Bohr's Atomic Model.

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What you already know

• Photoelectric effect • Photocurrent vs Frequency curve

• Stopping potential • Photocurrent vs Collector plate
potential curve
• Accelerating potential
• Kinetic energy vs Frequency curve
• Effect of intensity on emission of

What you will learn

• Bohr’s atomic model • Time period and Frequency of an

electron in Bohr orbit
• Velocity of an electron in Bohr orbit
• Energy of an electron in Bohr orbit
• Radius of Bohr orbit

Photoelectric Effect at a Glance

•  When a photon of sufficient energy strikes the metal surface, it transfers its energy instantaneously
to the electron and the electron is ejected without any time lag or delay.
•  Greater the energy possessed by the photon, greater will be the transfer of energy to the electron
and greater will be the kinetic energy of the ejected electron.
•  A characteristic minimum frequency (𝜈o) that is required for ejection of electrons from the metal
surface is known as threshold frequency.
•  The kinetic energy of ejected electrons is independent of the intensity of the incident light but
varies linearly with its frequency.
•  The number of ejected electrons from the metal surface depends upon the intensity of the
incident radiation. The greater the intensity, the more is the number of ejected electrons.
• Doubling the energy of incident photons does not double the kinetic energy of an electron. The
kinetic energy of the ejected electron depends linearly on the energy of the photon but it is not
directly proportional to it.
• According to Einstein’s photoelectric equation,
Energy of incident photon (E) = Work function Φ (or Wo) + Kinetic energy of emitted electron (K.E.)

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We know that,
Energy of incident photon = h𝛎
Work function of metal = h𝛎o
Kinetic energy of ejected electrons = mv 2
hv = hv0 + 1 mv 2

Based on threshold wavelength (photoelectric effect)

A type of burglar alarm uses the photoelectric effect, provided that the visible light falling on a
metal plate causes the emission of photoelectrons and that the alarm is inactive. When the light
beam is blocked by an intruder, the alarm is set on. Would Magnesium be a suitable material for
the metal plate, given that the lowest frequency, which can cause the emission of an electron from
Magnesium, is 8.95 × 1014 Hz?


Step 1:
Finding the threshold wavelength of Mg
Threshold frequency of Mg (𝛎o ) = 8.95 × 1014 Hz
Using the formula, we get,
λ0 =
3 × 108
λ0 =
8.95 × 1014
=λ0 3.352 × 10−7 m
λ0 = 335.2 nm

Note: Threshold wavelength is the maximum wavelength of photon above which photoelectric
effect is not observed.

Step 2:
Finding the suitability of Mg in burglar alarm
Range of wavelength for visible region = 380 nm to 750 nm
The visible region wavelength is greater than the threshold wavelength for Mg.
Hence, Mg is not the suitable material for the metal plate.

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Finding maximum kinetic energy of photoelectrons (photoelectric effect).

In a photoelectric experiment, the collector plate is at 2.0 V with respect to an emitter plate made
of copper (work function 4.5 eV ). The emitter is illuminated by a source of monochromatic light of
wavelength 200 nm. Find the maximum kinetic energy of photoelectrons reaching the collector.
(A) 2.1 eV (B) 2.9 eV (C) 3.2 eV (D) 3.7 eV


Step 1:
Finding the energy of monochromatic light in eV
We know that, 1 nm = 10 Å
Hence, by unitary method, 200 nm = 2000 Å
The energy of an electron is as follows:
E (eV ) =
λ (Å )

At wavelength 2000 Å,

(eV ) 12400
E= = 6.2 eV
Energy of monochromatic light comes out to be 6.2 eV.

Step 2:
Finding Kinetic energy of photoelectrons
Using Einstein’s equation of photoelectric effect, we get,
E = Φ (or Wo) + K.E.
6.2 = 4.5 + K.E.
K.E. of emitted photoelectrons = 6.2 - 4.5 = 1.7 eV

Step 3:
Finding the Kinetic energy gained by photoelectrons
ΔK.E. = |q × V|
ΔK.E. = 1 × 2 = 2 eV

Step 4:
Finding the maximum kinetic energy gained by photoelectrons
Maximum kinetic energy gained by electrons = K.E. + Kinetic energy due to potential
K.E.max = 1.7 + 2
= 3.7 eV
Option (D) is correct.

