Mission 2

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Operation Swift Scouts

Looks like we blew up our defense crystal in that last training

The explosion lit the whole School on fire!

You guys gotta get out of the School before you burn alive!

You don’t need to tell me twice.

Get the pieces of the Inhibitor, and bring them back to the School,
or else those Minions will just keep spawning!

You’ve got my wings! Anything else?

Yeah, don’t let any of those creepy Minions get into the School!
MISSION OBJECTIVE: Pick up all three Crystal Shards, and
carry them back to the School before Minions tear the place down!
Let’s set up boards, cards, and pieces for this Mission!

The School

Crystal Shards

Blue Green

Damage Deck Minions
The Crystal Compass
Map Tiles
• Locate all pictured Map Tiles, and arrange them as shown.
• Orient the Crystal Compass to the Map Tiles as shown.
• Locate and place the School on the center Map Tile.
• Locate the NEW Damage Cards and add them to the Damage Deck.
• Place Mechs on any space in the School, facing any direction.
• Place Minions according to the diagram.
• Locate 3 Crystal Shards and place one on each of the three Repair Pads as shown in the diagram.

The School is on fire and only has 1 health for this Mission! Set the Doom Tracker to 1.

EZ-MODE: Set the School’s health to 3 instead.

Time to begin!
Start the first Player Phase by rolling for First Player and conducting a timed double draft!

Blue Green


Spawn Zones

Blue Green



1. All Minions move 1 space toward the School during the Minion Phase.
2. Then, roll the Rune Die, and move all Minions on the Map Tile corresponding to that color 1
additional space!
3. If you roll red, Minions don’t move an additional space. Instead, the fire in the School flares up,
and all Mechs inside the School take 1 Damage!
4. When Minions reach the center Map Tile, they are limited to moving 1 space (even if you roll red
and regardless of escalations).
5. When Minions reach the center Map Tile, direct them toward the center first before turning
towards the School (as shown by movement lines in the diagram).
6. If a Minion enters any School space at any point, remove that Minion from play, and reduce the
School’s health on the Doom Tracker by 1!

After movement, spawn an entire row of Minions in the spawn zone of the Map Tile that
you rolled during Minion movement.

If you rolled Red, no Minions spawn this turn!

MINION ATTACK Minion Figures

Minions attack Mechs as normal, but ignore Crystal Shards.

In fact, Minions can occupy the same space as Crystal Shards without affecting them!
Targeting System Upgraded!

Mechs now pick up Crystal Shards when they step on them (instead of stomping them).
Good timing too, because you have to carry them to the School!

For this Mission, Crystal Shards are also unaffected by Attack Commands.
(You need these intact!)

Each Mech can only carry one Crystal Shard at a time. When your Mech
does pick up a Crystal Shard, take it off the board and put it near your
Command Line to show your Mech is carrying it!

• If a Mech takes damage while carrying a Shard, it drops the Crystal

Shard immediately. Roll the Rune Die, and place the Crystal Shard in the
adjacent space in that direction.
• If the rolled space contains a Minion, place the Shard under the Minion.
• If the rolled space contains a Mech, the Mech instantly picks the Shard
back up!
• If the rolled space is off the board or there is no valid space in which to
drop the Shard, it drops to the Mech’s own feet and is instantly picked
back up. (Nice catch!)

Carry a Crystal Shard into any space in the School to return it. Once your
Mech steps into the School, the Crystal Shard is successfully returned and
removed from play. Well done!


See also: Crystal Shards
Each time a Crystal Shard is first picked up, there is an escalation and Minions intensify
their assault!

These escalations come into play one at a time, but persist

for the remainder of the Mission once activated.

1.) As soon as any Mech picks up any Crystal Shard for the first time:
During Minion Phase, spawn 2 full rows of Minions in the rolled spawn zone (instead of one).

2.) As soon as any Mech picks up one of the two remaining Shards for the first time:
All Minions on the outer three Map Tiles now move an extra space by default. (The Rune Die no longer
increases Minion movement and only determines which Map Tile spawns minions.)

3.) As soon as any Mech picks up the last remaining Crystal Shard for the first time:
In addition to all previous escalations, Minions spawn 2 full rows in every spawn zone during Minion spawn
(instead of 1).

(The Rune Die roll is now only used to determine if the Shop fire flares up!)

Note: The Minions still only can move one space on the center tile as they approach the School!

If any Minion enters any space in the School, it loses one health, and the Doom Tracker is reduced by 1.
If the Doom Tracker reaches zero, the School is completely engulfed in flames, and it’s Game Over!

Watch the flanks! Minions from the sides will arrive first!
If all three Crystal Shards are returned to the School before its health reaches zero, they combine into an Inhibitor
and stop the Minions from spawning. Excellent job! Your Mission is complete!

Congratulations team! You may now move on to “Operation Tiny Evil”

(find and open its special envelope).

You’ll finally discover who’s behind all this Minion mayhem!

A smashing success! But it looks like someone stole your Mech, Rumble.

WHAT?! When I find out who stole my Tristy, it ain’t gonna

be pretty.

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