Theories of Occupational Choice - A Critical Assessment of Selected Viewpoints - ED197111
Theories of Occupational Choice - A Critical Assessment of Selected Viewpoints - ED197111
Theories of Occupational Choice - A Critical Assessment of Selected Viewpoints - ED197111
CE 027 682
Five theoretical perspectives related to occupational
hoice were assessed. These were (1) Super's career development
erspective, (2) Holland's typology of occupational choice, (3)
tatus-attainment research in the field of sociology, (4) economic
_theory of individual willingness to work in different occupations,
nu 61 a model of decision making drawn from psychology. Although
uTerys work is highly eclectic, some of his key hypotheses lack
trong empirical support. While national samples suggest that
olland's basic hypothesis regarding matches between personality and
ob type have merit, many of his secondary hypotheses remain weak.
tatus-attainment research is largely supported by data. However, its
Aveoretical and conceptual bases are too simplified to render a
ealistic picture of the process of occupational choice. Economic
Aveory contributed important hypotheses neglected in other writings
one to test these theories. Application of decision theory to
ccupational choice is the least thoroughly studied perspective on
Areer choice. Because kev concepts relating to the process of
ccupational choice are not clearly defined and because statistical
ocedures have not been used in research on career choice, a
oaprehensive theory resulting from the integration of these five
erspectives is not close at hand. (MN)
Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made
from the original document.
Lawrence Hotchkiss
Michael S. Black
Robert E. Campbell
Gonzalo Garcia Jr.
January 1979
Ginzberg's Theory 13
Sociological Perspective 15
Economic Perspective
Information Processing Theories 26
Learning Theories
Trait-Factor Theory 37
Trait-Factor Approach 41
Theoretical Perspective 44
Empirical Research 66
Introduction 118
Status Attainment Theory
Status Attainment Research
Summary and Commentary
Robert E. Taylor
Executive Director
The National Center for Research
in Vocational Education
convincing support of the theory beacause it is based on
specialized samples and relies on awkward analysis methods.
Further, multivariate methods are seldom, if ever, applied in
order to study cause-and-effect relations in complex natural
systems. On the other hand, in recent years some results based .
On the other hand, the theoretical and conceptual aspects of
status-attainment work are too simplified to render a realistic
picture of the process of selecting an occupation. First, non-
prestige aspects of occupations are ignored. Thus, for example,
the six Holland types are not considered, and the obvious import-
ance of sex stereotyping of occupations also is not considered.
Secondly, the gradual process of narrowing down one's oc-
cupational options described by Super and other vocational
psychologists is not accommodated by status-attainment work.
Thirdly, most of the mathematical statements of status-at-
tainment theory do not accommodate the probable reality that
several of the variables exercise two-directional effects (e.g.,
parents affect children and, in turn, children affect parents).
Finally, the mathematical statements of status attainment theory
are static -- they do not account for change over time.
Theory of occupational choices made by individuals has not
been the focus of a large volume of work in economics. The ec-
onomic literature focuses on determining the total volume of
labor in any labor market as a function of aggregate supply and
demand. Thus, the emphasis in this volume on individual oc-
cupational choices does not draw on the full range of economic
theory related to allocation of people into jobs.
Little empirical work has been carried out in direct efforts
to test economic theory of individuals' occupational choices.
One of the reasons is that the key concepts are difficult to
operationalize. Economists generally do not consider utility to
be measurable. Determining net lifetime discounted earnings is
subject to many decisions that must be based on inadequate in-
formation. The theories of individual occupational choices are
more often used to justify empirical procedures linking income to
education than they are to be tested directly.
Economic theory contributes two important hypotheses that are
neglected in other writings about occupational choices. First,
the importance of income as a motivating factor is emphasized;
however, influence of nonpecuniary motives is also recognized ex-
plicitly. Secondly, the hypothesis that people tend to maximize
satisfaction subject to constraints is developed nowhere else to
the extent it is in economics. In addition, economics contrib-
utes important concepts such as "present value" that are not well
understood by noneconomists.
Application of decision theory to occupational choice is
probably the least thoroughly studied perspective of occupational
choice among those reviewed in this volume. The key concept in
the application is termed "valence." Valence of an object such
as an occupation is defined as the satisfaction it will yield.
Thus, the terms valence and utility are nearly synonomous. Val-
ence of a given choice is hypothesized to be a mathematical func-
tion of the valences of outcomes which the given choice is likely
to help achieve. Valences of different choices, such as dif-
ferent occupations, are compared, again according to hypothesis,
by a mathematical function. The method of comparison includes
not only the valence of each occupation, but also the indi-
vidual's judgment about the chance of getting into each oc-
cupation. The final selection of the occupation depends both on
valence and on perceived chance of gaining entry.
Clearly, this model provides only a skeleton. It could apply
to all sorts of choices besides occupation. It says nothing
about factors that generate valences or people's judgments re-
garding chances of entering different occupations.
Little direct evidence supporting the theory for occupational
choices is available. Indirect evidence regarding other types of
choices is mixed. Laboratory experiments tend to refute the
basic ideas, but nonexperimental work lends more support. At the
present time, decision theory supplies a source of potentially
useful, technical tools and ideas about processes of choice.
These ideas have not been verified. Further, environmental var-
iables affecting occupational choices are seldom considered in
decision theory.
This brief summary suggests that achievement of a detailed
theory describing the process of occupational choice is not close
at hand. Available-writings, nevertheless, offer useful sources
of insight. The concluding-chapter of this volume adopts the
viewpoint that a detailed, comprehensive integration of existing
theory of occupational choice is premature. Fundamental concepts
are not defined adequately and hypotheses are not explicit enough
for such an effort to be useful. For the immediate future, it
appears that conceptual clarification is of paramount importance.
For this task, the present authors argue that mathematical ex-
pression of concepts, as well as hypotheses, can play an import-
ant role. In particular, the central concept in occupational
choice theory, viz, the concept occupation, is not clearly de-
fined. It is suggested that the meaning of occupation derives
from general usage and that more precision in defining the term
is essential to improving understanding of occupational choice.
It is recommended that defining occupations by a numerical
profile may be a useful attack on the problem. The profile for
each occupation could include numbers to represent prestige, as
in status attainment research, income, as in economics, six
scores representing the six Holland types, and several other
variables. This strategy provides the conceptual foundation for
integrating several different theoretical points of view and also
permits comparison of factors that motivate occupational choice.
The concept of choice is also ambiguous. It may include, de-
pending on the context, attainment, expectation, preference,
aspiration, and valence. These terms have meanings that are
similar, but not identical, to each other. Clear conceptual dis-
tinctions among these terms and hypotheses linking them are
At present, failure to utilize statistical procedures and
mathematicasl language to express verbal hypotheses of continuous
change over time is a real barrier to progress in occupational
theory and research. It is noted that the mathematical technique
termed differential equations may be useful in expressing con-
tinuous change, but other possibilities must be examined, es-
pecially for describing abrupt changes such as those associated
with change of job or residence.
We believe that there are two important features of this
volume that are not characteristic of current reviews of oc-
cupational choice theories. First, the five theoretical
viewpoints selected for careful study come from a spectrum of
scholarly opinion that has. often been neglected in previous re-
views. Secondly, confining attention to a limited number of the-
ories permits more critical assessments than are currently avail-
able. The chapters discussing each theory are replete with de-
tailed summaries, criticisms and suggestions regarding con-
ceptualization, recommendations regarding research strategies,
and assessment of strengths and weaknesses of empirical evidence.
The most obvious implication of the conclusions of this
volume for vocational guidance is that basic theory does not
supply the necessary rationale for a "technical" solution to
problems encountered in vocational guidance. Basic issues such
as the importance of interests, values, personality, income,
prestige, and personal autonomy on the job have not received
clear resolution. While technical apparatus such as computerized
career information systems, interest inventories, and career
maturity indexes may be useful, much is left to informal
judgments of individuals. Extensive empirical work in the
status-attainment literature, for example, suggests the
importance of informal, personal associations with parents and
One of the important goals of career guidance is to help peo-
ple find satisfaction in their jobs. At present, however, we do
not understand what generates job satisfaction. Further, the
concept of satisfaction is not adequately defined for scientific
research, and hypotheses related to satisfaction do not account
for elementary problems in the logic of hypotheses .involving dis-
crepancies between two or more variables, as the concept of
satisfaction implies.
addresses only a part of career development. Still, a dynamic
view of occupational choice is a central idea in career de-
velopment theory. Super, for example, defines a career as a
sequence of occupations (Super 1972).
Focus on individual occupational choice also omits a major
portion of economic work about allocation of persons into
.economic roles. The economic literature emphasizes the distri-
bution of persons across occupations. Theory stipulates that the
distribution is determined by the intersection of supply and
demand curves. The present work addressed individual supply de-
cisions, thus omitting consideration of demand altogether and de-
ferring study of aggregation of individual labor supply decisions
into a supply curve. Nevertheless,' the work reported here repre-
sents an important aspect of the more comprehensive economic work
on the distribution of labor across occupations and jobs.
The task at hand demands as much conceptual clarity as can be
mustered. In attempting to achieve clarity, the authors fre-
quently resort to mathematical language. This practice comprises
part of our general strategy for doing social research, and the
reader ought to be informed of our position before launching into
the remainder of the volume. The research, community is far from
unanimous regarding the appropriate role of formal reasoning in
the study of human beings. If unanimity existed, there would be
no need to explicate the strategy to be used in the present
and immediate practical application--though the advisability of
implementing any application is generally ambiguous.
It is very difficult to develop a mathematical model that ac-
counts for all aspects of a comprehensive theory of occupational
choice, and the effort suffers from a lack of persons trained
both in the substance of the problem and in mathematics. Thus,
development of a rigorous, formal theory of occupational "choice
probably must be viewed as a long-term undertaking. In the mean-
time, nonmathematical approaches supply inspiration for the main
substance of the problem and for application to counseling. A
reciprocal feedback should be maintained, however; a study of
mathematical treatments of occupational choice can surely inform
nonmathematical discourse and rend perspectfve and limited tech-
niques for applications.
A large number of theoretical orientations to occupational
choice have emerged in the past few decades. Rather than examine
all of these orientations, a subset is selected for relatively
intense scrutiny. This approach permits a thorough review of the
selected theories that would not be possible in a more comprehen-
sive coverage. The remainder of this chapter presents a broad
overview of several theoretical positions from which a few are
selected for detailed review in later chapters. The selections
are made to assure coverage of major approaches as well as to
maintain balance among diverse viewpoints.
In later chapters, each of the selected theoretical perspec-
tives is summarized and evaluated regarding conceptual clarity,
adequacy of operational definitions, and the status of empirical
evidence. Also, the different viewpoints are compared and an ef-
fort to synthesize contrasting ideas is presented. Following
Chapter 1, each of several chapters focuses on one of the earlier
selected theoretical viewpoints. The last chapter summarizes the
writing, compares the different perspectives, and offers sugges-
tions for synthesis.
Theoretical Framework
Super's theory has a long history. The initial theoretical
formulations were outlined in the American Psychologist in 1953
(Super 1953),l and the theory has'been subject to testing and
revision ever since (Super 1957, 1960, 1963a, 1963b, 1963c, 1972,
1973, 1974; and Super' and Overstreet 1960). Super has focused
consistently on two broad themes: (1) the importance of self-
concept in vocational development, and (2) the view that
vocational development is a process that occurs continuously
throughout the life span. The following paragraphs present brief
descriptions of these two themes.
According to Super the self-concept is the collection of
one's beliefs about one's personal characteristics--e.g., "I am
smart." These beliefs range from fairly simple "percepts" such
as "I am strong" to more complex abstractions such as "I am a
good athlete" (see Super 1963b). The theory indicates that a
person progressively views himself/herself as a distinct person,
based on observed differences between one's own characteristics
and observed characteristics of others. The person's view of
himself /herself embraces a full range of role, behaviors, e.g., as
a sibling, parent, athlete, worker, and student. The self-
concept is a continually developing entity shifting somewhat
through life as experiences indicate that changes are necessary
to reflect reality. The importance of the concept for vocational
behavior is that during occupational exploration and other de-
velopmental stages the person gradually eliminates occupations
that are inconsistent with his/her self-concept. For example, if
he/she does not see himself/herself as having the math skills re-
quired for engineering, he/she will disregard this occupation.
This is a simple example. The role of .the self-concept in
vocational behavior is complex, according to Super. 'It encompas-
ses many subtle behaviors such as role modeling, role playing,
stereotyping, and fine behavioral discriminations (e 0,0,
a like me,
not like me) and subsumes much of vocational behavior.
As Super became active in the scholarly study of occupational
and career choices, the field was dominated by trait-factor the-
ory arising 'out of differential psychology (see, e.g.', Super
1953, 1957). Trait-factor theory is an essentially static con-
ception of occupational choices; in Super's view the theory
characterizes occupational choices as occuring at a single point
in time--based on perceived correspondences between personal
traits such as personality, aptitude, and interest and the re-
quirements and features of the job. Super proposes (as had
Ginzberg 1951 and others previously) that career choices and
occupational choices in particular, develop gradually over time
and that it is important to incorporate developmental psychology
into the study of career choices.
The developmental theme in Super's work is manifest in his
division of careers.into stages closely reflecting the life
stages as described in the developmental psychological literature
especially as described by Buehler in 1933 (Super 1957: 71).
Buehler identified five life stages: (1) the growth stage, be-
(2) the ex-
ginning at birth and lasting to about age fourteen,
period from age
ploratory stage, encompassing the approximate lasting
fifteen to age twenty-one, (3) the establishment stage,
from age twenty-two to about forty-five, (4) the maintenance
retirement, and (5)
stage, extending from about age forty-six to The ex-
sixty-five on.
the decline stage, lasting from about age
ploratory stage and establishment stage comprise the most import-
described by
ant periods of career development and have been tasks (Super
Super in terms of five sequential, developmental
1963c). Vocational development tasks are attitudes and behaviors
For ex-
a person exhibits as he/she progresses through a stage.
ample, during exploration, there is the task of "crystallization"
which includes a number of behaviors such as formulation of ideas
and awareness
about appropriate work, efficient use of resources,
of present-future relationships. Super proposes five major voca-
(1) crystallization (ages fourteen to
tional development tasks: imple-
eighteen, (2) specification (eighteen to twenty-one), (3) (twenty-
mentation (twenty-one to twenty-four), (4) stabilization
three to thirty-five), and (5) consolidation (thirty-five plus).
The associated ages are approximate.
Although the developmental theme is important in Super's
writings, he also emphasizes the importance of matching indi-
1951, 1957).
vidual characteristics to job requirements (Super
In this sense, Super is an eclectic, selecting important features
from both developmental psychology and differential to jobs does
The point he emphasizes is that matching of persons Rather the
not occur suddenly at a particular point in time.
match may be viewed as the culmination of a long series of de- of
cisions and gradually developed view of the poignant features
different jobs and of oneself. One might view the gradual de-
velopment of a (vocational) self-concept as the mechanism
which an individual learns about himself/herself so that a match
with an appropriate job can be made. Interestingly, the comple-
ment to learning about oneself, learning about characteristics
occupations is not emphasized in Super's theoretical
nearly the same degree as is the self-concept.
As Super has progressed with his longitudinal research, the
Career Pattern Study (Super et al. 1957; Super and Overstreet
1960; and Super et al. 1967), he has supplemented the theory with
additional concepts such as vocational maturity and work values.
The concept of vocational maturity is defined normatively asthethe
congruence between an individual's vocational behavior and
expected vocational behavior at that age. The closer the con-
gruence between the two, the greater the person's vocational
maturity. By assessing vocational maturity, one can gauge the
rate and level of one's vocational behavior. To measure voca-
tional maturity, Super has been developingan instrument
entitled "The Career Development Inventory" (Super and Forrest
1972). Additionally, Super and his colleagues have constructed
the "Work Values Inventory" published by Houghton-Mifflin (1970).
The "Work Values Inventory" is designed to measure fifteen common
work preferences for features of work such as achievement, inde-
.pendence, surroundings, security, variety, and prestige.
Super's developmental self-concept theory has wide appeal-to
both practitioners and researchers. Super views theory develop-
ment as an ongoing enterprise that continually needs to be re-
formulated as new data are generated. He has been hesitant to
call his formulations a theory since he recognizes that his work
needs more expansion through empirical investigation, but he has
doggedly pursued empirical study and has refined the theory as
new knowledge is acquired.
Review of the significant studies testing'uper's hypotheses,
generates a certain ambivalence. Many of the studies are in-
sightful, but .suggest the need for tighter methodology, e.g.,
more specification of independent variables, refinement of de-
pendent variables, identification of moderator variables, and
above all, more refined instrumentation for the construct of
self-concept. Although this sounds simple enough, it is hard to
implement because of the difficulty of operationalizing self-
Super (1969) emphsizes the need for better instrumentation
and for further explication of the metadimensions of self-
concepts. He suggests consideration of such aspects of self-
concept as self-esteem, realism, cognitive complexity, clarity,
abstraction, refinement, certainty, and structure.
Additionally,- Super recognizes the freedom of the individual
as key to the predictive capacity of self-concept. He states, "I
suspect that its (self-concept theory) ability to do this
(predict occupational choice) will be partly a function of how
free a society we develop. Surely the importance of the indi-
vidual as a decision-maker depends on his freedom to make
decisions" (Super 1969 p. 13). This is especially applicable to
disadvantaged youngsters whose life circumstances tend to inhibit
expression of the self-concept. Consider the ghetto youth who
does well in academic work, but discounts college because he/she
knows the probability of going to college is slim. Omitting oc-
cupational choices that require college education is, in his/her
view, realistic. His/her freedom of choice is restricted.
Although most researchers and practitioners would accept
Super's ideas about the existence of vocational life stages, they
also would suggest, as would Super, that: (1) the stages should
be refined, and (2) that there is a need for more expli-
cation within each stage especially beyond adolescence. There
have been several recent- attempts to do this, most notably Crites
(1976), Heddesheimer (1976), and Westbrook and Mastie (1974).
Additionally, the theory could profit from increased study of
adult development; Brim (1976), Levinson (1978), Sheehey (1976),
and Schlossberg, Troll, and Leibowitz (1978) have conducted
exemplary studies.
Holland's Typology
Theory of Vocational Behavior
Theoretical Framework
Holland first proposed his typology theory of vocational
choice in 1959. The theory has subsequently undergone several
revisions (Holland 1966, 1973). Holland's basic premise is that
career orientations' or preferences can be described in terms of
personality types. Consequently he has empirically identified
six major career orientations as follows (Holland 1973). (The
original names and current letter codes are in parentheses.)
The Realistic (R) (Motoric) orientation is characterized by
agressive behavior, interest in activitips.requiring motor
coordination, skill and physical strength, and masculinity.
People oriented toward this role prefer "acting out" prob-
lems; they avoid tasks involving interpersonal and verbal
skills and seek concrete rather than abstract problem
situations. They score high on traits such as concreteness,
physical strength, and masculinity, and low on social skill
and sensitivity.
The Investigative (I) (Intellectual) persons' main charac-
teristics are thinking rather than acting, organizing and
understanding rather than dominating or persuading, and as-
sociability rather than sociability. These people prefer to
avoid close interpersonal contact, though the quality of
their avoidance seems different from their Realistic
The Social (S) (Supportive) people seem to satisfy their
needs for attention in a teaching or therapeutic situation.
In sharp contrast to the Investigative and Realistic people,
Social people seek close interpersonal situations and are
skilled in their interpersonal relations, while they avoid
situations where they might be required to engage in
intellectual problem solving or use-'extensive physical
The Conventional (C) (Conforming) style is typified by a
great concern for rules and regulations, great self-control,
subordination of personal needs, and a strong identification
with power and status. This kind of person prefers structure
and order and thus seeks interpersonal and work situations
where structure is readily available.
The Enterprising (E) (Persuasive) people are verbally
skilled, but rather than use their verbal skills to support
others as the Social types do, they use theM for manipulating
and dominating people. They are concerned about power and
status, as are the Conventional people, but differ in that
they aspire to the power and status while the Conventionals
honor others for it.
The Artistic (A) (Esthetic) orientation manifests strong
self-expression and relations with other people indirectly
through artistic expression. Such people dislike structure,
rather prefer tasks emphasizing physical skills or
interpersonal interactions. They are introspective and
asocial much like the Investigatives, but differ in that they
are more feminine than masculine, show relatively
little self-control, and express emotion more readily than
most people (Osipow 1973: 42-43).
The six types represent major life-styles and patterns, of
personal relationships between the person and work environments.
Typological approaches for describing personal orientations are
not new. In fact, construction of typologies is one of the
oldest methods in psychology. As early as 1892, William James,
one of the founding fathers of psychology, outlined the personal
characteristic-8 of five decision-making types (James 1892, pp.
429-434). It is of historical interest to note that some of
James' typological descriptions may still. have relevance today
for vocational behavior. (See for example, the similarity of
the decision-making types of Tiedeman and Miller [1975) ).
A more modern comparative example of a typology is the pop-
ular Allport-Vernon-Lindzey Study of Values (1951). Their six
value scales (theoretical, economic, aesthetic, social, politi-
cal, and religious) have been used frequently by vocational coun-
selors and other practitioners to assist people in contemplating
life-styles. In some ways, Holland's typological approach is
similar to the Allport-Vernon-Lindzey typology, in that both ap-
proaches pervasively extended the basic typology to many aspects
of behavior. Holland sees his theory as encompassing many facets
of life with major implications for development over the life
span, vocational maturity and vocational coping styles (Holland
and Gottfredson 1976).
Holland and his associates have developed several techniques
for measuring a person's resemblance to each of the six theoreti-
Cal personality types. These include the Vocational Preference
Inventory (VPI) Holland (1965), The Self-Directed Search (SDS)
Holland (1971a, 1971b), The Strong Vocational Interest Blank
(SVIB) Campbell and Holland (1972), Matteson et al. (1973), The
Kuder Preference Record, which examines major fields of academic
study and expressed vocational preferences, Holland (1973) and
the Environmental Assessment Techniques (EAT), Astin and Holland
(1961).. The VPI and SDS are the most commonly used techniques.
Both of these techniques provide a profile of scores describing
personality types. The profile is then converted into one of
Holland's six personality types or into one of a larger number of
subtypes. The subtypes are created by combining pairs or triplets
of the six main types.
(realistic) (investigative)
(conventional) C A (artistic)
(enterprising) (social)
Dependence on occupational stereotypes is built into the
theory. Holland feels that individuals develop occupational
stereotypes that have psychological meaning and that these can be
used constructively plan the individual's career. This
idea depends in part on the assumption that the stereotypes often
are fairly accurate.
Holland further expands the basic typology by use of the
hexagonal model of the six types (see Figure 1). The hexagonal
model decribes the correlations among the six types. Types oc-
curring adjacent to one another are the most similar (Investiga-
tive and Artistic, for example) while types located opposite one
another are the least similar (Realistic and Social, for ex-
ample). Ah'acronym-memory device to recall the model is RIASEC.
The types appear on the hexagon in the order given by the spel-
ling of the acronym.
Holland (1973) has introduced three key concepts based on the
hexagon: congruence, consistency, and differentiation. Con-
gruence is defined as the compatibility of the personality type
with the environmental type. ConsistencyAeSarIbes the degree of
similarity (using the hexagonal relationships) between the two
highest personality codes. A person whose two highest codes are
adjacent on the hexagon is called consistent (E-S, for example).
If the two letters are opposite on the hexagonl the person is
inconsistent (R!-S, for example). Differentiation is defined as
the numerical score representing the difference between a
person's highest and lowast personality type scores. If the dif-
ferentiation value is low, there is relatively equal presence of
six 'types and the person is described as undifferentiated, i.e.,
having a flat profile and no clear-cut direction. If the score
is high, the person is differentiated suggesting that the person
has definite preferences.
According to Holland, one can make a number of psychological
inferences about a subject's typological data using the above
constructs. These could include, for example, inferences con-
cerning a person's vocational maturity, the quality of decision-
making behavior, and the soundness of career management.
Holland's theory has recently been generating a great deal of.
attention from practitioners and researchers. In a recent review
of vocational behavior and career development for the Journal, of
Vocational Behavior, Osipow reports that Holland's theory has
produced an extremely large volume of empirical research and "in
sum, the newer results based on the general theory in the past
year continue to provide generalized support for the overall
validity of the theory's constructs" lOsipow, 1976, pp. 136-137).
There is substantial evidence suggesting some validity in the
theory. However, the theory has limitations and has been
criticized appropriately. The limitations pertain to the following:
5. The limited data to support the use of the VPI and SDS
for adults facing midcareer or reentry to work proDlems.
Thorensen and Ewart (1976: 32) point out that "more than
two-thirds of the studies supporting Holland's theory
have been done with college or high school students."
Holland and his associates as well as others have been trying
to correct these deficiencies. For example, in the past several
years a number of studies testing the application of the theory
for women and midcareer adults have been published (e.g., Lacey
1971; Mathews 1977; and Osipow 1976). Several studies on women
using Holland's theory suggest that the theory does not predict
well for women and that modification of the typology might be in
order. A beginning was initiated along these lines by Matthews
(1977) and by Holland (1976a).
Holland has exerted a great deal of effort to demonstrate how
his theory can be used to help people with vocational planning.
His most recent suggestions appeared in the Counseling Psycholo-
gist, 1976, in which he extends the typology over the entire life
span, e.g., coping.styles, midcareer change, and for special
groups (Holland and Gottfredson 1976).
Roe's Theory of Occupational Choice
Theoretical Framework
Anne Roe's theory of occupational choice has evolved from the
following bases: (1) investigations focusing on classification
of occupations, (2) investigations into the backgrounds and
personality differences of research scientistsr and (3)
investigations of the psychological differences among workers in
different occupational groups and levels within the clas-
sification system. The major findings of these studies are sum-
marized in the following paragraphs.
Roe's studies of established scientists in different _academic
disciplines reveal that differentiation of interests develops
from the degree to which attention is focused on persons or non-
persons. Roe hypothesizes that this difference in focus develops
early in life, primarily as a result of early childhood ex-
periences. The theory specifies that parent-child relationships
characterized by rejection, neglect, and the casual treatment of
children result in nonperson orientations. Roe also believes
that children from either extremely protected or overdemanding
environments become nonperson oriented.
Roe's development of an occupational classification system is
based on the two dimensions of group and level. Group is a
classification based on interest in interpersonal relations or
manipulation of objects. Roe postulates that these groups are
ordered in terms of degrees of interpersonal interaction. Level
refers to the degree of responsibility, ability, and education
Roe and Siegelman (1964) later issued a revised statement of
the original theory suggesting that economic and chance factors
are important and play a greater role in career choice than the
earlier theoretical statements suggest.
Roe's theory has not been widely supported by observations.
Studies by Grigg (1959), Hagen (1960), Utton (1962), and Switzer
and associates (1962), fail to support the hypothesis regarding-
the relationship between early parent-child interactions and
specific vocational choice. Modifications of the theory have
failed to show significant results.
The following represent the major difficulties and limita-
tions which have arisen from studies of Roe's theory:
1. The theory requires specificity in describing formative
2. The theory is not easily tested because the propositions
are stated in such general terms that they are ambiguous
(Osipow 1973).
