Book 1200 - The Book of Secrets of Albertus Magnus Saint - Virtues of Herbs, Stones and Certain Beasts Bad Fonts

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^ £t)t boki

of fecwte^ of ailtjattutf
uusJiOf rijc Dtm«j5 of
cettamc bealfc^

3lfo,a bofte of tf)t ft au

toozjOf tlje mamarioujs tb
gegoUljcioo.zlCiiano o.
ccrtafiu effccte^jcfii
, toeaac#*

l tm
■' ofmtayne



of tt)e UpnDe of SOO&

fl)j»nge£(,2Sttt not tDttftflanDpng,

f^bt«rafton fotiufrnie 10 gooa

fortmpine fartl:as( tbe fcience is

cftatingtb fo a goob,o; to an eutl

etto^totxifiiclje (t luotnttf). 5Df
tl)e faptnge,tlxio twinges

oe conclutietttbe onc^nb tijcfirfi

tlje fefence of #agfut is
not foeljfot bptlje unotuUbge of
f t,cttel mapbe cfc^utb, atib ,gooQ

foloiueb.'CljtfefoniO tbing ia au armwefjt ab t bt ee
fectMJmapfe& fo? tbe tniievibti
alfo tiftitsrofflf enrt

M jbpbaitne tf is not Oitym'.

■ 9'M:' •
ioatw fotottmc.3tf0totoeff)f
0tti,tt)at cutty fdence, o; optta*

fnmtfitir gpoMon^tlpi
eupU.i;bttf0?t,btcattft W*
cute of ^ngtbtjisa goob ttnotn<
it ie pttfnppo((b)anDOet
fomtuotmt cujllm bttjoibynge of
caufe0,antt nntucali tbytiges, a#

3 baut conftomD^nb petccaticb

sn aunftmt at!ttt)o:0:rca «Jmp
relftiilbttte b^ut founcetpettoo

u'b (n tnanp tbyngtg, act 1 fup«

pofi tijettutf) to bctnfomc patte

oftlitbobtof CbtratT])tc>atib al

tbcbaRt ofaitljojac.
tf)ccfo?c,li toflDrelareof
ctrtaynt bcarbtss. ^econblyt,o(

crti ajac ftoncs.anb tb^btlptOf

<majntbcaltip,atili tpi PertitejE

' ft ^ % *7 Y
^ rv*i
my K)
of fyttbtti*

MM&'paflotlff Wfibetftlv

CcUCdttia Cflenfipnt

s39eptta Caiamint o? ptniroiai

jLinijua cant? IjonDejj tomigc
^ufiuiifums iBfubant,

XiUum Tlplj'f'
tKficas qucrcf .

Centaurcn centoire.
Valuta ^aug%

tatebena Wtutn.

#elpfop^plo? ^manage.
Eofo more.

S>erpent<na ^naucugraffe

CCbe.fittte l)ftbe ts caitcD iwitlj

tbemett ofCbalbca, eUcs, tuith
tbe (Bwftei&^atticfotoUtr till the
liatpnc'3,®ittroptuin,U)<rii <5,15

IpCb mm, S^arygotbf, tn,

i:«rptetatfoR,tji of eUon,tl)ac i{(

tpe S)0inr,anD Cropoa, tbat n

aiterat^oti, 0; ctjaungt, b^au^r

#Kn!neti acco^ins to tljcfaniti
m$fe bet tuc of tljtfl ft ecbc i8 tnc^
ttelmtft fat if it be gatljetcD.tljc
j^utine bepuge in tlje fpgne )le,o,

in 3ugua,ani3 be lujappeb in tlje

leafeo! a ftautcUto; bape tcee^

a inolues totbe be abbeb tberto,
no ma ffialbe able to bane a
to fpeabe agapnU tbe bearectbcc ;
ofjbot tooo?b£0 of peace, Xnbpf
anp tbing be Koine, pf tfje beater
of tbe thpHnjee before nainen,lape
tbent bnbet bps beab in tbe mglrt
])e (bail fe tbe tbefe^nb a! bis to
ifcions.ainb mo^eoaetjif tbefoj*

lapb bef be be put in a tip ebwrebe,

toljere tootneti be,tul)pcbe baue

bioben ^atrpmanpe one tbep?

pajtCjtljepfbailneuec be able tp

aofo&beof tbe tbutcbe> tpcepte

jB&PPtijatoape, ainbtbislatt

(feaa t atb btne p^p, atjii$


cCbc feronbc btcbc fg tfilkbof

tbemcnofCbaibcit^or^a.of $
(IBnbest g)Uei(bitff,oftl)euntp*
ntg, b; ^ctncbcnuii tixrtua,oC

Cnaittb ntcn,anertcll. l)c fljat

botftctb tljis b^bt tn bps b&Mt
luitljan IjerbecailcD $l3j'lfaple,

jjjparout^, o?tiofeWet;c,fg! fuce

from all featCjR fatitaCre, oi bp*
ttoi;. 3!iil» pf it be put totti) tbe
iupce of bouCelpfet, anb tlje bta*

ters banbe be anopnitb tx>itb t*»

anb tbe teftbue be put ta toatcr,

if be entr e tft p boat cc tob cte fpf

il)eSbe,tbepboii gatbtttogetbtr
to bps banbe&'jatib alfo nb ptfctb

lum. 31 ab if bps banbe be bjaiyf

fo;tb>tbei> totU leape aaaytse ta
tbepi otone places*, bobtce tl)tp

totte befoie.

:c®bf bffbexsa^ebof
tiXtbt tttfut#

aillatno^of tbe latin eg

taierga paiiojis.of cpnglid) men,

t®PlDe tafrll.caketinslictbc, $

tcrapettttoitbtlKturcc of^an*

^a&etantt getie it to a b(tcl)f,o? to

anOt6crbea(},anb it dial be great

iDitba pongeoncintbe obone bp
te.anb (ball b?iitge fo?t!) tbe hrt* :

tbiupovone fcpnt)r,oftt)etol)rcl)
ponge ontjpf tbc gome totbe be to

&en anfi bepeb inmpatSjO? C^lnb,

e uctpe one tbat (ball Djjm fee tbet
of,©all begin anone battaile.ani)
toban tboubooulbc put it awape

gene to btm tbc iupce of ficlatta

anb peace ©albe anone 'amonge

tbem,as before.
CCUe fouttbe beatbe, t'S nattieft

tfquflarig, of cbalbeis: becanfe

it rp;inge( btntbe boljl' U

% i^gle? tnpitie tijepjntileg Jt

ttitfttrnft of&tebts
t{ne0Ccl<DotHa,8nDoE cttgitQi-
njenCelcnDpnc. citf^btacbe

fp?(ngetl) tntbetimf,ttt5U)!)iei)
tbeftJoaUototj3,anDn!rof> Cgics

maUetl) tbepj tudejj.^f anp man

(Dal Ijaut tt)i0 bwbe^nl) $ bane

Dfasa^olle, be (ball oUEtcante all

bid encm(c0,fi all matters in fuit,
aub (ball put atoapt all Debate.

ainD if tbe before nameb bearbe,

be put bpon tbe btnDDe of a fpebe
inian,iflje(boM!DDpe,t)efl)al ipng
anone boitb a louDe bopc^if nor»

C'Cbe fpfre ^ttbe ISnamrD of p

CljalDeiS :8rerif»,oftljt ©relies,

tuotar.of tbe latpncsi&joucnta
kSjO^IB^ouinfa, of ©ngUflimm

l^et ispnbe.boba it is beats vtito

poubtrtoitbtooitius off eaitb.

