2 - ESBM - LEVEL of Practice

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Name of School: 0 Name of School Head: 0
Standard MOVs for Level 1 MOVs for Level 2 MOVs for Level 3 MOVs for Level 4
Classroom Observation tool COT COT COT

Curriculum Guide SIMs Contextualized, localized, indigenized SIMs LAC sessions

1.The school DLP/DLL Observation notes Letter of support from the stakeholders FGD
provides relevant
Learning Materials Conduct of LAC sessions Utilization of national testing results Accomplishment report
activities and COT
Varying numbers on teaching-learning activities and
Documentation on School-based action research Establishment of Learning communities among schools
corresponding resources
learning Varying numbers on teaching-learning activities and
resources that Results of diagnostic tests School visitation
corresponding resources
develop desired Teacher-made test
Showcasing of talents of teachers and students during
barangay events
Varying numbers on teaching-learning activities and
outcomes corresponding resources
Validated, published and utilized teaching work

Recognized related action research

MOA on School to school partnership

Standard MOVs for Level 1 MOVs for Level 2 MOVs for Level 3 MOVs for Level 4
Documents showing sharing of best practices on
Quarterly assessment & analysis result per learning
2.The school List of available learning materials/resources Innovations development and implementation of innovative and needs-
area per grade level
based learning resources
utilizes needs- Inventory of school facilities List of available learning materials/resources Contextualized learning resources
Collaborative activity with stakeholders in the implementation
based learning of School-Based Projects
Crafted Innovative School-Based Projects with
resources to Copy of test results Integration of use of facilities in LPs
MOA on School to school partnership
achieve desired Reports on utilization of intervention programs through
MPS of periodic tests Compilation of localized learning assessments
learning action research
outcomes Contextualized learning materials
Standard MOVs for Level 1 MOVs for Level 2 MOVs for Level 3 MOVs for Level 4
3.The school List of special programs Academic and non-academic activities Innovative teaching strategies FGD
appropriate Differentiated activities Curricular and co-curricular activities Accomplishment report Conduct of lesson study

teaching-learning Documentation showing shared best practices/replication of

Report on child mapping Remedial instruction Contextualized IMs
support systems the activities and resources
that contribute to Innovative-school-based projects and activities by
the Phil-IRI results Participation to LAC Sessions learning areas through intensified collaboration with Letter of benchmarking
developmental stakeholders
needs of diverse Record of mentoring and coaching/peer mentoring Certification of adoption/sharing
Provision of Technical Assistance MOA on School to school partnership

Standard MOVs for Level 1 MOVs for Level 2 MOVs for Level 3 MOVs for Level 4

Table of Specifications Compilation of test item bank Form 138 Student Portfolio

Summative Test Designs of appropriate assessment tools and strategies Minutes of meeting Documentation showing shared best practices

Accomplishment report on Curriculum Teacher-made test for children with special needs in
Quarterly Assessment Contextualized assessment strategies
4.The school programs/Projects collaboration with medical and professional practitioners
Documentation on results of the assessment communicated
differentiated Results of diagnostics and assessments Copy of staff development plan Results of data analysis
properly to the school community and other stakeholders
strategies to
measure desired Crafted contextualized interventions based on the
Learning portfolio Reports on SLAC
learners needs
outcomes Monitoring report on instructional progress
Reports on the interventions employed in addressing the
teaching-learning process

Action research

MOA on School to school partnership

Standard MOVs for Level 1 MOVs for Level 2 MOVs for Level 3 MOVs for Level 4
Forms 137,138 Remediation or enrichment activities Action Research Dissemination and utilization of Action Research

Quarterly assessment results and analysis Request letter Contextualized learning programs Monitoring and Evaluation

Item analysis Proposal Plan of Action Documentation showing shared best practices
5.The school
utilizes the Learner profiling Accomplishment Report
Individualized Educational Plan for children with special Invitation to other stakeholders to attend the showcasing of
assessment needs attained improvement of learning outcomes

results to improve
utilizes the
results to improve Copy of Crafted parallel test Questions based on the LMS of
Learner progress monitoring Teacher-made Test Schedule of RRE and other activities
learning all Learning Area
outcomes Copy of interpreted diagnostic and periodic test results
Compiled district and division-made test materials Attendance of learners undergoing interventions MOA on School to school partnership
of all Learning Area with LMS

Plan of Action for the conduct of assessment Report of Accomplishments Documented partnership activities

Copy of Crafted parallel test Questions based on the

Results of interventions
LMS of all Learning Area

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