1st Quarter Exam Science 7

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


Name: _____________________________________ Score:________________

Section: _________________ Date:_________________

GENERAL DIRECTIONS: Read the following statements carefully. Write all your answers in CAPITAL LETTERS ONLY.
I. Choose the letter that best describes each statement. Write your answers on the space provided before each number.

_____1. Which of the following questions is best considered as scientific?

a. Who invented electricity? c. how many koalas are there in Australia?
b. How long did dinosaurs live on Earth? d. Does the amount of salt in water affect the temperature
at which it boils?
_____2. What is the process of obtaining information using your senses?
a. inquiry b. conclusion c. observation d. scientific method
_____3. What is the series of steps designed to help you solve problems and answer questions?
a. inquiry b. surveys c. interview d. scientific method
_____4. In which step of the scientific method do we use graphs?
a. analyze data b. asking questions c. making a hypothesis d. communicating results
_____5. When a scientist share his findings with other scientists he is ___________.
a. experimenting c. making a hypothesis
b. analyzing data d. communicating the results
_____6. Why scientific method an important process in doing experiments?
a. It takes more work but it is worth it c. It ensures that the results can be trusted and repeated
b. It helps the experiment to take longer and be better d. It ensures that the people doing the experiments are
_____7. How do scientists test their hypothesis?
a. designing models b. doing experiments c. drawing conclusion d. formulating questions
_____8. Which of the following CANNOT be broken down into simple substance?
a. chemical formula b. compound c. element d. mixture
_____9. Which of the following is NOT an example of element?
a. Helium Gas b. Hydrogen c. Ice d. Oxygen
_____10. Which of the following substances is NOT a compound?
a. Carbon dioxide b. Hydrogen c. Salt d. Sugar
_____11. Which of the following is the result if we combine 2 atoms Hydrogen and 1 atom of Oxygen?
a. Hydrogen Peroxide b. Salt c. Sugar d. Water
_____12. What makes up the compound CO2?
a. Carbon and Carbon b. Carbon and Oxide c. Carbon and Oxygen d. Carbon and Hydrogen
_____13. Carbon dioxide, Sodium chloride, sugar and salt are examples of __________.
a. compounds b. elements c. ingredients d. nutrition facts
_____14. Boron, carbon, Nitrogen, and Oxygen are examples of __________.
a. compounds b. elements c. ingredients d. nutrition facts
_____15. Compound is composed of one atom (1). Elements is a single atom substance (II).
a. Both statements I and II are TRUE c. Statement I is FALSE while statement II is TRUE
b. Both statements I and II are FALSE d. Statement I is TRUE while statement II is FALSE
_____16. How do you classify elements from compounds?
a. Elements are single atom substances c. compounds are composed of two or more molecules
b. Compounds are composed of one molecule d. compounds are composed of two or more compounds
_____17. Danica was assigned by her teacher to match compound with its constituent elements. Which do you think of her matched
pair are correct?
I. Calcium chloride: Calcium, Chloride III. Carbon dioxide: Carbon, Oxygen
II. Water: Nitrogen, Oxygen IV. Salt: Sodium, Magnesium
a. I and II only b. I and III only c. II and III only d. I and IV only
_____18. Compounds are formed when two or more ___________are combined.
a. elements b. minerals c. nutrients d. food products
_____19. Maki is selling mixed vegetables, buko pandan, lugaw and mineral water in the school canteen. Which is an example of
homogeneous mixture?
a. mixed vegetables b. buko pandan c. lugaw d. mineral water
_____20. Which is NOT an example of heterogeneous?
a. mixed vegetables b. buko pandan c. lugaw d. mineral water
_____21. Which is NOT an example of homogeneous mixture?
a. juice b. halo-halo c. hot choco d. coffee
_____22. A white powder was tested and heated. After some time, it melts completely. What does it imply?
a. It is a mixture c. It is a homogeneous mixture
b. It is a pure substance d. It is a combination of pure substances and mixture
_____23. Which of the following describes a pure substance?
a. It does not melt completely c. It does not have a fixed boiling point
b. It is not chemically combined d. it is homogeneous or uniform in appearance
_____24. Which of the following is NOT an example of pure substance?
a. Hydrogen b. Aluminum c. Fruit salad d. Carbon