U)?apptDabout{ ttjanD Wit m

ftttbrnUeb Cti
$lt>Q&l)Ounf)ae tit tnDucctblone
betUuene njati ants VBj'fe, Hit bee
Dfebitt tfjcir meate^. antt if it

I^albe put too ttie moutye of tbe

btaft,taUeC) the JBugtlljljeQiall
b^eaUcanouctutlje mttiDes. aub

3 f cbe fapoe confection be put in

tljefp^it (galbe tucneO anonc^bti

to blnecoloute
c Cbe Cittbecbei0 nameb of the
CbalbetjS ©mtt) .oftljelSreiita;

l?etuo,of tbe JLatfneo ^epeta,of

Cnglilljemeu Calampnt.ottjec*
topie i^mpzopal. ^Cabe ttjiSbccf

be and mpceit iuitbtlje aoone,

founbe in tbeneft oftbe bptd cal«

hDalaptopnS.o^. blscbepoluer*
and tubbe tbe bealp of anp beaff,

and it ©albe tottb bpHdjS it f^al

auc a pong one > beep blac^e in
s - the
oton> fefhtitv attjbsfftbfejitaci
tbeicnofttijpUcs.tticp (ball fall
to tfre Qtounbe attone as Deaoti
but a Utle fpace nfttt tbtp fbalbc
l)faltD.3Hfo (ftfte fo^efapb tonfcc
tioit be put in a beffel of bees tbe
beesbotlncucc fltabJa^but tftip

iballgatbcttogetbte tbcte.anb
tftbebceS bee D^ouneb anb lyfte
as tbe}'toeteDeaD,iftberbe put
In tlje afojttapbe tonfectlon, tfjtp

Qjall peeoucp tbdt Ipfe after a lit.

tie epine^s bp f fpace of one bou?
re,fo? it Is pjiopojcfoneb to £ qua
Utle lofle. anD foj a lure pjof
fcjatniiebflpesbee puttuivarme
BflbeS.tbeptMt! mouer tbeic life
after a tttje,fpacc.
c vElie feucntbe berbeis nameb

of ICbalbeiS 3lge(i,of§<il5teketl

^)?UjOf $ mttapfttngua ranis*

stf ■
tiPftfttititttcil :
ftCnqtrdi m«a.9onDtjS lOHttf
ptfttboti rtrfs iiecbe tottl^ f fyact,

Ufa pongefiogsf.1* fttr mattice

ana put them tnhm tljoutnUtek

•nit afttc a tpme,aU p hos<

get! of the tuhoU touonefhalbega
thtreh together: 3ninf | fhalt
baue the afo#e nanteh heche hn<

pee thp fomeft the hoggep

(halt iitpeft!eace,a fhalnothaue
potuit to bath, and if thou fttalt

pot the a fo.tefaptie ^htnge in (ha

tteebeofanpooggfjCo^ he tnape
pot toucbr it bttth hio inouthe)

he fhalbe turneb altoape ronnb

about iphe a turning tohele, hit.

till he taU bato the geoanbe at!

heaMnh this hath btne pjouett

IE Cheepghfe herbeis ttatneh of

Chalbeia#atitet%of & ami#

UWOlt", 9f IhttnesluN

X HMmi
i "4
•S*. w♦ >'.
vv- ' ' • •
he. tsatte tbou tyis betb^f mtft
itCtttn tealgal!0 anb ^etmotia*
taUst.anliputtbttnm tlje tmate

of a mabbc tiogge,anbt)« toff fcpe

anone. aBnOtftljouftaitputibt
furcc of it boitt) tlic afo2((artie ti)f
gts in a fpitiet tarpf< it 8 ati po
b.tohen betpfmalt. 3nD if tboH
6)a1t miFttbe afotefaptje tbpnge
tuitij tbe bloube of a pongt bare

ant> htpe tt in tbefiuns eof a bari

al tbe bates bait be gatbeteb tbct
bnttllftbe teitioueb.

Cftbe npntb bcrbe^s natmb of

tbeCbalDtis Sngo,ot ? ^rerues
3[«iaia,oi tbe ilatintsILtitumtof

tbeiBngiifbmcn aTLrip.lf rtioa

boplt gatbtt tbtff bctbeitbe fonne
fiepnge tntbeffgneoftbe nio^t

boflt tnipe ft tpttbtbe kurce of tijt

XaHttI,0}barc ttec^ affetbaatb


Won ©alt pat ttiat iupce tintitt ?

tnangeof catteU,a ccttapn tpmc,

ft ©albe t«tncDljntQ\BO?mes,of
the poulfiec be mate, &.

be put about tbe ntcke of atip nui

o? in bPS dotb(0>t)tQiall.ncuer
ficpt,noi ©alt net be able to ilepe
bntil It be put atsate.^ut) if then

©alt put tbe fojefapbe tbins bit-

bet tbe bunSe of cattell.asb toilt

auopnteaupntanfuitb tbe loo?'

tnes bjebptige tljetof,be ©albo
b?ouebt anone bntoa fentp; Sub
pf tbe afcuefapDtbpnge be put fit
aiipbelTcJ.tBbetf tbcte © cobotb

mplbeaitbbe toneteb lottbe tbe

fbpmteofanfecolUc of one colout

nil tbebpe©aUcofetbeir n© be;

xcdft ttntb l^etbe © calUjbbff

« ?Tl! shI iR »f«TWi) •jM'WTj iMU
rI (Kna»oe tbe tefttu^
.'*i (intrtt

qtierd ;tif tetisUQiie men

toe.ainbkgrotoetbiii tmt^bu
jmgt bol(btb;ou8b« d3(0b«b«

teitba mtat ottjec^cbt. tobicb

I# named $9ai:tcgon,tbat 10 S»cl

ptjton 0} jdaferptuum as tt i#
tufitttn in p JSimapneg language
it openett) ail ioctsfg. Sndtftbe
gfiijCt,Pe puttn Uje tnouttje of
atipe tnane*rfIje tfepnbe of anpe

tbyiTg,pftt ftojilit Happen, it is

fet otibps Haettiffnef, it lepetb
batbtfcam bigMtf.Sf tlje afojc

faPS tbPttS bMifS«fi dp to a tree

tuttbf uopnaQfafuoaHotCitbete
tbe bpjl3e3fttal|«gatUetei) toge*
tbee luitbtn tbefpaoc offpne mp-
te g(3tiD tbts iafte»»80p<tot!ei) in
..umtpine. iU^!V iMfiO '. ,

CWfte clciientbi^^Mi#(imntl>

«f tHt Cl)flli)t»s|lfipbllpn> at tbe

\n tittStg
€>;selon,of tljt HatfNtsU
CeBtautefcofcetiSUfo men Cen*

(apt^ t!)Aitii}>S(l)crbc

ijatl) a watuaiou? Dectur, fo; pf

ft bt lopne&tof bloulie of

ftinale laptofng,oj black plottec

anb be put toftb op It in a lampe,

all tbep tbat contpade it aboute*

(Dal bcleut tbemre(fc$to be botN
tUcfi/o tbat one (bail btltut of an

otbt Mbat lits beabia in btautn

ano W fete in tbe eartb' anb pf
tbe afottrapb tbinge be put in tbe

fite toban tbe (lactto (bine ftfbal

apptate,^ tbe smeatuune one a

gapnoe&notberiatittfpgbt. Snb
if die afc^fapbf piafftt r be put to

tbe> tttH^liaiiwiHip inan> be

tbaufltfabcaptbatptip, tb^ougb
feace tbatbeuaUbaue,ano tbpjs
(batbbeit^anietiu*' •«

ti|^efboelfe mtotb if
"''M j4r; V f

ton,of ttjt ©re ais cifTOto^wJSt

JLarftitg tommonlyt snlwttlTfil

®«gtp© m^augt^ftpsffettfie;
bt#ng ptitctftEO briti'tr cuticte of

cottetl.fn a giafyn^ffeil.birng*
ttb ftojtbc a tct^ne two^me ojt
fap^batipng TOltnftft tlje faf»
©(on of a bwtcicaUeti a tlacup

ittacftc o^otofj-ll, tt to!;off bloat),

anp wan betottcbrtson f' bzed,

bt ©alt lofc bis fence o? fetybso

tl)e©ate of.yb.baj'e? aiib ino?e.