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Bohr’s Atomic Model

Rutherford’s nuclear model simply stated that atoms has a small, heavy and positively charged
core located at its centre known as nucleus and the negatively charged electrons were present
outside the nucleus. It did not say anything as how and where those electrons were arranged. It
also could not explain why electrons did not fall into the nucleus due to electrostatic attraction.
Niels Bohr proposed a new model of atom that explained some of these things and also the
emission spectrum of hydrogen. Bohr’s theory was based on Planck’s quantum theory and was
built on the following postulates.

Postulates (Assumptions to explain some results)

1. Electrons revolve around the nucleus in fixed circular

orbits of definite energy. These orbits are known as
stationary orbits. Each stationary state is associated n=2
with a definite amount of energy and it is also known n=1
as energy levels. These stationary states are arranged + -K L M
concentrically around the nucleus. The greater the
distance of the energy level from the nucleus, the more
is the energy associated with it. The different energy
levels/shells are numbered as 1, 2, 3, 4…(or K, L, M, N)
(Fig. 1). As long as the electron stays in any energy level
(stationary state), it does not radiate energy, i.e., energy Fig. 1: Bohr’s stationary orbits
of electron remains constant as long as it revolves in the (Energy levels)
same energy level.
2. Electrons can revolve only in those orbits, in which the angular momentum of electron is an
integral multiple of (where ‘h’ is Planck’s constant ),

Mathematically, it can be represented as follows:
mvr =
m = Mass of electron
v = Velocity of the electron
r = Radius of the orbit
n = Orbit number (1, 2, 3…)
h = Planck’s constant = 6.626 × 10–34 Js
i.e., the radius of an orbit around the nucleus is quantised.
3. Electrons can jump from lower to higher energy orbit by absorbing a fixed amount of energy
and vice versa by releasing the same amount of energy absorbed.
The electrons present in lower energy states (E 1 ) can jump to higher energy states (E 2) by
absorbing energy equal to ΔE = (E 2 - E 1 ) in the form of photons. The energy of photon should
be exactly the same as the energy difference in order to transfer the electron from lower
energy level to higher energy level.
Similarly, the electrons present in higher energy states (E 2) when jump to lower energy states
(E 1 ), it results in loss of energy equal to ΔE = (E 2 - E 1 ) in the form of radiation. Energy lost by
the electrons in this process is exactly the same as absorbed during the excitation from lower
energy level (E 1 ) to higher energy level (E 2).

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Bohr’s frequency rule

Frequency (𝝂) of a radiation emitted or absorbed when an electron undergoes transition from one
orbit to another is as follows:
∆E E -E
ν= = 2 1
h h
E1 = Lower energy state
E2 = Higher energy state
h = Planck’s constant
𝝂 = Frequency of radiation

- -
+ + - +

Fig. 2 (a): Electron jumps from lower energy (E 1 ) to higher energy state (E 2)
by absorbing energy ΔE = E2 - E1

- -
+ - + +

Fig. 2 (b): Electron jumps from higher energy state (E 2) to lower energy state (E 1 )
by releasing energy ΔE = E2 - E1


Bohr’s atomic model is applicable only for single electron species like H, He+, Li2+, Be3+ because
it considers only the interaction between one electron and the nucleus.

Mathematical Analysis

Following parameter can be calculated using Bohr’s postulates:

1. Radius of Bohr orbit
2. Velocity of an electron in Bohr orbit
3. Time period of an electron in Bohr orbit
4. Frequency of an electron in Bohr orbit
5. Energy of an electron in Bohr orbit

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Velocity of an Electron

The centripetal force required for the circular motion of electrons around the nucleus is being
provided by the electrostatic force of attraction between the nucleus and the electrons, which is
balanced by the centrifugal force (acting in outward direction).
These two forces (Fcentrifugal and Fcentripetal ) are in opposite directions.

