DLL 1ST Quarter 2ND Week English V June 10-14, 2019

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GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher ANGELI A. LIM Learning Areas: ENGLISH

DETAILED LESSON Teaching Dates / Time: June 10-14, 2019 Quarter: FIRST


I. OBJECTIVES June 10, 2019 June 11, 2019 June 12, 2019 June 13, 2019 June 14, 2019
A. Content Standards Demonstrate understanding that Demonstrates command of the Demonstrates command of the Demonstrates understanding of
words are composed of conventions of standard English conventions of standard English different formats to write for a
different parts to know that grammar and usage when grammar and usage when writing variety of audiences and purposes
their meaning changes writing or speaking or speaking
depending in context

B. Performance Standards Uses strategies to decode Uses the correct function of Uses the correct function of nouns, Draft texts using appropriate text
correctly the meaning of words nouns, pronouns, verbs, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and types for a variety of audiences
in isolation and in context adjectives, and adverbs in adverbs in general and their and purposes
general and their functions in functions in various discourse (oral
various discourse (oral and and written)

C. Learning Infer the meaning of unfamiliar Compose clear and coherent Compose clear and coherent Plan a two to three paragraph
Competencies/Objectives (Write words (compound) based on sentences using appropriate sentences using appropriate composition using an
the LC code for each) given context clues (synonyms, grammatical structures: grammatical structures: outline/other graphic organizer
antonyms, word parts) and - Aspects of verbs - Aspects of verbs (Past and
other strategies (Present Tense Form of HOLIDAY Future Tense Form of the Code: EN5WC-Ia1.1.6.1
the Verbs) Verbs)
Code: EN5V-Ib-12 and 13 Code: EN5G-Ia-3.3 Code: EN5G-Ia-3.3

II. CONTENT Inferring the meaning of Composing clear and coherent Composing clear and coherent Planning a two to three paragraph
unfamiliar words (compound) sentences using appropriate sentences using appropriate composition using an
based on given context clues grammatical structures: grammatical structures: outline/other graphic organizer
(synonyms, antonyms, word - Aspects of verbs - Aspects of verbs (Past and
parts) and other strategies (Present Tense Form of Future Tense Form of the
the Verbs) Verbs)


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages Teachers Manual pp. 4 Teachers Manual pp. 5 Teachers Manual pp. 5 Teachers Manual pp. 6
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages Joy in Learning English pp. 6-7 Joy in Learning English pp. 10-11 Joy in Learning English pp. 11-12 Joy in Learning English pp. 13-14
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources Short paragraph, activity sheets, Pictures, metacards Pictures, metacards, activity sheets Pictures, graphic organizers,
pictures outline

A. Review previous lesson or 1. Spelling Drill 1. Pronunciation Drill 1. Spelling Drill 1. Spelling Drill
presenting the new lesson
2. Review 2. Review 2. Review 2. Review
Give example of facial What are compound words? What is a present tense? Give What is an outline? What are the
expression. Give examples of the three types examples of present regular form. steps in making an outline?
of compound words.

B. Establishing a purpose for the Have you experienced riding a Show pictures of trees, flowers, Show the picture. Let the pupils Show the picture. Ask: Who is in
lesson bus? Did you experience birds, rivers. describe the picture. the picture? What makes him so
witnessing a commotion on Ask: Do you take care of our popular around the world? What
your community? What did you environment? What activity do characteristic of a Filipino does
feel? you usually do to take care of he signify? As a Filipino, how do
our environment? you show respect to others? To

C. Presenting The pupils will read the Read the following sentences. Read the paragraph below. Answer Analyze the following graphic
examples/instances of the new paragraph. Answer the 1. Without mangroves, the comprehension questions. organizer. Answer the questions
lesson comprehension questions that coastlines erode, and that follow.
follow. villages become prone
to typhoons and
2. A law calls for
fishponds to have

D. Discussing new concepts and Read the following words. How Lead the pupils to the different Have the pupils give more Plan a two-paragraph composition
practicing new skills #1 are the three types of compound aspects of verb using the examples of verbs. using the details of the semantic
words different from one sentences above. Help the pupils web.
another? study and analyze the sentences.
Give more examples.

