First Periodical Test in Science

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Department of Education

Schools Division of Calapan City
Calapan West Schools District
Leuterio St., San Vicente South, Calapan City

First Periodical Test in Science 6

Name: __________________________________ Section: ___________________Date: _________________

I. Direction: Read each sentence carefully. Then, encircle the letter of the best answer.

1. Which of these statements correctly describes a mixture?

a. A mixture is composed of different substances
b. A mixture is made out of different elements
c. A mixture is a combination of two or more substances that are chemically combined.
d. A mixture is a combination of two or more substances that are physically combined.

2. Which is NOT true about mixtures?

a. Most mixtures benefit the homes, industries and societies.
b. Mixtures have advantages and disadvantages to the environment.
c. Mixtures are made only for household consumption.
d. Mixtures contribute to the development of technology.

3. Which is an example of mixture?

A. salt B. sugar C. distilled water D. soft drinks

4. When you mix powdered juice to water, the components of powdered juice and water are uniformly
distributed throughout the mixture. What kind of mixture is formed?
A. homogeneous B. heterogeneous C. non-uniform D. suspension

5. Let us assume that the composition varies from one region to another, with at least two phases that re-
main separate from each other, with clearly identifiable properties. What kind of mixture is it?
A. uniform B. Non-uniform C. dissolution D. Solution

6. From what mixture do oxygen , carbon dioxide and nitrogen came from ?
A. Gas in liquid B. Solid in liquid C. Gas in gas D. Liquid in liquid

7. Which of the following substances can be dissolved in water?

A. sand B. powdered chalk C. margarine D. powdered coffee

8. Rubbing alcohol is a solution. What is the solute in rubbing alcohol?

A. isoprophyl alcohol B. water C. water vapor D. alcohol vapor

9. Colloids are heterogeneous mixtures. Which of these mixtures is NOT a colloid?

A. soft drinks B. shampoo C. mayonnaise D. shaving cream

10. In which glass of liquid is sugar hard to dissolve?

A. in a glass of hot coffee C. in a glass of hot water
B. in a glass of tap water D. in a glass of cold water

11. Which of the following is considered as a colloid?

A. A mixture of oil and water C. A mixture of soil and water
B. A mixture of salt and iron filings D. A mixture of milk and water

12. Which of these will NOT form a solution?

A. preparing syrup C. preparing a cup of tea
B. mixing coffee powder to water D. stirring a spoonful of sugar in water
13. You prepared an orange drink by pouring concentrated juice and water into the glass. You found out
that the mixture is very sweet and not good to drink. What will you do?
A. Add more water C. Transfer the mixture in a bigger container and add sugar
B. Add more concentrated juice D. Transfer the mixture in a bigger container and add water

14. Your mother gave you a tablea and ask you to prepare a chocolate drink. What will you do to prepare
the solution?
A. Put the tablea in cold water C. put the tablea in boiling water and stir it
B. Crush the tablea D. crush the tablea and put in a cold water

15. You are going to wash clothes using the washing machine. You found out that you have no longer a
powdered detergent. All you had is a detergent bar. What should you do so that the detergent bar can
be used for laundry using washing machine?
A. Put the whole detergent bar in washing machine
B. Put hot water in washing machine
C. Grate the detergent bar and put it in the washing machine
D. Put the detergent bar in a container then shake it until it dissolves

16. Which is the solvent in a cup of coffee?

A. coffee B. creamer C. sugar D. water

17. The children prepared a juice drink for their food festival by squeezing orange fruit in water. What kind
of mixture did they form?
A. colloid B. suspension C. solution D. saturated solution

18. Sand is insoluble with water. The particles of sand do not mixed with water. Instead the sand settles at
the bottom forming sediment. What kind of mixture is it?
A. colloid B. suspension C. solution D. saturated solution

19. There are mixtures in which the particles of the mixed substance are not small enough to dissolve and
not large enough to settle at the bottom but remain dispersed throughout the medium. What kind of
mixture is it?
A. colloid B. suspension C. solution D. saturated solution

20. Which mixture can be separated through picking?

A. softdrinks B. creamer C. orange juice D. sliced mixed fruits

21. You put dirty water into a funnel with a paper lining. Clean water comes out of the funnel into my
beaker and solid dirt gets left behind on the paper. This is an example of ____________.
A. decantation B. filtration C. evaporation D. condensation

22. Which of the following method is applicable to separate rocks into different sized particles for road
building and other constructions?
A. sieving B. picking C. sifting D. drying

23. This is a convenient method of separating substances, when the quantity of impurities is usually not
very large.
A. handpicking B. filtration C. winnowing D. sieving

24. What is the main factor in winnowing that helps in separating the mixture of heavier and lighter par-
A. filter B. heat C. wind D. sieve

25. Which is the process of separating solid substances from a liquid through the use of a filter paper or
any cloths that can be used as a filtering medium?
A. Sifting B. Picking C. Sieving D. Filtration
26. What is being used in a coffee machine to separate the ground coffee from the coffee solution?
A. toilet paper B. sand paper C. tissue paper D. filter paper

27. Which one of the following is a disadvantage of evaporation?

A. The solvent is not recovered C. All of the solute is recovered
B. It always requires heat D. It cannot be used for insoluble solids

28. Which is true about the process of decantation?

A. It uses magnet to separate the components.
B. It uses hands to separate the components.
C. It is pouring the liquid to another container and leaving the solid components.
D. It is using the two processes of evaporation and condensation.

