Gass Leakage Detection

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Farooq Ahmed Khan

Mustafa Sajid
Muhammad Asad Hayat

Supervised by:
Mr. Abdulghafar Khan

Riphah College of Computing

Riphah International University, Faisalabad Campus
Fall 2023

A Project Documentation Submitted to

Riphah College of Computing

Riphah International University, Faisalabad Campus

As a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Award

of the Degree of

Bachelors of Science in Information Technology

Riphah College of Computing

Riphah International University, Faisalabad Campus

Final Approval
This is to certify that we have read the report submitted by Farooq Ahmed Khan
15356, Mustafa Sajid 11572 and Muhammad Asad Hayat 12890 for the fractional
gratification of the necessities for the degree of the Bachelors of Science in
Information Technology. It is our conclusion that this statement is of adequate typical
to permit its reception by Riphah International University, Faisalabad Campus for the
degree of Bachelors of Science in Information Technology.


Mr. Abdulghafar Khan

Dr. Ijaz Shoukat
Principle of Computing Department

We certify proclaim that this report “IOT Based Intelligent Monitoring System”
neither as a whole nor as a part has been copied out from any cradle. It is additional
claim that we have done this FYP with the attended report completely on the base of
our individual determinations, under the capable leadership of our educators
particularly our supervisor Mr. Abdulghafar Khan If any part of the system is
showed to be copied out from any source or found to be reproduction of any project
from anywhere else, we shall stand by the consequences.


Farooq Ahmed Khan



Mustafa Sajid


Muhammad Asad Hayat


We dedicate this work to our respected teachers, fellows, and to our respected parents
who remained steadfast during this hard time of our life and for their endless love,
support and encouragements.

First of all, we are obligated to Allah Almighty, Most Gracious, and the source of all
knowledge, by giving us the courage and knowledge to complete this Work. Next to
my family, whose encouragement enabled me to overcome all hurdles and move
forward to pursue my goal.

I want to express my sincere gratitude towards my supervisors Mr. Abdulghafar

Khan Department of computing, Riphah International University, Faisalabad for
their support and guidance, and providing opportunity to work in more diverse and
competitive environment.

Last but not least, I offer my gratitude to my beloved sister, Family, friends and all
those who supported us in respect during the completion of my project. Without their
help this project would not be possible.


Farooq Ahmed Khan



Mustafa Sajid


Muhammad Asad Hayat


Gas leakage monitoring and alarming systems provide an easy and efficient way for
homeowners, businesses and large organizations to insulate themselves from risks
associated with gas leakage. By monitoring and detecting gas leakage, this system
ensures quick response to hazardous gas leaks. This system uses sophisticated sensors
and detectors to detect a gas leak, provide alarms and alert the appropriate authorities
or parties immediately. The sensors have a fast response time and their alarm system
is designed to sound an alert when the gas concentration reaches a predetermined
level. This helps to reduce the risk of fires and explosions that can be caused by gas
leaks. The sensors used as part of these monitoring and alarming systems have the
ability to detect a wide range of gases, including carbon monoxide (CO), liquefied
petroleum gas (LPG), natural gas and hydrogen sulfide. The sensors are designed to
detect gas concentrations above a predetermined level and trigger the appropriate
alarms. In addition to sounding alarms, these sensors can also shut off gas valves and
activate the emergency shutoff valves to prevent further leakage.
In case of a gas leakage, the system can trigger an alarm and send an alert to the
relevant authorities or personnel, who can then take immediate action to evacuate the
area and shut off the gas supply. The system can also notify the emergency services,
such as the fire department, to request assistance. The system consists of sensors that
are installed in the area to be monitored, such as pipelines, tanks, or valves. The
sensors detect the presence of gas and transmit the data to a central server, where it is
analyzed by software algorithms to identify any unusual activity.

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction..............................................................................................1
1.1 Background......................................................................................................2
1.2 Motivations and Challenges............................................................................3
1.2 Goals and Objectives.......................................................................................4
1.3 Solution Overview...........................................................................................5
1.4 Report Outline.................................................................................................7
Chapter 2: Literature Review/Market Survey..........................................................9
2.1 Introduction.....................................................................................................9
2.2 Literature Review/Technologies Overview.....................................................9
2.2.1 Technology Overview............................................................................12
2.2.2 Arduino IDE...........................................................................................12
2.2.3 Node MCU ESP8266.............................................................................12
2.2.4 MQ-2 Sensor..........................................................................................13
2.2.5 Blynk Platform.......................................................................................13
2.3 Summary........................................................................................................14
Chapter 3: Requirement/Analysis............................................................................16
3.1 Introduction...................................................................................................16
3.2 Problem Scenario...........................................................................................16
3.3 Functional Requirements...............................................................................17
3.4 Non Functional Requirements.......................................................................18
Chapter 04: System/Design.......................................................................................20
4.1 Introduction...................................................................................................20
4.2 Architectural Design......................................................................................20
4.3 Detailed Design.............................................................................................21
4.4 Data Flow Diagram.......................................................................................22
4.4.1 Level 0 DFD...........................................................................................22
4.4.2 Level 1 DFD...........................................................................................23
4.4.3 Level 2 DFD...........................................................................................23
4.5 Use Case Diagram.........................................................................................24
4.6 Activity Diagram...........................................................................................30
4.7 State Transition Diagram...............................................................................32
4.8 Swim Lane Diagram......................................................................................33
4.9 Sequence Diagram.........................................................................................34
4.10 Class Diagram............................................................................................35
4.11 Circuit Diagram.........................................................................................36
4.12 Deployment Diagram.................................................................................37

List of Figures
Figure 4. 1 Architectural Design..................................................................................21
Figure 4. 2 Detailed Design.........................................................................................22
Figure 4. 3 Level 0 DFD..............................................................................................23
Figure 4. 4 Level 1 DFD..............................................................................................24
Figure 4. 5 Level 2 DFD..............................................................................................24
Figure 4. 6 Use Case Diagram.....................................................................................25
Figure 4. 7 Activity Diagram.......................................................................................32
Figure 4. 8 State Transition Diagram...........................................................................33
Figure 4. 9 Swim Lane Diagram..................................................................................34

