b11 Motorcycle-Crank

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Example 11: motorcycle crank

(Tetrahedron No. 16 with 10 nodes)

is a registered trademark (Nr. 30 2009 064 238) of Univ. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frank Rieg
Example manual

The task is, to calculate a crankshaft for a single cylinder-motorcycle. The total load from
the piston is -5000 N. The mesh was created, using Pro/MECHANICA. The special on this
example is the application of the boundary conditions. That is pretty tricky.
Therefore, a datum point at one front of the crankshaft will be created. It will be used to
lock the displacement along the z-direction.

Figure 1: Pro/MECHANICA: the example as 3D model

The ball bearings are placed at the shoulders. They do not lock crankshaft’s torque. The
side of the shoulders will only be fixed in x- and y direction.

Figure 2: Pro/MECHANICA: application of the load

Example manual

The total load of -5000 N is located on the whole surface of the crank pin. Figure 2 shows
the boundary conditions in the 3D model. The mesh consists of quadratic tetrahedrons.

Figure 3: Pro/MECHANICA: meshed crank shaft

1. Create new project

Create a new projekt, use .

2. Import nastran structure

Import the example file z88.nas from "..\Z88AuroraVx\docu\examples\import\b11”. The

complete structure with the boundary conditions will be loaded.
Only the material assignment is removed to keep the internal material database of
Z88Aurora consistent.
1. Use the button "Import" and the context menu appears on the right side.
2. Choose nastran file  Dialog will open
3. Change to the example folder, as indicated above
4. Choose "Tetrahedron“
5. Start impot with “OK”

Example manual

3. Material assignment

Use the material from the material database Z88Aurora.

1. Click the "Preprocessor" Icon  and the context menu appears on the right side.

2. Click  Material database opens

3. Select the material "Structural steel S235JR" in the material database.

4. assigns the material to the part

5. Close menu

4. Start calculation

You can select as in the other examples the Pardiso solver or use the Sparse Matrix

Iteration or .

5. Create new project

Create a new projekt, use .

6. Import STL-Geometrie

Now import not the whole structure data, but only the geomtry data, from the stl file
located in "..\Z88AuroraVx\docu\examples\import\b11".

7. Create mesh

Mesh with “Tetgen” and quadratic tetrahedrons. Use for maximum length “7”.

8. Change mesh

By the creation of additional mesh rules, you can assign various meshes. Saved is always
the most recently mesh. If the mesh is changed after the application of boundary
conditions, they were deleted and have to be recreated again.

Example manual

Figure 4: create several mesh rules

9. Node picking – Surface picking

The shaft shoulder should be locked in X and Y direction. Therefore you select a node
and then click "surface". Since middle nodes can not be used, only one node of the two
edges of the shoulder must be selected. If after selecting “surface”, the desired area is
not highlighted, try using the other edge and vary the value of the detection angle with
the slider. Create a set of two marks. Proceed as in Example 4 step 9 before heading.

Example manual

Figure 5: node picking with “Surface", top: desired result, bottom: false marking

Select the crank pin also by picking a node and click “surface”. Then create a set. The
selection and deselection of nodes, see example one "Picking Options”. Finally crate a
set, containig one node in the center of the end side of the crankshaft, which is then
used to lock the z direction.

10. Constraints

1. Set: Boundary condition type "Displacement", Direction X + Y, Value "0", Name

2. Set: Boundary condition type " Displacement ", Direction Z, Value "0", Name "fix_Z"
3. Set: Boundary condition type " Projected surface load", Richtung Y, Wert "-5000",
Name "load"

Example manual

Figure 6: Boundary conditions: crank shaft

11. Material assignment

Select the material "Structural steel S235JR" in the material database.

12. Start calculation

Start the calculation with the “Pardiso solver".

13. Output

Figure 7: Stresses at corner nodes, deflected crank shaft, scale 60

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