FS-2 Learning-Episode 9 C1 Pene ArvinJohn

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Learning Experience 9: Writing an Action

Field Research Proposal

Study 2
Submitted by: ARVIN JOHN PENE, Et.al
(By Pairs)

Submitted to: Gladys L. Lagura, EdD

(Supervising Instructor / Panel Members)

Schedule of Virtual Proposal Defense: _____________________________________________

Remember: You must read first all the contents of the whole learning experience so
that you will have a clear view of what the entire learning experience is all about. By
acquainting yourself to the lessons and activities, you were getting yourself ready during
your class immersion and prepared to do the assigned tasks.

My Intended Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this learning episode, I should be able to present action

research proposal.

Facts to keep…
Developing an Action Research
Action research is different from reflection in that it requires that we formulate
research questions in advance. Those questions then are used to guide the action research
process through the design and conduct of data collection, the analysis and validation
(triangulation) of data, and the writing of the report.
Action research is an intentional act, and the research questions can be used to
state our intentions.
In schools, action research refers to a wide variety of evaluative, investigative, and
analytical research methods designed to diagnose problems or weaknesses - whether
organizational, academic, or instructional - and help educators develop practical solutions to
address them quickly and efficiently.
The ultimate goal of doing action research is to improve teacher’s practices in
order to improve learning. It requires one to be reflective, observant, inquiring, and must be
ready to take action.

Revisit the Infographic/s

As a beginner, revisit the Action Research Model by Nelson (2014) as your basis for
developing an initial plan for action research.

(Nelson, O. (2014). The four stages are not dissimilar to how McNiff and Whitehead
conceptualized the key components of an action research cycle)
(Nelson, O. (2014). Participatory action research: A literature review. Unpublished

Action Research Components

1. Context and Rationale (Background; What to achieve?)

2. Action Research Questions (What problem/question is trying to solve)
3. Proposed Innovation, Intervention, and Strategy (Solution to problem)
4. Action Research Method (How to gather information, analyze the data / information)
5. Action Research Work Plan and Timeline (Target dates of activities/intervention)
6. Cost Estimates (If any)
7. Plans for Dissemination and Utilization (Share the results of the study)
8. References (Reading materials / review literature)

Action Research Proposal

Action Research Proposal

Pingol, Vince Harold L.
Pene, Arvin John
Pacot, Angelie Mariel
Redoble, Cris S.
Pejano, Maria Quenie L.
Proposed Title:

Crisis-Resilient Pedagogies in Teaching Science in the New Normal: Basis for Enhanced
Dynamic Learning Program

1. Context and Rationale (Study Background)

Educators emphasized that, despite the obstacles posed by the pandemic, excellent
education must be maintained. Each classroom's learning settings have yet to be investigated.
Appropriate pedagogies in teaching are one of the most important aspects of delivering the quality of
learning intended for learners, since this directly relates to the present learning conditions in the delivery
of learning. This leads to the main goal of this research, which is to investigate the much crisis-resilient
pedagogy in scientific instruction that is being applied by educators during this epidemic. This would serve
as the foundation for developing a more dynamic learning program that would address today's learning

As a result of the ever-changing COVID-19 pandemic scenario, schools have been severely
impacted by this health crisis. However, crises in education present a tremendous opportunity for school
institutions to re-evaluate the current educational system. Crises drive educators and institutions to
become more prepared, inventive, and resilient in tough times, as well as to improve their course delivery
techniques. To deal with the repercussions of COVID-19, schools have been closed for months, changing
from face-to-face to online classes.

According to Chow, Lam, and King (2020), resilience learning may help educators and
institutions become more resilient in education by utilizing a variety of learning pedagogies. Students may
learn and be resilient throughout this trying period as they work with institutions to deal with the COVID-19
problem. Pedagogy, on the other hand, is often defined as a way of delivering learning activities. There
are several pedagogies that suggest techniques for carrying out teaching and learning activities. The
crises resilient pedagogy model identified in this action research uses key attributes such as key
attributes of resilience that can be applied such as adaptability, creativity, connectivity, diversity, and

Thus, the research proposal intends to determine the crisis-resilient pedagogy applied in the
new normal for basis of enhanced dynamic learning program. Developing a teaching and learning
approach that is more adaptable and responsive, more creative and diversified, and more flexible and
robust to crises that can be implemented quickly by instructors without regard for space availability might
be an excellent option for educational institutions. This method is known as crisis resilience pedagogy.
Crisis Resilience Pedagogy (CRP) is defined as a teaching and learning technique that helps instructors
to act quickly and creatively in navigating through any critical events or emergency scenarios. The
resilience method also teaches instructors how to adapt successfully to varied students' learning
requirements, especially during times of crisis.
II. Action Research Questions

1. Why do the teachers adopt those crisis-resilient pedagogies in teaching science in the new
normal setting?
2. What are the experiences and challenges of teaching and learning in using crisis-resilient
pedagogies in teaching science in the new normal setting?

