Templates For Undergraduate Research
Templates For Undergraduate Research
Templates For Undergraduate Research
The ISCC Research Office shall adopt the IMRaD Format. IMRaD is an acronym for
Introduction – Method – Results – and – Discussion. The IMRaD format shall be used to
structure scientific article, research proposals and research reports. The language will be as
plain and as unambiguous as possible, and personal views and fanciful language are
discouraged in the IMRaD Format.
The Research Proposal shall contain the first two chapters of the research report, to wit:
• This portion of the Introduction portrays the problem situation that shapes the justification
of the study. It should clearly identify and define the problematic that the study is
attempting to address
• Depict the problem in terms of global, national, regional, or local events or situations that
indicate that indeed a problem does exist that requires critical investigation
• Clinch this portion by justifying the need for research to address the problem.
• This presents a glossary of terms that must be understood by the reader. Only key terms
would be defined. The terms are to be defined operationally. This means that the terms
would be based on how these are used in the study
• This portion of the Introduction provides the theoretical foundation for the study. Identify
and describe the theories that account for the problem under investigation.
• From these, identify and describe the variables in the study and depict how these variables
will be used or interrelate in the form of a paradigm
• Minimum number of pages: 5-8 with documentations
• This portion of the study addresses each problem using the “library research approach.”
As such, it is thematically organized according to the logical construction of the
• Use main headings and subheadings corresponding to each specific problem.
• Clinch each portion by showing how your literary citations are related to the problem
being investigated. Thus, results of research studies similar to the proposed topic shall
be presented in this portion of the paper.
The Problem. State the general problem/ gaps in the knowledge/ general reasons for
conducting the study in one paragraph. The last paragraph of the proposal should contain a
compelling argument why the research is needed.
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Specific Objectives- provides detailed accounts of the questions that are particular to
the topic under study.
Assumptions. State the assumptions that serve as the basis for critical interrogation
Scope and Delimitations of the Study. For the scope, identify the coverage of the
study in terms of “what,” “where,” “when,” “who,” and “how”. The “scope” of the study states
up to what extent the research study covers.
• For delimitations, identify the constraints that limited the coverage of the study to what
it is. The constraints may come in the form of time, resources, materials, equipment,
references, manpower, finances, expertise, etc.
Significance of the Study. This portion identifies the beneficiaries or stakeholders who will
be benefited from the findings of the study and a description of the corresponding that each of
the beneficiaries or stakeholders would derive from the study. This phase of the research
explains why the researcher selected the research problem/research topic over other probable
ones. The researcher will not only have to explain why he chose the problem but also convince
the approving committee about the need to conduct the study, how it is beneficial to the
different individuals, and how it can be of great help to the discipline or the society.
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RESEARCH METHODOLOGY This section presents the type of research methodology used
in the study. (Quantitative, Qualitative, or Mixed
Quantitative Qualitative The specific Research Design for the chosen methodology
Research Design Research Design should be presented. Apart from identifying the research
methodology and specific research design, the authors shall
justify why this is the most appropriate method for the
investigation.A diagram of the steps to be followed in the
conduct of the process must be presented.
Locale, Setting and Identify where the study is going to be held and why it is
Population and Participants selected, the respondents/participants of the study, the
Sample sampling tool or strategy used to determine the number of
respondents/participants needed for the study, the sampling
procedure used to select the respondents/participants of the
study.Priori/ Inclusion and exclusion criteria should also be
Quantitative Study: Identify the instrument used for data gathering. Describe the parts of the
Questionnaire / Survey instruments. Describe how the instrument was constructed. Describe
how the instrument was validated and tested for reliability (optional)
Qualitative Study: Identify the data-gathering instrument to be used and the interview
Interview Structure/ Guide structure (Open, structured, semi-structured). Identify what type of
interview will be conducted (KII, FGD, Phone interview). Present the
Grand-Tour question and follow-up questions to be asked.
Quantitative Study: Identify strategies and plans on how the questionnaire / survey will be
Questionnaire / Survey distributed/floated to the respondents. Identify strategies for retrieval of
forms. Present the procedures for storage and management of
quantitative data.
