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Strixhaven Supplmental Volume IV:

The Bulletin Board


DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, Eberron, the dragon ampersand, Ravnica,
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This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with permission
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All other original material in this work is copyright 2021 by Alex Crews and published under the Community Content
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Strixhaven Bulletin Board

s with any university, Strixhaven is filled with Ancient Artifact Enthusiasts
both clubs seeking new members among the Associated Skills: Arcana, History, Insight
incoming students and with places of business The eager students who attend this club tend to gather in
looking for new student workers to replace Osgir's workshop. As the sponsor and as a fellow artifact
those who either graduated or who took a new enthusiast himself, Osgir shows students different pieces
job elsewhere. In this companion we'll look at a from his collection as he teaches them about the history and
number of different extracurriculars and jobs magical properties of each one. Osgir tends to save his
that might be posted on bulletin boards in your campaign. duplication efforts of newly discovered artifacts, which come
Each extracurriculars below is "sponsored" by a member up maybe 2-3 times each year, for when his club meets so
of the faculty or staff, many of whom are from Volume I of they can all learn about the new discoveries together.
this series. You're welcome to drop the staff sponsorship and
merely use the clubs as they are presented. For those who Arcavios Historical Society
keep the staff, keep in mind that some staff may be more Associated Skills: History, Insight, Investigation
involved than others. Some clubs may be entirely student run This club was originally called the "Dragonsguard
while other staff may take a hands on approach. At a DM's Historical Society" but had the name changed as the club
discretion you may decide to give students proficiency in focuses on far more than just the history of the
various tools, such as an instrument for taking a year of Dragonsguard. Members of this club meet over snacks and a
Show Band or in Mason's Tools for being part of the cup of tea to discuss the events of the past. Debates often
Stoneworker's assembly. break out when research findings about historical events
The extracurriculars also take one of the "free time" slots differ between students. Students are graced each trimester
discussed in Volume II. DMs should work with their players with a bonus lecture from sponsor Riri Brighteye. While
to determine appropriate times for the extracurricular to some students would typically groan and moan about having
meet if they are not creating a calendar for the university. additional lectures, students in this club look forward to the
As a disclaimer, some of the published extracurriculars are lectures each time.
included below with additional notes. Each extracurricular
also includes up to three associated rolls for student dice, Arcavios Zoology Club
similar to the classes from Volume I. Associated Skills: Animal Handling, Nature, Survival
As a final note, DMs are encouraged to build in events for Students in this club work with Professor Kojil on learning
students in extracurriculars to perform, compete, or proper care techniques and survival skills for a variety of
otherwise have a chance to prove themselves and roleplay. native animals from around Arcavios. Even fearsome
Example ideas are noted with certain extracurriculars below. predators are more calmed and reserved in Kojil's presence,
allowing students the chance to get a far closer look at such
Extracurriculars creatures than would otherwise be possible. Students might
spend around 3 weeks with different creatures before being
"Body Builders" Club introduced to a new creature. For particularly dangerous
Associated Rolls: Arcana, Constitution, Spell Modifier beasts Kojil might take students on field trips where they
Under the strict supervision of Professor Onyx, students observe from afar.
work on safely creating different types of undead using
available body parts. For extra humor, consider having a Bog Patrol Squad
particularly dense individual attend the club who thinks it's a Associated Skills: Nature, Perception, Survival
group of exercise-focused students. Upon seeing a stack of This club meets with Professor Willowdusk as she
bodies the student is at first appalled but then might go over endlessly patrols Sedgemoor and the Detention Bog.
to the stack and start lifting various corpses. Club events Students get extra hands-on practice identifying different
might include a fighting tournament, similar to modern plants and tracks and learning about the varying parts of the
robotics clubs, where students pit their creations against ecology around them. Willowdusk doesn't deviate from her
each other. normal patrol behaviors so students typically don't have
special weekend events with this club.
Adventurer's League
Associated Skills: Nature, Perception, Survival Clockwork Engineering Club
Members of this club consider themselves to be novice Associated Skills: History, Insight, Investigation
adventurers. They study a number of classic monsters and In a place where magic is present in everyday life very few
train themselves to perceive and identify different traps, are interested in the technology of the past. For those who
secret passages, etc. Either once per trimester or once per are, the C.E.C. is the place to be. Students either meet with
year the league's sponsor, Verelda Lang, takes students on a Losheel or, more often than not, with one of her automatons
field trip to a local dungeon or tomb to let them try what to learn how such creations function. During the second and
they've learned. Trips may take place on different weekends third trimesters students might start working on their own
with first-years all going together on the first trip, second- automatons which they then present to their fellows at the
years on the second trip, and so on. end of the third trimester.

