variable) charges shall cover fuel cost.”
4.17.5 The recovery of capacity charges are governed by Regulation 42 of TNERC (Terms
and Conditions for Determination of Tariff) Regulations, 2005, which states as under:
“42. Recovery of Capacity Charges

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1. Full capacity charges (Fixed Charges) shall be recoverable at

target availability specified in clause (1) of Regulation 37.

2. Recovery of capacity charges below the level of target availability

will be on pro rata basis. At zero availability, no capacity charges shall be
4.17.6 Therefore, the above Capacity Charges as determined by the Commission shall be
recoverable when TANGEDCO is able to meet the Availability norms specified in the
TNERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff) Regulations, 2005, else,
there will be pro-rate reduction in the Capacity Charges recoverable.

B. Variable Costs for Own Generating Stations

Operational Performance

4.17.7 TANGEDCO submitted that the actual operating paraments achieved during the year are
dependent on the condition of the machine, which is a function of following factors:
i. Operation and Maintenance carried out in the plant since commissioning
ii. Degradation due to ageing
iii. Water Chemistry
iv. Conditions of the Auxiliaries
v. Overloading and Partial Loading of machines
vi. Number of Start/Stop
vii. Temperatures and Pressures Stress-Machines have been subjected to
viii. Automation of C&I
ix. Condenser Vacuum.

Plant Load Factor

4.17.8 TANGEDCO submitted that it has projected the Plant Load Factor (PLF) of its various
generating stations for the Control period from FY 2022-23 to FY 2026-27 based on the
actual data available for previous year till FY 2021-22.
4.17.9 The PLF for the Control Period from FY 2021-22 to FY 2026-27 as submitted by
TANGEDCO (based on actual loading) and as approved by the Commission is shown in
the Table below. The Commission notes that the proposed PLF is lower for thermal
stations also, due to TANGEDCO’s generation being used to balance or accommodate
renewable energy, especially during the wind season. However, TANGEDCO must
make sure that irrespective of low PLF, the availability of those stations continue to be
80% or higher.

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Table 4-40: Approved PLF for Own Generating Stations for FY 2021-22 to FY 2026-27
S. FY 2021- FY 2022- FY 2023- FY 2024- FY 2025- FY 2026-
Power Station
No. 22 (APR) 23 24 25 26 27
Thermal Power Generating Stations:
1 Tuticorin TPS 53.93% 55.00% 55.00% 55.00% 55.00% 55.00%
2 Mettur TPS I 65.17% 70.00% 70.00% 70.00% 70.00% 70.00%
North Chennai
3 60.82% 65.00% 65.00% 65.00% 65.00% 65.00%
4 NCTPS II 42.92% 60.00% 60.00% 60.00% 60.00% 60.00%
5 Mettur TPS II 52.58% 60.00% 60.00% 60.00% 60.00% 60.00%
6 NCTPS Stage-III - - 50.00% 50.00% 60.00% 60.00%
7 Udangudi Stage I - - - - - 25.00%
8 Ennore SEZ - - - 25.00% 40.00% 40.00%
Gas Power Generating Stations
9 16.42% 30.00% 30.00% 30.00% 30.00% 30.00%
10 Kuttalam GTPS 40.90% 45.00% 45.00% 45.00% 45.00% 45.00%
Basin Bridge
11 0.60% 0.60% 0.60% 0.60% 0.60% 0.60%
12 Valuthur GTPS 57.53% 70.00% 70.00% 70.00% 70.00% 70.00%
Hydro Power Generating Stations
13 Erode HEP 25.46% 25.46% 25.46% 25.46% 25.46% 25.46%
14 Kadamparai HEP 16.46% 16.46% 16.46% 16.46% 16.46% 16.46%
15 Kundah HEP 30.56% 30.56% 30.56% 30.56% 30.56% 30.56%
16 Tirunelveli HEP 35.00% 35.00% 35.00% 35.00% 35.00% 35.00%
Auxiliary Consumption

4.17.10 TANGEDCO submitted that Auxiliary consumption for FY 2021-22 is considered

provisionally. Further, auxiliary consumption from FY 2022-23 to FY 2026-27 is
projected at normative levels in line with the TNERC (Terms and Conditions for
Determination of Tariff) Regulations, 2005,, which has been accepted.
4.17.11 The Commission has modified the proposed Auxiliary consumption for Tirumakottai
GTPS and Hydro stations to be in line with the normative levels of 6% and 0.5%
4.17.12 Auxiliary consumption for the Control Period FY 2021-22 to FY 2026-27 as approved
by the Commission is shown in the Table below:
Table 4-41: Approved Auxiliary Consumption (%) for Own Generating Stations for FY
2021-22 to FY 2026-27
S. FY 2021- FY 2022- FY 2023- FY 2024- FY 2025- FY 2026-
Power Station
No. 22 (APR) 23 24 25 26 27
Thermal Power Generating Stations:
1 Tuticorin TPS 8.50% 8.50% 8.50% 8.50% 8.50% 8.50%
2 Mettur TPS I 8.50% 8.50% 8.50% 8.50% 8.50% 8.50%

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S. FY 2021- FY 2022- FY 2023- FY 2024- FY 2025- FY 2026-

Power Station
No. 22 (APR) 23 24 25 26 27
North Chennai 8.50% 8.50% 8.50% 8.50% 8.50% 8.50%
4 NCTPS II 7.00% 7.00% 7.00% 7.00% 7.00% 7.00%
5 Mettur TPS II 7.00% 7.00% 7.00% 7.00% 7.00% 7.00%
6 NCTPS Stage-III - - 7.00% 7.00% 7.00% 7.00%
7 Udangudi Stage I - - - - - 7.00%
8 Ennore SEZ - - - 7.00% 7.00% 7.00%
Gas Power Generating Stations
Tirumakottai 6.00% 6.00% 6.00% 6.00% 6.00% 6.00%
10 Kuttalam GTPS 6.00% 6.00% 6.00% 6.00% 6.00% 6.00%
Basin Bridge 0.99% 0.99% 0.99% 0.99% 0.99% 0.99%
12 Valuthur GTPS 6.00% 6.00% 6.00% 6.00% 6.00% 6.00%
Hydro Power Generating Stations
13 Erode HEP 0.50% 0.50% 0.50% 0.50% 0.50% 0.50%
14 Kadamparai HEP 0.50% 0.50% 0.50% 0.50% 0.50% 0.50%
15 Kundah HEP 0.50% 0.50% 0.50% 0.50% 0.50% 0.50%
16 Tirunelveli HEP 0.50% 0.50% 0.50% 0.50% 0.50% 0.50%
Station Heat Rate (SHR)

4.17.13 TANGEDCO submitted that it has proposed the SHR for its various generating stations
as per actuals. For ensuing years (FY 2022-23 to FY 2026-27) SHR has been considered
same as actuals for FY 2021-22 for all Thermal and Gas based power stations except
BBGTPS, which has been accepted.
4.17.14 The Commission has adopted normative SHR, after adjusting for allowed percentage
variation in line with PLF reduction accordance with the TNERC (Terms and Conditions
for Determination of Tariff) Regulations, 2005, thereby arriving at SHR as shown in the
Table below:
Table 4-42: Approved SHR (kcal/kWh) for Own Generating Stations (Coal & Gas Power
Plants) for FY 2021-22 to FY 2026-27
S. FY 2021- FY 2022- FY 2023- FY 2024- FY 2025- FY 2026-
Power Station
No. 22 (APR) 23 24 25 26 27
Thermal Power Generating Stations:
1 Tuticorin TPS 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,600
2 Mettur TPS I 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,600
North Chennai
3 2,537 2,489 2,489 2,489 2,489 2,489
4 NCTPS II 2,597 2,597 2,597 2,597 2,597 2,597
5 Mettur TPS II 2,597 2,597 2,597 2,597 2,597 2,597
Gas Power Generating Stations

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S. FY 2021- FY 2022- FY 2023- FY 2024- FY 2025- FY 2026-

Power Station
No. 22 (APR) 23 24 25 26 27
6 1,850 1,850 1,850 1,850 1,850 1,850
7 Kuttalam GTPS 1,850 1,850 1,850 1,850 1,850 1,850
Basin Bridge
8 4,399 4,399 4,399 4,399 4,399 4,399
9 Valuthur GTPS 1,850 1,850 1,850 1,850 1,850 1,850
Specific Fuel Oil Consumption (SFOC)

4.17.15 TANGEDCO submitted that it has projected specific oil consumption for Control Period
from FY 2021-22 to FY 2026-27 based on the actual performance of various plant during
FY 2019-20 and FY 2020-21, which has been accepted.
Table 4-43: Approved SFOC (ml/kWh) for Own Generating Stations for FY 2021-22 to FY
S. FY 2021- FY 2022- FY 2023- FY 2024- FY 2025- FY 2026-
Power Station
No. 22 (APR) 23 24 25 26 27
Thermal Power Generating Stations:
1 Tuticorin TPS 1.67 1.67 1.67 1.67 1.67 1.67
2 Mettur TPS I 0.69 0.69 0.69 0.69 0.69 0.69
North Chennai 1.79 1.79 1.79 1.79 1.79 1.79
4 NCTPS II 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10
5 Mettur TPS II 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.88

Fuel Related Parameters

GCV of Coal/Gas

4.17.16 TANGEDCO submitted that it has projected GCV for the Control period FY 2021-22 to
FY 2026-27 based on the actual GCV of primary fuel during FY 2020-21 except for
Basin Bridge GTPS. The Commission has approved the GCV as shown in the Table
Table 4-44: GCV of coal/gas (kcal/kg)(kcal/SCM) as considered by the Commission for FY
2021-22 to FY 2026-27
S. FY 2021- FY 2022- FY 2023- FY 2024- FY 2025- FY 2026-
Power Station
No. 22 (APR) 23 24 25 26 27
Thermal Power Generating Stations:
1 Tuticorin TPS 3,123.69 3,123.69 3,123.69 3,123.69 3,123.69 3,123.69
2 Mettur TPS I 3,162.28 3,162.28 3,162.28 3,162.28 3,162.28 3,162.28
North Chennai
3 3,252.52 3,252.52 3,252.52 3,252.52 3,252.52 3,252.52
4 NCTPS II 3,227.94 3,227.94 3,227.94 3,227.94 3,227.94 3,227.94
5 Mettur TPS II 3,202.78 3,202.78 3,202.78 3,202.78 3,202.78 3,202.78
Gas Power Generating Stations

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S. FY 2021- FY 2022- FY 2023- FY 2024- FY 2025- FY 2026-

Power Station
No. 22 (APR) 23 24 25 26 27
6 10,538.36 10,538.36 10,538.36 10,538.36 10,538.36 10,538.36
7 Kuttalam GTPS 10,416.58 10,416.58 10,416.58 10,416.58 10,416.58 10,416.58
Basin Bridge
8 10,572.00 10,572.00 10,572.00 10,572.00 10,572.00 10,572.00
9 Valuthur GTPS 9,718.96 9,718.96 9,718.96 9,718.96 9,718.96 9,718.96
Price of Coal / Gas

4.17.17 TANGEDCO submitted that it has considered the values from the provisional accounts
for projecting the fuel prices for FY 2021-22. Further, based on the prevailing market
conditions it has considered slight increase in FY23.
4.17.18 . The price of coal/gas as considered by the Commission is shown in the Table below:
Table 4-45: Price of coal/gas (Rs./MT)(Rs./SCM) as considered by the Commission for FY
2021-22 to FY 2026-27
S. FY 2021- FY 2022- FY 2023- FY 2024- FY 2025- FY 2026-
Power Station
No. 22 (APR) 23 24 25 26 27
Thermal Power Generating Stations:
1 Tuticorin TPS 3,900 4,300 4,300 4,300 4,300 4,300
2 Mettur TPS I 5,000 5,500 5,500 5,500 5,500 5,500
North Chennai
3 3,800 4,200 4,200 4,200 4,200 4,200
4 NCTPS II 3,800 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 4,500
5 Mettur TPS II 5,000 5,600 5,600 5,600 5,600 5,600
Gas Power Generating Stations
6 8.79 8.97 9.15 9.33 9.51 9.71
7 Kuttalam GTPS 9.36 9.55 9.74 9.94 10.13 10.34
Basin Bridge
8 53.75 54.29 56.08 56.63 58.18 59.35
9 Valuthur GTPS 8.52 8.69 8.86 9.04 9.22 9.40
* Basin Bridge fuel price is Rs. Crore

Net Generation from own Generating Power Plants.

4.17.19 The Commission has approved the station-wise Net Generation from TANGEDCO’s
own generating plants based on the generation capacity, approved PLF and approved
auxiliary consumption, as discussed in earlier Sections. The Net Generation from
TANGEDCO’s own generating stations as submitted by TANGEDCO and as approved
by the Commission is shown in the Table below:

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Table 4-46: Approved net generation for Own Generating Stations for FY 2021-22 to FY 2026-27
FY 2021-22 (APR) FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24
S. No. Power Station
TANGEDCO Commission TANGEDCO Commission TANGEDCO Commission
Thermal Power Generating Stations:
1 Tuticorin TPS 4,539 4,539 4,629 4,629 4,642 4,629
2 Mettur TPS I 4,388 4,388 4,713 4,713 4,726 4,713
3 North Chennai TPS I 3071 3071 3282 3282 3291 3,282
4 NCTPS II 4196 4196 5866 5866 5882 5,866
5 Mettur TPS II 2,570 2,570 2,933 2,933 2,941 2,933
6 NCTPS Stage-III - - - - 3,268 3,259
7 Udangudi Stage I - - - - - -
8 Ennore SEZ - - - - - -
Total Coal Thermal 18,764 18,764 21,423 21,423 24,749 24,682
Gas Power Generating Stations
9 Tirumakottai GTPS 141.21 146 258 266 259 266
10 Kuttalam GTPS 340 340 374 374 375 374
11 Basin Bridge GTPS 6 6 6 6 6 6
12 Valuthur GTPS 886 886 1,078 1,078 1,081 1,078
Total Gas Thermal 1,373 1,378 1,716 1,725 1,721 1,725
Hydro Power Generating Stations
13 Erode HEP 1,108 1,117 1,108 1,117 1,111 1,117
14 Kadamparai HEP 864 864 864 864 864 864
15 Kundah HEP 2,224 2,221 2,224 2,221 2,230 2,221
16 Tirunelveli HEP 1,136 1,145 1,136 1,145 1,139 1,145
Total Hydro 5,332 5,347 5,332 5,347 5,344 5,347
17 Wind 4 4 4 4 4 4
Grand Total 25,474 25,494 28,476 28,499 31,819 31,758

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FY 2024-25 FY 2025-26 FY 2026-27

S. No. Power Station
TANGEDCO Commission TANGEDCO Commission TANGEDCO Commission
Thermal Power Generating Stations:
1 Tuticorin TPS 4,629 4,629 4,629 4,629 4,629 4,629
2 Mettur TPS I 4,713 4,713 4,713 4,713 4,713 4,713
3 North Chennai TPS I 3282 3,282 3282 3,282 3282 3,282
4 NCTPS II 5866 5,866 5866 5,866 5866 5,866
5 Mettur TPS II 2,933 2,933 2,933 2,933 2,933 2,933
6 NCTPS Stage-III 3,259 3,259 3,259 3,910 3,259 3,910
7 Udangudi Stage I - - - - 2,688 2,688
8 Ennore SEZ 2,688 1,344 2,688 2,151 2,688 2,151
Total Coal Thermal 27,370 26,026 27,370 27,484 30,058 30,172
Gas Power Generating Stations
9 Tirumakottai GTPS 258 266 258 266 258 266
10 Kuttalam GTPS 374 374 374 374 374 374
11 Basin Bridge GTPS 6 6 6 6 6 6
12 Valuthur GTPS 1,078 1,078 1,078 1,078 1,078 1,078
Total Gas Thermal 1,716 1,725 1,716 1,725 1,716 1,725
Hydro Power Generating Stations
13 Erode HEP 1,108 1,117 1,108 1,117 1,108 1,117
14 Kadamparai HEP 864 864 864 864 864 864
15 Kundah HEP 2,224 2,221 2,224 2,221 2,224 2,221
16 Tirunelveli HEP 1,136 1,145 1,136 1,145 1,136 1,145
Total Hydro 5,332 5,347 5,332 5,347 5,332 5,347
17 Wind 4 4 4 4 4 4
Grand Total 33,423 33,102 34,423 34,560 37,111 37,249

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Energy Charge

4.17.20 Based on the approved performance parameters, viz., SHR, SFOC, and GCV and price of fuel considered, the Station-wise Energy
Charges approved for the Control Period from FY 2021-22 to FY 2026-27 are shown in the Table below:
Table 4-47: Approved Energy Charges (Rs./kWh) for Own Generating Stations for FY 2021-22 to FY 2026-27

FY 2021-22 (APR) FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24

Power Station
TANGEDCO Commission TANGEDCO Commission TANGEDCO Commission
Thermal Power Generating Stations:
Tuticorin TPS 3.62 3.60 3.99 3.96 3.99 3.97
Mettur TPS I 4.28 4.56 4.71 5.00 4.71 5.01
North Chennai TPS I 3.54 3.33 3.90 3.59 3.91 3.60
NCTPS II 3.35 3.35 3.96 3.94 3.96 3.94
Mettur TPS II 4.13 4.48 4.62 4.99 4.62 4.99
NCTPS Stage-III 0.00 - 0.00 - 2.58 2.58
Udangudi Stage I 0.00 - 0.00 - 0.00 -
Ennore SEZ 0.00 - 0.00 - 0.00 -
Gas Power Generating Stations
Tirumakottai GTPS 2.95 1.64 3.01 1.68 3.07 1.71
Kuttalam GTPS 1.91 1.77 1.94 1.80 1.98 1.84
Basin Bridge GTPS 86.14 86.08 87.00 87.80 89.58 89.56
Valuthur GTPS 1.74 1.73 1.78 1.76 1.81 1.79

FY 2024-25 FY 2025-26 FY 2026-27

Power Station
TANGEDCO Commission TANGEDCO Commission TANGEDCO Commission
Thermal Power Generating Stations:
Tuticorin TPS 3.99 3.97 3.99 3.97 3.99 3.97
Mettur TPS I 4.71 5.01 4.71 5.01 4.71 5.01

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FY 2024-25 FY 2025-26 FY 2026-27

Power Station
TANGEDCO Commission TANGEDCO Commission TANGEDCO Commission
North Chennai TPS I 3.91 3.60 3.91 3.60 3.91 3.60
NCTPS II 3.97 3.94 3.96 3.94 3.96 3.94
Mettur TPS II 4.62 4.99 4.62 4.99 4.62 5.00
NCTPS Stage-III 2.58 2.58 2.58 2.58 2.58 2.58
Udangudi Stage I 0.00 - 0.00 - 2.45 2.45
Ennore SEZ 2.38 2.38 2.38 2.38 2.38 2.38
Gas Power Generating Stations
Tirumakottai GTPS 3.13 1.74 3.19 1.78 3.25 1.81
Kuttalam GTPS 2.02 1.88 2.06 1.91 2.11 1.95
Basin Bridge GTPS 90.75 91.35 93.24 93.17 95.11 95.04
Valuthur GTPS 1.85 1.83 1.88 1.87 1.92 1.90

4.17.21 Based on the approved Net Generation and Energy Charges, the approved variable cost for the Control Period from FY 2021-22 to FY
2026-27 is shown in the Table below:
Table 4-48: Approved Variable Cost (Rs. Crore) for Own Generating Stations for FY 2021-22 to FY 2026-27
FY 2021-22 (APR) FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24
Power Station
TANGEDCO Commission TANGEDCO Commission TANGEDCO Commission
Tuticorin TPS 1,644 1,634 1,845 1,835 1,851 1,835
Mettur TPS I 1,880 2,000 2,220 2,358 2,227 2,359
North Chennai TPS I 1,087 1,022 1,282 1,180 1,286 1,181
NCTPS II 1,406 1,407 2,322 2,309 2,330 2,310
Mettur TPS II 1,060 1,150 1,354 1,462 1,358 1,463
NCTPS Stage-III 843 843
Udangudi Stage I
Ennore SEZ

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FY 2021-22 (APR) FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24

Power Station
TANGEDCO Commission TANGEDCO Commission TANGEDCO Commission
Tirumakottai GTPS 42 24 78 45 79 46
Kuttalam GTPS 65 60 73 68 74 69
Basin Bridge GTPS 54 54 54 54 56 56
Valuthur GTPS 154 153 191 190 196 194
Grand Total 7,392 7,505 9,420 9,501 10,300 10,356

FY 2024-25 FY 2025-26 FY 2026-27

Power Station
TANGEDCO Commission TANGEDCO Commission TANGEDCO Commission
Tuticorin TPS 1,847 1,836 1,847 1,837 1,848 1,838
Mettur TPS I 2,221 2,360 2,221 2,361 2,221 2,361
North Chennai TPS I 1,283 1,181 1,283 1,182 1,284 1,183
NCTPS II 2,330 2,311 2,325 2,311 2,325 2,312
Mettur TPS II 1,355 1,464 1,355 1,465 1,355 1,465
NCTPS Stage-III 841 841 841 841 841 841
Udangudi Stage I 0 0 659 659
Ennore SEZ 640 640 640 640 640 640
0 0 0
Tirumakottai GTPS 81 46 82 47 84 48
Kuttalam GTPS 76 70 77 72 79 73
Basin Bridge GTPS 57 57 58 58 59 59
Valuthur GTPS 199 197 203 201 207 205
Grand Total 10,928 11,003 10,933 11,015 11,603 11,685

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4.18.1 TANGEDCO has submitted that all the power generation projected for own generating
stations has been considered as a part of power purchase expenses from FY 2021-22 to
FY 2026-27. Further, TANGEDCO has stated the following regarding estimation of
power purchase expenses:
i. Energy purchase from wind and solar for FY 2022-23 is projected to increase
by 3% and 7% p.a. respectively.
ii. Energy purchase from biomass and captive sources is projected to be same as
that for FY 2021-22. For FY 2022-23 to FY 2026-27, the energy purchase
from co-generation has been considered same as that of arrived for FY 2021-
22 without any escalation.
iii. As regards to the energy availability from central generating stations (CGS),
the same is computed as per operational parameters in CERC TNERC (Terms
and Conditions for Determination of Tariff) Regulations, 2005 2019 and as per
allocated capacity to TANGEDCO. Auxiliary consumption of respective
CGSs have been considered as per latest Tariff Order. It is to be submitted that
TANGEDCO has taken the cognizance of actual power purchase data from
CGS stations during FY 2021-22, and accordingly, projected the power
purchase requirement from FY 2022-23 to FY 2026-27.
iv. With regards to the projections of variable charge and fixed charge per unit
from other CGS stations, the actual energy charge for FY 2020-21 has been
considered as base. Further, the weighted variable charge so considered for
FY 2021-22 is then escalated year-on-year by a nominal escalation rate of
2% for lignite based plants and 5% for coal based plants in order to arrive at
the variable charge for subsequent years, i.e., for FY 2022-23 to FY 2026-27.
For annual fixed cost, a marginal increase is considered for CGS over the
v. The power from LTOA and STOA have been considered based on the past
actual procurement from the sources. The per unit energy charge from LTOA
has been considered as Rs. 4.68 per unit for FY 2019-20 and Rs. 5.14 per unit
for FY 2020-21, as per actuals. Similarly, for STOA per unit energy charge is
considered as Rs. 4.38 per unit for FY 2019-20 and Rs. 3.63 per unit for FY
2021-22, as per actuals. The same rate is considered for future years of control
period as for FY 2022-23 without any escalations.
vi. As regards to power purchase from exchange, TANGEDCO submitted that it
purchases from Indian Energy Exchange (IEX) and Power Exchange India
Limited (PXIL) on Need basis. The procurement is made through e-bidding
by PPP Wing. For the FY 2020-21 the rates at which procured ranges from Rs.

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1.00 per unit to Rs. 9.88 per unit round the clock. Further, considering the
availability of power at cheaper price at exchange, TANGEDCO has estimated
higher quantum of power purchase from exchanges in order to optimize the
overall power purchase cost of TANGEDCO.
vii. Details of additional new PPAs have also been provided.
4.18.2 The power purchase expenses submitted by TANGEDCO for the Control period from
FY 2021-22 to FY 2026-27 is shown in Table below:
Table 4-49: Power Purchase Expenses for FY 2021-22 to FY 2026-27 as submitted by
FY 2021-22 (APR) FY 2022-23
Power Sources Units PP Cost Units PP Cost
(MU) (Rs Crore) (MU) (Rs Crore)
(i) Central Generating Stations
1 New Neyveli TS 3,821.68 1,550.47 3,527.72 1,503.47
2 Neyveli TS-II Stage I 2,734.44 936.42 3,725.59 1221.58
3 - - - -
4 Neyveli TS-I Expansion 1,591.99 538.69 1,626.69 556.96
5 Neyveli Expansion Unit II 955.49 471.84 1,000.06 490.38
6 NTPL JV with NLC 1,723.84 912.39 1,851.88 967.20
NTPC SR (Ramagundan I
7 3,221.60 1,163.67 3,393.13 1,261.26
& II)
8 968.26 342.65 856.06 325.57
(Ramagundam III)
9 Simhadri Stage II -Unit III
1,209.02 577.73 1230.81 605.89
10 Simhadri Stage II -Unit IV
Unit 1
6,044.14 3,358.78 5294.73 3197.62
Unit 2
13 Talcher 3,508.33 887.73 3,531.34 925.18
14 Madras APS 627.57 158.24 796.33 210.84
15 Kaiga APS 1,719.75 599.35 1,898.66 694.78
16 Kudankulam
7,781.75 3,186.50 8114.87 3489.05
17 Kudankulam II
18 229.75 80.76 115.32 55.03
19 Kudgi Unit I 914.74 761.66
905.22 737.92
20 Kudgi Unit II
21 NTPC Bongaigaun - - 960.00 552.00
22 NTPC/Barh-1 2.56 1.24 502.46 168.60
23 NTPC/Barh-2 4.37 2.08 593.33 233.88
24 NTPC/KBUN 3.86 1.98 455.58 171.78
25 NLC Talabira - - - -
Total CGS 37,053.61 15,508.45 40,389.31 17,392.72

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FY 2021-22 (APR) FY 2022-23

Power Sources Units PP Cost Units PP Cost
(MU) (Rs Crore) (MU) (Rs Crore)
(ii) IPPS
26 SEPC 89.00 13.08 643.29 546.79
27 TAQA (STCMS) 1,427.87 728.28 1,314.00 713.94
PIONEER Power co.
28 51.39 12.52 - -
(iii) Renewables
29 Windmill 3,235.10 962.00 3,332.15 1,040.40
30 Co-generation 347.07 175.93 347.07 183.60
31 Biomass 2.10 1.36 2.10 1.51
32 Captive generation 15.18 2.94 15.18 3.09
33 Solar 6,521.39 3,073.83 6,977.89 3,124.55
Total Renewables (iii) 10,120.85 4,216.05 10,674.40 4,353.15
(iv) Short Term and Others
34 UI Power 204.78 300.65 - -
35 Traders-MTOA 681.70 296.62 910.55 388.13
36 Traders-LTOA 14,392.12 6,889.35 11,837.20 5,666.34
37 Traders -STOA 1,732.34 619.73 910.55 325.74
38 STOA Charges - 74.85 74.85
39 Power Exchanges 6,329.93 4,038.27 4,552.77 2,904.50
Total Short Term and
40 23,340.86 12,219.48 18,211.07 9,359.57
Total 72,083.58 32,697.86 71,232.06 32,366.17
Transmission Charges
TANTRANSCO/PGCIL/ 5,993.52 8,681.12
Total Power Purchase
Cost 38,691.38

Year FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25

PP Cost
No Units PP Cost Units
Power Sources (Rs
. (MU) (Rs Crore) (MU)
Central Generating
1 New Neyveli TS 3,643.50 1,547.68 3,742.55 1,589.37
2 Neyveli TS-II Stage I 3847.87 1277.58 3952.48 1330.35
3 - - - -
4 Neyveli TS-I Expansion 1,647.45 572.23 1,642.95 581.37
5 Neyveli Expansion Unit II 1,032.88 506.36 1,060.96 521.51
6 NTPL JV with NLC 1,912.67 1,001.52 1,964.66 1,033.91
NTPC SR (Ramagundan I &
7 3,504.50 1,347.57 3,599.78 1,434.59
NTPC SR -III (Ramagundam
8 884.16 348.44 908.20 371.49

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Year FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25

PP Cost
No Units PP Cost Units
Power Sources (Rs
. (MU) (Rs Crore) (MU)
9 Simhadri Stage II -Unit III
1271.21 641.54 1305.77 677.46
10 Simhadri Stage II -Unit IV
NTPC_TNEB JV Vallur Unit
5468.52 3357.70 5617.18 3519.13
NTPC_TNEB JV Vallur Unit
13 Talcher 3,647.24 982.81 3,746.40 1,040.90
14 Madras APS 822.47 228.64 844.83 246.60
15 Kaiga APS 1,960.97 753.47 2,014.28 812.65
16 Kudankulam
8381.22 3783.75 8609.07 4080.94
17 Kudankulam II
18 119.11 59.64 122.35 64.27
19 Kudgi Unit I
944.76 795.58 970.45 829.76
20 Kudgi Unit II
21 NTPC Bongaigaun - - - -
22 NTPC/Barh-1 517.53 180.56 533.06 193.47
23 NTPC/Barh-2 611.13 250.11 629.46 267.62
24 NTPC/KBUN 469.25 183.05 483.33 195.17
25 NLC Talabira - - - -
Total CGS 40,686.46 17,818.21 41,747.76 18,790.55
(ii) IPPS
26 SEPC 643.29 353.81 643.29 363.46
27 TAQA (STCMS) 1,317.60 740.68 1,314.00 751.17
28 Windmill 3,432.12 1,125.19 3,535.08 1,158.95
29 Co-generation 347.07 191.55 347.07 191.55
30 Biomass 2.10 1.57 2.10 1.57
31 Captive generation 15.18 3.24 15.18 3.24
32 Solar 7,466.34 3,343.27 7,988.99 3,577.30
Total Renewable (iii) 11,262.81 4,664.82 11,888.42 4,932.61
Short Term and Others
33 UI Power - -
34 Traders-MTOA 885.65 378.17 924.66 393.77
35 Traders-LTOA 11,513.39 5,511.34 12,020.53 5,754.10
36 Traders -STOA 885.65 316.83 924.66 330.79
37 STOA Charges 74.85 - 74.85
38 Power Exchanges 4,428.23 2,825.05 4,623.28 2,949.49
Total Short Term and
39 17,712.91 9,106.24 18,493.12 9,502.99
Total 71,623.06 32,683.77 74,086.58 34,340.77

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Year FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25

PP Cost
No Units PP Cost Units
Power Sources (Rs
. (MU) (Rs Crore) (MU)
Transmission Charges
TANTRANSCO/PGCIL/P 9,144.34 9,331.37
Total Power Purchase Cost 41,828.11 43,672.14

Year FY 2025-26 FY 2026-27

PP Cost
No Units PP Cost Units
Power Sources (Rs
. (MU) (Rs Crore) (MU)
Central Generating
1 New Neyveli TS 3,854.83 1,635.45 3,970.48 1,683.76
2 Neyveli TS-II Stage I 4071.06 1388.74 4193.19 1449.99
3 2,737.23 1,130.47 5,420.25 2,261.11
4 Neyveli TS-I Expansion 1,642.95 591.81 1,642.95 602.42
5 Neyveli Expansion Unit II 1,092.79 538.10 1,125.57 555.44
6 NTPL JV with NLC 2,023.60 1,069.66 2,084.31 1,107.12
NTPC SR (Ramagundan I &
7 3,707.77 1,531.74 3,819.00 1,636.64
NTPC SR -III (Ramagundam
8 935.44 397.05 963.51 424.53
9 Simhadri Stage II -Unit III
1344.94 717.18 1385.29 759.81
10 Simhadri Stage II -Unit IV
NTPC_TNEB JV Vallur Unit
5785.70 3699.54 5959.27 3894.50
NTPC_TNEB JV Vallur Unit
13 Talcher 3,858.79 1,105.68 3,974.55 1,175.58
14 Madras APS 870.17 266.70 896.28 288.44
15 Kaiga APS 2,074.71 878.88 2,136.95 950.51
16 Kudankulam
8867.34 4413.54 9133.36 4773.24
17 Kudankulam II
18 126.02 69.22 129.80 74.40
19 Kudgi Unit I
999.56 867.78 1,029.55 908.74
20 Kudgi Unit II
21 NTPC Bongaigaun - - - -
22 NTPC/Barh-1 549.05 183.32 565.52 196.38
23 NTPC/Barh-2 648.35 254.11 667.80 271.83
24 NTPC/KBUN 497.83 186.31 512.76 198.59
25 NLC Talabira - - 6,158.72 1,884.57
Total CGS 45,688.13 20,925.29 55,769.11 25,097.59

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Year FY 2025-26 FY 2026-27

PP Cost
No Units PP Cost Units
Power Sources (Rs
. (MU) (Rs Crore) (MU)
(ii) IPPS
26 SEPC 643.29 373.59 643.29 384.23
27 TAQA (STCMS) 1,314.00 776.23 1,314.00 802.54
28 Windmill 3,641.13 1,253.40 3,750.37 1,355.55
29 Co-generation 347.07 197.80 347.07 204.37
30 Biomass 2.10 1.63 2.10 1.69
31 Captive generation 15.18 3.40 15.18 3.57
32 Solar 8,548.21 3,827.71 9,146.59 4,095.65
Total Renewables (iii) 12,553.70 5,283.95 13,261.31 5,660.83
Short Term and Others
33 UI Power - - - -
34 Traders-MTOA 962.34 408.84 572.06 252.79
35 Traders-LTOA 12,510.44 5,988.61 7,436.75 3,559.89
36 Traders -STOA 962.34 344.27 572.06 204.65
37 STOA Charges - 74.85 - 74.85
38 Power Exchanges 4,811.71 3,069.70 2,860.29 1,824.76
Total Short Term and
39 19,246.83 9,886.27 11,441.15 5,916.93
Total 79,445.94 37,245.32 82,428.85 37,862.13
Transmission Charges
TANTRANSCO/PGCIL/P 9,900.54 10,600.52
Total Power Purchase Cost 47,145.86 48,462.64

Commission’s view
4.18.3 The Commission has approved the power purchase cost for the Control Period from FY
2022-23 to FY 2026-27, based on the following:
a) Power purchase estimates of TANGEDCO;

b) Energy Availability approved by the Commission, as elaborated in earlier Sections;


c) RPO quantum as specified in RPO Regulations.

4.18.4 As the Merit Order stack keeps on changing, instead of trying to propose a fixed Merit
Order, the Commission directs TANGEDCO to continue abiding by Merit Order
Dispatch during actual scheduling and power purchase. The “Must Run” status of

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Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (TANGEDCO) True-Up, ARR and Tariff Order, 2022

nuclear, wind, solar and cogeneration projects shall also be maintained, subject to
provisions of the Grid Code.
4.18.5 TANGEDCO should take prior approval from the Commission for purchasing energy
from unapproved sources and for power purchase beyond MoD.
4.18.6 The Commission appreciates that the MoD is a dynamic activity, as TANGEDCO has to
meet the MW requirement as well as MU requirement on a day-to-day basis, and rates
of power purchase from other sources are subject to revision. At the same time,
TANGEDCO is duty-bound to ensure that the cheapest power (in terms of variable cost)
available is procured, which is laid down by the broad MoD stack detailed above. Hence,
TANGEDCO is directed to submit the MoD stack of actual power purchased from
various sources during the month, on a monthly basis. Further, in case of any variations
from the MoD stack approved by the Commission, TANGEDCO should file quarterly
Petitions for ratification of such power purchase with proper justification, in the same
manner as being done presently for purchase from IPPs outside the MoD stack.
4.18.7 The Commission has considered the Transmission Charges and SLDC charges for the
Control Period as per the relevant approved ARR.
4.18.8 The summary of the source-wise Power Purchase Costs approved by the Commission for
the Control Period is shown in the Tables below:
Table 4-50: Approved Power Purchase Expenses for FY 2021-22

FY 2021-22 (APR)
Total Fixed Cost
Cost Rs. Crores

S. Source of
Total Variable

Cost Rs./kWh
Total Cost Rs
VC Rs./kWh

Crores (5+6)
Units in MU

Rs. Crores

N Power
o. Purchase

A Generating
New Neyveli
3,821.68 2.19 838.32 712.15 1,550.47 4.06
Neyveli TS-II
Stage I
2,734.44 2.66 726.57 209.85 936.42 3.42
3 Second - - - - - -
Neyveli TS-I
4 1,591.99 2.42 385.34 153.35 538.69 3.38
5 Expansion Unit 955.49 2.56 244.84 226.99 471.84 4.94
NTPL JV with
1,723.84 3.20 551.53 360.86 912.39 5.29

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Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (TANGEDCO) True-Up, ARR and Tariff Order, 2022

FY 2021-22 (APR)

Total Fixed Cost

Cost Rs. Crores
S. Source of

Total Variable

Cost Rs./kWh
Total Cost Rs
VC Rs./kWh

Crores (5+6)
Units in MU

Rs. Crores
N Power
o. Purchase

7 (Ramagundan I 3,221.60 2.80 902.56 261.12 1,163.67 3.61
& II)
8 (Ramagundam 968.26 2.75 266.22 76.42 342.65 3.54
Simhadri Stage
II -Unit III
1,209.02 2.90 350.54 227.19 577.73 4.78
Simhadri Stage
II -Unit IV
- - - - -
11 JV Vallur Unit 6,044.14 3.37 2,034.82 1,323.97 3,358.78 5.56
12 JV Vallur Unit - - - - -
13 Talcher 3,508.33 1.78 623.12 264.61 887.73 2.53
14 Madras APS 627.57 2.52 158.24 0 158.24 2.52
15 Kaiga APS 1,719.75 3.49 599.35 0 599.35 3.49
16 Kudankulam 7,781.75 4.09 3,186.50 0 3,186.50 4.09
17 Kudankulam II - - - - -
18 - - - - -
19 (FARAKKA 229.75 2.55 58.63 22.13 80.76 3.52
20 Kudgi Unit I 905.22 3.93 356.12 381.81 737.92 8.15
21 Kudgi Unit II - - - - - -
25 NTPC/Barh-1 2.56 2.65 0.68 0.563 1.24 4.85
26 NTPC/Barh-2 4.37 3.02 1.32 0.759 2.08 4.75
27 NTPC/KBUN 3.86 2.66 1.03 0.957 1.98 5.14
28 NLC Talabira - - - - - -
Total CGS 37,053.61 3.03 11,285.73 4,222.72 15,508.45 4.19


29 SEPC 89.00 1.47 13.08 - 13.08 1.47

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Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (TANGEDCO) True-Up, ARR and Tariff Order, 2022

FY 2021-22 (APR)

Total Fixed Cost

Cost Rs. Crores
S. Source of

Total Variable

Cost Rs./kWh
Total Cost Rs
VC Rs./kWh

Crores (5+6)
Units in MU

Rs. Crores
N Power
o. Purchase

30 llur
- - -
31 (STCMS)
1,427.87 3.39 484.34 244 728.28 5.10
32 (Aban co)
- - - - -
Power co. 51.39 1.48 7.59 4.93 12.52 2.44
33 (Penna)
C Renewables

34 Windmill 3,235.10 2.97 962.00 962.00 2.97

35 Co-generation 347.07 3.27 113.42 62.51 175.93 5.07

36 new
- - - - - -

37 Biomass 2.10 5.08 1.07 0.29 1.36 6.47

38 generation
15.18 1.94 2.94 - 2.94 1.94

39 Solar 6,521.39 4.71 3,073.83 - 3,073.83 4.71

Co-Gen in Co-
- - - - -
40 op Sugar Mills
41 UI Power 204.78 14.68 300.65 - 300.65 14.68

42 Traders-MTOA 681.70 4.00 272.57 24.05 296.62 4.35

43 Traders-LTOA 14,392.12 2.60 3,738.83 3,150.52 6,889.35 4.79

44 Traders -STOA 1,732.34 3.58 619.73 - 619.73 3.58

45 CPP_Traders - - - - - -
46 Exchanges
8,977.35 6.38 5,727.23 - 5,727.23 6.38
47 charges
- - - - -

48 Swap - - - - -

49 ABT PGCIL - - - - -
- - - - -
50 Reactive
51 Utilization fund
- - - - -

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Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (TANGEDCO) True-Up, ARR and Tariff Order, 2022

FY 2021-22 (APR)

Total Fixed Cost

Cost Rs. Crores
S. Source of

Total Variable

Cost Rs./kWh
Total Cost Rs
VC Rs./kWh

Crores (5+6)
Units in MU

Rs. Crores
N Power
o. Purchase

52 STOA Charges 74.85 74.85

Total 74,731.00 26,603.03 7,783.80 34,386.82 4.60

Table 4-51: Approved Power Purchase Expenses for FY 2022-23

FY 2022-23

Total Fixed Cost

Cost Rs. Crores
S. Source of
Total Variable

Cost Rs./kWh
Total Cost Rs
VC Rs./kWh

Crores (5+6)
Units in MU

Rs. Crores
N Power
o. Purchase

A Generating
New Neyveli
1 3,527.72 2.24 789.31 714.15 1,503.47 4.26
Neyveli TS-II
2 3,725.59 2.71 1,009.73 211.85 1,221.58 3.28
Stage I
3 Second - - - - - -
Neyveli TS-I
4 1,626.69 2.47 401.61 155.35 556.96 3.42
5 Expansion Unit 1,000.06 2.61 261.39 228.99 490.38 4.90
NTPL JV with
6 1,851.88 3.26 604.35 362.86 967.20 5.22
7 3,393.13 2.94 998.14 263.12 1,261.26 3.72
8 856.06 2.89 247.14 78.42 325.57 3.80
Simhadri Stage
9 1,230.81 3.04 374.70 231.19 605.89 4.92
II -Unit III
Simhadri Stage
10 - - -
II -Unit IV
11 JV Vallur Unit 5,294.73 3.53 1,871.65 1,325.97 3,197.62 6.04

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Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (TANGEDCO) True-Up, ARR and Tariff Order, 2022

FY 2022-23

Total Fixed Cost

Cost Rs. Crores
S. Source of

Total Variable

Cost Rs./kWh
Total Cost Rs
VC Rs./kWh

Crores (5+6)
Units in MU

Rs. Crores
N Power
o. Purchase

12 JV Vallur Unit - - - -
13 Talcher 3,531.34 1.86 658.57 266.61 925.18 2.62
14 Madras APS 796.33 2.65 210.84 210.84 2.65
15 Kaiga APS 1,898.66 3.66 694.78 694.78 3.66
16 Kudankulam 8,114.87 4.30 3,489.05 3,489.05 4.30
17 Kudankulam II - - - -
19 NTPC ER 115.32 2.68 30.90 24.13 55.03 4.77
20 Kudgi Unit I 914.74 4.13 377.86 383.81 761.66 8.33
21 Kudgi Unit II - - - - - -
22 Talcher I - - - - - -
23 - - - - - -
24 960.00 3.55 340.80 211.20 552.00 5.75
25 NTPC/Barh-1 502.46 2.78 139.76 28.84 168.60 3.36
26 NTPC/Barh-2 593.33 3.17 187.96 45.92 233.88 3.94
27 NTPC/KBUN 455.58 2.79 127.29 44.49 171.78 3.77
28 NLC Talabira - - - - - -
Total CGS 40,389.31 3.19 12,815.84 4,576.88 17,392.72 4.31
29 SEPC 643.29 6.00 385.97 160.82 546.79 8.50
30 1,314.00 3.56 468.00 245.94 713.94 5.43
31 - - - - -
(Aban co)
32 Power co. - 1.55 - - -
C Renewables -
33 Windmill 3,332.15 3.12 1,040.40 1,040.40 3.12

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Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (TANGEDCO) True-Up, ARR and Tariff Order, 2022

FY 2022-23

Total Fixed Cost

Cost Rs. Crores
S. Source of

Total Variable

Cost Rs./kWh
Total Cost Rs
VC Rs./kWh

Crores (5+6)
Units in MU

Rs. Crores
N Power
o. Purchase

34 Co-generation 347.07 3.43 119.09 64.51 183.60 5.29

35 - - - - -
36 Biomass 2.10 5.33 1.12 0.39 1.51 7.20
37 15.18 2.03 3.09 - 3.09 2.03
38 Solar 6,977.89 4.48 3,124.55 - 3,124.55 4.48
Co-Gen in Co-
39 - - - - -
op Sugar Mills
40 UI Power - 15.42 - - -
41 Traders-MTOA 910.55 4.00 364.08 24.05 388.13 4.26
42 Traders-LTOA 11,837.20 2.60 3,075.10 2,591.23 5,666.34 4.79
43 Traders -STOA 910.55 3.58 325.74 - 325.74 3.58
44 CPP_Traders - - - -
45 7,208.70 6.38 4,598.90 - 4,598.90 6.38
46 - - - -
47 Swap - - - -
48 ABT PGCIL - - - -
49 - - - -
50 - - - -
Utilization fund
51 STOA Charges 74.85 74.85
Total 73,888.00 26,321.89 7,738.67 34,060.56 4.61

Table 4-52: Approved Power Purchase Expenses for FY 2023-24

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Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (TANGEDCO) True-Up, ARR and Tariff Order, 2022

FY 2023-24

Total Fixed Cost

Cost Rs. Crores
S. Source of

Total Variable

Cost Rs./kWh
Total Cost Rs
VC Rs./kWh

Crores (5+6)
Units in MU

Rs. Crores
N Power
o. Purchase

A Generating
New Neyveli
1 3,643.50 2.28 831.52 716.15 1,547.68 4.25
Neyveli TS-II
2 3,847.87 2.76 1,063.73 213.85 1,277.58 3.32
Stage I
3 Second - - - - - -
Neyveli TS-I
4 1,647.45 2.52 414.88 157.35 572.23 3.47
5 Expansion Unit 1,032.88 2.67 275.37 230.99 506.36 4.90
NTPL JV with
6 1,912.67 3.33 636.67 364.86 1,001.52 5.24
7 3,504.50 3.09 1,082.45 265.12 1,347.57 3.85
8 884.16 3.03 268.02 80.42 348.44 3.94
Simhadri Stage
9 1,271.21 3.20 406.35 235.19 641.54 5.05
II -Unit III
Simhadri Stage
10 - - -
II -Unit IV
11 JV Vallur Unit 5,468.52 3.71 2,029.73 1,327.97 3,357.70 6.14
12 JV Vallur Unit - - - -
13 Talcher 3,647.24 1.96 714.20 268.61 982.81 2.69
14 Madras APS 822.47 2.78 228.64 228.64 2.78
15 Kaiga APS 1,960.97 3.84 753.47 753.47 3.84
16 Kudankulam 8,381.22 4.51 3,783.75 3,783.75 4.51
17 Kudankulam II - - - -
19 NTPC ER 119.11 2.81 33.51 26.13 59.64 5.01
20 Kudgi Unit I 944.76 4.34 409.77 385.81 795.58 8.42
21 Kudgi Unit II - - - - - -

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Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (TANGEDCO) True-Up, ARR and Tariff Order, 2022

FY 2023-24

Total Fixed Cost

Cost Rs. Crores
S. Source of

Total Variable

Cost Rs./kWh
Total Cost Rs
VC Rs./kWh

Crores (5+6)
Units in MU

Rs. Crores
N Power
o. Purchase

22 Talcher I - - - - - -
23 - - - - - -
24 - 3.73 - - - -
25 NTPC/Barh-1 517.53 2.92 151.15 29.42 180.56 3.49
26 NTPC/Barh-2 611.13 3.33 203.28 46.84 250.11 4.09
27 NTPC/KBUN 469.25 2.93 137.67 45.38 183.05 3.90
28 NLC Talabira - - - - - -
Total CGS 40,686.46 3.34 13,424.15 4,394.07 17,818.21 4.38
29 SEPC 643.29 3.00 192.99 160.82 353.81 5.50
30 1,317.60 3.74 492.75 247.94 740.68 5.62
31 - - - - -
(Aban co)
32 Power co. - 1.63 - - -
C Renewables -
33 Windmill 3,432.12 3.28 1,125.19 1,125.19 3.28
34 Co-generation 347.07 3.60 125.05 66.51 191.55 5.52
35 - - - - -
36 Biomass 2.10 5.60 1.18 0.39 1.57 7.46
37 15.18 2.14 3.24 - 3.24 2.14
38 Solar 7,466.34 4.48 3,343.27 3,343.27 4.48
Co-Gen in Co-
39 - - - - -
op Sugar Mills
40 UI Power - 16.19 - - -
41 Traders-MTOA 885.65 4.00 354.12 24.05 378.17 4.27
42 Traders-LTOA 11,513.39 2.60 2,990.99 2,520.35 5,511.34 4.79

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Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (TANGEDCO) True-Up, ARR and Tariff Order, 2022

FY 2023-24

Total Fixed Cost

Cost Rs. Crores
S. Source of

Total Variable

Cost Rs./kWh
Total Cost Rs
VC Rs./kWh

Crores (5+6)
Units in MU

Rs. Crores
N Power
o. Purchase

43 Traders -STOA 885.65 3.58 316.83 - 316.83 3.58

44 CPP_Traders - - - -
Power 6,535.17 6.38 4,169.20 - 4,169.20 6.38
46 - - - -
47 Swap - - - -
48 ABT PGCIL - - - -
49 - - - -
50 - - - -
Utilization fund
51 STOA Charges 74.85 74.85
Total 73,730.00 26,538.95 7,488.97 34,027.92 4.62

Table 4-52: Approved Power Purchase Expenses for FY 2024-25

FY 2024-25
Total Fixed Cost
Cost Rs. Crores

S. Source of
Total Variable

Cost Rs./kWh
Total Cost Rs
VC Rs./kWh

Crores (5+6)
Units in MU

Rs. Crores

N Power
o. Purchase

A Generating
New Neyveli
1 3,742.55 2.33 871.21 718.15 1,589.37 4.25
Neyveli TS-II
2 3,952.48 2.82 1,114.50 215.85 1,330.35 3.37
Stage I
3 Second - - - - - -
Neyveli TS-I
4 1,642.95 2.57 422.02 159.35 581.37 3.54

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Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (TANGEDCO) True-Up, ARR and Tariff Order, 2022

FY 2024-25

Total Fixed Cost

Cost Rs. Crores
S. Source of

Total Variable

Cost Rs./kWh
Total Cost Rs
VC Rs./kWh

Crores (5+6)
Units in MU

Rs. Crores
N Power
o. Purchase

5 Expansion Unit 1,060.96 2.72 288.51 232.99 521.51 4.92
NTPL JV with
6 1,964.66 3.40 667.05 366.86 1,033.91 5.26
7 3,599.78 3.24 1,167.47 267.12 1,434.59 3.99
8 908.20 3.18 289.07 82.42 371.49 4.09
Simhadri Stage
9 1,305.77 3.36 438.27 239.19 677.46 5.19
II -Unit III
Simhadri Stage
10 - - -
II -Unit IV
11 JV Vallur Unit 5,617.18 3.90 2,189.16 1,329.97 3,519.13 6.26
12 JV Vallur Unit - - - -
13 Talcher 3,746.40 2.06 770.29 270.61 1,040.90 2.78
14 Madras APS 844.83 2.92 246.60 246.60 2.92
15 Kaiga APS 2,014.28 4.03 812.65 812.65 4.03
16 Kudankulam 8,609.07 4.74 4,080.94 4,080.94 4.74
17 Kudankulam II - - - -
19 NTPC ER 122.35 2.95 36.14 28.13 64.27 5.25
20 Kudgi Unit I 970.45 4.55 441.96 387.81 829.76 8.55
21 Kudgi Unit II - - - - -
22 Talcher I - - - - -
23 - - - - - -
24 - 3.80 - - - -
25 NTPC/Barh-1 533.06 3.07 163.47 30.00 193.47 3.63
26 NTPC/Barh-2 629.46 3.49 219.84 47.77 267.62 4.25
27 NTPC/KBUN 483.33 3.08 148.89 46.29 195.17 4.04
28 NLC Talabira - - - - - -

Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory Commission Page 193

Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (TANGEDCO) True-Up, ARR and Tariff Order, 2022

FY 2024-25

Total Fixed Cost

Cost Rs. Crores
S. Source of

Total Variable

Cost Rs./kWh
Total Cost Rs
VC Rs./kWh

Crores (5+6)
Units in MU

Rs. Crores
N Power
o. Purchase

Total CGS 41,747.76 13,835.85 4,298.44 18,790.55 4.50

29 SEPC 643.29 3.15 202.63 160.82 363.46 5.65
30 1,314.00 3.81 501.23 249.94 751.17 5.72
31 - - - - -
(Aban co)
32 Power co. - 1.66 - - -
C Renewables
33 Windmill 3,535.08 3.28 1,158.95 1,158.95 3.28
34 Co-generation 347.07 3.60 125.05 66.51 191.55 5.52
35 - - - - -
36 Biomass 2.10 5.60 1.18 0.39 1.57 7.46
37 15.18 2.14 3.24 - 3.24 2.14
38 Solar 7,988.99 4.48 3,577.30 3,577.30 4.48
Co-Gen in Co-
39 - - - - -
op Sugar Mills
40 UI Power - - - -
41 Traders-MTOA 924.66 4.00 369.72 24.05 393.77 4.26
42 Traders-LTOA 12,020.53 2.60 3,122.73 2,631.37 5,754.10 4.79
43 Traders -STOA 924.66 3.58 330.79 - 330.79 3.58
44 CPP_Traders - - - -
Power 6,130.70 6.38 3,911.17 - 3,911.17 6.38
46 - - - -
47 Swap - - - -
48 ABT PGCIL - - - -
49 - - - -

Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory Commission Page 194

Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (TANGEDCO) True-Up, ARR and Tariff Order, 2022

FY 2024-25

Total Fixed Cost

Cost Rs. Crores
S. Source of

Total Variable

Cost Rs./kWh
Total Cost Rs
VC Rs./kWh

Crores (5+6)
Units in MU

Rs. Crores
N Power
o. Purchase

50 - - - -
Utilization fund
51 STOA Charges 74.85 74.85
Total 75,594.00 27,139.83 7,506.36 35,302.45 4.67

Table 4-52: Approved Power Purchase Expenses for FY 2025-26

FY 2025-26

Total Fixed Cost

Cost Rs. Crores
S. Source of
Total Variable

Cost Rs./kWh
Total Cost Rs
VC Rs./kWh

Crores (5+6)
Units in MU

Rs. Crores
N Power
o. Purchase

A Generating
New Neyveli
1 3,854.83 2.37 915.29 720.15 1,635.45 4.24
Neyveli TS-II
2 4,071.06 2.88 1,170.90 217.85 1,388.74 3.41
Stage I
New Neyveli
3 2,737.23 2.08 569.34 561.13 1,130.47 4.13
Neyveli TS-I
4 1,642.95 2.62 430.46 161.35 591.81 3.60
5 Expansion Unit 1,092.79 2.77 303.11 234.99 538.10 4.92
NTPL JV with
6 2,023.60 3.46 700.81 368.86 1,069.66 5.29
7 3,707.77 3.41 1,262.62 269.12 1,531.74 4.13
8 935.44 3.34 312.63 84.42 397.05 4.24
Simhadri Stage
9 1,344.94 3.52 473.99 243.19 717.18 5.33
II -Unit III
Simhadri Stage
10 - - -
II -Unit IV

Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory Commission Page 195

Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (TANGEDCO) True-Up, ARR and Tariff Order, 2022

FY 2025-26

Total Fixed Cost

Cost Rs. Crores
S. Source of

Total Variable

Cost Rs./kWh
Total Cost Rs
VC Rs./kWh

Crores (5+6)
Units in MU

Rs. Crores
N Power
o. Purchase

11 JV Vallur Unit 5,785.70 4.09 2,367.58 1,331.97 3,699.54 6.39
12 JV Vallur Unit - - - -
13 Talcher 3,858.79 2.16 833.07 272.61 1,105.68 2.87
14 Madras APS 870.17 3.06 266.70 266.70 3.06
15 Kaiga APS 2,074.71 4.24 878.88 878.88 4.24
16 Kudankulam 8,867.34 4.98 4,413.54 4,413.54 4.98
17 Kudankulam II - - - -
18 - - - - -
19 NTPC ER 126.02 3.10 39.09 30.13 69.22 5.49
20 Kudgi Unit I 999.56 4.78 477.98 389.81 867.78 8.68
21 Kudgi Unit II - - - - - -
22 Talcher I - - - - - -
23 - - - - - -
24 - 3.99 - - - -
25 NTPC/Barh-1 549.05 2.78 152.72 30.61 183.32 3.34
26 NTPC/Barh-2 648.35 3.17 205.39 48.73 254.11 3.92
27 NTPC/KBUN 497.83 2.79 139.10 47.21 186.31 3.74
28 NLC Talabira - - - - - -
Total CGS 45,688.13 - 15,913.18 5,012.11 20,925.29 4.58
29 SEPC 643.29 3.31 212.77 160.82 373.59 5.81
30 1,314.00 4.01 526.29 249.94 776.23 5.91
31 - - - - -
(Aban co)

Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory Commission Page 196

Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (TANGEDCO) True-Up, ARR and Tariff Order, 2022

FY 2025-26

Total Fixed Cost

Cost Rs. Crores
S. Source of

Total Variable

Cost Rs./kWh
Total Cost Rs
VC Rs./kWh

Crores (5+6)
Units in MU

Rs. Crores
N Power
o. Purchase

32 Power co. - 1.75 - - -
C Renewables -
33 Windmill 3,641.13 3.44 1,253.40 1,253.40 3.44
34 Co-generation 347.07 3.78 131.30 66.51 197.80 5.70
35 - - - - -
36 Biomass 2.10 5.88 1.24 0.39 1.63 7.74
37 15.18 2.24 3.40 - 3.40 2.24
38 Solar 8,548.21 4.48 3,827.71 3,827.71 4.48
Co-Gen in Co-
39 - - - - -
op Sugar Mills
40 UI Power - - - - -
41 Traders-MTOA 962.34 4.00 384.79 24.05 408.84 4.25
42 Traders-LTOA 12,510.44 2.60 3,250.00 2,738.61 5,988.61 4.79
43 Traders -STOA 962.34 3.58 344.27 - 344.27 3.58
44 CPP_Traders - - - -
Power 4,810.76 6.38 3,069.10 - 3,069.10 6.38
46 - - - -
47 Swap - - - -
48 ABT PGCIL - - - -
49 - - - -
50 - - - -
Utilization fund
51 STOA Charges 74.85 74.85
Total 79,445.00 28,917.44 8,327.28 37,244.71 4.69

Table 4-52: Approved Power Purchase Expenses for FY 2026-27

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FY 2026-27

Total Fixed Cost

Cost Rs. Crores
S. Source of

Total Variable

Cost Rs./kWh
Total Cost Rs
VC Rs./kWh

Crores (5+6)
Units in MU

Rs. Crores
N Power
o. Purchase

A Generating
New Neyveli
1 3,970.48 2.42 961.61 722.15 1,683.76 4.24
Neyveli TS-II
2 4,193.19 2.93 1,230.14 219.85 1,449.99 3.46
Stage I
New Neyveli
3 5,420.25 2.12 1,149.96 1,111.15 2,261.11 4.17
Neyveli TS-I
4 1,642.95 2.67 439.07 163.35 602.42 3.67
5 Expansion Unit 1,125.57 2.83 318.45 236.99 555.44 4.93
NTPL JV with
6 2,084.31 3.53 736.27 370.86 1,107.12 5.31
7 3,819.00 3.58 1,365.52 271.12 1,636.64 4.29
8 963.51 3.51 338.11 86.42 424.53 4.41
Simhadri Stage
9 1,385.29 3.70 512.62 247.19 759.81 5.48
II -Unit III
Simhadri Stage
10 - - -
II -Unit IV
11 JV Vallur Unit 5,959.27 4.30 2,560.53 1,333.97 3,894.50 6.54
12 JV Vallur Unit - - - -
13 Talcher 3,974.55 2.27 900.97 274.61 1,175.58 2.96
14 Madras APS 896.28 3.22 288.44 288.44 3.22
15 Kaiga APS 2,136.95 4.45 950.51 950.51 4.45
16 Kudankulam 9,133.36 5.23 4,773.24 4,773.24 5.23
17 Kudankulam II - - - -
18 - - - - -
19 NTPC ER 129.80 3.26 42.28 32.13 74.40 5.73
20 Kudgi Unit I 1,029.55 5.02 516.93 391.81 908.74 8.83

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FY 2026-27

Total Fixed Cost

Cost Rs. Crores
S. Source of

Total Variable

Cost Rs./kWh
Total Cost Rs
VC Rs./kWh

Crores (5+6)
Units in MU

Rs. Crores
N Power
o. Purchase

21 Kudgi Unit II - - - - - -
22 Talcher I - - - - - -
23 - - - - - -
24 - - - - -
25 NTPC/Barh-1 565.52 2.92 165.16 31.22 196.38 3.47
26 NTPC/Barh-2 667.80 3.33 222.13 49.70 271.83 4.07
27 NTPC/KBUN 512.76 2.93 150.43 48.16 198.59 3.87
28 NLC Talabira 6,158.72 0.98 603.55 1,281.01 1,884.57 -
Total CGS 55,769.11 - 18,225.91 6,871.68 25,097.59 4.50
29 SEPC 643.29 3.47 223.40 160.82 384.23 5.97
30 1,314.00 4.21 552.60 249.94 802.54 6.11
31 - - - - -
(Aban co)
32 Power co. - 1.83 - - -
C Renewables -
33 Windmill 3,750.37 3.61 1,355.55 1,355.55 3.61
34 Co-generation 347.07 3.97 137.86 66.51 204.37 5.89
35 - - - - -
36 Biomass 2.10 6.18 1.30 0.39 1.69 8.04
37 15.18 2.35 3.57 - 3.57 2.35
38 Solar 9,146.59 4.48 4,095.65 4,095.65 4.48
Co-Gen in Co-
39 - - - - -
op Sugar Mills
40 UI Power - - - - -
41 Traders-MTOA 572.06 4.00 228.74 24.05 252.79 4.42

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FY 2026-27

Total Fixed Cost

Cost Rs. Crores
S. Source of

Total Variable

Cost Rs./kWh
Total Cost Rs
VC Rs./kWh

Crores (5+6)
Units in MU

Rs. Crores
N Power
o. Purchase

42 Traders-LTOA 7,436.75 2.60 1,931.94 1,627.95 3,559.89 4.79

43 Traders -STOA 572.06 3.58 204.65 - 204.65 3.58
44 CPP_Traders - - - -
Power 2,265.43 6.38 1,445.27 - 1,445.27 6.38
46 - - - -
47 Swap - - - -
48 ABT PGCIL - - - -
49 - - - -
50 - - - -
Utilization fund
51 STOA Charges 74.85 74.85
Total 81,834.00 28,406.45 9,076.18 37,482.63 4.58


4.19.1 Based on the above discussion on Variable and Fixed Cost components of Generation
and Distribution functions of TANGEDCO, the summary of ARR as submitted by
TANGEDCO is shown in the Table below:
Table 4-53: ARR for FY 2021-22 to FY 2026-27 as submitted by TANGEDCO (Rs. Crore)
FY 2021-22
Sl. Particulars FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24
1 Power Purchase Cost 32,698 32,366 32,684

2 TANTRANSCO, PGCIL & SLDC charges 5,994 8,681 9,144

Generation cost
3 16,839 19,172 21,061
(Own Generation Plants)
4 Operation and Maintenance Expenses 8,937 9,979 10,670
5 Depreciation 1,457 1,586 1,869
6 Interest on Loan Capital 6,266 7,013 7,467

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FY 2021-22
Sl. Particulars FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24
7 Interest on Working Capital 60 154 187
8 Return on Equity 775 939 1,175
9 Other Debits 25 25 25
10 Gross ARR 73,050 79,914 84,284
11 Less
12 Non-tariff revenue 1,731 1,793 1,860
13 (Other income 1,756 1,806 1,286
14 Net ARR 69,564 76,315 81,137

Sl. Particulars FY 2024-25 FY 2025-26 FY 2026-27

1 Power Purchase Cost 34,341 37,245 37,862

2 TANTRANSCO, PGCIL & SLDC charges 9,331 9,901 10,601

3 Generation cost
22,670 23,123 24,532
(Own Generation Plants)
4 Operation and Maintenance Expenses 11,408 12,060 12,750
5 Depreciation 2,181 2,615 2,712
6 Interest on Loan Capital 8,035 8,349 8,324
7 Interest on Working Capital 252 305 314
8 Return on Equity 1,472 1,683 1,761
9 Other Debits 25 25 25
10 Gross ARR 89,715 95,306 98,881
11 Less
12 Non-tariff revenue 1,830 1,905 1,983
13 (Other income 1,120 770 770
14 Net ARR 86,764 92,631 96,128

Commission’s Views
4.19.2 Based on the expenses approved by the Commission for the Control Period from FY
2021-22 to FY 2026-27, the Aggregate Revenue Requirement approved by the
Commission is shown in the Table below:
Table 4-54: Approved ARR for the Control Period from FY 2021-22 to FY 2026-27 (Rs. Crore)
FY 2021-22
Sl. Particulars FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24

1 Power Purchase Cost 34,387 34,061 34,028

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FY 2021-22
Sl. Particulars FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24

2 TANTRANSCO, PGCIL & SLDC charges 6,581 7,901 8,547

3 Generation cost
15,667 17,720 18,718
(Own Generation Plants)
4 Operation and Maintenance Expenses 8,937 9,979 10,670
5 Depreciation 1,457 1,586 1,828
6 Interest on Loan Capital 4,192 4,608 4,984
7 Interest on Working Capital - 6 15
8 Return on Equity - - -
9 Other Debits - - -
10 Gross ARR 71,220 75,860 78,791
11 Less
12 Non-tariff revenue 1,731 2,114 2,612
13 Other income 1,756 1,806 1,286
14 Net ARR 67,734 71,940 74,892
15 Average Cost of Supply (Rs./kWh) 8.08 8.35 8.33

Sl. Particulars FY 2024-25 FY 2025-26 FY 2026-27

1 Power Purchase Cost 35,302 37,245 37,483

2 TANTRANSCO, PGCIL & SLDC charges 9,535 10,527 11,494

3 Generation cost
19,569 19,833 20,545
(Own Generation Plants)
4 Operation and Maintenance Expenses 11,408 12,060 12,750
5 Depreciation 2,060 2,316 2,411
6 Interest on Loan Capital 5,423 5,485 5,387
7 Interest on Working Capital 55 81 69
8 Return on Equity - - -
9 Other Debits - - -
10 Gross ARR 83,351 87,547 90,139
11 Less
12 Non-tariff revenue 2,713 2,820 2,932
13 (Other income 1,120 1,120 1,120
14 Net ARR 79,518 83,608 86,087
15 Average Cost of Supply (Rs./kWh) 8.48 8.54 8.41

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4.20.1 Based on sales projection and existing category-wise tariff, the revenue as estimated by
TANGEDCO and the Commission is shown in the Table below:
Table 4-55: Revenue from Approved Sales at existing tariff (Rs. Crore)
Expected revenue for
Consumer Category
FY23 (Rs. crore)*
Registered factories,Textiles,Tea Estate,Software
Industries etc.
Railway Traction 810
Govt. Educational Institutions, Govt. Hospitals, Water
supply etc.
Private Educational Institutions, Cinema Theatres &
Commercial and all categories not covered in other HT
Lift Irrigation and Co-operative Soc.for Agriculture 20
HT Temporary Supply for construction & other purpose 49
Domestic , Hand Loom etc. 11,715
Huts in Village panchayats, TAHDCO etc. 172
LT Bulk supply for railway, defence colonies etc. 5
Domestic Common Supply
Public Lighting and Public Water Supply & Sewerage 1,730
Government and aided Educational Instn., Government
Hospitals etc.
Private Educational Instn., 166
Actual place of public worship, Mutts and Religious
Cottage and Tiny Industries 171
Powerloom etc. 598
Industries not covered under L.T.Tariff IIIA(1), IIIA(2)
incl. IT
Agriculture and Govt.seed farm etc. 5,227
Commercial and all categories not covered in other LT
categories other than Domestic and Lavish
TOTAL 48,064
* Assuming full year of FY23

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4.21.1 The Commission has estimated the revenue for FY 2021-22 to FY 2026-27 based on
estimated energy sales and prevailing applicable tariff.
4.21.2 Based on estimated Aggregate Revenue Requirement, Revenue from sales, and projected
subsidy to be received from GoTN based on existing tariff structure, the Revenue
Gap/(Surplus) projected by the Commission for FY 2021-22 to FY 2026-27 is shown in
the Table below:
Table 4-56: Revenue Gap/(Surplus) for FY 2021-22 and FY 2026-27 at existing tariff (Rs. Crore)
FY 2021-22 FY 2022- FY FY FY FY
(APR) 23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27
Net Aggregate Revenue
67,734 71,940 74,892 79,518 83,608 86,087
Requirement (ARR)
Revenue from sales
46,803 48,064 50,008 52,040 54,603 56,898
(including subsidy)
Revenue Gap/(Surplus) 20,931 23,877 24,884 27,478 29,004 29,189


Commission’s View

4.22.1 TANGEDCO has not claimed recovery of the Revenue Gap up to FY 2021-22 during the
new control period in the instant Petition, and has sought tariff revision based on the
stand-alone Revenue Gap/(Surplus) of new control period.
4.22.2 TANGEDCO may submit the appropriate proposal for recovery of the Regulatory Asset
at the appropriate time, after discussion of the various options with the GoTN. As and
when TANGEDCO files its Petition for recovery of the Regulatory Asset, the
Commission would deal with the same after due regulatory process.
4.22.3 Hence, for the purpose of this Order, the Commission has computed the cumulative
Revenue Gap/(Surplus) till FY 2021-22, with Carrying Cost, as shown in the Table
Table 4-57: Approved Cumulative Revenue Gap/(Surplus) up to FY 2021-22 along with
carrying cost (Rs. Crore)
Particulars FY 2016-17 FY 2017-18 FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21 FY 2021-22
(True up) (True up) (True up) (True up) (True up) (APR)
10,432.70 12,419.65 22,358.60 37,487.55 57,305.04 82,320.25
Addition of
Revenue 897.71 8,406.33 12,579.26 15,579.53 18,970.68 20,931.46*
Closing Balance 11,330.41 20,825.98 34,937.86 53,067.08 76,275.72 82,320.25
Interest Rate 10.01% 9.22% 8.90% 9.36% 9.05% 8.57%
Carrying Cost 1,089.24 1,532.62 2,549.69 4,237.96 6,044.53 7,054.85

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Particulars FY 2016-17 FY 2017-18 FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20 FY 2020-21 FY 2021-22

(True up) (True up) (True up) (True up) (True up) (APR)
Net Closing
12,419.65 22,358.60 37,487.55 57,305.04 82,320.25 89,375.09
* Note: Even though there is a revenue deficit in FY 2021-22, the same is not being added to the
regulatory asset due to the following reasons:
1. Govt. of Tamil Nadu, vide GO (Ms.) No. 38 dated 18 August 2021 has agreed to
take over 100% financial losses of TANGEDCO from FY 2021-22 onwards.
Therefore, need for passing on the revenue deficit to consumers does not arise.
In other words, the Commission has not created any new regulatory assets for the
period from FY 2021-22 onwards.
2. The determination of deficit for FY 2021-22 has been arrived at based on an
Annual Performance Review, rather than a complete true-up, as the audited
accounts as certified by CAG has not been finalized for the year.
4.22.4 Further, the above Revenue Gap and the treatment of the overall Regulatory Assets has
been elaborated in Chapter 5 of this Order.

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5.1.1 At the outset, it is to be noted that the determined tariff is proposed only to meet the
revenue requirement from FY 2022-23 onwards. Past regulatory assets / deficits are not
proposed to be recovered through the proposed tariff revision.
5.1.2 An inflation indexed approach is approved for the energy charges, considering the annual
increases in Average Cost of Supply. Looking at past trends, the general Consumer Price
Inflation (CPI) index seems to be a convenient fit, as the past annual CPI inflation rates
are in the range of 4.9-6.3%, between 2018 and 2022. It is also to be noted that
irrespective of CPI inflation, actual annual increase is capped to 6%.
5.1.3 TANGEDCO will utilize April 2023’s CPI compared with April 2022’s CPI to arrive at
the escalation rate to be applicable from July 2023. The proposal shall be filed before the
Commission before end of May 2023. Once the Commission approves the inflation
calculation and revised tariff schedule, the new tariff will come to effect from 01 July
2023. Similar process will be continued for the remaining years of control period.
5.1.4 It may also be noted that even with the revised fixed charges, only 26% of the revenue
recovery in FY 2022-23 is through fixed charges. In comparison, actual fixed charge in
ARR is nearly 46%.


5.2.1 It is submitted that considering tariff rationalisation, it is proposed to merge HT
Tariff IB and HT Tariff IV with HT Tariff II A and to retain HT Tariff III as HT
tariff III and HT Tariff V will be renamed as HT Tariff IV . The necessary changes
for the same are submitted in HT Tariff Schedule of this petition for kind
Commission’s views:
5.2.2 The Commission accepted the views of TANGEDCO in respect of Tariff category
rationalisation and the merger of category proposed. Further the Commission has taken
note of no. of consumers and load factor in these following categories and approved the
merger of categories as below –

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Existing category Proposed Category

HT – IB (Traction & others) HT – IIA (Govt., Local body
HT – IV (Lift irrigation) HT – IIA (Govt., Local body
HT – V (Temporary supply & HT – IV (Temporary supply&
others) Others)
- HT –V ( Public Charging Station)

5.2.3 In tariff schedule under clause (c) of prevailing Tariff Order, it has been
ordered that the TANGEDCO shall give three months’ clear notice to all consumers
under the above categories stating that they shall pay 15% compensation charges if
the harmonics introduced by their load is not within the permissible limits set by
CEA and the penal charges shall be due from the date of completion of three
months’ notice period unless the harmonics is brought within the permissible limit
and as and when the consumer brings down the harmonics within the permissible
limit, compensation charges shall be withdrawn.
Commission’s views:
5.2.4 The CEA has amended the (Technical Standards for Connectivity to the Grid),
Regulation 2007 vide (Technical standards for connectivity to the Grid) (Amendment)
Regulations 2019, mandating compliance of IEEE 519-2014 standards in regard to limit
of Harmonics, methodology of measurement of Harmonics and other related matters.
5.2.5 The CEA has also amended the (Technical Standards for Connectivity of the Distributed
Generation Resources) Regulations, 2013 vide (Technical Standards for Connectivity of
the Distributed Generation Resources) Regulations, 2019, substituting the words
“Connectivity below 33kilovolts” in place of “Connectivity of the Distributed
Generation Resources” applicable to the generating companies or persons owning
distributed generation resources, charging stations, prosumers or persons who are
connected to or seeking connectivity with the electrical system below 33kV voltage level,
mandating harmonic control in accordance with IEEE519-2014.
5.2.6 In order to comply with the provisions of above CEA Regulations, the Commission has
already initiated necessary actions to make necessary amendments in Tamil Nadu
Electricity Supply Code stipulating harmonic limits, Methodology of measurements,
Meter standards, measures for noncompliance etc., to be followed by the consumers/
prosumers/charging stations to control harmonic pollution in the grid and ensure quality
of supply to consumers.
5.2.7 The same shall come into effect on notification.
5.2.8 It is submitted that words confirming that may kindly be added after as and when
in the above tariff clause for clarity and the same has been submitted in tariff clause
8.1.1 .2(iii) of this Petition for kind consideration.

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5.2.9 In tariff schedule under clause of prevailing Tariff Order, it has been
ordered that in case of supply under HT Tariff, except for HT tariff-IV and HT
tariff- V, supply used for creating facilities for the compliance of Acts/Laws or for
the facilities incidental to the main purpose of the establishment of the consumer,
such as facilities extended to their employees/students/patients /residents as the case
may be, within the premises of the consumer, shall be considered to be
bonafide purpose, irrespective of whether they are outsourced to a third party or
provided by the consumer himself. However, if such facilities are extended to the
public, or if part/full premises are leased/rented out to a service provider like
food outlets present in food court, which provide service in their own name, the
energy consumption to such facilities shall be metered by the licensee separately
and only the energy charged under appropriate LT tariff. Such metered energy
consumption shall be deducted from the total energy consumption registered in the
main meter of the HT/EHT supply for billing.
5.2.10 It is submitted that to differentiate between third party and service providers and
to have clarity a word commercial may kindly be added before service providers in
the above tariff clause and the same has been submitted in tariff clause of
this Petition for kind consideration.
Commission’s views:
5.2.11 The Commission accepts the prayer of the TANGEDCO since it gives clarity in respect
of the supply used for the purpose of facilities extended to their employees/ students/
patients /residents. It is also clarified that any consumption for ancillary to the main
purpose such as storage of Raw material, Finished product, etc., within the premises
of the consumer, shall also be considered to be bonafide purpose.
5.2.12 In tariff schedule under clause of prevailing Tariff Order, it has been
ordered that in case of HT supply under IA, IIA, IIB, III, the supply used for any
additional construction of building within the consumer’s premises not exceeding
2000 square feet may be allowed from the existing service and charged under the
existing tariff. The use of electricity for the additional construction beyond 2000
square feet and lavish illumination (as defined under LT tariff VI) shall be metered
separately by the licensee and only the energy shall be charged under LT Tariff VI.
Such metered energy consumption shall be deducted from the total consumption
registered in the main meter of the HT/EHT supply for billing.
5.2.13 It is submitted that the clause of prevailing Tariff Order may kindly be
reconsidered and all constructions activities without any restriction on square feet
may kindly be brought under LT Tariff VI and the same has been submitted in
tariff clause of this Petition for kind consideration.
Commission’s views:-
5.2.14 The Supply for any additional construction within the premises of HT services for
expansion of such premises can be billed under respective HT category. New supply if

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any is required for construction, the same may be categorised under the subcategory of
HT-IV. TANGEDCO has not furnished any justification for withdrawal of the concession
allowed upto 2000 sq.ft. Hence, the Commission approves to allow the additional
construction activity carried out in the existing premises shall have to be billed under
respective existing tariff category.
5.2.15 It is submitted that report on introduction of kVAH billing was already submitted
before the Hon’ble Commission as per directive 7.1.1.j and introduction of kVAH
billing may kindly be considered in consultation with stake holders and power
factor compensation has been retained and submitted under tariff clause of
this Petition for kind consideration subject to introduction of kVAH billing.
5.2.16 It is submitted that report on ToD charges was already submitted before the
Hon’ble Commission as per directive 7.1.1.k for kind perusal and now it is proposed
that enhancement of peak hour surcharge from 20 % to 25 % for the FY 2022-23
to FY 2026-27 for all HT consumers except H.T Lift Irrigation and HT Temporary
supply. Further the modification for duration of morning peak hours as 6.30 A.M
to 10.30 A.M instead of 6.00 A.M to 9.00 A.M and Evening peak hours as 6.00 P.M
to 10.00 P.M instead of 6.00 P.M to 9.00 P.M under new tariff clause of this
Petition for kind consideration and the incentive for night consumption is retained
under new tariff clause of this Petition, for kind consideration.
5.2.17 It is submitted that Hon’ble commission has ordered that mixed load within the
premises will be billed under higher tariff in M.P. No 9 of 2020 and new tariff clause of this petition for the same has been submitted for kind consideration.
Commission’s views:-
5.2.18 kVAH billing is accepted in principle. The prerequisite infrastructure to ensure
installation of meters with kVA facility has not been explained in the petition. This aspect
is very important as the kVAH billing cannot be implemented in isolation causing
discrimination among consumers. The Licensee is directed to submit category wise /
circle wise services where the meters with kVAH facility is installed and balance services
where it is yet to be installed. The Licensee is further directed to project the quantum of
kVAH consumption and scope of Revenue vis-à-vis current status of consumption,
revenue, PF penalty, capacitor compensation charges etc for a comparative study and
5.2.19 The proposed peak hour charges from 20% to 25% by TANGEDCO is accepted. The
Commission has already amended the morning peak hour duration as 6.00 to 10.00 hours
and evening peak hours duration as 18.00 to 22.00 hrs. The proposed retention of 5%
incentive for night consumption is accepted.
5.2.20 The application for a service connection should be submitted with due mention of the
purpose for which the supply is sought for, and accordingly the tariff classification shall
have to be done based on the purpose and actual usage. It is the duty of the consumer to

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apply for a tariff for specific purpose. If the consumer is applying for single service
connection mixing up of different purposes in the same premises, the applicant will not
be able to specify any tariff sought for. Moreover, two different tariff category cannot be
applied for a single service connection.
5.2.21 Issue of Mixed loads arise where the physical and electrical segregation between two
usages is not available inside same premises. The observation made in M.P. No of 9 of
2020 that relates to an isolated case with particular conditions cannot be generalised to
be made statutorily as a common rule applicable to all cases of all conditions. Now that
the applicability of tariff in case of existence or nonexistence of physical and electrical
segregation inside same premises is made clear in this Tariff Order, the ambiguity that
might arise on account of mixed load gets removed now. Every Service Connection is
for an authorised purpose. If part of the load is used for the purpose other than those for
which the usage of electricity is authorised leading to the condition of usage of mixed
load , relevant Regulation of Supply Code meant for such violation shall be invoked and
action taken accordingly.
5.2.22 It is submitted that new tariff clause of this Petition for supply under HT
Tariff I, II, III , use of electricity for captive charging of electrical vehicle within
the premises can be charged in existing tariff has been submitted for kind
Commission’s views:-
5.2.23 The captive charging of electric vehicle shall have to be allowed within the premises to
bill under the existing tariff. The own vehicle of the consumer alone to be charged under
respective existing category within their own service connection installation.
5.2.24 As far as the Public charging Station is concerned Commission has devised exclusive
category of tariff in both HT and LT with respective Charges.
5.2.25 In order to encourage the consumers to get their vehicle charged during solar hours and
nonpeak hours rather than peak hours of grid demand, the charges during solar hours
and nonpeak hour are incentivised through ToD based tariff. This measure shall also
help in flattening the load curve thereby helping the grid to maintain the stability and
voltage profile.
5.2.26 It is submitted that new tariff clause of this Petition for supply under HT
Tariff I, II, III of renewable energy with necessary RE certificate by specific request
from Consumers can be charged 150% of approved tariff for kind consideration.
Commission’s views:-
5.2.27 The Commission accepts the proposal for introduction of Renewable energy based
‘Green tariff’ for HT services. But the proposal of TANGEDCO for charging this
category with 150% seems to be very high. Presently, other States viz., Telangana,
Andhra Pradesh are charging Re.0.66 and Re.0.50 extra for Green energy and
Maharashtra charges Rs.12.25 for Green energy tariff. Hence, the Commission

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considers that it would be fair to levy 10% extra over the respective tariff under HT
category. The Commission directs the Licensee to evolve a procedure for sale of such
green power to the needy consumers with RE certificate and obtain the approval from
the Commission for the procedure to be adopted.


5.3.1 It is submitted that the word “such as” under tariff clause of prevailing
Tariff Order is broader in nature and only LPG bottling units alone is specified
under this clause of HT Tariff I A. In order to avoid ambiguity, the words after
chemical plants may be deleted in this tariff clause and the same has been submitted
in tariff clause of this Petition for kind consideration. It is submitted that
additional detailed list of H.T consumers are to be classified under High Tension
tariff (I) have been submitted in tariff clause (i) of this petition for kind
Commission’s views:-
5.3.2 The Commission accepts the detailed list of activities covered under HT-I with some
modification into it.

5.3.3 It is submitted that Railway traction of Indian/Southern Railways Metro Railways,

MRTS has been added instead of Railway traction in clause of prevailing
Tariff Order and the same has been submitted in clause of this Petition for
kind consideration.
Commission’s views:-
5.3.4 The modified categories viz., Railway traction of Indian/Southern Railways, Metro
Railways, MRTS is approved for merger under HT-IIA considering the quantum of
consumption & Load factor of these categories. These are considered under HT-IIA
applicable for Government/Local body conveniences since the applicable tariff is lesser
than the tariff applicable for Commercial purposes.

5.3.5 It is submitted that as per of prevailing tariff order there is no applicable
tariff for start-up power provided to generators beyond 42 days and as per
Regulation 25 of Grid Connectivity and Intra-State Open Access Regulations, 2014,
Start- up supply beyond 42 days in a financial year may be provided by the
Distribution Licensee at the rate of one and half times of the normal rate as specified
by the Commission and However, no start up supply shall be provided beyond 120
days in a financial year and applicable tariff for start-up power provided to
generators beyond 42 days as per this regulation is added in the of
prevailing tariff order and the same has been submitted under tariff clause
of this Petition for kind consideration. Further the Commission may also please to
issue orders to levy applicable tariff for drawl of power by the generators beyond

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120 days as in some cases where the generator and the industry are located in the
same premises and only one service connection is extended for start-up supply and
applicable tariff for the same beyond 120 days may kindly be ordered.
5.3.6 The plants having supply for start-up power connection, are being billed under HT
Tariff I as per para in the existing tariff order. However, some of the
plants are under shut down and availing power for maintenance and lighting
purpose only. The applicability tariff for the consumption by plants during non-
generation period may kindly be clarified.
Commission’s views:-
5.3.7 The Start-up power availed by the Generating stations have to be used for the start-up
of generating plants & auxiliary purposes. The plants having supply for start-up power
connection may be billed under appropriate HT Tariff. Even for maintenance and
regular industrial use, they can use the same power since they are paying the MD
charges for the recorded demand. Restriction on days of usage shall be fixed once the
demand equated energy charges are fixed by the Commission.

5.3.8 New category of service for Data Centre is added in HT Tariff category.
Commission’s views:-
5.3.9 The new category of Data Centre classified under HT-I category is approved based on
the nature of activity which relates to Information technology.


5.4.1 High Tension Tariff IIA: It is submitted that actual places of public worship are
eligible to charge under HT Tariff IIA as per clause of prevailing tariff
order, in order to avoid ambiguity, the word actual may kindly be eliminated in
this tariff clause and temples Churches, Mosques, Jain mandirs, Gurudwaras,
Buddhist Temple may kindly be added and the same has been submitted under
tariff clause of this Petition for kind consideration.
Commission’s views:-
5.4.2 The prayer of the TANGEDCO for deletion of some text in existing classification is not
justified with proper reasons. Hence the Commission decided to continue with the
existing terms under HT-IIA. For more clarity for the places of public worship, the
definition under the Places of Worship (Special Provisions) Act 1991 is adopted.

5.4.3 High Tension Tariff IIB: It is submitted that Hon’ble commission has ordered that
all Private Medical colleges and hostels are to be physically & electrically segregated
from Hospitals within the premises in M.P. No 9 of 2020 for adoption of tariff
applicable to educational institutions and necessary tariff clause for the same is
submitted in in this Petition for kind consideration.

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Commission’s views:-
5.4.4 The Commission has ordered in M.P.9 of 2020 that if Private Medical colleges are
physically & electrically segregated, the same may be classified under HT-IIB. Wherever
the Private Medical colleges and Private Hospitals in the same premises, but the Medical
college is physically & electrically segregated, the consumption of Medical college may
be separately billed under HT-IIB; however, the consumption of Private medical hospital
shall have to be billed under HT-III. It is the responsibility of the consumer to prove the
segregation and metering arrangement as per the stipulations under the TN Electricity
Distribution Code 2004.


5.5.1 It is submitted that detailed list of H.T consumers are to be classified under High
Tension tariff III have been submitted in clause for kind consideration.
5.5.2 It is submitted that Public Charging Stations(PCS) for Electric Vehicles, are
proposed to be charged under Commercial Tariff of HT Tariff III on par with LT
services, since most of the Public Charging Stations(PCS) are to be located in petrol
Commission’s views:-
5.5.3 The detailed list of activities furnished by the TANGEDCO has been gone through by the
Commission, and it is accepted with certain modifications. E-vehicle charging is allowed
under respective existing tariff if it is for own vehicles. The Public charging stations are
to be charged under separate classification of tariff of HT HT-V, considering the retail
commercial activity involved. Moreover, to encourage the Solar generation and to
evacuate the Solar power, Commission felt that the consumption during solar hours is
to be incentivised with rebate; at the same time, to curtail the charging of e-vehicles
during peak hours, the additional charges proposed for this category of consumers. Both
the measures of incentivising the consumption during solar hours and curtailing the
consumption during peak hours would help flatten the load curve of the grid to contribute
to grid stability and better voltage profile.


5.6.1 It is submitted that construction is being done using steel structure and pre-
engineered metal and the same are added in existing tariff clause of
prevailing tariff order and submitted in tariff clause of this petition for kind
5.6.2 It is submitted that other temporary purposes are eligible to charge under HT Tariff
V as per clause prevailing tariff order, in order to avoid ambiguity

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Exhibition, Circus, Meetings of Political parties, Festivals are added under tariff
clause of this Petition for kind consideration.
Commission’s views:-
5.6.3 The proposal is accepted to add more clarity.


5.7.1 Power Factor compensation charges:-
TANGEDCO has stated that instead of 6.2.1.a and b of Tariff Order no: 1 of 2017,
dated 11.08.2017 of LT supply, following may be considered:
“All LT services except Hut & Domestic should maintain a power factor of not less
than 0.85 where the average power factor of above Low Tension Service connections
is less than the stipulated limit of 0.85 the following compensation charges will be

Power Factor Dispensation of Power Factor compensation

Below 0.85 One percent of the current consumption charges for

and up to 0.75 every reduction of 0.01 in power factor from 0.85

Below 0.75 One and half percent of the current consumption

charges for every reduction of 0.01 in power factor from

5.7.2 It is submitted that necessary tariff clause for the above is submitted and this power
factor compensation for all LT services has been retained under tariff clause 8.2.1.a
of this petition for kind consideration pending introduction of kVAH billing in
consultation with stake holders.
Commission’s views:-
5.7.3 In the earlier Tariff Order, Commission approved to levy the Power factor compensation
charges for the category of services under LT Tariff III-B and LT Tariff –V with the
connected load of 18.6 kW (25 hp) and above. However, in this petition, TANGEDCO
has prayed to levy the charges for all the categories (except Hut & Domestic) irrespective
of its load. But it has not provided any reason / justification for conversion from the
existing practice and levying of compensation charges to all the consumers. The
feasibility of maintaining power factor in services of smaller loads in single phase

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categories of all tariffs and in services of purely non inductive loads have not been
explained for practical implementation. The infrastructure development of providing
meter with kVAH metering for all consumers has to be ensured for uniform
implementation without discrimination between consumers. The proposal for
introduction of kVAH billing stands accepted in principle. Hence, on submission of
proper justification & details, the same will be considered by the Commission. As such
the existing norms and methodology shall be continued without any change.

5.7.4 Time of Day charges:-

5.7.5 TANGEDCO has submitted that proposal for introduction of TOD charges is
evolved for all services under LT Tariff II B (1) ,LT Tariff II B (2) ,LT Tariff III-
B and LT Tariff V and these services may be charged at 25% extra on the energy
charges for the energy recorded during peak hours and the duration of peak hours
being 6.30 A.M to 10.30 A.M and 6.00 P.M to 10.00 P.M and reduction of 5% on the
energy charges for the consumption recorded during 10.00 P.M to 5.00 A.M as an
incentive for night consumption and this 25% extra on the energy charges for the
energy recorded may be collected for 20 % of consumption until installation of
ToD meters and the same is included under tariff clause 8.2.1 (b) and 8.2.1 (c) of
this Petition for kind consideration.
Commission’s views:-
5.7.6 As per the ToD report furnished by the TANGEDCO and taking into account of further
details obtained from TANGEDCO, Commission has revised Morning Peak period
(06.00 to 10.00 Hrs) and Evening peak period (18.00 to 22.00 Hrs) and for levy of
additional charges (25%) for all HT categories (except Railways and Temporary), LT
Commercial and Industrial (for consumers with load above 25 hp). The
recommendations have been made based on the data related to the years 2017 and 2018.
In this connection, Commission received so many objections for introduction of ToD
tariff for LT category and extension of peak hour duration. TANGEDCO has not stated
about its infrastructure arrangement for taking of 5 slots reading for all category
consumers and about levying of 25% additional charges on 20% of total consumption.
In view of the foregoing contents the commission decides as follows:

5.7.7 In case of LT Tariff II-B(1), LT Tariff II-B(2),LT Tariff III-B and LT Tariff V, the peak
hour charges shall be billed at 25% extra on the energy charges for the energy recorded
during peak hours and a reduction of 5% on the energy charges for the consumption
recorded during 10.00 P.M to 5.00 A.M as an incentive for night consumption.

5.7.8 This 25% extra on the energy charges may be collected for 20% of total consumption
until installation of ToD meters. The duration of peak hours shall be 6.00 A.M to 10.00
A.M and 18.00 to 22.00 Hrs.

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5.7.9 In case of any consumer is particular about fixing the TOD meter in lieu of extra Peak
hour charges, TANGEDCO may fix the meter within 15 days/ permit the consumer to
procure and supply the meter on his own.

5.7.10 kW based tariff for Fixed charges to LT I-C:-

5.7.11 TANGEDCO has prayed that to charge the fixed charges in kW basis for LT Tariff
I C.
Commission’s views:-
5.7.12 TANGEDCO’s prayer to introduce the Fixed charges on ‘Rs./kW/month’ basis for LT
bulk supply for residential purpose. In this petition TANGEDCO has proposed for higher
realisation over the Average cost of supply from LT-IC. The category of LT-IA which is
meant for Domestic/residential purpose, TANGEDCO has not proposed any Fixed
charges, hence, there is no rationale in levying of Fixed charges (kW/month) for LT-IC

5.7.13 Construction activities:-

5.7.14 TANGEDCO has prayed that the tariff clause 6.2.1.f of prevailing tariff order may
kindly be reconsidered and all constructions activities without any restriction on
square feet basis may kindly be brought under LT Tariff VI and the same has been
submitted in tariff clause 8.2.1 (g) of this Petition for kind consideration.
Commission’s views :-
5.7.15 TANGEDCO has not stated any reason / justification for withdrawal of allowance of
existing tariff for constructions in restricted square feet of area. Hence any additional
construction of building not exceeding 2000 square feet within the consumer’s premises
shall be charged under the respective existing tariff except in case of LT tariff I-B and

5.7.16 Facilities incidental to the main purpose:-

5.7.17 TANGEDCO submitted to differentiate between third party and service providers
and to have clarity a word commercial may be added before service providers in
the tariff clause of 6.2.1.g of prevailing tariff order and the same has been submitted
in tariff clause 8.2.1.(h) of this Petition for consideration.
Commission’s views :-
5.7.18 The Commission considered the request of the TANGEDCO, and accepts to incorporate
Commercial service provider, for more clarity.

5.7.19 Tariff for Mixed Load:-

5.7.20 TANGEDCO has stated that Commission has ordered that mixed load within the
premises will be billed under higher tariff in M.P. No 9 of 2020 and new tariff clause
8.2.1.(i) of this petition for the same has been submitted for kind consideration.

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Commission’s views:-

5.7.21 The application for a service connection shall have to be submitted with specific purpose
for which the supply is sought for, and the tariff classification shall have to be done based
on such purpose and actual usage. It is the duty of the consumer to apply for a tariff for
specific purpose. If the consumer is applying for single service connection mixing up of
different purposes in the same premises, the applicant will not be able to specify any
tariff sought for. Moreover, two different tariff category cannot be applied for a single
service connection. In view of this, TANGEDCO, as a temporary arrangement, may
apply the highest tariff among the mixed purposes in the same premises, and the
consumer may be advised to get the separate service connection, duly adhering to the
provisions of the TN Electricity Distribution Code 2004, for different purposes. If the
consumer violates by using the service for any usage other than the authorised usage,
relevant action as provisioned in Supply Code shall be taken.

5.7.22 Captive charging of e-vehicle:-

TANGEDCO prayed under its petition clause 8.2.1 (j) that for supply under all LT
tariff, use of electricity for captive charging of electrical vehicle within the premises
can be charged in existing tariff.
Commission’s views:-
5.7.23 Commission approves captive charging of e-vehicles under respective tariff as detailed
in the tariff schedules. For Public Charging station exclusive classification and tariff is
given in the Tariff Schedule.

5.7.24 Multiple services – combined Load:-

Multiple LT CT/LT services are available under same tariff category in the same
premises owned by the same owner/different owners used for similar
purpose/associated activities and these services are obtained for avoiding HT Tariff
and to avoid erection of DT inside their premises and there is no space for provision
of Distribution of transformers. If these services are merged and the consumers
do not come forward for merging of such services, even if notices are issued by the
TANGEDCO for merging and under this circumstances, it is submitted that entire
demand used for similar purposes/associated activities of the multiple LTCT/LT
service connections in the same premise whose combined demand is more than 112
kW will be charged under corresponding HT demand charges along with
transformers loss of 1% as per the Regulation 3(1)(b)(v) of the TNE supply code
and the same has been submitted in the new tariff clause 8.2.1(k) of this petition.
Commission’s views
The proposal is not accepted in view of statutory and commercial reasons.

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5.8.1 TANGEDCO in this petition proposed to withdraw fixed charges for Domestic
Consumers for all slabs.
Commission’s views:-
5.8.2 The proposed tariff for Domestic category is considered by the Commission, and
approved as per the detailed schedule.

5.8.3 TANGEDCO has submitted that as per the Tamil Nadu Combined development
and building rules, 2019 notified vide G.O.(MS) No.18 Municipal administration
and water supply (MA.I) department dated 04.02.2019, “Dwelling Unit “ means
an independent housing unit with separate facilities for living, cooking and sanitary
requirements, and may be a part of a buildings and necessary provision for the
same may be added in the regulation and the tariff clause 6.2.1.a of prevailing
tariff order may kindly be reconsidered and words domestic / residential purposes
may be modified as dwelling purpose along with definition of “Dwelling Unit “ and
the same has been submitted in tariff clause (a) of this Petition for
Commission’s views:-
5.8.4 The Commission while considering the “Dwelling unit” defined under the Tamil Nadu
Combined Development and Building Rules 2019 is of the view that the condition of
separate sanitary requirement may not be practical to be insisted for classification under
LT Tariff I(A), as there are many row houses in all places throughout the State with
common sanitary facility. Therefore, considerable quantum of existing consumers would
have to be deprived of the domestic tariff , even though they are using the electricity for
domestic purpose. It is also to be considered such implication would be affecting more
the consumers in the rural and socially backward areas where the sanitary arrangement
in many dwelling unit is still elusive. Hence the condition of separate sanitary
arrangement in not included .

5.8.5 TANGEDCO has submitted that Each house/residence/premises shall normally be

given only one service connection unless it is an apartment complex. However
additional connection can be permitted only if it is rented or leased out to different
families and occupying the separate portion. Adequate proof like rental agreement
or lease deed etc may be produced. For additional connection bi-monthly fixed
charges of Rs.450 will be charged.
Commission’s views:-
5.8.6 Each house/residence/premises shall be given only one service connection. If any more
service is already effected, it has to be merged as a single service under LT-IA. Necessary
notice shall be served on the consumer within a period of two weeks from this Order. If
the consumer does not come forward to get the service merged, such additional

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connections shall be charged under tariff LT-ID. Moreover, TANGEDCO in this petition
prayed that additional connection can be permitted only if it is rented or leased out to
different families and occupying the separate portion; to approve to collect the Fixed
charges (Rs.450) for additional connection. In this connection, it is to be considered that
during the public hearing, many stakeholders expressed anguish that many multi floor
buildings are partitioned in each floor between Brothers/Sisters/Father-Son or any other
combination of same family without scope of rental agreement within families; In such
cases where additional connection were obtained with proper physical segregation, it is
not reasonable to impose Fixed charges of Rs.450. Therefore, the Commission is of the
view that wherever the additional connection is effected with due fulfilment of the
provisions of TN Electricity Distribution Code 2004, for same families having separate
Family card, the fixed charges need not be imposed.

5.8.7 The purpose is that the subsidised 100 units should not be misused. To fulfil this purpose
two measures are entailed. One is to convert the common service into tariff LT-ID. The
other is to either to merge more than one service in same residence/ dwelling unit or
convert the existing additional services of the same dwelling unit into Tariff ID, keeping
only one service under tariff IA. This can very well be implemented on physical
inspection. If the status of different family is still not evident and clear to the inspecting
officer, the rental agreement may be insisted.

5.8.8 It is submitted that supply used in the house/residence/premises for facilities to

domestic animals and growing trees are permitted with a total contracted load not
exceeding 2 kW under clause of prevailing tariff order and in order to
limit for domestic usage, existing 2 kW may kindly be restricted to 1 kW for the
activities to domestic animals and growing trees and If it exceeds 1 kW, separate
service connection may be extended under LT Tariff-V category and the same has
been submitted in tariff clause (b) of this Petition for kind consideration.
Commission’s views:-
5.8.9 Any reason for restriction upto 1 kW for facilities to domestic animals and growing trees
instead of 2 kW is not furnished by the TANGEDCO. Moreover, separate service
connection within a same premises is not permissible. Hence, existing 2 kW is continued
to be permitted for such facilities in Domestic services.

5.8.10 Public conveniences, Integrated woman sanitary Complexes, Community Nutrition

Centres, Anganwadi Centres and Nutritious Meal Centres are not related to
Domestic/Residential purposes and can be brought under LT Tariff II A on par
with other public utilities and tariff clauses 6.2.2.d and 6.2.2.e of prevailing Tariff
Order under LT Tariff IA may be reconsidered and these services are included
under LT Tariff II A under clauses 8.2.66 and of this petition.
Commission’s views:-

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5.8.11 As the Electricity charges of Public conveniences, Integrated woman sanitary complexes,
Community Nutrition centre, Anganwadi centres and Nutritious Meal centres are paid
by Government / Local bodies, the same is re-classified under LT-IIA.

5.8.12 Electric crematorium of local bodies are being maintained through outsourcing
and can be charged under LT tariff II A and tariff clause (k) of prevailing
Tariff Order may kindly be reconsidered and these services are included under LT
Tariff II A under clause of this Petition for kind consideration.
Commission’s views:-
5.8.13 As the Electricity charges of Electric crematorium are paid by Government / Local
bodies, the same is re-classified under LT-IIA.

5.8.14 Consulting rooms mentioned in clause of prevailing tariff order, Doctors,
Lawyers, Auditors, Engineers , Interior decorators, Technical Consultants,
Architects may be included to avoid ambiguity and the same is submitted under
clause (e) of this Petition for kind consideration.
Commission’s views:-
5.8.15 To avoid ambiguity, detailed list of professionals sought by the TANGEDCO under LT-
IA is hereby approved.

5.8.16 TANGEDCO has stated that common lighting, water supply, lift provided only to
the residents, Sewerage treatment plant, Water treatment plant, Gym, Swimming
pool and Fire hydrant facility are proposed under separate tariff category LT Tariff
ID to avoid duplication of tariff subsidy for the same and included under clause of this Petition for kind consideration.
Commission’s views:-
5.8.17 In order to avoid the present ambiguities in implementation, the Commission accepts the
proposal for separate tariff for common utilities viz., Common lighting, water supply,
lift, Sewerage treatment plant, Water treatment plant, Gym, Swimming pool and Fire
hydrant facility is acceptable to the Commission. Moreover, more than one service under
LT-ID in a multi tenement is permissible for different purposes.

5.8.18 In respect of multi tenements/multi-storey flats/residential complexes having both

domestic and non-domestic utilities, common facilities such as common lighting,
common water supply, lift will be charged under this tariff only if the non-
residential built up area does not exceed 25% of the total built up area as per tariff
clause of prevailing tariff order and additional clause “If it exceeds 25%,
the consumption for such facilities shall be charged under Low Tension-V” may
kindly be considered under this clause for clarity and the same has been submitted
under clause of of this Petition for kind consideration.

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Commission’s views:
5.8.19 The proposal is accepted.

5.8.20 It is submitted that the following domestic loads or actual load furnished by the
applicant whichever is higher may be considered by the system based on the total
floor area (sq.ft) of each dwelling unit area furnished by the applicant and necessary
provision for the same may be added in the regulation and application format may
kindly be revised accordingly.
Floor area in Sq.ft. Demand to be considered
500 500 X 0.008 = 4 kW
1000 1000 X 0.008 = 8 kW
1500 1500 X 0.008 = 12 kW
2000 2000 X 0.008 = 16 kW
2500 2500 X 0.008 = 20 kW
Commission’s views:
5.8.21 The proposed changes are the amending provisions of the Distribution Code 2004.
Moreover, the quantum of electrical load depends on various engineering and social
parameters according to the varying requirement . It can not be limited to a single
parameter and generalised to determine the electrical requirement. It is not logical and
scientific. The customised electrical requirement for a given installtion of a consumer is
known only to the concerend consumer and hence the assessment of such own
requirement is to be left to the consumer.

5.8.22 Voluntary giving up of subsidy (VGS)

It is proposed to introduce new scheme for the consumers who wish to opt for giving
up subsidy for free 100 units and reduced tariff (200-500 units) .
Commission’s views:
5.8.23 If TANGEDCO wants to introduce this scheme, the procedure for such Voluntary giving
up of subsidy has to be evolved and to be informed to the consumers with wider publicity.
Since the proposed scheme is expected to reduce the subsidy burden of the Government
of Tamil Nadu, the Commission accepts the proposal for implementation. The scheme
has been proposed to voluntary giving up of all subsidy portion under LT-IA. Hence, as
and when the TANGEDCO starts up this scheme, Commission has to be informed of the
progress, so as to ease the process of approval of Provisional and Final True-up of
subsidy by the Commission. The TANGEDCO is directed to furnish the progress report
every quarter to the Commission.

5.8.24 At present the public libraries and libraries running at free of cost are charged
under LT Tariff IIB(i) and to improve the reading habits among the general public,

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libraries of area not exceeding 2000 sq.feet may be included in LT Tariff IA without
subsidy under clause for kind consideration.
Commission’s views:
5.8.25 The Commission accepts the proposal of TANGEDCO and tariff reclassified under
respective tariff category.


5.9.1 High mass streetlights may kindly be added under clause and the same has
been includedin clause of this Petition.Railway level crossings signals and its
Gateman shed, may be added under clause of the earlier Tariff order and
the same has been included clause of this Petition for consideration.Public
conveniences, Integrated woman sanitary Complexes, Community Nutrition
Centres, Anganwadi Centres and Nutritious Meal can be brought under LT tariff
II A instead of prevailing LT Tariff IA on par with other public utilities and these
services are included under LT Tariff II A in tariff clause and 8.2.6 7 of this
Petition for consideration.
Commission’s views:
5.9.2 The Commission accepts the proposal of TANGEDCO and tariff reclassified under
respective tariff category since the electricity charges in respect of these categories are
borne by the Government/Local bodies.

5.9.3 Cemetery are being charged under LT Tariff V and the request for inclusion
electric crematorium of Local bodies under LT Tariff IIA is submitted in this tariff
petition. Considering public purpose all electric crematorium irrespective of
ownership and cemetery may be classified under LT Tariff IIA and the same has
been submitted under tariff clause of this Petition for kind consideration.
Commission’s views:
5.9.4 As there is no commercial intention in availing of electricity supply of the category,
Commission accepts the proposal of TANGEDCO to reclassify the categories, and hence
the Electric crematorium of Government/Local bodies (whether directly maintained by
Government/others) and Cemetry are classified under HT-IIA and LT IIA.

5.9.5 Supply to Parks, Swimming pools of Government / Local Bodies with free entry,
water fountains of local bodies may be classified under LT Tariff IIA and the same
has been submitted under tariff clause of this Petition for consideration.
Commission’s views:
5.9.6 Commission accepts the proposal of TANGEDCO since these categories are mostly
serving under subsidised tariff basis to the public and reclassified accordingly.

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5.10.1 State Legal Udhavi Maiyam may be classified under LT Tariff II B (I) and the same
has been submitted under tariff clause of this Petition for kind
Commission’s views:
5.10.2 Commission accepts the proposal of TANGEDCO and reclassified accordingly.

5.10.3 Public libraries and libraries running at free of cost, area exceeding 200 Sq.feet may
be considered under tariff clause and tariff clause of this
Petition for kind consideration.
Commission’s views:
5.10.4 Commission accepts the proposal of TANGEDCO and reclassified accordingly.


5.11.1 Commission has ordered that all Private Medical colleges and hostels are to be
physically & electrically segregated from Hospitals within the premises in M.P. No.9
of 2020 and necessary tariff clause for the same is submitted under clause
of this Petition for kind consideration.
Commission’s views:
5.11.2 As ordered under M.P.9 of 2020, necessary reclassification of tariff has been done in the
Tariff schedule.


5.12.1 Actual places of public worship are eligible to charge under LT Tariff IIC as per
tariff clause of prevailing Tariff Order and some of the temples are owned
by private parties and they are opened for them at the time when they need only.
Since these temples are not opened to public, they could not be treated as places of
public worship and in order to avoid ambiguity may kindly be added, then the
word “actual” in tariff clause of prevailing tariff order may kindly be
reconsidered and Temples, Churches, Mosques, Jain mandirs, Gurudwaras,
Buddhist Temple , Ashram, Mutt, including Trichy Rockfort Temple, its environs
and for roads and pathways leading to temple may kindly be added and the same
has been submitted under tariff clause of this Petition for consideration.

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Commission’s views:
5.12.2 As the Petitioner has not given proper reason for deletion of “Actual” from the existing
schedule, Commission is not inclined to make change in the existing provisions.
Commission has a concern also that such deletion may create unnecessary ambiguities.
Moreover, this has been objected by many SAC members/stakeholders for deletion.
Hence, the same may be continued to exist. However, the detailed list of worship places
is accepted by the Commission. In addition, TANGEDCO shall have to take into account
of the definition under the Places of Worship (Special Provisions) Act 1991.


5.13.1 (a) Commission in its order T.O.No 4 of 2021 dated 25.02.2021 has directed to accept
Udyam Registration Certificate for adoption in LT tariff IIIB and Udyog Aadhar
Memorandum is replaced by Udyam Registration Certificate and modification for
the same has been submitted under tariff clause of this petition for
Commission’s views:
5.13.2 The Commission has made necessary provisions in Tariff schedule.

5.13.3 (b) Additional detailed list of L.T consumers are to be classified under Low Tension
tariff III(B) have been submitted under tariff clause of this petition for
kind consideration.
Commission’s views:
5.13.4 The Commission has included the list in Tariff schedule.


5.14.1 As per tariff clause of prevailing Tariff Order, LT tariff IV is applicable
for pumping of water/supply of water to all agricultural and allied activities such as
cultivation of food crops, vegetables, seeds trees and other plants and Sericulture,
floriculture, horticulture, mushroom cultivation, cattle farming, poultry and other
bird farming, fish/prawn culture carried out as allied activities of agriculture shall
be construed as agricultural activities. Under seeds and other plants, sericulture
and floriculture are included under agriculture and leads to there is no plants under
horticulture and floriculture categories. Hence, the words seeds and other plants
may be deleted in tariff clause of prevailing Tariff Order and the same has
been submitted under tariff clause of this Petition for consideration.
Commission’s views:
5.14.2 The Commission does not find proper reasoning on the request of the petitioner. Hence,
the existing provisions may be continued.

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5.15.1 It is submitted that additional detailed list of L.T consumers are to be classified
under Low Tension tariff V have been submitted under tariff clause of this
petition for consideration.
Commission’s views:
5.15.2 The additional detailed list given by the petitioner is considered by the Commission and
incorporated in the Tariff schedule with required modifications.

5.15.3 Marriage Hall /Convention centre may kindly be charged 5% extra on the Current
Consumption Charges for lavish illumination purposes and necessary provision for
the same have been submitted under tariff clause of this petition for
Commission’s views:
5.15.4 The Commission accepted the proposal and required changes made in the Tariff

5.15.5 Public Charging Stations(PCS) for Electric Vehicles, are proposed to be charged
under LT Tariff - VII , since most of the Public Charging Stations(PCS) are to be
located in petrol bunks.
Commission’s views:
5.15.6 Charging of Electric vehicles through Public charging stations (PCS) has been classified
under separate category LT-VII along with special provisions to encourage charging of
vehicle during the time when the Renewable power is such as solar power is mostly
generated. Accordingly, Time of Day tariff is determined for this category of consumers
with concession tariff during the daytime and off peak hours. Moreover, the captive
charging of their own e-vehicles is permitted under respective tariff itself.


5.16.1 Construction is being done using steel structure and pre-engineered metal and the
same are added in existing tariff clause and submitted in tariff clause of this petition for consideration.
Commission’s views:

5.16.2 The Commission accepted the proposal and required changes made in the Tariff

5.16.3 As per tariff clause, explanation of prevailing Tariff Order, the supply used
for the purpose of indicating/displaying the name and other details of the
shop/buildings shall not be considered as lavish illumination and in order to avoid

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lavish illumination for indicating/displaying, load limit of 1 kW is suggested and the

same has been submitted under tariff clause (i)’s explanation in this Petition
for kind consideration.
Commission’s views:

5.16.4 The Commission felt that the lighting load involved in indicating of Name Board is
considered to be meagre, moreover, the category is already under LT-V (Commercial &
Miscellaneous) which is subsidising category too. Hence, Commission does not find any
merit in specifying the lighting load restriction for indication/displaying of name board.


5.17.1 It is submitted that additional ways to communicate the abstract of tariff revision
and date of effect of tariff to its consumers by way of such as SMS to registered
mobile phones / email / consumer WhatsApp groups / Banners / Pamphlets /
Display boards have been included under the petition for kind consideration.
Commission’s views:

5.17.2 The Commission directs TANGEDCO to communicate this tariff revision to all the
consumers through their reachable mode viz., SMS, e-mail, Websites, Banners,
Pamphlets, Display boards, etc., and also through any convenient mode.


5.18.1 HT tariff IA is also applicable to start-up power provided to generators and the
supply shall be restricted to 42 days in a year and the applicable tariff for start-up
power provided to generators after 42 days may kindly be clarified.
Commission’s views:

5.18.2 The restriction shall apply only when demand equated energy charges are fixed by the

5.18.3 It is submitted that some of the generators have obtained service connection for
start-up power and they are not using the power for the intended purpose and using
for other purposes like lighting and maintenance, etc. and the applicable tariff for
usage of power other than start up may kindly be clarified.
Commission’s views:

5.18.4 As long as the consumer pays the Maximum Demand (MD) MD charges for the
sanctioned demand, they can avail start up power for Industrial and maintenance
purpose also.

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5.18.5 It is submitted that all manufacturing and industrial establishments and registered
factories include Tea Estates, Textiles, Fertilizer Plants, Steel Plants, Heavy Water
Plants, Chemical plants. However, registered factories such as LPG bottling Units
which are of non-manufacturing nature are not to be included in this tariff category.
5.18.6 TANGEDCO sought to clarify tariff applicable for following activities:
Sl.No Purpose Applicable Tariff
1 Packaging units HT – I
2 Tamil Nadu State Transport HT category - HT-I
Corporation repair and LT category - LT-IIIB or III A (I)
Workshop and maintenance based on contracted demand
3 Reverse Osmosis Plants HT – I (predominantly supplied
Sea/hard water conversion done for Local bodies/public)
by private/ onbehalf of CMWSS
Board under Design Build and
Operate (DBO) contract by
private persons on commercial
4 Pumping of oil and Gas Units HT – I
5 Central preparation units of HT category - HT-I
sweets /bakery shops LT category - LT-IIIA(1) (or) IIIB
(according to Sanctioned
(If there is no Retail counter
6 The new batteries supplied by HT category - HT-I
manufacturer are being charged LT category - LT-IIIA(1) (or) IIIB
after filling acid, Battery (according to Sanctioned
charging Units demand)
(If there is no Retail counter
7 Prawn and shrimp culture HT category - HT-I
LT category - LT-IIIA(1) (or) IIIB
(according to Sanctioned

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Sl.No Purpose Applicable Tariff

8 Cutting of larger pipes and sheets HT category - HT-I
into smaller one LT category - IIIB
(If there is no Retail counter
9 Preparation and supply of LT-IA (without name board)
foods,tution/Yoga centres,stay of LT-V (with name board)
students and workers of firm’s at
homes with/Without name board
10 Agriculture and allied activities Excess Demand charges shall
(exceeding 12 kW) apply. ( This is only for Agl allied
activity and Not for Power looms
for which III B shall apply )
11 NABH accredited Rural hospitals HT-IIA
(located in Village panchayats,
Town panchayats)
13 Lawyer’s consulting room LT – V (Above 200 sq.ft) (not
attached to the residence)

Commission’s views:

5.18.7 Classification for all the above usages is made as above

5.18.8 Manufacturing and industrial establishments are classified under HT Tariff IA. It
is submitted that whether eligibility manufacturing and industrial establishments
can be decided based on Udyog Aadhar Memorandum from the District Industries
Centre on par with LT tariff IIIB or specific certificate from industrial department.
Commission’s views:

5.18.9 Apart from the specified usages under the respective tariff in this order, the eligibility of
manufacturing and industrial establishment shall be decided based Licence of factories
/ Udyam Registration Certificate from DIC on part with LT III AI and LTIII B.

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Existing Tariff Proposed Proposed Tariff Approved Tariff
Consumer Existing Slab Existing Slab Energy Slab Range/ Proposed Energy Energy
Category Range in units Fixed Charges Consumer Slab in units Fixed Charges Fixed Charges
Charges Charges Charges
(Rs.) Category (Rs.) (Rs.)
(Rs./kWh) (Rs./kWh) (Rs./kWh)
Tariff of Low Tension Consumers
LT - IA Domestic LT - IA Domestic, Multi-tenements, Old age homes, Handlooms
1-50 kWh 2.50 15/ month 0-250 kWh 0-50 kWh 4.50 4.50
51-100 kWh 0-50 kWh 2.50 15/ month 51-100 kWh 4.50 4.50
0.00 0.00
51-100 kWh 2.50 15/ month 101-200 kWh 4.50 4.50
101-250 kWh 0-50 kWh 2.50 20/ month 201-250 kWh 6.00 6.00
51-100 kWh 2.50 20/ month
101-250 kWh 3.00 20/ month
Above 250 0-50 kWh 2.50 25/ month Above 250 0-50 kWh 4.50 4.50
kWh 51-100 kWh 3.50 25/ month kWh 51-200 kWh 4.50 4.50
101-250 kWh 4.60 25/ month 201-250 kWh 6.00 6.00
Above 250
6.60 25/ month 8.00 0.00 8.00 0.00
kWh 251-300 kWh
301-400 kWh 9.00 9.00
401-500kWh 10.00 10.00
Above 500
11.00 11.00
LT - IB Huts LT - IB Huts
4.95 (on
145/ month
Single Slab (until installation Single Slab 0.00 300 Service 0.00 300 Service
of energy
of energy meter)
LT - IC LT Bulk Supply LT - IC Bulk supply with single point metering
Single Slab 4.60 60/ month Single Slab 8.00 100/kW/month 8.00 100/ month
LT-ID Common facilities in Multi-tenements
Single Slab 8.00 100/kW/month 8.00 100/kW/month
LT - IIA Public Lighting and Water Supply LT - IIA Public Lighting, Water supply provided by Govt./Local bodies

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Existing Tariff Proposed Proposed Tariff Approved Tariff

Consumer Existing Slab Existing Slab Energy Slab Range/ Proposed Energy Energy
Category Range in units Fixed Charges Consumer Slab in units Fixed Charges Fixed Charges
Charges Charges Charges
(Rs.) Category (Rs.) (Rs.)
(Rs./kWh) (Rs./kWh) (Rs./kWh)
Single Slab 6.35 60/kW/month Single Slab 8.00 100/kW/month 8.00 100/kW/month
LT - IIB Govt. Educational Institution LT - IIB (1) Government Educational Institutions its Hostel, Govt. Hospital, Other
(1) hospitals rendering totally free service
Single Slab 5.75 60/kW/month 0-50 Kw 100/kW/month 100/kW/month
Above 50-
8.00 325/kW/month 325/kW/month
112 Kw 8.00
Above 112
Kw (CT 550/kW/month 550/kW/month
LT - IIB Pvt. Educational Institution LT - IIB (2) Private Educational Institutions/Hostel, Segregated Private Medical college
Single Slab 7.50 60/kW/month 0-50 Kw 8.50 100/kW/month 8.50 100/kW/month
Above 50-
8.50 325/kW/month 8.50 325/kW/month
112 Kw
Above 112
Kw (CT 8.50 550/kW/month 8.50 550/kW/month
LT - IIC Places of Worship LT - IIC Actual places of Public worship
0-60 kWh 5.75 60/kW/month 0-60 kWh 5.75 100/kW/month 5.75 100/kW/month
Above 60 Above 60
60/kW/month 7.00 100/kW/month 7.00 100/kW/month
kWh 5.75 kWh
LT - IIIA Cottage and Tiny Industries LT - IIIA (1) Cottage & Micro Industries
(1) 0-250 kWh 4.00 20/kW/month 0-250 kWh 4.50 70/kW/month 4.50 70/kW/month
Above 250 Above 250
6.50 70/kW/month 6.50 70/kW/month
kWh 4.60 20/kW/month kWh
LT - IIIA Power Looms LT - IIIA (2) Power Looms
(2) 0-250 kWh 5.20 60/kW/month 0-250 kWh 6.50 100/kW/month 6.50 100/kW/month
Above 250 Above 250
7.50 100/kW/month 7.50 100/kW/month
kWh 5.75 60/kW/month kWh
LT - IIIB LT Industries LT - IIIB Industries, Information Technology services
Single Slab 6.35 35/kW/month 0-50 Kw 7.50 75/kW/month 7.50 75/kW/month

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Existing Tariff Proposed Proposed Tariff Approved Tariff

Consumer Existing Slab Existing Slab Energy Slab Range/ Proposed Energy Energy
Category Range in units Fixed Charges Consumer Slab in units Fixed Charges Fixed Charges
Charges Charges Charges
(Rs.) Category (Rs.) (Rs.)
(Rs./kWh) (Rs./kWh) (Rs./kWh)
Above 50- 7.50 150/kW/month 7.50 150/kW/month
112 Kw
Above 112
Kw (CT 7.50 550/kW/month 7.50 550/kW/month
LT - IV LT Agriculture LT - IV Agriculture and allied activities
3.22 (on
Single Slab 2875/HP/Annum Single Slab 3550/HP/Annum 3550/HP/Annum
of energy
LT - V LT Commercial LT - V Miscellaneous/General purpose
0-50 kWh 5.00 70/kW/month 0-50 kWh 6.00 100/kW/month 6.00 100/kW/month
Above 50 Above 50
8.05 70/kW/month 9.50 100/kW/month 9.50 100/kW/month
kWh kWh 0-50 Kw
Above 50- 9.50 300/kW/month 9.50 300/kW/month
112 Kw
Above 112
Kw (CT 9.50 550/kW/month 9.50 550/kW/month
LT - VI Temporary Supply LT - VI Construction activities and Temporary purposes
Single Slab 12.00 345/kW/month Single Slab 12.00 550/kW/month 12.00 550/kW/month
Tariff for High Tension Consumers
HT - IA HT Industries HT - I Industries, Factories, Information Technology Services
Single Slab 6.35 350/kVA/month Single Slab 6.75 550/kVA/month 6.75 550/kVA/month
HT - IB Railways HT - IIA Government Educational Institutions/Hospitals, Railway Traction, CMRL,
Lift Irrigation societies, etc.
Single Slab 6.35 300/kVA/month Single Slab 7.00 550/kVA/Month 7.00 550/kVA/Month
HT - IIA Government Institutions
Single Slab 6.35 350/kVA/month
HT - IIB Private Educational Institutions HT - IIB Private Educational Institutions & its hostels, segregated Medical colleges

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Existing Tariff Proposed Proposed Tariff Approved Tariff

Consumer Existing Slab Existing Slab Energy Slab Range/ Proposed Energy Energy
Category Range in units Fixed Charges Consumer Slab in units Fixed Charges Fixed Charges
Charges Charges Charges
(Rs.) Category (Rs.) (Rs.)
(Rs./kWh) (Rs./kWh) (Rs./kWh)
Single Slab 6.35 350/kVA/month Single Slab 7.50 550/kVA/month 7.50 550/kVA/month
HT - III Commercial HT - III Miscellaneous categories
Single Slab 8.00 350/kVA/month Single Slab 8.50 550/kVA/month 8.50 550/kVA/month
HT - IV Lift Irrigation with Subsidy HT - IV Construction activities and other temporary purposes
Single Slab 6.35 0.00 Single Slab 12.00 550/kVA/Month 12.00 550/kVA/Month
HT - V Temporary supply HT - V Public EV Charging Stations
05.00 to
Single Slab 11.00 350/kVA/Month 10.00 10.00
10.00 to
8.00 8.00
Time slot in 14.00 to
10.00 550/kVA/Month 10.00 550/kVA/Month
hours 18.00
18.00 to
12.00 12.00
23.00 to
8.00 8.00

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5.20.1 As calculated in earlier section, the overall regulatory asset scenario till FY 2021-22,
inclusive of carrying cost is estimated to be 89,375.09 Rs. crore.
5.20.2 As the amount is more than 100% of even the ARR, an entirely tariff based amortization,
even on an extended schedule cannot be contemplated. This is an extraordinary situation,
wherein the Commission cannot be expected to avoid its social obligations to the
consumers also, instead of allowing direct recovery of this substantial number entirely
through tariff. It is expected that some form of support will also be extended by
Government of Tamil Nadu. There is already a commitment from Government of Tamil
Nadu to finance the future losses of TANGEDCO from FY 2021-22. (Annexure IV)
5.20.3 Both the Commission and TANGEDCO are in discussions with the Government of Tamil
Nadu on the manner of amortization of the regulatory assets. Based on the outcome of
these decisions, the strategy for amortization/liquidation of regulatory assets will be
5.20.4 Further, the Commission has endeavoured not to create any new regulatory asset from
FY 2022-23 onwards, by proposing an increased tariff, in a socially balanced manner.
As the proposed increase in tariff for FY 2022-23 is already substantial, at this point of
time, there is no additional margin for further amortization of regulatory assets in the
control period from FY 2022-23 to FY 2024-25.


5.21.1 Since the energy charge in tariff is to be linked to a Consumer Price Index (CPI), the
estimation of future revenues and revenue gap requires an assumption to be made.
5.21.2 The Commission has noted the trend of previous years of CPI where the average annual
inflation is in the range of 5%.
5.21.3 As a conservative estimate, the Commission considers the average future inflation to be
4% for the future years, for the purpose of revenue estimation, while fully understanding
that the number may be anything between 0% and 6%.
5.21.4 Based on such assumption, the category wise revenue expected from the proposed tariff
is shown below.
Table 5-1: Category wise revenue at proposed tariff (Rs. crore)
FY 2022- FY 2023- FY 2024- FY 2025- FY 2026-
23* 24 25 26 27
Registered factories, textiles, tea
13,316.63 14,314.49 15,395.30 16,566.39 17,835.75
estate, Software Industries etc.

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FY 2022- FY 2023- FY 2024- FY 2025- FY 2026-

23* 24 25 26 27
Govt. Educational Institutions,
Govt. Hospitals, Water supply 2,558.47 2,753.81 2,965.72 3,189.14 3,446.09
Private Educational Institutions,
334.22 358.08 383.65 411.05 440.40
Cinema Theatres & Studios
Commercial and all categories
not covered in other HT 2,939.00 3,179.57 3,441.00 3,715.45 4,013.82
HT Temporary Supply for
57.81 60.13 62.53 65.03 67.63
construction & other purpose
Domestic , Hand Loom etc. 18,144.23 19,710.90 21,413.49 23,265.23 25,279.20
Huts in Village panchayats,
356.09 370.33 385.15 400.55 416.57
LT Bulk supply for railway,
8.55 9.28 10.11 11.05 12.13
defense colonies etc.
Domestic Common Supply 1,497.80 1,642.83 1,800.88 1,970.88 2,153.62
Public Lighting and Public
2,258.07 2,405.35 2,562.51 2,730.23 2,909.24
Water Supply & Sewerage
Government and aided
Educational Institution, 184.65 198.76 214.05 230.65 182.27
Government Hospitals etc.
Private Educational Institution., 270.80 324.49 390.60 472.23 573.25
Actual place of public worship,
125.25 139.38 155.13 172.68 192.25
Mutts and Religious Institutions
Cottage and Tiny Industries 279.74 302.36 326.81 353.26 381.88
Power loom etc. 773.02 829.57 890.27 955.45 1,025.42
Industries not covered under
L.T.Tariff IIIA(1), IIIA(2) incl. 8,922.61 9,735.83 10,623.19 11,591.44 12,647.97
Agriculture and Govt. seed farm
6,453.80 7,001.67 7,583.03 8,044.08 8,664.99
Commercial and all categories
not covered in other LT 8,180.76 9,791.13 10,665.62 11,449.42 12,296.66
Temporary supply other than
Domestic and Lavish 896.85 1,015.53 1,150.13 1,302.81 1,476.03
TOTAL 67,558.34 74,143.46 80,419.17 86,897.01 94,015.19
* Considering full year’s tariff recovery at new tariff

5.21.5 Based on such assumption, the category wise revenue expected from the proposed tariff
is shown below.
Table 5-2: Expected annual deficit/(surplus) at proposed tariff (Rs. crore)
FY 2022- FY 2023- FY 2024- FY 2025- FY 2026-
23 24 25 26 27
Net Aggregate Revenue
71,940.20 74,892.14 79,517.93 83,607.70 86,086.57

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FY 2022- FY 2023- FY 2024- FY 2025- FY 2026-

23 24 25 26 27
Revenue from sale of power 59,435.56
74,143.46 80,419.17 86,897.01 94,015.19
Annual Deficit / (Surplus) 12,504.64 748.68 (901.24) (3,289.30) (7,928.61)
* Considering sales at new tariff for seven months

5.21.6 It may be noted that in the above table, revenue recovery for FY 2022-23 considers
recovery based on new tariff only for seven months of FY 2022-23, whereas revenue for
the remaining five months is based on the existing tariff.
5.21.7 The above calculation assumes annual CPI inflation of 4%. Based on the change in
inflation rate and actual sales etc., the recovery, and therefore the deficit/(surplus)
situation may change. However, the tariff is designed in such a way that the gap between
cost and revenue is rectified by FY 2025-26.


5.22.1 The average cost of supply for control period is determined as below.
Table 5-3: Average cost of supply for control period
FY 2022- FY 2023- FY 2024- FY 2025- FY 2026-
23 24 25 26 27
Net Aggregate Revenue
71,940 74,892 79,518 83,608 86,087
Requirement (Rs. crore)
Sales (MU) 86,166 89,882 93,740 97,936 102,342
Average cost of supply
8.35 8.33 8.48 8.54 8.41
5.22.2 In line with previous tariff orders, an indicative voltage wise cost of supply schedule has
been prepared, based on the methodology suggested by APTEL.
5.22.3 The Hon’ble APTEL, in its Judgment dated May 30, 2011 in Appeal No. 102, 103 and
112 of 2010 had stipulated as follows:
“34. Thus, Power Purchase Cost which is the major component of tariff
can be segregated for different voltage levels taking into account the
transmission and distribution losses, both commercial and technical, for
the relevant voltage level and upstream system. As segregated network
costs are not available, all the other costs such as Return on Equity, Interest
on Loan, depreciation, interest on working capital and O&M costs can be
pooled and apportioned equitably, on pro-rata basis, to all the voltage
levels including the appellant’s category to determine the cost of supply.
Segregating Power Purchase cost taking into account voltage-wise
transmission and distribution losses will be a major step in the right
direction for determining the actual cost of supply to various consumer

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categories. All consumer categories connected to the same voltage will

have the same cost of supply. Further, refinements in formulation for cost
of supply can be done gradually when more data is available.”

Cost of Supply (CoS) Model

5.22.4 Step 1: Segregation of overall costs
5.22.5 As per the original methodology, the total approved ARR has been split between all
generation and power purchase related expenses and network expenses. Generation and
power purchase related expenses includes cost of own generation, cost of power
purchase, transmission cost and other income for the generation function. All the
remaining expenses have been considered as network expenses.
5.22.6 Step 2: Segregation of voltage wise sales
5.22.7 The actual voltage-wise sales are considered based on the ratio of voltage-wise sales
proposed by TANGEDCO.
5.22.8 Step 3: Allocation of Technical Loss
5.22.9 In the absence of a definitive independent study on losses, the voltage-wise losses
proposed by TANGEDCO has been considered to determine the cumulative losses up to
a voltage level, which has been then applied on the voltage-wise sales to arrive at the
technical losses incurred on sales at the respective voltage level.
5.22.10 The voltage-wise technical losses considered by the Commission, only for the limited
purpose of this determination are given in the Table below. Adoption of these losses for
the limited purpose of this determination shall not be viewed as approval of the
Commission of these losses.
Table 5-4: Voltage wise technical losses considered, for determination of VCOS (%)
FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25 FY 2025-26 FY 2026-27
230 kV 0.77% 0.77% 0.77% 0.77% 0.77%
110 kV 2.34% 2.34% 2.34% 2.34% 2.34%
33 kV 0.72% 0.72% 0.72% 0.72% 0.72%
22 kV 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90% 1.90%
11 kV 1.95% 1.95% 1.95% 1.95% 1.95%
LT 6.00% 5.00% 4.00% 4.00% 4.00%
5.22.11 Step 4: Calculation of Commercial Losses
5.22.12 Based on overall losses approved by the Commission in this Order and voltage-wise
technical losses discussed in the above section, the Commission has arrived at the
commercial losses as the difference between required energy input to cover the technical
losses and overall energy input required based on overall approved loss.
5.22.13 Step 5: Allocation of Commercial Losses
5.22.14 The overall commercial losses, as derived in the above step, have been allocated among
the various voltage levels, based on the ratio of sales + technical Losses

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5.22.15 The sum of all sales and losses provides the gross energy consumption at each voltage
5.22.16 Step 6: Allocation of Costs
5.22.17 The generation and power purchase related costs have been allocated in the ratio of the
voltage-wise gross energy consumption (sales + Technical Losses + Commercial
Losses), whereas the network costs have been allocated in the ratio of sales.
5.22.18 Step 7: Determination of VCOS
5.22.19 The allocated costs derived above have been divided by corresponding sales at respective
voltage level to arrive at the VCOS, as shown in the Table below:
Table 5-5: Estimated VCOS determined by the Commission (Rs./kWh)
Voltage level FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25 FY 2025-26 FY 2026-27
230 kV 7.59 7.64 7.84 7.89 7.77
110 kV 7.74 7.78 7.98 8.04 7.92
33 kV 7.78 7.83 8.03 8.08 7.96
22 kV 7.91 7.95 8.16 8.21 8.09
11 kV 8.04 8.08 8.29 8.34 8.22
LT 8.46 8.43 8.56 8.62 8.49
Total 8.35 8.33 8.48 8.54 8.41


5.23.1 In accordance with the earlier directions given by the Hon’ble APTEL, the Commission
has computed the VCoS based on certain assumptions, as a starting point. However, due
to inaccuracy of voltage-wise distribution loss data, as discussed in the above section,
the Commission is of the view that it would not be appropriate to determine tariffs on the
basis of VCoS at this point in time, and hence, for the purpose of this Order, the
Commission has continued to compute the cross-subsidy with respect to the ACoS. The
category-wise cross subsidy with respect to ACOS as determined by the Commission is
shown in the Table in the following page.
5.23.2 It will be evident from the table that the Commission has undertaken best efforts to avoid
increasing cross subsidies.
5.23.3 The increase in cross subsidy beyond FY 2022-23 is only natural, due to the inflation
indexed energy charges. However, the Commission intends to rectify the scenario further
during the next tariff revision.
5.23.4 It is also be noted that even Average Billing Rate (ABR) for domestic category is being
gradually brought to a 20% range of Average Cost of Supply (ACOS). Even for

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agricultural tariff, it is ensured that recover is at least 50% of ACOS, though this is funded
entirely by the Govt. of Tamil Nadu.

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Table 5-6: Category wise cross subsidy approved by the Commission

FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25 FY 2025-26 FY 2026-27
X- X- X- X- X- X-
Category of Consumer Subsi ACOS ABR Subsi ACOS ABR Subsi ACOS ABR Subsi ACOS ABR Subsi ACOS ABR Subsi
dy dy dy dy dy dy

Registered factories,
IA textiles, tea estate, Software 143% 8.35 8.96 107% 8.33 9.28 111% 8.48 9.61 113% 8.54 9.96 117% 8.41 10.31 123%
Industries etc.*
Govt. Educational
IIA Institutions, Govt. Hospitals, 129% 8.35 9.73 117% 8.33 10.12 121% 8.48 10.53 124% 8.54 10.93 128% 8.41 11.39 135%
Water supply etc.*
Private Educational
IIB Institutions, Cinema 137% 8.35 10.93 131% 8.33 11.36 136% 8.48 11.81 139% 8.54 12.28 144% 8.41 12.77
Theatres & Studios* %
Commercial and all
III categories not covered in 169% 8.35 11.67 140% 8.33 12.06 145% 8.48 12.47 147% 8.54 12.87 151% 8.41 13.28 158%
other HT categories*
HT Temporary Supply for
IV construction & other 194% 8.35 15.57 187% 8.33 16.20 194% 8.48 16.85 199% 8.54 17.52 205% 8.41 18.22 217%
IA Domestic , Hand Loom etc. 60% 8.35 5.95 71% 8.33 6.19 74% 8.48 6.44 76% 8.54 6.69 78% 8.41 6.96 83%
Huts in Village panchayats,
51% 8.35 9.13 109% 8.33 9.50 114% 8.48 9.88 116% 8.54 10.27 120% 8.41 10.68 127%
LT Bulk supply for railway,
defense colonies etc.
79% 8.35 9.48 114% 8.33 9.88 119% 8.48 10.29 121% 8.54 10.73 126% 8.41 11.18 133%
ID Domestic Common Supply 8.35 8.98 108% 8.33 9.34 112% 8.48 9.71 114% 8.54 10.10 118% 8.41 10.50 125%
Public Lighting and Public
Water Supply & Sewerage
118% 8.35 9.32 112% 8.33 9.74 117% 8.48 10.17 120% 8.54 10.62 124% 8.41 11.10 132%
Government and aided
Educational Institution, 117% 8.35 11.88 142% 8.33 12.54 151% 8.48 13.24 156% 8.54 13.99 164% 8.41 10.84 129%
Government Hospitals etc.

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FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25 FY 2025-26 FY 2026-27
X- X- X- X- X- X-
Category of Consumer Subsi ACOS ABR Subsi ACOS ABR Subsi ACOS ABR Subsi ACOS ABR Subsi ACOS ABR Subsi
dy dy dy dy dy dy
IIB Private Educational
142% 8.35 13.97 167% 8.33 13.82 166% 8.48 13.73 162% 8.54 13.71 161% 8.41 13.74 163%
(2) Institution.,
Actual place of public
IIC worship, Mutts and 118% 8.35 9.62 115% 8.33 9.92 119% 8.48 10.23 121% 8.54 10.55 124% 8.41 10.88 129%
Religious Institutions
Cottage and Tiny Industries 86% 8.35 8.44 101% 8.33 8.82 106% 8.48 9.22 109% 8.54 9.64 113% 8.41 10.08 120%
Power loom etc. 103% 8.35 8.05 96% 8.33 8.39 101% 8.48 8.74 103% 8.54 9.11 107% 8.41 9.49 113%
Industries not covered under
LT Tariff IIIA(1), IIIA(2) 116% 8.35 11.05 132% 8.33 11.48 138% 8.48 11.93 141% 8.54 12.40 145% 8.41 12.88 153%
incl. IT
LT Agriculture and Govt. seed
IV farm etc.
49% 8.35 4.46 53% 8.33 4.48 54% 8.48 4.50 53% 8.54 4.42 52% 8.41 5.55 66%
Commercial and all
categories not covered in 150% 8.35 11.40 137% 8.33 13.38 161% 8.48 14.29 168% 8.54 15.04 176% 8.41 15.84 188%
other LT categories
Temporary supply other
than Domestic and Lavish 347% 8.35 32.99 395% 8.33 34.94 419% 8.48 37.01 436% 8.54 39.21 459% 8.41 41.55 494%
TOTAL 8.35 8.06 97% 8.33 8.43 101% 8.48 8.71 103% 8.54 8.96 105% 8.41 9.61 114%

* ABR for HT categories has been calculated, after adding back the estimated open access quantum, as open access consumers continue to
pay fixed cost, and don’t surrender their contract demand. This provides a more realistic picture of the ABR and cross subsidy.

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5.23.5 Previously, the Hon’ble APTEL, in its Judgment dated October 27, 2014 in Appeal No.
196 of 2013, directed the Commission to formulate the roadmap for reduction of cross-
subsidy, as reproduced below:
“ix) Road Map for reduction of Cross Subsidy:

The State Commission is directed to notify road map for reduction of cross
subsidy as per the Tariff Policy after following due process of law which
should be undertaken immediately.”

5.23.6 The Tariff Policy notified by the Govt. of India vide Gazette notification dated January
28, 2016, states that the road map for reduction of cross subsidy shall be with reference
to the average cost of supply, as reproduced below:
“8.3 Tariff design: Linkage of tariffs to cost of service

Accordingly, the following principles would be adopted:

2. For achieving the objective that the tariff progressively reflects the cost
of supply of electricity, the Appropriate Commission would notify a
roadmap such that tariffs are brought within ±20% of the average cost of
supply. The road map would also have intermediate milestones, based on
the approach of a gradual reduction in cross subsidy.” (emphasis added)

5.23.7 For the purpose of formulating a roadmap for reduction of cross subsidy, the Commission
has relied on average cost of supply in accordance with the Tariff Policy.
5.23.8 Accordingly, the cross-subsidy levels approved for FY 2022-23 have been considered as
the opening cross-subsidy level. Given the existing level of cross subsidy, it looks
difficult to reduce the cross-subsidy to +20% of the ACOS for all categories within a
short span of time, and hence, the Commission has formulated the roadmap for reduction
of cross-subsidy, considering the timeframe of seven years till FY 2029-30, as shown in
the Table below. Due to the adoption of multi-year tariff framework, interim trajectories
are not being specified, as the next tariff revision (other than the inflation based indexing)
is due only on 2027-28.
Table 5-7: Approved Cross-Subsidy Reduction Trajectory w.r.t. ACOS
2018-19 FY FY 2029-
Tariff Category of Consumer
Tariff 2022-23 30
Registered factories, textiles, tea estate, Software
IA 143% 107% 120%
Industries etc.

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2018-19 FY FY 2029-
Tariff Category of Consumer
Tariff 2022-23 30
Govt. Educational Institutions, Govt. Hospitals,
IIA 129% 117% 120%
Water supply etc.
Private Educational Institutions, Cinema
IIB 137% 131% 120%
Theatres & Studios
Commercial and all categories not covered in
III 169% 140% 130%
other HT categories
HT Temporary Supply for construction & other
IV 194% 183% 150%
IA Domestic , Hand Loom etc. 60% 71% 90%
IB* Huts in Village panchayats, TAHDCO etc. 51% 109% 90%
LT Bulk supply for railway, defense colonies
IC 79% 114% 120%
ID Domestic Common Supply 108% 120%
Public Lighting and Public Water Supply &
IIA 118% 112% 120%
IIB Government and aided Educational Institution,
117% 142% 130%
(1) Government Hospitals etc.
Private Educational Institution., 142% 167% 130%
Actual place of public worship, Mutts and
IIC 118% 115% 130%
Religious Institutions
Cottage and Tiny Industries 86% 101% 110%
Power loom etc. 103% 96% 110%
Industries not covered under L.T.Tariff IIIA(1),
III B 116% 132% 120%
IIIA(2) incl. IT
LT IV Agriculture and Govt. seed farm etc. 49% 53% 100%
Commercial and all categories not covered in
LT V 150% 137% 130%
other LT categories
Temporary supply other than Domestic and
LT VI 347% 304% 150%
Lavish illuminations
TOTAL 96% 100%


5.24.1 TANGEDCO has proposed the following wheeling charges, after apportioning the
computed total wire network cost to various voltage levels (i.e., HT and LT) in the ratio
of sales at respective voltage levels as shown in Table below.
Table 5-8: Wheeling charge proposed by TANGEDCO for FY 2022-23

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Network Wheeling Wheeling Wheeling

Sales % of
Particulars Cost (Rs. Cost (Rs. Charge for charge for
(Mus) Sales
Crore) Crore) FY 2021-22 FY 2022-23

HT Levels 11,360.86 17,157.84 21.25% 2,413.69 1.41 1.52

LT Levels 2,004.86 63,601.28 78.75% 10,952.02 1.72 1.86

Total 13,365.71 80,759.12 100.00% 13,365.71

5.24.2 TANGEDCO has also proposed an inflation indexed mechanism for wheeling charges
beyond FY 2022-23:
“per prevailing tariff * (1+CPI of May of respective financial year – CPI
of May of previous financial year)/ (CPI of May of previous financial year)
Or 6% whichever is less.”

Commission’s views

5.24.3 Wheeling charge for FY 2021-22 cannot be redetermined in a retrospective manner. The
Commission has proceeded with the determination of wheeling charge from FY 2022-23
5.24.4 Even though TANGEDCO has proposed a Consumer Price Index (CPI) based indexing
mechanism for wheeling charge, the Commission notes that even for the future years of
control period, there is adequate information of components used in the wheeling charge
determination methodology, to compute the applicable wheeling charge for each of the
5.24.5 Therefore, the Commission prefers to continue with determination of wheeling charge as
per the approved ARR.
5.24.6 The approved ARR for distribution is used to compute the wheeling ARR, based on the
following allocation matrix, as specified by the Commission in its TNERC (Terms and
Conditions for Determination of Tariff) Regulations, 2005 (amendment dated May 26,
Table 5-9: Allocation Matrix for Allocation of Segregation of Accounts between Wires and
Supply Business
Particulars Distribution Wire Business Retail Supply Business
(%) (%)
Power Purchase Expenses 0% 100%
Inter-State Transmission Charges 0% 100%
Intra-State Transmission Charges 0% 100%
Operation & Maintenance Expenses 65% 35%
Depreciation 90% 10%
Interest on Long-term Loan Capital 90% 10%
Interest on Working Capital 10% 90%

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Interest on Consumer Security

10% 90%
Income Tax 90% 10%
Return on Equity 90% 10%
Other Expenses 90% 10%
Non-Tariff Income 10% 90%
5.24.7 Based on the above allocation, the network cost for distribution wire business is
computed as below.
Table 5-10: Approved network cost for wire business
FY 2022- FY 2023- FY 2024- FY 2025- FY 2026-
23 24 25 26 27
Power Purchase
- - - - -
Inter-State Transmission
- - - - -
Intra-State Transmission
- - - - -
Operation &
6,486.49 6,935.75 7,415.17 7,839.32 8,287.73
Maintenance Expenses
Depreciation 1,427.08 1,645.51 1,853.64 2,084.80 2,169.70
Interest on Long-term
4,147.13 4,485.90 4,880.39 4,936.06 4,848.10
Loan Capital
Interest on Working
0.57 1.45 5.49 8.15 6.94
Interest on Consumer
- - - - -
Security Deposits
Income Tax - - - - -
Return on Equity - - - - -
Other Expenses - - - - -
Non-Tariff Income 211.36 261.22 271.30 281.95 293.22
Total 11,849.92 12,807.39 13,883.39 14,586.37 15,019.24
5.24.8 For splitting the costs to HT and LT, TANGEDCO has proposed a ratio of 85:15.
However, the Commission has already approved a HT:LT cost ratio of 70:30 as part of
the Order No. 8 of 2021 dated 22-10-2021 (Generic Tariff Order for Grid Interactive PV
Solar Energy Generating System). The Commission deems to adopt this ratio for the
future years of control period also.
5.24.9 After splitting the costs considering HT:LT ratio of 70:30, the costs are divided
considering the HT:LT sales, and after considering the total proportionate costs at each
level and energy handled at each level, the wheeling charges for HT and LT levels, for
each of the years are approved as below.
Table 5-11: Approved wheeling charges for the period from FY 2022-23 to FY 2026-27
FY 2022- FY 2023- FY 2024- FY 2025- FY 2026-
Particulars Unit
23 24 25 26 27
Apportioned network cost

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FY 2022- FY 2023- FY 2024- FY 2025- FY 2026-

Particulars Unit
23 24 25 26 27
HT Rs. crore 8,294.94 8,965.17 9,718.38 10,210.46 10,513.47
LT Rs. crore 3,554.97 3,842.22 4,165.02 4,375.91 4,505.77
Total Rs. crore 11,849.92 12,807.39 13,883.39 14,586.37 15,019.24
HT Sales ratio 19.81% 19.92% 20.03% 20.11% 20.18%
network cost Rs. crore 1,643.37 1,785.42 1,946.26 2,052.82 2,121.87
for HT
network cost Rs. crore 10,206.55 11,021.97 11,937.13 12,533.55 12,897.37
for LT
Energy sent through
HT MU 17,071.00 17,900.00 18,773.00 19,690.00 20,655.00
LT MU 69,095.30 71,981.56 74,967.11 78,245.53 81,686.52
Total MU 86,166.30 89,881.56 93,740.11 97,935.53 102,341.52
Wheeling Charges
HT Rs./kWh 0.96 1.00 1.04 1.04 1.03
LT Rs./kWh 1.48 1.53 1.59 1.60 1.58
Overall 1.38 1.42 1.48 1.49 1.47


5.25.1 The applicable losses for Open Access transactions, depending on the voltage of injection
and drawal are given in the Table below, in line with the previous order of the
Commission in R.P.No.4 of 2017 dated 13 March 2018:
Table 5-12: Applicable losses for Open Access transactions for FY 2022-23 onwards
Injection Applicable losses for
Drawal Voltage
Voltage Open
(kV) Access transactions (%)
230 0.77%
110 2.34%
33 3.06%
230 22 4.24%
11 4.29%
230 2.34%
110 3.91%
33 4.63%
22 5.81%
11 5.86%
230 3.06%
110 4.63%
33 33 5.35%

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Injection Applicable losses for

Drawal Voltage
Voltage Open
(kV) Access transactions (%)
22 6.53%
11 6.58%
230 4.24%
110 5.81%
33 6.53%
22 7.71%
11 7.76%
230 4.29%
110 5.86%
33 6.58%
11 22 7.76%
11 7.81%


5.26.1 TANGEDCO has proposed the following cross subsidy surcharge:
Table 5-13: Proposed cross subsidy surcharge
Category Tariff
Rs./kWh Rs./kWh Rs./kWh Rs./kWh Rs./kWh Rs./kWh
Industries IA 11.66 6.86 7.41 1.52 0.00 2.33
Railway Traction IB 10.51 6.86 7.41 1.52 0.00 2.10
Govt./ Recognized
Education Institutions. IIA 9.51 6.86 7.41 1.52 0.00 1.90
Private educational
IIB 11.38 6.86 7.41 1.52 0.00 2.28
Commercial III 13.74 6.86 7.41 1.52 0.00 2.75
Lift Irrigation IV 12.30 6.86 7.41 1.52 0.00 2.46
HT Temporary V 16.55 6.86 7.41 1.52 0.00 3.31

Commission’s analysis

5.26.2 The EA 2003 stipulates the surcharge recoverable by the Distribution Licensee for
allowing open access. The relevant extract of the provisions to Section 42 (2) of the
Electricity Act 2003 is reproduced below:
“Provided that such Open Access shall be allowed on payment of a
surcharge in addition to the charges for wheeling as may be determined
by the State Commission

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Provided further that such surcharge shall be utilized to meet the

requirements of current level of cross-subsidy within the area of supply of
the distribution licensee” (emphasis added)
5.26.3 Regulation 3 of the TNERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff)
Regulations, 2005 specifies as under:
“3. Power to determine Tariff

(1) Under Section 62 of the Act, the Commission shall determine tariff and
terms and conditions therefor in the following cases:


(vi) Surcharge payable by the consumer who is allowed open access in

addition to the charges for wheeling under the first proviso to subsection
(2) of section 42 of the Act and in accordance with the TNERC Open Access
Regulations.” (emphasis added)
5.26.4 The Commission has determined the Cross-Subsidy Surcharge (CSS) for in accordance
with the formula prescribed by the Tariff Policy, 2016, as reproduced below:
“Surcharge formula:

S= T – [C/ (1-L/100) + D+ R]


S is the surcharge

T is the tariff payable by the relevant category of consumers, including

reflecting the Renewable Purchase Obligation

C is the per unit weighted average cost of power purchase by the

Licensee, including meeting the Renewable Purchase Obligation

D is the aggregate of transmission, distribution and wheeling charge

applicable to the relevant voltage level

L is the aggregate of transmission, distribution and commercial losses,

expressed as a percentage applicable to the relevant voltage level

R is the per unit cost of carrying regulatory assets.”

5.26.5 Category-wise tariff payable has been considered based on sales and revenue projected
for the relevant periods. Weighted average cost of power purchase has been determined
based on total power purchase quantum and cost determined for the corresponding
periods. The losses considered are as per the proposal of TANGEDCO for the
determination of CSS. The value of R has been determined based on projected sales. As
no past gaps have been allowed to be passed through, the value of R has been considered
as zero.

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Table 5-14: Values of various components considered by the Commission

Particulars FY 2022-23
Loss at HT 7.46%

5.26.6 It may be reiterated that while the above loss is taken for the calculation of CSS, it shall
not be viewed as approval of these losses in general by the Commission. A separate
exercise backed up by technical studies is preferred, which the licensee may undertake.
5.26.7 Based on the above, the category-wise CSS for FY 2022-23 as determined by the
Commission is shown in the table below:
Table 5-15: Approved CSS for FY 2022-23

Particulars (1-L%)

Rs./kWh Rs./kWh Rs./kWh Rs./kWh Rs./kWh Rs./kWh

HT Sales
HT IA: HT-Industry 8.96 5.07 5.48 0.96 1.79
HT IIA: Govt. educational institute 9.73 5.07 5.48 0.96 1.95
HT IIB: Pvt Educational Institute 10.93 5.07 5.48 0.96 2.19
HT III - HT commercial 11.67 5.07 5.48 0.96 2.33
HT V - Temporary Supply 15.57 5.07 5.48 0.96 3.11
Note: The CSS is capped at 20% of the Tariff as per Tariff Policy formula

5.26.8 Even though TANGEDCO has proposed a Consumer Price Index (CPI) based indexing
mechanism for CSS, the Commission notes that even for the future years of control
period, there is adequate information of components used in the CSS formula as
prescribed in the Tariff Policy, to compute the applicable CSS for each of the years.
5.27 Therefore, the Commission prefers to continue with the formula specified in Tariff
Policy. The ABR, C, L and D values are as per the approved numbers for the
corresponding years.
Table 5-16: Approved CSS for FY 2023-24

Particulars (1-L%)

Rs./kWh Rs./kWh Rs./kWh Rs./kWh Rs./kWh Rs./kWh

HT Sales

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Particulars (1-L%)

Rs./kWh Rs./kWh Rs./kWh Rs./kWh Rs./kWh Rs./kWh

HT IA: HT-Industry 9.28 5.01 5.41 1.00 1.86
HT IIA: Govt. educational institute 10.12 5.01 5.41 1.00 2.02
HT IIB: Pvt Educational Institute 11.36 5.01 5.41 1.00 2.27
HT III - HT commercial 12.06 5.01 5.41 1.00 2.41
HT V - Temporary Supply 16.20 5.01 5.41 1.00 3.24
Note: The CSS is capped at 20% of the Tariff as per Tariff Policy formula

Table 5-17: Approved CSS for FY 2024-25

Particulars (1-L%)

Rs./kWh Rs./kWh Rs./kWh Rs./kWh Rs./kWh Rs./kWh

HT Sales
HT IA: HT-Industry 9.61 5.00 5.40 1.04 1.92
HT IIA: Govt. educational institute 10.53 5.00 5.40 1.04 2.11
HT IIB: Pvt Educational Institute 11.81 5.00 5.40 1.04 2.36
HT III - HT commercial 12.47 5.00 5.40 1.04 2.49
HT V - Temporary Supply 16.85 5.00 5.40 1.04 3.37
Note: The CSS is capped at 20% of the Tariff as per Tariff Policy formula

Table 5-18: Approved CSS for FY 2025-26

Particulars (1-L%)

Rs./kWh Rs./kWh Rs./kWh Rs./kWh Rs./kWh Rs./kWh

HT Sales
HT IA: HT-Industry 9.96 4.98 5.38 1.04 1.99
HT IIA: Govt. educational institute 10.93 4.98 5.38 1.04 2.19
HT IIB: Pvt Educational Institute 12.28 4.98 5.38 1.04 2.46
HT III - HT commercial 12.87 4.98 5.38 1.04 2.57
HT V - Temporary Supply 17.52 4.98 5.38 1.04 3.50
Note: The CSS is capped at 20% of the Tariff as per Tariff Policy formula

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Table 5-19: Approved CSS for FY 2026-27

Particulars (1-L%)

Rs./kWh Rs./kWh Rs./kWh Rs./kWh Rs./kWh Rs./kWh

HT Sales
HT IA: HT-Industry 10.31 4.85 5.24 1.03 2.06
HT IIA: Govt. educational institute 11.39 4.85 5.24 1.03 2.28
HT IIB: Pvt Educational Institute 12.77 4.85 5.24 1.03 2.55
HT III - HT commercial 13.28 4.85 5.24 1.03 2.66
HT V - Temporary Supply 18.22 4.85 5.24 1.03 3.64
Note: The CSS is capped at 20% of the Tariff as per Tariff Policy formula


5.28.1 TANGEDCO submitted that they shall charge the Additional Surcharge based on the
Order and filing separate petitions for every six months as per the Directions of Hon’ble
5.28.2 The Commission concurs with the same, as the same is in line with existing adopted


5.29.1 The provisions relating to Grid Availability Charges and standby power supply
arrangements have been kept the same as that was provided in the Tariff Order dated 11
August 2017.
5.29.2 As already clarified in the Order dated December 11, 2014, the Grid Availability Charges
shall be levied for the following conditions:
• In case of outages of generator supplying to an Open Access consumer
• For start-up power by generator
• When the generator as per schedule is not maintained and when the drawal by the
open access consumer is in excess of the schedule.

5.29.3 The Grid Availability Charges for Open Access consumers shall be applicable as under:
1) Scheduling of all transactions pursuant to grant of long-term open access or medium-
term open access or short-term open access shall be carried out on day ahead basis
in accordance with the relevant provisions of IEGC/CERC Open Access

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Regulations for inter-State transactions and in accordance with State Grid

Code/Commission’s Regulations / orders for intra-State transactions.
2) Deviations between the schedule and the actual injection/drawal in respect of an
open access customer who is not a consumer of the distribution licensee and the
Generating Stations, shall come under the purview of the intra-state ABT, as notified
by the Commission and shall be settled based on the composite accounts for
imbalance transactions issued by SLDC on a weekly cycle in accordance with the
UI charges specified by the Commission. Billing, collection and disbursement of
any amounts under the above transactions shall be in accordance with the
Commission’s orders on Intra-state ABT, as may be applicable from time to time.
Till the implementation of Intra-State ABT, the imbalance charge shall be at the rate
of applicable temporary supply tariff.
3) In case of deviation by Open Access Customer who is also a consumer of
distribution licensee, the difference between the applicable scheduled open access
load and actual drawl shall be accounted Block wise and shall be settled in
accordance with the following:
a. The energy consumption of such customer shall be recorded in 15 minutes
time block.

b. Deviations between the schedule and the actual injection/drawal shall come
under the purview of the intra-state ABT, as notified by the Commission and
shall be settled based on the composite accounts for imbalance transactions
issued by SLDC on a weekly cycle in accordance with the UI charges specified
by the Commission. Billing, collection and disbursement of any amounts
under the above transactions shall be in accordance with the Commission’s
orders on Intra-state ABT, as may be applicable from time to time. Till the
implementation of Intra-State ABT, the imbalance charge shall be regulated
as below:

i. In case of actual energy/demand drawal is more than the scheduled

energy/demand but within the permitted energy/demand (based on
contracted load and energy or quota demand and energy as applicable),
customer shall be liable to pay for such over drawal at the applicable tariff
rates of that category of consumer as determined by the Commission from
time to time.
ii. In case of actual energy/demand drawal is more than the scheduled
energy/demand drawal and also more than the permitted energy/demand
(based on contracted load and energy or quota demand and energy as
applicable), payment for the capacity above the contract demand shall have

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to be made at the excess demand/energy charges as specified by the

Commission for such categories of customers in the Regulations/Order.

5.29.4 Further, in the Order dated 31.07.2017 in I.A. No. 1 of 2015 in M.P. No. 10 of 2015 and
M.P. No.10 of 2015, the Commission has clarified as under:
“6.8. This Commission accordingly clarifies that in case of outage of
generator supplying to an open access consumer, the open access
consumer is liable to pay the grid support charges at the applicable tariff
rates of that category of Consumer considering it as deviation from the
5.29.5 The Parallel Operation Charges shall be collected only from the captive generators on
the net capacity, i.e., the capacity being utilised for self-consumption, for extending the
facility of grid support.
5.29.6 The dispensation for Start-up power has already been elaborated separately in earlier
sections of this Order.


5.30.1 Under the below mentioned provisions of the Electricity Act 2003, the State Commission
is authorized by the powers enabling it to differentiate the tariff for any categories
consumers based on its total consumption during any specified period at which the supply
is required.
“62. Determination of Tariff

xxxx xxxx

(3) The Appropriate Commission shall not, while determining the tariff
under this Act, show undue preference to any consumer of electricity but
may differentiate according to the consumer's load factor, power factor,
voltage, total consumption of electricity during any specified period or the
time at which the supply is required or the geographical position of any
area, the nature of supply and the purpose for which the supply is

5.30.2 In addition to the above, to maintain the load curve in the limit, many directions have
been issued by the Ministry of Power under its Policy directives for introduction of Time
of Day (ToD) tariff among the consumers.
5.30.3 Studying the report on ToD furnished by the Licensee, the Commission directed the
Licensee to analyse the hourly consumption patterns of all HT consumer categories based
on ABT metering data. To ensure the cost of energy paid by the consumer at any point
of time reflects the true cost of supply, TANGEDCO was asked to submit a
comprehensive proposal to modify/upgrade the ToD tariff dispensation.

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5.30.4 On analysing the Annual Load Duration curve and Daily Load curve for each month
during FY 2015-16, the Commission approved to levy the peak charges at 20% extra for
power consumption during peak hours from 06.00 hrs to 09.00 hrs and 18.00 hrs to 21.00
hrs and a rebate of 5% on energy charges consumption during off-peak hours from 22.00
hrs to 05.00 hrs for HT – IA category consumers. The commission was not inclined to
approve the request of the Licensee for levying of peak hour charges during 21.00 hrs to
22.00 hrs. As the data furnished by the Licensee was not sufficient at that time,
TANGEDCO was directed to study in detail based on ABT metering data and furnish the
report with the next Tariff petition.
5.30.5 TANGEDCO has submitted its ToD report to the Commission on 13.10.2020. The report
has taken the data relating to the period CY2017 and CY2018. In its report, it has
recommended to levy Additional Energy charges at 25% extra for the consumption
during Morning peak hours (06.30 to 10.30 hrs) and Evening Peak hours (18.00 to 22.00
hrs.). Proposed for ToD tariff for peak and off peak to determine for two different seasons
viz., Season 1 – March to July and Season 2 August to February. And also recommended
to levy ToD tariff for all HT categories (except Railways and Temporary), LT
commercial (for consumer having load above 25 hp) and LT Industrial consumers
(having load above 25 hp).
5.30.6 Taking into account of the above Report, TANGEDCO has proposed for change in peak
hours as discussed above to levy 25% additional energy charges; and also prayed to levy
25% of Energy charges for 20% of total consumption until installation of ToD meters.
5.30.7 In this connection, Commission has received many comments/objections for change in
Peak hours and on levy of 25% peak hour ToD tariff for LT IIB1, LT IIB2, LT IIIB and
LT V categories.
5.30.8 TANGEDCO’s report dealt with the data based on CY 2017 and CY2018; in addition,
the Commission decided to go with the latest data. Accordingly, the latest data viz.,
Demand & IEX price for the Financial Year 2021-22 was obtained from the
TANGEDCO, and based on that the following findings have been arrived by the

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5.30.9 The average demand curve for the FY 2021-22 is as below:

Average Demand

8000.00 Time
Avg Demand



5.30.10 The Average price curve based on IEX data is as below:

5.30.11 The following graph shows the average price of power Rs./MWhr traded during the
Financial Year 2021-22. The average price curve depicts of the start of price increase
from 06.00 hours of the day and its lasts upto 10.00 hours of the day








00:00 - 00:15

17:00 - 17:15
01:00 - 01:15
02:00 - 02:15
03:00 - 03:15
04:00 - 04:15
05:00 - 05:15
06:00 - 06:15
07:00 - 07:15
08:00 - 08:15
09:00 - 09:15
10:00 - 10:15
11:00 - 11:15
12:00 - 12:15
13:00 - 13:15
14:00 - 14:15
15:00 - 15:15
16:00 - 16:15

18:00 - 18:15
19:00 - 19:15
20:00 - 20:15
21:00 - 21:15
22:00 - 22:15
23:00 - 23:15


5.30.12 From the Average price trend during 2021-22, it is found that Price increase starts at
06.00 hours (Rs.3962/MWhr) and it lasts upto 10.00 hrs (Rs.4188/MWhr) of the day.
Likewise, in evening, the Price increase starts at 18.00 hrs (Rs.5196/MWhr) and it lasts

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upto 22.00 hrs (Rs.5457/MWhr) of the day. The Price ups and downs in the Market are
clearly seen from the above graph.
5.30.13 As the Renewable export is huge during the daytime, which is to be compulsorily taken
into the Grid, TANGEDCO may not immediately commence their generation during
evening peak hour alone. The infirm nature of the Renewable power create pressure on
the Licensee to purchase the power from Exchanges to meet its immediate requirement
during every slump down of generation by Renewable power. In view of this, power
purchase from the IEX has considerably increased and hence TANGEDCO has to be
compensated for such higher cost incurred by it.
5.30.14 Moreover, it is mandatory as guided by the Tariff Policy 2016 to introduce time
differentiated tariff for the recovery of Cost. As per the mandates under the Aatma
Nirbhar Bharat Scheme, clear Roadmap has been created for introduction of Time of Day
based tariff for more number of categories, and the Licensees are granted scores and
ranked based on its compliance. Hence, it is the need of time to introduce ToD tariff
according to the Peak demand and price fluctuation.
5.30.15 Study report discussed on slot wise consumption and proportion of consumption in
various HT categories and in LT category. Though it is based on 2017 & 2018, the
consumption pattern has not changed much. The report wherein it has shown the demand
increase in Peak hours, likewise, on the other side the LT category cannot be left out
since it is the major consumer of electricity from the TANGEDCO. Hence, we take into
consideration of introduction of ToD in LT categories too. While the demand peaks
during the 06.00 hrs to 10.00 hrs and 18.00 hrs to 22.00 hrs. of the day, the support of
Renewable power main solar becomes very meagre, at the same time the prices of
electricity in the Exchanges goes up. Hence the recovery of such additional cost borne
by the licensee is reasonable from the consumers who consumes power at that duration
of time.
5.30.16 It is necessary on the part of the Licensee to recover the peak hour cost from the
consumers concerned, though it has sufficient measuring mechanism of peak hours&
night hours consumption in HT services, which are also AMR based meters, it has less
infrastructure for measuring these consumption in LT categories. Hence, it is proposed
to levy a proportionate energy charges for peak hours consumption in LT categories until
the TANGEDCO is fully equipped to measure the Peak hours / night hours consumption
through their meters by re-programming of Meters. Considering the 8 hours peak
demand, the proportionate (8/24 = 33.33 % of consumption has to be considered as Peak
hour consumption and to be billed at additional 25% on Energy charges. Likewise,
according to power price, Night hour rebate also to be considered separately for LT
category, during which 5% rebate is normally allowed for HT consumers. Balancing the
both, the Commission allows the Licensee to charge the 20% of total consumption of
Units (kWhr) at the additional charges of 25% of the energy charges.

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5.30.17 In view of all the above, the Commission wants to impose ToD charges only to LT –
IIIB and LT – V of LT category and HT-I and HT-III of HT category.
5.30.18 As proposed in the earlier paragraphs, the LT category consumers (LT-IIIB & V) will be
charged additionally by 25% of energy charges on 20% of total consumption until
installation of the ToD meter in the Service. However, if any consumer is of the opinion
that his/her consumption is not in line with the proposition of peak energy considered at
20% of total consumption, a specific request may be given to the TANGEDCO for
installation of ToD meter / reprogrammed ToD meter in his/her service for measuring
the actual consumption during Peak hours, and after installation of the ToD meter, the
billing has to be done by the TANGEDCO accordingly to levy 25% additional energy
charges. On receipt of the specific request from the consumer for fixation of
reprogrammed ToD meter, TANGEDCO has to respond for such request by way of
fixing of ToD meter within a period of 15 days; in case the meter is not available, the
consumer may be permitted to procure and supply the meter.
5.30.19 TANGEDCO is directed to take swift action to reprogramme the meters for
implementation of ToD in HT/LT categories since the compliance of ToD tariff in
various categories is mandatory for scoring/ranking of the Licensee under the Aathma
Nirbar Bharat Scheme. In this connection, TANGEDCO is directed to furnish its progress
report every quarter to the Commission.

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6.1.1 General Provisions applicable for High Tension Supply Categories of supply: The categories of supply are as specified in the Tamil Nadu
Electricity Distribution Code and Tamil Nadu Electricity Supply Code. The HT tariff
specified for different categories of HT consumers are also applicable to the consumers
who are supplied at EHT level in accordance with above said Codes. Current Harmonic control:
a. The CEA has amended the (Technical Standards for Connectivity to the Grid),
Regulation 2007 vide (Technical standards for connectivity to the Grid)
(Amendment) Regulations 2019, mandating compliance of IEEE 519-2014
standards in regard to limit of Harmonics, methodology of measurement of
Harmonics and other related matters.
b. The CEA has also amended the (Technical Standards for Connectivity of the
Distributed Generation Resources) Regulations, 2013 vide (Technical Standards
for Connectivity of the Distributed Generation Resources) Regulations, 2019,
substituting the words “Connectivity below 33kilovolts” in place of
“Connectivity of the Distributed Generation Resources” applicable to the
generating companies or persons owning distributed generation resources,
charging stations, prosumers or persons who are connected to or seeking
connectivity with the electrical system below 33kV voltage level, mandating
harmonic control in accordance with IEEE519-2014.
c. In order to comply with the provisions of above CEA Regulations, the
Commission has already initiated due actions to make necessary amendments
in Tamil Nadu Electricity Supply Code stipulating harmonic limits,
Methodology of measurements, Meter standards, measures for non-compliance
etc., to be followed by the consumers/ prosumers/charging stations to control
harmonic pollution in the grid and ensure quality of supply to consumers.
d. The same shall come into effect on notification. In case of supply under HT Tariff, except for HT Lift irrigation under Tariff II (A) and
Temporary supply HT Tariff-IV supply used for creating facilities for the compliance of
Acts/Laws or for the facilities incidental to the main purpose of the establishment of the
consumer, such as facilities extended to their employees/students/patients/residents as
the case may be, within the premises of the consumer, shall be considered to be

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bonafide purpose, irrespective of whether they are outsourced to a third party or provided
by the consumer himself. Also, the consumption for ancillary to the main purpose such
as storage of Raw material, finished product, etc., shall be considered to be bonafide
purpose for which the supply of electricity is authorised. However, if such facilities are
extended to the public, or if part/full premises are leased/rented out to a commercial
service provider like food outlets present in food court, which provide service in their
own name, the energy consumption to such facilities shall be metered by the Licensee
separately and only the energy charged under appropriate LT tariff. Such metered energy
consumption shall be deducted from the total energy consumption registered in the main
meter of the HT/EHT supply for billing. In case of supply under HT Tariff I, II (A), II(B), III the use of electricity for residential
quarters, within the premises, shall be metered separately by the Licensee at single point
of supply, if opted by the consumer and only the energy so consumed shall be charged
under LT Tariff IC. Such metered consumption shall be deducted from the total
consumption registered in the main meter of the HT/EHT supply for billing. In case of HT supply under I, II(A), II(B), III the supply used for any additional
construction of building within the consumer’s premises not exceeding 2000 square feet
may be allowed from the existing service and charged under the existing tariff. The use
of electricity for the additional construction beyond 2000 square feet and lavish
illumination (as defined under LT tariff VI) shall be metered separately by the licensee
and only the energy shall be charged under LT Tariff VI. Such metered energy
consumption shall be deducted from the total consumption registered in the main meter
of the HT/EHT supply for billing Low Power Factor Compensation: In respect of High-Tension service connections the
average power factor of the consumers installation shall not be less than 0.90. Where the
average power factor of High-Tension service connection is less than the stipulated limit
of 0.90, the following compensation charges will be levied.

Particulars Power Factor compensation charges

Below 0.90 and up to One percent of the current consumption charges for
0.85 every reduction of 0.01 in power factor from 0.90

Below 0.85 to 0.75 One and half percent of the current consumption charges
for every reduction of 0.01 in power factor from 0.90

Below 0.75 Two percent of the current consumption charges for

reduction of 0.01 in power factor from 0.90

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Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (TANGEDCO) True-Up, ARR and Tariff Order, 2022 Billable Demand: In case of HT Consumers, maximum Demand Charges for any month
will be levied on the kVA demand actually recorded in that month or 90% of the
contracted demand, whichever is higher.
Provided that whenever the restriction and control measures are in force, the billable
demand in case of two-part tariff for any month will be the actual recorded maximum
demand or 90% of demand quota, as fixed from time to time through restriction and
control measures, whichever is higher. In case of all HT consumers, the integration period for arriving at the maximum demand
in a month will be fifteen minutes. All HT consumers except HT Lift Irrigation, HT V (EV PCS) and Temporary supply
shall be billed at 25% extra for FY 2022-23 to FY 2026-27 on the energy charges for the
energy recorded during peak hours. The duration of peak hours shall be morning
6.00A.M to 10.00 A.M and evening 6.00 P.M to 10.00 P.M. All HT consumers except HT Lift Irrigation, HT V (EV PCS) and Temporary supply
shall be allowed a reduction of 5% on the energy charges for the consumption recorded
during 10.00 P.M to 5.00 A.M as an incentive for night consumption. In case of supply under HT Tariff I, II(A), II(B), III, the use of electricity for captive
charging of own electrical vehicle, within the premises can be charged in existing tariff. In case of supply under HT Tariff I, II(A), II(B), III of renewable energy with necessary
RE certificate by specific request from Consumer can be charged at 110% of approved
tariff. The applicable tariff for ensuing years of control period may be as per prevailing tariff x
(1+(CPI of April of respective financial year – CPI of April of previous financial year)/
CPI of April of previous financial year) or 6% whichever is lower) with effect from 1st
July of respective financial year. Electricity Duty/Tax on Electricity shall be levied in addition to the tariffs approved
by the Commission, and in accordance with the Government of Tamil Nadu stipulations
from time to time. The rate and the reference number of the Government Resolution/
Order under which the Electricity Duty/Tax on Electricity are applied shall be stated in
the consumers’ energy bills. A copy of such Resolution / Order shall be provided on the
Distribution Licensee’s website.

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6.1.2 High Tension Tariff I: (Industries, Factories, Information Technology

For FY 2022-23

FY 2022-23
(Commission Determined Tariff)
Tariff category
Demand Charge in Energy charge in Paise
Rs./kVA/month per kWh (Unit)
High Tension Tariff I 550 675

For FY 2023-24 to FY 2026-27

The applicable tariff (both fixed and energy charge) for FY 2022-23 shall undergo an
inflation based adjustment, as per para The revision will be effective from 01 st
July of each of the subsequent years of the control period. This Tariff is applicable to:

i. All manufacturing and industrial establishments and registered factories
ii. This tariff is also applicable for Tea Estates, Textiles, Fertilizer Plants, Steel
Plants, Heavy Water Plants, Chemical plants, Industrial Workshops, Private Milk
dairies, Rice Mills, Roller Flour Mills, News Papers Printing Press, Ice & Ice-
cream manufacturing units, Tennaries, Hatcheries, Poultry Farm, Floriculture,
Poly House / Green House, Hybrid Seeds processing units, Centralised
preparation units of Food / sweets / bakery shops (provided sales counter is
physically & electrically segregated & billed under respective HT-III/LT-V
category), Packaging Units, Drug manufacturing units, Garment manufacturing
units, Tyre retreading units, petroleum pipeline projects, Piggery farms,
Analytical Lab for analysis of ore metals, Saw Mills, Toy/wood industries,
Satellite communication centres, Mineral water processing plants attached with
drinking water, Mineral water bottling plants and Solid Waste Processing Plant,
concrete mixture (Ready Mix Concrete) units, Cutting of larger pipes and sheets
into smaller one, Pumping of Oil and Gas units, RO plants Sea/hard water
conversion done by Private / on behalf of CMWSS Board under Design Build and
Operate (DBO), Tamil Nadu State Transport Corporation repair and Workshop
and maintenance, Sericulture, Floriculture, Horticulture, Mushroom cultivation,
cattle farming, Poultry & Bird farming and Fish/prawn/shrimp culture, Battery
charging units.
iii. Common effluent treatment plants, Industrial estate’s water treatment/ supply
iv. Cold storage units;

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v. This tariff is also applicable to the Research & Development Centre/Lab attached
therein to the activities mentioned under (i) to (iv) above. This tariff is also applicable to Information Technology services as defined in the ICT
Policy 2008 of Government of Tamil Nadu. The definition is reproduced below:
“IT services are broadly defined as systems integration, processing
services, information services outsourcing, packaged software support
and installation, hardware support and installation.”

Information Technology Services includes:

(i) Systems integration includes:
a. Network Management Services
b. Applications Integration
(ii) Processing services includes:
a. Outsourced Services in Banking, HR, finance, Technology and
other areas like Data Centres.
b. Outsourced Back office support or Business transformation and
Process Consulting Services.
(iii)Information Services Outsourcing includes:
a. Outsourced Global Information Support Services
b. Knowledge Process Outsourcing
c. Outsourced Global Contact Centre Operations
d. Outsourced Process Consulting Services.
(iv) Packaged Software Support and Installation includes:
a. Software Design and Development, Support and Maintenance
b. Application installation, support and maintenance
c. Application testing.
(v) Hardware Support and Installation includes:
a. Technical and network operations support
b. Hardware installation, administration and management
c. Hardware infrastructure maintenance and support This tariff is also applicable to Aeronautical services provided by the Airports under
Airports Authority of India. The Non-Aeronautical services provided shall be categorised
under HT III / LT V Commercial / Miscellaneous category.

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Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (TANGEDCO) True-Up, ARR and Tariff Order, 2022 This tariff is also applicable to start-up power provided to generators. The generators are
eligible to get start-up power under this tariff after declaration of CoD. The demand shall
be limited to 10% of the highest capacity of the generating unit of the generating station
or the percentage auxiliary consumption as specified in the TNERC (Terms and
Conditions for Determination of Tariff) Regulations, 2005, whichever is less. As the
generator is paying the MD charges for the entire year, the restriction on the days of
usage is removed. The restriction on number of days as specified in TN Grid Code will
be applicable only when demand equated energy charge is fixed by the Commission.

6.1.3 High Tension Tariff II (A): (Government Educational Institutions/

Hospitals, Railway Traction, CMRL, Lift Irrigation societies, etc.,)
For FY 2022-23

FY 2022-23
(Commission Determined Tariff)
Tariff category
Demand Charge in Energy charge in Paise
Rs./kVA/month per kWh (Unit)
High Tension Tariff II
550 700

For FY 2023-24 to FY 2026-27

The applicable tariff (both fixed and energy charge) for FY 2022-23 shall undergo an
inflation based adjustment, as per para The revision will be effective from 01 st
July of each of the subsequent years of the control period. This tariff is applicable for the following services under the control of Central/State
Governments / Local Bodies/ TWAD Board/ CMWSSB:
(i) Educational institutions including government aided educational institutions
and Hostels.
(ii) Establishments of Ministry of Defence and CRPF (viz., Teaching &
Training Institutes, Hostels, Mess, Residential colonies, office, etc.,)
(iii) Hospitals, Primary Health Centres and Health Sub-Centres, Veterinary
Hospitals, Leprosy Centres and Sub-Centres.
(iv) Public Water Works and sewerage works and Desalination plants.
(v) Central Prisons and other Prisons of the State Government.
(vi) Public Lighting and Electric crematorium, cemetery, burial grounds of all
(vii) Public Libraries, Art Galleries and Museums.
(viii) Research Laboratories and institutions

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(ix) Dairy units

(x) Stadiums maintained by Government / Local Bodies This tariff is also applicable to the following:
(i) Residential colonies and Housing complexes, Senior citizen communities and
its common supply used for common lighting, water supply, lift.
(ii) Hospitals and Rehabilitation Centres, Rehabilitation and Training Centres, Old
Age Homes and Orphanages run by Private/Charitable trusts which offer
totally free treatment/services for all categories of patients/inmates on par with
Government hospitals and institutions.
(iii) Desalination plant at Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant and Minjur
Desalination plant of Chennai Water Desalination Ltd., Water Supply Works
by new Tirupur Area Development Corporation as long as they supply
drinking water predominantly to local bodies/public.
(iv) Single point supply to Cooperative group housing society and for the
residential purpose of the employees as specified in “The Electricity (Removal
of difficulties) Eighth Order 2005”.
(v) Actual places of public worship as defined under the Places of Worship
(Special Provisions) Act 1991 viz., Temple, Mosque, Gurudwara, Church,
Monastery or any other place of Public religious worship of any religious
denomination or any section thereof, by whatever name called. This tariff is also applicable to:
a) Railway traction of Indian/Southern Railways, Metro Railways, MRTS
b) All the connected loads of CMRL. Loads other than CMRL like ATM, Kiosks,
stalls, hotels, etc. which are operated by third parties of private agencies shall
be separately metered and charged under applicable LT miscellaneous
category and the above consumption shall be deducted from the total energy
consumption recorded in the main meter at the CMRL’s point of supply. This tariff is applicable to Lift Irrigation Societies for Agriculture registered under Co-
operative Societies Act or under any other Act. (To be fully subsided by Government.
Details attached in Annexure VI) Hospitals accredited by ‘National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Health care
providers’ (NABH) situated in Rural areas (Village / Town Panchayats)

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6.1.4 High Tension Tariff II (B): (Private Educational Institutions & its
hostels, segregated Medical colleges)
For FY 2022-23

FY 2022-23
(Commission Determined Tariff)
Tariff category
Demand Charge in Energy charge in Paise
Rs./kVA/month per kWh (Unit)
High Tension Tariff II
550 750

For FY 2023-24 to FY 2026-27

The applicable tariff (both fixed and energy charge) for FY 2022-23 shall undergo an
inflation based adjustment, as per para The revision will be effective from 01st
July of each of the subsequent years of the control period. This tariff is applicable to

i. All Private educational institutions and hostels run by them.

ii. All Private Medical colleges and hostels which are physically & electrically
segregated from Private Hospitals, within same premises.

6.1.5 High Tension Tariff III: (Miscellaneous categories)

For FY 2022-23

FY 2022-23
(Commission Determined Tariff)
Tariff category
Demand Charge in Energy charge in Paise
Rs./kVA/month per kWh (Unit)

High Tension Tariff III 550 850

For FY 2023-24 to FY 2026-27

The applicable tariff (both fixed and energy charge) for FY 2022-23 shall undergo an
inflation based adjustment, as per para The revision will be effective from 01st
July of each of the subsequent years of the control period. This tariff is applicable to Commercial Complexes/Malls/Business premises, Super

market/Departmental stores, Cinema theatres/Multiplex, Private hospitals, Hotels,
Restaurants, Private Guest Houses, Boarding-Lodging Homes, All

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Government/Private/Local body offices, Banks, Telephone Exchanges, T.V. Station, All

India Radio, Railway Stations, MRTS stations, Transport Corporation bus stations,
Private bus stations, LPG bottling plants, Stadiums other than those maintained by
Government and Local Bodies, Petrol / Diesel and Oil storage plants, Oil / Petroleum
projects, Petrol/Gas bunks, Diagnostic/scan centres, Marriage halls, convention centres,
Service Stations / Garages, Tyre vulcanizing centres, Gym / Fitness centres, Race Course,
Clubs, Amusement Parks, Centralised preparation unit of food with Sales counter/ selling
activity , Yoga / Meditation centres, Ashrams, Mutts, Air Port (other than Aeronautical
activities), Private hospitals and all other categories of consumers and usages not covered
under High Tension Tariff I, II (A), II(B), and IV. In respect of Marriage Hall/Convention centre, commercial establishment 5% extra on
the energy charges for the entire consumption will be collected as a component of lavish
illumination on usage. For the installations where a separate service connection is
available for the exclusive purpose of lavish illumination, this 5% extra charges shall not
be applicable. The status of usage of lavish illumination shall be assessed and recorded
on regular interval.

6.1.6 High Tension Tariff IV: (Construction activities and other temporary

For FY 2022-23

FY 2022-23
(Commission Determined Tariff)
Tariff category
Demand Charge in Energy charge in Paise
Rs./kVA/month per kWh (Unit)
High Tension Tariff IV 550 1200

For FY 2023-24 to FY 2026-27

The applicable tariff (both fixed and energy charge) for FY 2022-23 shall undergo an
inflation based adjustment, as per para The revision will be effective from 01 st
July of each of the subsequent years of the control period. This tariff is applicable to Temporary supply for construction of buildings

,construction using steel structure, pre-engineered metal building and for other temporary
purposes. Viz., Exhibition, Circus, Meetings of Political parties, Festivals and any other
temporary purposes.
(i) For this category of supply, the initial/in-principle approval for such
construction or to conduct such temporary activity obtained by the applicant from
the appropriate authority, wherever necessary, is adequate to effect the supply.

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(ii) In case of conversion of temporary supply into applicable permanent supply, the
same shall be done subject to compliance of codes/ regulations/ orders.

6.1.7 High Tension Tariff V (Public EV Charging Stations) This tariff is applicable for the Public Electric Vehicle Charging Station including
Battery swapping station for Electric vehicle. Energy recorded during following hours of time slot shall be billed at corresponding
charges mentioned against each:

For FY 2022-23

FY 2022-23
Tariff (Commission Determined Tariff)
category Energy charge in Demand Charge
Time slot in hours
Paise per kWh(Unit) in Rs./kVA/month
05.00 to 10.00 1000
10.00 to 14.00 800
Tension 14.00 to 18.00 1000 550
Tariff V
18.00 to 23.00 1200
23.00 to 05.00 800

For FY 2023-24 to FY 2026-27

The applicable tariff (both fixed and energy charge) for FY 2022-23 shall undergo an
inflation based adjustment, as per para The revision will be effective from 01 st
July of each of the subsequent years of the control period. In case the consumer uses the supply for charging his own electric vehicle at his
premises, the tariff applicable shall be as per the category of such premises. The services effected for Public charging stations shall mandatorily be effected with
Smart meters. The time slot and rate shall be revisited depending upon the emerging scenario and Govt
policies on the EV Charging Station.


6.2.1 General Provisions applicable for Low Tension Supply:
a. The consumption for ancillary to the main purpose such as storage of Raw
material, finished product, etc., shall be considered to be bona fide purpose for
which the supply of electricity is authorised.

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b. All motors / pump sets connected in this category of supply shall be certified /
Approved by BIS / BEE and motors / pump sets of 3 HP and above shall be
provided with adequate BIS certified capacitors. Non-compliance shall invite
compensation charges as specified in the Codes/regulations.

c. In case of LT Tariff III-B and LT Tariff V, all services with a connected load
of 18.6 kW (25 HP) and above should maintain a power factor of not less than
0.85. Where the average power factor of above Low Tension Service
connections is less than the stipulated limit of 0.85 the following compensation
charges will be levied.

Power Factor Dispensation of Power Factor compensation

Below 0.85 and up to One percent of the current consumption charges for
0.75 every reduction of 0.01 in power factor from 0.85.

One and half percent of the current consumption

Below 0.75 charges for every reduction of 0.01 in power factor
from 0.85

d. In case of LT Tariff II-B(1), LT Tariff II-B(2),LT Tariff III-B and LT Tariff

V, shall be billed at 25% extra on the energy charges for the energy recorded
during peak hours and a reduction of 5% on the energy charges for the
consumption recorded during 10.00 P.M to 5.00 A.M as an incentive for night

e. This 25% extra on the energy charges may be collected for 20% of total
consumption until installation of ToD meters. The duration of peak hours shall
be 6.00 A.M to 10.00 A.M and 6.00 P.M to 10.00 P.M.

f. In case of any consumer being particular about fixing the TOD meter in lieu of
extra Peak hour charges, TANGEDCO shall fix the meter within 15 days /
permit the consumer to procure and supply the meter on his own.

g. In the event of disconnection of services, the consumers shall be liable to pay

the fixed charges applicable for the respective category during the
disconnection period.

h. In case of LT tariff ID ,II-B(1), II-B(2) , IIC, IIIA 1, IIIA2, IIIB, V ,VI and VII
the fixed charges shall be calculated on the basis of the contracted demand.

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The monthly fixed charges shall be calculated on the basis of per kW or part

i. Supply to welding sets shall be charged 15% extra irrespective of category and

j. Supply used for any additional construction of building not exceeding 2000
square feet within the consumer’s premises shall be charged under the
respective existing tariff except in case of LT tariff I-B and IV. The use of
electricity for the additional construction purposes beyond 2000 square feet
shall be provided with a separate service connection by the licensee and
charged under LT Tariff VI.

k. In case of supply under LT Tariff II-B(1), Tariff II-B(2), III-B, supply used for
creating facilities for the compliance of Acts/Laws or for the facilities
incidental to the main purpose of the establishment of the consumer, such as
facilities extended to their employees/ students/ patients/ residents as the case
may be, within the premises of the consumer, shall be considered to be
bona fide purpose, irrespective of whether they are outsourced to a third party
or provided by the consumer himself. However, if such facilities are extended
to the public, or if part/full premises are leased/rented out to a commercial
service provider like food outlets present in food court, which provide service
in their own name, the energy consumption to such facilities shall be
metered by the licensee separately and only the energy charged under
appropriate LT tariff. Such metered energy consumption shall be deducted from
the total energy consumption registered in the main meter of the LT supply for

l. In case of supply except LT Tariff IB, IV and VI the use of electricity for
captive charging of electrical vehicle , within the premises can be charged in
existing tariff.

m. The applicable tariff for ensuing years of control period may be as per
prevailing tariff x (1+(CPI of April of respective financial year – CPI of April
of previous financial year)/ CPI of April of previous financial year) or 6%
whichever is lower) with effect from 1st July of respective financial year.

n. Electricity Duty/Tax on Electricity shall be levied in addition to the tariffs

approved by the Commission, and in accordance with the Government of Tamil
Nadu stipulations from time to time. The rate and the reference number of the

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Government Resolution/ Order under which the Electricity Duty/Tax on

Electricity are applied shall be stated in the consumers’ energy bills. A copy of
such Resolution / Order shall be provided on the Distribution Licensee’s

6.2.2 Low Tension Tariff I-A : (Domestic, Multi-tenements, Old age homes,

For FY 2022-23

FY 2022-23
( Commission Determined Tariff )
Consumption slabs charges Energy
Tariff Range in kWh (units) and billing period (one or (Rupees charges in
two months per kW per paise/kWh
Low From 0 to 200 units per month or 0-400 units for two
Nil 450
Tension months
Tariff IA
From 201 units to 250 units per month or 401 units to
Nil 600
500 units for two months
From 251 units to 300 units per month or 501 units to
Nil 800
600 units for two months
From 301 units to 400 units per month or 601 units to
Nil 900
800 units for two months
From 401 units to 500 units per month or 801 units to
Nil 1000
1000 units for two months
From 501 units and above per month or 1001 units
Nil 1100
and above for two months
*To be partly subsidised by the Government

For FY 2023-24 to FY 2026-27

The applicable tariff (both fixed and energy charge) for FY 2022-23 shall undergo an
inflation based adjustment, as per para 6.2.1.m. The revision will be effective from 01st
July of each of the subsequent years of the control period. This tariff is applicable to the following:

(a) Dwelling purposes of lights, fans, Air conditioners, TV, and all other home appliances.
“Dwelling Unit “ means an independent housing unit of residential purpose with separate
facilities for living, cooking and may be a part of a building.

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Only one service connection is permissible in an independent floor/dwelling unit with

permanent physical and electrical segregation. If more than one service co exists already,
only one service is eligible to be retained under classification of this tariff. The balance
number of services shall be converted to tariff ID and charged accordingly.

The independent status of floor/dwelling unit with permanent physical /electrical

segregation as specified in TNE Distribution Code can be very well inspected and
confirmed onsite inspection. In case such independent status is not evident and clear to
the inspecting officer, the rental / lease agreement may be insisted. In case of same family
members, separate family cards may be insisted in lieu of rental/ lease agreement.

(b) Usage of an independent dwelling unit as clubbed accommodation by students/employees/

bachelors for residential purpose, not exceeding six persons, without name board.

(c) Supply used in the dwelling unit/house/residence/premises for the following purpose with
a total contracted load not exceeding 2 kW.

(i) To provide lighting, water and other facilities to domestic animals/pets

including chaff cutting, milking etc.

(ii) Watering for gardening including growing of trees in and around

residential houses/buildings.

(d) Handlooms in residences of handloom weavers and handlooms in sheds regardless of use
of outside labour where energy is availed only for lighting, fans and all other residential

(e) Old Age Homes, Leprosy Centres & sub centres, Orphanages, Homes for destitute run by
Government/Local bodies/Charitable institution/ Trust rendering free services.

(f) Consulting rooms of size limited to 200 square feet of any professionals attached to
the residence of such professionals. viz., Doctors, Lawyers, Auditors, Engineers, Interior
decorators, Technical consultants, Architect. This facility is extended exclusively to take
advantage of using the residence by the professionals.

(g) Handicraft/Artisan works carried out by Potters, Goldsmiths, Musician, Dancers, Statue
carving, saree folding, chain hooking, Towel folding/knotting, chair wiring, Bamboo
works, etc. attached to the residence, done predominantly by self or family members
(or) minimum labours and Tuitions/Yoga classes taken at the residence, preparation and
supply of foods using a connected load not exceeding 2 kW. This facility is extended

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exclusively to take advantage of utilizing the space in and around the residence and
participation of family members in the small scale production / self-employment.

(h) Any additional lights, serial lights, etc. used in the pandals/ shamiana and in the premises
of the existing domestic/residential service connection of the consumer for a period not
exceeding one week at a time, with a connected load not exceeding 3 kW for the family

(i) Public libraries and libraries running free of cost and area limited to 200 sq. feet without

(j) Police quarters with separate service connection for each residential quarters where
Electricity charges are borne by individual residents.

6.2.3 Low Tension Tariff I-B: ( Huts )

For FY 2022-23

FY 2022-23
(Commission Determined Tariff)
Description Energy charge
category Fixed Charge
in Paise per
(Rs. Per month)
Till installation of
300 Nil
Low Tension Energy Meter
Tariff I-B On Installation of
Nil 913
Energy Meter
*Category to be fully subsidised by the Government

For FY 2023-24 to FY 2026-27

The applicable tariff (both fixed and energy charge) for FY 2022-23 shall undergo an
inflation based adjustment, as per para 6.2.1.m. The revision will be effective from 01st
July of each of the subsequent years of the control period. This tariff is applicable to huts in Village Panchayats and Town Panchayats, houses
constructed under Jawahar Velai Vaiippu Thittam, TAHDCO Kamarajar Adi Dravidar
housing schemes, huts in Nilgiris District and huts with concrete wall in the schemes of
State and Central Governments. This tariff is applicable subject to following conditions:
(i) Hut means a living place not exceeding 250 square feet area with mud wall and
the thatched roof / tiles / asbestos / metal sheets like corrugated G.I. sheets for

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roofing/ concrete Roof and concrete wall with specification of square feet as
approved in the schemes of State/ Central Government.

(ii) Only one light not exceeding 40 watts shall be permitted per hut.

(iii) As and when the Government provides other appliances such as Colour TV, fan,
Mixie, Grinder and Laptops to these hut dwellers, the usage of appropriate
additional load may be permitted. Whenever the norms prescribed in (i) to (iii) above is violated, the service category shall
be immediately brought under Low Tension Tariff I-A and billed accordingly.

6.2.4 Low Tension Tariff I-C: (Bulk supply with single point metering )
For FY 2022-23

FY 2022-23
(Commission Determined Tariff)
Tariff category
Fixed Charge (Rupees per Energy charge in Paise per
month) kWh (Unit)
Low Tension
100 800
Tariff I-C

For FY 2023-24 to FY 2026-27

The applicable tariff (both fixed and energy charge) for FY 2022-23 shall undergo an
inflation based adjustment, as per para 6.2.1.m. The revision will be effective from 01st
July of each of the subsequent years of the control period. This tariff is applicable to single point LT bulk supply for residential colonies of
employees such as railway colonies, plantation worker colonies, defence colonies,
Residential quarters of Kudankulam Nuclear power project etc. The energy charge of this tariff is also applicable for the HT/EHT consumers who opt
for extending supply under this category for their residential colonies / quarters.

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6.2.5 Low Tension Tariff I D: (Common facilities in Multi-tenements)

For FY 2022-23

FY 2022-23
(Commission Determined Tariff)
Tariff category
Fixed Charge (Rupees Energy charge in
per kW per month) Paise per kWh (Unit)

Low Tension
100 800
Tariff I D

For FY 2023-24 to FY 2026-27

The applicable tariff (both fixed and energy charge) for FY 2022-23 shall undergo an
inflation based adjustment, as per para 6.2.1.m. The revision will be effective from 01st
July of each of the subsequent years of the control period. This tariff is applicable to common lighting, water supply, lift provided to the residents,
Sewerage treatment plant, Water treatment plant, Fire Hydrant facility, Gym, Swimming
pool, CCTV camera, Community hall, amphitheatre, etc., for the purpose of residents
only , with separate service connections. In respect of multi tenements/multi-storey flats/residential complexes having both
domestic and non-domestic utilities, common facilities such as common lighting,
common water supply, lift will be charged under this tariff only if the non-residential
built up area does not exceed 25% of the total built up area. If it exceeds 25 % , the
consumption for such facilities shall be charged under LT Tariff V.

6.2.6 Low Tension Tariff II-A: (Public Lighting, Water supply provided by
Govt./Local bodies)
For FY 2022-23

FY 2022-23
(Commission Determined Tariff)
Tariff category
Fixed Charge (Rupees per Energy charge in
kW per month) Paise per kWh (Unit)
Low Tension
100 800
Tariff II-A

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For FY 2023-24 to FY 2026-27

The applicable tariff (both fixed and energy charge) for FY 2022-23 shall undergo an
inflation based adjustment, as per para 6.2.1.m. The revision will be effective from 01st
July of each of the subsequent years of the control period. This tariff is applicable to Public Lighting/High Mass lights by Government/Local

Bodies and Public Water Supply & Public Sewerage System by Government/Local
Bodies /TWAD Board/CMWSSB. Private agriculture wells & private wells hired by Government/ Local bodies/ CMWSSB/
TWAD Board/ to draw water for public distribution. Public Water Supply by New Tirupur Area Development Corporation as long as they
supply drinking water predominantly to local bodies/public and Public Water Supply in
plantation colonies. Separate service connections for streetlights for SIDCO and other Industrial Estates. Supply to Railway level crossing signals, Gateman shed. Public conveniences and Integrated woman sanitary Complexes. Community Nutrition Centres, Anganwadi Centres and Nutritious Meal Centres. Crematorium, burial ground and cemetery of all religions. (irrespective of its
maintenance by Govt. / Private) Parks, Swimming pools, Stadiums of Government / Local Bodies with free entry, water
fountains of local bodies Traffic signals, CCTV camera – installed by Government Department / Local bodies.

6.2.7 Low Tension Tariff II-B (1): (Government Educational Institutions its
Hostel, Govt. Hospital, Other hospitals rendering totally free service)
For FY 2022-23

FY 2022-23
(Commission Determined Tariff)
Tariff category Slab
Fixed Charge (Rupees Energy charge in Paise
per kW per month) per kWh (Unit)

0-50kW 100 800

Low Tension
Above 50-112 kW 325 800
Tariff II-B (1)
Above 112 kW 550 800

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For FY 2023-24 to FY 2026-27

The applicable tariff (both fixed and energy charge) for FY 2022-23 shall undergo an
inflation based adjustment, as per para 6.2.1.m. The revision will be effective from 01st
July of each of the subsequent years of the control period. This tariff is applicable to the following entities owned or aided by the
Government/Government Agencies/Local Bodies:
(i) Educational/Welfare institutions and Hostels run by such institutions, other Hostels,
Youth/Student Hostels and Scouts camps.

(ii) Hospitals, Dispensaries, Primary Health Centres & sub-centres and Veterinary

(iii) Central Prisons and other Prisons of the State Government.

(iv) Research Laboratories/Institute.

(v) Elephant Health camp

(vi) State Legal Udhavi Maiyam.

(vii) Art Galleries and Museums.

(viii) Public libraries (area exceeding 200 Sq. feet.) This tariff is applicable to the following entities which offer totally free services:
(i) Dispensaries, Creches and Recreation centres.

(ii) Libraries area exceeding 200 sq. Feet.

(iii) Emergency Accident Relief Centres on highways, Hospitals and Rehabilitation

Centres for mentally ill & blind and others, Terminal Cancer Care Centre and Hospital
in Tribal areas.

(iv) Institutes run for/by the physically challenged. (Institute/Hostel run for disabled
person run for free of cost service)

(v) Rehabilitation and Training centres.

(vi) Student Hostel.

(vii) Blood Banks.

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6.2.8 Low Tension Tariff II-B (2): (Private Educational Institutions/Hostel,

Segregated Private Medical college)
For FY 2022-23

FY 2022-23
(Commission Determined Tariff)
category Fixed Charge Energy charge in
(Rupees per kW Paise per kWh
per month) (Unit)

0-50kW 100 850

Low Tension Above 50-112 kW
325 850
Tariff II-B (2)
Above 112 kW 550 850

For FY 2023-24 to FY 2026-27

The applicable tariff (both fixed and energy charge) for FY 2022-23 shall undergo an
inflation based adjustment, as per para 6.2.1.m. The revision will be effective from 01st
July of each of the subsequent years of the control period. This tariff is applicable to Private educational institutions and hostels run by them. This tariff is also applicable to all private medical colleges and hostels which are
physically & electrically segregated from Hospital within same premises.

6.2.9 Low Tension Tariff II-C: (Actual places of Public worship)

For 2022-23

FY 2022-23
(Commission Determined Tariff)
Tariff category Description Fixed Charge Energy charge
(Rupees per kW in Paise per
per month) kWh

0 to 60 units per month or 100 575

0 to 120 units bimonthly

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FY 2022-23
(Commission Determined Tariff)
Tariff category Description Fixed Charge Energy charge
(Rupees per kW in Paise per
per month) kWh

Low Tension Above 60 units per Month 700

Tariff II-C* or above 120 units
*Category to be partly subsidised by the Government

For FY 2023-24 to FY 2026-27

The applicable tariff (both fixed and energy charge) for FY 2022-23 shall undergo an
inflation based adjustment, as per para 6.2.1.m. The revision will be effective from 01st
July of each of the subsequent years of the control period. This tariff is applicable to actual places of public worship including Trichy Rockfort
temple, its environs and for the road and pathways leading to the temple. Actual places of public worship is as defined under the Places of Worship (Special
Provisions) Act 1991 viz., Temple, Mosque, Gurudwara, Church, Monastery or any other
place of Public religious worship of any religious denomination or any section thereof,
by whatever name called. The existing concessions to the places of worship as already notified by GoTN having
annual income less than Rs. 1000 shall be continued under the same terms and conditions,
until further Order of the Commission.

6.2.10 Low Tension Tariff III-A (1): (Cottage & Micro Industries)
For FY 2022-23

FY 2022-23
(Commission Determined Tariff)
Tariff category Description (Proposed)
Fixed Charge
Energy charge in
(Rupees per kW
Paise per kWh
per month)

0 to 250 units per month or 0 to

Low Tension 500 units bimonthly
Tariff III-A (1) From 251 units and above
units per month or 501 units 650
and above bimonthly

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For FY 2023-24 to FY 2026-27

The applicable tariff (both fixed and energy charge) for FY 2022-23 shall undergo an
inflation based adjustment, as per para 6.2.1.m. The revision will be effective from 01st
July of each of the subsequent years of the control period. The contracted load for supply under this tariff category shall not exceed 12 kW. This tariff is applicable to Cottage industries, Micro enterprises engaged in the
manufacture or production of goods pertaining to any industries specified in the first
schedule to Industries (Development and Regulations) Act 1951 (Central Act 65 of 1951)
and enterprises engaged in manufacturing or production of goods as categorised under
MSMED Act 2006 The intending consumers applying for service connection under LT Tariff III A (1)
claiming to have established the micro enterprise engaged in the manufacture or
production of goods shall produce the Udayam Registration certificates from the
industrial department / District Industries Centre under the Micro Small and Medium
Enterprises Development Act, 2006 (Act 27 of 2006) for setting up of Micro Enterprises
for manufacture or production of goods with District Industries Centre under whose
jurisdiction the Enterprise is located. The existing consumers who are classified under LT Tariff III A (1) based on the SSI /
Tiny Industries Certificate will be continued to be charged under this tariff . This tariff is applicable to Air jet looms, Auto looms, Small Gem cutting units, Waste
land development, Ironing/ laundry works and Common effluent treatment plants. This tariff is also applicable to Coffee grinding, Ice factory, Vehicle Body building units,
sawmills, rice mills, flour Mills, battery charging units and Dairy units. This tariff is also applicable for sericulture, floriculture, horticulture, mushroom
cultivation, cattle farming, poultry & bird farming and fish/prawn culture. This tariff is also applicable for pumping of water/supply of water for the purpose of
“agriculture and allied activities” as specified in LT Tariff IV provided that the applicant
who had applied for agricultural service connection in LT Tariff IV under normal
category is unable to get supply under LT tariff IV under Normal category as per the
seniority maintained in Normal Category specifically for the purpose of providing supply
to Agriculture under LT tariff IV. As and when such applicant becomes eligible to get
regular supply in Normal Category under LT Tariff IV as per the specific seniority
maintained for that purpose by the Licensee, the supply obtained under LT Tariff III-
A(1) for the specific purpose mentioned in this sub clause shall be converted into LT
tariff IV. Thereafter, the terms and conditions of LT Tariff IV only will apply. This tariff is not eligible for any category other than normal category including for those
who have changed from Normal to other categories.

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Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (TANGEDCO) True-Up, ARR and Tariff Order, 2022 After getting the Service in LT-IIIA1, the category cannot be changed from normal
category to other category. Necessary undertaking shall be obtained from the applicant in this regard. The load/demand applied for IIIA1 must be equal to the load originally applied for
agricultural service under normal category. The ceiling limit of 12 kW allied with tariff IIIA1 for Industrial purpose is not
applicable to this category. If the contracted demand is exceeded , excess demand
charges shall be levied. The Udayam Registration Certificate from MSME/DIC is applicable to agricultural
allied activities and hence shall not be insisted.

6.2.11 Low Tension Tariff III-A (2): (Power looms)

For FY 2022-23

FY 2022-23
(Commission Determined Tariff)
Consumption slabs– Range
Tariff Fixed Charges
in kWh and billing period Energy Charges in
(Rupees per kW per
Paise per kWh
Low (i) For consumer who consume up to 250 units per month(or) 500 units for
Tension two months
Tariff 0 to250 units per month or 0 to
100 650
III-A(2) 500 units bimonthly
(ii)For consumers who consume 251 units and above per month (or) 501
units and above for two months
0 to 250 units per month or
0 to 500 units bimonthly
251 to 500 units per month or
100 750
501 to 1000 units bimonthly
501 to750 units per month or
1001 to 1500 unit bimonthly
*Category to be subsidised by the Government.

For FY 2023-24 to FY 2026-27

The applicable tariff (both fixed and energy charge) for FY 2022-23 shall undergo an
inflation based adjustment, as per para 6.2.1.m. The revision will be effective from 01st
July of each of the subsequent years of the control period. The contracted load shall not exceed 12 kW under this category. The tariff is applicable to Power looms, Braided Cords Manufacturing and related
ancillary tiny industries engaged in warping, twisting, and winding.

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6.2.12 Low Tension Tariff III-B: (Industries, Information Technology

For FY 2022-23

FY 2022-23
(Commission Determined Tariff)
Tariff category Slabs
Fixed Charge Energy charge in Paise
(Rs./kW/month) per kWh (Unit)
0-50kW 75
Low Tension Above 50-112kW 150 750
Tariff III-B
Above 112 kW 550

For FY 2023-24 to FY 2026-27

The applicable tariff (both fixed and energy charge) for FY 2022-23 shall undergo an
inflation based adjustment, as per para 6.2.1.m. The revision will be effective from 01st
July of each of the subsequent years of the control period. This tariff is applicable to all industries not covered under LT Tariff III A (1) and III-A
(2). All industries covered under LT III A(1) and III A(2) shall also fall under this tariff
category if the connected load of such services exceed 12 kW. This tariff is applicable to Information Technology services as defined in the ICT Policy
2008 of Government of Tamil Nadu and amended from time to time. The definition is
reproduced below:
“IT services are broadly defined as systems integration, processing
services, information services outsourcing, packaged software support
and installation, hardware support and installation.” Information Technology Services includes:

(i) Systems integration includes:

1. Network Management Services

2. Applications Integration

(ii) Processing services includes:

1. Outsourced Services in Banking, HR, finance, Technology and other areas like Data

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2. Outsourced Back office support or Business transformation and Process

Consulting Services.

(iii) Information Services Outsourcing includes:

1. Outsourced Global Information Support Services

2. Knowledge Process Outsourcing

3. Outsourced Global Contact Centre Operations

4. Outsourced Process Consulting Services.

(iv) Packaged Software Support and Installation includes:

1. Software Design and Development, Support and Maintenance

2. Application installation, support and maintenance

3. Application testing.

(v) Hardware Support and Installation includes:

1. Technical and network operations support

2. Hardware installation, administration and management

3. Hardware infrastructure maintenance and support The intending consumers applying for service connection under LT Tariff III B shall
produce Udyam Registration Certificate from the Industrial Department/District
Industries Centre. This tariff is also applicable to Industrial installation units with loads of Heating &
Motive power (including lighting) installations of industrial Units, Poultry /Bird Farms,
Sugarcane Crushers, Coffee Pulping, Coffee Roasting and Grinding Works, Cardamom
drying, Mushroom raising installations, Flour, Huller & Rice Mills, Oil mill, sugar mill,
Sago industry, Tannaries industries, Battery charging unit, Tyre retreading unit,
Packaging, Cutting of larger size of materials into smaller size, Coir manufacturing, Wet
Grinders, Milk dairies, Air jet looms, Auto looms, Bulk Ice Cream and Ice
manufacturing Units, Cold Storage Plants, Bakery Product Manufacturing Units, Drug
manufacturing units and Testing laboratories, Printing Presses, Garment manufacturing
units, Bulk Milk vending Booths, Saw Mills, Toy/wood industries, furniture
manufacturing, Agarbathi manufacturing units, Gem & Diamond cutting Units,
Floriculture, Green House, Biotech Labs, Data Centres, Hybrid seed processing units,

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Satellite communication centres, Mineral water processing plants / drinking water

bottling plants and private Solid Waste Processing Plant Silk / Cotton colour dying,
Piggery farms, Gold / Silver ornament manufacturing units, Centralised food preparation
units (if sales counter is physically & electrically segregated), concrete mixture (Ready
Mix Concrete) units, brick manufacturing.

6.2.13 Low Tension Tariff IV: (Agriculture and allied activities)

For FY 2022-23

FY 2022-23
(Commission Determined Tariff)
Tariff category Description
Fixed Charge (Rs./HP Energy charge in Paise
Annum) per kWh
Till installation of Energy
3550 Nil
Low Tension Meter
Tariff IV On Installation of Energy
Nil 446
*Category to be fully subsidised by the Government

For FY 2023-24 to FY 2026-27

The applicable tariff (both fixed and energy charge) for FY 2022-23 shall undergo an
inflation based adjustment, as per para 6.2.1.m. The revision will be effective from 01st
July of each of the subsequent years of the control period. This tariff is applicable for pumping of water/supply of water to all agricultural and allied
activities such as cultivation of food crops, vegetables, and trees. Sericulture, floriculture,
horticulture, mushroom cultivation, cattle farming, poultry and other bird farming,
fish/prawn culture carried out as allied activities of agriculture along with agriculture
activities, etc., shall be construed as agricultural activities. The services under this tariff shall be permitted to have lighting loads up to 50 watts per
1000 watts of contracted load subject to a maximum of 150 watts inclusive of
wattage of pilot lamps for bonafide use. Subject to the limit of contracted load, the supply under this category can be utilised for
allied agricultural uses such as milking, sugar cane crushing, harvesting, stalk/chaff
cutting, thrashing and cleaning of agricultural produces, power operated shredder ,
mechanised uncoiring of coconut, crane used for lifting mud/silt from well, etc., by
having a changeover switch .The changeover switch is meant for using the supply
either for the pump set or for any one or more of the purposes mentioned in this clause.
Using supply both to the pump sets and to the other purpose(s) at the same time is strictly
prohibited. The consumer shall abide by the safety norms for any additional wiring for
this purpose.

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Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (TANGEDCO) True-Up, ARR and Tariff Order, 2022 This tariff is applicable irrespective of ownership of land if the usage of electricity is for
agriculture and its allied activities. Agricultural consumers shall be permitted to use the water pumped from the well for
bonafide domestic purposes in the farmhouse including for construction of farmhouse
and sheds for allied works by pumping water directly from well/borewell to the overhead
tanks in the farmhouse. Supply for other purpose exceeding the limit permitted for lighting purpose shall be
provided only by separate service connections under appropriate LT Tariff. Service
connections for water pumping for non-agricultural purpose under appropriate tariff is
permitted in the same well. This Tariff is applicable to pump sets of Tamil Nadu Agriculture University and Research
centres, Government Seed Farms, pump sets of Tamil Nadu Forest department, Pump
sets of Government coconut nurseries, Pump sets of Government oil seed farms. Pumping and purifying of drainage water for the purpose of agriculture use.

6.2.14 Low Tension Tariff V: (Miscellaneous/General purpose)

For FY 2022-23

FY 2022-23
(Commission Determined Tariff)
Tariff Consumption slabs– Range in
category kWh and billing period Fixed Charge
Energy charge in Paise
(Rupees per kW
per kWh
per month)
For consumer with
consumption 50 units per 100 600
month or 100 units bimonthly
For consumers with
Low consumption above 50 units
Tension monthly or above 100 units 100 950
Tariff V bimonthly(for all units)
0-50 kW
Above 50-112kW 300 950
Above 112kW 550 950
For FY 2023-24 to FY 2026-27
The applicable tariff (both fixed and energy charge) for FY 2022-23 shall undergo an
inflation based adjustment, as per para 6.2.1.m. The revision will be effective from 01st
July of each of the subsequent years of the control period. This tariff is applicable to Commercial Complexes, Malls, Super market / Departmental
stores, Cinema theatres / Multiplex, Hotels, Private Hospitals, Private Health clinics,

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Private Guest Houses, Boarding-Lodging Homes, All Government/Private/Local body

offices, Police stations, Banks, Telephone Exchanges, T.V. Station, All India Radio,
Railway Stations, MRTS stations, Transport Corporation bus stations, Private bus
stations, Stadiums other than those maintained by Government and Local Bodies, Petrol
/ Diesel and Oil storage plants, Oil Petroleum projects, Petrol/Gas bunks, Diagnostic
centres, Marriage halls, Service Stations / Garages, Tyre vulcanizing centres, Gym /
Fitness centres, Race Course, Clubs, Recreation centres, Commercial Lighting, Heating
and Motive Power installations of Clinics, X-Ray units, Scan Centres, Blood test centres,
Yoga / Meditation centres, Ashrams, Mutts, Shops, Bars, Mess, Telecom towers, Dish
Antenna of Cable TV networks, Public Telephone Booths/ STD, ISD, Stud Farms, Ice
Cream Parlours, Computer Centres, Photo Studio / Colour Laboratory, Photo Copiers
(Xerox shop), Post Offices, Sweet /Bakery shops, Beauty Parlours, Internet Browsing
centres, Home Stay / Service apartment, Paying guests accommodation provided in an
independent / exclusive premises, Centralised food preparation units with Sales counter,
Consultation offices of Lawyers, Auditors, Doctors & other professionals’ consulting
room of more than 200 square feet in residences , Accommodation for labour/ staff of
any establishment involved in commercial/ industrial/ construction activities and
consumers not categorized under LT IA, IB, ID,IC, IIA, IIB (1), II B (2), IIC, IIIA (I),
III A (2), IIIB, IV and VI(2) and VI. In respect of Marriage Hall /Convention centre and commercial establishment where
lavish illumination is used 5% extra on the energy charges for the entire consumption
will be collected as a component of lavish illumination on usage. For the installations
where a separate service connection is available for the exclusive purpose of lavish
illumination, this 5% extra charges shall not be applicable. The status of lavish
illumination shall be inspected and recorded on regular interval. In respect of multi tenements/multi-storeyed buildings/residential complexes where the
number of flats/Tenements utilized for commercial and other purposes exceeds 25% of
the total built up area, the LT services relating to common utilities such as common
lighting, water supply, lift and other facilities shall be charged under this tariff.

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6.2.15 Low Tension Tariff VI: (Construction activities and Temporary

For FY 2022-23

FY 2022-23
(Commission Determined Tariff)
Tariff category
Energy charge in Paise
Fixed Charge (Rs./kW/month)
per kWh(Unit)
Low Tension
550 1200
Tariff VI

For FY 2023-24 to FY 2026-27

The applicable tariff (both fixed and energy charge) for FY 2022-23 shall undergo an
inflation based adjustment, as per para 6.2.1.m. The revision will be effective from 01st
July of each of the subsequent years of the control period. This tariff is applicable to Temporary supply for construction of infrastructures

such as buildings, bridges, construction using steel structure, pre-engineered metal
building etc., and for other temporary purposes such as Exhibition, Circus, Meetings of
Political parties, Festivals, events etc., The electricity supply for the additional construction beyond 2000 square feet in the
premises of an existing consumer shall be provided only through a separate service
connection and charged under this tariff. For temporary supply, the initial/in-principle approval for such construction or to conduct
such temporary activity obtained by the applicant from the appropriate authority,
wherever necessary, is adequate to effect the supply. In case of conversion of temporary supply into applicable permanent supply, the same
shall be done subject to compliance of codes/regulations/orders. In case of lavish illumination, if the illumination is done frequently or permanently,
separate regular service connection shall be provided for lavish illumination and charged
under this tariff. If the supply is availed for short duration for the temporary activity/illumination from an
existing metered service connection, the computation of energy/fixed charges for
temporary illumination/activity shall be done based on the contracted load and duration
of temporary supply. Contracted load shall be accounted in kW or part thereof. Fixed
charges shall be for a month or part thereof. The consumed units shall be the difference
between the Initial reading and Final reading Taken and recorded on commencement and
completion of the event. It shall be charged under this tariff and included in the CC bill
with clear split up details intimated to the consumer.

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Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (TANGEDCO) True-Up, ARR and Tariff Order, 2022 Undertaking shall be given by the applicant to this effect along with the application. The total load to be connected shall be within the meter capacity. The consumer shall abide by all safety rules and norms of wiring, installation and
protection. The following are considered as Lavish Illumination.
(i) Illumination done for hoardings & advertisement boards.

(ii) Extra/additional illumination done outside the building and in the open areas for

(iii) Illumination done in the outer surface/outside the buildings/shops by display lights,
serial lamps, decorative lights, special effect lamps, neon lamps, ornamental lamps,
flood lights, etc.

(iv) Temporary Illumination done for public meetings in pandals/ shamianas, path-ways,
streets and roads.

Explanation: The supply used for the purpose of indicating/displaying the name and other details
of the shop/ hotels/ buildings , focus lights used for the same etc on the building or near the
building shall not be considered as lavish illumination.

6.2.16 Low Tension Tariff VII (Public EV Charging Stations) This tariff is applicable for Public Charging Station of Electric Vehicle including Battery
swapping station / Battery charging stations for Electric vehicle. Energy recorded during following hours shall be billed at corresponding charges
mentioned against each time slot as discussed below.
For FY 2022-23

FY 2022-23
Tariff (Commission Determined Tariff)
category Time slot in Energy charge in Paise
Fixed Charge in
hours per kWh(Unit) Rs./kW/month

05.00 to 10.00 1000

0-50kW 100
Low Tension 10.00 to 14.00 800
Tariff VII
14.00 to 18.00 1000
50-112 kW 300
18.00 to 23.00 1200

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FY 2022-23
Tariff (Commission Determined Tariff)
category Time slot in Energy charge in Paise
Fixed Charge in
hours per kWh(Unit) Rs./kW/month

23.00 to 05.00 800 Above 550

For FY 2023-24 to FY 2026-27
The applicable tariff (both fixed and energy charge) for FY 2022-23 shall undergo an
inflation based adjustment, as per para 6.2.1.m. The revision will be effective from 01st
July of each of the subsequent years of the control period. In case the consumer uses the supply for charging his own electric vehicle at its premises,
the tariff applicable shall be as per the category of such premises The services effected for Public charging stations shall mandatorily to be effected with
Smart meters. The time slot and rate shall be revisited depending upon the emerging scenario and Govt
policies of the EV Charging Station.

6.2.17 Applicability of the Tariff Schedule The above tariff schedule shall be read with the General Terms and Conditions of Supply
Code and Distribution code specified by the Commission. Effecting change in tariff category for a consumer in accordance with this order shall be
the responsibility of TANGEDCO. Whenever re-classification of tariff arises in respect
of any service, necessary intimation must be given to all such consumers within a month
and regularized by taking RTR (Revised Test Report) by the TANGEDCO. Before that,
no inconvenience shall be caused to the consumer by way of taking action under Section
126/135 of the Electricity Act 2003. Misuse of tariff shall be booked under Section 126 . Section 135 shall be invoked only
for theft of energy cases (i) where the energy is not recorded/ partially recorded in the
meter and (ii) for the cases of illegal restoration of disconnected services. The tariff schedule of this order shall be conveyed to the public by the Licensee through
SMS to the registered mobile phones / email / consumer WhatsApp groups / Banners /
Pamphlets / Display boards in all section offices. In case of any clarification on this tariff schedule, it may be referred to the Commission

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7.1.1 Directive No. 7.1.1. (a) To file their Tariff Petition on a timely basis every year, as per TNERC (Terms and
Conditions for Determination of Tariff) Regulations, 2005.
Compliance/Action taken by TANGEDCO: The Multi Year tariff petition for the year 2022-23 to 2026-27 was filed before the
Commission on 13.07.2022.
Commission’s views: Under Regulation 5 of TNERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff)
Regulations, 2005, the Licensee have to file the ARR/True-up/Tariff Petitions on or
before 30th November of every year. After 2017, the licensee has not came forward to
file the Tariff petition till 2022. Though it has filed Miscellaneous petitions (M.P.13 of
2019, M.P.4 of 2020), seeking time extensions for a shorter duration for filing of
ARR/TP, it was not filed properly. Now the petitioner has filed petition on 13.07.2022
for Tariff determination under MYT concept for 5 years for the period FY 2022-23 to
FY 2026-27. Taking note of this, the Commission directs that the Licensee to file the
ARR/True up/Tariff petitions as stipulated under TNERC (Terms and Conditions for
Determination of Tariff) Regulations, 2005 & MYT Regulations within the time frame.

7.1.2 Directive No.7.1.1. (b) To maintain quality of supply as specified in Tamil Nadu Electricity Distribution
Standards of Performance Regulations dated. 21-07-2004.
Compliance/Action taken by TANGEDCO: Detailed report as on 31.12.2021 is enclosed in the Annexure-VII of the petition. This
directive is being complied with.
Commission’s views: The Licensee furnished details on Low Voltage pockets, Overloaded Distribution
Transformers, LT/HT Network improvement progress in its report. The Commission has
taken note of the submissions of the TANGEDCO. In this connection, the Commission
has issued necessary directions with regard to compliance of targeted performance under
regulation 23 of DSOP Regulations in order to maintain the quality of supply. Further,
the TANGEDCO is directed to furnish the achievements and the level of performance as
stipulated under Regulation 24 of DSOP regulations.

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7.1.3 Directive No.7.1.1 (c) To files the progress of the capital expenditure and capitalization on a quarterly basis.
Compliance/Action taken by TANGEDCO: The Commission has issued order for Capital Investment Plan for the Control period
from 2019-20 to FY 2021-22 on 12.10.2021. The actual expenditure for the control
period 2019-20 and 2020-21 is filed within the Capital Investment Plan of next control
period between 2022-23 to 2024-25 on 6.3.2022. This directive is being complied with.
Commission’s views: The Commission has taken note of the reply and accepted.

7.1.4 Directive No.7.1.1 (d) To ensure that the amount approved for R&M expenses is not diverted for any other
Compliance/Action taken by TANGEDCO: This directive is being complied with.
Commission’s views: The Commission has taken note of the submission of the Licensee, and the compliance
of the same verified with reference to the Petition.

7.1.5 Directive No.7.1.1 (e) To provide the demand forecast in terms of monthly energy demand and availability and
its plan of scheduling power in accordance to MoD on quarterly basis in the revised
formats as provided by the Commission.
Compliance/Action taken by TANGEDCO: The quarterly report has been submitted up to the period ending December 2021. (3rd
quarter of FY 2021-22) This directive is being complied with.
Commission’s views: The Commission has taken note of the reply and accepted.

7.1.6 Directive No.7.1.1 (f) To ensure that the unscheduled interchange (UI) and under-drawal at high frequency is
minimised, in order to optimize the power purchase costs.

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Compliance/Action taken by TANGEDCO: This directive is being complied with.
Commission’s views: TANGEDCO in its performance reports has stated that in its real-time dynamic grid
operation, the ‘Unscheduled Interchange’ and ‘Under-drawal at High frequency’ is
minimised. Further stated that necessary arrangements have been made with other State
utilities for swapping of power. In this connection, TANGEDCO is directed to furnish
the detailed report on the savings to the Licensee in result of curtailment of UI/Over-
drawal from the grid.

7.1.7 Directive No.7.1.1 (g) To take prior approval from the Commission for purchasing energy from unapproved
Compliance/Action taken by TANGEDCO: This directive is being complied with.

Commission’s views: Based on the estimated quantum of sales, the Commission shall scrutinise and approve
the power purchase requirement with modification as deemed fit for the tariff period and
the ensuing years. In earlier Tariff Order, Commission approved the quantum & sources
of Power purchase for the period upto 2018-19. The Licensee sought approval for
purchase of Power from unapproved sources belatedly for ratification, even on repeated
instructions the Licensee in certain occasions applied for belated approval. This must be
avoided in future. The Licensee is strictly directed to get prior approval of Power
Purchase from any unapproved sources.

7.1.8 Directive No.7.1.1 (h) To submit the MoD stack of actual power purchased from various sources during the
month, on a monthly basis. In case of any variations from the MoD stack approved by
the Commission, TANGEDCO should file quarterly Petitions for ratification of such
power purchase with proper justification, in the same manner as being done presently for
purchase from IPPs outside the MoD stack.

Compliance/Action taken by TANGEDCO: This directive is being complied with.
Commission’s views:

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Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (TANGEDCO) True-Up, ARR and Tariff Order, 2022 The Commission has taken note of the Power purchase details furnished periodically.
However, the Licensee is directed to submit the MoD stack of actual power purchase
during the month, on a monthly basis. The deviations from the approval, if any, must be
got ratified for the purchase outside the MOD stack.

7.1.9 Directive No.7.1.1 (i) To pay Transmission Charges determined by the Commission to TANTRANSCO based
on the allotted transmission capacity for FY 2017-18.
Compliance/Action taken by TANGEDCO: This directive is being complied with.
Commission’s views: TANGEDCO has stated that the Transmission charges as determined by the Commission
is being paid to TANTRANSCO and complied with, and hence Commission accepted
the same.

7.1.10 Directive No.7.1.1 (j) To undertake a study on introduction of kVAh tariffs in lieu of Power Factor
compensation and submit the same along with its next Tariff Petition.
Compliance/Action taken by TANGEDCO: This directive has already been complied by filing the study report on 13.10.2020 apart
from that the progress implementation to view more categories submitted in Tariff
petition filed.

7.1.11 Commission’s views: TANGEDCO furnished a study report on 13.10.2020 with few recommendations for
implementation. Though it has recommended for implementation, no Tariff petition was
filed at that time duly incorporating the kVAh based tariff for any category. The
Commission has taken note of the submissions of the TANGEDCO. Even the Licensee
requested for implementation of kVAh based tariff, it has not stated about the
infrastructure developed by them with regard to kVAh metering, Billing and adjustments.
Hence, the kVAh billing can be introduced only after evolving a detailed procedure &
facilitation of kVAh based metering in Service connections. In this connection, the
TANGEDCO is directed to submit a report to the Commission, about its readiness in
implementation of this, within a period of 3 months.

7.1.12 Directive No.7.1.1 (k)

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Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (TANGEDCO) True-Up, ARR and Tariff Order, 2022 ToD Charges are to be progressively implemented in order to flatten the load curve and
to ensure the cost of energy paid by the consumer at any point of time reflects the true
cost of supply available at that point of time. TANGEDCO is directed to:
• Undertake a detailed study of hourly consumption patterns of all HT consumer
categories, based on ABT metering data,
• Identify the contribution of each category towards the peak consumption and
which category can shift its consumption to off-peak hours, seasonal variation in
the peak and off-peak consumption levels.
• Submit a comprehensive proposal to modify/upgrade the ToD tariff
dispensation, along with its next Tariff Petition.
Compliance/Action taken by TANGEDCO: This directive has already been complied by filing the study report on 13.10.2020, apart
from that for progressive implementation to more categories are included and submitted
in tariff petition filed on 13.07.2022.

7.1.13 Commission’s views: TANGEDCO furnished its report on re-determination of ToD tariff. On this report, most
of the stakeholders have raised objections for re-determination of ToD peak hours
(morning & evening). More over it was rejected by many of them for taking reference of
2017 & 2018 data for re-determination in the Tariff petition filed in July 2022. According
to latest data on ToD curve viz., Demand & Cost, the Commission has decided on re-
determining the ToD slots.

7.1.14 Directive No.7.1.1 (l) To increase the usage of IT enabled services for metering and billing to improve the
metering, billing and collection efficiency.
Compliance/Action taken by TANGEDCO: Implementation of smart meters (post-paid) to 1.41 Lakhs of LT consumers by adopting
RF Technology (Radio Frequency) in Chennai T.Nagar ABD (Area Based Development)
area under smart city project scheme funded by M/s. CSCL Limited is under progress.
T.Nagar has been selected as pilot area considering the consumer density, wherein RF
communication can be effectively utilized. Smart Meters installation works started on
12.01.2021 and as on date total Smart meters installed quantity is approximately 82,300
Nos. Prepaid functionalities can also be included as and when required. It has been proposed to extend approximately 1.66 Crores smart meter facility with
prepaid functionality to all categories of LT consumer except Agriculture and Hut
services under RDSS of GoI. Action Plan and Detailed Project Report has been approved
by DRC and the proposal will be submitted to the State Cabinet for approval which is

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under progress. After approval and sanction of the project by MoP, the work will be
commenced. HT AMR Implemented. So far 9184 modems have been installed out of total 10400 HT
Service Connection. A pilot study for taking meter reading through a mobile Application taken by the
Assessment Staff at various locations (27 Locations) to update the meter reading in the
LT Billing Package directly, once the assessment taken by the staff, the same will be
updated in the TANGEDCO Database immediately and SMS to consumer will be sent. AMR has been launched for Generators. As of now about 10,127 (approx.) generators,
have been provided with AMR meters, which facilitates accuracy in OA adjustment
besides easing out the allotment process for generators. New HT billing software integrated with open access Application and Approval Software
has been deployed so as to enable quick, accurate billing with OA adjustments. E-invoicing for HT consumers has been enabled to comply the GST Act provisions and
proper assessment of GST. This facilitates the HT consumer to avail the GST Input

7.1.15 Collection Efficiency To increase the percentage of collection through online mode the following steps have
been taken during the period since 2021: Action has been taken to increase electronic mode of payment by increasing the billers
in Bharat Bill Payment Services (BBPS) by adding one more Biller Operating Unit
(BOU) other than Indian Overseas Bank i.e. Canara Bank had been opted as the Second
Biller and the technical integration is under progress. Through Code review Panel-dt: 28.03.2019 any bill payment above Rs. 5,000/- may be
made mandatory only through Online/DD/Cheque at the TANGEDCO Collection
Counters. Single payment Net banking Gateway had been enabled in the TANGEDCO’s website
and mobile application to ease the consumers by making available of all the banks, that
are empanelled under the RBI guidelines for the payment of the electricity bills and
various miscellaneous Charges. Extension of Integrated PoS machines throughout State in phased manner to ease the
digital payments in the collection counters. Virtual payment collection system, a dynamic virtual account number is generated for
the all the payments this system is incorporated through Indian Bank for the collection
of the Additional facilities for H.T. Consumers and for the New Consumers in the
Application Tracking and Existing Consumers seeking additional demand.

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Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (TANGEDCO) True-Up, ARR and Tariff Order, 2022 Creating awareness among consumers for online payment through advertisement, flex
banners at collection counters (Whats app, Facebook, News Channels, etc)
Commission’s views: TANGEDCO has stated that 9184 numbers of HT services were fixed with Modems out
of 10400 numbers of HT services, and around 10127 generators have been provided with
AMR meters. This has eased the allotment process to generators and OA adjustment
process. E-invoicing as per GST Act provided to HT consumers to avail the benefit of
GST input credit. Collection efficiency improved among the Consumers due to addition
& introduction of more electronic modes of payments (BBPS). Consumers are being
created awareness for online payment through advertisement, flex banners at collection
counters (WhatsApp, Facebook, News channels, etc.,). The Commission takes note of
various IT based features provided to the consumers and appreciates the action taken by
the TANGEDCO. This shall be continued.

7.1.16 Directive No.7.1.1 (m) To install ABT meters with communication facility for all HT consumers, all Generators,
all Feeders, and all Distribution Transformers (DTs) by 30.06.2018 and submit bi-
monthly reports on progress of implementation of the same.
Compliance/Action taken by TANGEDCO: The detailed report is enclosed in Annexure VIII of the petition. This directive is being
complied with.
Commission’s views: TANGEDCO has submitted that more than 95% of HT consumers and Generators are
provided with the 0.2S class ABT meters with communication facility (as on
31.03.2022). However, in respect of Feeders and Distribution Transformers, the licensee
has not achieved the target of ABT metering even after 5 years from the date of earlier
Tariff Order. The purpose of communicable metering is for Energy Accounting, Energy
Auditing, Line loss calculation and to take measures for minimisation of loss and other
corrective action. Hence, the Licensee has to make arrangement for early metering of
Feeders/DTs and the progress to be submitted with the analytical report to the
Commission on a quarterly basis.

7.1.17 Directive No.7.1.1 (n) To implement automated meter reading of all HT consumers before 31.03.2018.
Compliance/Action taken by TANGEDCO: For HT scs 9184 modems have been installed for implementation of automated meter

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Commission’s views: TANGEDCO has stated that 9184 no. of HT services have been facilitated with Modems
out of 10400 no. of HT services and thus has achieved around 90%. For the remaining
services, necessary communication facilities have to be arranged within 2 months and
reported to the Commission.

7.1.18 Directive No.7.1.1 (o) To implement Automated Meter Reading (AMR) technology for LT service
connections progressively. Initially, a cluster where consumer density is high may be
chosen and AMR may be implemented with suitable communication technology within
3 months of issue of this Order.
Compliance/Action taken by TANGEDCO: Implementation of smart meters (post-paid) to 1.41 Lakhs of LT consumers by adopting
RF Technology (Radio Frequency) in Chennai T.Nagar ABD (Area Based Development)
area under smart city project scheme funded by M/s. CSCL Limited is under progress.
T.Nagar has been selected as pilot area considering the consumer density, wherein RF
communication can be effectively utilized. Smart Meters installation works started on
12.01.2021 and as on date total Smart meters installed quantity is approximately 82,300
Nos. Prepaid functionality can be included as and when required. It has been proposed to extend approximately 1.66 Crores smart meter facility with
prepaid functionality to all categories of LT consumer except Agriculture and Hut
services under RDSS of GoI. Action Plan and Detailed Project Report has been approved
by DRC (Distribution Reforms Committee) and the proposal will be submitted to the
State Cabinet for approval which is under progress. After approval and sanction of the
project by MoP, the work will be commenced.
Commission’s views: The Commission directed to select a cluster with high consumer density for
implementation of AMR. TANGEDCO submitted that T.Nagar area was selected to
implement the installation of 1.41 Lakhs of LT smart meters by adopting RF technology
under Smart city project. Smart meters are installed in around 82,300 services. In this
connection, TANGEDCO has to ensure fetching of 100% reading data and other data to
its Server and reconcile the Assessment details with the physical assessment. The
Licensee is directed to report the completion of implementation in this cluster, to the
Commission. Moreover, the Licensee is directed to implement the Smart meter within
the timeline target fixed by the Ministry of Power in its Notifications. Priority may be
given to High consumption services in Local body, Government, Commercial, Industrial,
etc., The progress report have to be submitted to the Commission on a quarterly basis.

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7.1.19 Directive No.7.1.1 (p) To file a Petition for determination of provisional tariff for new generating stations six 6
months before the expected COD.
Compliance/Action taken by TANGEDCO: The status report on ongoing projects and the status on petition for determination of final
tariff for new generating stations is submitted in Annexure - IX. This directive is being complied with.
Commission’s views: TANGEDCO has furnished in its petition that many of the Projects in pipeline are
expected to achieve its COD during this control period. TANGEDCO is directed to
complete the projects early as scheduled. And also, TANGEDCO is directed to file the
petition accordingly for fixation of provisional tariff six months before the expected

7.1.20 Directive No.7.1.1 (q) To file a Petition for determination of final tariff for new generating stations within six
months after the COD.
Compliance/Action taken by TANGEDCO: The status report on ongoing projects and the status on petition for determination of final
tariff for new generating stations is submitted in Annexure - IX. This directive is being complied with.
Commission’s views: TANGEDCO has furnished in its petition that many of the Projects in pipeline are
expected to achieve its COD during this control period. TANGEDCO is directed to
complete the projects early as scheduled. And also the TANGEDCO is directed to file
the petition accordingly for fixation of final tariff within 6 months after the COD.

7.1.21 Directive No.7.1.1 (r) To ensure that forecasting facility for wind generation is available to TANGEDCO. In
order to make the forecasting more accurate, suitable in-house forecasting module may
also be developed.
Compliance/Action taken by TANGEDCO: Forecasting facility for wind generation is provided by PGCIL under REMC project and
also in-house wind generation forecast is being carried out to manage day to day Grid

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Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (TANGEDCO) True-Up, ARR and Tariff Order, 2022 This directive has been complied with.

Commission’s views: TANGEDCO was directed to ensure the forecasting facility for wind generation. In this
connection, TANGEDCO has stated that in-house module is being developed. The
Commission taken note of the submission and accepted.

7.1.22 Directive No.7.1.1 (s) To re-programme the meters of all HT consumers to 15-minute time block within 3
months from the date of issue of this Order and start measuring Maximum Demand on
15-minute time block basis and raise bills accordingly after the prescribed time period.
Compliance/Action taken by TANGEDCO: This directive has been complied with.
Commission’s views: TANGEDCO has stated that it has complied the direction for re-programming of 15
minute block basis measurement in the meter of all HT consumers, hence the
Commission takes note of it and accepted.

7.1.23 Directive No.7.1.1 (t) To implement separate metering/sub-metering arrangement for facilities such as
gymnasium, community hall, amphitheatres, etc., inside the multi-tenement
residential complex.
Compliance/Action taken by TANGEDCO: New subcategory “Gymnasium, Community hall, Amphitheatres, Swimming Pool etc.
inside the Multi-tenement Residential Complex" has been added under tariff LM51 in
the LT billing software and necessary instructions being issued to field officials to
subcategorise the existing services properly as per the usage. As per LT Billing Software, the no of consumers as on15.02.2022 is stated below:
Region No. of Consumers

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Total 507

Commission’s views: Even though TANGEDCO was directed way back in 5 years ago, it is understood from
the reply of the TANGEDCO that the implementation of Tariff Order dated 11.08.2017
and progress of re-categorisation seems to be very low. Moreover, it is observed by the
Commission that many consumers in multi-tenements were held under Section 135 of
the Electricity Act 2003 instead of handling such categories under the procedure
stipulated under Tariff Order. Reasonable time could have been permitted to such
consumers for segregation with due Notice for the same. Now, a separate tariff LT-ID is
proposed for common service connection. All these Service connections may be
categorised under LT-ID

7.1.24 Directive No.7.1.1 (u) To do the needful in collaboration with the Airports under Airports Authority of India,
in order to levy HT IA tariff to Aeronautical Services and HT III
Commercial/Miscellaneous Tariff to Non-Aeronautical services.
Compliance/Action taken by TANGEDCO: It is informed that instructions have been issued to levy HT IA tariff to Aeronautical
Services and HT III Commercial/Miscellaneous Tariff to Non-Aeronautical services
by field officials on segregation of the loads of commercial. Action is being taken
Airports authority in this regard. This directive is being complied with.
Commission’s views: TANGEDCO has stated that necessary action is being taken on this and hence the
Commission taken note of it and accepted.

7.1.25 Directive No.7.1.1 (v) To strive towards reducing a part of the Regulatory Assets by way of improving
operational parameters as committed under the UDAY MoU.
Compliance/Action taken by TANGEDCO: The progress in achieving the operational parameters under UDAY scheme is enclosed
in Annexure- X. The Directive is being complied with.
Commission’s views: TANGEDCO has submitted its progress in respect of AT&C loss reduction trajectory
(With/Without wheeling units, 11/22 kV Feeder metering, DT metering, Feeder Audit,
Feeder improvement programme, Agricultural feeder separation, Installation of smart

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meters, Provision of LED bulbs, Energy efficient Agricultural pumps, Domestic

connection, Implementation of ERP system. The progress on the above activities seems
to be much lesser than the expected target.

7.1.26 Directive No.7.1.1 (w) To achieve the action-plan with timelines as agreed upon in the UDAY MoU and file
quarterly status update regarding the same.
Compliance/Action taken by TANGEDCO: TANGEDCO is taking all necessary steps to reduce the ARR-ACS Gap as envisaged in
UDAY MoU through internal efficiency of reducing expenditure, revenue augmentation
by reducing AT & C losses thereby increasing revenue realization. The quarterly status
has been updated in UDAY portal in a timely manner. This directive is being complied
Commission’s views: TANGEDCO has stated that Quarterly report is updated in UDAY portal on achievement
of action plan. From the report, it is noticed that the AT&C loss reduction target given
under UDAY is not achieved in any of the years upto 2019.

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7.2.1 The Commission directs TANGEDCO:
1) To file the Tariff Petition / ARR / True-up petition on a timely basis every year,
as per TNERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff) Regulations,
2005. The Licensee shall have to file the Tariff petition under MYT concept on
or before 30th of November of the last Control period for determination of tariff
of next Control period.
2) To assess the quantum of stranded capacity. Recommend an action plan to address
the issue to reduce the burden of the Capacity charges and projection of available
capacity and requirement to be furnished along with next ARR and Tariff petition.
3) To file the progress of the Capital Expenditure and Capitalisation on a quarterly
4) To study and report on whether TANGEDCO has the potential to earn additional
revenue by utilising the vacant land available with them along Highways for
setting up of EV charging stations
5) Discom has to submit the MOD stack of actual power purchased from various
sources during the month. Any variation from the approved MoD stack ought to
be get approved from the Commission. The MoD stack to be get approved from
the Commission even when no Tariff petition / ARR.
6) To take prior approval from the Commission for purchasing energy from
unapproved sources.
7) Make necessary arrangement to install Smart meters in the Service connections
as stipulated under the CEA Regulations within that time frame. Such meter may
be procured with the compatibility for pre-paid option. Priority may be given to
such service connections with high consumption in Local body, Government,
Commercial, Industrial services, etc., in a phased manner. The progress report on
the above have to be submitted to the Commission on a quarterly basis.
8) TANGEDCO is directed to install ABT meters with communication facility in all
Feeders and Distribution Transformers by 31.12.2022. Metering of HT services
and Generators with communication facility be completed within a period of 2
months. Data obtained from such metering can be used for conducting of Energy
Accounting & Auditing in order to have more accuracy in arriving of T & D
losses. The progress report on installation of ABT meters to be furnished on
Quarterly basis to the Commission.
9) To conduct a scientific study and furnish report for accurate measurement of T&D
loss & unmetered consumption, within a period of 6 months.

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10) To fix the ABT based communication facility meters in remaining HT services
within a period of 2 months.
11) The Licensee shall purchase power from Renewable Energy sources at the
required quantum not less than the percentage as stipulated under TNERC
(Renewable Energy Purchase Obligations) Regulations 2010 from time to time.
The compliance of the same may be furnished to the Commission on or before
30th September every year.
12) To file Cost to Serve Report for respective Financial year alongwith the next
13) Implementation of Smart pre-payment meter/ pre-payment meters : The
Commission refers to the Electricity (Rights of Consumers) Rules, 2020 notified
on 31st December, 2020 and as per this Rule, no connection shall be given without
a meter and such meter shall be the Smart pre-payment or pre-payment meter.
14) To make the consumers aware of the Standards of Performance (SoP) prescribed
by the Commission and make consumers get prompt services from TANGEDCO.
And the Licensee is directed to display the Standards of Performance in all their
offices, website, Mobile Apps, etc.,
15) To submit a report to the Commission about its readiness (viz., infrastructure
development, kVAh metering & billing procedure, etc.,) in implementation of
kVAh billing within a period of 3 months.
16) To furnish a ToD report based on hourly consumption and cost of power purchase
separately for the latest year.
17) To ensure that the Unscheduled Interchange and Under-drawal at high frequency
is minimised, in order to optimise the Power purchase cost. The report on the same
may be furnished to the Commission within a period of 3 months.
18) To maintain separate accounts in respect of its Distribution and Supply business
and further directed to get such accounts audited by its Statutory Auditors. The
Licensee is directed to file the Tariff petition for determination of Retail tariff &
Network/Wheeling charges based on this segregated audited accounts.
19) To curtail the Electrical Accidents held on both Employees and common Public
side. Since the number of accidents found alarming month on month, necessary
Safety programmes, Consumer awareness programmes may be conducted.
Electrical Accident prone locations may be identified to take permanent
preventive measures and educate the people in this regard.
20) To file petition for determination of provisional tariff for new generating stations
six months prior to the expected COD. Likewise the petition to be filed for
determination of final tariff for new generating stations within six months after
the COD.

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21) TANGEDCO is directed to take swift action to reprogramme the meters for
implementation of ToD in HT/LT categories since the compliance of ToD tariff
in various categories is mandatory for scoring/ranking of the Licensee under the
Aathma Nirbar Bharat Scheme. In this connection, TANGEDCO is directed to
furnish its progress report every quarter to the Commission.
22) The power factor of the Agricultural pumpsets may be improved by installing the
appropriate capacity capacitors so as to reduce the line loss and to have better
voltage profile. The Return on investment in this scheme can be easily achieved
within a period of 6 months. Hence, it shall be taken up on priority basis and
completed early.
23) The Commission directs the Petitioner to maintain the record of the scheme-wise
actual capital expenditure incurred and actual capitalization done for each
Generating Station separately and submit the same to the Commission at the time
of next Tariff Petition furnishing details of loan, grant and own funding for each
scheme. The Commission will approve the actual Capital expenditure and actual
capitalization based on this information, subject to prudence check.
24) The Commission directs the Petitioner to file the Petitions for approval of
provisional tariff for new Generation projects in line with the provisions of the
TNERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff) Regulations, 2005.
The Commission will take a final view on the time overrun and related cost
overrun and IDC component for individual projects, after the new generation
projects are commissioned, and the actual audited capital cost including IDC are
submitted to the Commission with due justification for the increase in capital cost.
25) The Commission directs the Petitioner to maintain the record of the scheme-wise
actual capital expenditure incurred and actual capitalisation done for each
Distribution Circle separately and submit the same to the Commission at the time
of next Tariff Petition. The Commission will approve the actual Capital
expenditure and actual capitalisation based on this information, subject to prudent
26) The Commission further directs the petitioner to submit the CIP in future category
wise (Capital, improvement, individual reforms schemes like RDSS, IDPS, Uday,
ADB etc) Capex and Capitalisation for the entire State, in addition to the circle
wise data. The cumulative total of category wise expenditure for all circles shall
tally with the corresponding consolidated category wise data of the State.
27) The petitioner shall ensure that the DT metering / feeder metering/ boundary
metering already carried out shall not be replaced but continued with required
improvement, if needed any.
28) The petitioner shall ensure that each and every capital work planned shall give
proper return on investment.

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29) TANGEDCO is directed to complete provision of Capacitors in all Agricultural

service connection for effective AT&C loss reduction and optimum utilization of
available equipment (both Distribution Transformers and Power / Auto
30) The solar generation is consistently on the rise. It is available abundantly during
daytime. At the same time the demand is more in peak hours especially during the
evening/ night slot of non-solar hours i.e 6PM- 10PM. In order to balance the
consumption pattern between solar and non-solar hours and flatten the load curve
by running their pump sets during daytime solar hours and restrict the usage
during morning/night peak hours , the agricultural consumers may be requested
to shift their usage from non-solar night hours to solar day hours.
31) Further, the public shall be advised to prefer their vehicle charging during solar
hours rather than night hours

Sd/- Sd/-
(K. Venkatesan) (M. Chandrasekar)
Member Chairman

(By Order of the Commission)

(Dr. C. Veeramani)

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S. No. Name and Designation

Thiru. M. Chandrasekar, Chairman, Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory
Commission, Chennai – Ex-officio Member, SAC
Thiru. K. Venkatesan, Member, Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory Commission,
Chennai – Ex-officio Member, SAC
Thiru. J. Radhakrishnan, I.A.S., Principal Secretary to Government, Co-
3 operation, Food and Consumer Protection Department, Chennai - Ex-officio
Member, SAC
Thiru. Ramesh Chand Meena, I.A.S., Additional Chief Secretary to Government,
Energy Department, Chennai - Ex-officio Member, SAC
Thiru. Rajesh Lakhoni, I.A.S., Chairman cum Managing Director, Tamil Nadu
5 Electricity Board Limited and Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution
Corporation Limited – Member, SAC
Thiru. K. Mariappan, President, Tamil Nadu Small and Tiny Industries
Association (TANSTIA) - Member, SAC
Thiru. S.N.Eiren Hower, Chairman, Confederation of Indian Industry (Tamil
Nadu) - Member, SAC
Thiru. Sanjeev Nandan, Chief Electrical Engineer, Southern Railways
Represented by A.K. Panjiyar - Member, SAC
9 Dr. A.S. Kandasamy, Namakkal - Member, SAC
Managing Director, Tamil Nadu Energy Development Agency, Chennai
10 Represented by Thiru. O. Karamallayan, Deputy General Manager - Member,
Thiru. M.R. Krishnan, Deputy Director, Consumer Association of India, Chennai
- Member, SAC
Thiru. K.E. Ragunathan, Convenor, Consortium of Indian Associations, Chennai
- Member, SAC
Thiru. P. Ashok Kumar, Managing Director, M/s. KCP Solar, Salem - Member,
Thiru. K. Vishnu Mohan Rao, Senior Researcher, Citizen Consumer and Civic
Action Group, Chennai - Member, SAC
Dr.C.Veeramani, Secretary, Convener, Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory
15 Commission, 4th floor, SIDCO Corporate Office Building, Thiru.Vi.Ka.
Industrial Estate, Guindy, Chennai-32 – Convener, SAC.

Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory Commission 304

Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (TANGEDCO) True-Up, ARR and Tariff Order, 2022


List of stakeholders who have submitted written objections/suggestions in response to
Public Notice is provided hereafter.

Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory Commission 305

List of participants at the 37th State Advisory Committee Meeting held on 11th August 2022

S. No. Name and Designation

1 Thiru. M. Chandrasekar, Chairman, Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory Commission,

Chennai – Ex-officio Member, SAC

2 Thiru. K. Venkatesan, Member, Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory Commission,

Chennai – Ex-officio Member, SAC
3 Thiru. J. Radhakrishnan, I.A.S., Principal Secretary to Government, Co-operation, Food
and Consumer Protection Department, Chennai - Ex-officio Member, SAC
4 Thiru. Ramesh Chand Meena, I.A.S., Additional Chief Secretary to Government, Energy
Department, Chennai - Ex-officio Member, SAC
5 Thiru. Rajesh Lakhoni, I.A.S., Chairman cum Managing Director, Tamil Nadu
Electricity Board Limited and Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation
Limited – Member, SAC
6 Thiru. K. Mariappan, President, Tamil Nadu Small and Tiny Industries Association
(TANSTIA) - Member, SAC
7 Thiru. S.N.Eiren Hower, Chairman, Confederation of Indian Industry (Tamil Nadu) -
Member, SAC
8 Thiru. Sanjeev Nandan, Chief Electrical Engineer, Southern Railways Represented by
A.K. Panjiyar - Member, SAC
9 Dr. A.S. Kandasamy, Namakkal - Member, SAC
10 Managing Director, Tamil Nadu Energy Development Agency, Chennai Represented by
Thiru. O. Karamallayan, Deputy General Manager - Member, SAC
11 Thiru. M.R. Krishnan, Deputy Director, Consumer Association of India, Chennai -
Member, SAC
12 Thiru. K.E. Ragunathan, Convenor, Consortium of Indian Associations, Chennai -
Member, SAC
13 Thiru. P. Ashok Kumar, Managing Director, M/s. KCP Solar, Salem - Member, SAC
14 Thiru. K. Vishnu Mohan Rao, Senior Researcher, Citizen Consumer and Civic Action
Group, Chennai - Member, SAC
15 Dr.C.Veeramani, Secretary, Convener, Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory Commission,
4th floor, SIDCO Corporate Office Building, Thiru.Vi.Ka. Industrial Estate, Guindy,
Chennai-32 – Convener, SAC.
Annexure- II



