ACTIVITY 1: Let’s observe the pictures below. What environmental issues do they illustrate?
Figure 1
THINK ………………………………………………………………………………
What do you think is ………………………………………………………………………………
going on in the pictures? ………………………………………………………………………………
(Write your thoughts) ………………………………………………………………………………
What do the pictures ………………………………………………………………………………
make you wonder? (Ask ………………………………………………………………………………
questions. (Activate your ………………………………………………………………………………
curiosity and critical ………………………………………………………………………………
thinking ) ……………………………….………………………………………………
At inhabitant, every day is Earth Day. We work each and every day to bring the latest news on the
many exciting ways to inhabit the Earth in a smarter, greener, more sustainable way. So this Earth
Day, we´re considering the most important environmental issues, and a few of the steps we can take
to create a healthier future for ourselves, our communities and of course, the Earth.
We can´t believe without it, and thankfully much of the Earth is made up of it. Yet we face major
problems where the life-sustaining liquid is concerned. While there is technically enough available
for all 6.8 billion of us, one fifth of the world´s population live in areas of scarcity.
Poor quality not only poses supply problems, but also has a huge, inevitable impact on marine life.
10 Whether it´s through pollution from industry, or ill-regulated efforts to drill for yet more oil we´re
increasingly filling our rivers, seas and oceans with toxic waste. Life in our seas is suffering
This has long posed a threat to our Earth. Tress cover 30 percent of the planet´s land, and give vital
15 protection from sandstorms and flooding, as well as provide natural habitats for wildlife. They are
one of our greatest resources for offsetting some of our carbon emissions, and without the tree
canopy we leaves areas vulnerable to intense heat. This drives further climate change. Yet every
single year we lose and area the size of Panama, cleared to make way for farmland.
20 Agricultural production comes with a hefty carbon footprint. Damage is caused by the loss of trees.
Fertilizers pollute our water, and pesticides kill our bees. However, demand is expected to rise
sharply-by 2050 a population of 8.9 billion will eat, on average, a diet with 340 calories more than
the 2001 average of 2790 calories. Other studies show that demand will double by that same date.
Some of this projected increase is attributed to an expectation that populations, which currently have
25 inadequate access to nutrition, will see improvements in the coming decades.
In the US alone we´ve made the Gulf of Mexico toxic with oil, we´ve caused earthquakes in the
Midwest while fracking for natural gas, and we´ve blasted the tops off mountains in Virginia looking
for coal. In the course of harvesting non-renewable resources we´re releasing all manner of toxic
30 gases into the atmosphere, driving climate change and creating a hazardous environment for all
living beings. The fact that we´re destroying the planet is a pretty good reason to give pause and
change course. Yet massive corporations continue to look for fossil fuels.
Studies show young people are driving less, but we aren´t going to be doing without cars any time
35 soon. As long as urban developments are built to be unwalkable, we´re going to have to find a way
for everyone to be able to get from a to b and back again without destroying the planet. As it stands,
a full 20 percent of US greenhouse gas emissions come directly from cars.
As a growing population, we have a lot of stuff. From consumer electronics to clothing to diapers, a
40 worrying proportion of our “stuff” is made using finite resources, and only to be used for a relatively
short amount of time before being tossed into landfill.
Everything on this list is a contributing factor to the problem and yet we still have elected officials
who argue that it isn´t “real”. A poll by Yale University said the majority of participants agreed that a
rise temperatures was causing and increasing number of extreme weather events and natural
disasters. Earlier this year sea levels were predicted to rise 20-80 inches by 2010. As a result, 3.7
million residents are at risk from floodwaters. It´s time for climate change deniers to finally give in to
the evidence.
Happy Earth Day!
Morley, K. and Saa ́d K. (2018). IB English B Course Book Pack: Oxford IB Diploma Programme
VIDEO 1: Leonardo DiCaprio (UN Messenger of Peace) at the opening of Climate Summit
Figure 2
a) Let’s read the following extract taken from TEXT 1 and reflect on the questions below:
In the US alone we´ve made the Gulf of Mexico toxic with oil, we´ve caused
earthquakes in the Midwest while fracking for natural gas, and we´ve blasted the tops
off mountains in Virginia looking for coal.
b) Do some inquiry and find out more information about this grammar tense. Discuss your findings
with the class.
c) Read Appendix 1
d) Leonardo DiCaprio uses some linguistic tools to enhance his message about climate. Can you
identify these sentences? What are the names of this linguistic tools?
e) Read Appendix 2
A. Let´s complete the sentences with the present Perfect or the Simple Past
1. Ouch! I can´t walk ! I think I ……… (just/break) my foot in this garbage.
2. George and Kathy ……….. (not buy) plastic bottles last Saturday.
3. Helen …….. (not swim) for a while as the local lake ……. (be) close last month because of
the pollution.