Strixhaven Supplemental | Extracurriculars

Competitive Spell-Flingers Association Distinguished Society of Fine Artists
Associated Rolls: Arcana, Spell Attack, Spell Modifier Associated Skills: Acrobatics, Athletics, Performance
Hitting a target 10 feet away with a spell is a feat any first- Despite being a Prismari professor of expression, Iggy
year can achieve. Hitting a target 120 feet away behind a sponsors this group of artists which contains many students
decent amount of cover is much more difficult. Students in from the perfection side of the Prismari divide as well as
this club, sponsored by Liv Brandford, train to hit difficult other talents from the other colleges. This club is a favorite of
targets behind different types of cover and at different ranges. artists from a variety of mediums. Dancers, painters,
Competitions take place each trimester. DMs are encouraged sculptors, essayists, and more hone their skills and critique
to roleplay out these competitions and can have students others in this group. Each student spends most sessions
"attack" targets with different ACs based on total cover. practicing with others in their fields and many of them tend
Students might start with an open target, then a partially to submit a work for peer review each trimester.
covered target, then a three-quarters covered target.
Participants have 3 attempts on each target. Missing all three Dragonchess Club
attempts is an automatic disqualification. Otherwise points Associated Skills: Deception, Insight, Investigation
are tallied where each hit on the first round scores one point, Not too many changes for this one. This club is sponsored
second round hits score two points, third round hits score by Renald, a Dragonchess prodigy who has yet to lose a game
three points. Highest point total wins an appropriate gold thanks to being able to literally see the probabilities of every
reward or a Wand of the War Mage. single move. In addition to the two skills in the book I've
added Insight as reading your opponent is just as important
Culinarians United as your strategy in Dragonchess.
Associated Rolls: Constitutions Saves, Perception,
Survival Dragonsguard Reserve Officer Training
Gyome accepts students of all skill levels into this club. The Corp.
only requirement is that students must have a love of Associated Rolls: Athletics, Melee Attacks (Dexterity or
cooking. Some club sessions may involve learning new Strength based), Spell Attacks
recipes or studying unusual ingredients. At least once a year Lianna Flametongue puts potential Dragonsguard recruits
Gyome holds a fundraiser feast. He splits his club in half and through their paces in this club. Students work through a
has each team compete for votes amongst the dinner guests. number of training drills and focus on various attack
The winners gain bragging rights and perhaps a small cash techniques that have been used by the Dragonsguard for
reward while the losers are stuck with cleaning duties after centuries to protect Arcavios. On special weekend trips
the event. students might travel to meet and learn from individual
Founder Dragons.
Cute Conjurations Group
Associated Rolls: Animal Handling, Arcana, Constitution Enchanting Poets Society
Saves Associated Rolls: Performance, Persuasion, Wisdom
Club members in the Cute Conjurations Group are Saves
typically just looking for a place to relax and hangout. Veyran Members of this Society meet to study and perform
starts each session off by summoning a number of small, cute different styles of poetry. Professor Sace sponsors the group
elementals with which students then get to play. This club and performs her own poetry every year or so at a special
has no special weekend activities and is open to anyone at club-sponsored event that is treated as a type of fundraiser.
any time whenever someone just wants to feel warm licks Sace helps students in the club use the magic of language to
from a fun fire-shaped dog or other such cute creature. capture specific emotions and enchant audiences. Students
also hold events each trimester for student recitals which are
Dead Languages Society often well-attended, especially by Silverquill students.
Associated Skills: History, Insight, Perception
This club is essentially the same as described in the Entomology Enthusiasts
published content but with a few minor changes. Professor Associated Skills: Animal Handling, Insight, Nature
Xyla Langning sponsors this club and attends meetings Clem's fascination with small creatures led her to create
regularly to get a chance to interact with students who might this club. While Kojil's zoology club focuses primarily on
speak rare or dead tongues. I've changed the associated skills mammals, Clem's group focuses primarily on insects.
as Athletics did not make sense in this club. I've added Students might observe different insect behaviors during club
insight and perception as students gain insight into the time and Clem will often enlarge various specimens to allow
grammar of past languages and attempt to sound out students to more closely examine different physiologies. This
different words properly. Students might work on club has no special weekend events.
translations during the club and then present their work at
the end of the year in front of their peers.