SL. Manufacturers Association, No.130/38,

NO. NAME & ADDRESS Mettu Street, Ammapet, Salem – 636003.
Thiru.E.Mohammed Ismail M.Asham, Thiru.Appusamy, Aiyakavundanpalayam
No.30 Adhanur Main Road, Adhanur Post, Small Power looms manufacturers
1 Adhanur – 603202. Association, Aiyakavundanpalayam,
Thiru.C.Glasston, No.25A, Chockalinga Pattakarayanpalayam Post, Perundhurai,
Nagar 4th Street, Byepass Road, Madurai – 14 Erode District – 638057.
2 16. Thiru.S.Padmanabhan, No.3/601, TNHB,
Thiru.L.Sundararaman, President, West Coast Road, Muthamizh Nagar,
Chitlapakkam Muthulakshmi Nagar Welfare 15 Kodungaiyur, Chennai – 600 118.
Association, No.8, Adhiaman Street, Thiru.S.Gandhi, PESOT, No.45/28,
Muthulakshmi Nagar, Chitlapakkam, Balaguru Garden, PKD Nagar ,Extension,
3 Chennai – 600 064. 16 Peelamedu, Coimbatore – 641004.
Dr.Lion Govindarajan, Social Activist, Dr.A.C.Mohan, Secretary, Federation of
President Federation of Residents Welfare TamilNadu Rice Mill Owners & Paddy –
Associations of Tambaram Corporation Rice Dealers Associatons. No.491,
4 Limits (Regd No.47 / 2022), Tambaram. 17 G.N.T.Road, Puzhal, Chennai – 600 066.
Tamil Nadu Federation of Powerlooms Thiru.S.Neelakanta Pillai, No.7/206, NGO
Associations, No.214/223, Vivekananthar 18 Colony, Kottar Post, Nagercoil – 629002
Road, Narayanavalasu, Nasiyanur Road, Thiru.S.Pandurangan, No.774, T.N.H.B
5 Erode, Tamil Nadu – 638011. Colony, Chithalapakkam, Chennai – 600
Thiru.G.M.Shankar, Advocate, State legal 19 126.
Wing, Member , Aam Adhmi Party, Tamil Thiru.S.Narayanaswamy, Former
6 Nadu. Member(Generation), Ramana Shree, Old
Thiru.S.Neelakanta Pillai, No.7/206, NGO No.12, New No.10/1, Anandan Street,
7 Colony, Kottar Post, Nagercoil – 629002. 20 T.Nagar, Chennai – 600017.
Thiru.S.Narayanan, Email ID: Thiru.S.Senthil Viswarooban, No.11,
[email protected], Mobile No : Kanniyamman Kovil Street, Chetpet –
8 9626227744. 21 601301 Kancheepuram District.
Thiru.M.P.Ganesan, No.16/18, Rotler Street, M/s.Oswin & Jacob, Techno Legal
9 Choolai, Chennai – 600 007. Advisors, Brio Hall, Basement Floor,
M/s. Ankur Grand Owners Association, No.4/23E, 4th Main Road, Kamaraj Nagar,
No.851 &852, (New No.252 &254), E.V.R. 22 Thirunvamiyur – Chennai – 41.
Periyar Salai, (P.H.Road) (Near toBreeze M/s.Oswin & Jacob, Techno Legal
10 Hotel), Kilpauk, Chennai – 600 010. Advisors, Brio Hall, Basement Floor,
Thiru.M.Sivanandhan, Secretary, Tamil No.4/23E, 4th Main Road, Kamaraj Nagar,
Nadu Rice Mill Owners Association, No.8, 23 Thirunvamiyur – Chennai – 41.
Town Panchayat Commercial Building, M/s.Oswin & Jacob, Techno Legal
Edhumalai Road, Manachanallur Taluk, Advisors, Brio Hall, Basement Floor,
11 Trichy District – 621005. No.4/23E, 4th Main Road, Kamaraj Nagar,
M/s.Stephen & Stephen, Advocates 24 Thirunvamiyur – Chennai – 41.
Associates, Brio Hall Building, No.4/23E, Thiru.A.Govindasamy, President,
Kamaraj Nagar, 4th Main Road, Federation of East Coast Road, Residents
12 Thiruvanmiyur, Chennai – 600 041. Welfare Associations No.1/66, Bharathi
Thiru.A.Manickam, Founder and President, 25 Nagar, Palavakkam, Chennai – 600 041.
13 Tamil Nadu Small Power Loom Cloth 26 M/s. Geetha Krishna Spinning Mills Pvt
Limited, No.116/2A, Melapattam Broken Rice, Door No.2/724-A, Cheyyar
karisalkulam, Madurai Road, Rajapalayam – road, S.V.Nagaram & Post, Arni Taluk –
626117. 632317.
M/s.Perundhurai Autolooms Association, M/s.Cos Brand Agro Foods, Tindivanam,
Sri Vela Complex, Kunnathur Road, 42 Tamil Nadu – 604001.
27 Perundhurai – 638052. Thiru.R.V.Subbarayan, District Vice
M/s.TamilNadu Federation of Powerlooms president, The Tamil Nadu Commerce
Associatoins, No.214/223, Vivekanandha Insitutes Assocation, No.39/69, Agraharam,
Salai, Narayanavalasu, Nasiyanur Road, 43 Musiri, Trichy District – 621211.
28 Erode, Tamil Nadu – 638011. The Southern India Engineering
Thiru.N.Logu,Secretary, Coimbatore Manufactures Associaton, No.8/4, Race
Consumer Voice, Coimbatore, Email Id: Course, SIEMA Building, Coimbatore –
29 [email protected] 44 641018.
Thiru.S.Narayanasamy, Former The Institute of Indian Foundrymen, Unit B-
Member(Generation), Ramana Shree, Old 3B, 2nd Floor, Elysium Central Opp Carmel
No.12, New No.10/1, Anandan Street, Garden School, Pulyakulam Main Road,
30 T.Nagar, Chennai – 600 017. 45 Ramanathapuram, Coimbatore – 641045.
Thiru.S.Neelakanta Pillai, No.7/206, NGO Thiru.C.B.SenthilKumar, TECA, 1st Floor,
31 Colony, Kottar Post, Nagercoil – 629 002. SIEMA Building, No.8/4, Race Course,
Thiru.L.Sundararaman, President, 46 Coimbatore – 641018.
Chitlapakkam Muthulakshmi Nagar Welfare Thiru.A.Babu, Sri Kadarkarai Murugan
Association, Plot No.1, Door No.2, Modern Rice Mill (Paddy & Rice
Kasthuribhai Street, Chitlapakkam, Chennai Merchants), No.1110, Vellore Road, APJ
32 – 600 064. Abdhul Kalam Street, Sevoor – 632316,
Thiru.K.Thavasumuthu, No.17/A, Sannathi 47 Arni.
33 Street, Kekkarai Post, Thiruvarur – 610003. Thiru.Michael Motha, Managing Partner,
Thiru.A.M.Vikaramaraja, State Chairman, Veppalodai Salt Corporation, No.13-A/1,
Tamil Nadu Vanigar Sangankalin Pillayar Koil Street, Meenakshipuram West,
Peramaippu, No.680, Dr.Ramasamy Salai, 48 Tuticorin – 628002.
Kalaignar Karunanithi Street, Chennai – 600 Thiru.Michael Motha, Managing Partner,
34 078. Sahayamatha Salterns Pvt Ltd, No.13-A/1,
Thiru.S.Neelakanta Pillai, No.7/206, NGO Pillaiyar Koil Street, Meenakshipuram
Colony, Kottar Post, Nagercoil – 629 002 49 West, Tuticorin – 628002.
35 dated 26-07-2022. Thiru.Subrahmanyam Pulipaka, Chief
Thiru.S.Neelakanta Pillai, No.7/206, NGO Executive Officer, National Solar Energy
Colony, Kottar Post, Nagercoil – 629 002 Federation of India, No.135-137, 1st Floor,
36 dated 28-07-2022. Rectangle-1, D-4 Saket District Center, New
Thiru.S.Narayanaswamy, Former Member 50 Delhi – 110017.
(Generation), Ramana Shree, Old No.12, Thiru.V.Marimuthu, Apple Hi Tech Modern
New No.10/1, Anandan Street, T.Nagar, Rice Mill, Rajapalayam Main Road,
37 Chennai – 600 017. Dhalavaipuram – 626188, Virudhunagar
Thiru.K.Baskaran, Secretary, KIEMA, 51 District.
Kakkalur Industrial Estate Manufacturer The Director, Naruvizhi Ambal Modern
Association, No.S44, SIDCO Industrial Rice Mill Pvt Ltd, No.12/3/12, Aranthangi
38 Estate, Kakkalur, Thiruvallur – 602003. Main Road, Puduvayal – 630108,
Coimbatore Thirupur District Power Looms 52 Karaikudi(Tk), Sivagangai(Dt).
Associatons, Powerhouse , Soomanur – The Proprietor, V.M. Modern Rice Mill,
39 641668. Paddy & Rice Wholesale Merchant, No.13-
Thiru.S.Neelakantapillai, No.7/206, NGO 5-11A, Asari Street, Puduvayal – 630108,
40 Colony,Kottar Post, Nagercoil – 629002. 53 (KaraikudiTaluk), Sivagangai District.
M/s.Amman Modern Rice Mill, Thiru.S.Neelakanta Pillai, Founder,
41 Manufacturers of Best quality Rice & 54 Citizen’s contribution in Democracy, No.
7/206, NGO Colony, Kottar PO, Nagercoil – M/s.D.V.S Rice Mill, Kalambur – 606903,
629002. 76 Tiruvannamalai.
OSWIN & JACOB Techno Legal Advisors, 77 M/s.Rajadurai Rice Mill, Sattur – 626203.
55 Thiruvanmiyur, Chennai – 41. M/s.Udayakumar Modern Rice Mill, Salem
Thiru.R.Sivasubramaniyam, Service 78 – 636002.
Connection No. 032450042323, Email M/s.Rajaram Modern Rice Mill, Walajabad
56 dated. 06.08.2022. 79 – 631605.
Thiru.D.Vignesh, President, The Southern M/s.Ganapathy Muruga Vilas Modern Rice
India Engineering Manufacturer’s 80 Mill, Rasipuram (Tk).
57 Association, Coimbatore – 641018. Thiru.T.A.Murugasamy, M/s.Ramesh
Thiru.Ajay Devaraj, Secretary General, 81 Modern Rice Mill, Avinasi – 641654.
Indian Wind Power Association, Chennai – M/s.Thamaraipoo Modern Rice Mill,
58 600002. 82 Chettiyarpatti – 626122.
Thalaivar, Powerloom Owner’s M/s.Veerakumar Modern Rice Mill,
Association’s Federation, Somanoor, 83 Kangayam – 638701.
59 Coimbatore – 641668. M/s.Selvi Modern Rice Mill, Kallakurichi –
Thiru.S.Neelakanta Pillai, Founder, 84 606201.
Citizen’s contribution in Democracy, No. M/s.Sukan Modern Rice Mill, Chinthamani,
7/206, NGO Colony, Kottar PO, Nagercoil – 85 Madurai – 9.
60 629002. (Variable slab System) M/s.S.R.V, Modern Rice Mill, Chinnasalem
Thiru.T.Jeyabal, Secretary, Indian 86 – 606201.
61 Communist party (M), Thiruppur. M/s.Vysya Modern Rice Mill, Chinnasalem
M/s.Arivukannu Modern Rice Mill, 87 – 606201.
62 Kanchipuram – 2. Thiru.B.Chakrapani, M/s.A.B.S. Modern
M/s.Sri Muthukumaran Modern Rice Mill, 88 Rice Mill, Chinnasalem – 606201.
63 Gobichattipalayam – 638476. Dr.K.Selvaraju, Secretary General, M/s.The
M/s.Rajaselvam Modern Rice Mill, Southern India Mills’ Association, No.41,
64 Puduvayal – 630108, Sivagangai. 89 Race Course, Coimbatore – 641018.
M/s.Thirumurugan Company, Madurai – Thiru.M.Periasamy, No.31, Sampath Nagar,
65 625001. 90 Erode – 638011.
M/s. Dhiyanalinga Modern Rice Mill, The Partner, M/s.Thamarai Hi-Tech Rice
66 Ganapathipalayam, Palladam – 614605. Mill, Kadalaikkattupudur, Kadaiyur (Po),
M/s.Aadhavan Minerals, Tirunelveli, 91 Kovai Road, Kangayam – 638701, Tiruppur.
67 627851. The Managing Partner, M/s.Sri Ram & Co.,
M/s.Aadhavan Modern Rice Mill, TSR Mills, Amarapathipalayam, Muthur-
68 Tirunelveli, 627012. 92 638105, Kangayam Tk, Tirupur District.
M/s. Jeyanthi Agro Industries, Tindivanam The Managing Partner, M/s.R M J Modern
69 – 604001. Rice Mill, Thirumalapuram Post, Madurai –
M/s.Shanmuga Modern Rice Mill, Aattur – 93 625014.
70 636102, Salem. The Managing Partner, M/s.P.R.L. Modern
The President, Tamil Maanila Congrass, Rice Mill, Mannachanallur – 621005,
71 Kunnathur – 638103, Thiruppur. 94 Tiruchy.
The President, Tamil Maanila Congrass, The Managing Partner, M/s. Prabakar Food
72 Thiruppur – 641603. Tech, Tindivanam – 604001, Villupuram
The President, Tamil Maanila Congrass, 95 District.
Thiruppur (Rural South), Udumalai – The Partner, M/s.Roja Modern Rice Mill,
73 642126. Tindivanam Tk – 605651, Villupuram
M/s.Selvalakshmi Modern Rice Mill, 96 District.
74 Kangayam – 638701. Thiru.P.Iyyasamy, Padappai, Consumer
M/s.Kanchi Kamatchiamman Modern Rice 97 Safety Association.
75 Mill, Walajabad – 631605. 98 Thiru.V.Thirugnanam, President, M/s.The
Coimbatore District Small Industries The Managing Partner, M/s.Sivasakthi
Association, Huzur Road, Coimbatore – 117 Modern Rice Mill, Kangayam – 638701.
641018. The Proprietor, M/s. Sri Pitchayi Amman
Thiru.P.Prabakar, Proprietor, M/s. Rajan Modern Rice Mill, Mannachanallur, Trichy
Modern Rice Mill, Tindivanam T.K – 118 – 621005.
99 604002, Villupuram District. The Partner, M/s.Arumugam Modern Rice
Thiru.S.Subramanian, The Managing Mill, Arkandanallur – 605752, Tirukoilur
Partner, M/s. Sree Sellandiamman Rice 119 Tk, Villupuram District.
100 Mill, Salem Road, Namakkal – 637001. Thiru.J.Karthikeyan, The Proprietor, M/s.JB
Thiru.G.Parthiban, Proprietor, 120 Modern Rice Mill, Tindivanam District.
M/s.Kandhavilas Agro Foods, Dharapuram - The Partner, Sri Balaji & co, M/s. Muthu
101 638657, Tirupur District. Modern Rice Mill, Kangayam – 638701,
The Proprietor, M/s. Ambal Hi-Tec Rice 121 Tirupur Distrcit.
Mill, Padiyur, Kangayam T.k, Tirupur The Partner, M/s.Kumaraguru Hitec Rice
102 District. Industires, Kangayam – 638701, Tirupur
The Partner, M/s.Venkateswara Modern 122 District.
Rice Mill, Kangayam – 638701, Tiruppur The Proprietor, M/s.Ramsingh Agro Foods
103 Distrcit. 123 Pvt Ltd (Rice Processing), Theni – 625531.
The Partner, M/s.Nataraja Modern Rice The Proprietor, V.M.Modern Rice Mill,
Mill, Kangayam – 638701, Tiruppur 124 Puduvayal – 630108, Sivagangai District.
104 District. The Partner, M/s.Shree Sakthi Modern Rice
The Proprietor, Palaniappa Mills, & Oil Mill, Elumathur (Po), Erode –
105 Dharapuram – 638656. 125 638104.
The Proprietor, Sri Sankar Rice Mill, Paddy The Proprietor, M/s. Golden Modern Rice
& Foodgrains Merchants, Rajapalayam, 126 Mill, Arcade – 632503, Ranipettai District.
Srivilliputhur – 626125, Virudhunagar The Proprietor, M/s. Sri Rathinagirieswarar
106 District. Rice Mill, Dharapuram (Tk) – 638673,
The Proprietor, M/s. Sri Krishna Agro Food 127 Tirupur District.
107 Products, Puduvayal – 630108. The Proprietor, M/s.Murugan Modern Rice
The Proprietor, M/s. Golden Modern Rice Mill, Arakandanallur – 605752, Villupuram
108 Mill, Puduvayal – 630108. 128 District.
The Partner, M.s Valamm Rice Industries, The Proprietor, M/s. Priyadharshini Modern
109 Sivagiri – 638109, Erode Dt. Rice Mill, Arakandanallur – 605752,
The Partner, M/s. S.R.Palanisamy & Co, 129 Villupuram District.
Palaniyappa Rice & Oil Mills, The Proprietor, M/s.Atchaya Modern Rice
110 Avalpoondurai, Erode District – 638115. Mill, Arakandanallur – 605752, Villupuram
The Partner, M.s Sri Anantha Lakshmi Rice 130 District.
Mill, Chinniampalayam, Sivagiri – 638109, The Proprietor, M/s. Sri Amman Modern
111 Erode District. Rice Mill, Arni Taluk – 632317,
Thiru.B.Kandasamy, Managing Partner, 131 Tiruvannamalai District.
M/s.TSB Modern Rice Mill, Elumathur – The Director, M/s. Naruvizhi Ambal
112 638104, Erode District. Modern Rice Mill Pvt ltd, Puduvayal –
The Managing Partner, M/s.Ponchandru 132 630108, Sivagangai District.
Modern Rice Mill, Sivagiri – 638109, Erode The Proprietor, M/s. V.M.V Modern Rice
113 District. Mill, Kallakurichi – 606202, Villupuram
The Partners, M/s.Poongodi Rice Mill, 133 District.
114 Sivagiri - 638109, Erode District. The Proprietor, M/s. Sellam Mills,
The Proprietor, M/s.M.K.M. Rice Mill, Amaravathipalayam, Muthur – 638105,
115 Mannachanallur, Trichy – 621005. 134 Tiruppur District.
The Proprietor, M/s. Sri Meenambiga Rice The Proprietor, M/s. A.K.Boiler & Rice
Mill, Mannachanallur – 621005, Trichy 135 Mill, Mannachanallur, Trichy – 621005.
116 District.
The Managing Partner, M/s. Sri Kamala The Proprietor, M/s. Muthuraja Modern
Modern & Boiler Rice Mill, Thiruvellarai Rice Mill, Puduvayal- 630108, Sivagangai
136 (Po) Mannachanallur, Trichy – 621009. 156 District.
The Partner, M/s. Kadaieswara Rice Mill, M/s.Sri Hari labs, No.3, Sidco Industrial
137 Kangayam – 638701, Tiruppur District. Estate, Kakkalur – 602003, Thiruvallur
The Partner, M/s. Sri Jegadambika Rice 157 District.
Mill, Mannachanallur – 621005, Trichy M/s.A.Duraisamy Modern Rice Mill,
138 District. No.4/354, Kariya Perumal Karadu Road,
The Proprietor, M/s. T.P.K. Modern Rice 158 Nethimedu, Salem – 636002.
139 Mill, Mannachanallur, Trichy – 621009. Thiru.S.Palaniswamy, President, Kangayam
The Proprietor, M/s. Jayamaruthi Hi Tech Taluk Arisi Aalai Urimaiyalargal Sangam,
140 Rice Mill, Dharapuram. No.6/33-A, Ayyasamy Nagar Colony Main
The Proprietor, M/s. Maruthu Saravana Rice Road, Kangayam – 638701, Tirupur
141 Mill, Madurai – 625009. 159 District.
The Proprietor, M/s. Sankara Lakshmi Rice M/s.Rubitha Traders, Paddy Rice & Food
142 Mill, Mahalipatti, Madurai – 625001. Grains Wholesale Merchant, No.17/20,
Thiru.S.Velmurugan, Proprietor, M/s. Shri South Street, Koogaiyur Road, Chinnasalem
Jayyamurugan Modern Rice Mill, 160 – 606201, Villupuram District.
Thiyagadurugam – 606206, Kallakurichi M/s.Vettuvapalayam Common Effluent
143 District. Treatment and Recycling Plant(P) Ltd,
The Proprietor, M/s. Nataraja Modern Rice No.30/1&2&3, Ayyapillai Thottam,
Mill, Vellakoil – 638111, Kangayam Tk, Somanur Road, Vettuvapalayam,
144 Tiruppur District. 161 Mangalam, Tirupur – 641663.
The Proprietor, M/s. Sri Kamatchiamman M/s.Atchaya Modern Rice Mill, No.3/4,
Boiler & Rice Mill, Mannachanallur, Trichy Arcot Road, Andhili, Arakandanallur –
145 – 621005. 605752, Thirukoilur Taluk, Villupuram
The Proprietor, M/s. Maruvur Arasi Modern 162 District.
Rice Mill, Kangayam – 638701, Tiruppur Thiru.Sivasunbramaniam, email id:
146 District. 163 [email protected]
The Proprietor, M/s. M.K. Jabbar Khan M/s.Indian Wind Power Association, No.E,
Andavar Modern Rice Mill, Chengam – 6th Floor, Tower -1, Shakti Towers, No.766,
147 606701, Tiruvannamalai District. 164 Anna Salai, Chennai – 600 002.
The Director, M/s.Aadhi Granties India Pvt M/s.Jothi Modern Rice Mills, No.2/192,
148 Ltd, Gobi (Tk), Erode- 638054. Kuppuchipalayam, Pollikalipalayam Post,
The Partner, M.s. Sri Ganapathy Rice & Oil 165 Tirupur – 641665.
149 Mills, Sivagiri (Via) Erode District. M/s.Saravana Hi-Tech Agro Foods,
The Proprietor, M/s. Adhilakshmi Modern No.376/2, 376/7 Koogaiyur Road,
150 Rice Mill, Tindivanam – 604001. 166 Chinnasalem – 606201, Villupuram District.
The Partner, M/s.Kubera Vinayagar Agro Thiru.C.Selvaraj, General Secretary, FACT
Foods, Tindivanam Tk, Villupuram District India, No.20, Vyasar Street, T.Nagar,
151 – 604102. 167 Chennai – 600 017.
The Partner, M/s. Sri Balamurugan Rice Thiru.N.Ramasamy, No.125, Teachers
Mill, Kangayam – 638701, Tiruppur Street, Chinnachettypalaym, Erode –
152 District. 168 638002.
The Proprietor, M/s. Shree Kubera Thiru.S.Neelakantapillai, No.7/206, NGO
Vinayagar Modern Rice Mill, Tindivanam – 169 Colony, Kottar Post, Nagercoil – 629002.
153 604001. Thiru.S.Neelakantapillai, No.7/206, NGO
The Partner, M/s. Shri Vinayaga Modern 170 Colony, Kottar Post, Nagercoil – 629002.
Rice Mills, Kangayam – 638701, Tiruppur Thiru.D.Rajendran, Secretary, Vandimedu
154 District. House Owners Welfare Association, No.56,
The Partner, M/s. Sri Vigneswara Rice Mill, Viratikuppam Road, Vandimedu,
155 Kangayam – 638701, Tiruppur District. 171 Villupuram – 605602.
M/s.Rujula International, email id: 602003.
172 [email protected] M/s.Krishna Rice, Alayam & Co, Alayam
Thiru.R.Sachithanantham, No.2/56, Hi-tech Rice Industry, No.869, Dharapuram
Kattachinampatti, Kamatchipuram, 189 Road, Kangayam, Tirupur – 638701.
173 Rettiyarchathiram, Dindigul – 624 622. Thiru.V.Thirugnanam, president,
M/s.Coimbatore District Coir and Allied CODISSIA, No.3827, Huzur Road,
Products Manufactureres Association, 190 Coimbatore – 641 018.
No.61, Kumaran Building, Newscheme Dr.A.S.Kandasamy, No.15/62, SaiRam
174 Road, Pollachi – 642002. Thottam, Athanur, Rasipuram Taluk,
Manager, C/o.Spider Coir, Padakacheri, Namakkal District – 636301. (T.P.No.1 of
175 Puliyakudi Village, Thiruvarur District. 2022 and Miscellaneous Petition M.P.No.36
176 Email ID: [email protected] 191 of 2022).
M/s.DuraiSamy Modern Rice Mill, Salem M/s.Tamil Nadu Electricity Consumers
Main Road, Ammaiyagaram – 606 201 Association, 1st Floor, SIEMA Building,
177 Villupuram District. No.8/4, Race Course Road, Coimbatore –
M/s.Aum Sri Sakthi Karukuvel Ayyanar 192 641018.
Moder Rice Mill, No.59, Thiru.R.Eswaramoorthy, Agilam Social
Timmasamuthuram, Amman Kulam Road, service, 10th Floor, Vaiyapurinagar,
178 Kanchipuram – 631502. 193 Tirunelveli – 627006.
Sri Amman Trading Company, No.142/2, M/s.The Southern India Mills Association,
Pollikkalipalayam, Dharapuram Road, 194 No.41, Race Course, Coimbatore – 641018.
179 Tirupur – 641665. Dr.K.Venkatachalam, Chief Advisor, Tamil
M/s.Shanmuga Modern Rice Mill, Nadu Spinning Mills Association, No.2,
Manikkanathapuram, Dharapuram road, Karur Road, Modern nagar, Dindigul –
180 Pollikalipalayam Post, Tirupur – 641665. 195 624001.
Sri Jaya Jothi Modern Rice Mill, Thiru.K.Kathimathiyon, Secretary,
No.154/1A, Dharapuram Road, Coimbatore consumer Cause, No.3B, 4th
Kuppuchipalayam, Pollikalipalayam Post, Floor, Mayflowr Valencia, No.1264/c-
181 Tirupur – 641665. Avinashi Road, Nava India, Peelamedu,
Sri Saravana Modern Rice Mill, No.86, 196 Coimbatore – 641004.
Trichy Main Road, Chinnasalem – 606201, M/s. National Solar Energy Federation of
182 Villupuram District. India, No.135-137, 1st Floor, Rectangale -1,
M/s.Rasi Rice Mills, No.154/1A-2, D-4, Saket District Centre, New Delhi –
Dharapuram Road, Kuppuchipalayam, 197 110017.
183 Polikalaipalayam Post, Tirupur – 641 665. M/s.Auroville Consulting, Kalpana, Crown
M/s. Girijha Hi-tech Agro Foods, No.23, 198 Road, Auroville, Tamil Nadu – 605101.
Netteri Village, Thimmasamuthiram Post, M/s. Tamil Nadu Electricity Consumer
Amman Kulam Road, Kanchipuram – Association 1st Floor, SIEMA Building,
184 631502. 199 No.8/4, Race Course, Coimbatore – 641018.
M/s.Gnanam Modern Rice Mill, No.23, M/s.Tulsyan Steel, Apex Plaza, 1st Floor,
Netteri Village, Thimmasamuthiram Post, No.3, Nungambakkam High Road, Chennai
Amman Kulam Road, Kanchipuram – 631 200 – 600 034.
185 502. M/s.Madras Steel Re-Rollers Association,
M/s.Narayana Foods, Paddy & Rice No.804C, Block, Shivalaya Building, Ethiraj
Merchants, No.3/473, Arcot Road, Arni – 201 Salai, Egmore, Chennai – 600008.
186 632301. M/s.South India Corrugated Box
Thiru.M.S.Sampathi, President, Madurai Manufacturers Association, No.574/2,
District Tiny & Small Scale Industries Shakthi Nagar, Civil Aerodrome Post,
Association, No.1A/4A, Dr.Ambedkar 202 Avinashi Road, Coimbatore – 641014.
187 Road, Madurai – 625020. M/s.Saravana Modern Rice Mill, No.59,
M/s.kamaksh Concepts, Phase II, SIDCO Thimmasamuthiram, Arakkonam Road,
188 Industrial Estate, Kakkalur, Thiruvallur – 203 Kanchipuram – 02.
Thiru.Thangavel email Id : M/s.Mangalam Common Effluent Recycling
204 [email protected] Technologies India (P) Ltd, No.177/1A,
Thiru.N.Venkatesan, Accountant, Diamonds Vayakkadu Thottam, Sultanpet, Mangalam
Coating Industries, No.S-133, Shed No.42, 221 Post, Tirupur – 641 663.
Sidco Industrial Estate, Kakkalur, M/s.Greetings Color Processors, No.159/2,
205 Thiruvallur – 602003. Nallur, Maniyakarampalayam, Vijayapuram
Thiru.S.Neelakanta Pillai, No.7/206,Ngo 222 Post, Kangayam Road, Tirupur – 641606.
Colony, Kottar Post, Nagercoil – 629002 M/s.Arulmurugan Rice Mill, No.374,
206 dated 11-08-2022. 223 Kottupullampalayam Post, Gobi Taluk.
Thiru.B.Sekar, Dindigul, email id: M/s. Natarajan Modern Rice Mill,
207 [email protected] No.62/2B1, Su.Kilnachipattu Village,
M/s.GRG Metal Finishers, No.G 55C, Sidco Tirukovilur Road, Tiruvannamalai Taluk –
Industrial Estate, Kakkalur, Thiruvallur – 224 606603.
208 602003. Thiru.S.Parameswaran, Ethuvampadi Road,
Shri.Guru Engineering, No.86A, Mahathma 225 Kalambur – 606 903.
Gandhi Street, Tass Industrial Estate, M/s.karthikeyan Modern Rice Mill,
209 Ambattur, Chennai – 600 098. Tirukoilur Road, Tiruvannamalai Taluk and
Thiru.Muruganantham, Managing Partner, 226 District – 606601.
Muruganantham Chemical & Company, M/s.Annalaxmi Modern Rice Mill,
No.65, Sidco Industrial Estate, Kakkalur, No.2/147, Nathakkadu Thottam,
210 Thiruvallur – 602003. Karukkampalayam Post, Avanishi Taluk,
M/s.Mayura Rice Mills, No.3,Kothandaram 227 Tiruppur – 641654.
211 Mill Road, Mahalipatti, Madurai – 625001. M/s.Micro Colour Makers, Kudikinaru
M/s.Koodal Rice Mill, No.43/2B, 44/1-A, Thottam, Murugampalayam,
Chinthamani Road, Rajaman Nagar, 228 Iduvampalayam Post, Tirupur – 641687.
212 Madurai – 625009. M/s. Aissvaryam Modern Rice Mill,
M/s.kalidas Rice Mill, No.5, Nallamuthu No.230/1-B, Mithiparai, Muthur Road,
213 Pillai Road, Mahalipatti, Madurai – 625001. Veernampalayam Post, Kangayam –
M/s.Mahasakthi Modern Rice Mill, 229 638701, Tiruppur District.
No.425/2, Mudhiparai, Muthur Road, M/s.Abhinaya Modern Rice Mill,
214 Kangayam – 638701. Kangayam Kovai Main Road,
M/s.Centhil Murugan Modern Rice Mill, Sengodampalayam, Muthiyanarachal
No.10/123, Tirupur Road, Kaangayam – 230 Post,Tirupur Taluk – 33
215 638701. M/s.ThiruKarthikeyan Rice Mill, No.435,
M/s.Vedha Colours, Partner, No.23/38, Muthur Road, Pappini Village,
Navithan Thottam, K.V.R.Nagar, Tiruppur – 231 P.Pachapalayam Post, Kangayam – 638701.
216 641604. M/s.Saraswathi Modern Rice Mill,
M/s.Eastern Common Effluent Treatment Ganapathypalayam Post, Veerapandi,
Company Private Limited, No.3/1, 4/2, 232 Tirupur – 641 605.
Kasipalayam, Nallur Village, Vijayapuram, M/s.Tirupur Murugampalayam Common
217 Post, Tirupur – 641606. Effluents Treatment Company Private
M/s.Jai Knit Process, No.1/1 A-2, Sidco Limited, No.214/2, Erankattu Thottam,
Main Road, Anaikkuli Bus Stop, Murugampalayam, Iduvampalayam Post,
Kasipalayam, Vijayapuram Post, Tirupur – 233 Tirupur – 641687.
218 641606. M/s.Amirthalaya Modern Rice Mill,
M/s.Arun Structurals, No.243/244/2, No.425/1, D.N.14/99, Muthur Road,
Pakkudi Road, Mathur – 622515, Mithiparai, P.Pachapalayam Post,
219 Pudukkottai District. 234 Kangayam – 638701, Tirupur District.
M/s.Samr, No.435, Sathiyapuram Salai, M/s.Alagunachiamman Agro Foods, No.96-
Mashar Bus Stop, No.1, Kallaraipadi Post, A, Palani Main Road, Dharapuram District –
Chengam Taluk, Mashar, Tiruvannamalai 235 638673.
220 District . 236 M/s.Sindhu Gangai Modern Rice Mill,
No.84/2A, Chinnailliyam, Pothiyapalyam M/s.Mahalakshmi Modern Rice Mill,
Post, Kangayam – 638701, Tirupur District. No.11/96, Vovunkadu, Tirupur Road,
M/s.Venkatesara Rice Mill, No.1/138, Sivanmalai, Kangayam – 638701, Tirupur
237 Hosur Main Road, Rayakottai – 635116. 254 District.
M/s.Bhagayalakshmi Modern Rice Mill, M/s.Sathyanarayana Modern Rice Mill,
No.146/5, Periya Illiyam, Pothiyapalayam 255 No.23, Netteri, Vellore Road, Kanchipuram.
Post, Kangayam – 638701, Tiruppur Sri Rama Modern Rice Mill, No.641, Salem
238 District. 256 Main Road, Chinnasalem – 606201.
M/s.Thirumurugan Modern Rice Mill, M/s.Apple Hi Tech Modern Rice Mill,
No.220/3, Palani Road, Achiyur Post, No.6/159, Rajapalayam Main Road,
239 Dharapuram – 638673, Tiruppur District. Dhalavaipuram, Krishnapuram – 626142,
M/s.Tamilarasi Modern Rice Mill, No.509, 257 Virudhunagar District.
Poonampalayam, Edumalai Road, M/s.Vallarashu Modern Rice Mill,
Mannachanallur Taluk, Trichy District – No.684/3, Arachallur Road,
240 621005. Kandasamypalayam, Sivagiri – 638109,
Thiru.S.Gandhi, PESOT, No.45/28, 258 Erode District.
Balaguru Garden, Peelamedu, Coimbatore – M/s.Elango Modern Rice Mill, No.2/1,
241 641004. Thiruvalluvar Street, M.Velampalayam,
M/s.Surya Modern Rice Mill, No.52/A5, 259 Kodakkurichi,Erode – 638104.
242 Durugam Road, Kalakurichi – 606202. M/s.RkB Modern Rice Mill, No.9,
M/s.TKS and Company, No.74-A, R.D.Paul Nallamuthu Pillai Road, Mahalipatty,
243 Street, Arisipalayam, Salem – 09. 260 Madurai.
M/s.K.R.K.Traders, No.3/240, M/s.Omsakthi Modern Rice Mill, No.425/4,
Venkatapuram, Nethaji Road, Krishnagiri – Virukavur to Durugam Road, Sithalur,
244 635002, Krishnagiri District. 261 Kallakurichi Taluk, Villupuram District.
M/s.Rajeswari Ammal Rice Mill, No.16, M/s./Saravanan Traders, Kandasamy Palay
245 Jaihindpuram 1st Street, Madurai – 625011. Post, Sivagiri, Kodumudi Taluk, Erode –
M/s.Andavar Modern Rice Mill, 262 638109.
No.461/3B2, Sithalur Road, Sithalur M/s.Sivagangai Rice Mill P Ltd, No.55,
246 Mudiyanur Post, Kallakurichi District. Dharapuram Road, Kangayam – 638701,
M/s.Amarnath Modern Rice Mill, 263 Tirupur District.
No.422/2A, Muthur Road, P.Pachapalayam M/s.Selvakkumaran Modern Rice Mill,
247 Post, Kangayam – 638701, Tirupur District. No.729/4, Bangalapudur, Kangayam –
M/s.Sri Annamalaiar Modern Rice Mill, 264 638701, TIrupur District.
No.221/3, Poolavadi Road, Ellies Nagar M/s.Mayura Rice Industries, No.10/57,
248 Post, Dharapuram – 638 657. 265 Dharapuram Road, kangeyam – 638701.
M/s.Annakamatchi Amman Rice Mill, M/s.S.R.B.Traders, Main Road,
No.85/128, Samayapuram Road, Cholamadevi, Madathukulam Post, Tirupur
249 Mannachanallur – 621005. 266 District.
Thiru.C.Selvaraj, General Secretary, No.20, Thiru.Saravanan email id:
Vysar Nagar, Thyagaraya Nagar, Chennai – 267 [email protected]
250 600 017. Coimbatore Tirupur MSME email id:
M/s.D.R.Modern Rice Mill, No.93/C, 268 [email protected]
Adayapulam Road, Rattinamangalam, Arni Thiru.S.Kalaiselvan, Yathra Automotive
251 – 632316. Industries, No.S-50, Sidco Industrial Estate,
M/s.Nabasian Social Service and Helping 269 Kakkalur, Tiruvallur – 602003.
Centre, No.157/16, E Block ,M.M.D.A Thiru.P.Kannan, Poongavanam Modern
252 Nagar, Arumbakkam, Chennai – 600106. Rice Mill, Kandachipuram Main Road,
M/s.Amirtha Modern Rice Mill No.706, Pillarampattu Post, Thirukovillur Post,
Salem Main Road, Ammaiyagaram Post, 270 villupuram district.
Chinnasalem Taluk, Villupuram District – M/s.Susil Modern Rice Mill, No.664, A-3,
253 606 201. 271 Adayapulam Road, Sevoor, Arni,
Thriuvannamalai – 632316. Road, Kangayam – 638701, Tirupur
Sri Venkatachalapathy Modern hitech rice District.
mill, No.57/682, vetavalam Main Road, M/s.Sripathy Rice Mill, No.108,109,
272 T.Thevanur, Villupuram – 605752. Coimbatore Road, Kangayam – 638701,
M/s.J.K.T.Hi-tech Rice Industries, No.1-A, 289 Tirupur District.
Ramachandrapuram, South Veli Street, Thiru.B.Saravanan, Saravana Modern Rice
273 Madurai – 625001. 290 Mill, Sankarai R.S.637302, Salem District.
M/s.Vel Modern Rice Mill, Naduppalayam, M/s. Indu Plastics, D.P.No.4, Sidco
274 Vellottamparappu Post, Erode – 638154. Industrial Estate, Kakkalur, Thannerkulam,
Sri Kannan Modern Rice Mill, Gingee Main 291 Thiruvallur District – 602025.
275 Road, Thennamadevi, Villupuram District. M/s.Kangayam Coconut Oil Manufacturers
Sri Saravana Modern Rice Mil, No.47, Association, No.171, Tirupur Road,
Rajampalayam Road, Mannachanallur – 292 Kangayam – 638701.
276 621005. M/s.Shri Jaya Dhurgaa, Modern Rice Mill,
M/s.Ramco Green Food Tech, No.66/5-B, S.F.No.82/2, Palayakottai Road, Kangayam
Veerasekarapuram, Sakkottai, Puduvayal – 293 – 638701, Erode District.
277 630108. M/s.S.T.Arasakumar Rice Mill, Paddy &
M/s.AAP Modern Rice Mill, New Trichy Rice Wholesale Merchant, No.193,
Road, Kugaiyur road, Railway gate, Nedungulam Road, Panaiyur Post,
278 Chinnasalem – 606201. 294 Ayyanapuram, Madurai – 625009.
Thiru.S.Gandhi, PESOT, No.45/28, Thiru.Dhanapal, No.1/107, Periyathottam,
Balaguru Garden, Peelamedu, Coimbatore – Veppangottaipalayam, Puliyampatti,
279 641004.(Miscellaneous Petition). 295 Palladam, Tirupur District.
Thiru.Ashish Nandan, Vice President, First Thiru.Velusamy, No.1/107A,
Energy Private Limited, No.601, Cello Periyathottam, Veppangottaipalayam,
Platina, 6th Floor, F.C.Road, Shivaji Nagar, 296 Puliyampatti, Palladam, Tirupur District.
280 Pune – 4110005 Thiru.R.Ramesh, No.3/38,
M/s. PJS Automotive Stamping, 1st Floor, Sidhanayakanpalayam Post, Selakarichal,
DP-S56, Sidco Industrial Estate, Survey Karadivavi (via), Sulur Taluk, Coimbatore
No.62 Part 63 Part, Putlur Village, 297 District – 641658.
281 Tiruvallur – 602003. Thiru.V.Ramasamy, No.3/48,
M/s.Sri Rama Aqua, S.F.No.93/2, Sidhanayakanpalayam Post, Selakarichal,
Vazhapady Main Road, Belur, Vazhapady Karadivavi (via), Sulur Taluk, Coimbatore
282 Taluk – 636104, Salem District. 298 District – 641658.
Thiru.M.Saroja, Spindraft, No.79, SIDCO M/s.Sri Angalamman Hi-Tech Modern Rice
Industrial Estate Post, Kurichi, Coimbatore Mill, No.140/17, Pulikkal, Veerapandi,
283 – 641021. 299 Kallakurichi – 605758.
Thiru.B.Loganathan, Sengottuvelavar Rice M/s.Sapthagiri Engineering, No.15/1K,
Mills, Sankari R.S., Salem District – Ayyampatti Post, REC Via, Trichy –
284 637302. 300 620015.
M/s.Bharath Besto Fab, No.33,34, & 35, M/s.Sri Vasavi engineering, No.15/1K,
Sidco Industrial Estate, Thiruverumbur, Ayyampatti (Post), REC(Via), Trichy –
285 Tiruchirapalli – 620014. 301 620015.
M/s.Sri Sakthi Rice Mill, No.391-A, M/s.Chandra Devi Hi-tech Agro Industry,
Kallankadu Thottam, Kamaraj road, Tirupur No.193-C, Nedunkulam Road, Panayur
286 – 641604. 302 Post, Ayyanarpuram, Madurai – 625009.
M/s.Sri Hari Modern Rice Mill, RSF M/s.Tirupathi Venkatajalapathi Rice Mill,
No.633/4, Periailliam Road, No.43/8, 9-A, Rajaman Nagar,
Agasthilingampalayam, Kangayam – 303 Chinthamani Road, Madurai – 625009.
287 638701, Tirupur District. M/s.A.Chandradevi Rice Mill, Paddy &
M/s. Sri Amman & co, Raasi Modern Rice Rice Wholesale Merchant, No.193C,
288 Mill, No.368A, Bharathiyar Street, Tirupur 304 Nedungulam Road, Panaiyur Post,
Ayyanapuram, Madurai – 625009. 641663.
Thiru.P.Shakthivel, S/o. Palanisamigounder, Thiru.P.Thangaraj, Sri Palani Murugan Rice
No.2/493 G, Sundaram Nagar, & Oil Mill, Vadapalani, Komarapalayam
Chemmipalayam, Sukkampalayam Post, Post, Nathakkadaiyur Via, Erode District -
305 Palladam, Tirupur – 641662. 320 638108.
M/s.Sree Murugan Modern Rice Mill, Thiru.K.Sekar, Sri Sivagami Modern Rice
No.3/1, Poondurai Semur ,Post,Avai 321 Mill, Tiruvannamalai.
306 Poondurai Via, Erode – 638115. M/s.Lena Serma Kannan Modern Rice Mill,
M/s.M.S.K. MRM, Rice Mill T.N.C.S.C. Paddy & Rice Wholesale Merchant,
Ltd, Hulling Agent, No.267, Kamaraj Road, No.4/51A, Nedunkulam Main Road,
Arakandanallur, Thirukoilur – 605752. 322 Chinthamani, Madurai – 625009.
307 Villupuram District. M/s.Sri Aaditya Spinners, No.145, Cotton
M/s.Gugan Tex, S.F.No.565/7, Angappa 323 Market, Rajapalayam – 626117.
Street, Kanjikovil Road, M/s.Akshayam Spinners, Manufacturing of
Karumandisellipalayam, Perundurai – Openend yarns, No.13/125/C2,
308 638052, Erode District. Palappampati, Palani Road, S.V.Mills Post,
M/s.Seethalakshmi Tex, No.3/61, 324 Udumalpet Taluk – 642128.
Velliyampalayam, P.Olapalayam Post, M/s.SIDCO Nagar Senior Citizen Welfare
309 Perundurai – 638052, Erode District. Association, No.E-7/568, 3rd Main Road,
Thiru. Lakshinarasimhan, email id: SIDCO Nagar, Villivakkam, Chennai – 600
310 [email protected] 325 049.
M/s.Kovai Tirupur District Powerlooms M/s.Rajapalayam Chamber of Commerce
Association, Somanoor email id: and Industry No.121, Chamber of
311 [email protected]. Commerce Road, Kamaraj Nagar,
M/s.Kovai Tirupur District Powerlooms 326 Rajapalayam – 626117.
Association, Somanoor email id: M/s.Vetrivel Kumaran Modern Rice Mill,
312 [email protected]. No.50/7A, Mailam road, Tindivanam –
M/s.N.R.S.Tex No.9/327, Nik Nagar, 327 604002.
Kunnathur Road, Seenapuram Post, Sri Annapoorani Modern Rice Mill,
Thuduppathi Via, Perundurai Taluk – No.8/6A, Vettavalam Main Road,
313 638057. T.Devanur & Post – 605752.,
Thiru.A.D.Thirumoorthy, Energy 328 Kandachipuram Taluk, Villupuram District.
Consultant, B- 64, Sreevatsa Gardents, M/s.Malliga Modern Rice Mill, No.1/3,
314 Thudiyalur, Coimbatore – 641034. New No.1/21, Vettavallam Main Road,
M/s.Sree Andaal Engineering Industries, T.Devanur village, Thirukovilur Taluk,
Ayyampatti Main Road, Valavandhakootai, 329 Villupuram – 605752.
315 Trichy – 620015. M/s.Erode & Tiruppur Mavatta Thennai
M/s.Sri Krishna Modern Rice Mill, Dindigul Saar Porutkal Urpathiyalargal Sangam,
Main Road, Karuvelampallam, Achiyur Post No.285/1A3, Thambiranvalasu,
– 638673, Dharapuram Taluk, Tirupur Kongudayampalayam Village, Kasturiba
316 District. 330 Gramam Post, Arachalur, Erode – 638101.
M/s.Sathish Modern Rice Mill, M/s.Palani Taluka Thennai Saar Porul
M.Velampalayam, Muthur Main Road, Urpathiyalargal Sangam, S.F.No.375/1C,
317 Modakkurichi Post, Erode – 638104. Kumarapalayam, Muthunaickenpatti Post,
Thiru.A.Muthupandi, No.471, Kaliyamman 331 Palani Taluk, Dindigul – 624618.
Kovil Street, Soundarapuram, Kullalakundu M/s.M.R.S.R.Modern Rice Mill, No.76,
318 and 50 others. Chengalpet Main Road, Thangi,
M/s.Angalamman Cottons & Textile Mills, 332 Kanchipuram Taluk – 631601.
Manufacturers & Exporters of High Class Thiru.Ponnusamy, Kovai Tirupur District
Power Loom Fabric & Yarns, No.10/72, 333 Powerlooms Association, Soomanur.
Malaikovil Privu, Chinnaputhur, Thiru.R.Saravanakumar, Sri Balaji Modern
319 Agragaraputhur, Mangalam vila, Tirupur – 334 Rice Mill, Tiruvannamalai.
Shri Kurinchi Tex, No.1/9, Valasupalayam, M/s.S.K.Process, S.F.No.672,
Ponmudi, Perundurai – 638056, Erode Murugampalayam, Iduvampalaya Post,
335 District. 355 Tirupur – 641687.
M/s.Sindhu Textiles, Proprieter email id: M/s.Kasipalayam Common Effluent
336 [email protected] Treatment Plant Private Limited,
M/s.VG Tex, No.341/1, Vadugapalayam 356 S.Periyapalayam Post, Tirupur – 641607.
Pudur, Modachur, Gobichettipalayam, Sri Valli Process, No.241/3, Sri Valli
337 Erode District – 638476 357 Garden, Angeripalayam, Tirupur – 641603.
M/s.Thangamani Rice Mill, No.50, School M/s.Fast Colourss, S.F.No.238-1A2,
Youth Road, Selvanagar, Elumathur – Chinnappa Gounder Thottam, Vengamedu,
338 638104, Erode District. Chettipalayam Road, Angeripalayam,
339 [email protected] 358 Tirupur – 641603.
Thiru.S.Neelakantapillai, NO.7/206, NGO Sri Krishna Modern Rice Mill, Dindigul
340 Colony, Kottar Post, Nagercoil – 629002 Main Road, Karuvelampallam, Achiyur
359 Post, - 638673.
341 [email protected]
Thiru.V.Thirugnanam , President,
342 [email protected] CODISSIA, Post Box No. 3827, Huzur
343 [email protected] 360 Road, Coimbatore – 641018.
M/s.V.R.P.Tex, No.1/23A, Kovilkadu, Thiru.S.Neelakantapillai, No.7/206, NGO
Ponmudi, Vijayamangalam, Perundurai - 361 Colony, Kottar Post, Nagercoil – 629002
344 638056, Erode district, Tamil Nadu. Kovai Tirupur District Weavers
Sree Vinayaga Tex, No.1/24, Kovilkadu, Powerlooms Association, Sommanur. Email
345 Ponmudi, Vijayamangalam(via) – 638056. 362 ID: [email protected]
Sri Valli Process, No.241/3, Sri Valli 363 Email Id: [email protected]
346 Garden, Angeripalayam, Tirupur – 641603.
364 Email Id: [email protected]
M/s.Allwyn Tex private Limited, No.119/6,
Kovai Tirupur District Weavers
S.F.No. 369, 370/1, 371 K.G.Nagar,
Powerlooms Association, Sommanur. Email
347 Pichampalayam Pudur, Tirupur – 641603.
365 ID: [email protected]
Sri Samayapuram Mariamman Process,
Kovai Tirupur District Weavers
D.No.42, Murugaiyar Street, Thondi Kadu,
Powerlooms Association, Sommanur. Email
Annupparpalayam (Post), Tirupur – 641
366 ID: [email protected]
348 652.
M/s.Yeongsang Technologies, Shed No.99,
M/s.Colour zone Processors, S.F.No.313,
Sidco Industrial Estate, Kakkalur,
Nochikkadu, Aathupalayam, Thirumurugan
367 Thiruvallur – 602003.
349 poondi post, Tirupur – 641652.
M/s.V.G.B.Raj Machine Shop, Plot No.23,
M/s.Kathiresan Bleaching Company,
Sakthi Nagar, Kakkalur Estate, Thiruvallur
No.671, Thamban Chetty Thottam,
368 Taluk and District – 602003.
Murugampalayam, Iduvampalayam Post,
350 Tirupur – 641687. 369 Email id: [email protected]
M/s.Golden bleaching company, Alangadu, M/s.Kovai Tirupur District Weavers
Kulathupalayam, Uthukuli Road, Powerlooms Association, Sommanur. Email
351 S.Periyapalayam Post, Tirupur – 641607. 370 ID: [email protected]
M/s.Devi Structurals, No.7, Sidco Anciliary M/s.TamilNadu Nursery Primary Matric
Industrial Estate, Boiler Plant, Hr.Secondary and CBSE Schools
352 Thiruverumbur, Tiruchiraplli – 620014. Association No.6, Ekambaram Street,
M/s.Multi Colour Process, No.3/241, 371 Pammal, Chennai – 600075
Sottankalar Thottam, S.Periyapalayam Post, Kovai Tirupur District Weavers
353 Tirupur – 641607. Powerlooms Association, Sommanur. Email
M/s.Chinnakkarai Common Effluent 372 ID: [email protected]
Treatement Plant (P) Limited, No.266, Kovai Tirupur District Weavers
Kuppandampalayam, Veerapani Post, Powerlooms Association, Sommanur. Email
354 Tirupur – 641605. 373 ID: [email protected]
Thiru.K.P.Subramanian, Mani Rice Mill, Promotion Council, Texvalley Market(P)
M.Velampalayam, Modakkurichi – Limited, Basement, No.1, Gangapuram
374 638104,Erode District. Post, Erode – 638102.
375 Email id: [email protected] M/s.Samayapuram Mariamman Rice
376 Email id: [email protected] Industries, No.7, Mangammal Salai,
Dhalavaipuram Road, Seithur – 626121.
Kovai Tirupur District Weavers
395 Rajapalayam Taluk, Virudhunagar District.
Powerlooms Association, Sommanur. Email
377 ID: [email protected] M/s.Kamathenu Modern Rice Mill,
No.376/2B1A, Ammaiappapuram Road,
378 Email id: [email protected] 396 Chettiyarpatti – 626122.
379 Email id: [email protected] Thiru.T.R.Kesavan, President, The Madras
Kovai Tirupur District Weavers Chamber of Commerce & Industry,
Powerlooms Association, Sommanur. Email Karumuttu Centre, 1st Floor, No.634, Anna
380 ID: [email protected] 397 Salai, Nandanam, Chennai – 600 035.
Kovai Tirupur District Weavers M/s.TamilNadu Poultry Farmers
Powerlooms Association, Sommanur. Email Association, No.663, Salem Road,
381 ID: [email protected] 398 Namakkal – 637001.
Kovai Tirupur District Weavers M/s.Formoplastic Controls (P) Ltd, No.G-
Powerlooms Association, Sommanur. 15A, SIDCO Industrial Estate, Kakkalur,
382 Email ID: [email protected] 399 Thiruvallur – 602003.
383 Email id: [email protected] Thiru.K.Vishnu Mohan Rao, Senior
Kovai Tirupur District Weavers Researcher, Citizen Consumer and Civic
Powerlooms Association, Sommanur. Email Action Group (CAG), No.103 (First Floor),
384 ID: [email protected] Eldams Road, Teynampet, Chennai –
Sri Mahalakshmi Modern Rice Mill, 400 600018.
Proprietor, Poondi Road, Ammaiyakaram M/s.Murugan Pack, No.10, SIDCO
post, Chinasalem Taluk, Villupuram District Industrial Estate, Kakkalur, Thiruvallur
385 – 606 201 401 District – 602003.
386 Email id: [email protected] M/s.SM Engineering, No.DP-26, Electrical
Thiru.Rangaraj, Email id: Industrial Estate, Kakkalur, Thiruvallur –
387 [email protected] 402 602003.
Kovai Tirupur District Weavers M/s.SPECFIN Industries, No.DP S-69,
Powerlooms Association, Sommanur. Email Sidco Industrial Estate, Kakkalur,
388 id: [email protected] 403 Thiruvallur – 602003.
Kovai Tirupur District Weavers Thiru.A.Krishnamurthy, Good Tight
Powerlooms Association, Sommanur. Email Fasteners, No.T289B, Second Main Road,
389 ID: [email protected] SIDCO Women Industrial Park, Kattur
Kovai Tirupur District Weavers 404 Village, Thirumullaivoyil, Chennai - 600062
Powerlooms Association, Sommanur. Email M/s.SSM Engineering Services, Mechanical
390 ID: [email protected] Engineering Solutions Division, No.126A,
Kovai Tirupur District Weavers Sathiya Sai Street, Poonga Nagar,
Powerlooms Association, Sommanur. Email 405 Thiruvallur, Chennai – 602001.
391 ID: [email protected] M/s.Vela Weaving, No.5/302, Seenapuram
Kovai Tirupur District Weavers Post, Perundurai – 638 057, Erode District,
Powerlooms Association, Sommanur. Email 406 Tamil Nadu.
392 ID: [email protected] M/s.Priyadharshine Industries, No.G54D,
M/s.Smartech Engineering and Services SIDCO Industrial Estate, Kakkalur,
Private Limited, No.24/26, G8, Maruthi 407 Thiruvallur – 602003.
Homes, Loganathan Street, Krishnapuram, Kovai Tirupur District Weavers
393 Ambattur, Chennai – 600053. Powerlooms Association, Sommanur. Email
Thiru.M.A.Ramasamy, Chairman, 408 ID: [email protected]
394 Powerloom Development and Export 409 M/s.Mahalakshmi Engineering Industries,
Plot No.21, Sidco Industrial Estate, Phase – Erode Dt.
II, Kakkalur, Thiruvallur – 602003. 432 Thiru. G. Madhan, Soolai, Erode Dt.
Thiru.D.Rajenderan, President, Consumer Tmt. G. Rajammal118 Gandhi Nagar,
Protection and Welfare Trust, No.56, 433 Kanikulathurkulam, Erode Dt.
Virattikuppam Patai, Vandimedu,
Tmt. M. Shanthi, 345, Chottaiyampalayam,
410 Villupuram – 605602
434 Chittode, Erode Dt.
Kovai Tirupur District Weavers
Thiru. J. Abdul Hameed, Periya Valasu,
Powerlooms Association, Sommanur. Email
131, M.G.R Street, Veerappanchatram,
411 ID: [email protected]
435 Erode Dt.
Kovai Tirupur District Weavers
Tmt. M. Meenachi, Chottaiyampalayam,
Powerlooms Association, Sommanur. Email
436 Chittode, Erode Dt.
412 ID: [email protected]
Thiru. S. Kuppusamy, 87, Patel Nagar,
Kovai Tirupur District Weavers
437 Vairapalayam PO, Erode Dt.
Powerlooms Association, Sommanur. Email
Thiru. Parameshwaran, 86/87, Patel Nagar,
413 ID: [email protected]
438 Vairapalayam PO, Erode Dt.
414 Email id: [email protected] Thiru. M. Kannan, Chinna Valasu,
415 [email protected] 439 Veerappanchatram, Erode Dt.
Rayarpallayam Powerloomers, Kovai Thiru. K. Loganathan, 2/8, Mudaliyar Koil
Tirupur District Weavers Powerlooms 440 Street, Kumarapalayam, Namakkal Dt.
Association, Sommanur. Email ID: Thiru. R. Balu, 152/105, Rasappalayam
416 [email protected] 441 Road, Vilasarampatti Po, Erode.
Rayarpallayam Powerloomers, Kovai Thiru. Chandra sekar, 58/1, M.G.R Street,
Tirupur District Weavers Powerlooms 442 Veerappanchatram, Erode Dt.
Association, Sommanur. Email ID: Thiru. N. Pradeep Kumar, No.7, 138
417 [email protected] 443 Kanalapatti, Mettur, Guttapatti, Salem Dt.
418 Email id: [email protected] Thiru. Ananth, 19A, Kattukottaigai,
Kallapalaym Powerlooms Association 444 Manivizhutani, Attur, Salem Dt.
419 Email id: [email protected] Thiru. G. Vijayakumar, 3/88, Arkol[atti,
Kumarapallayam Powerlooms Association Maniafra Alli, Pennakaram Tk, Dharmapuri
420 Email id: [email protected] 445 Dt.
421 Email id: [email protected] Thiru. N. Ramesh, 153/1, N.
Thiru. R. Vishwanathan, Mahatma puram, 446 Kandhampalayam, Nasiyanur, Erode.
422 Goundampati Post, Erode Dt. Thiru. N. Palanisamy, 1, Penangar Thottam,
Thiru. R. Senthil, Sentamil Nagar, 447 Periya Somur, Erode.
423 Mamaradhu Palayam, Erode Dt. Thiru. B/ Pravhu, 39/56, PalanimalaiStreet,
Tmt. Jegathambbal 58/1-M.G.R Street, 448 Erode.
424 Veerappanchatram, Erode Dt. Thiru. R. Sakthivel. Sri Sakthi Nagar,
Thiru. M. Prabhakaran, 131, M.G.R Street, 449 Goundachipayalam , Vellode.
425 Veerappanchatram, Erode Dt. Thiru. S. Subramanian. Sri Sakthi Nagar,
Thiru. K. Mathaiyan, 131, M.G.R Street, 450 Goundachipayalam , Vellode.
426 Veerappanchatram, Erode Dt. Tmt. D. Meenatchi, 81A, Sri Sakthi Nagar,
Thiru. K. Arunprem, 332, Muniappan Kovil 451 Goundachipayalam , Vellode.
427 Street, Manickkam Palayam, Erode Dt. Thiru. V. Dinakaran, 8, Sri Sakthi Nagar,
Thiru. K. Murugesan, 9/145 Periyar Nagar 452 Goundachipayalam , Perundhurai, Erode Dt.
1st Street, Goundampati road, Vasavi Thiru. A. Suresh, Sakthi Nagar,
428 College PO, Erode Dt. Chennimalai Road, Rangampalayam, Pudhu
Thiru. A. Mohan Raj , 65,Patel Nagar, 453 Valasu, Erode Dt.
429 Vairapalayam PO, Erode Dt, Thiru. G. Senthil Kumar, 108, Sri Sakthi
Thiru. R. Vasu, Nesavalar Colony, Soolai, Nagar, Pudhuvalasu, Goundachipayalam ,
430 Erode Dt. 454 Perundhurai, Erode Dt.
431 Thiru. Chittibabu, Nesavalar Colony, Soolai, 455 Thiru. P. Manivel, 80B, Sri Sakthi Nagar,
Pudhuvalasu, Goundachipayalam , Thiru. Duraisamy, 23, Poosari Street,
Perundhurai, Erode Dt. 479 Surampatty Naal Road, Erode - 638009
Thiru. V. Senthil, Sri Sakthi Nagar, Tmt. Uthami, 44 , Poosari Street,
Pudhuvalasu, Goundachipayalam , 480 Surampatty Naal Road, Erode – 638009
456 Perundhurai, Erode Dt. Tmt. Uthami, 44 , Poosari Street,
Thiru. B. Manikandan, Sri Sakthi Nagar, 481 Surampatty Naal Road, Erode – 638009
Pudhuvalasu, Goundachipayalam , Tmt. Uthami, 44 , Poosari Street,
457 Perundhurai, Erode Dt. 482 Surampatty Naal Road, Erode – 638009
Thiru. K. Thirunavukarasu, 103, Sri Sakthi Thiru. Senthil Kumar 25, Poosari Street,
Nagar, Pudhuvalasu, Goundachipayalam , 483 Surampatty Naal Road, Erode - 638009
458 Perundhurai, Erode Dt. Thiru. Senthil Kumar 25, Poosari Street,
Thiru. N. Selvaraj, 80, Ramamoorthi Nagar, 484 Surampatty Naal Road, Erode – 638009
459 Kirushnam Palayam, Erode Dt. Thiru. Senthil Kumar 25, Poosari Street,
Thiru. S. Mohan Raj, 80, Ramamoorthi 485 Surampatty Naal Road, Erode - 638009
460 Nagar, Kirushnam Palayam, Erode Dt. Thiru. D. Senthil Kumar 25, Poosari Street,
Thiru. K. Pravhu, 304, Annai Sathyanathan 486 Surampatty Naal Road, Erode- 638009.
Pallam, Kavery, Tiruchengode, Namakkal Thiru. D. Senthil Kumar 25, Poosari Street,
461 Dt. 487 Surampatty Naal Road, Erode- 638009.
Thiru. G. Senthil Kumar, Santhakadu, Thiru. Jeya Prakash, Poosari Street,
462 Veerappanchatram, Erode Dt. 488 Surampatty Naal Road, Erode – 638009.
Thiru. S. Mohan, Pazhaiyur, Karangarayan Thiru. A. Ramasamy, 35, Poosari Street,
463 Palaiyam. 489 Surampatty Naal Road, Erode – 638009.
Thiru. R. Selvam, Akhil medu 3rd Street, Tmt. A. Pappamammal, 33, Poosari Street,
464 Chet colony. Erode. 490 Surampatty Naal Road, Erode - 638009
Thiru. M. Sivakumar, 16/36, Muthugoundar Tmt. A. Pappamammal, 33, Poosari Street,
465 Street, Veerappanchatram, Erode Dt. 491 Surampatty Naal Road, Erode - 638009
Thiru. P. Kanagaraj, Mamaradhupalayam, Tmt. A. Pappamammal, 33, Poosari Street,
466 Erode. 492 Surampatty Naal Road, Erode - 638009
Thiru. K. Patcha Muthu, Thiru. Raghunathan, 28, Poosari Street,
467 Mamaradhupalayam, Erode. 493 Surampatty Naal Road, Erode – 638009
Thiru. S. Selvam, Mamaradhupalayam, Thiru. S. Marappan, 17, Poosari Street,
468 Erode. 494 Surampatty Naal Road, Erode – 638009
Tmt. L. Pamavathy, Mamaradhupalayam, Thiru. Subramanian, 23, Poosari Street,
469 Erode. 495 Surampatty Naal Road, Erode -638009
Thiru. C.N.R. Mahendran, Thiru. Subramanian, 23, Poosari Street,
470 Mamaradhupalayam, Erode. 496 Surampatty Naal Road, Erode -638009
Thiru. P. Subramaniam, Thiru. Subramanian, 23, Poosari Street,
471 Mamaradhupalayam, Erode. 497 Surampatty Naal Road, Erode -638009
Thiru. M. Senniappan, Minnakattuthotttam, Tmt. Lakshmi, Poosari Street, Surampatty
472 Thanneerpanthal, Erode. 498 Naal Road, Erode – 638009.
Thiru. N.Sankar, Sekkizhar Street, Tmt. Thenmozhi, 24, Poosari Street,
473 Municipal Colony, Erode. 499 Surampatty Naal Road, Erode – 638009
Thiru. M. Singaravadivel, Malaikkarar Tmt. Sindhiya, 21, Poosari Street,
474 Thottam, Ellaipalaiyam Road, Erode 500 Surampatty Naal Road, Erode – 638009
Thiru. A. Vijayan, 5 Maniakarar thottam, Tmt. Periyasamy, 22, Poosari Street,
475 Periya Somur, Erode. 501 Surampatty Naal Road, Erode - 638009
Thiru. A. Muruganandam, Maniakarar Tmt. Periyasamy, 22, Poosari Street,
476 thottam, Periya Somur, Erode. 502 Surampatty Naal Road, Erode – 638009
Thiru. Duraisamy, 23, Poosari Street, Thiru. P. Palani Samy, Poosari Street,
477 Surampatty Naal Road, Erode - 638009 503 Surampatty Naal Road, Erode – 638009
Thiru. Duraisamy, 23, Poosari Street, 504 Thiru. P. Sadhasivam, Poosari Street,
478 Surampatty Naal Road, Erode – 638009
Surampatty Naal Road, Erode – 638009 Thiru. S. Sathyamoorthy, Gandhiji Road,
Tmt. V. Raji, 138, Sastri Salai, Surampatty 529 Surampatty, Erode Dt.
505 valasu, Erode Dt. Thiru. Subramani, 3/6, Gandhiji Road,
Tmt. R. Muththammal, 138, Sastri Salai, 530 Surampatty, Erode Dt.
506 Surampatty valasu, Erode Dt. Tmt. D. Gomathi, 78, Gandhiji Main Road,
Thiru. R. Ramesh, 38, Sastri Salai, 531 Surampatty, Erode Dt.
507 Surampatty valasu, Erode Dt. ThiruG. Raman, 3/6, Gandhiji Road,
Tmt. Rajeshwari, 138B, Sastri Salai, 532 Surampatty, Erode Dt.
508 Surampatty valasu, Erode Dt. Thiru. VN. Lokeshwaran, 82/1, Gandhiji
Tmt. Jeyalakshmi, 138A, Sastri Salai, 533 Road, Surampatty, Erode Dt.
509 Surampatty valasu, Erode Dt. Tmt. Jothilakshmi, 119, Main Gandhi Road,
Thiru. P. Palanisamy, 138D Sastri Salai, 534 Surampatty, Erode Dt.
510 Surampatty valasu, Erode Dt. Thiru. Mark Aesaiyan, 54, Anna Street,
Thiru. M. Duai Raj, 139, Sastri Salai, 535 Surampatty, Erode Dt.
511 Surampatty valasu, Erode Dt. Thiru. Mark Aesaiyan, 54/1, Anna Street,
Tmt. Pushpa, 139A Sastri Salai, Surampatty 536 Surampatty, Erode Dt.
512 valasu, Erode Dt. Tmt. Banumathi, 119/1, Gandhi Main Road,
Thiru. Balu, 139D Sastri Salai, Surampatty 537 Surampatty, Erode Dt.
513 valasu, Erode Dt. Tmt. Latha.S, Gandhi Main Road,
Thiru. T. Ranganathan, 139B Sastri Salai, 538 Surampatty, Erode Dt.
514 Surampatty valasu, Erode Dt. 539 Tmt. Lathamani, 1/3, Surampatty, Erode Dt.
Tmt. T. Vasuki, 139B Sastri Salai, Thiru. Karupaiyah Nayakkar, 9/1,
515 Surampatty valasu, Erode Dt. 540 Surampatty, Erode Dt.
Thiru. S. Visagavel, D.No.20, Vayikkal 541 Tmt. Lakshmi, Surampatty, Erode Dt.
Medu, Bhavani Main Road, Chittode, Erode 542 Tmt. Pushpa, 3, Surampatty, Erode Dt.
516 Dt.
Thiru. John bashan,3, Bharathidhasan Street,
Thiru. K. Ravi, 24 Netaji Street –I , 543 Gandhi Main Road, Surampatty, Erode Dt.
517 Surampatty valasu, Erode Dt.
Thiru. P. Gokila, 22/47, Kannadhasan
Thiru. S. Lokesh , 24 Netaji Street –I , 544 Street, Surampatty, Erode Dt.
518 Surampatty valasu, Erode -638009.
Thiru. Rengasamy, 75, Anna Street,
Thiru. S. Lokesh , 24 Netaji Street –I , 545 Surampatty, Erode Dt.
519 Surampatty valasu, Erode -638009
Tmt. Lakshmi, 73, Anna Street, Surampatty,
Tmt. S. Sumathi, 24 Netaji Street –I , 546 Erode Dt.
520 Surampatty valasu, Erode Dt.
Tmt. Savithri, 117 , Gandhiji Road,
Thiru. Vishal, 24 Netaji Street –I , 547 Surampatty, Erode Dt.
521 Surampatty valasu, Erode Dt.
Tmt. S. Anandhi, 117, Gandhiji Road,
Tmt. R. Chithra, 141/2, Sastri Salai, 548 Surampatty, Erode Dt.
522 Surampatty valasu, Erode Dt.
Thiru. Siva Gnalam, 241/4, Annaikattu
Thiru. P. Ilangovan, 777-B, 549 Road, Surampatty, Erode Dt.
Muthampalayam 2 part, Kasipalaiyam PO,
Thiru. J. Selvakumar, 241/5, Annaikattu
523 Erode.
550 Road, Surampatty, Erode Dt.
Thiru. S. Senthil, 127/Anna salai Street,
Thiru. K. Murugan, Annaikattu Road,
524 Surapatty , Erode.
551 Surampatty, Erode Dt.
Tmt. M. Kavitha, 141/1, Sastri Salai,
Tmt. M. Gomathi, 450/1, Annaikattu Road,
525 Surampatty valasu, Erode Dt.
552 Surampatty, Erode Dt.
Tmt. E. Shanthi, 40/3, Sastri Salai,
526 Surampatty valasu, Erode - 638009. 553 Thiru. K. Siva, Surampatty, Erode Dt.
Tmt. E. Shanthi, 40/3, Sastri Salai, Thiru S. Arjunan, 1015, FI-1
527 Surampatty valasu, Erode – 638009 554 Muthappalayam, Kasipalayam PO, Erode.
Tmt. E. Shanthi, 40/3, Sastri Salai, Thiru. A. Sankar, 1015, FI-1
528 Surampatty valasu, Erode – 638009. 555 Muthappalayam, Kasipalayam PO, Erode.
Tmt. A. Renuga , 1015, FI-1 Tmt. Geetha, 740, Annaikattu Road,
556 Muthappalayam, Kasipalayam PO, Erode. 579 Surampatty valasu, Erode Dt.
Tmt. A. Hemalatha, FI-1 Muthappalayam, Tmt. Priyadharshini, Annaikattu Road,
557 Kasipalayam PO, Erode. 580 Surampatty valasu, Erode Dt.
Thiru. N. Durai Selvam, 64/2, Indira Gandhi Thiru. C.P. Sakkaravarthi, Annaikattu Road,
558 Street, Palayapalayam, Erode. 581 Surampatty valasu, Erode Dt.
Thiru. Neelakandan, 64/2, Indira Gandhi Thiru. Mathiyazhagan, Annaikattu Road,
559 Street, Palayapalayam, Erode. 582 Surampatty valasu, Erode Dt.
Tmt. Neelavathi, 377/109, Aruveppilai Thiru. Duraisamy, Annaikattu Road,
Kadu, Annaikattu Road, Surampatty valasu, 583 Surampatty valasu, Erode Dt.
560 Erode Dt. Thiru. S. Shanmugam, 398/5, Annaikattu
Tmt. Vijiyalakshmi, 64/2, Indira Gandhi 584 Road, Surampatty valasu, Erode Dt
561 Street, Palayapalayam, Erode. Thiru. Sakthivel, 398/6, Annaikattu Road,
Thiru. R. Kathirvel, 64/1, Indira Gandhi 585 Surampatty valasu, Erode Dt.
562 Street, Palayapalayam, Erode. Thiru. Moorthy, 249, Annaikattu Road,
Thiru. S. Nalla Samy, 64/3, Indira Gandhi 586 Surampatty valasu, Erode Dt.
563 Street, Palayapalayam, Erode. Thiru.M. Moorthy, 410/1, Annaikattu
Thiru. Manikandan, 64/3, Indira Gandhi 587 Nagar, Palaiyapalayam Erode.
564 Street, Palayapalayam, Erode. Tmt. Kavitha, 156/1, Anna Nagar, Indira
Thiru. N. Ravikumar, AR Lathe work, 377 588 Gandhi Street, Paliayapalam, Erode.
Annaikattu Road, Surampatty Valasu, Erode Thiru. S. Stalin, Anna Nagar, Indira Gandhi
565 Dt. 589 Street, Paliayapalam, Erode.
Thiru. A. Veeramuthu, 161/2, K.K.Nagar, Thiru. C. Kumaresan, 256/17, Annaikattu
566 Kasipalayam PO, Erode. 590 Road, Surampatty valasu, Erode Dt.
Tmt. A. Ponnuthayi, 161, K.K.Nagar, Thiru. Senthil. R 241/4, Annaikattu Road,
567 Kasipalayam PO, Erode. 591 Surampatty valasu, Erode Dt.
Thiru. C. Sankar, Rajiv Nagar, Annaikattu Thiru. S. Kumar, 241/3, Annaikattu Road,
568 Road, Surampatty valasu, Erode Dt. 592 Surampatty valasu, Erode Dt.
Tmt. Sujarani, 391/B, Rajiv Nagar, Thiru. R. Senthil, Annaikattu Road,
Annaikattu Road, Surampatty valasu, Erode 593 Surampatty valasu, Erode Dt
569 Dt. Thiru. K. Palani samy, 3/1, Annaikattu
Thiru. P. Palanisamy, 409/3, Rajiv Nagar, 594 Road, Surampatty valasu, Erode Dt.
Annaikattu Road, Surampatty Valasu, Erode Tmt. P. Maheswari, Annaikattu Road,
570 - 638009 595 Surampatty valasu, Erode Dt
Thiru. P. Palanisamy, 409/3, Rajiv Nagar, Thiru. M. Karthikeyan, Annaikattu Road,
Annaikattu Road, Surampatty Valasu, Erode 596 Surampatty valasu, Erode Dt
571 - 638009 Thiru. P. Raja, 3/1, Annaikattu Road,
Thiru. Selvam, 177, Annaikattu Road, 597 Surampatty valasu, Erode Dt
572 Surampatty valasu, Erode Dt. Tmt. R. Gayathri, Annaikattu Road,
Thiru. M. Selvaraj, Rajiv Nagar, Annaikattu 598 Surampatty valasu, Erode Dt
573 Road, Surampatty valasu, Erode Dt. Tmt. Gomathi, 76/1, Indira Gandhi Street,
Thiru. Mohan, Annaikattu Road, 599 Palayapalayam, Erode.
574 Surampatty valasu, Erode Dt. Tmt. Indhumathi, 76/1, Indira Gandhi
Thiru. Mani, 243, Annaikattu Road, 600 Street, Palayapalayam, Erode.
575 Surampatty valasu, Erode Dt. Thiru. Murugesan, 277/2, Annai Nagar,
Thiru. D. Nagaraj, 6, Annaikattu Road, 601 Palayapalayam, Erode..
576 Surampatty valasu, Erode Dt. Thiru. Dayaanidhi, Alaiyamani Complex,
Thiru.P. Nagaraj, 249, Annaikattu Road, 602 Erode.
577 Surampatty valasu, Erode Dt. Thiru. N. Dhanalakshmi, Annai Nagar,
Thiru. A. Chandran, 7.240- Annaikattu 603 Indira Gandhi Street, Palayapalayam, Erode.
578 Road, Surampatty valasu, Erode Dt 604 Thiru. P. Rajapandi, 79, Annai Nagar, Indira
Gandhi Street, Palayapalayam, Erode. Thiru. V. K. Ganesan, 72, Thirumalai Street,
Thiru. T. Sakthi vel, 211/1, New Colony, 628 Veerappanchatram, Erode.
605 Dindal, Erode. Tmt. Selvi, 72, Thirumalai Street,
606 Thiru. M. Ravi. Veerampalayam, Erode. 629 Veerappanchatram, Erode.
Tmt. G. Malika, 84, Thirumalai Street,
607 Thiru. M. Ravi. Veerampalayam, Erode 630 Veerappanchatram, Erode.
Tmt. K. Padma, 370/4, Annaikattu Road, Tmt. S. Lekha, 84, Thirumalai Street,
608 Surampatty valasu, Erode Dt. 631 Veerappanchatram, Erode.
Thiru. K. Kavitha, 187/1, MSK nagar, Tmt. Rasathi, Periya kuttai Street,
Annaikattu Road, Surampatty valasu, Erode 632 Veerappanchatram, Erode.
609 Dt.
Tmt. Madheswari, Periya kuttai Street,
Thiru. S. Ravi, Rajiv Nagar, Annaikattu 633 Veerappanchatram, Erode.
610 Road, Surampatty valasu, Erode Dt.
Tmt. Menaka, Periya kuttai Street,
Tmt. Poongothai, 402/1, Rajiv Nagar, 634 Veerappanchatram, Erode.
Annaikattu Road, Surampatty valasu, Erode
Tmt. Selvi. Periya kuttai Street,
611 Dt.
635 Veerappanchatram, Erode.
Tmt. Jeya, Rajiv Nagar, Annaikattu Road,
Tmt. P. Lathiga, Periya kuttai Street,
612 Surampatty valasu, Erode Dt. 636 Veerappanchatram, Erode.
Thiru. S. Renuga Devi, 256/19, MGR
Thiru. Marimuthu, Periya kuttai Street,
Nagar, Annaikattu Road, Surampatty valasu,
637 Veerappanchatram, Erode.
613 Erode Dt
Tmt. Nandhini, Periya kuttai Street,
Thiru. Arumugam, 545, Annaikattu Road,
638 Veerappanchatram, Erode.
614 Surampatty valasu, Erode Dt
Thiru. Maheswran, Periya kuttai Street,
Thiru. Arumugam, 208, MSK Nagar,
639 Veerappanchatram, Erode.
Annaikattu Road, Surampatty valasu, Erode
Thiru. Sankar, Periya kuttai Street,
615 Dt.
640 Veerappanchatram, Erode.
Tmt. M. Maheswari, 15 Annai Sathya
Tmt. Divya, Periya kuttai Street,
616 Nagar, Palayapalayam, Erode.
641 Veerappanchatram, Erode.
Thiru. Manoharan, 397/1, Annaikattu Road,
Tmt. S. Kalaiselvi, 55, Periya kuttai Street,
617 Surampatty valasu, Erode Dt.
642 Veerappanchatram, Erode.
Thiru. Manihar, 397/2, Rajiv Nagar,
Thiru. P. Gowtham, 31/12, Bharathi Street,
Annaikattu Road, Surampatty valasu, Erode
643 Veerappanchatram, Erode.
618 Dt.
Thiru. S. Ramesh, 16, Bharathi Street,
Tmt. K. Meenatchi Sundari, 397/7,
644 Veerappanchatram, Erode.
Annaikattu Road, Surampatty valasu, Erode
Tmt. Hemalatha, 4/88, Bharathi Street,
619 Dt.
645 Veerappanchatram, Erode.
Tmt. K. Meenatchi Sundari, 397/8,
Tmt. Baby, 15/4, Bharathi Street,
Annaikattu Road, Surampatty valasu, Erode
646 Veerappanchatram, Erode.
620 Dt.
Tmt. Rajeswari, 15/4, Bharathi Street,
Thiru. Lohanathan, 3967/7, Annaikattu
647 Veerappanchatram, Erode.
621 Road, Surampatty valasu, Erode
Thiru. Alagarsamy, 31/12, Bharathi Street,
622 Thiru. S. Mariappan, Rangapalayam, Erode. 648 Veerappanchatram, Erode.
Thiru. R. Raviumar, 8 Rail Nagar, Thiru. T. Vasanth, 31/12, Bharathi Street,
623 Rangapalayam, Erode. 649 Veerappanchatram, Erode.
Tmt. R. Amudha, 8 Rail Nagar, Thiru. Gopal, 27, Bharathi Street,
624 Rangapalayam, Erode. 650 Veerappanchatram, Erode.
Thiru. S. Saravanan, 46 Rail Nagar, Tmt. Sujatha, 16, Bharathi Street,
625 Rangapalayam, Erode. 651 Veerappanchatram, Erode.
Thiru. C. Venkatachalam, 372, Annaikattu Tmt. M. Shanthi, 86, Thirumalai Street,
626 Road, Surampatty valasu, Erode Dt. 652 Veerappanchatram, Erode.
Thiru. Snegodan, Periya kuttai Street,
653 Tmt. Shanthi, 85/21, Thirumalai Street,
627 Veerappanchatram, Erode.
Veerappanchatram, Erode. Thirumalai Road, Veerappanchathiram,
Tmt. Sandhiya, 85/21, Thirumalai Street, Erode -04.
654 Veerappanchatram, Erode Tmt.Thangammal, No.130, Sathy Road,
Tmt. A. Amsavalli 85/21, Thirumalai Street, 679 Veerappanchathiram, Erode – 638004.
655 Veerappanchatram, Erode Thiru.C.Vasudevan, No.38, Anna Street,
Tmt. Kannamal, 86, Thirumalai Street, 680 Veerappanchathiram, Erode – 638004.
656 Veerappanchatram, Erode Thiru.R.Senthilkumar, No.33/26D, Anna
Thiru. N. Needhimani, 86, Thirumalai 681 Road, Veerappanchathiram, Erode - 638004.
657 Street, Veerappanchatram, Erode. Thiru.P.Karthikeyan, No.1478/1, Bharathi
Thiru.A.Shakthivel, No.29/48A, Thirumalai Theatre Road, Veerappanchathiram, Erode –
658 Road, Veerappanchathiram, Erode – 683004 682 04.
Thiru.A.Shakthivel, No.39/43, Thirumalai Thiru.Senthilkumar, No.27, Bharathi Road,
659 Road, Veerappanchathiram, Erode - 638004. 683 Veerappanchathiram, Erode – 04.
Thiru.Ramasamy, No.39/6, Anna Tmt.Jayaammal, Anna Road,
660 Road,Veerappanchathiram, Erode – 4. 684 Veerappanchathiram, Erode – 04.
Tmt.V.Padmavathy, No.27/1, Marappan Tmt.Kongurathi, Anna Road,
661 Road, Veerappanchathiram, 685 Veerappanchathiram, Erode – 04.
Tmt.Maheswari, No.65/1, Anna Road, Thiru.Tamilanban, No.50/2, Anna Road,
662 Veerapanchathiram, Erode – 04. 686 Veerappanchathiram, Erode – 04.
Tmt.Mariammal, No.32, Kalaivanar Road, Thiru.N.Gandhi, No.18/29A, Anna Road,
663 Veerapanchathiram, Erode – 04 687 Veerappanchathiram, Erode – 638004.
Tmt.Dhanam, No.32, Kalaivanar Road, Thiru.V.K.Thangarasu, No.4, Anna Road,
664 Veerapanchathiram, Erode – 04. 688 Veerappanchathiram, Erode – 638004.
Thiru.A.Saravanan, No.29/7, Kalaivanar Thiru.A.Senthilkumar, No.48, Anna Road,
665 Street, Veerappanchathiram, Erode - 4. 689 Veerappanchathiram, Erode – 638004.
Thiru.K.Devaraj, No.30/15A, Kalaivanar Thiru.M.Pannerselvam, No.42/44, Anna
666 Street, Veerappanchathiram, Erode -4. 690 Road, Veerappanchathiram, Erode - 638004.
Tmt.Shakthidevi, No.27, Kalaivanar Street, Tmt.C.Rajeswari, NO.45/9, Anna Road,
667 Veerppanchathiram, Erode - 4. 691 Veerappanchathiram, Erode – 638004.
Thiru.Thangamuthu, No.32, Kalaivanar Tmt.P.Sangumathi, No.27, Thirumalai
668 Street, Veerappanchathiram, Erode - 04. 692 Road, Veerappanchathiram, Erode - 638004.
Tmt.M.Selvi, No.27, Kalaivanar Street, Thiru.T.Dinesh, No.128,Shakthi Road,
669 Veerappanchathiram, Erode – 04. 693 Veerappanchathiram, Erode – 638004.
Tmt.C.Lingammal, No.56/19, Anna Road, Thiru.Balasubramaniam, No.28, Anna Road,
670 Veerappanchathiram, Erode – 638004. 694 Veerappanchathiram, Erode 638004.
Tmt.C.Shanmugapriya, No.27, Kalaivanar Thiru.P.Michael Raj, No.116, Joseph
Street, Veerappanchathiram, Erode - 695 Thottam, Erode – 5.
671 638004. Thiru.M.David, No.117, Joseph Thottam,
Thiru.Kathiresan, No.16, Bharathi Road, 696 B.P.Agraharam, Erode -05.
672 Veerappanchathiram, Erode – 04 Thiru.S.Selvaraj, No.120, Joseph Thottam,
Thiru.Sampooranam, No.53, Anna Road, 697 Erode – 05.
673 Veerappanchathiram, Erode – 04 Thiru.S.Pannerselvam, No.120, Joseph
Thiru.E.Panneerselvam, No.27, Kalaivanar 698 Thottam, B.P.Agraharam, Erode – 05.
674 Street, Veerpachathiram, Erode - 04. Tmt.S.Bhavayi, No.37/13, Joseph Thottam,
Tmt.S.Indhu, No.25/26, Kalaivanar Street, 699 B.P.Agraharam, Erode – 05.
675 Veerappanchathiram, Erode – 04. Tmt.K.Pappathi, B.P.Agraharam, Joseph
Thiru.Vijaykumar, No.30/15A, Kalaivanar 700 Thottam, Erode – 05.
676 Street, Veerappanchathiram, Erode -04. Tmt.Muniyammal, No.6, Joseph Thottam,
Thiru.P.Ramu, No.30/15, Kalaivanar Road, 701 B.P.Agraharam, Erode – 05.
677 Veerappanchathiram, Erode – -04. Thiru.J.Michael Raj, B.P.Agraharam,
678 Thiru.A.Balasubramaniam, No.55, 702 Joseph Thottam, Erode – 05.
Tmt.S.Sowthama, No.64, Joseph Thottam, B.P.Agraharam, Erode – 05.
703 B.P.Agraharam, Erode – 638005. Thiru.N.Mani, Chinna Panakuttai, M.G.R
Thiru.J.Michael Raj, No.108, Joseph 728 Nagar, B.P.Agraharam, Erode – 05
704 Thottam, B.P.Agraharam, Erode – 638005. Tmt.R.Kanmani, No.48, Pannakuttai,
Thiru.M.Asean Bhatcha, No.2, Santhu 729 B.P.Agraharam, Erode – 638005.
Mohammed Lane, Joseph Thottam, Thiru.R.Marimuthu, No.36, Pannakuttai,
705 B.P.Agraharam, Erode – 05. 730 B.P.Agraharam, Erode – 05.
Thiru.L.James, Joseph Thottam, Thiru.V.C.Murugesan, Joseph Thottam,
706 B.P.Agraharam, Erode – 05. 731 B.P.Agraharam, Erode – 05.
Thiru.M.Majeeth, B.P.Agraharam, Erode – Thiru.S.Mohan, No.05, M.G.R Nagar,
707 05. 732 B.P.Agraharam, Erode – 05.
Tmt.P.A.Jaseema Banu, No.24, Thiru.K.Selvan,No.46, Pannakuttai,
Dhanabakiyam Street, B.P.Agraharam, 733 B.P.Agraharam, Erode – 05.
708 Erode -05. Tmt.A.Kaveri, No.8, M.G.R.Nagar,
Thiru.A.Jannathul Ferthaous, Durairaj Lane, 734 B.P.Agraharam, Erode – 05.
709 B.P.Agraharam, Erode -05. Tmt.R.Sundarammal, No.16, M.G.R.Nagar,
Tmt.Amul, No.99, Joseph Thottam, 735 B.P.Agraharam, Erode – 05.
710 B.P.Agraharam, Erode – 05. Thiru.G.Selvaraj, No.4 M.G.R. Nagar,
Thiru.Alauddeen, No.76/23, Joseph 736 B.P.Agraharam, Erode – 05.
711 Thottam, B.P.Agraharam, Erode – 05. Thiru.Thangavel, No.27, M.G.R. Nagar,
Thiru.P.Murali, No.88, Joseph Thottam, 737 B.P.Agraharam, Erode – 05.
712 B.P.Agraharam, Erode – 05. Tmt.Lakhsmi, No.26, M.G.R Nagar,
Tmt.Mahaboo Nisha, No.63, Joseph 738 B.P.Agraharam, Erode – 05.
713 Thottam, B.P.Agraharam, Erode – 05 Tmt.Raj, No.39, M.G.R. Nagar,
Thiru.R.Raja, No.72, Joseph Thottam, 739 B.P.Agraharam, Erode – 05.
714 B.P.Agraharam, Erode -05. Thiru.Subramani, No.7/51, M.G.R. Nagar,
Tmt.D.Mary kayalvizhi Ansee, 740 B.P.Agaraharam, Erode – 05.
715 B.P.Agraharam, Joseph Thottam, Erode – Thiru.K.Abhuthahir, No.51/52, Joseph
Thiru.P.Ramasamy, B.P.Agraharam, Joseph 741 Thottam, B.P.Agraharam, Erode – 05.
716 Thottam, Erode – 05. Thiru.M.Senthilkumar, A.O.K.Nagar,
Tmt.s.Meera Usain, No.36, Joseph Thottam, 742 B.P.Agraharam, Erode – 05.
717 Erode - 05. Thiru.K.Kaliyappan, Gnanadisegam Lane,
Thiru.K.Mohanraj No.17/37, M.G.R.Nagar, 743 B.P.Agaraharam, Erode – 05.
Pannakuttai, B.P.Agraharam, Bhavani Main Thiru.Angamuthu, No.16,17, Joseph
718 Road, Erode – 05. 744 Thottam, B.P.Agraharam, Erode –
Tmt.M.Maheswari, No.6/35, Pannakuttai, Thiru.Balges, No.32, M.G.R.Nagar,
719 B.P.Agraharam, Erode – 05. 745 B.P.Agraharam, Erode – 05.
Tmt.Vasugi, Kinnaru Road, B.P.Agraharam, Thiru.K.Perumal, M.G.R.Nagar,
720 Erode – 05. 746 B.P.Agraharam, Erode – 05.
721 Thiru.Dheen, B.P.Agraharam, Erode – 05. Thiru.M.Kannan, No.3, M.G.R.Nagar,
Thiru.S.Bathusha, B.P.Agraharam, Erode – 747 B.P.Agraharam, Erode -05.
722 05. Thiru.V.Mathu, No.06, M.G.R.Nagar,
Thiru.S.A.Rasithu,B.P.Agraharam, Erode – 748 B.P.Agraharam, Erode – 05.
723 05. Thiru.B.Alexander, JosephThottam,
Thiru.S.Jahirushen, A.O.K. Nagar, 749 B.P.Agraharam, Erode – 05.
724 B.P.Agraharam, Erode – 05. Thiru.S.Kalibullah, No.5 Dhanabakiyam
Thiru.P.Ramachandran, B.P.Agraharam, Road, Joseph Thottam, B.P.Agraharam,
725 Erode – 05. 750 Erode – 05.
Thiru.Thangaprakasam, Kinnaru Road, Thiru.N.Viswanathan, Joseph Thottam,
726 B.P.Agraharam, Erode – 05. 751 B.P.Agraharam, Erode – 05.
727 Tmt.Pavayammal, Kinnaru Road, 752 Thiru.M.Santhamani, No.59, Joseph
Thottam, B.P.Agraharam, Erode – 05. Tmt.Kanchana, No.122/4, kamala Nagar,
Thiru.P.Tamilselvan, No.10, Ganapathy 776 Karungal palayam, Erode – 05.
753 Nagar, Shakthi Road, Erode – 638004. Tmt.Kanchana, No.1224/4, Kamala Nagar,
Thiru.P.Karuppusamy, Anna Nagar, No.26, 777 Karungalpalayam, Erode – 05.
Vathiyar Road, No.27, Anna Nagar, Periya Tmt.Lakshmiammal, No.122/G, Kamala
754 Agraharam, Erode – 05. 778 Nagar, Karungalpalayam, Erode – 03.
Thiru.Noor Mohammed,No.108/79, Joseph Tmt.Lakshmiammal, No.122/F, Kamala
755 Thottam, B.P.Agaraharm, Erode – 05. 779 Nagar, Karungalpalayam, Erode – 03.
Thiru.A.S.Mohammed Ussain, Joseph Tmt.Lakshmiammal, No.122/E, Kamala
756 Thottam ,B.P.Agraharam, Erode – 05. 780 Nagar, Karungalpalayam, Erode – 03.
Thiru.K.Mohammed Mubarah, No.1, Tmt.Lakshmiammal, No.122/D, Kamala
Dhanabakkiyam Road, B.P.Agraharam, 781 Nagar, Karungalpalayam, Erode – 03.
757 Erode – 638005. Tmt.Lakshmiammal, No.122/C, Kamala
Tmt.M.Asinabegam, No.1A, Dhanabakiyam 782 Nagar, Karungalpalayam, Erode – 03.
758 Road, B.P.Agraharam, Erode - 638005. Tmt.Lakshmiammal, No.122/B, Kamala
Thiru.Mohammed kalibullah, No.24, 783 Nagar, Karungalpalayam, Erode – 03.
Dhanabakiyam Road, B.P.Agraharam, Thiru.K.Sekar, No.122A, Kamala Nagar,
759 Erode – 638005. 784 Karungalpalayam, Erode -05.
Tmt.Banurubi, No.6/7, Dhanabakiyam Thiru.Kandasamy, No.122/22,
760 Road, B.P.Agraharam, Erode – 638005. 785 karungalpalayam, Erode – 05.
Thiru.K.Krishnamoorthy, No.6/8, Thiru.Thangavel, No.122/1, Kamala Nagar,
Gnanaabishekam Road, Joseph Thottam, 786 Karungalpalayam, Erode - 638003
761 Thottam, B.P.Agraharam, Erode – 05. Thiru.Arumugam, No.122/2, Kamala Nagar,
Thiru.Arokiyasamy, Joseph Thottam, 787 Karungalpalayam, Erode - 638003.
762 B.P.Agraharam, Erode – 05. Thiru.P.Karuppusamy, No.122/6, Kamala
Thiru.M.A.Jailani Mumtaj, Joseph Thottam, 788 Nagar, Karungalpalayam, Erode -638003.
763 Periyaagraharam, Erode – 638005. Thiru.P.Karuppusamy, No.122/6, Kamala
Tmt.M.A.Jayalani Mumtaj, Joseph Thottam, 789 Nagar, Karungalpalayam, Erode -638003.
764 Periyaagraharam, Erode – 638005. Thiru.P.Karuppusamy, No.122/6, Kamala
Thiru.S.Devan, NO.101, Joseph Thottam, 790 Nagar, Karungalpalayam, Erode -638003.
765 B.P.Agraharam, Erode – 638005. Thiru.C.Mathesh, No.122/6, Kamala Nagar,
Thiru.Purushothaman, B.P.Agraharam, 791 Karungalpalayam, Erode – 638003.
766 Joseph Thottam, Eorde – 05. Tmt.Pechiammal, No.122, kamala Nagar,
Thiru.K.M.Nagamuthu, Kinnaru Lane, 792 Karungalpalayam, Erode – 638003
767 B.P.Agraharam, Erode – 05. Tmt.Pechiammal, No.122, Kamala Nagar,
Tmt.M.Lakshmi, B.P.Agraharam, Joseph 793 Karungalpalayam, Erode – 638003
768 Thottam, Erode – 05. Tmt.Pechiammal, No.122, Kamala Nagar,
Tmt.T.Lakshmi, Joseph Thottam, 794 Karungalpalayam, Erode – 638003
769 B.P.Agraharam, Erode – 05. Tmt.Pechiammal, No.122, Kamala Nagar,
Thiru.Kuruval, Kinnaru Lane, 795 Karungalpalayam, Erode – 638003
770 B.P.Agraharam, Erode – 05. Thiru.Pichaikani, No.122/15, Kamala
Tmt.Sivagami, Kinnaru Lane, 796 Nagar, Karungalpalayam, Erode – 638003
771 B.P.Agraharam, Erode – 05. Thiru.Pichaikani, No.122/15, Kamala
Thiru.Matheeswaran, No.25, M.G.R.Nagar, 797 Nagar, Karungalpalayam, Erode – 638003
772 B.P.Agraharam, Erode – 05. Thiru. K. Natarajan, Thirumalai Street,
Tmt.P.Selvi, No.124/1, kamala Nagar, 798 Veerappanchatram, Erode -638003
773 Karungal palayam, Erode – 05. Thiru. R. Mayavan, 23, Thirumalai Street,
Tmt.P.Selvi, No.124/2, Kamala Nagar, 799 Veerappanchatram, Erode - 638003.
774 Karungalpalayam, Erode – 05. Tmt. Anitha, 21/4, Thirumalai Street,
Tmt.P.Selvi, No.124/2, Kamala Nagar, 800 Veerappanchatram, Erode - 638003.
775 Karungalpalayam, Erode – 05. 801 Tmt. Krishnaveni, 21/4, Thirumalai Street,
Veerappanchatram, Erode -638003. B.P. Agraharam, Erode.
Thiru. R. Mayavan, 23, Thirumalai Street, Thiru. S.Prakash, Vaaniyar Street, B.P.
802 Veerappanchatram, Erode. 827 Agraharam, Erode.
Thiru. Karunanithi, 37, Thirumalai Street, Tmt. S. Paruvadham, 35, Vaaniyar Street,
803 Veerappanchatram, Erode. 828 B.P. Agraharam, Erode.
Thiru. C.K.Murugesan, Thirumalai Street, Thiru. S.Maheshwaran, Vaaniyar Street,
804 Veerappanchatram, Erode. 829 B.P. Agraharam, Erode.
Tmt. Selvarani, 36, Thirumalai Street, Thiru. Pasupthi, Vaaniyar Street, B.P.
805 Veerappanchatram, Erode. 830 Agraharam, Erode.
Thiru. K.Planisamy,18, Thirumalai Street, Thiru. S. Saravanan, 64 , Vaaniyar Street,
806 Veerappanchatram, Erode. 831 B.P. Agraharam, Erode.
Tmt. G.Poongodi, 45, Thirumalai Street, Thiru. V. Saminathan, 79, Vaaniyar Street,
807 Veerappanchatram, Erode. 832 B.P. Agraharam, Erode.
Tmt. M. Nirmala, 44/5B, Thirumalai Street, Thiru. P. Vijayakumar, 27, Bharathi Street,
808 Veerappanchatram, Erode. 833 Veerappanchatram, Erode.
Tmt. Selvi, 25, Thirumalai Street, Tmt. Sambooranam, 7, Bharathi Street,
809 Veerappanchatram, Erode. 834 Veerappanchatram, Erode.
Thiru. R. Sakthi Kumar, 17, Thirumalai Thiru. S. Chanrasekar, 9/65, Thirumalai
810 Street, Veerappanchatram, Erode. 835 Street, Veerappanchatram, Erode.
Tmt. Gomathi, 16, Thirumalai Street, Thiru. G. Azhaguraj. 49, Bharathi Street,
811 Veerappanchatram, Erode. 836 Veerappanchatram, Erode.
Tmt. Abidhra, 14, Thirumalai Street, Thiru. K. Kamarajar, 16, Bharathi Street,
812 Veerappanchatram, Erode. 837 Veerappanchatram, Erode.
Thiru. RSivaraj, 13/53, Thirumalai Street, Thiru. K. Balasubramani, 17/5, Bharathi
813 Veerappanchatram, Erode. 838 Street, Veerappanchatram, Erode.
Tmt. Rathina Kalavathi, 12, Thirumalai Tmt. Baritha, 16, Bharathi Street,
814 Street, Veerappanchatram, Erode. 839 Veerappanchatram, Erode.
Tmt. Thulasi, 11/58, Thirumalai Street, Thiru. N. Selvaraj, 16, Bharathi Street,
815 Veerappanchatram, Erode. 840 Veerappanchatram, Erode.
Tmt. N. Sundarambal, 7/58, Thirumalai Thiru. D. Thambidurai, 16, Bharathi Street,
816 Street, Veerappanchatram, Erode. 841 Veerappanchatram, Erode.
Thiru. P. Muthusamy, 5, Thirumalai Street, Thiru. M. Balan, 10, Bharathi Street,
817 Veerappanchatram, Erode. 842 Veerappanchatram, Erode.
Thiru. S. Gandhi, Thirumalai Street, Thiru. J. Balasubramaniam, 10, Bharathi
818 Veerappanchatram, Erode. 843 Street, Veerappanchatram, Erode.
Thiru. R. Arul, 3, Thirumalai Street, Thiru. C. Raja, 63, Bharathi Street,
819 Veerappanchatram, Erode. 844 Veerappanchatram, Erode.
Tmt. N. Gomathi, 67, Thirumalai Street, Thiru. Maniyan, 47/10, Annai Street,
820 Veerappanchatram, Erode. 845 Veerappanchatram, Erode.
Thiru. V.P. En Thai Selvaraj, 11/75, Thiru. V.K. Maniyan, 55, Thirumalai Street,
Thirumalai Street, Veerappanchatram, 846 Veerappanchatram, Erode.
821 Erode. Thiru. Subramaniam, 57/ 35, Thirumalai
Tmt. A. Indira, 101, Thirumalai Street, 847 Street, Veerappanchatram, Erode.
822 Veerappanchatram, Erode. Thiru. V.M. Selvaraj, 48, Bharathi Street,
Tmt. Lakshmi, 84, Thirumalai Street, 848 Veerappanchatram, Erode.
823 Veerappanchatram, Erode. Thiru. R. Venkatachalam, 19/6, Bharathi
Thiru. P.P. Govindhan, 56, Thirumalai 849 Street, Veerappanchatram, Erode.
824 Street, Veerappanchatram, Erode. Thiru. A. Rajinikhanth, 20/3, Anna Street,
Thiru. D. Sekar, 3/2, Vaaniyar Street, B.P. 850 Veerappanchatram, Erode.
825 Agraharam, Erode. Thiru. Balasubramaniam, 10, Anna Street,
826 Thiru. K. Durai Raj, 21, Vaaniyar Street, 851 Veerappanchatram, Erode.
Thiru. V. Sivasankar, 8, Anna Street, Nagar, Karungalpalayam, Erode - 638003
852 Veerappanchatram, Erode. Thiru. Ramasamy, 115 Kamala Nagar,
Thiru. V. Unnikrishnan, 226, Sathy Road, 878 Karungalpalayam, Erode - 638003.
853 Veerappanchatram, Erode. Thiru. Ramasamy, 115 Kamala Nagar,
Thiru. K. Chellamuthu, 19/2, Anna Street, 879 Karungalpalayam, Erode - 638003.
854 Veerappanchatram, Erode. Thiru. Muthu Kumar, 114 Kamala Nagar,
Thiru. Nagaradhinam, 22, Anna Street, 880 Karungalpalayam, Erode - 638003
855 Veerappanchatram, Erode. Thiru. Senthil Kumar, 114 Kamala Nagar,
Thiru. P. Sekar, 12, Anna Street, 881 Karungalpalayam, Erode - 638003
856 Veerappanchatram, Erode. Thiru. Dhanabalan, 114 Kamala Nagar,
Tmt. Deivanai Ammal, 14, Anna Street, 882 Karungalpalayam, Erode - 638003.
857 Veerappanchatram, Erode. Thiru. Arumugam, 113 Kamala Nagar,
Tmt. N. Kalaivani, 15, Anna Street, 883 Karungalpalayam, Erode - 638003.
858 Veerappanchatram, Erode. Thiru. Ramasamy, 112/50G Kamala Nagar,
Tmt. N. Kalaivani, 15, Anna Street, 884 Karungalpalayam, Erode -
859 Veerappanchatram, Erode. Thiru. R. Karthik, 110 Kamala Nagar,
Tmt. N. Kalaivani, 15, Anna Street, 885 Karungalpalayam, Erode - 638003.
860 Veerappanchatram, Erode. Thiru. R. Karthik, 110 Kamala Nagar,
Thiru. N. Mayilvanan, 14, Anna Street, 886 Karungalpalayam, Erode - 638003.
861 Veerappanchatram, Erode. Thiru. R. Karthik, 110 Kamala Nagar,
Thiru. N. Mayilvanan, 14, Anna Street, 887 Karungalpalayam, Erode - 638003.
862 Veerappanchatram, Erode. Thiru. P. Rajendran, 108 Kamala Nagar,
Thiru. V. Krishnan, 26, Anna Street, 888 Karungalpalayam, Erode - 638003
863 Veerappanchatram, Erode. Thiru. P. Rajendran, 108 Kamala Nagar,
Thiru. V. Krishnan, 27, Anna Street, 889 Karungalpalayam, Erode - 638003
864 Veerappanchatram, Erode. Thiru. P. Rajendran, 108 Kamala Nagar,
Thiru. Ramasamy, 39/6, Anna Street, 890 Karungalpalayam, Erode - 638003
865 Veerappanchatram, Erode. Tmt. Malaiammal, 106 Kamala Nagar,
Thiru. Dhamodharan, 33, Thirumalai Street, 891 Karungalpalayam, Erode - 638003.
866 Veerappanchatram, Erode. Thiru. Lawrence, 105 Kamala Nagar,
Thiru. Dhamodharan, 33, Thirumalai Street, 892 Karungalpalayam, Erode - 638003.
867 Veerappanchatram, Erode. Thiru. Lawrence, 105 Kamala Nagar,
Tmt. Kalaimani, 17, Anna Street, 893 Karungalpalayam, Erode - 638003.
868 Veerappanchatram, Erode. Thiru. S.I. Sakthivel, 102/4 Kamala Nagar,
Thiru. V. Krishnan, 52/40, Thirumalai 894 Karungalpalayam, Erode - 638003
869 Street, Veerappanchatram, Erode. Thiru. P.Pandiarajan, 104 Kamala Nagar,
Thiru. Veersamy, 119 Kamala Nagar, 895 Karungalpalayam, Erode - 638003
870 Karungalpalayam, Erode - 638003. Thiru. P. Pandiaraj, 104 Kamala Nagar,
Tmt. Thilagavathi, 118 Kamala Nagar, 896 Karungalpalayam, Erode - 638003
871 Karungalpalayam, Erode - 638003. Tmt. V. Rakkammal, 132 Kamala Nagar,
Tmt. Thilagavathi, 118 Kamala Nagar, 897 Karungalpalayam, Erode - 638003
872 Karungalpalayam, Erode - 638003. Tmt. V. Rakkammal, 132 Kamala Nagar,
Tmt. Thilagavathi, 118 Kamala Nagar, 898 Karungalpalayam, Erode - 638003
873 Karungalpalayam, Erode - 638003. Tmt. V. Rakkammal, 132 Kamala Nagar,
Thiru. Ponmani, 118 Kamala Nagar, 899 Karungalpalayam, Erode - 638003
874 Karungalpalayam, Erode - 638003. Tmt. V. Rakkammal, 132 Kamala Nagar,
Thiru. Kuppan, 117 Kamala Nagar, 900 Karungalpalayam, Erode - 638003
875 Karungalpalayam, Erode - 638003. Tmt. V. Rakkammal, 132 Kamala Nagar,
Tmt. Rathna, 116 Kamala Nagar, 901 Karungalpalayam, Erode - 638003
876 Karungalpalayam, Erode - 638003. Tmt. V. Rakkammal, 132 Kamala Nagar,
877 Thiru. M. Shathik Basha, 116 Kamala 902 Karungalpalayam, Erode - 638003
Tmt. V. Rakkammal, 132 Kamala Nagar, Karungalpalayam, Erode - 638003
903 Karungalpalayam, Erode - 638003 Thiru. C. Thangaraj, 121 Kamala Nagar,
Tmt. V. Rakkammal, 132 Kamala Nagar, 929 Karungalpalayam, Erode - 638003
904 Karungalpalayam, Erode - 638003 Thiru. C. Thangaraj, 121 Kamala Nagar,
Tmt. V. Rakkammal, 132 Kamala Nagar, 930 Karungalpalayam, Erode - 638003
905 Karungalpalayam, Erode - 638003 Thiru. Kannaiyan, 137 Kamala Nagar,
Tmt. V. Rakkammal, 132 Kamala Nagar, 931 Karungalpalayam, Erode - 638003.
906 Karungalpalayam, Erode - 638003 Thiru. Kannaiyan, 137 Kamala Nagar,
Tmt. V. Rakkammal, 132 Kamala Nagar, 932 Karungalpalayam, Erode - 638003.
907 Karungalpalayam, Erode - 638003 Thiru. Kannaiyan, 137 Kamala Nagar,
Tmt. V. Rakkammal, 132 Kamala Nagar, 933 Karungalpalayam, Erode - 638003.
908 Karungalpalayam, Erode - 638003 Thiru. Kannaiyan, 137 Kamala Nagar,
Tmt. V. Rakkammal, 132 Kamala Nagar, 934 Karungalpalayam, Erode - 638003.
909 Karungalpalayam, Erode - 638003 Tmt. B. Malar, 137 Kamala Nagar,
Tmt. V. Rakkammal, 132 Kamala Nagar, 935 Karungalpalayam, Erode - 638003.
910 Karungalpalayam, Erode - 638003 Tmt. Leela pushpam, 120 Kamala Nagar,
Tmt. V. Rakkammal, 132 Kamala Nagar, 936 Karungalpalayam, Erode - 638003
911 Karungalpalayam, Erode - 638003 Tmt. Leela pushpam, 120 Kamala Nagar,
Tmt. V. Rakkammal, 132 Kamala Nagar, 937 Karungalpalayam, Erode - 638003
912 Karungalpalayam, Erode - 638003 Thiru. Dhanabal, 136 Kamala Nagar,
Tmt. V. Rakkammal, 132 Kamala Nagar, 938 Karungalpalayam, Erode - 638003.
913 Karungalpalayam, Erode - 638003 Thiru. Kumaravel, 120 Kamala Nagar,
Thiru. Patchaikani, 122/15 Kamala Nagar, 939 Karungalpalayam, Erode - 638003.
914 Karungalpalayam, Erode - 638003 Thiru.S.Prabu, M. Sakthi Nagar, Sasam
Thiru. S. Ravi, 122/9 Kamala Nagar, Palaiyam Road, Manikkan ,Palaiyam,
915 Karungalpalayam, Erode - 638003. 940 Erode.
Thiru. S. Ravi, 122/9 Kamala Nagar, Thiru.S.Ganesh Babu, Subramaniya Nagar
916 Karungalpalayam, Erode - 638003. 2nd Street, Manikkam,Palaiyam Road,
Thiru. Ravikumar, 122/1 Kamala Nagar, 941 Erode.
917 Karungalpalayam, Erode - 638003. Thiru.K.Ganesh, 62, Thirumal Nagar,
Thiru. S.Guna, 122/1 Kamala Nagar, 942 Narayana Valasu, Erode.
918 Karungalpalayam, Erode - 638003. Tmt.Latha, No.72, Murugesan Nagar,
Thiru. Kandhasamy, 122/10 Kamala Nagar, 943 Kumalankuttai, Erode.
919 Karungalpalayam, Erode - 638003 Thiru.M.Appavu, No./ K.Muthusamy, 25
Thiru. Kandhasamy, 122/10 Kamala Nagar, 944 Murugesan Nagar, Kumalan Kuttai, Erode.
920 Karungalpalayam, Erode - 638003 Thiru.R.Jagannathan, No.38, Murugesan
Thiru. Kandhasamy, 122/10 Kamala Nagar, Nagar, Murugesan Nagar, Kumalan Kuttai,
921 Karungalpalayam, Erode - 638003 945 Erode.
Thiru. Kandhasamy, 122/10 Kamala Nagar, Thiru.S.Jayalakshmi, No.36, Murugesan
922 Karungalpalayam, Erode - 638003 946 Nagar, Kumalan Kuttai, Erode.
Thiru. Esakki, 122/2 Kamala Nagar, Thiru.S.Jayanthi, S/o.S.P.Chiththeshwaran,
923 Karungalpalayam, Erode - 638003. 29-A, Murugesan Nagar, Kumalan Kuttai,
Thiru. Esakki, 122/2 Kamala Nagar, 947 Erode.
924 Karungalpalayam, Erode - 638003. Tmt.M.Umarani, No.35, Murugesan Nagar,
Tmt. Chinnathai, 122 Kamala Nagar, 948 Kumalan Kuttai, Erode.
925 Karungalpalayam, Erode - 638003. Thiru.ML.Subramaniyam, No.41,
Tmt. Chinnathai, 122 Kamala Nagar, 949 Murugesan Nagar, Kumalan Kuttai, Erode.
926 Karungalpalayam, Erode - 638003. Thiru.S.Periyasamy, M. Murugesan Nagar,
Tmt. Chinnathai, 122 Kamala Nagar, 950 Kumalan Kuttai, Erode.
927 Karungalpalayam, Erode - 638003. Thiru.C.Muthu Manikkam, No.23,
928 Thiru. C. Thangaraj, 121 Kamala Nagar, 951 Murugesan Nagar, Kumalan Kuttai, Erode.
Thiru.S.Pakkiyam, No.43, Murugesan Thiru.K.Barath, M.G.R. Street, Veerappan
952 Nagar, Kumalan Kuttai, Erode. 976 Chathiram, Erode.
Thiru.S.Saminathan, No.83, Murugesan Tmt.S.Shanthi, Managing Partner, Velavan
953 Nagar, Kumalan Kuttai, Erode. Steels, Plot No.11 and 21 Women Industrial
Thiru.K.Ganesan, No.62, Thirumal Nagar, 977 Park, Kappalur, Madurai – 625008.
954 Narayana valasu, Erode. M/s.Bliss Hydratics, S.F.No.23/B 2A1,
Thiru.Thangarasu, No.4/1, Tower Line, Dharapuram Road, K.Chettipalayam,
955 Colony Narayana valasu, Erode. 978 Tirupur – 641604.
Thiru.K.Saravanan, No. 48, Thirumal Thiru.P.Selvaraj, No.70B, Maruthar Chetty
956 Nagar, Narayana Valasu, Erode. Thottam, Narayapuram Post, Palladam,
Thiru.P.Ayyasamy, No.4/3, Tower line 979 Tirupur – 641664.
957 Colony, Sarojini Nagar, Erode. Thiru.S.Shanthamoorthy, No.16/11, Shakthi
Tmt.P.Sandhakumari, No. 1561 Thirumal 980 Nagar, V.Chathiram, Erode – 638004.
958 Nagar, Narayana Valasu, Erode. Thiru.K.A.Nataraj, No.74, Maruthanchetty
Thiru.M.Babu, No.9/1, Towerline Colony, Thottam, Narayanapuram Post, Palladam,
959 Sarojini Nagar, Narayana Valasu, Erode. 981 Tirupur – 641664.
Thiru.G.Haridos, No.13/A, Kamathenu Thiru.C.Ponnulinga Iyyan, District
960 Nagar, Vettukkattu valasu, Erode. Secretary, India Communist Party,
Thiru.R.Rajamani, W/o. No.13/165, Pannikankudiruppu,
S.Balasubramaniyam, 283/1, Vinayagar Thangampudhur Post, Kanniyakumari
961 Kovil Street, Erode. 982 District – 629602.
Thiru.V.Govintharaj, Sri Amman Foods, No.20/3D, Panaiyur
S/o.V.G.Vengatachalam, Mutham Palaiyam 983 Road, Kaduveli, Thiruvaiyaru – 613203.
962 vittu vasathi variya Thittam, Erode. Sree Chakkraa Modern Rice Mill,
Thiru.K.Kathirvel, No.11-A, Kamathenu Marudurayanvalasu, Tirupur – 641604,
963 Nagar, Vettukkattu valasu, Erode. 984 Tirupur District.
Thiru.V.Panneer Selvam, No.125, M/s.GPR Mineral Waters, SF No.751/30,
Amudham illam, V.Ko Street, LIC bended Plot No.22, Annai Kamatchi Nagar,
964 Road opposite, Mulappalaiyam, Erode. Balakrishnauram, Thottanuthu Road,
Thiru.K.Chellamuthu, No.101, Housing 985 Dindigul – 02.
965 unit, Kollam Palaiyam, Erode. Thiru.K.Semban, No.16, Chiniyampalayam,
Thiru.R.Alagesan, No.149, Thirumal Nagar, Jambai, Bhavani Taluk, Erode District –
966 Narayana Valasu, Erode. 986 638312.
M/s. Sangeetha Stores, No.101, M/s.Green Textile Process, S.F.No.179/3B-
Kalayanasundram Street, K.K.Nagar, 1, M.P.Mill Thottam, Pachankattupalayam,
967 Chennamali Road, Erode, 987 Arulpuram Post, Tirupur – 641605.
Thiru.B.Nagendran, No.67, Rail Nagar, Tmt.Thulasiammal, No.6/267A,Selakarichal
968 RangamPalaiyam, Erode. 988 Post, Sulur Taluk, Coimbatore – 641658.
Thiru.K.Balasubramani, No.91, Gandhiji M/s.Vetri Industries, S.F.No.732/2,
969 Street, Kasipalaiyam, Erode. Boomanaicken Palayam, Peruperichal
Thiru.R.Kannamman, No.12B, Thirumal Village, Pooluvapatti Post, Tirupur –
970 Nagar, Narayana Valasu, Erode. 989 641602.
Thiru.P.Ragavan, No.53, Upariya valasu, M/s.Global Rottaary, No.5/12-3,
971 Veerappan Chathiram, Erode. Karayathottam, Avinashilingampalayam,
Thiru.S.Selvarak, No.53, Upariya valasu, 990 Avinashi Road, Tirpur – 641654.
972 Veerappan Chathiram, Erode. M/s.Pothy Herbals, No.2/52,
Thiru.R.Siva Narayanan, No.60, 991 Pillaiyarnatham, Pithalaippatti Post,
973 M.G.R.Street, Veerappan Chathiram, Erode. M/s.Yellow Milk Centre, No.2/52-2, Raaj
Thiru.P.Sivakumar, Purakarar Santhu Periya Kudil, Pillaiyarnatham, Pithalaipatty Post,
974 Valasu Road, V.Chathiram, Erode. 992 Dindigul – 624002.
Thiru.S.Muthusamy, No.63, Periya Valasu, M/s.N.A.R.Modern Rice Mill,
975 V.Chathiram, Erode. 993 S.F.No.26/1B, Sirunampoondi Road, Kavari
Village, Meenambur Post, Gingee Taluk, Nethimedu, Salem – 636002.
Villupuram – 604205. M/s.Senthiyappa Modern Rice Mill,
Thiru.R.Sivasami, No.69, Maruthanchetty No.156/3B1,Pondy Road, Eraiyanur,
Thottam, Narayanapuram Post, Palladam, 1012 Tindivanam – 604002.
994 Tirupur – 641664. M/s.Green Field Hi-Tech Rice Mill,
M/s.Jeevan Milk Centre, No.2/6A, Pillaiyar R.S.No.156/3B2, Pondy Road, Eraiyanur,
Natham, Pithalaipatti Post, Dindigul – 1013 Tindivanam – 604002.
995 624002. Sri Saraswathi Modern Rice Mill,
Tmt.L.D.Chitra, No.124/21, Periyavalasu, Kamarajar Road, Arakandanallur,
996 V.Chatram, Erode – 638004. 1014 Villupuram District – 605752.
M/s.Om Sakthi Ricemill, Door No.81/D, Thiru.K.Kathirmathiyon, Coimbatore
Arni to Polu Road, Enthuvambadi Road, Consumer Cause, No.3B, 4th Floor,
997 Kalambur – 606903. No.1264-C, Avinashi Road, Nava India
M/s.kappalur Industrialistists Association, 1015 Peelamedu, Coimbatore – 641004.
Plot No.153, SIDCO Industrial Estate, M/s.The South India Spinneers
998 Kappalur, Madurai – 625008. Association,Site No.17-19, Teachers
Tmt.Lakshmiammal, No.5 Duraisamy Road, coloncy, Goldwins, Civil Aerodrome Post,
999 V.Chathiram, Erode – 04. 1016 Coimbatore – 641014.
Sri Abirami Rice Industries, No.496/1B, Thiru.K.Sathiavan, General Managaer,
Nariyampettai Road, Kalambur, Polur Pandian Chemicals Limited, Madurai email
1000 Taluk, Tiruvannamalai District – 606903. 1017 id. [email protected]
M/s.Suriya Engineering Works, S.FNo.285- M/s.First Planet Engineering, No.1, Sri
1B1, 285-3A, Nedunkulam Road, Indalur, Veda Sri Complex, Chokalinga Nagar,
1001 Thanjavlur – 613102. 1018 Chennai – 600042.
Sri Rama Aqua, S.F.No.93/2, Vazhapady M/s.G.K.Mills, No.186A, Koundappa
1002 Main Road, Belur, Salem – 636104. Koundanputhur, Udumalpet, Tirupur –
M/s.Raja Sago & Rice Mill, Koogaiyur 1019 642203.
Road, Chinnasalem Taluk, Chinnasalem – M/s.KPS Coirs, No.130/2A2, Singanallur
1003 606201. Road, Vakkampalayam, Pollachi,
M/s.Pothy Herbala, No.2/52, 1020 Coimbatore – 642123.
Pillaiyarnatham, Pithalaippati Post, Dindigul M/s.SS Auraa Minerals, R.S.No.107/1B,
1004 – 624002. Opp to VR Garden, Vennatrankarai Post,
M/s.Geetha Tex, No.2/3, Karadipalayam, 1021 Manakkarambai Thanjavur – 613205.
Grey Nagar Post, vijayamangalam M/s.Raja Fibres, No.7/1-C, Zamin
1005 Perundurai taluk, Erode – 638056. Kottampatti Road, Pethanaickanoor Village,
Sri Saravana Modern Rice Mill, No.1152/3, 1022 Pollachi Taluk, Coimbatore.
Vellore Road, Sevoor, Arni – 632316, M/s.KPS Fibre, S.F.No.1/14E,
1006 Tiruvannamalai District. Zaminkottampatty, Samathur Post, Pollachi,
M/s.Chennai Plastics Manufacturers & 1023 Coimbatore – 641 123.
Merchants Association, No.26, Old No.142, Sree Vadivel Dyeing, No.698/1, Poombukar
1007 Choolai High Road, Chennai – 112. East, Minor Thottam, Thennampalaym,
M/s.Gokul & co Shri Annam Rice 1024 Tirupur – 641604.
Industries, No.843/1, Kannapuram, M/s.Adhithiya Textile Process, No.418-A,
Olappalayam Post, Kangayam, Tirupur – Palavanchipalayam road, Veerapandi Post,
1008 638701. 1025 Tirupur – 641605.
Thiru.N.Soundararajan, No.6/14, M/s.Kurinchi Tex No.1/9, Valasupalayam,
1009 Kallurkaran Thottam, Selakarachal. Ponmudi, Perundurai – 638056, Erode
M/s.M.R.Modern Rice Mill, 1026 District.
Perayankuppam, Kadambathur Post, M/s.Karuppaiah Modern Rice Mill, No.2,
1010 Trivelloe District – 631203. Chockavasal Street, Pallathur, Karaikudi
M/s.Kavitha Industries, Kavitha Modern 1027 Taluk, Sivagangai District – 630107.
1011 Rice Mill, No.141/398F, Puthur Itteri Road,
Thiru.G.Calraj, President, AISHA, 641602.
Hatcheries Association, No.529, East Coast M/s.Ajantha Mills, No.5/45A, Rajan Nagar,
Road, Pudupattinam, Kalpakkam, 1046 Kalkattipudur Post, Avinashi – 641 654.
1028 Chengalpattu – 603102. M/s.GRP Mineral Waters, No.751/30, Plot
1029 Email id: [email protected] No.22, Annai Kamatchi Nagar,
Sri Amman Foods, No.20/3D, Panaiyur Balakrishnapuram, Thottanuthu Road,
Road, Kaduveli, Thiruvaiyar – 613203, 1047 Dindigul – 05.
1030 Thanjavur District. M/s.Sharan Textiles, No.302/3, D.No.4/180-
M/s.Akshaya Minerals, No.289, 3,Appanaickenpatti pudur, Appanaickenpatti
Kottaipalayam Road, 1048 Post, Sulur, Coimbatore – 641 402.
Chinnamathampalayanm, No.4, Veerapandi Thiru.C.B. Senthilkumar, Bluemount
1031 Post, Coimbatore – 641019. Castings Private Limited, No.159,
M/s.S.R.V Veeramathu Enterprises, Mettupalayam Road, mathampalayam,
D.P.No.S6, Sidco Industrial Estate, 1049 Coimbatore – 641019.
1032 Kakkalur, Thiruvallur District – 602003. M/s.Sagunthala Modern Rice Mills,
Shri Saampavi Spinning Mills, No.127-J, Proprietor, Kanchee Kottu Road, Poolur,
Nachipalayam, Mulanur Road, 1050 Chengam, Tiruvannamalai – 606702.
1033 Karattupalayam Post, Vellakovil – 638111. M/s.kappalur Indusrialists Association,
Thiru.Saravanan, Chennai Email id: No.153, SIDCO Industrial Estate, Kappalur,
1034 [email protected] 1051 Madurai – 625008.
M/s.N.F.Water Refinery, No.R.S.No.19/5, M/s.Farm Valley Milk Center, No.259/1,
Door No.1/193, Vizuthiyur Main Road, Arul Kairukaran Kottai, Keragode Halli Post,
1035 Mozhi Devan – 609604. Karimangalam Taluk, Dharmapuri –
1036 Email id : [email protected] 1052 635111.
M/s.Sivam Minerals, No.11/23, JJ Nagar, M/s.Jai Sakthi Aqua Farm, No.8/1139-A,
Chekkanoor, Navapatty Post, Mettu Dam – Near Puluvapatti Bus Stop, Puluvappati
1037 636452, Salem District. 1053 Post, P.N.Road, Tirupur – 641602.
Thiru.K.Sridharan, email id: M/s.Lakshmi Aqua Minerals, No.4/208,
1038 [email protected] Melakkal main Raod, near Lala Chatram,
M/s.Weldone Technocrafts, No.3B, 1st 1054 Achampathu Village, Madurai District .
Cross Road, Plot No.10, SAS Industrial Thiru.S.Neelakantapillai, No.7/206, NGO
1039 Estate, Ambattur, Chennai – 600 098. 1055 Colony, Kottar Post, Nagercoil – 629002.
Thiru.K.Selvaraj, Email Id: Thiru.S.Neelakantapillai, No.7/206, NGO
1040 [email protected] 1056 Colony, Kottar Post, Nagercoil – 629002.
M/s.Prabha Diary, No.19-6F, Prabha Thiru.S.Neelakantapillai, No.7/206, NGO
Garden, Ponkinkalai, Kadayal, Kaliyal Post, 1057 Colony, Kottar Post, Nagercoil – 629002.
1041 Kanyakumari District – 629101. M/s.Baskar Milk Centre, No.1/16,
Sri Pon azhagunachchiamman fibre, Email Alamarathupatty, Alamarathupatty Post,
id : 1058 Athoor Taluk, Dindigul District – 624303.
[email protected] Thiru.G.Shyam Sundar, Executive Director,
1042 m NBS Fab Tech Pvt Ltd, Email id:
M/s.Teejay Prabha Milk and Nutriments 1059 [email protected]
Private Limited, Phabha Diary Garden, M/s.Auraa Minerals, No.107/1B opp to VR
Alancholai Post, Kaniyakumari District – Garden, Vennatrankarai Post,
1043 629101. 1060 manakkarambal Thanjavur – 613205.
M/s.LHSS – MRP SILICONE Hoses Pvt M/s.Jeevan Milk Centre, No.2/6A,
Ltd, No.79, SIDCO Industrial Estate, Pillaiyhar Natham, Pithalaipatti post,
1044 Kakkalur, Thiruvallur – 602003. 1061 dindigul – 624002.
M/s.Vetri Industries, No.732/2, M/s.Bharat Diary, No.874, LN Puram,
Boomanaicken Palayam, Neruperichal 1062 Anavayal, Alangudi, Pudukkottai – 622304.
1045 Village, Pooluvappatti Paost, Tirupur – M/s.Nanjil Integrated Dairy Development
1063 No.5/15, Mulagumoodu, Kanyakumari
District – 629167. Association of Tiny &b Small Industries,
M/s.Shanthigram Diary Promotion, No.300, No.1/1, Main Road, Vikravandi, Villupuram
Madurai Main Road, Shanthigram, 1080 District – 605652.
Idayapatty, Natham, Dindigul District – M/s.Laghu Udyog Bharati, Plot No.SP-51,
1064 624401. Sector-2, 3rd Street, Ambattur Industrial
M/s.Thirumazhisai Industrial Estate 1081 Estate, Chennai – 600 058.
Manufacturers Association, “TIEMA” Thiru Sanganithi Aquafarms, No.61/3,
convention Centre, 1st Main Road, SIDCO 1082 Pelakuppam Village, Tindivanam – 604001.
Industrial Estate, Thirumazhisai, Chennai – M/s.Sky Knit Printers, No.279, D.No.3/514,
1065 600 124. Karuvelan Thottam, Kuppandampalayam,
M/s.Yellow Milk Cenre, No.198/2-A, 1083 Veerapandi post, Tirupur – 641 605.
Ayakudi Village, Palani Taluk, Dindidgul – Thiru.C.Krishnasamy, No.5/172,
1066 624 613. 1084 Selakarichal, Soolur – 641658.
M/s.Periyanaayhake Minerals, No.1/205, M/s.Vinayagam Rice Mill, No.3/324,
Main Road, Chathiram, Arulmozhidevan, Chinthamani Road, Rajaman Nagar,
1067 Nagapattinam – 609604. 1085 Madurai – 625009.
M/s.Jeevan Milk Centre, No.2/6A,Pillaiyar M/s.Sakthi Modern Rice Mill, No.14/31,
Natham, Pithalaipatti Post, Dindigul – marankattur, Vazhaithottam Post, Sivagiri –
1068 624002. 1086 638109 ,Erode District.
M/s.Pothy Herbals, No.2/52, Sri Sadaiyappa Rice Mill, No.77,
Pillaiyarnatham, Pithalaippatti Post, Sadaiyappa Puram, Molapalayam Naal
1069 Dindigul – 624002. Road, Kandasamy Palayam Post, Sivagiri
M/s.Mountain Textile Processing, No.412, 1087 Via, Erode – 638109.
Sellandiamman Kovil Thottam, Kavithal M/s.KCS Rice Mill, No.76-B, Santhaimedu,
lakshmi Nagar, AVP Road, Amman Kovil Post, Sivagiri – 638109,
1070 Anupparpalayam Post, Tirupur – 641652. 1088 Erode District.
M/s.SP Textile Process, No.367/1&2, M/s.Bharat Dairy, No.874, LN Puram,
D.No.119 Periya Thottam, Angenpalayam, 1089 Anavayal, Alangudi, Pudukkottai – 622 304.
1071 Pitchampalayam Post, Tirpur – 641603. M/s.VRP Tex, No.1/23A, Kovilkadu,
M/s.Mayura Process, No.3/235, Ponmudi, Vijayamangalam, Perundurai,
Dr.Radhakrishnan Nagar, Pitchampalayam, 1090 Erode – 638056.
1072 Pudur, Tirupur – 641603. M/s.Cavincare Private Limited, S.F.No.582,
M/s.Sri Kumaravel Rapier, No.322/3, Bhavani to Anthiyur Main Road,
Kanjikovil Road, Perundurai – 638 052, Mylambadi, Kannadipalayam Post, Bhavani
1073 Erode District. 1091 taluk, Erode – 638 314.
M/s.Ajantha Cottons, No.350/2A, Ranga M/s. Bharathi Traders, Karur Main Road,
Nagar, Kuppandampalayam Post, Avinashi Savadipalayam pudhur, Nanchai Uthukuli
1074 – 641 654. 1092 Post, Erode – 638104.
M/s.Federation of Tamil Nadu State Coir M/s.Vinayaga Tex, No.1/24, Kovilkadu,
Association, No.KKR Complex, Room Ponmudi, Vijayamangalam Via, Perundurai
No.31, 2nd Floor, No.3 Thiruvalluvar Salai, 1093 Taluk, Erode – 638056.
1075 Bust Stand Dindigul – 624001. M/s.Nallappa Modern Rice Mill, No.73,
Thiru.S.Neelakanta Pillai, F4, Perfect Vajra, Sandhalmedu Amman Kovil, Sivagiri,
No.144, Lakshmi Nagar, 6th Street, 1094 Erode – 638109.
1076 Madipakkam, Chennai – 600 091. Federation of Velachery Welfare
Thiru.K.Jeyabalan & Co, Toor Dhall and Association, No.13, 2nd Cross Street,
Moong Dhall Manufacturers, No.104, South Dhandeeswaram Nagar, Velachery, Chennai
1077 Raja Street, Thoothukudi – 628001. 1095 – 600 042.
Thiru.S.Kanagasabai, No.12, South Raja M/s.Cavincare Private Limited, No.582,
1078 Street, Thoothukudi – 628001. Bhavani to Anthiyur Main Road,
M/s.Thirupathi Kumar Traders, No.8, Mylambadi, Kannadipalayam Post, Bhavani
1079 Periakadai Street, Turicorin – 628001. 1096 Taluk, Erode District – 638314.
Thiru.S.Dhakshinamoorthy, Sri [email protected]
Balamurugan Modern Rice Mill, Thiru.Sibi Sudhan, Bliss Hydratics, Arale
Santhavasal Road, Kalambur – 606903, Packaged Drinking Water, No.23/B 2A1,
1097 Poolur Taluk, Tiruvannamalai District. Dharapuram Road, K.Chettipalayam,
M/s.Vairakeeradam modern rice mill, 1116 Tirupur – 641601.
No.1180/1, Odathurai Road, Othakuthirai, Thiru.R.Venkataraman, Email id:
1098 Gobichetty palayam, Erode – 638455. 1117 [email protected]
M/s.Jeevan Milk Centre, No.2/6A, Pillaiyar Tmt.S.Jayanthi Email id:
Natham, Pithalaipatti Post, Dindigul – 1118 [email protected]
1099 624002. Email id:
Thiru.Palpandiyan, Punalveli, Virudhunagar 1119 [email protected]
1100 – 626111.
1120 Email id: [email protected]
Thiru.Palpandiyan, Punalveli, Virudhunagar
Thiru.Saravanan, Chennai Email id:
1101 – 626111.
1121 [email protected]
Thiru.Palpandiyan, Punalveli, Virudhunagar
M/s.Fashion Process Mill, Yuvaraj
1102 – 626111.
1122 Compelx, Mannarai, Tirupur – 641607.
Thiru.Palpandiyan, Punalveli, Virudhunagar
M/s.Udhayam Bleachers, No.181, Uthukuli
1103 – 626111.
Main Road, Kulathu Thottam, Mannarai,
Tmt. P.Rosewin, Punalveli, Rajayapalayam, 1123 Tirupur – 641607.
1104 Virudhunagar – 626111.
M/s.Excellent Processors, High Court
TamilNadu Pondy Plastic Association, Thottam, Alangattupudur, S.Periyapalayam
No.26, Old No.142, Choolai High road, 1124 Post, Mannarai, Tirupur – 641607.
1105 Choolai, Chennai – 600 112.
M/s.Chennai Fishing Harbour Ice
TamilNadu Consumer & People Rights Manufacturers Welfare Association,
Protection Movement Chennai, No.163/89, No.90/C1, Chennai Fishing Harbour,
Triplicane High Road, Triplicane, Chennai – 1125 Royapuram, Chennai – 600 013.
1106 600 005.
Sri Thirumurugan Process, No.168/1,
M/s.J&J Aqua Enterprises, No.14, D.No.359D, Chetty Thottam,
Venkatachalapathy Nagar, Kochadai, Alankattupudur, S.Periyapalayam Post,
1107 Thuvariman, Madurai – 625019. 1126 Tirupur – 641607.
Sri Arulmurugan Spinners, No.186/4A, M/s.Murugan Colours, No.265/3, Periya
Muthalipalayam, Arasur Post, Coimbatore – Thottam, Nethaji Nagar,
1108 641 407. 1127 Karumarampalayam, Tirupur – 641607.
Tmt. Uma Maheswari, M/s.Sukesh Fibres & M/s.Robo Process, No.228, Opp. Mannarai
Coir Products, No.69/1C2, Velliyangadu, Bus Stop, Uthukkuli Road, Mannarai, Tirpur
Karamadai via, Mettupalayam Taluk, 1128 – 641607.
1109 Coimbatore District
M/s.Omsakthi Dyeing, Tank Thottam,
Thiru.T.Karaiyan, M/s.Sukesh Fibres & Uthukuli Road, S.periyapalayam, Tirurpur –
Coir Products, No.69/1C2, Velliyangadu, 1129 641607.
Karamadai via, Mettupalayam Taluk,
Sri Superior Dyeing, No.3/644,
1110 Coimbatore District
Venkatachala Gounder Thottam, Mannarai
Thiru.C.M.Jayaraman and V.A.Shanmugam, 1130 Post, Tirupur – 641607.
President, Citizen’s Voice Coimbatore
M/s.ACV Products Private Limited,
Consumer & Environment Centre, NO.814,
No.211/3, High Court Thottam,
1111 Old Post Office Road, Coimbatore – 641018
Kulathupalayam Pirivu, S.Periyapalayam
1112 Email id: [email protected] 1131 Post, Uthukuli Road, Tirpur – 641607.
Thiru.Karthikeyan, Energy Consultant, M/s.Aiswarya Textiles, No.1, Vaikkal
No.256, Perur Main Road, Kumarapalayam Thottam, Karumarampalayam, Uthukkuli
1113 Post, Coimbatore – 641026. 1132 Road, Tirupur – 641607.
1114 Email id: [email protected] M/s.Muthu Processors, No.3/466, Kulathu
1115 Thiru.P.K.Arunachalam, Madurai Email id: 1133 Thottam, Uttukuli Main Road, Mannarai,
Post, Tirupur – 641607. M/s.Auroville Consulting, Kalpana, Crown
M/s.Sowmya Bleachers & Process, 1150 Road, Auroville, Tamil Nadu – 605101
No.147/1, Karuveppillai Thottam, Mannarai Thiru.S.R.Kumaraswamy Adityan, No.3/62,
1134 Post, Uthukuli Road, Tirupur – 641607. Main road, Kayamoli, Thoothukudi District
M/s.Varshan Processing Mills, No.168/1, 1151 – 628205.
Chetti Thottam Alangattu Pudhur, M/s.Venkateshwara Spinners, No.82,
S.Periyapalayam Post, Uthukuli Road, Dharapuram road, Gandhinagar Extension,
1135 Tirupur – 641607. 1152 Udumalpet – 642126.
M/s.Ajantha Processers, No.671, Thamban M/s.Panchami Spinning Mills, No.154/B1-
Chetty Thottam, Murugampalayam, 1153 A, Palappampatty, Udumalpet – 642128.
1136 Iduvampalayam Post, Tirupur – 641687. Thiru.P.Anandaraj, Eagle Water Producs,
M/s.Kay Tee Yarn Dyeing, No.369, Kilakku 1154 Potthurai, Villupuram.
Thottam, Pitchampalayam Post, Tirupur – M/s.KVend Tech, No.S19, SIDCO
1137 641602. Industrial Estate, Kakkalur, Thiruvallur –
M/s.Gudiyattam Coir & Coir Products 1155 602003.
Manufactures Association, No.264, Chittoor Sri Arunshiva spinners, No.28A, Subbaraja
Road, Pakkam Village, Gudiyatham, Madam Stgreet, Avarampatti, Rajapalayam
1138 Vellore District – 635602. 1156 – 626117.
M/s. Tamil Nadu Coastal Aquaculture Shri Saradha Spinners, No.28B, Subbaraja
Farmers Federation No.4/688, SAP Hall, Madam Sreet, Avarampatti, Rajapalayam –
Mariyamman Kovil Street, Thirupoondi, 1157 626117.
1139 Nagapattinam – 611110. Association for Polymer Trade No.59,
M/s.Sakthi Modern Rice Mill, No.14/31, Kalayanasundaram Street, K.K.Nagar,
Marankattur, Vazaithottam Post, Sivagiri – 1158 Erode – 638009.
1140 638109. Sri Sadaiyappa Rice Mill, No.77,
M/s.Sri Sadaiyappa Rice Mill, No.77, Sadaiyappa Puram, Molapalayam Naal
Sadaiyappan Puram, Molapalayam Naal Road, Kandasamy Palayam Post Sivagiri,
road, Kandasamy Palayam Post, Sivagiri 1159 Erode – 638109.
1141 Via, Erode – 638109. 1160 Email id : [email protected]
M/s.Murugan Rapier,No.1/24, Kovil Kadu, M/s.Indus Tower Limited, No.5th Floor,
1142 Ponmudi Post, Vijayamangalam – 638 056. Jawaharlal Nehru Road, Ekkatuthangal,
Tmt.K.Lakhsmi, No.687/4, Otteripalayam, 1161 Chennai – 600 032.
Vaniyampalayam, V.Agaram Post, Thiru.P.Sankaran NO.59/2, Muthur Main
1143 Villupuram Taluk and District – 605105. Raod, Lakhapuram, Modakurichi, Erode
M/s.N.F.Water Refinery, No.50, Lemarie 1162 District.
1144 Street, Karaikal – 609 602, Pudhucherry. M/s.Statkraft India Private Limited, No.401,
M/s.Muthuvel Knits, No.254/5, 4th Floor, Salcon Rasvilas Building, Saket
Velampalayam Ring Road, Tiruppur – 1163 District Centre, New Eehi – 110017.
1145 641652. M/s.Perungudi Industrial Estate
M/s.T TANCO RS, No.4/68, Manufacturers Association, No.PIEMA
Moolavinayagar Koil Raod, Thenchittor Avenue, Main Road, Industrial Estate,
1146 Post, Anaimalai – 642134. 1164 Perungudi, Chennai – 600 096.
M/s.TmailNadu Nursery primary matric 1165 Email id: [email protected]
Hr.Sec & CBSE Schools Association, No.6, M/s.Saraswathi Rice Mills, No.91/1-A3,
Ekambaram Street, Pammal, chnnai – Chinna Annuppanadai, Chinthamani Road,
1147 600075. 1166 Madurai – 625009.
M/s.Anna Rice Mill, No.13/105, Sri Soundravillas Navina Rice Mill,
1148 Coimbatore Road, Kangayam – 638701. No.3/246, Sinthamani Main Road, Rajaman
M/s.M.R.S.R. Modern Rice Mill, No.76, 1167 Nagar, Madurai – 625009.
Chengalpet Main Road, Thangi, Sri Balamurugan Modern Rice Mill,
1149 Kanchipuram Taluk – 631601. 1168 Properiter, No.808, Arni-Polur Road,
Kalambur – 606903, Tiruvannamalai. M/s.Gellie Industries, No.D.117,
M/s.Kalin Engineering Industries, Development Plots, SIDCO Industrial
No.576/A, Opp Anna University, Trichy – 1185 Estate, Thuvakudi, Trichy – 620015.
Pudukottai Main Road, Mandaiyur, M/s.Muthu Enterprises, No.1/139D,
1169 Pudukottai – 622 515. Subramaniyar Kovil Street, Samusigapuram
M/s.C.K.Rotary Prints, No.2/12, Therku 1186 – 626 102.
Thottam, 2nd Street, Karuvampalayam, M/s.Farm Valley Milk Centre, No.2/52-2,
1170 Tiruppur – 641604. Raaj Kuil, Pillaiyarnatham, Pithalaipatty
Thiru.L.Sundararajan, District Secretary, 1187 Post, Dindigul – 624002.
Communist Party of India, North Chennai M/s.J&J Aqua Enterprises, No.14,
District Committee, A.B.Ninaivagam, 52 Venkatachalapathy Nagar, Kochadai,
1171 Cooks Road, Chennai – 600 102. 1188 Thuvariman, Madurai – 625019.
M/s.Boss Tech Rice and Agro Private Thiru.A.Balasubramaniam, Pillaiyar Kovil
Limited, No.28, Door No.221, Ganapathy Street, No.2/222, Sirunayakanpatti,
Nagar Extension, Mambhazhasalai, 1189 Nilakottai, Dindigul – 624219.
1172 Tiruchirapalli, Tamil Nadu – 620005. Lion.M.Punitharaj, Sureshkumar Modern
Tmt. S.Shanthi, No.55, Muthur Main Road, 1190 Rice Mill, Chetpet Road, Gingee – 604202.
1173 Lakhapuram, Modakurichi, Erode District. Theni District Coir and allied Association,
Thiru.P.Shankaran, No.59/2, Muthur Main 1191 kambam, Theni District – 625516.
Road, Lakhapuram, Modakurichi, Erode M.Rajkumar, Kombai, Theni District –
1174 District. 1192 625516.
M/s.Jayana Coir, No.1039/3B, Thriu.S.Ajmalkan, Kambam, Theni District
Sevugampatti Village, Dindigul Road, 1193 – 625516.
1175 Batlagundu – 624202. Thiru.R.Mani, Kambam, Theni District –
Tmt.Sivagami, Maruthanchetti Thottam, 1194 625516.
Narayanapuram Post, Palladam, Tirupur – Thiru.A.Alauddin, Kambam, Theni District
1176 641664. 1195 – 625516.
M/s.Four Square Fibres, No.319/1A1, Thiru.Amalraja, Kambam, Theni District –
Meattu Colony, Pethanaickanur, Pollachi – 1196 625516.
1177 642134. M/s.Green Gold Coir Products,
Thiru.L.R.Eswaran, No.3/33, Vaikallmedu, 1197 Periyakulam, Theni District – 625516.
1178 Lakhapuram, Erode – 02. Thiru.M.Ranjithkumar, Kambam, Theni
M/s.Lakshmi Modern Rice Mill, No.36/1, 1198 District – 625516.
Chinniagoundampalayam, Sivagiri via, Thiru.Vignesh Kandhan,Kambam, Theni
1179 Erode District – 638109. 1199 District – 625516.
M/s.Arunachala Modern Rice Mill, No.657, Thiru.Managing Partner, Kombai, Theni
Salem Main Road, Ammaiyagaram, Chinna 1200 District – 625516.
1180 Salem – 606201. Thiru.C.Murugan, Karukkottai, Theni
M/s.Baskar Milk Centre, No.1/16, 1201 District – 625516.
Alamarathupatty, Alamarathupatty Post, Tmt.Jarinibegam, kambam, Theni District –
1181 Athoor Taluk, Dindigul – 624 303. 1202 625516.
M/s.Numax Foods Pvt Ltd, New No.4, Old Tmt.S.Sudha, Kombai, Theni District –
No.25, Sriram Nikethan, 1st Floor, 1203 625516.
Ramanathan Street, Mahalingapuram, Thiru.S.Thangasami, Kombai, Theni
1182 Chennai – 600 034. 1204 District – 625516.
M/s.Jai Sakthi Aqua Farm, No.8/1139-A, Thiru.M.Selvam, Kombai, Theni District –
Near Puluvapatti Bus Stop, Puluvapatti Post, 1205 625516.
1183 P.N.road, Tirupur – 641602. Thiru.Mohammed Mathar Naiker,Kombai,
M/s.Maham Tex, No.1/85, Pariyur Amman 1206 Theni District – 625516.
Nagar, Nochipalayam Pirivu, Palladam, Thiru.S.Surali, Kombai, Theni District –
1184 Road, Tirupur – 641605. 1207 625516.
Thiru.Raja Paulraj, Kombai, Theni District – A. Sugumar, s/o. S. Alagarsamy, 58, Puthu
1208 625516. street, Trichuzhi road, Arruppukottai – 626
Thiru.Raguraj, Kombai, Theni District – 1232 101.
1209 625516. S. Pongomathi, W/o. M.Rajendran, 68(New
Thiru.Murugan, Kombai,Theni District – No. 20) kariam vellaiya Chettiyar street,
1210 625516. 1233 Aruppukottai – 626 101.
Tmt.Girija,Pudhupatti, Theni District – P.Jebakumar, S/o. Raj, 6/571/3, Thiru-vi-Ka
1211 625516. 1234 street, Lakshmi nagar, Virudhunagar.
Thiru.S.Mani, Anumanthapatti, Theni K.Jeya Ramasamy, 115, Muthu Mariamman
1212 District – 625516. 1235 colony, Virudhunagar -626130.
Thiru.A.Naveed Imran, K.Pudhupatti, Theni K.Ravichandran, 1/441, R.S.R,. Nagar, R.R.
1213 District – 625516. 1236 Nagar (PO), Virudhunagar
Thiru.V.Jayakumar,Kambaam, Theni M.Murugesan, 101/14E , Nehruji nagar,
1214 District – 625516. 1237 Katcheri road, Virudhunagar
Tmt.Asiyabegam,Kambam, Theni District – G.Vinayagamurthy, 17, Veerapathiran
1215 625516. 1238 Street, Mani nagaram, Aruppukkotai.
M/s.Coir Products, Pudhupatti, Theni K. Bala pandian. 1/109, South street,
1216 District – 625516. sppaiah Naicken Patti, (Posts),
Thiru.V.E.Shajahan, Kambam, Theni 1239 Virudhunagar – 626 204.
1217 District – 625516. S.Murugan, s/o. Sonamuthu, Muranavennan,
Thiru.Raja Rathinam, Kambam, Theni 1240 Virudhunagar taluk.
1218 District – 625516. K.Pandiaraj, S/o. Kumarsami, 6/636, 1st
Thiru.M.Mahendran, Uthamapalayam, street, Vatkatipugal, Madhura Road,
1219 Theni District – 625516. 1241 Virudhunagar.
Thiru.Mohammed Mathur maraikager, N.Kothandaraman, 3/995, F3, S.R. Naidu
1220 Kombai, Theni District – 625516. 1242 Nagar, Venkatachalam, Sathur – 626 203.
Thiru.Jegadeeshwaran,Anumanthapatti, C.Shanmugaraj, 1/24, therkupatti,
1221 Theni District – 625516. 1243 Balavanatham, Virudhunagar district.
Thiru.J.K.Dhivakar, Kombai, Theni District S.perumal, 45/19, Pasumpon street,
1222 – 625516. 1244 Thirumangalam, Madurai – 625706.
M/s.Agni Steels Private Limited, No.39/1, R. Bose, 5/194, EB colony, Sathira
Perundurai Road, Builders Association Reddiyarpatti (PO), Virudhunagar – 626
1223 Building 1st Floor, Erode- 638011. 1245 001.
Thiru.S. Swaminathan, st, Raman Street, R. Iyyannar, Bharathi Nagar, 2nd street,
1224 SullamPatti, Virudhunagar – 626. 1246 49/3/3, Pullakkottai Road, Virudhunagar.
Thiru.P.Pandian, 2/189, North street, P. Jeyanthi, Sri Mariamman Nagar,
Pullalakkottai, Kokkalaijeri (Post), 1247 Maravankulam, Thirumangalam, Madurai
1225 Virudhunagar district. K. Jeevanantham, 7/123, Vadakkupatti,
S.Perumal, 131/1C, Katcheri Salai, 1248 Balavanantham, Aruppukottai Taluk.
1226 Virudhunagar – 626001. A.Ramaraj, 1/433, Mela street,
M.Perumalsami, 131/1G, Katcheri Salai, Maharajapuram (PO), Virudhunagar
1227 Virudhunagar. 1249 District.
G.Velusamy, MRV Ninanvagam, 131/1E, P.Chinnathambi, 6/63515, Pallavan street,
1228 Katcheri Road, Virudhunagar. 1250 Lakshmi Nagar, Virudhunagar.
P.Pandi, s/o. Paramasivam, 2/1800-13, T.Shannagi, s/o. B.Thangaraj, 907/D/1,
Indira Nagar, Visvanathan, Sivasuvi, 1251 Gnadhi Nagar, Malaiyadipatti, Rajapalayam.
1229 Virudhunagar – 626 189. M.S. Pandiaraja, s/o. M. Subbiah, 9A,
M. Kumar, 6/522/1, Pandian Cross street, 1252 Mudukku Street, Srivallipudur
1230 Lakshmi nagar, Virudhunagar – 626 001. M. Vairamuthu, 5/114 ‘A’ Chinnathambi
K. Arisikamani. S/o. K.Karupaiah, 46/3E2, Kovil Street, Kunnoor (PO), Srivallipudhur
Sound street, Allarpatti, Virudhunagar – 628 1253 Taluk Virudhunagar district.
1231 001.
M. Karuppiah, 5/41, T. Pacheri,, Rajeswari, s/o. Shanmugavel,
Thiruchuzhi Post, (TK), Virudhunagar 1276 Kalaiyarkurichi, M.Puthupatti PO, sivakasi.
1254 district. L. Mariappan, 353 A, K,K, Nagar,
S. Ganesan, 2/5, Nadutheru, Aanai Kootam 1277 Viruthachalam, Virudhunagar.
1255 Post, Virudhunagar District. V.Duraipandi, 6/539/8-1, Muthali Street,
K. Udaiappa Raja, Pullakkottai Road, Near 1278 Pethanatchi Nagar, Virudhunagar.
1256 siddhar Kovil , Virudhunagar. S.Renmgasami, 2/445, G.Pasumpon Nagar,
C. Periyasami, 150/76, North Agrahah, 1279 Choolakalai post, Virudhunagar.
1257 Vathraj, Virudhunagar. A. Srinivasagam, 458 Malaiyapatti North,
R. Murugan, 2/7, Nadutheru, 1280 Rajapalayam, Virudhunagar.
Maharajapuram (PO), Vathraj taluk, M.Murugesan, 85, Chokkappan Chettiyar
1258 Virudhunagar Street, Mani nagaram, Aruppukktai – 626
M. Lingam, Kizhatheru, Kodungulam (PO), 1281 101.
1259 Koomapatti Post, Virudhunagar district. T. Balamurugan, Iyareddiapatti,
M.Subaniah, 14-3-10/13, Kariyapatti taluk, 1282 Mallanginar, Kariyapatti.
1260 Virudhunagar – 626106. B.Senthilkumar, 97, Mariamman Kovil
N.Ponnusamim, Asilapuram EB office, street, Rajapalayam – 626 117,
1261 Chola Therkku P.O. 626 139, Rajapalayam. 1283 Virudhunagar
K.Krishnamurthy, 30/95, Kilzpudhu Stteet, K.Govindfan. 46, Azhagai Nagar,
1262 Srivallipudhur 626 125, Virudhunagar. 1284 Rajapalayam, Virudhunagar.
R.Radhakrishnan, 86/175, Aasaripatti, A.Balusamy, 4/389, D26, VOC Nagar, 7th
Soundiammal Kovil Street, Thiruvallipudur 1285 street, samusikapuram,Rajapalayam.
1263 – 626 125. Virudhunagar. A.thonddappan, s/o. Alagarsamy
A.pandidurai, s/o. Ananappan, E.Pudupatti, Maiattanpatti, Kallakuruchi taluk, Madurai
Erichanantham (PO), Virudhunagar – 626 1286 district.
1264 103. K.Elangovan, TNSTR VNR, 6/567 Pethanur
M. Muthuraj, s/o. S.Muthiah, Cholai nagar, 1287 street, lakshmi nagar, Virudhunagar
1265 Chathira Reddiyarpatti (PO), Virudhunagar V.Kalidoss, 2/764-4 VOC nagar,
R.Thangavel, 3/171 East Street, Annupan 1288 Choolakarai road, Virudhunagar.
1266 Post, sivakasi – 626 189 S.Devendran, 3/471 B, Mariamman Kovil
G. Krishnamurthu 1/119, South Street, street, Avudaiapuram Post, RR Nagar,
Thathampatti, Michalur (PO), 1289 Virudhunagar.
1267 Virudhunagar. A.Saroja, 3/87. Vadamalaikurichi,
G.V. sundar,Kularagundu, 1/221-10, 1290 Vadamalaikurichi post, Virudhunagar.
1268 Virudhunagar. S. Amirthavalli,3/53, pernayakkanpatti,
S.Subbiah, Marurethu, Reddiyarpatti post, 1291 Sitharajapuram Post, Sivakasi.
1269 Virudhunagar. V. Thangaraj, 1/492-6, Madha Kovil Street,
K.Iyyannar, 4/2-1 Narayanapuram, Sathur RR Nagar, Vachakarapatti, Virudhunagar
1270 Taluk, Virudhunagar 1292 taluk.
M.M. Muthukavalan, s/o. Muthupandi, 2/15, K.Ramesh prabhu, 2/247-L, Samiyar
Ramachandrapalayam,errichanatham post, Colony, Annamalai nagar, 1st street. Sathur
1271 Virudhunagar. 1293 taluk, Virudhunagar.
S.Mohanraj, 5/16B, Kadabankulam, S.Thirupathi, 1/601, Kammnayakanpatti,
1272 Mettugundu post, Virudhunagar district. 1294 RR Nagar, Virudhunagar
S.Shanmugaraj, 3/175, Bazaar Street, V.Rajangam, 4/58 A Vellalar street,
1273 Vellaiyur, Aamathur. 1295 Vathirayapatti, taluk, Virudhunagar
M.K.Kamaraj, 5/5375sarojini Street, N.D.O. P.Pandian, 2/97, Mela Street, Sarasapatti –
1274 colonu, East, Virudhunagar. 1296 626 149.
V.Murugan, 2D, Sathya Nagar, 6th street, K.Perumal, 5/3 Vadakku street,
Kovilpapukudi, Pothumbu PO, Madurai – 1297 Maharajapuram, Virudhunagar.
1275 18. K.Perumal. 5/306, Vadakku street, Vathrap
1298 taluk, Po, Maharajapuram, Virudhunagar.
S.Murugesan, s/o. M. Subburam, 1/17, V. Agalya, 6/550/9E, Kovil Street,
Vadakku Street, Puliyuran Post, 1320 Pethanatchi nagar, Virudhunagar – 626 001.
1299 aruppukottai taluk, Virudhunagar – 626 105. M.Oorkavalan, 6/37215, TKSPS nagar,
P. Ranjangam, s/o. Urkalan S. Madurai Road, near PRC Dippo,
Ramachandrapuram, 1/1, Arisan Street, 1321 Virudhunagar
1300 Sundarapandian, Vathra;y – 626 116. V. Sangaiah, 130/11-G, Indira Nagar,
K. Ramar, s/o. Kirshnan. 6/573/6, thiru-v- 1322 Pullakkottai Road, Virudhunagar – 626 001.
1301 nagar, lakshmi nagar, Virudhunagar. G.Thirupathi, s/o. Govindasamy, 4/196,
I. Masanam, s/o. M. Erullappan, 2/70, Naarthampatti, Kallurani post, Thiruchuzhi
1302 Valukkalatti, Balavanatham Post. 1323 taluk, Virudhunagar.
R.Alagarsami, 1/161 Vadamalai Kurichi V.Pandiarajan, s/o. A. Veranan, 5-24-57/5,
1303 post, Virudhunagar Ceylon Kolony East, Parasakthi Nagar,
K.Pandi, 130/2A, Indira Nagar Pullakottai 1324 Palayampatti.
1304 Road, Virudhunagar. R.Chandra Narayanan, 1/1, Jothidam
M. jeyakumar, s/o. Mariamman. Rettadi shanmugam street, Chokkalingam,
East street, Thambipathi, Maharajapuram 1325 Aruppukottai, Virudhunagar – 626 101.
1305 post, Vathap taluk. K.Tehnnarasu, s/o. Krishnan, Bharathi
N. Ponnuchami, Aasilapuram EB Office, Nagar, 3rd lane, Thanya Nagar, Pavar
1306 Cholapuram South, Rajapalayam. 1326 Kulam, Srivallipudhur.
S.Marimuthu, 102, South Rathina K. Kovilsami, s/o. Kanagaraj, Nachiyarpatti.
Sabapathipuram street, Thirunagaram. 1327 Srivalliputhur taluk.
1307 Aruppukottai 626 101. M. Kannan, 1A/3/6, Lakshmi Nagar,
P.Mahendran, s/o. A.Balan, Vella kulam, 1328 Madavar Complex, Srivallipudur.
Aachankulam post, Srivaliipudur S.Nageswaran, SV, Subramaniapillai,. 1/46,
1308 Virudhunagar. South Street, Avudaiapuram. Virudhunagar
R.Perumalsami, N. 1329 district.
Shanmugasundarapuram, Meenachipuram M. Muneshwaran, 5/693 2th street,
1309 post, Srivallipuram – 626 125. 1330 Pokkuvarathu Nagar, Krishnan Kovil.
D.Selvaraj, Mallanginar, kamaraja Street, L. Muthugopal, s/o. R. Latchumiah, A.
1310 Thiruchuzhi, Kariyapatti. 1331 Jegaverampatti, Shankarapandipuram.
K. Jeyaram, Gandhi Street, Mallanginar PO, S. Chandran, s/o. Shanmugam. 4/266,B1,
1311 Kariyapatti Taluk, Virudhunagar Bharathi nagar, Venkatachalapuram post –
N. saravanan, s/o. Nallamuthu, 1332 626 203, Virudhunagar.
Nanthigundu, Mallanginar PO, Kariyanpatti G. Shanmugavel, 237, Azhagai Nagar,
1312 Taluk. Virudhunagar. Rajapalayam, Virudhunagar district – 626
N. Palanisamy, s/o. Malaisami,2/212, 1333 117.
KilaThurukkan Kulam, Kariyapatti taluk, Thiru M. Meenakshi Sundaram, 357/7,
1313 Virudhunagar. 1334 Panchayat Board Line, Kandaramanickam.
C.Marimutthu, s/o. Chellappan. 50, East Thiru AR Ramalingam, S/o. Arumukam,
1314 Street, Thandianerthal, Virudhunagar 1335 Kandaramanickam.
S. Pandiaraj, s/o. M.Sundaram, A41, MDR Tmt. G. Aandathal, 1238/5, Sivan Koil
1315 nagar, North, 5th street, Aruppukottai. 1336 Street, Kandaramanickam.
S. Nageswaran, S.V. Subramaniam pillai. Tmt. G. Poongothai, Sivan Koil Street,
1316 RR Nagar, Virudhunagar. 1337 Kandaramanickam.
V.Sivananthdn, 1/616, Sivananthan, 1338 Tmt. V. Annalakshmi and M. Velumiyil
1317 Kesavalar Colony, Kattangu, Virudhunagar Tmt. V. Thavamani, 436, Sivan Koil Street,
N. Ramaraj, 472, Ramanathan, chidhambara 1339 Kandaramanickam.
1318 post, Aruppukottai taluk. Virudhunagar. Tmt. P. Maheswari, Tamil Teacher, Pa. Su.
A. Sundararaj, 3/24, Kariamman Kovil 1340 Vidya Salai, Kandaramanickam.
street, Anuppankulam Post, Sivakasi, Thiru K. Subramanian, 430, Sivan Koil
1319 Virudhunagar. 1341 Street, Kandaramanickam.
Tmt. Parameswari, Ponnangudi, Kandaramanickam.
1342 Kandaramanickam, Sivakangai. Tmt. A. Selvi, Kalangarai Street,
Thiru A. Ninar Mohamed, Kalangarai 1370 Kandaramanickam.
1343 Veethi, Kandaramanickam, Sivagangai. Tmt. Jayalakshmi, Kalangarai Street,
Tmt. A. Ravuthammal, Kalangari Veethi, 1371 Kandaramanickam.
1344 Kandaramanickam. 1372 Tmt. Renuka, Kandaramanickam.
Thiru S. Ranjan Beevi, Kalangari Street, Thiru M. Selvamani, Therkkupattu,
1345 Kandaramanickam. 1373 Kandaramanickam.
Tmt. Thillai, Meenatchi Amman North Thiru Rama Perumal, 91, North Street,
1346 Street, Kandaramanickam. 1374 Kandaramanickam.
Thiru M. Sahul Hameed, Kalangarai Street, Tmt. C. Athappan, 172-2/50, Pudhuvazhavu
1347 Kandaramanickam. 1375 Street, Kandaramanickam.
Thiru V. Ravi, 628, Murugan Chetti Oorani, Thiru M. Manokaran, North Street,
1348 Kandaramanickam. 1376 Kandaramanickam.
Thiru R. Jabarullakhan, Kalangarai Street, Thiru K.R. Pandian, North Street,
1349 Kandaramanickam. 1377 Kandaramanickam.
Tmt, Ravuthammal, Kalangarai Street, Thiru D. Thennarasu, North Street,
1350 Kandaramanickam. 1378 Kandaramanickam.
Thiru A. Sikkander, Kalangarai Street, Tmt. M. Valli, 1452, Muniyaiya Koil Street,
1351 Kandaramanickam. 1379 Thirupathur T.K.
Thiru Kathirvel, Kalangarai Street, Thiru K.Rajendran, Ponnangudi Villakku,
1352 Kandaramanickam. 1380 Kandaramanickam.
Thiru Kathirvel, Kalangarai Street, Thiru V. Selvam, 1480/5, Poonangudi,
1353 Kandaramanickam. 1381 Kandaramanickam.
1354 Thiru M. Kathirvel, Kandaramanickam. Thiru N. Rajasekaran, 429, Muniyaiya Koil
1355 Tmt. Mumtaj, Kandaramanickam. 1382 Street, Kandaramanickam.
1356 Thiru C. Shanmugavel, Kandaramanickam. Thiru S. Sellam, West Street,
1357 Thiru C. Shanmugavel, Kandaramanickam. 1383 Kandaramanickam.
Tmt. VR. Alagammai, Therkkupattu, Thiru M. Malathi, 471-5, 53 Sivan Koil
1358 Kandaramanickam. 1384 Street, Kandaramanickam.
Tmt. S. Mookayee, Therkkupattu, Tmt. Krishnaveni V, 471-5-53, Sivan Koil
1359 Kandaramanickam. 1385 Street, Kandaramanickam.
Tmt. S. Shanthi, North Street, Thiru Va. Muthiah, 167/1, Puthu Vazhaivu,
1360 Kandaramanickam. 1386 North Street, Kandaramanickam.
Thiru V. Arumugam, Therkkupattu, Thiru C.Chinnakaruppan, Therku Ninapatti,
1361 Kandaramanickam. 1387 Pattamangalam.
Thiru K. Ramaiya, Amirthapuram, 1388 Thiru Suba Palanivelu, Kandaramanickam.
1362 Kandaramanickam. Thiru P. Thiagarajan, Therkuppattu,
Thiru Peri-Chinnan, 1654/1/5, Muniiyaa 1389 Kandaramanickam.
1363 Koil Street, Kandaramanickam. Thiru KR.Subramanian, Therkupattu,
Tmt. S. Lakshmi, Ponnangudi, 1390 Kandaramanickam.
1364 Kandaramanickam. Thiru L.Ramamoorthi, Sathannur,
Tmt. A. Kamala, Sathannur, 1391 Kandaramanickam.
1365 Kandaramanickam. Thiru Karu. Lakhsmanan, Sathannur,
Thiru AR. Karuppiah, 64, North Street, 1392 Kandaramanickam.
1366 Kandaramanickam. Thiru KR. Lakshmanan, Sathannur,
Thiru K. Thavakumar, Therkkupattu, 1393 Kandaramanickam.
1367 Kandaramanickam. Thiru AL Lakshmanan, Sathannur,
1368 Tmt. Peri-Aathammy, Kandaramanickam. 1394 Kandaramanickam.
Thiru L. Pandiyan, Sathannur,
1369 Tmt. C. Amaravathi, North Street, 1395 Kandaramanickam.
Thiru Aaru. Selvaraj, Sathannur, Tmt. S. Manickkavalli, 197A, Sathannur,
1396 Kandaramanickam. 1422 Kandaramanickam.
Thiru C. Rasu, Sathannur, Thiru R. Sakthi Jeyam, Sathannur,
1397 Kandaramanickam. 1423 Kandaramanickam.
Thiru Aaru. Selvaraj, Sathannur, Thiru Tamilarasan, Sathannur,
1398 Kandaramanickam. 1424 Kandaramanickam.
Tmt. V. Rani, Sathannur, Thiru P. Balasubramanian, Nadupickottail,
1399 Kandaramanickam. 1425 Tiruppathur.
Thiru Nagaraj, Sathannur, Thiru N. Bharathi, 1/131, Naduvikottai,
1400 Kandaramanickam. 1426 Thiruppathur.
Thiru Poo. Karuppaiah, Sathannur, Thiru Karthick Raja, Naduvikottai,
1401 Kandaramanickam. 1427 Thiruppathur.
Thiru A. Karuppiah, Sathannur, Tmt. M. Kamalam, Therkku Street,
1402 Kandaramanickam. 1428 Pattamangalam.
Thiru K.Kalyanasundaram, Sathannur, Tmt. Samaiyandhi, Therkku Street,
1403 Kandaramanickam. 1429 Pattamanagalam.
Thiru K.Chinnan, Sathannur, Thiru PL. Manickam, Therkku Street,
1404 Kandaramanickam. 1430 Pattamangalam.
Tmt K.R.Devi, Sathannur, Tmt. N. Mathi, Keezh Street,
1405 Kandaramanickam. 1431 Pattamangalam.
Thiru P. Karuppaiah, Sathannur, 1432 Thiru S. Karuppaiah, Narikudi.
1406 Kandaramanickam. Thiru M. Karumbunathan, North Street,
Thiru K. Chinnaiya, Sathannur, 1433 Pattamangalam.
1407 Kandaramanickam. Tmt. S. Mangalam, Keezh Street,
Thiru K.R.Pandiyan, Sathannur, 1434 Patamangalam.
1408 Kandaramanickam. Thiru V. Alagu Ambalam, Melastreet,
Thiru Ku. Karuppaiya, Sathannur, 1435 Pattamangalam.
1409 Kandaramanickam. Thiru Peri-Chinnathambi, Kovil Veedu,
Tmt. Ra. Karuppayee, Sathannur, 1436 Pattamangalam.
1410 Kandaramanickam. Thiru A. Karuppaiya, 2-413, Veliyari,
1411 Thiru Sethu, Sathannur, Kandaramanickam. 1437 Pattamangalam
Thiru A.Balamurugan, Sathannur, Thiru Rama Karuppiya, Mela Street,
1412 Kandaramanickam. 1438 Pattamangalam.
Thiru C. Bhaskaran, Sathannur, Thiru A. Muthuraman, Post Office Lane,
1413 Kandaramanickam. 1439 Pattamangalam.
Thiru K.Muthurakku, Sathannur, Thiru M. Kannan, West Street,
1414 Kandaramanickam. 1440 Pattamangalam.
Thiru Ku. Chinnaiya, Sathannur, Thiru A. Ganesan, West Street,
1415 Kandaramanickam. 1441 Pattamangalam.
Thiru R.Selvakumar, Sathannur, Thiru K.R. Sethuraman, Vezhiyari,
1416 Kandaramanickam. 1442 Pattamangalam.
Thiru S.Palanisamy, Sathannur, Thiru K.R. Madhavan, 2-415, Vehiyari,
1417 Kandaramanickam. 1443 Pattamangalam.
Tmt. Meiyathal, Sathannur, Thiru R.Rajendran, West Street,
1418 Kandaramanickam. 1444 Pattamangalam.
Thiru N. Arjunan, Sathannur, Thiru C. Chandran, 1/24, West Street,
1419 Kandaramanickam. 1445 Pattamangalam.
Thiru N. Arjunan, Sathannur, Thiru Rama. Palaniyandhi, West Street,
1420 Kandaramanickam. 1446 Pattamangalam.
Thiru C.Muthu, Sathannur, Thiru M.Soundram, Keezhath Street,
1421 Kandaramanickam. 1447 Pattamangalam.
Thiru C. Mathavan, Mela Street, Kandaramanickam.
1448 Pattamangalam. Thiru V. Selvam, Ponnangudi,
Tmt. J. Thenmozhi, North Street, 1475 Kandaramanickam.
1449 Pattamangalam. Thiru S. Sukumar, Muniiyaa Koil Street,
Thiru. Muniyandhi, Vezhiyari, 1476 Kandaramanickam.
1450 Pattamangalam. 1477 Tmt. S. Selvi, Kandaramanickam.
Thiru CT. Alagarsamy, Melatherru, Thiru. M. Narayanan, Ponnangudi Villakku,
1451 Pattamangalam. 1478 Kandaramanickam.
1452 Thiru A. Marimuthu, Mela Pattamangalam. Thiru N.Ravichandran, North Street,
Thiru M. Arulappan, Ponnangudi, 1479 Kandaramanickam.
1453 Kandaramanickam. Thiru V. Alagu Konar, Veliyari,
1454 Tmt. M. Mathi, Vezhiyari, Pattamangalam. 1480 Pattamangalam..
Thiru AL. Manickam, Vezhiyari, Tmt. V. Dhanam, Ponnangudi,
1455 Pattamangalam. 1481 Kandaramanickam.
Tmt. S. Jeyalakshmi, Ponnangudi Villakku, Thiru Dhanabalan, Ponnangudi,
1456 Kandaramanickam. 1482 Kandaramanickam.
Thiru K. Prabhu, Ponnangudi Villakku, Thiru M.Mani, Therkku Theru,
1457 Kandaramanickam. 1483 Pattamangalam.
Tmt. K. Valli, Door No. 1513, North Street, Thiru S.P. Mariappan, Therkku Theru,
1458 Kandaramanickam. 1484 Pattamangalam.
Thiru S. Soman Asari, Opp. to Girls Higher Thiru M.Nachiyappan, Therkku Theru,
1459 Secondary School, Kandaramanickam. 1485 Pattamangalam.
Thiru R.Muthuselvam, Ponnangudi Tmt. P. Ananthi, Therku Theru,
1460 Villakku, Kandaramanickam. 1486 Pattamangalam.
Tmt. R. Ooviaym, Ponnangudi Villaakku, Tmt. S. Karthika, Therku Theru,
1461 Kandaramanickam. 1487 Pattamangalam.
Thiru R. Veeravel, Ponnangudi Villakku, Thiru S. Selvakumar, Therku Therru,
1462 Kandaramanickam. 1488 Pattamangalam.
Thiru C. Andisamy, Ponnangudi Villakku, Thiru P. Krishnan, Therku Theru,
1463 Kandaramanickam. 1489 Pattamangalam.
Thiru P. Athina Milaki, Ponnangudi Thiru PR. Kannan, Ponnangudi,
1464 Villakku, Kandaramanickam. 1490 Kandaramanickam.
Thiru S. Chinnakaruppan, Ponnangudi Thiru RM. Bose, Sattanur,
1465 Villakku, Kandaramanickam. 1491 Kandaramanickam.
Thiru C. Mookkan, Ponnangudi Vilakku, Thiru Karu. Sundaram, Sattanur,
1466 Kandaramanickam. 1492 Kandaramanickam.
Thiru A. Nachammai, Ponnungudi Vilakku, Thiru G.Vimal, Sathanur,
1467 Kandaramanickam. 1493 Kandaramanickam.
Thiru C. Pandi, Ponnangudi Vilakku, Thiru Arumugam, Sathannur,
1468 Kandaramanickam. 1494 Kandaramanickam.
Thiru A. Subbaiah, Ponnangudi Vilakku, Thiru. Rajendran, 205,
1469 Kandaramanickam. 1495 Sathanur,Kandaramanickam.
Thiru RM. Sathiyamoorthi, Ponnangudi Thiru R.Kumar, No.689, Sathanur,
1470 Vilakku, Kandaramanickam. 1496 Kandaramanickam.
Thiru K. Anandathan, Ponnangudi Villakku, Thiru K.Chinnathambi, Sathanur,
1471 Kandaramanickam. 1497 Kandaramanickam.
Thiru R.Periyasamy, Ponnangudi Vilakku, Tmt. K. Meenal, Sathannur,
1472 Kandaramanickam. 1498 Kandaramanickam.
Tmt. M.Selvi, Ponnangudi Vilakku, Thiru S.Selvam, Sathannur,
1473 Kandaramanickam. 1499 Kandaramanickam.
1474 Thiru S.Balamurugan, Muniiyaa Koil Street, 1500 Thiru S. Selvam, Sathannur,
Kandaramanickam. Tmt. M. Lakshmi, Anna Nagar,
Thiru S. Shanmugam, Sathannur, 1527 Kandaramanickam.
1501 Kandaramanickam. Thiru Guru Natarajan, No.923,
Thiru C. Chinnaiya, Sathannur, 1528 Oyamaripatti.
1502 Kandaramanickam. Tmt. C. Vasantha, 10/38A, Amirthapuram,
1503 Tmt. K.Valli, Sathannur,Kandaramanickam. 1529 Kandaramanickam.
Thiru K.Ramu, Sathannur, Thiru Karu. Chinnathambi, 10/38A,
1504 Kandaramanickam. 1530 Amirthapuram, Kandaramanickam.
Thiru. P. Pandi, Sathannur, Thiru M.Subramanian, Amirthapuram,
1505 Kandaramanickam. 1531 Kandaramanickam.
Tmt. R. Panchavarnam,
1506 Thiru Sekar, Sathannur, Kandaramanickam. 1532 Amirthapuram,Kandaramanickam.
Thiru K.Vazharmathi, Sathannur, Thiru M.Ganesh, Amirthapuram,
1507 Kandaramanickam. 1533 Kandaramanickam.
Thiru Vellaisamy, Sathannur, Thiru N.Athinamilagu, Amirthapuram,
1508 Kandaramanickam. 1534 Kandaramanickam.
Thiru S.Subramanian, Sathannur, Tmt. M. Kalyani, Amirthapuram,
1509 Kandaramanickam. 1535 Kandaramanickam.
Thiru S.Saravanan, Sathannur, Thiru M.Subbiah Rajamani, Amirthapuram,
1510 Kandaramanickam. 1536 Kandaramanickam.
Thiru Arjunan, Sathannur, Thiru P. Muthiah Uma Maheswari,
1511 Kandaramanickam. 1537 Amirthapuram, Kandaramanickam.
Thiru C.Karuppaiya, Sathannur, Tmt.AL. Manickkavalli, Amirthapuram,
1512 Kandaramanickam. 1538 Kandaramanickam.
Thiru A. Karuppaiya, Sathannur,
1513 Kandaramanickam. 1539 Tmt. SP. Kalimuthu Devi, Amirthapuram,
Thiru R.Rajyalakshmi, Sathannur, Thiru K. Sethu, Amirthapuram,
1514 Kandaramanickam. 1540 Kandaramanickam.
Thiru K.R. Kennady, Sathannur, Tmt. M. Panchu, Amirthapuram,
1515 Kandaramanickam. 1541 Kandaramanickam.
Tmt V.Pandimeenal, Sathannur, Thiru.Karu. Athappan, Amirthapuram,
1516 Kandaramanickam. 1542 Kandaramanickam.
Thiru N.Muthu, Sathannur, Thiru V. Muthupillai, Amirthapuram,
1517 Kandaramanickam. 1543 Kandaramanickam.
Thiru K. Varugairaj, Sathannur, Tmt. M. Velliammal, Amirthapuram,
1518 Kandaramanickam. 1544 Kandaramanickam.
Tmt C.Periyakaruppi, Sathannur, Tmt S. Krishnan Lakshmi, Amirthapuram,
1519 Kandaramanickam. 1545 Kandaramanickam.
Tmt. A.Posali, Sathannur, Tmt. R.Panchavarnam, Amirthapuram,
1520 Kandaramanickam. 1546 Kandaramanickam.
Thiru S.Ramesh, Sathannur, Tmt. K. Veerammal, Amirthapuram,
1521 Kandaramanickam. 1547 Kandaramanickam.
Thiru A.Manickam, Sathannur, Tmt. S.Meenal, Amirthapuram,
1522 Kandaramanickam. 1548 Kandaramanickam.
Thiru K.R. Murugan, Sathannur, Thiru S.Manickam, Amirthapuram,
1523 Kandaramanickam. 1549 Kandaramanickam.
Tmt. K. Sumathi, 921/1, Amirthapuram,
1524 Thiru K.R. Krishnan, Kandaramanickam. 1550 Kandaramanickam.
Tmt. J. Subhashini, 64, North Street, Thiru A.Ponnusamy, S/o. Adaikan,
1525 Kandaramanickam. 1551 Kalavathukudi, Devakottai.
Tmt. K. Lakshmi, 47, North Street, Dr. M. Elumalai, M.S. 9, Bus Stand Street,
1526 Kandaramanickam. 1552 Devakottai
Tmt S. Veeramakali, 19, Gowri Ninayagar Devakottai.
1553 Puram, Ramnagar, Devakottai. Thiru A. Manimuthu, S/o. Alagan,
Thiru V. Thangarajan, 14, V.S. Illam, M.M. 1581 Mannanvayal, Kandadevi P.O.
1554 Nagar, Ramnagar, Devakottai. Tmt. R. Lalitha, Nagadiyar Street, E.B.
Thiru M.Ramesh, Arunagiripattinam, 1582 Road
1555 Devakottai. Thiru S. Xavier, 1/48, Therkku Nemmeni,
1556 Thiru Samynathan, Kummangkudi. 1583 Pulliyal P.O. Devakottai.
Thiru M.Arockia Mary, Alagupuram, Thiru M.Muthu, Ajeez Tea Stal,
1557 Ramnagar, Devakottai. 1584 Thiruppathur Road, Devakottai.
Thiru SP. Madhavan, 31A, Audhur South Thiru M.Rajamohan, 560, Thirupathur
1558 Street, Devakottai. 1585 Road, Devakottai.
Tmt J. Jayamani, 12, Jayamkonda Thiru A. Kalanthar Syed Ebayeek, 11/13,
1559 Vinayagar, Devakottai. 1586 Beer Street, Devakottai.
Thiru V. Sathish Kumar, S/o. Vasudevan, Thiru S.Natarajan, 2/2, Mariamman Koil
1560 Kottur, Thirumanavayal, Devakottai. 1587 Street, Ka. Paramathi, Karur.
Tmt P. Soundhram, W/o. M. Pitchappan, Tmt.P. Valliyathal, Merkku Street, Ka.
1561 13/2, Senga Koil Street, Devakottai. 1588 Paramathi.
1562 Thiru Syed Ali, Sathukuddi, Devakottai. Thiru E.Vellappa Gounder, Merkku Street,
Thiru S.Manikandan, Thiruppakkottai, 1589 Ka. Paramathi.
1563 Devakottai. Thiru M.Kaliappa Gounder, Merkku Street,
Thiru J.Ranjithkumar, S/o. Joseph Xavier, 1590 Ka. Paramathi.
1564 Panipularan Vayal, Devakottai. Thiru D.Anbu Rajan, Arivoli Nagar, Behind
Thiru Thu. Abiseik, S/o. Thurimanikam, 1591 Police Station, Ka.Paramathi.
1565 Kadathi, Devakottai Thiru K. Soundhram, Chinna
1566 Tmt. K. Purnakala, Ramnagar, Devakottai. Muthampalayam, Aariyur, Aravakurichi,
1592 Karur.
Thiru V. Kumar, No.7, Kali Alagappan
1567 Street, Devakottai. Thiru K. Thekkamalai, S/o. Kathirvel,
1593 Aariyur, Aravakurichi, Karur.
Tmt. S. Kamakshi, W/o. L. Chellappa, 20A,
Tamilchaorrani Road, 1st Street, Ramnagar, Tmt. N. Baby, Chinnamutha palayam,
1568 Devakottai. 1594 Aariyur, Aravakurichi, Karur
Tmt.S.Maheswari, 13/8, Kattazhiyan, Thiru S.Arun Kumar, S/o. Shanmugam,
1569 Devakottai. Chinnamuthapalayam, Ariyur,
1595 Aravakurichi,
Thiru Boominathan, Kallangkudi Pudhur,
1570 Periyaganam Po, Devakottai. Thiru S.Muthusamy, S/o. Subramani,
Chinnamutham, Aariyur, Aravakurichi,
Thiru M.Jayalaskhmi, 3 & 33, E B Road,
1596 Karur
1571 Devakottai.
Thiru V.Marimuthu, Aariyur, Aravakurichi,
Thiru J. Jayaprakash, 57, Thiruvalluvar
1597 Karur
1572 Nagar, Ezhavankottai – 630 302.
Thiru C.Palanisamy, Aariyur, Aravakurichi,
Thiru P.John Sebastian, Mavidithikottai,
1598 Karur
1573 Devakottai.
Thiru T.Mathialagan, S/o. Tamilarasan,
1574 Tmt. V. Shanthi, Chinnaunjanai, Devakottai. Chinnamuthampalayam, Aariyur,
Thiru K.Jeganathan, Samathuvapuram, 1599 Aravakurichi, Karur.
1575 Pavanangkottai P.O. Thiru K.Vijayakumar,
Tmt. S. Swarnalingam, 9, Chinnamuthampalayam, Aariyur,
1576 Chidambaranathapuram, Devakottai. 1600 Aravakurichi, Karur.
1577 Tmt. Malarvzhi, Puthuvayal, Devakottai. Thiru N. Sathishkumar, S/o. Natesan,
Tmt. S. Rosy, D/o. S. Sandayappan, Chinnamuthapalayam, Aariyur,
1578 Panipulanvayal, Kandaidevi Post. 1601 Aravakurichi, Karur.
1579 Thiru M. Francis, Nanakudi, Devakottai. Thiru P.Mani, S/o. Palanisamy,
1580 Thiru M.Sathishkumar, 26/94, Jeeva Nagar, 1602 Chinnamuthapalayam,Aariyur,
Aravakurichi, Karur. Nagar, Ka.Paramathi, Karur.
Thiru P.Kandhasamy, S/o.Palanisamy, Thiru V. Palanisamy, Ka. Paramathi,
Chinnamuthapalayam, Aariyur, 1627 Pugalur, Karur.
1603 Aravakurichi, Karur. Thiru K.N. Shanmugam,
Thiru N.Ravi, Chinnamuthapalayam, 1628 Karudayampalayam, Karur.
1604 Aariyur, Aravakurichi, Karur Tmt S. Poongodi, Ka. Paramathi,
Tmt. V. Rajeshwari, W/o. K.Boopathy, 1629 Mariamman Koil Street, Karur.
Chinnamuthapalayam, Aariyur, Thiru M.Duraisamy, Nallasellipalayam,
1605 Aravakurichi, Karur 1630 Aariyur, Karur.
Thiru Kittusamy, S/o. Marappagounder, Thiru K.Selvarasu, Nallasellipalayam,
Chinnamuthapalayam, Aariyur, 1631 Aariyur, Karur.
1606 Aravakurichi, Karur. Thiru M.Suresh, Nallsellipalayam, Aariyur,
Thiru S.Sakthivel, Chinnamuthapalayam, 1632 Aravakurichi, Karur
1607 Aariyur, Aravakurichi, Karur. Tmt M.Nallammal, Nallasellipalayam,
Thiru K.Raman, S/o. Karuppasamy, 1633 Aariyur, Aravakurichi, Karur
Chinnamuthapalayam, Aariyur, Thiru K.Shanmugam, Nallsellipalayam,
1608 Aravakurichi, Karur. 1634 Aariyur, Aravakurichi, Karur
Thiru M.Kathirvel, 2/227, Main Road, Tmt. G.Divya, Nallasellipalayam, Aariyur,
1609 K.Paramathi, Karur. 1635 Aravakurichi, Karur
Thiru K.Selvaraj, Aariyur, Aravakurichi, Tmt. P. Manimekalai, Nallasellipalayam,
1610 Karur. 1636 Aariyur, Aravakurichi, Karur
1611 Tmt.S.Sarasu, Aariyur, Aravakurichi, Karur Tmt. K. Giri Prasath, Nallsellipalayam,
Tmt. I. Sumathi, Aariyur, Aravakurichi, 1637 Aariyur, Aravakurichi, Karur
1612 Karur Thiru P. Periyasamy, Nallasellipalayam,
Thiru K.Kandasamy, Aariyur, Aravakurichi, 1638 Aariyur, Aravakurichi, Karur.
1613 Karur Thiru K.Periyasamy, 4/Na,
Tmt. P. Logambbal, Aariyur, Aravakurichi, Nallasellipalayam, Aariyur, Aravakurichi,
1614 Karur 1639 Karur.
Tmt. T. Shanthi, Aariyur, Aravakurichi, Thiru K.Karuppannan, 4/50,
1615 Karur Nallasellipalayam, Aariyur, Aravakurichi,
Thiru M.Balamurgan, Aariyur, 1640 Karur.
1616 Aravakurichi, Karur. Tmt. R. Manimekalai, 10/181,
Thiru P. Saravanan, S/o. Palanisamy, 1641 Mallampalayam, Tharapuram, Tiruppur.
1617 Pavithram P.o. Pugalur. Thiru M.Sagadevan, Oothamanthurai,
Thiru M.Ramalingam, Aariyur, 1642 Aravakurichi, Karur.
1618 Aravakurichi, Karur Thiru Thangavel, Vembathi Village,
Thiru K.Kuppusamy, Vengimapuram, 1643 Anthiyur, Erode.
1619 Nadanthai P.O. Thiru P.Eswaran, Vembathi Village,
Thiru P. Murugesan, Kalipalayam, 1644 Anthiyur, Erode.
1620 Kattumunnur P.O., Karur. Thiru S.Karuppusamy, Vembathi Village,
Thiru M.Ganesan, S/o. Marappa Gounder, 1645 Anthiyur, Erode.
1621 Kantharvapalayam, Nedungar po Thiru Periyasamy, Vembathi Village,
Thiru R.Nallasivam, S/o. Rasappa Gounder, 1646 Anthiyur, Erode.
1622 Poomanpalayam, Nedungar po Thiru Pattaiyan, Vembathi Village,
Thiru S.Murugesan, Nedungar Po. / 1647 Anthiyur, Erode.
1623 Varatharajapuram, Karur. Thiru Shanmugam, Vembathi Village,
Thiru P. Kanthachadi Gounder, 1648 Anthiyur, Erode.
1624 Andhireddipalayam, Karur. Thiru Kittusamy, Vembathi Village,
Thiru R.Kathirvel, 45, Aariyur, 1649 Anthiyur, Erode.
1625 Ka.Paramathi, Karur. Thiru Kittusamy, Vembathi Village,
1626 Thiru N V Shanmugam, 2/418, Amman 1650 Anthiyur, Erode.
Thiru Velan, Vembathi Village, Anthiyur, Anthiyur, Erode.
1651 Erode. Thiru P.K. Subramaniyam, Vembathi
Thiru O.S. Arumani, Vembathi Village, 1677 Village, Anthiyur, Erode.
1652 Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru Murugan, Vembathi Village,
Thiru Srinivasan, Vembathi Village, 1678 Anthiyur, Erode.
1653 Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru Kumar, Vembathi Village, Anthiyur,
Thiru Periyasamy, Vembathi Village, 1679 Erode.
1654 Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru N. Chithaiyan, Vembathi Village,
Thiru Vijayan, Vembathi Village, Anthiyur, 1680 Anthiyur, Erode.
1655 Erode. Thiru Arumugam, Osaipatti, Vembathi
Thiru Kaliyappan, Vembathi Village, 1681 Village, Anthiyur, Erode.
1656 Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru Velusamy, Vembathi Village,
Thiru Murugan, Vembathi Village, 1682 Anthiyur, Erode.
1657 Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru Matheswaran, Vembathi Village,
Thiru Murugan, Vembathi Village, 1683 Anthiyur, Erode.
1658 Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru A.Shanmugam, Vembathi Village,
Thiru G.Pattaiyan, Vembathi Village, 1684 Anthiyur, Erode.
1659 Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru A. Shanmugam, Vembathi Village,
Thiru Somasundaram, Vembathi Village, 1685 Anthiyur, Erode.
1660 Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru Semmin, Osaipatti, Vembathi Village,
Thiru Mayilsamy, Vembathi Village, 1686 Anthiyur, Erode.
1661 Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru Shanmugam, Osaipatti, Vembathi
Thiru Shanmugam, Vembathi Village, 1687 Village, Anthiyur, Erode.
1662 Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru Periyasamy, Osaipatti, Vembathi
Thiru Saraswathi, Vembathi Village, 1688 Village, Anthiyur, Erode.
1663 Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru Palani, Osaipatti, Vembathi Village,
Thiru M. Muthu, Vembathi Village, 1689 Anthiyur, Erode.
1664 Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru Muthusamy, Chellakandan, Vembathi
Thiru Chandran, Vembathi Village, 1690 Village, Anthiyur, Erode.
1665 Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru Krishnamoorthy, Osaipatti, Vembathi
Thiru N.M. Ramasamy, Vembathi Village, 1691 Village, Anthiyur, Erode.
1666 Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru Boopathi, Osaipatti, Vembathi
Thiru N.M. Ramasamy, Vembathi Village, 1692 Village, Anthiyur, Erode.
1667 Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru Marimuthu, Osaipatti, Vembathi
Thiru Ammasai, Osaipatti, Bethampalayam, 1693 Village, Anthiyur, Erode.
1668 Vembathi Village, Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru Ramalingam, Osaipatti, Vembathi
Thiru Marimuthu, Osaipatti, Vembathi 1694 Village, Anthiyur, Erode.
1669 Village, Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru Ramalingam, Osaipatti, Vembathi
Thiru Murugan, Vembathi Village, 1695 Village, Anthiyur, Erode.
1670 Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru Ramalingam, Osaipatti, Vembathi
Thiru Ramasamy, Vembathi Village, 1696 Village, Anthiyur, Erode.
1671 Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru Periasamy, Osaipatti, Vembathi
Thiru Mohanraj, Vembathi Village, 1697 Village, Anthiyur, Erode.
1672 Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru. Pattaiyagounder, Osaipatti, Vembathi
Thiru Mani, Vembathi Village, Anthiyur, 1698 Village, Anthiyur, Erode.
1673 Erode. Thiru V. Kumar, V.Coolivalasu, Anthiyur,
Thiru M.Murugesan, Vembathi Village, 1699 Erode.
1674 Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru A. Shanmugam, V.Coolivalasu,
Thiru O.R. Kanthasamy, Vembathi Village, 1700 Anthiyur, Erode.
1675 Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru C.Palanisamy, V.Coolivalasu,
1676 Thiru O.V. Pattappan, Vembathi Village, 1701 Anthiyur, Erode.
Tmt Ku. Poongkodi, V.Coolivalasu, Street, V.Coolivalasu, Anthiyur, Erode.
1702 Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru A. Sengoddan, Velzhazhapalayam,
Thiru C. Krishnamoorthy, V.Coolivalasu, 1728 Anthiyur, Erode.
1703 Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru R. Senniappan, Velzhazhapalayam,
Thiru V. Chinnathambi, V.Coolivalasu, 1729 Anthiyur, Erode.
1704 Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru R. Maran, Velzhazhapalayam,
Thiru K. Palanisamy, V.Coolivalasu, 1730 Anthiyur, Erode.
1705 Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru K. Seerangan, Velzhazhapalayam,
Thiru Ra. Arumugam, V.Coolivalasu, 1731 Anthiyur, Erode.
1706 Anthiyur, Erode. Tmt C. Pattayee, Velzhazhapalayam,
Thiru Ve. Sengodan, V.Coolivalasu, 1732 Anthiyur, Erode.
1707 Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru A. Palanisamy, Velzhazhapalayam,
Thiru Ra. Munnusamy, V.Coolivalasu, 1733 Anthiyur, Erode.
1708 Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru K.Chinnusamy, Velzhazhapalayam,
Thiru S. Semban, V.Coolivalasu, Anthiyur, 1734 Anthiyur, Erode.
1709 Erode. Thiru Miniyan, Velzhazhapalayam,
Thiru Angamuthu, V.Coolivalasu, 1735 Anthiyur, Erode.
1710 Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru R. Mathan, Velzhazhapalayam,
Thiru Maheswaran, V.Coolivalasu, 1736 Anthiyur, Erode.
1711 Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru A. Veeran, Velzhazhapalayam,
Thiru Ra. Mathesh, V.Coolivalasu, 1737 Anthiyur, Erode.
1712 Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru. K. Rasu, Velzhazhapalayam,
Thiru M.Palanisamy, V.Coolivalasu, 1738 Anthiyur, Erode.
1713 Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru M. Mathesh, Velzhazhapalayam,
Thiru Ku.Vasantha, V.Coolivalasu, 1739 Anthiyur, Erode.
1714 Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru Rasathi, Velzhazhapalayam, Anthiyur,
Thiru Ku.Munnusamy, V.Coolivalasu, 1740 Erode.
1715 Anthiyur, Erode. Tmt. Rasathi, Velzhazhapalayam, Anthiyur,
Thiru Ka. Sengodan, V.Coolivalasu, 1741 Erode.
1716 Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru Saravanan, Velzhazhapalayam,
Thiru Ra. Sengottian, V.Coolivalasu, 1742 Anthiyur, Erode.
1717 Anthiyur, Erode. Tmt. Maheswari, Velzhazhapalayam,
Thiru R.Murugan, V.Coolivalasu, Anthiyur, 1743 Anthiyur, Erode.
1718 Erode. Thiru Sengodaan, Velzhazhapalayam,
Thiru K. Vadivel, V.Coolivalasu, Anthiyur, 1744 Anthiyur, Erode.
1719 Erode. Thiru Velusamy, Velzhazhapalayam,
Thiru Ki.Chinnamuthu, V.Coolivalasu, 1745 Anthiyur, Erode.
1720 Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru R. Veeran, Murugan Koil Street,
Thiru Mathan, 245, Murugan Koil Street, 1746 V.Coolivalasu, Anthiyur, Erode.
1721 V.Coolivalasu, Anthiyur, Erode. Tmt S. Pappa, Murugan Koil Street,
Thiru Veeran, Murugan Koil Street, 1747 V.Coolivalasu, Anthiyur, Erode.
1722 V.Coolivalasu, Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru V. Mathesh, 230, Murugan Koil
Thiru Chithan, 242, Murugan Koil Street, 1748 Street, V.Coolivalasu, Anthiyur, Erode.
1723 V.Coolivalasu, Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru R.Veeran, 234, Murugan Koil Street,
Thiru Veeran, 243, Murugan Kovil Street, 1749 V.Coolivalasu, Anthiyur, Erode.
1724 V.Coolivalasu, Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru S. Mannathan, Murugan Koil Street,
Thiru Murugan A, 169A, Murugan Koil 1750 V.Coolivalasu, Anthiyur, Erode.
1725 Street, V.Coolivalasu, Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru A. Munusamy, 229, Murugan Street,
Thiru Duraisamy, 231, Murugan Koil Street, 1751 V.Coolivalasu, Anthiyur, Erode.
1726 V.Coolivalasu, Anthiyur, Erode. Tmt. R. Subbulakshmi, Murugan Koil
1727 Thiru Chinnasamy, 233, Murugan Koil 1752 Street, V.Coolivalasu, Anthiyur, Erode.
Thiru A. Annavu, Velzhazhapalayam, Bhrammadesam, Anthiyur, Erode.
1753 Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru Ravi, Thottakudiyanpalayam,
Thiru Sreerangan S, Velzhazhapalayam, 1778 Chinthagoundanpalayam, Anthiyur, Erode.
1754 Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru Thangavelu, Chinnakulam,
Thiru Semman, Velzhazhapalayam, 1779 Bhrammadesam, Anthiyur, Erode.
1755 Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru Vadivelu, Bhrammadesam, Anthiyur,
Thiru Raman, Velzhazhapalayam, Anthiyur, 1780 Erode.
1756 Erode. Thiru Raman, Bhrammadesam, Anthiyur,
Thiru S. Mathesh, Velzhazhapalayam, 1781 Erode.
1757 Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru Vee. Veeran, Mathaammal,
Thiru C.Veeran, Velzhazhapalayam, 1782 Bhrammadesam, Anthiyur, Erode.
1758 Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru P. Chinnakannal, Bhrammadesam,
Thiru K.A. Arthanari, Velzhazhapalayam, 1783 Anthiyur, Erode.
1759 Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru. M. Palanisamy, 128, MGR Colony,
Thiru V. Veeran Gurusamy, 1784 Thottakudiyanpalayam, Anthiyur.
1760 Velzhazhapalayam, Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru N. Velan, Thottakudiyanpalayam,
Thiru V. Kumar, Velzhazhapalayam, 1785 Chinthagoundanpalayam, Anthiyur.
1761 Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru K. Selvan, 149, M.G.R. Street,
Thiru P. Nagaraj, V. Coolivalasu, 1786 Thottakudiyanpalayam, Anthiyur.
1762 Velzhazhapalayam, Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru G. Moorthi, Thottakudiyanpalayam,
Thiru A. Veerabathiran, V. Coolivalasu, 1787 Chinthagoundanpalayam, Anthiyur.
1763 Velzhazhapalayam, Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru Chinnappan, Thottakudiyanpalayam,
Thiru K.Gurusamy, V. Coolivalasu, 1788 Chinthagoundanpalayam, Anthiyur.
1764 Velzhazhapalayam, Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru Shanmugam Vee. 15,
Thiru P. Arumugam, V. Coolivalasu, Thottakudiyanpalayam,
1765 Velzhazhapalayam, Anthiyur, Erode. 1789 Chinthagoundanpalayam, Anthiyur.
Thiru K.Veeran, V. Coolivalasu, Thiru S. Mathan, 131,
1766 Velzhazhapalayam, Anthiyur, Erode. Thottakudiyanpalayam,
Tmt V. Sundarammal, V. Coolivalasu, 1790 Chinthagoundanpalayam, Anthiyur.
1767 Velzhazhapalayam, Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru Ku.Maran, 61,
Thiru Sengodaan, V. Coolivalasu, Thottakudiyanpalayam,
1768 Velzhazhapalayam, Anthiyur, Erode. 1791 Chinthagoundanpalayam, Anthiyur.
Thiru K. Miniyappan, V. Coolivalasu, Thiru S.Ammasai, 126,
1769 Velzhazhapalayam, Anthiyur, Erode. Thottakudiyanpalayam,
Thiru Seeranjagan, V. Coolivalasu, 1792 Chinthagoundanpalayam, Anthiyur.
1770 Velzhazhapalayam, Anthiyur, Erode. Tmt. Poongodi, Thottakudiyanpalayam,
Thiru P. Muniyam, Velzhazhapalayam, 1793 Chinthagoundanpalayam, Anthiyur.
1771 Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru S. Gurusamy, 94,
Thiru Ku.Murugan, V. Coolivalasu, Thottakudiyanpalayam,
1772 Velzhazhapalayam, Anthiyur, Erode. 1794 Chinthagoundanpalayam, Anthiyur.
Thiru Murugan, Ariyanur Bhrammadesam, Thiru Semban, Thottakudiyanpalayam,
1773 Sakthi Nagar, Anthiyur, Erode. 1795 Chinthagoundanpalayam, Anthiyur.
Thiru P. Murugan, 81/1, Chinnakulam, Thiru M.Chokkan, 134,
Bhrammadesam, Sakthi Nagar, Anthiur, Thottakudiyanpalayam,
1774 Erode. 1796 Chinthagoundanpalayam, Anthiyur.
Thiru R. Maathan, Chinnakulam, Thiru Somu, 136, Thottakudiyanpalayam,
Bhrammadesam, Sakthi Nagar, Anthiur, 1797 Chinthagoundanpalayam, Anthiyur.
1775 Erode. Thiru Selvan, 122, Thottakudiyanpalayam,
Thiru Maathan, Ariyanur, Bhrammadesam, 1798 Chinthagoundanpalayam, Anthiyur.
1776 Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru Kittan, 127, Thottakudiyanpalayam,
1777 Thiru Palanisamy, Ariyanur, 1799 Chinthagoundanpalayam, Anthiyur.
Thiru Chinnaraman, 34, Thiru Karuppan, Ka. Mettur,
Thottakudiyanpalayam, Vettathi Vilage, 1825 Michaelpalayam, Anthiyur, Erode.
1800 Anthiyur. Tmt. V. Revathi, Ka. Mettur,
Thiru Angamuthu, Bhrammadesam, 1826 Michaelpalayam, Anthiyur, Erode.
1801 Anthiyur, Erode. Tmt. Mathammal, Ka. Mettur,
Thiru Kuruvan, 2/8, Bhrammadesam Pudur, 1827 Michaelpalayam, Anthiyur, Erode.
1802 East Street, Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru Kannusamy, Ka. Mettur,
Tmt. Keerthana, Bhrammadesam Pudur, 1828 Michaelpalayam, Anthiyur, Erode.
1803 Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru Munnusamy, Ka. Mettur,
Thiru B.M. Gurusamy, 189, Bhrammadesam 1829 Michaelpalayam, Anthiyur, Erode.
1804 Pudur, Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru Veeran, Ka. Mettur, Michaelpalayam,
Thiru Maathan, 201, Bhrammadesam Pudur, 1830 Anthiyur, Erode.
1805 Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru I. Marasamy, Ka. Mettur,
Thiru S. Pattappan, Bhrammadesam Pudur, 1831 Michaelpalayam, Anthiyur, Erode.
1806 Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru K.Perumal, Ka. Mettur,
Thiru Periya Semman, Bhrammadesam 1832 Michaelpalayam, Anthiyur, Erode.
1807 Pudur, Anthiyur, Erode. Tmt. Rasathi, Ka. Mettur, Michaelpalayam,
Thiru S. Palanisamy, Bhrammadesam 1833 Anthiyur, Erode.
1808 Pudur, Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru R. Thangavel, Ka. Mettur,
Thiru Anbalagan, Bhrammadesam Pudur, 1834 Michaelpalayam, Anthiyur, Erode.
1809 Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru Gurusamy Sathya, Ka. Mettur,
Thiru Thavasi, Bhrammadesam Pudur, 1835 Michaelpalayam, Anthiyur, Erode.
1810 Anthiyur, Erode. Tmt. Karuppayee / Kuruvan, Ka. Mettur,
Thiru Selvarasu, Kamatchiamman Kovil, 1836 Michaelpalayam, Anthiyur, Erode.
1811 Bhrammadesam Pudur, Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru Semban, Ka. Mettur,
Thiru Pattan, Bhrammadesam Pudur, 1837 Michaelpalayam, Anthiyur, Erode.
1812 Anthiyur, Erode. Tmt. Kaliammal, Ka. Mettur,
Thiru A. Soundararajan, 183/1, 1838 Michaelpalayam, Anthiyur, Erode.
1813 Bhrammadesam Pudur, Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru R.Mariappan, Ka. Mettur,
Thiru Pattan, Bhrammadesam Pudur, 1839 Michaelpalayam, Anthiyur, Erode.
1814 Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru Duraiyan, Ka. Mettur,
Thiru Gurusamy, 178, Bhrammadesam 1840 Michaelpalayam, Anthiyur, Erode.
1815 Pudur, Anthiyur, Erode. Tmt. Devi, Ka. Mettur, Michaelpalayam,
Thiru Mariappan, Bhrammadesam Pudur, 1841 Anthiyur, Erode.
1816 Anthiyur, Erode. Tmt. Kannayal, Ka. Mettur,
Thiru Gurusamy, Bhrammadesam Pudur, 1842 Michaelpalayam, Anthiyur, Erode.
1817 Anthiyur, Erode. Tmt. Mariammal / Thirumurugan, Ka.
Tmt. Mathammal, Indira Nagar, 1843 Mettur, Michaelpalayam, Anthiyur, Erode.
1818 Michaelpalayam, Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru Ramasamy / Veerammal, Ka. Mettur,
Tmt Ramayee Perumal, Ka. Mettur, 1844 Michaelpalayam, Anthiyur, Erode.
1819 Michaelpalayam, Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru Devaraj, Indira Nagar,
Tmt. Ramayee, Ka. Mettur, 1845 Michaelpalayam, Anthiyur, Erode.
1820 Michaelpalayam, Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru Kuruvan, Indira Nagar,
Tmt. Krishnaveni, Ka. Mettur, 1846 Michaelpalayam, Anthiyur, Erode.
1821 Michaelpalayam, Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru Palani, Indira Nagar,
Thiru Muniyan, Ka. Mettur, 1847 Michaelpalayam, Anthiyur, Erode.
1822 Michaelpalayam, Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru Karuppan, Indira Nagar,
Tmt. Kumudha, M, Ka. Mettur, Ka. Mettur, 1848 Michaelpalayam, Anthiyur, Erode.
1823 Michaelpalayam, Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru Ammasai, Indira Nagar,
Thiru S. Marasamy, Ka. Mettur, 1849 Michaelpalayam, Anthiyur, Erode.
1824 Michaelpalayam, Anthiyur, Erode. 1850 Thiru Selvan, Indira Nagar,
Michaelpalayam, Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru Lakshmanan, 37, Balakkumadai. G.S.
Thiru Raman, Indira Nagar, 1876 Colony, Anthiyur.
1851 Michaelpalayam, Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru Eswaramoorthy, Balakuttai. Anthiyur,
Thiru Karuppan, Indira Nagar, 1877 Erode.
1852 Michaelpalayam, Anthiyur, Erode. Tmt. K. Kaliammal, 343, Balakuttai, G.S.
Thiru Thavasi, Indira Nagar, 1878 Colony, Anthiyur, Erode.
1853 Michaelpalayam, Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru Gurusamy, Balakuttai, Anthiyur,
Thiru Palanisamy, Indira Nagar, 1879 Erode.
1854 Michaelpalayam, Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru Poo. Nandhini, 62/1, Balakuttai, G.S.
Thiru Veermuthu, Indira Nagar, 1880 Colony, Anthiyur, Erode.
1855 Michaelpalayam, Anthiyur, Erode. Tmt. Kaliammal, Balakuttai, G.S. Colony,
Thiru Nagaraj, Indira Nagar, 1881 Anthiyur, Erode.
1856 Michaelpalayam, Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru Karuppusamy, 65, Balakuttai, G.S.
Tmt. Poongodi, Indira Nagar, 1882 Colony, Anthiyur, Erode.
1857 Michaelpalayam, Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru Kanthasamy, 65, Balakuttai, G.S.
Thiru Palanisamy, Indira Nagar, 1883 Colony, Anthiyur, Erode.
1858 Michaelpalayam, Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru Kanthasamy, 65, Balakuttai, G.S.
Thiru Gurusamy, Indira Nagar, 1884 Colony, Anthiyur, Erode.
1859 Michaelpalayam, Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru Palanisamy, 69, Balakuttai, G.S.
Tmt. E. Marayee, Indira Nagar, 1885 Colony, Anthiyur, Erode.
1860 Michaelpalayam, Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru P. Sivakumar, G.S. Colony,
Thiru Munnusamy, Indira Nagar, 1886 Balakuttai, Anthiyur, Erode.
1861 Michaelpalayam, Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru Palanisamy, 70, Balakuttai, G.S.
Thiru Sengoddan, Indira Nagar, 1887 Colony, Anthiyur, Erode.
1862 Michaelpalayam, Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru Pa. Dinesh Kumar, G.S. Colony,
Thiru M. Mathaiyen, Indira Nagar, 1888 Anthiyur, Erode.
1863 Michaelpalayam, Anthiyur, Erode. 1889 Thiru Mani, Balakuttai, Anthiyur, Erode.
Thiru Mani, Indira Nagar, Michaelpalayam, Thiru S. Sakthivel, 79, Palakuttai, G.S.
1864 Anthiyur, Erode. 1890 Colony P.O. Anthiyur, Erode.
Thiru Subbramani, Indira Nagar, Thiru Muthusamy, Palakuttai, 77,
1865 Michaelpalayam, Anthiyur, Erode. Balakuttai, G.S. Colony P.O. Anthiyur,
Thiru Guruvan, Indira Nagar, 1891 Erode.
1866 Michaelpalayam, Anthiyur, Erode. Tmt. S. Sithayee, 12/1, Balakuttai, G.S.
Thiru Ka. Manikandan, Indira Nagar, 1892 Colony P.O. Anthiyur,
1867 Michaelpalayam, Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru R. Tamilselvan, Nanzamadaikuttai,
Thiru S. Kuppan, 51, Indira Nagar, 1893 Michelpalayam, Anthiyur, Erode.
1868 Michaelpalayam, Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru.Michel Raj, Michelpalayam,
Thiru Aaraan, Indira Nagar, 1894 Anthiyur, Erode.
1869 Michaelpalayam, Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru Kurus, Michelpalayam, Anthiyur,
Thiru Nallasamy, Indira Nagar, 1895 Erode.
1870 Michaelpalayam, Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru T. Xavier, Michelpalayam,Thendral
Tmt. Lakshmi, Indira Nagar, 1896 Nagar, Anthiyur, Erode.
1871 Michaelpalayam, Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru T. Xavier, Michelpalayam, Thendral
Thiru Ramasamy, Indira Nagar, 1897 Nagar, Anthiyur, Erode.
1872 Michaelpalayam, Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru C. John Kennady, Michelpalayam,
Thiru Gurusamy, Indira Nagar, 1898 Anthiyur, Erode.
1873 Michaelpalayam, Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru Palaniappan, Vedakarankuttai,
Thiru Palani, Indira Nagar, 1899 Michelpalayam, Anthiyur, Erode.
1874 Michaelpalayam, Anthiyur, Erode. Tmt. Uththiriammal, Michelpalayam,
Thiru Thuraiyan, Indira Nagar, 1900 Anthiyur, Erode.
1875 Michaelpalayam, Anthiyur, Erode. 1901 Tmt. S.Lukisbharathi, Michelpalayam,
Anthiyur, Erode. Kettisamuthiram, Anthiyur, Erode.
Thiru Pa. Rajendran, 9/13, Vedhakaran Thiru Moorthi, Krishnapuram,
1902 Kuttai, Michelpalayam, Anthiyur, Erode. 1926 Kettisamuthiram, Anthiyur, Erode.
Thiru S.R. Venkatachalam, Thiru Duraisamy, Krishnapuram,
Vedhakarankuttai, Michelpalayam, 1927 Kettisamuthiram, Anthiyur, Erode.
1903 Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru Kumar, Krishnapuram,
Thiru S.R. Venkatachalam, 1928 Kettisamuthiram, Anthiyur, Erode.
Vedhakarankuttai, Michelpalayam, Tmt. Rukmani, Krishnapuram,
1904 Anthiyur, Erode. 1929 Kettisamuthiram, Anthiyur, Erode.
Thiru V.K. Arumugam, Anthiyur Colony, Tmt. Kaveri, Krishnapuram,
1905 Michelpalayam, Anthiyur, Erode. 1930 Kettisamuthiram, Anthiyur, Erode.
Thiru V. Uthamaputhiran, Thiru Nataraj, Krishnapuram,
Vedhakarankuttai, Michelpalayam, 1931 Kettisamuthiram, Anthiyur, Erode.
1906 Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru Karthick, Krishnapuram,
Thiru L. Selvaraj, 55, Vedhakarankuttai, 1932 Kettisamuthiram, Anthiyur, Erode.
1907 Michelpalayam, Anthiyur, Erode. Tmt. Radha, Krishnapuram,
Thiru L. Kaliappan, 54, Vedhakarankuttai, 1933 Kettisamuthiram, Anthiyur, Erode.
1908 Michelpalayam, Anthiyur, Erode. Tmt. Sarasu, Krishnapuram,
Thiru L. Arumugam, Vedhakarankuttai, 1934 Kettisamuthiram, Anthiyur, Erode.
1909 Michelpalayam, Anthiyur, Erode. Tmt. Ravi Shanthi, Krishnapuram,
Thiru R.S. James, Michelpalayam, 1935 Kettisamuthiram, Anthiyur, Erode.
1910 Anthiyur, Erode. Tmt. Shanthi, Krishnapuram,
Thiru A. Shanmugam, Vedhakarankuttai, 1936 Kettisamuthiram, Anthiyur, Erode.
1911 Michelpalayam, Anthiyur, Erode. Tmt. Sakunthala, Krishnapuram,
Thiru V. Ramasamy, Anthiyur Colony, 1937 Kettisamuthiram, Anthiyur, Erode.
1912 Michelpalayam, Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru Thuraisamy, Krishnapuram,
Thiru A. Jeyaraman, Vedhakarankuttai, 1938 Kettisamuthiram, Anthiyur, Erode.
1913 Michelpalayam, Anthiyur, Erode. Tmt. Vasuki, Krishnapuram,
Thiru M. Arul, Vedhakarankuttai, 1939 Kettisamuthiram, Anthiyur, Erode.
1914 Michelpalayam, Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru Chinnasamy, Krishnapuram,
Thiru Michael, Vedhakarankuttai, 1940 Kettisamuthiram, Anthiyur, Erode.
1915 Michelpalayam, Anthiyur, Erode. Tmt. Shanthi, Krishnapuram,
Thiru Anthonysamy, Michelpalayam, 1941 Kettisamuthiram, Anthiyur, Erode.
1916 Anthiyur, Erode. Tmt. Sakunthala, Krishnapuram,
Thiru Anthonysamy, Michelpalayam, 1942 Kettisamuthiram, Anthiyur, Erode.
1917 Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru Pasupathi, Krishnapuram,
Thiru Gnanaraj, Michelpalayam, Anthiyur, 1943 Kettisamuthiram, Anthiyur, Erode.
1918 Erode. Thiru Gurusamy, Krishnapuram,
Thiru R. Murugesan, Krishnapuram, 1944 Kettisamuthiram, Anthiyur, Erode.
1919 Kettisamuthiram, Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru Krishnasamy, Krishnapuram,
Thiru Rajan, Krishnapuram, 1945 Kettisamuthiram, Anthiyur, Erode.
1920 Kettisamuthiram, Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru Mathaammal, Kettisamuthiram,
Tmt. Krishnaveni, Krishnapuram, 1946 Anthiyur, Erode.
1921 Kettisamuthiram, Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru Ramakrishnan, Krishnapuram,
Thiru Kunjappan, Krishnapuram, 1947 Kettisamuthiram, Anthiyur, Erode.
1922 Kettisamuthiram, Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru Paramasivam, Krishnapuram,
Tmt. Pappa, Krishnapuram, 1948 Kettisamuthiram, Anthiyur, Erode.
1923 Kettisamuthiram, Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru Marasamy, Krishnapuram,
Thiru Senthilkumar, Krishnapuram, 1949 Kettisamuthiram, Anthiyur, Erode.
1924 Kettisamuthiram, Anthiyur, Erode. Tmt. Pavazhakodi, Krishnapuram,
1925 Tmt. Sundarammal, Krishnapuram, 1950 Kettisamuthiram, Anthiyur, Erode.
Thiru Ravi, 892, Krishnapuram, Thiru S. Ganeshkumar, 94/1,
1951 Kettisamuthiram, Anthiyur, Erode. Vanamoorthilingam Pillai Street,
Thiru Allimuthu, 323, Krishnapuram, 1977 Muthusubbiayapuram, Moogavur.
1952 Kettisamuthiram, Anthiyur, Erode. Thiru A. Abdussamathu, 57/17, Jeeva
Tmt. R. Mariammal, 255, North Street, 1978 Nagar, Thalavaipuram.
1953 Mancholai Colony, Thalavaipuram. Thiru.P.Dhanasekaran, President, Erode and
Thiru G. Ayyathurai, North Street, Tiruppur Mavatta Thennai Saar Porutkal
1954 Mancholai Colony, Thalavaipuram. Urpathiyalargal Sangam No. 265/1A3,
Thiru L. Gurusamy, 3/113, Mariammal Thambiranvalasu, Kongudayampalaym
1955 Kovil Street, Thalavaipuram. Village, Kasturiba Gramam Post, Archalur,
Tmt. P. Bakkiyalakshmi, Therkku Theru, 1979 Erdoe – 638101.
1956 Mancholai Colony, Thalavaipuram. Thiru.A.Senthil Kumar, Nethaji road,
Thiru R. Ganapathiappan, 6/151, Main 1980 Kollampalayam, Erode – 2.
1957 Street, Mancholai Colony, Thalavaipuram. Thiru.N.V.Manoharan, Ramamoorthy road,
Tmt. M. Thangamari, 6/6, Thanga 1981 Kollampalayam, Erode – 2.
Vinayagar Koil Street, Punalvelli, Thiru.K.S.Prakash, No.11/2, Nehruji Road,
1958 Chettiarpatti. 1982 Kollampalayam, Erode – 2.
Tmt. S. Annalakshmi, Main Street, Thiru.P.Chinnasaivu, No.9, Nehruji Raod,
1959 Mancholai Colony, Thalavaipuram. 1983 Kollampalayam, Erode – 2.
Tmt. G. Seeniammal, Main Street, Thiru.C.Balasubramaniam, Door No.154,
1960 Mancholai Colony, Thalavaipuram. 1984 Moolapalayam, Erode – 2.
Thiru A. Ponraj, Thanga Vinayagar Koil Thiru.S.Rajenderan, No.3, Housing Unit,
1961 Street, Punalveli. 1985 Moolapalayam, Erode – 2.
Thiru V. Ramakrishnan, 30A, Murugan Ele. Thiru.M.Jayachandiran, No.11/1, Bharathi
1962 School St., Punalveli, Pottalpatti. 1986 Nagar, 5th Street, Moolapalayam, Erode -2.
Thiru P. Karuthapandian, 42/89, Thanga Thiru.C.Manimaran, A4, Housing Unit,
1963 Vinayagar Koil Street, Punalveli. 1987 Moolapalayam, Erode – 2.
Thiru M. Velan, Pagadiyar Colony, Thiru.P.Krishnasamy, NO.3, Housing
1964 Punalveli. 1988 Board, Moolapalayam, Erode – 2.
Tmt. B. Vijayalakshmi, Punalveli, Pagadai Thiru.V.Rajamanickam, D.15, Sri Lakhsmi
1965 Colony. 1989 Garden, Rangampalayam, Erode – 638009.
1966 Thiru S. Raman, Pagadai Colony, Punalveli. Tmt.Eswari, No.155, Poonthurai Road,
Tmt. A. Muthulakhsmi, Perumal Koil Street, 1990 Moolapalayam, Erode – 638002.
1967 Punalveli. Thiru.Nagarajan, Vinayagar Kovil Street,
Tmt. K. Mariammal, Pagadiyar Colony, 1991 Meelapalayam, Erode – 02.
1968 Punalveli. Thiru.Kathiresan, No.14, Vinayagar Kovil
Thiru K. Jeevanathan, Urasipatti Street, 1992 Street, Meelapalayam, Erode – 02.
1969 Punalveli. Tmt.M.Anjali, No.44, Vinayagar Kovil 7th
Thiru C. Arasapothi, Thanga Vinayagar 1993 Street, Moolapalayam, Erode – 02.
1970 Koil Street, Punalveli. Thiru.Babaushankar, No.41, Vinayagar
Thiru R. Muthu Konraiyandi, 46, Shalimar Kovil 7th Street, Moolapalayam, Erode –
1971 North Street, Punalveli. 1994 02.
Tmt. M. Viji, Thanga Vinayagar Koil Street, Thiru.M.Thiyagarajan, No.42/1, Vinayagar
1972 Punalveli. Kovil Street, Moolapalayam, Erode –
Thiru M. Ramar, Shalimar North Street, 1995 638002.
1973 Punalveli. Thiru.S.Rajeshwari, No.16, General
Thiru A. Iyyannar, 16B, Shalimar North 1996 Warehouse, Moolapalayam, Erode – 2.
1974 Street, Punalveli. Thiru.N.Manivasagam, No.126, Vinayagar
Thiru A.Ramalakshmi, 16, Shalimar North 1997 Kovil Street, Moolapalayam, Erode – 02.
1975 Street, Punalveli. Thiru.N.Govindarajan, No.128, Vinayagar
1998 kovil Street, Moolapalayam, Erode – 02.
1976 Thiru A. Muthukani, Punalveli – 626 611.
Thiru.V.Rajagopal, No.129, Vinayagar Thiru.Navennetham, Kularangaipalayam,
1999 Kovil Street, Moolapalayam, Erode – 02. 2023 Arachalur, Erode – 02.
Thiru.Durairaj, No.102/8, Vinayagar Kovil Thiru.R.Velengiri, No.83,
2000 Street, Moolapalayam, Erode -02. 2024 Silankattupalayamj, Arachalur, Erode – 02.
Thiru.K.Monaharan, Vinayagar Kovil Thiru.V.Thangarasu, No.63,
2001 Street, Moolapalayam, Erode – 02. 2025 Silankattupalayam, Arachalur, Erode – 02.
Thiru.S.Subramani, No.4, Vinayagar Kovil Thiru.V.Kuppusamy,. No.61/78,
2002 Street, Moolapalayam, Erode – 02. 2026 Silakattupalayam, Arachalur, Erode – 02.
Thiru.c.R.Naveen, No.1/1Vinayagar Kovil Tmt.C.SAraswathi No.55, Silakattupalayam,
2003 Street, Moolapalayam, Erode – 02. 2027 Arachalaur Post, Erode – 02.
Thiru.T.Ganesan, No.11, Gandhi Nagar, Tmt.Muthulakshmi, No.13B, Thiurvalur
2004 Moolapalayam, Erode – 02. 2028 Road, Arachalur, Post, Erode – 02.
Thiru.V.Bhuvaneshwarn, No.11/1, Gandhi Thiru.Kuppalayal, No.22, Thiruvallur Road,
Nagar, 1st Street, Moolapalayam, Erdoe – 2029 Arachalaur, Erode – 02.
2005 638002. Thiru.Periyasamy, No.71/75, Mel
Thiru.Ravichandran, No.12, Vinayagars kathakinnaru, Modakurichi Post, Erode –
2006 Kovil Street, Moolapalayam, Erode – 02. 2030 638104.
Thiru.Sekar, No.12/1, Vinayagar Kovil Tmt.P.Meena, KIandhan, kattu Colony,
2007 Street, Moolapalayam, Erode – 02. 2031 Arachalur Post, Erode -04.
Thiru.R.Dhanarajan, Vinayagar Kovil Thiru.M.Sundharaj, No.11/29, Nehruji
2008 Street, Moolapalayam, Erode – 02. Nagar, 5th Street, Kalapapettai, Post, Erdoe
Tmt.Banupriya No.15, Vinayagar Kovil 2032 – 02.
2009 Street, Moolapalayam, Erode – 02. Thiru.K.M.Shivamjothi, No.70,
Thiru.S.A.Akthar Annies, No.9/1, Melkathakinaru, Modakuruchi Post, Erode –
Venkatesh Nagar, Moolapalayam, Erode – 2033 638104.
2010 02. Thiru.kathirvel, No.41, Vellakavundar,
Thiru.Rangasamy, No.15, Vinayagar Kovil 2034 Arachalur Post, Erode – 638101.
2011 Street, Moolapalayam, Erode – 02. Thiru.Veerakumar, No.43,
Thiru.R.Geethanaji, No.75, Bharathi Nagar, Vellakavundanvalasu, Arachalur Post,
2012 Moolapalaym, Erode – 02. 2035 Erode – 638101.
Tmt.S.Sugunapriya, No.115, Bharathi 1st Thiru.Subramani, Velakavundan, Arachalur
2013 Street, Moolapalayam,Erode – 02. 2036 Post, Erode – 638101.
Thiru.R.Geethanaji, No.75, Bharathi Nagar, Thiru.Veeran, No.39, Velakavundan,
2014 Moolapalayam, Erode – 02. 2037 Arachalaur Post, Erode – 638101.
Thiru.K.Krishanan, 1st Street, Bharathi Thiru.S.K.Kathivel, Velakavundan,
2015 Nagar, Erode – 02. 2038 Arachalur Post, Erode – 638101.
Thiru.G.RameshKannan, No.71/2, Bharathi Tmt.Samiathal, Om Shakthi Nagar,
nagar 3rd Main Road, Moolapalayam, Erode 2039 Arachalur Post, Erode – 638101.
2016 – 638002. Thiru.Chinnaan, No.60, Ponnathavalasu,
Thiru.S.Padmanabhan, No.32, Bharathi 2040 Arachalau, Post, Erode – 638101.
2017 Nagar, Moolapalayam, Erode-2. Tmt.A.Lakhsmi No.129, Ambekar Nagar,
Thiru.V.Perumal, 5th Street, No.19/2, 2041 Athuthurai Semur Post, Erode – 638115.
2018 Bharathi nagar, Moolapalayam, Erode – 02. Thiru.C.Chandrasekaran, No.S6,
Thiru.V.Perumal, 5th Street, 19/2, Bharathi Ponnathavalasu, Arachalur Post, Erode –
2019 Nagar, Moolapalayamm, Erode – 02. 2042 638101.
Thiru.P.Velusamy, No.19/3, 5th Street, Thiru.Madhan, No.43/1,Thriuvallur Nagar,
2020 Bharathi Nagar, Erode – 02. 2043 Arachalaur, Erdoe – 638101.
Thiru.P.Velusamy, No.19/3, 5th Street, Thiru.T.Murugesan, No.67,
2021 Bharathi Nagar, Erode – 02. Sillangattupudhur, Arachalur, Erode –
Thiru.K.Dharamranj, No.87/1, 2044 638101.
2022 Selangattupuram, Arachalur, Erode – 02. Thiru.S.Mayilal, No.85, Sillangattupuram,
2045 Arachalur, Erode – 638101.
Tmt.S.Baby, No.75A, Nachivalasu, Ac Tmt.Kannammal,No.90/4, 7th Cross Street,
2046 colony, Arachalur, Post, Erode – 638101. Bharathi nagar, Moolapalayam, Erode –
Tmt.K.Pushpa, No.9A, Weswt road, 2067 638002.
2047 Arachalur Post, Archalur, Erode – 02. Thiru.Gopalakrishnan, No.62, Bharathi
Thiru.C.Thangaraj, No.23, South Street, 2068 Nagar, Moolapalayam, Erode – 02.
2048 Archalaur post, Erode – 02. Thiru.R.Kannan, No.54, Bharathi Nagar,
Thiru.P.Boopathy, No.66, Nehurji road, 2069 Moolapalaym, Erode – 02.
2049 Soorampattivalasu. Erode – 02. Thiru.R.Kannan, No.59, Bharathi Nagar,
Thiru.Krishnasamy, No.76,60 2070 Moolapalayam, Erode – 02.
2050 Velapanpalayam Post, Erode – 638127. Thiru.S.Pichumani, NO.66/29A, Bhrathi
Thiru.Subramani, No.46, Kunkattuvalasu, 2071 Nagr, Moolpalayam, Erode – 638002.
2051 No.60, Velapalayam Post, Erode – 02. Thir.Pichumani, No.66/29A, Bharathi
Thiru.Mohanraj, No.45, Kunnattvalasu, 2072 Nagar, Moolapalayam, Erode – 638002.
2052 No.60, Velapalayam Post, Erode – 02. Thiru.V.Subramanian, No.56, Third Main
Thiru.Kumarasamy, No.79, Street, Bharathi Ngar, Moolapalayam, Erode
Karuthupalayam, Avalpoonthurai Post, 2073 – 638002.
2053 Erode – 638115. Thiru.R.Kannan, No.78/2, Bharati Nagar,
Thiru.Kandasamy, No.C33, Arasuperunthu 2074 Moolapalayam, Erode – 02.
nagar, Kasuvavettai Post, Poonthurai Post, Thiru.R.Venkatesh Prabhu D.No.90/7,
2054 Erode – 638115. 2075 Bharathi Nagar, Erode – 02.
Thiru.G.Mani, No.10/77, Nehru Nagar, 5th Thiru.M.Iyyappan, No.69, Bharathi Nagar,
Street, kasuvapettai, Avulpoonthurak Road, 2076 Erode – 02.
2055 Erode – 638115. Thiru.R.Kannan, No.78/2, Bharathi Nagar,
Thiru.S.Mathivan, No.170, Bharathipuram, 2077 Moolapalayam, Erode – 02.
2056 Surampatti Post, Erode – 638009. Thiru.R.Venkatesh Prabhu, D.No.90/7,
Thiru.S.Palanaisamy, No.171, 2078 Bharathi Nagar, Moolapalayam, Erode – 02.
Bharathipuram Soorampatti, Post, erode – Thiru.K.Natarajan, No.68, 3rsd Street,
2057 638009. Bharathi Nagar, Moolapalayam, Erode –
Thiru.Kannan, No.169, Bharathipuram 2079 638002.
2058 Soorampatti Post, Erode – 638009. Thiru.K.Natarajan, No.67, 3rd Street,
Thiru.Muthuraj, No.172, bharathipuram, Bharathi Nagar, Moolapalayam, Erode –
2059 Soorampatti Post, Erode – 638009. 2080 638002.
Thiru.Sithan, No.179, Bharathpuram, Thru.K. Natarajan, No.68/B, 3rd Street,
2060 Soorampatti Post, Erode – 638009. Bharathi Nagar, Moolapalayam, Erode –
Tmt.Muthammal, No.174, Bharathipuram, 2081 638002.
2061 Soorampatti, Post, Erode – 638009. Thiru.V.Subramanian, No.56, Third Main
Thiru.K.Arumugam, No.11/30, Nehruji Road, Bharathi Ngar, Moolapalayam, Erode
Nagar, 5th Street, Kasbhapettai Post, Erode 2082 – 638002.
2062 – 638009. Thiru.P.Kaviarasu, No.90/4A, Bharathi
Thuir.K.Jayakumar, No.55, Bharathi Nagar, Nagar, 7th Cross Street, Moolapalayam,
3rd Street, Moolapalayam, Post, Erode – 2083 Erode – 638002.
2063 638002. Thiru.R.Aruinth, No.60/13, Bhrathai Nagar,
Thiru.Christopher Alber, No.90/2, 7th Cross 7th Cross Street, Moolapoalayam, Erode –
Extension, Bharathi Nagr, Moolapalaym, 2084 638002.
2064 Erode – 638002. Thiru.R.Christopher, No.90/B, Blessing
Thiru.G.Velmurugan, No.17, Ezhilagham, Cottage, Bharathi Nagar, 3rd street,
Bharathi Nagar, 3rd Street, 7th Cross Street, Extension 7th Cross Moolapalaym, Erode –
2065 Moolapalaym, Erode – 638002. 2085 638002.
Thiru.P.T.Krishnan, No.60/15, Bharatahi Thiru.K.Natrajan, No.68/A, 3rd Crsoss,
Nagar, 7th Street, Moolaplayam, Erode – Bharathi Nagr, Moolapalayam, Erode –
2066 02. 2086 638002.
Thiru.N.Duraisamy, No.192, Murugan Thiru.R.Saravanan, No.161, Bharathi Nagar,
Street, Matheswaran Nagar, Kilaympatti 2108 Erode – 638002.
2087 Road, Erode – 638112. Thiru.R.Saravanan, No.161, Bharathi
Thiru.P.Jagadheswaran, Sree Shakthi 2109 Nagar,Erode – 638002.
Vinayaga Auto Ngar, Moolaplayam, Erode Thiru.M.Marimuthu, No.23/2, Bharathi
2088 – 638002. 2110 Care, Erode – 638002.
Thiru.V.Dhakshinamoorthy No.307/2, Thiru.M.Marimuthu, No.23/2, Bharathi
Pundhudhurai Road, Telephone Nagar Bus 2111 Care, Erode – 638002.
2089 stopo,e Moolapalayam, Erode – 638002. Thiru.A.N.Ashokan, No.23, Bharathi Nagar,
Thiru.M.Shakthivel, No.326C, Shakthi 2112 5th Street, Moolapalayam, Erode – 600 002.
Illam, Ashok Nagar, Moolapalaym, Erode – ThiruB.Umapathi, NO.22, Bharathi Ngar,
2090 638002. 2113 Moolapalayam, Erode – 638002.
M/s.A.R.Motor Serivces, No.30, Pundrai Thiru.M.Natarajan, No.9, Bhrathai Ngar,
Main Road, Moolapalayam, Erode – 2114 Moolapalayam, erode – 638002.
2091 638002. Thiru.G.Neethibabu No.11, Bhratahi Nagar,
Tmt.B.Sasimalar, No.31, State Bank Nagar, 2115 Moolapalayam, Erode – 638002.
2092 Poondurai Raod, Erode – 638002. Thiru.G.S.Dharma neethi, No.10, Bharathi
Tmt.chitra, Sree Guna Fast Food, 2116 Ngar, Moolapalayam, Erode – 638002.
Chettypalayam, Poondurai Road, Erode – Tmt.K.Gomathi, No.11/3, Bhratahi Ngar,
2093 638002. 2117 Moolapalaym, Erode – 638002.
Tmt.S.Kanjana, No.161-D, Amman Nagar, Thiru.M.Sundarapandi, No.12, Bharathi
Chettipalayam, Poondurai Road, Erode – 2118 Nagar, Moolapalayam, Erode – 638002.
2094 638002. Thiru.C.Manoharan, No.13/1, Bharathi
Thiru.Vadivel, NKP Muttom and Chicken 2119 Nagar, 5th Street, Erode – 638002.
2095 Stall, Poondurai Road, Erode – 638002. Thiru.P.Sekar, No.13/2,5th street, Bharathi
Thiru.P.Rajamanji, Poondurai Raod, Erode 2120 Nagar, Moolapalayam, Erode – 638002.
2096 – 638002. Thiru.V.Maniyan, No.306/4M Milka Nagar,
Thiru.Mathesh, No.30/2, Poondurai Raod, Cholipalayam, Avilpoounthurai, Erode –
2097 Erode – 638002. 2121 638002.
Tmt.T.Selvi, Saravana Store, Poondhurai Tmt.s.Ushadevi, No.47, Kavitha illam,
Road, Moolapalayam Road, Erode – Bhrathai Ngar, Moolapalayam, Erode –
2098 638002. 2122 638002.
Tmt.S.Revathi, No.2, Revathi Illam, Thiru.D.M.Sivakumar, No.56, Vinayakar
Maruthi Garden 2nd Street, Moolapalaym, Kovil 7th Street, Moolapalayam, Erode –
2099 Erode – 02. 2123 638002.
Tmt.S.Gomathi, No.19, Maruthi Garden 2nd Thiru.Kumar, No.58, Vinayagqar Kovil
2100 Street, Moolapalayam, Erode – 638002. 2124 Street, Moolapalayam, Erode – 638002.
Thiru.R.Kuppusamy, No.131, Thiru.P.Kennedy, No.58/2, V.Koil 5th
Vinayagarkovil Stsreet, Moolapalayam, 2125 Street, Moolapalayam, Erode – 638002.
2101 Erode – 638002. Thiru.Samboornam, No.73, Vinayagar
Thiru.K.Periyasamy, No.139/1, Vinayagar Kovil Sreet, Moolapalayam, Erode –
2102 Kovil Street, Moolapalayam, Erode – 02. 2126 638002.
Thiru.Sadhasivam, No.161/A, Pisumai Thiru.Rajendran, No.60, Vinayagar Kovil
2103 Bharathi Ngara, Erdoe – 638002. 2127 street, Moolapalayam, Erode – 638002.
Thiru.R.Saravanan, No.161, Bharathi Nagar, Thiru.R.Boobalan, No.71, Vinayagar Kovil
2104 Erode – 638002. 2128 Street, Moolapalayam, Erode – 638002.
Thiru.R.Saravanan, No.161, Bharathi Nagar, Thiru.B.Rathinakumar, No.59, Vinayagar
2105 Erode – 638002. Kovil Street, Moolapalayam, Erode –
Thiru.R.Saravanan,No.161, Bharathi Nagar, 2129 638002.
2106 Erode – 638002. Thiru.V.Dineshkumar, Warehouse back
Thiru.R.Saravanan, No.161, Bharathi Nagar, 2130 side, Moolapalayam, Erode – 638002.
2107 Erode – 638002.
Tmt.V.Maheshwari, No.61, Vinayagar Thiru.R.Subramaniayan, No.120, Bharathi
Kovil Street, Moolapalayam, Erode – 2155 Nagar, Erode – 638002.
2131 638002. Thiru.V.Kuppusamy, No.120/1, Bharathi
Tmt.Miyulu, No.62, Vinayagar Kovil 2156 Nagar, Erode – 638002.
2132 Stsreet, Moolapalayam, Erode – 638002. Thiru.V.Sekar, No.122/4, Bharathi Nagar,
Tmt.Arockiyamary, Bharathi Nagar, Erode 2157 Erode – 638002.
2133 – 638002. Tmt.Kalaiyarasi, No.122/5, Bharathi Nagar,
Thiru.Nayeem, No.63/1, Vinayagar Kovil 2158 Erode – 638002.
2134 Street, Bharathi Nagar, Erode – 638002. Tmt.Rajalakshmi, No.122/3, Bharathi Nagar
Thiru.K.Krishnamoorthy, No.64, Vinayagar 2159 Erode – 638002.
Kovil Street, Moolapalayam, Erode – Thiru.Selvaraj, No.115, Bharathi Nagar,
2135 638002. 2160 Moolapalayam, Erode – 638002.
Thiru.Rajendran, No.2, G.V.Auto Mobiles, Thiru.R.Saravanan, NO.165, Bharathi
2136 NGGO Nagar, Erode – 638002. 2161 Nagar, Erode – 638002.
Thiru.Duraisamy, No.146, Telephone Tmt.Agilandeeswari, No.122/2, Bharathi
2137 Nagar, Erode – 638002. 2162 Nagar, Erode – 638002.
Tmt.Venmathi, No.151, Telephone Nagar, Thiru.S.Baskar, NO.10/1, Bharathi Nagar,
2138 Moolapalayam, Erode – 638002. 2163 Erode – 638002.
Tmt.G.Gokilaveni, No.145, Telephone Thiru.S.Baskar, No.10/1, Bharathi Nagar,
2139 Nagar, Moolapalayam,Erode – 638002. 2164 Erode – 638002.
Thiru.S.Saravanakumar, Tallymen Nagar, Tmt.R.Jeensliya, No.18B, Vinayagar Kovil
2140 Erode – 638002. 2165 Street, Moolapalayam, Erode – 638002.
Thiru.Gajendran, No.148/1, Telephone India Communist Party, Karaikudi Taluk ,
2141 Nagar, Erode – 638002. No.3/15, Ambasarajan complex,
Thiru.K.Mani, No.147, Telephone Nagar, Mudiyarasan Road, new Court Opposite,
2142 Moolapalayam, Erode – 638002. 2166 Karaikudi – 630002.
Thiru.S.Kettimuthu, No.148, Telepohone Thiru.P.Chinakannan, CMC Road, Senjai,
2143 Nagar, Moolaapalayam, Eorde – 638002. 2167 Karaikudi – 630002.
Tmt.D.Pavalashankari, No.137, Telephone Thiur.K.Mariyappan, No.392, Gandhi
2144 Nagar, Erode – 638002. Ngaar, Devakkotairashtha, Karaikudi –
Dr.R.Indhumathi No.136, Elephone Nagar, 2168 630005.
2145 Moolapalayam, Erode – 638002. Tmt.S.Kaliammal, Nachisuzhiyenthal,
Tmt.P.Mangayarkarasi, No.138A, 2169 Road, Karaikudi – 630002.
Telephone Nagar, Moolapalayam, Erode – Thir.K.Rasu, Nachisuzhiyenthal Road,
2146 638002. 2170 Pappa Urani South, Karaikudi – 630002.
Thiru.S.Shanmugapriyan, No.139, Thiru.C.Narayanan, Nachisuzhiyenthla
2147 Telephone Nagar, Erode – 638002. 2171 Road, Kadaikudi – 630002.
Tmt.R.Revathi, No.133, Telephone Nagar, Thiru.M.Maipon Ayiladavu, No.10/9,
2148 Erode – 638002. 2172 Nachichuzhi Urani, karaikudi – 630002.
Thiru.G.Vasudevan, No.132, Telephone Tmt.S.Fathimakani, No.10, Nachichuzhi
2149 Nagar, Moolapalayam, Erode – 638002. 2173 Urani, Karaikudi – 630002.
Thiru.P.Thangaraj, No.4, Telephone Nagar, Tmt.S.Fathimakani, No.10/1, Nachichuzhi
2150 Erode – 638002. 2174 Urani Road, Karaikudi – 630002.
Thiru.G.Devanbu, No.130, Telephone Tmt.S.Fathimakani, No.10/2, Nachichuzhi
2151 Nagar, Erode – 638003. 2175 Urani Raod, Karaikudi – 630002.
Thiru.R.Subramaniayan, No.120, Bharathi Tmt.S.Fathimakani, No.10/3, Nachichuzhi
2152 Nagar, Erode – 638002. 2176 Urani Road, karaikudi – 630002.
Thiru.Ramasamy, No.170, Bharathi Nagar, Thiru.Sivashakthi,Nachiyachuzhi Urani
2153 Erode – 638002. 2177 Road, Karaikudi – 630002.
Thiru.Ramasamy, No.170, Bharathi Nagar, Thiru.M.Nachiyappan, Nachiyachuzhi Urani
2154 Erode – 638002. 2178 Road, Karaikudi – 630002.
Thiru.M.Nachiyappan, Nachiyachuzhi Urani Thiru.R.Shankar, Siruvayal Road,
2179 Road, Karaikudi – 630002. 2201 Suzhanivasal, Karaikudi – 630002.
Thiru.M.Nachiyappan, Thru.H.Sameer Imthiyaz, No.14930
Nachiyachuzhiyenthal Road, Pappaurani Dr.Rajaz Home, S.V.Ambalam Street,
2180 South, Karaikudi – 630002. 2202 Karaikal, Katuthalavasai – 630001.
Thiru.C.Sivashakthi, No.22/2, Thiru.S.Rangasamy, No.2/20 11B,
Nachiyachuyenthal Road, Karaikudi – K.K.Nagar, Kazhanivasal, Karaikudi –
2181 630002. 2203 630002.
Thiru.G.Jagadessan, No.240/C, Gandhi Tmt.K.Valli, Kilaurani East, Karaikudi –
Nagar, Devakottail Road, Karaikdui – 2204 630002.
2182 630002. Thiru.R.Muthu Pandiyan, No.34, Kalaignar
Thiru.K.RAsu, No.5, Vaithiyalingapuram, 2205 Salai, Anna Nagar, Karaikudi – 630002.
2183 Karaikudi – 630002. Thiru.G.Alagusundar, No.53/4, Soodmaani
Thiru.C.Narayanan, Nachiyachuyenthal 2206 Puam, Karaikudi – 630003.
2184 Raod, Karaikudi – 630002. Thiru.S.Illiyaz, No.34/63, Chidambaranar
Thiru.K.Slevakumar, CMC Raod, Karaikudi 2207 Street, Kilaurani South, Karaikudi – 630003.
2185 – 630002. Tmt.N.Thenmozhi, No.62/1, Vdakurani
Thiru.K.Thangaraj, No.1102 A, Kila Street, 2208 Street, Kalainivasal, Karaikudi – 630002.
2186 Athiyakudi – 630202. Thiru.K.Manikandan, Thanthaiperiyar
Thiru.K.Sundarajan, No.1102A, Kilastreet, 2209 Nagar 9th Street, Karaikudi – 630002.
2187 Athiyakudi – 630202. Tmt.Shanthi, Karpagavinayagar, Street,
Thiru.K.Sundarajan, NO.1102A, Kilastreet, 2210 Padmacolony, Karaikudi – 630002.
2188 Ariyakudi – 630202. Tmt.P.Vennilla, Pondy Kovil Sreet,
Thiru.K.Sundararajan, No.1102A, 2211 Railway, Alagapuram, Karaikudi – 630003.
2189 Kilastreet, Ariyakudi – 630202. Thiru.S.Krishnan, Pon Nagar, East
Thiru.N.Senchi, Nachiyasuzhiyenthal Road, Vistharipppu, Alagapuram, karaikudi –
2190 Karaikudi – 630002. 2212 630003.
Tmt.L.S.Ramya, CMC Road, JAC Complex, Thiur.K.SAthiyaraj, No.1/283 Pon Nagar
2191 Karaikudi – 630002. East, Illupaikudi, Alagapuram, Karaikudi –
Tmt.S.Suvetha, CMC Road, JAC Complex, 2213 630003.
2192 Karaikudi – 630002. Tmt.G.SAthyamala, Pon Nagar East,
Thiru.P.Chinnakannan, Pappa urani South, 2214 Alagapuram Post, Karaikudi – 630003.
Nachiyarsuzhiyenthal Road, Karaikudi – Tmt.R.Jayalalitha, Pon Nagar East,
2193 630002. 2215 Alagapuram, Karaikudi – 630003.
Tmt.B.Vijayarani, Nachiyarsuzhiyenthal Thiru.Subramanian, Pon Nagar East,
Road, Pappaurani South, karaikudi – 2216 Alagapuram Post, Karaikudi – 630003.
2194 630002. Tmt.Kalaselvam, Ponnagar East,
Thiru.Thomas, Nachiyarsuzhiyenthal Road, 2217 Alagapuram Post, Karaikudi – 630003.
2195 Pappaurani South, Karaikudi – 630002. Thiru.P.Subramanian, Ponkumar,
Tmt.N. Kulumai, Nachiyasuzhiyenthal, 2218 Alagarpuram Post, karaikudi – 630003.
2196 Karaikudi – 630002. Thiru.C.Palanimuthu, Ponnagar East,
Tmt.Farithabegam, Nachiyarsuzhiyenthal 2219 Alagapuram Post, Karaikudi – 630003.
2197 Road, Karaikudi – 630002. Thiru.S.Subramanian, Ponnagar,
Thiru.R.S.Chakarapandi, 2220 Alagapuram Post, Karaikudi – 630003.
Nachiyasuzhiyenthal Raod, Karaikudi – Thiru.S.Subramanian, Ponnagar,
2198 630002. 2221 Alagappapuram Post, Karaikudi – 630003.
Thiru.S.Iruthaiyaraj, Nachiyasuzhiyenthal, Tmt.S.Kalaiarasi, Ponnagar
2199 Karaikudi – 630002. East,Alagappapuram Post, Karaikudi –
Thiru.C.Karthick, No.8/3-15, Gurunathan 2222 630003.
Kovil Street, Chokadaiyur, karaikudi – Thiru.S.Chelladurai, Ponnagar East,
2200 630002. 2223 Alagappapuram Post, Karaikudi – 630003.
Thiru.S.Chelladurai, Ponnagar East, Thiru.R.Magamuni NO.1204B, 4th Street,
2224 Alagappapuram Post, Karaikudi – 630003. 2248 Transport Nagar, Karaikudi – 630003.
Tmt.A.Vennilla, Ponnagar East, Thiru.R.Magamuni, No.1204, 4th Street,
2225 Alagappapuram Post, Karaikudi – 630003. 2249 Transport, Karaikudi – 630003.
Tmt.V.Uma, Periyar nagar, Karaikudi – Thiru;P. Dinakaran, No.54, 2nd Street,
2226 630003. 2250 Transport Nagar, Karaikudi – 630003.
Thiru.J.Padmanabhan, No.1550 8th Street, Thiru.A.Arulsamy, No.22, Mani Nagar,
Thanthai periyar Nagar, Karaikudi – 2251 Kattuparamakudi Post, Karaikudi – 630003.
2227 630002. Tmt.A.Savuriammal, NO.122, 3rd Street,
Thiru.Navaneethakrishnan, Thanthaiperiyar 2252 Transport Street, Karaikudi – 630003.
Nagr, 9th Street, Burmacolony, Karaikudi – Thiru.D.Ramalingam,No.137,Transport
2228 630002. 2253 Street, Karaikudi – 630003.
Thiru.R.M.Kannan, NO.1224, Thir.K.Kesavan, No.23B, Transport Nagr,
Thantahiperiyar Nagar, 8th Street, Karaikudi 2254 5th Street, Kalanivasal, Karaikudi – 630003.
2229 – 630002. Thiru.S.Sureshrajan, No.41, Thamarai
Thiru.A.Sakulahmeeed, CMC Road, Street, Drivers colony, Kalaivasal, karaikudi
2230 karaikudi – 630002. 2255 – 630002.
Tmt.S.Selvi, CMC Road, Senchai, Thiru.L.Sivakumar, No.85, 4th Street,
2231 Karaikudi – 630002. Transport Nagar, Kalaivasal, Karaikudi –
Thiru.M.Vijay, No.64, MM Street, karaikudi 2256 630002.
2232 – 630002. Thiru.A.Stephen, No.122, 3rd Street,
Thiru.M.Gopikarthick, No.35, Alagappan, 2257 Transport Kalaivasal, karaikudi – 630003.
2233 2nd street, Karaikudi – 630002. Thiru.T.Arockiyasamy, NO.14, Transport
Tmt.K.Ramyadevi, Meenakshi Complex, 2258 Nagar, Karaikuri , - 630003.
2234 Chekaali, Karaikudi – 630002. Thiru.S.Mohan, No.89, Transport Nagar, 4th
Tmt.s.Chithra, Nagavayal Raod, karaikudi – 2259 Street, karaikudi – 630002.
2235 630002. Thiru.P.Chandirakanthan, NGGO Colony,
Tmt.S.Kalaiselvi, Ponnagar East, 2260 Karaikudi – 630002.
2236 Alappapuram Post, Karaikudi – 630003. Tmt.C.Selvi, No.74, 4th Street, Transport
Tmt.Sindhuja Balasubramanian, Ponnagar, 2261 Nagar, Karaikudi – 630002.
2237 Alagapapuram Post, karaikudi – 630003. Tmt.C.Selvi, No.74, Transport ngar, 4th
Thiru.Meenakshi sundaram, Ponnagar, 2262 Street, Karaikudi – 630002.
2238 Alagappapuram post, Karaikudi – 630003. Thiru.R.Magamuni, NO.1204A, Transport
Thiru.Jayaraman, Ponnagar, Alagappapuram 2263 Nagar, 4th Street, karaikudi – 630002.
2239 Post, Karaikudi – 630003. Thiru.K.R.Alagarsamy, No.693, Sembaruthi
Tmt.Muthulakshmi, Ponnagar, 2264 Nagar, Karaikudi – 630003.
2240 Alagappapuram post, Karaikudi – 630003. Thiru.A.Subramaniyan, Mangalam,
Thiru.A.Johnbritoo, Plot No.13, Balaji Vengalur, Thevakootai, Sivagangai District
2241 Avenue, Ponnagar, karaikudi – 630003. 2265 – 630002.
Tmt.P.Veeraammal, Ponnagar, Thiru.S.Arockiyasami, No.3/124, Udaiyar
2242 Alagappapuram Post, karaikudi – 630003. Street, Neivasal, N.shanmuga Post,
Thiru.C.Ramasamy, No.88, Transport 2266 Karaikudi – 630002.
2243 Nagar, 4th Street, Karaikudi – 630003. Thiru.T.Jeganathan, NO.1/286, E-56,
Thiru.P.Pothiyalingam, No.75D, 4th Street, Ponnagar East, alagapuram post, Karaikudi
2244 Transport Street, Karaikudi – 630003. 2267 – 630002.
Thiru.P.Siddharth, No.76, 4th Street, Thiru.K.Venkateshwaran, NO.6,
2245 Transport Street, Karaikudi – 630003. Lakshmipuram Agaraharam, Senjai,
Thiru.R.Magamuni, No.1203D, 4th Street, 2268 Karaikudi – 630002.
2246 Transport Street, Karaikudi – 630003. Tmt.S.Shanthi, NO.4, Lakshmipuram,
Thiru.R.Magamuni, No.1204C, 4th Street, 2269 Agraharam, Senjai, Karaikudi – 630002.
2247 Transport Street, Karaikudi – 630003. Tmt.C.Divya, No.12, Lakshmipuram,
2270 Agaraharam, Senjai, karaikudi – 630002.
Thiru.P.Arunasulam, No.7 lakshmipuram, Tmt.K.Rani, K.M.Sreet, City Mahal,
2271 Agraharam, Karaikudi – 630002. 2292 Kanadukathan, karaikudi – 630002.
Thiru.K.Srinivasan, No.2, Lakshmipuram, Tmt.K.Amudha, No.114, KM Strsee,
2272 Agraharam, Senjai, Karaikudi – 630002. 2293 Kanadukathan, Karaikudi – 630002.
Thiru.Solaikumar,No.6, Lakhsmipuram, Thiru.C.Chellaiah, KM Street, City Mahal,
2273 Agraharam, Karaikudi – 630002. 2294 Near Kanadukathan, Karaikudi – 630002.
Thiru.R.Rajam, No.22, Lakshmipuram, Tmt.M.Dhanam, Korattaiyar Urani,
2274 Agraharam, Senjai, Karaikudi – 630002. 2295 Kelpuram, Sivagangai – 630002
Thiru.R.Yasin, No.2, Lakhmsipuram, Thiru.A.Pandiselvam, Raja Annamalai
2275 Agraharam, Senjai, Karaikudi – 630002. Nagar, Koraittaiyur, Kanadukathan,
Tmt.C.Alamelu Achi, NO.17/27, 2296 Karaikudi – 630103.
Lakshmipuram, Agraharam, Senjai, Thiru.S.Alagu, Aru Raod, Kanadukathan,
2276 Karaikudi – 630002. 2297 Karaikudi – 630002.
Tmt.N.Sivagami, No.16, Lakhmsipuram, Thiru.U.Murugesan, AR Street,
2277 Agraharam, Senjai, Karaikudi – 630002. Ammanpuram, Kanadukathan, Karaikudi –
Thiru.P.Purushothaman, No.3, 2298 630002.
Lakshmipuram Agraharam, Senjai, Thiru.R.Muthaiah Chidam,baram, Chetiyar
2278 Karaikudi – 630002. 2299 Urani, Thenkarai, Kanadukathan, - 630002.
Thiru.B.Saravanan, No.14, Lakhsmipuram, Thiru.S.Palanivel, AR Street,
2279 Agraharam, Senjai, Karaikudi – 630002. 2300 Kanadukathan, Karaikudi – 630002.
Tmt.S.SJayalakshmi, No.17, Tmt.C.T.Meenakshi Achi, AR Street,
Lakshmipuram, Agraharam, Senjai, 2301 Kanadukathan, Karaikudi – 630002.
2280 Karaikudi – 630002. Thiru.C.Mariyappan, Kothamangalam Road,
Thiru.R.Sundaravenkatesan, No.1, Sundaramurthy nagar, Kanadukathan,
Lakshmipuram, Agraharam, Senjai, 2302 Karaikudi – 630002.
2281 Karaikudi – 630002. Tmt.M.Mahalakshmi, Pandikovil Road
Thiru.S.Veeraraghavan, No.11, Railway, Alagapuram Post, Karaikudi –
lakhsmipruam Agraharam, Senjai, 2303 630003.
2282 Karaikudi – 630002. Thiru.M.Krishnamurthy, Pandikovil Road,
Thiru.G.Subramanian, No.52, M.G.R Street, Railway, Alagapuram Post, Karaikudi –
2283 Senjai, Karaikudi – 630001 2304 630003.
Tmt.Kalyanai Arumugam, No.20/80, Thiru.J.Rathinakamatchi, Pandikovil road,
Lakshmipuram, Agraharam, N.Pudhur Railway, Alagapuram Post, Karaikudi –
2284 Senjai, Karaikudir – 630001. 2305 630003.
Thiru.H.Mohammed Gani, No.53/1, Thiur.J.Rathinakamatchi, Pandikovil Road,
Lakshmipuram Agraharam, Senjai, Railway, Alagapuram,k Karaikudi –
2285 Karaikudi – 630002. 2306 630003.
Thiru.A.Sathaiya, Asai Studio, CMC Road, Thiru.J.Rathinakamatchi, Pandikovil Road,
2286 Senjai pallivasal, karaikudi – 630002. Railway, Alagapuram Post, Karaikudi –
Tmt.K.Umamaheswari, No.15, 2307 630003.
Lakshmpuram, Agraharam,Senjai, Thiru.J.Rathina kamatchi, No.23/1,
2287 Karaikudi – 630002. Pandikovil Raod, Railway, Alagapuram
Thiru.S.Palaiappan, K.M.Street, 2308 Post, Karaikudi – 630003.
2288 kalladukathan, Karaikudi – 630002. Thiru.S.Ashokkumar, Pandikovil Road,
Thiru.R.M.Ramasamy, Nemathanpatti, 2309 alagapuram Post, Karaikudi – 630003.
Komotti Street, Kanadukathan, Karaikudi – Tmt.S.Jayarani, Pandikovil Road, Railway,
2289 630103. 2310 Alagapuram, Karaikudi – 630003.
Thiur.R.M.Ramasamy, Nemathanpatti, Thiru.J.Rathinakamatchi, Pandikovil Road,
Komutti Street, Kanadukathan, Karaikudi – 2311 Railway, Alagapuram, Karaikudi – 630003.
2290 630002. Tmt.S.Shanthi, Pandikovil Road, Railway,
Thiru.K.R.Vellaisamy, K.M.Street, City 2312 Alagapuram, karaikudi – 630003.
2291 Mahal, kanadukathan, Karaikudi – 630002.
Thiru.P.Selvam, Pandikovil Street, Railway, V.Kenkammal, Palayanur,
2313 Alagapuram, Karaikudi – 630003. 2341 Chengalpattu,603308.
Tmt.S.Sudha, Pandikovil Stree, Railwya, Paranthaman, Koulambakkam,
2314 Alagapuram Post, Karaikudi – 630003. 2342 Chengalpattu, 603103.
Thiru.K.Manimaran, Pandikovil Street, E.Haridhass, Koulambakkam, Chengalpattu,
2315 Railway, Alagapuram, Karaikudi – 630003. 2343 603103.
2316 C.Pushpanathan, Chengalpattu – 603103. A.Raji, Maduranthagam, Chengalpattu
N.Geetha, Koulambakkam, Chengalpattu, 2344 603306.
2317 603103. H.Anandhi, Koulambakkam, Chengalpattu,
2318 N.Amul, Palayanur, Chengalpattu,603308. 2345 603103.
M.Sathyabama, Palayanur, P.Rajam, Koulambakkam, Chengalpattu,
2319 Chengalpattu,603308. 2346 603103.
N.Radhakrishnan, Koulambakkam,
2320 Anitha, Palayanur, Chengalpattu,603308. 2347 Chengalpattu, 603103.
V.Pavalamalli, Palayanur, M.Murugan, Koulambakkam, Chengalpattu,
2321 Chengalpattu,603308. 2348 603103.
P.Duraiyammal, Palayanur, K.Etti, Koulambakkam, Chengalpattu,
2322 Chengalpattu,603308. 2349 603103.
P.Mohan, Koulambakkam, Chengalpattu,
2323 603103. 2350 Gowri, Palayanur, Chengalpattu,603308.
A.Kenkammal, Palayanur,
2324 V.Nagappan, Chengalpattu – 603308. 2351 Chengalpattu,603308.
2325 K.Naresh, Palayanur, Chengalpattu,603308 S.Chellappan, Palayanur,
M.Maduraiveeran, Kulakkarai, 2352 Chengalpattu,603308.
2326 Chengalpattu 603204. 2353 Etti, Maduranthagam, Chengalpattu 603306.
Rani, Koulambakkam, Chengalpattu,
2327 603103. 2354 M.Raji, Chengalpattu – 603306.
2328 K.Vasugi, Palayanur, Chengalpattu,603308. 2355 J.Chandra, Chengalpattu -603306
G.Andhoniyammal, Palayanur, 2356 E.Velliyapan, Chengalpattu - 603306
2329 Chengalpattu,603308. P.Subhashini, Palamathur, Chengalpattu
M.Subashini, Palayanur, 2357 603001
2330 Chengalpattu,603308. 2358 Vaiyapuri, Chengalpattu - 603306
V.Munusamy, Vaiyavoor, Chengalpattu 2359 M.Thulasi, Chengalpattu – 603306.
2331 603308. Ettiyappan, Koulambakkam, Chengalpattu,
N.Krishnan, Koulambakkam, Chengalpattu, 2360 603103.
2332 603103. K.Amuldhass, Koulambakkam,
Jeyashri, Koulambakkam, Chengalpattu, 2361 Chengalpattu, 603103
2333 603103. Revathy, Koulambakkam, Chengalpattu,
S.Shanmugam, Maduranthagam, 2362 603103
2334 Chengalpattu 603306. A.Narendran, Koulambakkam,
M.Selvi, Maduranthagam, Chengalpattu 2363 Chengalpattu, 603103
2335 603306. 2364 Pushpa, Palayanur, Chengalpattu,603308
A.Murugan, Maduranthagam, Chengalpattu
2336 603306. 2365 Amudha, Palayanur, Chengalpattu,603308
A.Murugammal, Maduranthagam, S.Arulmani, Palayanur,
2337 Chengalpattu 603306. 2366 Chengalpattu,603308
V.krishnan, Koulambakkam, Chengalpattu, 2367 G.Ashwini, Palayanur, Chengalpattu,603308
2338 603103. 2368 Karpagam, Palayanur, Chengalpattu,603308
Marimuthu, Koulambakkam, Chengalpattu, Vaduvambal, Palayanur,
2339 603103. 2369 Chengalpattu,603308
S.Venkatesan, Koulambakkam, Pappammal, Palayanur,
2340 Chengalpattu, 603103. 2370 Chengalpattu,603308
R.Chinnakavundar, Kongampalayam- K.R.Muthusamy, Vijayamangalam (Po),
2371 638056 2402 Erode 638056
2372 J.Lalitha, Sithodu (PO) Erode, 638102 Thiru Thuraimurugan, Gandhinagar, Keel
2373 C.Chinnasamy, Perundhurai, Erode 638052 2403 Veethi, Pu. Puliaympatti 638459 ,Erode.
Thiru S. Ravi, 1-1A, Gandhi Nagar, Keel
2374 C.Periyasamy, Perundhurai, Erode 638052 2404 Street, Pu. Puliyampatti 638 459, Erode.
P.C.palanisamy, Vijayamangalam, Erode, Thiru P.Jegannathan, 10/4-3, Thenvadal
2375 638056 Street, Gandhi Nagar, Pu.Puliyampatti - 638
2376 N.Mohanraj, Perundurai Tk, Erode, 638052 2405 459 Erode..
C.Samynathan, Vijayamangalam (Po), Thiru Rangan, Thenvayal Veethi, Gandhi
2377 Erode 638056 2406 Nagar, Puliampatti – 638 459
2378 M.Prabhu, Vijayamangalam,Erode 638056 Tmt. Sarasal, Gandhi Nagar, Keel Veethi,
Ammasaikutty, Vijayamangalam (Po), 2407 Puliyampatti – 638 459, Erode..
2379 Erode 638056 Thiru Varathan, Gandhi Nagar, Keel Veethi,
Karuppasamy, Vijayamangalam (Po), Erode 2408 Pu.Puliyampatti – 638 459, Erode.
2380 638056 Thiru Murugan, 11/1, Thenvadal Street,
2381 T.C.Palanisamy, Perundhurai, Erode 638052 Gandhi Nagar, P. Puliampatti 638 459
Balakrishnan, Vijayamangalam (Po), Erode 2409 Erode.
2382 638056 Tmt. Maheswari, Gandhi Nagar Keel
Mohanasundaram, Pallakanpalayam, 2410 Veethi, Puliampatti-638 459 , Erode..
2383 Namakkal-637001 Tmt. M. Gayathiri, Gandhi Nagar Keel
K.Venkatasalam, Vijayamangalam, Erode 2411 Veethi, Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Erode.
2384 638056 Thiru Poovannan, Gandhi Nagar Keel
2412 Veethi, Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Erode.
2385 R.Devarasan, Kampuliyampatti, 624306
Thiru K. Murugan, Thenvadal Street,
P.P.Palanisamy, Vijayamangalam (Po),
Gandhi Nagar, Pu. Puliampatti 638 459,
2386 Erode 638056
2413 Erode.
V.T.Sanmuga sundaram, Vijayamangalam
Thiru K.Murugan, 21/12, Thenvadal Streeet,
2387 (Po), Erode 638056
2414 Gandhi Nagar, Puliampatti 638 459, Erode.
KMR. Karunagaran, Vijayamangalam (Po),
Thiru Rangasamy, Gandhi Nagar Keel
2388 Erode 638056
2415 Veethi, Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Erode.
P.A.Chinnasamy, Vijayamangalam (Po),
Thiru Mariappan, Gandhi Nagar Keel
2389 Erode 638056
2416 Veethi, Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Erode.
K.Senthilkumar, Vijayamangalam (Po),
Thiru Ravikumar, Gandhi Nagar Keel
2390 Erode 638056
2417 Veethi, Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Erode.
K.M.Samynathan, Vijayamangalam (Po),
Tmt. Kannammal, Gandhi Nagar Keel
2391 Erode 638056
2418 Veethi, Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Erode.
Subramani, Vijayamangalam (Po), Erode
Thiru Vengittan, 10, Gandhi Nagar Keel
2392 638056
2419 Veethi, Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Erode.
SR.Palanisamy, Vijayamangalam (Po),
Thiru Kathirvel, Gandhi Nagar Puthu
2393 Erode 638056
2420 Colony, Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Erode.
2394 V.Senniyappan, Perundhurai, Erode 638052 Tmt. Rajammal, Gandhi Nagar Keel Veethi,
2395 K.Ammasai, Perundhurai, Erode 638052 2421 Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Erode.
2396 Periyasamy, Perundhurai, Erode 638052 Thiru T. Murugesan, Gandhi Nagar Keel
S.N.Chinnasamy, Perundhurai, Erode 2422 Veethi, Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Erode.
2397 638052 Thiru R. Palanisamy, Gandhi Nagar Keel
2398 M.Marimuthu, Perundhurai, Erode 638052 2423 Veethi, Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Erode.
Tmt. Rayakkal, 17/10, Gandhi Nagar,
2399 O.K.Arumuthu, Perundhurai, Erode 638052
Thenvadal Theru, Pu. Puliampatti 638 459,
2400 Santhoshkumar, Perundhurai, Erode 638052 2424 Erode.
C.Periyasamy, Vijayamangalam (Po), Erode Thiru K.Krishnasami, 9, 2/1, Thenvadal,
2401 638056 2425 Gandhi Nagar, Pu. Puliampatti 638 459,
Erode. Thiru N.Palanisamy, Gandhi Nagar, Keel
Tmt. Sundari, Gandhi Nagar Keel Theru, , 2450 Veethi, Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Erode.
2426 Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Erode. Thiru Arjunan, Gandhi Nagar, Keel Veethi,
Thiru T. Chandru, Gandhi Nagar, Keel 2451 Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Erode.
2427 Veethi, Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Erode. Thiru V. Varadarajan, Gandhi Nagar, Keel
Thiru Duraisamy, 13/18, Gandhi Nagar, 2452 Veethi, Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Erode.
Keel Veethi, Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Tmt. Jeyanthi, Gandhi Nagar, Keel Veethi,
2428 Erode. 2453 Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Erode.
Thiru R. Muthai, Gandhi Nagar, Keel Thiru Annadurai, Gandhi Nagar, Keel
2429 Veethi, Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Erode. 2454 Veethi, Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Erode.
Thiru R. Perinba Maha Vishnu, 16/22, Thiru K.Ponnusamy, Thenvadal Street,
Gandhi Nagar, Keel Veethi, Puliampatti 638 Gandhi Nagar, Pu. Puliampatti 638 459,
2430 459, Erode. 2455 Erode.
Thiru M. Rengasamy, Gandhi Nagar, Keel Tmt. Thangammal, Gandhi Nagar, Keel
2431 Veethi, Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Erode. 2456 Veethi, Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Erode.
Tmt. Thulasi, Gandhi Nagar, Keel Veethi, Tmt. Lakshmi, Gandhi Nagar, Keel Veethi,
2432 Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Erode. 2457 Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Erode.
Thiru Gopal, Gandhi Nagar, Keel Veethi, Thiru R. Prabhu, 10/11, Gandhi Nagar, Then
2433 Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Erode. Vadal Theru, Pu. Puliampatti 638 459,
Thiru M. Gopal, Gandhi Nagar, Keel 2458 Erode.
2434 Veethi, Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Erode. Thiru Palanisamy, Gandhi Nagar, Mel
Thiru Muthusamy, Gandhi Nagar, Keel 2459 Veethi, Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Erode.
2435 Veethi, Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Erode. Thiru Palanisamy, Gandhi Nagar, Mel
Thiru R. Sivagami, Gandhi Nagar, Keel 2460 Veethi, Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Erode.
2436 Veethi, Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Erode. Tmt. Karuppammal, Mariamman Koil
Thiru T. Murugesan, Gandhi Nagar, Keel Street, Gandhi Nagar, Mel Veethi, Pu.
2437 Veethi, Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Erode. 2461 Puliampatti 638 459, Erode.
Thiru T. Velumani, Gandhi Nagar, Puthu Tmt. Balraj, Gandhi Nagar, Mel Veethi, Pu.
2438 Colony, Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Erode. 2462 Puliampatti 638 459, Erode.
Tmt. Palaniammal, Gandhi Nagar, Keel Tmt. Kittammal, 18/68, Mariamman Koil
2439 Veethi, Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Erode. Street, Gandhi Nagar, Mel Veethi, Pu.
Thiru Manikandan, Gandhi Nagar, Keel 2463 Puliampatti 638 459, Erode.
2440 Veethi, Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Erode. Thiru Ramakrishnan, Gandhi Nagar, Mel
Thiru Thimmaiyan, Gandhi Nagar, Keel 2464 Veethi, Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Erode.
2441 Veethi, Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Erode. Thiru Ramakrishnan, Gandhi Nagar, Mel
Tmt. R. Sundari, Gandhi Nagar, Keel 2465 Veethi, Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Erode.
2442 Veethi, Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Erode. Thiru Palanisamy, Mariamman Koil Street,
Thiru Chandrasekar, Gandhi Nagar, Keel Gandhi Nagar, Mel Veethi, Pu. Puliampatti
2443 Veethi, Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Erode. 2466 638 459, Erode.
Thiru Gomathi, Gandhi Nagar, Keel Veethi, Thiru C. Palanisamy, Mariamman Koil
2444 Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Erode. Street, Gandhi Nagar, Mel Veethi, Pu.
Thiru T. Ragunathan, Gandhi Nagar, Keel 2467 Puliampatti 638 459, Erode.
2445 Veethi, Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Erode. Tmt. Ariyamala, Gandhi Nagar, Mel Veethi,
Thiru Pappadan, Gandhi Nagar, Keel 2468 Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Erode.
2446 Veethi, Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Erode. Tmt. Mariammal, Gandhi Nagar, Mel
Thiru L. Perumal, Gandhi Nagar, Keel 2469 Veethi, Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Erode.
2447 Veethi, Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Erode. Tmt. Ramani, Gandhi Nagar, Mel Veethi,
Tmt. A. Pappathi, Gandhi Nagar, Keel 2470 Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Erode.
2448 Veethi, Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Erode. Thiru Anna Durai, Gandhi Nagar, Mel
Thiru Prakash, Gandhi Nagar, Keel Veethi, 2471 Veethi, Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Erode.
2449 Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Erode. Tmt. Manimekalai, Mariamman Koil Street,
2472 Gandhi Nagar, Mel Veethi, Pu. Puliampatti
638 459, Erode. 638 459, Erode.
Tmt. Inthirani, Gandhi Nagar, Mel Veethi, Tmt. Palanal, Gandhi Nagar, Mel Veethi,
2473 Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Erode. 2496 Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Erode.
Tmt. Chinnammini, Gandhi Nagar, Mel Thiru Kuppan, Gandhi Nagar, Mel Veethi,
2474 Veethi, Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Erode. 2497 Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Erode.
Tmt. Ponnammal, Gandhi Nagar, Mel Thiru Rangan, 80/3, Mel Veethi,
2475 Veethi, Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Erode. Mariamman Koil Street, Pu. Puliampatti 638
Tmt. Singari, 11/62, Gandhi Nagar, Mel 2498 459, Erode.
2476 Veethi, Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Erode. Tmt. Saroja, Mariamman Koil Street,
Thiru Babu, Gandhi Nagar, Mel Veethi, Pu. Gandhi Nagar, Pu. Puliampatti 638 459,
2477 Puliampatti 638 459, Erode. 2499 Erode.
Thiru Subbramani, Gandhi Nagar, Mel Thiru P.N. Rajendran, 60/1, Gandhi Nagar,
2478 Veethi, Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Erode. 2500 Mel Veethi, Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Erode.
Tmt. Kirumal, Gandhi Nagar, Mel Veethi, Thiru P.N. Rajendran, 60/2, Gandhi Nagar,
2479 Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Erode. 2501 Mel Veethi, Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Erode.
Thiru Marimuthu, Gandhi Nagar, Mel Tmt. Kannammal, Gandhi Nagar, Mel
2480 Veethi, Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Erode. 2502 Veethi, Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Erode.
Tmt. Ponni, Gandhi Nagar, Mel Veethi, Pu. Thiru Muthusamy, Gandhi Nagar, Mel
2481 Puliampatti 638 459, Erode. 2503 Veethi, Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Erode.
Thiru M. Sampath, 81/B, Gandhi Nagar, Tmt. Kaveri, Mariamman Koil Street,
2482 Mel Veethi, Pu. Puliampatti 638 459,Erode. Gandhi Nagar, Mel Veethi, Pu. Puliampatti
Thiru M. Ananthkumar, 81A, Gandhi 2504 638 459, Erode.
Nagar, Mel Veethi, Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Thiru Sathish Kumar, Gandhi Nagar, Mel
2483 Erode. 2505 Veethi, Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Erode.
Thiru S. Rangan, Gandhi Nagar, Mel Thiru Thangaraj, Thenvayal Veethi, Gandhi
2484 Veethi, Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Erode. 2506 Nagar, Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Erode.
Thiru P.V. Murugesan, Gandhi Nagar, Mel Tmt. C. Vijaya, Puthu Colony, Gandhi
2485 Veethi, Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Erode. 2507 Nagar, Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Erode.
Tmt. R. Sumathi, Gandhi Nagar, Mel Thiru Sivakumar, Puthu Colony, Gandhi
2486 Veethi, Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Erode. 2508 Nagar, Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Erode.
Tmt. R. Sumathi, Mariamman Koil Street, Thiru B. Sankaran, Puthu Colony, Gandhi
Gandhi Nagar, Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, 2509 Nagar, Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Erode.
2487 Erode. Tmt. Subamangalam, Puthu Colony, Gandhi
Tmt. R. Sumathi, Mariamman Koil Street, 2510 Nagar, Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Erode.
Gandhi Nagar, Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Thiru Seerangan, Thenvayal Veethi, Gandhi
2488 Erode. 2511 Nagar, Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Erode.
Thiru Rangan, Gandhi Nagar, Mel Veethi, Tmt. T. Meera, Thenvayal Veethi, Gandhi
2489 Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Erode. 2512 Nagar, Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Erode.
Tmt. Thilaka, Gandhi Nagar, Mel Veethi, Tmt. Rajammal, 7-4, Gandhi Nagar, Puthu
2490 Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Erode. 2513 Colony, Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Erode.
Tmt. R. Sumathi, Gandhi Nagar, Mel Thiru Kumarasamy, Gandhi Nagar, Pu.
2491 Veethi, Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Erode. 2514 Puliampatti 638 459, Erode.
Tmt. Sangeetha, Gandhi Nagar, Pu. Thiru Samythurai, 10/8(1), Gandhi Nagar,
2492 Puliampatti 638 459, Erode. 2515 Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Erode.
Thiru Va. Senthilkumar, 63, Gandhi Nagar, Tmt. Karuppammal, Gandhi Nagar, Pu.
2493 Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Erode. 2516 Puliampatti 638 459, Erode.
Thiru Thiruman, Mariamman Koil Street, Tmt. K. Ramathal, 6/7, Gandhi Nagar, Pu.
Gandhi Nagar, Mel Veethi, Pu. Puliampatti 2517 Puliampatti 638 459, Erode.
2494 638 459, Erode. Thiru Palanisamy, Gandhi Nagar, Thenvadal
Thiru Chinnan, Mariamman Koil Street, 2518 Street, Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Erode.
2495 Gandhi Nagar, Mel Veethi, Pu. Puliampatti 2519 Thiru Karuppan, Gandhi Nagar, Thenvadal
Street, Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Erode. Koil Street, Gandhi Nagar, 1st Cross,
Tmt. Malarvizhi, Gandhi Nagar, Pu. Moolapalayam, Erode-2.
2520 Puliampatti 638 459, Erode. Tmt. M. Tamilselvi, 18, Gandhi Nagar 1st
Thiru P.K. Eswaran, Gandhi Nagar, 2543 Street, Moolapalayam, Erode-2.
Thenvadal Street, Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, Thiru Samuvel Welington, Gandhi Nagar
2521 Erode. 2544 IInd Street, Moolapalayam, Erode-2.
Tmt. K. Kalivani, 17, Gandhi Nagar, Pu. Thiru N.Kaliappan, 31/1, Gandhi Nagar 1st
2522 Puliampatti 638 459, Erode. 2545 Street, Moolapalayam, Erode-02.
Thiru Satheesh Kumar, Gandhi Nagar, Thiru P. Periyasami, 31/3, Gandhi Nagar 1st
Thenvadal Street, Pu. Puliampatti 638 459, 2546 Street, Moolapalayam, Erode-02.
2523 Erode. Thiru V. Gopi, 34/10, Gandhi Nagar,
Tmt. A. Chellammal, 34/9, Gandhi Nagar, 2547 Moolapalayam, Erode-2.
2524 V.K. Street 7th, Moolapalayam, Erode-2. Thiru A. Kannan, 34/2, Gandhi Nagar 1st
Tmt. G. Sarala Devi, 34/7, Karpaga Nagar 2548 Street, Moolapalayam, Erode-2.
2525 IInd Street, Moolapalayam, Erode-2. Thiru K. Dhandapani, 1113/3, Gandhi
Thiru Nallasamy,19/5, Gandhi Nagar, 2549 Nagar, Moolapalayam, Erode-2.
2526 Moolapalayam, Erode-2. Thiru S. Saravanan, Vinayakar Koil Street,
Thiru V. Periyasamy, 135, Vinayagar Koil 2550 Gandhi Nagar, Moolapalayam, Erode - 02.
2527 Street, Moolapalayam, Erode-2. Thiru M. Senthil Kumar, 34/7/1, Saraswathi
Tmt. K. Devika, 19/7, Gandhi Nagar IInd Illam, Kanri Veethi, Moolapalayam, Erode-
Street, Vinayakar Koil 7th, Moolapalayam, 2551 2.
2528 Erode-2. Thiru R. Arun Kamalesan, 34/5, Gandhi
Thiru E. Saravanakumar, 34/7A, Gandhi 2552 Nagar, Moolapalayam, Erode-2.
2529 Nagar Street, Erode. Thiru M. Periyasamy, 13/6, Vinayagar Koil
Tmt. S. Jayasudha, 7, Gandhi Nagar 1st Street, Gandhi Nagar, Moolapalayam,
2530 Street, Moolapalayam, Erode-2. 2553 Erode-2.
Thiru V. Selvaraj, 37, Vinayagar Koil Thiru T. Babu, 34/6, Gandhi Nagar 1st
2531 Veethi No. 7, Moolapalayam, Erode-2. 2554 Street, Moolapalayam, Erode-2.
Thiru K. Suresh Kumar, 5, Gandhi Nagar, Thiru Bhvana Srinivasan, 36/24, Gandhi
Vinayagar Koil Street, Moolapalayam, Nagar, Bharathi Nagar Ashok, Poolpannai,
2532 Erode-2. 2555 Moolapalayam, Erode-2.
Tmt. Kannammal, 38, Vinayagar Koil Thiru P. Kuppusamy, 34/6/2, Gandhi Nagar
2533 Veethi No. 7, Moolapalayam, Erode-2. 2556 1st Street, Moolapalayam, Erode - 02.
Tmt. Maheswari, Vinayagar Koil Veethi No. Thiru K. Shanmugam, 33/4, Gandhi Nagar
2534 7, Moolapalayam, Erode-2. 2557 5th Street, Moolapalayam, Erode -0 2.
Thiru J. Sekar, 39, Vinayakar Koil 7th Tmt. S.V. Amudha, 24/2, Vinayakar Koil
2535 Street, Moolapalayam, Erode-2. Street No.7, Gandhi Nagar, Moolapalayam,
Tmt. S. Divya Prasanna, 34/8, Vinayagar 2558 Erode-2.
2536 Koil 7th Street, Moolapalayam, Erode - 2. Tmt. Devagi, Sabthagiri Illam, Bharathi
Thiru Velusamy, 35, Gandhi Nagar, 2559 Nagar, Erode – 2.
2537 Moolapalayam, Erode-2. Thiru K. Sugumar, 32/1, Vinayagar Koil 5th
Tmt. P. Senthilkumari, 35/2, Gandhi Nagar, 2560 Street, Moolapalayam, Erode-02.
2538 Moolapalayam, Erode-2. Tmt. Bhoopathi, Gandhi Nagar 2nd Street,
Thiru S. Rajkumar, 18/1, Gandhi Nagar, 2561 Moolapalayam, Erode-2.
2539 Moolapalayam, Erode-2. Thiru T. Vijayakumar, 25, Vinayagar Koil
Thiru K. Subbramani, 8, Gandhi Nagar 7th Street, Gandhi Nagar II, Moolapalayam,
Vinayagar Koil Street No.7, Moolapalayam, 2562 Erode-2.
2540 Erode-2. Thiru V.M. Kathirvel, 25/1, Gandhi Nagar
Tmt. Vanitha, 16, Gandhi Nagar 1st Street, 2563 IInd Street, Moolapalayam, Erode - 02..
2541 Moolapalayam, Erode-2. Thiru P. Natesan, 31/1, Veerakumar Illam,
2542 Thiru K. Kumaresan, 1113/3, Vinayakar Vinayagar Koil 7th Street, Moolapalayam,
2564 Erode-2.
Thiru P. Anantharaj, 25/2, Gandhi Nagar Moolapalayam, Erode-2.
2565 IInd Street, Moolapalayam, Erode-2. Tmt. K.Tamilarasi Karthikeyan, 126/2,
Thiru M. Vijayakumar, 30/2, Gandhi Nagar, Telephone Exchange Opp. Moolapalayam,
2566 Moolapalayam, Erode-2. 2590 Erode-2.
Thiru S. Ramesh Kumar, 33/2, R.D. Illam, Thiru J. Karuppannan, 134/135, Vinayagar
2567 Moolapalayam, Erode-2. Koil Street, NGGO Nagar, Moolapalayam,
Tmt. Lalitha, 27, Gandhi Nagar, 2591 Erode-2.
2568 Moolapalayam, Erode-2. Thiru P. Srikanth, 134/135, Vinayagar Koil
Tmt. Vennila, 28, Gandhi Nagar IInd Street, 2592 5th Street, Moolapalayam, Erode-2.
2569 Moolapalayam, Erode-2. Thiru D. Rajasekar, 127/1, Vinayagar Koil
Thiru K. Ravi, 30A, Gandhi Nagar 2nd 4th Street, NGGO Nagar, Moolapalayam,
2570 Street, Moolapalayam, Erode-2. 2593 Erode-2.
Thiru Siva, 30/32, Gandhi Nagar, Vinayakar Tmt. K. Priya, NGGO Nagar, Vinayagar
2571 Koil Street, Moolapalayam, Erode-2. 2594 Koil 4th Street, Moolapalayam, Erode-2.
Thiru P. Esayyan, 28/1, Gandhi Nagar IInd Tmt. K. Sasikala Devi, 6, Vaigai Nagar,
2572 Street, Moolapalayam, Erode-2 2595 Moolapalayam, Erode-2.
Thiru Saranura Sanl, 30, Gandhi Nagar 2nd Thiru K.M. Tamil Selvan, 314/4B, Vaigai
2573 Street, Moolapalayam, Erode-2 2596 Nagar, Moolapalayam, Erode-2.
Tmt. M. Puja, 34, NSS Illam, Gandhi Nagar Tmt. M. Kavitha, 9, Vaigai Nagar,
2574 1st Street, Moolapalayam, Erode-2. 2597 Moolapalayam, Erode-2.
Tmt. A. Beena, Gandhi Nagar1st Street, Thiru V. Gopalakrishnan, 5/1, Vaigai Nagar,
2575 Moolapalayam, Erode-2. 2598 Moolapalayam, Erode-2.
Thiru V. Sathishkumar, Moolapalayam, Tmt. P.Shanthi, 4/1, Vaigai Nagar,
2576 Erode-2. 2599 Moolapalayam, Erode-2.
Thiru C. Sundaramoorthy, 125/1, N.G.G.O. Tmt. P. Devi, 4, Vaigai Nagar,
2577 Nagar, Moolapalayam, Erode-02. 2600 Moolapalayam, Erode-2.
Tmt. Raji, 55,56, NGGO Nagar, Tmt. Alamelu, 3/1, Vaigai Nagar,
2578 Moolapalayam, Erode-2. 2601 Moolapalayam, Erode-2.
Tmt. C. Dhanya, 58, Kulandaivel Illam, Tmt. Gnanambal, Vaigai Nagar,
2579 NGGO Nagar, Moolapalayam, Erode-2. 2602 Moolapalayam, Erode-2.
Tmt S. Abiduanesha, 60, NGGO Nagar, Tmt. Gejalakshmi, 21/1, Vaigai Nagar,
2580 Moolapalayam, Erode-2. 2603 Moolapalayam, Erode-2.
Thiru R. MadanRaj, 51/1, NGGO Nagar, Tmt. Anitha, 2, Vaigai Nagar,
2581 Moolapalayam, Erode-2. 2604 Moolapalayam, Erode-2.
Tmt. R. Shoba, 51, NGGO Nagar, Thiru Sridhar, 318, Vaigai Nagar,
2582 Moolapalayam, Erode-2. 2605 Moolapalayam, Erode-2.
Tmt. Bilal Mohammed, Vinayagar Koil Thiru D. Ranjith, 319, 320, Vaigai Nagar,
2583 Street, Moolapalayam, Erode-2. 2606 Moolapalayam, Erode-2.
Thiru N. Varadha Raj, 52/2, Vinayagar Koil Tmt. Pushpalatha, 321, Vaigai Nagar,
Street, 4th Cross, NGGO Nagar, 2607 Moolapalayam, Erode-2.
2584 Moolapalayam, Erode-2. Tmt. Shanthi, 322, Vaigai Nagar,
Tmt. K. Mythili, NGGO Colony, 2608 Moolapalayam, Erode-2.
2585 Moolapalayam, Erode-2. Tmt. Sudha, Vaigai Nagar, Moolapalayam,
Thiru P. Shanmugam, 48/1, Sri Gokulam 2609 Erode-2.
Nivas, NGGO Nagar, Moolapalayam, Thiru Prakash, 308, Vinayagar Koil Second
2586 Erode-2. 2610 Street, Moolapalayam, Erode-02.
Thiru J. Saravanan, 12/1, NGGO Nagar, Tmt. Chellammal, 309, Vinayagar Koil
2587 Moolapalayam, Erode-2. 2611 Second Street, Moolapalayam, Erode-2.
Tmt. K. Hemalatha, 121, NGGO Nagar, Tmt. Thangammal, 310, Vinayagar Koil
2588 Moolapalayam, Erode-2. 2612 Second Street, Moolapalayam, Erode-2.
2589 Thiru P. Gunasekaran, 39,NGGO Nagar, 2613 Tmt. Dhoulath, 312A, Vinayagar Koil
Street, Moolapalayam, Erode-2. Tmt. T. Jaya, Jennifer Illam, 7/1, Vaigai
Thiru C. Kaviarasu, 312B, Vinayagar Koil 2637 Nagar, Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002.
2614 Second Street, Moolapalayam, Erode-2. Tmt. E. Savitha, 7, Vaigai Nagar,
Thiru P.Subramaniyam, 312, Vinayagar 2638 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002.
Koil Second Street, Moolapalayam, Erode- Tmt. J. Revathi, 9, Vaigai Nagar,
2615 2. 2639 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002.
Thiru V. Shanmuga Sundaram, 312, 313, Tmt. S. Divya, 9/1, Vaigai Nagar,
Vinayagar Koil Second Street, 2640 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002.
2616 Moolapalayam, Erode-2. Thiru P. Raja, 10, Vaigai Nagar,
Thiru R. Raja Ganapathi, 317, Vaigai Nagar, 2641 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002.
2617 Moolapalayam, Erode-2. Thiru Mohammed Ibrahim, 1/1, Vaigai
Thiru P. Rajendran, 315, Vaigai Nagar 2642 Nagar, Moolapalayam, Erode-638
2618 Extension, Moolapalayam, Erode-2 Thiru J. Raja, Sasthiri Veethi,
Tmt. R. Saraswathi, 25/E, Vinayagar Koil 2643 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002.
Street, Vaigai Nagar, Moolapalayam, Erode- Tmt. P. Devi, Stalin Street, Moolapalayam,
2619 2. 2644 Erode-638 002.
Tmt. K. Saraswathi, 25 D, Anna Nagar Tmt. Jothi Mani, Sasthiri Street,
2620 Extenstion, Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002. 2645 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002.
Thiru P. Shanmugam, 317/1, Vaigai Nagar, Thiru Palaniappan, 10, Sasthiri Street,
2621 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002. 2646 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002.
Thiru M. Rajalakshmi, 317, Senthil Illam, Thiru Shanmugam, 9, Sasthiri Street,
Vaigai Nagar, Vinayagar Koil Second 2647 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002.
2622 Street, Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002. Thiru P. Arumugam,3/4, Sasthiri Street,
Tmt. Krishnaveni, 314, Vaigai Nagar, 2648 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002.
2623 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002. Thiru Sakthi Vel, 10, Jeevananthar Street,
Thiru N. Gurumoorthy, 314, Vaigai Nagar, 2649 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002.
2624 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002. Thiru P. Murugesan, Jeevananthar Street,
Thiru N. Shanmugam, 314/1, Vaigai Nagar, 2650 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002.
2625 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002. Thiru C. Lingeswaran, 2, K.T. Raja Street,
Tmt. S. Suganya, 313/3, Vaigai Nagar, 2651 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002.
2626 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002. Thiru Radha Krishnan, 3, K.T. Raja Street,
Thiru N. Sekar, 313/2, Vaigai Nagar, 2652 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002.
2627 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002. Thiru N. Abdul Razak, KT Raja Street,
Thiru S.E. Jeyachandran, Vaigai Nagar, 2653 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002.
2628 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002. Tmt. R. Bhuvaneswari, Stalin Street,
Thiru A. Pramasivam, 273, Vaigai Nagar, 2654 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002.
2629 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002. Tmt. Tharani, Jeevanantham Street,
Tmt. Palaniammal, Vaigai Nagar, 2655 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002.
2630 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002. Thiru Balakrishnan, Jeevanantham Street,
Tmt. Geetha Sethil Kumar, 293, Vaigai 2656 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002.
2631 Nagar, Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002. Thiru L. Ilango, 13, Jeevanantham Street,
Thiru M. Parthiban, 293/A1, Vaigai Nagar, 2657 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002.
2632 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002. Thiru Ramachandran, 4, Shasthiri Street,
Thiru. R. Ravikumar, 117/3, Vaigai Nagar, 2658 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002.
2633 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002. Thiru S. Saravanan, Vinayagar Koil Street,
Thiru G. Ravichandran, 293/20, Vaigai 2659 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002.
2634 Nagar, Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002. Tmt. S. Dhana, Jeevanantham Street,
Thiru S. Arumugam, 314/4, Vaigai Nagar, 2660 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002.
2635 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002. Tmt. R. Radha, Jeevanantham Street,
Tmt. D. Jeyanthi, 314/3B, Vaigai Nagar, 2661 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002.
2636 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002. 2662 Tmt. L. Vijayalakshmi, Jeevanantham
Street, Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002. Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002.
Thiru Mahalingam, Jeevanantham Street, Thiru Poosappan, Nehru Street,
2663 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002. 2688 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002.
Tmt M. Pandilakhsmi, Jeevanantham Street, Thiru Manickkam, Nehru Street,
2664 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002. 2689 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002.
Thiru S. Prabhu, Mandapam Street, Thiru Vijayakumar, Nehru Street,
2665 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002. 2690 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002.
Thiru S. Chandru, 7, Mandapam Street, Thiru Senthil, Nehru Street, Moolapalayam,
2666 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002. 2691 Erode-638 002.
Tmt. G. Loganayaki, 13, Mandapam Street, Thiru Dhanasingh, Nehru Street,
2667 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002 2692 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002.
Tmt. G. Latha, 16/1, Mandapam Street, Tmt. Manonmani, 27, NGOO Nagar,
2668 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002. 2693 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002.
Thiru P. Ramesh, Mandapam Street, Tmt. Shalaz, A/27, NGGO Nagar,
2669 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002. 2694 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002.
Thiru A. Azhagar, 17, Mandapam Street, Thiru M. Shanmugam, 27/1, NGOO Nagar,
2670 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002. 2695 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002
Thiru N. Jegatheeswaran, 12, Mandapam Thiru C. Sampooranam, 25, NGGO Nagar,
2671 Street, Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002. 2696 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002.
Tmt. K. Lakshmi, 12, Mandapam Street, Thiru T.S.E. Aadhavan, 21, NGGO Nagar,
2672 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002. 2697 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002.
Thiru R. Sengottaiyan, 24/1, Mandapam Thiru Senthil Kumar, NGGO Nagar,
2673 Street, Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002. 2698 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002.
Thiru Manikandan, 22, Mandapam Street, Thiru S. Praveen, 137, Vinayagar Koil
2674 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002. 2699 Street, Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002.
Thiru V. Ananthu, Mandapam Street, Thiru N. Sathiya Moorthy, 140, Vinayagar
2675 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002. 2700 Koil Street, Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002.
Thiru H. Senthil Kumar, 5, Mandapam Tmt. V. Sugitham, 139/2, Vinayakar Koil
2676 Street, Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002. 2701 4th Street, Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002.
Thiru Sabareeswaran, Sreenivasa Rao Thiru R. Ramasamy, 89/2, 3 NGGO Nagar,
2677 Street, Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002. 2702 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002
Thiru. Ashok, Sreenivasa Rao Street, Tmt. Panchavarnam, 138, NGGO Nagar,
2678 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002. 2703 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002.
Thiru M. Satheesh Kumar, 10, Thiru S. Umar Farook, 26, Poonthurai Road,
Jeevanantham Street, Moolapalayam, 2704 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002.
2679 Erode-638 002. Thiru C. Ponnusamy, NGGO Nagar,
Tmt. C. Chithra, Nehru Street, 2705 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002.
2680 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002. Tmt. Lalitha Sambath, 166/167, Rasi Illam,
Tmt. Indirani, Mandapam Street, NGGO Nagar, Moolapalayam, Erode-638
2681 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002. 2706 002.
Thiru Sasikumar, Nehru Street, Thiru S. Periyasamy, 15, Velangkaddu
2682 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002. 2707 Valasu, Kuloor, Avalpoonthurai,
Thiru T. Rajasekar, Nehru Street, Erode – 638 115.
2683 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002. Thiru P. Chinnasamy, 14, Gandhi Road,
Tmt. Rasammal, Nehru Street, 2708 Kollampalayam, Erode – 638 002.
2684 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002. Thiru R. Duraisamy, Gandhi Veethi No.3,
Tmt. Saraswathi, Nehru Street, 2709 Kollampalayam, Erode – 638 002.
2685 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002. Tmt. K.R. Samyammal, 28, Gandhi Street,
Thiru T. Ravi Gomathi, Nehru Street, 2710 Kollampalayam, Erode – 638 002.
2686 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002. Thiru C. Jeevanantham, 209/1/2, Gandhi
2687 Tmt. G. Saranya, Nehru Street, 2711 Street, Kollampalayam, Erode – 638002.
Thiru C. Muthusamy, Tamil Nagar, Thiru P. Kumaravel, 6A, Vandikaran
Gandhiji Street, Kollampalayam, Erode – 2735 Thottam, Kollampalayam, Erode – 638 002.
2712 638 002. Thiru D. Ramamoorthy, 3, Vandikaran
Thiru P. Rajeswari, 21, Gandhiji Veethi 2736 Thottam, Kollampalayam, Erode – 638 002.
2713 No.2, Kollampalayam, Erode – 638 002. Thiru D. Viswanathan, 1, Vandikaran
Thiru M. Balasundaram, 26/2, Gandhiji 2737 Thottam, Kollampalayam, Erode – 638 002.
2714 Street, Kollampalayam, Erode – 638002. Thiru S. Kailasan & Vijaya, 6, Vandikaran
Thiru Ravichandran, 6, Kumaran Veethi, 2738 Thottam, Kollampalayam, Erode 638 002.
2715 Kollampalayam, Erode – 638 002. Thiru S. Arumugam, 13/36, Vandikaran
Tmt. G. Tamilarasi, 15/4, Kalyana 2739 Thottam, Kollampalayam, Erode – 638 002.
Sundaram Veethi, Molagoundanpalayam, Thiru Eswaran, 14, Vandikaran Thottam,
2716 Erode. 2740 Kollampalayam, Erode – 638 002.
Thiru S. Sakthivel, Vandikkaran Thottam, Tmt. K. Poongodi, 209/15/2, Gandhiji
2717 Kollampalayam, Erode – 638 002 Veethi No. 3, Kollampalayam, Erode - 638
Thiru Vijayan, 38/6, Vandikkaran Thottam, 2741 002.
2718 Kollampalayam, Erode – 638 002. Thiru S. Gunasekaran, 18, Vandikaran
Thiru Thavakozhunthu, 42, Suilli Kadu, Thottam Vazhi, Kollampalayam, Erode -
Vandikarran Thottam, Kollampalayam, 2742 638 002.
2719 Erode – 638 002. Tmt . Thulasiamman, 17,
Thiru G. Raja Chandra Sekar, 5/5, Kamaraj VandikaranThottam, Kollampalayam, Erode
2720 Veethi No. 3, Surampatti, Erode. 2743 – 638 002.
Thiru Babu, 8, LGGS Colony, Railway Tmt. C. Padma, 21, Bhiman Kattu Vazhi,
2721 Colony Post, Erode – 638 002. 2744 Kollampalayam, Erode – 638 002.
Thiru Kannan, 26/7, Gandhi Veethi No. 2, Thiru V. Shanmugam, 19, Vandikaran
2722 Kollampalayam, Erode – 638 002. Thottam Vazhi, Kollampalayam, Erode, 638
Tmt. Parvathi, 69, 70, Vinayagar Koil 2745 002.
2723 Street, NGGO Nagar, Erode. Thiru T. Saravana Kumar, 10/8, Nethaji
Thiru T.K. Karuppanasamy, C. Setpalayam, 2746 Street, Kollampalayam, Erode – 638 002.
2724 Erode. Thiru P. Sivakumar, 16, Thangapattrai
Thiru Sameer., 68, NGGO Nagar, 2747 Vazhi, Kollampalayam, Erode – 638 002.
2725 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002. Thiru R. Krishnamoorthy, 33, Telephone
Thiru S. Mubarak Bhatcha, 64, 67, Stop Quarters, Moolapalayam, Erode - 638
Vinayagar Koil Veethi, NGGO Nagar, 2748 002.
2726 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002. Thiru M. Chenzheeyappan, 3, Maruthi
Thiru Shah Nivas, 62, Vinayagar Koil 2749 Garden, Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002.
Street, NGGO Nagar, Moolapalayam, Thiru N. Palanisamy, 12, Kalappal
2727 Erode-638 002. Kuppusamy Veethi, New Lakshmi Garden,
Thiru V. Anand, 120/1, Vinayagar Koil 2750 Erode 638 079.
2728 Street, Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002. Tmt. E. Sujatha, 113/1A, Vinayagar Koil
Thiru S. Ponnusamy, 61/1, NGGO Nagar, 2751 Street, Bharthi Nagar, Erode.
2729 SPP Illam, Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002. Thiru P. Palaniappan, 90, Vinayagar Koil
Tmt. A. Kousalya, 38/5, Vandikkaran 2752 Veethi, NGGO Nagar, Erode – 638 002.
2730 Thottam, Kollampalayam, Erode – 638 002. Thiru M. Rajamanickam, 113/R-2,
Thiru V.S. Iyyavu, Vandikaran Thottam, 2753 Vasantham Nagar, Erode – 638 002.
2731 Kollampalayam, Erode – 638 002. Tmt. Kirupa, Maruthi Nagar, 112/9,
Thiru Manikavasagam, 4/13, Bhiman Kattu 2754 Vinayagar Koill Veethi, Erode – 638 002.
2732 Vazhi, Kollampalayam, Erode – 638 002. Tmt. S. Hepcy Dorothy, 112/13, Maruthi
Tmt. Vinothini, 15, Bhiman Kattu Vazhi, Nagar, Telephone Exchange,
2733 Kollampalayam, Erode – 638 002. 2755 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002.
Thiru L. Ramachandran, 23, Nehruji Veethi, Tmt. Neelambal, 112/14, Maruthi Nagar,
2734 Kollampalayam, Erode – 638 002. 2756 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002.
Thiru R. Preemkumar, 112/7, Vinayagar Tmt. Anusiya, 82/8, NGGO Nagar,
Koil 6th Street, Maruthi Nagar, 2778 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002.
2757 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002. Thiru A. Moorthy, 82/4, Vinayagar Koil
Tmt. V. Kumuthavalli, 155, Maruthi Nagar, Veethi, NGGO Nagar, Moolapalayam,
2758 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002. 2779 Erode-638 002.
Tmt. R. Kanagavalli, 112/15, Maruthi Tmt. Ansar Begum, 82/3, NGGO Nagar,
2759 Nagar, Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002. 2780 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002.
Tmt. S. Usha Rani, 112/2, Vinayagar Koil Tmt. P. Thanda Pavai, 82, NGGO Nagar,
Veethi, Maruthi Nagar, Telephone Station, 2781 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002.
2760 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002. Tmt. T. Suvathi, New Appartment,
Tmt. S. Bakkiavathy, Vinayagar Koil Street Vinayagar Koil Street, NGGO Nagar,
No. 5, NGGO Nagar, Moolapalayam, 2782 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002.
2761 Erode-638 002. Thiru N. Natarajan, NGGO Nagar,
Tmt. M. Rajeswari, 112/17, Vinayagar Koil 2783 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002.
6th Veethi, Maruthi Nagar, Moolapalayam, Tmt. A. Banu, New Appartment, 5, NGGO
2762 Erode-638 002. Colony, Near BSNL Exchange,
Tmt. Fatima, 98, NGGO Nagar, 2784 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002.
2763 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002. Thiru Mohammed Azarudeen J, 71,
Thiru K.R. Ashok, 101, NGGO Nagar, Vinayagar Koil Street, NGGO Nagar,
2764 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002. 2785 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002.
Tmt. S. Kalivani, 102/2, Sri Kayathiri Tmt. R. Jesi, 1, New Apartment, NGGO
Bhavan, NGGO Nagar, Moolapalayam, 2786 Nagar, Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002.
2765 Erode-638 002. Tmt. T. praveena, New Apartment,
Thiru M.S. Thevakar, 103/1, NGGO Nagar, 2787 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002.
Vinayagar Koil Veethi No.4, Tmt. Parveen, 71, NGGO Nagar,
2766 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002. 2788 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002.
Tmt. S. Kaliselvi, 102/1, Vinayagar Koil Tmt. Prema, 70, NGGO Nagar,
Street, NGGO Nagar, Moolapalayam, 2789 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002.
2767 Erode-638 002. Tmt. N. Eswari, Vandikkaran Thottam,
Tmt. Rathna, 103, Kurunji Illam, NGGO 2790 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002.
2768 Nagar, Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002. Tmt. Shanthi, 13, Mandagounder Veethi,
Tmt. Tamil Selvi, 103, NGGO Nagar, 2791 Kollampalayam, Erode-638 002.
2769 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002. Thiru Krishnasamy, 2, Nethaji Veethi,
Thiru N. Subramaniayan, 107, NGGO 2792 Kollampalayam, Erode-638 002.
Nagar, Muniyappan Koil behind, Thiru C. Manoharan, 7, Mandagounder
2770 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002. 2793 Veethi, Kollampalayam, Erode-638 002.
Thiru P. Shanmugam, 108, NGGO Nagar, Thiru K. Mano, 156, Gandhi Street,
2771 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002. 2794 Kollampalayam, Erode-638 002.
Tmt. Malathi, 96, Vinayagar Koil Street, Thiru G. Kathirvel, 1/2, Vandikarran
NGGO Nagar, Moolapalayam, Erode - 2795 Thottam, Kollampalayam, Erode-638 002.
2772 638002. Thiru Ponnusamy, 20/45, Nethaji Street,
Tmt. R. Vijaya Lakshmi, NGGO Nagar, 2796 Kollampalayam, Erode-638 002.
2773 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002. Thiru C. Yuvarajan, 20/6, Vandikkaran
Tmt. Nandhini, NGGO Nagar, 2797 Thottam, Kollampalayam, Erode-638 002.
2774 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002. Tmt. Banumathi, Ramamoorthy Street,
Thiru Dhanaswaran, NGGO Nagar, 2798 Kollampalayam, Erode-638 002.
2775 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002. Tmt. Pappathi, Ramamoorthy Street,
Tmt. S.Aruj Jothi, NGGO Nagar, 2799 Kollampalayam, Erode-638 002.
2776 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002. Thiru. P. Gunasekaran, 3, Kumaran Veethi,.
Tmt. C. Bhuwaneswari, NGGO Colony, 2800 Kollampalayam, Erode-638 002.
2777 Moolapalayam, Erode-638 002. Thiru C. Dhanasekar, 9, Mandagounder
2801 Veethi, Kollampalayam, Erode-638 002.
Thiru P. Periyasamy, 23, Gandhiji Veethi, Virudhunagar
2802 Kollampalayam, Erode-638 002. Thiru P. Balashankar, Ambedkar Palli street,
Thiru K. Mohan, 20, Vandikarran Thottam Mamsapuram, Srivilliputhur Taluk,
2803 Veethi, Kollampalayam, Erode-638 002. 2822 Virudhunagar
Tmt Baby Lingaiswaran, 20, Old Railway Thiru R. Chinnappan, Ambedkar Palli
2804 Station Road, Erode. Street, Mamsapuram, Srivilliputhur Taluk,
Thiru V. Thalaiyan, Mamsapuram, Kalacoat 2823 Virudhunagar
2805 Street, Keezhur, Door No. 30 Thiru R. Muthiah, Ambedkar Palli Street,
Tmt K. Chitra. S/o Karumanian, Mamsapuram, Srivilliputhur Taluk,
Kallakondan Street, Mamsapuram, 2824 Virudhunagar
2806 Srivilliputhur Taluk Thiru V. Ponniah, , Kallakondan Street,
Thiru Xavier, Main Road, Mamsapuram, Mamsapuram, Srivilliputhur Taluk,
2807 Virudhunagar District. 2825 Virudhunagar
Tmt S. Pechiammal. Mamsapuram, kezhar Thiru K. Balasamy, No.16, , Kallakondan
2808 Srivilliputhur Taluk, Virudhunagar District. Street, Mamsapuram, Srivilliputhur Taluk,
Thiru N. Mani. Ambedkar palli street, 2826 Virudhunagar
Mamsapuram, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Thiru K. Natarajan, No. 16, Kallakondan
2809 Virudhunagar Street, Mamsapuram, Srivilliputhur Taluk,
Thiru S. Kadhiresan, Ambedkar palli street, 2827 Virudhunagar
Mamsapuram, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Tmt. M. Valarmathi, 81, Kallakondan
2810 Virudhunagar Street, Mamsapuram, Srivilliputhur Taluk,
Thiru P. Saravanan, 5/7A Kallakondan 2828 Virudhunagar
street, Mamsapuram Srivilliputhur Taluk, Thiru R. Rajendran, Kallakondan Street,
2811 Virudhunagar Mamsapuram, Srivilliputhur Taluk,
Tmt Mariammal, W/o Manoharan, 3A, 2829 Virudhunagar
Kallakondan Street, Mamsapuram, Thiru P. Gunasekaran, Kallakondan Street,
2812 Srivilliputhur Taluk Mamsapuram, Srivilliputhur Taluk,
Thiru L. Bhimaraja, Mamsapuram, 2830 Virudhunagar
2813 Srivilliputhur Taluk Thiru N. Vanamurthy, Kallakondan Street,
Thiru O. Jayaraj. Kallakondan Street, Mamsapuram, Srivilliputhur Taluk,
Mamsapuram, Srivilliputhur Taluk, 2831 Virudhunagar
2814 Virudhunagar Thiru K. Vinod kumar, Kallakondan Street,
Thiru P. Muthusamy, Kallakondan Street, Mamsapuram, Srivilliputhur Taluk,
Mamsapuram, Srivilliputhur Taluk, 2832 Virudhunagar
2815 Virudhunagar Thiru K. Rathnakumar, Mainroad,
Thiru P. Murugan, 5/1. Kallakondan Street, Mamsapuram, Srivilliputhur
Mamsapuram, Srivilliputhur Taluk, 2833 Taluk,Virudhunagar
2816 Virudhunagar Thiru M. Ganesan, Kallakondan Street,
Tmt L. Malaikani. Kallakondan Street, Mamsapuram, Srivilliputhur
Mamsapuram, Srivilliputhur Taluk, 2834 Taluk,Virudhunagar
2817 Virudhunagar Thiru Aandichamy, Kallakondan Street,
Thiru K. Krishnan, Ambedkar Palli Street, Mamsapuram, Srivilliputhur Taluk,
Mamsapuram, Srivilliputhur Taluk, 2835 Virudhunagar
2818 Virudhunagar Thiru R. Sowrimuth, No.8, Ambedkar Palli
Tmt P. Selvakumari, Adidravida palli street, Street, Mamsapuram, Srivilliputhur Taluk,
Mamsapuram, Srivilliputhur Taluk, 2836 Virudhunagar
2819 Virudhunagar Thiru S. Paulvineeth, No. 15 B, Ambedkar
Thiru A Anbuselvan, Adidravida palli street, Palli Street, Mamsapuram, Srivilliputhur
Mamsapuram, Srivilliputhur Taluk, 2837 Taluk, Virudhunagar
2820 Virudhunagar Thiru M. Ramamurthy, Ambedkar Palli
Thiru K. Kritto, 2/72 A, Adidravida palli Street, Mamsapuram, Srivilliputhur Taluk,
2821 street, Mamsapuram, Srivilliputhur Taluk, 2838 Virudhunagar
Thiru M. Devaraj, Ambedkar Palli Street, Mamsapuram, , Srivilliputhur Taluk,
Mamsapuram, Srivilliputhur Virudhunagar
2839 Taluk,Virudhunagar Tmt. V. Pathipuranam, W/o R.
Thiru A. Muneeswaran, Kallakondan Street, Vedhamanikkam, No. 15, Keezhur Street,
Mamsapuram, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Mamsapuram, Srivilliputhur Taluk,
2840 Virudhunagar 2857 Virudhunagar
Thiru R. Mathiazhagan, Keezhur Arjun Thiru M. Chandran, Mamsapuram Main
Street, Mamsapuram, Srivilliputhur Taluk, 2858 Road, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Virudhunagar
2841 Virudhunagar Thiru M. Muthu, Mamsapuram Main Road,
Thiru Muthuvel, Srivilliputhur Main Road, 2859 Srivilliputhur Taluk, Virudhunagar
Mamsapuram, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Thiru N. Karuppusamy,
2842 Virudhunagar Mamsapuram,Keezha colony street,
Thiru K. Murugesan, Srivilliputhur Main 2860 Srivilliputhur Taluk, Virudhunagar
Road, Mamsapuram, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Thiru T. Ponniah, Mamsapuram,Keezha
2843 Virudhunagar colony street, Srivilliputhur Taluk,
Tmt. A. Vellaiammal, Srivilliputhur Main 2861 Virudhunagar
Road, Mamsapuram, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Thiru K. Ganesan, Mamsapuram,Keezha
2844 Virudhunagar colony street, Srivilliputhur Taluk,
Tmt V. Karuvuthai, Srivilliputhur Main 2862 Virudhunagar
Road, Keezhur, Mamsapuram, Srivilliputhur Thiru R. Balakrishnan, S/o Ramasamy,
2845 Taluk, Virudhunagar No.124/20, Main Road, Mamsapuram,
Thiru N. Periasamy, Keezhur Kalani Street, 2863 Srivilliputhu Taluk, Virudhnagar
Mamsapuram, , Srivilliputhur Srivilliputhur Thiru M. Velu, Kallakondan Street,
2846 Taluk, Virudhunagar Mamsapuram, Srivilliputhur Taluk,
Tmt K. Lakshmi, No. 21 Kalani Street, 2864 Virudhunagar
Keezhur, Mamsapuram, , Srivilliputhur Tmt V. Maheswari, W/o Velusamy,
2847 Taluk, Virudhunagar Keezhur Colony, Mamsapuram,
Tmt C. Kaliammal, No.22, Keezhur Kalani 2865 Srivilliputhur Taluk, Virudhunagar
Street, Mamsapuram, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Thiru M. Jayabal, Ambedkar Palli Street,
2848 Virudhunagar Mamsapuram, Srivilliputhur Taluk,
Tmt. R. Illampirithi, Keezhur Kalani Street, 2866 Virudhunagar
Mamsapuram, , Srivilliputhur Taluk, Thiru S. Rajaram, S/o Saminathan, No.23/1,
2849 Virudhunagar. Ambedkar Palli Street, Mamsapuram,
Tmt P. Muniammal, No. 24/2, Pudhu colony 2867 Srivilliputhur Taluk, Virudhunagar
Street, Mamsapuram, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Thiru Arulsamy, Keezhur harijan Street,
2850 Virudhunagar Mamsapuram, Srivilliputhur Taluk,
Thiru J. Thangamani, Keezhur Colony, 2868 Virudhunagar
Mamsapuram, , Srivilliputhur Taluk, Thiru Balakrishnan, Ambedkar Palli Street,
2851 Virudhunagar Mamsapuram, Srivilliputhur Taluk,
Thiru A. Kennedy, No. 128, Main Road, 2869 Virudhunagar
Keezhur, Mamsapuram,Srivilliputhur Taluk, Thiru Ramar, Kallakondan Street,
2852 Virudhunagar Mamsapuram, Srivilliputhur Taluk,
Thiru P. Balu, Keezhur Colony Street, 2870 Virudhunagar
Mamsapuram, , Srivilliputhur Taluk, Thiru S. Lingam, Kallakondan Street,
2853 Virudhunagar Mamsapuram, Srivilliputhur Taluk,
Thiru J. Murugesan, No. 28, Keehur Colony 2871 Virudhunagar
Street, Mamsapuram, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Thiru K. Dhan, Ambedkar Palli Street,
2854 Virudhunagar Mamsapuram, Srivilliputhur Taluk,
Tmt. V. Krishnammal, Main Road, 2872 Virudhunagar
Mamsapuram, , Srivilliputhur Taluk, Thiru K. Karuppiah, Kallakondan Street,
2855 Virudhunagar Mamsapuram, Srivilliputhur Taluk,
2856 Tmt. V. Krishnammal, Main Road, 2873 Virudhunagar
Tmt S. Mookammal, W/o Subramanian, No. Mamsapuram, Srivilliputhur Taluk,
33, Ambedkar Palli Street, Mamsapurak, Virudhunagar
2874 Srivilliputhur, Virudhunagar Tmt. S. Mangalam, No. 43/1, Main Road,
Thiru R. Chellasamy, Keezhur harijan Mamsapuram, Srivilliputhur Taluk,
Street, Mamsapuram, Srivilliputhur Taluk, 2892 Virudhunagar
2875 Virudhunagar Tmt. S. Mangalam, No. 43/1, Main Road,
Thiru Madhiarasu, Keezhur harijan Street, Mamsapuram, Srivilliputhur Taluk,
Mamsapuram, Srivilliputhur Taluk, 2893 Virudhunagar
2876 Virudhunagar Tmt. S. Mangalam, No. 43/1, Main Road,
Thiru Pillaiyar, Kallakondan Street, Mamsapuram, Srivilliputhur Taluk,
Mamsapuram, Srivilliputhur Taluk, 2894 Virudhunagar
2877 Virudhunagar Tmt. Esther, Kallakondan Street,
Thiru M. Aulsamy, Keezhur harijan Street, Mamsapuram, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Taluk,
Mamsapuram, Srivilliputhur Taluk, 2895 Virudhunagar
2878 Virudhunagar Thiru Mariathangiah, Ambedkar Palli Street,
Tmt. A. Stella, Keezhur harijan Street, Mamsapuram, Srivilliputhur Taluk,
Mamsapuram, Srivilliputhur Taluk, 2896 Virudhunagar
2879 Virudhunagar Thiru P. Semu, Ambedkar Palli Street,
Thiru Arivazhagan, Kallakondan Street, Mamsapuram, Srivilliputhur Taluk,
Mamsapuram, Srivilliputhur Taluk, 2897 Virudhunagar
2880 Virudhunagar Thiru S. Kalimuthu, No. 51, Perumalcheri
Thiru V. Ramar, No. 32, Adidravidar Street, 2898 street, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Virudhunagar
Mamsapuram, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Tmt. K. Sakkammal, No.51, Perumalcheri
2881 Virudhunagar 2899 street, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Virudhunagar
Thiru R. Darmar, No. 119/2, Meenatchi Thiru V. Pichaimani, No. 40/B,
Thotta Street, Mamsapuram, Srivilliputhur Perumalcheri street, Srivilliputhur Taluk,
2882 Taluk, Virudhunagar 2900 Virudhunagar
Thiru K. Madasamy, No. 120/A, Meenatchi Thiru P. Karuppasamy, No. 43A,
Thotta Street, Mamsapuram, Srivilliputhur Perumalcheri street, Srivilliputhur Taluk,
2883 Taluk, Virudhunagar 2901 Virudhunagar
Thiru R. Madhiazhagan, Keezhur harijan Thiru V. Kalimuthu, Perumalcheri street,
Street, Mamsapuram, Srivilliputhur Taluk, 2902 Srivilliputhur Taluk, Virudhunagar
2884 Virudhunagar Thiru V. Ramachandran, No. 14 A,
Thiru N. Lakshmanaperumal, Ambedkar Perumalcheri street, Srivilliputhur Taluk,
Palli Street, Mamsapuram, Srivilliputhur 2903 Virudhunagar.
2885 Taluk, Virudhunagar Tmt V. Valli, No. 56/A, Perumalcheri street,
Tmt. Ponnuthai, Keezhur harijan Street, 2904 Srivilliputhur Taluk, Virudhunagar
Mamsapuram, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Tmt. S. Tilakam, No. 80/57, Perumalcheri
2886 Virudhunagar 2905 street, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Virudhunagar
Thiru R. Muthiah, No.60, Ambedkar Palli Tmt. S. Thangakodi, S/o Chellaiah,
Street, Mamsapuram, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Perumalcheri street, Srivilliputhur Taluk,
2887 Virudhunagar 2906 Virudhunagar
Thiru Lingam, Kallakondan Street, Thiru P. Suresh, No. 85/3, Perumalcheri
Mamsapuram, Srivilliputhur Taluk, 2907 street, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Virudhunagar
2888 Virudhunagar Thiru N. Marimuthu No. 82/41C,
Thiru R. Kumar, Kallakondan Street, Perumalcheri street, Srivilliputhur Taluk,
Mamsapuram, Srivilliputhur Taluk, 2908 Virudhunagar
2889 Virudhunagar Thiru N. Marimuth No. 82/41C,
Thiru M. Selvaraj, Ambedkar Palli Street, Perumalcheri street, Srivilliputhur Taluk,
Mamsapuram, Srivilliputhur Taluk, 2909 Virudhunagar
2890 Virudhunagar Thiru N. Palani, No. 85/3A, Perumalcheri
2891 Thiru D. Johnson, Ambedkar Palli Street, 2910 street, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Virudhunagar
Thiru K. Muthuraj,No.56/A, Perumalcheri Thiru K. Sandanamariappan, No. 26/24,
2911 street, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Virudhunagar Pallivasal Street, Srivilliputhur Taluk,
Thiru T. Ramamurthy, No.54, Perumalcheri 2933 Virudhunagar
2912 street, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Virudhunagar Thiru M. Marikannu, No. 25/23-B,
Thiru V. Selvakumar, No. 19/A, Pallivasal Street, Srivilliputhur Taluk,
Perumalcheri street, Srivilliputhur Taluk, 2934 Virudhunagar
2913 Virudhunagar Tmt. S. Shanthi, No.8, Pallivasal Street,
Thiru S. Periasamy, No. 49/33, 2935 Srivilliputhur Taluk, Virudhunagar
Perumalcheri street, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Tmt M. Thangam, No. 7, Pallivasal Street,
2914 Virudhunagar 2936 Srivilliputhur Taluk, Virudhunagar
Thiru P. Muniyandi, Perumalcheri street, Thiru P.S. Narayanan, No. 8, Pallivasal
2915 Srivilliputhur Taluk, Virudhunagar 2937 Street, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Virudhunagar
Thiru M. Karuppiah, No. 28, Perumalcheri Thiru A. Govindaraj, No. 11, Pallivasal
2916 street, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Virudhunagar 2938 Street, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Virudhunagar
Thiru P. Veerappan, No. 28, Perumalcheri Thiru M. Muthukumar, No.22/20, Pallivasal
2917 street, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Virudhunagar 2939 Street, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Virudhunagar
Thiru Rasu, No. 39, Perumalcheri street, Thiru M. Chinnathambi, No. 21, Pallivasal
2918 Srivilliputhur Taluk, Virudhunagar 2940 Street, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Virudhunagar
Thiru Veerachami, No. 43/A, Perumalcheri Thiru S. Pechiappan, No. 13, Pallivasal
2919 street, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Virudhunagar 2941 Street, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Virudhunagar
Tmt. K. Iruliammal, Perumalcheri street, Thiru M. Chinnathambi, No. 12, Pallivasal
2920 Srivilliputhur Taluk, Virudhunagar 2942 Street, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Virudhunagar
Thiru R. Kanakam , No.282, Mariamman Tmt. G. Sumathy, No.15/13, Pallivasal
koil Street, Vaithilingapuram, Srivilliputhur 2943 Street, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Virudhunagar
2921 Taluk, Virudhunagar Thiru G. Periakannan, No.15/13, Pallivasal
Tmt R. Kamalam, No. 282, Mariamman koil 2944 Street, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Virudhunagar
Street, Vaithilingapuram, Srivilliputhur Tmt. R. Vijaya, No. 16/14, Pallivasal Street,
2922 Taluk, Virudhunagar 2945 Srivilliputhur Taluk, Virudhunagar
Thiru V. Jayakumar, No. 6A, Perumalcheri Thiru S. Ganesan, No. 18, Pallivasal Street,
2923 street, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Virudhunagar 2946 Srivilliputhur Taluk, Virudhunagar
Thiru L. Sivasankar, No. 266 A/2, Thiru P.M. Muthu, No.19, Pallivasal Street,
Mariamman koil Street, Vaithilingapuram, 2947 Srivilliputhur Taluk, Virudhunagar
2924 Srivilliputhur Taluk, Virudhunagar Thiru P. Thangam, No. 16/18, Pallivasal
Tmt. Avudaiammal Chinnaponnu, No. 2948 Street, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Virudhunagar
20/22, Pallivasal Street, Srivilliputhur Thiru S.M. Muniyandi, No. 19/17, Pallivasal
2925 Taluk, Virudhunagar 2949 Street, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Virudhunagar
Thiru P. Velmurugan, No. 25/23, Pallivasal Thiru G. Venkatasubramani, Pallivasal
2926 Street, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Virudhunagar 2950 Street, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Virudhunagar
Thiru S.G. Muniandi, No. 202 A, Rajaji Thiru M. Manikkam, No. 7/6, Pallivasal
2927 Road, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Virudhunagar 2951 Street, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Virudhunagar
Thiru M. Muthukalai, No. 202, Rajaji Road, Thiru G. Muniyandi, No. 32, Keezhappatti,
2928 Srivilliputhur Taluk, Virudhunagar last Street, Srivilliputhur Taluk,
Tmt. R. Pandiammal, No. 24/22, Pallivasal 2952 Virudhunagar
2929 Street, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Virudhunagar Thiru P. Subbiah, 17A, Keezhappatti, last
Thiru R. Subramaniam, No. 23, Pallivasal 2953 Street, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Virudhunagar
2930 Street, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Virudhunagar Thiru Gurumanikkam, No. 16A,
Thiru P.M. Muthu, No. 19, Pallivasal Street, Keezhappatti, last Street, Srivilliputhur
2931 Srivilliputhur Taluk, Virudhunagar 2954 Taluk, Virudhunagar District.
Thiru S.M. Nallathambi, No. 20/18, Thiru karuppiah, No. 50/33, Keezhappatti,
Pallivasal Street, Srivilliputhur Taluk, last Street, Srivilliputhur Taluk,
2932 Virudhunagar 2955 Virudhunagar
Tmt. C. Vimala, No. 87/17B, Keezhappatti, last Street, Srivilliputhur Taluk,
last Street, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Virudhunagar
2956 Virudhunagar Thiru C. Chinnasamy, No. 30D/2
Thiru P. Mariappan, No. 17 B, Keezhappatti, last Street, Srivilliputhur
Keezhappatti, last Street, Srivilliputhur 2975 Taluk, Virudhunagar
2957 Taluk, Virudhunagar Thiru Periya Chinnan, No. 29, Keezhappatti,
Thiru M. Munusamy, No.17B/1, last Street, Srivilliputhur Taluk,
Keezhappatti, last Street, Srivilliputhur 2976 Virudhunagar
2958 Taluk, Virudhunagar Thiru C. Natarajan, No. 30/1, Keezhappatti,
Thiru M. Chinna Subbiah, No. 22B, last Street, Srivilliputhur Taluk,
Keezhappatti, last Street, Srivilliputhur 2977 Virudhunagar
2959 Taluk, Virudhunagar Thiru Selvaraj, No.23A, Keezhappatti, last
Thiru K. Karuppan, No. 55/16, 2978 Street, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Virudhunagar
Keezhappatti, last Street, Srivilliputhur Tmt. Mariammal, No. 35, Keezhappatti, last
2960 Taluk, Virudhunagar 2979 Street, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Virudhunagar
Thiru S. Veeriah, No. 28/41, Keezhappatti, Tmt. R. Manjula, C/o C. Raj, No. 19/A,
last Street, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Keezhappatti, last Street, Srivilliputhur
2961 Virudhunagar 2980 Taluk, Virudhunagar
Thiru Perumal, No. 43, Keezhappatti, last Thiru G. Chinnasamy, No. 39, Keezhappatti,
2962 Street, Srivilliputhur Taluk,Virudhunagar last Street, Srivilliputhur Taluk,
Tmt. M. Jakkammal, No. 61/15, 2981 Virudhunagar
Keezhappatti, last Street, Srivilliputhur Tmt. S. Ramalatchumi, Vaidilingapuram,
2963 Taluk, Virudhunagar 2982 Padikkanpatti, Virudhunagar
Tmt Azhagammal, No. 7/5, Keezhappatti, Tmt. S. Sumathi, Vaidilingapuram,
last Street, Srivilliputhur Taluk, 2983 Padikkanpatti, Virudhunagar
2964 Virudhungar Thiru Chinnasamy, Vaidilingapuram,
Thiru Paulraj, No. 17-A1, Keezhappatti, last 2984 Padikkanpatti, Virudhunagar
2965 Street, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Virudhunagar Thiru V. Ganesan, Pillaiyar Kovil Street,
Thiru Subramani, No. 42 C, Keezhappatti, Vaidilingapuram, Padikkanpatti,
last Street, Srivilliputhur Taluk, 2985 Virudhunagar.
2966 Virudhunagar Tmt G. Selvi, W/o Ganesan, No. 120
Thiru Govindan, No. 30/40, Keezhappatti, 2986 Keezhaveedhi, Srivilliputhur, Virudhunagar.
last Street, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Thiru K. Madhavan, No. 22, Perumalcheri
2967 Virudhunagar 2987 street, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Virudhunagar.
Tmt. Thottichi, No.121/19A, Keezhappatti, Thiru S. Durairaj, No. 84, Edayapottal
last Street, Srivilliputhur Taluk, 2988 Street, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Virudhunagar.
2968 Virudhunagar Thiru S. Durairaj, No. 84, Edayapottal
Thiru Gurusamy, No. 27B, Keezhappatti, 2989 Street, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Virudhunagar.
last Street, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Thiru Emperumal, No. 75/299, Edayapottal
2969 Virudhunagar 2990 Street, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Virudhunagar.
Thiru G. Subramanian, No. 27E, Tmt. G. Leelavathi, No.199/75, Edayapottal
Keezhappatti, last Street, Srivilliputhur 2991 Street, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Virudhunagar.
2970 Taluk, Virudhunagar Thiru V. Ramanujam, No. 76/200,
Tmt Ammaasi, No. 19/1, Keezhappatti, last Edayapottal Street, Srivilliputhur Taluk,
2971 Street, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Virudhungar 2992 Virudhunagar.
Thiru K. Udayasuriyan, No. 27/11, Thiru S. Durairaj, No. 84, Edayapottal
Keezhappatti, last Street, Srivilliputhur 2993 Street, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Virudhunagar.
2972 Taluk, Virudhunagar Tmt. D. Gowri, No. 84, Edayapottal Street,
Thiru A. Johnsingam, No. 276/1, 2994 Srivilliputhur Taluk, Virudhunagar.
Keezhappatti, last Street, Srivilliputhur Tmt. P. Gajalakshmi, No. 51, Edayapottal
2973 Taluk, Virudhunagar 2995 Street, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Virudhunagar.
2974 Thiru K. Murugan, No. 30A, Keezhappatti,
Tmt. P. Gajalakshmi, No. 51 A, Edayapottal Tmt. Krishnammal, No.43, Edayapottal
2996 Street, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Virudhunagar. Street, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Taluk,
Thiru Gurusamy, Edayapottal Street, 3017 Virudhunagar
2997 Srivilliputhur Taluk, Virudhunagar Tmt. S. Komu, No. 60/a, Edayapottal Street,
Thiru Gurusamy, Edayapottal Street, 3018 Srivilliputhur Taluk, Taluk, Virudhunagar
2998 Srivilliputhur Taluk, Virudhunagar Tmt. S. Geethalakshmi, No. 1C/1,
Thiru T. Venkatesh, No. 82A1, Edaiyapottal Singammalpuram Street, Srivilliputhur,
2999 Street, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Virudhunagar. 3019 Taluk, Virudhunagar
Thiru B. Venkatesh, No. 52 B1, Edayapottal Thiru K. Venkatesh, No. 1B, Edayapottal
3000 Street, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Virudhunagar. Street, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Taluk,
Thiru A. Parasuraman, No. 44/47, 3020 Virudhunagar
Edayapottal Street, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Tmt. M. Ranga Devi, No. 1-D, Edayapottal
3001 Virudhunagar. Street, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Taluk,
Thiru D. Mahalakshmi, No. 53, Edayapottal 3021 Virudhunagar
3002 Street, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Virudhunagar. Thiru U. Jeyakumar, No. 62A, Edayapottal
Thiru S. Thirupathy, No. 69/1, Edayapottal Street, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Taluk,
3003 Street, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Virudhunagar. 3022 Virudhunagar
Thiru S. Thirupathy, No. 69/1, Edayapottal Thiru R. Ram Sankar, No. 62, Edayapottal
3004 Street, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Virudhunagar. Street, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Taluk,
Thiru S. Thirupathy, No. 69, Edayapottal 3023 Virudhunagar
3005 Street, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Virudhunagar. Thiru M. Thirumalai, No. 70 A1,
Tmt. P. Saraswathy, No.1A, Edayapottal Edayapottal Street, Srivilliputhur Taluk,
3006 Street, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Virudhunagar. 3024 Taluk, Virudhunagar
Tmt. N. Latha Maheswari, No. 61A, Thiru C. Lakshmanan, S/o M. Chellappa,
Edayapottal Street, Srivilliputhur Taluk, No. 56/88, Keezha Ratha Street,
3007 Virudhunagar. 3025 Srivilliputhur Taluk, Virudhunagar
Tmt. S. Muthulakshmi, No. 61, Edayapottal Tmt. Pappammal, W/o Shanmugam, No. 87,
3008 Street, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Virudhunagar. Keezha Ratha Street, Srivilliputhur Taluk,
Tmt. Rani Aavudaiammal, Azhagarsami, 3026 Virudhunagar
Edayapottal Street, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Thiru V. Govindaraj, S/o Veluppillai, N.
3009 Virudhunagar 87A, Keezha Ratha Street, Sriviilliputhur
Tmt. Sankareswari, Krishnamoorthy, 3027 Taluk, Virudhunagar
Edayapottal Street, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Tmt S. Andal, w/o S. Sangilinathan, No. 85,
3010 Virudhunagar Keezha Ratha Street, Sriviilliputhur Taluk,
Thiru Thirumalaivisi, No. 77/288, 3028 Virudhunagar
Edayapottal Street, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Thiru M. Nagaraj, S/o Muniyandi, No. 89 B,
3011 Virudhunagar Keezha Ratha Street, Sriviilliputhur Taluk,
Tmt. Aavudaiammal, No. 237, Edayapottal 3029 Virudhunagar
Street, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Taluk, Thiru M. Nagaraj, S/o Muniyandi, No. 89 B,
3012 Virudhunagar Keezha Ratha Street,Sriviilliputhur Taluk,
Thiru P. Muthusamy, No. 58/188, 3030 Virudhunagar
Edayapottal Street, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Thiru V. Kaliappan, S/o Veluppillai, No.
3013 Taluk, Virudhunagar 87B, Keezha Ratha Street, Sriviilliputhur
Tmt. M.Vijayalakshmi, No. 701, 3031 Taluk, Virudhunagar
Edayapottal Street, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Tmt. K. Umarani, No. 88 C/1, Keezha Ratha
3014 Taluk, Virudhunagar Street, Srivilliputhur, Sriviilliputhur Taluk,
Tmt. M. Vijayalakshmi, No. 70, Edayapottal 3032 Virudhunagar
Street, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Taluk, Thiru C. Umarani, W/o C.
3015 Virudhunagar Kalyanasundaram, No. 88 C/1, East Car
Tmt. A. Mookammal, No. 85a, Edayapottal 3033 Street, Sriviilliputhur Taluk, Virudhunagar
Street, Srivilliputhur Taluk, Taluk, Thiru C. Umarani, W/o C.
3016 Virudhunagar 3034 Kalyanasundaram, No. 88 C/1, East Car
Street, Sriviilliputhur Taluk, Virudhunagar Virudhunagar
Thiru C. Umarani, W/o C. Tmt. Parvathi, No.41 East Car Street,
Kalyanasundaram, No. 88 C/1, East Car 3057 Srivilliputhur -626 125, Virudhunagar
3035 Street, Sriviilliputhur Taluk, Virudhunagar Tmt G. Annapoorani, No.39, East Car
Thiru Jayaraj, w/o Kumar, 121/15, East Car Street, Srivilliputhur -626 125,
3036 Street, Srivilliputhur -626 125. 3058 Virudhunagar
Thiru V. Selvaraj, S/o V. Pillai, No.14/21B, Thiru Sankariah, NO.36, East Car Street,
3037 East Car Street, Srivilliputhur -626125. 3059 Srivilliputhur -626 125, Virudhunagar
Thiru Thangaraj, S/o Marippan, No.21, East Thiru G. Shankar Ganesh, No.113/38, East
3038 Car Street, Srivilliputhur -626 125. Car Street, Srivilliputhur -626 125,
Thiru G. Govindaraj, S/o Gurusamy, No. 3060 Virudhunagar
3039 6A, East Car Street, Srivilliputhur - 626125. Thiru K. Ramesh Kumar, No.103/34, East
Tmt. G. Ramalakshmi, w/o G. Govindaraj, Car Street, Srivilliputhur -626 125,
No.65, East Car Street, Srivilliputhur -626 3061 Virudhunagar
3040 125. Thiru R. Pandimurugan, No.99/H32, Irattai
Thiru P. Sankar Rasu, No. 50-A, Nambi Kaliamman kovil street, Srivilliputhur,
3041 Naidu Street, Srivilliputhur, Virudhunagar 3062 Virudhunagar
Thiru P. Sankar Rasu, No. 50-A, Nambi Tmt. C. Prema, Old No.31/ New No.97,
3042 Naidu Street, Srivilliputhur, Virudhunagar East Car Street, Srivilliputhur -626 125,
Thiru P. Sankar Rasu, No. 50-A, Nambi 3063 Virudhunagar
3043 Naidu Street, Srivilliputhur, Virudhunagar Thiru A. Venkateswaran, No.88/75-76, East
Thiru P. Sankar Rasu, No. 50-A, Nambi Car Street, Srivilliputhur -626 125,
3044 Naidu Street, Srivilliputhur, Virudhunagar 3064 Virudhunagar
Thiru P. Sankar Rasu, No. 50-A, Nambi Thiru S. Sankaralinga Kumaran, S/o
3045 Naidu Street, Srivilliputhur, Virudhunagar Subramanian, No.27, East Car Street,
Thiru P. Sankar Rasu, No. 50-A, Nambi 3065 Srivilliputhur -626 125, Virudhunagar
3046 Naidu Street, Srivilliputhur, Virudhunagar Thiru V. Pechimuthu, No.72, East Car
Tmt S. Indirani, No. 50-A, Nambi Naidu Street, Srivilliputhur -626 125,
3047 Street, Srivilliputhur, Virudhunagar 3066 Virudhunagar
Tmt S. Indirani, No. 50-A, Nambi Naidu Tmt P. Krishnaveni, W/o Raj, East Car
3048 Street, Srivilliputhur, Virudhunagar Street, Srivilliputhur -626 125,
Thiru Rajendiran, East Car Street, 3067 Virudhunagar
3049 Srivilliputhur, Virudhunagar Tmt P. Krishnaveni, W/o Raj, East Car
Thiru S. Karuppusami minor, No. 75, East Street, Srivilliputhur -626 125,
Car Street, Srivilliputhur -626 125, 3068 Virudhunagar
3050 Virudhunagar Thiru T.G. Sundaram, No.79, East Car
Thiru Martin Joseph Lawrence, No.53/2, Street, Srivilliputhur -626 125,
East Car Street, Srivilliputhur -626 125, 3069 Virudhunagar
3051 Virudhunagar Thiru S. Srinivasan, No.58A, East Car
Thiru Ramasamy, No.44, East Car Street, Street, Srivilliputhur -626 125,
3052 Srivilliputhur -626 125, Virudhunagar 3070 Virudhunagar
Thiru Gurubakkiyam, No.80/1, East Car Thiru R. Balaji, No. 58-B, East Car Street,
Street, Srivilliputhur -626 125, 3071 Srivilliputhur -626 125, Virudhunagar
3053 Virudhunagar Thiru J. Kannnan, No.42/47, Nambi Naidu
Thiru G. Karuppiah Jayalakshmi, 37/111, Street, Srivilliputhur -626 125,
East Car Street, Srivilliputhur -626 125, 3072 Virudhunagar
3054 Virudhunagar Tmt. E. Valliammal, Pillaiyar Kovil Street,
Tmt. Revathy, No.53A, East Car Street, No.16, Gandhi Nagar, Othapatti,
3055 Srivilliputhur -626 125, Virudhunagar 3073 Mamsapuram, Srivilliputhur, Virudhunagar
Thiru Saravana Kumar, No.123/43, East Car Thiru P. Palraj, No.46A/1, Nambi Naidu
3056 Street, Srivilliputhur -626 125, 3074 Street, Srivilliputhur, Virudhunagar
Thiru P. Palraj, No.46A/1, Nambi Naidu 125, Virudhunagar
3075 Street, Srivilliputhur, Virudhunagar Thiru G. Radhakrishnan, East Car Street,
Thiru P. Palraj, No.46A/1, Nambi Naidu 3098 Srivilliputhur -626 125, Virudhunagar
3076 Street, Srivilliputhur, Virudhunagar Thiru G. Radhakrishnan, No.24, East Car
Thiru P. Palraj, No.46A/1, Nambi Naidu Street, Srivilliputhur -626 125,
3077 Street, Srivilliputhur, Virudhunagar 3099 Virudhunagar
Thiru Radhakrishnan, East Car Street, Thiru C. Muthu Kumar, S/o M. Chellappan,
3078 Srivilliputhur -626 125, Virudhunagar No.54/88B, East Car Street, Srivilliputhur -
Thiru G. Velammal, No.54A, Nambi Street, 3100 626 125, Virudhunagar
3079 Srivilliputhur, Virudhunagar Thiru C. Raman, S/o M. Chellappa,
Thiru K. Chinnasamy, No.55A, Nambi No.54/88 B, East Car Street, Srivilliputhur -
3080 Street, Srivilliputhur, Virudhunagar 3101 626 125, Virudhunagar
Thiru G. Murugesan, S/o Govindan, Thiru M. Chellappa, No.54/88A, East Car
No.37F, Chakkaikula Street, Srivilliputhur, Street, Srivilliputhur -626 125,
3081 Virudhunagar 3102 Virudhunagar
Thiru S. Mohan, No.53, Nambi Naidu Thiru V. Ramanujam, No.73/197,
3082 Street, Srivilliputhur, Virudhunagar Edayapottal Street, Srivilliputhur,
Tmt. M. Kuruvammal, No.53, Nambi Naidu 3103 Virudhunagar
3083 Street, Srivilliputhur, Virudhunagar Thiru K.M. Vijayakumar, Secretary, Indian
Thiru S. Mohan, No.53, Nambi Naidu Communist Party (Marxist), Sathi Taluk
3084 Street, Srivilliputhur, Virudhunagar Committee, 46/1, B.R. NINIVAGAM,
Tmt. M. Kuruvammal, No.53, Nambi Naidu Venugopalasamy Street, Sathiyamangalam –
3085 Street, Srivilliputhur, Virudhunagar 3104 638 401, Erode District.
Thiru J. Kumar, S/o C. Jayaraman, No.49, Ms. Shanthi, Attamokkai, Puduvadavalli,
Nambi Naidu Street, Srivilliputhur, 3105 Sathi, Erode.
3086 Virudhunagar Ms.Chinnakanni, Attamokkai,
Thiru J. Navaneetha Krishnan, No.49C, 3106 Puduvadavalli, Sathi, Erode.
Nambi Naidu Street, Srivilliputhur, Thiru Kittan, Attamokkai, Puduvadavalli,
3087 Virudhunagar 3107 Sathi, Erode
Thiru J Ramakrishnan, S/o C, Jayaraman, Thiru Thangal, Attamokkai, Puduvadavalli,
No.49A, Nambi Naidu Street, Srivilliputhur, 3108 Sathi, Erode
3088 Virudhunagar Ms. Thattamma (a) Lakshmi, Attamokkai,
Tmt. M. Muneeswari, No.50, Nambi Naidu 3109 Puduvadavalli, Sathi, Erode
3089 Street, Srivilliputhur, Virudhunagar Ms. Kasthuri, Attamokkai, Puduvadavalli,
Tmt. M. Muneeswari, No.50, Nambi Naidu 3110 Sathi, Erode
3090 Street, Srivilliputhur, Virudhunagar Ms. Shanthi, Attamokkai, Puduvadavalli,
Tmt. M. Muneeswari, No.50, Nambi Naidu 3111 Sathi, Erode
3091 Street, Srivilliputhur, Virudhunagar Ms. Chitra, Attamokkai, Puduvadavalli,
Tmt. M. Muneeswari, No.50, Nambi Naidu 3112 Sathi, Erode
3092 Street, Srivilliputhur, Virudhunagar Ms. Rajamani, Attamokkai, Puduvadavalli,
Tmt. M. Muneeswari, No.50, Nambi Naidu 3113 Sathi, Erode
3093 Street, Srivilliputhur, Virudhunagar Thiru Palanichamy, Attamokkai,
Thiru J. Karuppasamy, S/o C. Jayaraman, 3114 Puduvadavalli, Sathi, Erode
No.49B, Nambi Naidu Street, Srivilliputhur, Selvi Chellan, Attamokkai, Puduvadavalli,
3094 Virudhunagar 3115 Sathi, Erode
Thiru Lakshmana Perumal, S/o Sankarappa Thiru Kumar Rajathi, Attamokkai,
Naidu, Nambi Naidu Street, Srivilliputhur, 3116 Puduvadavalli, Sathi, Erode
3095 Virudhunagar Ms. Selvi, Attamokkai, Puduvadavalli,
Thiru T. Avudaippan,No 67E, East Car 3117 Sathi, Erode
3096 Street, Srivilliputhur -626 125, Ms. Shanthi w/o. Palanichamy, Attamokkai,
Tmt. K. Lakshmi, W/o M. Krishnasamy, 3118 Puduvadavalli, Sathi, Erode
3097 No.89A, East Car Street, Srivilliputhur -626
Thiru Nagaraj, Attamokkai, Puduvadavalli, Tmt. Papathy,1/313, Pilliyar Koil Street,
3119 Sathi, Erode 3143 Rajan Nagar, Sathiyamangalam Tk.
Ms. Kannathamma, Attamokkai, Thiru A. Nagaraj, 258, Pilliyar Koil Street,
3120 Puduvadavalli, Sathi, Erode 3144 Rajan Nagar, Sathiyamangalam Tk.
Thiru Avanasi Bannari, Attamokkai, Thiru Saravanan, Pazhathottam, Rajan
3121 Puduvadavalli, Sathi, Erode 3145 Nagar, Sathiyamangalam Tk. Erode.
Ms. Selvi, Attamokkai, Puduvadavalli, Thiru K. Palanichamy, 288,
3122 Sathi, Erode Pattatharasimman Temple Street, Rajan
Ms. Thangal, Attamokkai, Puduvadavalli, 3146 Nagar, Sathiyamangalam Tk.
3123 Sathi, Erode Thiru Palanichamy, Samudayakooda Street,
Thiru Thangamani, Attamokkai, 3147 Rajan Nagar, Sathiyamangalam Tk.
3124 Puduvadavalli, Sathi, Erode Thiru K. Ramasamy, 283, Pattatharasimman
Thiru J. Michaelraj, Attamokkai, Temple Street, Rajan Nagar,
3125 Puduvadavalli, Sathi, Erode 3148 Sathiyamangalam Tk.
Thiru Jeyamani, Attamokkai, Puduvadavalli, Thiru Chinraj, Pattatharasimman Temple
3126 Sathi, Erode Street, Rajan Nagar, Sathiyamangalam Tk.
Thiru Subban, Attamokkai, Puduvadavalli, 3149 Erode Dist.
3127 Sathi, Erode Thiru M. Kumar, 460 Rajan Nagar,
Thiru Siddha, Attamokkai, Puduvadavalli, 3150 Sathiyamangalam Tk.
3128 Sathi, Erode Thiru K. Palanichamy, 286,
Ms. Karunaiammal, Attamokkai, Pattatharasimman Temple Street, Rajan
3129 Puduvadavalli, Sathi, Erode 3151 Nagar, Sathiyamangalam Tk.
Tmt. Selvi, Attamokkai, Puduvadavalli, Thiru Maran, Rajan Nagar,
3130 Sathi, Erode 3152 Sathiyamangalam Tk.
Tmt. Nilavathi, Attamokkai, Puduvadavalli, Thiru K. Rangasamy, Rajan Nagar,
3131 Sathi, Erode 3153 Sathiyamangalam Tk.
Tmt. Thangal Murugan, Attamokkai, Thiru Chinnasamy, Pattatharasimman
3132 Puduvadavalli, Sathi, Erode Temple Street, Rajan Nagar,
Tmt. Ayyamma, Attamokkai, 3154 Sathiyamangalam Tk.
3133 Puduvadavalli, Sathi, Erode Thiru Rangasamy, 433, Rajan Nagar,
Tmt. Noorthamma, Attamokkai, 3155 Sathiyamangalam Tk.
3134 Puduvadavalli, Sathi, Erode Thiru B.P. Sakthivel, 337 Rajan Nagar,
Thiru Ponnamar Pattan, Attamokkai, 3156 Sathiyamangalam
3135 Puduvadavalli, Sathi, Erode Thiru R. Balamurugan, 388, Mariamman
Thiru Sekar Kala, Attamokkai, Koil Street, Rajan Nagar, Sathiyamangalam
3136 Puduvadavalli, Sathi, Erode 3157 Tk.
Thiru Bannari, Attamokkai, Puduvadavalli, Thiru R. Jeeva, 388, Rajan Nagar,
3137 Sathi, Erode 3158 Sathiyamangalam Tk.
Thiru K. Arumugam, 1/271, Pilliyar Koil Thiru Kittan poongodi, 335/357 Rajan