3. Roe's classification of occupations and people into the
dichotomous categories of person-oriented and nonperson
oriented is restrictive for the purpose of testing the
hypothesis (Green 1964).
4. Numerous methodological problems relating to the
assessment of parent-child interaction and the use of the
retrospective technique for collecting information
Roe's theory is bui2:t on a few major concepts including
genetic factors, need structures, and family experiences. Hence,
it is reasonably parsimonious. However, the theory has been dif-
ficult to test, primarily because of vague concepts, terminology,
and the lack of adequate instruments for measuring parent-child
relationships and interactions. Additional restrictions of the
theory include--parallel complements
1. failure to deal with the effects of changing family
environments on personality development, especially the
effects of changing parental attitudes;
2. failure to account for differences between the mother's
and father's child-rearing practices.
Roe's classification system has been used in career coun-
seling. This two-dimensional classification of occupations has
been adopted into computer-based approaches for use in the
vocational decision-making process.
Ginzberg' s Theory
Theoretical Framework
The theory of occupational development proposed by Ginzberg
and his associates represents the combined efforts of an
economist, a psychiatrist, a sociologist, and a psychologist
(Ginzberg et al. 1951). The theory is a direct response to the
lack of a theoretical framework in vocational psychology,
although Super (1953) later criticized Ginzberg for ignoring
available theory. The theory is based on cross-sectional studies
of selected groups of individuals and on research into human
resources. The background data for the theory were collected
through nterviews with male students at Horace Mann University
School and Columbia University.
These empirical investigations into the character of events
influencing the process of occupational choice led Ginzberg and
associates to postulate the following broad categories of
variables as being significant in the determination of vocational
choice: (1) emotional factors (e.g., stress (2) individual
values, (3) reality factors (e.g., job requirements, educational
opportunities), and (4) educational influencers. The major ele-
ments of Ginzberg's theory include: process, compromise, irre-
versibility, and stages in the choice process. More specifi-
cally, the theory states that--
1. occupational choice is a developmental process taking
place over a span of about ten years;
2. the process of occupational choice is largely
3. the process of occupational choice ends in a compromise
between interests, capacities, values, and realistic
4. occupational choice can be best characterized by three
periods: (1) the fantasy period, (2) Ole. tentative
period, and (3) the realistic period.
The process of occupational choice is central to Ginzberg's
theory. The theory is based on the principles of developmental
psychology and focuses on developmental stages as aspects of a
lifelong process.
Recently, Ginzberg (1972) has made some modifications in the
theory. Some of the major revisions include the following:
1. The process of vocational choice is more aptly described
by optimization than by compromise
2. The process of vocational choice is lifelong and open-
Empirical support of Ginzberg's theory is mixed. The re-
search of Tiedeman and O'Hara (1963) focusing on the consequences
and sequence of Ginzberg's predicted periods support the stages
of development stipulated by Ginzberg and associates.
Hollender's (1967) study provides support for the idea that
realism increases with age. Small (1953) failed to support the
hypothesized relationship between age and realism. Hollender
(1967) provides inferential support for Ginzber's hypothesis that
vocational choices change from a fantasy base to a realistic
base. Studies by Davis, Hagan, and Strouf (1962) conclude that
the level of the tentative' choice exceeds that of the fantasy
The theory of Ginzberg and associates is an early attempt to
present a developmental theory of occupational choice. The the-
ory describes career behavior in terms of the general concepts of
human development. Ginzberg and associates propose that career
development is a series of predictable, sequential events. The
theory is based on the evolution of increasing self-determination
concomitant with individual realistic attunement to the en-
Empirical studies have tended to support the Ginzberg hypo-
theses regarding vocational development as a process: increased
realism with age, the presence of compromise in occupational
choices, and work role. However, much of the empirical work suf-
fers from methodological problems related to: small and un-
representative samples; the use of selected groups; the lack of
valid and reliable measurements and criteria; the lack of
longitudinal evidence; and failure to control for important
variables such as socioeconomic status, ability, and education.
The theory has been difficult to test, and it has had little de-
velopment since its original formulation. Its greatest con-
tribution may lie in its emphasis on the developmental nature of
career choices at a time when trait-factor theory dominated
career-choice theory and counseling practices.
Sociological Perspective
Theoretical Framework
Background. Sociological interest in occupational choice
grew out of a long tradition of study in social stratification
and in particular, social mobility. Consequently, sociological
work with occupational choice has depended heavily. on status
dimensions of occupations (e.g., prestige, power, wealth, Weber
(1964)). Early theoretical work emphasized broad questions of
structure and function in societal systems and examined the role
of occupational status in society (see, e.g., Sorokin 1927;
Barber 1957; Dahrendorf 1959; Davis and Moore 1945; Lipset and
Bendix 1964; Inkles and Rossi 1956; and Hodge, Treiman, and Rossi
1966). Early empirical work focused on analysis of father-to-son
occupational mobility tables (see, e.g., Kahl 1967; Rogoff 1953;
Jackson and Crockett 1964; Centers 1948; and Blau and Duncan
1967) . The early theory and research did not emphasize study of
individual occupational choices, but it does provide a perspec-
tive that emphasizes the importance of structural factors such as
parental status and the distribution of occupational op-
portunities in restricting individuals' occupational choices.
Two developments led sociologists to embark on an intensive
study of individual occupational choices. First, a large number
of measurement studies were carried out to determine relatively
easy and reliable methods for assigning status scores to oc-
cupational categories (Reiss 1961; Duncan 1961; Hodge, Siegel,
and Rossi 1966; Klatsky and Hodge 1971; Grasmick 1976; Siegel
1971; Treiman 1977; and Featherman and Hauser 1976). Secondly,
the method of path analysis was introduced into stratification
research (Blau and Duncan 1967; and Duncan, Feathetman, and
Duncan 1968). Assigning status scores to occupations permits
useful reduction of a bewildering array of data and fostered use
of multivariate statistical analyses. Path analysis stimulated
introduction of additional variables to help uncovEr the reasons
behind the ubiquitous observation that parents' status affects
the status achieved by their children.
The status attainment process. An intergenerational oc-
cupational mobility table generally consists of a :..:ross-
tabluation between the occupational status achieved by males and
the occupational status of their fathers. Although the variety
of analyses and insights that can be derived from such tables
probably far exceeds what a novitiate might expect (see, e.g.,
Spilerman 1972; Blumen, Kogan, and McCarthy 1955; Goodman 1965;
and Bishop, Fienberg, and Holland 1975), analysis of multi-
variate systems is severely restricted by reliance on Tables.2
The introduction of path analysis by Blau and Duncan (1967) sub-
stantially improved the prospects for studying variables that
intervene between father's occupational status and son's oc-
cupational status, and also made it possible to study more than
one variable in the complex of variables defining the status of
bne's parents. The basic Blau-Duncan path model is shown in
Figure 2.3 It has been extensively elaborated in the past
several years. One of the first major additions to the model was
offered by Sewell, Haller, and Portes (1969) and by Sewell, Hal-
ler, and Ohlendorf (1970). (See also, Duncan, Featherman, and
Duncan 1968.) Sewell and his associates added social psychologi-
cal variables to the model in an effort to further interpret the
relationships between parental status and socioeconomic achieve-
ment; they also included a standardized ability measure as an
"exogenous" variable paralleling parental status. The inter-
vening variables included by Sewell and associates are occupa-
tional status expectation in high school, educational expectation
in high school, a composite significant-other variable, and
school grade-point average.
FIGURE 3. Simplified path diagram of the major hypotheses in the "Wisconsin model."
Williams 1975; 1972; Woelfel and Haller 1971. See, however,
Wilson and Portes 1975.)
In recent years the status attainment viewpoint has been sub-
ject to challenge and reinterpretation. For example, Patrick
Horan (1978) challenges earlier claims that, status attainment
work is devoid of a theoretical perspective (see Coser (1975),
for example). Horan links the status-attainment work to a
"functionalist" view of social systems in which allocation of
people into occupational roles is carried out in a manner insur-
ing that the most capable people fill the most important roles
(see Davis and Moore 1945). This is a conservative view of Amer-
ican social structure. Bowles and Gintis challenge the role of
education implied by the status attainment model (Bowles and
Gintis 1975; 1973; Bowles 1971). In the status attainment model,
it is implied, but not explicit as in human capital theory, that
education generates competence and thereby allocates capable
individuals into important occupational roles. Bowles and
Gintis, on the other hand, argue that the educational structure
certifies rather than trains, and that much of the training that
does occur is training to obey authoritarian figures in an auto-
cratic bureaucracy. Such "training" stands in sharp contrast to
the traditional view of training for technical competence.
While the Wisconsin model and associated empirical research
have contributed toward understanding occupational mobility
processes, much work remains. First, the causal ordering among
the major variables in the Wisconsin Model is open to debate (see
Nolle 1973; Curry et al. 1976; Hout and Morgan 1975; and Williams
1975). For example, although the model postulates that signific-
ant others affect young people's career expectations, it is at
least possible that significant others' educatiOnal and occupa-
tional expectations of students may be affected by the educa-
tional and occupational expectations communicated to them by the
students. Appropriate longitudinal data and simultaneous
equation methods need to be used to test such possibilities.
Secondly, the models should be submitted to dynamic tests in
which the accuracy of predictions are tested with observations-on
the dependent variables that have not been used to estimate the
prediction equations. Thirdly, the detailed theory rationalizing
the impact of significant others on educational and occupational
expectations of youth has not been adequately tested (see,
Woelfel and Haller 1971; Haller and Woelfel with Fink 1968). Fin-
ally, the model does not adequately account for uncertainty of
career expectations that is hypothesized in the psychological
literature (e.g., Super 1957; 1963) and in some sociological
writing (e.g., Miller and Form 1951; Slocum, 1966).
Theory underlying the sociological perspective is not as ex-
tensively developed as psychologically oriented theories such as
Super (1957), Holland (1959), Roe (1956), or Ginzberg and as-
sociates (1951). The concepts are not as fully developed as
economic concepts such as present value, internal rate of return,
and indifference curves. On the other hand, the Wisconsin model
contains important substantive ideas that have generated
extensive empirical analysis. Further, the general form of the
path model is such that it can be readily expanded to include
psychological and economic perspectives.
Economic Prespective
Theoretical Framework
Occupational choice has not been the subject of intensive
study by economists. AVailable work is based on economic theory
of nonoccupational choices, modified for application to oc-
cupational choices. Economic theory of individual occupational
choices falls in two classes: theories drawn from the concept of
human-capital and theories based on utility maximization.4 The
following review briefly summarizes these two approaches.
Thinking about individual's productive skills, talents, and
knowledge as a form of capital has led economists to modify
theory designed for physical capital for application to human
capital. The basic orientation is to treat expenditures and
foregone earnings associated with education, on-the-job training,
health, migration, and labor-market information as investments- -
investments in human capital. This orientation has stimulated a
massive outpouring of theory and research designedto assess the
social and individual returns to investments in training and
education (see e.g., Hansen 1970; 1963; Griliches and Mason 1972;
Bowlby and Schriver 1973; McMahon 1974; Freeman 1971; Becker
1964; Mincer 1974; Taubman and Wales 1974; Taubman 1976; and
Ribich and Murphy 1975). types of human capital have been
studied to a lesser extent, e.g., returns to labor market
information (Parnes and Cohen 1975; and Stigl,tr 1962), migration
(Yezer and Thurston 1976), and occupation (Carol and Parry
1968; and Wilkenson 1966).
One's occupation is an important link between training and
earnings. One trains for an occupation and receives earnings for
services performed in an occupational role. Thus, selection of
an occupation implies varying degrees of investment in human
capital and affects the returns that one receives on the invest-
ment.. The returns to investment in human capital are con-
deptualized as the lifetime, discounted earnings. This term re-
fers to the earnings stream over one's working life adjusted to
account for the fact that money received in the future is not as
desirable as the same amount received immediately.
Utility Maximization. The economic concept of utility is de-
fined as the degree of satisfaction derived from products,
services, or activities. Utility is viewed as a function of the
quantity of factors such as goods, services, income, or
activities. The important aspect of a utility function is that
it accurately orders an individual's preferences between
different combinations of goods, services, and/or activities
(Ferguson and Gould 1975; Henderson and Quandt 1958).5
,maximize u = f(x,y) (utility function)
subject to I = pxx + Pyy (income constraint)
x,y > 0 (nonnegative quantity of
Compared to broad schema such as that proposed by Super, ec-
onomic theory of occupational choice is highly focused. The high
degree of focus is responsible for both shortcomings and
advantages of the economic approach. The shortcomings stem from
the grouping of nonmonetary variables into an amorphous.set,
"nonpecuniary income." While this strategy does explicitly ac-
count for the influence of nonmonetary factors, it gives little
insight into the manner in which divergent, nonmonetary variables
operate (see Lucas [1977] for an exception, however). On the
other hand, the nal:row focus promotes formalized theory con-
struction, and, in principal, should foster careful empirical
work. In practice, however; direct empirical tests are difficult
to execute, because of the impossibility of deriving measures of
utility that can be compared between individuals and the practi-
cal obstacles to collecting lifetime discounted earnings of
individuals, as required by human capital theory.
In spite of limitations of economic theories of occupational
choice, the economic approach presents an articulate viewpoint
that scholars of career decisions can ill afford to ignore.
First, utility theory proposes a structure on the psychological
processes of individual decision making. The claim is that
individuals are able to act in a rational way to achieve desired
ends--few economists would claim that individuals always act
rationally, but the presumption is that people are able to ap-
proximate rational behavior closely enough to make the theory
viable. Secondly, human capital theory emphasizes the connection
between occupational choices and investments in factors such as
schooling, training, medical care, and migration.
The main variable influencing individuals' decisions to inv-
est in their own human capital is lifetime discounted income.
This latter variable is unique to economists; sociologists inter-
ested in income attainments would do well to learn and apply the
logic of discounted earnings streams to their analyses. Mincer
(1974), for example, develops an economic model of the dis-
tribution of cross-sectional earnings; the concept of lifetime
discounted earnings plays a pivotol role in the theoretical an-
alysis. Regression analysis testing several variations of the
model reveal over fifty percent of the variance in the log of in-
come can be l'explained" by simple functional combinations of age
and schooling. In contrast; Sewell and Hauser (1975) explain ab-
out eight percent of the variance in income (not the log of in-
come) using a sociological model with several independent
'variables. Thirdly, economic work presents rich examples of
ingenious applicatioi'i of a set of technical tools to the sub-
stance of occupatrdnal choice.
In addition, economists have used human capital theory to de-
rive a number of general implications of interest, (see especial-
ly Becker 1964; and Mincer 1974). For example, human capital
theory can be used to derive the expectation that income dis-
tributions are skewed; that age-income distributions are flat for
low-trained people and concave downward for highly trained
people; that young people are more likely to invest in education
and training and more likely to migrate than older people; and
that people with more talent invest more in education and train-
ing. As Becker notes, this is a wide variety of expectations to
derive from a single theory, and all of the implications hold
roughly in observations.
The basis for the expectation that younger persons invest
more in education and training than do older people may be of
interest to those who use occupational-choice theory in
vocational counseling. The reasoning is that for a given rate of
return, the present value of an investment for young people is
higher than for older people because youth have a longer working
life remaining to collect the returns on their investment. This
reasoning may lead vocational counselors to reconsider the-
implications of recommending that people psychologically prepare
themselves for several occupational shifts and associated re-
training throughout their lives. By the time one is forty or
fifty years old, the time and money spent on.retraining may not
be a good investment in-the economic sense, because tdd,few work-
ing years remain in which to collect the returns on the
investment. This does not mean, of course, that midcareer job
shifts are always unwise, only that economic considerations are
less likely to favor job shifts as one grows older and as train-
ing level increases. This comment is particularly pertinent for
developing much needed vocational counseling services for adults.
Theorectical Framework
Background. There is a class of theories of occupational
choice that are a specific application of general behavior
theory. The model of human behavior postulated by general
behavior theory, grossly oversimplified; can be depicted as shown
in Figure 4.
Input Output
Processing (Behavior)
Information (Organitr-'
(Stimuli) (Decision)
Each of these two types of theories has its counterparts in
the area of occupational choice. In this section, the informa-
tion processing theories will be summarized, and the learning
theories will be summarized in the next section. The two types
of theories are complementary, each focusing on a different
aspect of the problem.
The information processing theories applied to occupational
choice are themselves of two types. Decision theories are con-
cerned with the global process of decision making based on the
expected consequences of alternative decisions. Logic-flow
theories are concerned with the sequence of steps that
individuals go through in arriving at a decision.
Vroom's expectancy theory. The most highly developed of the
decision theories is Vroom's (1964) Expectancy Theory. Vroom
postulates that for every decision that an individual might make,
she/he expects certain consequences, or outcomes, to result.
These outcomes may be desirable or undesirable to some degree.
The extent to which an expected outcome is considered desirable
or undesirable is said to be its valence. The outcome may be de -.
sirable or undesirable for its own sake, or because it is viewed
as instrumental in obtaining some other outcome. The valence of
any given outcome is seen by Vroom to be a monotonically
function f4 of the algebraic sum of the products of the
valences of all related outcomes multiplied by the perceived
instrumentally of the given outcome for obtaining the related
outcomes. Vroom expresses this in mathematical notation as
V = f. [E Vk Ijk[ -(j.= n)
Iii = 0
Vj = the valence of outcome j
Ijk = the cognized instrumentality of outcome k for
attaining outcome j
(-1 <, Ijk < 1)
their expectancies. Specifically, the force of a particular act
is a monotonically increasing function gi of the algebraic sum
of the products of all associated outcomes multiplied by their
expectancies. This is expressed mathematically as
Fi = gi [E (EijVj) ] i = n+1, m)
literature, Vroom cites a large number of studies that he claims
are supportive (Vroom 1964). Mitchell and Beach (1974) have
reviewed the evidence bearing on Vroom's and other expectancy
Kaldor and Zytowski's maximizing model. The Kaldor-Zytowski
Maximizing Model is similar to Vroom's theory in that it assumes
that an individual will choose the occupation with the highest
valence given that the expectancies (subjective probability of
attainment) are equal (Kaldor and Zytowski 1969). They use the
occupational utility function instead of valence, and express
these functions, not as equations, but as curves plotted in n
space, where n is equal to the number of variables considered in
deter mining the utility of an occupation. Each curve represents
various combinations of the several variables having the same
level of total utility. Points on the curve represent specific
occupations. All occupations located on the same curve have the
same occupational utility, but not the same combination of values
on each variable. Consider a person trying to decide among
several occupations. For the sake of simplicity, assume that
only two variables are involved: average pay and social status.
Figure 5 represents some possible occupational utility functions.
High School
Social Status
either plumber or electrician. It has more socil status than
either, but the low pay is not sufficient to comrensate.
It is assumed that, other things being equal, a person will
choose the occupations with the highest utility. How a person
decides between two occupations with equal utility is not
mentioned. Kaldor and Zytowski also introduce the notion of
resources, which includes both money and psychological charac-
teristics that the individual can invest in an occupation. The
resources, available to a person act as a limitirg factor on his
choice of occupations; e.g., he couldn't be a ph3sician if he
didn't have the money or ability to get into medical school.
The only evidence known to the authors that )ears specifi-
cally on the Kaldor-Zytowski model, is a study bt Kaldor and
others which is generally supportive (Kaldor, EL ridge, Bardinal,
and Arthur 1962).
Other decision models. A variant of the expentancy models
are the policy capturing models (Mitchell and Beach 1975). These
models do not try to predit what choices a perscn will make, but
to determine what information he/she uses to male a choice. The
regression model uses linear regression or anal3sis Of variance
to make this determination (Mitchell and Beach :975; Hoffman
1960; Cohn 1968; Hays 1963).
an excessively large discrepancy between reality and the image,
cognitive disonnance results (Festinger 1957), which the
individual feels as discomfort, thus motivating him/her to take
action (operate) to reduce the disonnance. Moderate degrees of
discrepancy create interest and are felt as pleasurable; too lit-
tle discrepancy creates boredom, and the individual is motivated
to increase the discrepancy. The action taken may operate on
reality, ("Harvard rejected me; I'll appeal to the The Board of
Trustees"), or it may operate on the image, ("I haven't been
rejected irrevocably; I'll be reconsidered next year"), or
directly on the negative affect ("I think I'll get drunk"). The
individual continues to iterate through successive test-operate
sequences until a test indicates that the dissonnance is reduced,
at which point the sequence of behavior stops (exits). The suc-
cessful behavior, and knowledge .of-its-success, is. stored in the
image; thus, new behavior may have been learned and/or the
efficacy of old behavior confirmed or disconfirmed. In either
event, learning has taken place. The process is diagrammed in
Figure 6.
Hilton's stored premises correspond to the TOTE model's im-
age;.his accept tentative plan corresponds to exit; all the
boxes, except test dissonance, are elements of the TOTE model's
The occupational decision-making process is initiated by
input from the environment which raises cognitive dissonance
above a threshold of tolerance., For example, a high school
student's parents might tell him/her it is time to dedide what
he/she wants to be, or he/she may have to choose between a
vocational or college-preparatory program. The individual may
either make a tentative change in his/her premises, or make a
tentative occupational decision, or both. When the test of the
tentative decision or change results in reduced dissonance, the
change or decision is accepted. As long as dissonance remains
high, he/she continues to search for new alternatives.
I I below Deoideoto
Store threshold accept tentative
premises plan and/or
Test adjust premises
If *bow
Input from environment threshold
TenUtmwemlmorplens premises and/o
create new
Change It premises chehgeebIll.
or add It prumiws
premises not duns
Select occupational
tentative alternatives
Storage of roles I
perceived as
Nonithrlerred .
3. As the range of alternatives becomes narrower, the
individual becomes more focused on a given course through
one or more of the following causes:
a. positive choice
b. adaptation to existing conditions
c. ignorance of other possibilities
d. inability to shift to other alternatives
Amp of
Choke made
Rance of chokes
Learning Theories
Theoretical Framework
Background. Learning theories are those behavior theories
primarily concerned with relationships between input and output.
In traditional learning theories, classical conditioning and
operant conditioning, this emphasis is quite strict, the
information-processing component being ignored. (Pavlov 1927;
Hull 1943; 'Guthrie 1952; and Skinner 1938). These have been
characterized as stimulus-organism-response (S-O-R) theories.
behavior.. For example, Roger, a seventeen year old white, male,
high school student, is a good writer and a poor athlete. Based
on his observations of his writing ability and his knowledge of
American history, he concludes that he could never be as great a
writer as Thomas Jefferson. A second category of consequenceS
are task approach skills (TASs), which are defined in the prev-
ious paragraph. For example, Roger, from his observation that he
is a good writer and bad athlete, considers going to law school.
He speculates on the possibility of success in law school and de-
cides to seek more information. A third category of consequences
are overt behaviors or actions. The particular kind of action
the theory is concerned with are entry behaviors, or overt steps
in a career progression.
All of a person's learning experiences and the consequences
thereof combine to produce the occupational decisions. "It is
the sequential cumulative effects of numerous learning ex-
periences affected by various environmental circumstances and the
individual's cognitive and emotional reaction to these learning
experiences and circumstances that cause a person to make de-
cisions to enroll in a certain educational program or become em-,_
ployed in a particular occupation" (Krumboltz et al. 1976).
A series of theoretical propositions and illustrative hypo-
theses concerning the effects of positive and negative influences
on performances, career decisionmaking skills, and entry be-
haviors is presented. These are essentially a restatement of re-
inforcement principles in a social-learning context.
There appear to be no studies intended as a direct test of
the theory, but a large number that provide indirect evidence.
Kr6mboltz provides a list of eighty studies that he claims
provide support for the theory. In addition, there are ninety-
five data banks available which contain data bearing on the
theory and which Krumboltz believes might provide evidence if sub-
jected to secondary analyses.
Providing operational definitions could be a serious problem.
The theory relies heavily on historical reinforcement experiences
and complex interactions between them to explain career decision
making at the current time. Obtaining historical self-report
data from subjects is likely to produce only crude information.
If experimental research is considered, some variables might be
operationally defined and manipulated, but it is difficult to see
how a large number of influences could be controlled over a long
enough period of time to produce the necessary "sequential
cumulative effects" that the theory demands. ---
A theory such as social learning theory that attempts to be
sufficiently comprehensive to explain complex, real-life
phenomena also makes any direct test tf its propositions dif-
. ficult. Support for the'theory will most likely have to come
from a gradual convergence of diverse evidence, no single bit of
which will be very compelling by itself.
Trait-Factor Theory
Theoretical Framework
Trait-factor .theory is the oldest of all theoretical
viewpoints related to vocational choice. Explicitly, it is
theory or vocational guidance, not choice; that is, it is theory
about what careers people ought to choose, rather than what they
do choose or how they choose it. A theory of vocational choice
is, however, implied by its basic tenets;
Trait-factor theory is based on the piychology of individual
differences. It has four basic propositions:
1. Individuals differ along a variety of dimensions
(traits, factors), such as various aptitudes,. abilities,
interests, and personality dimensions. A person
possesses these traits in some quantity that can be
measured by some suitable assessment instrument.
2. Occupations differ along a variety of job requirement
dimensions that can also be measured.
3. People will be most successful and satisfied when the
requirements of the career they choose properly match
their particular combination of traits.
4. People tend to gravitate toward those occupations for
which their particular combination of traits makes them
most suitable, although sometimes mistakes are made
because of environmental pressures or faulty information
about occupational requirements ,(Crites 1969; Williamson
1968; Katz 1963).
This chapter has defined the scope of the study and presented
a review of several theoretical perspectives relating to oc-
cupational choice. The survey of theoretical perspectives
provides the reader a convenient summary of alternative
viewpoints; it also is the basis for selecting a small set of
theories for intensive review in succeeding chapters.
Five theoretical orientations are selected for detailed
evaluation in chapters two through six. These are as follows:
Super's self-concept and career development work
Holland's personality trait theory
Status attainment theory
Economic theory of individual labor supply decisions
Decision Theory (Vroom and related material)
These selections represent a wide cross section of current
work dealing with occupational choice. Super's and Holland's
work represent contrasting viewpoints within vocational psycho-
logy and comprise two of the best known theoretical perspectives
within vocational psychology. The status attainment research re-
flects contemporary sociological work on occupational mobility.
Theory of individual labor supply decisions is based on micro-
economic theory involving the relationships among price, income,
and occupational choice. Finally, decision theory illustra'tes
psychological thought outside of vocational psychology. Although
this area is probably least thoroughly developed with specific
reference to occupational choice, it does present psychological
thought on the general process of choice irrespective of the
object of choice.
Super's work is selected because of its wide influence in
changing the orientation of-vocational study from trait-and-
factor approach to emphasis on developmental aspects of career'
encompassing self-concept. The influence of these ideas is too
widespread to be ignored. Further, certain aspects of Super's
theorectical viewpoint have stimulated empirical work,
particularly self-concept theory and vocational maturity.
The work of Holland is examined because it has stimulated a
substantial amount of empirical study and has been widely
influencial-in vocational psychology.
Status attainment theory is included because i_ t contains a
massive amount of empirical work and combines the traditional
sociological viewpoint--that factors such as social class influ-
ence occupational choice--with a social Psychological view--that
interpersonal relationships strongly influence occupational de-
cisions. Additionally, the theory is relatively easy to oper-
ationalize and is expressed in precise language of path analysis.