Figure 4. 10 Text Translator Sequence Diagram.........................................................35
Figure 4. 11 Class Diagram..........................................................................................36
Figure 4. 12 Circuit Diagram.......................................................................................37
Figure 4. 13 Deployment Diagram...............................................................................38

List of Tables
Table 4. 1 Input Image UseCase Description...............................................................26
Table 4. 2 Collect Data UseCase Description..............................................................26
Table 4. 3 Analyze Data UseCase Description............................................................27
Table 4. 4 Send Warning UseCase Description...........................................................28
Table 4. 5 View Data UseCase Description.................................................................28
Table 4. 6 Generate Notification UseCase Description...............................................29
Table 4. 7 LED Lights UseCase Description...............................................................30
Table 4. 8 Activate Alarm UseCase Description.........................................................30
Table 4. 9 Turn on fans UseCase Description..............................................................31

Chapter 1:

Chapter 1: Introduction
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of physical devices, vehicles, buildings, and
other objects that are equipped with sensors, software, and connectivity to enable
them to collect and exchange data. One specific application of IoT technology is the
development of a micro-controller-based intelligent monitoring system for gas
leakage detection.
Gas leakage monitoring and alarming systems provide an easy and efficient way for
homeowners, businesses and large organizations to insulate themselves from risks
associated with gas leakage. By monitoring and detecting gas leakage, this system
ensures quick response to hazardous gas leaks. This system use sophisticated sensors
and detectors to detect a gas leak, provide alarms and alert the appropriate authorities
or parties immediately. The sensors have a fast response time and their alarm system
is designed to sound an alert when the gas concentration reaches a predetermined
level. This helps to reduce the risk of fires and explosions that can be caused by gas
leaks. The sensors used as part of these monitoring and alarming systems have the
ability to detect a wide range of gases, including carbon monoxide (CO), liquefied
petroleum gas (LPG), natural gas and hydrogen sulfide. The sensors are designed to
detect gas concentrations above a predetermined level and trigger the appropriate
alarms. In addition to sounding alarms, these sensors can also shut off gas valves and
activate the emergency shutoff valves to prevent further leakage.
The versatility of the monitoring and alarming systems make them ideal for use in
various settings, including industrial sites, homes and offices. In addition, they can be
installed as a standalone device or as part of an integrated system offering enhanced
monitoring capabilities. The sensors measure the presence of gases in the air and send
alerts to the monitoring station when concentrations exceed the preset level. This
could be used to automatically shut off gas valves, activate emergency shutoff valves,
or alert maintenance personnel of potential hazardous conditions. Additionally, the
data from the sensors can be used to design and implement preventative actions, such
as ventilation and other lifestyle changes, to mitigate the buildup of hazardous gases
in a particular area.
In case of a gas leakage, the system can trigger an alarm and send an alert to the
relevant authorities or personnel, who can then take immediate action to evacuate the

area and shut off the gas supply. The system can also notify the emergency services,
such as the fire department, to request assistance. The system consists of sensors that
are installed in the area to be monitored, such as pipelines, tanks, or valves. The
sensors detect the presence of gas and transmit the data to a central server, where it is
analyzed by software algorithms to identify any unusual activity.
The micro-controller-based gas leakage detection system can be accessed remotely
through a mobile app. This allows the relevant authorities or personnel to monitor the
gas levels and receive alerts from anywhere and at any time. It also enables them to
track the gas usage patterns and optimize the safety protocols.
In addition to improving the safety of the environment, the IoT-based micro-
controller-based gas leakage detection system can also help to reduce the risk of
damage to the equipment and infrastructure. By detecting gas leakage early, the
system can prevent the gas from accumulating and causing an explosion or fire.

1.1 Background
The concept of the Internet of Things (IoT) can be traced back to the early 1980s,
when Kevin Ashton, a British technology pioneer, coined the term "Internet of
Things" to describe the integration of the internet with everyday objects. However, it
was not until the 21st century, with the widespread adoption of smartphones and the
emergence of cloud computing and big data analytics, that the IoT began to take
shape as we know it today [1].
Gas leakage is a serious safety hazard and can potentially cause explosions, fires, or
other catastrophes. For this reason, it is important to monitor for the presence of
harmful gases. In the past, this was typically done through manual observation,
leading to significant human resource requirements. However, advances in modern
technology have allowed for the development of automated gas leakage monitoring
and alarming systems. These systems use sensors to detect certain hazardous gases
and then send an alert when concentrations exceed a preset level. This alert can then
be used to automatically shut off gas valves, activate emergency shutoff valves, or
notify maintenance personnel these automated systems can also be used to monitor for
other gases such as carbon dioxide or oxygen, allowing for a more comprehensive
view of gas leakage.
Furthermore, some systems also have the ability to adjust gas valve settings
automatically, ensuring safe levels of gas in any given environment. In addition, these

systems can also be used to monitor and control gas production, helping to ensure
reliable gas supplies. Finally, most gas monitoring systems also offer remote access,
making it easier to monitor and adjust settings from anywhere.
Along with monitoring and controlling gas levels, these automated systems can help
to regulate temperatures in any given environment as well. Temperature sensors help
to alert of any changes in temperature, and automated systems can be activated to
adjust thermostat settings and turn heating and cooling on and off as needed.
Automated systems can also be programmed to alert operators to potential issues,
such as when temperatures rise above or fall below predetermined values. This helps
to ensure safe and comfortable temperatures in any given environment [2]
Traditionally, the monitoring of gas leakage has been carried out manually by station
employees, who have to physically check the fuel levels and record the data manually.
This process is time-consuming and prone to errors. Moreover, it is not always
possible to detect gas leakage through manual inspection, especially if it is a slow and
gradual process. In the early 2000s, some filling stations started to adopt automated
monitoring systems that used sensors to measure the fuel levels and transmit the data
to a central server. However, these systems were limited in their capabilities and
required manual intervention to analyze the data and take action.
It was not until the widespread adoption of IoT technology in the 2010s that filling
stations were able to benefit from a truly intelligent and automated monitoring
system. With the development of micro-controllers, sensors, and software algorithms,
it became possible to build a system that could continuously monitor the fuel levels
and detect gas leakage in real-time. The system could also alert the station employees
and the relevant authorities to take action, such as evacuating the area and shutting off
the gas supply.
Today, IoT-based micro-controller-based intelligent monitoring gas leakage detection
are widely used by energy companies around the world to improve the safety,
efficiency, and sustainability of their operations. These systems are accessed remotely
through a web-based interface or a mobile app and can be customized to meet the
specific needs of the station [3].

