Curriculum Map - English 8

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Curriculum Map in English 8

S.Y. 2022 – 2023

Mary Grace O. Gumaling

Q1 UNIT 1 The learner The learner
Exploring demonstrates transfers
African understanding learning by
Culture and of: African composing and
Literature literature as a delivering an
means of informative
exploring forces speech based
Lesson 1: that human on a specific
Africa: The beings contend topic of
Dark with; various interest
Continent reading styles keeping in
vis – à-vis mind the
purposes of proper and A1. ACQUISITION
Africa reading; effective use ENL8LT-Ia-8: A1. A1. ECAS 8,
Integrity of
prosodic of parallel Describing the Seat Work Written Milagros
features that structures and notable literary Exercises G.Lapad.
serve as carriers cohesive genres Phoenix
of meaning; devices and contributed by Publishing
ways by which appropriate African writers. House, pp. 2-4.
information prosodic
may be features,
organized, stance, and A2. ACQUISITION A2. A2. Milagros Truth
related, and behavior. EN8LT-Ia-8.1: Concept Map Mind Map G.Lapad.
delivered orally; Identifying the Phoenix
and parallel distinguishing Publishing
structures and features of House, pp. 4-6.
cohesive devices notable African
in presenting chants, poems,
information. folktales, and
short stories.
A3. MEANING- A3. A3. Milagros
MAKING Paragraph Sentence G.Lapad.
EN8G-Ia-7: Using Writing Analysis Phoenix
parallel Publishing
structures. House, pp. 7-8.

Lesson 2:
The Arab
World in

A4. MEANING- A4. A4. Milagros

MAKING Oral Test Socratic G.Lapad.
The Arabian EN8LT-If-7: Method Phoenix Simplicity
Empire in Appreciating Publishing
North Africa literature as House, pp. 12-
means of 13.
the human being
and the forces
he/she needs to
contend with.
EQ: What impact
does literature
gives to
humanity? Justice
EU: The students
will understand
that literature
has a great
impact in
the forces
humans need to
contend to.

Integrity of
A Moorish A5. ACQUISITION A5. A5. Milagros
Banquet & EN8V-Ia-10.2: Sentence Sentence G.Lapad.
Moorish Determining Construction Analysis Phoenix
Marriage meaning of Publishing
Customs idiomatic House, pp. 16-
expressions by 18.
noting context
A6. ACQUITION A6. A6. Milagros
EN8VC-Ig-15: Venn Mind Map G.Lapad.
Comparing and Diagram Phoenix
contrasting Publishing
presentation of House, pp. 13-
the same topic in 16.
different viewing

A7. MEANING- A7. A7. Milagros Truth

Informative MAKING Informative Essay Writing G.Lapad.
Speech EN8WC-Iii-2.2.16: Essay Phoenix
Writing an Publishing
informative House, pp. 20-
speech 23.
EQ: How does the
culture and
traditions of Arabia
affect the Simplicity
development of
their literature?
EU: The students will
understand that the
Arabian culture and
traditions helped
hone their

Lesson 3:

Integrity of
The creation
A8. ACQUISITION A8. A8. Milagros
Leopard EN8LT-Ia-8.1: Seat Work Written G.Lapad.
Identifying the Exercises Phoenix
distinguishing Publishing
features of House, pp. 24-
notable African 26.
chants, poems,
folktales, and
short stories.

A9. ACQUISITION A9. A9. Milagros

EN8WC-l8-6.1: Concept Map Mind Map G.Lapad.
Arranging notes Phoenix
using a variety of Publishing
graphic House, pp. 24-
organizers. 26.

Lesson 4
Egypt: The
Gift of the

Literature A10. MEANING- A10. A10. Milagros

of Egypt MAKING Oral Test Socratic G.Lapad.
EN8LT-Ii-3: Method Phoenix
Explaining how a Publishing
selection may be House, pp. 36-
influenced by 37.
culture, history,
environment, or
other factors.
EQ: How do these
factors influence
the propagation
of Egyptian
EU: The students
will understand
that there are
several factors to
consider with
regards on how
these literary
works were Truth

The Two A11. MEANING- A11. A11. Milagros

Brothers MAKING Paragraph Sentence G.Lapad.
EN8G-Ia-8: Using Writing Construction Phoenix
appropriate Publishing
cohesive devices. House, pp. 40-
EQ: How do these 41
cohesive devices
affect the A12. A12. Milagros
meaning of a Reading Close G.Lapad.
composed Analysis Reading Phoenix
discourse? Publishing
EU: The students House, pp. 38-
will understand 39.
the importance
of cohesive
devices in
composing a
good discourse.