pibjiftljefo^rfpt) 'jfetrptat be
fiMtntbigstheajfflitiJgfttptit in §

fWt,anonf ©all tberebe a tame

botetvbub an bobble (bunben

anbj'f § afo?tfartieaf©ts5 be put

©alaf»pe,anl} be jKif]t)leD,ft©al
ftpptarefbat att tbt Dotife tg fnit

Wwmr ftff PiW

m Win tn of kw t^ntv •«»
*v-* •" &.k
Cl^e.Yui. {jttbc ,is namct of#
«balbci)5€ilpl)miiii0of^ CBcetvttf

l©llfojiton,of § X-atinciel Wtbena

cirtbcCusUtU me tietuj'n.^CbiS*
bcrbt (as botteljes fap) gatbeteD,

tlje ^unnt btpng in tlje (igne of

tbeiiam, 9 pattoitljgtapne op
tojnc of ppenitofont peace olbe
bealetbtijem^befttbe ofp fal»

Ipng fpaents. 3nb if it be put in

a fatte gtounb, aftct.tofiu luekes
baojtmts fbalbe (ngcnb;eb,U)ljicb
pftbepibaiitoutbe anp man, be
(ball ope anone.SInt) if tljtafoje*
rapo t bing be put in a boutboufe
o^acutuftboufe.attbetjoues 0;

tuiutcs (balbc gatbeteb togetbec

tbete. 3no ifttje poubtc oftbem

be put in p (pal appears
tpat tbe funne (0 blue, if § pout*
bet be put in a place topee mttt

, btptll 0; Ipe btttptn tlpo lottery

% atiotta

St \
jsnont t^ett (0 mate Qcpfe 0; itUI

ipce bettottierijttn.
Cltjc .)C((tf»bftbet0Hiim!ti of^
Cbalbctg Celapog, el # ®tttkta

Carini.of^ ILatines ^clilbpljo.

los,of Cnglflb men Samiagitof
tbetobttbbetoeSspaccc flo^tCua
maftett) ftiettt.iotii€t}i0 bee bega*
tbereD geene.anD taarn toitb tbc

fuyce of tlje Cppecrte trceofone

react, put fn grocii, tnaKetb ttjc

grtielt to appte fall of tootttu#.
anDmauetlj f fcearerto btgetle

^gratioas.fltoiamtnaifbbis ab*
aetfarieg. SnD pf ttje afa;tfaptie
befbe be boQDen to an ens nitH>

betoflfototn tbe lobettjcc Cotutt

tboHtoilte goo.

CAfte. fb.betbe 10 namett oftbe

Clialbtts ©lttifa,oftbe ceebc0

IfaptiinuSiOf? )iatine0mofa,of
fingUQintcnviorf. snbtrtsan
5>Ur,stt|?t 802 m m ipufifccfD i«t sr

iiit$ (bt fodu'cf^rcttitoBrti

bptWfe fn a tree, a# ir jooylj »iot
fitarefcuytc aftsr, an? ffiBe a*

fcjtfarce tijtitgeijt jfin.awuf It 4

tijec tbtcc. arntoff agagatig QjaU
be s?ab ate put in tfre a(6?f fapb*

comintbtfcn t)alfeatia?e,tt (ball

tftoucc t&fc lpff,altljougijc(tt){e,

itot foirb witbpet gotten.

anDpftgc afojefapbe poulgct b;
put in alainpe.aMiaftetbt hinb

let),art men (ball apptat«blggas

astfje beuell.anb tttlje afb^taiQ

poutwetbt rtitjtib sbttb opu o|trta

"gypue.ttee.s ]poitb;qBPcae Mgnw

tpe rtouft'aocinteb
ifuhue IbpnrtiSfU

«. fiftttaitiaftamtb. ;
0ii^ni of .<s^e*
^#tttfw|?ifflfrt, ofibi-W#
n^9»ccp enttn {r;ftr' Cn gl <$' faa»

few'^Wliw* Cftp'jJ bc'cbe 10 toflt

pMOtigf) t$no)a)en toll) bg CbfS'
fjecbe put fn tbegrouiitje, tejth
tfoe ijafeoftbetljie leafet) grstfe
|<li3^fib?etbtim&ef gcene ffrpcrt-

W-0i«bjtffcbff ppafDfe be maobj

llrtg 'pW' In1 a butttpftgefarripe,

ttttte ®aHjappeaie abbundafffe
bffwpwifep, atob tfft be put ife
bet tbe beao ol aw^ira^fto tber e

fo?ttj ^ M|iWAf?atne of tow

'ilUVjiOi: s i-
'i % '•< ,«' .>.■». v it' Vl * j ^ v
il t * qitofr -> ■ .•' - » * -m* '* * - • 1 - . ■ $ vs^ - - ■< ^

C^bfbifnut oftubjMgftUtljefc

MtMlmtbtf tbftfg^tbaf f e#e ^

itjibbtotfgdtf wtijefe pWftetff

':■ v-•

sisiv s.ttf. cbfye

Tfjcte< I^erbed. bljattd

gceat btttucff.aftec ^ mpnb

«»(aictanbec tyc Ctnpecon r, anb
Ibtf bafittiErebertttfiS of tlje in=

Beutnce of tbe planets. Snbtbttfo

rtjEuerpe one of dljetin tabctb tlje

r^fjetfuc front Hje bPSOw natii=

C^tjc firtl t^tbt bcrbt of tftf pla

net ^pfucnutf.totsict) fetcalUD Sf

fcDiiiug.afoCillj'.tbe tufte of it
ttgoooagapnac tltepapne of tlje

(ufrr papne ofrije blabber, tat if,

tbc roaijt pf ft bepuge a tptle bop?

left. 3fnbtnSpotfeaeb toitb cutjl
fpirite^o; mabbe inm bcare it,
<n a tltane napbp»< tbep bebtlp*

uerebfra tljept bifcafe.3liibit(lttf

ik&: '
or ixtbtg.
Aftll b?trte tl)tm toftbotit pair.
acnl)tt<s?oobt(jat atnanebeae
toitObini atooteofftfntbentgbt

fo^je (ball not feate, noj bt pucc

of otpet:

c®be ffcottbt f)S^ t«bcof tbt

£bu»nr,b)btci)e tg catltti ^oUgo

«ua,o,t Ctojaligfola .^Ebj'S berbe

taiittbtbc name of tlie &unne:

fo? t't engfbttU) gteatU, s fotljfs

betbe too^betb man? toaytss,

batb taUeb tltfs bttbe aifo

(bone, ttljicb to tlje tjonfe of tbe

^tinne.cbr^ bctbe Ijcalctbtbt

pairpon^.anO gttefe of ttje barte

De tbat toncbetb tbyO beacbp;

batbe« pttttie of \m b'fine, c|

pianette, 3f any man t)?inbt

tbe fuyte of (Mt mahftb brm (9

bo oft(it;tb( actc of gentration*

ft ' 4-a
gnMSanpiM ^care tc«t« af ffc

*& SfKtwf ^tljt .tpt&

beatgtn tot'tl) f^tttbefo
W!(?aw a«v< gcitf, tbcte ffiall
c6inc to l)(in no gctcf of ftfs epeft.

0t f;£lpEtt)a!fo t!)erini[j b? bijceo

Jtojtb ti)cpl)#entfi»,pf tljcp beace

itMtljtbeinfntbepj bzcfl.