Although economic work has not led to very much empirical
work regarding individual occupational choice, it presents a
unique point of view that is expressed in a way to encourage
formal theory building. Economists use theory about individual
labor supply decisions mostly to derive results for other
variables of more interest in economic study, such as earnings
functions and aggregate-supply behavior.
Finally, although only a small quantity of occupational
choice theory has been based on decision theory, it states an ex-
plicit hypothesis about how choices are made and does it with
enough precision to encourage further work.
The work in the next five chapters presents highly critical
analyses of the five selected theories. These analyses serve two
functions. First, each chapter is a relatively self-contained
critique of one theorectical viewpoint. These critiques are
intended to stimulate constructive re-evaluation of each theory.
Secondly, in the final chapter the detailed evaluations in
earlier chapters are considered a sampling of available
occupational-choice theory and tentative generalizations are
drawn regarding the need for further theory and research.
produce and distribute occupational information. Instruments
such as the General Aptitude Test Battery (GATB), Differential
Aptitudes Tests (DAT), and the Flanagan Classification Tests
(FACT) reflect efforts to measure aptitudes. General intelligence
tests such as the Wechsler or Stanford-Binet are also used.
Personality tests include the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality
Inventory (MMPI), the Ruder Preference Record, and the Edwards
Personal Preference Schedule (EPPS). Interest inventories have
also played an important role. Examples include the Strong
Vocational Interest Blank (SVIB), the Minnesota Vocational
Interest Survey, and the Strong-Campbell Interest Inventory.
Descriptive analySis of occupations has been even more ex-
tensive than the measurement work regarding individual traits.
The fourth edition of the Dictionary of Occupational Titles
(DOT), was published recently by the Department of Labor. The
DOT contains information on industry, status group, worker
function (data, people, things), etc. for 20,000 job titles. The
Occupational Outlook Handbook is updated every two years by the
federal government and contains information concerning jobs such
as earnings, working conditions, training requirements, and em-
ployment outlook. In addition, private scholars have invested
substantial time in occupatipnal description (see,
McCormick, Cunningham, and Gordon 1967; Holland et al. 1970; Hol-
land et al. 1969; Roe 1956; Roe and Siegelman 1964; Hoppock 1967;
and Shartle 1959).
In the past two decades, negative evaluations of the matching
people-and-jobs viewpoint have multiplied. One of the earliest
critiques indicated that trait-factor theory fails to account
adequately for the dynamic aspects of vocational choices (e.g.,
Ginzberg et al. 1951; 1957; 1972; Super and Bachrach 1957. The
essential point is that testing procedures and counseling methods
associated with the trait-factor approach foster the impression
that occupational choices are made over a short interval of time
and are based on enduring personal traits and job features. In
contrast, developmental theorists such as Super continue to argue
that vocational development is an ongoing process that continues
throughout one's life span.
Although Super reacted strongly against the static conception
of occupational choice which dominated vocational psychology and
vocational counseling at the time of his early writing, he was
heavily influenced by the trait-factor approach: "How can people
select jobs that match their personal characteristics in such a
way that vocational adjustment is optimum?" Super claims that
this match occurs over an extended period and describes a frame-
work by which the matching process can be studied. In contrast,
much of counseling practice prior to the 1950s did not recognize
the extended process required to effect a proper match.
Theoretical Perspective
The breadth of Super's eclecticism is reflected in a set of
ten propositions set forth in an early paper. Although these
propositions are 'often quoted, they bear repeating here for two
reasons. First, they give an excellent overview of Super's
viewpoint. Secondly, they forecast most of the important themes
contained in his later writing. These propositions are as follows:
writings about the dynamics of-vocational development and about
the role of self-concept in vocatinal decisions; hence, the
discussions of .-the
remainder of this section, is subdivided into
dynamics of vocational development and of self-concept.
quantitative methodology might include careful conceptualization
to assure the model reflects the theory and predictive tests over
relatively short segments of an entire career.2
Life Stages
The concept of vocational life stage is fundamental to the
vocational development perspective of Super. A vocational life
stage is a segment of one's lifespan during which certain tasks
typically are accomplished. Successful accomplishment of tasks in
one stage is important to success in later stages (Super 1954;
1957; 1963c; 1964; Super et al. 1957; Super and Overstreet 1960).
Drawing on the work of Charlotte Buehler and others, Super and
his associates propose five life stages. An overview of these
stages is given in the following excerpt taken from the first
monograph in the Longitudinal Career Pattern Study directed by
TRANSITION (18-21). Reality considerations are given
more weight as the youth enters labor market or
professional training and attempts to implement a
The life stage concept might contribute to scientific
understanding of careers without empirical classification of
individuals into life stages, if the concept can be used in the
derivation of hypotheses that do not require measurement of life
stages for their testing. This typeof application of life
stages, nevertheless, demands clear conceptualization of what
separates one life stage from another, even if operational
separation is not required. The conceptual distinctions between
life stages offered by Super and his associates do not seem
adequate to this task.
preference. Similarly, whether the occupational attainment vari-
able is measured during stabilization or consolidation is proba-
bly important. Predickive accuracy is likely to be higher if at-
tainment is measured after consolidation than if it is measured
during stabilization, since job shifts are more frequent during
the early period. The sociological work needs a model that ac-
commodates these distinctions. While Super's work does not sup-
ply such a model, it does provide a description that can be used
for developing such a model. The problem with adapting the tasks
for use in a model is that the tasks are defined only in broad
terms. For example, how does one distinguish between crystal-
lization and specification, or are these two points on a single
continuum? Similarly, what are the distinguishing features of
stabilization as opposed to consolidation?
Vocational Maturity
Nowhere is Super's tie to vocational counseling more promin-
ent than in his work on vocational maturity. The motivating
factor in this work is to identify ways to help in the counseling
process (e.g., Super 1974: 9). There are two ways in which as-
sessment of vocational maturity may enter into counseling.
First, measurement of degree of maturity can indicate whether an
individual or group is ready to benefit from, say, vocational ex-
ploration or vocational training. Secondly, manipulation of
maturity may help, to improve vocational adjustment in later life.
This point is, perhaps, implicit in Super's writing, but is quite
explicitly stated by one of Super's students (Crites 1974: 31).
vocational choices, and amount of occupational
52 \,
of the peer groups, thus making it a developmental rather
than an outcome construct. The degree of maturity attained
by an individual determines, in part, his adjustment, for
adjustment requires an appropriately developed behavioral
repertoire for satisfactory outcomes;' at the same time,
adjustment is a determinant of maturity, for adjustments made
in the past facilitate or impede the development of new modes
of behavior appropriate to new life stages (Super 1974: 11).
Assuming that such a program had been carried out, and that
it had been discovered that occupational information, for ex-
ample, is positively and monotonically related to adjustment,
after controlling for factors such as intelligence, parental
status, school grades, etc., then one might argue that research
supports expenditure of resources" to increase occupational
information. Of course, many would argue on the basis of common
sense that it is desirable to increase occupational information
(the present writers among them).4 The point is, however, that
scaling methods such as factor analysis and reliability tests, as
used in the construction of vocational maturity scales have lit-
tle bearing on determination of the causes of adjustment; thus,
it is difficult to justify using vocational maturity scales, so
constructed, as diagnostic tools in vocational counseling aimed-
at promoting vocational adjustment.
This argument regarding the application of vocational matur-
ity scales to counseling- practice has a definite bearing on the-
oretical work. Super's writings about the dimensions of
vocational maturity, for example, may be viewed as a fruitful
source of ideas about the determinants of adjustmenti and these
ideas can be written into structural equations expressing the
hypotheses. Consider the remarks about independence of work ex-
perience of teenagers offered by Super and his associates in the
first Career Pattern Study monograph (Super et al. 1957: 62). Ac-
cording to this argument, independence of work experience is one
aspect of "crystallization of traits." Independence of work ex-
perience, itself, consists of several dimensions; these are: (a)
degree of initiative displayed in obtaining work, (b) whether one
works for family, friends, or strangers, (c) closeness of super-
vision on the job, (d) complexity of work tasks, and (e) duration
and number of jobs. Independence of work experience is inaicated
by personal initiative in obtaining work, working for strangers
rather than family or friends, lack of close supervision on the
job, high task complexity, and long duration of work. By
implication, all of these dimensions of independence affect
vocational adjustment in later life.
To illustrate how Super's comments on vocational maturity may
be built into a structural-equation model, a highly simplified
example involving independence of adolescent work experience as
one independent variable and vocational- satisfaction as the chief
dependent variable is presented. For the ,sake of simplicity,
independence of work experience is treated as a single variable;
it is assumed that a scale has been constructed from the five
dimensions summarized in the preceding paragraph. This may or
may not be advisable in a-bona fide research setting.
Before proceeding with the model, it is necessary to discuss
briefly the concept of satisfaction. There are a minimum of two
ways to define vocational satisfaction with respect to a
particular occupational dimension such as status, earnings, or
self-direction on the job (on the last concept, see, e.g., Kohn
1977; Kohn and Schooler 1978). One way is to ask each respondent
straight away, "How satisfied are you with (for example) the
prestige your job gives you in the community?" A second method
is to define satisfaction as the algebraic difference between
aspiration and achievement. In this definition, aspiration re-
fers to a goal that one hopes to obtain, and achievement refers
to a past accomplishment. Although these terms often.connotate
occupational status, no such limiting connotation-is intended
here. In Super's work, satisfaction may refer to the discrepancy
between a goal and a subjective experience--to the difference be-
tween one's self-concept and one's view of work. The terms
aspiration and attainment as used here are general enough to ac-
commodate Super's viewpoint. -
status (SES) scores are routinely assigned to occupations, the
present illustration is, perhaps, more pleasing if a measure of
self-direction on the job is assigned to each occupation, since
the chief independent variable is independence of adolescent work
experience. Rough indicators of self-direction have recently
been developed for the detailed census occupational categories,
so this exercise is not as academic as it once might have been
(Temme 1975).
(lc) ATT = co + c1F0 + c2IQ + b3SCH + b4IND + u3
SAT = satisfaction with the degree of self-direction on
operational definition of satisfaction is given as a difference
measure or as coded responses to a question inquiring directly
about satisfaction, since responses to such "satisfaction"
questions probably are based on respondents' perceptions about
discrepancies between desired and achieved outcomes.6
Any variable ex-
A useful insight is gained from this analysis.
hibiting a strong influence on satisfaction is likely _to affect
aspiration and attainment in opposite directions. Such a vari-
able is difficult to conceive; alteration of the model may be
more productive.
The discussion of vocational maturity has been quite lengthy
because of the conceptual confusion which, in the present
authors' view, surrounds the idea, not only in Super's writings
but in related publications. A brief summary of the argument
presented in the preceding pages follows. First, the definition
discussions define it
of vocational maturity is ambiguous, some
as a point along a continuum of vocational development; otherthat
discussions come close to identifying maturity with factors
much of
affect vocational adjustment. The implications of
Super's work seem to be that the primary reason for interest in
maturity stems from the second conceptualization. Secondly, if
maturity is closely associated defined by, variables
should rely
that influence adjustment, then study of maturity
and effect re-
more on methodologies designed to study cause
lationships (such _as path analysis) and less on the construction
consistency evalua-
of vocational maturity scales using internal Super's work on
tion criteria. Finally, it was observed that
vocational maturity, despite the conceptual difficulties, may
serve as a source of hypotheses regarding factors that generate
vocational satisfaction, and an example of a path model drawing
on Super's writing was presented. The example points out
care that must be taken in constructing and interpreting models
of vocational satisfaction (satisfaction taken as an element of
Satisfaction is probably the difference between at-
adjustment). into models
tainment and aspiration; this fact must be built
involving satisfaction.
Vocational Adjustment.
The concept of vocational adjustment was encountered in the
previous subsection; in this subsection its meaning is examined
In more detail..Although vocational adjustment is a general con-
struct referring to the ultimate dependent variables in Super's
thinking, it has not been the subject of the same amount of em-
pirical investigation associated with vocational maturity. The
last monograph in the Career Pattern Study series (Super,
Kowalski, and Gotkin 1967) investigates numerous career behaviors
at age twenty-five, including several variables conceptually
close to vocational adjustment, but the investigation does not
follow very closely earlier conceptual discussions by Super and
his coworkers.
arbitrarily defined. to include both success and satisfaction, it
seems inadvisable. to do so. First, since success and satisfac-
tion are sufficiently complicated concepts, it appears that there
is little to be gained by grouping them further into a larger
category. Secondly, grouping them together probably tends to r
discourage careful reasoning about the causal relationships be-
tween them. As argued in the preceding subsection, it may prove
useful to define satisfaction as the discrepancy between at-
tainment (degree of success) and aspiration. Super and as-
sociates claim that success has a causal impact on satisfaction.
If, however, satisfaction is, in part, defined by success, then
the causal argument must be made with great care.
In conclusion, it is difficult to determine what the discus-
sions of adjustment add beyond the concepts of satisfaction and
success. If the distinction between vocational adjustment and
vocational satisfaction and success cannot be drawn clearly, then
it seems advisable to drop the term adjustment and concentrate on
clear conceptualization of satisfaction and success.
Emphasis on the importance of self-concept in vocational
psychology probably is associated with Super more than with any
other, individual. Paradoxically, however, Super's theoretical
work gives at least as much attention to other ideas as to self-
concept, and the empirical work in the career pattern study does
not address the effect of self-concept on career decisions. Until
1963; work on self-concept theory was relatively diffuse. With
the publication of Career Development: Self Concept Theory (Super
et al. 1963), however,,the theory became considerably more de-
tailed; but much work remains before the role of self-concept in
vocational choices is thoroughly understood.
Before proceeding, it is useful to identify Super's de-
finition of self-concept. He views self-concept as descriptions a
person believes characterize him/her as an individual. This
-definition is contrasted by Super (1963b) to definitions such as
those used by Tiedman that refer to evaluations of oneself.
Self-evaluations comprise self-esteem; whereas, self-descriptions
define self-concept.
The underlying theme in the self-concept theory is that
agreement between self-concept and the demands of work roles
promotes vocational adjustment. This point is quite explicit in
the following passage taken from Super's text:
Underlying all of these definitions of vocational
satisfaction...lies the proposition that vocational
adjustment is a function of the degree to which an
individual is able to implement his self-concept,
to play the kind of role he wants to play, to
meet his important needs in his work and career. This
means self-realization (Super 1957: 300).7
:Although it is difficult to identify specific propositions
with Super's theorectical discussions, for purposes of this
monograph an effort to draw specific hypotheses about the
influence of self-concept on occupational-choice variables
appears worthwhile. From several sources it is possible to infer
the following hypotheses (e.g., Super 1957; 1963a; 1972; Super et
al. 1957);
1. There issa_close correspondence between the
characteristics of the occupation selected as a goal and
the characteristics of one's self-concept
(;translation ").
dynamics of occupational choice than he generally is credited
for, the vocational development movement probably represents a
response to mid century guidance practices more than to Parsons.
Super's text (1957) devotes one chapter to the interplay
(feedback) between vocational behavior and self-concept at each
stage in the life cycle. The idea of feedback is succinctly
summarized by Super and his coauthors in the first Career Pattern
Study text: "The self-concept is not only in part a product of
social roles but also seems to be a major determinant of
occupational role taking, that is,_ of occupational choice (Super
et al: 1957: 47-48).
The.second major difference between the hypothesis of
self-concept implementation and trait-factor approach is
implicit. Super implies more emotional content in selecting an
occupation thah is implied by trait-and-factor counseling. This
point is succinctly expressed in a paper by Morrison:
This process of matching self and occupational role is seen
by Super to be central to goal setting and decision making at
various choice points presented by the educational and
prevocational environment of the individual. In contrast,
the traditional test-oriented approach to vocational
counseling assumed a much more rational decision making
process and failed to incorporate emotional and unconscious
elements in motivation (Morrison 1962: 255).
This type of implication in. Super's writing suggests that he may
be more interested in self-esteem than his emphasis on self-
concept as self-description rather than self-evaluation might
lead one to believe.
In addition to the discussions of relationships between
self-concept and vocational behavior, Super (1963b) proposes an
elaborate conceptualization of self-concept and related terms;
this discussion is intended to promote development of operational
measures of self-concept. Distinctions are drawn between several
types of beliefs about oneself. Self-percept refers to an
individual's observations regarding simple facts or
characterizations of himself/herself. Self-concept refers to
self-percepts that have "...acquired meaning and which have been
related to other self-percepts" (Super 1963b: 18).
The self-concept system is comprised of several
self- concepts; it is "...general and inclusive, the self-concept
more specific and limited" (Super 1963b: 18). The
vocational-self-concept is "...the constellation of self
attributes which the individual considers vocationally
relevant..."(Super 1963b: 19).
The precise distinction between self-percept, self-concept,
and self-concept system is unclear. Distinguishing self-percepts
having "meaning" from those without "meaning" seems difficult.
Further, the reader `is not informed_about how or to what extent
self-percepts must be related before they become self-concepts.
Similar difficulties arise regarding distinctions in which
self-concept system is one element in the pair being compared.
In addition to ambiguities regarding the definitions of these
terms, no clear hypotheses are advanced suggesting how the terms
are useful in theory and research in which vocational outcomes
are the dependent variables.
A set of "metadimensions" of self-concept and self-concept
system is proposed.- A metadimension is a variable describing --
some feature of another variable. For example, a variable may be
defined by the dichotomy--belief in a deity vs. belief that no
deity exists. ..A metadimension in this instance is illustrated by
degree of emotional attachment to the belief regarding the
existence of a deity. Super sketches a large number of
metadimensions, but complete catalogue of these seems unnecessary
here, An example of a metadimension of self-concept is
certainty; it refers to the confidence in the accuracy of a given
self-concept. The term regnancy exemplifies the metadimensions
of self-concept system. Regnancy indicates the degree of
emotional investment one has in a self-concept (system).8
Brief commentary regarding possible methods of operationally
defining each metadimension is offered by Super, and suggestive
ideas about the effect of the metadimension on vocational
variables are made. The exposition is in such general terms,
however, that much work remains to be done before the
metadimensions are likely to be useful in research. For example,
concerning the metadimension "clarity," Super suggests the
following hypotheses:
Clarity of the self concept is a metadimension which may be
expected to increase with age and to be related to intel-
ligence and adjustment, but these relationships are still to
be ascertained (Super 1963b: 26).
Suggestions for operationalizing clarity are stated in similarly
broad terms; for example,
It may be possible to analyze this type of interview
material [regarding respondents'. self-concepts),
and to devise measures of-self-concept based on the
specificity. or sharpness of definition of adjectives
volunteered in self descriptions, or on the
ease with which they are produced by the subject, as
indicated by some such measure as the ratio of self-
descriptive terms to other subject words or to
-interviewer words (`?-ver 1963b: 26).
Empirical Research
maturity items, as selected, and the career-outcome measures at
age twenty-five. Four classes of vocational outcome measures are
used: (a) career development scales, (b) type of vocational cop-
ing behavior, (c) demographic variables regarding employment his-
tory and education, and (d) characteristics of respondent's oc-
cupation. Career development scales include measures of judges'
ratings about features of job shifts such as whether the shift
permitted improved use of the subjects' abilities. The
vocational coping behaviors are based on judges' ratings of
whether the respondent's employment history exhibited floundering
or purposiveness. The demographic variables include number of
years of schooling, number of months unemployed, and number of
months ._the subject was financially self-supporting. Finally,
characteristics of respondents' occupations include occupational
satisfaction scores, occupational prestige, and perception of op-
portunities for self- expression.
Pattern Study data with career outcomes than the vocational
maturity variables.10
Self-Concept Research
A massive quantity of research is available regarding influ-
ence of self-concept on various career behaviors. A complete re-
view is far beyond the scope of this volume, but 'a brief summary
is in order. Several studies deal with topfdS that are related
loosely to the hypothesis that people select occupations that are
congruent with self-concept, i.e., in choosing an occupation one
"implements" self-concept. Bedeian (1977) fo-und a positive cor-
relation between self-esteem and status level of occupational
aspiration among 144 male college students. In contrast,
Faulkner, Wimberly, and Garbin (1977) found no such relation, but
their sample consisted of junior college students with vocational
curricula, so the range on their dependent variable is un-
doubtedly narrow. Ziegler (1973) reports closer agreement be-
tween self-concept and concept of most preferred occupation, than
between self-concept and least preferred occupation. His sample
consists of 428 male college students. Morrison (1962) reports
data from forty-four first-year nursing students and forty-three
first-year education majors. He found that both samples exhibit
closer agreement between self-concept and concept of the oc-
cupation implied by their educational curricula than between
self-concept and other occupations. On the other hand, Warren
(1961) studied 525-National Merit Scholar candidates finding no
tendency foy those with low agreement.between self-concept and
Concept of college major to shift majors more than :those with
close agreement.
Korman (1969) reports four independent studies, all using samples
of forty to seventy undergraduates, in which similar results
prevail. Oppenheimer (1966) finds a positive correlation between
self-concept and concept of preferred occupation to be positively
related to self-esteem. On the other hand, Greenhaus (1971)
fails to support this result.
This overview of empirical research using self-concept theory
suggests several generalizations about this line of inquiry.
First, most of the samples are small and highly specialized,
generally consisting of college students. The restricted-samples
not only limit the generalizability of the data, but also proba-
bly tend to work against the major hypotheses, because the vari-
ance on dependent variables such as status of preferred oc-
cupation is quite restricted. Secondly, the analysis methods
generally must be considered exploratory. -It is common to report
bivariate correlations or partial correlations controlling for
one or a few variables (e.g., Bedeian -1977). Yet, a large re-
search literature on status attainment processes (see chapter
four) shows the importance of using multivariate statistical
methods. The methodological discussions of causal inference
(cited earlier in this chapter) in the absence of experiments
also points out the importance of carefully constructed
structural-equation models. Many of the correlations observed in
these studies are low, suggesting that partial regression weights
would not be statistically significant if variables such as grade
point average, parental status, mental ability, and,significant
other expectations were controlled. For example, Tuckman and
Ford (1972),present a multivariate model in which continuation of
education for a sample of junior college students is the de-
pendent variable. Controlling for variables such as college
major, rank in high school class, parental desires, and father's
educational level, the measure of self-concept regarding
"mastery" over one's environment failed to exhibit a statisti-
cally significant effect. In addition, measurement of phe-
nomenological varcables such as-self-concept and concept of
occupation remains an unsettled issue, as witnessed by the
variety of measurement procedures used in the self-concept_
studies (e.g., adjective check lists, Q sorts, and Kelly's Role
Construct Repertory Test). In summary, much work must be com-
pleted before a clear-description of the role of self-concept in
occupational choices is supportred unambiguously by empirical
As frequently noted, Holland's model of vocational choices is
a contemporary version of the trait-factor idea that people
select jobs with characteristics matching their profiles of
interests, capacities, and values (Crites 1969; Holland and Got-
tfiedson 197-54., Holland's work is highly theoretical, however,
-in contrast to the empirical orientation of most of the early
trait-factor work (e.g., Strong's work on the Strong Vocational
Interest Blank. SVIB). At the same time, one of the chief
features of the theory is the tie to operational procedures; con-
sequently, empirical work based on the theory is-voluminous--it
includes a substantial quantity of work carried out by Holland
and his colleagues as well as numerous studies 'done by other
conforming practical
frank self-effacing
-genuine shy
masculine stable
materialistic thrifty
normal uninsightful
persistent uninvolved
The investigative type. The activities and, competencies de-
fining the investigative personality are stated in the following
terms by Holland. An investigative person likes
...activities that entail the ob_servational, synbolic
systematic, and creative investigation of physical,
biological, and cultural phenomena in order to understand
and control such phenomena; and an aversion to persuasive,
social, and repetitive activities. These behavioral
tendencies lead in turn to an acquisition of scientific and
mathematical competencies and to a deficit in persuasive.
competencies (Holland 1973: 14, emphasis added).
An investigative person displays a self-conception charac-
terized by scholarship, intellectualism, self-confidence,
scientific ability, and lack of leaderShip ability. These views
are his/her perceptions. Finally, investigative persons value
science. A long list of adjectives describe investigative
analytical passive
cautious pessismistic
critical precise
curious rational
independent introverted
intellectual reserved
introspective unassuming
methodical unpopular
analytical methodical
cautious passive
critical peSsimistic
curious precise
independent rational
intellectual reserved
introspective unassuming
introverted unpopular
complicated impulsive
disorderly independe nt
emotional introspective
feminine intuitiv
idealistic nonconforming
imaginative original
ccaplicated impulsive
disorderly independent
emotional introspective
feminine intuitive --.
idealistic nonconforming
imaginaElve original
tendencies lead in turn to an acquisition of human
relations competencies such as interpersonal and
educational competencies and to a deficit in manual
and technical. competencies (Holland 1973: 16, emphasis
ascendant insightful
cooperative kind
feminine persuasive
friendly responsible
generous sociable
helpful tactful
idealistic understanding
ascendant insightful
cooperative kind
feminine persuasive
-friendly responsible
generous sociable
helpful tactful
idealistic understanding
acquisitive flirtatious
_adventurous impulsive
ambitious optimistic
argumentative pleasure seeking
dependent self-confident
domineering sociable
enercletic talkative
acquisitive exhibitionistic
adventurous flirtatious
argumentative pleasure seeking
dependent self-confident
energetic sociable
-The conventional type. The conventional personality type
conforming orderly
concientious. persistent
defensive practical
efficient prudish
inflexible self-controlled-(calm)
inhibited unimaginative
conforming orderly
consciertioes persistant
defensive practical
efficient prudish---
inflexible self-controlled
inhibit _unimaginative
Realistic H L H H M
ga tive H L H L M H
Artistic M M L L H II
Social L H L L L L
i ng L H M L L L 1
tional H M H L H L
M, L). If fact, conceptualizing the six dimensions as continuous
probably is desirable.
Table 2.
Musician H L H L H M
Painter H L H L H H
Author L M L L L H
serves a useful purpose; otherwise, it needs revision. At
present there is substantial doubt about the answers to these
questions. Although Holland's theory probably has stimulated
more research than any other theory of occupational choices, none
of the research is designed to test such questions. Even the
preliminary step of carefully analyzing the dimensions of the
types has not been carried out.
Several methods for classifying individuals into a unique
personality type are. identified by Holland (1973). These include
(a) assignment of the individual to the personality type cor-
responding to the type of the occupational environment that the
individual prefers or in which he/she is employed, (h) assignment
of the individual to the personality type corresponding to the
type of some nonoccupation environment such as college major, (c)
assignments.-based on Holland's Vocational Preference Inventory
(VPI), (d) assignments based on Holland's Self Directed Search
(SDS), and (e) assignments based on other interest inventories
such as the Strong Vocational Interest Blank (SVIB) or the Kuder
Preference Record. The first two methods depend on assigning
individuals to types corresponding to the type of environment in
which the person is located. Once the method of classifying en-
vironments is known, the personality classification is
straightforward and needs little elaboration here; methods of
classifying environments are summarized in succeeding sub-
sections. The other methods require some explanation, but there
is no need to review all methods that have been used; here, brief
summaries of the Vocational Preference Inventory, the Self
Vocational Interest Blank are provided. These three instruments
probably include the most frequently used operations and provide
a fair sampling of such techniques.