Strixhaven Supplemental | Extracurriculars

Event Planning Committee Intramural Silkball Club
Associated Skills: Intimidation, Performance, Persuasion Associated Rolls: Acrobatics, Athletics, Strength Saves
Students in this club help plan various special events for Unlike Mage Tower, silkball is a game that showcases a
their peers under the supervision of Zoei. Events are up to player's natural strength and skills. Coach Shtomp runs the
DM discretion but might include balls, campus-wide dance intramural league and sets up matches between different
parties, talent shows, etc. Club meetings involve planning for silkball teams. Rules for Silkball are included at the end of
the next big event, firmly persuading different groups to this list of extracurriculars but focuses mostly on grappling,
provide support (for example, having the Strixhaven Show shoving, passing, and receiving the silkball.
Band play at a ball), and convincing people to attend events.
Intramural Waterbinding Club
Fantastical Horticulture Club Associated Rolls: Arcana, Performance, Spell Modifier
Associated Skills: Athletics, Nature, Survival This club is a revised version of the published Intramural
Verooja is far too protective to allow students in his garden Water-Dancing Club and is different from the Synchronized
without constant supervision. So he set aside a side plot of Swimming club discussed further down this list. In this club
land in Sedgemoor for this sponsored club. Students work it's not the students who dance but the water being shaped by
together to grow and cultivate a number of uncommon or the students. Ahkwa typically has volunteers from the club
unique plants. Verooja takes students through portals from put on a special but informal performance once a year.
time to time to different parts of Arcavios to expose them to
interesting plants from different biomes. League of Extraordinary Runners
Associated Rolls: Athletics, Constitution Saves, Medicine
Future Architects of Arcavios Professor Jazack knows that having magical tricks to help
Associated Skills: Arcana, Insight, Perception one escape a dangerous situation is all well and good but it's
From the ruins of Pillardrop to the water sculptures of important not to forget the fundamentals of having a good
Quandrix to the star arches at Archway Commons the pair of running legs. In this club students go running along
methods and techniques involved in buildings and landscape different courses they've created around the Strixhaven
designs are as unique and varied as the colleges themselves. campus and have annual competitions to determine the
Students in this club discuss their favorite styles and designs fastest runner for different categories.
and even take weekend trips with their sponsor, Professor
Bildra, to look at the buildings of other areas of Arcavios. Live-Action Roleplaying Guild
Associated Rolls: Animal Handling, Deception,
Future Entrepreneurs of Strixhaven Performance
Associated Skills: Deception, Insight, Persuasion Some professors sponsor clubs but tend to not get involved
Some mages want to make new discoveries. Others want too often. Professor Rixy is involved in every single club
to better their communities. But for students in this club, meeting and her students love her for it. Rixy is well known
magic is a means to an end and that end is profit. Club for using her abilities as a changeling to take on both
members work on making different products and on carrying villainous and heroic roles in this club. While the club doesn't
out marketing campaigns. The Battle of Strixhaven is the have special events they do have open events that take place
perfect event for them to set up and hawk their wares as campus wide for students who want to partake without
students and faculty from across the campus are gathered in officially joining the club.
a single spot.
Mage Tower Cheer Squad
Independent Research Consortium Associated Skills: Intimidation, Performance, Persuasion
Associated Rolls: Arcana, Deception, Spell Modifier Mascots are great for team spirit but nothing riles up an
Venoc only hates one thing more than being forced to have audience quite like a catchy chant and dance. Arkin works
a silly club to manage and that's having people interfere or with students during club meetings to come up with
pry into his research. So, to get back at the Strixhaven intimidating or inspiring cheers and students typically attend
Administration he created a club that focuses on independent Mage Tower games on the weekends to stir up the crowd's
and private research. Students in this club typically work on energy.
their own unless they and another club member have
mutually agreed to meet to discuss experiment results. As Order of the Blade
weekends are valuable times for lengthy lab sessions this Associated Skills: Athletics, Dexterity Saves, Melee
club does not have trivial weekend events. Attacks (Dexterity or Strength Based)
While all students who attend Strixhaven have at least a
Intramural Gymnastics Club basic level of magical ability some students are better suited
Associated Skills: Acrobatics, Athletics, Performance towards fighting with weapons. Students in this club hone
I don't have too many changes to this published their skills with martial weapons by going through forms or
extracurricular except to add Athletics as a skill. This club is sparring with different partners. Tervis, the club's sponsor,
run by Zeph, who runs competitions for students who spend holds informal tournaments at least once a year to determine
most of their club time working on different routines. the most capable fighter in the Order.