Street, Rajan Nagar, Sathiyamangalam 638 3159 Nagar, Sathiyamangalam Tk.
3138 451. Thiru Palanichamy, 339 Rajan Nagar,
Thiru A. Veluchamy,1/269 A, Indira Nagar Pattatharasimman Temple Street,
1st Street, Rajan Nagar, (opp, to Pilliyar 3160 Sathiyamangalam Tk.Erode Dt.
3139 temple), Sathiyamangalam 638 451. Thiru P.Ravi, S/o Pathran, Vinayakar Koil
Tmt. S. Shanthi, Opp. to Pattatharasiamman Street, Rajan Nagar, Sathiyamangalam
3140 Temple, Rajan Nagar,Sathi (via) Erode 3161 Tk.Erode Dt.
Thiru Gunasekaran, Pattatharasiamman Thiru R. Subbulakshmi, 256, Pilliyar Koil
3141 Temple, Rajan Nagar, Sathi (via) Erode 3162 Street, Rajan Nagar, Sathiyamangalam Tk.
Thiru K. Palanichamy, 286, Thiru Pattan, S/o. Seerangan, 336, AD
Pattatharasimman Temple Street, Rajan 3163 Colony, Rajan Nagar, Sathiyamangalam Tk.
3142 Nagar, Sathiyamangalam Tk. Thiru C.Kumar, 292, Pattatharasiamman
3164 Koil Street, Rajan Nagar, Sathiyamangalam
Tk.Erode Dt. Thiru Ammasai, S/o Kittan, 9/36, Anna
Thiru R.M. Palanichamy, 270, Vodafone Nagar, Ukkaram (post) Sathiyamangalam
Tower Street, Rajan Nagar Post, 3183 Tk, Erode Dt. 638 402.
3165 Sathiyamangalam Tk. Erode Dt. Thiru Rangasamy, S/o Karuppan, 9/35,
Thiru C.Kumar, Pattatharasiamman Koil Anna Nagar, Ukkaram (post)
Street, Rajan Nagar, Sathiyamangalam 3184 Sathiyamangalam Tk, Erode Dt. 638 402.
3166 Tk.Erode Dt. Thiru Rangan, S/o Bannari, 9/40, Anna
Thiru Md. Nazar 1/258 A, Pilliyar Koil Nagar, Ukkaram (post) Sathiyamangalam
Street, Rajan Nagar, Sathiyamangalam 3185 Tk, Erode Dt. 638 402.
3167 Tk.Erode Dt. Thiru Rangasamy, S/o Dasan, 9/38, Anna
Tmt. Vijaya, W/o Senthilkumar, 260-A Nagar, Ukkaram (post) Sathiyamangalam
Pilliyar Koil Street, Rajan Nagar, 3186 Tk, Erode Dt. 638 402.
3168 Sathiyamangalam Tk.Erode Dt. Tmt. Latchumi, W/o Eevan, 9/34 Anna
Tmt. S. Kamala, 258-A1 Pilliyar Koil Street, Nagar, Ukkaram (post) Sathiyamangalam
Rajan Nagar, Sathiyamangalam Tk.Erode 3187 Tk, Erode Dt. 638 402.
3169 Dt. Thiru Palani, S/o Pattan, 9/33 Anna Nagar,
Thiru V. Rajamani, 257 Pilliyar Koil Street, Ukkaram (post) Sathiyamangalam Tk,
Rajan Nagar, Sathiyamangalam Tk.Erode 3188 Erode Dt. 638 402.
3170 Dt. Thiru Kittan, S/o Rangammal, 9/23, Anna
Thiru P. Karupusamy, 256 A Pilliyar Koil Nagar, Ukkaram (post) Sathiyamangalam
Street, Rajan Nagar, Sathiyamangalam 3189 Tk, Erode Dt. 638 402.
3171 Tk.Erode Dt. Thiru Chinnasamy, S/o Karuppan, 9/37,
Tmt. Palaniammal,hiru 254 Rajan Nagar, Anna Nagar, Ukkaram (post)
3172 Sathiyamangalam Tk. Erode Dt. 3190 Sathiyamangalam Tk, Erode Dt. 638 402.
Thiru Y. Nanzappan, 261, Pilliyar Koil Thiru Lakshmanan, S/o Karuppan, 9/41,
Street, Rajan Nagar, Sathiyamangalam Anna Nagar, Ukkaram (post)
3173 Tk.Erode Dt. 3191 Sathiyamangalam Tk, Erode Dt. 638 402.
Thiru M. Mahendran, Rajan Nagar, Thiru Amulraj, S/o Kallaiyan, 9/31, Anna
3174 Sathiyamangalam Tk.Erode Dt. Nagar, Ukkaram (post) Sathiyamangalam
Thiru Palanichamy, Attamokkai, 3192 Tk, Erode Dt. 638 402.
3175 Puduvadavalli, Sathi, .Erode Dt. Thiru Kittan, Anna Nagar, Ukkaram (post)
Thiru Palani, Attamokkai, Puduvadavalli, Sathiyamangalam Tk, Erode District -
3176 Sathi, .Erode Dt. 3193 638402.
Tmt. P.Rangammal (late) P. Periya Thiru Muthu, S/o. Karuppan, 9/25. Anna
Kaalaiyan, 9/96, Anna Nagar, Kaalikulam, Nagar, Ukkaram (post) Sathiyamangalam
Ukkaram (Post), Sathiyamangalam Tk, 3194 Tk, Erode Dt. 638 402.
3177 Erode Dt. 638 402. Thiru Kittan, S/o. Karuppan, 9/24, Anna
Thiru Mayilsamy, S/o Bannari, 9/100, Anna Nagar, Ukkaram (post) Sathiyamangalam
Nagar, Ukkaram (post) Sathiyamangalam 3195 Tk, Erode Dt. 638 402.
3178 Tk, Erode Dt. 638 402. Thiru Rangi W/o. Palani, 9/30, Anna Nagar,
Thiru Kulla Rangan, S/o Periya Rangan, Ukkaram (post) Sathiyamangalam Tk,
9/97, Anna Nagar, Ukkaram (post) 3196 Erode Dt. 638 402.
3179 Sathiyamangalam Tk, Erode Dt. 638 402. Tmt. Palaniammal, W/o Thiru Gurunathan,
Thiru Kumar, S/o. Muthaan, 9/95, Anna 9/26, Anna Nagar, Ukkaram Post
Nagar, Ukkaram (post) Sathiyamangalam 3197 Sathiyamangalam Tk, Erode Dt. 638 402.
3180 Tk, Erode Dt. 638 402. Thiru Karuppal Rangan 9/29,Anna Nagar,
Thiru Chinnan, S/o Maakkali, 9/94, Anna Ukkaram (post) Sathiyamangalam Tk,
Nagar, Ukkaram (post) Sathiyamangalam 3198 Erode Dt. 638 402.
3181 Tk, Erode Dt. 638 402. Thiru Karuppan, S/o Bannari, 9/16, Anna
Thiru Rangasamy, S/o Dasan, 9/38, Anna Nagar, Ukkaram (post) Sathiyamangalam
Nagar, Ukkaram (post) Sathiyamangalam 3199 Tk, Erode Dt. 638 402.
3182 Tk, Erode Dt. 638 402. 3200 Thiru Subban S/o. Raman, 9/4, Anna Nagar,
Ukkaram (post) Sathiyamangalam Tk, 638402.
Erode Dt. 638 402. Thiru Thangavel, Ramathal, Sama Nagar,
Thiru Raman, S/o. Raman, 9/6, Anna Nagar, Ukkaram (post) Sathiyamangalam Tk,
Ukkaram (post) Sathiyamangalam Tk, 3218 Erode Dt. 638 402.
3201 Erode Dt. 638 402. Thiru Ramaraj, (Late) Revathy, Sama
Thiru Rangan, S/o Raman, 9/58, Anna Nagar, Ukkaram (post) Sathiyamangalam
Nagar, Ukkaram (post) Sathiyamangalam 3219 Tk, Erode Dt. 638 402.
3202 Tk, Erode Dt. 638 402. Tmt. M. Jothipriya, Machavallavan, Sama
Thiru Gajendran, S/o. Maakali, 9/11, Anna Nagar, Ukkaram (post) Sathiyamangalam
Nagar, Ukkaram (post) Sathiyamangalam 3220 Tk, Erode Dt. 638 402.
3203 Tk, Erode Dt. 638 402. Thiru Palanichamy, Shantha, Sama Nagar,
Thiru Maakali, S/o. Vedan, 9/11, Anna Ukkaram (post) Sathiyamangalam Tk,
Nagar, Ukkaram (post) Sathiyamangalam 3221 Erode Dt. 638 402.
3204 Tk, Erode Dt. 638 402. Tmt. Devika, W/o Selvaraj, Sama Nagar,
Thiru Rangasamy, S/o Moothan Karuppan, Ukkaram (post) Sathiyamangalam Tk,
9/14 Anna Nagar, Ukkaram Post, 3222 Erode Dt. 638 402.
3205 Sathiyamangalam Tk, Erode Dt. 638 402. Thiru Karuppausamy, Sathyamangalam,
Tmt. Chinnal, W/o Rangan, 9/20, Anna Ukkaram (post) Sathiyamangalam Tk,
Nagar, Ukkaram (post) Sathiyamangalam 3223 Erode Dt. 638 402.
3206 Tk, Erode Dt. 638 402. Thiru Patharaan, Palaniammal, Sama Nagar,
Tmt. Nachaal, W/o. Chukanan, 9/19, Anna Ukkaram (post) Sathiyamangalam Tk,
Nagar, Ukkaram (post) Sathiyamangalam 3224 Erode Dt. 638 402.
3207 Tk, Erode Dt. 638 402. Thiru C. Rajendran, Chinna Karuppan, 2-71,
Tmt. Rami, W/o Maaran, 9/17, Anna Nagar, Sama Nagar, Ukkaram (post)
Ukkaram (post) Sathiyamangalam Tk, 3225 Sathiyamangalam Tk, Erode Dt. 638 402.
3208 Erode Dt. 638 402. Thiru K. Palanichamy, P. Saroja, Sama
Thiru Raman, Rangan, 9/18 Anna Nagar, Nagar, Ukkaram (post) Sathiyamangalam
Ukkaram (post) Sathiyamangalam Tk, 3226 Tk, Erode Dt. 638 402.
3209 Erode Dt. 638 402. Thiru Kanagaraj, Saraswathi, Sama Nagar,
Thiru R. Gurusamy, S/o. Raman, 9/15, Anna Ukkaram (post) Sathiyamangalam Tk,
Nagar, Ukkaram (post) Sathiyamangalam 3227 Erode Dt. 638 402.
3210 Tk, Erode Dt. 638 402. Thiru Chinnakaruppan, Sama Nagar,
Thiru Raman, S/o. Bathran, 9/1 Anna Nagar, Ukkaram (post) Sathiyamangalam Tk,
Ukkaram (post) Sathiyamangalam Tk, 3228 Erode Dt. 638 402.
3211 Erode Dt. 638 402. Thiru K. Subramanian, Ukkaram
Thiru R. Selvan, S/o. Raman, 9/8 Anna Hospitalmedu, Sathiyamangalam Tk,
Nagar, Ukkaram (post) Sathiyamangalam 3229 Erode District - 638402.
3212 Tk, Erode Dt. 638 402. Thiru B. Subramani, Ukkaram
Thiru Maakali, S/o. Karuppan, 9/3A Anna Hospitalmedu, Sathiyamangalam Tk,
Nagar, Ukkaram (post) Sathiyamangalam 3230 Erode Dt. 638 402.
3213 Tk, Erode Dt. 638 402. Thiru Karuppusamy, Karuppiya, Sama
Tmt. Rangi, W/o. Karuppan, 9/3 Anna Nagar, Ukkaram (post) Sathiyamangalam
Nagar, Ukkaram (post) Sathiyamangalam 3231 Tk, Erode Dt. 638 402.
3214 Tk, Erode Dt. 638 402. Thiru Rangasamy, Patharam,Sathi Nagar,
Thiru C.Rajan (Late) Mallika, 9/12 Anna Ukkaram (post) Sathiyamangalam Tk,
Nagar, Ukkaram (post) Sathiyamangalam 3232 Erode Dt. 638 402.
3215 Tk, Erode Dt. 638 402. Thiru Rajan, Shanthamani, Sama Nagar,
Thiru Duraisamy, Devi, Samanagar, Ukkaram (post) Sathiyamangalam Tk,
Ukkaram (post) Sathiyamangalam Taluk, 3233 Erode Dt. 638 402.
3216 Erode - 638402. Thiru Ravichandran, Sama Nagar, Ukkaram
Thiru Karuppan, Sama Nagar, Ukkaram (post) Sathiyamangalam Tk, Erode Dt. 638
3217 (post) Sathiyamangalam Tk, Erode - 3234 402.
Thiru Ramasamy, Sama Nagar, Ukkaram Thiru A. Rangasamy, 2/105, Sama Nagar,
(post) Sathiyamangalam Tk, Erode Dt. 638 Ukkaram (post) Sathiyamangalam Tk,
3235 402. 3252 Erode Dt. 638 402.
Thiru Ramasamy Sarasa, Sama Nagar, Tmt. Rajamani,W/o. Mayilsamy, Sama
Ukkaram (post), Sathiyamangalam, Erode Nagar, Ukkaram (post) Sathiyamangalam
3236 Dt. 638 402. 3253 Tk, Erode Dt. 638 402.
Thiru Dhanasekaran, Sama Nagar, Ukkaram Thiru Veluchamy, 7/20 Sama Nagar,
(post) Sathiyamangalam Tk, Erode Dt. 638 Ukkaram (post) Sathiyamangalam Tk,
3237 402. 3254 Erode Dt. 638 402.
Thiru M. Murugan, M. Sangeetha, Sama Tmt. Chellammal Rangasamy, 7/16,
Nagar, Ukkaram (post), Sathiyamangalam Hospital Medu, Ukkaram (post)
3238 Tk, Erode Dt. 638 402. 3255 Sathiyamangalam Tk, Erode Dt. 638 402.
Tmt. N. Sakunthala, Palanipannadi, Sama Thiru R. Palanichamy, 2/86, Sama Nagar,
Nagar, Ukkaram (post) Sathiyamangalam Ukkaram (post) Sathiyamangalam Tk,
3239 Tk, Erode Dt. 638 402. 3256 Erode Dt. 638 402.
Tmt. A. Arukkani, 2-35, Sama Nagar, Tmt. M. Vijayalakshmi, W/o Murugan, 2/39
Ukkaram (post) Sathiyamangalam Sama Nagar, Ukkaram (post)
3240 Taluk,Erode Dt. 638 402. 3257 Sathiyamangalam Tk, Erode Dt. 638 402.
Thiru M. Subramani, Rani, Sama Nagar, Tmt. Palaniammal Chenniyappan, 257-006-
Ukkaram (post) Sathiyamangalam Tk, 609, Sama Nagar, Ukkaram
3241 Erode Dt. 638 402. 3258 Sathiyamangalam Tk, Erode Dt. 638 402.
Thiru R. Senthilkumar, S/o Rangasamy, Thiru Radhakrishnan, 9/262 A30 MGR
Sama Nagar, Ukkaram (post) Nagar, Millmedu, Ukkaram (post)
3242 Sathiyamangalam Tk, Erode Dt. 638 402. 3259 Sathiyamangalam Tk, Erode Dt. 638 402.
Thiru K. Srinivasan, Pilliyarkoil Street, Thiru K. Naveenbabu, 2/47 Sama Nagar,
Hospitalmedu, Ukkaram (post) Ukkaram (post) Sathiyamangalam Tk,
3243 Sathiyamangalam Tk, Erode Dt. 638 402. 3260 Erode Dt. 638 402.
Thiru S. Muthusamy, 2/51, Pilliyarkoil Thiru L. Lakshmanasamy, Sumathi, 2/38
Street, , Ukkaram (post) Sathiyamangalam Sama Nagar, Ukkaram (post)
3244 Tk, Erode Dt. 638 402. 3261 Sathiyamangalam Tk, Erode Dt. 638 402.
Thiru P. Ravikumar, S/o. Thiru V. Karupusamy, S/o. Venkataraman,
Chinnapalanisamy, Sama Nagar, Ukkaram Sama Nagar, Ukkaram (post)
(post) Sathiyamangalam Tk, Erode Dt. 638 3262 Sathiyamangalam Tk, Erode Dt. 638 402.
3245 402. Thiru K.Ramasamy, 2/1A Sama Nagar,
Thiru R. Shanthi, P. Ramachandran, Sama Ukkaram (post) Sathiyamangalam Tk,
Nagar, Ukkaram (post) Sathiyamangalam 3263 Erode Dt. 638 402.
3246 Tk, Erode Dt. 638 402. Thiru Jothiboss, 21159 Ukkaram (post)
Tmt. S.Kavitha, P. Shanmugam, Sama 3264 Sathiyamangalam Tk, Erode Dt - 638402.
Nagar, Ukkaram (post) Sathiyamangalam Thiru K. Sivakumar, 21 121 A Sama Nagar,
3247 Tk, Erode Dt. 638 402. Ukkaram (post) Sathiyamangalam Tk,
Thiru P. Selvakumar, S/o. Palanichamy, 3265 Erode Dt. 638 402.
MGR Nagar, Ukkaram (post) Thiru K. Sivakumar, 21 121 A Sama Nagar,
3248 Sathiyamangalam Tk, Erode Dt. 638 402. Ukkaram (post) Sathiyamangalam Tk,
Thiru R. Vellingiri, S/o Rangasamy, Sma 3266 Erode Dt. 638 402.
Nagar, Ukkaram (post) Sathiyamangalam Thiru K. Palanichamy, 2/14 SamaNagar,
3249 Tk, Erode Dt. 638 402. Ukkaram (post) Sathiyamangalam Tk,
Thiru R. Ramasamy, Kunjammal, Sama 3267 Erode Dt. 638 402.
Nagar, Ukkaram (post) Sathiyamangalam Thiru C. Thangamani, 2/125 Sama Nagar,
3250 Tk, Erode Dt. 638 402. Ukkaram (post) Sathiyamangalam Tk,
Thiru M. Ekambaranathan, Sama Nagar, 3268 Erode Dt. 638 402.
Hospitalmedu, Ukkaram (post) Tmt. S. Maheswari, Ukkaram (post)
3251 Sathiyamangalam Tk, Erode Dt. 638 402. 3269 Sathiyamangalam Tk, Erode Dt. 638 402.
Thiru R. Subramaniyan, S/o Rangasamy, Committee, 93, Lakshmiyapuram Street,
Sama Nagar, Ukkaram (post) Behind of Padma Hospital, Rajapalayam -
3270 Sathiyamangalam Tk, Erode Dt. 638 402. 626 117.
Thiru Kumarasamy, Veerammal, Sama Thiru. M. Pichai, 109-A, Lakshma Perumal
Nagar, Ukkaram (post) Sathiyamangalam 3288 Kovil Street, Rajapalayam – 626 117.
3271 Tk, Erode Dt. 638 402. Thiru. M. Pichai, 107, Lakshma Perumal
Thiru Veerasamy Rangasamy, Sama Nagar, 3289 Kovil Street, Rajapalayam – 626 117
Ukkaram (post) Sathiyamangalam Tk, Thiru. M. Pichai, 109, Lakshma Perumal
3272 Erode Dt. 638 402. 3290 Kovil Street, Rajapalayam – 626 117.
Thiru R. Ramasamy, Rangasamy, Sama Thiru. K. Murugan, 22, Sammanthapuram
Nagar, Ukkaram (post) Sathiyamangalam St Perumal Kovil Street, Rajapalayam –
3273 Tk, Erode Dt. 638 402. 3291 626 117.
Thiru M. Senthil, S. Kannammal, Sama Tmt. K. Subbulakshmi, 11/342B, V.O.C.
Nagar, Ukkaram (post) Sathiyamangalam Nagar, 22nd Street, Main samusigapuram
3274 Tk, Erode Dt. 638 402. 3292 (PO), Rajapalayam – 626 102.
Tmt. K. Rammathaal, T. Shanthi, Sama Thiru. D. S. Kanagaraj, 27/746, Azhagai
Nagar, Ukkaram (post) Sathiyamangalam 3293 Nagar North, Rajapalayam.
3275 Tk, Erode Dt. 638 402. Tmt. V. Sitalakshmi, 11/360, 7,6, 11th
Thiru M. Dhanasekar, S/o.Muthusamy, Street, V.O.C. Nagar, 22nd Street,
Sama Nagar, Ukkaram (post) Samusigapuram (PO), Rajapalayam – 626
3276 Sathiyamangalam Tk, Erode Dt. 638 402. 3294 102.
Tmt. D. Venkateswari, W/o Thiru Thiru. M. Baskar, 23B North
Dhanasekar, Sama Nagar, Ukkaram Post Sammanthapuram St, Rajapalayam – 626
3277 Sathiyamangalam Tk, Erode Dt. 638 402. 3295 117
Thiru Rangasamy Veerasamy, Sama Nagar, Thiru. M. Baskar, 23A North
Ukkaram (post) Sathiyamangalam Tk, Sammanthapuram St Rajapalayam – 626
3278 Erode Dt. 638 402. 3296 117
Thiru Chinnan, Sama Nagar, Ukkaram Tmt. Meenatchi, 2A North
(post) Sathiyamangalam Tk, Erode Dt. 638 Sammanthapuram St Rajapalayam – 626
3279 402. 3297 117.
Tmt. Kaarthika, Muthu, Sama Nagar, Thiru. M. Baskar, 24A South
Ukkaram (post) Sathiyamangalam Tk, Sammanthapuram St, Rajapalayam – 626
3280 Erode Dt. 638 402. 3298 117
Thiru J. Kanthan J. Rajaathi, Sama Nagar, Tmt. Guru Backiyam, Gnana Sambandar
Ukkaram (post) Sathiyamangalam Tk, 3299 South Street, Rajapalayam – 626 117.
3281 Erode Dt. 638 402. Tmt. Guru Backiyam, Gnana Sambandar
Tmt. Rasamma, Sama Nagar, Ukkaram 3300 South Street, Rajapalayam – 626 117.
(post) Sathiyamangalam Tk, Erode Dt. 638 Thiru. K. Kumar, No.145/97 South
3282 402. Sammanthapuram St, Rajapalayam – 626
Tmt. Palaniammal, Sama Nagar, Ukkaram 3301 117.
(post) Sathiyamangalam Tk, Erode Dt. 638 Thiru. S. Manikandan, No.141/96 South
3283 402. Sammanthapuram St, Rajapalayam – 626
Thiru N. Chinnaraj, 2/101 Hospitalmedu, 3302 117.
Ukkaram (post) Sathiyamangalam Tk, Thiru. S. Hariharasundaram No.95/40
3284 Erode Dt. 638 402. Gnana Sambandar South Street,
Thiru Vasantha Rangan, Sama Nagar, 3303 Rajapalayam – 626 117.
Ukkaram (post) Sathiyamangalam Tk, Thiru. M. Ganesan, No.90/68 South
3285 Erode Dt. 638 402. Sammanthapuram St, Rajapalayam – 626
Thiru Selvaraj, Sama Nagar, Ukkaram 3304 117.
3286 (post) Sathiyamangalam Tk, Erode Thiru. M. Ganesan, No.90/68 South
Thiru. B. Mariappan, Secretary, Communist Sammanthapuram St, Rajapalayam – 626
3287 Party of India (Marxist), Rajapalayam Town 3305 117.
Thiru. Subramani, 15 Gnana Sambandar Thiru. Selvavinayagam, 4/436 Seethakathi
3306 South Street, Rajapalayam – 626 117. 1st Street, Sammanthapuram St,
Thiru. M. Rajendran, 7/9 Gnana Sambandar 3327 Rajapalayam – 626 117.
3307 South Street, Rajapalayam – 626 117. Thiru. R. Ponnusamy, 46A South
Thiru. P. Rathinavel, No.58A South Sammanthapuram St, Rajapalayam – 626
Sammanthapuram St, Rajapalayam – 626 3328 117.
3308 117. Tmt. Sandhiya, 48/66, Mudakiyar Road,
Thiru. A.M. Muthusamy Konar, 7/9 Gnana Sammanthapuram St, Rajapalayam – 626
Sambandar South Street, Rajapalayam – 626 3329 117.
3309 117. Tmt. G. Chandra, 48/66, Mudakiyar Road,
Thiru. Baslak, 27/35 Gnana Sambandar Sammanthapuram St, Rajapalayam – 626
3310 South Street, Rajapalayam – 626 117 3330 117.
Thiru. V. Arunachalamoorthy, 62/43, Gnana Thiru. P. Veluchamy, 11/13
Sambandar South Street, Rajapalayam – 626 Sammanthapuram South Street,
3311 117. 3331 Rajapalayam – 626 117.
Thiru. K. Naga Jothi, 56A Gnana Thiru. T. Gurunathan, 10B
Sambandar South Street, Rajapalayam – 626 Sammanthapuram South Street,
3312 117. 3332 Rajapalayam – 626 117.
Thiru. K. Naga Jothi, 5BA Gnana Thiru. P. Vijaya Baskar, 25B
Sambandar South Street, Rajapalayam 626 Sammanthapuram South Street,
3313 117. 3333 Rajapalayam – 626 117.
Thiru. K. Naga Jothi, 56C Mudakiyar Road, Thiru. P. Vijaya Baskar, 25A
Sammanthapuram St, Rajapalayam – 626 Sammanthapuram South Street,
3314 117. 3334 Rajapalayam – 626 117.
Thiru. K. Naga Jothi, 56E Mudakiyar Road, Thiru. P. Raja Manickam, S/o. Pichai, 79/57
Sammanthapuram St, Rajapalayam – 626 Gnana Sambandar South Street,
3315 117. 3335 Rajapalayam – 626 117.
Thiru. K. Naga Jothi, 56F Mudakiyar Road, Thiru. V. Ramanadhan, 12 Gnana
Sammanthapuram St, Rajapalayam – 626 Sambandar South Street, Rajapalayam – 626
3316 117. 3336 117.
Thiru. K. Naga Jothi, 56D Mudakiyar Road, Tmt. S. Backiyalakshmi, 60/41 Gnana
Sammanthapuram St, Rajapalayam – 626 Sambandar South Street, Rajapalayam – 626
3317 117. 3337 117.
Thiru. N.A. Ramachandran, 83/471 Thiru. Rasu Devar, 60/41A Gnana
Mappillai Subbiah Street, Rajapalayam – Sambandar South Street, Rajapalayam –
3318 626 117. 3338 626 117.
Tmt. Jayanthi, 83/471 Mappillai Subbiah Thiru. B. Murugeshwari, 27/35 Gnana
3319 Street, Rajapalayam – 626 117. Sambandar South Street, Rajapalayam – 626
Thiru. K. Gunasekaran, S/o. Govindhan, 3339 117.
3320 TMCR Malaiyapatti, Rajapalayam. Thiru. P. Vellaichamy, 28/39 Gnana
Thiru. S. Mohan, 13/274, MGR Nagar-I, Sambandar South Street, Rajapalayam – 626
3321 North Malaiyapatti, Rajapalayam. 3340 117.
Tmt. Annalakshmi, 98F, MGR Nagar-I, Thiru. K. Kannan, 22 Gnana Sambandar
3322 North Malaiyapatti, Rajapalayam. 3341 South Street, Rajapalayam – 626 117
Thiru. P. Madasamy, 287/6, MGR Nagar-I, Thiru. Yesudhasan, 23 Gnana Sambandar
3323 North Malaiyapatti, Rajapalayam. 3342 South Street, Rajapalayam – 626117.
Thiru. R. Paramanantham, MGR Nagar-I, Thiru. Yesudhasan, 23 Gnana Sambandar
3324 North Malaiyapatti, Rajapalayam. 3343 South Street, Rajapalayam – 626 117.
Thiru. Arjunan Chettiyar, 13/274, MGR Thiru. V. Pichaiah, 53/37, Venkatesapuram
3325 Nagar-II, North Malaiyapatti, Rajapalayam. Street, Sammanthapuram South Street,
Thiru. SM. Subramanian, 178, MGR Nagar- 3344 Rajapalayam – 626 117.
3326 II, North Malaiyapatti, Rajapalayam. 3345 Thiru. R. Vellaithuraiichy, 19/22,
Venkatesapuram Street, Sammanthapuram 626 117.
South Street, Rajapalayam – 626 117. Thiru. K. Muthukrishnan, 159-247 , Chinna
Thiru. P. Rajamanickam, S/o. Pichai, 57 3367 Suraikaipatti Street, Rajapalayam – 626 117.
Gnana Sambandar South Street, Tmt. Rajeshwari, W/o. Srinivasan, 158
3346 Rajapalayam – 626 117. Chinna Suraikaipatti Street, Rajapalayam –
Thiru. M. Arumugam S/o. Marimuthu, 37/B 3368 626 117.
Gnana Sambandar South Street, Thiru. B. Guruvaiah, 163A , Chinna
3347 Rajapalayam – 626 117. 3369 Suraikaipatti Street,Rajapalayam – 626 117.
Thiru. S. SUbbiah, 52 Gnana Sambandar Thiru. B. Rajaram, 64, Plot Transport Nagar
3348 South Street, Rajapalayam – 626 117. 3370 3rd Street, Coonoor.
Tmt. SHanthi, 55C Gnana Sambandar South Thiru. M. Rakkappan, 175/252 Chinna
3349 Street, Rajapalayam – 626 117. 3371 Suraikaipatti Street, Rajapalayam – 626117
Thiru. P. Rajamanickam, 79/57 Gnana Tmt. Veerammal, 177/254A Chinna
Sambandar South Street, Rajapalayam – 626 3372 Suraikaipatti Street, Rajapalayam – 626117
3350 117. Thiru. R. Paramasivam, 176/253 Chinna
Tmt. Guruvammal, 435 South Malaiyapatti, 3373 Suraikaipatti Street, Rajapalayam – 626 117.
3351 Rajapalayam. Thiru. N. Murugan, Railway Feeder Road,
Thiru. P.Mariappan, 410/147, 435 South 3374 Rajapalayam.
3352 Malaiyapatti, Rajapalayam. Thiru. M. Rasu Devar, 1623 Chinna
Thiru.M. Azhagupandian, 410/147, 435 3375 Suraikaipatti Street, Rajapalayam – 626117.
3353 South Malaiyapatti, Rajapalayam. Thiru. Puliveeradevar, 161 Chinna
Thiru. M. Sankaraiah, S/o. S. Muthusamy 3376 Suraikaipatti Street, Rajapalayam – 626117.
Naidu, 187, Periya Suraikaipatti Street, Thiru. M. Rakkappan, 164 Chinna
3354 Rajapalayam – 626 117. 3377 Suraikaipatti Street, Rajapalayam – 626 117.
Thiru.Muthusamay Naidu, 187 Periya Thiru. Muthaiah Devar, 165/235A Chinna
3355 Suraikaipatti Street, Rajapalayam – 626 117. 3378 Suraikaipatti Street, Rajapalayam – 626 117.
Thiru. S.Muthusamay Naidu, 188/1 Periya Thiru. Ganapathi Devar, 136/236 Chinna
3356 Suraikaipatti Street, Rajapalayam – 626 117. 3379 Suraikaipatti Street, Rajapalayam – 626 117.
Thiru.. P. Palanisamy, 336 South Thiru. Seeniappa Devar, 230 Chinna
Vaithiyanathapuram Street, Rajapalayam – 3380 Suraikaipatti Street, Rajapalayam – 626117.
3357 626 117. Thiru. P. Kondi Devar, 137/241 Chinna
Thiru. Ismail Kani, Kurinji Nagar, 3381 Suraikaipatti Street, Rajapalayam -626117.
3358 Sammanthapuram, Rajapalayam – 626 117 Tmt. Valliammal, 134/234 Chinna
Thiru. M. Chithi Abbas, 163/3, Kurinji 3382 Suraikaipatti Street, Rajapalayam – 626 117.
Nagar, Sammanthapuram, Rajapalayam – Thiru. R. Jayagobi, 249 Chinna Suraikaipatti
3359 626 117. 3383 Street, Rajapalayam – 626 117.
Thiru. Tamil Ansari , 254 Seethakathi Thiru. K. Valliammal, 177/1 Chinna
Street, Sammanthapuram, Rajapalayam – 3384 Suraikaipatti Street, Rajapalayam – 626 117.
3360 626 117. Thiru. Rajaram, 155/249 Chinna
Thiru. M. Kathappan, 47-I/94-94 , Chinna 3385 Suraikaipatti Street, Rajapalayam – 626 117
3361 Suraikaipatti Street, Rajapalayam – 626 117. Thiru. M. Rakkappa Devar, 156, Chinna
Thiru. G. Ganesan, 79 Kurinji Nagar, 3386 Suraikaipatti Street, Rajapalayam – 626 117.
3362 vadakkumalaipatti, Rajapalayam – 626 117. Tmt. Mariammal, 4/3A Chinna
Thiru. A. Ebinesar, 79/C, Kurinji Nagar, 3387 Suraikaipatti Street, Rajapalayam – 626 117
3363 Vadakkumalaipatti, Rajapalayam – 626 117. Thiru. R. Jayagopi, 63 Plot Transport Nagar
Thiru. R. Thangaraj 79/A, Kurinji Nagar, 3388 3rd Street, Coonoor.Rajapalayam – 626 117.
3364 Vadakkumalaipatti, Rajapalayam – 626 117. Thiru. V.K. Beema Raja, 192/7, Madasamy
Thiru. U. Balamasthan, 55A1 Railway 3389 Kovil Street, Rajapalayam – 626117
Feeder Road, Rajapalayam.Rajapalayam – Tmt. V.B. Rasula, 192/7 Madasamy Kovil
3365 626 117. 3390 Street, Rajapalayam – 626 117.
Thiru. P. Ramasubramanian, 52/235,
3391 Thiru. VL.Janaga raja, 27/181 Madasamy
3366 Sanjeevinathapuram Street, Rajapalayam –
Kovil Street, Rajapalayam – 626 117 Thiru. J. Bose, 195 Chinna Suraikaipatti,
Thiru. N. Rajam, 178 Madasamy Kovil 3412 Rajapalayam – 626 117.
3392 Street, Rajapalayam – 626 117. Thiru. Arumugam, Chinna Suraikaipatti,
Tmt. K. Vidhya, 178 Madasamy Kovil 3413 Rajapalayam – 626 117.
3393 Street, Rajapalayam – 626 117. Thiru. T. rajan, 195 Chinna Suraikaipatti,
Thiru. Sanjeevi Raja, 5/190, Madasamy 3414 Rajapalayam – 626 117.
3394 Kovil Street, Rajapalayam – 626 117 Tmt. Kaliammal, Chinna Suraikaipatti,
Thiru. K.T. Muruga Raja, 6/191 Madasamy 3415 Rajapalayam – 626 117.
3395 Kovil Street, Rajapalayam – 626117. Tmt. Kaliammal, Chinna Suraikaipatti,
Thiru. S. Samuthira Raj, 1423, Behind 3416 Rajapalayam – 626 117.
Ramakrishna Mission, South Thiru. M. Subramanian, 204 Chinna
3396 Malaiyadippatti, Rajapalayam – 626 117. 3417 Suraikaipatti, Rajapalayam – 626 117
Tmt. Muniammal, 1422A, South Thiru. T. Marriappan, Chinna Suraikaipatti,
Malaiyadippatti, Pudukudi Street, 3418 Rajapalayam – 626 117.
3397 Rajapalayam – 626 117. Thiru. M. Govindhan, Chinna Suraikaipatti,
Thiru. E.M. Eshwaran 1421, South 3419 Rajapalayam – 626 117.
Malaiyadippatti, Pudukudi Street, Thiru. S. Muthaiah Devar, 209A, Chinna
3398 Rajapalayam – 626 117. 3420 Suraikaipatti, Rajapalayam – 626 117
Thiru. M. Muniasamy, 1405/8,1, Behind Tmt. Petchiammal, 10/196 3rd street,
Ramakrishna Mission, South Chinna Suraikaipatti, Rajapalayam –
3399 Malaiyadippatti, Rajapalayam – 626 117. 3421 626117.
Thiru. E.Murugan, 1455/7 South Thiru. R. Kothandam, 195, Chinna
Malaiyadippatti, Pudukudi Street, 3422 Suraikaipatti, Rajapalayam – 626 117.
3400 Rajapalayam – 626 117. Thiru. V. Mukkaiah Devar, Chinna
Thiru. P. Sivagnanam, 1404 B2/127, South 3423 Suraikaipatti, Rajapalayam – 626 117.
Malaiyadippatti, Kamatchiamman Kovil Thiru. Iyyanar, 91/195 Chinna Suraikaipatti,
3401 Street, Rajapalayam – 626 117. 3424 Rajapalayam – 626 117.
Thiru. C.P. Sethuramalingam, Mill Thiru. Govindha Devar, Chinna
3402 Krishnapuram, Rajapalayam – 626 117. 3425 Suraikaipatti, Rajapalayam – 626 117.
Tmt. Saroja Devi, Mill Krishnapuram, Thiru. K. Velusamy, Chinna Suraikaipatti,
Ayyanar Kovil Street, Rajapalayam – 626 3426 Rajapalayam – 626 117.
3403 117. Thiru. Govindha Devar, Chinna
Tmt. V. Anandhi, Gandhi Nagar, Narimedu, 3427 Suraikaipatti, Rajapalayam – 626 117.
3404 Rajapalayam – 626 117. Thiru. K. Karuthapandian, 94/270A Chinna
Tmt. S. Vani, Behind ESI, Indira Nagar, 3428 Suraikaipatti, Rajapalayam – 626 117.
3405 Rajapalayam – 626 117. Tmt. R. Panjavarnam, 214B North
Thiru. V. Mariappan, 270C/1, 156, Chinna 3429 Malaiyadipaati –II, Rajapalayam - 626117.
Suraikaipatti, Santhurani Street, Tmt. R. Subbu Lakshmi, 153 Periya
3406 Rajapalayam – 626 117. 3430 Suraikaipatti Street, Rajapalayam – 626117.
Thiru. B. Muthu Mason, Periyamandhai Thiru. K. Krishnan, 153 Periya Suraikaipatti
Street, Sammanthapuram, Rajapalayam – 3431 Street, Rajapalayam – 626 117.
3407 626 117. Thiru. C. Maniammal, 434 North
Thiru. M. Gobalakrishnan, 270B Chinna 3432 Malaiyadipaati –II, Rajapalayam.
Suraikaipatti, Santhurani Street, Thiru. Chithirai Padaiyachi, 431 North
3408 Rajapalayam – 626 117. 3433 Malaiyadipaati –II, Rajapalayam.
Thiru. K. Raja, 194/89 Chinna Suraikaipatti, Tmt. R. Lakshmiammal, 432 North
3409 Rajapalayam – 626 117. 3434 Malaiyadipaati –II, Rajapalayam.
Thiru. C. Rajappa, Chinna Suraikaipatti, Thiru. K. Ramakrishnan, 433 North
3410 Rajapalayam – 626 117. 3435 Malaiyadipaati –II, Rajapalayam.
Thiru. P. Anthony Raj, Chinna Suraikaipatti, Thiru. G. Ganesan, 4A, Ponnurangam
3411 Rajapalayam – 626 117. 3436 Street, Rajapalayam.
Tmt. Raji S/o. Vellaichamy Devar, 154/16C Tmt. Soundariammal, 58 C,
Madasamy Kovil Street, Rajapalayam, 626 3457 Azhagudevankulam Road, Rajapalayam.
3437 117. Thiru. M. Chinna Gurusamy,
Thiru. S. Iyyanar, Indira Colony, 3458 29/1Sozharajapuram Street, Rajapalayam.
3438 Rajapalayam – 626 117. Thiru. V. Ayya Durai, 58 C,
Thiru. K. Ramar, 21A Indira Colony, 3459 Azhagudevankulam Road, Rajapalayam.
3439 Rajapalayam – 626 117. Thiru. S. Thangaraj, 83A Sozharajapuram
Tmt. V. Rajammal, Thiruvalluvar Nagar, 3460 Street, Rajapalayam.
3440 KR Nagar (PO), Rajapalayam -626117. Thiru. S. Thangaraj, 83A Sozharajapuram
Thiru. Ponnusamy, 28/38 Thiruvalluvar 3461 Street, Rajapalayam.
Nagar, Nesavalar Colony, KR Nagar (PO), Thiru. S. Puroshkhan, 11/13, Beer Lane,
3441 Rajapalayam -626 102. 3462 Devakottai-630 302.
Thiru. A. Ramachandran, Thiruvalluvar Thiru. M. Dheena Dayalan, 53, 1St Street,
Nagar, Nesavalar Colony, KR Nagar (PO), 3463 Ram Nagar, Devakottai -630 302.
3442 Rajapalayam -626 102. Thiru. P. Nithish, 17/6, Krishna Colony,
Thiru. Iyyappan, Thiruvalluvar Nagar, 3464 EB-Road, Devakottai -630 302.
3443 Nesavalar Colony, Rajapalayam -626102. Thiru. S. mari Mutghu, No.122, Azhagapuri
Thiru. C. Sankar Kumar, 34/52A 3465 Nagar, Ram Nagar, Devakottai -630302.
Thiruvalluvar Nagar, Nesavalar Colony, KR Thiru. V. Sevaraj, 1470/1614, Mullai Street,
3444 Nagar (PO), Rajapalayam -626 102. 3466 Valluvar Nagar, Karaikudi-2.
Thiru. P. Chinnasamy, 34/52A Thiru. S. Nagendran, 3/128, Eriyodu Road,
Thiruvalluvar Nagar, Nesavalar Colony, KR 3467 Thirumangalam, Madurai.
3445 Nagar (PO), Rajapalayam -626 102. 3468 Tmt. Rekha, Puliyal, Devakottai.
Thiru. C. Saravana Kumar, 34/52C Thiru. Suresh Kumar, Andur Shed,
Thiruvalluvar Nagar, Nesavalar Colony, KR 3469 Devakottai.
3446 Nagar (PO), Rajapalayam -626 102. Thiru. Sreenivasan, Thiruppathur Road,
Thiru. A. Muthu Mani, 18/27A 3470 Devakottai.
Thiruvalluvar Nagar, Nesavalar Colony, Thiru. M. Prabhakaran, 1A Panipulan Vayal
3447 PSK Nagar (PO), Rajapalayam -626 102. 3471 Road, Devakottai.
Thiru. Ramesh. S, 18/27A Thiruvalluvar Thiru. M. Prabhakaran, 402, East Vanjanai,
Nagar, Nesavalar Colony, PSK Nagar (PO), 3472 Sivagangai Dt.
3448 Rajapalayam -626 102. Thiru. M. Prabhakaran, 1A Panipulan Vayal
Thiru. S. Dhanasekar, 351 Thiruvalluvar 3473 Road, Devakottai.
Nagar, Nesavalar Colony, KR Nagar (PO), Thiru. K. Muthusamy, Keerali,
3449 Rajapalayam -626 102. 3474 Anumandhakudi, Devakottai.
Thiru. N. Arumuga Perumal, 53 Thiru. P. Karmegam, 9C, Rama Mela Street,
Thiruvalluvar Nagar, Nesavalar Colony, KR 3475 Devakottai.
3450 Nagar (PO), Rajapalayam -626 102.
Tmt. Kaliammal, 26/26 Thiruvalluvar 3476 Tmt. Deepa, Kandadevi Post, Devakottai.
Nagar, Nesavalar Colony, KR Nagar (PO), Thiru. P. Ganesan, Karuppakudi, Sirunallur,
3451 Rajapalayam -626 102. 3477 Sivagangai – 630 302.
Thiru. Selvam, 224/125 Chinna Thiru. Alphonse, Azhagapuri Nagar, Ram
3452 Suraikaipatti, Rajapalayam – 626 117. 3478 Nagar, Devakottai -630 302.
Tmt. Seethalakshmi, 224/125 Chinna Thiru. G. Muthukumar, No.80, Kandadevi
3453 Suraikaipatti, Rajapalayam – 626 117. 3479 Road, Devakottai.
Thiru. M. Murugan, 124A/1 Chinna Thiru. A. Saravana kumar, 9E, RMML
3454 Suraikaipatti, Rajapalayam – 626 117. Street, Karuthaoorani, Devakottai,
Thiru. R. Muniyandi, 124 Chinna 3480 Sivagangai – 630 302.
3455 Suraikaipatti, Rajapalayam – 626 117. Tmt.Nagarathinam, 6/3, RMML Street,
Thiru. Ramachandran, 41/51 Madurai Raja Karuthaoorani, Devakottai, Sivagangai –
3456 Kadai Street, Rajapalayam – 626 117. 3481 630 302.
3482 Tmt. Kaliammal, No.8, Rama Mela Street,
Devakottai, Sivagangai. Thiru. Yuren, 41/1 Rajiv Nagar,
Thiru. Saravanan. S, No.9A, Rama Mela 3503 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401.
3483 Street, Devakottai, Sivagangai. Thiru. Arul Danial, Rajiv Nagar,
Thiru. Valliappan, 9E, RMML Street, 3504 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401.
Karuthaoorani, Devakottai, Sivagangai – Thiru. Natarajan, Rajiv Nagar,
3484 630 302. 3505 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401.
Tmt. Sumathi, 9E, RMML Street, Tmt. Rathnabal, 37 Rajiv Nagar,
Karuthaoorani, Devakottai, Sivagangai – 3506 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401.
3485 630 302. Tmt. R. Sasikala, 37A Rajiv Nagar,
Thiru. Boobalan, Rama Mela Street, 3507 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401.
3486 Devakottai, Sivagangai. Thiru. C.P. Subramani, 40 Rajiv Nagar,
Thiru. PA. Raamnath, 9G, RMML Street, 3508 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401.
Karuthaoorani, Devakottai, Sivagangai – Thiru. K. Murugaiyan, 45 Rajiv Nagar,
3487 630 302. Athani Road, Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638
Tmt. R. Muthunatchi, State Bank (Opp), 3509 401.
3488 Devakottai, Sivagangai. Thiru. Vijayakumar, 69A Rajiv Nagar,
Thiru. S. Palanisamy, No.19, Andakudi, Athani Road, Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638
Arakottai Po, Devakottai, Sivagangai – 630 3510 401.
3489 302. Thiru. Vijayakumar, 66 Rajiv Nagar, Athani
Thiru. K.M.Vijayakumar, Secretary, 3511 Road, Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401.
Communist Party of India (Marxist), Sathy Thiru. Vijayakumar, 67 Rajiv Nagar, Athani
Taluk Committee, 46/1,B.R, Memorial, 3512 Road, Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401.
Venugobalsamy Kovil Street, Thiru. S. Balasubramaniam, 69/1 Rajiv
3490 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401. Nagar, Athani Road,
Tmt. V. Saraswathi, 83/7 M. 3513 Sathiyamangalam,Erode – 638 401.
Komrapalayam(PO), Sathyamangalam, Thiru. Vijayakumar, 68 Rajiv Nagar, Athani
3491 Erode – 638 401. 3514 Road, Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401.
Thiru. M. RamaMoorthy, 167/6 M. Thiru. Vijayakumar, 65 Rajiv Nagar, Athani
Komrapalayam(PO), Sathyamangalam, 3515 Road, Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401.
3492 Erode – 638 401. Tmt. Amutha, Thippu Sulthan Road,
Thiru. P. Vasudevan, 40 Rajiv Nagar, 3516 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401.
3493 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401. Thiru. Raja, Boyar Street West,
Thiru. S. Sakthivel, 41 Rajiv Nagar, 3517 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401.
3494 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401. Thiru. S.M. Selvaraj, Bathrakaliamman
Thiru. S. Sakthivel, 41 Rajiv Nagar, Kovil Street, Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638
3495 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401. 3518 401.
Tmt. C.V. Malarvizhi, 40 Rajiv Nagar, Tmt. N. Indhirani, 125 Bathrakaliamman
3496 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401. Kovil West Street, Sathyamangalam, Erode
Tmt. L. Sudha, 36A Rajiv Nagar, Athani 3519 – 638 401.
3497 Road, Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638401. Tmt. Dhanalakshmi, Bathrakaliamman
Tmt. R. Geetha, 36 Rajiv Nagar, Athani Kovil West Street, Sathyamangalam, Erode
3498 Road, Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638401. 3520 – 638 401.
Selvi. G.R. Swathi, 36 Rajiv Nagar, Athani Tmt. Rajammal, 66 Bathrakaliamman Kovil
3499 Road, Sathyamangalam, Erode - 638401. West Street, Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638
Thiru. Ramaswamy, 42 Rajiv Nagar, 3521 401.
Athani Road, Sathyamangalam, Erode - Tmt. Selvi, Bathrakaliamman Kovil West
3500 638401. 3522 Street, Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401.
Thiru. K.C. Somasundram, Rajiv Nagar, Tmt. Dhanalakshmi, Bathrakaliamman
3501 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401. Kovil West Street, Sathyamangalam, Erode
Tmt. Vijayalakshmi, 41/1 Rajiv Nagar, 3523 – 638 401.
3502 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401. Tmt. Nathiya, Bathrakaliamman Kovil West
3524 Street, Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401.
Tmt. Saranya, Bathrakaliamman Kovil Tmt. Chithra, Bathrakaliamman Kovil
West Street, Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 3545 Street, Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401.
3525 401. Thiru. Ranjith Kumar, Bathrakaliamman
Tmt. D. Baviya, Bathrakaliamman Kovil Kovil Street, Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638
West Street, Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 3546 401.
3526 401. Thiru. Ramasamy, Bathrakaliamman Kovil
Tmt. Vijaya, Bathrakaliamman Kovil West 3547 Street, Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401.
3527 Street, Sathyamangalam, Erode 638401. Tmt. Kalamani, Bathrakaliamman Kovil
Tmt. Mariappan, Bathrakaliamman Kovil 3548 Street, Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401.
West Street, Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 Thiru. Raja Gobal, Bathrakaliamman Kovil
3528 401. 3549 Street, Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401.
Thiru. Patchiannan, Bathrakaliamman Kovil Thiru. Kulandhaivel, Bathrakaliamman
West Street, Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 Kovil West Street, Sathyamangalam, Erode
3529 401. 3550 – 638 401.
Tmt. Saroja, Bhagyalakshmi Nagar, Thiru. S.M. Shameem, Bathrakaliamman
3530 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401. Kovil West Street, Sathyamangalam, Erode
Tmt. C. Sivaranjani, Bhagyalakshmi Nagar, 3551 – 638 401.
3531 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401. Tmt, Nashibha Banu, Bathrakaliamman
Thiru. Srinivasan, Bathrakaliamman Kovil Kovil West Street, Sathyamangalam, Erode
West Street, Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 3552 – 638 401.
3532 401. Tmt. Habeeba, Bathrakaliamman Kovil
Thiru. Periyasamy, Bathrakaliamman Kovil West Street, Sathyamangalam, Erode -
West Street, Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 3553 638401.
3533 401. Thiru. Sampath, Bathrakaliamman Kovil
Tmt. Jayanthi, Bathrakaliamman Kovil West West Street, Sathyamangalam, Erode -
3534 Street, Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401. 3554 638401.
Tmt. Ramya, Bathrakaliamman Kovil West Tmt. S. Karbagam, Bathrakaliamman Kovil
3535 Street, Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401. West Street, Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638
Tmt. Saroja, Bathrakaliamman Kovil West 3555 401.
3536 Street, Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401. Tmt. Rahima Beevi, Bathrakaliamman
Thiru. S. Tamilarasu, Bathrakaliamman Kovil West Street, Sathyamangalam, Erode
Kovil West Street, Sathyamangalam, Erode 3556 – 638 401.
3537 – 638 401. Thiru. Mohammed Farook,
Thiru. Bathran, Bathrakaliamman Kovil Bathrakaliamman Kovil West Street,
West Street, Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 3557 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401.
3538 401. Thiru. Mohammed Farook, 29
Tmt. Sundrambal, Bathrakaliamman Kovil Bathrakaliamman Kovil West Street,
West Street, Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 3558 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401.
3539 401. Thiru. Mohammed Basha, 291
Thiru. Shek Abdul khan, Bathrakaliamman Bathrakaliamman Kovil West Street,
Kovil West Street, Sathyamangalam, Erode 3559 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401.
3540 – 638 401. Thiru. Mahathmaal, 39 Bathrakaliamman
Thiru. Asira Rahamathullah, Kovil West Street, Sathyamangalam, Erode
Bathrakaliamman Kovil West Street, 3560 – 638 401.
3541 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401. Thiru. Mohammed Farook, 39
Thiru. S. Sakthivel, 41 Rajiv Nagar, Bathrakaliamman Kovil West Street,
3542 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401. 3561 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401.
Tmt. Sarasal, Bathrakaliamman Kovil Thiru. Mohammed Savukath Ali,
3543 Street, Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401. Bathrakaliamman Kovil West Street,
Tmt. Pushpa, Bathrakaliamman Kovil 3562 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401.
3544 Street, Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401. Thiru. Akbar Ali Basha, Bathrakaliamman
3563 Kovil West Street, Sathyamangalam, Erode
– 638 401. Thiru. R. Sathyamoorthy, Bannari amman
Thiru. Yakub, Bathrakaliamman Kovil Nagar, Sulthan Road, Sathyamangalam,
West Street, Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 3584 Erode – 638 401.
3564 401. Tmt. Priya, Bannari amman Nagar, Sulthan
Thiru. S.N. Babu, Bathrakaliamman Kovil 3585 Road, Sathyamangalam,Erode – 638 401.
West Street, Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 Thiru. Velusamy, Bannari amman Nagar,
3565 401. Sulthan Road, Sathyamangalam, Erode –
Tmt. Rangammal, Bathrakaliamman Kovil 3586 638 401.
West Street, Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 Thiru. Radhakrishnan, Bathrakaliamman
3566 401. Kovil Street, Sathyamangalam, Erode -
Thiru. Kanagaraj, Bathrakaliamman Kovil 3587 638401.
West Street, Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 Thiru. S.T. Muthukumar, 41 Rajiv Gandhi
3567 401. Nagar, Vadakkupettai, Sathyamangalam,
Thiru. K.Karupusamy, Bathrakaliamman 3588 Erode – 638 401.
Kovil West Street, Sathyamangalam, Erode Thiru. S.T. Muthukumar, 41/4 Rajiv
3568 – 638 401. Gandhi Nagar, Vadakkupettai,
Tmt. Baritha, Bathrakaliamman Kovil West 3589 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401.
3569 Street, Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401. Thiru. S. Syed Shajagan 136 Gobi Main
Thiru. Yakub, 29 Bathrakaliamman Kovil Road, Ariyappam Palaiyam,
West Street, Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 3590 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401.
3570 401. Thiru. D. Saravana Kumar, Nanjapa Street,
Thiru. Badusha Mohideen, Ariyappam Palaiyam, Sathyamangalam,
Bathrakaliamman Kovil West Street, 3591 Erode – 638 401.
3571 Sathyamangalam,Erode – 638 401. Thiru. A.R. Velaiagiri, 40 Murugar Street,
Thiru. Ismail, Bathrakaliamman Kovil West Puliyampatti Pirivu, Ariyappam
3572 Street, Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401. 3592 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401.
Thiru. Syed Sujakath, Bathrakaliamman Thiru. Palanisamy, 8/49 Murugar Street,
Kovil West Street, Sathyamangalam, Erode Ariyappam Palaiyam, Sathyamangalam,
3573 – 638 401. 3593 Erode – 638 401.
Thiru. Velan, Bathrakaliamman Kovil West Tmt. Nanchamal, 8/50A Murugar Street,
3574 Street, Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401. Ariyappam Palaiyam, Sathyamangalam,
Thiru. Rafeen Noshwa, Bathrakaliamman 3594 Erode – 638 401.
Kovil West Street, Sathyamangalam, Erode Thiru. A.K. Ravi, 14 Gandhi Street,
3575 – 638 401. Ariyappam Palaiyam, Sathyamangalam,
Thiru. Sathik baha, New Vanniyar Street, 3595 Erode – 638 401.
3576 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638401 Thiru. R. Ramesh, 55 Murugar Street,
Thiru. S. Malleeswaran, New Vanniyar Ariyappam Palaiyam, Sathyamangalam,
3577 Street, Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638401. 3596 Erode – 638 401.
Tmt. Saradha, 2A New Vanniyar Street, Thiru. Lakshmanan, 34/A Gobi Main Road,
3578 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401. Ariyappam Palaiyam, Sathyamangalam,
Tmt. Jothimani, 2 New Vanniyar Street, 3597 Erode – 638 401.
3579 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401. Thiru. M. Murugan, Arunthathiyar Street,
Thiru. Abdul Rasak, New Vanniyar Street, Ariyappam Palaiyam, Sathyamangalam,
3580 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401 3598 Erode – 638 401.
Tmt. Noorjahan, New Vanniyar Street, Thiru. M. Murugan, 62 Arunthathiyar
3581 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401 Street, Ariyappam Palaiyam,
Thiru. S.M. Rajak, New Vanniyar Street, 3599 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401.
3582 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401 Thiru. Chinna Kuruppan, 62 Arunthathiyar
Thiru. V. Kuppusmy, Rani Groceries, Street, Ariyappam Palaiyam,
Venkatachalapillai Street, Sathyamangalam, 3600 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401.
3583 Erode – 638 401. Tmt. K. malliga, 70, 62 Arunthathiyar
3601 Street, Ariyappam Palaiyam,
Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401. Thiru. Palanisamy, 45 Arunthathiyar Street,
Tmt. Sudha, 12/7 Anna Street-1, Ariyappam Ariyappam Palaiyam, Sathyamangalam,
Palaiyam,Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 3619 Erode – 638 402.
3602 401. Thiru. Gopi, 6/52 Arunthathiyar Street,
Thiru. Sundaram, 19 Murugar Street, Ariyappam Palaiyam, Sathyamangalam,
Ariyappam Palaiyam, Sathyamangalam, 3620 Erode – 638 402.
3603 Erode – 638 401. Thiru. A. Kandhasamy Ex-chairman,
Tmt. P. Kala, 18 Anna Street-1, Ariyappam Ariyappam Palaiyam, Sathyamangalam,
Palaiyam, Sathyamangalam, 3621 Erode – 638 402.
3604 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401. Thiru. Vellaiya Devan, 32 Arunthathiyar
Tmt. Saraswathi, 11/12 Anna Street-1, Street, Ariyappam Palaiyam,
Ariyappam Palaiyam, Sathyamangalam, 3622 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 402.
3605 Erode – 638 402. Thiru. Chellan, 24/21 Arunthathiyar Street,
Thiru. P. Velusamy, 61 Anna Kottai Street- Ariyappam Palaiyam, Sathyamangalam,
1, Ariyappam Palaiyam, Sathyamangalam, 3623 Erode – 638 402.
3606 Erode – 638 402. Thiru. Kittan, 25 Arunthathiyar Street,
Thiru. A.K.Chellia Gounder, 12 Anna Ariyappam Palaiyam, Sathyamangalam,
Street-1, Ariyappam Palaiyam, 3624 Erode – 638 402.
3607 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 402. Thiru. Maran, 24 Arunthathiyar Street,
Tmt. Mumthaj Begam, 12/9, Anna Street-1, Ariyappam Palaiyam, Sathyamangalam,
Ariyappam Palaiyam, Sathyamangalam, 3625 Erode – 638 402.
3608 Erode – 638 402. Thiru. Mahali Ranganathan, 6/32
Thiru. Palanisamy, 45 Arunthathiyar Street, Arunthathiyar Street, Ariyappam Palaiyam,
Ariyappam Palaiyam, Sathyamangalam, 3626 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 402.
3609 Erode – 638 402. Thiru. Maran-pappamal, 6/31 Arunthathiyar
Thiru. Raman, 45 Arunthathiyar Street, Street, Ariyappam Palaiyam,
Ariyappam Palaiyam, Sathyamangalam, 3627 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 402.
3610 Erode – 638 402. Tmt. G. Sarasal, 6/31 Arunthathiyar Street,
Thiru. Balan, Arunthathiyar Street, Ariyappam Palaiyam, Sathyamangalam,
Ariyappam Palaiyam, Sathyamangalam, 3628 Erode – 638 402.
3611 Erode – 638 402. Thiru. Gurunathan, 29 Arunthathiyar Street,
Thiru. Munusamy, 36 Arunthathiyar Street, Ariyappam Palaiyam, Sathyamangalam,
Ariyappam Palaiyam, Sathyamangalam, 3629 Erode – 638 402.
3612 Erode – 638 402. Thiru. Gurunathan, 15 Arunthathiyar Street,
Thiru. Sakthi Gurunathan, 64/58 Ariyappam Palaiyam, Sathyamangalam,
Arunthathiyar Street, Ariyappam Palaiyam, 3630 Erode – 638 402.
3613 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 402. Tmt. Veerammal, 15 Arunthathiyar Street,
Thiru. Raman- Kuppan, 75 Arunthathiyar Ariyappam Palaiyam, Sathyamangalam,
Street, Ariyappam Palaiyam, 3631 Erode – 638 402.
3614 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 402. Thiru. Rangan, 17 Arunthathiyar Street,
Thiru. Ayyavu, 63/57 Arunthathiyar Street, Ariyappam Palaiyam, Sathyamangalam,
Ariyappam Palaiyam, Sathyamangalam, 3632 Erode – 638 402.
3615 Erode – 638 402. Thiru. Vaiyapuri, 18 Arunthathiyar Street,
Tmt. Mariammal, 61 Arunthathiyar Street, Ariyappam Palaiyam, Sathyamangalam,
Ariyappam Palaiyam, Sathyamangalam, 3633 Erode – 638 402.
3616 Erode – 638 402. Thiru. Muthan, 20 Arunthathiyar Street,
Thiru. Viswanathan, 36 Arunthathiyar Ariyappam Palaiyam, Sathyamangalam,
Street, Ariyappam Palaiyam, 3634 Erode – 638 402.
3617 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 402. Thiru. Kuppan, 7 Arunthathiyar Street,
Thiru. Bannari, 6/425 Arunthathiyar Street, Ariyappam Palaiyam, Sathyamangalam,
Ariyappam Palaiyam, Sathyamangalam, 3635 Erode – 638 402.
3618 Erode – 638 402. 3636 Thiru. Lakshmanan, 11 Arunthathiyar
Street, Ariyappam Palaiyam, Erode - 638401
Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 402. Thiru. Ayyavu, Bharathi Nagar,
Thiru. Manickam, 72 Arunthathiyar Street, Chikkarasampalayam, Sathyamangalam,
Ariyappam Palaiyam, Sathyamangalam, 3658 Erode - 638401.
3637 Erode – 638 402. Thiru. T. Suresh, Bharathi Nagar,
Thiru. Maran, Arunthathiyar Street, Chikkarasampalayam, Sathyamangalam,
Ariyappam Palaiyam, Sathyamangalam, 3659 Erode – 638 401.
3638 Erode – 638 402. Thiru. Pathiran, Bharathi Nagar,
Thiru. Palani, Arunthathiyar Street, Chikkarasampalayam, Sathyamangalam,
Ariyappam Palaiyam, Sathyamangalam, 3660 Erode – 638 401.
3639 Erode – 638 402. Thiru. Subban, Bharathi Nagar,
Thiru. Raman, Arunthathiyar Street, Chikkarasampalayam, Sathyamangalam,
Ariyappam Palaiyam, Sathyamangalam, 3661 Erode – 638 401.
3640 Erode – 638 402. Thiru. Shanmugam, Bharathi Nagar,
Thiru. Ponnusamy, Bharathi Nagar, Chikkarasampalayam, Sathyamangalam,
Chikkarasampalayam, Sathyamangalam, 3662 Erode – 638 401.
3641 Erode – 638 402. Thiru. Chinraj, Bharathi Nagar,
Tmt. Malliga, AD Colony, Indiyam Chikkarasampalayam, Sathyamangalam,
3642 Palayam, Erode – 638 454. 3663 Erode - 638401.
Thiru. K.M. Viayakumar, 46/1, Thiru. Nagaraj, Bharathi Nagar,
3643 Sathyamangalam, Erode. Chikkarasampalayam, Sathyamangalam,
Thiru. Subbaiyan, 74 Athani Road, 3664 Erode - 638401.
3644 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401. Thiru. Pannamal, Bharathi Nagar,
Thiru. G. Udhayakumar, 70 Rajiv Nagar, Chikkarasampalayam, Sathyamangalam,
3645 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401. 3665 Erode - 638401.
Tmt. Yasodha, 70 Rajiv Nagar, Thiru. Rayan, Bharathi Nagar,
3646 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401. Chikkarasampalayam, Sathyamangalam,
Tmt. Rajammal, 70 Rajiv Nagar, 3666 Erode - 638401.
3647 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401. Thiru. Chinnasamy, Bharathi Nagar,
Tmt. D. Patma,57 Indhra Nagar, Chikkarasampalayam, Sathyamangalam,
3648 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401. 3667 Erode - 638401.
Tmt. Rani, 45 Vadakkupettai, Thiru. Rangan, Bharathi Nagar,
3649 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401. Chikkarasampalayam, Sathyamangalam,
Thiru. Saravanan, Athani Road, 3668 Erode - 638401.
3650 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401. Thiru. Ammasai, Bharathi Nagar,
Thiru. Dhandapani, Rajiv Nagar, Chikkarasampalayam,
3651 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401. 3669 Sathyamangalam,Erode - 638401.
Thiru. Mohammed, Athani Road, Thiru. Kittan, Bharathi Nagar,
3652 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401. Chikkarasampalayam, Sathyamangalam,
Tmt. Najira Begam, Athani Road, 3670 Erode - 638401.
3653 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401. Thiru.Prabhu, Bharathi Nagar,
Thiru. Ammasai Kutty, Bharathi Nagar, Chikkarasampalayam, Sathyamangalam,
Chikkarasampalayam, Sathyamangalam, 3671 Erode - 638401.
3654 Erode – 638 401. Thiru. Suresh, Bharathi Nagar,
Thiru. Rangasamy, Bharathi Nagar, Chikkarasampalayam, Sathyamangalam,
Chikkarasampalayam, Sathyamangalam, 3672 Erode - 638401.
3655 Erode – 638 401. Tmt. Kamla, Bharathi Nagar,
Thiru. Devaraj, Bharathi Nagar, Chikkarasampalayam, Sathyamangalam,
Chikkarasampalayam, Sathyamangalam, 3673 Erode - 638401.
3656 Erode – 638 401. Tmt. Palaniammal, Bharathi Nagar,
Thiru. Murugan, Bharathi Nagar, Chikkarasampalayam, Sathyamangalam,
3657 Chikkarasampalayam, Sathyamangalam, 3674 Erode - 638401.
Tmt. Malliga, W/o. Shanmugam, Bharathi Sathyamangalam, Erode - 638401.
Nagar, Chikkarasampalayam, Tmt. Kumudha, W/o. Chinnasamy, Bharathi
3675 Sathyamangalam, Erode - 638401. Nagar, Chikkarasampalayam,
Thiru. R.Murugan, Bharathi Nagar, 3692 Sathyamangalam, Erode - 638401.
Chikkarasampalayam, Sathyamangalam, Tmt. Kalpana, W/o. Madhan, Bharathi
3676 Erode - 638401. Nagar, Chikkarasampalayam,
Tmt. Prema, Bharathi Nagar, 3693 Sathyamangalam, Erode - 638401.
Chikkarasampalayam, Tmt. Neelavathi, W/o. Chinraj, Bharathi
3677 Sathyamangalam,Erode - 638401. Nagar, Chikkarasampalayam,
Tmt. Saroja, Bharathi Nagar, 3694 Sathyamangalam, Erode - 638401.
Chikkarasampalayam, Sathyamangalam, Tmt. Mari, W/o. Selvan, Bharathi Nagar,
3678 Erode - 638401. Chikkarasampalayam, Sathyamangalam,
Tmt. Malliga, W/o. Dharuman, Bharathi 3695 Erode - 638401.
Nagar, Tmt. Chinnammal, W/o. Pappaiyan,
Chikkarasampalayam,Sathyamangalam, Bharathi Nagar, Chikkarasampalayam,
3679 Erode - 638401. 3696 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401.
Tmt. Mahesh, W/o. Madhevan, Bharathi Tmt. Nathiya, W/o. Selvan, Bharathi Nagar,
Nagar, Chikkarasampalayam,Sathyamangalam,
Chikkarasampalayam,Sathyamangalam, 3697 Erode – 638 401.
3680 Erode - 638401. Thiru. R.Selvaraj, S/o. Rangasamy, Bharathi
Tmt. Chellayee, W/o.Kunjan, Bharathi Nagar, Chikkarasampalayam,
Nagar, Chikkarasampalayam, 3698 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401.
3681 Sathyamangalam, Erode - 638401. Thiru. P.Guruasamy, S/o. Pooval, Bharathi
Tmt. Shanthi Ponnu, W/o. Duraisamy, Nagar,
Bharathi Nagar, Chikkarasampalayam, Chikkarasampalayam,Sathyamangalam,
3682 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401. 3699 Erode – 638 401.
Tmt. Rathna, W/o. Subramani, Bharathi Tmt. Kannammal, W/o. Pannan, Bharathi
Nagar, Chikkarasampalayam, Nagar, Chikkarasampalayam,
3683 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401. 3700 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401.
Thiru. Pannan, Bharathi Nagar, Thiru. Vijayan, S/o. Sandha, Bharathi
Chikkarasampalayam, Sathyamangalam, Nagar,
3684 Erode - 638401.. Chikkarasampalayam,Sathyamangalam,
Tmt. Lakshmi, W/o.Pannani, Bharathi 3701 Erode – 638 401.
Nagar, Chikkarasampalayam, Tmt. P. Rangammal, W/o. Pannan, Bharathi
3685 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401. Nagar, Chikkarasampalayam,
Tmt. Abinaya, W/o. Nanchi, Bharathi 3702 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401.
Nagar, Chikkarasampalayam, Thiru. Ajith, S/o. Maheswari, Bharathi
3686 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401. Nagar, Chikkarasampalayam,
Thiru. Govindhan, Bharathi Nagar, 3703 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401.
Chikkarasampalayam, Sathyamangalam, Tmt. Saroja, W/o. Periyasamy, Bharathi
3687 Erode – 638 401. Nagar, Chikkarasampalayam,
Thiru. Karuppan, Bharathi Nagar, 3704 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401.
Chikkarasampalayam, Sathyamangalam, Tmt. R. Amudha, W/o.Kumar, Bharathi
3688 Erode – 638 401. Nagar, Chikkarasampalayam,
Thiru. Palanisamy, Bharathi Nagar, 3705 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401.
Chikkarasampalayam, Sathyamangalam, Tmt. Lalitha, W/o. Kollan, Bharathi Nagar,
3689 Erode – 638 401. Chikkarasampalayam, Sathyamangalam,
Thiru. Raman, Bharathi Nagar, 3706 Erode – 638 401.
Chikkarasampalayam, Sathyamangalam, Thiru. Ayyavu, Bharathi Nagar,
3690 Erode - 638401. Chikkarasampalayam, Sathyamangalam,
Tmt. Thulasi, W/o. Marisamy, Bharathi 3707 Erode - 638401.
3691 Nagar, Chikkarasampalayam,
Tmt. Vijaya, W/o. Murugan, Bharathi Thiru. Mayilan, Bharathi Nagar,
Nagar, Chikkarasampalayam, Chikkarasampalayam, Sathyamangalam,
3708 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401. 3725 Erode – 638 401.
Thiru. Rangan, H/o. Sarasal,, Bharathi Thiru. Ayyavu, H/o. Sasikala, Bharathi
Nagar, Chikkarasampalayam, Nagar, Chikkarasampalayam,
3709 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401. 3726 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401.
Thiru. Murugan, H/o. Arukkani, Bharathi Tmt. Sasikala, Bharathi Nagar,
Nagar, Chikkarasampalayam, Chikkarasampalayam, Sathyamangalam,
3710 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401. 3727 Erode -638401
Thiru. Nagappan, H/o. Kannamal, Bharathi Thiru. Viswanathan, Bharathi Nagar,
Nagar, Chikkarasampalayam, Chikkarasampalayam, Sathyamangalam,
3711 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401. 3728 Erode – 638 401.
Tmt. Manjula, W/o. Maniyan, Bharathi Tmt. Saroja Devi, 2/1 Meenatchi Amman
Nagar, Chikkarasampalayam, Kovil West Street, Agraharam , Gobi
3712 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401. Electricity Distribution Circle,
Tmt. Shanthi, W/o. Palanisamy, Bharathi 3729 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401.
Nagar, Chikkarasampalayam, Tmt. Saroja Devi, 2/1 Meenatchi Amman
3713 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401. Kovil West Street, Agraharam , Gobi
Tmt. Azhagi, W/o. Rangan, Bharathi Nagar, Electricity Distribution Circle,
Chikkarasampalayam, Sathyamangalam, 3730 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401.
3714 Erode – 638 401. Tmt. Saroja Devi, 2/1 Meenatchi Amman
Tmt. Vasantha, W/o. Kanaraj, Bharathi Kovil West Street, Agraharam , Gobi
Nagar, Chikkarasampalayam, Electricity Distribution Circle,
3715 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401. 3731 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401.
Thiru. R. Sundaram, S/o. Rangan, Bharathi Tmt. Saroja Devi, 2/1 Meenatchi Amman
Nagar, Chikkarasampalayam, Kovil West Street, Agraharam , Gobi
3716 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401. Electricity Distribution Circle,
Thiru. Anandhan, Bharathi Nagar, 3732 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401.
Chikkarasampalayam, Sathyamangalam, Tmt. Saroja Devi, 2/1 Meenatchi Amman
3717 Erode – 638 401. Kovil West Street, Agraharam , Gobi
Thiru. Ravichandran S/o. Rangsamy, Electricity Distribution Circle,
Bharathi Nagar, Chikkarasampalayam, 3733 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401.
3718 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401. Tmt. Saroja Devi, 2/1 Meenatchi Amman
Tmt. Subbulaksmi, W/o. Nanchan, Bharathi Kovil West Street, Agraharam , Gobi
Nagar, Chikkarasampalayam, Electricity Distribution Circle,
3719 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401. 3734 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401.
Tmt. Thangamani, W/o. Palanisamy, Tmt. Saroja Devi, 2/1 Meenatchi Amman
Bharathi Nagar, Chikkarasampalayam, Kovil West Street, Agraharam , Gobi
3720 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401. Electricity Distribution Circle,
Thiru. Karthik, S/o/ Bannan, Bharathi 3735 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401.
Nagar, Chikkarasampalayam, Tmt. Saroja Devi, 2/1 Meenatchi Amman
3721 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401. Kovil West Street, Agraharam , Gobi
Thiru. Madhan, H/o. Arukkani, Bharathi Electricity Distribution Circle,
Nagar, 3736 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401.
Chikkarasampalayam,Sathyamangalam, Tmt. Saroja Devi, 2/1 Meenatchi Amman
3722 Erode – 638 401. Kovil West Street, Agraharam , Gobi
Thiru. Karuppan, Bharathi Nagar, Electricity Distribution Circle,
Chikkarasampalayam, Sathyamangalam, 3737 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401.
3723 Erode – 638 401. Thiru. P. Suresh, S/o/ S.P. Ponnaiya, 15/1
Tmt. Shanthi, W/o. Duraisamy, Bharathi Meenatchi Amman Kovil West Street,
Nagar, Chikkarasampalayam, Agraharam , Gobi Electricity Distribution
3724 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401. 3738 Circle, Sathyamangalam,Erode – 638 401.
Thiru. P. Suresh, S/o/ S.P. Ponnaiya, 15/1 Thiru. K. Nivesh, D.No.12/3 Meenatchi
Meenatchi Amman Kovil West Street, Amman Kovil West Street, Agraharam
Agraharam , Gobi Electricity Distribution Electricity Distribution Circle,
3739 Circle, Sathyamangalam,Erode – 638 401. 3752 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638
Thiru. G. Muthu, D.No.9 Meenatchi Tmt. Vijayalakshmi, W/o. Mohan,
Amman Kovil West Street, Agraharam D.No.12/4 Meenatchi Amman Kovil West
Street, Gobi Electricity Distribution Circle, Street, Agraharam Electricity Distribution
3740 Sathyamangalam,Erode – 638 401. 3753 Circle, Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401.
Tmt. Amsa, D.No.9 Meenatchi Amman Tmt. Krishnaveni, D.No.13/5 Meenatchi
Kovil West Street, Agraharam Street, Gobi Amman Kovil West Street, Agraharam
Electricity Distribution Circle, Electricity Distribution Circle,
3741 Sathyamangalam,Erode – 638 401. 3754 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401.
Thiru. S. Praveen, D.No.9, Meenatchi Tmt. Tamil Selvi, D.No.8 Meenatchi
Amman Kovil West Street,Agraharam , Amman Kovil West Street, Agraharam
Gobi Electricity Distribution Circle, Electricity Distribution Circle,
3742 Sathyamangalam,Erode – 638 401. 3755 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401.
Thiru. Sivamalla, D.No.9 Meenatchi Tmt R. Tamilselvi, D.No.8A Meenatchi
Amman Kovil West Street, Agraharam Amman Kovil West Street, Agraharam
Street, Agraharam , Gobi Electricity Electricity Distribution Circle,
Distribution Circle, Sathyamangalam,Erode 3756 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401.
3743 – 638 401. Tmt R. Tamilselvi, D.No.26 Meenatchi
Thiru. G. Saravan, S/o. S.N.Gobalsamyt, Amman Kovil West Street, Agraharam
No.1, S.T. Shed back side, Gandhi Nagar, Electricity Distribution Circle,
3744 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 402. 3757 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401.
Thiru. J. Saravanan, D.No.11 Meenatchi Thiru. S.N. Jeyapal, D.No.10 Meenatchi
Amman Kovil West Street, Agraharam Amman Kovil West Street, Agraharam
Electricity Distribution Circle, Electricity Distribution Circle,
3745 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401 3758 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401.
Thiru. J. Saravanan, D.No.11 Meenatchi Tmt. Ramya, W/o. Sivakumar, D.No.10
Amman Kovil West Street, Agraharam Meenatchi Amman Kovil West Street,
Electricity Distribution Circle, Agraharam Electricity Distribution Circle,
3746 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401+ 3759 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401.
Thiru. J. Saravanan, D.No.11 Meenatchi Tmt. E. Mujeefa Begam, D.No. 11
Amman Kovil West Street, Agraharam Meenatchi Amman Kovil West Street,
Electricity Distribution Circle, Agraharam Electricity Distribution Circle,
3747 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401 3760 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401.
Thiru. J. Saravanan, D.No.11 Meenatchi Tmt. Vijayalakshmi, D.No. 11 Meenatchi
Amman Kovil West Street, Agraharam Amman Kovil West Street, Agraharam
Electricity Distribution Circle, Electricity Distribution Circle,
3748 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401 3761 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401.
Thiru. J. Saravanan, D.No.11 Meenatchi Thiru. G. Muthu, D.No. 9Meenatchi
Amman Kovil West Street, Agraharam Amman Kovil West Street, Agraharam
Electricity Distribution Circle, Electricity Distribution Circle,
3749 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401 3762 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401.
Thiru. Subramaniam, D.No.12 Meenatchi Thiru. Ramasamy, Meenatchi Amman Kovil
Amman Kovil West Street, Agraharam West Street, Agraharam Electricity
Electricity Distribution Circle, Distribution Circle, Sathyamangalam,
3750 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401 3763 Erode – 638 401.
Tmt. Pangajam, D.No.21 Meenatchi Thiru. S.L. Shajahan, 35, Mariammam
Amman Kovil West Street, Agraharam Kovil Street, Varadham Palayam Village,
Electricity Distribution Circle, 3764 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401.
3751 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401 3765 Thiru. S.P. Ligathulla, 62, Rajiv Gandhi
Nagar, Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401. Indiyam Palayam, Erode – 638 454.
Thiru. N. Shamnash, 3999Bazar Streer, Thiru. Saravanan, S/o. Periya Gurunathan,
Kottuveerampalayam, Sathyamangalam, Arisana Colony, Indiyam Palayam, Erode –
3766 Erode – 638 401. 3791 638 454.
Thiru. Chandran, AD Colony, Indiyam Thiru. Ganesan, S/o. Chinna Gurunadhan,
3767 Palayam, Erode – 638 454. AD Colony, Indiyam Palayam, Palayam,
Tmt. Mahali, AD Colony, Indiyam Palayam, 3792 Erode – 638 454.
3768 Erode – 638 454. Thiru. Gurusamy, S/o. Chinna Rangan,
Thiru. Kullan Raman, AD Colony, Indiyam Arisana Colony, Indiyam Palayam,
3769 Palayam, Erode – 638 454. 3793 Palayam, Erode – 638 454.
Tmt. Kali, W/o/ Rangan, AD Colony, Thiru. Komaran, S/o. Maran, AD Colony,
3770 Indiyam Palayam, Erode – 638 454. 3794 Indiyam Palayam, Erode – 638 454.
Thiru. Palani, S/o. Rangan, AD Colony, Thiru. Subramani, AD Colony, Indiyam
3771 Indiyam Palayam, Erode – 638 454 3795 Palayam, Erode – 638 454.
Thiru. SUbbanAD Colony, Indiyam Thiru. Maran, Thanneerpallam,
3772 Palayam, Erode – 638 454. Puduvadavalli , Sathyamangalam, Erode –
Thiru. Palani, S/o. Rangan, AD Colony, 3796 638 401.
3773 Indiyam Palayam, Erode – 638 454 Thiru. Maran, Thanneerpallam,
Thiru. Chinnasamy, AD Colony, Indiyam Puduvadavalli , Sathyamangalam, Erode –
3774 Palayam, Erode – 638 454. 3797 638 401.
Thiru. Raman, S/o. Kuppan, AD Colony, Thiru. Gurunadhan, Thanneerpallam,
3775 Indiyam Palayam, Erode – 638 454 Puduvadavalli , Sathyamangalam, Erode –
Thiru. Soman, Arisana Colony, Indiyam 3798 638 401.
3776 Palayam, Erode – 638 454. Tmt. Subbu Lakshmi, W/o. Subramani,
Thiru. Chinna Pennan S/o. Komaran, , AD Thanneerpallam, Puduvadavalli ,
3777 Colony, Indiyam Palayam, Erode – 638 454. 3799 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401.
Thiru. Jayabal, AD Colony, Indiyam Thiru. Sankaran, Thanneerpallam,
3778 Palayam, Erode – 638 454. Puduvadavalli , Sathyamangalam, Erode –
Thiru. Rathinasamy, Arisana Colony, 3800 638 401.
3779 Indiyam Palayam, Erode – 638 454. Thiru. Bannari Kandhan, Thanneerpallam,
Thiru. Sandhan, AD Colony, Indiyam Puduvadavalli , Sathyamangalam, Erode –
3780 Palayam, Erode – 638 454. 3801 638 401.
Tmt. Nachammal, W/o. Palani, Arisana Tmt. Sulokshana, Thanneerpallam,
3781 Colony, Indiyam Palayam, Erode – 638 454. Puduvadavalli , Sathyamangalam, Erode –
Thiru. Karuppan, S/o. Mahali, AD Colony, 3802 638 401.
3782 Indiyam Palayam, Erode – 638 454 Thiru. Kannammal, Thanneerpallam,
Thiru. Subramani, S/o. Palani, AD Colony, Puduvadavalli , Sathyamangalam, Erode –
3783 Indiyam Palayam, Erode – 638 454 3803 638 401.
Thiru. Chinnan, S/o. Palani, AD Colony, Thiru. R. Arumugam, Thanneerpallam,
3784 Indiyam Palayam, Erode – 638 454 Puduvadavalli , Sathyamangalam, Erode –
Thiru. JR. Karuppan, S/o. Rangan, AD 3804 638 401.
3785 Colony, Indiyam Palayam, Erode – 638 454. Tmt. Kunchammal, Thanneerpallam,
Thiru. Samundi, S/o. Mahali, AD Colony, Puduvadavalli , Sathyamangalam, Erode –
3786 Indiyam Palayam, Erode – 638 454. 3805 638 401.
Thiru. Bathran, S/o. Karuppan, AD Colony, Thiru. P. Anandhan, Thanneerpallam,
3787 Indiyam Palayam, Erode – 638 454. Puduvadavalli , Sathyamangalam, Erode –
Thiru. Bannari, S/o. Karuppan, AD Colony, 3806 638 401.
3788 Indiyam Palayam, Erode – 638 454. Thiru. Murugan, Thanneerpallam,
Thiru. Mahali, S/o. Palani, AD Colony, Puduvadavalli , Sathyamangalam, Erode –
3789 Indiyam Palayam, Erode – 638 454. 3807 638 401.
Thiru. Natchi Muthu , S/o. Dhasan,
3790 Tmt. Kamatchi, W/o. Maran, AD Colony,
3808 Thanneerpallam, Puduvadavalli , Erode –
638 401. Thiru. Krishnasamy, Attamokkai Colony,
Thiru. Kittan, Thanneerpallam, Puduvadavalli , Sathyamangalam, Erode –
Puduvadavalli , Sathyamangalam, Erode – 3826 638 401.
3809 638 401. Thiru. Bannari, Attamokkai Colony,
Thiru. V. Ramu, S/o. Venkeetasami, Puduvadavalli , Sathyamangalam, Erode –
Thanneerpallam, Puduvadavalli , 3827 638 401.
3810 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401. Thiru. Chinnan, Attamokkai Colony,
Thiru. Selvan Rajathi, Thanneerpallam, Puduvadavalli , Sathyamangalam, Erode –
Puduvadavalli , Sathyamangalam, Erode – 3828 638 401.
3811 638 401. Thiru. Rangan, Attamokkai Colony,
Tmt. Subbathal, Thanneerpallam, Puduvadavalli , Sathyamangalam, Erode –
Puduvadavalli , Sathyamangalam, Erode – 3829 638 401.
3812 638 401. Thiru. Rangan, Attamokkai Colony,
Thiru. Muthal, Thanneerpallam, Puduvadavalli , Sathyamangalam, Erode –
Puduvadavalli , Sathyamangalam, Erode – 3830 638 401.
3813 638 401. Thiru. Ponnusamy, Attamokkai Colony,
Thiru. Vetrivel, Thanneerpallam, Puduvadavalli , Sathyamangalam, Erode –
Puduvadavalli , Sathyamangalam, Erode - 3831 638 401.
3814 638401. Thiru. Bannai, S/o. Kuppan, Attamokkai
Thiru. Ramasamy (Public Temple), Colony, Puduvadavalli, Mulapakayam,
Thanneerpallam, Puduvadavalli , 3832 Erode – 638 401.
3815 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401. Thiru. M. Arunachalam, 35, 2nd Cross
Thiru. Perumal, Thanneerpallam, 3833 Street, Bharathi Nagar, Erode – 638 002.
Puduvadavalli , Sathyamangalam, Erode – Thiru. M. Arunachalam, 35, 2nd Cross
3816 638 401. 3834 Street, Bharathi Nagar, Erode – 638 002.
Thiru. Perumal Karuppan, Thanneerpallam, Tmt. S. Ramani, 34/1, 2nd Cross Street,
Puduvadavalli , Sathyamangalam, Erode – Bharathi Nagar, Mulapalayam, Erode – 638
3817 638 401. 3835 002.
Thiru. Swamynadhan, Thanneerpallam, Tmt. S. Ramani, 34/1, 2nd Cross Street,
Puduvadavalli , Sathyamangalam, Erode – Bharathi Nagar, Mulapalayam, Erode – 638
3818 638 401. 3836 002.
Thiru. Palaniammal, W/o. Chenniyappan, Thiru. P. Sadhasivam, 54/2, Bharathi Nagar,
Thanneerpallam, Puduvadavalli , 3837 Mulapalayam, Erode – 638 002
3819 Sathyamangalam, Erode – 638 401. Thiru. S. Padmanadhan, 32, Bharathi Nagar,
Thiru. Raman, Thanneerpallam, 3838 Mulapalayam, Erode – 638 002
Puduvadavalli , Sathyamangalam, Erode – Thiru. P. Gunasekar, 77 Bharathi Nagar,
3820 638 401. 3839 Mulapalayam, Erode – 638 002.
Thiru. Perumal, Thanneerpallam, Thiru. P. Gunasekar, 77 Bharathi Nagar,
Puduvadavalli , Sathyamangalam, Erode – 3840 Mulapalayam, Erode – 638 002.
3821 638 401. Tmt. P. Savithri, 116, Bharathi Nagar,
Tmt. Sundari, Attamokkai Colony, 3841 Mulapalayam, Erode – 638 002.
Puduvadavalli , Sathyamangalam, Erode – Thiru. N. Kuppusamy, 71 Bharathi Nagar,
3822 638 401. 3842 Mulapalayam, Erode – 638 002.
Thiru. Kuppan, Attamokkai Colony, Thiru. N. Kuppusamy, 71A Bharathi Nagar,
Puduvadavalli , Sathyamangalam, Erode – 3843 Mulapalayam, Erode – 638
3823 638 401. Thiru. R. Saravanan, 165 Bharathi Nagar,
Thiru. Bannari, Attamokkai Colony, 3844 Mulapalayam, Erode – 638 002.
Puduvadavalli , Sathyamangalam, Erode – Thiru. R. Saravanan, 165 Bharathi Nagar,
3824 638 401. 3845 Mulapalayam, Erode – 638 002.
Thiru. Karuppan, Attamokkai Colony, Thiru. R. Saravanan, 165 Bharathi Nagar,
Puduvadavalli , Sathyamangalam, Erode – 3846 Mulapalayam, Erode – 638 002.
3825 638 401.
Thiru. R. Saravanan, 165 Bharathi Nagar, Thiru. N. Saravannan, 6, Thengapattu Street,
3847 Mulapalayam, Erode – 638 002. 3870 Kollam Palayam, Erode – 638002
Thiru. R. Saravanan, 165 Bharathi Nagar, Tmt. Nirmala, 9, Thengapattu Street,
3848 Mulapalayam, Erode – 638 002. 3871 Kollam Palayam, Erode – 638 002.
Thiru. R. Saravanan, 165 Bharathi Nagar, Tmt. Raji, 12, Nethaji Street, Kollam
3849 Mulapalayam, Erode – 638 002. 3872 Palayam, Erode – 638 002.
Thiru. R. Saravanan, 165 Bharathi Nagar, Thiru. Loganathan, 22, BeemanKadari
3850 Mulapalayam, Erode – 638 002. 3873 Street, Kollam Palayam, Erode – 638002
Tmt. C. Sarawathi, Ashok Milk Farm, Thiru. P. Moorthy, 8, Thengapattu Street,
Bharathi Nagar, Mulapalayam, Erode - 3874 Kollam Palayam, Erode – 638 002
3851 638002. Thiru. Shanmugasundram, BeemanKadari
Tmt. C. Sarawathi, Ashok Milk Farm, Kovil 3875 Street, Kollam Palayam, Erode - 638002
Street, Bharathi Nagar, Mulapalayam, Erode Thiru. N. Thangavel, 20 BeemanKadari
3852 – 638 002. 3876 Street, Kollam Palayam, Erode – 638002
Thiru. M. Sairash, 3/8 Gandhi Nagar, Thiru. K.M. Moorthy, 16 Vandikaran
3853 Mulapalayam, Erode – 638 002. 3877 thottam, Kollam Palayam, Erode – 638002
Thiru. M. Rajamani, 78 Bharathi Nagar, Thiru. Shanmugam, 44. Thiru-vi-ka Street,
3854 Mulapalayam, Erode – 638 002. 3878 Kollam Palayam, Erode – 638 002
Thiru. S. Tamilselvan, 82 Bharathi Nagar, Thiru. Kumaraswamy, G3, Sullikadu,
3855 Mulapalayam, Erode – 638 002 Vandikaran thottam, Kollam Palayam,
Thiru. S. Tamilselvan, 82 Bharathi Nagar, 3879 Erode – 638 002.
3856 Mulapalayam, Erode – 638 002 Thiru. C. Palanisamy, 3, Sullikadu,
Thiru. P. Sadhasivam, 161/A Green Vandikaran thottam, Kollam Palayam,
Bharathi Nagar, Mulapalayam, Erode - 3880 Erode – 638 002.
3857 638002 Thiru. M. Jagan Mohan, BeemanKadari
Thiru. P. Sadhasivam, 161/A Green 3881 Street, Kollam Palayam, Erode – 638 002.
Bharathi Nagar, Mulapalayam, Erode - Thiru. Kannan, 1/4 Kumaran Street, Kollam
3858 638002 3882 Palayam, Erode – 638 002.
Thiru. P. Sadhasivam, 161/A Green Thiru. E. Kalyanasundram, 19/1. Nehruji
Bharathi Nagar, Mulapalayam, Erode - 3883 Sreet, Kollam Palayam, Erode – 638 002.
3859 638002 Thiru. K.S. Balasubramani, 58. Thiru-vi-ka
Thiru. G. Sivakumar, 28A Vinayagar Kovil 3884 Street, Kollam Palayam, Erode – 638 002.
3860 Street, Mulapalayam, Erode – 638002 Thiru. K. Madhavan, 29 Thiru-vi-ka Street,
Thiru. S. Dhakshinamurthy, 89, Gandhiji 3885 Kollam Palayam, Erode – 638 002.
3861 Nagar, Mulapalayam, Erode – 638002 Thiru. EN. Mohan Nambudhiri, 53, Devaki
Thiru. T. Palani Samy , Kumaran Street, 3886 Illam, Kollam Palayam, Erode – 638002
3862 Kollam Palayam, Erode – 638 002 Thiru.P. Elangovan, 52/3Bharathi Nagar,
Thiru. K.R. Chinna Samy , Kumaran Street, 3887 Mulapalayam, Erode – 638 002.
3863 Kollam Palayam, Erode – 638 002 Thiru. D. Subramani, 52, Vinayagar Kovil
Thiru. K. Gobinath, 30 Kumaran Street, Street , 7th Cross ,Mulapalayam, Erode -
3864 Kollam Palayam, Erode – 638 002 3888 638002
Thiru. KA. Sampath, 261/1, Gandhiji Nagar, Thiru. G.Nagarajan, 51, Vinayagar Kovil
3865 Kollam Palayam, Erode – 638 002 Street, 7th Cross ,Mulapalayam, Erode -
Thiru.N. Kathirvel, 27 Gandhiji Nagar, 3889 638002
3866 Kollam Palayam, Erode – 638 002. Tmt. Kalariarasi, N, 48, Vinayagar Kovil
Thiru. P. Sivakumar, 250/36, Gandhiji Street, 7th Cross, Mulapalayam, Erode -
3867 Nagar, Kollam Palayam, Erode – 638002 3890 638002
Thiru. I.C. Vasudevan, 6, Thengapattu Thiru. A. Kulandhai Samy, 55 , Vinayagar
3868 Street, Kollam Palayam, Erode – 638002 Kovil Street 7th Cross , Mulapalayam,
Thiru. P. Ganesan, Thengapattu Street, 3891 Erode – 638 002.
3869 Kollam Palayam, Erode – 638 002 Thiru. T. Linganadhan, 47/1 , Vinayagar
3892 Kovil Street 7th Cross , Mulapalayam,
Erode – 638 002. - 638052
Tmt. Saraswathi, 47 , Vinayagar Kovil Thiru. S. Raju, Secretary, Communist Party
Street 7th Cross , Mulapalayam, Erode - of India (Marxist), IlayankudiCommittee,
3893 638002 Keelaiyur Colony, Ilayangudi, Sivaganga –
Thiru. Duraisamy, 47/3, Vinayagar Kovil 3917 630 702.
Street 7th Cross , Mulapalayam, Erode - Thiru. G. Muthu, Sentamil Nagar,
3894 638002 Meladuraiyur, Kannamangalam PO,
Thiru. Ravichandran, 46/2A, Vinayagar 3918 Ilayangudi (Tk), Sivaganga Dt - 630 709.
Kovil Street 6th Cross , Mulapalayam, Thiru. S. Durai Murugan, Sentamil Nagar,
3895 Erode – 638 002. Meladuraiyur, Kannamangalam PO,
Thiru. P. Subramanian, Pallipalayam, 3919 Ilayangudi (Tk), Sivaganga Dt - 630 709.
3896 Nasiyanur, Erode – 638 107. Thiru. S. Raju, 38/12, Keelaiyur Colony,
Thiru. P. Tamil Murugu, 31 N. 3920 Ilayangudi, Sivaganga – 630 702.
3897 Pallipalayam, Nasiyanur, Erode – 638 107. Thiru. Hyder Ali, 62/4. Kasim Nagar,
Thiru. P.K. Chidambram, Pallipalayam, Keelaiyur Colony, Ilayangudi, Sivaganga –
3898 Nasiyanur, Erode – 638 107. 3921 630 702.
Thiru. S. Karthikeyan,111-Nadu Street, Tmt. Irulayi, Keelaiyur Colony, Ilayangudi,
3899 Nasiyanur, Erode – 638 107. 3922 Sivaganga – 630 702.
Thiru. Manikandan, Kandhampalayam, Thiru. S. Mutheeskumar, 42A, Keelaiyur
3900 Nasiyanur, Erode – 638 107. 3923 Colony, Ilayangudi, Sivaganga – 630702
Tmt. Selvi.S, Kandhampalayam N, Thiru. K. Rajangam, Keelaiyur Colony,
3901 Nasiyanur, Erode – 638 107. 3924 Ilayangudi, Sivaganga – 630 702.
Thiru. D. Sakthivel, Kandhampalayam N, Thiru. A. Kannan, 26A, Keelaiyur Colony,
3902 Nasiyanur, Erode – 638 107. 3925 Ilayangudi, Sivaganga – 630 702
Thiru. K.K. Palanisamy, Kandhampalayam, Thiru. A. Raja Manickam, 48A, Keelaiyur
3903 Nasiyanur, Erode – 638 107. 3926 Colony, Ilayangudi, Sivaganga - 630702
Thiru. Soundarajan, Kamatchi Street, Thiru. Satheeskumar, Keelaiyur Colony,
3904 Nasiyanur, Erode – 638 107. 3927 Ilayangudi, Sivaganga – 630 702.
Thiru. V. Sakthivel, 691 Mahaliamman Thiru. P. Rajapandi, 38/12, Keelaiyur
3905 Kovil Street, Nasiyanur, Erode – 638107 3928 Colony, Ilayangudi, Sivaganga –630702.
Thiru. K. Chinnasamy, 96 Rayapalayam Tm. Kaliammal, Keelaiyur Colony,
3906 Road, Nasiyanur, Erode – 638 107 3929 Ilayangudi, Sivaganga – 630 702.
3907 Thiru. Innasi, Nasiyanur, Erode – 638 107. Tmt. Tamilarasi, Keelaiyur Colony,
Thiru. R. Kannusamy, Nasiyanur, Erode – 3930 Ilayangudi, Sivaganga – 630 702.
3908 638 107. Thiru. Ganesan, Keelaiyur Colony,
Thiru. M. Palanisamy, 5/206 Mettukadai, 3931 Ilayangudi, Sivaganga – 630 702.
3909 Kathirampatti, Nasiyanur, Erode 638107 Thiru. Ranjith Kumar, Keelaiyur Colony,
Tmt. Dhanabackiyam, 5/206 Mettukadai, 3932 Ilayangudi, Sivaganga – 630 702.
3910 Kathirampatti, Nasiyanur, Erode 638107 Thiru. T. Pugazhenthi, 60 Keelaiyur
Tmt. Saroja, Kathirampatti, Nasiyanur, 3933 Colony, Ilayangudi, Sivaganga – 630 702
3911 Erode – 638 107. Tmt. Muneswari . G, 26A Keelaiyur
Thiru. C. Loganathan, 17, 3934 Colony, Ilayangudi, Sivaganga – 630 702
Ponmuraungaikadu, Behind MCR, , Thiru. Azhagu, 259 Keelaiyur Colony,
3912 Nasiyanur, Erode - 638107 3935 Ilayangudi, Sivaganga – 630 702.
Thiru. L. Karthikeyan, Gurumalaikadu, Thiru. Ravindren, Keelaiyur Colony,
3913 Behind MCR, , Nasiyanur, Erode – 638107 3936 Ilayangudi, Sivaganga – 630 702.
Thiru. Kulandhai sany, Perumapalayam , Tmt. Irulayi, Keelaiyur Colony, Ilayangudi,
3914 Nasiyanur, Erode – 638 107. 3937 Sivaganga – 630 702.
3915 Thiru. Innasi, Nasiyanur, Erode – 638 107. Thiru. Raja Kumar, Keelaiyur Colony,
3938 Ilayangudi, Sivaganga – 630 702.
Thiru. S. Kandhasamy, 7, Pallakattu
3916 Thottam, Chatram Pudur, P.Palayam, Erode 3939 Thiru. K. Senthil Kumar, Keelaiyur Colony,
Ilayangudi, Sivaganga – 630 702 Thiru. S. Sankar, Keelaiyur Colony,
Thiru. Azhagarsami, Koodi mangalam, 3963 Ilayangudi, Sivaganga – 630 702.
Nagamuguthangudi PO, Sivaganga – 630 Thiru. K. Kathiresan, Keelaiyur Colony,
3940 709. 3964 Ilayangudi, Sivaganga – 630 702.
Thiru. K. Muthuvel, Munaivendri, Thiru. A. Malaikannu, Keelaiyur Colony,
3941 Sivaganga – 630 701. 3965 Ilayangudi, Sivaganga – 630 702.
Thiru. K. Mari, Keelaiyur Colony, Thiru. Ramachandran, Munaivendri,
3942 Ilayangudi, Sivaganga – 630 702. 3966 Sivaganga – 630 701.
Thiru. P. Arumugam, Keelaiyur Colony, Thiru. S. Murugesan, Munaivendri,
3943 Ilayangudi, Sivaganga – 630 702. 3967 Sivaganga – 630 701.
Thiru. Rajendran, Keelaiyur Colony, Thiru. K. Raman, Munaivendri, Sivaganga
3944 Ilayangudi, Sivaganga – 630 702. 3968 – 630 701.
Tmt.. Indira, Keelaiyur Colony, Ilayangudi, Thiru. R. Bose, Munaivendri, Sivaganga –
3945 Sivaganga – 630 702. 3969 630 701.
Thiru. S. Ramu, Keelaiyur Colony, Thiru. K. Murugesan, Munaivendri,
3946 Ilayangudi, Sivaganga – 630 702. 3970 Sivaganga – 630 701.
Tmt. Kaliammal, Keelaiyur Colony, Thiru. R. Senthil Munaivendri, Sivaganga –
3947 Ilayangudi, Sivaganga – 630 702. 3971 630 701.
Tmt. Banu, Keelaiyur Colony, Ilayangudi, Thiru. M. Muniandi, Munaivendri,
3948 Sivaganga – 630 702. 3972 Sivaganga – 630 701.
Tmt. Muthulakshmi, Keelaiyur Colony, Thiru. S. Sankaran, Munaivendri, Sivaganga
3949 Ilayangudi, Sivaganga – 630 702. 3973 – 630 701.
Tmt. Rakkamal, Keelaiyur Colony, Thiru. M. K. Ramasamy, Munaivendri,
3950 Ilayangudi, Sivaganga – 630 702. 3974 Sivaganga – 630 701.
Tmt. Mareeswari, Keelaiyur Colony, Thiru. V. Palanivel, Keelaiyur Colony,
3951 Ilayangudi, Sivaganga – 630 702. 3975 Ilayangudi, Sivaganga – 630 702.
Tmt. Jayanthi Mala, Keelaiyur Colony, Thiru. Sivanathan, Keelaiyur Colony,
3952 Ilayangudi, Sivaganga – 630 702. 3976 Ilayangudi, Sivaganga – 630 702.
Thiru. V. Murugesan, Kannamangalam PO, Thiru. Sivanathan, Keelaiyur Colony,
3953 Ilayangudi (Tk), Sivaganga Dt - 630 709. 3977 Ilayangudi, Sivaganga – 630 702.
Thiru. R. Senthil Kumar, Meladuraiyur, Thiru. Natarajan, Keelaiyur Colony,
Kannamangalam PO, Ilayangudi (Tk), 3978 Ilayangudi, Sivaganga – 630 702.
3954 Sivaganga Dt - 630 709. Thiru. Ramamurthy, Keelaiyur Colony,
Thiru. N. Karthik, 1/400, Sentamil Nagar, 3979 Ilayangudi, Sivaganga – 630 702.
Meladuraiyur, Kannamangalam PO, Thiru. P. Sankar, Keelaiyur Colony,
3955 Ilayangudi (Tk), Sivaganga Dt - 630 709. 3980 Ilayangudi, Sivaganga – 630 702.
Tmt. K. Priya, Sentamil Nagar, Thiru. K. Ramakrishnan, Keelaiyur Colony,
Meladuraiyur, Kannamangalam PO, 3981 Ilayangudi, Sivaganga – 630 702
3956 Ilayangudi (Tk), Sivaganga Dt - 630 709. Tmt. R. Meenal, Keelaiyur Colony,
Thiru. A. Malaikannu Keelaiyur Colony, 3982 Ilayangudi, Sivaganga – 630 702.
3957 Ilayangudi, Sivaganga – 630 702. Thiru. V. Malairaj, Keelaiyur Colony,
Thiru. M. Muthupandi, Keelaiyur Colony, 3983 Ilayangudi, Sivaganga – 630 702.
3958 Ilayangudi, Sivaganga – 630 702 Thiru. Manjamalai, Keelaiyur Colony,
Thiru. S. Raju, 38/11 Keelaiyur Colony, 3984 Ilayangudi, Sivaganga – 630 702.
3959 Ilayangudi, Sivaganga – 630 702. Thiru. Natarajan, Keelaiyur Colony,
Thiru. Vacha, 3A Kasim Nagar, Keelaiyur 3985 Ilayangudi, Sivaganga – 630 702.
3960 Colony, Ilayangudi, Sivaganga – 630 702. Tmt. G. Kasiammal, Keelaiyur Colony,
Tmt. R. Indira, Keelaiyur Colony, 3986 Ilayangudi, Sivaganga – 630 702.
3961 Ilayangudi, Sivaganga – 630 702. Thiru. Natarajan, Keelaiyur Colony,
Thiru. Backiyaraj, Keelaiyur Colony, 3987 Ilayangudi, Sivaganga – 630 702.
3962 Ilayangudi, Sivaganga – 630 702. 3988 Thiru. Mangalai, Keelaiyur Colony,
Ilayangudi, Sivaganga – 630 702. Thiru.Chandiran,Medical Nagar, Thindal
Tmt. Panchavarnam, Keelaiyur Colony, 4011 Post, Erode – 12.
3989 Ilayangudi, Sivaganga – 630 702. Thiru.S.Ambikapathi, No.1A, Yali
Thiru. K. Ramachandran, Keelaiyur Colony, 4012 Apartmement, Villarasampatti, Erode – 12.
3990 Ilayangudi, Sivaganga – 630 702 Thiru.M.Senniyappan, No.31, Kulandaivelu,
Tmt. Thenammal, Keelaiyur Colony, 4013 Thindal, Erode – 12.
3991 Ilayangudi, Sivaganga – 630 702. Thiru.P.Babu, No.1/171, Karapparai,
Thiru.P.Balasubramani, No.5/205, 4014 Thindal, Erode – 12.
Perundurai, Raoad, Kathirampatti, Erode – Tmt.V.Palaiammal, No.161, karapalayam,
3992 638107. 4015 Thindal, Erode – 12.
Thiru.C.Sathishkumar, NO.56/2, Thiru.M.Dharman, No.29, Karaparai,
Kathirampatti, Kathirampatti, Erode – 4016 Thindal, Erode – 12.
3993 638107 Tmt.D.Govindammal, No.29 Karapparai,
Thiru.C.Chandiran,Mettukattai, 4017 Thindal, Erode – 12.
3994 Kathirampatti Post, Erode – 638107. Thiru.Settu, No.24/1, Karapparai, Thindal,
Thiru.S.Natarajqan, NO.5/319, Mettukattai, 4018 Erode – 12.
3995 R.S.Road, Vellavedu, Erode – 638112 Thiru.V.Palanisamy, No.33, Thindal,
Thiru.A.Ravi, Rasampalayam, Puchampatti, 4019 Karapparai, Erode – 12.
3996 Post, Vellavedu, Erode – 638112 Thiru.Ponnusamy,No.31, Karapparai, Erode
Thiru.S.Manikasundaram, R.S.Road, 4020 – 12.
3997 Mettukadai – 638112. Tmt.M.Karuppai, No.145/111, Karaparai,
Thiru.P.Subramani, No.529/2, Parayankattu 4021 Thindal, Erode – 12.
3998 kottam, Kathirampatti Post, Erode – 638107. Tmt.N.Alamelu, No.198, Medical
Thiru.V.C.Gopal, No.187, Erode Perundurai 4022 Nagar,karaparai, Thindal, Erode – 12.
Road, Mettukadai, kathirampatti Post, Erode Thiru.S.Balakrishnan, No.35A, Medical
3999 – 638107. 4023 Nagar, Karapparai, Thindal, Erode – 12.
Thiru.S.Chandrasekaran, No.187, Erode Thiru.Rajaram, No.195, Medical Nagar,
Perundurai Road, Mettukadai, Kathirampatti 4024 Thindal, Erode – 12.
4000 Post, Erode – 638107. Thiru.M.Murali, No.195, Medical Nagar,
Tmt.R.Kaliammal, No.5/28, R.S.Road, 4025 Karapparai, Thindal, Erode – 12.
Mettukadai, Kathirampatt Post, Erode – Tmt.D.SalomiAviragam, No.42, Medical
4001 638107. 4026 Raod, Karapparai, Thindal Post, Erode – 12.
Thiru.K.M.Moorthy, Kathirampatti Post, Thiru.Sreerangan, No.26, Karapparai,
4002 Erode – 638107. 4027 Thindal, Erodee – 12.
Thiru.P.K.Viswanathan, M.Pudhupalayam Tmt.Kuppaiyae, No.160/100, Karapparai,
Moonkadu, Mullampatti Post, Naasiyanur 4028 Thindal, Erode – 12.
4003 Road, Erode – 638107. Thiru.M.Muthu, No.24/1, Karapparai,
Thiru.K.S.Raju, No.29, Karampalli, 4029 Thindal, Erode – 12.
4004 Thindal, Erode – 12. Tmt.R.Susella, Karapparai, thindal, Erode –
Thiru.M.Selvakumar, NO.252, 4030 12.
4005 Pudhucoloncy, Thindal, Erode – 12. Tmt.K.Dhanalakshmi, Medical Nagar,
Thiru.M.Sakthivel, Plot No.39, Medical 4031 Thindal, Karapparai, Erode – 12.
4006 ngar, Karappari, Erode – 12. Tmt.K.Lakhsmi, No.15, karapparai, Thindal,
Thiru.D.Saravanan, NO.57, Medical Nagar, 4032 Erode – 12.
4007 Karappari, Thindal, Erode – 12. Thiru.P.Nagarajan, No.35, Kasrapparai,
Thiru.Thangavel, Medical nagar, Karappari, 4033 Thindal, Erode – 12.
4008 Erode – 12. Tmt.Devannai, No.160/100, Karapparai,
Thiru.J.S.Venkatachalam, No.53, Medical 4034 Thindal, Erode – 12.
4009 Nagar, Thindal, Erode – 638012. Tmt.R.Mariyammal, No.157/1, Karapparai,
Thiru.Sakthi, Medical Nagar, Thindal, 4035 Thindal, Erode – 12.
4010 Erode – 12. 4036 Thiru.Paranjothi, NO.1/28, Thindal,
Karapparai, Erode – 12. Road, Vendipallayama, Erode – 638002.
Thiru.Anbarasan, No.163/1, Karapparai, Thiru.M.R.Subramaniyan, No.19, Nethaji
4037 Thindal, Erode – 12. 4062 Road, Vendipalayam, Erode – 638002.
Thiru.S.Arunkumar, No.163, Karapparai, Thiru.M.R.Subramaniyan, No.19, Nethaji
4038 Thindal, Erode – 12. 4063 Raod, Vendipalayam , Erode – 638002.
Tmt.D.Devannai, No.164, Karapparai, Thiru.M.R.Subramaniyan, No.19, Nethaji
4039 Thindal, Erode – 12. 4064 Road, Vendipalayam, Erode – 638002.
Tmt.M.Saraswathi, No.176, Karapparai, Thiru.M.R.Subramaniyan, No.19, Nethaji
4040 Thindal, Erode – 12. 4065 Road, Vendiyapalayam, Erode – 638002.
Tmt.Rajeswari, No.144, Karapparai, Thiru.M.r.Subramaniyan, No.19, Nethaji
4041 Thindal, Erode – 12. 4066 Road, Vendipalayam, Erode – 638002.
Thiru.R.Ravichandran, No.20, Karapparai, Thiru.Vijay, No.86, Srinivasarav road,
4042 Thindal, Erode – 12. 4067 Vendipalayam, Erode – 638002.
Thiru.V.Mani, No.18, Medical Nagar, Tmt.Thulasi, No.87, Nethaji Road,
4043 Thindal, Erode – 12. 4068 Vendipalayam, Erode – 638002.
Thirui.Panchagam, No.149, Medical Nagar, Thiru.Rajendran, 91, Srinivasarav Road,
4044 Thindal, Erode – 12. 4069 Vendipalaaym, Erode – 638002.
Thiru.C.Antony, No.165, Medical Nagar, Thiru.Ajith, No.94, Srinivasarav Road,
4045 Thindal, Erode – 12. 4070 Vendipalayam, Erode – 638002.
Thiru.P.Palanikumar, No.64, Medical Tmt.Jothimani, No.88, Srinivasarav Road,
4046 Nagar, Thindal, Erode – 638012. 4071 Vendipalayam, Erode – 638002.
Thiru.G.Rathamani, No.62, Medical Nagar, Tmt.Sivagami, No.92, srinivasarav Road,
4047 Thindal, Erode – 638012. 4072 Vendipalayam, Erode – 638002.
Thiru.A.K.Elangovan, No.101, Medical Thiru.Muthu, NO.902, Srinivasarav Road,
4048 Nagar, Thindal, Erode – 638012. 4073 Vendipalayam, Erode – 638002.
Tmt.Amsaveni, Medical Nagar, Thindal Thiru.Muthu, No.90, Srinivasarav Road,
4049 Post, Eroe – 638012. 4074 Vendipalayam, Erode – 638002.
Tmt.P.Kannammal, No.170, Karapparai, Thiru.Sakaraivelu, No.74/2, Srinivasarav
4050 Thindal, Erode – 638012. 4075 Roard, Vendipalayam, Erode – 638002.
Tmt.Saraswathi, No.39, Karapparai, Thindal Thiru.Sakaraivelu, NO.74/2, Srinivasarav
4051 Post, Erode – 12. 4076 Road, Vendipalayam, Erode – 638 002.
Thiru.M.Madhappan, No.4, karapparai, Tmt.Meenakshi, Srinivasarav Road,
4052 Thindal Post, Erode – 12. 4077 Vendipalayam, Erode – 638002.
Thiru.M.S.Vijayaraghavan, No.73, Medical Tmt.Meenakshi, Srinivasarav Road,
Nagar, Karapparai, Thindal, Erode – 4078 Vendipalayam, Erode – 638002.
4053 638012. Thiru.R.Kakkarin, No.106, Nethaji Road,
Thiru.G.Parthipan, No.1/17, Karapparai, 4079 Vendipalayam, Erode – 02.
4054 Thindal Post, Erode -12. Thiru.R.Kakkarin , No.16, NEthaaji Road,
Thiru.N.Zahira, Plot No.78, Medical Nagar, 4080 Vendipalayam, Erode – 638002.
4055 Karapparai, Thindal, Erode – 638012. Thiru.Palanisamy, No.200, Srinivasarav
Thiru.Maiyalsamy, No.18, karur Main 4081 Roadk, Vendipalayam, Erode – 638002.
4056 Road, Venkipallayam, Erode – 638002. Tmt.Eswari,l Nethaji Road, Vendipalayam,
Thiru.M.R.Subramani, Karur Main Road, 4082 Erode – 638002.
4057 Konnavayakkal, Erode – 638002. Thiru.V.Suresh, No.75/116, Nethaji Nagar,
Thiru.M.R.Subramani, Karur Main Road, 4083 Vendipalayam, Erode – 638002.
4058 Konnavayakkal, Erode – 638002. Thiru.P.Natarajan, No.74, Srinivasarav
Thiru.M.R.Subramani Karur Main Road, 4084 Road, Vendipalayam, Erode – 638002.
4059 Konnavayakkal, Erode – 638002. Thiru.P.Natarjan, No.74, Srinivasarav road,
Thiru.M.R.Subramani, Karur Main Road, 4085 Vendipalayam, Erode – 638002.
4060 Konnavayakkal, Erode – 638002. Thiru.M.Vijayan, No.01, Nethaji Road,
4061 Thiur.M.R.Subramaniyan, No.19, Nethaji 4086 Melakavundampalayam, Erode – 638002.
Thiru.M.Kandasamy, No.74/1, Srinivasarav Melakavundanpalayam, Erode – 638002.
4087 Road, Vendipalayam, Eorde – 638002. Thiru.Palaiyappan, No.44,
Thiru.M.Kandasamy, NO.74/1, Srinivasarav Kalayanasundaram Road,
4088 Road, Vendipalayam, Erode – 638002. 4107 Melakavundapalayam, Erode – 638002.
Thiru.M.Kandasamy, No.74/1, Srinivasarav Thiru.Palaiyappan, No.44,
4089 Road, Vendipalayam, Erode – 638002. Kalayanasundaram Road,
Thiru.M.Kandasamy, No.74/1, Srinivasarav 4108 Melakavundapalayam, Erode – 638002.
4090 Road, Vendipalayam, Erode – 638002. Thiru.M.Subramani, NO.147, Srinivasarav
Thiru.M.Kandasamy, No.74/1, Srinivasarav 4109 Road, Vendipalayam, Erode – 638002.
4091 Road, Vendipalayam, Erode – 638002. Thiru.S.Srinivasan, NO.148, Srinivasarav
Thiru.S.Shanmugam, No.11, 4110 Raod, Vendipalayam, Erode – 638002.
Kalyanasundaram Road, Thiru.S.Srinivasan, No.149, Sirnivasarav
4092 Monakavundanpalayam, Erode – 638002. 4111 Road, Vendipalayam, Erode – 638002.
Thiru.M.Mani, No.4, Kalayana sundram Thiru.S.Subramani, No.47C, Srinivasarav
road, monakavundampalayam, Ersode – 4112 Road, Vendipalayam, Erode – 638002.
4093 638002. Thiru.Sekhthavuth, No.45C, Srinivasarav
Thiru.M.Mani, No.4, Kalyanasundaram, 4113 Rodk, Vendipalayam, Erode – 638002.
Roadk Melakavundapalayam, Erode – Tmt.Shanthi, No.17, Balathandathutham,
4094 638002. 4114 Vendipalayam, Erode – 638002.
Thiru.Ponnusamy, No.37/1, Gandhijee Thiru.Sakenbanu, No.42, Srinivasarav Road,
4095 Road, Melakavundapalayam, Erode-638002. 4115 Vendipalayam, Erode – 638002.
Thiru.Pannerselvam, Nethaji Road, Thiru.M.Veluchamy, No.40C, Srinivasarav
4096 Melakavaundapalayam, Erode – 638002. 4116 Raod, Vendipalayam, Erode – 638002.
Thiru.S.Jeganathan, No.81, Jeevanantham Thiru.S.Srinivasan, No.39C, Srinivasarav
Road, Melakavundanpalayam, Erode – 4117 Road, Vendipalayam, Erode – 638002.
4097 638002. Thiru.Muniyappan, No.35C,
Thiru.S.Shanmugam, No.11, Balathandayutham Road, Vendipalayam,
Kalyanasundaram Road, 4118 Erode – 638002
4098 Melakavundanpalayam, Erode – 638002. Thiru.M.Arjunan, No.35C, Balathandutham,
Thiru.S.Shanmugam, No.11, 4119 Road, Vendipalayam, Erode – 638002.
Kalyanasundaram Road, Thiru.P.Karthikeyan, No.36C,
4099 Melakavundanpalayam, Erode – 638002. Balathandayutham Road, Vendipalayam,
Thiru.S.Shanmugam, No.11, 4120 Erode – 638002.
Kalyanasundaram Road, Thiru.Matheswaran, No.155, Srinivasarav
4100 Melakavundanpalayam, Erode – 638002. 4121 Road, Vendipalayam, Erode – 638002.
Thiru.S.Shanmugam, No.11, Tmt.Chandramani, No.154, Srinivasarav
Kalyanasundaram Road, 4122 roadk, Vendipalayam, Erode – 638002.
4101 Melakavundanpalayam, Erode – 638002. Thiru.Subramani, No.2B, Srinivasarav
Thiru.S.Shanmugam, No.11, 4123 Road, Vendipalayam, Erode – 638002.
Kalyanasundaram Road, Thiru.Subramani, No.2B, Srinivasarav
4102 Melakavundanpalayam, Erode – 638002. 4124 Road, Vendipalayam, Erode – 638002.
Thiru.S.Shanmugam, No.11, Thiru.Subramani, No.2B/1, Srinivasarav
Kalyanasundaram Road, 4125 Road, Vendipalayam, Erode – 638002.
4103 Melakavundanpalayam, Erode – 638002. Thiru.S.S.Chinasamy,
Thiru.S.Shanmugam, No.11, Selappakavundapalayam, bethampalayam
Kalyanasundaram Road, 4126 Post, Kanchikovil, Erode – 638002.
4104 Melakavundanpalayam, Erode – 638002. Thiru.Kandasamy, Chellappagounder,
Thiru.S.Shanmugam, No.11, Bethampalayam, Perundurai, Erode –
Kalyanasundaram Road, 4127 638002.
4105 Melakavundanpalayam, Erode – 638002. Thiru.T.Senthilkumar,
Thiru.S.Shanmugam, No.11, 4128 Sellapakavundavalasu, Bethampalayam,
4106 Kalyanasundaram Road,
Perundurai, Erode- 638002. Veppalodai Village, Ottapidaram T.K.,
Thiru.G.Komarasamy, Bethampalayam Tuticorin – 628 903.
4129 Post, Erode – 638002. Thiru C. Antony Raja Sekaran, M/s. A.C.
Thiru.S.C.Palanisamy, Bethamapalam post, Ice Plant, 6/148/2, ECR Road,
4130 Erode District – 638002. 4148 Tharuvaikulam –628 105.
Thiru.K.Palanisamy, No.119, M/s. Appalam Vadagam Morvathan
Chinnakavundapalayam, Erode District – Manufacturers & Sellers Welfare
4131 638002. Association, 45/4A, Rajaman Nagar,
Thiru.S.Moganasundaram, No.175, 4149 Chinthamani, Madurai – 625 009.\
4132 chinnapakavundanpalayam Erode – 638002. Communist Party of India (Marxist),
Dr.K.Venkatachalam, Chief Advisor, Tamil Madurai Rural District Committee, 27-F,
Nadu Spinning Mills Association, No.2, Sarvodaya Main Road, Mahabupalayam,
Karur Road, Modern Nagar, Dindigul – 4150 Madurai – 625 016.
4133 624001.(Petition dated 29.08.2022). M/s. Thoothukudi District Tiny and Small
M/s. Swelect Energy Systems Limited, 5, Scale Industries Association, 4/158, Ram
Sir P.S. Sivasamy Salai, Mylapore, Chennai Nagar, Ettayapuram Road, Tuticorin – 628
4134 – 600 004. 4151 002.
M/s. Swelect Energy Systems Limited, 5, M/s. Tamil Nadu Food Grains Merchants
Sir P.S. Sivasamy Salai, Mylapore, Chennai Association Limited, 342, East Masi Street,
4135 – 600 004. 4152 Madurai – 625 001.
M/s. National Solar Energy Federation of Tamil Nadu Chamer of Commerce &
India, 135-137, 1st Floor, Rectangle-1, D-4, Industry, 178-B, Kamarajar Salai,
4136 Saket District Center, New Delhi – 110 017. 4153 Madurai – 625 009.
M/s. Mercados Energy Markets India Pvt. M/s. Thirumullaivoyal Women’s SIDCO
Ltd., Unit A2, Second Floor, Block-E, Industrial Manufactuers’ Association, T286,
International Trade Tower, Opposite Satyam SIDCO Womens Industrial Park, Kattur,
4137 Cinema, Nehru Place, New Delhi – 110 019. 4154 Chennai – 600 062.
Tmt. D. Vasanthi, Proprietor, Malar Ice, M/s. Kappalur Industrialists Association,
4/392, Ganapathy Nagar, Siluvaipatti Post, Plot No. 153, SIDCO Industrial Estate,
4138 Tuticorin – 2. 4155 Kappalur, Madurai – 625 008.
M/s. Brain & Co., 4/257, Mela Arasadi, M/s. Madurai District Tiny & Small Scale
4139 Tuticorin – 628 002. Industries Association, 1A/4A, Dr.
Thiru K. Dominic, Proprietor, Cibil Ice, 4156 Ambedkar Road, Madurai – 625 020.
5/86-29, Ganapathi Nagar, Siluvai Patti, M/s. Sengundram Rice Mill Owners &
4140 Tuticorin-2. Merchants Sangam, 485, G.N.T. Road
M/s. J.S.S.R. & Co., 30/62A/3, Threspuram, (Samiyar Madam), Sengundram, Chennai –
4141 Thoothukudi – 628 001. 4157 600 052.
Communist Party of India (Marxist),
4142 Thiru D. Ansalm
Madurai Urban District Committee, 27-F,
M/s. Micro & Small Enterprises Association
Sarvodaya Main Road, Mahaboopalayam,
of Cuddalore District, S-14, SIDCO
4158 Madurai – 625 016.
Industrial Estate, Semmandalam, Cuddalore
Tamil Nadu Calender Manufacturers
4143 – 607 001.
4159 Sangam, 6, PSR Road, Sivakasi.
4144 Thiru A.M.D. Ethrise M/s. Premier Spinning and Weaving Mills
M/s. Sholinganallur Constituency Residents Private Limited, P.B. No. 5210, No.1, Nava
Welfare Associations, No.2, Adhimoolam 4160 India Road, Coimbatore – 641 028.
Nagar, Palandiamman Koil Street, Thiru S. Ganesh, Company Secretary, M/s.
4145 Pallikaranai, Chennai – 600 100. Coimbatore Polytex Pvt. Ltd., P.B. No.
M/s. Jeyalakshmi Ice Plant, 452/2, 5210, No.1, Nava India Road, Coimbatore –
Veppalodai Village, Ottapidaram T.K., 4161 641 028.
4146 Tuticorin – 628 903.
4162 Email address –[email protected]
4147 M/s. Shri Venkateshwara Ice Plant, 452,
Thiru T.S. Jayachandran, President F&A, Madurai – 625 001.
M/s. Prima Products Pvt. Ltd., P.B. No. Thiru P. Karuppasamy, S/o. Palanisamy,
5210, No.1, Nava India Road, Coimbatore – 4180 Uppilipalayam.
4163 641 028. M/s. J. Renuka Devi Modern Rice Mill,
Thiru S. Neelakanta Pillai, Founder, 4/56E, Palani Arumuga Nagar, Chinna
Citiven’s Contribution in Democracy, F4, 4181 Anuppanadi, Chinthamani, Madurai – 9.
Perfect Vajra, No.144, Lakshmi Nagar 6th M/s. Tex-In Printers, 5 (1), Puliyamara
4164 Street, Madipakkam, Chennai – 600 091. Thottam 1st Street, Near Diamond Theatre,
Thiru Antony Nicolus, Proprietor, M/s. 4182 Karuvampalayam, Tirupur 641 604.
Annalakshmi Ice Plant, Sevalpatti Salai, Thiru V.P. Rama Krishnan, Paddy & Rice
4165 Sayalgudi. Wholesale Merchant, M/s. V.P.R. Modern
M/s. Eagle Water Products, R.S. No. 438/6, Rice Mill, No. 1148/3, Vellore Road,
Poothurai Village, Vanur Taluk, Villupuram 4183 Sevoor, Arni – 632 301, TVM District.
4166 District – 605 111. M/s. Mariya Engineering Enterprises, SF
M/s. Popular Process, S.F. No. 599/1B, Near No. 22/1, TRY – TNJ Main Road, Assur,
VIP Garden, Veerapandi Village, 4184 Thuvakudi, Trichy – 620 015.
4167 Veerapandi P.O., Tirupur – 641 605. Thiru S. Kumaresan, M/s. Elavarasan
M/s. Shiva Weaving Mill, D.P. No. 11, 12, Modern Rice Mill, 881, Bangalore Main
SIDCO Industrial Estate, Road, Azagapuri Nagar, Thukkapettai,
4168 Aundipatti – 625 512. Chengam – 606 709, Tiruvannamalai
M/s. Shunmuga Art Printers Pvt. Ltd., 4185 District.
2/1033 K, Kanna Nagar, Naranapuram M/s. Sri Sri Coirs, S.F. No. 112/1, Ramar
4169 Road, Sivakasi – 626 189. Kovil Road, Periya Negamam P.O. Pollachi
M/s. Sri Shangara Sakthi Bleachers, 2E, 4186 – 642 120.
Pitchangkadu, M.Thanneerpanthalpalayam, M/s. S.K. Coir Products, 145/4C, 147/2A1,
4170 B.P. Agraharam P.O., Erode – 638 005. Kallipatti Village, Kondegoundenpalayam
M/s. Sri Varshini Knit Printers, 4/692, 4187 P.O. Pollachi T.K. Coimbatore – 642 120.
Nochipalayam Road, A.P. Nagar, Thiru Kandasamy, M/s. Sree Sun Farms, SF
4171 Veerapandi (Post), Tirupur – 641 605. No. 27/3, Chinna Bomman Salai,
M/s. First Energy Private Limited, Thermax Pungamuthur P.O., Udumalpet T.K. – 642
House, 14, Mumbai Pune Road, Wakdewai, 4188 207.
4172 Pune – 411 003. M/s. Aadhavan Coirs, S.F. No. 297/3A1,
M/s. Integral Component Manufactuers pvt. 4189 Ammegoundanur, Kanjampatti P.O.
Ltd., B-20, SIPCOT Industrial Park, M/s. Vallalar Fibers, 56/3, Nallur
Irrungattukottai, Sriperumbudur Taluk, 4190 Sellapalayam Post.
4173 Kancheepuram – 602 105. M/s. Logesh Coir Products, 179/1,
Association of Cold Storages, 67/4A2, Kanjampatti Road, Thippampatti Post,
Madurai – Dindigul NH, 4191 Pollachi.
Thiruvalavayanallur P.O. Nagari, Madurai – Thiru D.R. Nehru, M/s. Sagunthala Modern
4174 625 221. Rice Mill, Thiruvannamalai Main Road,
Indian Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Kanchi, Sengam Taluk – 606 702,
No. 84-B, South Raja Street, Tuticorin – 628 4192 Thiruvannamalai District.
4175 001. M/s. Kavya Fibres, S.F. No. 251,
4176 Tmt. A. Chandrakala Kulanaickenpatti, Lakshmapuram P.O.,
M/s. Chithu Pith Block Unit, 66/5, 4193 Pollachi T.K. Coimbatore District.
Thengaparai Street, Kottur, Pollachi, Tamil M/s. Sathis Fibres, 264/1F 1D K.Nagoor,
4177 Nadu 642 114. Thippampatti, Kanjampatti P.o. Pollachi-
M/s. Cithu Coir, Ponnalammandurai Road, 4194 642 003.
Kottur Malayandipattanam, M/s. Nature Coir Co., SF No. 91/3,
4178 Pollachi – 642 114. Kallipatti, K.G. Palayam P.O., Pollachi –
M/s. Kumaran Modern Rice Mill, 9A/2, 4195 642 120, Coimbatore.
4179 Nalla Muthu Pillai New Road, Mahalipatti,
M/s. Coir Breed Substrates, 3/33(A), Veni Chathiram, Erode – 638 004.
Nagar, Makkinampatti Road, Pollachi – 642 Thiru P. Sankaran, 59/2, Muthur Main
4196 003. Road, Lakkapuram, A. Modakuruchi Circle,
M/s. Sambath Coir, 3/132 B, 4214 Erode District.
Mamarathupatti, Thenkumarapalayam P.O. M/s. KDS Coir Farm, S.No. 436/1, Railway
4197 Pollachi – 642 107. Station Road, Kulasekarankottai Village,
M/s. Sri Sivam Coirs, 369/3G, 4215 Vadipatti – 625 218.
Amsigoundanoor, Reddiyarur, Anaimalai Thiru D. Mariappan, No.1, Mariamman Koil
4198 Pollachi. Street, Keelkaranai, Melrosapuram Post,
M/s. Sri Hydroponic, S.F. No. 92/1B2, 4216 Maraimalai Nagar, Chengalpattu – 603 204.
Chandirapuram Road, Makkinampatti P.O., M/s. Akshaya Minerals, SF No. 289,
4199 Pollachi – 642 003. Kottaipalayam Road,
Tamil Nadu Steel Re-Rollers Council, 39/1, Chinnamathampalayam, No.4, Veerapandi
Builder’s Assn. Building, 1st Floor, 4217 Post, Coimbatore – 641 019.
4200 Perundurai Road, Erode – 638 011. M/s. Sri Ganapathi Rice Mills,
M/s. Sree Iswarya Find Prints, 2E/1, Pitchan 4218 Mannachanallur – 621 005, Trichy District.
Kadu, M. Thanneerpandal Palayam, B.P. M/s. Sri Kumaravel Rapier, 322/3,
4201 Agraharam P.O., Erode – 638 005. 4219 Kanjikovil Road, Perundurai – 638 052.
M/s. AGNI, 58/1, Avvaiyar Street, Teachers M/s. Sunshine Artographs, 1979A,
4202 Colony, Erode – 638 011. 4220 P.K.N.Road, Sivakasi – 626 189.
M/s. Sri Ranganathar Valves P. Ltd., 7/109, M/s. Polestar Colour Corporation, Gnanagiri
Thennampalayam Pirivu, Arasur, 4221 Road, Sivakasi – 626 189.
4203 Coimbatore – 641 407. M/s. Rohit Enterprises, 1/425, A.
Tmt. K. Eswari, W/o. Karuppasmy, Muthusamypuram Street, Samusigapuram –
4204 Upplipalayam. 626 102 Via Rajapalayam, Virudhunagar
M/s. SPA Company, Sri Palani Andavar 4222 District.
Sago Factory, 51, Paithur Road, Pudupet M/s. Muthuvel Enterprises, SF No. 45/7,
4205 Post – 636 141, Attur T.K. Salem District. Vaguthampalayam, Kinathukadavu,
M/s. Boss Tech Rice and Agro Private 4223 Coimbatore – 642 120.
Limited, Plot No. 28, Door No. 221, M/s. Sri Venkateswara Rice Mill, 57,
Ganapathy Nagar Extn., Mambhazhasalai, Santhai Medu, Ammal Koil Post, Sivagiri –
4206 Tiruchirappallai – 620 005. 4224 638 109, Erode.
M/s. Tiruchengode Taluk SmalllPowerloom M/s. Southern Spinners and Processors
Owners Assocation, 168/5A, Limited, 19/5-H, Seetharam Avenue,
Kozhikkalnatham Road, Tiruchencode – Saradha College Main Road, Salem – 636
4207 637 211. 4225 007.
M/s. Shiva Weaving Mill, D.P. No. 11, 12, M/s. The Orient Industries, Post Box No.
SIDCO Industrial Estate, Aundipatti – 243, 124 (Old No. 52), Mundaga Nadar
4208 625 512, Thei District. 4226 Street, Sivakasi – 626 123.
Thiru K. Senthil Kumar, M/s. Amman Thiru R. Dinesh Babu, Paddy & Rice
Modern Rice Mill, 28-B, Salem Main Road, Wholesale Merchant, M/s. Dineshbabu
4209 Theerthapuram, Chinnasalem – 606 201. Modern Rice Mill, No. 1147/3, Vellore
M/s. Thilagam Offset Printers, 9/4B, Road, Sevoor, Arni – 632 301. TVM
P.K.S.A. Arumugam Road, Sivakasi – 626 4227 District.
4210 189. Tmt. R. Gowri, Paddy & Rice Wholesale
M/s. Power Engineer’s Society of Tamil Merchant, M/s. KVP Modern Rice Mill, No.
Nadu, 45/28, Balaguru Garden, PKD Nagar 1147/3, Vellore Road, Sevoor, Arni – 632
Extension, Peelamedu, Coimbatore – 641 4228 301, TVM District.
4211 004. M/s. Sri Balaji Industries, D78, Developed
M/s. Sri Poovathal Polymers, Plani Road, 4229 Plot Estate, Thuvakudi, Trichy – 620015.
4212 Vedasandur – 624 710, Dindigul Dt. Thiru L.S. Gurusamy, M/s.
4213 Thiru L.K. Perumal, 9, Ramasamy Street, V. 4230 Veeramathiamman Tex, Moothur Meiyan
Road, Lakkapuram, Erode – 2. M/s. Thiruppathi Mills (Firm), 13/1, Swamy
M/s. Shreeram Enginering Industry, D- 77 Sannathi Lane, East Masi Street, Madurai –
& E – 81, Developed Plot Estate, 4247 625 001.
4231 Thuvakudi, Trichy – 620 015. M/s. TSA Fibres, S.F. No. 104/1/B,
Thiru V.P. Radhakrishnan, Paddy & Rice 4248 Poonegoundanoor, Pollachi – 642 107.
Wholesale Merchant, Sri K.V.P. Modern Thiru P. Gangadharan, S/o. Perumal,
Rice Mill, 1147/3, Vellore Road, Sevoor, Singampalayam Village, Rajapalayam Post,
4232 Arni – 632 301, TVM District. 4249 Tiruppathur T.K. – 635 653.
M/s. S.R. Modern Rice Mill, Paddy & Rice Thiru K. Sekar, S/o. Gowndappan,
Wholeasler, 496, Kachirapalayam Road, Singampalayam Village, Rajapalayam Post,
Kaniyamoor, Chinnasalem, Kallakurichi 4250 Tiruppathur T.K. – 635 653.
4233 District, Tamil Nadu – 606 201. Thiru G. Annamalai, S/o. Govindagounder,
M/s. Sri Vidya Vinayaka Traders, Vetrivel Singampalayam Village, Rajapalayam Post,
Modern Rice Mill, Olappalayam, 4251 Tiruppathur T.K. – 635 653.
Modakkuruchi P.O. – 638 104, Erode Thiru G. Tamil Selvan, S/o. Govindaraj,
4234 District. Singampalayam Village, Rajapalayam Post,
Tmt. M. Deepa, W/o. R. Maruthachalam, 4252 Tiruppathur T.K. – 635 653.
4235 Uppilipalayam, Kaduvallur. Thiru M. Mariappan, S/o. Muthu,
M/s. Find Rice Agro Foods, No.22, Singampalayam Village, Rajapalayam Post,
4236 Sirukaveripakkam, Kanchipuram – 631 502. 4253 Tiruppathur T.K. 635 653.
M/s. Dravidamani Agro Foods, No. 26, Thiru B. Mahalingam, S/o. Pujjigounder,
Putheri Village, Kanchipuram – 631 501. Singampalayam Village, Rajapalayam Post,
4237 (Near Kailasanathar Temple) 4254 Tiruppathur T.K. 635 653.
Thiru L. Krishnamurthy, Integral Thiru R. Venkatesan, S/o. Raji,
Component Manufactueres Private Limited, Singampalayam Village, Rajapalayam Post,
B-20, SIPCOT Industrial Park, 4255 Tiruppathur T.K. – 635 653.
4238 Irrungattukottai, Sriperumbudur – 602 105. Thiru P. Rajendran, S/o. Pattu Gounder,
Thiru K. Kanagaraj, 2156, Pulliyampatti Singampalayam Village, Rajapalayam Post,
P.O., Karadivavi Via, Palladam, Tirupur 4256 Tiruppathur T.K. – 635 653.
4239 District. Thiru V. Singaram, S/o. Veerasamy,
M/s. Pon Deepika Fibres, 933/10, Singampalayam Village, Rajapalayam Post,
Chinnappampalayam Road, Anaimalai, 4257 Tiruppathur T.K. – 635 653.
4240 Coimbatore – 642 104. M/s. Sri Vangalamman Fibres, 363/1,
M/s. Amman Fibre, S.F. No. 163/3, Main Sinjuvadi Thottam, Laksmapuram P.O.,
Road, Ponnachiyur, Samathur P.O., Pollachi 4258 Pollachi T.K. Coimbatore – 642 107.
4241 T.K. M/s. CMS Exporters, S.F. No. 188/1A,
M/s. Sri Jayam Coir Products, 248/2, Rangampudur, Negamam – 642 120,
Senniyur Alagirichettipalayam P.O. 4259 Pollachi T.K. Coimbatore District.
4242 Sulakkal, Pollachi T.K. Thiru N. Senthil Kumar, M/s. Sri Lakshmi
M/s. Sri Ambal Fibres, SF No. 113/5E, 4260 Coirs
Seelakkampatti P.O. Pollachi T.K. M/s. Indu Sri Coir Products, S.F. No.
4243 Coimbtore District. 91/16A, Seelakkampatti P.O. Pollachi –
M/s. Dhanalakshmi Hi-Tech Modern Rice 4261 642205.
Mill, 216/4W Ilanthiraikondan Road, M/s. Sri Selvakumaran Coir Products,
Dhalavaipuram – 626 188, Rajapalayam Reddiarmadam, Reddiarur P.O. Pollachi –
4244 T.K. Virudhunagar, Dist. 4262 642 007.
M/s. Galuku Exports India Pvt. Ltd., 75/1, M/s. SMBE Fibre Mills, 90/1A, Duraiyur
4245 Vellalpalayam, Pollachi. Village, Kampalapatti P.O., Pollachi T.K.
M/s. Sri Selvanayagi Amman Fibre, 174/1, 4263 Coimbatore.
Nattukkalpalayam, Kanjampatti P.O. M/s. Saravana Fibre Products,
4246 Pollachi T.K. – 642 003. Rangampudur, Negaman – 641 120,
4264 Pollachi T.K.
M/s. Sri JV Coir Yarns, 2/127, NGR Nagar, Sri Chellandiamman Fibres, 272, Nallur,
4265 Puliampatti, Pollachi -2. 4283 Rediyarmadam P.O., Pollachi.
M/s. Appan Coirs, S.F. 163/1, Main Road, M/s. MP Eco Products Private Limited, S F
4266 Ponnachiyur, Samathur P.O., Pollachi T.K. No. 97/1, Koolanaikanpatti,
4267 M/s. Sri Sakthi Fibre, Devanllur, Pollachi. GomangalamVia, Pollachi – 642 107,
M/s. CoCo Substrates India P. Ltd., S.F. No. 4284 Coimbatore District.
998 F1A1, Chettiarpathi, Sethumadai, M/s. Natural Coirs, SF No. 998, FIA,
4268 Pollachi – 642 133. Chettiarpathi, Sethumadai, Pollachi – 642
M/s. Aaradhana Fibers, SF No. 204/2C5, 4285 133.
4269 Nagoor Road, Kanjampatti, Pollachi. M/s. MACOCOPEAT, 171/B2, B3,
Communist Party of India (Marxist), Naickenpalayam Village, Pollachi – 642
Venmani Illam, K. Anantha Nambiyar 4286 003.
Nagar, Karur, Bypass Salai, Trichy – 620 M/s. Sri Ambal Fibres, S.F. No. 113/5E,
4270 002. Seelakkalatti Post, Pollachi Taluk,
Thiru V. Muthuraman, No. 12/53, Arasu 4287 Coimbatore – 642 205.
4271 Colony, A. Pudur, Trichy. 4288 M/s. Mayurgreentech, 21, Kunjipalaym.
Thiru V. Antony, S/o. S. Velankanni, 56, M/s. Veeinternationals, 1/69 A, Negamam
4272 Arasu Colony, E. Pudur, Trichy – 12. Main Road, Poosaripatti, Poosaripatti P.O.,
South India Corrugated Box Manufacturers’ 4289 Pollachi – 642 205.
Association, B28, 6th Floor, P.A. Apt., 869, M/s. Ballu Coir Products, S.F. No. 775 A1,
4273 E.V.R. Salai, Kilpauk, Chennai – 600 010. Near Bagavathi Amman Temple, Indra
Consumer Protection Council, No.9, 12th 4290 Nagar Road, Kottur – 642 114.
4274 Cross, Kumaran Nagar, Trichy – 620 017. M/s. Sri Vangalamman Fibres, 363/1,
M/s. J.K. Fenner (India) Ltd., No.3, Madurai Sinjuvadi Thottam, Lakshmapuram Post,
– Melakkal Road, Kochadai, Madurai – 625 4291 Pollachi.
4275 016. M/s. South India Corrugated Box
M/s. Rajapalayam Mills Limited, PAC Manufactuers’ Association, 39, SIDCO
Ramasamy Raja Salai, Rajapalayam – 626 Industrial Estate, Ambattur, Chennai – 600
4276 117. 4292 098.
M/s. Sree Ambal Processors Private M/s. Nithya Rice & Sago Factory, 4/248,
Limited, S.F. No. 176/2, Patchankattu Veeraganur Main Road, Vaalkaradu,
Palayam, Arulpuram Post, Tirupur – 641 4293 Thulukkanur Post – 636 121.
4277 605. M/s. The Sivakasi Master Printers’
M/s. Proline Compactors, SF No. 124/IB1, 4294 Association, Sivkasi.
Kavilipalayam to Kanniyamppondi Main M/s Poornamala Process, 193, P.K.S.A.A.
Road, 15, Velamapalayam Post, Tirupur – 4295 Road, P.K.N. Colony, Sivakasi – 626 189.
4278 641 652. M/s. Shri Amman Coir, 63/ICI,
M/s. Tiruppattur District Coir & Yarn Ayyampalayam, Zaminmuthur P.O.,
Manufacturing Association, No. 1/109, 4296 Pollachi T.K.
Thiruvannamalai Main Road, Perampattu M/s. Athiyan Exports, 1/132,
4279 Villages Post, Tirupattur District. 4297 Thenkumarapalayam, Pollachi T.K.
M/s. Sri Kaliamman Fibre Products, S.F. M/s. Geekay Printing Mills, 63/2 & 47/2,
No. 93/3, 42/3A, Kallipatti, Goundampalayam Village, Uthukuli R.S.
Kondagoundenpalayam P.O. Pollachi, 4298 Tiruppur.
4280 Coimbatore - 642 120. Sri Saystimurugan Rice Mill, 157,
M/s. Sri Ganesh Fibre, S.F. No. 4299 Chennimalai Road, Kangayam – 638 701.
182/2B110/2A, Pulavan Kaadu, M/s. Axioms Thermo Furnaces (P) Ltd.,
Vanjiyapuram, Zamin Kottampatti, 15/2, Maya Street, Poombukar Nagar,
4281 Suleeswaranpatti Post, Pollachi. 4300 Ambattur, Chennai – 600 053.
M/s. Om Sakthi Fibre, 10/2A, Pulavan M/s. Ponmari Poly Pack, 36, Balaji Nagar
Kaadu, Vanjiyapuram, Zamin Kottampatti, 4301 2nd Street, Padi, Chennai – 600 050.
4282 Suleeswaranpatti Post, Pollachi.
M/s. Vshak Poly Industries, No. 3/88, M/s. Gold Coirss, No. 160/1A, Pappanuthu
Mount Poonamali Road, Opp L & T 4320 Road, Peria Valavady, Udumalpet.
4302 Ramapuram, Chennai – 600 089. M/s. Sri Senthur Rice Mill,
Tmt. V.M. Amirthammal Rice Mill, 2, Sathupparaichittur, Thimmanguthu Post,
Thiruvanandha Pillai Street, Avaniapuram, 4321 Pollachi – 642 005.
4303 Madurai – 625 012. M/s. Udhayam Fibres, 8/3A3, Nalluthukuli
M/s. Industrial Complex Manfacturers’ 4322 Village, Pollachi – 642 005.
Association, Bank Building, Export M/s. Chennai Plastics Manufactuers &
Promotional Industrial Park, Old Military Merchants Association, New No. 26, Old
Road, SIPCOT Industrial Complex, No. 142, Choolai High Road, Chennai – 600
4304 Gummidipoondi – 601 201. 4323 112.
Thiru K.Ramalingam, District Secretary, M/s. Tamil Nadu Pondy Plastic Association,
Bharatiya Janata Party- Tamil Nadu, New No. 26, Old No. 142, Choolai High
Kamalalayam, 19, Vaidyaraman Street, 4324 Road, Chennai – 600 112.
4305 T.Nagar, Chennai – 600 017. M/s. Kumaran Fibres, Koolanaickenpatti
M/s. Velan Printing Mills, 163, 163-A, Village outskirts, Kolarpatti, Pollachi-642
Goundampalayam Naal Road, 4325 107.
4306 Morattupalayam, Uthukuli – 638 752. M/s. Siva Fibre Products, Coconut Fibre and
M/s. Poornamala Process, 193, P.K.S.A.A. Pith Block Manufactuers, Negamam,
4307 Road, P.K.N. Colony, Sivakasi – 626 189. 4326 Pollachi – 642 120.
M/s. Chellamal Fibre, 109/1A1A2, Palkarar M/s. Sri Vasavifibre Industries,
4308 Thottam, Suleeswaranpatti, Pollachi. 4327 Kollarpattysungam.
M/s. Leeds Hdroponics, Poosaipatti P.O., M/s. New India Fibres, 2/100,
4309 Pollachi. Senguttupalayam, Negamam Via, Pollachi –
M/s. Vijayalakshmi Fibres, 440/3, 4328 642 120.
Gedimedu, Gomangalam P.O. Pollachi – M/s. Sri Vigneshwara Coirs, 1/13C,
4310 642 107. Earithottam N Chandrapuram Road,
M/s. Sakthi Murugan Fibre, S.F. 563, Aliyar Negamam – 642 120, Pollachi T.K.
Keel Road, Chinna Kombu, Aliyar – 642 4329 Coimbatore.
4311 101, Coimbatore District. M/s. Sri Kalaiamman Fibre Products, S.F.
M/s. Sri Ponkaliyamman Coir Products, S.F. No. 93/3, 42/3A, Kallipatti,
No. 83/1, Kasipattinam, Kanjampatti P.O., Kondagoundenpalayam P.O., Pollachi,
4312 Pollachi – 3. 4330 Coimbatore – 642 120.
M/s. K.P. Coirs, S.F. No. 95/3A, S. M/s. Muthuvel Coir Products, S.F. No.
Ponnapuram, Samathur P.O., Pollachi T.K. 42/1, Vaguthampalayam, Negamam,
4313 – 642 123. 4331 Kinathukadavu, Coimbatore – 642 120.
M/s. Senthur Fibre, SF – 139, Panchayat M/s. Blue Mount Dairy (P) Ltd., S.F. No.
Back Side, Kottur, Malayandipattinam – 142/C1, Vellalapalayam, Pollachi – 642
4314 642114. 4332 120,
M/s. Samy Coirs, S.F. No. 292/1, Kolarpatti, M/s. Mettur Dam Small Scale Industrialists
4315 Pollachi, Coimbatore – 642 107. Association, E-2, Sidco Indsutrial Estate,
4316 M/s. RJ Coirs, 24/2, Ponnachiyur 4333 Mettur Dam R.S. – 636 402.
M/s. Coimbatore Boarding and Lodging Dr. Vikram Sarabhai Instronics Estate
Association, 58 B.K. Chetty Street, Kottai, Manufactuer’s Assocation, Type II, Unit 25,
4317 Coimbatore – 641 001. Dr. VSI Estate, Thiruvanmiyur, Chennai –
M/s. Sri Nandha Coirs, S.F. No. 161/ICI, 4334 600 041.
(Samathur), Ponnachiyur, Samathur P.O., M/s. Sree Vishnu Fibre Units, 267/1,
4318 Pollachi – 642 123. Kalliappanpalayam, Negamam – 642 120,
M/s. Sri Amman Coirs, S F No. 286/2B, 4335 Pollachi T.K. Coimbatore.
Nattukkalpalayam Road, Suleeswaranpatti Ms. MP Eco Products Priate Limited, SF
4319 Post, Pollachi – 642 006. No. 97/1, Koolanaickenpatti Village,
4336 Gomangalam Via, Pollachi, Coimbatore.
M/s. Kaliamman Fibers, 209/6, Thiru V. Velmurugan, Deivakanni Street,
4337 Mothirapuram, Suleswarenpatti, Pollachi. 4360 Annuppanadi, Madurai – 625 009.
M/s. Veerakumar Coirs, SF No. 8, Thiru A. Chinna Irulan, 62A/204,
Ayyampalayam, Palghat Road, Z.Muthur, Deivakanni Street, Annuppanadi, Madurai –
4338 Pollachi – 642 005. 4361 625 009.
M/s. Hari Krishna Coco Products & Thiru A. Rajendran, Deivakanni Street,
Exports, SF No. 116/1, 116/2, 116/3B, 4362 Annuppanadi, Madurai – 625 009.
(S.Ponnapuram) Ponnachiyur, Samathur Thiru T. Ilangovan, Deivakanni Street,
4339 P.O., Pollachi – 642 123. 4363 Annuppanadi, Madurai – 625 009.
M/s. Velavan Stores (Firm), 13 & 13/1, Thiru S. Velsamy, Deivakanni Street,
Swamy Sannathi Lane, East Masi Street, 4364 Annuppanadi, Madurai – 625 009.
4340 Madurai – 625 001. Thiru J. Surya, Deivakanni Street,
M/s. PQ Welfare Consortium, MIG – 1620, 4365 Annuppanadi, Madurai – 625 009.
Gandhi Maanagar, Peelamedu Post, Thiru V. Durairaj, Deivakanni Street,
4341 Coimbatore – 641 004. 4366 Annuppanadi, Madurai – 625 009.
4342 Mr. Saravanan Tmt. T. Rajeswari, 32-B/125, Deivakanni
Mr. R. Maruthachalam, 3/39, Therkku 4367 Street, Annuppanadi, Madurai – 625 009
Thottam, Uppilipalayam, Karuvalur, Thiru P. Thangaiya, 32-B/225, Deivakanni
4343 Avinashi. 4368 Street, Annuppanadi, Madurai – 625009.
M/s. Sri Kumaran Curling, S. F. No. 63/7, Thiru I. Selvam, Deivakanni Street,
Kakkadavu, Kakkadavu P.O. Pollachi T.K. 4369 Annuppanadi, Madurai – 625 009.
4344 642 120. Thiru S. Chandran, Deivakanni Street,
M/s. J.K. Fenner (India) Ltd., No. 3, 4370 Annuppanadi, Madurai – 625 009.
Madurai-Melakkal Road, Kochadai, Tmt. D. Sundarammal, Deivakanni Street,
4345 Madurai – 625 016. 4371 Annuppanadi, Madurai – 625 009.
4346 M/s. Vignesh Coir Products. Thiru C. Prakash, Sonaiya Nagar,
Thiru B. Sethupathy, 14/5, Thulasingam 4372 Annuppanadi, Madurai – 625 009.
4347 Street, Little Mount, Chennai – 600 15. M/s. Orient Color Art Printers Private
Limited, 414, Mundaga Nadar Street,
4348 Thiru K. Soundarajan.
4373 Sivakasi – 626 123.
M/s. Shree Senthur Engineers & Consultant,
M/s. Indian Chamber of Commerce &
No. 95, Melamanthai, Athoor Block.
Industry, No. 84-B, South Raja Street,
4349 Dindigul – 624 701.
4374 Tuticorin – 628 001.
4350 Thiru R.P. Bhaskaran M/s. Pandian Chemicals Limited, 17A,
4351 M/s. Green Wide Exporters Vallabhai Road, Chokkikulam, Madurai –
Thiru P. Chidambaram, 6/2, Parisalthurai 4375 625 002.
4352 Road, Ellakkapuram, Erode – 638 002 M/s. Greenma Rooffing Industries, D.P.
Tmt. Ammapillai, Deivakanni Street, No.9, Electrical Industrial Estate, Kakkalur,
4353 Annuppanadi, Madurai – 625 009. 4376 Tiruvallur – 602 003.
Thiru V. Chinnamurugan, Deivakanni Thiru V. Ganesh Moorthy, NO.6/4d,
4354 Street, Annuppanadi, Madurai – 625 009. 4377 Senguttupalayam, Coimbatore.
Thiru D. Masethung, Deivakanni Street, M/s. Karthik Traders, 4/47/2A, Ettayapuram
4355 Annuppanadi, Madurai – 625 009. 4378 road, Tuticorin
Thiru D. Gopal, Deivakanni Street, Tmt. R. Devathaal, w/o Ramasamy, South
4356 Annuppanadi, Madurai – 625 009. 4379 Thottam, Uppalipalayam,
Thiru P. Arugmugam, Deivakanni Street, Thiru. Anbarasu Maild id :
4357 Annuppanadi, Madurai – 625 009. 4380 [email protected]
Thiru Muthu, Deivakanni Street, Thiru. Kathirmathiyon, Coimbatore
4358 Annuppanadi, Madurai – 625 009. Consumer Cause, 38,4th Floor, Avinashi
Thiru V. Durairaj, Deivakanni Street, 4381 Road, Pellamadu, Coimbatore
4359 Annuppanadi, Madurai – 625 009. M/s.Tecno Bright Industries, 182, SIDCO
4382 industrial estate, Amattur, Chennai-600 098
M/s. South Indian Cement Manufacturer’s Contribution in Democracy, F.4, Perfect
Association, Mercados Energy Markets Vajra, No.144, Lakshmi Nagar 6th street,
India Pvt. Ltd, Unit-A2, Second Floor, Madipakkam, Chennai – 600 091.
Block-E , International Trade Tower, Nehru Email.Id – arg
4383 Place, New Delhi-110 019. 4400 [email protected]
M/s. The Southern India Mills’ Association, Thiru. P. Selvaraj, 124, R.S. Road,
“Shanmukha Manram” 41, Race course, 4401 Pallipalayam, Erode 638 006
4384 Coimbatore-641 018 M/s. Sree Krishna Traders, Merchants &
M/s. Thilagam Offset Printers, Sivakasi Dhall Manugacturers, Door No.1/213,
4385 email Id [email protected] Tuticorin Co-operative Industrial Estate,
M/s. South Indian Cement Manugacturers’ 4402 Korampallam, Thoothukudi – 628 101
Association, 3rd Floor, 36th Square, Plot Thiru. S. Gandhi, President, Power
4386 No.481, Hyderabad – 500 034, Telangana Engineers Society of Tamilnadu email-id -
M/s. Rajapalayam Mills Limited, PAC 4403 [email protected]
Ramasamy Raja Salai, Rajapalaiyam, - Thiru. M. Parthasathy, E mail ID-
4387 626117 4404 [email protected]
M/s. Aqua Amirtha, SKBM Enterprises, Dr.Vikram Saravhai Indstronics Estate
3/5/2, N.C. Gardens, Mariyamman Kovil St, Manugacturer’s Association, Unit-25, Dr.
4388 Periyakollapatti, Salem – 636 008 VSI Estate, Thiruvanmiyur, Chennai – 600
Thiru. G. Sambath, 3/1192, 3rd street, 4405 041
Soolaima Nagar, Mettukuppam, Chennai M/s. K.K.G. Traders, Dhall Merchants, 101,
4389 600 097 4406 South Raja Street, Tuticorin – 628 001.
M/s. Afrin Aqua , No.16/100/1, Aranathan Thiru. P. Sampath Kumar, Shunmuga Art
Kundu Extension Area, Singampunari - Printers Pvt. Ltd, 2/1033 K, Kanna Nagar,
4390 630502 4407 Naranapuram Road, Sivakasi – 626 189
Thiru. Sakthivel, Erode-12 , : M/s. Tarunika Textiles, S.F.No.369/3,
4391 [email protected] Sengalipalayam, Ramanathapuram Village,
Email Id – 4408 Annur,Avinashi, Tiruppur – 641 670
[email protected] M/s. Guru Dhall Mill, Dhall Merchants,
M/s. Kovai Tthiruppur District Koolikku 4409 101, South Raja Street, Tuticorin – 628 001
nesavu Seyum handloom association, 4410 Email-id – [email protected]
4392 Somanur Thiru. C. Selvaraj, General Secretary, FACT
Email Id – [email protected] 4411 India, 20, Vyasar street, T.Nagar, Chennai17
M/s. Kovai Tthiruppur District Koolikku Thiru. S. Raguram, Email Id –
nesavu Seyum handloom association, 4412 [email protected]
4393 Somanur Thiru. N. Ponratnam email.ID
M/s. Kumaran Textiles, Seenapuram, 4413 [email protected]
4394 Perundurai - 638 057, Erode Thiru. K. Senthilkumar, Thiruvalluvar
M/s. Kumarakuru Weaving, 3/116-A, District President, Namadhu Makkal
Suranickanur, Seenapuram , Perundurai-638 Protection Constitute, Plot.No.14, 30 feet
4395 057,Erode Road, Kathiravan Nagar, Thiruvallur
M/s. Coimbatore Consumer Vois, Govt. 4414 District.
Medical College opp, Avinasi road, Thiru. G. Ebenezer Vijayakumar,
4396 Coimbatore-641014. Velachery, Chennai 600 042 Email,ID-
M/s. Numax Foods Pvt. Ltd, 4415 [email protected]
Kariyampalayam Pirivu, M/s. Pioneer Jellice India Private Limited,
Karegoundapalayam Post, Annur, Survey No.65,66 & 67, Cuddalore –
4397 Coimbatore-641 697. Chidamvaram Main Road, Semmankuppam,
Ms/. Ganapathi Textiles, 329/6, 4416 Cuddalore-607 005
Vadugapalayam Pudur, Modachur, M/s. Kaliamman Sago factory, R. Pudupatti
4398 Govichettipalayam, Erode-638476 Bungalw e.maild –
4399 Thiru. S. Neelakanta Pillai, Citizen’s 4417 [email protected]
M/s. Rajco Aqua products , Manufacture of of Powerlooms Associations, Nasiyanur
package drinking water, 38/1-A & 1-B A. road, Erode, Tamilnadu-638011
Meenakshipuram, Anaikuttam, Panchayat – The Secretary M/s. TamilNadu Federation
4418 626 130. of Powerlooms Associations, Nasiyanur
M/s. Jothi Sago factory, Mettala, Attur Main 4436 road, Erode, Tamilnadu-638011
road, Karkoodapatty post, Rasipuram Taluk, The Proprietor M/s. Bharani Fibre Products,
4419 Namakkal District. 4437 Pollachi Taluk, Coimbatore Dist-642120
Thiru. Subrahamanyam Pulipaka, Chief 4438 The Proprietor M/s. Dhamu Fibers, Pollachi
Executive Officer, National Solar Energy The Proprietor M/s. Sai Sakthi Fibre,
Federation of India, 135-137, Rectangle 1, 4439 Kottampatti, Pollachi
4420 D4, Saket -110 017, New delhi. The Proprietor M/s. Tharun Coir Products,
Tmt. D.Devimeena, Hon Gen Secretary, 4440 Indranagar road, Kottur-642114
Thirumullaivoyal Womens SIDCO The Proprietor M/s. Sree Sai Coco
Industrial Manugacturer’s Association, 4441 Products, Nallathukuli (Po), Pollachi
4421 No.T286, Kattur, Chennai- 600 062 The Proprietor M/s. DTree Coco fibers,
Thiru.S.Neelakantapillai, No.F4, Perfect 4442 Ponnada koundanur thotathu Salai, Pollachi.
Vajira, No.144, Lakshmi Nagar, 6th Street, The Proprietor M/s. Shri Harini Coirs,
4422 Madipakkam, Chennai – 600 091. 4443 Samathur, Pollachi
Thiru.S.Neelakantapillai, No.F4, Perfect The Proprietor M/s. Standard Fibres,
Vajira, No.144, Lakshmi Nagar, 6th Street, 4444 Kovilpalayam (PO), Pollachi-642110
4423 Madipakkam, Chennai – 600 091. The Proprietor M/s. Mathi Coir, Reddiyarur
Dr.K.Selvaraj, Secretary, No.41, Race 4445 (PO), Pollachi-642007
4424 Course, Coimbatore – 641018. The Partner M/s. Sri Ragavendra Coir
Thiru.S.Neelakantapillai, No.F4, Perfect 4446 Products, Gomangalam, Pollachi-642107
Vajira, No.144, Lakshmi Nagar, 6th Street, The Proprietor M/s. Krish Coir Enterprises,
4425 Madipakkam, Chennai – 600 091. 4447 Nallampalli, Pollachi
Indian Wind Power Association, Door No.E, The Proprietor M/s. SKA Coirs,
6th Floor, Tower- 1, Shakthi Towers, 4448 Devipattinam, Pollachi-642133
4426 No.766, Anna Salai, Chennai – 600 002. The Proprietor M/s. Sri Raam Coirs,
Thiru.P.Muthusamy,Plot No.15, Second 4449 Makkinampatti (Po), Pollachi-642003
4427 Street, Velachey, Chennai – 42. The Proprietor M/s. Akul Fibres,
Thiru.S.Murali, GM, Birla Carbon India 4450 Thenkumarapalayam post, Pollachi-642107
4428 Private Limited, Gummidipoondi – 601201 The Partners M/s.Saravana Fibre Product,
M/s.Thamizhaga Vivasayigal Sangam, Kottur malayandipattanam (Po), Pollachi-
No.289, Chinnasami road, Chithapudhur, 4451 642114
4429 Coimbatore – 641044. The Proprietor M/s.Muthu Coirs,
M/s.Orient Green Power Company Limited, 4452 Thimmanguthu Post, Pollachi-642005
No.10/1, Venkatanarayana Road, T.Ngar, The managing partner M/s.Aliyar Fibres,
4430 Chennai – 600 017. 4453 Angalakurichi (Po), Pollachi-642007
M/s.Indian Wind Power Association, Door The Proprietor M/s. Indu Sri Coir Products,
No.E, 6th Floor, Tower -1, Shakthi Towers, 4454 Seelakampatti (Po), Pollachi-642205
4431 No.766, Anna Salai, Chennai – 600 002.
The Proprietor M/s. Coco Flora,
Thiru.K.Vishnu Mohan Rao, Senior 4455 Poosaraipatti (Po), Pollachi-642205
Researcher, Citizen Consumer and Civic
The Proprietor M/s. Muthu Coirs,
Action Group (CAG), NO.13, First Floor,
Thimmanguthu (Po), Pollachi Taluka-
Eldams Road, Teynampet, Chennai – 600
4456 642005
4432 018.
The Proprietor M/s. Premier Coir
Thiru.V.K.Balu, President, Email id:
4457 International, NGR nagar, Puliampatti
4433 [email protected]
The Proprietor M/s. Bairavaa Cocopeat,
Thiru.K.B.Kirubakar, No.2H/1071B,
4458 Kottur Malayandipattinam-642114
4434 Baackiyalakshmi Nagar, Tuticorin – 628008
4459 Thiru.K.Palani Near New Busstand,
4435 The President, M/s. TamilNadu Federation
Kudiyatham-632602 The Proprietor M/s.Murugaa Coirs, Samthur
The Partner M/s. Sri Raagavendra Best 4484 (Po), Pollachi.
4460 Fibre, Koolanaichenpatty, pollachi-642107 The Proprietor M/s.Sri Venkateswara
The Proprietor M/s. Deivavelu Fibre, Fibres, Narayanachettipalayam, Pollachi-
4461 Ayyampalayam, Pollachi 4485 642110.
The Proprietor M/s. Marutham Coir Fibre, The Proprietor M/s. Four Square Fibres,
4462 Kottur Malayandipattinam-642114 4486 Pethanaickanur (Po), Pollachi
The Proprietor M/s. Kannan Fibres, The Proprietor M/s.Shree Veerakumar
4463 Ambarpalayam (Po), pollachi 4487 Fibres, Pethanaickanur village, Pollachi-34
The Director M/s. Anu Angayarkanni Coir The Proprietor M/s.Pranavi coir Products,
Mills (P) Ltd, Sethumadai Post, Pollachi- 4488 Kolarpatti, Pollachi-642107
4464 642133 The Proprietor M/s. Sri Shakthi Fibres,
The manager M/s. Green Coco Galaxy, 4489 Ambarampalayam Pollachi
Rasichettipalayam, Zamin Uthukuli, The Proprietor M/s. Sree Vishnu Fibre
4465 Pollachi-642004 4490 Units, Negamam-642120
The Proprietor M/s.Alam Cocos, The Proprietor M/s.Vishnulakshmi Fibres,
4466 Andipalayam, Negamam 4491 Seelakkampatti (Po), Pollachi-642205
The Proprietor M/s.Titan Coirs, Thenchittur The Proprietor M/s.Sri Venkateswara
4467 Post-642134 4492 Fibres, Seelakampatti, Pollachi Tk
The Proprietor M/s.Sri Eswari Fibre, The Partner M/s. Aqua Amirtha SKBM
4468 Thippampatti Pollachi-642107 4493 Enterprises, Periyakollapatii, Salem-636008.
The Proprietor M/s. Sri Jayam Coir The Partner M/s.Gokulam Coir Exports,
4469 Products, Senniyur, Kinathukidavu Tk 4494 Gomangalam (Po), Pollachi (Tk)-642107
The Proprietor M/s. R.Athreya Coirs, The Partner M/s.Kannapiran Fibre
4470 Angalakurichi (Po), Pollachi-tk 4495 Exports,Nagoor-po, Pollachi-642120
The Proprietor M/s. Akul Fibres, The Proprietor M/s.Sri Harikrishna Coir Pith
4471 Thenkumarapalayam po, Pollachi 4496 Products, Nagoor Po, Pollachi-642120
4472 The Proprietor Consumer no.05154007601 The Proprietor M/s.Nagajothi Coirs, Kottur
The Proprietor M/s.Kavery Fibres, 4497 Malayandipattinam, Pollachi(Tk)-642114
4473 Kottampatti, Pollachi The Proprietor M/s. Sri Kodiswara Pith
The Proprietor M/s.Shree Veerakumar 4498 Block, Avalchinnam palayam, Pollachi
4474 Fibre, Sulur Tk, Coimbatore-641671 The Proprietor M/s. Sri Vishnulakshmi
The Proprietor M/s.Sri Vinayaka Fibres, 4499 Fibres, Seelakampatti, Pollachi
4475 subegoundanpudur, Pollachi-642103 The Proprietor M/s. PKS Coir Enterprises,
M/s.Sivasakthi Fibre Products Export 4500 Kinathukadavu-642109
4476 Consumer no.03307004751, The Proprietor M/s. Sri Selvakumaran Coir
M/s. Vaigai Agro products Ltd, Pollachi, Bricks, Reddiarur (Po), Pollachi(Tk)-
4477 Tk, Coimbatore-642205 4501 642007
The Proprietor M/s.Siva selvi coirs, The Proprietor M/s. Sri Vinayaga Fibres,
4478 Servaikaranpalayam, Pollachi-642110 4502 Kakkadavu Post, Pollachi (Tk)-642007
The Proprietor M/s.Everest Coir, The Proprietor M/s.Evershine Pith Bricks,
4479 Unjavallampatti post, Pollachi, Tk 4503 Negamam-642120, Coimbatore.
The Proprietor M/s. Sri Varshan Coirs, The Proprietor M/s.Shastha Fibre,
Chinneripalayam to Chinnanegamam, 4504 Suleshwaranpatti (Po), Pollachi-64.
4480 Pollachi. The Proprietor M/s.Azhagunachiamman
The Proprietor M/s.Mathi Fibre, Reddiarur 4505 Coirs, Zamin kottampatti
4481 (Po), Pollachi The Proprietor M/s.Dhandapani Fibres,
The Director M/s.Anar Coir (P) Ltd, 4506 Pollachi Tk, Coimbatore-642205
4482 Ponnegoundanoor, Pollachi-642107 The Proprietor M/s. Sri Jayam Fibre
The Proprietor M/s.Janani Coir Products, 4507 Products, Negamam Pollachi
4483 Pollachi 4508 The Proprietor M/s.Sri Selvanayagi Amman
Fibre, Kanjampatti (Po), Pollachi-642003 Impexs,Gomangalam (Po), Pollachi Tk-
The Proprietor M/s.Selvakumarasamy Coir 642205
4509 Products, Udumalpet Tk, Tirupur-642207 The Proprietor M/s.Madurai Pandian
The Proprietor M/s.Shri Amman Coir, 4533 Appalam, Mela Anuppanadi, Madurai-9
4510 Zamin Muthur post, Pollachi-642005 The Proprietor (Consumer No.03-357-002-
The Proprietor M/s.Sri Sakthi Fibre, 4534 727) M/s. Sri Harikrishna Coir
4511 Devanallur, Pollachi The Proprietor M/s.Sribagavathiamman
The Proprietor M/s.Senthur Fibres, Zamin Coirs, Nattukkalpalayam, PollachiPith
4512 Uthukuli, Pollachi-642004 4535 Products, Nagoor-Po, Pollachi-642120
The Proprietor M/s. Sivasakthi Rice Mill, The Proprietor (Consumer No.03-357-003-
4513 Dharapuram-638657, Tirupur 4536 683)
The Proprietor M/s.Gokul Coir Exports, M/s. Sri Harikrishna Coir Pith Products,
Seelakkampatti Po, Pollachi (Tk), 4537 Nagoor-Po, Pollachi-642120
4514 Coimbatore Thiru.R.Maudhasalam, Consumer No.(03-
The manager M/s. Blue Mount Dairy (P) 4538 165-002-312) Avinasi
4515 Ltd, Pollachi-642120 The Proprietor S.Pillaithambi, Consumer
The Proprietor M/s.Sri Raagavendra Best No.326004822 M/s.Sri Sivasakthi Coir,
4516 Coirs,Pollachi Tk-642107, Coimbatore 4539 Kottur-Malayandipattinam Po, Pollachi-Tk
The Proprietor M/s.Sri Fibre, The Proprietor M/s.Span Coir, Kottu-
4517 Kondegoundenpalayam, pollachi 4540 Malayandipattinam Po, Pollachi-Tk
Thiru.P.Pragalathan Thuraiyur Tk, Tiruchy The Proprietor M/s.Coco Star Coir
4518 – 621003. Industries, Kaliyapuram po, Pollachi-
The Proprietor M/s.Ambal Colours, 4541 642129, Coimbatore.
4519 Somanur road, mangalam-641663, Tirupur The Proprietor M/s.Vishakan Coirs,
The Proprietor M/s. Teejay Prabha Milk & 4542 Pollachi-642107
4520 Nutriments Pvt Ltd, Kanniyakumari-629101 The Partner, Garuda Coirs,
The managing partner M/s.Prabha Dairy, 4543 Chinnabomansalai (Via), Pollachi-642107
4521 kadayal, kaliyal (Po), 629101 Thiru.P.Arumugam, Consumer No.08-135-
The Secretary M/s. Sri Vadivu Modern Rice 4544 014-1229
4522 Mill, Authoor, Tuticorin - 628207 Thiru,A.Anandhan, Consumer No.08-417-
The Partner M/s.Win Process, 4545 007-561
4523 Karuppagounderpalayam, Tirupur-641604 Thiru.K.H Ubaiyadhulla, Consumer No.08-
The President M/s.Thirumazhisai Industrial 4546 417-007-290
Estate manufacturers Association, Thiru.A.M.Mohamed Sabi Consumer
4524 Thirumazhisai, Chennai-600124 4547 No.08-417-007-327
The Proprietor M/s.Super Dyeing, Thiru.N.Sivasankaran, Consumer No.08-
4525 Poyampalaym stop (West), Tirupur-641603 4548 135-014-1330
The Partner M/s.Manoj Dyeing, Thiru.R.Senthilkumar, Consumer no. 03-
4526 Angeripalayam, Tirupur-641603 4549 357-002-530
The Partner M/s. Athish Textile Process, M/s.Sivasakthi Fibre Products Export
4527 Pooluvapati (Po), Tirupur-2 Seelakkampatti Po, Pollachi (Tk)-642205,
The Partner M/s.KRG Modern Rice Mills, 4550 Coimbatore
4528 Malayampalayam, Erode Thiru.Gokul Siddarth Muthuramalingam,
The Partner M/s. Welcome Dyers, M/s.Athiyan Exports, Consumer
4529 Pichampalayam pudur (Po), Tirupur-641603 No.033360081095 Madippakkam, Chennai-
The Proprietor M/s. Nagsai Colours, 4551 91.
4530 Pichampalayam pudur, Tirupur-641603 The Proprietor M/s.Eco Max, Consumer
The Managing Partner M/s. Sri Mayil 4552 No.033260051811Pollachi Tk-642101
Vahan Agro Foods, Mannachanallur- Thiru.C.Prabhakaran, M/s.Gokul coir
4531 621005, Trichy Exports Seelakkampatti Po, Pollachi (Tk)-
4553 642205, Coimbatore
4532 The Partner,M/s. Sri Krishna Coir
The Partner, M/s.Sri Arjun Fibres, The Proprietor, M/s.Euro Coirs, Consumer
Kaliyapuram Village, Anamalai (Via), 4577 no.03336008847
4554 Pollachi-Tk The Proprietor, M/s. Mathi Coir,Anamalai,
The Proprietor, M/s.Coco Galaxy Exim, 4578 Pollachi-642007
4555 Zamin Uthukuli, Pollachi-642004 The Proprietor, M/s.Sri
The Proprietor M/s.Sri Annamar Veerakamatchiamman Coirs,
4556 Fibres,Vanchiyapuram privu, Pollachi 4579 Thenkumarapalayam, Pollachi-642107
Thiru.R.Devathaal, Upplili palayam, The Proprietor, M/s.SreenathCoirs,
4557 Consumer No.03165002796 4580 Lakshmipuram Po, Pollachi-642107
Thiru.R.Senthilkumar, Consumer The Proprietor, M/s.Fibreup, Zamin
4558 No.03307004677, 4581 Kottampatti, Pollachi
M/s.Gokul Krishna Coir Exports, The Proprietor, M/s.Kannan exim,
Seelakkampatti Po, Pollachi (Tk)-642205, 4582 Ambarampalayam PO, Pollachi
4559 Coimbatore The Proprietor,M/s.Vanjiyamman
Thiru.P.Varadharajasekar, Consumer 4583 Coirs,Pollachi-642103
4560 No.03357005265, The Proprietor,M/s. Madappatt Exports,
M/s.Sri Hariharasudan Coconut, Negamam- 4584 Thoraiyur, Pollachi, Coimbatore-642007
4561 642120, Pollachi-Tk, Coimbatore The Proprietor,M/s.Sri jayam Fibre
The Proprietor, M/s.Green Coir Consumer 4585 products, Negamam, Pollachi
4562 No.03352005613 The Proprietor,M/s.Grand Coco Bricks,
Thiru.R.S.Govindhan, Rajapalayam po, 4586 Karuppampalayam, Pollachi
4563 Thurupathoor- Tk, Thiru.S.Rameshkumar, M/s.Shree Vetri
The Secretary, M/s.North Chennai Small Vinayagar Fibres,Kallipatti village,
Industries Federation, Thiruvottiyur, 4587 Pollachi-642120
4564 Chennai-19 The Proprietor,M/s.Fibre Coir
Thiru.Perianayahy, Consumer no. 4588 Products,Consumer No.03347008222
052410062388, Annanagar, Batlagundu- The Proprietor, M/s. Nature Coir Co,
4565 624202 4589 K.G.Palayam (Po), Pollachi-642120
M/s.Sri Raghavendra Fibre Products, Thiru.C.N.Marutha kumar, Consumer
Lakshmapuram Po, Pollachi-Tk, 4590 No.03390004413,
4566 Coimbatore 4591 M/s.Rayar Fibres,Pollachi-642004
The Proprietor, M/s.Sri Unique The Proprietor,M/s.Thavanithi
4567 CoirsLakshmapuram Po, Pollachi-642107 Coirs,Kaliyapuram Village, Anaimalai-
The manager, M/s.Coco Galaxy 4592 642129
4568 Exim,Zamin Uthukuli, Pollachi-642004 The Proprietor, M/s.Evershine
The Proprietor,M/s.Lavanya Coirs And 4593 Fibre,Pollachi Tk, Coimbatore
4569 Exports,Mannur Po, Pollachi Thiru.G.Mangayarkarasi, Consumer
The Proprietor,M/s.Jai Anjaneya Coco 4594 No.03307004680
Traders, Kinathukadavu (Tk), Coimbatore- The Proprietor,M/s.Susi Coirs, Pollachi-
4570 642120 4595 642103
The Proprietor, M/s.Ska Coirs Thiru.M.G.Ramasamy,Consumer
4571 Devipattinam, Pollachi-642133 4596 No.394007754
The Partner, M/s.SMS Exporters,Pollachi M/s.Selvaranjan Cotton & Coir Export
4572 Tk, Coimbatore-642120 4597 Pollachi-642004
The Proprietor, M/s.Selvam Coco Tech, The Proprietor, M/s.NIF HYDROPONICS,
4573 Thimmankuthu Village, Pollachi 4598 Negamam (Via), Pollachi-642120
The Proprietor, M/s.Western Ghats, The Proprietor, M/s.Sri Ponkaliamman Coir
4574 Kolarpatti post, Pollachi-642107 Products, kasipattinam, kanjampatti (Po),
The Proprietor, M/s.Janani Coir Products, 4599 pollachi
4575 Consumer No.033310041138 The Proprietor, M/s.Sethu cocos, Consumer
M/s.Sri Murugan Fibre 4600 No.033290022014, Pollachi Tk-642129,
4576 Mills,Ambarampalayam, Pollachi-642103
Coimbatore Products,Thippampatti Po, Pollachi
The Proprietor, M/s.Abhi Pith Block, The Proprietor,M/s.A.G.CoirChettiakka
4601 Consumer No.03360081017 4624 palayam, Pollachi Tk
The Managing Partner, M/s. Ultimate The Proprietor,M/s.Shree Vetri Vinayagar
Cocos, consumer 4625 Fibres,Kallipatti Village, Pollachi-642120
No.03337005871,Thensangamapalayam, Thiru.P.Suthakar,M/s.Sri Venkateswara
4602 Pollachi-642007 4626 Fibres,Pollachi-642110
The Proprietor, M/s.Galuku Venture Inc, The Proprietor,M/s.MM
Consumer No.3347008708, Vellaipalayam Fibres,Sellappampalayam, Udumalpet-
4603 Pollachi 4627 642207
The Proprietor,M/s.Elite Fibre, The Proprietor,M/s.Thadagai Curled
4604 Pethanaickanur Po, Pollachi-642134 4628 Coirs,Kunjipalayam, Zamin Uthukuli
The Proprietor,M/s.Venus Fibre The Proprietor,M/s.Sanjithraj Fibres,
4605 Products,Negamam-642120, Coimbatore 4629 Kolarpatti, Pollachi-642107
Thiru.Ameshkumar, Consumer The Proprietor,Thadagai Fibres,
4606 No.033500081034, 4630 Kunjipalayam, Zamin Utukuli
M/s.Prasakthi Cocotex Products, Negamam, The Director,M/s.Cocobi (The Coir
4607 Pollachi 4631 Company)Pollachi-Palladam SH-19.
The Proprietor,M/s.Sri Vinayaka Fibres, The Proprietor,M/s.Roottzones,V.K.Nagoor,
4608 Subegoundanpudur, Pollachi-642103 4632 Pollachi-642103
The Proprietor,M/s.Anar Coir Pvt Ltd Unit The Proprietor,M/s.Vijayalakshmi Coir
II, Thenkumarapalayam Village, Pollachi- 4633 Products,Gomangalam PO, Pollachi-642107
4609 642107 The Proprietor,M/s.Bloombriks,Kolarpatti
Thiru.V.Sivakumar,Consumer 4634 Post, Pollachi-642002
4610 No.033330021610, The Partner, Riya coirs And Briquettes
M/s.Shri Seniandavan Fibres, Pollachi Tk- Singanallur, Zamin Uthukuli Po, Pollachi-
4611 642007 4635 642004
The Proprietor,M/s.Maheswari Coir, The Partner,M/s.Sri Sakthi Vinayaga
4612 Kallipatti, Negamam-642120 4636 Fibres,Chandrapuram Negamam pollachi
The Proprietor,M/s.Sai Coirs, Sethumadai- Thiru.M.Mathialakan,M/s.Shree
4613 642133 Veerakumar Fibres, Consumer no. 03-337-
The Proprietor,M/s.N.G.L.Coirs, Samathur 002-572, Pethanaickanur Village, Pollachi-
4614 PO, Pollachi-642123 4637 34
The Proprietor,M/s.Sri Senthur Rice Mill, The Proprietor, M/s.Jai Anjaneya Coco
4615 Thimmanguthu po, pollachi Tk-642005 4638 Traders,Devanampalayam, Pollachi-642120
The Partner, M/s.Sri Thirumoorthy Fibre, The Proprietor,M/s.Anjali
4616 Udumalpet Tk, Tirupur 4639 Process,Veerapandi Post,Tirupur-641605
The Proprietor, M/s.Saras Agro, Gedimedu, The President,M/s.Rotary Screen Printers
4617 Gomangalam po, Pollachi-642107 Asociation,Dharapuram road, Tirupur-
Thiru.M.Thulasirajan,M/s.Sri Krishna 4640 641608
4618 Fibres, Samathur Po, Pollachi-642123 The Partner,M/s.Sri Murugan Modern Rice
The Proprietor,M/s.Super Quality Fibres, 4641 Mill, Muthur road, Sivagiri-638109, Erode.
4619 Pollachi Tk, Coimbatore-642120 The Proprietor,M/s.JM Industries,Pudukudy
The Partner, M/s.Shree Veerakumar Coir 4642 road, Pudukudy-613402, Thanjavur
4620 Products,Coimbatore-641671 The Proprietor,M/s. Mahalakshmi
The Proprietor,M/s.Suriya Coir Engineering Enterprises, Thuvakudi,
Products,Kondegounden palayam (Po), 4643 Trichy-620015
4621 Pollachi-642120 The Proprietor,M/s.VVV Hi-Tech Rice
The Proprietor,M/s.Sivaselvam Mill, Kollangulam road, Maranthai
4622 Coirs,Chettipalayam, Kolarpatti, Pollachi 4644 Alangulam Tk, Tenkasi
4623 The Proprietor,M/s.Logesh Fibre 4645 The Proprietor,M/s.Sri kamatchi Amman
Modern Rice Mill,Sawyerpram-628251, The Secretary,M/s.The Sivakasi Master
Thoothukudi Printers Association,Kamarajar road,
The Partner,M/s.Sakthi Bala 4665 Sivakasi-626123
4646 Process,Mangalam road, Tirupur-641604 The Partner, M/s.M.K.Muthuswamy
The Managing Partner, M/s.Kodai Coir Chettiar & Co, Universal road, Tirupur-
Products & Services,Jambuliputtur, 4666 641601
4647 Andipatti-625512 The President, M/s. Palani Taluka Thennai
The Proprietor,M/s.Sri Balaji Engineering Saar Porul Urpathiyalargal Sangam,Palani
Enterprises,Thuvakudi, Tiruchirappalli- 4667 (Tk), Dindigul-624618
4648 620015 The Managing Director,M/s.Shanthigram
The Partner,M/s.SMR Modern Rice & Oil 4668 Dairy Promotion,Natham-624401, Dindigul.
4649 MillGanapathipalayam, Erode-638153 The Proprietor,M/s.Tirupathi Modern Rice
The Administratice Director,M/s.Baby Mill,Thamaraikulam Near, Devapandalam-
Engineering Pvt Ltd,Thuvakudi, 4669 606402
4650 Tiruchirappalli-620015 The Proprietor,M/s.Ayeepalayam
M/s. All Knitwear and Stakeholder Mariamman Rice Mill, Kurumandur-
4651 Associations of Tirupur,Tirupur 4670 638457, Gobi Tk, Erode
The Managing Partner,M/s.Thirumalai The Partner,M/s.Skyline Colours,
Engineering Industries,REC Post, 4671 Pukkilipalayam, mangalam-641663,
4652 Thuvakudi, Trichy-620015 The Partner,M/s.Kamathenu Modern Rice
The Proprietor,M/s.Lena Serma kannan 4672 Mill, Chettiyarpatti-626122 Tirupur
Modern Rice Mill, Chinthamani, Madurai- The Partner, M/s.Samayapuram Mariamman
4653 625009 Rice Industries, Dhalavaipuram road,
The Partner, M/s.Jawahar Rice Mill, 4673 Seithur-626121, Virudhunagar.
4654 Udangudi-628203, Tiruchendur Tk. The Partner,V.A.S.Modern Rice Mill,Salem
The Proprietor,M/s.Velayutham Rajammal 4674 Main Road, Kallakurichi-606202
Rice Mill,Nallur-627853,Alangulam Tk, The Proprietor,M/s.Gomaty
4655 Tirunelveli Dist Traders,Uthukuli R.s.-638752, Uthukuli Tk,
The Partner,M/s.Sri Valli Velmurugan 4675 Tirupur
Modern Rice Mill,M.Pudur, Cuddalore- The Partner,M/s.Selvam Process,Mangalam
4656 607004 4676 road, Tirupur-641604
The Proprietor,M/s.Junior Processing The Managing Partner,M/s. Sri Ganesha
4657 Mill,Arulpuram (Po), Tirupur-641605 Enterprises, Mela Thiruvizhapatti, Tanjore-
The Proprietor,M/s.Sanjeev Raja Rice Mill, 4677 613402
4658 Kangayam-638701, Erode The Proprietor, M/s.Sony Knit Process,
The Administration Department,Tata Venkamedu, Angeripalayam (PO), Tirupur-
Consultancy Services,Navalur post, 4678 641603
4659 Kancheepuram District,Chennai-603103 Communist Party of India (Marxist)
The Proprietor,M/s.Sri Arulmurugan Dyeing Virudhunagar District Committee, Kacheri
and Bleaching Company,Iduvampalayam 4679 road, Virudhunagar-626001
4660 (PO), Tirupur-641687 The Proprietor, M/s.Sankar Bleaching,
The Proprietor,M/s.Ambika Pitchampalayam Pudur (Po), Tirupur-
Process,Iduvampalayam (PO), Tirupur- 4680 641603
4661 641687 The Partner, M/s. BHM Process,
The Proprietor,M/s.Barakath Modern Rice 4681 Angeripalayam, Tirupur-641603
Mill, Arcot road, Anthili, Arakandanallur The Partner, M/s. Venus Rotary Printings,
4662 post 4682 Andipalayam po, Tirupur-641687
The Proprietor,M/s.Kanniyammal Naveena The Managing Partner, M/s.Venkateswara
4663 Arisi Aaalai,Alangulam-627851, Tenkasi Modern Rice Mill,Poonampalayam Po,
The Proprietor,M/s.Ganesa Agro 4683 Mannachanallur Tk, Tiruchy-621009
Products,Thenthiruperai, Thoothukudi- The Sole Proprietor, M/s.Thangamani Rice
4664 628623 4684 Mill,Selvanagar, Elumathur-638104, Erode
The Proprietor, M/s.Sri Ranga Yarn The
Dyeing,Pitchampalayam pudur (Po), Proprietor,M/s.V.M.P.Industires,Maniyamp
4685 Tirupur-641602 4704 attu, Ranipet-632403
The Proprietor, M/s.Star Himalayan The President,M/s.Tirupur District Rice Mill
Processing Mills, Angeripalayam, Tirupur- Owners’ Associations Chennaimalai road,
4686 641603 4705 Kangeyam-638701, Tirupur
The Proprietor, M/s.Subramania Sayasalai, The President, Chengundram Rice Mill
4687 Pichampalayam pudur (Po), Tirupur-641603 Owners & Paddy Rice Merchants
The Proprietor, M/s.Supreme Export Association, G.N.T.Road, Chengundram,
Creation, Poyampalayam east, Thondikattu 4706 Chennai-600052
4688 Thottam, Tirupur-641602 The Secretary, M/s.Indian Chamber of
The Proprietor, M/s.Suruthee Dyerss, Commerce & Industry, No.84-B, Southraja
4689 Angeripalayam, Tirupur-3 4707 street, Tuticorin-628001
The Partner, M/s.Velmurugan Process, The Partner, M/s. Nesarani Rotary Prints,
Periya thottam, Angeripalayam, Tirupur- 4708 Eduvai (Po), Tirupur-641687
4690 641603 The Proprietor, M/s.Sagunthala Modern
The Proprietor, M/s.Famous Textile Rice Mill, Chengam Circle,
Processing, Pitchampalayam pudur (Po), 4709 Tiruvannamalai-606702
4691 Tirupur-641603 The General Manager, M/s.Tamilnadu
The Proprietor, M/s.Sahana Tex Process, Chlorates(Unit of Pandian Chemicals Ltd)
Poyampalayam, Pooluvappati (Po), Tirupur- 4710 Chokkikulam, Madurai-625002
4692 641602 The General Manager, M/s.Pandian
The President, (Addressed to Chairman, Chemicals ltd,Vallabhai road, Chokkikulam,
Member and Secretary) No.491, 4711 Madurai-625002
4693 G.N.T.Road, Puzhal, Chennai-600066 The President,M/s.Tirupur Plastic
The Proprietor, M/s.Ponni Engineering Manufacturers Association,1st street,
Industries,Trichy road, Mathur-622515, 4712 P.N.Road, Tirupur-2
4694 Pudukottai The Proprietor,M/s.Shalom
The Director,M/s.Keyaram Developers & 4713 Fibres,Consumer No.08414012109
4695 Hotels Pvt Ltd, Chetpet, Chennai-600031. The Partner,M/s.Jay Way Tex, Palladam
The Director, M/s.Chennai Metro Rail Ltd, 4714 road,Veerapandi(Po), Tirupur-641604
4696 Koyambedu, Chennai-600107 The Proprietor,M/s.Sathyam Graphic,
Thiru.Sandhya Sundararagavan, Lead 4715 Ramapuram,Chennai-600089
(Energy Transitions) WRI India, Mumbai- The Partner,M/s.Aparna
4697 400012 Colours,Iduvampalayam Post,Tirupur-
The Proprietor,M/s.Magnum Processing 4716 641687
Mills, Aathupalayam, Thirumurugapoondi The Proprietor,M/s.Sri Arul Murugan
4698 (Po), Tirupur-641652 Modern Rice Mill,Chennai high road,
The Partner,M/s.Sri Visweswar Bleaching 4717 Tiruttani-631209, Tiruvallur.
Company,Pitchampalayam pudur, Tirupur- The Proprietor, M/s.Nanjundeswarar
4699 641602 4718 Modern rice Mill, Gobi Tk, Erode – 638506
The Proprietor,M/s.Kumar Dyeing The Partner M/s.Jayam Shree
Works,Pitchampalayam pudur (Po) Tirupur- 4719 Rotary,Veerapandi (PO), Tirupur-641605
4700 641603 The Proprietor,M/s.Madan Cards &
The Proprietor,M/s.Effectz’s, 4720 Arts,P.K.N. road, Sivakasi
4701 Angeripalayam,Tirupur-641603 The Proprietor, Tmt.C.Sivagami,Consumer
The Proprietor,M/s.Orchid 4721 no.084230041022,
4702 Dyers,Angeripalayam, Tirupur-641603 The Secretary, M/s.Industrial Complex
The Proprietor,M/s.SVF Coco Manufacturers Association,
Peat,Gedimedu, Pollachi Tk, Coimbatore- 4722 Gummidipoondi-601201
4703 642107 The Director, PQ Welfare Consortium,
4723 Peelamedu post,Coimbatore-641004
The Proprietor, M/s.G.S.Plaastics,Choolai District
4724 high road,Chennai-600112. Thiru.A.Manikandan,Poovandhi
Thiru.S.Kumar,Keeladi (Po)Thiruppuvanam Circle,Sivagangai
(PO),Thiruppuvanam Circle,Sivagangai 4742 District
4725 District Thiru.N.Munichamy Poovandhi
Thiru.A.Balakrishnan,Keeladi (Po)Thiruppuvanam Circle,Sivagangai
(PO),Thiruppuvanam Circle,Sivagangai 4743 District
4726 District Thiru.P.Kannayiram,Poovandhi
Thiru K.Nachchaan,Keeladi (Po)Thiruppuvanam Circle,Sivagangai
(PO),Thiruppuvanam Circle,Sivagangai 4744 District
4727 District Thiru S.Muthukumaresan,Poovandhi
Thiru P.Karuppaiah,Keeladi (Po)Thiruppuvanam Circle, Sivagangai
(PO),Thiruppuvanam Circle,Sivagangai 4745 District.
4728 District Thiru M.Prabhu,Poovandhi
Thiru O.Aalagappan,Keeladi (Po)Thiruppuvanam Circle,Sivagangai
(PO),Thiruppuvanam Circle,Sivagangai 4746 District
4729 District Thiru V.Selvam,Poovandhi
Thiru V.Nondichami,Keeladi (Po)Thiruppuvanam Circle,Sivagangai
(PO),Thiruppuvanam Circle,Sivagangai 4747 District
4730 District Thiru S.Boovalingam, Poovandhi (Po)
Thiru K.Veeranan, Keeladi 4748 Thiruppuvanam Circle, Sivagangai District
(PO),Thiruppuvanam Circle,Sivagangai Thiru K.Ramar, Poovandhi
4731 District (Po)Thiruppuvanam Circle,Sivagangai
Thiru K.Karuppasamy,Keeladi 4749 District
(PO),Thiruppuvanam Circle,Sivagangai Thiru.P.Selvaraj,Poovandhi
4732 District (Po)Thiruppuvanam Circle,Sivagangai
Thiru P.Chinnakaruppan,Keeladi 4750 District
(PO),Thiruppuvanam Circle,Sivagangai Thiru.V.Ponnupandi,Poovandhi
4733 District (Po)Thiruppuvanam Circle,Sivagangai
Thiru M.Ponnadiyan,Keeladi 4751 District
(PO),Thiruppuvanam Circle,Sivagangai Thiru.P.Manikandan,5/40, Main
4734 District road,Thiruppuvanam Circle,Sivagangai
Thiru M.Govindhadhasan,Keeladi 4752 District
(PO),Thiruppuvanam Circle,Sivagangai Thiru.K.R.Rathinam, C.No.390Railway
4735 District Beeda Road, Thiruppuvanam, Sivagangai
Thiru K.Maakki,Keeladi 4753 District.
(PO),Thiruppuvanam Circle,Sivagangai Thiru.K.R.Rathinam, C.No.1312 Railway
4736 District Beeda Road, Thiruppuvanam, Sivagangai
Thiru Y.Marudhu,Keeladi 4754 District.
(PO),Thiruppuvanam Circle,Sivagangai Thiru.K.Nagarathinam,Railway Beeda
4737 District 4755 Road,Thiruppuvanam, Sivagangai District.
Thiru A.Kadhiresan Konthagai, Thiru.Manoharan,Poovandhi
Muniyandipuram,Keeladi (PO), (Po)Thiruppuvanam Circle,Sivagangai
4738 Thiruppuvanam Circle, Sivagangai District. 4756 District.
Thiru K.Rajasekar, Poovandhi Thiru.M.Chellapandi,Poovandhi
(Po)Thiruppuvanam Circle, Sivagangai (Po)Thiruppuvanam Circle,Sivagangai
4739 District 4757 District.
Tmt.K.Valli, Poovandhi Tmt.V.Devi,Poovandhi (Po)Thiruppuvanam
(Po)Thiruppuvanam Circle,Sivagangai 4758 Circle,Sivagangai District
4740 District Thiru.C.Chettiyambalam,Poovandhi
Thiru K.Anbuselvam, Poovandhi (Po)Thiruppuvanam Circle,Sivagangai
4741 (Po)Thiruppuvanam Circle,Sivagangai 4759 District.
Thiru.R.Thavamani,Keelapoovandhi Thiru.Ayyampandi,Keelapoovandhi,Poovan
(Po)Thirupuvanam Circle,Sivagangai dhi (Po)Thiruppuvanam Circle,Sivagangai
4760 District. 4778 District
Tmt.K.Meenakshi,Poovandhi Thiru.A.Malaisamy,Melapoovandhi,Poovan
(Po)Thiruppuvanam Circle,Sivagangai dhi (Po)Thiruppuvanam Circle,Sivagangai
4761 District. 4779 District
Thiru.M.Malaisamy,Poovandhi Thiru.P.Radhakrishnan,Melapoovandhi,Poo
(Po)Thiruppuvanam Circle,Sivagangai vandhi (Po)Thiruppuvanam
4762 District. 4780 Circle,Sivagangai District
Thiru.Ramar,Poovandhi Thiru.P.Pandi,Poovandhi
(Po)Thiruppuvanam Circle,Sivagangai (Po)Thiruppuvanam Circle,Sivagangai
4763 District 4781 District
Thiru.M.Sakthivel,Poovandhi Thiru.K.Kallanai, Melapoovandhi
(Po)Thiruppuvanam Circle,Sivagangai Poovandhi (Po)Thiruppuvanam Circle,
4764 District. 4782 Sivagangai District
Thiru.S.Prabhu, Poovandhi (Po) Thiru.R.Alagesan, Melapoovandhi
4765 Thiruppuvanam Circle, Sivagangai District. Poovandhi (Po) Thiruppuvanam
Thiru.A.Ponramu, Poovandhi (Po) 4783 Circle,Sivagangai District
4766 Thiruppuvanam Circle, Sivagangai District. Thiru.M.Shanmugavel,Poovandhi (Po)
Thiru.P.Prabhakaran,Melapoovandhi,Poova 4784 Thiruppuvanam Circle,Sivagangai District
ndhi,Thiruppuvanam Circle,Sivagangai Thiru.M.Pitchai,Poovandhi
4767 District. (Po)Thiruppuvanam Circle, Sivagangai
R.Madhayanai,Poovandhi 4785 District
(Po)Thiruppuvanam Circle,Sivagangai Thiru.A.Munusamy, Poovandhi (Po)
4768 District 4786 Thiruppuvanam Circle, Sivagangai District.
Thiru.A.Kannan,Keelapoovandhi,Thiruppuv Thiru.S.Arumugam, Keelapoovandhi,
4769 anam Circle,Sivagangai District. Poovandhi (Po)Thiruppuvanam
Thiru.K.Malaisamy,Keelapoovandhi,Thirup 4787 Circle,Sivagangai District
puvanam Circle,Sivagangai Thiru.R.Karnan, Melapoovandhi,Poovandhi
4770 Circle,Sivagangai District. (Po)Thiruppuvanam Circle,Sivagangai
Thiru.V.Arumugam,Keelapoovandhi,Poova 4788 District
ndhi (Po)Thiruppuvanam Circle,Sivagangai Thiru.K.Sankar,Poovandhi
4771 District (Po)Thiruppuvanam Circle,Sivagangai
Thiru.Panjavarnam,Keelapoovandhi,Poovan 4789 District
dhi (Po)Thiruppuvanam Circle,Sivagangai Thiru.V.Arumugam,Melapoovandhi,Poovan
4772 District dhi (Po)Thiruppuvanam Circle,Sivagangai
Tmt.R.Palaniyammal,Keelapoovandhi,Poov 4790 District
andhi (Po)Thiruppuvanam Thiru.V.Moorthy, Melapoovandhi,
4773 Circle,Sivagangai District Poovandhi (Po)Thiruppuvanam Circle,
Thiru.Muthupandi,Keelapoovandhi,Poovand 4791 Sivagangai District.
hi (Po)Thiruppuvanam Circle,Sivagangai Thiru.M.Chinnasamy,Keelapoovandhi,Poov
4774 District andhi (Po)Thiruppuvanam
Thiru.Pitchaiya 4792 Circle,Sivagangai District
Pillai,Keelapoovandhi,Poovandhi Thiru.Murugesan,Melapoovandhi,Poovandh
(Po)Thiruppuvanam Circle,Sivagangai i (Po)Thiruppuvanam Circle,Sivagangai
4775 District 4793 District
Thiru.M.Chellamuthu,Keelapoovandhi,Poov Thiru.Mayandi,Melapoovandhi,Poovandhi
andhi (Po)Thiruppuvanam (Po)Thiruppuvanam Circle,Sivagangai
4776 Circle,Sivagangai District 4794 District
Thiru.A.Mani,Keelapoovandhi,Poovandhi Thiru.Kalimuthu,Melapoovandhi,Poovandhi
(Po)Thiruppuvanam Circle,Sivagangai (Po)Thiruppuvanam Circle,Sivagangai
4777 District 4795 District
Tmt.M.Muthulakshmi,Melapoovandhi,Poov Circle,Sivagangai District
andhi (Po)Thiruppuvanam Tmt.Jaya, Kallalar Street, Ku.Palaiyur
4796 Circle,Sivagangai District 4816 Thiruppuvanam Circle,Sivagangai District.
Thiru.S.Arumugam,Melapoovandhi,Poovan Thiru.K.Paramasivam, T.Palaiyanur,
dhi (Po)Thiruppuvanam Circle,Sivagangai 4817 Thiruppuvanam Circle, Sivagangai District.
4797 District Thiru.C.Chellappa, T.Palaiyanur,
Thiru.Dhanushkodi,Melapoovandhi,Poovan 4818 Thiruppuvanam Circle, Sivagangai District.
dhi (Po)Thiruppuvanam Circle,Sivagangai Thiru.A.Arumugam,
4798 District T.Palaiyanur,Thiruppuvanam
Thiru.P.Periyampillai,Keelapoovandhi,Poov 4819 Circle,Sivagangai District.
andhi (Po)Thiruppuvanam Thiru.R.Chinnaiya,T.Palaiyanur,Thiruppuva
4799 Circle,Sivagangai District 4820 nam Circle,Sivagangai District
Thiru.P.Mahalingam,keelapoovandhi,Poova Thiru.P.Ramar,T.Palaiyanur,Thiruppuvana
ndhi (Po)Thiruppuvanam Circle,Sivagangai 4821 m Circle,Sivagangai District
4800 District Thiru.M.Suresh,T.Palaiyanur,Thiruppuvana
Thiru.P.Panneerselvam,Melapoovandhi,Poo 4822 m Circle,Sivagangai District
vandhi (Po)Thiruppuvanam Thiru.A.Thirunagalingam,T.Palaiyanur,Thir
4801 Circle,Sivagangai District 4823 uppuvanam Circle,Sivagangai District.
Thiru.M.Murugan, Thiru.A.Karthikeyan,T.Palaiyanur,Thiruppu
Keelapoovandhi,Poovandhi 4824 vanam Circle,Sivagangai District.
(Po)Thiruppuvanam Circle,Sivagangai Tmt.Vasanthi,T.Palaiyanur,Thiruppuvanam
4802 District 4825 Circle,Sivagangai District
Tmt.A.Santhi,Kallar Street, Nelmudikarai Thiru.P.Viswanathan,T.Palaiyanur,Thiruppu
4803 Thiruppuvanam Circle, Sivagangai District 4826 vanam Circle,Sivagangai District.
Thiru.R.Annamalai,Kallar Street, Thiru.R.Manoharan,T.Palaiyanur,Thiruppuv
NelmudikaraiThiruppuvanam 4827 anam Circle,Sivagangai District.
4804 Circle,Sivagangai District Thiru.K.Jeyaprakash,T.Palaiyanur,Thiruppu
Tmt.Pandiyammal,T.Palaiyanur, 4828 vanam Circle,Sivagangai District.
4805 Thiruppuvanam Circle, Sivagangai District. Thiru.S.Ammappillai,T.Palaiyanur,Thiruppu
Tmt.Sangarewari, 4829 vanam Circle,Sivagangai District.
T.Palaiyanur,Thiruppuvanam Tmt.K.Malarvizhi,T.Palaiyanur,Thiruppuva
4806 Circle,Sivagangai District 4830 nam Circle,Sivagangai District
Tmt.C.Guruvammal,T.Palaiyanur,Thiruppu Thiru.M.Jeeva,T.Palaiyanur,
4807 vanam Circle,Sivagangai District. 4831 Thiruppuvanam Circle,Sivagangai District
Thiru.Yogeswaran,T.Palaiyanur,Thiruppuva Thiru.M.Kannan,T.Palaiyanur,Thiruppuvan
4808 nam Circle,Sivagangai District 4832 am Circle, Sivagangai District
Thiru.Parameswaran,Muniyandi kovil Thiru.T.Adhimoolam,
Street,Thiruppuvanam Circle,Sivagangai T.Palaiyanur,Thiruppuvanam
4809 District 4833 Circle,Sivagangai District
Thiru.K.Eswaran,T.Palaiyanur,Thiruppuvan Tmt.P.Pothumponnu,
4810 am Circle, Sivagangai District T.Palaiyanur,Thiruppuvanam
Thiru.M.Kaleeswaran,T.Palaiyanur,Thirupp 4834 Circle,Sivagangai District.
4811 uvanam Circle, Sivagangai District. Thiru.Rajendran, Paruthurai,
Tmt.Sudha, Kallalar Street, Ku.Palaiyur, T.Palaiyanur,Thiruppuvanam Circle,
4812 Thiruppuvanam Circle, Sivagangai District 4835 Sivagangai District.
Thiru.M.Nithya, Thiru.K.Rakkappan,T.Palaiyanur,Thiruppuv
T.Palaiyanur,Thiruppuvanam 4836 anam Circle,Sivagangai District.
4813 Circle,Sivagangai District Thiru.Malaiyalam, T.Palaiyanur,
Thiru.S.Ramar,T.Palaiyanur,Thiruppuvana 4837 Thiruppuvanam Circle, Sivagangai District
4814 m Circle,Sivagangai District Thiru.P.Arumugam, T.Palaiyanur,
Thiru.P.Gnanapandithan, Kallalar 4838 Thiruppuvanam Circle, Sivagangai District
4815 Street,Ku.Palaiyur Thiruppuvanam
Tmt.Erulayi, T.Palaiyanur, Thiruppuvanam Thiruppuvanam Circle, Sivagangai District
4839 Circle, Sivagangai District Thiru.R.Pugaleeswaran, Consumer
Tmt.T.Muniyammal, T.Palaiyanur, No.D2748, Pasumponnagar, T.Palaiyanur,
4840 Thiruppuvanam Circle, Sivagangai District 4859 Thiruppuvanam Circle, Sivagangai District
Thiru.S.Pandi, T.Palaiyanur, Thiru.A.Murugan, Consumer No.D656,
4841 Thiruppuvanam Circle, Sivagangai District T.Palaiyanur, Thiruppuvanam Circle,
Tmt.Banupathi, T.Palaiyanur, 4860 Sivagangai District
4842 Thiruppuvanam Circle, Sivagangai District Thiru.A.Backiyaraj, Consumer
Tmt.K.Suppammal, T.Palaiyanur, No.D2678,T.Palaiyanur,Thiruppuvanam
4843 Thiruppuvanam Circle, Sivagangai District 4861 Circle, Sivagangai District
Thiru.P.Velayutham, T.Palaiyanur, Thiru.K.Kallanai,Consumer No.D1272,
4844 Thiruppuvanam Circle, Sivagangai District Pasumponnagar, T.Palaiyanur,
Thiru.V.Ramamoorthy, Muniyandi Kovil 4862 Thiruppuvanam Circle, Sivagangai District
Street, T.Palaiyanur, Thiruppuvanam Circle, Thiru.K.Kallanai,Consumer No.D2121,
4845 Sivagangai District Pasumponnagar, T.Palaiyanur,
Thiru.N.Rakku, Muniyandi Kovil Street, 4863 Thiruppuvanam Circle, Sivagangai District
T.Palaiyanur, Thiruppuvanam Circle, Thiru.K.Kallanai,Consumer No.D2128,
4846 Sivagangai District Pasumponnagar, T.Palaiyanur,
Thiru.K.Karuppaiyah, T.Palaiyanur, 4864 Thiruppuvanam Circle, Sivagangai District
4847 Thiruppuvanam Circle, Sivagangai District Tmt.R.Uma,Thiru.K.Kallanai,Consumer
Thiru.A.Eswaran, Consumer No.D1137 No.D1351, T.Palaiyanur, Thiruppuvanam
T.Palaiyanur, Thiruppuvanam Circle, 4865 Circle, Sivagangai District
4848 Sivagangai District Thiru.M.Bose @ Subramanian,Consumer
Thiru.A.Eswaran, Consumer No.D2883, No.D80,T.Palaiyanur, Thiruppuvanam
T.Palaiyanur, Thiruppuvanam Circle, 4866 Circle, Sivagangai District
4849 Sivagangai District Thiru.U.Lakshmanan, Consumer
Thiru.P.Sellam, Consumer No.D1138, No.05435004189, T.Palaiyanur,
T.Palaiyanur, Thiruppuvanam Circle, 4867 Thiruppuvanam Circle, Sivagangai District
4850 Sivagangai District Thiru.B.Shanmugavel raja, Consumer
Thiru.K.Moorthy, Consumer No.D798, No.D1131,T.Palaiyanur, Thiruppuvanam
T.Palaiyanur, Thiruppuvanam Circle, 4868 Circle, Sivagangai District
4851 Sivagangai District Tmt.P.Annalakshmi,Consumer
Thiru.A.Eswaran, Consumer No.D1314 No.D1205,T.Palaiyanur,Thiruppuvanam
T.Palaiyanur, Thiruppuvanam Circle, 4869 Circle,Sivagangai District
4852 Sivagangai District Thiru.M.Ramasamy,Consumer
Thiru.M.Kasi, Consumer No.D505, No.D765,T.Palaiyanur,Thiruppuvanam
Pasumponnagar, T.Palaiyanur, 4870 Circle,Sivagangai District
4853 Thiruppuvanam,Circle, Sivagangai District Tmt.K.Muthulakshmi,Vellaral
Thiru.M.Kannan, Consumer No.D1263, Street,T.Palaiyanur,Thiruppuvanam
Pasumponnagar, T.Palaiyanur, 4871 Circle,Sivagangai District
4854 Thiruppuvanam,Circle, Sivagangai District Thiru.R.Pugaleeswaran,Consumer
Tmt.P.Jayabharathi, Consumer No.D2460, No.D152,T.Palaiyanur,Thiruppuvanam
T.Palaiyanur, Thiruppuvanam Circle, 4872 Circle,Sivagangai District
4855 Sivangangai District. Thiru.M.Azhgumalai, Consumer No.212,
Thiru.A.Periyakaruppan, Consumer Vellalar Street,T.Palaiyanur,
No.D1908, Muppakkarai, T.Palaiyanur, 4873 Thiruppuvanam Circle,Sivagangai District
4856 Thiruppuvanam Circle, Sivagangai District Thiru.M.Karmegam,Consumer
Tmt.G.Mahalakshmi, Consumer No.2663, No.P1249,T.Palaiyanur,Thiruppuvanam
Pasumponnagar, T.Palaiyanur, 4874 Circle, Sivagangai District
4857 Thiruppuvanam Circle, Sivagangai District Tmt.A.Srividhya,Consumer No.B97,Indra
Thiru.K.Kallanai, Consumer No.D2170, Nagar,T.Palaiyanur, Thiruppuvanam
4858 Pasumponnagar, T.Palaiyanur, 4875 Circle,Sivagangai District
Tmt.P.Ponnuthai,Consumer No.2530,T.Palaiyanur,Thiruppuvanam
No.D23,T.Palaiyanur,Thiruppuvanam Circle,Sivagangai District
4876 Circle, Sivagangai District Tmt.A.Ayyammal,Consumer
Thiru.T.Ponnusamy,Kallal No.2188,T.Palaiyanur,Thiruppuvanam
Street,T.Palaiyanur,Thiruppuvanam Circle, 4894 Circle,Sivagangai District
4877 Sivagangai District Thiru.S.Velmurugan,Consumer
Thiru.Raakku,Consumer No.D270,Kallal No.2851,T.Palaiyanur,Thiruppuvanam
Street,T.Palaiyanur, Thiruppuvanam 4895 Circle,Sivagangai District
4878 Circle,Sivagangai District Thiru.M.Bharathi,Consumer
Thiru.M.Karuppaiah,Consumer No.1784,T.Palaiyanur,Thiruppuvanam
No.D950,T.Palaiyanur,Thiruppuvanam 4896 Circle,Sivagangai District
4879 Circle, Sivagangai District Thiru.S.Muthukumar,Consumer
Thiru.R.Gurusamy, Consumer No.2482,T.Palaiyanur,Thiruppuvanam
No.1097,T.Palaiyanur,Thiruppuvanam 4897 Circle,Sivagangai District
4880 Circle, Sivagangai District Thiru.T.Karuppasamy, T.Palaiyanur,
Tmt.K.Manimegalai,Consumer 4898 Thiruppuvanam Circle, Sivagangai District.
No.D2024,T.Palaiyanur,Thiruppuvanam Thiru.P.Palanisamy, T.Palaiyanur,
4881 Circle, Sivagangai District 4899 Thiruppuvanam Circle, Sivagangai District.
Thiru.A.Prabhu,Consumer Tmt.P.Meena, T.Palaiyanur,
No.D1819,T.Palaiyanur,Thiruppuvanam 4900 Thiruppuvanam Circle, Sivagangai District
4882 Circle,Sivagangai District Thiru.R.Arunachalam, T.Palaiyanur,
Thiru.P.Samayamuthu, Consumer 4901 Thiruppuvanam Circle, Sivagangai District.
No.D1490, Poonganagar, Thiruppuvanam Thiru.A.Balamurugan, Consumer
4883 Circle, Sivagangai District No.B1576, T.Palaiyanur, Thiruppuvanam
Tmt.A.Chellammal,Consumer 4902 Circle, Sivagangai District
No.D363,T.Palaiyanur,Thiruppuvanam Thiru.M.Kalaiyappan, Marudhupandiyan
4884 Circle,Sivagangai District 2nd St, Thiruppuvanam Circle, Sivagangai
Tmt.C.Boopathiyammal,Consumer 4903 District.
No.D1461, T.Palaiyanur, Thiruppuvanam Thiru.S.Ravichandran, Marudhupandiyan
4885 Circle,Sivagangai District 2nd St, Thiruppuvanam Circle, Sivagangai
Thiru.S.Ayyanar,Consumer 4904 District.
No.D933,T.Palaiyanur,Thiruppuvanam Tmt.J.Panjavarnam,Consumer
4886 Circle, Sivagangai District No.B737,Marudhupandiyan 2nd St,Railway
Thiru.Veeravel,Consumer beeda road, Thiruppuvanam Circle,
No.D812,T.Palaiyanur,Thiruppuvanam 4905 Sivagangai District
4887 Circle, Sivagangai District Tmt.R.Rajalakshmi, Marudhupandiyan 2nd
Thiru.K.Muniyandi,Consumer St, Railway beeda road, Thiruppuvanam
No.D1115,T.Palaiyanur,Thiruppuvanam 4906 Circle, Sivagangai District
4888 Circle, Sivagangai District Tmt.R.Rajanandhini, Marudhupandiyan 2nd
Thiru.M.Jegadeesh,Consumer No.D546, St, Railway beeda road, Thiruppuvanam
T.Palaiyanur, Thiruppuvanam Circle, 4907 Circle, Sivagangai District
4889 Sivagangai District Tmt.V.Geethanjali, Marudhupandiyan 2nd
Thiru.R.Balaji, St,Railway beeda road, Thiruppuvanam
T.Palaiyanur,Thiruppuvanam 4908 Circle, Sivagangai District
4890 Circle,Sivagangai District Thiru.K.Balasubramanian,
Tmt.M.Meena, Marudhupandiyan 2nd St,Railway beeda
T.Palaiyanur,Thiruppuvanam road, Thiruppuvanam Circle, Sivagangai
4891 Circle,Sivagangai District 4909 District
Tmt.S.Azhagumeena, T.Palaiyanur, Tmt.U.Jayadevi, Consumer
Thiruppuvanam Circle, Sivagangai District No.B.1380,Marudhupandiyan 2nd
4892 – 630611 St,Railway beeda road,Thiruppuvanam
4893 Thiru.M.Murugan, Consumer 4910 Circle, Sivagangai District
Tmt.M.Angalaparameswari, Consumer Thiru.Karuppukalai, Consumer No.497A,
No.1197, Marudhupandiyan 2nd beeda 4929 T.Pudhur, Sivagangai District
road,Thiruppuvanam Circle, Sivagangai Thiru.Muthu, Consumer No.246A,
4911 District 4930 T.Pudhur, Sivagangai District
Tmt.P.Kunjaram, Consumer No.B378 Thiru.P.Raja, Consumer No.358A,
Marudhupandiyan 2nd St,Railway beeda 4931 T.Pudhur, Sivagangai District
road, Thiruppuvanam Circle, Sivagangai Thiru.A.Muthu, T.Pudhur, Sivagangai
4912 District 4932 District.
Thiru.G.Guruselvam, Consumer No.B656, Thiru.Pandi, T.PUdhur, Sivangai District –
Marudhupandiyan 2nd St, Railway beeda 4933 630611.
road, Thiruppuvanam Circle, Sivagangai Thiru.C.Chandiran, NO.82, Pappanvalaasai,
4913 District Poovanthi Post, Thirupuvanam Post,
Tmt.S.Muthirulayee, Consumer No.B1108, 4934 Sivangangai – 630611.
Marudhupandiyan 2nd St, Railway beeda Tmt.Pappan, No.80, Pappan Valasai,
road, Thiruppuvanam Circle, Sivagangai Poonvanthi, Thirupuvanam Post,
4914 District 4935 Sivangangai – 630611.
Thiru.T.Meenakshisundaram, Consumer Thiru.Thirupathi, Pappanvalasai, Poovanthi,
No.B806, Marudhupandiyan 2nd St, 4936 Thirupuvanam, Sivagangai – 630611
Railway beeda road, Thiruppuvanam Circle, Thiru.Jeganathan, No.2/25, Pannanvalasai,
4915 Sivagangai District Poovanthi Post, Thirupuvanam, Sivagangai
Tmt.R.Selvarani, Consumer No.B1131, 4937 – 630611.
Marudhupandiyan 2nd St, Thiruppuvanam Tmt.T.Seeniammal, Pappanvalasai,
4916 Circle, Sivagangai District Poovanthi Post, Thirupuvanam,,
Tmt.A.Banumathi, Consumer No.B2978, 4938 Sivangangai – 630611.
Marudhupandiyan 2nd St, Thiruppuvanam Thiru.M.Sangan, Pappanvalasai, Poovanthi
4917 Circle, Sivagangai District Post, Thirupuvanam,, Sivangangai –
Tmt.T.Jayalakshmi, Consumer No.B1247, 4939 630611.
Marudhupandiyan 2nd St, Thiruppuvanam Thiru.S.M.Selvam, Pappanvalasai,
4918 Circle, Sivagangai District Poovanthi Post, Thirupuvanam,,
Thiru.T.Rishikesavan, Consumer No.B1010, 4940 Sivangangai – 630611.
Marudhupandiyan 2nd St, Thiruppuvanam Thiru.K.Shankar, Pappanvalasai, Poovanthi
4919 Circle, Sivagangai District Post, Thirupuvanam,, Sivangangai –
Tmt.T.Uma, Consumer No.B262, 4941 630611.
Marudhupandiyan 2nd St, Thiruppuvanam Thiru.P.Durairaj, Pappanvalasai, Poovanthi
4920 Circle, Sivagangai District Post, Thirupuvanam,, Sivangangai –
Thiru.S.Bose, Consumer No.655A, 4942 630611.
Marudhupandiyan 2nd St, Thiruppuvanam Thiru.C.K.Periyakaruppan, Pappanvalasai,
4921 Circle, Sivagangai District Poovanthi Post, Thirupuvanam,,
Tmt.Muthulakshmi, Consumer No.5221A, 4943 Sivangangai – 630611.
4922 T.Pudhur, Sivagangai District Thiru.T.Kumar, Pappanvalasai, Poovanthi
Thiru.Karuppasamy, Consumer No.676-A, Post, Thirupuvanam,, Sivangangai –
4923 T.Pudhur, Sivagangai District 4944 630611.
Thiru.K.Karuppaiah, Consumer No.A873, Thiru.Mookan, Pappanvalasai, Poovanthi
4924 T.Pudhur, Sivagangai District Post, Thirupuvanam,, Sivangangai –
Thiru.Periyasamy, Consumer No.A.660, 4945 630611.
4925 T.Pudhur, Sivagangai District Thiru.M.Selvam, Pappanvalasai, Poovanthi
Thiru.P.Murugesan, Consumer No.A 460, Post, Thirupuvanam,, Sivangangai –
4926 T.Pudhur, Sivagangai District 4946 630611.
Thiru.P.Balasubramani, Consumer No.263 Thiru.Chinnayan, Pappanvalasai, Poovanthi
4927 A, T.Pudhur, Sivagangai District. Post, Thirupuvanam,, Sivangangai –
Thiru.Pandi, Consumer No.A.411, 4947 630611.
4928 T.Pudhur, Sivagangai District
Thiru.C.Karuppu, Pappanvalasai, Poovanthi Thiru.K.Kannan, Pappanvalasai, Poovanthi
Post, Thirupuvanam,, Sivangangai – Post, Thirupuvanam,, Sivangangai –
4948 630611. 4966 630611.
Thiru.K.Subramani, Pappanvalasai, Thiru.K.Chinayyan, Pappanvalasai,
Poovanthi Post, Thirupuvanam,, Poovanthi Post, Thirupuvanam,,
4949 Sivangangai – 630611. 4967 Sivangangai – 630611.
Tmt.Elammal, Pappanvalasai, Poovanthi Thiru.K.Vadivandhal, Pappanvalasai,
Post, Thirupuvanam,, Sivangangai – Poovanthi Post, Thirupuvanam,,
4950 630611. 4968 Sivangangai – 630611.
Tmt.Shanthi, Pappanvalasai, Poovanthi Thiru.T.Nallal, Pappanvalasai, Poovanthi
Post, Thirupuvanam,, Sivangangai – Post, Thirupuvanam,, Sivangangai –
4951 630611. 4969 630611.
Thiru.M.Andisamy, Pappanvalasai, Tmt.A.Prema, No.122/4, Karumariyyam
Poovanthi Post, Thirupuvanam,, Kovil Street, Mela Poovanthi
4952 Sivangangai – 630611. 4970 Post,Thirupuvanam,, Sivangangai – 630611.
Thiru.Periyasamy, Pappanvalasai, Poovanthi Thiru.Ganesan, Pappanvalasai, Poovanthi
Post, Thirupuvanam,, Sivangangai – Post, Thirupuvanam,, Sivangangai –
4953 630611. 4971 630611.
Thiru.Karuppusamy, Pappanvalasai, Tmt.H.Mahalakshmi, Pappanvalasai,
Poovanthi Post, Thirupuvanam,, Poovanthi Post, Thirupuvanam,,
4954 Sivangangai – 630611. 4972 Sivangangai – 630611.
Thiru.Veeraselvam, Pappanvalasai, Thiru.K.Mahalingam, Pappanvalasai,
Poovanthi Post, Thirupuvanam,, Poovanthi Post, Thirupuvanam,,
4955 Sivangangai – 630611. 4973 Sivangangai – 630611.
Tmt.Rakku, Pappanvalasai, Poovanthi Post, Tmt.K.Latha, Pappanvalasai, Poovanthi
4956 Thirupuvanam,, Sivangangai – 630611. Post, Thirupuvanam,, Sivangangai –
Thiru.Arumugam, Pappanvalasai, Poovanthi 4974 630611.
Post, Thirupuvanam,, Sivangangai – Thiru.M.Paulraj, Pappanvalasai, Poovanthi
4957 630611. Post, Thirupuvanam,, Sivangangai –
Thiru.N.Karuppusamy, Pappanvalasai, 4975 630611.
Poovanthi Post, Thirupuvanam,, Thiru.M.Moorthy, Pappanvalasai, Poovanthi
4958 Sivangangai – 630611. Post, Thirupuvanam,, Sivangangai –
Tmt.K.Jothi, Pappanvalasai, Poovanthi Post, 4976 630611.
4959 Thirupuvanam,, Sivangangai - 630611. Thiru.S.Muniyandi, Pappanvalasai,
Thiru.S.Elasu, Pappanvalasai, Poovanthi Poovanthi Post, Thirupuvanam,,
Post, Thirupuvanam,, Sivangangai – 4977 Sivangangai – 630611.
4960 630611. Thiru.S.Karuppu, Poovanthi Coloy,
Thiru.P.Masam, Pappanvalasai, Poovanthi 4978 Thirupuvanam, Taluk, Sivagangai – 630611.
Post, Thirupuvanam,, Sivangangai – Thiru.V.Mutham, Poovanthi Coloy,
4961 630611. 4979 Thirupuvanam, Taluk, Sivagangai – 630611.
Thiru.M.Karuppiah, Pappanvalasai, Thiru.M.Gopal, No.119/4, Suvanthi Tapal,
Poovanthi Post, Thirupuvanam,, Poovanthi Coloy, Thirupuvanam, Taluk,
4962 Sivangangai – 630611. 4980 Sivagangai – 630611.
Thiru.A.Marimuthu, Pappanvalasai, Thiru.Selvam, Poovanthi Coloy,
Poovanthi Post, Thirupuvanam,, 4981 Thirupuvanam, Taluk, Sivagangai – 630611.
4963 Sivangangai – 630611. Tmt.Miniya, Poovanthi Coloy,
Thiru.M.Pandiyarajan, Pappanvalasai, 4982 Thirupuvanam, Taluk, Sivagangai – 630611.
Poovanthi Post, Thirupuvanam,, M/s.Divya, Poovanthi Coloy,
4964 Sivangangai – 630611. 4983 Thirupuvanam, Taluk, Sivagangai – 630611.
Thiru.K.Karuppusamy, Pappanvalasai, Thiru.K.Sonnai, Poovanthi Coloy,
Poovanthi Post, Thirupuvanam,, 4984 Thirupuvanam, Taluk, Sivagangai – 630611.
4965 Sivangangai – 630611.
Thiru.R.Kasi, Poovanthi Coloy, Thirupuvanam, Taluk, Sivagangai – 630611.
4985 Thirupuvanam, Taluk, Sivagangai – 630611. Thiru.R.Pichai, Poovanthi Coloy,
Thiru.Pandi, Poovanthi Coloy, 5011 Thirupuvanam, Taluk, Sivagangai – 630611.
4986 Thirupuvanam, Taluk, Sivagangai – 630611. Thiru.M.Thaiammal, Poovanthi Coloy,
Thiru.J.Murugan, Poovanthi Coloy, 5012 Thirupuvanam, Taluk, Sivagangai – 630611.
4987 Thirupuvanam, Taluk, Sivagangai – 630611. Thiru.K.Sonnai, Poovanthi Coloy,
Thiru.Muthupillai, Poovanthi Coloy, 5013 Thirupuvanam, Taluk, Sivagangai – 630611.
4988 Thirupuvanam, Taluk, Sivagangai – 630611. Thiru.S.Pandi, Poovanthi Coloy,
Thiru.Panchu, Poovanthi Coloy, 5014 Thirupuvanam, Taluk, Sivagangai – 630611.
4989 Thirupuvanam, Taluk, Sivagangai – 630611. Tmt.R.Chinnaiyee, Poovanthi Coloy,
Thiru.Ayyavu, Poovanthi Coloy, 5015 Thirupuvanam, Taluk, Sivagangai – 630611.
4990 Thirupuvanam, Taluk, Sivagangai – 630611. Thiru.P.Ravi, Poovanthi Coloy,
Tmt.K.Manimegalai, Poovanthi Coloy, 5016 Thirupuvanam, Taluk, Sivagangai – 630611.
4991 Thirupuvanam, Taluk, Sivagangai – 630611. Thiru.C.Andiyappan, Poovanthi Coloy,
Thiru.Muthu, Poovanthi Coloy, 5017 Thirupuvanam, Taluk, Sivagangai – 630611.
4992 Thirupuvanam, Taluk, Sivagangai – 630611. Thiru.V.Selvam, Poovanthi Coloy,
Tmt.Amaravathi, Poovanthi Coloy, 5018 Thirupuvanam, Taluk, Sivagangai – 630611.
4993 Thirupuvanam, Taluk, Sivagangai – 630611. Thiru.A.Pichai, Poovanthi Coloy,
Tmt.M.Kathikail Selvi, Poovanthi Coloy, 5019 Thirupuvanam, Taluk, Sivagangai – 630611.
4994 Thirupuvanam, Taluk, Sivagangai 630611. Thiru.P.Veeranan, Poovanthi Coloy,
Tmt.R.Mahalakshmi, Poovanthi Coloy, 5020 Thirupuvanam, Taluk, Sivagangai – 630611
4995 Thirupuvanam, Taluk, Sivagangai 630611. Tmt.R.Deepa, Poovanthi Coloy,
Tmt.Kamala, Poovanthi Coloy, 5021 Thirupuvanam, Taluk, Sivagangai – 630611
4996 Thirupuvanam, Taluk, Sivagangai – 630611. Thiru.C.Pandi, Poovanthi Coloy,
Tmt.R.Pothumponnu, Poovanthi Coloy, 5022 Thirupuvanam, Taluk, Sivagangai – 630611
4997 Thirupuvanam, Taluk, Sivagangai 630611. Thiru.P.Pichai, Poovanthi Coloy,
Thiru.V.Ramachandran, Poovanthi Coloy, 5023 Thirupuvanam, Taluk, Sivagangai – 630611
4998 Thirupuvanam, Taluk,Sivagangai – 630611. M/s. Sri Muththal amman modern rice mill,
Thiru.V.Kesavan, Meenakshmipuram, 3/33, Cuddalore mani road, Mudhalur,
4999 Kannor Post, Sivagangai District – 630611. 5024 Thirukovilur taluk.
Thiru.J.Dharani, Poovanthi Coloy, M/s. Thirumurugan Rice Mill, Paddy & rice
5000 Thirupuvanam, Taluk, Sivagangai – 630611. merchant, Vayalur Main Road,
Thiru.M.Kumar, Poovanthi Coloy, Nachikkurichi, Somarasampettai PO, Trichy
5001 Thirupuvanam, Taluk, Sivagangai – 630611. 5025 dt – 620 102.
Tmt.Anjalai, Poovanthi Coloy, M/s. Mannan Modern Rice Mill, Sultanpet,
5002 Thirupuvanam, Taluk, Sivagangai – 630611. 5026 Mangalam, Tiruppur 641 663.
Tmt.Vellaiammal, Poovanthi Coloy, M/s. S.S Kudalingam & Sons, Gandhimathi
5003 Thirupuvanam, Taluk, Sivagangai – 630611. Vilas Rice mill, 3/326, Rajman Nagar,
Thiru.Ganesan, Poovanthi Coloy, 5027 Chindhamani Road, Madurai 625 009.
5004 Thirupuvanam, Taluk, Sivagangai – 630611. M/s. A.S.M. Sivayanama Rice Mill, 9,
Tmt.Deivannai, Poovanthi Coloy, Nallamuthu Pillai New Road, Mahalipatti,
5005 Thirupuvanam, Taluk, Sivagangai – 630611. 5028 Madurai – 625 001.
Thiru.Rajamani, Poovanthi Coloy, Tamilnadu Poultry Farmers Association,
5006 Thirupuvanam, Taluk, Sivagangai – 630611. 5029 663, Salem Road, Namakkal – 637 001.
Thiru.Chinathambi, Poovanthi Coloy, M/s. Saravanabhava Rice Mill, 18B,
5007 Thirupuvanam, Taluk, Sivagangai – 630611. Thuraiyura Road, Mannachanallur,
Thiru.K.Rasaiya, Poovanthi Coloy, 5030 Tiruchirapalli – 621 005.
5008 Thirupuvanam, Taluk, Sivagangai – 630611. M/s. VKA Mills, S.F.No.479/2A,
Thiru.S.Marnadu, Poovanthi Coloy, Rayarpalayam, Palladam, Tirupuur- 641
5009 Thirupuvanam, Taluk, Sivagangai – 630611. 5031 664.
5010 Thiru.R.Pichai, Poovanthi Coloy, 5032 M/s. Palani Anandavar Rice Mill, 8/45,
Trichy Road, Pannapalaiyam, Palladam – Tiruppur – 641 603.
641 664. M/s. HM Bleachers, S.F.No.40B,
M/s. Tirupur, Kovai Districts Powerloom Sambavayal Thottam, Vettuvappalayam,
Association, 2/391, Udumalai Road, 5050 Mangalam Post, Tirupur – 638 663.
P.Vadugapalayam, Palladam , Tirupur (Dt) M/s. Dyexpo Textile Processors Pvt Ltd,SF-
5033 – 641 664. 125, Mekkala Thottam, Kasipalayam, Nallur
M/s. Shivaguru Modern Rice Mill, Village, Vijayapuram (Po), Tirupur – 641
876/4,7,8, Dharapuram Road 5051 606.
Neelivallakadu, Kangayam, Tirupur– 638 M/s. Peacok Colors, SF.No. 228, Poovarsan
5034 701. Thottam, Murugampalayam,
M/s. Ohm Sakthivel Modern Rice Mill, 5052 Iduvampalayam Post, Tirupur – 641 687.
Sandhavasal Road, Kalambur, Polur taluk, M/s. Sri Kandappa Rice Mill, Gobi Main
5035 Tiruvanamalai dt - 606 903. Road, Thuduppathi – 638 057,
M/s. Valliammal Modern Rice Mill, 3/487, 5053 Perundurai,Tk, Erode Dt.
Tenkasi Main Road, Nallur, Alangulam M/s. Muthukumaran Modern Rice Mill, 295,
5036 Taluk, Tirunelveli dt – 627 853. Main Road, C. Palayam, Kallakurichi Tk,
M/s. Kangakrishna Modern Rice Mill, 5054 Villupuram Dt.
G.S.T. Riad, Thenpasiyar, Tindivanam – M/s. Parvathi Rice Mill, 6A, 7, Nallamuthu
5037 604 001. Pillai New Road, Mahalipatti, Madurai –
M/s. Sri Ramajayam Modern Rice Mill, 5055 625 001.
Eluppakunam Road, Kalambur, Polur taluk, M/s. Maris Modern Rice Mill, 3/174,
5038 Tiruvanamalai dt - 606 903. Chinthamani Main Road, Kannan Colony,
M/s. B.M.S Modern Rice Mill, No.3/1, 5056 Madurai – 625 009.
Main Road, Vkravandi, Villupuram – 605 Email from Kombakkadu Visaithariyalargal,
5039 652. 5057 Somanur.
M/s. A.A.A Modern Rice Mill, 3, Main Thiru. R. Ramanujam, M/s. R.R. Modern
5040 Road, Vikravandi, Villupuram – 605 652. 5058 Rice Mill, Tiruvannamalai.
Vellore taluk Anaikattu circle Kuruvai Thiru. P.Soundarajan M/s. S. B. Modern
aravai sangam, 68, Pillaiyar Koil Street, 5059 Rice Mill, Vengikkal, Tiruvannamalai.
5041 Shaekkanur post, Vellore – 632 105. Thiru. R. Uththiram, M/s. Ananda Modern
M/s. Sree Saradamabal Modern Rice Mill, 5060 Rice Mill, Vengikal, Tiruvannamalai.
No.298, Raja Street, Walajabad, Thiru R. Pandian & Thiru. R. Murugan,
5042 Kancheepram Dt- 631 605. M/s. Ambika modern Rice Mills, Kosalai,
M/s. Sree Vinayaha Modern Rice, No.9, 5061 Tiruvannamalai.
Cellaperumal Kovil Street, Walajabad, Thiru D. Gubendhiran, M/s. Sri
5043 Kancheepram Dt- 631 605. Manivannan Modern Rice Mill,
M/s. Sri Gurunathar Rice Mill, No.24, 5062 Edapalaiayam Tiruvannamalai.
5044 Kamarjar Road, Edapalayam, Thiruvallur. M/s. A.A Kuppusamy & Brother, M/s. A.A
Thiru. D. Rajendran, Secretary of Modern Rice Mills, No.1533/1A, Kanchi
Vandimedu Veedu Urimaiyalar Nala 5063 Salai, Vengikkal, Tiruvannamalai.
Sangam, No.56, Viraattikuppam foad, Thiru. K. Natarajan, M/s. Karthikeyan
5045 vandimedu, Villupuram – 605 602. Modern Rice Mill, Kizhnatchipattu,
Thiru S. Kadhirvel, 6/300A 5064 Tiruvannamalai.
Vaayuththottam, Selakarichal Post , Sulur – Thiru. G. Shanmugam, M/s. Indira Modern
5046 641 658. 5065 Rice Mill, Tiruvannamalai.
Thiru. S. Paramasivam, 6/22, South Street, Thiru. R. Rajendran, M/s. Artheeswari
5047 Selakarichal Post , Sulur – 641 658. 5066 Modern Rice Mill, Enthal, Tiruvannamalai.
Tmt. B. Lakshmi, 6/88, South Street, Thiru. R. Saravakumar, M/s. Sri Balaji
5048 Selakarichal Post , Sulur – 641 658. 5067 Modern Rice Mill, Tiruvannamalai.
Ms/. Sirupooluvapatti Common Effuluant THiru. P. Selvakumar, M/s. Sivakumar
Treatment Plant Pvt Ltd, SF No.622/2, 623, 5068 Modern Rice Mill, Vadaandapattu Village,
5049 Thondi Thottam, Sirupoolulvapatti (Po),
Tiruvannamalai. M/s. Madura Traders, PRK Muthu Vikram
Thiru. R. Selvaraj, M/s. Balaji Modern Rice Rice Mill, Saminathapuram (PO),
5069 Mill, Vengikal, Tiruvannamalai. 5086 Modakukuruchi , Erode Tk- 638 104.
Thiru. A. Sivakumar, M/s. Sri Balamurugan M/s. Ellen nd Co., Shri Lakshmi Narayana
5070 Modern Rice Mill, Tiruvannamalai. Modern Rice Mill, SFNo.225/5B,
Thiru. Baskar, M/s. Bala Krishna Modern Palayakotti Road, Kangayam, Tirupur Dt-
5071 Rice Mill, Vengikal, Tiruvannamalai. 5087 638 701.
M/s. V.N. HI-TECH Rice Mill, M/s. Sri Srinivasa Modern Rice Mill, 19,
S.F.No.545/1,2, Kuthiraipallam Road, Kovai Road, Kundadam, Dharapuram Tk,
Rasapalayam (PO), Kangayam, Tirupur (Dt) 5088 Tirupur Dt- 638 702.
5072 – 638 701. M/s. Amman & Co., Amman Rice Mill,
M/s. Sri Aandal Modern Rice Mill, 93, Kovai Road, Vellakoil, Kangayam Tk – 638
Trichy Main Road, Chinna Salem TK, 5089 111.
5073 Vilupuram DT – 606 201. M/s. N.P.K. Modern Rice Mill,
M/s. Banu Modern Rice Mill, Vengikal, 5090 Tiruvannamalai.
5074 Tiruvannamalai. M/s. Sri Manicka Vinayagar Modern Rice
M/s. Akasthiya Modern Rice Mill, 5091 Mill, Thindivanam Road, Tiruvannamalai.
S.F.No.171/2, Settikalam Road, M/s. Sri Ram Modern Rice Mill,
Nanjiyampalayam Village, Dharapuram, 5092 Seelapanthal, Tiruvanamalai.
5075 Tirupur Dt – 638 656. M/s. New N.P.K Modern Rice Mill,
M/s. S.S. Rice Industrys, SS MilmRoad, 5093 Tiruvanamalai.
Padiyandipalayampudhur, M/s. Mahalakshmi Modern Rice Mill,
Veeranampalayam (PO), Kangayam, Kattur vannajur, Sangarapuram,
5076 Tirupur Dist – 638 701. 5094 Kallakurichi dt – 606 401.
M/s. Sastha Ayyanar Modern Rice Mill , M/s. Sri Nalla Valliamman Modern Rice
46/3, Rajaman Nagar, Chinthamani Road, Mill,No.494, Kachirapalayam Road,
5077 Madurai -9. Kaniyamoor (PO), Kallakurichi Tk,
M/s. C. Chinnasamy, Sri Srinivasa Rice 5095 Villuupuram Dt.
Mill, Perialliam, Pothiyampalaya, (Po). M/s. Sri Senniappa Modern Rice Mill,
5078 Kangayam, Tirupur Dist – 638 701. 132/2A, Padyandipalayampudhur,
M/s. Vela Ramana Modern Rice Mill, 55C, Veeranamapalayam (PO), Kangayam,
Kumarasamy Street, Panjalingapuram, 5096 Tirupur Dt- 638 701.
5079 Modakkurichi, Erode Dt- 638 104. M/s. Visalachi Modern Rice Mill, 261/2A,
M/s. Sri Baby Ammal Ruice Mill, R.S.No. Palayakottai Road, Kangayam, Tirupur Dt –
165/9, Pudhu Nagar, T. Devanur, 5097 638 701.
5080 Villupuram – 605 752. M/s. Saravana Rice Mill, 15,
M/s. Sri Ramana Modern Rice Mill, 3/485- Koothampalayam (Po), Uthukuli (Via),
2, Pudupatti Road, Nallur, Tirunelveli Dt- 5098 Erode(Dt) – 638 751.
5081 627 853. M/. Thirukkumaran Modern Rice Mill,
M/s. Sri Sivachalapathi Rice Mill, S.F.No/ 5099 Kangayam.
1398/2-B, Tiru[ur Road, Neelakattupudur, M/s. Murugan & Co., Murugan Rice Mill,
Sivanmalai (Po), Kangayam, Tirupur Dist – 119, Chennimalai Road, Kangayam, Tirupur
5082 638 701. 5100 Dt -638 701.
M/s. GK Fab Work, No. Ro15, Womens M/s. Shree Rajalakshmi Modern Rice Mills,
Industrial Estate, (Sidco), 133/9, Rettaravalasu Road, Kolathupalayam,
Valavanthankottai, Thuvakudi, Trichy – 620 5101 Dharapuram Tk , Tirupur Dt – 637 661.
5083 015. M/s. Jayamaruthi Rice Industries,
M/s. Shreenivasa Modern Rice Mill, 188, RSF.No.1145/5A, Tirupur Road,
Aalavanthan Road, Sakkottai, Puduvayal, Neelakattupudur, Sivanmalai Village,
5084 Karaikudi (Tk), Sivagangai Dt – 630 108. 5102 Kanagayam, Tirupur (Dt) – 638 701.
Thiru. R. Muthukumarasamy, 4/41A, North M/s. Jayasakthi Modern Rice Mill,
5085 Street, Selakarichal Post , Sulur – 641 658. 5103 S.F.No.52/1, Padiyandipalayam,
Veeranamapalayam (PO), Kangayam, Selakarichal Post , Sulur.
Tirupur Dt- 638 701. 5122 M/s. K.N.R Modern Mill, Tiruvannamalai.
M/s. Lakshmi Srinivasan Modern Rice Thiru. K. Natarajan , Modern Rice Mill,
Mill, 96, Mettu Theru, Arcot, Vellore – 632 5123 Kilnatchipattu, Tiruvanammalai.
5104 503.
M/s. Arunachaleshwarar Modern Rice Mill,
M/s. Sri Krishna Modern Rice Mill, 5124 Vadaanandpattu Village, Tiruvannamalai.
Dindigul Main Road, Karuvelampallam,
M/s. Sri Sivakami Modern Rice Mill,
Achiyur (Po), Dharapuram Tk, Tirupur Dt-
5125 Kilnatchipattu, Tiruvanammalai.
5105 638 673.
M/s. Avinash Modern Rice Mill, 3/255,
M/s. Maharishi Hi-tech Rice Mill, 335/1B,
Chinthamani Road, Rajaman Nagar, Madirai
maduraI Bye pass, Thulukkanur, Achiyur
5126 – 625 009.
5106 (Po), Dharapuram Tk, Tirupur Dt – 638 673.
M/s. G.K.M. Colours, #258, Vayakattu
Thiru. R. Palanisamy, 4/4 South Street,
Thottam, Murugampalayam,
5107 Selakarichal Post, Sulur – 641 658.
5127 Iduvampalayam (Po), Tirupur – 641 687.
M/s. N. Manoharan & Sons, Sri
M/s. Mannarai Comman Effluent Treatment
Mahalakshmi Hi-tech agro industries,
5128 Plant (P) Ltd, Tirupur.
R.N.433/2B, Varaplayam Village,
Thiru. A. Govindasamy, 258, Vayakaddu
5108 Dharapuram Tk, Tirupur Dt – 638 673.
5129 Thottam, Iduvampalam, Tirupur – 641 687.
Thiru. C.Jegatheesan, 6/86 South Street,
M/s. Veerapandi Common Effluent
5109 Selakarichal Post, Sulur – 641 658.
Treatment Plant Pvt Ltd., S.F.No.548/1,
M/s. Maheswari Modern Rice Mill, 274/4B,
Karupagoundampalayam, Cotton Market
Ulagankathan Village, Kallakurichi – 606
5130 (Po), Tirupur – 641 604.
5110 202.
M/s. Deepam Beverages, #47, Nethaji Road,
M/s. Thiruvalluvar Modern Rice Mill,
5131 Madurai – 625 001.
S.f.No.1145, 8A-1, 9A-1Nandavanpudur,
M/s. Atul Process, S.F.No./414/1D, Pudhu
Sivanmalai (Po), Kangayam, Tirupur Dt-
Thottam, Pallavanchipalayam Road,
5111 638 701.
5132 Veerapandi Tirupur – 641 605.
M/s. Sri Murugam Modern Rice Mill, 2/180,
Thiru.T.Murugan, S/o, P. Thangaraj, No.3,
Dharapuram Road, Peruntholuvu, Tirupur –
Samiyar Street, Thiruchuzhi Road,
5112 641 665.
5133 Aruppukkottai,
M/s. Suresh Traders, S.F.No. #2/36,
Thiru P. Pandyaraj, No. 6/7, 8th street, Ajis
Vijayamangalam Road, Pudhur
5134 Nagar, Aruppukkottai
Pallapalayam Village, Uthukuli, Tirupur Dt-
Thiru. S. Kandamuthu, No. 268 D,
5113 638 751.
5135 Aruppukkotai
M/s. I.V.N. Modern Rice Mill, 3/474,
Tmt. P. Mallika, W/o Ramasamy, 136 C,
kmaraj Nagar, Nallur, Alangulam Tk,
5136 DMP Nagar West, Aruppukkottai
5114 Tirunelveli Dt- 627 853.
Thiru R. Murugan, 10, Ponnagaram Street,
M/s. RR Modern Rice Mill, RR Thotttam,
5137 Chockalingapurak, Aruppukottai
5115 Neelamangalam, Kallakurichi – 606 202.
Thiru R. Nagaraj, 20, Chidambara
M/s. Kumar Modern Rice Mill, 18C,
Rasapuram Street, Thirunagaram,
Thuraiyur Road, Mannachanallur,
5138 Aruppukottai, Virudhunagar District.
5116 Tiruchirappalli – 621 005.
Thiru S. Balasubramaniam, No.6,
M/s. Sri Kannika Parameshwari Modern
Sivanandapuram Street, Thirunagaram,
Rice Mill, Salem Main Road, Thachur,
5139 Aruppukottai,
5117 Kallurichi - 606 202.
Thiru. A. Velmurugan, 29, Sivanandapuram
M/s. Sri Thulasi Modern Rice Mill, 2/81,
5140 Street, Thirunagaram, Aruppukottai,
5118 Nathampalayam, Avinashi – 641 654.
Thiru K. Gurusamy, 6A, Sivanandapuram
Thiru. R. Krishnasamy, 6/140 South Street,
5141 Street, Thirunagaram, Aruppukottai,
5119 Selakarichal Post , Sulur.
Thiru M. Narayanan, Sivanandapuram
Thiru. R. Krishnasamy, 6/140 South Street,
5142 Street, Thirunagaram, Aruppukottai,
5120 Selakarichal Post , Sulur.
5143 Thiru S. Vallinayagam, Sivanandapuram
5121 Thiru. R. Palanisamy, 4/50, North Street,
Kovil Street, Thirunagaram, Aruppukottai, kovil Street, Thirunagaram, Aruppukottai,
Thiru P. Ganesan, Sivanandapuram Street, Thiru A. Rajendran, 8A, Sivanandapuram
5144 Thirunagaram, Aruppukottai, 5168 Street, Thirunagaram, Aruppukottai
Thiru Senthilkumar, Sivanandapuram Street, Thiru M. Mookkaiyyan, No. 9,
5145 Thirunagaram, Aruppukottai, Sivanandapuram Street, Thirunagaram,
Thiru Gurusamy, Sivanandapuram Street, 5169 Aruppukottai
5146 Thirunagaram, Aruppukottai, Thiru S. Arun Mozhi, No. 4,
Thiru Arumugam, Sivanandapuram Street, Sivanandapuram Street, Thirunagaram,
5147 Thirunagaram, Aruppukottai, 5170 Aruppukottai
Thiru Sankara Mahalingam, Borewell Thiru A Gurusamy, 51, Sowndarajapuram
5148 Kuzhai Street, Aruppukottai street, Sivanandapuram Street,
Thiru S. Narendiran, No.15, Visalakshi 5171 Thirunagaram, Aruppukottai
5149 Street, Thirunagaram, Aruppukottai Thiru S. Anbazhagan, No 24 C,
Thiru Rajasundar, No. 18, , Visalakshi Sivanandapuram Street, Thirunagaram,
5150 Street, Thirunagaram, Aruppukottai 5172 Aruppukottai
Thiru. S. Vetriselvan, 9 (10), Thiru R. Rajadurai, 18A, Sivanandapuram
Sivanandapuram Kovil Street, 5173 Street, Thirunagaram, Aruppukottai
5151 Thirunagaram, Aruppukottai, Thiru P. Kaludhalingam, No. 24,
Thiru Barathiraja, , Visalakshi Street, Sivanandapuram Street, Thirunagaram,
5152 Thirunagaram, Aruppukottai 5174 Aruppukottai
Thiru S. Natrajan, 8 (3) , Visalakshi Street, Tmt. V. Devimariammal, No. 18A,
5153 Thirunagaram, Aruppukottai Sivanandapuram Street, Thirunagaram,
Thiru K. Murugan, No. 20, , Visalakshi 5175 Aruppukottai
5154 Street, Thirunagaram, Aruppukottai Thiru S. Mayaperumal, No. 17A,
Thiru Subramaniam, , Visalakshi Street, Sivanandapuram Street, Thirunagaram,
5155 Thirunagaram, Aruppukottai 5176 Aruppukottai
Thiru Chandran, , Visalakshi Street, Thiru. Azhagar Raja, No. 23,
5156 Thirunagaram, Aruppukottai Sivanandapuram Street, Thirunagaram,
Thiru Saravanan, , Visalakshi Street, 5177 Aruppukottai
5157 Thirunagaram, Aruppukottai Thiru K. Kadirvel, No. 25, Sivanandapuram
Thiru S. Rajasekar, 4 B, Sivanandapuram 5178 Street, Thirunagaram, Aruppukottai
5158 Kovil Street, Thirunagaram, Aruppukottai, Thiru A. Sivakumar, No. 26,
Thiru A. Panneerselvam, No. 5, Sivanandapuram Street, Thirunagaram,
Sivanandapuram Kovil Street, 5179 Aruppukottai
5159 Thirunagaram, Aruppukottai, Thiru K. Kailasapathy, Sivanandapuram
Thiru S. Baskar 4 B(1), Sivanandapuram 5180 Street, Thirunagaram, Aruppukottai
5160 Kovil Street, Thirunagaram, Aruppukottai, Thiru A. Murugan, Kuzhai Street,
Thiru Shanmugam, 47, North 5181 Thirunagaram, Aruppukottai
Ratnasababathy Street, Thirunagaram, Thiru A. Muthusamy, 15 (2),
5161 Aruppukottai, Sivanandapuram Street, Thirunagaram,
Tmt. K. Mahalakshmi, Subburau Nagar 5182 Aruppukottai
5162 Main Street, Aruppukottai Thiru G. Jayakumar, 11/1, Sivanandapuram
Thiru. K. Perumal, No. 27, Mariamman koil 5183 Street, Thirunagaram, Aruppukottai
5163 south street, Thirunagaram, Aruppukottai, Thiru. A. Mahalingam, No. 10,
Thiru S.P. Subramaniyam, Virudhunagar Sivanandapuram Street, Thirunagaram,
5164 Main Road, Thirunagaram, Aruppukottai, 5184 Aruppukottai
Thiru R. Thirumurugan, Sivanandapuram Tmt. K. Meenakshi, No. 17,
5165 Street, Thirunagaram, Aruppukottai, Sivanandapuram Street, Thirunagaram,
Thiru K. Nagarlingam, 8 A (2), Malaiarasan 5185 Aruppukottai
5166 kovil Street, Thirunagaram, Aruppukottai, Thiru M. Vellachami, No. 15,
5167 Thiru K. Balasubramanian, Malaiarasan 5186 Sivanandapuram Street, Thirunagaram,
Aruppukottai Aruppukottai
Thiru T. Shanmugavel, No. 11, Thiru G. Arumugasundaram, No.14 A, East
Sivanandapuram Street, Thirunagaram, 5209 Street, Vellakkottai, , Aruppukottai
5187 Aruppukottai Tmt. Murugalakshmi, No.14/1, East Street,
Thiru K Selvaraj, No.28, Sivanandapuram 5210 Vellakkottai, , Aruppukottai
5188 Street, Thirunagaram, Aruppukottai Thiru M. Muthukumar, 11B, East Street,
Thiru A. Karuppusamy, No. 22, 5211 Vellakkottai, , Aruppukottai
Sivanandapuram Street, Thirunagaram, Thiru B. Samraj, 11A, East Street,
5189 Aruppukottai 5212 Vellakkottai, , Aruppukottai
Thiru A. Chandrasekaran, No.26, Thiru K Subramani, 50/2,
Sivanandapuram Street, Thirunagaram, Kuzhandhaivelpuram 5th Street,
5190 Aruppukottai 5213 Vellakkottai, , Aruppukottai
Thiru S. ARumugam, No. 33/1, Saliar Thiru K. Paramasivam, 50/2,
Mariamman Koil south street, Kuzhandhaivelpuram 5th Street,
5191 Thirunagaram, Aruppukottai 5214 Vellakkottai, , Aruppukottai
Thiru A Karuppusamy, No. 22 (6/1), Tmt. M. Ilakiya, Vellakkottai, ,
Malaiarasan kovil East street, Kurinji Nagar, 5215 Aruppukottai
5192 Thirunagaram, Aruppukottai Tmt. R. Tamil Selvi, No.7, Pulur
Thiru T. Murugan, S/o, P. Thangaraj, No.3, Sankaralingam Street, Chockalingapuram,
Samiyar Street, Thiruchuzhi Road, 5216 Aruppukottai
5193 Aruppukottai Tmt. R. Devi, No. 61, Jothipuram 5th Street,
Tmt. M. Manimegalai, No.6, Samiyar pillai 5217 Chockalingapuram, Aruppukottai
5194 Street, Thiruchuzhi Road, Aruppukottai Thiru S. Sakthivelmurugan, No.29,
Thiru S. Vinod, No.5, Samiyar pillai Street, Jothipuram 5th Street, Chockalingapuram,
5195 Thiruchuzhi Road, Aruppukottai 5218 Aruppukottai
Thiru R. Muthamizhisai, No. 5 Arasamara Tmt. Krishnaveni, No. 63, Jothipuram 5th
5196 Street, Thiruchuzhi Road, Aruppukottai 5219 Street, Chockalingapuram, Aruppukottai
Thiru L. Subburaj, No. 446, Thiruchuzhi Thiru A Selvaraj, No. 27, Jothipuram 5th
5197 Road, Aruppukottai 5220 Street, Chockalingapuram, Aruppukottai
Thiru M. Rajkamal, No. 675, Thiruchuzhi Tmt. V. Poovammal, No. 63 A, Jothipuram
5198 Road, Aruppukottai 5221 5th Street, Chockalingapuram, Aruppukottai
Thiru A. Chokkuchami, No. 436, Thiru M Sathyaselvan, No.63, Jothipuram
5199 Thiruchuzhi Road, Aruppukottai 5222 5th Street, MDR Nagar East, Aruppukottai
Thiru A. Anandan, No. 435, Thiruchuzhi Thiru M Sathyaselvan, No.63/1, Jothipuram
5200 Road, Aruppukottai 5223 5th Street, MDR Nagar East, Aruppukottai
Thiru Balasubramani, No. 435, Thiruchuzhi Thiru. S. Selvaraj, 10, Pulur Sankaralingam
5201 Road, Aruppukottai 5224 Street, Chockalingapuram, Aruppukottai
Thiru S. Ramasamy, No. 438, Thiruchuzhi Thiru M. Annapushpam, MDR Nagar West,
5202 Road, Aruppukottai 5225 3rd Street, Chockalingapuram, Aruppukottai
Tmt. S. Lakshmi, No.4, Arasamara Street, Thiru S Selvam, 56/12,
5203 Thiruchuzhi Road, Aruppukottai Kuzhandhaivelpuram 5th Street,
Tmt P. Saraswathy, No. 3, Arasamara street, 5226 Vellakkottai, , Aruppukottai
5204 Thiruchuzhi Road, Aruppukottai Thiru M. Ganapathy, Sivanandapuram Kovil
Tmt. T. Chitra, Arasamara street, 5227 Street, Thirunagaram, Aruppukottai
5205 Thiruchuzhi Road, Aruppukottai Thiru S. Karuppasamy, Sivanandapuram
Thiru P. Muthumari, No. 7, Samiyar Pillai 5228 Kovil Street, Thirunagaram, Aruppukottai
5206 Street, Thiruchuzhi Road, Aruppukottai Thiru Arumugam, Sivanandapuram Kovil
Thiru G. Arumugasundaram, No.14, East 5229 Street, Thirunagaram, Aruppukottai
5207 Street, Vellakkottai, , Aruppukottai Tmt. Subbulakshmi, No. 6, Sivanandapuram
Thiru M. Chanduru, No. 2 B, Vazhavandan 5230 Kovil Street, Thirunagaram, Aruppukottai
5208 Mudaliar Street,, Vellakkottai, , 5231 Thiru K. Ramasami, Vadaku
Rathinasabapathipuram Street, Thirunagaram, Aruppukottai
Thirunagaram, Aruppukottai Thiru P Subramaniam, No. 28, Malaiarasan
Thiru S.M. Sundararaj, No. 21, Vadaku Kovil Thenudal Street, Thirunagaram,
Rathinasabapathipuram Street, 5249 Arupukottai
5232 Thirunagaram, Aruppukottai Thiru G. Subburaj, No.28, Sound
Thiru S. Balasubramaniam, S/o Sundaram , Ramalingam Street, Chinnapuliyampatti,
No. 20, Vadaku Rathinasabapathipuram 5250 Aruppukottai
5233 Street, Thirunagaram, Aruppukottai Tmt. S. Danalakshmi, W/o S.
Thiru A. Arumugam, No. 19 (3), Vadaku Kuzhandaivelpuram 1st Street, Vellakottai,
Rathinasabapathipuram Street, 5251 Aruppukottai
5234 Thirunagaram, Aruppukottai Thiru M. Anthony Yogaraj, No. 2/779,
Thiru A. Mohan, No. 14, Vadaku Gandhinagar, Kandanayakkanpatti (North),
Rathinasabapathipuram Street, 5252 Aruppukottai
5235 Thirunagaram, Aruppukottai Thiru. S. Rajendiran, No.37, MDR Nagar,
Thiru A. Arunachalam, No. 59, B-19, 5253 North 3rd Street, Aruppukottai
Vadaku Rathinasabapathipuram Street, Thiru.Nagarathinam, Deva Textiles Nagar,
5236 Thirunagaram, Aruppukottai 5254 Ganesh Nagar, Aruppukottai.
Thiru Muthuselvan, No. 57, Vadaku Thiru.V.Lakshmi, 2/253, Thiruchuli Main
Rathinasabapathipuram Street, 5255 Road, Gandhi Nagar, Aruppukottai .
5237 Thirunagaram, Aruppukottai Thiru .S.Mani Megalai, 2/687, Thiruchuli
Tmt. A. Kalaiselvi, No. 60A, Vadaku 5256 Main Road,Gandhi Nagar,Aruppukottai .
Rathinasabapathipuram Street, Thiru .S.Tamil Selvaraj, 2/720, Thiruchuli
5238 Thirunagaram, Aruppukottai 5257 Main Road, Gandhi Nagar, Aruppukottai .
Thiru K. Ganesaperumal, No.16, Vadaku Thiru.T.Uma Devi, 2/1192, TNCSC.
Rathinasabapathipuram Street, opposite, Gandhi Nagar, Aruppukottai,
5239 Thirunagaram, Aruppukottai 5258 Virudhunagar District.
Thiru K. Thavasianandam, No. 47, Vadaku Thiru .V.Radha Krishnan, 2/694, Gandhi
Rathinasabapathipuram Street, Nagar, Thiruchuli Main Road,
5240 Thirunagaram, Aruppukottai 5259 Aruppukottai.
Thiru S. Tillai Chidambaram, No.718 (1), Thiru .P.Devadas, 749 A, Gandhi Nagar,
Vadaku Rathinasabapathipuram Street, 5260 Thiruchuli Main Road, Aruppukottai.
5241 Thirunagaram, Aruppukottai Thiru .T.Sonai, 2/1420, TNCSC opposite,
Thiru D. Karuppasamy, No. 58, Vadaku Gandhi Nagar, Thiruchuli Main Road,
Rathinasabapathipuram Street, 5261 Aruppukottai.
5242 Thirunagaram, Aruppukottai Thiru .V.Manjula, 5, Kulanthai Vel Puram
Thiru. A. Meenatchisundaram, No. 43, 4th Street, Vellai Kottai, Aruppurkottai.
Vadaku Rathinasabapathipuram Street, 5262 Virudhunagar District.
5243 Thirunagaram, Aruppukottai Thiru .V.Revathi, 6, Kulanthai Vel Puram
Thiru Malaiarasan, No.54/72, Vadaku 4th Street,Vellai Kottai, Aruppurkottai.
Rathinasabapathipuram Street, 5263 Virudhunagar District.
5244 Thirunagaram, Aruppukottai Thiru .G.Muthuvalavanthan,12/4, Kulanthai
Thiru T. Navarathinam, No. 70, Vadaku Vel Puram 4th Street,Vellai Kottai,
Rathinasabapathipuram Street, 5264 Aruppurkottai, Virudhunagar District.
5245 Thirunagaram, Aruppukottai Thiru .M.Chandra,100, Kulanthai Vel
Thiru A Karuppasami, 17/55, Vadaku Puram 4th Street, Vellai Kottai,
Rathinasabapathipuram Street, 5265 Aruppurkottai, Virudhunagar District.
5246 Thirunagaram, Aruppukottai Thiru.K.Malliga,103, Kulanthai Vel Puram
Thiru S. Subramaniam, No. 69, Vadaku 4th Street, Vellai Kottai, Aruppurkottai.
Rathinasabapathipuram Street, 5266 Virudhunagar District.
5247 Thirunagaram, Aruppukottai Thiru .P.Muthu Mari, 76, Kulanthai Vel
Thiru S. Subaschandirabose, No. 46, 5267 Puram 4th Street, Vellai Kottai,
5248 Vadaku Rathinasabapathipuram Street,
Aruppurkottai, Virudhunagar District. Thiru.R.Kanthasamy, 5-24 78E1, Kakkanji
Thiru .V.Pichai Mari,101, Kulanthai Vel 5286 Colony, Palaiyam Patti.
Puram 4th Street, Vellai Kottai, Thiru.P.Nachiyar, 5-24-57/8, Kakkanji
5268 Aruppurkottai, Virudhunagar District. 5287 Colony, Palaiyam Patti.
Thiru.B.Gowri,7/54, Kulanthai Vel Puram Thiru.P.Muthu Lakshmi, 5-24-57/9,
1st Street,Vellai Kottai, Aruppurkottai. 5288 Kakkanji Colony, Palaiyam Patti.
5269 Virudhunagar District. Thiru.B.Rajendran, R.Uma Maheswari, 5-
Thiru.Muthuvalavanthan, 38, Kulanthai Vel 5289 24-58/E, Kakkanji Colony,Palaiyam Patti.
Puram 1st Street, Vellai Kottai, Thiru.K.Thiruvalluvar, 5-24-57/10,Kakkanji
5270 Aruppurkottai, Virudhunagar District. 5290 Colony, Palaiyam Patti.
Thiru.Malaiyarasan, Kulandhaivel Puram Thiru.P.Savndaian,5-24-58B, Kakkanji
5271 1st Street, Vellaikottai, Aruppukottai. 5291 Colony, Palaiyam Patti.
Thiru. G.Jothibas, Kulanthai Vel Puram 1st Thiru.Palani Guru, 5-24-58 C, Silon Colony,
Street, Vellai Kottai, Aruppurkottai. 5292 Palaiyam Patti.
5272 Virudhunagar District. Thiru.G.Swamy Nathan, 5-24-58/7,
Thiru.K.Ramalingam, 25, Kulanthai Vel 5293 Kakkanji Colony, Palaiyam Patti.
Puram 1st Street, Vellai Kottai, Thiru.M. Nagenthira Poopathi, 5-24-27A,
5273 Aruppurkottai, Virudhunagar District. 5294 Postal Colony, Palaiyam Patti.
Thiru.K.Muthumariyppan,23, Kulanthai Vel Thiru.R.Uma Maheshwari,5-24-27/B, Postal
Puram 1st Street, Vellai Kottai, 5295 Colony,Palaiyam patti.
5274 Aruppurkottai, Virudhunagar District. Thiru.K.Thiruvalluvar, 5-24 57/10Kakkan
Thiru.S.Sudalaippandi, 2, Kulanthai Vel 5296 Nagari, Palaiyam Patti.
Puram 1st Street, Vellai Kottai, Thiru.M. Kannan, 5.24-28B Silon Colony,
5275 Aruppurkottai, Virudhunagar District. 5297 Anna Nagar, Palaiyam Patti,Aruppukottai.
Thiru.B.Guruvammal, 30, Kulanthai Vel Thiru.S.Ganeshan,5-24-42A Silon Colony,
Puram 1st Street, Vellai Kottai, 5298 Anna Nagar, Palaiyam Patti,Aruppukottai.
5276 Aruppurkottai, Virudhunagar District. Thiru.S.Selvaraj, 5-24-17 Silon Colony,
Thiru.Thali Maliyammal, 27/1, Kulanthai 5299 Anna Nagar, Palaiyam Patti,Aruppukottai.
Vel Puram 1st Street, Vellai Kottai, Thiru.S.Raji,5-24-35, Silon Colony, Anna
5277 Aruppurkottai, Virudhunagar District. 5300 Nagar, Palaiyam Patti,Aruppukottai.
Thiru.M.Lakshmi, Kulanthai Vel Puram 1st Thiru.S.Jothi Vel, 5-24-21, Silon Colony,
Street, Vellai Kottai, Aruppurkottai. 5301 Anna Nagar, Palaiyam Patti,Aruppukottai.
5278 Virudhunagar District. Thiru.B.Sellammal,5-24-20, Silon Colony,
Thiru.G.Arumuga Sundharam,14A, 5302 Anna Nagar, Palaiyam Patti,Aruppukottai.
Kilaratha Vithi, Vellai Kottai, Thiru.Udhayachandhiran, 5-24/49 A, Silon
5279 Aruppurkottai. Colony, Anna Nagar, Palaiyam Patti,
Thiru.G.Thavathi Muniyandi, Suppuraj 5303 Aruppukottai.
Nagar, 9th Street, 70, F. Vellai Kottai Thiru.K.Balasupramani, 5-23-47,
5280 Aruppukottai. Puliyampatti, Nesavalar Colony,
Thiru.M.Kothai Nachiyar, 2, Suppuraj 5304 Aruppukottai,
Nagar, 10th Street, Vellai Kottai, Thiru.C.Anandhan, 5/1423 East Street,
5281 Aruppurkottai. 5305 Poiyankulam, Palaiyam Patti (Post).
Thiru.K.Lakshmi, Suppuraj Nagar, 10th Thiru.C.Vel Murugan, 23, Anna Nagar 2nd
5282 Street, Vellai Kottai, Aruppurkottai. 5306 Street, Aruppukottai.
Thiru.S.Santhi, 4/3, Suppuraj Nagar, 10th Thiru.C.Sithamparam, 23, Anna Nagar 2nd
5283 Street, Vellai Kottai, Aruppurkottai. 5307 Street, Aruppukottai.
Thiru. K.Malliga, Suppuraj Nagar, 10th Thiru.R.Anbalagan, 71, MDD Nagar, North
5284 Street, Vellai Kottai, Aruppurkottai. 5308 Durga Mahal near, Aruppukottai.
Thiru.V.Pandiyarajan, 5-24-57/5, Silon Thiru.M.Malarvizhi, w/o Narayana Moorthi,
Colony East, Parasakthi Nagar, Palaiyam 5309 SBK College Road, Aruppukottai.
5285 Patti. 5310 Thiru.Rajeswari, w/o Ramakrishnan, 137
MDD Nagar North, Aruppukottai. Tmt, M. Sundari, 21296, M.R. Colony,
Thiru.A.Anthoni Rosali, 1/37/36 Maas 5334 Pallapatti Road.
illam, Asiriyar Kutieruppu Mani Nagar, Thiru G. Iyyannar, 2/202, Vivekanandar
5311 Palaiyam Patti. 5335 Colony, Pallapatti Road, Sivakasi.
Communist Party of India (Marxist), Thiru Kasirajan, 2/1519, Vivekanandar
5312 Sivakasi Town Committee 5336 Colony, Pallapatti Road, Sivakasi.
Thiru R Suresh Kumar, 2/1918, Tmt. Sankareshwari, 2/1526, Vivekanandar
Vivekanandar Colony, Pallapatti Road, 5337 Colony, Pallapatti Road, Sivakasi.
5313 Sivakasi. Tmt. Ponlakshmi, 2/1517, Vivekanandar
Thiru S.Arumugam, 2/1490A, Vivekanandar 5338 Colony, Pallapatti Road, Sivakasi.
5314 Colony, Pallapatti Road, Sivakasi. Tmt. Jeyanthi, 2/1527, Vivekanandar
Thiru P. Anandharaj, 2/1536, Vivekanandar 5339 Colony, Pallapatti Road, Sivakasi.
5315 Colony, Pallapatti Road, Sivakasi. Tmt. Valli Nayagam, 2/1528, Vivekanandar
Tmt. J. Jeyalakshmi, 2/1928, Vivekanandar 5340 Colony, Pallapatti Road, Sivakasi.
5316 Colony, Pallapatti Road, Sivakasi. Tmt. Pandeeswari, 2/1531, Vivekanandar
Thiru P. Karuppasami, 2/1478, 5341 Colony, Pallapatti Road, Sivakasi.
Vivekanandar Colony, Pallapatti Road, Thiru M. Selva Ganapathi, 2/1559,
5317 Sivakasi. Vivekanandar Colony, Pallapatti Road,
Thiru K.Gurusamy, 2/1482, Vivekanandar 5342 Sivakasi.
5318 Colony, Pallapatti Road, Sivakasi. Thiru Pa. Kumareshan, 2/1462.
Tmt.S.Mahalakshmi, 2/1483, Vivekanandar Vivekanandar Colony, Pallapatti Road,
5319 Colony, Pallapatti Road, Sivakasi. 5343 Sivakasi.
Thiru M.Thirupathi, 2/1473, Vivekanandar Thiru T.Panneer Selvam, 2/1463 A1,
5320 Colony, Pallapatti Road, Sivakasi. Vivekanandar Colony, Pallapatti Road,
Thiru T.Manimuthu, 2/1643, Vivekanandar 5344 Sivakasi.
5321 Colony, Pallapatti Road, Sivakasi. Tmt. R.Manimekalai, 2/1463E,
Thiru M.Manikumar, 2/1469, Vivekanandar Vivekanandar Colony, Pallapatti Road,
5322 Colony, Pallapatti Road, Sivakasi. 5345 Sivakasi.
Thiru R. Isakimuthu, 2/1802, Vivekanandar Tmt. S. Krishnalakshmi, 1/526, I, Rajeev
5323 Colony, Pallapatti Road, Sivakasi. Gandhi Nagar, Chithurajapuram, Sivakasi
Thiru S.Sekar, 2/1461, Vivekanandar 5346 Taluk, Virudhunagar District.
5324 Colony, Pallapatti Road, Sivakasi. Thiru Na. Jegan, 1/202/5D, Sakthi Nagar,
Thiru Rajkumar, 2/1464A, Vivekanandar 5347 Devarkulam, Sivakasi.
5325 Colony, Pallapatti Road, Sivakasi. Thiru S.Velsamy, 772, Parasakthi Colony,
Thiru P.Jeyachandran, 2/1464, 5348 Nehru Road, Sivakasi – 626 123.
Vivekanandar Colony, Pallapatti Road, Tmt. Nathiya Banu, 2042, Parasakthi
5326 Sivakasi. 5349 Colony, Nehru Road, Sivakasi, 626 123.
Thiru L.Aroykiasamy, 2/863, Vivekanandar Tmt. Shenbagavalli, 2051, Parasakthi
5327 Colony, Pallapatti Road, Sivakasi. 5350 Colony, Nehru Road, Sivakasi.
Thiru Yesubalan, 2/844, Vivekanandar Thiru Selvam, 2041, Parasakthi Colony,
5328 Colony, Pallapatti Road, Sivakasi. 5351 Nehru Road, Sivakasi – 626 123.
Thiru T. Manraj, 2/1463A2, Vivekanandar Thiru L Joseph Stalin, S/o. Lasar, 1327,
5329 Colony, Pallapatti Road, Sivakasi. 5352 Jawaharlal Nehru Road
Thiru Marimuthu, 2/1312, Vivekanandar Thiru J.Joseph Bagathsingh Babu
5330 Colony, Pallapatti Road, Sivakasi. (Rajapushpam) , S/o. Lasar, 1329,
Tmt.S.Mala, 2/1259, Vivekanandar Colony, 5353 Jawaharlal Nehru Road
5331 Pallapatti Road, Sivakasi. Thiru T.Rajendran, S/o. Thangaraj,
Tmt. G. Nambuthai, 2/1285, M.R. Colony, 5354 Parasakthi Colony, Sivakasi
5332 Pallapatti. Tmt R. Chandra, W/o. T.Rajendran,
Tmt. Panchavarnam, 2/1286, Vivekanandar 5355 Parasakthi Colony, Sivakasi.
5333 Colony, Pallapatti Road, Sivakasi. Thiru R.Jegadeesan, S/o. Rajendran,
5356 Jawaharlal Nehru Road, Sivakasi.
Thiru T.Rathinam, 1347, Parasakthi Colony, Tmt. T.Annalakshmi, 2/1668, Chellappan
5357 Jawaharlal Nehru Road, Sivakasi. 5381 Nagar, Reserveline, Sivakasi.
Thiru G.K. Marimuthu, 1337, Parasakthi Thiru I Selvaraj Xavier, 746/E- Bharathi
5358 Colony, Sivakasi. Nagar 11th Street, Reserveline, Sivakasi
Tmt. A.Rakkammal, Parasakthi Colony, 5382 West, Virudhunagar District.
5359 Jawaharlal Nehru, Sivakasi. Thiru S. Ramachandran, 2/1685, Chellappan
Thiru. R Pothyrajan Umasankar, 1325, 5383 Nagar, Sivakasi.
Jawaharlal Nehru Road, Parasakthi Colony, Tmt. K. Sulochena, 2/86, Chellappan Nagar,
5360 Sivakasi. 5384 Sivakasi.
Thiru P.Balasubramanian, 1323 B, Thiru A. Mahadevan, 2/1683, Chellappan
Parasakthi Colony, Jawaharlal Nehru Road, 5385 Nagar, Sivakasi.
5361 Sivakasi. Thiru A. Kumar, 2/1688, Chellappan Nagar,
Thiru K Mahesh, 1893, Parasakthi Colony, 5386 Reserveline, Sivakasi.
5362 Sivakasi. Thiru R.Arogiyaraj, 2/1703, Chellappan
Thiru V.Murugan, 1333, Parasakthi 5387 Nagar, Sivakasi.
5363 Colony, Jawaharlal Nehru Road, Sivakasi. Tmt. P. Kaleeswari, 4/1967, Murugan
Thiru R.Muthupandy, 1347, Parasakthi 5388 Colony, Sivakasi.
5364 Colony, Jawaharlal Nehru Road, Sivakasi. Thiru K. Chellapandi, 4/1944, Murugan
Thiru G.Gurusamy, 1349, Jawaharlal Nehru 5389 Colony, Sivakasi.
5365 Road, Parasakthi Colony,Sivakasi. Tmt. Chandra, 4/1899, Murugan Colony,
Thiru P.Ramalakshmi, 207, A.S.K. 5390 Sivakasi.
Thangaya Road, Narayanapuram Road, Thiru Shankar M, 4/1899, Murugan Colony,
5366 Sivakasi East. 5391 Sivakasi.
Thiru P. Ayyanar, 8/390 B, Sivakasi Main Thiru M Karuppasamy, 4/1792, Murugan
5367 Road, Narayanapuram. 5392 Colony, Sivakasi.
5368 Thiru A. Pappaiya, Narayanapuram. Thiru K.Ponpondy, 40/966, Murugan
Thiru N. Karuppasamy, 576, 574, 5393 Colony, Sivakasi.
Subramaniyapuram Colony, 14th Street, Thiru K.Balamurugan, 4/1888, Murugan
5369 Sivakasi. 5394 Colony, Sivakasi.
Thiru R Radhakrishnan, 2/1682A, Bharathi Thiru K.Pandy, 4/1121, Murugan Colony,
5370 Nagar, Reservaline. 5395 Sivakasi.
Thiru P. Victor, 13, Chithik Complex, Thiru Mahendran, Murugan Colony,
5371 Kuppusamy Street, Sivakasi. 5396 Sivakasi.
Thiru S. Muthuraman, B-53, New Housing Thiru E.Surya Manikandan, 4/1857,
5372 Board, Sivakasi West. 5397 Murugan Colony, Sivakasi.
Thiru K. Ravichandran, D2/45, New Thiru Selvaraj, 4/3272, Murugan Colony,
5373 Housing Board, Sivakasi West. 5398 Sivakasi.
Thiru Pa. Victor, 89, A.C. Colony, Thiru P.Masilamani, 4/1806, Murugan
5374 Villampatti Road, Sivakasi. 5399 Colony, Sivakasi.
Thiru S.V. Balasubramanian, 91, A.C. Thiru T.Kalaiarasi, 4/1806, Murugan
5375 Colony, Villampatti Road, Sivakasi. 5400 Colony, Sivakasi.
Thiru A. Sridhar, 95, A.C. Colony, Thiru Solairaj M, 4/1805, Murugan Colony,
5376 Villampatti Road, Sivakasi 5401 Sivakasi.
Thiru K.Geetha, 87A, A.C. Colony, Thiru T.Innasimuthu, 4/4768, Murugan
5377 Villampatti Road, Sivakasi 5402 Colony, Sivakasi.
Thiru Thangavel, 2, Chellappan Nagar, Tmt. V.Marithal, 4/1592, Murugan Colony,
5378 Sivakasi. 5403 Sivakasi.
Thiru G.Balamurugan, 2/168, Chellappan Thiru M. Pounraj, 4/6099, Murugan Colony,
5379 Nagar, Sivakasi. 5404 Sivakasi.
Thiru M.Selvaraj, 2/1689, Chellappan Tmt.Chandra, 4/1688, Murugan Colony,
5380 Nagar, Reserveline, Sivakasi. 5405 Sivakasi.
Tmt. Vasantha, 4/1694, Murugan Colony, Tmt. S.Ingasiammal, 44/80, R.C. North
5406 Sivakasi. 5432 Street, W.Pudupatti – 626 116.
Thiru T.Perumalsamy, 16/69, Murugan 5433 Thiru S. Kannan, South Pallivasal, Sivakasi.
5407 Colony, Sivakasi. Thiru S.Koodalingam, 13, Thiruthal Road,
Tmt. Antonyammal A, 4/1671, Murugan 5434 Sivakasi.
5408 Colony, Sivakasi. 5435 Thiru Shahsekhar, Pallivasal, Sivakasi.
Tmt.Jayalakshmi, 4/1691, Murugan Colony, Thiru T.R. Senthil Kumar, Usain Colony,
5409 Sivakasi. 5436 Sivakasi.
Thiru K.Ramkumar, 4/1672, Murugan Thiru S.Velmurugan, 33, Thiruthangal
5410 Colony, Sivakasi. 5437 Road, Sivakasi.
Tmt.Sivapriya, 4/1568, Murugan Colony, Thiru G.Senthil Kumar, 6/494, Bose
5411 Sivakasi. 5438 Colony, Narayanapuram Road, Sivakasi.
Tmt. Amutha, 4/1691, Murugan Colony, Tmt. T. Jeyanthi, 5/92, Burma Colony,
5412 Sivakasi. 5439 Narayanapuram Road, Sivakasi.
5413 Thiru T Ram, Thangal Road, Sivakasi. Thiru N.Radhakrishnan, Narayanapuram
Tmt. M. Pandeeswari, 4/1793, Murugan 5440 Road, Sivakasi.
5414 Colony, Sivakasi. Thiru M. Lingaraj, 5/220, Burma Colony,
Thiru. M. Elangeswaran, 4/1791, Murugan 5441 Narayanapuram Road, Sivakasi.
5415 Colony, Sivakasi. Thiru S. Shankar Ganesh, 5/224, Burma
Thiru Muniyappan, 4/1793, Murugan 5442 Colony, Narayanapuram Road, Sivakasi.
5416 Colony, Sivakasi. Thiru M.Sangarelaperi, 5/223, Burma
Tmt. Saraswathi, 4/1791, Murugan Colony, 5443 Colony, Narayanapuram Road, Sivakasi.
5417 Sivakasi. Thiru Ganesh Pandiyan, 6/228, Burma
Thiru L. Pounthai, S/o. Lakshmanan, 5444 Colony, Narayanapuram Road, Sivakasi.
5418 4/1804, Murugan Colony, Sivakasi. Thiru S.Selvam, 3/375,
Thiru M.Kamaraj, 4/1802, Murugan Colony, Muthuramalingapuram Colony, Pallapatti
5419 Sivakasi. 5445 Road, Sivakasi.
Thiru S. Vengalaprabhu, 4/1804, Murugan Thiru K.Iyyannar, 1A, Bose Colony, 743,
5420 Colony, Sivakasi. 5446 Narayanapuram Road, Sivakasi.
Tmt. P. Sivakami, 4/1811, Murugan Colony, 5447 Thiru S. Alagan, Burma Colony, Sivakasi.
5421 Sivakasi. Thiru A.Murugan, 5/94, Burma Colony,
Tmt. K. Shobha, 4/1811, Murugan Colony, 5448 Narayanapuram Road, Sivakasi.
5422 Sivakasi. Tmt. Kalliammal, 5/93, Burma Colony,
Thiru A. Annalakshmi, 4/1865, Murugan 5449 Narayanapuram Road, Sivakasi.
5423 Colony, Sivakasi. Thiru A. Arumugasolai, Burma Colony,
Thiru P.Balasubramani, 4/1870, Murugan 5450 Sivakasi.
5424 Colony, Sivakasi. Thiru A.Mariyappan, Burma Colony,
Thiru E. Muthukumar, 4/1851, Murugan 5451 Sivakasi.
5425 Colony, Sivakasi. Thiru S.Vellammal, 2/876, Lingapuram
Thiru. G. Vathishtarajan, 6/25, Siva Nagar, 5452 Colony, Sivakasi.
5426 Near AJ College, Sivakasi. Thiru A.Ponraj, 5/229, Burma Colony,
Thiru S.Loganathan, Meenakshi Colony, 5453 Narayanapuram Road, Sivakasi.
5427 Sivakasi. Thiru Ponnusamy, 5/212, Burma Colony,
Thiru S.Thamar, Meenakshi Colony, 5454 Narayanapuram Road, Sivakasi.
5428 Sivakasi. Thiru A.Mariappan, 5/221, Bose Colony,
Thiru D.Pandiyammal, Meenakshi Colony, 5455 Sivakasi.
5429 Sivakasi. Tmt. Sudha, Sunnambu Kalavasal, Pallapatti
Tmt. Vijaya Devi Dargarh, 26, Gnanagiri 5456 Road, Sivakasi.
5430 Road, Sivakasi. Thiru S.Madasamy, 5/67, Burma Colony,
Thiru V. Nathar, 33/5, Mou.C. Street, 5457 Narayanapuram Road, Sivakasi.
5431 Sivakasi
5458 Tmt.P. Kamatchi, 633, Bose Colony,
Narayanapuram Road, Sivakasi. Tmt. Petchimuthu, 2079, Parasakthi Colony,
Thiru S.Madasamy, 6/635A, Bose Colony, 5484 Nehru Road, Sivakasi – 626 123.
5459 Narayanapuram Road, Sivakasi Thiru M.Karuppaiah, 2081, Parasakthi
Thiru M. Visu, 5/68A, Burma Colony, 5485 Colony, Nehru Road, Sivakasi – 626 123.
5460 Narayanapuram Road, Sivakasi East Thiru Mohammed Shahpurkin, 2089,
Thiru P. Murugan, Burma Colony, Parasakthi Colony, Nehru Road, Sivakasi –
5461 Narayanapuram, Sivakasi East 5486 626 123.
Tmt Gnanaraj Glory, 141, Bose Colony, Thiru Kanagasabai, 2087, Parasakthi
5462 Narayanapuram Road, Sivakasi East 5487 Colony, Nehru Road, Sivakasi – 626 123.
Tmt. K.Lakshmi, Bose Colony, Tmt. Vijayalakshmi, 2087, Parasakthi
5463 Narayanapuram Road, Sivakasi. 5488 Colony, Nehru Road, Sivakasi – 626 123.
Thiru M.Selvakumar, 5/67, Burma Colony, Tmt. Ramuthai, 784, Parasakthi Colony,
5464 Narayanapuram Road, Sivakasi East. 5489 Nehru Road, Sivakasi – 626 123.
Thiru Ramamoorthy, 684, Parasakthi Thiru R.Chidambaranathar, 2091, Parasakthi
5465 Colony, Nehru Road, Sivakasi – 626 123. 5490 Colony, Nehru Road, Sivakasi – 626 123.
Tmt. N. Maheswari, 690, Parasakthi Colony, Thiru Radhakrishnan, 796, Parasakthi
5466 Nehru Road, Sivakasi – 626 123. 5491 Colony, Nehru Road, Sivakasi – 626 123.
Tmt. Muthulakshmi, 690, Parasakthi Thiru Narayanan, 792, Parasakthi Colony,
5467 Colony, Nehru Road, Sivakasi . 5492 Nehru Road, Sivakasi – 626 123.
Tmt. Iyyamma, 692, Parasakthi Colony, Thiru Radhakrishnan, 784, Parasakthi
5468 Nehru Road, Sivakasi – 626 123. 5493 Colony, Nehru Road, Sivakasi – 626 123.
Tmt. Nagajothi, 730, Parasakthi Colony, Tmt. Maareeswari, 2067A, Parasakthi
5469 Nehru Road, Sivakasi – 626 123. 5494 Colony, Nehru Road, Sivakasi – 626 123.
Tmt. Lakshmi, 2039, Parasakthi Colony, Tmt. Muthulakshmi, 2065, Parasakthi
5470 Nehru Road, Sivakasi – 626 123. 5495 Colony, Nehru Road, Sivakasi – 626 123.
Thiru R.Maheswaran, 714, Parasakthi Tmt. Gowri, 766, Parasakthi Colony, Nehru
5471 Colony, Nehru Road, Sivakasi – 626 123. 5496 Road, Sivakasi – 626 123.
Thiru R.Balamurugan, 23, Parasakthi Tmt. M. Lakshmi, 782, Parasakthi Colony,
5472 Colony, Nehru Road, Sivakasi – 626 123. 5497 Nehru Road, Sivakasi – 626 123.
Tmt. Maheswari, 2037, Parasakthi Colony, Tmt. M. Selvi, 784, Parasakthi Colony,
5473 Nehru Road, Sivakasi – 626 123. 5498 Nehru Road, Sivakasi – 626 123.
Thiru Mariappan, 744, Parasakthi Colony, Thiru K.Udayakumar, 3/875, Lingapuram
5474 Nehru Road, Sivakasi – 626 123. 5499 Colony, Sivakasi.
Thiru V.Kalirajan, 742, Parasakthi Colony, Thiru V.Mariappan, 3/877, Lingapuram
5475 Nehru Road, Sivakasi – 626 123. 5500 Colony, Sivakasi.
Tmt. Kallieswari, 748, Parasakthi Colony, Thiru Rathinasami, 3/1980, Lingapuram
5476 Nehru Road, Sivakasi – 626 123. 5501 Colony, Sivakasi.
Thiru S.Murugan, 8/6, Parasakthi Colony, Thiru R. Murugesan, 3/1981, Lingapuram
5477 Nehru Road, Sivakasi – 626 123. 5502 Colony, Sivakasi.
Tmt. Malliga, 820, Parasakthi Colony, Thiru R.Ravindran, 982, Lingapuram
5478 Nehru Road, Sivakasi – 626 123. 5503 Colony, Sivakasi.
Thiru K.Mariraj, 810, Parasakthi Colony, Thiru R.Madasamy, 983, Lingapuram
5479 Nehru Road, Sivakasi – 626 123. 5504 Colony, Sivakasi.
Thiru Paulpondi, 808, Parasakthi Colony, Thiru K.Pitchai, 3/985E, Lingapuram
5480 Nehru Road, Sivakasi – 626 123. 5505 Colony, Sivakasi.
Thiru A.Babu, 802, Parasakthi Colony, Thiru M.Ramesh, 3/985C, Lingapuram
5481 Nehru Road, Sivakasi – 626 123. 5506 Colony, Sivakasi.
Thiru S.Kalliappan, 800, Parasakthi Colony, Thiru Eswara Moorthy, 3/985 B,
5482 Nehru Road, Sivakasi – 626 123. 5507 Lingapuram Colony, Sivakasi.
Thiru Suresh, Parasakthi Colony, Nehru Thiru K.Murugan, 3/985D, Lingapuram
5483 Road, Sivakasi – 626 123. 5508 Colony, Sivakasi.
Thiru R.Balakrishnan, 6/222, Burma Thiru S.Deivasekamani, 5/92, Burma
5509 Colony, Sivakasi. 5534 Colony, Narayanapuram Road, Sivakasi.
Tmt.N.Sangareswari, 6/224, Burma Colony, Thiru A.Ganesan, /743D, Bose Colony,
5510 Sivakasi. 5535 Narayanapuram Road, Sivakasi.
Thiru Ganesh Pandiyan, 6/227, Burma Thiru N.Radhakrishnan, Narayanapuram
5511 Colony, Sivakasi. 5536 Road, Sivakasi.
Thiru V.Devaraj, Subramaniyapuram Thiru S.Dharmar, NZ 2641, Meenatchi
5512 Colony, Sivakasi. 5537 Colony, Sivakasi.
Thiru K.Shanmugakani, 6/990, Meenachi Tmt.D.Pandiammal, Meenaktchi Colony,
Colony, 3rd Street, Narayanapuram Road, 5538 Sivakasi.
5513 Sivakasi. Tmt. S. Lakshmi Devi, 10, AVT Middle
Thiru G.Vairamuthu,6/1053, Meenachi 5539 Street, Sivakasi – 626 123.
5514 Colony, Sivakasi. Thiru A. Srinivasan, 59/16, By-Pass Road,
Thiru S.Pounthai, 6/1051, Meenachi 5540 Sivakasi – 626 189.
5515 Colony, Sivakasi. 5541 Thiru R.Manikam, Middle Street, Sivakasi.
Tmt. P. Paychimuthu, 6/8330, Meenachi Thiru S.Velmurugan, 15A, Thiruthangal
5516 Colony, Sivakasi. 5542 Road, Sivakasi.
Thiru P.Thalaimalaikani, 6/1056, Meenachi Tmt. V.Latha, 9, AVT Middle Street,
5517 Colony 2nd Street, Sivakasi. 5543 Sivakasi.
Thiru V.Devaraj, Subramaniyapuram Thiru K.V. Thiagarajan, 1670, PKN Road,
5518 Colony 3rd Street, Sivakasi. 5544 Sivakasi – 626 189.
Tmt.B. Komalavalli, 6/831, Meenachi Thiru T.Vanaja, 4/725, PSK Nagar, Sivakasi
5519 Colony, Sivakasi. 5545 – 626 189.
Thiru M.Meenaktchi Sundaram, 6/832, M/s. Shiva Traders, 15, Thiruthangal Road,
5520 Meenachi Colony, Sivakasi. 5546 Sivakasi.
Thiru B.Marimuthu, Meenachi Colony, Thiru Suresh Kumar Dargarh, 30, Gnanagiri
5521 Sivakasi. 5547 Road, Sivakasi.
Thiru S.Kaleeswaran, 2057, Parasakthi Tmt. R. Pandiyammal, D/o Perumal,
5522 Colony Nehru Road, Sivakasi – 626 123. Paranginadhapuram 1st Street, Pullakkottai
Tmt. Alagammal, 768, Parasakthi Colony 5548 Road, Virudhunagar
5523 Nehru Road, Sivakasi – 626 123. Tmt. P.Karthigai selvi, No.48, Municipal
Tmt. A. Gomathi, 767, Parasakthi Colony 5549 Colony, Pullakkottai Road, Virudhunagar
5524 Nehru Road, Sivakasi – 626 123. Tmt. N. Umamaheswari, W/o P. Nagaraj,
Thiru Viswanatha Moorthy, 734, Parasakthi No.19, Municipal Colony, Pullakkottai
5525 Colony Nehru Road, Sivakasi – 626 123. 5550 Road, Virudhunagar
Thiru Subbaiah, 656, Parasakthi Colony Tmt. M. Mariammal, W/o Muniyandi,
5526 Nehru Road, Sivakasi – 626 123. Municipal Colony, Pullakkottai Road,
Thiru Thangam, 658, Parasakthi Colony 5551 Virudhunagar
5527 Nehru Road, Sivakasi – 626 123. Tmt. P. Kaleeswari, W/o P. Palani, No.121,
Tmt. Pandeeswari, 660, Parasakthi Colony Municipal Colony, Pullakkottai Road,
5528 Nehru Road, Sivakasi – 626 123. 5552 Virudhunagar
Tmt. Meena, 662, Parasakthi Colony Nehru Tmt. V. Rajeswari, W/o M.
5529 Road, Sivakasi – 626 123. Vinayagamurthy, No.21, Municipal Colony,
Tmt. Pitchaiammal, 664, Parasakthi Colony 5553 Pullakkottai Road, Virudhunagar
5530 Nehru Road, Sivakasi – 626 123. Tmt. T. Maheswari, W/o S. Thangapandi,
Tmt. Vembu, 664, Parasakthi Colony Nehru 15A, Municipal Colony, Pullakkottai Road,
5531 Road, Sivakasi – 626 123. 5554 Virudhunagar
Thiru Kannan, 676, Parasakthi Colony Tmt. R. Sankarammal, W/o P. Ramiah,
5532 Nehru Road, Sivakasi – 626 123. No.1250/2, West Pandiyapuram Colony
Thiru Uchimakali, 668, Parasakthi Colony 5555 Backside, Pullakkottai Road, Virudhunagar
5533 Nehru Road, Sivakasi – 626 123. 5556 Thiru P. Subramanian, No. 90 H, Municipal
Road, (sardan Road), Virudhunagar Tmt. S. Sivamani, No. 100, Sembulinga
Tmt. M. Abirami Manivannan, No.3, Nadar Compound, Fathima Nagar,
Bharathi Nagar 3rd Street, Pullakkottai 5579 Virudhunagar
5557 Road, Virudhunagar Tmt. S. Sivanagamani, No. 100, Sembulinga
Tmt. G. Marikani, No.90, Bharthi Nagar Nadar Compound, Fathima Nagar,
Main Road, Pullakkottai Road, 5580 Virudhunagar
5558 Virudhunagar Thiru Sowrimuth, No193, Fathima Nagar,
Tmt. Mala Dhanalakshmi, Bharathi Nagar 5581 Virudhunagar
5559 3rd Street, Pullakkottai Road, Virudhunagar Thiru P. Marikannu, No.124/B, Punya Street
Tmt.M. Dhanalakshmi, Bharathi Nagar 3rd , Sembulinga Nadar Compound, Fathima
5560 Street, Pullakkottai Road, Virudhunagar 5582 Nagar, Virudhunagar
Tmt. A. Maria Jansi, No.237/2, Fathima Tmt poonuthai, No.120/B, Fathima nagar,
5561 Nagar, Virudhunagar 5583 Virudhunagar,
Thiru L. Murugan, No. 107, 60 Feet Road, Tmt J. Lilly, No.118, Fathima nagar,
5562 Fathima Nagar, Virudhunagar 5584 Virudhunagar,
Thiru B. Stalin, No.26/C,60 Feet Road, Thiru K. Balamurugan, New Sivakasi Salai,
5563 Fathima Nagar, Virudhunagar 5585 Muthuramalingam Nagar, Virudhunagar
Thiru M. Muthuraj, No.26/ B, 60 Feet Road, Thiru P. Palpandi, No.29/15, Sembulinga
5564 Fathima Nagar, Virudhunagar Nadar Compound, Fathima nagar,
Tmt. I Jaya, W/o M. Innasi Raja, No.59/60 5586 Virudhunagar,
G, 60 Feet Road, Fathima Nagar, Thiru M. Dawudraja, No.239, 60 Feet Road,
5565 Virudhunagar 5587 Fathima nagar, Virudhunagar,
Tmt. R. Murugeswari, W/o B. Raja, No.261, Thiru S. Navaneetha Krishnan, No.382-12,
5566 60 Feet Road, Fathima Nagar, Virudhunagar 5588 Ayyanar Nagar, Virudhunagar
Tmt. Maria thangam, 60 Feet Road, Fathima Tmt P. Tilakam, No.8/378, Ayyanar Nagar,
5567 Nagar, Virudhunagar 5589 Virudunagar
Thiru M. Murugan, No. 105, 60 Feet Road, Thiru V Muthu Pandeswari, Kalaignar
5568 Fathima Nagar, Virudhunagar 5590 Nagar, Virudhunagar
Thiru V. Murugesan, No. 95/27, 60 Feet Thiru R. Patturajan, No.8/924, Kalaignar
5569 Road, Fathima Nagar, Virudhunagar 5591 Nagar, Virudhunagar
Thiru V. Xavier, No.213, 60 Feet Road, Thiru R. Ananda Prabha, No. 8/901,
5570 Fathima Nagar, Virudhunagar 5592 Kalaignar Nagar, Virudhunagar
Thiru I Arokyaraj, No.201. 60 Feet Road, Thiru Sanguvel Gandhi, No.8/924,
5571 Fathima Nagar, Virudhunagar 5593 Kalaignar Nagar, Virudhunagar
Thiru Karuppasamy, No.3/1251-7, Nila Tmt P. Vennila, No.8/924, Kalaignar Nagar,
Nagar, Kooraikoondu Panchayat, 5594 Virudhunagar
5572 Virudhunagar Thiru A. Vairavan, No.8/924, Kalaignar
Thiru P. Josuraj, No.302-A, Fathima Nagar, 5595 Nagar, Virudhunagar
5573 Virudhunagar Thiru P. Nagaraj, No.8/941, Kalaignar
Thiru Gnanaselvam, No.30/1A3, Pichai 5596 Nagar, Virudhunagar
5574 Nadar Street, Fathima Nagar, Virudhunagar Tmt R. Jaya, No.8/924, Kalaignar Nagar,
Thiru M. Ponnuthai, No.94, Sembulinga 5597 Virudhunagar
Nadar Compound, Fathima Nagar, Tmt N. Selvi, No.8/924, Kalaignar Nagar,
5575 Virudhunagar 5598 Virudhunagar
Thiru P. Daniel, Middle Street, Fathima Thiru M. Koodalingam, No.8/944-1,
5576 Nagar, Virudhunagar -626 001 5599 Kaalignar Nagar, Virudhunagar
Thiru M. Boris Becker, 30-1 B, Nadu Thiru M. Muthiah, No. 8/940, Kalaignar
Street, Fathima Nagar, Virudhunagar – 5600 Nagar, Virudhunagar
5577 626001 Tmt S. Mariswari, No.8/926-8, Kalaignar
Thiru P Sowriraj, No.12, 1st Street, Fathima 5601 Nagar, Virudhunagar
5578 Nagar, T.T.K. Road, Virudhunagar – 1 Thiru M Karuppasamy, No.8/930, Kalaignar
5602 Nagar, Virudhunagar
Tmt Muthammal, No.8/909, Kalaignar Virudhunagar
5603 Nagar, Virudhunagar Tmt. N. Meera Beevi, No.8/530-3, Ayyanar
Tmt. M. Mahalakshmi, No.8/924-22, 5627 Nagar, (Paavali Panchayat), Virudhunagar.
Ayyanar Nagar,(Paavali Panchayat) Tmt V. Bommakkal, No.8/535, Ayyanar
5604 Virudhunagar. 5628 Nagar, (Paavali Panchayat), Virudhunagar
Thiru M. Solairaj, No.8/908, Kalaignar Thiru P. Kannan, No.8/525, Ayyanar Nagar,
5605 Nagar,(Paavali Panchayat) Virudhunagar 5629 (Paavali Panchayat), Virudhunagar
Thiru K. Boominathan, No.8/911, Kalaignar Thiru S. Selvam, No. 8/670, Ayyanar Nagar,
5606 Nagar, (Paavali Panchayat) Virudhunagar 5630 (Paavali Panchayat), Virudhunagar
Thiru R. Murugan, No.8/918, Kalaignar Thiru S. Sandana Raja, No. 8/221, Ayyanar
5607 Nagar, (Paavali Panchayat) Virudhunagar 5631 Nagar, (Paavali Panchayat), Virudhunagar
Thiru R. Sathish, No.916, Kalaignar Nagar, Thiru S. Marudhamalai, No. 8/241, Ayyanar
5608 (Paavali Panchayat) Virudhunagar 5632 Nagar, (Paavali Panchayat), Virudhunagar
Tmt Jamshed Begam, No.8/920, Kalaignar Thiru A. Ibrahim, No. 8/244, Ayyanar
5609 Nagar, (Paavali Panchayat) Virudhunagar 5633 Nagar, (Paavali Panchayat), Virudhunagar
Tmt. Kuruvammal, No.8/919, Kalaignar Thiru N. Sankaramurthy, No.8/419,
5610 Nagar, (Paavali Panchayat) Virudhunagar Ayyanar Nagar, (Paavali Panchayat),
Tmt. S. Mahalakshmi, No.8/1016, Kalaignar 5634 Virudhunagar
5611 Nagar, (Paavali Panchayat) Virudhunagar Tmt. S. Subbulakshmi, No.8/420, Ayyanar
Thiru M. Gurusamy, No.8/1016-1, 5635 Nagar, (Paavali Panchayat), Virudhunagar
Kalaignar Nagar, (Paavali Panchayat) Tmt. K. Murugeswari, No. 8/412, Ayyanar
5612 Virudhunagar 5636 Nagar, (Paavali Panchayat), Virudhunagar
Thiru M. Chidambaram, No.8/1010, Tmt. Thangam, No.8/410, Ayyanar Nagar,
Kalaignar Nagar, (Paavali Panchayat) 5637 (Paavali Panchayat), Virudhunagar
5613 Virudhunagar Thiru S. Sanmugiah, No. 8/638, Ayyanar
Thiru Mariappan, No. 1001, Kalaignar 5638 Nagar, (Paavali Panchayat), Virudhunagar
5614 Nagar,(Paavali Panchayat) Virudhunagar Thiru S. Kuruvaiah, No. 8/630, Ayyanar
Tmt Krishnakumari, No.1007, Kalaignar 5639 Nagar, (Paavali Panchayat), Virudhunagar
5615 Nagar, Virudhunagar Thiru E. Sakraj, No. 8/661, Ayyanar Nagar,
Thiru Anandan, No.8/1012, Kalaignar 5640 (Paavali Panchayat), Virudhunagar
5616 Nagar, (Paavali Panchayat) Virudhunagar Tmt. K. Subbuthai, No.8/658, Ayyanar
Thiru P Karuppasami, No.8/904, Kalaignar 5641 Nagar, (Paavali Panchayat), Virudhunagar
5617 Nagar, (Paavali Panchayat) Virudhunagar Thiru K. Muthiah, No.8/612-1, Ayyanar
Thiru P. Saravanan, No. 8/413, Ayyanar 5642 Nagar, (Paavali Panchayat), Virudhunagar
5618 Nagar, (Paavali Panchayat), Virudhunagar Thiru Imam Jaffer Sadiq, No.8/236,
Tmt T.K. Chandra, No.657, Ayyanar Nagar, Ayyanar Nagar, (Paavali Panchayat),
5619 (Paavali Panchayat), Virudhunagar 5643 Virudhunagar
Thiru S. Nagarajan, No.8/673, Ayyanar Thiru M. Barak Ali Khan, No. 8/239,
5620 Nagar, (Paavali Panchayat), Virudhunagar Ayyanar Nagar, (Paavali Panchayat),
Thiru S. Marichami, No.8/261, Ayyanar 5644 Virudhunagar
5621 Nagar (Paavali Panchayat), Virudhunagar Thiru. A. Rajendiran No.8/25, Ayyanar
Thiru P. Muthiah, No.8/530, Ayyanar 5645 Nagar, (Paavali Panchayat), Virudhunagar
5622 Nagar, (Paavali Panchayat), Virudhunagar Thiru R. Nagendiran, No. 1/1076, Gandhi
Thiru S. Paulraj, No.8/528, Ayyanar Nagar, 5646 Nagar, Pandiyan Nagar, Virudhunagar
5623 (Paavali Panchayat), Virudhunagar Thiru K. Gundasundar, No. 1/2851,
Thiru S. Saravanakumar, No.8/525-1, Sathyasai Nagar, Pandyan Nagar, Virudhu
Ayyanar Nagar, (Paavali Panchayat), 5647 Nagar.
5624 Virudhunagar M/s. G.K.M. Washing Division,
Tmt p. Sankareswari, No.8/532-1, Ayyanar S.F.No.257, Vayakattu Thottam,
5625 Nagar, (Paavali Panchayat), Virudhunagar Murugampalayam, Iduvampalayam (Po),
Thiru M Baskar Pandyan, No.8/519, 5648 Tirupur).
5626 Ayyanar Nagar, (Paavali Panchayat),
M/s. S.V. Dyeing Mills, S.F.No.341/1, Tirupur-641 602.
D.No.5/119/11A-D, Avarankadu, Ganga Thiru A. Govindasamy, 258, Vayakaddu
Nagr West, Thottipalayam Village, Thottam, Iduvampalayam, Tirupur – 641
5649 Angeripalayam (Po), Tirupur – 641 603. 5664 687.
M/s. Angeripalayam Common Effluent M/s. Sri Murugan Dyeing, S.F.N0.235,
Tretment Plant Ltd.,S.F.89, CETP Garden, Rachigounder THottam, Boyampalayam,
Kanjampalayam, manaparai Village, 5665 Pooluvapatti (Po), Tirupur-641 603.
Pitchampalayam Pudur (Po), Tirupur – 641 M/s. Swamy Textile Process, 3/2A,
5650 603. Vinayagapuram, 8th Street, Tirupur - 641
M/s. Kanchana Dyeing, 419, Natthankadu 5666 601.
Thottam, Kalaivani Threatre Backside, M/s. Varma Dyeing, 1/1, Maniakarar
5651 Tiru[ur – 641 603. Thottam, Kasipalayam, Vijayauram Post,
M/s. Sincere Colour Work, S.F. No.428,3-E, 5667 Tirupur-641 606.
168/7-A, Kethampalayam East, M/s. Vadalur SIDCO Manufacturers welfare
5652 Pitchampalayampudur, Tirupur – 641 603. association, No.15, SIDCO Industrial Estate,
M/s. G.T. Process, S.F.192/1,2,3,3,4 5668 Neyveli Main Road, Vadalur -607 303.
5653 Pachankattupalayam, Arulpuram (Po), M/s. G.K.M. Process, S.F.No.257,
M/s. Balakumaran Color (works), 419/5, Vayakattu Thottam, Murugampalayam,
Velan Nagar, 1st Street, Vengamedu, 5669 Iduvampalayam (Po), Tirupur).
5654 Angeripalayam, Tirupur – 641 603. M/s. Deivanai Bleaching Company, 258,
M/s. Aviram Processing Mills, S.F.No.382, Vayakattu Thottam, Murugampalayam,
383, Pitchampalayam Pudur, P.N. Road, 5670 Iduvampalayam (Po), Tirupur).
5655 Tirupur – 641 603. M/s. Anjaneya Textiles, 418/2, Periyanka
M/s. Revathi Processing Mills Pvt Ltd., Nagar, Near Bharath Petrol
1191/D(7), Ganga Nagara, Thottipalayam Bunk,Palavanjipalayam Road, Veerapandi,
Village, Angeripalayam (Po), Tirupur- 641 5671 Tirupur-5.
5656 603. M/s. Sai Samuthra Process, Kikkakku
M/s. Siva Sakthi Process, No.337, Thottam, Pitchampalayam Pudur (Po),
Arukampalla Thottam, Kanga Nagar 5672 Tirupur – 641 603.
(South), Angeripalayam (Po), Tirupur- 641 Thiru.P.Sundharajan, 287, Muniyappan
5657 603. 5673 Kovil Street, Manikkam Palaiyam, Erode.
M/s. S.P.M. Vleachers, 281/1, Pandaram Thiru.P.Kumaresan, 113/A, Balaji Nagar,
Thottam, Pitchampalayam Pudur, P.N. 5674 Mamarathu Palaiyam, Erode.
5658 Road, Tirupur – 641 603. Tmy.R.Santhi, 287, Muniyappan Kovil
M/s. Sri Vani Colours, Karupparayan Koil 5675 Street, Manikkam Palaiyam, Erode.
Thottam, Sakthi Nagar (North), Pooluvapatti Tmy.N.Eshwari, 287, Muniyappan Kovil
5659 (Po), P.N.Road, Tirupur-641 602. 5676 Street, Manikkam Palaiyam, Erode.
Siruba Colours, S.F.No.126/3, Tmy.S.Saranya, Pandi Nagar, Muniyappan
Panchankadu Thottam, Arulpuram, 5677 Kovil Street, Manikkam Palaiyam, Erode.
5660 Karaipudur, Tirupur-641 605. Thiru.M.Kalaiyarasan, 241, Ramamoorthi
M/s. Velmurugan Dyeings, S.F.No.507, 5678 Nagar, Karungal Palaiyam, Erode.
Vayakadu Thottam, Sulthanpet, Mangalm, Thiru.P.Pachai Muthu, PalaKattor, Aariya
5661 Tirupur -641 663. 5679 Palaiyam, Erode.
M/s. Sree Maniram Dyeing, S.F.No.243, Thiru.R.Ramesh, 251, Ramamoorthi Nagar,
Nanjappa Nagar, Dullukkan Thottam, 5680 Karungal Palaiyam, Erode.
Poyampalayam, Pooluvapatti (Po), Tirupur-
5662 641 602. 5681 Thiru.S.Raja, 140/7, Sidhan Nagar, Erode.
M/s. Manikodi Process, S.F.No.335, K.G. Thiru.N.Gowtham, 125, Kothukara
Bleaching Compound, D.No.5/1136, 5682 Thoottam, Virappan Sathiram, Erode.
Chokkan Thottam, Ganga Nagar, Thiru.B.KumaraVel , S/o. BalaNaidu, New
Poyampalayam Pirivu (West), 5683 Colony, Main Road, Erode.
5663 Pitchampalayampudur (PO), P.N.Road, 5684 Thiru.Nagaraj, EBP Colony, Sulai, Erode.
Thiru.Manogaran, Kothukara Thoottam, Nagar, Chinna Semur, Erode.
5685 Virappan Sathiram, Erode. Thiru.S.Koimathi, 1 M.G.P. illam,
Thiru.C.Karthik, 10/22, Malli Nagar, 5711 Sivasakthi Nagar, Chinna Semur, Erode.
5686 Virappan Sathiram, Erode. Thiru.Babu, 2, M.G.P. illam, Sivasakthi
Thiru.K.Manivannan, N.G.G.O.Colony, 5712 Nagar, Chinna Semur, Erode.
5687 30/71 Subrayabadu, Erode. Thiru.M.Kumaravell, MathavaKattu,
Thiru.R.Durairaj, 80/2, Suppu illam, Kaveri 5713 Thirunagar Colony, Erode.
5688 Road, Virappan Sathiram, Erode. Thiru.K.RajKumar, 30, MathavaKattu,
Thiru.G.Nimal, 29, Mathavakadu, 5714 Thirunagar Colony, Erode.
5689 Thirunagar Colony, Erode. Tmy.C.Neelaveni , 45, MathavaKattu,
Thiru.Mariyappan, 165, Kothukara 5715 Thirunagar Colony, Erode.
5690 Thoottam, Virappan Sathiram, Erode. Tmy.A.Rajathi, 100, MathavaKattu,
Thiru.R.Ranganathan, 17, M.G.P. illam, 5716 Thirunagar Colony, Erode.
5691 Sivasankthi Nagar, Chinna Semur, Erode. Tmy.M.Priya, 105, MathavaKattu,
Tmy.S.Sindhu Priya, 16, M.G.P. illam, 5717 Thirunagar Colony, Erode.
5692 Sivasakthi Nagar, Chinna Semur, Erode. Tmy.E.RajaKumari, 203, MathavaKattu,
Thiru.Velu Samy, 11, M.G.P. illam, 5718 Thirunagar Colony, Erode.
5693 Sivasakthi Nagar, Chinna Semur, Erode. Thiru.A.Kuppusamy, 506, MathavaKattu,
Thiru.P.Vengatajalam, 10, M.G.P. illam, 5719 Thirunagar Colony, Erode.
5694 Sivasakthi Nagar, Chinna Semur, Erode. 5720 Thiru.Sritharan, 825, Park Road, Erode.
Thiru.R.Guppusamy, 9, M.G.P. illam, Thiru.Bala Murugan, 192, Mullaiy Nagar,
5695 Sivasakthi Nagar, Chinna Semur, Erode. 5721 Suga Ulasu, Erode.
Thiru.M.G.Angu Ponnu, 99, Sivasakthi Thiru.Madhu, 10, Nesavalar Colony, Sulai,
5696 Nagar, Chinna Semur, Erode. 5722 Erode.
Thiru.A.Chinnannan, 41, Kothukara Thiru.Paramasivam, No.221, New Palaiyam,
5697 Thoottam, Virappan Sathiram, Erode. 5723 Thirusenkattu, Akrakaram, Namakkal.
Thiru.Rajkumar, 31, Sivasakthi Nagar, Thiru.C.Ramachadran, No.398,
5698 Chinna Semur, Erode. 5724 Madhavakkattu, Thirunagar Colony, Erode.
Tmy.A.Rajalakshmi, 20, Sivasakthi Nagar, Thiru.O.Murugan, No.33, Ambadkar Nagar,
5699 Chinna Semur, Erode. 5725 Narayanan, Erode.
Tmy.Devi, 15, M.G.P. illam, Sivasakthi Thiru.Jabaraj, No.186, Muniyappan Kovil
5700 Nagar, Chinna Semur, Erode. 5726 Street, Manikkam Palaiyam, Erode.
Tmy.R.Krishnaveni, 14, M.G.P. illam, Tmy.R.Meena, No.335, Muniyappan Kovil
5701 Sivasakthi Nagar, Chinna Semur, Erode. 5727 Street, Manikkam Palaiyam, Erode.
Thiru.C.Raman, 8, M.G.P. illam, Sivasakthi Thiru.K.S.Sivanandham, No.479/4,
5702 Nagar, Chinna Semur, Erode. Manikkam Palaiyam, Govt School Back
Thiru.B.Karuppaiya, 13, M.G.P. illam, 5728 side, Erode.
5703 Sivasakthi Nagar, Chinna Semur, Erode. Thiru.M.Sri Murugan, No.335, Muniyappan
Tmy.P.Durgadevi, 12, M.G.P. Complex, 5729 Kovil Street, Manikkam Palaiyam, Erode.
5704 Sivasakthi Nagar, Periya Semur, Erode. Thiru.A.Arumugam, Subramaniya Nagar
Tmy.R.Vani, 7, M.G.P. illam, Sivasakthi 4th Street, Manikkam Palaiyam Road,
5705 Nagar, Chinna Semur, Erode. 5730 Virappan Chthiram(Po), Erode.
Thiru.K.Sakthi Kumar,6, M.G.P. illam, Thiru.S.Mohan, No,335, Muniyappan Kovil
5706 Sivasakthi Nagar, Chinna Semur, Erode. 5731 Street, Manikkam Palaiyam, Erode.
Thiru.K.Saravanan, Kothukara Thoottam, Thiru.A.Arumugam, No.335, Muniyappan
5707 Virappan Sathiram, Erode. Kovil Street, Manikkam Palaiyam,
Thiru.Krishna Samy, 5,M.G.P. Complex, 5732 Erode.
5708 Siva Sakthi Nagar, Peria Semur (Po) Erode. Thiru.A.Chandra, No.335, Muniyappan
Thiru.K.Kumar, 4, M.G.P. illam, Sivasakthi 5733 Kovil Street, Manikkam Palaiyam, Erode.
5709 Nagar, Chinna Semur, Erode. Thiru.S.Jesudass, No.356A, Muniyappan
5710 Thiru.Sinivasan, 3, M.G.P. illam, Sivasakthi 5734 Kovil Street, Manikkam Palaiyam, Virappan
Chthiram(Po), Erode. Thiru R. Gurusami, Namma Ooru
Thiru.B.Murugan, No.52, Amman Nagar, Karikadai, Erode Road, Perundurai – 638
5735 Manikkam Palaiyam, Erode. 5757 052
Thiru.S.Sakthi, No.15 A.P. Complex, Tmt. Shanmuga Priya, Kangeyam Rice
5736 Manikkam Palaiyam, Erode. Traders, Opp to Weekly Market, Perundurai
Thiru.P.Rajavelu, Muniyappan Kovil Street, 5758 – 638 052
5737 Manikkam Palaiyam, Erode. Thiru Vinod Kumar, Erode Road,
Thiru.Boopathi, No.333, Muniyappan Kovil 5759 Perundurai – 638 052
5738 Street, Manikkam Palaiyam, Erode. Thiru S. Susash, Erode Road, Perundurai –
Thiru.S.Muthukrishnan, No.333, 5760 638 052
Muniyappan Kovil Street, Manikkam Thiru Tirupathi, Erode Road, Perundurai –
5739 Palaiyam, Erode. 5761 638 052
Thiru.M.Periyasami, No.333, Muniyappan Suresh Hotel, Erode Road, Perundurai – 638
Kovil Street, Manikkam Palaiyam, 5762 052
5740 Erode. Thiru P. Rajendran, No.174, Erode Road,
Tmy.Devi, No.333, Muniyappan Kovil 5763 near Telephone booth, Perundurai – 638 052
5741 Street, Manikkam Palaiyam, Erode. Thiru M. Ragupathy, Erode Road, Malar
Thiru.S.Kulanthaivelu, No.333, TVS Opp, near BSNL Office, Perundurai –
Muniyappan Kovil Street, Manikkam 5764 638 052
5742 Palaiyam, Erode. Tmt K. Angammal, No.180, Erode Road,
Thiru P. Krishnamurthy, S/o Palani, No. 40 5765 near Telephone Booth Perundurai – 638 052
B, Big Vettuvapalayam (Post). Perundurai – Thiru D. Swaminathan, No.184/1, Erode
5743 638 052. Road, near Telephone Booth Perundurai –
Thiru. Manickavasagam, No. 10, Kadhir 5766 638 052
5744 Avenue, Sennimalai Road, Perundurai Thiru D. Swamiathan, No. 184/2, Erode
Thiru R. Ramesh, Vannanparai, Erode Road, near Telephone Booth Perundurai –
5745 Road, Perundurai – 638 052 5767 638 052
Thiru P. Vimalkumar, No. 244, Thiru P.S. Ravi, No.182, Erode Road, near
Vannanparai, Erode Road, Perundurai – 638 5768 Telephone Booth Perundurai – 638 052
5746 052 Tmt Umarani, No.183, Erode Road, near
Thiru Easwaran, No.110-111, Erode Road, 5769 Telephone Booth Perundurai – 638 052
5747 Perundurai Tmt Krishnaveni, No.125, Erode Road, near
Thiru R. Samkhu, Erode Road, Perundurai – 5770 Telephone Booth Perundurai – 638 052
5748 638 052 Thiru P. Thirumoorthy, No.186, Erode
Thiru T.V.T. Mani, Erode Road, Perundurai Road, near Telephone Booth Perundurai –
5749 – 638 052 5771 638 052
Thiru P. Jeevanandan, No.121/1, Erode Thiru F. Subramaniam, No.179, Erode
5750 Road, Perundurai – 638 052 Road, near Telephone Booth Perundurai –
Thiru S. Chandrasekaran, No. 108 A, Erode 5772 638 052
5751 Road, Perundurai – 638 052 Thiru T. Sugunaraj, No.101/68, Mada Kovil
Thiru B. Murugavel, No.101, Erode Road, 5773 Street, Ellis Pettai, Perundurai Taluk
5752 Perundurai – 638 052 Thiru Lakshmanan, S/o Nathi Vasantham,
Thiru C. Kavinraj, No. 98B, Erode Road, 5774 Ellis Pettai, Perundurai Taluk
5753 Perundurai – 638 052 Divya Tailoring, Kanchi Kovil, Perundurai,
Thiru Jothi Krishna, Erode Road, 5775 Erode District
5754 Perundurai – 638 052 Thiru K.S. Shanmugam, No.88/106,
Thiru R. Dhachanamoorthi, No.122, Chithodu Road, South Car Street, Kanchi
5755 Thiruvengadampalayam, Perundurai 5776 kovil, Perundurai Taluk, Erode District
Thiru M. Shanmugam, Devika Shanmugam Thiru K.S. Venkatachalam, No.98,
Fish shop, Erode Road, Perundurai – 638 5777 Kanchigoundanpalayam, Erode – 638 116
5756 052 Thiru M. Panneerselvam, East car street,
5778 Kanchi Kovil, Erode -638 116
Thiru K.R. Dhandapani, No. 98, South car Thiru K. Thangavel, No.7, Madha kovil
5779 street, Kanchi Kovil, Erode -638 116 Street, Ellispettai, Pallipalayam post,
Thiru Rajendiran, Chithodu Road, Kanchi 5801 Perundurai Taluk, Erode
5780 Kovil, Erode – 638 116 Thiru D. Rajendiran, S/o, Devadoss No.149,
Thiru V.C. Subramaniam, Kanchi Kovil, Madha kovil Street, Ellispettai, Pallipalayam
5781 No.63, South Car Street, Perundurai 5802 post, Perundurai Taluk, Erode
Thiru K. Muthukaruppan No. 52/10, Thiru Balasubramaniam, C/3, Esunadhar
Ayyanvala Road, Kamarajar Nagar, Kovil Street, Ellispettai, Pallipalayam post,
5782 Pallanpalayam, Kanchi Kovil, Perundurai 5803 Perundurai Taluk, 638 116.
Thiru R. Krishnamurthy, S/o, Rawutha Thiru R. Dhanapal, Ellispettai, Pallipalayam
Goundar, Muthugoundanpalayam, Kanchi 5804 post, Perundurai Taluk, Erode
5783 kovil, Perundurai Taluk Thiru N. Paulraj, S/o Thiru Gnanaprakasam,
Thiru R. Selvaraja, Cibi Xerox, Chithodu No.2/2, Esunadhar Kovil Street, Ellispettai,
5784 Road, Kanchi Kovil, Perundurai Pallipalayam post, Kanchi Kovil Perundurai
Thiru P. Shanmugam, No.112, South Car 5805 Taluk, 638 116.
5785 Street, Kanchi Kovil, Perundurai Thiru S. Durairaj, S/o Simiyon (late) No.14,
Thiru K. Shanmugavadivel, Kovilpalayam Esunadhar Kovil Street, Ellispettai,
5786 post, Kanchi Kovil, Perundurai Pallipalayam post, Kanchi Kovil Perundurai
Thiru Dhandapani, No.105, Chithodu Road, 5806 Taluk, 638 116.
5787 Kanchi Kovil, Perundurai Tmt. Tamil selvi, No.127, Madha Kovil
Sri Vaishnavi Rice Mill, CMK Complex, street, Ellispettai, Pallipalayam post, Kanchi
5788 Kanchi Kovil, Perundurai 5807 Kovil Perundurai Taluk, 638 116.
Thiru Kuppuraj, CKM Complex, Kanchi Thiru G. Rajan, No.29/40, Madha kovil
5789 Kovil, Perundurai Street, Esunadhar Kovil Street, Ellispettai,
Thiru T. Ramesh, Thirupathi Maaligai Pallipalayam post, Kanchi Kovil Perundurai
Stores, Chithodu Road, Easwaran Kovil 5808 Taluk, 638 116.
Backside, CMK Avenue, Kanchi Kovil, Thiru S. Jothi Prakasam, S/o Samuvel,
5790 Perundurai No.42A, Madha Kovil Street, Ellispettai,
Thiru S. Perumal, No.121, Chithodu Road, Pallipalayam post, Kanchi Kovil Perundurai
5791 Kanchi Kovil, Perundurai 5809 Taluk, 638 116.
Thiru B. Murugan, East Car stree, No. 2/1, Thiru Vijayan, Nellai Stores, Chithodu
5792 Kanchi Kovil, Perundurai Road, Kanchi Kovil, Perundurai Taluk 638
Sri Sabari TVS, CKM Complex, Chithodu 5810 116.
5793 Road, Kanchi Kovil, Perundurai Thiru Thirumurthy G, S/o V.K. Ganapathy,
Thiru Karthi, Paper shop, Chithodu Road, No. 5/221, Mettukkadai, Kadirampatti 638
5794 Kanchi Kovil, Perundurai 5811 107
Thiru R. Selvaraj, No. 63, South Car Street, Thiru V.V. Damodaran, S/o Velappa
5795 Kanchi Kovil, Perundurai Gounder, Vannankattu valasu, Kadirampatti
Thiru Senthil Kumar, Priya Tex, Chithodu 5812 Post 638 107.
5796 Road, Kanchi Kovil, Perundurai Tmt M. Chandra, W/o V.S. Manian, No.
Thiru Gopalakrishnan, Priyadharshini Tea 1/417, Mettukadai, Kadirampatti Post 638
Stall, Chithodu Road, Kanchi Kovil, 5813 107
5797 Perundurai Thiru M. Mahesh, S/o K. Muthusamy,
Thiru M. Naveenkumar, Easwaran Puncture No.5/348 C, Bharathi Nagar, Mettukadai,
Shop, Chithodu Road, Kanchi Kovil, 5814 Erode 638 107.
5798 Perundurai Thiru Palanisamy, Vannankattu valasu,
Thiru M. Lakshmanan, No.73A, Chithodu 5815 Kadirampatti Post 638 107.
5799 Road, Kanchi Kovil, Perundurai Thiru R. Subramani, Mettukadai,
Thiru R. Venkatachalam, No.143, Matha 5816 Kadirampatti Post 638 107
kovil Street, Ellispet, Pallipalayam, Thiru K. Prakash, S/o C. Kandasami,
5800 Perunduram taluk, Erode 5817 Pichandi palayam post, kottani chatiram
5818 Thiru M. Subramaniam, S/o Manikkam,
Mettukadai, Kadirampatti Post 638 107 107
Thiru V.S. Madeswaran, Vannankattu Thiru A. Ponnusamy, S/o Ayyavoo, No.
5819 valasu, Kadirampatti Post 638 107. 5/90, Vannankattu Valasu, Kadirampatti
Thiru R. Sasikumar, Kolathupalayam 5838 Post, Perundurai, Erode – 638 107
5820 colony, Perundurai post, Erode 638 052 Thiru R. Murugesan, S/o K. Ramasamy, No.
Tmt. S. Lakshmi, Kolathupalayam colony, 4/24, Vannankattu Valasu, Kadirampatti
5821 Perundurai post, Erode 638 052 5839 Post, Perundurai, Erode – 638 107
Thiru T.S. Sivakumar, SCW Complex, Thiru S. Duraisamy, No. 5/25. Vannankattu
5822 Sivasakthi Nagar, Mettukadai, Perundurai Valasu, Kadirampatti Post, Perundurai,
Thiru S. Kumarasamy, Opposite to AEI 5840 Erode – 638 107
5823 School, Perundurai Road, Erode Thiru Thangavel, S/o Sadaiya Nadaar,
Thiru D. Sampath Kumar, No.3/33, Vannankattu Valasu, Kadirampatti Post,
5824 E.G.Palayam, Kadirampatti Post, Erode 5841 Perundurai, Erode – 638 107
Thiru Sadasiva Goundar, Kadirampatti, Thiru Senniappan, S/o Muthusamy,
polaankadu thottam, Perundurai Taluk - 638 Vannankattu Valasu, Kadirampatti Post,
5825 116. 5842 Perundurai, Erode – 638 107
Thiru M. Rajan, S/o Muthusamy, Thiru R. Kavinkumar, Vannankattu Valasu,
5826 Vannankattu Valasu, Perundurai, Erode Kadirampatti Post, Perundurai, Erode – 638
Thiru K.R. Palanisamy, Mettukadai, 5843 107
5827 Kadirampatti Post, Perundurai, Erode Thiru S. Balasubramani, S/o Sengodan,
Thiru S. Nataraj, Vanankattu valasu, Vannankattu Valasu, Kadirampatti Post,
5828 Kadirampatti Post, Perundurai, Erode 5844 Perundurai, Erode – 638 107
Thiru Ramasamy, D/o 91, Vanankattu Thiru Kuzhandaisamy, S/o Sennimalai
valasu, Kadirampatti Post, Perundurai, Goundar, Vannankattu Valasu, Kadirampatti
5829 Erode 5845 Post, Perundurai, Erode – 638 107
Thiru S. Duraisamy, S/o Songodamuppan, Thiru P. Sugikumar, S/o Periyasamy,
Vanankattu valasu, Kadirampatti Post, No.5/92, Vannankattu Valasu, Kadirampatti
5830 Perundurai, Erode 5846 Post, Perundurai, Erode – 638 107
Thiru A. Shanmugam, S/o Ayyavoo, 4/40, Thiru K. Panaisamy, S/o Karuppana
Pudupalayam, Vanankattu valasu, Gounder, Vannankattu Valasu, Kadirampatti
Kadirampatti Post, Perundurai, Erode 638 5847 Post, Perundurai, Erode – 638 107
5831 107. Thiru V. Samiyappan, Vannankattu Valasu,
Thiru A. Shanmugam, S/o Ayyavoo, 4/40, Kadirampatti Post, Perundurai, Erode – 638
Pudupalayam, Vanankattu valasu, 5848 107
Kadirampatti Post, Perundurai, Erode 638 Thiru Velumani, Vannankattu Valasu,
5832 107. Kadirampatti Post, Perundurai, Erode – 638
Thiru T. Gopal, Ellayagoundam palayam, 5849 107
Kadirampatti Post, Perundurai, Erode 638 Thiru N. Selvakumar, No. 5/16,
5833 107. Vannankattu Valasu, Kadirampatti Post,
Thiru M. Thangaraj, S/o Manikkam, No. 5850 Perundurai, Erode – 638 107
5/250, Sivasakthi Nagar, Mettukkadai, Thiru Kannan, Vannankattu Valasu,
5834 Perundurai Kadirampatti Post, Perundurai, Erode – 638
Thiru M. Prenesh, S/o Murugasamy, 5851 107
No.4/27, Vannankattu Valasu, Kadirampatti Thiru M. Palanisamy, No.5/206,
5835 Post, Perundurai, Erode – 638 107 Mettukkadai, Kadirampatti Post, Perundurai,
Thiru K. Gunasekaran, S/o Karuppusamy, 5852 Erode – 638 107
No.5/37, Vannankattu Valasu, Kadirampatti Thiru K. Devaraj, Vannankattu Valasu,
5836 Post, Perundurai, Erode– 638 107 Kadirampatti Post, Perundurai, Erode – 638
Thiru A. Murhty, S/o M. Arunachalam, 5853 107
No.5/125, Vannankattu Valasu, Thiru G. Suresh, Vannankattu Valasu,
5837 Kadirampatti Post, Perundurai, Erode – 638 Kadirampatti Post, Perundurai, Erode – 638
5854 107
Thiru V.S. Venkatachalam, No.5/290, Tmt P. Manimegalai, Ezhuthingalpatti,
Mettukkadai, Veppampalayam, Erode – 638 5873 Engoor post, Perundurai
5855 112 Thiru E. Nagappan, S/o Ezhuthingalpatti,
Thiru S. Palanisamy, No. 5/65, Vannankattu 5874 Karukkankattur post, Perundurai
Valasu, Kadirampatti Post, Perundurai, Thiru A. Rajendran, S/o Arthanari,
5856 Erode – 638 107 5875 Karukkankattur post, Perundurai
Thiru P. Murthy, Vannankattu Valasu, Thiru Muthusamy, Karukkankattur post,
Kadirampatti Post, Perundurai, Erode – 638 5876 Perundurai
5857 107 Thiru Shanmugam, Karukkankattur post,
Thiru T. Baskaran, No.5/57, Vannankattu 5877 Perundurai
Valasu, Kadirampatti Post, Perundurai, Tmt Kalavathi, No.21, Kadhir Avenue,
5858 Erode – 638 107 5878 Sennimalai Road, Perundurai
Thiru N. Shanmugam, No.5/95, Thiru K.K. Balasubramaniam, No.15,
Vannankattu Valasu, Kadirampatti Post, Kadhir Avenue, Sennimalai Road,
5859 Perundurai, Erode – 638 107 5879 Perundurai
Tmt. Palaniammal Duraisamy, Vannankattu Thiru C. Nagarajan, No.266, Pallakkattur,
Valasu, Kadirampatti Post, Perundurai, Sunnipalayam Extn, Sunnipalayam post,
5860 Erode – 638 107 5880 Perundurai
Tmt K. Renuka Devi, No.5/75-1, Thiru A. Nagarajan, Pallakkattur,
Vannankattu Valasu, Kadirampatti Post, 5881 Sunnipalayam post, Perundurai
5861 Perundurai, Erode – 638 107 Tmt. M.S.N Nasina Vasantha kumara,
Tmt P. G. Bhuvaneswari, No.5/71, 5882 Silettar Nagar, Sanatorium post, Perundurai
Vannankattu Valasu, Kadirampatti Post, Thiru S. Paul Baskaran, No. 2/271, Silettar
5862 Perundurai, Erode – 638 107 5883 Nagar, Sanatorium post, Perundurai
Thiru P. Arunachalam, No.100, Thiru I. Dhanapal, Silettar Nagar,
Vannankattu Valasu, Kadirampatti Post, 5884 Sanatorium post, Perundurai
5863 Perundurai, Erode – 638 107 Thiru A. Alexander, Silettar Nagar,
Thiru K. Sathyaseelan, Vannankattu Valasu, 5885 Sanatorium post, Perundurai
Kadirampatti Post, Perundurai, Erode – 638 Thiru A. Alexander, Silettar Nagar,
5864 107 5886 Sanatorium post, Perundurai
Thiru A. Palanisamy, Vannankattu Valasu, Thiru A. Alexander, Silettar Nagar,
Kadirampatti Post, Perundurai, Erode – 638 5887 Sanatorium post, Perundurai
5865 107 Thiru A. Alexander, Silettar Nagar,
Thiru Sankar, Vannankattu Valasu, 5888 Sanatorium post, Perundurai
Kadirampatti Post, Perundurai, Erode – 638 Thiru P.M. Subramaniam, Mudaliyar Street,
5866 107 5889 Perundurai
Thiru R. Jaganathan, S/o M. Ramasamy, Tmt S. Sridevi, No.47/7, Vengamedu, Erode
No.105, Vellaigoundar Kottam, 5890 Road, Perundurai
5867 Periyavettupalayam, Erode Tmt S. Sridevi, No.47/7, Vengamedu, Erode
Thiru P. Vishnu, S/o Palanisamy, No. 52, 5891 Road, Perundurai
5868 MGR Nagar, Sennimalai – 638 051 Thiru S. Manimegalai, W/o Viswanathan,
Thiru K. Kuppusamy, No.60, Arijnu No.47/7-1, Vengamedu, Erode Road,
Colany, Varmandi Chothi Palayam, 5892 Perundurai
5869 Perundurai Thiru V. Subramaniam, No.46/6-2,
Thiru A. Krishnasamy, S/o Arumugam, 5893 Vengamedu, Erode Road, Perundurai
NO.21, Periyavettupalayam, Elampalayam Thiru V. Subramaniam, No.46/6-1,
5870 post, Perundurai 5894 Vengamedu, Erode Road, Perundurai
Thiru S. Arumugam, S/o Selvi, No. 20, Thiru P.A. Ponnusamy, No.296/4,
Periyavettupalayam, Elampalayam post, 5895 Kunnapudur Road, Perundurai
5871 Perundurai Thiru Shanmugam, Bazaar, Kadampatti,
Thiru C. Sureshkumar, S/o Chenni, 5896 Perundurai
5872 Ezhuthingalpatti, Engoor post, Perundurai
Thiru N. Subramanian, No.157/13, Mullai Tmty. A. Abirami, No. 323/2, Perasiriyar
5897 Nagar, Perundurai Street, Alappakkam, Nedungundram
The Secretary, Kudiyiruppor Welfare 5918 Uratchi, Chengalpet district.
5898 Association, Kadir Avenue, Perundurai Thiru M. Arumugam, No. 323, Perasiriyar
Thiru E.R. Kandasamy, No.18, Kadir Street, Alappakkam, Nedungundram
5899 Avenue, Sennimalai Road, Perundurai 5919 Uratchi, Chengalpet district.
Thiru E.R. Kandasamy, No.52, Lakshmi Thiru V. Kanniappan, 287/2, Perasiriyar
5900 Nagar, Balaji Road, Perundurai Street, 9, Alappakkam, Nedungundram
Thiru E.R. Kandasamy, No.51, Lakshmi 5920 Uratchi, Chengalpet district.
5901 Nagar, Balaji Road, Perundurai Tmty. M. Brindavathi, w/o.Manoharan(late,
Thiru E.R. Kandasamy, No.50, Lakshmi 222/2, Perasiriyar Street,
5902 Nagar, Balaji Road, Perundurai Nedungundram,Madhura Alappakkam,
Thiru K. Arulkumar, No.27, Indira Street, 5921 Chengalpet district.
5903 Perundurai Nagar, Perundurai Tmty. M. Brindavathi, w/o.Manoharan(late,
Thiru K. Arul Kumar, No.26, Indira Street, 222/2, Perasiriyar Street, Nedungundram,
5904 Perundurai Nagar, Perundurai 5922 Madhura Alappakkam, Chengalpet district.
Thiru K. Arul Kumar, No.25, Indira Street, Tmty. D. Muniammal, 280/2, Perasiriyar
5905 Perundurai Nagar, Perundurai Street, 9, Alappakkam, New Perungalathur,
Thiru K. Arul Kumar, No.25, Indira Street, 5923 Chengalpet district.
5906 Perundurai Nagar, Perundurai Tmty. M. Brindavathi, w/o.Manoharan(late,
Thiru Jayasingh,No.192-B, Raja street, 222/2, Perasiriyar Street, Nedungundram,
5907 Mekkadoor, Perundurai. 5924 Madhura Alappakkam,Chengalpet district.
Thiru K. Kannan, 12/5, Thulakanathamman Tmty. V. Kalpana, No. 288A/2, Perasiriyar
Kovil Street, Paseri, SP Koil, Chengalpet Street, Alappakkam, Nedungundram
5908 district. 5925 Uratchi, Chengalpet district.
Thiru V. Ramamurthy, EWS, 18/55, Tmty. V.Tamilarasi, 288/2, Perasiriyar
Parimelalagar Street, NH-1, Street, 9, Alappakkam, New Perungalathur,
5909 Maraimalainagar, Chengalpet district. 5926 Chengalpet district.
Thiru K.Ravi, 18/54, EWS, Parimelalagar Tmty. V. Vijayalakshmi, 250/2, Perasiriyar
Street, NH-1, Maraimalainagar, Chengalpet Street, Alappakkam, Nedungundram
5910 district. 5927 Uratchi, Chengalpet district.
Thiru M. Lenin Kumar, No.78B, Ganapathi Tmty. Savithiri, No. 24, Gandhi Street, S.P.
Nagar, 4th Street, Urapakkam, Chengalpet 5928 Koil, Chengalpet district.
5911 district. Thiru R. Arunachalam, 4/28, Gandhi Street,
Thiru M. Nagappan, 303/2, Perasiriyar 5929 S.P. Koil, Chengalpet district.
Street, 9, Alappakkam, Nedungundram Thiru T. Gothandam, 8/202, Jeeva Nagar,
5912 Uratchi, Chengalpet district. 6th Cross Street, Paari Eri, S.P. Koil
Thiru R. Devan, 244/2, Perasiriyar Street, 9, 5930 Chengalpet district.
Alappakkam, Nedungundram Uratchi, Thiru M. Selvamani, Kellimedu,
5913 Chengalpet district. 5931 Thirukachur, Chengalpet district.
Thiru R. Devan, 244/2, Perasiriyar Street, 9, Tmty. V. Vijayalakshmi, No.4, periyar
Alappakkam, Nedungundram Uratchi, 5932 Nagar, Thirukachur, Chengalpet district.
5914 Chengalpet district. Thiru M. Subramani, Nellaimela Street,
Tmty. Janaki, 283/2, Perasiriyar Street, 5933 Chengalpet district.
Alappakkam, Nedungundram Uratchi, Thiru P. Chidambaram, No. 9/208/ Periyar
5915 Chengalpet district. Street, Periya Vingnapakkam, S.P. Koil,
Tmty. Janaki, 283/2, Perasiriyar Street, 5934 Chengalpet district.
Alappakkam, Nedungundram Uratchi, Thiru V. Ramachandran, No. 13,
5916 Chengalpet district. Revathipuram, 1st Street, Chamanjeri,
Thiru A. Pachaiammal, No. 323/2, 5935 Chengalpet district.
Perasiriyar Street, Alappakkam, Thiru P.Sekar, No.8, Revathipuram, 1st
5917 Nedungundram Uratchi, Chengalpet district. 5936 Street, Chamanjeri, Chengalpet district.
Thiru P.Sekar, No.18, Revathipuram, 1st district.
5937 Street, Chamanjeri, Chengalpet district. Tmty. D. Lakshmi, No.10, Kamarajar street,
Thiru G.Kanniappan, No.2, 1st street, V.P.K. Nagar, Urapakkam, Chengalpet
Revathipuram, Urapakkam, Chengalpet 5957 district.
5938 district. Tmty. P. Vijayakumari, Kamarajar street,
Thiru G.Kanniappan, No.2, 1st street, V.P.K. Nagar, Iyyancherri, Chengalpet
Revathipuram, Urapakkam, Chengalpet 5958 district.
5939 district. Tmty.S. Rajeswari, Kamarajar street, V.P.K.
Thiru G.Kanniappan, No.2, 1st street, 5959 Nagar, Iyyancherri, Chengalpet district.
Revathipuram, Urapakkam, Chengalpet Thiru S. Karmegam, No.15, Kamarajar
5940 district. street, V.P.K. Nagar, Iyyancherri,
Thiru Jones Herwin, F1, Aariyan Homas 5960 Chengalpet district.
Chepran, 1st street, Revathipuram, Tmty. A. Anushya, Kamarajar street, V.P.K.
5941 Urapakkam, Chengalpet district. 5961 Nagar, Iyyancherri, Chengalpet district.
Thiru R. Karthikeyan, No. 9, 1st Street, Tmty. D. Bhuvaneswari, No. 11, Kamarajar
Revathipuram, Chamanjeri, Chengalpet 5962 street, V.P.K. Nagar, Chengalpet district.
5942 district. Thiru N. Sekar, No. 40, Kalidas Street,
Thiru H. Pawarlal, 3A, Iyyancherri Main 5963 Urapakkam, Chengalpet district.
5943 Road, Gandhi Nagar, Chengalpet district. Thiru Jai Promoth, Gandhi Street,
Thiru T. Sundarraj, No. 6, Gandhi Nagar, 5964 Urapakkam, Chengalpet district.
5944 3rd street, Chamanjeri, Chengalpet district. Thiru K. Pushpadosm, 3, Pillaiyar Kovil 1st
Thiru G. Dineshkumar, No. 7, Gandhi 5965 street, Urapakkam, Chengalpet district.
Nagar, 3rd street, Chamanjeri, Chengalpet Thiru P. Shobana, w/o. R.Prabhu P.No.2,
5945 district. Pillaiyar Kovil Street, Urapakkam,
Thiru D. Gurusamy, No. 7A, Gandhi Nagar, 5966 Chengalpet district – 603 210.
5946 3rd street, Chamanjeri, Chengalpet district. Thiru D. Gopalakrishnan, No. 4/19, Pillaiyar
Tmty. S. Arulrani, No.14, 1st Street, Kovil 1st street, Urapakkam, Chengalpet
5947 Revathipuram, Chengalpet district. 5967 district.
Thiru N. Shanmugam, No.11, Thiru S. Shanmugavel, No.11, New No.
Revathipuram, 1st Street, Chamanjeri, 6/17, Pillaiyar Kovil 1st street, Iyyancherri,
5948 Chengalpet district. 5968 Urapakkam, Chengalpet district.
Tmty. S. Ezhilrani, No.13/14, Thiru A. John Vincent, No.9, Pillaiyar Kovil
Revathipuram, 1st Street, Chamanjeri, 5969 1st street, Iyyancherri, Chengalpet district.
5949 Chengalpet district. Thiru K. Balaji, No.10, Pillaiyar Kovil 1st
Thiru E. Subramanian, No.17, 5970 street, Urapakkam, Chengalpet district.
Revathipuram, 1st Street, Chamanjeri, Thiru G. Gandhi Raji, No.5/18.1st Street,
5950 Chengalpet district. Pillaiyar Kovil, Urapakkam, Chengalpet
Thiru G. Thangam, No.15, Revathipuram, 5971 district.
5951 1st Street, Chamanjeri, Chengalpet district. Thiru v. Kamalados, 6, 13/8, Pillaiyar Kovil
Tmty. R.Vijayarani, No.1, Kamarajar Crosst 1st street, Ambiga Nagar, Iyyancherri,
5952 Street, Chamanjeri, Chengalpet district. 5972 Urapakkam, Chengalpet district.
Tmty. B. Valli, No.3, Kamarajar Crosst Thiru K. Palani, No.19, Gandhi Street,
Street, V.P.K. Iyyancherri, Urapakkam, Iyyancherri Main Road, Urapakkam,
5953 Chengalpet district. 5973 Chengalpet district.
Thiru Balakrishnan Vinayagi, No.6, Karnan Thiru S.K. Shanmugasundaram, 32, Muthu
Street, V.P.K. Nagar, Iyyancherri, 5974 Nagar, Kattankulathur, Chengalpet district.
5954 Urapakkam, Chengalpet district. Tmty. R. Thiripurasundari, Sanjeevi Nagar,
Thiru S. Kumar, No. 6, Kamarajar Crosst 5975 Kattankulathur, Chengalpet district.
Street, V.P.K. Nagar, Urapakkam, Thiru P. Arunjunai Vendhan, No.15,
5955 Chengalpet district. Sanjeevi Nagar, 2nd Cross Street,
Tmty. V. Shanthi, No.9, Kamarajar street, 5976 Kattankulathur, Chengalpet district.
5956 V.P.K. Nagar, Urapakkam, Chengalpet
Tmty. N. Gunasundari, No. 33, Muthu Thiru I. Sudalai Andi, No.7, 410, Periyar
5977 Nagar, Kattankulathur, Chengalpet district. Nagar 12th street, Karana Puducheri,
Thiru S. Anbalan, D.No.14, 3rd Cross 5997 Chengalpet district.
5978 Street, Sanjeevi Nagar, Chengalpet district. Thiru S. Subramaniam, No.1, Gangai Nagar,
Thiru M. Ganesan, 2/1, Sanjeevi Nagar, 4th Iyyancherri, Urapakkam, Chengalpet
5979 Cross Street, Chengalpet district. 5998 district.
Thiru S. Rajesh, 1A 1B, Muthu Nagar, Thiru G. Muthazhagan, 212, Periyar Nagar
5980 Kattankulathur, Chengalpet district. 12th street, Karana Puducheri, Chengalpet
Tmty. Rajeswari, 37, 4th Street, Ninnai 5999 district.
Gandhi Nagar, Kattankulathur, Chengalpet Thiru A. Mohan, 225, 8th Cross street,
5981 district. 6000 Periyar Nagar, Chengalpet district.
Thiru A.Kamesh, Plot No. 1, 4th cross Thiru A. Sundaramurthy, 24A, Periyar
street, Sanjeevi Nagar, Kattankulathur, Nagar 1st street, Karana Puducheri,
5982 Chengalpet district. 6001 Chengalpet district.
Tmty. Malar, 37, 4th street, Ninnai Gandhi Thiru V. Vasu, No. 7, 406, Periyar Nagar
5983 Nagar, Kattankulathur, Chengalpet district. 1st street, Karanai Puducheri, Chengalpet
Thiru V.S. Mani, No.36, 4th street, Ninnai 6002 district.
Gandhi Nagar, Kattankulathur, Chengalpet Thiru P. Nagaraj, H/o. Kamatchi, 89, 6th
5984 district. street, Periyar Nagar, Karanai Puducheri,
Thiru V. Balasubramanian, Gandhi Nagar, 6003 Chengalpet district.
4th street, Kattankulathur, Chengalpet Tmty. T.Kumari, w/o.
5985 district. Thirugnanasambantham, No. 115, 6th street,
Thiru T. Narayana Perumal, No.1, Matha Periyar Nagar, Karanai Puducheri,
Koil, 3rd street, Kattankulathur, Chengalpet 6004 Chengalpet district.
5986 district. Thiru K. Thirugnanasambantham, s/o.
Tmty. S. Pechiammal, No. 421, Periyar Gothandaraman, No.115, 6th street, Periyar
Nagar, 13th street, 7, Karana Pudhucherry, Nagar, Karanai Puducheri, Chengalpet
5987 Urapakkam, Chengalpet district. 6005 district.
Tmty. M. Logammbal, Periyar Ngar, 13th Tmty. D. Agila, s/o. Devarajan, No.18,
street, 7, Karana Pudhucherry, Urapakkam, Gandhi Nagar, Amman Kovil Street,
5988 Chengalpet district. 6006 Kattankulathur, Chengalpet district.
Thiru T. Maheshkumar, No.411, Periyar Thiru S. Mahalakshmi, 21 G, 516,
Ngar, 12th street, 7, Karana Pudhucherry, Ilanthiraiyan street, Maraimalai Nagar,
5989 Urapakkam, Chengalpet district. 6007 Chengalpet district.
Thiru M. Venkatesan, No. 419, Periyar Thiru G. Jomes, 14, L.I.G, NH 1,
Ngar, 13th street, 7, Karana Pudhucherry, 6008 Ponmudiyar street, Chengalpet district.
5990 Urapakkam, Chengalpet district. Tmty. M. Thilaga, Pattinathadigal street,
Thiru D. Mowali, D.No. 50A, Urappakkam, NH 1, Maraimalai Nagar, Chengalpet
5991 Rajiv Gandhi Nagar, Chengalpet district. 6009 district.
Thiru P.N. Pounraj, D.No. 50A, Thiru A. Logesh, No. 528, NH1, LIG,
Urappakkam, Rajiv Gandhi Nagar, Pattinathadigal street, Maraimalai Nagar,
5992 Chengalpet district. 6010 Chengalpet district.
Thiru M. Thomas, No. 112, Gangai Nagar, Thiru M.P.S. Mohan, 534 , NH1, LIG,
5993 Urappakam, Chengalpet district. Pattinathadigal street, Maraimalai Nagar,
Thiru S. Kannan, No. 18/52, Parivendhar 6011 Chengalpet district.
street, Maraimalai nagar, Chengalpet Thiru P. Krishnamurthy, No. 18/12, EWS,
5994 district. NH1, Elanthiraiyan street, Maraimalai
Thiru M. Thomas, No. 112, Gangai Nagar, 6012 Nagar, Chengalpet district.
5995 Urappakam, Chengalpet district. Thiru V. Andi, 18/49, EWS, NH1,
Tmty. S. Meenatchi, No.7, 413, Periyar Elanthiraiyan street, Maraimalai Nagar,
Nagar 12th street, Karana Puducheri, 6013 Chengalpet district.
5996 Chengalpet district. 6014 Thiru K.R. Nair, President, Indian Wind
Power Association (Northern Regional Thiru M. Subramanian, Madasamy Nagar,
Council), G28, World Trade Center, New 6037 6/51 Kuruvankottai.
Delhi 110 001. Thiru A. Murugan, S/o Arumugan Nayinar,
Thiru S. Ashok, President, Tamil Nadu 6038 Kuruvankottai.
Electricity Consumers’ Association. 7th Thiru Shanmuga Nadar, Arumaikili, 6/65,
Floor, Western Wing, NPKRR Maaligai, 6039 Emarajan Koil Street, Kuruvankottai.
6015 144 Anna Salai, Chennai 600 002. Thiru A. Thangasamy, Arunachala Nadar,
Tmt. Ann Josey and Maria Chirayil, Prayas 6040 6/70 Kuruvankottai.
6016 (Energy Group), Pune, Maharashtra. Thiru T. Mariset, 6/69, Emarajan Koil
Thiru K.R. Nair, President (NRC), Indian 6041 Street, Kuruvankottai.
Wind Power Association, 513-514, GF 28, Thiru Mahalingam, 5/117 Boomibalagan
World Trade Centre, Barakhamba Road, 6042 Koil St Street, Kuruvankottai.
6017 Babar Road, New Delhi 110 001. Thiru S. Selvaraj, 5/123, Boomibalagan,
Thiru E. Balu, Secretary, Indian Communist 6043 Kovil Street, Kuruvankottai.
6018 Party (M), Alangulam, 627 851. Thiru S. Madasamy, Sivananda Perumal,
Thiru M. Balu, 517, Arunthathiyar Street, 6044 16/64, Kilaku Theru, Kuruvankottai.
6019 Alangulam 627 851. Thiru A. Ganesamurthy, 6/66, Emarajan
Thiru V. Natarajan, S/o. V. Velu, 5/140-1, 6045 Kovil Street, Kuruvankottai.
6020 Arunthathiyar Street, Alangulam 627 851. Thiru R. Ramar, 6/78, Emarajan Kovil
Thiru V. Natarajan, S/o. V. Velu, 5/140, 6046 Street, Kuruvankottai.
6021 Arunthathiyar Street, Alangulam 627 851. Thiru G. Madasamy, Gnanamuthu Nadar,
Thiru V. Kandan, S/o. Gurusamy, 93/5A, 6047 5/138 Boomipalagan Street, Kuruvankottai.
6022 Arunthathiyar Street, Alangulam 627 851. Thiru M. Arumugam, A. Mahalingam,
Thiru A. Madasamy, 5/43, Arunthathiyar 5/140 2 Boomipalagan Street,
6023 Street, Alangulam 627 851. 6048 Kuruvankottai.
Thiru V. Jayakumar, 5/51-A, Arunthathiyar Thiru S. Sundararajan, 5/115, Keelatheru,
6024 Street, Alangulam 627 851. 6049 Kuruvankottai, Alangulam Tk.
Thiru S. Gunasekaran, 15/29, Kaliamman Thiru Jeyaram, B.S. Ramasamy, 5/136
6025 Koil Street, Alangulam 627 851. 6050 Boomipalagan Street, Kuruvankottai.
Thiru P. Diraviam, 142/C Arunthathiyar Thiru P. Nalliah, S/o. Pooviah, 6/98, Pottal
6026 Street, Alangulam 627 851. Street, Maruthamputhur P.O. Alangulam Tk.
Thiru M. Ramasamy, 5/4 Arunthathiyar 6051 Thenkasi Dt.
6027 Street, Alangulam 627 851. Tmt. P. Vallimayil, (L) Perumal, 6/64,
Thiru M. Ramasamy, 5/4 Arunthathiyar Nadutheru, Maruthamputhur PO,
6028 Street, Alangulam 627 851. 6052 Alangulam Tk. Thenkasi Dt.
Thiru R.V. Mosee, 5/177 Arunthathiyar Thiru P. Pathirakali, S/o. Pooviah, 6/97,
6029 Street, Alangulam 627 851. Pottaltheru, Maruthamputhur PO,
Thiru R.V. Mosee, 5/140-1, Arunthathiyar 6053 Alangulam Tk. Thenkasi Dt.
6030 Street, Alangulam 627 851. Thiru S. Arjunakumar, S/o. Sudalaiandi,
Thiru R.V. Iyyadurai, 5/177, Arunthathiyar 8/23, School Street, Maruthamputhur PO,
6031 Street, Alangulam 627 851. 6054 Alangulam Tk. Thenkasi Dt.
Thiru B.M. Selvam, 5/14, Water Tank Thiru A. Vetrivel, S/o. Arumuganayinar,
6032 Street, Kuravan kottai, 6055 6/128, Pilliyarkoil St., Kuravankottai.
Thiru Nallamadan, 5/126, Boomibalagan Thiru S.K. Rajaji, S/o. Karuppasamy Nadar,
6033 Kovil Street, Kuruvankottai. 6056 6/36/1, Keelatheru, Kuruvankottai.
Thiru Subramaniyan, 5/145, Boomibalagan Thiru Vaikundam, Selvanayagam,
6034 Kovil Street, Kuruvankottai. 6057 Kuruvankottai.
Thiru Ramasamy, 5/143, Boomibalagan, Thiru K. Madasamy, Karuppiah Nadar,
6035 Kovil Street, Kuruvankottai. 6058 Kuruvankottai.
Thiru Ganesan, 5/124, Boomibalagan, Kovil Tmt. M. Madathi, W/o. Madasamy, 5/63,
6036 Street, Kuruvankottai. 6059 Arunthathiyar Street, Alangulam.627 851.
Thiru V. Anandaraj, 5/66, Arunthathiyar Kannankurichi, Vellamodi, Kanyakumari
6060 Street, Alangulam.627 851. Dist. 629 029.
Thiru V. Pandaram, 5/153, Arunthathiyar M/s. Dennis Ice Plant, 1-175/1,
6061 Street, Alangulam.627 851. Anchalivalai, Lakshmipuram, Mandakadu
Thiru V. Pandaram, 5/153, Arunthathiyar 6079 Post, 629 252 Kanyakumari Dist.
6062 Street, Alangulam.627 851. M/s. Veronica Ice Plant, Ambalakulam,
Thiru S. Chinnathambi, 5/25, Arunthathiyar 6080 Kirathoor Post, 629 001 Kanyakumari Dist.
6063 Street, Alangulam.627 851. Mr. N. Ponrathnam, Consumer
Thiru E. Chithirai, Chithirai Illam, 5/45, 6081 Representative,
6064 Arunthathiyar Street, Alangulam.627 851. Thiru Vigneshlal, President, SMS Lake
Thiru S. Harigopalakrishnan, S/o. View Apartment Assn., Ukkaddam,
Shanmuga Nadar, 7/32, Kamaraj Street, 6082 Coimbatore.
6065 Kuruvankottai. Thiru K.S. Raman, 17, Haridranathi North,
Thiru K.K. Balasubramanian, President, 6083 Mannargudi.
6066 Tamil Manila Congress, Sivaganga Dt. The President, Isha Armonia Owners
Thiru P. Muhammed Fazil, Secretary, RR 6084 Welfare Association, Coimbatore 35.
Darshan, Flat Owners’ Assn. Thiru V.S. Karunakaran, Chairman,
Bharathipuram, GV Residency, infrastructure, SIPCOT
6067 Sowripalayam, Coimbatore 641 2018. IRUNGATTUKOTTAI
6068 J.S. Ice Plant, Reethapuram. MANUFACTURERS Association, SIPCOT
Thiru P. Kaliyamurthy, Secretary, Industrial park, Irungattukottai,
Consumer Protection and Public Service 6085 Kancheepuram 602 117.
Concil, 35/28, Mela Veedhi, Thirupanandal Thiru Y.Subbian, Managing Director,
612 504, Thiruvidaimarudoor Tk., Bright Castings, 115, V.K. road, B.R.
6069 Thanjavur Dt. 6086 Puram, Peelamedu, Coimbatore 641 004.
Thiru K.G. Patturaj, Proprietor, Ravi Thiru P. Muhammed Fazil, Secretary, RR
6070 Traders, 111, South Raja Street, Tuticorin. Darshan Flat Owners Association,
Bharathipuram, GV Residency,
6071 Managing Partner, PGT Exports,
6087 Sowripalayam Coimbatore 641 028.
Thiru M. Ravichandran, Sri Balamurugan
Tmt. M.Suganthi, Proprietrix, Sree
Modern Rice Mill, 36, Kalpalayam Road,
Ranganathar Staarch & Sago Industries,
6072 Mannachanallur 621 005, Trichy Dt.
Eachampatti, Seeliampatti (po) Attur 636
Thiru P. Rengasamy, General Secretary,
6088 107.
Federation of Chennai Suburban (South)
The President, Parsn Symphony Welfare
Welfare Assn., 17, Sabapathy Street,
Society, Krishna Nagar, KK Pudur, Saibaba
6073 Ullagaram, Chennai 600 091.
6089 Colony, Coimbatore 641 038.
Partner, Senmax Foundries, 3-C, Cosmafan
Thiru K.N. Surendran, Secretary i/c Cosy
Foundry Cluster Park – I Arasur,
6090 Towers, R.S. Puram, Coimbatore.
6074 Coimbatore 641 407.
The Secretary, Manchester Sitara Owners’
President, Tirupur, Kovai District
6091 Association, [email protected]
Powerloom Association, 2/391, Udumalai
Road, P.Vadugapalayam, Palladam 641 664. Thiru P. Balakrishnan
6075 Tirupur Dt. 6092 [email protected]
Thiru T. Poorneswaran, Manager, BD & The Secretary, Akashmalli Residents
Commercial, Sembcrop Green Infra Ltd., Welfare Association, Peelamedu,
5th Floor, Tower C, Bldg. 8, DLF 6093 Coimbatore.
Cybercity, Gurugram 122 002, Haryana, The Partner, Sri Thirumal Sago Factory,
6076 India. 115/32, 117/32A Poithur Road, Pudupet 636
M/s. Leon & Sons Ice Plant and Cold 6094 141 Athur Tk. Salem Dt.
Storage, 7/5F, Mudanthivilai, Reethapuram The Partner, Vinayaga Sago Factory, 32A
6077 Post, Kanyakumari Dist. 629 159. Poithur Road, Pudupet 636 141, Athur Tk.
6095 Salem Dt.
6078 M/s. Leon & Sons Ice Plant, 13/3-23, South
6096 Tmt. S. Anitha, Proprietrix, Sri Elumalaiyan
Sago Factory, 5, Cuddalore Main road, Plant, Vellamodi, Ganapathipuram PO 629
Gandhipuram, Ammapalayam Po. Attur Tk. 502
636 141. Salem Dt. Thiru S.M. Naveenraja, S/o C. Sasidharan,
The President, Shriram Vijaya Hyde Park ARS Ice Plant, Vettaivilai, Pingulam PO,
6097 Apartment, Peelamedu 6105 Kanniyakumari 629 173.
In-charge, Dindigul Crematorium Trust, Thiru S. Gandhi, President,
R.M. Colony Main Road, 6106 PESOT,Chennai.
6098 Govindarajapuram, Dindigul. Thiru R. Ganesan, 3, Mohanapuri 1st Street,
M/s. Raja Engineering Company, 6107 Adambakkam, Chennai 600 088.
S.F.No.18/2 KK Nagar, Bharathi Nagar 4th Thiru.M.Rajkumar, Cumbum Fibers and
Street Extn. Ganapathy, Coimbatore 641 6108 Coirs, Kombai, Theni District.
6099 006. 6109 [email protected]
Thiru M.N. Muthiah Ice Plant, Thiru S. Neelakandan Pillai, Founder,
Kadampiravillai, Reethapuram, Citizen’s Contribution in Democracy, F-4
Reethapuram PO, Kanniyakumari Dt. 629 Perfect Vajra, 144, lakshmi Nagar, 6th
6100 159. 6110 Street, Madipakkam, Chennai 600 091.
Thiru S. Jayaraman, 3/39, Main Road, Thiru B. Sujan Babu, Treasurer, Ice Plant
6101 Somarasampettai, Trichy 620 102. Owners Welfare Association of Colachel,
M/s. Maria Ice Plant, 7-55J, Mankalakuntu 7/5, F, Leon & sons Ice Plant and Cold
6102 Post, Karungal, Kanyakumari Dist. 6111 Storage, Reethapuram, K.K. Dist.629 159.
M/s. Sidharth Foundations and Housing Thiru P. Maharaj, Proprietor, Blessi Ice
Limited, 117, 8th Floor, Citi Towers, Sir Plant, 1/11-1, Maravanmadam, Tuticorin
Thyagaraya Road, T.Nagar, Chennai 600 6112 628 101.
6103 017. Thiru Murugesan, Pilliyar Koil Street,
6104 Thiru B. Prem Kumar Barna, Panimadha Ice 6113 Rajan Nagar, Sathiyamangalam Tk.Erode Dt

