Smart Contract Automated Testing Guidelines

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Author: [email protected]

Git Repo:

The documents aim to recap my experience in smart contract automated testing besides the manual testing. I also put the issues that I faced during the execution,
indeed, solutions are given.

Connecting with Remix from localhost

For a complex project, you can't just copy paste the single sol file and let it run. To make our life easier, Remix has localhost connection which allows you to interact
with your project in your local machine remotely.

This is something I'm used to doing when the project has a large number of inheritant contracts. Obviously, this make our life easier than ever by just downloading the
git project and do some commands.


1. Compile your truffle contract if needed with npm install (!remember remvove the package-lock.json, if it does have it). Otherwise, the remix wouldn't be
able to load all libraries for the contracts that are being called.

2. Go to WorkSpaces on the left panel and choose "Connect to Localhost"

3. The message box pops up and you just need to read carefully and copy the command shown in the box to connect your localhost

remixd -s path-to-the-shared-folder --remix-ide remix-ide-instance-URL


path-to-the-shared-folder: needs to be an absolute path

remix-ide-instance-URL: needs to plain with http or https


remixd -s /home/enderphan/LOLToken/ --remix-ide http(s)://


Issue 1

Somtimes I still got this error from Remix

Cannot connect to the remixd daemon. Please make sure you have the remixd running in the background.

What I usually do is just switch to a new terminal tab and re-type the remixd command. If needed, you can just uinstall and reinstall the remixd (Close VS-Code to do
this, if you have it opened)

Issue 2

The same error but another issue.

Solc version problems



You need to just switch the version of solc quickly by a command. The version of solc is kindda painful, depending on the tools and project, you need to use a specific
and exact version to compile.. otherwise broke.

During my audit, I've suffered with solc-select installations. I used to install via the shell command, but now they've upraded to pip3. The thing is that some docker
containers do not support pip3, so you would need to install solc-selct into that docker but pip3. Therefore, I'v a copied version of the solc-select installed via shell.


Via shell:

Via pip3:


Install the version you want

solc-select install 0.8.0

And use it

solc-select use 0.8.0

Check your solc version again

solc --version


1. Slither



Detects vulnerable Solidity code with low false positives (see the list of trophies)
Identifies where the error condition occurs in the source code
Easily integrates into continuous integration and Truffle builds
Built-in 'printers' quickly report crucial contract information
Detector API to write custom analyses in Python
Ability to analyze contracts written with Solidity >= 0.4
Intermediate representation (SlithIR) enables simple, high-precision analyses
Correctly parses 99.9% of all public Solidity code
Average execution time of less than 1 second per contract

How to install

Slither requires Python 3.6+ and solc, the Solidity compiler.

Using Pip

pip3 install slither-analyzer

Using Git

git clone && cd slither

python3 install

We recommend using an Python virtual environment, as detailed in the Developer Installation Instructions, if you prefer to install Slither via git.

Using Docker
Use the eth-security-toolbox docker image. It includes all of our security tools and every major version of Solidity in a single image. /home/share will be
mounted to /share in the container.

docker pull trailofbits/eth-security-toolbox

To share a directory in the container:

docker run -it -v /home/share:/share trailofbits/eth-security-toolbox


slither <file-name>.sol


Error: Source "@openzeppelin/contracts/utils/Context.sol" not found: File outside of allowed directories.

Fixed: the --allow-path does not work, just download the library and copy them into the dir.. casual way :/

2. Mythril

Mythril detects a range of security issues, including integer underflows, owner-overwrite-to-Ether-withdrawal, and others. Note that Mythril is targeted at finding
common vulnerabilities, and is not able to discover issues in the business logic of an application. Furthermore, Mythril and symbolic executors are generally unsound,
as they are often unable to explore all possible states of a program.


How to install

$ docker pull mythril/myth

Install from Pypi:

$ pip3 install mythril

Note: In my exprience, I prefer using mythril version installed via pip3 rather than Docker. I've faced so many issues with the docker version, and I decided to switch to
pip3 one.


Via pip3:

Via Docker: docker run -v $(pwd):/tmp mythril/myth a /tmp/<file-name>.sol --solv 0.5.0


Issue 1

In case the tool gives you this error:

mythril.mythril.mythril_disassembler [ERROR]: The file Token.sol does not contain a compilable contract. mythril.interfaces.cli [ERROR]: input files do not contain
any valid contracts

We can use contract address in testnet or ganache

Ganache: myth a --rpc ganache -a <address>

Issue 2

Evn: MacOS

Just in case the command Pip3 install mythril does not work. I don't remember what happened exactly but something does not work with pip3 in MacOS :)

Use the following command

sudo xcode-select --switch /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools

Issue 3


in self.solidity_files[file_index].full_contract_src_maps IndexError: list index out of range

Just uninstall mythril and reinstall it

pip3 uninstall mythril

pip3 install mythril


### 3. Manticore

This tool takes quite a long time to complete.