Qualitative Study: Present strategies and plans on when, where, and how the interview will
Interview Process be conducted. Identify strategies and techniques to assist in documenting
the interview. Present the procedures for storage and management of
qualitative data. Identify the Field notes or Analytical files to be used.
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Quantitative Study: Quantitative research studies are generally aimed to test existing
Theoretical Underpinning theories. Thus, the researchers should present an existing theory that the
proposed study aims to test.
Qualitative Study: Qualitative studies are generally more subjective and entails data
Philosophical Underpinning processing on a philosophical level. Thus, the authors should be clear
about the philosophical stance that they will use to process the
qualitative information. They should discuss their lens/ philosophical
viewpoint to be used in processing and analyzing the data.
Quantitative Study Present a thorough discussion of the ethical principles to be adhered to
(and how it will be observed) throughout the whole research process.
The researchers should focus on the following:
(1) Credibility
(2) Transferability
(3) Dependability
(4) Confirmability
Researcher’s Background/ This section shall discuss the feelings, ideas, opinions, and past
Bracketing experiences of the researcher towards the phenomenon under study. In
this section of the study, the researcher shall attempt to acknowledge
their own biases and preconceived judgments towards the study. This is
needed to increase the rigour of the results.
This section shall present all credible sources, materials, and references used to build the study. The
reference list should follow the APA 7th Edition guidelines.
1. Sample Communication letters / study- 5. List of study sites, Population, Sample
site Approval
2. Informed Consent Form (WHO)
3. Interview Guide (Qualitative)
4. Sample Questionnaire (Quantitative)
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The undergraduate and faculty research proposals shall be evaluated qualitatively by the
Research Panel based on the merits of the following criteria:
Criteria Remarks/Suggestions
1. The situation analysis portrays the problem in the global, national,
regional and local context.
2. There is justification of what generated interest & motivation on the
part of the researcher to focus his study on the problem situation.
3. The literature review follows a thematic presentation in the form of
a documented extended essay consistent with the stated research
4. There is a discussion of the merits of the theories that explain,
support, and validate the problem and that provide a guide to the
intended methodology.
5. Variables, and phenomena used in the study and their relations are
identified and discussed.
6. Terms are operationally defined on the context of the research study.
7. A schematic representation of the interrelationship of variables is
presented in a paradigm.
8. A set of assumptions serving as the basis for asking specific
questions on the problem is stated .
9. The problem is generally stated, and a compelling argument of the
research’s importance is presented and discussed.
10. Specific problems stated are logically congruent to the general
11. The research hypotheses and assumptions are consistent with
specific problems,
12. A narrative of the significance of the study in terms of what it intends
to contribute, what benefits would be derived, and who are to be
benefited by the study is presented.
13. A narrative description of parameters, coverage, limitations, and
constraints in the conduct of the study is identified.
14. A narrative description of the research methodology and design
used, the rationale for its selection, and a schematic flow of the
research process are presented.
15. A narrative description of the sample and the sampling process and
a tabular and narrative presentation of the attributes of the locale or
sample population is presented
16. Data gathering tools are identified and described appropriately.
Proposed data gathering strategies are apt for the research objectives.
17. Data collection process is aptly described.
18. The data gathering procedures used in the study is described and
explicated. A schematic presentation of the research workflow
process is provided.
19. The Data Analysis / treatment of data plan is clearly presented. The
importance of using such design is explained. The process/steps of
the data analysis phase are discussed aptly.
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What additional requirements are needed for the approval of the research proposal?
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From the above, explicate certain aspects Identification and discussion of the
of the theory which becomes the basis for variables used in the study and their
the study or which the study intends to relations.
pursue or prove. Identify the variables
involved and operationalize measures.
A schematic representation of the
Present the above concept in the form of a interrelationship of variables
paradigm or model which becomes the (Conceptual Paradigm)
road map in navigating through the
different aspects of the research process.
Review of Related Review all possible literature written Thematic narrative in the form of a
Literature about the topic, (Library Research documented extended essay on the
Approach). Review all possible literature research problem.
on the problem or related to the problem.
