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Online Games Habit And Academic Performance of Grade 11 Stem Students

of SNNHS School Year 2022-2023

A Research Paper Presented to the

Faculty and Science Department

Sto. Niño National High School

Sto. Niño, South Cotabato

In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirements for the Completion of

Senior High School






Republic of the Philippines

Division of South Cotabato

Background of the

study Region XII


Today, Sto. Niño, South Cotabato technology permeates every


life, 2023 and every

day, man seeks

to create
LACIBAL, MARJORY himself and

the rest of the

world. Man,

however, is

blind to the

drawbacks of those inventions since we are preoccupied with making money. The
computer is one of the most widely used and well-liked technologies

in use today. Computers are now ingrained in every aspect of our lives as a social and
economic necessity. Therefore, it is imperative to exercise caution while investigating all

of the applications for computers and the drawbacks of routine use Computer games

are one method to pass the time when we're bored, but due to a lack of self-control,

they can also become addictive. Addiction to video games is a concerning trend among

today's digitally adept adolescents.

Many students spend hours each day on computers to the point where it has replaced

other forms of enjoyment for them, making them forget what it means to be a student.

On the other hand, attitude governs every life; it is a secret force that operates around-

the-clock, whether for good or bad. It is crucial that people understand how to harness

and control this powerful force (Simmons, 2005). When an attitude forms, a habit

follows, and eventually addiction sets in. As gaming's influence increases, the number

of addicted gamers rises. In the 2000s, online gaming grew in popularity, and studies of


gaming addiction also appeared, highlighting the drawbacks of excessive gaming, its

prevalence, and related risk factors, according to Kuss (2013). The industry for online

gaming is increasing. It is argued that only by understanding the allure of Internet

gaming, its context, and neurobiological correlates can the phenomenon of Internet

gaming addiction be understood thoroughly. In 2012, more than one billion people

played computer game Internet gaming addiction has been the subject of more and

better-quality research in recent years. The detrimental effects of Internet gaming

addiction have prompted governments and health care providers in South-East Asian
nations to take the issue seriously and establish a series of programs to stop and lessen


According to King et al. (2012), the prevalence of gaming disorders increases

along with Internet penetration and social acceptance of gaming, which helps to explain

why South-East Asian nations have greater prevalence rates than other regions.

Additionally, there is good evidence to support the hypothesis that gamers experience

greater distress (rather than less distress) while engaged in excessive gaming, which

may contribute to the perception of a problem. In light of this, a lack of acceptances,

which fueled the 8% growth of the computer gaming industry in the same year. Internet

gaming addiction has been the subject of more and better-quality research in recent

years. The detrimental effects of Internet gaming addiction have prompted governments

and health care providers in South-East Asian nations to take the issue seriously and

establish a series of programs to stop and lessen it.

According to King et al. (2012), the prevalence of gaming disorders increases along

with Internet penetration and social acceptance of gaming, which helps to explain

why South-East Asian nations have greater prevalence rates than other regions.

Additionally, there is good evidence to support the hypothesis that gamers experience

greater distress (rather than less distress) while engaged in excessive gaming, which

may contribute to the perception of a problem. Therefore, stigmatization of excessive

gaming and a lack of acceptance of it may in some way be linked to greater rates of

addiction and problematic play.

According to Kuss (2013), the worries seem well-founded because an increasing

number of research show that addiction to online gaming is linked to a variety of

detrimental outcomes. The following are some of the psychological repercussions:

neglecting real-world connections, other pastimes, sleep, employment, education,

socializing, and relationships; and an obsession with gaming as well as a lack of actual

relationships, inattentiveness, aggressiveness and aggression, stress, dysfunctional

coping, poorer academic performance, issues with verbal memory, low wellbeing, and

high loneliness. Moreover, a lot of research have discovered psychosomatic effects.

These included sleep issues, seizures, and psychosomatic difficulties (Allison et al.,

2006), among others. (2009) (Batthyány). This extensive list serves as evidence that

Internet gaming issues require serious consideration because they may negatively

impact a person in a number of ways.

Online game addiction is recognized as a mental health disorder by the World

Health Organization. With 29.9 million gamers registered in the Philippines, excessive

internet gaming is on the increase. The prevalence of depression is rising across the

nation as well. The current correlational analysis assessed the relationship between

depression and online game addiction in Filipino teenager.