1.2 Motivations and Challenges

Motivations for an IoT-based Intelligent Monitoring System include:

 Improved safety and security for communities and buildings by detecting and
responding to gas leaks in real-time
 Cost savings for gas companies and other organizations by reducing the
frequency and severity of gas leaks
 Enhanced efficiency and automation in the monitoring and response to gas
Challenges of an IoT-based Intelligent Monitoring System include:
 Technical challenges in integrating sensor technology, data transmission, and
response systems
 Ensuring the system is reliable and accurate to avoid false alarms or missed
 Ensuring the security and privacy of sensitive data collected by the system
 Addressing concerns related to the cost, maintenance and power source of the
 Meeting safety and regulatory standards and guidelines.

1.2 Goals and Objectives

The goals and objectives of an Internet of Things (IoT)-based micro-controller-based
intelligent monitoring system for an LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) filling station with
a focus on gas leakage detection can be summarized as follows:
 To improve the safety of the homes: The main goal of the system is to
improve the safety of the homes by continuously monitoring the fuel levels
and detecting gas leakage in real-time. By alerting the station employees and
the relevant authorities to take action, such as evacuating the area and shutting
off the gas supply, the system can help to prevent accidents and protect the
people and the environment.
 To optimize the efficiency and accuracy of the LPG filling station:
Another goal of the system is to optimize the efficiency and accuracy of the
LPG filling station by automating the monitoring process and analyzing the
data to identify patterns and trends. By generating alerts when the fuel levels
are low and need to be refilled, the system can help the station employees to
optimize the replenishment schedule and reduce the risk of shortages.

 To reduce the carbon footprint of the homes: A third goal of the system is
to reduce the carbon footprint of homes by reducing the need for manual
monitoring and optimizing fuel usage. By using sensors and software
algorithms to optimize the energy consumption and emissions of the station,
the system can help to improve the sustainability of the station and align with
the environmental goals of the company and the community.
 To provide a cost-effective solution: Another objective of the system is to
provide a cost-effective solution that can help the homes to achieve the above
goals. The system should be able to provide a good return on investment
through cost savings and revenue enhancements, such as reduced fuel costs
and increased customer satisfaction.
 To be scalable and flexible: The system should be scalable and flexible, so it
can be easily customized and adapted to the specific needs of the LPG filling
station. This can include the integration of additional sensors, software
modules, or interfaces as required.
 To be reliable and robust: The system should be reliable and robust, so it can
operate continuously and reliably without interruption. This can include the
implementation of fail-safe mechanisms, redundant components, and
maintenance protocols to ensure the system's availability.
 To be secure: The system should be secure, so it can protect the data and the
assets of the LPG filling station from cyber-attacks, data breaches, and other
security threats. This can include the implementation of encryption,
authentication, and firewall protection to secure the data and the
communication channels of the system.

Overall, the goals and objectives of an IoT-based micro-controller-based intelligent

monitoring system of gas leakage detection are to improve the safety, efficiency,
accuracy, sustainability, and security of the station, while providing a cost-effective,
scalable, flexible, reliable, and robust solution.

1.3 Solution Overview

The proposed Internet of Things (IoT)-based micro-controller-based intelligent
monitoring system for an LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) filling station with a focus on
gas leakage detection is designed to improve the safety, efficiency, and sustainability

of the station through continuous real-time monitoring and analysis of the fuel levels
and gas leakage.
The system consists of the following main components:
 Sensors: The system uses a network of sensors that are installed on the
homes, tanks, filling hoses, and other critical points of the station. The
sensors detect the presence of gas and transmit the data to the central server.
The sensors can use various technologies, such as infrared, ultrasonic, or
chemical, to detect the gas.
 Micro-controllers: The system uses micro-controllers to collect, process,
and transmit the data from the sensors to the central server. The micro-
controllers are small computer chips that are embedded in the sensors and
have the ability to perform basic computing tasks. They can filter, compress,
and encrypt the data before transmitting it to the server.
 Central server: The system uses a central server to store and analyze the
data from the sensors. The server is equipped with software algorithms that
can identify patterns and trends in the data and generate alerts in case of
abnormal or unusual activity. The server can also store the historical data for
further analysis and reporting.
 Communication infrastructure: The system uses a communication
infrastructure to transmit the data from the sensors to the central server and
vice versa. The communication infrastructure can use various technologies,
such as Wi-Fi, cellular, or satellite, depending on the availability and
reliability of the network.
 User interface: The system provides a user interface that allows the station
employees and the relevant authorities to access the data and receive alerts
from the system. The user interface can be accessed through a web-based
interface or a mobile app, and it can be customized to meet the specific needs
of the station.

Overall, the proposed system is designed to be a cost-effective, scalable, flexible,

reliable, and robust solution that can continuously monitor the gas leakage and alert
the station employees and the relevant authorities to take action. By optimizing the
fuel usage and reducing the energy consumption and emissions of the station, the

system can also contribute to the sustainability of the station and align with the
environmental goals of the company and the community.