Strixhaven Supplemental | Extracurriculars

Playactors Drama Guild Strixhaven Mathematics Alliance
Associated Skills: Deception, Performance, Persuasion Associated Rolls: Arcana, Insight, Intelligence
I understand this extracurricular offering Arcana in the Students in this club work together to solve complex math
published material but I disagreed with it. In this club, equations. Some equations may take weeks or even months
sponsored by Dramitia, students rehearse and perform both to complete but that only serves to heighten the student's
classics and student-written comedies and dramas. sense of accomplishment. Professor Deekah supervises this
Performances tend to happen around once a trimester. club and typically assigns a challenging equation whenever
Dramitia attempts to keep out of her student's affairs to allow the club is ready for it. Volunteers from the club compete
for directorial talents to flourish as she once did but she's annually to see who can solve challenging equations the
only too happy to step in to lend a hand if asked. fastest and most accurately.
Stoneworker's Assembly Strixhaven Quiz Club
Associated Rolls: History, Mason's Tools, Performance Associated Rolls: Arcana, History, Insight
Despite being a Lorehold professor of order, Professor Professor Orvlo leads this club which reviews and studies
Hofri Ghostforge still finds joy and fulfillment in working with different pieces of trivia about the history of Strixhaven,
stone. The club he sponsors is mostly populated by Lorehold uncommon facts about the school, and about the eight
and Prismari students who also enjoy working with stone as schools of magic. Orvlo splits the club in half at least once a
a medium for either historic or artistic expression. Hofri's year for a quiz bowl competition. Individual quiz competitions
club hosts an art exhibit annually to show off their hard work. may also take place during the different trimesters.
Strixhaven Alchemist's Association Strixhaven Show Band Association
Associated Skills: Arcana, Medicine, Nature Associated Rolls: Arcana, Musical Instruments,
This club focuses primarily on the power of potions. Performance
Students have their own space in Professor Asana's lab For the most part students who wish to play a musical
where they mix various ingredients and note the interactions instrument join this club. Some students may form smaller,
that take place. Particularly skilled students may be offered a independent musical groups but most jump at the chance to
student job by Asana to work as a clinic assistant. This club join Zaffai's Show Band. Most weekday sessions are spent in
has no special events that take place on the weekend. rehearsals with performances taking place between one to
three times each year.
Strixhaven Debate Club
Associated Skills: Intimidation, Performance, Persuasion Strixhaven Speech Club
Professor Luc Brandford knows that sometimes the best Associated Skills: Charisma, Performance, Persuasion
way of protecting oneself is not with magic but rather with Most students find working on speeches under Professor
words. In this club, Luc works with students to learn the finer Smart Mouth odd. But the kenku professor's extensive
points of debating. Students are assigned to different issues knowledge of language gets the job done and he always
and positions at the beginning of a trimester and work on seems to have the perfect word to recommend to students to
research and tactics during club sessions. At the end of the help get their points across. Most sessions with this club are
trimester Luc holds formal, structured debates which are either explorations into different speech techniques or
attended by both club members and any interested oratory practices. Students participate in a speech
individuals from the general public. competition at least once a year.
Strixhaven Grappling Club Strixhaven Star
Associated Skills: Acrobatics, Athletics, Insight Associated Skills: Insight, Intimidation, Investigation
Students in this club hone their skills in grappling under As a school Strixhaven is full of drama. It's up to the
the tutelage of the ursine Professor Ruxa. Clubs are usually student journalists behind the Strixhaven Star to find that
either instructor-led demonstrations or practice time with an drama and make it public. Students in this club are expected
opponent. Club members compete at least once a year to see to always keep an ear out for a scoop during and between
who is the best grappler and who is the best escape artist. classes and come together during the evenings for writing
Magic is forbidden in these contests and students learn to and editing purposes. Professor Breena serves as the paper's
rely on their raw skills and their ability to read their opponent editor, making sure the comments used by the paper are as
instead. alarming and scathing as possible. This club does not have
"special" weekend events but meets occasionally on the
Strixhaven Iron-Lifters Society weekend in the case of breaking news and to supervise the
Associated Rolls: Athletics, Constitution Saves, Strength printing and distribution of the paper.
