AAP Letter 05 SBN WAREHOUSE Canteen & Car Park

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Our Ref : BNSB/AAP21/12-21(05)

Date : 31 December 2021

Amstrong Auto Parts Sdn Bhd

Jalan Haruan 1, Oakland Industrial Park,
70300 Seremban,
Negeri Sembilan.

Re: Quotation for Car Park & Canteen at AAP Seremban, Negeri Sembilan.

The above and discussion with your representative is referred.

Kindly, we would like to inform that the quotation for the work above is as follows:

Item Description Unit Qty Amount

1 Bq Car Park (attached) 34,500.00

2 Bq Canteen (attached) 55,000.00
TOTAL AMOUNT 89,500.00

Thank you for your kindness to give us the opportunity to participate in this quotation.

Your cooperation and attention is highly appreciated.

Thank you.




No. 43-1, Jalan Cocodrive 2, Taman Bandar Senawang, 70450 Seremban, Negeri Sembilan Darul Khusus. Tel/Fax : 066757858
Car Park Specification
Car Park size : 2400mm X 1800mm [145 lots]
OKU Carpark Size : 4800mm X 3600mm [1 lot]
Motorcycle Parking Size : 1550mm X 800mm [100 lots]

No. Item Description Qty. UOM Rate Amount

1 Architectural Roofing & Parking Lot

To supply and paint car park. 69 lots 120.00 8,280.00

To supply and paint motorcycle parkiing. 100 lots 60.00 6,000.00

To supply and paint OKU car park 1 lots 150.00 150.00

To supply roofing with size 19,200mm X 1,800mm as per picture (Zinc / Mild-Steel) 35 m2 270.00 9,450.00

Total 23,880.00


To supply and cement floor with BRC for the size 19,200mm X 1800mm 1 lot 4,500.00 4,500.00

Total 4,500.00

2 Others Others

Contractor to provide overall Fire Fighting System Drawing (If require)

Road Walkway (arrow road marking) 8 nos 450.00 3,600.00
Speed humps 2 nos 500.00 1,000.00
Speed limits 20km/h 4 nos 380.00 1,520.00

Total 6,120.00

TOTAL AMOUNT 34,500.00

Canteen BQ

No. Item Description Amount

1 Canteen Clean, paint and refurbish areas - 216m2
Primer Paint on Wall
Demolish partition wall between canteen and surau 20,000.00
Install 2 units new 3hp air conditioner ceiling type
Replace 2' X 4' ceiling panels

Staircase Area Cleaning and painting (Staircase Surau, Staircase canteen)

2 - Wall and Railing 6,500.00

Toilet Painting and refurbish

3 Change toilet bowl, sitting and squat (2 for Male Toiet / 2 for Female Toilet) 5,500.00

Surau and Wuduk Area Painting and refurbish – 142 m²

New Carpet for both Surau 16,500.00
New Door - 1 unit

Total 48,500.00

1 Toilet Area (Ground Floor) Clean 1,500.00

Existing Canteen (Ground
2 Clean and removes old stuff. This place to be use as Future Production Line 5,000.00
Total 6,500.00

TOTAL AMOUNT 55,000.00

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