III. Proposal Innovation, Intervention Strategy (Describe innovation /

intervention / strategy)

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected school institutions for years. This study aims to determine
the crisis resilient pedagogies that junior high school teachers applied during this health crisis being one
of the threats in education system.

Thus, in this matter, the researcher would like to create an intervention that can be used as
pedagogy to enhance the dynamic learning in new normal. The pedagogy being determined in this study
will used as a primary data to design pedagogy for enhancing the new normal dynamic learning.

Moreover, the researchers would like to develop a dynamic learning plan. According to Bell (2018),
dynamic learning plan does involve learners to collaborate, create and communicate to showcase their
level of mastery and progress. Dynamic learning also conveys beyond the traditional school day which is
a great platform for learners to learn better. The researchers would like to use the dynamic learning plan
for enhancing the dynamic learning program in this new normal.

IV. Action Research Methods (Describe action research methods)

a. Participants or any Sources of Data- JHS Science Teachers

Junior High School Agusan National High School teachers from will be the focus of this action
research. There are estimated of 10 science teachers in the school that will be considered as participants.
Most of the junior high school teacher participants in this study have lived in Butuan City and has been
teaching during the new normal setting. Teacher participant have conducted an online/modular with the
use of crisis-resilient pedagogy in order to manage the COVID-19 health crisis.

b. Data Gathering Methods- Interview via Google Meet

Qualitative descriptive is the data gathering method of this study. The data will be collected as for
the crisis-resilient pedagogy in order to determine the pedagogy applied. The following procedure shall be
applied for data gathering:
 A letter shall be given to the principal/head teacher of the school for approval of the interview.
 The researchers shall give a brief explanation of the research and the crisis-resilient pedagogies
and its purpose in the study.
 The researchers shall conduct an online interview to the junior high school teachers of about the
crisis-resilient pedagogies being applied during the COVID-19 online/modular class.
 The data shall be then analysed and interpreted.

c. Data Analysis Plan- Creswell Method- Theming and Coding

For the data analysis strategy, the Creswell Method- Theming and Coding will be employed. In
qualitative data analysis, numerous complicated steps are necessary. Ary et al. (2010, p. 481) define
qualitative data analysis as "the process of reducing and organizing data, synthesizing, searching for
relevant patterns, and determining what is meaningful." The researcher evaluated the data acquired via
observation, interviews, and documents in this study. Furthermore, it is critical to organise and categorize
the data in order to answer each research question and to retract the conclusion. There is a lot of data in
qualitative data analysis.

As a result, the researcher must devise an effective analysis pattern. According to Ary et al. (2010),
there are three easy processes for qualitative data analysis: (1) familiarizing and organizing, (2) coding
and reducing, and (3) interpreting and representing. The researcher followed these phases of qualitative
data analysis technique along with the conclusion to analyze the data, taking into account three logical
steps of qualitative data analysis. There were certain portions, which were as follows:

1. Familiarizing and Organizing

The researcher sought to reread and examine all of the data in the first step of the data analysis phase in
order to have a better understanding. The information was acquired by observation, field notes, a
camcorder recorder, student papers, interview videotapes, notes, and a questionnaire. The researcher
structured the data in a written list after grasping and ensuring the associated information under
examination. This phase sought to make enormous amounts of data easy to analyse.

2. Coding and Reducing

The second phase included "category and theme identification and refining" (Ary et al., 2010, p. 483). The
researcher labelled or tagged the data in this case depending on certain criteria such as priming,
preparation, goal task, report, and attention on form, classroom management, and so on. Its purpose is to
split specific information required by the researcher. The study then narrowed the criteria down to more
specific areas such as starting activity, TBLT sequences, closure activity, strengths, and shortcomings.

3. Interpreting and Presenting

The final phases in the data analysis process were interpretation and representation. In this stage, the
researcher used descriptive analysis to analyze all of the data acquired from the study in order to answer
the research questions. Descriptive data analysis includes the study's findings, the researcher's prior
knowledge, and associated hypotheses.

4. Drawing Conclusion

Finally, the researcher incorporated all of the study's ideas and findings into the final conclusion. The
conclusion was also offered in the form of a descriptive study of TBLT implementation, including its
strengths and drawbacks.

