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School Grade Level 7

Grade 7 Teacher Learning Area Mathematics

Quarter 2nd Quarter
Daily Lesson Log Teaching Dates and Time

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4

A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of measurements.
B. Performance Standards The learner is able to formulate challenging situations involving measurements and solve these in a variety of strategies.
C. Learning Converts measurements from one unit Solves problems involving Solves problems involving conversion of Converts measurements from one
Competencies/Objectiv to another in both Metric and English conversion of units of units of measurement. unit to another in both Metric and
es systems. measurement. English systems.
II. CONTENT LONG QUIZ about converting
Converting measurements from one unit to Solving problems involving the Solving problems involving the conversion of measurements from one unit to
another in both Metric and English systems conversion of units of measurement units of measurement another in both Metric and English
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials Pages pp. 1-6 pp. 7-10 pp. 7-10

3. Textbook pages
4. Additional materials
B. Other Learning
A. Reviewing previous  Let’s Recall!  Brain Check!  To recall student’s knowledge
lesson or presenting the about conversion of units of
new lesson Students will identify the steps in converting Complete each and write your measurements, ask the students
unit to another unit of measurement answer on a separate sheet of to answer the following questions.
paper. Convert each the following and show
1. 2 000 𝑚𝑚=___________𝑚 your solution. Write your answer on a
2. 52 𝑜𝑧.=___________𝑙𝑏 separate sheet of paper.
3. 100 𝑔𝑎𝑙.=___________𝑝𝑡. 1.3 km=_____m.
2. 10 mm=_____m.
3. 36 in=_____ft.
4. 190 lb.=_____kg
5. 4500 mL=______L
6. 0.26 gal=_____L
7. 2 mi=_______ ft.
8. 1.5 L=____cL

c. Establishing a purpose  To deepen the lesson by providing more  To deepen the lesson by providing more  The long quiz will measure
for the lesson activities/exercises about converting activities/exercises about solving students’ learning about
measurements from one unit to another problems involving conversion of units of conversion of units of
in both Metric and English systems. measurement measurement and to know if the
students have mastered the
lesson, or how much they’ve
learned from the discussions of
the lesson.
d. Presenting  Give more examples on how to  Give more examples on how to
examples/instances of convert measurements from one unit to solve problems involving conversion
the new lesson another in both Metric and English systems. of units of measurement

e. Discussing new Through the provided examples, continue  Discuss/elaborate on the steps Through the provided examples, continue  Teacher will distribute worksheets
concepts and practicing discussing/elaborating on the conversion of for solving the conversion of discussing/elaborating on the conversion of to the learners composed of 15
new skills #1 units. units. units. questions/problems related to
conversion of units of
The following are the steps in solving measurement.
problems involving the conversion of  Learners will be given 30 mins to
units of measurement: answer the problems/questions.
 Read and analyze the problem  Ask students to show their answer
carefully. in each item in the board then
 Convert all the unit measure that is give an ample time to explain their
the same unit in the final answer. answers.
 Find the conversion factor/s that will  Check the answers, then record
change the starting unit to the ending their scores.
 Compute/simplify the given

f. Discussing new
concepts and practicing
new skills #2

g. Developing mastery
(Leads to Formative
Assessment 3)
A. Finding practical applications Explain the following and write your answer on a Explain the following and write your answer on .
of concepts and skills in daily separate sheet of paper. a separate sheet of paper.
living 1. Discuss how to convert 15 in. to yd. 1. A cola has a capacity of 355 mL. Cola is
________________________________________ also packed in 2-liter bottles. Which is a better
value: a can of cola at ₱12.60 or a 2-liter
bottle of cola for ₱50.40? Explain.
2. Discuss how to convert 24 fl.oz. to 4 c.
________________________________________ _________________________
________________________________________ 2. Hydrogen weighs about 0.1 g per liter. How
___________________ much would 1 mL of hydrogen weigh? Explain.
3. Discuss how to convert 20 g to 𝑙𝑏. _________________________
B. Making generalizations and Create a problem solving related to your Create a problem solving related to
abstractions about the daily activities that involves conversion of your daily activities that involves
lesson units of measurement. conversion of units of measurement.

C. Evaluating learning  Ask students to answer “Let’s Assess”  Ask students to answer “Let’s Solve the following problems and show your Solve the following problems and
on page 5 of their LMs. Assess” on page 9 of their LMs. solution. Write your answer on a separate show your solution. Write your answer
sheet of paper. on a separate sheet of paper.
Solve the following problems and
Convert each the following and show your show your solution. Write your 1. Raul began a 7-km hike on Monday by 1. Raul began a 7-km hike on Monday
solution. Write your answer on a separate answer on a separate sheet of paper. walking 453 m. He walked 2 km on Tuesday by walking 453 m. He walked 2 km on
sheet of paper. 1. Mount Everest, the highest and 544 m on Wednesday. How many meters Tuesday and 544 m on Wednesday.
mountain peak in the world, must he walk to complete the hike? How many meters must he walk to
1. 45 𝑐𝐿=___________𝑘𝐿 complete the hike?
approximately 8 km, 853 m, 5.4 dm.
2. 23 𝑚𝑖.=___________𝑓𝑡. How high is the mountain in meters? 2. The highest recorded sneeze speed is 102
miles per hour. How fast is it in feet per hour? 2. The highest recorded sneeze speed
3. 19 000 𝑙𝑏.=___________𝑇 2. Erika drinks 5 glasses of water is 102 miles per hour. How fast is it in
4. 28 𝑝𝑡.=___________𝑔𝑎𝑙. every day. Each glass holds 375 mL. 3. A person breathes 105 gal. of air in one feet per hour?
How many liters of water does Erika hour. How many quarts of air does a person
5. 1.25 𝑔𝑎𝑙.=___________𝑐 drink each day? breathe in one minute? 3. A person breathes 105 gal. of air in
one hour. How many quarts of air does
3. A key weighs about 10 g. How 4. The weight of a human’s brain is about 3 a person breathe in one minute?
many keys are there in a bag of keys pounds. What is this weight in grams?
weighing 2 kg? 4. The weight of a human’s brain is
about 3 pounds. What is this weight in
4. A rectangular room has a floor grams?
area of 32 square meters. How many
tiles, each measuring 50 cm x 50 cm,
are needed to cover the entire floor?
5. The height of PBA player James
Yap is 9 feet and 6 in. What is his
height in meters?
D. Additional activities for
application or remediation
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
remediation who scored
below 80 %
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with other

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