Physics Final Dps Greater Noida

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Conolod hho

No. of Printed Pages : 9

No. of Printed Questions:
M.M. 7 0
Time: 3 hrs. Class:XI

General Instructions
All questions are compulsory. There are 27 questions in all.

(i) This question paper has four sections: Section A, Section B, Section

C and Section D.

(iti) Section A contains five questions of one mark each, Section B

contains seven questions of two marks each, Section C contains

twelve questions qf three marks each., and Section D contains three

questions of five marks each.

(to) There is no overall chotce. However, tnternal chotces have been

provided in one question of one mark, one question of two marks.

three questions of three marks and three questions of five marks

weightage. You have to attempt only one qf the choices in such



1. A man with a wristwatch on his hand falls from the top of a tower.

Does the watch give correct time during the free fall ? Justify the


RC-33-200/9 I1 PTO.
2. The
equation of a wave is
given by Y =
A sino where o th
angular velocity. x is the linear
velocity. Find the dimension of k.displacement and v is the linea
3. The following graph drawn between kinetic
at constant energy (E) and mass (m
quantity X. Write the name of the
quantity X.

4 Handles areplaced at maximum

possible distance from the hinges in
a door ? Explain.
A child sits stationary at one end of a
long trolley moving uniformly
with a speed 'v' on a smooth horizontal floor. If the child
gets up
and runs about on the trolley in
any manner, what is the speed of
Centre of Mass of the (trolley + child) system

5. Why air pressure in a car tyre increases during driving ? Explain.


6. A batsman deflects a ball by an angle of 45° without changing its

initial speed which is equal to 54 km/h. What is the impulse
imparted to the ball ? (Mass of the ball is 0.15 kg)
U 22.= 0.92
RC-33-200/9 2
7. A molecule in a gas container hits horizontal wall with speed 200

m/s and angle 30° with the normal, and rebounds with the
speed. Is momentum conserved in the collision ? Is the collision
elastic or inelastic ?


A block of mass 'm' moving at speed 'v collides with another block
of mass 2m at rest. The lighter block comes to rest after the
collision. Find the coefficient of restitution.

8. Show that the rate of change of angular momentum is equal to the

net torque acting on the particle. Also write this rotational analogue

by Newton's second law.

Three particles of masses mj. m2 and m3 are of 100 gm, 200 gm

from large distance to
and 300 gm respectively are brought a very

the vertices of an equilateral triangle whose side is 20 cm in length.

What will be the work donc ?

m m

atom in an
square speed of an
At what temperature is the
root mean
10. atom at
helium gas
to the rms speed of a
argon gas cylinder equal
39.9 u, of He
= 4.0 u).

20°C ? (Atomic mass of Ar =


RC-33-200/9 [3
11. What is
temperature gradient and write its SI unit ? The
heat is
flowing through a rod of length 50 cm and area of cross-section
5 cm. Its ends are
respectively at 25°C and 125°C. The coefficient
of thermal
conductivity of the material of the rod is 0.092
kcal/mxsx°C. Find the temperature
gradient in the rod.
12. Derive an
expression of time period of the spring having spring
constant K, attached with mass M, if
displaced and released along
X-axis by the force F within its
elastic limit.

k m

Frictionless surface

13. Explain static and dynamic friction. Derive an expression for
acceleration of a block down a rough inclined
plane as shown in

4 friction

angle of
/ 0 ) inclination

14. Define the conservative and
non-conservative forces. a t 30
The bob of a
pendulum is released from a horizontal position, If the
length of the pendulum is 1.5 m, what is the speed with which the
bob arrives at the
lowermost point, given that it dissipated 5% of its
initial energy
against air resistance ?


15. (i) Derive the moment of inertia of a rod of mass M, length I about an
axis perpendicular to it through one end.

(ii) To maintain a rotor at a uniform angular speed of 200 rad/s, an

engine needs to transmit a torque of 180 Nm. What is the power

required by the engine ?


(i) Calculate the moment of inertia of a ring of mass M, Radius R about

an axis passing through its diameter.

(i) The velocities of three particles of masses 20 g. 30 g and 50 g are

10, 10j and 10k respectively. Find the velocity of the center of mass
of the three particles.