V. Action Research Work Plan (Summarize Action Research Work Plan)

Activities Target Participants Responsible Time Frame
Letter preparation Principal, parents, Researcher
Dissemination of Principal, parents, Researcher
permission letter respondents February to April
Respondents Researcher, Master 2022
Observation and teacher (for
Interview validation)
Conduct of Respondents Researcher
Analysis of result Respondents Researcher
Completion of the Respondents Researcher
research study

VI. Cost Estimate (Possible expenses)

Description Quantities Unit Cost Total Cost

70 GSM bond paper
(A4) 1 reams 165 P165.00

Load for internet 5 pax 50 per day * 7 days P350.00

Hard disc 1 5,000.00 P5,000.00

Binding 5 300 P1,500.00
Ink 8 bottles 300 P2,400.00
Snacks for the
participants 10 50 P500

VII. Plan for Dissemination and Utilization (Describe how the results will be shared)

This action research study will officially start on the month of February when the 2 nd semester of
academic year 2021 - 2022 Caraga State University starts.

The letter of permission shall be distributed and approved in the 2 nd week of February. The teacher
participants will be interviewed accordingly to their free time for convenience.
VIII. References (Include all possible references)

Bell, K. (2018, July 23). How to plan a dynamic learning experience . Shakeuplearning.Com. Retrieved
January 21, 2022, from https://shakeuplearning.com/blog/how-to-plan-a-dynamic-learning-

Chow, R. S., Lam, C. M., & King, I. (2020, December 11). Crisis resilience pedagogy (CRP) for teaching
and learning. Ieeexplore.Ieee.Org. Retrieved January 19, 2022, from

Cresswell resarch methodology. (n.d.). Eprints.Umm.Ac.Id. Retrieved January 21, 2022, from

1. What was your experience in writing the action research proposal?
The experience in crafting the action research was made easy because me and my co
teammates collaborate as we are crafting the action research. We have shared ideas and in making
each part of the research process. We have agreed upon to what topic problem that will be going
to be addressed of our intervention. We have considered the problem that is timely and relevant,
time-bounded, realistic, attainable and direct to the problem. We are all happy to what we have
come up with our action research. We are looking forward for the next semester for the
continuation of the action research.

2. What knowledge, attitude, and skills did you have that helped you accomplish it?
Me and my teammates gained knowledge when it comes to action research when we
have attended the orientation and workshop for action research. The webinar let us understand the
nature and impact to how action research will be beneficial not just for students but also for the
whole learning community. In terms of attitudes, we have developed the attitude of determination
in pursuing action research to the problem we have identified. We are looking forward for the
continuation of the action research. Lastly, in terms of skills we developed as to how to manage
and sort out relevant and related literatures for our action research.

3. Who do you still need to learn and develop in yourself to be a skilled teacher-researcher?
In identifying problems that is existing in the classroom is what for me a skill that I
really need to develop as a teacher-researcher. Also, to better address interventions that will be
appropriate to the problems being identified.
Action Research Proposal ‐ Evaluation Rubric

Introduction 5 points
Provide a general overview of the proposal.
Provide a clear direction for the action research.
Statement of the problem 5 points
Describe some problem in K‐12 education. Answer the question,
"What is a concern in my practice?"
Identify a concern that you can do something about, in relation to the quality of
student learning.

Select some aspect of your teaching or other work within the

school that relates to what is important to you about students' learning.

Demonstrate that the action research project will have direct

relevance to your work in a school.
Purpose of the research 10 points
Describe the motivation for improving your own situation
or a situation that you have observed in your school.
Description of the innovation 5 points
Describe the planned innovation or new method/technique that you
believe will improve your own situation.
Goals of the innovation 10 points
Describe the potential objectives and goals of the innovation.
Describe how these goals are aligned with state/national curriculum standards.
Connections to educational standards 10 points
Provide the educational or curriculum standards to which you are linking your plan for
Provide standards for each curriculum area you involve in your plan.
Description of the school setting 5 points
Describe the school setting in which the innovation will be applied.
 demographics of students (e.g., ages, ability challenges);
 classroom environment (e.g., resources, materials, limitations, subject);
 other relevant contextual information (e.g., political or community influences).

Review of Literature
Educational significance of the action research 20 points
Describe the need in your situation for the innovation.
Describe how your need relates to the educational needs of your
colleagues as presented in the journal articles you have read.
Definition of the Variables 5 points
Clearly define all of the variables or factors involved in the
implementation of the innovation or new method/technique.
Research Questions 10 points
Describe the questions you want to answer.
Describe how these questions related to the information you
have read in the journal articles.

Summary of the Plan of Action

Materials Needed 5 points
Describe the materials that you will need to implement your
plan of action, including the materials you will need to create and the
materials that are available.
Transmutation of
Score 2.0 19-18 17 16 15 14
Grade 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.00 2.25
99 96 93 90 87 84

Gladys L. Lagura, EdD

Signature of Supervising Instructor over Printed Name


Arslan, F., & Kaysi, F. (2013). Virtual Learning Environment. Journal of Teaching and
Education, 2(4), 57-65.
Lucas, M.R., Borabo, M., et al. (2021). Field Study 2 Participation and teaching assistantship.
Lorimar Publishing, Inc. Metro Manila, Philippines.

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