In terms of how Internet gaming addiction is understood, the individual, game,

and attitudes appear to have a considerable influence on the amount to which problems

arise as a result of excessive gaming. In this sense, attitudes can be thought of as a

lens through which individuals and those around them view and interpret actions and

their results. It's important to place gaming issues into the larger context of the game,

the player, and their attitudes in order to better comprehend them. Understanding

gaming issues shouldn't just be done through their visible symptoms.

This study sought answers on the significant relationship between

playing on-line games and academic performance of grade 11 stem student of SNNHS.

Specially, they want to find out: What is the level of online games habit and academic

performance of grade 11 stem student? What is the academic performance of grade 11

stem student? Is there a significant relationship between the level of online games habit

and its effect on their academic performance? The researchers also want to test the

hypothesis: If there is a significant Relationship between Online Games Habit and

Academic Performance of Grade 11 Stem Student.

Conceptual Framework


Online Games habit of Grade 11

Stem Senior High School Student’ Academic Performance
Figure1. The Conceptual Framework of the study
This figure shows the independent variable and dependent variable of the study,

the independent variable of the study is the online gaming habits of GRADE 11 STEM

senior high school students at Sto, Niño National High School. The dependent variable

of the study is the student's academic performance. This study will test if online gaming

habits have a relationship to the student's academic performance.

Theorical Framework

Computer game addiction generally refers to an excessive and unhealthy amount

of playing computer games. Addicts do not participate in their world. Conrad (2011)

defines a gamer as someone who spends the majority of his or her time playing video

games. The issue of games. Addiction is becoming widely uncontrollable. Gaming

addiction became a more terrifying than alcohol, a mysterious problem which is still

difficult to treat, drug addiction. Cardiff Business School's Dr Shumaila Yousafzai

(2009), The school said popular online video games warn players not to overuse their

products. These warning

messages also suggest that the online video game industry might. I know how high the

percentage of over-users is. How much time do gamers spend playing? and what

specific features make a particular game more addictive other (Yousafzai, 2009). On the

other hand, cyber psychologist, Dr. Zaheer Hussain, from the University of Derby, said
warning messages were not enough. Asa first step online Game developers and

publishers need to look into the structural features of games for example, the character

development, rapid absorption rate, and multi-player features that may be addictive or

problematic for some gamers. (Hussain,2008). Parents across the globe are

increasingly concerned about their children.

Statement of the Problem

This study generally seeks to determine the relationship between Online

Games Habit and Academic Performance of Grade 11 Stem Senior High School

Student SY: 2022&2023.

1.What is the level of online games habit and academic performance of grade 11 stem


2.What is the academic performance of grade 11 stem student?

3.Is there a significant relationship between the level of online games habit and its effect

on their academic performance?


Alternative Hypothesis:
The Online Games Habit has a significant relationship to Academic Performance of

Grade 11 Stem Senior High School Student SY:2022&2023.

Null Hypothesis

The Online Games Habit has no significant relationship to Academic

Performance of Grade 11 Stem Senior High School Student SY:2022&2023.

Significance of the Study

The study ‘’Online Games Habit and Academic Performance of Grade 11

Stem Senior High Student’’ could help the ff;

To the Administration to determine whether online games habit has A

relationship on Academic Performance of Grade 11 Stem Senior High School Student.

Secondly, to the teachers, to determine whether the student sometimes or always

complying their studies and on how to minimize using online games.

To the future researcher, this study further open door for the feature researcher

to refine and to expand study relation to student Academic Performance.

Scope and Delimitation

This study focuses the Online Games Habit and Academic Performance of

Grade 11 STEM Senior High School Student. It focused on students who are identified

as an influence in online games during the school year 2022-2023.

Moreover, the Academic Performance will be based on the numerical grade

of the student who is influence in online games for the first semester of the school year

2022-2023. In addition, the respondent will answer through the survey using

researcher's designated questionnaire.

Definition of Terms

Student-Operationally, a person formally engaged in learning, especially one

enrolled in a school or college pupil. Conceptually, refers to those who are studying in

Sto. Nino National High School in Academic Performance.

Academic Performance- Operationally, the measurement of the student achievement

across various academic subject. Conceptually, refers to the numerical grade of student

written on their report card.

Addiction- Operationally, the fact or condition of being addicted to a particular

substance, thing or activity. Conceptually, Persistent habitual use of the substance

known by the user to be harmful.