Review similar studies that use the same Narrative of available evidence that
or different method to investigate the highlights results of similar studies.
research subject.
The Problem State in general what the study intends to General statement of the problem
describe, find out, discover, explain, or and a compelling argument why the
evaluate research is needed
STATEMENT OF State the specific logical components of Statement of general and specific
THE PROBLEM the general problem research problems
Present a broad statement of purpose
which uses well-defined and measurable
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Research Describe the design used in the study. Narrative description of the
Methodology and Justify why this design is most research method and research
Design appropriate for the study design. Schematic presentation of
how the employed Research design
is conducted
Locale, Population Describe where the study shall take place, Narrative description of the sample
and Sample the population and sample, and the and the sampling process and a
(Quantitative) sampling design used to select research tabular and narrative presentation
Setting and subjects. Come up with a profile of of the attributes of the universe or
Participants respondents according to the attributes sample population
relevant to the study.
Data Gathering Identify and describe the instrument used Identification and description of
Tools to gather data in terms of its origin, how it data gathering tools
was generated, and how it was validated
Data Gathering Describe the step-by-step actions done in Narrative description of the data
Procedures gathering the data gathering procedures used in the
Treatment of Data Describe the data processing protocols Narrative description of the
employed. Identify and describe the statistical and thematic tools used
statistical and Thematic tools used in the for the treatment of data
Theoretical or Present a theory that is tested by the Narrative description of a theory or
Philosophical quantitative study, or a philosophical philosophical stance adopted by the
Underpinnings stance assumed to process the qualitative researcher.
Ethical Strategies and plan of action to ensure Narrative presentation of the
Considerations that the research study adheres to ethical strategies and actions made to keep
standards, including: adhere to Research ethical
(1) Protection of privacy and standards.
confidentiality of research information.
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• The faculty researchers shall signify their intent to conduct a RESEARCH DEFENSE
through a letter of Intent addressed to the ISCC Research Office through the
Department Focal Person.
• The Department Research Focal Person shall then determine if the Research Manuscript
is ready for Research Proposal based on the Research DEFENSE Checklist. (See
• The Department Research Focal Person shall forward the request letter and Final
Manuscript to the ISCC Research Office.
• The ISCC Research Coordinator and the Department Head shall form the Research
Panel for the Faculty RESEARCH Defense based on the Roster of Qualified Faculty
• The Department Research Focal Person and the Faculty Researcher shall schedule the
Faculty RESEARCH Defense based on the availability of the Panel members.
• The Department Research Focal Person and the Faculty Researcher shall attach the
Proposal Defense Evaluation Form as Front Page of the Research Manuscript.
• The faculty researcher shall distribute their Research Manuscript to the Panel Members
at least 5 days before the day of Research Defense.
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The undergraduate and faculty research defense shall be evaluated qualitatively by the
Research Panel based on the merits of the following criteria:
Criteria Remarks/Suggestions
1. The situation analysis portrays the problem in the global, national,
regional and local context.
2. There is justification of what generated interest & motivation on the
part of the researcher to focus his study on the problem situation.
3. The literature review follows a thematic presentation in the form of
a documented extended essay consistent with the stated research
4. There is a discussion of the merits of the theories that explain,
support, and validate the problem and that provide a guide to the
intended methodology.
5. Variables, and phenomena used in the study and their relations are
identified and discussed.
6. Terms are operationally defined on the context of the research study.
7. A schematic representation of the interrelationship of variables is
presented in a paradigm.
8. A set of assumptions serving as the basis for asking specific
questions on the problem is stated .
9. The problem is generally stated, and a compelling argument of the
research’s importance is presented and discussed.
10. Specific problems stated are logically congruent to the general
11. The research hypotheses and assumptions are consistent with
specific problems,
12. A narrative of the significance of the study in terms of what it intends
to contribute, what benefits would be derived, and who are to be
benefited by the study is presented.
13. A narrative description of parameters, coverage, limitations, and
constraints in the conduct of the study is identified.
14. A narrative description of the research methodology and design
used, the rationale for its selection, and a schematic flow of the
research process are presented.
