List Arjuna

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• List Arjuna’s arguments for not fighting. (Surrender Unto Me 1.27-2.

1. compassion (1.27)
2. enjoyment derived from killing sons of Dhrtarastra (1.30)
3. sinful reaction (1.37-38)
4. destruction of dynasty (1.39)
5. Indecision (2.6-7)
• List six symptoms of Bhagavan in English or Sanskrit (2.2)

Posses all:

1. riches
2. strength
3. beauty
4. fame
5. knowledge
6. renunciation
• What is the meaning of the phrase ksudram hrdaya-daurbalyam? (2.3)

Arjuna’s: ksudram = petty

hrdaya = of the heart

daurbalyam = weakness

• According to scriptural codes, when is a teacher is fit to be abandoned ? (2.5)

One who enages in an abominable action and has lost his sense of

• What is the meaning of the phrase dharma-sammudha-cetah? (2.7)

dharma = religion

sammudha = bewildered

cetah = in heart

"I am bewildered in my duties, dharma." Dharma means duty.” Arjuna tells

Kṛṣṇa that he is confused about his duty and has lost all composure due to
miserly weakness.

• What is the size of soul and what is the symptom of its existence? (2.17)

size: one ten-thousandth [1/10,000] part of the upper portion of the hair

symptom: soul’s presence is perceived as individual consciousness

Just like the sun pervades the entire universe and maintains it.
• List the six kinds of transformations the body is subject to. (2.20)
1. birth from the womb
2. remains for some time
3. grows
4. produces some effects
5. gradually dwindles
6. vanishes into oblivion
• Give the English meaning of: anu-atma and vibhu-atma. (2.20)

anu-atma = minute particle soul

vibhu-atma = supersoul

• Why is it that the killing of animals in sacrifice not considered an act of

violence? (2.31)

Everyone is benefited by the religious principles involved. The animal

sacrificed gets a human life immediately.

• What is the meaning of the word ksatriya? (2.31)

One who gives protection from harm.

• What is meant by sva-dharma and what are the two types of sva-dharma?

sva-dharma = ones own religious principles

1. varnashrama dharma - a mans stepping stone for spiritual

2. spiritual
• What is the meaning of the phrase svarga-dvaram apavrtam? (2.32)

svarga = of the heavenly planets dvaram = door apavrtam = wide open

if he should die in the battle, he would be elevated to the heavenly planets,

whose doors were wide open to him.

• Give the English meaning of the phrase pratyavayah na vidyate. (2.40)

pratyavayah = diminution

na = never

vidyate = there is

Kṛṣṇa tells Arjuna that there is no loss or diminution for one engaged in
Kṛṣṇa Conciousness.

• Give the English meaning of the phrase vyavasayatmikä buddhi. (2.41)

vyavasāyātmikā = resolute in Kṛṣṇa consciousness buddhir = intelligence

A strong faith that by Kṛṣṇa consciousness one will be elevated to the

highest perfection of life is called vyavasāyātmikā intelligence.

• The Vedas deal mostly with what? (2.45)

The Vedas deal mainly with the subject of the three modes of material

The Vedas deal mostly with fruitive activities to gradually elevate the
general public from the field of sense gratification to a position on the
transcendental plane.

• How is the purpose of Vedic culture best served? (2.46)

The best purpose of Vedic culture is served by chanting the holy name of
the Lord, as recommended by Lord Caitanya, the deliverer of all fallen

• What is the meaning of the word prajna? (2.54)

One who is situated in fixed Kṛṣṇa consciousness

• A well-dressed fool cannot be identified unless what? (2.54)

he speaks

• What is the meaning of the phrase param drstva nivartate? (2.59)

param = far superior things dṛṣṭvā = by experiencing (higher taste) nivartate

= he ceases from

One can cease lower engagements of sense enjoyment by experiencing a

higher taste in KC

• Who is the example of a mat-parah given in 2.61?

mat-parah = in relationship with Me

Maharaja Ambarīṣa

• List the eight stages of spiritual falldown in English or Sanskrit. (2.62-63)

1. contemplating the objects of the senses
2. attachment develops
3. lust develops
4. anger arises
5. complete delusion
6. bewilderment of memory
7. intelligence is lost
8. fall down into material pool
• What is the meaning of the phrase brahma-nirvanam rcchati? (2.72)

brahma-nirvāṇam = the spiritual kingdom of God ṛcchati = one attains

one can enter into the kingdom of God

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