3it ut(pEti) alfo fbcpHi tfjatare bi

feafED iwtf!) an itnpoftttiiK in iljt

lungcs,a mauetljtbEm tobanea

g«oD bjeatli,3ni) it anaf ict& alfii

•f?p tbe fippc of uielancljotpous

W* J »
is tl)c tierbcoftbe
SipooiiCjboIjicijis caileb CUp!io»
tupceoftt putijetl)

m oftbe fioma %t0bieft

WM&, tijebcraeofjt betlatctt)
Mat ii is tbit betbe of §#00114

'gtp Tpit^? f^akatb t'ljem,

btctmvttiiiS |)«i'bc encreafetb 5

ttwcafetlj as tt)e gpomvltk
§(ro0939Pnttti)e Qcttentg aFt^t
epe.St $ miittttl) 9 IDacp®
it tg gootiagapnffc ttje I)loa0of4
eye0. jjf tljoaputt^eraott Of it

foaptfi bpont tje ej)e,ttU)tU matt*

ifttcpt m8FU0l9tijj?rttce,brcaofi
Jftt !rg|)t of tf)t epcs^jopurqua#
tttra iup(Man,f0 of tfte fabftanct

offi^^Dnf. Jtttf aftogooattf

tijeintjjitffmtie an eueii ftomafei
o; boljfcfji: tan not!t>tfgia£ tbnt
»ae3t»b}» fi^inupngtljc fnpceoftt

nto^ouewt tg.gooo to ttjtwtbat

f)§ut t[)cfb)j)bcpocl?c0«'.
llfClje fouttljt.ljeacoe 10 called

Qfci){0 lierbeig' njetnalouagooa

qgaiaift djepapiieoftUe ieaooe^

bftawrc til ftgne oft be .^nmmc

IgfuppofeMo-bc tljt boufe ofxae

pjanste ^awooiffcl) ism^i

fiftfbialjoltioo^oe.jiti.ij good

25A. alfo
fljftbe totrtcmeg
Wto agai'nfte tudl cudomeg m
mang fton«0>ant>totteni0»fj>ttbp

MM!,btcaare btobouftiapttgrt
Ibcowfo, becaufe a pact of it iioi
bctf) 9parina,tbat ia tbe fcebr,

Uibicb cometb! agapnd tfyettoiug

toljcrofall Ipupng tbittstgbe in*
scno^eo, and foutmcD. ailfo tbt
mpct of it ig goobtoo ttjemtbat

be fpcbeof g pecplous flps(»tDttb

epcotiatiotio^raplpage oftfjebo^

lotia, contiiutall touetmnteg

lomebloub piltipng anb it
pucgetb tbtm tbatbjtinbe it, fro
tfye [peietielTeSOfjJ flpK of btoub*

o; emo^aubtg^ of tbe btfeafe of

tbe Qomacket
cCbe fpfc is tbe berbe of tbe pi a
Wrte meceurtus, tobicb iSnampb

Identapbiii6,in(englitb daque#
foplecj tbe .b.leuebbecbe, ofo^

tbW laentaoatfniUip, of othetjS


jfetpebrclftmn#* of cettapn
pcbolo. tEbc cootr of tbfS betbe
bitaj'tiift raabe tn a plafltt, fjta,

ictbtoouotsatbaciDtneis. opott*

ouet.itputtecbAtoap quft&tir^
ti»j'fiepocUcj3,iftl)t fare? of ft be
bjpittntftjiatee,JtbeaUtb affo
ttje pafftos otgueffjefoftbtbieft,

if tije iurce of it be tno Ptit»

tetb aboap alfo^totbeacbt»3ut)

iftbeitipteof ft be botben in tbe
utoutl),it fjcaietbal^gtufs of ^

moutb >9nb ff attpmS btate ft to

bpnuft acttetb toatfes btlPj^Qj
teouettfanpmantopU afat anp
tbing ofab(ngotpifnce,ft geaetb
abouotfeeoftlofltKitct.ff beljaue
it tottbbtm3ff be ftal optaine it f>
be (ball beftre. 3ft fg alfo goob to
bane p iupce of Mot tbe gtiefe of

tbe Bone,® tbe fpefetnta tubfebe

Mttetb A man ti)atcan

nttjupiter^ it ts naineD ac!)a<

Mn,o(cmaj>ae Jurquiantia^ js
ftanfi HDbc roote of it,put bpbu

ootcbcsi.liealet!) anb bepetlj

Replace from an inSatpadon of
, Woua; 3|fan? man ©alt beat* tt
oefotstbe gtefe tome bpon!)j»fn
t>e ©all newer bane a botcbe. ^

(®be roote of it alfa is'pzbffta

ble agapnfl tbe gotitt in tbe ft it

to ban it ia btapea, ana pat bpoH

tbt place tbatfuflfecetb tbe pai>a

o.« grief, 4lnaic tooiHtb bp bed
tne of tboft Kgnea.oabtcbe bane

fete, ana lobe bpontbe fete, in!)

if tbeltipte of it be ojoHen toetft

i)0np,0| tottbtopne $ bonp foaal

togetbtcift. is profitable againd
fbegriefeSoftbe ipuet, s all bps
D&iTtnar hCfflUrf 'ZftntfiyH

a P X* .jit
ketoyf^it <3 pjton'fabU to 'tfr!

tijnt.ixiouiDf bo often tije acre of

gettttattot^antuo tljtm $ Mp?c

to.i)elcutfcoftwomen,ti fjs gooo f>

tjifl) bcacut tetitb tf)fHi,fo?unia

lUtij M;e iieaicrg pkafaunt ano


c® f&e bcrbc ofH)t pla

net tnciufo,® isscatteb jutfterioti

pf (pnieijictobotane, to tft.l^ecs


C tJljetootf of tljip, l^earbe put

PpOii tlje tv<fbe,bealetl) tlje fnunc
potbefi^npottuiucg oeijpnDe f ca*

tcs!,anP bof tfiod of tl)t netbe,an&

fucbeastan not ftcpe tbcp; bs)a»

JMitaUtl; alfo cuffegjS.fSMClling

oftlje tUEjljO? foutiDamf«t,p?oj

tet^ngcf an tttftaniafton, tuincb

BfOtoetb in f fee fottaliarnfuf, aim

Jbe€nia«ta«i)e/J» 3fttjetuyti of.;

<1 bc^onkeniuitbtionp fttDatM
fe%lien,it bidolurtb tboft ttyngg

art in latigtfS o}ii$l)tes.

58nb it tna bttl) ft^OoD b^tatb ,foj
ttfauetbfifeepftl) tfje iffgr# anb

tbel^sbtra. Jtteairoofgrrate
fttftigtl) in bencrtal paRimns,^
is tbe acte of gtmcation. Hi an?
man put it in bp3 bottfe o? bpnts
pact)e,o; in tbe gcounbe, btiball

baut abnnMtlp ttntnnes, eji pe«

telpptofptes, moieontc ttye me

of it iis gooD to ail tbtm mijpcbe

toill plante topnpatDeSoj ttees*
anbinfantes beating it, Rtalbe
bet? apte to leatne* fi latifng lee«
npnge, anb tliee Qjaibegiab anb
io?ous>3ti0airo PiofitabK, M«

pngpntin putgattoRS>«it pat*

tetbabaebe beads, ret tbpffitf

to bemacbeb,tbattberebetbts
bt gatbettb fro tb^jbti. bape of
(M ^donetnt^U rbf ttpfg
begtnupgtlje gatfieifttig of fbtni

fromi! ilje figne ^erctiriujec, bp

tl)e fpaie of a tofyole ^oure, mtli

<0 gatljecpust oiaftt memton of

the pafTfon gtitfe, and ttjt na«

me of tfrtbi>ngt,.fO; tfee toWcbe

tbou doeff gatbec ft,and tbe feife
berbe,nottxiitf)ffandtuge ,lap tb&

berbetippon dobeate.o^batlepr*
and bfe it aftecdoarde too tbe
nede., -

Cl^ett begitmttb tbt fetond

bode of tbe btmieg of
ceetapne ftoneo.
Nod) becaufe U baurfbobS be«

fptepf pberttieg of cectapn

r .♦'.fberbe^noiii mtbps pjefent

tbaptec, 3) intu (pea be of cettatn

Roneo.tbeic effecteg and macuap

long opetationg,

WItfbinon^* •. it
i£)pt)ttiannii«, s>ih^.; ■

jfrttptttDamtiia • •
<(fcopa?f£>n- - v
#enipD«fs,!apf0 tupramcpiiint^
ptbenitrteggipwi'/ »e-
a baflon i aeamti^iifemeio

agatijcis ;
a^tt6jtai; • ■
crmurttias sttiatfRug.
©ettllflp CeiotiifW

Co^aHug • Ctffta(tuj9ic -•
Clottopia CptOrites. - -
CaJceCom'UiS CcltboniHS'.
2Sag#t«^ * ,•. . jBgna^J'
3flmojS 5
Cbjj folittisl >< (Kti'atftbta; «

iiJidJomat ^DMirtnt. "

