W1 Problems

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Jamal Al Habsi Week One Problems

Chapter 1 Problem 2:

Suds and Duds Laundry washed and pressed the following numbers of dress shirts per

Week Work Crew Total Hours Shirts

1 Sud and Dud 24 68
2 Sud and Jud 46 130
3 Sud, Dud, and Jud 62 152
4 Sud, Dud, and Jud 51 125
5 Dud and Jud 45 131

a. Calculate the labor productivity ratio for each week.

b. Explain the labor productivity pattern exhibited by the data.

a. Labor Productivity

Week Number of Workers Input (Labor Hours) Output (Shirts) Output/Input Ratio
1 2 24 68 2.83
2 2 46 130 2.83
3 3 62 152 2.45
4 3 51 125 2.45
5 2 45 131 2.91

b. The output ratio per every individual labor does not change much. It is noticed though that
when all three workers are working together the ratio or productivity decreases. This can be a
result of lack of communication and cooperation between them, lack of space, or lack of tools
and equipment.

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Jamal Al Habsi Week One Problems

Chapter 2 Problem 10:

Your class has volunteered to work for Referendum 13 on the November ballot, which calls
for free tuition and books for all college courses except Operations Management. Support
for the referendum includes assembling 10,000 yard signs (preprinted water-resistant paper
signs to be glued and stapled to a wooden stake) on a fall Saturday. Construct a flowchart
and a process chart for yard sign assembly. What inputs in terms of materials, human
effort, and equipment are involved? Estimate the amount of volunteers, staples, glue,
equipment, lawn and garage space, and pizza required.

1- Flowchart:


Student 1

Signs Gluing Student 2

Glue Table

Student 3

Staple Table
Outcome Staples Student 4

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Jamal Al Habsi Week One Problems


Student 1 is to be responsible for the materials, tools, and equipment required. The student is to
bring them to the table for gluing work. Student 2 is responsible of gluing the cards to the stakes
and to make sure that the table has the needed materials.

Student 3 will be taking batches of glued signs to the next table to be stapled and is also
responsible of pizza. Student 4 will be stapling the finished cards to the stakes and wait until the
glue dries to insure the work is a required. Then this student will take the completed signs in
groups to the shipping zone.


To gather 10,000 yard signs, it is required to have 10,000 cards and 10,000 stakes. This is better
done by setting a number of seven groups with four students for each group. Each group must
have a gluing table, a stapling table, a hammer, and a staple gun making the total to be 14 tables,
7 guns, and seven hammers. Also boxes of staples are needed; 16 boxes of 2000, and glue
bottles; 28 wood glue bottles.

To be sufficient in time, 28 students need to join the work. They will require 10 large pizzas and
5 large battles of soft drinks with 2 large juice battle for those who don’t want soft drinks.


To be sufficient in time, we should consider any interruptions that may result in a delay. The
target is for each student should be able to complete two signs in a minute, making it eight signs
per group a minute and 56 in total every minute.

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