Students looking to build muscle and push their
boundaries come together in this club. Using specially made
and standardized weights made of iron, these students
typically train together in the evening before competing once
a year in a large meet that is sponsored by Professor Rock.
Overall winners from different categories may receive cash
Strixhaven Supplemental | Extracurriculars
Student-Mages of Faith I'd encourage DMs not to build skill checks into jobs. Tuition
Associated Skills: Arcana, Insight, Religion at Strixhaven is pricey and students should be able to hold
Religion at Strixhaven is treated with reverence as down a job to attempt to make enough money to meet the
students come from many walks of life and students tend to 800 gold tuition. That being said, having a student miss a
not want to offend their peers. Club members in this group shift due to an adventure or some other scenario can be a
consist of faithful practitioners and curious individuals alike. good moment for roleplay. If you decide to fire a student from
Students take part in enlightened discussions and debates one job due to absences or because of a rivalry with a fellow
under the mediation of Professor Helioz. This group might student they should easily be able to get a job elsewhere.
work with the Event Planning Committee to host various A player may be offered a job as an assistant to certain
holiday celebrations throughout the year. professors, especially if they've proven themselves in one or
more classes. Example ideas using professors and staff from
Students of the Beyond both the published content and Volume I include helping
Associated Rolls: Deception, Religion, Wisdom Saves Professor Asana with her clinic, helping Gyome as a sous
On the surface this group of students appears to be part of chef, helping Clem care for her collection of insects, etc.
an astrology club. However, students of this club actually Some students, especially those in their third and fourth
spend their time researching other planes and attempting to years may find opportunities for freelance work. The type of
make contact with inhabitants from those planes. Under the work available typically depends on the student's college with
watchful eye of Professor Brenneth students perform variations being rare but not unheard of.
seances, research mystical portals, and reach for divine Upperclassmen Freelance Jobs
powers. The group doesn't have any public events throughout College Job
the year but might meet on weekends in secret if Brenneth
feels himself being approached by an entity from the other Lorehold Ruin Explorer
side so students can witness his contact or possession. Prismari Artist
Quandrix Theorem Computer
Synchronized Swimming Club
Associated Rolls: Athletics, Constitution Saves, Silverquill Vainglory (motivating through magic)
Performance Witherbloom Spell Component Seeker
This club is sponsored by the ultimate synchronized
swimmers, Adrix and Nev. Students learn not only how to Ruin Explorers delve into the unexplored parts of
master swimming through the water but how to match the Pillardrop, seeking unfound artifacts and treasures they can
rhythm and timing of others to create truly amazing displays attempt to sell to collectors on the surface.
of art that involve incredibly natural patterns. Most sessions Artists paint, draw, sculpt, or create art through a different
are filled with intense training but the club puts on a public medium and attempt to find buyers at college art shows or
show at least once a year, typically towards the end of the amongst any alumni contacts the student may have.
year. Theorem Computers work for Quandrix professors and
The Black Hands
alumni to tackle the easier but more time consuming parts of
Associated Rolls: Arcana, Constitution Saves, Spell advanced calculations.
Modifier Vainglories use magic to inspire and motivate individuals
Students in this club are self-named followers of Professor who often feel directionless. Students trying to find their
Tivash. They are few in number and invitations are typically motivation to do last-minute homework assignments, artists
handled by word of mouth or referrals from Tivash himself with creative blocks, and even professors seeking a
rather than through public advertisements. Students in the breakthrough might contract the services of a Vainglory.
club work together to unravel dark, borderline forbidden Spell Component Seekers brave the dangers of Sedgemoor
magics as they work to try to get to the level of power their and the Detention Bog in search of rare plants and other
hero has. The club functions almost less as a club and as ingredients they can potentially sell to Asana, Venoc, or
more of a cult, one Tivash acknowledges but doesn't others.
necessarily help. Because he is technically listed as their
sponsor he gets out of having to deal with more annoying
students and because they are trying to independently reach
his level he has more time to do his own studying and
research into dark powers. This group has no special
weekend events.