Level-Operationally, each of a series of stages of increasing difficulty through which a

player may progress, completing one stage in order to reach the next. Conceptually, A

position in a scale of rank.

Online Games- Operationally, video games that is either partially or primarily played

through the internet or any other computer available. Many online games create their

own online communities. While other games especially social games integrate the

players existing communities. Conceptually, Online gaming is not only a waste of time

that could be spent with friends and family, but it is also incredibly bad for the brain.

According to study, those who are addicted to playing online games perform worse in

school than those who aren't.

Chapter 2
Review of Related Literature

This chapter includes literature and studies that are related to the problem,
these focuses on the ideas that support the study.
Computer Addiction
Video gaming is a billion-dollar global industry which continues to expand and

display innovations around the world from one year to the next (King, Koster, & Billieux,

2019). The popularity of online gaming reflects a major cultural shift in leisure and

recreation preferences for screen-based entertainment over other pastimes. Individuals

of all ages play games daily for enjoyment and socialization, and some people report

finding deeper personal satisfaction and meaning in their virtual experiences than in the

real world. Gaming provides an endless and constantly changing play experience, often

in a social context, and there are new gaming products and innovative technologies

continually entering the consumer market. Many new games include features that make

them more immersive, socially integrated, and monetized than those before them.

However, while there can be many benefits associated with gaming, there is also

growing recognition that unrestricted screen time, particularly in younger people, can

lead to harm and that gaming can be highly time-consuming and addictive for some

vulnerable individuals.

Game Player
Many people, including kids, teenagers, and adults, prefer playing computer

and online games. According to study conducted by the Entertainment Software

Association in 2012, 32% of gamers are under the age of 18, while the typical gamer is

30 years old.

Games are played for a variety of purposes, including enjoyment, recreation

(Griffiths & Hunt, 1995; Kuss & Griffiths, 2012), stress relief (Grusser, Thalemann,

Albrecht, & Thalemann, 2005; Wood & Griffiths, 2007), social interaction and status-

seeking (Hellström, Nilsson, Leppert, & Aslund, 2012), and escape from reality (Wan &

Chiou, 2006; Wood, Griffiths, & Perke, 2007). Both positive and negative effects on

players have been reported in research on video and computer gaming literature. 52

percent of the parents emphasized that playing video games is healthy and significant in

their children's lives (Entertainment Software Association, 2012).

Positive and Negative Effects of Online games

The popularity of gaming among teenagers has already been increasing over

the last couple of years.72% of all teenagers, according to a 2015 Pew Research

survey, engage in video game play on a computer, gaming system, or portable device

such a cellphone.

Video games are usually one of the best leisure activities for teenagers, and

they are played for extended periods of time. The majority of youngsters today prefer

playing video
games over any outside games since playing video games is now easier thanks to

modern controllers and joysticks.

However, if a serious addiction occurs, playing these video games can he ava

negative impact on children's health and vision.

The benefits of playing video games for an individual are up for debate. We will list

and detail each of those beneficial and negative consequences of video games in order

to provide a thorough understanding of this subject.

Genre of online games

Online games come in a variety of genres in today's globe. The console games

come first. Videogames are the more frequent name for console games. They are

played on a machine developed specifically for gaming, or a videogame console.

console. Through a controller, a small handheld device featuring buttons, joysticks, and

pads, the player interacts with the game. The gamer watches a television to obtain both

sound and video. Microsoft Xbox, Sony Playstation, Nintendo GameCube, and Nintendo

Wii are a few examples of consoles. The real-time strategy game comes in second. In

this kind of video game, players use strategy to navigate the environment, defeat

adversaries, and decide which paths to pursue and what needs to be done. as opposed

to first-person shooters. Online games that are cross-platform come in third. creating

software for, or utilizing software on, many hardware platforms. The web browser is the

most versatile cross-platform program. Web browsers render web pages "nearly"
identically on every desktop and mobile platform out of ten, regardless of the computer

they are running on.

Online Games and Academic Performance

Most individuals currently associate playing internet games with poor academic

performance. Studies over the years have shown varying results. Some of them claim

to be connected, whilst others claim they are not. Anderson and Dill (2000) found that

there is a bad association between the two. In other words, there is no connection

between a player's playing time and his academic performance. On occasion, kids will

defend the games they are playing by claiming that they are teaching them something.