The Vocational Preference Inventory (VPI) has undergone
numerous revisions (Holland 1958; 1965). All versions consist
entirely of occupational titles to which respondents express
interest or disinterest. The current version contains 160
titles; there are three possible responses'to each title--yes,
indicating the occupation interests the respondent, no, indicat-
ing no interest, and blank, indicating undecided.
Each of the occupations included on the VPI is classified
into one of the six environmental types using largely subjective
classification criteria. Respondents receive a profile of six
scores. Each score is defined by the number of "yes" responses
to occupations classified as one of the six environmental types.
For example, if the types are arrayed in the following order:
realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, and
conventional (RIASEC), and a respondent receives the following
profile: 15, 22, 15, 10, 8, 10, it means that the respondent
checked 15 yes options on occupations classified as realistic,
and 22, 15, 10, 8, and 10 yes codes on occupations typed as
investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, and conventional,
example, the person is investigative (I). Holland refers to the
entire profile as the personality pattern (Holland 1973), but he
seldom uses the entire profile in empirical work. Two -.and three
level subtypes are used frequently, however, and in principal,
six level subtypes may be constructed. The subtypes_are defined
by the rank order of the profile-a.nd assigned letter codes. The
letter codes are R for realistic, I for investigative, and so
forth. The letter codes are permuted to reflect the order of
scores in the profile. For example, one who scored 8, 20, 10, 6,
3, 5 (RIASEC) would receive a two-level subtype of IA, and a
three-level subtype of IAR. It never is explicit why this
procedure is adopted in lieu of the more natural use of the
profile scores directly in statistical analyses. Holland (1965)
reports evidence that the VPI scales are reliable,and valid.4
Reliabilities range above .8.
Classifying individuals' personalities on the basis of their
responses to an interest inventory is predicted on a fundamental
assumption in the theory: Holland states repeatedly that interest
inventories are expressions of personality (Holland 1966; 1973).
The Self Directed Search (SDS) was designed primarily as a
practical guide to aid vocational choices (Holland 1971; 1972),
but it has been used repeatedly to gather data used in research
(e.g., Holland, Gottfredson, and Nafziger 1975; Holland and
Gottfredson 1975; Touchton and Magoon 1977; Schaefer 1976;
Fishburne and Walsh 1976; Horton and Walsh 1976).
The SDS is comprised of five sections with the following
titles: "occupational daydreams," "activities," "competencies,"
"occupations," and "self-estimates" (Holland 1971; 1972); it is
based on the theory. The "occupational daydreams" section re-
quests that respondents list occupations that they have con-
sidered entering, in order from most to least recent. The title
of the section derives from the fact that the instructions indi-
cate to list occupations about which one has daydreamed as well
as those discussed with others. As with all the sections, re;-
spondents are instructed to code their own answers into three-
level subtypes. This is done by looking up the occupations
listed by the respondents in an accompanying booklet entitled
"The Occupations Finder." This booklet contains codes for numer-
ous occupations.
4There are eleven scales altogether drived from the VPI, but
only the six associated with the six types are of
immediate interest.
The "activities" section lists activities that are a priori
associated with one of the six types. Activities in the instru-
ment are grouped by type and clearly labeled as such, reflecting
Holland's view that respondents should be informed about such
matters. Responses are dichotomous--like or dislike. The "com-
petencies" section follows exactly the same format, except that
lists of activities are judged by respondents according to their
perceived level of competency in each activity. Responses are
dichotomous: yes (competent) and no (not competent). The "oc-
cupations" section lists occupational titles as in the VPI, but
titles are grouped into types. The "self-estimates" section asks
respondents for self-ratings regarding mechanical ability (real-
istic), scientific ability (investigative), artistic ability
(artistic), teaching ability (social), sales ability (enterpris-
ing), and clerical ability (conventional).
Internal consistency and test-retest coefficients are not re-
ported by Campbell and Holland (1972), but they do report a large
table calculated from the Strong archives showing that mean Hol-
land scales (RIASEC) based on the Strong do differentiate men in
different occupations according to the environmental type of the
an occupation, form an essential element of the occupational en-
An important theoretical hypothesis prOposed by Holland
(reviewed later in this chapter) indicates that people select oc-
cupations of a type matching their personality type. This hypo-
thesis cannot be tested by indiscriminant choice of measurement
methods. Fcre example, if the VPI were used to establish
personality type, and responses to an open-ended question asking
for occupational aspiration were used to measure type of oc-
cupational aspiration, then a positive association would be
interpreted as evidence favoring the hypothesis of congruence be-
tween personality type and occupational choice. In reality, how-
ever, the two measurements border on alternate forms of the same
variable, since the VPI asks respondents to indicate which oc-
cupations they like and dislike.
This type of difficulty can be avoided by careful scrutiny of
the measurement procedures; still, in the interest of avoiding
such dangers and in the interest of conceptual precision, it does
seem desirable to classify the instruments more carefully.
Measurements based on preference ratings for a list of oc-
cupations and open-ended occupational aspirations/expectation
measures should be viewed as such and not indiscriminantly
labeled personality. Some of the subscales on the SDS (e.g.,
interests, competencies, and self ratings) might be better
labeled personality measures. If one prefers, like Holland, to
view all such variables as personality measures, then separation
of the personality measures by type (e.g., occupational personal-
ity, interests, etc.) would still be useful. Such distinctions
surely would promote clarification of the hypotheses and em-
pirical work.
The occupational classifications are based on an unknown mix-
ture of personality traits of incumbents and other on-the-job
characteristics. Some of the occupations are classified with the
VPI, reflecting personal environment, some are classified with
the Purdue data, reflecting nonpersonal environment, some are
classified by a combination of these two methods, and a few are
classified from the DOT using Verinstein's methods. Thus, it is
difficult to interpret the comparability and quality of codes as-
signed to different occupations.
Holland and his coworkers (1970) overlooked a useful op-
portunity to reexamine the basis for the six-category typology.
The Purdue data which they used to extend the Holland clas-
sification contains thirty-two factors derived by the Purdue
group from a factor analysis of several hundred occupations. If
occupations can be classified into six groups, why did the Purdue .
factors should (or five since few artistic occupations are con-
tained in the Purdue data) be evident'in a factor analysis of oc-
cupational data. In fact, Holland and associates do select
factors from the Purdue data to measure Holland's types but do
not comment on the implications of the fact that the data contain
far more factors than the number of Holland types.
The theoretical values in the bottom panel of Figure 10 are
given for comparison with the observed correlations; so far as is
known, this type of comparison has not been displayed previously
in the literature. Quick comparison between the two panels re-
veals very poor correspondence, thus generating some doubt about
Holland's conclusion that the hexagon provides a good it (Hol-
land 1972: 16).
The top panel displays empirical correlations, and the bottom panel shows theoretical correlations
and theoretical distances (in parentheses).
R = realistic I = investigative A = artistic
S = social E = enterprising C = conventional
SOURCE: Holland (1972: 14)
the two highest scores on a profile. If the two highest scores
appear in adjacent locations on the hexagon, are separated by one
type, or opposite each other, they receive high, medium, or low
consistency scores, respectively.
Cole, Whitney, andHolland (1971), on the other hand, define
a measure of_similarity between jobs which has the same con-
ceptual basis as consistency. Cole and associates (1971) define
job-similarity as the distance between the projections of the
jobs on a plane (containing the hexagon)";-
The technical features of these definitions do not seem op-
timum. The first definition fails to make use of the entire pat-
tern, and the second is based on projections of the six dimen-
sional points on a plane (two dimensions); hence it implies some
error. A simple alternative is to define a theoretical pattern
conforming to the hexagonal configuration and to define
consistency as some inverse function of the distance between the
point defined by the observed profile and the point defined by
the theoretical profile. Several options could be developed
readily from the bottom panel in figure 10 and tried in empirical
The degree of match of an individual's personality pattern
(e.g., VPI profile on the six types) with the pattern of the oc-
cupation (or other environment) in which the person is situated
is termed congruence. Prior to discovery of the hexagonal pat-
tern, congruence could be assessed only by noting whether the-
personality type and environmental type matched. With the intro-
duction of the hexagon, a mismatch in which the two types are in
adjacent locations is less incongruent than one where the two
types are separated by one type (on the hexagon), and opposite
types are least congruent. Again, Cole and associates (1971) de-
fine a measure of congruence based on the distance between the
individual profile and job profile projected on a plane. As with
consistency, the advantages of such a measure over a more
straightforward definition based on the distance between the
individual and job profiles is unclear.
Cole and her associates (1971) also define differentiation of
a profile in terms of the projection of the six-dimensional
profile on a plane. In this definition, differentiation is the
distance from the origin of a point defined by a profile
projected on a plane. Holland (1973), on the other hand, defines
differentiation as the. difference between the highest and lowest
scores in a profile. The intent of the measure is to reflect how
narrow a range of (occupational) interests a person has or the
degree to which an environment is specialized. For example, a
person with a perfectly flat profile is undifferentiated and a
person with a profile full of zeros, except for one, is highly
differentiated. Holland's (1973) measure of differentiation is
simple, but does not use all the data in a profile. The measure
proposed by Cole and 'associates (1971) is quite remote from the
concept and is, again, based on the projections of six dimension-
al points onto a plane; hence, the relative positions of more
than two points cannot be maintained simultaneously. A simpler
measure seems desirable, such as the variance or kurtosis on each
The relationship among the types based on the hexagon also
can be used to reflect degree of stability of .a profile over time
(moves to adjacent types represent less change than moves to
types farther away on the hexagon) and to assess the maturity of
interest changes (maturity is reflected by increasing consist-
ency) (Cole, Whitney, and Holland 1971).
Two research questions based on these ideas are suggested by
Cole and associates. The first asks whether congruence leads to
stability of occupational choice, and the second asks whether
differentiation generates. stability (Cole, Whitney, and Holland
1971). Later Holland (1973) incorporates these ideas and related
poStulates into hypotheses. These hypotheses will be discussed-
in a later section.
Several studies have analyzed correlation matrices of the VPI
variables or similar variable sets and have concluded that the
relationships among the variables can be approximated reasonably
well by a hexagon (Cole and Cole 1973; Cole, Whitney, and Holland
1971; Cole and Hansen 1971; Cole 1973; Hansen and Prediger 1973;
Roth, Hansen, and Cole 1973). These studies are based on a wide
variety of samples, units of analysis (e.g., jobs, schools,
individuals), and variables (although the variables are closely
related to the six Holland_types). The discrepancies between the
observed and theoretical correlations shown in figure 10, how-
ever, raise some doubt about this conclusion.
Major Hypotheses
A large number of hypotheses are inferred from the theory in
the most recent comprehensive statement (Holland 1973). Because
there are such a large number of hypotheses, this review is
limited to those that are relevent directly to predicting oc-
cupational choice; even with this narrowing of focus, a sub-
stantial number of hypotheses remain. In the review that fol-
lows, closely related hypotheses as stated by Holland are some-
_times grouped into a single statement. The numbering of the
hypotheses has no particular significance.
Hypothesis 1: Each person tends to choose a type of job that
matches his/her type of personality. This
process applies not only to the primary types
(RIASEC), but also to second-level and
third-level subtypes (e.g., RI, IA, and RIC,
SEC). Holland refers to this type of
selection as the "direction" of choice
(Holland 1973: 24).
Hypothesis 2: The environmental types attract incumbents with
matching types; in particular, this hypothesis
applies to occupational environments (Holland
1973: 35).
Of those hypotheses included in the above list, it seems that
most can be captured in a two by three classification. There are
three independent variables: congruence, differentiation, and
consistency. Also, there are two dependent variables: satisfac-
tion and stability. Crossing these yields the scheme shown in
Table 3.
Table 3
Summary of Holland's Hypotheses
Congruence Differentiation Consistency
recent reformulations (Holland 1973; Holland and Gottfredson
1976) are even more explicit, especially the paper by Holland and
Gottfredson. The basic idea of the dynamics of the theory is that
both environments and individuals can be classified according to
type at any point in time from early childhood to late adulthood.
The hypotheses stipulate how the person-environment interactions
affect growth over time. During childhood, the home is the most
important environment, and parents tend to communicate values,
beliefs, attitudes, and feelings associated with their personal-
ity types to their children. At age five or six, the school en-
vironment begins to have an effect, and peers become increasingly
important up to adulthood. The job environment becomes a domi-
nant factor throughout the adult years.
Although it is impractical to propose a comprehensive model
reflecting all of Holland's ideas, a model capturing even an
important foundation would be superior to the isolated statements
of hypotheses about two-variable relations. Figure 11 presents a
first approximation. This simple model obviously does not
account for the hexagonal pattern of the typology nor does it
consider hypotheses about job satisfaction, stability, and degree
of predictability based on concepts of differentiation and con-
sistency. Also, only selected environments are included in the
diagram, to maintain simplicity of presentation. In spite of the
incompleteness of the model, it does imply the central concept of
congruence. It also embodies the developmental character of the
theory emphasized in recent publications.
1011,w1 Ca Imp.... 0.01 0c.0.1.00,1w motel.00 I VP, RrSpOnd.11'11acCuPteconAll woo ntAli 01 ?VIM.
Nonfood csonfor y of IM tospanionrs
ocropoi.owf of elwrxo. expomoon. &IP.. of...0OG
multivariate statistical analyses, and (c) checks on the
hypothesized one-directional causal links. Absence of several
possible arrows in the model imply that certain relationships are
zero when other variables are controlled, e.g., the relationship
between "own personality type" and "own occupational attainment"
(time 1) when--"own occupational orientation type" is
Tests of the one-directional causal links imply collection of
longitudinal data and certain cross-lagged partial relationships
are zero, e.g., the relationship between "own occupational orien-
tation, time 1" and "own personality type, time 2" when "own
personality type, time 1" is "controlled."
The model is a heuristic device because of its relative
simplicity; testing for possible two-directional causation re-
quires a considerably more complex working model,., In addition to
causal feedback between personality type and occupational orien-
tation type during one's youth, it also is probably necessary to
permit causal feedback among adult occupational attainment type,
occupational orientation type, and personality type. The model
shown in Figure 12 incorporates these features.
Youth Adult
Y23' y24
respondent's occupational orientation type
as an adult, time 3 and time 4, respectively
13. respondent's occupational attainment type
as In awful!. time 3 and time 4, respectively
FIGURE 12. Expondod mod,' of Hotland's theory to allow foe foodbeck loops.
612 = 2.177x109, more than two billion cells, far exceeding
the entire population of the United States. Addition of only one
number of cells
more six-category nominal variable increases the
population of the
to over thirteen billion, more than the human
earth. Obviously, some simplifying assumptions are mandatory.
The most obvious assumption is that the relationships are all
additive. The analysis could then be handled by a series of
"dummy" regression analyses or by_a "log-linear" methodology.
Even with the assumption of additivity, however, a series of
sixty dummy regression analyses (ten of which are dependent onin
the other fifty) would be required. Yet, the revised model
Figure 3 is still far from complete.
The hexagonal hypothesis suggests a particular pattern of
percentages in the contingency tables that could be used to
introduce parsimony; this pattern is not reflected in the two
models. It seems worthwhile to present a mathematical statement
if the
of this pattern and check Holland's empirical work to see have
pattern emerges and to see if the empirical publications
tested for the pattern. The following simple model of transition
between occupations illustrates how to derive expected patterns
of percentages in contingency tables showing shifts among the six
Holland occupational types. One may hypothesize that:
(1) Pij = a - bpii , a > 0 , b > 0
on initial assumptions that could be changed to reflect empirical
The unity of the theory would be improved if the hypotheses
about vocational satisfaction and job stability were incorporated
into a single model also incorporating the idea of person-job
congruence. Although no such model is presented here, it does
seem feasible to develop one. Drawing on the work in Chapter 2,
satisfaction could be defined as the difference between aspira-
tion and attainment (aspiration and attainment broadly defined)
and worked into a model using proper modifications of results for
testing difference hypotheses. In simple terms, the idea would
be to reflect the following notion: congruency
satisfaction stability. All of these variables are
difference measures, so models would have to be constructed with
great care (see, e.g., Blalock 1966). Also, translations from
continuous variables into binary regression models would require
careful thought.
As the reader will be quick to note, the preceding pages con-
tain ample commentary; this subsection is, therefore, narrowly
focused, making no effort to recap previous evaluative comments.
The section addresses the question of whether it would be advis-
able to conceive of the six types as continuous dimensions. Prev-
ious pages provide the background necessary to consider every
aspect of this question. It probably has been surmised already
that the authors of the present volume believe that it is advis-
able to define continuous dimensions corresponding to the six
types. Before doing so, however, the definitions of the types
must be reconsidered and shorn of their factorial complexity, as
discussed in the_preceding pages.
In general, much information is lost when a typology is used.
Consider the six Holland types as continuous variables; unless
each person (occupation) classified as e.g., realistic has a
specified profile on all six interval variables (including the
realism variable) information is discarded by simply classifying
the individual (occupation) "realistic." The same thing is true
when subtypes are used--even when six-letter subtype codes are
used. In addition, classification into subtypes cannot always be
carried out unambiguously. Consider the four hypothetical cases
shown in Table 4 as an example.
These data illustrate several points: (1) Although all four
persons could be classified into the same subtype, SAECIR, treat-
ing the four persons as the same discards considerable informa-
tion contained in the four profiles--the four profiles are quite
different even though they all may belong to the same subtype;
Table 4
Examples of Individual Profiles
for Holland's Types
Degree to which one's
occupation is: person 1 person 2 person 3 person 4
Realistic 7 15 20 20
Social 64 30 30 80
Enterprising 37 20 25 50
is pervasive and also implies the need to account for continuity
(Holland et al. 1973; Nafziger et al. 1974; Holland and Whitney
1968; Holland and Lutz 1968; Holland et al. 1969; Holland et al.
1970). In creating a set of measurements for Holland's types
from the SVIB, Holland and Campbell wrote:
Empirical Research
An immense empirical literature has developed around Hol-
land's theory. It is, therefore, necessary to classify the work
and narrow the focus. Accordingly, this review focuses on re-
search in which occupational choice (orientation and/or at-
tainment) is the dependent variable. Since occupations are clas-
sified into six types in Holland's theory and important indepen-
deht variables such as personality and early occupational choice
are classified also into the typology, one can anticipate that
much of the empirical work entails examination of six-by-six con-
tingency tables. The focus on occupational choice as the de-
pendent variable does not reduce unduly the scope of work, but
it does eliminate many findings showing relationships between the
six personality types and a large assortment of personality
inventories (e.g., the MMPI or 16PF).
The presentation is organized into three subsections plus
concluding commentary. The first of these subsections addresses
issues of assessing degree of association in contingency tables.
The discussion is narrowly focused on data and practices found in
the empirical work on Holland's theory and is important
preparation for scrutiny of the substantive work. The first
subsection also reviews the skewed marginal distributions
observed for Holland's typology-- sometimes over 60 percent of
samples fall into the realistic type. The uneven distribution
across the types affects interpretations of summary statistics
frequently found in the literature. The second subsection
reviews the evidence for the congruency hypothesis. Both
orientation and attainment data are considered. This subsection
covers the most extensive and important part of empirical study
relating to Holland's theory. Subsection three deals with
consistency and differentiation hypotheses.
"hit rate") has frequently been reported as a summary measure as-
sessing the accuracy of the congruency hypothesis. Under any cir-
cumstance, this hit rate is not optimum, partly because it fails
to account for the null hypothesis of _statistical independence
and partly because it is difficult to compare with more common
measures of association.
Table 5
Holland et al. (1973: 36) Calculated from
Sample 1: thirty
the row totals of table 1. Data refer to males ages
to thirty-nine in 1968. The sample is a national sample.
The data refer to job type five years after the first full
time job, collected retrospectively. Those not classified
from the percentage
into one of Holland's types were omitted
(1974: 340). Data are for
Sample 2: Nafziger, et al.
white males aged 14 to 24, taken from Table 4. The sample is
a national sample.
Parsons and Wigtil (1974: 324). The data are
Sample 3:
(late) aged forty-five to
a national sample 'of males (Parnes' totals of Table 5,
fifty-nine. They are taken from the raw
with "no answer" omitted from the percentage base.
Sample 4: McLaughlin and Tiedeman (1974: 180). Note
that these data are twelfth grade aspirations of boys in the
from the
project TALENT study. Percentages were calculated
column totals of the upper left panel of Table 1. McLaughlin
& Tiedeman.
(Gottfredson 1975, for further discussion of this issue.) Sample 1
is difficult to classify because it refers to job type five years
after the first job following completion of schooling; it is
based on retrospective data collected when respondents' ages
-ranged from thirty to thirty-nine. At the time referenced by the
inquiry, respondents would have been, on the average, fairly
young; hence, sample-1 contradicts the pattern observed for the
other three samples.
K = Po Pe
1 - Pe
where Po is the observed proportion in the major diagonal and
Pe is the expected proportion based on the independence hypo-
thesis. The maximum value of is obviously 1.0, since
0 < Po < 1, and 0 < Pe < 1. The minimum is more complicated,
but asymptopes to 1.0 under certain conditions (see Cohen 1960).
It is important to notice what kappa measures: it measures de-
viations from a random pattern due to a preponderance of cases in
the major diagonal and not just any deviation from a random pat-
tern. This is extremely important for testing the congruency
hypothesis. Measures such as those based on chi square are not
appropriate for such tests since they reflect any pattern of de-
viation from statistical independence. A second useful, though
not essential, property of kappa is that it equals the product
moment correlation calculated on two-by-two tables (phi) if the
column and row totals of the table are equal, and when the
marginals differ by small to moderate amounts kappa and phi are
very close (Cohen 1960). This feature is desirable because it
promotes rough comparisons with other research based on are not
met. The conditions include equality of row and column marginals
and a specified pattern of weights for calculation of kappa and
of scores assigned to categories for calculation of the.product
moment correlation (see Cohen 1968 for details). The weighted
kappa is optimum for assessing the hexagonal pattern because no
single set of scores could be assigned to Holland's six types to
reflect the hexagonal arrangement; hence, correlations such as
the Pearson correlation that depend on such scores are completely
Table 6
Weighted Kappa's
Pairs of 'Males
Years Blacks Whites
1967-1968 .80 .83 1967 data is recall
1968-Aspira- .20 .34
*Taken from Table 1
Table 6 (Cont.)
1960-61 .431
1960-65 .291
1960-71 .234
1961-65 .442
1961-71 .333
1965-71 .532
1. To what extent can mobility patterns in Holland's
typology be attributed to status content of Holland's
not show strong sqvort for' the idea that personality type
influences choice, especially since the VPI measures personality
via expressed occupational preferences, a fact that should gene-
rate a high correlation between the VPI and expressed choice.
Holland and Whitney (1968) use the same data used by Holland
(1968) and Holland and Lutz (1968), to extend the analysis to
three-level subtypes. The resulting tables are cumbersome, and
no summary measure (like kappa) is reported. Observation of the
table, however, suggests that Holland and Whitney are justified
in their positive appraisal. These findings are supported in a
later publication based on different college samples (Gottfredson
and Holland 1975). Kappas reported in this paper are sub-
stantially larger when stated occupational choice at initial con-
tact with respondents is related to choice at second contact than
when SDS is used as the predictor of choice; the differences are
not as large as those calculated from the Holland and Lutz paper,
A large number of studies report information on the concur-
rent validity of the congruency hypothesis. Holland (1963-64)
reports results from a National Merit Finalist sample based on a
question matching the "daydreams" section of the SDS. He found
high congruence of first, second, and successively more remote
occupational choices (choices are listed in order of most recent
to most remote in the question). Touchton and Magoon (1977) re-
port kappas for a sample of college women showing that current
college major and occupational plan for three years later are
estimated by the SDS daydreams and summary codes. Hearn and Moos
(1976) show that a coeducational sample of college students' col-
lege major coded by Holland types tend to match the environmental
type of their living unit. Smart (1976) reports results for col-
lege men indicating agreement between Holland type of college
major (interpreted to mean personality type) and aspects of jobs
that they believe to be important. Williams (1972) indicates
agreement between VPI and three other inventories as continuous
variables and Holland type of college major as the categorical
variable. The tables resulting from crossing predicted choice by
observed choice reveal good agreement.. Walsh, Vaudrin, and Hummel
(1972) find that first-year college males and females perceived
changes on attitudinal scales designed to tap Holland's types
that are congruent with the Holland type of the college major. A
similar analysis of seniors shows larger relationships. Walsh and
Lewis (1972) report that congruence between the Holland type of
college major and .VPI scores predict four personality variables
taken from the Omnibus Personality Inventory. Osipow and Ashby
(1968) show agreement between the VPI and educational preference
among first-year college students. Their paper reports simulta-
neous cross-classification of educational Choice (Holland
categories) with first and second highest VPI codes, showing some
predictive accuracy of the second VPI type within constant first
VPI type. The sample size is too small to permit definite con-
clusions regarding the three-way classification, however.
Holland reports "hit rates" suggesting confirmation of the
hypothesis. In view of the difficulty of interpreting hit rates,
however, calculations of unweighted kappas were carried out for
this volume, using data tabulated in the paper (Holland 1968:
28-29, tables 23 and 24; undecided and nonrespondents excluded
from calculations). The results are kappas of .390 and .387 for
the consistent groups in the two samples, and kappas of .271 and
.267, respectively, for the inconsistent groups in the two
samples. Using procedures outlined by Cohen (1960) statistical
tests of the significance of the difference between consistent
and inconsistent students were executed, revealing rejection of
the null hypothesis in both instances with the level of signific-
ance of a one-tail test less than .01.
Holland (1968). also reports hit rates that suggest that dif-
ferentiation affects predictive accuracy (stability) in the same
way that consistency does; unfortunately, however, insufficient
data are displayed to permit a more adequate assessment by
calculation of kappas.
Other studies reveal mixed but predominantly negative find-
ings regarding-hypothesizedeffects of consistency and differ-
entiation. 144ethodologies differ from sample to sample and the
samples are often small and nonrepresentative. Several examples
of such studies are summarized briefly below. Schaefer (1976)
found no relationship between consistency or differiation and the
congruence of SDS summary codes with open-ended occupational
aspiration (coded with Holland's types) collected eight weeks
after administration of the SDS. Villwock, Schnitzer, and
Carbonari (1976) using a sample of university students found
little support for the hypothesis that consistency and dif-
ferentiation predict stability of choice. Although one measure
of consistency correlated with stability, when measures of
congruence, consistency, and differentiation were entered into a
multiple regression to predict stability, only congruence was
associated with a statistically significant coefficient. The
measure of stability in this study is derived from a question-
naire completed at one sitting; hence, the results do not address
change over time. Hughes (1972) reports no significant relation-
ship between consistency and stability of retrospective work
history or between consistency and job satisfaction. These
findings are derived from-a sample of Army National Guardsmen in
New York State. Frantz and Walsh (1972) report that neither
consistency nor differentiation are associated with school
achievement or school satisfaction among graduate students.
In sum, the evidence regarding consistency and differentia-
tion is mostly negative, but the negative findings are based on
poor procedures and specialized samples. However, Holland (1968)
uses somewhat more convincing data supporting .the consistency
hypothesis among males but not among females; his results
regarding differentiation are more ambiguods than those regard-
ing differentiation due to exclusive reliance on "hit rates".