We know that,
Felectrostatic =
q1 is the charge on the nucleus = Z × e
q2 is the charge on electron = -e
Substituting the values of q1 and q2 in above equation, we get,
Felectrostatic = − 2
Z = Atomic number of the atom
e = Electronic charge
K = Electrostatic constant
r = Radius of orbit
mv 2
Fcentripetal =
The electrostatic force provides the necessary centripetal force
for the circular motion.
Felectrostatic = Fcentripetal
KZe2 mv 2
= Nucleus
r2 r +
Rearranging the above equation, we get, Electron -
v2 = ...(1)
According to Bohr’s postulate, we have,
nh Fig. 3: Electrostatic force of
mvr = attraction between nucleus

and electrons
Rearranging the above equation, we get,
v= ...(2)
Dividing equation 1 by 2, we get,
vn =

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Now, if we have, n = 1 and Z = 1

We have, v = v0 (velocity of electron in first Bohr orbit of hydrogen atom)
v0 =
h = 6.626 × 10 -34 Js
π = 3.14
K = 9 × 109 Nm2 C –2
e = 1.6 × 10 –19 C
Substituting the values of constants in the above equation, we get,
( )
2 × 3.14 × 9 × 109 × 1.6 × 10−19
v0 =
6.626 × 10−34
= 2.18 × 10 6 ms-1
Velocity of an electron in nth Bohr orbit is as follows:
Z 
v n = v0  
n 

Z  −1
v n 2.18 × 106   ms
n 

Variation of velocity with Z and n

As the atomic number (Z) increases, the velocity of an electron in Bohr’s orbit increases and with
the increase in the number of orbit (n), the velocity decreases. This can be predicted by
vn ∝

Radius of Bohr’s Orbit

Using equation 2 from velocity calculation part, we get,

v = ...(2)
On squaring on both the sides of equation, we get,
n 2 h2
v =
4 π2r2m2
The value of v2 from force balanced equation (1) is as follows:
v =
The left hand side of equation (1) and (3) are equal. Hence, equating right sides of (1) and (3),
we get,
KZe2 n 2 h2
= ...(4)
mr 4 π2r2m2

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Rearranging the above equation, we get,

n 2 h2
r =
4 π2mKZe2
Radius of first orbit of hydrogen atom, i.e., Z = 1 and n = 1
r0 =
4 π2mKe2
Putting the values of
h = 6.626 × 10 -34 Js
π = 3.14
m = 9.1 × 10 -31 kg
K = 9 × 109 N m 2 C – 2
e = 1.6 × 10 –19 C
We get,
(6.626 × 10 )

r0 =
4 × (3.14 ) × 9.1 × 10−31 × 9 × 109 1.6 × 10−19 )
2 2

= 0.529 × 10–10 m
r0 = 0.529 Å
Radius of nth Bohr’s orbit for hydrogen-like species is as follows:
rn = r0
rn = 0.529 Å

Variation of radius with Z and n

With the increase in atomic number (Z), the radius of Bohr’s orbit decreases and increases with
increase in orbit number. This can be predicted by
rn ∝

Comparing the radii of two atoms

Calculate the ratio of the radii of the 2nd orbit of He+ ion and the 3rd orbit of Be3+ ion.
8 9 3 4
(A) (B) (C) (D)
9 8 4 3

Atomic number of He+ (ZHe+) = 2
Step 1:
Also, n = 2
Finding the radius of 2nd orbit of He+ ion
We know that, radius of nth Bohr orbit is as follows: 22
rHe+ = r0
n 2
rn = r0 = 2r0

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Step 2: Step 3:
Finding radius of 3rd orbit of Be3+ Finding ratio of radii
We know that, radius of nth Bohr orbit is as follows: rHe+ r ×2
= 0
n2 rBe3+ 9
rn = r0 r0 ×
Z 4
n=3 =
Atomic number of Be3+(ZBe3+) = 4
Option (A) is correct.
rBe3+ = r0
= r0

Comparing the radii of two atoms

If the radius of the 2nd orbit of Li2+ ion is x, then find the radius of the 1st orbit of He+ in terms of x.
x 3x 5x 7x
(A) (B) (C) (D)
8 8 8 8


Step 1: 22
Finding the radius of 2nd orbit of Li2+ rLi2+ = r0
We know that, radius of nth Bohr orbit is as follows: 4
= r0
n2 3
rn = r0
Z According to the given conditions,
Atomic number of Li2+ (ZLi2+) = 3 4 ...(1)
x = r
Given, n = 2 3 0

Step 2: Step 3:
Finding the radius of the 1st orbit of He+ Finding the radius of the 1st orbit of He+
We know that, radius of nth Bohr orbit is as follows: in terms of x
n2 Dividing equation (2) by (1), we get,
rn = r0
Z r0
rHe+ 2 3
Atomic number of He+ (ZHe+) = 2 = =
x 4r0 8
Given, n = 1
12 3
rHe+ = r0 rHe+ = x
2 8
= ...(2)
2 Option (B) is correct.