1.4 Report Outline

The report's purpose is to present your answer to the project problem, communicate
the mathematical ideas, and use methods to obtain your answer. The report
summarizes the project control process and the project result. There are numerous
essential chapters in the dissertation. The Analysis chapter follows the Introduction
chapter and provides information about the existing system and the functional and
non-functional requirements and resource needs. A few diagrams about the system
design are included in the Design chapter. It also details the design process, how the
database and user interfaces were created, models, techniques, and other options. The
chapter on implementation details how this project's system will be implemented,
including how the information system will be created, how it will be used, and how it
will be ensured to adhere to quality standards. We provide an assessment of the in the
testing chapter. Finally, the Conclusion chapter brings this project's work to a close by
outlining our conclusions and potential future developments. The reference section,
which follows the main chapters, contains a list of all the sources used to create the

Chapter 2:
Literature /Market Survey

Chapter 2: Literature Review/Market Survey
2.1 Introduction
A literature review is a compilation of scholarly sources that gives a broad overview
of a subject. Literature reviews are compilations of the most relevant and significant
publications on a given topic in order to provide a comprehensive overview of what
has been said and by whom on that issue. The following are the basic elements of a
literature review:
 a portrayal of the newspaper;
 a narrative of the periodical;
 an instant of the major arguments of the journal;
 an argument of study gaps;

 and an assessment of the publication's contribution to the topic

2.2 Literature Review/Technologies Overview

The main purpose of this literature review was to understand and develop the work.
Many projects are working on this scenario. And many more can be introduced with
better features and advancements. They do not provide that facilities that we are going
to introduce or going to facilitate people securely with them.
The use of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies for gas leakage detection and
prevention in industrial settings, including LPG filling stations. The authors review
the various sensor technologies that can be used to detect gas leakage, such as
infrared, ultrasonic, and chemical sensors. They also review the micro-controller
technologies that can be used to collect and process the sensor data, such as embedded
systems and wireless sensor networks. The authors discuss the benefits and challenges
of using IoT technologies for gas leakage detection and prevention, and they provide
some case studies of successful implementations. [4]
This survey article provides an overview of the state-of-the-art in IoT-based gas
leakage detection systems, including those that can be used in LPG filling stations.

The authors review the various sensor technologies, communication protocols, and
software algorithms that can be used in such systems. They also discuss the benefits
and challenges of using IoT technologies for gas leakage detection, such as improved
safety, efficiency, and sustainability. The authors provide a comparative analysis of
the different approaches and technologies that have been proposed in the literature,
and they outline the research directions and future challenges in this field [5]
This case study article presents the design and implementation of an IoT-based gas
leakage detection and monitoring system for an LPG filling station. The authors
describe the various sensors, micro-controllers, and software algorithms that were
used to build the system, and they discuss the challenges and solutions that were
encountered during the development process. The authors also present the results of
the field tests that were conducted to evaluate the performance of the system, and they
discuss the benefits and limitations of the proposed approach [6]
This research article presents the design and implementation of an IoT-based gas
leakage detection and alert system that uses machine learning techniques. The authors
describe how they used a neural network algorithm to analyze the sensor data from an
LPG filling station and detect gas leakage in real-time. They also discuss the
challenges and solutions that were encountered during the development process, and
they present the results of the field tests that were conducted to evaluate the
performance of the system. The authors conclude that the proposed approach can
improve the safety and efficiency of LPG filling stations [7].
A gas leakage detector that uses IFTTT web service to send alerts to concerned
personnel through SMS when it detects harmful gases such as LPG, methane, and
benzene. The system includes MQ6, MQ4, and MQ135 gas sensors which detect
LPG, methane, and benzene gas leaks, respectively, and uses an ESP-32 Wi-Fi
module to transmit data to the UBIDOTS cloud. The concentration levels of the gases
are uploaded to the cloud and the login details are included in the alert message so
that the user can access the data if needed. LED indicators of different colors are used
to specify the type of gas leaking. A system that can detect, alert, and automatically
control gas leaks. The system uses a high sensitivity gas sensor for gases such as
propane and butane, as well as LPG. Upon detecting an LPG leakage, the system
triggers an alarm and sends an SMS message to alert personnel [8]
Several authors have developed systems that not only detect but also control gas
leakage developed a system for gas leakage detection and control using a combustible
gas sensor (MQ-2) that detects LPG concentrations from 200 to 5000ppm. The
sensor's output is connected to a Raspberry PI 3 model B+ and programmed with
python. If the sensed data exceeds the pre-defined threshold value, the system sends
an alert to the user and activates a motor to turn off the gas regulator valve. An IoT-
based system for monitoring and controlling LPG, which is commonly used as
cooking gas in homes, to prevent leakage. The system uses a NodeMCU as the
controller and processes data from MQ-2 sensors and flame sensors using the Blynk
application as the platform. The system sends a notification to the user when a gas
leakage has occurred [9].
A system that monitors the concentration of gas and controls fire prevention devices
installed along with the system. The system allows the user to monitor the
concentration of gas in ppm on their smartphone, receive notifications, and remotely
take necessary action when gas leakage occurs. A system to monitor and control the
gas leakage concentration using an MQ-6 gas sensor and an IoT platform hosted by
the Thing speak platform. The system applies robust and cloud-forwarded controls to
prevent uncontrolled leakage of gases and auto-ignition. Flores-Cortez et al. (2021)
used IoT techniques to design and build a telemetry system to monitor in real-time the
concentration of LPG and CO gases in the surrounding air. The system consists of gas
sensors and a microcontroller to monitor gas leakage and uses Amazon Web Services
(AWS) as an IoT platform and data storage in the cloud. The main result is a
telematics system that can monitor in real-time the concentrations of both LPG and
CO gases and make the data accessible from any device with internet access through a
website [10]
The authors describe the development of a gas leakage detection and control system
using a Raspberry Pi and a combustible gas sensor (MQ-2). The system is
programmed with python and is able to detect the presence of harmful gases such as
LPG. If the sensed data exceeds a pre-defined threshold value, the system sends an
alert to the user and activates a motor to turn off the gas regulator valve. The authors
conducted experiments to test the system's performance and found that it was able to
accurately detect and control gas leakage. The system was also able to send alerts to
the user through SMS. The authors concluded that the system is a reliable and
effective solution for gas leakage detection and control [11]
The authors describe the development of a gas leakage monitoring and controlling
system using an MQ-6 gas sensor and an IoT platform hosted by the Thing speak
platform. The system is designed to prevent uncontrolled leakage of gases and auto-
ignition. The authors conducted experiments to test the system's performance and
found that it was able to accurately monitor and control gas leakage. The system was
also able to send alerts to the user through SMS and email. The authors concluded that
the system is a reliable and effective solution for gas leakage monitoring and control

