DP3 09 MaterialSelect

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Engineering Design Level 200 (2009) Material Selection Design Project: DP3 MATERIAL SELECTION IN MECHANICAL DESIGN and COMPUTERISED MATERIAL SELECTION TOOLS

A. 1. 1. 2. 3. 2.

MATERIAL SELECTION IN MECHANICAL DESIGN (55%) AIMS To derive performance indices appropriate for material selection of engineering components; Apply performance indices to material selection charts, identifying the optimal material, and; Understand the modifying influence of shape factor on material selection. YOUR TASKS

Task 2.1 Consider the axial loading of a tie-rod with a circular cross section. Demonstrate that the material index, M = / E associated with the material selection of a strong, light and stiff tie-rod, with a minimum mass objective function, m = S L2 ( / E), is independent of the actual cross-section area of the component. For this task, complete the development of the material index, M for both solid: circular (area, A = r2 with radius, r), and square (A = 2r 2r) sections. Tie-rod parameters: length = L, Youngs modulus = E , material density = . Applied tensile load = F. Task 2.2 Complete a detailed derivation of material indices for a stiff (i.e. limited deflection under load), light (i.e. minimal mass) beam with the following sections: circular (area, A = r2 with radius, r) square (A = 2r 2r) and panel (A = w t, i.e. base height). Your derivation will substitute a numerical value for the constant that depends upon load distribution, C.

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The beam is simply supported at each end and has a concentrated, load, F applied centrally (refer to lecture presentation for images). Clearly identify any references that you used to solve this task, in particular, the equation for deflection, = fn(F, L, E, I). Beam parameters: length = L, Youngs modulus = E , material density = , second moment of area = I. Information about material selection charts Refer to the relevant material selection chart, available from the design200 website1 where guide lines for minimum weight design are indicated as the inverse of: M = / E, M = / E1/2, or M = / E1/3. To find a minimum mass design, the designer needs to maximize M1 = C = E / , M1 = C = E1/2 / , or M1 = C = E1/3 / . There is some ambiguity in the literature about the correct symbol for the maximized objective material index. Material selection charts will be used to complete tasks 2.3 to 2.5. Task 2.3 With reference to the relevant material selection chart, locate the steels bound region and confirm that the Youngs (elastic) modulus, E and density, are consistent with values sourced from another reference. Are any materials available on the material selection chart that have at least the same Youngs modulus, E as steel that could also float on water? Does the density of tin alloys significantly vary from that for steels? Answers must use the appropriate material selection chart (i.e. graphical solution is required). Task 2.4 Consider the cross-section of a steel beam with a rectangular section with proportions height, h = 9.55 r and base, b = r. Find the shape factor, Be of this selected shape and clearly show the effect of this section, compared to a solid-circular section, when designing a stiffness limited, minimum weight beam. When steel is formed into this rectangular shape, are there any materials that have comparable performance when formed into a solid circular section? Your answer must be based around the appropriate material selection chart (i.e. graphical solution is required). Task 2.5 When considering a strong, light tie-rod, is there an obvious best candidate material from the available engineering alloys? Again, your answer must be based around the appropriate material selection chart (i.e. graphical solution is required).

LMS for 436-285 or go directly to http://www.mame.mu.oz.au/eng_design/learning/level200.html 436285 page 2/3

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B. 3. 1. 2. 4.

COMPUTERISED MATERIAL SELECTION TOOLS (45%) AIMS To apply the material selection concepts developed in lectures to a database of potential materials; and, To provide experience in computerised material selection for engineering design using the Cambridge Engineering Selector (CES) software. YOUR TASKS

Task 4.1 Constraint-limited material property selection Apply a limit stage selection to find the material(s) with both Youngs Modulus, E > 60 GPa, and Density, < 2 Mg/m3. Graphically identify the associated subset of materials and save for inclusion in your report. Task 4.2 Graphic material property search Graphically compare the specific yield strength2 (Sy / ) of titanium (Ti) alloys and tungsten (W) alloys. Hint: Plot the specific strength as a combined property on the y-axis and leave the x-axis blank. Applying a limit stage to include only Ti and W alloys will make the resulting material selection chart more readable. Use the CES search tool to find specific materials. Task 4.3 Multiple stage, graphic material property search Graphically identify the subset of materials with fracture toughness, KIc > 25 MPa m1/2. Identify the subset of materials with both: Youngs Modulus, E > 100 GPa, and M = E1/3 / > 2.15 (GPa)1/3 (Mg/m3) 1 . Graphically identify the intersection of materials that satisfy both above conditions. Hint: The performance index constraint, M, may be satisfied by a combined property axis, or by use of a material selection guideline on a material selection chart of E versus . PROJECT SUBMISSION Submit your DP3 material selection assignment as a single report, with headings that match those used in this document. One report per partnership. Submission deadline is midday Tuesday 12 May 2009 to the correct Department of Mechanical Engineering submission slot (4th floor, block-E). The correct COVER SHEET must be used. Consultation support will be available in the DME Engineering Design Lab, from 5:15 pm on Mondays.

CES uses the symbol, f as a general failure strength. Here, f Sy y

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