Concluding Comments
Chapter 4
One way to organize the vast literature on occupational
mobility is to group the research into two broad types, one type
of research dealing with social mobility as a descriptive feature
of entire societies, and the other type of research focusing on
individual mobility processes. Prior to development of the
Blau-Duncan status attainment model, studies focusing on the
societal unit of analysis generally (a) compared mobility rates
between societies, or (b) described trends in a single society.
Comparative studies tended to emphasize the relationships between
mobility rates and other structural features of society such as
the degree of industrialization. The hypothesis was advanced
that industrialization generates similar mobility rates among
societies irrespective of other variables such as social norms
encouraging high or low mobility (e.g., Lipset and Bendix 1964;
Lipset and Zetterberg 1956; Miller 1960; Smelser and Lipset
1966). Interest in comparative mobility has persisted since the
introduction of the status attainment model, using the status
attainment model as the basis for comparisons (see e.g., Treiman
1970; Treiman and Terrell 1975; Kerckhoff_1974). The study of
mobility trends appears to reflect less interest in theory than
the comparative work and often emphasizes "sober" description in
response to ideological claims in the 1950s that mobility was
declining in the United States (see, e.g., Rogoff 1953; Jackson
and Crockett 1964; Warner and Abegglen 1955; and Blau and Duncan
1967: ch. 3).
Study of individual mobility processes has tended to
emphasize (a) the effects of occupational mobility. Research and
theory regarding the effects of mobility have hypothesized that
mobility is a disturbing experience leading to various
manifestations such as psychological disorders, decline in
adherence to moral standards, political liberalism, and prejudice
(see, e.g., Sorokin 1927; Srole et al. 1962; Turner and Wagenfeld
1967; Breed 1963). Some knotty methociological and conceptual
problems regarding effects of mobility have been raised, however
(e.g., Blalock 1967a; 1967b). Also, Sorokin (1927) emphasized
desirable as well as undesirable consequences of mobility, but
more recent work seems to concentrate more on "pathologies"
associated with mobility.
thought to influence occupational mobility include migration,
wealth, work organizations such as unions and professional
associations, political influence, and opportunity structure
(Barber 1957).
In summary, social mobility research prior to development of
the formal status attainment model focused on (1) societies as
units of analysis including international, comparative studies
concerned with social structures affecting mobility rates and
mobility-trend studies responding to claims of declining mobility
in the United States, and (2) individual mobility processes
involving identification of effects and causes of mobility. As
discussed in the next subsections, the substantive elements of
the status attainment model were anticipated in earlier work; the
main contribution of the formal model appears to resolve into
methodological and conceptual innovations and the corresponding,
rapid accumulation of empirical evidence.
preferable to consider son's occupation as the dependent variable
and include father's pccupation as one independent variable. At
first, this shift in emphasis may appear inconsequential, but the
shift avoids several conceptual and methodological difficulties
and thereby fostered a surge in research output.
The remainder of this review of the Blau-Duncan model fist
summarizes the model then contrasts it to typical mobility
research. A basic relationship in linear path analysis is
summarized that shows the continuity of status attainment
research and mobility research in a way thaf has not been noted
in the past.
In a sequel to the American Occupational Structure, Duncan,
Featherman, and Duncan describe an appealingly simple version of
the basic idea, in the Blau-Duncan model. They indicate the
following heuristic diagram: "family-------orschooling-------sjob"
(1972:5). This simple diagram indicates that the social status
of one's family of origin affects the amount of education one
achieves which, in turn, affects the socioeconomic level of one's
occupation; the influence of family status on the status of one's
occupation is hypothesized to be indirect, operating through
The empirical realization of this basic idea studied in the
Blau-Duncan volume is pictured by the path diagram displayed in
Figure 13. (Readers familiar with path diagrams may wish to skip
directly to the next paragraph.) The straight, single-headed
arrows in the diagram indicate hyr _Liesized direct effects
running in the direction indicated by the arrow; the curved,
double-headed arrow denotes a correlation between two variables
whose possible effects on each other are left unanalyzed. The
numbers associated with the straight arrows are path coefficients
indexing the magnitude of the effect, and the number by the
curved arrow is a bivariate correlation. Father's education and
father's occupation are "exogenous," i.e., are independent
variables not affected by other variables in the system. The
remaining measured variables are "endogenous." Each endogenous
variable is associated with a unique variable (e's) indicating
the extent to which it is influenced by variables not contained
in the substance of the model.
The particular manifestation of the model shown in Figure 13
extends the basic model (family -----4.schooling------4.job) one
additional step in an individual's career. Heuristically, the
model in Figure 13 can be represented as follows; family
schooling first job current -job. Father's
educational level and father's occupational status represent two
indexes of the general concept, family status or status origin;
\859 5
Father's x1 .310 Education .394 .753
Education x3
x First
Occupation Occupation
X2 = Father's occupational status level x5 = Occupational status of the respondent's 1962 job
The concept of vertical social mobility is defined as the
discrepancy between current status and a previous status (Sorokin
1927). Note that neither the full Blau-Duncan model (Figure 13)
nor the heuristic version (family schooling ---- ;.job)
contains a mobility variable. Blau and Duncan are quite
articulate about their reasons for _excluding direct study of
mobility defined as a discrepancy. Their objections to mobility
scores in scientific analysis rest mainly on grounds that
correlations calculated between variables, one or both of which
are difference_sCores mobility) -are difficult to
Interpret: They cieIlve formulas showing firvartate-correlations
involving difference scores in terms of the correlations among
the component variables that define the difference scores. Their
discussion of these formulas presents a convincing case that
correlations in which one or both variables are difference scores
are difficult to interpret. As a result of this analysis, Blau
and Duncan conclude that empirical.analysis of difference scores
_ in correlation-regression-path methodologies is inadvisable.
Largely as a result of Blau and Duncan's objection to using
mobility variables in path analysis and some difficulties with
difference hypotheses identified by Blalock (1966; 1967), status
attainment research has excluded direct study of mobility,
relying on study of attainment instead. It appears likely that
omission of mobility variables from path models of stratification
processes has helped to avoid numerous misinterpretations of
data. The shift from study of mobility to study of "status
attainment" has created, however, a certain discontinuity in
stratification research that is unnecessary.
schematic form, the basic substance of the "Wisconsin model" can
be represented as shown in Figure 14.
Psychological Educational Occupational
Cognition Processes 1
Attainment 14 Attainment
Ohlendorf (1970).
FIGURE 15. Status attainment model presented by Sewell, Haller, and
Behavior, e.g.,
Attitudes, e.g., occupational choice
Significant others, occupational expectation
e.g., parents
As the schematic diagram in Figure 14 makes clear, the view
that social psychological variables (significant others, educa-
tional and occupational expectations) intervene between parental
status and educational attainment is an important feature of the
theory. Also, social psychological processes intervene between
cognitive variables and educational attainment. In order for the
social psychological variables to play a meaningful role as
intervening variables, however, it is necessary that they be
affected by parental status and the cognitive variables. These
effects are hypothesized for the following reasons. Parental
status affects significant others' expectations of youth because:
(1) parents tend to be important significant others and the
educational and occupational expectations of parents for their
progeny are positively related to the parents' own status, and
(2) peers are important significant others and peer relationships
tend to develop among youth of homogenous social status. The
cognitive variables, mental ability and academic performance,
influence significant others by providing evidence of ability
that generally is presumed to affect the educational and occupa-
tional pursuits that one is capable of following.
While the version of the model shown in Figure 15 displays a
much more detailed picture of the process of occupational at-
tainment than does the Blau-Duncan model, it is far from
complete. Possible elaborations are so numerous as to defy
exhaustive listing, but examples of other variables of potential
importance include school curriculum, occupational expectations
of significant others for ego,2 military service, quality of
schooling, self-concept, need for achievement, income, Holland's
personality types, extracurricular activities in school, labor
market restrictions, migration, and number of siblings. Most of
these variables have been studied one or two at a time within the
framework of the status attainment model, but the present authors
are aware of no case in which they have all been included
simultaneously (see, e.g., Sewell and Hauser 1975; Duncan,
Featherman, and Duncan 1972; Blau and Duncan 1967; Rehberg and
Rosenthal 1978; Curry, et al. 1976; Otto 1976; Alwin 1974;
Alexander, Cook, and McDill 1978). Although, in theory, all
these variables and more, should be included in a single model,
the complicated model and heavy demands on data that result lead
one to doubt that such a model would be very useful at the
present stage of understanding of status attainment processes.
Careful work with a small set of important variables appears to
be a more promising strategy for the immediate future.
There is one variable omitted from Figure 15, however, that
does appear needed to present a symmetric view of the basic
process; the missing variable is significant others' occupational
expectations of ego. The omission by Sewell and associates is
due primarily to the fact that the Wisconsin data contain no
measure of significant other (SO) occupational expectations.
Subsequent work has often included an SO occupational variable,
however (e.g., Woelfel 1972; Woelfel and Haller 1971; Curry et
al. 1976; Kerckhoff 1971). A schematic view of a basic status
attainment model containing the additional variable is shown in
Figure 16. The revision is intended to reflect the spirit of the
extension represented by inclusion of SO occupational
expectations of ego.
As constituted, the Wisconsin model exhibits two rather
obvious difficulties. First, the structural equations associated
with the model do not reflect the dynamics of the process.
Secondly., all the effects in the model are represented as
unidirectional, although there is reason to believe that several
pairs of variables exhibit two-directional effects. These issues
are taken up in the following discussion.
There is ample theory suggesting that, career decision making
is a continous process (e.g., Super 1957; Ginzberg et al. 1951;
Tiedeman 1961; Rodger 1966; Beilin 1955; Musgrave 1967; Blau et
al. 1956). For example, Super and associates write:
Vocational development is an ongoing continous and generally
irreversible process. Vocational preferences and
competencies...change with time and experience, making choice
and adjustment a continous process (Super et al. 1957: 89,
emphasis in the original).
After reviewing several "macro theories," Picou, Curry, and
Hotchkiss indicate the following general characterization of the
theoretical literature.
The macrotheoretical approaches reviewed above have several
common themes. First, all of the above theorists have
implicitly or explicitly noted the developmental character of
occupational choice and attainments are clearly limited to a
life-cycle framework. Labor market entry and career patterns
tend to be viewed in conjunction with individual maturation
and growth (Picou, Curry, and Hotchkiss 1976: 12).
It undoubtedly is obvious to most of the research community
that career orientations are .formed in a gradual process
overtime, yet the structural equations in status attainment
research do not reflect this obvious point. Rather, the
structural equation models are generally stated in terms of
differences between individuals at a single point in time, no
reference to time or change is- contained in the equations. While
the theoretical literature has been helpful in pointing out the
dynamic nature of the process, a proposition stated in the
general terms such as those used by Super and associates, quoted
above, cannot be applied immediately in empirical research. It
is necessary for the general idea to be translated into
structural equations expressing exact hypotheses.
There are five variables in Figure 16 that may be viewed as
career-decision-making variables: academic performance,
significant others' educational expectation of ego, significant
others' occupational expectations of ego, ego's own educational
expectation, and ego's own occupational expectation. Figure 16
indicates that academic performance affects the other four
career-decision-making variables but is unaffected by them. It
also shows that significant-other variables affect occupational
and educational expectations but are unaffected by them. No
assumption is made about the causal order between the two
. significant other variables and between occupational and
educational expectations, but the consequences of these
"nonassumptions" on certain coefficients in the model is the same
as the consequences that would follow were it assumed that there
is noeffect running in either direction between the two
significant other variables or between educational and
occupational expectations. Neither variable in either pair is
entered into the equation in which the other is the dependent
variable. Since educational and occupational expectations are
highly correlated (r = .771 in the Wisconsin data), entering
educational expectation as a predictor of occupational
expectation, and vice versa, would likely absorb a large part of
the effects of the other indepe ndent_ variables .---- In particular,
the large coefficients associated with significant other
variables would likely be attenuated. Similar reasoning applies
to the equations for the significant other variables.
None of these assumptions about the causal ordering of the
career-decision-making variables can be defended rigorously. A
plausible case can be made for the assumption that at least a
part of the correlation between parents' educational and
occupational expectations for their children and the children's
own expectations to their parents. The same point may also apply
to nonparental significant others. It also is likely that the
two significant other variables affect each other and that
two-directional links exist between ego's educational and
occupational expectations. On the latter point, Woelfel and
Haller write:
were affected by the other career-decision-making variables
instead of a cause of them, however, the path coefficient
indexing the effect of mental ability on academic performance
would have been calculated including "controls" for the
significant other variables, educational and occupational
expectations. Since all four of these variables exhibit
substantial correlation with mental ability and with academic
performance, the direct path linking academic performance to
mental ability would be reduced considerably by the controls.
Even more importantly, the role of significant others in career
decision making could be substantially distorted by the
assumptions that the significant other variables are unaffected
by students'own career expectations. The path coefficients
associated with the direct effects of significant others on the
attainment variables are-small; hence, the major effects of
significant others on attainment must be indirect, operating
through the career expectations. If career expectations affect
the significant other variables rather than the reverse, however,
then the total effect of significant others on attainments is
small. Yet Sewell and associates conclude:
Clearly, the variable we have called significant others'
influence is an important factor. The present evidence
appears to show, that once formed, its effects are
far-reaching. Also, besides being a powerful explanatory
factor, significant others' influence should be amenable to
manipulation. It thus, suggests itself as a point at which
external agents might intervene to change educational and
occupational attainment levels. (Sewell, Haller, and Portes
1969: 89.)
The possibility that the causal order specified by Sewell and
associates may be inaccurate, is beginning to be noted in the
literature (Williams 1976; Hout and Morgan 1975; and Duncan,
Haller, and Portes 1968). Hout and Morgan (1975) offer a
discussion of the causal order among all the commonly used
career-decision-making variables, generally concurring with the
conclusions stated here, that'is, that two-directional effects
cannot be ruled out for any of the important variables. Hout and
Morgan proceed to estimate two-directional effects for several of
the variable pairs, including parents' educational encouragement
and progeny's educational plans. Based on cross-sectional data
and two-stage-least squares, Hout and Morgan report that most of
the effect between parental educational encouragement and -
'Bout and Morgan is not fully explicit in their article, but
judging from their equations (eqs. 1-8, p. 368) they have
violated the identification rule given in the econometric
literature. Their equation (5), for example, shows the
educational expectation of students as the dependent variable;
the equation contains all four of the predetermined variables in
the system (listed on p. 366 of the article) and three endogenous
variables. The identification rule (order rule) for simultaneous
equation systems such_ as presented by Hout and Morgan is that at
least as many predetermined variables must be omitted from each
equation as there are endogenous variables included (the current
dependent variable not counted) (Goldberger 1964: 316). Since
Lout and Morgan do not exclude any predetermined variables from
the equation, and include three endogenous variables, it appears
they have violated this rule. Without a complete mathematical
statement of the procedures (missing in the article), however,
one cannot be certain just what was done.
The static nature of the basic status attainment model and
its failure to account for reciprocal effects may be remedied by
writing the structural equations as simultaneous, differential
equations. In particular, it appears reasonable to extend the
linear character of the model by using linear differential
equations. Such a system of equations can easily accommodate all
possible two-directional effects among the career-decision-making
variables and expresses a dynamic feature of the process in such
a way that projections can be generated naturally from the theory
(see Coleman 1968; Doreian and Hummon 1976; 1974; Hotchkiss
While the differential equations are well suited to handle
, the processes of making career decisions, they are not so
appropriate for dealing with job changes after one enters the
labor market. The differential equations require one to
conceptualize continuous change over time, but occupational
status remains fixed as long as a job is held, then may jump
suddenly to a different value at the instant of job change.
Thus, a different approach is required, perhaps one in which the
time between-job shifts is an important dependent variable (see,
e.g., Sorensen 1977), or an approach using "catastrophe theory"
(see, e.g., Zeeman 1977).
The preceding discussion has focused on the nature of the
hypothesized relationships among broadly defined variables;
attention now turns to conceptualization of one of the key
categories of career-decision-making variables, the significant
other variables.3 One important issue concerning significant
others is how to identify persons who are significant others for
a particular ego (Haller, and Woelfel, with' Fink 1968; Woelfel
1972; Woelfel and Haller 1971). Sewell and associates use a
measure based on preselected categories of potential significant
others, including parents, teachers, and peers. Referring to
this approach, Woelfel writes:
The problem with measures like this, of course, is that the
results depend not only on how much influence significant
others really account for but also on the degree to which the
preselected panel of significant others is representative of
the true significant others of the students involved (Woelfel
1972: 87).
The concept of influence plays a pivotal role in significant
other theory. Haller and associates write: "significant others
are those who exercise major influence over individuals" (Haller
and Woelfel, with Fink 1968: 12). Influence may be viewed as a
special type of cause; if A influences B, then A, in part, causes
B's attitudes or behaviors. (See Blais 1974 for a recent review
and useful discussion of the relationships between power,
influence and cause, also, see Simon 1957). Certainly, the
relationship between influence and cause remains a moot issue,
but it may, nevertheless, prove useful to consider some
implications of treating influence as a special type of cause for
the study of significant others.
Confining attention to linear systems, the effect of x on y
generally is identified with the partial slope coefficient
associated with x in the equation for which y is the dependent
variable, thus suggesting that the amount of influence exercised
by a significant other is indexed by a path coefficient. In the
interest of conceptual clarity, then, the common practice of
using the term "significant-other influence" to identify
variables such as the level of occupational or educational
expectations of significant others for ego seems inadvisable.
More importantly, the WISOB methodology for identifying signif-
icant others might best be interpreted as a hypothesis-gener-
ating mechanism. If significant other influence is identified
with a path coeff-icient; then-the list of-"significant others"
obtained on the WISOB cannot be viewed exhaustive nor can the
fact that a person's name appears on the
the list be taken as clear
evidence that the person is, in fact, a significant other. This
conclusion agrees with informal observation. In general, we do
not view individuals as infallible sources of information about
the causes of their own behavior or attitudes; if significant
others are defined as partial causes of attitudes and behavior,
then it follows that people may be fallible in identifying their
own significant others.
Viewing significant other influence as a special case of
causal effect places excessive demands on data collection and
analysis. With this definition, identification of SO definers
for a particular individual requires an extensive time series of
the complete sociometric matrix in which each individual fits.
Measurements of attitudes and/or behaviors of interest are
required from every person appearing in the matrix. Symbolic-
interaction theory implies that people exercise reciprocal
influenCe-on each-ather-.--Ag Falk (1975) indicates: SO- --- -' EGO
Thus, a method of analysis is needed that is
appropriate for a time series of cross sections permitting
all possible feedback loops. Establishing the influence of SO
models is even more difficult because one can be a SO model
without appearing in ego's sociometric matrix.
The difficulties associated with identification of signif-
icant others suggests that study of significant other influence
may have to proceed without compiling an exhaustive list of
significant others for each ego. The most viable alternative
appears to be study of role categories whose "incumbents are
likely to be significant others." This strategy places heavy
demands on .theory, for identifying the role categories must
depend on theory. A more general strategy is to rely on theory
to establish hypotheses that link significant others to descrip-
tive variables that are relatively easy to measure. For example,
the amount of influence exercised by an other may depend directly
on the amount of interpersonal interaction between ego and other,
--- -thus suggesting a statistical interaction hypothesis which may
include the product of SO expectation of ego and the amount of
interaction between SO and ego. In fact, tests of theory pre-
dicting role categories and conditions leading to one person
influencing another may yield more interesting results than
empirical research assessing the overall impact of all signif-
icant others. After all, significant others exercise influence by
Although defining significant-other influence as a particular
instance of causation implies that the WISOB is not an infallible
method for identifying SOs, the definition does not indicate that
the lists of persons generated by administering the WISOB bears
no correspondence to ego's significant others. In fact, there
may be a close correspondence, though this ultimately is an
empirical matter. The WISOB may provide a useful tool for gener-
ating hypotheses; studying the characteristics of those whom
ego's list on the WISOB should produce hypotheses about char-
acteristics of SOs that could be tested using path models.
The definition of significant others as those who exercise
major influence over ego suggests a distinction between the terms
significant other influence and interpersonal influence. Signif-
icant others are individuals who exercise major influence whereas
interpersonal influence may be viewed as the total influence of
aggregates of individuals of whom only a few are major influ-
ences. With this distinction it is immediately clear that school
personnel, for example, may be important in shaping one's career
goals even if no teacher or counselor is a significant other.
Also, it may be useful to view the path coefficients associated
with the variable used by Sewell and associates as indexing
interpersonal influence, since their composite measure includes
ego's perceptions of attitudes of fairly large aggregates of
individuals such as teachers and peer friends.
'There are two additional conceptual/measurement distinctions
of importance: (1) the distinction between "perceived" and
"objective" significant other variables, and (2) the distinction
between significant other encouragement and significant other
expectation. Regarding the first distinction, significant
others' attitudes and behavior toward ego have been measured by
(a) asking ego to indicate his /her. perceptions of those attitudes
and behaviors, and (b) by asking significant others to indicate
the attitudes and behaviors. With respect to the second distinc-
tion, at least.two types of questions have been asked about
significant others' attitudes and behaviors concerning ego's
educational goals: (a) respondents have been asked how much
encouragement to attend college significant others have given to
ego, and (b) respondents have been asked to indicate the level of
schooling that significant others expect ego to achieve. When
these two dimensions are crossed, four types arise: perceived
encouragement, objective encouragement, perceived expectation,
and objective expectation--where perceived is used as a con-
venient shorthand for asking the questions of ego, and objective
indicates that the questions are asked of the significant others.
No studies have used the objective encouragement measurement, but
the other three measurements have been used. The same variety of
procedures have not been applied to occupational significant
others, though analogous conceptual distinctions' apply. As will
be seen in the discussion of evidence, these procedures appear to
affect empirical results.
Empirical Implications
There appear to be three main types of observation that
status-attainment theory leads one to expect. First, all the
dependent variables in the model should be predicted with at
least moderate accuracy. Secondly, the signs of the path
coefficients should be nonnegative. Finally, most or all of the
effects of status origin (SES) and mental ability on educational
or occupational status should be indirect. The first expectation
requires little discussion; the point is that R-square values of
modest to high magnitude should be observed when educational and
occupational attainment, educational and occupational
expectations, and educational and occupational significant-other
variables are estimated from their respective antecedent
The expected nonnegative sign of all the path coefficients is
explicit in the literature (e.g., Sewell, Haller, and Portes
1969) and can be drawn from the context of the model. Certainly,
one would not expect a negative relationship between parental
status (SES) and any of the other variables in Figure 16; SES
Alld exhibit a positive direct effect on academic performance
and the significant-other variables. Its direct effect on
educational and occupational expectations and attainments might
be zero, but should not be negative. Similar reasoning applies
to the effects of mental ability. The effect of academic
performance on the level of significant others' educational and
occupational expectations of ego should be positive and the
direct effects of academic performance on the level of
educational and occupational expectations and attainments might
be zero but should not be negative. Similarly, the SO variables
should manifest positive effects on the two expectation variables
and non-negative effects on the two attainment variables.
Finally, the two expectation variables should exhibit positive
effects on the two attainment variables, and education should
positively affect occupational status.
For those unfamiliar with the path analysis literature, some
explication is required of the prediction that the effects of
parental status and mental ability on attainment variables is
indirect. Also, in view of our speculation that several of the
important career-decision-making variables in the model manifest
two-directional effects, it will be useful to explore the meaning
of indirect effect for systems that contain feedback. ;,t is
found that the calculation of indirect effect must be altered
somewhat when the system contains causal feedback, a fact that
has been neglected in the literature.
The basic idea of indirect effect nested in decomposing
the bivariate correlation between x and
and y into parts--one part
identified as the direct effect of x on y, one part termed_the
indirect effect of x on y, and one part termed a noncausal
element of the correlation between x and y (Duncan 1966; Finney
1972; Alwin and Hauser 1975; Heise 1975). The decomposition has
generally been developed for recursive systems. The main ideas
are illustrated in Figure 17. Figure 17a shows a simple
DE of SES on DE = a DE of SES on DE = a
1E of SES on DE = bc IE of SES on OE = (bc + acd)/(1 -cd)
TE of SES on DE = a + bc TE of SES on OE = (a + bc)/(1-cd)
DE of APon0E=c DE of AP on OE = c
IE of AP on OE = de IE of AP on OE = (de + cef)/(1-ef)
TEofAPon0E=c+de TE of AP on OE = (c + de)/(1-ef)
NCP, AP and OE = ab NCP, AP and OE = ab/(1-ef)
1. SES = parental status 1. DE = direct effect
2. AP = academic performance 2. IE = indirect effect
3. OSO = occupational expectations 3. TE = total effect
of significant others for ego 4. NCP = noncausal part of
4. OE = occupational expectation of a correlation
ego for self 5. a, b, c, d, e, f = path coefficients
feedback system (bc) plus another term: acd. The term acd
accounts for indirect effect which feeds back and forth between
OSO and OE.
The second two path diagrams in Figure 17 illustrate these
principles for four-variable models, one recursive (Figure 17c)
and one reciprocal (Figure 17d). Observing the effects of
academic performance (AP) on occupational expectation (OE), one
sees that the correction for causal feedback in the four-variable
system is quite analogous to the correction in the three-variable
system. One divides the corresponding total effect in the
recursive system by 1--ef, e.being the effect of OSO on OE, and
f referring to the reverse effect.- The same correction factor
(1--ef) appears in the denominator of the indirect effect, and
the numerator contains, in addition to the indirect effect of the
nonfeedback system, a term (cef) reflecting the indirect effect
which feeds back and forth between OSO and OE. Although it is
not shown in the figure, the analogous results occur for the
effects of parental status (SES) on occupational expectation
Figures 17c and 17d also illustrate the idea that corre-
lations may arise because both variables in the correlation are
affected by a common antecedent variable; the portion of a
correlation due to "causally prior" variable(s) is termed the
noncausal part. Denoting the correlation between academic
performance and occupational expectation (OE) by (r24), the
model in 17c implies the following decomposition:
r24 = ab + a + de
The noncausal part is due tothe fact that both AP (x2) and
OE (x4) are affected by a common antedecent--SES. A similar
decomposition occurs in the reciprocal model (Figure 17d).4
The concept of indirect effect is central to status
4It should be noted that the noncausal part shown here depends
on the assumption that SES is uncorrelated with the
disturbance for AP. In sociological discussions of path
analysis, identification of indirect and total effects
generally depends on decomposition of correlations. The
same results can be achieved by creating independdht
definitions of the concepts indirect and total effects in
terms of certain partial derivatives. The
attainment theory. As noted earlier, the field of investigation
,began with the pervasive observation that status mobility between
father and son is limited, thus implying father's status is
correlated with son's status. The common thread linking diverse
empirical investigations of status attainment is the goal of
interpreting the father-son relationship by identifying processes
that intervene between father's and son's status--showing why the
correlation arises. A key argument has been that parents'
occupational values are related to parental status, parents
become significant others for their children and thereby pass
these occupational values on to their children in the form of
level of the children's occupational expectation. The level of
the children's occupational expectation, in turn, affects their
occupational attainment. An analogous argument is advanced for
educational attainment.