Kactaoup i,uptbiHi5:. .
tmnceff ' %mlh

femaragfiHsi I3fr^. :
Callana ©aurttei^.

^8fon(tt0 IgpjKt^ .


; iv
'i <5 . ; -'f ;
Mill 4 ImIHII ryifiiiTra n\ iTii ^
m tun Wyfenjf e IjatttjO? rro,
- •>'


ni,a (0 if fabmouta^itiuee ,a<^i

tt4£f(>uhtttto tieftbflf Itibe lent

fitiie ifi^acte^ of SI fna»#/Wbe
fttoutncf,t»l5lcbe fa caiut) CaOt

tie Otabof 8>« be

eia&j^e toil cmb.j&e iec iulbatt

iff tileWnot 11) attest bifll

S^oieoutf^fl^sftonebe f>nt
btbf<ttibbOttattfleD bpoo (dics^
inftttteto^netjEj oft it lidureititf
tiajtsi(taeapi'nsff,(liall flee f iou«

litituiouaw aH. ,

If tp(t ioilt Be tnaDe fnuiffbft^

• c,- ffiaat
tijc Itafeoftbe XavcdlieaajiBW

is callffiltflPto owpjtof
(U0,,w!)ofe cplotic e <0^#t}taJ1(tCD»

tbeiti tt)8ti0a)tof>.

pawt.CfttiflaWinwss fiacpins^Pfl!
tauBtitoag tngc«jiiMto(ble

lilfe 1r-V,; * ■■].,',■ ,DI!5U01:r

fElfibotttojlt! Ptouofes.ffttotee,

Vi UnmttmWtfmM?&i8ll a1:

cif.iiJ.h! ".i :j nP.f.e;':

& ® a U e 11) efto g bi toitoiWUtU
8m tiie&inDfia toil tobit!) fatul

fcqwi if:ftb!f>ai>j9jCTfft
todtpi a «* ixpmr^mmtmw^
gttjft flvir^b ijtuanfltif'Wa#^

cir.^ ,*v 10WW!

rattfgjflffl) aifo. Dcwaw, aaft Mtj

bttbbimptomljtwmn.ot tot«
tfine.• • \ c. ■ ,.r .

C If tljou twpit tmrnt an? man#

& Want tbeftotitjtntttl) fa talk*

feftpgoamusMU/tlitg of? ej o)u

tJje neofct of anp« fnatr, il;f)VaHtk

aretftunnmiD alfo be
grtpeD ftrart}?iUbtJ*aet() ^bat»
,aticme,a tberfo.KU muft.&f toil*

iljpelr Ifgcncl?#; >'/■>.

'if, ' T '' * S ¥'?' * ■''1 f l I; (

*c 1^ tftou tB?u fcpnMe tpt

fiftat?^ mair.nia feseiMiw malic
toatpt. ^ v
-C Ha be tl)t (fowjtoljffljf isfftt*

groVa^b nu^e

^HtDS bfiibtg of if >of a prff »tf w,'

€*°ts» juib
fcttftoiieple colojit ^ aDfl) e tTa ^

ttMti to etcneiaaofounoedi t^4

ratttsof^atfta. 3!ut) aitootct
flbpl<et0 taptjUtbt raOlS

<t «<«« tb inoteleKge of; ccctarne

fttngffltacome.ltfffbc pur ua*

Bet ttfrfottnge/ptttaHv in^ f??a batb « totrtue onopfoji
aiUjotire.Cfncftnebsjmse in tpt

jt.^oone ,it tjatf) rbrs tutfutio


of tlieojtbcc.betaurt,

boban irtsbnuettbetung, tfotw

tbougbtbeofanp bufpitra, bob*'
tlWiib8t)tctobt>e io? no,pf it

^dbgliteto bMt i^fiite^fltbfaOiu

lo ttiebacte.fotbBtitmaj'nottie

i&kMis f attewM,^ w i

.Ti I Z j <. ■' >'* ^ I'!) <jk > V 't,
ciff (boo tout tbit fettbpttsf! to»
ttr tome furthniiouc.nftct
tliou Iiaftptit tutor tjant?.

ttie Uont,tol)((t) (0 talUti

«iropa?ton,foitbt 3|lt tEouafrs*
o^bttatift itCbetoettiarnrfUtoOe
o^flolOe.SnOtbcrcbct'uDOi) ttpn*

btjs of if :one iff ijttttlj't UKt goto

atHittos(«mo?«p:ctioiis. €1k
etljct OtnOt ig of tise toiouroffnf

frott,of birgbtec colour KrattgolD

i0,anO tbls t&moje piofttoblr.

Jit bfttUbcnp^oueOinour trmCj

fbattfit be put tn (eetbtog (rater

ft matictbfttoruRnt oucr^btit j'f
ttiou put tbp ban tit in iM bt toa«

terisojaluenoutanonc.auti one
Of one b.ietlttcoto't) tbts at ^a.
trft. Jtiogeobalfoagapna

^inotliotramtt Utmaticanti oi U
matpbt pafllon.oj gticft.
fISfthou GQt!tt>!aeUe off flKlt8ff

0ttl>j)ne,o; an otfjec man#.

'■ ttfADe.: i
t^e ifOn BjtbWdje infah
ieftfi^fDOia.of diftt^sn-
in tW tltej) rd^e pmdWda

arecattfO fltaiUpi awntljert bee

ttoo fepnDco ofttjbiaffte $ grtna
311 is fspfie of otot ^bpfofopbir#
anfi alfo of pi/Wofopbcw^eyngc

in tijfrtf tbe bfacae w bjuw

feeiuaiiDrerolueD fn bote toateei
if anpinan maSie bti# lianbe# i»

ibar Ulster,tbt fjtpnnt of


#b?l0Pi)f>i;rt0 faj? alfo, tbat lit isf

gooaaga jJtiftc tbtgwite,# biin6«

niffof tbc epes'janatt nowttfbtib

Itofttnfrtircafct.'tpty/ . ?
ppjltbotruiilit ttata,nibnfu&
" fttno pa)!iitiiio?tiFipul>!r i.

i * msitcg.
k&Wcmp^tttg.oS^ tptte teiifefe
is caittc eWtinpljuSjfftttsaftoae
of fUcl;c iurtue at aaron ani^cM
mrfffapeufit ly. tiiouin,anDirac»

fD toitbtt)3t£r,oti&gcu£n to tiim
totfanfefjiMtjiciielSouil) be bur?
neb.o? fufEtr any toimt iut0,tbat
if tntte iabucet!) foo gctate ton ax
b?cnen>: too tflt.tbat be tint tufo
ftcetb,fec!{t!) ntptbet parne not


C3ftljo'tt top It mafvC a fpfe ton*

ttnualipbuabie to be queu?

