Act 2 Mechanisms of Gas Exchange

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Activity No. 2
Activity Title: Mechanisms of Gas Exchange
Learning Targets: At the end of the lab. activity, the students CAN:
1. explain the mechanisms of gas exchange(oxygen and carbon dioxide) to and
from the body;
2.identify the mechanisms of gas exchange; and
3.illustrate how the respiratory system transports oxygen and carbon dioxide to and
from the different parts of the body through a flow chart.
Reference/s: Exploring Life Through Science Series The New Grade 9 pp. 9-11
Respiration: Retrieved from
Values: Appreciate the importance of oxygen in respiration

I. Essential Ideas
Mechanism of Gas Exchange

External respiration
Internal respiration
Cellular respiration

II. Learning Experiences

A. Clarifying Understanding
1. Directions: Using the sequential map below, describe each phase involved in gas exchange.
2. Directions: With your partner, describe the process of breathing.

B. Processing Questions

1. Why do we need to breathe?

2. How does internal respiration differ from external respiration?

C. Framing Concepts
Directions: Generate one sentence given the letters below based on what you have learned about the

D. Lifelong Learning
Directions: Select one to have an insightful reflection.

1.Respiration is a process to sustain life, it may be in the physical or

cellular level. In life, it takes a process for our desire to achieve whether it
is a short term or a long term goal. As a student or young individual, how
do you make your desires possible? What attitude should you possess in
order to fulfill such desire?

2. As says in Genesis 2:7 God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life;
and man became a living being. Just like in our life, we need air to
breathe. And without it, we will never be alive. Do you thank God every
day that He has created the air for us to live? Or do you take it lightly?
Provide a t least 2 situations.
E. Mastery Exercises
Modified True or False
Directions: Write True if the statement is correct and False if it is otherwise.

Inhalation or inspiration is a breathing mechanism.

_______1.Diaphragm contracts or moves down
_______2. Rib cage gets smaller as rib muscles relax
_______3. The pressure within the chest cavity decreases
_______4. Lungs become larger or expand

Exhalation or expiration is a breathing mechanism.

_______5. Rib cage gets expands as rib muscles contract
_______6.Diaphragm relaxes or moves up
_______7. Lungs become smaller or contract
_______8. The pressure within the chest cavity increases
. Respiration is one of the important life processes that we need to survive. This we
have learned that it will only occur when the system works properly and when there
is enough supply of oxygen
Directions: Fill-in the concept map below to summarize learning on the mechanisms of gases.

Mechanism of Gas
Exchange 1. _______

2. _______



Big Idea:

F. Mastery Exercises

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