DLP 1ST Quarter 1ST Week English Iv June 3-7, 2019

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GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher ANGELI A. LIM Learning Areas: ENGLISH

DETAILED LESSON Teaching Dates / Time: June 3-7, 2019 Quarter: FIRST


I. OBJECTIVES June 3, 2019 June 4, 2019 June 5, 2019 June 6, 2019 June 7, 2019
A. Content Standards Demonstrates an understanding Demonstrates an understanding Demonstrates an understanding Demonstrates an understanding
of the elements of literary and of verbal cues for clear that word meaning can be that word meaning can be derived
informational texts for expression of ideas derived from different sources from different sources

B. Performance Standards Recalls details, sequence of Actively creates and participates Uses different resources to find Uses different resources to find
events, and shared ideas on text in oral theme-based activities word meaning word meaning
listened to

C. Learning Note details in a literary text Speak clearly using appropriate Use context clues to find Use context clues to find meaning
Competencies/Objectives (Write listened to pronunciation and intonation meaning of unfamiliar words of unfamiliar words
the LC code for each) - Read words, phrases,
Code: EN4LC-Ia-17 poems, and stories with Code: EN4V-Ia-31 Code: EN4V-Ia-31
the long a sound

Code: EN4OL-Ia1.14.4

II. CONTENT Noting details in a literary text

Speaking clearly using Using context clues to find Using context clues to find
appropriate pronunciation and meaning of unfamiliar words meaning of unfamiliar words
listened to
- Reading words,
phrases, poems, and
stories with the long a


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages Teacher’s Guide pp. 10-12 Teacher’s Guide pp. 12-15 Teacher’s Guide pp. 15-16 Teacher’s Guide pp. 15-16 Teacher’s Guide pp.
2. Learner’s Materials pages English Expressways 5 pp. 104 English 4 pp. 2-6 English 4 p. 17, Growing in English 4 p. 17, Growing in Eng. English 4 pp.
Eng. P. 144-145 P. 144-145
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources Pictures, flashcards, activity Flashcards, pictures, worksheets Copy of the story, pictures, Copy of the story, pictures, activity
sheets activity sheets sheets

A. Review previous lesson or 1. Pronunciation Drill 1. Spelling Drill 1. Pronunciation Drill 1. Pronunciation Drill
presenting the new lesson
2. Review 2. Review 2. Review 2. Review
Ask the class to say what they What is noting details? How do Give examples of words that Give examples of words that has
like most about themselves. we note details? has an a sound. an a sound.
The following sentence frames
may be given:
I am _____________________.
Others say I am ____________.

B. Establishing a purpose for the Show pictures of people from Look at the people in the Recycling is one way of Recycling is one way of reducing
lesson different races (Africans, drawing. How are they similar? reducing waste around us. If a waste around us. If a newspaper
Europeans, Asians, etc.) How are they different? In what newspaper could talk, what could talk, what interesting story
ways are you like them? In what interesting story can it tell? can it tell?
Unlocking of Difficulties ways are you different from
Show the class a real clay. Ask them? Unlocking of Difficulties Unlocking of Difficulties
the class to touch and press the Match the meaning of the Match the meaning of the words.
clay. “Is the clay hard or soft? words.
Why is clay soft?”
Show a picture of Kabunian.
Ask: “Do modern Filipinos
believe in gods and
goddesses?” “How do modern
Filipinos call God?”

C. Presenting examples/instances Read the story to the class. Let Read the paragraph and look for Read the story about An Old Read the story about An Old
of the new lesson the pupils listen. the words with the long a sound. Newspaper Talks. Then be able Newspaper Talks. Then be able to
to answer the comprehension answer the comprehension
Black, White, Brown Answer comprehension questions that follow. questions that follow.
By: Nemah N. Hermoso questions.

Answer the following

comprehension questions.

D. Discussing new concepts and Copy the semantic map in your Compare how the following Read each sentence and find a Read each sentence and find a clue
practicing new skills #1 notebook. Write the answer for words are pronounced. What is clue to the underlined word. to the underlined word. Then,
each question inside. the sound of a when letter e is Then, choose the meaning from choose the meaning from the
added at the end of the word? the words/phrases below. words/phrases below.
E. Discussing new concepts and Group Activity Group Activity Group Activity Group Activity
Group I – Dramatize the story about
practicing new skills #2 Kabunian making a man out of the clay.
Group II – Think of a song you know Group the pupils into four Group the pupils into four Group the pupils into four working
about people or the world. working groups. Be able to give working groups. Be able to give groups. Be able to give them task
Group III – Rap these lines from the them task to do. them task to do. to do.
Group IV – Pretend each of you is
Kabunian. Give each one a name and
say something about each man you
F. Developing mastery (Leads to Read each paragraph. Complete Read the riddles and complete Read each sentence carefully. Read each sentence carefully.
Formative Assessment) each sentence. the puzzle. Choose the correct meaning of Choose the correct meaning of the
the italicized word from the italicized word from the given
given words or phrases. words or phrases.

G. Finding practical applications Choose the letter of the word Show the class pictures or Figure out the words using the Figure out the words using the
of concepts and skills in daily group that best answers the objects of the words. Let the clues provided. clues provided.
living question or completes the pupils match the pictures/objects
sentence. with these words.

H. Making generalizations and Noting details of a story means A word or phrase can give a A word or phrase can give a hint or
abstractions about the lesson pointing out the characters hint or clue that may help you clue that may help you get the
around which the story get the meaning of a difficult meaning of a difficult word in a
revolves, the place and when it word in a sentence. sentence.
happened and the series of
actions that make the story

I. Evaluating learning Read the short story and answer Write the word for each Use the context clue in each Use the context clue in each
the questions after it. illustration to complete the short sentence to arrive at the sentence to arrive at the meaning
story below. Rewrite the story in meaning of the italicized word. of the italicized word.
1. Why could the brothers not your notebook. Read the story
go home? then answer the questions that 1.Eunice’s tresses need to be 1.Eunice’s tresses need to be kept
2. Why were David's brothers follow. kept clean. clean.
afraid? (skirt, hair, pants, nails) (skirt, hair, pants, nails)
3. Why was David brave 2.The deflated balloon 2.The deflated balloon descended
enough to fight the giant? descended from nowhere. from nowhere.
4. Why did the Israelites win (came down, came forward, (came down, came forward, went
the war? went up, soared) up, soared)
5. Why did David thank God? 3. My favorite cocoa drink is 3. My favorite cocoa drink is also
also loved by my siblings. loved by my siblings.
(coffee, fruit, chocolate, milk) (coffee, fruit, chocolate, milk)

J. Additional activities for Read “The Donkey and the Give example of words that has Read the sentences. Then Read the sentences. Then
application or remediation Sponges” and answer the an a sound. Use the following determine the meaning of the determine the meaning of the
exercises that follow in your words in sentences. italicized word as used in each italicized word as used in each
notebook. sentence. sentence.


A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation.

B. No. of learners who require

additional activities for
remediation who scored below

C. Did the remedial lessons

work? No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson.

D. No. of learners who continue

to require remediation.
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why did
these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?

G. What innovation or localized

materials did I used/discover
which I wish to share with other

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