The concept of indirect effect in path analysis provides a
basis for quantitative tests of this elementary theory. It is
instructive to see how the principles of calculating indirect
effects can be applied to the basic theory. Figure 18 abstracts
some important principles from the preceding paragraph. With
this model, the direct effect of parental status on one's
occupational attainment is indexed by the single path coefficient
symbolized by "a" in the figure. The combined indirect effects
are be + bcd. The theory indicates that a small
relative to be + bcd. The diagram also illustrates the idea that
indirect effects can be broken into components. The term eb
reflects the indirect effect of SES on. occupational attainment
(OA) flowing to the signigicant other variable (OSO) and then
directly to OA, and the term bcd reflects a three step transmis-
sion, from SES to OSO to OE to OA.
The basic status attainment model given in Figure 16 also
implies that the effect of academic performance on educational
and occupational expectations and attainments is indirect, and
that the effect of the significant other variables on attainment
operate indirectly through ego's own expectation. In addition,
the effect of mental ability on attainment is indirect. In
particular, academic performance should be an important
intervening variable between mental ability and educational
expectations and attainments. These predictions are part of the
general theoretical viewpoint in status attainment research and
have been explicitly stated (e.g., Sewell, Haller, and Portes
1969). However, no one expects them to hold precisely, and some
empirical results have led to deemphasizing such predictions
(e.g., Sewell, Halleri and Ohlendorf 1970).
completion of education. Blau and Duncan suggest that the
"appreciable minority" of respondents for whom the first job
occurred prior to completion of education probably generates a
downward bias in relationships between education and first job,
and between first job and current job.
The statistical calculations needed to address the three
main implications of the status attainment model are collected in
Table 7 for males aged twenty to sixty-four. The table is
formated to promote ready comparisons between bivariate
correlations, direct effects, indirect effects, total effects,
and noncausal parts of correlations. The table also presents
R-square values. It is clear from the table that the Blau-Duncan
data lend some support to the first two empirical implications of
status attainment theory, namely that the effects should be
nonnegative and that predictive accuracy should be moderate or
high. Only one coefficient in the table is negative--the direct
effect of father's education on respondent's current job status,
but the magnitude of the coefficient is miniscule, -.014. The
R-squares are of moderate strength, gauged against current social
science data for which the individual is the unit of analysis.
The fact that the R-squares uniformly increase from repondent's
education to respondent's first job to respondent's current job
As_primarily due to the addition of predictor variables in
successive equations. This is a common feature of recursive path
The correlational decompositions of most interest are those
involving relationships between the two status-background
variables (father's education and father's occupation), and the
respondent's occupational statuses, (first job and current job).
Regarding-father's occupation and current job, the correlation is
.405, and .08 (NCP) of this can be attributed to the-6brrelation
between father's occupation and father's education and to the
effects of father's education on current job. The remaining
value, .405 - .080 = .325, is the total effect of father's
occupation on son's current job. The indirect effect (.205) is
about 1.7 times larger than the direct effect (.120). The ,.
indirect effect operating through respondents' education is .145
(not shown in Table 7).. Thus, the hypothesis that the effects of
family status on one's own occupational status is indirect finds
some support in these data. The indirect effect via education
exceeds the direct effect, and the complete indirect effect is
substantially larger than the direct effect.
The relationship between father's occupation and
respondent's first job does not reveal strong .support for the
intervening-variable hypothesis. In this case the correlation is
.417, of which .082 is a "noncausal part." The remaining total
able 7
20-64 in 1962
Alta for Blau and Duncan'S Basic Path Model, U.S. Males feed
Independent Variable
r IE TE R r DE 3 TE MCP r DE in
DepeAnt Variable r DE 3 TE ICP r DE IC TE DE
.279 .159
Respondent's .453 .310 .310 .143 .453 .310 .143 .455 .438 .279
SYMBCGS: r = bilariate A/relation-
partial regression coefficient calculated
by (LS
DE direct effect, standardized
IE s indirect effect
7E s total effect
NCP Q 10:00301 part' of the correlation (r)
MC& Blau and Duran (1967: 169, table 5.1 and 174, table 5.2).
160 161
effect (.335) is pr_dominantly direct (.214), the indirect effect
via education (.121) being little more than half the direct
effect. The relatively large direct effect of father's
occupation on first job is responsible for a fair portion of the
indirect effect of father's occupation on current job. The
spirit of the intervening-variable hypothesis suggests that one
might be inclined to eliminate this pathway from consideration
when evaluating the basic theory. As noted in the previous
paragraph, however, when the indirect effect of father's
occupation on current job operating through first job is
eliminated, the indirect effect through education still exceeds
the direct effect. .These observations suggest that Blau and
Duncan may have been correct in speculating that respondents for
whom the first job preceded completion of their education
attenuated the correlation between education and the status of
the first job.
The fact that the basic model stipulates no causal relation
between father's education and father's occupation raises some
ambiguity abdut the proper identification of indirect effects of
father's education. No ambiguity arises, however, concerning
indirect effects of father's occupation, since the status of
father's occupation when the son was sixteen years old probably
exercises no influence on the amount of schooling achieved by the
father. The ambiguity regarding indirect effects of father's
education is reflected in Table 7 by presentation of two
decompositions for father's education. The column labeled
"assumption 1" in the table attributes the entire correlation
between father's education and father's occupational status to
prior variables (e.g., grandparents' status, or father's mental
ability); the column labeled "assumption 2" attributes the entire
correlation to the effect of father's education on father's
occupation. Neither assumption is entirely plausible, although1.
assumption 2 is probably more nearly accurate than assumption
No matter which assumption is preferred,- -however, essentially all
the total effect of father's education on first job or current,
job is indirect, but the magnitude of the indirect effect depenTS---
heavily on which. assumption is preferred. For assumption 1 the
indirect effects are .134 and .168 for first job and current job,
respectively; whereas, for assumption 2, the corresponding values
are .306 and .336. The indirect effects under assumption 2,
then, are about double those under assumption 1. This exercise
illustrates a general phenomenon in path analysis. Although
estimates of path coefficients are often unaffected by
unspecified causal relations, analysis of indirect effects (and
"noncausal parts" of correlations) are rendered ambiguous by
unspecified causal relations. This fact often has gone
unrecognized in the literature.
To summarize the effects of father's education, the basic
intervening-variable hypothesis is strongly substantiated for
respect to the influence of father's education on son's
occupational statuses, irrespective of whether the correlation
between father's education and his occupation is attributed to
prior causes or to an effect of father's education on his
occupation. However, the magnitude of the indirect effect (and,
therefore, total effect) is strongly affected by the source of
the correlation between father's education and his occupation.
It-ls worth noting that only a small portion of the total
effect of respondent's education on current job (.519) is
indirect via first job (.122). This observation also lends some
support to Blau and Duncan's view that respodent's listing first
jobs prior to completion of their education may have deflated
correlations of education with first job and current job with
first job. This interpretation is reinforced by subsequent
reanalysis of relationships involving first job reported by
Duncan, Featherman, and Duncan. These authors write:
The outcome of this work suggests the advisa-
bility of deleting first job from the basic
model, to avoid conveying an over simplified
impression of how this particular career con-
tingency actually operates. This is not to
suggest that it is an unimportant variable but
rather to indicate that a separate treatment
is advisable (Duncan, Featherman, and Duncan
1972: 206).
Detailed cross-classification of data on educa-
tional attainment by age at first job suggests
that many men interrupt schooling to enter the
labor force in what they will later interpret
to have been their 'first jobs.' It is, there-
fore,' an oversimplification to think of school-
ing as unformily preceding first job (Duncan,
Featherman, and Duncan 1972: 252).
Later analyss based on the OCG data have omitted first job
from the basic model (e.g., Featherman and Hauser 1976; Hauser
and Featherman 1977).
The data in Table 7 reveal substantial support for the
intervening - variable hypothesis except for the small indirect
effect of father's occupation on first job; however, in view of
the ambiguities of the first job measurement, and in the interest
of parsimony, a simplified model offers considerable heuristic-
value. Recall the fundamental idea of the intervening-variable
model, quoted earlier from Duncan, Featherman, and Duncan (1972):
"family---.. schooling job." In the Blau-Duncan model,
two variables are classified as family background variables,
father's education and father's occupation, and there are two job
variables, occupational statuses of the son's first and current
jobs. Including son's education, then, the Blau-Duncan model
contains five variables. Although five variables is a relatively
small number, the Blau-Duncan model is considerably more compli-
cated than the basic theory; a simplified model therefore, is
presented, calculated from Blau and Duncan'.s data. The simpli-
fied model closely resembles the family ---y.schcoling
job sequence. The model is calculated from the Blau-Duncan
correlation matrix (1967: 169,_ Table 5.1); the results are shown
in Figure 19.
I %OW:
current job I
NOTE: "Father's status" is the sum of father'd education and father's occupational
status, both converted to standard scores prior to adding.
FIGURE 19. Simplified model of status attainment developed from Blau and Duncan.
than the full model, the parsimony of the model compensates in
part for the information, loss providing, of course, that the data
displayed in the simplified model do not distort the findings of
the larger model. The main source of possible distortion is the
.composite .SES variable; it was constructed by summing the
standard scores for father's education and father's occupation.
In this particular data, the. aggregate SES variable generates
almost no distortion in the assessment of effects of family
background on respondent's education; the square of the path from
father's status to respondent's education is the same as the
R-square using father's education and father's occupation as
simultaneous predictors of respondent's education, to within
limits of rounding. This result is not surprising since the path
coefficients from father's education and father's occupation to
respondent's education are nearly equal, and the summing
procedure used to create "father's status," ineffect, forces the
two coefficients to be equal. Also, the direct effect of
respondent's education on current job in the simplified model
precisely matches the sum of the corresponding direct effect and
indirect effect via first job in the full model, both values are
.519. Moreover, the sum of the direct effects 'of father's
education and occupation on current job and their indirect
effects via first job in the full model is close to the direct
effect of father's status,in the reduced model (.187 for the
former, .151 for the latter). Finally, one may note that the
simplified model circumvents the problems of causal sequence
regarding respondent's first job.
Having made these comments, it is important to add that
replacement of the Blau-Duncan model with the simplified version
shown in Figure 19 cannot be recommended as a general strategy.
Figure 19 renders a convenient summary of the degree to which the
intervening variable model is supported by data. In general,
such an exercise must be carried out cautiously; simplified
models oust be-compared to more elaborate models to assure that
the simplification has not distorted important content in the
data. The degree of simplification must pertain to the specific
purposes of inquiry.
The main features of the Blau-Duncan model have been
reviewed, but there remain some subsidiary issues that merit
brief attention. First,, by breaking the total sample into four
age cohorts, Blau and DUncan present some evidence regarding time
trends in stratification processes. Secondly, evidence regarding
possible spurious effects in the basic path model is also
contained in the Blau-Duncan volume. These two topics are
considered briefly in the following paragraphs.
The four age cohorts studied by Blau and Duncan span ten-year
age intervals: twenty-five to thirty-four, thirty-five to
forty-four, forty-five to fifty-four and fifty-five to
sixty-four. Since father's education, father's occupation,
respondent's education, and first job occur at approximately the
same point in the life cycle of each cohort, the relationships
among these variables can be viewed as approximations to data
that might have been collected when each cohort was in the
youngest age interval, twenty-five to thirty-four. The accuracy
of the approximations depends mainly on accuracy of the recall
data and differential mortality by variables contained in the
model. No discernable trends appear in the relationships among
these four variables across the four cohorts. This observation
holds for the bivariate correlations and path coefficients;
On the other hand, current job does not occur at the same
point in the life cycle for the four cohorts, and two marked
differences among cohorts in relationships involving current job
do appear in the data. First, the R-square values when current
job is the dependent variable exhibit a monotonic decline from
the youngest cohort to the oldest, ranging from .5 for the
twenty-five to thirty-four group to .3.9 for the fifty-five to
sixty-four group. The R-square differences are primarily due to
a similar monotonic decline in the correlation between
respondent's education and current job from the youngest to the
oldest cohort; the correlations span from .657 for the youngest
cohort to .576 for the oldest cohort.
Blau and Duncan attribute this monotonic decline to a time
trend in the relationship between education and status of one's
occupation rather than to the monotonic increase over cohorts in
time between completing one's education and the time of
measurement for current job. Two pieces of evidence are cited in
favor of this interpretation. First, Blau and Duncan argue that
if the change in correlations were due to the time interval
between completion of education and current job, then the
correlation between respondent's education and first job should
exceed the correlatioh between respondent's education and current
job, but this inequality does not hold in the OCG data. Blau and
Duncan note, however, that the questionable sequencing of first
job and education may account for the fact that respondent's
education correlates more highly with current job than with first
job. They therefore suggest the fact that father's education and
occupation exhibit uniformly smaller correlations in all cohorts
than do son's education and occupation is stronger evidence
favoring .the time-trend interpretation. One may doubt the
validity of comparing the correlation between education and
occupation for fathers to that for their sons, however. Both
education and occupation of fathers were measured in the OCG data
by querying the sons. Thus till measurements for- fathers'
education and occupation are subject to recall over an extended
time and may therefore contain larger errors; though this
possibility runs counter to Blau and Duncan's tentative
conclusion, it is plausible nevertheless.
To evaluate the possibility that there is more unreliability__
in the data for fathers than in the data for sons, the authors of
the present volume carried out some further calculations.
Equating the correlation between education and occupation of
fathers to the same correlation for sons and using the standard
correction for attenuation of a correlation due to measurement
error allows an estimate of the relative unreliabilities for
fathers and sons that would produce the observed results given
that the. error -free correlations were the same. For the total
-OCG sample, this calculation shows that the ratio of the
geometric mean reliabilities for education and occupation of
fathers to the same gedmetric mean for sons is .866. This does
not seem like an unreasonable result. For example, if the
geometric mean reliability of fathers' education and occupation
were .80, then_ the corresponding value for sons would be''.92;
such numbers are entirely plausible. In fact, Hauser and
Faterhman (1977: 294) report reliability estimates from OCG data
for fathers' and sons' education and occupation implying the
ratio of the geometric mean for fathers to the geometric mean for
'sons to be .782. This ratio generates a larger correlation
between sons' education and occupation than the corresponding
correlation for fathers.. -It, therefore, appears that the OCG
data do not provide good evidence regarding the appropriate
interpretation of cohort differences in the correlation between
respondent's education and current job.
Using synthetic cohorts, Blau and Duncan also produce a
highly interesting model incorporating simulated observations of
a single cohort at ten-year intervals from age twenty-five
through age sixty-four. These results show a marked age trend in
the effect of past job on current job, implying that occupational
mobility declines with age. There is ample theory to support
this view, but convincing empirical support must await collection
of real time-series data on a single cohort.
Finally, Blau and Duncan present some preliminary evidence
that their basic model would remain essentially unchanged had a
variety of additional variables been statistically controlled.
The additional variables are: population size of one's residence
in 1962, race, ethnic origin, migration, presence or absence of
parents in the home when one was a youth, number of siblings in
the family of origin, region, and marital status in 1962. A-
table'ds presented showing that bivariate correlations among the
variables in the basic model are not affected strongly by
controlling for these qualitative variables. The control
variables are-entered_into the calculations singly and in
combinations of two or three. Later chapters of the volume
analyze effects of these control variables on occupational
attainment and educational achievement; brief summaries of some
of these findings are con4-.z ined in later pages of this chapter.
Independent Variables'
Vari.-. R
ables .MA SES AP SO EE OE EA Squares
AP .581 .026 .347
(.589) (.194)
MA = mental ability (IQ)
SES = socioeconomic status index
AP = academic performance (school grades)
SO = significant-other composite variable
-EE ='student's educational expectation
OE = student's occupational expectation
EA = educational attainment
OA = occupational status attainment
NOTE: main entries are standardized path coefficients estimated
by OLS and figures in parentheses are correlations.
variables: education ne's father, occupation of one's
father, education of one's mother, respondent's perception (while
in high school) of the economic status of the family,
respondent's perception of parental financial support for
attending college, and respondent's perception of the approximate
amount of that support. Finally, the significant other variable
(SO) is an unweighted sum of the students' report of the amount
of encouragement to attend college received from his parents, the
students' report of encouragement received from teachers, and the'
students' report of the college plans-of his peers. Thus, the SO
variable refers to educational communications of others but not
to occupational communications.
The path coefficients are based on ordinary least squares
(OLS) and a recursive system (i.e., it was assumed that each
variable in the model has a unique "causal" position, possibly
affecting all other variables with later positions in the order
and possibly affected by all variables with earlier positions in
the order). The variables are listed in the table in the order
matching their assumed causal position; it is assumed that all
variables may be affected only by other variables with smaller
subscripts and may affect only variables with larger subscripts.
There are two exceptions to these assumptions, however; no
ordering is assumed between family status and mental
ability--they are left as correlated givens. Additionally,
Sewell and associates make no assumptions about the direction of
effects between students' educational-and occupational
expectations. For OLS, standarized path coefficients are equal
to standardized, partial regression coefficients with all
variables affecting the dependent variable except one
statistically controlled (Boudon 1965; Goldberger 1964). The
table lists independent variables across columns and dependent
variables across rows; each path coefficient is, therefore, a
standardized partial regression coefficient with the dependent
variable indicated by the row, the independent variable indicated
by the column, and all other column variableS to the left of the
diagonal statistically controlled. R-square values are listed in
the last column of the table for each dependent variable.
There are several important observations contained in the
table. First, by far the largest "effect" on occupational status
is educational attainment. This matches the Blau-Duncan
findings. Secondly, educational expectation of youth has a much
larger effect on educational attainment than does any other
variable. Thirdly, the effect of the significant other variable
dominates both educational and occupational expectations.
Fourthly, the effects on expectations and attainment of the
background variables are substantially smaller than their
bivariate correlations with the same expectation and attainment
variables. All but one of the path coefficients are nonnegative,
and the negative value is near zero (EE on OA). Finally, the
R-square values are uniformly fairly high by survey research
The Wisconsin data are in reasonable agreement with the main
hypotheses drawn from status attainment theory. As noted,
predictions are moderately accurate, and the paths are mostly
nonnegative. Although a formal breakdown of total, direct, and
indirect effects is not given, the pattern of relationships cited
in the preceding paragraph provides partial support for the hypothesis. Abstracting -from the data and
hypothesis. Abstracting from the data, and including only the
most essential elements of the theory, the data approximate a
simple chain: significant others------0 expectations
--,educational attainment-----, occupational attainment. Of
course, the data do not precisely fit this parsimonious view. For
example, there is a modest direct' effect from occupational
expectation to occupational attainment. Also, SES, mental
ability, and academic performance.retain small direct effects on
educational attainment, although their direct effects on
occupational attainment are negligible.
It is useful to trace the manner in which the effects of SES
on educational and occupational expectations operate through the
significant other variable. For this exercise, it is assumed
that: the correlation between mental ability and SES is due to an
effect of the latter on the former. This assumption is
inconsistent with Figure 3 but does conform to later versions of
the model (e.g., Hauser 1972; Sewell and Hauser 1975). The
calculations are shown in Table 9. It is apparent that the
significant other variable accounts for well over half of the
indirect effects of SES on both educational and occupational
expectations, and also accounts for 35 to 40 percent of the total
effects. It is unfortunate that the Wisconsin data contain no
measure of significant others' attitudes regarding ego's
occupational plans. It is likely that the second line of Table
11 would more closely approximate the first had an occupational
significant other variable been included.
Another important feature of the Wisconsin data is the fairly
close association of educational and occupational expectations
with educational and occupational attainments.. Correlations
where educational attainment is the dependent variable range
above .60, and where occupational attainment is the dependent
variable, above .45. The total effect of educational expectation
on educational attainment equals the direct effect, .350, and the
total effect of occupational expectation on occupational
attainment is .198.. Educational plans. are apparently better
predictors of educational attainments than occupational plans are
for occupational attainment.
These results are fairly impressive when one recalls that the
information for educational and occupational plans was collected
while respondents were still seniors in high school, and the
attainment data were obtained about seven years later. Also, it
should be emphasized that the total effects of the expectation
variables on attainment would probably be substantially increased
if the model were specified so that the SO variable, and the two
expectation variables exercised reciprocal effects on each other,
as recommended earlier in this chapter.
The broad outline of the model presented by Sewell, Haller,
and Ohlendorf is easy to detect in later modifications. The .
Table 9
TE =total effect
DE = direct effect
IE = indiret effect
main features of the initial Wisconsin model remain intact in the
revision. Most of the effects of family background on education
and occupation are mediated by social - psychological processes,
significant others and career expectations. Th6-
significant-other variables interpret substantial l-portions of the
relation-ships between background and educational and
occupational expectations. Educational attainment remains the
chief influence on occupational attainment.
5Becker (1964) points out that both education and ability are
distributed approximately normally, and that their product
therefore produces a skewed distribution similar to the
observed income distribution.
Replications and Extensions
The preceding subsections summarize the basic results for the
Blau-Duncan and Wisconsin models, but these summaries do not
capture the volume and range of research that has been executed
within the general framework of status-attainment.theory. The
following discussion references a variety of such research,
summarizing additional findings about the mediating rOle of
social psychological processes, tests for nonlinearity, sex and
race comparisons, and other factors such as "career
college plans, teacher's and parent's college encouragements, are
also approximated.. Educational and occupational expectations are
indexed. The three adult attainment measures are education,
occupation, and income.
direct effect on attainment and emerge as a much weaker
variable in the process (Wilson and Portes 1975:
Although the item does not contain the -word expect, the.:.
'meaning of the item would be changed to a moderate extent by
replacing "want" with expect in the item alternatives; whereas,
using encourage in place of "want" would produce a substantial
change of meaning. There are many_ways to communicate a desire
or expectation without direct encouragement. For example,
parents may routinely speak to their children about "when you go
to college" rather than saying "if you go to college." Thus,
subtle use of phraseology may communicate a desire or expectation
to children without ever engaging in .direct encouragement.
Therefore, it appears that students might very well check the
lowest response option in the Wilson-Portes variable and still
believe that their significant others want or expect them to
attend college.
The number of studies ..zilbodying the significant-other
concept in status attainment research and the variety of
measurement procedures used permit more than idle speculation
about how the Wilson-Portes measure may have affected their
findings. Table 10 presents a summary of correlations of
educational and occupational expectations of youth with
significant-other variables measured according to the four
types--"perceived" encouragement, "perceived" expectation, and
"objective" expectation, and "objective" encouragement were .
Table 10
White Males
%nary of Results fray Several Significant Other Studies fcr
Soave of Data
E:pectation Variable
Panel A: Perceived Enoouragemnt Variables
Significant Other
Var labia education 1 tion Seniors
P oal a 1 Carter, (Lau s to set cr t,ota sari) e,
Parents . enc. . 01 .2
7baders'' ed. elle. .263 .198
(Youth in fans, tion Nat or data set, N II 620) Sen as
. 8 son a Porter,
aspos to . enc.
iable N I kesheen
H. Ifotc iss 2 Data set ore Southern Tier o Up-State New Yor
. 3
1;J ga
Parents ed, enc.
rale and Hauser, 19 5.. Vous set En Iota san'en ors
Parents ed. exp.
11 s 10. Sen ors
.74 .530 I(er Iof 9 . ,(Ftrt Wayne, Indiana., data set,
la !Other s ed. exp.
Father's ed. exp. .768 .530
Nother's ccc. up, .474 .293
expectation show remarkably consistent, high correlations. (See
the panel C in the table.) Also, in four of the five data sets
containing ego's perceptions of SO expectations, the correlations
are quite high, 'especially in the Canadian data reported by
WilliaMs (1972)--although substantial nonresponse may have biased
these calculations. In contrast, the correlation involving
perceived expectations in the TALENT data set (Porter 1974) is
comparatively low (r = .362). The high attrition rate in the
TALENT: survey (59%) renders the data difficult to'interpret,
however. Results are mixed when the significant-other variables
are measured by asking ego to report the amount of encouragement
to attend college received from specified significant others.
The Ohio data ',set (Curry et al. 1976) shows fairly high
correlations, but the other two data sets show values ranging
below .40.
Basic Ideas
Note' that' both the demand and supply curve plot the price of
labor (wages) against the number of workers. Although wage is
the independent variable, according to custom it is plotted,
. .
number of
number of,
FIGURE 20. Aggregate labor supply and demand curves
showing equilibrium at the intersection.
to occupational choice.1 Since understanding of the notion of
internal rate of return depends on familiarity with the meaning
of present value, a brief discussion of present valile and its ap-
plication to occupational choice theory is presented first. Then
the internal rate of return is described.
Given the choice between receiving 100 dollars now and 100
dollars a year from now, even in the absence of inflation, almost
everyone would prefer to have the money immediately. Similarly,
most persons would prefer to receive the money one year from the
present rather than two years in the future. These preferences
hold, at least in part, because money received now can be "put to
work" earning interest. Suppose that the interest rate accurate-
ly reflects the premium people must be paid to consume tomorrow
instead of today. If the interest rate is equal to i, with
compounding once per year, 100 dollars deposited today is worth
$100(1 + i) a year from today; hence, the "present value" of 100
dollars received one year from now is $100(1 + i), since this is
the amount required to be deposited today in order to obtain 100
dollars a year from now. In general, if one deposits 100 dollars
t years before withdrawing the principal and accumulated inter-
est, the total amount in the savings will be 100(1 + i) t. The
present value of 100 dollars t years in the future is therefore
$100(1 + iLt, because this amount of money deposited today will
generate exactly 100 dollars t years from today..2
The idea of present value can be generalized to a stream of
income received over successive years. For example, suppose one
received 100 dollars today, 110 dollars one year from today and
105 dollars two years from now. If the interest rate is six per-
cent, then the present value of this income stream is $100 +
$110/1.06 + $105/1.062 = $297.22, which is less than the value
of receiving all the money now (315 dollars). The present value,
$297.22, dollars is the amount one would need today to generate
an income stream of 100, 110, and 105 dollars over the next three
years if the unspent portion each year were invested at six
percent interest. The general expression for present value with
fixed interest race and yearly compounding is:
and foregone earnings associated with college education each year
could be considered analogous to deposits in a savings account.
The funds begin to accumulate interest when deposited. At the
end of the m training years saving ceases and one begins to
withdraw Yt -xt (t > m) dollars from savings each year. The
amount remaining after each withdrawal, however, continues to ac-
cumulate interest. The schedule of withdrawal ends when the
individual retirees--all "savings" are exhausted. Under certain
conditions, it can be shown mathematically that the internal rate
of return to educational investment is precisely that rate which
would generate the savings/earnings stream just described. Ap-
parently, then, the higher the internal rate of return, the more
desirable the investment (ceteris paribus), for the internal rate
of return can be interpreted as the rate of interest paid on
one's educational investment.
individuals can be approximated by maximization of present values
does not stipulate the level of interest to be used. Since com-
parisons between different occupational choices depend on the
rate of interest, it frequently may be the case that numerous
choices are consistent with present-value criteria--if the in-
terest rate were chosen judiciously.
Utility Theory
The concepts of present value and internal rate of return are
best suited for analyzing the effects of expected income on oc-
cupational choice, but these concepts are not as well suited for
analyzing effects of nonmonetary aspects of occupational choice.