2.2.1 Technology Overview

This segment delivers a rapid overview of the technologies that is used to build the
wedding reservation system. Numerous services are used to progress the system's
exactness, competence, and dependability. One of the key inspirations for consuming
technologies/facilities is that customers prefer homogenous approaches or APIs.
Technologies that are used in this application described below:

2.2.2 Arduino IDE

Arduino Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is a software application that

enables users to write, upload, and debug code for Arduino boards. The Arduino IDE
is a cross-platform application that runs on Windows, Mac OS, and Linux. It supports
the C and C++ programming languages and provides a simple and easy-to-use
interface for developing Arduino projects. The Arduino IDE includes a text editor for
writing code, a compiler for translating the code into a form that can be run on the
Arduino board, and a debugger for finding and fixing errors in the code. The text
editor has syntax highlighting, which makes it easier to read and write code by
highlighting different types of text in different colors. The compiler checks the code
for syntax errors and translates it into machine code that can be run on the Arduino
board. The debugger allows users to step through their code line by line and find and
fix errors.
The Arduino IDE also includes a library of pre-written functions and code examples
that can be used to speed up the development process. These functions cover a wide
range of common tasks such as reading and writing data to and from sensors,

controlling motors, and communicating with other devices. Users can also create their
own custom functions and libraries to use in their projects.

2.2.3 Node MCU ESP8266

NodeMCU ESP8266 is a low-cost and open-source development board that uses the
ESP8266 microcontroller and a built-in Wi-Fi module. The ESP8266 is a low-cost
and low-power microcontroller that can be used for a wide range of applications,
including Internet of Things (IoT) projects. The built-in Wi-Fi module allows the
NodeMCU ESP8266 to connect to the internet and communicate with other devices.
The NodeMCU ESP8266 is easy to use and comes with a user-friendly development
environment called the Arduino Integrated Development Environment (IDE). This
allows users to write, upload, and debug code for the NodeMCU ESP8266 using a
simple and easy-to-use interface.
The NodeMCU ESP8266 is a popular choice for IoT projects because of its low cost,
small size, and built-in Wi-Fi capabilities. It can be used to build a wide range of
projects, including smart home devices, wearable technology, and remote monitoring
systems. The NodeMCU ESP8266 is also compatible with a wide range of sensors
and actuators, making it easy to build projects that interact with the physical world.

2.2.4 MQ-2 Sensor

MQ-2 is a type of gas sensor that is used to detect the presence of harmful gases such
as LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas), natural gas, and propane. The sensor works by
detecting the concentration of gases in the air and producing a corresponding
electrical signal. The electrical signal can be used to trigger an alarm or to send a
notification to the user when the concentration of gas exceeds a certain level.
The MQ-2 gas sensor is often used in gas leakage detection systems to alert users to
the presence of harmful gases. It is a low-cost and reliable sensor that can be used in a
wide range of applications, including home safety systems, industrial gas monitoring
systems, and portable gas detection devices. The MQ-2 gas sensor is small and easy to

use, making it a popular choice for DIY projects and small-scale gas detection

2.2.5 Blynk Platform

Blynk is an Internet-of-Things platform for iOS or Android smartphones that allows

users to remotely operate devices like Arduino, Raspberry Pi, and NodeMCU. Using
this programme, you may compile and provide the right address on the various
widgets to construct a graphical interface or human machine interface (HMI).
For use with the Internet of Things, Blynk was created. It can store data, visualise it,
show sensor data, remotely operate hardware, and perform many other fascinating
The platform consists of three main parts:
 The Blynk App: Using the many widgets offered, it enables you to develop
stunning interfaces for your projects.
 The Blynk Server: is in charge of all communications between the hardware
and the smartphone. You may operate a private Blynk server locally or utilize
the Blynk Cloud. It can even be started on a Raspberry Pi, is open-source, and
has no trouble supporting thousands of devices.
 Blynk libraries: It provides connection with the server for all widely used
hardware platforms and handles all incoming and outgoing commands.
 In the Blynk programme, pressing the Button initiates a process in which data
is sent to the Blynk Cloud and then mysteriously finds its way to the installed
devices. Figure 3 illustrates how it operates in the other direction and how
everything occurs in a split second.

2.3 Summary
This survey refers to a review of existing literature on a specific topic, in this case, the
application of an IoT-based gas leakage detection system. The purpose of the survey
is to identify the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches to gas leakage
detection and to identify areas where the application can be improved. Different
surveys and articles contain information about the advantages and disadvantages of
various approaches to gas leakage detection. For example, some approaches may be

more effective at detecting certain types of gases or may be more reliable in certain
conditions, but may also be more expensive or complex to implement. By reviewing
these surveys and articles, it is possible to identify the strengths and weaknesses of
different approaches and to determine which one is the most appropriate for a given

Chapter 3:
Requirement /Analysis

Chapter 3: Requirement/Analysis
3.1 Introduction
The requirement defines the system by functional and non-functional requirements.
To gather the requirements, the different sources have been used that’s called worked
package which uses the result of interaction among 3 phases.
 In the deliverable phase the work package produced a set of user scenarios that
show the relevant functionality.
 The second is to provide custom requirements.
 Finally work package 2 to produce the specific requirements and gathered
during the system design process.
These all activities used an iterative process, after gathering the requirements; we are
going to prioritize the process. The next section reports the full lit of functional and
non-functional requirements. Each requirement specifies the following description
 Requirements: Requirement’s short description.
 Level: It could be the low level requirement on the high level requirement.
 Scenario: List of scenarios to which requirements are related.
The requirement analysis process involves some different steps.
Step 1: Identify Key Stakeholders and End-Users
The first step of the requirements analysis process is to identify key stakeholders who
are the main sponsors of the project. They can have the final say on what should be
included in the scope of the project.
Step 2: Capture Requirements
Ask each of the stakeholders and end-users their requirements for the new product.
Here are some requirements analysis techniques that you can use to capture
Step 3: Hold One-on-One Interviews
Interview each stakeholder and end-user individually. This technique can help you
gather specific requirements.