& ®afeettfeftoiu,tobtc!)etScal.'
lei Jfbaaon,^tow? of tit colours

of rf oiT,aiif> tberttO fottnie btrp

mucljeofittit arabta. Jftfyar

ttoohe be hpuieleb of tufliunto,.

|t inapt tuner bee putte otirr«

tttftttttfttl&bmnre if
Mttlte of wfrjifte fettittg bftlie

igoaiamantKtr;b}) ctafon of mop*

ttptfataeffe,t»t>tcl) noutif^ett} ^
f^tc>&j)0Dfei) wtf.

t!?)i enenytg. . • :

tlit fto!ie,toi)!c[)e i$

IcD aibema!?^ c»glt® fpeact)f|

ftSfamoti^^aubtttsof Qipning
colour,^ ocrp batbf ,m To nruche

ri?at u can not be bjtobfn, but Up

tb?blcubofagotr,5it giptortli

in m*abtH,o?,in Crp?t0.aiiiUtf 18
UcUounbcntotbeUfte fpbc,tt id
gcobagapiift euctnm, aiatinc?,
iwvmUeaaes.btncjiitfufc btaReis

anb miftl men,anUbgapnft'tl)p<>

Upug 9 b?aU)lpngf,gf agapnO Ut#

ttpme.anbiuuadon of fantofpc?,

it Diamad*
OfflWlM. *

v and all ttteibie t^lnge^.n' -

a tjaveaScoHael^in, »

$8att><0,ft nttftlwiii, atiti''
&)l)pte fcarnef.CbeM fa anort)tr

oftijtfamcHpntifjIj'be to naljptt

folotir.' artOttie tbpfOe srbtuetl

in a ctttapne ^U,bAU<Hgeblat He

tomeperpta»*Stuc8Mijgti) to?

bart.^mabetbaman mpglitpe,
jrtearauitfjbeiectatitfitr t)elpctb
agapmt abaetftticB.< ^'?: V

■ C If tbou:betfre taoptapaeaitp
i tblttsfeomanpmaa.

Jtltttoirfiiaft le aaotieortrotb,
Klt iB Uobftt as tlx CbJUlal^b
it 10 o^abwti outof tbeoxbiBs^
iand}matue,afttt tbat bt Ipatba

btngelbeb mo^e tban loatf«ar(a

it - (ftpt m


ano dcpfaan anaput mmt ttje

qajenrterto rtrwfte. 3nti

ttn»s laftr fjatbrbtnt ftnuteti ttt
oat tptatioao i pciwat 0<«q«<c

^«lp»i: .:•> •:■'! sc..' ' ',

'i ill''I !i 1 Ilm : tl iTit i H' i t»l
nnoBmiTTiT?M»M^ I

«UO)eanttoai)dot«t)tlt tt
tpeofttftpng^f n • •<

■. :
r:" tOiCOttt:. ^
fc'fn n i rri * ^iliu IM M*

!t8 Cttntttlfllto 0? aftttaw^lt

ofotaeeftoiotirjaitltiitt^ttb oat
alIp3piao,3natnaattt»ainau to
ocietxomt ppstaouttratit^, ^ gti

,'• V
itrfitdfioegcc® iHtlttr
i IfW'TmTIo r^miTT;#! »TiiiTfira»I'

m3fe not lit


»V sake tfit ftoiie;lnbfc!jt UTtzil*

lea 9mnetQ!tir,an0 trts of pitqiic

tolotire.ano ttje bedelgfowtDtln

inOe.anD it to$aob agapnft ip«l
keiMieo.anb gruetbgoob ontwc*

(lan&rtige in tbpnge^ tbot anap e

btnubetftanDei i .

; tnpefl.anbfleebetjMei V •
afirCaue tbe ftoiie, tubpibttss (at'
IcO iff ot pale toiout:
ana map be fene a^toogbaa toa«

trr.bear it about ttirlj tbee.ana

tbSa ©alt oucrrome aliatbattt$

tbau bzpweaujapt tbp enemyeff*

THTi TnfffTTOW onimi mm. c*i

t -iC if tijOM tDtltfosttfuttgriOj

n; cont«tut«30ft^tiige<jf
tocomt* '
MrCalterttaMMUtBttftljtf# caf*
ItOtCtlonitfff,te iff of pucple,* of

oetffot^ttcotours^itf^ foutiOe
In tfye lieao of tf}efnaple« "Jf an?
mmtopll btatetf)j»<rfton« bnoet
bpatuogf) bt f&alifbjtiHfic,- mio
p^optjert of tbfngeffto come, i&ul
nottptebdantptig^e batb nobco
tur.tincQftmpngeiidnmacun fue

ei^acctnfa,ttcceCicetis motioptep
fu plttma oefceniiEote, foo mea*
nttOSIaron.fntbeboae oEbtctii*
tg of t)ecb(0ianOftoni^

C ]f cbou miit paetfie tempefle#

> •- anogooueefliijjOe^ ,ii
{iYlIA'V TTl P

co^tin$,coitaitiaFfoine(ife tBU

ili*R*l2in iu'I*
tfi0uDr,tt)at pnttftl) atoa^tlufa
of fypm H^at btarat^itjid

gcacttMoFff toim.ainb tliw!

btttptoiieti of cfrtafne mtn in out
it ts gooOagapnd tern

peQ^anti pertia of fluobts.


ft Ca^e t<)e Cft^idai (lone, 3 put

ttnpgb bnCtt tljcntkUof ^ tall

Tl It

r* •»^ie at t of b^Mrtip colouc. .1

& trab# tfte cbiacaitH)

IfDCUtropta. 3Pi0®rmtUw«o


»pt0-Cb< nccromaiw

0t|tc^<((oa0ftaR«0f JSaijploruftI
ft)t{>!K)ti<euainc::. iSwfiftrbt §
nofntcDtoui) i!rtiopcc of anj^tc*
Jbeoftbtfmic naare^atto bt put
i tt a bclRI fol of iWBtcr.ft ths bttif

tt)e ^Utlflt to ftlRc-.Of bloubr CO"

Joutras iftlje ffidppfe boeiwflBi^

beffne,buraflittti<t< atao^iai

tbfefetcolo?,»Uttttatttt fjdmtte
goctl) aU)ape,bj>l(jopp!>n!j ttoiti£c

of rnf.ue.^oi'SaRo bojae abourc

mturtb ajpan ofgoob iauic.trtc

ucicij i)nrtarT^ <£iU

lietfaftD litrlie./'..-;.

ifattO WtOfCt^.UcDt
ei ^ ij•■*.•( a ifMtyt■

iptTttktfbffloncitolfirttJtte! tal<>
let) tea*
tet agapnftsttacptoJa^S^uime,

Itotitf beamext of rtj t


f; t1» ft >..%(ifcn Ifijftr: ? •• ,


€iaUtfemUtts,f paUk bioume

pf coloue^tfometobat
tl)i0 be perctDjf* bmigtb aM6t -ft
BfdseitluUB tfttflone tubffHscffl

ft bSKfatt(p»tt fie ggftftAgaftiMtii

fantaatcaHHttttonp.f tt mabetb




Mil fi

(omttopat ivjappeb in a

It'Hftentiotp.Ojf tn SfPbKi ff^nr,


olftt fpeawieg tie

r; j ' fltplng
fleping.'D* fo^etfull ffcfene^anO
Contra rpMrm'ain, tDhtcljt is a
ftabbc tbatrumiui) tJRzowgft tl;e
fjolc bobi'c.
Cnajctaptb^bat tbrs (lone ir,a&«

etb a maiuloQurnt,acceptable
pieafannte. <CJjebiaciic(lcnci3
SooDagapnftborltit bca(tfs>auo

5o|att!,a b?(ngctt) tl)e le

gonne to an enbe.aini (fit be teia

peb'tn tb« leancss of C£ltOon,it i?

fatb that (t tnahctlj tlje (tc.Lr out.
anbthepC&btilbcbe Diatom oat

fntpe monctbof jtiguR.anbtioo

ftonrg ace fotnite ottentj'mrs in

Cjfthou Voiltc be bicteuoos a»

agapnft thy atarrfattf s.

ft Cake £> (loiiCjUjliiclus calltb

jBagate^au ip of bluerfe cotoiiS

Che aunrient phplcfophcrs Cape
that tr hnthe bcuc p^iciui) in the

33.i» Pfmee
pjfaltc SkiDcB,'a3likI)l)0U) IfltJg#
fee fej'febearc it3 be feab altoapcg
t)tcro;p:anl) tt tss a ftootic cfbtute?

ft colctifis,HKc ffee ffeviieof a Utfe.

