Gods Thoth and Khepri

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The ancient
Egyptian gods
of creation and
vanquish the
‘Lord of Chaos’.

Thoth and Khepri, on board sun deity, seeking to devour A papyrus leaf from the Book of
a barque, defeat the serpent him as he descended below the the Dead of Imenemsauf.
Apep in this detail from horizon – where Apep lived –
the Book of the Dead of into the underworld. Night
Imenemsauf, written during would fall, but Apep, never
the 21st and 22nd dynasties managing to swallow Ra
(1069-716 bc) and now whole, would spit him out and
in the Louvre. the sun would rise again.
Just seen at the bottom Khepri, the scarab-headed
of this image, Apep, also god second from the right,
known as Apophis, was the is the morning manifestation
embodiment of chaos. of Ra, associated in particular
He battled daily with Ra, the with creation: the eggs of the

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scarab beetle are laid in dung the serpent Apep, the ‘Lord of Anubis, god of the dead,
and so emerge fully formed, Chaos’. Thoth was the judge rather than Thoth and
their incubation hidden from of the dead, who had overseen Khepri. Thoth is today best
the world. Because scarab three epic battles between remembered from Aleister
beetles roll dung, they also Good and Evil. He was also an Crowley’s Thoth tarot deck and
became associated with the engineer, associated with its accompanying commentary
movement of the sun science and knowledge, and, The Book of Thoth: A Short
across the sky. as scribe of the gods, he was the Essay on the Tarot of the
Thoth, who stands at the creator of language. Egyptians (1944), as well as
prow of the barque, with the In the television series a fleeting mention in an
head of an ibis, was married to Stargate SG-1, in which the episode of Midsomer Murders.
Ma’at. She was the god of order Egyptian gods are a race of Thoth also features on the
and so inextricably opposed to aliens, Apophis is defeated by logo for Cairo University.

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