G8 Q1 W3 Energy

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First Quarter- Module 3


Science – Grade 8
Supplementary Learning Material
Quarter 1 – Module 3: Gravitational Potential Energy and Kinetic Energy

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The following are some reminders in using this module:

1. Handle this module with care. Use a separate sheet in answering the
2. Read the directions carefully before doing each task.
3. Activities in this module can be done individually or with the help of
your teacher, home learning partner or knowledge source partner.
4. Finish this module for the intended week.
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MELC 3 Week No. 3 Code: S8FE-Id-22 Competency: Identify and explain the factors that affect potential and
kinetic energy.
Name: ________________________ Date: __________ Score: __________

QUARTER 1 – MODULE 3: Gravitational Potential Energy

and Kinetic Energy

1. Define gravitational potential energy.
2. Determine the factors that affect the gravitational potential energy gained by
an object.
3. Calculate the potential energy of an object
4. Define kinetic energy
5. Determine the factors that affect the kinetic energy of an object
6. Calculate the kinetic energy of an object
7. Differentiate gravitational potential energy from kinetic energy

DIRECTIONS: Write the letter of the correct answer on your answer sheet.

1. During the singing of the National Anthem, the flag is raised to the top of the
pole. Raising the flag off the ground at a certain height increases its _____.
a. Energy b. Acceleration c. Potential Energy d. Kinetic Energy

2. What happens to the Kinetic Energy of an object if its speed doubles?

a. doubles b. triples c. halved d. remains the same

3. An apple and a leaf from an apple tree fell on Mateo’s head who is sitting
under it. Given that both of them fell at the same height but different
masses. Which of the following statements is true about its PE?
a. The leaf has a greater PE since it has lesser mass than the apple.
b. The apple has a greater PE since it has greater mass than the leaf.
c. The apple and the leaf have the same PE since they have different mass
d. The apple and the leaf have the same PE since they start at the same

4. A 1m race was done and the speed of the racers were recorded as follows:
Mae 1.3 m/s Reg 2 m/s
Den 1.0 m/s Tin 1.5 m/s
Based on the data above which racer has the greatest KE?
a. Reg b. Tin c. Mae d. Den

5. Matty lifted a box weighing 5kg vertically 2 meters above the floor. How
much Potential Energy was stored in the box?
a. 10 Joules b. 49 Joules c. 98 Joules d. 147Joules

MELC 3 Week No. 3 Code: S8FE-Id-22 Competency: Identify and explain the factors that affect potential and
kinetic energy.
If you felt that pre-test was hard that’s ok, we’ll learn more together
starting right here!


Moving Objects Stationary Objects


Can be computed through

Have you experienced skipping a meal? Did you notice any changes in your
performance? For sure you might feel a little sluggish, “low bat” or in slang “sabaw”,
it must be because you’re out of energy. We could regain our energy by eating food
and in return, it enables us to perform our work and task at home and in school.

Work and energy are closely related. Energy is the ability to do work. It takes a lot of
energy to perform our work at home and in school for the entire day, so we fuel up
our body with food. The same goes for other objects, for them to perform work it
needs the energy to do so. Yes! Even chairs and tables could perform work, because
of the energy within them or energy that is transferred in them. That energy could be
potential (stored) or kinetic (moving) energy.

Whenever you lift an object, like a box, above the ground you’re storing potential
energy within it because of its height. How do we know that energy is in the box? If
we released or dropped the box, the stored energy or PE, turns into KE as the box
starts to move. All moving objects have kinetic energy within them, it depends on how
fast the object is moving then the greater its energy.
MELC 3 Week No. 3 Code: S8FE-Id-22 Competency: Identify and explain the factors that affect potential and
kinetic energy.
Let’s see! Have you experienced the following situations? a) An object dropping on
you foot b) Going up and down on a swing c) Riding the roller coaster. If you have
experienced these situations, then you have experienced both potential energy and
kinetic energy, because “Energy can never be created nor destroyed but it can only
be transformed.” Let’s investigate, thinking caps on!

“Pain-full Challenge”
DIRECTIONS: Compare the following picture-scenario (pictu-nario) and rate
each one depends on the pain level you might feel when you experience it, 0 not
painful at all to 5 being the most painful.

1. Sliding off from Sliding off from 3. An apple A leaf dropped on

a chair the dropped on Isaac Isaac Newton’s
top of Newton’s head head

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
2. A volleyball A basketball 4. A slow pat on A fast pat on the
dropped at eye dropped at eye the back back
level to foot level to foot

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5


1. Compare pictu-nario 1 and 2. Why do you think objects at a higher height
from the ground would hurt more than objects near the ground?
2. If the height of the objects were to increase, what happens to its PE?
3. Now, let’s compare pictu-nario 3 and 4, which pictu-nario would probably fall
first, objects with a greater mass or lesser mass?
4. If the mass of the objects were to increase, what happens to its KE?

“The Energy I conceal, don’t feel”

DIRECTIONS: Read and analyze the following situations. Compute for what is
being asked. Use an extra paper for your answers following the
Matthew was spinning a basketball which weighs 0.62kg, on his
finger at eye level, about 1.3m above the ground. When it suddenly
dropped on his foot, calculate how much gravitational potential energy
was stored on the ball?