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Comparing the velocity of two atoms

If the velocity of an electron in the 1st orbit of H-atom is v, what will be the velocity of an electron
in the 3rd orbit of Li2+?
(A) v (B) (C) 3v (D) 9v


Step 1:
Finding the velocity of an electron in the 1st orbit of H-atom
The velocity of electron in nth orbit for hydrogen-like atom is as follows:
v n = v0  
For hydrogen atom,
Z = 1 and n = 1 (given)
v H v=
So, as given, v=
v ...(1)

Step 2:
Finding the velocity of an electron in the 3rd orbit of Li2+
The velocity of electron in nth orbit for hydrogen-like atom is as follows:
v n = v0  
For Li2+ ion,
Z = 3 and n = 3 (given)
v 2+ = v0
Li 3
= v0 ...(2)
On comparing the two equations, we can conclude that the velocity of an electron in the 3rd orbit
of Li2+ comes out to be the same as that of the velocity of an electron in the 1st orbit of the H-atom.
So, option (A) is correct.

Time Period (T) of an Electron

Time taken by an electron to complete one revolution in Bohr orbit
Circumference of the orbit
Time period of revolution =
Velocity of an electron
T = ...(i)

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Radius of nth Bohr orbit is as follows:

rn = r0
Velocity of electron in nth Bohr orbit is as follows:
v n = v0  
Substituting the formula of radius and velocity in equation (i), we get,
2πr0  n3 
Tn =  
v 0  Z2 

Putting Z = 1 and n =1, i.e., for H atom, we get,

T0 =
Substituting the values of r0 ( 0.529 Å) and v0 (2.18 × 106 ms–1 ), we get,
2 × 3.14 × 0.529 × 10−10
T0 =
2.18 × 106
T0 1.5 × 10−16 s
So, the time period of an electron in nth Bohr orbit is as follows:
 n3 
Tn = T0  2 
Z 

Variation of Time period with Z and n

Time period of revolution increases with the increase in orbit number (n) and decreases with the
increase in atomic number (Z). This can be predicted by
Tn ∝

Frequency of Revolution (f)

The number of revolutions per second completed by an electron in its orbit is known as frequency
of revolution. It is the reciprocal of the time period of revolution.
1 vn
f =
T 2πrn
Radius in nth Bohr orbit is as follows:
rn = r0
Velocity of electron in nth Bohr orbit is as follows:
v n = v0  

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Substituting values of velocity and radius, we get,

v  Z2 
fn = 0  3 
2πr0  n 
Putting Z = 1 and n = 1, i.e., H atom, we get,
f0 = 0
2.18 × 106
f0 =
2 × 3.14 × 0.529 × 10−10
= 6.6 × 1015 Hz
So, frequency of an electron in nth Bohr orbit is as follows:
Z2 
f = f0  3 
n 

Variation of Frequency of revolution with Z and n

Frequency of revolution increases with the increase in atomic number (Z) and decreases with the
increase in orbit number (n). This can be predicted by
f ∝

Energy of an Electron

It is the total energy (T.E.) of an electron revolving in a particular orbit.

Total energy (T.E.) = Potential energy (P.E.) + Kinetic energy (K.E.)

The expression for Potential energy is as follows:

−KZe 2 ...(i)
Potential energy =
The negative sign of potential energy indicates that there is attraction between nucleus and
mv 2
Kinetic energy = ...(ii)

Total energy = Kinetic energy (K.E.) + Potential energy (P.E.)