15. A narrative description of the sample and the sampling process and
a tabular and narrative presentation of the attributes of the locale or
sample population is presented
16. Data gathering tools are identified and described appropriately.
Proposed data gathering strategies are apt for the research objectives.
17. Data collection process is aptly described.
18. The data gathering procedures used in the study is described and
explicated. A schematic presentation of the research workflow
process is provided.
19. The Data Analysis / treatment of data plan is clearly presented. The
importance of using such design is explained. The process/steps of
the data analysis phase are discussed aptly.
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The Undergraduate research defense will be validated and verified by a Research Panel
comprised of the following members:
Chairman. The Chair is the Department Head of the program where the thesis originates.
Before the Research Proposal/Defense, the Chair is expected to:
• Inform the department research focal person, in advance, if they have any issues or
concerns and resolve any queries regarding the proposal/research output before the event
• Work with the department research focal person and research instructor to set the agenda
and organise the panel, where necessary;
• Read the manuscript and prepare discussion points/questions for the private panel meetings
and deliberation.
Research Secretary. The Secretary shall be the Department Research Focal Person of the
program where the thesis originates. The Research Secretary is expected to perform the
following functions during the Research Proposal/Defense.
Before the Research Proposal/Defense, the Research Secretary is expected to:
• Work with the Research Instructor to form the Research Panel in accordance with the
Roster of Qualified Faculty Researchers
• Assist the Research Instructor to communicate with the External Panel Member.
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• Supply the undergraduate researchers and Research Instructors of the different forms,
documents, and templates needed prior to the Proposal/ Defense.
During the Research Proposal / Research Defense, the Research Secretary should:
• Work with the Research Instructors and undergraduate researchers to ensure that all
documents and forms for the Proposal/Defense are available.
• Keep a formal record of the proposal/defense and its outcomes using a standard reporting
• Ensure that the event runs smoothly and on time.
• Contribute to the discussion, where applicable.
After the Research Proposal / Research Defense, the Research Secretary should:
• Prepare the Research Proposal/Defense Report about the comments, conditions, and
recommendations of the Panel immediately following the event.
• Prepare a summary of the feedbacks, comments, suggestions, and conditions made by the
Research Panel Members, and circulate said report to the Research Instructor and
undergraduate researchers.
• Circulate the Research Proposal / Defense Report to the Panel Members, and the ISCC-
Research Office.
• If revisions are needed, the Research Secretary will communicate with the Research
Instructor and undergraduate researchers to set deadlines for re-submission of the
• Liase with the ISCC- Research Office to ensure that the progress of the Proposal/Defense
is reported.
Internal Panel Member. One internal panel member will be appointed in accordance with the
Roster of Qualified Faculty Researchers. Internal panel members cannot be from the
Department of the Proposal/Defense being considered at validation/review, but must be a
member of staff at Ilocos Sur Community College.
Before the Research Proposal/Defense, the Internal Panel member is expected to:
• Read the documentation and prepare discussion points/questions for the private panel
meetings and, in the event of a Proposal/Defense, meeting with students.
• Review the Proposal/Research Manuscript, focusing on the technical aspect of the research
process, and form a judgement on the soundness and trustworthiness of the research
During the Research Proposal/Defense, the Internal Panel member is expected to:
• Examine the information available to students in support of their studies and form a
judgment on whether the information is accurate, complete, and effective.
• Discuss with the Panel Members and Students about the suggestions, recommendations
made to improve the Research Proposal/ Manuscript.
• Review the arrangement and completeness of the necessary parts of the Research Proposal
/ Manuscript, and ensure that they are effective and operate in accordance with the ISCC-
Research Office procedures.
• Discuss with the Panel Members to highlight issues and concerns that need to be dealt with
prior to the acceptance/rejection of the Research Proposal / Manuscript.
• Help identify any areas of good practice.
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After the Research Proposal/Defense, the Internal Panel member is expected to:
• Check and review the Research Proposal/Defense Report about the comments, conditions,
and recommendations of the Panel.
• Check the Research Panel Member’s response to the comments, conditions, and
recommendations to see if further revisions are necessary, or whether they are considered
as met.