The book offers a fair number of jobs across a handful of
different locations. For the most part these jobs seem fairly
sufficient. For individuals using Volume II of this series I'd
encourage coming up with more managerial positions for
those with 3 or more points in the Job Student Skill.

Strixhaven Supplemental | Extracurriculars

Player Friendly Extracurricular Chart
"Body Builders" Club Adventurer's League Ancient Artifact Enthusiasts Arcavios Historical Society
Sponsor: Serafina Onyx. Put Sponsor: Verelda Lang. Sponsor: Osgir. Examine and Study and debate facts about
together different body parts Explore unexplored learn about new magical ancient cultures.
to build the perfect zombie. dungeons and tombs. archaeological finds.
Arcavios Zoology Club Bog Patrol Squad Clockwork Engineering Club Competitive Spell-Flingers
Sponsor: Kojil. Learn about Sponsor: Willowdusk. Sponsor: Losheel. Examine and Sponsor: Liv Brandford. Practice
and work with all manner of Patrol and learn about the build different clockwork spell distance and accuracy.
creatures from Arcavios. bayou and bog. automatons.
Culinarians United Cute Conjurations Group Dead Languages Society Distinguished Society of Fine
Sponsor: Gyome. Learn to Sponsor: Veyran. Relax Sponsor: Xyla Langning. Study Sponsor: Ignaria Kahafi. Practice
cook like a professional. and play with cute and practice speaking and different art forms and learn to
elementals writing in ancient and rare give and receive critiques.
Dragonchess Club Dragonsguard Reserve Enchanting Poets Society Entomology Enthusiasts
Officer Training Corp.
Sponsor: Renald Rothton. Play Sponsor: Lianna Sponsor: Sace Solindiel. Write Sponsor: Clem Greenthumb.
casual and competitive Flametongue. Train like a and perform powerful poems. Study and care for various
Dragonchess. member of the insects.
Event Planning Committee Fantastical Horticulture Future Architects of Arcavios Future Entrepreneurs of
Club Strixhaven
Sponsor: Zoei. Plan fun events Sponsor: Verooja. Learn Sponsor: Bildra Forheim. Study Sponsor: Marrick Deepfinder.
for all university students about and care for and design unique buildings. Learn business sense and create
different plants. and market unique goods.
Independent Research Intramural Gymnastics Club Intramural Silkball Club Intramural Waterbinding Club
Sponsor: Venoc Plaguescale. Sponsor: Zeph. Practice Sponsor: Shtomp. Play in Sponsor: Ahkwa. Shape and
Research away from prying and perform gymnastics different Silkball games manipulate water.
eyes. routines.
League of Extraordinary Live-Action Roleplaying Mage Tower Cheer Squad Order of the Blade
Runners Guild
Sponsor: Jazack Quickfoot. Sponsor: Rixy. Get Sponsor: Arkin Minexes. Practice Sponsor: Tervis Sharpwing.
Practice running and compete involved in a world of and perform different cheer Practice and spar with different
against others. make-believe routines. weapons.
Playactors Drama Guild Stoneworker's Assembly Strixhaven Alchemist's Association Strixhaven Debate Club
Sponsor: Dramitia. Perform in Sponsor: Hofri Sponsor: Asana Vargundil. Mix Sponsor: Luc Brandford. Study
various comedies and dramas. Ghostforge. Chisel and and study different alchemical and debate different issues.
sculpt stone art. compounds.
Strixhaven Grappling Club Strixhaven Iron-Lifters Strixhaven Mathematics Alliance Strixhaven Quiz Club
Sponsor: Ruxa. Practice Sponsor: Rock. Build mass Sponsor: Deekah. Tackle Sponsor: Orvlo. Study trivia
different holds and escapes. and lift things. challenging equations. about Strixhaven and magic.
Strixhaven Show Band Strixhaven Speech Club Strixhaven Star Student-Mages of Faith
Sponsor: Zaffai. Study and Sponsor: Smart Mouth. Sponsor: Breena. Investigate and Sponsor: Helioz Sunmane.
perform different musical Rehearse and deliver report on different topics. Learn about other religions and
pieces. powerful speeches. faiths.
Students of the Beyond Synchronized Swimming The Black Hand
Sponsor: Brenneth Sponsors: Adrix and Nev. Sponsor: Tivash. Study dark
Blackstone. Reach out to Learn to combine secrets and borderline forbidden
entities from other planes. swimming with precise magic.