Hence, using the values from equation (i) and (ii), we get,
mv 2 KZe2 ...(iii)
T.E. −
2 r
m = Mass of electron
v = Velocity of an electron
K = Electrostatic constant

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We know that, during the circular motion of electron,

Felectrostatic = Fcentripetal
mv 2 KZe2
r r2
mv = 2

From here, substitute the value of mv2 in equation (ii), we get,
mv 2
Kinetic energy =
Put this value of kinetic energy in equation (iii), we get,
KZe2 KZe2
T.E. −
2r r
= −
Now, putting the value of r in the above equation, we get,
n 2 h2
r =
−KZe2 4π2Ze2mK
T.E. ×
2 n 2 h2
2π2Z2e4 mK 2
= −
n 2 h2
So, here in the equation, we have the variable term as Z and n. So, putting the values of constant,
we get,
Z2 
E n = -13.6  2  eV atom -1
n 
Putting Z = 1 and n = 1, i.e., H-atom, we get,
E0 = -13.6 eV atom-1
Z2 
E n = E0  2 
n 

• Energy can be zero if the value of n = infinite

• The negative sign in total energy indicates that the electron in an atom is more
stable than a free electron.

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Other units of energy

Z2 
E n = -2.18 × 10 -18  2 
Joule atom -1
 n 
Z2 
E n = -1312  2 
kJ mol -1
n 
Z2 
E n = -2.18 × 10 -11  2  erg atom -1
n 
Z 
E n = -313.6  2  kcal mol -1
n 

Variation of Energy with Z and n

So as the value of (Z) increases the value of energy decreases and as the value of n increases the
energy also increases. This can be predicted by
En ∝ −

Based on energy of an electron in Bohr’s orbit

According to Bohr’s theory, En = Total energy, Kn = Kinetic energy, Vn = Potential energy,

rn = Radius of nth orbit
(A) = −2
(B) If the radius of nth orbit ∝ Enx, then x = -1
(C) Angular momentum in the lowest orbit = 1
(D) If n
∝ Zy , y = 1


−KZe 2 ...(1)
Potential energy =
Kinetic energy = ...(2)

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Dividing equation (1) by (2), we get,

= −2
Option (A) is correct.

Radius in nth Bohr orbit is as follows:
rn = r0 ...(1)
Energy of nth bohr orbit is as follows:
 Z2 
En = E0  2  ...(2)
 
Multiplying 1 and 2, we get,
n2 Z2
r ×=E r0 × E0 2
Z n
r × E = r0 × E0 Z
For a given value of Z,
r ∝
Option (B) is correct.

Angular momentum in bohr orbit is as follows:
m vr =

So, for lowest orbit n = 1, lowest orbit angular momentum is
Option (C) is incorrect. 2π

Radius of nth Bohr orbit is as follows:
rn = r0
n 2
rn ∝
Hence, the radius is inversely proportional to Z (atomic number).
Option (D) is correct.

Summary sheet

• Postulates of Bohr’s atomic model

(a) E
 lectrons revolve around the nucleus in stationary orbits or energy levels. An electron does
not absorb or emit radiation when it is in stationary orbit.

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(b) Angular momentum of the electron around the nucleus is quantised, i.e., it is an integral

multiple of h .

(c) Electrons
 can jump from lower to higher energy orbit by absorbing a fixed amount
of energy and they can also jump from higher energy orbit to lower energy orbit by
releasing exactly the same amount of energy.
• Condition for circular motion
The centripetal force required for the circular motion of electrons around the nucleus
is being provided by the electrostatic force of attraction between the nucleus and the
• Radius of nth Bohr’s orbit for hydrogen and hydrogen-like species (in Å)
rn = 0.529 Å
• Velocity of an electron in nth orbit
 Z 
=v n 2.18 × 106   ms −1
n 
• Time period of revolution (T)
 n3 
Tn = T0 
2 
Z 
• Frequency of revolution (f)
Z2 
f = f0  3 
n 
Where f 0 =
2π r0
• Energy of an electron in nth orbit for hydrogen and hydrogen-like species
Z2 
− 2.18 × 10−18 
En = 2 
Joule atom −1
n 
Z2 
E n = −1312  2 
kJ mol −1
n 
Z2 
E n = − 13.6  2  eV atom −1
n 
Z2  −1
En =
− 2.18 × 10  2  erg atom
n 
Z2 
E n = −313.6 2 
kcal mol −1
n 
Relation between Total energy, Kinetic energy and Potential energy for hydrogen and
hydrogen-like species
T.E. = – K.E. = P.E.

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