*Note : Some of the stakeholders names who have submitted their views / suggestions are repeated in the
above list due to multiple petition submitted in different consumer number.
Annexure- III

List of participants attended in Public Hearing


Public Hearing at : Coimbatore

Venue : SNR College Auditorium, Avinasi Road, Coimbatore
Date : 16-08-2022

Name of Speakers at Coimbatore Public Hearing

1 Thiru.V.Thirugnanam, President, CODISSIA, Huzur Road, Coimbatore - 641018.

2 Thiru.R.Ramamurthy Director, CODDISSIA Defence Innovation, Huzur Road, Coimbatore – 18

3 Thiru.Bala Subramaniam President, Indian Chambers, Avinashi Road, Coimbatore - 18.
4 Thiru.C.SivaKumar President, COTMA, Ganapathy, Coimbatore - 06.
Thiru.N.S.N.Dhanabal President, Kangayam Coconut Oil Manufacturers Association, Kangayam -
6 Thiru.R.Velusamy Secretary, Tamil Nadu Federation of Powerloom Association, Erode.
7 Thiru.A.Kathirmathiyon, Coimbatore Consumer Cause, Coimbatore.
8 Thiru.Manoharan, Chief Engineer(Retired), TANGEDCO.
9 Thiru.A.D.Thirumoorthy, Energy Consultant, Coimbatore.
10 Thiru.M.Jeyapal, Recycle Textile Federation, Sowripalayam, Coimbatore - 28.
11 Thiru.N.Pradeep, The South India Spinners Association, Coimbatore - 14.
Thiru.K.N.K.S.Selvakumar President, owerloom Weavers Job Order Association,
Kannampalayam, No.38, Thiyagi Palani Gounder Street, Kannampalayam, Coimbatore - 641402.
13 Thiru.P.Bala Subramaniam, Tirupur Covai District Powerloom Association, Tirupur.
Thiru.D.Balasundaram, Senior Past President, Tamil Nadu Electricity Consumers Association,
Thiru.J.James, President, Tamil Nadu Association of Cottage and Micro Enterprises,
Edayarpalayam post, Coimbatore - 25.
Thiru.R.Soundra Kumar, President, Coimbatore Wet Grinders & Accessories manufacturers
Association, Coimbatore - 641037
17 Thiru.D.Abhishek, Secretary, CREDAI, Teynampet, Chennai.
Thiru.Suba Selvaraj, State Vice President, Industrial Cell,
Bharathiya Janatha Party, Coimbatore.
Thiru.M.Balasubramaniam, Secretary, Tirupur Kovai District Powerlooms Association
Thiru.M.V.Kalyanasundaram, District Committee Member, India Communist Party,
Jeeva Home, Coimbatore.
21 Thiru.L.K.Suresh, Chairman, Erode Powerlooms Owners Association, Erode.
Thiru.V.T.Karunanidhi, Chairman, Pallivalaiyam Powerlooms Owners Association,
23 Thiru.S.Thangamuthu, Chairman, Powerlooms Owners Association, Karur.
24 Dr.M.Arasu, Council Member, IIAF, Coimbatore.
Dr.Kasthuri Rangaiyan, Chairman, Indian Wind Power Association (IWPA)
26 Thiru.D.Vignesh, President, SIEMA, Race Course, Coimbatore.
Thiru.S.Venkatesh, Manager (Sales), OPG Power Generation Private Limited,
28 Thiru.P.Praveen, Senior Manager, OPG Energy, Chennai.
Thiru.V.P.Palanisamy, Rotary Screen Printers Association,
Thiru.S.P.Rangarajan President, Micro & Small Scale Industrial Entrepreneur Association,
Thiru.I.Veerasamy, Special Grade Foreman, Electricity Engineers ikiya Association,
Thiru.P.Karthikeyan, Chairman, Perundurai Autoloom owners Association,
Perundurai - Erode - 52.
Thiru.Govindarajan, Member, South India Shutlers Wearing Association,
34 Thiru.G.Venkatachalam, SISWA, Coimbatore.
Thiru.S.Surulivel, Vice President, Tamil Nadu Small & Tiny industries Association,
36 Thiru.N.Logu, Secretary, Coimbatore Consumer Voice, Avinasi Road, Coimbatore.
37 Dr.K.Selvaraj, Secretary General, The Southern India Mills Association, Coimbatore.
Thiru.R.Senthil kumar, Joint Secretary,Tirupur Exporters Association,
Tirupur - 641607.
Thiru.I.Noor Mohammed Secretary, Coimbatore Plastics Re-processing & Trader Association,
Coimbatore - 641008.
Thiru.P.Palanisamy, Chairman, kovai Tirupur District Powerlooms owners Association,
Sommanur , Coimbatore
Thiru.A.Vendhar.M.Dhandapani, District President,
41 G.Gunasekaran, District Vice President, Tamil Nadu Farmers Association,
S.N.R.Road, Coimbatore.
42 Thiru.B.Ragubathi, Chairman, Social Service Centre, P.K.Palayam, Coimbatore - 20.
43 Thiru.K.M.Ravi Chandran Managing Director, Selvanayagi Powerlooms, Sidour, Coimbatore.
44 Thiru.R.Balaji, Vice President,ELGI Equipments Limited, Coimbatore.
Thiru.A.Sureshkumar, President,The Coimbatore South Small & Micro Industries Association,
46 Thiru.N.Sundararajan,Nethaji Road, Pappanayakampalayam,Coimbatore.
47 Thiru.P.Senthil Kumar, Managing Director, Hariram Cotton Mill, kaniyur, Coimbatore.
48 Thiru.Jagadesan, Deepa Disleries Works, Coimbatore
Thiru.S.Kanaga Sabapathi,Secretary,
Powerlooms Owners Association, Vadugampalayam, Coimbatore.
50 Thiru.C.Kulandaivelu, SIHS Colony, Singanallur Coimbatore.
Thiru.Kalyanasundaram, Tamil Nadu Pumps & Spares Manufactures Association,
52 Thiru.Arun Kanagaraj, Pollachi Coir Association, Pollachi.
Thiru.R.Shanthakumar, Country Co-ordinator
India Taxpayer, No.81, West Venkatasamy Road, R.S.Puram,Coimbatore - 641002.
54 Thiru.M.Balasubramaniam, Chairman, Lakapuram Powerlooms Association, Erode.
Thiru.G.Muruganantham, Chairman, Powerlooms Association, Tiruchengodu,
56 Thiru.G.Prakash, Managing Director Varshaith Textiles, Somanor, Coimbatore.
57 Thiru.P.Palanisamy , Pollution Activist, Vijayamangalam, Perundurai, Coimbatore.
Thiru.N.Anburaj ,Secretary, Coimbatore District Coir & Allied Producers Association,
59 Thiru.T.Mani , Organiser, MSME Coimbatore Association, Coimbatore.
60 Thiru.Kannagi Jothi Basu, No.28th Ward Counsiler, Coimbatore.
61 Thiru.P.Krishnasamy, Consumer, Pollachi.
62 Thiru.R.Chellappan, Managing Director, Swelect Energy Systems, Chennai
63 Thiru.K.P.Shakthivel, Tamil Nadu Rice Mill Owners Association, Coimbatore.
Thiru.V.T.Shreedhar, Vice President, Erode District Small Scale Industries Association,
65 Thiru.S.Palanisamy, President, Kangayam Rice Mill Association, Kangayam.
66 Thiru.M.Manzur Rahman,Proprietor, A.M.R Industries, Singanallur, Coimbatore.
67 Thiru.P.Chinnasamy, Treasurer, Kadeshwara Rice Mill, Kangayam.
Thiru.N.Mahesh, Senior Plant Manager, Sandhis Foundaries Private Limited
69 Thiru.Ganesh, Managing Director, Excel Plastics, Coimbatore.
70 S.Sadasivam, All India Organization in service of Small Scale Industries, Coimbatore
71 Thiru.P.S.Venkatachalam,Advisor, Tamil Nadu Visvakarma Handicrafts Association,
Thangamaligai, Periyannai Road, Coimbatore.
Thiru.M.M.Kandasamy, Vice President, Federation of Tamil Nadu Mills Owners and Paddy Rice
Dealers Association, Coimbatore.
73 Dr.R.K.Gnanamurthy, Alandhurai Post, Coimbatore.
74 Thiru.M.Murugesan, Consumer, Tirupur.
75 Thiru.D.Venkateshwaran,Polymer Trade Association, Erode.
76 Thiru.V.K.Rajamanickam, FATIA, Coimbatore.
Thiru.K.Balasubramaniam, Secretary,Tiruppur District Treasur Owner Association,
78 Thiru.P.Eswaran, Thevarayanpalayam Powerloom Association, Tirupur.
79 Thiru.A.Balakrishnan, Member, Powerloom Owners Association, Palladam.
80 Thiru.K.Thangaraj, Secreary, Indian Coir Cluster Private Limited, Erode.
Thiru.K.R.Senthil Kumar, Erode & Tirupur District Coir and Allied Manufacturers Association,
82 Thiru.P.Sivakumar, Powerloom Association, Palladam.
83 Thiru.K.K.Ravi, President, COMMISSIA, Coimbatore.
Thiru.N.Sivasamy , President Coimbatore Tirupur Weavers Handlooms Association,
85 Thiru.V.Selvaraj, Thudiyalur, Coimbatore.
86 Thiru.S.Sadha Sivam, Secretary, Kowsika Neer Karangal, Coimbatore.
87 Thiru.P.Chinnnasamy, Owner Balaji Textiles, Sommanur.
88 Thiru.H.Nazar, Ukkadam, Karugada Branch Coimbatore
89 Thiru.S.Krishnamoorthy, Secretary, CITU, Coimbatore.
90 Thiru.C.Padmanaban, CPIM, Coimbatore.
91 Thiru.V.K.Shivagnanam CPIM, Coimbatore.
92 Thiru.J.Ajaykumar DYFI, Coimbatore.
93 Thiru.K.ChinnasamyPresident, Tamil Nadu Treasur Owner Association, Tamil Nadu.
Thiru.A.G.Chinnasmay, Chairman Coimbatore District Powerlooms Association,
Iyyampalayam, Coimbatore.
R. Shanmuganathan, Chairman Kovai-Thirupur District Koolikku Nesavu Seium Visaithariyalar
Sangam, Kombankaddu- Coimbatore
96 R. Mounasamy, Sri Lakshmi Techno Castt Foundry Cluitter, Coimbatore
97 Kavi. Thamizh Selvan, Secretary Coimbatore Consumer Action Club Peelamedu- Coimbatore
98 R. Mahi, 3/1, Sowaripalayam, Coimbatore
K. Subramanian, Secretary, Tiruchangodu Taluk, Small Powerloom Oweners Association
Namakkal District - 637211
100 Thiru.N.Manoharan, No.2AB, South 7th Street, Avarampalayam, Coimbatore
Thiru.Thirumalai M.Ravi, Chairman, Coimbatore District Grill Manufacturers Association,
Ganapathy, Coimbatore.
102 Thiru.B.M.Boopathi, CEO, Dyers Association of Tirupur, Tirupur.
103 Tmt.R.Geetha, No.35A, South Street, No.2 Aavarampalayam, Coimbatore - 6
104 Thiru.N.Duraisamy, No.2/196B, Karasampalayam Road, Mylampatti Post, Coimbatore.
105 Thiru.Velumani, 7 South Street, Aravampalayam, Coimbatore.
106 Thiru.K.Ramesh, 7 South Street, Aravampalayam, Coimbatore.
107 Thiru.K.C.M Duraisamy, Tirupur and Palladam District Rice Mill Owners Association, Tirupur
108 Thiru.M .Sivaguru, No.14/8, Mariyappan Kovil Street, Vellavur, Coimbatore.
Thiru.G.VigneshNo.16/23, Karunanithi Street,
Sowripalayam, Coimbatore - 28
S.No. Name & Address 641 664. Tiruppur
M/s.Recycle Textile Federation, D2, M/s.Jeyavishnu Clothing Pvt Ltd,SF
Orchid Eleganz, Kannabiran Mill Road, No. 163/1B, Patchankattupalauam,
1 Sowripalayam, Coimbatore – 28. Karaipudur village, Arulpuram (PO),
M/s.Andal Cotton Mills, 450/181, 12 Tiruppur-641605.
Senthampalayam Road, Masagounden M/s.AGPL Rotary Printing, No.3,
Chettipalayam Village, Coimbatore–641 Athimaramthottam,
2 107. 13 Sirupooluvapatti(PO),Tirupur – 3.
M/s.Andal Spinning Mills, 3/303, Nathe M/s.Shashti Printing Factory, SF No.
gounden Pudur (via), Kovilpalayam 159/1A, D.No. 1/217, Near Arul Puram
(Post), Kunnathur Village, Coimbatore CETP, Ganapathipalayam. Tirupur –
3 – 641 107. 14 641 605.
M/s.Aandal Textiles, No. 437/2A1, M/s.Jayam Shrce Rotary, SF No.
2A2, Senthampalayam Road, 452/2A1B, Avarapalauam, Veerapandi
Masagounden Chettipalayam Village, 15 (PO), Tirupur – 641 605.
4 Sarkarsamakulam, Coimbatore –7. M/s.Varnam Process, 8/605B,
M/s.Tamil Nadu Electricity Consumer Karaipudur Village, Arulpuram Post,
Association, 1st Floor, SIEMA 16 Tirupur – 641 605.
Building, 8/4, Race Course, Coimbatore M/s. Colour Trends, SF No. 255,
5 – 641 018. Kannimar Koil Thottam,
M/s.Tamil Nadu Kaithozhil matrum Kuppandampalayam, Veerapandi (Post),
kurunthozhil munaivoor sangam, 17 Tirupur – 641 605.
15/221, Vadavalli road, JJ Nagar, M/s.JB Rotary Printing, SF No. 642,
6 idaiyarpalayam, Coimbatore – 25 Surya Nagar, Iduvampalayam, Tirupur-
M/s.Kaviharan Spintex, SF No. 344/2B, 18 641 687.
Velappanaiken Pudur, Gudimangalam M/s. V Tech Printing Mills, 2/428,
7 (Po)., Udumalpet-1. S.periyapalayam, Uthukuli road,
M/s.Sri sakthi Spinners, SF No. 88/2A, 19 Tirupur- 641 607.
Sri Shakthi Garden, Vadukapalayam M/s.SP. Rotary Prints,1/472C,
Village, Sunkaramadakku (PO), Johnjothy garden, Behind Little flower
8 Udumalpet (Taluk), Tiruppur. Convent, periyandipalayam (Post),
M/s.Kavitha Spinners, Shed No.14 & 20 Mangalam Road, Tirupur – 641 687.
15, Sidco Industrial Estate, Thiru.S.N. Samiappan (Kalkuvari),
9 Gudimangalam, Udumalpet – 624201. 21 Gangeyam, Tirupur
M/s. Communist Party on India, Jeeva Thiru.P.Velusamy, M/s. Sakthi
Illam, 88, Syrian Chruch Road, No.2, 22 Vetuvan Blue Metal, Tirupur
10 Coimbatore - 641001 Thiru.P.Suryakumar M/s. Super Stone
M/s.Tiruppur, Kovai District Power 23 Industries, Tirupur
Loom Association, 2/391, Udumalai Thiru.K.S.Shanmugam M/s. Ganesh
11 Road, P.Vadugapalayam, Palladam – 24 Blue Metal, Tirupur
Thiru.A.M. Palanisamy M/s. Velavan M/s. Recycle Textiles Federation, D2,
25 Blue Metal, Tirupur orchid Eleganz, Kannabiran Mill road,
M/s.Super Stone Industries, 44 sowripalayam, Coimbatore – 641 028.
26 (C.No.085006239)Tirupur M/s.Bharatiya Janatha Party, State head
M/s.Super Stone Industries, Office, Kamalayam, No. 19, Vaidyaram
27 (C.No.085006498) Tirupur 45 Street, T.Nagar, Chennai-17.
M/s.Shanmugam Super Stone M/s.Bharathiya Janatha Party, 8/1,
28 Industries, Tirupur Rathina sabapathipuram, M.L. Puram
Thiru.A. Soma sundaram, M/s.Super 46 (PO), Pollachi – 642 002,Coimbatore.
29 Stone Industries, Tirupur M/s.Perundurai Auto Loom
Thiru.A. Kandasamy, M/s.Super Stone Urimaiyalargal Sangam, Sri Vela
30 Industries, Tirupur Complex, Kunnathur Road, Perundurai-
Thiru.P. Shanmugam, (Super Stone 47 638 052.
31 Industries), Tirupur M/s.Vinayaga Tex, 1/24, Kovilkadu,
Thiru.M. Jayamani, (Sakthi Blue Ponmudi, Vijayamangalam (Via) – 638
32 Metal), Tirupur 48 056, Perundurai (Tk), Erode.
M/s.Erode Plastic Re-Processors M/s.Coimbatore Vetgrindergal matrum
Association,27, Marapalam Road,-7, Udhiripagangal Thayarippalargal
33 Karungalpalayam, Erode-638 003. Sangam, No.133, Kattoor Street,
M/s.ELGI, Trichy Road, Singanallur, 49 Pappanaickenpalayam, Coimbatore-37.
34 Coimbatore-641005. M/s.Thiruppur Maavatta Arisi Aalai
M/s.Sakthi Auto Ancillary Pvt Ltd, Urimaiyalargal Sangam, 160,
Idigarai Road, N.G.G.O. Colony, Chennimalai Road, Gangeyam – 638
35 Coimbatore – 641 022. 50 701, Thirupur district.
M/s. N.S.G. Textiles Pvt Ltd, 147D/3, M/s.Kangayam Coconut Oil
Thekkupalayam Post, sivasakthi Nagar, Manufacturers Association, 171,
36 Coimbatore. – 641 020. 51 Tiruppur Road, Kangeyam -638 701.
M/s.The Indian Chamber of Commerce Munaivar.Thiru.K. Gnanamoorthy, s/o.
and Industry, Chamber Towers, 8/732, Kannan, 18/20, Poluvampatti Veethi,
37 Avinashi Road, Coimbatore. – 641 018. Ramanathapuram, Alandurai (P.O),
M/s.Kovai, Tiruppur Maavatta 52 Coimbatore-641 101.
Koolikku Nesavu Seiyyum Visaithari M/s.Sivasakthi Spinners, 197/2,
Urumaiyalargal Sangangalin Varagankadu, Semmandampalayam
Koottamaippu, Power House Road, 53 Pudur, Somanur – 641 668, Coimbatore.
38 Somanur – 641 668, Coimbatore. M/s.Sri Ganesh Mills, No.6/143A,
Thiru.C. Srinivasan, P.N. Atthikadu, Semmandampalauampudur,
39 Palayam,Coimbatore. Semmandampalayam (PO), somanur –
M/s.The Southern India Engineering 54 641 668, Coimbatore.
Manufacturers Association,8/4, Race M/s.Sri Ranganathan Values Pvt Ltd,
40 Course.SIEMA Building,Coimbatore18. 12/45, Thadagam Road, Edayapalayam
The President, CODISSIA, M/s. The 55 P.O. Coimbatore – 641 025.
Coimbatore District Small Industries M/s.Juhi Impex, Screen Valley, 694/1,
Association, Post Box No.3827, Huzzur Chandrapuram, dharapuram Road,
41 road, Coimbatore-641018. 56 Tirupur – 641 608.
The Director, Thiru.V.Thirugnanam, M/s.Colourica, Screen Valley, 694/1,
M/s. CODISSIA Defence Innovation Chandrapuram, dharapuram Road,
and Atal Incubatium Centre, Naidu 57 Tirupur – 641 608.
Towers, Huzur road, Coimbatore- M/s. MITHUNRAM Tex, Screen
42 641018. Valley, 694/1, Chandrapuram,
Thiru.N.Mahesh, 13/59, Trichy Road, 58 dharapuram Road, Tirupur – 641 608.
Selva Rajapuram, Chinthamanipudur M/s.Rotary Screen Printers
43 (PO), Coimbatore.- 641 103. 59 Association, Screen Valley, 694/1,
Chandrapuram, dharapuram Road, M/s.Dhandapani Fibres86/1A, 1A,
Tirupur – 641 608. Seelakampatti (PO), Pollachi Taluk,
M/s.Coimbatore, Tiruppur Maavatta 79 Coimbatore – 642 205.
Kurunthozhil matrum Ooraga Thozhil Thiru.Ganeshmoorthy, s/o. Vallimuthu,
Munaivoor Sangam, (COTMA), 19/3, M/s. Sriram Cocopith Products, SF No.
Lucky Plaza, 1st Floor, Sanganur Main 80 87/1, Kallipatty, Coimbatore.
Road, Ganapathy, Coimbatore – 641 Tmt.Akilandeswari, w/o.
60 006. Ganesamoorthi, R.V. coirs, SF No.
M/s.Tamil Nadu Viswakarmaa 81 201/1F, Varathanur Village
Kaivinaignargal Sangam, Sri Lakshmi M/s.Leeds Hydroponies, Poosaripatti
Jewellers, 292, Periyakadai Veethi, 82 (PO), Pollachi (TK).
61 Coimbatore – 641 001. Tmt.G.Mangayarkarasi, Consumer
Thiru.V.Selvaraj, No.43, 44, Apple 83 No.03307004680, Coimbatore.
avenue, Appanayakkan Palayam road, M/s.Appan Coirs, S.F. No. 163/1, Main
62 Coimbatore – 34. Road, Ponnachiyur, samathur (PO),
M/s.Green Power System, Eder 84 Pollachi Taluk.
63 Palayam, Papanpatti, Coimbatore. M/s.Sri Nandha Coirs, SF No.161/1C1,
Thiru.K.Thangaraj, M/s. Sree sai (Samathur), Ponnachiyur, Samathur
64 construction, Erode. 85 (PO), Pollachi – 642 123.
65 Tmt.T. Sulochana, Erode. M/s.Evershine Fibres, SF No. 206/4-C,
Thiru.K. Ponnusamy, Tiruppur. 86 rangampudur, Negamam – 642 120.
M/s.Evershine Pith Products, SF No.
Thiru.K. Ponnuswamy, (Arul Fibers),
206/4-C, rangampudur, Negamam – 642
67 Tirupur
87 120.
68 Thiru.A.Shanmugam, Palladam
M/s.Eco max,SF No. 562/B,
69 Thiru.K.Ponnuswamy, Kangayam Nelluthurai Road, Chinna Kombu,
M/s.Bagavathy Mills, 6/122-H, S.F.No. 88 Aliyar Post, Pollachi Taluk, Coimbatore
203/4, Saraswathy Nagar, M/s.Sri sakthi Fibres, SF No. 410/3C,
Semmandampalayam Pudur, somanur – 89 Devanallur, Pollachi.
70 641 668, Coimbatore. M/s.Amman Fibres, SF No. 163/3,
M/s.Lakshmi Precision Technologies Main Road, Ponnachiyur, Somathur
Ltd, 504, Avinashi Road, Peelamedu 90 (PO), Pollachi Taluk.
71 Post, coimabtore – 641 004. M/s.Sri Jayam Coir Products, 248/2,
M/s.Sri Harikrishna Coir Pith Products, Senniyur alagirichettipalayam (PO),
294/4, Avalappampatti, A.Nagoor-PO, 91 sulakkal, Pollachi Taluk.
72 Pollathi-642 120. Thiru. Mathialakan, M/s. Sri
M/s.Kannapiran Fibre Exports, 210/3, Veerakumar Fibres, 28/1, Zamin
Avalappampatti, A.Nagoor-PO, Kottampatti Road,
73 Pollathi-642 120. 92 PethanaickanurVillage, Polalchi-34.
M/s. Samy Coirs, SF No. 292/1, M/s. Sri Veerakumar Fibres, 28/1,
74 Kolarpatti, Pollachi, Coimbatore-7. Zamin Kottampatti Road,
M/s.Sanjithraj Fibres, SF No. 178/1C, 93 PethanaickanurVillage, Polalchi-34.
75 Kolarpatti, Pollachi, Coimbatore-7. M/s.Sri Sri Coirs, SF No. 112/1, Ramar
M/s.Coco Flora, Karappadi, Kocil Road, periya Negamam (PO), 642
Poosaraipatti (Post), Pollachi – 642 205, 94 120.
76 Coimbatore district. M/s. Sree Vishnu Fibre Units, 267/1,
M/s.Sri Harikrishna Coir Pith Products, Kalaippanpalayam, Negamam – 642
294/4, Avalappampatti, A.Nagoor-PO, 120, Pollachi Taluk, Coimbatore
77 Pollathi-642 120. 95 district.
M/s.Sri Harikrishna Coir Pith Products, Thiru. K.S. Palaniswamy, M/s. Sree
294/4, Avalappampatti, A.Nagoor-PO, Vishnu Fibre Units, 267/1,
78 Pollathi-642 120. 96 Kalaippanpalayam, Negamam – 642
120, Pollachi Taluk, Coimbatore Malayandipattinam – 642 114.
district. M/s.A.G. Coir, 109/1Ba, Chettiakka
Thiru N. Ragunath, M/s.Shree 113 Palayam. Pollachi taluk, Coimbatore.
Vetrivinayagar Fibres, SF No. 152/3D, M/s.Rayar Fibres, SF No. 58/1,
97 Kallipatti, Village, Pollachi – 642 120. naickenpalayam, (PO), Zamin Uthukulli
Thiru.S. Rameshkumar, M/s.Shree 114 (Via), Pollachi – 642 004.
Vetrivinayagar Fibres, SF No. 152/3D, M/s.Selvaniranjan Cotton & Coir
98 Kallipatti, Village, Pollachi – 642 120. Export, 263/1, Meenakarai Road,
M/s.Sri Seniandavar Fibres, 115 Zaminuthukuli, Pollachi – 642 004.
333/2B-2A, Rediarmadam, Rediarur M/s. Suriya Coir Products, SF No. 164,
99 (PO), Pollachi Taluk – 642 007. 1A-11, Kallipatti village,
M/s. Sri Hariharasudan coirs, SF No. Kondegounden Palayam (PO), Pollachi
116/1A & 1C, Pollachi Main Road, 116 Taluk.
100 Periyanegamam – 64 2 120. M/s. Hari Krishna Coco Products &
Thiru KVN. Thiruvenkhadam, Exports, SF No. 116/1, 116/2, 116/3B
M/s.Nature Coir Co., SF No. 91/3, (S.Ponnapuram), Ponnachiyur,
Kallipatti, Kg Palayam (PO), Pollachi – 117 Samathur (PO), Pollachi – 642 123.
101 642 120. Thiru M.Rangaraj, Sri Annanmar Pith
Tmt. T. Sugannthi, M/s.Nature Coir block, 4/4, New Narijana St,
Co., SF No. 91/3, Kallipatti, Kg Ponnachiyur, Samathur (Post), Pollachi
102 Palayam (PO), Pollachi – 642 120. 118 – 642 123.
M/s. Sri Sakthi Vinayaga Fibres, 24/8, M/s. Sri Selvakumaran Coir Products,
Erithottam, Chandrapuram, Negamam, Reddiarmadam, Reddiarur (PO),
103 Pollachi. 119 Pollachi taluk – 642 007.
M.s, Marutham Coir Fibre, SF 139. M/s. Mati Coir, 385/1, 386/1F,
Panchayat Back Side, Kottur Reddiyurmadam, Reddiyarur (PO),
104 Malayandipattinam – 642 114. 120 Pollachi – 642 007.
Senthur Fibre, SF -139, Panchayat Back M/s. Mathi Fibre, Reddiar Madam,
Side, Kottur Malayandipattinam – 642 121 Reddiarur (PO), Pollachi
105 114. Sri Selvakumaran Coir Bricts, 334/1,
Thiru N.Dharmaraj, Nagajothi Coirs, SF S.Nallur, Readdiarmadam, Reddiarur
No. 183/C1, Nelludurai Road, 122 (PO), Pollachi taluk – 642 007.
Kotturmalaiyandipatinam, Pollachi M/s. Sri Vinayaga Fibres, SF no. 63/7-
106 Taluk. B1, Kakkadavu, Kakkadavu Post,
M/s. Neelaveni Coir Products, Porasan 123 Pollachi Taluk – 642 120.
Kadu. Periya Vaikalmettu Thottam. M/s. Amman coirs, SF No. 286/28,
Devanampalayam Post, Pollachi Taluk Nattukkaipalayam Road,
107 – 642 120, Coimbatore district. Suleeswaranpatti Post, Pollachi 642
M/s.Pranavi Coir Products, 58/2, 124 006.
108 Kolarpatti, Pollachi – 642 107. Sri Ganesh Fibre, Sf no 182/2b1,
M/s.Span Coir, SF No. 784, A.1.A. 125 Coimbatore.
Jayaprakash Street, Chellamuthu Nagar, M/s. OM Sakthi Fibre, 10/21, Pulavan
kottur-Malayandipattinam P.O. Pollachi Kadu, Vanjiyapuram, Zamin
109 – taluk. Kottampatti, Suleeswaranpatti Post,
M/s.Sri Raam Coirs, SF No. 92/1B2, 126 Pollachi.
Chandirapuram Road, Makkinampatti M/s. Vanjiamman Coirs, 30/2A,
110 (PO), Pollachi – 642 003. 127 Aathupollachi, Pollachi – 642 103.
M/s.Sri Hydroponic, SF No. 92/1B2, M/s. Sri Sakthi Fibre, Devanallur,
Chandirapuram Road, Makkinampatti 128 Pollachi.
111 (PO), Pollachi – 642 003. M/s. Madappatt Exports, 93/4A1 &
M/s.Bairavaa Cocopeat, SF 139, 93/3A, M.N. Noor Road, Thoraiyur,
112 Panchayat Back Saide, Kottur 129 Pollachi, Coimbatore-642007.
M/s. Susi Coirs, 70/2B, Krishnar Kovil Nagar, Kottur-Malayandipattinam PO,
Road. Aathu Pollachi, Pollachi – 642 Pollachi taluk.
130 103. M/s. Sri Venkateswara Fibres,
M/s. Sri Venkatesa Fibres, Narayanachettipalayam, Pollachi – 642
131 Seelakampatty, Pollachi Taluk. 146 110, Coimbatore district.
M/s.Vijayalakshmi coir Products, M/s. Sri Krisna Fibres, SF No. 118/1A1,
1/174/2, Gedimedu, Gomangalam P.O. (Ponnapuram), Ponnachiyur, Samathur
132 Pollachi-642 107. 147 (PO), Pollachi-642 123.
M/s.Green Coco Galaxy, 20/5, T.K. M/s. Sri Vangalamman Fibres, 363/1,
Puthur Road, Rasichettipalayam sinjuvadi Thottam. Laksmapuram PO,
Village, Zaminuthukuli, Pollachi-642 148 Pollachi Taluk
133 004. M/s. Four Square fibres, SF no.
M/s. Coco Galaxy Exim, 20/4, T.K. 319/1A1, Meatucolony, Pethanaickanur
Puthur Road, Rasichettipalayam 149 (PO), Pollachi
Village, Zaminuthukuli, Pollachi-642 150 M/s. RJ Coirs, 24/2, Ponnachiyur
134 004. M/s. Sri Azhagunachiamman coirs, SF
M/s.Sri Lakshmi Coir, 151 No. 192/3d, Zamin Kottampatti
Thiru.N.Senthilkumar, Consumer M/s. Hari Krishna CoCo Products &
135 No.033930061879, Coimbatore. Exports, SF No. 116/1, 116/2, 116/3B
M/s.Standard Fibres, SF No., 054, (S.Ponnapuram), Ponnachiyur,
Coimbatore Main Road, 152 Samathur (PO), Pollachi -642 123.
S.mettupalayam Village, Kovilpalayam M/s. Shri Harini Coirs, 1,
136 (PO), Pollachi-642 110. 153 S.Ponnapuram, Samathur, Pollachi
M/s.S.K. Coir Products, 145/4C, M/s. Mayur Green Tech, 21,
147/2A1, Kallipatti Village, 154 Kunjipalayam
Kondegoundenpalayam (PO), Pollachi M/s. Galuku Venture Inc., 102,1B,
137 taluk, Coimbatore – 642 120. 155 Vellalpalayam, Pollachi
M/s. Akul Fibres, SF No. 72/1A2A, M/s. Galuku Exports India Pvt, Ltd..,
72/1A2C, Kuruncheri, 156 75/1, Vellalpalayam, Pollachi
Thenkumarapalayam Post, Pollachi – M/s. Sri Kodiswara Pith Block, 3/241,
138 642 107. Parai St, Aval Chinnam Palaiyam,
M/s. Sri Kumaran Curling, SF No. 62/7, 157 Pollachi
Kakkadavu, Kakkadavu P.O. Pollachi M/s. Maheswari Coir, 55/1, Mill
139 taluk - 642 120. Thottam, Kallipatti, Negamam – 642
M/s.MP ECO Products Pvt. Ltd., SF 158 120.
No. 97/1, Koolanaikanpatti, M/s. Sri Annamar Fibres, 2/808,
Gomangalam Via, Pollachi – 642 107, Zamminkottampatti, Vanchiya Puram
140 Coimbatore district. 159 pirivu, Pollachi
M/s.Sri Chellandiamman Fibres, 272, M/s. Grand Coco Bricks, SF No. 61/3,
Nallur, Reddiarmadam (PO), Pollachi 160 Karuppam Palayam. Pollachi
141 Circle.
M/s. Chellammal Fibre, 109/1A1A2,
M/s. Sri Ambal Fibres, SF No. 113/5E, paljarar Thottam, suleeswaranpatti,
Seelakkampatti (PO). Pollachi Taluk, 161 Pollachi
142 Coimbatore district.
M/s. N.G.L. Coirs, 67/3B-7, Samathur
M/s.Sakthi Murugan Fibre, SF No. 563, 162 Samathur (PO), Pollachi-642 123.
Allyar Keel Road, Chinna Kombu,
M/s. Murugaa Coirrs, 67/3E, Main
143 Aliyar – 642 101, Coimbatore.
163 Road, Samthur (Post), Pollachi
M/s.Sri Jayam Coir Products, 248/2,
M/s. Deivavelu Fibre, SF 87/1A,
Senniyur Alagirichettipalayam (PO),
164 Ayyampalayam, Pollachi
144 Sulakkai, Pollachi taluk.
M/s. Aadhavan Coirs, SF No 397/3A1,
M/s.Sri sivasakthi Coir, SF No. 784A,
165 Ammegoundanur, Kanjampatti (P.O.)
145 1A, Jayaprakash Street, Chellamuthu
M/s. Sri Bagavathiamman Coirs, Coimbatore-642007
166 163/1A1, Nattukkalpalayam, v M/s. PKS Coir Enterprises, SF.No.94/1,
M/s. Elite Fibre, SF No. 231/2, 97/2, Palanigoundanur pirivu,
Pethanaickanur Village, Pethanaickanur Muthugoundanur, Sokkanur po,
167 (Post), Pollachi – 642 134. 184 Kinathukadavu-642109.
M/s. Mathi Coir, 385/1, Kambalapatti, M/s. Vishakan Coirs, No.278/106,
168 Anamalai, Pollachi-642 007. Nallampalli, Kolarpatti po, Pollachi-
M/s. Sivaselvam Coirs, 360/2B, Anna 185 642107.
nagar, Chettipalayam, Kolarpatti, M/s. K.P.Coirs, SF.No.95/3A,
169 Pollachi. S.Ponnapuram, Samathur Po, Pollachi
M/s. Saravana Fibre Product, SF No. 186 Tk, -642123, Coimbatore.
784, A3/B, Chellamuthu Nagar, Kottur M/s. Garuda Coirs, No.243/7,
Malayandipattinam (PO), Pollachi taluk Aishwarya Garden,
170 – 624 114. Thenkumarapalayam,
M/s. Shree Veerakumar Fibre, SF No. Chinnabomansalai (via), Pollachi-
305/1A, S. Ayyampalayam, udumlai 187 642107.
171 Road, Sulur Taluk. Coimbatore. M/s. Green Coirs, Consumer
M/s. Shree Veerakumar Fibre, SF No. 188 No.03352005613, Coimbatore
305/1A, S. Ayyampalayam, udumlai M/s. Riya Comand Briquettes,
172 Road, Sulur Taluk. Coimbatore. No.62/2A7, Vakkampalayam road,
M/s. Shri Amman Coir, SF No. 63/1C1, Singanallur, Zamin Uthukulli post,
Ayyampalayam, Zamin Muthur Post, 189 Pollachi
173 Pollachi – 642 005. M/s. Sri Ragavendra Coir Products,
M/s. Sai Arjun Fibres, Kaliyapuram No.1, Kamarajar St, Mahalingapuram,
Village, Anamalai (via), Pollachi taluk, 190 Pollachi-642002
174 Coimbatore. M/s. Sri Ragavendra Fibre Products,
M/s. Kumaran Fibres, SF.No.360/1, Sinjuvadi, Lakshmapuram
Koolanaickenpatti Village outskirts, 191 PO, Pollachi Tk, Coimbatore
175 Kolarpatti, Pollachi M/s. M/s.Abhi Pith Bricks, Consumer
M/s. NIF Hydroponics, 140/4C & 4d, 192 No.03360081017, Coimbatore
Varathanur Village, negamam(via), Thiru.Kandasamy, M/s. Sree Sun
176 Pollachi – 642 120. Farms, SF.No.27/3, Chinna Bomman
M/s. Sai Coirs, No.1096/A, Salai, Pungamuthur PO, Udumalpet Tk-
Ponnalammanthurai, V.Kaliyapuram 193 642207.
177 Village, Sethumadai-642133. M/s. Sri selvanayagi amman Fibres,
M/s. Kavya Fibres, S.F.No.251, No.174/1, Nattukalpalayam,
Kulanaichenpatti, Lakshmapuram (Po), 194 Kanjampatti po, Pollachi Tk-642003
178 Pollachi (Tk), Coimbatore Dist. M/s.Athiyan Exports, New No.1/132,
M/s. Bloom Bricks, S.F.No.159/2C1, Thenkumarapalayam, Pollachi,
Koolanaickenpatti Village, Kolarpatti 195 Coimbatore rural-642107
179 Po, Pollachi-642002. M/s. Sri Ragavendra Best Fibres,
M/s. Aliyar Fibres, SF.No.296, Koolanaickenpatty,
Thensangampalayam, Angalakurichi 196 Pollachi-642107.
180 (Po), Pololachi-642007. M/s. Sri Ragavendra Best Coirs,
M/s. Ultimate Cocos, Anaimalai road, SF.No.2/122, Kulanaichenpatty,
181 Thensangampalayam, Pollachi-642007. 197 Pollachi Tk - 642107
M/s. New India Fibres, No.2/100, M/s. Sri Unique Coir, D.No.1/138,
Senguttupalayam, Negamam (Via), Sinjuvadi, Lakshmapuram (PO),
182 pollachi-642120. 198 Pollachi-642107
M/s. R. Athreeya Coirs, S.F.No.210/C, Thiru.Sampath Kumar, M/s. Sri
Duraiur village, Jallypatty panchayat, Ponkaliyamman Coir Products,
183 Kampalapatty (Po), Pollachi Tk, 199 SF.No.83/1, Kasipattinam, Kanjampatti
(Po), Pollachi-3 V.Kaliyapuram Po, Pollachi-642129,
M/s.Sri Ponkaliyamman Coir Products, Coimbatore
SF.No.83/1, Kasipattinam, Kanjampatti M/s.Sri Vinayaka Fibres, No.371/1B,
200 (Po), Pollachi Meenakarai road, Subegoundanpudur,
M/s. Sreenath Coirs, No.293/1, 218 Pollachi-642103
Sinnjuvadi kundalapatti, Lakshmapuram M/s.Ska Coirs, No.245/1cp, Sethumadai
201 Po, Pollachi-642107. main road, Devipattinam, Pollachi-
M/s. Udyam Fibres, No.8/3A3, 219 642133
202 Nalluthukuli Village, Pollachi-642005 M/s.Sai Sakthi Fibre, T.Kottampatti,
M/s. Lavanya Coir and Exports, 220 Pollachi
No.177/2A5, Thimmankuthu Village, M/s.Sri Vasavi Fibre Industries,
203 Mannur Po, Pollachi 221 Kollarpattysungam, Pollachi
M/s. Janani Coir Products, M/s.Alam Cocos, Aandipalayam,
Thiru.K.M.Palanisamy, Consumer 222 Negamam, Pollachi
204 No.033310041050, Coimbatore M/s.Sri Sakthi Fibres,
M/s. Muthu Coirs, No.141/4, Sathuparai 223 Ambarampalayam, Pollachi
Sithoor, Thimmankuthu Po, Pollachi- M/s.Sri sivam Coirs, No.369/3G,
205 642005 Amsigoundanoor, Reddiyarur,
M/s.Gold Coirs, No.160/1A, 224 Anaimalai Pollachi
Pappanuthu road, Peria valavady, M/s.Aaradhana Fibres, SF.No.204/2C5,
206 Udumalpet 225 Nagoor road, Kanjampatti, Pollachi
M/s.Sri Ambal Fibres, SF.No.113/5 E, M/s.Roott Zones, No.483/C1,
Seelakkalatti PO, Pollachi Tk, Marchanaiackanpalayam, V.K. Nagoor,
207 Coimbatore-642205 226 Pollachi-642103.
M/s.SMBE Fibre Mills, No.90/1A, M/s. Indu Sri Coir Products,
Duraiyur Village, Kampalapatty Po, SF.No.91/6A, Seelakampatti PO,
208 Pollachi Tk, Coimbatore 227 Pollachi-642205
M/s.Jai Anjaneya Coco traders, M/s.Amar Coir (P) Ltd, No.108,
No.201/1A2, Koyakkadu, Chettipalayam road, Ponnegoundanoor,
209 Devanampalayam, Pollachi-642120 228 Pollachi-642107.
M/s. Kannan Exim, No.481/1, M/s.TSA Fibres, SF.No.104/1B,
Vazhaikombu Nagoor, 229 Ponnegoundanoor, Pollachi-642107
Ambarampalayam Po, Pollachi Tk, M/s.Vijayalakshmi Fibres, SF.No.440/3,
210 Coimbatore Gedimedu, Gomangalam PO, POllachi-
M/s.DTree Coco Fibres, No.256/3, 230 642107
Ponnada koundanur Thotathu salai, Thiru.Rameshkumar, M/s.Parasakthi
211 Coimbatore Cocotex Products, No.24/10, 1/13f, N
M/s.Sri Vangalamman Fibres, Chandrapuram road, Erithottam,
No.363/1, Sinjuvadi Thottam 231 Negamam, Pollachi
212 Lakshmapuram (PO), Pollachi Tmt.C.Dhanalakshmi, M/s.Parasakthi
M/s.Euco Coirs, Consumer Cocotex Products, No.24/10, 1/13f, N
213 No.03336008847, Coimbatore Chandrapuram road, Erithottam,
M/s.Siva Fibre Products, Negamam, 232 Negamam, Pollachi
214 Pollachi-642120 M/s.Sri Varshan Coirs, No.147/1B1,
M/s.Cocobi, SF.No.5/2A, Negamam Chinneripalayam to
Vellalapalayam, Pollachi-Palladam SH- 233 Chinnanegamam POllachi
215 19, Pollachi-642120. Thiru.S.Arunkumar, M/s.Sri Jayam
M/s.Siva Selvi Coirs, SF.No.334/1A, Fibre Products, No.46, Dhali road,
216 Servaikaranpalayam, Pollachi-642110 234 Negamam, Pollachi
M/s.Coco Coir / Industries, No.882/1-C, Thiru.M.Subramaniam, M/s.Sri Jayam
217 Ponnalammanthurai road, Fibre Products, No.46, Dhali road,
235 Negamam, Pollachi
M/s.Sri Kaliamman Fibre Products, M/s.Premier Coir International,
SF.No.93/3, 42/3A, Kallipatti, 254 No.2/137, NGR Nagar, Puliampatti
Kondagoundenpalayam Po, Pollachi- M/s.Thavanithi Coirs, No.232/A1C,
236 642120, Coimbatore Arriyagounder thottam, Chellapillai
Thiru.S.Arun kumar, M/s.Sri karadi, Kaliyapuram Village,
Kaliamman Fibre Products, SF.No.93/3, 255 Anaimalai-642129.
42/3A, Kallipatti, M/s.Sri Vinayaka Fibres, No.371/1B,
Kondagoundenpalayam Po, Pollachi- Meenkarai road, Subegoundanpudur,
237 642120, Coimbatore 256 Pollachi-642103
M/s.Sri Vishnu Lakshmi Fibres, M/s.Ska Coirs, No.245/1Cp,
SF.No.91/6, Seelakampatti Po, Pollachi- Sethumadai main road, Devipattinam,
238 642205 257 Pollachi-642133
M/s.Coco Substates India (P) ltd, M/s. Sri selvanayagi amman Fibres,
No.SF.No.998F1A1, Chettiarpathi, No.174/1, Nattukkalpalayam,
239 Sethumadai, Pollachi-642133. Kanjampatti (po), Pollachi Tk – 642003,
M/s.Sri Fibre, No.137/3A, 258 Coimbatore
Karumapuram, Kondegoundenpalayam, M/s.Shri Amman Coir, No.63/1C1,
240 Pollachi Ayyampalayam, Zaminmuthur PO,
M/s.Sree Sai Coco Products, No.14/1, 259 Pollachi Tk, Coimbatore
241 Nalluthukuli PO, Pollachi M/s.Indu Sri Coir Products,
M/s. Logesh Fibre Products, No.180/1, SF.No.91/6A, Seelakkampatti Po,
Kanjampatti road, Thippampatti po, 260 POllachi-642205
242 Pollachi M/s.Shri Murugan Fibre Mills, No.67/1,
M/s.Selvam Coco Tech,SF.No.221/2, Meenakshi road, Ambarampalayam,
243 Thimmankuthu Village, Pollachi 261 Pollachi-642103
M/s.FibreUp, Zamin kottampatti, M/s.Coir Breed, No.3/33(A), Venin
244 Pollachi agar, Makkinampatti po, Pollachi-
M/S.Natural Coirs, SF.No.998, F1A, 262 642003
Chettiarpathi, Sethumadai, Pollachi- M/s.Saras Agro, No.5/21B, Velavan
245 642133. nagar, Gedimedu, Gomangalam Po,
M/s. Titan Coirs, No.4/68, Anaimalai – 263 Pollachi-642107
Udumalpettai road, Near Moola M/s.Western Ghats, No.3/37,
vinayagar koil, Rm pudur Pirivu, Chettipalayam, Kolarpatti po, Pollachi-
246 Thenchittur Po-642134 264 642107
M/s.Thadagai Fibres, No.63, TN Kovil M/s. Vee Internationals, No.1/169A,
247 St, Kunjipalayam Zamin Utukuli Negamam main road, Poosaripatti PO,
M/s.Jai Anjaneya Coco Traders, 265 Pollachi Tk – 642205
No.201/1A2, Koyakkadu, M/s. Kannan Fibres, No.481/1,
Devanmapalayam (Po), Kinathukadavu Vazhaikombu Nagoor,
248 Tk, Coimbatore-642120 Ambarmpalayam PO, Pollachi Tk,
M/s.Thadagai Curled Coirs, No.63, TN 266 Coimbatore
249 koil St, Kunjipalayam, Zamin Uthukuli M/s.Kannan Coir Products, No.481/1,
M/s.Macocopeat, No.171/b2, Vazhaikombu Nagoor,
b3naickenpalayam village, Pollachi- Ambarmpalayam PO, Pollachi Tk,
250 642003 267 Coimbatore.
251 M/s.Dhamu Fibers, Pollachi M/s. MP Eco Products (P) Ltd,
M/s.Sri JV Coir Yarns, No.2/127, Ngr Sf.No.97/1, Koolanaickenpatti village,
252 Nagar, Puliampatti, Pollachi-2 268 Gomangalam via, Pollachi, Coimbatore
M/s.Sri Vigneshwara Coirs, No.1/13C, M/s.Kaliamman Fibers, No.209/6,
Earithottam N Chandrapuram road, Mothirapuram, Suleswarenpatti,
Negamam-642120, Pollachi Tk, 269 Pollachi, Coimbatore
253 Coimbatore 270 M/s. Veerakumar Coirs, Sf.No.8,
Ayyampalayam, Z.Muthur, Pollachi- M/s. Tharun Coir Products, Sf.No.775
642005 B3, Near bagavathi amman temple,
M/s.Sri Jayam Coir Products, No.248/2, 288 Indra Nagar road, Kottur-642114.
Alagirichetty palayam (PO), Senniyur, M/s. Pon Deepika Fibres, No.933/10,
271 Kinathukidavu Tk, Chinnampalayam road, Anaimalai,
M/s.MM Fibres, Sf.No.63/4, 289 Coimbatore-642104
272 Sellappampalayam, Udumalpet-642207 M/s. Krish Coir Enterprises,
M/s.Sri Veerakamachi Amman Coirs, 290 Sf.No.286/1B-B4, Nallampalli, Pollachi
Sf.No.183/1A, Mamarathupatti, M/s.Shastha Fibre, Sf.No.233/2A,
thenkumarapalayam, Pollachi, Modhirapuram, Suleshwaranpatti PO,
273 Coimbatore-642107 291 Pollachi-200064.
M/s.Sri Eswari Fibre, No.83/2C, Eripatti M/s. Ballu Coir Products,
274 road, Thippampatti, Pollachi-642107 S.F.No.775A1, Near bagavathi amman
M/s.Muthu Coirs, No.141/4, Sathuparai temple, Indra Nagar road, Kottur-
Chittur, Thimmanguthu po, Pollachi Tk, 292 642114.
275 Coimbatore-642005 Thiru.K.Rameshkannan, M/s. Sri
M/s.Kavery Fibres, No.1/262A, Zamin Senthur Rice Mill, Sathupparaichittur,
276 Kottampatti, Pollachi Thimmanguthu Po, Pollachi Tk,
M/s.Athiyan Exports, No.1/132, 293 642005.
Thenkumarapalayam, Pollachi Tk, Thiru.M.Boopalan, M/s. Sri Senthur
277 Coimbatore -642107 Rice Mill, Sathupparaichittur,
M/s.Everest Coir, No.62/1C3, Thimmanguthu Po, Pollachi Tk,
S.Chandrapuram, Unjavallampatti po, 294 642005.
278 Pollachi Tk, Coimbatore M/s. Senthur Fibres, S.f.No.13/2B13,
M/s.Selvakumarasamy Coir Products, 13/2B3, Rasichettipalayam, Zamin
Sf.No.81/1, Erisinampatti PO, 295 Uthukuli, Pollachi, Coimbatore-642004.
279 Udumalpet Tk, Tirupur -642207 M/s. Sri Vishnu Lakshmi Fibres,
M/s. Sambath Coirs, No.3/132B, 296 Sf.No.91/6A, Seelakkampatti, Pollachi
Mamarathupatti, Thenkumarapalayam M/s. The Cotton Hub,
280 (Po0, Pollachi-642107 Semmandampalayam,
M/s. Sathis Fibres, No.264/1F 1D 297 Coimbatore641668
K.Nagoor, Thippampatti, Kanjampatti The Partner, M/s.Savitha Textiles,
281 Po, Pollachi-642003 No.9/64, Poolakkadu Thottam,
M/s. Anu Angayarkanni Coir Mills Pvt Semmandampalayam Pudur,
Ltd, Bangala medu, Kaliapuram Semmandampalayam post, Somanur –
Village, Sethumadai Po, POllachi- 298 641 668, Coimbatore.
282 642133 M/s. Shine Textiles, 6/118,
M/s. SethuCocos, SF.No.754/2A, Semmandampalayam Pudur,
Sumaithangi, V.kaliapuram, Pollachi Semmandampalayam post, Somanur –
283 Tk-642129 299 641 668, Coimbatore
M/s. Anar Coir (P) Ltd Unit – ll, M/s. C. Sundaram Chettiar & sons, Sri
Sf.No.197/1A1, Chettipalayam road, Karunambikai Ginning Factory,
Ponnegoundanoor, Thenkumarapalayam 300 Avanashi - 641 654, Coimbatore
284 village &Po, Pollachi-642107. M/s. C.S. Spinning Mills, 50 to 54, Post
M/s.Logesh Coir Products, No.179/1, Office Road, Avanahi – 641 654,
285 Kanjampatti po, Pollachi 301 Tirupur District.
M/s. Akul Fibres, No.72/1A2A, M/s. Jai Anjaneyaa Textile, Shed No.
Kuruncheri, Thenkumarapalayam Po, 24, 25, SIDCO Industrial Estate,
286 Pollachi Gudimangalam Post, Udumalpet Taluk
M/s. Vallalar Fibres, No.56/3, Nallur, 302 – 642 201, Tiruppur District
287 Sellapalayam Po, Pollachi The Proprietor, M/s.Sri Akkamma
303 Textiles, S.F. No.3/C – Poolavadi Main
Road, Kondampatty post – 642 201, via, Coimbatore – 641 402
Udumapet Taluk, Tiruppur District The Manager, M/s.Sri Srinivasa
The Partner, M/s. S.R. Textiles, Spintex, 4/62, 4/62/1, Paramsivam
No.1/362, Mettuthottam, Udumalpet Kovil Thottam, Kannanpalayam, Sulur,
304 Road, Palladam – 641 664 318 Coimbatore – 641 402.
The Partner, M/s. Sri Renuga Garments, The Proprietor, M/s.Padma Textile
Old No. 2/67-B, New No.2/252, Kula Engineers, 4/654-1,
Thottam, Chithampalam post, Palladam Pethamuchipalayam, Saalapuram post,
305 – 641 664, Tiruppur District 319 Somanur via, Tirupur District -641 663
The Partner, M/s Sri Renuga Cottons, The Proprietor, M/s. Shri Skandguru
SF No 12/2, Near Pulliyappampalayam, Cotton Mills, SF No. 195/8,
Kethanur post, Kethanur – 641 671, semmandampalayam Pudur, Somanur –
306 Palladam 320 641 668, Sulur Taluk, Coimbatore
The Partner, M/s Sri Renuga Cottons, The Proprietor, M/s. Jayachitra Fabrics,
SF No 12/2, Near Pulliyappampalayam, SF No. 411, semmandampalayam
Kethanur post, Kethanur – 641 671, Pudur, Somanur – 641 668, Sulur Taluk,
307 Palladam 321 Coimbatore District
Thiru Gugan, President, CREDAI The Proprietrix, M/s. Sarvesh Cotton
Coimbatore, Gowtham Arcade, 2nd Mills, No.47/AI, Mariamman Kovil St,
Floor, 208, T.V. Swamy Road East, Kallapalayam, Samalapuram, Somanur
308 R.S. Puram, Coimbatore – 641 002. 322 – 641 668, Tiruppur
Thiru A.D. Thirumoorthy, Energy The Proprietor, M/s Mahavishnu
Consultant, B.64, Sreevatsa Gardens, Trading and company, No.47A,
309 Thudiyalur, Coimbatore – 641 034. Valluvar Sreet, Kallapalayam,
The Chairman, M/s. Coimbatore District Samalpuram, Somanur – 641 668,
Grill Manufacturer Welfare Association, 323 Tiruppur District.
145/70, Mulaithottam, Kural Poonga, The Partner, LR Spinners, SF No.
Sakthi Main Road, Ganapathy, 230/8A, Dasapa Gounder Thottam,
310 Coimbatore – 6 Teungupalayam, M.G. Palayam Village,
Dr. D. Manoharan, Chief Engineer Pillayappampalayam post, Annur Taluk,
/Distribution, Coimbatore (Rtd.), email 324 Coimbatore – 641 653.
311 id [email protected] The Proprietor, R L Spinners, No.1/87,
The Partner, M/s. Sri Sakthi Spinners, Telugupalayam Road, telugupalaya
No.6/110-C, Vadakkuthottam, pudur, Pillaiyappampalayam post,
Rangasmuthiram, Panikkampatti post – 325 Annur, Coimbatore – 641 653.
312 641 664, Palldam Taluk, Tiruppur. Thiru P. Goverththanan, State President,
The Partner, M/s. Darsan Textiles, No.3, Industrial cell, ‘Kamalalayam’, No.19,
K.P.K. Nagar, veeriampalayam Road, 326 Vaidyaram St, T. Nagar, Chennai-17
313 Kalapatti, Coimbatore – 48 Thiru P. Danasekaran, Chairman, Erode
The Chairman, Airvendar N. MattrumTiruppur Mavatta Thennai saar
Dandapani, Sivasubramania Complex, Porutkal Urpathiyaargal Sangam, No.
Nachiappa Gounder Street, Dharmapuri 285/1A3,Thambiranvalasu,
314 – 636 701. Kongudayampalyam, village, Kasturiba
Thiru .N.Dhandapani, No. 2/246, Gramam Post, Arachalur via, Erode 638
Airvendar Thottam, Rasipalayam, Sulur 327 101
315 via, Coimbatore – 641 402 Thiru B.G. Pandyan, Coir and Coir
The President, Tiruppur, Palladam 328 Allied Products,
Taluk , Rice Mill Owner’s Association, Thiru Thirumalaisamy, M/s. Sri
No.128, Old Market Road, Tiruppur – Vinyaga Fibers, No. 501/6,
316 641 604. Karuppasamy Pudhur, Myvadi Village,
Thiru M.Ponnusamy, No. 2/246, 329 Madathukulam, Tiruppur 642 203.
317 Airvendar Thottam, Rasipalayam, Sulur
The Proprietor, LNF Mills, RSF No. Thiru Easwaran Kaliappan, M/s.
94/5B, Engineer Thottam, Virutcham Coirs, No.265/1B,
Sanarpalayam, Vijayamangalam – 638 Sedimuthur Road, Mannur, Pollachi,
330 056, Erode District. 347 Coimbatore – 642 005.
Thiru Zakkir Hussain. A, Proprietor, M/s. Sri Kumaran Mills, Poomalur
Ghouse Fibres, No.576/2G, Myvadi 348 mangalam, Palladam – 641 663.
Village, Krishnapuram post, M/s. Indian Wind Power Association,
331 Madathukulam Taluk – 642 113. 349 Coimbatore
M/s. Jai Jai Fibre Industries, Consumer M/s. Coimbatore Kadu Kuttai Neeratru
332 No.03-310-011-1871, Coimbatore Nilathadi Neer serivoottu Sangam,
M/s. Saravana Gugan Fibres , Consumer No.5,Krishnarayapuram,Chettypalayam,
333 No.03-311-00-51-086, Coimbatore 350 Coimbatore -641 201
M/s Aanoor Bagley Coir (P) Ltd., Thiru P. Thulasimani, M/s. Erode
No.19,A.T.D.St,RaceCourse, District Rice Mill Owner’s Association,
334 Coimbatore – 641 016 No.217/3, K.S. Jagadeesan Arangam,
M/s. Sai Mandradiar Associates, No.19, Karur by-pass Road, Kollampalayam,
AT.D. Street, Racecourse, Coimbatore – 351 Erode – 638 002.
335 641 018. M/s. Vijayakala Textiles, S.F. No. 65,
M/s. The Sun Coir, No.236, Big Bazaar Semmandampalayam, Somanur,
336 Street, Dharapuram – 638 656, Tiruppur 352 Coimbatore
M/s. Brihaspathi Fiber, No.1627-A, Thiru R. Muthukumarasamy,
Senkandipudur, Myvadi post, No.8/1972, Semmandampalayam,
337 Madathukkulam Taluk, Tirupur 642203. 353 Somanur, Coimbatore
M/s. SKE Sree Kumaran Exports, New Thiru R. Ponnusamy, No.8/197H,
D. No. 660/6, Old No. 519/9, GVG Semmandampalayam, Somanur,
Nagar, Saminathapuram, Pushpathur 354 Coimbatore
338 Post, Palani Taluk, Dindigul – 642 618. Thiru M. Duraisamy, M/s. Rajamman
Thiru S. Gurusamy, M/s. Sree Ram Mills, No.8/135-B, Vadakkala Thottam,
Guru Coirs, Consumer No.03-07-800- Semmandampalayam, Somanur-641
339 4117 355 668, Coimbatore
Tmt S. Ramalakshmi, Consumer no.03- Thiru M. Kanagaraj, M/s. Durai Tex,
340 07-800-4138 No.8/135-A, Semmandampalayam,
Tmt T. Sulochana, Consumer No.04-03- 356 Somanur-641 668, Coimbatore
341 900-1780, Coimbatore M/s. Shree Hari Textiles, S.F. No.
Thiru K. Thangaraj, M/s. Sree Saai 5/208-1, Velliampalayam pirivu,
342 Coirs, Consumer NO.040390011080 Pukkulam post, Udumalpet – 642 154,
Tmt. M. Dhanalakshmi, M/s. Gowtham 357 Tiruppur
Coirs,No.309-1C,Sundamedu, M/s. Sri Amman Yarns, No. 8/110-C,
Varathappampalayam, P. Pachapalayam Agraharaputhur, Mangalam, Tirupur –
343 post, Kangayam – 638 701, Tiruppur. 358 641 663.
Thiru Nataraj, M/s. Sri Amman M/s RKR Cotton Mills, S.F. No.43, D.
Textiles, 40D, Devampalyattugoundar No. 9/107, Thonimedu Thottam, A.G.
thottam,Telunganpalayam, Puthur post, Mangalam via, Tiruppur
Pillaipalayam post, Annur 641 653, 359 District – 641 663.
344 Coimbatore. M/s. S S Textiles, 8/145-C, A.G.
M/s. Sri Swamy yarns, No.40/G, Puthur, A.G. Puthur Post, Mangalam
Telunga palayam, Pillayapam palayam 360 (via), Tirupur – 641 663.
345 post, Annur 641 653, Coimbatore Thiru P.K. Palanisamy, No.19/21,
Thiru Nataraj, M/s. Greenglobe Exports Avarampalayam Main Road,
(India) Pvt. Ltd., 57E, VG Rao Nagar, 361 Peelamedu, Coimbatore – 641 004.
3rd Street, Ganapathy, Coimbatore – 641 M/s. Sri Selvanayagi Amman Cotton
346 006. 362 Mills, No. 7-179, Matrannai Thottam,
Vettuvapalayam, Mangalam, Tirupur – Thiru.P.Selvaraj, No.70B,
641 663. Maruthanchetty Thottam,
Ms/ Udhayam Textiles, No.3/76/2, Narayanapuram, Palladam, Tirupur –
Therkuthottam, Vanjipalayam (RS) 377 641664.
363 post, Avinashi Taluk 641 663. Thiru.KA.Natrajan, No.74,
Thiru T. Mani, Coimbatore MSME Maruthanchetty, Narayanapuram,
Association, 102A, Sowdeswari Nagar, 378 Palladam, Tirupur – 641664.
(NearTelephoneexchange), Thiru.A.Maniyan, Lorrykarar Thottam,
Avarampalayam, Coimbatore – 641 Nasakavundanpalayam,
364 006. Sukkampalayam Post, Palladam,
Thiru.C.Sivaprakash, M/s Tirupur 379 Tirupur District – 641664.
Master Printers Association, Gemini Thiru.N.Murugasamy, No.298/3B,
365 Press, 138, Kumaran Road, Tirupur– 1 Rangakattu Thottam, Sukkampalayam
Thiru.CD.Kumaravel, President, 380 Post, Tirupur District – 641664.
Coimbatore Master Printers Tmt.Kalamani, Periyakattu Rasa
Association, No.4, Bharathiar Road, kavundanpalayam, Sukkampalayam
Pappanaicken Palayam, Coimbatore – 381 Post, Tirupur District – 641664.
366 641 037. Tmt.B.Gunasundari, No.2/38,
Thiru S.M. Raja, No.17, Vetri Murugan Kalathukadu, Rasakavundanpalayam
Nagar,Saravanampatti Post, Coimbatore Sukkampalayam Post, Tirupur –
367 – 641 035. 382 641664.
Thiru R.Kannan, No.12/131, Nattarayan Tmt.Arulpriya,
Kovil Road, Pappanpalayam, Vella Muthukavundanpalayam,
368 Kovil – 638 111, Tiruppur Rasakavundanpalayam Sukkampalayam
M/s. VKA Mills, Auto Loom Fabric 383 Post, Tirupur – 641664.
Manufacturer, No. 479/2A, Thiru.P.Chinnasami, No.2/417, West
Ryarpalayam, Palladam, Tiruppur – 641 Rasakavundanpalayam Sukkampalayam
369 664. 384 Post, Tirupur District – 641664.
Tmt.R.Sivagami,No.69, Maruthanchetty Thiru.P.Natrajan, No.2/680, West
Thottam, Narayanapuram, Palladam, Rasakavundanpalayam Sukkampalayam
370 Tirupur – 641664. 385 Post, Tirupur District – 641664.
Tmt.K.Sivagami,No.71, Maruthanchetty Tmt.M.Kavithamani, No.2/356,
Thottam, Narayanapuram, Palladam, Kalathukadu, Rasakavundanpalayam
371 Tirupur – 641664. 386 Sukkampalayam Post, Tirupur -641664.
Thiru.M.Eswaran, Maruthanchetty Thiru.E.Rajkumar, No.299/3B,
Thottam, Narayanapuram, Palladam, Rangattu Thottam,
372 Tirupur District – 641664. Rasakavundanpalayam Sukkampalayam
Thiru.P.Subramani, Trichy Road, 387 Po, Tirupur – 641664.
Panapalayam, Palladam, Tirupur Tmt.R.Kanagavalli, No.299/3B,
373 District – 641664. Rangattu Thottam,
Thiru.E.K.Boobathy, No.1097, Rasakavundanpalayam Sukkampalayam
K.S.Nagar, Bethampalayam Road, 388 Post, Tirupur – 641664.
Panapalayam, Palladam, Tirupur – Thiru.P.Rangasamy,
374 641662. Rasakavundanpalayam Sukkampalayam
Thiru.P.Shakthivel, No.2/493, G 389 Post, Tirupur – 641664.
Sundaram Nagar, Semmipalayam, Thiru.N.Dharmalingam, No.3/430,
Sukkampalayam Post, Palladam, Uppliyanthottam,
375 Tirupur – 641662. Rasakavundanpalayam Sukkampalayam
M/s.Coimbatore District Reddy Society 390 Post, Tirupur District – 641664.
Association, No.247/1 A, Shakthi Main Thiru.P.Sivaprakash, No.2/527, Pon
Road, Viswasapuram, Saravanampatti, Nagar, Semmipalayam, Palladam Taluk,
376 Coimbatore – 641035. 391 Tirupur District – 641664.
Thiru.T.Palanisamy, Elavanthi Post, Palladam, Tirupur
Rasakavundanpalayam Sukkampalayam District – 641664.
392 Post, Tirupur District – 641664. Thiru.M.Ganesha Moorthy, No.1/135,
Thiru.Ponnusamy, No.2/345, Girisipalayam Elavanthi Post, Palladam,
Moolakadu, Rasakavundanpalayam 408 Tirupur District – 641664.
Sukkampalayam Post, Tirupur – Thiru.P.Govindraj, No.1/136,
393 641664. Girisipalayam, Elavanthi Post,
Thiru.Shanmugam, 409 Palladam, Tirupur District – 641664.
Rasakavundanpalayam Sukkampalayam Thiru.S.Senthilkumar, No.2/493,
394 Post, Tirupur – 641664. Sundara Nagar, Cheemypalayam,
Tmt.T.Priya, No.2/414, West K.N.Puram, Palladam, Tirupur District
Rasakavundanpalayam Sukkampalayam 410 – 641662.
395 Post, Tirupur District – 641664. Thiru.Balakrishnan,No.2/373, Pulavan
Tmt.K.Lakhsmi, No.273, West 411 Thottam, Kalivelambatti Po, Palladam.
Rasakavundanpalayam Sukkampalayam Thiru.K.Chinnasamy, No.2/288,
396 Post, Tirupur District – 641664. 412 Kalivelambatti Po, Palladam
Thiru.P.Chinnasamy, No.3/385, Valai Thiru.N.Muthusamy, No.2/376-
Thottam, Rasakavundanpalayam Saguttaikadu Thottam, Kalivelambatti
Sukkampalayam Post, Tirupur District – 413 Po, Palladam
397 641664. Thiru.C.P.Ranganathan, No.2/132B,
Thiru.M.Aravindh, Lorrykarar Thottam, Annamar Kovil Via, Karavavi,
Rasakavundanpalayam Sukkampalayam 414 Palladam, Tiruppur-641658
398 Post, Tirupur District – 641664. Thiru.P. Balasubramaniyan, No.1/331,
Tmt.s.Ananthi, Thundukaddu Thottam, Kallukkuthukadu,
Rasakavundanpalayam Sukkampalayam Chinnagoundampalayam, Palladam,
399 Post, Tirupur District – 641664. 415 Tiruppur-641664
Tmt.K.Rukumani, No.378, West Thiru.N.Govinda raj, No.2/13C,
Rasakavundanpalayam Sukkampalayam Selvalakshmi nagar, Sedapalayam,
400 Post, Tirupur District – 641664. 416 Palladam-641664
Tmt.E.Parimala, Periyakadu Thottam, Thiru.M. Palanisamy, No.2/4/1,,
West Rasakavundanpalayam 417 Mangal 6th ward, Palladam
Sukkampalayam Post, Tirupur District – Thiru.S. Gurusamy, No.55, Kurinji
401 641664. nagar, Nananapuram, Palladam-641664,
Thiru.A.Loganathan, Pallakadu 418 Tiruppur
Thottam, Rasakavundanpalayam Thiru.P. Saravana kumar,No.2/194,
Sukkampalayam Post, Tirupur – Gandhinagar, Karavavi, Palladam,
402 641664. 419 Tiruppur-641658.
Thiru.P.Selvaraj,. No.1/183, ThiruC.Paulraj, No.2/138AA,
Girisipalayam, Elavanthi Post, Kallimettu thottam, Karadivavi,
403 Palladam, Tirupur District – 641664. 420 Palladam, Tiruppur-641658.
Thiru.R.Dhanasekar, No.1/138, Thiru.R.Murugasamy, No.2/366A,
Girisipalayam, Elavanthi Post, Thapethar Thottam (Saran Tex)
404 Palladam, Tirupur District – 641664. Vasanjeripputhur, Kethanoor via,
Thiru.P.Velusamy, No.1/136, 421 Soolur Tk, Coimbatore-641671
Girisipalayam, Elavanthi Post, Thiru.R.Balasubramaniyam, No.1/157,
405 Palladam, Tirupur District – 641664. Vinayagar kovil Veedhi,
Thiru.C.Nataraj, No.1/153, 422 Karadivavipudur, Palladam-641658
Sikiliyankattu Thottam, Girisipalayam, Thiru.R.Paramasivam, No.2/31, North
Elavanthi Post, Palladam, Tirupur Veedhi, Karadivavi, Palladam,
406 District – 641664. 423 Tiruppur-641658.
Thiru.V.Nachimuthu, No.4/91, Thiru.G. Senniyappan, Udayangadu
407 Vengakkal Kadu, Girisipalayam, 424 Thottam, Sukkampalayam Po,
K.N.Puram via, Palladam-641662 Thiru.P. Selvaraj, No.2/199, North
Thiru.S. Ramasamy, No.5/231-Injin Veedhi, Karadivavi, Palladam,
thottam, Karadivavi, Palladam, 442 Tiruppur-641658
425 Tiruppur-641658 Thiru.V.Kittusamy,No.2/144A,
Thiru.S. Govindaraj, No.5/336, Injin Gandhinagar, Karadivavi, Palladam,
thottam, Karadivavi, Palladam, 443 Tiruppur-641658
426 Tiruppur-641658 Thiru.S.Murugesan, Paraikattuthottam,
Thiru.K.Suresh, No.2/77, North Veedhi, 444 Kallampalayam, Palladam-641664
427 Karadivavi, Palladam, Tiruppur-641658 Thiru.S.Palanisamy, Sarayakkan
Thiru.R.Krishnasamy, No.2/24, North Thottam, Naranapuram PO, Palladam-
Veedhi, Karadivavi, Palladam, 445 641664
428 Tiruppur-641658 Thiru.P. Narayanasamy, No.2/92,
Thiru.N.Karuppasamy, No.5/144 H, Chemmipalayam, K.N.Puram PO,
Gandhinagar, Karadivavi, Palladam, 446 Palladam, Tiruppur-641662
429 Tiruppur-641658 Thiru.P. Krishnamoorthy,No.2/66A,
Thiru.S. Sundaram, No.2/91, North Chemmipalayam, K.N.Puram,
Veedhi, Karadivavi, Palladam, 447 Palladam, Tiruppur
430 Tiruppur-641658 Thiru.R. Sababathi, No.4/98, North
Thiru.C.Shanmugam, No.2/145, Veedhi, Karadivavi, Palladam,
Senthottam, Karadivavi, Palladam, 448 Tiruppur-641658
431 Tiruppur-641658 Thiru.R. Prabhakaran, No.3/18A,
Thiru.R. Kandhasamy, No.1/142, Mariyamman Koil Veedhi, South
Sengattuthottam, Kirisipalayam, 449 palayam, Palladam, Tiruppur
Elavandhi Po, Palladam Tk, Tiruppur Thiru.S. Ganesh, Vadakkala Thottam,
432 Dist 450 Ammapalayam, Palladam, Tiruppur
Thiru.M. Eswaramoorthy, No.1/114, Thiru.R. Saravanan,No.3/8,
Sengattuthottam, Kirisipalayam, Southpalayam, Naranapuram Po,
433 Elavandhi Po, Palladam Tk, Tiruppur 451 Palladam, 641664
Thiru.P. Mayilsamy, No.2/94, Thiru.P. Palanikumaran, Pallakattu
Sempalayam, K.V.Puram Po, Palladam, thottam, Kallampalayam, naranapuram
434 Tiruppur-641662 452 Po, Palladam-641664
Thiru.A. Kandhasamy, No.23, Thiru.K. Janaarthanan, No.1/137,
Chinnagoundar Veedhi, Naranapuram, Valkattuthottam, Kirisipalayam,
435 Palladam, Tiruppur-641664 Elavandhi Po, Palladam Tk, Tiruppur-
Thiru.S.Pathmaraj, No.5/227, 453 641664
Paraikinaru Thottam, Karadivavi, Thiru.K.Rajendran,No.23, Sarakkayan
436 Palladam, Tiruppur-641658 thottam, Southpalayam, Palladam,
Thiru.R. Balasubramaniyam, No.2/138, 454 Tiruppur
Kallimettu thottam, Karadivavi, Thiru.R. Kandhasamy,
437 Palladam, Tiruppur-641658 Veppagoundanpalayam, Panikkampatti
Thiru.K.Saminathan, No.1/111, 455 Po, Palladam, Tiruppur
Naduchenkattu thottam, Kirisipalayam, Thiru.N. Maruthamuthukumar, No.224,
438 Elavandhi Po, Palladam Tk, Tiruppur. A3, Vattarakkadu thottam, 63-
Thiru.D. Kaliyappan,No.5/123, Velampalayam, Palladam, Tiruppur-
Gandhinagar, Karadivavi, Palladam, 456 641663
439 Tiruppur-641658 Thiru.A.Arumugam, Sudukattuthottam,
Thiru.C. Thiyagarajan, No.5/253, South No.63-Velampalayam, Mangalam,
Thottam, Karadivavi, Palladam, 457 Palladam, Tiruppur
440 Tiruppur-641658 Thiru.N. Satheeskumar, Aavarangadu,
Thiru.C.Shanmugam, No.74, 63-Velampalayam, Palladam, Tiruppur-
Muthugounder Veedhi, Naranapuram, 458 641662
441 Palladam, Tiruppur 459 Thiru.C. Saravanan, Marakkadu
Thottam, 63-Velampalayam Po, Thiru.M. Marimuthu, No.6/12
Mangalam via, Tiruppur-641663 Chettiyakkampalayam, Kinathukadavu
Thiru.N. Maniyarasu, 63- 482 (Tk)
Velampalayam Po, Mangalam via, Thiru.E. Rajesh, No.1/161,
460 Tiruppur. Manikkapuram, Palladam, Tiruppur-
Thiru.K.P. Kandhasamy, No.2/313, 483 641664
Thottiyangadu, Kalivelampatti po, Thiru.A.K. Kaliyappan, No.1/261,
461 Palladam, Tiruppur 484 Manikkapuram, Palladam, Tiruppur
Thiru.S. Ragunathan, Sudukattuthottam, Thiru.A.Sundara vadivel, No.5/88,
63-Velampalayam Po, Mangalam via, Velappagoundarpalayam, Panikkampatti
462 Palladam, Tiruppur 485 PO, Palladam
Tmt.P. Saranya, No.4/51, Arakkulam, Thiru.V. Rameshkumar, Arakkulam,
463 Paruvai 486 Paruvai
Thiru.S.Veeramani, No.4/9, Arakkulam, Tmt.R. Sangeetha, No.2/313,
464 Paruvai, Vallam Thottiyangadu, kalivelambatti PO,
Thiru.R.Eswaran, No.4/16A, 487 Palladam
465 Poongottaithottam, Tiruppur Tmt.S. Pushpalatha, No.2/23,
Thiru.N.Janagi, No.4/100A, Arakkulam, 488 Kalivelampatti Po, Palladam, Tiruppur
466 Palladam Thiru.M. Gunasekaran, Naranapuram,
Thiru.V.Shanmugam, Vannan Thottam, 489 Palladam, Tiruppur
467 Arakkulam, Palladam. Thiru.A. Senniyappan, Arakkulam,
Thiru.V.Soundaraj, Vannan Thottam, 490 Paruvai, Palladam
468 Arakkulam, Palladam Thiru.S. Palanisamy, Arakkulam,
Tmt.S.Revathy, No.4/125 A, 491 Paruvai, Palladam
469 Arakkulam, Paruvai. Thiru.N. Rangasamy,No.4/66, North
Tmt.M. Nandhini, W/o.V.Senthilkumar, 492 Veedhi, Arakkulam, Paruvai, Palladam
470 Arakkulam, Palladam Thiru.N. Mahendran, Sedapalayam,
Thiru.K. Prabhakaran, No.283A, 493 Palladam-641664
Paraiyangadu, 63-Velampalayam, Thiru.R. Ranganathan, Arakkulam,
471 Palladam, Tiruppur. 494 Paruvai, Palladam, Tiruppur
Thiru.M.Subramaniyam, No.1/174, D, Thiru.S. Anandhakumar, Arakkulam,
472 Manikkapuram, Palladam 495 Paruvai, Palladam, Tiruppur
Thiru.A.K. Sanmugam, Thiru.A. Sanmugam, No.4/9B,
473 Sambalathottam, Arakkulam, Palladam 496 Arakkulam, paruvai PO, Palladam
Thiru.M.Krishnamoorthy, No.6/12A, Thiru.A.Ponnusamy, No.2/304,
Chettiyakkanpalayam, Kinathukadavu Iayyanthottam, Kalivelampatti po,
474 (Tk) 497 Palladam
Thiru.V.Manickam, Mandhiri palayam, Thiru.K. Sanmugam, Mahalakshmi
475 Ayyampalayam PO, Soolur Tk, 498 nagar, Kalivelampatti, palladam
Thiru.M.Sivakumar, No.4/336, Thiru.KR.Ponnusamy, No.2/258,
476 Kalaranthottam, Ayyampalayam Thennimarathottaam, Kalivelambatti,
Thiru.R.Govindaraj, Vayunthottam, 499 Palladam
477 Purandampalayam, Sulthanpettai Thiru.S.Thangavel,No.4/86,
Thiru.V.Dineshkumar, Kaikalan Sambalathottam, Arakkulam, Paruvai,
thottam, 63-Velampalayam Po, 500 Palladam
478 Mangalam via, Tiruppur. Tmt.R. Pathmavathy, Arakkulam,
Thiru.A. Maheswaran, No.9/34, 501 Paruvai
479 Karuppatipalayam, Tiruppur Thiru.M. Rajeshkumar, Sullikadu, 63-
Thiru.R. Prakash, Karuppattipalayam, 502 Velampalayam, Palladam
480 Senjeri puthor Thiru.S.Muthuramalingam, Chevai
Thiru.E. Ravi, No.1/182, thottam, 63-Velampalayam, Palladam-
481 Manikkapuram, Palladam 503 641663
504 Thiru.Dharma raj, Arakkulam, paruvai Manikkapuram, Kalivelampatti,
Thiru.P. Sivakumar,No.4/12, Palladam, Tiruppur-641664
505 Arakkulam, paruvai Thiru.R. Arunachalam, Ottandhottam,
Thiru.K. Sanmugam, No.5/133, Manikkapuram, Kalivelampatti Po,
Velappagoundanpalayam, 525 Palladam, Tiruppur
506 panikkampatti Po, Palladam-641664 Thiru.S. Mahendran, No.227/2A,
Thiru.R. Mohan, No.1/21, Anuppanadi Rajakkoundanpalayam,
507 PO, Palladam 526 Manikkapuram,Palladam
Thiru.S.Sathishkumar, No.5/133, Thiru.S.Loganathan,
Muthugoundannadu, Velappagoundan 527 Rajakkoundanpalayam, Palladam
palayam, Panikkampatti PO, Palladam- Thiru.N. Jeganathan, No.2/117,
508 641664 Rajakkoundanpalayam, Manikkapuram,
Thiru.S. Ganesan, No.5/227, 528 Palladam-641665
Velappagoundanpalayam, Thiru.P. Thirumoorthy, No.2/100,
509 Panikkampatti Po, Palladam Rajakkoundanpalayam, Manikkapuram,
M/s.Tamil Nadu Visaiththiri 529 Palladam-641664
Sangangalin Koottamaippu, Thiru.P. Chidambarasamy, No.2/146,
No.214/223, Vivekananthar road, Rajakkoundanpalayam, Manikkapuram,
Narayanavalasu, Nasiyanur road, Erode- 530 Palladam-641664
510 638011 Thiru.K. Ramesh, No.2/844A,
Thiru.T.Sathiskumar, No.1/200, Rajakkoundanpalayam, Manikkapuram,
Manikkapuram, Kalivelampatti Po, 531 Palladam-641662
511 Palladam-641664, Tiruppur Thiru.P. Suresh, No.2/120,
Thiru.G.Balasubramaniyam, No.1/441, Rajakkoundanpalayam, Manikkapuram,
Kollangadu, Manikkapuram, Palladam- 532 Palladam-641662
512 641664 Thiru.R.Muthusamy, No.2/23,
Thiru.P.S.Eswaran, 63-Velampalayam 533 Kalivelampatti PO, Palladam, Tiruppur
513 Po, Palladam Thiru.K. Murugesan, No.2/316,
Thiru.P.Murugasamy, 63- 534 Kalivelampatti PO, Palladam, Tiruppur
514 Velampalayam Po, Palladam Thiru.A. Balakrishnan, Kalivelampatti
Thiru.Devaraj, 63-Velampalayam Po, 535 PO, Palladam, Tiruppur
515 Palladam Thiru.K.S.Ramakrishnan, No.2/299D,
Thiru.R. Nadaraj, No.1/288, 536 Kalivelampatti PO, Palladam, Tiruppur
516 Manikkapuram, Palladam Thiru.K.Ranganathan, No.2/18,
Thiru.E.Karuppusamy, Manikkapuram, Kalivelampatti PO, Near Velathal kovil
517 Palladam 537 , Palladam, Tiruppur
Tmt.P.Kalamani, No.1/356, Chettikadu, Thiru.K.P. Gurusamy, Kalivelampatti
Manikkapuram, Kalivelambatti PO, 538 PO, Palladam, Tiruppur
518 Palladam-641664 Thiru.A.Murugasamy, Kalivelampatti
Thiru.R. Subramaniyam, No.1/436, 539 PO, Palladam, Tiruppur
519 Manikkapuram, Palladam, Tiruppur Thiru.P.Bharathkumar, No.2/285B,
Thiru.A.Eswaran, No.1/114A, 540 Kalivelampatti PO, Palladam, Tiruppur
520 Manikkapuram, Palladam, Tiruppur Thiru.R.Karunaisamy, No.2/407,
Thiru.A. Sanmugam, No.4/168, Kurinjimalarnagar, Kalivelampatti PO,
521 Arakkulam, Palladam 541 Palladam, Tiruppur
Thiru.P.Aarusamy, No.2/826, Tmt.M.Rajeswari, No.2/317,
Sullimedu, Keththanor po, Palladam, 542 Kalivelampatti PO, Palladam, Tiruppur
522 Tiruppur Thiru.C.Murugesan, No.2/368,
Tmt.Buvaneswari, Avittalakshmi nagar, Puliyandhottam, Kalivelampatti PO,
523 Kedapalayam 543 Palladam, Tiruppur
Thiru.A.Ponnusamy, No.2/380,
524 Thiru.P.Thangavel, No.1/200,
544 Kalivelampatti PO, Sondhaparaithottam,
Tiruppur Thiru.M.Pappusamy, No.2/390,
Thiru.S.Prakash, No.2/344, Merkalathottam, Keththanor Po,
545 Kalivelampatti PO, Palladam, Tiruppur 561 Keththanoor, Palladam Tk, Tiruppur
Thiru.P.Ramasamy, No.2/313, Thiru.P.Soundarrajan, No.1/92,
Thottiyangadu, Kalivelampatti PO, Chettikatuthottam, Kuppampalayam,
546 Palladam, Tiruppur Aamanthakadu PO, Udumalai Tk,
Thiru.K.A.Samynathan, No.2/400, 562 Tiruppur
Kurinjimalarnagar, , Kalivelampatti PO, Thiru.P.Mahalingam, No.1/134,
547 Palladam. Periyakadu, Mandhiripalayam PO,
Thiru.K. Sanmugam, No.2/291, 563 keththanoor via, Palladam Tk, Tiruppur
Perumalkovil St, Kalivelampatti PO, Thiru.C. Venkadasalapathy, No.2/2A,
548 Palladam, Tiruppur Koyandhottam, Keththanor Po,
Thiru.M.Senniyappan, Udiyankadu, 564 Keththanoor, Palladam Tk, Tiruppur
549 Arakkulam, Palladam, Tiruppur Thiru.P.Mahalingam, No.1/134,
Thiru.R.Subramani, Merkalathottam, Periyakadu, Mandhiripalayam PO,
Keththanor Po, Keththanoor, Palladam 565 keththanoor via, Palladam Tk, Tiruppur
550 Tk, Tiruppur Thiru.K.Palanisamy, No.2/251,
Thiru.R. Selvaraj, No.2/602, Udumalai main road, Mandhiripalayam
Merkalathottam, Keththanor Po, PO, keththanoor via, Palladam Tk,
551 Keththanoor, Palladam Tk, Tiruppur 566 Tiruppur
Thiru.P.Balasubramaniyam, No.2/631/2, Thiru.P.Balasubramaniyam, No.2/631/2,
Udumalai main road, Keththanoor Po, Udumalai main road, keththanoor Po,
552 keththanoor, Palladam Tk, Tiruppur 567 Palladam Tk, Tiruppur
Thiru.A.Govindasamy, Thiru.A.Govindasamy,
Mandhiripalayam PO, keththanoor, Mandhiripalayam PO, keththanoor via,
553 Palladam Tk, Tiruppur 568 Palladam Tk, Tiruppur
Thiru.R.Ramasamy, No.2/393, Thiru.P.Krishnamorthy, No.2/241,
Merkalathottam, Keththanor Po, Me.Kullampalayam, Vavipalaiyam PO,
554 Keththanoor, Palladam Tk, Tiruppur 569 Tiruppur
Thiru.K. Jothikrishnan, No.2/769, Thiru.N. Rajeshkumar, No.2/317,
Ettamanayakkanpalayam, Rajanayudu Thottam, Ettanayakkan
Mandhiripalayam PO, keththanoor via, 570 palayam, Keththanoor, Tiruppur
555 Palladam Tk, Tiruppur Thiru.V.Jothi Krishnan, No.2/769,
Thiru.N.Rajeshkumar, No.2/317, Ettamanayakkan palayam,
Rajanayudu Thottam, Mandhiripalayam PO, Keththanoor,
Ettamanayakkanpalayam, 571 Tiruppur
Mandhiripalayam PO, keththanoor via, Thiru.V. Palanisamy, No.2/265A,
556 Palladam Tk, Tiruppur. Ettamanayakkan palayam,
Thiru.Krishnamoorthy, No.2/24, Mandhiripalayam PO, Keththanoor,
Me.kullampalayam, Vavipalayam po, 572 Tiruppur
557 Tiruppur Thiru.R.Subramani, Merkalathottam,
Thiru.P.Aarusamy, No.2/826, Keththanoor Po, Keththanoor, palladam,
Sullimandhai, Keththanoor Po, 573 Tiruppur
558 keththanoor, Palladam Tk, Tiruppur Thiru.R. Sivakumar, no.2/507, East
Thiru.R.Suresh, No.2/480, Elavandhi 574 Veedhi, Keththanoor, Tiruppur
medu, Maniyakarar Thottam, Thiru.M. Pappusamy, No.2/390,
Keththanoor Po, keththanoor, Palladam 575 Merkalathottam, Keththanoor, Tiruppur
559 Tk, Tiruppur Thiru.C. Venkadasalapathy, no.2/2A,
Thiru.K.Palanisamy, No.2/251, Kovilthottam, Thottipalayam,
Mandhiripalayam PO, Udumalai main 576 Keththanoor, Tiruppur Dist.
road, keththanoor via, Palladam Tk, Thiru.P. Susendran, No.1/75,
560 Tiruppur 577 Keththanoor Po, Tiruppur
Thiru.R. Ramasamy, No.2/393, 641658.
Merkalathottam, Keththanoor Po, Thiru.M.Sabareeswaran, No.103/2,
578 Keththanoor, Palladam Tk, Tiruppur Arasangattu thotam,
Thiru.R. Selvaraj, No.2/602, Nallagoundanpalayam, Mathappor Po,
579 Merkalathottam, Keththanoor, Tiruppur. 597 Palladam, Tiruppur
Thiru.V. Palanisamy,No.2/265 A, Thiru.R.Karuppasamy, No.3/25,
Ettamanayakkan palayam, Nallagoundanpalayam, Mathappor Po,
Mandhiripalayam PO, Keththanoor, 598 Palladam, Tiruppur
580 Tiruppur Thiru.N.Satheeskumar, No.3/23,
Thiru.R. Sivakumar, No.2/507, East Nallagoundanpalayam, Mathappor Po,
Veedhi, Keththanoor Po, Keththanoor, 599 Palladam, Tiruppur
581 Palladam Tk, Tiruppur Thiru.S.Kandhasamy,
Thiru.P.Susendran, No.1/75, Nallagoundanpalayam, Mathappor Po,
Suvadipalayam, Kethanoor-641671, 600 Palladam, Tiruppur
582 Palladam, Tiruppur Thiru.R.Ponnusamy, Aarakkulam,
Thiru.P.Sellammal, No.2/405C, 601 Paruvai, Palladam, Tiruppur
Kurinjimalarnagar, Kalivelambati Po, Thiru.K.Balasandhar, No.4/5,
583 Palladam, Tiruppur 602 Sottuthetam, Aarakkulam, Paruvai
Tmt.R.Savithri, No.2/18C, Periyaveedu, Thiru.M.Muthukumarasamy, No.1/10,
584 Kalivelambati Po, Palladam, Tiruppur Veppangottai palayam, Palladam,
Tmt.S.Kanakaambal, No.2/603H, 603 Tiruppur-641658
Karuda Promotors, Kalivelambati Po, Thiru.A.R.Sivakumar, Aarakkulam,
585 Palladam, Tiruppur 604 Palladam, Tiruppur
Tmt.S.Maheswari, No.2/288, Thiru.C.Nadaraj, Pallakaduthottam,
Mahaliamman temple back side, 605 Aarakkulam, Palladam, Tiruppur
586 Kalivelambati Po, Palladam, Tiruppur Thiru.Gokul Prasanth, No.3/202 A,
Tmt.Krishnaveni, No.2/83, Kallangadu, Gandhampalayam,
587 Kalivelambati Po, Palladam, Tiruppur 606 Coimbatore-641669.
Tmt.S.Kalamani, No.2/34, Thiru.S.Sakthivel, No.3/199,
588 Kalivelambati Po, Palladam, Tiruppur Thekkalathottam, Gandhampalayam,
Thiru.R.Murugasamy, No.3/48, Varapatti village, Soolur Circle,
Nallagoundapalaiyam, Mathapoor, 607 Coimbatore-641669
589 Palladam Thiru.N.Murugesan, No.3A,
590 Thiru.A.Aarusamy, Paruvai, Palladam. Bagavathiamman nagar, Sedapalayam,
Thiru.Sanmugam, 608 Palladam-641664, Tiruppur
Rasakkoundanpalayam, Manikkapuram, Thiru.Ponnusamy, Thekkalathottam,
591 palladam Gandhampalayam, Varapatti village,
Thiru.Dhanabal, No.1/107, 609 Soolur Circle, Coimbatore-641669
Periyathottam, Veppankottaipalayam, Thiru.P.Boopathirajan, No.3/29H,
592 Puliampatti, Palladam Po, Tiruppur Gandhampalayam,
Tmt.Thulasiyammal, (SC.No.1390) Kamanayakkanpalayam Po,
No.6/267A, North Veedhi, 610 Coimbatore-641669
593 Selakarachaal (Po), Soolur, Thiru.B.Sugumar, M/s.Koolikku
Thiru.R.Krishnasamy, No.6/140, South Nesavu Seyyum Visaithiri Urimaiyalar,
594 Veedhi, Selakarachchal Po, Soolur No.1/9C 90, Ganabathi nagar, V.Mettur,
Thiru.S.Kadhirvel, (Sc.No.1463) 611 Kamanayakkanpalayam.
No.6/300A, Vaaithottam, Thiru.S.Thangavel, No.1/80C,
Selakarachchal Po, Soolur, Coimbatore- Ganapathi nagar, Vadhambaseri, Soolur
595 641658. 612 Tk, Coimbatore-641669
Thiru.S.Paramasivam, No.6/21, Thiru.N.Viswanathan, No.1/392,
596 Selakarachchal Po, Soolur, Coimbatore- V.Vadugapalayam,
613 Kamanayakkanpalayam, Soolur Tk,
Coimbatore-641669. M/s.KSD Zonne Energie LLP,
Thiru.R.Velusamy, Tiruppur. No.5/273, M.G.Layout, Gandhinagar
630 post, Udumalpet-642154, Tiruppur
Thiru.R.Karunanidhi, Kaveriamman
Thiru.S. Amaravathi, Saravanapatti,
Thottam, Anuppanadi Po, Palladam Tk, 631 Coimbatore-35.
615 Tiruppur
M/s.Velumani Engineering Industry,
Thiru.R.Senthilkumar, No.5/200A, SF.No.458/1, Kathinaickenpalayam
Nallurpalayam, Vadhambaseri Po, road, K.Vadamadurai Post, Coimbatore-
616 Soolur Tk, Coimbatore-641669.
632 641017.
Thiru.S. Periyasamy, No.2/669, M/s.Nachiyar Cotton & Co, No.3/113-
Tiruvalluvar nagar, Siththambalam
A, Karaimedu, Mangalam via,
road, V.Vadugampalayam pudhur, 633 Vanjipalayam Po, Tiruppur-641663.
617 Palladam-641664
Thiru.S. Vijayakumar, No.3/311-A,
Thiru.S.Ramesh, Appilidapatti, Karaimedu, Mangalam via,
618 Periyappatti Po, Udumalai Tk, Tiruppur. 634 Vanjipalayam po, Tiruppur-641663.
Thiru.A. Eswaran, No.2/304, M/s.Sandfits Foundries Pvt.Ltd Unit-I,
Ayyanthottam, Kalivelampatti, SF.No.200/1A, Trichy road, Ravathur
619 Palladam pirivu, Kannampalayam (Po),
Thiru.S.Devaraj, No.2/176, 635 Coimbatore-641402
Rasakgoundampalayam, Thiru.P. Ranganathan, Thaliavar,
620 Manikkapuram, Palladam-641664 kalangal Ooratchi, Soolur Ooratchi
Thiru.S.Appasamy, Ondriyam, Soolur Taluka, Coimbatore-
Rasakgoundampalayam, 636 641402
621 Manikkapuram, Palladam-641662
Thalaivar.K.P. Sakthivel, M/s. Tamil
Thiru.R.S. Palanisamy, No.2/126, Nadu Arisi Aalai Urimaiyalargal
Rasakgoundampalayam, Sangam, No.8, Peruraatchi Vaniga
622 Manikkapuram, Palladam-641662 Valagam, Edhumalai road,
Thiru.K. Ragunathan, No.2/101, 637 Mannachanallur, Tiruchi-621005.
Rasakgoundampalayam, Tmt.N. Shrinaa, D.No.9, South Veedhi,
623 Manikkapuram, Palladam-641662 Aavarmpalayam, Coimbatore, Phone –
Thiru.M. Ganesh, No.2/63, 638 9894350097.
Rasakgoundampalayam, Tmt.R. Geetha, No.35, South Veedhi –
624 Manikkapuram, Palladam-641662 639 2, Aavarmpalayam, Coimbatore – 6
The Proprietor, M/s.Star Spinners, Thiru.S. Velumani, No.106, South
SF.No.28/2, New No.38E5, Main road, Veedhi-7, Aavarmpalayam,
Velayuthampalayam, Mangalam, 640 Coimbatore-6, Phone – 9566701522
625 Tiruppur-641663
M/s.Coimbatore Builders and
The Proprietor, M/s.Sri Sivambika contractors Association, CEBACA
Mills, No.10-3(10), Kulanthai Tower, No.21, Mani School Teachers
Velayuthasamy St, Layout, Sri Ramakrishna Dental
Velayuthampalayam, Pallapalayam, College road, Nava India,Coimbatore –
626 Mangalam via, Tiruppur-641663 641 4,Ph-9965504405.
Thiru.H. Naazar, No.9/6, Saramedu M/s.India Communist katchi(Marksist),
627 main road, Karumbukadai, Coimbatore Old No.330, Gandhipuram, 2nd Veedhi
The Secretary, M/s.Federation of 642 Extn, Coimbatore – 12
Coimbatore Apartment Associations, M/s.India Taxpayer, President
No.B103, ORBIT 11, Akshaya, 1432, 643
628 Trichy road, Coimbatore-641018. M/s.Tiruppur Exporters’ Association,
M/s.Tiruppur Maavatta Jalli Krashar & No.62, Appachi Nagar, Tiruppur-
Kuvaari Urumaiyalargal Sangam, 644 641607.
No.42/12-Sherif Colony main road, Thiru.P. Palanisamy, Senguttai,
629 Tiruppur-641604 Murugampalayam, D.No.1/32,
645 POnmudi Po, Vijayamangalam via,
Perundurai Circle, Erode – 638056 No.138, Kumaran road, Tiruppur –
M/s.Coimbatore Consumer Voice, 641601, Ph. 9443389790
Thalaivar.R.Yadhavaraj, Near Govt M/s.VKA Mills, Auto loom Fabric
Hospital, Avinasi Salai, Coimbatore – Manufacturer, SF.No.479/2A,
646 641014. Ph.9443182222 Rayarpalayam, Palladam, Tiruppur –
M/s.Covai Matrum Tiruppur Maavatta 651 641664.Ph.9942909898.
Koolikku nesavu Seiyyum Visaithiri Thiru.L.P.Bala Subramanian, Secretary,
Urimaiyalargal Sangam, Power house M/s. Lakkaapuram Visaithiri
647 road, Somanoor, Coimbatore – 641668 urimaiyalargal Sangam, Muthoor main
Thiru.M. Sivasanmugam, No.44/2, 652 road, Lakkapuram anjal, Erode – 2.
Veeramathi amman kovil Veedhi, M/s. TNEB Thozhilalar Poriyalar
648 P.N.Pudhur, Coimbatore – 41(West) Aykkia Sangam, 144, Annasalai,
M/s.Coimbatore Master Printers 653 Chennai –2.
Association, No.4, Bharathiar road,
Pappaaicken Palayam, Coimbatore-
649 641037
The President, C. Sivaprakash, M/s.
650 Tirupur Master Printers Association,
Public Hearing at : Madurai,
Venue : Lakshmi Sundaram Hall, Thallakulam, Madurai.
Date : 16-08-2022
Name of Speakers at Madurai Public Hearing
1 Dr.N.Jagatheesan, President , Tamil Nadu Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Kamarajar Salai, Madurai.
Thiru.S.Ashok Sundareesan, Ex-president Shree Chakra Industries, Mathur, Bhelsia,
3 Thiru.C.Theivarajan Chairman, Madurai District Flour Traders Association, Madurai.
4 Thiru.Prakalathan Dharmaraj, Sonal Vyapar Private Limited, Salem.
5 Thiru.G.Yuvaraj, Sri Govindharaja Meals,Aruppukottai.
6 Thiru.P.N.Ragunatha Raja, President, Kappalur Industrialists Association, Kappalur, Madurai – 08
7 Thiru.P.Kishore President, Madurai District Rice Mill Owners Association, Madurai.
Thiru.Vetrivel, President, Tuticorin District Paddy & Rice Owner's Association,
Dr.D.R.RavikumarExecutive Member,Tamil Nadu Coastal Aquaculture Farmers Federation
(TANCAFF),Tirupoondi, Nagapattinam.
Thiru.S.P.Jeya PrakasamPresident , Tamil Nadu Foodgrains Merchants Association,
11 Thiru.V.Prabhu, Proprietor,Sri Kamatchi Industries, Trichy - 15.
Thiru.M.S.Sampath President, Madurai District Tiny & Small Scale Industries Association,
13 Thiru.Raja Sudhakaran, President, Nagari Industries Association, Madurai.
14 Thiru.C.S.Ravishankar President, K.Pudhur Industrial Association, Madurai.
15 Thiru.A.K.P.Navasbabu President, Urangalpatti Industrialist Association, Madurai.
Thiru.Chandrasekaran President,Jaihindpuram Small Industries Manufacturers Association,
Thiru.Noor Mohammed, President, Sivagangai District Bricks Manufacturers Association,
18 Thiru.A.L.NarayananPresident,Madurai Plastic Manufacturers Association,Madurai.
Thiru.M.Elango President,
19 South District Textiles Processing Cluster Industries Association,
Thiru.Radhakrishnan, President, Madurai Granite Manufacturers Association,
21 Thiru.M.B.Gunasekaran, President, Madurai Bakery's Association, Madurai.
22 Thiru.M.Ganesan District Secretary, Madurai District Secretary, CPIM, Madurai.
23 Thiru.Rajendran President, Madurai District Secretary, CPIM, Madurai.
Thiru.T.S.A.Subramaniam State Organiser, Tamil Nadu Powerlooms Association Committee,
Shankarankovil, Thenkasi.
25 Thiru.M.S.V.Ramachandran No.48, Malapatti Village, Vadakku Taluk, Alanganallur via, Madurai.
26 Thiru.P.Rajamani, Sagaya Madha Salt Corporation.Tuticorin - 628002.
27 Thiru.S.VasandhanPresident,Sivakasi Plastics Manufacturers Association,Sivakasi.
Thiru.A.Annadurai, President, Dindigul District Micro and Small Enterprises Association,
Dr.R.Karnan Founder / State President, TamilNadu Citizens Consumers Protection Centre,
30 Dr.A.SelvarajFarmer President, Tamil Nadu Small Scale Industries Association, Madurai.
Thiru.P.Harish Senior Research Specialist, Energy World Research Institute,
32 Thiru.P.Arivuarasan, Madurai Dhall Merchants Association, Madurai.
33 Thiru.A.L.Narayanan Plastic Manufacturers Association, Madurai.
34 Thiru.K.K.Dinesh Secretary, Sourashtra Chamber of Commerce, Madurai - 625001.
Thiru.K.T.Krishnaswamy, Tamil Nadu Vanigar Sangam Peramaippu ( GST Audit)
No.5, Thalavai Agraharam, First Floor, 2 kilo coir Madurai - 625001.
Thiru.K.RajasekarMadurai District Offset Printers Association,No.27, Mothilal Main Road,Madurai -
Thiru.S.Dhinakaran Co-ordinator, Aalayam Kappom, Madurai District, No.149, Main Road, Natarajan
Nagar, Kochadai, Madurai - 625016.
38 Thiru.M.Mazibur Rahman Hameedia Rice Mill, Mathur Post, Alagar Kovil (via), Madurai - 625301.
Thiru.Excel.K.Palanisamy,President, Federation of Madurai Manufacturers and Traders , Association, No.9,
Sambandha moorthy Street, Madurai - 625001.
Thiru.A.K.B.Nawas Babu, President, Madurai Hosiery Industries Association,
Madurai Sivagangai Road, Varichiyur Post, Uranganpatti, Madurai - 625020.
Thiru.P.G.Vetrivel, Thoothukudi District Rice Mill and Wholesale Traders Association,
No.100 C1, Therkku Pudhu Street, Thoothukudi - 628002.
42 Thiru.P.V.Murugan, Sai Plastics, Alagar Kovil Main Road, Maruthanpalayam, Madurai - 625014.
Thiru.A.Alaguchamy, Secretary, Madurai District Farmers Association,
Panaiyur,Madurai - 625009.
44 Thiru.S.SureshDistrict President,Tirunelveli Industrial Cell,Tirunelveli - 627001.
Thiru.Thirumurugan District President,Tamil Nadu Appalam Vadagam Morevathal Association, Madurai -
46 Thiru.T.R.Mohan Ram, Vice President, Sowrashtra Chambers of Commerce, Madurai - 625001.
47 Thiru.R.Shivakumar Hotel Chapathi Park, Madurai - 625017.
Thiru.K.Nehru Prakash, President, Thoothukudi District Tiny and Small Scale Industries Association,
No.247-A18, North Car Street, Tuticorin - 02.
Thiru.J.Ashok Raj Fine Packs, Plot No.471,472,473, Adithya Industrial pack,
Puliyur, Sivagangai - 625009.
50 Thiru.P.Chinnasamy,No.11/57, Usalampatti, Madurai - 625532.
51 Thiru.V.R.Sridharan,No.46,A/4, CMR Road, Madurai - 625009.
52 Thiru.N.S.GopinathNo.65/23, Khanpalayam,1st Street, Madurai - 625009.
53 Thiru.G.Selvavel Pandi, FOMTA Secretary, Madurai - 625001.
54 Thiru.R.Kaleeswaran BJP Industrial State Secretary, Ramanathapuram - 623504.
55 Thiru.R.Murugesan BJP District President, Ramanathapuram.
Thiru.T.Manoharan, Treasurer, Madurai District Jalli Kalkuvari Owners Association,
Madurai - 625020.
57 Thiru.N.Jayaraman, Tamil Nadu All separfal atodetment Pensiors Association, Madurai - 625002.
58 Thiru.R.Arumuga Pandian BJP District Secretary Tirunelveli - 627005.
Thiru.M.P.Sankara Pandian, President, Water Resources protection and public trust,
No.1/5, Kalayana sundaram, 5th Street, Madurai - 625002.
60 Thiru.Daniel Perinbaraj No.4354, TNHB Colony, Villapuram, Madurai - 625011.
61 Thiru.K.P.MuruganSecretary,MADDISIA Trade and Convertion Centre,Madurai - 625020.
62 Thiru.S.Muthukumar88 Kumar's Electronics, West Valli Street, Madurai - 625001.
Thiru.V.Kannan GKI Fab Work, No.RO15, Women's Industrial Estate,(SIDCO), Valavanathankottai,
Thuvakudi, Trichy - 620015.
Thiru.A.V.S. Mukunthan, Secretary, Association of Cold Storages, No.76/4A2, Madurai - Dindigul NM
Nagari, Madurai - 625021.
65 Thiru.J.V.Mohangandhi Siddha Doctor, Tamil Nadu Siddha Centre,xMadurai - 625107.
66 Thiru.R.Vijayarajan CPM District Committee, Madurai - 625002.
Thiru.Muthurani W/o.Chellakannu,
Vellaimalaipatti, llowing Usilampatti Taluk.
Thiru.P.Ramar M.Paraipatti, O&M Mannouth Post,Usilampatti Post,
Madurai District.
69 Thiru.S.P.Asai ThambiMakkal Neethi MaiyamMadurai
Thiru.M.Kalai Selvam CPIM East Taluk, Secretary,
Pandian Nagar, Othakadai, Madurai.
71 Thiru.Nammavar Senthil/n Makkal Neethi Maiyam, Madurai Central.
72 Thiru.R.Manicka Vasagam No.24 Anthoniyar Kovil Street Madurai
Thiru.Dhananjay Kumar Dindigul District Coconut Fibre Products Manufacturers Association,
Dindigul - 624308.
74 Thiru.T.K.Sadhanandam No.6/2, Mahal 8th Street, Madurai - 625001.
75 Thiru.R.Jeyaprakash No.38, Vaikolkara Street, Madurai - 625001.
Thiru.M.Ghouse Batcha Senior Citizen / Advocate B1, Vishal Jagadish Apartment,
No.7, Rathnasamy Nadar Road, B.B.Kulam, Madurari North Tlauk, Madurai - 625002.
S.No Name & Address M/s.Bharath Rubber (India) Ltd, 55/5A,
M/s.Tamil Nadu Chamber of Commerce & Thiruvalavayanallur P.O., Thanichyam Via,
Industry, 178-B, Kamarajar Salai, Madurai- 19 T.Vadipatti T.K., Madurai- 625 221.
1 625 009. M/s.Sahayamatha Satterns (P) Ltd, 13-A/1,
M/s.Kappalur Industrialist Association, Plot Pillaiyar Koil St, Meenakshipuram, West,
No.153, SIDCO Industrial Estate, Madurai- 20 Thoothukudi- 628 002.
2 625 008. M/s.P.R. Bricks, S.Y/ No. 124/2,
M/s.Sun Reclaimery, Plot No. A25-29, A Thirupuvanam Road, Poovanthi Village,
47-51, Madurai Automobile Co-op. 21 Sivagangai- 623 611.
3 Industrial Estate, Kappalur, Madurai –8 M/s.P.R. Graanite, S.Y. No. 83/1,
M/s.Balaji Paper Products, Plot No. 73, Parayankulam Village, Sivagangai Main
Women Industrial Park, SIDCO, Kappalur, 22 Road, Varichiyur, Madurai- 625 020.
4 Madurai- 625 008. M/s.P.R. Rocks, 10/1, Deputy Collector
M/s.Coimbatore Paper Products, 136A, 23 Colony 1st St, K.K. Nagar, Madurai – 20
SIDCO Industrial Estate, Kappalur M/s.Amman Granite, 71-2, Alampatti
5 (P.O.),Madurai- 625 008. 24 Village, Sattur Taluk, Virudhunagar.
M/s.Tamil Nadu Coasted Aquaculhire 25 M/s.Bharathiya Janatha Party
Farmers Federation (TANCAFF), No. 26 M/s.Bharathiya Janatha Party, Thoothukudi
4/688, SAP Hali, Mariyamman Kovil St,
27 M/s.Bharathia Janatha Party, Thoothukudi
6 Thirupoondi, Nagapattinam - 6111 110.
M/s.Ashoka Plastics, No. 52, SIDCO 28 M/s.Bharathiya Janatha Party, Thoothukudi
7 Industrial Estate, Kappalur, Madurai-8 M/s.Lakhshmi Home Fashion,50-A, SIDCO
M/s.Anantha Plastics, C 18B, SIDCO Industrial Estate, Kappalur, Madurai- 625
Industrial Estate, Kappalur, Madurai- 29 008.
8 625008. M/s.Niranjana Weaving, 64, Sidco
M/s.P.K.S. Engineering, 75, SIDCO 30 Industrial Estate, Kappalur, Madurai-8
9 Industrial Estate, Kappalur, Madurai-8. M/s.Vijay Kalyan Vinayak Wearing (P)
M/s.Yoga Plastics, D-47, P-1, SIDCO Ltd, B.S10 (Part), Sidco Industrial Estate,
10 Industrial Estate, Kappalur, Madurai--8 31 Kappalur, Madurai – 625 008.
M/s.Durga Plastics, C-18/1, Sidco Industrial M/s.Design Jit Weaving, 50, Sidco
11 Estate, Kappalur, Madurai- 8 32 Industrial Estate, Kappalur, Madurai-8
M/s.Sree Atreya Enterprises, 4, Old Goods M/s.Anjana Polemers, 48, WIP, SIDCO,
12 Shed Road, Tiruchy- 620 002. 33 Kappalur, Madurai-- 625 008.
M/s.Bharathiya Janatha Party, C-99, 7th M/s.R.R. Industries, 32, Sidco Industrial
13 Cross , NEE, Thillai Nagar, Tiruchy-18. 34 Estate, Kappalur, Madurai-625 008.
M/s.Bharathiya Janatha Party, E-47 & E- M/s.SIPMA, 19/1A, Chairman Shanmuga
48, Developed Plots Estate, Thuvakudi, 35 Nadar Road, Sivakasi- 626 123.
14 Tiruchy- 620 015. M/s.Standard Bricks, 5, Commanding
M/s. D.C.W. Limited, Sahupuram, 36 Officer II Lane, West Masi St, Madurai-1.
15 Thoothukudi District – 628 229. M/s.Gani Bricks, 2/224, Narikudi Road,
M/s.Maruthi Aqua Care, 4/152, Lake Area Nelmudikarai, Thirupuvanam, Sivagangai-
Avenue, Uthankudi P.O., Mattudhavani, 37 630 611.
16 Madurai- 625 107. 38 M/s.Bismi Bricks, Silaiman, Madurai-1
M/s.Tamil Nadu Federation of Power M/s.K.B.K. Process, 191, Mayandi Koil
Looms Associations, 214/223, 39 Thital, Samanatham, Madurai-625 009.
Vivekananthar Road, Narayanavalasu, M/s.Tamil Nadu Citizen Consumer
17 Nasiyanur Road, Erode-638 011. Protection Centre, Vickrama Complex, 21,
M/s.Tamil Nadu Federation of Power 40 Bharathidasan Salai, T.B. Road, Madurai16
Looms Associations, 214/223, M/s.Nagari Industrial Association, 63/8,
Vivekananthar Road, Narayanavalasu, 41 NH-44, Nagari, Madurai- 625 221.
18 Nasiyanur Road, Erode-638 011. M/s.Krishna Polimers, 3/134, Natham Road,
42 Thiruppalai, Madurai-625 014.
M/s.Dindigul District Micro and Small M/s.Subavasthra Fashion, 12,13
Enterprises Association, 11/1, SIDCO Mariyanathapuram, Near SIDCO, Dindigul-
43 Industrial Estate, Dindigul. 65 624 003.
M/s.Dindigul Association of Industrial M/s.Samundi Machine Works, Bye-Pass
Estate Manufacturers,11/1, Sidco Industrial Road, Meenakshi Naicken Patty P.O. (Near
44 Estate, Dindigul-624 003. 66 EB Head office) Dindigul- 624 002.
M/s.Samundi Machine Works, Bye-Pass M/s.Yasin Bricks, Kasim Building, 214,
Road, Meenakshi Naicken Patty P.O. (Near 67 East Veli Street, Madurai – 625 001.
45 EB Head Office),Dindigul- 624 002. M/s.Madurai Arkay Rock Produce (P) Ltd,
M/s.Sri Gangaa Engineering Works, W3, 4/48, Sholavandan Road, Nagari, Madurai-
DEC Industrial Park, E. Chittor P.O., 68 625221.
46 Vedasandur, Dindigul- 624 702. Bharathiya Janata Katchi, 25, Perumal
M/s.D.R.Tech, Unit II, No. 12, Sidco Sannathi St, Opp to Soma Lodge,
47 Industrial Estate, Dindigul- 624 003. 69 Thoothukudi.
M/s.D.R.Tech, No.11/1, SIDCO Industrial M/s.Plasma, 14/1, N.N. Road,
48 Estate, Dindigul-624 003. 70 Rathinapuram, Madurai- 625 011.
M/s.D.R. Machine Works, E-19, DEC M/s.Chiamala Pressing Metal Bonds (P)
Industrial Park, E.Sithoor (PO), Eriodu- Ltd, 1 / 2, Industrial Estate, K. Pudur,
49 Vedasandur Road, Dindigul 71 Madurai-625 007.
M/s.Evergreen Industries, 14, Sidco M/s.Srees Sakthi Industrials, 152/181, Big
50 Industrial Estate, Dindigul- 624 003. 72 Car St, Thirupparankundram, Madurai-5
M/s.Santha lakshmi Industries, 48-49, Sidco M/s.E. Purushothaman & Co, Kannan Rice
51 Indsutrial Estate, Dindigul-624 003. Mill, 3/235, Chinthamani Main Road,
M/s.Thulsan Polimers, Thulasiram Nagar, 73 Rajamaan Nagar, Madurai-625 009.
630/1A, Palamarathupatti Road, Sirumalai M/s.SNP Dairy Milk, 3/158, NH-7,
52 Pirivu, Dindigul- 624 003. National Highway, Ayyankottai, Vadipatti
M/s.PSJ Metals, 57, Sidco Industiral Estate, 74 T.K., Madurai-625 221.
53 Dindigul- 624 003. Thiru.M. Thavamani, 1/161, Keel St,
M/s.Vincent Engineering, 55, Sidco 75 Nagamalai Pudukottai, Madurai- 625 019.
54 Indsutrial Estate, Dindigul-624 003. Tmt.M. Thavamani, 1/161, Keel St,
M/s.Raja Metal Works, G4, Sidco Industrial 76 Nagamalai Pudukottai, Madurai-625 019.
55 Estate, Dindigul-624 006. Thiru.P. Radhakrishnan, 123, Kannappar St,
M/s.Ion Technologies, F-2, Industrial 77 Meenambalpuram, Madurai- 625 002.
56 Estate, SIDCO, Nagal Nagar, Dindigul-3. Thiru.T. Perumal, No.31, Jansi Ranipuram
M/s.Thermo Soulutions (India) Private 78 1st St, Sellur, Madurai-625 002.
Limited, 12A, Sidco Industrial Estate, Tmt.B. Muthu Lakshmi, 27/5, Kurunji 3rd
57 Dindigul- 624 003. 79 Street, Mahatma Gandhi Nagar,Madurai-14
M/s.Sri Ayngaran Industires, 18C, Sidco Thiru.K. Sankaralingam, 122, Kannappar
58 Industrial Estate, Dindigul- 624 003. 80 Street, Meenambalpuram, Madurai-2
M/s.Venkateswara Fine Packs, 23, Sidco Tmt.S. Parvathi, 122, Kannappar Street,
59 Indsutrial Estate, Dindigul- 624 003. 81 Meenambalpuram, Madurai-625 002
M/s.Venus Plastic Industries, 4 & 5, Thiru.Ganesan, 123, Kannappar Street,
60 Industrial Estate, Dindigul- 624 003. 82 Meenambalpuram, Madurai-625 002.
M/s.Sri Ganga Engineering Works, W3, Tmt.B. Salma, 122, Kannappar St,
DEC Industrial Park, E.Chittor P.O., 83 Meenambalpuram, Madurai-625 002.
61 Vedasandur, Dindigul-624 702. M/s.Madurai District Offset Printers
M/s.Air Minerals Enterprises, Sirugudi Association, 208, Naicker New St, Madurai-
62 P.O., Natham T.K. Dindigul-624 402. 84 625 001.
M/s.Ever Green Eco Concepts, 93, Sastri M/s.Kanaga Printers, 154/57, Mothilal Main
63 Nagar 3rd St, Dindigul-624003. 85 Road, Karimedu, Madurai-625 016.
M/s.Sivananda Corporation, 5/28, Sidco M/s.K.R. Printers, 17/1, Somasundarapura
64 Industrial Estate, Dindigul-624 003. 86 Agraharam, Yanaikkal, Madurai-625 001.
M/s.The Modern Printers, No. 23, North TH. Road, Madurai-625 001.
87 Perumal Maistry St, Madurai- 625 001. M/s.Nagari Industries Association, 63/8,
M/s.Shanlax Press, 66, V.P. Complex, Nagari Village, T.V.V. Nallur P.O.,
T.P.K. Main Road, Near KVB, Vasantha 106 Madurai- 624 221.
88 Nagar, Madurai- 625 003. M/s.SPJ Bricks, 76, Amman Sannathi,
M/s.Shree Senthil Murugan Rice Mill, 77, 107 Madurai- 625 001.
Rajeev Gandhi Lane, Tamilan St, New M/s.Jeya Murugan Rice Mill, 27,
89 Ramnad Road, Madurai- 625 009. Agasthiyar Main Road, Villapuram (East)
Thiru.S. Sankaralingam,32H, Bharathiyar 108 Madurai- 625 012.
90 St, Villapuram, Madurai-625 012. M/s.J.K.T. Hi- Tech Rice Industries, 1-A,
M/s.Rega Printers, 1-B, Solia Chetty Lane, Ramachandrapuram, South Veli Street,
91 Chinnakadai St, Madurai-625 001. 109 Madurai- 625 001.
M/s.Madurai District Shola Vandan Coir & M/s.Madurai Hosiery Industries
Pith Manufacturing Association, 9-1-102, Association, Madurai Hosiery Industrial
Double Agraharam, Sholavandan, Vadipatti Estate, Sivagangai Main Road, Varichiyur
92 T.K., Madurai- 625 214. 110 Post, Madurai-625 020.
M/s.Sastha Rice Mill, 3/150, Chinthamani M/s.Federation of Madurai Manufacturers
Main Road, Chinna Anuppanadi, Madurai- and Traders Associations, 315, New No.5,
93 625 009. Sixth Street Extension, Aibea Nagar “A”
M/s.Excellent Fixable Drapes, 4, Thai 111 Colony, Paravai, Madurai – 625 402.
Moogambigai Nagar, K.Pudur, Madurai- M/s.S.Suresh, District Leader, Industrial
94 625 007. Section, 20, Selva Balaji Nagar, Salai
M/s.Muniyammal Modern Rice Mill, 112 Street, Udaiyarpatti, Tirunelveli District.
Muniyammal Modern Rice Mill, 4/52, M/s.R.Sivakumar, District Leader,
Nedungulam Main Road, Chinthamani, 113 Industrial Section, Tenkasi District, BJP
95 Madurai- 625 009. M/s.D.Mahesh, District Secretary, Industrial
M/s.Saraswathi Rice Mills, 91/1-A3, Section, 2/202M, Sudalai Koil Street, Annai
Chinna Anuppanadi, Chinthamani Road, Petrol Bunk, NH 7, Main Road,
96 Madurai-625 009. 114 Avaraikulam, Tirunelveli District- 627 105.
Thiru.A. Govindaraj, 80, Mothilal Main M/s.Asaithambi Duraisamy, District
97 Road, Madurai- 625 016. Secretary, BJP, 7/39, Durai Cottage, Main
Thiru.D.Ramasway, 13, Mothilal Main 115 Road, Venkatasalapuram – 627 761.
98 Road, Madurai-625 016. Thiru.Muhamed Ibrahim, 37, Gandhiji
Thiru.S. Subas Chandra Bose, 26, 116 Street, Alagappan Nagar, Madurai-3.
Yoganandha Samy North Madam, Madurai- Thiru.P.Ezhil Arasan, 19-D, Nehru Nagar,
99 16. 6th Street, 1st Cross Street, T.V.S. Nagar,
Thiru.K. Nachiappan, 58E, Melakkal Main 117 Madurai- 625 003.
Road, Kochadai Mudakku Salai, Madurai- 118 M/s.Hameedia Modern Rice Mill, Madurai
100 16. Thiru.V. Ayyanraj, 19A/1, Nehru Nagar 6th
M/s.Sourastra Chamber of Commerce, 136, 119 Street, 1st Cross Street, Madurai-3
101 East Veli St, (II Floor), Madurai- 1. Thiru.S.N. Syed Maideen, 40/P-11,
M/s.Tamil Nadu Vanigar Sangangalin 120 Meenatchi Road, T.V.S. Nagar, Madurai-3
Peramaippu, 3/5, Thalavai St, Simmakkal, Thiru.S.N Navaz, 31/19-E, Nehru Nagar,
102 Madurai- 625 001. 6th St, 1st Cross Street, T.V.S. Nagar,
M/s.Agro Food Chamber of Commerce & 121 Madurai – 625 003.
Industry, Sikkanthar Chavadi, Alanganallur Thiru.A.Abdul Kadhar, Nehru Nagar, 6th
103 Road, Madurai- 625 018. 122 Street, TVS Nagar, Madurai-625 003
M/s.Madurai District Tiny & Small Scale Thiru.N.Subramanian, E-325, Meenakshi
Industries Association, 1A/4A. Dr. 123 Road, TVS Nagar, Madurai-625 003
104 Ambedkar Road, Madurai- 625 020.
Thiru.K.Venkatesan,31/19E, Nehru Nagar,
M/s.Mathura Chicory Manufacturing 124 6th Street, TVS Nagar, Madurai-625 003.
105 Company, 15-A, Mandaiyan Asari Lane,
Thiru.M.Soundararaj,12-9/41-2, Kumaran Madurai- 625 009.
125 Nagar, S. Alangulam, Madurai-625 017. Thiru.M. Kannan, 58/13, Nehruji Colony
Thiru.S.Mohamed Salim, 133, 2nd Street, Therkupatti, Melur, Maudrai-
Vavidamaruthur P.O. Alanganallur Via, 142 625 106.
126 Poolampatti, Madurai Thiru.V.Muthuraj, 580, Harvey Patti,
Thiru.R.Selvapandiyan, 19, Sathiya 143 Madurai- 625 005.
127 Moorthi St, K. Salai Pudur, Madurai-18 Tmt.Nallathangaal (A) Ammakannu, 17-C,
Thiru.B.Nagaraj, M/s. Koodal Nagar 144 Thirupparangkundram – 625 005.
Consumer Safety Association, 6, RMS M/s.Sri Chandra Trading company, 5/50,
128 Colony 1st St, Shanthi Nagar, Madurai -18 Ganga Nagar, Mela Anupppandi, Madurai-
M/s.A.M.M. Rice Mill, 10-14, Nallamuthu 145 625 009.
Pillai Pudhu Road, Mahakalipatti Madurai- Tmt.J.Veeralakshmi, Gandhipuram Via,
129 625 001. 146 Pandy Nagar, K. Pudur, Madurai 625 007.
M/s.Manjal Granites and Stones Private Tmt.S.Angala Eswari, 95C, Pandian Nagar
Ltd., Survey No. 97/1, Thuvarangulam East 2nd Street, Gandhipuram, K.Pudhur,
Village, Sivagangai Main Road, Madurai- 147 Madurai-625 007.
130 625 020. Thiru.I. Rajan, 231/D, Pandiya Nagar East
M/s.Madurai Granite and Marble “Y” Street, Gandhipuram, Madurai – 625
Association of Processing Units, M.P. 148 007.
Durairaj Chellamal Vanigavalaga, Opp. to Thiru.K.Soundra Pandi, C115,
R.K. Weigh Bridge, Sivagangai Main Road, Gandhipuram, Pandiya Nagar, K. Pudur,
131 Varichiyur, Madurai- 625 020. 149 Madurai- 625 007.
M/s.Sastha Ayyanar Modern Rice Mill, Thiru.R.Muthuraj, 94/C, Gandhipuram Via,
46/3, Rajaman Nagar, Chinthamani Road, 150 Pandiya Nagar, K. Pudur, Madurai- 7.
132 Madurai-625 009. Thiru.S.M.Durairaj, C 9/6, Housing Board
M/s.Madurai Meenakshi Industries, 2, Colony, West Ponnagaram 5th Street,
Sathya Sai Nagar Main Road, T.V.S. Nagar, 151 Madurai- 625 016.
133 Madurai-625 003. Thiru.D.Salaman, C9/9, Housing Board
M/s.EL VEE Machine Works, 23, Ramaiah Colony, Mela Ponnagaram 5th St, Madurai-
St, 10th Cross Street, Near Krishnan Rice 152 625 016.
134 Mill, Jaihindpuram, Madurai-625 011. Thiru.D.Salaman, 17/50,
M/s.Pyonier Poly Crafts, 21, Jain School Shanmuganathapuram 2nd St, Madurai- 625
Road, PRC Depost Back Side, Pasumalai, 153 016.
135 Madurai-625 004. Thiru. Jothi Manickam, C 9/5, Housing
M/s.Thoothukudi District Rice Mill and Board Colony, Mela Ponnagaram 5th Street,
Paddy, Rice Wholesale Merchants 154 Madurai- 625 016.
Association, 100-C/1, South New Street, Tmt.Lakshmi, 3, Shanmuganathapuram,
136 Thoothukudi-628 002. 155 2nd Street, Madurai-16.
M/s.Kokila Siddha Pharma, 34/`H, Tmt.P.Selvi, No.200, Arapalayam Kandiya
Kunnanampatti, Karadikkal Post, 156 Karai, Madurai 625 016.
137 Tirumangalam – 625 706. Tmt. T. Meena, Mela Ponnagaram 7th
M/s.Kokila Siddha Hospital and Research 157 Street 6th Cross , Madurai – 625 010.
Centre, 27, Jaihindupuram 1st St, Behind Tmt.K.Dhanam Ammal, 66, D.D. Road,
138 Tamil Nadu Polytechnic, Madurai11 158 Arapalayam, Madurai – 625 016.
M/s.The Sivakasi Master Printers Tmt.Peiiyammal, 225, Arokiya Madha
Association, 425, Kamarajar Road, Post North 1st Street, Near to S.J. Kalyana
139 Nox No. 287, Sivakasi – 626 123. 159 Mahal, Arapalayam, Madurai – 625 016.
M/s.Sri Venkatagiri Modern Rice Mill, 37- Thiru.S.Chandra sekar, 198, Vazhavanthan
A, Pillaiyar Palayam Road, South Gate, Road, Rama Moorthi Nagar, CITU Colony,
140 Madurai-625 001. 160 Vilangudi – 625 018.
Thiru.K.S.Ravindran, CPI (M) 48th Ward,
161 Thiru S. Ramkumar, 23/63, Mothilal 2nd
141 205/6, Bagathsingh Road, Kamarajar Salai,
Street, Madurai – 625 016. Thiru C. Johnson Rajamanickam, 8,
Tmt.Krishnaveni, 19, Mothilal 2nd Street, 187 Mothilal 2nd Street, Madurai- 625 016.
162 Arapalayam, Madurai-625 016. Thiru J. Abdul Kadhar, 93, Mela
Thiru.K.Gandhi, 42, Krishnapalayam 1st 188 Ponnagaram 7th Street, Madurai – 625 016.
163 Street, Madurai – 625 016. Thiru S. Selvam, 1120, Pallivasal Street,
Thiru.K.Sugukumar, 42, Krishnapalayam 189 Thirupallai, Madurai – 625 014.
164 1st Street, Madurai- 625 016. Thiru K. Kadar Oli, 1132, Anbu Nagar,
Tmt.S.Padma, 26, Krishnapalayam 1st 190 Balaji Street, Tiruppalai, Madurai 625 014.
165 Street, Madurai – 625 016. Thiru D. John, 17/50, Shanmuganathapuram
Tmt. P. Vaigai Mani, 20/62, Mothilal 2nd 191 2nd Street, Madurai- 625 016.
166 Street, Arapalayam, Madurai – 625 016. Tmt. D. Vijaya, 17/50,
Tmt.R. Kayambu, 45, Krishnapalayam 1st 192 Shanmuganathapuram 2nd St, Madurai-16.
167 Street, Madurai- 625 016. Thiru.D. Manohar, 17/50,
Thiru R. Senthil Kumar, 25/36, Shanmugnathapuram 2nd Street, Madurai-
168 Krishnapalayam 1st Street, Madurai- 16. 193 16
Thiru V. Subburaj, 25A, Krishnapalayam M/s.Chellippalam Fibers Industries, 10/30,
169 1st Street, Madurai-625 016. 194 Watrap Raod, Maharajapuram – 625 149.
Tmt.A.Pushpavalli, 28, Krishnapalayam 1st Thiru.K.K.Rajan,21/37, Krishnapuram
170 Street, Madurai- 625 016. Weavers Colony, 4th Street, Madurai-625
Tmt. Rajeshwari, 3, Krishnapalayam 1st 195 014.
171 Street, Madurai- 625 016. Thiru.K.S.Rajaram, 3/2A, Krishnapuram
Tmt Santhalakshmi, 5, Krishnapalayam 1st Weavers Colony, 4th Street, Madurai-625
172 Street, Madurai 625 016. 196 014.
Tmt. V. Meena, 9, Mothilal Main Road, Thiru.P.S.Chandrasekaran, 4, Krishnapuram
173 Konar Compound, Madurai- 625 016. Weavers Colony, 4th Street, Madurai-625
Thiru M. Balasuriya, 3, Mothilal 3rd Street, 197 014.
174 Madurai – 625 016. Thiru.SS.Ganesh, 5/18, Krishnapuram
Tmt.S.Alamelu, 11, Mothilal 3rd Street, 198 Weavers Colony, 4th Street, Madurai-14.
175 Andhra Street, Madurai 625 016. Thiru.M.R.Santharam, 5th Strreet,
Thiru S. Rengaraj, 1B, Mothilal 3rd Street, Krishnapuram Weavers Colony, Madurai-
176 Madurai- 625 016. 199 625 014.
Tmt. V. Backiam, 12, Mothilal 3rd Street, Thiru.K.L.Poornachari, 20, Krishnapuram
177 Madurai- 625 016. Weavers Colony, 2nd Street, Madurai-625
Thiru Senthil Kumar, 6, Andhra Street, 200 014.
178 Cross Road, Madurai- 625 016. M/s.Sri Venkateswara Bricks, Madapuram
Tmt. A. Sumathi, 14, Mothilal 3rd Street, 201 Villaku, Tirupuvanam Post, Sivagangai .
179 Andhra Street, Madurai – 625 016. Thiru.S.M. Bhatcha, 2/315, Vasantham
Thiru R. Murali Kannan, 9/5, Mothilal Main 202 Street, CM Nagar, Vandiyur, Madurai- 20.
180 Road, Madurai-625 016. Thiru.N.GanesaMurthy, 4/368, College
Thiru Karthikeyan, 1, Mela Ponnagaram 8th 203 Street, Thasildar Nagar, Madurai 625 020.
181 Street, Madurai – 625 0016. Thiru.P.Krishnan, 4/368, College Street,
Thiru HananMullah Manzoor, 18/15, Mela 204 Thasildar Nagar, Madurai- 625 020.
182 Ponnagaram Main Road, Madurai – 16. Thiru.M.Shanmuganathan, 17, Middle
T. Lakshmana Perumal, 8A, Mothilal Main 205 Street, Mathiciyam, Madurai- 625 020.
183 Road, Madurai- 625 016. Thiru.M.Rajendran, 147/34, Narimedu
Thiru V. Murugan, 9, Bharathiyar Road, 206 Main Road, Madurai- 625 002.
184 Cross Street, Madurai 625 016. Tmt.Pa.Palaniammal, 85/5, Arul
Thiru. P.Arunachalam, 90, Bye-Pass Main 207 Dasapuram, Madurai- 625 018.
185 Navalar Nagar 1st Street, Madurai – 16 Thiru.Muniyasamy, Chokkalinga Nagar,
Thiru V. Calab, 8, Mothilal Street, Madurai 208 Arasaradi, Madurai
186 – 625 016. Tmt.B.Janaki, 20D, Chokkalinga Nagar
209 Main Road, Madurai
Thiru.C.Rajappan, Chokkalinga Nagar 2nd M/s.Grace Traders, 36-A, Kaja Street, M.P.
Street, Muniyasamy Compound, Door No. 232 Puram, Madurai- 625 011.
210 10, Madurai M/s.Miracle Paper Industries, Door No.
Thiru.S.Shanmuga Sundaram, 18/10, 115/2A1, Kumaran Colony, Kaithari Nagar,
211 Chokkalinga Nagar 4th Street, Madurai 233 Nilaiyur, Madurai- 625 005.
Tmt.P.Dhanalakshmi, M 625, TNHB Tmt.B.Poongothai, 11/1, Rajendra 3rd
212 Colony, Anaiyur, Madurai – 625 018. 234 Street, Madurai- 625 016.
Thiru.R.Ravichandran, 173/1, Thiru.V.Sakkanan, 42/22, Meiyappan 1st
Perumalpuram, Narasingam Road, Y. 235 Street, Gnana Oili Puram, Madurai
213 Otthakadai, Maudrai – 625 007. Tmt.N.Vasanthi, 4, Rajendra 3rd Street,
Tmt.S.Radha, 240, Jeeva Nagar 1st Street, 236 Karimedu, Madurai-16.
214 Madurai- 625 011. Thiru.T.Sivaprakasam Achari, 3, Rajendra
Tmt.Kamatchiammal, 30, 237 3rd Street, Mela Ponnagaram, Madurai-16.
215 Subramaniyapuram 2nd St, Madurai-11 Thiru.N.Kanagaraj, 12/174, Mela
Tmt.V.Jayalakshmi, 3/2, Jeeva Nagar 2nd 238 Ponnagaram, 10th Street, Madurai-16
216 Street, Jaihindpuram, Madurai-625 011. M/s.Mayura Rice Mill, 3, Kothandaram
Tmt.S.Sathidevi, 192, Jeeva Nagar 1st 239 Mill Road, Mahalipatti, Madurai – 1
217 Street, Jaihindpuram, Madurai- 625 011. M/s.Koodal Rice Mill, R.S. No.43/2B, 44/1-
Thiru.T.Perumal, 297, Jeeva Nagar 1st A, Chinthamani Road, Rajaman Nagar,
218 Street, Jaihindpuram, Madurai-625 011. 240 Madurai- 625 009.
Tmt.K.Ponnammal, 304, Jeeva Nagar 1st M/s.Kalidas Rice Mill, 5, Nallamuthu Pillai
219 Street, Madurai – 625 011. 241 Road, Mahalipatti, Madurai-625 001.
Tmt.R.Saraswathi, 347, Nagalakshmi M/s.Lena Serma Kannan Modern Rice Mill,
Compound, Nethaji Street, Jainhindpuram, 4/51-A, Nedunkulam Main Road,
220 Madurai 625 011. 242 Chinthamani, Madurai- 625 009.
Thiru.L.Lokanathan, 77/88, Rukkumani M/s.Virudhunagar District Thennaga Naar
Ambal Illam, Nall Muthu Pillai Colony, and Porutkal Manufacturers Association,
221 T.P.K. Road, Madurai 625 011. 1/487, Vathrap Road, Maharajapuram,
Tmt.Rukkumani, 77/88, Rukkumani Ambal 243 Virudhunagar-626149.
Illam, Nallamuthu Pillai Colony, T.P.K. M/s.Sundaram Fibres, 4/3, Gopalapuram
222 Road, Madurai- 625 011. 244 Road, Watrap – 626 132, Virdhunagar
Thiru.B.Sampath Kumar, M/s.S.K. Wood M/s.Arul Jothi Coir Products, Door No.
Carving, 70/88, Nalla Muthu Pillai Colony, 1/487, Watrap Road, Maharajapuram – 626
223 T.P.K. Road, Madurai 245 149, Virudhunagar.
Tmt.R. Nathiya, Flat No. 6, Veera Thiru.G.Jeevanandham, 23/16, Nalla Muthu
Chinnammal Illam, Ramaiya 9th Cross Pillai Road, Keerathurai, Madurai – 625
Street, Ooviyar Street, Jainhindpuram, 246 001.
224 Madurai- 625 011. Thiru.A.Chinna Erulan, 62A/204,
Thiru.Y. Syed Ibrahim, 13/3, 1st Main Deivakanni Street, Anuppanadi, Madurai-
225 Road, Subramaniyapuram, Madurai- 11. 247 625 009.
Tmt.T.Suguna, Nalla Muthu Pillai Colony, M/s.Bharathiya Janadha Party, 58/H-4,
226 T.P.K. road,Subramaniapuram, Madurai-11 248 Anna Colony, Thiruthangal, Virudhunagar
Thiru.S.Pitchaikonar, 33, Main Road, Solai M/s.Association of Cold Storages, 76/4A2,
227 Alagupuram, Madurai- 625 011. Madurai-Dindigul NH, Thiruvalavayanallur
Tmt.A.Razia Begum, 55/15, 249 P.O. Nagari, Madurai- 625 221.
228 Subramaniyapuram 1st Street, Madurai Thiru.S.M.Pandiyan, Bharathiya Janadha
Tmt.Usmanali, 48/49/2B, Katchi, 4/488A, Samypuram Colony,
229 Subramaniyapuram, Madurai- 625 011. 250 Sivakasi, Virudhunagar.
Tmt.Kamatchi Ammal, 30, Thiru.N.Velayutham, Bharathiya Janadha
230 Subramaniyapuram, Madurai 625 011. Katchi, 15C, Library Road, Srivilliputhur –
Thiru.P.Daniel Perinbaraj, 435, TNHB 251 626 125.
231 Colony, Villapuram, Madurai – 625 011.
Thiru.S.Alagarsamy, 3/98, Officer Town Balarengapuram, Madurai-625 009
252 West- II, Melakuyikudi, Madurai-19 Thiru.M.Govindaraj, Plot No. 32,33 Om
M/s.S.S.Traders, 77/3, Ramaiah Street Last, Nama Shivaya Nagar, Muthaiya Koil Back
Near Yogi Ram Surath Kumar Temple, 271 side, Kochadai – 625 016.
253 Jaihindpuram, Madurai-625 011. M/s.Dindigul Coir Consortium Pvt Ltd, 15-
M/s.Super Traders, M.R. Complex Tea B, Sathar Gardens, Natham Road, Dindigul-
Stall, Ramaiah Street, Jaihindpuram, 272 624 003.
254 Madurai-625 011 M/s.Dindigul District Coconut Fibre
M/s.Kwality Coil products Pvt Ltd., 1/101, Products Manufacturers Association, 111,
Spring Road, Surya Nagar, Alagar Koil K.K.R. Complex, 3, Thiruvalluvar Salai,
255 Main Road, Madurai- 625 014. 273 Bus Stand, Dindigul-624 003.
Thiru.K.Raja, Anantha Nagar 4th Street, M/s.Amman Bricks, Jothipuram Road,
256 Uchilampatti Post, Madurai 274 Konthagai, Sivagangai
Thiru.S.Muthusamy, Vellai Malai Patti P.O. M/s.A.N.Coir, 5/2, Krishna Rao Third
257 Uchilampatti T.K. Madurai 275 Street, Dindigul.
Thiru.Mayakandiban, Uchilampatti, M/s.Grow Green Coco Peat Products,
Ochaath Devar Street, Usilampatti P.O. 276 Sirumalai Road, Dindigul-624 003.
258 Madurai 277 Tmt.Gomathi, Kanavaipatti, Dindigul
Thiru.M.Velmurugan, Keeripatti, M/s.S R Fibres Manufacturer and Exporter
259 Usilampatti Post. Madurai of Coir and Coir Products, 15/1B,
Thiru.M.Chandran, 2/7-13, Raja Mill Road, Kottaikaranpatty, Kanavaipatty Village,
260 Madurai-625 001. 278 Sakiliankodai P.O., Dindigul – 624308.
Thiru.K.Kumar, 12/51, Murugaiya Nagar M/s.Bhama Coir Products, 24, Rajalakshmi
261 2nd Street, Balamedu, Vadipatti T.K. 279 Nagar, Natham Road, Dindigul-624 003.
Thiru.K.Kanagasundaravel, M/s.Bharathiya M/s.Shri Prawn Coirs, Vadamadurai,
Janatha Katchi, 87,North Street, Salai 280 Dindigul
262 Pudur, Kayathar T.K. Thoothukudi. Thiru.V.Santhana Krishnan, Kanavaipatti,
Thiru.U.Muthukrishnan, M/s.Bharathiya 281 Dindigul
Janatha Katchi, 428/16, Sabari Complex,
263 Main Road, Kovilpatti- 628 502. 282 Thiru.V.Subramani, Kanavaipatti, Dindigul
Thiru.T.Pandiyarajan, M/s. Bharathiya 283 M/s.Shine Coir, Gopalpatty, Dindigul
janatha katchi, 1393/B6, Annai Therasa M/s.Shri Priya Coirs, Vadamadurai,
Nagar, Manthithoppu Road, Kovilpatti – 284 Dindigul
264 628 501, Thoothukudi. Thiru.R.Moorthy, Keela Street, Kappalur,
Thiru.A.Mariyappan, M/s. Bharathiya 285 Madurai-8
Janatha Katchi, 13/B/11L, Ajai Complex, Thiru.A.Jeyamarimuthu, Kappalur, Madurai
Manthi Thoppu Road, Kovilpatti – 628 501, 286 625 008.
265 Thoothukudi. Thiru.K.Nagarajan, Near Railway Gate,
Thiru.Er.M.Balamurugan, M/s.Bharathiya 287 Kappalur, Madurai 625 008.
Janatha Katchi, 128/2, South Street, M/s.The Tuticorin Dhall Manufacturer’s
Muddukumeendanpatti, Nalattin Puthur – Association, 4/51-G, Athiparasakthi Nagar,
266 628 716 Thoothukudi 288 Thoothukudi- 628 005.
M/s.RMJ. Chamber Bricks, 2/168, Alathur M/s.S.Kanagaraj & Bros, 118, South Raja
Road, Oomatchikulam, Thirumalpuram 289 Street, Tuticorin-1
267 Madurai – 630 611. M/s.Shree Manickam Coir Products,
M/s.BMS Wirecut Chamber Bricks, 290 Dindigul
Silaiman Via, Keezhadi, Jothipuram, Thiru.S.Kanagasabai, 12, South Raja Street,
268 Sivagangai-630 611. 291 Thoothukudi – 628 001.
Thiru.M.Thavamani, Modasamy Coir M/s.R.Krishna Nadar, Merchant & Dhall
269 Fibres, Muhanoor, Rajapalayam Manufacturer, 96/244, Great Cotton Road,
M/s.Ajantha printers, 3B/2, D2 D2 Road, 292 Tuticorin-628 001.
270 Near Kennady Government Hospital, 293 M/s.R.G & Company, 244, Great Cotton
Road, Tuticorin-628 001. M/s.Jeikindpuram Siru, Kurundholil
Thiru.V.Karuppaiah, 66/8, Near to Ponnar Manufacturers Paathugappu Nalasangam,
Sankar Kovil ,Vadivelkarai, Nagamalai, No.59, Ramaiah St, Jeihindpuram, Madurai-
294 Madurai-625 019. 315 11.
Thiru.M.S.Krishnan, East Street, M/s.J.Sankar and Brothers Hi-Tech Rice
295 Thoombangundu, Uchilampatti, Madurai Mill, R.S.No.38/2B2, Panaiyur Village,
Thiru.T.K.Sadhanantham, Old No. 6/2, New Nedunkulam main road, Near
No. 21, Madurai Mahal 8th Street, Madurai 316 Ayyanarpuram, Madurai-9
296 – 625 001. M/s.S.Jawahar Modern Rice Mill,
Thiru.B.Kalidhasan, 149, A & B, Alagar R.S.No.31, Nedunkulam main road,
Koil Road, 1, Sakthi Plaza, Tallakulam, 317 Samanatham, Madurai-9
297 Madurai-625 002. Tmt.N.Dhanapackiyam, No.174B,
Thiru.P.Govindan, 3/5, Venkadasamy 318 Pagalavan vagar, Anuppanadi, Madurai-9
Naidu Agraharam, Simmakkal, Madurai- Thiru.Padhinenttanpadi, No.17B, Pagalavan
298 625 002. 319 vagar, Anuppanadi,Madurai-9
M/s.Valibar Vasaga Salai, Indhiya Thiru.Soundrapandian, Consumer
Jananayaga Valibar Sangam, 10A, Anumar No.G.D662, Pagalavan vagar, Anuppanadi,
Koil Padiththurai, Simmakkal, Madurai – 320 Madurai-9
299 625 001. Tmt.M.Ponnammal, Consumer No.G.D661,
Tmt.A.Sabetha Begam, 54/149, Ansari 321 Pagalavan vagar, Anuppanadi,Madurai-9
Nagar 7th Street, Mahaboopalayam, Thiru.Ramar, Consumer No.204, Pagalavan
300 Madurai – 625 016. 322 vagar, Anuppanadi,Madurai-9
Thiru.C.Rasamanickam, No.82, Puvajeyil Tmt.R.Maheswari,Consumer No.GD205,
301 road, Alagaradi, Madurai-625016 206, Pagalavan vagar,
Tmt.R.Usharani, No.36/A, Vivekanandhar 323 Anuppanadi,Madurai-9
302 road, Karimedu, Madurai-625016 Tmt.Muthupechi, Consumer No.G.D893,
S.R.Ramakrishnan, No.19/7, Krishnapuram 324 Pagalavan vagar, Anuppanadi, Madurai-9
303 colony, 3rd St, Madurai-14 Tmt.R.Mariyammal, Consumer No.G.D-
C.G.Saravanan, No.19, Krishnapuram 42369004236901, Pagalavan vagar,
304 colony, 4th east cross st, Madurai-14 325 Anuppanadi,Madurai-9
G.V.Gopal, No.38/24, Krishnapuram Thiru.Perumal, Manuththu Po, Usilampatti
305 Nesavalar Colony, 5th St, Madurai-14 326 Tk, Madurai
R.K.Ramesh Babu, No.9-5/2-2, Nethaji St, Thiru.P.Balu, Manuththu Po, Usilampatti
306 Viswanathapuram Extn, Madurai-14 327 Tk,Madurai
G.K.Saravanan, No.16/61, Krishnapuram Tmt.Pechiyammal, Manuththu Po,
307 Colony, 3rd St, Madurai-14 328 Usilampatti Tk,Madurai
M/s.Honey Brick Works(wire cut brick Thiru.M.Kalaiselvan, No.2/650, Mullai
manufacturers), No.60/3 &2, Varichiyur 329 nagar, Oththakadai, Madurai-625107
308 road, Sakkudi, Madurai-20. Thiru.M.kalaiselvan, The Secretary, CPIM,
M/s.Friends Bricks,Kalimangalam road, Madurai east Tk, Pandiyan Nagar,
309 Sakkudi Po, Madurai-20 330 Oththakadai, Madurai-625107
M/s.Rasi Bricks, Sakkimangalam Po, Thiru.D.Murugumani, Sc.No.215,
310 Karcheri, Madurai-1 331 Mangalapuram, Oththakadai, Madurai-7
M/s.Yesiyan Bricks, Ananijiyur, Sakkudi Thiru.K.Dhanasekaran, Murugaiah 2nd St,
311 Po, Madurai 332 Palamedu, Vadipatti Tk.
M/s.Malick Brick Works, Ananijiyur, Thiru.C.Pandiyan, Karuppayurani,
312 Sakkudi Po, Madurai-20 333 Veerabardon, Madurai-20
V.V.Giridharan, No.97a, Velayutham road, Thiru.R.Dhanapandiyan, No.19, Sathiya
313 Sivakasi-23 334 moorthy St, K.Salai pudhur, Madurai-18
S.Verasekaran, Mela st, Nagamalai, Thiru.D.Ramamoorthy, Samayallur Po,
314 Pudhukottai 335 Madurai-2
Thiru.A.Mujiba Raguman, M/s. Madurai Madurai-9
District Farmers Association, Southpalanji, M/s.Shree Vaishnavi Industries, Block 2,
336 Madurai-21 No.4/182, Melakkal main road,
Thiru.M.Sivaraman, M/s. Madurai District 356 Rettaivaikkal, Madurai-625019
Farmers Association, Thiruparangundram M/s.Bhargave Rubber Pvt Ltd, No.342-
337 Tk, Southpalanji, Madurai-21 357 Melakkal main road, Kochadai,Madurai-16
M/s.Vaigai Flour Mills, No.35-A, Palam M/s.Hiranmayee Rubber Pvt Ltd, No.99,
338 Station road, Sellur, Madurai-2 358 Melakkal main road, Kochadai,Madurai-16
M/s.Rainbow Rotoprint Private Ltd, M/s.Banu Plastic Containers, P.No.29,
No.5/777, Pasumpon St, Yagappa Nagar, 359 TNHB, Mela Anuppanady, Madurai-9
339 Sourastrapuram, Vandiyur, Madurai-20 M/s.Vairam Plastics, S.I.P.No.28, TNHB,
M/s.Sri Jeyarekha Industries, No.1, Ramraj 360 Mela Anuppanady, Madurai-9
340 Nagar, Villapuram, Madurai-12 M/s.Sree Vidhya Industries, No.4/182,
M/s.Mathura Chicory Manufacturing Melakkal main road, Rettaivaikkal,
Company, No.210A, Naickar New St, 361 Madurai-19
341 Madurai-1 M/s.Dhina Polymers, No.4/865, Bharath St,
M/s.JB Hydraaulics,No.5, Sidco industrial 362 Anbu nagar, Madurai-20
342 Estate, K.Pudur, Madurai-7 M/s.Raj Fine Packs, P.No.471, 472, 473,
M/s.Sri Harisaranya Plastics, No.C-5, Adhithya industrial park, Pulliyur-625009,
Industrial Estate, K.Pudur, Madurai- 363 Sivagangai
343 625007. M/s.Sri Daithiyasudan Textiles, Shed
M/s.Meenakshi Pet, No.118A, Mahia Sidco No.43, Sidco Industrial Estate, Kappalur,
industrial estate, Uranganpatty, Varichiyur, 364 Madurai-8.
344 Madurai M/s.Biotic Life Sciences (India) Pvt Ltd,
M/s.ACME Elastomers, P.No.BS3 Sidco No.C-5, Sidco industrial estate, K.Pudur,
345 industrial estate, Kappalur, Madurai-625008 365 Madurai-7
M/s.Madurai ACME Enterprises (P) Ltd, M/s.Srinivasa Packaging, No.A-4 Unit,
Part2 A,B S3, Sidco Industrial Estate, 366 Industrial estate, K.pudur, Madurai-7
346 Kappalur, Madurai-625008 M/s.Madurai Sri Kamatchi Plastic Pvt Ltd,
M/s.Jeyam Textiles, No.501/2, Nagari road, No.23, Tamil Nadu Housing Board, West
Alankottaram village, Sholavandan-625215, 367 Anuppanadi, Madurai-9.
347 Vadipatty Tk,Madurai M/s.GK Techno Park, P.No.20, Tamil Nadu
M/s.Chandra Trading Company, No.5/50, Housing Board, West Anuppanadi,
348 Ganga Nagar, Mela anuppanadi,Madurai-9 368 Madurai-3.
M/s.KBK Process, No.191, Mayandi koil M/s.Samuthra Polymers, No.C-59, Kannan
349 thaital, Samanatham, Madurai-9 369 St, Alagappan Nagar, Madurai-3
M/s.Amirtha Agro Enterprises Pvt Ltd, M/s.Om Muruga Plastics, Survey No.56/1,
No.128/5&6, Hotel jeeva complex, Rajaman Nagar, chinthamani road,
350 Ramamoorthy road, Virudhunagar – 1 370 Madurai-9.
M/s.Yasin Brick Works Pvt Ltd, Kasim M/s.Salfa Industries, No.18-A,
351 Building No.214, Wast Veli St,Madurai-1 371 Vengalakadai St, Madurai-1.
M/s.SK Plastics, No.4/166A, Lakshmi M/s.Prakash Cottage Industries, No.51,
nagar, 4th St, Sourasthtrapuram, Vandiyur 372 N.S.Konar St, Jaihindpuram, Madurai-11.
352 main road, Madurai-20 M/s.CTP Food Products, No.2/867-A,
M/s.PVR Power Energy Pvt Ltd, 373 Chemman Salai, Vandiyur, Madurai-20.
No.136/63, 64, Tamil sangam road, M/s.Sukan Rice Industries, No.20/1B &21,
353 Madurai-1 Nedungulam main road, Chinthamani,
M/s.Sunrays Textiles Process Private Ltd, 374 Madurai-9.
354 No.15, Bose St, Sellur, Madurai-2 M/s.My Bee Garments, P.No.1425,
M/s.Meenatchi Trading Company, T.N.H.B., Villapuram puthu nagar,
No.3/159, Vinobaji nagar, Near 375 Madurai-11.
355 kathiraruppu Mandapam, Chinthamani,
M/s.Ajantha Printers, No.3B/2, D2 road, Agaram colony, Kalugarkadai Po,
Near kennady govt hospital, Sivagangai.
376 Balarengapuram, Madurai-9 M/s.Vijayasri Herbals, No.20A,
M/s.Paras Industries, No.2A, J.J.Road, 395 Mathichiyam middle St, Madurai
Chairman muthuramier road, Sivagangai M/s.Amman Granite, No.71-2, Alampatti
377 Dist-625009. 396 Villagar, Sattur Tk, Vireudhunagar Dist,
M/s.P.K.Flyash Bricks, No.8/19, Muslim M/s.India Tech Industry,No.50, N.S.Konar
Attru pathai, Thiruppuvanam Pudur, 397 St, jaihindpuram, Madurai-11.
378 Sivagangai-630611. M/s.MDR Industries, No.9/1, Ward No.1,
M/s.New Aruna Chamber Bricks, No.15, Aaviyur PO, Kariapatti Tk, Virudhunagar-
Gopalasamuthiram West Bank road, Near 398 626115
Nanmaithrum 108 vinayagar temple, M/s.Shanmuga Metal Products, No.2/233-
379 Dindugal D, Rani mangammal Salai, Vandiyur,
M/s.Palanikumar Bricks, No.S.F.332/2, 399 Madurai-20
Piramanor road, Thirupuvanam Tk, M/s.P.R.Rocks, No.10/1, Deputy Collector
380 Sivagangai. 400 Colony 1st St, K.K.nagar, Madurai-20
M/s.P.K.Bricks,Madhavan Nagar, M/s.Sree Vignesh Packaging (P) Ltd, East
Piramanoor Salai, Thiruppuvanam Pudur- 401 Veli St, 1st floor, Madurai-1
381 630611, Sivagangai M/s.P.R.Granite, No.83/1, Parayankulam
M/s.V.S.R.Private Ltd, No.C-4, Industrial Village, Sivagangai main road, Varichiyur,
382 Estate, K.Pudur, Madurai-7. 402 Madurai-20
M/s.Vikas advertisements, No.34, Hakkim M/s.Fouryes Industries, No.200& 201, East
383 Ajmalkhan road, Madurai-20. 403 Veli St, 1st floor, Madurai
M/s.Perrys Biscuits Pvt Ltd, No.2/227, M/s.JK Engineering & Electroplates, Shed
Dindigul NH road, Nagari, Madurai- No.A-3, S.F.No.222/1 & 2, Electroplating
384 625221. industrial park, tiruppuvanam block,
M/s.AKJ Bricks, D.No.3/187-A, 404 Manamadurai Tk, Sivagangai-630611.
S.Puliankulam, Silaiman (via), Madurai- M/s.KB Electro Plating, No.A15,
385 625201. Electroplating industrial park,
M/s.Popular Products, No.4/186, Ganga D.karisalkulam village, Samanatham po,
386 nagar, Mela anuppanadi, Madurai-9. 405 Sivagangai – dist, Madurai-9
M/s.VKM Sangaralingam & Co, M/s.KB Electro Players, P.No.A-14, Electro
D.No.3/236, (S.No.163/2F1), Chinthamani plating industrial eco park, D.karisalkulam,
road, Rajaman nagar, Chinthamani Po, 406 samanatham Po,Madurai-9
387 Madurai-9. M/s.Ramya Cottage Industries, No.A2,
M/s.Sakthi Bricks, No.5, P.V.S.Lane, East Electroplating Industrial Park,
388 Masi St, Madurai-1. D.Karisalkulam Village, Samanatham Po,
M/s.Sundar Modern Rice Mill,Old 407 Sivagangai-dist, Madurai-9.
No.46A/2, New no.99, New Ramnad road, M/s.PR Bricks, No.124/2, Thirupuvanam
389 Madurai-9. road, Poovandhi village, Sivagangai-
M/s.Venugopalan Carbonic Gases, 408 623611.
P.No.62A, Women Industrial Park, Sidco, M/s.Velavansteels, P.No.54, 11 & 21
390 Kappalur, Madurai-8. Women Industrial park, Sidco kappalaur,
M/s.Visalakahi Traders, No.89/4, 409 Madurai-8
Angayarkanni 4th St, Jeeva nagar2nd St, M/s.Ramani Packaging, No.72, Elukadal st,
391 jaihindpuram, Madurai-11. 410 Madurai-1.
M/s.Shanlax Press, No.66, V.P.Complex, M/s.Dhanush Packaging, O.No.71,
T.P.K.Main road, Near KVB, Vasantha 411 ezhukadal St, Madurai-1.
392 nagar, Madurai-3. M/s.Ramani Paper Product, No.S189/2A-3,
M/s.M.B.Pharma, No.46, Front Portion, Madurai mandapam road, Manalur po,
393 Mathichiyam middle St, Madurai-20 412 Sivagangai-623611.
394 M/s.Taj Brick Works, Manaloor via,
M/s.Pyonier Poly Crafts, No.21, Jain school M/s.Siva Cottage Industries, No.33,
road, PRC Depot Back side, Pasumalai, Manikandan St, Bharathiar road,
413 Madurai-4. 433 jaihindpuram, Madurai-11.
M/s.Guru Tex Spares, No.47A, Mannar M/s.TM International, No.11, Mahan
thirumalai nayakar St, Thanigai Nagar, 434 Gandhi road, Sellur, Madurai-625002.
414 Thirunagar, Madurai-6. M/s.Bismi Bricks, Silaiman, Madurai-
M/s.Guru Engineerings, No.47-A, Mannar 435 625201.
Thirumalai naickyar St, Tanigai nagar St, M/s.Standard Industries, A,Super1,
415 Thirunagar, Madurai-6. 436 Industrial Estate, Madurai-7.
M/s.Kanaga Printers, No.154/157, Mothilal M/s.Puma Poly Industries, S.F.No.504-1A,
416 main road, Karimedu, Madurai-16. 1A ishwarya nagar, Near TNEB office,
M/s.Sri Periyandavar Chamber Brick Veerapandi, Dharapuram road, Tirupur-
Works, Moongil Oorani, Manamadurai- 437 641604.
417 630606 M/s.S.K.Plastics, No.4/166A, Lakshmi
M/s.Thennavar Bleachers, No.1/101, Nagar, 4th St, Sourastrapuram, Vandiyur
Samanatham post, Samanatham, Madurai 438 main road, Madurai-20.
418 South Tk, Madurai-9. M/s.Mani Industries, No.237, East Marret
M/s.Sree Sakthi Industrials, No.152/181, 439 St, Madurai-1.
419 Big car St,Thirupparankundram,Madurai-5 M/s.Bama Tanks, No.237, East Marret St,
M/s.Ruby Food Products, No.A,S-2, 440 Madurai-1.
420 Industrial Estate, K.Pudur, Madurai-7. M/s.Bama Pipes, No.237, East Marret St,
M/s.Wood Pecker, Solangurani main road, 441 Madurai-1
421 Madurai-22 M/s.Prakash Cottage Industry, No.51,
M/s.Lakshmi Krishna Traders, The 442 N.S.Konar St, Jaihindpuram, Madurai-11.
422 Administrative Director, Theni M/s.India Tech Industry, No.50, N.S.Konar
M/s.Devi Chambers, K.Gunasekaran, 443 St, Jaihindpuram, Madurai-11.
D.Puthukottai road, Chatrapatti-624614, M/s.Sri Amman Steel, NO.3, Ramaiah St,
423 Oddanchatram Tk, Dindugal 444 Jaihindpuram, Madurai-11
M/s.Devi Chambers, Thiru.G.Selvaran, M/s.Sri Angala Eswari Cottage Industries,
S.F.No.138/2A2, thumpalapatti Village, P.No.2, Ramaiah main st,
424 Thumpalapatti-624617, Palani Tk, Dindugal 445 Jaihindpuram,Madurai-11
M/s.Sri Balaji Engineering Works, M/s.Sri Periyandavar Tile Works,
Thiru.K.Sundaram, Sidco industrial estate, 446 Sangamangalam, Manamadurai-6
425 Theni M/s.Ponmani Bricks, No.4/950A, Ponmani
M/s.Prabhu Paint Industries, New no.9, apartment, Near P.T.R.Bridge, 80 feet road,
Pasumpon St, Mohammedshapuram, 447 annanagar, Madurai-20
426 Thirumangalam-625706, Madurai Thiru.T.Anandha kumar, D.D.road,
M/s.TM Hotel, No.50, West Perumal 448 Arappalayam, Kanmaikarai, Madurai-16
427 Maistry St, Madurai-1. Thiru.P.Ponnaiah, No.259, Lasaras St,
M/s.Excellent Fixable Drapes,P.No.4, Thai 449 Pethaniyapuram, Madurai-16
428 Moogambigai Nagar, K.pudur, Madurai-7 Thiru.C.Yovan powlraj, No.6/36, Jeeva st,
M/s.Aali Industries, Plot No.1&2, Zion 450 Pethaniyapuram, Madurai-16
429 Nagar, A.kosakulam, Madurai-17. Thiru.P.Balakrishnan, No.2B, Nagunagar,
M/s.Sri Murugan Industries, No.48, 451 1st St, Pethaniyapuram, Madurai-16
Vivekananda St, Bharathiyar road, Thiru.Palpandi, Pomariyamman koil St,
430 Jaihindpuram, Madurai-11. 452 Metu St, Pandiyarajapuram, Madurai-16
M/s.Gilld Oil Mills, No.26A/4, Kamadhenu Thiru.Jastin, No.15, Kamarajar St,
Mahal Building, K.K.Patti road, Cumbum- 453 Pethaniyapuram, Madurai-16
431 625516, Theni Thiru.A.Durai pandi, No.140, AUB
M/s.Sun Shine Industries, R.S.No.71/2, Asaithambi St, Fathima nagar,
Ramaiah 12th Cross St, Jaihindpuram, 454 Pethaniyapuram, Madurai-16
432 Madurai-11.
Thiru.V.Pandisubbu, No.152, Anbuveedhi, Association, No.208, Naicker new St,
455 Mettu St, Pethaniyapuram, Madurai-16 Madurai-1
Tmt.P.Aathiyammal, No.110, chinnasamy M/s.Plastic Manufacturer’s Association,
456 pillai St, Pethaniyapuram, Madurai-16 No.14/1, N.N.road, Rathinapuram,
Thiru.Sivanandithevar, Devar Didal Near, 474 Madurai-11
Ooottrukinaru, Muthuramalingapuram, M/s.Sree Venkateswara bricks, Madpuram,
457 Madurai-4 475 thirupuvanam, Sivagangai District
Tmt.G.Chandra, No.53, M/s.The Classic Printers, No.208New
Muthuramalingapuram main road, Madurai- 476 no.100, Naicker new st, Madurai-1
458 4 477 Thiru.P.Sivaraman, Palanganatham Madurai
Tmt.R.Saraswathi, No.9A, Thiru.K.Elamurugan, Palanganatham,
Muthuramalingam 1st Mettu st, Vaigara, 478 Madurai
459 Madurai-4 Thiru.S.Veerabathran,No.4, Santhanam St,
Thiru.M.Sivabalan, No.49/1, E.B road, 479 Neru nagar, Madurai-16
460 Muthuramalingapuram, Vaikara, Madurai-4 Thiru.A.Periyasamy, Palanganatham
Thiru.P.Subbaiah, No.24, Nayakkamar St, 480 ,Madurai
Oottrukinaru, Muthuramalingapuram, Thiru.S.Sudalai mani, Palanganatham,
461 Madurai-4 481 Madurai
M/s.Madura Pet Polymers Pvt
482 Thiru.M.Perumal, Palanganatham, Madurai
Ltd,No.A12&13, Madurai automobile Co-
operative industrial estate, Kappalur, 483 Thiru.G.Shekbabu, Madurai
462 Madurai-8 Thiru.Soundrapandi, Palanganatham,
M/s.Linga’s Pet Packagaing, No.22A & B, 484 Madurai
463 Sidco industrial estate,Kappalur,Madurai-8 Tmt.S.Bernaidu Ignitituous Palanganatham,
M/s.Madurai K.Pudur Industrial Estate 485 Madurai
Association, No.A-4, Industrial estate, Tmt.Elavarasi, Santhanam St, Neru nagar,
464 Madurai-7 486 Madurai
M/s.Madurai District Brick Manufacturers Thiru.M.Maarnadu, Palanganatham,
Association,No.137-C, Kamarajar Salai, 487 Madurai
465 Madurai-9 Tmt.R.Ramalakshmi, No.13, Nethaji main
M/s.Cumbum Area Apparels manufacturers 488 road, Madurai
traders Association,No.103, 1st Floor, Tmt.E.Masanam, No.21, Vivekanandar St,
466 Cumbum-625516, Theni. 489 neru nagar, Madurai
M/s.Southern District Textile Processing Thiru.E.Kadhar baatshah, No.6b, Gandhiyar
Cluster Pvt Ltd, No.13, Navarathinapuram, 490 St, Thathaneri, Madurai-18
3rd St, (Near abirami Theatre) Kamarajar 491 Thiru.Mani, Palanganatham, Madurai
467 Salai, Madurai-9 Thiru.R.Elango, No.2A, Santhanam St,
M/s.Vaigai Chamber Brick manufacturers 492 Neru nagar, Byepassroad,Madurai-16
Association, No.76, Amman sannathi St, Tmt.Susila muniyandi, Palanganatham,
468 Madurai-1 493 Madurai
M/s.Sivagangai District Brick Manufacturer 494 Tmt.M.Susila, Palanganatham, Madurai
469 Association, Manaloor-630611 Thiru.P.Murugan, Sakkarappanayakkanur,
M/s.Madurai backers Association, No.115, 495 Usilambatti Tk, Madurai
470 Nethaji road, Madurai-1 496 Thiru.Rajavadivu, Vadakkampatti,Madurai
M/s.The Madurai Printers Association,
No.3/B. D2 D2 road, Balarengapuram, near 497 Thiru.P.Ravi, Karumathur,Madurai
471 kennady, Madurai-8 498 Thiru.R.Kottaisamy, Karumathur,Madurai
M/s.Southern District Dyeing & Bleaching 499 Thiru.T.Anbarasan, Karumathur,,Madurai
owners Welfare Assn, No.13, 500 Thiru.T.Santhi, Karumathur,Madurai
Navarathinapuram, 3rd St (Near abirami
501 Thiru.C.Jeyapandi, Karumathur,Madurai
472 theatre), Kamarajar salai,Madurai-9
502 Thiru.P.Chinnathevar, Karumathur,Madurai
473 M/s.Madurai District Offset Printers
503 Thiru.T.Eswaran, Karumathur,Madurai 536 Tmt.R.Pandiyammal, Karumathur,, Madurai
504 Thiru.V.Veerarasan, Karumathur,Madurai 537 Thiru.P.Rajan, Karumathur,Madurai
505 Thiru.S.Muthupandi, Karumathur,Madurai Thiru.Pandi, Vadugampatti,
506 Thiru.Kalaiarasan, Karumathur,Madurai 538 Karumathur,Madurai
507 Thiru.R.Pandi, Karumathur,Madurai 539 Vadakkampatti,Karumathur,Madurai
Thiru.N.Paulpandi, Kottaiyur, Karumathur, Thiru.Periyamayan, Vadakkampatti,
508 Madurai 540 Karumathur,Madurai
509 Thiru.R.Suresh, Karumathur,Madurai Thiru.Pandi, Karumathur, Usilampatty Tk,
510 Thiru.K.Chellappa, Karumathur,Madurai 541 Madurai
Thiru.V.Veerarasan, Mannadi, Tmt.Dhanam, Vadakkampatti, Karumathur,
511 Karumathur,Madurai 542 Usilampatty Tk, Madurai
Thiru.S.Thangamayan, Thiru.R.Ravichandran, Vadakkampatti,
512 Vadakkampatti,Karumathur,Madurai 543 Karumathur, Madurai
Thiru.N.Pannerselvam, Kottaiyur, Thiru.Chinnapandi, Vadakkampatti,
513 Karumathur,,Madurai 544 Karumathur,Madurai
Thiru.R.Pandi, Tmt.Pemmayee, Vadakkampatti,
514 Vadakkampatti,Karumathur,,Madurai 545 Karumathur, Madurai
Thiru.K.Senthil,Kottaiyur, Tmt.Santhi, Vadakkampatti,
515 Karumathur,Madurai. 546 Karumathur,Usilambatti, Madurai
516 Thiru.S.Surul Pandi, Karumathur,Madurai Thiru.M.Vadivel, Vadakkampatti,
517 Thiru.K.Chellappa, Karumathur,Madurai 547 Karumathur, Usilambatti, Madurai
Thiru.M.Prabhu, Vadakkampatti,
518 Tmt.P.Rasathi, Karumathur,, Madurai 548 Karumathur, Usilambatti, Madurai
Tmt.Selvi,Thirumangalam, Thirumangalam, Thiru.Muthu, Vadakkampatti, Karumathur,
519 Madurai 549 Usilambatti, Madurai
520 Thiru.P.Virumandi, Karumathur,Madurai Thiru.A.Malaisamy, Vadakkampatti,
521 Thiru.P.Ananth, Karumathur,Madurai 550 Karumathur, Usilambatti,Madurai
Thiru.Malairaja, Tmt.K.Santhi, No.2/143, Gandhinagar,
522 Karumathur,Kalathur,Madurai Usilampatti road, vickramangalam,
Tmt.Ammasi, K.Othapatty, 551 Usilambatti Tk, Madurai
523 Karumathur,Madurai Tmt.R.Seeniyammal,
Tmt.Valarmathi, K.Othapatty, Gandhinagar,Vickiramangalam, Madurai-
524 Karumathur,Madurai 552 625207
525 Thiru.Marmaveeran, Karumathur,Madurai Thiru.T.Rathinam, (SC.No256), Usilambatti
553 road, Vickiramangalam, Madurai
526 Tmt.Maragatham, Karumathur,Madurai
Thiru.K.Duraipandi, Vickiramangalam Po,
527 Tmt.P.Pechiyammal, Madurai 554 Usilambatti, Madurai
528 Thiru.P.Jeeva, Karumathur,Madurai Tmt.M.Jothi,
Thiru.C.Gurusamy, Gandhinagar,Vickiramangalam,
529 Vadakkampatti,Karumathur,Madurai 555 Usilambatti, Madurai
Thiru.G.Arun, Tmt.R.Seeniyammal, (SC.No951)
530 Vadakkampatti,Karumathur,Madurai 556 Gandhinagar,Vickiramangalam, Madurai
Tmt.Minnalkodi, Karisalpatty, Thiru.G.Duraipandi, Gandhinagar,
531 Karumathur,Madurai Usilambatti road, Cholavandhan, Pin-
532 Tmt.Rajeswari, Karumathur,,Madurai 557 625214.
533 Thiru.A.Vairan, Karumathur,Madurai Thiru.C.Rasu Mooppar, Ettumoolappati,
Chakkarappanayakkanor ooratchi,
534 Thiru.Anburajan, Karumathur,Madurai
558 Vickiramangalam, Madurai
M.Karthikairaja, K.Kottaiyur,
Thiru.T.Rathinam, (SC.No1277), Usilai
535 Karumathur,Madurai
559 road, Vickiramangalam, Madurai
Thiru.M.Sundar, vickramangalam, Madurai- Thiru.Chinnasamy,Chellampatti,
560 625207 582 Usilambatti Tk, Madurai
Tmt.R.Seeniyammal,(SC.No896) Tmt.Pechiyammal,
561 Gandhinagar, Vickiramangalam, Madurai Chakkarappanayakkanur, Usilambatti Tk,
Thiru.R.Pasubathi, Gandhinagar St, 583 Madurai
562 Vickramangalam, Madurai Thiru.Perumal, Chakkarappanayakkanur,
Tmt.M.Pandiyammal, Gandhinagar, 584 Usilambatti Tk, Madurai
563 Vickramangalam, Madurai Tmt.P.Panjavarnam,
Thiru.T.Rathinam, (SC.No750), Usilambatti Chakkarappanayakkanur, Usilambatti Tk,
564 road, Vickiramangalam, Madurai 585 Madurai
Thiru.N.Chandran, No.2/149, Gandhinagar, Tmt.G.Pandiyammal, Sc.No598,
565 Vickramangalam, Madurai Chakkarappanayakkanur, Usilambatti Tk,
Thiru.Mayakkal, No.2/49, Gandhinagar, 586 Madurai
566 Vickramangalam,Madurai Tmt.Mariyammal, Chakkarappanayakkanur,
Tmt.Pandiyammal (Sc.No 7976), 587 Usilambatti Tk, Madurai
567 Gandhinagar, Usilai road, Vickramangalam Tmt.A.Ponnakkaal,
Thiru.V.Sankar, (Sc.No 455), usilambatti Chakkarappanayakkanur, Usilambatti Tk,
road, Vickramangalam, Usilambatti Tk, 588 Madurai
568 Madurai Tmt.Seeniyammal,
Thiru.V.Sankar (Sc.No 1486), Gandhinagar, Chakkarappanayakkanur, Usilambatti Tk,
Usilambatti road, Vickramangalam, 589 Madurai
569 usilambatti Tk, Madurai Tmt.S.Azhagu, Chakkarappanayakkanur,
Tmt.Pandiyammal, (Sc.No 2324), 590 Usilambatti Tk, Madurai
570 Gandhinagar, Vickramangalam, Madurai Tmt.M.Pandiyarani,
Tmt.M.Pandiyammal (Sc.No.2325 Chakkarappanayakkanur, Usilambatti
571 Gandhinagar, Vickramangalam, Madurai 591 Tk,Madurai
Tmt.S.Packiyalakshmi, Gandhinagar, Usilai Tmt.P.Rajakani, Chakkarappanayakkanur,
572 road, Vickramangalam, Madurai 592 Usilambatti Tk, Madurai
Thiru.E.Karuppai, Gandhinagar, Tmt.J.Vashuki, Chakkarappanayakkanur,
Usilambatti road, Vickramangalam, 593 Usilambatti Tk, Madurai
573 Madurai Tmt.R.Vennila, Chakkarappanayakkanur,
Thiru.R.Inbam, (Sc.No 7698) Gandhinagar, 594 Usilambatti Tk, Madurai
Usilambatti road, Vickramangalam, Tmt.R.Sirudevi, Chakkarappanayakkanur,
574 Madurai 595 Usilambatti Tk,Madurai
Thiru.R.Inbam, (Sc.No 1549) Gandhinagar, Tmt.P.Nagalakshmi,
Usilambatti road, Vickramangalam, Chakkarappanayakkanur, Usilambatti
575 Madurai 596 Tk,Madurai
Thiru.V.Chinnapandi,Vickramangalam Po, Tmt.P.Azhagammal,
576 Usilambatti Tk, Madurai Chakkarappanayakkanur, Usilambatti
Tmt.Chinnathai, East St, Vickramangalam 597 Tk,Madurai
577 Po, Usilambatti Tk,Madurai Tmt.R.Revathy, Chakkarappanayakkanur,
Thiru.K.Pandi,(Sc.No 1908) East St, 598 Usilambatti Tk,Madurai
Vickramangalam Po, Usilambatti Tk, Tmt.P.Dhanushkodi,
578 Madurai. Chakkarappanayakkanur, Usilambatti
Tmt.Guruvammal, East St, 599 Tk,Madurai
Vickramangalam Po, Usilambatti Tk, Tmt.L.Subbulakshmi,
579 Madurai Chakkarappanayakkanur, Usilambatti Tk,
Tmt.L.Mookkammal, Vickramangalam Po, 600 Madurai
580 Usilambatti Tk, Madurai Tmt.K.Jothi, Chakkarappanayakkanur,
Tmt.R.karuppai, SC403, Vickramangalam 601 Usilambatti Tk,Madurai
581 Po, Usilambatti Tk, Madurai Thiru.R.Raman, Chakkarappanayakkanur,
602 Usilambatti Tk,Madurai
Thiru.P.Chinnan, Melaperumalpatti, Tmt.Brindha Devi, Sathiyamoorthy main
603 Usilambatti Tk, Madurai 625 cross st, Meenambalpuram, Madurai-2
Tmt.P.Poovai ammal, Melaperumalpatti, Thiru.K.Muniyandi,No.29, Sathiyamoorthy
Chakrappanayakkanur Po, Usilambatti Tk, 626 4th St, Menatchipuram, Madurai-2
604 Madurai Thiru.Narayanan, Sathiyamoorthy main
Thiru.K.Vijayan,Kaatunayakkan 4th St, 627 cross st, Meenambalpuram, Madurai-2
Sathiyamoorthy nagar, Samayanallur Po, Thiru.R.Esakkimuthu, No.37,
605 Madurai Sathiyamoorthy 7th St, Meenambalpuram,
Thiru.K.Pandiyan, Kaatunayakkan 4th St, 628 Madurai-2
Sathiyamoorthy nagar, Samayanallur Thiru.Jaheer ushen, No.65, Sathiyamoorthy
606 Po,Madurai 629 5th Cross St, Meenambalpuram, Madurai-2
Tmt.R.Santhi, No.11-4, Parathipuram 4th Tmt.P.Sugandhi, No.28, Sathiyamoorthy
607 St, S.Alankulam, Madurai-17 630 6th St, Meenambalpuram, Madurai
Thiru.P.Jeevanandham, Kulamangalam Thiru.Arulmurugan, No.10/11,
608 main road, S.Alangulam, Madurai-17 Sathiyamoorthy 5th Cross St,
Thiru.P.Sevugan, No.26, Barathipuram 631 Meenambalpuram, Madurai
609 colony, S.Alangulam, Madurai-17 Thiru.Mugundhan, No.10/11,
Thiru.S.Balakrishnan,(, No.26, Sathiyamoorthy 5th Cross St,
Barathipuram colony, S.Alangulam, 632 Meenambalpuram, Madurai-2
610 Madurai-17 Thiru.R.Subramanian,No.22/28, Pattukottai
Thiru.S.Balakrishnan, (, DTDC Kalyana Sundara Veedhi,
611 Courier Agency, karpaganagar, Madurai-7 633 Meenambalpuram, Madurai-2
Thiru.Murugesan, Sathiyamoorthy nagar, Thiru.Sindhan, No.10/11, Sathiyamoorthy
612 Madurai 634 5th Cross St, meenambalpuram, Madurai-2
Thiru.V.Elangovan, No.278, v.p.sinthan Thiru.Madurai veeran, No.82,
nagar, Vedarpuliyankulam, Thanakkan Sathiyamoorthy 6th St, Boomiurundai St,
613 kulam, Madurai-6 635 Meenakshipuram, Madurai-2
Thiru.J.Xavier Motcha Jothi, no.17, Don Tmt.Mookkammal, Pulithevan St,
614 bosco school near, Surya nagar, Madurai-7 Boomiurundai St, Meenakshipuram,
Tmt.A.Selvasaroja, P.No.27, Don bosco 636 Madurai-2
school opposite, suriya nagar, K.Puthur, Thiru.V.Manickam,No.10/61,
615 Maduri-7 Sathiyamoorthy 6th St, Pulithevan St,
M/s.Sarkkarai Chettiyar Pothu 637 Meenambalpuram, Madurai-2
Padippagam,Kulamangalam main road, Thiru.Ramas, No.23, Pulithevan St,
616 Meenambalpuram, Madurai-2 638 Meenambalpuram, Madurai-2
Thiru.V.Gunasekaran,kosakulam periyar Tmt.M.Valli, Sathiyamoorthy main road,
617 nagar, Vaagaikulam (Po) Madurai-17 639 Meenambalpuram, Madurai-2
Thiru.K.Basheer, Kulamangalam main road, Thiru.S.Subramanian, No.5/36,
618 Meenambalpuram, Madurai Agimsapuram Mukkiya Veedhi, Sellur,
Thiru.M.Arumugam, Sathiyamoorthy main 640 Madurai-2
619 road, Meenambalpuram, Madurai-2 Thiru.S.Marimuthu, No.36, Agimsapuram
Thiru.M.Pandiyarajan, No.88/1, 641 main road, Sellur,Madurai-2
Sathiyamoorthy main road, Thiru.P.Vijayakumar,Karikkadai, Sellur,
620 Meenambalpuram, Madurai-2 642 Madurai-2
Thiru.S.Sankar,No.91, Pulithevan Thiru.T.Thirupathi, No.1/1A, Agimsapuram
621 St,Meenambalpuram, Madurai 643 8th St, Sellur, Madurai-2
Thiru.R.Balasubramanian,No.25/14, Thiru.V.Sundarrajan, No.3, Agimsapuram
622 Pulithevan St, Meenambalpuram, Madurai2 644 8th St, Sellur, Madurai-2
Thiru.N.Gopal, Pulithevan St, Tmt.M.Angammal,No.14, Agimsapuram
623 Meenambalpuram, Madurai-2 645 8th St, Sellur, Madurai-2
Tmt.M.Pandeeswari, Sathiyamoorthy 4th Tmt.A.Lakshmi, No.1/1,
624 St, Menatchipuram, Madurai-2 646 Erudhayarajiyapuram, 3rd St, Sellur,
Madurai-2 Visalam, Sellur, Madurai-2
Tmt.D.Amirtham, No.10B, Tmt.R.Janaki, No.16A, Agimsapupram 8th
647 Erudhayarajiyapuram,3rd North St,Sellur-2 666 St visalam, Sellur, Madurai-2
Thiru.Barukmaideen, No.6/18, Thiru.K.Kumaravel,No.19, Agimsapuram
648 Erudhayarajiyapuram,3rd North St,Sellur-2 667 7th St, Sellur, Madurai-2
Tmt.F.Beemabeevi, No.6/18, Tmt.S.Muthulakshmi, No.18, Agimsapuram
Erudhayarajiyapuram, 3rd North St, 668 4th Visalam, Sellur, Madurai-2
649 Madurai Thiru.K.Selvaraj, No.19A, Agimsapuram
Tmt.Nagoor ammal, No.6/18, 669 7th St, Sellur, Madurai-2
Erudhayarajiyapuram, 3rd Cross St, Sellur, Tmt.M.Muthumeena, (Sc.No.1029), No.27,
650 Madurai-2 Surajiyapuram west main road, Sellur,
Thiru.M.Mugesh, No.1, No.6/18, 670 Madurai-2
Erudhayarajiyapuram, 3rd St, Agimsapuram Tmt.M.Muthumeena,(Sc.No.1689),
651 8th St, Sellur, Madurai-2 No.16A, Surajiyapuram west main road,
Thiru.A.Jeevanandham,(Sc.No.1174), 671 Sellur, Madurai-2
No.43/22, Erudhayarajiyapuram, 3rd North Thiru.N.Rajaram, No.15, Surajiyapuram
652 St, Madurai 672 west main road, Sellur, Madurai-2
Thiru.M.Aandidevar, No.43/22, Tmt.R.Umamaheswari,(Sc.No.1751
Erudhayarajiyapuram, 3rd North St, IA),No.15A, Surajiyapuram west main road,
653 Madurai 673 Sellur, Madurai-2
Thiru.S.Vijayan, No.37, Tmt.R.Umamaheswari,(Sc.No.1750 IA),
Erudhayarajiyapuram, 3rd North St, No.15A, Surajiyapuram west main road,
654 Sellur,Madurai-2 674 Sellur, Madurai-2
Thiru.S.Thalamuthu, No.13/A, Tmt.R.Umamaheswari,(Sc.No.1665 IA)
Erudhayarajiyapuram, North 3rd St, No.15A, Surajiyapuram west main
655 Madurai 675 road,Sellur, Madurai-2
Tmt.V.Azhagu, No.10/23, Tmt.R.Nagalakshmi, (Sc.No.983-V),
Erudhayarajiyapuram, North 3rd St, Sellur, No.14A, Surajiyapuram west main
656 Madurai-2 676 road,Sellur, Madurai-2
Thiru.Narayanan, Erudhayarajiyapuram, 3rd Tmt.R.Nagalakshmi, (Sc.No.982-IA),
657 St, Sellur, Madurai-2 No.14A, Surajiyapuram west main
Thiru.A.Manuvel, No.22/9, 677 road,Sellur, Madurai-2
Erudhayarajiyapuram, North 3rd St, Sellur, Tmt.R.Nagalakshmi, (Sc.No.981-IIIA)
658 Madurai-2 No.14A, Surajiyapuram west main road,
Thiru.S.Seyyadhu ali, No.17/A, 678 Sellur, Madurai-2
659 Erudhayarajiyapuram, 2nd St, Madurai Tmt.J.Jebira,No.29/2, Agimsapuram 7th St,
Thiru.G.Ganesamoorthy, No.11a/25, 679 Sellur, Madurai-2
Erudhayarajiyapuram, North 3rd St, Sellur, Tmt.J.Rasidha Begam, No.29/2,
660 Madurai-2 680 Agimsapuram 7th St, Sellur, Madurai-2
Thiru.R.Arulmozhi, No.12/B, Thiru.M.Marikannu,no.29/2, No.29/2,
Erudhayarajiyapuram, 2nd St, Sellur, 681 Agimsapuram 7th St, Sellur, Madurai-2
661 Madurai-2 Tmt.M.Gowri, No.29/2, Agimsapuram 7th
Thiru.G.Sathappan,No.12/B, 682 St,Sellur, Madurai-2
662 Erudhayarajiyapuram, 2nd St, Madurai Tmt.V.Yazhini, No.29/2, Agimsapuram 7th
Thiru.G.Nagarajan, No.11/25, 683 St,Sellur, Madurai-2
Erudhayarajiyapuram, North 3rd St, Sellur, Tmt.R.Jamina Beevi, No.29/2,
663 Madurai-2 684 Agimsapuram 7th St,Sellur, Madurai-2
Thiru.N.Pandiyarajan, No.19A, Tmt.A.Pathima, No.29/2, Agimsapuram 7th
Erudhayarajiyapuram, North 3rd St, Sellur, 685 St,Sellur, Madurai-2
664 Madurai-2 Tmt.R.Subramani, No.2, Periyar St, DRO
665 Tmt.R.Sarasu, No.13, Agimsapuram 8th St 686 colony main road, K.Pudur, Madurai-7
Thiru.P.Muhamed Aasin,No.27, DRO Thiru.R.Gajendran, DRC, Desi Vinayaga
687 colony main road, K.Pudur, Madurai-7 711 koil St, K.Pudur, Madurai-7
Thiru.K.Shanmugam,No.37, DRO colony Tmt.K.Lalitha, DRC,Desi Vinayaga koil St,
688 main road, K.Pudur, Madurai-7 712 K.Pudur, Madurai-7
Thiru.S.Rajendran, kodikatha kumaran St, Tmt.V.Kalaiselvi, ( DRC, Desi
689 DRO colony main road,K.Pudur,Madurai7 713 Vinayaga koil St,K.Pudur, Madurai-7
Thiru.A.Jeyaraman, No.27, DRO colony Tmt.R.Jeyarani, ( DRC, Desi
690 main road, K.Pudur, Madurai-7 714 Vinayaga koil St,K.Pudur, Madurai-7
Tmt.S.Parameswari, No.1/24, DRO colony Tmt.R.Jeyarani, ( DRC,Desi
691 main road,K.Pudur, Madurai-7 715 Vinayaga koil St,K.Pudur, Madurai-7
Tmt.P.Vetri selvi, No.37, DRO colony main Thiru.Ravichandran, DRC, Desi Vinayaga
692 road, K.Pudur, Madurai-7 716 koil St, K.Pudur, Madurai-7
Thiru.V.Balusamy, No.6/173, Bharthithasan Tmt.S.Vijaya, DRC,Desi Vinayaga koil St,
693 St, Sivagami nagar, Aathikulam, Madurai 717 K.Pudur, Madurai-7
Tmt.N.Slochana,No.26A, A.R.medical Tmt.M.Santhiya, DRC, Desi Vinayaga koil
694 upstairs, DRO colony main road, Madurai 718 St,K.Pudur, Madurai-7
Thiru.S.Kalai selvan, No.80, Burma colony, Tmt.S.kalaiselvi, ( DRC, Desi
695 Manmalai medu, K.Pudur, Madurai-7 719 Vinayaga koil St, K.Pudur, Madurai-7
Thiru.L.Periyanayagam, No.17/C, Burma Tmt.S.Regha, DRC, Desi Vinayaga koil St,
colony, Manmalai medu, K.Pudur, Madurai- 720 K.Pudur, Madurai-7
696 7 Thiru.K.Velayutham, No.9, Senthil
Thiru.S.Mickal, No.80, Burma colony, kumaran St, Viswanatha nagar, K.Pudur,
697 manmalai medu, K.Pudur, Madurai-7 721 Madurai-7
Tmt.N.Arockiya meri, No.17, Burma Tmt.Ponnuthaai, No.78, Anna main road,
colony, Manmalai medu, K.Pudur, Madurai- 722 K.Pudur, Madurai-7
698 7 Tmt.T.Maheswari, ( No.45,
Thiru.L.Nicholaas, No.19, Burma colony, Senthilkumaran St, Viswanatha nagar,
699 manmalai medu, K.Pudur, Madurai-7 723 K.Pudur, Madurai-7
Thiru.S.Loorthusamy, No.14, Manmalai Tmt.T.Maheswari, ( No.45,
700 medu, K.Pudur, Madurai-7 Senthilkumaran St, Viswanatha nagar,
Tmt.Fathima meri, No.12, manmalai medu, 724 K.Pudur, Madurai-7
701 K.Pudur, Madurai-7 Tmt.K.Jaheer Ushen, No.29/2,
Tmt.S.Pathma, No.8, Burma colony, 725 Ahimsapuram 7th St, Sellur, Madurai-2
702 Manmalai medu, K.Pudur, Madurai-7 Thiru.M.Seenivasan, Sun Complex,
Thiru.M.Murugesan, No.3, Burma colony, Thasilnagar nagar, Sellur Vedhi, Madurai-
703 Manmalai medu, K.Pudur, Madurai-7 726 20
Tmt.L.Injjasi, No.20, Burma colony, Thiru.K.Alaavudeen,( No.13B,
704 manmalai medu, K.Pudur, Madurai-7 Ahimsapuram 8th St, Visalam, Sellur,
Thiru.K.Saravanan, No.30, Kanaga illam, 727 Madurai-2
DRO colony main road, K.Pudur, Madurai- Thiru.K.Alaavudeen,( No.13B,
705 7 Ahimsapuram 8th St, Visalam, Sellur,
Tmt.A.Mumtaj, Desi Vinayaga koil St, 728 Madurai-2
706 K.Pudur, Madurai-7 Thiru.K.Alaavudeen,( No.13B,
Tmt.B.Nargesbanni, DRC, Desi Vinayaga Ahimsapuram 8th St, Visalam,Sellur,
707 koil St, K.Pudur, Madurai-7 729 Madurai-2
Thiru.R.Ganesan, DRC,Desi Vinayaga koil Thiru.K.Alaavudeen,( No.13B,
708 St, K.Pudur, Madurai-7 Ahimsapuram 8th St, Visalam,Sellur,
Thiru.R.Pushpam, DRC,Desi Vinayaga koil 730 Madurai-2
709 St, K.Pudur, Madurai-7 Thiru.K.Alaavudeen,( No.13B,
Tmt.Saranya, DRC,Desi Vinayaga koil St, Ahimsapuram 8th St, Visalam,Sellur,
710 K.Pudur, Madurai-7 731 Madurai-2
Thiru.K.Alaavudeen,( No.13B, Tmt.L.Andhoniyaal, (Sc.No.1022)No.26A,
Ahimsapuram 8th St, Visalam,Sellur, DRO colony main road, K.Pudhur,
732 Madurai-2 751 Madurai-7
Thiru.K.Alaavudeen,( No.13B, Tmt.R.Nagajothi, No.26A, DRO colony
Ahimsapuram 8th St, Visalam,Sellur, 752 main road, K.Pudhur, Madurai-7
733 Madurai-2 Tmt.L.Andhoniyaal,( No.26A,
Thiru.K.Alaavudeen,( No.13B, DRO colony main road,K.Pudhur, Madurai-
Ahimsapuram 8th St, Visalam,Sellur, 753 7
734 Madurai-2 Tmt.L.Andhoniyaal,( No.26A,
Tmt.S.Anandhi, No.C.99, Pandiyan nagar, DRO colony main road, K.Pudhur,
2nd St, Gandhipuram via, K.Pudhur, 754 Madurai-7
735 Madurai-7 Tmt.L.Andhoniyaal,( No.26A,
Thiru.P.Ayyanar, No.C120, Pandiyan nagar, DRO colony main road, K.Pudhur,
2nd St, Gandhipuram via, K.Pudhur, 755 Madurai-7
736 Madurai-7 Thiru.A.Mariyappan, ( No.132,
Tmt.P.Gnanammal, No.100, Pandiyan 756 Anna St, K.Pudhur, Madurai-7
nagar, 2nd St, Gandhipuram via, K.Pudhur, Thiru.P.Alagarsamy, No.136, Anna
737 Madurai-7 757 St,Viswanatha nagar, K.Pudhur, Madurai-7
Tmt.A.Savithiri, No.C99, Pandiyan nagar, Thiru.A.Mariyappan, (,
2nd St, Gandhipuram via, K.Pudhur, 758 Anna St, K.Pudhur, Madurai-7
738 Madurai-7 Thiru.P.Thavamani,No.126, Anna St,
Tmt.P.Backiyalakhmi, No.C/107B, 759 Viswanatha nagar, K.Pudhur, Madurai-7
Pandiyan nagar, 2nd St, Gandhipuram via, Thiru.A.Mariyappan, ( No.132,
739 K.Pudhur, Madurai-7 760 Anna St, K.Pudhur, Madurai-7
Thiru.V.Veerasamy,No.C/107B, Pandiyan Thiru.S.Mathiyas, No.140, Anna St,
nagar, 2nd St, Gandhipuram via, K.Pudhur, 761 K.Pudhur, Madurai-7
740 Madurai-7 Thiru.P.Madhankumar,No.138, Anna St,
Tmt.S.Jebarani,No.C92, Pandiyan nagar, 762 K.Pudhur, Madurai-7
2nd St, Gandhipuram via, K.Pudhur, Thiru.A.Mariyappan, ( No.132,
741 Madurai-7 763 Anna St, K.Pudhur, Madurai-7
Thiru.P.Gunasekaran, C.No. 05-009-01-41- Thiru.M.Wincent Powel raj, no.88, Anna St,
742 766, Vandiyoor, Madurai 764 K.Pudhur, Madurai-7
Tmt.A.Rajammal, No.C/1, Pandiyan nagar Thiru.S.yusuf, K.Pudhur,No.108, Anna St,
west St, Gandhipuram via,K.Pudhur, 765 Madurai-7
743 Madurai-7 Thiru.N.Palani, No.76, Anna St, K.Pudhur,
Tmt.R.Rani, No.C103, Pandiyan nagar 2nd 766 Madurai-7
744 St, Gandhipuram via, K.Pudhur, Madurai-7 Tmt.V.Santhi,No.76A, Anna main road,
Tmt.Mumtaj Begam, No.C92, Pandiyan 767 K.Pudhur, Madurai-7
nagar, 2nd St, Gandhipuram via, K.Pudhur, Thiru.S.Mari, No.74, Anna main road,
745 Madurai-7 768 K.Pudhur, Madurai-7
Tmt.T.Maheswari, (, No.45, Thiru.J.Jeyaseelan,No.74, Anna main road,
Senthilkumaran St,Viswanatha nagar, 769 K.Pudhur, Madurai-7
746 K.Pudhur, Madurai-7 Thiru.K.M.Soundaram, No.73, Anna St,
Thiru.S.Sherit Ali, No.44, Senthil kumaran 770 K.Pudhur, Madurai-7
747 St, K.Pudhur, Madurai-7 Thiru.Murugesan, No.140, Anna St,
Thiru.M.Venkateswaran, No.79, Anna St, 771 K.Pudhur, Madurai-7
748 K.Pudhur, Madurai-7 Tmt.J.Megalai,No.135, Anna main road 1st
Thiru.T.Sahul Mahedu, No.26A, Dro 772 st, K.Pudhur, Madurai-7
749 Colony road, K.Pudhur, Madurai-7 Thiru.Selvaraj, No.140, Anna main road,
Tmt.Samyuktha, No.26A, DRO colony 773 K.Pudhur, Madurai-7
750 main road, K.Pudhur, Madurai-7 Thiru.V.Muthukumar, Senthil kumaran St,
774 K.Pudhur, Madurai-7
Thiru.A.K.Bharathi, No.56, Senthilkumaran Opposite, Jaihindpuram, Madurai-11
St, Viswanathan nagar, K.Pudhur, Thiru.K.Muthuraj, Samsung Agro Progidan,
775 Madurai-7 Usilampatty road, Vathalakundu-2,
Thiru.S.Ashokan, No.54, Senthilkumaran 796 Dindigul.
776 St, K.Pudhur, Madurai-7 M/s.Eswari Poly Bags, No.188,
Tmt.S.Rajammal, No.53, Senthilkumaran Meenambigai 8th St, Jeevanagar 2nd St,
777 St, K.Pudhur, Madurai-7 797 Madurai-625011.
Thiru.Sekar,No.26A, DRO colony main M/s.John Industries, No.4/299A,
778 road, K.Pudhur, Madurai-7 Chandralega Nagar, Andarkottam, Madurai-
Thiru.Amarnath, No.26A, DRO colony 798 20
779 main road, K.Pudhur, Madurai-7 M/s.Om Muruga Plastics, Survey No.56/1,
Thiru.B.Jothibasu, Viyasarayapuram Rajaman Nagar, Chinthamani road,
780 agraharam, Poondhoottam, Madurai-1 799 Madurai-9
Thiru.S.Aanji,No.1/50, Twad colony, 3rd Thiru.K.Rajendran, No.15, Post nagar 1st
781 St, Thiruppalai, Madurai-14 800 St, Madurai-18
M/s.Kumaran Modern Rice Mill, No.9A/2, Thiru.P.Nagaraj, No.1/142, Pudhu St,
Nallamuthupillai pudhu road, Mahalipatti, 801 Samayanallur, Madurai
782 Madurai-1 M/s.Tamil Nadu P.V.C.Pipe Manufacturers
Thiru.M.S.V.Ramachandran, No.48, Association, No.3/2-B, Sanyasi kundu main
Malaipatti Village, Vavidamarudhur (Po), 802 road, Kitchi palayam (Po), Salem-636015
783 Alanganallur, Madurai-1 M/s.Plastic Manufacturers Association,
Thiru.B.Kalidhasan, No.1/126, Subashini No.14/1, N.N.Road, Rathinapuram,
Nagar, 1st North St, Suryanagar, K.Pudur, 803 Madurai-625011.
784 Madurai-7 M/s.Bharathiya jantha Party, Office No.54,
Thiru.S.Jeganathan, No.2/357, 55, Aadhieswaran Nagar, Ponmanicorden,
785 Kannanendhal,Thiruppavai Po,Madurai-14 804 Uththangudi, Madurai-625020
Thiru.P.Palanivel, Kannanendhal, M/s.Maris Modern Rice Mill, No.3/174,
786 Thiruppavai Po, Madurai-14 Chinthamani main road, Kanna Colony,
Thiru.P.Kumar, No.2/535, Kannanendhal, 805 Madurai-9
787 Thiruppavai Po, Madurai-14 M/s.The Madurai District Rice Mill Owners
M/s.Southern District Dyeing & Bleaching Association,, Aringar Annanagar,
Owners Welfare Association, No.13, 806 Madurai-20
Navarathinapuram 3rd St, (Near Abirami M/s.Poornakaladevi Rice Mill, S.No.43/9,
788 Theatre), Kamarajar Salai, Madurai-9 44/4C, 44/6, Chinthamani road, Rajaman
M/s.Thennvavar Bleachers, No.1/101, 807 Nagar, Madurai-9
Samanatham Po, Samanatham, Madurai M/s.S.S.Koodalingam & Sons, Gandhimathi
789 South Tk, Madurai-9 Vilas Rice Mill, No.3/326, Rajaman
M/s.Southern District Textile Processing 808 nagar,Chinthamani road, Madurai-9
Cluster Pvt Ltd, No.13, Navarathinapuram, M/s.A.Chandradevi Rice Mill, Paddy &
3rd St, (Near Abirami Theatre), Kamarajar Rice wholesale Merchant, No.193C,
790 Salai, Madurai-9 Nedungulam road, Panaiyur Po,
Tmt.K.Amirthavalli, No.1/173, Selvamani 809 Ayyanapuram, Madurai-9
791 St, Podhumbu, Madurai-18 M/s.S.T.Arasakumar Rice Mill, No.193,
Tmt.S.Saraswathi,No.3/441, Dinamani Muthu karuppa pillai St, Samanatham,
Nagar, Podhumbu Po, Kovil pappakudi, 810 Ayyanarpuram, Madurai-9
792 Madurai-18 M/s.Chandra Devi Hi-Tech Agro Industry,
Thiru.S.Lakshmanadurai, Nimalan Pipers, No.193-C, Nedunkulam road, Panayur Po,
793 Vathalakundu 811 Ayyanarpuram, Madurai-9
M/s.Nandhini Plastics, No.73/2, Ramaiha M/s.Madurai District Farmers Association,
794 St, Jaihindpuram, Madurai-11 812 South Circle, Panaiyur, Madurai-9
M/s.Haris Plastics, No.73/2-A, Ramahiah St Thiru.C.Ramesh, D.No.3/48, Nagamalai
795 Last, Yogipuram Surathkumar Madam 813 Pudhur, Palkalai nagar, Madurai-21
M/s.Sri Arunakshi Amman Bricks, No.236, M/s.Padmashri Sai Furniture World,
Main road, Manamadurai-630606, P.No.94, Sidco Womens Industrial Park,
814 Sivagangai District 832 Madurai-8
Lion, Thiru.T.R.Ravendranadh, Secretary, M/s.Sunvin Polymers, No.2/231,
Vaideeswaran St, Meenatchinagar, 833 Sholavandan road, Nagari, Madurai-21
815 Villapuram, Madurai-12 M/s.Supreme Sizing and Weaving Mills,
M/s.Janani Furnitures, P.No.6, J.J.Nagar, No.7/2B, Sholavandan road, Nagari Village,
816 Avaniyapuram, Madurai-12 834 Ayyankottai Po, Madurai-21
Thiru.A.S.Kathirvelan, Sri Visalam Trade, M/s.Sri Pandian TVS, No.1/1, P.P.Chavadi,
817 Jaihindpuram, Madurai 835 Theni road, Madurai-16
M/s.Abirami Industries, P.No.7, Ramaiah St M/s.Grow Green Coirs Pvt Ltd, No.59A,
818 last, Jaihindpuram, Madurai-11 836 Doovipuram 10th st, Tuticorin-3
M/s.Yogambikai Modern Rice Mills, M/s.Sri Murugan Metal Components,
819 T.S.No.42, Panaiyur, Madurai-9 No.71/2, Ramaiah St Last, Jaihindpuram,
M/s.Sivakami Rice Mill, No.3/361, 837 Madurai-11
Rajaman Nagar, Chinthamani road, M/s.A.E. Engineering, No.71/2, Ramaiah St
820 Madurai-9 838 Last, Jaihindpuram, Madurai-11
M/s.Sri Meenakshi Rice Mill, No.3/39, M/s.Vishnu Bright Company, P.No.C-10,
Thumbichampatti, Kattakulam junction, Electro plating, 233, Industrial Park,
821 Andipatti (Po), Vadipatti Tk, Madurai-18 Thirupuvanam Block, Karisalkulam-
M/s.GK Fab work, No.Ro15, Womens 839 630611, Manamadurai Tk, Sivagangai
Industrial Estate, (Sidco), M/s.Raja Traders, No.15A, Nallamuthu
822 Valavanthankottai, Thuvakudi, Trichy-15 840 pillai new road, Keeraithurai, Madurai-1
Thiru.S.K.Duraisamy, Assistant Secretary, Thiru.A.Rajendran, Deivakanni St,
M/s.Bharathiya Kissan Association, 841 Anuppanadi, Madurai-9
No.2/37, 2nd Ward, Kalikkanayakkanpatti, Thiru.T.Elangovan, Deivakanni St,
823 Palani-1 842 Anuppanadi,Madurai-9
M/s.Indian Energy Exchange, P.No.C- Thiru.S.Velsamy, Deivakanni St,
001/A/1, 9th Floor max towers, Sector 16B, 843 Anuppanadi, Madurai-9
Noida, Gautham budda nagar, Uttar Thiru.J.Surya, Deivakanni St,
824 Pradesh-201301 844 Anuppanadi,Madurai-9
M/s.R.G.Selvarathi Coolie Mill, No.16, Tmt.T.Rajeswari, No.32-B/125, Deivakanni
Nallamuthu pillai new road, Keeraithurai, 845 St, Anuppanadi,Madurai-9
825 Madurai-1 Thiru.V.Durairaj, Deivakanni St,
M/s.Anbu Selvi Cooly Mills, No.15, 846 Anuppanadi,Madurai-9
Nallamuthu pillai new road, Mahalipatti, Thiru.P.Thangaiyah,No.32-B,/125,
826 Keeraithurai, Madurai-1 847 Deivakanni St, Anuppanadi, Madurai-9
M/s.Vinayagam Rice Mill, No.3/324, Thiru.I.Selvam, Deivakanni St,
Chinthamani road, Rajaman nagar, 848 Anuppanadi,Madurai-9
827 Madurai-9 Thiru.Palraj, Nallamuthupillai road,
M/s.Sivagangai District Coir & Coir Allied 849 Keeraithurai, Madurai-1
Products Manufacturers Association, Tmt.Karpagakani, Nallamuthupillai road,
D.No.1-6-1, Selva Vinayagar Koil St, 850 Keeraithurai, Madurai-1
828 Singampunari-630502, Sivagangai District. Thiru.A.Arunachalam,No.8A,
M/s.Madurai District Maavu Manufacturers Nallamuthupillai road, Keeraithurai,
Association (Besan), No.165, Chitrakara St, 851 Madurai-1
829 P.C.Complex, Madurai-1 Thiru.Elavarasan, No.9, Aadhimoolampillai
M/s.Lograj Enterprises,No.7/2E, New St, Nallamuthupillai road,
ramnad road, Selvavinayagar koil st, 852 Keeraithurai,Madurai-1
830 Madurai-9 Tmt.Chellammal, No.13, Karuppana pillai
M/s.Baalaji Poly packs, No.1/215-1, East 853 sandhu, Mahalipatti, Madurai-1
831 St, T.Kunnathur-625708, Madurai
Thiru.P.Veerapathiran, No.14/20, Tmt.D.Sundarammal, Deivakanni road,
Karuppana pillai sandhu, Mahalipatti, 873 Anuppanadi, Madurai-9
854 Madurai-1 Thiru.C.Prakash, Sonaiah nagar,
Tmt.N.Muthu Lakshmi,No.21, 874 Anuppanadi, Madurai-9
Nallamuthupillai road, Keeraithurai, Thiru.Muthu, Deivakanni road,
855 Madurai-1 875 Anuppanadi,Madurai-9
Thiru.Pandi, Nallamuthupillai road, Thiru.Ambarpillai, Deivakanni road,
856 Keeraithurai, Madurai-1 876 Anuppanadi,Madurai-9
Thiru.R.Elavarasan, (Sc.No.2134) No.9-A, Thiru.V.Chinnamurugan, Deivakanni road,
Aadhimoolam, pillai Street, Keeraithurai, 877 Anuppanadi,Madurai-9
857 Madurai-1 Thiru.P.Aadhimoolam, Deivakanni road,
Thiru.P.Ramanujam Pillai,No.9, 878 Anuppanadi,Madurai-9
Nallamuthupillai road, Keeraithurai, Thiru.D.Gopal, Deivakanni road,
858 Madurai-1 879 Anuppanadi, Madurai-9
Thiru.P.Dhinakaran, No.16A, Muniyandi Thiru.D.Masethoong, Deivakanni road,
859 kovil st, Keeraithurai, Madurai-1 880 Anuppanadi, Madurai-9
Thiru.T.Ramakrishnan, Mayandi Thiru.G.Selvam,No.36A, Pacharikara St,
Erulappasmy koil Trust, Makalipatti, 881 South masi veedhi, Madurai-9
860 Madurai-1 Tmt.Muthammal, No.16A, Colony,
Thiru.Saravanakumar, No.11, Karuppana 882 Keelaannathoppu, Madurai
861 pillai sandhu, Makalipatti, Madurai-1 Thiru.Raja, No.12E, Keela anna thooppu,
Thiru.P.Karuppanan, No.14/20, Karuppana 883 Madurai
862 pillai sandhu, Makalipatti, Madurai-1 Thiru.P.Arumugam, No.12C, Keela anna
Thiru.M.Gunasekaran,No.22/15, 884 thooppu, Madurai-1
Nallamuthupillai road, Keeraithurai, Thiru.Pandi, ( no.10, Keela
863 Madurai-1 885 anna thooppu,Madurai-1
Tmt.M.Sankareswari Ammal,No.22/15, Tmt.Chithra, No.11, Keela anna thooppu,
Nallamuthupillai road, Keeraithurai, 886 Madurai-1
864 Madurai-1 Thiru.Murali, No.11, Keela anna
Tmt.R.Renuga devi, No.16/23, 887 thooppu,Madurai-1
Nallamuthupillai road, Keeraithurai, Thiru.Pandi,( No.10, Keela
865 Madurai-1 888 anna thooppu, Madurai-1
Thiru.M.Rajasekran, ( No.22/15, Tmt.Meenakshi, No.12, Keela anna
Nallamuthupillai road, Keeraithurai, 889 thooppu, Madurai-1
866 Madurai-1 Tmt.Rani,No.12E, Keela anna thooppu,
Thiru.M.Rajasekran, ( No.22/15, 890 Madurai-1
Nallamuthupillai road, Keeraithurai, Tmt.C.Dhanlakshmi, Backiyanathapuram,
867 Madurai-1 891 Muniyandi Koil St, Madurai-18
Thiru.M.Chandrasekran, ( Thiru.P.Karuppaiah,No.12,
No.22/15, Nallamuthupillai road, Viyasarayapuram, Keela anna thooppu St,
868 Keeraithurai, Madurai-1 892 Madurai-1
Thiru.Angusamy Devar, No.36A, Thiru.C.Kadhiresan,No.2/13, Rajamil road,
Gandhidevar Compound, Karudhumalnadhi 893 Madurai
869 road,(Visalam) Keeraithurai, Madurai-1 Thiru.J.Selvaraj,D.No.54, Poondhottam,
Thiru.A.Gandhidevar, No.36A, 894 Madurai
Gandhidevar Compound, Karudhumalnadhi Thiru.S.Muthukumar, D.No.97,
870 road,(Visalam) Keeraithurai, Madurai-1 895 Poondhottam, Madurai-1
Thiru.Periyasamy, Nallamuthupillai road, Thiru.M.Ramu, No.86, Poondhottam,
871 Keerathurai, Madurai-1 896 Kudieruppor Nalasangam, Madurai-1
Thiru.S.Chandran,Deivakanni road, Thiru.M.Nagarajan,No.2/5B, Muthaiah
872 Anuppanadi, Madurai-9 897 Chettiyar Compound, Rajamill road,
Madurai-1 side, Kochchadai, Madurai-16
Tmt.Murugeshwari,(, No.12, Thiru.N.Thangavel, Muthaiah kovil 2nd St,
898 Keela anna thoppu, Madurai-1 920 Kochachadai, Madurai-16
Thiru.Srikanth,No.10, Keela annathooppu, Tmt.T.Jeyasudha, Muthaiah kovil 2nd St,
899 Madurai-1 921 Poonjolai nagar, Kochchadai Madurai-16
Tmt.Murugeshwari, (, No.12D, Tmt.M.Sanmugathammal, No.12B,
900 Keela annathooppu, Madurai-1 Mariyamman kovil St, Kochchadai,
Thiru.J.Rajasekar, No.5/322, 922 Madurai-16
901 Dasildharnagar, Madurai-20. Tmt.M.Ovvayyar, P.No.30, 31, Oom
Thiru.L.Sivakumar, No.104/184, South namachivaya Nagar, Muthaiah kovil back
902 Perumal Mesthiri Vedhi, Madurai-1 923 side, Kochchadai, Madurai
Thiru.M.Nandhagopal, No.25, Thiru.M.Theivendhiran, Muthaiah kovil 2nd
Periyamaravar St, South Maasi Veedhi, 924 St, Kochchadai, Madurai-16
903 Madurai-1 Thiru M.K.Karuppaiah Nadar, No.42/23,
Thiru.O.Ramanathan, No.25/Periyamaravar Muthaih kovil 1st St,Kochchadai,
904 St, South Maasi Veedhi, Madurai-1 925 Madurai16
Thiru.D.Saravananraja,No.36, Lodary Thiru.K.Udhayakumar, P.No.15, Oom
905 complex, Pachcharikara St, Madurai-1 namchivaya nagar, Muthaiah kovil 2nd St,
Thiru.P.Elangovan, No.36A, Pacharikara St, 926 1st Cross St, Kochchadai, Madurai-16
906 South Masi Vedhi, Madurai-1 Tmt.K.Pappaththi,No.24/1, Mariyamman
Thiru.S.Thirumoorthy, No.12/A, Pallikoda 927 kovil St, Kochchadai, Madurai
907 sandhu, Pandiya Vellar St, Madurai-1 Thiru D.K.Muthu, No.4, Janaki nagar, HMS
Thiru.J.Venkatesh,No.25, Periya maravar 928 Colony, Theni main road, Madurai-16
908 St, South Masi Vedhi, Madurai-1 Thiru P.Veeramani, Santhana mariyamman
Thiru.S.Saravanan, No.12/A, Pallikoda kovil St, Sammattipuram main road,
909 Sandhu, Pandiya Vellar St, Madurai-1 929 Madurai-16
Thiru.S.Kannan, No.25/ Periyamaravar St, Thiru S.Rajendran, No.278/24,
910 South maasi Veedhi, Noadurai-1 930 Madakkulam main road, Madurai-16
Thiru.K.S.Raja, No.36, Kannan Colony, Thiru P.Gnanasekar,No.79/80, Muniyandi
911 Chinthamani, Madurai-9 kovil st, Mettu St, Bethaniyapuram,
Thiru.P.Jeeva, No.3, Thirumalairayar 931 Madurai-16
912 padithurai, Simmakkal, Madurai-1 Thiru S.Kesavan, No.188/1, Ezhil St, Mettu
Tmt.V.C.Sudhandhiradevi, No.4, 932 St, Bethaniyapuram, Madurai-16
Krishnayangar Thoppu, Simmakkal, Thiru M.Chinnapandi, No.8, Agasthiyar 1st
913 Madurai-1 Veedhi, Mettu St, Bethaniyapuram,
Thiru.S.Suryaprakash, No.25, 933 Madurai-16
Periyamaravar St, South Maasi Veedhi, Thiru SM.Sangilipandiyan, No.59,
914 Madurai-1 Thiruvalluvar St, Mettu St,
Thiru.G.Senthilkumar, No.25 934 Bethaniyapuram, Madurai-16
Periyamaravar St, South Maasi Tmt.P.Malligaa, No.295, NSK Veedhi,
915 Veedhi,Madurai-1 935 Bethaniyapuram, Madurai-16
Thiru.P.Selvakumar, No.5, Chettiyar Thiru J.Selvakumar, No.31/112, Agasthiyar
Thoppu, Thaikkal 1st St, Simmakkal, 936 1st St, Bethaniyapuram, Madurai-16
916 Madurai-1 Thiru M.Karutha kannan,No.263/49,NSK
Thiru.V.Vijayakumar, No.5, Chettiyar 937 Vedhi,Bethaniyapuram,Mettu St,Madurai16
thoppu, Thaikkal 1st St, Simmakkal, Thiru M.Murugesh Pandiyan, No.7/5,
917 Madurai-1 938 Malligai St, Pudhuvilangudi, Madurai-18
Thiru.P.Rasool, No.2/5, Thaikkal St, Thiru G.John Boseko, No.2/405, Kamala
918 Simmakkal, Madurai-1 nagar, 5th St, PRC.Colony 2nd St,
Thiru.S.Gopala Krishnan, P.No.6, Om 939 Kovilpappakudi, Madurai
919 namachivaya nagar, Muthaiah kovil back 940 Thiru N.Seenivasan, No.15/4,
Varumanavari colony 2nd St, Vilangudi, Thiru G.Ramalingam, No.23/16,
Madurai-18 Nallamuthupillai road, Keeraithurai,
Tmt.S.Mariyammal, No.H-116, Sector-6, 946 Madurai-1
941 Koodalpudhur, Soolaiyur, Madurai-17 Thiru V.Ganapathy, No.1, Muniyandi kovil
Thiru R.Nakendran, No.33/20, Pallikooda 947 st, Keerathurai, Madurai-1
942 Cross St, Bethaniyapuram, Madurai-16 Thiru V.Karunagaran, No.18/1, Mookka
Tmt.P.Rajamani, NSK Veedhi, 948 nadir sandhu, Keerathurai, Madurai-1
943 Bethaniyapuram, Mettu St, Madurai-16 R.Ponnudurai, No.P-11/1, Meenakshi road,
Tmt.A.Dhanalakshmi, No.108, Dhiliban 949 T.V.S.Nagar-Madurai-3
944 Cross St, Bethaniyapuram, Madurai-16
Thiru S.Muthusamy, No.53,
945 Senthilkumaran St, K.Pudur, Madurai-7

Public Hearing at : Chennai

Venue : Kalaivanar Arangam, Chennai – 600005.
Date : 22-08-2022

S.No. Name of the Speakers at Chennai Public Hearing

1 Dr.A.C.Mohan, Secretary, Federation of Tamil Nadu Rice Mill Owners Paddy & Rice Dealers
Associations, No.99, Trade Centre complex, Wallajah Road, Chepauk,Chennai - 600002.
2 Thiru.Kamala Kannan, No.52, Palakuppam Road, Avaari Pakkam, Dindivanam
Villupuram District.
3 Thiru.R.Rajachidambaram, State Secretary, Tamil Nadu Farmers Association,
Sundar Nagar, 2nd Street, Venkateshapuram Extension, Perambalur - 621212.
4 Thiru.K.Murali, Auditor State Secretary - Industrial Cell, Tamil Nadu BJP
Old No.249 / New No.339, Level I, "Safi House" Anna Salai, Teynampet,
Chennai - 06.
5 Thiru.P.Muthusamy, Electro Legal Consultant,
6 Mrs.Annie Josey Fellow, NGO, No.1/22, M.K.N Road, St Thomas Mount
Chennai - 16.
7 Thiru.M.Jothi, Secretary, North Chennai Small Industries Federation,
No.38, Pattinathar Koil Street, Thiruvottriyur, Chennai - 19.
8 Dr.Jeyavelan, President VGP, Seethapathy Nagar Resident Welfare Association.
9 Prof. S.Arumugam, Federation of Velachery Residents Welfare Association.
10 Thiru.S.Chandrasekaran, Seethapathy Nagar, Velachery
11 Thiru.Kumara Raja, Annai Indra Nagar welfare Association.
12 Thiru.Kuppan, District President, Thiruvallur West
13 Thiru.P.Sathish Kumar, Triplicane, Chennai - 05.
14 Thiru.R.V.Subbarayan, No.39/69, Agaraham Musiri, District Vice President,
Tamil Nadu Commerce Institute Association, Trichy.
15 Thiru.Rajiv Dosharey, Member, Madras Steel Re-rollers Association,
No.6, Sadar Patel Road, Guindy, Chennai - 32.
16 Thiru.C.Murugeshwaran, Member, TNPPA, Chennai - 02.
17 Thiru.Ajith Prathap Singh, OPG Power Generation CFO,
C4R2+645, Peria Obulapuram Village, Gummudipoondi, Taluk, Thiruvallur District - 201
18 Thiru.T.Govindaraj, Kollidam River, Prawn Farmers Society, Vishnu Hospital,

19 Thiru.K.Gnanamoorthy, Cuddalore Prawn Farmers Association, Cuddalore.

20 Thiru.S.Jeyaraman, Secretary, Agro Prawn Farmer Association, No.55, R.S.Road, Sirkali,
Mayiladurari District.
21 Thiru.B.Kandavel, State P.R.O. & Organisation Secretary, Tamil Nadu Federation of Powerlooms
Associations, No.214/223, Vivekananthar Road, Narayanavalasu, Nasiyanur Road, Erode - 11.

22 Thiru.P.Shanmugam, Tamil Nadu Farmers Association, CPIM, No.11, Vaithiyanathan Street,

T.Nagar, Chennai - 11.
23 Thiru.M.Jeyabalan, Deputy Pesident, Redhills Rice Mills Owners Asscoation & Paddy, Redhills,
Chennai - 52.
24 Thiru.Shreekanth Dhuri, Consultant, South Indian Cement Manufacturers Association, 3rd Floor,
Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad - 500034.
25 Thiru.Vengadeshwaran, Durga Wind Power LLP Vesap Garden, R.A.Puram.
26 Thiru.G.Indrakumar, Deputy Manager, OPG Energy, Mayavaram.
27 Thiru.Selva, District Secretary CPIM, Central Chennai.
28 Thiru.Shankar, Tamil Nadu Costal Aqua Farms Federation, Myladurai District.
29 Mrs.D.Ponmalar, Vel Hi Tech Industries, Thirumalisai
30 Thiru.G.D.Bharathram, Citizen Consumer & Civic Action Group(CAG)
Eldams Road, Teynampet, Chennai - 18.
31 Thiru.N.Pannerselvam, Weaver, No.78, Alamal Street, Vishwanathapuram,
Guruvarajapet, Arakkonam, Ranipet District.
32 Thiru.A.P.Srinivasan, Consumer Protection Forum(Force) No.87, Dr.Radhakrishnan Salai,
Chennai - 04.
33 Thiru.G.Kuppusamy, General Secretary, Chennai Metro Small and Micro Industries Association,
Ekkaduthangal, Chennai - 32.
34 Thiru.G.Krishnamoorthy, Ambattur Industrial Estate, Manufacturers Association,
Chennai – 58.
35 Thiru.K.Baskaran, Secretary, Kakkalur Industrial Estate Manufacturers Association(KIEMA)
Kakkalur, Tiruvallur District.
36 Thiru.Neelakandan, Consumer, Madipakkam, Chennai - 91.
37 Sri Kumar Rajan, Manager, M/s.Malaravan Machine works, Ambattur, Chennai.
38 Thiru.C.Selvaraj, Consumer, No.162, Ranga Nagar, 1st Street, Chrompet, Chennai - 44.
39 Thiru.V.Nithyanandhan, General Secretary, Tamil Nadu Small and Tiny Industries Association,
No.10, GST Road, Chennai - 32.
40 Thiru.Muralimohan, Secretary, Madhuranthakam co-operative sugar cane mills Association.
41 Thiru.Ashrafali, Member, COCOmanas Association, Chepauk, Chennai - 05.
42 Thiru.P.Harish, Senior Research Specialist Energy, WRI India, 2nd Floor, South End Road,
Bangalore - 04
43 Thiru.G.Senthil Kumar, Thiruvallur District President, Our People Protection Organization.
44 Thiru.Y.Mohammed Farook, President, Aam Aadmi Party, North Chennai.
45 Thiru.Gandhi, Power Engineers Society of Tamil Nadu (PESOT)
46 Thiru.K.S.Anbuselvan, President, Perungudi Industrial Estate Manufacturers Association, Chennai
– 96.
47 Thiru.S.Ramakrishnan, President, Vinnamangalam SIDCO Industrial Estate, Manufacturers
Association, Tiruppathur District.
48 Thiru.Thirumurugan Gandhi, May - 17, Iyakkam Organizer.
49 Thiru.Rama Rao, Secretary, Peoples Awarness Association Nanganallur, Chennai - 61
50 Thiru.V.Purushothaman, Secretary, Federation of Adayalampattu, Residents Welfare Associations,
(FARWA) No.20, 1st Street, Tiruvallur - 95.
51 Thiru.S.Gokula Krishnan, Secretary, TASIOWA, Chennai - 32.
52 Thiru.S.Gajaraj, President, TIEMA.
53 Thiru.K.Thirumurugan, Co-ordinator Consumer and Awareness United of India,
Chennai – 53.
54 Thiru.G.Calraj, President, Hatcheries Association, Chengalpattu District - 102.
55 Thiru.S.Sankaranarayanan, Deputy Secretary, Madras Chamber Commerce & Industry (MCCI),
Chennai - 35.
56 Thiru.Vasu Devan, President, Thindivanam SIDCO Association, MSME, Chennai - 95.
57 Thiru.C.Babu, Former President Tamil Nadu Small & Tiny Industrial Body, Chennai - 32.
58 Thiru.S.Vijayakumar, Chairman, India Consumer Awareness Association, Ambattur, Chennai - 53

59 Thiru.G.Shankaran, President Tamil Nadu Pondy Plastic Association, Choolai High Road, Chennai
- 112.
60 Thiru.D.Kamaraj, Secretary Chennai Plastic Manufacturers and Traders Association, Choolai High
Road, Chennai - 112.
61 Thiru.Solomon, President, Thiruvalluvar District, Industries Association, Thiruvallur
62 Thiru.V.Shankar, President, Industries Association, Kancheepuram District.
63 Thiru.P.Muthukrishnan, Proprietor, Global Packaging Industry, Ramapuram, Chennai - 89.
64 Thiru.S.Muthu Raman, M/s.Jeyam Stores, Chennai - 87.
65 Thiru D. Rajendiran, Secretary, Vandimedu House Owners Association, Villupuram.

66 Thiru Chandran, Secretary, (AIECA) All India Electricity Consumers Association

67 Thiru Rajesh, Consumer, Teynampet, Chennai
68 Thiru G. Kathiresan, Secretary Egai Small Industries Association, Ekkaduthangal,
Chennai - 32
69 Thiru S. Murugan, President, Nabasian Social Service and Helping Centre, Chennai 106.
70 Thiru Kalam Vijayan, District Secretary, Tamil Nadu Federation of Powerlooms Association,
71 Thiru Thooyamurthy, Association of Transparancy and Anti corruption, Chennai.
72 Thiru Natraj, Senior AVP Renewabl Energy Projects, Swelect Energy Systems Ltd,
Mylapore, Chennai - 4.
73 Thiru Sikkanthar, Proprietor, Global Recyclers, Madhavaram, Chennai -60.
74 Thiru Ashish Nandan, Vice President Regulatory Affairs, First Energy Pvt. Ltd.,
Pune - 05.
75 Thiru Sutharsanam, Xerox store, No.1, Redhills, Chennai -52.
76 Thiru D. Mariyappan, No.1, Mariamman Kovil Street, Social Activist, Chengalpet District.
77 Thiru S. Ragunathan,Consumer Valasaravakkam Brindavan Nagar WelfareAssocaition, Chennai.
78 Thiru P.S. Baskar Kumar, Consumer, Toll gate, Chennai -19.
79 Thiru P. Loganathan, Kundrathur Industries Traders Owners Association, Chennai - 69.

80 Thiru S. Jayaprakasan, Ex Member, Tamil Nadu Small & Tiny Industries Association, Guindy,
Chennai - 32.
81 Thiru J. Chandrasekaran, Secretrary, Chennai Fishing Harbour Ice Manufacturers Association,
Tondiarpet, Chennai -81.
82 Thiru S. Rakkappan, President, The Tamil Nadu Plastics Manufactureres Association,
Nungambakkam, Chennai - 34.
83 Thiru R. Selvam, Consumer, Shanthi nagar, Ranipet.
84 Thiru K.M. Siva, Consumer, T. Nagar,Chennai.
85 Thiru K. Chandra Kumar, Small Engineering Industries Welfare Association
Ekkaduthangal, Chennai -32.
86 Thiru A.P. Subramanian, Consumer, Thiruvanmiyur, Chennai.
87 Thiru S.R.Kumaraswamy Adithyan, Consumer, Tiruchendhur.
88 Thiru.S.Kuppusamy, Wax Manufacturers, Ekkaduthangal, Chennai - 32.
89 Thiru.N.Ramakrishnan, Lagu Udyog Bharathi, Chennai.
90 Thiru.S.Bharanitharan, Joint Secretary, Tamil Nadu Rice Mills Owners Association.
91 Thiru.A.S.kannan, Ex-MLA (State President), Tamil Nadu Association of Cottage and Tiny
Entrepreneurs, Chennai - 58.
92 Thiru.S.Arivanandham, President, Plastic Dye Manufacturers Associations, Ekkaduthangal,
Chennai - 32.
93 Thiru.S.Senthil Viswarooban, Advocate, Stephen and Stephen Advocates Associations, Chennai -
94 Thiru.Seralathan, Secretary, Aam Aadmi Party, South Chennai.
S.No Name & Address Industrial Estate, Chennai-58
M/s.Tamil Nadu Farmers Association, Thiru. S.Thiru.Neelakanta Pillai, No.F4,
Sundar Nagar 2nd st, Venkatesapuram Perfect Vajra, No.144, Lakshmi Nagar, 6th
1 Virivakkam, Perambalur, 621212 Street, Madipakkam, Chennai-600091,
Dr.PannaiP.Ganesan, M/s.Bharathiya 16 Ph.9444777820.
Janatha Party,(Industrial Secetion), No.19 M/s.Madhuranthagam Co-operative Sugar
2 Vaidyaram st, T.Nagar, Chennai-17 Mills Canegrower’s Association,
The Secretary, M/s.Myladudurai District No.A/26/1-Alagesan Nagar, Chengalpattu-
Eeraal Valarppu Vivasaigal Sangam, 17 1
Kacheri road, Seergali – 609110, M/s.North Chennai Small Industries
3 Mayidadurai-District Federation, No.78, West mada St,
M/s.Tamil Nadu Costal Agriculture 18 Thiruvottiyur, Chennai-19
Farmers Federation (TANCAFT), M/s.Shanmuga Plastic, No.2, Lakshmi
No.4/688, SAP Hall, Mariyamman Kovil Nagar Extension, Golden Estate,
4 st, Nagappinam-611110. 19 Periyapanicherry, Chennai-122
The General Secretary, M/s.Chennai M/s.Sri Akila Castings, Super B-4A,
Metro Small and Micro Industries 20 Industrial Estate, Guindy, Chennai-32
Association, No.15, Pillayar kovil 5th st, M/s.Perungudi Industrial Estate
5 Ekkattuthangal, Chennai-32 Manufacturers Association, (PIEMA),
Thiru.V.S.Arunachalam, M/s.Bharathiya PIEMA Avenue, Main road, Industrial
Janatha Party, Vaidyaraman St, 21 Estate, Perungudi, Chennai-96
6 Parthasarathi puram, T.Nagar-17 Thiru.P.M.Kannadhasan, State Vice
Thiru.S.P.Udhaipoongundram, President, Industrial Cell, Chennai,
M/s.Bharathiya Janatha Party, No.19, 22 Ph.9884440749.
7 Vaidyaraman St, T.Nagar, Chennai-17 Thiru.P.Goverthanan, Bharathiya janatha
Thiru.C.Sendil kumar, M/s.Bharathiya Katchi, No.19, Vaidyaram St, T.Nagar,
Janatha Party, Vaidyaraman St, 23 Chennai-17
8 Parthasarathi puram, T.Nagar, Chennai-17 M/s.Federation of Adayalampattu
M/s.Ponmalar Duraisamy, Vel Hi Tech Residents Welfare Association (FARWA),
Industries, Shed no.2, SIDCO Inustrial No.20, 1st Street, 1st Avenue, Millinium
9 Estate, Thirumazhisai, Chennai-24 Town, Madduravoyal P.O, Ponnamallee
M/s.DCW Ltd, No.358 24 Taluk, Tiruvallur-95
(O.No.645)Annasalai (Third Floor), 1000 M/s.TITANCOIRS, Green and Pure Fibre
10 Lights, Chennai-6 Pith, No.4/68, Moolavinayagar Koil Road,
M/s.SICMA, South Indian Cement 25 Thenchittor (P.O), Anaimalai-642134.
Manufacturers Association, Plot no.481, M/s.Federation of Ullagaram
Road No.36, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad- Puzhithivakkam Residents Welfare
11 500034 Associations, No.16/24, 4th main road,
Thiru.M.Radhakrishnan, Chairman, Hindu colony, Puzhithivakkam, Chennai –
Bharathiya Janatha Katchi,2/1A, Ground 26 91
floor, Vinayagar koil st, Karanithangal, M/s.Peoples Awareness Association,
12 Kanchipuram – 602105 No.C42, 6th St, lakshmi nagar,
Thiru.C.Selvaraj, The General Secretary, 27 Nanganallur, Chennai-61
M/s.Anti Corruption Federation of India, M/s.Prompt Poly Pack, No.3/937,
13 Chennai-44 Kundrathur main road,
M/s.Kakkalur Industrial Estate 28 Madhananthapuram, Porur, Chennai-116
Manufacturers Association(KIEMA), M/s.Bright Print Pack, No.1/180,
D.P.S44, Phase-2, Sidco Industrial Estate, Kundrathur main road, Periyapanichery,
14 Kakkalur-602003, Thiruvallur Dist. 29 Chennai-128
M/s.AIEMA, Ambattur Industrial Estate M/s.Global Packaging Industry, No.3/88,
Manufacturers Association, SIDCO Mount Poonnamallee High road, Opp.
15 AIEMA Tower, 1st main road, Ambattur 30 L&T, Ramapuram, Chennai-89
M/s.Hatcheries Association, No.529, Ecr M/s.Kundrathur Industries Traders
road, Pudupattinam, Kalpakkam, Association,No.39, Thiru Uraga Perumal
31 Chengalpattu, Chennai-102 Nagar, Thiruneermalai road, Kundrathur,
Thiru.N.Pannerselvam, Viswanathapuram, 47 Chennai-69
Guruvarajapet-631101, Arokonam, Thiru.A.P.Srinivasan, Executive Secretary,
32 Vellore Dist. Consumer Protection Force, Chennai-4,
M/s.The Madras Chamber of Commerce & 48 Ph.9551881597.
Industry, No.634, Annasalai, Nandanam, M/s.Nabasian Social Service and Helping
33 Chennai35 Centre, No.157/16, ‘E’ block,
M/s.Tamil Nadu Pondy Plastic M.M.D.A.Nagar, Arumbakkam, Chennai-
Association, New No.26, Choolai High 49 106
34 Road, Choolai, Chennai-112 M/s.Wax Manufacturers Association,
M/s.Chennai Plastics Manufacturers & Survey No.353/1, P.No.80,
Merchants Association, New No.26, Thirumudivakkam main road,
35 Choolai High road, Chennai-112 50 Thirumudivakkam, Chennai-44
Thiru.D.Rajendran, Secretary, Vandimedu M/s.Spring Manufacturers Association,
House Owners Association, Vilupuram- No.1B, Laxmi Vinayagar koil St, Gandhi
36 605602. 51 nagar, Ekkattuthangal, Chennai-32
Thiru.D.Rajendran, Team Leaders, Raja M/s.TASIOWA, Tamil Nadu Micro and
Ganapathi Alayam, Vandimedu, Small Scale Industries Welfare
37 Villupuram Association, No.2/10, Bharathiyar St,
M/s.Tamil nadu Federation of Powerlooms 52 Ambal Nagar, Ekkattuthangal, Chennai-32
Association,No.214/223, Vivekananthar M/s.Ambattur Industrial Estate
road, Narayanavalasu, Nasiyanur road, Manufacturers Association, 1st main road,
38 Erode-11. 53 Ambattur industrial estate, Chennai-58
M/s.Sendhoora Fibre,No.122/A2C M/s.TARUNIKA Engineering, No.42/12,
Kaniyalam Palayam, Kakkadavu (Po), Muthuramalingam St, Ekkattuthangal,
Kinathakadu Tk, Pollachi-642120, 54 Chennai-32
39 Coimbatore M/s.Laghu Udyog Bharti, SP-51, 2nd St,
D.Mariyappan, Social Activist, 3rd main road, Ambattur Industrial estate,
Keelakaranai Melrosapuram PO, 55 Chennai-58
40 Maraimalai nagar, Chengalpattu-603204 M/s.Star Heat Treaters, No.31A/20, 4th
S.Kuppan, District Leader, Bharthiya Cross main road, SIDCO Industrial Estate,
Janatha Katchi,No.21/14, Gangai Amman 56 Ambattur, Chennai-98
kovil st, Vadanumbal, Thiruverkadu, M/s.Tamil Nadu Farmers
41 Chennai-77 Association(State Team), No.46A, VOC
A.S.Kannan, M/s.Tamil Nadu Association St, Kasthuribai Nagar, West Tambaram,
of Cottage and Tiny Entrepreneurs, 57 Chennai-45
No.SP-132, AIEMA road, Ambattur M/s.Chennai District Small Scale
42 Industrial Estate, Chennai-58 Industries Association, No.10, G.S.T.road,
K.Thirumurugan, No.4, Anna St, 58 Guindy, Chennai-32
43 Ramanathapuram, Ambattur, Chennai-53 M/s.Federation of Velachery Welfare
M/s.Chennai Fishing Harbour Ice Associations, Velachery, No.13, 2nd Cross
Manufactures Welfare Association, St, Dhandeeswaram Nagar, Velacherry,
No.103, Kumbalamman Koil St, 59 Chennai-42
44 Tondiarpet, Chennai-81 M/s.Dr.Seethapathi Nagar Residents
M/s.Tamil Nadu Private Electrical Welfare Assn, Dr.Seethapathi Nagar,
Workers Livelihood Association, 60 Velachery, Chennai-42
No.39/61, Erikarai St, Virugambakkam, Thiru.S.Gunasekaran,
45 Chennai-92 61 Mermber(Distrn)/TNERB (Rtd.)
M/s.Korattur 84th Ward Makkal Sabai, M/s.AAVS nagar Welfare Association,
46 No.3, Durai samy St, Korattur, Chennai-50 62 No.44, Annanagar, 1st St, Velachery,
Chennai-42 4th St, Ekkattuthangal, Chennai-32
M/s.V.K.Polymers, No.3, Nehru St, M/s.Narasimma Engineering Works,
Balakrishna nagar, Thiruvottiyur, No.13, Anbu st, Gandhi nagar,
63 Chennai-19 81 Ekkatuthangal, Chennai-32
M/s.Veekay Plastics, No.6, kumaran M/s.Reguna Metals, No.12,
64 nagar, 5th St, Kaladipet, Chennai-19 Muthuramalingam St, Ekkattuthangal,
M/s.Federation of Tamil Nadu Rice Mill 82 Chennai-32
Owners and Paddy-Rice Dealers M/s.R.S.Industries, No.15, Pillayar koil
Associations, No.491, G.N.T.Road, 83 5th St, Ekkatuthangal, Chennai-32
65 Puzhal, Chennai-66 M/s.Promma Engineers, No.2/1, Rajarajan
Tmt.Devi Sundararaju, Old No.15/2, St, Visalakshi nagar, Ekkattuthangal,
Padmanabha nagar, Choolaimedu, 84 Chennai-32
66 Chennai-94 M/s.Sukra Auto Engineers, No.2-H,
Thiru.Sundararaju, No.27/30/1, South Rajarajan St, Visalakshi nagar,
Gangai amman koil st, Choolaimedu, 85 Ekkattuthangal, Chennai-32
67 Chennai-94 M/s.Prakash Engineering, No.43/22,
M/s.Communist Party of India Poonamallee road, Ekkattuthangal,
(Marxist),No.9/6, Kachchaleeswarar 86 Chennai-32
68 Agraharam, Chennai-1 M/s.Lakshmi Enterprises, No.4, Rajarajan
M/s.Association of Coldstorages, (Tamil St, Visalakshi nagar, Ekkattuthangal
Nadu), No.76/4A2, Madurai-Dindigul NH, 87 Chennai-32
Thiruvalavayanallur PO, Nagari, Madurai- M/s.Roshan Enterprises,No.86, Industrial
69 21 88 Estate, Guindy, Chennai-32
Thiru.K.Sangaiyah, No.136, Kovil st, M/s.J.R.T.Engineering Works, No.8/7,
70 Besantnagar, Chennai-90 Bharathiyar St, Ambal nagar,
Thiru.V.Murugan, V.M. Chathram road, 89 Ekkatuthangal, Chennai-97
71 Tirunelveli-11 M/s.Dharshini Industries, No.21/13,
Thiru.K.Manikandan, 2nd Block, Poonamallee road, Ekkatuthangal,
72 D.No.197, Mugapperu (West), Chennai-37 90 Chennai-32
73 Thiru.S.Parthiban, Saidapet, Chennai-15 M/s.Southern Gear Manufacture Welfare
M/s.Backya Engineering Works, No.6/3, Association, No.18/39, Subramaniya
Ambal Nagar main road, Ekkattuthangal, 91 swami koil St, Alandur, Chennai-16
74 Chennai-32 M/s.All Tech Concrete Products, No.19/7,
M/s.Thiruvallur District Micro and Small Pillayar koil 4th St, Ekkattuthangal,
Industries Association, No.5/9, 2nd St, 92 Chennai-32
bharathi salai, Arunachalam nagar, M/s.Kamal Industries, No.23/13, 5th
75 Karambakkam , Porur, Chennai-116 93 pillayar koil st, Ekkatuthangal, Chennai-32
M/s.Kanchipuram District Trally M/s.New Precision Engineering Works,
Manufacturer Association, No.326, No.5, Poomagal 4th St, Ambal Nagar,
Happyland Colony, mevaloorkuppam, 94 Ekkatuthangal, Chennai-32
76 Tandalam, Sriperumbudur-602105 M/s.Arthi Industries, No.15, Anbu St,
M/s.Prabhakar Enterprises, No.108, 95 Gnadhi nagar, Ekkattuthangal Chennai-32
Poomagal 4th Cross St, Ekkattuthangal, M/s.S.R.Polymers, No.8, Poomagal 3rd
77 Chennai-97 96 Cross St, Ekkattuthangal Chennai-32
M/s.Raj Industries, No.4, Rajarajan St, M/s.Harini Enterprises, No.53/20, 1st
Visalakshi nagar, Ekkattuthangal, pillayar koil st, Ekkattuthangal, Chennai-
78 Chennai-32 97 32
M/s.Avinaash Moulds, No.1/184, Pillayar M/s.S.V.Enterprises, No.7, Mettu St,
koil , 4th Cross St, Manapakkam, Poonthamallee main road, Ekkattuthangal,
79 Chennai-125 98 Chennai-32
80 M/s.Sangavi Gears, No.19/7, Pillayar koil 99 M/s.GK.Plastics, No.7/4, Mettu St,
Poonthamallee road, Ekkattuthangal, M/s.Ambattur Heat Treaters Pvt Ltd,
Chennai-32 No.28& 29, 1st Cross St, Sidco Industrial
M/s.Roshan Enterprises, No.86, Industrial 117 Estate, Ambattur, Chennai-58
100 Estate, Guindy, Chennai-32 M/s.Alan Bright Steel Pvt Ltd, P.No.50
Thiru.D.Harikrishnan, M/s.Bharathiya Sidco Industrial Estate, Ambattur,
Janatha Party, No.5, 5th St, Manali high 118 Chennai-98
101 road, Kodungaiyur, Chennai-118 M/s.Wavecurrent Precision Parts Pvt Ltd,
M/s.Hi-Tech Carbons & Engineering Pvt No.177, Sidco Industrial Estate, Ambattur,
Ltd, No.C2, 2nd Floor, Siruvallur high 119 Chennai-98
102 road, Perumbur, Chennai-11 M/s.Duerkopp Adler-Turel Technology
M/s.Aarthi Engineering Works, No.22, Pvt Ltd, No. NP451, Sidco Industrial
Sidco Industrial Estate, Putlur village, Estate, 15th main road, Ambattur,
103 Kakkalur, Tiruvallur, Chennai-3 120 Chennai-58
M/s.Sivagami Metal Industries, No.44, M/s.Annai Thread Tools, No.95M (Sp),
Sidco Industrial Estate, kakkalur, Developed Plot, Ambattur Industrial
104 Tiruvallur, Chennai-3 121 Estate, Chennai-58
M/s.K.S.Engineering Tools, No.G84A, M/s.Rasi Colour Inks Pvt Ltd, No.106,
Sidco Industrial Estate, Kakkalur, South phase, Ambattur Industrial Estate,
105 Tiruvallur, Chennai-3 122 Chennai-58
M/s.Yathra Automative Industries, M/s.Alpha Standards, SP 100-A, Ambattur
No.D.P-S50, Sidco Industrial Estate, 123 Industrial Estate, Ambattur, Chennai-58
106 kakkalur, Tiruvallur, Chennai-3 M/s.Chennai Metco Pvt Ltd, , SP 100-A,
M/s.Diamonds Coating Industries, No.S- Ambattur Industrial Estate, Ambattur,
133, Shed NO.42, Sidco Industrial Estate, 124 Chennai-58
107 Kakkalur, Tiruvallur, Chennai-3 M/s.SUNFAB, Ambattur, No.DP46(SP),
M/s.S.R.V.Veeramuthu Enterprises, 3RD St, 2nd Sector, Ambattur Industrial, Sidco Industrial Estate, 125 Estate, Ambattur Chennai-58
108 Kakkalur,Tiruvallur, Chennai-3 M/s.Sarang Autoparts (P) Ltd, No.49-B,
M/s.Weldone Technocrats, No.3B, 1st Sidco Industrial Estate (NP), Ambattur,
Cross road, P.No.10, SAS Industrial Area, 126 Chennai-98
109 Sidco Industrial Estate, Chennai-98 M/s.Axioms Thermo Furnaces (P) Ltd,
M/s.Aarthi Industries, No.71, Navalur No.15/2, Maya St, Poombukar nagar,
main road, Vellerithangal village, 127 Ambattur, Chennai-53
110 Padappai, Near HIET college, Pin-601301 M/s.Star Heat Treaters, No.31A/20, 4th
M/s.Ambattur Infra Developers,No.32, Cross main road, Sidco Industrial Estate,
A&B, industrial estate, Ambattur, 128 Ambattur, Chennai-98
111 Chennai-58 M/s.A.S.Industries, No.24/1, &2, St, Sidco
M/s.Ambattur Fashion India Pvt Ltd, 129 Estae (NP) Ambattur, Chennai-98
No.86-E2, Ambattur industrial estate, M/s.Techmat Enterprises (India) Pvt Ltd,
112 Ambattur,, Chennai-58 No.92A, Sidco Industrial Estate,
M/s.Aarul Machining, No.2B2, 7th St, 3rd 130 Ambattur, Chennai-98
main road, south phase, Ambattur M/s.Hybrid Auto Cast, No.256, Sidco
113 Industrial estate, Ambattur, Chennai-58 131 Industrial Estate, Ambattur, Chennai-98
M/s.Nu-Tech Components, (SP), M/s.Bison Plastics LLP, Ambattur
1st main road, Ambattur industrial estate, 132 Industrial Estate, Ambattur, Chennai-58
114 Chennai-58 M/s.Laljee Godhoo & Co, No.53, Perumal
M/s.Accurate Machines and Accessories 133 mudali St, Chennai-1
Pvt Ltd, No.397, Sidco Industrial Estate, M/s.SMIC Rubbers, No.151, 6th St, North
115 Ambattur, Chennai-98 phase, Sidco Industrial Estate, Ambattur,
M/s.Precision Pressings, New no.58, 3rd 134 Chennai-98
St, Sector 1, Ambattur industrial estate, M/s.Excellent Engineers, Ambattur,
116 Chennai (North)-98 135 No.SP-130, 3rd main road, Ambattur
Industrial Estate, Chennai-58 M/s.M.M.Electricals, No.91/12, Esani
M/s.Kottaiyur Engineering Company, Moorthy koil St, Thiruvottiyur, Chennai-
No.SP-136, South Avenue road, Ambattur 153 19
136 Industrial Estate, Ambattur, Chennai-58 M/s.Om Murugan Engineering Works,
M/s.JBKM Precision Controller, No.a-17, No.34/17, West Mada St, Thiruvottiyur,
SSIA, Vanagaram road, Athipet, Chennai- 154 Chennai-19
137 58 M/s.AB Engineering Works,No.10, 3rd St,
M/s.Preci-Com CNC, No.K-19, 9th St, Balakrishna colony, Kaladipet,
South phase, Ambattur Sidco Industrial 155 Thiruvottiyur, Chennai-19
138 Estate, Ambattur, Chennai-58 M/s.Dhanalakshmi Electricals, No.27/13A,
M/s.SIPCO Printing Inks Pvt Ltd, No.136, Balakrishna colony, Kaladipet, Chennai-
Sidco Industrial Estate, Ambattur, 156 19
139 Chennai-98 M/s.Y.S.J.Enterprises, No.1, Thilakar
M/s.SunGov Engineering Pvt Ltd, No.160, nagar, 1st St, Kaladipet, Thiruvottiyur,
140 Baba nagar, Villvakkam, Chennai-58 157 Chennai-19
M/s.Delta Control Systems, No.SP-149, M/s.S.R.Industries, No.73, Ayyapillai
1st main road, Ambattur Industrial Estate, Garden 1st St, Kaladipet, Thiruvottiyur,
141 Ambattur, Chennai-58 158 Chennai-19
M/s.Drill Jig Bushing Co.(Madras) Pvt M/s.Vijay Plastic Products, No.75,
Ltd, No.44, Sidco Estate, Ambattur, Ayyapillai Garden 1st St, Kaladipet,
142 Chennai-98 159 Thiruvottiyur, Chennai-19
M/s.SunGov Engineering Pvt Ltd, No.160, M/s.Fine Plast Engineering, No.73,
143 Baba nagar, Villvakkam, Chennai-49 Ayyapillai Garden 1st St,
M/s.SunGov Engineering Pvt Ltd, No.160, 160 Kaladipet,Kaladipet, Chennai-19
144 Baba nagar, Villvakkam, Chennai-49 M/s.Annai Industries, No.16/36,
M/s.Plastometal, No.Ambattur Industrial Pattinathar koil St, Thiruvottiyur, Chennai-
Estate, Development, Ambattur, 161 19
145 Chennai-58 M/s.Ajesh Plastics,P.No.4, Kailash
M/s.Shriplast, Ambattur, No.SP-26, SectorII, Chinnamettupalayam, 1st St,
Ambattur Industrial Estate, 2nd Cross St, 162 Kaladipet, Thiruvottiyur, Chennai-19
146 Chennai-58 M/s.S.A.Plastics, P.NO.4, SectorII,
M/s.Cascy Forge Products, No.83, & 83 Chinnamettupalayam, 1st St, Kaladipet,
A, Sidco Industrial Estate, Ambattur, 163 Thiruvottiyur, Chennai-19
147 Chennai-98 M/s.Sree Sakthi Engineering Works,
M/s.Raajali Chennai Chettinad Products No.42/5, mettu St, Sathuma Nagar,
Pvt Ltd, 2nd Floor, no.244, Sidco 164 Thiruvottiyur, Chennai-19
Industrial Estate, 10st, Ambattur Industrial M/s.Jothi Engineering Works, No.21,
Estate (North Phase), Ambattur, Chennai- Pattinathar koil St, Thiruvottiyur, Chennai-
148 98 165 19
M/s.Micro Hard Processing, No.122/3, M/s.RRB Industries, New.No.127, West
Sidco Industrial Estate, Ambattur, 166 mada St, Thiruvottiyur, Chennai-19
149 Chennai-98 M/s.Maxtron Tooling Technologies,
M/s.Sai Mirra Innopharm Pvt Ltd, No.51, no.15/25, Voc St, Poomagal St,
3rd floor, Tower C, Tek Meadows, OMR, 167 Ekkattuthangal, Chennai-32
150 Shozhinganallur, Chennai-119 M/s.Mahalakshmi Polymers, No.82, Sri
M/s.NSK Press Works Pvt Ltd, No.37, Mahalakshmi Nagar, Kundrathur,
Ambattur Industrial Estate, Ambattur, 168 Chennai-69
151 Chennai-58 M/s.Sri Balamurugan Industries, No.59,
M/s.Aarthi Industries, No.S44, Phase 1, Sri mahalakshmi Co-operative Nagar,
Sidco Industrial Estate, Kakkalur, (Near 169 Kundrathur, Chennai-69
152 Indian Furniture), Tiruvallur Pin-602003 M/s.SVJM Mould & Soultions, No.27/19,
170 Muthuramalingam St, Ekkattuthangal
Chennai-32 Nagar, 2nd St, Ekkatuthangal, Chennai-32
M/s.SAG Engineering Technology, No.94, Thiru.B.Anbarasan, No.59, South St,
Vaigai St, Santhosh nagar, Porur, Chennai- 191 Alandur, Chennai-16
171 116 Thiru.S.Ramesh, Arcot Chairman Sweets
M/s.R.A.Enterprises, No.11, VV Koil St, 192 & Backery, New bus stand, Arcot-632503
Gandhi Nagar, Ekkattuthangal, Chennai- Thiru.S.Nagarajan, M/s.Ambicka
172 32 Industries, No.104-a, 3rd Pillayaar koil St,
M/s.M-Tech Engineering, No.21/18, 19, 193 Ekkattuthangal, Chennai-32
Karpaga Vinayagarkoil St, Ekkattuthangal, Thiru.R.Muruganantham, M/s.AKMB
173 Chennai-32 Polymers, No.18/19, Karpaganniyar St,
M/s.Vijay Engineering, No.1/8, Rajaji St, 194 Ekkattuthangal, Chennai-32
174 Gandhi nagar, Ekkattuthangal, Chennai-32 M/s.Axis Bank, Thiru.G.Sugavanam,
Thiru.B.Swaminathan, No.2, 11th St, 195 Ekkattuthangal, Chennai-32
175 Thiruvanmiyur, Chennai-41 196 Thiru.K.Baskaran, KIEMA, Thiruvallur-3
Thiru.Solomon, No.9, Gandhinagar, Thiru.G.Dhiraviyam, TIEMA, No.PPJ,
176 Ekkattuthangal, Chennai-32 Sidco Industrial Estate, Thirumudivakkam,
Tmt.S.Senbagam, No.06/04, Munusamy 197 Chennai-132
177 St, Ekkattuthangal, Chennai-32 Thiru.V.Nithyanantham, I-B, Lakshmi
M/s.GMK Engineering Works, No.9, Vinayagar Koil St, Ekkattuthangal,
Munusamy St, Ekkattuthangal, Chennai- 198 Chennai-32
178 32 Thiru.K.K.Rajan, M/s.Ventura Pumps,
M/s.Anand Plastics, No.1B, Lakshmi 199 Kalaptti, Coimbatore-48
Vinayagar St, Gandhinagar, Thiru.S.Ramachandran, TIIC, No.692,
179 Ekkattuthangal,Chennai-32 200 Annasalai, Nandanam, Chennai-35
M/s.K.K.Heaters, No.16/20, Sanmugaraja Thiru.Lion.S.Palanivel, M/s. LIC of India,
180 St, Ekkattuthangal, Chennai-32 201 Lions Dist, Salem-636004
M/s.Nakshathra Engineering Works, Thiru.T.Madhanraj, No.7, Wallace
No.16, Thirugnana Sambanthar St, 202 Garden, Nungambakkam, Chennai-6
181 Chennai-32 Thiru.V.Nithyanantham, M/s.Bright CNC
M/s.Sri Vinsai Engineering Works, Components, No.113/18, Thirumoovar St,
No.5/15, 3rd Cross St, Ekkatuthangal, 203 Ekkattuthangal, Chennai-32
182 Chennai-32 M/s.Power Tech Construction Pvt Ltd,
Thiru.K.Jayamoorthy, No.3/17, 3rd St, Thiru.P.krishnasamy, St.Thomos Mount,
183 Ekkattuthangal, Chennai-32 204 Chennai-16
M/s.P.G.Industries, 4th Pillayar koil St, Thiru.R.Karthikeyan, Senior Manager,
184 Ekkattuthangal, Chennai-32 205 M/s.Canara Bank, Saidapet, Chennai-15
M/s.ASP Engineering,No.215, Thiru.Finolet, No.12, South Usman road,
Thiruvasagam St, Gandhi nagar, 206 T.Nagar, Chennai-17
185 Ekkattuthangal, Chennai-32 M/s.Confederation of Indian Industry,
Thiru.C.Prem Anand, DP-S44, phase-2, No.98/1, Velachery main road, Guindy,
Sidco Industrial Estate, Kakkalur, 207 Chennai-32
186 Thiruvallur District-3 Thiru.A.Praveen, No.215, Gandhi nagar
Thiru.N.Lakshmanan, No.16/32, 208 main road, Ekkattuthangal, Chennai-32
Ganapathy nagar, 2nd St, Ekkattuthangal, Thiru.S.Prabhakaran, No.1, Lakshmi
187 Chennai-32 209 Vinayagar St, Ekkattuthangal, Chennai-32
Thiru.G.Rajesh kumar, No.21/8a, 4th Thiru.M.Thirumurugan, M/s.INBA
Pillayar kovil st, Ekkattuthangal, Chennai- Engineering, No.11, Ackithan Nagar,
188 32 210 Ekkatuthangal, Chennai-32
Thiru.P.Pandian, No.9, Pillayar koil St, M/s.Tamil Nadu Master Printers
189 Jafferkhan Pet, Chennai-83 Federation, No.46/14, Brammatheertham
190 Thiru.S.Saravanan, NewNo.18, Ganapathy 211 road, Karur-639001.
M/s.The Madras Printers & Lithographers Thiru.S.Somu, M/s.SKB Engineering, 125
Association, No.E-36, IX Floor, Halls & 29/11, Jaihind nagar, Ernavoour,
212 Tower, 56 Halls road, Egmore, Chennai-8 228 Chennai-57
Tmt.Geetha Sridhar, A & G Product, Thiru.M.Raamakrishnan,
No.25, G.K.Industrial Estate, Alapakkam, M/s.M.s.Industries, No.19/2, Kamarajar
213 Chennai-116 229 1st Cross St, Srinivasa Nagar, Padi-50
Tmt.G.Sujatha, M/s.Aswini Enterprises, Thiru.B.Maran, M/s.M.N.Industries,
No.9, Developed Plot, Sidco Industrial No.28, South Mada st, Moorthy Swamy
214 Estate, Maraimalainagar-603209 230 Colony, Padi-50
Thiru.G.Yovan, M/s.Avinaash Moulds, Thiru.P.Manoharan, M/s.Modern
No.1/184, 4th Cross Pilayar kovil St, Technical Works, No.2, Sathiyavathi
215 Manapakkam, Chennai-125 nagar, 1st St, Opp. Padi telephone
Thiru.C.Saravana perumal, M/s.Alha 231 exchange, Padi-50
Foundations, No.38, A.G.S. Thiru.Gopi, M/s.Metal Alloy Industries,
Colony, 3rd main road, Kottivakkam, No.139, Sidco Industrial Estate, Ambattur,
216 Chennai-41 232 Chennai-98
Thiru.V.S.R.Prasad, Excelsior Plastics, Thiru.K.S.Venkatasubban, M/s. Micro
P.No.35, Sidco Industrial Estate, Bushings Pvt Ltd, No.107, Sidco
217 Maraimalainagar-603209 233 Industrial Estate, Ambattur, Chennai-98
Thiru.D.Jesupatham Charles, No.27, Thiru.P.Mahalingam, M/s.Lebanon
M.G.R. highroad, Negelkeni, Chrompet, Industries, No.35, Padavattamman,
218 Chennai-44 234 Pattaravalkam Estate, Chennai-98
Thiru.K.Sugumaran, M/s.Meenakshi Thiru.R.N.Antony, M/s.Little’s Oriental
Moldings Pvt Ltd, p.No.225/58, Balm & Pharmaceutical Ltd, No.85,
Veeramamuniver road, kandanchavadi, 235 Galaxy road, Chennai-95
219 Chennai-96 Thiru.Kumar, (Kumar Industries (K95))
Thiru.K.Bhagavan Doss, M/s.Rd Brown No.8, Ponniamman nagar,
Box Packaging Pvt Ltd, No.c-14, A-1, 236 Ayanambakkam, Chennai-95
220 Industrial Estate, Maraimalainagar-603209 Thiru.K.kumaran, M/s.Stardrive Busducts
Thiru.Karthikpai, M/s.Coramandel Ltd, No.3/763, Erallipattu village,
Electronics, plot No.36 & 39, Developed 237 Azhingivakkam, Ponneri Tk, Chennai-67
221 Plot Estate, Perungudi, Chennai-96 Thiru.C.Vasanthkumar, M/s.Kmc Azhagi
Thiru.R.Rajagopalan, M/s.Balajee Plastics, No.272/2, T H road, Opp to
Enterprises, No.2/342, Veerasivaji St, 238 market, Thiruvotriyur, Chennai-19
Tamilzh Garden, AGS Colony, Phase-3, Thiru.Krishnamurthy, M/s.Khyatti
222 Chennai-125 Engineering, No.218, New tiny Sector,
Thiru.Jayakumar, Director, M/s.Bj& P post office road, Ambattur industrial
Engineers Pvt Ltd, No.41 & 42, 239 estate, Chennai-58
Murasolimaran St, Santhosh nagar, Thiru.R.Devaraj, M/s.Kannia Rubbers,
223 Kandanchavadi, Chennai-96 No.236/7-1, Nageswara roa road, 1st Cross
Thiru.B.Saravanan, M/s.Spark 240 St, Athipet, Chennai-50
Technology, No.114, Gandhi nagar Extn, Thiru.K.Murugesa pillai, M/s.Kishore
224 Ambal nagar, Ekkatuthangal, Chennai-32 Engineering, No.95/1, Suryagandhi
Thiru.S.Senthilnathan, M/s.Sri Bathra Colony, Anna nagar, West Extn,
Consultancy, No.5, Srinivasa Nagar, 241 Mugappair, Chennai-37
225 Kelambakkam-603103 Thiru.G.Mohan Babu, M/s.360 Degree
Thiru.R.Rajagopalan, No.252, Kunrathur Global Equipment Pvt Ltd, No.797,
226 main road, Mangadu, Chennai-122 Thiruvallur high road, Andersonpet,
Thiru.C.Saravanaperumal, M/s.Alpha 242 Nemam, Chennai-126
Foundations Pvt Ltd, No.38, M/s.V.S.V.Engineering Works, No.29,
A.G.S.Colony, 3rd main road, 243 Perumal koil St, Mannupet, Chennai-50
227 Kottivakkam, Chennai-41 244 Tmt. G.Sushmitha, M/s.Eiyarkai Three
Life Science LLP, No.68, Cross St, 600062
T.H.Road, Venbakkam, Chennai-204 Thiru.K.Baskaran, M/s.kakkalur industrial
Thiru.A.L.Chidambaram, M/s.Kamakshi Estate Manufacturers Association, Om Sai
lamipack pvt,Ltd, No.68, Second main Fabrication, NO.102, kakkalur industrial
road, Ambattur Industrial Estate, Chennai- 259 estate, Thiruvallur, Chennai-602003
245 58 Thiru.M.Balachandran, Ambattur
Thiru.K.K.Ramesh, M/s.KKR industrial estate, Sidco –AIEMA Tower,
Components, No.355, Sidco Industrial 260 1st main road, ATC road Chennai-600058
246 Estate, Ambattur, Chennai-98 Thiru.V.Rajappan, M/s.Mugapair
Thiru.S.Paulraj, M/s.Klemmen industrial estate Manufacturers
Engineering Corporation, B-12, Mogapair Association, No.A18, Mugappair
247 industrial estate, Chennai-37 industrial estate, Mugappair (East)
Thiru.Dilip Kumbhat, M/s.K-Lite 261 Chennai-37
Industries, D-10, Industrial Estate, Thiru.R.Janakiraman, M/s. industrial
248 Ambattur Chennai-58 tooling Services, No.214, New Tiny
Thiru.N.Selvaraj, M/s. K.V.S.Industries, Sector, Ambattur Industrial Estate,
New no.32, Bajanai koil St, Pallipattu 262 Ambattur, Chennai-58
249 600113 Thiru.M.Rajamanickam, M/s.Iyyappan
Thiru.B.Ramesh Kumar, M/s.Jayalakshmi Engineering Industries Pvt Ltd, NO.107,
Chemical Enterprises Pvt Ltd, No.18, A, Sidco Industrial Estate, Ambattur,
Vanagram road, Athipattu Ambattur 263 Chennai-98
250 Industrial Estate (Po), Chennai-58 Thiru.A.Hussain, Hiba Engineering
Thiru.K.Chandramohan, M/s.Jai Balaji Works, No.33, Kamarajar st, Srinivasa
control Gears pvt Ltd, P.B.No.27, 89, 264 nagar, Padi, Chennai-50
251 Sidco Industrial Estate, Chennai-98 Thiru.N.Subramanian, Hifit industries,
Thiru.J.Ganesh,M/s.Jay Engineering No.A39, Balaji nagar, Ambattur, Chennai-
works, No.422, Sidco Industrial Estate, 265 53
252 Ambattur, Chennai-98 Thiru.Sridhar, M/s.Globe Steels Pvt Ltd,
Thiru.S.John Peter, M/s.J.V.Engineering, No.C5, Industrial Estate, Ambattur,
No.56/91, Mariamman Koil Cross St, 266 Chennai-58
253 Mathiyazhagan Nagar, Padi, Chennai-98 Thiru.G.Damodaran, G.D.Enterprises,
Thiru.M.Hindusthan, M/s.Jrp Tools & No.31, Old post office st, A1, Balaji Flat,
Gauges, No.120 –A, Tiny shed, Sidco 267 Venkatapuram, Ambattur, Chennai-53
254 Industrial Estate, Chennai-98 Thiru.J.Jayaraman/ Tmt.J.Latha,
Thiru.G.N.Krishna Moorthy, Tmt.J.Geetha, M/s.GRG Metal Finishers,
M/s.Industrial Complex Manufacturers No.6/8, 1 B, Thiruvalluvar st,
Assn, Export Promotion Industrial Park 268 Jagadhambikai nagar, Padi, Chennai-50
Bank building, Old Military road, Sipcot Thiru.K.Ganeshkumar,
255 Industrial Complex, Chennai-601201 M/s.G.G.Engineering (G-153(LM)),
Thiru.S.A.Shafique,M/s.Vichoor Industrial 269 No.9/6, Chavadi st, Korattur, Chennai-80
Estate Manufacturers Association, Thiru.R.Venkatesan, M/s.Sree Kannabiran
No.70A, Sidco industrial Estate, Vichoor, Refractories, No.303/A, Kurinjipo St,
256 Chennai-600103 270 Vridhachalam-606001
Thiru.S.Sathia Das,M/s.Ambattur Estate Thiru.A.Prakash, M/s.Sun Bright Nickol
Tiny Industries Association, No.120A, Polish, No.68, RM Chavadi
Tiny Sector, Sidco Industrial Estate, 271 Sellankuppam, Cuddalore-5
257 Ambattur, Chennai-98 Thiru.V.Sethu, M/s.Settu Lathe Works,
Thiru.Malliga Durairaj, No.1, Vellore road, Pudu mallavadi,
M/s.Thirumullaivoyal Industrial Women 272 Thiruvannamalai-606805
Entrepreneur Association, No.156, Thiru.G.Rajamanickam, M/s.Manikkam
Thirumullaivoyal women indipark Sidco Coir Industrires, No.72, E, Subbaiah
258 industrial Estate, Kattur Village, Chennai- 273 nagar, Cuddalore-2
Thiru.R.kandan, M/s.Kandan Coir Works, main road, Nehru nagar, Kottivakkam-41
No.116B, Murugan koil St, Thiru.G.Panchanandan, M/s.Best
274 Sangolikuppam, Cuddalore-5 Stamping & Forging, Shed NO.381, Xv
Thiru.S.Ramalingam, M/s.Ramalingam 291 Phase, Sidco industrial estate, Chennai-98
Tractors, Pennadam main road, Thiru.C.K.Raman, M/s.Kaypear M/s.Dyes
275 Vridhachalam-1 & Chemicals Pvt Ltd, No.236, 39th St, 8th
Thiru.S.Srikanth, M/s.Sparon enterprises l 292 Sector, KK nagar, Chennai-78
Pvt ltd, No.71, Dr.Moorthy nagar main Thiru.K.S.Palani, M/s.Special Instruments
276 road, Padi, Chennai-50 Consortium india Pvt Ltd, New No.8, First
Thiru.K.Ramanathan, M/s.Balaji Slotting Floor, 9th Cross St, Shastri nagar, Adyar,
Works, no.35 & 68, Tiny Sector, 1st main 293 Chennai-20
277 road, Ambattur Industrial estate- 600058 Thiru.R.D.Pravin kumar, M/s praash
Thiru.S.Jayaraman, M/s.Balavigna Wing industries No.272, Second main road,
Mills Pvt Ltd, No.11a/2, kasturibha road, 294 Nehru nagar, Chennai-96
278 nagal nagar, Dindigul-624003 Thiru.D.Louis kamaraj, No.2/193,
Thiru.N.P.Prakash, M/ star Exports, 295 Mugappair West, Chennai-37
No.12, Electrical industrial estate, Thiru.A.Sasikala,No.2/144, 2nd block,
279 kakkalur, Tiruvallur-602003 296 Mugappair(West)Chennai-37
Thiru.P.Ganesan, M/s. Sri Baskara Thiru.T.Poongavanam Achary, No.2/183,
Engineering works, No.105, Dindivanam 297 Mugappair(West) Chennai-37
280 main road, somasipadi, Tiruvannamalai-11 M/s.VK Polymers, No.3, Nehru st,
Thiru.N.Devarajan, M/s.Dinesh Balakrishna nagar, Thiruvottiyur,
Engineering Industries, No.345/5&6, 298 Chennai-19
Vayalur road, Ullundai villagae, Thiru.S.R.Kumaraswamy Adityan,
281 Tiruvallur-602105 No.3/62, main road, Kayamoli-628205,
Thiru.K.Jagadeeswaran, M/s.Jagco Metal 299 Thoothukudi District
Industries Pvt ltd, No.211/6/5B, M/s.Veekay Plastics,(Addressed to
Thirukovilur main road, Pavithram village, Commission) No.6, Kumaran nagar,
282 Tiruvannamalai-606806 300 Kaladipet, Chennai-19
Thiru.S.Pandian, M/s.Kathir Sudhir M/s.Veekay Plastics,(Addressed to CM
Automation Solutions, No.F2, 1st floor, Cell) No.6, Kumaran nagar, Kaladipet,, Dew flower apartments VGN 301 Chennai-19
283 Avenue, Kumananchavadi-600056 M/s.VK Polymers,(Addressed to CM Cell)
Thiru.Shanmugam, M/s.Tamilnadu No.3, Nehru st, Balakrishna nagar
Refractories 1, No.36, Sidco industrial 302 Thiruvottiyur, Chennai-19
284 estate, Neiveli road, Vadalur-607303 M/s.Bright CNC Components, No.16/118,
K.Ravichandran, M/s.Vimala Ceramics, Gandhinagar main road extn,
285 No.229, KK Nagar, Vridhachalam-606001 303 Ekkattuthangal, Chennai-32
Thiru.M.Natarajan, M/s. V.P.Enterprises, M/s.N.N.Engineering, No.17E,
New.No.27, Thatha muthaiappan st, Thandavarayan st, Gandhi nagar,
286 Chennai-1 304 Ekkattuthangal, Chennai-97
Thiru.K.Sasikumar, M/s.Sasikumar agro Thiru.V.Babu, Sri murugan Engieering,
foods, No.16, Mariammal nagar, No.8, Pillayar koil 3rd st, Ekkattuthangal,
287 Kavankarai, Puzhal, Chennai-66 305 Chennai-32
Thiru.K.Rangarajan, M/s.Swarna Thiru.G.B.Ashok kumar, No.102, Sidco
Refractories, No.184, Aladi road, 306 industrial estate, Thiruvallur-3
288 Virudhachalam road, Cuddalore-1 Thiru.Meenakshibalu, M/s.Super Printing
Thiru.D.Baskaran, M/s.Chandru Press, T.349B, Sidco women industrial
Industries, No.231, New Tiny Sector, park, kattur village, Thirumullaivayol,
289 Ambattur industrial estate, Chennai-58 307 Chennai-62
Thiru.Sundaresan Pattabhiraman, Thiru.M.Sankar, M/s.Multi Tech tools,
290 M/s.Buyers Engineers Pvt Ltd, No.94, 1st 308 No.12. Poomagal 2nd st, Ambal nagar,
ekkatuthangal, Chennai-32 M/s.Nirmal Wires Netting Industries,
Thiru.B.Jayaganesan, No.6, 1st st, P.No.4, 7th block, industrial estate phase
309 Rangarajapuram, Saidapet, Chennai-15 328 2, Muthamizh Nagar, Chennai-118
Thiru.J.Seetharaman, No.7, rukmani st, Thiru.K.Udayakumar,No.35/10, Ovvaiyar
310 Westmambalam, Chennai-33 st, ambal nagar, Ekkatuthangal, Chennai-
Thiru.P.Duraisamy, No.S2, guindy 329 32
311 industrial estate, Chennai-32 Thiru.Kishore,No.313/3A, PH road,
Thiru.J.Raja,No.7, karpagavinayagar St, 330 Chennai-21
Srinivasanagar, Iyyappanthangal, Chennai- Tmt.Sowmya moorthi, No.33, SP Guindy
312 56 331 industrial estate, Guindy, Chennai-32
M/s. Kanchipuram Rice Mill Owners Tmt.B.Rajalakshmi, No.A16, Sidco
Association, (Addressed to Secretary) 332 industrial estate, Villivakkam, Chennai-49
No.20/21, Kamarajar St, Kanchipuram- M/s.Veejay Engineering, No.14/2A, 3rd
313 631502 333 reddy st, Ekkattuthangal, Chennai-32
M/s. Kanchipuram Rice Mill Owners M/s.A.R.V.Industries,No.7/4A, pillayar
Association, (Addressed to Member) koil st, 5th St, Ambal nagar,
No.20/21, Kamarajar St, Kanchipuram- 334 Ekkattuthangal, Chennai-32
314 631502 M/s.Srichakra Polytech, No.4/8,
M/s. Kanchipuram Rice Mill Owners Ganapathy nagar, Ekkatuthangal, Chennai-
Association, No.20/21, Kamarajar St, 335 32
(Addressed to Chairman)Kanchipuram- M/s.R.D.Lakshmi Industries,No.87,
315 631502 Nandhivarman St, Gandhinagar main road,
M/s.Symtec Engineers Pvt Ltd, No.F5, 3rd 336 Ekkatutangal, Chennai-97
316 phase, Ekkatuthangal, Chennai-32 M/s.Chennai Gear Industries, NO.5, old
Thiru.E.Ravikumar, No.23, Gangai no.4/2, Achuthennagar, 2nd St, 1st cross
317 amman koil St, Ekkatuthangal, Chennai-32 337 st, Ekkatuthangal, Chennai-32
Thiru.T.C.Dayalan, No.38, (NP), M/s.Taps Engineering, No.58, Ganapathy
Industrial Estate, Ekkatuthangal, Chennai- nagar Extn, Ekkatuthangal, Guindy,
318 32 338 Chennai-32
Thiru.R.Soundarrajanan, No.L9, sidco M/s.S.V.P. Engineerings, no.TS82, Block
319 industrial estate, Villivakkam, Chennai-49 no.1, 1st st, 2nd Cross achuthennagar,
Thiru.Ravindra kankaria, No.C38, 339 Ekkatutangal, Chennai-32
320 Industrial estate, Guindy, Chennai-32 M/s.JKS Industries, No.3a, kabilar St,
Thiru.Palaniappan,No 12, Citibabu road, 340 Ekkatutangal, Chennai-32
321 Chetpet, Chennai-32 M/s.Kamalaraj Engineering, No.3/1,
Thiru.Mohan, No.3, 1st st, Race view 341 poonamalle road, Ekkatutangal,Chennai97
322 colony, Guindy, Chennai-32 M/s.KB Engineering, No.16/14,
Thiru.S.Sivasubramanian, No.14, NP Veeramamunivar St,Ambal nagar,
Developed plot, Ekkattuthangal, Chennai- 342 Ekkatuthangal Guindy, Chennai-32
323 32 M/s.Sathya Engineering Works,
Thiru.S.Raghu, No.112, Tiny Sector,, Visalakshi nagar, 1st St,
Guindy industrial estate, Ekkatuthangal, 343 Ekkatutangal, Chennai-32
324 Chennai-32 M/s.Sri Krishna Binary Engineering,
Thiru.C.K.Mohan, M/s.Power No.5/A, Ganapathy nagar, Cart track road,
Aids,No.116, Mount road, Guindy, 344 Ekkatutangal, Chennai-32
325 Chennai-32 M/s.AKS Electronics, No.45/3, Jawaharlal
Thiru.R.Balamurugan, Pulsars, No.14, 345 Nehru St,Ekkatutangal, Chennai-32
sidco industrial estate, Thirumudivakkam, M/s.Venkateswara Engineering
326 Chennai-44 Works,No.5/22, Pallavan St, Ambal nagar,
Tmt.R.L.Renuga,No.1, Munirathinam St, 346 Ekkatutangal, Chennai-32
327 Ayyavoo Colony, Chennai-29 M/s.JAI Rama Industries,new No.8,
347 Achuthennagar, 1st St, 2nd Cross st,
Ekkatutangal, Chennai-32 Industrial Estate, Ambattur, Chennai-58
M/s.Jai Enterprises, No.32a, 1st St, 2nd Thiru.R.K.Thaigesan, Chief reporter,
Cross Achuthennanagr, Ekkatutangal, 367 Ullatctchi Parvai, Press, Chennai
348 Chennai-32 Thiru.D.Mahadevan, M/s.Don Chem Pvt
M/s.D.K.V.Engineering Works, No.5/18, Ltd, No.548, Annasalai, Nandanam,
kabilan St, ambal nagar, Ekkatutangal, 368 Chennai-35
349 Chennai-32 Thiru.V.Nithyanantham, COTMIA
M/s.Drill Tech, No.9, Mettu St, President, No.2/10, Bharathiyar St, Ambal
350 Ponnamalle road,Ekkatutangal,Chennai-32 369 Nagar, Ekkatutangal, Chennai-32
M/s.Sri Lakshmi Engineering Enterprises, Thiru.S.Santhosh Prabhu, No.56F, 7th St,
No.3/2, 2nd pillayar koil st, Ekkatutangal, Sector1, Sidco industrial Estate,
351 Chennai-32 370 Ambattur, Chennai-98
M/s.S.K.S.Industries, No.9/4a, 3rd Pillyar Thiru.T.Munusamy, no.25, Swarnambikai
352 koil st, Ekkatutangal, Chennai-97 371 1st St, Ekkatuthangal, Chennai-32
M/s.R.N.K.Hydraulics,No.11/19, Thiru.M.Ravi, M/s.Ravi Engineering
Sowrnambikai St, Gandhinagar, Works, No.7, Duraisamy st,
353 Ekkatutangal, Chennai-32 372 Ekkatuthangal, Chennai-32
M/s.Vignesh Industries, No.16/27, Thiru.S.Selvanathan, M/s.Divya
Sowrnambikai 1st St, Ekkatutangal, Accounting Services, No.9/18, 2th Floor,
354 Chennai-32 373 3rd redddy St, Ekkatuthangal, Chennai-32
M/s.Star Engineering, No.7, Pillayar kovil Thiru.T.Gre Sabari, M/s.TANSITA,
355 3rd st, Ekkatutangal, Chennai-32 No.B22, Industrial estate, Ekkatuthangal,
M/s.RMK Engineering, no.3/5, 3rd St, 374 Chennai-32
356 Ekkatutangal, Chennai-32 Thiru.M.Babu, M/s.Angala Parameswari
M/s.R.K.Industries, no.4/33, 4th pillayar Wood Works, No.2, Pillayar kovil St,
357 kovil St, Ekkatutangal, Chennai-97 375 Jafferkhan pet, Chennai-83
M/s.K.Prakash & Associates, P.No.1, Thiru.V.Nithyanantham, M/s.Bright CNC
P.V.Shanmuga nagar, kolathur, Chennai- Components, No.176, Ramamoorthy St,
358 99 376 1st Cross road,Pallavanthangal,Chennai-44
Thiru.Joel karunagaran, No.H2, Korattur, Thiru.V.Dhayanidhi,No.11/27, 1st main
359 Tiruvallur-80 377 road, kasturibha nagar, Adyar, Chennai-20
Thiru.B.Munusamy, M/s.Heat Engineering Thiru.V.Nithyanantham,No.2/10,
Services,No.11, Backiyam new town, Bharathiyar St, Ambal nagar,
360 Anjayapuram, kakkalur, Tiruvallur-1 378 Ekkatuthangal, Chennai-32
Thiru.Dr.N.karthikeyan, M/s.MSME Thiru.P.Solomon, No.5/9, Second st,
Development Institute, No.265, 1st Bharthi Salai, Arunachalam nagar,
361 G.S.T.road, Guindy, Chennai-32 379 Karambakkam, Porur, Chennai-116
Thiru.P.Suresh, M/s.P.S.Industries, Thiru.A.Irundhayaraj, M/s.Indian
No.8A, 4th Pillayar koil st, Ekkatuthangal, Federation of Small and medium
362 Chennai-32 380 Newspapers, Chennai
Thiru.P.Purushothaman,No.6/3, Thiru.A.Boopathy, No.1, New colony , 4th
Arumugam St, Gandhinagar, 381 St, Adambakkam, Chennai-88
363 Ekkatuthangal, Chennai-32 M/s. Eegai Sirutholil Nadathuvor
Thiru.K.Baskaran, M/s.Aarthi Industries, Nalasangam, No.30, Pillayar koil St,
No.84, 2B, Aavin pariy road, Sidco 382 Ekkatuthangal, Chennai-32
364 industrial estate, Ambattur, Chennai-98 Thiru.J.Prem anandham, No.1B/6,
Thiru.K.Subramanian, P.No2, Jagathambal 383 Achuthennagar, Ekkatuthangal, Chennai32
Gopal Naiyakkar Salari, Mettukuppam, Thiru.R.Ragupathy, No.93, 5th St, 2nd
365 Vanagaram,Chennai-95 line, Sidco industrial estate, Ambattur,
Thiru.N.Ramakrishnan, No.225/2, 384 Chennai-98
366 Nageswara roa road, Athipet, Ambattur 385 Thiru.N.Venukumar, No.45, industrial
estate, Ambattur, Chennai-58 Thiru.R.Madhavan, M/s.Balaji Electrical
Thiru.R.Rajagopal, No.93/Fa2, Ambattur Works, No.5, Ram nagar, Wwallajah bath
386 industrial estate, Ambattur, Chennai-58 403 road, Mannivakkam, Chennai-48
M/s.Emmess Control Pvt Ltd, Dp.90 &91, Thiru.L.Sekar, M/s.India Tech
92, Sidco industrial Estate, 3rd main road, Engineering Services, No.5/4, 16th
387 Tirumazhisai, Chennai-600124 404 Avenue Ashok nagar, Chennai-83
Thiru.J.Thiagarajan, No.SP.5, Ambattur Thiru.M.Kandaswamy, No.3, Cathidral
388 industrial estate, Ambattur, Chennai-58 405 road, Gopalapuram, Chennai-86
Thiru.K.M.Lakshmanan, No.72, Arcot Thiru.C.G.Mercylin, No.D-180, Sidco
389 road, Porur-600116 industrial estate, Thirumazhisai, Chennai-
Thiru.A.Senthilkumar, M/s.Electro Flux 406 124
Equipment Pvt Ltd,No.31/22, Sidco Thiru.Vanajambikajayakumar, M/s.Ti
industrial estate (North Sector) Ambattur, Anode Fabricators Pvt Ltd, No.48,
390 Chennai-98 Nootanchary, Madambakkam, Chennai-
Thiru.A.Chandrasekaran, No.48/37, & 40, 407 126
Kasi industrial complex, V.O.C.St, Tmt.P.kavitha, No.46, 1st main road, new
391 Kaikankuppam, Valasaravakkam-600087 408 colony, Ankidyne, Chrompet-600044.
Thiru.Suneetha Vijayaraghavan, No.8, Thiru.B.Alvin Barna, M/s.All-Win, HHOA Office, Perundurai, Precision Engineering, No.2,
392 Chennai-96 409 managalapuram, Mangadu, Chennai-122
Thiru.E.M.Balakrishnan, No.25/13, Thiru.S.Ravindran, M/s.Alchemy Leather
393 Lalmuhamed St, Cheppakkam, Chennai-5 Pigments & Auxiliaries Pvt Ltd, No.18,
Thiru.A.Seenivasan, Lakshmipuram, George Fernaddus st, Voc nagar, Bammal,
394 Kolathur, Chennai-99 410 Chennai-75
Thiru.K.Subramanian, M/s.Tiruvallur M/s.Accurate Products Corporation Pvt
District Micro & SSI Asociation, No.5/19, Ltd, No.25A, Sidco industrial estate,
2nd St, Bharthi salai, Arunachalam nagar, 411 Tirumudivakkam, Chennai-44
395 karambakkam, Porur-116 Thiru.Tiruvenkatam, P.No.3, Industial
Thiru.P.Paul, M/s.Drill Jig Bushings Co 412 Area, CMDA, Maraimalainagar-603209
(Madras) Pvt Ltd, No.44, Sidco industrial M/s.All India Electricity Consumers
396 estate, Ambattur, Chennai-98 Association, No.18, Ratlar St, cholai,
Tmt.Deepa, M/s.Devendra Exports (P) 413 Chennai-7
Ltd, No.35/B2, ambattur industrial estate, Thiru.Dhansekaran, M/s.National Peoples
397 Ambattur-58 414 Sakthi Katchi, Chennai, Ph.9840850879
Thiru.V.R.Rajagopal, Ambattur, No.84/4, M/s.The Institute of Indian
sidco industrial estate, Ambattur, Chennai- Foundrymen,(MYT) New No.86, 1st main
398 98 415 road, anna nagar East, Chennai
Thiru.C.K.Mohan, M/s.CKM Power Weld, M/s.The Institute of Indian
no.C34, 5th Cross St, JJ Nagar industrial Foundrymen,(TR) New No.86, 1st main
399 estate, Mogappair East- 600037 416 road, anna nagar east, Chennai
Thiru.A.Arul Ramanathan, M/s.Keyaram Developers & Hotels Pvt
M/s.Compudata Forms Pvt Ltd, Ltd, (Addressed to Chairman) No.2,
P.No.3A,3B, Ekambaram nayakkar 417 Harrington road, Chetpet, Chennai-31
400 industrial estate, Chennai,Pin-600116 M/s.Keyaram Developers & Hotels Pvt
Thiru.A.N.Venketraman, Ltd, (Addressed to Secretary) No.2,
M/s.A.V.A.Cholayil Care Pvt Ltd, 418 Harrington road, Chetpet, Chennai-31
No.J1583, 15th main road, Anna nagar, M/s.Tamil Nadu Theatre and Multiplex
401 Chennai-40 Owners’ Association, No.14/49,
Thiru.S.P.Krishnamachari, M/s.Boopathy Dr.B.Narasimman road, North boag road,
Engineering Works (P) ltd, No.13, Mehdi 419 T.Nagar, Chennai-17
Hussain khan, Bhagathur nagar, M/s.Peoples Awareness
402 Royapettah-600014 420 Association,no.C42, 6th st, Lakshmi
nagar, Nanganallur, Chennai-61 No.D.P.S-44, Phase-2, Sidco Industrial
M/s.Kakkalur Industrial Estate Estate, Kakkalur-3, Tiruvallur.
421 Manufacturers Association, (KIEMA),
Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (TANGEDCO) True-Up, ARR and Tariff Order, 2022



Public Hearing at : Coimbatore

Venue : SNR College Auditorium, Avinasi Road, Coimbatore
Date : 16-08-2022

SI. Name of Speakers at Coimbatore Public Hearing

1 Thiru.V.Thirugnanam, President, CODISSIA, Huzur Road, Coimbatore - 641018.

Thiru.R.Ramamurthy Director, CODDISSIA Defence Innovation, Huzur Road,

Coimbatore – 18
Thiru.Bala Subramaniam President, Indian Chambers, Avinashi Road, Coimbatore -
4 Thiru.C.SivaKumar President, COTMA, Ganapathy, Coimbatore - 06.
Thiru.N.S.N.Dhanabal President, Kangayam Coconut Oil Manufacturers Association,
Kangayam - 638701.
Thiru.R.Velusamy Secretary, Tamil Nadu Federation of Powerloom Association,
7 Thiru.A.Kathirmathiyon, Coimbatore Consumer Cause, Coimbatore.
8 Thiru.Manoharan, Chief Engineer(Retired), TANGEDCO.
9 Thiru.A.D.Thirumoorthy, Energy Consultant, Coimbatore.
10 Thiru.M.Jeyapal, Recycle Textile Federation, Sowripalayam, Coimbatore - 28.
11 Thiru.N.Pradeep, The South India Spinners Association, Coimbatore - 14.
Thiru.K.N.K.S.Selvakumar President, owerloom Weavers Job Order Association,
12 Kannampalayam, No.38, Thiyagi Palani Gounder Street, Kannampalayam, Coimbatore
- 641402.
13 Thiru.P.Bala Subramaniam, Tirupur Covai District Powerloom Association, Tirupur.
Thiru.D.Balasundaram, Senior Past President, Tamil Nadu Electricity Consumers
Association, Coimbatore.

Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory Commission 513

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SI. Name of Speakers at Coimbatore Public Hearing

Thiru.J.James, President, Tamil Nadu Association of Cottage and Micro Enterprises,
Edayarpalayam post, Coimbatore - 25.
Thiru.R.Soundra Kumar, President, Coimbatore Wet Grinders & Accessories
manufacturers Association, Coimbatore - 641037
17 Thiru.D.Abhishek, Secretary, CREDAI, Teynampet, Chennai.
Thiru.Suba Selvaraj, State Vice President, Industrial Cell,
Bharathiya Janatha Party, Coimbatore.
Thiru.M.Balasubramaniam, Secretary, Tirupur Kovai District Powerlooms Association
Thiru.M.V.Kalyanasundaram, District Committee Member, India Communist Party,
Jeeva Home, Coimbatore.
21 Thiru.L.K.Suresh, Chairman, Erode Powerlooms Owners Association, Erode.
Thiru.V.T.Karunanidhi, Chairman, Pallivalaiyam Powerlooms Owners Association,
23 Thiru.S.Thangamuthu, Chairman, Powerlooms Owners Association, Karur.
24 Dr.M.Arasu, Council Member, IIAF, Coimbatore.
Dr.Kasthuri Rangaiyan, Chairman, Indian Wind Power Association (IWPA)
26 Thiru.D.Vignesh, President, SIEMA, Race Course, Coimbatore.
Thiru.S.Venkatesh, Manager (Sales), OPG Power Generation Private Limited,
28 Thiru.P.Praveen, Senior Manager, OPG Energy, Chennai.
Thiru.V.P.Palanisamy, Rotary Screen Printers Association,
Thiru.S.P.Rangarajan President, Micro & Small Scale Industrial Entrepreneur
Association, Coimbatore.
Thiru.I.Veerasamy, Special Grade Foreman, Electricity Engineers ikiya Association,
Thiru.P.Karthikeyan, Chairman, Perundurai Autoloom owners Association,
Perundurai - Erode - 52.
Thiru.Govindarajan, Member, South India Shutlers Wearing Association,

Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory Commission 514

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SI. Name of Speakers at Coimbatore Public Hearing

34 Thiru.G.Venkatachalam, SISWA, Coimbatore.
Thiru.S.Surulivel, Vice President, Tamil Nadu Small & Tiny industries Association,
36 Thiru.N.Logu, Secretary, Coimbatore Consumer Voice, Avinasi Road, Coimbatore.
37 Dr.K.Selvaraj, Secretary General, The Southern India Mills Association, Coimbatore.
Thiru.R.Senthil kumar, Joint Secretary,Tirupur Exporters Association,
Tirupur - 641607.
Thiru.I.Noor Mohammed Secretary, Coimbatore Plastics Re-processing & Trader
Association, Coimbatore - 641008.
Thiru.P.Palanisamy, Chairman, kovai Tirupur District Powerlooms owners
Association, Sommanur , Coimbatore
Thiru.A.Vendhar.M.Dhandapani, District President,
41 G.Gunasekaran, District Vice President, Tamil Nadu Farmers Association,
S.N.R.Road, Coimbatore.
42 Thiru.B.Ragubathi, Chairman, Social Service Centre, P.K.Palayam, Coimbatore - 20.
Thiru.K.M.Ravi Chandran Managing Director, Selvanayagi Powerlooms, Sidour,
44 Thiru.R.Balaji, Vice President,ELGI Equipments Limited, Coimbatore.
Thiru.A.Sureshkumar, President,The Coimbatore South Small & Micro Industries
Association, Coimbatore.
46 Thiru.N.Sundararajan,Nethaji Road, Pappanayakampalayam,Coimbatore.
47 Thiru.P.Senthil Kumar, Managing Director, Hariram Cotton Mill, kaniyur, Coimbatore.
48 Thiru.Jagadesan, Deepa Disleries Works, Coimbatore
Thiru.S.Kanaga Sabapathi,Secretary,
Powerlooms Owners Association, Vadugampalayam, Coimbatore.
50 Thiru.C.Kulandaivelu, SIHS Colony, Singanallur Coimbatore.
Thiru.Kalyanasundaram, Tamil Nadu Pumps & Spares Manufactures Association,
52 Thiru.Arun Kanagaraj, Pollachi Coir Association, Pollachi.
Thiru.R.Shanthakumar, Country Co-ordinator
India Taxpayer, No.81, West Venkatasamy Road, R.S.Puram,Coimbatore - 641002.

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SI. Name of Speakers at Coimbatore Public Hearing

54 Thiru.M.Balasubramaniam, Chairman, Lakapuram Powerlooms Association, Erode.
Thiru.G.Muruganantham, Chairman, Powerlooms Association, Tiruchengodu,
56 Thiru.G.Prakash, Managing Director Varshaith Textiles, Somanor, Coimbatore.
57 Thiru.P.Palanisamy , Pollution Activist, Vijayamangalam, Perundurai, Coimbatore.
Thiru.N.Anburaj ,Secretary, Coimbatore District Coir & Allied Producers Association,
59 Thiru.T.Mani , Organiser, MSME Coimbatore Association, Coimbatore.
60 Thiru.Kannagi Jothi Basu, No.28th Ward Counsiler, Coimbatore.
61 Thiru.P.Krishnasamy, Consumer, Pollachi.
62 Thiru.R.Chellappan, Managing Director, Swelect Energy Systems, Chennai
63 Thiru.K.P.Shakthivel, Tamil Nadu Rice Mill Owners Association, Coimbatore.
Thiru.V.T.Shreedhar, Vice President, Erode District Small Scale Industries
Association, Erode.
65 Thiru.S.Palanisamy, President, Kangayam Rice Mill Association, Kangayam.
66 Thiru.M.Manzur Rahman,Proprietor, A.M.R Industries, Singanallur, Coimbatore.
67 Thiru.P.Chinnasamy, Treasurer, Kadeshwara Rice Mill, Kangayam.
Thiru.N.Mahesh, Senior Plant Manager, Sandhis Foundaries Private Limited
69 Thiru.Ganesh, Managing Director, Excel Plastics, Coimbatore.
70 S.Sadasivam, All India Organization in service of Small Scale Industries, Coimbatore
Thiru.P.S.Venkatachalam,Advisor, Tamil Nadu Visvakarma Handicrafts Association,
Thangamaligai, Periyannai Road, Coimbatore.
Thiru.M.M.Kandasamy, Vice President, Federation of Tamil Nadu Mills Owners and
Paddy Rice Dealers Association, Coimbatore.
73 Dr.R.K.Gnanamurthy, Alandhurai Post, Coimbatore.
74 Thiru.M.Murugesan, Consumer, Tirupur.
75 Thiru.D.Venkateshwaran,Polymer Trade Association, Erode.
76 Thiru.V.K.Rajamanickam, FATIA, Coimbatore.
Thiru.K.Balasubramaniam, Secretary,Tiruppur District Treasur Owner Association,

Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory Commission 516

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SI. Name of Speakers at Coimbatore Public Hearing

78 Thiru.P.Eswaran, Thevarayanpalayam Powerloom Association, Tirupur.
79 Thiru.A.Balakrishnan, Member, Powerloom Owners Association, Palladam.
80 Thiru.K.Thangaraj, Secreary, Indian Coir Cluster Private Limited, Erode.
Thiru.K.R.Senthil Kumar, Erode & Tirupur District Coir and Allied Manufacturers
Association, Erode.
82 Thiru.P.Sivakumar, Powerloom Association, Palladam.
83 Thiru.K.K.Ravi, President, COMMISSIA, Coimbatore.
Thiru.N.Sivasamy , President Coimbatore Tirupur Weavers Handlooms Association,
85 Thiru.V.Selvaraj, Thudiyalur, Coimbatore.
86 Thiru.S.Sadha Sivam, Secretary, Kowsika Neer Karangal, Coimbatore.
87 Thiru.P.Chinnnasamy, Owner Balaji Textiles, Sommanur.
88 Thiru.H.Nazar, Ukkadam, Karugada Branch Coimbatore
89 Thiru.S.Krishnamoorthy, Secretary, CITU, Coimbatore.
90 Thiru.C.Padmanaban, CPIM, Coimbatore.
91 Thiru.V.K.Shivagnanam CPIM, Coimbatore.
92 Thiru.J.Ajaykumar DYFI, Coimbatore.
93 Thiru.K.ChinnasamyPresident, Tamil Nadu Treasur Owner Association, Tamil Nadu.
Thiru.A.G.Chinnasmay, Chairman Coimbatore District Powerlooms Association,
Iyyampalayam, Coimbatore.
R. Shanmuganathan, Chairman Kovai-Thirupur District Koolikku Nesavu Seium
Visaithariyalar Sangam, Kombankaddu- Coimbatore
96 R. Mounasamy, Sri Lakshmi Techno Castt Foundry Cluitter, Coimbatore
Kavi. Thamizh Selvan, Secretary Coimbatore Consumer Action Club Peelamedu-
98 R. Mahi, 3/1, Sowaripalayam, Coimbatore
K. Subramanian, Secretary, Tiruchangodu Taluk, Small Powerloom Oweners
Association, Namakkal District - 637211
100 Thiru.N.Manoharan, No.2AB, South 7th Street, Avarampalayam, Coimbatore
Thiru.Thirumalai M.Ravi, Chairman, Coimbatore District Grill Manufacturers
Association, Ganapathy, Coimbatore.

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SI. Name of Speakers at Coimbatore Public Hearing

102 Thiru.B.M.Boopathi, CEO, Dyers Association of Tirupur, Tirupur.
103 Tmt.R.Geetha, No.35A, South Street, No.2 Aavarampalayam, Coimbatore - 6
Thiru.N.Duraisamy, No.2/196B, Karasampalayam Road, Mylampatti Post,
105 Thiru.Velumani, 7 South Street, Aravampalayam, Coimbatore.
106 Thiru.K.Ramesh, 7 South Street, Aravampalayam, Coimbatore.
Thiru.K.C.M Duraisamy, Tirupur and Palladam District Rice Mill Owners Association,
108 Thiru.M .Sivaguru, No.14/8, Mariyappan Kovil Street, Vellavur, Coimbatore.
Thiru.G.VigneshNo.16/23, Karunanithi Street,
Sowripalayam, Coimbatore - 28

Public Hearing at : Madurai,

Venue : Lakshmi Sundaram Hall, Thallakulam, Madurai.

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Date : 16-08-2022

Sl. No. Name of Speakers at Madurai Public Hearing

Dr.N.Jagatheesan, President , Tamil Nadu Chamber of Commerce & Industry,

Kamarajar Salai, Madurai.
Thiru.S.Ashok Sundareesan, Ex-president Shree Chakra Industries, Mathur,
Bhelsia, Trichy.
Thiru.C.Theivarajan Chairman, Madurai District Flour Traders Association,
4 Thiru.Prakalathan Dharmaraj, Sonal Vyapar Private Limited, Salem.
5 Thiru.G.Yuvaraj, Sri Govindharaja Meals,Aruppukottai.
Thiru.P.N.Ragunatha Raja, President, Kappalur Industrialists Association,
Kappalur, Madurai – 08
Thiru.P.Kishore President, Madurai District Rice Mill Owners Association,
Thiru.Vetrivel, President, Tuticorin District Paddy & Rice Owner's
Association, Tuticorin.
Dr.D.R.RavikumarExecutive Member,Tamil Nadu Coastal Aquaculture
Farmers Federation (TANCAFF),Tirupoondi, Nagapattinam.
Thiru.S.P.Jeya PrakasamPresident , Tamil Nadu Foodgrains Merchants
Association, Madurai.
11 Thiru.V.Prabhu, Proprietor,Sri Kamatchi Industries, Trichy - 15.
Thiru.M.S.Sampath President, Madurai District Tiny & Small Scale Industries
Association, Madurai.
13 Thiru.Raja Sudhakaran, President, Nagari Industries Association, Madurai.
14 Thiru.C.S.Ravishankar President, K.Pudhur Industrial Association, Madurai.
Thiru.A.K.P.Navasbabu President, Urangalpatti Industrialist Association,
Thiru.Chandrasekaran President,Jaihindpuram Small Industries Manufacturers
16 Association,
Thiru.Noor Mohammed, President, Sivagangai District Bricks Manufacturers
17 Association,
Thiru.A.L.NarayananPresident,Madurai Plastic Manufacturers

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Sl. No. Name of Speakers at Madurai Public Hearing

Thiru.M.Elango President,
19 South District Textiles Processing Cluster Industries Association,
Thiru.Radhakrishnan, President, Madurai Granite Manufacturers Association,
21 Thiru.M.B.Gunasekaran, President, Madurai Bakery's Association, Madurai.
Thiru.M.Ganesan District Secretary, Madurai District Secretary, CPIM,
23 Thiru.Rajendran President, Madurai District Secretary, CPIM, Madurai.
Thiru.T.S.A.Subramaniam State Organiser, Tamil Nadu Powerlooms
24 Association Committee,
Shankarankovil, Thenkasi.
Thiru.M.S.V.Ramachandran No.48, Malapatti Village, Vadakku Taluk,
Alanganallur via, Madurai.
26 Thiru.P.Rajamani, Sagaya Madha Salt Corporation.Tuticorin - 628002.
Thiru.S.VasandhanPresident,Sivakasi Plastics Manufacturers
Thiru.A.Annadurai, President, Dindigul District Micro and Small Enterprises
28 Association,
Dr.R.Karnan Founder / State President, TamilNadu Citizens Consumers
29 Protection Centre,
Dr.A.SelvarajFarmer President, Tamil Nadu Small Scale Industries
Association, Madurai.
Thiru.P.Harish Senior Research Specialist, Energy World Research Institute,
32 Thiru.P.Arivuarasan, Madurai Dhall Merchants Association, Madurai.
33 Thiru.A.L.Narayanan Plastic Manufacturers Association, Madurai.
Thiru.K.K.Dinesh Secretary, Sourashtra Chamber of Commerce, Madurai -
Thiru.K.T.Krishnaswamy, Tamil Nadu Vanigar Sangam Peramaippu ( GST
35 Audit)
No.5, Thalavai Agraharam, First Floor, 2 kilo coir Madurai - 625001.

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Sl. No. Name of Speakers at Madurai Public Hearing

Thiru.K.RajasekarMadurai District Offset Printers Association,No.27, Mothilal

Main Road,Madurai - 625016.
Thiru.S.Dhinakaran Co-ordinator, Aalayam Kappom, Madurai District,
No.149, Main Road, Natarajan Nagar, Kochadai, Madurai - 625016.
Thiru.M.Mazibur Rahman Hameedia Rice Mill, Mathur Post, Alagar Kovil
(via), Madurai - 625301.
Thiru.Excel.K.Palanisamy,President, Federation of Madurai Manufacturers
and Traders , Association, No.9, Sambandha moorthy Street, Madurai - 625001.
Thiru.A.K.B.Nawas Babu, President, Madurai Hosiery Industries Association,
Madurai Sivagangai Road, Varichiyur Post, Uranganpatti, Madurai - 625020.
Thiru.P.G.Vetrivel, Thoothukudi District Rice Mill and Wholesale Traders
41 Association,
No.100 C1, Therkku Pudhu Street, Thoothukudi - 628002.
Thiru.P.V.Murugan, Sai Plastics, Alagar Kovil Main Road, Maruthanpalayam,
Madurai - 625014.
Thiru.A.Alaguchamy, Secretary, Madurai District Farmers Association,
Panaiyur,Madurai - 625009.
Thiru.S.SureshDistrict President,Tirunelveli Industrial Cell,Tirunelveli -
Thiru.Thirumurugan District President,Tamil Nadu Appalam Vadagam
Morevathal Association, Madurai - 625001.
Thiru.T.R.Mohan Ram, Vice President, Sowrashtra Chambers of Commerce,
Madurai - 625001.
47 Thiru.R.Shivakumar Hotel Chapathi Park, Madurai - 625017.
Thiru.K.Nehru Prakash, President, Thoothukudi District Tiny and Small Scale
Industries Association, No.247-A18, North Car Street, Tuticorin - 02.
Thiru.J.Ashok Raj Fine Packs, Plot No.471,472,473, Adithya Industrial pack,
Puliyur, Sivagangai - 625009.
50 Thiru.P.Chinnasamy,No.11/57, Usalampatti, Madurai - 625532.
51 Thiru.V.R.Sridharan,No.46,A/4, CMR Road, Madurai - 625009.
52 Thiru.N.S.GopinathNo.65/23, Khanpalayam,1st Street, Madurai - 625009.
53 Thiru.G.Selvavel Pandi, FOMTA Secretary, Madurai - 625001.
Thiru.R.Kaleeswaran BJP Industrial State Secretary, Ramanathapuram -
55 Thiru.R.Murugesan BJP District President, Ramanathapuram.

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Sl. No. Name of Speakers at Madurai Public Hearing

Thiru.T.Manoharan, Treasurer, Madurai District Jalli Kalkuvari Owners

56 Association,
Madurai - 625020.
Thiru.N.Jayaraman, Tamil Nadu All separfal atodetment Pensiors Association,
Madurai - 625002.
58 Thiru.R.Arumuga Pandian BJP District Secretary Tirunelveli - 627005.
Thiru.M.P.Sankara Pandian, President, Water Resources protection and public
59 trust,
No.1/5, Kalayana sundaram, 5th Street, Madurai - 625002.
Thiru.Daniel Perinbaraj No.4354, TNHB Colony, Villapuram, Madurai -
Thiru.K.P.MuruganSecretary,MADDISIA Trade and Convertion
Centre,Madurai - 625020.
Thiru.S.Muthukumar88 Kumar's Electronics, West Valli Street, Madurai -
Thiru.V.Kannan GKI Fab Work, No.RO15, Women's Industrial
Estate,(SIDCO), Valavanathankottai, Thuvakudi, Trichy - 620015.
Thiru.A.V.S. Mukunthan, Secretary, Association of Cold Storages,
No.76/4A2, Madurai - Dindigul NM Nagari, Madurai - 625021.
Thiru.J.V.Mohangandhi Siddha Doctor, Tamil Nadu Siddha Centre,xMadurai -
66 Thiru.R.Vijayarajan CPM District Committee, Madurai - 625002.
Thiru.Muthurani W/o.Chellakannu,
Vellaimalaipatti, llowing Usilampatti Taluk.
Thiru.P.Ramar M.Paraipatti, O&M Mannouth Post,Usilampatti Post,
Madurai District.
69 Thiru.S.P.Asai ThambiMakkal Neethi MaiyamMadurai
Thiru.M.Kalai Selvam CPIM East Taluk, Secretary,
Pandian Nagar, Othakadai, Madurai.
71 Thiru.Nammavar Senthil/n Makkal Neethi Maiyam, Madurai Central.
72 Thiru.R.Manicka Vasagam No.24 Anthoniyar Kovil Street Madurai
Thiru.Dhananjay Kumar Dindigul District Coconut Fibre Products
73 Manufacturers Association,
Dindigul - 624308.
74 Thiru.T.K.Sadhanandam No.6/2, Mahal 8th Street, Madurai - 625001.

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Sl. No. Name of Speakers at Madurai Public Hearing

75 Thiru.R.Jeyaprakash No.38, Vaikolkara Street, Madurai - 625001.

Thiru.M.Ghouse Batcha Senior Citizen / Advocate B1, Vishal Jagadish
No.7, Rathnasamy Nadar Road, B.B.Kulam, Madurari North Tlauk, Madurai -

Sl.No. Name & Address of people who have submitted written suggestion at Madurai Public
1. Thiru.G.Srinivasan, Sr.Exe.VP (Works) M/s.DCW Ltd, Sahupuram, Thoothukudi District-

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Public Hearing at : Chennai

Venue : Kalaivanar Arangam, Chennai – 600005.
Date : 22-08-2022

S.No. Name of the Speakers at Chennai Public Hearing

1 Dr.A.C.Mohan, Secretary, Federation of Tamil Nadu Rice Mill Owners Paddy & Rice
Dealers Associations, No.99, Trade Centre complex, Wallajah Road, Chepauk,Chennai -
2 Thiru.Kamala Kannan, No.52, Palakuppam Road, Avaari Pakkam, Dindivanam
Villupuram District.
3 Thiru.R.Rajachidambaram, State Secretary, Tamil Nadu Farmers Association,
Sundar Nagar, 2nd Street, Venkateshapuram Extension, Perambalur - 621212.
4 Thiru.K.Murali, Auditor State Secretary - Industrial Cell, Tamil Nadu BJP
Old No.249 / New No.339, Level I, "Safi House" Anna Salai, Teynampet,
Chennai - 06.
5 Thiru.P.Muthusamy, Electro Legal Consultant,
6 Mrs.Annie Josey Fellow, NGO, No.1/22, M.K.N Road, St Thomas Mount
Chennai - 16.
7 Thiru.M.Jothi, Secretary, North Chennai Small Industries Federation,
No.38, Pattinathar Koil Street, Thiruvottriyur, Chennai - 19.
8 Dr.Jeyavelan, President VGP, Seethapathy Nagar Resident Welfare Association.
9 Prof. S.Arumugam, Federation of Velachery Residents Welfare Association.
10 Thiru.S.Chandrasekaran, Seethapathy Nagar, Velachery
11 Thiru.Kumara Raja, Annai Indra Nagar welfare Association.
12 Thiru.Kuppan, District President, Thiruvallur West
13 Thiru.P.Sathish Kumar, Triplicane, Chennai - 05.
14 Thiru.R.V.Subbarayan, No.39/69, Agaraham Musiri, District Vice President,
Tamil Nadu Commerce Institute Association, Trichy.
15 Thiru.Rajiv Dosharey, Member, Madras Steel Re-rollers Association,
No.6, Sadar Patel Road, Guindy, Chennai - 32.
16 Thiru.C.Murugeshwaran, Member, TNPPA, Chennai - 02.
17 Thiru.Ajith Prathap Singh, OPG Power Generation CFO,
C4R2+645, Peria Obulapuram Village, Gummudipoondi, Taluk, Thiruvallur District - 201
18 Thiru.T.Govindaraj, Kollidam River, Prawn Farmers Society, Vishnu Hospital,
19 Thiru.K.Gnanamoorthy, Cuddalore Prawn Farmers Association, Cuddalore.

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S.No. Name of the Speakers at Chennai Public Hearing

20 Thiru.S.Jeyaraman, Secretary, Agro Prawn Farmer Association, No.55, R.S.Road, Sirkali,
Mayiladurari District.
21 Thiru.B.Kandavel, State P.R.O. & Organisation Secretary, Tamil Nadu Federation of
Powerlooms Associations, No.214/223, Vivekananthar Road, Narayanavalasu, Nasiyanur
Road, Erode - 11.
22 Thiru.P.Shanmugam, Tamil Nadu Farmers Association, CPIM, No.11, Vaithiyanathan
Street, T.Nagar, Chennai - 11.
23 Thiru.M.Jeyabalan, Deputy Pesident, Redhills Rice Mills Owners Asscoation & Paddy,
Redhills, Chennai - 52.
24 Thiru.Shreekanth Dhuri, Consultant, South Indian Cement Manufacturers Association, 3rd
Floor, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad - 500034.
25 Thiru.Vengadeshwaran, Durga Wind Power LLP Vesap Garden, R.A.Puram.
26 Thiru.G.Indrakumar, Deputy Manager, OPG Energy, Mayavaram.
27 Thiru.Selva, District Secretary CPIM, Central Chennai.
28 Thiru.Shankar, Tamil Nadu Costal Aqua Farms Federation, Myladurai District.
29 Mrs.D.Ponmalar, Vel Hi Tech Industries, Thirumalisai
30 Thiru.G.D.Bharathram, Citizen Consumer & Civic Action Group(CAG)
Eldams Road, Teynampet, Chennai - 18.
31 Thiru.N.Pannerselvam, Weaver, No.78, Alamal Street, Vishwanathapuram,
Guruvarajapet, Arakkonam, Ranipet District.
32 Thiru.A.P.Srinivasan, Consumer Protection Forum(Force) No.87, Dr.Radhakrishnan Salai,
Chennai - 04.
33 Thiru.G.Kuppusamy, General Secretary, Chennai Metro Small and Micro Industries
Association, Ekkaduthangal, Chennai - 32.
34 Thiru.G.Krishnamoorthy, Ambattur Industrial Estate, Manufacturers Association,
Chennai – 58.
35 Thiru.K.Baskaran, Secretary, Kakkalur Industrial Estate Manufacturers
Association(KIEMA) Kakkalur, Tiruvallur District.
36 Thiru.Neelakandan, Consumer, Madipakkam, Chennai - 91.
37 Sri Kumar Rajan, Manager, M/s.Malaravan Machine works, Ambattur, Chennai.
38 Thiru.C.Selvaraj, Consumer, No.162, Ranga Nagar, 1st Street, Chrompet, Chennai - 44.
39 Thiru.V.Nithyanandhan, General Secretary, Tamil Nadu Small and Tiny Industries
Association, No.10, GST Road, Chennai - 32.
40 Thiru.Muralimohan, Secretary, Madhuranthakam co-operative sugar cane mills
41 Thiru.Ashrafali, Member, COCOmanas Association, Chepauk, Chennai - 05.
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S.No. Name of the Speakers at Chennai Public Hearing

42 Thiru.P.Harish, Senior Research Specialist Energy, WRI India, 2nd Floor, South End
Road, Bangalore - 04
43 Thiru.G.Senthil Kumar, Thiruvallur District President, Our People Protection
44 Thiru.Y.Mohammed Farook, President, Aam Aadmi Party, North Chennai.
45 Thiru.Gandhi, Power Engineers Society of Tamil Nadu (PESOT)
46 Thiru.K.S.Anbuselvan, President, Perungudi Industrial Estate Manufacturers Association,
Chennai – 96.
47 Thiru.S.Ramakrishnan, President, Vinnamangalam SIDCO Industrial Estate,
Manufacturers Association, Tiruppathur District.
48 Thiru.Thirumurugan Gandhi, May - 17, Iyakkam Organizer.
49 Thiru.Rama Rao, Secretary, Peoples Awarness Association Nanganallur, Chennai - 61
50 Thiru.V.Purushothaman, Secretary, Federation of Adayalampattu, Residents Welfare
Associations, (FARWA) No.20, 1st Street, Tiruvallur - 95.
51 Thiru.S.Gokula Krishnan, Secretary, TASIOWA, Chennai - 32.
52 Thiru.S.Gajaraj, President, TIEMA.
53 Thiru.K.Thirumurugan, Co-ordinator Consumer and Awareness United of India,
Chennai – 53.
54 Thiru.G.Calraj, President, Hatcheries Association, Chengalpattu District - 102.
55 Thiru.S.Sankaranarayanan, Deputy Secretary, Madras Chamber Commerce & Industry
(MCCI), Chennai - 35.
56 Thiru.Vasu Devan, President, Thindivanam SIDCO Association, MSME, Chennai - 95.
57 Thiru.C.Babu, Former President Tamil Nadu Small & Tiny Industrial Body, Chennai - 32.
58 Thiru.S.Vijayakumar, Chairman, India Consumer Awareness Association, Ambattur,
Chennai - 53
59 Thiru.G.Shankaran, President Tamil Nadu Pondy Plastic Association, Choolai High Road,
Chennai - 112.
60 Thiru.D.Kamaraj, Secretary Chennai Plastic Manufacturers and Traders Association,
Choolai High Road, Chennai - 112.
61 Thiru.Solomon, President, Thiruvalluvar District, Industries Association, Thiruvallur
62 Thiru.V.Shankar, President, Industries Association, Kancheepuram District.
63 Thiru.P.Muthukrishnan, Proprietor, Global Packaging Industry, Ramapuram, Chennai - 89.
64 Thiru.S.Muthu Raman, M/s.Jeyam Stores, Chennai - 87.
65 Thiru D. Rajendiran, Secretary, Vandimedu House Owners Association, Villupuram.
66 Thiru Chandran, Secretary, (AIECA) All India Electricity Consumers Association

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S.No. Name of the Speakers at Chennai Public Hearing

67 Thiru Rajesh, Consumer, Teynampet, Chennai
68 Thiru G. Kathiresan, Secretary Egai Small Industries Association, Ekkaduthangal,
Chennai - 32
69 Thiru S. Murugan, President, Nabasian Social Service and Helping Centre, Chennai 106.
70 Thiru Kalam Vijayan, District Secretary, Tamil Nadu Federation of Powerlooms
Association, Thiruvallur.
71 Thiru Thooyamurthy, Association of Transparancy and Anti corruption, Chennai.
72 Thiru Natraj, Senior AVP Renewabl Energy Projects, Swelect Energy Systems Ltd,
Mylapore, Chennai - 4.
73 Thiru Sikkanthar, Proprietor, Global Recyclers, Madhavaram, Chennai -60.
74 Thiru Ashish Nandan, Vice President Regulatory Affairs, First Energy Pvt. Ltd.,
Pune - 05.
75 Thiru Sutharsanam, Xerox store, No.1, Redhills, Chennai -52.
76 Thiru D. Mariyappan, No.1, Mariamman Kovil Street, Social Activist, Chengalpet District.
77 Thiru S. Ragunathan,Consumer Valasaravakkam Brindavan Nagar WelfareAssocaition,
78 Thiru P.S. Baskar Kumar, Consumer, Toll gate, Chennai -19.
79 Thiru P. Loganathan, Kundrathur Industries Traders Owners Association, Chennai - 69.
80 Thiru S. Jayaprakasan, Ex Member, Tamil Nadu Small & Tiny Industries Association,
Guindy, Chennai - 32.
81 Thiru J. Chandrasekaran, Secretrary, Chennai Fishing Harbour Ice Manufacturers
Association, Tondiarpet, Chennai -81.
82 Thiru S. Rakkappan, President, The Tamil Nadu Plastics Manufactureres Association,
Nungambakkam, Chennai - 34.
83 Thiru R. Selvam, Consumer, Shanthi nagar, Ranipet.
84 Thiru K.M. Siva, Consumer, T. Nagar,Chennai.
85 Thiru K. Chandra Kumar, Small Engineering Industries Welfare Association
Ekkaduthangal, Chennai -32.
86 Thiru A.P. Subramanian, Consumer, Thiruvanmiyur, Chennai.
87 Thiru S.R.Kumaraswamy Adithyan, Consumer, Tiruchendhur.
88 Thiru.S.Kuppusamy, Wax Manufacturers, Ekkaduthangal, Chennai - 32.
89 Thiru.N.Ramakrishnan, Lagu Udyog Bharathi, Chennai.
90 Thiru.S.Bharanitharan, Joint Secretary, Tamil Nadu Rice Mills Owners Association.
91 Thiru.A.S.kannan, Ex-MLA (State President), Tamil Nadu Association of Cottage and
Tiny Entrepreneurs, Chennai - 58.

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S.No. Name of the Speakers at Chennai Public Hearing

92 Thiru.S.Arivanandham, President, Plastic Dye Manufacturers Associations,
Ekkaduthangal, Chennai - 32.
93 Thiru.S.Senthil Viswarooban, Advocate, Stephen and Stephen Advocates Associations,
Chennai - 01.
94 Thiru.Seralathan, Secretary, Aam Aadmi Party, South Chennai.

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8.5 ANNEXURE V – G.O.(MS).NO.38: TAKE OVER OF 100%

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Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory Commission 539

Gist of the Objections of the stakeholders / public, TANGEDCO’s response and the Commission’s views:

Objections on Tariff Issues

Objections Replies by TANGEDCO
1. Domestic consumers-Common Reply
1) வீடுகளுக்கு அதிகப்படியாக ரூ.11.00 மின் கட்டணம் 1. தற் யபாது நுகர்யவார்களிடமிருந்து வசூல் தெய் யப் படும்
நிர்ணயித்தல் ததாடர்பாக. கட்டணமானது மாண்பணம தமிழ் நாடு மின் ொர
2) வீட்டு உபயயாக பிரிவிற் கும் மற் றும் வணிக
ஒழுங் குமுணற ஆணணயத்தால் கடந்த 8 ஆண்டுகளுக்கு
பிரிவிற் கு இணணயான மின் கட்டணம்
உத்யதசித்திருப் பது ததாடர்பாக. முன் நிர்ணயம் தெய் யப் பட்டது, கடந்த 2014-15 ஆம்
3) வீடுகளுக்கு 500 யூனிட்டுகள் வணர ரூ.3.50/-, 501- ஆண்டில் ரூ.44,618 யகாடியாக இருந்த தமிழ் நாடு
1000 யூனிட்டுகளுக்கு ரூ.5.00/- 1001 யூனிட்டுகளுக்கு
மின்உற் பத்தி மற் றும் பகிர்மான கழகத்தின் ஒட்டு தமாத்த
யமல் ரூ.7,00/- எனவும் நிர்ணயித்தல் ததாடர்பாக.
4) நிணலக்கட்டணம் 500 யூனிட்டுகள் வணரயில் ரூ.20/- நிதி இழப் பானது, ரூ.68,648 யகாடி அதிகரித்து, 31.03.2021
எனவும் , 500-1000 யூனிட்டுகளுக்ககு யமல் ரூ.30/- எனவும் அன்று ரூ.1,13,266 யகாடியாக உயர்ந்துள் ளது. மின்
1000 யூனிட்டுகளுக்கு யமல் ரூ.40/- எனவும் நிர்ணயம்
நுகர்யவார் விணல குறியீட்டு எண் புள் ளிகள் 236 முதல் 333
தெய் தல் ததாடர்பாக.
5) மீட்டர் ணவப்புத் ததாணக மற் றும் கூடுதல் வணர உயர்ந்த காரணத்தினால் அதாவது 41% கடன்
ணவப் புத்ததாணக ஆகியணவ தற் யபாது நணடமுணறயில் அதிகரித்தது. எனயவ தமிழ் நாடு மின் உற் பத்தி மற் றும்
உள் ளது யபாலயவ ததாடருதல் .
பகிர்மான கழகமானது நிதி நிறுவனங் கள் மற் றும்
6) வீட்டு உபயயாக பிரிவிற் கு ஒரு முணற
வங் கிகளிடமிருந்து கடன் வாங் க யவண்டிய
இணணப் பிற் கு 2.5 கியலாவாட் எனவும் , மும் முணன
இணணப் பிற் கு 5100 – 8100 வணரயிலும் 5 KW - 8 KW கட்டாயத்திற் கு தள் ளப் பட்டது. இதன் விணளவாக, ரூ.
யமல் தனியான மின் கட்டணம் நிர்ணயம் தெய் தல் 64,087 யகாடியாக இருந்த கடன் நிலுணவயானது 109
ெதவீதம் அதிகரித்து, தற் ெமயம் ரூ.1,34,210 யகாடி கடன்
7) மீட்டர் பழுதணடதலுக்கு மின் கட்டணம் வசூலிப் பது
ததாடர்பாக. நிலுணவயில் உள் ளது. இதன் விணளவாக கடன் வாங் கிய
8) இயற் ணக சீற் றங் கள் மற் றும்
அதிகப் படியான நிதியின் வட்டியும் ஆண்தடான்றிற் கு ரூ.9,281 யகாடியில்
மின்பளு ஆகிய காரணங் களால் மீட்டர் பழுதணடவணத
இருந்து ரூ. 14,116 யகாடியாக அதிகரித்துள் ளது.
அறிவியல் பூர்வமாய் கண்டறிய வழி வணக தெய் தல் .
9) நுகர்யவாரிடமிருந்து யொதணனக் கட்டணம் 2. மத்திய அரசின் மின் அணமெ்ெகத்தால் மாநிலத்திற் கு
வசூலிப் பது ததாடர்பாக. கூடுதல் கடன் வாங் குவதற் காக கட்டணத் திருத்தத்துடன்
10) மீட்டர் கணக்கீடு அட்ணடயில் முடிந்தவுடன்
மின் துணற சீர்திருத்தங் களின் கட்டாய நிபந்தணனணய
இலவெமாக புதிய அட்ணட வழங் குவது,
11) காயொணல அட்ணட திரும் ப தபறின் அதற் குரிய உருவாக்கியுள் ளது. மத்திய நிதி நிறுவனங் களான M/s
கட்டணத்ணதயும் மறுஇணணப் பு தபருவதற் குரிய REC / M/s PFC நிறுவனங் கள் சிறப் புப் பணப் புழக்கத்
கட்டணத்ணதயும் வசூலிக்காமல் இருப் பது ததாடர்பாக
திட்டத்தின் (ஆத்மநிர்பார்) )கீழ் ரூபாய் 30,230 யகாடி
கடணன அனுமதிக்கும் யபாது, வருடாந்திர கட்டண
திருத்தத்ணத யமற் தகாள் ள யவண்டும் என்ற முன்
நிபந்தணனயின் அடிப் பணடயில் அனுமதித்துள் ளது.
கட்டணத்திருத்தம் தெய் யப் படாததால் , ஆத்ம நிர்பார்
திட்டத்தின் கீழ் மீதமுள் ள ரூ.3,435 யகாடிணய REC/PFC
நிறுவனங் களால் நிறுத்தி ணவக்கப் பட்டுள் ளது.
3. மின் அணமெ்ெகத்தின் வழி காட்டுதல் களின் படி
புதுப் பிக்கப் பட்ட விநியயாக துணற திட்டத்தின் (RDSS) கீழ்
நிதிணய தவளியிடுவதற் காக மின் கட்டணம் திருத்தம்
தெய் வது முன் நிபந்தணனயாகும் . அவ் வாறு மின்
கட்டணம் திருத்தம் தெய் யப் படாவிட்டால் தமிழ் நாடு மின்
உற் பத்தி மற் றும் பகிர்மான கழகத்திற் கு 10,793 யகாடி
ரூபாய் க்கான மானியங் கள் வழங் கப் படாது மற் றும் அந்த
திட்டங் கள் எதுவும் ததாடங் கப் படாது. மின் விநியயாக
நிறுவனங் கள் உட்பட அரசுக்கு தொந்தமான
நிறுவனங் களுக்கு கடன் வழங் குதற் கான வணிக
வங் கிகளுக்கு ரிெர்வ் வங் கி ஒரு கட்டாய வழிகாட்டுதணல
உருவாக்கியுள் ளது, அதன் படி ஒவ் தவாரு ஆண்டும்
நவம் பர் 30 ஆம் யததிக்குள் மின் விநியயாக நிறுவனங் கள்
மின் கட்டண மனுணவ தாக்கல் தெய் யயவண்டும் .
CERC/APTEL யபான்ற பல ெட்ட அணமப் புகள் , தமிழ் நாடு
மின் உற் பத்தி மற் றும் பகிர்மான கழகம் மின் கட்டணம்
திருத்தம் தெய் யாதது குறித்து அவ் வப் யபாது கண்டனம்
ததரிவித்து வந்தன. தமிழ் நாடு மின்உற் பத்தி மற் றும்
பகிர்மான கழகம் உள் ளபடி வழங் கல் விணலக்கான
மின் கட்டணம் இல் லாததால் தரவரிணெயில் பின்
தங் கியது. இந்த காரணத்தினால் வங் கிகள் யமலும் கடன்
வழங் க முன்வரவில் ணல.
4. மத்திய அரசின் மின் அணமெ்ெகத்தின் அறிவிக்ணகயின்
படி 10 ெதவீதம் தவளிநாட்டு நிலக்கரிணய
பயன்படுத்துவது கட்டாயமாக்கப் பட்டுள் ளது. இதனால்
எரிதபாருள் விணல மற் றும் மின் ொரத்தின் ெராெரி அடக்க
விணல அதிகரித்து, ெராெரி மின் வழங் கல் விணல மற் றும்
ெராெரி மின் விற் பணன விணல ஆகியவற் றிற் கான
இணடதவளி அதிகரித்துள் ளது. 2014-15 நிதியாண்டுடன்
ஒப் பீடும் யபாது எரிதபாருள் அடிப் பணட விணல,
யபாக்குவரத்து மற் றும் ணகயாளும் கட்டணங் கள் 49%
அதிகரித்துள் ளது. மத்திய ததாகுப் பில் இருந்து
மின் தகாள் முதல் தெய் யும் மின் ொரத்தின் மாறுபடும்
விணல 2014-15 நிதியாண்டுடன் ஒப் பீடு தெய் யும் யபாது
37% அதிகரித்துள் ளது. பராமரிப் பிற் க்கான கடன் கள்
மின் ொரத்தின் ெராெரியாக தபறப் படும் விணலக்கும் ,
மின்வழங் கலுக்கான விணலக்கும் இணடயில் ஏற் பட்ட
இணடதவளி காரணமாக வட்டிக்கான தெலவுகள் 50%
அதிகரித்துள் ளது.
5. தமிழ் நாடு மின் உற் பத்தி மற் றும் பகிர்மான கழகம் 8
வருட இணடதவளிக்குப் பிறகு மின் கட்டணத்ணத
ெராெரியாக உயர்த்த உத்யதசிக்கப் பட்டுள் ளது,
Recently TANGEDCO has proposed to steeply increase the Electricity. 1. The prevailing tariff collected from consumers is fixed by Hon’ble
Consumption charges by 12 % to 52 % It is abnormal and unjust. As sincere TNERC in the year 2014 and the same being charged for the past 8 years.
citizens, we understand that the cost of producing electricity has gone up so 2. TANGEDCO’s cumulative financial losses at the beginning of FY 2014-
a mildly increased charges will be paid by us. 15 was Rs. 44,618 Cr and Rs. 68,648 Cr was added during the past 6 years
As per Government about 1 crore electricity consuming homes are exempt and the total cumulative losses of TANGEDCO as on 31.03.2021 is Rs.
from paying Electricity charges, for the reasons best known to the 1,13,266 Cr. It is mainly due to the increase in the cost of Consumer Price
Government. How long this cross – subsidisation will continue? Madhya Indices i.e. from 236 to 333 points (FY 2013-14 to FY 2020-21) and it
Pradesh Government charges even people who consume 1 to 35 units and works out to 41% increase. Hence, TANGEDCO was forced to borrow
above. If this group is charged even 1 Re. per unit, EB will collect Rs.100 from Financial Institutions and Banks to meet out its financial
crores. All its losses will be wiped off and there is no need to increase the commitments. This has resulted in 109% increase of loan outstanding from
EB charges at all. The Constitution of india assures equality among all Rs.64,087 Cr. to Rs. 1,34,210 Cr. Consequently, the interest on borrowed
citizens, please follow it. fund has also increased from Rs. 9,281 Cr to Rs. 14,116 Cr p.a.
In view of the above, we the 60 apartment owners of Ankur Grand, kilpauk 3. The Ministry of Power, Government of India has made a mandatory
humbly request your goodselves, to consider our submissions and allow condition for Power Sector Reforms with Tariff revision which allows
TANGEDCO to increase the rates maximum by 5 % only. additional borrowing for the State. The Central Financial Institutions viz.,
M/s. REC Ltd., & M/s. PFC Ltd., while sanctioning the loan of Rs. 30,230
Cr under Special Liquidity Scheme (Athma Nirbhar Scheme) have made a
pre-committed condition of yearly Tariff revision. Due to non-revision of
Tariff, the balance funds of Rs. 3,435 Cr under Athma Nirbhar Scheme
were withheld by REC/PFC.
4. As per the guidelines of Ministry of Power the Tariff revision
is a pre-condition for release of funds under R e v a m p e d Distribution
Sector Scheme (RDSS) and if the tariff is not revised, grants to the tune of
Rs. 10,793 Cr will not be released to TANGEDCO and ultimately the
scheme will not take off. RBI has made a conditional prudential guideline
to the Commercial Banks, for lending to State owned power entities
including DISCOMs, that DISCOMS should have to file tariff petition by

30th of November every year. Many legal forums like CERC/APTEL have
severally remarked about TANGEDCO’s non revision of tariff periodically
and thereby accumulating outstanding dues to generation companies and
other suppliers and contractors. Ranking of TANGEDCO has declined due
to non cost reflective tariff which in turn restricted the banks not to lend
any further loan.
5. Ministry of Power, Government of India has notified
mandatory 10% import coal substitution, which will have an impact on cost
of fuel and average cost of supply, thereby widening the ARR-ACS GAP.
The cost of Coal increased by 49% as compared with FY 2014-15 due to
increase in basic price of coal transport and handling charges. The variable
cost of power purchase from Central Generating Stations has increased by
37% compared to FY 2014-15. The operational borrowings increased due
to ARR-ACS Gap resulting in increase in interest commitment by 50%.
6. TANGEDCO is left with no other choice except revising the tariff after
a gap of 8 years. TANGEDCO has proposed a necessary/ appropriate hike
in tariff.
Commission’s Views:
The Commission has taken note of the reply furnished by the TANGEDCO and the matter has been dealt with appropriately in the relevant Chapter of this
Tariff Order.