#### Features

Program Exploration: Manticore can execute a program with symbolic inputs and explore all the possible states it can reach

Input Generation: Manticore can automatically produce concrete inputs that result in a given program state

Error Discovery: Manticore can detect crashes and other failure cases in binaries and smart contracts

Instrumentation: Manticore provides fine-grained control of state exploration via event callbacks and instruction hooks

Programmatic Interface: Manticore exposes programmatic access to its analysis engine via a Python API

#### Installation

> Note: We recommend installing Manticore in a [virtual environment](

to prevent conflicts with other projects or packages

Option 1: Installing from PyPI:

pip install manticore

Option 2: Installing from PyPI, with extra dependencies needed to execute native binaries:

pip install "manticore[native]"

Option 3: Installing a nightly development build:

pip install --pre "manticore[native]"

Option 4: Installing from the master branch:

git clone

cd manticore
pip install -e ".[native]"

Option 5: Install via Docker:

docker pull trailofbits/manticore

Once installed, the manticore CLI tool and Python API will be available.

For a development installation, see our wiki.


Sigle contract in a file

manticore <file-name>.sol

Mutiple contracts in a file

manticore <file-name>.sol --contract <main-contract-name>


Manticore takes quite a long time to complete the scan by default, so usually I also use --quick-mode option for quick exploration. Disable gas, generate testcase
only for alive states, do not explore constant functions. Disable all detectors.

manticore <file-name>.sol --contract <main-contract-name> --quick-mode

4. Theo



Automatic smart contract scanning which generates a list of possible exploits.

Sending transactions to exploit a smart contract.
Transaction pool monitor.
Web3 console
Frontrunning and backrunning transactions.
Waiting for a list of transactions and sending out others.
Estimating gas for transactions means only successful transactions are sent.
Disabling gas estimation will send transactions with a fixed gas quantity.


pip install theo


Usually I deploy the smart contract in Ganache local network, from that, I can freely have the private keys of many accounts. If you have metamask installed, you can
deploy in the testnet and get the private key of the accounts.

1. Deploy the contract

2. Run

theo --rpc-http <your-network>

3. Enter the private key of the attack's account

4. Enter the smart contract address


theo --rpc-http

5. SmartCheck


SmartCheck is an extensible static analysis tool for discovering vulnerabilities and other code issues in Ethereum smart contracts written in the Solidity programming


npm install @smartdec/smartcheck -g


1. Copy the contract to a folder

2. Run

smartcheck -p <path to directory or file>

6. Securitfy2


Supports 38 vulnerabilities (see table below)
Implements novel context-sensitive static analysis written in Datalog
Analyzes contracts written in Solidity >= 0.5.8


To build the container:

sudo docker build -t securify .

To run the container:

sudo docker run -it -v <contract-dir-full-path>:/share securify /share/<contract>.sol

contract-dir-full-path: should be the absolute path


sudo docker run -it -v </Users/foob/contract/>:/share securify /share/test.sol

7. Sohint


Ethlint (Formerly Solium) analyzes your Solidity code for style & security issues and fixes them.


npm install -g ethlint


In the root directory of your DApp:

solium --init

This creates .soliumrc.json file, which contains configuration that tells Solium how to lint your project. You should modify this file to configure rules, plugins and
sharable configs.

I just usually use this simple setting.

"extends": "solium:recommended"

Then you can run

solium -f foobar.sol


solium -d contracts/

8. Spell check


The cspell mono-repo, a spell checker for code.


npm install -g git+

cspell-cli <contract-name>.sol

9. Sūrya (flow graph)


Surya is an utility tool for smart contract systems. It provides a number of visual outputs and information about the contracts' structure. Also supports querying the
function call graph in multiple ways to aid in the manual inspection of contracts.


Install graphviz

brew install graphviz

Install surya

npm install -g surya


surya graph <contract>.sol | dot -Tpng > MyContract.png

Note: I recommend using Surya in VS Code

Audit with Visual Studio Code

Here is my list:

1. Name: vscode-slither

VS Marketplace Link:

2. Name: Solidity Visual Developer

VS Marketplace Link:

3. Name: Slither

VS Marketplace Link:

4. Name: Code Spell Checker

VS Marketplace Link:

5. Name: mythril

VS Marketplace Link:

6. Name: solidity

VS Marketplace Link:

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