Eso 1 Final 2 y 3 Ev.

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PERSONAL KEY:……… ESO 1 - FINAL TEST: 2ª y 3ª Ev.

MARK: ……… / 80

Vocabulary 25 points
1 Completa las oraciones con estas palabras. _____ / 5
Deserts • swimsuit • valley • forest • trainers
1. Athletes wear ………… on their feet.
2. In Africa, there are many hot, dry ………… .
3. You wear a ………… to swim in the sea.
4. Every weekend, we hike in the ………… near our home. The trees are so beautiful!
5. A ………… is between two mountains.

2 Relaciona las oraciones de A con las palabras de B. Pon el nº delante de la letra. ____ / 5
1. You wear white clothes. You don’t wear shoes. … a. scuba diving
2. You do this at a party to music. … b. running
3. You use special equipment to go down a mountain in the winter. … c. karate
4. You don’t need any equipment. You wear trainers and shorts for this sport. … d. dancing
5. You swim underwater and look at the fish. … e. skiing

3 Relaciona A con B para hacer oraciones. Pon el nº delante de la letra. ____ / 5

1. In volleyball, you hit the ball over a … a. kitchen
2. In cycling, you must wear a … b. helmet
3. A chef usually works in the … c. net
4. TV hosts often interview … d. politicians
5. The tallest animal on our planet is the … e. giraffe

4 Escribe el animal según la descripción. ____ / 5

1. A tarantula is one type of this animal. It’s got eight legs. ………......
2. It’s got wings and it can fly. It’s a mammal. ………
3. It’s a tiny hard-working insect. It’s usually black but it can be red. ………….
4. It’s an insect with beautiful, colourful wings. ………...
5. It’s a popular domesticated animal. People enjoy riding on it. ………

5 Marca la palabra que no pertenece al grupo. _____ / 5

1. soup  turkey  steak  ham
2. potatoes  onions  chips  crisps
3. cherries  grapes  rolls  apples
4. tasty  delicious  strange  excellent
5. butter  beans  cheese  ice cream
Grammar 45 points
1 Completa el texto con los verbos entre paréntesis. Usa Present Simple o Present Continuous. _____ / 10
Michelle and her family are in Brasov. It’s in Romania. They are on a bus trip in the mountains. At the moment, they
…………… (go) to Bran Castle – the home of the real Count Dracula, Vlad Tepes, in the 1400s. In fact, the guide 2.…….
…… (talk) about him at the moment. Of course Count Dracula 3.…….… (not live) in the castle. It’s a museum now.
Thousands of people 4.………… (visit) the castle every year, but they 5.……… (not see) any vampires!

2 Completa el texto con la forma correcta de can o must. _____ / 10

Do you enjoy water sports? Then come and play underwater football! You play underwater football in a swimming
pool. In ordinary football, you 1. ………… hold the ball, but in underwater football, you hold the ball with your hands
because you 2. ……… swim with your feet. The ball is heavy because it’s got water inside, not air. The ball is always
under the water – you 3. ………… hold it above the water. To score, you 4. .…… put the ball into the goal. But be careful!
You 5. ……….… hit or kick any of the players.

3 Completa las oraciones con to be y el comparativo o superlativo de los adjetivos. ____ / 10

1. Mosquitoes can give people malaria. They ….......... (dangerous) spiders.

2. You must watch TV at 6.00! Animal Plane……….…… (good) documentary about animals on the Discovery Channel.
3. That black mouse never stops eating. It ……… (fat) all the other mice.
4. Some of the Brazilian parrots ……… (colourful) birds in the world.
5. A weightlifter ………(strong) other athletes.

4 Escribe oraciones con estas palabras. Usa el Past Continuous. _____ / 5

1. where / Alex and Lena / go / at 2.00 in the afternoon / ? ……………

2. I / not bake / a cake / this morning / . ………………….
3. Jack and Fred / not do / their homework / an hour ago / . …………….
4. Dan / help / you / with your project / at 12.00 on Saturday / ? ……………
5. Sally / look after / Kate’s baby / at 6.00 yesterday / . ……………

5 Completa el texto con la forma correcta de los verbos entre paréntesis. Usa el Past Simple. ____ /10
………… you ………… (help) to change the world last year? At a special event called We Day, teenagers can learn
about activities to help our planet.
The 2013-2014 We Day events in North America 2. ………… (be) very successful. During We Day, the students 3.
…………… (learn) about world problems. Of course they 4. ………… (not study) all day. There were also some fun
activities and famous musicians 5. ………… (sing) songs. After the event, teenagers 6. ………… (organise) events at their
schools. So, how 7. …………… these events ………… (change) the world? Students 8. ……… (give) 1.7 million hours of
their time, collected $5.4 million and 9. ……… (take) 235 tonnes of food to collection centres! It 10 …….. (be) a very
good activity!
Reading 10 points
1 Lee el texto y elige la respuesta adecuada a, b o c

On 29th April, 2011, a very special event took place – the wedding of Prince William and Catherine “Kate”
Middleton. The streets of London were crowded with over a million people. In addition, hundreds of
millions of people around the world were sitting in front of their TVs and computers. They were all waiting
to watch the exciting celebrations.
5 The wedding planner for the big day was Lady Elizabeth Anson. Lady Elizabeth often plans parties for
celebrities, so the results weren’t surprising. It was a huge success! The wedding ceremony was at
Westminster Abbey in London and there were many important people from all over the world. Kate looked
beautiful in a long white dress. After the wedding, there was a lunch at Buckingham Palace. The bride and
groom requested simple food, not a sit-down meal, because of Britain’s economic problems.
10 In the evening, there was a party for the family and friends. First, there was a dinner with traditional British
food and delicious desserts including ice cream and tiny cakes. There were also two types of wedding cake –
fruit and chocolate. The bride’s father made a speech, and so did William’s brother, Harry. Harry’s speech
was so funny that many people were crying with laughter. After the tasty meal, there was music with the
popular English singer Ellie Goulding, and the guests were still dancing at 2.00 in the morning!
15 At 2.30 am, there was an amazing fireworks display. While the guests were watching the fireworks, Kate
and William slipped out and went home. A few days later, they flew in a private jet to a luxury villa on an
island in the Seychelles. The destination was a secret even from Kate until the last minute, because William
wanted to get away from the paparazzi.
Weddings of kings, queens, princes and princesses sometimes start new wedding traditions. White wedding
20 dresses are popular today because in 1840, Queen Victoria’s wedding dress was white. Now, many people
want a wedding like William and Kate’s and wedding planners are trying to copy the details of the event.

1. How many people watched William and Kate’s wedding?

a. one million b. seven million c. hundreds of millions
2. The wedding took place at … . a. Buckingham Palace b. Westminster Abbey c. a villa in the Seychelles
3. The desserts included … . a. ice cream b. vanilla wedding cake c. fruit salad
4. Who did not speak at the wedding dinner? a. the bride’s father b. the groom’s father c. Prince Harry
5. What was happening at 2.30 am? a. Kate and William were leaving for the Seychelles.
b. The guests were watching a fireworks display.
c. The guests were dancing

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