MELC 3 Week No. 3 Code: S8FE-Id-22 Competency: Identify and explain the factors that affect potential and
kinetic energy.
m= 0.62kg PE = mgh
h=1.3m = (0.62kg) (9.8m/s2) (1.3m)
g= 9.8m/s2 (constant) = 7.898 kg-m/s2 –m or PE of the basketball = 7.9 J
= 7.9 J

1. Miguel was cleaning windows on a ladder which is about 2 meters above the
ground, he weighs 50 kilograms. When he suddenly slips down. Determine
the gravitational potential energy within Miguel as before he fell down the
2. Kobe was holding volleyball and a basketball on each hand. When he
suddenly dropped both of them from his eye level. Standardize volleyball
weighs about 0.26kg and NBA basketball is about 0.62kg. Determine which
ball has the highest potential energy in it, given that both balls dropped on
the same height of 1.5 meters above the ground.

“The Energy when I let it go”

DIRECTIONS: Read and analyze the following situations. Compute for what is
being asked. Use an extra paper for your answers following the steps.

Matthew was spinning a basketball which weighs 0.62kg, on his

finger at eye level, about 1.3m above the ground. When it suddenly
dropped on his foot at a speed of 2m/s. Calculate how much kinetic
energy was transferred in the ball?
m= 0.62 kg ANSWER:

v = 2 m/s = (0.62kg) (2m/s)2

2 KE of the basketball =
= (0.62kg) (4m2/s2) 1.24 J
= 1.24 J

1. Chris received a pat on his back from his best friend with a speed of 2m/s. If
his friend’s mass is about 40kg determine the kinetic energy that was within
that pat.
2. An average apple weighs 0.1kg, if someone dropped it on Sir Isaac Newton’s
head for about 2m/s, how much kinetic energy was transferred into the

”Why do balls bounce back?”

DIRECTIONS: Analyze the picture and answer the following questions. Write only
the letter that corresponds to your answer.

MELC 3 Week No. 3 Code: S8FE-Id-22 Competency: Identify and explain the factors that affect potential and
kinetic energy.
A ball bouncing when dropped at the height of the 9cm mark of a ruler.

1) At which point/s does PE is present in the diagram?______________

Ok! Great, these points are where the ball momentarily stops, gaining PE along the
way due to its height.
2) Among the following PE which point shows the greatest PE?_________
Great! This is where the ball is at the highest position above the ground.
3) Among the following PE which point shows the least PE?____________
Nice one! As the position decreases, the PE also decreases.
4) At which point/s does KE is present in the diagram?________________
These points are where the ball loses height but gains speed, transforming PE to KE.
5) Among the following KE which point shows the greatest KE?_________
Great! This is where the ball is at the fastest gaining so much velocity along the way.
6) Among the following KE which point shows the least KE?_____________
Nice one! As the ball stops moving or bouncing KE decreases.

Pause and feel the 3-2-1 moment

3 Write three things you have learned in this lesson?

2 Write two questions you might still have?
1 Write one thing you enjoyed most about this lesson?

Congratulations! You have finished another week’s module. We may be

apart for now, but I do hope this learning experience may leave a big foot
print in you. Happy learning! Ready for the final set of questions? Good
luck and stay safe!

DIRECTIONS: Write the letter of the correct answer on your answer sheet.

1. A can of ligo sardines of a certain mass (m) falls from rest to the ground. It
covers a distance (h). Which of the following statement is correct?
a. The speed of the can when it hits the ground is proportional to h.
b. The KE of the can when it hits the ground is proportional to h.
c. The KE of the can when it hits the ground does not depend on m.
d. The KE of the can when it hits the ground depends on m.
2. Matty lifted a box weighing 5kg vertically 2 meters above the floor, when
suddenly his friend Mae bump him and the box fell onto the ground with a
speed of 2 m/s. How much Kinetic Energy was transferred in the box?
a. 5 Joules b. 10 Joules c. 49 Joules d. 98 Joules
MELC 3 Week No. 3 Code: S8FE-Id-22 Competency: Identify and explain the factors that affect potential and
kinetic energy.
3. Honey was curios on the stored energies on objects. She tried to investigate
by weighing and dropping coins. She used a 5 peso coin which is about 7.4
grams and a 10 peso coin which is about 8.0 grams. She dropped them on
the same height of 1.5 meters above the ground. Which coin has the greatest
potential energy?
a. 5 peso coin b. 10 peso coin c. both of them d. none of them
For numbers 4 to 5
4. Juan was playing on the swing while his friend Maria
took a slow-motion video of him and captured his movements.
Based on the diagram bellow at which point/s does Juan have
the greatest Potential Energy (PE)?
a. A and B b. B and C c. C and D d. A and D

5. What happens with Juan’s PE as he moves from points A to D

a. Juan’s PE decreases as he loses and gains height
b. Juan’s PE increases as he loses and gains height
c. Juan’s PE decreases as he loses height, then increases as he gains height
d. Juan’s PE increases as he loses height, then decreases as he gains height

Aquino, M. D. et. al. Science Links 8. Sta. Mesa Heights , Quezon City: Rex Book
Store, Inc. 2013, pp. 257 – 258, 287 – 288
Deped. Science 8 Learner’s Module, First Edition. 2013
Silverio, A. A. Exploring Life through Science: Physics, Second Edition. Quezon
Ave, Quezon City: Phoenix Publishing House, Inc. 2012

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – Schools Division Office-


Calbayog Street, Highway Hills, Mandaluyong City 1500

Telefax: (632) 79552557

Email Address: [email protected]


MELC 3 Week No. 3 Code: S8FE-Id-22 Competency: Identify and explain the factors that affect potential and
kinetic energy.

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