Junior School Weekly Term 1 Week 1 2022

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VOLUME 39 • February 4 2022

VOLUME 39 • February 4 2022

Upcoming Assalamu Alaykum

Events Dearest Junior School parents and carers

Welcome to Term 1, 2022!
I trust that you and your family have been able to enjoy
some well-earned rest after such a tumultuous 2021 school
year. The staff are very much looking forward to welcoming
Parent you back to Bellfield College Junior School. A special
welcome to the many new families that joined us this week,
Information and those who will join us next week. We pray for a smooth
Evening transition as you settle into the Bellfield community.
ONLINE SESSION Bellfield College Junior School – Staff Leadership
Monday 9th of I am pleased to announce we have strengthened our junior
February, 2022 school staff leadership team, to further support the learning
6:30pm-7:15pm and wellbeing of your child.
The Junior School Leadership Team for 2022 is as follows:

Friday 11th of
VOLUME 39 • February 4 2022

Junior School Senior Executives

Head of Junior Miss J. Harold [email protected]
Deputy Head of Mrs N. Stevenson [email protected]
Junior School
Junior School Executives
K – 2 Coordinator Miss F. Balloot [email protected]

Stage 2 Coordinator Mrs. S Williams [email protected]

(Yrs. 3 & 4)
Stage 3 Coordinator Mrs M. Boussi [email protected]
(Yrs. 5 & 6)
Junior School Leaders
Kindergarten Year Miss V. Paras [email protected]
Level Leader
Year 2 Year Level Miss M.Barron [email protected]
Year 4 Year Level Mrs. A Greenup [email protected]
Year 6 Year Level Miss D. Sari [email protected]
Sports coordinator Mr. M. Paras [email protected]
Student leadership Miss R. CHokr [email protected]

Who do I contact?

For most matters related to your child’s education and pastoral care, the classroom teacher will be
your first port of call. Teacher contact details have been included in this newsletter.

If the matter needs further attention, the following lines should be followed:

Year Level Leaders - regarding basic class/grade specific teaching and learning, homework,
attendance, or behaviour matters in their relevant grade in the classroom.

Stage Coordinators - regarding more complex matters not resolved at teacher of year leader level -
stage specific teaching and learning or behaviour matters in the stages they coordinate in the
playground and classroom.

Head of the Junior School/ Deputy Head of the Junior School – for matters of a more serious nature
that haven’t or can’t be resolved by other executive staff

We are here to help. Please don’t hesitate to make contact if we can be of assistance to your family
throughout the year.
VOLUME 39 • February 4 2022

New Staff

It is my pleasure to welcome our new teaching staff members to the Junior School this year:

· Miss B. Farrell (Year 3)

· Miss D. Todd (Year 1)

Miss Farrell and Miss Todd have worked with Bellfield College over the last couple of years as
teachers’ assistants. We are so pleased they are joining us on our teaching team! Please join me in
welcoming these fantastic additions to the Bellfield College teaching team!

Upcoming Events

The start of the year is always a busy time, with lots of information shared with students and families.
Please ensure you save the date for Wednesday 9th February 6.30pm for our very important Parent
Information Session.

Student Representative Council applications are now open. If you would like to nominate your child
for the SRC, please complete and return the note provided by your child’s teacher.


- Uniform - Students must wear full Summer uniform throughout Term 1. Please refer to your
child’s teacher to find out what days they are required to wear their sports uniform. If you are
unsure of the correct uniform, please see your child’s diary.
- Late arrivals – The school day commences at 8.30am sharp. The carline gates are closed at
8.30am each morning. Please ensure your child arrives at school no later than 8.30am,
otherwise they may be marked as ‘late’. Ongoing lateness may result in a formal attendance
meeting with a member of the Junior School Executive team.

- Toilet breaks during class – Please have a chat with your child about the importance of using
the school toilets during recess and lunch. Many students miss out on valuable learning time
as they are out of class many times throughout the day using the toilets. Please note that
toilets are locked during class time and students need to wear an out of class toilet pass and
collect the key from the junior office.

- Covid-19 – The College Covid Safety plan is still in full swing! Parents are required to use the
RAHTs provided to test their child twice weekly. If your child tests positive, parents MUST notify
the school and NSW Health immediately. Your child must stay home until they are completely
symptom free, and for the minimum 7-day isolation period. Parents are not permitted on
campus, unless invited to an appointment.