External Panel Member. One internal panel member will be appointed by the Chairman from
a list of nominees forwarded by the Research Instructor and the Department Research Focal
Person. External panel members cannot be from the Department of the Proposal/Defense being
considered at validation/review, and must not be a member of staff at Ilocos Sur Community
College. The External Panel Member must be an industry practitioner whose expertise is
relevant to the research topic for review/validation/verification.
Before the Research Proposal/Defense, the External Panel member is expected to:
• Read the documentation and prepare discussion points/questions for the private panel
meetings and, in the event of a Proposal/Defense, meeting with the Research Instructor to
clarify and discuss salient points to improve the undergraduate research paper.
• Review the Proposal/Research Manuscript, focusing on the industry aspect of the research,
and form a judgement on the soundness and trustworthiness of the research procedure.
• Review the research strategy to ensure that the focus of the research are appropriately
assessed as to relevance and content
• Determine the currency, viability, and timeliness of the research proposal/manuscript in
light with current trends within the subject are and industry.
• Suggest for improvements or examples of good practice which could be adopted by the
undergraduate researchers.
• Submit their findings to either the Research Secretary or Research Instructor
During the Research Proposal/Defense, the External Panel member is expected to:
• Provide independent subject expertise and professional experience.
• Examine the information available to students in support of their studies and form a
judgment on whether the information is accurate, complete, and effective.
• Discuss with the Panel Members and Students about the suggestions, recommendations
made to improve the Research Proposal/ Manuscript based on industry practices.
• Discuss with the Panel Members to highlight issues and concerns that need to be dealt with
prior to the acceptance/rejection of the Research Proposal / Manuscript.
• Help identify any areas of good practice.
After the Research Proposal/Defense, the External Panel member is expected to:
• Check and review the Research Proposal/Defense Report about the comments, conditions,
and recommendations of the Panel.
• Check the Research Panel Member’s response to the comments, conditions, and
recommendations to see if further revisions are necessary, or whether they are considered
as met.
Research Statistician. The Research Statistician will come from the ISCC-Research Office.
Before the Research Proposal/Defense, the Research Statistician is expected to:
• Read the documentation and prepare discussion points/questions for the private panel
meetings and, in the event of a Proposal/Defense, meeting with the Research Instructor to
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clarify and discuss the soundness or appropriateness of the statistical tools to be used in the
• Suggest statistical methods, tools, and strategies improve the trustworthiness of the data
gathered by undergraduate researchers.
• Check the validity, reliability, correctness of the statistical computation, and provide
suggestions to improve, rectify, or enhance data interpretation.
Before the Research Proposal/Defense, the Research Statistician is expected to:
• Provide technical assistance in computing, checking, and validating statistical results.
• Add value to the discussion, where necessary
• Ensure that statistical data are interpreted and analyzed accordingly.
After the Research Proposal/Defense, the Research Statistician is expected to:
• Check and review the Research Proposal/Defense Report about the comments, conditions,
and recommendations of the Panel.
• Check the Research Panel Member’s response to the comments, conditions, and
recommendations to see if further revisions are necessary, or whether they are considered
as met.
Research Adviser. The Research Adviser is a faculty member of the program where the thesis
originates. The Research Adviser is nominated by the Research Instructor based on the Roster
of Qualified Faculty Researchers.
Before the Research Proposal/Defense, the Research Adviser is expected to:
• Assist the students in writing the Research Proposal/Research Manuscript.
• Ensure that the Proposal/Research Manuscript follows the school’s standards and format.
• Check the Spelling, grammar, syntax of the Research Proposal / Manuscript
• Ensure that Critical Apparatus (Referencing, bibliography, appendices, in-text citations,
formatting) are properly used.
• Assist student researchers to organize the Research Proposal/Manuscript, and ensure that
the contents are coherent and consistent, clear of expression and propriety of emphases
• Ensure that the Research Proposal / Manuscript has unity of structure (from the background
to the objectives and purpose statement) and follows a logical presentation or sequence
• Complete forms and documents necessary for proposal
During the Research Proposal/Defense, the Research Adviser is expected to:
• Facilitate the presentation of the undergraduate researchers
• Provide value-adding suggestions, comments, and recommendations, if necessary
• Jot down salient points raised by the Panel, and clarify suggestions and comments.