2. Powerloom
2006ம் ஆண்டு முத்தமிழ் அறிஞர் டாக்டர் கணலஞர் அவர்கள் 1. தற் யபாது நுகர்யவார்களிடமிருந்து வசூல்
யதர்தல் தெய் யப் படும் கட்டணமானது மாண்பணம தமிழ் நாடு
வாக்குறுதியாக அறிவித்தபடி ஆட்சிக்கு வந்ததும் 300 யூனிட் மின் ொர ஒழுங் குமுணற ஆணணயத்தால் கடந்த 8
இலவெ யின் ொரம் விணெத்தறி ததாழிலுக்கு வழங் கினார். ஆண்டுகளுக்கு முன் நிர்ணயம் தெய் யப் பட்டது,
யமலும் மின் கட்டணத்ணத உயர்த்தவில் ணல. கடந்த 2014-15 ஆம் ஆண்டில் ரூ.44,618 யகாடியாக
கடந்த ஐந்து ஆண்டுகளாக பணமதிப்பிழப் பு இருந்த தமிழ் நாடு மின்உற் பத்தி மற் றும் பகிர்மான
நடவடிக்ணகயாலும் அபரிதமான நூல் விணல உயர்வாலும் , கழகத்தின் ஒட்டு தமாத்த நிதி இழப் பானது, ரூ.68,648
GSTவரி விதிப் பாலும் தகாயரானா யநாய் ததாற் று பரவலாலும் , யகாடி அதிகரித்து, 31.03.2021 அன்று ரூ.1,13,266
ததாழில் கடும் பாதிப் பணடந்து அழிவு நிணலயில் உள் ளது. யகாடியாக உயர்ந்துள் ளது. மின் நுகர்யவார் விணல
இந்நிணலயில் சீரழிந்துள் ள குறியீட்டு எண் புள் ளிகள் 236 முதல் 333 வணர
மின் வாரியத்ணத தெம் ணமப் படுத்தும் யநாக்கில் அணனத்து உயர்ந்த காரணத்தினால் அjhவது 41% கடன்
மின் பயன் பாட்டிற் கும் மின் கட்டணத்ணத அதிகரித்தது. எனயவ தமிழ் நாடு மின் உற் பத்தி
உயர்த்தியுள் ளரீ ்கள் . இந்நிணலயிலும் விணெத்தறி ததாழிலுக்கு மற் றும் பகிர்மான கழகமானது நிதி நிறுவனங் கள்
750யூனிட் இலவெ மின் ொரம் ததாடரும் என்று அறிவித்து மற் றும் வங் கிகளிடமிருந்து கடன் வாங் க யவண்டிய
ொமானியருக்கு ெலுணக கட்டாயத்திற் கு தள் ளப் பட்டது. இதன் விணளவாக, ரூ.
கிணடக்க யவண்டும் என்று திராவிடமாடல் அரசு 64,087 யகாடியாக இருந்த கடன் நிலுணவயானது 109
நிரூபித்துள் ளது. அதற் கு எங் களது நன் றிணய ெதவீதம் அதிகரித்து, தற் ெமயம் ரூ.1,34,210 யகாடி
ததரிவித்துக்தகாள் கியறாம் . கடன் நிலுணவயில் உள் ளது. இதன் விணளவாக கடன்
யமலும் தற் யபாது உயர்த்தியுள் ள மின் கட்டணத்ணத கூலிக்கு வாங் கிய நிதியின் வட்டியும் ஆண்தடான்றிற் கு
தநெவு தெய் யும் ரூ.9,281 யகாடியில் இருந்து ரூ. 14,116 யகாடியாக
விணெத்தறி தநெவாளர்களான எங் களால் யபாதிய கூலியும் , அதிகரித்துள் ளது.
உற் பத்திக்கு யதணவயான நூலும் ெரியாக கிணடக்காததால் 2. மத்திய அரசின் மின் அணமெ்ெகத்தால்
உயர்த்தப் பட்ட மின் கட்டணத்ணத தெலுத்த முடியாமல் மாநிலத்திற் கு கூடுதல் கடன் வாங் குவதற் காக
ததாழில் முற் றிலும் அழிந்து பல இலட்ெம் கிராமபுரத்தில் கட்டணத் திருத்தத்துடன் மின் துணற
வசிக்கும் அடித்தட்டு ஏணழ எளிய விணெத்தறி சீர்திருத்தங் களின் கட்டாய நிபந்தணனணய
ததாழிலாளர்கள் குடும் பங் கள் யவணலயிழந்து வாழ் வாதாரம் உருவாகியுள் ளது. மத்திய நிதி நிறுவனங் களான
பாதிக்கப் படுவார்கள் . M/s REC / M/s PFC நிறுவனங் கள் சிறப் புப்
யமலும் இதணனெ் ொர்ந்த ணெசிங் , நாட்டிங் , பீஸ் மடிக்கும் பணப் புழக்கத் திட்டத்தின் (ஆத்மநிர்பார்) கீழ் ரூபாய்
ததாழிலாளர்கள் , 30,230 யகாடி கடணன அனுமதிக்கும் யபாது,
மற் றும் சுணம தூக்கும் ததாழிலாளர்கள் என வருடாந்திர கட்டண திருத்தத்ணத யமற் தகாள் ள
லட்ெக்கணக்கான ததாழிலாளர்கள் , பாதிக்கப் படுவார்கள் , யவண்டும் என்ற முன் நிபந்தணனயின் அடிப் பணடயில்
ஆகயவ விணெத்தறிக்கு உயர்த்தப் பட்ட மின் கட்டணத்ணத அனுமதித்துள் ளது. கட்டணத்திருத்தம்
அரயெ மானியமாக வழங் கி முத்தமிழ் அறிஞர் டாக்டர் தெய் யப் படாததால் , ஆத்ம நிர்பார் திட்டத்தின் கீழ்
கணலஞர் வழியில் நல் லாட்சி நடத்தும் தாங் கள் ஏணழயின் மீதமுள் ள ரூ.3,435 யகாடிணய REC/PFC
சிரிப் பில் இணறவணனக் காண்யபாம் என்ற வணகயில் நிறுவனங் களால் நிறுத்தி ணவக்கப் பட்டுள் ளது.
விணெத்தறி ததாழிணல நம் பி உள் ள பல இலட்ெம் 3. மின் அணமெ்ெகத்தின் வழி காட்டுதல் களின் படி
குடும் பங் களின் வாழ் வில் விளக்யகற் றி ணவக்க யவண்டுமாய் புதுப் பிக்கப் பட்ட விநியயாக துணற திட்டத்தின் (RDSS)
யகட்டுக்தகாள் கியறாம் . கீழ் நிதிணய தவளியிடுவதற் காக மின் கட்டணம்
திருத்தம் தெய் வது முன் நிபந்தணனயாகும் . அவ் வாறு
மின் கட்டணம் திருத்தம் தெய் யப்படாவிட்டால்
தமிழ் நாடு மின் உற் பத்தி மற் றும் பகிர்மான
கழகத்திற் கு 10,793 யகாடி ரூபாய் க்கான மானியங் கள்
வழங் கப் படாது மற் றும் அந்த திட்டங் கள் எதுவும்
ததாடங் கப் படாது. மின் விநியயாக நிறுவனங் கள்
உட்பட அரசுக்கு தொந்தமான நிறுவனங் களுக்கு
கடன் வழங் குதற் கான வணிக வங் கிகளுக்கு ரிெர்வ்
வங் கி ஒரு கட்டாய வழிகாட்டுதணல
உருவாக்கியுள் ளது, அதன் படி ஒவ் தவாரு ஆண்டும்
நவம் பர் 30 ஆம் யததிக்குள் மின் விநியயாக
நிறுவனங் கள் மின் கட்டண மனுணவ தாக்கல்
தெய் யயவண்டும் . CERC/APTEL யபான்ற பல ெட்ட
அணமப் புகள் , தமிழ் நாடு மின் உற் பத்தி மற் றும்
பகிர்மான கழகம் மின் கட்டணம் திருத்தம்
தெய் யாதது குறித்து அவ் வப் யபாது கண்டனம்
ததரிவித்து வந்தன. தமிழ் நாடு மின்உற் பத்தி மற் றும்
பகிர்மான கழகம் உள் ளபடி வழங் கல் விணலக்கான
மின் கட்டணம் இல் லாததால் தரவரிணெயில்
பின் தங் கியது இந்த காரணத்தினால் வங் கிகள்
யமலும் கடன் வழங் க முன் வரவில் ணல.
4. மத்திய அரசின் மின் அணமெ்ெகத்தின்
அறிவிக்ணகயின் படி 10 ெதவீதம் தவளிநாட்டு
நிலக்கரிணய பயன்படுத்துவது கட்டாயமாக்கப்
பட்டுள் ளது. இதனால் எரிதபாருள் விணல மற் றும்
மின் ொரத்தின் ெராெரி அடக்க விணல அதிகரித்து,
ெராெரி மின் வழங் கல் விணல மற் றும் ெராெரி மின்
விற் பணன விணல ஆகியவற் றிற் கான இணடதவளி
அதிகரித்துள் ளது. 2014-15 நிதியாண்டுடன் ஒப் பீடும்
யபாது எரிதபாருள் அடிப் பணட விணல, யபாக்குவரத்து
மற் றும் ணகயாளும் கட்டணங் கள் 49%
அதிகரித்துள் ளது. மத்திய ததாகுப் பில் இருந்து
மின் தகாள் முதல் தெய் யும் மின் ொரத்தின் மாறுபடும்
விணல 2014-15 நிதியாண்டுடன் ஒப்பீடு தெய் யும்
யபாது 37% அதிகரித்துள் ளது. பராமரிப் பிற் க்கான
கடன் கள் மின் ொரத்தின் ெராெரியாக தபறப் படும்
விணலக்கும் , மின்வழங் கலுக்கான விணலக்கும்
இணடயில் எற் பட்ட இணடதவளி காரணமாக
வட்டிக்கான தெலவுகள் 50% அதிகரித்துள் ளது
5. தமிழ் நாடு மின் உற் பத்தி மற் றும் பகிர்மான கழகம்
8 வருட இணடதவளிக்குப் பிறகு மின் கட்டணத்ணத
ெராெரியாக உயர்த்த உத்யதசிக்கப் பட்டுள் ளது
6. விணெத்தறி தநெவாளர்களின் நலன் கருதி
விணெத்தறி நுகர்யவார்களுக்கு 750 யூனிட் வணர
இலவெ மின் ொரம் ததாடர்ந்து வழங் கப் படும் . யமலும்
இரண்டு மாதங் களுக்கு 750 யூனிட்டுகளுக்கு யமல்
மின் நுகர்வு தெய் யும் விணெத்தறி நுகர்யவார்களுக்கு
மானிய விணலயில் மின் ொரம் ததாடர்ந்து
வழங் கப் படும் .

Commission’s Views:
The Commission has taken note of the reply furnished by the TANGEDCO and the matter has been dealt with appropriately in the relevant Chapter of this
Tariff Order.

3. LT Rice Mills, Small scale Industries etc

அரிசி தமிழக மக்களின் அத்தியாவசிய உணவாகும் . தமிழக தற் யபாது மின் நுகர்யவார்களிடமிருந்து வசூல்
மக்கள் விரும் பி உண்ணும் ென்ன ரக அரிசிக்கான தநல் லுக்கு தெய் யப் படும் கட்டணமானது 2014 ஆம் ஆண்டு
நாங் கள் அண்ணட மாநிலங் களான கர்நாடக, ஆந்திரா மாண்பணம தமிழ் நாடு மின் ொர ஒழுங் குமுணற
மற் றும் ததலுங் கானா ஆகியவற் ணறயய ொர்ந்துள் யளாம் . ஆணணயத்தால் நிர்ணயம் தெய் யப் பட்டு கடந்த 8
தநல் ணல அம் மா நிலங் களில் இருந்து தகாள் முதல் தெய் து ஆண்டுகளாக நணடமுணறயில் உள் ளது. கடந்த 2014-15
தகாண்டு வருவதால் அரிசியின் அடக்க விணலயும் ஆம் ஆண்டில் ரூ.44,618 யகாடியாக இருந்த தமிழ் நாடு
அதிகரிக்கிறது. யமலும் அம் மாநில அரிசி ஆணலகளும் மின்உற் பத்தி மற் றும் பகிர்மான கழகத்தின் ஒட்டு
தங் கள் தயாரிப் ணப தபரும் அளவில் (in large quantity) விணல தமாத்த நிதி இழப் பானது, ரூ.68,648 யகாடி அதிகரித்து,
குணறவாக தமிழகத்தியலயய ெந்ணதப் படுத்துகின்றன. 31.03.2021 அன்று ரூ.1,13,266 யகாடியாக உயர்ந்துள் ளது.
இதனால் எங் கள் அரிசி ஆணலத் ததாழில் நலிவணடந்து மின் நுகர்யவார் விணல குறியீட்டு எண் புள் ளிகள் 236
வருகின்றது. முதல் 333 வணர உயர்ந்த காரணத்தினால் அதாவது
இெ்சூழ் நிணலயில் தமிழ் நாடு மின் உற் பத்தி மற் றும் 41% கடன் அதிகரித்தது. எனயவ தமிழ் நாடு மின்
பகிர்மான கழகம் (TANGEDCO) அரிசி ஆணலகள் உற் பத்தி மற் றும் பகிர்மான கழகமானது நிதி
உபயயாகித்து வரும் LTCT (III B) இணணப் புகளுக்கு நிறுவனங் கள் மற் றும் வங் கிகளிடமிருந்து கடன்
கீழ் க்கண்ட வணகயில் மின் ொர கட்டணத்தில் மாற் றம் வாங் க யவண்டிய கட்டாயத்திற் கு தள் ளப் பட்டது.
தெய் ய உத்யதசித்துள் ளது. இதன் விணளவாக, ரூ. 64,087 யகாடியாக இருந்த கடன்
1. LT இணணப்புகளுக்கான நிணல கட்டணம் KW ஒன்றிற் கு நிலுணவயானது 109 ெதவீதம் அதிகரித்து, தற் ெமயம்
ரூ.35 என்று உள் ளணத 0-50 KW ரூ.100, Above 50-100 KW ரூ.1,34,210 யகாடி கடன் நிலுணவயில் உள் ளது. இதன்
ரூ.325, Above 100 KW ரூ.600 என்ற வணகயில் உயர்த்த விணளவாக கடன் வாங் கிய நிதியின் வட்டியும்
உத்யதசிக்கப் பட்டுள் ளது. ஆண்தடான்றிற் கு ரூ.9,281 யகாடியில் இருந்து ரூ.14,116
2. LT இணணப்பிற் கான மின் கட்டணம் யூனிட் ஒன்றிற் கு யகாடியாக அதிகரித்துள் ளது.
ரூ.6.35ல் இருந்து ரூ.7.50 ஆக உயர்த்த 2. மத்திய அரசின் மின் அணமெ்ெகத்தால்
உத்யதசிக்கப் பட்டுள் ளது. மாநிலத்திற் கு கூடுதல் கடன் வாங் குவதற் காக
கட்டணத் திருத்தத்துடன் மின் துணற
3. LT இணணப்புகளில் peak hours ல் பதிவாகும் மின் ொர
சீர்திருத்தங் களின் கட்டாய நிபந்தணனணய
பயன்பாட்டிற் கு
உருவாகியுள் ளது. மத்திய நிதி நிறுவனங் களான M/s
கூடுதலாக 25% கட்டணம் வசூலிக்க
REC / M/s PFC நிறுவனங் கள் சிறப் புப் பணப் புழக்கத்
உத்யதசிக்கப் பட்டுள் ளது.
திட்டத்தின் (ஆத்மநிர்பார்) கீழ் ரூபாய் 30,230 யகாடி
யமற் கண்ட விதத்தில் மின் கட்டணம் மாற் றம்
கடணன அனுமதிக்கும் யபாது, வருடாந்திர கட்டண
தெய் யப் தபற் றால் பருவகாலத்ணத ொர்ந்து இயங் கக் கூடிய
திருத்தத்ணத யமற் தகாள் ள யவண்டும் என்ற முன்
அரிசி ஆணல ததாழில் மிகவும் பாதிப் பணடயும் . அரிசி ஆணல
நிபந்தணனயின் அடிப் பணடயில் அனுமதித்துள் ளது.
ததாழில் பருவ காலத்ணத ொர்ந்து இயங் குவதாகும் . வருடம்
கட்டணத் திருத்தம் தெய் யப் படாததால் , ஆத்ம நிர்பார்
முழுவதும் ஒயர அளவிலான தயாரிப் ணப (CONSTANT
திட்டத்தின் கீழ் மீதமுள் ள ரூ.3,435 யகாடிணய REC/PFC
PRODUCTION) எங் களால் தெய் ய இயலாது. வருடத்தில் 3
நிறுவனங் களால் நிறுத்தி ணவக்கப் பட்டுள் ளது.
மாதங் கள் மட்டுயம (தநல் அறுவணட காலம் )
முழுணமயாக இயங் கக் கூடிய எங் கள் ததாழிலுக்கு நிணல 3. மின் அணமெ்ெகத்தின் வழி காட்டுதல் களின்
கட்டணத்ணத பல மடங் காக உயர்த்தினால் எங் கள் படி புதுப்பிக்கப் பட்ட விநியயாக துணற திட்டத்தின்
ததாழிணல யமற் தகாண்டு நடத்த முடியாத சூழ் நிணல (RDSS) கீழ் நிதிணய தவளியிடுவதற் காக மின்
ஏற் படும் . எங் கள் ததாழிணல விவொயத்தின் நீ ட்சியாக கருதி கட்டணம் திருத்தம் தெய் வது முன் நிபந்தணனயாகும் .
எங் கள் ததாழிலுக்தகன ஒரு வணரயணறணய (CATEGORY) அவ் வாறு மின் கட்டணம் திருத்தம்
TANGEDCOவில் நிரந்தரமாக ஏற் படுத்தித் தருமாறு யகட்டுக் தெய் யப் படாவிட்டால் தமிழ் நாடு மின் உற் பத்தி
தகாள் கியறாம் . தகாயரானா தபருந்ததாற் றின் காரணமாக மற் றும் பகிர்மான கழகத்திற் கு 10,793 யகாடி
மிகுதியான வாராக்கடணன எங் கள் ததாழில் ரூபாய் க்கான மானியங் கள் வழங் கப் படாது மற் றும்
எதிர்தகாண்டதால் வங் கியில் நாங் கள் தபற் ற கடன் அந்த திட்டங் கள் எதுவும் ததாடங் கப்படாது. மின்
ததாணகக்யக மாத தவணணணய தெலுத்த இயலாத விநியயாக நிறுவனங் கள் உட்பட அரசுக்கு
சூழ் நிணலயில் உள் யளாம் . இந்த நிணலயில் இயங் காத தொந்தமான நிறுவனங் களுக்கு கடன்
மாதத்திற் கும் நிணல கட்டணமாக, ஏற் கனயவ தெலுத்தி வழங் குதற் கான வணிக வங் கிகளுக்கு ரிெர்வ் வங் கி
தகாண்டுள் ளணத விட பல மடங் கு கூடுதலாக தெலுத்துவது ஒரு கட்டாய வழிகாட்டுதணல உருவாக்கியுள் ளது,
இயலாததாகும் . எனயவ தற் ெமயம் TANGEDCO அதன் படி ஒவ் தவாரு ஆண்டும் நவம் பர் 30 ஆம்
உத்யதசித்துள் ள மின் ொர கட்டணம் மற் றும் நிணல கட்டண யததிக்குள் மின் விநியயாக நிறுவனங் கள் மின்
உயர்விலிருந்து அரிசி ஆணலகளுக்கு முழுணமயாக விலக்கு கட்டண மனுணவ தாக்கல் தெய் யயவண்டும் .
அளிக்க யவண்டும் என தங் கணள அன்புடன் யகட்டுக் CERC/APTEL யபான்ற பல ெட்ட அணமப்புகள் ,
தகாள் கின் யறாம் . தமிழ் நாடு மின் உற் பத்தி மற் றும் பகிர்மான கழகம்
மின் கட்டணம் திருத்தம் தெய் யாதது குறித்து
அவ் வப் யபாது கண்டனம் ததரிவித்து வந்தன.
தமிழ் நாடு மின்உற் பத்தி மற் றும் பகிர்மான கழகம்
உள் ளபடி வழங் கல் விணலக்கான மின் கட்டணம்
இல் லாததால் தரவரிணெயில் பின் தங் கியது இந்த
காரணத்தினால் வங் கிகள் யமலும் கடன் வழங் க
முன்வரவில் ணல.
4. மத்திய அரசின் மின் அணமெ்ெகத்தின்
அறிவிக்ணகயின் படி 10 ெதவீதம் தவளிநாட்டு
நிலக்கரிணய பயன்படுத்துவது கட்டாயமாக்கப்
பட்டுள் ளது. இதனால் எரிதபாருள் விணல மற் றும்
மின் ொரத்தின் ெராெரி அடக்க விணல அதிகரித்து,
ெராெரி மின் வழங் கல் விணல மற் றும் ெராெரி மின்
விற் பணன விணல ஆகியவற் றிற் கான இணடதவளி
அதிகரித்துள் ளது. 2014-15 நிதியாண்டுடன் ஒப் பீடும்
யபாது எரிதபாருள் அடிப் பணட விணல, யபாக்குவரத்து
மற் றும் ணகயாளும் கட்டணங் கள் 49%
அதிகரித்துள் ளது. மத்திய ததாகுப்பில் இருந்து
மின் தகாள் முதல் தெய் யும் மின் ொரத்தின் மாறுபடும்
விணல 2014-15 நிதியாண்டுடன் ஒப் பீடு தெய் யும்
யபாது 37% அதிகரித்துள் ளது.
பராமரிப் பிற் க்கான கடன் கள் மின் ொரத்தின்
ெராெரியாக தபறப் படும் விணலக்கும் ,
மின்வழங் கலுக்கான விணலக்கும் இணடயில் எற் பட்ட
இணடதவளி காரணமாக வட்டிக்கான தெலவுகள் 50%
அதிகரித்துள் ளது
5. தமிழ் நாடு மின் உற் பத்தி மற் றும் பகிர்மான
கழகம் 8 வருட இணடதவளிக்குப் பிறகு மின்
கட்டணத்ணத ெராெரியாக உயர்த்த
உத்யதசிக்கப் பட்டுள் ளது.
6. மின் கட்டண விகிதத்தில் மின் கட்டணம்
மற் றும் நிணலக் கட்டணங் கள் தமாத்த ெராெரி மின்
வழங் கல் விணலக்கு ஏற் ப நிர்ணயிக்கப் படுகிறது.
2022-23 ம் ஆண்டிற் கான ெராெரி மின் வழங் கல்
விணலயானது ரூ.9.54/- யூனிட் ஆகும் . ஆனால் மின்
கட்டணம் குணறந்த அளவு மட்டுயம உயர்த்த
உத்யதசிக்கப் பட்டுள் ளது. 7. எனினும்
ததாழிற் ொணல மின் கட்டணம் குணறப் பது
ததாடர்பான யகாரிக்ணகணய பரிசீலித்து, மாண்பணம
தமிழ் நாடு மின் ொர ஒழங் குமுணற ஆணணயம் அது
ததாடர்பான உரிய ஆணண வழங் க தமிழ் நாடு மின்
உற் பத்தி மற் றும் பகிர்மான கழகம் உரிய நடவடிக்ணக
எடுக்கும் .

Commission’s Views:
The Commission has taken note of the reply furnished by the TANGEDCO and TANGEDCO has filed an additional affidavit reducing the fixed charges
for Industrial and commercial consumers and the same been accepted and ordered in the relevant chapter.
4. Coir Industries
Coir and allied products manufacturing industry is the backbone for the economy 1. தற் யபாது மின் நுகர்யவார்களிடமிருந்து வசூல்
of our region. Coir Fibre, Coir Pith, Coir Yarn are being prominently தெய் யப்படும் கட்டணமானது 2014 ஆம் ஆண்டு
மாண்பணம தமிழ் நாடு மின் ொர ஒழுங் குமுணற
manufactured in our industries including few other Coir based products. Most of
ஆணணயத்தால் நிர்ணயம் தெய் யப்பட்டு கடந்த 8
the produced Coir products are exported to various countries around globe, ஆண்டுகளாக நணடமுணறயில் உள் ளது. கடந் த 2014-15 ஆம்
providing employment to lakhs of people mostly women. ஆண்டில் ரூ.44,618 யகாடியாக இருந் த தமிழ் நாடு
மின் உற் பத்தி மற் றும் பகிர்மான கழகத்தின் ஒட்டு தமாத்த
In the meanwhile TANGEDCO Tamilnadu Generation and Distribution நிதி இழப்பானது, ரூ.68,648 யகாடி அதிகரித்து, 31.03.2021
Corporation Limited has come up with tariff revisions for LTCT (III B) அன் று ரூ.1,13,266 யகாடியாக உயர்ந்துள் ளது. மின்
நுகர்யவார் விணல குறியீட்டு எண் புள் ளிகள் 236 முதல் 333
connections which is the major service type used in Coir industry as follows
வணர உயர்ந்த காரணத்தினால் அதாவது 41% கடன்
அதிகரித்தது. எனயவ தமிழ் நாடு மின் உற் பத்தி மற் றும்
பகிர்மான கழகமானது நிதி நிறுவனங் கள் மற் றும்
Existing வங் கிகளிடமிருந்து கடன் வாங் க யவண்டிய
23(Proposed) கட்டாயத்திற் கு தள் ளப்பட்டது. இதன் விணளவாக, ரூ. 64,087
Energ Energ யகாடியாக இருந்த கடன் நிலுணவயானது 109 ெதவீதம்
Tariff அதிகரித்து, தற் ெமயம் ரூ.1,34,210 யகாடி கடன் நிலுணவயில்
Slab Fixed y Fixed y உள் ளது. இதன் விணளவாக கடன் வாங் கிய நிதியின்
s Charges Charg Charges Charg வட்டியும் ஆண்தடான் றிற் கு ரூ.9,281 யகாடியில் இருந் து
ry ரூ.14,116 யகாடியாக அதிகரித்துள் ளது.
(Rs./mon es in (Rs./mon es in 2. மத்திய அரசின் மின் அணமெ்ெகத்தால்
th) paisa/ th) paisa/ மாநிலத்திற் கு கூடுதல் கடன் வாங் குவதற் காக கட்டணத்
திருத்தத்துடன் மின் துணற சீர்திருத்தங் களின் கட்டாய
kW kW
நிபந்தணனணய உருவாகியுள் ளது. மத்திய நிதி
0- நிறுவனங் களான M/s REC / M/s PFC நிறுவனங் கள் சிறப்புப்
50k 100 பணப்புழக்கத் திட்டத்தின் (ஆத்மநிர்பார்) கீழ் ரூபாய்
30,230 யகாடி கடணன அனுமதிக்கும் யபாது, வருடாந்திர
W கட்டண திருத்தத்ணத யமற் தகாள் ள யவண்டும் என் ற முன்
Abo நிபந்தணனயின் அடிப்பணடயில் அனுமதித்துள் ளது.
Low கட்டணத் திருத்தம் தெய் யப்படாததால் , ஆத்ம நிர்பார்
ve திட்டத்தின் கீழ் மீதமுள் ள ரூ.3,435 யகாடிணய REC/PFC
Tensio 35 635 750
50- 325 நிறுவனங் களால் நிறுத்தி ணவக்கப் பட்டுள் ளது.
n lll-B 3. மின் அணமெ்ெகத்தின் வழி காட்டுதல் களின் படி
புதுப் பிக்கப்பட்ட விநியயாக துணற திட்டத்தின் (RDSS) கீழ்
kW நிதிணய தவளியிடுவதற் காக மின் கட்டணம் திருத்தம்
தெய் வது முன் நிபந்தணனயாகும் . அவ் வாறு மின் கட்டணம்
600 திருத்தம் தெய் யப்படாவிட்டால் தமிழ் நாடு மின் உற் பத்தி
ve மற் றும் பகிர்மான கழகத்திற் கு 10,793 யகாடி ரூபாய் க்கான
மானியங் கள் வழங் கப்படாது மற் றும் அந் த திட்டங் கள்
100 எதுவும் ததாடங் கப்படாது. மின் விநியயாக நிறுவனங் கள்
உட்பட அரசுக்கு தொந்தமான நிறுவனங் களுக்கு கடன்
வழங் குதற் கான வணிக வங் கிகளுக்கு ரிெர்வ் வங் கி ஒரு
Coir is a climate oriented industry and we are still dependent on natural resources கட்டாய வழிகாட்டுதணல உருவாக்கியுள் ளது, அதன் படி
ஒவ் தவாரு ஆண்டும் நவம் பர் 30 ஆம் யததிக்குள் மின்
for drying of finished products, hence production becomes impossible during விநியயாக நிறுவனங் கள் மின் கட்டண மனுணவ தாக்கல்
rainy seasons. Considering the above scenarios, we would like to place our தெய் யயவண்டும் . CERC/APTEL யபான் ற பல ெட்ட
அணமப்புகள் , தமிழ் நாடு மின் உற் பத்தி மற் றும் பகிர்மான
requests regarding above mentioned revisions proposed by TANGEDCO. கழகம் மின் கட்டணம் திருத்தம் தெய் யாதது குறித்து
Coir industries in general requires 112kW connected load. Increase in Fixed அவ் வப்யபாது கண்டனம் ததரிவித்து வந் தன. தமிழ் நாடு
மின் உற் பத்தி மற் றும் பகிர்மான கழகம் உள் ளபடி
charge/kW from Rs.35 to Rs.600, will result in an expenditure increase of
வழங் கல் விணலக்கான மின் கட்டணம் இல் லாததால்
7,59,360 per year for each production unit. This creates a fixed overhead', தரவரிணெயில் பின் தங் கியது இந்த காரணத்தினால்
irrespective of our production and consumption. Paying the proposed fixed வங் கிகள் யமலும் கடன் வழங் க முன் வரவில் ணல.
4. மத்திய அரசின் மின் அணமெ்ெகத்தின்
charges, which will be even more than the existing Current consumption charges அறிவிக்ணகயின் படி 10 ெதவீதம் தவளிநாட்டு நிலக்கரிணய
itself will be a huge challenge, resulting in permanent shut down of most units and பயன் படுத்துவது கட்டாயமாக்கப் பட்டுள் ளது. இதனால்
எரிதபாருள் விணல மற் றும் மின் ொரத்தின் ெராெரி அடக்க
leading to a huge unemployment issue. So we request you to kindly consider விணல அதிகரித்து, ெராெரி மின் வழங் கல் விணல மற் றும்
cancelling the proposed increase in fixed charges. ெராெரி மின் விற் பணன விணல ஆகியவற் றிற் கான
இணடதவளி அதிகரித்துள் ளது. 2014-15 நிதியாண்டுடன்
• Introduction of peak hours charges is not appropriate for Coir like agro based
ஒப்பீடும் யபாது எரிதபாருள் அடிப்பணட விணல,
industry, which is predominantly located in rural areas. Also the proposed method யபாக்குவரத்து மற் றும் ணகயாளும் கட்டணங் கள் 49%
of calculating peak hour charges as 25% extra on 20% of overall consumption அதிகரித்துள் ளது. மத்திய ததாகுப் பில் இருந் து
மின் தகாள் முதல் தெய் யும் மின் ொரத்தின் மாறுபடும் விணல
until installation of ToD meters is not suitable for us as most of our industries 2014-15 நிதியாண்டுடன் ஒப்பீடு தெய் யும் யபாது 37%
work in unplanned shifts. So this may be withdrawn. அதிகரித்துள் ளது. பராமரிப்பிற் க்கான கடன் கள்
மின் ொரத்தின் ெராெரியாக தபறப்படும் விணலக்கும் ,
• Proposed increase of current consumption tariff from 635 paise/kWh to 750 மின் வழங் கலுக்கான விணலக்கும் இணடயில் எற் பட்ட
paise/kWh will result in increase the production cost significantly in a power இணடதவளி காரணமாக வட்டிக்கான தெலவுகள் 50%
அதிகரித்துள் ளது.
oriented industry like Coir, leading to incompetency of our products in
5. தமிழ் நாடு மின் உற் பத்தி மற் றும் பகிர்மான
international market. Due to prevailing overall COVID 19 and global economic கழகம் 8 வருட இணடதவளிக்குப் பிறகு மின் கட்டணத்ணத
crisis, Coir industry has faced a huge backlog and majority of our units are under ெராெரியாக உயர்த்த உத்யதசிக்கப்பட்டுள் ளது.
6. மின் கட்டண விகிதத்தில் மின் கட்டணம் மற் றும்
Non Performing category and are trying to overcome the losses to sustain in this நிணலக் கட்டணங் கள் தமாத்த ெராெரி மின் வழங் கல்
hard period. Imposition of sudden tariff hikes in this situation will impact the Coir விணலக்கு ஏற் ப நிர்ணயிக்கப்படுகிறது. 2022-23 ம்
ஆண்டிற் கான ெராெரி மின் வழங் கல் விணலயானது
industry further, therefore we request you to postpone the proposed revision in ரூ.9.54/- யூனிட் ஆகும் . ஆனால் மின் கட்டணம் குணறந் த
அளவு மட்டுயம உயர்த்த உத்யதசிக்கப்பட்டுள் ளது.
current charges for 2 years.
7. எனினும் ததாழிற் ொணல மின் கட்டணம்
Considering the above points, We request you to provide exemption from the குணறப்பது ததாடர்பான யகாரிக்ணகணய பரிசீலித்து,
proposed price revision and hike in the fixed charges and consumption charges for மாண்பணம தமிழ் நாடு மின் ொர ஒழங் குமுணற ஆணணயம்
அது ததாடர்பான உரிய ஆணண வழங் க தமிழ் நாடு மின்
Coir Industry and also consider our Coir industry as Agro based industry and உற் பத்தி மற் றும் பகிர்மான கழகம் உரிய நடவடிக்ணக
create a separate category in TANGEDCO. எடுக்கும் .

Commission’s Views:
The Commission has taken note of the reply furnished by the TANGEDCO and TANGEDCO has filed an additional affidavit reducing the fixed charges
for Industrial and commercial consumers and the same been accepted and ordered in the relevant chapter.

5. Small scale Industries

We introduce ourself as "The Sivakasi Master Printers' Association" (SMPA) 1. தற் யபாது மின் நுகர்யவார்களிடமிருந்து வசூல்
established in 1948 with 600 printers in and around Sivakasi. We are also the தெய் யப் படும் கட்டணமானது 2014 ஆம் ஆண்டு
member of our apex body" All India Federation of Master Printers, New Delhi
மாண்பணம தமிழ் நாடு மின் ொர ஒழுங் குமுணற
(AIFMP)" with a membership of more than 1.5 lakh printers in India.
ஆணணயத்தால் நிர்ணயம் தெய் யப் பட்டு கடந்த 8
As reported in Public Notice issued by Tamilnadu Generation and Distribution
Corporation Ltd., (TANGEDCO) Chennai, the Corporation has applied to ஆண்டுகளாக நணடமுணறயில் உள் ளது. கடந்த 2014-15
Tamilnadu Electrity Regulatory Commission (TNERC) for revision of Electricity ஆம் ஆண்டில் ரூ.44,618 யகாடியாக இருந்த தமிழ் நாடு
tariff w.e.f. 1.09.2022. The rate per unit for the Industries sector under L.T மின்உற் பத்தி மற் றும் பகிர்மான கழகத்தின் ஒட்டு
category has been proposed to be increased from Rs. 6.35 per unit to Rs. 7.50, தமாத்த நிதி இழப் பானது, ரூ.68,648 யகாடி அதிகரித்து,
Fixed charges is also increased to Rs.600 per kVA from present rate of Rs. 35 per
31.03.2021 அன்று ரூ.1,13,266 யகாடியாக உயர்ந்துள் ளது.
kVA (Approx. 1614 increase). Moreover peak hour charges are introduced for
மின் நுகர்யவார் விணல குறியீட்டு எண் புள் ளிகள் 236
the first time with 25% more on applicable charges.
முதல் 333 வணர உயர்ந்த காரணத்தினால் அதாவது
Most of the Printing Press are in MSME sector, Printing Industry is more capital
intensive. 41% கடன் அதிகரித்தது. எனயவ தமிழ் நாடு மின்

Raising Power tariff during this time will be an additional burden to this Printing உற் பத்தி மற் றும் பகிர்மான கழகமானது நிதி
Industry. நிறுவனங் கள் மற் றும் வங் கிகளிடமிருந்து கடன்
Increase in Power tariff will result in increasing the cost of production so Print வாங் க யவண்டிய கட்டாயத்திற் கு தள் ளப் பட்டது.
Industry in Tamil nadu cannot compete with other States. Hence we will lose
இதன் விணளவாக, ரூ. 64,087 யகாடியாக இருந்த கடன்
many bigger orders.
நிலுணவயானது 109 ெதவீதம் அதிகரித்து, தற் ெமயம்
In the present situation of recession in economy and consequent slump all
around, the condition of printing industry is precarious. Any further hike in ரூ.1,34,210 யகாடி கடன் நிலுணவயில் உள் ளது. இதன்

electricity charges, as proposed. now, will only intensify the woes of Printing விணளவாக கடன் வாங் கிய நிதியின் வட்டியும்
Industry. ஆண்தடான்றிற் கு ரூ.9,281 யகாடியில் இருந்து ரூ.14,116
We request your honor, kindly roll-back the proposed power hike for Printing யகாடியாக அதிகரித்துள் ளது.
Industry, since Printing Industry contributes to the cause of promotion of
2. மத்திய அரசின் மின் அணமெ்ெகத்தால்
education, dissemination of information widening of knowledge and economic
மாநிலத்திற் கு கூடுதல் கடன் வாங் குவதற் காக
கட்டணத் திருத்தத்துடன் மின் துணற சீர்திருத்தங் களின்
As the vapour thin margin prevailing in the Printing Industry which does not
permit for shelling out increased power charges. We request your honour to கட்டாய நிபந்தணனணய உருவாகியுள் ளது. மத்திய

kindly issue favourable orders for dropping the proposed hike in tariff and நிதி நிறுவனங் களான M/s REC / M/s PFC நிறுவனங் கள்
maintain status quo ante, and help the Printing Industry to survive in Tamil Nadu. சிறப் புப் பணப் புழக்கத் திட்டத்தின் (ஆத்மநிர்பார்)
கீழ் ரூபாய் 30,230 யகாடி கடணன அனுமதிக்கும் யபாது,
வருடாந்திர கட்டண திருத்தத்ணத யமற் தகாள் ள
யவண்டும் என்ற முன் நிபந்தணனயின் அடிப் பணடயில்
அனுமதித்துள் ளது. கட்டணத் திருத்தம்
தெய் யப் படாததால் , ஆத்ம நிர்பார் திட்டத்தின் கீழ்
மீதமுள் ள ரூ.3,435 யகாடிணய REC/PFC
நிறுவனங் களால் நிறுத்தி ணவக்கப் பட்டுள் ளது.
3. மின் அணமெ்ெகத்தின் வழி காட்டுதல் களின்
படி புதுப் பிக்கப் பட்ட விநியயாக துணற திட்டத்தின்
(RDSS) கீழ் நிதிணய தவளியிடுவதற் காக மின்
கட்டணம் திருத்தம் தெய் வது முன் நிபந்தணனயாகும் .
அவ் வாறு மின் கட்டணம் திருத்தம்
தெய் யப் படாவிட்டால் தமிழ் நாடு மின் உற் பத்தி
மற் றும் பகிர்மான கழகத்திற் கு 10,793 யகாடி
ரூபாய் க்கான மானியங் கள் வழங் கப் படாது மற் றும்
அந்த திட்டங் கள் எதுவும் ததாடங் கப்படாது. மின்
விநியயாக நிறுவனங் கள் உட்பட அரசுக்கு
தொந்தமான நிறுவனங் களுக்கு கடன் வழங் குதற் கான
வணிக வங் கிகளுக்கு ரிெர்வ் வங் கி ஒரு கட்டாய
வழிகாட்டுதணல உருவாக்கியுள் ளது, அதன் படி
ஒவ் தவாரு ஆண்டும் நவம் பர் 30 ஆம் யததிக்குள் மின்
விநியயாக நிறுவனங் கள் மின் கட்டண மனுணவ
தாக்கல் தெய் யயவண்டும் . CERC/APTEL யபான்ற பல
ெட்ட அணமப் புகள் , தமிழ் நாடு மின் உற் பத்தி மற் றும்
பகிர்மான கழகம் மின் கட்டணம் திருத்தம்
தெய் யாதது குறித்து அவ் வப் யபாது கண்டனம்
ததரிவித்து வந்தன. தமிழ் நாடு மின்உற் பத்தி மற் றும்
பகிர்மான கழகம் உள் ளபடி வழங் கல் விணலக்கான
மின் கட்டணம் இல் லாததால் தரவரிணெயில்
பின் தங் கியது இந்த காரணத்தினால் வங் கிகள் யமலும்
கடன் வழங் க முன் வரவில் ணல.
4. மத்திய அரசின் மின் அணமெ்ெகத்தின்
அறிவிக்ணகயின் படி 10 ெதவீதம் தவளிநாட்டு
நிலக்கரிணய பயன்படுத்துவது கட்டாயமாக்கப்
பட்டுள் ளது. இதனால் எரிதபாருள் விணல மற் றும்
மின் ொரத்தின் ெராெரி அடக்க விணல அதிகரித்து,
ெராெரி மின் வழங் கல் விணல மற் றும் ெராெரி மின்
விற் பணன விணல ஆகியவற் றிற் கான இணடதவளி
அதிகரித்துள் ளது. 2014-15 நிதியாண்டுடன் ஒப் பீடும்
யபாது எரிதபாருள் அடிப் பணட விணல, யபாக்குவரத்து
மற் றும் ணகயாளும் கட்டணங் கள் 49%
அதிகரித்துள் ளது. மத்திய ததாகுப்பில் இருந்து
மின் தகாள் முதல் தெய் யும் மின் ொரத்தின் மாறுபடும்
விணல 2014-15 நிதியாண்டுடன் ஒப் பீடு தெய் யும்
யபாது 37% அதிகரித்துள் ளது.
பராமரிப் பிற் க்கான கடன் கள் மின் ொரத்தின்
ெராெரியாக தபறப் படும் விணலக்கும் ,
மின்வழங் கலுக்கான விணலக்கும் இணடயில் எற் பட்ட
இணடதவளி காரணமாக வட்டிக்கான தெலவுகள் 50%
அதிகரித்துள் ளது.
5. தமிழ் நாடு மின் உற் பத்தி மற் றும் பகிர்மான
கழகம் 8 வருட இணடதவளிக்குப் பிறகு மின்
கட்டணத்ணத ெராெரியாக உயர்த்த
உத்யதசிக்கப் பட்டுள் ளது.
6. மின் கட்டண விகிதத்தில் மின் கட்டணம்
மற் றும் நிணலக் கட்டணங் கள் தமாத்த ெராெரி மின்
வழங் கல் விணலக்கு ஏற் ப நிர்ணயிக்கப் படுகிறது. 2022-
23 ம் ஆண்டிற் கான ெராெரி மின் வழங் கல்
விணலயானது ரூ.9.54/- யூனிட் ஆகும் . ஆனால் மின்
கட்டணம் குணறந்த அளவு மட்டுயம உயர்த்த
உத்யதசிக்கப் பட்டுள் ளது.
7. எனினும் ததாழிற் ொணல மின் கட்டணம்
குணறப் பது ததாடர்பான யகாரிக்ணகணய பரிசீலித்து,
மாண்பணம தமிழ் நாடு மின் ொர ஒழங் குமுணற
ஆணணயம் அது ததாடர்பான உரிய ஆணண வழங் க
தமிழ் நாடு மின் உற் பத்தி மற் றும் பகிர்மான கழகம்
உரிய நடவடிக்ணக எடுக்கும் .

வணக்கம் ! நாங் கள் தமிழகத்தில் இயங் கி வரும் ஒரு குறுந் 1. தற் யபாது மின் நுகர்யவார்களிடமிருந்து வசூல்
ததாழில் நிறுவனமாகும் . எங் களுணடய நிறுவனம் மிகெ்
தெய் யப் படும் கட்டணமானது 2014 ஆம் ஆண்டு
சிறிய அளவில் உற் பத்தி தெய் து தகாண்டு பலருக்கும்
யவணல வாய் ப்பிணன அளித்துக் தகாண்டு இருக்கின் றது. மாண்பணம தமிழ் நாடு மின் ொர ஒழுங் குமுணற
கடந்த மூன்று ஆண்டுகளாகக் தகாயரானா தபருந்ததாற் றுக்
ஆணணயத்தால் நிர்ணயம் தெய் யப் பட்டு கடந்த 8
காரணமாக எங் களது ததாழிற் ொணலகள் ெரிவர
இயங் கவில் ணல. அதனால் ஏற் பட்ட பல் யவறு விதமான ஆண்டுகளாக நணடமுணறயில் உள் ளது. கடந்த 2014-15
இழப் புகணள ெந்தித்து இப்தபாழுதுதான் அதிலிருந்து ஓரளவு
ஆம் ஆண்டில் ரூ.44,618 யகாடியாக இருந்த தமிழ் நாடு
மீண்டும் வருகின் யறாம் . இந்த நிணலயில் உத்யதசிக்கப் பட்டு
இருக்கும் மின் கட்டண உயர்வு என்பது யபரிடியாகவும் , மின்உற் பத்தி மற் றும் பகிர்மான கழகத்தின் ஒட்டு
அதிர்ெ்சியாகவும் இறங் கி உள் ளது. இது தவந்த புண்ணில்
தமாத்த நிதி இழப் பானது, ரூ.68,648 யகாடி அதிகரித்து,
யவல் பாய் ெ்சுவது யபால் இருக்கிறது. Tarif சிறிதளவு உயர்த்தி
தகாள் வணத நாங் கள் ஏற் றுக் தகாள் கியறாம் . ஆண்டிற் கு 6 31.03.2021 அன்று ரூ.1,13,266 யகாடியாக உயர்ந்துள் ளது.
ெதவீதம் மின் கட்டணம் உயர்த்துவணத தவிர்க்க யவண்டும் .
மின் நுகர்யவார் விணல குறியீட்டு எண் புள் ளிகள் 236
Peek Hour Charges அமல் படுத்துவணத தவிர்க்க யவண்டும் .
Fixed Charges உயர்த்துவணத தவிர்க்க யவண்டும் . குறிப் பாக முதல் 333 வணர உயர்ந்த காரணத்தினால் அதாவது
சிறு மற் றும் குறுந் ததாழில் துணறகளுக்கு பீக் அவர் என்று 41% கடன் அதிகரித்தது. எனயவ தமிழ் நாடு மின்
தொல் லக்கூடிய யநரக்கட்டுப் பாடு. அதற் கான மிணகக்
உற் பத்தி மற் றும் பகிர்மான கழகமானது நிதி
கட்டணம் என்பது மிகவும் துரதிஷ்டவெமான ஒன்று. யமலும்
நிணலயான கட்டணம் 20% மடங் கு வணர ஏற் றி இருப் பது நிறுவனங் கள் மற் றும் வங் கிகளிடமிருந்து கடன்
நியாயமற் ற தெயல் . இந்த நிணலயில் எங் களுணடய
வாங் க யவண்டிய கட்டாயத்திற் கு தள் ளப் பட்டது.
யகாரிக்ணக என்னதவன் றால் இந்த மின் கட்டண உயர்ணவ
மூன் று ஆண்டுகளுக்கு ஒட்டு தமாத்தமாக ஒத்திணவக்க இதன் விணளவாக, ரூ. 64,087 யகாடியாக இருந்த கடன்
யவண்டும் என்பயத ஆகும் . இந்த தகாயரானா தபருந் ததாற் று
நிலுணவயானது 109 ெதவீதம் அதிகரித்து, தற் ெமயம்
இழப் புகளிலிருந்து நாங் கள் மீண்டு வந்த பிறகுதான் இது
யபான்ற கூடுதல் தெலவுகணள எங் களால் ெமாளிக்க இயலும் . ரூ.1,34,210 யகாடி கடன் நிலுணவயில் உள் ளது. இதன்
ஆணகயினால் மீண்டும் உங் கணள வலியுறுத்தி யகட்டுக்
விணளவாக கடன் வாங் கிய நிதியின் வட்டியும்
தகாள் வது என்னதவன் றால் ஒட்டுதமாத்தமாக தமிழக மின்
வாரியத்தின் இந்த மின் கட்டண உயர்வுக் யகாரிக்ணகணய ஆண்தடான்றிற் கு ரூ.9,281 யகாடியில் இருந்து ரூ.14,116
முழுவதுமாகத் தள் ளுபடி தெய் ய யவண்டும் . அவ் வாறு
யகாடியாக அதிகரித்துள் ளது.
தெய் வதனால் பல் லாயிரம் ததாழில் நிறுவனங் கள்
பாதுகாக்கப் படுவயதாடு மட்டுமல் லாது லட்ெக்கணக்கான 2. மத்திய அரசின் மின் அணமெ்ெகத்தால்
ஊழியர்களின் யவணல வாய் ப் பு உறுதி தெய் யப் படும்
மாநிலத்திற் கு கூடுதல் கடன் வாங் குவதற் காக
என்பணத ததரிவித்துக் தகாள் கின் யறாம் .
கட்டணத் திருத்தத்துடன் மின் துணற சீர்திருத்தங் களின்
கட்டாய நிபந்தணனணய உருவாகியுள் ளது. மத்திய
நிதி நிறுவனங் களான M/s REC / M/s PFC நிறுவனங் கள்
சிறப் புப் பணப் புழக்கத் திட்டத்தின் (ஆத்மநிர்பார்)
கீழ் ரூபாய் 30,230 யகாடி கடணன அனுமதிக்கும் யபாது,
வருடாந்திர கட்டண திருத்தத்ணத யமற் தகாள் ள
யவண்டும் என்ற முன் நிபந்தணனயின் அடிப் பணடயில்
அனுமதித்துள் ளது. கட்டணத் திருத்தம்
தெய் யப் படாததால் , ஆத்ம நிர்பார் திட்டத்தின் கீழ்
மீதமுள் ள ரூ.3,435 யகாடிணய REC/PFC
நிறுவனங் களால் நிறுத்தி ணவக்கப் பட்டுள் ளது.
3. மின் அணமெ்ெகத்தின் வழி காட்டுதல் களின்
படி புதுப் பிக்கப் பட்ட விநியயாக துணற திட்டத்தின்
(RDSS) கீழ் நிதிணய தவளியிடுவதற் காக மின்
கட்டணம் திருத்தம் தெய் வது முன் நிபந்தணனயாகும் .
அவ் வாறு மின் கட்டணம் திருத்தம்
தெய் யப் படாவிட்டால் தமிழ் நாடு மின் உற் பத்தி
மற் றும் பகிர்மான கழகத்திற் கு 10,793 யகாடி
ரூபாய் க்கான மானியங் கள் வழங் கப் படாது மற் றும்
அந்த திட்டங் கள் எதுவும் ததாடங் கப்படாது. மின்
விநியயாக நிறுவனங் கள் உட்பட அரசுக்கு
தொந்தமான நிறுவனங் களுக்கு கடன் வழங் குதற் கான
வணிக வங் கிகளுக்கு ரிெர்வ் வங் கி ஒரு கட்டாய
வழிகாட்டுதணல உருவாக்கியுள் ளது, அதன் படி
ஒவ் தவாரு ஆண்டும் நவம் பர் 30 ஆம் யததிக்குள் மின்
விநியயாக நிறுவனங் கள் மின் கட்டண மனுணவ
தாக்கல் தெய் யயவண்டும் . CERC/APTEL யபான்ற பல
ெட்ட அணமப் புகள் , தமிழ் நாடு மின் உற் பத்தி மற் றும்
பகிர்மான கழகம் மின் கட்டணம் திருத்தம்
தெய் யாதது குறித்து அவ் வப் யபாது கண்டனம்
ததரிவித்து வந்தன. தமிழ் நாடு மின்உற் பத்தி மற் றும்
பகிர்மான கழகம் உள் ளபடி வழங் கல் விணலக்கான
மின் கட்டணம் இல் லாததால் தரவரிணெயில்
பின் தங் கியது இந்த காரணத்தினால் வங் கிகள் யமலும்
கடன் வழங் க முன் வரவில் ணல.
4. மத்திய அரசின் மின் அணமெ்ெகத்தின்
அறிவிக்ணகயின் படி 10 ெதவீதம் தவளிநாட்டு
நிலக்கரிணய பயன்படுத்துவது கட்டாயமாக்கப்
பட்டுள் ளது. இதனால் எரிதபாருள் விணல மற் றும்
மின் ொரத்தின் ெராெரி அடக்க விணல அதிகரித்து,
ெராெரி மின் வழங் கல் விணல மற் றும் ெராெரி மின்
விற் பணன விணல ஆகியவற் றிற் கான இணடதவளி
அதிகரித்துள் ளது. 2014-15 நிதியாண்டுடன் ஒப் பீடும்
யபாது எரிதபாருள் அடிப் பணட விணல, யபாக்குவரத்து
மற் றும் ணகயாளும் கட்டணங் கள் 49%
அதிகரித்துள் ளது. மத்திய ததாகுப்பில் இருந்து
மின் தகாள் முதல் தெய் யும் மின் ொரத்தின் மாறுபடும்
விணல 2014-15 நிதியாண்டுடன் ஒப் பீடு தெய் யும்
யபாது 37% அதிகரித்துள் ளது.
பராமரிப் பிற் க்கான கடன் கள் மின் ொரத்தின்
ெராெரியாக தபறப் படும் விணலக்கும் ,
மின்வழங் கலுக்கான விணலக்கும் இணடயில் எற் பட்ட
இணடதவளி காரணமாக வட்டிக்கான தெலவுகள் 50%
அதிகரித்துள் ளது
5. தமிழ் நாடு மின் உற் பத்தி மற் றும் பகிர்மான
கழகம் 8 வருட இணடதவளிக்குப் பிறகு மின்
கட்டணத்ணத ெராெரியாக உயர்த்த
உத்யதசிக்கப் பட்டுள் ளது.
6. மின் கட்டண விகிதத்தில் மின் கட்டணம்
மற் றும் நிணலக் கட்டணங் கள் தமாத்த ெராெரி மின்
வழங் கல் விணலக்கு ஏற் ப நிர்ணயிக்கப் படுகிறது. 2022-
23 ம் ஆண்டிற் கான ெராெரி மின் வழங் கல்
விணலயானது ரூ.9.54/- யூனிட் ஆகும் . ஆனால் மின்
கட்டணம் குணறந்த அளவு மட்டுயம உயர்த்த
உத்யதசிக்கப் பட்டுள் ளது.
7. எனினும் ததாழிற் ொணல மின் கட்டணம்
குணறப் பது ததாடர்பான யகாரிக்ணகணய பரிசீலித்து,
மாண்பணம தமிழ் நாடு மின் ொர ஒழங் குமுணற
ஆணணயம் அது ததாடர்பான உரிய ஆணண வழங் க
தமிழ் நாடு மின் உற் பத்தி மற் றும் பகிர்மான கழகம்
உரிய நடவடிக்ணக எடுக்கும் .
Commission’s Views:
The Commission has taken note of the reply furnished by the TANGEDCO and the matter has been dealt with appropriately in the relevant Chapter of this
Tariff Order.
6. HT-Wheeling & ToD

We Tulsyan NEC Ltd. are a group captive thermal power plant with 70 MW 1. The prevailing tariff charged from consumers are fixed in the year
capacity at Sithurnatham Village, Eguvarpalayam, Gummidipoondi. We Tulsyan 2014 by Hon’ble TNERC and collected from the consumers for the
have also two HTSC connections 1771 and 1823 at Chennai North EDC. with past 8 years. TANGEDCO’s cumulative financial losses at the
sanctioned demand of 12500 kVA and 6700 kVA for our steel furnace and beginning of FY 2014-15 was Rs.44,618 Cr and Rs.68,648 Cr was
rolling mills at SIPCOT industrial estate, Gummidipoondi and are availing CPP added during the past 6 years and the total cumulative losses of
power from our own thermal power plant under open access, paying the open TANGEDCO as on 31.03.2021 is Rs.1,13,266 Cr. It is mainly due to
access charges. the increase in the cost of Consumer Price Indices i.e. from 236 to 333
2. As you are aware, the revision of open, access charges was last done during points (FY 2013-14 to FY 2020-21) and it works out to 41% increase.
August 2017 and are now being sought to be revised as per table given below: Hence, TANGEDCO was forced to borrow from Financial Institutions
and Banks to meet out its financial commitments. This has resulted in
Sl. Particulars Present rate Proposed rate
109% increase of loan outstanding from Rs.64,087 Cr. to Rs.1,34,210
1 Transmission Rs.126.55 per Rs.224.52 per MW/hr Cr. Consequently, the interest on borrowed fund has also increased
charges MW/hr from Rs.9,281 Cr. to Rs. 14,116 Cr p.a.
2 Wheeling charges 21.05 paise per Rs.1.41 per unit
unit 2. The Ministry of Power, Government of India has made a
3 Scheduling charges Rs.160/- per Rs.171.45 /- per day per mandatory condition for Power Sector Reforms with Tariff revision
day per transaction
transaction which allows additional borrowing for the State. The Central
4 System Opertaing Rs.1.41 per Rs.3.24 per MW per hour Financial Institutions viz., M/s. REC Ltd., & M/s. PFC Ltd., while
charges MW per hour
sanctioning the loan of Rs. 30,230 Cr under Special Liquidity Scheme
The steep increase in the wheeling charges proposed on the basis of percentage of (Athma Nirbhar Scheme) have made a pre-committed condition of
voltage -wise sales is absolutely baseless and in corrert and will make open yearly Tariff revision. Due to non-revision of Tariff, the balance
access absolutely unviable. ln fact, during August 2017, TANGEDCO have funds of Rs. 3,435 Cr under Athma Nirbhar Scheme were withheld
proposed 22.64 paise per unit as the wheeling charge while TNERC approved by REC/PFC.
21.05 paise per unit. The same logical system of apportioning the Net Annual 3. As per the guidelines of Ministry of Power the Tariff
Distribution charges to both LT and H.t- based on the Lines capacity in terms of revision is a pre-condition for release of funds under R e v a m p e d
lakh ckt km should be followed this time also(since it is only cost of wires we are Distribution Sector Scheme (RDSS) and if the tariff is not revised,
talking about) and on this logic the wheeling charges it would work out to only grants to the tune of Rs. 10,793 Cr will not be released to TANGEDCO
27.21,paise per unit as explained in the following table: and ultimately the scheme will not take off. RBI has made a
Sl. Particulars Present rate Proposed rate conditional prudential guideline to the Commercial Banks, for lending
1 Net Annual Dist. Rs.13365.71 Given by TANGEDCO to State owned power entities including DISCOMs, that DISCOMS
charge crores
should have to file tariff petition by 30th of November every year.
2 Wheelling cost-HT Rs.2413.69 Cr. Given by TANGEDCO
3 HT lines (lakhs ckt 18.058824% derived Many legal forums like CERC/APTEL have severally remarked about
km) derived TANGEDCO’s non revision of tariff periodically and thereby
4 LT lines (lakhs ckt 81.941176% derived accumulating outstanding dues to generation companies and other
km) derived
suppliers and contractors. Ranking of TANGEDCO has declined due
5 Energy input at 88707.38MU Given by TANGEDCO
Distribution to non cost reflective tariff which in turn restricted the banks not to
periphery lend any further loan.
6 Total Annual Rs.2413.69 cr. Given by TANGEDCO
Wheeling Charges (18.0588245) 4. Ministry of Power, Government of India has notified
(Rs. Cr.) mandatory 10% import coal substitution, which will have an impact on
7 Wheeling Charge 27.2096/ unit
Open Access cost of fuel and average cost of supply, thereby widening the ARR-
consumers ACS GAP. The cost of Coal increased by 49% as compared with FY
(Rs. Cr.) 2014-15 due to increase in basic price of coal transport and handling
We would therefore request you to consider established methodology in the charges. The variable cost of power purchase from Central Generating
previous Tariff Orders. Stations has increased by 37% compared to FY 2014-15. The
operational borrowings increased due to ARR-ACS Gap resulting in
increase in interest commitment by 50%.
5. TANGEDCO is left with no other choice except revising the
tariff after a gap of 8 years. TANGEDCO has proposed a necessary/
appropriate hike in tariff only.
6. As per Section-62 of Electricity Act, 2003, Tamil Nadu
Electricity Regulatory Commission is the Competent Authority to fix
tariff for all categories of consumers. The Hon’ble Tamil Nadu
Electricity Regulatory Commission will issue Tariff order after getting
suggestions/views from various stakeholders.
7. The wheeling charges and Net work cost has been arrived
based on the Tamilnadu Regulation notified by the Hon’ble TNERC
vide notification No. TNERC/Legal dated. 26.05.2021 3505/D. No.
8. The Wheeling charges / Network charges of the Distribution
Licensee shall be determined by the Commission on the basis of a
petition for determination of Tariff filed by the Distribution Licensee in
accordance with regulations 5 and 6 or on suo-motu basis under
Regulation 6(8) and it shall be determined separately for all LT/HT
consumers as applicable:
9. Provided that the Wheeling charges/ Network charges may be
denominated in terms of Rs./kWh (or) Rs./ kVAh (or) Rs/ kW month
(or) Rs/kVA month for the purpose of recovery from the Distribution
network user, or any such denomination as may be stipulated by the
Commission. HT and LT network cost is proportioned at 85:15 based on
the cost of network. Most of the HT networks are at higher cost.
However the net cost is proportioned based on the sales in the ratio of
21:79 for HT and LT network for arriving wheeling charges.
10. Hence wheeling charges arrived based on the prevailing
regulations and to recover the network cost and revenue from the same
is being reduced in ARR to arrive retail tariff.
11. The proposed ToD charges are to meet out the high cost
Power purchase expenses during the peak hours and 5% concession
available for night hour consumption. It is intended to balance the Grid
by shifting peak load.

Commission’s Views:
The Commission has taken note of the reply furnished by the TANGEDCO and the matter has been dealt with appropriately in the relevant Chapter of this
Tariff Order.

7. M/s.TECA, Coimbatore
1. Request Additional Documents / Data so as to furnish the detailed 1. The prevailing tariff charged from consumers are fixed in the year
comments on the Petitions filed by the Licensees / Utilities. 2014 by Hon’ble TNERC and collected from the consumers for the past
8 years. TANGEDCO’s cumulative financial losses at the beginning of
Sl.No. Name of the Reasons for requesting the FY 2014-15 was Rs. 44,618 Cr and Rs. 68,648 Cr was added during
documents documents
the past 6 years and the total cumulative losses of TANGEDCO as on
1 Annual Reports / In their Petition (Clause 2.2.1
Audited Annual of the TANGEDCO), the 31.03.2021 is Rs. 1,13,266 Cr. It is mainly due to the increase in the
Accounts of the Licensee has mainly referred cost of Consumer Price Indices i.e. from 236 to 333 points (FY 2013-14
TANGEDCO, and reported to have taken the
TANTRANSCO data from their Audited to FY 2020-21) and it works out to 41% increase. Hence, TANGEDCO
and SLDC for the Annual Accounts Statements was forced to borrow from Financial Institutions and Banks to meet out
years from 2015-16 for the respective years.
to 2020-21 Hence, this is essential both its financial commitments. This has resulted in 109% increase of loan
for Determination and outstanding from Rs.64,087 Cr. to Rs. 1,34,210 Cr. Consequently, the
Truing-Up of the ARRS.
interest on borrowed fund has also increased from Rs.9,281 Cr to
As per Regulation 15 of the Rs.14,116 Cr p.a.
Tariff Regulation.
2. The Approved As per Regulations 16 and 17 2. The Ministry of Power, Government of India has made a mandatory
Business Plan and of the Tariff Regulation. condition for Power Sector Reforms with Tariff revision which allows
Capital Investment
Plan for the additional borrowing for the State. The Central Financial Institutions
ARR/True-Up viz., M/s. REC Ltd., & M/s. PFC Ltd., while sanctioning the loan of Rs.
period for
Generation, 30,230 Cr under Special Liquidity Scheme (Athma Nirbhar Scheme) have
Transmission and made a pre-committed condition of yearly Tariff revision. Due to
including for the non-revision of Tariff, the balance funds of Rs. 3,435 Cr under
SLDC Operation Athma Nirbhar Scheme were withheld by REC/PFC.
3. Reports of the As per Regulations 25 of the
Third-Party Tariff Regulation. 3. As per the guidelines of Ministry of Power the Tariff revision is a
Auditors appointed pre-condition for release of funds under R e v a m p e d Distribution
by the Hon’ble
Commission for the Sector Scheme (RDSS) and if the tariff is not revised, grants to the
prudent check of O tune of Rs. 10,793 Cr will not be released to TANGEDCO and
& M Cost
4. Sample Study As per Regulations 73 of the ultimately the scheme will not take off. RBI has made a conditional
conducted with the Tariff Regulation. prudential guideline to the Commercial Banks, for lending to State
approval of the
Hon’ble owned power entities including DISCOMs, that DISCOMS should
Commission to
estimate the have to file tariff petition by 30th of November every year. Many legal
consumption in the forums like CERC/APTEL have severally remarked about
unmetered services. TANGEDCO’s non revision of tariff periodically and thereby
accumulating outstanding dues to generation companies and other
suppliers and contractors. Ranking of TANGEDCO has declined due to
non cost reflective tariff which in turn restricted the banks not to lend
5. Operating Norms As per 5.11 (f) of Tariff
any further loan.
fixed by the Policy.
Hon’ble 4. The cost of Coal increased by 49% as compared with FY 2014-15
Commission for the
due to increase in basic price of coal transport and handling charges.
Network. The variable cost of power purchase from Central Generating Stations
6. Standard of As per 7.1(5) and 7.3(1) of
has increased by 37% compared to FY 2014-15.The operational
Performance and the National Tariff Policy.
Key Performance borrowings increased due to ARR-ACS Gap resulting in increase in
Indicators fixed by
interest commitment by 50%.
the Hon’ble
Commission for the 5. TANGEDCO is left with no other choice except revising the tariff
after a gap of 8 years. TANGEDCO.
7. Report of the As per 8.2.1 of the National 6. The compliance to the directives are enclosed in the petition in
Third-Party Tariff Policy. chapter 9 and quality of supply as annexure VII.
Verification of
Energy Audit for 7.TANGEDCO has filed petition for approval of ARR and tariff for 5
different years MYT control period which has been followed in the states of
Distribution Areas.
Independent Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh.
Assessment done 8. Further in the State of Maharashtra the MYT Regulations are for 5
by the Hon’ble
Commission on the years and tariff has been determined for the control period from FY
Base Line data for 2020-21 to FY 2024-25 vide order dated 30.03.2020.
various parameters
for every 9. This petition is filed with as per the provisions of Tariff regulations
Distribution Circle 2005 and amendments made before the Hon TNERC for determination
of the Licensee and
the independent of Tariff UNDER PART VII (SECTION 61 TO SECTION 64) OF THE
scrutiny done by ELECTRICITY ACT, 2003 .
the Hon’ble
Commission on the 10. The wheeling charges and Net work cost has been arrived based on
Financial and the Tamilnadu Regulation notified by the Hon’ble TNERC vide
Technical Data notification No. TNERC/Legal dated. 26.05.2021 3505/D. No. /2021.
submitted by the
11. The Wheeling charges / Network charges of the Distribution
Licensee Licensee shall be determined by the Commission on the basis of a
petition for determination of Tariff filed by the Distribution Licensee in
8 Revised increase in In this connection, The
accordance with regulations 5 and 6 or on suo-motu basis under
Peak Hour Period Hon’ble Commission has
of 06.30 Hours to posted a “REPORT ON Regulation 6(8) and it shall be determined separately for all LT/HT
10.30 Hours and TIME DAY (TOD) TARIFF
consumers as applicable:
18.00 Hours to FOR TANGEDCO Prepared
22.00 Hours During September, 2019 by 12. Provided that the Wheeling charges/ Network charges may be
M/s ABPS Infrastructure
denominated in terms of Rs./kWh (or) Rs./ kVAh (or) Rs/ kW month
Advisory Pvt. Ltd. It is not
known, how a report prepared (or) Rs/kVA month for the purpose of recovery from the Distribution
during the year 2019, can be
network user, or any such denomination as may be stipulated by the
applied now for the year
2022-23. The Time-of-Day Commission.
Tariff has to be decided at
13. HT and LT network cost is proportioned at 85:15 based on the cost
least on two important
variables, such as the increase of network as most of the HT networks are at higher cost. However the
in grid demand and the
network cost finally is proportioned based on the sales ratio of 21:79 for
increase in power purchase
cost during the specific time. HT and LT network for arriving wheeling charges.
Both the above parameters
14. The proposed ToD charges (7.1.1.K) are to meet out the high cost
vary depending upon the
power availability in the Power purchase expenses during the peak hours and 5% concession
Country and pattern of the
available for night hour consumption. The peak hour cost of supply
consumer demand during the
specific period. Hence, a varies from Rs 5.00 to 12.00 depends upon the demand.
report prepared for
15. Regulatory Assets
atleast one year ending with
March 2022 may be arranged It is informed that TANGEDCO has considered the opening Regulatory
to be made available for study
assets as on 1.4.2016 same as considered by the Commission vide its
and comparison.
Order dated 11.8.2017 i.e., Rs. 30,884.15 Crore. Further the
2. The Hon’ble Commission may appreciate that without the above data, the most
Commission has made adjustment of Rs. 22,815.00 Crore and the same
impotant requirement of “prudent check” of data furnished by the
has been considered by TANGEDCO. It is pertinent to mention here
Licensees/Utilities cannot be done with most perfection.
that the Commission has calculated the Revised Regulatory Assets vide
3. Apart from the above, we are duty bound to point out and bring to the Order dated 11.8.2017 in Petition No. T.P. No. 1 of 2017 based on the
knowledge of the Hon’ble Commission, about some of the following glaring projected numbers. However, TANGEDCO has now come up with the
mistakes found in the data provided/ logic used by the Licensee/ Utilities to actual losses during the year 2016-17 and the same has been considered
arrive-at some of the important parameters, which have sent shock waves among while calculating the revised Regulatory Assets. The Hon’ble
the concerned stakeholders. The Hon’ble Commission needs to obtain the Data Commission is requested to consider the Regulatory Assets as
gap/Additional Data from the respective Licensees/Utilities and provide the same considered by TANGEDCO.
to the stakeholders of our association for receiving suitable comments. therefore 16. The proposal of tariff revision is not to give tariff shock to the
errors/abnormalities as found in the petition are detailed below for the consumers and the petition is submitted as per the National Electricity
understanding of the Commission. policy, Electricity act 2003 and Tariff Regulation 2005 only submitted
a) Wheeling charges for approval.
b) Return on equity
c) Interest on borrowings
d) Employee cost and O&M charges
e) Avoidance of Tariff shock
f) Creation of Regulatory Asset

Commission’s Views:
The Commission has taken note of the reply furnished by the TANGEDCO and the matter has been dealt with appropriately in the relevant Chapter of this
Tariff Order.
8. Thiru.D.Rajendran, Villupuram

தமிழ் நாடு மின் உற் பத்தி மற் றும் பகிர்மான கழகம் ொர்பில்
பார்வையில் உள் ள மின் கட்டண உயர்வு மீதான
தங் களது கடிதத்தின் நகல் தமிழ் நாடு மின் சார
அளிக்கப் பட்டுள் ள மின் கட்டண திருத்தம் முன் தபாழிவு
ஒழுங் குமுவை ஆவணயத்திடமிருந்து கிவடக்கப்
2022க்கு எனது ெங் கம் ொர்பில் கீழ் கண்ட பபை் ைது. இது குறித்து கீழ் காணும் விளக்கம்
அளிக்கப் படுகிைது.
ஆட்யெபணனகணள ததரிவித்துக் தகாள் கியறன்.
1. தற் யபாது மின் நுகர்யவார்களிடமிருந்து வசூல்
தெய் யப் படும் கட்டணமானது 2014 ஆம் ஆண்டு
1. உயர் அழுத்த மின் கட்டண பிரிவில் மின் கட்டணத்துடன் மாண்பணம தமிழ் நாடு மின் ொர ஒழுங் குமுணற
யகட்பு பளு (Demand Charge) கட்டணம் விதிக்கப் பட்டுள் ளது. ஆணணயத்தால் நிர்ணயம் தெய் யப் பட்டு கடந்த 8
ஆண்டுகளாக நணடமுணறயில் உள் ளது. கடந்த 2014-
மின் ொர ெட்ட பிரிவு 45(3) (a) படி மின் கட்டணத்துடன்
15 ஆம் ஆண்டில் ரூ.44,618 யகாடியாக இருந்த
நிணலக்கட்டணம் கட்டணத்துடன் யகட்பு பளு கட்டணம் தமிழ் நாடு மின்உற் பத்தி மற் றும் பகிர்மான
தெலுத்த யவண்டும் என்று யகட்பது மட்டுயம வசூலிக்க முடியும் கழகத்தின் ஒட்டு தமாத்த நிதி இழப் பானது, ரூ.68,648
யகாடி அதிகரித்து, 31.03.2021 அன்று ரூ.1,13,266
மின் மின் ொர ெட்டத்திற் கு எதிரானது எனயவ யகட்பு பளு
யகாடியாக உயர்ந்துள் ளது. மின் நுகர்யவார் விணல
கட்டணம் என்பணத நிணல கட்டணம் என மாற் றப் பட குறியீட்டு எண் புள் ளிகள் 236 முதல் 333 வணர
யவண்டும் . உயர்ந்த காரணத்தினால் அதாவது 41% கடன்
அதிகரித்தது. எனயவ தமிழ் நாடு மின் உற் பத்தி
2.உயர் அழுத்த மின் கட்டணப் பிரிவில் 5வணக மின் கட்டண
மற் றும் பகிர்மான கழகமானது நிதி நிறுவனங் கள்
பிரிவு அறிவிக்கப் பட்டுள் ளது. யமற் படி கட்டண பிரிவு எதிலும் மற் றும் வங் கிகளிடமிருந்து கடன் வாங் க யவண்டிய
படிமுணற கட்டணம் (மின் கட்டண பிரிவு சிலாப் சிஸ்டம் ) கட்டாயத்திற் கு தள் ளப் பட்டது. இதன் விணளவாக, ரூ.
64,087 யகாடியாக இருந்த கடன் நிலுணவயானது 109
அறிவிக்கப் படவில் ணல. கட்டணப் பிரிவில் தமாத்தம் 11
ெதவீதம் அதிகரித்து, தற் ெமயம் ரூ.1,34,210 யகாடி
பிரிவில் 8 பிரிவுகளுக்கு படி முணற கட்டணம்
கடன் நிலுணவயில் உள் ளது. இதன் விணளவாக கடன்
அறிவிக்கப் பட்டுள் ளது. வாங் கிய நிதியின் வட்டியும் ஆண்தடான்றிற் கு
இது உயர்அழுத்த மின் நுகர்யவாருக்கும் தாழ் வழுத்த மின் ரூ.9,281 யகாடியில் இருந்து ரூ.14,116 யகாடியாக
அதிகரித்துள் ளது.
உபயபாகிப் பாளருக்கும் இணடயில் பாரபட்ெம் காட்டும் தெயல் .
2. மத்திய அரசின் மின் அணமெ்ெகத்தால்
என்பதுடன் தாழ் வழுத்த மின் உபயயாகிப் பாளருக்கு மாநிலத்திற் கு கூடுதல் கடன் வாங் குவதற் காக
கடுணமயான மின் கட்டண உயர்ணவயும் மன அழுத்தத்ணதயும் கட்டணத் திருத்தத்துடன் மின் துணற
சீர்திருத்தங் களின் கட்டாய நிபந்தணனணய
ஏற் படுத்தும் தெயலாகும் .
உருவாகியுள் ளது. மத்திய நிதி நிறுவனங் களான M/s
3. மின் கட்டணத்ணத நிர்ணயிக்கும் மின் ொர ெட்டம் பிரிவு REC / M/s PFC நிறுவனங் கள் சிறப் புப் பணப் புழக்கத்
62(3)ன்படி மின் கட்டணம் விதிப் பதற் கு நுகர்யவாணர திட்டத்தின் (ஆத்மநிர்பார்) கீழ் ரூபாய் 30,230 யகாடி
கடணன அனுமதிக்கும் யபாது, வருடாந்திர கட்டண
கிழ் கண்ட வணகப் படி குழுவாக பிரிக்கலாம் என
திருத்தத்ணத யமற் தகாள் ள யவண்டும் என்ற முன்
ததரிவிக்கப் பட்டுள் ளது அதன் படி நிபந்தணனயின் அடிப் பணடயில் அனுமதித்துள் ளது.
1.நுகர்யவாரின் மின் பளு 2. பவர்பாக்டர் 3.ஒல் யடஜ் , கட்டணத் திருத்தம் தெய் யப் படாததால் , ஆத்ம
4.ஏயதனும் குறிப் பிட்ட காலத்தில் தமாத்த நிர்பார் திட்டத்தின் கீழ் மீதமுள் ள ரூ.3,435 யகாடிணய
REC/PFC நிறுவனங் களால் நிறுத்தி ணவக்கப்
மின் ொரம் அல் லது மின் ொரம் யதணவப்படும் யநரம் 5.ஏயதனும்
பட்டுள் ளது.
பகுதியின் ஜியாகரபிகல் நிணல 6.மின் வழங் கல் நிணல அல் லது 3. மின் அணமெ்ெகத்தின் வழி காட்டுதல் களின்
யநாக்கம் இதன் படி மின் ொர குறிப் பிட்ட படி புதுப் பிக்கப் பட்ட விநியயாக துணறதிட்டம் (RDSS)
திட்டத்தின் கீழ் நிதிணய தவளியிடுவதற் காக மின்
காலத்தில் தமாத்தமாக எவ் வளவு பயன்படுத்துகின்றனர் என்ற
கட்டணம் திருத்தம் தெய் வது முன்
அடிப் பணடயில் மின் கட்டணம் நிர்ணயம் தெய் ய யவண்டும் . நிபந்தணனயாகும் . அவ் வாறு மின் கட்டணம்
இதன் படி தான் இவ் வளவு யூனிட் தமாத்த உபயயாகித்திற் கு 1 திருத்தம் தெய் யப்படாவிட்டால் தமிழ் நாடு மின்
உற் பத்தி மற் றும் பகிர்மான கழகத்திற் கு 10,793
யூனிட் உபயயாகத்திற் கு இவ் வளவு கட்டணம் என நிர்ணயம்
யகாடி ரூபாய் க்கான மானியங் கள் வழங் கப் படாது
தெய் யப் படுகிறது. இதன் படி தமாத்த உபயயாகம் மாதம் 200 மற் றும் அந்த திட்டங் கள் எதுவும் ததாடங் கப் படாது.
யூனிட் வணர 500 யூனிட் வணர 1000 யூனிட் வணர என நிர்ணயம் மின் விநியயாக நிறுவனங் கள் உட்பட அரசுக்கு
தொந்தமான நிறுவனங் களுக்கு கடன்
தெய் யப் படுகிறது. ஆனால் யமற் படி மின் ொர ெட்டத்தின்
வழங் குதற் கான வணிக வங் கிகளுக்கு ரிெர்வ் வங் கி
பிரிவின்படி அப் படி நிர்ணயம் தெய் யும் 200 அல் லது
ஒரு கட்டாய வழிகாட்டுதணல உருவாக்கியுள் ளது,
500யூனிட்டிற் கும் 1 முதல் 200 அல் லது 500 யூனிட் வணர அதன் படி ஒவ் தவாரு ஆண்டும் நவம் பர் 30 ஆம்
அணனத்து யூனிட்டுகளுக்கும் ஒயர யூனிட் கட்டணம் நிர்ணயம் யததிக்குள் மின் விநியயாக நிறுவனங் கள் மின்
கட்டண மனுணவ தாக்கல் தெய் யயவண்டும் .
தெய் ய யவண்டும் . 200 யூனிட்டில் முதல் 50 யூனிட் வணர ஒரு
CERC/APTEL யபான்ற பல ெட்ட அணமப் புகள் ,
கட்டணம் 51 முதல் 100 யூனிட் வணர ஒரு கட்டணம் 101 முதல் தமிழ் நாடு மின் உற் பத்தி மற் றும் பகிர்மான கழகம்
200 ஒரு கட்டணம் என உள் ஒதுக்கீடு தெய் து கட்டணம் மின் கட்டணம் திருத்தம் தெய் யாதது குறித்து
அவ் வப் யபாது கண்டனம் ததரிவித்து வந்தன.
நிர்ணயம் தெய் ய முடியாது. அப் படி தெய் வது ஒரு குறிப்பிட்ட
தமிழ் நாடு மின்உற் பத்தி மற் றும் பகிர்மான கழகம்
யநரத்தில் தமாத்த உபயயாகம் என நிர்ணயம் தெய் ய யகாரும் உள் ளபடி வழங் கல் விணலக்கான மின் கட்டணம்
மின் ொரம் ெட்டம் பிரிவு 62(3) எதிரானது நீ ங் கள் இல் லாததால் தரவரிணெயில் பின் தங் கியது இந்த
காரணத்தினால் வங் கிகள் யமலும் கடன் வழங் க
நிர்ணயம் தெய் யும் படி முணற கட்டணம் ( சிலாப் சிஸ்டம் )
முன்வரவில் ணல.
மின் ொர ெட்டத்தின் யமற் படி பிரிவிற் கு எதிரானது எனயவ 4. 2014-15 நிதியாண்டுடன் ஒப் பீடும் யபாது
உயர் அழுத்த பிரிவிற் கு மின் கட்டணம் படி முணறயின்றி எரிதபாருள் அடிப்பணட விணல, யபாக்குவரத்து
நிர்ணயம் தெய் திருப் பது யபால் தாழ் வழுத்த மின் மற் றும் ணகயாளும் கட்டணங் கள் 49%
அதிகரித்துள் ளது. மத்திய ததாகுப் பில் இருந்து
இணணப் புகளுக்கும் படி முணற இன் றி நிர்ணயம் தெய் ய
மின் தகாள் முதல் தெய் யும் மின் ொரத்தின் மாறுபடும்
யவண்டும் என யகட்டுக்தகாள் கியறன். விணல 2014-15 நிதியாண்டுடன் ஒப் பீடு தெய் யும்
யபாது 37% அதிகரித்துள் ளது.
பராமரிப் பிற் க்கான கடன் கள் மின் ொரத்தின்
4. உயர் அழுத்த மின் இணணப்புகளுக்கு Demand chargers என்ற
ெராெரியாக தபறப் படும் விணலக்கும் ,
தபயரிலும் தாழ் வழுத்த மின் இணணப் புகளில் Fixed Charges
மின்வழங் கலுக்கான விணலக்கும் இணடயில் எற் பட்ட
என்ற தபயரில் பல் யவறு ததாணககள் மின் கட்டணத்துடன் இணடதவளி காரணமாக வட்டிக்கான தெலவுகள் 50%
இணணத்து வசூலிக்க முன் ெமர்ப்பித்து அதிகரித்துள் ளது.
5. தமிழ் நாடு மின் உற் பத்தி மற் றும் பகிர்மான
ஆணணயத்தின் அணுமதி யகாரப் பட்டுள் ளது. மின் ொர ெட்டம்
கழகம் 8 வருட இணடதவளிக்குப் பிறகு மின்
பிரிவு 45(3) கீழ் கண்டவாறு உள் ளது. Section 45.( Power to recover கட்டணத்ணத ெராெரியாக உயர்த்த
charges): -(1) Subject to the provision of this section, the prices to be உத்யதசிக்கப் பட்டுள் ளது.
charged by a distribution licensee for the supply of electricity by him in 6. மின் ொர ெட்டம் 2003 பிரிவு 45 (5) ன்படி –

pursuance of section 43 shall be in accordance with such tariffs fixed from மின் ொர ெட்டம் பிரிவு 62 மற் றும் ஒழுங் குமுணற
ஆணணய விதிகளின்படி கட்டணங் கள் நிர்ணயம்
time and conditions of his licence.
தெய் ய யவண்டும் . தற் யபாணதய மின் கட்டண விகித
2. The charges for electricity supplied by a distribution licensee shall be-
விதிகள் 2005ன்படி (திருத்தங் கள் ) மின் கட்டண மனு
(a) fixed in accordance with the methods and the principles as may be & இதர பிற கட்டணங் ணள மனு தாக்கல்
specified by the concerned State Commission தெய் யப் பட்டுள் ளது.
(b) Published in such manner so as to give adequate publicity for such 7. மின் ொர ெட்டம் பிரிவு 62 (3)ன்படி
charges and prices. நுகர்யவார்கள் பல வணககளாக பிரிக்கப் பட்டு
3. The charges for electricity supplied by a distribution licensee may include பயன்பாடு, தன் ணம மற் றும் பளு ஆகியவற் றின்
அடிப் பணடயில் நிர்ணயம் தெய் ய மனு தாக்கல்
(a) a fixed charge in addition to the charges for the actual electricity
தெய் யப் பட்டுள் ளது.
8. தபாதுமக்களுக்கான அறிவிப் பு 21.07.22
(b) a rent of other charges in respect of any electric meter or electrical plant
நாளிட்ட தினகரன், The Hindu, Times of India மற் றும்
provided by the distribution licensee. 22.07.22 அன்று தினத்தந்தியில்
4. Subject to the provision of section 62, in fixing charges under this section தவளியிடப் பட்டுள் ளது. (நான்கு இதழ் கள் )
a distribution licensee shall not show undue preference to any person or 9. நுகர்யவார்கள் தங் கள் கருத்துக்கணள
class of persons or discrimination against any person or class of persons. விண்ணப் பம் மற் றும் இணணயதளம் வாயிலாகவும்
5. The charges fixed by the distribution licensee shall be in accordance with அனுப் புமாறு யகட்டுக்தகாள் ளப் பட்டுள் ளது.
10. மின் கட்டண உயர்வு குறித்த மக்கள் அறிந்து
the provision of this Act and the regulations made in this behalf by the
தகாண்டும் தெய் தி வணகயில் உத்யதசிக்கப் பட்ட
concerned State Commission.
கட்டணங் கள் அறிவிப் பு பலவணகயாக
ணவக்கப் பட்டுள் ளது.
உட்பிரிவு 4ல் in fixing charges under this section a distribution licensee 11. ஒயர வீட்டில் மின் மான்யம் கூடுதலாக
shall not show undue preference to any person or class of persons என தபறுவதற் காக தபறப் பட்ட கூடுதல் மின்
இணணப் புகணள ஒழுங் கு படுத்த
தொல் வதன் மூலம் fixing charges மற் றும் meter rent நிர்ணயம்
உத்யதசிக்கப் பட்டுள் ளது.
தெய் ய யவண்டியது மின் உரிமம் தாரர் மட்டுயம மின் ொர 12. மின் துண்டிப் பு காலத்திற் கான
ஒழுங் குமுணற நிர்ணயம் அல் ல என்பது ததளிவாக புரியும் கட்டணங் கள் தமிழ் நாடு ஒழுங் குமுணற ஆணணய
மின் ொர வழங் கல் விதித்ததாகுப் புகளின்படி வசூல்
யமலும் பிரிவு 5 The charges fixed by the distribution licensee shall be in
தெய் யப் படுகிறது.
accordance with the provision of this Act and the regulations made in this
13. உயரழுத்த நுகர்யவார்கள் கட்டுமான
behalf by the concerned State Commission என கூறுவதில் இருந்து பணிகணள ஒழுங் குபடுத்த கட்டுமான
விதிமுணறகள் வகுப் பது மட்டுயம ஆணணயத்தின் பணி, பணிகளுக்கான பயன்படும் மின் ொரத்தின்
தாழ் வழுத்த கட்டுமான மின் கட்டண
கட்டணம் நிர்ணயிப்பது மின் உரிமம் தாரரின் யவணலயாகும் .
விகிதப் பட்டியில் வசூலிக்க உத்யதசிக்கப்
எனயவ fixing charges மற் றும் meter rent முதலியணவகணள பட்டுள் ளது. தாழ் வழுத்த மின் நுகர்யவார்களுக்கு
கட்டணம் நிர்ணயம் தெய் ய முதலில் விதி முணறகணள தற் யபாணதய விதிகளில் மாற் றம் இல் ணல.
14. மின் கட்டண ஆணணயில் குறிப் பட்டுள் ள
ஏற் படுத்தவும் அதன் பின்னர் மின் உரிமம் தாரர் கட்டணத்ணத
விலங் குகள் வளர்ப்பு யபான்ற பிறபயன்பாடடிற் கு
நிர்ணயம் தெய் ய அனுமதிக்கவும் , எனயவ இந்த முன் வணிக யநாக்கில் பயன்படுத்துவது தவிற் கும்
தபாழிவில் fixing charges நிர்ணயம் தெய் வணத வணகயில் 2KW என்பணத 1kW என மாற் றி அணமக்க
தள் ளிணவக்கவும் . உரிய முன் தமாழிவு ெமர்ப்பிக்கப் பட்டுள் ளது. மின்
வாகனங் களுக்கு தபாது மின்யனற் றம் தெய் ய
5. மின் கட்டணம் நிர்ணயம் தெய் வதற் கான முன் தமாழிவு
பயன்படுத்தப் படும் மின் ொரத்திற் கு வாகன
ஒழுங் குமுணற ஆணணயத்தில் ெமர்ப்பிக்கப் பட்டுள் ளது. ஓட்டிகளிடமிருந்து வசூல் தெய் வதால் பிற
நிணலக்கட்டணம் வீடு இணணப்பு தவிர அணனத்து பயன்பாட்டின் கீழ் (other than) வணிகப் பிரிவில்
யெர்க்கப் பட்டுள் ளது. யமலும் சுய பயன்பாட்டிற் கு
பிரிவுகளுக்கும உண்டு யமற் படி நிணலக்கட்டணம் மின்
மின்யனற் றம் தெய் ய அந்தந்த விகித பட்டியலில்
இணணப் பு மின் துண்டிப் பில் இருந்தாலும் உண்டு மின் அனுமதிக்கப் பட்டுள் ளது.
இணணப் பு தபறாத அறிவிப் பு காலம் கடந்த நிணலயில் உண்டு 15. தபாது விளக்கு மற் றும் தண்ணீர ்
இணணப் புகள் தபாது பயன்பாட்டிக்கு பல
என்பதுடன் மின் உபயயாகம் இல் லாத நிணலயிலும் தெலுத்த
நுகர்யவார்களின் உரியது என்பதால் வீட்டு
யவண்டும் . என பகிர்மான விதி மற் றும் வழங் கல் விதிகளில் இணணப் பு பயன்பாட்டில் இருந்து மாற் றிணமக்க
தொல் லப் பட்டுள் ளது. அது முற் றிலும் தவறாகும் . மின் ொர உத்யதசிக்கப் பட்டுள் ளது.
16. தண்ணீர ் மற் றும் தபாது மின் விளக்கு
ெட்டம் பிரிவு 45(3)(a) கீழ் கண்டவாறு உள் ளது. a fixed charge in
பயன்பாட்டிற் கு தனி மின் இணணப்புகளுக்கு 100
addition to the charges for the actual electricity supplied இதன் மூலம் யூனிட் இலவெ மின் ொரம் கூடுதலாக தபறுவணதத்
ததரியவருவது நிணலக் கட்டணம் , கட்டணத்துடன் தவிர்ப்பதற் காகவும் பல வீடுகளுக்கு தபாதுவாக
பயன்பாட்டிற் கு உரிய வீகிதபட்டி
கூடுதலாக வசூலிக்கலாம் என்பதாகும் . இது மின் உபயயாகம்
உத்யதசிக்கப் பட்டுள் ளது.
இருந்து மின் கட்டணம் தெலுத்தும் யபாது மட்டுயம கூடுதலாக
17. தபயர் பலணககளில் ஆடம் பரமான
நிணலக்கட்டணம் வசூலிக்கலாம் என்பதாகும் . எனயவ மின் பயன்பாட்டிணன தவிர்ப்பதற் காக 2kW-ல் இருந்து 1kW
உபயயாகம் இல் லாத காலங் களில் மின் துண்டிப் பில் மின் ஆக குணறக்க உத்யதசிக்கப் பட்டுள் ளது.
18. மின் கட்டண ஆணணயின் எண்.1 நாள்
இணணப் பு இருக்கும் யபாது நிணலக்கட்டணம் வசூலிப்பது
11.08.2017ன்படி அபரிதமான தவளிெ்ெ
தவறாகும் . எனயவ நிணலக்கட்டணம் மின் உபயயாகம் பயன்பாட்டிற் கு தற் காலிக மின் இணணப் பு தபற் று
இருக்கும் மின் இணணப் புகளுக்கு மட்டுயம வசூலிக்கப் படும் அதற் கான விகிதப் பட்டியலின் கீழ்
நிர்ணயிக்கப் பட்டுள் ளது. யமலும் தனியாக மின்
என்பணத ஆணணயம் உறுதி தெய் ய யவண்டும் . யமலும்
இணணப் பு தபற பலர் முணனவதில் ணல. எனயவ,
யமற் படி பிரிவு ஒருநிணலக்கட்டணம் வசூலிக்கப் பட யவண்டும் தனியாக மின் இணணப் பு தபறாமல் தற் யபாதுள் ள
(a fixed charge ) என கூறப் பட்டுள் ளது. நிணலக்கட்டணம் என்பது பயன்பாட்டில் 5% கூடுதலாக மட்டுயம வசூலிக்க
உத்யதசிக்கப் பட்டுள் ளது.
உள் கட்டணமப்புகணள ஏற் படுத்துவதற் காக நுகர்யவாரிடம்
19.தாழ் வழுத்த மின் இணணப்புகளுக்கு
வசூலிக்கப் படும் கட்டணம் இது பாகுபாடு இன்றி உத்யதசிக்கப் பட்ட இன் சுயலென் யொதணன
அணனவரிடம் ஒயர சீரான நிணலயில் இருக்க யவண்டும் இதில் வீதப் பட்டி மாற் ற கட்டணங் கள் விதிக்க
பாரபட்ெத்துடன் மின் உபயயாகம் , மின்பளு இணவகள் உத்யதசிக்கப் பட்டுள் ளது.
20, ரூ,2000க்கு யமல் கட்டணம் ஆன்ணலனில்
அடிப் பணடயில் யவறு யவறு கட்டண அணமப் பில் வசூலிப்பது
தெலுத்துவதற் கு பல் யவறு வழிமுணறகள் (options)
தவறு. யதர்வு தெய் ய வழிவணக தெய் யப் பட்டுள் ளது.
6. நிணலக்கட்டணத்ணத மின் உரிமம் தாரர் நிர்யணம் எனயவ இந்த மனுவானது EA, 2003 மற் றும் Tariff

தெய் வதற் கு உள் ள உரிணமணய தாங் கள் எடுத்துக் தகாண்டு Regulation படி தயார் தெய் யப் பட்டு ெமர்ப்பிக்கப்
நிர்ணயம் தெய் வதும் , தன் உரிணமணய விட்டுக் தகாடுத்து பட்டுள் ளது.
மின் உரிமம் தாரான மின் உற் பத்தி மற் றும் பகிர்மான கழகம்
மின் ொர
ஒழுங் கு முணற ஆணணயத்திடம் நிணலக்கட்டணத்ணத உயர்த்த
முன் தமாழிவு தகாடுத்து காத்திருப் பதும் மின் ொர ெட்டத்ணத
இருவரும் மதிக்காத நிணலயாகும் இதணன தவிர்க்க யவண்டும் .
யமற் கண்ட தபாது விமர்ெனங் கள் மற் றும் ஆட்யெபணன
தவிர்த்து மின் கட்டணம் குறித்து கீழ் கண்ட ஆட்யெபணன
ததரிவிக்கப் படுகிறது.
1. உயர் அழுத்தமின் கட்டணத்ணத தபாருத்துவணரயில்
தமாத்தம் 5 பிரிவுகள் மட்டுயம உள் ளது இதில் உள் ஒதுக்கீடான
Slabsystem இல் ணல. ஆனால் தாழ் வழுத்த மின் இணணப் பில் 6
வணக பிரிவுகள் Tariff இருந்தாலும் அதன் உள் ஒதுக்கீடு மூலம்
11 வணகயில் A1,A2,B,B1,B2 என தெய் வதும் அதனுள் மீண்டும் 30
பிரிவுகள் ஏற் படுத்தி மின் கட்டணம் நிர்ணயம் தெய் வது
நுகர்யவாரின் அதிகம் குழப்புவதாகவும் , அவர்கள் மின்
கட்டண பிரிவுகணள ததளிவாக அறிய முடியாத நிணலணயயும்
ஏற் படுத்தி உள் ளது.
2. உயர் அழுத்த மின் இணணப் பில் வீதப் பட்டி IIBல் யூனிட்டிற் கு
ரூ.1.15 உயர்வும் வீதப் பட்டி IV க்கு யூனிட்டிற் கு ரூ.1.00 உயர்வும்
அதிகபட்ெமாக அறிவிக்கப் பட்டுள் ளது. ஆனால் தாழ் வழுத்த
மின் கட்டண விகிதத்தில் வீதப் பட்டி IAல் கட்டண உயர்வு
ரூ.1.40ல் ஆரம் பித்து ரூ.4.40 நிர்ணயிக்கப் பட்டுள் ளது. இது
குணறந்த அளவு உபயயாகிப் பவர்கள் தபருமளவு வணர
பாதிக்கும் நிணலயில் 500 யூனிட்டு யமல்
உபயயாகிப் பவர்களின் கழுத்ணத தநறிக்கும் தெயலாக
உள் ளது. IIAவில் ரூ.1.65ம் IIB1ல் ரூ.2.25ம் B2ல் ரூ.1.00ம்
2(C)ல் ரூ.1.25ம் IIIA1ல் ரூ.1.90ம் IIIA2ல் ரூ.1.75 V ல் ரூ.1.45ம் உயர்வு
அறிவிக்கப் பட்டுள் ளது. இது மிகவும் அதிகப் படியான உயர்வு
ஆண்டிற் கு ஒரு முணற ARR வழங் கி மின் கட்டணத்ணத சிறிது
சிறிதாக உயர்த்தாமல் பல ஆண்டுகள் கழித்து ஒயர அடியாக
உயர்த்துவது நுகர்யவாரின் மீது அக்ணகணறயின் ணமயும்
பகிர்மான கழகத்தின் அலட்சியத்ணதயும்
தவளிப் படுத்துகிறது. ஒழுங் கு முணற ஆணணயம்
ஆண்டுயதாறும் ARR யகட்டு தபறாதது தவறு.
3.உத்யதசிக்கப் பட்டுள் ள மின் கட்டணம் குறித்து தபாது மக்கள்
அறியவும் தங் கள் கருத்துக்கணளயும் ஆட்யெபணனகணளயும்
ததரிவிக்க யபாதிய விளம் பரம் தெய் யப் படவில் ணல. 3 யகாடி
மின்நுகர்யவார்கள் உள் ள நிணலயில் அவர்கள் அணனவரும்
ததரிந்து தகாள் ளும் வணகயில் கட்டண விவரம் மற் றும் இதர
தகவல் களின் சுருக்கம் பிரபலமான தமிழ் தெய் த்தித்தாள் கள்
எதிலும் தவளியிடப் படவில் ணல. ஆணணயம் , மற் றும்
மின்வாரியத்தின் இணணயதளத்தில் தவளியிட்டால்
யபாதுமானதா நுகர்யவார்கள் அணனவரும் இணணய தளம்
ணவத்துள் ளார்களா இணணய தளம் வெதி இல் லாதவர்கள் ,
பிரவுசிங் தென்டர் தென்று 300 பக்கத்ணத படிக்க முடியுமா
அல் லது பதிவு இறக்கம் ரூ.500/- தெலவு தெய் து காப் பி எடுக்க
முடியுமா தெய் திதாளில் தவளியிட்டால் ரூ.7 தகாடுத்து
தெய் த்தித்தாள் வாங் கி தென்று வீட்டில் நிதானமாக படித்து
அறிய முடியும் அதணன பாதுகாப் பாக ணவக்க முடியும் . மின்
பகிர்மான கழக அலுவலகத்தில் விளம் பரபலணக
ணவக்கப் பட்டுள் ளது. மின் கட்டணம் அமுலுக்கு வந்து விட்டது
யபால் மின் கட்டணம் திருத்தம் 2022 என்ற தணலப்பில்
தவளியிடப் பட்டுள் ளது. அது ஒரு உத்யதெமான கட்டணம்
என்யறா அதணன ஆட்யெபித்து ஒழுங் கு முணற
ஆணணயத்திற் கும் மின்பகிர்மான கழகத்திற் கும் மாறுபட்ட
கருத்யதா அல் லது ஆட்யெபணனயயா ததரிவிக்கலாம் என
எங் கும் குறிப்பிடப்படவில் ணல. யமற் படி விளம் பரம் எதிலும் ,
யூனிட்டுக்கு எவ் வளவு கட்டணம் உயருகிறது.
நிர்ணயிக்கப் பட்டுள் ளது என எங் கும் குறிப் பிடவில் ணல.
மிகவும் ொமர்த்தியமாக உண்ணமயான மின் கட்ட உயர்வு
மணறக்கப் பட்டுள் ளது. மின் கட்டணம் இரண்டு மாதங் களுக்கு
ஒரு முணற விதிக்கப் படுகிறது. விளம் பரத்தில் இரண்டு
மாதங் கள் யூனிட் உபயயாகம் 20 யூனிட்டுக்கு மாதம் ஒன்றிற் கு
ரூ.27.50, 300 யூனிட் உபயயாகம் வணர ரூ.72.50, 400 யூனிட் வணர
ரூ.147.50 மட்டுயம என்றும் 500 யூனிட் வணர ரூ.297.50 என்று
மட்டுயம என கூறப் பட்டுள் ளது. ஆனால் மின் கட்டணம்
தெலுத்தும் யபாது ஒரு மாத கட்டணம் என விளம் பரத்தில்
குறிப் பிட்டுள் ளது யபால் இரு மடங் கு தெலுத்த யவண்டாமா ஆக
மின் கட்டணம் உயர்வு குறித்து மின் நுகர்யவார்கள்
முழுணமயாக ததரிந்துதகாள் ள இயலாமல் தடுக்கப்
பட்டுள் ளர்கள் பத்திரிக்ணககளில் தவளியிடுமாறு ஒழுங் கு
ஆணணயத்திற் கு இதமயில் அனுப் பியும் , பத்திரிக்ணககளில்
தவளியிடப் படவில் ணல. நுகர்யவாருக்கு விபரங் கள்
முழுணமயாக ததரிந்து தகாள் ள இயலாணமக்கு ஒழுங் குமுணற
ஆணணயமும் , மின் பகிர்மான கழகயம காரணமாகும் .
4. மின் கட்டண பியரரணனயில் உயர் அழுத்த மின் கட்டணம்
ெம் பந்தமாக பிரிவு 07.11.19ல் கட்டுமான பணிக்காக
பயன்படுத்தும் மின் உபயயாகம் அணனத்தும் ெதுர அடி
கணக்கில் இல் லாமல் தற் காலிக மின் இணணப் பில் தகாண்டு
வரயவண்டும் என யகாரப் பட்டுள் ளது. இது ஏற் கனயவ உள் ள
2000 ெதுர அடி வணர கட்டுமான பணி தெய் பவர்களுக்கான
ெலுணகணய பறிப்பதாகும் . மின் நுகர்யவாணர கெக்கி
அணனவரிடமும் பணம் பறிக்க யவண்டும் என்பதில் மின்
பகிர்மான கழகம் குறியாக உள் ளது. இந்த ெலுணக
ததாடரயவண்டும் .
5 .07.01.ல் உயர் அழுத்தம் வீதப் பட்டி IIA ல் ஏற் கனயவ Actual
Place of Worship என்பதற் கு கூடுதல் விளக்கம் யகாயில் ,
ொர்ெ்சுகள் மசூதிகள் தஜயின் மந்திர், குருத்வாரா
புத்தயகாவில் என குறிப் பிட கூறப் பட்டுள் ளது.
மதயகாவில் களில் ஏதும் பிரெ்ெணன இல் ணல, இந்து ெமயத்ணத
தபாறுத்து யகாவில் கள் ( Temple ) என்று மட்டும்
குறிப் பிட்டுள் ளது. இந்து யகாவில் கணள தபாறுத்தமாட்டில்
யகாவில் கள் மட்டும் வழிபாட்டு தளம் அல் ல. இந்து மதத்தில்
பஜணன மண்டலங் கள் , பல் யவறு சுவாமிகள் படம் அல் லது
சிணல ணவத்து வழிபடுவார்கள் அதுயபால் வள் ளலார் ஞான
ெணபயில் வழிபாடும் அன்னதானமும் நணடதபறும் , அது யபால்
தியானமண்டபங் களில் வியாபார நடவடிக்ணக இன் றி
அணமதியான வழிபாடு நணடதபறுகிறது. இந்த
வழிபாட்டுதளங் கள் இதனால் பாதிக்கப் படுவர். இந்த
விளக்கத்தில் பஜணன மண்டபங் கள் , தியாண மண்டபங் கள் ,
வள் ளலார் மண்டபங் களும் இணணக்கபட யவண்டும் இயத
நிணல தாழ் வழுத்த மின் இணணப்பிற் கும் ததாடரயவண்டும்
என யகட்டுக்தகாள் கியறன் .
6. 7.1.4 மின் ொர வாகனங் கணள ஊக்கப் படுத்தும் நிணலயில்
Charging Unit அவசியமானது இவற் ணற விதப் பட்டி IIIல் Commercial
பிரிவில் அவர்கள் கூடுதல் கட்டணம் வசூலிப் பர் இதனால்
மின் ொர ணவத்திருப் பவர் பாதிக்கப் படுவர் அரசின்
தகள் ணகணய ஆதரிக்கும் வணகயில் தபட்யரால் பங் கில்
இருந்தால் தனி மின் இணணப் பு அல் லது மீட்டர் தபாறுத்தி IIA
வில் யெர்க்க யவண்டும் . தாழ் வழுத்த மின் இணணப் பில் இது
IIIA1ல் ணவக்கப் பட்ட யவண்டும் .
7. 8.2.1 மின் துண்டிப் பு காலத்தில் Fixed Charges வசூலிப்பது
தவறு இது மின் ொர ெட்டம் 45 (3) (a) க்கு எதிரானது
8. 7.1.7 Dwelling Unit விளக்கத்தில் Cooking and Sanitary Requirement
இருக்க யவண்டும் என கூறப் பட்டுள் ளது. இது பல ஏணழகள்
குடியிருக்கும் குணறவான பரப் பளவு தகாண்ட பகுதி அல் லது
முழு வீடுகணள பாதிக்கும் இன் றும் , ஒயர அணறயில் வசிக்கும்
குடும் பங் கள் பல உண்டு பல சிறிய குடியிருப் பு பகுதிகளில்
குடும் பங் களுக்கு ஒரு கழிவணற இருக்கும் , தென்ணன யபான்ற
தபருநகரங் களில் ஒரு அணறயில் வசித்து ததருவில் அடுப்பு
ணவத்து ெணமயல் தெய் து தபாது கழிப்பிடத்ணத
பயன்படுத்துபவர்கள் அதிகம் அதுயபால் நகரங் களில் தனி
ெணமயல் அணற இல் ணல. ஒரு யடபிளில் மின் ொர அடுப்ணப
பயன்படுத்துபவர்கள் அதிகம் எனயவ இந்த பிரிவிணன
முற் றிலும் நீ க்க யவண்டும் பல ஒரு அணறயாக இருந்தாலும்
Physically and Electrically Seperation இருந்தால் யபாதுமானது
திருத்தத்ணத ஏற் க யவண்டாம் .
9. 7.1.7 (C) பகுதி வீடுகளுக்கு மின் இணணப் பு வழங் க வாடணக
ரசீது அல் லது குத்தணக ஒப் பந்தம் அவசியம் என
கூறப் பட்டுள் ளது. கூடுதல் மின் இணணப் பு என்பது ஒயர
வீட்டிற் கு வழங் குவதல் ல தனி வழி உள் ள இதர பகுதியயாடு
ததாடர்பில் லாத சிறிய தனியான தனித்தனி குடுபங் களுக்கு
வழங் குவதாகும் . சிறிய வீடுகளுக்கு இரண்டு இணணப் புகள்
யதணவப் படாது தபரிய வீடுகளில் தான் மாடிப் பகுதிக்கு ஏசி
உபயயாகத்திற் கு என தனியாக வாங் குகின்றனர். இணத
வழங் குவது மின் பகிர்மான கழக பணியாளர்களும்
அலுவலர்களுக்கும் தான் நணடமுணறயில் வீட்டில் வாடணகக்கு
குடியிருப் பவர்கள் எவரும் ஒப் பந்தம் ஏற் டுத்திக்
தகாள் வதில் ணல. தகாடுக்கும் வாடணகக்கு ரசீதும்
தபறுவதில் ணல வீட்டு உரிணமயாளரும் தகாடுப் பதில் ணல.
எனயவ தனிபகுதியாக இருந்தால் தனி மின் இணணப் பு
வழங் கலாம் . மின் இணணப் பு தபற் றப்பின் தான் வாடணகக்கு
விட முடியம் . எனயவ தான் இணணப் பு தபறுவதற் கு முன்
குத்தணக அல் லது வாடணக ஒப் பந்தம் ஏற் படுத்த முடியாது
10 .7.1.7 (d) மின் பகிர்மான கழகம் வீட்டு விலங் கு மற் றும்
யகாட்ட வளர்ப்பிற் கு இந்த மின் இணணப் புகணள தனியாக
நணடமுணறயில் வழங் குதில் ணல சிலயர பயன்படுத்தும்
இவ் வணக மின் இணணப் பிற் கு 2KW என்பணத குணறக்க
யவண்டாம் ஒரு யமாட்டார் 1 HP ணவத்தாயல 0.75 KW
ஆகிவிடுகிறது. யவறு எந்த கூடுதல் வெதியும் ஏற் படுத்த
11. 7.1.7(j) தணரப் பகுதி அளணவ தபாறுத்து மின் பளு நிர்ணயம்
தெய் ய யகாரப் பட்டுள் ளது. மின் நுகர்யவார் உபயயாகம்
தெய் யாமல் அவர் ெம் மதம் இல் லாமல் அவரின்
உபயயாகத்திற் கு யமல் தன் னிெ்ணெயாக மின் வாரியம் பளு
நிர்ணயம் தெய் வது தவறானது. அவர் எவ் வளவு உபயயாகம்
தெய் கிறார் என்பது மீட்டரில் பதிவாகும் . Demandல் ததரியும்
KWணவ கூடுதலாக நிர்ணயம் தெய் து நுகர்யவாரிடம் இதர
கட்டணங் கணள கூடுதலாக வசூலிக்க யவண்டுதமன்பது
மின்வாரித்தின் குறிக்யகாலாக உள் ளது. வீட்டு மின்
இணணப் பிற் கு FC எடுத்து விடும் நிணலயில் மின் இணணப் பு
கட்டணம் KW அல் லாமல் மின் இணணப்பிற் கு இவ் வளவு என
வசூலிக்கும் நிணலயில் இது யதணவயற் றது Development Charge
மற் றும் CCD வசூலிக்க இணத தகாண்டு வர நிணனப்பது
தவறானது. நுகர்யவார் அளிக்கும் மின் பளுயவ இறுதியானதாக
இருக்க யவண்டும் .
12 .7.1.7 (h) தபாதுவான தண்ணீர ் விநியகாகம் , தபாது மின்
விளக்கு ஆகியணவ வீட்டு மின் இணணப் பியலயய ததாடர
யவண்டும் மற் றணவகள் 1Dயில் இணணக்கலாம் .
13. 7.1.14 (c) TFV திருமண மண்டபங் களில் கூடுதல் தவளிெ்ெம்
யபாடுவதற் கு 5% கூடுதல் கட்டணம் விதிக்க
யகாரப் பட்டுள் ளது. ஏற் கனயவ வீதப் பட்டி Vக்கு அணனத்து
வீதப் பட்டிகணள விட கூடுதல் கட்டணமாக யூனிட் ரூ.8.05 காசு
விதிக்கப் படுகிறது. தற் யபாது ரூ.9.50 என யகாரப் படுகிறது.
இந்நிணலயில் கூடுதல் 5 ெதம் என்பது அநியாயமானது.
திருமண மண்டபங் களில் மின் கட்டணத்ணத மண்டப
உரிணமயாளர்கள் தெலுத்துவதில் ணல. அவர்கள் விழா
நடத்துபவர்களிடம் உள் யள நுணழயும் யபாதும் தவளியயறும்
யபாது மீட்டர் கணக்தகடுத்து யூனிட் ஒன்றுக்கு ரூ.12 முதல்
ரூ.15 வணர வசூலிக்கிறார்கள் . இந்நிணலயில் 5% ெர்ொர்ஜ்
விதித்தால் அவர்கள் யூனிட் ரூ.20 வசூலிப் பார்கள் தங் கள்
தபற் ற பிள் ணளகளுக்கு தங் கள் கடணமணய தெய் யும்
தபற் யறார்களிடம் எரிகிற வீட்டில் பிடிங் கியது வணர லாபம்
என மற் றவர்கணள யபால் நீ ங் களும் நடந்து தகாள் ளாதீர்கள்
இதணன முற் றிலும் ரத்து தெய் யவும் .
14 .7.1.15 (b) கணட யபார்டு தவளிெ்ெம் யபாட 1KWஎன
நிர்ணயிக்க யகாரப் பட்டுள் ளது. அவர்கள் கூடுதல் பணம்
தெலுத்துகின் றனர். TFV ல் யபாட்டி வியாபாரத்தில் விளம் பரம்
அவசியம் . அதற் கு ஒரு கட்டுபாடு யதணவயா, எல் லா
வீதப் பட்டியிலும் கட்டுபாடுகள் அதிகப் படுத்தவது
கட்டணத்ணத கூட்டுவது பிரிவு கணள அதிகப் படுத்திக்
தகாண்யட யபாவது இணவகள் நியாயமானதாக இல் ணல.
இவ் வளவு உட் பிரிவுகள் யவறு எந்த மாநில கட்டண
விகிதத்தில் இல் ணல என கருதுகியறன். அணலயபசி
நிறுவனங் கணள பாருங் கள் அவர்கள் ஒயர கட்டணத்திற் கு
ெலுணககணள கூட்டிக் தகாண்யட தெல் கிறார்கள் . காரணம்
அவர்கள் யபாட்டியாளர்கள் இணடயில் ததாழில்
தெய் கிறார்கள் . ஆனால் மின் பகிர்மான கழகம் ததாழில்
யபாட்டியின் றி நிர்வாக திறணமயற் ற காரணத்தால்
நஷ்டத்ணத ஏற் படுத்தி அதணன நுகர்யவார்கள் மீது
தினிக்கிறது அதற் கு மின் ொர ஒழுங் கு முணற ஆணணயம்
துணணயாக இருக்கக் கூடாது. மின் கட்டண நிர்ணயத்திற் கு பின் நுகர்யவாருக்கு
தகவல் ததரிவிக்க பல் வணக வழிகள் குறித்து 5MS/ Banner
மற் றும் பல வழிகள் யகாரப் பட்டுள் ளது. ஆனால் முன் தமாழிவு
குறித்து தகவல் ததரிவிக்க எந்த வழிணயயும் ணகயாளவில் ணல.
எதிர்ப்ணபயயா கருத்து ததரிவித்தணலயயா பகிர்மான கழகம்
விரும் பவில் ணல. பணம் வசூணல மட்டுயம விரும் புகிறது. TF Clarification இதில் தண்ணீர ் மாற் றம் இன்றி வருகிறது
அதனால் ததாழிற் ொணலயா என்பது யகாரப் பட்டுள் ளது
அவர்களின் அறியாணமணய தவளிப் படுத்துகிறது. ROமுலம்
தண்ணீரில் உள் ள கிரீமிகள் நீ க்கப் பட்டு சுத்தப் படுத்தப் பட்டு
யதணவயற் ற தபாருள் கள் நீ க்கப் பட்டு குடிக்கும் நீ ராக
தவளிவருகிறது. இதில் வடிவம் மாறவில் ணல. ஆனால் தண்ணீர ்
தன் ணமமாறுகிறது. கடின குடிநீ ர் சுணவயான தமன்னீராக
மாற் றப் படுகிறது. எனயவ இது ததாழிற் ொணலக்கான
நடவடிக்ணக இதில் மாறுதல் யதணவயில் ணல. (c) Rationalisation குறித்து கூறப்படுகிறது. HTல் உள் ள
ெமப் படுத்துதல் LT யில் உள் ளதா ொதகமான இடங் களில்
Rationalisation கூறுவதும் பாதகமான இடங் களில்
பணத்யதணவணய யகாருவதும் யவடிக்ணகயானது. (F1) விபத்தில் யெதமான கம் பத்ணத மாற் ற DCWல்
பணம் தெலுத்த விபத்ணத ஏற் படுத்தியவர் முன்வரும் யபாது
அவரிடம் பதிவு கட்டணம் யகாருவது என்ன தகாடுணமயான
விஷயம் தவணற ெரி தெய் ய வருபவரிடம் நான் ெரி
தெய் கியறன் என யகட்பணத பதிவு தெய் ய கட்டணம் தர
யவண்டுமா அணனத்திலும் காசு பார்ப்பது நியாயமற் ற தெயல்
பதிவு கட்டணம் எணதயும் மின் ொர ெட்டத்தின் எந்த பிரிவும்
அனுமதிக்கவில் ணல. ஆனால் ஒழுங் கு முணற ஆணணயம்
சிலவற் றிர்க்கு அனுமதி வழங் கியதால் அவர்கள் தனது
யகாரிக்ணககணள அளவின்றி நீ ட்டித்துக் தகாண்யட
யபாகின்றனர். மின் பகிர்மான கழகம் தான் நுகர்யவாருக்கு
தெய் ய யவண்டிய அணனத்து கடணமக்கும் நுகர்யவாரிடம் காசு
வசூலிப் பது நிர்வாக திறணமயின்றி காதில் யபாட்ட யதாட்ணட
யதாட்டத்தில் ததாணலத்துவிட்டு அணத ஈடு தெய் ய ததருவில் (
நுகர்யவாரிடம் ) யதடுவது யபான்றது.
19. 17.1.17 (fi) Attenting Faults பகிர்மன கழகம் தனது மின்பாணத
மற் றும் ொதனங் கள் முதலியவற் ணற ததாடர்ந்து பராமரிக்க
யவண்டும் . ஆனால் குணறகணள நிவர்த்தி தெய் ய தாழ் வழுத்த
மின் இணணப்பில் பணம் யகார அனுமதிக்க யவண்டும் என்பது
ஆபத்தானது. மீட்டர் யபார்டு மாற் றம் , மின் இணணப்பு
வழங் குதல் மற் றும் இன் சுயலஷன் யொதணன முதலிய
அணனத்திற் கும் பணம் வசூலிப் பயதாடு ெரி. நணடமுணறயில்
பணிகணள தெய் வது நுகர்யவார் அமர்த்தும் தனி மின்
பணியாளயர எனயவ இணத அனுமதிக்காதீர்கள் உயர்ந்த
பிரிவிற் கு வீதப் பட்டி மாற் றம் தெய் யவில் ணல என்றால் மின்
பகிர்மானத்திற் கு நட்டயம குணறந்த வீதப் பட்டிக்கு மாற் றம்
யகாருவது நுகர்யவார் உரிணம அதணன மறுக்காதீர்கள்
அதற் கும் காசு யகட்காதீர்கள் .
20. ரூ.2000க்கு யமற் பட்ட மின் கட்டணங் கணள இனியமல்
ஆன்ணலன் மூலம் தெலுத்த யவண்டுதமன்று
யகாரப் பட்டுள் ளது. நுகர்யவார்கள் அணனவரும் ஆன்ணலனில்
பணம் அனுப் ப ததரிந்தவர்கள் அல் ல அவர்கள் பணம்
தெலுத்த யவதறாருவணர உதவிணய நாட யவண்டும் . அதற் கு
பணம் தெலுத்த யவண்டும் இது நுகர்யவாருக்கு கூடுதல் தெலவு
யமலும் யவதறாருவர் உதவிணய நாடும் யபாது அவர் பணம்
விஷயத்தில் தவறுதல் தெய் யக் கூடும் . நுகர்யவார் இணத
கண்காணிக்க முடியாது. எனயவ இந்த முணறணய
முழுவதுமாக ரத்து தெய் யவும் . விருப்பபட்டவர்கள் விபரம்
ததரிந்தவர்கள் ஆன்ணலனில் தெலுத்தட்டும் . உங் களுக்கு
பணம் உடனடி யதணவக்கு Point Of Sale மிஷிணன ஒவ் தவாரு
பிரிவு அலுவலகத்திலும் நுகர்யவாரின் தடபிட் கார்டு மூலம்
பணம் வசூல் தெய் ய நடவடிக்ணக யமற் தகாள் ளவும் .
Commission’s Views:
The Commission has taken note of the reply furnished by the TANGEDCO and the matter has been dealt with appropriately in the relevant Chapter of this
Tariff Order.
9. Thiru S.Gandhi, தலைவர், தமிழ் நாடு மின்துலைப் பபாறியாளர்கள் அலைப் பு

1. திறந்த தவளி பயன்பாடு மின் துணற அணமெ்ெரின் தற் யபாது நுகர்யவார்களிடமிருந்து வசூல்
அறிக்ணக மின் வாரியம் 1,59,800 யகாடி இழப் பில் தெய் யப் படும் கட்டணமானது மாண்பணம
இருப் பதாக தொல் லுகிறது. தமிழ் நாடு மின் ொர ஒழுங் குமுணற ஆணணயத்தால்
மின்பகிர்மான கழகத்தின் வணிக தெயல் பாடு மின் ொரக் கடந்த 8 ஆண்டுகளுக்கு முன் நிர்ணயம்
தகாள் முதல் உற் பத்தி விற் பணன மட்டுமல் ல அதன்
தெய் யப் பட்டது, கடந்த 2014-15 ஆம் ஆண்டில்
கட்டணமப் ணப தனியார் பயன்படுத்திக் தகாள் ள அனுமதிக்கும்
ரூ.44,618 யகாடியாக இருந்த தமிழ் நாடு மின்உற் பத்தி
திறந்த தவளிப் பயன்பாடு (OPEN ACCESS TO PRIVATE
GENERATORS) ஆகும் திறந்ததவளி பயன்பாட்ணட மற் றும் பகிர்மான கழகத்தின் ஒட்டு தமாத்த நிதி
பயன்படுத்தும் தனியார் நிறுவனங் கயள குறிப் பாக- இழப் பானது, ரூ.68,648 யகாடி அதிகரித்து, 31.03.2021
காற் றாணலகள் - மின்வாரியத்தின் தபரும் இழப்புக்கு அன்று ரூ.1,13,266 யகாடியாக உயர்ந்துள் ளது. மின்
காரணமானவர்கள் . நுகர்யவார் விணல குறியீட்டு எண் புள் ளிகள் 236
2.யபங் கிங் காற் றாணலகளுக்கு தரப் படும் தனிெ் ெலுணக ஆகும் முதல் 333 வணர உயர்ந்த காரணத்தினால் அதாவது
8,615 தமகாவாட்ணட மின்வாரியம் மாதக்கணக்கில் யெமித்து
41% கடன் அதிகரித்தது. எனயவ தமிழ் நாடு மின்
ணவக்க வழியதும் இல் ணல. இதில்
ஆண்டுயதாறும் ரூ.1,900 யகாடிக்கு யமல் இழப் பு ஏற் படுவதாக உற் பத்தி மற் றும் பகிர்மான கழகமானது நிதி
மின் பகிர்மான நிறுவனங் கள் மற் றும் வங் கிகளிடமிருந்து கடன்
கழகம் ஆணணயத்தில் ததரிவித்துள் ளது. எங் கள் வாங் க யவண்டிய கட்டாயத்திற் கு தள் ளப் பட்டது.
கணக்கீட்டின்படி 2019 ஆம் இதன் விணளவாக, ரூ. 64,087 யகாடியாக இருந்த
ஆண்டு வணர யதாராயமாக ரூ.20,000 யகாடிக்கு யமல் இழப்பு கடன் நிலுணவயானது 109 ெதவீதம் அதிகரித்து,
ஏற் பட்டுள் ளது.
தற் ெமயம் ரூ.1,34,210 யகாடி கடன் நிலுணவயில்
இதணன வாரியயமா ஆணணயயமா மறுக்கவில் ணல.
உள் ளது. இதன் விணளவாக கடன் வாங் கிய நிதியின்
3. 1. தனியார் உற் பத்தியாளர்கள் மின் ொரம் எவ் வளவு?
2. மூன் றாவது நபரிடம் இருந்தும் ெந்ணதயிலிருந்தும் உயர் வட்டியும் ஆண்தடான்றிற் கு ரூ.9,281 யகாடியில்
பயனீட்டாளர்கள் வாங் கியது எவ் வளவு? இருந்து ரூ. 14,116 யகாடியாக அதிகரித்துள் ளது.
4. அவ் வாறு ஒரு தமகா வாட்டுக்கு கீழாக உள் ளவர்கள் 2. மத்திய அரசின் மின் அணமெ்ெகத்தால்
தகாண்டு தென்ற மின் ொரம் எவ் வளவு? அது யபான்றவர்கள் மாநிலத்திற் கு கூடுதல் கடன் வாங் குவதற் காக
எத்தணன யபர்? கட்டணத் திருத்தத்துடன் மின் துணற
சீர்திருத்தங் களின் கட்டாய நிபந்தணனணய
மரபுொரா மின் ொரத்திணன தவிர்க்காமல் பயன்படுத்த
யவண்டும் என மின் உருவாக்கியுள் ளது. மத்திய நிதி நிறுவனங் களான
பகிர்மான கழகம் நிர்பந்திக்கப் படுகிறது மரபுொரா மின் ொரம் M/s REC / M/s PFC நிறுவனங் கள் சிறப் புப்
அதிகதகாண்ட மாநிலம் தமிழ் நாடு: இது 14 ஆயிரம் தமகாவாட் பணப் புழக்கத் திட்டத்தின் (ஆத்மநிர்பார் )கீழ்
ஆகும் . இதன் மூலம் மின் பகிர்மான கழகம் ஒவ் தவாரு ரூபாய் 30,230 யகாடி கடணன அனுமதிக்கும் யபாது,
மரபுொரா யூனிட்ணடயும் பயன்படுத்த ரூபாய் 1.57 தெலவழிக்க வருடாந்திர கட்டண திருத்தத்ணத யமற் தகாள் ள
யவண்டி இருக்கிறது என தென்ட்ரல் எலக்ட்ரிசிட்டிஅத்தாரிட்டி
யவண்டும் என்ற முன் நிபந்தணனயின்
(CENTRAL ELECTRICITY AUTHORITY) கணக்கிட்டு உள் ளது. இந்த
கணக்கீட்டின்படி 2016 17 இல் இருந்து 21 -22 ஆம் ஆண்டு வணர அடிப் பணடயில் அனுமதித்துள் ளது.
39,503 மில் லியன் யூனிட் கணள மின் பகிர்மான கழகம் கட்டணத்திருத்தம் தெய் யப் படாததால் , ஆத்ம
பயன்படுத்தி உள் ளது. இதன் மூலம் ரூ.7,492 யகாடிணய நிர்பார் திட்டத்தின் கீழ் மீதமுள் ள ரூ.3,435 யகாடிணய
இழந்திருக்கிறது. இது நடுவர் அரசிடம் இருந்துவசூலிக்கப் பட
REC/PFC நிறுவனங் களால் நிறுத்தி
யவண்டிய இழப் பாகும் . இது குறித்தும் அறிக்ணக ஏதும்
ணவக்கப் பட்டுள் ளது.
தொல் லவில் ணல.
6. மின்வாரியத்தின் நிலக்கரிணய ணகயாளுவதற் காக 3. மின் அணமெ்ெகத்தின் வழி காட்டுதல் களின் படி
ஒப் பந்தத்தில் தபரும் முணறயகடு கண்டறியப் பட்டு அந்த புதுப் பிக்கப் பட்ட விநியயாக துணறதிட்டம் (RDSS)
நிறுவனத்தின் மீது வழக்கு ததாடுக்கப்பட்டது இதில் இழப்பு திட்டத்தின் கீழ் நிதிணய தவளியிடுவதற் காக மின்
என்பது 1,000 யகாடி ரூபாய் க்கு யமலாகும் இந்த வழக்கும் கட்டணம் திருத்தம் தெய் வது முன்
10/2021ல் திரும் ப தபறப் பட்டுள் ளது இதற் கான காரணங் கள் நிபந்தணனயாகும் . அவ் வாறு மின் கட்டணம்
தொல் லப் படயவ இல் ணல.
திருத்தம் தெய் யப்படாவிட்டால் தமிழ் நாடு மின்
7. பிள் ணள தபருமாள் நிறுவனம் மின்பட்டியலில் தெய் த
முணறயகடு காரணமாக 1,300 யகாடி கான வழக்கு உற் பத்தி மற் றும் பகிர்மான கழகத்திற் கு 10,793
உெ்ெநீ திமன்றத்தில் நீ ண்ட காலமாக எந்த முயற் சியும் யகாடி ரூபாய் க்கான மானியங் கள் வழங் கப் படாது
இல் லாததால் நிலுணவயில் உள் ளது. இந்த நிணலயிலும் இந்த மற் றும் அந்த திட்டங் கள் எதுவும் ததாடங் கப் படாது.
நிறுவனத்திற் கு பண நிலுணவ ஏதும் இன் றியய கடந்த 2/ 2022 மின் விநியயாக நிறுவனங் கள் உட்பட அரசுக்கு
வணர 473யகாடிணய மின் ொர மின் பகிர்மான கழகம் தொந்தமான நிறுவனங் களுக்கு கடன்
வழங் கியிருக்கிறது இதன் மூலம் மீண்டும் ஒரு ஊழணல
வழங் குதற் கான வணிக வங் கிகளுக்கு ரிெர்வ் வங் கி
மின்பகிர்மான கழகம் தெய் திருக்கிறது. வழக்குகள் திரும் பப்
ஒரு கட்டாய வழிகாட்டுதணல உருவாக்கியுள் ளது,
தபற் றதன் மூலம் 15,000+1000+473 -16,473 யகாடி இழப் பு
ஏற் பட்டுள் ளது, இதற் கு யார் தபாறுப் பு ? அதன் படி ஒவ் தவாரு ஆண்டும் நவம் பர் 30 ஆம்
8. மின் பகிர்மான கழகத்தில் அனல் மின் உற் பத்தி யததிக்குள் மின் விநியயாக நிறுவனங் கள் மின்
மின்வாரியத்தில் அனல் மின் நிணலயத் திறன் என்பது 4,320 கட்டண மனுணவ தாக்கல் தெய் யயவண்டும் .
தமகா வாட்டாகும் ொதாரணமான குணறந்த அளவு உற் பத்தி CERC/APTEL யபான்ற பல ெட்ட அணமப் புகள் ,
என்பது ஒரு தமகா வாட்டிற் கு ஆறு மில் லியன் யூனிட்டாகும் தமிழ் நாடு மின் உற் பத்தி மற் றும் பகிர்மான கழகம்
மின்வாரியத்தின் அனல் மின் உற் பத்தி 25, 920 மில் லியன்
மின் கட்டணம் திருத்தம் தெய் யாதது குறித்து
யூனிட் ஆக இருக்க யவண்டும் (PLANT LOAD FACTOR) பி எல் எப்
அவ் வப் யபாது கண்டனம் ததரிவித்து வந்தன.
68.49 ெதம் . யமட்டூர் இரண்டாவது யூனிட் 18 ஆம் நிதி ஆண்டில்
46.63 ெத உற் பத்தி தெய் துள் ளது. தமிழ் நாடு மின்உற் பத்தி மற் றும் பகிர்மான கழகம்
இதனால் எரிதபாருள் தெலவு யூனிட்டுக்கு ரூபாய் 2.94 உள் ளபடி வழங் கல் விணலக்கான மின் கட்டணம்
ணபொவிலிருந்து ரூபாய் 4.12 ணபொவுக்கு உயர்ந்துள் ளது. இல் லாததால் தரவரிணெயில் பின் தங் கியது. இந்த
தொந்த உற் பத்தி 2017 ஆம் நிதி ஆண்டில் 8,500 மில் லியன் காரணத்தினால் வங் கிகள் யமலும் கடன் வழங் க
யூனிட்டும் 2018 ஆம் நிதி ஆண்டில் 11,000 மில் லியன் யூனிட்டும் முன்வரவில் ணல.
குணறந்துள் ளது .இதற் கு அனல் மின் நிணலய உற் பத்தி மற் றும் 4.2014-15 நிதியாண்டுடன் ஒப் பீடும் யபாது
5,500 மில் லியன் யூனிட் மற் றும் 6,700 மில் லியன் யூனிட் எரிதபாருள் அடிப்பணட விணல, யபாக்குவரத்து
முணறணய குணறந்து இருக்கின்றன. 2018 ஆம் நிதி ஆண்டில் மற் றும் ணகயாளும் கட்டணங் கள் 49%
குறுகிய கால தகாள் முதலாக 871 மில் லியன் யூனிட் 1,057
அதிகரித்துள் ளது. மத்திய ததாகுப் பில் இருந்து
யகாடிக்கு வாங் கப் பட்டுள் ளது ஒரு யூனிட்டியின் விணல ரூ.12.14
மின் தகாள் முதல் தெய் யும் மின் ொரத்தின் மாறுபடும்
என்ற விணலயில் தகாள் முதல் தெய் யப்பட்டிருக்கிறது அனல்
மின் நிணலய உற் பத்தி மூலம் இந்தக் தகாள் முதல் விணல 2014-15 நிதியாண்டுடன் ஒப் பீடு தெய் யும்
தவிர்க்கப் பட்டு இருக்க முடியும் . குறுகிய கால தகாள் முதல் யபாது 37% அதிகரித்துள் ளது. பராமரிப் பிற் க்கான
யதணவயய இல் ணல. நிதியாண்டு 2019, 20, 21 களில் அனல் மின் கடன் கள் மின் ொரத்தின் ெராெரியாக தபறப் படும்
நிணலய உற் பத்தி 23,974, 19,831 14,204 என தபரிய ெரிணவ விணலக்கும் , மின்வழங் கலுக்கான விணலக்கும்
ெந்தித்துள் ளது இயத காலகட்டத்தில் இணடக்கால தகாள் முதல் இணடயில் ஏற் பட்ட இணடதவளி காரணமாக
குறுகிய கால தகாள் முதல் என முணறயய 3,183 மில் லியன்
வட்டிக்கான தெலவுகள் 50% அதிகரித்துள் ளது.
யூனிட் 4,843 மில் லியன் யூனிட் 2,838 மில் லியன்யூனிட்
தகாள் முதல் தெய் யப் பட்டுள் ளது. தன் உற் பத்திணய குணறத்து 5. தமிழ் நாடு மின் உற் பத்தி மற் றும் பகிர்மான
தகாள் முதலில் ஆர்வம் காட்டப் பட்டுள் ளது. தன் உற் பத்தி கழகம் 8 வருட இணடதவளிக்குப் பிறகு மின்
தவகுவாக குணறந்ததால் அதன் உற் பத்தி விணலயும் ரூபாய் 5.39 கட்டணத்ணத ெராெரியாக உயர்த்த
ரூபாய் 6, 21 ரூபாய் 6.57 என உயர்ந்துள் ளது. இணவ தனியாரிடம் உத்யதசிக்கப் பட்டுள் ளது. இந்த மனுவானது EA 2003
தகாள் முதல் தெய் யும் யநாக்கத்துடன் மற் றும் Tariff Regulation 2005 & 2009 படி தயார்
தெய் யப் பட்டதாக கருதப் படுகிறது.
தெய் யப் பட்டுள் ளது. யமலும் Tariff Regulation படி மின்
9. மின் ொரக் தகாள் முதல் நீ ண்டகால தகாள் முதல் என 15
தகாள் முதல் திறந்ததவளி மின்பயன்பாடு
ஆண்டு காலத்திற் கு 2,830 MW ஒப் பந்தம் தெய் யப் பட்டுள் ளது
இதன் மூலம் குணறந்தபட்ெமாக 19,810 மில் லியன் யூனிட் மின் தகாள் முதல் திறந்ததவளி மின்பயன்பாடு
தகாள் முதல் தெய் யப் பட யவண்டும் இதில் குணறயும் அளவிற் கு நீ ங் கலாக மட்டுயம கணக்கிடப் பட யவண்டும் .
வாங் க படாத மின் ொரத்திற் கான கட்டணமும் தெலுத்த 6. 1 தமாகாவாட் கீயழ உள் ள திறந்ததவளி
யவண்டும் 2016- 17 ஆம் ஆண்டில் 17,000 மில் லியன் யூனிட் பயன்பாட்டிணன தமிழ் நாடு ஒழுங் குமுணற ஆணணய
அளவுக்கு தகாள் முதல் தெய் யப் பட்டுள் ளது இணவ ஆர் டி சி திறந்ததவளி பயன்பாட்டு விதிகளின் படி
(RTC- ROUND THE CLOCK) எனப் படும் தகாள் முதலாகும் . இதில்
அனுமதிக்கப் படுகிறது.
கூடுதலாக தகாள் முதல் தெய் ய வழி இருக்கும் தபாழுது
7. காற் றாணலகள் தன் உற் பத்தியாளர்களின்
இணடக்கால தகாள் முதல் குறுகிய கால தகாள் முதல்
பயனபாட்டிணன ெரிபார்ப்பதற் காக பல குழுக்கள்
தெய் யப் பட்டுள் ளன .இதில் குறுகிய கால தகாள் முதல்
அணமக்கப் பட்டு ெரிபார்க்கும் பணி மாண்பணம
கட்டணம் என மின் ொர விணலணய விட 17- 18 ஆம் ஆண்டில்
தமிழ் நாடு ஒழுங் குமுணற ஆணணயத்தின் ஆணண
666.82 யகாடியும் 18- 19 ஆம் ஆண்டில் ரூ.605 யகாடியும்
எண் RA.No.7 of 2019 நாள் .28-01-2020 ன் வழிகாட்டுதல்
தரப் பட்டுள் ளது இந்த ரூ.1272.27 யகாடி எதற் காக
படி கடந்த ஆண்டு முதல் நணடதபற் று வருகிறது.
தகாடுக்கப் பட்டது என்ற விபரங் கள் இல் ணல.
தமிழ் நாடு மின் உற் பத்தி மற் றும் பகிர்மான
10. நீ ண்ட கால தகாள் முதல் நிதியாண்டு 21- 22 இல் இருந்து கழகத்தின் ெரிபார்க்கும் பணி முடிவணடந்த
14,000 11,000 மில் லியன் யூனிட் என குணறக்கப் பட்டுள் ளது நிறுவனங் களுக்கு குறுக்கு மானிய யமல் வரி (css)
ஒப் பந்த அளணவவிட குணறவானால் வாங் கப் படாத தெலுத்தக் யகாரி மனு தாக்கல் தெய் யப் பட்டுள் ளது.
மின் ொரத்திற் கும் கட்டணம் தெலுத்த யவண்டும் ஏன் அவ் வாறு யமலும் , மகராஷ்டிரா மாநிலம் ததாடர்ந்த யமல்
ஒப் பந்தத்திற் கு எதிராக யதணவ இருக்கும் தபாழுது முணறயீட்டு மனுவில் தமிழ் நாடு மின் உற் பத்தி
தகாள் முதல் குணறக்கப் பட்டு இருக்கிறது. அயத யநரத்தில் மற் றும் பகிர்மான கழகம் தன்ணன இணணக்க
இணடக்கால தகாள் முதல் மற் றும் குறுகிய கால தகாள் முதல் யவண்டியும் அதற் கான பதில் மனுக்கணளயும்
உள் ளது என்பது ததளிவுபடுத்தவில் ணல. மாண்பணம உெ்ெ நீ திமன்றத்தில் தாக்கல்
11. ஆயலாெணனகள் தெய் துள் ளது.
* மின் பகிர்மான கழகத்தின் வழக்காடு திறன் மிகவும் 8. தமாத்த மின் தகாள் முதல் தெலவுகள் மற் றும்
குணறவாக உள் ளது த.மி.உ.ப.க-த்தின் நிகர மின் தகாள் முதல் ஆகியணவ
தபருந்ததாணகக்கான நீ திமன் றத்தில் வழக்காட யவண்டிய பகிர்
T.P.No.1 அட்டவணண 32 & 76ல் தகாடுக்கப்
மான கழகம்
வலுவான ெட்ட வல் லுனர் அணமப்ணப தகாண்டிருக்க பட்டுள் ளது,
யவண்டும் . 9. திறந்ததவளி பயன்பாட்டு விவரம்
* மின் ொர வாரியம் வணிக நிறுவனம் ஆகும் . அரசு நிர்வாக திறந்ததவளி நிதி நுகர்யவார்
பயன் பாட்டு ஆண்டு எண்ணிக்
எந்திரம் அல் ல. வணிக திறணம தகாண்ட நிபுணர்கயள இதன் 1mm அளவில் ணக
தணலவராக நியமிக்கப் பட யவண்டும் . ததாடர்ந்து ஐஏஎஸ் கீழ் 2019-20 2124
பயன் படுத்து 2020-21 2218
பணிகள் யதால் வியியலயய முடிந்துள் ளன.
ம் நுகர்யவார்
* மாநில அரசின் எந்த துணறணய விட அணனத்து தரப்பு 10. வங் கியில் (Banking) அனுமதிக்கப் பட்ட விவரம்
மக்கணளயும் இணணத்துள் ளதும் - மூன்று யகாடி
இணணப் புகணள தகாண்டதும் - மாநில முழுவதும் நிர்வாக 2019 - 20 1900.34 மி.யூணிட்
கட்டணமப் பு தகாண்டதும் -மாநில நிறுவனம் மின்வாரியம் 2020 - 21 2199.31 மி.யூணிட்

ஆகும் . இது மிகப் தபரிய வணிக கட்டணமப் பாக பார்க்கப்பட 11. Adjustments Details
சுயமன் மூன் றா இந்திய
யவண்டும் . மின் ொரத்துடன் யவறு ொத்தியமான இணண உற் பத்தி ம் நபர் மின்
ததாழில் கணளயும் வாரியம் ஏற் று நடத்த யவண்டும் . (Captive) (Third வழங் கு
Party) ம்
யநர் எதிராக இது மாற் றப் பட யவண்டும் . 2019-20 14480.35 601.83 2471.54
2020-21 12730.75 812.27 2848.59
12. குறுக்குமானிய யமல் வரி வசூல் தெய் த விவரம்
மின் வருமாறு பின் வருமாறு (Cross Subisdy Surcharge)
ரூ யகாடியில்
2019 - 20 494.50
2020 - 21 578.66
13. நிலக்கரி ணகயாள் வதில் ததாடரப் பட்ட வழக்கு
மாண்புமிகு உயர்நீதி மன்றத்தில் இருந்து யதசிய
நிறுவனங் களுக்கான தீர்ப்பாயம் முன்பு ததாடர்
விொரணணக்காக மாற் றப் பட்டுள் ளது,
14. சுயமின் உற் பத்தி யதணவக்கு ஏற் ப மற் றும்
மின் தகாள் முதல் தரவரிணெ (merit order dispatch)
அடிப் பணடயில் உற் பத்தி தெய் யப் படுகிறது,
இதனால் இழப் பு ஏதும் இல் ணல,
15. STOA Charges என்பது நீ ண்ட கால ஒப் பந்தத்தின்
(LOTA) அடிப் ணடயில் பிற மாநிலங் களிலிருந்து
தெய் யப் படும் மின் தகாள் முதணல தமிழக
எல் ணலக்குள் மின் ொரம் எடுத்தவர PGCIL
நிறுவனத்திற் காக மின் கடத்துதல் கட்டணமான
தெலுத்தப் படுவது.
16. புதுப் பிக்கத் தக்க ஆற் றல் மின் உற் பத்தி திறனில்
இந்தியாவில் தமிழகம் முதன் ணமயாக உள் ளது.
யமலும் , (RE Power) அதிக உற் பத்தி இருப் பதால்
இந்திய அளவில் மிகக் குணறந்த அளவில் ெராெரி
மின் தகாள் முதல் விணல ரூ.4.50/unit என தமிழகத்தில்
17. மின் ொர யமல் முணறயீட்டு தீர்ப்பாயம் E.P.
No.2/2014-ல் வழங் கிய தீர்ப்பிணன எதிர்த்து பி.பி.என்
நிறுவனம் உெ்ெ நீ திமன்றத்தில் சிவில்
யமல் முணறயீட்டு மனு எண்.5018/2015 ஐ தாக்கல்
தெய் துள் ளது.
இந்த மனு மீதான விொரணண 01.07.2015, 13.07.2015,
09.05.2017, 08.03.2020 ஆகிய யததிகளில் நடந்தது.
தமிழ் நாடு மின் உற் பத்தி மற் றும் பகிர்மான கழகம்
தனது பதில் மனுணவ 27.10.2017 அன்று தாக்கல்
தெய் தது. இதற் கிணடயில் பி.பி.என் நிறுவனம்
வழக்ணக விணரவில் விொரிக்க இணடக்கால மனுணவ
03.07.2018 ல் தாக்கல் தெய் தது இதணன விொரித்த
உெ்ெ நீ திமன்றம் இவ் வழக்ணக விணரவில்
பட்டியலிடும் படி உத்தரவிட்டது.
யமலும் கடந்த ஒரு மாத காலமாக நீ திமன்ற எண் 6-ல்
வரிணெ எண் 104-க பட்டியலிடப் பட்டு வருகிறது.
விணரவில் விொரணணக்கு வரும் என்று எதிர்
பார்க்கப் படுகிறது.
18. தமிழ் நாடு மின் ொர வாரியம் , நீ ண்டகால
தகாள் முதல் ஒப் பந்தம் மூலம் 2016-17 ஆம் ஆண்டில்
17,000 மில் லியன் யூனிட் RTC முணறப் படி
தகாள் முதல் தெய் யப் பட்டது. யமலும் , 2017–18, 2018-
19 ஆண்டுகளில் நீ ண்டகால தகாள் முதல்
ஒப் பந்தம் மூலம் முழுணமயான மின் தகாள் முதல்
கிணடக்க தபறாத காரணத்தால் , 80% மற் றும் 76%
மட்டுயம தகாள் முதல் தெய் யப் பட்டது.
யமற் கூறிய காரணங் களால் 2017-18, 2018-19
ஆண்டுகளில் தமிழ் நாட்டின் மின்யதணவணய
பூர்த்திதெய் ய யவண்டிய காரணத்தாலும்
முணறயான அனுமதிணய மின் ொர ஒழுங் குமுணற
ஆணணயத்திடம் தபறப் பட்டு குறுகிய கால
தகாள் முதல் மூலம் மின் ொர தகாள் முதல்
தெய் யப் பட்டது.
19. SEPC மின் தகாள் முதல் ஒப் பந்தம் 12.02.1998
அன்று ணகதயாப் பம் ஆனது யமலும் மின் ொர ெட்டம்
2003ன் படி, மின் தகாள் முதல் ஒப் பந்தம் தமிழ் நாடு
மின் ொர ஒழுங் குமுணற ஆணணயத்தின் 2005 ன்
விதிமுணறகள் மற் றும் வணரயணறகள் படி மறு
சீரணமக்கப் பட்டு மின் ஒழுங் குமுணற
ஆணணயத்தால் ஒப்புதல் வழங் கப் பட்டது.
மின் தகாள் முதல் ஒப் பந்தத்தின் படி, SEPC
நிறுவனம் மின் உற் பத்தி தயார் நிணலணய
அறிவிக்கிறது. மாநில மின் யதணவயகற் ப
தகாள் முதல் விணல தர வரிணெயின் படி மாநில மின்
யதணவயகற் ப தகாள் முதல் விணல தர வரிணெயின்
படி SEPC நிறுவனத்திடமிருந்து மின் தகாள் முதல்
தெய் யப் படுகிறது.
20. மின் கட்டண வருவாய் தற் யபாது உள் ள
ரூ.48,063.35 யகாடியில் இருந்து ரூ.60156.89 யகாடி ஆக
(7 மாதங் கள் புதிய மற் றும் 5 மாதம் பணழய கட்டண
விகதத்தில் கணக்கிடப் பட்டுள் ளது. ரூ.16158.28
என்பது மின் கட்டணத் திருத்தத்திற் கு பிறகு மீதம்
உள் ள வருவாய் பற் றாக்குணற ஆகும் .
21. தமிழ் நாடு மின் உற் பத்தி மற் றும் பகிர்மான
கழகம் 8 வருட இணடதவளிக்குப் பிறகு மின்
கட்டணத்ணத ெராெரியாக உயர்த்த
உத்யதசிக்கப் பட்டுள் ளது.
22. பல் லாண்டு மின் கட்டணம் என்பது தமிழ் நாடு
மின் ொர ஒழுங் குமுணற ஆணணய விகிதப் பட்டி
விதிகளின் அடிப் பணடயில் மற் றும்
பிறமாநிலங் களில் (மகாராஷ்டிரா மத்திய
பிரயதெம் ) இருப் பது யபாலவும் , மாண்பணம மத்திய
ஒழுங் குமுணற ஆணணயம் 5 ஆண்டுகளுக்கு,
பல் லாண்டு கட்டண விகிதத்தின் அடிப் பணடயில்
மத்திய உற் பத்தி நிணலயங் கள் மற் றும் மின்
கடத்தும் அணமப்புகளுக்கு கட்டண நிர்ணயம்
தெய் யப் படுகிறது. அந்த அடிப் பணடயில் தமிழ் நாடு
மின் உற் பத்தி மற் றும் பகிர்மான கழகம் மனு
தாக்கல் தெய் துள் ளது. அதற் குரிய விதிகள் மாற் றம்
தெய் யவும் யகாரிக்ணக ெமர்ப்பிக்கப் பட்டுள் ளது.
Commission’s Views:
The Commission has taken note of the reply furnished by the TANGEDCO and the matter has been dealt with appropriately in the relevant Chapter of this
Tariff Order.
10. Thiru பெ.பெை் வராஜ் , பபாதுெ் பெயைாளர், இந் திய ஊழை் ஒழிப் பபார் கூட்டலைப் பு
1. Tantransco அளித்துள் ள விண்ணப் பத்தில் அட்டவணண 39 ல் 1. தற் யபாது நுகர்யவார்களிடமிருந்து வசூல்
2020-21 மற் றும் 2021-22 ஆகிய வருடங் களுக்கு ஏற் பட்டுள் ள
தெய் யப் படும் கட்டணமானது மாண்பணம
தெலவினங் கள் பட்டியலிடப் பட்டுள் ளன, அதில்
பணயாளர்களின் விடுப் பு ஒப் பணடப் பு ஊதியம் மற் றும் ஓய் வு தமிழ் நாடு மின் ொர ஒழுங் குமுணற ஆணணயத்தால்
பணிக்தகாணட தெலவுகள் இரு ஆண்டுகளிலுமாக சுமார்
கடந்த 8 ஆண்டுகளுக்கு முன் நிர்ணயம்
ரூபாய் 1200 யகாடி தெலவிடப் பட்டதாக உள் ளது. இது எவ் வாறு
உண்ணம? தெய் யப் பட்டது, கடந்த 2014-15 ஆம் ஆண்டில்
2. இவ் வாறு அபத்தமான, தபாய் யான ஒரு விண்ணப் பத்ணத
ரூ.44,618 யகாடியாக இருந்த தமிழ் நாடு மின்உற் பத்தி
மின் ொர ஒழுங் குமுணற ஆணணயம் பதிவு தெய் திருக்கிறது
என்றால் விண்ணப் பங் கள் அணனத்ணதயும் எவ் வித மற் றும் பகிர்மான கழகத்தின் ஒட்டு தமாத்த நிதி
பரிசீலணனக்கும் உட்படுத்தாமல் அவெர யகாலத்தில்
இழப் பானது, ரூ.68,648 யகாடி அதிகரித்து, 31.03.2021
விண்ணப் பங் கள் விொரணணக்கு எடுத்துக்
தகாள் ளப் பட்டுள் ளன என்பது ததளிவாகத் ததரிகிறது. அன்று ரூ.1,13,266 யகாடியாக உயர்ந்துள் ளது. மின்
3. விண்ணப் பங் கள் முணறயாக பரீசீலிக்கப் படாத
நுகர்யவார் விணல குறியீட்டு எண் புள் ளிகள் 236
காரணத்தால் கீழ் கண்ட குணறபாடுகள் தவளிபணடயாக
ததரிகின் றன, முதல் 333 வணர உயர்ந்த காரணத்தினால் அதாவது
1. தெலவிடப் படாத ரூ.1200 யகாடி ததாணகணய தெலவினமாக
41% கடன் அதிகரித்தது. எனயவ தமிழ் நாடு மின்
காட்டப் பட்டுள் ளது,
2, வினியயாக கழக விண்ணப் பபத்தில் தெலவினம் விரிவாக உற் பத்தி மற் றும் பகிர்மான கழகமானது நிதி
காட்டப் படாததால் அதிலும் இத்தணகய தபாய் யான கணக்கு
நிறுவனங் கள் மற் றும் வங் கிகளிடமிருந்து கடன்
எழுதப் பட்டிருக்க வாய் ப் புள் ளது,
3. மின் ெட்டம் பிரிவு 62(5) ன்படி புதிய மின் கட்டண வாங் க யவண்டிய கட்டாயத்திற் கு தள் ளப் பட்டது.
மாற் றத்தால் ஏற் படும் வருவாய் விவரம் ததளிவாக
இதன் விணளவாக, ரூ. 64,087 யகாடியாக இருந்த
இல் லாததது மட்டுமல் ல முரண்பாடாகவும்
குறிப் பிடப் பட்டுள் ளது. கடன் நிலுணவயானது 109 ெதவீதம் அதிகரித்து,
4.வருவாய் க்கும் தெலவினங் களுக்கும் உரிய விரிவான,
தற் ெமயம் ரூ.1,34,210 யகாடி கடன் நிலுணவயில்
தவளிப் பணடயான விவரங் கள் விண்ணப் பத்தில்
தொல் லப் படவில் ணல, உள் ளது. இதன் விணளவாக கடன் வாங் கிய நிதியின்
5. நணடமுணறயில் இருக்கும் விதிப் படி பல வருட விண்ணப்பம்
வட்டியும் ஆண்தடான்றிற் கு ரூ.9,281 யகாடியில்
மூன் று ஆண்டுகளுக்குரிய விண்ணப் பம்
ெமர்பிக்கப் பட்டுள் ளது. இருந்து ரூ. 14,116 யகாடியாக அதிகரித்துள் ளது.
6. கடன் வாரியான விவரம் மற் றும் எவ் வளவு கடன் இருக்கிறது
2. மத்திய அரசின் மின் அணமெ்ெகத்தால்
என்பது வட்டி வீதத்துடன் விண்ணப் பத்தில்
குறிப் பிடப் படவில் ணல. மாநிலத்திற் கு கூடுதல் கடன் வாங் குவதற் காக
7. கடனுக்குரிய முணறயான அனுமதி ஒழுங் கு முணற கட்டணத் திருத்தத்துடன் மின் துணற
ஆணணயத்திலிருந்து தபறப் பட்டுள் ளதா இல் ணலயா என்பது
சீர்திருத்தங் களின் கட்டாய நிபந்தணனணய
குறிப் பிடப் படவில் ணல.
8. முந்ணதய கட்டண வகித உத்தரவில் விதித்திருந்த உருவாக்கியுள் ளது. மத்திய நிதி நிறுவனங் களான
அறிவுறுத்தல் கள் முழுணமயாக நிணறயவற் றப் படவில் ணல.
M/s REC / M/s PFC நிறுவனங் கள் சிறப் புப்
9. தூத்துக்குடி மற் றும் வடதென்ணன அனல்
மின்நிணலயங் களில் பல லட்ெம் டன் நிலக்கரி காணாமல் பணப் புழக்கத் திட்டத்தின் (ஆத்மநிர்பார் )கீழ்
யபானணத அணமெ்ெர் ொட்சியளித்த நிணலயில் , அது
ரூபாய் 30,230 யகாடி கடணன அனுமதிக்கும் யபாது,
ததாடர்பான கணக்கு விவரங் கள் விண்ணப் பத்தில்
இருப் பதாகத் ததரியவில் ணல. வருடாந்திர கட்டண திருத்தத்ணத யமற் தகாள் ள
10. காடம் பாணற மின்நிணலயத்தில் பல ஆண்டுகளாக முழு
யவண்டும் என்ற முன் நிபந்தணனயின்
உற் பத்தி இல் லாதது ததாடர்பாக எந்த விவரமும்
விண்ணப் பத்தில் இல் ணல. அடிப் பணடயில் அனுமதித்துள் ளது.
11. மின்நிணலய கட்டுமான பணி நிர்ணயிக்கப் பட்ட கால
கட்டணத்திருத்தம் தெய் யப் படாததால் , ஆத்ம
அளணவக் கடந்து விட்ட நிணலயில் , அதற் காக
ஒப் பந்ததாரரிடமிருந்து வசூல் தெய் யப்பட்ட அபராத ததாணக நிர்பார் திட்டத்தின் கீழ் மீதமுள் ள ரூ.3,435 யகாடிணய
குறித்து எந்த விவரமும் விண்ணப் பத்தில் இல் ணல.
REC/PFC நிறுவனங் களால் நிறுத்தி
12. P.OO.84dt. 9/5/16-ல் வாங் கப் பட்ட254 விநியயாக மின்
மாற் றிகள் குறிப்பிட்ட 100 kva-க்குப் பதிலாக 63 kva தான் ணவக்கப் பட்டுள் ளது.
ெப் ணள தெய் யப் பட்டது. மூடி மணறக்கப் பட்ட இந்த முணற
3. மின் அணமெ்ெகத்தின் வழி காட்டுதல் களின் படி
யகட்டினால் வாரியத்திற் கு ஏற் படுத்தப்ட்ட இழப் பு ததாடர்பான
விவரம் விண்ணப் பத்தில் இல் ணல. புதுப் பிக்கப் பட்ட விநியயாக துணற திட்டத்தின்
13. TDS ததாடர்பாக வருமானத்துணறக்கு தெலுத்த யவண்டிய
(RDSS) கீழ் நிதிணய தவளியிடுவதற் காக மின்
ததாணக தெலுத்தாததால் வாரியத்திலிருந்து சுமார் ரூ. 60
யகாடி அபராதமாக தெலுத்தியணத ெம் பந்தப் பட்ட கட்டணம் திருத்தம் தெய் வது முன்
பணியாளர்களிடமிருந்து வசூல் தெயய் ப் பட்டதா என்ற விவரம்
நிபந்தணனயாகும் . அவ் வாறு மின் கட்டணம்
ததரிவிக்கப் படவில் ணல.
14. மத்திய மாநில அரசுகள் , ஒழுங் கு முணற ஆணணயம் , யமல் திருத்தம் தெய் யப்படாவிட்டால் தமிழ் நாடு மின்
முணறயீட்டு ஆணணயம் ஆகியவற் றிலிருந்து
உற் பத்தி மற் றும் பகிர்மான கழகத்திற் கு 10,793
உத்தரவுகளாகவும் , அறிவுறுத்தல் களாகவும் பலமுணற
ததரிவிக்கப் பட்ட நிணலயிலும் 2017 ஆம் ஆண்டிற் கு பின்னர் யகாடி ரூபாய் க்கான மானியங் கள் வழங் கப் படாது
ஐந்தாண்டு காலமாக மின் கட்டண விண்ணப் பம்
மற் றும் அந்த திட்டங் கள் எதுவும் ததாடங் கப் படாது.
ெம் ரப
் ் பிக்காமல் இருந்தது குறித்து எந்த விளக்கமும்
ததரிவிக்கப் படவில் ணல, மின் விநியயாக நிறுவனங் கள் உட்பட அரசுக்கு
15. Depreciation என்ற தபயரில் உள் ள ததாணக தெலவு தொந்தமான நிறுவனங் களுக்கு கடன்
கணக்காகக் காட்டப்பட்டுள் ளது.
வழங் குதற் கான வணிக வங் கிகளுக்கு ரிெர்வ் வங் கி
16. இத்தணன ஆண்டுகளாக வாரியத்தில் இருப்பில் உள் ள
Depreciation Reserve குறிப் படவில் ணல. ஒரு கட்டாய வழிகாட்டுதணல உருவாக்கியுள் ளது,
17. கமுதியில் தனியார் அணமக்கப்பட்டுள் ள சூரிய மின்
அதன் படி ஒவ் தவாரு ஆண்டும் நவம் பர் 30 ஆம்
உற் பத்தி நிணலயம் குறிப் பிட்ட தினத்திற் குள் பணி
முடிக்கப் படவில் ணல. எனயவ தபாய் யான பதிவுகணள யததிக்குள் மின் விநியயாக நிறுவனங் கள் மின்
உருவாக்கி அதன் அடிப் பணடயில் ஒரு யூனிட்டுக்கு ரூபாய் 7.01
கட்டண மனுணவ தாக்கல் தெய் யயவண்டும் .
என்ற வீதத்தல் கட்டணம் வழங் கப் பட்டு வருவது குறித்து எந்த
விவரமும் விண்ணப்பத்தில் இல் ணல. CERC/APTEL யபான்ற பல ெட்ட அணமப் புகள் ,
18. TANGEDCO விண்ணப் பத்தில் அட்டவணண 142,143, 144
தமிழ் நாடு மின் உற் பத்தி மற் றும் பகிர்மான கழகம்
ஆகியணவ முரண்பாடான தகவல் கணள உள் ளடக்கியுள் ளன.
மின் ொரம் விற் று வரவு அட்டவணண 143-இல் சுமார் ரூபாய் மின் கட்டணம் திருத்தம் தெய் யாதது குறித்து
69,000 யகாடி.. அட்டவணண 144-ல் சுமார் ரூபாய் 60,000 யகாடி.
அவ் வப் யபாது கண்டனம் ததரிவித்து வந்தன.
இயத யபால் இதர வரவு, அட்டவணண 142-ல் சுமார் ரூபாய் 1800
யகாடி. அட்டவணண 144-லும் அயத ரூபாய் 1800 யகாடி. தமிழ் நாடு மின்உற் பத்தி மற் றும் பகிர்மான கழகம்
மின் ொர வாரியத்தால் மின் ொர ஒழுங் குமுணற உள் ளபடி வழங் கல் விணலக்கான மின் கட்டணம்
ஆணணயத்திற் கு ெமர்பிக்கப் பட்டிருக்கும் மின் கட்டண இல் லாததால் தரவரிணெயில் பின் தங் கியது. இந்த
விண்ணப் பதின்மீது 10.8.2022 அன்று மின் அஞ் ெல் மூலமாகவும்
தபால் மூலமாகவும் அனுப் பப் பட்டகருத்தின் ததாடர்ெ்சியாக காரணத்தினால் வங் கிகள் யமலும் கடன் வழங் க
கூடுதல் கருத்து முன்வரவில் ணல.

1. மின் ததாடர் அணமப் பு கழகத்தால் அட்டவணண 39இல் 4. 2014-15 நிதியாண்டுடன் ஒப்பீடும் யபாது
ததரிவித்திருப் பது யபால் வினியயாக கழக எரிதபாருள் அடிப்பணட விணல, யபாக்குவரத்து
விண்ணப் பத்திலும் படிவம் 18பியில் கீழ் க்கண்டவாறு
பணியாளர் தெலவு காட்டப் பட்டுள் ளது, மற் றும் ணகயாளும் கட்டணங் கள் 49%
வ. விவரம் 2020-21 2021-22 அதிகரித்துள் ளது. மத்திய ததாகுப்பில் இருந்து
எ 2019-20 (யகாடி (யகாடி
ண் யில் ) யில் ) மின் தகாள் முதல் தெய் யும் மின் ொரத்தின் மாறுபடும்
8. ஈட்டி 71.88 289.83 விணல 2014-15 நிதியாண்டுடன் ஒப் பீடு தெய் யும்

விடுப் யபாது 37% அதிகரித்துள் ளது. பராமரிப் பிற் க்கான
பு கடன் கள் மின் ொரத்தின் ெராெரியாக தபறப் படும்
ஒப் பு
விப் பு விணலக்கும் , மின்வழங் கலுக்கான விணலக்கும்
இணடயில் ஏற் பட்ட இணடதவளி காரணமாக
9. ஓய் வூ 3717.2 3968.5
திய 2 2 வட்டிக்கான தெலவுகள் 50% அதிகரித்துள் ளது.
5. தமிழ் நாடு மின் உற் பத்தி மற் றும் பகிர்மான
இதிலிருந்து தவளிநபர்களால் வாரியத்திற் காக தயாரித்து கழகம் 8 வருட இணடதவளிக்குப் பிறகு மின்
வழங் கப் பட்ட விண்ணப் பத்தில் தெலவு தெய் யப் படாத ததாணக
கட்டணத்ணத ெராெரியாக உயர்த்த
தெலவு தெய் யப் பட்டதாக யமாெடியாக கணக்கு
உத்யதசிக்கப் பட்டுள் ளது,
காட்டப் பட்டுள் ளது.
2. உப் பூர் அனல் மின்நிணலய பணிததாடரப் படாமல் 6. Tantransco விடமிருந்து பபைப் பட்ட பதில் :
அத்திட்டம் ணகவிடப் பட்டுள் ளது. இதனால் இத்திட்டத்திற் காக
தமிழ் நாடு மின் பதாடரவமப்புக் கழகம் , மின்
தெலவிடப் பட்டதாக தொல் லப் படும் சுமார் ரூ. 1500 யகாடி எந்த
வணகயில் கணக்கில் யெர்க்கப் பட்டுள் ள ததன் கின் ற விவரம்
அனுப்புவக கட்டண மனுவை மாண்புமிகு
விண்ணப் பத்தில் இல் ணல. ஆணணயத்தில் தமிழ் நாடு மின் ொர
3. விொகப் பட்டினம் துணறமுகத்தில் நிலக்கிரி ஒழுங் குமுணற ஆணணயத்தின் கட்டண
ணகயாளப் பட்ட வணகயில் ஒப் பந்ததாரருக்கு, அவரால் ஒழுங் குமுணறயின் படி தாக்கல் தெய் துள் ளது.
துணறமுகத்திற் கு தெலுத்தப் பட்ட சுமார் ரூ. 250 யகாடிக்கு
பதிலாக சுமார் ரூ. 1600 யகாடி தெலவிடப் பட்டது ததாடர்பான 2020-21 நிதியாண்டு ததாடர்பான விவரங் கள் , IND
விவரம் எந்த வணகயில் கணக்கில் AS இன் கீழ் தயாரிக்கப்பட்ட வருடாந்திர
யெர்க்கப் பட்டுள் ளததன் கின் ற விவரம் விண்ணப் பத்தில் கணக்கு அறிக்ணகயின் படி வழங் கப்பட்டுள் ளன.
இல் ணல. அவதப் பபாறுத்து 2021-22 நிதியாண்டுக்கு
4. பணியாளரின் தபாது யெமநலநிதி, CONTRIBUTION திட்டமிடப் பட்டுள் ளது.
PENSION SCHEME மற் றும் ஓய் வின் தபாழுது வழங் கப் படும் யமலும் , 2020-21 நிதியாண்டு (யம 2020 முதல் )
commutation பணியாளர் தெலவில் காட்டப் படும் நிணலயில்
அவர்களிடம் மாதந்யதாறும் வசூல் தெய் யப் படும் மற் றும் 2021-22 நிதியாண்டுகளில் பணி ஓய் வு
ெந்தாத்ததாணக மற் றும் Commutation Recovery ததாணக வரவில்
யெர்க்கப் பட்டுள் ளதா என்கின் ற விவரம் விண்ணப் பத்தில் தபறவில் ணல என் றாலும் , தானாக முன் வந்து
இல் ணல. ஓய் வு தபறுதல் மற் றும் ஊழியர்களின்
5. வடதென்ணன அனல் மின் நிணலயத்திலும் தூத்துக்குடி
அனல் மின் நிணலயத்திலும் மின் துணற அணமெ்ெரால் யெணவயின் யபாது யகாவிட் - 19
காணாமல் யபானதாக தொல் லப் பட்ட நிலக்கரி சுமார் 5லட்ெம்
காரணமாக மரணம் அணடந்த ெம் பவங் கள்
டன் நிலக்கரிக்கு தெலவு தெய் யப்பட்ட ததாணக எந்த
வணகயில் கணக்கில் யெர்க்கப் பட்டுள் ள ததன் கின் ற விவரம் உள் ளன. இதற் காக தமிழ் நாடு மின்
விண்ணப் பத்தில் இல் ணல. பதாடரவமப்புக் கழகம் ஈட்டிய விடுப்புெ்
6. தனியாருக்கு தொந்தமான கமுதி சூரிய மின்நிணலயம்
காலநீ ட்டிப் பு தகாடுத்தபின் னரும் இறுதி நாளான 31.3.2016 தெலவுகணளயும் இறுதி நன் ணமகணளயும்
அன்று commissioning தெய் யப் பட்டதாக யமாெடியான யெர்த்துள் ளது.
ஆதாரங் கணள தயார் தெய் து யூனிட் ஒன்றுக்கு ரூ. 7.01 வீதம்
வழங் கப் பட்டு வருவது ததாடர்பான உண்ணம விவரம் தமிழ் நாடு மின் பதாடரவமப்புக் கழகம்
விண்ணப் பத்தில் இல் ணல.
7. தூத்துக்குடியில் இந்துபாரத் நிறுவனத்தால் யமாெடியாக
அவனத்து விைரங் கவளயும் மின் அனுப்புவக
தயார் தெய் யப் பட்ட ஆவணத்தின் அடிப் பணடயில் 2016ஆம் கட்டண மனுவுடன் இவணக்கப்பட்டுள் ள
ஆண்டு வழங் கப் பட்ட ததாணக சுமார் ரூ.9 யகாடி வசூல்
தெய் யப் பட்டதா என்கின் ற விவரம் விண்ணப் பத்தில் இல் ணல. நிகராண்டு ைருைாய் ததவைக்கான
8. 2016ஆம் ஆண்டு தென்ணனக்கு அருகில் அணமந்துள் ள
படிைங் களில் பகாடுக்கப்பட்டுள் ளது.
வினய் நிறுவனத்திடமிருந்து 253 மின்மாற் றின் 100KVA Purchase
Order 84/dt.9.5.2016 இன் படி வாங் கப் பட்டதில் அணனத்து தமிழ் நாடு மின் ொர ஒழுங் குமுணற
மின்மாற் றிகளும் சுமார் 60 முதல் 75KVA வணர தவவ் யவறு
திறன் தகாண்ணவயாக உள் ள நிணலயில் வாரியத்திற் கு ஆணணயத்தின் உத்தரவுகள் தமிழ் நாடு மின்
யமாெடி தெய் யும் மகா நயவஞ் ெக யநாக்கத்துடன் பணம்
பதாடரவமப்பு கழக நிறுைனத்தால்
வழங் கப் பட்டுள் ளது. இந்த யமாெடி நிறுவனத்திற் கு
மின்மாற் றியின் விணலயாக வழங் கப்பட்டுள் ள சுமார் ரூ.3.5 பின் பற் றப்படுகின் றன.
யகாடி வசூல் தெய் யப் பட்டதா இல் ணலயா என்கின் ற விவரம்
விண்ணப் பத்தில் இல் ணல. 7. வருவாய் யதணவக்கான வரவு மற் றும்
மத்திய அரசு அறிவிக்கும் பலதிட்டங் களில் வாரியத்திற் கு தெலவினங் கள் தணிக்ணக தெய் யப் பட்ட
மான்யமாகவும் வட்டியில் லா கடனாகவும் வழங் கப் படும்
ததாணக திட்டம் வாரியாக ததளிவாக விண்ணப் பத்தில் அறிக்ணகயின் படி தயார் தெய் யப் பட்டுள் ளது. வரவு
தொல் லப் படவில் ணல. இதனால் மான்யமாகவும் மற் றும் தெலவின விவரங் கள் தமிழ் நாடு
வட்டியில் லாமலும் வரும் ததாணககள் வரவில்
காட்டப் படுகிறதா என்பதும் ததரியவில் ணல. ஒழுங் குமுணற ஆணணய விகிதப் பட்டி விதிமுணறகள்
2005 மற் றும் (updated) ன் படி தயார் தெய் யப் பட்டு
ெமர்ப்பிக்கப் பட்டுள் ளது. மின்திட்டங் களின்
தெலவினங் கள் மற் றும் அதற் கான அனுமதி தனி
மனுவாக விண்ணப்பித்து அனுமதி தபறப் படுகிறது.
8. புதிய மின் கட்டணத்தால் கிணடக்க விருக்கும்
கூடுதல் வருவாய் , மற் றும் தமாத்த வருவாய்
அட்டவணண எண்.143 மற் றும் 144, விநியயாக வடிவம்
எண் 25 ல் குறிப்பிடப் பட்டுள் ளது. 2022-23 ஆம்
நிதியாண்டில் புதிய கட்டணத்தின் கூடுதல்
வருவாய் 7 மாதங் களுக்கு மட்டுயம
கணக்கிடப் பட்டுள் ளது.
9. வருவாய் க்கும் / தெலவீனங் களுக்குமான
விவரங் கள் சுருக்கமாக மனுவிலும் , விரிவாக
விநியயாக வடிவங் களிலும் குறிப் பிடப் பட்டுள் ளது.
10. மின் வாரிய கடன் மற் றும் உரிய வட்டி பற் றிய
விவரங் கள் உற் பத்தி மற் றும் விநியயாக
வடிவங் களில் (form 11 ) குறிப்பிடப் பட்டுள் ளன.
11. முந்ணதய கட்டண விகித உத்தரவில்
குறிப் பிடப் பட்ட அறிவுறுத்தல் கள் மீதான
TANGEDCOவின் நடவடிக்ணககள் மனுவில் இணணப் பு
IX யில் ெமர்ப்பிக்கப்பட்டுள் ளது.
12. முந்ணதய காலங் களில் தூத்துக்குடி மற் ற வட
தென்ணன அனல் மின் நிணலயங் களில் காணாமல்
யபான நிலக்கரி ததாடர்பாக குழு அணமக்கப் பட்டு
விொரணண நணடதபற் று வருகிறது. அதன்
அறிக்ணகயின் முடிவில் நடவடிக்ணககள்
எடுக்கப் படும் .
13. காடம் பாணற மின் உற் பத்தி நிணலயத்தின்
இயந்திரப் பழுது காரணமாக உற் பத்தி 2020 ஆம்
ஆண்டு நிறுத்தப் பட்டு, இணடயில் ெரி
தெய் யப் பட்டது. தற் யபாது உள் ள சில ததாழிற் நுட்ப
தவறுகள் ெரி தெய் யப் பட்டு முழு உற் பத்தி அளணவ
எட்ட நடவடிக்ணக யமற் தகாள் ளப் படுகிறது.
14. மின்மாற் றிகள் ததாடர்பான யகள் விக்கு
தபாருட்கள் யமலாண்ணம பிரிவிலிருந்து தனியாக
பதில் அளிக்கப் படும் .
15. TDS ததாடர்பான பிணழகள் இணணயதளம்
மூலமாக ெரிதெய் யப் பட்டு ரூ.13.64 யகாடியாக
குணறக்கப் பட்டுள் ளது. இது ததாடர்பாக ததாடர்
நடவடிக்ணககள் எடுக்கப் பட்டு வருகிறது.
16. ஒழுங் கு முணற ஆணணயம் , யமல் முணறயீட்டு
ஆணணயம் , மத்திய அரசு ஆகிய
அறிவுறுத்தல் களின் படி, மின் கட்டண விண்ணப் பம்
தாக்கல் தெய் ய இயலாதற் கு தகாரனா
தபருந்ததாற் று காரணமாகும் . எனினும் தற் யபாது
கணக்குகள் தணிக்ணக தெய் யப்பட்டு மனு
ெமர்ப்பிக்கப் பட்டுள் ளது.
17. அட்டவணண 143 ல் குறிப் பிடப் பட்டது 2022-23
ஆண்டிற் குரிய 12 மாதங் களுக்கு புதிய விகிதப் பட்டி
படி கணக்கிடப் பட்டுள் ளது. அட்டவணண 144 ல் , 5
மாதங் கள் பணழய கட்டணத்திற் கு ஏற் ப
குணறக்கப் பட்டுள் ளது. யமலும் இந்த மனுவானது EA,
2003 மற் றும் Tariff Regulation படி மட்டுயம தயார்
தெய் யப் பட்டுள் ளது.
18. உப்பூர் அனல் மின் நிணலயம் பணி ததாடர்வது
ததார்பான பணி ததாழிற் நுட்ப ஆயலாெணன
அணியிடம் அளிக்கப் பட்டுள் ளது. அதன் அறிக்ணக
இயக்குநர் குழுமத்தில் ெமர்ப்பிக்கப் பட்டு
நடவடிக்ணக எடுக்கப் படும் .
19. விொகப் பட்டினம் துணறமுகத்தில் உள் ள நிலக்கரி
ணகயாளும் தெலவினங் களுக்கான வழக்கு யதசிய
நிறுவனங் களுக்கான தீர்ப்பாயத்தில் , நிலுணவயில்
உள் ளது. அரசுமானியம் மற் றும் திட்டங் களுக்கான
மானியங் கள் கணக்கில் எடுத்துக்
தகாள் ளப் பட்டுள் ளது,
20. யமலும் , கடன் மற் றும் அதன் மீதான வட்டி,
யதய் மானம் பணியாளர் Contribution towards CPS
ஆகியணவ நணடமுணறயில் உள் ள Accounting
Standards படி கணக்கிடப் பட்டு statutory auditor மற் றும்
C & AG ஆல் தணிக்ணக தெய் யப்பட்டு ஆண்டு
யதாறும் தவளியிடப் பட்டு மாண்பணம தமிழ் நாடு
மின் ொர ஒழுங் குமுணற ஆணணயத்திடம்
ெமர்ப்பிக்கப் படுகிறது.
Commission’s Views:
The Commission has taken note of the reply furnished by the TANGEDCO and the matter has been dealt with appropriately in the relevant Chapter of this
Tariff Order.

11. M/s. Chennai Metro Rail Limited, Chennai

1. As per MoU between Government of Tamil Nadu and CMRL dated15.2.2011 1. In the T.P. 1 of 2022, it has been submitted that based on tariff
Electric power is to be made available to CMRL on a “no-profit-no loss “ basis, rationalization all the Government services including railway traction
subject to the orders of the TNERC. has been proposed to be categorised into single tariff as HT Tariff II.
2.The aim of CMRL project is to reduce traffic congestion and pollution level on 2. Further CMRL has already given concession to connect the station
roads and faster travel at affordable rates for which electricity is the only source of load, office complex in the traction supply.
energy for operation of metro system 3. But the station load, office complex in respect of Railways and
3. Energy cost contributes to about 1/3rd of O&M cost which is single largest other Government offices are charged under commercial tariff.
expenditure in O&M of Metro operation. 4. Under the above circumstances, it is informed that presently
4. Hence, it is requested to create the separate Traiff category for CMRL as a special CMRL is being utilizing concessional tariff only and creation of
category which is lower than the existing Railway tariff (HT-IB) and which will be separate tariff category could not be made.
the actual cost of supply of TANGEDCO at 110 KV level.
Commission’s Views:
The Commission has taken note of the reply furnished by the TANGEDCO and the matter has been dealt with appropriately in the relevant Chapter of this
Tariff Order.
12. Reply to 16 comments received from Thiru.S.Neelakanta pillai

Comment 1. 1.This petition is filed with as per the provisions of Tariff

This petition has not been filed with fundamental documents and regulations are
regulations 2005 and amendments made by the Hon’ble TNERC
against the Electricity Act, 2003 TNERC regulations and National Electricity Policy.
for determination of Tariff UNDER PART VII (SECTION 61 TO


2.குணறந்த அளவு மின் ொரம் உபயயாகப் படுத்தும்

வணிகர்கள் அதாவது இருமாதங் களுக்கு (100 யூனிட்)
Comment no.2 வணர பயன்படுத்தும் நுகர்யவார்களுக்கு யூனிட்
சிறு ைை் றுை் குறு வணிகர்கலள தனியான வீதப் பட்டி எண் V
(A) என்கிை கூடுதைாக ஒரு புதிய வீதப் பட்டி எண்லண ஒன்றுக்கு ரூ.1/- மட்டுயம 8 ஆண்டுகளுக்கு பிறகு
உருவாக்கிட பவண்டுை் . அந் த வீதப் பட்டிக்கு உயர்த்த உத்யதசிக்கப் பட்டுள் ளது. யமலும் , நிணலக்
அனுைதிக்கப் பட்ட அதிகப் படியான மின் பளுவாக 4 KW
நிர்ணயை் பெய் ய பவண்டுை் , கட்டணமும் குணறந்த அளயவ உயர்த்த
உத்யதசிக்கப் பட்டுள் ளது. நுகர்வு அடிப் பணடயில்
இரு மாதங் களுக்கு 100 யூனிட் வணர பயன்படுத்தும்
நுகர்யவார் 53% க்கு யமல் இருப் பதால் அவர்களுக்கு
தனியாக விகிதப்பட்டி ஏற் படுத்த அவசியம்
இல் ணல.
The ToD timings and charges are proposed based on a professional

consultant study to flatten the load curve. The proposed ToD charges

are to meet out the high cost Power purchase expenses during the

peak hours and 5% concession available for off peak night hour


3. To avoid reading complaints from the LT consumers, necessary

instructions have been issued to the field officials vide

Memo.No. CFC / Rev / FC /Rev

/DFC/R.1/AO/F.Honorarium/D.102/2020, dt.03.02.2020 to utilize the

services of the existing/retired staff for the assessment of LT service

connections in order to ensure 100% assessment.

4. In respect Kadamparai Generation circle the data furnished in

the petition is related all power houses in the generation circle.

Comment 3.
The capital expenditure for kadamparai circle has been approved
The proposal for introduction of TOD charges is evolved for all services under LT
Tariff II B(1), LT Tariff B(2), LT tariff III B and LT tariff V and these by the Hon TNERC in its order dated 12.10.2021.
services may be charged at 25% extra on the energy charges for the energy recorded
5. Basin bridge station is running under condenser mode to
during peak hours and the duration of peak hours is not acceptable.
improve the VArh generation. The Head quarters generic
Comment 5.
expenses attributable & allocated proportionately to this station
What is the necessity of changing the Electro Mechanical meter, High Quality
also considered for ARR and all other expenses as per regulations.
meter,Digital meter, static meter without MD provision.
6. The prevailing tariff collected from consumers is fixed by
Hon’ble TNERC in the year 2014 and the same being charged
Comment 6:
for the past 8 years.
If the meter readings are taken in delayed time, the consumer will suffer and
manual reading & monthly billing may be introduced. 7. TANGEDCO’s cumulative financial losses at the beginning

Comment 7: of FY 2014-15 was Rs. 44,618 Cr and Rs. 68,648 Cr was added

The expenditure statement , generation details and forced outage details furnished during the past 6 years and the total cumulative losses of

in the petition for kadamparai station is not correct. TANGEDCO as on 31.03.2021 is Rs. 1,13,266 Cr. It is mainly

Comment 8: due to the increase in the cost of Consumer Price Indices i.e.

The fixed cost, variable cost, Generation details furnished for Basin bridge gas from 236 to 333 points (FY 2013-14 to FY 2020-21) and it

station is not tallied with expenditure statement. works out to 41% increase. Hence, TANGEDCO was forced to

Comment No.9: borrow from Financial Institutions and Banks to meet out its

The rates proposed for domestic consumers and introduction of various slab is not financial commitments. This has resulted in 109% increase of

very much confusing and tariff revision to be stopped. loan outstanding from Rs.64,087 Cr. to Rs. 1,34,210 Cr.
Consequently, the interest on borrowed fund has also increased
from Rs. 9,281 Cr to Rs. 14,116 Cr p.a.
8. The Ministry of Power, Government of India has made a
mandatory condition for Power Sector Reforms with Tariff
revision which allows additional borrowing for the State. The
Central Financial Institutions viz., M/s. REC Ltd., & M/s. PFC
Ltd., while sanctioning the loan of Rs. 30,230 Cr under Special
Liquidity Scheme (Athma Nirbhar Scheme) have made a pre-
committed condition of yearly Tariff revision. Due to non-
revision of Tariff, the balance funds of Rs. 3,435 Cr under
Athma Nirbhar Scheme were withheld by REC/PFC.
9.As per the guidelines of Ministry of Power the Tariff revision
is a pre-condition for release of funds under R e v a m p e d
Distribution Sector Scheme (RDSS) and if the tariff is not
revised, grants to the tune of Rs. 10,793 Cr will not be released to
TANGEDCO and ultimately the scheme will not take off. RBI
has made a conditional prudential guideline to the Commercial
Banks, for lending to State owned power entities including
DISCOMs, that DISCOMS should have to file tariff petition by

30th of November every year. Many legal forums like

CERC/APTEL have severally remarked about TANGEDCO’s
non revision of tariff periodically and thereby accumulating
outstanding dues to generation companies and other suppliers and
contractors. Ranking of TANGEDCO has declined due to non
cost reflective tariff which in turn restricted the banks not to
lend any further loan.
10. The cost of Coal increased by 49% as compared with FY
2014-15 due to increase in basic price of coal transport and
handling charges. The variable cost of power purchase from
Central Generating Stations has increased by 37% compared to
FY 2014-15. The operational borrowings increased due to
ARR-ACS Gap resulting in increase in interest commitment by
11. TANGEDCO is left with no other choice except revising the
tariff after a gap of 8 years. TANGEDCO has proposed a
necessary/appropriate hike in tariff.
Comment 10:
12.The subsidies are claimed as per the Hon TNERC s order as
Subsidy received from GOTN are not clearly furnished from 2016-17 to 2021.
S.No. Year Order No. & Date
1 2016-17 6 of 2016 dt.02.08.2016
2 2017-18 5 of 2017 t.06.11.2017
3 2018-19 7 of 2018 dt.30.11.2018
4 2019-20 6 of 2019 dt.06.09.2019
5 2020-21 7 of 2020 dt.20.06.2020
6 2021-22 7 of 2021 dt.30.09.2021
Comment 11: Regarding capital expenditure the Renovation and modernisation
The capital expenditure and capitalization of all Generating station details are not
works were carried out to extend the Life time of the generating
furnished in the Tariff petition.
stations. The capital expenditure for the control period 2019-20 to
Comment 14: 2021-22 has been approved by the Hon TNERC in its order dated
The capital expenditure and capitalization of Distribution regions are furnished in
12.10.2021. The details of capital investment plan for the MYT
the Tariff petition.
period 2022-23 to 2026-27 has been submitted to Hon’ble


Comment 12: The own generating stations are operating at part load due to
Reasons for poor performance of Generating stations such as deviation in station backing down by SLDC as per the Merit order dispatch
heat rate,low PLF,etc., ranking.Further,due to outbreak of covid 19 pandemic the demand
has drastically reduced consequent breakdown and supply restricted
accordingly, since April 2020.
Comment 13.
Complaint nature
Comment 15 Due to the outbreak of COVID pandemic, the commissioning of
Reasons for delay in commissioning of new projects . projects got delayed. However, separate petition will be filed for each
projects for approval of capital cost before Commercial date of
Comment 16 TANGEDCO has filed petition for approval of ARR and tariff for 5
No separate ARR is filed year on year and the MYT framework for 5 years with years MYT control period which has been followed in the states of
fixing of tariff based on 6% consumer price index is not agreed. Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh.
Further in the State of Maharashtra the MYT Regulations are for 5
years and tariff has been determined for the control period from FY
2020-21 to FY 2024-25 vide order dated 30.03.2020.This petition
filed as per the Hon’ble TNERC’s Tariff regulations 2005, and
2009(updated) as per the provisions of Electricity Act 2003.
Commission’s Views:
The Commission has taken note of the reply furnished by the TANGEDCO and the matter has been dealt with appropriately in the relevant Chapter of this
Tariff Order.
13. M/s. TASMA, Dindigul
Tamilnadu Spinning Mills Association, herein after called as TASMA, is an 1. The prevailing tariff charged from consumers are fixed in the
Association of yarn spinning mills, having 812 mills in the State of Tamilnadu as year 2014 by Hon’ble TNERC and collected from the consumers
members in its network and it is the single largest Association in terms of for the past 8 years. TANGEDCO’s cumulative financial losses at
membership and also by way of its activities. This Association is representing the the beginning of FY 2014-15 was Rs.44,618 Cr and Rs.68,648 Cr
yarn spinning industry in the Country as a whole, both with the Government of India was added during the past 6 years and the total cumulative losses of
as well as with the Government of Tamilnadu. Most of the members of TASMA are TANGEDCO as on 31.03.2021 is Rs.1,13,266 Cr. It is mainly due
HT industrial consumers falling under the Tariff Schedule as notified under HT I-A to the increase in the cost of Consumer Price Indices i.e. from 236
and few others are receiving supplies under LT / LT CT falling under the Tariff to 333 points (FY 2013-14 to FY 2020-21) and it works out to 41%
Schedule as notified under LT/LT CT – III B Earlier to the coming in to force of the increase. Hence, TANGEDCO was forced to borrow from Financial
Electricity Act 2003, such tariff fixation exercises were under the domain of State Institutions and Banks to meet out its financial commitments. This
Governments and were handled by the concerned State Governments for has resulted in 109% increase of loan outstanding from Rs.64,087
implementation by the respective State Electricity Boards (SEBs). When the Cr. to Rs.1,34,210 Cr. Consequently, the interest on borrowed fund
Electricity Act 2003 came in to effect from 10.06.2003 onwards, such works relating has also increased from Rs.9,281 Cr. to Rs. 14,116 Cr p.a.
to administration of electricity and all other related works connected to the 2. The Ministry of Power, Government of India has made a
Electricity Administration, were shifted to the respective State Electricity mandatory condition for Power Sector Reforms with Tariff revision
Regulatory Commissions (SERCs) and accordingly, their functions and powers were which allows additional borrowing for the State. The Central
enumerated under the relevant provisions in Electricity Act 2003. Financial Institutions viz., M/s. REC Ltd., & M/s. PFC Ltd., while
The Petitioner Also states the various Tariff Petitions filed by TANGEDCO and sanctioning the loan of Rs. 30,230 Cr under Special Liquidity Scheme
per unit cost stated in those Tariff Petitions in a tabulated form. (Athma Nirbhar Scheme) have made a pre-committed condition of
Also, TASMA made its strong objections with the Chief Secretary and the Energy yearly Tariff revision. Due to non-revision of Tariff, the balance
Secretary, has also reiterated strongly that the State Commission cannot function funds of Rs. 3,435 Cr under Athma Nirbhar Scheme were
without a Member-Legal, quoting the propositions already declared by the Hon'ble withheld by REC/PFC.
Supreme Court of India, by its order dated 12.04.2018 in Civil Appeal No. 14697 of 3. As per the guidelines of Ministry of Power the Tariff revision is
2015 and also in its order in the Contempt Petition No.429 of 2020 dated a pre-condition for release of funds under R e v a m p e d
28.08.2020, 07.12.2020 & 20.01.2021, for violating the orders of the Hon'ble Distribution Sector Scheme (RDSS) and if the tariff is not revised,
Supreme Court of India issued in Civil Appeal No. 14697 of 2015. Therefore, the grants to the tune of Rs. 10,793 Cr will not be released to
Hon'ble Commission cannot function in any manner, either adjudicatory or TANGEDCO and ultimately the scheme will not take off. RBI has
regulatory or by other means, without a Member-Legal appointed to it first. But made a conditional prudential guideline to the Commercial Banks,
however, both the Chief Secretary as well as the Energy Secretary who were for lending to State owned power entities including DISCOMs, that
responsible for the appointment of Members to the State Commission are keeping DISCOMS should have to file tariff petition by 30th of November
silence without anyway responding to the objection filed by TASMA. every year. Many legal forums like CERC/APTEL have severally
Further, It should be noted that both the Tariff Regulations 2005 and the MYT remarked about TANGEDCO’s non revision of tariff periodically
Regulations 2009, have provided a time limit of 120 days for finalizing a Tariff and thereby accumulating outstanding dues to generation companies
Order. In all other earlier occasions, the Hon'ble Commission has undertook the and other suppliers and contractors. Ranking of TANGEDCO has
Tariff Revision Exercises by providing ample time to all stakeholders and by declined due to non cost reflective tariff which in turn restricted the
following the various processes involving finalizing a Tariff Order. The following banks not to lend any further loan.
Table would show, as how the matter was processed, when it culminated in to a 4. The cost of Coal increased by 49% as compared with FY 2014-
Tariff Order in TP No. 1 of 2017 dated 11.08.2017. 15 due to increase in basic price of coal transport and handling
charges. The variable cost of power purchase from Central
However, this time only, the Hon'ble Commission is rushing the matter with undue Generating Stations has increased by 37% compared to FY 2014-
hurry from issuing the Cause List onwards and has not even provided any link for 15. The operational borrowings increased due to ARR-ACS Gap
the stakeholders to facilitate them to participate in the hearing scheduled on resulting in increase in interest commitment by 50%.
19.07.2022. All the efforts made by the stakeholders including TASMA and its 5. TANGEDCO is left with no other choice except revising the
Counsels were not yielded any result to get the link for participating in the hearing tariff after a gap of 8 years. TANGEDCO has proposed a
scheduled on 19.07.2022 and the hearing on 19.07.2022 was completely heard on an necessary/ appropriate hike in tariff only.
in-camera mode, completely violating the letter and spirit of its own Conduct of 6. Legal Position: The issueing of Hon’ble High Court Order
Business Regulations 2004. Without providing opportunity to the stakeholders, related to process the Tariff Petition by the Hon’ble Commission in
conducting of hearings in an in-camera mode, is no way possible under the Conduct W.P.No.16677 of 2022 has been challenged before the Hon’ble
of Business Regulations 2004. Madurai Bench of Madras High Court vide W.A(MD) No.973, 975
to 980 of 2022. The Hon’ble bench ordered on 01.09.2022 as
Hence, it should be noted that the hearing held on 19.07.2022 is a total violation on follows:
two aspects namely, the hearing should not have been conducted in an in-camera “It is in these circumstances, we grant an order of interim stay of
mode, without providing any opportunity to the stakeholders to participate in it and operation of paragraph No.11 of the learned single judge dated
also on the aspect of the Commission having no Member-Legal appointed first to it, 23.08.2022”
as per the Legal Proposition declared by the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India by the Hence the process of tariff petition is as per law and Regulations.
above quoted orders. 7. Section 64(3) of Electricity Act, 2003 deals with the time for
process of tariff petition and the procedure for tariff order which is
Therefore, the Cause List notified for the hearing on 19.07.2022 in Cause List No. stated below:
33/2022 dated 18.07.2022, is not sustainable for being proceeded with, under all the “The Appropriate Commission shall, within one hundred and twenty
canons of law and as such, all the subsequent events such as the hearing held on days from receipt of an application under sub-section (1) and after
19.07.2022 and the Daily Orders passed by the Hon'ble Commission in all the considering all suggestions and objections received from the public,-
Petitions namely TP No. 1 of 2022, TP No. 2 of 2022, TP No. 1 of 2020 and MP No. Therefore the maximum time allowed only is 120 days and no
36 of 2022 and the subsequent meeting of the SAC held on 11.08.2022 and all other minimum time limit is prescribed.
Public Hearings held on 16.08.2022, 18.08.2022 and 22.08.2022, should go The Hon’ble APTEL has directed in the A.No.177 of 2021 the
completely null and void. Respondent No.1 TNERC to take up the task of determination of
We wish to further state that the Daily Orders of the Hon'ble Commission dated tariff on fast track mode and pass tariff order.
19.07.2022 in TP No. 1 of 2022, TP No. 2 of 2022, TP No. 1 of 2020 and MP No. 8. The Hon’ble TNERC vide letter dated 05.05.2021 has informed
36 of 2022, are not sustainable to law and therefore, the manner by which comments that “if the tariff petition is not filed by the licensee within 15 days of
have been invited by the Hon'ble Commission, by webhosting the petitions in the time, the Commission has no other way, will take up the issue on
website of the Hon'ble Commission, as well as in the website of the TANGEDCO / suo-moto basis under Regulation 6(8) of the Tariff Regulations
TANTRANSCO / SLDC, without minding the legal position and impact involved in 2005.” Based on various instructions TANGEDCO now has filed this
the matter and also by completely violating its own Conduct of Business petition.
Regulations 2004, are also not sustainable to law. 9. The cost of power purchase from power exchange varies from
Rs.5.00/unit to Rs.12.00/unit. The cost/unit has also gone for upto
Therefore, we have not filed any comments, based on the Daily Orders of the Rs.20/unit and which capped for Rs.12.00/unit by the CERC
Hon'ble Commission dated 19.07.2022. However, as per the orders of the Hon'ble recently. Therefore there is no declining trend of rates in power
Court dated 23.08.2022 in our WP (MD) No. 16677 of 2022, the Hon'ble Court has exchanges.
directed to file comments before the Hon'ble Commission on the Tariff Petition filed 10. The filing of ARR and True-Up petition was delayed 225 days
by the TANGEDCO in TP No. 1 of 2022, we are filing these objections and for the FY 2022-23 is mainly due to outbreak of COVID -19
comments, in compliance of the order of the Hon'ble Court, for the detailed analysis Pandemic and TANGEDCO’s financials are grossly affected.
and consideration of both the TANGEDCO as well as the Hon'ble Commission, both 11. The demand charges are not increased from Rs.300/kVA to
on the grounds of law as well as on the grounds of factual matrix. Rs.350/per kVA in the previous tariff order dated 11.08.2017. And
2.Comments on the late filing of Petition for final True Up for 2016- 17, 2017- the demand charges of Rs.350/per kVA was fixed in the order dated
18, 2018-19, 2019-20 and 2020-21 (5 years) and the APR for 2021-22 and also 11.12.2014.
for ARRs for the years 2022-23 to 2026-27 (5 Years). 12.TANGEDCO has compiled and filed the audited Accounts
TASMA tabulated delay in filing the true up ARR for various Financial Years from within the due date and extended time granted by Registrar of
16-17 to 2020-21 further it states there was no petition filed at least to seek Companies and submitted the Audited balance sheet to the Hon’ble
condoning of the delay in filing the Trueing Up Petitions and ARRs for all the above TNERC up to the FY 2020-21.
years, as tabulated above. This shows the lethargic attitude of the TANGEDCO in 13. The average rate of inflation year on year is around 7% and 8
complying with, the mandatory norms and obligations of filing the Trueing Up years have passed since previous tariff revision. The cumulative
Petitions and ARRs and their attitude towards the Hon'ble Commission. This shows cost increase would be 56%. However TANGEDCO submitted the
clearly that only after the Hon'ble Commission started Chaired by the retired proposal to tariff hike only around 30%.
officials of the TANGEDCO / TANTRANSCO, a softening view is taken by the 14. The weighted average cost of coal has been arrived duly
Hon'ble Commission, towards such non-compliance of mandatory filing of Truing- considering base price, transportation and handling costs only.
Up Petitions and ARRs and that too with such inordinate delays. Even though, the 15. All the long/medium and short term power purchases are
Hon'ble APTEL has provided a deadline by 30.11.2021, the True-Up petitions and grouped and shown in the petitions however monthwise power
the ARRs have been filed only on 13.07.2022. This shows the attitude of the purchase data is submitted to the commission generator wise.
Licensee / Utility, even in the matter of complying with the orders of Judicial 16. Voltagewise cost and CSS:
Forums like APTEL etc. Hence, unless the matter of delay in filing the True-Up TANGEDCO has partially implemented ERP accounting package.
Petitions / ARRs is taken up and dealt with in a serious manner, compliance of the As and when it is fully developed and implemented the voltgewise
law would become a mockery and such lapses would continue forever and there will assets could be ascertained and cost could be arrived.
not be any remedy for the consumers, who have to bear with the bulk increases in Hence TANGEDCO adopted the methodology already approved by
tariff once in five years or so. Hence, this needs to be acted up on by the Hon'ble commission in its earlier tariff order.
Commission in a prompt manner 17. It is learnt that the data related to the tariff petition has been
sent by the Hon’ble TNERC, to the stakeholder.
3.Failure of the Hon'ble Commission in having not issued Suo Moto Tariff 18. True and Fair View of Accounts:
Orders in the absence of any Petition filed by TANGEDCO. The accounting framework prescribed under Companies Act is
Even in the case of delays in filing Trueing Up Petitions and ARRs, the Hon'ble adopted from FY 2018-19 onwards, subsequent to the opinion from
Commission has the authority to fix the Tariff Suo Moto, without any such Petition C&AG.
filed for this purpose from the Licensee / Utility. It can order to continue the existing TANGEDCO adopts the accounting standards of the companies Act
tariff or it can revise it upwards or even it can order to reduce the tariff, depending 2013 and the accounting policies as conventionally followed as per
up on the actual position. However, the Hon'ble Commission has not issued any Elecy Annual Accounts Rules 1985.
Suo-Motu Tariff Order for the past two years after 11.08.2017 TANGEDCO is in the process migrating to INDAS from FY
Further, the Hon'ble APTEL, New Delhi has clearly directed the Hon'ble The statutory auditor’s comments are only for non compliance with
Commission to issue Tariff Orders on Suo Moto basis, even when the Licensee / INDAS accounting framework and not for any other grave
Utility failed to file Trueing Up Petitions / ARRs in time in its order in O.P. No. 1 deviations. The Board has directed to explore the option of voluntary
of 2011 dated 11th November 2011. Accordingly, the tariff orders should have been revision of accounts FY 2020-21 to comply the Ind As compliance
issued once in a year without waiting for the ARRs to be filed by the Licensee / are also under process. On acceptance of revision by NCLT INDAS
Utility. The Operative Portion of the directions of the Hon'ble APTEL, New Delhi in will be compiled with in the FY 2021-22.
the above matter is extracted below. 19. Reconcilation of Accounts between TANTRANSCO and
“(iii) In the event of delay in filing of the ARR, truing-up and Annual Performance TANGEDCO
Review, one month beyond the scheduled date of submission of the petition, the State The inter company reconciliation between the two companies is
Commission must initiate suo- moto proceedings for tariff determination in completed and reflected in FY 2021-22 financials.
accordance with Section 64 of the Act read with clause 8.1 (7) of the Tariff Policy.”
20. The True-Up of the FY 2016-17 to 2020-21 are based on actual
Hence, having not issued any Tariff Order for the past 5 years after 11.08.2017 by expenditure accounted and audited at 3 levels (internal /Statutory
the Hon'ble Commission, the consumers are unable to ascertain, whether there is any /AG) and submitted along with justifications for deviation from
justification to pay the present tariff continuously for more than 5 years, even though norms.
the power markets have slashed down, as seen from the IEX and other suppliers of
power, both Intra State and Inter State. The IEX power was capped with Rs. 12/Unit. 21. Auditor Comments:
All the cost on the Renewable Power has come down heavily and this could be Detailed management reply to the auditor comments has been given
vouchsafed from the concerned Tariff Orders of the various Commissions, including in the balancesheet itself. Hence the same may be referred.
this Hon'ble Commission. The method of Feed-in-Tariff is being phased out and, in 29. Therefore this petition filed as per the existing regulations and
that place, fixation of Tariff by bidding methods is introduced and implemented. provisions of Electricity Act 2003 only.
With this background, the outside power market shows a great declining trend in the
recent years. Therefore, such a failure to fix the tariff every year by following a 22. Interest and Finance Charges: TANGEDCO is availing
year-on-year fixation method by the Hon'ble Commission, the spirit of the National Financial assistance from REC & PFC and TNPFC which are under
Tariff Policy read with Section 64 of the Electricity Act 2003, have become just the jurisdiction of the central government and state government
mockery of Justice and it also goes against the express directions provided by the respectively. The interest rates approved by the financial institutions
Hon'ble APTEL in this regard as extracted above. are as per their norms. Further TANGEDCO has appointed
4.Non-revision of tariff then and there would go against the very interest of consultant for strategic study and to reduce the financial burden of
consumers TANGEDCO.
The TANGEDCO has not filed any True-Up Petitions and ARRs from 2016-17
onwards. The last fixation of Tariff was actually found happened only during the 23. Employee cost and O&M cost:
year 2014, by the Suo Moto Order dated 11.12.2014 in SMT Order No. 9 of 2014. The operation and maintenance cost including employees cost are as
However, there was no proposal to increase the tariff while the TANGEDCO filed per regulations except DA & Terminal benefits which are claimed as
its petition on 31.01.2017. The earlier tariff of Rs.6.35 / Unit as fixed during 2014 per actuals only.
was allowed to continue with a marginal increase of demand charge only from Rs. TANGEDCO has not sanctioned Dearness Allowance from 1.1.2020
300/KVA to Rs.350/KVA. to 31.12.2021 and encashment of Earned Leave has also been
suspended till further orders since May 2020.
Hence, consumers at the face of the record may feel happy when there is no increase The recruitments are also made only for very essential and minimum
in the tariff. But there is a hidden trick and manipulation. Even though, when there is quantum only in the recent past.
no increase in the tariff, the fixed charges are increased. The TANGEDCO this time 24. Calculation of AT&C Losses
proposes to increase both tariff as well as the fixed charges. While the tariff is 87% of services are metered and actual consumption recorded.
proposed to be increased from Rs.6.35/Unit to Rs.6.75/Unit, the fixed charges are However for the remaining 13% the consumption arrived based on
proposed to be increased to a manifold extent from Rs.350/KVA to Rs.600/KVA. readings taken from metered services which are around 2%.
This is how the trick is played. Fixed charges are being collected from time 25. 100% metering:
immemorial and by this time, the capital expenditure invested in the creation of As per the RDSS plan feeder metering and measurement of
infrastructure would have come to zero levels. Only the cost of maintenance now unmetered services are the target and the same will be completed
has to be taken up, barring the new capital expenditures spent on creating new within the duration of this scheme.
infrastructure. Hence, increasing the fixed charges manifold after having reimbursed 26. Final Transfer Scheme
a major portion of the capital expenditure looks little odd. The Final Transfer Scheme of assets are notified vide G.O. M.S No.
The proposed Tariff Rates for the industrial consumers are killing the whole 49 dated 13thAugust 2015 and the same was given effect in the
industry, which are power intensive industries. The electricity availability at other audited financials of FY 2015-16.
various places and with other generators are much below than the present base tariff 27. The True-Up of the FY 2016-17 to 2020-21 are based on actual
of Rs.6.35/unit. Particularly in IEX, the price is so cheap. However, due to the expenditure accounted and audited at 3 levels (internal /Statutory
impracticable level of proposed increase in cross subsidy surcharge also, the /AG) and submitted along with justifications for deviation from
industrial consumers are not able to opt for other open access power. Hence, norms.
considering the overall reduction of the cost of power as seen from various other
28. Tariff Shock & proposal to revise tariff in nutshell
sources through open access, the Hon'ble Commission should consider to maintain
The average cost of supply of TANGEDCO for the FY 2022-23
the tariff at the existing level for industrial consumers. At present in Tamilnadu, the
estimated is Rs.9.54 per unit, even with the proposed tariff revision it
other RE Generators are offering price to the extent of below Rs.6.00/Unit for
works out to Rs.7.85 per unit only. Hence there is no over recovery
industrial consumers under Group Captive scheme. If it is not attended to at least
of cost by TANGEDCO.
now, then it would be a great un-justice made to the industrial consumers.
The proposal of tariff revision is not to give tariff shock to the
Therefore, to achieve the same, the following data shall be ordered to be furnished
consumers and as per the National Electricity policy, Electricity Act,
by the TANGEDCO for making proper public comments by the industrial
2003 and Tariff Regulations only submitted for approval.
consumers more particularly.
The average rate of inflation year on year is around 7% and 8 years
(i) Station-Wise cost of coal (separately for indigenous and imported coal) with
have passed since previous tariff revision. The cumulative cost
transport cost break-up for all the Trueing-Up and Tariff Period.
increase would be 56%. However TANGEDCO submitted the
(ii) Name of Generator, fixed and variable cost of Long/Medium/Short Term
proposal to tariff hike only around 30%.
power purchased or to be purchased by the TANGEDCO for all the True-Up and
However the stakeholders views on reduction of industrial tariff are
Tariff Period.
considered and necessary action is being taken to request commission
(iii) Specific tariff approved for the TANGEDCO’s Mini/Micro Hydel and other
for issuing appropriate orders.
power plants by the Hon'ble Commission.
29. Regulatory Assets
The above data is required for making the public comments more genuinely with
TANGEDCO would like to submit that the it has considered the
more authenticity with complete prudent check and therefore, the Hon'ble
opening Regulatory assets as on 1.4.2016 same as considered by the
Commission may direct the TANGEDCO to furnish the above details before
Commission vide its Order dated 11.8.2017 i.e., Rs. 30,884.15 Crore.
approving the Trueing- Up Petition for the respective periods.
Further the Commission has made adjustment of Rs. 22,815.00 Crore
5.The Hon'ble Commission needs to follow APTEL’s orders before approving and the same has been considered by TANGEDCO. It is pertinent to
TANGEDCO’s petition. mention here that the Commission has calculated the Revised
As directed by the Hon'ble APTEL in Appeal No. 257 of 2012, the differential price Regulatory Assets vide Order dated 11.8.2017 in Petition No. T.P.
of electricity for peak and off-peak hours for Industrial consumers must be No. 1 of 2017 based on the projected numbers. However,
determined. TANGEDCO has now come up with the actual losses during the year
The Order of the Hon'ble Commission dated 11.08.2017 in TP No. 1 of 2017 is 2016-17 and the same has been considered while calculating the
already under challenge on the Appeal Jurisdiction before the Hon'ble APTEL, New revised Regulatory Assets. Hence the contention of the objector that
Delhi by TASMA in Appeal No. 356 of 2017 and the matter is likely to be finally the Regulatory Assets considered as per the books of accounts is
heard shortly for disposal. Inter-alia, among various other things the matter of wrong needs to be revised. The Hon’ble Commission is requested to
fixation of Cross Subsidy Surcharge at Rs.1.67/Unit is one of the main challenges, consider the Regulatory Assets as considered by TANGEDCO.
when the determination has happened based on the ABR Tariff. While the National
Tariff Policy caps levy of Cross Subsidy Surcharges only to the extent of 20% of the 30. The average inflation for the past years are 7% per annum. The
tariff alone, going with a system of considering the ABR Tariff is no way cumulative increase during the 8 years is around 56%. However
sustainable. In the current Tariff Revision Petition filed by the TANGEDCO, in TP TANGEDCO proposed to hike as much minimum extent.
No. 1 of 2022, the same mistake has happened and accordingly, the TANGEDCO However, Tamil Nadu Power Generation and Distribution
has proposed to levy Cross Subsidy Surcharge of Rs.2.33/Unit, which goes with an Corporation will consider the request regarding reduction of
increase of Re.0.66/Unit, which is not going with the dictum of the National Tariff industrial tariff and take appropriate action for the Hon'ble Tamil
Policy, which mandates to cap it to the extent of 20% of the base tariff only. Even Nadu Electricity Regulatory Commission will issue an appropriate
when the proposed revision of tariff is accepted at Rs.6.75/Unit, then the CSS needs order in this regard.
to be fixed only as Rs.1.35/Unit. Hence, this requires a detailed correction, before 31. Time of Day Tariff
approving the Tariff Petition. The proposed ToD charges are based on consultant report and since
Therefore, before approving the True-Up Petitions for the past 5 years and before the demand was volatile due to pandemic during 2020-22 no
passing orders on the APR and ARR filed by the TANGEDCO, the Hon'ble separate study undertaken. However the peak hour consumption
Commission has to consider all the above legal grounds explained and then only, the restored to pre pandemic period now.
order of the Hon'ble Commission will survive in all the tests of legal scrutiny. The proposed ToD charges are to meet out the high cost Power
6. Adequate Data / Reference Documents have not been provided by the purchase expenses during the peak hours and 5% concession
TANGEDCO/TNERC. available for night hour consumption. It is intended to balance the
In our letter dated 02.08.2022, we had requested the Hon'ble Commission to direct Grid by shifting peak load.
the TANGEDCO to supply certain very important documents, both from the 32. Cross Subsidy Surcharge
TANGEDCO as well as from the Hon’ble Commission, as stipulated in the National TANGEDCO worked out the various components of CSS formulae
Tariff Policy, Tariff Regulations etc., to analyse the contents of the Petitions and to based on the projected values and computed the consumer category-
offer our reasoned comments. wise CSS in accordance with the Tariff Policy, 2016. The CSS
However, we have not received the required documents, as we requested and computed in accordance with the NTP Formulae represents the
nothing was even webhosted either in the website of the Hon'ble Commission or in current level of cross subsidy. However, TANGEDCO considered
the website of the TANGEDCO. We could get data from some of the documents the CSS equal to minimum of the two values: Computed CSS and
available in the public domain, but still we didn’t have many of the details we need 20% of tariff.
for preparing our comments after a prudent check. Our comments could have been 33. Wheeling Charges:
made better, if the required details, data and documents, were made available to us. The wheeling charges and Net work cost has been arrived based on
Without prejudice to our rights to seek details / documents /data etc., to verify the the Tamilnadu Regulation notified by the Hon’ble TNERC vide
correctness of the claim of the TANGEDCO, we furnish below our comments with notification No. TNERC/Legal dated. 26.05.2021 3505/D. No. /2021.
the “available data” in the public domain etc., on the Tariff petition TP 1 of 2022 14. The Wheeling charges / Network charges of the Distribution
filed by the TANGEDCO. Licensee shall be determined by the Commission on the basis of a
7.The importance of “Prudent Check” as required by the Act and the National petition for determination of Tariff filed by the Distribution Licensee
Tariff Policy by the Commission in the present context of poor and inefficient
in accordance with regulations 5 and 6 or on suo-motu basis under
performance of the TANGEDCO and as well as the dangerous adverse remarks Regulation 6(8) and it shall be determined separately for all LT/HT
passed by the Auditors of the TANGEDCO. consumers as applicable:
The Poorest performance of TANGEDCO and its impact on the Consumers.Ministry 15. Provided that the Wheeling charges/ Network charges may be
of Power’s (MoP) Annual Integrated Rating & Ranking for Power Distribution denominated in terms of Rs./kWh (or) Rs./ kVAh (or) Rs/ kW month
Utilities (August 2022), has graded the TANGEDCO as “Low Operational and (or) Rs/kVA month for the purpose of recovery from the Distribution
Financial Performance”. Some of the important and critical parameters reported by network user, or any such denomination as may be stipulated by the
the said MoP report and as well as the “Report on Performance of Power Utilities
2019-20” issued by the Power Finance Corporation (PFC) shows that the HT and LT network cost is proportioned at 85:15 based on the cost of
TANGEDCO is one of the worst performing power utilities in the Country. Hence, network. Most of the HT networks are at higher cost. However the
the inefficiency,poor performance etc., of the TANGEDCO should not be passed on network cost is proportioned based on the sales ratio of 21:79 for
to the consumers. HT and LT network for arriving wheeling charges.
Auditors adverse Remarks on TANGEDCO Financial Statements. Hence wheeling charges arrived based on the prevailing regulations
We once again emphasise on the importance of “prudent check” to be done by the and to recover the network cost and revenue from the same is being
Commission as required by the Act, National Electricity Policy etc. This is because reduced in ARR to arrive retail tariff.
the TANGEDCO wants the True- Ups and the ARRs have to be done based on their 34.RE Concession:
actual parameters and “accounts statements”. But their Auditors themselves have The concession available for RE power open access charges is sub
passed the following adverse remarks in their Audited Reports. judicied. TANGEDCO filed an appeal before the Hon’ble Supreme
……… “the aforesaid standalone financial statements do not give a true and fair court as against the APTEL order and subject to the disposal of the
view in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in India and also case, the withdrawal of the concession will be insisted.
do not give the information required by the Companies Act, 2013 ("the Act") in the 35 . O&M charges
manner so required and are not in conformity with the Indian Accounting Standards The O&M charges paid for the maintenance of Grid/Substations are
prescribed under section 133 of the Act read with the Companies (Indian related to TANTRANSCO. Determination of wheeling charges are
Accounting Standards) Rules, 2015, as amended”. related to Distribution business and the O&M charges paid for
Therefore, the Commission cannot consider the Audit statements of the maintenance of TANTRANSCO network and are not related to the
TANGEDCO which “do not give a true and fair view in conformity with accounting determination of wheeling charges.
principles”. 36. MYT Tariff
We request the Hon’ble Commission to conduct an independent prudent check and The consumer price index CPI measures the monthly changes in
determine the allowable costs for the purposes of ARR. prices due to inflation and will have impact on all input cost of
Reconciliation of Accounts between TANGEDCO and TANTRANSCO generation as well as Distribution sector. The CPI is one of the most
Further, in the audit report, it is also mentioned that the balances between popular measure of inflation and deflation. It is proposed to increase
TANGEDCO and TANTRANSCO are not reconciled, which is a very serious issue. the tariff based on the CPI or 6% whichever is less. Most of the states
Without completing the reconciliation, it is not possible to determine the actual like Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh are following
expenses for the past periods and therefore, Truing- Up, based on the data provided the basis of price indices for escalating the expenses. However the
in the Petition would not be accurate or appropriate. same will be trued up based on actual expenses year on year.
Similarly, future projection cannot be estimated with reasonable accuracy in the 37. TANGEDCO supply power at various level including 22 kV and
absence of accurate past actual expenditure which can be ascertained only when the separate lines and SS being maintained for 22 kV level.
reconciliation is completed. Hence, we wish to state that the Hon’ble Commission 38. Return on Equity
shall direct the Licensee to reconcile the accounts forthwith and submit the data TANGEDCO would like to submit that the it has claimed RoE only
based on reconciled accounts before the Commission decides on the Petition for on the additional equity infused in the year FY 2016-17 as per its
issuing suitable Tariff Order. Audited Accounts. Further like to reiterate its submission that the
For the above stated reasons, we request the Hon'ble Commission to go by the total additional equity of Rs. 4523.19 Crore for FY 2016-17 and Rs.
“Third Party Verified Technical and Financial Data/Parameters” as required by the 1365.77 Crore for FY 2017-18 is bifurcated into generation and
National Tariff Policy to process the TANGEDCO’s ARR Petition. distribution function based on the opening balance of Gross Block
8.Truing up of ARRs has to be done only after prudent determination of ARR allotted to generation and distribution function of TANGEDCO.
by the Commission Equity for generation function is further sub-allocated into plant wise
In their petition, the TANGEDCO has requested the Commission to “true up” their based on opening gross block for each of the plant. The additions and
ARR for the years 2018-19 to 2020-21 based on “actual parameters and accounts of deductions during the year are considered as per actual for FY 2016-
the TANGEDCO”. The question of True- Up comes only after the determination of 17 and FY 2017-18. The RoE earned can be reinvested every year to
ARR by the Commission. In the last Tariff Order dated 11.08.2017, the final True- carry out capacity additions. The infusion of equity can also be
Up was done only up to 2015-16 and the ARR was determined for the period from validated from UDAY MoU, wherein the GoTN will convert a loan
2016-17 to 2018-19. Hence, we request the Commission to True-Up the ARR for the of Rs. 3,352 Crore into equity share capital. This equity has been
period from 2016-17 to 2018-19 and determine it for 2019-20 and 2020- 21, after used towards Capitalisation of assets and conversion of loan availed
“prudent check” as this ARR forms the “basis” for the ARR for 2021-22 and as well for Capital Expenditure into Equity. It is reiterated that RoE earned is
as the future multiyear tariff for 2022-23 to 2026-27 as proposed in the Tariff invested every year to carry out future capacity additions and is
Petition. essential for sustainable operations. Hence the contention of the
It is also observed that TANGEDCO has not deducted the other income, in the ARR objector that the Return on Equity shall not be allowed is not in
statement and hence we wish to state that the other income be deducted from the line with the spirit of Tariff Regulations.
total expenditure, before determining the ARR. We also observed some differences 39. The measurement of coal is weighted at loading port and
between the Audited Accounts available in the public domain and the claim made by unloading point. It is planned to procure a software to monitor the
the TANGEDCO in its Petition, which may please be verified. The total expenses of movement of coal from loading point to unloading point during coal
the TANGEDCO for the purposes of ARR could only be lower than the audited transport. The movement of coal will be monitored efficiently and
figures, in view of the disallowances of losses that were not approved in the past and loss will be measured accurately.
the expenses incurred over and above the norms approved by the Hon'ble Further it is proposed to form a quality circle of technical experts to
Commission. We request the Hon'ble Commission to individually verify each and study and approve quality test certificate of coal given by external
every cost incurred by the TANGEDCO as find that some expenses are higher than agency.
the norms approved by the Hon'ble Commission.
9.The Observations of Auditors on Coal Accounting is a point of major concern: 40. Auditor Comments:
There is an observation in the Audit report with regard to coal accounting as Detailed management reply to the auditor comments has been given
follows: in the balance sheet itself. Hence the same may be referred.
“The company does not have an adequate control system with regard to the 41. Therefore this petition filed as per the existing regulations and
reconciliation of the quality and quantity of coal ordered and received”. provisions of Electricity Act 2003 only.
Coal constitutes a major expenditure for TANGEDCO. The audit report states that
there is no adequate control on both quality and quantity. Hon’ble Commission has
been stipulating norms for coal consumption but the actual consumption has always
been higher than the norms. TANEGDCO is attributing the higher coal consumption
to operating the plants at lower CUF but the fact is that even the basic controls are
not in place. Consumption of coal per kWh depends on the quality of the coal and if
the quality is not reconciled, how can the norms corresponding to the quality be
enforced. Obviously, it will lead to higher consumption and cost which is due to
sheer inefficiency and it is an avoidable cost. Further, there were lot of news items
in the newspapers, including the news given by the State electricity minister,
regarding mismatch in the coal accounting in TANGEDCO. Hence, we request the
Commission to conduct a third-party verification on the coal quality, quantity and its
consumption before approving the ARR/ Truing up.
10. Other important comments of the Auditors which need the attention and
focus of the Hon’ble Commission while scrutinizing the Tariff Order.
The TASAMA states the various comments given by statutory auditors.

11. Interest on borrowings, Employee Cost and O&M charges.

The TANGEDCO’s balance sheet ending with March 2021 (as available in
TANGEDCO’s website) shows a total borrowing of Rs.1,44,302 crores (1,23,299 +
21,003). In this connection, kindly refer to the report on “Ranking & Ninth Annual
Integrated Rating of State Power Distribution Utilities” issued by the Ministry of
Power, Government of India and the “Report on Performance of Power Utilities
2019- 20” issued by the PFC which clearly reveals that the TANGEDCO is one of
worst performing States. The borrowings and the interest costs are abnormally high
compared to other states. As per section 61 of the Act, in determination of tariff,
the Appropriate Commission shall be guided by the “factors which would encourage
competition, efficiency, economical use of the resources, good performance and
optimum investments. The per unit Employee cost and the O&M charges sought for
by the TANGEDCO are extremely high when compared to the other power utilities
in the country (Please refer to the said PFC report also) which again resulted due to
the inefficient functioning and poor performance of the TANGEDCO. To avoid
penalising the consumers, the Hon’ble Commission may compare with the
performance and parameters of the other distribution utilities and limit the costs to
the extent of industry standards.

Therefore, we request the Hon’ble Commission to restrict the claim of TANGEDCO

on the tariff parameters such as O&M Cost, Interest and finance charges etc. to the
industry’s best practice level or at least to the industry’s average level.
12. Correct estimation of quantum of supply made to free supplies or supplies
to subsidized consumers.
We request the Hon'ble Commission to direct the TANGEDCO that the estimation
of the quantum of supply made free of cost or at subsidized rates should be
rigorously prepared and submitted with proper care. Now it is being considered
based on the numbers given by TANGEDCO or Government of Tamil Nadu. A
comparison has to be made with other States following similar policies.
The table for energy balance shows a large unexplained quantum which produces no
revenue. This quantum is either the Aggregate Technical or Commercial Losses (A
T & C Losses) in excess of norms or unaccounted supply to unmetered consumers.
If it is A T & C losses in excess of norms, the losses should be borne by
TANGEDCO. If it is unaccounted supply to unmetered consumers, then the subsidy
payable by the Government must be more than what is currently being estimated and
ordered for claiming. It may probably due to this that the Hon'ble Commission has
earlier directed the TANGEDCO to assess the actual subsidy requirement and report
to it within six months. Apparently this has not been done so far after expiry of so
many years. Therefore, it is humbly requested that the Hon’ble Commission may fix
the responsibility for this loss with TANGEDCO exclusively.
13.Requirement for ensuring 100% metering:
Section 55 of Electricity Act states that no licensee shall supply power except
through a Meter. However TANGEDCO is still supplying power to agricultural
consumers and huts for which no meter is fixed. This has resulted in TANGEDCO
not getting full amount of subsidy from Government for which it is eligible and is a
major reason for the deficit in income faced by TANGEDCO. Therefore, the
Hon’ble Commission is requested to ensure that TANGEDCO completes 100%
metering in FY 2017-18 at least as years have passed since the coming in to force of
Electricity Act 2003.
14.Failure to finalize Transfer Scheme and to Segregate Distribution and
Generation as separate Functions as envisaged in the Electricity Act 2003:
In spite of having got more than seven years since the split up of TNEB in to
TANGEDCO and TANTRANSCO, it is appalling that the transfer scheme is not yet
finalized. The failure has repercussions on the entire tariff exercise as all the
subsequent financial statements have a bearing on the balance sheet of the final
transfer scheme. However, in spite of the importance of the issue, the licensees are
merely extending the deadline for finalization of transfer scheme in every six
months. We request the Hon’ble Commission to take strict action on this failure of
the licensees in not completing the transfer scheme in time.
It may also be noted that the Hon’ble Commission itself has given a directive to the
Government of Tamil Nadu vide TNERC/1148/Tariff/2010
/D.No.1205/2010 dated 27th September 2010 which recommended the separation of
Generation and Distribution functions and to further split the Distribution function.
If this directive would have been complied to, there would have been some
improvement in the efficiency and transparency of operations and would also have
introduced a certain potential for competition. Therefore, in the interests of the
consumers of the State, the Hon’ble Commission is requested to give directions on
the same directly to TANGEDCO and to state that failure to comply with such
direction shall be punishable under Section 142 and 146 of the Act. It may be noted
that TANGEDCO being a licensee regulated under the Act is bound to comply with
the directions of the Hon’ble Commission with or without concurrence by the Govt.
of Tamil Nadu.
15.Regulatory Compliance and making available the Audited Accounts for
prudent checks:
We had already discussed in detail the licensees’ non-compliance of the express
directives on the Hon’ble Commission. Considering that there does not seem to be
any effort on the part of the licensees to improve the situation, we suggest that the
Hon’ble Commission may strictly monitor the compliance of various directives
issued by it and the undertakings given by the licensees with independent agencies
and auditors.
It is also suggested that in matters of regulatory compliance, including compliance
of directives, the Hon’ble Commission shall not be dependent only on the reports of
the licensees. The Hon’ble Commission is requested to exercise its powers and insist
on the submission of the audited accounts before taking up the annual tariff revision
exercise for the licensees. It is unfair to the consumers to do the truing up on the
basis of provisional figures when enough time has passed for the submission of final
audited figures. In spite of the repeated directives of TNERC and the undertaking
that licensees had given to various authorities including Government of India, the
licensees have not been finalizing its audit accounts before the statutory dead lines.
This shows their incompetence or a desire to hide their accounts from public
scrutiny. There is no reason why TANGEDCO and TANTRANSCO should be
unable to finalise their accounts even seven months beyond the end of financial year
whereas companies with much larger operations like National Thermal Power
Corporation (in generation) and Power Grid Corporation (in transmission) and
comparable operations in distribution like Tata Power and CESC are able to do so
on time. Such companies also put out periodical statements on their operations for
their shareholders and consumers. In comparison, even though public sector utilities,
TANGEDCO and TANTRANSCO strives to keeps their accounting and financial
data secret even when they try to project thousands of crores as revenue gap in order
to justify their demands for increase in consumer tariff.
The Hon'ble Commission is also requested to issue suitable Regulations and
Guidelines by which it could be mandated the appointment of Statutory Independent
Auditor to comment on the compliances with various statutory and regulatory
compliances applicable to companies licenced by it. The Auditors make such
comments in respect of compliances of companies being audited by them in respect
of Employees Provident Fund, Gratuity payable to employees, loans taken, tax
deducted at source and so on and so forth. For this purpose, the Hon'ble Commission
may write to Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India, Comptroller and
Auditor General of India and the Institute of Chartered Accountants / Cost
Accountants. The Hon'ble Commission is also requested to insist on Annual Cost
Audit of the TANGEDCO / TANTRANSCO, by qualified professionals.

In view of the substantial public interest being involved, the Hon'ble Commission
must request Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG), to make the audit of
the operations of TANTRANSCO an annual exercise and make it available the
Audit Report before the Tariff Exercise is initiated. It is brought to the attention of
the Hon’ble Commission that such an audit was ordered on the Power Utilities in
Delhi even though they were not Government Companies and Courts have upheld
the legality of such Special Audits. The Hon’ble Commission may contact the
Ministry of Power, Government of India and other Statutory Authorities for ordering
a similar audit investigation on TANGEDCO and TANTRANSCO to make the
account prudently checked at least this time and to continue the best practice in
future also. This has become necessary due to the inordinate losses seen
continuously with both the Distribution Licensee / Transmission Utility.
It may also be noted that the Distribution Licensee / Transmission Utility were
earlier directed to maintain Regulatory Accounts which seems not to have been
complied with. The Hon'ble Commission must direct TANGEDCO/TANTRANSCO
to maintain and submit separate Regulatory Accounts Independent of the Accounts
maintained by it, for the compliances under Companies Act 2013, Income Tax Act,
1961 and other legislations. These accounts should be in compliance with the
Electricity Act, 2003 and the various directions given under the Act and the
subordinate legislations like Tariff Regulations and National Tariff Policy etc. These
accounts should be audited by a Chartered Accountant appointed by the Hon'ble
Commission and the Annual Reports should be posted on the websites of Hon'ble
Commission and TANTRANSCO. The Annual Report prepared from such account
should be submitted to the Hon'ble Commission and should form the basis on which
tariff revision exercise is initiated. From the accounts, the Hon'ble Commission
should be able to easily fetch the required data, without arriving at them from the
accounts maintained for other the Statutes. As and when required, the Hon’ble
Commission may also mandate a reconciliation of the Regulatory Accounts and the
other Statutory Accounts in the required manner.

16. Avoidance of Tariff Shock.

In the Petition, the tariff increase sought for by the Licensees for different categories
are going up to the unimaginable level of up to 700%. The Commission’s
Regulation 4 of the Tariff Regulation specifies that tariff shock to any category is to
be avoided while setting the tariff. We request the Hon’ble Commission to restrict
the increase in (and tariff parameters) tariff to any category within the reasonable
level of maximum of 20%.
17.Regulatory Asset.
It is mentioned in Point No: 34 of the Audit Report under the heading “Basis for
Adverse Opinion” that TANGEDCO has not arrived at the Regulatory Assets for the
financial year 2018-19, 2019-20 & 2020-21. This is a very serious lapse for the
completion of True-Up exercise. The relevant Para from the Tariff Order dated
11.08.2017 is reproduced below.
“5.6.17-As discussed in the above section, GoTN has taken over Rs. 22,815 Crore of
debt of TANGEDCO after signing UDAY. The Commission has not considered the
consequential impact of debt take over while approving interest on loan for the
Control Period from FY 2016-17 to FY 2018-19. However, the Commission has
adjusted the Rs. 22,815 Crore against Revenue Gap at the end of FY 2016-17 as
UDAY has been signed in FY 2016-17. After adjusting Rs. 22,815 Crore, the
Commission has computed carrying cost on Rs. 7,605 Crore at 6.35% (Bank Rate as
of August 3, 2017 + 0.1%) in accordance with the UDAY MoU. Carrying cost on
remaining balance after subtracting Rs. 7,605 Crore has been considered at 11%.”
The total Regulatory Assets as determined by the Commission for the year FY2016-
17 was Rs.10,432.70Cr, for which the Commission has allowed the carrying cost at
the rates approved by them. For ease of reference, the relevant portion approving the
rate of carrying cost in Para No: 5.6-17 is reproduced below:
“After adjusting Rs. 22,815 Crore, the Commission has computed carrying cost on
Rs. 7,605 Crore at 6.35% (Bank Rate as of August 3, 2017 + 0.1%) in accordance
with the UDAY MoU. Carrying cost on remaining balance after subtracting Rs.
7,605 Crore has been considered at 11%.”
It is therefore very clear that the accumulated losses as per the audited accounts of
TANGEDCO as on 31.03.2017 shall not be considered for the purposes of Truing
up and instead, the Regulatory Assets approved by the Commission is to be
considered as mentioned above. The accumulated losses of TANGEDCO as of
31.03.2017 was Rs. 67,511.14 Cr and the approved Regulatory Assets was only Rs.
10,432.70Cr and the interest on loans for the difference between the two cannot be
claimed by the TANGEDCO as the same has not been approved by the Commission.
It is pertinent to point out that the losses of the TANGEDCO in the past have been
funded by means of loans which carry interest which has been accounted as expense
in all the financial years. Interest in respect of such borrowings shall not be allowed
while Truing Up or in ARR as these loans have been raised to fund expenses or
losses. Further it is pointed out that the carrying cost in respect of Regulatory Assets
has been allowed by the Commission and allowing interest on loans to the extent of
Regulatory Assets would amount to duplication. Hence the Commission shall carry
out a detailed prudent check on the financing cost incurred in the past and claimed
for the future and disallow interest in respect of loans raised beyond the approved
Further, as discussed above, since the TANGEDCO’s losses of the past have not
been approved by the Hon’ble Commission in full and only a part of the losses was
approved as Regulatory asset by the Hon’ble Commission in its order dated
11.08.2017, interest on TANGEDCO’s borrowings other than for genuine capital
expenditure as approved by the Commission, should be disallowed as the carrying
cost on Regulatory asset has been claimed by TANGEDCO. If both carrying cost on
Regulatory assets and the interest on loans raised to fund the losses are allowed, it
will amount to duplication.
18. The proposal of the TANGEDCO to revise the tariff in a nutshell.
The TASMA Compares various existing and proposed rates under various tariff and
explains pros and cons.
Energy Charges:
The current tariff was fixed during the year 2014 at Rs.6.35, by virtue of the order of
the Hon'ble Commission dated 11.12.2014, in SMT No. 9 of 2014. The same tariff
was continued while issuing the Tariff Order in TP No. 1 of 2017 dated 11.08.2017
also. Since a period of almost 8 years has expired, we do not find any major
unreasonableness in taking up the revision with an increase of Re.0.40/Unit, which
looks however fair, considering the paucity of time of 8 years. Therefore, we do not
have any objection over the same.
Demand Charges:
The TANGECO has sought to increase the demand charges for HT Consumers from
the present Rs 350 per KVA to Rs 600 per KVA which is nearly a 80% increase.
TANGEDCO is trying to enhance its revenues through this proposal of abnormal,
illogical increase on all HT consumers. This is not substantiated by any data,
demanding such a whopping increase. There has not been much addition to the HT
consumers network over the last few years that there is no possibility of any
abnormal increase in the costs to seek such high increase in the demand charges.
Further the TANGEDCO has proposed to increase the fixed charges in respect of LT
and LT CT consumers. While the demand charges / fixed charges are straightaway
applicable to capital and fixed cost of the TANGEDCO, without a proper Capital
Investment Plan, approved by the Hon'ble Commission, the justification to make
such a high increase in the demand charges / fixed charges is no way sustainable
under any legal scrutiny. Therefore, the proposed 25 increase of demand charges /
fixed charges has to be reasoned out suitably for justification. 18.9 Such a large level
of increase both on the Fixed Charges and Energy Charges, would kill the efficiency
of all MSME Industries in the State and they will be forced to close from their
existence. As MSMEs are the backbone of Nation such an increase from Rs. 35 to
Rs. 600 is something not imaginable at all. Further this will lead to tariff shock for
the consumers. Hence, we submit that the demand charges be increased to Rs. 375
per KVA.
19.Time of Day Tariff / Peak Hour Charges:
The TANGEDCO has proposed to increase the Peak Hour periods from 06.30 Hours
to 10.30 Hours and 18.00 Hours to 22.00 Hours and to increase the existing Peak
Hour Charges from 20% to 25%. Hence, this increase would be manifold both on
the total duration of peak hours and also on the charges to be collected to the extent
of 25% instead of the existing 20%.In this connection, we wish to state that the
Hon'ble Commission has posted a “Report on Time of Day (TOD) Tariff For
TANGEDCO” prepared by M/s ABPS Infrastructure Advisory Pvt., Ltd., supports
the claim of TANGEDCO in both the way by increase the duration of peak hours as
well as the peak hour charges as like a double barrel gun. Besides to the same, it is
not known as how a report prepared based on the data available during the years
2017 and 2018, can be applied for the year 2022-23 and even beyond.

On the proposal of the TANGEDCO to revise the peak hour duration from 6 Hours
to 8 Hours and also to increase the rate of peak hours from 20% to 25% as proposed
by the TANGEDCO, to modify the Time of the Day from the existing 6 Hours to 8
Hours by altering the timings from 6.30-10.30 Hours and 18.00-22.00 Hours, the
Tariff Petition was under comments as per the Daily Order of the Hon'ble
Commission dated 19.07.2022. While the matter was placed for the comments of the
stakeholders, the Hon'ble Commission has also unilaterally attempted to amend the
TNERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff) Regulations, 2005, so
as to modify the Time of the Day Hours by amending Clause 11 (2) of the
Regulation on its own. This was heavily objected by TASMA by our letter dated
09.08.2022 filed before the Hon'ble Commission, both as hard copy and as soft
As observed in Para 5.69 of the current SMT Order No. 9 of 2014 dated 11.12.2014,
the Hon'ble Commission has yet to address the issue of the rationality behind the
fixation of ToD tariff for 6 hours between 6.00 AM -
9.00 AM and 6.00 PM - 9.00 PM till today and no orders have been passed so far by
the Hon'ble Commission. In the absence of the same, the matter of collection of 20%
extra over the base tariff, for the peak hours of 6.00 AM – 9.00 AM and 6.00 PM –
9.00 PM is still looking unjustifiable, while the power curves shared on not
demonstrating any peak during the said hours. At least while approving the present
petition, the Hon'ble Commission should come forward to issue a clear order,
towards this direction as mandated by Hon'ble APTEL in various orders. Without
settling this issue, the proposal of the TANGEDCO to modify both the duration of
peak hours as well as approving the peak hour charges from the existing 20% to
25% looks not sustainable in any manner. To go with the power curves, as
demonstrated above, the peak hour charges should be removed totally as there are no
peak hours either in the morning or in the evening, as the case may be. Therefore,
increasing the charges by 5% more is no way unsustainable.
20.Cross Subsidy Surcharge.
TANGEDCO in its Tariff Revision Petition has sought to determine the CSS at
Rs.2.33/unit as against the prevailing CSS of Rs.1.67/unit. In this connection, it is
pertinent to point out that as per the Electricity Act 2003, the CSS is to be phased
out and eliminated over a period of time. However, the proposal to increase the CSS
from the existing level of Rs.1.67/unit to the extent of Rs.2.33, is contravening the
very spirit of the provisions of the Electricity Act 2003.
Without prejudice to the above, we would also like to state that the CSS has been
determined considering the Average Unit Realization (AUR) / Average Billing Rate
(ABR) from HT consumers, which includes the demand charges. The demand
charges shall not be included for the purposes of calculation of CSS, because even
when power is availed under OA by a HT consumer, the demand charges are
continued to be paid by them and TANGEDCO loses only the realization on energy
sales. Therefore, CSS shall be calculated, after excluding the component of demand
charges (i.e) only on the energy charges alone and the National Tariff Policy goes in
line with the same and caps it to the extent of 20% of the Average Base Tariff alone.
If demand charges are excluded, the CSS would automatically come down. With
capping it to the extent of 20%, the CSS would come only (Rs.6.75 x 20%) =
Rs.1.35/Unit only. The already levied CSS was already agitated before the Hon'ble
APTEL in Appeal No. 356 of 2017 and is likely to be heard shortly. We therefore,
request the Hon’ble Commission to consider our submissions while determining the
CSS correctly and legally.

21. A Complete wrong calculation of wheeling Charges by the TANGEDCO

even without any smallest mind application.
The TANGEDCO has wrongly apportioned the total Distribution Network Cost, in
the ratio of 85:15, for the HT and LT respectively, in Clause 6.2.1 of the Tariff
Petition filed for the FY 2021-22 to 2026-27. It appears that the TANGEDCO has
purposefully done this mistake and has accordingly, substituted the HT Cost Ratio
with LT Cost Ratio.
It is a well-accepted system Pan-India and known for its technical fact that the ratio
of LT Network Cost, is always be multi-fold when compared with the share of the
HT Network Cost, when the fact remains that there are large no of consumers and
the Distributed Network and the associated infrastructure created to cater the LT
Network when compared with the HT Network. All the data in Tamilnadu also
supports the same position in our State also.
Surprisingly, the logic used by the TANGEDCO is “inverse” of the logic used in the
Commission’s Order dated 11.08.2017. As per Clause 5.3.5 of the Tariff Policy, the
(Transmission/Wheeling) Tariff Mechanism would be sensitive to distance,
direction and related to quantum of flow. Therefore, wheeling charges are directly
proportional to circuit kilometres of HT and LT line and the quantum of energy
flow. The Commission used exactly these details in the last Tariff Order dated
We request the Hon’ble Commission to direct the TANGEDCO to either submit the
exact network cost of HT & LT, from the audited accounts or in the absence of such
data, we wish to state that the Principle of Apportioning on the basis of Circuit Kilo-
meters be adopted, as found adopted in the last Tariff Order dated 11.08.2017, for
the determination of the wheeling charges.
We further submit that, if we adopt the same methodology of apportioning the
network cost on the basis of Circuit Kilo-meters which was used to arrive at the
wheeling charges during the year 2017-18, by the Hon'ble Commission, the
wheeling charges (assuming the expenses as submitted by TANGEDCO in its
Petition) are all true for the financial years 2021-2022 and 2022-2023, it would work
out only to 35.73 paise / Unit and 38.78 paise / Unit, for the FY 2021-22 and 2022-
23 respectively as per the projections given in the Table below. While this being the
correct method to be followed, the TANGEDCO has wantonly and arbitrarily
inflated the costs and apportioned the Network Cost at 85% for HT, deliberately
without any basis or logic, only with a view to increase the wheeling charges by a
whopping range of 700% to 152 paise for 2022-23 to satisfy someone else with this
wrong method of working.
22. Seeking to impose 100% of the wheeling charges for the renewable power as
proposed by the TANGEDCO is in Contempt of the order of Hon’ble APTEL
dated 28.01.2021 and the order of the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India.
While the percentage by which the wheeling charges has to be collected, would
always form a part of the Tariff Orders of Wind Energy and Solar Energy, as the
case may be, attempting to make suggestions to fix it at 100% level by way of a
Tariff Revision Petition, is basically not a correct legal procedure.
Further, the Hon’ble Commission in its Order No. 6 of 2022 dated 30.03.2022 has
also clearly stated as below.
“The wind tariff Order No.6 of 2018 dt.13.4.2018 was challenged in A.Nos.191,195,
265 of 2018 and 406 of 2019 before the Hon’ble Appellate Tribunal of Electricity
(APTEL). The Hon’ble APTEL in the judgment dt.28.01.2021 in the above appeals
set aside the tariff determined in the order No.6 of 2018, withdrawal of 12 months
banking facility, increase in open access charges etc.
In view of the above status, Commission decides to extend the control period of the
Order No.8 of 2020 dt.07.10.2020 until issue of the next order after disposal of the
Civil Appeals pending before the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India.”

In the above said order, the Hon'ble Commission has extended the Control Period of
its earlier Wind Energy Tariff Order No. 8 dated 07.10.2020, until the issuance of
next order, after disposal of the Civil Appeals (No.2202-2205/2021) pending before
the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India. Hence, as specifically mentioned by the
Hon'ble Commission the open access charges such as wheeling charges cannot be
varied now for any reasons and a Retail Tariff Revision Petition can never be a point
of context to make such changes or revisions. This should be clearly understood.
Contrary to the above legal position as declared by the Hon’ble Commission and the
Hon'ble APTEL, in the Tariff Petition of the TANGEDCO under Clause 6.3.1, the
TANGEDCO has requested the Hon'ble Commission to withdraw 50% concession,
provided to the RE power in the Wheeling Charges which is legally not sustainable
in any manner. Further, the Hon'ble APTEL by its order dated 28.01.2021, has
reduced the wheeling charges on RE power to the extent of 40%, instead of 50% as
declared by the Hon'ble Commission by its order dated 13.04.2018 in Order No. 6 of
2018. Therefore, we request the Hon'ble Commission to take note of this grave
mistake and accordingly, the claim of the TANGEDCO needs to be turned down

23.Deduction of O&M Charges paid for the Maintenance of Grid / Substations

paid by the WEG’s from the levy of Wheeling Charges
We wish to state that all the Wind Energy Generators, who are connected to the Grid
/ Substations, are paying Rs.2.75 lakhs per MW per year as O&M charges. This
amount is the prevailing amount, as on date and is being escalated at 5% every year.
This amount is meant to be utilised only to meet out the O&M expenses of Grid /
Substations. In the Distribution Network Cost, the O&M Cost of Grid / Substations,
is included and the wheeling charges determined includes the expenses of Substation
O&M as well. When WEG’s are made to pay both wheeling charges and Substation
O&M charges, it amounts to duplication of costs for WEG’s alone, as other than
Wind Energy Generators, no other generators are paying this Substation O&M
charges. It amounts to double taxation and therefore, the O&M charges collected
from WEGs need to be factored appropriately with a proper discount while
calculating the Wheeling Charges.
Hence, we request the Hon'ble Commission to remove the O&M charges paid for
Substation by WEGs. Alternatively, we submit that the O&M charges paid by
WEGs be adjusted from the wheeling charges to be paid by WEGs, to avoid
duplication and ensure to have a correct calculation.

24.TANGEDCO proposes to extend the Tariff for 6 years with 6% escalation

through automatic routes by linking with CPI / WPI .
Not like in the earlier years, this time the TANGEDCO has found out surprisingly a
new methodology, to extend the Tariff fixed for the year 2021-22 for another five
years from 2022-23 to 2026-27 with 6% escalation on each year and by attempting
to link the CPI / WPI for no reasons.
While the financial year 2021-22, was already over by 31.03.2022, any proposal to
introduce the changed tariff, retrospectively on consumers for the year 2021-22, is
not possible legally. Any order having financial implications, cannot be brought for
enforcement with retrospective effect. Therefore, on this score also, the Tariff
Revision Petition of the TANGEDCO needs to be summarily rejected. Hence, the
Hon'ble Commission should fix the tariff only with a view to come in to effect
prospectively on any appointed date, during the year 2022-23. This needs to be
carefully analyzed and accordingly, orders should be passed.
Further, linking of a Tariff with CPI / WPI is nowhere seen in India and the National
Tariff Policy, never supports such a course. The determination of tariff has to be
done only after prudent checks by all the stakeholders involved and affected by the
Tariff Revisions. Therefore, it cannot go through an automatic process even if it is
considered to be for a Multi- Year Tariff. The ARR and the True-Ups for each
financial year needs to be prudently checked and thereafter only, the process of
Tariff Determination can move on. Hence, the proposal of the TANGEDCO to
stretch the tariff fixed for five more years is not a correct legal method and that too,
by making reference to CPI / WPI.
Further, the effort of the Hon'ble Commission, to make an Amendment to the
TNERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff for Transmission /
Distribution of Electricity under MYT Framework) Regulations, 2009 was
completely objected by our Association by way of its letter dated 10.08.2022. A
copy of the objection filed already by our Association on the above matter, is
attached herewith as Annexure-B, which can be considered for detailed verification.
No fresh comments are provided by our Association except by enclosing the letter,
considering the brevity of the matter. Therefore, it becomes necessary that following
a system of linking with CPI / WPI, with a matter related to Tariff and extending the
Tariff with 6% escalation on a year-on-year basis for a period of 5 years, is totally
unsustainable, as the purpose for which CPI / WPI are calculated, completely goes
in favour of Labour Administration and they are not anyway linked to Power Tariffs.
This point has to be properly considered while dealing with the MYT Tariff as
proposed both by way of an Amendment to MYT Regulations 2009 and also in
Tariff Fixation Exercises. They are very serious issues and therefore, they cannot be
neglected in any manner.
25.Wrong calculation of Cumulative Line Losses
Hon’ble Commission may appreciate that the component of Line Loss is one of the
most important parameters in Tariff Determination. Annexure VIII of the
TANGEDCO’s Petition reveals that 50% of the HT Feeders have no ABT meters
and 90% of the Distribution Transformers, have no ABT meters. Hence, the Line
Losses in the HT Feeders and LT Lines, which constitute the total losses of the
Distribution Network is highly an arbitrary figure. Hence, we request the Hon'ble
Commission to conduct a Third-Party verification of Energy Audit Type and an
independent scrutiny has to be done by the Hon'ble Commission, on the Financial
and Technical Data submitted by the Distribution Licensee, as a measure of
compliance as required under Clause 8.2.1 of the Tariff Policy before processing the
Tariff Revision Petition filed by the TANGEDCO.
In Tables 151 to 157 of the Tariff Revision Petition, the TANGEDCO has wrongly
calculated the cumulative losses. First of all, the Technical Loss at 400 kV is
missing, though the Tamil Nadu has considerable length of 400 kV Lines. There are
direct transformations of 400/110kV, 230/33kV, 110/11kV etc. Only if the
transformation of 33/11kV is involved, the loss at 33kV should be included in the
cumulative loss for 11kV. Similarly, there is no 22/11kV transformation is directly
available in the Tamil Nadu Network. It is therefore meaningless to add 22kV loss
to arrive at the cumulative loss of 11kV. Therefore, a correct method of calculating
both the Distribution and Transmission Losses needs to be evolved and accordingly,
the correct T&D Loss Percentage has to be revised as per the Ground realities.
Accordingly, the entire Line Loss Table should be revised and expanded to arrive at
the correct Line Losses to each group of consumers connected to specific set of
voltage transformations.
26.Return on Equity
TANGEDCO has claimed the Return on Equity (RoE), stating that they have
considered the opening balance of equity as NIL from 2016-17 and has stated that
the actual equity of Rs.4523.19 Cr and Rs.1365.77 Cr was infused during FY 2016-
17 and FY 2017-18 respectively. In this connection, it is pertinent to highlight that
the Hon’ble Commission passed the order on 11.08.2017 and disallowed the RoE
infused during 2016-17, after considering all the facts. The TANGEDCO is now
seeking to claim RoE on the very same Equity in this Tariff Revision Petition, which
is not sustainable.
In this connection, we reproduce the relevant portion of the retailed tariff Order in
T.P. No.1 of 2017 dated 11-08-2017.
Commission’s Views
In the Suo-Motu Order dated December 11, 2014, the Commission has stated the
following reason for disallowing RoE to TANGEDCO:
“3.106 In last year order Commission has not considered the equity requirement
while approving the funding requirement of capital expenditure. This stand was
taken because Commission is of the view that TANGEDCO is mixing the revenue
account with capital account and the equity approved may be again diverted to
revenue account. This can also be observed from TANGEDCO audited accounts
wherein the actual borrowings for FY 11 and FY 12 are significantly higher than
capital expenditure. TNERC Tariff Regulations also allow the Commission for
approving the equity below the norms of 30% requirement. The relevant extracts of
the regulation are reproduced below:
“21. Debt-Equity Ratio
For the purpose of determination of tariff, debt-equity ratio as on the date of
commercial operation of Generating Station and transmission projects, sub-station,
distribution lines or capacity expanded after the notification of these Regulations
shall be 70:30. Where equity employed is more than 30% the amount of equity shall
be limited to 30% and the balance amount shall be considered as loans, advanced at
the weighted average rate of interest and for weighted average tenor of the long term
debt component of the investment”
Provided that in case of a Generating Company or other licensees, where actual
equity employed is less than 30%, the actual debt and equity shall be considered for
determination of return on equity in tariff computation.
“Based on the above submissions, Commission has not allowed any return on equity
due to the following reasons:
i. Commission has approved interest on total outstanding loans as on
November 2010
ii. Based on available sources of funding, equity has been diverted towards
revenue account from FY 2003 and hence the addition in equity base as per audited
accounts is on account of funding the revenue expenditure and not for creation of
capital assets.
iii. Loans approved for funding the capital expenditure for generating stations
and distribution business during the control period are without considering the
The Commission continues to take the same stand and is not allowing any
return on equity for the current tariff order also.”
The Suo-Motu Order of the Commission was challenged by Tamil Nadu Electricity
Consumers Association (TECA) before the Hon’ble APTEL in Appeal No. 62 and
63 of 2015. The Hon’ble APTEL in its Judgment dated March 2, 2016, upheld the
Suo-Motu Order in its entirety.
“15. The present Appeals, being Appeal Nos. 62 of 2015 and 63 of 2015, are hereby
dismissed and the impugned suo-motu tariff orders, being SMT Order Nos. 8 of
2014 and 9 of 2014, each dated 11.12.2014, passed by the Tamil Nadu Electricity
Regulatory Commission, are hereby upheld. There shall be no order as to costs.”
As the Suo-Motu Order of the Commission has not been further appealed before any
higher authority, it has attained finality. Hence, the Commission has adopted the
same approach while approving RoE as adopted in the earlier Orders. Funding of
capital expenditure has been considered entirely through loans and hence, no RoE
has been approved in the truing up for FY 2011-12 to FY 2015-16.
While the ROE has not been allowed by the Hon'ble Commission, with proper
reasoning, the TANGEDCO has claimed the RoE in the present Tariff Revision
Petition for all the Generating Plants and Distribution Assets in contravention of the
TNERC order dated 11.08.2017. This claim is not therefore sustainable and hence it
deserves to be disallowed.
TANGEDCO is entitled to ROE, only if they real equity has been infused for capital
projects and for which loans are not availed. TANGEDCO has not provided any
details, regarding the Equity Infusion for capital projects, specifically in the Tariff
Revision Petition to make it eligible to claim the ROE. In the absence of such
details, relating to Term Loans availed for funding the CAPEX, we are unable to
give detailed comments. However, it appears from the reading of the Balance Sheet
that the loans availed are in excess of the CAPEX, indicating that the equity was not
infused for funding CAPEX program.
We have also not observed any real Equity Infusion for funding CAPEX, except
those which are specifically commented upon as below.
The details relating to actual Equity Infusion and the purpose as given in the Balance
Sheet are narrated below, which clearly indicate equity was not infused for CAPEX.
27.The Observations of Auditors on Coal accounting is a major concern:
There is a strong observation in the Audit Report with regard to Coal Accounting as
“The company does not have an adequate control system with regard to the
reconciliation of the quality and quantity of coal ordered and received”.
Coal constitutes a major expenditure for the TANGEDCO. The Audit Report states
that there is no adequate control on both the quality and quantity. Hon’ble
Commission has been stipulating norms for coal consumption. But the actual
consumption has always been higher than the norms. The TANEGDCO is
attributing the higher coal consumption to operating the plants at lower CUF, but the
fact is that even the basic controls are not in place. Consumption of coal per kWh
depends only on the quality of the coal and if the quality is not reconciled, how can
the norms corresponding to the quality be enforced is a major question. Obviously, it
will lead to higher consumption of coal and the cost on coal also will go up, which is
due to sheer inefficiency and it is a completely avoidable cost.
Further, there were lots of news items seen in the Newspapers, including the news
given by the Hon'ble State Electricity Minister, regarding the mismatch in the coal
accounting in TANGEDCO. Hence, we request the Hon'ble Commission to order to
conduct a Third-Party verification on the coal quality, quantity and its consumption
before approving the ARR/ Truing-Up.
28.Other important comments of the Auditors which need the
attention of the Hon’ble Commission for suitably remedying.
The TASAMA states the various comments given by statutory auditors.
29.General Comments.
In general, the TANGEDCO seems to have inflated the claim on the expenses
manifold in respect of the Distribution Business, for the past periods and for the
future periods also. This has resulted in to the actual Network Cost for the
Distribution Business is found shown highly elevated at very higher levels, than
what it actually could be and thereby such a approach is leading to a higher
wheeling charges and other charges proposed to be increased.
We wish to state the Hon’ble Commission to carry out a prudent check of all the
expenses of the TANGEDCO as claimed by appointing suitable qualified Chartered
Accountant / Cost Accountant Firms and on their scrutiny, the Hon'ble Commission
may make necessary adjustments as required before determining the tariff. It looks
that the present set up of the Hon'ble Commission does not have the patience and
expertise to deal with the matter and an approach of hurried action is only seen, at
every stage of the revision of the tariff from 19.07.2022 onwards. During all the
earlier occasions, the Commission was patient enough to take up the exercise for
completion even by extending the statutory processing period of 120 days as
provided in both the Tariff Regulations 2005 and MYT Regulations 2009. Since the
impact of the Tariff is likely to jeopardise the entire industrial community besides to
other commercial and domestic consumers, enough patience is required in dealing
with the matter with a complete prudent check.
We observe that there are huge differences found between the Audited Accounts and
the details of Income and Expenses found provided in the Tariff Revision Petition
for the past periods, which need to be prudently verified and aligning of the figures
as per the Audited Accounts with due adjustments for disallowances of expenses and
claims that are not allowable, is very much required.
The proposals of the TANGEDCO, if implemented as it was proposed, it would not
only be contravening the provisions of Electricity Act 2003 and National Tariff
Policy, but it would also sustain to promote inefficiency in the Sector, besides to
adversely affecting the competitiveness of the Industry in the State, which have just
started recovering from the impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic. This is the time, we
expect the wholesome support to sustain and improve the competitiveness and any
abnormal increase in tariff, would push-up the input costs for the industries and will
render them uncompetitive, leading to other social problems.
The State of Tamilnadu has several advantages, like Good Social Harmony,
Availability of Skilled and Committed Manpower, Ambitious Entrepreneurs ready
to meet out any challenges etc., which have well supported by some progressive
policies for the promotion of renewable energy for captive consumption that has
seen the State to grow from strength to strength over the past several years. This has
helped to supplement the efforts of the Government to achieve the inclusive growth
and reduce social imbalances in the State. If the industry is not able retain its
competitiveness, then it could clearly lead to other issues. We reiterate that we do
not want to be benefitted at the cost of the TANGEDCO, while at the same time, the
industry should not also be burdened with the inefficiencies and legacy issues of the
TANGEDCO. We therefore request the Hon'ble Commission, to strike a correct
checks and balances between the TANGEDCO and other stakeholders receiving
power from it, within the legally approved framework of law, so that both the
industry as well as the TANGEDCO are protected permanently and harmoniously.
We therefore humbly request the Hon'ble Commission to consider all our above
objections, suggestions, comments and submissions before processing the
TANGEDCO’s Tariff Revision Petition aimed for the Determination of ARR and
30.Opportunity of Personal Hearing
As this Association is having a strong stake with the representation of 812 members
most of them are HT consumers, this Association needs to be provided with an
opportunity of Personal Hearing so as to explain the matter still more better and
effectively, after the appointment of the Member-Legal at the Hon'ble Commission,
as directed by the Hon'ble High Court by its order dated 23.08.2022 in our WP
(MD) No. 16677 of 2022. Accordingly, a special opportunity of Personal Hearing
may kindly be provided considering the major stake of this Association to
exclusively present its views on HT-IA and LT / LT CT III-B categories of
31. Conclusion
We would like to reiterate that the basic process adopted for the filing of application
for final Trueing Up and ARR, is significantly delayed and found violated grossly
and the whole delay is found nowhere explained by the TANGEDCO. Such a delay,
will serve no purpose at any corner and is not in accordance with statutory
provisions as provided in the Electricity Act 2003 and also under the Tariff
Regulations of this Hon'ble Commission, as quoted. Further, the data provided also
is not supported by the reliable data. Hence, the requested data under the previous
sections of our comments may please be called for from the TANGEDCO and can
be made available for the Public Comments. This may also provide us the
opportunity in the areas for further comments as no information is available as of
now to us as well as to the other consumers.
However, if the Hon’ble Commission in its wisdom chooses to proceed with the
existing process, we request to give due consideration to all the objections,
comments and suggestions listed in detail in previous sections of our comments.
Commission’s Views:
The Commission has taken note of the reply furnished by the TANGEDCO and the matter has been dealt with appropriately in the relevant Chapter of this
Tariff Order.


1. Introduction 1. The prevailing tariff charged from consumers are fixed in the year 2014 by
At the outset, Indian Wind Power Association welcomes the filing Hon’ble TNERC and collected from the consumers for the past 8 years.
of ARR/ Tariff petition by TANGEDCO after a lapse of 5 years. It TANGEDCO’s cumulative financial losses at the beginning of FY 2014-15 was
helps the public/stakeholders to understand the financial status and Rs.44,618 Cr and Rs.68,648 Cr was added during the past 6 years and the total
the performance of a very important public utility in the state. cumulative losses of TANGEDCO as on 31.03.2021 is Rs.1,13,266 Cr. It is
IWPA also thanks the Commission for having extended the date for mainly due to the increase in the cost of Consumer Price Indices i.e. from 236
submitting the comments from 18-08-2022 to 24-08-2022, even to 333 points (FY 2013-14 to FY 2020-21) and it works out to 41% increase.
though the extended time is not proving to be sufficient to provide Hence, TANGEDCO was forced to borrow from Financial Institutions and
comments, particularly considering the fact that multiple petitions Banks to meet out its financial commitments. This has resulted in 109%
and draft Regulations were webhosted for comments at the same increase of loan outstanding from Rs.64,087 Cr. to Rs.1,34,210 Cr.
time, containing voluminous contents, formats, tables etc. As the Consequently, the interest on borrowed fund has also increased from Rs.9,281
tariff is being determined after a long gap of 5 years, data relating to Cr. to Rs. 14,116 Cr p.a.
last 5 years and the next 5years needs detailed analysis for which 2. The Ministry of Power, Government of India has made a mandatory
more time is needed. Nevertheless, we have prepared our comments condition for Power Sector Reforms with Tariff revision which allows
within the limited time made available to us and we feel we could additional borrowing for the State. The Central Financial Institutions viz., M/s.
have contributed more and better if only more time had been given REC Ltd., & M/s. PFC Ltd., while sanctioning the loan of Rs. 30,230 Cr under
for submission of comments. Special Liquidity Scheme (Athma Nirbhar Scheme) have made a pre-committed
2. Adequate data / Reference documents have not been condition of yearly Tariff revision. Due to non-revision of Tariff, the balance
provided by the TANGEDCO/TNERC funds of Rs. 3,435 Cr under Athma Nirbhar Scheme were with held by
In our letter dated 6th August 2022, we had requested certain very REC/PFC.

important documents both from the TANGEDCO and from the 3. As per the guidelines of Ministry of Power the Tariff revision is a pre-

Hon’ble Commission as stipulated in the Tariff Policy, Tariff condition for release of funds under R e v a m p e d Distribution Sector Scheme

Regulation etc to analyse the contents of the petitions and to offer (RDSS) and if the tariff is not revised, grants to the tune of Rs. 10,793 Cr will

our reasoned comments. not be released to TANGEDCO and ultimately the scheme will not take off.