- Add the Sentral Parent Portal to your phone! – All College communication will be shared with
families via this app.

I look forward to working with all families at Bellfield College this year.

Warm regards
Miss Harold
VOLUME 39 • February 4 2022

Dear Bellfield Families,

I would like to extend a warm welcome to all families, both new and returning and say how much I am
looking forward to working with you and your children. I have been particularly impressed with how
quickly the students have settled into their new classes and routines. It has been delightful to watch their
confidence grow and many new friendships form.
A Term Overview of your child’s learning has been included in this newsletter. If you have any questions
for the teacher please contact them via the student diary or College email.
Student Diaries
As you would have already seen, each child has been issued with a Bellfield Diary which contains
important and helpful information. Diaries must be at school each day and are used to:
• communicate between parents and teachers
• record student Bellbirds and awards
• record out of uniform, late arrival or no homework
• remind students and parents of College expectations
• record homework and upcoming events

Please note: All students and parents need to sign the Technology Agreement on page 5 and 5 before
students can use technology in the classroom.
Misplaced diaries will need to be replaced, and the replacement cost will be charged to family fee
Please ensure that you look through your child’s diary each day to support your child’s learning and
engagement at the College.
Scholastic Bookclub
ONLINE ORDERS DUE 21st February 2022

Last year was a highly successful year with our Scholastic Bookclub Program. All
students have been given the Term 1 Bookclub brochure.

The best gift any parent can give a child is the love of books and the joy and
benefits of independent reading for fun. Children who read at home, or are read
to, have a head start on reading success in school.

Each order helps earn free books and teaching materials for our College, however there is no obligation
to order. I know of no better way to encourage reading than to allow children to choose the books they
want to read.
All orders are now online only. The Book Club LOOP platform allows you to pay by credit card. Your
child’s order is submitted directly to school safe and sound and the books will be delivered to class. You
can place your child’s order at scholastic.com.au/LOOP or using the LOOP app, which can be
downloaded from the App Store or Google Play.
Kind regards,
Mrs N Stevenson
VOLUME 39 • February 4 2022

Junior School Captain (Female) Junior School Captain (Male)
Noora Thamer Hussain Assaf

Junior School Junior School

Vice Captain (Female) Vice Captain (Male)
Israa Boussi Mohsin Fouladi

Congratulations to Israa Boussi in 6S who as of 2022 has stepped into the

role of Junior School Vice-Captain!

Junior School Prefects

Sayeda Zahra Musawi, Zahra Jamal, Aya Al-Samawetli &
Muhammad Aeliya
VOLUME 39 • February 4 2022

Welcome Kindergarten!

What a big week for the newest additions to our school community. Kindergarten have enjoyed
their first week of school and are beginning to settle into the day-to-day routines of being at ‘big
school’. With lots of laughs and tears and some very tired Kindy teachers and students, we have
survived our first week together!

This week, Kindergarten students have enjoyed learning through play and making connections with
their teachers and peers inside and outside of the classroom. We have read lots of stories, played
many games and had opportunities for structured and free play. Check out the photos to see what
we have been up to!

Thank you to the Kindergarten parents for assisting in a smooth transition to school. We appreciate
all your efforts and are looking forward to working together for a great year ahead.

Vanessa Paras
Kindergarten Year Level Leader
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VOLUME 39 • February 4 2022


As we start off the year, we will be finalising our student leadership team for 2022! The next step is to
select our Junior School SRC members. There will be one SRC representative selected per grade (years
1-6), and they will remain the SRC rep for the duration of 2022. Please see the following letter with all
the details on SRC selection:
VOLUME 39 • February 4 2022


VOLUME 39 • February 4 2022


Assalamu Alaykum
Dear parents and carers

To accommodate our growing enrolment numbers, the College has made the decision to move the
uniform shop off campus to a convenient new location at Narellan with Ranier School Wear. This
will enable families to access the uniform shop 6 days per week with the convenience of easier
Covid guidelines for retail outlets as opposed to schools.

From 2022 you will no longer be able to purchase uniforms at the College. A new online platform is
available for families https://shop.ranier.com.au/ for your convenience.

Please see further information below.


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