Material Selection For Designing The Airfoil

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Material Selection for designing the Airfoil.

Some parameters are important to analyze for knowing what material is better to fabricate
the Airfoil, some of them are the cost, material to employ for manufacturing process,
tensile strength, easy available but the most important the weight. In the Table 1 we show
the properties of these materials and in the Table 2 we evaluated these parameters being
the number five the most successful material and the number 1 the opposite one.
Tabla1. Material properties for designing the Airfoil
Material Iron Cost Density Tensile Strength Material to employ
for Manufacturing
Balsa´s wood 1.90 c/u 150 𝑘𝑔/𝑚3. 2.54 Mpa (parallel Water and gun
to the fiber)
PVC Foam 1.00 c/u 500 𝑘𝑔/𝑚3 19 Mpa Gun
Polystyrene 2.00 c/u 40.04 𝑘𝑔/𝑚3 0.74 Mpa Cutting machine
MDF 3.00 c/u 450 𝑘𝑔/𝑚3 10.87 Mpa (parallel Laser cut
to the fiber)
Source: [1],[2],[3],[4] see the Biography.
Table2. Material Selection. Rated from 5 (the best) to 1 (the worst).
Material to
Iron Tensile employ for
Material Density TOTAL
Cost Strength Manufacturing
Balsa´s wood 4 4 4 5 17
PVC Foam 5 1 5 4 15
Polystyrene 4 5 2 2 13
MDF 1 3 3 1 8
Source: autors.
One of the most important parameters for choosing the material is the weight since what
we are pretending is to design a similar model to CESSNA 282 but changing the model
of the Airfoil and this should be the lightest as possible, thereby we are reducing the
capacity of the motor and hence its weight. The material used for the process as well as
to give it the form is essential to keep in mind, since this is directly accompanied by the
costs. Also, the tensile strength of each material was analyzed since that the airfoil will
be in continuous movement and at different flight conditions, forces caused by the air
masses will tend to separate this from the Fuselage and others will tend to deform due to
the pressure difference. Analyzing Table 1, the material with the lowest density is
definitely the polystyrene better known as Flex foam, however, the Tensile Strength is
low compared to the others, therefore it was discarded. Next, the material with a higher
density is the balsa, the materials to shape it are water and gum, the tensile stress is
adequate, but it does not compare with PVC FOAM or MDF, however, these two
materials are high density and difficult machinability. Saying this, the most suitable
material for the development of the Airfoil is undoubtedly the balsa. The amount of
information collected, supports the correct choice of this material since much of UAV is
made with this. It is important to mention that the balsa is only used to cover the ribs, the
ribs is made of PLA thread through 3D impression.

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