Earth and Life Science Module 28

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The Process

of Evolution
Module 28
After going through this
module, you are expected to:

Explain the process

of evolution
Identify some scientist who contributed
to the historical developments of
evolutionary thoughts;
Compare Lamarckian and Darwin Evolution.
s D a r w i n f o r m u l a t e d
h e o r y o f e v o l u t i o n b y
the t
a l s e l e c t i o n i n h i s b o o k
e O r i g i n o f S p e c i e s ' ' i n
''On t h
I t r e f e r s t o a c h a n g e
1859 .
e a n d t h e p r o c e s s b y
over tim
o d e r n o r g a n i s m s h a v e
which m
r o m a n c i e n t
descended f
Mechanisms of
Evolutionary Changes

Evolution is a change in the heritable

characteristics of biological populations over
successive generations.
Mechanisms of evolutionary changes
include genetic drift, migration or gene
flow, mutation, natural selection and
nonrandom mating.
Migration/Genetic Drift
Genetic drift is a change in the gene pool of a
population due to chance. Examples of genetic
drift are bottleneck effect and founder effect.
Bottleneck effect takes place when population
decreases due to various environmental factors
such as fires, earthquakes and floods. The
founder effect happens when a small population of
organisms separates from the larger group invade
a new area.
Gene Flow is described
as the movement of
genes from one
population to another.
Gene Flow When this happens,
there is tendency to
increase the gene
diversity in the
Mutation occurs when
there is a change in
the genetic makeup

caused by
stressors. This process
expands diversity of
Natural Selection
explains the
Natural difference in
survival of individual
Selection and reproduce in a
Nonrandom mating
increases the
frequency of animal
with desirable
Nonrandom traits. It causes
Mating evolution because it
intrudes the natural
pool of gene
Lanmarckian vs. Darwinian
According to Lamarck's theory of Evolution,
organisms change during their lifetime to
survive then pass these changes to their
offspring. While Darwin's theory involves
natural selection and struggle for existence.
When an organisms is fit and can adapt to
its environment, it survives and more chance
to reproduce.

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