4. David …… (just/come back) from the park and he is too furious of the global warming.
5. I ………………. (buy) a new recycle bag last week but I ………. (still/not use) it.
6. …………. you ……… (ever/live) in a overpopulated country Robert?
7. What …….. (you/do) to decrease the climate change, Sarah?
8. Betty isn´t happy now because she ….. (watch) some videos about deforestation.
B. Let´s complete some reading comprehension exercises from TEXT 1
a) In line 20, the phrase “carbon footprint” b) Bees are in danger because for which
means: two reasons?
a. coal production a. Deforestation
b. the production of greenhouse gases b. Global warming
c. an amount of greenhouse gases c. Overpopulation
produced d. Pest control chemicals
d. pollution
D. Now, listen to Leonardo DiCaprio´s speech again and answer the following questions
1.DiCaprio wants to be heard in the role of … 3. Which of these effects was not mentioned
a) New York citizen. by DiCaprio?
b) An expert in global warming. a) greenhouse gases rising from the sea
c) A human representative demanding floors
solutions to the climate change b) melting of the ice caps
c) spreading poverty
2. He believes people…
a) Took the changing of the climate very 4. DiCaprio states…
seriously and demand a quick change. a) that the truth about the climate change
b) ignored the changing of the climate as is know by many official institutions.
they didn´t recognize it for being true. b) that some facts are based on rethoric
c) were not aware of the climate change tricks to provoke hysteria
c) that ther´s a plenty of people who dón´t
believe in climate hange
5. DiCaprio wants to make clear that…
a) the big institutions of influence need to make decisions
b) the solution depends on everybody themselves to make a change in their living habits
c) the climate change is an individual problem
E. Now, according to Leonardo DiCaprio´s Speech “Climate Change” answer the
1. To whom is this speech directed to?
2. Mention to actions that can be taken in order to help stopping Climate Change
F. In Leonardo DiCaprio´s video we can listen to these rhetorical devices: LOGOS - ETHOS –
PATHOS Let´s find them in the following statements
1. Leonardo begins his speech by establishing himself as not an expert but instead just a
concerned citizen.
2. He gives specific examples of elevated climate change saying that accelerated climate
change is here right now. He uses examples such as ocean acidification, droughts, and ice
melting in the Arctic’s.
3. Leonardo DiCaprio said: “You can make history or be vilified by it.”
ACTIVITY 8: Now, after your effort in this lesson complete the following chart
CONNECTIONS: What connections do you CHALLENGE: What were your challenges in
draw between the lesson and your own life? this lesson?
CONCEPT: What key concepts or ideas did you CHANGES: What changes in attitudes,
learn in this lesson? thinking, or action are you going to have after
this lesson?
● Morley, K. and Saa ́d K. (2018). IB English B Course Book Pack: Oxford IB Diploma
Programme. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
● United Nations. (2014). Leonardo DiCaprio (UN Messenger of Peace) at the opening of
Climate Summit 2014 [Video File]. Retrieved from
● Cambridge University Press. (2018). English B for the IB Diploma English B Coursebook
Cambridge Elevate Edition (Vol. 1). Cambridge University Press.
● Rojo, Liz Ybeth (2021). Methodological Resource to Learning N°5: “Let´s protect our planet”–
A rhetorical device is a linguistic tool that employs a particular type of sentence structure, sound, or
pattern of meaning in order to evoke a particular reaction from an audience. Each rhetorical device
is a distinct tool that can be used to construct an argument or make an existing argument more
Good speeches appeal to a Speakers appeal to emotion. Good speeches appeal to
sense of ethics. The speaker Why should the audience care logic. They include words such
shows that he or she embodies about the speech´s message? as “if”, “then” “and” “because”
these ethics. to persuade the audience.
Example: “My parents look
Example: “It is that down on me with great pride” Example: “If we do what we
fundamental belief – I am my must do, then I have no doubt
brother´s keeper, I am my that Jhon Kerry will be swom in
sister´s keeper – that makes as president”
this country work”