Scanning texts for Simplity
one’s purpose in

Informative A13. TRANSFER A13. A13. Milagros

Speech GOAL Writing and Speech G.Lapad.
EN8F-Id-3: Speech Delivery Phoenix
Delivering a Delivery Publishing
speech – House.
points in an
informative talk
using appropriate
presentation aids.
The learner The learner
demonstrates transfers learning
SECOND understanding by composing and
QUARTER of: East Asian delivering a brief
literature as an and creative
art form entertainment
inspired and speech featuring a
WEEK 1-2 Interpreting influenced by variety of effective
Graphics in nature; paragraphs, EN8SS-IIe-1.2: Graphic Organizer Reading Reference Community
Expository Texts relationship of appropriate Explain visual-verbal of Notes Book; Awareness
visual, sensory, grammatical signals relationships illustrated in Practice Exercises Internet;
and verbal or expressions in tables, graphs, and Examples Scholarship
signals in both topic development, information maps found in Identifying and Giving of
literary and and appropriate expository texts Samples
expository prosodic features,
texts; stance, and Quiz
strategies in behavior.
listening to
long descriptive
and narrative
texts; value of
literal and
language; and
signals or
suitable to
patterns of
EN8RC-IIIb-10: Text Analysis Practice Reading Discuss Reference Respect of
Share ideas using opinion- of Notes with a Book; Other’s Ideas
marking signals Exercises Crafting a Partner Internet
WEEK 3-4 Marking Dialogue

EN8VC-Ig-15: Answering a Set of Reading Video Reference Discernment

Compare and contrast the Questions about the Informati Clip Book;
presentation of the same topic Video on Viewing Internet; Respect of
in different viewing genres Presente Online Other’s Ideas
Identifying Viewing d Research Videos
Genre of Researched Through Activity
EN8VC-IVc-15: Videos Chart
Compare and contrast one’s Viewing
beliefs/convictions with Completing Analogy of Videos
Different those presented in a material Chart Based on in Given
WEEK 5-7 Viewing Genres viewed Videos Watched Link

Answering Set of Sharing

EN8VC-IIi-17: Questions Based on Thoughts
Discern positive and negative Videos Watched With a
messages conveyed in a Classmat
material viewed e

The learner… The learner…

WEEK 1-2 demonstrates transfers learning
Vietnam- understanding by composing and Pre-Test: Multiple Reading Viewing Reference Community
Land of the of: Southeast delivering a Choices Activity activity Book Awareness
Blue Dragon Asian literature persuasive speech EN8RC-IIIg-3.1.12: Text analysis through Close Slide Share
Author’s Bias as mirror to a based on an Examine biases (for or charts reading Reference Sense of
shared heritage informative essay against) made by the author Text analysis through Book Responsibility
; coping featuring use of charts Reading Reference
strategies in properly EN8V-IIIg-26: Short Quiz: Identification Activity book; Internet Gender
processing acknowledged Analyze intention of words Empowerment
information or expressions used in Campaign Making
textual grammatical signals propaganda techniques Post Test: Multiple
information; for opinion-making Choices
strategies in , persuasion, and
examining emphasis, and
features of a appropriate
listening and prosodic features,
viewing stance, and
material; behavior.
analysis of
words and
signals for
EN8LC-IIIh-7.4: Determine Concept Map Puzzle Listening Reference Positivity
various social, moral, and to an Oral book; Internet Resilience
economic issues discussed in Listening Show Biograph Discernment
A the text listened to Comprehension Pictures y
Cambodian Check: Answering
WEEK 3 Life by Sophia set of questions
Srey Sharp
Picture Analysis