These students are supported by a report from EDUCAUSE, which suggests that faculty

members learn about these games in order to improve students' in-class learning

experiences (Hitch and Duncan,2005). Additionally, according to another article, these

games aren't simply for fun (Shaffer, squire, halverson, and gee, 2005). They assert that

these games can be used to discover new things, engage with others, and become a

part of an online community. Addicts who play too much neglect their personal

connections and occasionally stop trying altogether because they spend so much time

playing. Up to 50% of married gamers who are hooked indicate that their addiction has

put strain on their relationships. The obligations of daily life, such as job and school, are

also neglected by obsessive gamers (UNC-OASIS).

Chapter 3
This chapter present the research design, research procedure, the subject of the

study, determination of the sample, research instrument, and statistical tool of the data.

Figure 2. The Para Diagram of the Research Study

Online Games Habit and Academic Performance of

Grade 11 Stem student of SNNHS

Locale of the study

What is the level of online games
habit and academic performance of
grade 11 stem student? Sto. Niño National High School

Respondent of the study

Grade 11 Senior High School

What is the academic performance of Students
grade 11 stem student?

Research Instruments

Is there a significant relationship Questionnaire and Grades

between the level of online games
habit and its effect on their academic
performance? Data Analysis

Is Online Habit having a significant
relationship to the Academic
Performance of Grade 11 Stem Statistical tool
student of SNNHS?

Pearson Correlation Coefficient

Research Design

This study will determine the relationship of Online Games Habit and Academic

Performance of Grade 11 Stem Students of SNNHS. Thus, the researcher will use

descriptive-evaluative survey method.

Locale of the Study

The study will be conducted at Sto. Niño National High School Located at Purok.

Lapu-Lapu Village, Población Sto Niño South Cotabato. The chosen locale of the study

is a public secondary school which offers complete junior high school and senior high

school program with the following tracks, STEM, ABM, HUMMS, TVL-HE, TVL-ICT AND


Respondents of the Study

The Grade 11 Stem student in Sto. Niño National High School will serve as a

respondent of the study who are enrolled for the school year 2022-2023.

Sampling Technique

The researcher sampling technique is to determine the relationship of Online

Games Habit and Academic Performance of Grade 11 Senior High School students in

Sto. Niño National High School.

Research Instrument
In this research, researchers will use survey questionnaire to know what is Online

Games Habit and Academic Performance of Grade 11 Stem Senior High School

Students. The questionnaire made in a way that respondents can answer it easily.

Thus, the set of question will be structure in a form of a checklist. The survey

questionnaire subjected for validation to ensure that the content would surely answer

the problem of this study.

Range of Score Range of Means Descriptive Rating Interpretation

5 4.20-5.00 Most often Extremely Habitual

4 3.40-4.19 More often Highly Habitual

3 2.60-3.39 Often Very Habitual

2 1.80-2.59 Seldom Moderately Habitual

1 1.00-1.79 Never Not Habitual

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers will ask permission from SNNHS principal to allow them to

conduct their study by letting him sign the letter for approval.

The researchers will use stratified sampling method to determine the

respondents in every section of SNNHS Grade 11 Stem student.

The researcher gave questionnaire to the respondents to determine the relationship

of Online Games Habit and Academic Performance.

The researchers will solve the general average rating of their academic

performance, Next, they will examine the effect of the result to the general average of

their grades in first semester. Lastly, they will interpret the result.

Figure 4. Data Gathering Produce

Request of the conduct of the study

Conduct of the survey

Retrieval of the questionnaire

Analysis of the data gathered

Statistical Tool

The statistical with use was the Pearson Correlation Coefficient. In statistics,

the Pearson Correlation Coefficient also referred to as the Pearson’s r. Pearson product

moment correlation between two variables X and Y, It has a value between +1 and -1 ,

where 1 is total positive linear correlation, 0 is no linear correlation, and -1 is total

negative linear correlation

The denoted by r is given by:


n= the total number of items

∑×= is the sum of x scores

∑y=is the sum of y scores

The Pearson Correlation Coefficient

0 -±0.20 Negligible Relationship

±0.21 - ±0.40 Slight Relationship

±0.41 - ±0.70 Moderate Relationship

±0.71 - ±0.90 Mark or High Relationship

±0.91- ±1.00 Very High to Perfect Relationship

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