We have not received the documents we requested for nor were RBI has made a conditional prudential guideline to the Commercial Banks, for

they webhosted in the website. We could get data from some of the lending to State owned power entities including DISCOMs, that DISCOMS

documents available in the public domain but still we don’t have should have to file tariff petition by 30th of November every year. Many legal
many of the details we need for preparing our comments. Our forums like CERC/APTEL have severally remarked about TANGEDCO’s non
comments could have been made better if the required details, data revision of tariff periodically and thereby accumulating outstanding dues to
and documents were made available to us. Without prejudice to generation companies and other suppliers and contractors. Ranking of
our rights to seek details / documents /data etc to verify the TANGEDCO has declined due to non cost reflective tariff which in turn
correctness of the claim of TANGEDCO, we furnish below our restricted the banks not to lend any further loan.
comments with “available data” in the public domain etc. on the 4. The cost of Coal increased by 49% as compared with FY 2014-15 due to
Tariff petition TP 1 of 2022 filed by the TANGEDCO. increase in basic price of coal transport and handling charges. The variable
3. The importance of “Prudent Check” as required by the Act cost of power purchase from Central Generating Stations has increased by 37%
and tariff policy by the Commission in the present context of compared to FY 2014-15. The operational borrowings increased due to ARR-
poor and inefficient performance of TANGEDCO and as well ACS Gap resulting in increase in interest commitment by 50%.
as the adverse remarks passed by the Auditors of TANGEDCO. 5. TANGEDCO is left with no other choice except revising the tariff after a gap
(i) The Poor performance of TANGEDCO and its impact on the of 8 years. TANGEDCO has proposed a necessary/ appropriate hike in tariff
Consumers. only.
Ministry of Power’s (MoP) Annual Integrated Rating & 6. True and Fair View of Accounts:
Ranking for Power Distribution Utilities (August 2022) The accounting framework prescribed under Companies Act is adopted from
has graded the TANGEDCO as “Low Operational and FY 2018-19 onwards, subsequent to the opinion from C&AG.
Financial Performance”. Some of the important and TANGEDCO adopts the accounting standards of the companies Act 2013 and
critical parameters reported by the said MoP report and the accounting policies as conventionally followed as per Elecy Annual
POWER UTILITIES 2019-20” issued by the Accounts Rules 1985.
Power Finance Corporation (PFC) shows that the TANGEDCO is in the process migrating to INDAS from FY 2021-22.
TANGEDCO is one of the worst performing power The statutory auditor’s comments are only for non compliance with INDAS
utilities in the Country. Hence, the inefficiency, poor accounting framework and not for any other grave deviations.
performance etc. of the TANGEDCO should not be 19. The Board has directed to explore the option of voluntary revision of
passed on to the consumers. accounts FY 2020-21 to comply the Ind As compliance are also under process.
In case of non acceptance of revision by NCLT INDAS will be compiled with
In this connection, we are duty bound to refer to the in the FY 2021-22.
mandate prescribed bythe section 61 of the Act. 7. Wheeling Charges:
The wheeling charges and Net work cost has been arrived based on the
Section 61: The Appropriate Commission shall, subject Tamilnadu Regulation notified by the Hon’ble TNERC vide notification No.
to the provisions of this Act, specify the terms and TNERC/Legal dated. 26.05.2021 3505/D. No. /2021.
conditions for the determination of tariff, and in The Wheeling charges / Network charges of the Distribution Licensee shall be
doing so, shall be guided by the following, namely determined by the Commission on the basis of a petition for determination of
Tariff filed by the Distribution Licensee in accordance with regulations 5 and 6
…………………. or on suo-motu basis under Regulation 6(8) and it shall be determined
separately for all LT/HT consumers as applicable:
(c) the factors which would encourage Provided that the Wheeling charges/ Network charges may be denominated in
competition, efficiency, economical use of terms of Rs./kWh (or) Rs./ kVAh (or) Rs/ kW month (or) Rs/kVA month for the
the resources, good performance and purpose of recovery from the Distribution network user, or any such
optimum investments; denomination as may be stipulated by the Commission.
(d) safeguarding of consumers' interest HT and LT network cost is proportioned at 85:15 based on the cost of network.
and at the same time, recovery of the cost Most of the HT networks are at higher cost. However the network cost is
of electricity in a reasonable manner; proportioned based on the sales ratio of 21:79 for HT and LT network for
(e) the principles rewarding efficiency in arriving wheeling charges.
performance; Hence wheeling charges arrived based on the prevailing regulations and to
(ii) Auditors adverse Remarks on TANGEDCO Financial recover the network cost and revenue from the same is being reduced in ARR to
Statements. arrive retail tariff.
8. RE Concession:
We once again emphasise on the importance of The concession available for RE power open access charges is sub judicied.
“prudent check” to be done by the Commission as TANGEDCO filed an appeal before the Hon’ble Supreme court for the APTEL
required by the Act, National Electricity Policy etc. order and subject to the disposal of the case the with drawal of concession will
This is because the TANGEDCO wants the true-up and be insisted.
the ARR to be done based on their actual parameters
and “accounts statements”. But their auditors 9. O&M charges
themselves passed the following adverse remarks in The O&M charges paid for the maintenance of Grid/Substations are related to
their audited reports. TANTRANSCO. Determination of wheeling charges are related to Distribution
business and the O&M charges paid for maintenance of TANTRANSCO
……… “The aforesaid standalone financial statements do network and are not related to the determination of wheeling charges.
not give a trueand fair view in conformity with accounting 10. The reply to remarks on refund of expenses made towards OSM by wind
principles generally acceptedin India and also do not give generators and Transmission charges will be addressed by TANTRANSCO.
the information required by the Companies Act, 2013 11. Time of Day Tariff
("the Act") in the manner so required and are not in The proposed ToD charges are based on consultant report and since the demand
conformity with the Indian Accounting Standards was volatile due to pandemic during 2020-22 no separate study undertaken.
prescribed under section 133 of the Act read with the However the peak hour consumption restored to pre pandemic period now.
Companies (Indian Accounting Standards) Rules, The proposed ToD charges are to meet out the high cost Power purchase
2015, as amended”. expenses during the peak hours and 5% concession available for night hour
consumption. It is intended to balance the Grid by shifting peak load.
Therefore, the Commission cannot consider the Audit 12. Return on Equity
statements of TANGEDCO which “do not give a true Tangedco would like to submit that the it has claimed RoE only on the
and fair view in conformity with accounting additional equity infused in the year FY 2016-17 as per its Audited Accounts.
principles”. Further like to reiterate its submission that the total additional equity of Rs.
We request the Hon’ble Commission to conduct 4523.19 Crore for FY 2016-17 and Rs. 1365.77 Crore for FY 2017-18 is
an independent prudent check and determine bifurcated into generation and distribution function based on the opening
the allowable costs for the purposesof ARR. balance of Gross Block allotted to generation and distribution function of
(iii) Reconciliation of Accounts between TANGEDCO and TANGEDCO. Equity for generation function is further sub-allocated into plant
TANTRANSCO wise based on opening gross block for each of the plant. The additions and
Further, in the audit report, it is also mentioned that the deductions during the year are considered as per actual for FY 2016-17 and FY
balances between TANGEDCO and TANTRANSCO 2017-18. The RoE earned can be reinvested every year to carry out capacity
are not reconciled which is a very seriousissue. Without additions. The infusion of equity can also be validated from UDAY MoU,
completing the reconciliation, it is not possible to wherein the GoTN will convert a loan of Rs. 3,352 Crore into equity share
determinethe actual expenses for the past and therefore, capital. This equity has been used towards Capitalisation of assets and
Truing up based on the data provided in the petition conversion of loan availed for Capital Expenditure into Equity. It is reiterated
would not be accurate or appropriate. Similarly, future that RoE earned is invested every year to carry out future capacity additions and
projection cannot be estimated with reasonable is essential for sustainable operations. Hence the contention of the objector
accuracy in the absence of accurate past actual that the Return on Equity shall not be allowed is not in line with the spirit
expenditure which can be ascertained only when the of Tariff Regulations.
reconciliation is completed. Hence, it is submitted that 13. Interest and Finance Charges:
the Hon’ble Commission may direct the Licensee to TANGEDCO availing Financial assistant from REC & PFC and TNPFC which
reconcile the accounts forthwith and submit the data are controlled by the central government and state government. The interest
based on reconciled accounts before the Commission rates approved by the financial institutions are very low and as per the norms.
decides on the petition. Further TANGEDCO has appointed Earnest and Young consultant for study
For the reasons cited hereinabove, we request the Commission to go by and to reduce the financial burden of TANGEDCO.
the “Third party verified Technical and financial data/parameters” as 14. Employee cost and O&M cost:
required by the Tariff policy to processthe TANGEDCO ARR petition. The operation and maintenance cost including employees cost are as per
regulations except DA & Terminal benefits alone which are claimed as per
4. Truing up of ARRs has to be done only after prudent actuals only.
determination of ARR bythe Commission. TANGEDCO has not sanctioned Dearness Allowance from 1.1.2020 to
In their petition, the TANGEDCO have requested the Commission
to “true up” their ARR for the years 2018-19 to 2020-21 based on 31.12.2021 and encashment of Earned Leave has also been suspended till
“actual parameters and accounts of TANGEDCO”. The question further orders since May 2020.
of true-up comes only after the determination of ARR by the The recruitments are also made only for very essential and minimum quantum
Commission. In the last tariff order dated 11-08-2017, the final true only.
up was doneonly up to 2015-16 and the ARR was determined for the
period from 2016-17 to 2018- 15. Regulatory Assets
19. Hence, we request the Commission to true up the ARR for the TANGEDCO would like to submit that the it has considered the opening
period from 2016- 17 to 2018-19 and determine it for 2019-20 and Regulatory assets as on 1.4.2016 same as considered by the Commission vide
2020-21 after “prudent check” as this ARR forms the “basis” its Order dated 11.8.2017 i.e., Rs. 30,884.15 Crore. Further the Commission has
for the ARR for 2021-22 and as well as the future multiyear made adjustment of Rs. 22,815.00 Crore and the same has been considered by
tariff from 2022-23 to 2026-27. TANGEDCO. It is pertinent to mention here that the Commission has
It is also observed that TANGEDCO has not deducted the other calculated the Revised Regulatory Assets vide Order dated 11.8.2017 in
income in the ARR statement and hence, we submit that the other Petition No. T.P. No. 1 of 2017 based on the projected numbers. However,
income be deducted from the total expenditure before determining TANGEDCO has now come up with the actual losses during the year 2016-17
the ARR. We also observe some differences between the audited and the same has been considered while calculating the revised Regulatory
accounts available in the public domain and the claim made by Assets. Hence the contention of the objector that the Regulatory Assets
TANGEDCO in its petition, which may please be verified. The considered as per the books of accounts is needs to be revised. The Hon’ble
total expenses of TANGEDCO for the purposes of ARR could only Commission is requested to consider the Regulatory Assets as considered by
be lower than the audited figures in view of the disallowances of TANGEDCO.
losses that were not approved in the past and the expenses incurred 16. Tariff Shock & proposal to revise tariff in nutshell
over and above the norms approved by the Hon’ble Commission. The average cost of supply of TANGEDCO for the FY 2022-23 estimated is
We request the Hon’ble Commission to individually verify each and Rs.9.54 per unit, even with the proposed tariff revision the average rate of
every cost incurred by TANGEDCO as we find that some expenses realisation it works out to Rs.7.85 per unit only. Hence there is no over
are higher than the norms approved by the Hon’ble Commission. recovery of cost by TANGEDCO.
The proposal of tariff revision is not to give tariff shock to the consumers and as
5. Wrong calculation of Wheeling Charges by TANGEDCO per the National Electricity policy only submitted for approval.
The TANGEDCO has apportioned the total distribution network
cost in the ratio of 85:15 for HT and LT respectively in Clause 6.2.1 The overall price index increased 56% for the past 8 years. The TANGEDCO
of the Tariff petition for FY 2021-22 to 2026-27. It appears that the consider the stakeholders comments views on reduction of Industrial tariff and
TANGEDCO has mistakenly substituted the HT cost ratio with necessary action being taken to request Commission for issuing appropriate
LT cost ratio. It is a Pan-India technical fact that the ratio of LT orders.
network cost is always multi fold of HT network cost share in view However the stakeholders views on reduction of industrial tariff are considered
of the large number of consumers and the distributed network and and necessary action is being taken to request commission for issuing
the associated infrastructure created to cater to that segment. appropriate orders.
We have compared the allocation ratio of distribution network cost
between HT and LT of a few prominent SERCs such as MERC,
MPERC etc. with the allocation ratio claimed by TANGEDCO in
the Table below:


ation RC proposal
HT Levels 27.0% 30% 17.78 85.0%
LT Levels 73.0% 70% 82.22 15.0%
Total 100.0% 100% 100% 100.0%

From the above table, it can be observed that the HT network cost
has been inflated deliberately by TANGEDCO with a view to load
the network cost for HT consumers, so they can benefit from
having to pay lower wheeling charges for the LT consumers. The
proposal of TANGEDCO to allocate 85% to HT and 15% to LT
defies all logic, as more investments and costs are incurred only for
LT consumers. This proposal of TANGEDCO lacks substance and
merit. Surprisingly, the logic used by the TANGEDCO is “inverse”
of the logic used in the Commission’s 11-08-2017 order. As per
clause 5.3.5 of the Tariff Policy, the (transmission/Wheeling) tariff
mechanism would be sensitive to distance, direction and related
to quantum of flow. Therefore, wheeling charges are directly
proportional to circuit kilometres of HT and LT line and the
quantum of energy flow. The Commission used exactly these
details in the last tariff order dated 11-08- 2017. The determination
of the wheeling charges under table 5.28 by Hon’ble Commission
in its order dated 11-08-2017 as follows:
Description Approved figures
Energy fed into grid 97903.15 MU
Transmission loss up to 110KV 3.91%
Less: energy consumed at 230KV and 110KV 4714.95 MU
Energy sent out to distribution network 89360.19 MU
Less: loss up to 33KV network 1.52%
Energy fed into 33KV and below 88001.91 MU
Total Annual wheeling charges – (in Crore) Rs.1852.36
Wheeling charges - Paise per unit 21.05

These HT/LT circuit kms details are very well available with
TANGEDCO and even in the public domain. The misrepresentation
and the wrong logic/procedure used by the TANGEDCO has
resulted in a proposal to increase the wheeling charges from the
present 21 paise per unit to a whopping 152 paise per unit (an
increase of 700%) for the FY 2022-23.

As per the Government of Tamil Nadu’s (Energy Department)

Policy Note for the year 2022–23, placed in the State Assembly, the
circuit kms of High-Tension Line is 1.88 lakh Kms and that of
Low-Tension Line is 6.17 lakh Kms. The HT:LT ratio works out to
23.35% and 76.65%. When the total circuit km of HT is only
23.35% of the total circuit km lines of TANGEDCO, how can the
HT network cost be allocated at 85% of the total cost. It clearly
demonstrates that the allocation of 85% cost to HT network has
been done arbitrarily without any logic or basis only to increase the
wheeling charges to HT consumers. This is not legally sustainable for
it is both factually incorrectand inconsistent with the tariff policy.

We request the Hon’ble Commission to direct TANGEDCO to either

submit the exactnetwork cost of HT & LT from the audited accounts
or in the absence of such data, we submit that the principle of
apportioning on the basis of circuit kms be adopted, as in the last
tariff order, for determination of wheeling charges. We further
submit that, if we adopt the same methodology of apportioning the
networkcost on the basis of circuit kms - that was used to arrive at the
wheeling charges during the year 2017-18 by the Commission - the
wheeling charges (assuming the expenses as submitted by
TANGEDCO in its petition) for the financial years 2021-2022 and
2022-2023 would work out to 35.73 paise and 38.78 paise per unit
for the FY 2021-22 and 2022-23 respectively as per the calculations
given in the table below. While this is the correct method to be
followed, TANGEDCO has arbitrarily inflated the costs and
apportioned the network cost at 85% for HT deliberately without
any basis or logic, only to increase the wheeling charges by a
whopping 700% to Rs 152 paise for 2022-23.
Description 2021-22 2022-23

Annual Distribution 13,365.71 14,984.08

Charges (Rs. Crore)as
submitted by
Total energy available at
94,651.89 97,696.89
state boundary(Mus)
Intra state Transmission loss 3.90% 3.90%

Less: Intra state Transmission 3,691.42 3,810.18

loss (Mus)
Less: HT sales at 110 KV & 2,253.09 2,253.09
230 KV (Mus)
Energy available at
88,707.38 91,633.62
distribution network

Loss up to 33KV network-

(assumed thepresent losses 1.52% 1.52%
of 1.52% approved by
Hon’ble Commission)
Energy fed into 33KV and 87,359.02 90,240.79
below (Mus)-B

Wheeling Charges based on Circuit Kms without correcting the

Expenditure statement provided by TANGEDCO (Source:
Government of Tamil Nadu’s Energy Department Policy Note for
the year 2022–23)

Level Circuit kms (in In Percentage

HT- (C) 1.88 23.35%
LT 6.17 76.65%
Total- D 8.05 100.00%
Proportionate Annual
Distribution chargesfor HT 3,121.43 3,499.39
-apportioned based on
circuit Kms-(Rs in crores) -
Wheeling charges – Paise
35.73 38.78
per unit-(E/B) *1000

The above charges have been worked out based on the projected
expenditure provided by TANGEDCO in its petition. Wheeling
charges would come down further when the excess claim of
expenses by TANGEDCO in its petition such as the Return on
Equity, Interest on borrowings, carrying cost of Regulatory asset etc
(reference is made to our comments to the respective heads of
expenses in this regard) are disallowed while determining the ARR.
Wheeling charges of different states
It is pertinent to mention that the wheeling charges of other states
is also comparable with the above calculation. For the ready
reference, the wheeling charges determined by a few SERCs for the
relevant period are tabulated below.

SERC For For HT For Order dated

the Paise / LT
year unit Paise /
Gujarat 2022-23 18.27 80.07 Tariff order dated
30thMarch 2022
Karnataka 2022-23 29.00 96.00 Page 218 of KERC
orderfor FY 23

Though TANGEDCO accepted the methodology (of apportioning

based on circuit kms) adopted by the Commission in the previous
tariff order, this time they have made arbitrary change to the
methodology only with the motive of increasing the wheeling
charges for open access, contravening the tariff policy and the
Electricity Act, which seeks to promote competition.

In view of our above submissions, we request the Hon’ble

Commission to adopt the same methodology of apportioning the
cost on the basis of circuit kms, as used in the previous tariff order
dated 11-08-2017 which is in line with the Tariff Policy. The
same method has been followed by GERC in their Tariff order
dated 31/03/2022 and as well as by other ERCs.

Deduction of O&M charges for Grid Substation paid by WEG’s

from the wheelingcharges
We submit that all the wind generators who are connected to the Grid
substations are paying Rs.2.75 lakhs per Mw per year as O & M
charges for SS. This amount is the prevailing amount as on date and
is being escalated at 5% every year. This amount is meant to be
utilised to meet the O&M expenses of substations. In the
distribution network cost, the O and M cost of substations is
included and the wheeling charges determined includes the
expenses of SS O and M as well. When WEG’s are made to pay
both wheeling charges and SS O&M charges, it amounts to
duplication of costs for WEG’s alone as, other than wind
generators, no other generators are paying this SS O and M charges.
Hence, we request the Hon'ble Commission to remove the O&M
charges paid for SS by WEGs. Alternatively, we submit that the
O&M charges paid by WEGs be adjusted from the wheeling
charges to be paid by WEGs, to avoid duplication.
6. Seeking to impose 100% wheeling charges for
renewable power by TANGEDCO in contempt of Hon’ble
APTEL and Hon’ble Supreme Court order.

The Hon’ble TNERC in its order No. 6/2022 dated 30.03.2022 has
clearly stated as below.

The wind tariff Order No.6 of 2018 dt.13.4.2018 was

challenged in A.Nos.191,195, 265 of 2018 and 406 of 2019
before the Hon’ble Appellate Tribunal of Electricity
(APTEL). The Hon’ble APTEL in the judgment
dt.28.01.2021 in the above appeals set aside the tariff
determined in the order No.6 of 2018, withdrawal of 12
months banking facility, increase in open access charges
In view of the above status, Commission decides to extend
the control period of the Order No.8 of 2020 dt.07.10.2020
until issue of the next order after disposal of the Civil
Appeals pending before the Hon’ble Supreme Court of
In the said order, the Commission has extended the control period of
its earlier wind tariff order 8 dated 07.10.2020 until the issuance of
next order after disposal of the Civil Appeals (No.2202-2205/2021)
pending before the Hon'ble SC. Hence, as specifically mentioned
by the Commission the open access charges such as wheeling
charges cannot be revised now.

Contrary to the Hon’ble TNERC and APTEL’s order, in Clause

6.3.1 of their tariff petition, TANGEDCO has requested the
Commission to withdraw 50% concession provided to the RE
power in Wheeling charges which is legally not sustainable. We
request the Commission to take note of this mistaken claim by the
TANGEDCO and not to entertain the same.
7. Wrong cumulative line Losses calculation.
Hon’ble Commission may appreciate that Line loss is one of the
most important parameters in tariff determination. Annexure VIII of
TANGEDCO’s petition reveals that 50% of HT Feeders have no
ABT meters and 90% Distribution Transformers have no ABT
meters. Hence, the line losses in HT feeders and LT lines which
constitute the total losses of the Distribution network is an
arbitrary figure. Hence, we request the Commission to conduct
“third-party verification of energy audit and the independent
scrutiny to be done by the Commission on the financial and
technical data submitted by the Distribution Licensee” as required
under Clause 8.2.1 of the Tariff Policy before processing this
In tables 151 to 157 of the petition, the TANGEDCO has wrongly
calculated the cumulative losses. First of all, the technical loss at
400kV is missing though the Tamil Nadu has considerable length of
400kV line. There are direct transformations of 400/110kV,
230/33kV, 110/11kV etc. Only if the transformation of 33/11kV is
involved, the loss at 33kV should be included in the cumulative
loss for 11kV. Similarly, there is no 22/11kV transformation in the
Tamil Nadu network. It is meaningless to add 22kV loss to arrive at
the cumulative loss of 11kV.
Accordingly, the entire line loss table should be revised and
expanded to arrive at the right losses to each group of consumers
connected to specific set of voltage transformations.
8. Return on Equity
TANGEDCO has claimed Return on Equity (RoE) stating that they
have considered the opening balance of equity as NIL from 2016-
17 and has stated that the actual equity of Rs.4523.19Cr and
Rs.1365.77Cr was infused during FY2016-17 and FY2017-18
respectively. In this connection, it is pertinent to highlight that the
Hon’ble Commission passed the order on 11.08.2017 and
disallowed the RoE infused during 2016-17 after considering all the
facts. TANGEDCO is now seeking to claim RoE on the very same
Equity in this petition which is not sustainable. In this connection,
we reproduce the relevant portion of the retailed tariff Order in T.P.
No.1 of 2017 dated 11-08-2017.

Commission’s Views
In the Suo-Motu Order dated December 11, 2014, the
Commission hasstated the following reason for disallowing
“3.106 In last year order Commission has not considered
the equity requirement while approving the funding
requirement of capital expenditure. This stand was taken
because Commission is of the view that TANGEDCO is
mixing the revenue account with capital account and the
equity approved maybe again diverted to revenue account.
This can also be observed from TANGEDCO audited
accounts wherein the actual borrowings for FY 11 and FY
12 are significantly higher than capital expenditure.
TNERC Tariff Regulations also allow the Commission for
approving the equity below the norms of 30%
requirement. The relevant extracts of the regulation are
reproduced below:
“21. Debt-Equity Ratio
For the purpose of determination of tariff, debt-equity
ratio as on the date of commercial operation of
Generating Station and transmission projects, sub-
station, distribution lines or capacity expanded after the
notification of these Regulations shall be 70:30. Where
equity employed is more than 30% the amount of equity
shall be limited to 30% and the balance amount shall be
considered as loans, advanced at the weighted average
rate of interest and for weighted average tenor of the long
term debt component of the investment”“
Provided that in case of a Generating Company or other
licensees, where actual equity employed is less than 30%,
the actual debt and equity shall be considered for
determination of return on equity in tariff computation.”
Based on the above submissions, Commission has not
allowed anyreturn on equity due to the following reasons:
i. Commission has approved interest on total
outstanding loans as on November 2010 Based on
available sources of funding, equity has been diverted
towards revenue account from FY 2003 and hence the
addition in equity base as per audited accounts is on
account of funding the revenue expenditure and not for
creation of capital assets.

ii. Loans approved for funding the capital

expenditure for generating stations and distribution
business during the control period are without
considering the equity
The Commission continues to take the same stand and is
not allowing any return on equity for the current tariff
order also.”
The Suo-Motu Order of the Commission was challenged by
Tamil Nadu Electricity Consumers Association (TECA)
before the Hon’ble APTEL in Appeal No. 62 and 63 of
2015. The Hon’ble APTEL in its Judgment dated March 2,
2016,upheld the Suo-Motu Order in its entirety.
“15. The present Appeals, being Appeal Nos. 62 of 2015
and 63 of 2015, are hereby dismissed and the impugned
Suo-motu tariff orders, being SMT Order Nos. 8 of 2014
and 9 of 2014, each dated 11.12.2014, passed by the
Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory Commission, are
hereby upheld. There shall be no order as to costs.”
As the Suo-Motu Order of the Commission has not been
further appealed before any higher authority, it has
attained finality. Hence, the Commission has adopted the
same approach while approving RoE as adopted in the
earlier Orders. Funding of capital expenditure has been
considered entirely through loans and hence, no RoE has
been approved in the truing up for FY 2011-12 to FY 2015-
While the ROE has not been allowed by the Hon’ble Commission
with reasoning, TANGEDCO has claimed RoE in the present
petition for all the generating plants and distribution assets in
contravention of the TNERC order dated 11.08.2017. This claim is
not sustainable and hence deserves to be disallowed.

TANGEDCO is entitled to ROE only if real equity has been infused

for capital projects and for which loans are not availed.
TANGEDCO has not provided any details regarding the equity
infusion for capital projects specifically in the petition to be eligible
to claim ROE. In the absence of details relating to term loans
availed for funding the CAPEX, we are unable to give detailed
comments. However, it appears from the reading of the balance
sheet that the loans availed are in excess of the CAPEX indicating
that equity was not infused for funding CAPEX program. We have
also not observed any real equity infusion for funding CAPEX
except those which are specifically commented upon in these points

The details relating to actual equity infusion and the purpose as

given in the balance sheet are narrated below which clearly indicate
equity was not infused for CAPEX.

• In 2016-17, it is mentioned that an equity share capital of

Rs.4523.19Cr has been allotted to the Government of Tamil
Nadu (GoTN). In the note, it is mentioned that the GoTN
has decided to convert the E-Tax, penal interest, interest
bearing Government loans and ways and means advances
extended by GoTN into equity. It is very clear that there
was no infusion of equity into TANGEDCO but it was only
a conversion of the amount payable for the previous periods
by TANGEDCO to GoTN into equity. There was no
physical infusion of funds and this equity was not utilized
for any capital expansion scheme. Therefore, the claim for
RoE in respect of this amount is not sustainable.
• In 2017-18, Equity share capital of Rs.781.54Cr has been
allotted by converting the ways and means advances and
interest on government loans. Conversion of old loans
cannot be considered as spent for Capital projects. An
amount of Rs.584.23Cr has been added to the Equity
Capital as adjustment. It is only an adjustment and hence
Equity was not infused for capital expansion scheme. ROE
cannot be claimed for this.
• In 2018-19, an amount of Rs.111.64Cr has been shown as
addition to Equity. But in the note to the accounts, it is
mentioned that the TANGEDCO board had approved an

allotment of Equity Shares on 30th September 2019, after

the end of the Financial Year. When the approval itself was
given after the end of the financial year, how the addition to
Equity share capital was accounted in March is not clear.
Further, the end use purpose of this is also not mentioned.
This needs to be reviewed in detail.
• In 2019-20, an amount of Rs.278.98Cr has been shown as
addition to the Equity capital. The allotment was approved

by the Board of TANGEDCO only on 17th July 2020, after

the end of the financial year. When the board itself has
approved the issuance of equity share capital, it would not
be appropriate to consider this as an equity for the financial
year. Further, the end use purpose of this is also not
mentioned. This needs to be reviewed in detail.
The analysis of available audited accounts statements (till 2020-21)
shows that the TANGEDCO is continuously making huge losses
and are also mixing up the revenue account with capital
account. It is also observed from the audited financial statements
that yearly actual borrowings are significantly higher than that
of the corresponding capital expenditure, meaning the diversion of
borrowings to the revenue expenditure. Hence, there is no reason to
approve Return on Equity as claimed by the Licensee. Further,
interest on such diversion of funds (presumably to fund losses)
cannot be allowed as an expenditure as carrying cost on Regulatory
asset is allowedseparately.

9. The Observations of Auditors on Coal accounting is a major


There is an observation in the Audit report with regard to coal

accounting as follows

“The company does not have an adequate control system with

regard to the reconciliation of the quality and quantity of coal
ordered and received”.
Coal constitutes a major expenditure for TANGEDCO. The audit
report states that there is no adequate control on both quality and
quantity. Hon’ble Commission has been stipulating norms for coal
consumption but the actual consumption has always been higher
than the norms. TANGEDCO is attributing the higher coal
consumption to operating the plants at lower CUF but the fact is that
even the basic controls are not in place. Consumption of coal per
kWh depends on the quality of the coal and if the quality is not
reconciled, how can the norms corresponding to the quality be
enforced. Obviously, it will lead to higher consumption and cost
which is due to sheer inefficiencyand it is an avoidable cost. Further,
there were lot of news items in the newspapers, including the news
given by the State electricity minister, regarding mismatch in the
coal accounting in TANGEDCO. Hence, we request the
Commission to conduct a third-party verification on the coal
quality, quantity and its consumption before approving the ARR/
Truing up.

10. Other important comments of the Auditors which needs

the attention of theHon’ble Commission.

• Materials purchased are accounted at Standard rate and not

the actual rate and the difference between the standard rate
and actual rate are adjusted against the Reserve for
material cost variance this impacts the material cost
accounted in the statement of profit and loss and the
consequent profit or loss and the closing stock value of
materials. In the absence of adequate information, its
impact could not be quantified.

o This needs a detailed review to understand the

impact of adopting the standard cost in accounting
the expenses.
• TANGEDCO collects moneys from its consumers against
cost of infrastructure and other works done on behalf of the
consumers. Such moneys are initially credited to Deposit
Account and on completion of the work, transferred to
Reserve Account. The corresponding expenditure is treated
as Fixed Assets and gets depreciated accordingly. This is
not in accordance with applicable accounting principles.

o When the consumers make payment for the

development of infrastructure, the cost incurred
should be set off against the money paid by the
consumers and the difference if any alone should
be accounted in the respective head. How can
TANGEDCO directly credit the Reserveaccount the
amount paid by the consumers and capitalise the
amount spent? This would lead to suppression of
income on one hand and inflate the depreciation and
capitalisation on the other hand. This will lead to
higher claim of depreciation. This needs to be
corrected while approvingthe ARR.
• The practice of adding a notional amount of 25% of the
total cost of material and labour while capitalizing the
closed work orders is not in compliance with accounting
standard and thus it makes the fixed assets over valued.

o This will inflate the capital cost and consequently

the depreciation and needs to be reviewed and
adjusted based on actuals and not on notionalbasis.

• The practice of adding a notional amount of 25% of the

total cost of material and labour while capitalizing the
closed work orders and adding another 25% of the total
cost of material and labour during the year end which had
been followed up to the F.Y.2019-20 makes the fixed assets
over valued and an amount of Rs.654.26 crores included in
the Capital Work in Progress is pending to be charged to
profit and loss account.

o This will inflate the capital cost and consequently

the depreciation and needs to be reviewed and
adjusted based on actuals and not on notionalbasis.

• The capitalisation of borrowing cost to the tune of

Rs.1244.58 Crores is not in accordance with the
measurement principles contained in AS-16 since the
borrowings are not related to qualifying assets created.
o From the above, it is very obvious that
TANGEDCO has not borrowed loans for creation
of capital assets though it has been capitalising the
borrowing costs without any basis. This needs to be
disallowed by the Hon’ble Commission.

• The Company is not maintaining proper records showing

full particulars, including quantitative details and situation,
of all its Fixed Assets.
o If the basic records pertaining the Capital assets is
not maintained, how can they calculate the
depreciation and account it in the books

11. Interest on borrowings, Employee Cost and O&M charges.

The TANGEDCO’s balance sheet ending with March 2021 (as

available in TANGEDCO’s website) shows a total borrowing of
Rs.1,44,302 crores (1,23,299 + 21,003). In this connection, kindly
refer to the report on “Ranking & Ninth Annual Integrated
Rating of State Power Distribution Utilities” issued by the
Ministry of Power, Government of India and the “REPORT ON
the PFC which clearly reveals that the TANGEDCO is one of worst
performing states. The borrowings and the interest costs are
abnormally high compared to other states. As per section 61 of the
Act, in determination of tariff, the Appropriate Commission shall be
guided by the “factors which would encourage competition,
efficiency, economical use of the resources, good performance and
optimum investments. The per unit Employee cost and the O&M
charges sought for by the TANGEDCO are extremely high when
compared to the other power utilities in the country (Please refer to
the said PFC report also) which again resulted due to the inefficient
functioning and poor performance of the TANGEDCO. To
avoid penalising the consumers, the Hon’ble Commission may
compare with the performance and parameters of the other
distribution utilities and limit the costs to the extent of industry
In this connection, the per unit cost of O&M and interest charges of
Best performing utility and industry averages are compared with
that of TANGEDCO and the same are tabulated below as collected
from the MoP’s latest Rating report (August 2022).

Description O&M Cost Interest / finance

(Rs/kWh) charges (Rs/kWh)
Best practice 0.53 0.05
Industry Average 0.72 0.46
Tamil Nadu 1.08 1.12

Therefore, we request the Hon’ble Commission to restrict the claim

of TANGEDCO onthe tariff parameters such as O&M Cost, Interest
and finance charges etc. to the industry’s best practice level or at
least to the industry’s average level.

12. Increase in Peak Hour period of 06.30 hrs to 10.30hrs and

18.00 hrs to 22.00hrs and increase in Peak hour charges.
In this connection, the Commission has posted a “REPORT ON
M/s ABPS Infrastructure Advisory Pvt. Ltd in support of the
TANGEDCO’s claim. It is not known how a report prepared
based on the 2017 and 2018 data can be applied for the year
2022-23 and beyond.

The demand curve for the period from June 2021 to July 2022 is
depicted below.
The graph reveals that there is no morning peak at all.
There is a valley of off-peak hour low demand during
night and an elevation of normal time demand during
the day.This substantiates that the night off-peak hour
concession has to be continued. But during evening
time there is no considerable peak. For most months it
is a continued flat curve of the day time demand.
Only for few months there is an elevation to the
extent of 500 to 800 MW during evening peak hour
that too for 1 or 2 hours. Since, theevening peak hours
(18.00 hrs to 21.00 hrs) is already in force, there is no
reason / logic to revise or extend the peak hour
duration or revise the peak hour rates. In fact, the
curve only suggests that the peak hour charges have to
be removed, retaining theoff-peak hour incentives.

Though the demand curve posted by the TNERC based on 2015-16

data has no relevance, for the sake of analysis, it is reproduced

This curve also gives the same result. There is no morning peak. Only
for two monthsthere is a small peak in the evening that too for 2 hours.
Hence, it is unjust to revise the peak hours and increase the peak hour
amount. In the tariff petition, it is proposed to increase the HT tariff
across the category and this will proportionally increase the peak hour
charges also. Therefore, the proposed further increase from 20% to 25%
in peak hour charges will construed to be doubly penalising the

Commission’s Views:
The Commission has taken note of the reply furnished by the TANGEDCO and the matter has been dealt with appropriately in the relevant Chapter of this
Tariff Order.

The present Petition has been filed by TANGEDCO for Final True The prevailing tariff charged from consumers are fixed in the year 2014 by
Up of FY 2016-17 to FY 2020-21, APR for FY 2021-22 and Hon’ble TNERC and collected from the consumers for the past 8 years.
determination of ARR for FY 2021-22 to FY 2026-27 under TNERC TANGEDCO’s cumulative financial losses at the beginning of FY 2014-15
(Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff)Regulations, 2005 was Rs.44,618 Cr and Rs.68,648 Cr was added during the past 6 years and the
and of MYT under TNERC (Multi Year Tariff Framework) total cumulative losses of TANGEDCO as on 31.03.2021 is Rs.1,13,266 Cr. It
Regulations, 2009 amended from time to time along with other is mainly due to the increase in the cost of Consumer Price Indices i.e. from
guidelines and directions issued by the TNERC. Our suggestions on 236 to 333 points (FY 2013-14 to FY 2020-21) and it works out to 41%
the Petition are presented hereinafter. increase. Hence, TANGEDCO was forced to borrow from Financial
1. Open Access Charges Institutions and Banks to meet out its financial commitments. This has resulted
a. Wheeling charges- in 109% increase of loan outstanding from Rs.64,087 Cr. to Rs.1,34,210 Cr.
i. The Petitioner has proposed the wheeling charges to be levied on Consequently, the interest on borrowed fund has also increased from Rs.9,281
the open access consumers in para 6.2 of the instant Petition at Rs. Cr. to Rs. 14,116 Cr p.a.
1.41/kWh for FY 2021-22 as against existing wheeling charge of
2.The Ministry of Power, Government of India has made a mandatory
21.05 paisa/unit.
ii. The Petitioner has considered the voltage wise sales for the condition for Power Sector Reforms with Tariff revision which allows
respective years from FY 2021-22 to FY 2026-27 for determining additional borrowing for the State. The Central Financial Institutions viz., M/s.
the wheeling charges. The total network cost has been
REC Ltd., & M/s. PFC Ltd., while sanctioning the loan of Rs. 30,230 Cr under
apportioned to various voltage levels (i.e., HT and LT) in the
ratio of sales at respective voltage levels as shown in table Special Liquidity Scheme (Athma Nirbhar Scheme) have made a pre-committed
6.2.3 of the Petition. Notably the Petitioner has used HT sales of condition of yearly Tariff revision. Due to non-revision of Tariff, the balance
17,157.84 MUs to determine the wheeling charges. funds of Rs. 3,435 Cr under Athma Nirbhar Scheme were withheld by
iii. It is submitted that while the HT sales have been projected at
17,157.84 MUs, the network at HT level and above is used to
wheel the energy for the downstream LT network also; thus, 3. As per the guidelines of Ministry of Power the Tariff revision is a pre-
wheeling charge for HT ought to be worked out using the total condition for release of funds under R e v a m p e d Distribution Sector Scheme
energy input at HT network which is shown in the energy balance
(RDSS) and if the tariff is not revised, grants to the tune of Rs. 10,793 Cr will
in table 131 of the Petition. The input fed to HT network is
88,707.38 MUs and this is the quantum over which the entire HT not be released to TANGEDCO and ultimately the scheme will not take off.
wheeling cost will be distributed. RBI has made a conditional prudential guideline to the Commercial Banks, for
iv. The Hon’ble Commission has also applied the same rationale in its lending to State owned power entities including DISCOMs, that DISCOMS
earlier Tariff Order dated 11.08.2017, a snapshot of which is
shown below- should have to file tariff petition by 30th of November every year. Many legal
forums like CERC/APTEL have severally remarked about TANGEDCO’s non
revision of tariff periodically and thereby accumulating outstanding dues to
generation companies and other suppliers and contractors. Ranking of
TANGEDCO has declined due to non cost reflective tariff which in turn
restricted the banks not to lend any further loan.
4. The cost of Coal increased by 49% as compared with FY 2014-15 due to
increase in basic price of coal transport and handling charges. The variable
v. The correct approach to determine wheeling charges as cost of power purchase from Central Generating Stations has increased by 37%
explained above gives the charge at 27 paisa/unit (Rs.2,413 compared to FY 2014-15. The operational borrowings increased due to ARR-
Cr./88,707MUs*10). Considering the anomalous working,
ACS Gap resulting in increase in interest commitment by 50%.
we request the Hon’ble Commission to determine wheeling
charge as above. 5. TANGEDCO is left with no other choice except revising the tariff after a
b. Cross subsidy proposed in the tariff- gap of 8 years. TANGEDCO has proposed a necessary/ appropriate hike in
tariff only.
i. The Petitioner has depicted the cross-subsidy proposed to
be implied in the tariffs in Table 179 of the Petition, as 6. Wheeling Charges:
shown below- The wheeling charges and Net work cost has been arrived based on the
Tamilnadu Regulation notified by the Hon’ble TNERC vide notification No.
TNERC/Legal dated. 26.05.2021 3505/D. No. /2021.
The Wheeling charges / Network charges of the Distribution Licensee shall be
determined by the Commission on the basis of a petition for determination of
Tariff filed by the Distribution Licensee in accordance with regulations 5 and 6
or on suo-motu basis under Regulation 6(8) and it shall be determined
separately for all LT/HT consumers as applicable:
Provided that the Wheeling charges/ Network charges may be denominated in
ii. As seen, the cross subsidy proposed to be embedded in the terms of Rs./kWh (or) Rs./ kVAh (or) Rs/ kW month (or) Rs/kVA month for the
tariff for HT- Industries is at 131%.
purpose of recovery from the Distribution network user, or any such
iii. Section 61(g) of the Electricity Act, 2003 provides that the
cross subsidies should be reduced in the manner specified denomination as may be stipulated by the Commission.
by State Commission and tariff should be reflective of the HT and LT network cost is proportioned at 85:15 based on the cost of network.
cost of supply of a particular category. It is therefore
Most of the HT networks are at higher cost. However the network cost is
requested that the cross subsidies be approved at a
reasonable level. proportioned based on the sales ratio of 21:79 for HT and LT network for
c. Cross subsidy surcharge (CSS)- arriving wheeling charges. Hence wheeling charges arrived based on the
i. The Petitioner has determined the CSS in para 6.5 of the
prevailing regulations and to recover the network cost and revenue from the
Petition. on perusal of the workings of the CSS, it is
observed that the value of ‘D’, considered by the same is being reduced in ARR to arrive retail tariff.
Petitioner does not include transmission charges while 7. . Cross Subsidy
working out the cost, leading to significantly high value of
The Cross Subsidy proposed in this tariff proposed is less than the cross subsidy
ii. It is therefore requested that CSS be computed during 2017-18 which was 143%. Now it is proposed to 122% WITH RESPECT
considering all the cost imposed on the relevant category TO Average cost of supply. The subsidized categories Domestic,Hut etc.,are
of consumers in accordance with the formula provided by also increased as per the National Tariff policy without Tariff Shock to the
the National Tariff Policy 2016.
2. Power purchase of Discom 8. Cross Subsidy Surcharge
TANGEDCO worked out the various components of CSS formulae based on the
a. Procurement through Power Exchanges and introduction of
LongerDuration Contracts at IEX projected values and computed the consumer category-wise CSS in accordance

i. The Discom has proposed to procure power from the short-term with the Tariff Policy, 2016. The CSS computed in accordance with the NTP
market/power exchanges during the MYT period when there’s not Formulae represents the current level of cross subsidy. However, TANGEDCO
sufficient power available from the long term sources. considered the CSS equal to minimum of the two values: Computed CSS
and 20% of tariff.
ii. It is submitted that since the Discom has been proactively working
towards cost optimisation through market, the Hon’ble 9. Your suggestion Point No. 2 (a) & 2(b) are noted and forwarded to respective
Commission may allow them to continue undertake procurement divisions.
through market as and when the opportunity arises.
iii. Further, the Government of India alluded to the imminent
growth of shortterm market in the draft National Electricity Policy
document issued in 2021. Several measures have been taken to
achieve such objectives and a key among them is the resolution on
introduction of long duration contracts at the power exchanges.
iv. While hitherto, the short-term procurement beyond 11 days of
contract could be done by the Discom through the trader/DEEP
only, we submit that IEX is has recently introduced (after getting
approval from the Hon’ble CERC), longer duration contacts for
delivery of power beyond 11 days at the exchange platform. These
contracts ensure delivery of non-conventional and conventional
power beyond 11 days of trade for upto 3 months.
v. In view of the above, we request the Hon’ble Commission to
consider and approve all the available options in the short
term market for optimising power purchase costs as well as to
meet the deficit requirements of the Discom.

b. Renewable Energy from/to Market

i. It is submitted that the Hon’ble CERC approved Green Term
Ahead Market (GTAM) during Aug. 2020 and Green Day Ahead
Market (GDAM) during October 2021, on the IEX platform
wherein Solar and Non-Solar renewable energy is being transacted.
Additionally, GTAM- Hydropower has been introduced after
CERC’s approval w.e.f 01.05.2022. The states can use these
segments to dispose their surplus RE.

ii. The introduction of GTAM & GDAM have opened avenues for the
development of organized renewable energy market which will
provide an alternate market-based route to the RE generators to sell
their green power and to the buyers to fulfill their RPO/HPO at
competitive price with flexibility of entry and exit in the market.

iii. The Discom can make use of these market segments either to
dispose theirsurplus RE or fulfil their RPPO target.
The Hon’ble Commission may kindly consider our views expressed
in the above paragraphs while finalizing the present Petition of
Commission’s Views:
The Commission has taken note of the reply furnished by the TANGEDCO and the matter has been dealt with appropriately in the relevant Chapter of this
Tariff Order.
We find the petitions filed is an initiative in right direction for the 1. The prevailing tariff charged from consumers are fixed in the year 2014 by
benefit of both the industry and the utility companies, However certain Hon’ble TNERC and collected from the consumers for the past 8 years.
norms and expectations laid down in the tariff petition needs TANGEDCO’s cumulative financial losses at the beginning of FY 2014-15
consideration for downward revision as the cost increase across the was Rs.44,618 Cr and Rs.68,648 Cr was added during the past 6 years and the
society will be by large and unbearable all of a sudden. We hereby total cumulative losses of TANGEDCO as on 31.03.2021 is Rs.1,13,266 Cr. It
submit our humble representation for consideration for a downward is mainly due to the increase in the cost of Consumer Price Indices i.e. from
revision with explanations and requests thereof. 236 to 333 points (FY 2013-14 to FY 2020-21) and it works out to 41%
increase. Hence, TANGEDCO was forced to borrow from Financial
High Tension tariff I Institutions and Banks to meet out its financial commitments. This has resulted
Request: True up Petition, APR, ARR filing every year with Hon'ble in 109% increase of loan outstanding from Rs.64,087 Cr. to Rs.1,34,210 Cr.
TNERC and New Tariff implementation after its approval by the Consequently, the interest on borrowed fund has also increased from Rs.9,281
Hon'ble Commission. Cr. to Rs. 14,116 Cr p.a.
2.The Ministry of Power, Government of India has made a mandatory
Peak hour charges and peak hour timing: condition for Power Sector Reforms with Tariff revision which allows
Request: 20 % Extra on Normal hour charges, 6.00-9.00 (3 hrs) and additional borrowing for the State. The Central Financial Institutions viz., M/s.
18.00 to 21.00 (3 hrs) REC Ltd., & M/s. PFC Ltd., while sanctioning the loan of Rs. 30,230 Cr under
Special Liquidity Scheme (Athma Nirbhar Scheme) have made a pre-committed
LT III B: condition of yearly Tariff revision. Due to non-revision of Tariff, the balance
Demand charges: Rs.70/kW/month funds of Rs. 3,435 Cr under Athma Nirbhar Scheme were withheld by
Energy charges: 700 paise/unit REC/PFC.
3. As per the guidelines of Ministry of Power the Tariff revision is a pre-
Peak hour charges and peak hour timings-HT condition for release of funds under R e v a m p e d Distribution Sector Scheme
Request: Nil (RDSS) and if the tariff is not revised, grants to the tune of Rs. 10,793 Cr will
We therefore, request to kindly consider the above points and we look not be released to TANGEDCO and ultimately the scheme will not take off.
forward to your early favorable action at the earliest possible, for the RBI has made a conditional prudential guideline to the Commercial Banks, for
benefit of MSMEs in this region. lending to State owned power entities including DISCOMs, that DISCOMS

should have to file tariff petition by 30th of November every year. Many legal
forums like CERC/APTEL have severally remarked about TANGEDCO’s non
revision of tariff periodically and thereby accumulating outstanding dues to
generation companies and other suppliers and contractors. Ranking of
TANGEDCO has declined due to non cost reflective tariff which in turn
restricted the banks not to lend any further loan.
4. The cost of Coal increased by 49% as compared with FY 2014-15 due to
increase in basic price of coal transport and handling charges. The variable
cost of power purchase from Central Generating Stations has increased by 37%
compared to FY 2014-15. The operational borrowings increased due to ARR-
ACS Gap resulting in increase in interest commitment by 50%.
5. TANGEDCO is left with no other choice except revising the tariff after a
gap of 8 years. TANGEDCO has proposed a necessary/ appropriate hike in
tariff only.
6. Retail Tariff.
Considering the views of MSME’s Tangedco will request Hon’ble TNERC
regarding reduction of industrial demand charge to issue an appropriate order
in this regard.
7. Time of Day Tariff
The proposed ToD charges are based on consultant report and since the
demand was volatile due to pandemic during 2020-22 no separate study
undertaken. However the peak hour consumption restored to pre pandemic
period now.
The proposed ToD charges are to meet out the high cost Power purchase
expenses during the peak hours and 5% concession available for night hour
consumption. It is intended to balance the Grid by shifting peak load.
8. MYT Tariff
The consumer price index CPI measures the monthly changes in prices due to
inflation and will have impact on all input cost of generation as well as
Distribution sector. The CPI is one of the most popular measure of inflation and
deflation. It is proposed to increase the tariff based on the CPI or 6% whichever
is less. Most of the states like Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh
are following the basis of price indices for escalating the expenses. However the
same will be trued up based on actual expenses year on year.
9. Wheeling Charges:
The wheeling charges and Net work cost has been arrived based on the
Tamilnadu Regulation notified by the Hon’ble TNERC vide notification No.
TNERC/Legal dated. 26.05.2021 3505/D. No. /2021.
The Wheeling charges / Network charges of the Distribution Licensee shall be
determined by the Commission on the basis of a petition for determination of
Tariff filed by the Distribution Licensee in accordance with regulations 5 and 6
or on suo-motu basis under Regulation 6(8) and it shall be determined
separately for all LT/HT consumers as applicable:
Provided that the Wheeling charges/ Network charges may be denominated in
terms of Rs./kWh (or) Rs./ kVAh (or) Rs/ kW month (or) Rs/kVA month for the
purpose of recovery from the Distribution network user, or any such
denomination as may be stipulated by the Commission.
HT and LT network cost is proportioned at 85:15 based on the cost of network.
Most of the HT networks are at higher cost. However the network cost is
proportioned based on the sales ratio of 21:79 for HT and LT network for
arriving wheeling charges.
Hence wheeling charges arrived based on the prevailing regulations and to
recover the network cost and revenue from the same is being reduced in ARR to
arrive retail tariff.
10. The charges proposed in non tariff miscellaneous charges are based on
actual expenditure incurred and even in some charges it is restricted to less than
actual quantum of revenue to be collected towards miscellaneous charges
reduced from ARR of retail tariff.
Commission’s Views:
The Commission has taken note of the reply furnished by the TANGEDCO and the matter has been dealt with appropriately in the relevant Chapter of this
Tariff Order.
Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation (TANGEDCO) True-Up, ARR and Tariff Order, 2022



Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory Commission

Cost Submitted by TANGEDCO(Rs. in Cr.) Approved by Commission (Rs. in Cr.)
S.No. Station
(Rs. In
Crores) FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25 FY 2025-26 FY 2026-27 FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25 FY 2025-26 FY 2026-27

1 Thermal Power Stations 4720.82 1329.61 1916.19 1206.26 1306.43 1332.61 1064.79 1979.27 1182.62 1160.52 1397.39

2 Hydro Electric Power Stations 487.67 151.78 116.80 154.54 155.27 158.38 140.13 116.73 145.89 155.27 158.38

3 Gas Turbine Power Stations 503.96 151.41 250.41 98.00 185.01 188.70 151.41 162.41 186.00 185.01 188.70

4 Thermal Power Projects 55688.34 9786.97 7162.99 4781.61 0.00 0.00

5 Hydro Electric Power Projects 15670.74 802.09 609.45 150.00 992.50 2660.64

6 Civil Hydro Projects 496.68 90.86 98.42 59.80 0.00 0.00 90.86 98.42 64.80 0.00 0.00

Total Amount 77568.21 12312.71 10154.26 6450.21 2639.21 4340.33 1447.19 2356.83 1579.31 1500.80 1744.47


Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by Commission

FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25 FY 2025-26 FY 2026-27 FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25 FY 2025-26 FY 2026-27
Estimated Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount
S.No. Station Cost Capitalisation Capitalisation Capitalisation Capitalisation Capitalisation Capitalisation Capitalisation Capitalisation Capitalisation Capitalisation
(Rs. in Crores) (Rs. in Crores) (Rs. in Crores) (Rs. in Crores) (Rs. in Crores) (Rs. in Crores) (Rs. in Crores) (Rs. in Crores) (Rs. in Crores) (Rs. in Crores) (Rs. in Crores)

1 Thermal Power Stations 4720.82 844.42 1636.82 1816.11 239.06 243.84 615.08 1740.27 1718.62 216.75 348.27

2 Hydro Electric Power Stations 487.67 133.04 92.05 249.29 128.69 131.27 120.13 91.98 240.64 128.69 131.27

3 Gas Turbine Power Stations 503.96 155.55 250.41 98.00 3.13 3.19 155.55 162.41 186.00 3.13 3.19

4 Thermal Power Projects 55688.34 8723.00 19107.72 7166.43 0.00 0.00

5 Hydro Electric Power Projects 15670.74 0.00 1831.29 0.00 338.79 0.00

6 Civil Hydro Projects 496.68 75.43 76.38 30.44 0.00 0.00 36.10 67.48 18.44 0.00 0.00

Total Amount 77568.21 9931.44 22994.66 9360.27 709.67 378.30 926.86 2062.14 2163.70 348.57 482.73

Allocation of Capital Expenditure (Rs. in Crores)
FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25 FY 2025-26 FY 2026-27
Estimated Cost
S.No. Station Proposal Proposal Proposal Proposal Proposal
(Rs. In Crores) Approved by the Approved by the Approved by the Approved by the Approved by the
submited by submited by submited by submited by submited by
Commission Commission Commission Commission Commission

1 Tuticorin Thermal Power Station 1034.85 213.69 152.37 391.12 411.70 429.84 429.84 385.94 250.94 393.70 468.66

2 Mettur Thermal Power Station-I 963.86 291.20 243.49 419.77 426.39 249.16 261.51 254.41 227.69 259.50 237.99

3 North Chennai Thermal Power Station-I 851.02 190.04 117.76 209.67 183.19 199.73 161.42 211.49 165.80 215.72 164.52

4 Mettur Thermal Power Station-II 628.31 275.11 251.23 104.20 118.87 239.00 239.00 185.80 267.99 189.52 272.22

5 North Chennai Thermal Power Station-II 1242.78 359.57 299.94 791.43 839.12 88.54 90.85 268.79 248.10 274.17 254.00

Total Amount 4720.82 1329.61 1064.79 1916.19 1979.27 1206.26 1182.62 1306.43 1160.52 1332.61 1397.39


Estimated Cost
S.No. Station FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25 FY 2025-26 FY 2026-27
(Rs. in Crores)

Amount Capitalisation (Rs. in Crores) Amount Capitalisation (Rs. in Crores) Amount Capitalisation (Rs. in Crores) Amount Capitalisation (Rs. in Crores) Amount Capitalisation (Rs. in Crores)

Proposal submited Approved by the Proposal submited by Approved by the Proposal submited by Approved by the Proposal submited by Approved by the Proposal submited Approved by the
by TANGEDCO Commission TANGEDCO Commission TANGEDCO Commission TANGEDCO Commission by TANGEDCO Commission

1 Tuticorin Thermal Power Station 1034.85 203.69 130.37 389.12 413.7 441.84 449.84 18 17.77 18.36 18.13

2 Mettur Thermal Power Station-I 963.86 218.94 161.23 139.765 156.39 605.155 617.51 5.59 3.84 5.7 4.2

3 North Chennai Thermal Power Station-I 851.02 95.17 35.37 108.3 151.19 226.57 106.42 39.52 5.52 40.31 5.63

4 Mettur Thermal Power Station-II 628.31 175.11 151.23 14.2 30.87 439 439 5.52 39.52 5.63 167.31

5 North Chennai Thermal Power Station-II 1242.78 151.51 136.88 985.43 988.12 103.54 105.85 170.43 150.1 173.84 153

Total Amount 4720.82 844.42 615.08 1636.815 1740.27 1816.105 1718.62 239.06 216.75 243.84 348.27

Name of the Station: Tuticorin Thermal Power Station

Proposal submited by TANGEDCO Approved by the Commission

Expendit Source Details FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 ( FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 (
ure of of Board Crs.) Crs.) Crs.) FY 2024-25 ( Crs.)
Details of Anticipat approval Allocation Crs.) Crs.)
Estimate incurred funding Allocatio
work Cost so far ed date or date Allocatio
Name of the Technical d Cost (PFC/ Amount n Amount Amount
S. No. furnishing list Benift (ie. of of n of
Scheme justification ( REC/ capitalisat of capitalisa capitalisa Capital Capital Capital
of major Analysis before completi award capital Capitalisa Capitalisa Capitalisati
Crs.) Own/ ion capital tion tion Expenditu Expenditu Expenditur
items FY 2022- on of expendit tion tion on
Govern expected expendit expected expected re re e
23) contract ure
ment ure
( (PO
1 Instalation of Erection of In order to To meet 476.47 0.00 REC Dec' Per. 50.00 48.00 150.00 150.00 276.27 278.27 50.00 48.00 150.00 150.00 276.27 278.27
semi dry FGD meet out the out the 2023 (CMD)
FGD system components new revised TANGED
to reduce environment Environm CO
Sox for norms ental proceedi
complying prescribed Norms ngs
the new by MoEF , No.275
Environment FGD have to Dt.13.11
al Norms be installed .20
to bring
down the
SOx level
below 600
2 Replacement Supply, Due to 0.41 Yrs. 1.53 0.00 OWN Dec' To be 1.53 1.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.53 0.53 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00
of Platen erection, ageing and 2022 obtained
water wall testing and prolonged
tubes & commissionin utilization,
bends in unit- g of platen the platen
III Boiler water wall water wall
tubes and tubes of
bends from Boiler are
inlet header affected by
to outlet formation of
header for heavy
Header No: internal
1to 4 in Unit deposits
–III Boiler having
corrosive in
nature and it
leads to
failure of
tubes & the
rate of
failures are
in increasing
trend. Hence
all the platen
water wall
tubes and

3 Replacement complete On 1.2 Years 4.00 0.00 OWN Dec'202 To be 4.00 4.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.50 1.50 2.50 2.50 0.00 0.00
of hot re- replacement inspection of 2 obtained
heater of hot re- hot re-heater
assembly in heater coils in Unit
Unit V boiler assembly in V during the
Unit V boileroverhaul
most of the
coils are in
over heated
The rate of
failure of
HRH coil
increased in
the recent
Hence in
order to
avoid forced
outage, it
has been
decided to
4 Revamping Supply, Inorder to To 10.00 0.00 OWN Mar-24 To be 0.00 0.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 0.00 0.00 5.00 0.00 5.00 10.00
of Unit I ESP erection, bring back meetout obtained
testing & the ESP to environm
commissionin its Design ental
g of ESP by collection norms
replacing ESP efficiency.
internals in
A3, A4, A5,
B3, B4, B5,
C3, C4, C5,
D3, D4 & D5
and support
housing for
20 ESP fields.
of the
remaining 8
fields - A1,
A2, B1, B2,
C1, C2, D1 &

5 Revamping Supply, Inorder to To 17.00 0.00 OWN Mar-23 To be 17.00 17.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.00 0.00 7.00 17.00 0.00 0.00
of Unit II ESP erection, bring back meetout obtained
testing & the ESP to environm
commissionin its Design ental
g of ESP by collection norms
replacing ESP efficiency.
internals in
A3, A4, A5,
B3, B4, B5,
C3, C4, C5,
D3, D4 & D5
and support
housing for
20 ESP fields.
of the
remaining 8
fields - A1,
A2, B1, B2,
6 Revamping Supply, Inorder to To 6.00 0.00 OWN Mar-25 To be 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.00 6.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.00 6.00
of Unit III erection, bring back meetout obtained
ESP testing & the ESP to Environm
commissioini its Design ental
ng of ESP by collection norms
replacing ESP efficiency.
internals in
B3, B4, B5,
D3, D4 & D5
of the
remaining 14
fields - A1,
A2, A3, A4,
A5, B1, B2,
C1, C2, C3,
C4, C5, D1, &

7 Ash handling Erection & TNPCB is Not 65.00 0.00 REC March'2 To be 0.00 0.00 30.00 28.00 35.00 37.00 0.00 0.00 30.00 25.00 35.00 40.00
system Commissionin constantly applicabl 025 obtained
g of -2 Nos insisting to e since
1000 MT cap provide its
RCC Ash silo additional installatio
for unit I to V Silos for n is
collection of essentiall
100 % Fly y
ash & required
extending for
conditional meeting
clearance out the
under the pollution
Section 31-A control
of Air measure
(Prevention s.
and control
of Pollution)
Act ( 1981
) for the
operation of
the plant
based on the
from TTPS
for the early
8 Debris Installation of The 2 Years 4.50 0.00 OWN Mar' To be 4.50 4.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.50 4.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Filters in Unit Debris Filters condenser 2024 obtained
IV performance
is dependent
on cooling
and cooling
water flow
rate. The
water flow
rate gets
affected due
of consider-
able amount
of marine
growths over
the tube
plate of the
condenser &
blocking of
the flow of

9 Debris Installation of The 2 Years 4.50 0.00 OWN Mar' To be 0.00 0.00 4.50 4.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.50 4.50 0.00 0.00
Filters in Unit Debris Filters condenser 2024 obtained
V performance
is dependent
on cooling
and cooling
water flow
rate. The
water flow
rate gets
affected due
of consider-
able amount
of marine
growths over
the tube
plate of the
condenser &
blocking of
the flow of
10 Revamping Track rails on Track rails The 6.00 0.00 OWN Mar'202 To be 0.00 0.00 6.00 6.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.00 6.00 0.00 0.00
of stacker & conveyor on conveyor stacker & 4 obtained
Reclaimer 54Track Path 54 track path Reclaime
machines are in r runs in
track rails on continuous rails.
conveyor service Hence
49&54 track round the stacking
path clock either of coal
for coal which is
receiving or received
stacking of from coal
coal in the jetty and
yard for feeding
feeding to to the
unit bunkers units can
I to V.These be done
rails are uninterru
situated ptedly so
amidst in the that ship
dusty, saline demurra
atmosphere. ge
Many charges
occasions & loss of
the rail got generatio
broken due n can be
to ageing avoided.

11 LT switch 1) The existing The 2.80 0.00 REC Mar'23 To be 2.80 2.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.80 2.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
gear 3A & 3B Dismantling switch gear existing obtained
(3 ph, 415 V) the existing have served switch
at CHS-III LT switch for more gear
gear 3A & 3B. than 33 have
2) Erection of years and served
New switch are in beyond
gear panel at detoriated its life
SS-III. condition. As period of
3) Erection of per ministry about 33
draw out type of power years.
modules in notification Due to
the new New Delhi dt ageing
switch gear. :29th march frequent
4) 1994 vide failures
Termination S.O 266(E) are
of all power the life time occuring
& control assessed in in the
cables. the schedule switchge
5) C(f) for ar and
Commissionin switch gear there by
g of the new including affecting
switch gear. cable the
connection discharge
are 25 year from the
only. Hence ships.
12 Dust Dust Fine coal As per 3.00 0.00 OWN Mar'24 To be 0.00 0.00 3.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.00 3.00 0.00 0.00
Extraction extraction dust are Pollution obtained
system in motor, pipes enemarating Control
SCH-I and allied from SCH-I requirem
Equipment during ent to
crusher in reduce
operation. pollution
These gets
over the
and creating
hazards for
the people
working in

13 Supply & Passenger JT-20 floor is 2 Years 3.00 0.00 OWN Mar'23 To be 0.00 0.00 3.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.00 3.00 0.00 0.00
Erection of cum frieght 30mtr height obtained
Passenger lift of capacity . Much
cum Frieght 1000Kgs difficulties
lift at JT-20 are being
in lifting the
/ breakdown
Hence it is
very much
essential to
cum freight
lift at JT-20
to avoide
delay in
the works.

14 Modification Dismantling The Exsiting 45 days 2.50 0.00 OWN Mar' 23 To be 0.00 0.00 2.50 2.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.50 2.50 0.00 0.00
of shuttle of exsiting belt width of obtained
feeder 2A & 1400mm belt shuttle
2B at width shuttle feeder-2A &
Secondary feeder along 2B are
Crusher with all 1400mm belt
House-II accessories width and
and design can carry the
Engineering load upto
and supply of 800T/hr
1800mm belt while
width shuttle handling
feeder higher
resulting in
spillage and
stoppages of
Inorder to
the above, it
is proposed
to modify
15 Passenger Passenger passenger 2 Years 2.00 0.00 OWN Mar' 23 To be 2.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
cum Frieght cum lift of cum lift of obtained
lift at PCH-II capacity capacity
1000Kgs 1000Kgs
16 ETP Construction To fulfil the To fulfil 11.37 0.00 OWN Mar' 23 To be 1.00 1.00 5.00 5.00 5.37 5.37 1.00 1.00 5.00 5.00 5.37 5.37
of Effluent norms of the obtained
Treatment pollution norms of
Plant control pollution
Board. control

17 10 ML per Installation of TTPS is now In order 100.00 0.00 REC March'2 To be 10.00 2.00 50.00 50.00 40.00 48.00 10.00 2.00 50.00 50.00 40.00 48.00
Day 10 MLD getting raw to meet 024 obtained
Desalination Desalination water from out
plant plant M/s. TWAD additiona
@ Rs. 15 per l
KL. During requirem
summer ent of
months, water for
getting the
water from proposed
18 Fire fighting Supply, M/s. TWAD
Government FGD
Stacking 9.00 0.00 OWN Mar' To be 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00
system Erection & of India of coal 2025 obtained
Instalation of dated 19th which is
New Fire july 2000 received
Protection issued from coal
system Gazette jetty and
NOVEC 1230 notification feeding
by Phasing that to the
out of utilization of units can
existing Halon 1301 be done
Halon 1301 gas for fire uninterru
gas system protection ptedly so
system is that ship
banned and demurra
to be phased ge
out. Hence,it charges
is proposed can be
to install the avoided.
system of
NOVEC 1230

Division: Turbine
19 Main Turbine Capital a) As per the In order 2.50 0.00 OWN Dec' To be 0.00 0.00 2.50 2.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.50 2.50 0.00 0.00
Unit II overhuling of recommenda to bring 2023 obtained
main turbine tion of OEM back the
and Re-RLA M/s. BHEL, Turbine
study of the TG sets efficiency
turbine of 210MW to its
components LMW design
turbines, value
have to be and to
capital reduce
overhauled the
once in 4 turbine
years or heat
25,000 rate.
hours which
ever is
earlier for
safe and
operation of
b) M/s BHEL
ed that RLA 13
study for
20 Main Turbine Capital a) As per a. 2.00 0.00 OWN Dec' Administ 2.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Unit III overhuling of M/s. BHEL Turbine 2022 rative
main turbine OEM of the efficiency approval
and Re-RLA TG sets of could be to be
study of 210MW LMW improved obtained
turbine turbines, for visa vis from
components preventive heat rate HQR's
maintenance will be
schedule, reduced
the units cosiderab
have to be ly.
capital b. pay
overhauled Pack
for safe and period -
reliable 41 days.
operation of
units for
years. b)
ed that RLA
study for
have to be
21 Repairing of 1. Supply of 1 As such no NA 5.16 0.00 OWN Dec' Administ 5.16 5.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 3.16 5.16 0.00 0.00
LP Rotor of set of New spare LP 2022 rative
210 MW blades and rotor is approval
LMW Turbine allied available at to be
released materials for TTPS . The obtained
from Unit - 25th , 27th, unit - I from
III and 29th & 31st Capital HQR's
renewal of stages and Overhaul is
entire blades removal of due in the
in the stages entire blades year 2018 -
of 25, 27, 29 of 25th , 19. The
& 31 27th, 29th & spare LP
including 31st stages rotor is
supply of by adopting essentially
blades and standed required to
allied proceedures. replace to
materials 2. Renewed meet out
baldes shall unit - I
be provided Capital
with suitable overhaul
lacing wire requirement.
balancing and
over speeding

22 Repairing of 1.Complete Unit-I Capital NA 15.00 0.00 OWN Dec' To be 0.00 0.00 15.00 15.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15.00 15.00 0.00 0.00
HP/IP/LP inspection of overhaul is 2022 obtained
Rotors Rotors and scheduled
Renewal of during the
wornout year 2021-
blades in 22. The
HP/IP/LP existing HP,
Rotors IP & LP
including Rotors in
rectification Unit I have
works in the served for
Rotor shafts. more than 1
2.Dynamic lakh service
balancing and hours and
over speeding this will be
of rotor in the replaced
balancing with spare
tunnel. rotors during
the capital
The Rotors
which are to
be released
from Unit-I
have to be
repaired and
23 LP Rotor Repair and At present NA 3.18 0.00 OWN Mar'202 Addmini 3.18 3.18 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.18 3.18 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Reconditionin no spare LP 3 strastive
g LP Rotor Rotor is approval
available at accorde
TTPS. Hence d by
LP Rotor CMD /
reconditionin TANGED
g is essential CO vide
to meet out proceedi
any ngs No.
emergency 233 dt
breakdown 21.06.1
works in Unit 9
IV & V and P.O.No.
to avoid loss 11338-
of M / Dt.
generation. 27.08.2

24 Main Turbine Capital Turbine Heat 2 Months 2.00 0.00 OWN Mar'202 Approva 2.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Unit IV overhaul of rate got 3 l
HP/IP/LP raised due to awaited
Turbine, the
valves, degradation
Governing and wear
system & RLA and tear of
study in Unit the tubrine
IV to internals.
maintain Capital
generation. overhaul will
reducing the
heat rate
trouble free
of the TG
Also as per
tions of
25 Reconditionin Reconditionin Reconditioni NA 10.00 0.00 OWN Mar'202 Approva 0.00 0.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 0.00 0.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00
g of HP g of HP ng is 5 l
Module,/ IP Module, IP essential in awaited
Rotor / LP Rotor & LP order to
Rotor to be Rotor to be have critical
released released from spare for
from Unit IV Unit IV Unit IV&V
26 Main Turbine Capital Turbine Heat 2 Months 3.00 0.00 OWN Mar'202 Approva 0.00 0.00 3.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.00 3.00 0.00 0.00
Unit V overhaul of rate got 4 l
HP/IP/LP raised due to awaited
Turbine, the
valves, degradation
Governing and wear
system & RLA and tear of
study in Unit the tubrine
V to maintain internals.
generation. Capital
overhaul will
reducing the
heat rate
trouble free
of the TG
Also as per
tions of
Division: Boiler

27 Economiser Complete The eco-coil 1.79 4.50 0.00 OWN Mar'25 To be 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.50 4.50 0.00 0.00 4.50 4.50 0.00 0.00
Coil in Unit replacement failure rate is Years obtained
III of very higher
Economiser and it is
coil Assembly
essential to
replace the
assembly by
new one to
failure. By
assembly in
Unit-III, the
loss of
due to eco
coil failure
will be
28 Coutant Design. Due to One Year 2.00 0.00 OWN Mar'24 To be 0.00 0.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 0.00
bottom slope Manufacturin ageing and obtained
tubes& nipple g ,Supply, prolonged
bend in Unit Erection , utilization,
3 Testing & the Coutant
Commisionin bottom slope
g of Coutant tubes &
bottom slope nipple
tubes & bendof
nipple bend Boiler are
affected by
formation of
corrosive in
nature and it
leads to
failure of
tubes & the
rate of
failures are
in increasing

29 Coutant Design. Due to One Year 2.00 0.00 OWN Mar'24 To be 0.00 0.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 0.00
bottom slope Manufacturin
ageing and obtained
tubes& nipple g ,Supply, prolonged
bend in Unit Erection , utilization,
2 Testing & the Coutant
Commisioninbottom slope
g of Coutant
tubes &
bottom slope
tubes & bendof
nipple bendBoiler are
affected by
formation of
corrosive in
nature and it
leads to
failure of
tubes & the
rate of
failures are
in increasing
30 Coutant Design. trend.
Due to One Year 2.00 0.00 OWN Mar'25 To be 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 2.00
bottom slope Manufacturin ageing and obtained
tubes& nipple g ,Supply, prolonged
bend in Unit Erection , utilization,
1 Testing & the Coutant
Commisionin bottom slope
g of Coutant tubes &
bottom slope nipple
tubes & bendof
nipple bend Boiler are
affected by
formation of
corrosive in
nature and it
leads to
failure of
tubes & the
rate of
failures are
in increasing
Division: Ash Handling trend.

31 Ash handling Supply & To replace To avoid 1.60 0.00 OWN March' To be 1.60 1.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.60 1.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
system Erection of the worn out generatio 2023 obtained
273.1 MM OD pipe in ash n loss
and 350 NB disposal
Seamless lines and
pipes for unit maintain
I to V Ash contineous
slurry generation
disposal with out any
system ( I st interruption
Phase) in ash slurry
lines of unit
I to V.

32 Ash handling Supply & To replace To avoid 4.00 0.00 OWN March' To be 0.00 0.00 4.00 4.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.00 4.00 0.00 0.00
system Erection of the worn out generatio 2024 obtained
273.1 MM OD pipe in ash n loss
and 350 NB disposal
Seamless lines and
pipes for unit maintain
I to V Ash contineous
slurry generation
disposal with out any
system ( IInd interruption
Phase) in ash slurry
lines of unit
I to V.

33 Ash handling Supply & Cast basalt To avoid 3.00 0.00 OWN March' To be 0.00 0.00 3.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
system Erection of pipes for Ash generatio 2024 obtained
250NB & 350 slurry n loss
NB cast disposal
basalt pipes lines in the
for unit I to V power house
Ash slurry area were
disposal erected
system ( II during
nd Phase) commissioni
ng and are
in service for
more than
23 years.
Delay in
may lead to
pipe failures,
leading to
leakage of
slurry in to
sea / cooling
channel and

34 Ash handling Supply & To replace To avoid 1.75 0.00 OWN March' To be 0.00 0.00 1.75 1.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.75 1.75 0.00 0.00
system Erection of the worn out generatio 2024 obtained
350 NB pipes in n loss
Seamless recovery
pipes for water l line
recovery and to
water system maintain the
for Unit I to recovery
V. ( IInd water
Phase) system and
to fulfil the
Division: Internal Coal
35 Dozers Procurment Two Stacking 11.00 0.00 OWN Mar'202 To be 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 0.00 0.00 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 0.00 0.00
of 2 Nos numbers of of coal 4 obtained
Dozers the existing which is
bull dozers received
have served from coal
for more jetty and
than 23 feeding
years ( to the
50,000 Hrs) units can
against the be done
life period of uninterru
15 years or ptedly so
25,000 hrs. that ship
These dozers demurra
nowadays ge
develop charges
frequent can be
problems avoided.
due to
ageing and
is essential
to ensure
Division: External Coal

36 Conveyor 17 Strenghtenin By carrying The 1.97 0.00 OWN March. Approva 1.97 1.97 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.97 1.97 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
g of conveyor out the Conveyor 2023 l
17 by revamping 17 have awaited
replacing the and served
corroded & strenghtenin for more
deteriorated g works, the than 33
structural life of the Years
materials and conveyor and need
fasterners structure streng
and re- and its thening.
welding the equipment It is a
cracked & will get single
worn-out enhanced. stream
weldings in Besides the conveyor
the structures conveyor will system.
be capable Hence
of receiving failure
coal will
discharge to affect the
its fullest whole
capacity ship
from the discharge
upgraded .
coal jetty-I

37 Design, 1) The existing Advance 5.68 0.00 OWN March. To be 0.00 0.00 5.68 5.68 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.68 5.68 0.00 0.00
Engineering, Dismantling Control control 2024 obtained
Procurement, the existing system have system
Manufacture, of Control served for is more
Supply, cables of more than reliability
Erection, Relay Logic 33 years and
Testing & 2) Erection of are outdated
Commissioni New PLC and not
ng of Hot panels and reliable
Redundant control condition.
Programmabl circuits. Hence
e Logic 3) advance
Digital Termination control
Control of all control system with
System (PLC) cables. more
for CHS. 4) reliability is
Commissionin to be
g of the new provided.
PLC system.

Division: External Coal Handling II

38 Automatic Automatic fire
CHS-VII & To safe 1.50 0.00 OWN Mar'23 To be 1.50 1.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.50 1.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
fire detection detection and
Remote guard of obtained
and extinguishing
conveyor 69 vital
extinguishing system to71 are in system
system for vital system
switch gear for receiving
CHS 7 and Coal jetty-II
conveyor 69 discharge at
to 71 present and
discharge to
be received
from coal
jetty-I after
To provide
fire frighting
system to
safe guard
this vital
system this
work is
essentially to
be carried
39 Supply, To maintain 3 Phase, 2 Years 2.60 0.00 OWN Mar'25 To be 1.20 1.20 0.85 0.85 0.55 0.55 1.20 1.20 0.85 0.85 0.55 0.55
Erection of emergency 6.6KV, 50HZ obtained
HT motors of spare for the in the
various HT motors in following
capacity in service capacities
Conv. 72 & 820KW,604K
188KW and
motors are
in sevice for
more than
20 years
from the
ng period
and these
become less
efficient &
prone to
Hence it is
Division: Civil

40 Improvement Power House Due to saline NA 1.50 0.00 OWN Mar'25 To be 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50
works in Unit I to III atmospheric obtained
Power House condition,
of Unit-I to the RCC
III. structures
and Steel
members of
the buildings
are in
damaged &
This has to
be repaired
g of the

41 Improvement Boiler, bunker Due to saline NA 1.00 0.00 OWN Mar'25 To be 0.50 0.50 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.50 0.50 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25
works to the area at Unit-I atmospheric obtained
Boiler, to III condition,
bunker area the RCC
at Unit-I to structures
III are in
damaged &
This has to
be repaired
42 Improvement Residential Due to saline NA 1.50 0.00 OWN Mar'25 To be 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50
works in the Quarters atmospheric obtained
Residential (Type-I, II, condition ,
Quarters III, IV, V & the RCC
(Type-I, II, VI Qtrs.) and structures
III, IV, V & Non- such as roof
VI Qtrs.) and Residential slab,lintels,b
Non- Quarters area eams and
Residential at Camp-I sunshade of
Quarters the building
area at Camp- are in
I damaged
condition &
it is unsafe
for the staffs
residing in
the Quarters
. This has to
be repaired.

43 Improvement Residential Since served NA 1.50 0.00 OWN Mar'25 To be 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50
works in the Quarters more than obtained
Residential (Type-I, II, 40 years due
Quarters III, IV, V & to saline
(Type-I, II, VI Qtrs.) and atmospheric
III, IV, V & Non- condition ,
VI Qtrs.) and Residential the RCC
Non- Quarters area structures
Residential at Camp-II such as roof
Quarters slab,lintels,b
area at Camp- eams and
II sunshade of
the building
are in

Division :
e Planning
44 Strengthenin Strengthenin Inorder to NA 6.00 0.00 OWN Mar'25 To be 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.000 2.000 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00
g the power g column , increase the obtained
house main beam, roof life span and
structures slab, flooring to prevent
and auxiliary , allied civil damages
structures of works and and to
Power House improvement safeguard
Unit-IV & V works. the
which has
served more
than 30
45 Strengthing Strengthenin Inorder to NA 16.00 0.00 OWN Mar'25 To be 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 6.00 6.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 6.00 6.00
and g the psc increase the obtained
improvement conveyor life span and
works in coal structures of to prevent
Jetty - I & II insitu precast damages
conveyer slab, piles, and to
structures pile muff, safeguard
and Junctioin girder, allied the
towers, civil works in structures
control room onshore which has
buildings. already
served more
than 30
years and to
due to
exposure to

46 Providing Providing The RCC NA 45.00 0.00 OWN Mar'25 To be 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00
RCC floor in RCC floor in floor has to obtained
coal stock coal stock be provided
yard and yard to to prevent
drain zone - prevent water water
1,2,3 & 4 logging in seepage in
coal area. the stocked
coal and to
dampness to
47 Ash dyke Bund coal.
To prevent NA 6.00 0.00 OWN Mar'25 To be 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.000 2.000 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00
Bund strengthening breaches obtained
strengthenin and raising and to be
g works due to done under
continuous pollution
ash discharge norms.
into ash

Division: Operation&
Efficiency II
48 Fire Hydrant Procurement Fire hydrant To 3.00 0.00 OWN Mar'202 To be 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
system &erection of M.S. pipe safeguar 5 obtained
various sizes lines are laid d the
of MS from Coal men and
Pipeline in Yard area materials
Fire hydrant (i.e. Primary of the
system in crusher board
coal yard house I & II,
areas and Secondary
Unit IV& V crusher
areas house I & II
area) and
Fuel Oil
Pump House
area and
Boiler areas
of Unit IV&V
for meeting
out any fire
. Since the
M.S. pipe
lines have
served more

49 Mulsifyre Procurement Mulsifyre To 3.00 0.00 OWN Mar'202 To be 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
System &erection of pipe lines safeguar 5 obtained
Mulsifyre pipe laid from d the
line various RWPH to men and
sizes pipe Unit IV & V. materials
line from Transformer of the
RWPH to yard board
Unit IV & andTunnel
V.Transforme conveyor 60
r yard and & 62. Since
conveyor the pipe
areas lines have
served more
than 28
years in
and due to
corrosion &
have got
worn out
Division:Renovation &
50 FOPH-I Replacement The existing NA 1.55 0.00 REC Mar' 23 T.P.No.3 1.55 1.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.55 1.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
of existing 33 years old 75,
NGEF make LT dt.25.10
LT switchgear switchgear .2019.
panel by new at FOPH-I
switchgear requires
panel with suitable
necessary modernizatio
protection n as the
arrangement OEM M/S
at FOPH-I NGEF have
their service
support very
long back.
unit of
from 2002.
number of
failure of
modules /

51 Unit Replacement The UAT 1A, NA 3.45 0.00 REC Mar' 23 Proposal 3.45 3.45 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.45 3.45 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Auxiliary of 2 nos Unit 1B, 2A, 2B under
Transformer Auxiliary are in progress
15MVA,15.75 Transformer continuous
/6.6KV in 15MVA,15.75 service for
unit-I & II /6.6KV in unit- more than
I & II 40 years.
Due to
ageing the
tan delta
value of the
UATS are
5.19, 4.04,
9.44, 10.07
D21ly which
is higher
than the
limit of 2%.
This may be
due to the
of insulation
52 R & M of C & R & M of C & In Unit-III, NA 14.54 0.00 REC Mar' 23 Proposal 4.54 4.54 10.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 4.54 4.54 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00
I System- I System- the existing under
Provision of Provision of 40 years old progress
DCS System DCS System CLCS, OLCS
in unit III. in unit III. and FSSS
system are
anical based
and relays.
There is no
SER feature.
No facility to
FSSS has
only one
MFT which is
based on
anical relays.

53 Up-dation of Design, Existing unit- NA 2.45 0.00 REC Mar' 23 Awaiting 2.45 2.45 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.45 2.45 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Operating Engineering, II DCS for
System and Supply, operating admn
hardware of Installation, system along approval
Server, Commissionin with PGP
Client, g, testing of and
Workstation Up-dation of computer
along with Operating version was
Power System and obsolete
Generation hardware of
Portal and Server,
Composer Client,
softwares Workstation
and C-Net along with
Communicati Power
on Hardware Generation
for ABB Portal and
Symphony Composer
Harmony softwares
DCS System and C-Net
of Unit-2 of Communicati
TTPS.(Upgra on Hardware
dation of for ABB
operating Symphony
system along Harmony DCS
with PGP and System of
54 Replacing of Replacing of The existing NA 1.50 0.00 OWN Mar' 23 To be 1.50 1.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.50 1.50 0.00 0.00
3nos 3nos 3Nos FD fan obtained
1100KW, 1100KW, motors have
6.6KV FD 6.6KV FD fan served more
fan motors in motors in than 38
Unit III (1 Unit III (1 years
Spare ) Spare ) against the
.(Phase-I) (Phase-I) standard life
period of 25
years. The
ng of Journal
bearing type
FD fan
motors. As
the stator
and rotor are
mounted on
base plate,
difficulty is

55 Replacing of Replacing of The existing NA 4.61 0.00 REC Mar' 23 To be 4.61 4.61 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.61 4.61 0.00 0.00
3nos 3nos 3Nos ID fan obtained
1700KW, 1700KW, motors have
6.6KV 6.6KV served more
pedestal pedestal than 40
bearing type bearing type years
ID fan ID fan motors against the
motors by by anti standard life
anti frictionfriction period of 25
bearing type bearing type years. The
motors in motors in unit- OEM
unit- I, II &I, II & III M/s.BHEL
III (Phase - (Phase - II). have
II). stopped
ng of Journal
bearing type
ID fan
motors. As
the stator
and rotor are
mounted on
base plate
difficulty is
56 R&M of R&M of The existing NA 6.00 0.00 OWN Mar' 23 To be 6.00 6.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.00 6.00 0.00 0.00
existing old existing old old & obtained
type Control type Control outdated
& protection & protection control
system in system in panels are
230kV 230kV provided
Switchyard-1 Switchyard-1 with
by latest by latest electromech
version of version of anical relays.
Substation Substation Features like
Automation Automation facility for
System (SAS) System (SAS) supervising
of the relays,
are not
instructed to
SER/DR with
facility to

57 R&M of R&M of The existing NA 6.00 0.00 OWN Mar' 23 To be 6.00 6.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.00 6.00 0.00 0.00
existing old existing old old outdated obtained
type Control type Control control
& protection & protection panels are
system in system in having
230kV 230kV electromech
Switchyard-2 Switchyard-2 anical relays.
by latest by latest Features like
version of version of facility for
Substation Substation supervising
Automation Automation the
System (SAS) System (SAS) healthiness
of the relays,
are not
instructed to
provide SER
/ DR with
facility to
connect with
57 Upgradation Upgradation The existing NA 2.00 0.00 OWN Mar' 23 To be 2.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 0.00
of 9020 of 9020 control obtained
system ( system( systems
Analog Analog have served
cabinet cabinet more than
system) in system) in 28 years.
Unit-V. Unit-V. The system
is obsolete
and spares
are not
tripping of
the systems
may occur
due to
operation of
Hence it is
essential to
upgrade the

59 Modernizatio Modernization Due to the NA 5.00 0.00 OWN March'2 To be 5.00 5.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.00 5.00 0.00 0.00
n of control of control and obsolescence 3 obtained
and relay relay panels of the
panels in in 230KV technology,
230KV switchyard-1 modernizing
switchyard-1 &2 the existing
&2 system by
latest proven
technology is
essential to
extend the
life of
and reduce

Division :
60 Supply, Supply, Due to NA 1.8 0.00 OWN March'2 To be 1.80 1.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.80 1.80 0.00 0.00
erection and erection and production 3 obtained
commisioning commisioning stoppage of
of 4Nos. of 4Nos. existing
Resin Resin 230kV wall
impregenate impregenated through
d paper paper bushings
insulation insulation current
based 230kV based 230kV transformer,
wall bushings wall bushings it is
and and proposed to
4Nos.230kV, 4Nos.230kV, modify the
0.2S class 0.2S class existing
accuracy accuracy system in
1600A-1200A- 1600A-1200A- the
800A/1A 800A/1A switchyard-I
pedestal pedestal kayathar
current current feeder-I to
transformers. transformers. avoid loss of

61 Replacement Replacement
• The Station NA 10.00 0.00 OWN March'2 To be 0.00 0.00 10.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00
of existing of existing
Transformer 3 obtained
25MVA 25MVA 1 and
station station Station
transformer I transformer I
& II and & II and 2 have
supply , supply , served 41
erection and erection and
yrs & 40 yrs
complete complete respectively
commisioning commisioning
as on date
of 40 MVA of 40 MVA and thereby
Station Station completed
Transformer Transformer I
their entire
I & II & II life period.
At this
juncture, the
loading on
the ST 1 &
ST 2 would
increased by
about 800
Amps each
62 Supply and Supply and For the NA 1.40 0.00 OWN Mar'202 To be 1.40 1.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.40 1.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
erection of erection of replacement 3 obtained
245kV wall 245kV wall of wall
Bushing Bushing bushing
without CT 3 without CT 3 current
nos. nos. transformer
by new wall
bushing with
in kayathar
feeder-I, due

Division :
e II
63 Replacement Replacement The existing NA 2.10 0.00 OWN Mar'202 To be 0.00 0.00 2.10 2.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.10 2.10 0.00 0.00
of existing of existing HT coal mill 4 obtained
HT Mill Mill motors motors have
motors by by Energy served more
Energy efficient than 38
efficient motors in years
motors in Unit-III. against the
Unit-III. (7Nos) standard life
(7Nos) period of 25

64 Replacement Replacement The existing NA 1.00 0.00 OWN Mar'202 To be 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00
of existing of existing motors are 5 obtained
journal journal in
bearing fan bearing fan continuous
motors by motors by service for
anti friction anti friction the past 35
bearing FD bearing FD years . The
fan motors fan motors OEM have
2Nos. in 2Nos. in declared
Unit-I Boiler Unit-I Boiler 'End of
area. area. support' due
in design.
Hence the
available in
the local
market are
with the
Division : Electrical
65 Supply, Supply, In the As per 3.00 0.00 OWN Mar'24 Nil 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50
erection and erection and TNERC draft TNERC
commissionin commisioning notification draft
g of 230 kV of 6 Numbers and as per notificati
RIP bushings Resin CEA on, the
and CTs for Impregenate guidelines, existing
Switch yard d paper the existing 0.5 class
II insulation 0.5 class accuracy
based 230kV accuracy CTs WBCTs
wall shall be are to be
bushings, and replaced by changed
230 kV, 0.2S 0.2S class with 0.2
class accuracy CTs S class
accuracy in the accuracy
1600A – evacuation CTs in
1200A – feeders of the
800A/1A thermal outgoing
pedestal power feeders
Current stations for of
Transformers implementati Switchya
. on of rd II.
ABT. Three
numbers of
WBCTs were
replaced in

66 Supply, 1) The life The 1.50 0.00 OWN Mar'202 Nil 1.50 1.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.50 1.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Erection, Dismantling period of healthine 3
Testing and of old battery is 5 ss of the
Commisisioni batteries 2) years as DC
ng of 220V Erection, mentioned in system
Battery Testing and the TNEB will be
system in Commisisonin Gazette, ensured.
Unit IV,V & g of New February
Switchyard-II batteries of 1992
220V Battery (P.No.63).
system in Life period
Unit IV, V & expires
Switchyard-II during the
is essential.
67 Supply, Dismantling Due to Failure of 1.40 0.00 OWN Mar'25 Nil 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.40 1.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.40 1.40
Erection and of existing 12 continuous ESP
commissionin Nos. HVR service, the system
g of 12 Nos transformer. 12 Nos. ESP may
High Voltage Erection and fields were leads to
Rectifier commisioning revamped exceed
Transformers of new HVR during the the
for ESP- IV in Transformers year 2014. Pollution
Unit -IV. . Balance 12 control
Nos. of ESP norms in
transformers Unit-IV &
are to be V.
Division :
ation II
68 Up gradation Up gradation The existing NA 10.20 0.00 OWN Mar'23 To be 1.20 1.20 9.00 9.00 0.00 0.00 1.20 1.20 9.00 9.00 0.00 0.00
of raw coal of raw coal Mills RC obtained
feeder feeder feeder
system in system in system is in
Unit -IV & V. Unit -IV & V. service since
1991. Due
to aging, RC
spares like
ers and

69 Annunciation Up Gradation The existing 2.00 0.00 OWN Mar'23 To be 2.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
System, Unit of Annunciation obtained
V Annunciation system unit
Sytem in Unit 5 is in
V service since
1991. Due
to aging, Technical
Electronic enhance
modules in ment and
the system ensuring
become hassle
obsolete. free
70 Combined Up gradation The Existing Technical 16.00 0.00 OWN Mar'24 To be 0.00 0.00 6.00 6.00 10.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 6.00 6.00 10.00 10.00
DCS in Unit of obsolete enhance obtained
IV EAST,FSSS,S system to ment and
BC,APRDS,ST new system ensuring
C,SADC,SCAN hassle
NER, and free
Balance of operation

71 Less than 1 37.74 19.25 19.25 12.49 12.49 6.00 6.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

#### 213.69 203.69 391.12 389.12 429.84 441.84 152.37 130.37 411.70 413.70 429.84 449.84

Name of the Station: Mettur Thermal Power Station I

Proposal submited by TANGEDCO Approved by the Commission

SL. Name of Details of Technical justification Cost benefit analysis Estimate Expendit Source Anticipated Details FY 2022-23 (Rs. in FY 2023-24 (Rs. in FY 2024-25 (Rs. in FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 ( Crs.)
No. the work d Cost ure of date of of Board Crores) Crores) Crores) Crs.) Crs.)
Scheme furnishing ( incurred funding completion approval Allocatio Amount Allocatio Amount Allocatio Amount Capital Capitalisa Capital Capitalisa Capital Capitalisati
list of major Crs.) so far (PFC/RE or n of Capitalis n of Capitalis n of Capitalis Expenditu tion Expenditur tion Expenditur on
items ( i.e. C/OWN/ Award of CAPEX ation CAPEX ation CAPEX ation re e e
before Govt) Contract expected expected expected
FY 2022- / P.Os
23) placed
1 R&M MTPS-I – Unit- Reducing air leakage to Reducing air leakage to 55.000 0.000 May be 22-25 Revised 15.000 15.000 20.000 20.000 20.000 20.000 15.000 15.000 20.000 20.000 20.000 20.000
II, III & IV– Flue Gas, reducing by Flue Gas, reducing by arranged Proposal
Modification of passing of air through the passing of air through the by HQ to be
existing single Heating elements, Heating elements, submitted
sealing APH to increasing heating increasing heating
double sealing elements area / elements area /
replacement of heating replacement of heating
profile to latest version profile to latest version
will increase the will increase the
performance of APH and performance of APH and
reduce the loading of PA, reduce the loading of PA,
FD and ID fan FD and ID fan
2 R&M MTPS-I – Unit-I The existing ESP are The Proposal is aimed to 150.000 0.000 May be Dec'2024 Revised 100.000 100.000 50.000 50.000 0.000 0.000 100.000 100.000 50.000 50.000 0.000 0.000
,II and III served more than its life extend the life of the ESP. arranged Proposal
refurbishment time. Hence refurbishment Hence cost benefit for this by HQ to be
of ESP of existing ESP is proposal is not applicable. submitted
essentially required.

3 R&M Design, Supply, To meet out the latest The Proposal is aimed to 380.980 0.000 May be June'24 CMD/ 76.000 0.000 230.000 0.000 74.980 380.980 76.000 0.000 230.000 0.000 74.980 380.980
Erection and Ministry of Environment, reduce the SO2 emission arranged TANGEDC
Commissioning Forest and Climate level. Hence cost benefit by HQ O has
of Flue Gas De- change, Government of for this proposal is not remarked
Sulphurisation India norms of SO2 applicable. in the
Plant (FGD) in emmision level less than administra
Unit-I,II,III&IV 600mg/Nm3 for 210MW tive
Thermal Power Plant approval
installed before 31st Dec note as
2003 “Approval
TOTAL 585.980 0.000 0.000 0.000 is0.000
given 191.000 115.000 300.000 70.000 94.980 400.980 191.000 115.000 300.000 70.000 94.980 400.980
4 Capital Procurement of Required for replacement Life Extension 5.000 0.000 May be 2023-24 Proposal 0.000 0.000 5.000 5.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 5.000 5.000 0.000 0.000
New HP of existing life served arranged to be
Diaphragms 1 Diaphragm during COH by HQ submitted
set for 210MW
LMW design

5 Capital Supply , MTPS-1 has an installed In order to extend the life 1.000 0.000 May be 2023-24 Proposal 0.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 0.000
erection , capacity of 840MW each of the system with arranged to be
testing and 210MW capacity of 4Units. operating efficiency of 70- by HQ submitted
commissioning Each 3Nos Service Air 80%, it is proposed to
of 3Nos Screw Compressors are available replace the existing 3Nos.
compressors for each Stage (Unit -I & of old Reciprocating type,
towards Unit-II). Out of which Service Air Compressor by
replacement of 2Nos are in service and 3Nos. new latest version
existing Old / 1No. Is in standby for higher capacity Single
Reciprocating catering Service Air to stage Air cooled Screw
type Air various vital equipment Compressors. The
Compressor for and cleaning purpose. All Cost Savings / Year =
Service Air the 3 Service Air Rs.4830500/- Payback
System for Compressors for stage I Period
Stage-I in Unit - were supplied by M/s. = 22 months
I /MTPS-1. K.G.Khosla Compressors
Ltd and erected at Unit-I
& commissioned during
1986. Aftyer 32 years of
service, the existing
Service Air compressors
after running with the
efficiency of 45-55%.
Already this old
reciprocating compressors
have been replaced by
new comressors in Stage -
II ( Unit-III & Unit-IV)by
Screw Air Comporessors
running with the efficiency
of 70-80%. In order to
6 Capital Supply , MTPS-1 has an installed In order to extend the life 4.000 0.000 May be 2023-25 Proposal 0.000 0.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 0.000 0.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000
erection , capacity of 840MW each of the system with arranged will be
testing and 210MW capacity of 4Units. operating efficiency of 70- by HQ submitted
commissioning Each 3Nos Instrument Air 80%, it is proposed to for
of 3Nos Screw Compressors are available replace the existing 3Nos. obtaining
compressors for each Unit. Out of of old Reciprocating type, administra
towards which 2Nos are in service Instrument Air tive
replacement of and 1No. is in standby for Compressor by 3Nos. new approval.
existing Old / catering Service Air to latest version higher
Reciprocating various vital equipment capacity Single stage Air
type Air and cleaning purpose. All cooled Screw
Compressor for the Instrument Air Compressors. The
Instrument Air Compressors for stage I & Cost Savings / Year =
System for Unit II (Unit 1 to 4)were Rs.5072500/- Payback
-I,II & Unit III supplied by M/s. Period
&IV/MTPS-1. K.G.Khosla Compressors = 22 months
Ltd and erected from 1986
Onwards. After 30 to 32
years of service, the
existing Instrument Air
compressors are running
with the efficiency of 45-
55%. Already this old
reciprocating compressors
have been replaced by
new Screw Comporessors
in Stage - II for service
air which is running with
the efficiency of 70-80%.
In order to extend the life
of the system with
7 Capital Repair & Required for replacement Life Extension 3.120 0.000 May be 2022-23 CMD/ 3.120 3.120 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 3.120 3.120 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Reconditioning of existing life served arranged TANGEDC
of 210 MW Rotors guring COH by HQ O
LMW design administra
Turbine LP tive
Rotor approval
released from No:274
Unit-III / MTPS- Dt:
I 12.11.202
8 R&M Unit-I Replacement of existing For efficeincy 150.000 0.000 May be 2023-2025 Proposal 0.000 0.000 50.000 0.000 100.000 150.000 0.000 0.000 50.000 0.000 100.000 150.000
Retrofitting of LMW design 210 MW improvement , Reduction arranged to be re-
HP,IP&LP Turbine rotors with latest of Heat Rate and by HQ submitted
turbine rotors design rotors with Reduction of cost of for Adm
for efficiency complete retrofit. Generation. approval
9 Capital Repair & The shaft bend essentially Life Extension 2.500 0.000 May be 2023-2025 Proposal 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.500 2.500 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.500 2.500
Reconditioning have to be rectified and arranged to be
of 210 MW kept as a spare. by HQ submitted
LMW design
Turbine high
run out IP
released from
Unit-I / MTPS-
I during 2020

10 Capital Repair & The shaft bend essentially Life Extension 3.000 0.000 May be 2023-2025 Proposal 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 3.000 3.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 3.000 3.000
Reconditioning have to be rectified and arranged has been
of 210 MW kept as a spare. by HQ submitted
LMW design for
Turbine high obtaining
run out HP administra
Rotor tive
released from approval.
Unit-I / MTPS-
I during 2018
11 Capital MTPS-I - Unit- The worn out tip seals of The worn out tip seals of 4.000 0.000 May be 2022-23 Proposal 4.000 4.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.000 0.000 2.000 4.000 0.000 0.000
II - 210 MW - HP & IP diaphrams and HP & IP diaphrams and arranged submitted
LMW Design - inter stage sealing rings, inter stage sealing rings, by HQ for
Capital IP nozzle segment, DG IP nozzle segment, DG obtaining
Overhauling of bearings & LP rotor were bearings & LP rotor were administra
Turbine and replaced to improvre the replaced to improvre the tive
Generator set turbine efficency & heat turbine efficency & heat approval.
and RLA study rate. Moreover as per CEA rate. Moreover as per CEA
of turbine norms the COH works norms the COH works
during 2022- carried out. carried out.

12 Capital Repair & Required for replacement Life Extension 3.000 0.000 May be 2023-2024 Proposal 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 3.000 3.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 3.000 3.000
Reconditioning of existing life served arranged will be
of 210 MW Rotors during COH by HQ submitted
LMW design for
Turbine HP obtaining
Rotor will be administra
released from tive
Unit-I I / MTPS- approval.
I during 2022

TOTAL 175.620 0.000 0.000 7.120 7.120 58.000 8.000 110.500 160.500 5.120 3.120 60.000 12.000 110.500 160.500
13 R&M Design, To reduce water To adhere the 5.720 3.740 May be 2022-23 Administra 1.980 5.720 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.980 5.720 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Engineering, consumption within the environmental norms arranged tive
Manufacture, presecribed limit of 3.5 by HQ approval
shop testing, m3/MWhr accorded
supply, vide
erection, Permanen
testing and t (CMD)
commissioning TANGEDC
of all necessary O
equipments Proceedin
and auxiliaries gs No: 39
as required for Dated:
Sulphuric acid 31.01.202
dozing on 0
turnkey basis
including all
Mechanical and
Electrical works
along with
optimization of
existing cooling
system to
reduce the
Specific Water
Consumption to
3.5 m3/MWhr

TOTAL 5.720 3.740 1.980 5.720 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.980 5.720 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
MECHANICAL -I CIRCLE TOTAL 767.32 3.74 200.10 127.84 358.00 78.00 205.48 561.48 198.10 123.84 360.00 82.00 205.48 561.48
14 Capital Complete As per the agenda for AS the ISO, PAT and AG 2.000 0.000 May be March'2023 Proposal 2.000 2.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 2.000 0.000 0.000
Renovation of CMD review of TPS on Auditors insist for the arranged to be
chemical 16.09.20 at point no:6 it is more accurate test results by HQ submitted
Laboratory instructed to upgrade the in the analysis of coal for
status of LAB on par with samples, this advanced Approval
NABL standards. technical Laboratory is
15 Capital Purchase of The design of the sample AS the ISO, PAT and AG 1.000 0.000 May be March'2025 Proposal 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 1.000
Automatic Coal preparation device Auditors insist for the arranged to be
Sample components ensures the more accurate test results by HQ submitted
preparation sample preparation and in the analysis of coal for
unit processing to fully comply lsamples, this Approval
with required standard for advancement in
solid fuel sample Technology is essential.
preparation.The Automatic
Coal Sample preparation
unit is Mandatory as per
PAT Notifications
W.O.GSR 373(E) dated
31.03.2016 under ministry
of power.
OPERATION CIRCLE TOTAL 3.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.000 2.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 1.000 2.000 1.000 1.000

16 Capital Improvement To improve the stability of To improve the stability of 4.000 0.000 Own March'2023 Estimate 2.000 2.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 2.000 2.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
works to the the residential building the residential building to to be
P,R,S,T,U & V March'2025 submitted
Type quarters
by providing a
facelift to
enhance the
stability and
environment of
the quarters
buildings at
Thermal Nagar
17 Capital 1 to 10
Improvement To improve the stability of To improve the stability of 3.000 0.000 Own March'2023 Estimate 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
works to the the residential building the residential building to to be
P,Q,R,S,T March'2025 submitted
Type quarters
by providing a
facelift to
enhance the
stability and
environment of
the quarters
buildings at
Thermal Nagar
18 Capital 11.
Replacing For avoiding the accidents This proposal aimed to 2.000 0.000 Own March '2023 Estimate 2.000 2.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.000 2.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
existing and safeguard to the avoiding the accidents and submitted
damaged ACC Machineries safeguard to the
sheets /Ridges Machineries
pieces with
new one of
sheets for roof
and sides of
Unit- IV.
19 Capital Providing To Safe guard land & This proposal is aimed to 15.000 0.000 Own March '2025 Proposal 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 15.000 15.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 15.000 15.000
compound wall Board properties constrct the compound to be
& MS gate in wall to safe guard the submitted
Upper Ash Board properties & Land.
Dykes & Lower
Ash Dyke area
at MTPS –I.

20 Capital Strengthening To protect the bund To protect the bund 1.000 0.000 Own March '2023 Proposal 1.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.000 1.000
of LAD Bund to be
21 Capital Providing For smooth plying of ash For smooth plying of ash 1.400 0.000 Own March '2023 Proposal 1.400 1.400 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.400 1.400
Concrte road ladden vehicle in ash ladden vehicle in ash to be
from silo dyke area and to prevent dyke area and to prevent submitted
security gate to break down failure of ash break down failure of ash
dry ash weigh ladden vechile. ladden vechile.
bridge at MTPS
I to a length of

22 Capital Providing For smooth plying of ash For smooth plying of ash 1.200 0.000 Own March '2025 Proposal 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.200 1.200 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.200 1.200
concrete road ladden vehicles in Lower ladden vehicles in Lower to be
leading from Ash Dyke area and to Ash Dyke area and to submitted
LAD south west prevent frequent break prevent frequent break
corner to cross down failure of ash ladden down failure of ash ladden
bund road to a vechile. vechile.
length of 450M

23 Capital Providing To safe guard road land To safe guard road land 2.400 0.000 Own March '2024 Proposal 0.000 0.000 2.400 2.400 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.400 2.400
Protection wall and prevent un autherised and prevent un autherised to be
for LAD entry of dres passers entry of tress passers submitted
western bund
24 Capital Planting of To Prevent Air pollution To Prevent Air pollution 8.150 0.000 Own March'2025 Proposal 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 2.150 2.150 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
28,000 and to adhere the and to adhere the submitted
numbers of pollution Control Board pollution Control Board for revised
fresh tree Norms Norms approval
saplings by
department at
UAD area.
CIVIL CIRCLE TOTAL 38.150 10.400 10.400 7.400 7.400 20.350 20.350 5.000 5.000 2.000 2.000 23.000 23.000
MECHANICAL -II CIRCLE 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.000 2.000

25 R&M Design, Supply, Due to prolonged usage To adhere the 3.200 0.000 May be 2022-2023 Proposal 3.200 3.200 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 3.200 3.200 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Erection & for more than 33 years environmental norms arranged to be
commissioning these dust extraction by HQ submitted
of Bag filter, systems became (phased
spare impeller, ineffective. The working manner)
air compressor area becomes polluted
with connecting and does not give the
pipes, desired result, besides it
interconnection gives hardship for work
ducting & men working in the above
starter panel area. Also the vibration is
for Dust very high in the dust
extraction extraction blower due to
system in Coal worn out of impeller, and
Handling Plant - imbalance in dynamic
II (DXT-10, balancing. These problems
DXT-13, DXT- create hardship in running
14, DXT-1 at the dust extraction
Bunker top) system. Also, the dry
cyclone provided in JT4,
Secondary Crusher and
TT1A dust extraction
system, bunker top is an
outdated one and has
become ineffective due to
worn out of internals and
prolonged service. Due to
this the entire working
area of CHP-II and service
building area has been
polluted and whole area
26 R&M CHP-II – Mettur This proposed NA 1.200 0.000 May be Dec-22 Proposal 1.200 1.200 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.200 1.200 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
TPS-1 - Design, arrangement comprises of arranged under
Supply, 2 sets of automatic fire by HQ process
Erection & safe system with required
commissioning pipelines, structural
ofAutomatic fire materials, control panel 2
safe system for Nos.IR flame detectors 10
Conveyor 11A Nos, LHD cable, spray
& 11B at nozzles, motorized
Bunker Top. butterfly valve 2 Nos,
sluice valves 4 for the
entire length of conveyor
system. The purpose of
the above system is to
detect fire or smoke in the
conveyor and it has to
alert the working
personnel in that area and
it has to spray the water
automatically through its
nozzles throughout entire
length to prevent the fire


27 Capital MTPS-I – The PDFAC system is The PDFAC system is 20.000 0.000 May be 22-23 Administra 20.000 20.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 5.000 0.000 15.000 20.000 0.000 0.000
Design Supply, commissioned to evacuate commissioned to evacuate arranged tive
Erection and the ash generated in the the ash generated in the by HQ approval
Commissioning boiler and collected in the boiler and collected in the accorded
of Dry fly ash ESP Hoppers. The PDFAC ESP Hoppers. The PDFAC vide(per.)
Collection system was erected by system was erected by CMD /
System ( Cement Company and in Cement Company and in TANGEDC
PDFACS) for service for more than 15 service for more than 15 O Proc.
new ESP pass ( years. Presently the MoU years. Presently the MoU No.338,
E & F Passes ) with Cement Company with Cement Company dt.03.10.2
and was terminated and the was terminated and the 019
Augmentation Operation and Operation and
& Revamping maintenance of PDFAC maintenance of PDFAC
of existing fly System was entrusted to System was entrusted to
ash collection outside agency. Due to outside agency. Due to
System of continuous service for continuous service for
Existing ESP more than 15 years, the more than 15 years, the
pass ( A,B,C,D) PDFACS equipments have PDFACS equipments have
of Unit IV / became ineffective and became ineffective and
MTPS-I the ambient air quality in the ambient air quality in
MTPS-1 area is getting MTPS-1 area is getting
polluted adversely. When polluted adversely. When

28 Capital MTPS-I O&AHS- The existing PDFAC The existing PDFAC 60.000 0.000 May be Dec-25 Proposal 20.000 20.000 20.000 20.000 20.000 20.000 15.000 15.000 15.000 15.000 30.000 30.000
Revamping of system of Unit- I, II & III system of Unit- I, II & III arranged under
existing was commissioned on was commissioned on by HQ process
PDFACS System during 2002 to evacuate during 2002 to evacuate
in Unit I, II & the ash generated in the the ash generated in the
III boiler and collected in the boiler and collected in the
ESP Hoppers. The PDFAC ESP Hoppers. The PDFAC
system is erected by system is erected by
Cement Company and in Cement Company and in
service for more than 18 service for more than 18
years. Presently the MoU years. Presently the MoU
with cement company with cement company
was terminated and the was terminated and the
Operation and Operation and
maintenance of PDFAC maintenance of PDFAC
System was entrusted to System was entrusted to
outside agency.Due to outside agency.Due to
continuous service for continuous service for
more than 18 years, the more than 18 years, the
PDFACS equipments have PDFACS equipments have
became ineffective and became ineffective and
the ambient air quality in the ambient air quality in
MTPS-1 area is getting MTPS-1 area is getting
polluted adversely. When polluted adversely. When
five coal mills are fired five coal mills are fired
with Indian coal, the with Indian coal, the
existing PDFAC System is existing PDFAC System is
not sufficient enough to not sufficient enough to
evacuate fully the fly ash evacuate fully the fly ash
resulting in ash resulting in ash
accumulation in the ESP accumulation in the ESP

29 Captial RAILWAY In MTPS-I siding Railway In MTPS-I siding Railway 6.025 0.000 May be 22-23 Proposal 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.025 2.025 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.025 2.025
TRACK tracklines for a length of tracklines for a length of arranged under
WORKS: about 30 kms are being about 30 kms are being by HQ process
A. LABOUR: maintained by MTPS-I. In maintained by MTPS-I. In
Removing of that, 67 Nos. point & that, 67 Nos. point &
existing crossings are utilized for crossings are utilized for
wornout rails, changing of wagons from changing of wagons from
PCC mix one line to another line. one line to another line.
providing of These point & crossings These point & crossings
check rails in are mounted on wooden/ are mounted on wooden/
Wagon Tippler steel sleepers layout and steel sleepers layout and
1 & 4 inhaul these sleepers are erected these sleepers are erected
side track lines during the commissioning during the commissioning
upto level of the plant. Straight of the plant. Straight
crossings and tracklines are mounted on tracklines are mounted on
removing of CST 9 sleeper which was CST 9 sleeper which was
wornout and outdated nowadays. The outdated nowadays. The
damaged CST 9 Railway authorities are Railway authorities are
sleepers by insisting to strengthen the insisting to strengthen the
new PSC MTPS trackline with PSC MTPS trackline with PSC
sleepers from sleepers for the safe sleepers for the safe
level crossing, operation of Locomotives operation of Locomotives
Road No:1, 2, and coal wagons. The and coal wagons. The
3, 4 & 8 and expenditure incurred by expenditure incurred by
other track MTPS-I will be MTPS-I will be
lines and from proportionately shared proportionately shared
WT-I, II, III, between MTPS-I & II as between MTPS-I & II as
IV level concluded in the meeting concluded in the meeting
crossing. (8 held on 28.11.14 with held on 28.11.14 with
Nos. works). MTPS-I & II. Hence it is MTPS-I & II. Hence it is
decided to carryout decided to carryout
30 R&M MTPS-I-CHP-I - The dust extraction since it is statutory 4.000 0.000 May be Dec-22 Proposal 4.000 4.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.000 0.000 2.000 4.000 0.000 0.000
Replacement of system fitted in the wagon equipment cost benefit arranged under
wornout dry tipplers, conveyors, could not be evolved by HQ process
cyclone in dust Primary crusher house and
extraction Secondary crusher house
system in CHP- to extract coal dust
I by bag filter emanated from the coal
technology 7 transfer chutes which are
Nos situated in tunnel area and
open space required to be
operated continuously
without fail to minimize
the dust density inside the
tunnel and to create
convenient working
atmosphere to carryout
the operation and
maintenance work round
the clock.
31 captial Primary The coal unloading These spares are required 4.060 0.000 May be Dec-22 Indent yet 4.060 4.060 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Crusher spares equipments such as for emergency arranged to be
and conveyor Wagon Tippler, Apron replacement in the event by HQ submitted
spares. Feeder, Conveyor 1 to of failure of Primary
8B1, PCR A&B, Belt Crusher A&B. These
Feeder 1 to 6A/6B are spares are not available in
required to be kept in the event of any failure of
round the clock coal PCR A&B. hence it is
unloading works to unload essentially required for
the coal received from keep as spare for PCR
railway coal wagons and A&B.
to supply the coal to unit
bunkers, to keep the
bunker level safe for
power generation and for
stocking coal at stock yard
when the bunker level is
safe. These equipments
are required to handle 6
Nos coal rake (approx
21000 tonnes) daily to
feed the coal to both
bunker and coal yard.
These equipments are in
service for more than 25
years without any major
repair works and the
equipment could not be
relied upon due to
frequent break down
which leads to heavy
MECHANICAL -II CIRCLE TOTAL 98.485 0.000 0.000 54.460 54.460 22.000 22.000 22.025 22.025 28.400 21.400 34.000 41.000 32.025 32.025
Control & Instrumentation Division
32 Renovatio Renovation & Frequent troubles occur in Life extension 6.670 0.000 May be Jul-22 Permanen 6.670 6.670 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 6.670 6.670 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
n& modernisation old electronic modules arranged t
modernisa of Furnace leading to loss of by HQ TANGEDC
tion of Safegaurd and generation . The Loss of O
Furnace Security System generation of 5.04 MU / Proceedin
Safegaurd (FSSS) into day means a loss of about gs (CMD)
and new DCS in Rs. 2.9 crores / day and No.262
Security Unit-II. this could be prevented by Dated:03.
System (comprising of having New DCS system 11.2020
(FSSS) various Unit II.
into new systems such
Unit-II. SADC, Flame
scanner and
operations of
soot blowing
control valve,
Thermal drain
valves in to
single DCS

33 Up Design, In Unit-1 DCS system , 2 Life extension 2.560 0.000 May be Nov-22 Permanen 2.560 2.560 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
gradation Engineering,Su Nos servers are in arranged t
of pply, continuous service. All by HQ (CMD)TAN
Operating Installation,Unit parameter monitoring GEDCO
System Testing and control operations are Proceedin
and andCommission carried out by the gs No:
Hardware ing of ABB operator through these 299
of Server, make servers only. As the Dated:14.
Client, symphony servers are working 24X7 12.2020
Workstati Harmony make hrs continuously since its
on along DCS system Up commissioning, they are
with gradation of susceptible for failure at
Power Operating any time. These servers
Generatio System and are of 32 bit hardware and
n Portal Hardware of operating on Windows
and Server, Client server 2003 Operating
Composer and system and with SCSI data
softwares Workstation interface technology. SCSI
and C- along with data interface technology
Net Power and Windows server 2003
Communic Generation Operating system become
ation Portal and obsolete during 2014 and
Hardware Composer not supported by Microsoft
for ABB software for anymore. Hence
Symphony ABB Symphony Upgradation of Operating
Harmony Harmony DCS system, Hardware of
DCS System of Unit- server clients and work
System of 1 of MTPS-1 stations alongwith PGP
Unit-1 of including the and computer version
MTPS-1 following scope upgrade of Unit-I ABB DCS
of work. system is essential to
34 Renovatio Design, In Unit-II, the existing Life extension 27.140 0.000 May be Jul-23 proposal 0.000 0.000 27.140 27.140 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 27.140 27.140 0.000 0.000
n& Engineering, TPS DCS system was arranged to be
Modernisa Supply, supplied by M/s Tata by HQ submitted
tion of Erection, Honeywell Automation
Design, Testing & India limited, Pune and
Engineerin Commissioning commissioned during the
g, Supply, of Server less year 2003. These systems
Erection, Digital Control (Turbine & Boiler Open
Testing & System by Loop Control Systems and
Commissi replacing Closed Loop Control
oning of existing TATA System) are in service for
Server HONEYWELL’s more than 18 years.
less Server less DCS The existing network is
Digital and integration Windows NT based which
Control of Sub systems is already obsolete. M/s
System by like Turbine Tata Honeywell have
replacing protection, declared that the existing
existing Turbo GUS has become obsolete
TATA supervisory and not available in the
HONEYWE (TSI), Stator open market due to
LL’s Water, H2 & technological
Server seal oil and advancement. Moreover
less DCS HP/LP bypass GUS cannot be
and systems, Etc. atrepaired and reused again.
integratio Unit – 2, Mettur The GUS PC may fail at
n of Sub Thermal Power any time due to its ageing.
systems Station-1 If the GUS fails, the
like including the operator will face difficulty
Turbine following to handle the operations
protection works. and viewing the
, Turbo operational parameters.
35 Replacem Design, The System is in service This is technological 2.310 0.000 May be Jul-23 (Per.) 2.310 2.310 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.310 2.310 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
ent of Engineering, for more than 30 years & advancement since arranged CMD
Existing Manufacture, frequent faults have been existing system is by HQ TANGEDC
ABB make Supply, encountered due to the obsolete.Hence cost O
GRP by Dismantling, ageing of the system. The benefit analysis could not Proceedin
latest Erection, spare procurement for be made. gs No.
version Testing and existing system is difficult 245 Dt.
GRP for Commissioning since it had become 04.07.201
Unit - II & works of fully obsolete & being vital 9
III. Numerical equipment, even a small
Protection abnormality in the system
system for may lead to loss of
210MW generation.
Electrical Maintenance -I
36 Capital Complete Shaft The available Turbo The available Turbo 2.010 0.000 May be 2022-23 Administra 2.010 2.010 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.010 2.010 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
37 Run out of For
Capital Procurement Generator Rotor E is the
failure replacement of Generator Rotor is the
Life Extension 2.245 0.000 arranged
May be 2023-24 tive
Proposal 0.000 0.000 2.245 2.245 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.245 2.245 0.000 0.000
one number
ELECTRICAL Emergency basis.
CIRCLE TOTAL 42.935 0.000 arranged to be 13.550 13.550 29.385 29.385 0.000 0.000 10.990 10.990 29.385 29.385 0.000 0.000
SCHEME VALUE MORE THAN 1CRORE TOTAL 949.89 3.74 280.510 208.250 416.785 136.785 248.855 604.855 243.490 161.230 426.385 156.385 261.505 617.505
SCHEME VALUE LESS THAN 1 CRORE TOTAL 13.97 0 10.69 10.69 2.98 2.98 0.3 0.3 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
NETT TOTAL 963.86 3.74 291.20 218.94 419.77 139.77 249.16 605.16 243.49 161.23 426.39 156.39 261.51 617.51

Name of the Station: North Chennai Thermal Power Station I
Proposal submited by TANGEDCO Approved by the Commission

S. No. Name of the Details of work Technical justification Cost Estimate Expen Source of Anticipated Details of Opening FY 2022-23 ( Crs.) FY 2023-24 ( Crs.) FY 2024-25 ( Crs.) FY 2022-23 ( Crs.) FY 2023-24 ( Crs.) FY 2024-25 ( Crs.)
Scheme furnishing list of major Benift d Cost diture funding date of Board balance Allocation of Amount Closing Allocation of Amount Closing Allocation of Amount Closing Capital Capitalisati Capital Capitalisati Capital Capitalisati
items Analysis ( incurr (PFC/ REC/ completion approval or (closing capital capitalisatio work in capital capitalisatio work in capital capitalisatio work in Expenditure on Expenditure on Expenditure on
Crs.) ed so Own/ date of WIP expenditure n expected progress expenditure n expected progress expenditure n expected progress
far Governme award of during
(ie. nt contract (PO FY 2021-
before details) 22) (
FY Crs.)
1 Electro chlorination NCTPS-I Opn-CWPH - Electro Chlorination system NA 1.6 0 Mar'23 CE Level 0 1.60 1.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.60 1.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
system Supply installation and for regular doszing of
commission of 1x5kg/hr. chlorine into the sea water at
Electro chloriination system suction bays of CWPs at
NCTPS-I. The chlorine
dozing is very much
essential in the cooling water
system. Due to usage of
saline water for cooling
system, there is huge growth
of barnacles and maine to
condenser. The formation of
marine growth and barnacles
in the discharge line of CWP
pipes and tunnel walls
restrict the cooling water
flow to condenser, which in
turn leads to rise in
discharge pressure of CWP,
resultantly overloading of
drive motor, which in turn,

Electrical System
2 HVR Transformer For emergency 25 Not arises 5.00 0.00 5.00 20.00 25.00 0.00 0.00 5.00 0.00 20.00 25.00 0.00 0.00
75 KVA replacment work.

3 Supply & erection ESP , DM Plant & RWPH , 15 Not arises 5.00 0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 0.00 0.00 5.00 0.00 5.00 0.00 5.00 15.00
of 415 V 1000A, Firefighting switchgear.
2500 Amps, 3200
Amps L&T make
breakers with
retrofit kit..

4 Improvement - Improvement -Provision Energy Audit 18 0 3.00 0.00 3.00 3.00 0.00 6.00 2.00 0.00 8.00 3.00 0.00 3.00 0.00 2.00 0.00
Provision of VFD of VFD Drives for PA & recommended
Drives for HT FD Fan Motors
5 Improvement - Improvement -Provision Moderniasation of Existing 9 0 2.00 0.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 4.00 2.00 0.00 6.00 2.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 2.00 0.00
Provision of VFD of VFD Drives for coal feeders fo including
Drives for LT Gravimetric Feeder Main efficiency and reduceing
Motors Drive and Cleanout down time
conveyer motor

6 Capital Replacement of existing The existing motors have Efficiency 6 2 24-25 To be 2 1.00 0.00 3.00 1.00 0.00 4.00 2.00 6.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 2.00 6.00
Improvement - rewound motors by new served for more than 22 and obtained
Replacement of ones- Mill motors-6 nos. years and their reliability
existing 6.6KV HT performance will be of motors
mill Motor by new reduced due to normal improves
motors for Energy wear & tear. with
conservation reduction

7 Capital Replacement of existing The existing motors have Efficiency 3 0 24-25 does not 0 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 2.00 1.00 3.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 3.00
Improvement - rewound motors by new served for more than 22 and arise
Replacement of Energy Efficient ones- years and their reliability
existing LT Motors performance will be of motors
of various reduced due to normal improves
capacities by new wear & tear. with
Energy efficient reduction
motors for Energy of
conservation auxiliary

8 Renovation and Most of the panels and Using SAS all the relevent Feeder 10 0 Own FY 2024-25 Budgatory 0 2.00 0.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 4.00 2.00 0.00 6.00 2.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 2.00 0.00
moderisation of numerical relays were parameters and controls outages offers from
230 KV indoor commissioned during can be achieved using can be major firms
swith yard with 1994, hence not able to SCADA minimised requested
Substaion operate from remote with this
Automation end. upgrage

9 ESP Renovation Renovation of ESP Due to ageing and NIL 22 0 - - - 0 10.00 0.00 10.00 12.00 22.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.00 0.00 10.00 0.00 2.00 22.00
of mechanical internals such as continuous service, the
spares (Unit- II) collecting electrode, internals are getting
emitting electrode, wear out. To achieve
collecting and emitting and to maintain the
electrode rapping rated efficiency of ESP
mechanism. and to attain pollution
control norms, the
internals needed
10 ESP Renovation Renovation of ESP Due to ageing and NIL 22 0 - - - 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.00 10.00 0.00 12.00 12.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.00 10.00 12.00 12.00
of mechanical internals such as continuous service, the
spares (Unit- I) collecting electrode, internals are getting
emitting electrode, wear out. To achieve
collecting and emitting and to maintain the
electrode rapping rated efficiency of ESP
mechanism. and to attain pollution
control norms, the
internals needed
11 ESP Renovation Renovation of ESP Due to ageing and NIL 22 0 - - - 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 22.00 22.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 22.00 22.00
of mechanical internals such as continuous service, the
spares (Unit- III) collecting electrode, internals are getting
emitting electrode, wear out. To achieve
collecting and emitting and to maintain the
electrode rapping rated efficiency of ESP
mechanism. and to attain pollution
control norms, the
internals needed
12 SEMI DRY FGD M/s. MECON LIMITED Installation of Semi Dry NIL 355 0 - - - 0 20.00 0.00 20.00 50.00 0.00 70.00 85.00 0.00 155.00 20.00 0.00 50.00 0.00 85.00 0.00
(Flue Gas Conducting Thermal Flue gas
Desulphurization Station wise feasibility desulphurisation (FGD)
system ) (Sox) study prepataion of system inorder to
(Unit- I, II & III) feasibility report reduce the Sox
preparation of detailed emission to comply the
project report (DPR) new environmental
preparation of tender norms of NCTPS-I.
specification assisting
for evaluation of
techno- commercial
bids and finalization of
the bid for installation
of suitable
equipments in NCTPS-
I. Instalation of Semi
dry FGD for 3X210 in
Approval accorded
vide permanent (CMD)
proceedings No.19
dt.13.01.2021. Tender
Published on 23.02.21.

13 Air Pre heater Revamping of Air Pre Due to ageing and NIL 12 0 - - - 0 12.00 12.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.00 0.00 6.00 12.00 0.00 0.00
double sealing heater with double continuous service, the
(Unit-II) sealing in Unit-II internals are getting
wear out. To attain the
maximum efficiency
with minimized air
leakage the renovation
of Air Pre heater with
double sealing is
14 Air Pre heater Revamping of Air Pre Due to ageing and NIL 12 - - 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 12.00 12.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.00 0.00 6.00 12.00 0.00 0.00
double sealing heater with double continuous service, the
(Unit-I) sealing in Unit-I internals are getting
wear out. To attain the
maximum efficiency
with minimized air
leakage the renovation
of Air Pre heater with
double sealing is
15 Air Pre heater Revamping of Air Pre Due to ageing and NIL 12 - - 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12.00 12.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12.00 12.00
double sealing heater with double continuous service, the
(Unit-III) sealing in Unit-III internals are getting
wear out. To attain the
maximum efficiency
with minimized air
leakage the renovation
of Air Pre heater with
double sealing is
16 Cap/S/MPM Complete Gear box Existing Gear box Pay back 10.8 3.6 2023 Will be 3.6 7.20 10.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.20 10.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
assembly for HP 803 assemblies in all the period in obtained in
Bowl Mill -6 Sets Mills are in service 3.24 due course
above 20 years months,
sincefrom the date of consideri
instalation and are ng 40
running with excessive MW
vibrations leading to reduction
17 AHP/CAP Sup & Supply & The PDFACS are to be 11.24 0 TANGEDC 2022 CMD 0 11.24 11.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.00 0.00 6.24 11.24 0.00 0.00
Works Erection,Testing and installed in the 4th ,5th O TANGEDCO
commissioning of and sixth rows of Unit Proceeding
PDFACS vessels and its III, 5th and 6th rows of No.139,
associated equipments unit II and 3rd, 4th, 5th Dated.29.1
in uninstalled rows and 6th rows of unit I. 0.2021 for
Units I,II & III for 100% evacuation of 11.43
fly ash crores

18 ECHS/M.II/CAP/S ST-2000 Steel cord Quantity are required For coal 11.40 0 cmd not arises 11.40 11.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.00 0.00 6.40 11.40 0.00 0.00
upply conveyor belt 2000mm for replacement as and unloadin tangedco
belt width qtgy-3000 when required to g from PROCEED
Metrs. restore the covneyor ship and INGS
ECHS/M.II/ ST-1600 Steel cord system in operating coal No.122 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
CAP/supply conveyor belt 2000 condition. feeding dt 2.9.21
mm belt width, to NCTPS-
qtgy.1000 metrs. II

19 ECHS/M.II/ Procurement of Quantity are required For coal 12 0 To be 6.00 0.00 6.00 6.00 12.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
CAP/Supply various sizes of steel for replacement as and unloadin obtained
cord belts for the qty when required to g from
of 6500 m for the year restore the covneyor ship and
2020-21. system in operating coal
20 ECHS/M.II/ Procurement of condition.
Quantity are required feeding
For coal 2 0 own Not arises does not 0 2.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
CAP/Supply various sizes of Ep for replacement as and unloadin arise
belts belts for the qty when required to g from
of 3000 m for the year restore the covneyor ship and
2020-21. system in operating coal
21 ECHS/M.II/ Procurement of Quantity are required For coal 2 0 own Not arises does not 0 2.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
CAP/Supply various sizes of Ep for replacement as and unloadin arise
belts belts for the qty when required to g from
of 3000 m for the year restore the conveyor ship and
2021-22. system in operating coal
22 ECHS/CAP.Works Improvement and condition.
To meet the statuary feeding
To Meet 1.70 0 TNEB Not arises To be 0 1.70 1.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.70 1.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
modification in the norms issued by TNPCB the Fund obtained
existing Dust statuary
extraction system DE- norms
2 At JNT-50. issued
23 ECHS/CAP/works Revamping of shore Due to ageing and To 10 0 TNEB Not arises To be 0 10.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.00 0.00 5.00 10.00 0.00 0.00
conveyors BCN 40A& close proximity to ensure Fund obtained
40B saline atmosphere, the uninterru
conveyor structure of pted coal

24 ECHS/CAP/works Revamping of Due to ageing and To 10 0 Own Not arises To be 0 10.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.00 0.00 5.00 10.00 0.00 0.00
conveyors BCN 55 close proximity to ensure obtained
saline atmosphere, and uninterru
25 ECHS/CAP/works Revamplimg of Due to ageing and To 10 0 Own Not arised To be 0 10.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.00 0.00 5.00 10.00 0.00 0.00
coveyors BCN-57 close proximity to ensure obtained
saline atmosphere, and uninterru
26 ECHS/CAP/works Improvement and BCN 58A is used to To 12 0 Own Not arises To be 0 6.00 6.00 0.00 6.00 6.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 0.00 0.00
modification in the convey the coa to MTPS ensure obtained
existing conveyor 58A by railway wagon, uninterru
EP belt and its feeding to NCTPS-II pted coal
equipment and also feed the coal feeding
to NCTPS-I through to NCTPS-

27 ECHS/CAP/works Design, Engineering, To reduce the down For coal 2 0 Own Not arises To be 0 2.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
fabriation , supply, time of equipment unloadin obtained
erection, of electircal dueing breakdown of g from
operated hoist to lift conveyor/Equipment ship and
counter weight in BCN coal
57 feeding
28 ECHS/CAP/works procurement of helical Existing gear box is To 1.2 0 Own FY 2024- To be 0 1.20 1.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.20 1.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
gear box model KDH served more than 10 ensure 25 obtained
560 fro Reclaimer 1A years and need uninterru
Bucket wheel drive repalcement for trouble pted coal
29 ECHS/CAP/works Revampling of ECHS Quantity are required To 100 0 Own FY 2024- To be 0 10.00 0.00 10.00 45.00 0.00 55.00 45.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
coveyor and its for replacement as and ensure 25 obtained
structure when required to uninterru
30 ECHS/MII/CAP/ Revamping of ED restore
There the
are conveyor
4 Nos of ED ptedTocoal 6 0 Own FY 2023- Administrat 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.00 6.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.00 6.00 0.00 0.00
Supply screen by replacing of screen are in service in ensure 24 ive
(Procurement of Disc packs,shaft and SCH-II of ECHS.After uninterru approved
complete set of internals. commissioning of pted coal obtained
EDS internals) NCTPS-II (2 x 600 MW) feeding
the SCH -II is running to NCTPS-
continuosly to meetout I&II and
31 Below Rs.1 crore For coal unloading from shipthe crushed
and coal to NCTPS-II
coal feeding NTECL 16.7 0 Own FY 2023- To be 0 0.10 0.00 0.10 3.40 0.30 3.20 4.22 7.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
items In additional to wagon loading for Transportation of coal 24 obtained
to MTPS and to ICHS yard through interlink conveyor.

34 ICHS/MII/Capital Replacement of Total replacement of The cost 5.20 0 TNEB 2024-25 Revised 0 3.90 0.00 3.90 0.78 0.00 4.68 0.52 5.20 0.00 3.90 3.90 0.78 0.78 0.52 0.52
Works conveyor Belt for A worn out/damaged of this Fund Administrat
stream of ICHS conveyor belts for A proposal ive
Conveyors Stream Conveyors of of 5.32cr approval
35 ICHS/MII/ Renovation of Dust ICHS. of Dust
The equipments cancost
The be 1 0 TNEB 2024-25 obtained
Administrat 0 0.75 0.00 0.75 0.15 0.00 0.90 0.10 1.00 0.00 0.75 0.75 0.15 0.15 0.10 0.10
Capital Works Extraction system extraction System 5A of this Fund ive
5A&5B at SCH - I &5B at SCH-I is in proposal approval
wornout condition and of 1 cr obtained
36 ICHS/MII/Capital Supply of gear boxes, The gear boxes, wheel The cost 1.50 0 TNEB 2024-25 Revised 0 1.13 0.00 1.13 0.23 0.00 1.36 0.14 1.50 0.00 1.13 1.13 0.23 0.23 0.14 0.14
Works wheel boogies and boogies and bucket of this Fund Proposal
bucket wheel assy. for wheel assy. of stacker proposal to be
Reclaimer-I and and reclaimers are in of 1.50 submitted
Stacker-I wornout condition and cr can be to CE/MTS
needs replacement with got back for
37 ICHS/MII/Capital Design,supply,erection Provision of new ILMS The cost 3 0 TNEB 2024-25 Revised 0 2.25 0.00 2.25 0.45 0.00 2.70 0.30 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.00 3.00
Works ,testing and at conveyor 12A/B of this Fund Proposal
commmissioning of drive end before bunker proposal to be
ILMS in conveyor conveyor is to of 3.0cr submitted
12A/B. reduce/prevent entry of can be to CE/MTS
38 ICHS/MII/Capital Supply, Erection, The Reclaimer-I and The cost 1.7 0 TNEB 2024-25 Administrat 0 1.28 0.00 1.28 0.25 0.00 1.53 0.17 1.70 0.00 1.28 1.28 0.25 0.25 0.17 0.17
Works Testing and Travelling Tripper-B are of this Fund ive
Commissioning of in continuous service proposal approval
Hydraulic Brake and also due to normal of 5.32cr obtained
System for Reclaimer-I wear & tear the Electro can be vide (Per)
& Travelling Tripper - Hydraulic Thrust Brakes got back TANGEDCO
B. which arrest the within a procedding
39 ICHS/MII/Capital Designb, Supply, Formovement of the
lifting of counter Thedaycost 4.4 0 TNEB 2024-25 s (CMD)to
Proposal 0 3.30 0.00 3.30 0.66 0.00 3.96 0.44 4.40 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.66 1.66 1.74 1.74
Works Erection and weight of 40MT while of this Fund be
commissioning of carrying out any break proposal submitted
Electrical Hoist for down works in con-7 & of 4.40cr to CE/MTS,
lifting of counter 9 ,12A/12B & 13A/3B can be for
weight of horizantal and thereby reducing got back obtaining
gravity takeup of the down time of within a Administrat
conveyor 7 & 9 conveyors and bring day ive
,12A/12B & 13A/3B back the system in the when approval
40 ICHS/MII/ Renovation of the The bucket wheel assy., The cost 5 0 TNEB 2024-25 Proposal to 0 3.75 0.00 3.75 0.75 0.00 4.50 0.50 5.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50
Capital Works Reclaimer Bucket Travel Drive system of of this Fund be
wheel Assy. of stacker-I and Boom proposal submitted
Reclaimer II and conveyor of stacker and of 5.0cr to CE/MTS,
Travel drive system of reclaimers are in can be for
stacker II & Reclaimer wornout condition and got back obtaining
I boom conveyor needs replacement with within a Administrat
41 ICHS/MII/Capital Renovation of Dust The Dust Extraction The cost 3.2 0 TNEB 2024-25 Proposal to 0 2.40 0.00 2.40 0.48 0.00 2.88 0.32 3.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.40 2.40 0.80 0.80
Works Extraction System DE- System was erected 20 of this Fund be
5C, 5D and DE-7 years back at SCH-I for proposal submitted
prevent the coal of 3.2cr to CE/MTS,
42 ICHS/MII/Capital Replacement of Total replacement of The cost 5.8 0 TNEB 2024-25 Proposal to 0 4.35 0.00 4.35 0.87 0.00 5.22 0.58 5.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.35 4.35 1.45 1.45
Works conveyor Belt for B worn out / damaged of this Fund be
stream of ICHS conveyor belts for B proposal submitted
Conveyors Stream Conveyors. of 5.80cr to CE/MTS,
43 ICHS/MII/Capital As per Annexure Replacement of worn cancost
The be 4.35 0 TNEB 2024-25 for to
Proposal 0 3.26 0.00 3.26 0.65 0.00 3.92 0.44 4.35 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Works enclosed out Spares in ICHS of this Fund be
conveyors (As per proposal submitted
Annexure enclosed) of 4.38cr to CE/MTS,
can be for
got back obtaining
44 ICHS/MII/Capital Revamping of ICHS In ICHS convyors was The cost 40 0 TNEB 2024-25 Proposal to 0 4.00 0.00 4.00 12.00 0.00 16.00 4.00 20.00 0.00 4.00 4.00 12.00 12.00 4.00 4.00
Works conveyor system from erected past 25years of this Fund be
4A/B to 13A/B and its and its structurals , proposal submitted
structures including curshers , stacker and of 40cr to CE/MTS,
Crushers,ED reclaimer machine parts can be for
screen,BFD,Travelling are wornout due to got back obtaining
trippers and Trash salient atmosphere and within Administrat
screen A/B,Stackers, it affect the stacking 7months ive
Reclaimers . and feeding system of when approval

45 Construction of Construction of Gound 1.71 0 Own 2022-23 Awaiting 0 1.71 1.71 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.71 1.71 0.00 0.00
Gound level level sump, laying for
sump, drinking water line etc. approval

46 Other Civil works Other Civil works 1.52 0 Own 2022-23 Awaiting 0 1.52 1.52 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.52 1.52 0.00 0.00
(Details of works (Details of works as for
as enclosed in enclosed in the approval
the annexure) annexure)

47 Less than 1 9 0 0 3.00 0.00 3.00 3.00 0.00 6.00 3.00 9.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Crore Scheme
851.02 5.60 5.60 190.04 95.17 100.47 209.67 108.30 201.85 199.73 226.57 175.00 117.76 35.36 183.19 151.19 161.42 106.42

Name of the Station: Mettur Thermap Power Station II
Mechanical I Circle /MTPS-II (MORE THAN ONE CRORE) Proposal submited by TANGEDCO Approved by the Commission
S. No. Name of Details of work furnishing Technical justification Cost Benift Analysis Estimated Net Source of Anticipated Details of FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 ( FY 2022-23 ( Crs.) FY 2023-24 ( Crs.) FY 2024-25 ( Crs.)
the list of major items Cost Allocation funding date of Board Crs.) Crs.) Crs.)
Scheme ( for (PFC/ completion approval Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Capital Capitalisation Capital Capitalisation Capital Capitalisation
Crs.) current REC/ or date of of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat Expenditure Expenditure Expenditure
control Own/ award of expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion
period Governme contract re expected re expected re expected
( nt (PO
Crs.) details)
1 Boiler Procurement of Boiler To attend maintenance works in 1.00 1.00 March'2023 1.00 1.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Maintena Furnace Maintenance Boiler Ist pass Furnace
nce Platform. maintenance platform is
division essentially required.
2 Boiler Installation of suitable Installation of wet lime stone To reduce the SOx emission to 439 439 OWN March'2024 20.11.19 100 0 100 0 239.00 439 100.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 239.00 439.00
Maintena Desulphurization based flue gas desulphurization comply the new environmental
nce equipments to reduce (FGD) technology for MTPS-II to norms.
division Sox to comply the New restrict emission of SO2 within the
Environmental Norms - acceptable limit (ie 200mg/Nm3),
Adoption of wet lime as recommended by M/s.Mecon
stone based flue gas Ltd Ranchi vide their final
desulphurization (FGD) feasibility report.
Technology in MTPS-II.

3 Boiler Supply and erection of During Annual overhaul – 2018-19 In order to comply with 14.2 14.2 OWN March'2024 Awaiting 10 0 4.2 14.2 10.00 0.00 4.20 14.20 0.00 0.00
Maintena ESP fields of C11, C12, ESP field of C11, C12, C21, C22, pollution control norms of for Board
nce C21, C22, A11, A21, D11, A11, A21, D11 & D21 inspected 50mg/Nm2 Approval
division D21 with internals and observed most of the
including of internals have in eroded/ weared /
commissioning. partly removed / partly damaged
condition. To avoid calamities
from the above fields, they have
been strengthened by using some
structural Iron & steel materials
without affecting generation for
some short of period and to
safeguard other equipment’s these
equipments have to be erected
and fully commissioned.
In order to maintain the
sustained load of 600MW and as it
is necessary to achieve Pollution
Control Norms during the
continuous service of unit
generation, the ESP electrical
fields A11, A21, C11, C12, C21,
C22, D11 & D21 have to be
renewed in all aspects and put in
to service early.

4 O&AHS Design, Supply, Erection As per Administration Approval: Pay back period 108 days. 24.75 24.75 Own Aug-22 BLTC 24.75 24.75 0 0 0 0 24.75 24.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Division and commissioning of TANGEDCO (CMD ) proceeding Approved
Augmentation of Dry Fly No.101, Dated.16.07.2021. dt
ash Handling system 26.10.202
(DPPCS-Dense phase 1
pneumatic conveying
system) for the first two
rows of ESP fields to
handle the Fly ash
collection from 16 No’s of
front line hoppers,
Conveying to new
intermediate Fly ash silo
and transporting to the
existing 2x4152 MT RCC
Fly Ash silo by
pressurized pneumatic

TOTAL 478.95 478.95 135.75 25.75 104.20 14.20 239.00 439.00 134.75 24.75 104.20 14.20 239.00 439.00
Electrical System Circle /MTPS-II
5 EM HV Breaker and EHV Essentially requried for failure Power evacuation is very vital 10.00 10 Governme 2022-23 Proposal 10 10 0 0 0 0 ` 0.00 8.00 10.00 0.00 0.00
Division Insulator of SAB type replacement in case of to Grid. To avoid loss, nt is being
emergency. SABs transfer power 230KV/400KV breaker, SAB evolved
from GIS to transmission.Failure anad accessories are very for
are susceptible in joints.Hence, essential to meet out obtaining
availabilty of spare SABs are emergency. administr
requried to ensure continuous ative
evacuation of power.Failure of approval
breaker pole will result in the Non-
Availability of 230KV circuit. If
spare active parts is available, the
downtime can ne minimized to
restore the circuit early. 53
6 EM Spares for 230kV & 400 Essentially required to meet out Power evacuation is very vital 1.67 1.67 Governme 2022-23 Proposal 1.67 1.67 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 1.67 1.67 0.00 0.00
Division kV equipments, HT&LT emergency. to Grid. To avoid loss, nt is being
motors. 230KV/400KV breaker, SAB evolved
anad accessories are very for
essential to meet out obtaining
emergency. HT/LT Motors are administr
essential for sustained ative
generation. approval
7 EM Capital works for Essentially required to provide __ 1.64 1.64 Governme 2022-23 Proposal 1.64 1.64 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Division provision of street good illumination in MTPS-II nt is being
lighting in all areas, evolved
lightning protection for
8 C&I Implementation of Essentially required for reliable 1.50 1.5 Own 2022-23 Technical 1.5 1.5 0 0 0 0 1.50 1.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Division Automatic Generation operation of India's Large bid
(SRPC/ Control Interconnected Grid Opened
Improvem 02.09.202
ent 1.
Scheme) Technical
on is
9 Turbine Steam Turbine is the critical Steam turbine is the critical 68.19 68.19 It will be CMD 68.19 68.19 68.19 68.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

SPARES FOR STEAM TURBINE(Model N600-16.7/538/538/3)

Spares equipment in a power station. If equipment which is essentially decided No.470/ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
the internals of the turbine such required to run the generator. by the Dt.13.11.
as moving blades, diaphragms, If the internals of the steam Head 18
seals etc., got damaged due to turbine got damaged, unit has Quarters
normal wear and tear or during to be shutdown and
any abnormal condition, the unit generation loss will occur. To
has to be shutdown and put back the steam turbine
generation loss will occur during into service, the indented
rectification for a minimum period spares are very essential to
of 3 months. If the turbine carry out rectificationworks
internals like HP/IP/LP shaft seals, and it will take minimum
Shaft gland seals & diaphragm period of 3 months. The
seals got eroded due to normal generation loss will be around
wear and tear, the turbine 14 MU per day approximately.
efficiency will be reduced.Also, the For 3 months
turbine Main steam stop valves, (ie.,1,40,00,000x5x90), the
HP control valves & combined financial loss will be around
reheat valves are critical and Rs.630 Crores. Hence, by
integral parts of the Turbine. If considering the generation
any passing in these valves (or) loss, the procurement cost of
failure due to normal wear and steam turbine spares for
tear, the turbine could not be Rs.68.19 Crores is very
rolled, which leads to unit minimal.
shutdown and generation loss and
hence these turbine spares are
very much essential for
emergency replacement in case of
failure. In Generator, Hydrogen
10 Boiler There are two numbers of Boiler There are two numbers of 2.50 2.50 It will be CMD 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Boiler feed Booster pump assembly

Feed feed Booster pumps for Turbine Boiler feed Booster pumps for decided No.72/ Dt
Booster driven feed pumps and one Turbine driven feed pumps by the 05.02.18
Pump number Boiler feed Booster pump and one number Boiler feed Head
Assembly for Motor driven feed pump Booster pump for Motor driven Quarters
available in MTPS-II to supply feed feed pump available in MTPS-
water from Deaerator to Boiler. II to supply feed water from
These are critical equipments and Deaerator to Boiler. These are
two numbers Boiler feed booster critical equipments and two
pumps of Turbine driven feed numbers Boiler feed booster
pumps are in service during the pumps of Turbine driven feed
unit in full load. In case of failure pumps are in service during
of any one of the Boiler feed the unit in full load. In case of
Booster pump, the corresponding failure of any one of the Boiler
Turbine driven Boiler feed pump feed Booster pump, the
could not be put in to service and corresponding Turbine driven
the standby Motor Driven Boiler Boiler feed pump could not be
Feed Pump has to be put into put in to service and the
service. Due to this the auxiliary standby Motor Driven Boiler
consumption of the unit will be Feed Pump has to be put into
getting increased to 8 MW and the service. Due to this the
cost will be around Rs.9,60,000/- auxiliary consumption of the
per day (8MW x 24 x Rs 5). The unit will be getting increased
payback period of the Pump to 8 MW and the cost will be
assembly is only 26.4 days for the around Rs.9,60,000/- per day
above cost. If the booster pump (8MW x 24 x Rs 5). The
of Motor Driven Feed Pump fails payback period of the Pump
the unit could not be lit up and assembly is only 26.4 days for
generation loss will occur. Spares the above cost.
for the Boiler Feed Booster Pumps
are to be imported from China. If

11 Drive There are two numbers of 6.13 6.13 It will be CMD 6.13 6.13 6.13 6.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

FY 2022-23
(Model G12-1.0-1)
Turbine There are two numbers of TDBFP Drive Turbines decided No.194/
Spares TDBFP Drive Turbines available in available in MTPS-II to drive by the Dt.28.05.
MTPS-II to drive the Boiler feed the Boiler feed Pumps. The Head 19
Pumps. The Feed Pumps supply Feed Pumps supply feed water Quarters
feed water from Deaerator to from Deaerator to Boiler Drum
Boiler Drum continuously during continuously during the Unit in
the Unit in service. These TDBFP service. These TDBFP Drive
Drive Turbines are critical Turbines are critical
equipments and both the Turbines equipments and both the
are in service during the unit in Turbines are in service during
full load. In case of failure of any the unit in full load. In case of
one of the TDBFP Drive Turbine, failure of any one of the
the corresponding Turbine driven TDBFP Drive Turbine, the 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
12 Turbine There are two numbers of Turbine In case of failure of any one of 5.14 5.14 It will be CMD 5.14 5.14 5.14 5.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Turbine Driven Boiler Feed Pump Cartridge Assembly

Driven Driven Boiler feed pumps available the Turbine Driven Boiler feed decided No.187/
Boiler to supply feed water from pump, the standby Motor by the Dt.28.05.
Feed Deaerator to Boiler Drum Driven Boiler Feed Pump has Head 16
Pump continuously during the unit is in to be put into service and Quarters
Cartridge service. These are critical auxiliary consumption of the
equipments and both the pumps unit will be getting increased
A&B were commissioned on around by 8 MW and the cost
27.07.2012 and 31.08.2012 will be around Rs.9,60,000/-
respectively and TDBFP have per day (8MW x 24 x Rs 5).
already served 7 years which The payback period of the
beyond its expected life period of Pump assembly is only 53.5
5 years. The running hours of days for the above cost.
TDBFP A&B as on 30.09.19 is
34,715 Hrs & 35,880 Hrs
respectively and requires
overhauling when running hours
reaches 25,000 hours.
In case of failure of any one of the
Turbine Driven Boiler feed pump,
the standby Motor Driven Boiler
Feed Pump has to be put into
service and auxiliary consumption
of the unit will be getting
increased around by 8 MW. In
case of any failure of Motor Driven
Boiler feed pump it will lead to the
unit shutdown and in turn
generation loss. Previously, this
indent has been raised vide
13 Motor No.08/29.08.2018
There are one No. ofand lodged
Motor in
In case of any failure of Motor 5.50 5.50 It will be Proposal 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

FY 2023-24

Driven Boiler Feed Pump and two nos of Driven Boiler feed pump it will decided is being
Boiler Turbine Driven Boiler feed pumps lead to the unit shutdown and by the evolved
Feed available in MTPS-II to supply feed in turn generation loss. The Head for
Pump water from Deaerator to Boiler financial loss for one day is Quarters obtaining
Cartridge Drum continuously during the Unit around Rs.7.00 Crores. Hence, administr
is in service. During the Unit light the pay back period of the ative
up period to up to the load of 300 pump assembly is only 1 day approval
MW, MDBFP will be in service. for the above cost.
The TDBFPs will be taken in to
service above the 300 MW of Unit
load. So the MDBFP is a critical
equipment and it is very essential
for initial light up.
In case of failure of any one of the
Turbine Driven Boiler feed pump,
the standby Motor Driven Boiler
Feed Pump has to be put into
service and auxiliary consumption
of the unit will be getting
increased around by 8 MW. In
case of any failure of Motor Driven
Boiler feed pump it will lead to the
unit shutdown and in turn
generation loss.
This spare cartridge is very
essentially required for emergency
replacement incase of failure in
Motor Driven Boiler Feed pumps.
This item is not supplied by M/s
BGRESL mandatory spares.

14 Capital In MTPS-II the unit is in Steam turbine and Generator 5.00 5.00 It will be Proposal 5.00 5.00 0.00 0.00 5.00 5.00 0.00 0.00

HPT, IPT, LPT, Generator, BFP Turbine A&B
Overhauli continuous service and the are the critical equipments decided is being
ng of Turbine, Generator are to be which is essentially required to by the evolved
Turbine & inspected periodically. After run the unit. If the internals of Head for
Generator commissioning of the unit Turbine the steam turbine and Quarters obtaining
& Generator were not yet capital generator got damagedd, unit administr
overhauled. As per the DEC/China has to be shutdown and ative
(OEM) instruction turbine and generation loss will occur approval
generator has to be capital during rectification for a
overhauled once in 4 years. Any minimum period of 3 months.
problem in the turbine and The generation loss will be
generator leads to forced outage around 14.0 MU per day. In
of the unit. Hence the turbine, order to avoid generation loss,
generator and its related pump, turbine and generator are to
barring gear and pedestals are to be capital overhauled as per
be inspected and capital OEM. Hence, by considering
overhauled for sustained the generation loss, the cost of
generation of 600MW. capital overhauling of steam
turbine and generator is

TOTAL 107.27 107.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 107.27 107.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 88.96 88.96 14.67 16.67 0.00 0.00
Civil Circle /MTPS-II
15 MTPS-II - Construction of New 37.52 27.52 28.02.2023 Administr 27.52 37.52 27.52 37.52 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1x600MW Quarters ative
- Civil approval
Circle - obtained
Constructi from
on of 1 Head
No 'V' Quarters
type, 3 vide FB
No 'U' No.34
type, 1 (TB)
block (2 dt
tenement 07.06.16
s) 'T'
type, 5
blocks 'S'
type, 8
blocks 'R'
type, 12
blocks 'Q'
type and
1 block 'P'
etc., for
TOTAL 37.52 27.52 0.00 0.00 0.00 27.52 37.52 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 27.52 37.52 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total More than one crore 623.74 613.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 270.54 170.54 104.20 14.20 239.00 439.00 251.23 151.23 118.87 30.87 239.00 439.00
Total Less than one crore 4.57 4.57 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.57 4.57 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Grand Total 628.31 618.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 275.11 175.11 104.20 14.20 239.00 439.00 251.23 151.23 118.87 30.87 239.00 439.00

Name of the Station: North Chennai Thermal Power Station -II
Proposal submited by TANGEDCO Approved by the Commission
Sl. Name of the Details of Technical Cost Benift Estimated Expenditu Source of Anticipated Details of FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 ( FY 2022-23 ( Crs.) FY 2023-24 ( Crs.) FY 2024-25 ( Crs.)
No. Scheme work justification Analysis Cost re funding (PFC/ date of Board Crs.) Crs.) Crs.)
furnishing ( incurred REC/ Own/ completion approval or Allocatio Amount Allocatio Amount Allocatio Amount Capital Capitalisati Capital Capitalisati Capital Capitalisati
list of Crs.) so far Government date of award n of capitalis n of capitalis n of capitalis Expenditur on Expenditur on Expenditur on
major (ie. before of contract capital ation capital ation capital ation e e e
items FY 2022- (PO details) expendit expected expendit expected expendit expected
23) ( ure ure ure

I Mechanical -I
1 New Unit I - Flue Gas To meet 373.00 0.00 REC 2022-24 Permanent 75.00 0.00 298.00 373.00 0.00 0.00 75.00 0.00 298.00 373.00 0.00 0.00
erection for Flue Gas desulphuriz out PCB (CMD)
unit-I desulphur ation(FGD) norms Env TANGEDCO
ization(FG scheme Proceedings
D) No: 07
2 New Unit - II - Flue Gas To meet 373.00 0.00 REC 2022-24 Permanent 75.00 0.00 298.00 373.00 0.00 0.00 75.00 0.00 298.00 373.00 0.00 0.00
erection for Flue Gas desulphuriz out PCB (CMD)
unit-II desulphur ation(FGD) norms Env TANGEDCO
ization(FG scheme Proceedings
D) No: 07
3 Generation Planetary XRP 1043 To attained 4.00 0.00 TANGEDCO 2022-24 Preparation 1.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 0.00 0.00
Gear Box Bowl Mill maximum of Note for
XRP 1043 generation Admin
Bowl Mill Approval
4 below I 1.00 0.00 TANGEDCO FY 2022-23 Preparation 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Crores for of Note for
9 items Admin
II Mechanical -II
5 PDFACS for Augment The existing To attained 100.00 0.00 TANGEDCO 2022-24 Estimate & 50.00 0.00 50.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 5.00 0.00 95.00 100.00 0.00 0.00
Ash ation of Fly ash maximum Specification
Handling Fly ash conveying generation Preparation
System. handling system is work under
system inadequate progress.
for 32 at the time
Nos of increase
6 Main Main Procurement To attained 140.00 0.00 TANGEDCO 2023-25 Administrative 30.00 30.00 40.00 40.00 70.00 70.00 30.00 30.00 40.00 40.00 70.00 70.00
Turbine Turbine of Essential maximum (Tentatively) Approval to be
M/s. Material generation obtained
7 Main HP Procurement To attained 40.00 0.00 TANGEDCO 2022-24 Administrative 15.00 15.00 25.00 25.00 0.00 0.00 15.00 15.00 25.00 25.00 0.00 0.00
Turbine Turbine of Essential maximum (Tentatively) Approval to be
Module Material generation obtained

8 Main IP Bladed Procurement To attained 35.00 0.00 TANGEDCO 2022-23 Administrative 15.00 15.00 20.00 20.00 0.00 0.00 15.00 15.00 20.00 20.00 0.00 0.00
Turbine rotor with of Essential maximum (Tentatively) Approval to be
inner Material generation obtained

9 Drive Turbine Spares

Feed Water Procurement To attained 12.00 0.00 TANGEDCO 2022-23 CMD/TANGED 12.00 12.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12.00 12.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
System of Essential maximum (Tentatively) CO
Material generation Proceedings
10 Feed Water Booster Procurement To attained 2.00 0.00 TANGEDCO 2022-24 Administrative 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 0.00
System pump of Essential maximum (Tentatively) Approval to be
complete Material generation obtained
11 Feed Water Boiler Procurement To attained 5.00 0.00 TANGEDCO 2022-24 Administrative 2.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.00 5.00 0.00 0.00
System Feed of Essential maximum (Tentatively) Approval to be
Pump Material generation obtained
12 Condenser Vacuum Procurement To attained 6.00 0.00 TANGEDCO 2022-25 Administrative 1.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 4.00 4.00 2.00 2.00
System Pump of Essential maximum (Tentatively) Approval to be
Material generation obtained 57
13 Condenser ACW Procurement To attained 6.00 0.00 TANGEDCO 2022-25 Administrative 1.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 4.00 4.00 2.00 2.00
System Filteration of Essential maximum (Tentatively) Approval to be
System Material generation obtained

14 Upgrading Hydraulic To ensure Procuremen 7.00 0.00 TANGEDCO 2022-24 Estimate in 2.50 2.50 4.50 4.50 0.00 0.00 2.50 2.50 4.50 4.50 0.00 0.00
Hydraulic Motor,Hyd the load t of Essential (Tentatively) process
system for ra ulic carrying Material
BCN 48 A/B Pump, capacity
conveyor Hydraulic from 800-
Power 900 T /hr to
Pack,Electr 1500 T/hr
ic Motors, approx
Air Oil
dr aulic
Hoses etc

15 HPH Etraction Manual Procurement Procuremen 1.30 0.00 TANGEDCO 2022-23 Administrative 1.30 1.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.30 1.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
line operated of Essential t of Essential (Tentatively) Approval to be
Isolation Material Material obtained
16 Condenser Debris Procurement Procuremen 4.00 0.00 TANGEDCO 2022-24 Administrative 1.50 1.50 2.50 2.50 0.00 0.00 1.50 1.50 2.50 2.50 0.00 0.00
Debris filter filter of Essential t of Essential (Tentatively) Approval to be
system system Material Material obtained
Relocation Relocatio
17 Main Turbine Spare Procurement Procuremen 1.50 0.00 TANGEDCO 2022-23 Administrative 1.50 1.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.50 1.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
LPBP of Essential t of Essential (Tentatively) Approval to be
Stop Material Material obtained
18 Ash Supply, To attained To attained 2.00 0.00 TANGEDCO 2022-24 Administrative 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00
fabricatio maximum maximum (Tentatively) Approval to be
n, generation generation obtained
testing &
oning of
Ash slurry
19 ACW SYSTEM ACW To attained To attained 1.00 0.00 TANGEDCO 2022-23 Administrative 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Suction maximum maximum (Tentatively) Approval to be
Debris generation generation obtained
20 Condenser Debris To attained To attained 3.00 0.00 TANGEDCO 2022-24 Administrative 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 0.00
Debris filter filter maximum maximum (Tentatively) Approval to be
system system generation generation obtained
Relocation Relocatio
21 below 1 2.00 0.00 TANGEDCO 2022-23 Administrative 2.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Crores for (Tentatively) Approval to be
7 items obtained

III Civil Maintenance

22 Proposed i) Pile Necessarily For easy 18.00 0.00 TANGEDCO FY 2022-25 Approved 3.00 0.00 5.00 0.00 10.00 18.00 3.00 0.00 5.00 0.00 10.00 18.00
Bridge Foundatio required for ash vide B.P.
across 'B' n fly ash evacuation No.36
canal and ii) Pile evacuvation dt.04.03.2014
road along cap
ash slurry concrete
pipe line iii) Deck
n of
roads on
sides of

23 Over Head i)Pile For drinking For 2.32 2.00 TANGEDCO FY 2022-23 adm approval 0.32 0.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.32 0.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Tank at foundatio water drinking approved vide
Vallur Camp n purpose for water DPR
ii) stage-II purpose
Concrete stafff

24 Outfall i) Earth For energy For energy 17.92 0.00 TANGEDCO FY 2022-24 Approved 5.00 0.00 12.92 17.92 0.00 0.00 5.00 0.00 12.92 17.92 0.00 0.00
structure work dissipation dissipation vide B.P.
ii) and also at and also at No.36
Concrete security security dt.04.03.2014
iii) point of point of
R.R.Maso view view
nry essentially essentially
required required
25 Drinking i) Required Required 2.36 1.24 TANGEDCO FY 2022-23 Approved 1.12 2.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.12 2.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
water pipe Excavatio due to the due to the vide Per.CMD
line and n supply of supply of /
construction ii) TTRO water TTRO TANGEDCO’s
of sump Concrete to plant by water to Proceedings
iv) Pipe CMWSSB plant by No.113,
line CMWSSB Dated.04.05.2
v)Pumps 020
26 Arresting the i) To arrest To arrest 9.00 0.00 TANGEDCO FY 2022-25 Administrativ 1.00 0.00 6.00 0.00 2.00 9.00 1.00 0.00 6.00 0.00 2.00 9.00
leakage of Earthwor the leakage the leakage e approval
existing raw k ii) RCC in existing in existing awaited
water iii) raw water raw water
reservoir Reinforce reservoir reservoir
ment iv)
ng vi)

27 BHEL non i) As per As per 1.00 0.00 TANGEDCO FY 2022-23 adm approval 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
execution Foundatio Generation Generation approved vide
works n point of point of DPR
ii) Brick view view
28 Balance Cladding Balance As per 4.00 0.00 TANGEDCO FY 2022-24 adm approval 1.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 0.00 0.00
BHEL ISG work BHEL work Generation approved vide
work point of DPR
29 Balance i) As per As per 2.40 0.00 TANGEDCO FY 2022-24 adm approval 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 0.00 0.00 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 0.00 0.00
additional Foundatio Generation Generation approved vide
coal n point of point of DPR
…..portion ii) Brick view view
works work

30 Construction i) As per As per 5.00 0.00 TANGEDCO FY 2022-24 adm approval 1.00 1.00 4.00 4.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 4.00 4.00 0.00 0.00
of 4000kl Foundatio Generation Generation awaiting
capacity n point of point of
sump ii) Brick view view
comprising 2 work
……. iii)
roomStage I Concrete
premises. iv)
31 NCTPS II i) RCC As per As per 4.00 0.00 TANGEDCO FY 2022-24 adm approval 1.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 0.00 0.00
improvemen 1:1.5:3 Generation Generation awaiting
t to the silo ii) PCC point of point of
area by iii) Paving view view
providing yard
paving to iv) silt
the ash sump
intercarding v)Electric
lorries ally
32 below I Crores for 23 items 2.00 0.00 TANGEDCO FY 2022-23 2.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

IV Operation Circle
33 New Procurem To ensure As per 1.50 0.00 TANGEDCO FY 2022-23 Yet to be 1.50 1.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.50 1.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
installation ent, compliance Generation obtained
installatio of point of
n& conditions view
commissi stipulated
oning of by TNPCB /
Continuo CPCB
g Station
34 New (2 nos.) To ensure
Procurem As per 2.31 0.00 TANGEDCO FY 2023-24 Yet to be 0.00 0.00 2.31 2.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.31 2.31
installation ent, compliance Generation obtained
installatio of point of
n& conditions view
commissi stipulated
oning of by TNPCB /
Continuo CPCB
g Station
(2 nos.)
35 New Procurem To ensure As per 2.54 0.00 TANGEDCO FY 2024-25 Yet to be 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.54 2.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.54 2.54
installation ent, compliance Generation obtained
installatio of point of
n& conditions view
commissi stipulated
oning of by TNPCB /
Continuo CPCB
g Station
36 New (2 nos.)
below 1 To attained As per 3.38 0.00 TANGEDCO FY 2022-23 Yet to be 3.38 3.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
installation Crores for maximum Generation obtained
27 items generation point of
37 600 MW To attained As per 45.00 0.00 TANGEDCO FY 2022-23 Yet to be 45.00 45.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 45.00 45.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Main maximum Generation obtained
Generator generation point of
Rotor view

38 below I To attained As per 1.25 0.00 TANGEDCO FY 2022-23 Yet to be 1.25 1.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Crores for maximum Generation obtained
9 items generation point of
Total 1242.78 3.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 359.57 151.51 791.43 985.43 88.54 103.54 299.94 136.88 839.12 988.12 90.85 105.85


Submitted by TANGEDCO
Approved by Commission
Estimated Allocation of Capital Expenditure (Rs. in Crores) Allocation of Capital Expenditure (Rs. in Crores)
S.No. Station
(Rs. In
Crores) FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25 FY 2025-26 FY 2026-27 FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25 FY 2025-26 FY 2026-27

1 Tirunelveli Generation Circle 188.84 48.05 51.27 74.97 0.87 0.88 43.90 43.70 66.32 0.87 0.88

2 Kadamparai Generation Circle 129.30 20.00 24.75 34.55 28.75 29.33 19.20 17.25 20.00 28.75 29.33

3 Erode Generation Circle 113.08

63.03 25.03 25.02 120.85 123.27 57.03 31.03 25.02 120.85 123.27

4 Kundah Generation Circle 56.45 20.70 15.75 20.00 4.80 4.90 20.00 24.75 34.55 4.80 4.90

Total Amount 487.67 151.78 116.80 154.54 155.27 158.38 140.13 116.73 145.89 155.27 158.38


Submitted by TANGEDCO
Approved by Commission
FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25 FY 2025-26 FY 2026-27 FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25 FY 2025-26 FY 2026-27
S.No. Station Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount
(Rs. in Amount
Capitalisatio Capitalisatio Capitalisati Capitalisati Capitalisation Capitalisatio Capitalisati Capitalisatio Capitalisatio
Crores) Capitalisation
n (Rs. n (Rs. on on (Rs. in n (Rs. on n (Rs. n (Rs.
(Rs. in Crores)
in Crores) in Crores) (Rs. in (Rs. in Crores) in Crores) (Rs. in in Crores) in Crores)

1 Tirunelveli Generation Circle 188.84 49.31 51.27 74.97 36.16 36.89 43.90 43.70 66.32 36.16 36.89

2 Kadamparai Generation Circle 129.30 0.00 0.00 129.30 20.10 20.50 19.20 17.25 20.00 20.10 20.50

3 Erode Generation Circle 113.08 63.03 25.03 25.02 16.18 16.50 57.03 31.03 25.02 16.18 16.50

4 Kundah Generation Circle 56.45 20.70 15.75 20.00 56.25 57.38 0.00 0.00 129.30 56.25 57.38

Total Amount 487.67 133.04 92.05 249.29 128.69 131.27 120.13 91.98 240.64 128.69 131.27

Hydro Generation Circles

Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by Commission

FY 2022-23 ( Crs.) FY 2023-24 ( Crs.) FY 2024-25 ( Crs.)
FY 2022-23 ( Crs.) FY 2023-24 ( Crs.) FY 2024-25 ( Crs.)
Details of
Expenditure Source of
Details of Board
incurred so funding
work approval
Estimated far (PFC/ Anticipated Allocation Allocation
Name of the furnishing Technical Cost Benift or date of Allocation Amount Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation Amount Amount Allocation of Amount
S. No. Cost (ie. before REC/ date of
Scheme list of justification Analysis award of of capital capitalisatio of capital capitalisatio capital capitalisatio of capital capitalisatio
of capital
capitalisatio capital capitalisatio
( Crs.) FY 2022- Own/ completion expenditur expenditur
major contract expenditure n expected n expected expenditure n expected expenditure n expected n expected expenditure n expected
23) ( Governme e e
items (PO
Crs.) nt


ing and
supply of
New upper
Purchasing of failure and
piston and Arranging of
New nozzle improve the Not yet
1 cylinder spare upper 3.28 0.00 31.03.2023 3.28 3.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.28 3.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
(Spare) for performance Approved
arrangeme nozzle
Suruliyar PH .Pay back
nts, shaft
period 1.25
and suits


RMU Work Payback
RMU Works of gs No.01
2 (60MW to Since the period is 80.96 0.00 31.03.2025 40.48 40.48 24.29 24.29 16.19 16.19 40.48 40.48 24.29 24.29 16.19 16.19
Kodayar PH I machines dt.07.03.2
70MW) 1.91 years
have served 020
more than 45
years, it is
proposed to
improve the
efficiency of
the machines
so as to
increase the
with the same
quantity of
water inflow.
RMU Work Payback getting
RMU Works of
3 (40 MW to period is 60.00 0.00 31.03.2026 approval 0.00 0.00 18.00 18.00 30.00 30.00 0.00 0.00 18.00 18.00 30.00 30.00
Kodayar PH II
46 MW) 1.91 years from the

Extention of
new additional
bay with
modification at
110/11 KV
switch yard at
Kodayar PH-II
for the
conversion of
link feeder SC
line on SC RMU Work Payback
For Power Approval
4 tower into DC (40 MW to period is 0.68 0.00 31.03.2025 0.14 0.14 0.41 0.41 0.13 0.13 0.14 0.14 0.41 0.41 0.13 0.13
evacuton from
line on DC 46 MW) 1.91 years
tower between
Kodayar PH-I &

ent of Estimate
Replacement replacement
HPPL I to under
5 of HPPL I to IV of worn out 20.00 0.00 31.03.2025 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.00 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.00 20.00
IV in Preparatio
in Papanasam penstock
Papanasa n

of a)MVA,
KV breaker-
Provision of
KV station For providing
breaker Estimate
fransformer uniterrupted
1No. under
6 with station supply 1.00 0.00 31.03.2024 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00
d)Control Preparatio
breakers,contr to Servalar
& Relay n
ol panels and PH
g) 110KV
& 11KV

Below 1 crore

550 Schemes Essential for

which are smooth
7 below the functioning of 22.92 2.55 31.03.2025 4.15 5.41 7.57 7.57 8.65 8.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
monetory limit Power
of Rs.1 crore Houses

Sub Total 188.84 2.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 48.05 49.31 51.27 51.27 74.97 74.97 43.90 43.90 43.70 43.70 66.32 66.32


ning of
GSX - 5e
(Generator To prevent
Kadamparai protection unnecessary
1 Pumped system) by tripping 1.50 0.00 2022-23 1.50 1.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.50 1.50 0.00 0.00
Storage PH numerical during
relay generation
system for
Unit- I,III &
IV at
ai PH

topping CE/CD/S
road Existing road E/CD/HP/
Aliyar Power leading under heavy 02.2019-
2 2.70 0.00 2022-23 1.70 1.70 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.70 1.70 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00
House from 1/3rd damaged 20
junction to condition. Dt.12.07.2
Aliyar 019

topping CE/CD/S
road Existing road E/CD/HP/
Sarkarpathy leading under heavy 01.2019-
3 2.50 0.00 2022-23 1.50 1.50 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.50 1.50 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00
Power House from damaged 20
Sethumad condition. Dt.12.07.2
ai to 019
y Camp.

Existing road N/CBE/F.
Sholayar under heavy SECR.52/
4 from 3.00 0.00 2022-23 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00
Power House I damaged 2018-19
condition. D.81/2020
Check post
to Sholayar

Existing road N/CBE/F.
Sholayar under heavy SECR.53/
5 junction to 2.00 0.00 2022-23 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00
Power House II damaged 2018-19
condition. D.83/2020
and Skye
junction to
House II.

bolting and
creting to
the rock
from the
tunnel of
ai Power
of Access
Kadamparai tunnel &
6 Constructi 2.25 0.00 2022-23 1.50 1.50 0.75 0.75 0.00 0.00 1.50 1.50 0.75 0.75 0.00 0.00
Power House Flood
on of PCC
wall ar
area in 'Y'
junction &
ai dam

on of PCC
wall at
near Adit
III fire
fighting Flood
7 water tank protection 2.50 0.00 2022-23 1.50 1.50 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.50 1.50 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00
Power House
and near work
saddle at
ai Power
iar & near
i at
ai Dam

Stator Coil
Stator coil
Kadamparai Rectificatio
8 improvement 40.00 0.00 2024-25 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 20.00 20.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 20.00 20.00
PH n works -

Sub Total 56.45 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.70 20.70 15.75 15.75 20.00 20.00 19.20 19.20 17.25 17.25 20.00 20.00


Renovation CE / P&C
and Upgrade of Renovation / SE / D /
Hydro Power All Sub and EPC-4 /
Under PSDF
station at station Modernisatio AEE-3 /
1 scheme 2.72 0.00 FY2023-24 2.72 2.72 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.72 2.72 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
DPH/Mettur,CK Equipment n of Hydro F.PSDF(D
R,MHPH&RBC s Power PR2) /
PH(0.99+0.94+ Stations D.42 / 18
0.79) Dt:13.4.18

The Existing
of Existing
system is in
service from
system at
2 commissionin 0.88 0.00 FY2023-24 0.88 0.88 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.88 0.88 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
g (1998) and
for two Units,oil
served more
pressure unit
than 20 years.
for two units at

CE / P&C
Renovation / SE / D /
All Sub and EPC-4 /
and Upgade of Under PSDF
station Modernisatio AEE-3 /
4 Hydro Power scheme 2.99 0.00 FY2019-20 2.99 2.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.99 2.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Equipment n of Hydro F.PSDF(D
stationat (DPR2)
s Power PR2) /
Stations D.42 / 18

Replacement (DD) is 15.8
of 11/110kv which is very
5 25MVA Power high. The 1.54 0.00 FY2019-20 ------ 1.54 1.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.54 1.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Transformer at high value
MHPH/BSR indicates

loss due to
provision of chocking in
ATRCM at BKB minimize the trash rack is
PH- generation present.The
6 2/Vendipalaya loss due to erection of 8.93 0.00 6months from the date of p.o2019-20 8.93 8.93 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.93 8.93 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
m & ATRCM- Trashrack ATRCM will
LMBP1/CKR(4. chocking improve the
83+4.1) generation
With in 5

Since the
have served
more than For
15 years if analyeses
RLA study committee
has been formed
done the AS per
equipment SE/EGC
To improve
RLA Study at Proposal can be Endorsem
8 the 8.00 0.00 FY2020-21=1.20 8.00 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.00 8.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
TPH /Mettur submitted served ent
further 30 NO.SE/E
years and GC/AEE/
the capacity GCSDM2/
can be FDKT/D7
increased 9DT.24.04
about 5 to 10 .18
MW with

1 no Gate
sanctioned Similar type
.For 17 nos of gate
abrication of
gates erected (
9 18nos barrage 35.00 0.00 12.67 12.67 11.17 11.17 11.16 11.16 6.67 6.67 17.17 17.17 11.16 11.16
Proposal 3,7,12 ) were
gates at
submissio erected In
n(Fund this station
alloted in


As the
existing office
is running in
Construction of
storage sheds
Central office
11 constructed _ 4.00 0.00 Own FY -2019-20 _ 4.00 4.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.00 4.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
building at
during 1986
and are in

Replacement Planned for

of 3nosBarrage
12 gate at BPH3/ 6.00 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

LMBPH2/NPT Design, Planned for

e, Supply
of one
number lift
gate (15
mtrs x 9
mtrs ) and
g of old
13 1.10 1.1 1.1 0 0 0 0 1.1 1.1 0 0 0 0
ning of
gate for
Gate No.

BBPh2/Umaipa Fire Estimate Planned for17 17 0 0 0 0 17 17 0 0 0 0

layam accident sanctioned
renovation CR 137/2020-
021 tender
floated by HQ
14 pre-bid 17.00
conducted on

MHPH/BSR, Procureme Planned for1.2 1.2 0 0 0 0 1.2 1.2 0 0 0 0

SDPH nt of DT
gates 2
Nos.,2 Nos
15 airvent 1.20

Installations of Design,fab For cieaning Generation loss due to chocking
0 in trash rack is present.The erection
for0 will improve
0 the generation.
11.86 11.86 11.86 11.86 0 0 11.86 11.86 11.86 11.86
Automation rication&su the debris in
trash cleaning pply trash rack for
machine(ATRC Erection free flow of
M) at LMBP2- and water to
NPT,LMBP4- commissio turbine to get
17 UKT,BBPH2- ning of maximum 23.72
Umayapalaya ATRCM generation
m & BKB-3

Sub Total 113.08 0.00 63.03 63.03 25.03 25.03 25.02 25.02 57.03 57.03 31.03 31.03 25.02 25.02


SE/ H/ Chennai, vide Memo. No.CE/ H/ E/ HE/ EE/H/ AEE.6/ SE/ H/ Chennai, vide Memo. No.CE/ H/ E/ HE/ EE/H/ AEE.6/
At present all
the units of

F.Estimate/ D.256/2019, dt.30/05/2019.

Power House-
By avoiding
2 are being
the outage of
operated with
the units and
Static cost of new
excitation winding of
1 Power House-2 excitation 3 0 REC 2023 0 0 1.5 0 1.5 3 0 0 1.5 0 1.5 3
provision 35MW the
to all units incurred cost
whenever the
will be made
voltage varies
good within
in the grid,
3 years
the terminal
voltage of the
generator to
be adjusted

At present all
the units of

F.Estimate/ D.287/2019, dt.20/06/2019.

Power House-
By avoiding
3 are being
the outage of
operated with
the units and
Static cost of new
excitation winding of
2 Power House-3 excitation 2.5 0 REC 2023 0 0 1.5 0 1 2.5 0 0 1.5 0 1 2.5
provision 60MW the
to all units incurred cost
whenever the
will be made
voltage varies
good within
in the grid,
3 years
the terminal
voltage of the
generator to
be adjusted

SE/ H/ Chennai, vide Memo. No.CE/ H/ E/ HE/ EE/H/ AEE.6/ SE/ H/ Chennai, vide Memo. No.CE/ H/ E/ HE/ EE/H/ AEE.6/
F.Estimate/ D.292/2019, dt.21/06/2019.
At present
By avoiding
one the units
the outage of
of Kundah
the units and
Power House-
Static cost of new
5 are being
excitation winding of
3 Power House-5 operated in 1 0 REC 2023 0 0 0.75 0 0.25 1 0 0 0.75 0 0.25 1
provision 20MW the
to unit 2 incurred cost
will be made
which is to be
good within
replaced by
3 years
latest model

At present all
the units of

F.Estimate/ D.262/2019, dt.30/05/2019.

Power House-
By avoiding
1 are being
the outage of
operated with
the units and
Static cost of new
excitation winding of
4 Power House-1 excitation 1.8 0 REC 2023 0 0 1 0 0.8 1.8 0 0 1 0 0.8 1.8
provision 20MW the
to all units incurred cost
whenever the
will be made
voltage varies
good within
in the grid,
3 years
the terminal
voltage of the
generator to
be adjusted

Proposal has been approved by TANGEDCO

RMU of
The uprating
of all the By uprating
12MW units the capacity
House i.e.,
by 14MW is the
possible to expenditure
3 Moyar PH the 121 50 REC Aug-25 20 0 20 0 31 121 20 0 20 0 31 121
meetout the can be
peak demand realised
3x12 MW
of the grid, by within 2
units to
the additional years

Sub Total 129.30 50.00 20.00 0.00 24.75 0.00 34.55 129.30 20.00 0.00 24.75 0.00 34.55 129.30
Total 487.67 52.55 151.78 133.04 116.80 92.05 154.54 249.29 140.13 120.13 116.73 91.98 145.89 240.64


Submitted by TANGEDCO
Estimated Approved by Commission
Cost FY 2023- FY 2024- FY 2025- FY 2026- FY 2025- FY 2026-
S.No. Station FY 2022- FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25
(Rs. In 24 (Rs. 25 (Rs. 26 (Rs. 27 (Rs. 26 (Rs. 27 (Rs.
Crores) 23 (Rs. (Rs. In (Rs. In (Rs. In
In In In In In In
In Crores) Crores) Crores) Crores)
Crores) Crores) Crores) Crores) Crores) Crores)

1 Valuthur Gas Turbine Power Station 261.36 49.80 137.42 70.00

14.26 14.54 49.80 84.42 123.00 14.26 14.54
2 Thirumakottai Gas Turbine Power Station 149.41 100.41 35.00 14.00
57.00 58.14 100.41 35 14 57.00 58.14
3 Kuttalam Gas Turbine Power Station 92.29 1.20 77.09 14.00
31.11 31.73 1.2 42.09 49 31.11 31.73
4 Basin Bridge Gas Turbine Power Station 0.90 0.00 0.90 0.00
82.64 84.29 0.00 0.90 0.00 82.64 84.29
Total Amount 503.96 151.41 250.41 98.00 185.01 188.70 185.01 188.70
151.41 162.41 186.00


Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by Commission

FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25 FY 2025-26 FY 2026-27 FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25 FY 2025-26 FY 2026-27
Cost Amount Amount
S.No. Station Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount
(Rs. in Capitalisati Amount Amount Capitalisati
Capitalisatio Capitalisatio Capitalisatio Capitalisatio Capitalisation Capitalisatio
Crores) on Capitalisation Capitalisation on
n (Rs. n (Rs. n (Rs. n (Rs. (Rs. in n (Rs.
(Rs. in (Rs. in Crores) (Rs. in Crores) (Rs. in
in Crores) in Crores) in Crores) in Crores) Crores) in Crores)
Crores) Crores)

1 Valuthur Gas Turbine Power Station 261.36 53.94 137.42 70.00 0.03 53.94 84.42 123.00 0.03 0.03

2 Thirumakottai Gas Turbine Power Station 149.41 100.41 35.00 14.00 1.36 100.41 35.00 14.00 1.33 1.36

3 Kuttalam Gas Turbine Power Station 92.29 1.20 77.09 14.00 1.80 1.20 42.09 49.00 1.77 1.80

4 Basin Bridge Gas Turbine Power Station 0.90 0.00 0.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.90 0.00 0.00 0.00

Total Amount 503.96 155.55 250.41 98.00 3.13 3.19 155.55 162.41 186.00 3.13 3.19

Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by commission
Expendit FY 2022- FY 2023- FY 2024- FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 (
ure Source 23 ( 24 ( 25 ( Crs.) Crs.) Crs.)
Details of Board
incurred of Crs.) Crs.) Crs.)
of work approval
Name of Estimat so far funding
furnishi Technical Cost Anticipated or date Allocatio Allocatio Allocatio Allocatio
S. No. the ed Cost (ie. (PFC/ Allocation Amount Amount Amount Allocation Amount Amount Amount
ng list justificati Benift date of of award n of n of n of n of
Scheme ( before REC/ of capital capitalisati capitalis- capitalis- of capital capitalisa capitalis- capitalis-
of major on Analysis completion of capital capital capital capital
Crs.) FY 2022- Own/ expenditu on ation ation expendit tion ation ation
items contract expen- expen- expen- expen-
23) Govern- re expected expected expected ure expected expected expected
(PO diture diture diture diture
( ment
1 Capital Due to non- Downtime 3.76 2 own 17.9.22 B.P.16/ 1.76 3.76 0 0 0 0 1.76 3.76 0 0 0 0
Construct availability of the dt11.1.19
ion of of quarters, pooling of
quarters operating person
including 50% during
personnel emergency
tion are coming period will
from the be
nearby reduced
Normally 1
hour to 2
hours will
be taken
for pooling
when the
occurs in
odd hours
2 Capital Spares Procuremen Efficiency 2.412 2.14 own Mar'23 P.O 0.272 2.412 0 0 0 0 0.272 2.412 0 0 0 0
for Steam t of spares of GT will 92/6.3.19
turbine for improve
Overhauling thereby
of Steam generation
Turbine . will
For increase.
ensuring The heat
healthiness rate & cost
and for of
better generation
performanc will be
e of the reduced.
Turbine, it
is to be
ed on 2003
more than
15 years) -
Due for

3 Capital Procurem It is To improve 4 0 -- Aug'22 -- 4 4 0 0 0 0 4 4 0 0 0 0

ent of proposed the
ACHE as per OEM performanc
Bundles recommend e of Heat
ation exchanger
4 capital a)Erectio a)Procurem a)Energy 2.215 0 -- Aug'22 -- 2.215 2.215 0 0 0 0 2.215 2.215 0 0 0 0
n of scroll ent of new conservatio
compress scroll n under
or 50T, comprosser PAT
Commissi for scheme
oning centralised b)To
new Gas 50T A/c for improve
conditioni energy the
ng skid conservatio performanc
B)Procure n under e of
ment of PAT various
Numerical scheme. equipment
Injection B)For s so as to
Kit and testing and avoid
Tools and maintenanc unnecessar
Plants e of various y trippings.
c)Procure equipments C)Various
ment of in the plant type of
Thermogr at VGTPS testing kits
aphic c)Various proposed
camera,M type of for
illibar testing kits maintenan
pressure proposed ce of
calibrator for various
, HART maintenanc equipment
communi e of various s in the
cator, equipments plant at
scientific in the plant VGTPS
Instrume at VGTPS
nt, T&P
5 capital and
Erection For energy PAT 1.00 0 -- Aug'22 -- 1.00 1.00 0 0 0 0 1.00 1.00 0 0 0 0
of solar conservatio scheme
photovolt n scheme and
aic power under PAT improveme
generatio cycle nt work for
n system better
10KWp in performanc
Adm.buil e of the
ding , plant
I&II at

6 capital Existing Failure of 2.5 0.00 -- Aug'22 -- 2.5 2.5 0 0 0 0 2.5 2.5 0 0 0 0
Upgradati Woodward the critical
on of Governing cards may
woodwar system is result in
d obsolete revenue
governin and the loss and
g system spares are unnecessar
also not y
available. backdown
There is no of STG
service thereby
support for loss of
the generation
ure of the
cards may
result in
loss and
y backdown
of STG.

7 GT ABB Present Processor 2.5 0 -- Aug'22 -- 2.5 2.5 0 0 0 0 2.5 2.5 0 0 0 0
DCS DCS failed due
processor processor to failure of
upgradati needs its the cards
on to own and
symphon peculiar module's
y version of support
harmony cards to have been
plus run. Since abandoned
these from
module's company
have been
company it
is very
difficult to
the cards if
e requires.
8 capital STG Present Processor 2 0 -- Aug'22 -- 2 2 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0
siemens DCS failed due
DCS processor to failure of
upgradati needs its the cards
on own and
peculiar module's
version of support
cards to have been
run. Since abandoned
these from
module's company
have been
company it
is very
difficult to
the cards if
e requires.
OWS of
processor is
running in
XP, since it
spares for

9 capital Flow Various To upgrade 3.5 0 -- Aug'22 -- 3.5 3.5 0 0 0 0 3.5 3.5 0 0 0 0
computer upgradation /improvem
at and ent in
Gail,Hart improveme technology
mangeme nt works to meet
nt has been out the
system,G proposed grid
BC-K3 for better requiremen
PLC,flow performanc ts so as to
computer e of the avoid
at GBC, units at unnecessar
SWAS,fire VGTPS y trippings.
relay to
10 capital C&I Lab Various To improve 2.5 0 -- Aug'22 -- 2.5 2.5 0 0 0 0 2.5 2.5 0 0 0 0
forming, type of the
GPS upgradation performanc
Clock ,claibration e of
synchroni , testing various
zation,flo and equipment
w improveme s so as to
measure nt works avoid
ment at has been unnecessar
HRSG proposed y trippings.
stack,Rel for better
acement performanc
of e of the
Silica,Hyd units at
razine VGTPS
n system,

11 capital Procurem Various Various 3.05 0 -- Aug'22 -- 3.05 3.05 0 0 0 0 3.05 3.05 0 0 0 0
ent of type of type of
Numerical testing kits testing kits
motor proposed proposed
Protectio for for
n maintenanc maintenan
relay,Tra e of various ce of
nsformer equipments various
winding in the plant equipment
resistance at VGTPS s in the
kit, STG plant at
relay and

12 capital Procurem Combustion To 14 0 -- Aug'22 -- 14 14 0 0 0 0 14 14 0 0 0 0

ent of chambers minimize
new will be the outage
capital inspected in thereby
spares for every 8000 reducing
CI fired hours the loss of
alongwith as per OEM generation
works for recommend
Phase-I ations

13 capital a)Busbar a)To a)To 1.5 0 -- Aug'22 -- 1.5 1.5 0 0 0 0 1.5 1.5 0 0 0 0
protectio maintain upgrade
n panel the plant technology
b)Upgrad stabilty to avoid
ation of b)Served unnecess-
IA/PA more than ary
local 15years trippings
control and thereby
panel,vari become reducing
ous obsolete the loss of
PLCs,rela and spares generation.
y are not b)To
contacts, available. minimize
additional Hence the outage
one upgradation thereby
number essential reducing
server the loss of
and 2nos generation
OWS for
l p13 DCS
,GT air

14 capital Procurem Combustion To 14 0 Aug'23 -- 0 0 14 14 0 0 0 0 14 14 0 0
ent of chambers minimize
new will be the outage
capital inspected in thereby
spares for every 8000 reducing
CI fired hours the loss of
alongwith as per OEM generation
works for recommend
Phase-I ations

15 capital Procurem Combustion To 70.00 0 -- Aug'24 -- 0 0 0 0 70 70 0 0 0 0 70 70

ent of chambers minimize
new and internal the outage
capital parts of thereby
spares for chamber reducing
HGPI will be the loss of
alongwith inspected in generation
works for every
Phase-I 24000 fired
hours as
per OEM

16 capital Procurem Combustion To 5.42 0 -- Apr'23 -- 0 0 5.42 5.42 0 0 0 0 5.42 5.42 0 0

ent of Zone will minimize
new be the outage
capital inspected in thereby
spares for every 8000 reducing
Minor fired hours the loss of
inspectio as per OEM generation
ns recommend
alongwith ations
works for

17 capital Procurem Full GT To 118 0 -- Apr'24 -- 0 0 118 118 0 0 0 0 65 65 53 53

ent of Zone will minimize
new be the outage
capital inspected in thereby
spares for every reducing
Major 25000 fired the loss of
inspectio hours as generation
ns per OEM
alongwith recommend
works for ations

18 Capital Upgradati Processor, Served 9.00 0 -- Aug'22 -- 9 9 0 0 0 0 9 9 0 0 0 0

on of Input more than
Mark Vie output 15years
Control modules,Fie and
System ld become
including termination obsolete
HMI for modules, and spares
Gas protection are not
Turbine core, power available.
and GT supply Hence
field modules upgradatio
instrume etc., n essential
for Mark
Vie such
as flame
CPD, etc

Sub-total-VGTPS 261.36 4.14 49.80 53.94 137.42 137.42 70.00 70.00 49.80 53.94 84.42 84.42 123.00 123.00
1 capital Major Major To increase 16 0 -- july'22 -- 16 16 0 0 0 0 16 16 0 0 0 0
inspectio inspection the
n (MI) is a generation
work Mandatory and
alongwith inspection minimize
refurbish & it has to the Outage
ment be
work of carriedout
turbine every
parts 48000
which hours of
was operation
during MI
in Dec'19
and new
on parts
2 capital T(K)GTPS
Procurem Major To increase 7.2 0 -- july'22 -- 7.2 7.2 0 0 0 0 7.2 7.2 0 0 0 0
3 capital ent of
a)Upgradi inspection
a)Procurem the
a)Improve 2.08 0 -- July'22 -- 2.08 2.08 0 0 0 0 2.08 2.08 0 0 0 0
tion of ent of new ment work
MMI scroll b)During
system of comprosser 2013 AG
procontro for audit party
l P13 DCS centralised remarked
system,M 50T A/c for to install
IMIC and energy flow meter
scada, conservatio at the inlet
STG n under side for
vibration PAT cross
monitorin scheme. checking
g B)For Natural
system,R testing and Gas
O plant maintenanc consumptio
PLC e of various n at
system equipments T(K)GTPS .
b)supply in the plant C)PAT
, erection at VGTPS schemes
and c)Various d)For
commissi type of smooth
oning of testing kits opeartion
new flow proposed of plant so
meter in for as to avoid
natural maintenanc trippings
gas inlet e of various
side. equipments
c)Supply, .
erection d)T&P
of Grid items
4 capital tied solar
Procurem procured
L4 blade To increase 1.4 0 -- July'22 -- 1.4 1.4 0 0 0 0 1.4 1.4 0 0 0 0
ent of has to be the
STG L4 replaced generation
stage during and
blade . Major minimize
inspection the mainte-
to avoid nance cost
5 Capital Gas GTG To increase 1.00 0 -- July'22 -- 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0
Turbine overhauling the
Generator work efficiency
overhauli carriedout and
ng works alongwith minimize
Major the Outage

6 Capital Major Major To increase 1.24 0 -- July'22 -- 1.24 1.24 0 0 0 0 1.24 1.24 0 0 0 0
Inspectio inspection the
n of GT is a efficiency
Mandatory and
inspection minimize
& it has to the Outage
hours of
7 Capital Refurbish operation
New spares To increase 9.21 0 -- July'22 -- 9.21 9.21 0 0 0 0 9.21 9.21 0 0 0 0
ment of required the
Bucket , during efficiency
Nozzle Major and
and inspection minimize
shroud the Outage

8 Capital Commissi Various To avoid 1.30 0 -- July'22 -- 1.30 1.30 0 0 0 0 1.30 1.30 0 0 0 0
oning of type of trippings
Four improveme therby
channel nt works reduce the
Silica has been loss of
analyser , proposed generation
New Flow for better
meter for performanc
Natural e of the
Gas Flow plant
IMIC and

9 Capital Providing Various As per 1.13 0 -- July'22 -- 1.13 1.13 0 0 0 0 1.13 1.13 0 0 0 0
PCC type of recommen
Patrolling improveme dation of
track nt works Intelligenc
along the has been e
periphery proposed Buerau,Ne
of for safety w Delhi
compoun purpose as
d wall per
inside in recommend
T(K)GTPS ation of
/ Intelligence
Thirumak Buerau,Ne
kottai w Delhi
RCC or
Ms watch
tower in
2 location
10 Capital GT New GT To increase 40.00 0 -- July'22 -- 40.00 40.00 0 0 0 0 40.00 40.00 0 0 0 0
Spares spares the
required efficiency
during and
Major minimize
inspection the Outage

11 Capital Procurem Combustion To 14 0 -- July'23 -- 0 0 14 14 0 0 0 0 14 14 0 0

ent of chambers minimize
new will be the outage
capital inspected in thereby
spares for every 8000 reducing
CI fired hours the loss of
alongwith as per OEM generation
works for recommend
T(K)GTPS ations

12 Capital Procurem Combustion To 14 0 -- July'24 -- 0 0 14 14 0 0 14 14

ent of chambers minimize
new will be the outage
capital inspected in thereby
spares for every 8000 reducing
CI fired hours the loss of
alongwith as per OEM generation
works for recommend
T(K)GTPS ations

13 capital STG To maintain To increase 7.00 0 Dec'22 7.00 7.00 0 0 0 0 7.00 7.00 0 0 0 0
Condense STG the life of
r Tubes generation structure
complete and healthy and cooling
replacem operation efficiency
ent and of
Epoxy condenser
r tube
supply of
y Brass
14 capital tubes
Replacem To increse To increase 7.00 0 Dec'22 7.00 7.00 0 0 0 0 7.00 7.00 0 0 0 0
ent of HP the rate of the life of
Evaporat steam HRSG
or generation
Modules and
in HRSG improving
area steam
15 capital Cooling Complete To increase 1.85 0 Dec'22 1.85 1.85 0 0 0 0 1.85 1.85 0 0 0 0
tower cooling the life of
concrete tower structure.
structure- rectification
Rectificati works
on of
on of
16 Availing 2 To meetout Improve 21.00 Dec'23 21.00 21.00 21.00 21.00
MLD of water the quality
Raw scarcity of water
supply to
under the
ns in
r district
on DCW
from the
17 capital Minor Various To increase 4.00 upto March- 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00
works to type of the life of 23
be repairing equipment
carried works has t s
out in be carried
electrical, out for
mechanic improve the
al and efficiency
during MI

Sub- 149.41 0 0 0 0 100.41 100.41 35 35 14 14 100.41 100.41 35 35 14 14

KGTPS total-
1 Capital Procurem To Keep To reduce 1.2 0 own 14.4.2023 BLTC 1.2 1.2 0 0 0 0 1.2 1.2 0 0 0 0
ents of the spare the down meeting
primary GCV for time of the 355/dt
Gas primary plant.The 9.7.21.
control control failure of P.O.25/dt
valve valve and primary 6.8.21
also Gas control
common valve lead
spare for to loss of
VGTPS. generation.

2 Capital 90 MVA Emergency To get as 5.00 0 -- Dec'22 -- 0.00 0.00 5 5 0 0 0.00 0.00 5 5 0 0
Spare spare for major
Generatin KGTPS, sapre so as
g TKGTPS & to reduce
Transfor VGTPS. the down
mer for time of
KGTPS, plants.

3 Capital a)HRSG- various -- 2.09 0 -- Dec'22 -- 0 0 2.09 2.09 0 0 0 0 2.09 2.09 0 0
HP-Boiler- improveme
Proposal nt works
for RLA proposed
study for better
b)PATsch performanc
eme e of the
energy unit.
III) (For
ting of
n and
oning of
4 Capital and
Procurem Combustion To 70.00 0 -- Dec'23 -- 0.00 0.00 70 70 0 0 0.00 0.00 35 35 35 35
ent of chambers minimize
new and internal the outage
capital parts of thereby
spares for chamber reducing
HGPI will be the loss of
alongwith inspected in generation
works for every
KGTPS 24000 fired
hours as
per OEM

5 Capital Procurem Combustion To 14.00 0 -- Dec'24 -- 0.00 0.00 0 0 14 14 0.00 0.00 0 0 14 14

ent of chambers minimize
new will be the outage
capital inspected in thereby
spares for every 8000 reducing
CI fired hours the loss of
alongwith as per OEM generation
works for recommend
KGTPS ations

Sub- 92.29 0 0 0 0 1.2 1.2 77.09 77.09 14 14 1.2 1.2 42.09 42.09 49 49
1 Online As per the Statutory 0.90 0 -- Mar'23 -- 0 0 0.9 0.9 0 0 0 0 0.9 0.9 0 0
continous direction of requiremen
Emission the t of TNPCB
monitorin pollution
g system control
Sub- norms
BBGTPS 0.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.90 0.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.90 0.90 0.00 0.00
Total 503.96 4.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 151.41 155.55 250.41 250.41 98.00 98.00 151.41 155.55 162.41 162.41 186.00 186.00

Submitted by TANGEDCO
S. Name of the Scheme
FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25
Allocation Amount
cost Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount
of capital capitalisati
capital capitalisation capital capitalisatio
expenditu on
expenditure expected expenditure n expected
re expected

( Crs.) ( Crs.) ( Crs.)

Ennore SEZ (2 x 660 MW)
1 9800 1000.00 0.00 1996.00 9800.00 0.00 0.00
2 NCTPP Stage III 1x800MW 8723.00 2255.55 8723.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Udangudi STPP Stage I

3 9307.719 3417.51 0.00 1905.48 9307.72 0.00 0.00
2x660MW and Coal jetty

4 Uppur STPP (2x800MW) 10610.69 1210.00 0.00 1342.91 0.00 2526.44 0.00

Vallur Thermal Power Project

5 10080.5 68.60 0.00 68.60 0.00 68.60 0.00

1x660MW Supercritical ETPS

6 7166.43 1835.31 0.00 1850.00 0.00 2186.57 7166.43
Expansion Project

Total 55688.34 9786.97 8723.00 7162.99 19107.72 4781.61 7166.43


Kodayar Pumped Stotage HEP

1 4014.16 8.26 0.00 3.54 0.00 50.00 0.00
(500 MW)

Manalar Pumped Stotage HEP

2 4511.8 7.08 0.00 2.36 0.00 50.00 0.00
(500 MW)

Sillahalla Pumped Storage

3 Hydro-Electric Project-Stage- 4974.7 0.00 0.00 50.00 0.00 50.00 0.00

Kollimalai Hydro Electric

4 338.79 150 0 13.79 0 0 0
Project (1x20MW)

5 Kundah Hydro Electric Power 1831.29 636.75 0.00 539.76 1831.29 0.00 0.00

Total 15670.74 802.09 0.00 609.45 1831.29 150 0

Kadaladi project cancelled by MNRE on 05.02.2020 subsequently proposed 600MW

Kadaladi Solar Power Kamuthi project which also dropped and could not be taken by TANGEDCO with time
(500MW) frame of land aquisition by Mar 21 and completion of project by Mar 22 as fixed by
MNRE. Hence CMD approval was obtained on 29.11.2021 to take up this project by

Revised Format for filing Capital Investment Plan for the control period from FY 2022-23 to FY 2024-25
FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 (
Crs.) Crs.) Crs.)
Expenditur Source of Details of
e incurred funding Anticipat Board
of work
Name of Technical Cost Estimated so far (PFC/ ed date approval or Allocatio
S. furnishi Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Amount
the justificatio Benift Cost (ie. before REC/ of date of n of
No. ng list of capital capitalisa of capital capitalisat capitalisa
Scheme n Analysis ( Crs.) FY 2022- Own/ completi award of capital
of major expenditu tion expenditur ion tion
23) ( Governm on contract expendit
items re expected e expected expected
Crs.) ent (PO details) ure

1 2 3 4 5 7 8 11 12 13 15 16 18 19 21 22

supply &
Mechanic For the
al & establishme
1 SEZ 9800 6804 PFC May-2023 1000.00 0.00 1996.00 9800.00 0.00 0.00
Electrical nt of
works 2x660MW
The (Per) FB
project is TANGEDCO
being No. 40, dated
executed 26.02.2021
in two
viz. Boiler
ment of
allied civil
package To meet out
2 and the Grid 8723 6467.45 REC Jul-22 2255.55 8723 1996.00 0 0 0
Balance demand.
plant of 1
x 800 MW
P) with
allied civil
Stage -III.

issued to

FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 (
Crs.) Crs.) Crs.)
Expenditur Source of Details of
e incurred funding Anticipat Board
of work
Name of Technical Cost Estimated so far (PFC/ ed date approval or Allocatio
S. furnishi Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Amount
the justificatio Benift Cost (ie. before REC/ of date of n of
No. ng list of capital capitalisa of capital capitalisat capitalisa
Scheme n Analysis ( Crs.) FY 2022- Own/ completi award of capital
of major expenditu tion expenditur ion tion
23) ( Governm on contract expendit
items re expected e expected expected
Crs.) ent (PO details) ure

1 2 3 4 5 7 8 11 12 13 15 16 18 19 21 22

g and
oning of
coal fired CE/PROJ.II/S
thermal E/C//UTPP/EE
power 7359 2619.87 REC /E/LOI/D.179/ 2843.478 0 1895.652 9800.00 0 0
plant 2017
including DT07.12.2017
ol &
and for
the all

ion Ltd. :
ment of
Coal jetty
facilities CE/PROJ/SE/C
and pibe /UP/EE/M/OT
Conveyor NO.03/2014-
system 1902.87 1344.06 REC 15/W.O.NO.0 558.81 0 9800.00 0 0
for 2x660 2/D
MW .217/2018 DT
Udangudi 21.06.2018

FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 (
Crs.) Crs.) Crs.)
Expenditur Source of Details of
e incurred funding Anticipat Board
of work
Name of Technical Cost Estimated so far (PFC/ ed date approval or Allocatio
S. furnishi Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Amount
the justificatio Benift Cost (ie. before REC/ of date of n of
No. ng list of capital capitalisa of capital capitalisat capitalisa
Scheme n Analysis ( Crs.) FY 2022- Own/ completi award of capital
of major expenditu tion expenditur ion tion
23) ( Governm on contract expendit
items re expected e expected expected
Crs.) ent (PO details) ure

1 2 3 4 5 7 8 11 12 13 15 16 18 19 21 22

nt of
Coal jetty
Establish unloading
Coal jetty
ment facilities
of"2X660 and pibe
MW Coal Conveyor 3.03 2.553 REC 0.477 0 0 3.03 0 0
based system
Udangudi for 2x660
3 No.03/2018-
Supercritic MW
al Thermal Udangudi
, dt
Power Supercriti
Project cal
Stage-I" Thermal
Project -
t service
for post

MW Coal
3 Supercritic FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 (
al Thermal Crs.) Crs.) Crs.)
Expenditur Source of Details of
Power Details
e incurred funding Anticipat Board
Project of work
Name of Technical Cost Estimated so far (PFC/ ed date approval or Allocatio
S. Stage-I" furnishi Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Amount
the justificatio Benift Cost (ie. before REC/ of date of n of
No. ng list of capital capitalisa of capital capitalisat capitalisa
Scheme n Analysis ( Crs.) FY 2022- Own/ completi award of capital
of major expenditu tion expenditur ion tion
23) ( Governm on contract expendit
items re expected e expected expected
Crs.) ent (PO details) ure

1 2 3 4 5 7 8 11 12 13 15 16 18 19 21 22

at project
site in
the post
EPC 42.39 17.823 REC 14.7402 0 9.8268 #REF! 0 0
of 2X660
n of the

FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 (
Crs.) Crs.) Crs.)
Expenditur Source of Details of
e incurred funding Anticipat Board
of work
Name of Technical Cost Estimated so far (PFC/ ed date approval or Allocatio
S. furnishi Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Amount
the justificatio Benift Cost (ie. before REC/ of date of n of
No. ng list of capital capitalisa of capital capitalisat capitalisa
Scheme n Analysis ( Crs.) FY 2022- Own/ completi award of capital
of major expenditu tion expenditur ion tion
23) ( Governm on contract expendit
items re expected e expected expected
Crs.) ent (PO details) ure

1 2 3 4 5 7 8 11 12 13 15 16 18 19 21 22

in the
award of
Post award
sea water 0.429 0.429 REC 0 0 0 0.429 0 0
n of
of PG test
Sub total Sub Total 3417.505 0 1905.479 #REF! 0 0
9307.719 3984.735
by M/s
nd 5852 2490 Jul-05 800 700 0 1276.8
for 2x
800 MW
Uppur 0

FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 (
Crs.) Crs.) Crs.)
Expenditur Source of Details of
e incurred funding Anticipat Board
of work
Name of Technical Cost Estimated so far (PFC/ ed date approval or Allocatio
S. furnishi Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Amount
the justificatio Benift Cost (ie. before REC/ of date of n of
No. ng list of capital capitalisa of capital capitalisat capitalisa
Scheme n Analysis ( Crs.) FY 2022- Own/ completi award of capital
of major expenditu tion expenditur ion tion
23) ( Governm on contract expendit
items re expected e expected expected
Crs.) ent (PO details) ure

1 2 3 4 5 7 8 11 12 13 15 16 18 19 21 22

by M/s The existing
RIIL: BOP contract
Balance P.O. had been
3647.46 20.43 Jul-05 200.00 500 0 1000
of Plant terminated.
for 2x New P.O. has
800 MW to be placed.

2 X 800 Contract
MW Uppur By M/s
Super L&T: Sea
4 M/s.PFC
Thermal water
Power inlet and 1067.66 494.13 Jul-05 200 132.91 0 240.62
Project outfall
for for 2x
800 MW

FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 (
Crs.) Crs.) Crs.)
Expenditur Source of Details of
2 X 800 Details
e incurred funding Anticipat Board
MW Uppur of work
Name of Technical Cost Estimated so far (PFC/ ed date approval or Allocatio
S. Super furnishi Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Amount
4 the justificatio Benift Cost (ie. before REC/
M/s.PFC of date of n of
No. Thermal ng list of capital capitalisa of capital capitalisat capitalisa
Scheme n Analysis ( Crs.) FY 2022- Own/ completi award of capital
Power of major expenditu tion expenditur ion tion
23) ( Governm on contract expendit
Project items re expected e expected expected
Crs.) ent (PO details) ure

1 2 3 4 5 7 8 11 12 13 15 16 18 19 21 22

by M/s
ry 43.57 10.19 Jul-05 19.02.19 10 10 0 9.023
at project
site in
the post
of 2X800
Project 0
Sub Total 10610.69 3014.75
1210 0 1342.91 0 2526.44 0
COD of
Units I, II
Vallur 3x500MW
Thermal NTECL
To meet out Not 29.11.201
Power Joint
5 the Grid applicabl TANGEDCO's 2, 0 0 0 0 0 0
Project venture
demand e equity amount 25.08.201
(3x500M with
Rs.1512.07 3 and (Per) FB
Crores 26.02.201 TANGEDCO
(Project cost 5 Proceedings
Rs.10080.50 respective No.91,
Crore 1436.4 ly dt.22.7.2014
Expenditure so far incurred in the EPC
contract awarded to M/s LITL and other 785.62 785.62 0 0 0 0 0 785.62
routine expenditure upto 2020-2021 (EPC +
Non-EPC) Civil For the Project 36 Board 600.00 0 300.00 0 50.84 50.84
1x660MW Supply & establishme stopped months Approval
6 Supercritic Erection 400.00 1200.00 0 1400.00 0 841.91 841.91
nt of 1 x and from the No.(Per) FB
al ETPS Non EPC 660 MW to expectin 6380.81 8.93 PFC date of TANGEDCO
Expansion meet the g that handing Proceedings
35.31 0 150.00 0 1293.82 1293.82
Project increasing the new over No.77/
Grid EPC dt.04.07.2019
Sub total 7166.43 1294.55 1835.31 0 1850 0 2186.57 2972.19

FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 (
Crs.) Crs.) Crs.)
Expenditur Source of Details of
e incurred funding Anticipat Board
of work
Name of Technical Cost Estimated so far (PFC/ ed date approval or Allocatio
S. furnishi Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Amount
the justificatio Benift Cost (ie. before REC/ of date of n of
No. ng list of capital capitalisa of capital capitalisat capitalisa
Scheme n Analysis ( Crs.) FY 2022- Own/ completi award of capital
of major expenditu tion expenditur ion tion
23) ( Governm on contract expendit
items re expected e expected expected
Crs.) ent (PO details) ure

1 2 3 4 5 7 8 11 12 13 15 16 18 19 21 22

Name of the Circle : Chief Engineer/Project I & Chief Engineer/Project II (HYDRO PROJECTS)
New cost appoval
Hydro for
Schemes preparation of
Under DPR has been
Investiga obtained for
tion Rs.14.16
Kodayar (Prelimin To meet crores incl.
Pumped ary Peak hours GST vide
1 Stotage survey,FR grid demand To be 4014.16 0.125
To be (Per)B.P. 0 0 8.26 0 3.54 0
/DPR finalised finalised CMD /
HEP and to avoid
(500 MW) preparati U.I charges TANGEDCO
on, Geo No.22 dt.
Technical 29.01.2021
GSI) etc.,

New Cost approval

Hydro for
Schemes consultancy
Under services
Investiga towards
tion prepartion of
(Prelimin FSR, DPR,
survey,FR study &
Manalar /DPR To meet report and
Pumped preparati Peak hours obtaining all
To be To be
2 Stotage on, Geo grid demand 4511.80 0.13 statutory 0 0 7.08 0.00 2.36 0.00
finalised finalised
HEP Technical and to avoid clearences'
(500 MW) works, U.I charges has been
GSI) etc., obtained for
GST @18%
vide (per.)
no.67, dt

FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 (
Crs.) Crs.) Crs.)
Expenditur Source of Details of
e incurred funding Anticipat Board
of work
Name of Technical Cost Estimated so far (PFC/ ed date approval or Allocatio
S. furnishi Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Amount
the justificatio Benift Cost (ie. before REC/ of date of n of
No. ng list of capital capitalisa of capital capitalisat capitalisa
Scheme n Analysis ( Crs.) FY 2022- Own/ completi award of capital
of major expenditu tion expenditur ion tion
23) ( Governm on contract expendit
items re expected e expected expected
Crs.) ent (PO details) ure

1 2 3 4 5 7 8 11 12 13 15 16 18 19 21 22

a) Source for
Preparati DPR -
on of Tamilnadu
Feasibility Infrastructure
Report, Development
Conducti Board/GOTN
ng sanctioned an
Survey & amount of
Geophysi Rs.21.83Cr.
cal For the DPR
Sillahalla exploratio preparation
Pumped n works, works.
Storage Preparati
on of To meet out
Detailed Grid/Peak To be To be
3 Electric 4974.7 6.45 0 0 50 0 50 0
Project hour finalised finalised
Report demand.
I(1000MW (DPR),
Study &
s and
of Stage-
Kollimalai Design
Hydro and
Electric Construct
Project ion of
(1x20MW) Five
Tunnel, To meet B.P (FB) No.7
4 Pipe Peak hours 6.03/unit 338.79 175 REC dt.10.01. 150.00 0.00 13.79 0.00 0.00 0.00
Tunnel, grid demand 2014
d,Tail 100
FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 (
Crs.) Crs.) Crs.)
Expenditur Source of Details of
e incurred funding Anticipat Board
of work
Name of Technical Cost Estimated so far (PFC/ ed date approval or Allocatio
S. furnishi Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Amount
the justificatio Benift Cost (ie. before REC/ of date of n of
No. ng list of capital capitalisa of capital capitalisat capitalisa
Scheme n Analysis ( Crs.) FY 2022- Own/ completi award of capital
of major expenditu tion expenditur ion tion
23) ( Governm on contract expendit
items re expected e expected expected
Crs.) ent (PO details) ure

1 2 3 4 5 7 8 11 12 13 15 16 18 19 21 22

Kundah Per (FB)

Storage Proceedings
Electric No.22,dt.
Project 14.02.14.
Per (FB)
Phase - I 27.06.14.
( 1 x 125
Awarded vide
g major
Phase - I -
Civil and H &
(Civil and
M works for
Phase - 1
awarded in 2
a. Hard
packages to
Cost of 989.80
M.s Patel
project =
Limited vide
LOI dated
b. IDC = Phase I LOA
Rs. issed on
109.95 28.11.2019
, for E & M
Rs. Works of
989.80 Package III
of Phase I 1
To meet x 125 MW
Peak hours awarded to
5 grid demand 654.78 REC May-23 M/s.Megha 636.75 0.00 539.76 1831.29 0.00 0.00
and to avoid Engineering
U.I charges &
Phase II
(2X125M LOA issued on
W) 28.11.2019
a. Hard forE & M
cost of Works of
the Phase II - 2
project= x 125 MW
Rs.553.0 599.32 awarded to
6, M/s.Megha
b. IDC = Engineering
Rs. &
46.26 Infrastructure
. Ltd,
Rs. Hyderabad

Peak hours
5 grid demand 654.78 REC May-23 636.75 0.00 539.76 1831.29 0.00 0.00
and to avoid
U.I charges

FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 (

Crs.) Crs.) Crs.)
Expenditur Source of Details of
e incurred funding Anticipat Board
of work
Name of Technical Cost Estimated so far (PFC/ ed date approval or Allocatio
S. furnishi Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Amount
the justificatio Benift Cost (ie. before REC/ of date of n of
No. ng list of capital capitalisa of capital capitalisat capitalisa
Scheme n Analysis ( Crs.) FY 2022- Own/ completi award of capital
of major expenditu tion expenditur ion tion
23) ( Governm on contract expendit
items re expected e expected expected
Crs.) ent (PO details) ure

1 2 3 4 5 7 8 11 12 13 15 16 18 19 21 22

III(1x125 LOA issued
MW) a. for E & M
Cost of Works of
the Phase III - 1
project= x 125 MW
Rs.224.2 awarded to
3, M/s.Megha
b. IDC = Engineering
Rs. &
17.94 Infrastructure
' Ltd ,
Rs.242.1 Hyderabad

NOTE on Kadaladi Solar Power (500MW):

Kadaladi project cancelled by MNRE on 05.02.2020 subsequently proposed 600MW Kamuthi project which also
dropped and could not be taken by TANGEDCO with time frame of land aquisition by Mar 21 and completion of
project by Mar 22 as fixed by MNRE. Hence CMD approval was obtained on 29.11.2021 to take up this project
by NCES wing after studying the feasibility in the respective area under the energy policy announcement of
2021 of GOTN and same was communicated to NCES on 04.12.2021.

World Bank Funded Dam Rehabilitation Improvement Project Scheme CAPITAL EXPENSES SUBMITTED BY TANGEDCO APPROVED BY TNERC
FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 ( FY 2022-23 ( Crs.) FY 2023-24 ( Crs.) FY 2024-25 (
Crs.) Crs.) Crs.) Crs.)
Source of
Details of Details of
Name of work Board approval
Estimated (PFC/ Anticipated
the furnishing Technical Cost Benift or date of Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Allocation Allocation Amount
Sl. No. Cost REC/ date of Amount Amount
Scheme list of justification Analysis award of of capital capitalisati of capital capitalisati of capital capitalisati of capital of capital of capital capitalisati
( Crs.) Own/ completion capitalisation capitalisation
(Dam) major contract expenditur on expenditur on expenditur on expenditur expenditur expenditur on
Governme expected expected
items (PO details) e expected e expected e expected e e e expected

Bhavani Recommen
World Work E/CD/SE/PCC
Dam (Geo dation of
DRIP I Bank Completed &DRIP/Agt.No.
1 Membran Dam Safety NA 44.33 5.00 44.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.00 5.00 0.00 0.00 5.00 -5.00
Works Through on Jun- 02/2018-19
e and Review
Govt 21 and No.2-2020-
Intake Panel
ation Recommen
World Agt.No.DRIP/C
(Non dation of
2 Seismic Dam Safety NA 13.79 Apr-27 5.50 5.50 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60 5.50 5.50 1.60 1.60 1.60 1.60
Works Through MU/Agt.No.01/
and Review
Govt 2021-22
Seismic) Panel
(Part - I)

Instrument World Agt.No.DRIP/C
dation of
ation DRIP I Bank E/DRIP/PD/SP
3 Dam Safety NA 6.66 Apr-27 3.50 3.50 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 3.50 3.50 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80
(Part - II) Works Through MU/Agt.No.02/
(Seismic) Govt 2021-22

World Agt.No.CE/C/D
dation of
4 NGRI Dam Safety NA 4.00 May-27 0.36 2.22 0.36 0.00 0.36 0.00 0.36 2.22 0.36 0.00 0.36 0.00
Works Through No/03/2021-
Govt 22.
Agt .No. DRIP
World Phase (II & III)
Kodayar dation of
5 dam II Dam Safety NA 4.98 Mar-23 2.98 0.00 2.00 4.98 0.00 0.00 2.98 0.00 2.00 4.98 0.00 0.00
Works Through PD/ SPMU/
Govt Agt.No.02/202
Agt .No. DRIP
Manalar World Phase (II & III)
dation of
dam DRIP II Bank /CE/ C/ DRIP/
6 Dam Safety NA 6.51 Mar-23 3.51 0.00 3.00 6.51 0.00 0.00 3.51 0.00 3.00 6.51 0.00 0.00
(Additional Works Through PD/ SPMU/
works) Govt Agt.No.01/202
Agt .No. DRIP
Mukurthy World Phase (II & III)
dation of
Dam DRIP II Bank /CE/ C/ DRIP/
7 Dam Safety NA 3.67 Sep-22 2.97 3.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.97 3.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
(Additional Works Through PD/ SPMU/
works) Govt Agt.No.03/202
World U/EE/C/DS2/A
Parson's dation of
DRIP II Bank 1/F.Parsons
8 Valley Dam Safety NA 6.67 Mar-23 3.67 0.00 3.00 6.67 0.00 0.00 3.67 0.00 3.00 6.67 0.00 0.00
Works Through Valley
Dam Review
Govt Dam/Acc.p.No.

Periyar Recommen
World U/EE/C/DS2/A
Forebay dation of
DRIP II Bank 4/F.Periyar
9 dam Dam Safety NA 5.76 Mar-23 3.26 0.00 2.50 5.76 0.00 0.00 3.26 0.00 2.50 5.76 0.00 0.00
Works Through Forebay
(Additional Review
Govt Dam/Acc.p.No.
Works) Panel
Agt .No. DRIP
World /CE/ C/ DRIP/
Pykara dation of
10 Dam Dam Safety NA 6.10 Sep-22 5.10 6.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.10 6.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Works Through SPMU/DRIP/
(CME) Review
Govt Agt.No.01/202
Agt .No. DRIP
Pykara Recommen
World /CE/ C/ DRIP/
New dation of
11 Forebay Dam Safety NA 10.11 Sep-22 9.11 10.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.11 10.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Works Through SPMU/DRIP/
Dam Review
Govt Agt.No.04/202
(CME) Panel
dation of
Sandynall DRIP II Bank Tendered & to
12 Dam Safety NA 4.26 Jun-23 3.00 0.00 1.26 4.26 0.00 0.00 3.00 0.00 1.26 1.26 0.00 0.00
ah Dam Works Through be awarded

Recommen DRIP/PD/SPM
Servalar World
dation of U/EE/C/DS2/A
dam DRIP II Bank
13 Dam Safety NA 3.67 May-23 5/F.Servalar 2.00 0.00 1.67 3.67 0.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 1.67 1.67 0.00 0.00
(Additional Works Through
Review Dam/Acc.p.No.
works) Govt
Panel 9/
Recommen DRIP/PD/SPM
dation of U/EE/C/DS2/A
Thambrap DRIP II Bank
14 Dam Safety NA 2.16 May-23 4/F.Thambrapa 1.50 0.00 0.66 2.16 0.00 0.00 1.50 0.00 0.66 0.66 0.00 0.00
arani dam Works Through
Review raniDam/Acc.p.
Panel No.10/

Recommen DRIP/PD/SPM
dation of U/EE/C/DS2/A
Vennirar DRIP II Bank
15 Dam Safety NA 3.40 Mar-23 5/F.Vennirar 2.40 0.00 1.00 3.40 0.00 0.00 2.40 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00
dam Works Through
Review Dam/Acc.p.No.
Panel 06/

dation of
Maravaka DRIP II Bank
16 Dam Safety NA 7.56 Dec-23 Under process 3.00 0.00 4.56 7.56 0.00 0.00 3.00 0.00 4.56 7.56 0.00 0.00
ndy Dam Works Through

Moyar dation of
17 Forebay Dam Safety NA 7.36 Dec-23 Under process 3.00 0.00 4.36 7.36 0.00 0.00 3.00 0.00 4.36 7.36 0.00 0.00
Works Through
Dan Review

Avalanche World
dation of
Dam DRIP II Bank
18 Dam Safety NA 7.03 Dec-23 Under process 3.00 0.00 4.03 7.03 0.00 0.00 3.00 0.00 4.03 7.03 0.00 0.00
(Additional Works Through
works) Govt

Pilllur World
dation of
Dam DRIP II Bank
19 Dam Safety NA 19.00 Jun-24 Under process 7.00 0.00 7.00 0.00 5.00 19.00 7.00 0.00 7.00 0.00 5.00 19.00
(CME Works Through
Works) Govt

Niralapalla World
dation of
m DRIP II Bank
20 Dam Safety NA 5.55 Dec-23 Under process 3.00 0.00 2.55 5.55 0.00 0.00 3.00 0.00 2.55 5.55 0.00 0.00
Diversion Works Through
Weir Govt

Pilllur World
dation of
Dam DRIP II Bank
21 Dam Safety NA 306.00 Mar-27 Under process 10.00 0.00 50.00 0.00 50.00 0.00 10.00 0.00 50.00 0.00 50.00 0.00
(Desilting Works Through
Works) Govt

Kodayar Recommen
Dam I dation of
22 (Additional Dam Safety NA 4.48 Dec-23 Under process 2.50 0.00 1.98 4.48 0.00 0.00 2.50 0.00 1.98 4.48 0.00 0.00
Works Through
Works) Review

dation of
Cinnakutti DRIP II Bank
23 Dam Safety NA 4.59 Dec-23 Under process 2.50 0.00 2.09 4.59 0.00 0.00 2.50 0.00 2.09 4.59 0.00 0.00
yar Dam Works Through

Kadampar World
dation of
ai Dam DRIP II Bank
24 Dam Safety NA 9.04 Mar-24 Under process 3.00 0.00 4.00 0.00 2.04 9.04 3.00 0.00 4.00 0.00 2.04 2.04
(Additional Works Through
Works) Govt
TOTAL 496.68 90.86 75.43 98.42 76.38 59.80 30.44 90.86 36.1 98.42 67.48 64.80 18.44

Estimated Allocation of Capital
S.No. Station Cost Expenditure (Rs. in Crores)
(Rs. In
Crores) FY 2025-26 FY 2026-27
1 Tuticorin Thermal Power Station 870.00 385.94 393.66
2 Mettur Thermal Power Station-I 513.91 254.41 259.50
3 North Chennai Thermal Power Station-I 501.99 211.49 215.72
4 Mettur Thermal Power Station-II 375.32 185.80 189.52
5 North Chennai Thermal Power Station-II 542.96 268.79 274.17
Total (Thermal) 2804.18 1306.43 1332.57
1 Tirunelveli Generation Circle 81.42 0.87 0.88
2 Kundah Generation Circle 130.10 4.80 4.90
3 Erode Generation Circle 242.92 120.85 123.27
4 Kadamparai Generation Circle 58.58 28.75 29.33
Total (Hydro) 513.02 155.27 158.38
1 Valuthur Gas Turbine Power Station 256.20 14.26 14.54
2 Thirumakottai Gas Turbine Power Station 152.89 57.00 58.14
3 Kuttalam Gas Turbine Power Station 138.45 31.11 31.73
4 Basin Bridge Gas Turbine Power Station 166.93 82.64 84.29
Total (Gas) 714.47 185.01 188.70
FY 2025-26 FY 2026-27
Amount Amount
S.No. Station Cost Closing CWIP Closing CWIP
Capitalisation Capitalisation
(Rs. in Crores) (Rs. in Crores) (Rs. in Crores)
(Rs. in Crores) (Rs. in Crores)
1 Tuticorin Thermal Power Station 870.00 18.00 378.47 18.36 753.77
2 Mettur Thermal Power Station-I 513.91 5.59 248.82 5.70 502.62
3 North Chennai Thermal Power Station-I 501.99 39.52 171.97 40.31 347.38
4 Mettur Thermal Power Station-II 375.32 5.52 180.28 5.63 61.53
5 North Chennai Thermal Power Station-II 542.96 170.43 107.36 173.84 9.00
Total (Thermal) 2804.18 239.06 1086.90 243.84 1674.30
1 Tirunelveli Generation Circle 81.42 36.16 61.34 36.89 25.33
2 Kundah Generation Circle 130.10 56.25 52.48 57.38 0.00
3 Erode Generation Circle 242.92 16.18 155.02 16.50 261.79
4 Kadamparai Generation Circle 58.58 20.10 8.65 20.50 17.48
Total (Hydro) 513.02 128.69 277.49 131.27 304.60
1 Valuthur Gas Turbine Power Station 256.20 0.03 14.23 0.03 28.74
2 Thirumakottai Gas Turbine Power Station 152.89 1.33 55.67 1.36 112.45
3 Kuttalam Gas Turbine Power Station 138.45 1.77 29.34 1.80 59.27
4 Basin Bridge Gas Turbine Power Station 166.93 0.00 82.64 0.00 166.93
Total (Gas) 714.47 3.13 181.88 3.19 367.39
TTPS Proposal submited by TANGEDCO Approved by the Commission
Sl. Description Estimate IRR Opening Source of FY 2025-26 (Rs. In Crs.) FY 2026-27 (Rs. In FY 2025-26 (Rs. In Crs.) FY 2026-27 (Rs. In
No d Cost (Internal Balance funding (PFC Crs.) Crs.)
(Rs. In Rate of / REC / Own Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Capital Capitalisatio Capital Capitalisati
Crs) Realisation) / of capital capitalisatio of capital capitalisati Expenditure n Expenditu on
Government expenditure n expected expenditu on re
(A) (B) re (C) expected

A Circle : SE/R&M
I Division : Renovation and Modernisation (Mech)

1 Retrofitting of 210MW LMW Surface 35.00 Life Extension Own 0.00 0.00 35.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.00 0.00
condenser includes Replacement of
condenser tube sheets,Renewal of all
condenser (15620 tubes) tubes and
condenser water boxes in Unit - II.
2 Supply and erection of 250 & 350 NB 95.00 Life Extension Own 95.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 50.00 0.00
Seamless / Cast basalt pipes and its
fittings for connecting newly proposed
A1 Ash dyke.
3 Supply and Erection of Track rails and its 5.50 Life Extension Own 5.50 0.14 0.00 0.14 5.50 0.14 0.00 0.14
accessories for conveyor 54 Track Path

4 Revamping of existing conveyor systems 100.00 Life Extension Own 100.00 0.23 0.00 0.23 50.00 0.00 50.00 0.00
5 Supply, Erection & Installation of fire new 7.00 Pollution OWN 7.00 0.11 0.00 0.11 7.00 0.11 0.00 0.11
fire protection system NOVEC Norms
1230/Inergen gas by phasing out existing
Halon 1301 gas system
B Circle : SE/ MECHANICAL -2
I Division: Turbine Maintenance -1
6 Capital overhuling of main turbine and Re- 3.50 Life Extension Own 0.00 0.00 3.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.50 0.00
RLA study of turbine componentS in Unit -
Sl. Description Estimate IRR Opening Source of FY 2025-26 (Rs. In Crs.) FY 2026-27 (Rs. In FY 2025-26 (Rs. In Crs.) FY 2026-27 (Rs. In
No d Cost (Internal Balance funding (PFC Crs.) Crs.)
(Rs. In Rate of / REC / Own Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Capital Capitalisatio Capital Capitalisati
Crs) Realisation) / of capital capitalisatio of capital capitalisati Expenditure n Expenditu on
Government expenditure n expected expenditu on re
(A) (B) re (C) expected

II Division : Turbine Maintenance -2

7 Reconditioning of 210 MW KWU Design 5.00 Life Extension Own 0.00 0.00 5.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.00 0.00
HP Module/ IP Rotor / LP Rotor to be
released from Unit V during 2024-25
III Division: Ash Handling Plant
8 Supply & Erection of 273.1 MM OD and 6.50 Life Extension Own 4.00 0.30 2.50 0.30 4.00 0.30 2.50 0.30
350 NB Seamless pipes for unit I to V
Ash slurry disposal system
9 Supply of 250 & 350 NB cast basalt 5.00 Life Extension Own 3.00 0.20 2.00 0.20 3.00 0.20 2.00 0.20
pipes for unit I to V Ash slurry disposal
10 Supply & Erection of 350 NB Seamless 1.75 Life Extension Own 1.75 0.3 0.00 0.3 1.75 0.30 0.00 0.30
pipes for recovery water system for Unit
I to V.
11 Supply & Erection of clinker grinder 0.42 Life Extension Own 0.42 0.1 0.00 0.1 0.42 0.10 0.00 0.10
complete assembly in Unit I to III BAH

12 Supply and erection 160kw Compressor 0.90 Life Extension Own 0.90 0.10 0.00 0.10 0.90 0.10 0.00 0.10

IV Division: Boiler Maintenance

13 Complete replacement of airpreheater 10.00 Life Extension Own 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.00 0.00 5.00 0.00
modules with heating elements (hot, hot
intermediate, cold intermediate and cold
end), hot and cold end sector plates,
complete seals and bracing pipes in Unit I

14 Complete replacement of airpreheater 10.00 Life Extension Own 0.00 0.00 10.00 0.00 5.00 0.00 5.00 0.00
modules with heating elements (hot, hot
intermediate, cold intermediate and cold
end), hot and cold end sector plates,
complete seals and bracing pipes in Unit

15 Complete replacement of airpreheater 10.00 Life Extension Own 0.00 0.00 10.00 0.00 5.00 0.00 5.00 0.00
modules with heating elements (hot, hot
intermediate, cold intermediate and cold
end), hot and cold end sector plates,
complete seals and bracing pipes in Unit
16 Complete replacement of airpreheater 10.00 Life Extension Own 0.00 0.00 10.00 0.00 5.00 0.00 5.00 0.00
modules with heating elements (hot, hot
intermediate, cold intermediate and cold
end), hot and cold end sector plates,
complete seals and bracing pipes in Unit
Sl. Description Estimate IRR Opening Source of FY 2025-26 (Rs. In Crs.) FY 2026-27 (Rs. In FY 2025-26 (Rs. In Crs.) FY 2026-27 (Rs. In
No d Cost (Internal Balance funding (PFC Crs.) Crs.)
(Rs. In Rate of / REC / Own Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Capital Capitalisatio Capital Capitalisati
Crs) Realisation) / of capital capitalisatio of capital capitalisati Expenditure n Expenditu on
Government expenditure n expected expenditu on re
(A) (B) re (C) expected

17 Complete replacement of airpreheater 10.00 Life Extension Own 10.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 10.00 1.00 0.00 1.00
modules with heating elements (hot, hot
intermediate, cold intermediate and cold
end), hot and cold end sector plates,
complete seals and bracing pipes in Unit
I Division: Internal Coal Handling
18 Front end loader (7 Ton) capacity for yard 0.75 Life Extension 0.75 Own 0.75 0.75 0.00 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.00 0.75
19 One number dozer for yard operation 1.25 Life Extension Own 0.00 0.00 1.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.25 0.00

II Division : External Coal Handling II

20 Automatic fire detection and extinguishing 1.00 Life Extension Own 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00
system for conveyor 72 &73

21 Variable frequency Drive for conveyor 72 0.40 Life Extension Own 0.40 0.10 0.00 0.10 0.40 0.10 0.00 0.10
22 Design and supply of CO2 based 0.90 Life Extension Own 0.00 0.00 0.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.90 0.00
automatic fire detection and quenching
system for LT Switch gear CHS-VII with
Fire de tech tube
D Circle : SE/CIVIL
I Division: Civil Maintenance Division I

23 Improvement works in allied Power House 0.50 Life Extension Own 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25
in Unit-I to III.
24 Improvement works to the Switchyard 0.20 Life Extension Own 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10
25 Improvement works to the ESP, Ash 0.30 Life Extension Own 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15
handling area
26 Improvement works to the Cooling Water 0.30 Life Extension Own 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15
Pump House, Workshop, Storm water
Pump House & SWPH Drain area

27 Strengthening works to the Cooling water 0.20 Life Extension Own 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10
channel area.
28 Improvement works to the GLR-I to III 0.20 Life Extension Own 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10

29 Improvement works to the Mill & feeder 0.20 Life Extension Own 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10
floor at Unit-I to III
30 Improvement works to the Boiler, bunker 0.50 Life Extension Own 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25
area at Unit-I to III
31 Construction of Culvert in front of Main 0.20 Life Extension Own 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10
gate entrancee and wicket gate and
providing Speed breaker & Road marker
Reflection light in the all roads &
providing soling paver to transformer yard
SS-I, II & III at Camp-I.
Sl. Description Estimate IRR Opening Source of FY 2025-26 (Rs. In Crs.) FY 2026-27 (Rs. In FY 2025-26 (Rs. In Crs.) FY 2026-27 (Rs. In
No d Cost (Internal Balance funding (PFC Crs.) Crs.)
(Rs. In Rate of / REC / Own Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Capital Capitalisatio Capital Capitalisati
Crs) Realisation) / of capital capitalisatio of capital capitalisati Expenditure n Expenditu on
Government expenditure n expected expenditu on re
(A) (B) re (C) expected

32 Providing Bituminous road & Black 0.20 Life Extension Own 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10
Topping the Camp-I Qtrs
33 Construction of shed in 5.09 Acre land 0.20 Life Extension Own 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10
and purchase of machineries for
preparing the micro compost to the Camp-
I Qtrs.
34 Dismantling the existing water tank, 0.30 Life Extension Own 0.10 0.10 0.20 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.20 0.10
providng sintex water tank & pressed tiles
in Camp-I (Type-I, Block No.1 to 45) qtrs.
35 Providing the rain water harvesting at all 0.10 Life Extension Own 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05
the Camp-I Qtrs.
36 Improvement works to the Residential 1.00 Life Extension Own 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50
Quarters (Type-I, II, III, IV, V & VI Qtrs.)
and Non-Residential Quarters area at
37 Improvement works to the Residential 1.00 Life Extension Own 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50
Quarters (Type-I, II, III, IV, V & VI Qtrs.)
and Non-Residential Quarters area at
38 Constructiuon of storage water tank in 0.40 Life Extension Own 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20
water line in Camp-II
39 Providing the rain water harvesting at all 0.10 Life Extension Own 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05
the Camp-II Qtrs.
II Division: Civil Maintenance Division
40 Formation, Strengthening of A1 Ash dyke 150.00 Life Extension Own 60.00 0.20 0.00 0.20 60.00 0.20 0.00 0.20
by forming primary pond, secondary
pond, Toe drain, pedestals for laying
pipes, lining works - Recovery well, pump
rooms, green belt development etc.,
III Division:Civil Project
41 Improvement works in mill reject yard 1.00 Life Extension Own 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50
42 Improvement works in Stores area such 3.00 Life Extension Own 1.50 0.00 1.50 0.00 1.50 0.00 1.50 0.00
as Construction of shed including drain
and paving
I Division : Mill Plant Maintenance I
43 Supply and erection of Rollers (3 Nos) & 0.70 Life Extension 0.7 Own 0.70 0.70 0.00 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.00 0.70
Bull Ring Segments (1 Set) and Airport
Ring Assemblies (2 Sets) for unit I

44 Supply and erection of Rollers (3 Nos) & 0.75 Life Extension Own 0.00 0.00 0.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.75 0.00
Bull Ring Segments (1 Set) and Airport
Ring Assemblies (2 Sets) for unit I
Sl. Description Estimate IRR Opening Source of FY 2025-26 (Rs. In Crs.) FY 2026-27 (Rs. In FY 2025-26 (Rs. In Crs.) FY 2026-27 (Rs. In
No d Cost (Internal Balance funding (PFC Crs.) Crs.)
(Rs. In Rate of / REC / Own Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Capital Capitalisatio Capital Capitalisati
Crs) Realisation) / of capital capitalisatio of capital capitalisati Expenditure n Expenditu on
Government expenditure n expected expenditu on re
(A) (B) re (C) expected

45 Supply and erection of Rollers (3 Nos) & 0.70 Life Extension Own 0.70 0.10 0.00 0.10 0.70 0.10 0.00 0.10
Bull Ring Segments (1 Set) and Airport
Ring Assemblies (2 Sets) for unit II

46 Supply and erection of Rollers (3 Nos) & 0.75 Life Extension Own 0.00 0.00 0.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.75 0.00
Bull Ring Segments (1 Set) and Airport
Ring Assemblies (2 Sets) for unit II

47 Supply and erection of Rollers (3 Nos) & 0.70 Life Extension Own 0.70 0.10 0.00 0.10 0.70 0.10 0.00 0.10
Bull Ring Segments (1 Set) and Airport
Ring Assemblies (2 Sets) for unit III

48 Supply and erection of Rollers (3 Nos) & 0.75 Life Extension Own 0.00 0.00 0.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.75 0.00
Bull Ring Segments (1 Set) and Airport
Ring Assemblies (2 Sets) for unit III

49 Supply and erection of 41” Centre 0.60 Life Extension 0.6 Own 0.60 0.60 0.00 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.00 0.60
distance worm gear and worm shaft
assembly for XRP 763 Bowl mill of Unit I-
1 Set
50 Supply and erection of 41” Centre 0.65 Life Extension Own 0.00 0.00 0.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.65 0.00
distance worm gear and worm shaft
assembly for XRP 763 Bowl mill of Unit I-
1 Set
51 Supply and erection of 41” Centre 0.60 Life Extension 0.6 Own 0.60 0.60 0.00 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.00 0.60
distance worm gear and worm shaft
assembly for XRP 763 Bowl mill of Unit II -
1 Set
52 Supply and erection of 41” Centre 0.65 Life Extension Own 0.00 0.00 0.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.65 0.00
distance worm gear and worm shaft
assembly for XRP 763 Bowl mill of Unit II -
1 Set
53 Supply and erection of 41” Centre 0.60 Life Extension 0.6 Own 0.60 0.60 0.00 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.00 0.60
distance worm gear and worm shaft
assembly for XRP 763 Bowl mill of Unit III
- 1 Set
54 Supply and erection of 41” Centre 0.65 Life Extension Own 0.00 0.00 0.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.65 0.00
distance worm gear and worm shaft
assembly for XRP 763 Bowl mill of Unit III
- 1 Set
II Division : Mill Plant Maintenance II 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
55 Supply and erection of 36” Center 1.00 Life Extension OWN 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Distance Worm gear and shaft assembly
for HP 803 bowl mill of Unit IV&V

56 Triple Screw pump fitted with mechanical 0.15 Life Extension OWN 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.00
seal and inbuilt relief valve assembly Unit
IV &V - 3 Nos
Sl. Description Estimate IRR Opening Source of FY 2025-26 (Rs. In Crs.) FY 2026-27 (Rs. In FY 2025-26 (Rs. In Crs.) FY 2026-27 (Rs. In
No d Cost (Internal Balance funding (PFC Crs.) Crs.)
(Rs. In Rate of / REC / Own Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Capital Capitalisatio Capital Capitalisati
Crs) Realisation) / of capital capitalisatio of capital capitalisati Expenditure n Expenditu on
Government expenditure n expected expenditu on re
(A) (B) re (C) expected

57 Upper Journal Housing & Lower Journal 1.00 Life Extension 1 OWN 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00
Housing each 6 Nos for HP 803 Bowl Mills
Units IV&V

58 Supply and erection of 4 sets of 1.50 Life Extension 1.5 OWN 1.50 1.50 0.00 1.50 1.50 1.50 0.00 1.50
Centrifugally cast Grinding rolls and
compatible Bullring segments in Unit IV
&V HP 803 Bowl Mills
III Division : Operation and Efficiency II
59 Supply and erection of 200NB M.S ERW 0.50 Life Extension 0.5 OWN 0.50 0.50 0.00 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.00 0.50
pipeline in Fire hydrant system in
60 Supply and erection of various sizes of 0.35 Life Extension 0.35 OWN 0.35 0.35 0.00 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.00 0.35
M.S ERW pipeline in Fire hydrant system
Conveyor-54to JT-28, Fuel oil pump
61 Procurement and erection of various sizes 3.00 Life Extension OWN 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
of M.S ERW pipeline in Fire hydrant
system are Boiler area Unit-IV & V
62 Procurement of Linear Heat Detection 0.33 Life Extension 0.33 OWN 0.33 0.33 0.00 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.00 0.33
Cable to communicate the fire from
conveyors to various locations
I Renovation & Modernisation (Electrical)
63 Upgradation of 2 x 70 KVA UPS in Unit IV. 0.60 Technology 0.6 Own 0.60 0.60 0.00 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.00 0.60
for life
64 Replacement of existing 2MVA power 0.75 Technology 0.75 Own 0.75 0.75 0.00 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.00 0.75
transformer by new in ESP-III & AHP upgradation
Stage-I transformers A & B for life
65 Replacement of existing power 0.50 Technology 0.5 Own 0.50 0.50 0.00 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.00 0.50
transformer (2MVA) by new one in ESP-I upgradation
& AHP-III for life
66 Replacing of 3nos 900KW,6.6KV,journal 2.00 Technology REC 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
bearings type PA fan motor by anti- upgradation
friction type motors in unit- III for life
67 Replacement of existing HT Mill motors by 2.10 Life Extension Own 0.00 0.00 2.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.10 0.00
Energy efficient motors in Unit-I. (7Nos)

68 Replacement of life served 2 MVA power 0.25 Technology REC 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.00
transformer in CWPH upgradation
for life
Sl. Description Estimate IRR Opening Source of FY 2025-26 (Rs. In Crs.) FY 2026-27 (Rs. In FY 2025-26 (Rs. In Crs.) FY 2026-27 (Rs. In
No d Cost (Internal Balance funding (PFC Crs.) Crs.)
(Rs. In Rate of / REC / Own Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Capital Capitalisatio Capital Capitalisati
Crs) Realisation) / of capital capitalisatio of capital capitalisati Expenditure n Expenditu on
Government expenditure n expected expenditu on re
(A) (B) re (C) expected

II Division : Electrical Maintenance - I

69 Upgradation of exisisting 31.5MVA ,230kV 20.00 Life Extension Own 20.00 0.25 0.00 0.25 20.00 0.25 0.00 0.25
/ 7kV station Transformer-I to 50MVA
,230kV /7kV Double secondary with
tertiary winding for future R&M
applications in TTPS
70 Replacement of existing WBCT by 0.2S 6.30 Life Extension Own 3.15 0.25 3.15 0.25 3.15 0.25 3.15 0.25
class CT in feeders, GT & station
71 Procurement of High Pressure Hydrogen 1.00 Life Extension 1 Own 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00
gas Compressor for Hydrogen Plant I.

72 Supply ,erection,testing and 0.50 Life Extension Own 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.00
commisioningof 220V,DC 1450Ah,NDP
Tubular Acid Stationery Battery Set
(108cells, Each cell 2V)in transarent,SAN
Container along with IRIT, electrolyte,
teak wooden stand,vent plug and
fasteners and other accessories for 220V
DC station battry system in unit-III.
73 Supply ,erection,testing and 0.50 Life Extension Own 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.00
commisioningof 220V,DC 1450Ah,NDP
Tubular Acid Stationery Battery Set (108
cells, Each cell 2V)in transarent,SAN
Container along with IRIT, electrolyte,
teak wooden stand,vent plug and
fasteners and other accessories for 220V
DC station battry system in unit-I.
74 Replacement of 2Nos UAT Transformer 6.00 Life Extension Own 3.00 0.00 3.00 0.00 3.00 0.00 3.00 0.00
15MVA,15.75kV/6.6kV in unit-I & II

75 Replacement of 0.5 class accuracy 0.24 Life Extension Own 0.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.24 0.00 0.00 0.00
generator Voltage Transformer by 0.2
class accuracy . (9 Nos) with one no
76 Replacement of 0.2 class accuracy 0.24 Life extension 0.22 Own 0.24 0.23 0.00 0.23 0.24 0.23 0.00 0.23
generator Current Transformer by
0.2 S class accuracy . (9 Nos) with one
no spare(Total 10 Nos)

III Division: Electrical Maintenance II 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

77 Replacement of existing 500 KVA 0.65 Life extension Own 0.00 0.00 0.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.65 0.00
Distribution transformer in camp II
quarters area. (5 Nos )

IV Division: Electrical Maintenance III 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Sl. Description Estimate IRR Opening Source of FY 2025-26 (Rs. In Crs.) FY 2026-27 (Rs. In FY 2025-26 (Rs. In Crs.) FY 2026-27 (Rs. In
No d Cost (Internal Balance funding (PFC Crs.) Crs.)
(Rs. In Rate of / REC / Own Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Capital Capitalisatio Capital Capitalisati
Crs) Realisation) / of capital capitalisatio of capital capitalisati Expenditure n Expenditu on
Government expenditure n expected expenditu on re
(A) (B) re (C) expected

78 Replacement of existing ABB Make 6.6 kV 5.00 Technology Own 4.64 0.01 0.00 0.01 4.64 0.01 0.00 0.01
HT SF6 Breaker panels by new upgradation
Switchgear panels with necessary for life
protection arrrangements in Unit Bus 4A. extension
79 Replacement of existing 21 Nos. 0.5 class 6.50 Technology Own 3.50 0.35 3.00 0.35 3.50 0.35 3.00 0.35
accuracy Wall through bushing CT by 0.2 upgradation
S class accuracy WBCT for life
80 Replacement of 3 Nos. 0.5 class Pedestal 0.20 Technology 0.2 Own 0.20 0.20 0.00 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.00 0.20
PT by 0.2 class Pedestal PT in Main bus upgradation
IV. for life
81 Replacement of 3 Nos. 0.5 class Pedestal 0.20 Technology 0.2 Own 0.20 0.20 0.00 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.00 0.20
CT by 0.2 S class Pedestal CT in Bus upgradation
section IV. for life
82 Supply, erection and commissioning of 4 0.50 Life extension Own 0.50 0.1 0.00 0.1 0.50 0.10 0.00 0.10
Nos. 415 V, 160 kW Squirrel gauge
Induction motor in AHP II
83 Supply, erection and commissioning of 8 0.75 Life extension Own 0.00 0.00 0.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.75 0.00
Nos. 415 V, 135 kW Squirrel gauge
Induction motor in Air Compressors of
Unit IV & V.
84 Supply, erection and commissioning of 10 2.50 Life extension Own 1.50 0 1.00 0 1.50 0.00 1.00 0.00
sets of 230 kV SF6 breakers in Switchyard
85 Supply, erection and commissioning of 1.00 Life extension Own 1.00 0 0.00 0 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
360 V UPS Battery system in Unit IV
V Division: Instrumentation - II 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
86 Operator Work station for METSO DNA 0.35 Life extension Own 0.35 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.35 0.01 0.00 0.01
based Unit 5 Turbine control system

87 Engineering Work station iMETSO DNA 0.45 Life extension Own 0.00 0.00 0.45 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.45 0.00
based Unit 5 Turbine control system

88 Upgradation of AC Distribution panel of 0.40 Technology Own 0.40 0.10 0.00 0.10 0.40 0.10 0.00 0.10
unit5 UPS upgradation
for life
89 Procurement of spare CAD actuator 0.12 Life extension 0.12 Own 0.12 0.02 0.00 0.22 0.12 0.02 0.00 0.22

90 Upgradation of AC Distribution panel of 0.40 Technology Own 0.00 0.00 0.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.40 0.00
unit 4 UPS upgradation
for life
91 Intergrated DCS in Unit-IV 25.00 Life extension Own 25.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 25.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
(Up gradation of EAST,FSSS,
Balance of plants ( MRT -II & Instn-II )
Sl. Description Estimate IRR Opening Source of FY 2025-26 (Rs. In Crs.) FY 2026-27 (Rs. In FY 2025-26 (Rs. In Crs.) FY 2026-27 (Rs. In
No d Cost (Internal Balance funding (PFC Crs.) Crs.)
(Rs. In Rate of / REC / Own Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Capital Capitalisatio Capital Capitalisati
Crs) Realisation) / of capital capitalisatio of capital capitalisati Expenditure n Expenditu on
Government expenditure n expected expenditu on re
(A) (B) re (C) expected

92 Provision of calibration desk with 0.25 Life extension 0.01 Own 0.25 0.10 0.00 0.16 0.25 0.10 0.00 0.16
standared instruments for pneumatic lab

93 Provision of vibration analyser 0.25 Life extension Own 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.00

VI Division : Meter Relay Testing- I 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

94 Replacement of existing old outated 0.30 Life extension Own 0.30 0.01 0.00 0.11 0.30 0.01 0.00 0.11
numerical motor protection relay
95 Breker Analyser 0.30 Life extension Own 0.26 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.26 0.01 0.00 0.01

General R&M works 288.20 1.04 0.00 287.16 0.00 1.04 0.00 287.16 0.00
TOTAL 870.00 10.53 385.94 18.00 393.7 18.36 250.94 17.77 468.66 18.13
Name of the Circle: Civil Maintenance Proposal submited by TANGEDCO Approved by the Commission
Sl. Description Estimate Opening Source of FY 2025-26 (Rs. In Crs.) FY 2026-27 (Rs. In FY 2025-26 (Rs. In Crs.) FY 2026-27 (Rs. In
No d Cost Balance funding (PFC Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Capital Capitalisatio Capital Capitalisati
(Rs. In / REC / Own of capital capitalisatio of capital capitalisati Expenditure n Expenditu on
Crs) / expenditure n expected expenditur on re
Government (A) (B) e (C) expected

NIL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00


1 Procurement of Modern scientific 1.00 OWN 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50
instruments with advanced technology :
1) Tandelta Kit
2) Numerical Relay Test Kit
3) Digital Multimeter
4) Digital Clamp on Ammeter

2 Procurement of Integrated Energy 1.50 OWN 1.50 1.50 0.00 0.00 1.50 1.50 0.00 0.00
Management system (IEMS) for NCTPS-1

3 Erection of LT Switchgear for extending 2.0 own 2.0 2.0 0.0 0.0 2.00 2.00 0.00 0.00
LT supply to newly proposed compressors
with LT motors at PDFACS in NCTPS-1 for
100% utilisation of fly ash.

4 Energy Efficient Motor 150 KW, 110 1 Own 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50
KW,55 KW and 37 KW New spare.
5 New spare HT motor,3500 KW & 500 KW 2 Own 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

6 230 KV Switchyard - SF6 circuit breaker / 2 Own 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
LAS / CT's / CVT's Modification to
advanced technology.
7 Flue Gas Analyser (Sox, Nox Analyser and 0.4 own 0.4 0.4 0 0 0.40 0.40 0.00 0.00
SPM Analyzer) Unit-III

8 Unit-I Renovation & Modernizaion of ESP 45 Own 0 0 30 0 0.00 0.00 30.00 0.00
to attain revised emission norms less than
100 mg as per MoEFC & CC notification
dated 07.12.2015.
Sl. Description Estimate Opening Source of FY 2025-26 (Rs. In Crs.) FY 2026-27 (Rs. In FY 2025-26 (Rs. In Crs.) FY 2026-27 (Rs. In
No d Cost Balance funding (PFC Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Capital Capitalisatio Capital Capitalisati
(Rs. In / REC / Own of capital capitalisatio of capital capitalisati Expenditure n Expenditu on
Crs) / expenditure n expected expenditur on re
Government (A) (B) e (C) expected

9 Unit-II Renovation & Modernizaion of ESP 45 Own 45 0 0 0 45.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
to attain revised emission norms less than
100 mg as per MoEFC & CC notification
dated 07.12.2015.

10 Unit-III Renovation & Modernizaion of 45 Own 0 0 45 15 0.00 0.00 45.00 15.00

ESP to attain revised emission norms less
than 100 mg as per MoEFC & CC
notification dated 07.12.2015.

11 Unit-I- Renovation & Modernizaion of 50 Own 50 0 0 0 50.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Boiler pressure parts, Air Pre-heater, Fans
and ducts.
12 Unit-II- Renovation & Modernizaion of 50 Own 0 0 10 0 0.00 0.00 10.00 0.00
Boiler pressure parts, Air Pre-heater, Fans
and ducts.
13 Unit-III- Renovation & Modernizaion of 50 Own 0 0 50 0 0.00 0.00 50.00 0.00
Boiler pressure parts, Air Pre-heater, Fans
and ducts.
14 Procurement of Gearboxes for HP 803 10.8 TANGEDCO 10.8 0 0 0 10.80 0.00 0.00 0.00
Bowl Mill.
15 Revamping of Mills. 100 TANGEDCO 50 0 50 0 50.00 0.00 50.00 0.00

NIL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

16 Various type Fluid coupling 3.00 TANGEDCO 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50
17 Various type Resilient coupling 2.00 TANGEDCO 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
18 Hydraulic Spares for Stacker and 6.00 TANGEDCO 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00
19 Various type of Gear box and its spares 3.00 TANGEDCO 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50

20 Spares for Shore unloader I & II 50.00 TANGEDCO 25.00 20.00 5.00 0.00 25.00 20.00 5.00 0.00

21 Crusher spares 3.00 TANGEDCO 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00

Sl. Description Estimate Opening Source of FY 2025-26 (Rs. In Crs.) FY 2026-27 (Rs. In FY 2025-26 (Rs. In Crs.) FY 2026-27 (Rs. In
No d Cost Balance funding (PFC Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Capital Capitalisatio Capital Capitalisati
(Rs. In / REC / Own of capital capitalisatio of capital capitalisati Expenditure n Expenditu on
Crs) / expenditure n expected expenditur on re
Government (A) (B) e (C) expected

22 Various types of Fluid couplings 2.00 TANGEDCO 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
23 Various types of Resilient coupling 2.00 TANGEDCO 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
24 Hydraulic Spares for Stackers, Reclaimers 4.00 TANGEDCO 2.00 0.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 2.00 2.00
& Travelling Trippers
25 Various types of Gear box and its spares 4.00 TANGEDCO 2.00 0.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 2.00 2.00

26 Crusher spares 3.00 TANGEDCO 1.50 0.00 1.50 1.50 1.50 0.00 1.50 1.50
27 Dust Extraction system in ICHS Conveyors 3.00 TANGEDCO 1.50 0.00 1.50 1.50 1.50 0.00 1.50 1.50

28 gear boxes, wheel boogies and bucket 2.00 TANGEDCO 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00
wheel assembly for stacker and reclaimer

29 Travel drive system of stacker & 5.00 TANGEDCO 2.50 0.62 2.72 1.31 2.50 0.62 2.72 1.31
reclaimer Boom conveyor
NIL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00


NIL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
General R&M works 4.29 3.29 2 1 2 3.29 2.00 1.00 2.00
Carried over from 2024-25
30 Improvement -Provision of VFD Drives 18.00 5.00 0.00 5.00 18.00
for HT Motors

31 Improvement -Provision of VFD Drives 9.00 1.50 0.00 1.50 9.00

for LT Motors
32 ECHS/CAP/works 100.00 50.00 0.00 50.00 100.00
Revampling of ECHS coveyor and its
TOTAL 501.99 211.49 39.52 215.72 40.31 267.99 39.52 272.22 167.31
Proposal submited by TANGEDCO Approved by the Commission
FY 2025-26 (Rs. In Crs.) FY 2026-27 (Rs. In Crs.)
Source of FY 2025-26 (Rs in Crs.) FY 2026-27 (Rs in Crs.)
Estimate Amount Capital Capitalisatio Capital Capitalisati
funding Allocation Amount Allocation
SL. d Cost
( Opening (PFC/ REC/ of Capital Capitalisatio of Capital Capitalisati Expenditure n Expenditure on
balance Own/ Expenditure n Expected Expenditu on
Crs.) Expected
Government (A) (B) re (C)
NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1 Main Turbine M/s BHEL Spares 20.00 Tangedco 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00
2 LP & HP Heaters 10.00 Tangedco 0.00 0.00 10.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 10.00 10.00
5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00
3 2000mm Dia Condenser butterfly valves 10.00 Tangedco 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00
4 TGDMC plate heat exchanger 2.00 Tangedco 2.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 0.00
5 Vacuum pump 8.00 Tangedco 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00
TOTAL 50.00 21.00 21.00 29.00 29.00 21.00 21.00 29.00 29.00
EM-II 9.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
EM-I 4.00 4.00 0.00 0.00
2 & Isolator) 4.00 4.00 4.00
EM-I 2.00 2.00 0.00 0.00
3 & Isolator) 2.00 2.00 2.00
TOTAL 15.00 0.00 15.00 6.00 0.00 0.00 15.00 6.00 0.00 0.00
Procurement, installation & commissioning of 2.10 2.10 Nil Nil
Continuous Ambient Air Quality Monitoring
1 Station (2 nos.) 2.10 2.10 2.10 Nil Nil
TOTAL 2.10 0.00 2.10 2.10 0.00 0.00 2.10 2.10 0.00 0.00
General R&M works 475.86 230.69 141.33 245.17 144.84 210.00 121.00 225.00 124.00
total 542.96 0.00 268.79 170.43 274.17 173.84 248.10 150.10 254.00 153.00

Proposal submited by TANGEDCO Approved by the Commission

I. List of works with value more than 1 Crore

Source of FY 2025-26 (Rs. In Crs.) FY 2026-27 (Rs. In FY 2025-26 (Rs. In Crs.) FY 2026-27 (Rs. In Crs.)
Estimate IRR Amount Capital Capitalisation Capital Capitalisation
funding (PFC Allocation Amount Allocation
Sl. d Cost (Internal capitalisati Expenditure Expenditure
Description / REC / Own of capital capitalisatio of capital
No (Rs. In Rate of on
/ expenditure n expected expenditur
Crs) Realisation) expected
Government (A) (B) e (C)
Civil Circle
1 Improvement works to the P,R,S,T,U & V
Type quarters by providing a facelift to
enhance the stability and aesthetic 3.50 NA Own 2.00 0.00 1.50 1.00 2.00 0.00 1.50 1.00
environment of the quarters buildings at
Thermal Nagar 1 to 2
2 Improvement works to the P,Q,R,S,T,U
Type quarters by providing a facelift to
enhance the stability and aesthetic
3.50 NA Own 2.00 0.00 1.50 0.12 2.00 0.00 1.50 0.12
environment of the quarters buildings at
Thermal Nagar 3 to 10.

3 Improvement works to the P,Q,R,S,T

Type quarters by providing a facelift to
enhance the stability and aesthetic 3.50 NA Own 2.00 1.00 1.50 0.12 2.00 1.00 1.50 0.12
environment of the quarters buildings at
Thermal Nagar 11.
4 Improvement works to the non-residential
buildings at Thermal Nagar 1 to 11. 1.20 NA Own 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60

5 Providing RCC protection wall around LAD

Bund 1.50 NA Own 1.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.50 0.00 0.00 0.00

6 Providing concrete road in LAD cross bund

1.50 NA Own 1.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.50 0.00 0.00 0.00

7 Providing concrete road silo gate to

vehicle washing system 1.50 NA Own 1.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.50 0.00 0.00 0.00

Civil Circle Total 16.20 11.10 1.60 5.10 1.84 11.10 1.60 5.10 1.84

Electrical Circle
Source of FY 2025-26 (Rs. In Crs.) FY 2026-27 (Rs. In FY 2025-26 (Rs. In Crs.) FY 2026-27 (Rs. In Crs.)
Estimate IRR Amount Capital Capitalisation Capital Capitalisation
funding (PFC Allocation Amount Allocation
Sl. d Cost (Internal capitalisati Expenditure Expenditure
Description / REC / Own of capital capitalisatio of capital
No (Rs. In Rate of on
/ expenditure n expected expenditur
Crs) Realisation) expected
Government (A) (B) e (C)
Procurement of one number Spare HV/LV May be
8 Coils for BHEL make Generator 2.245 NA arranged by 2.245 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.25 0.00 0.00 0.00
Transformer. HQ

Electrical Circle Total 2.245 2.245 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.245 0.000 0.000 0.000

Mechanical- I Circle
9 MTPS-I - Unit-III - 210 MW - LMW
May be
Design - Capital Overhauling of Turbine
4.00 Life Extension arranged by 4.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
and Generator set and RLA study of
turbine during 2025-26
10 MTPS-I - Unit-I - 210 MW - LMW Design
May be
- Capital Overhauling of Turbine and
4.50 Life Extension arranged by 0.00 0.00 4.50 1.00 0.00 0.00 4.50 1.00
Generator set and RLA study of turbine
during 2026-27
Source of FY 2025-26 (Rs. In Crs.) FY 2026-27 (Rs. In FY 2025-26 (Rs. In Crs.) FY 2026-27 (Rs. In Crs.)
Estimate IRR Amount Capital Capitalisation Capital Capitalisation
funding (PFC Allocation Amount Allocation
Sl. d Cost (Internal capitalisati Expenditure Expenditure
Description / REC / Own of capital capitalisatio of capital
No (Rs. In Rate of on
/ expenditure n expected expenditur
Crs) Realisation) expected
Government (A) (B) e (C)
11 MTPS-I -M-I- TM - Supply, Erection,
Testing and commissioning of valves in HP
heater Group bypass system - Three way May be
bypass valves (FW-I & Three way check 6.00 Life Extension arranged by 6.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
valve (FW-II) and Group bypass valves HQ
(FW-8&9) for Unit-IV

Mechanical-I Circle Total 14.50 10.00 0.00 4.50 1.00 10.00 0.00 4.50 1.00
Mechanical- II Circle
A) LABOUR: Removing of existing wornout
rails, removing coal powder on the track
lines, providing PCC mix providing of check
rails in Wagon Tippler 1,2,3 out haulside and
4 inhaul side track lines upto point and 4.20 2.24 4.39 1.36
crossings and removing of wornout and
damaged CST 9 sleepers by new PSC
sleepers from level crossing, Road No:6,7,8
and other track lines and from WT-I, II, III,
IV level crossing. (8 Nos. works)
May be
12 8.59 Life extension 4.2 2.24 4.39 1.36
arranged by HQ
Source of FY 2025-26 (Rs. In Crs.) FY 2026-27 (Rs. In FY 2025-26 (Rs. In Crs.) FY 2026-27 (Rs. In Crs.)
Estimate IRR Amount Capital Capitalisation Capital Capitalisation
funding (PFC Allocation Amount Allocation
Sl. d Cost (Internal capitalisati Expenditure Expenditure
Description / REC / Own of capital capitalisatio of capital
No (Rs. In Rate of on
/ expenditure n expected expenditur
Crs) Realisation) expected
May be (A) (B) e (C)
12 8.59 Life extension 4.2 2.24 4.39 (D)
B) MATERIAL: PSC sleepers for 52Kg. point arranged by HQ
& crossings, Check rails for CMS crossings,
Fitting, Cast Manganese steel crossing
1X81/2” for 52Kg. rails in PSC sleepers,
Tonque rails, Stock rails, Grooved rubber sole
plate, PSC sleepers Drg No: T 2496, 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Combination Metal liner, Elastic Rail Clip,
grooved rubber pad, 40mm ballast, Various
sizes of bolt and nuts, Point box for broad
gauge Railway track, Fish plate bolt and nuts,
Fish plate for 52 Kg. rails and Check rails for
level crossings
Mechanical-II Circle Total 8.59 4.20 2.24 4.39 1.36 4.20 2.24 4.39 1.36

TOTAL 41.535 27.545 3.840 13.990 4.200 27.545 3.840 13.990 4.200
Less than 1 crore 8.250 6.750 1.750 1.500 1.500 0 0 0 0.00
General R&M works 464.125 220.115 0 244.01 0 200.14 0.00 224.00 0.00
Grand Total 513.910 254.410 5.590 259.500 5.700 227.685 3.840 237.990 4.200

Proposal submited by TANGEDCO Approved by the Commission

Source of FY 2025-26 (Rs. In Crs.) FY 2026-27 (Rs. In FY 2025-26 (Rs. In FY 2026-27 (Rs. In
Estimate IRR Amount Capital Capitalisati Capital Capitalisati
funding (PFC Allocation Amount Allocation
Sl. d Cost (Internal Opening
Description / REC / Own of capital capitalisatio of capital capitalisati Expenditur on Expenditur on
No (Rs. In Rate of Balance on e e
/ expenditure n expected expenditur
Crs) Realisation) expected
Government (A) (B) e (C)
1 230kV / 400kV GIS Strategic spares 4.00 Own 4.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

2 Provision of street lighting in all areas 1.00 Own 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00

Batteries for Station & Unit (2V,1285 Ah,

3 1.00 Own 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00
Lead Acid industrial PLANTE type

4 Turbine & Generator Spares 50.00 Own 50.00 0.52 0.00 0.00 50.00 0.52 0.00 0.00
5 Motor Driven Boiler Feed Pump Cartridge 10.00 Own 10.00 1.95 0.00 0.00 10.00 1.95 0.00 0.00

6 Switchyard SCADA Works 0.80 Own 0.80 0.80 0.00 0.00 0.80 0.80 0.00 0.00

7 Scientific Instruments 0.50 Own 0.50 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.50 0.00 0.00
8 220V DC Battery Charger 0.75 Own 0.75 0.75 0.00 0.00 0.75 0.75 0.00 0.00
General R&M works 307.27 119.75 1.00 187.52 3.63 99.75 1.00 162.52 3.63
TOTAL 375.32 185.80 5.52 189.52 5.63 165.80 5.52 164.52 5.63

FY 2025-26 (Rs. In Crs.) FY 2026-27 (Rs. In Crs.) FY 2025-26 (Rs. In Crs.) FY 2026-27 (Rs. In Crs.)