EN8LT-IIIe-10: Answering set of Reading Sharing Reference Respect for
Appreciate literature as a questions Activity reactions book; Internet other cultures
mirror to a shared heritage of with a
people with diverse Comprehension Check partner Appreciation for
backgrounds Collage Summarizing one’s own
WEEK 4 Golden Land
a stanza of a song cultural
Writing a blog article backgrounds
EN8G-Ii-8: Pre-Test: Multiple Text Reference Community
Use appropriate cohesive Choices Analysis book; Internet Awareness
devices in various types of charts, tables
speech Identifying Cohesive
Devices from the
Cohesive selection read
Devices Answering set of
Practice Exercises
Paragraph Writing
Writing an
informative speech
EN8G-Ia-7: Pre-Test: Multiple Reference Discernment
Use parallel structures Choices book; Internet
Detecting errors in a tables
WEEK 6 sentence
Practice Exercises
Summative Test

Week 1 (4 Unit 2 The learner The learner  Identify the Describe Chinese  Teacher’s
meeting) Relating with East demonstrates presents an distinguishing literature: Guide H- Honesty and
Asia concrete features of Pages: Integrity in all our
informative and
 Lord of the understanding of notable East  Describe briefly Pre- assessment  Textbook dealing
creative exhibit to Asian poems,
Cranes the prosodic early Chinese Pages:
show the different folktales, and
 Nature of features of speech, Literature and Other Learning
traditions and short stories. Resources: Google,
folktales study and research modern Chinese
values of selected  Connect YouTube.
skills, making meaning of literature.
Afro-Asian Country
sense of unfamiliar
words, using non-
words through
definitions. Check Small group
O- obedience to
linear texts to  Use understanding: discussion God and all
show relationships appropriate Designated
between ideas prosodic  Let them authorities
features of identify the
through oral
speech when
literatures of interesting
selected Afro-Asian features of
countries and
 Use
grammatical notable P- Prayerfulness
informative texts signals in Chinese as a way of life
to familiarize constructing spoken
oneself with the subordinate Recitation
language and
traditions and ideas.
 Convert Chinese
values that will
information written
guide him/her in
knowing his/her from languages
representation from the text.
identity as an
diagrams. E _ Excellence and

towards a
leadership that
2 days 1.Improving Your The learner The learner should To check the
vocabulary determines the rely on context students  Teacher’s
meaning of words clues when an understanding; Guide
and phrases as  Group the class Pages:
obvious clue to
they are used in meaning is into four then
the text, including provided, or when ask students to
figurative and find the lyrics to
only a general
connotative a favorite song
sense of the
meanings; analyze and bring to “guising Word”
the cumulative meaning is needed class. Use
impact of specific for the reader’s context clues to
word choices on purposes. Context infer meanings
meaning and tone clues should not be of unfamiliar
(e.g., how the relied upon when a words.
language evokes a precise meaning is
sense of time and required, when
place; how it sets a clues suggest
formal or informal several possible
tone). definitions, when
nearby words are
unfamiliar, and  Textbook
when the unknown Pages:
word is a common Other Learning
Resources: Google,
one that will be
needed again; in
these cases, a
dictionary should
be consulted.
Student will also  Teacher’s
2 days 2. Building words Students will  let them work  Individual Guide
learn how to add
from basic parts. understand the exercise 3 on activity Pages:
prefixes and page 9 on the
meaning of various  Textbook
prefixes and suffixes to root work text. Pages:
suffixes words to create (determining Other Learning
new words with meaning from Resources: Google,
new meanings prefixes). YouTube.

Students will
3. Using suffix Student will also
learn how to use understand the Digital quiz  Teacher’s
prefixes and meaning of various Guide
suffixes to root prefixes and Pages:
words to create suffixes.  Textbook
new words with Pages:
Other Learning
new meanings and
Resources: Google,
Let them work, by
utilizing new
words and
context clue to Individual activity
create meaningful
- The students  Teacher’s
2 days 4. Using idioms The students will will also learn Illustrate and Digital quiz Guide
understand the how to use classify a group of Pages:
meaning of idiomatic word from whose  Textbook
idiomatic expression meaning is Pages:
expression and Getting Meaning different from the Other Learning
collocations. Resources: Google,
through Sentence combined
Context meanings of the
words express.
After that, let
them answer Individual activity
exercise 12
supplying the
correct idioms on
page 17 of the
work text.
- The students
will also learn English
2 days 5. The Card The students will  Finding
to:  Facilitate the Communication arts
Catalog understand the mystery
identify the students on and skills
types of catalog
types card the types of
catalog Card Catalog to
Determine the Identify what
importance of card types card is Pause and
catalog Presented. Response