Nonpecuniary traits of occupations can be studied by considering
the concept of utility and the closely related concept of indif-
ference curve. Utility may be defined as the degree of satisfac-
tion derived from products, services, or activities. The import-
ant aspect of a utility function is that the values accurately
order individual preferences between different combinations of
goods, services, and/or activities (Ferguson and Gould 1975:
14ff). An indifference curve is defined to be the points on a
graph showing all combinations of two (or more) activities that
produce the same'utility.
To show how indifference curves can be used to analyze
individual decisions and to bring out the relationship between
occupational choice and other economic decisions, an illustration
involving the selection of quantities of two goods is presented
first. Then the illustration is modified to apply to oc-
cupational choice.
Suppose a young girl is allowed to go to the corner grocery
to buy herself a supply of sweets for the week. She likes a
particular type of small candy bar that sells for a dime and nic-
kle bubble-gum balls. Her allowance for the week is one dollar,
all of which she intends to spend on the candy and bubble gum.
If x is the number of bubble gum balls she buys and y is the
number of candy bars, then her "budget constraint," that is, the
total cost of purchase is
(2) $.05x + $.10y = $1.00.
.417. C
Budget constraint
u = 80
= 50
6 u = 1B
Quantity of
bubble gum
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
indifference curves are concave upward, then it can be shown
mathematically that the highest utility coincides with the point
where one indifference curve is tangent to the budget line (see
Henderson and Quandt 1958; or Ferguson and Gould 1975).3
Specific Theories
occupational choice are summarized, and the empirical support for
each is assessed. The material draws on the concepts described
in the preceding section. Some of the specific theories can be
classified neatly as either human capital or utility theories,
but others draw on both viewpoints. A subsection is devoted to
each of the theories and is identified by the author's name.
posited for each household. The modification seems realistic,
for examples spring readily to mind. To illustrate, food is
purchased at the market and combined with meal preparation time
to produce a "commodity"--in this case, a meal. Utility is ob-
tained directly from the meal.
Becker's alteration of the basic theory accomplishes two
things. First, it integrates time costs into-the decision-making
model.. Secondly, it reduces reliance on tastes and increases the
importance of income and prices; this is important from an ec-
onomic perspective.
Becker claims that when training is constant, the predicted nega-
tive relationship between pay and pleasantness of working en-
vironment will emerge. Once complete specialization of oc-
cupation is assumed, occupational choice is reduced to choosing
the occupation with the highest present value of lifetime ear-
nings stream (Becker 1971: 173-174).
measure of soicoeconomic status of occupations. In the present
context, it is noteworthy that two empirical features of
occupations define the Duncan SEI codes--education and income.
As just reviewed, these are the very aspects of occupations that
human-capital theory predicts will be positively associated with
opportunities and ability.
If parental socioeconomic variables are accepted as sugrogate
for opportunities, as sociologists are wont to propose, and IQ
measures are taken as indices of economic ability, then the
status-attainment research is directly relevant to Becker's the-
oretical discussion. Indeed, a large empirical literature does
show the predicted relationships (see the literature cited in the
previous chapter). The major theoretical position rationalizing
these findings, however, is quite different from the economic
rationale proposed by Becker. According to status-attainment
theory, bivariate correlations between occupational-status
achievement (Duncan SEI) and background and the correlation be-
tween occupation and ability both are due to the influences of
intervening social psychological processes (see e.g., Sewell and
Hauser 1975; or Otto and Haller 1978). Specifically, variables
such as the opinions of significant others and one's own career
plans hold critical importance in occupational choices. These
opinions and plans are, in turn, affected by background and
ability. This theoretical orientation clearly implies that
correlations between ability and occupation and between parental
background ("opportunity") and occupation approach zero when
social psychological variables are controlled statistically.
On the other hand, the economic rationale for the ability-
occupation correlation and the opportunity-occupation correlation
makes no such prediction and, further, would tend to be con-
tradicted if the social psychological prediction were true. Much
of the sociological work does show substantial reductions in par-
tial relationships, as predicted by the social psychological mod-
el (see, however, Wilson and Portes 1975 for a contrary view with
respect to educational attainment). In spite of the tendency
among sociologists to accept the social psychological view, the
evidence remains ambiguous. The predicted zero partial regres-
sion coefficients never are realized exactly and sometimes sub-
stantial nonzero partials arise. Also, significant others may be
affected by economic events; thus, economic theory does not con-
flict necessarily with significant-other theory.
claim to measure occupational expectation without error; yet the
social psychological prediction of vanishing partial coefficients
requires such an assumption (Blalock 1964). Also, specification
error may arise in numerous ways. First, most of the social
psychological process variables probably exhibit two-way causal
effects, yet empirical work has generally relied on "ordinary
least squares" applied to cross-sectional data.5 Secondly, no
empirical work contains all important social psychological
variables; omission of important social psychological factors
easily could account for the low to moderate partial re-
lationships observed between occupational status and "op-
portunity" and between occupational status and "ability" even
after controlling for selected social psychological variables
such as significant others' opinions and one's own career plans.
Kelvin Lancaster proposes a mathematically elegant model of
consumer choices that he also applies to allocation of time
between labor and leisure and to the selection of an occupation
(Lancaster 1966; 1968). In one essential respect, Lancaster's
model is similar to Becker's proposal, just reviewed. As does
Becker, Lancaster assumes that utility is not derived directly
from consumer goods and services. Rather, goods and services
exhibit "characteristics" that directly yield utility. In
Lancaster's consumer model, goods and services are one step
removed from characteristics; goods and services are treated as
inputs to "consumer activities" that, in turn, generate the
characteristics. For consumers, the sequence is from goods to
activities to characteristics. In applying the model to labor
supply, the sequence is reversed. The-activity of labor uses
characteristics to produce goods and services.
Although the essential elements of the theory do not imply
linear relations-among the variables, Lancaster's presentation
does introduce a linear model of most key relationships, for
expository convenience. The utility function, however, is
assumed to be strictly convex and, thus, is not linear.
Consider, then, the following statement of the model.
( 7) max. u = f(z)
( 8) S.T. Ay = x
20 5-
( 9) By= z
(10) px < c
(11) x, y, z > 0
u = utility
f = the utility function, assumed to be convex
x = an n x 1 vector of quantities of goods and services
y = an m x 1 vector of levels of activities
z = an r x 1 vector of levels of characteristics
p = an 1 x n vector of prices
A = an n x m matrix with entries, aij, giving the quantity
of good i necessary to produce a unit level of activity
B = an r x m matrix with entires, bjk, showing the pro
duction of characteristics through activities
The relations Ay = x and By = z are important connections in
the theory. The former shows how activities y, depend on goods,
x. It is assumed that each activity requires a positive or zero
quantity of goods; hence, all entries in A are nonnegative.
Similarly, it is assumed that the production of characteristics
through activities exhibits positive relationships, so that B >
the resource limits. This situation violates a fundamental
feature of a market. In a market, with constant income
(resources) one must give up some quantity of one or more goods
in order to increase the quantity of another good. To move along
the positively inclined constraint line, however, one must
exchange labor market activities for "leisure" (nonlabor market
activities), or vice versa. Since the individual continues to
gain both characteristics moving in one direction and to lose
both moving in the other, movement continues in the direction of
the gain until all time is devoted to market work or all time is
devoted to nonmarket activities, depending on the location of the
constraint line. The direction of movement depends on the wage.
For very low wages, one might gain in all important character-
istics by shunting market labor and farming one's own land for
-personal consumption. For very high wages, everyone enters the
labor metraet. For wage levels between these two extremes,
personal preferences govern labor-leisure allocation, as in the
neoclassical model.
The same model can be expanded to analyze occupational
choice, by adding a new activity corresponding to each
occupation. To reflect current reality, Lancaster restricts each
individual to a single occupation. Thus, according to the model,
one allocates time between the chosen occupation and leisure.
The main ideas are graphed in Figure 22. Leisure is symbolized
by £; allocating all of one's time to nonmarket activity yields
twenty-five units of characteristic 1 (z1 = 25) and five units
of characteristic 2 (z2 = 5). Similarly, work in occupation 1
is represented by the line labeled wl, and spending all time at
work in occupation 1 gives twenty-one units of the first
charcteristic and eighteen units of second. In the same fashion,
the activity line labeled w2 is associated with work in the
second occupation. The lines joining wl to and w2 to
represent respectively division of time between occupation 1 and
leisure and between occupation 2 andJeisure. For a person
choosing occupation 2, for exatPle, the closer he/she falls to
w2 on the line joining w2 to ,the larger the fraction of
time spent at work. This idea can be given a numerical
interpretation according to the following formula:
(12) Proportion of time = 1 _ distance (TC)
spent in-Otc. 2 total distance of line AC
distance (TA)
total distance of line AC
where the letters refer to points on the graph in Figure 22. In
the example used in Figure 22, the person withthe indifference
curve shown will devote 13/15 = .867.fraction of his/her time to
work in occupation 2. This number is, of course, not very
realistic, but it does illustrate interpretation of the graph.6
indifference curve
25 u = 16.1
0 5 10 15 20 25
market mechanisms supply the methods.
The basic idea in Freeman's discussion of individual
occupational choice is that people maximize utility subject to
ability constraints. Utility maximization depends heavily,
_though not entirely, on lifetime earnings, properly discounted.
The ability constraints presented are analogous to income
constraints in consumer theory.
(13) wi = E R..PiAi
j 13
average incomes in occupations, (b) trends in average incomes
within occupations, and (c) nonwage factors such as unemployment.
The discussion also incorporates the frequent assumption that
people are averse to risk, and hence, prefer established
occupations with stable histories.
thus leaving a gap between the empirical analysis and Freeman's
theoretical discussion of individual labor-supply decisions. A
fair quantity of econometric analyses of aggregate data also
lends some support to this viewpoint [see Freeman (1971) and
Freeman (1976: 53) for a summary], but it must be emphasized that
drawing conclusions regarding individual behavior from aggregate
data is risky (Robinson 1950; Duncan, Cuzzart, and Duncan 1961;
Schuessler 1971). The aggregate data analysis is more closely
related to the aggregate theory presented by Freeman than the
survey data are to the individual-level theory, however.
y (job satisfaction)
indifference curves
x (earnings)
Since it is assumed that indifference curves are negatively
sloped, the relationship between utility producing variables is
everywhere negative--Annable and Fruitman's theory of occupa-
tional choice, therefore, implies that earnings and job satis-
faction are related by a negative function (i.e., dy/dx < 0. For
their earnings function, consequently, Annable and Fruitman
specify a negative sign for the regression weight indexing the
effect of job satisfaction on earnings. On the other hand,
drawing roughly on Maslawls theory of needs hierarchy Annable and
'Fruitman also postulate that` earnings exercise a positive effect
on job satisfaction; hence, earnings and income are jointly
dependent, and two-stage least squares are applied to the
Since occupational choice is not a variable in the data
analysis, the empirical part of the study is related indirectly
to the theory of occupational choice. Two results are, never-
theless, provocative enough to bear reporting. First, counter to
expectation, the estimated effect of job satisfaction on earnings
is positive and highly significant. This result tends to refute
the time-honored economic viewpoint that job satisfaction and
earnings can be traded for each other.10 Lucas (1977),
however, presents national data showing pleasantness of working
conditions impact negatively on wages after other relevant
factors such as age and education are controlled.
The second interesting result is that the percentage of
variance explained in earnings jumped from 14 percent to 35
percent when a "disequilibrium" function containing region and
occupation was compared to the "equilibrium" function containing
only human-capital variables and job satisfaction. Here, the
term disequilibrium is applied because regional and occupational
differences in earnings that are not accounted for by economic
forces should produce an economic disequilibrium that will tend
to reduce regional and occupational earnings differences until
equilibrium is achieved. Thus persistent earnings differences
among regions and occupations that cannot be explained by human
capital and satisfaction variables give indirect evidence of
:This result tends to support the segmented labor-market
viewpoint--that two or more relatively isolated labor markets
coexist--rather than the neoclassical view embodying human-
capital theory and utility theory.
equation for earnings adds occupation as a categorical variable
predicting earnings. As a matter of experience, therefore, it is
no surprise to find a "significant" improvement in predictive ac-
curacy. Whether occupational differences in earnings should be
interpreted as reflecting imperfect wage competition, however, is
questionable. According to human-capital theorists such as
Becker and Mincer, on-the-job training is an important part of
human-capital accumulation; hence, earnings differences among oc-
cupations are not prima facie evidence of market disequilibrium,
since quantity of on-the-job training might vary by occupation.
set of investments depends on the relative size of the internal
rate of return on the investment, rk, and the individual's
subjective rate of return on exchange of future for current
income, ri. If rk > r i present value increases; if rk <
ri, present value decreases. Consequently, each individual
invests only until his/her subjective rate of exchange of future
for current income matches the internal rate of return.
An interesting theorem is deduced from these results. If
xk...1 and xk represent respectively occupations resulting from
k 1 and k periods of investment, then in equilibrium
rk_l > rk. 'The authors cite some informal observations to
support this outcome, but the evidence is uneven.
characteristics. Maximizing profit generates a set of equations
determining the demand for labor in each occupation. Setting
aggregate supply and demand equal, in turn, generates a
reduced-form equation in which wages become a function of job
characteristics and personal characteristics of workers. This
general statement of the theory serves to rationalize
specification of an equation for empirical work.
The functional form of Lucas' theoretical equations is not
specified; thus, the precise link between the theory and data
analysis is not worked out. The importance of Lucas' work is
that it broadens the basis of economic theory by providing a
conceptual structure for handling specific nonpecuniary variables
in the determination of job choices. For example, Lucas argues
that the degree to which individuals value different job features
depends on ". . .some vector of measured personal characteristics
of the worker. ." (1977: 550). He gives two reasons:
by high wages, ceteris paribus, and vice versa. In fact, the
bivariate relation between wage and attractive nonpecuniary job
features is reported positive, but the sign reversed when human
capital variables were controlled, thus contradicting findings
reported by Annable and Fruitman discussed earlier in this
from the direct utility model. Lancaster uses the idea of
indirect utility to show how a low wage, say in an agrarian
economy, might lead to nearly 100 percent of the labor force
farming for their own consumption rather than working for a wage
in the market economy;--In both cases, then, observations that
appear anomalous when viewed through traditional theory are
explicable by use of economic variables when the utility is
considered to derive indirectly from consumer good's or from jobs.
When compared to other topics in economics, occupational
choice has received relatively little attention. Theory
developed primarily to handle investment and consumer decisions
has been modified to fit occupational choice. It is not
surprising, therefore, that economic theory of occupational
choice is not fully developed and data bearing directly on the
theory are scarce.
It is only in comparison with other economic theory, however,
that economic theory of occupational choice is underdeveloped.
When compared to noneconomic theory of occupational choice, the
economic work fares much better. Economic theory-building tools
have stimulated comparatively intensive derivation of con-
sequences from a parsimonious set of initial assumptions. These
consequences generally are not easy to test, however. For
example, it is difficult to devise a direct test of the assump-
tion that utility is maximized subject to ability and training
limitations. Also, intensive work with income variables often
has diverted attention from other variables such as self-concept,
significant others' expectations, and occupational prestige. It
seems likely that lumping all these specific variables into a
single residual category labeled nonpecuniary variables unduly
simplifies the theory.
Lucas' work is an exception to this characterization, of
course, but it is only one paper and cannot, therefore, match the
breadth of coverage contained in psychological and sociological
writings. Contrariwise, sociologists and psychologists have
ignored too long, economic motivation in occupational choices.
What seems to be needed is an eclectic merging of several
perspectives with a careful eye on striking a judicious balance
between comprehensiveness and parsimony.
Although this volume is confined to a review of theories of
individual choices of occupation, it is important to recognize
that people are paired to occupations via an interplay between
personal decisions (supply) and structural factors determining
job availability (demand). One of the most important contribu-
.tions of economic work is contained in analyses of the interplay
between supply and demand: Those interested in a comprehensive
theory of job allocation should refer to economic work on demand
for labor as well as to economic theory of labor supply.
Table. 11
A Game Matrix
b1 b2
011 012
a2 021 022
been applied mainly to bargaining situations and entertainment-
situations (Lee 1971), and has recently been applied to
interpersonal-problem situations such as tfiose encountered in
family psychotherapy (Liebowitz and Black 1974).
To illustrate, let us suppose the above game matrix
represents a real-life, one-person situation. I am driving home
from work and wish to be home by six o'clock in order to watch
the news on TV. I notice that the gas gauge reads "empty," which
means that the tank is very close to being, though not quite,
empty. The a's are the two possible choices I have:
al - Try to make it home without buying gas.
a2 - Stop at a service station and buy gas.
The b's represent the two possible states of nature:
bl I have enough gas to get home.
b2 - I do not have enough gas to get home.
The o's represent the four possible outcomes of this game:
°12 I run out of gas on the road and miss the news
completely. (I tried to make it home wihtout buying
gas and I did not have enough gas to get home.)
207 ...
Games are said to occur under four conditions of play:
certainty, rational competition, risk, and ignorance. The con-
dition of certainty exists when Player A knows what Player B's
choice will be, given-any Choice of Player A; that is, for each
choice that- Player A might Al,ake, there is one and only one choice
that Player B can make. True conditions of certainty rarely oc-
cur in real-life decision-making situations. Usually, they are
artificially created abstract situations, such as a pollster ask-
ing, "If anyone you wished could be president tomorrow, whom
would you choose?" Some approximations to the condition of
certainty do occur, and people seem to act as if the condition of
certainty did exist. Ordering dinner in a restaurant -is an ex-
ample. People act as if what they order is what they'll get.
Even here, however, there is some uncertainty. The restaurant
may be out of something listed on the menu, or it may not be
cooked properly, or it may not taste as good as expected. Whejt
the condition of certainty, or near certainty, does exist', it is
almost alwaysa one-person game. This condition is, however, of
little interest in decision theory because the decision criterion
is so simple as to be obvious.
The Expected Value Principle.
Of the four conditions of play, the condition of risk (which
usually assumes that Player B is "nature"), is by far the most
prevalent in real-life decision-making situations, and is assumed
to describe occupational choices (Vroom 1964). One of the most
prominent, most studied, and most widely accepted decision
principles for this conditon is the expected value prihciple.
Actually', as we shall see shortly, this is a family of four very
similar principles differing only in the definition of "value."
The expected value principle states that a person will choose
that option resulting in outcomes that will yield the maximum
expected value. This is a kind of "getting the most for your
money" principle. The expected value of a choice is defined as
the algebraic "sum of all the possible outcomes resulting from
that choice weighted by the probability of that outcome (Lee
1971). Thus;
(1) Evi = plvil + p2vi2 +...+ pnvin
= pivii
Evi is the expected value of decision i
pj is the probability that outcome j will occur, given
decision i is made
vij is the value of outcome j
The probabilities may be either objective or subjective. The
objective probability of an outcome is its actual probability of
occurence; the subjective probability is that which the
individual believes to be the probability, whether or not that
estimate is accurate. The value of each outcome may also be
either objective or subjective. Objective values are measured in
concrete terms; for example, dollars received as the result of a
particular decision. Subjective values are the psychological
values of the payoffs to the individual--similar to the concept
of utility as used in the economic literature. This leads to a
four-fold definition of expectancy depending upon which of the
two definitions of probability and which of the two definitions
ofvalue are used. This is shown in Table 12, which gives the
names of each type of expected value.
In most real --life decision-making situations objective
probabilities cannot be determined and most values are not
measurable in concrete terms. What is the objective probability
of my ultimately reaching a salary of $50,000 per year if I
choose a certain occupation? What is the objective value of my
enjoying my work? In this situation, the salary is an objective
value, but objective probabilities and the value of enjoying work
Table 12
Probabilities Objective Subjective
The maximin principle is said to be a more conservative
criterion than the expected-value principle since it is likely to
lead to choices of options that are not extremely bad, but not
extremely good either. This will be illustrated in the next
section of the application of decision theory to occupational
Other Principles.
Some newer decision models that have been proposed are Comb's
Portfolio Theory, Tversky's Elimination by Aspects, and Hammond's
Policy Capturing Model (Rosenweig and Porter 1977).. These models
have not been tested extensively, and have never been applied to
occupational choice.
-Vroom's General Model
(2) Vj = fj LE....JVkIjk)] f' > 0
obtained by taking the valence of every other outcome k,
multiplying by the respective instrumentality of outcome j for
`obtaining outcome k, summing those products, and then deriving
the approkiate function of that quantity.
Two important points should be noted. The first is that the
valence is not equal necessarily-to the sum of the products; it
is a positive monotonic function of the sum of the products.
This function, however, is not defined by Vroom; it is merely
some hypothetical function that is ignored in practice. The model
is used as if the valence were equal to the sum of the products
as a special case of the general formulation. The second point
is that at first glance the model looks horrendous, since no
limit is set on the value of k; that is, the number of outcomes
is infinite. In any given situation, however, only a relatively
limited number of outcomes will have nonzero instrumentalities.
The rest will be eliminated from the equation for all practical
(i.e., make a choice), is a monotonically increasing function of
the algebraic sum of the products of the valences of all outcomes
and the strength of his/her expectancies that the act will be
followed by the attainment of these outcomes. Again, note that
the force is not equal to the sum of the products, but is a
hypothetical and undefined function of that sum. Except for the
specification of the function, this model is exactly analogous to
the SEU (subjective expected utility) model in decision theory,
with the components substituted as follows:
Fi = SEU = EVi
Eij Pj
V.3 = V-.
Like the expected value principle, the SEU states that the
force (expected value) is determined by taking the valence
(subjective value) of each outcome, multiplying each of them by
the respective expectancy (subjective probability), and summing
those products. Unlike the expected value principle, Vroom's
.model stipulates a monotonic positive function of that sum, which
is not defined and is ignored in practice. Just as the expected
value principle supposes ,that a person chooses that option with
highest expected value, so Vroom supposes that a person chooses
that option with the greatest force. Vroom's model also ignores
-conditions, or states of nature. In a decision-theory game
matrix, the probability that a particular condition.jexists is
also the probability that a particular outcome ij will occur
given that decision i is made. In Vroom's model, the columns of
the game matrix are ignored. Each row is simply a vector of
outcomes with a probability associated with each.
The above definitions would seem to imply that Vroom regards
occupational choice as a straight-forward application of his
expectency model, but on page 55 he introduces another variable
which is not part of the formal model: "Accordingly, we would
view choices among occupations as the result not only of
preferences among them but also of the subjective probability-and
expected costs of their attainment. Persons may not choose the
most positively valent occupation if the subjective probability
and expected costs of attaining.-it are very high" (Vroom 1964).
Expected costs are not a part of the model and how they would
function in the model is not explained. One could, of course,
regard cost factors as outcomes with negative valence; and
perhaps all that Vroom meant was that costs were a particularly
important type of outcome, and did not intend to imply a third
variable in the model. In any event, it seems best to make that
Nevertheless, Vroom mentions that motives are related to
occupational choice. However, since the relevant studies did not
control for preference, he feels that this relationship is
measuring the same variance as those between motives and
preferences. Abilities also tend to correlate with the
requirements of the occupation chosen, but Vroom feels that this
is probably an external selection factor.
Variables affecting occupational attainment are 'not clear,
according to Vroom. Some differences in motives between members
of different occupations have been found, but it is not clear
whether these were determinants of attainment_or the results of
attainment. Ability patterns also discriminate among members of
different occupations, but these may be training or
institutional-selection factors.
process deteriorates into an infinite regression in which one
never runs out of increasingly more remote outcomes. Not only is
this a logical problem, it is also inconsistent with a
well-established psychological phenomenon: the gradient of
reinforcement. This principle states that the reinforcing
effect,_which is equivalent to valence, of an outcome decreases
as the outcome becomes more remote (Dollard and Miller). It is
difficult to understand how proximal outcomes could have higher
valence than those of the more remote valences upon which they
(4) Vj = f [ E (Vkljk)] 4, V. (j = 1, n)
j k=1 3
principle in decision theory is that the outcomes be mutually
exclusive. Suppose that one chooses a certain occupation, with,
among others, three possible results: high pay, enjoyment of the
work, and prestige. It should be obvious that these are not
mutually exclusive occurrences, since one might get any one of
them, any two of them, _all thtee of them or none of them. These
occurrences, therefore, do not qualify as outcomes in decision
,theory. One could, however, define all possible combinations of
these occurrences as outcomes, and this set would be mutually
exclusive. -Let "a" represent high pay, "b" represent enjoyment
of the work, and "c" represent prestige: Each of these
occurrences can be defined as an event. Let the letter with a
bar over it, "a," represents the "not" condition, or absence of,
that event. The following combinations of events are possible:
(abc), (abc), (abc), (abc), (abc), (abc), (abc), (abc)
The three possible events generate eight possible
combinations, one of which must occur and only one of which can
occur. They are, therefore, mutually exclusive and exhausitive
and can be taken as the outcomes to which the valence equation
valence that is partly inherent in that combination of simple
outcomes and partly a result of what other outcomes that
combination of simple outcomes has the ability to obtain. The
valence equation says nothing about what constitutes an outcome,
except that it is the result of some choice.
The fifth problem stems from the fact that the expected value
principle is intended to apply to the long run of decisions made
throughout one's lifetime, not to a once-in-a-lifetime decision,
which usually characterizes choice of an occupation. Expected
value, like any other probability or function of probability, is
meaningful only as an average of a large number of occurences.
It has no meaning in a single case. When we say that the
probability of rain today is 30 percent we mean that on 30
percent of the days when conditions were like today it has
rained. After the day is over, there is no probability
associated with rain; either it did rain or it did not. Vroom's
theory has been advocated as a general decision-making model and
consequently does apply to the long run of decisions that
individuals continuously make, of which career choice is only
one. Viewed from this perspective, there is no problem. Yet,
because of the importance of choosing an occupation, the
infrequency with which it is done, and the considerable
difficulty of reversing it, it should at least be considered
whether individuals making such choices might not view the
decision as unique, rather than just one more decision out of
many, and perhaps use some principle other than expected value,
such as maximim. This will be discussed further in the next
V= 10 8 6 1
Outcomes do vary among the occupations, however. Consequently,
one could choose the occupation with the lowest probability of
obtaining the outcome .with the lowest valence. The answer to the
question of whether the expected value principle is reasonable
must be yes, but not to the exclusion of other principles that
are equally reasonable. Whether the expected value principle
actually represents the way people make decisions remains an
empirical question. Perhaps more importantly, even if valid, it
may not be the only way in which people make decisions. In that
case, it would be necessary to determine under what conditions
and with what persons the principle is applicable.
A third suggestion is the use of outcomes as reinforcements
in experimental situations. While there is nothing theoretically
'wrong with this technique, it has severe practical limitations.
It can only be used with relatively simple outcomes that an
experimenter can control. Small amounts of money, for example,
or M & M candies, might be used as reinforcers, but it would be
impractical to manipulate "job satisfaction" or "opportunity to
socialize with fellow employees," merely to measure their
It would seem, then, that there are only two viable methods
of measuring valence. Verbal report, for all its shortcomings,
is the only method suitable for measuring virtually any kind of
outcome. The use of the reinforcement properties of outcomes
avoids these shortcomings, and would be suitable for laboratory
studies with limited numbers and kinds of outcomes.