_____25. It is known as the simplest form of matter?
a. compound b. element c. mixture d. substance
_____26. It is a substance that can be broken down into two or more components.
a. compound b. element c. mixture d. substance
_____27. Which of the following is NOT an example of a compound?
a. gun powder b. salt c. smoke from cars d. oxygen
_____28. Which of the following is NOT a group of elements?
a. metal b. non metal c. mixtures d. metalloid
_____29. When Carbon and Oxygen are combined through a chemical process, they will end up producing _________?
a. element b. compound c. metal d. mixture
_____30. What substance is composed of only one kind of atom?
a. Element b. compound c. substance d. mixture
_____31. Which of the following is a property of element?
a. Pure chemical substance that is made of the same type of atom
b. Composed of two or more types of atom
c. Can be separated through a chemical process
d. Composed of two or more types of substances
_____32. How can you describe the particles of homogeneous mixtures?
a. Particles are scattered c. Particles are not combined
b. Particles clumping d. Particles are mixed together and have no clumps
_____33. Which of the following statements is NOT true about mixtures?
a. All mixtures are homogeneous c. Mixture has types according to its particle size
b. Mixture of sand and water has varying properties d. Mixture is made when two or more materials are mixed
_____34. Sunlight passing through a window is scattered by dust particles. What kind of mixture are dust particles?
a. solution b. colloids c. suspension d. coarse mixture
_____35. Which of the following is NOT a type of mixture according to particle size?
a. solution b. colloids c. suspension d. evaporation
_____36. You are given a 40ml solution in a beaker. You add solute to the beaker and you observed some particles did not dissolve.
What type of solution is it?
a. saturated b. unsaturated c. concentrated d. supersaturated
_____37. How will you prepare an unsaturated solution?
a. Freeze the solution c. Add less amount of solute to the liquid
b. Stir the solute in the liquid d. add more amount of solute in a lower amount of solvent
_____38. Which one will make a solute dissolve quickly in a solvent?
a. Stir it c. Let the solute settle down
b. Do not stir the solution d. Nothing to do with the solute
_____39. What can you do if your hot chocolate tasted very sweet?
a. Add water b. Add sugar c. Mix the solution well d. Let it settle for an hour
_____40. When can you say that the solution is saturated? c. no additional solute will dissolve in it
a. Crystal are formed d. two materials have combined to create a clear liquid
b. You need to stir it more
_____41. A saturated solution is made by dissolving 36.8 g of a soil in 200ml of water. A second solution is made by dissolving 19.3g
of the same solid in 100 ml of water. How the solution would be classified?
a. unsaturated b. saturated c. supersaturated d. hyper saturated
_____42. What is the solution that contains more solute than a saturated solution under the same conditions?
a. Solution b. saturated c. unsaturated d. supersaturated
_____43. Which of the following is NOT a quantitative description of concentration?
a. Molarity b. dilute solution c. percent by mass d. PPM (parts per million)
_____44. What is the volume of a 20% methyl solution that contains 15ml of methyl?
a. 6ml of Methyl b. 4ml of Methyl c. 5ml of Methyl d. 3ml of Methyl
_____45. What is the percent by volume of Isopropanol in a 90ml solution that contains 25ml Isopropanol?
a. 26.8% Isopropanol b. 26.9% isopropanol c. 27.8% isopropanol d. 27.9% isopropanol
_____46. A solution of Benzene and Toluene was prepared by adding Toluene to Benzene until the total volume becomes 135ml. By
volume, the solution is 30.0% Benzene. How much Benzene is ml is in the solution?
a. 39.5 ml b. 40.5 ml c. 41.5 ml d. 42.5 ml
_____47. What is the volume of water in a 25% Methyl solution that contains 20ml of Methyl?
a. 5 ml b. 6 ml c. 7 ml d. 8 ml
_____48. What do you call the type of observation that is descriptive in form?
a. data b. survey c. qualitative d. quantitative
_____49. What do you call to the amount of solute dissolved in the given amount of solvent or solution?
a. dilute b. percentage c. concentrated d. concentration
_____50. It is the type of solution that has a relatively small amount of dissolved solute?
a. dilute b. percentage c. concentrated d. concentration

Prepared by:
Science Teacher

“Do the best you can until you know better, then when you know better, do better.”

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