The students will

The students will also learn to
2 days understand on the determine the
6. Finding Dewey Decimal Number  Ask the students  Hide and English
material in the System Classification to work the reveal Communications arts
Library activity, and skills
 The Dewey Determining the
Decimal Number
System Classification  Pause and

The students will English

2 days The students will also learn the Cap the day with Communication
understand on the values of life with values: Life  Small group arts and skills.
7. The great principles of life the principles of discussion
Chinese Lao Tzu the great
 Think of three
Philosophers philosopher.
persons who
exemplify the
qualities of a
superior man as
describe in the
poem. On the
table below,
write their
names and your
reasons for
choosing them.
The students will English
2 days The students will also learn to  GROUP Communication
understand on the identify the figure ACTIVITY Think -pair-share arts and skills.
8. Figures of figure of speech of speech. Ask the students to
speech think a music
which consist of
figure of speech
then let them to
identify the lyrics
according to the
figure of speeches.
2 days The students will The students will English
understand on the also learn the Dived the class Drill Communication
9. Understanding use of rising and correct into 8 group then arts and skills.
of using rising – falling intonation. pronunciation. ask them to drill
falling and the the correct usage
intonations. of rising-falling and
the intonations.

2 days

After discussing, English

The students will The students will let the students Guessing Communication
understand on the also learn to answer Exercise 5 Sentences arts and skills.
10. Basic sentence basic sentence identify the basic “determining
Pattern pattern sentence pattern Sentence Patterns”
sentence pattern Identify the
pattern of each of
the sentences.
Choose from the
list in the box and
write the answer
on the line
The students will The students will  After reading the Formulating English
understand: also learn: story, let them Tag Question. Communication
practice the skill arts and skills.
 scanning text  Transform by answering
 changing sentence form Exercise 6. In the
sentence forms from one form work text. Ask
from one to to another the them the to
another answer the
formulate negative following
yes/no question questions. Individual activity
from the Transform
statements. Statements into
Change of the
statements into
yes/no questions.
The learner The learner
demonstrates transfers learning
FOURTH understanding by composing a
QUARTER of: South and variety of
West Asian journalistic texts,
Grammatical literature as an the contents of Answering Set of Picture Watching Reference Community
WEEK 1-2 Signals and expression of which may be Questions About the Analysis Video Book; Awareness
Expressions philosophical used in composing Video about Internet;
and religious and delivering a EN8G-IIa-9: Reading Grammat Videos Excellence
beliefs; memorized oral Use appropriate Practice Exercises of Notes ical signals
information speech featuring grammatical signals or and and
flow in various use of properly expressions suitable to each Paragraph Writing Samples Expressi
text types; acknowledged pattern of idea ons
reality, fantasy, information development: Summative Test
and opinion in sources,  general to particular
listening and grammatical  claim and counterclaim
viewing signals for opinion-  problem-solution
materials; making,  cause-effect
word persuasion, and
 and others
decoding emphasis, and

strategies; and prosodic features,

use of stance, and
information behavior.
d speech,
perfect tenses,
and logical
connectors in
WEEK 3-4 Writing A EN8WC-IIIc1.1.6: Text Analysis Reading Interview Reference Excellence
Headline Expand the content of an of Notes Book; Integrity
Story outline using notes from Completing Charts and Internet Creativity
primary and secondary with Information Samples
Conducting an

Information Review

Writing Workshop
WEEK 5 Steps to EN8RC-IVi-15: Text Analysis Watching Reference Creativity
Synthesize Synthesize essential Making Inferences Video Clip Book; Discovery
Information information found in a Practice Exercises Internet
given text Quiz
Writing Workshop
WEEK 6- 7 Types of EN8WC-IIa-2.8: Pre-Test Reading Watching Reference Excellence
Paragraph Compose effective Puzzle of Notes Video Clip Book; Creativity
paragraphs Paragraph Analysis and Internet
Completing Analogy Samples
EN8WC-IIe-2.2: Quiz
Develop paragraphs that Writing Workshop
illustrate each text type
(narrative in literature,
expository, explanatory,
factual and personal
recount, persuasive)

WEEK 8 Delivering an EN8OL-IIg-3: Completing an Reading Watching Reference Excellence

Entertainme nt Deliver a self-composed Observation Chart of Notes Video Book; Creativity
Speech speech using all the needed Practice Exercises Clips and Internet Confidence
speech conventions Samples
Speech Delivery

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