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30-11-2022 Project

Act. Pag. 78,79,80,81,82

Fatima Elizabeth Silva Hernández


c- Rewrite the sentences as direct speech.

1 He said he was having a party next weekend.

Im having a party next weekend he said

2 She said that she had just had dinner.

I just had dinner she said

3 They said that they had not listened to the weathe forecast.

We haven’t listened to the weather forecast they said

4 She said they might go out of town next weekend.

We might go out of town next weekend she said

D.- Put the words in order to make sentences with reported speech.
1 said/the/crowded/he/restaurant/too/was

He said the restaurant was too crowded

2 he/of/going/said/town/out/they/that/was

They said he was going out of town

3 a/flat/that/car/their/said/tire/she/had

She said that their car had a flat tire

4 was/TV/she/said/that/watching/we

We said that she was watching tv


Preparing Food Cooking Food

Grate some carrots Cover the pot with a lid
Pour the mixture in a bowl Boil water
Chop some tomatoes Put oil in frying
B.- Write T (true) or F (false) for each statement.
1 - You can grate water. F

2 - People usually boil water in the oven. F

3- You should slice pasta before you cook it. F

4- You can peel a carrot. T

5- Bowls are used for stirring things. T


A- Check (√) whether the activity happens at the airport or on the plane.

Airport Plane
1 go through security √
2 put your carry on luggage in the √
overhead bin
3 wait at the gate √
4 put your personal tems in bins √
for X-ray
5 get your luggage at the baggage √
6 put your seatbelt on √
B.- Write the missing letters for each air travel activity.
1 board the pl n

2 put your tra tabl up

3 pl g your tabl t into the po er o tl t

4 show your boar ing pas

5 c e k in for your fli ht

6 check the d par ur and ar iv times


A- Match the sentences that go together.

a The paintings will be on display in a local gallery.
1 I can't wait to read my aunt's first novel. b

b It finally got published,

2 My brother just produced another album. d

3 My friend is directing her first movie. e c I'm excited about wearing it.

4 I'm designing my own prom dress. c

d But haven't heard it yet.

5 My sister just completed her most recent art project. a

e I can't wait to see it.
B- Complete each sentence with the best word.
1 I heard that dinosaur bones were discovered/ developed down by the river.

2 I hope a cure for cancer is developed/ constructed soon.

3 Do you think a flying car will ever be invented/ published?

4 My brother was presented/produced an award for gymnastics.

5 In my family, we celebrate/develop all big achievements with a big party.

6 My mom manages/completes a team of eight employees.

C- Rewrite the passive sentences as active ones.

1 An ancient mural was recently discovered in Italy. Archaeologists.

Are discovering an ancient mural in Italy

2 Our car is being repaired this afternoon. Our mechanic.

Is reparating our car this afternoon

3 The lawn hasn't been mowed for two weeks.

4 Young inventors are featured once a year. The magazine.

Is featuring with young inventors this year

D- Write the correct form of the verb for each sentence.

1 The hotel (design) was designed in the 1800s by a famous architect.

2 All the shoes in this store (make) are made in italy.

3 A concert (hold) is holded on the outskirts of town next weekend.

4 He was upset because he (not include) wasn’t included in the group email.
5 Two famous paintings (steal) were stalen from the museum.


A- Fill in each blank with a phrase from the box.

1 I'm glad I'm vegetarian so I don't have to worry about the health effects of lab-grown meat

2 We often ask our virtual assistant strange questions just for fun.

3 I can turn on and off lights at my house from work with smart home control.

4 Will a self-driving car work if it loses its GPS signal?

5 More affordable housing is becoming available thanks to 3D printing

6 I'm worried that working robots will take manual labor jobs away from people.

B- Reorder the letters to write the technology innovations.

1 tiliriafac niliteglecen

Artificial intelligence

2 larvuit nercess

Virtual screens

3 metenduag lytiaer

Augmented reality

4 nebalewer geyren

Renewable energy

5 cepas trimuos

Space tourism
C.- Complete each sentence with the correct form of the verb.
1 Someday people are traveling / will travel in flying cars.

2 By this time next year, I will have been living/ will be living here for 10 years.

3 She is going / will have gone to the museum of science and technology this weekend.

4 We will have visited/are visiting every national park in the US by the time we turn 60.

5 I'll be walking/'ll walk around London by this time next week.

6 He's going to buy/will have bought our tickets for the cruise as soon as he gets paid.

D Rewrite each sentence, correcting the boldfaced error(s).

1 What do you do tomorrow night?

What you will do tomorrow at night

2 I hear thunder. I think it rains soon.

I hear thunder I think it will rain

3 My favorite rock band performs this weekend

My favorite rock band is going to perform this weekend

4 I'll text you when will get there.

I´ll text you when I have gut

5 We're out of eggs. I'm picking some up on my home.

Were out of eggs I will pick some up on my way home

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