E. Discussing new concepts and Group Activity Group Activity Group Activity Group Activity
practicing new skills #2 Each group will be receiving
Group the pupils into four metacards to write their answers. Group the pupils into four working Group the pupils into four
working groups. Be able to give The teacher will ask a pupil to pick a groups. Be able to give them task working groups. Be able to give
card to be shown in class,each card
them task to do. has a verb and corresponding tense
to do. them task to do.
of verb written on it. Each group
will compose clear and coherent
sentences using the verb in the tense
asked. Two minutes will be used to
answer each item.

F. Developing mastery (Leads to Box the meaning of the Read the paragraph below. Give Use the following verbs in Copy the graphic organizer from
Formative Assessment) compound word through the simple present regular form sentences that tell about some the chart on your paper and fill
context clues. of the verbs in parentheses. future actions. Add an appropriate out the correct answer.
time expression.

G. Finding practical applications Write the compound words that Have a pair of pupils ask Match the vocabulary below to the Write a three-paragraph
of concepts and skills in daily mean the following. questions about the hobbies and pictures and write sentences in the composition about your daily
living interests of their partner. Then, past tense for each picture. routine before you go to school,
have each person introduce their while in the school, and during at
partner to the rest of the class. night.
This is a good time to practice
using questions in the present

H. Making generalizations and Compound words or  The base form an the -s  The past tense of a verb is  The clustering
abstractions about the lesson compounds are words formed form of verbs is used in used for events that graphic organizer
by putting together to form a the present tense. happened at a specific time shows and separates
in the past.
new word with a new meaning.  The present tense is the developed ideas
 The forms will + verb and be
There are three types of used to state definitions + going to + verb is used in
from other ideas.
compound words: closed, open, and explanations and to talking about future actions.  The use of graphic
and hyphenated. show present condition,  Will is followed by the base organizers and
habitual action, and form of a verb. outlines provides the
natural law.  Going to is preceded by a organization of ideas
form of the verb be and easy to understand,
followed by the simple form making learning
of a verb. more enjoyable.

I. Evaluating learning Write each compound word in Read the paragraphs below. Write sentences about the things Read the sample composition
the sentence and give its Copy the verb to be used in each you will do at the given time below. (Written on the chart.)
meaning. sentence. below. Use the correct future form Using the suggested chart, plan
1.The time zone of the of the verb in the sentences. your own narrative by listing
Philippines differs from that of 1. Mangrove trees (grow, down your ideas in it.
Japan which is one hour ahead. growing) in tropical 1. Next month
2. The golden rule states that swamps. Their long 2. December
one should do to others what he roots (grow, grew) high 3. Tomorrow
or she wants others do to him or above the mud. Roots
her. (hole, holding) the tree Put the verbs into the simple past.
3. There is no place so sweet in place. They (keep, 1. Last year I (go) to
and comfortable like one’s own keeping) the rest of the England on holiday.
motherland. tree above the water. 2. I (visit) lots of interesting
4. Food fests bring out the
culinary artists in many young 2. The water moccasin (is, places.
people. be) a snake. It (lives,
5. My brother’s mother-in-law living) in some
from Canada has just arrived to swamps. It (eats,
visit her grandchildren. eating) some of the
swamp animals.

J. Additional activities for Using your own understanding Select the best verb form. Write a short paragraph about the Read the selection, plan a two-
application or remediation of the words, define the places you went during your paragraph composition using the
following words and compound 1. We ________ to vacation. Use past and future tense following details.
words. Use the compound London last year. of the verb.
words in meaningful sentences.     (go         will go         went)


A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation.

B. No. of learners who require

additional activities for
remediation who scored below

C. Did the remedial lessons

work? No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson.

D. No. of learners who continue

to require remediation.
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why did
these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?

G. What innovation or localized

materials did I used/discover
which I wish to share with other

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