Science 3 DLL

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Teacher’s Name: Jessica P. Borgonia Grade Level: 3

Learning Area: Science
1. OBJECTIVES (Weekly 1. The learners will be able to describe different objects based on their characteristics, such as shape,1. The learners will be able
Objectives) mass, weight, and volume. to recognize and identify
2. The learners will be able to express effectively observation and descriptions of matter. different kinds of solids.
3. The learners will be able to describe the common properties of matter. 2. The learners will be able
to value the importance of
3. The learners will be able
to give examples of solids.
a. Content Standards The learners demonstrate understanding of the ways of sorting materials describing them as solid, liquid, or gas based on
observable properties and the effects of temperature on materials.
b. Performance Objectives The learners should be able to group common object found at home and in school according to solids, liquids , and gas and
investigate the different changes in materials as affected by temperature.
c. Learning Competencies Describe different objects based on Describe different objects Describe the common Recognize and identify
their characteristics such as shape, based on their characteristics properties of matter different kinds of solids
mass, weight, volume, and ease of such as shape, mass, weight,
flow volume, and ease of flow
2. Content (Subject Matter) How Do You Describe Matter? How Do You Describe Matter? How Do You Describe How Do You Describe
Matter? Solids?
3. Learning Resources Cyber Science.rev Cyber Science.rev Cyber Science.rev Cyber Science.rev
4. Developing Mastery Start by asking the learners about Place the items (water, ice, Recall what you did Start the class by asking
the activities they do and the things balloon, apple, brick, and yesterday. the learners to give an
they use while getting ready for shoebox) on display for the example of a solid food
school everyday. class and ask them what they Ask: What is matter? that they eat.
 What do you do to prepare have in common, writing their Let them describe the
yourself to go to school? ideas on the board. characteristics of that solid
 What materials do you use in food.
getting ready for school? -Show the students the water
Show PowerPoint and ask them to identify in
presentation/video clips what state of matter it is. Do
about matter. the same with the ice.Next,
grab the balloon and ask the
class what type of matter is
filling it. Untie the balloon and
squeeze out the air to
demonstrate. Pass the apple
around to the class, allowing
each student to touch and feel
it. Ask the students how they
would describe the apple
before moving on. Now pass
around the brick and the
empty shoebox to the class to
demonstrate the concepts of
volume and mass. Which takes
up more space (volume)?
Which has more mass

Instruct the learners that they

will work with any of their
seatmate as their activity
partner in conducting
5. Finding practical Divide the class into small groups. Let the learners strengthen Let the learners do the -Let the learners read
applications of the - Class ,we will visit a place in our their understanding by doing concept map to summarize Search In for acquisition of
concepts and skills in daily school. Each of you will collect 10 the observation in Activity 1, the concept and to state the basic knowledge,
living. objects in solid form. Click On. answer to the lesson title as understanding of the
Shape Weight Color Texture Let them work by pairs to the key question. concepts, and
perform the activity. Let them read the concept as development of thinking
shown in their completed skills.
concept map. -Ask he learners some
questions about the
content in Search In.
 What are solids?
 What are some
examples of solids?
 Why do solids retain
their shape?
 What are the
characteristics of
 Why do you say that
solids differ in
 What are the different
types of solids?
6. Additional activities for Let them share their observations Ask them how they find Let the learners answer the Let the learners answer
application and with their group and let them working with pairs on the quiz in Zoom In for formative the quiz in Zoom In for
remediation/Assignment identify some similarities and activity and what they learned assessment. formative assessment.
differences. from the activity. Check the answers of the
Let the learners work by group test together with the
in Activity 2, Click On. learners, evaluate the result,
and give feedback to the

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