Although Vrooin does not discuss the measurement of
instrumentalities, it is obvious that verbal report could also be
used for this purpose. Questions could be asked of the form, "If
x occurred, rate each of the following outcomes according to how
useful you think x would be for obtaining it."
Another attempt at resolution of this problem has been to try
to "argue out" of it. If the EV products do, in fact, correlate
with appropriate external criteria, the argument goes, then this
constitutes an-empirically valid finding whether or not the sum
of products is mathematically correct.
of outcomes. The sums of products could then be calculated. If
the model is valid, it should be possible to find a
transformation of the sums of products that will carry it into
the valences of the zero-order outcomes.
The validation of the force equation would proceed in a
similar manner. Measurement of valence and expectancies would be
obtained for a list of outcomes that might follow a set of
choices. The subjects would be asked which choices they would
make. As above, the sums of products would be calculated and a
transformation sought which would carry them into the "choice
scores" obtained from the subjects.
W = E( E I.,Vj)
j=1 13
EVD = is expected value deprivation
,Vi is the value of an outcome i
Ei is the expectation of attaining outcome i
The option is chosen that has the smallest expected value
deprivation; that is, the option which minimizes the average
discrepancy between values and expectations of attaining those
values. The model was used to predict preferences for various
medical specialities. Guttman scales derived from questionnaires
were used to measure the three components of the model. The
resultant data are presented in tabular form with no statistical
analyses presented other than frequencies and percentages.
Conclusions are drawn on the basis of inspection of the tables.
Phillips concludes that the data are suportive of his model. The
authors' are inclined to agree. Had correlations been
calculated, they probably would have been nontrivial.
3. Freedom from pressures to conform both on and off the
4. Opportunity for advanzement
5. High prestige and social status
6. Chance to use special abilities
7. Freedom from supervision
8. Variety in work assignments
Chance to engage in satisfying-leisure activities
(recreational, cultural, etc.)
10. Friendly and congenial associates
11. Working as part of a team
12. High salary
13. A stable and secure future
14. Chance to exercise leadership
15. Chance to make a contribution to important decisions
V (Ev2) (Ei2)
Wanous (1972) also did a direct test of the valence equation,
using occupational preference as the criterion. The subjects
were 160 MBA candidates at the University of Minnesota School of
Business Administration. Each student was asked which of the
following occupations he/she most preferred to enter: production
management, finance-accounting, sales, or personnel. This was
the measure of the valence of the zero-order outcomes. Each
student was also asked to rank the following six first-order
outcomes in terms of importance to themselves: starting salary,
salary after five years, job opportunities, how high one could go
in the organization, and job security. These rankings were used
as the measure of the valence of these factors. Thirdly, each
. student was asked to rank the five occupations on each of the six
faCtors according to its instrumentality for attaining that
factor. These rankings were the ,instrumentality measures
obtained. The product of valence and instrumentality scores were
calculated, and a derived measure (undefined in the article)
obtained. The data are.presented in a table showing the mean
sum-of-products index for each occupation relative to the most
preferred occupation. The rows of the table represent four
groups of students, each preferring one of the four occupations.
The columns of the table represent the four occupations as rated
by the sum-of-products index. The basic questions asked are "How
do students who prefer production management rate all four
occupations on the valence and instrumentality of outcome
factors?" "How do students who prefer finance-accounting...,
etc?" Inspection of the data indicate that all four preference
groups gave their occupation the highest sum of products
(literally, the lowest index of the sum of products, since the
derivation of the index apparently reversed the direction of the
scale. A binomial test was done to show that the probability of
this relationship occurring by chance was Only .028. Thus,
despite the ordinal level of measurement used and the
unsophisticated statistical analysis, the results are supportive
of Vroom's valence equation.
military service, large corporation, small business, state
government, and educational institution. A pair-comparison
technique was used in which the subjects had to choose the most
preferred type from each pair of all possible pairs of the six
types. The, score for each type was the number of times it was
preferred over the other member of the pair. The third scale
used requires subjects to rate, on a seven-point Likert scale,
each work goal within each organizational type, thus providing
instrumentality ratings. No forced distribution, was used in this
study was divided into two parts. Part I was used to generate
occupational goals to be used in Part II. Five men and five
women were interviewed about their views of their future careers
as psychologists, and by means of a content analysis, eighteen
occupational goals were selected: salary, advancement,
novelty-variety, intellectual stimulation, credit-recognition,
self-respect, personal growth, responsibility, peer contacts on
the job, autonomy-independence, satisfaction of parental
expectations, being a theoretician, being a scientist,
interesting work, helping people, social relationships-WIth
professional peers, satisfaction derived from relationship to
consumers, and contributing to society.
In Part II, fifteen men and fifteen women participated. Each
subject completed a five-part questionnaire. The first two parts
ask for demographic and academic data. Part III asks each
subject to rank eight psychological occupations according to
preference. The occupations were: teaching, research in an
academic setting, research in a nonacademic setting, clinical
practice in an academic setting, clinical practice in a community
mental he lth center, private clinical practice, consulting, and
administration. The ranked occupations were then arranged along
a continuum with the least preferred being given a score of 0,
the most preferred given a score of 100, and others distributed
in between according- to their preferability.
Part IV of the questionnaire asks subjects to rank the
eighteen occupational goals according to their relative
importance, which were then scaled in the same manner used in
Part III. In Part V, each subject estimates the probability that
each goal would be satisfied by each occupation. Thus, measures
of the criterion valence, the valences of the goals, and the
instrumentalities are obtained.
It should be noted that the subjects were asked for
.subjective probabilities that the goals would result from the
occupations. The valence equation, however, calls for
instrumentality estimates; the force equation, which is not at
issue in this study since actual choices are not being measured,
calls for probabilities. At first glance,'it might appear that,
the authors have confused the two equations or have mistakenly
used the incorrect component. The issue probably is more one of
semantics than substance, however. It seems likely that the
statements, "Outcome x will help me obtain outcome y,"
(instrumentality), and "Outcome x is likely to follow outcome x,"
(probability, or expectancy), have similar psychological meaning
to people, and that instrumentalities could just as easily be
interpreted as probabilities.
The authors combine the instrumentalities and valences, which
they refer to as probabilities and utilities, in an unusual way,
given by the following equation:
SEU = E [PjUi + (1-Pi)(-Ui)]
principle in formal decision theory is much less supportive. A
number of studies have attempted to demonstrate phenomena that
are incompatible with the expected-value principle. Some have
demonstrated that individuals differ in their preference for a
gamble (Coombs and Pruitt 1960; Van der Meer 1963). Two options
could have the same SEU, yet the specific EVs could vary widely
in one case, and be quite consistent in the other; that is, one
option could offer the opportunity for both large gains and large
losses, while the other could offer moderate gains and losses.
These two studies show that some individuals prefer the high
variance gamble, while others prefer the small variance gamble.
Meyer and Coombs (1968) identify a risk preference phenomenon.
They found that preference for a gamble was determined by the
difference between the gambles riskiness and the subjects ideal
riskiness. This situation is similar to that discussed in the
example in the "Logical Problems" section of this chapter. These
findings do not invalidate the expectancy principle, but do
indicate the need to consider additional variables in the choice
equation. The variance preference phenomena has not been
universally supported, however. Lichtenstein (1965) found that
all his subjects preferred low-variance gambles, and Slovic and
Lichtenstein (1968) found no variance preferences at all.
upon the particular circumstances and subjects involved. They-
. conclude that the evidence is ambiguous.
Where, then,.does the evidence leave the theory? Apparently
in limbo. There is too much positive evidence, especially from
field studies, to dismiss the expectancy theory. On the other
hand, there-are laboratory studies in which the expectancy
principle did not work at all, worked to some extent, or worked
very well, and there is much evidence that "it all depends," (Lee
1971; Slovic, Fischoff, and Lichtenstein 1977). Even in the
field studies, there is some evidence that, even where the
expectancy principle works, other (though related) principles
work equally well. A probable explanation .is that the principle
is a fair approximation to human decision making, but it is not
entirely adequate. Expectancies no doubt do contribute to the
decision-making process, but there are probably other variables
involved also. The imprecision of the model would tend to be
masked in the global situations used in the field studies, but
would show up more readily in the carefully controlled laboratory
experiments. Some of the newer decision theories incorporate the
expectancy principle into a more complex model. Coombs (1975)
proposes portfolio theory, in which choice is determined by a
compromise between maximization of expected value and
optimization of risk. Other theories, such as the
elimination -by- aspects, model, (Tversky 1972), the contingent
process model (Payne 1973), and various linear equation-models
(Slovic and Lichtenstein 1971), have incorporated expectancy. and
utility notions, at least by implication, into more complex
information processing models. None of these, however, has been
subjected to any extensive field study.
Strictly speaking, Vroom's expectancy theory has never been
tested completely or adequately. Most studies have tested only
parts of it, usually using rather crude measuring instruments
under very loosely defined circumstances, and seldom using an
intrasubject statistical analysis. It is tempting to agree with
Mitchell (1974) who concludes that the theory-should be
thoroughly tested as stated before any further attempts are made
to elaborate it or to replace it. There is too much evidence,
however, from the laboratory studies and logical analysis
indicating the theories imprecision to consider it a completely
adequate model. Perhaps a useful strategy would be to test the
theory to see if it is a useful approximation, and then to go on
to developing a more adequate model.
The most pressing need is to conceive of the six Holland types as
continuous dimensions and, at the same time, purify the factorial
complexity of the six types .(dimensions).' More than anything
else, this step could promote expansion of the empirical work
beyond study of two-variable' relationE' ips and help to
incorporate the emerging developmental view of the theory (Hol-
land and Gottfriedson 1976) into empirical work. As a start in
this direction, a model using Holland's variables but matching
the logical structure of the status attainment model might be
useful. A major complication in this regard is that occupations
and occupational orientations must be described along the six
Holland dimensions rather than just' one (prestige) as in the
status attainment model. Thus, hypotheses about the cause-and-
effect relationships among the six Holland dimensions would have
to be inserted into the model. The concepts of consistency and
differentation offer intriguing ideas for attacking this problem.
data. In spite of the relatively strong empirical base and
multivariate approach, much work remains. Most of the models are
specified incorrectly because they assume one-direction effects
among-decision making variables that,exhibit, in all probability
reciprocal effects. Also, there is a pressing need to introduce
a dynamic conception into the structural equations.
Economic theory related to occupational choice has been de-
veloped most intensively at the aggregate level, but the economic
models do bring an important perspective to the study of
individual occupational choices (supply decisions). The most ob-
vious economic viewpoint is that income plays a dominant role in
directing occupational choice, though the theory acknowledges
other influences, they are seldom specified. A second important
economic, viewpoint is the maximizing principle. Nowhere is this
idea so explicit as in the utility models. It is convenient to
term this outlook as an incentive moddl'and contrast it with a
balance model. In simplistic terms, the incentive model says,
ceteris. paribus, "the more the better," and the balance,
hypothesizes a minimum discrepancy between two (or more)
variables. On the surface, these two ideas appear at variance
but this appearance demands careful scruitiny. Unlike the
maximizing principle in utility theory, the balance principle is
not stated clearly in technical terminology. It may be that the
idea of the constraint function in, utility theory can be seen to
encompass balance theory. Whether or not this is the case, the
concept,Of the constraint function is an important contribution
of the economic work; it represents a simple, substantive concept
expressed precisely in mathematical terms.
Human-capital theory is the second major contribution from
economics. The theory brings with it the clever concept of pres-
ent, value, found-nowhere else in the occupational-choice litera-
ture, and generates equations for estimating earnings that appear
to do much better than the ad hoc linear models in the status-
attainment work.
Empirical work associated with individual-level economic the-
ory of occupational choice is scarce, though the related
question of educational choice has received substantial at-
tention. One of the reasons for lack of empirical work may be
the difficulty of translating utility theory from consumer be-
havior into terms suitable for handling occupational choices.
Consumer choices can be viewed as quantities--of goods and
services--but occupational choice is not a quantity. The set of
all occupations, properly defined to avoid overlap between oc-
cupations, can be viewed as a "nominal variable." Consequently,
'direct translation of utility theory (which is designed for
studying choice of quantities) into occupational terms is not
A second difficulty arises in connection with this. The con-
straint function in economic theory of consumer choices (and
other decisions) is a linear form following naturally from the
basic restraint on every household--you cannot spend more than
you have--this implies that the sum of the'product of quantities
and prices equals income. Although there clearly are constraints
on occupational choice, they are not so easily expresed in equa-
tion form. Also, in consumer choices, there is only one con-
straint, the income constraint, but in occupational choice there
are numerous constraints. In principle, the mathematics of con-
strained optima can easily handle more than one constraint, but
in order to do so, the constraints must be expressed as functions
of the same variables that define the objective (utility) func-
tion. Such an expression is a difficult task because current
thinking about occupational choices does not conform to this re-
quirement. Utility generating aspects (rewards) of occupations
are variables such as pay, prestige, feeling of community serv-
ice, and interesting work. On the other hand, constraints
include factors such as mental ability, physical stamina,
prejudices, finger dexterity, training qualifications, and age.
This list of rewards does not overlap at all with the list of
alternative to utility theory because it implies a method of mak-
ing a choice,- i.e., pick the option with the highest force. Oc-
cupational choice being among unordered categories, the Vroom
model applies more directly than does utility theory.
An overview of the differences among the several approaches
is shown in Table 14. Perhaps the most important part of the
table is the first column. Inspection of the dependent variables
reveals several differences. Super is interested in vocational
adjustment (satisfaction and achievement), and in choice of oc-
cupation-only as it impacts on adjustment. Holland categorizes
occupations into six very broad types and predicts entry into one
of these types (or subtypes). Status-attainment work predicts
the status of the occupation that one chooses, not the specific
occupation. Microeconomic theory of labor supply attempts to
predict the labor market into which one enters; while labor
markets and occupations are similar, they are not identical. De-
cision theory is not specific about the nature of the dependent
variable but could handle any nominal variable.
Since the dependent variables vary among the different the-
orists, it is hardly surprising that the independent variables
also differ. As __ shown in Table 14, Super emphasizes self-
concept, petsonality,traits, and vocational maturity; his inten-
tion is to predict vocational adjustment. Holland emphasizes
personality type and environmental type as defined by the RIASEC
scheme. It is more difficult to characterize sociological
independent variables, because they cover a diverse range. The
key concept, though, is to locate predictors of occupational
prestige (status). Examples include father's occupational
prestige, level of occupational prestige aspiration, occupational
prestige that significant others expect the person to achieve,
mental ability, school performance, educational attainment, and
so forth. Economists emphasize income as a predictor of choice,
and no specific independent variables are identified in decision
Table 14
Comparison Matrix
Personality type is de- People interact in their Much evidence has been
Occupational choice
fined by Hollandls typ- environments to achieve assembled; relation-
categorized into one
a balance between their ships tend to be low
Holland of Holland's six en- ology
personalities and the en- to moderate and many
vironmental types
vironment important tests have
not been carried out
destination" thorough,test of a
dynamic model has yet
to be done
over the life cycle by using lifetime discounted earnings and
multiple period optimizing of utility. Decision theory takes the
broad concerns of the other work as given and tries to explain
the detailed process of selecting between occupations.
The degree of empirical support for the different theories
varies widely, as indicated in the last column of Table 14 and
correponds closely to the ease with which major concepts can be
Next Steps
This brief review, bolstered by the detailed analysis in
preceding chapters, clearly reveals that some fundamental- "work
must be completed before a comprehensive understanding of
occupational choice processes is achieved. In this volume,
certainly, we can do no more than suggest some possible attacks
on the problem. The remainder of the chapter takes up some
issues which, it seems, must be resolved before a useful
synthesis of diverse theoretical viewpoints can be achieved and a
thorough understanding of occupational-choice processes gained.
It seems clear that each of the five theoretical approaches
offers some useful insights, but none is sufficient by itself.
Earnings, prestige, and features of the occupational environment
all affect occupational choice. To some extent, people try to
maximize their utilities, and to some extent they try to balance
conceptions of self with conceptions of environment. The
difficulty arises in trying to integrate these viewpoints into a
coherent theory. Progress toward integrating important ideas
from the different perspectives is stymied by lack of agreement
on conceptualization of the dependent variables. Holland wants
to predict the "Holland type" of the occupation rather than the
occupation itself, economists are interested in labor markets,
and sociologists deal with the status of the occupation. Super's
major dependent construct is not defined on occupations. It is
little wonder that these approaches "talk past"-each other; they
are not studying the same thing, despite initial appearances.
Given the discrepancy among dependent variables, integration of
the several approaches cannot be accomplished by simply
"borrowing" independent variables from one theory to apply to
another theory. For example, it seems only marginally useful to
use status level of occupational aspiration to predict entry into
one of Holland's types. A conceptual apparatus that can
accomodate the several viewpoints of the dependent variable is
meaning of the basic concept, occupation. Occupation apparently
is considered to be a primitive term in much scientific work
investigating occupational choice, since its meaning is
frequently given little or no attention (e.g., Super 1957;
Holland 1973; Haller and Miller 1971; Caplow 1954; Blau and
Duncan 1967). Yet, much depends on the definition of occupation.
For example, the accuracy of prestige ratings of occupations
depends on the particular list of titles presented to
respondents. Further, prestige ratings can be carried out
directly only for those broad occupational categories with which
most respondents are familiar. The strength of empirical
relationships between occupation and variables such as income and
education undoubtedly depends on operational procedures for
separating one occupation from another. Something as simple as
the number of defined occupations depends on operational
criteria, and, in turn, influences the homogeneity of each
occupation, thereby affecting the degree of association between
occupation and other variables. Additionally, the criteria for
differentiating occupations heavily influences theoretical work
and,empirical results. If occupations are grouped to maximize
task homogeneity, the association between occupation and income,
for-example, will be less than if homogeneity of income were used
to define distinctions between occupations.2
Among those who consider the meaning of occupation,
definitions vary. For example, Slocum states:
For our purposes, an occupation is defined basically as the
kind of work an adult does on a regular basis. Usually it is
an activity performed for wages, salary, commissions, or
other forms of money income. An important exception to this
attribute is the occupation of homemaker. Viewed in this
way, it is clear that occupations are restricted to advanced
and developing societies (Slocum, 1966: 4).
In contrast, Roe defines occupation in the following terms:
In this book we shall use the word mean
whatever an adult spends most of his time doing (Roe 1956:
An occupation is the social role performed by adult members
of society that directly and/or indirectly yields social and
financial consequences and that constitutes a major focus in
the life of an adult (Hall 1969: 5-6).
Similarly, Taylor writes,
The sociological concept of occupation may be definded as a
patterned set of human relations having to do with specific
'"'work experiences...ideology and identity are central to the
sociological notion and experience ofoccupation.
Integral components of the sociological concept of occupation
include career status, prestige, mobility, images, clients,
culture, structure, recruitment, remuneration,.and control
(Taylor 1968: 10).
All of these definitions encompass the common conception of
occupation as referring to the type of paid employment in which
one engages, but each definition also includes more than a
specification of the types of paid employment. Further, these
definitions are imprecise, thus inhibiting translation into oper-
ational terms. For example, Hall's definition indicates that an
occupation must be "a major focus in the life of an adult." De-
termination of major focus is likely to be difficult. Taylor
indicates that ideology and identity are central to the
sociological meaning of occupation, but the reader is not
informed about how to incorporate ideology and identity into
operational measures of occupation. Further, the numerous con-
cepts incorporated into the meaning of occupation by Taylor imply
a multidimensionality in the definition that is probably best
left as a matter for empirical investigation. That is, oc-
cupation, ideology, identity, and so on, are probably best de-
fined as distinct concepts and their relationships examined em-
Shartle proposes a definition of occupation that is
frequently cited; he defines occupation in terms of position and
job, as follows:
POSITION: a group of tasks performed by one person. There
are always as many positions as there are workers
in a plant or office.'
JOB: a group of similar positions in a single plant,
business establishment, educational institution, or
other organization. There may be one or many persons
employed in the same job.
OCCUPATION: a group of similar jobs found in several
establishments (Shartle 1959: 23).
This definition of occupation differs from the previously
cited definitions because it emphasizes the logical structure of
the concept of occupation by defining it as a second'revel ag-
gregation of elements. In so doing, Shartle indicates a general
procedure for operationally defining separate occupations. The
definition implies that one must begin by describing on-the-job
tasks of every individual. On the other hand, the definition is
not explicit as to whether the term occupation is to be reserved
to apply to paid employment, although the strong implication ap-
pears to be that Shartle does intend paid employment to be the
sole referent. More seriously, the definition is not specific at
two critical points. Jobs are defined as groups of "similar"
positions, and occupations are defined as groups of "similar"
jobs, but the definition does not indicate how to determine
similarity among positions and among jobs, except that similarity
depends on tasks rather than other job characteristics.
Temme (1975) expands Shartle's definition by including job
features 'other than- tasks but, retains the basic logical feature
of Shartle's conceptualization--that occupations are comprised of
similar jobs:
Thus, we define an occupation as that group of jobs with the
same configuration of Routines, Requisites, and Rewards
across employers. Thus, what constitutes a difference among
occupations is a difference in any one or any combination of
Routines, Requisites, and Rewards (Temme 1975: 153,
captializations in the original).
Whether one follows Shartle and defines occupation by'task
similarity or follows Temme by using a more extensive list of
occupation-defining variables, the same logical structure occurs.
Occupations are defined by clusters of similar scale values on
variables that are, in principal, continuous. (Although the con-
cept of task. is not continuous, application of the concept to de-
fine occupations probably would depend, at least implicitly, on a
measure'such as percentage of time spent in various tasks.) Two
difficulties, therefore, arise. First, one must select the list
of occupation-defining variables (Siegel 1971). Secondly, it is
necessary to identify clusters of scale values on the selected
variables to define occupations. Numerous empirical methods
might,be employed, such as a Q factor analysis, but such methods
almost never achieve unique solutions that satisfy criteria on
which everyone agrees.
These two problems have not been clearly resolved. As noted
previously, many researchers leave occupation as an undefined,
primitive term; this observation applies even in cases where em-
pirical work depends heavily on the assignment of occupational
titles to individuals (e.g.,Sewell, Haller, and Ohlendorf 1970;
Duncan, Featherman, and Duncan 1968; Wilson and Portes 1975;
Sewell and Hauser 1975; Holland et al. 1974 Haller and Miller
1971). Several effortsto develop detailed operational de-
finitions of individual occupations have been published by
governmental agencies-(U.S. Department-of Labor 1977; 1978; Man-
power and Immigration 1971; International Laborer Office 1968),
but none solves these two basic problems satisfactorily. These
publications typically list occupational titles and provide a
verbal definition of each title. The definitions depend on
criteria such as worker function or "work usually performed:"
The criteria used in generating the definitions generally are not
well defined, however. For example, the introduction to the
Canadian classification states:
The basic principal of classification in the CCDO is that of
the kind of work_performed, but to clarify further the nature
of the occupation, other factors were taken into account,
-such as materials or equipment used or produced, standards
met, education or training required, worker environment,
services rendered, and relationship to other workers
(Manpower and Immigration 1971: xi)..
Not only is the "type of work performed" left undefined, but
several other criteria are used in unspecified degrees. These
additional criteria (e.g., materials or equipment used) ere not
carefully defined either. Further, no discussion of the re-
liabUit.9.-in separating one job/occupation from another job/oc- provided. One does not know whether independent
judges would_use the criteria to create the same breakdown of
jobs and occupations. Ambiguities such as these are not peculiar
to the Canadian classification._ Similar problems are associated
with other major occupatitiffal listings. For example, Siegel
makes the following comment regarding the detailed occupations
developed for the U.S. Census:
Unfortunately-,--distinctions on the various dimensions of
occupationsare not uniformly made, and some of the resulting
detailed occupational categories are internally heterogenous .
Stinchcombe goes on to point out one of the reasons why con-
cepts/variables based on common experiences are usually inadequ-
--,- ate, for scientific investigation:
One might add, even if the "natural variables" did have "uni-
que causes" it would be difficult to discover those causes with-
out accurate measurements.
The definition of occupation is important to the study of oc-
cupational choice, because the definition affects empirical re-
lationships and theory. Yet, occupation has not been clearly de-
fined in the professional literature. In particular, operational
criteria for differentiating occupations are subjective and, un-
doubtedly, exhibit low reliability.
These observations do not necessarily imply that the same de-
finition of occupation is equally appropriate for all
investigations--two or more studies might, in theory, introduce
clear definitions and reliable operational criteria while dif-
fering from each other in the content of occupational de-
finitions. Although one might argue on other grounds that
advantages of a single definition of occupation outweigh the dis-
advantages, such inference does not follow from the above discus-
example, certainly would contain one score describing the
prestige level of the occupation. Viewing occupations as points
in multidimensional space, then, is a generalization of the
standard sociological practice of assigning prestige scores to
occupations thereby generating a one-dimensional space.
Additional variables defining the profile might include variables
to represent the degree to which the occupation corresponds to
each of Holland's six types (generating six profile scores),
average income, percent of incumbents who are female, public
perceptions of the degree to which the-occupation provides a
community service, and degree of job autonomy. These variables
are illustrative; they do not exhaust the possibilities. Lucas
(1975) and Temme (1975) offer examples of this type of
occupational description. Until occupations are accurately
described on several dimensions such as those just listed, it
will be difficult to see how fundamental questions concerning the
motivational power of different occupational features can be
definition of occupation. Given a numerical profile for each
job, the distance separating members of each pair of jobs could
be calculated using the standard Euclidian formula. These dis-
tances could then be entered into a matrix and some type of
cluster analysis applied in order to group jobs that are close
together. Such a task is a monumental undertaking, however, that
--could only be executed by a governmental agency. The work re-
, ported in the DOT illustrates the magnitude of the operations
other viewpoints reviewed in this volume emphasize the continuity
of occupational choice the way Super does; none would contradict
this basic observation. One problem with Super's theory, how-
ever, is that while it recognizes the continuous flux of oc-
cupational plans, no technical apparatus is suggested for
incorporating the theoretical idea into empirical, statistical
2 67
for labor interact, due to delimitation of the scope of the ef-
fort, this aspect of occupational choice must be incorporated
into any satisfactory theory. Defining occupation using a
profile might contribute to integration of demand theory and the-
ories from other viewpoints. One of the profile scores for each
occupation could be unemployment rate; another could be percent-
age of the total labor force--or subgroup of the.labor force--
employed in the occupation. With such a definition, one could
compare the effects of incentives such as occupational prestige
or income to the effects of demand variables.
In studies of job shifts during adult years, con6e-pts. such as
expectation and aspiration need to bb included. The basic con-
cepts of continuous changes in differential equations do not ap-
ply to study of job shifts,-because job shifts occur abruptly
rather than continuously; on the other hand, differential
equations do apply to changing expectations. Therefore, a
fundamental problem arises: How can an accurate model be con-
structed to describe continuous change in expectations and afil'Upt
changes associated with job shift? The mathematical work on
"catastrophy theory" offers a potential tool that is worth ex-
ploring (see Zeemans 1977; Jiobu and Lundgren 1978). Catastrophe
theory is designed to describe behavior in which variables change
continuously over time until a threshold configuration occurs, at
whidh time a sudden shift in a dependent variable occurs. This
idea appears applicable to the relationship between job shift,
occupational expectation and characteristics of one's' current oc-
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