3.2 Problem Scenario
Gas highly flammable and explosive, and any leakage from the tanks or filling hoses
can pose a serious risk to the safety of the station employees, customers, and the
surrounding community. Gas leakage can occur due to various reasons, such as
equipment failure, corrosion, or tampering. Gas leakage can also be difficult to detect,
especially if it is a slow and gradual process.
In the past, the monitoring of LPG filling stations has been carried out manually by
station employees, who have to physically check the fuel levels and record the data
manually. This process is time-consuming and prone to errors. Moreover, it is not
always possible to detect gas leakage through manual inspection, especially if it is a
slow and gradual process.
The manual monitoring process also has some limitations in terms of efficiency and
accuracy. By relying on manual inspections, the station employees may not have real-
time visibility of the fuel levels and may not be able to optimize the replenishment
schedule. This can lead to shortages or excesses of fuel, which can impact the
customer satisfaction and the profitability of the station.
Therefore, there is a need for a more efficient and accurate solution that can
continuously the gas leakage and alert the station employees and the relevant
authorities to take action. An IoT-based micro-controller-based intelligent monitoring
system can provide such a solution by using sensors, micro-controllers, and software
algorithms to continuously monitor the fuel levels and detect gas leakage in real-time.
The system can also provide additional benefits, such as the optimization of the fuel
usage and the reduction of the energy consumption and emissions of the station. This
can help to improve the sustainability of the station and align with the environmental
goals of the company and the community.

3.3 Functional Requirements

Functional requirements are characteristics or functions that the built system must
have in order to meet business goals and user acceptance. Calculations, technical
details, data processing, and other specialized functionality that defines what are
considered functional requirements.
 Detect Gas Leakage: The system must be able to accurately detect the
presence of harmful gases, such as LPG, methane, and propane.

 Collect Data: The system must be able to collect data from the sensors in real-
time and must be able to store the data from the sensors in a local database.
 Analyze Data: The system must be able to analyze the data from the sensors
to determine if a gas leak has occurred and must be able to identify the
specific type of gas present based on the data from the sensors.
 Send Warning: The system must be able to send a warning or alert to the user
in the event of a gas leak. The system must be able to send the warning or alert
via multiple communication channels, such as SMS, email, or push
 View Data: The system must be able to display the data from the sensors,
including temperature, humidity, and gas level, in a clear and concise manner
for the user to understand.
 Generate and View Notification: The system must be able to generate and
send a notification to the user's smartphone or other device if a gas leak is
 Activate Alarm: The system must be able to activate an alarm or buzzer if a
gas leak is detected. The system must be able to activate the alarm or buzzer
for a specific duration, such as 30 seconds or 1 minute.
 Turn on Fans: The system must be able to turn on a fan or fans if a gas leak
is detected and the alarm or buzzer is activated.

3.4 Non Functional Requirements

Non-functional requirements will outline the expected behavior of a system and the
restrictions on its functionality.

 Performance: The system must be able to process transactions at a rate of at

least 1000 transactions per second.

 Reliability: The system must be available 99.99% of the time.

 Security: The system must have secure login and password management to

protect against unauthorized access.

 Usability: The system must be easy to use and navigate, with a user-friendly


 Maintainability: The system must be easy to maintain and update, with clear

documentation and a modular design.

 Scalability: The system must be able to handle an increasing load as the

number of users grows.

Chapter 4:

Chapter 04: System/Design

4.1 Introduction

System design is the process or art of defining a system's architecture, components,

modules, interfaces, and data to meet the specified requirements. There are overlaps
and synergies with the disciplines of systems analysis, systems architecture, and
systems engineering. System design can be applied to a wide range of systems,
including computer systems, mechanical systems, organizational systems, and more.
It is an important step in the development of any system, as it helps to ensure that the
system is efficient, effective, and meets the needs of its users.

4.2 Architectural Design

It describes the program in terms of the primary software components and interfaces,
the architectural design can be referred to as the ‘solution phase' of the life cycle. The
'Architectural Design' encompasses all needs since it provides the software

Figure 4. 1 Architectural Design

Upper diagram shows the architectural design of proposed system. Presentation layer
describes the all components of Graphical User interface. Business layer contains all
process like sensors, analyze data, warning, Led lights etc. Data layer contains the
data storage for this application. Blynk servers is the database of this application.
Sensors, Node MCU are the third party of this application.

4.3 Detailed Design

The detailed design step involves refining the design and creating blueprints,
specifications, and estimates. Outputs from detailed design will include 2D and 3D
models, P&IDs, cost build-up estimations, procurement strategies, and so on. The
total cost of the project is determined during this phase.

Figure 4. 2 Detailed Design

This detailed diagram illustrates the main steps and actors involved in the continuous
monitoring of a gas leakage using a gas sensor, micro-controller, Wi-Fi technology,
and a Blynk app. The system uses the gas sensor and micro-controller to collect and
process the sensor data, and it uses Wi-Fi and the Blynk app to transmit and receive
alerts. If a gas leak is detected, the system activates the alarm and sends a notification
to the user through the Blynk app. At the same time the fan will be working to change

the air of the place and get rid of leaking gas. A transistor works in the form of a
switch that turning on and off low loads, when the circuit is closed -while the red
LED is on- the relay is turning on and off the high loads, where the high load
performs the fan. The user can then take appropriate action based on the notification.