16. What is the escape velocity derive its expression by conservation law
of energy. There is no atmosphere on moon. Why ?

RC-33-200/9 51 PTO.
17. () State the essential
conditions for the
reilection to take phenomenon of total internal
place and derive the relation between critical
cand refractive index ange
of the denser medium
(11 Explain briefly with the
help of a necessary diagram, how the
phenomenon of total internal
reflection is used in optical fibers.
18. Derive an
expression for
path of projectile. The trajectory ofa
projectile is represented by y = V3x - gx* /2. Find the angle of

19. (a) The frequency (n) of a tuning fork depends upon the length () of its
prong, the density (d) and Young's modulus () of its material. Using
dimensional consideration, find a relation of n in terms of 1, d and Y.
(b) A famous relation in physics relates 'moving mass' m to the 'rest
mass' mo of a particle in terms of its speed v and the speed of light
c. A boy recalls the relation almost correctly but forgets where to put

the constant c. He writes: m= mo Guess where to put the


missing 'c'. Give the justification of your answer.

20. What is heat pump ? Find COP of the heat pump with the help of

A refrigerator is to maintain eatables kept inside at 9°C. If

room temperature is 36°C, calculate the coefficient performance.


Draw P-V diagram of Carnot cycle and calculate its efficiency.

21. Write short note on any two of the following:

(a) Hydraulic lift (b) Equation of continuity

(c) Magnus effect

RC-33-200/9 61
Define the critical
velocity and derive its formula.
22. A transverse harmonic wave on a string is described by
yx,t)=4.0sin (10x + 20t) where x and y are in metre and t in
Second. The
positive direction of x is from left to right.
a) Is this a
travelling wave or a stationary wave ? If it is travelling, then
what is speed of its propagation ?
(b) What are its amplitude and frequency ?
(c) What is maximum velocity of oscillations and the least distance

between two successive crests in the wave ?

23. A rocket is moving at a speed of 200 m/s towards a stationary target.

While moving, it emits a wave of frequency 1000 Hz. Some of the
sound reaching the target gets reflected back to the rocket as an

echo. Calculate (1) the frequency of the sound as detected by thhe

and (2) the frequency of the echo as detected by the rocket.

e k a v e t ,L = 33 m
24. () Show that for limiting equilibrium on an inclined plane is = tan
where , is coefficient of static friction and 0 is angle of repose.

Show that if
() A nucleus is at rest in the laboratory frame of reference.
into two smaller nuclei the products must move in
it disintegrates
opposite directions.


of astronomical telescope, in the

25. (a) Draw a labeled ray diagram an

normal adjustment position and derive the expression for its

magnifying power.

RC-33-200/9 I 7
b) Show that the focal
length of convex
becomes four times when it is
(refractive index 3/2)

immersed in water (refractive index

4/3). =

With the help of a ray diagram, show the formation
of image ofa
point object due to refraction of light at a spherical surface
separating two media of refractive indices
Hi and H2 ( < Ha)
respectively. Using this diagram, derive the relation

Hence obtain the expression for lens-maker's formula in the case of

thin convex lens.

State and prove Bernoulli's theorem. Does Bernoulli's equation

hold for non-steady or turbulent flows ? Write two limitations of

Bernoulli's theorem.

the rate of flow of
(a) Give the name of the device which is used to find
Derive the expression with
a horizontal tube.
a liquid through
of suitable diagram of the device

V a2 2gh
symbols have their usual meaning
where the
needle is inserted in a vein
blood transfusion the
(b During
must the blood container
is 2000 Pa. At what helght
gauge pressure

just enter the vein ? (Use the density of

be placed so that blood may

the whole blood as 1.06 x 10* kgm")

RC-33-200/9 8
27. (i) Derive an
expression for
(il) A
displacement travelled during nth second.
body covers a distance of 20 m in the 7th second & 24 m in the
9th second. How much shall it cover in 15th second ?
(i) Define the following quantities and write their SI units Angular
displacement, Angular velocity, Angular acceleration and centripetal
(ii) State and prove parallelogram law of vector addition.

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