29. Which is the correct order for obtaining salt from the mixture of sand and salt?
A. Dissolving in water- Evaporation C. Evaporation-Filtration-Dissolving in water
B. Filtration-Dissolving in water- Evaporation D. Dissolving in water-filtration-evaporation

30. Why can acetone be separated from water by simple distillation?

A. Water and acetone have different boiling point.
B. Water evaporates, leaving the acetone particles behind
C. Acetone is too large to pass through a filter paper
D. Acetone and water are immiscible liquid

31. Salt gathered from evaporation process of sea water is not clean enough to consume. What method will
you use to obtain salt free from impurities?
A. Distillation B. Crystallisation C. Filtration D. Sifting

32. Which of the following environmental problems can be separated by physical manipulation?
A. oil spill B. garbage in the land spill C. flood water D. smog

33. Your mother cooked “nilagang baka” with floating fats. Your father recently suffered from high blood
pressure. What process of separating mixture will you apply to remove the fats?
A. decantation B. filtration C. sieving D. evaporation

34. Which of the following activities uses the different methods in separating mixtures in order to produce
product that is beneficial to our community?
A. herbal medicine preparation B. waste segregation C. food preparation D. All of the above

35. What method in separating mixture is used by water refilling stations in order to produce clean and
potable water?
A. sieving B. magnetism C. filtration D. decantation

36. Your mother is a teacher. She always complains about her hoarse voice every time she comes home.
You decided to prepare a ginger tea. You placed the sliced ginger root in a mug with a boiling water
and allowed it to steep for 5 to 10 minutes. Your mother asked you to remove the ginger. What will you
A. prepare an evaporation set-up B. use a funnel C. use a filter D. handpicked the ginger

37. Mining is a source of mineral resources important for maintaining and upgrading living standards. It is
the extraction of valuable and non-renewable minerals or other geological substances from the earth.
How can we extract minerals from earth?
A. prepare a mixture C. devise different ways in separating mixtures
B. filtration process is used D. magnetism is used

38. In cooking ginataan, maja, biko, rice cake and suman, coconut milk is used. The coconut milk is
separated from the remains of grated coconut. What method will you use to do this?
A. decantation B. filtration C. evaporation D. distillation

39. If you are in a hurry in the morning, what texture of coffee drink do you need to make a solution fast?
A. Whole coffee bean B. ground coffee C. Coffee in a tree D. None of the above
40. Why do we need to separate mixture?
A. to remove harmful materials C. to remove unwanted materials
B. to obtain useful components D. all of the above

41. You are suffering from cold. There are lots of calamansi in your backyard. You have decided to prepare
calamansi juice with honey. What will you do to remove the seed of calamansi from calamansi extract?
A. prepare an evaporation set-up B. use a funnel C. use a sieve D. handpicked the ginger

42. Your sister is suffering from cough, but your mother is not around. You don’t know what medicine is the
best for cough. You see an oregano in your garden. What process is best to extract its juice?
A. Use a magnet to separate the juice C. Squeeze then filter the leaves of the oregano
B. Perform the physical manipulation D. Prepare a distillation set up

43. How can you make a clean and healthy menu?

A. Remove unwanted residues in the ingredients
B. Separate the vegetables because it taste bad
C. Use dishwashing liquids in washing the ingredients
D. Put too much MSG to make it taste delicious

44. What do you think will happen if water refilling station do not filter the water properly?
A. Water will turn into wine C. Water will crystallized
B. Water is not safe to drink D. Water will turn ice

45. The community is benefited with this method through the removal of metal powder mixed in flour during
milling process and to ensure the product purity.
A. Filtration B. Mining C. Decantation D. Magnetism

46. Super typhoon devastated your community, there is no electricity, lack of resources and no potable
water is available for you to drink. What will you do?
A. Prepare a makeshift water filter C. Do a decantation process
B. Prepare an evaporation set-up D. Drink the muddy water

47. Which of the following products are produced by evaporation process?

I. salt II. concentrated juice III. dried fish IV. powdered milk
A. I and IV only B. II and IV only C. I, II, and III D. I, II, III, and IV

48. What are the benefits that filtration can give to our community?
I. We can have safe water to drink III. We can gather precious minerals
II. We can be free from water borne diseases IV. Fuel can be produced
A. I and II only B. I and IV only C. I, II, and III D. I, II, III, and IV

49. What are the benefits that mining can give to our community?
A. It is a source of important mineral resources that we need
B. It can give us safe water to drink
C. It can provide us herbal medicines
D. It can be used in food preparation

50. Which of the following products of decantation as a process of separating mixtures?

A. Producing salt C. Extracting coconut milk
B. Producing potable water D. Washing rice grains before cooking
Department of Education
Schools Division of Calapan City
Calapan West Schools District
Leuterio St., San Vicente South, Calapan City

Table of Specification
First Periodical Test in Science 6

No. of No.
Percent Test of
Code Objectives Days Taught Days of
Taught Items
Describe the appearance and uses
S6MT- June 4-8, 11,
of uniform and non-uniform 13 14 28.89% 1-14
Ia-c-1 13-14, 18-22
Enumerate techniques in
separating mixtures such as
June 25-29,
S6MT- picking, winnowing, decantation, 15 17 33.33% 15-31
July 2-6, 9-13
Id-f-2 use of magnet, sieving, filtering,
and evaporation.
Tell benefits of separating July 16-20,
mixtures from products in the 24-28, 31, 17 19 37.78% 32-50
community. Aug. 1-3, 6-8
TOTAL 40 50 100%
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