CSf tbou loilt bnobobefoje anp

tfeyug to come.

JV Cake tin none^tubtcbc is cab

leD Bena,U)bKfe is ij'be a bcaReS
totbe,ant)putit bnbectfe? tuns,
aitib as Jfiacou ami tfee dibe
lofopfeers fnj'tb.ljoto ionge tfeoM
bopitbolDcit fo altcaj'cs cotUtc
taring,thou (bait pjcpfectp tfeiit*

gestocome,anb ttjon Rjalte tiot

erre in anp bopfe foj tubgpng.

c3f tiowibiit tbat tfep gamgte

fee bnable to be butmb.

aV €abe tbe (lone,v»bicbfs calUD

^(ftmos,b)htcb as Jftbojus fat?
etbkslpuetotaffc/iit. 3Ent) it is

fotinbe in a pane of ^pavne.

Cljj'S (lone blotoetfiltfee ttpapte
of bf Uotoe0,l)>> reafon of t()c imu
Bfocffefn UjttiOfounOe nrgl) ti)t
(B'ade^; ofiijerctilesjtljnt ta ttuoo

JileSibp f> furtber pattesiof ^tpa

pnebeponlie (jBatnatie.atitnf tbtts
done beftt tn a garment it can be

btmuD tn no topfe.but tt fbpnctti

3Bnb fonte men tape: tbat tbe tobt
teCarbunkle ftoncjigoftbis bin


<r3if tboutoplt bane fanonc

nnD bonottr.

jVCaiietbeRonc,tol;icbc t0ca[<
kD Cab;({C0,ant) it is (tbe to tbe
Cb?pftaiinoonc. 'Cljc ammrnte
llDbpIoropbft)S,as djuar, ano a a-;
ton,fapeoftt,tbat tt genctb tlo^


ttK5fa?'Demo?touer,tbat ft bra'
cjf tliowtottt D^ueatxiape fati"
tafttg ant foUQ)iu0«

f; Catj«ti)« aon^tntirt) t^callet

Cl:tpfcittug,ant it ta of tfye (am e

ttrtue uutU Sttcii)i(u]S>ad aaro

9 Cuatfaj'.fn ttjc bobe oftbtna®
ttitci3of{)ttbcs!,fiftoncS:tl)fj5 fto
uefttin golte, 9 bo^nt, t^uetl;
etoapt folffljnts, 9 ttpelUtb fan#
tai'u0. 3]tfieiaffi^mttto8tae

t);)fttome,ant ft fa soot asatnfie

Oftbou totlt iutge tbc oppnpt

0110 ant tt)ougbt«0 ofotljera.

iVXafeetttfton.toijttbta caileb
c3atnfLtic0,9[ tti0 ofblact colour

let one bolte it in bf? niaut&e,ft

tnaaetbbpmtbatbearetb itme«

rp antinfauoutt 9 boell eCemet

tuttf) all men.

Of tbou tvdt bane bf(to;p

CftaUetlieflonc, telnet is cal«
leD il5ul)onjap,ff tt t0 the fame#

<0 caileD aiabadec, anb it i9 of a

fepube of <I$acbU,anb it to lobire
anb %nj'ngc, Sfnb opmmctuto

aceinabcoftttotl;eburj'cngE of

tbt btab,
<1 Jf tboti toilt tbat a man fle«;iig
felto tbteutbatbsbatl} ton;.
«VCabetbe(tone^\r)l)iche t0cal<

leb Iim'rtm,tf)iSitonc is founbe

tntljenefltof tije ^Lapiornbe cj


CilUbotiiuoulbe optarnc anrc

tlnnge of am' man;

SV Xahc tbc aon.tMlnti) is callcb

iSacianM0,a Ufa biarttc^jmsmg

t^ougf),tBl)icl) toban tbe beatic

ofacocftt is gcuen to dnotcs,
Oi i0|>(mete0 to eatejtt is founbe

atongetpmeafteMntbe beao of
tbtCffHt^nb.tbtfamt Dene is

<II3ftl;ou biouibe inaNe,tl)at tie*

lUec tjogges', ho? ii'Jiiiitcrs tnape

ftuttt anp bratl.toiiid) tliei* bunt
tf? )2>Ht tefoic tbem the ftoone ,
tolndi is calleD unprtitts, ant) it
toill runne foone to tbe ftdone.

(fon? ta founDe in Xybia,#

ait bcaflt# cHmtf to it,as to tlitit

itfenber.JItitttetijtbat nei'tljet

SoggeSjtio? ijuntfrs inapt tjucte

cjjf tbon tsplt burne anp mans

bantst tofttiout fp?e.:

CCabe tbe Rone tobicii fS catteti
tmnecs.toiiicbtBte calleD befo?«
^3;tnctptn aptbUJliicb is fp?e,9 it

is as fv?t.3f anp man flrain batd

tbPS flctic>it bntnttbefoone bps

banDtjipbeiisit mattjbiutneti ib

amatertalt fp?e,U)bubei0anttC
impious tijiiigf. • "'^2
of notuj*.
Cjf tftoti to'lt cure inclnncoip*
oiafcucr c|t«ntta<ne, iti nnp mit.
CCabctO£lfonf,to!jic!)tS3 callti)

iLnpislajuI^.Jttisit&ctotJjc co-
lout of tfje Jjtaueu.fiHD Njm i&

loteijtti f little boi)j't0 of aolDe.

ainbit ig furz nnb p;oacb, tfjat
tf cocetb m«l£tcl)ol}H',atiD tr> fciu t

tMolbentalse anp ttiaS
tottte ffiarpe .itib qufcft c,anti attg

mentefops rpcljcf!. at'b alfo pjc


ft ® afee tljt ftone,\x)liifi) t"0 callcD

^niacagbusitn cetigliQ) fptadie
an JBijjatanbt.ainli it igbtcp tie*
<tre,fljpiipnge tljjougher.iib p!arj-
tie>but it tljat is ptlotot is bt tter.

3lt i0 taken cut of tbe nefttp of

$tpfS8 o? 8tplfon0,tt Dot I) botlje

fpijifojte anb faur, anb bepngc

, 1
■ ' JD-iutf bcjuj

botnMf ma lu tl) a man to fenber*

naitDtiwtll.nuDgeuctljto lipma
goob mc mo#p,augntgt«tl) tlje cj»
c'ifdofbtmtbatbcatttli ft,# yf

any man (ball bolbe t't bnbtt brs

tu;)$M>e Hjall pfop^ccy anonr»J
<C If tljou U'plt make a icayiit
botoc ro appe are.