Strixhaven Supplemental | Player Friendly

Extracurricular Chart
Mud Dive: If you use an action to dash you may make a
Silkball shove attack as a bonus action with advantage on the
Silkball is a sport Wizards of the Coast provided absolutely Strength (Athletics) check. Upon a success you and your
no context for. This companion provides rules based on a target fall prone. Upon a failure only you fall prone next to
number of observations from what little information we do your target.
have. Terra Firma: You may use an action to steady your stance.
Rough and Tumble: With these words being used to Until your next turn Strength (Athletics) checks made
describe Silkball we can think of the sport as being against you to shove or grapple are made at disadvantage.
physical in nature, with contact between players occurring In addition, ranged attacks against you are made at
regularly disadvantage.
Muddy Fields: The fields are described as muddy in the Variant 1: Keep Away
published extracurricular description. Most of the field
could be considered difficult terrain. In this version of the game the objective is to maintain
possession of a large, volleyball sized ball. To start the game
Silk Ball: Silk is a slippery substance that gets dirty easily. the ball is launched up in the air and lands in a random part
Because the game takes place on a muddy field we can of the field. Participants roll initiative and take their turns
assume that the ball(s) would get dirty immediately. attempting to get the ball or keeping the ball away from the
Constantly replacing balls would be a resource drain so other team. Picking up the ball costs one action.
the balls are enchanted to resist the mud. In this game the ball of spider silk is enchanted to be
Outlined in Magical Chalk: This chalk prevents balls from slippery instead of sticky. Players may not use weapons or
flying out of bounds and hitting the audience. spells to assault other players. The only valid moves are
shoving, grappling, and stealing (a new kind of attack).
Mage Tower takes place in the Strixhaven Arena with When attempting to steal you make a Dexterity (Sleight of
Silkball taking the backseat in the old field: Most of the Hand) check against the target's Strength saving throw. Upon
students at Strixhaven are adept at magic and presumably success you gain possession of the ball. Stealing attacks are
very few are particularly fast or strong. Since Silkball is made at advantage against prone and grappled targets due to
less prominent we can assume it takes either strength or the slippery nature of the ball.
dexterity. To keep the ball safe from the opposing team it is
Dirt Ramps: Not muddy means normal terrain encouraged to pass it to an open teammate. Passing requires
using an action to make a Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity
No Goalposts: Scoring doesn't take place by moving (Athletics) check. The receiver must make a Dexterity saving
something from one end of the field to the other, like Mage throw. If the average of those two rolls meets or exceeds the
Tower. DC in the table below, the pass is successful. If it fails the ball
falls into the mud in a location determined by the DM.
Aerojaunt moves using magic: Despite presumably
appealing to more physical students, Aerojaunt still uses Throwing Difficulty Checks
magic. I don't know of a spell that allows for double Distance (Horizontal) DC
jumping so perhaps a standardized magic item is used by 5 - 45 feet 12
50 - 90 feet 14
With the ideas above I've put together two separate 90 - 135 feet 16
variants of the game. You're welcome to use either in your 135+ feet 18
campaigns or you could even make students flip a coin to see
which version they'll play. Both versions make use of the Each game period is played for a duration of 3 or 5 rounds
magical item below: (determined by the DM). Having possession of the ball at the
end of the game period scores you 1 point. Games are
Silkball Boots typically played as best of 3 periods or best of 5 periods.
Wondrous Item, Common
While wearing these boots you have access to the three Variant 2: Paintball
options below, each of which costs one charge. The boots
contain six charges and regain charges when a new match This version of the game is much simpler. Students are given
starts. an ammo pouch of smaller, sticky balls of spider silk and a
pair of gloves that ignore the sticky property of the balls. As in
Aerojaunt: You may jump and then jump again in the air variant 1 the game starts with an initiative roll and then
as part of your movement. Ignoring the usual rules for participants make ranged attacks with the balls against their
jumping you may gain 5 feet of altitude and up to 15 feet opponents. Participants are unarmored when they
of horizontal distance with each jump. Each portion of the participate. Being hit tags you with a silk ball. The team hit
jump consumes 15 feet of normal movement. If landing in the least at the end of a period scores a point. Games are
mud you must succeed a DC 10 Dexterity (Acrobatics) played as best of 3 periods or best of 5 periods.
check or land prone.

Strixhaven Supplemental | Extracurriculars


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