Source of
Estimated Allocation of Allocation of Amount Allocation Allocation Amount
Sl. Opening funding (PFC / Amount Amount
Description Cost (Rs. In capital capital capitalisatio of capital of capital capitalisatio
No Balance REC / Own / capitalisation capitalisation
Crs) expenditure expenditure n expected expenditure expenditure n expected
Government expected (B) expected (B)
(A) (C) (D) (A) (A) (B)

New Static excitation provision to all units of
1 2 0 REC 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Kundah PH-1
New Static excitation provision to all units of
2 3.5 0 REC 2 2 1.5 1.5 2 2 1.5 1.5
Kundah PH-2
New Static excitation provision to all units of
3 1.6 0 REC 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8
Kundah PH-5
Existing leopard conductor of 110KV Moyar to
4 Singara DC feeder to be replaced by panther 3 0 REC 0.5 0.5 1.5 1.5 0.5 0.5 1.5 1.5
conductor in Moyar PH
General R & M works 120 103.93 0.5 51.95 0.1 52.58 0.5 51.95 0.1 52.58
Sub Total 130.1 103.93 4.8 56.25 4.9 57.38 4.8 56.25 4.9 57.38

Flood damaged rectification works-Construction of

RCC Protection wall at the earth slipped area in
between 14th bend along the road leading from
Kadamparai Arch to Kadamparai Dam at Upper
1 Aliyar Dam,Improvement works to the Flume 1.85 Own 0.5 0.5 0.85 0.85 0.5 0.5 0.85 0.85
Chennel from Marappalam weir to Punachi weir at
Upper Aliyar dam & Roofing arrangement for
existing ACC sheet to Galvalume Colour sheet at
Central Office building Minparai.
FY 2025-26 (Rs. In Crs.) FY 2026-27 (Rs. In Crs.) FY 2025-26 (Rs. In Crs.) FY 2026-27 (Rs. In Crs.)

Source of
Estimated Allocation of Allocation of Amount Allocation Allocation Amount
Sl. Opening funding (PFC / Amount Amount
Description Cost (Rs. In capital capital capitalisatio of capital of capital capitalisatio
No Balance REC / Own / capitalisation capitalisation
Crs) expenditure expenditure n expected expenditure expenditure n expected
Government expected (B) expected (B)
(A) (C) (D) (A) (A) (B)

Rectification damaged steel liner portion inside the

51 degree inclined pressure shaft I and pressure
2 15 Own 15 10 0 0 15 10 0 0
shaft II of dia 4.5 metre at kadamparai power
Rock bolting and shot creting to strength the rock
3 surface from access tunnel of Kadamparai Power 2.5 Own 1 1 1.5 1.5 1 1 1.5 1.5
Providing rock scaling and Rock bolting & shot
4 creting to strength the rock surface at ADIT – V in 1 Own 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Kadamparai Power House Cavern.
Arresting rock seepage water in the roof of Cavern
Power Cable Shaft Unit 1, 2 & 3, 4 by using
5 1 Own 0.75 0.75 0.25 0.25 0.75 0.75 0.25 0.25
Polycarbonate corrugated sheet with gutter
arrangements at Kadamparai Power House.
Flood damaged rectification work-Construction of
RCC protection wall in the road leading from Upper
6 1.2 Own 0.7 0.7 0.5 0.5 0.7 0.7 0.5 0.5
Aliyar Dam to Kadamparai Dam at various location
at Kadamparai PH.
Flood damaged rectification work-Construction of
RCC protection wall in the road leading from
7 1 Own 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Kadamparai Dam to Vandal weir at various location
and Culvert arrangement at Kadamparai PH.
Replacement of Excisting Numerical Generator
8 protection pannel by New digital pannel for 1 Own 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
FY 2025-26 (Rs. In Crs.) FY 2026-27 (Rs. In Crs.) FY 2025-26 (Rs. In Crs.) FY 2026-27 (Rs. In Crs.)

Source of
Estimated Allocation of Allocation of Amount Allocation Allocation Amount
Sl. Opening funding (PFC / Amount Amount
Description Cost (Rs. In capital capital capitalisatio of capital of capital capitalisatio
No Balance REC / Own / capitalisation capitalisation
Crs) expenditure expenditure n expected expenditure expenditure n expected
Government expected (B) expected (B)
(A) (C) (D) (A) (A) (B)

Replacement of Excisting Numerical Generator

9 protection pannel by New digital pannel for 1.5 Own 1 1 0.5 0.5 1 1 0.5 0.5
Replacement of Excisting Governor by New for all
10 3 Own 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
Units of Kadamparai.PH
Replacement of MIV for all 4 Units of
11 2.5 Own 1.5 1.5 1 1 1.5 1.5 1 1
12 Replacement of Excisting lift at Kadamparai.PH 1 Own 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
Procurement of Blow down compressor and
13 1 Own 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
Governor Air compressor fo r Kadamparai.PH
General R & M works 25.03 5.3 1.65 19.73 10.9 5.3 1.65 19.73 10.9
Sub Total 58.58 28.75 20.1 29.33 20.5 28.75 20.1 29.33 20.5
1 RMU Works of Kodayar PH II (40 MW to 46 MW) 60 40 PFC 0.8 20 0.8 10 0.8 20 0.8 10
412 Schemes which are below the monetory limit of
2 21.37 35 Own 0.05 9.94 0.05 11.43 0.05 9.94 0.05 11.43
Rs.1 crore
General R & M works 0.05 21.63 0.02 6.22 0.03 15.46 0.02 6.22 0.03 15.46
Sub Total 81.42 96.63 0.87 36.16 0.88 36.89 0.87 36.16 0.88 36.89
FY 2025-26 (Rs. In Crs.) FY 2026-27 (Rs. In Crs.) FY 2025-26 (Rs. In Crs.) FY 2026-27 (Rs. In Crs.)

Source of
Estimated Allocation of Allocation of Amount Allocation Allocation Amount
Sl. Opening funding (PFC / Amount Amount
Description Cost (Rs. In capital capital capitalisatio of capital of capital capitalisatio
No Balance REC / Own / capitalisation capitalisation
Crs) expenditure expenditure n expected expenditure expenditure n expected
Government expected (B) expected (B)
(A) (C) (D) (A) (A) (B)

Provision of Trash Rack Cleaning Machine -
1 6 50.35 Own 4 4 2 2 4 4 2 2
Estimate for Design, fabrication, Painting, Supply,
Erection, Testing and commissioning of vertical Lift
type Fixed Wheel Barrage Gate (15 mtr X 9 mtr)
2 15 Own 8 2 7 5.8 8 2 7 5.8
with counter weight and hoisting mechanism of
new barrage gate for gate No1,3,4,5&7 at LMBPH
IV, Uratchikottai
Estimate for Design, fabrication, Painting, Supply,
Erection, Testing and commissioning of vertical Lift
type Fixed Wheel Barrage Gate (15 mtr X 9 mtr)
3 15 Own 8 1 7 4 8 1 7 4
with counter weight and hoisting mechanism of
new barrage gate for gate No 8,9,10,11 & 12 at
LMBPH IV, Uratchikottai
Provision of Trash Rack Cleaning Machine -
4 6.95 Own 4 4 2.95 1.05 4 4 2.95 1.05
LMBPH4- Uratchikottai
Replacement of Excitation System in Sathanur
5 1 Own 0.7 0.7 0.3 0.3 0.7 0.7 0.3 0.3
Dam Power House
Design, procurement, erection & commissioning of
6 Trash rack cleaning machine for BKB PH-2/ 6.95 Own 4 2.28 2.95 1.05 4 2.28 2.95 1.05
Upgradation of ULDC SCADA System at RCC with
7 1 Own 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
all accessories for SLDC/ Erode
8 PLCC equipment for SLDC/ Erode 0.2 Own 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
General R & M works 190.82 90.95 1 99.87 1.1 90.95 1 99.87 1.1
Sub Total 242.92 50.35 120.85 16.18 123.27 16.5 120.85 16.18 123.27 16.5
TOTAL 513.02 0 155.27 128.69 158.38 131.27 155.27 128.69 158.38 131.27


FY 2025-26 (Rs. In Crs.) FY 2026-27 (Rs. In Crs.) FY 2025-26 (Rs. In Crs.) FY 2026-27 (Rs. In Crs.)

Source of
Estimated Allocation of Amount Amount
Sl. Opening funding (PFC Allocation of Amount Amount Allocation of Allocation of
Description Cost (Rs. In capital capitalisati capitalisati
No Balance / REC / Own / capital capitalisation capitalisation capital capital
Crs) expenditure on on
Government expenditure (A) expected (B) expected (D) expenditure expenditure
(C) expected expected


Upgradation of GTG Mark V to Mark VI e-

1 operating system and STG, BOP Control system 15.00 2.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 2.00 0.00
procontrol p13 for Phase I

Spares for Steam turbine for SOVs of Governing

2 rack systems and its pressure switches, RTDs 2.00 2.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 2.00 0.00
Vibration sensors etc. for Phase I

Provision of Data logger and Implementation of

3 energy management system in main control room 0.55 0.05 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.05 0.00
for Phase I

Upgradation of WSPOSE server HMI and OWS OWN

4 2.00 1.50 0.00 1.50 0.00 1.50 0.00 1.50 0.00
system for Phase I (TANGEDCO)

Upgradation of Steam and Water analysis, silica

5 pH conductivity system to improved feed water 2.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00
quality monitoring for Phase I

Upgradation of Battery System (220V Station OWN

6 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00
Battery with Charger) for Phase I (TANGEDCO)

Upgradation of Generator (GT&ST) protection

Relay Panel, Switchyard SCADA Panel and 110KV OWN
7 1.00 0.60 0.00 0.65 0.00 0.60 0.00 0.65 0.00
High Impedance busbar Protection Panel for (TANGEDCO)
Phase I

Spares for 8th Combustion Inspection works of OWN

8 20.00 0.12 0.00 0.12 0.00 0.12 0.00 0.12 0.00

FY 2025-26 (Rs. In Crs.) FY 2026-27 (Rs. In Crs.) FY 2025-26 (Rs. In Crs.) FY 2026-27 (Rs. In Crs.)

Source of
Estimated Allocation of Amount Amount
Sl. Opening funding (PFC Allocation of Amount Amount Allocation of Allocation of
Description Cost (Rs. In capital capitalisati capitalisati
No Balance / REC / Own / capital capitalisation capitalisation capital capital
Crs) expenditure on on
Government expenditure (A) expected (B) expected (D) expenditure expenditure
(C) expected expected

9 Combustion Inspection works of GT/PH-I 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00

10 Spares for Major Inspection of GT/PH-I 100.00

11 Works for Major Inspection of GT/PH-I 2.00

Upgradation of systems such as DCS from

symphony harmony to symphony harmony plus,
DM Plant Schneider Modicon PLC, SWAS
measurement system, IP, LP Injection system, OWN
12 7.75 0.35 0.03 0.35 0.03 0.35 0.03 0.35 0.03
Hirel make UPS system, Relays for GT (TANGEDCO)
sychronising sytem, Motor operated valves in
HRSG and STG, and Numerical protection relays
for Motor, Transformer and Generator for Phase II

Upgradation of Station Battery Charger system

13 and Supply, Erection & Commissioning of STG 0.80 0.80 0.00 0.80 0.00 0.80 0.00 0.80 0.00
UPS-I Battery Bank for Phase II

Major Overhauling of Steam Turbine Generator OWN

14 0.90 0.74 0.00 0.74 0.00 0.74 0.00 0.74 0.00
and its cooling system for Phase II (TANGEDCO)

Major Inspection of Gas Turbine Supply / OWN

15 75.00 2.00 0.00 2.10 0.00 2.00 0.00 2.10 0.00
Reconditioning of GT Parts for Phase II (TANGEDCO)

FY 2025-26 (Rs. In Crs.) FY 2026-27 (Rs. In Crs.) FY 2025-26 (Rs. In Crs.) FY 2026-27 (Rs. In Crs.)

Source of
Estimated Allocation of Amount Amount
Sl. Opening funding (PFC Allocation of Amount Amount Allocation of Allocation of
Description Cost (Rs. In capital capitalisati capitalisati
No Balance / REC / Own / capital capitalisation capitalisation capital capital
Crs) expenditure on on
Government expenditure (A) expected (B) expected (D) expenditure expenditure
(C) expected expected

Major Inspection Works of Gas Turbine for Phase OWN

16 25.00 1.00 0.00 1.13 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.13 0.00

General R & M works 0.20 0.10 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.10 0.00 0.10 0.00
VGTPS TOTAL 256.20 14.26 0.03 14.54 0.03 14.26 0.03 14.54 0.03
1 Procurement of Minor spares for HGPI 5.00 5.00 0.00 5.00 0.00

2 Procurement of Bucket, Nozzle, Shrouds for HGPI 60.00 24.00 0.00 24.00 0.00

Reconditioning of Fuel Nozzle, Liner with Cap, OWN

3 10.00 10.00 0.00 10.00 0.00
Transition piece assembly, etc., for HGPI (TANGEDCO)

4 Hot Gas Path Inspection of GT- Works 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00

Procurement of Fuel Nozzle, liner with Cap , OWN

5 15.00 15.00 1.10 15.00 1.10
Transition piece assembly, etc., for CI (TANGEDCO)

Procurement of minor spares along with work for OWN

6 2.00 2.00 0.12 2.00 0.12

Reconditioning of GBC rotor assembly for OWN

7 0.50 0.50 0.20 0.50 0.20
Overhauling (TANGEDCO)

Procurement of Dry gas seal and other spares OWN

8 1.00 1.00 0.20 1.00 0.20
along with works for overhauling GBC (TANGEDCO)

Overhauling of Diverter Damper and Guillotine OWN

9 2.70 2.70 0.30 2.70 0.30
Damper of Gas Turbine (TANGEDCO)

FY 2025-26 (Rs. In Crs.) FY 2026-27 (Rs. In Crs.) FY 2025-26 (Rs. In Crs.) FY 2026-27 (Rs. In Crs.)

Source of
Estimated Allocation of Amount Amount
Sl. Opening funding (PFC Allocation of Amount Amount Allocation of Allocation of
Description Cost (Rs. In capital capitalisati capitalisati
No Balance / REC / Own / capital capitalisation capitalisation capital capital
Crs) expenditure on on
Government expenditure (A) expected (B) expected (D) expenditure expenditure
(C) expected expected

10 Major overhauling of Steam Turbine 10.00 8.25 0.00 8.25 0.00

Upgradation of STG Vibration monitoring system ( OWN

11 1.50 1.50 0.00 1.50 0.00
Bently Neveda ) (TANGEDCO)

GBC I & II - Upgradation of vibration temperature

12 monitoring and control panel (Bently Nevada 1.00 1.00 0.10 1.00 0.10

13 UPGRADATION OF SK06 KIT (PROGRESS 3) 0.60 0.60 0.10 0.60 0.10

Spares for Mark V control system cards for 6FA OWN

14 1.50 1.00 0.23 0.50 0.01 1.00 0.23 0.50 0.01
gas turbine machine (TANGEDCO)

Mark V system, Operator work station, Servers OWN

16 0.50 0.25 0.30 0.25 0.03 0.25 0.30 0.25 0.03
(Industrial PC) (TANGEDCO)

Upgradation of Mark V to VI e-control system for OWN

14 12.50 12.50 0.00 12.50 0.00
6FA gas turbine machine (TANGEDCO)

General R & M works 28.09 1.20 0.00 26.89 0.00 1.20 0.00 26.89 0.00
T(K)GTPS TOTAL 152.89 57.00 1.33 58.14 1.36 57.00 1.33 58.14 1.36

FY 2025-26 (Rs. In Crs.) FY 2026-27 (Rs. In Crs.) FY 2025-26 (Rs. In Crs.) FY 2026-27 (Rs. In Crs.)

Source of
Estimated Allocation of Amount Amount
Sl. Opening funding (PFC Allocation of Amount Amount Allocation of Allocation of
Description Cost (Rs. In capital capitalisati capitalisati
No Balance / REC / Own / capital capitalisation capitalisation capital capital
Crs) expenditure on on
Government expenditure (A) expected (B) expected (D) expenditure expenditure
(C) expected expected


1 Solar power plant proposal for 2 MW at KGTPS 10.00 4.00 0.01 4.00 0.01

2 GT Generator overhauling work 1.00 1.00 0.01 1.00 0.01

Upgradation of Mark -V to Mark-Vie Control

System including HMI for Gas Turbine and GT OWN
3 15.00 11.00 0.01 11.00 0.01
field instruments upgrade for Mark Vie such as (TANGEDCO)
flame scanners, CPD, etc

Upgradation of Max DNA DCS DPU -4E version to

DPU-4F version for Total plant control and OWN
4 8.00 1.10 0.12 1.10 0.12
monitoring of vital installitions like GBC, BOP, (TANGEDCO)

New Gas Cromatograph and SPM Gas Analyser in OWN

5 0.80 0.80 0.01 0.80 0.01

7 Spares for Combustion Inspection 20.00 2.00 0.02 2.00 0.02

8 GT - Combustion Inspection Works 1.00 1.00 0.01 1.00 0.01

9 Spares for Major Inspection 60.00 0.00 28.50 0.18 0.00 28.50 0.18

10 GT - Major Inspection works 2.00 0.00 2.13 1.45 0.00 2.13 1.45

Spares & Reconditioning of LP & HP Rotors of OWN

11 5.00 2.10 1.02 2.10 1.02
GBC - I & II at M/s.BHEL, Hydrabad (TANGEDCO)

FY 2025-26 (Rs. In Crs.) FY 2026-27 (Rs. In Crs.) FY 2025-26 (Rs. In Crs.) FY 2026-27 (Rs. In Crs.)

Source of
Estimated Allocation of Amount Amount
Sl. Opening funding (PFC Allocation of Amount Amount Allocation of Allocation of
Description Cost (Rs. In capital capitalisati capitalisati
No Balance / REC / Own / capital capitalisation capitalisation capital capital
Crs) expenditure on on
Government expenditure (A) expected (B) expected (D) expenditure expenditure
(C) expected expected

12 Overhauling of Gas Booster Compressor - I 1.00 1.00 0.01 1.00 0.01

13 Cooling pads & droplet separators for GT 1.50 1.50 0.01 1.50 0.01

14 Spares for Steam Turbine & Governing System 6.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00

Major Overhauling work in Steam Trubine & OWN

15 1.50 1.50 0.01 1.50 0.01
Governing System (TANGEDCO)

Rectification of wornout portion of ACC tube OWN

16 2.00 0.50 0.01 0.50 0.01
bundles (TANGEDCO)

Erection of Fire fighting line above the ground level OWN

17 1.45 1.51 0.02 1.51 0.02

General R & M works 2.20 1.10 0.50 1.10 0.17 1.10 0.50 1.10 0.17
KGTPS TOTAL 138.45 31.11 1.77 31.73 1.80 31.11 1.77 31.73 1.80


R & M Works 166.93 82.64 0.00 84.29 0.00 82.64 0.00 84.29 0.00

BBGTPS Total 166.93 82.64 0.00 84.29 0.00

GRAND TOTAL 714.47 185.01 3.13 188.70 3.19 185.01 3.13 188.70 3.19
FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 ( FY 2025-26 ( FY 2026-27
Crs.) Crs.) Crs.) Crs.) ( Crs.)
Name of the Allocatio Amount Allocatio Allocatio Amount Allocatio
S. No. Amount Amount Allocation Amount
Scheme n of capitalis n of n of capitalis n of
Estimate capitalisa capitalis of capital capitalisati
capital ation capital capital ation capital
cost tion ation expendit on
expendit expecte expendit expendit expecte expendit
expected expected ure expected
ure d ure ure d ure
1 Ennore SEZ (2 x
660 MW) Project 9800.00 1000.00 0.00 1996.00 9800.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1x800MW 8723.00 2255.55 8723.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3 Udangudi STPP
Stage I 2x660MW
and Coal jetty
9307.719 3417.51 0.00 1905.48 9307.72 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
4 Uppur STPP
(2x800MW) 10610.69 1210.00 0.00 1342.91 0.00 2526.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
5 Vallur Thermal
Power Project
equity amount
Rs.1512.07 Crores
(Project cost
Rs.10080.50 Crore

10080.5 68.60 0.00 68.60 0.00 68.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
6 1x660MW
Supercritical ETPS
Expansion Project
7166.43 1835.31 0.00 1850.00 0.00 2186.57 7166.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Sub-total 55688.34 9786.97 8723.00 7162.99 19107.72 4781.61 7166.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1 Kodayar Pumped
Stotage HEP (500

4014.16 8.26 0.00 3.54 0.00 50.00 0.00 50.00 0.00 50.00 0.00
2 Manalar Pumped
Stotage HEP (500

4511.8 7.08 0.00 2.36 0.00 50.00 0.00 50.00 0.00 50.00 0.00
3 Sillahalla Pumped
Storage Hydro-
Electric Project-
4974.7 0.00 0.00 50.00 0.00 50.00 0.00 121.50 0.00 1960.64 0.00
4 Kollimalai Hydro
Electric Project
(1x20MW) 338.79 150.00 0.00 13.79 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 338.79 0.00 0.00
5 Kundah Hydro
Electric Power 1831.29 636.75 0.00 539.76 1831.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
6 Upper Bhavani
Pumped Storage
Hydro Electric
Project (1000 MW)
3918.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 64.25 0.00 50.00 0.00
7 Sandynalla Pumped
Storage Hydro
Electric Project
(1200 MW)
4425.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 64.25 0.00 50.00 0.00
8 Sigur Pumped
Storage Hydro
Electric Project
(800 MW) 3811.62 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 64.25 0.00 50.00 0.00
9 Sillhalla Stage -II
Pumped Storage
Hydro Electric
Project (1000 MW)
4932.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 64.25 0.00 50.00 0.00
10 Aliyar Pumped
Storage Hydro
Electric Project
(700 MW) 2518.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 64.25 0.00 50.00 0.00
11 Velimalai Pumped
Storage Hydro
Electric Project
(1100 MW) 4535.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 64.25 0.00 50.00 0.00
12 Manjalar Pumped
Storage Hydro
Electric Project
(500 MW) 2479.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 64.25 0.00 50.00 0.00
13 Palar Poranthalar
Pumped Storage
Hydro Electric
Project (1100 MW)
4268.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 64.25 0.00 50.00 0.00
14 chattar Pumped
Storage Hydro
Electric Project
(1100 MW) 4721.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 64.25 0.00 50.00 0.00
15 Karayar Pumped
Storage Hydro
Electric Project
(1000 MW) 4603.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 64.25 0.00 50.00 0.00
16 Mettur Pumped
Storage Hydro
Electric Project
(1000 MW) 4448.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 64.25 0.00 50.00 0.00
17 Athur Pumped
Storage Hydro
Electric Project
(300 MW) 1732.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 64.25 0.00 50.00 0.00
sub-total 62065.04 802.09 0.00 609.45 1831.29 150.00 0.00 992.50 338.79 2660.64 0.00
Details of FY 2025-26 ( Crs.) FY 2026-27 ( Crs.)
Expenditure Opening
Source of Board
incurred so balance
Details of work Estimated funding Anticipated approval or
Name of the Technical Cost Benift far (closing Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount
S. No. furnishing list of Cost (PFC/ REC/ date of date of
Scheme justification Analysis (ie. before WIP during capital capitalisatio capital capitalisatio
major items ( Crs.) Own/ completion award of
FY 2024-25) FY 2021-22) expenditure n expected expenditure n expected
Government contract
( Crs.) ( Crs.)
(PO details)

Civil works, supply
& Erection, For the
Ennore SEZ Mechanical & establishme
1 Electrical works, 9800 9800 PFC May-2023 0 0 0 0 0
2x660MW nt of
Non EPC & 2x660MW
The project is
being executed in
two package viz.
Boiler Turbine
with allied civil
works one package
and Balance of
Plant(BOP) with
allied civil works
Establishme another package.
nt of Coal
based Letter of
Acceptance(LOA) (Per) FB
was issued to To meet out TANGEDCO
2 M/s.BHEL/New the Grid 8723 8723 REC Jul-22 No. 40, 0 0 0 0 0
demand. dated
power plant Delhi for an
of 1 x 800 amount of
MW NCTPP, Rs.2759Cr. on
Stage -III. 29.01.2016 for BTG
Subquently the
base value has
been enhanced to
including additional
scope of works for
revised emission
norms. Contract
value has been
enhanced further
n,Testing and
Commissioning of
complete coal fired
thermal power
plant including all
ural,Control &
Instrumentation 7359 7359 REC 0 0 0 0 0
works and for the
all allied Civil works
related to Total
ement and
contract basis for
the establishment
of"2X660 MW Coal
based Udangudi
Thermal Power
Project Stage-I"

Cementation Ltd. :
Establishment of CE/PROJ/SE
Capitive Coal jetty /C/UP/EE/M/
with unloading OT
facilities and pibe NO.03/2014-
Conveyor system 1902.87 1902.87 REC 15/W.O.NO. 0 0 0 0 0
for 2x660 MW 02/D
Udangudi .217/2018
Supercritical DT
Thermal Power 21.06.2018
Project under
single EPC contract

nt of"2X660
MW Coal
Engineering CE/PROJ-
consultant II/SE/C/UP/
serviceEstablishme EE/M/AEE/M
nt of Capitive Coal /F-Coal jetty
jetty with post
unloading facilities Contracrt
and pibe Conveyor 3.03 3.03 REC Consultancy 0 0 0 0 0
system for 2x660 Services/W.
MW Udangudi O.No.03/201
Supercritical 8-
Establishme Thermal Power
nt of"2X660 Project -Engaging
9, dt
MW Coal Engineering 27.02.2019
based consultant service
Udangudi for post contract
3 Supercritical service
Engaging Project
services cum
Services at project
site in the post
award EPC
contracts of 2X660
MW Udangudi
Thermal Power
Project Stage-I till CE/PROJ-
completion of the II/SE/C/UTP
entire Project and /EE/E/F.PMC
consultancy 42.39 42.39 REC 0 0 0 0 0
services for the D.36/19,dt
preparation of 19.02.2019
tender specification
analysis of
bid,award of
contract and PMC
for flue Gas
GD) Selectve
Reduction(SCR) till
completion from
the date of award
of consultancy
services Engaging
services in the post
award of single
EPC & sea water
intake and outfall
system packages
till completion of
entire project
including analysis
Post award
of PG test report 0.429 0.429 REC 0 0 0 0 0
and consultancy
services for
preparation of
analysis of
bid,award and post
award consultancy
serives until
completion of the
FGD & SCR under
two part open
tender system
Sub total Sub Total 9307.719 9307.719 0 0 0 0 0
BTG EPC Contract
by M/s BHEL:
Boiler, Turbine nd
Generator EPC 5852 5266.8 0 0 0 0 0
Contract for 2x 800

BOP EPC Contract The existing

by M/s RIIL: BOP
Balance of Plant for contract
2x 800 MW Uppur P.O. had
STPP 3647.46 1720.43 been 0 0 0 0 0
New P.O.
has to be
SWIP EPC Contract
By M/s L&T: Sea
water inlet and
outfall system for 1067.66 1067.66 0 0 0 0 0
for 2x 800 MW
Uppur STPP

2 X 800 MW
Uppur Super
4 Thermal M/s.PFC
Service Contract by
2 X 800 MW M/s TCE: Engaging
Uppur Super Project
4 Thermal Management M/s.PFC
Power Consultancy
Project services cum
Services at project
site in the post
award EPC
contracts of 2X800
MW Uppur
Thermal Power
Project till 43.57 39.213 19.02.19 0 0 0 0 0
completion of the
entire Project and
services for the
preparation of
tender specification
analysis of
bid,award of
contract and PMC
for flue Gas
GD) Selectve
Reduction(SCR) till
completion from
Sub Total 10610.69 8094.103 0 0 0 0 0
COD of
Units I, II &
s equity
Vallur III declared
Thermal 3x500MW NTECL To meet out on
Not Rs.1512.07
5 Power Joint venture with the Grid 1642.2 29.11.2012, (Per) FB 1642.2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
applicable Crores
Project NTPL demand 25.08.2013 TANGEDCO
(Project cost
(3x500MW and Proceedings
26.02.2015 No.91,
respectively dt.22.7.2014
New Hydro Schemes cost appoval
Under Investigation for
(Preliminary preparation of
survey,FR/DPR DPR has been
preparation, Geo To meet Peak obtained for
Technical works, GSI) hours grid Rs.14.16
Pumped To be To be
1 etc., demand and 4014.16 61.93 crores incl. 61.93 50.00 0.00 50.00 0.00
Stotage HEP finalised finalised
to avoid U.I GST vide
(500 MW)
charges (Per)B.P. CMD
No.22 dt.

New Hydro Schemes Cost approval

Under Investigation for
(Preliminary consultancy
survey,FR/DPR services
preparation, Geo towards
Technical works, GSI) prepartion of
etc., FSR, DPR,
study &
To meet Peak report and
hours grid obtaining all
Pumped To be To be
2 demand and 4511.80 59.57 statutory 59.57 50.00 0.00 50.00 0.00
Stotage HEP finalised finalised
to avoid U.I clearences'
(500 MW)
charges has been
obtained for
GST @18%
vide (per.)
no.67, dt
3 Sillahalla a) Preparation of To meet Peak Approval for
Pumped Feasibility Report, hours grid awarding the
Storage Hydro- Conducting Survey & demand and work of
Electric Geophysical to avoid U.I 'preparation
Project-Stage- exploration works, charges of Detailed
I(1000MW) Preparation of Project Report
Detailed Project and obtaining
Report (DPR), statutory
EIA/EMP Study & clearances' for
Report and Obtaining Stage-I to M/s
all statutory WAPCOS for a
To be
clearances 4974.7 121.83 TNIDB 2028-29 value of 121.83 121.5 0 1960.64 0
b)Tender for Rs.20.65
Consultancy services crore has
towards preparation been
of EPCC tender accorded vide
documents & funding (Per) FB
modality TANGEDCO
c) Execution of Stage- Proceedings
I No.14,

Design and
Construction of Five
numbers weir
including forebay
flumes,Power Tunnel,
Pipe Tunnel, Gate
Shaft, Diversion
Kollimalai Tunnel,Surge
To meet Peak B.P (FB) No.7
Hydro Electric Shaft,Valve
4 hours grid 6.03/unit 338.79 338.79 REC 31.05.2023 dt.10.01. 338.79 0.00 338.79 0.00 0.00
Project House,Penstock,
demand 2014
(1x20MW) Power House
Switchyard,Tail race,
Turbine, Generator &
all Electro Mechanical
works and connected
roads and bridges
under EPC contract.

Per (FB)
Per (FB)
vide LOA

Phase - I ( 1 x 125
MW) Remaining
major works (Civil
and E&M works)
Phase - I -
Civil and H
& M works
Phase - I ( 1 x 125 for Phase -
MW) Remaining 1 awarded
major works (Civil in 2
and E&M works) packages to
a. Hard Cost of the M.s Patel
project = 989.80 Engineering 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Rs.879.85 Limited vide
b. IDC = Rs. LOI dated
109.95 15.02.2018
Phase I
, Rs.
LOA issed
for E & M
Works of
Package III
Kundah To meet of Phase I
Pumped Peak hours 1 x 125 MW
5 Storage grid demand 1831.29 REC May-23 awarded to
Electric and to avoid M/s.Megha
Project U.I charges Engineering
LOA adissued
Phase II forE & M
(2X125MW) Works of
a. Hard cost of the Phase II - 2
project=Rs.553.06, 599.32 x 125 MW 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
b. IDC = Rs. 46.26 awarded to
. Rs. M/s.Megha
599.32 Engineering
e Ltd,
LOA issued
for E & M
Phase Works of
III(1x125MW) a. Phase III -
Cost of the 1 x 125 MW
project=Rs.224.23, 242.17 awarded to 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
b. IDC = Rs. 17.94 M/s.Megha
' Engineering
Rs.242.17 &
e Ltd ,
Upper New Hydro Schemes To meet Peak To be 3918.7 0 To be
Bhavani Under Investigation hours grid finalised finalised Approval is
Pumped (Preliminary demand and being
Storage Hydro survey,PFR,FR/DPR to avoid U.I obtained for
Electric preparation, Geo charges preparation of
6 Project (1000 Technical works, GSI) 2031-32 FR and DPR 0.00 64.25 0.00 50.00 0.00
MW) etc., including
obtaining all

Storage Hydro To be To be
7 Electric do do 4425.92 0.00 2031-33 do 0.00 64.25 0.00 50.00 0.00
finalised finalised
Project (1200
Sigur Pumped
Storage Hydro
Electric To be To be
8 Project (800 do do 3811.62 0.00 2031-32 do 0.00 64.25 0.00 50.00 0.00
finalised finalised

Sillhalla Stage
-II Pumped
Storage Hydro
Electric To be To be
9 do do 4932.06 0.00 2031-32 do 0.00 64.25 0.00 50.00 0.00
Project (1000 finalised finalised

Aliyar Pumped
Storage Hydro
Electric To be To be
10 Project (700 do do 2518.25 0.00 2031-32 do 0.00 64.25 0.00 50.00 0.00
finalised finalised

Storage Hydro To be To be
11 Electric do do 4535.25 0.00 2031-32 do 0.00 64.25 0.00 50.00 0.00
finalised finalised
Project (1100
Storage Hydro To be To be
12 Electric do do 2479.25 0.00 2031-32 do 0.00 64.25 0.00 50.00 0.00
finalised finalised
Project (500
Storage Hydro To be To be
13 do do 4268.25 0.00 2031-32 do 0.00 64.25 0.00 50.00 0.00
Electric finalised finalised
Project (1100
Storage Hydro To be To be
14 Electric do do 4721.25 0.00 2031-32 do 0.00 64.25 0.00 50.00 0.00
finalised finalised
Project (1100
Storage Hydro To be To be
15 Electric do do 4603.25 0.00 2031-32 do 0.00 64.25 0.00 50.00 0.00
finalised finalised
Project (1000
Storage Hydro To be To be
16 Electric do do 4448.25 0.00 2031-32 do 0.00 64.25 0.00 50.00 0.00
finalised finalised
Project (1000
Athur Pumped
Storage Hydro
Electric To be To be
17 Project (300 do do 1732.25 0.00 2031-32 do 0.00 64.25 0.00 50.00 0.00
finalised finalised


Estimated Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by the Commission

S.No. Name of Circles
(Rs. In
FY 2025-26 FY 2026-27 FY 2025-26 FY 2026-27
I Region : Chennai North
1 Chennai Central 141.17 26.52 28.99 26.52 28.99
2 Chennai North 317.15 12.00 14.00 12.00 14.00
3 Chennai West 321.42 15.60 15.60 15.60 15.60
Sub total 779.74 54.12 58.59 54.12 58.59
II Region : Chennai South
4 Chennai South-I 1905.72 229.45 211.07 229.45 211.07
5 Chennai South-II 2263.15 99.01 239.82 99.01 239.82
6 Kancheepuram 199.75 76.35 0.00 1.00 0.00
7 Chengalpattu 224.82 59.19 52.62 59.19 52.62
Sub total 4593.44 464.00 503.52 388.65 503.51
III Region : Coimbatore
8 Coimbarore North 142.50 41.19 44.68 41.19 44.68
9 Coimbatore South 94.90 30.92 25.85 30.92 25.85
10 Coimbatore Metro 1149.47 272.01 269.90 272.01 269.90
11 Tiruppur 116.20 39.10 38.50 39.10 38.50
12 Udumalpet 175.97 64.47 50.10 64.47 50.10
13 Palladam 164.26 54.45 57.14 54.45 57.14
14 Nilgiris 32.06 7.00 3.32 7.00 3.32
Sub total 1875.36 509.14 489.49 509.14 489.49
IV Region : Erode
15 Erode 105.41 29.57 34.30 29.57 34.30
16 Gobi 137.60 46.52 59.96 46.52 59.96
17 Mettur 206.92 62.93 78.35 25.00 25.00
18 Salem 28.56 13.60 14.96 13.60 14.96
19 Namakkal 109.82 50.80 59.02 50.80 59.02
Sub total 588.31 203.42 246.59 165.49 193.24
V Region : Madurai
20 Sivaganga 233.56 75.04 70.00 75.04 70.00
21 Theni 156.19 36.15 38.15 36.15 38.15
22 Madurai Metro 17.53 16.74 2.41 16.74 2.41
23 Ramnad 160.97 48.90 43.14 48.90 43.14
24 Dindigul 104.44 22.94 10.61 22.94 10.61
25 Madurai 156.69 48.21 43.90 48.21 43.90
Sub total 829.37 247.98 208.21 247.98 208.21
VI Region : Tirunelveli
26 Virudunagar 29.31 8.30 8.40 8.30 8.40
27 Tirunelveli 173.87 30.40 39.06 30.40 39.06
28 Kanyakumari 148.10 61.95 36.37 61.95 36.37
29 Tuticorin 57.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Sub total 408.58 100.65 83.83 100.65 83.83

VII Region : Trichy
30 Trichy Metro 198.84 68.25 62.76 68.25 62.76
31 Thiruvarur 131.91 40.13 36.90 40.13 36.90
32 Karur 226.72 75.70 52.50 75.70 52.50
33 Pudukottai 143.96 45.70 46.96 45.70 46.96
34 Perambalur 96.15 27.55 23.63 27.55 23.63
35 Thanjavur 210.66 66.07 68.36 66.07 68.36
36 Nagapattinam 147.54 45.78 52.22 45.78 52.22
Sub total 1155.78 369.17 343.33 369.17 343.33
VIII Region : Vellore
37 Vellore 62.24 4.00 4.29 4.00 4.29
38 Tirupattur 127.09 33.03 28.59 33.03 28.59
39 Dharmapuri 119.10 40.51 24.11 40.51 24.11
40 Krishnagiri 205.55 47.64 39.75 47.64 39.75
Sub total 513.98 125.18 96.74 125.18 96.74
IX Region : Villupuram
41 Cuddalore 779.02 144.66 104.37 144.66 104.37
42 Thiruvannamalai 191.40 52.40 48.10 52.40 48.10
43 Villupuram 222.38 65.93 104.08 65.93 104.08
44 Kallakurichi 493.25 108.78 137.20 108.78 137.20
Sub total 1686.05 371.77 393.75 371.77 393.75
Grand total 12430.61 2445.44 2424.04 2332.16 2370.69



Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by the Commission

Estimated FY 2025-26 FY 2026-27 FY 2025-26 FY 2026-27

S.No. Name of Circles Amount Amount Amount
(Rs. in Closing Closing Closing
Capitalisati Amount Capitalisati Capitalisati
on Capitalisation on on
(Rs. in (Rs. in (Rs. in
(Rs. in (Rs. in Crores) (Rs. in (Rs. in
Crores) Crores) Crores)
Crores) Crores) Crores)
I Region : Chennai North
1 Chennai Central 141.17 25.20 1.33 27.54 2.78 25.20 1.33 27.54
2 Chennai West 321.42 49.30 0.00 15.00 0.60 49.30 0.00 15.00
3 Chennai North 317.15 12.00 0.00 14.00 0.00 12.00 0.00 14.00
Sub total 779.74 86.50 1.33 56.54 3.38 86.50 1.33 56.54
II Region : Chennai South
4 Chennai South-I 1905.72 66.00 163.45 36.52 338.00 66.00 163.45 36.52
5 Chennai South-II 2263.15 133.04 274.21 56.25 457.79 133.04 274.21 56.25
6 Kancheepuram 199.75 28.70 49.10 21.70 20.70 28.70 49.10 21.70
7 Chengalpattu 224.82 58.52 0.67 51.53 1.76 58.52 0.67 51.53
Sub total 4593.44 286.26 487.43 166.00 818.25 286.26 487.43 166.00
III Region : Coimbatore
8 Coimbarore North 142.50 35.81 67.58 41.74 70.52 35.81 67.58 41.74
9 Coimbatore South 94.90 57.55 2.91 28.00 0.76 57.55 2.91 28.00
10 Coimbatore Metro 1149.47 120.60 159.12 200.00 229.02 120.60 159.12 200.00
11 Tiruppur 116.20 39.00 11.03 36.00 13.53 39.00 11.03 36.00
12 Udumalpet 175.97 58.61 5.86 55.00 0.96 58.61 5.86 55.00
13 Palladam 164.26 57.48 65.76 59.38 63.52 57.48 65.76 59.38
14 Nilgiris 32.06 6.60 0.40 3.00 0.72 6.60 0.40 3.00
Sub total 1875.36 375.65 312.65 423.12 379.02 375.65 312.65 423.12


Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by the Commission

Estimated FY 2025-26 FY 2026-27 FY 2025-26 FY 2026-27

S.No. Name of Circles Amount Amount Amount
(Rs. in Closing Closing Closing
Capitalisati Amount Capitalisati Capitalisati
on Capitalisation on on
(Rs. in (Rs. in (Rs. in
(Rs. in (Rs. in Crores) (Rs. in (Rs. in
Crores) Crores) Crores)
Crores) Crores) Crores)
IV Region : Erode
15 Erode 105.41 37.71 0.66 33.08 1.88 37.71 0.66 33.08
16 Gobi 137.60 40.97 5.55 57.74 7.77 40.97 5.55 57.74
17 Mettur 206.92 52.50 10.43 67.41 21.37 25.00 0.00 25.00
18 Salem 28.56 8.85 13.10 9.45 18.61 8.85 13.10 9.45
19 Namakkal 109.82 51.29 2.75 58.74 3.03 51.29 2.75 58.74
Sub total 588.31 191.32 32.49 226.42 52.66 163.82 22.06 184.01
V Region : Madurai
20 Sivaganga 233.56 70.65 4.39 61.69 12.70 70.65 4.39 61.69
21 Theni 156.19 50.93 20.25 38.15 20.25 50.93 20.25 38.15
22 Madurai Metro 17.53 15.21 1.53 2.50 1.45 15.21 1.53 2.50
23 Ramnad 160.97 48.20 5.70 47.16 1.68 48.20 5.70 47.16
24 Dindigul 104.44 18.93 9.01 18.53 1.09 18.93 9.01 18.53
25 Madurai 156.69 7.09 41.12 7.11 77.91 7.09 41.12 7.11
Sub total 829.37 211.01 82.00 175.13 115.08 211.01 82.00 175.13
VI Region : Tirunelveli
26 Virudunagar 29.31 8.30 0.00 8.40 0.00 8.30 0.00 8.40
27 Tirunelveli 173.87 30.40 0.00 39.06 0.05 30.40 0.00 39.06
28 Kanyakumari 148.10 45.64 16.31 52.68 0.00 45.64 16.31 52.68
29 Tuticorin 57.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Sub total 408.58 84.34 16.31 100.14 0.05 84.34 16.31 100.14


Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by the Commission

Estimated FY 2025-26 FY 2026-27 FY 2025-26 FY 2026-27

S.No. Name of Circles Amount Amount Amount
(Rs. in Closing Closing Closing
Capitalisati Amount Capitalisati Capitalisati
on Capitalisation on on
(Rs. in (Rs. in (Rs. in
(Rs. in (Rs. in Crores) (Rs. in (Rs. in
Crores) Crores) Crores)
Crores) Crores) Crores)
VII Region : Trichy
30 Trichy Metro 198.84 38.45 38.80 100.77 0.79 38.45 38.80 100.77
31 Thiruvarur 131.91 41.47 0.66 36.19 1.37 41.47 0.66 36.19
32 Karur 226.72 48.70 39.69 91.37 0.82 48.70 39.69 91.37
33 Pudukottai 143.96 43.40 13.13 50.06 10.03 43.40 13.13 50.06
34 Perambalur 96.15 34.52 0.91 24.45 0.08 34.52 0.91 24.45
35 Thanjavur 210.66 64.75 1.32 38.33 31.34 64.75 1.32 38.33
36 Nagapattinam 147.54 2.06 43.72 5.48 90.46 2.06 43.72 5.48
Sub total 1155.78 273.34 138.23 346.66 134.90 273.34 138.23 346.66
VIII Region : Vellore
37 Vellore 62.24 6.00 0.00 4.29 0.00 6.00 0.00 4.29
38 Tirupattur 127.09 18.90 15.13 22.86 20.86 18.90 15.13 22.86
39 Dharmapuri 119.10 31.44 12.07 36.02 0.16 31.44 12.07 36.02
40 Krishnagiri 205.55 39.20 11.44 39.85 11.34 39.20 11.44 39.85
Sub total 513.98 95.54 38.64 103.02 32.36 95.54 38.64 103.02
IX Region : Villupuram
41 Cuddalore 779.02 54.50 107.66 68.83 143.20 54.50 107.66 68.83
42 Thiruvannamalai 191.40 59.60 2.80 50.00 0.90 59.60 2.80 50.00
43 Villupuram 222.38 63.18 25.75 128.93 0.90 63.18 25.75 128.93
44 Kallakurichi 493.25 32.91 75.87 20.02 193.05 32.91 75.87 20.02
Sub total 1686.05 210.19 212.08 267.78 338.05 210.19 212.08 267.78
Grand total 12430.61 1814.15 1321.16 1864.81 1873.74 1786.65 1310.73 1822.39

Name of the Circle: Chennai EDC/ Central
Net Details of Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by the Commission
Source of
Allocation Board FY 2025-26 ( Crs.) FY 2026-27 ( Crs.) FY 2025-26 ( Crs.) FY 2026-27 ( Crs.)
Details of funding
Estimated for approval or
Name of work (PFC/ Anticipated
Technical Cost Benift Cost current date of
S. No. the furnishing list REC/ date of
justification Analysis ( control award of Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount
Scheme of major Own/ completion
Crs.) period contract capital capitalisation capital capitalisation capital capitalisation capital capitalisation
items Governm
( (PO expenditure expected expenditure expected expenditure expected expenditure expected
Crs.) details)

Based on
Extension of from the
LT, LTCT, HT New service consumers,
1 Capital & EHT supply connections to 141.17 55.5105 31.3.2027 approval 26.52 25.20 28.99 27.54 26.52 25.20 28.99 27.54
to various be effected was
consumers accorded
by the

TOTAL 141.17 55.51 26.52 25.20 28.99 27.54 26.52 25.20 28.99 27.54

Name of the Circle: Chennai EDC/ North
Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by the Commission
Details of
Source of Board FY 2025-26 ( Crs.) FY 202-27 ( Crs.) FY 2025-26 ( Crs.) FY 202-27 ( Crs.)
funding approval
Name Details of work Technical Estimated for current Anticipated
Cost Benift (PFC/ REC/ or date of
S. No. of the furnishing list of major justificatio Cost control date of
Analysis Own/ award of Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount
Scheme items n ( Crs.) period completion
Governme contract capital capitalisation capital capitalisation capital capitalisation capital capitalisation
nt (PO expenditure expected expenditure expected expenditure expected expenditure expected

1 2 3 4 5 7 10=7-8-9 11 12 13 18 19 21 22
1.Restorati on/refurbish
ment of civil structures
of SS,Offices, etc.,
Security Compound wall
in all SS ,
Civil Offices,Pro vision of road
1 & work to 1.03 0 OWN 2027 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Works in all SSs
be taken
,Offices and renovating
the existing arrangeme
nts.2.New section office
in RK Nagar area(CM
Rule 110)
Erection of 11 KV Bp478
2 cable, line & Strenthenin 12.69 0 own 2027 dt09.08.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
g of existing 11KV line 17
To meet
3 out load 4.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
than 1
4 Improv Improvements 299.37 26.00 Own 2027 12.00 12.00 14.00 14.00 12.00 12.00 14.00 14.00
TOTAL 317.15 26.00 12.00 12.00 14.00 14.00 12.00 12.00 14.00 14.00

Name of the Circle: Chennai EDC/ West
Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by the Commission
Details of
Net FY 2025-26 ( Crs.) FY 2026-27 ( Crs.) FY 2025-26 ( Crs.) FY 2026-27 ( Crs.)
Details of Source of Board
work funding approval
Name of Technical Estimated for current Anticipated
furnishing Cost Benift (PFC/ or date of
S. No. the justificatio Cost control date of
list of Analysis REC/ Own/ award of Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount
Scheme n ( Crs.) period completion
major Governme contract capital capitalisation capital capitalisation capital capitalisation capital capitalisation
( expenditure expected expenditure expected expenditure expected expenditure expected
items nt (PO

Extension Effecting Erection of

of LT & of new new DTs
service and
Supply service
connection electrical
1 Supply connection 321.4164 31.2 15.6 49.301 15.6 15 15.6 49.301 15.6 15
s based on infrastruct
under s to be
the receipt ure for
various effected
of new
tariff application services
TOTAL 321.42 31.20 15.60 49.30 15.60 15.00 15.60 49.30 15.60 15.00

Name of the Circle: Chennai EDC/ South I
Details of Net Details of Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by the Commission
Allocation Source of Board FY 2025-26 ( Crs.) FY 2026-27 ( Crs.) FY 2025-26 ( Crs.) FY 2026-27 ( Crs.)
Name of Estimated for current funding Anticipated approval
furnishing Technical Cost Benift Amount Amount
S. No. the Cost control (PFC/ REC/ date of or date of Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Allocation of
list of justification Analysis capitalisati capitalisati
Scheme ( Crs.) period Own/ completion award of capital capitalisation capital capitalisation capital capital
major on on
( Government contract expenditure expected expenditure expected expenditure expenditure
items expected expected
Crs.) (PO
erection of
DTs for
CT, HT New service
1 Capital Supply connections 1905.72 440.52 229.45 66.00 211.07 36.52 229.45 66.00 211.07 36.52
service effected
s fo
tariff .
Total 1905.72 440.52 229.45 66.00 211.07 36.52 229.45 66.00 211.07 36.52

Name of the Circle: Chennai EDC/ South II
S. Name of Details of Technical Cost Benift IRR Estimated Net Source of Anticipated Details of Board Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by the Commission
No. the work justificatio Analysis (Internal Cost Allocation funding date of approval or FY 2025-26 ( Crs.) FY 2026-27 ( Crs.) FY 2025-26 ( Crs.) FY 2026-27 ( Crs.)
Scheme furnishing n Rate of ( Crs.) for current (PFC/ REC/ completion date of award Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount
list of Realisation) control Own/ of contract (PO capital capitalisation capital capitalisation capital capitalisation capital capitalisation
major period Governme details) expenditure expected expenditure expected expenditure expected expenditure expected
items ( nt

1 Capital Extension New

for service
erection of connection
DTs for s effected
LT & LT 2263.15 338.83 99.01 133.04 239.82 56.25 99.01 133.04 239.82 56.25
Total 2263.15 338.83 99.01 133.04 239.82 56.25 99.01 133.04 239.82 56.25

Name of the Circle: Kancheepuram EDC
S. No. Name of Details of Technical Cost Benift Estimated Net Source of Anticipated Details of Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by the Commission
the work justificatio Analysis Cost Allocation funding date of Board FY 2025-26 ( Crs.) FY 2026-27 ( Crs.) FY 2025-26 ( Crs.) FY 2026-27 ( Crs.)
Scheme furnishing n ( Crs.) for current (PFC/ REC/ completion approval
list of control Own/ or date of
major period Governme award of Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount
items ( nt contract capital capitalisation capital capitalisation capital capitalisation capital capitalisation
Crs.) (PO expenditure expected expenditure expected expenditure expected expenditure expected
Extension Based on
for the
erection of New application
DTs for service 31.03.202 from the
1 Capital 96.50 32.70 16.2 22.2 16.5 15.7 16.2 22.2 16.5 15.7
LT & LT connection 7 consumers
CT, HT s effected , approval
Supply was
service accorded
Improvem by
ent works
network Approved
in certain
strength & by the
Improvem Quality, 31.03.202 competent
2 Lines, 103.25 17.70 12.50 26.90 5.20 5.00 12.50 26.90 5.20 5.00
ent Replaceme 7 authority
nt of aged as per field
of DTs &
conductors proposal
and poles
n of DTs
Total 199.75 50.40 28.70 49.10 21.70 20.70 28.70 49.10 21.70 20.70

Name of the Circle: Chengalpet EDC
Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by the Commission
Details of
Details of Board FY 2025-26 ( Crs.) FY 2026-27( Crs.) FY 2025-26 ( Crs.) FY 2026-27( Crs.)
work Net Allocation Source of approval
Name of Cost Estimated Anticipated
furnishing Technical for current funding (PFC/ or date of
S. No. the Benefit Cost date of
list of justification control period REC/ Own/ award of Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount
Scheme Analysis ( Crs.) completion
major ( Crs.) Government contract capital capitalisation capital capitalisation capital capitalisation capital capitalisation
items (PO expenditure expected expenditure expected expenditure expected expenditure expected

Based on
erection of
DTs for
from the
New service consumers
1 Capital connections 45.49 14.94 Own cost 31.03.2027 , approval 8.75 8.63 6.19 5.1 8.75 8.63 6.19 5.1
effected was
s fo
tariff .

Improvem Improving
ent works network Approved
in certain strength & by the
Improvem HT/LT Quality, competent
2 Lines, 179.33 96.88 Own cost 31.03.2027 50.44 49.89 46.43 46.43 50.44 49.89 46.43 46.43
ent Replaceme authority
Provision nt of aged as per field
of DTs & conductors proposal
Upgradatio and poles
n of DTs
Total 224.82 111.82 59.19 58.52 52.62 51.53 59.19 58.52 52.62 51.53

Name of the circle: Coimbatore EDC/North

Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by the Commission

Details of
Details of Net
Board FY 2025-26( Crs.) FY 2026-27 ( Crs.) FY 2025-26( Crs.) FY 2026-27 ( Crs.)
work Allocation Source of
Name of Cost Estimated Anticipated approval or
furnishing Technical for current funding (PFC/
S. No. the Benift Cost date of date of
list of justification control REC/ Own/
Scheme Analysis ( Crs.) completion award of
major period Government
contract (PO Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount
items ( Crs.) capital capitalisation capital capitalisation capital capitalisation capital capitalisation
expenditure expected expenditure expected expenditure expected expenditure expected

HT line
extension is
essential as
1 Capital per filed 142.50 85.87 41.19 35.81 44.68 41.74 41.19 35.81 44.68 41.74
condition for
G NEW ht
effecting HT

Total 142.50 85.87 41.19 35.81 44.68 41.74 41.19 35.81 44.68 41.74

Name of the circle: Coimbatore EDC/South
Net Details of
Source of Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by the Commission
Details of Allocation Board
work for approval FY 2025-26 ( Crs.) FY 2026-27 ( Crs.) FY 2025-26 ( Crs.) FY 2026-27 ( Crs.)
Name of Cost Estimated (PFC/ Anticipated
S. furnishing Technical current or date of
the Benift Cost REC/ date of
No. list of justification control award of
Scheme Analysis ( Crs.) Own/ completion Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount
major period contract
Governme capital capitalisation capital capitalisation capital capitalisation capital capitalisation
items ( (PO
nt expenditure expected expenditure expected expenditure expected expenditure expected
Crs.) details)

of supply
to New
For new
Capital network
and strength &
1 al, 94.9 56.77 30.92 57.545 25.85 28 30.92 57.545 25.85 28
Improvem Quality,
ent Replacement
OHT and
of aged
ovision of
New DTs
at Load
Total 94.9 56.77 30.92 57.545 25.85 28 30.92 57.545 25.85 28

Name of the circle: Coimbatore EDC/ Metro
Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by the Commission
Net Details of
Source of FY 2025-26 ( Crs.) FY 2026-27 ( Crs.) FY 2025-26 ( Crs.) FY 2026-27 ( Crs.)
Details of Allocation Board
work Estimated for approval
Name of Cost (PFC/ Anticipated
furnishing Technical Cost current or date of
S. No. the Benift REC/ date of
list of justification ( control award of Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount
Scheme Analysis Own/ completion
major Crs.) period contract capital capitalisation capital capitalisation capital capitalisation capital capitalisation
items ( (PO expenditure expected expenditure expected expenditure expected expenditure expected
Crs.) details)

Extention of
supply to
Laying of Industrial,
1 CAPITAL new HT/LT Agriculture, 1149.47 541.91 272.01 120.6 269.9 200 272.01 120.6 269.9 200
line Commercial,
OHT and
TOTAL 1149.47 541.91 272.01 120.60 269.90 200.00 272.01 120.60 269.90 200.00

Name of the circle: Tirupur EDC
Net Source Details of Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by the Commission
Details Allocatio of Board
FY 2025-26 ( Crs.) FY 2026-27 ( Crs.) FY 2025-26 ( Crs.) FY 2026-27 ( Crs.)
of work Technica Estimate n for funding approval or
Name of Cost Anticipated
S. furnishin l d Cost current (PFC/ date of
the Benift date of
No. g list of justificat ( control REC/ award of Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount
Scheme Analysis completion
major ion Crs.) period Own/ contract capital capitalisation capital capitalisation capital capitalisation capital capitalisation
items ( Governm (PO expenditure expected expenditure expected expenditure expected expenditure expected
Crs.) ent details)

of supply
maintain 1
to New
DF and to
avoid over
Capital & Agricultur
loading of T&D loss
1 Improvem e, 116.2 77.6 39.1 39 38.5 36 39.1 39 38.5 36
existing reduction
ent Commerci
DTs and
OHT and

TOTAL 116.2 77.6 39.1 39 38.5 36 39.1 39 38.5 36

Name of the circle: Udumalpet EDC
Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by the Commission
Net Details of FY 2025-26 ( Crs.) FY 2026-27 ( Crs.) FY 2025-26 ( Crs.) FY 2026-27 ( Crs.)
Source of
Details of Allocation Board
work for approval
Name of Technical Cost Estimated (PFC/ Anticipated
furnishing current or date of
S. No. the justificatio Benift Cost ( REC/ date of
list of control award of Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount
Scheme n Analysis Crs.) Own/ completion
major period contract capital capitalisation capital capitalisation capital capitalisation capital capitalisation
Governme expenditure expected expenditure expected expenditure expected expenditure expected
items ( (PO
Crs.) details)

Additional For new
Loads, connectio
New LTCT ns,Improv
SCs, ing
LTSCs,Ext network
Work to
Capital & ension of strength
T&D loss be
1 Improvem HT Line, & Quality, 175.97 114.57 Own 31.03-2027 64.47 58.61 50.10 55.00 64.47 58.61 50.10 55.00
reduction executed
ent Line Replacem
by O&M
Materials, ent of
Conductor aged
s/UG conductor
Cable, s,
Metering poles,etc
set and
HT Meter

TOTAL 175.97 114.57 64.47 58.61 50.10 55.00 64.47 58.61 50.10 55.00

Name of the circle: Palladam EDC
Net Details of Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by the Commission
Source of
Details of Allocation Board FY 2025-26( Crs.) FY 2026-27 ( Crs.) FY 2025-26( Crs.) FY 2026-27 ( Crs.)
work Estimated for approval
Name of Cost (PFC/ Anticipated
furnishing Technical Cost current or date of
S. No. the Benift REC/ date of
list of justification ( control award of Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount
Scheme Analysis Own/ completion
major Crs.) period contract capital capitalisation capital capitalisation capital capitalisation capital capitalisation
Governme expenditure expected expenditure expected expenditure expected expenditure expected
items ( (PO
Crs.) details)

For new
Capital & ension of
strength & T&D loss
1 Improvem HT Line, 164.26 111.59 54.45 57.48 57.14 59.38 54.45 57.48 57.14 59.38
Quality, reduction
ent Line
of aged
set and
HT Meter

Total 164.26 111.59 0.00 0.00 0.00 54.45 57.48 57.14 59.38 54.45 57.48 57.14 59.38

Name of the circle: Nilgiris EDC
Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by the Commission
Details of Details of
FY 2025-26 ( Crs.) FY 2026-27 ( Crs.) FY 2025-26 ( Crs.) FY 2026-27 ( Crs.)
work Net Allocation Source of Board
Name of Cost Estimated Anticipated
furnishing Technical for current funding (PFC/ approval or
S. No. the Benefit Cost date of
list of justification control period REC/ Own/ date of award Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount
Scheme Analysis ( Crs.) completion
major ( Crs.) Government of contract capital capitalisation capital capitalisation capital capitalisation capital capitalisation
items (PO details) expenditure expected expenditure expected expenditure expected expenditure expected

For new
,Improving Reduce
CAPITAL network Line loss
& strength & as well as
1 ents and 32.06 10.32 0 0 0 7.00 6.60 3.32 3.00 7.00 6.60 3.32 3.00
Improvem Quality, ABR value
ent Replacemen also
ent on
t of aged increse
TOTAL 32.06 10.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.00 6.60 3.32 3.00 7.00 6.60 3.32 3.00

Name of the Circle: Erode EDC
Net Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by the Commission
Source of
Details of Allocation Details of FY 2025-26 ( Crs.) FY 2026-27 ( Crs.) FY 2025-26 ( Crs.) FY 2026-27 ( Crs.)
work Estimated for Board
Name of (PFC/ Anticipated
furnishing Technical Cost Benift Cost current approval or
S. No. the REC/ date of
list of justification Analysis ( control date of award Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount
Scheme Own/ completion
major Crs.) period of contract capital capitalisation capital capitalisation capital capitalisation capital capitalisation
items ( (PO details) expenditure expected expenditure expected expenditure expected expenditure expected
New HT Approval has
and been accored
Extension To meet the by competent
of growing Authority
1 Capital HT HTsupply demand of 11.55 11.55 own Fund Mar-27 based on 5.50 14.30 6.05 6.05 5.50 14.30 6.05 6.05
new services
to the estimates
various consumers
New LT & Approval has
LTCT and been accored
Extension by competent
To meet the Authority
growing based on
Capital & Effecting
2 demand of 93.86 52.32 own Fund Mar-27 estimates 24.07 23.41 28.25 27.03 24.07 23.41 28.25 27.03
LTCT LTsupply new services
TOTAL 105.41 63.87 29.57 37.71 34.30 33.08 29.57 37.71 34.30 33.08

Name of the Circle: Gobi EDC
Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by the Commission
Details of Details of FY 2025-26 ( Crs.) FY 2026-27 ( Crs.) FY 2025-26 ( Crs.) FY 2026-27 ( Crs.)
Allocation Source of
work Estimated Board approval
Name of Technical Cost for Funding Anticipated
furnishing Cost or date of
S. No. the justificatio benefit Current (PFC/REC/ date of
list of (Rs. in award of Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount
Scheme n analysis Control Own/Gove completion
major crores) contract (PO capital capitalisation capital capitalisation capital capitalisation capital capitalisation
period(RS rnment
items details) expenditure expected expenditure expected expenditure expected expenditure expected
in Crs)

of HT & Approval has
LT LINES To been accored
Improvem New improve During by competent
1 voltage & 25.00 19.20 OWN 8.50 7.31 10.70 11.16 8.50 7.31 10.70 11.16
ent /Improve the infra 2026-27 Authority for
ment.Enh structure effecting of
Line Loss
ancement new services
of DT
on of Gobi Ssfe of
Approval has
Division Office To reduce
been accored
Office Equipmen Building
During by competent
2 Civil Works ,Section ts ,& Rent 112.60 87.28 OWN 38.02 33.66 49.26 46.58 38.02 33.66 49.26 46.58
2026-27 Authority for
Office,Fen Office Expenditu
effecting of
cing area re
new services
Arrangem incrased
TOTAL 137.60 106.48 46.52 40.97 59.96 57.74 46.52 40.97 59.96 57.74

Name of the Circle: Mettur EDC
Net Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by the Commission
Allocation Details of FY 2025-26 ( Crs.) FY 2026-27 ( Crs.) FY 2025-26 ( Crs.) FY 2026-27 ( Crs.)
Estimated for Source of Board
Name of Details of work Cost Anticipated
Technical Cost current funding (PFC/ approval or
S. No. the furnishing list Benift date of
justification ( control REC/ Own/ date of award Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount
Scheme of major items Analysis completion capital capitalisation capital capitalisation capital capitalisation capital capitalisation
Crs.) period Government of contract
expenditure expected expenditure expected expenditure expected expenditure expected
( (PO details)

of supply to
Laying of new New
To meet
HT/LT line, Line Industrial,
1 Capital line, Agriculture, 206.92 141.27 62.93 52.4975 78.35 67.41438 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00
Reinforcement Commercial
of Conductors , Domestic,
of the
OHT and
Total 206.92 141.27 62.93 52.50 78.35 67.41 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00

Name of the Circle: Salem EDC
Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by the Commission
Source of FY 2025-26 ( Crs.) FY 2026-27 ( Crs.) FY 2025-26 ( Crs.) FY 2026-27 ( Crs.)
Details of Details of
work Estimated Net Allocation Board approval
Name of (PFC/ Anticipated
S. furnishing Technical Cost Benift Cost for current or date of
the REC/ date of Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount
No. list of justification Analysis ( control period award of
Scheme Own/ completion
major Crs.) ( Crs.) contract (PO capital capitalisation capital capitalisation capital capitalisation capital capitalisation
Governme expenditure expected expenditure expected expenditure expected expenditure expected
items details)

Approval will
To meet the
Extention as per be accorded by
1 Capital LT of LT request of 15.15 15.15 Own 2027 the relevant 6.85 4.60 8.30 5.20 6.85 4.60 8.3 5.2
demands of
Supply consumer competent
the consumer

Approval will
To meet the
Extention as per be accorded by
2 Capital HT of HT request of 13.41 13.41 Own 2027 the relevant 6.75 4.25 6.66 4.25 6.75 4.25 6.66 4.25
demands of
Supply consumer competent
the consumer

Total 28.56 28.56 4054.00 13.60 8.85 14.96 9.45 13.60 8.85 14.96 9.45

Name of the Circle: Namakkal EDC
Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by the Commission
Details of
Allocation Source of FY 2025-26 ( Crs.) FY 2026-27 ( Crs.) FY 2025-26 ( Crs.) FY 2026-27 ( Crs.)
Estimated Board
Details of work Technical Cost for Funding Anticipated
Name of the Cost approval or
S. No. furnishing list of justificatio benefit Current (PFC/REC/ date of
Scheme (Rs. in date of award Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount
major items n analysis Control Own/Gove completion
crores) of contract capital capitalisation capital capitalisation capital capitalisation capital capitalisation
period(RS rnment
(PO details) expenditure expected expenditure expected expenditure expected expenditure expected
in Crs)

Capital works
below 1 crore.
L.T.-New Street Street light, Agri Approval has
light - Agri SFS SFS , Hut To been accored
anticipated and srvices, Proving improve During by competent
1 the 8.50 8.50 OWN 3.75 1.00 4.75 5.50 3.75 1.00 4.75 5.5
3Ph MSC 3ph Msc the 2026-27 Authority
domestic & domestic & Revenue based on
commercial commercial etc estimates
Improvement minimse
Construction of Approval has
s: CIVIL- the
Section offices been accored
Construction of Revenue To reduce
and its minor During by competent
2 section offices Expenditu repairing 101.32 101.32 OWN 47.05 50.29 54.27 53.24 47.05 50.29 54.27 53.24
works, Safety 2026-27 Authority
& Safety wall re asrent expenses
wall/compound, based on
and minor civil and
cycle shed. estimates
works repairing
109.82 109.82 50.80 51.29 59.02 58.74 50.80 51.29 59.02 58.74

Name of the circle: Sivaganga EDC
Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by the Commission
Net FY 2025-26 ( Crs.) FY 2026-27 ( Crs.) FY 2025-26 ( Crs.) FY 2026-27 ( Crs.)
Source of
Allocation Details of
for Board
Name of Cost (PFC/ Anticipated
Details of work furnishing Technical Estimated Cost current approval or Allocation
S. No. the Benefit REC/ date of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount
list of major items justification ( Crs.) control date of award of capital
Scheme Analysis Own/ completion capitalisation capital capitalisation capital capitalisation capital capitalisation
period of contract expenditu
Govern- expected expenditure expected expenditure expected expenditure expected
( (PO details) re

New service Adding

Extension of HT,LT,LTCT connection Consumer
supply to 40 SC various effected. s.
tariff services.
Improves net To reduce
Improvement workes in work strength the line
1 Improvem 233.56 145.04 75.04 70.65 70.00 61.69 75.04 70.65 70 61.69
certain HT/LT lines, and loss and
provision of DTs in quality,replac maintain
requeired area and ement of the
upgradation of aged quality of
Distribution Transformers. conductors, power
poles ,etc., supply.

Total 233.56 145.04 75.04 70.65 70.00 61.69 75.04 70.65 70.00 61.69

Name of the circle: Theni EDC
Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by the Commission
Details of
Net Source of FY 2025-26 ( Crs.) FY 2026-27 ( Crs.) FY 2025-26 ( Crs.) FY 2026-27 ( Crs.)
Details of Board
Allocation funding
work Estimated approval
Name of Cost for current (PFC/ Anticipated
furnishing Technical Cost or date of
S. No. the Benefit control REC/ date of
list of justification ( award of Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount
Scheme Analysis period Own/ completion
major Crs.) contract capital capitalisation capital capitalisation capital capitalisation capital capitalisation
( Govern- expenditure expected expenditure expected expenditure expected expenditure expected
items (PO
Crs.) ment

& LT supply New Service
I CAPITAL to 40000 connections 156.19 74.30 36.15 50.93 38.15 38.15 36.15 50.93 38.15 38.15
Nos. effected
various tarff

Total 156.19 74.30 36.15 50.93 38.15 38.15 36.15 50.93 38.15 38.15

Name of the circle: Madurai/Metro EDC
Source of
Details of Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by the Commission
Board FY 2025-26 ( Crs.)FY 2026-27 ( Crs.)FY 2025-26 ( Crs.) FY 2026-27 ( Crs.)
Estimated Net Allocation Anticipate approval
Name of Details of work Technical Cost (PFC/
Cost for current d date of or date of Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount
S. No. the furnishing list of justificatio Benefit REC/
( control period completio award of of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat Allocation of Amount
Scheme major items n Analysis Own/ capital capitalisation
Crs.) ( Crs.) n contract expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion
Govern- expenditure expected
(PO re expected re expected re expected
Purchase of Land -
Sellur 33/11KV SS,
Muthupatti To meet To meet
in the
1 Capital 33/11KV SS, out load out load 11.55 11.55 Own 2022-23 11.55 11.55 0 0 11.55 11.55 0 0
Managiri 33/11KV growth growth
SS, Ponmeni
33/11KV SS
in the
To meet To meet Master
Purchase of Land -
2 Capital out load out load 3.00 3.00 PFC 2022-23 Plan and 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 0 0
growth growth included
Civil -
Construction of accorded
3 Capital Buildings - SS and 1.37 2.12 Own 2023-25 by the 1.01 0.30 1.11 1.15 1.01 0.30 1.111 1.1514
on of
Collection Centres relevent
Formation of SS -
Plant and Approved
To meet To meet
Machinery and in the
5 Capital out load out load 1.60 2.48 Own 2022-23 1.18 0.35 1.30 1.35 1.18 0.35 1.298 1.3452
other related Master
growth growth
materials & Plan

Total 17.53 19.15 16.74 15.21 2.41 2.50 16.74 15.21 2.41 2.50

Name of the circle: Ramnad EDC
Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by the Commission
Net Details of FY 2025-26 ( Crs.) FY 2026-27 ( Crs.) FY 2025-26 ( Crs.) FY 2026-27 ( Crs.)
Source of
Details of Allocation Board
work Estimated for approval
Name of Technical Cost (PFC/ Anticipated
furnishing Cost current or date of
S. No. the justificatio Benefit REC/ date of
list of ( control award of Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount
Scheme n Analysis Own/ completion
major Crs.) period contract capital capitalisation capital capitalisation capital capitalisation capital capitalisation
Govern- expenditure expected expenditure expected expenditure expected expenditure expected
items ( (PO
Crs.) details)

1 Capital TF.Sy,OH 160.97 92.04 48.90 48.20 43.14 47.16 48.90 48.20 43.1362 47.1562

Total 160.97 92.04 48.90 48.20 43.14 47.16 48.90 48.20 43.14 47.16

Name of the circle: Dindigul EDC
Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by the Commission
Net FY 2025-26 ( Crs.) FY 2026-27 ( Crs.) FY 2025-26 ( Crs.) FY 2026-27 ( Crs.)
Source of
funding Details of Board
Estimated for Anticipate
Name of Details of work Cost (PFC/ approval or date
Technical Cost current d date of
S. No. the furnishing list of Benefit REC/ of award of
justification ( control completio Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount
Scheme major items Analysis Own/ contract (PO
Crs.) period n capital capitalisation capital capitalisation capital capitalisation capital capitalisation
Govern- details)
( expenditure expected expenditure expected expenditure expected expenditure expected

Approval was
Construction of Civil - accorded by the
1 Capital Buildings - SS and Construction 8.00 3.00 Own 2026-27 relevent 3.00 2.40 0.00 0.00 3.00 2.40 0 0
Collection Centres of Buildings competent
Formation of SS -
Plant and Machinery To meet
To meet out Approved in the
2 Capital and other related out load 96.44 30.55 Own 2026-27 19.94 16.53 10.61 18.53 19.94 16.53 10.61 18.53
load growth Master Plan
materials & growth
Total 104.44 33.55 22.94 18.93 10.61 18.53 22.94 18.93 10.61 18.53

Name of the circle: Madurai EDC
Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by the Commission
Net Details of
Source of FY 2025-26 ( Crs.) FY 2026-27 ( Crs.) FY 2025-26 ( Crs.) FY 2026-27 ( Crs.)
Allocation Board
Details of funding
Estimated for Anticipate approval
Name of work Cost (PFC/
S. Technical Cost current d date of or date of
the furnishing Benefit REC/
No. justification ( control completio award of Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount
Scheme list of major Analysis Own/
Crs.) period n contract capital capitalisation capital capitalisation capital capitalisation capital capitalisation
items Govern-
( (PO expenditure expected expenditure expected expenditure expected expenditure expected
Crs.) details)

Low voltage
DT, To Rectify
on of low
Replacement Low voltage
IMPROVE voltage
of SS Problem,
1 MENT complaint. 156.685 92.105 48.205 7.09 43.9 7.105 48.21 7.09 43.9 7.105
Equipments( replace the
WORK To reduce
Battery, ss
the Line
VCB, CT, Equipments

Total 156.69 92.11 48.21 7.09 43.90 7.11 48.21 7.09 43.90 7.11

Name of the circle: Virudunagar EDC
Net Source Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by the Commission
Allocation of FY 2025-26 ( Crs.) FY 2026-27 ( Crs.) FY 2025-26 ( Crs.) FY 2026-27 ( Crs.)
Details of Board
Details of Estimated for fundin
Name of Anticipated approval or
work Technical Cost Benift Cost current g (PFC/
S. No. the date of date of award Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount
furnishing list justification Analysis ( control REC/
Scheme completion of contract (PO capital capitalisation capital capitalisation capital capitalisation capital capitalisation
of major items Crs.) period Own/
details) expenditure expected expenditure expected expenditure expected expenditure expected
( Govern
Crs.) ment
Erection of
additional To increased To improve the
1x8MVA PrTr Awaiting for
1 Captial the Revenue network 1.3 0.0 OWN 2026-27 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.00 0 0
in 33/11KV approval
of TANGEDCO strengthening
Indoor SS
of PrTr from To increased To improve the
Awaiting for
2 Captial 1x8+1x5into the Revenue network 1.0 0.0 OWN 2026-27 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.00 0 0
2x8MVA at of TANGEDCO strengthening
of PrTr from To increased To improve the
Awaiting for
3 Captial 1x8+1x5into the Revenue network 1.0 0.0 OWN 2026-27 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.00 0 0
2x8MVA at of TANGEDCO strengthening
Extension of
New Service
LT & LTCT, New Service Awaiting for
4 Captial Connection / 12.0 8.0 OWN 2026-27 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00
supply Various Connection approval
additional load
tariff services

New Service To increase to

5 Captial Lines & Cabale Connection / Revenue of 4.0 2.7 OWN 2026-27 to be approval 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.4 1.30 1.30 1.40 1.40
additional load TANGEDCO

New Service To increase to

6 Captial Street light Connection / Revenue of 4.0 2.0 OWN 2026-27 to be approval 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
additional load TANGEDCO
To increase to
7 Captial Others Revenue of 6.0 4.0 OWN 2026-27 to be approval 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00
TOTAL 29.3 16.7 8.3 8.3 8.4 8.4 8.3 8.3 8.4 8.4

Name of the circle: Tirunelveli EDC
Source Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by the Commission
Details of
Net of
Board FY 2025-26 ( Crs.) FY 2026-27 ( Crs.) FY 2025-26 ( Crs.) FY 2026-27 ( Crs.)
Allocation fundin
Estimated approval or
Name of Details of work for current g Anticipated
Technical Cost Benift Cost date of
S. No. the furnishing list of control (PFC/ date of
justification Analysis ( award of Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount
Scheme major items period REC/ completion
Crs.) contract capital capitalisation capital capitalisation capital capitalisation capital capitalisation
( Own/
(PO expenditure expected expenditure expected expenditure expected expenditure expected
Crs.) Govern
Extension of LT
New service To increase the
1 Capital connections effected Revenue of 45.00 31.50 Own 2027 13.50 13.50 18.00 18.00 13.50 13.50 18 18
Supply various
and Additional load TANGEDCO
tariff services
1 X 8 MVA Essentially needed
Power to bring the To increase the
2 Capital Transformer at Regulation within Revenue of 4.87 0.00 Own 2027 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0
Medical College limit and line loss TANGEDCO
SS( Centetary reduction
1 X 8 MVA Essentially needed
Power to bring the To increase the
3 Capital Transformer at Regulation within Revenue of 6.26 0.00 Own 2027 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0
Naduvakurichi limit and line loss TANGEDCO
33/11 KV SS reduction
2 X 8 MVA Essentially needed
Power to bring the To increase the
4 Capital Transformer at Regulation within Revenue of 8.19 0.00 Own 2027 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0
sevala peri limit and line loss TANGEDCO
33/11kV SS reduction
Essentially needed
1X 8 MVA Power
to bring the To increase the
Transformer At
5 Capital Regulation within Revenue of 7.47 0.00 Own 2027 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0
Pettai 33/11kV
limit and line loss TANGEDCO
2 X 8 MVA Essentially needed
Power to bring the To increase the
6 Capital Transformer at Regulation within Revenue of 8.48 0.00 Own 2027 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0
Donavoor limit and line loss TANGEDCO
33/11kV SS reduction
2 X 8 MVA Essentially needed
Power to bring the To increase the
7 Capital Transformer at Regulation within Revenue of 6.22 0.00 Own 2027 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0
Mukkudal limit and line loss TANGEDCO
33/11kV SS reduction
1 X 8 MVA Essentially needed
Power to bring the To increase the
8 Capital Transformer at Regulation within Revenue of 87.38 37.96 Own 2027 16.90 16.90 21.06 21.06 16.90 16.90 21.06 21.06
Kallikulam limit and line loss TANGEDCO
33/11kV SS reduction
TOTAL 173.87 69.46 16216.00 30.40 30.40 39.06 39.06 30.40 30.40 39.06 39.06

Name of the circle: Kanyakumari EDC
Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by the Commission
Source FY 2025-26 ( Crs.) FY 2026-27 ( Crs.) FY 2025-26 ( Crs.) FY 2026-27 ( Crs.)
of Board
Net of
Details of Estimated Allocation funding
Name of Anticipated or date
work Technical Cost Benift Cost for current (PFC/
S. No. the date of of award Amount
furnishing list justification Analysis ( control REC/ Allocation Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of
Scheme completion of capitalisati
of major items Crs.) period Own/ of capital capitalisation capital capitalisation capital capitalisation capital
contract on
( Crs.) Govern expenditure expected expenditure expected expenditure expected expenditure
(PO expected

Extension of Approval
LT&LTCT,HT New service by
Supply to Increasein
1 Capital connections 38.76 30.57 OWN 2027 compete 15.00 15.00 15.57 15.57 15.00 15.00 15.57 15.57
82500 Nos revenue
effected nt
various tariff authority
Establishment Due to Load To reduce line Submitte
2 Capital of 33 /11 kV growth in and loss and 11.44 0.00 OWN 2027 d for 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0
Konam SS. around Konam uninterruptedp Approval
area ower supply
Due to Load To reduce line
Establishment Submitte
growth in and loss and
3 Capital of 33 /11 kV 11.44 11.44 OWN 2027 d for 11.44 11.44 0.00 0.00 11.44 11.44 0 0
around uninterruptedp
puliyadi SS. Approval
puliyadi area ower supply
Erection of (Per)TA
additional Strenthening Proceedi
4 Capital Power 1.27 works to 86.46 56.31 OWN 2027 ngs No. 35.51 19.20 20.80 37.11 35.51 19.20 20.8 37.11
Transformer reduce AT&C 4,
in 33/11KV loss. Dated.03
Vadasery SS/ .01.2019
Part II
TOTAL 148.10 98.32 8108.00 61.95 45.64 36.37 52.68 61.95 45.64 36.37 52.68

Name of the circle: Tuticorin EDC
Details Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by the Commission
Net Source FY 2025-26 ( Crs.) FY 2026-27 ( Crs.) FY 2025-26 ( Crs.) FY 2026-27 ( Crs.)
of Board
Allocation of
Estimated for funding
Name of Details of work Anticipated or date
S. Technical Cost Benift Cost current (PFC/
the furnishing list date of of award Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount
No. justification Analysis ( control REC/
Scheme of major items completion of capital capitalisation capital capitalisation capital capitalisation capital capitalisation
Crs.) period Own/
contract expenditure expected expenditure expected expenditure expected expenditure expected
( Govern
Crs.) ment
Power Improvement
To increase the
Improvem Transformer work to
1 enhancement Revenue of 57.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0
ent provide quality
/ Additional in TANGEDCO
various SS
TOTAL 57.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Name of the circle: Trichy Metro EDC
Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by the Commission
Net Details of FY 2025-26 ( Crs.) FY 2026-27 ( Crs.) FY 2025-26 ( Crs.) FY 2026-27 ( Crs.)
Source of
Details of Allocation Board
work Estimated for Anticipate approval
Name of Technical Cost (PFC/
S. furnishing Cost current d date of or date of
the justificatio Benift REC/
No. list of ( control completio award of Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount
Scheme n Analysis Own/
major Crs.) period n contract capital capitalisation capital capitalisation capital capitalisation capital capitalisation
Governme expenditure expected expenditure expected expenditure expected expenditure expected
items ( (PO
Crs.) details)

Extentsion for new

of HT sC
1 Capital lines, DTs connectio 198.84 131.0 68.25 38.45 62.76 100.77 68.25 38.45 62.76 100.77
and allied n HT LT
works and LTCT
Total 198.84 131.01 68.25 38.45 62.76 100.77 68.25 38.45 62.76 100.77

Name of the circle: Thanjavur EDC
Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by the Commission
Net Details of FY 2025-26 ( Crs.) FY 2026-27 ( Crs.) FY 2025-26 ( Crs.) FY 2026-27 ( Crs.)
Source of
Details of Allocation Board
work Estimated for approval
Name of Cost (PFC/ Anticipated
S. furnishing Technical Cost current or date of
the Benift REC/ date of
No. list of justification ( control award of Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount
Scheme Analysis Own/ completion capital capitalisation capital capitalisation capital capitalisation capital capitalisation
major Crs.) period contract
Governme expenditure expected expenditure expected expenditure expected expenditure expected
items ( (PO
Crs.) details)

Extension Adding
of LT & the
LT CT, HT number of
Supply to consumer
New service
Nos s in all
1 Capital connections 210.66 134.42 66.07 64.75 68.36 38.33 66.07 64.75 68.357 38.33425
various tariff and
tariff to
services improve
including the
civil work revenue
TOTAL 210.66 134.42 66.07 64.75 68.36 38.33 66.07 64.75 68.36 38.33

Name of the circle: Karur EDC
Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by the Commission
Net Details of FY 2025-26 ( FY 2026-27 ( FY 2025-26 ( FY 2026-27 (
Source of
Details of Allocation Board Crs.) Crs.) Crs.) Crs.)
work Estimated for approval
Name of Technical Cost (PFC/ Anticipated
S. furnishing Cost current or date of
the justificatio Benift REC/ date of
No. list of ( control award of Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount
Scheme n Analysis Own/ completion
major Crs.) period contract of capital capitalisati of capital capitalisati of capital capitalisati of capital capitalisati
items ( (PO expenditu on expenditu on expenditu on expenditu on
Crs.) details) re expected re expected re expected re expected

of supply
to LT,
1 Capital effected & 226.72 128.20 75.70 48.70 52.50 91.374 75.70 48.70 52.504 91.374
ent in
Total 226.72 128.20 75.70 48.70 52.50 91.37 75.70 48.70 52.50 91.37

Name of the circle: Pudukottai EDC
Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by the Commission
Details of FY 2025-26 ( FY 2026-27 ( FY 2025-26 ( FY 2026-27 (
Net Crs.) Crs.) Crs.) Crs.)
Allocation Source of
Estimated Anticipated approval or
S. Name of Technical Cost Benift for current funding (PFC/
Cost date of date of Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount
No. the Scheme Details of justification Analysis control REC/ Own/
( Crs.) completion award of of capital capitalisati of capital capitalisati of capital capitalisati of capital capitalisati
work period Government
contract expenditur on expenditur on expenditur on expenditur on
furnishing ( Crs.)
(PO details)
list of major e expected e expected e expected e expected
New service
Extension connections
of supply to effected &
1 Capital 15% 143.96 92.66 45.70 43.40 46.96 50.06 45.70 43.40 46.96 50.06
LT, LTCT & Improvement
HT services in Distn.
Total 143.96 92.66 45.70 43.40 46.96 50.06 45.70 43.40 46.96 50.06

Name of the circle: Perambalur EDC
Details of Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by the Commission
Source of
Details of Net Board FY 2025-26 ( Crs.) FY 2026-27 ( Crs.) FY 2025-26 ( Crs.) FY 2026-27 ( Crs.)
work Allocation approval
Name of Cost Estimated (PFC/ Anticipated
S. furnishing Technical for current or date of
the Benift Cost ( REC/ date of
No. list of justification control award of Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount
Scheme Analysis Crs.) Own/ completion
major period contract capital capitalisation capital capitalisation capital capitalisation capital capitalisation
Governme expenditure expected expenditure expected expenditure expected expenditure expected
items ( Crs.) (PO
New service
of Supply
1 Capital in LT, 96.15 51.175 27.550 34.515 23.625 24.452 27.55 34.52 23.625 24.4521
in Distribution
Total 96.15 51.18 27.55 34.52 23.63 24.45 27.55 34.52 23.63 24.45

Name of the circle: Thiruvarur EDC
Source of
Details of Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by the Commission
Details of Allocation Board FY 2025-26 ( Crs.) FY 2026-27 ( Crs.) FY 2025-26 ( Crs.) FY 2026-27 ( Crs.)
work Estimated for Anticipate approval
Name of Technical Cost (PFC/
furnishing Cost current d date of or date of
S. No. the justificatio Benift REC/
list of ( control completio award of Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount
Scheme n Analysis Own/
major Crs.) period n contract capital capitalisation capital capitalisation capital capitalisation capital capitalisation
Governme expenditure expected expenditure expected expenditure expected expenditure expected
items ( (PO
Crs.) details)
of LT & LT
CT, HT New
supply to service adding of
1 Capital 14000 connectio consumer 131.91 77.03 40.13 41.47 36.90 36.19 40.13 41.47 36.9 36.186
Nos ns to be s
various effected
Total 131.91 77.03 40.13 41.47 36.90 36.19 40.13 41.47 36.90 36.19

Name of the circle: Nagapattinam EDC
Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by the Commission
FY 2025-26 ( Crs.) FY 2026-27 ( Crs.) FY 2025-26 ( Crs.) FY 2026-27 ( Crs.)
Details of
Details of Source of Board
Allocation for
work Cost Estimated funding Anticipated approval or
Name of the Technical current
S. No. furnishing list Benift Cost ( (PFC/ REC/ date of date of Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount
Scheme justification control
of major Analysis Crs.) Own/ completion award of capital capitalisation capital capitalisation capital capitalisation capital capitalisation
period (
items Government contract (PO expenditure expected expenditure expected expenditure expected expenditure expected

Extension of
HT Supply New service
1 Capital Supply to connections 15% 147.54 98.00 45.78 2.06 52.22 5.48 45.78 2.06 52.2243 5.48
39000 Nos effected
various tariff
Total 147.54 98.00 45.78 2.06 52.22 5.48 45.78 2.06 52.22 5.48

Name of the Circle: Vellore EDC
Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by the Commission
Details of
Net FY 2025-26 ( Crs.) FY 2026-27 ( Crs.) FY 2025-26 ( Crs.) FY 2026-27 ( Crs.)
Details of Board
Allocation Source of
work Estimated Anticipated approval or
S. Name of the Technical Cost Benift for current funding (PFC/
furnishing Cost date of date of
No. Scheme justification Analysis control REC/ Own/ Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount
list of major ( Crs.) completion award of
period Government capital capitalisatio capital capitalisation capital capitalisation capital capitalisation
items contract (PO
( Crs.) expenditure n expected expenditure expected expenditure expected expenditure expected

Extension of New Service

For energy
1 Capital LT & HT Connection 62.24 8.29 2027 4.00 6.00 4.29 4.29 4.00 6.00 4.29 4.29
supply to effected
Total 62.24 8.29 4.00 6.00 4.29 4.29 4.00 6.00 4.29 4.29

Name of the Circle: Tirupattur EDC
Net Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by the Commission
Details of
Allocation FY 2025-26 ( Crs.) FY 2026-27 ( Crs.) FY 2025-26 ( Crs.) FY 2026-27 ( Crs.)
Details of Estimated for Source of
Name of Cost Anticipated approval or
S. work Technical Cost current funding (PFC/
the Benift date of date of
No. furnishing list justification ( control REC/ Own/
Scheme Analysis completion award of Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount
of major items Crs.) period Government
contract capital capitalisation capital capitalisation capital capitalisation capital capitalisation
(PO details) expenditure expected expenditure expected expenditure expected expenditure expected
1 Capital Extension of New Service For 12.50 4.42 Fund FY 2026-27 based on 3.00 2.00 1.42 3.00 3.00 2.00 1.42 3
LT & HT Connection energy allocation the
supply to effected accountin from Board application
g from the
accorded by
2 Gen Construction New Building 114.59 57.20 Fund FY 2026-27 Approval 30.03 16.90 27.17 19.86 30.03 16.90 27.17 19.86
Improvem works for New allocation yet to
ent SE office from Board accorded
TOTAL 127.09 61.62 33.03 18.90 28.59 22.86 33.03 18.90 28.59 22.86

Name of the Circle: Dharmapuri EDC
Net Details of Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by the Commission
Source of
Allocation Board FY 2025-26 ( Crs.) FY 2026-27 ( Crs.) FY 2025-26 ( Crs.) FY 2026-27 ( Crs.)
Details of funding
Estimated for approval
Name of work (PFC/ Anticipated
Technical Cost Benift Cost current or date of
S. No. the furnishing REC/ date of
justification Analysis ( control award of Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount
Scheme list of major Own/ completion
Crs.) period contract capital capitalisation capital capitalisation capital capitalisation capital capitalisation
items Governme
( (PO expenditure expected expenditure expected expenditure expected expenditure expected
Crs.) details)

to meet the to meet the

future load future load yet to be
1 CAPITAL nt of new 5.60 2.80 OWN 31.03.2027 2.80 2.80 0.00 0.00 2.80 2.80 0 0
growth growth approved
demand demand
i 33/11KVSS

Establishme to meet the to meet the

nt of new future load future load yet to be
2 CAPITAL 7.21 3.41 31.03.2027 3.20 3.20 0.21 0.21 3.20 3.20 0.21 0.21
Kathiripuram growth growth approved
33/11KVSS demand demand
Establishme to meet the to meet the
nt of new future load future load yet to be
3 CAPITAL 5.22 3.72 31.03.2027 2.22 2.22 1.50 1.50 2.22 2.22 1.5 1.5
Noolahalli growth growth approved
33/11KVSS demand demand
of SS and
to meet the to meet the
future load future load yet to be
4 CAPITAL of power 2.50 0.00 31.03.2027 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0
growth growth approved
demand demand
ai 33/11kvss
Purchase of
land for to meet the to meet the
establishme future load future load
5 CAPITAL 98.57 54.69 31.03.2027 32.29 23.22 22.40 34.31 32.29 23.22 22.4 34.31
nt of New growth growth
Sub-Stations demand demand

TOTAL 119.10 64.62 40.51 31.44 24.11 36.02 40.51 31.44 24.11 36.02

Name of the Circle: Krishnagiri EDC
Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by the Commission
Source of
Details of Allocation Details of FY 2025-26 ( Crs.) FY 2026-27 ( Crs.) FY 2025-26 ( Crs.) FY 2026-27 ( Crs.)
work Estimated for Board approval
Technical (PFC/ Anticipated
Name of the furnishing Cost Benift Cost current or date of
S. No. justificatio REC/ date of
Scheme list of Analysis ( control award of Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount
n Own/ completion
major Crs.) period contract (PO capital capitalisatio capital capitalisatio capital capitalisation capital capitalisatio
items ( details) expenditure n expected expenditure n expected expenditure expected expenditure n expected

The expenditure
Erection To reduce shall be
HT improvement I(Distribution)/
1 of 11KV AT & C paybacked by 3.00 1.10 REC 31.03.2023 1.1 1.6 0 0 1.10 1.60 0 0
works 2019-20/507
link line loss savings in the
line loss.
The expenditure
Strengthe To reduce shall be
HT improvement I(Distribution)/
2 ning of AT & C paybacked by 2.27 1.00 REC 31.03.2023 1 1.57 0 0 1.00 1.57 0 0
works 2019-20/507
11KV line loss savings in the
line loss.
The expenditure
To reduce shall be
HT improvement 11KV Bay I(Distribution)/
3 AT & C paybacked by 1.50 0.44 REC 31.03.2023 0.44 0.7 0 0 0.44 0.70 0 0
works extension 2019-20/507
loss savings in the
line loss.
The expenditure
To reduce shall be
HT improvement of new I(Distribution)/
4 AT & C paybacked by 198.78 84.85 REC 31.03.2027 45.10 35.33 39.75 39.85 45.10 35.33 39.75 39.85
works 11KV AB 2019-20/507
loss savings in the
cable dated
line loss.
Total 205.55 87.39 47.64 39.20 39.75 39.85 47.64 39.20 39.75 39.85

Name of the Circle: Cuddalore EDC
Net Details of Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by the Commission
Details of Allocation Board FY 2025-26 ( Crs.) FY 2026-27 ( Crs.) FY 2025-26 ( Crs.) FY 2026-27 ( Crs.)
work Estimated for Source of approval
Technical Cost Anticipated
Name of the furnishing Cost current funding (PFC/ or date of
S. No. justificatio Benift date of
Scheme list of ( control REC/ Own/ award of Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount
n Analysis completion capital capitalisatio capital capitalisatio capital capitalisatio capital capitalisatio
major Crs.) period Government contract
items ( (PO expenditure n expected expenditure n expected expenditure n expected expenditure n expected
Crs.) details)
Extension for energy FY Mar Based on
New SCs
of supply accountin 2025- to the
to HT, LT g & line Mar -2027 applicatio
in various
CT & LT strengthe n from
1 Capital categories 176.00 103.70 Own 58.60 5.50 45.10 20.00 58.60 5.50 45.1 20
in various ning the
tariff consumer
services & s,
ent works
all other approval
Strengthe the
To reduce
ning of voltage
the HT/LT REC Loan
HT Sub regulation
line loss & REC - Funded FY Mar aprooved
2 Improvement Transmiss and to 603.02 145.33 86.06 49.00 59.27 48.83 86.06 49.00 59.27 48.83
quality of Scheme 2027 for UDAY
works ion & give
power Scheme
Distributio quality of
n network supply to
Total 779.02 249.03 144.66 54.50 104.37 68.83 144.66 54.50 104.37 68.83

Name of the Circle: Tiruvannamalai EDC
Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by the Commission
Net Details of FY 2025-26 ( Crs.) FY 2026-27 ( Crs.) FY 2025-26 ( Crs.) FY 2026-27 ( Crs.)
Source of
Estimated Allocation Board
Details of work Technical Cost funding Anticipated
Name of the Cost for current approval or Amount Amount Amount Amount
S. No. furnishing list of justificatio Benift (PFC/ REC/ date of Allocation of Allocation of Allocation of Allocation of
Scheme ( control date of award capitalisati capitalisati capitalisati capitalisati
major items n Analysis Own/ completion capital capital capital capital
Crs.) period ( of contract on on on on
Government expenditure expenditure expenditure expenditure
Crs.) (PO details) expected expected expected expected

Effecting of new
agriculture service
connection 5000
No'sEffecting of new
Domestic service
connection 60000
No'sEffecting of new Pending
Commercial service application& For energy
1 Capital
connection As per the Accounting
191.4 100.50 52.40 59.60 48.10 50.00 52.40 59.60 48.1 50
20000No'sEffecting of party request
new OHT and street
light service
connection 3600
No'sEffecting of new
LT Industrial service
connection 1000No's

T.V Malai TOTAL 191.40 100.50 52.40 59.60 48.10 50.00 52.40 59.60 48.10 50.00

Name of the Circle: Villupuram EDC

Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by the Commission

Details of
Net Source of
Details of Board
Allocation funding
work Estimated Anticipated approval or
Name of Technical Cost Benift for current (PFC/ REC/
S. No. furnishing Cost date of date of FY 2025-26 ( Crs.) FY 2026-27 ( Crs.) FY 2025-26 ( Crs.) FY 2026-27 ( Crs.)
the Scheme justification Analysis control Own/
list of major ( Crs.) completion award of
period Governmen
items contract
( Crs.) t
(PO details) Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount
capital capitalisation capital capitalisation capital capitalisation capital capitalisation
expenditure expected expenditure expected expenditure expected expenditure expected
of LT & LT
Supply to New service
1 Capital 51,000 connections 222.377 170.01 65.93 63.18 104.08 128.93 65.93 63.18 104.08 128.93
Nos. effected.
Total 222.377 170.01 65.93 63.18 104.08 128.93 65.93 63.18 104.08 128.93

Name of the Circle: Kallakurichi EDC
Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by the Commission
Details of FY 2025-26 ( Crs.) FY 2026-27 ( Crs.) FY 2025-26 ( Crs.) FY 2026-27 ( Crs.)
Details of Net
work Allocation Source of
Estimated Anticipated approval or
Name of furnishing Technical Cost Benift for current funding (PFC/
S. No. Cost date of date of
the Scheme list of justification Analysis control REC/ Own/ Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount
( Crs.) completion award of
major period Government capital capitalisation capital capitalisation capital capitalisation capital capitalisatio
items ( Crs.) expenditure expected expenditure expected expenditure expected expenditure n expected
(PO details)

of LT & LT
Supply to New SCs for energy
1 Capital 493.2501 245.98205 2027 108.78302 32.91202 137.19903 20.01803 108.78 32.91 137.19903 20.01803
35000 effected accounting
No. various

Total 493.25 245.98 108.78 32.91 137.20 20.02 108.78 32.91 137.20 20.02


Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by Commission

FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25 FY 2025-26 FY 2026-27 FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25 FY 2025-26 FY 2026-27
( Crs.) ( Crs.) ( Crs.) ( Crs.) ( Crs.) ( Crs.) ( Crs.) ( Crs.) ( Crs.) ( Crs.)
S.No. Name of Region
Estimated Cost
Capital Capital Capital Capital Capital Capital Capital Capital Capital Capital
expenditure expenditure expenditure expenditure expenditure expenditure expenditure expenditure expenditure expenditure

1 Chennai North
779.74 490.64 54.12 58.59 54.12 58.59 489.24 55.52 58.59 54.12 58.59
2 Chennai South
4593.44 1140.01 450.38 486.69 464.00 503.52 945.01 385.89 443.26 388.65 503.51
3 Coimbatore
1875.36 486.10 536.18 489.49 509.14 489.49 291.95 333.12 310.59 509.14 489.49
4 Erode
734.43 222.99 223.22 262.55 203.42 246.59 200.35 192.46 220.46 165.49 193.24
5 Madurai
968.78 364.81 276.07 255.88 247.98 208.21 360.81 276.07 255.88 247.98 208.21
6 Tirunelveli
456.48 229.57 117.05 94.83 100.65 83.83 229.57 117.05 94.83 100.65 83.83
7 Trichy
1155.78 349.43 369.17 343.33 369.17 343.33 349.43 369.17 343.33 369.17 343.33
8 Vellore
513.98 170.58 125.18 96.74 125.18 96.74 147.66 97.89 89.09 125.18 96.74
9 Villupuram
1686.05 320.83 371.77 393.75 371.77 393.75 314.93 365.87 389.55 371.77 393.75
Sub-Total 12764.03 3774.97 2523.15 2481.84 2445.44 2424.04 3328.95 2193.04 2205.58 2332.16 2370.69

10 Schemes

a RDSS 13103.779 980.11 2458.02 2326.96 980.11 2458.02 2326.96

b HVDS-ADB Loan 5318.000 1817.30 1817.30 1683.40 0.00 0.00 0.00

c Uday 1315.000 1224.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

d IPDS-Additional 181.590 75.75 0.00 0.00 75.75 0.00 0.00

Total 19918.369 4097.716 4275.323 4010.358 0.000 0.000 1055.856 2458.023 2326.958 0.000 0.000

Grand Total 32682.40 7872.69 6798.47 6492.20 2445.44 2424.04 4384.80 4651.07 4532.54 2332.16 2370.69

Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by Commission

FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25 FY 2025-26 FY 2026-27 FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25 FY 2025-26 FY 2026-27
S.No. Name of Region ( Crs.) ( Crs.) ( Crs.) ( Crs.) ( Crs.) ( Crs.) ( Crs.) ( Crs.) ( Crs.) ( Crs.)

FY 22-25 Capitalisation Capitalisation Capitalisation Capitalisation Capitalisation Capitalisation Capitalisation Capitalisation Capitalisation Capitalisation

1 Chennai North 779.738472 429.77 89.30 60.54 86.50 56.54 429.77 89.30 60.61 86.50 56.54
2 Chennai South 4593.4417 1408.99 406.66 427.12 286.26 166.00 1215.55 392.64 409.71 286.26 166.00
3 Coimbatore 1875.355261 284.78 475.65 482.10 375.65 423.12 261.98 320.70 321.56 375.65 423.12
4 Erode 734.43 176.30 204.68 242.88 191.32 226.42 167.22 184.30 209.86 163.82 184.01
5 Madurai 968.7792 270.35 238.10 245.42 211.01 175.13 266.35 238.10 245.42 211.01 175.13
6 Tirunelveli 456.4764095 246.50 101.34 111.14 84.34 100.14 246.50 101.34 111.14 84.34 100.14
7 Trichy 1155.78 241.85 273.34 504.61 273.34 346.66 241.85 273.34 504.61 273.34 346.66
8 Vellore 513.983754 151.01 95.54 103.02 95.54 103.02 140.06 73.12 74.36 95.54 103.02
9 Villupuram 1686.0471 577.42 385.88 473.30 210.19 267.78 571.52 379.98 469.10 210.19 267.78
Sub-Total 12764.032 3786.957 2270.482 2650.129 1814.148 1864.809 3540.786 2052.812 2406.367 1786.646 1822.390

10 Schemes

a RDSS 13103.78 980.11 2458.02 2326.96 980.11 2326.96 2458.02

b HVDS-ADB Loan 5318.00 1817.30 1817.30 1683.40 0.00 0.00 0.00

c Uday 1315.00 1224.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

d IPDS-Additional 181.59 75.75 0.00 0.00 75.75 0.00 0.00

Sub-Total 19918.37 4097.72 4275.32 4010.36 0.00 0.00 1055.86 2326.96 2458.02 0.00 0.00

Grand Total 32682.40 7884.67 6545.81 6660.49 1814.15 1864.81 4596.64 4379.77 4864.39 1786.65 1822.39


Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by Commission

S.No. Name of Circles
(Rs. In FY 2022- FY 2023- FY 2024- FY 2022- FY 2023- FY 2024-
Crores) 23 24 25 23 24 25

I Region : Chennai North

1 Chennai Central 141.17 30.15 26.52 28.99 30.15 26.52 28.99
2 Chennai North 317.15 291.15 12.00 14.00 289.75 13.40 14.00
3 Chennai West 321.42 169.34 15.60 15.60 169.34 15.60 15.60
Sub total 779.74 490.64 54.12 58.59 489.24 55.52 58.59
II Region : Chennai South
4 Chennai South-I 1905.72 315.86 229.45 211.07 284.29 168.17 147.79
5 Chennai South-II 2263.15 665.92 133.04 201.29 531.36 129.83 221.15
6 Kancheepuram 199.75 86.63 28.70 21.70 57.75 28.70 21.70
7 Chengalpattu 224.82 71.60 59.19 52.62 71.60 59.19 52.62
Sub total 4593.44 1140.01 450.38 486.69 945.01 385.89 443.26
III Region : Coimbatore
8 Coimbarore North 142.50 35.36 68.23 44.68 35.36 68.23 44.68
9 Coimbatore South 94.90 32.43 30.92 25.85 32.43 30.92 25.85
10 Coimbatore Metro 1149.47 250.00 272.01 269.90 55.85 68.95 91.00
11 Tiruppur 116.20 38.60 39.10 38.50 38.60 39.10 38.50
12 Udumalpet 175.97 61.40 64.47 50.10 61.40 64.47 50.10
13 Palladam 164.26 52.67 54.45 57.14 52.67 54.45 57.14
14 Nilgiris 32.06 15.64 7.00 3.32 15.64 7.00 3.32
Sub total 1875.36 486.10 536.18 489.49 291.95 333.12 310.59
IV Region : Erode
15 Erode 105.41 41.54 29.57 34.30 41.54 29.57 34.30
16 Gobi 137.60 31.12 46.52 59.96 31.12 46.52 59.96
17 Mettur 206.92 65.32 62.93 78.35 42.68 32.17 36.26
18 Salem 117.55 34.33 33.40 30.92 34.33 33.40 30.92
19 Namakkal 166.95 50.68 50.80 59.02 50.68 50.80 59.02
Sub total 734.43 222.99 223.22 262.55 200.35 192.46 220.46

V Region : Madurai
20 Sivaganga 233.56 78.90 75.04 70.00 78.90 75.04 70.00
21 Theni 156.19 45.45 36.15 38.15 45.45 36.15 38.15
22 Madurai Metro 156.94 52.90 44.83 50.09 52.90 44.83 50.09
23 Ramnad 160.97 67.66 48.90 43.14 63.66 48.90 43.14
24 Dindigul 104.44 70.89 22.94 10.61 70.89 22.94 10.61
25 Madurai 156.69 49.01 48.21 43.90 49.01 48.21 43.90
Sub total 968.78 364.81 276.07 255.88 360.81 276.07 255.88
VI Region : Tirunelveli
26 Virudunagar 77.21 31.78 24.70 19.40 31.78 24.70 19.40
27 Tirunelveli 173.87 101.99 30.40 39.06 101.99 30.40 39.06
28 Kanyakumari 148.10 38.50 61.95 36.37 38.50 61.95 36.37
29 Tuticorin 57.30 57.30 0.00 0.00 57.30 0.00 0.00
Sub total 456.48 229.57 117.05 94.83 229.57 117.05 94.83
VII Region : Trichy
30 Trichy Metro 198.84 35.93 68.25 62.76 35.93 68.25 62.76
31 Thiruvarur 131.91 37.33 40.13 36.90 37.33 40.13 36.90
32 Karur 226.72 85.83 75.70 52.50 85.83 75.70 52.50
33 Pudukottai 143.96 40.47 45.70 46.96 40.47 45.70 46.96
34 Perambalur 96.15 37.10 27.55 23.63 37.10 27.55 23.63
35 Thanjavur 210.66 63.24 66.07 68.36 63.24 66.07 68.36
36 Nagapattinam 147.54 49.54 45.78 52.22 49.54 45.78 52.22
Sub total 1155.78 349.43 369.17 343.33 349.43 369.17 343.33
VIII Region : Vellore
37 Vellore 62.24 41.99 4.00 4.29 41.99 4.00 4.29
38 Tirupattur 127.09 34.10 33.03 28.59 34.10 33.03 28.59
39 Dharmapuri 119.10 46.25 40.51 24.11 32.13 23.22 24.11
40 Krishnagiri 205.55 48.24 47.64 39.75 39.44 37.64 32.10
Sub total 513.98 170.58 125.18 96.74 147.66 97.89 89.09
IX Region : Villupuram
41 Cuddalore 779.02 140.80 144.66 104.37 140.80 144.66 104.37
42 Thiruvannamalai 191.40 90.90 52.40 48.10 85.00 46.50 43.90
43 Villupuram 222.38 49.89 65.93 104.08 49.89 65.93 104.08
44 Kallakurichi 493.25 39.24 108.78 137.20 39.24 108.78 137.20
Sub total 1686.05 320.83 371.77 393.75 314.93 365.87 389.55
Total 12764.03 3774.97 2523.15 2481.84 3328.95 2193.04 2205.58
X Schemes
a RDSS 13103.78 980.11 2458.02 2326.96 980.11 2458.02 2326.96

b HVDS-ADB Loan 5318.00 1817.30 1817.30 1683.40 0.00 0.00 0.00
c Uday 1315.00 1224.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
d IPDS-Additional 181.59 75.75 0.00 0.00 75.75 0.00 0.00
Total 19918.37 4097.72 4275.32 4010.36 1055.86 2458.02 2326.96
Grand total 32682.40 7872.69 6798.47 6492.20 4384.80 4651.07 4532.54



Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by COMMISION
FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25 FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25

Name of Estimated Cost

Circles (Rs. in Crores) Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount
Capitalisation Capitalisation Capitalisation Capitalisation Capitalisation Capitalisation
(Rs. in Crores) (Rs. in Crores) (Rs. in Crores) (Rs. in Crores) (Rs. in Crores) (Rs. in Crores)

I Region : Chennai North

1 Chennai Central 141.17 26.02 25.20 27.54 26.02 25.20 27.54
2 Chennai West 321.42 135.87 49.30 19.00 135.87 49.30 19.07
3 Chennai North 317.15 267.88 14.80 14.00 267.88 14.80 14.00
Sub total 779.74 429.77 89.30 60.54 429.77 89.30 60.61
II Region : Chennai South
4 Chennai South-I 1905.72 303.88 166.00 136.52 288.93 135.18 104.20
5 Chennai South-II 2263.15 969.20 133.04 206.25 819.60 149.83 221.15
6 Kancheepuram 199.75 76.35 49.10 25.40 47.47 49.10 25.40
7 Chengalpattu 224.82 59.55 58.52 58.96 59.55 58.52 58.96
Sub total 4593.44 1408.99 406.66 427.12 1215.55 392.64 409.71
III Region : Coimbatore
8 Coimbarore North 142.50 31.85 35.81 41.74 31.85 35.81 41.74
9 Coimbatore South 94.90 26.55 57.55 26.75 26.55 57.55 26.75
10 Coimbatore Metro 1149.47 74.69 220.60 247.96 51.89 65.65 87.42
11 Tiruppur 116.20 36.50 39.00 36.00 36.50 39.00 36.00
12 Udumalpet 175.97 55.82 58.61 61.54 55.82 58.61 61.54
13 Palladam 164.26 50.40 57.48 59.38 50.40 57.48 59.38
14 Nilgiris 32.06 8.97 6.60 8.73 8.97 6.60 8.73
Sub total 1875.36 284.78 475.65 482.10 261.98 320.70 321.56
IV Region : Erode
15 Erode 105.41 26.43 37.71 33.08 26.43 37.71 33.08
16 Gobi 137.60 27.19 40.97 57.74 27.19 40.97 57.74
17 Mettur 206.92 48.67 52.50 67.41 39.59 32.12 34.39
18 Salem 117.55 25.38 22.21 25.91 25.38 22.21 25.91
19 Namakkal 166.95 48.63 51.29 58.74 48.63 51.29 58.74
Sub total 734.43 176.30 204.68 242.88 167.22 184.30 209.86
V Region : Madurai
20 Sivaganga 233.56 63.30 70.65 61.69 63.30 70.65 61.69
21 Theni 156.19 65.70 50.93 38.15 65.70 50.93 38.15
22 Madurai Metro 156.94 41.86 42.29 72.78 41.86 42.29 72.78
23 Ramnad 160.97 66.64 48.20 47.16 62.64 48.20 47.16
24 Dindigul 104.44 20.93 18.93 18.53 20.93 18.93 18.53
25 Madurai 156.69 11.92 7.09 7.11 11.92 7.09 7.11
Sub total 968.78 270.35 238.10 245.42 266.35 238.10 245.42
VI Region : Tirunelveli
26 Virudunagar 77.21 32.45 25.30 19.40 32.45 25.30 19.40
27 Tirunelveli 173.87 101.94 30.40 39.06 101.94 30.40 39.06

Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by COMMISION
FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25 FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25

Name of Estimated Cost

Circles (Rs. in Crores) Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount
Capitalisation Capitalisation Capitalisation Capitalisation Capitalisation Capitalisation
(Rs. in Crores) (Rs. in Crores) (Rs. in Crores) (Rs. in Crores) (Rs. in Crores) (Rs. in Crores)

28 Kanyakumari 148.10 54.81 45.64 52.68 54.81 45.64 52.68

29 Tuticorin 57.30 57.30 0.00 0.00 57.30 0.00 0.00
Sub total 456.48 246.50 101.34 111.14 246.50 101.34 111.14

Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by COMMISION
FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25 FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25

Name of Estimated Cost

Circles (Rs. in Crores) Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount
Capitalisation Capitalisation Capitalisation Capitalisation Capitalisation Capitalisation
(Rs. in Crores) (Rs. in Crores) (Rs. in Crores) (Rs. in Crores) (Rs. in Crores) (Rs. in Crores)

VII Region : Trichy

30 Trichy Metro 198.84 8.92 38.45 100.77 8.92 38.45 100.77
31 Thiruvarur 131.91 34.20 41.47 36.19 34.20 41.47 36.19
32 Karur 226.72 68.73 48.70 109.32 68.73 48.70 109.32
33 Pudukottai 143.96 37.96 43.40 50.06 37.96 43.40 50.06
34 Perambalur 96.15 30.10 34.52 24.45 30.10 34.52 24.45
35 Thanjavur 210.66 61.94 64.75 38.33 61.94 64.75 38.33
36 Nagapattinam 147.54 0.00 2.06 145.48 0.00 2.06 145.48
Sub total 1155.78 241.85 273.34 504.61 241.85 273.34 504.61
VIII Region : Vellore
37 Vellore 62.24 40.18 6.00 4.29 40.18 6.00 4.29
38 Tirupattur 127.09 20.41 18.90 22.86 20.41 18.90 22.86
39 Dharmapuri 119.10 42.64 31.44 36.02 34.19 21.22 22.11
40 Krishnagiri 205.55 47.78 39.20 39.85 45.28 27.00 25.10
Sub total 513.98 151.01 95.54 103.02 140.06 73.12 74.36
IX Region : Villupuram
41 Cuddalore 779.02 445.19 154.50 168.83 445.19 154.50 168.83
42 Thiruvannamalai 191.40 65.40 59.60 59.50 59.50 53.70 55.30
43 Villupuram 222.38 41.53 63.18 94.95 41.53 63.18 94.95
44 Kallakurichi 493.25 25.30 108.60 150.02 25.30 108.60 150.02
Sub total 1686.05 577.42 385.88 473.30 571.52 379.98 469.10
Total 12764.03 3786.96 2270.48 2650.13 3540.79 2052.81 2406.37
X Schemes
a RDSS 13103.78 980.11 2458.02 2326.96 980.11 2458.02 2326.96
b HVDS-ADB Loan 5318.00 1817.30 1817.30 1683.40 0.00 0.00 0.00
c Uday 1315.00 1224.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
d IPDS-Additional 181.59 75.75 0.00 0.00 75.75 0.00 0.00
Total 19918.37 4097.72 4275.32 4010.36 1055.86 2458.02 2326.96
Grand total 32682.40 7884.67 6545.81 6660.49 4596.64 4510.84 4733.32

Name of the Circle: Chennai EDC/ Central Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by Commission
Details of FY 2022-23 ( Crs.) FY 2023-24 ( Crs.) FY 2024-25 ( Crs.) FY 2022-23 ( Crs.) FY 2023-24 ( Crs.) FY 2024-25 ( Crs.)
Expenditur Source of
Net Board
e incurred funding
Allocation approval
Name of Details of work Technical Cost Estimated so far (PFC/ Anticipated Allocation Amount Allocation Allocation Allocation
for current or date of Amount Allocation of Amount Amount Amount Allocation of Amount
S. No. the furnishing list of justificatio Benift Cost (ie. before REC/ date of of capital capitalisat of capital of capital of capital
control award of capitalisation capital capitalisation capitalisatio capitalisation capital capitalisation
Scheme major items n Analysis ( Crs.) FY 2022- Own/ completion expenditu ion expenditur expenditur expenditur
period contract expected expenditure expected n expected expected expenditure expected
23) ( Governme re expected e e e
( Crs.) (PO
Crs.) nt
Improvem Replacement of
ent existing 15Nos
To To
11KV VCBs at
improve improve Proposal
1 33/11 KV 1.052 0 1.05 Own 2022-2023 1.052 1.052 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.052 1.052 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
reliable reliable submitted.
supply supply

Improvem Replacement of
ent existing 16Nos. To To
11KV VCBs at improve improve Proposal
2 0.97 0 0.97 Own 2022-2023 0.97 0.97 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.97 0.97 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
33/11 KV reliable reliable submitted.
Mambalam supply supply
Improvem Replacement of
ent existing 7Nos. To To
33KV VCBs at improve improve Proposal
3 1.095 0 1.095 Own 2022-2023 1.095 1.095 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.095 1.095 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
33/11 KV reliable reliable submitted.
Mambalam supply supply
Extension of LT, New
LTCT, HT & service Adding Based on
4 Capital EHT supply to connection consumers 138.05 55.51 82.54 Own 31.3.2022 27.03 22.91 26.52 25.20 28.99 27.54 27.03 22.91 26.52 25.20 28.99 27.54
various s to be
consumers effected
141.17 55.51 85.66 0.00 0.00 0.00 30.15 26.02 26.52 25.20 28.99 27.54 30.15 26.02 26.52 25.20 28.99 27.54

Name of the Circle: Chennai EDC/ North
Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by Commission
Details of
Expenditur Net FY 2022-23 ( Crs.) FY 2023-24 ( Crs.) FY 2024-25 ( Crs.) FY 2022-23 ( Crs.) FY 2023-24 ( Crs.) FY 2024-25 ( Crs.)
Source of Board
Details of e incurred Allocation
Cost funding approval
Name of work Estimated so far for current Anticipated
Technical Benift (PFC/ or date of Allocation Allocation Allocation Allocation
S. No. the furnishing Cost (ie. before control date of Amount Amount Allocation of Amount Amount Amount Allocation of Amount
justification Analysi REC/ Own/ award of of capital of capital of capital of capital
Scheme list of major ( Crs.) FY 2022- period completion capitalisatio capitalisation capital capitalisation capitalisatio capitalisation capital capitalisation
s Governme contract expenditur expenditur expenditur expenditur
items 23) ( ( n expected expected expenditure expected n expected expected expenditure expected
nt (PO e e e e
Crs.) Crs.)

Erection of
new 11KV Estimate
improv CE/D/CNR/
MPM sanctioned.
Improvem e TECH.Imp.
1 street # of Waiting for 1.24 0 1.24 OWN 2022-2023 1.24 1.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.24 1.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
ent quality 35/2017-
Gandhi material
of 18
nagar 33 kV allottment.
Erection of 11 KV, 300 To
11KV improv CE/D/CNR/
Sqmm cable
Improvem Jeyaram e TECH.Imp.
2 layed- 1.2 0.56 0 0.56 OWN 2022-2023 0.56 0.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.56 0.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
ent Nagar # of Km,want of 11 quality 84/2017-
Kolathur 33 of 18
KV Breaker
kV SS supply
conversion To
Outdoor to CMD/TAN
of existing improv
Indoor GEDCO
Improvem 33 kV SS e
3 conversion 1.80 0 1.8 OWN 2022-2023 Pro.No.51 1.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.8 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
ent outdoor SS quality
work under 7
into indoor of
Progress dt.21.09.1
SS at ICF supply

Enhanceme To
To ensure improv
nt of Power
Improvem uninteruppted e 342 dated
4 0.89 0 0.89 OWN 2022-2023 0.89 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.89 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
ent & quality quality 06.08.18
supply of
Kavarapett ai
wall, Work Awarded
Civil Provision of & work to be
5 1.03 0 1.03 OWN 2022-2023 1.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.03 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Works road in SS, taken up
New Section
Office at RK
Nagar area
(CM Rule
colony To
Improvem 33/11KV To meet out ensuree B.P.No.83/
6 2.80 0 2.80 own 2022-2023 2.80 0.00 0.00 2.80 0.00 0.00 1.40 0 1.4 2.80 0 0
ent SS at Nermai Load growth Reliable 9.02.18
nagar supply
Erection of
11 KV To
HT Bp478
cable, line & ensure
7 improvem 12.69 0 12.69 own 2022-2023 dt09.08.20 12.69 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12.69 0 0 0 0 0
ent works Strenthenin 17
g of existing supply
11KV line
Improvem To
ent works To meet out ensure
8 4.06 0.00 4.06 4.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.06 0 0 0 0 0
(less than load growth Reliable
1 crore) supply
of existing
REC - conventional
Funded Modernisation
ensure No:88&89/
9 Scheme(C Structures in of TANGEDCO 154.96 0 154.96 REC 2022-2023 154.96 154.96 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 154.96 154.96 0 0 0 0
to Reliable 07.12.201
M Rule Utility
RMU,Provisio supply 6
n of HRC
type Piller

of TANGEDCO Safety
OH to UG Utility and for
10 Funded 101.12 0 101.12 PFC 2022-2023 No:27/03. 101.12 101.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 101.12 101.12 0 0
Conversion avoid accidents consum
Scheme 04.2017
for safety sers
Capital & Relieabl
11 Improvem e 36.00 0 36 Own 2022-2023 10 10 12.00 12.00 14.00 14.00 10 10 12 12 14 14
ent works supply
TOTAL 317.15 0.00 317.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 291.15 267.88 12.00 14.80 14.00 14.00 289.75 267.88 13.40 14.80 14.00 14.00

Name of the Circle: Chennai EDC/ West
Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by Commission
Details of
Expenditur Net Source of FY 2022-23 ( Crs.) FY 2023-24 ( Crs.) FY 2024-25 ( Crs.) FY 2022-23 ( Crs.) FY 2023-24 ( Crs.) FY 2024-25 ( Crs.)
Details of Board
e incurred Allocation funding
work approval
Name of Technical Cost Estimated so far for current (PFC/ Anticipate
furnishing or date of Allocation Allocation Allocation Allocation
S. No. the justificatio Benift Cost (ie. before control REC/ d date of Amount Amount Allocation of Amount Amount Amount Allocation of Amount
list of award of of capital of capital of capital of capital
Scheme n Analysis ( Crs.) FY 2022- period Own/ completion capitalisatio capitalisation capital capitalisation capitalisatio capitalisation capital capitalisation
major contract expenditur expenditur expenditur expenditur
23) ( ( Governme n expected expected expenditure expected n expected expected expenditure expected
items (PO e e e e
Crs.) Crs.) nt

Conversio To avoid awarded
OH to UG n of accidents vide
conversion existing thereby Proceedin
1 To ensure 134 86 48 PFC 22.8.22 48 48 0 0 0 0 48 48 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
in Avadi OH lines ensuring gs No.27
Division. to UG public Safety &
cables safety Reliable
Rule 110-
ent of Contract
1005Nos awarded
structure For safety To ensure
DT into LOA No.1
2 to RMU & Esay Reliable 146.15 34.48 111.67 REC 24.7.22 111.67 78.169 0 33.501 0 0 111.67 78.169 0.00 33.50 0.00 0.00
11 KV of
conversion- Operation supply
RMUs & 12.5.2020
- Rule 110
New of CE/MM
Effecting Erection of For
of new new DTs consumers Under
3 Capital service 30 0 30 OWN 31-3-2025 6.00 4.80 12.00 10.80 12.00 14.40 6.00 4.80 12.00 10.80 12.00 14.40
and other and Approval
connection structures revenue
To provide Relaible
fully supply
Thirumalai automated
(Per) CMD
vasan distributio
Nagar n system
Improvem 33/11 KV thereby
4 11.27 0.40 10.8662 Own 2020-24 Proceedin 3.67 4.90 3.60 5.00 3.60 4.60 3.67 4.9 3.60 5.00 3.60 4.67
ent SS with improving
gs No.435
2x16 MVA distributio
33/11 KV n network

TOTAL 321.42 120.88 200.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 169.34 135.87 15.60 49.30 15.60 19.00 169.34 135.87 15.60 49.30 15.60 19.07

Name of the Circle: Chennai EDC/ South I
Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by Commission
Expenditur Net Details of FY 2022-23 ( Crs.) FY 2023-24 ( Crs.) FY 2024-25 ( Crs.) FY 2022-23 ( Crs.) FY 2023-24 ( Crs.) FY 2024-25 ( Crs.)
Details of Source of
e incurred Allocation Board
work funding
Name of Technical Estimated so far for current Anticipate approval or
furnishing Cost Benift (PFC/ Allocation Allocation Allocation Allocation
S. No. the justificatio Cost (ie. before control d date of date of Amount Amount Allocation of Amount Amount Amount Allocation of Amount
list of Analysis REC/ Own/ of capital of capital of capital of capital
Scheme n ( Crs.) FY 2022- period completion award of capitalisatio capitalisation capital capitalisation capitalisatio capitalisation capital capitalisation
major Governme expenditur expenditur expenditur expenditur
23) ( ( contract (PO n expected expected expenditure expected n expected expected expenditure expected
items nt e e e e
Crs.) Crs.) details)

Based on
of DTs &
New from the
service Adding FY 2022- consumers,
1 Capital for LT/HT 82.90 0 82.90 Own 24.87 19.896 29.02 23.212 29.02 20.311 24.87 19.896 29.02 23.21 29.02 20.31
connection consumers 25 approval
s effected was
accorded by
Enhancem To
ent of improve
Approved by
DTs, New the To Improve
Improvem FY 2022- the
2 DTs, New network qaulity of 95.60 0 95.60 Own 28.68 20.076 33.46 23.422 33.46 23.422 28.68 20.076 33.46 23.42 33.46 23.42
ent 25 competent
HT/LT and meet supply
Feeders, out Load
etc., growth
ent of
33/11 KV Sanctioned
SS -4 Nos. vide Lr
( No:REC/T&D
REC - Nanganall To meet /CHN/
conusmers FY 2022-
3(i) Funded ur, out Load 38.010 14.64 23.37 REC Sanction/P:S 23.370 14.022 0.00 9.348 0.00 0 23.37 14.022 0.000 9.348 0.00 0.00
and increase 23
Scheme Alwarthiru growth I(Distributio
nagar, n)2017-
Kundrathu 18/159 dt
r, 14.09.2018
To improve
the reliability,
Replacem efficiency and
ent of DT safety of 11
into new KV
REC - Rule 110 -
11 KV distribution LOA No.1/D
Funded For safety FY 2022-
3(ii) RMUs in network and 174.53 43.18 131.35 REC 171/20 131.35 174.53 131.35 174.530 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Scheme & Esay 23
Chennai back feeding Dt.12.05.20
(Rule 110) Operation
suburban supply
(1288 extended
Nos) through the
ent of
existing Administrativ
REC - To ensure
pillar Rule 110 - ely approved
Funded Reliable & Beyond FY
3(iii) boxes by Modernisa uniinteruppted 81.52 0 20.38 REC/PFC vide BP no: 4.076 2.8532 8.152 5.7064 8.152 5.7064 4.08 2.8532 8.1520 5.7064 8.1520 5.7064
Scheme 2024-25
tion of P.B 89 dt
(Rule 110) HRC Pillar supply
boxes 07.12.16
(Per) CMD
of all
Implement TANGEDCO
ation of Energy Beyond FY Proceeding
3(iv) n 8.56 0.00 2.57 REC/Others 0.856 0.5992 0.856 0.5992 0.856 0.599 0.00 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Metering auditing 2024-25 No:175
in DTs Dtaed
ers (3070
Nos. DTs)

Erection vide Lr
REC of new 11 To reduce No:REC/T&D
3(V) Funded KV feeders Line 15.34 10.738 4.60 REC 2022-23 /CHN/ 4.602 4.602 0 0 0.000 4.60 4.602 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Scheme - (16 Nos.) losses Sanction/P:S
(UDAY) I(Distributio

Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by Commission
Expenditur Net Details of FY 2022-23 ( Crs.) FY 2023-24 ( Crs.) FY 2024-25 ( Crs.) FY 2022-23 ( Crs.) FY 2023-24 ( Crs.) FY 2024-25 ( Crs.)
Details of Source of
e incurred Allocation Board
work funding
Name of Technical Estimated so far for current Anticipate approval or
furnishing Cost Benift (PFC/ Allocation Allocation Allocation Allocation
S. No. the justificatio Cost (ie. before control d date of date of Amount Amount Allocation of Amount Amount Amount Allocation of Amount
list of Analysis REC/ Own/ of capital of capital of capital of capital
Scheme n ( Crs.) FY 2022- period completion award of capitalisatio capitalisation capital capitalisation capitalisatio capitalisation capital capitalisation
major Governme expenditur expenditur expenditur expenditur
23) ( ( contract (PO n expected expected expenditure expected n expected expected expenditure expected
items nt e e e e
Crs.) Crs.) details)

n of To maintain Per (FB)
existing Coversion
PFC - uninterrupted TANGEDCO
OH lines of FY 2022-
4 Funded supply, to 696.46 0 174.12 PFC Proceedings 34.823 24.3761 69.646 48.7522 69.646 48.7522 34.82 24.376 69.65 48.75 69.65 48.75
into UG HT/LT/OH 25
Scheme reduce the No:27 dt:
cables in into UG
Line loss 03.04.2017
(Establish Proceedings
ment of 2 No.357 dt:
Nos. 10.10.2019(r
To meet evised) &
IPDS 33/11 KV To reduce
5 out Load 51.04 38.28 12.76 PFC No:359 12.76 12.76 0 0 0 0 12.76 12.760 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Scheme GIS SS- AT&C Loss
growth dt:10.10.201
kam & 9(revised)(Lr
Vadapalan .No.:CE/R-
Asta)) E1/A3/F.GIS
on of
Approved by
building, Moderniza
Civil FY 2024- the
6 Compund tion of 25.05 0 25.05 Own 8.7675 7.014 8.7675 7.014 7.515 6.012 8.77 7.014 8.77 7.01 7.52 6.01
Works 25 competent
wall of SS, offices /SS
ent of Lr
33/11 KV No:SE/RE&I(
SS -1 No. D)/EE/PC-
( II/A2/F.T&D
To meet Improves
ST & D Poonamall Prog/D.No:
7 out Load losses and 40.29 22.32 17.97 REC 2022-23 10.995 8.796 6.975 5.58 0 0 10.995 8.796 6.975 5.580 0.000 0.000
Plan ee) Power 68/2020, dt:
growth revenue
Tr addl 20.02.2020
2nos (TN-TD-INT-
(Rajbhava 334-2019-
n, 15589)

Others To
(Purchase establishm FY 2023-
8 SS land 12.15 12.15 Own - 0 0 12.15 12.15 0 0 0.00 0.000 12.15 12.15 0.00 0.00
of land ent of SS 25
cost) in Land 0

Implement To
To Improve Proceedings
ation of Provision Improve
Revenue FY 2022- No. 474 ,
9 Smart for smart Revenue 574.27 143.57 28.7135 14.35675 57.427 28.7135 57.427 28.7135 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Augumentatio 26 Dated :
Metering meters Augument
n 14.11.2018
in Chennai ation

Energy increase in
Accountin energy
g on 11 saving,
Savings in FY 2022-
10 HVDS DT's KV feeders reduction 10.00 0.00 10.00 2 0 3 1.5 5 3 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
in line Line losses 25
with high
Distributio losses &
n losses Improves
tail end
Total 1905.72 129.16 756.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 315.86 303.88 229.45 166.00 211.07 136.52 284.29 288.93 168.17 135.18 147.79 104.20

Name of the Circle: Chennai EDC/ South II
S. No. Name of Details of Technical Cost Estimated Expenditur Net Allocation Source of Anticipated Details of Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by Commission
the work justificatio Benift Cost e incurred for current funding date of Board
Scheme furnishing n Analysis ( Crs.) so far control period (PFC/ REC/ completion approval
FY 2022-23 ( Crs.) FY 2023-24 ( Crs.) FY 2024-25 ( Crs.) FY 2022-23 ( Crs.) FY 2023-24 ( Crs.)FY 2024-25 ( Crs.)
list of (ie. before ( Crs.) Own/ or date of
major FY 2022- Governme award of
items 23) ( nt contract Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount
Crs.) (PO Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount
of capital capitalisati of capital capitalisati of capital capitalisati
details) capital capitalisation capital capitalisation capital capitalisation
expenditur on expenditu on expenditu on
expenditure expected expenditure expected expenditure expected
e expected re expected re expected

Erection Based on
of DTs & the
other FY 2022- application
structure 23, FY from the
service For
1 Capital for LT/HT 45 0 45.00 Own 2023-24 , consumers 15.000 15.000 15.000 15.000 15.000 15.000 15.00 15.000 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00
connection consumers
Supply FY 2024- , approval
s effected
service 25 was
connection accorded
s by
Enhancem To
ent of improve FY 2022-
Improve 23, FY
Improvem DTs, New the by the
2 DTs, New network quality of 60 0 60.00 Own 2023-24 , 20.000 20.000 20.000 20.000 20.000 20.000 20.00 20.000 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00
ent competent
HT/LT and meet supply FY 2024-
Feeders, out Load 25
etc., growth
3 REC - Lr.No.CE/
Funded MM/SE/M
Scheme Replacem M–
ent of DT III/EE/BKR
Rule 110 -
into new /AEE1/F M
For safety Safety
11 KV 174.53 43.18 131.35 REC 24.07.2022 49/18 – 131.350 174.530 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 39.41 62.585 39.41 59.41 52.54 52.54
& Easy purpose
RMUs in 19/LOA
Chennai No.1/D
suburban 171/20
area Dt.12.05.2
Replacem Administra
ent of Rule 110 -
existing Modernisa
FY 2022- approved
pillar tion of ' 80.7971 0 80.80 REC 5.000 5.000 10.000 10.000 65.800 65.800 5.00 5.000 10.00 10.00 65.80 65.80
25 vide BP
boxes by pillar
no: 89 dt
HRC Pillar boxes
Implement of all Proceeding
ation of Distributio FY 2022- No:175
audit 9.85 0 9.85 REC/PFC 4.925 1.970 4.925 4.925 0.000 2.955 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Metering n 24 Dt.12.08.2
in DTs Transform 020
4 PFC - Conversio Safety 362.89 154.1 208.79 PFC 07.01.2022 Per (FB)
Funded n of purpose TANGEDC
Scheme existing Coversion O
OH lines of Proceeding 208.790 362.890 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 208.79 362.890 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
into UG HT/LT/OH s No:27
cables in into UG dt:
Tambaram 03.04.2017
Conversio ' 267.05 105.02 162.03 PFC 22.08.2022 Per (FB)
existing Coversion O
OH lines of Proceeding 162.036 267.053 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 162.04 267.053 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
into UG HT/LT/OH s No:27
cables in into UG dt:
Adyar & 03.04.2017
5 IPDS Anakaputh To meet 45.94 5.94 40.00 PFC FY 2021- (Per.) CMD
ur GIS SS out Load 22 TANGEDC
growth O
Proceeding 40.000 45.945 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 40.00 45.945 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
s No: 41
6 Civil Constructi Moderniza 6 3 3.00 FY 2022- Approved
Works on of tion of 25 by the
Office offices /SS competent
building, authority
Compund 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.00 1.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
wall of SS,

7 T & D Plan Establishm To meet Curtail line 51.46 0 51.46 2022-25 Approved
ent of out Load losses and by the
33/11 KV growth Increases competent
4.830 4.830 13.125 13.125 33.510 33.510 4.83 4.830 13.12 13.12 33.51 33.51
SS -2 Nos revenue authority

8 HT Establishm To ' 465.93 0 69.90 REC FY 2022- Approved

improvem ent of improve 25 by the
ent works 33/11 KV the competent 23.297 23.297 23.300 23.300 23.300 23.300 23.30 23.297 23.30 23.30 23.30 23.30
SS -7 NoS network authority
9 Others SS land To ' 30 0 30.00 FY 2022- -
(Purchase establishm 25
12.000 12.000 8.000 8.000 10.000 10.000 12.00 12.000 8.00 8.00 10.00 10.00
of land ent of SS
cost) in Land

Implement To
ation of Provision Improve prevent
FY 2022-
10 Smart for smart Revenue commercia 653.7 0 98.06 32.69 32.69 32.69 32.69 32.68 32.68 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Metering meters Augument l losses
in Chennai ation
Energy increase in
Accountin energy
g on 11 saving, Energy
reduction audit FY 2023-
11 HVDS DT's KV feeders 10 0 10.00 0 5.00 3.00 5.00 5.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
in line 24
with high measures
Distributio losses &
n losses Improves
tail end
12 Any other 0 0.000 0.000
related 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total 2263.15 311.237 1000.245 0.000 0.000 0.000 665.917 969.204 133.040 133.040 201.290 206.245 531.357 819.599 129.830 149.830 221.150 221.150

Name of the Circle: Kancheepuram EDC
S. No. Name of Details of work Technical Cost Benift Estimated Expenditur Net Source of Anticipate Details of Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by Commission
the furnishing list justificatio Analysis Cost e incurred Allocation funding d date of Board
Scheme of major items n ( Crs.) so far for current (PFC/ completion approval or
FY 2022-23 ( Crs.) FY 2023-24 ( Crs.) FY 2024-25 ( Crs.) FY 2022-23 ( Crs.) FY 2023-24 ( Crs.) FY 2024-25 ( Crs.)
(ie. before control REC/ Own/ date of
FY 2022- period Governme award of
23) ( ( nt contract (PO Allocation
Crs.) Crs.) details) Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Amount
of capital
capital capitalisation capital capitalisation capital capitalisation capital capitalisation capital capitalisation capitalisation
expenditure expected expenditure expected expenditure expected expenditure expected expenditure expected expected

Erection &
strenthening of To reduce
Loan REC 31.03.202 Proceedings
1 HT/LT feeders AT&C & 8.27 Crs. 20.00 2.50 17.50 12.50 2.50 5.0 14.50 0.0 5.00 12.50 2.50 5.00 14.50 0.00 5.00
Scheme - (Loan) 4 No.478
(UDAY Line losses
(Uday) dated

New and
ST&D 185/28.05.19
Aug.SS,(Establi To reduce
program REC 31.03.202 ,
2 shment of new AT&C & 2.64 16.00 6.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 0.0 5.00 10.00 10.00 0.00 5.00 0.00 0.00
me 2019- (Loan) 2 191/10.05.18
33/11KV Line losses
2020 ,269/30.06.1
Vilagam SS)

To establish
new SS in
Others Kanagavallipur To Letter
(Purchas am & Sidco establishm addressed to
3 Sengarai 28.88 0 28.88 Own cost 31.03.23 28.88 28.88 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
e of land ent of SS HQ for fund
cost) .(Rule 110 )& in Land requirement.
Existing SS
Vaiyavur Land
Extension of For
LT, LTCT, HT consumers Based on the
service 31.03.202
4 Capital & EHT supply and 96.50 21 58.30 Own cost applications 25.6 24.7 16.2 22.2 16.5 15.7 25.6 24.7 16.2 22.2 16.5 15.7
connection 5
to various Incerases received
s effected
consumers revenue.
network Approved by
Enhancement strength & the
of DTs, New Quality,
Improve 31.03.202 competent
5 DTs, New Replacem 37.50 6.8 21.70 Own cost 9 9.4 7.5 7.4 5.2 4.7 9 9.4 7.5 7.4 5.2 4.7
ment 5 authority as
HT/LT ent Improve per field
Feeders, etc., conductor quality of proposal
s and supply
Construction &
Renovation of Infra Approved by
CIVIL Office structure 31.03.202 the
6 0.87 0.22 0.65 Own cost 0.65 0.87 0 0 0 0 0.65 0.87 0 0 0 0
WORKS buildings and improvem 3 competent
SS buildings ent authority
Total 199.75 36.52 137.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 86.63 76.35 28.70 49.10 21.70 25.40 57.75 47.47 28.70 49.10 21.70 25.40

Name of the Circle: Chengalpet EDC
Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by Commission
Details of
Expenditur Net FY 2022-23 ( Crs.) FY 2023-24 ( Crs.) FY 2024-25 ( Crs.) FY 2022-23 ( Crs.) FY 2023-24 ( Crs.) FY 2024-25 ( Crs.)
Details of Source of Board
e incurred Allocation
work funding approval
Name of Technical Cost Estimated so far for current Anticipate
furnishing (PFC/ or date of Allocation Allocation Allocation
S. No. the justificatio Benefit Cost (ie. before control d date of Amount Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Amount Amount
list of REC/ Own/ award of of capital of capital of capital
Scheme n Analysis ( Crs.) FY 2022- period completion capitalisatio capitalisation capital capitalisation capital capitalisation capital capitalisation capitalisation
major Governme contract expenditur expenditur expenditur
23) ( ( n expected expected expenditure expected expenditure expected expenditure expected expected
items nt (PO e e e
Crs.) Crs.)

of new 11
KV feeders Work
REC To reduce O
,HT execution
Loan AT&C & Proceeding 31.03.202
1 Network 8.35 24.00 10.00 14.00 by O&M/ 10.00 8.00 4.0 4.00 0.0 0.00 10.00 8.00 4.0 4.00 0.0 0.0
Scheme - Line s No.478 4
Strengthe TANGEDC
(Uday) losses dated
ning under O

new 2*8
mva Pr.Tr
new 2*8
mva Pr.Tr
at Mathur
SS. Letter
3.To To addressed
T&D establish establishm to HQ for
2 new1*8 ent of new 18.79 0 18.79 Own cost 31.03.23 6.2644 5.0115 6.2644 6.0044 6.2644 7.151 6.26 5.01 6.3 6.00 6.3 7.2
Plan fund
mva into SS requireme
2*8 mva nt.
Pr.Tr at
mva into
mva Pr.Tr

Based on
erection of
DTs for
from the
LT & LT New
CT, HT service 31.03.202
3 Capital 45.49 9.6 30.09 Own cost , approval 15.15 14.39 8.75 8.63 6.19 6.83 15.15 14.39 8.8 8.63 6.2 6.8
Supply connection 5
service s effected
s fo
tariff .

Improvem Improving
ent works network Approved
in certain strength & by the
HT/LT Quality, competent
Improve Replacem 31.03.202
4 Lines, 61.14 8.6 45.14 Own cost authority 15.05 12.04 15.05 14.75 15.04 16.85 15.05 12.04 15.1 14.75 15.0 16.9
ment ent of 5
Provision as per
of DTs & aged field
Upgradati conductor proposal
on of DTs s and

n of Infra Approved
CIVIL Office structure 31.03.202 by the
5 75.40 0 75.4 Own cost 25.14 20.11 25.13 25.14 25.13 28.13 25.14 20.11 25.1 25.14 25.1 28.1
WORKS buildings improvem 3 competent
and Sub ent authority
Total 224.82 28.20 183.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 71.60 59.55 59.19 58.52 52.62 58.96 71.60 59.55 59.19 58.52 52.62 58.96

Name of the circle: Coimbatore EDC/North
Expenditu Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by Commission
Net Details of
re Source of
Details of Allocation Board
incurred funding
work Estimated for Anticipate approval FY 2022-23 ( Crs.)FY 2023-24 ( Crs.)FY 2024-25 ( Crs.)FY 2022-23 ( Crs.)FY 2023-24 ( Crs.)FY 2024-25 ( Crs.)
Name of Technical Cost so far (PFC/
furnishing Cost current d date of or date of
S. No. the justificatio Benift (ie. REC/
list of ( control completio award of
Scheme n Analysis before FY Own/ Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount
major Crs.) period n contract
2022-23) Governme of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat
items ( (PO
( nt expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditur ion expenditu ion
Crs.) details)
Crs.) re expected re expected re expected re expected e expected re expected

HT line
HT LINE is Before
EXTENSI essential
For the end of
ON FOR as per consumer
1 Capital 120.77 6.50 110.08 Own next 0.00 32.71 29.44 62.47 32.38 41.38 37.24 32.71 29.44 62.5 32.38 41.4 37.2
EFFECTIN filed s financial
G NEW ht condition
Scs for
HT Scs
HT Feeder
Feeder strengthe
strengthe ning,Link
line, Before
Improve the end of
Enhance Enhance
2 Improvement ment or quality of 18.82 5.50 8.25 Own next 0.00 2.45 2.21 3.25 2.43 3.10 2.79 2.45 2.21 3.2 2.43 3.1 2.8
ment or
supply financial
additional additional
electrical of 33 KV
equipmen SS
ts equipmen
3 Others 2.91 2.91 0.20 0.20 2.51 1.00 0.20 1.71 0.20 0.20 2.5 1.00 0.2 1.7
Total 142.50 12.00 121.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 35.36 31.85 68.23 35.81 44.68 41.74 35.36 31.85 68.23 35.81 44.68 41.74

Name of the circle: Coimbatore EDC/South
Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by Commission
Net Details of
re Source of FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 ( FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 (
Allocation Board
Details of incurred funding Crs.) Crs.) Crs.) Crs.) Crs.) Crs.)
Estimated for Anticipate approval
Name of work Technical Cost so far (PFC/
Cost current d date of or date of
S. No. the furnishing justificatio Benift (ie. REC/
( control completio award of Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount
Scheme list of major n Analysis before FY Own/
Crs.) period n contract of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat
items 2022-23) Governme
( (PO expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion
( nt
Crs.) details) re expected re expected re expected re expected re expected re expected

For new
Extention of
supply to
network Before
Capital Agriculture,
strength For the end of
and Commercial,
1 & Quality, consumer 85 0 85 next 30.6 24.52 28.9 52.28 25.5 26.35 30.60 24.52 28.9 52.28 25.5 26.4
Improvem Domestic,
Replacem s. finanacial
ent OHT and
ent of year
sion of New
DTs at Load
Link line due No.
to feeder 14.656/C/
bifurcation 245
1. New 11 /2020 -
KV 21, Dt.
Orattukupai 08.01.202
#/Podanur 1
SS 2.
2.New 11 14.626/C/
KV Mill II 213/19-
feeder of To avoid 20 Dt.
Neelambur over 14.02.202
SS loading of 30.06.202 0
T&D Works 2.39 0.61 1.78 T&D 1.78 1.78 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.78 1.78 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0
3. New 11 existing 3 3.
KV HT Sanction
Murgampala feeders No:
yam # of 14.656/S
Vanjipalaya /15/21-
m SS 22,
4. New 11 dt.05.07.
2 KV 2021
Attayampala 4.
yam # of Sanction
Poomalur No:
110/11 KV 14.656/S
SS / 81 /21-
To avoid
loading of
nt of 33/11 Improve
Transform T&D To be
T&D Works KV quality of 1.5 0.08 1.42 2023-24 0.00 0.00 1.42 1.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.4 1.42 0.0 0.0
ers and to Works approved
Karichipalay supply.
am SS

6. Feedesr
T&D bifurcation & Improve T&D To be
1.0 0.05 1.0 2024-25 0.05 0.00 0.6 0.6 0.35 0.4 0.05 0.00 0.6 0.60 0.4 0.4
Works Link line line loss Works approved

Establishme to avoid
nt of New Over
33/11 KV loading of
SS. Master power
Improvem Plan Draft Transform T&D To be
3 quality of 5.01 0.25 4.8 2024-25 0.00 0.25 0 3.25 0 0 0.00 0.25 0.0 3.25 0.0 0.0
ent 13th & ers and to Works approved
Revised maintain
14th Master better
Plan voltage

Total 94.9 0.9905 93.9595 0 0 0 32.43 26.55 30.92 57.545 25.85 26.75 32.43 26.55 30.92 57.545 25.85 26.75

Name of the circle: Coimbatore EDC/ Metro
Expenditu Details of Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by Commission
Source of FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 ( FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 (
Details of re Board
work Estimated incurred Anticipate approval
Name of Technical Cost (PFC/
furnishing Cost so far d date of or date of Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount
S. No. the justificatio Benift REC/
list of ( (ie. before completio award of of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat
Scheme n Analysis Own/
major Crs.) FY 2022- n contract expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion
items 23) ( (PO re expected re expected re expected re expected re expected re expected
Crs.) details)

of supply
to New
Industrial, Before Technical
Laying of Agricultur the end of sanction
of Service
1 CAPITAL new e, 81.29 4.91 OWN next accorded 21.51 19.13 23.37 21.39 24.60 22.45 21.51 19.13 23.4 21.39 24.6 22.5
HT/LT line Commerci finanacial Then and
al, year there
OHT and

ning and
Link line Developm
due to ent of
feeder existing Before Technical
To ensure
bifurcatio LT/HT the end of sanction
IMPROVE Reliable &
2 n, Network 65.03 14.11 OWN next accorded 14.34 12.76 15.58 14.26 16.40 14.97 14.34 12.76 15.6 14.26 16.4 15.0
MENT Quality
Reinforce and to finanacial Then and
ment of avoid over year there
Conductor loading of
s existing

UG Cables
CONVERS to be laid
ION OF Conversio in all
OH TO n of towns to To ensure
avoid Safety & 31.03.202 Yet to be
3 UG CABLE Existing 1003.15 0.00 OWN 214.15 42.80 233.06 184.95 228.90 210.54 20.00 20.00 30.0 30.00 50.0 50.0
Reliable 6 optained
FOR ALL OH to UG accidents
and thift supply
CORPORA cables
TIONS in a
TOTAL 1149.47 19.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 250.00 74.69 272.01 220.60 269.90 247.96 55.85 51.89 68.95 65.65 91.00 87.42

Name of the circle: Tirupur EDC
Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by Commission
Expenditu Details of FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 ( FY 2022-23 ( FY 2024-25 (
Source of FY 2023-24 ( Crs.)
Details of re Board Crs.) Crs.) Crs.) Crs.) Crs.)
work Estimated incurred Anticipate approval
Name of Technical Cost (PFC/
furnishing Cost so far d date of or date of
S. No. the justificatio Benift REC/
list of ( (ie. before completio award of Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Amount Allocation Amount
Scheme n Analysis Own/ Allocation of
major Crs.) FY 2022- n contract of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat capitalisat of capital capitalisat
Governme capital
items 23) ( (PO expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion ion expenditu ion
nt expenditure
Crs.) details) re expected re expected re expected re expected expected re expected

Extention To
of supply maintain
to New 1 DF and
Industrial, to avoid
Capital & Agricultur over During
T&D loss
1 Improvem e, loading of 112.2 0 OWN end of the -- 36.2 36.5 37.5 35 38.5 36 36.20 36.50 37.5 35.00 38.5 36.0
ent Commerci existing FY
al, DTs and
Domestic, improve
OHT and the
Others Network

Constructi Revised
Civil SE Office
2 on of new 4.00 0.000 OWN 24-25 approval 2.400 0.000 1.600 4.000 0.000 0.000 2.40 0.00 1.6 4.00 0.0 0.0
works Building
building pending
TOTAL 116.2 0 0 0 0 38.6 36.5 39.1 39 38.50 36.00 38.60 36.50 39.10 39.00 38.50 36.00

Name of the circle: Udumalpet EDC
Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by Commission
Expenditu Net Details of
Source of FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 ( FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 (
Details of re Allocation Board
work incurred for Anticipate approval
Name of Technical Cost Estimated (PFC/
furnishing so far current d date of or date of Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount
S. No. the justificatio Benift Cost REC/
list of (ie. before control completio award of of capital capitalisati of capital capitalisati of capital capitalisati of capital capitalisati of capital capitalisati of capital capitalisati
Scheme n Analysis ( Crs.) Own/
major FY 2022- period n contract expenditu on expenditu on expenditu on expenditu on expenditu on expenditu on
items 23) ( ( (PO re expected re expected re expected re expected re expected re expected
Crs.) Crs.) details)

Additional For new
Loads, connectio
New LTCT ns,Improv
SCs, ing
LTSCs,Ext network
Work to
Capital & ension of strength
T&D loss 31.03- be
1 Improvem HT Line, & Quality, 175.97 0 175.97 Own 61.40 55.82 64.47 58.61 50.10 61.54 61.40 55.82 64.5 58.61 50.1 61.5
reduction 2025 executed
ent Line Replacem
by O&M
Materials, ent of
Conductor aged
s/UG conductor
Cable, s,
Metering poles,etc
set and
HT Meter

TOTAL 175.97 0.00 175.97 0.00 0.00 0.00 61.40 55.82 64.47 58.61 50.10 61.54 61.40 55.82 64.47 58.61 50.10 61.54

Name of the circle: Palladam EDC
Expenditu Source of Details of Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by Commission
Details of re Board
funding FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 ( FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 (
work Estimated incurred Anticipate approval
Name of Technical Cost (PFC/ Crs.) Crs.) Crs.) Crs.) Crs.) Crs.)
furnishing Cost so far d date of or date of
S. No. the justificatio Benift REC/ Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Remarks
list of ( (ie. before Own/ completio award of
Scheme n Analysis of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat
major Crs.) FY 2022- Governme n contract
items 23) ( (PO expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion
nt re expected re expected re expected re expected re expected re expected
Crs.) details)

Additional For new
Loads, connectio
New LTCT ns,Improv
SCs, ing
LTSCs,Ext network
Work to
Capital & ension of strength
T&D loss 31.03.202 be
1 Improvem HT Line, & Quality, 143.51 0 Own 45.17 44.24 47.20 47.78 51.14 51.49 45.17 44.24 47.2 47.78 51.1 51.5
reduction 6 executed
ent Line Replacem
by O&M
Materials, ent of
Conductor aged
s/UG conductor
Cable, s,
Metering poles,etc
set and
HT Meter

REC - Distributio Work to

Funded n sysytem T&D loss 31.03.202 be
2 n of LVDS 0.00 0 REC 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0
Scheme - improvem reduction 2 executed
into HVDS
UDAY ent by O&M
n To reduce
Work to
HT strengthe AT&C loss T&D loss 31.03.202 be
3 improvem ning of the 0.00 0 REC 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0
reduction 2 executed
ent works works in project
by O&M
small towns
New Rent
Central Circle savings
Office & Office to for an Awaiting
Civil 31.03.202
4 Central be amount of 5.00 0 Own for 3.00 3.00 2.00 5.00 0.00 0.00 3.00 3.00 2.0 5.00 0.0 0.0
Works 3
Stores- functione Rs.16 approval
Buildings d in own Lakhs per
building annum
New Work to
T&D 33/11 KV To reduce T&D loss 31.03.202 be
5 SS 15.75 0 Own 4.50 3.16 5.25 4.70 6.00 7.89 4.50 3.16 5.3 4.70 6.0 7.9
Plan AT&C loss reduction 6 executed
&Addition by O&M
al Pr.Tr,
Total 164.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 52.67 50.40 54.45 57.48 57.14 59.38 52.67 50.40 54.45 57.48 57.14 59.38

Name of the circle: Nilgiris EDC
Details of Expenditu Source of Details of Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by Commission
work Estimated re funding Anticipate Board FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 ( FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 (
Name of Technical Cost incurred (PFC/
furnishing Cost d date of approval Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount
S. No. the justificatio Benefit so far REC/
list of ( completio or date of of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat
Scheme n Analysis (ie. before Own/ award of
major Crs.) n expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion
items FY 2022- Governme contract
re expected re expected re expected re expected re expected re expected
23) ( nt (PO
For new
Extension ns,Improv
with ing
necessary network
CAPITAL Line loss Work to
improvem strength
& as well as 31.03.202 be
1 ents and & Quality, 16.00 5.70 OWN 5.55 4.00 3.50 2.85 1.25 4.55 5.55 4.00 3.5 2.85 1.3 4.6
Improvem ABR value 5 executed
improvem Replacem
ent also by O&M
ent on ent of
original aged
works conductor
rain fall in
on of
Office improvem
buildings ent works
surroundi 31.03.202 Detaisl
2 Civil Work and to 4.47 1.02 OWN 4.10 3.62 2.50 1.50 1.07 1.93 4.10 3.62 2.5 1.50 1.1 1.9
ngs such 2 enclosed
control buildings
rooms at all SS
ent work
and all
in SS is
civil works
sanctione (Per) CMD
loads in
d . The Simspark/ proceedin
expenses Coonoor / gs No. 24
3 ST & D services 11.59 3.60 REC 31.03.22 5.99 1.35 1.00 2.25 1.00 2.25 5.99 1.35 1.0 2.25 1.0 2.3
incurred Nilgiris dt
and to
so far EDC 18.01.201
avoid low
3.00 9
For Newly
the line
33/11 KV
TOTAL 32.06 10.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 15.64 8.97 7.00 6.60 3.32 8.73 15.64 8.97 7.00 6.60 3.32 8.73

Name of the Circle: Erode EDC
Expenditu Details of Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by Commission
Source of
Details of re Board FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 ( FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 (
work Estimated incurred Anticipate approval
Name of Technical Cost (PFC/
furnishing Cost so far d date of or date of Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount
S. No. the justificatio Benift REC/
list of ( (ie. before completio award of of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat
Scheme n Analysis Own/
major Crs.) FY 2022- n contract expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion
items 23) ( (PO re expected re expected re expected re expected re expected re expected
Crs.) details)
New HT Approval
and To meet has been
Extension the accored
of Effecting growing by
1 Capital HT HTsupply new demand 25.35 0 own Fund Mar-25 competen 13.80 5.00 5.50 14.30 6.05 6.05 13.80 5.00 5.5 14.30 6.1 6.1
to services of the t
various consumer Authority
tariff s based on
services estimates
New LT & Approval
LTCT and has been
To meet accored
the by
Effecting growing competen
Capital &
2 new demand 36.03 0 own Fund Mar-25 t 9.90 7.98 11.88 10.91 14.25 13.41 9.90 7.98 11.9 10.91 14.3 13.4
LTCT LTsupply
services of the Authority
consumer based on
s estimates
Improvem Approval
ent works has been
in certain accored
To meet by
the competen
To reduce growing t
Improvem Provision
3 the line demand 36.75 0 own Fund Mar-25 Authority 13.38 10.07 10.87 10.67 12.50 12.04 13.38 10.07 10.9 10.67 12.5 12.0
ent of DTs in
losses of the based on
consumer estimates
area &
on of DTs
on of
office Approval
buildings was
with cash To reduce accorded
collection Building by the
Civil the
4 Rent 7.28 0 own Fund Mar-25 relevant 4.46 3.38 1.32 1.83 1.50 1.58 4.46 3.38 1.3 1.83 1.5 1.6
Works centre at Revenue
Solar, Expenditu competen
Ganapathi re t
palayam, authoritie
Town/Siv s
TOTAL Chithode, 105.41 0 0 182868 0 41.54 26.43 29.57 37.71 34.3 33.08 41.54 26.43 29.57 37.71 34.3 33.08

Name of the Circle: Gobi EDC
Details of Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by Commission
Details of Expenditu Board
Source of
work Estimated re so far Anticipate approval FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 ( FY 2022-23 (
Name of Technical Cost Funding FY 2023-24 ( Crs.) FY 2024-25 ( Crs.)
furnishing Cost (ie ,before d date of or date of Crs.) Crs.) Crs.) Crs.)
S. No. the justificatio benefit (PFC/REC/
list of (Rs. in FY 2022- completio award of Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation
Scheme n analysis Own/Gove Amount Allocation of Amount
major crores) 23)Rs in n contract of capital capitalisati of capital capitalisati of capital capitalisati of capital capitalisati of capital
rnment capitalisation capital capitalisation
items crs (PO expenditu on expenditu on expenditu on expenditu on expenditur
expected expenditure expected
details) re expected re expected re expected re expected e
Erection has been
of HT & To meet accored
LT LINES the by
Effecting competen
New DT, growing During
1 Capital of new 110.00 0.00 OWN t 24.57 22.08 37.22 32.68 48.21 43.55 24.57 22.08 37.2 32.68 48.2 43.6
for all demands 2024-25
services Authority
Tariff of the
service consumer for
charges effecting
of new
Erection has been
of HT & accored
Improve by
Improvem New improve During competen
2 voltage & 25.00 0.00 OWN t 5.80 4.53 8.50 7.31 10.70 13.16 5.80 4.53 8.5 7.31 10.7 13.2
ent /Improve the infra 2024-25
Reduce Authority
ment.Enh structure
Line Loss for
of DT effecting
of new
ent of Approval
Conductor has been
, accored
Replacem by
Improvem ent of improve Reduce During
3 damaged 0.60 0.00 REC t 0.20 0.43 0.20 0.28 0.20 0.22 0.20 0.43 0.2 0.28 0.2 0.2
ent the infra Line loss 2024-25
pole. Authority
National for
Electricity effecting
Fund of new
Scheme services
(NEFS) Approval
Constructi has been
on of Gobi Ssfe of accored
Division Office To reduce by
Office Equipmen Building competen
4 Civil Works ,Section ts ,& Rent 2.00 0.00 OWN t 0.55 0.15 0.60 0.70 0.85 0.81 0.55 0.15 0.6 0.70 0.9 0.8
Office,Fen Office Expenditu Authority
cing area re for
Arrangem incrased effecting
ent of new
TOTAL 137.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 31.12 27.19 46.52 40.97 59.96 57.74 31.12 27.19 46.52 40.97 59.96 57.74

Name of the Circle: Mettur EDC

Expenditu Details of Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by Commission

Source of
Details of re Board FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 ( FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 (
work Estimated incurred Anticipate approval Crs.) Crs.) Crs.) Crs.) Crs.) Crs.)
Name of Technical Cost (PFC/
furnishing Cost so far d date of or date of
S. No. the justificatio Benift REC/
list of ( (ie. before completio award of Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount
Scheme n Analysis Own/
major Crs.) FY 2022- n contract of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat
items 23) ( (PO expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion
Crs.) details) re expected re expected re expected re expected re expected re expected

11kv new
with new
Scheme is
to bring
down the
of new Strengthe
Improvem regulation
1 link ning of 5.49 0.33 REC 31.03.2023 5.16 6.06 0.00 0 0 0 5.16 6.06 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0
ent with in (Per)CMD
linewith lines
the limit TANGEDC
& for O
quality Proceedin
supply gs
ng with No.478/d
Raccoon ataed
conductor 8.9.2017
Laying of of supply
new to New
HT/LT Industrial, Technical
line, Line Agricultur sanction
To meet 31.03.202
2 Capital line, e, 130.61 0 OWN accorded 35.78 23.85 42.19 33.84 52.64 44.11 20.00 20.00 20.0 20.00 20.0 20.0
the 5
Reinforce Commerci Then and
ment of al, there
Conductor Domestic,
of the
s OHT and

Laying of of supply
new to New
HT/LT Industrial, Before the Technical
line, Line Agricultur end of sanction
3 line, e, 36.75 0 OWN next accorded 9.08 7.12 11.79 9.74 15.88 13.69 9.08 7.12 11.8 9.74 15.9 13.7
ent To
Reinforce Commerci finanacial Then and
ment of al, year there
Conductor Domestic,
voltage &
s OHT and
line loss
ent works Technical
constructi To reduce Before the sanction
Other Civil to
4 on of the end of accorded 0.50 0.46 0.38 0.39 0.38 0.70 0.50 0.46 0.4 0.39 0.4 0.7
works buildings
buildings at all SS building next Then and
rent finanacial there
exper. 1.25 0.00 Own year

has to be
Replceme accorded
nt of by the
Conductor To competne
Electricity Reduce
, Improve 31.03.202 nt
5 fund Line 14.36 0.00 PFC 4.10 3.16 5.12 3.95 5.14 5.68 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0
Replacem the Infra 5 authority
Scheme Losses
ent of Structure before
Damaged effecting
Pole service
has to be
by the
To competne
Reduce Reduce
Improve During nt
6 HVDS Line Line 10.52 0 OWN 2.76 2.07 3.45 2.59 4.31 3.23 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0
the Infra 2024-25 authority
Losses Losses
Structure before

To reduce
the low
For voltage
33 kv strengthe and
AND 11 ning of feeding
y 33 31.03.202
7 kv ht AND TWAD the supply 7.94 0.00 OWN Under process 7.94 5.95 0.00 1.99 0.00 0 7.94 5.95 0.0 1.99 0.0 0.0
KV/11 KV 4
LT lines Board to the
project. water line TWAD
supply Board
Total 206.92 0.33 65.32 48.67 62.93 52.50 78.35 67.41 42.68 39.59 32.17 32.12 36.26 34.39

Name of the Circle: Salem EDC
Expenditu Details of Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by Commission
Source of
Details of re Board FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 ( FY 2022-23 ( FY 2024-25 (
funding FY 2023-24 ( Crs.)
work Estimated incurred Anticipate approval Crs.) Crs.) Crs.) Crs.) Crs.)
Name of Technical Cost (PFC/
furnishing Cost so far d date of or date of
S. No. the justificatio Benift REC/ Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Amount Allocation Amount
list of ( (ie. before completio award of Allocation
Scheme n Analysis Own/ of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat capitalisat of capital capitalisat
major Crs.) FY 2022- n contract of capital
Governme expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion ion expenditu ion
items 23) ( (PO expenditure
nt re expected re expected re expected re expected expected re expected
Crs.) details)
To meet will be
the accorded
Extention as per
growing During by the
1 Capital LT of LT request of 21.40 0 Own 6.25 4.50 6.85 4.60 8.30 5.20 6.25 4.50 6.9 4.60 8.3 5.2
demands 2024-25 relevant
Supply consumer
of the competen
consumer t
To meet will be
the accorded
Extention as per
growing During by the
2 Capital HT of HT request of 19.52 0 Own 6.11 4.21 6.75 4.25 6.66 4.25 6.11 4.21 6.8 4.25 6.7 4.3
demands 2024-25 relevant
Supply consumer
of the competen
consumer t
losses to
will be
Strentheni reduced To reduce
Improvem During by the
3 ng LT and the Line 49.63 0 Own 19.27 14.17 17.10 11.06 13.26 13.86 19.27 14.17 17.1 11.06 13.3 13.9
ent 2024-25 relevant
lines quality Loss, etc
on of AEE
and AE
office Approval
building,C Accommo
will be
onstructio date the
n new Board
During by the
4 Civil section office and 27.00 0 Own 2.70 2.50 2.70 2.30 2.70 2.60 2.70 2.50 2.7 2.30 2.7 2.6
2025-26 relevant
office safecard
building,f the stores
ormation etc.,
of road
wall at
on new
office 32
Total 117.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 34.33 25.38 33.40 22.21 30.92 25.91 34.33 25.38 33.40 22.21 30.92 25.91

Name of the Circle: Namakkal EDC
Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by Commission
Details of FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 ( FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 (
Details of Expenditu Board Crs.) Crs.) Crs.) Crs.) Crs.) Crs.)
Source of
work Estimated re so far Anticipate approval
Name of Technical Cost Funding
furnishing Cost (ie ,before d date of or date of
S. No. the justificatio benefit (PFC/REC Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount
list of (Rs. in FY 2022- completio award of
Scheme n analysis /Own/Gov of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat
major crores) 23)Rs in n contract
ernment expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion
items crs (PO
details) re expected re expected re expected re expected re expected re expected

Extension Approval
of LT & has been
LT CT To meet accored
Supply to the by
L.T. Nos Effecting growing During competen
1 60.86 0.00 OWN t 21.52 18.11 18.82 25.12 20.52 28.12 21.52 18.11 18.8 25.12 20.5 28.1
Extension various of New SC demands 2024-25
tariff of the Authority
services consumer based on
Incl Agri estimates-
services routine
Extension Approval
of HT has been
Supply ( Improve accored
New Low by
H.T. Effecting During
2 Nos& voltage & 20.52 0.00 OWN 6.52 6.12 6.75 8.25 7.25 6.80 6.52 6.12 6.8 8.25 7.3 6.8
Extension of New SC 2024-25 competen
Additional Reduce t
loads Line Loss Authority
Nos ) - based on
Nos. estimates
Improvem Approval
ent of has been
improve Reduce
HT/LT accored
the Line loss
line, by
Improvem voltage and During
3 enhancem 58.45 0.00 own competen 18.52 22.15 19.98 15.42 19.95 15.12 18.52 22.15 20.0 15.42 20.0 15.1
ent level and improve 2024-25
ent, New t
reduce the
& Addl Authority
the line revenue
DTs/Lines based on
etc estimates
Constructi Approval
on of To has been
Central/ To reduce accored
Division Building by
the During
4 CIVIL works Offices Rent 10.75 0.00 OWN 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.30 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 4.3 2.0
Revenue 2025-26 competen
P.velur Expenditu t
and re Authority
Rasipura based on
m estimates
0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0
below 1
L.T.-New Street
Street Approval
light, Agri
light - has been
SFS , Hut
Agri SFS srvices, accored
anticipate Proving Improve by
improve During
1 d and 3Ph 3ph Msc the 11.62 0 OWN competen 3.12 1.25 3.75 1.00 4.75 5.50 3.12 1.25 3.8 1.00 4.8 5.5
the 2024-25
MSC revenue t
domestic Revenue
domestic Authority
& based on
commerci estimates
al etc

CIVIL- on of To Approval
Constructi Section minimse has been
on of offices the accored
section and its Revenue To reduce by
minor During
2 offices & Expenditu repairing 4.75 0 OWN competen 1.00 1.00 1.50 1.50 2.25 1.20 1.00 1.00 1.5 1.50 2.3 1.2
works, 2024-25
Safety re asrent expenses t
wall and Safety and Authority
minor civil wall/comp repairing based on
works ound, works estimates
166.95 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 50.68 48.63 50.80 51.29 59.02 58.74 50.68 48.63 50.80 51.29 59.02 58.74

Name of the circle: Sivaganga EDC
Expenditu Details of Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by Commission
Source of
Details of re Board FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 ( FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 (
work Estimated incurred Anticipate approval Crs.) Crs.) Crs.) Crs.) Crs.) Crs.)
Name of Technical Cost (PFC/
furnishing Cost so far d date of or date of
S. No. the justificatio Benefit REC/
list of ( (ie. before completio award of Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount
Scheme n Analysis Own/
major Crs.) FY 2022- n contract of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat
items 23) ( (PO expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion
Crs.) details) re expected re expected re expected re expected re expected re expected
CT supply
to 40 SC
connectio Adding
n Consumer
effected. s.
Improves To reduce
Capital workes in
net work the line 31.03.202
1 Improvem certain 150.00 0 Own Approved 45.00 40.00 50.00 45.00 55.00 50.00 45.00 40.00 50.0 45.00 55.0 50.0
strength loss and 5
ent HT/LT
and maintain
quality,re the
placement quality of
of DTs in
of aged power
conductor supply.
area and
s, poles
on of

nce and Maintena
constructi nce and
Civil Work on of constructi
PSC YARD office on of
- building. office
Manufact Manufact building.
31.03.202 accorded
2 Civil Work ure of ure of Manufact 53.90 0 OWN 14.90 8.95 24.00 18.65 15.00 10.65 14.90 8.95 24.0 18.65 15.0 10.7
5 by the
PSC PSC ure of
Poles. poles. PSC
Purchase Awaiting poles.
of Lands. of Land
approval purchase
from by civil
Segregati authority
ANDHRA To reduce To reduce
3 on of agri 4.07 1.08 own 31.03.2024
Partly approved 1.95 0 1.04 1.95 0.00 1.04 1.95 0.00 1.0 1.95 0.0 1.0
MODEL line loss line loss
HT stregtheni
STRENGT To reduce 31.03.202 APPROVE
4 improvem ng the 5.75 0.70 REC 5.05 0.35 0 5.05 0 0 5.05 0.35 0.0 5.05 0.0 0.0
HENING line loss 3 D
ent works distributio
n network
Improvem reduction
ent of of 31.03.202
5 NEFS of AT&C 2.00 2.00 REC/PFC Approved 0 2.00 0 0 0 0 0.00 2.00 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0
System commerci 3
Network al Losses 36
Estabilish To
ment of meetout
Load Reduction
Sub T&D A.Kalapoo 31.03.202
6 growth of AT&C 5.84 5.84 REC/PFC Approved 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0
Plan r 2
and Loss
33/11 KV
SS reduced
Line Loss
Estabilish meetout
ment of Load Reduction
Master 31.03.202 yet to be
7 Poovanthi growth of AT&C 6.00 0 REC/PFC 6.00 6.00 0 0 0 0 6.00 6.00 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0
Plan 14th 3 approved
33/11 KV and Loss
SS reduced
Line Loss
Estabilish To
ment of meetout
Load Reduction
Master Pulithipatt 31.03.202 yet to be
8 growth of AT&C 6.00 0 REC/PFC 6.00 6.00 0 0 0 0 6.00 6.00 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0
Plan 14th y 5 approved
and Loss
33/11 KV
SS reduced
Line Loss
Total 233.56 9.62 0.00 0.00 0.00 78.90 63.30 75.04 70.65 70.00 61.69 78.90 63.30 75.04 70.65 70.00 61.69

Name of the circle: Theni EDC
Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by Commission
Details of
Expenditur Source of FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 ( FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 (
Details of Board
e incurred funding
work Estimated Anticipate approval
Name of Technical Cost so far (PFC/
furnishing Cost d date of or date of Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount
S. No. the justificatio Benefit (ie. before REC/
list of ( completio award of of capital capitalisati of capital capitalisati of capital capitalisati of capital capitalisati of capital capitalisati of capital capitalisati
Scheme n Analysis FY 2022- Own/
major Crs.) n contract expenditur on expenditur on expenditur on expenditur on expenditur on expenditur on
23) ( Govern-
items (PO e expected e expected e expected e expected e expected e expected
Crs.) ment

of HT, Approval to
LTCT & LT New be
supply to Service Adding accorded
1 CAPITAL 70.00 0 OWN NA 30.00 40.00 20.00 31.92 20.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 20.0 31.92 20.0 20.0
40000 Nos. connections consumer by the
various effected competent
tarff authorities.

nt the
Approval to
Strengtheni be
strengtheni To reduce
ng of HT accorded
2 Improvement ng quality, the line 40.00 0 own NA 12.00 20.00 13.00 14.13 15.00 15.00 12.00 20.00 13.0 14.13 15.0 15.0
line, LT line by the
replaced of loss
and Poles competent
poles etc.,

SPECIAL SCHEMES 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0

NEFS(Natio Approval to
Improveme Reduction
nal Reduction be
nt of of
3 Electricity of AT&C 45.44 3 PFC 31.03.2025 accorded 3.00 5.00 3.00 4.73 3.00 3.00 3.00 5.00 3.0 4.73 3.0 3.0
system commercial
Fund loss by the
work loss
scheme) competent
Improveme Constructio
nt Safegaurd Safegaurd
n of Approval to
Work of the of the
Compound be
4 Wall in Sub- 0.75 0 Own NA accorded 0.45 0.70 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.45 0.70 0.2 0.15 0.2 0.2
from from
Store by the
private private
Periyakula competent
entry. entry.
m. authorities.
Total 156.19 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 45.45 65.70 36.15 50.93 38.15 38.15 45.45 65.70 36.15 50.93 38.15 38.15

Name of the circle: Madurai/Metro EDC
Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by Commission
Expenditu Details of
Source of FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 ( FY 2022-23 (
Details of re Board FY 2023-24 ( Crs.) FY 2024-25 ( Crs.)
funding Crs.) Crs.) Crs.) Crs.)
work Estimated incurred Anticipate approval
Name of Technical Cost (PFC/
furnishing Cost so far d date of or date of
S. No. the justificatio Benefit REC/ Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount
list of ( (ie. before completio award of Allocation of Amount Allocation Amount
Scheme n Analysis Own/ of capital capitalisati of capital capitalisati of capital capitalisati of capital capitalisati
major Crs.) FY 2022- n contract capital capitalisatio of capital capitalisatio
Govern- expenditu on expenditu on expenditu on expenditu on
items 23) ( (PO expenditure n expected expenditure n expected
ment re expected re expected re expected re expected
Crs.) details)

of Land -
Muthupatt Approved
To meet To meet
i 33/11KV in the
1 Capital out load out load 11.55 0 Own 2022-23 11.55 11.55 0 0 0 0 11.55 11.55 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0
SS, Master
growth growth
Managiri Plan
in the
of Land - To meet To meet
2 Capital TNHB out load out load 3.00 0 PFC 2022-23 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0
Plan and
33/11KV growth growth
Constructi Approval
on of Civil - was
Buildings - Constructi accorded
3 Capital 3.34 0 Own 2023-25 1.01 0.30 1.11 1.15 1.22 1.89 1.01 0.30 1.1 1.15 1.2 1.9
SS and on of by the
Collection Buildings relevent
Centres competen
Smart t
To meet
Smart City
4 Smart City Metering out load 55.22 0 Own 2022-24 11.04 3.31 16.56 14.35 27.62 37.56 11.04 3.31 16.6 14.35 27.6 37.6
and scheme
of SS - Approved
To meet To meet
Plant and in the
5 Capital out load out load 3.91 0 Own 2022-23 1.18 0.35 1.30 1.35 1.43 2.21 1.18 0.35 1.3 1.35 1.4 2.2
Machinery Master
growth growth
and other Plan
Improvem Approval
ent work Civil - was
Improvem for accorded
6 Improvem 3.81 0 Own 2023-25 1.15 0.35 1.27 1.31 1.39 2.15 1.15 0.35 1.3 1.31 1.4 2.2
ent Buildings, ent works by the
coloring, relevent
plastering, competen
ent works-
Erection Approved
of by the
DT,New To reduce competen
Improvem the
7 HT the Line 10.79 0 Own 2023-25 t authority 3.26 1.30 3.59 3.39 3.94 6.10 3.26 1.30 3.6 3.39 3.9 6.1
ent network
feeders, and Load Loss, etc as per the
strentheni growth field
ng of HT proposal
Laying of

ent of
Existing 2
33/11KV Enhancem TANGEDC
Power ent of O
Transfer Distributio Proceedin
8 ST & D 2.80 2.80 ST&D 2022-23 0.00 2.80 0 0 0 0 0.00 2.80 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0
into 2x16 n gs
KVA Transform No.381,
Power er works dt.30.10.2
Transfer 019.
ning of To
Ex. 11KV strengthe CMD
with n the TANGEDC
Raccon existing O (Per)
HT Conductor conductor FB No.
improvem , to TANTRAN
9 26.08 2.15 REC 2024-25 7.86 5.32 7.81 7.81 8.26 12.95 7.86 5.32 7.8 7.81 8.3 12.9
nent Strengthe improve SCO
works ning of the Line Proceedin
line, Bay stability g No.36,
Extension and to dt.17.06.2
and reduce IR 017
Railway losses
structure CMD
33 KV UG
linkline O (Per)
proposed To meet FB No.
To reduce
10 GIS SS K.Pudur out load 20.69 2.07 Own 2024-25 TANTRAN 6.20 6.62 6.20 4.13 6.22 9.94 6.20 6.62 6.2 4.13 6.2 9.9
lineloss SCO
to 33KV growth
SS in Proceedin
Metro/Ma g No.36,
durai dt.17.06.2
ent of To meet To meet
11 Power out load out load 5.75 2.10 Own 2022-23 3.65 5.75 0 0 0 0 3.65 5.75 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0
Transform growth growth
er works
n of OH -
HT Lines,
LT Lines
Improvem wires into
12 10.00 Own 2022-24 under 3.00 1.20 7.00 8.80 3.00 1.20 7.0 8.80 0.0 0.0
ent UG cable
in Chitrai
Street and
Total 156.94 9.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 52.90 41.86 44.83 42.29 50.09 72.78 52.90 41.86 44.83 42.29 50.09 72.78

Name of the circle: Ramnad EDC
Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by Commission
FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 ( FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 (
Expenditu Details of
Source of Crs.) Crs.) Crs.) Crs.) Crs.) Crs.)
Details of re Board
work Estimated incurred Anticipate approval
Name of Technical Cost (PFC/
furnishing Cost so far d date of or date of
S. No. the justificatio Benefit REC/ Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount
list of ( (ie. before completio award of
Scheme n Analysis Own/ of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat
major Crs.) FY 2022- n contract
Govern- expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion
items 23) ( (PO
ment re expected re expected re expected re expected re expected re expected
Crs.) details)

Domectic, For Approval

New consumer
comercial, accorded
service s and 31.03.202
1 Capital TF.Sy,OH 50.72 0 REC/OWN by 17.72 17.72 17.00 17.00 16.00 16.00 17.72 17.72 17.0 17.00 16.0 16.0
connectio increase 5
T, relevant
n in
Agri, officials
Replacem Approval
ent of To
Improve accorded
Improvem Damaged improve 31.03.202
2 quality of 45.00 0 REC/OWN by 13.00 13.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 16.00 13.00 13.00 16.0 16.00 16.0 16.0
ent pole, Low voltage 5
supply relevant
voltage., level
civil works
for the
Civil office and 31.03.202 yet to be
3 Maintena - 0.90 0 Own 0.30 0.70 0.30 0.60 0.30 0.63 0.30 0.70 0.3 0.60 0.3 0.6
Works sub 5 approved
nce works
nce works

of UG 400
le from Reliable
Pamban source
REC - Bridge 4 supply to
Reliable 30.04.202 yet to be
4 Funded pole Rameswar 3.17 0 REC 1.90 1.90 1.27 1.27 0.00 0.00 1.90 1.90 1.3 1.27 0.0 0.0
supply 4 approved
Scheme structure am
to 33/11kV
rameswar SS
ent of
Replacem pole (All
ent of sizes 7.5
National Approval
mostly mtr, 8
Electricity accorded
detoriated mtr, 9 Safety 31.03.202
5 Fund 4.00 0 NEFS by 4.00 4.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0
corroded mtr) & purpose 3
Scheme relevant
pole and Aged
(NEFS) officials
aged conductor
coductors s (7/2.11

conductor accorded
Disastor To reduce reliable 31.03.202
6 strengthe 10.31 0 REC/OWN by 2.72 2.72 3.54 3.54 4.05 4.05 2.72 2.72 3.5 3.54 4.0 4.0
Risk snapping supply 5
ning. relevant
nt of The
33/11KV Power
Power Transform
Transform er loading
er to 75% of
T&D capacity Reduction
its 31.03.202 yet to be
7 Plan (Sub from 1x5 of line 1.00 0 REC/PFC 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0
capacity 3 approved
T & D) MVA to loss.
and to
1X5+1x8 met the
MVA at future
R.Kavano load
or growth
To (Per) CMD
overcome TANGEDC
ment of
the load O's
T&D Akkalmad Reduction
of 31.03.202 proceedin
8 Plan (Sub am LT of line 1.00 0 REC/PFC 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0
Rameswar 3 gs No:97
T & D) online loss.
am Dt:
33/11kV 08.07.202
SS 1
ment of
am, To reduce
Thiruvara line loss,
ngam, load To reduce 31.03.202 yet to be
9 Plan (Sub 15.00 0 REC/PFC 15.00 15.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15.00 15.00 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0
bifurficati line loss 3 approved
T & D) Vattanam
and on and
N.Karisalk realiablity
Establish To reduce
ment of line loss,
T&D T.U.Mang load To reduce 31.03.202 yet to be
10 Plan (Sub ai and 8.00 0 REC/PFC 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 0.00 0.00 4.00 4.00 4.0 4.00 0.0 0.0
bifurficati line loss 5 approved
T & D) Malattaru
on and
33/11kV realiablity
(Per) CMD
HT O's
HT stregtheni
STRENGT To reduce proceedin
11 improvem ng the 21.87 1.27 REC 2022-23 7.02 5.60 6.79 5.79 6.79 10.48 7.02 5.60 6.8 5.79 6.8 10.5
HENING line loss gs No:478
ent works distributio
n network

Total 160.97 1.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 67.66 66.64 48.90 48.20 43.14 47.16 63.66 62.64 48.90 48.20 43.14 47.16

Name of the circle: Dindigul EDC
Expenditu Details of Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by Commission
Source of
Details of re Board FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 ( FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 (
work Estimated incurred Anticipate approval
Name of Technical Cost (PFC/
furnishing Cost so far d date of or date of Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount
S. No. the justificatio Benefit REC/
list of ( (ie. before completio award of of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat
Scheme n Analysis Own/
major Crs.) FY 2022- n contract expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion
items 23) ( (PO re expected re expected re expected re expected re expected re expected
Crs.) details)
Constructi was
on of Civil - accorded
Buildings - Constructi by the
1 Capital 8.00 0 Own 2022-25 relevent 5 3.5 3.00 2.40 0.00 0.00 5.00 3.50 3.0 2.40 0.0 0.0
SS and on of
Collection Buildings competen
Centres t
of SS -
Plant and
Machinery Approved
To meet To meet
and other in the
2 Capital out load out load 19.24 0 Own 2022-23 12.50 7.5 6.74 2.68 0 0 12.50 7.50 6.7 2.68 0.0 0.0
related Master
growth growth
materials Plan
ent work
, painting
Civil - by the
and tiling
3 Improvement Improvem 23.22 0 Own 2023-25 relevent 11.5 7.13 6.2 6.85 5.52 9.24 11.50 7.13 6.2 6.85 5.5 9.2
ent works competen
of T&P
and other
ning of To
Ex. 11KV strengthe CMD
with n the TANGEDC
Raccon existing O (Per)
REC - Conductor conductor Based on FB No.
Funded , to engery TANTRAN
4 Strengthe 19.09 0 REC 2024-25 7.00 2.80 7 7.00 5.09 9.29 7.00 2.80 7.0 7.00 5.1 9.3
Scheme improve accountin SCO
(UDAY) ning of the Line g report Proceedin
line, Bay stability g No.428,
Extension and to dt.8.9.201
and reduce IR 7
Railway losses

National ent of
Electricity aged System work
5 Fund conductor stability Maintena 34.89 0.00 OWN 2022-25 under 34.89 0.00 0 0 0 0 34.89 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0
Scheme and nce progress
(NEFS) damaged
Total 104.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 70.89 20.93 22.94 18.93 10.61 18.53 70.89 20.93 22.94 18.93 10.61 18.53

Name of the circle: Madurai EDC
Expenditu Details of Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by Commission
Source of
Details of re Board FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 ( FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 (
work Estimated incurred Anticipate approval
Name of Technical Cost (PFC/
furnishing Cost so far d date of or date of Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount
S. No. the justificatio Benefit REC/
list of ( (ie. before completio award of of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat
Scheme n Analysis Own/
major Crs.) FY 2022- n contract expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion
items 23) ( (PO re expected re expected re expected re expected re expected re expected
Crs.) details)

HT HT Line
To Line loss
improvem Strengthe
1 Reduce will be 13.92 2 REC 2022-23 11.92 11.92 0 0 0 0 11.92 11.92 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0
nent ning
Line Loss reduced
works works

network 2022-
Replacem work to
strengthe 23=3.52 ,
ent of be
ning and To reduce 2023-
2 NEFS Aged 24.195 13.57 REC executed 3.52 0 3.205 3.52 3.9 7.105 3.52 0.00 3.2 3.52 3.9 7.1
quality line loss 24=3.205,
conductor by O&M
replaceme 2024-
& Poles Officials
nt of aged 25=3.90
Constructi poles etc. Board
on of New 31.12.202 approval
3 3.57 0.00 0.0 3.57 0.0 0.0
Building Building 3.57 0 Own
3 Per (FB) 3.57 0 0 3.57 0 0
Training Low To Rectify Rectificati 2022- O
voltage Low on of low 23=30 , submitted
4 MENT 115 0 Own 30 0 45 0 40 0 30.00 0.00 45.0 0.00 40.0 0.0
DT, voltage voltage 2023- and
Replacem Problem, complaint. 24=45, awaiting
ent of SS replace
Total To reduce 156.69 15.57 2024- for 49.01 11.92 48.21 7.09 43.90 7.11 49.01 11.92 48.21 7.09 43.90 7.11

Name of the circle: Virudunagar EDC
Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by Commission
FY 2022-23 ( Crs.) FY 2023-24 ( Crs.) FY 2024-25 ( FY 2022-23 ( Crs.) FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 (
Expenditu Source Crs.) Crs.) Crs.)
of Board
re of
Estimated incurred funding
Name of Details of work Anticipated or date
Technical Cost Benift Cost so far (PFC/ Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Amount
S. No. the furnishing list date of of award Amount Allocation of Amount Allocation of Allocation of Amount Allocation of
justification Analysis ( (ie. before REC/ of capital capitalisa of capital capitalisati capitalisa
Scheme of major items completion of capitalisatio capital capitalisatio capital capital capitalisatio capital
Crs.) FY 2022- Own/ expenditur tion expenditur on tion
contract n expected expenditure n expected expenditure expenditure n expected expenditure
23) ( Govern e expected e expected expected
Crs.) ment

Erection of
additional To increased
1 T&P Plan 1x8MVA PrTr the Revenue 1.3 0.6 REC 31.03.2023 0.6 1.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.60 1.25 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0
in 33/11KV approval
patty SS
Erection of
additional To increased To improve the Awaiting
2 Captial 1x8MVA PrTr the Revenue network 1.3 0.0 OWN 2022-23 for 1.3 1.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.30 1.30 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0
in 33/11KV of TANGEDCO strengthening approval
Indoor SS
of PrTr from To increased To improve the Awaiting
3 Captial 1x8+1x5into the Revenue network 1.0 0.0 OWN 2022-23 for 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.02 1.02 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0
2x8MVA at of TANGEDCO strengthening approval
of PrTr from To increased To improve the Awaiting
4 Captial 1x8+1x5into the Revenue network 1.0 0.0 OWN 2022-23 for 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.02 1.02 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0
2x8MVA at of TANGEDCO strengthening approval
Extension of
New Service Awaiting
LT & LTCT, New Service
5 Captial Connection / 12.0 0.0 OWN 2022-23 for 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.00 4.00 4.0 4.00 4.0 4.0
supply Various Connection
additional load approval
tariff services

New Service To increase to 2022-23

to be
6 Captial Lines & Cabale Connection / Revenue of 4.0 0.0 OWN 2023-24 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.4 1.30 1.30 1.3 1.30 1.4 1.4
additional load TANGEDCO 2024-25

New Service To increase to 2022-23

to be
7 Captial Street light Connection / Revenue of 3.0 0.0 OWN 2023-24 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.00 1.00 1.0 1.00 1.0 1.0
additional load TANGEDCO 2024-25
To increase to 2022-23
Various to be
8 Captial Others Revenue of 6.0 0.0 OWN 2023-24 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.00 2.00 2.0 2.00 2.0 2.0
Category approval
TANGEDCO 2024-25

works Eretio
of Dt, New Ht
strenthening To impreo the 2022-23
Improvem To avoied the to be
9 of HT cables, network and 25.0 0.0 OWN 2023-24 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 5.0 5.0 10.00 10.00 10.0 10.00 5.0 5.0
ent line loss approval
laying LT cable load growth 2024-25
and erection
of pillar boxes
of various sub

of conductors To impreo the 2022-23
Improvem To avoied the to be
10 in various 11 network and 15.0 0.0 0.0 2023-24 7.0 7.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 7.00 7.00 4.0 4.00 4.0 4.0
ent line loss approval
KV feeders of load growth 2024-25
Formation of
HT 2022-23 various
new 11kV To improve T To avoid line
11 improvem 6.44 0.00 REC 2023-24 sancatio 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.0 2.0 2.20 2.22 2.2 2.20 2.0 2.0
feeders at &D loss
ent works 2024-25 ns
various ss

Expansion and
construction of To
12 Captial new control Accommodate 1.1 0.6 own 2022-23 0.0 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.8 0.0 0.0 0.34 0.34 0.2 0.80 0.0 0.0
room and new panel
battery room

TOTAL 77.2 1.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 31.8 32.45 24.7 25.3 19.4 19.4 31.8 32.5 24.7 25.3 19.4 19.4

Name of the circle: Tirunelveli EDC
Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by Commission
FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( Crs.) FY 2024-25 ( FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( Crs.) FY 2024-25 (

Source Details
of of Board
fundin approval
Details of Estimated incurred
Name of g Anticipated or date
work Technical Cost Benift Cost so far Allocation Amount Amount Allocation Amount Amount Amount
S. No. the (PFC/ date of of award Allocation of Amount Allocation of Allocation of Allocation of
furnishing list justification Analysis ( (ie. before of capital capitalisat capitalisa of capital capitalisati capitalisati capitalisa
Scheme REC/ completion of capital capitalisatio capital capital capital
of major items Crs.) FY 2022- expenditur ion tion expenditur on on tion
Own/ contract expenditure n expected expenditure expenditure expenditure
23) ( e expected expected e expected expected expected
Govern (PO
ment details)

Extension of New service

LT & LT CT, To increase the
connections 2022-23 to
1 Capital HT Supply Revenue of 45.00 0.00 Own 13.50 13.50 13.50 13.50 18.00 18.00 13.50 13.50 13.5 13.50 18.0 18.0
effected and 2024-25
various tariff Additional load TANGEDCO
1 X 8 MVA Essentially
Power needed to
Transformer bring the To increase the
2 Capital at Medical Regulation Revenue of 4.87 0.00 Own 2022-23 4.87 4.87 0.00 0.00 4.87 4.87 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0
College SS( within limit TANGEDCO
Centetary and line loss
Hall) reduction
1 X 8 MVA Essentially
Power needed to
bring the To increase the
3 Capital Regulation Revenue of 6.26 0.00 Own 2022-23 6.26 6.26 0.00 0.00 6.26 6.26 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0
Naduvakurichi within limit
33/11 KV SS and line loss
2 X 8 MVA needed to
Power bring the To increase the
4 Capital Transformer Regulation Revenue of 8.19 0.00 Own 2022-23 8.19 8.19 0.00 0.00 8.19 8.19 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0
at sevala peri within limit TANGEDCO
33/11kV SS and line loss
1X 8 MVA needed to
Power bring the To increase the
5 Capital Transformer Regulation Revenue of 7.47 0.00 Own 2022-23 7.47 7.47 0.00 0.00 7.47 7.47 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0
At Pettai within limit TANGEDCO
33/11kV SS and line loss
2 X 8 MVA needed to
Power bring the To increase the
6 Capital Transformer Regulation Revenue of 8.48 0.00 Own 2022-23 8.48 8.48 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.48 8.48 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0
at Donavoor within limit TANGEDCO
33/11kV SS and line loss
2 X 8 MVA needed to
Power bring the To increase the
7 Capital Transformer Regulation Revenue of 6.22 0.00 Own 2022-23 6.22 6.22 6.22 6.22 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0
at Mukkudal within limit TANGEDCO
33/11kV SS and line loss
Essentially Approval
1 X 8 MVA needed to from
Power bring the To increase the
8 Capital Transformer Regulation Revenue of 6.33 0.00 Own 2022-23 6.33 6.33 0.00 0.00 6.33 6.33 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0
at Kallikulam within limit TANGEDCO
33/11kV SS and line loss .
DC To improve to avoid line from
Improvem conversion, the network loss & to compete
9 4.51 0.00 Own 2024-25 1.82 1.82 0.83 0.83 1.86 1.86 1.82 1.82 0.8 0.83 1.9 1.9
ent Breaker and Load initiate new nt
installation growth HT/LT Services authority
Erection of
DT, New HT Approval
feeders, To improve to avoid line from
Improvem strenthening the network loss & to compete
10 of HT cables, 20.00 0.00 Own 2024-25 10.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 5.0 5.00 5.0 5.0
ent and Load initiate new nt
Laying LT growth HT/LT Services authority
cable and .
erection of
pillar boxes of
various sub
stations .
works- Approval
SS,Enhanceme To improve to avoid line from
Master nt of DT & the network loss & to compete
11 15.39 0.00 Own 2024-25 2.45 2.40 2.71 2.71 10.20 10.20 2.45 2.40 2.7 2.71 10.2 10.2
Plan Pr.Trs in and Load initiate new nt
substations & growth HT/LT Services authority
sub station .
related works.
POs by
To improve HT CE&
of conductors
Improvem regulation Headqua
in various 11 work under
12 ent - strengthening 10.00 0.00 Own 2024-25 ters and 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 3.0 3.00 4.0 4.0
KV feeders of progress
others of conductors Award
propsoed through
of power Approval
transformer To improve to avoid line from
capacity from the network loss & to compete
13 T&D Plan 1x8 to 2x8 3.01 0.00 Own 2023-24 0.00 0.00 3.01 3.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.0 3.01 0.0 0.0
and Load initiate new nt
MVA in growth HT/LT Services authority
33/11KV .
To improve to avoid line from
the network loss & to compete
14 T&D Plan mpatti 33/11 2.35 0.00 Own 2023-24 0.00 0.00 2.35 2.35 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.4 2.35 0.0 0.0
and Load initiate new nt
growth HT/LT Services authority
HT HT Network To improve Strenthening
g no.478
15 improvem strenthening network works to 25.79 2.43 REC 2022-23 23.40 23.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 23.40 23.40 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0
ent works works Strength reduce AT&C

TOTAL 173.87 2.43 0.0 101.99 101.94 30.40 30.40 39.06 39.06 101.99 101.94 30.40 30.40 39.06 39.06

Name of the circle: Kanyakumari EDC
Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by Commission
Expenditu FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( Crs.) FY 2024-25 ( FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 (
of Board
Source of approval
Details of Estimated incurred
Name of funding Anticipated or date
work Technical Cost Benift Cost so far Allocation Amount Amount Allocation Amount Amount Amount
S. No. the (PFC/ REC/ date of of award Allocation Amount Allocation Allocation Allocation
furnishing list justification Analysis ( (ie. before of capital capitalisat capitalisa of capital capitalisati capitalisat capitalisa
Scheme Own/ completion of of capital capitalisatio of capital of capital of capital
of major items Crs.) FY 2022- expenditur ion tion expenditur on ion tion
Government contract expenditure n expected expenditure expenditure expenditure
23) ( e expected expected e expected expected expected

Extension of Approval
LT&LTCT,HT New service by
Supply to Increasein 2022-2023 to
1 Capital connections 38.76 0.00 OWN compete 8.19 8.19 15.00 15.00 15.57 15.57 8.19 8.19 15.0 15.00 15.6 15.6
82500 Nos revenue 2024-2025
effected nt
various tariff authority
Establishment Due to Load To reduce line Submitte
growth in and loss and 11.44 11.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11.44 11.44 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0
2 Capital of 33 /11 kV 11.44 0.00 OWN 2022-2023 d for
Konam SS. around Konam uninterruptedp Approval
area ower supply
Due to Load To reduce line
Establishment Submitte
growth in and loss and
3 Capital of 33 /11 kV 11.44 0.00 OWN 2023-2024 d for 0.00 0.00 11.44 11.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 11.4 11.44 0.0 0.0
around uninterruptedp
puliyadi SS. Approval
puliyadi area ower supply
Erection of (Per)TA
additional Strenthening Proceedi
4 Capital Power 1.27 works to 1.27 0.00 OWN 2022-2023 ngs No. 1.27 1.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.27 1.27 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0
Transformer reduce AT&C 4,
in 33/11KV loss. Dated.0
Vadasery SS/ 3.01.201
Part II 9
,Errection of Approval
DT ,New HT To improve To avoid line
Improvem feeders,Strent the network loss&to initiate 2022-2023
5 57.60 0.00 OWN compete 17.60 17.60 19.20 19.20 20.80 20.80 17.60 17.60 19.2 19.20 20.8 20.8
ent hening of HT and Load new HT/LT to2024-2025
cables,Laying growth Services
LT cable and
erection of
pillar boxes
strenthening Strenthening Proceedi
AT & C Loss
6 UDAY works in works to 14.29 5.47 REC 31.03.2022 ngs No. 0.00 8.82 8.82 0.00 0.00 8.82 0.00 8.82 8.8 0.00 0.0 8.8
reduction 478,
Nagercoil reduce AT&C
Division loss. Dated.0
strenthening Strenthening Proceedi
AT & C Loss
7 UDAY works in works to 4.67 2.40 REC 31.03.2022 ngs No. 0.00 2.27 2.27 0.00 0.00 2.27 0.00 2.27 2.3 0.00 0.0 2.3
reduction 478,
Thuckalay reduce AT&C
Division loss. Dated.0
strenthening Strenthening Proceedi
AT & C Loss
8 UDAY works in works to 8.63 3.41 REC 31.03.2022 ngs No. 0.00 5.22 5.22 0.00 0.00 5.22 0.00 5.22 5.2 0.00 0.0 5.2
reduction 478,
Kuzhithurai reduce AT&C
Division loss. Dated.0
TOTAL 148.10 11.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 38.50 54.81 61.95 45.64 36.37 52.68 38.50 54.81 61.95 45.64 36.37 52.68

Name of the circle: Tuticorin EDC
Source Details Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by Commission
Expenditu FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( Crs.) FY 2024-25 ( FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( Crs.) FY 2024-25 (
of of Board
fundin approval
Details of Estimated incurred
Name of g Anticipated or date
work Technical Cost Benift Cost so far Allocation Amount Amount Allocation Amount Amount
S. No. the (PFC/ date of of award Allocation of Amount Allocation of Allocation of Amount Allocation of
furnishing list justification Analysis ( (ie. before of capital capitalisat capitalisa of capital capitalisati capitalisa
Scheme REC/ completion of capital capitalisatio capital capital capitalisatio capital
of major items Crs.) FY 2022- expenditur ion tion expenditur on tion
Own/ contract expenditure n expected expenditure expenditure n expected expenditure
23) ( e expected expected e expected expected
Govern (PO
ment details)
Power Improvement Yet to
To increase the
Improvem Transformer work to be
1 enhancement Revenue of 13.18 0.00 REC 31.03.2023 13.20 13.18 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 13.20 13.18 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0
ent provide quality approve
/ Additional in TANGEDCO
supply d
various SS
Improvement Yet to
HT HT Network To increase the
2 work to 40.71 0.00 REC 31.03.2023 be 40.70 40.71 0.00 0.00 0.00 40.70 40.71 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0
improvem Strengthening Revenue of 0.00
provide quality approve
ent works Works TANGEDCO
supply d
Erection of
additional 1 x Improvement Yet to
8 MVA Power To increase the
Improvem work to be
3 transformer in provide quality Revenue of 1.68 0.00 REC 31.03.2023 1.70 1.68 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.70 1.68 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0
ent approve
supply d
Improvement San :
Improvem Tiruchendur work to 14.656/2
4 0 1.73 0.00 REC 31.03.2023 0.21dt 1.70 1.73 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.70 1.73 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0
ent 33/11 KV SS provide quality
supply 11-12-
TOTAL 57.30 0.00 57.30 57.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 57.30 57.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Name of the circle: Trichy Metro EDC
Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by Commission
Expenditu Details of FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 ( FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 (
Source of
Details of re Board
work Estimated incurred Anticipate approval
Name of Technical Cost (PFC/
furnishing Cost so far d date of or date of Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount
S. No. the justificatio Benift REC/
list of ( (ie. before completio award of of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat
Scheme n Analysis Own/
major Crs.) FY 2022- n contract expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion
items 23) ( (PO re expected re expected re expected re expected re expected re expected
Crs.) details)

of Renovation
To reduce proceeding
1 T&D Plan Nadupatty of existing 4.86 0 Own Mar-24 1.86 0.0 3.00 4.86 0.00 0.00 1.86 0.00 3.0 4.86 0.0 0.0
line losses. s No:170
33/11 KV 33/11KV ss

Establish Capital
ment of works for
Master O.Krishna system Reliable
2 6.21 0 Own Mar-24 proceedin 3.0 0.0 3.21 0.00 0.00 6.21 3.00 0.00 3.2 0.00 0.0 6.2
Plan puram improvem supply
gs No:292
33/11 KV ent
SS Plan
Capital Land
Establishm works for
ent of system
3 T&D Plan 13.2 0 Own Dec-25 .Estimate 4.0 0.0 7.20 0.00 2.00 13.20 4.00 0.00 7.2 0.00 2.0 13.2
ELCOT 110 improveme
yet to be
/ 11 KV SS nt prepared
Establishm Captial
ent of UG works for
sent up for
ofexisting establishm
sanction to
33 /11 KV ent of
To reduce Head
4 T&D Plan Thanganag Evocation 44.55 0 Own Dec-25 4.55 0.0 20.00 14.55 20.00 30.00 4.55 0.00 20.0 14.55 20.0 30.0
line losses. Quarters.
ar SS into of Hydro
110 / 33- generation
22-11 KV at Kolli
SS Hills

Establishm Capital
ent of 110 works for Private
To reduce
5 T&D Plan / 22 KV system 13.6 0 Own Dec-25 land 3.60 0.0 5.00 0.00 5.00 13.60 3.60 0.00 5.0 0.00 5.0 13.6
line losses.
Kanakilaya improveme identified
nallur SS nt
Establish Capital
ment of works for Land yet
Master 33 / 11 Reliable
6 system to be 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0
Plan KV supply
improvem identified
Pothapatt ent
y SS
Establish Capital
ment of works for Land yet
Master 33 / 11 Reliable
7 system to be 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0
Plan KV supply
improvem identified
Sirugamb ent
ur SS
For new
Extentsion for new service
of HT sC connectio Sanction
8 Capital lines, DTs connectio ns and 30 5.5 Own Dec-25 to be 8 2 8 4 8.5 20.5 8.00 2.00 8.0 4.00 8.5 20.5
and allied n HT LT increase obtained
works and LTCT in

Low and
System Sanction
Improvem voltage Reliable
9 rectificatio improvem 8.5 2 Own Dec-25 to be 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.50 2.50 2.00 2.00 2.0 2.00 2.5 2.5
ent supply
n and ent obtained
All type of improvem Sanction
10 CIVIL 18 0 Own Dec-25 3.00 3.00 8.00 8.00 7.00 7.00 3.00 3.00 8.0 8.00 7.0 7.0
civil works ent works obtained

HT To reduce Sanctione
11 UDAY Strengthe the AT & 59.92 0.13 REC 2025-26 d(167 5.92 1.92 11.84 5.04 17.76 7.76 5.92 1.92 11.8 5.04 17.8 7.8
ning C loss nos.)
Total 198.84 7.63 35.93 8.92 68.25 38.45 62.76 100.77 35.93 8.92 68.25 38.45 62.76 100.77

Name of the circle: Thanjavur EDC
Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by Commission
Expenditu Details of FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 ( FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 (
Source of
Details of re Board
work Estimated incurred Anticipate approval
Name of Technical Cost (PFC/
furnishing Cost so far d date of or date of Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount
S. No. the justificatio Benift REC/
list of ( (ie. before completio award of of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat
Scheme n Analysis Own/
major Crs.) FY 2022- n contract expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion
items 23) ( (PO re expected re expected re expected re expected re expected re expected
Crs.) details)

Based on
Extension Adding applicatio
of LT & the n from
LT CT, HT number of the
Supply to consumer FY 2024- consumer
service s,
Nos s in all 25
1 Capital connectio 92.00 8.00 Own 27.60 27.05 27.60 27.05 28.80 28.22 27.60 27.05 27.6 27.05 28.8 28.2
various tariff and March'202 approval
ns was
tariff to 5
effected accorded
services improve
including the by the
civil work revenue competen
ent works
in certain
HT/LT To To be
& Quality FY 2024-
lines Reduce approved
Improvem Replacem 25
2 provision Line 61.00 5.00 Own by the 18.30 17.93 18.30 17.93 19.40 4.85 18.30 17.93 18.3 17.93 19.4 4.9
ent ent of March'202
of DT in Losses., competen
Aged 5
required etc t authority
area &
s and
poles etc.
on of DT

To FY 2023- O
HT Network Reduce
improve 24 Proceedin
3 improvem Strengthe Line 52.45 0.00 REC 15.74 15.42 18.36 17.99 18.36 4.59 15.74 15.42 18.4 17.99 18.4 4.6
network March'202 gs No.478
ent works ning Losses.,
Strength 4 dated
Works etc

HT New
from SS, Improvem
feeder ent in To reduce Approved
T&D 31.3.2024
4 bifurcatio Distributio the Line 4.17 0 PFC in T&D 1.25 1.23 1.46 1.43 1.46 0.36 1.25 1.23 1.5 1.43 1.5 0.4
Plan 31.3.2025
n work n loss etc plan
and HT Networks
link line
To 31.03.202
Office 3, TANGEDC
improve Consumer
Automatio 31.03.202 O,
5 FOC the FOC Satisfacto 1.04 0.00 Own 0.35 0.32 0.35 0.34 0.34 0.31 0.35 0.32 0.4 0.34 0.3 0.3
n 4, Thanjavur
computer 31.03.202 Circle
TOTAL 210.66 13.00 0.00 63.24 61.94 66.07 64.75 68.36 38.33 63.24 61.94 66.07 64.75 68.36 38.33

Name of the circle: Karur EDC
Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by Commission
Expenditu Details of
Source of FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 ( FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 (
Details of re Board
work Estimated incurred Anticipate approval
Name of Technical Cost (PFC/
furnishing Cost so far d date of or date of Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount
S. No. the justificatio Benift REC/
list of ( (ie. before completio award of of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat
Scheme n Analysis Own/
major Crs.) FY 2022- n contract expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion
items 23) ( (PO re expected re expected re expected re expected re expected re expected
Crs.) details)

of supply Approved
ns 31.3.2023
to LT, by the
1 Capital effected & 80.20 7.24 Own 31.3.2024 21.11 10.11 27.20 10.20 24.65 59.89 21.11 10.11 27.2 10.20 24.7 59.9
LTCT & Compt.
Improvem 31.3.2025
HT authority
ent in
ent of
tive To avoid To avoid Approved
Improvem meters&r the the by the
2 ectificatio 64.01 5.45 REC 31.3.2024 18.73 12.6 22.68 12.68 17.15 38.73 18.73 12.60 22.7 12.68 17.2 38.7
ent Electrical Electrical Compt.
n of low 31.3.2025
accident accident authority
Erection To
HT of new 11 improve To reduce
the BP.478
3 Improvem KV line at line loss, 24.98 0.00 REC 31.3.2024 12.49 12.49 12.49 12.49 0.00 0 12.49 12.49 12.5 12.49 0.0 0.0
network /9.8.2017
ent works various etc.
locations and load
HT ng of 11 Reduction
ent in BP.478
4 Improvem KV line at of AT&C 32.11 0.00 REC 31.3.2025 10.703 10.73 10.70 10.70 10.70 10.704 10.70 10.73 10.7 10.70 10.7 10.7
Distributio /9.8.2017
ent works various Loss
n network

11 KV Bay To
extension improve
HT To reduce
works at the BP.478
5 Improvem line loss, 4.01 0.00 REC 31.3.2024 2.005 2.005 2.01 2.01 0.00 0 2.01 2.01 2.0 2.01 0.0 0.0
various network /9.8.2017
ent works etc.
sub and load
stations growth

Erection To
of new DP minimize
HT Reduction
Structure the BP.478
6 Improvem of AT&C 1.24 0.00 REC 31.3.2024 0.62 0.62 0.62 0.62 0.00 0 0.62 0.62 0.6 0.62 0.0 0.0
with 11 breakdow /9.8.2017
ent works Loss
Switch rectificatio
n durtion
upgradatio To improve
n of 33/11 the Reduction BP
5 T&D KV -110/11 network of AT&C 20.17 0.00 REC 31.3.2023 51/28.05.2 20.17 20.17 20.17 20.17 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0
KV SS and load Loss 019
Total 226.72 12.69 0.00 0.00 0.00 85.83 68.73 75.70 48.70 52.50 109.32 85.83 68.73 75.70 48.70 52.50 109.32

Name of the circle: Pudukottai EDC
Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by Commission
Expenditure Details of FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 ( FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 (
Source of
incurred so Board Crs.) Crs.) Crs.) Crs.) Crs.) Crs.)
Details of Estimated far Anticipated approval or
Name of Technical Cost Benift (PFC/ REC/ Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount
S. No. work Cost (ie. before date of date of
the Scheme justification Analysis Own/ of capital capitalisati of capital capitalisati of capital capitalisati of capital capitalisati of capital capitalisati of capital capitalisati
furnishing ( Crs.) FY 2022- completion award of
Governmen expenditur on expenditur on expenditur on expenditur on expenditur on expenditur on
list of 23) ( contract
major Crs.) (PO details) e expected e expected e expected e expected e expected e expected

Extension Approved
connections 31.3.2023
of supply to by the
1 Capital effected & 15% 78.19 6.50 Own 31.3.2024 22.74 22.42 23.88 23.54 25.07 24.71 22.74 22.42 23.9 23.54 25.1 24.7
LT, LTCT & Compt.
Improveme 31.3.2025
HT services authority
nt in Distn.

Improving Approved
Improveme Improveme network by the
2 7% 52.13 4.33 REC 31.3.2024 15.16 14.94 15.92 15.69 16.72 16.48 15.16 14.94 15.9 15.69 16.7 16.5
nt nt in HT & strength Compt.
LT line and quality authority
Office To reduce Approved
3 Civil Works running in the Rental 2.10 0.00 Own 2022-23 by the 0.60 0.60 0.90 0.90 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.9 0.90 0.6 0.6
rental Expenses Compt.
building authority
ent of new To reduce Approved
nt in
4a T & D Plan 33/11KV the Line 3.27 0 PFC 2023-24 in Master 1.97 0.00 1.30 3.27 1.97 0.00 1.3 3.27 0.0 0.0
sub station loss etc plan
at Embal

ent of new To reduce Approved
nt in
4b T & D Plan 33/11KV the Line 8.27 0 PFC 2024-25 in Master 0.00 0.00 3.70 0.00 4.57 8.27 0.00 0.00 3.7 0.00 4.6 8.3
sub station loss etc plan
at Kulipirai

Total 143.96 10.83 40.47 37.96 45.70 43.40 46.96 50.06 40.47 37.96 45.70 43.40 46.96 50.06

Name of the circle: Perambalur EDC
Expenditu Details of Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by Commission
Source of
Details of re Board FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 ( FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 (
work Estimated incurred Anticipate approval
Name of Technical Cost (PFC/
furnishing Cost so far d date of or date of Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount
S. No. the justificatio Benift REC/
list of ( (ie. before completio award of of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat
Scheme n Analysis Own/
major Crs.) FY 2022- n contract expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion
items 23) ( (PO re expected re expected re expected re expected re expected re expected
Crs.) details)

Extension connectio
of Supply ns
and FY 2024-
1 Capital in LT, effecteddf 38.88 3.888 Board By EDC 15.552 14.774 7.776 10.109 11.664 10.498 15.55 14.77 7.8 10.11 11.7 10.5
increase 2025
LTCT&HT &improve
services ment in
n Network

d pole, Improving
defective network
Improvem meter Reliable FY 2024-
2 strength 39.87 3.987 Board By EDC 15.948 11.961 7.974 10.366 11.961 13.955 15.95 11.96 8.0 10.37 12.0 14.0
ent replaceme supply 2025
nt&improv quality
ement in
LT line
To O
HT Network Reduce
improve FY 2024- Proceedin
3 improvem Strengthe Line 17.4 0 REC 5.60 3.36 11.80 14.04 0.00 0.00 5.60 3.36 11.8 14.04 0.0 0.0
network 2025 gs No.478
ent works ning Losses.,
Strength dated
Works etc

Total 96.15 7.88 37.10 30.10 27.55 34.52 23.63 24.45 37.10 30.10 27.55 34.52 23.63 24.45

Name of the circle: Thiruvarur EDC
Expenditu Source of Details of Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by Commission
re funding Board FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 ( FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 (
Estimated Anticipate
Name of Details of work Technical Cost incurred (PFC/ approval Crs.) Crs.) Crs.) Crs.) Crs.) Crs.)
Cost d date of
S. No. the furnishing list justificatio Benift so far REC/ or date of Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount
( completio
Scheme of major items n Analysis (ie. before Own/ award of of capital capitalisati of capital capitalisati of capital capitalisati of capital capitalisati of capital capitalisati of capital capitalisati
Crs.) n
FY 2022- Governme contract expenditu on expenditu on expenditu on expenditu on expenditu on expenditu on
23) ( nt (PO re expected re expected re expected re expected re expected re expected
Crs.) details)
Extension of
service adding of
HT supply to O
1 Capital connectio consumer 64.76 5.54 own 31.3.2022 18.40 18.03 19.40 19.01 21.42 20.99 18.40 18.03 19.4 19.01 21.4 21.0
14000 Nos THIRUVA
ns to be s
various tariff RUR
New &
of DTs, New
line/cables TANGEDC
Improvem ,strenthening O
2 network 15% 44 3.7 OWN 31.3.2022 12.42 12.17 13.60 13.33 14.28 13.99 12.42 12.17 13.6 13.33 14.3 14.0
line/cables, RUR
Upgradation of
SS and other
CIVIL tion of
3 of SE Office & 10% 10.82 0.3 own 31.3.2025 15.2.2020 6.51 4.00 2.81 4.81 1.20 1.20 6.51 4.00 2.8 4.81 1.2 1.2
WORKS infrastruct
section offices
Line Loss
Establishment saving,
of 33 KV Voltage 31.03.202
Substation at improvem
Master 5&1 yet to be
4 Rayapuram ent, 10% 4.32 0 Own 0.00 0.00 4.32 4.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.3 4.32 0.0 0.0
Plan number in approved
(Land pre reliable 2025-26
enter upon operation
obtained) and
strengthening Line Loss TANGEDC
of 11 KV saving, O
5 UDAY feeders & 11 Voltage 12% 8.01 8.01 Own 31.03.2022 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0
kV feeder improvem RUR
bifurcation ent
Total 131.91 17.55 37.33 34.20 40.13 41.47 36.90 36.19 37.33 34.20 40.13 41.47 36.90 36.19

Name of the circle: Nagapattinam EDC
Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by Commission
Expenditu Details of FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 ( FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 (
Source of
Details of re Board
work Estimated incurred Anticipate approval
Name of Technical Cost (PFC/
furnishin Cost so far d date of or date of Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount
S. No. the justificatio Benift REC/
g list of ( (ie. before completio award of of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat
Scheme n Analysis Own/
major Crs.) FY 2022- n contract expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion
items 23) ( (PO re expected re expected re expected re expected re expected re expected
Crs.) details)

of LT &
LT CT, To be
HT New approved
Supply service by the
1 Capital Supply to connectio 15% 16.26 0 Own Mar' 2025 competen 7.64 0.00 2.16 0.00 6.46 16.26 7.64 0.00 2.2 0.00 6.5 16.3
39000 ns t
Nos effected authoritie
various s
ment Improving
works in network
To be
certain strength
HT/LT & Quality,
by the
Improvem Lines, Replacem 31.03.202
2 15.82 0 Own Fund competen 9.08 0 6.74 0 0 15.82 9.08 0.00 6.7 0.00 0.0 15.8
ent Provision ent of 3
of DTs in aged
required conductor
area & s,
Upgradati poles,etc
on of DTs
ment of BP.No.632
Improvem new 31.03.202 dt
3 growth 2.06 0 Own Fund 0 0 2.06 2.06 0 0 0.00 0.00 2.1 2.06 0.0 0.0
ent 33/11KV 4 29.11.201
Kathiripul 7
am SS
HT To Bp
UDAY Network improve March No.478
4 Strengthe 14.72 0 dated 0 0 9.27 0 5.45 14.72 0.00 0.00 9.3 0.00 5.5 14.7
Scheme network 2025
ning Strength 08.09.201
Works 7
manned Sanctione
to Load d as per
5 ST&D Regular 26.4 0 REC 31.3.2022 8.98 0.00 6.60 0.00 10.82 26.40 8.98 0.00 6.6 0.00 10.8 26.4
growth BP.120
Ayyakara dt.3.3.18
manned Sanctione
to Load d as per
6 ST&D Regular 41.82 0 REC 31.3.2022 14.22 0.00 10.46 0.00 17.15 41.82 14.22 0.00 10.5 0.00 17.1 41.8
growth BP.333
Vettaikar dt.1.7.17

manned Sanctione
to Load d as per
7 ST&D 17.01 0 REC 31.3.2022 5.78 0.00 4.25 0.00 6.97 17.01 5.78 0.00 4.3 0.00 7.0 17.0
Regular growth BP.346
Memathu dt.7.7.17
r SS
ion of
New SE's
l room Office Approved
To reduce 31.3.2023
Civil Building running in by the
8 the Rental 13.45 0.00 Own 31.3.2024 3.84 0.00 4.24 0.00 5.37 13.45 3.84 0.00 4.2 0.00 5.4 13.5
Works in rental Compt.
Expenses 31.3.2025
memathu building authority
r ss,
ts plinth
Total 147.54 0.00 49.54 0.00 45.78 2.06 52.22 145.48 49.54 0.00 45.78 2.06 52.22 145.48

Name of the Circle: Vellore EDC
Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by Commission
Details of
Expenditur Source of FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 ( FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 (
Details of Board
e incurred funding Crs.) Crs.) Crs.) Crs.) Crs.) Crs.)
work Estimated approval
Name of Technical Cost so far (PFC/ Anticipated
furnishing Cost or date of
S. No. the justificatio Benift (ie. before REC/ date of Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount
list of ( award of
Scheme n Analysis FY 2022- Own/ completion of capital capitalisati of capital capitalisati of capital capitalisati of capital capitalisati of capital capitalisati of capital capitalisati
major Crs.) contract
23) ( Governme expenditur on expenditur on expenditur on expenditur on expenditur on expenditur on
items (PO
Crs.) nt e expected e expected e expected e expected e expected e expected

Based on
Extension New Fund n from the
For energy
of LT & Service allocation consumers
1 Capital accountin 15.00 7.00 31.03.2022 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 3.00 3.00 2.50 2.50 2.5 2.50 3.0 3.0
HT supply Connectio from ,approvel
to n effected Board accorded
by the

WORKS Approved
improvem STRENTH by
ent works AND Fund
To reduce competent
Improvem in HT/LT QUALITY the AT & allocation
2 7.00 3.00 31.03.2022 authority 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 1.0 1.00 1.0 1.0
ent lines,provi AND from
C loss. as per the
sion of REPLACE Board
DT'S MENT proposal
OR Etc…

Based on
New Fund n from the
REC- of supply For energy
Service allocation consumers
3 Funded to accountin 1.19 0.50 31.03.2022 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.29 0.29 0.20 0.20 0.2 0.20 0.3 0.3
Connectio from ,approvel
Scheme Agricultur g
n effected Board accorded
e services
by the

Vehicle, IT Vehicle, IT Fund
For O&M competent
Equpment Equpment allocation
4 use and _ 3.00 1.00 31.03.2022 authority 1.70 1.90 0.30 0.30 0.00 0.00 1.70 1.90 0.3 0.30 0.0 0.0
s and s and from
for ERP as per the
T&P T&P Board
S(T&D) Programme 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0

5 ST&D Erection To Due to 2.7600 0.00 REC Dec-22 (Per.) 2.7600 2.7600 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Programm of 1x 8 Minimize additional CMD
e MVA the sale of TANGEDC
additional AT & C energy,pa O
power loss yback Proceedin
transform period gs No.
er in shall be 6 322.Dt.16.
2.76 2.76 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0
33/11KV years 09.2019.
outdoor Work
SS - Contract
33/11 KV to be
GandhiNa Awarded.
Erection To Due to 2.7800 0.00 REC Dec-22 (Per.) 2.7800 2.7800 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Programm of 1x 8 Minimize additional CMD
e MVA the sale of TANGEDC
additional AT & C energy,pa O
power loss yback Proceedin
transform period gs No.
er in shall be 6 385.Dt.01. 2.78 2.78 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0
33/11KV years 11.2019.
outdoor Work
SS - 33/11 Contract
KV to be
Serkadu Awarded.
33/11 KV To Due to 5.8700 0.00 REC Dec-22 (Per) CMD 5.8700 3.8700 0.00 2.00 0.00 0.00
Programm New SS: Minimize additional TANGEDC
e Nagavedu the sale of O
SS - 2 X 8 AT & C energy,pa Proceedin
MVA loss and yback gs No.
to meet period 176, dt 5.87 3.87 0.0 2.00 0.0 0.0
out future shall be 6 :12.08.20
load years 20.
growth Yet to be
8 HT Strengthe To reduce The 1.4518 0 REC Mar-23 Approvd 1.4518 1.4518 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Improvem ning of 33 the AT&C expenditur by
ent works KV line Loss e shall be competent
paybacked authority
by savings as per the 1.45 1.45 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0
in the line field
loss. proposal

9 HT Erection To reduce The 4.1172 0.20848 REC Mar-23 Approvd 3.90872 3.90872 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Improvem of new 11 the AT&C expenditur by
ent works KV line Loss e shall be competent
paybacked authority
by savings as per the 3.91 3.91 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0
in the line field
loss. proposal

10 HT Strengthin To reduce The 10.2944 0.171128 REC Mar-23 Approvd 10.12327 10.12327 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Improvem ing of the AT&C expenditur by
ent works existing Loss e shall be competent
11 KV paybacked authority
line with by savings as per the 10.12 10.12 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0
Raccoon in the line field
ACSR loss. proposal

11 HT 4 Pole To reduce The 1.2003 0.064102 0 180064 0 1.136198 1.136198 0 0 0 0
Improvem Tapping the AT&C expenditur
ent works Structure Loss e shall be
(With AB paybacked
Switch) by savings 1.14 1.14 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0
in the line

12 HT 11 KV To reduce The 3.26 0.01503 REC Mar-23 Approvd 3.24497 3.235144 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Improvem Railway the AT&C expenditur by
ent works crossing Loss e shall be competent
structure paybacked authority
by savings as per the 3.24 3.24 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0
in the line field
loss. proposal

13 HT Erection To reduce The 4.32 0 REC Mar-23 Approvd 4.32 4.317211 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Improvem of new 11 the AT&C expenditur by
ent works KV Aerial Loss e shall be competent
Bunched paybacked authority
Cable by savings as per the 4.32 4.32 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0
in the line field
loss. proposal

Total 62.24 11.96 0.00 539922.00 0.00 41.99 40.18 4.00 6.00 4.29 4.29 41.99 40.18 4.00 6.00 4.29 4.29

Name of the Circle: Tirupattur EDC
Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by Commission
Expenditu Details of FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 ( FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 (
Source of
Details of re Board
work Estimated incurred Anticipate approval
Name of Technical Cost (PFC/
furnishing Cost so far d date of or date of Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount
S. No. the justificatio Benift REC/
list of ( (ie. before completio award of of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat
Scheme n Analysis Own/
major Crs.) FY 2022- n contract expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion
items 23) ( (PO re expected re expected re expected re expected re expected re expected
Crs.) details)

1 Capital Extension New For 12.50 5.08 Fund FY 2024- based on 3.00 1.00 3.00 2.00 1.42 3.00
of LT & Service energy allocation 25 the
HT supply Connectio accountin from applicatio
to n effected g Board n from
s,approvel 3.00 1.00 3.0 2.00 1.4 3.0
by the
2 Improvem improvem IMPROVI To reduce 3.00 3.00 Fund FY 2024- approved 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
ent ent works NG NET the AT&C allocation 25 by
in HT/LT WORKS loss from competen
lines,provi STRENTH Board t
sion of AND authority
DT'S QUALITY as per the
AND field 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0
REPLACE proposal
OR Etc…
3 T&D Establish To meet The 3.17 0.00 REC fund FY 2022- To be 1.17 0.78 1.00 0.50 1.00 0.70
ment of out future expenditu 23 approved
33/11 KV load re shall be
Pullaneri growth paybacke
SS with d by the 1.17 0.78 1.0 0.50 1.0 0.7
1x8 MVA additional
sale of

4 T&D Establish To meet The 3.23 0.00 REC fund FY 2023- To be 2.23 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.75
ment of out future expenditu 24 approved
33/11 KV load re shall be
Vellakuttai growth paybacke
SS with d by the 2.23 1.50 1.0 0.50 0.0 0.8
1x8 MVA additional
sale of

5 T&D Establish To meet The 4.19 0.00 REC fund FY 2023- To be 0.00 0.00 4.19 2.50 0.00 0.95
ment of out future expenditu 24 approved
33/11 KV load re shall be
Kumaram growth paybacke
angalam d by the 0.00 0.00 4.2 2.50 0.0 1.0
SS with additional
2x8 MVA sale of
6 T&D Establish To meet The 3.71 0.00 REC fund FY 2022- To be 3.71 1.50 0.00 1.50 0.71
ment of out future expenditu 23 approved
33/11 KV load re shall be
Veppur SS growth paybacke
with 1x8 d by the 3.71 1.50 0.0 1.50 0.0 0.7
MVA additional
sale of

7 T&D Establish To meet The 2.50 0.00 REC fund FY 2024- To be 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.50 2.50
ment of out future expenditu 25 approved
33/11 KV load re shall be
Pugalur growth paybacke
SS with d by the 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 2.5 2.5
1x8 MVA additional
sale of

8 HVDS Erection To reduce The 7.84 4.00 REC fund FY 2024- To be 0.84 0.84 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50
scheme of 25 the line expenditu 25 approved
KVA, 16 loss re shall be
KVA, 63 paybacke
KVA DT d by the
under additional 0.84 0.84 1.5 1.50 1.5 1.5
HVDS sale of
scheme in energy.
11 KV
9 HT Erection To reduce The 41.66 12.00 Fund FY 2024- REC/T&D/ 10.66 4.00 9.00 4.00 10.00 5.00
improvem of 25 the line expenditu allocation 25 CHN/SAN
ent works KVA, 16 loss re shall be from CTION/P:
KVA DT paybacke Board SI(Distrib
under d by the ution)/20
UDAY additional 19-20/507
scheme in sale of dated
the energy. 03.03.202
following 0
11 KV
sevathur, 10.66 4.00 9.0 4.00 10.0 5.0

10 HT Erection To reduce The 10.52 2.00 REC fund FY 2024- REC/T&D/ 3.00 1.30 3.00 1.50 2.52 1.75
improvem of 16 KVA the line expenditu 25 CHN/SAN
ent works DT(HVDS) loss re shall be CTION/P:
Girisamud paybacke SI(Distrib
ram d by the ution)/20
feeder, additional 19-20/507
C.Ashram sale of dated
am energy. 03.03.202
feeder, 0
3.00 1.30 3.0 1.50 2.5 1.8
m feeder,

11 T&D Enhance To meet The 1.41 0.50 Fund FY 2022- B.P.No:46 0.91 0.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
ment of out future expenditu allocation 23 6
33/11 KV load re shall be from dt:02.11.2
Singarape growth paybacke Board 018
t SS with d by the 0.91 0.91 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0
1x8 into additional
2x8 MVA sale of

12 T&D Establish To meet The 4.19 0.00 Fund FY 2024- Approval 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.19 2.50
ment of out future expenditu allocation 25 yet to
33/11 KV load re shall be from accorded
Natham growth paybacke Board
SS with d by the 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 4.2 2.5
2x8 MVA additional
sale of

13 T&D Establish To meet The 3.71 1.20 Fund FY 2022- B.P.No:No 2.51 2.51 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
ment of out future expenditu allocation 23 .259,
33/11 KV load re shall be from dt.17.07.2
Elagiri SS growth paybacke Board 019.
with 1x8 d by the 2.51 2.51 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0
MVA additional
sale of

14 T&D Establish To meet The 4.17 2.10 Fund FY 2022- B.P.No:29 2.07 2.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
ment of out future expenditu allocation 23 1
33/11 KV load re shall be from dt:21.08.2
Madayape growth paybacke Board 019
t SS with d by the 2.07 2.07 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0
1x8 MVA additional
sale of

15 HT Erection To reduce The 14.96 1.50 REC fund FY 2024- REC/T&D/ 4.00 4.00 4.00 2.00 5.46 3.50
improvem of 25 KVA the line expenditu 25 CHN/SAN
ent works DT(HVDS) loss re shall be CTION/P:
Pudupetta paybacke SI(Distrib
i feeder, d by the ution)/20
kaththari additional 19-20/507
feeder, sale of dated 4.00 4.00 4.0 2.00 5.5 3.5
pachur energy. 03.03.202
feeder,nat 0
16 Gen Constructi New Building 6.34 0.00 Fund FY 2023- Approval 0.00 0.00 6.34 2.90 0.00 0.00
Improvem on works allocation 24 yet to
ent for New from accorded 0.00 0.00 6.3 2.90 0.0 0.0
SE office Board

TOTAL 127.09 31.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 34.10 20.41 33.03 18.90 28.59 22.86 34.10 20.41 33.03 18.90 28.59 22.86

Name of the Circle: Dharmapuri EDC
Expenditu Source of Details of Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by Commission
Details of
re funding Board FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 ( FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 (
work Estimated Anticipate
Name of Technical Cost incurred (PFC/ approval
furnishing Cost d date of Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount
S. No. the justificatio Benift so far REC/ or date of
list of ( completio of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat
Scheme n Analysis (ie. before Own/ award of
major Crs.) n expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion
FY 2022- Governme contract
items re expected re expected re expected re expected re expected re expected
23) ( nt (PO

expenditu (Per.)CMD
To meet re shall be TANGEDC
Improvem ur 33/11
out the paybacke 31.03.202 O
1 ent KV SS & 2.29 2.04 REC 0.25 2.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.25 2.29 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0
increasing d by the 3 Proceedin
ST&D Mottankur
demand additional gs No.67
ichi SS
sale of Dated :
energy. 05.02.18

ment of
expenditu (Per.)CMD
To meet re shall be TANGEDC
Improvem capacity
out the paybacke 31.03.202 O
1 ent from 1 X5 1.25 1.23 REC 0.02 1.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 1.25 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0
increasing d by the 3 Proceedin
ST&D MVA into
demand additional gs No.06
sale of Dated :
at existing
energy. 08.01.18
di 33/11

ment of
Transform (Per.)CMD
To meet re shall be
Improvem capacity O
out the paybacke 31.03.202
2 ent from 1 X8 1.24 1.14 REC Proceedin 0.10 1.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 1.24 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0
increasing d by the 3
ST&D MVA into gs
demand additional
2X8MVA No.64Dat
sale of
at existing ed
Muthamp :05.02.18
atty 33/11

ment of
Transform (Per.)CMD
To meet re shall be
Improvem capacity O
out the paybacke 31.03.202
3 ent from 1 X8 1.23 1.02 REC Proceedin 0.21 1.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.21 1.23 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0
increasing d by the 3
ST&D MVA into gs No. 35
demand additional
2X8MVA Dated
sale of
at existing 30.01.20
di 33/11

ment of
Transform The
er expenditu
capacity To meet re shall be
Improvem O
from 1 X8 out the paybacke 31.03.202
4 ent 1.06 0.91 REC Proceedin 0.15 1.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.15 1.06 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0
MVA into increasing d by the 3
ST&D gs No.No.
2X8MVA demand additional
36 Dated
at existing sale of
Krishnapu energy.

ment of
capacity The
from 1 X8 expenditu Per) CMD
MVA into To meet re shall be TANGEDC
2X8MVA out the paybacke 31.03.202 O Pro.
5 ent 1.05 0.72 REC 0.33 1.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.33 1.05 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0
and increasing d by the 3 No:297 dt
conversio demand additional 09.06.201
n of sale of 7
existing energy.
33/11 KV
UMSS into

Improvem Implemen
ent To reduce To reduce
tation of
6 HVDS AT & C AT & C 32.58 1.17 REC 31.03.2025 14.12 8.45 17.29 10.22 0.00 13.91 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0
(Andra loss loss
of HT, LT
Distributio lines,Provi
7 n related sion of DT NA 45.00 0.00 Own 31.03.2025 13.00 10.40 15.00 12.00 17.00 13.60 13.00 10.40 15.0 12.00 17.0 13.6
uri EDC
works and
of service

Establish to meet to meet

ment of the future the future
new yet to be
8 CAPITAL load load 5.60 0.00 OWN 31.03.2024 2.80 2.80 2.80 2.80 0.00 0.00 2.80 2.80 2.8 2.80 0.0 0.0
Mottankur approved
growth growth
ichi demand demand
ment of to meet to meet
new the future the future
yet to be
9 CAPITAL Kathiripur load load 7.21 0.00 31.03.2025 3.80 3.80 3.20 3.20 0.21 0.21 3.80 3.80 3.2 3.20 0.2 0.2
am growth growth
33/11KVS demand demand

Establish to meet to meet
ment of the future the future
new yet to be
10 CAPITAL load load 5.22 0.00 31.03.2025 1.50 1.50 2.22 2.22 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 2.2 2.22 1.5 1.5
Noolahalli approved
growth growth
33/11KVS demand demand
n of SS
to meet to meet
the future the future
mnt of yet to be
11 CAPITAL load load 2.50 0.00 31.03.2023 2.50 2.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.50 2.50 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0
power approved
growth growth
demand demand
er of
of land for to meet to meet
establish the future the future
12 CAPITAL ment of load load 0.35 0.00 31.03.2023 0.35 0.35 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.35 0.35 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0
New Sub- growth growth
Stations demand demand

To arrest
(Bore well
seepage 31.03.202 TO be
13 CIVIL provision, Civil Work 12.52 0.00 7.12 4.72 0.00 1.00 5.40 6.80 7.12 4.72 0.0 1.00 5.4 6.8
of water 5 approved
on the
wall etc.,)

TOTAL 119.10 8.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 46.25 42.64 40.51 31.44 24.11 36.02 32.13 34.19 23.22 21.22 24.11 22.11

Name of the Circle: Krishnagiri EDC
Expenditu Source of Details of Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by Commission
Details of re Board FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 ( FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 (
work Estimated incurred Anticipate approval
Name of Technical Cost (PFC/
furnishing Cost so far d date of or date of Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount
S. No. the justificatio Benift REC/
list of ( (ie. before completio award of of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat
Scheme n Analysis Own/
major Crs.) FY 2022- Governme n contract expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion
items 23) ( (PO re expected re expected re expected re expected re expected re expected
Crs.) details)
Replacem To For
ent of improve energy
failure the Accountin
Equipmen Voltage g Purpose
ts Profile Approval
Improvem &Strength and to 31.03.202
1 6.8772 0 Own yet to be 3.6771 1.6771 1.1 1.1 2.1 3.1 3.68 1.68 1.1 1.10 2.1 3.1
ent ening of reduce 6
11 KV and the Line
33 KV loss in 11
lines KV and 33
ment of
power The (Per) CMD
Transform expenditu TANGEDC
er To meet re shall be O
HT capacity out the paybacke 31.03.202 Proceedin
2 improvem from 1x8 1.93 1.88 PFC 0.05 1.93 0.05 1.93 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0
increasing d by the 1 gs
ent works MVA to demand additional No.170,
2x8 MVA sale of Dt.27.03.
at energy. 2017
m 33/11
6 Nos
Transform The
(Per) CMD
er works expenditu
(Nagonda To meet re shall be
pally,Irud out the paybacke 31.03.202
3 improvem 5.44 5.16 PFC Proceedin 0.28 5.44 0.28 5.44 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0
hukottai, increasing d by the 1
ent works gs No.410
Mudukuru demand additional
kki,kaling sale of
awaran,K energy.
Due to CMD
Establish additional TANGEDC
ment of To meet sale of O
New out the energy,pa 31.03.202 Proceedin
4 ST&D 2.77 2.66 REC 0.11 2.77 0.11 2.77 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0
33/11KV increasing yback 1 gs
SS at demand period No:349
Jawalagiri shall be 6- Dated
7 years 09.10.201

Establish expenditu TANGEDC
ment of To meet re shall be O
New out the paybacke 31.03.202 Proceedin
5 ST&D 2.93 2.48 REC 0.45 2.93 0.45 2.93 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0
33/11KV increasing d by the 1 gs
SS at demand additional No:323
Alur sale of Dated
energy. 16.09.201
Establish expenditu TANGEDC
ment of To meet re shall be O
New out the paybacke 31.03.202 Proceedin
6 ST&D 3.18 3.07 REC 0.11 3.18 0.11 3.18 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0
33/11KV increasing d by the 1 gs
SS at demand additional No:351
Oddapatty sale of Dated
energy. 09.10.201
Due to CMD
Establish additional TANGEDC
ment of sale of O
To reduce
33/11KV energy,pa 31.03.202 Proceedin
7 ST&D AT & C 2.21 2.11 REC 0.1 2.21 0.10 2.21 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0
SS at yback 1 gs
Marikkam period No:346
pally shall be 6 Dated
years 09.10.201
Due to CMD
Establish additional TANGEDC
ment of sale of O
To reduce
33/11KV energy,pa 31.03.202 Proceedin
8 ST&D AT & C 4.49 3.98 REC 0.51 4.49 0.51 4.49 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0
SS at yback 1 gs No:
Varatanpa period 345
lli shall be 6 Dated
years 09.10.201
HVDS To reduce To reduce
tation of 31.03.202 Yet to be
9 (Andra AT & C AT & C 32.45 3.00 OWN 8.8 2.5 10 12.2 7.65 14.75 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0
HVDS in 4 Sanction
Model) loss loss
re shall be
Strengthe To reduce SI(Distrib
paybacke 31.03.202
HT improvement works
ning of AT & C 2.03 0.2 REC ution)/20 0.83 0.5 1 1.53 0.83 0.50 1.0 1.53 0.0 0.0
d by 3
33KV line loss 19-20/507
savings in
the line
re shall be
Erection To reduce SI(Distrib
paybacke 31.03.202
HT improvement works
of 11KV AT & C 3.00 0.6 REC ution)/20 1.3 1.4 1.1 1.6 1.30 1.40 1.1 1.60 0.0 0.0
d by 3
link line loss 19-20/507
savings in
the line

re shall be
Strengthe To reduce SI(Distrib
paybacke 31.03.202
HT improvement works
ning of AT & C 2.27 0 REC ution)/20 1.27 0.7 1 1.57 1.27 0.70 1.0 1.57 0.0 0.0
d by 3
11KV line loss 19-20/507
savings in
the line
re shall be
To reduce SI(Distrib
11KV Bay paybacke 31.03.202
HT improvement works AT & C 1.50 0.06 REC ution)/20 1 0.8 0.44 0.7 1.00 0.80 0.4 0.70 0.0 0.0
extension d by 3
loss 19-20/507
savings in
the line
Erection re shall be
To reduce SI(Distrib
of new paybacke 31.03.202
HT improvement works AT & C 10.75 0 REC ution)/20 4.75 2.25 6 4.5 0 4 4.75 2.25 6.0 4.50 0.0 4.0
11KV AB d by 3
loss 19-20/507
cable savings in
the line
Extension New
of Carried by
service 31.03.202
15 HT,LT,LT 123.72 5.18 Tangedco TANGEDC 25 15 27 16 30 18 25.00 15.00 27.0 16.00 30.0 18.0
connectio 2
n effected
Total 205.55 30.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 48.24 47.78 47.64 39.20 39.75 39.85 39.44 45.28 37.64 27.00 32.10 25.10

Name of the Circle: Cuddalore EDC
Expenditu Details of Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by Commission
Source of FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 ( FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 (
Details of re Board
work Estimated incurred approval
Technical Cost (PFC/ Anticipated
Name of the furnishing Cost so far or date of Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount
S. No. justificatio Benift REC/ date of
Scheme list of ( (ie. before award of of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat
n Analysis Own/ completion
major Crs.) FY 2022- contract expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion
items 23) ( (PO re expected re expected re expected re expected re expected re expected
Crs.) details)
Extension for energy 176.00 0 Own FY Mar Based on 56.80 50.5 58.60 55.5 45.10 70.00
New SCs
of supply accountin 2023- to the
to HT, LT g & line Mar -2025 applicatio
in various
CT & LT strengthe n from
1 Capital categories 56.80 50.50 58.6 55.50 45.1 70.0
in various ning the
tariff consumer
services & s,
ent works
all other approval
HT Lines- New lines TANGEDC
Based on
200 Km and DTs O- Imp
FY Mar the type
Improvement New LT energised works-
2 24.00 0 Own 2023- to of 7.5 7 8 7.5 7 8.00 7.50 7.00 8.0 7.50 7.0 8.0
Works lines-120 at various Strengthe
Mar -2025 improvem
Km distributio ning our
ent works
New DT- ns systems
200 Nos
3 10.50 0 Own 3.50 2.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 2.50 3.5 3.50 3.5 3.5
WORKS 2023- to
33 KV OH to
ent of 33 To avoid
UG Cable works
KV OH supply
conversation TANGEDC contract
lines in to interruptio FY Mar
4 in O- Imp 35.00 0 REC tender to 18.00 10.00 17.00 12.00 0 13.00 18.00 10.00 17.0 12.00 0.0 13.0
UG Cable n during 2023
Chidambara works be
for 33 Natural
m Coastal awarded
Kms in clamity.
Strengthe the
To reduce
ning of voltage
the HT/LT REC Loan
HT Sub regulation REC -
line loss & FY Mar aprooved
5 Improvement Transmiss and to 42.56 10 Funded 15 13 17.56 16 0 5.56 15.00 13.00 17.6 16.00 0.0 5.6
quality of 2024 for UDAY
works ion & give Scheme
power Scheme
Distributio quality of
n network supply to

CDRRP OH lines
(Coastal to UG
Disastor Risk cables in
Reduction Conversio selected 7
Project)(HT n of OH No's 22 FOR FY Mar
WORLD I)Tender
6 Lines- to UG KV TANGEDC 490.96 362.19 2023- to 40 362.19 40 60 48.77 68.77 40.00 362.19 40.0 60.00 48.8 68.8
BANK to be
54 Km LT (HT/LT feeders O USE Mar -2024
lines- lines) and
155 KmNo of convertin
SC - g LT OH
10840) line and
n lines in
Total Town 779.02 372.19 0.00 0.00 0.00 140.80 445.19 144.66 154.50 104.37 168.83 140.80 445.19 144.66 154.50 104.37 168.83

Name of the Circle: Tiruvannamalai EDC
Details of Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by Commission
Expenditur Source of
Details of Board FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 ( FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 (
e incurred funding
work Estimated approval Crs.) Crs.) Crs.) Crs.) Crs.) Crs.)
Technical Cost so far (PFC/ Anticipated
Name of the furnishing Cost or date of
S. No. justificatio Benift (ie. before REC/ date of Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount
Scheme list of ( award of
n Analysis FY 2022- Own/ completion of capital capitalisati of capital capitalisati of capital capitalisati of capital capitalisati of capital capitalisati of capital capitalisati
major Crs.) contract
23) ( Governme expenditur on expenditur on expenditur on expenditur on expenditur on expenditur on
items (PO
Crs.) nt e expected e expected e expected e expected e expected e expected
Effecting of
of new
connection Based on the
60000 application
No'sEffecting from the
of new consumers,
application& For energy
1 Capital Commercial As per the Accounting
105 0 OWN 31.03.2025 approval was 40.00 21.50 32.50 37.20 32.50 40.80 40.00 21.50 32.5 37.20 32.5 40.8
service accorded by
party request
connection the
20000No'sEff Competent
ecting of new authorities
OHT and
street light
of new LT
Approval was
accorded by
of Aged Reduction of
conductors To avoid accident
2 Improvement
and accidents compensatio
35.40 0 NEFF 31.03.2025 competent 12.00 6.50 12 13 11.4 14.5 12.00 6.50 12.0 13.00 11.4 14.5
authorities as
polesSalukkai n
per field

of aged and
To provide
CTs, DC To minimise
3 Improvement Panels,
supply to the
interuptionn 8.00 0 NEFF 31.03.2025 - 6.00 4.50 2 3.5 0 0 6.00 4.50 2.0 3.50 0.0 0.0
Battery Sets time
and Battery

of 33/11 KV To provide
To maintain
Power uninterrupted
4 Improvement
Transformer supply to the
uninterrupted 1.00 0 OWN 31.03.2023 - 1.00 1.00 0 0 0 0 1.00 1.00 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0
Keelsembedu consumers
t of new
33/11 KV SS- To
Improvement &
Civil Works 16Nos New SS ReduceAT&C 26 0 Own 31.03.2023 0 26 26 0 0 0 0 26.00 26.00 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0
Azhagusenai( Loss
works to
Improvement & Improvement
Civil Works
Essential 5 0 Own 31.03.2025 0 2 2 2 2 1 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
stores and all

works in
Improvement & Vandavasi, Improvement
Civil Works Chetpet, Work
Essential 8.0 0.0 Own 31.03.2025 0.0 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 3.2 3.2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
East/TVM &
Purchase of
Land for
Proposed New Land Establishmen
Improvement &
Civil Works Substations Acquisition & t of New 3 0 Own 31.03.2024 0 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
in Alienation Substation
alai EDC
T.V Malai TOTAL 191.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 90.90 65.40 52.40 59.60 48.10 59.50 85.00 59.50 46.50 53.70 43.90 55.30

Name of the Circle: Villupuram EDC

Expenditu Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by Commission

Details of
re Source of
Details of Board
incurred funding
work Estimated approval
Technical Cost so far (PFC/ Anticipated
Name of the furnishing Cost or date of FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 ( FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 (
S. No. justificatio Benift (ie. REC/ date of Crs.) Crs.) Crs.) Crs.) Crs.) Crs.)
Scheme list of ( award of
n Analysis before FY Own/ completion
major Crs.) contract
2022-23) Governme
items (PO Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount
( nt
details) of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat
expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion
re expected re expected re expected re expected re expected re expected
of LT &
Supply to service Adding
1 Capital 51,000 connectio consumer 62.307 0 Own 31.03.2025 To be approved18.82
by the competent
16.94 authorities
20.71 based
on the applications.
22.78 22.57 18.82 16.94 20.7 20.52 22.8 22.6
Nos. ns s
various effected.
of 22 kV
link line
for newly
110/22 kV
(Master Plan- To
SS at
22 kV link improve
Irumbai(A To reduce
lines for the
2 uroville), the line 4.2 0 REC 31.03.2025 To be approved by1.2
the competent
1.09 authorities.
1.8 1.55 1.2 1.44 1.20 1.09 1.8 1.55 1.2 1.4
newly network
Urban loss etc.,
proposed and Load
110/22 kV growth
pettai &
cement of
Sub T & D
Pr.Trs in To
2022- 25
subs improve
(Master Plan- To reduce
tations, the
3 Enhancemen the line 1.02 0 REC 31.03.2025 To be approved by
the competent
0.31 authorities.
0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.31 0.3 0.34 0.3 0.3
sub network
t & Addl loss etc.,
station and Load
Pr.Tr. at
related growth
33/11 kV SS)
works at
Saram &

Expenditu Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by Commission
Details of
re Source of
Details of Board
incurred funding
work Estimated approval
Technical Cost so far (PFC/ Anticipated
Name of the furnishing Cost or date of FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 ( FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 (
S. No. justificatio Benift (ie. REC/ date of Crs.) Crs.) Crs.) Crs.) Crs.) Crs.)
Scheme list of ( award of
n Analysis before FY Own/ completion
major Crs.) contract
2022-23) Governme
items (PO Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount
( nt
details) of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat
expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion
re expected re expected re expected re expected re expected re expected
ment of
33 kV sub
at To
T&D Thenpazz improve
To reduce
(Master Plan- ar, the
4 the line 26.75 0 REC 31.03.2025 To be approved by
the competent
5.08 authorities.
10.7 10.43 10.7 10.7 5.35 5.08 10.7 10.43 10.7 10.7
New 33/11 Kalatham network
loss etc.,
kV SS) pattu, and Load
Nemil, growth
nam &
works in
of DTs in
area &
upgradati Improving
on of network
DTs.Purch strength
ase of & quality.
Replacem To reduce
Improvemen Line
5 printer, ent of the line 56.22 0 own 31.03.2025 To be approved17.24
by the competent
12.92 authorities.
18.5 18.19 20.48 19.99 17.24 12.92 18.5 18.19 20.5 20.0
Tower aged loss etc.,
erection conductor
in newly s and
formed poles
sections,P etc.,
C for sub
div AEE &
tn of

Expenditu Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by Commission
Details of
re Source of
Details of Board
incurred funding
work Estimated approval
Technical Cost so far (PFC/ Anticipated
Name of the furnishing Cost or date of FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 ( FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 (
S. No. justificatio Benift (ie. REC/ date of Crs.) Crs.) Crs.) Crs.) Crs.) Crs.)
Scheme list of ( award of
n Analysis before FY Own/ completion
major Crs.) contract
2022-23) Governme
items (PO Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount
( nt
details) of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat
expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion
re expected re expected re expected re expected re expected re expected
ng works -
of 33KV
22Kv line
Circuit To
1.25Km- achieve
HT 29.63, To reduce
6 Improvemen 22Kv Line the line 71.88 2.48 REC 31.03.2025 TANGEDCO Proceedings
6.94 No.478
5.19 Dt.08.09.2017.
13.88 12.15 48.58 39.91 6.94 5.19 13.9 12.15 48.6 39.9
t works 3W loss etc.,
At & C
44.06Km- loss
22KV Line
22KV Line
new 11Kv
Total 222.38 2.48 0.00 0.00 0.00 49.89 41.53 65.93 63.18 104.08 94.95 49.89 41.53 65.93 63.18 104.08 94.95

(M. Chandrasekar)
Name of the Circle: Kallakurichi EDC
Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by Commission
Expenditu Details of FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 ( FY 2022-23 ( FY 2023-24 ( FY 2024-25 (
Source of
re Board Crs.) Crs.) Crs.) Crs.) Crs.) Crs.)
Estimat incurred approval
Name of Technical Cost (PFC/ Anticipated
Details of work furnishing ed Cost so far or date of
S. No. the justificatio Benift REC/ date of Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount Allocation Amount
list of major items ( (ie. before award of
Scheme n Analysis Own/ completion of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat of capital capitalisat
Crs.) FY 2022- contract
Governme expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion expenditu ion
23) ( (PO
nt re expected re expected re expected re expected re expected re expected
Crs.) details)

Based on
from the
Extension of LT & LT CT, HT consumers,
New SCs for energy
1 Capital Supply to 35000 No. various
effected accounting
25.25 0.00 OWN March'2023 approval 12.15 5.00 13.10 10.25 0.00 5.25 12.15 5.00 13.1 10.25 0.0 5.3
tariff services was
accorded by
Improving approval
network was
Improvement works in certain strength & accorded by
Improveme HT/LT Lines, Provision of DTs in Quality, to reduce AT the
nt required area & Upgradation of
5.22 0.00 OWN March'2023 5.22 2.50 0.00 2.72 0.00 7.72 5.22 2.50 0.0 2.72 0.0 7.7
Replacement & C losses competent
DTs of aged authorities
conductors, as per field
poles,etc report
building & Easy
3 Civil New Building for SE Office New assets approach for 5.00 0.00 OWN March' 2025 NIL 5.00 5.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.00 5.00 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0
creation for consumer
Kallakurichi Division
14 New 22 kV Feeders - 44.256
Km 16.87 12.80 12.7 12.60 12.7 12.5
16 Nos. 22 kV Feeders
strengthening - 166.483 Km
Sankarapuram Division
5 New 22 kV Feeders - 19.620
Km 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0
4 Nos. 22 kV Feeders
strengthening - 34.690 Km TANGEDCO
HT Thirukoilur Division Strengthenin To reduce Proceedings
4 improveme 5 New 22 kV Feeders - 50.057 g the HT the AT&C 42.62 0.45 REC Mar-25 No.478, 16.87 12.80 12.65 12.60 12.65 12.50
nt works Km network Loss Dated :
0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0
16 Nos. 22 kV Feeders 08.09.2017
strengthening - 240.293 Km
Ulundurpet Division
2 New 22 kV Feeders - 15.179
1 No. 22 kV Feeder
strengthening - 20.881 Km 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 0.0 0.0
10 New 11 kV Feeders - 36.542
13 Nos. 11 kV Feeders
strengthening - 72.056 Km

Feeder Segregation - 20 Feeders
1.) 22 kV Kallanatham feeder
2.) 22 kV Ackarapalayam feeder
3.) 22 kV Thottapady feeder
4.) 22 kV Seshasamuthiram feeder
5.) 22 kV Sowriyarpalayam feeder
6.) 22 kV Poottai feeder
7.) 22 kV Aruthangudi feeder
8.) 22 kV Murukkampadi feeder
9.) 22 kV East Maruthur feeder
10.) 22 kV Pavandur feeder
Yet to be
11.) 22 kV Thandalai feeder 110.91 0.00 REC Mar-27
0.00 0.00 22.18 22.18 33.27 33.27 0.00 0.00 22.2 22.18 33.3 33.3
12.) 22 kV Rayappanur feeder
13.) 22 kV Melnariyappanur
To improve
Strengthening the quality
HT 14.) 22 kV Sitheripattu feeder
of and reliability
5 improveme 15.) 22 kV J.Sithamoor feeder
Distribution of supply of
nt works 16.) 22 kV Palayasiruvangur feeder
System power to
17.) 22 kV Meera feeder
18.) 22 kV Thiruvennainallur
19.) 11 kV Pilrampattu feeder
20.) 11 kV Naripalayam feeder

HVDS - 1 Feeder. Yet to be

1. 22 kV Athiyanthal feeder
8.77 0.00 REC Mar-27
0.00 0.00 1.75 1.75 2.63 2.63 0.00 0.00 1.8 1.75 2.6 2.6
Separation of Double DTs - 2136 Yet to be
202.30 0.00 REC Mar-27
0.00 0.00 40.46 40.46 60.69 60.69 0.00 0.00 40.5 40.46 60.7 60.7
Replecement of Over Load & Yet to be
Under Voltage DTs - 538 Nos.
58.51 0.00 REC Mar-27
0.00 0.00 11.70 11.70 17.55 17.55 0.00 0.00 11.7 11.70 17.6 17.6
Erection of New Sectionalisers - Yet to be
690 Nos.
7.54 0.00 REC Mar-27
0.00 0.00 1.51 1.51 2.26 2.26 0.00 0.00 1.5 1.51 2.3 2.3
Yet to be
HT Line Strengthening - 25 Nos. 27.13 0.00 REC Mar-27
0.00 0.00 5.43 5.43 8.14 8.14 0.00 0.00 5.4 5.43 8.1 8.1
Total 493.25 0.45 0.00 324609.00 0.00 39.24 25.30 108.78 108.60 137.20 150.02 39.24 25.30 108.78 108.60 137.20 150.02

Capital Investment Plan for control period from FY 2022-23 to 2024-25 ( Scheme Value More than 1 Crore) Submitted by TANGEDCO Approved by Commission

FY 2022-23 (Rs. in Crores) FY 2023-24 (Rs. in Crores) FY 2024-25 (Rs. in Crores) FY 2022-23 (Rs. in Crores) FY 2023-24 (Rs. in Crores) FY 2024-25 (Rs. in Crores)

IRR Expenditure Net Details of Opening
ure for Source of
(Intern incurred so Allocation Board Balance

Details of work Cost Estimated GoI Grant as beyond funding Anticipated Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount
SL. Name of the Technical al Rate far for current approval or (Closing Allocatio
Sl.No furnishing list of major benefit Cost per scheme FY 2025- (PFC/REC/ date of Allocation Capitalis Allocation Capitalisati Closing Allocation Capitalisat Closing Capitalis Closing Allocation Capitalisati Closing Allocation Capitalisat Closing
No. Scheme justification of ( i.e. before control Award of WIP during Closing CWIP n of
items analysis ( Crs.) guidelines 26 OWN/ completion of CAPEX ation of CAPEX on CWIP of CAPEX ion CWIP ation CWIP of CAPEX on CWIP of CAPEX ion CWIP
Realisat FY 2022-23) period Contract/ FY 2021-22 CAPEX
( Govt) expected expected expected expected expected expected
ion) ( Crs.) ( Crs.) P.Os placed ( Crs.)

DT Metering, Feeder MoP Grant
metering, Boundary 15% of
Metering metering
cost. Balance
For better
to be funded All feeders to be
1a 1163.50 174.53 0 0 988.97 by FY2024-25 - 0 378.36 378.36 0.00 493.23 493.23 0.00 117.39 117.39 0.00 378.36 378.36 0.00 493.23 493.23 0.00 117.39 117.39 0.00 metered by
TANGEDCO/ 31.12.2022
and Auditing
REC/ Any

Loss reduction Works

Agriculture Feeder
Segregation, High Voltage
Distribution System,
Separation of Double DTs
using HVDS, Erection of
proposed for
1b a RDSS Capacitor Bank, HT 6274.28 3764.57 0 0 2509.71 FY2024-25 - 0 601.74 601.74 0.00 832.53 832.53 0.00 1075.44 1075.44 0.00 601.74 601.74 0.00 832.53 832.53 0.00 1075.44 1075.44 0.00
reduction of
Bifurcation of feeders,
Provision of capacitors to
AGL services,
60% MoP
Reconductoring of Existing
Grant, 40%
33 KV Feeders, ERP Modules
and Unified Billing Software
Modernisation works financial
Establishment of New Sub institution
Station, Augmentation of
Sub Station, New
33/22/11kv Feeders,
Augmentation of Feeders,
proposed for
1c Separation of Double DTs 5666.00 3399.60 0 0 2266.40 FY2024-25 - 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 1132.27 1132.27 0.00 1134.13 1134.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1132.27 1132.27 1,132.27 1134.13 1134.13 1,132.27
without HVDS, Erection of
of system
Sectionalisers, Installation of
SCADA in new urban towns

Sub-Total 13103.78 7338.70 0.00 0.00 5765.08 0.00 0.00 980.11 980.11 0.00 2458.02 2458.02 0.00 2326.96 2326.96 0.00 980.11 980.11 0.00 2458.02 2458.02 1132.27 2326.96 2326.96 1132.27
High Voltage Distribution
System Works
Implementation of High proposed for
2a 5050.00 0.00 0 0 5050.00 FY2024-25 0 1683.30 1683.30 0.00 1683.30 1683.30 0.00 1683.40 1683.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Voltage Distribution System reduction of
in 900 feeders @300 feeders losses All improvement
70% ADB
per year. work are to be
carried out within
Conversion of OH to UG 30%
Preliminary the provision
HVDS - ADB Conversion of OH lines to Works TANGEDCO /
b Project Report given for
Loan UG Cables in coastal districts proposed in REC/Any
Submitted respective circle
and pending conversion in diasaster other
Chennai.( prone coastal financial
2b 268.00 0.00 0 0 268.00 FY2023-24 0 134.00 134.00 0.00 134.00 134.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 improvement
areas to institution
reduce the
damages due
Cyclones etc.,

Sub-Total 5318.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5318.00 0.00 0.00 1817.30 1817.30 0.00 1817.30 1817.30 0.00 1683.40 1683.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
HT Strengthening Works
Works Uday scheme
proposed for works are already
BP No 478 dt
3 c UDAY modernisation 1315.00 0.00 90.44 0 1224.56 REC FY2022-23 1224.56 1224.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 covered in
and reduction respective circle
of losses expenditure

Sub-Total 1315.00 0.00 90.44 0.00 1224.56 0.00 0.00 1224.56 1224.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
GIS Sub-Stations
Establishment of 7Nos GIS Works
Sub-Stations in Chennai proposed for
BP No 09 dt
4 d IPDS -Additional North and South regions modernisation 181.59 55.72 50.12 0 75.75 TANGEDCO FY2022-23 75.75 75.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 75.75 75.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
in congested
urban areas

181.59 55.72 50.12 0.00 75.75 0.00 0.00 75.75 75.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 75.75 75.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

19918.37 7394.42 140.56 0.00 12383.39 0.00 0.00 4097.72 4097.72 0.00 4275.32 4275.32 0.00 4010.36 4010.36 0.00 1055.86 1055.86 0.00 2458.02 2458.02 1132.27 2326.96 2326.96 1132.27

(K. Venkatesan) Sd/-
Member (M. Chandrasekar)
(By Order of the Commission) Chairman
(Dr. C. Veeramani)

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