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Barton's 1st Grade Class | August 1st, 2023


Standards of learning and the Virginia
Hello Parents and Guardians, Department of Educations Framework
I want to welcome you to our science class. for our lesson
The newsletters I will send out will contain
Content from our main unit topic this
essential information about the class and week
everything we do. Please be sure to read the
newsletters that are sent home so you can
Integrating Across the Curricula
keep up to date with important things in the
classroom. As always my contact
information is here if you need anything Tips of Parental Involvement in
please feel free to reach out to me! Elementary Science

Thank you
Mr. Barton.

Email: [email protected]
LEARNING OF FACTS, BUT Phone Number: 276-456-4433
you can also add yourself to my class
THE TRAINING OF THE MIND dojo that I give out at the open house
to contact me and get my class
TO THINK!" announcements.


This year we are going to be going over the Virginia Standards of Learning for 1st Grade. In this class,
we will be expanding our knowledge and love for science. This will allow the inner scientist in all of us
to come out. Here are some of the topics we will cover.

Scientific Investigation, Force, Motion, and Energy

Reasoning, and Logic
The student will investigate and
The student will demonstrate an The student will investigate and
understand that objects are made
understanding of scientific and understand that objects can
from materials that can
engineering practices. move in different ways.
bedescribed by their physical

Living Systems and Earth and Space Systems Earth Resources

The student will investigate and The student will investigate and
The student will investigate and
understand that there is a understand that natural
understand that plants have basic
relationship between the sun and rescources can be used
life needs and functional parts
earth. responsibly.
that allow them to survive.
Matter is, . . . . . .
Anything that has mass and takes
VA SCIENCE 1st Grade SOL up space. (Solid, Liquid, Gas

1.3 The student will investigate and understand that objects are A Solid is. . . . . .
made from materials that can be described by their physical
Matter that keeps the same size
properties. Key ideas include and shape.
a) objects are made of one or more materials with different
physical properties and can be used for a variety of purposes;
b) when a material is changed in size most physical properties A Liquid is. . . . . .
remain the same; Matter that has mass, takes up
space, and takes the shape of its


A Gas is. . . . . .

NGSS Standard These three all have is an air like substance that can
move freely. Gases fill their entire
2-PS1-1. Plan and conduct different characteristics that container.
an investigation to describe make them unique. We are
and classify different kinds going to explore all of these
of materials by their
by discussing and doing
observable properties.
experiments to learn what
[Clarification Statement:
Observations could include
makes a solid, liquid, and
color, texture, hardness, and gas so unique. We will also
flexibility. Patterns could be learning the relation
include the similar between size and physical
properties that properties of matter.
different materials share.
We like to integrate our lessons into the rest of our curriculum in class. I will list the different subjects
I can teach about the matter and how I would incorporate matter into these subjects. I will also list
the standards that I wil be using as well.

English Math Health

1st Grade English SOL topics: 1st Grade Math SOL Topics: 1.10 The student will use
1.1 The student will develop oral 1.10 The student will use nonstandard units to measure
communication skills nonstandard units to measure and compare length, weight, and
1.7 The student will expand and compare length, weight, and volume.
vocabulary and use of word volume. Nutrition
meanings. a) Identify why it is important to

consume a variety of foods and

beverages from the five MyPlate

food groups (i.e., fruits,

vegetables, grains, protein, dairy).

For this section I would discuss

how we can make fruits and
Science pairs well with these For this I would like students to vegtables into a liquid or eat them
standards because we are find the students weigh in as a solid. we would talk about
constantly learning new stations where they figure out if when we would eat these foods,
vocabulary words to expand their their item is a solid liquid or gas and then as an activity we will
vocabulary. and to weigh it. make a smoothie from solids and
liquid to make a liquid drink.
5E Model
The 5E Model is something that teachers Inquiry-based learning
can use to promote active learning in

the classroom. Students will use the 5E is a learning process that engages
model to answer questions because it students by connecting our lessons to
allows the students to gain all of the things that are happening in the real
knowledge they need to succeed. This is world. I enjoy using this as a way of
what the 5E's will look like in my seeing how students can solve
classroom. problems.

Engage: Explore:

This will be our introduction. Inquiry-based learning helps

This will be where I set up
We will watch videos,
discuss our new topic.
some stations to allow students expand their
students to explore and get
Discrepant events are
an idea of what we are
thought processes. It is also
important in this as well. It
gets students engaged in learning. huge for teaching them
the lesson.
critical problem-solving skills
Explain ar a young age

This is where we will be

learning vocabulary and
gaining key knowledge on
the topic.


This is where I will assess the

This is where I will clear up the
students to see what they
misconceptions that any
gained from the lesson, and
student may have, We will go in
what they may need help
depth on the subject and get a
with. These assessments will
clear understanding.
happen daily to see if they
are grasping the content.
Here are some tips for parents and guardians to get involved in elementary science classes. Parents, our students
learn so much from you all. If they see you all interested in learning then they will be also!

Volunteer in the classroom or

Find Adventures Do Science Experiments at
on field trips home.
There are so many science filled
We plan on doing fun activities and adventures you can go on with There are so many different
maybe even field trips. You can your kids.Go on a picnic and things that are very cost efficent
contact me to set up a time to come nature walk with them to explore for students to do that will allow
help in the classroom. the science in our everyday lives. both the student and parent to
Science is all around us take enjoy learning about science
advantage of it! together.

Find activities in the Fun Science at home Find online worksheets

community Here is a website with experiments for
families to do at home.
FREE online worksheets. These
In our community the library has can help your kids get more
some science themed days. These practice on the subjects that they
would be great things for utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=a
students to do. rb_ga_ghk_md_dsa_prog_org_us_g32176446&gclid=Cj0KC
5E model of instruction. (n.d.). Retrieved August 1, 2023, from

Academics / inquiry-based learning. Academics / Inquiry-Based Learning. (n.d.). Retrieved August 1, 2023, from

education is not the learning of facts but the training of the mind to think."~Albert Einstein: Teaching inspiration, math for
kids, best quotes. Pinterest. (2017, September 29). Retrieved July 31, 2023, from

Education, V. D. of. (n.d.). English. VDOE :: English Standards of Learning Resources. Retrieved August 1, 2023, from

Education, V. D. of. (n.d.). Health. VDOE :: Health Standards of Learning Resources. Retrieved August 1, 2023, from

Education, V. D. of. (n.d.). Mathematics. VDOE :: Mathematics Standards of Learning Resources. Retrieved August 1, 2023,

Education, V. D. of. (n.d.). Science. VDOE :: Science Standards of Learning Resources. Retrieved August 1, 2023,, from

Solids, liquids and gases: Reading material: Grades K-2. Generation Genius. (2021, August 16). Retrieved August 1, 2023, from

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