4.4 Data Flow Diagram

A data-flow diagram is a graphical representation of data flowing through a system or

a function. The DFD also includes information on each entity's outputs and inputs, as
well as the process itself. There are no steps involved or loops in a data-flow diagram,
hence there is no consistent message.

4.4.1 Level 0 DFD

Levels are often used in data flow diagrams. You start at Level 0,1 and work your
way up (which is the general software system). How many levels a user must traverse
to achieve a thorough enough design of a software system depends on how many
inputs and outputs (processes or number of circles) a system has.

Figure 4. 3 Level 0 DFD

4.4.2 Level 1 DFD

Figure 4. 4 Level 1 DFD

4.4.3 Level 2 DFD

Figure 4. 5 Level 2 DFD

4.5 Use Case Diagram

The use case's goal is to specify a piece of consistent behavior without revealing the
system's fundamental structure. In most cases, a use case depicts a series of
interactions between the user and the system. The regular interaction between the user
and the system is represented by one primary line sequence in these encounters.

Figure 4. 6 Use Case Diagram
Table 4. 1 Input Image Use Case Description


Name Detect Gas Leakage

Actors Sensor

The sensor will alert the appropriate personnel when it
Description detects a gas leakage. It will also take the necessary steps
to contain the leak and prevent further damage..

Pre-condition Appropriate sensors must be installed and powered.

Post-condition The sensor will alert when gas leakage is detected.

The sensor detects a gas leak in a certain area. It will alert
the appropriate personnel and take the necessary steps to
Main scenario
contain the leak and prevent further damage

He sensor may detect a false gas leak, in which case it

Alternative Scenario will alert the appropriate personnel, who can then
investigate the source of the gas before taking action.

Frequency of use High

Special Requirements N/A

Table 4. 2 Collect Data Use Case Description


Name Collect Data

Actors NodeMCU
Description This use case describes the data can be collected and

stored into a database for later retrieval. Before collecting
the data, the sensor must be connected correctly and
properly operational..

Pre-condition Sensor must be properly connected and operational.

New data collected by the NodeMCU is added to the

The nodeMCU is powered on, the sensor is connected
correctly and the necessary parameters for collecting data
are set. The nodeMCU then reads the data from the
Main scenario
sensor, stores it into the database, and the data is
accessible for further use.

The nodeMCU is powered on, but the sensor is not

connected correctly or the necessary parameters for data
collection are not set. In this case, the nodeMCU would
Alternative Scenario
not be able to read the data from the sensor and the data
would not be added to the database

Frequency of use High

Special Requirements N/A

Table 4. 3 Analyze Data Use Case Description


Name Analyze Data

Actors NodeMCU
This use case describes the nodeMCU receives data from
Description the connected sensor and analyzes it in order to draw
The nodeMCU is powered on, the sensor is connected
Pre-condition correctly and the necessary parameters, including the
number and interval of readings, have been set.
The nodeMCU reads the data from the sensor, stores it in
a database, and makes the data accessible for further use.
The nodeMCU powers on with the sensor correctly
connected and the necessary parameters set. The
Main scenario
nodeMCU acquires the data from the sensor, processes it
and then stores it in a database for later retrieval.
If the sensor is not connected correctly, or if the
necessary parameter values are not set correctly, then the
Alternative Scenario
nodeMCU will not be able to make any meaningful

Frequency of use High

Special Requirements N/A

Table 4. 4 Send Warning UseCase Description


Name Send Warning

Actors NodeMCU

Description This use case describes the Node MCU sends a warning
in the case of a gas leak.
Pre-condition The Node MCU must be fully functioning, connected to
the internet and powered on.
Post-condition The Node MCU sends a warning to the appropriate
authorities or party.
Main scenario The Node MCU detects a gas leak and sends a warning to
the appropriate authorities or parties.
Alternative Scenario If the Node MCU detects a gas leak but is not connected
to the internet or powered on, then a manual warning
must be given.
Frequency of use High

Special Requirements N/A

Table 4. 5 View Data Use Case Description


Name View Data

Actors User, Application

This use case describes the data is shown on application
Description about the temperature, humidity, gas level and system

Pre-condition The application database is attached to NodeMCU.

Post-condition All the data is displayed to app time by time.

Main scenario User can view all the data of application.

If the internet connection is disable then no updated data
Alternative Scenario
is displayed.

Frequency of use High

Special Requirements N/A

Table 4. 6 Generate Notification Use Case Description


Name Generate and View Notification

Actors User, Application

This use case describes the application generate
Description notification in case of gas leaking and user can view this
The NodeMCU sends warning to the database and then
blynk server send signal to application.

Post-condition All the necessary protection will be held.

Main scenario Application generated a warning notification to the user.

If internet connection is disable no notification is
Alternative Scenario

Frequency of use High

Special Requirements N/A

Table 4. 7 LED Lights Use Case Description


Name LED Lights

Actors NodeMCU
This use case describes the LED lights turn to red in case
of case leak.
The system is turned on and ready to receive input for gas
The LED lights turn to green if there is no dangerous
LED lights change their color from green to red in case of
Main scenario
gas leakage.
There is no leakage of case then LED lights remain
Alternative Scenario
Frequency of use High

Special Requirements N/A

Table 4. 8 Activate Alarm Use Case Description


Name Activate Alarm

Actors Node MCU

This use case describes the Node MCU activates an alarm
or buzzer when it detects a gas leak.
The Node MCU is powered on and connected to the
An alarm or buzzer is activated to alert the appropriate
authorities or parties.
The Node MCU is powered on and connected to the
Main scenario internet. The Node MCU detects a gas leak. The Node
MCU activates an alarm or buzzer to alert the appropriate

The Node MCU fails to detect the gas leak.

Alternative Scenario The Node MCU is unable to power on.
The Node MCU fails to connect to the internet.