• Ensure that the presentation runs smoothly
After the Research Proposal/Defense, the Research Adviser is expected to:
• Check and review the Research Proposal/Defense Report about the comments, conditions,
and recommendations of the Panel and ensure that the students understand them.
• Check the Research Panel Member’s response to the comments, conditions, and
recommendations to see if further revisions are necessary, or whether they are considered
as met.
Research Critic. The Research Critic is a faculty member of the program where the thesis
originates. The Research Critic is nominated by the Research Instructor based on the Roster of
Qualified Faculty Researchers. The Critic shall assist the Research Adviser in checking the
Research Proposal / Manuscript, and shall provide value-adding suggestions to improve the
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2. Knowledge and mastery of the research concepts. A thesis adviser should have a
research-based orientation. One must have mastery of the technical aspects of research and
have apt exposure and experience to various research processes. The Research Adviser
should be capable of integration of the technical details of the nature and process of
research. A good insight and grasp of the various research documents is must.
3. Creative and logical thinking. A thesis adviser should be able to stimulate creativity and
allow the advisee’s imagination to soar and spread until it can capture the definite specific
documents necessary in the conduct of a research. He should give enough time to the
advisee to explore all possibilities and alternations in research investigation within the time
frame and moral-ethical perimeter. Thinking is best stimulated with an encouraging adviser
rather than one who cripples ideas. In his dialogue with the advisee, the adviser should ask
questions that will stir the mind and curiosity rather than impose his own way and give
straight way materials or ideas.
5. MATURITY. The thesis adviser should be mature in his relationship with the adviser and
in the conduct of research. He should exemplify better control of the situation and handle
the study to attain truth rather than personal aggrandizement or monetary gain.
6. PROFESSIONALISM. In the attempt to assist the advisee to complete the study, the
adviser should be professional in his dealings. He could seek assistance or help from his
colleagues without fear of being threatened professionally.
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A Thesis Proposal
Presented to the faculty
Of the Ilocos Sur Community College
[Insert Department Name Here]
In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Degree
[Insert Course Here]
Submitted by:
Dela Cruz, Juan T.
February 2022
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A Thesis Proposal
In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Degree
Submitted by:
February 2022
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This is to certify that the thesis proposal submitted by Dela Cruz, Juan T. has been
approved and accepted by the Thesis Committee on June 25,2022.
________________________ _______________________
Member Member
Noted: ____________________________
Head, ISCC Health Science Department
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This is to certify further that DELA CRUZ, JUAN T. is ready for Oral Examination.
________________________ _______________________
Member Member
Noted: ____________________________
Head, ISCC Health Science Department
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________________________ _______________________
Member Member
Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Head, ISCC Health Science Department
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Dear Sir:
We, the undersigned Bachelor of Science in Midwifery candidates of Ilocos Sur Community
College- Health Science Department, conducted a research entitled “FACTORS AFFECTING THE
terminal requirement for R.S. Midwifery subject. Our research undertaking aimed to determine and
ascertain the acceptability of artificial contraception along with factors that may affect such
In this regard, may we respectfully ask your good office to allow us to present our research
output on July 19, 2020, 1:00 pm, at the ISCC Midwifery Laboratory. May we also request your good
office to allow the following faculty members to serve as our research panel members.
Chairman: Mr. Limuel V. Dolorico
Panel 1: Mrs. Marie Cecille Liberty S. Varilla
Panel 2: Mr. Paul Mark P. Pilar
Critic: Mr. Bhert Keane Q. Pugrad
Statistician: Mrs. Joireyna R. Rafanan
Adviser: Mr. James R. Taiza
Secretary: Dr. Jeff Leigh T. Reburon
We promise to observe minimum health standards and to practice social distancing during our
face-to-face defense. We fervently hope for your positive response regarding this matter. Thank you
very much and more power!
Respectfully Yours,
Jovelyn T. Rin
Leslie T. Puzon
Lotlot G. Hortizuela
ISCC BSM4 Student Researchers
Recommending Approval:
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Research Adviser:
Research Panel Member
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