Lesson09 Activity FINALS

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Kevin Miguel G. Paduganan



Noli Me Tangere Today: Imagine yourself writing an updated version of the Noli Me Tangere
today. Compare your observations about the contemporary society with what Rizal saw in late
19th century Philippines. In the 2nd column on the table below, write Rizal’s observations about
the aspect mentioned. While in the 3rd column, write your own observations of present-day
conditions. (70pts)

Rizal’s observations as depicted Your observations in the present

Aspects of society
in the Noli Me Tangere context
 The government was
administered by self-
 Honest and sincere
officials were few.
 Corruption is rampant
 Corruption was
 Honest and sincere
officials are few.
 The head of the
 Some goverment
Philippines is the
officials are abusive to
Government and officials governor-general.
their powers.
 Civil guards, friars
 Some of them controlled
and other government
the prices of the crops
officials use their
such as rice (Sen.
power to abuse,
mistreat civilians and
control those whom
they believe would
be detrimental to the
Spanish rule.
 Abuses and threats by
 Friars used the
priest ceases or atleast
Catholic Church amass
Church and religion wealth and to
 Church and State is
separate. The church
themselves into
can’t control the state

Learning Module on The Life and Works of Jose Rizal


power, ex: selling nor the State control the

indulgences. church.
 Controlled towns
people with threats
of excommunication,
punishment and
accusations of heresy.
 Church has
unmitigated control
over the government
 Spanish used religion
as a way to rule and to
govern as tyrant.
 Friars commercialize
religion through
simony and plenary
 Unequal opportunity to
 Limited higher
 The novel also dealt  Equal opportunity to
with the poor education.
3 Education education in the  Government fund more
country. School in education. Like free
buildings were lacking tuition fees.
in the town, for fund
allocation were
corrupted by the priests
for fiesta celebration.
 Traditional Filipina was
expected to play
 Traditional Filipina are
“hard-to-get” as if she’s
now few.
not interested and has
 Man can court wherever
Romantic relationships to maintain shyness,
and whenever he wants.
(courtship, marriage, etc.,) modesty and reserved
Some even court
even if she has feeling
through chat, call or
for her admirer in order
for her to see and know
whether he’s sincere

Learning Module on The Life and Works of Jose Rizal


and serious about his

feelings for her.
 Man has to court first
the family members of
the girl before going
out on a friendly date.
 Fishing
 Fenncing, learned the
 Today's generation,
gameof judo, a chess
majority of the people
master, gunslinger
are addicted to
Pastimes, hobbies (almost nobody knows
mobilegames and forgot
that he was a good
to play like chess or
gun slinger), and
other indoor activities.
writing novels and
 The rich and the  The poor are oppressed
privileged become by the rich and have
conspirators and act power.
like blind agents  Those who are poor and
and executioners innocent are being
behind the schemes accused of something
of exploitation,
violence and abuses of poor keep getting
The rich and the poor
the Catholic Church. poorer and the rich
 Poor people were like richer.
ghost figures, the  Social stratification
impoverished among "tatsulok" is still in
the colonized. present time. And as
 The poor keep long as they (rich) are
getting poorer and the on top the chaos won’t
rich richer. be over.
 Microcosm of
Philippine society and
its social and political
 Social stratification and
Life in the city political Hierachy is also
 Life under the Spanish
at present.
colonial system. Chaos
and many have

CRITERIA 5-4 3-2 1

Learning Module on The Life and Works of Jose Rizal


It captured Rizal’s
observations of 19th century
Philippines and compared
them with contemporary
conditions using the same
It captured Rizal’s
categories and tracking It identified Rizal’s
observations effectively and
changes effectively. observations but some were
soundly compared them with
not accurate and there were
contemporary situations.
It gave chapters/passages unfair comparisons with
where Rizal’s observations present-day conditions.
It cited sources where the
were obtained.
observations or
It did not cite passages where
interpretations were based
It justified the interpretations. the information came from.
Views about the present are
also based on reliable
sources and sound
It had an ingenious and
innovative way of presenting
Presentation was creative Did not exert much effort in
the comparison.
and innovative. thinking of a way to present
Creativity and
the ideas.
Presentation It presented ideas in a clear,
Presented ideas clearly with
concise, and organized
minor glitches. Presented ideas clearly.

Total Score: 10 points

Based on the output from the above activity, reflect on your answers. Imagine that you are
writing a letter to Jose Rizal. In your letter, tell Rizal your thoughts about the following questions:

1. What are the 3 salient problems that Philippine society is facing today?

2. What factors contribute to the persistence of this problem?

3. What should be done to address these problems?

Learning Module on The Life and Works of Jose Rizal


Scoring Rubric for Activity

CRITERIA 5 4 3 2-1
There is one clear and
There is one clear, well
well-focused topic.
focused topic. Main
Focus and Main ideas are clear There is one topic The topic and main
ideas are clear but not
Details but are not well ideas are clear. ideas are not clear
well supported by
supported by. detailed
detailed information.
Sentenced sound
Most of the sentence
awkward, or are
are well constructed Most are well
All sentence is well difficult to
and have varied constructed but
Sentence constructed and have understand. The
structure and length. they similar structure
structure varied structure and student makes
The student makes few and length. The
and length. The student numerous errors in
errors in grammar and student makes
Spelling makes no errors in grammar and
spelling but do not several errors in
grammar and spelling. spelling that
interfere with grammar.
interfere with
Total Score: 10 points

Learning Module on The Life and Works of Jose Rizal


Learning Module on The Life and Works of Jose Rizal

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