Frequency of use High

Special Requirements N/A

Table 4. 9 Turn on fans Use Case Description


Name View History

Actors User
This use case describes the when gas is leaking the fans
turn on automatically to change the way of gas..
The Node MCU is powered on and connected to the
Post-condition Fan or fans are turned on.
The Node MCU is powered on and connected to the
Main scenario internet. The Node MCU detects a gas leak. The Node
MCU turn on fans to get rid from gas.
The Node MCU fails to detect the gas leak.
Alternative Scenario The Node MCU is unable to power on.
The Node MCU fails to connect to the internet.

Frequency of use High

Special Requirements N/A

4.6 Activity Diagram

An activity diagram is a type of graphical representation that depicts the flow of

activities or actions within a system. It is used to model the behavior of a system and
to describe the sequence of activities that make up a process. Activity diagrams
consist of a series of activities represented as rounded rectangles, connected by arrows
that indicate the flow of control from one activity to another. The activity diagram can
also include other elements such as conditions, decisions, and loops.

Figure 4. 7 Activity Diagram

Start: This is the starting point of the activity diagram, representing the beginning of
the process.

Process: This diagram illustrates the main steps and actors involved in the continuous
monitoring of a gas leakage using a gas sensor, micro-controller, Wi-Fi technology,
and a Blynk app. The system uses the gas sensor and micro-controller to collect and
process the sensor data, and it uses Wi-Fi and the Blynk app to transmit and receive
alerts. If a gas leak is detected, the system activates the alarm, turns on the fan, and
sends a notification to the user through the Blynk app. The user can then take
appropriate action based on the notification.
Output: This is the final step of the activity diagram, representing the output of the
End: This is the end point of the activity diagram, representing the completion of the
The different steps of the process are shown as parallel activities, with a join notation
indicating that they are all completed before the output is generated.

4.7 State Transition Diagram

The behavior of classes in response to external stimuli is depicted in a state diagram.

A state diagram, in particular, depicts how a single object reacts to a sequence of
events in a system. It's also known as a state machine diagram or a Harel state chart.
This UML diagram depicts the dynamic flow of control of a single item inside a
system from one state to the next.

Figure 4. 8 State Transition Diagram

This diagram illustrates the main steps and actors involved in the continuous
monitoring of a gas leakage using a gas sensor, micro-controller, Wi-Fi technology,
and a Blynk app. The system uses the gas sensor and micro-controller to collect and
process the sensor data, and it uses Wi-Fi and the Blynk app to transmit and receive
alerts. If a gas leak is detected, the system activates the alarm, turns on the fan, and
sends a notification to the user through the Blynk app. The user can then take
appropriate action based on the notification.

4.8 Swim Lane Diagram

A Swim Lane diagram is a procedure flowchart that lets you graphically define roles
and responsibilities, as well as sub-processes, inside business processes. The swim
lane diagram made its debut in the 1960s. It visualizes a process from start to finish,
utilizing the metaphorical lanes of an actual swimming pool to position the stages of
mapping the lanes either vertically or horizontally, just like any other flowchart.

Figure 4. 9 Swim Lane Diagram

4.9 Sequence Diagram

A state transition diagram, also known as a state machine diagram or state chart
diagram, is a type of graphical representation that shows the transitions between
different states of a system or process. It is used to model the behavior of a system
and to describe how the system reacts to external stimuli or events.

Figure 4. 10 Text Translator Sequence Diagram

This diagram illustrates the main steps and actors involved in the continuous
monitoring of a gas leakage using a gas sensor, micro-controller, Wi-Fi technology,
and a Blynk app. The system uses the gas sensor and micro-controller to collect and
process the sensor data, and it uses Wi-Fi and the Blynk app to transmit and receive
alerts. If a gas leak is detected, the system activates the alarm and sends a notification
to the user through the Blynk app. At the same time the fan will be working to change
the air of the place and get rid of leaking gas. A transistor works in the form of a
switch that turning on and off low loads, when the circuit is closed -while the red
LED is on- the relay is turning on and off the high loads, where the high load
performs the fan. The user can then take appropriate action based on the notification.

4.10 Class Diagram

A class diagram is a type of graphical representation that shows the classes in a

system, their attributes, and the relationships between them. It is used to model the
structure of a system and to describe the relationships between different classes and
objects in the system. A class diagram consists of a series of classes represented as
boxes, with the class name at the top and the attributes listed inside the box.

Figure 4. 11 Class Diagram

The upper class diagram shows the most of composition notation because if the parent
class destroyed all the components of child class id destroyed. All the classes of app
are child class of NodeMCU class. If the child class destroyed all the remaining

modules of application cannot work. First of all, sensor detect the gas leakage and
nodeMCU send warning to the application.

4.11 Circuit Diagram

A circuit diagram is a graphical representation of an electrical circuit. A pictorial

circuit diagram uses simple images of components, while a schematic diagram shows
the components and interconnections of the circuit using standardized symbolic

Figure 4. 12 Circuit Diagram

This diagram illustrates the main steps and actors involved in the continuous
monitoring of a gas leakage using a gas sensor, micro-controller, Wi-Fi technology,
and a Blynk app. The system uses the gas sensor and micro-controller to collect and
process the sensor data, and it uses Wi-Fi and the Blynk app to transmit and receive
alerts. If a gas leak is detected, the system activates the alarm and sends a notification
to the user through the Blynk app. At the same time the fan will be working to change

the air of the place and get rid of leaking gas. A transistor works in the form of a
switch that turning on and off low loads, when the circuit is closed -while the red
LED is on- the relay is turning on and off the high loads, where the high load
performs the fan. The user can then take appropriate action based on the notification.

4.12 Deployment Diagram

A deployment diagram is a structural diagram that depicts the system's architecture as

software artefact deployment (distribution) to deployment targets. Artifacts are
tangible items that are the consequence of a development process in the physical
world. Executable files, libraries, archives, database schemas, configuration files, and
other artefacts are examples of artefacts.

Figure 4. 13 Deployment Diagram

IOT based intelligent monitoring system contains all the module of this application.
The other nodes representatives the other third parties of this application. Database
that are used in this application is Blynk Server. Database store and fetch the data
related to values, temperature and humidity and history. Node MCU, Sensors, I2C are
the third parties of proposed application.


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