*t ti[aketl;eaone,loMcb isfcalleli
il-tS.aitiBtobftelyke to CfeP*
aali.fou? fqtiare or Ijaut'nge boi»
nejt.if tbfolloiic lie put tn tlje bea
»u of the ^ ttirtkngbaca

he it maketb a rayne botoe foone

toappttemtbc toalle.
wilt make a done; tobifb

map? m «£ r be mabe bote^

iV Hake t be don, tubicb is ealleb
Oallafia it oath § figure of baple
s eb? colour null baebneffe of tbe
SspnmoiiOi .if tbt's done be pute

in apctp great fp;e3it bopltueuec

lie liote^tiO ttie caufe l)3!ffo; it^a*

tb (be boleEiro tlcattojetber.tbat

tbebeatemap nottntecbitbebo

bp oftbeftone.liro 3acoti a

uapfai-jtbat tb($ (lonebo^ne im=

tfgatetb,b)^atbe,I({beepe ^nb o»

elf tboutoilt bnotoetobetbee

tb? mpfe Ipetb bJ(tb anpe otljjc

& Cabe (be ftonecallebgaledtid

tobtcb t# tbe fame tbat t0 talleb

Catabic^^itiSfoQbem u»pbpa

9 Bjptannia^be mode noble Yie

oftbe b30>lbe,U)betfn is eontep?
neb botb cowntce^^nglanb anb
§5cotlanb.31tiso{ Double co'oue
blacbe.? of rbe colour of &affron
a it is founbe gcap coloueeb, tuc*
npnge to bcaHtb (be

b.jopfep,a it bptibttb (be bealpejai

fljatbauealafae. SnbSutccmia
S)f tfje tiertues ,
Jn^tbat if tijeflone be bjobeti
anD fuaflbeb.oi be geuenco a too
man to be toaftfteiMf (he be not a'
bp?SPn,lbe topi ptfItrooiJe,ietUe

be a bi?5)in>(&e toi'II not ppffe.

Ci Jf tfjou to?!te Ouetcome tbp e*

C^aUetbe (ione,toI)itI) ii e&lleD

3Diaconit{0,fcom p Stagona be

aO.$nt) if tbe done be b^atocn out

from b^in alpufjit is goooagaj^
tide all popron3,nnl) be tljat bea*

tetb in bis lefte acme, (ball otiec«

come all bfg enmipes.
CJjf tbou toplte tngenbec lone be
ttoene anp ttoo.

<E Cabe tbe done,tobtcbe tScaU

leD (0cbites,a it is catleD of fome

3qUtieas,becaureti)eCglea put
tbefein tbep? nt(leS.31t isofpnc*
pl(coloi,anb it is founb npgb tbe
banbe# of tbe £)fceqii fea^ fome
of ftattetf.
;ptitc tu ISetfla.anD ft contefoetfy
atoapes an oti;ec (toone in it ,

tuliicl) founDctl) in it, mtian it m

nameDjt 10 TapD of anncieiit pijp
lofopljetS.tiMt tljpjf (ioonc ban*
gcb bp in p it ft (boiilOec, gctretb
lone bettocne t\)e l^ufbanbt anb

bps iwpft. Jit is piofptabtc to too

mcngtcat toitb cbPlbe, tt fettctb

bntpmelp bpitbe, it tntttgatctljt

tbepetpll oftttabpnge a fenttfe i
itisfapbe tobegooDto ttje that
batbtbcfaUpngefPcbcnes. ano
as (b'cmtn of Cbalbta fate,if pop
fon be tn tbp .nieatc,pftlje a foit*
fapbe ftone btp(ittn,tt letter!) tbe
tbat meate mapt be ftoallotoeD
botinf. ini)ifiebetab(nout,tbe
1 btbfee tbattbpslaft boas eta*
mpneb fenftble of one of otii't b?e»
* v f

CUftboiiiurit matte a man Curt,

CCato tite (tone tubicb <0 callen (3 fotmDc in the tea
it is Omunge anti tubbt. inb it (3

tavbe fit ttie boite of Slcbojattj, {>

ffttbe bojnc befojetl)ti)8m,it

.mattetbamanfate,% tefcajmetb

a mitigatett) all rebftton#,^ bp U t3 Capb airo.tijactt mp«

tigatetbtlje flpeg.bottl) long bpn

bet leggetf,^tofjicb botittmb co^ne

toitb toucbing of it, s beuouretb

p cefibeb)>fO!iie3?cloub(3> baple,

anb (Utb as bane po toer of p fttii

teg of tbt cattb. 3!n& it batb been
pionebofpbilofopbef3ofiat tint

anbofcettapneof once btetbien,

tbat it being put againft p beam
oftbeftmne puttetb fn«b fpecpe

beames.Hlfo pf tbi3 (tone be put

inreefbpngtoatetjtbe feetbpnge
toiti (oont cta(e>anb tbe boater
™ lli* -
toflbt cbltii a Utle aftec^

c jJCtbou toilt tbat (icauhgct^

lualbefutt anbfaff,

IV Cabe tfye Oone.mMcbe ig cal«

UD ^pacintlm&m cnliQje a 1 a*

ctncMtfsofnianpcoIctirtf. Clje
gcciic it batb teabe bar*

neMttoulbbcfcttn frlucr,anb
It t'SCapti in tfctaiti lectures,tbat

tbt w is ttoo bpttbcs of it, of p tea

tct,® of § ^apbrje.'Cbf ^actuct

of p matec.ijs piloto tobptf. Qbc

iacinctof ^ ^npi)tts,tS bcrttor*
ninsreloiue.bauingno toacu®
ncirf,a tbig ig better^ it is tout*

ten of tb?%in lectura of plniofo*

PbctS.tOatitbcri'S bo^nc on tbe

fpngct.o? nccue, mahetb (tcaun*

gergfare,® acceptable, to tbcrj

BbcRcg.ainOitpiOuobctb drape
to? tbe coIDtude of it,9 $ Jacinct
of ^>apt;r jt batbpjopccir

IL Jf tljoutovlt be (aueb from bf^

"!{«;£ (Uaiices; anD pefttlct Utttesf.
VfCnbctbe (lon,b)btcb is callet)

^DjtttbcgjOftobicI) ttjece^tn

bed,otic b!ache,an otber giene $
tljt ti^bc,of tbe biiifcb one pacte

t'srougt)e,ant)t!ic otfjtc plaptte,

anb tljc colour of it id Ipbe tbe co«
lour of plate ofp^ot^but tlje gtcn,

batb tubpte fpottcjs. ttbpd Sone

bome, pjcfcruetl) fromc t)?uttfe

c!jaunceg,ati'o perltuo: of beatl;,


Ciftliow topit ma&e peacc4

iV^ntietI)eRot),tol)<cl)iB calleb
a ^)apf)ire,tol)tcb commetbfcom
tlje iBafte into 5ntie,ati it tbat id
ol rcloUje coibute id befl:,tol)f>cl)C
tdttotbcrpe b^p8bte,it niabctb
peace anb concoitie,it mabctb tpe
thpnbe pure anb beuoute totoorb

eSobjitorengtljtnetl) mpnbe;
(ngoo^tlirtigeisi.d mawtl) ami
to cole from tntoacn tmtte.
Of tftoutoiltcureabi^grn* ,
sV^abe the Oonc, lot^tcbe t# tab
UDS>autni0, fco tljejlc ^auna

It hot I) mabeftrmc 0} cofolttiate

fljtn^nDoftijebtatec of(t.aim
bejjjige bounbe to tijie batibeofa

bjoman, ttauapltiig tottl; cbpbtl

ft lettetb tlje bp?tb ,i'inb bepetb ft
tnbealpe. ^Dbetefojc ft t'sfotbtDs

Den fn fucbc a buf^nc^.ttja't tbts:

} «'■

fetiboii ©afte fpnbe mani) ctljee

Ipbe tliVtigcS:in tfje bobt of
iteff, of ?aton anb cua)*.
•StWw mamiec of bopnge tbcfe
ttjfiigegjconnttctb in fl)ia,tljat p

beatec fojagobt)tffectt,be clean

from all.pollutionbcfplpnge

jof ffje WDpfr



•"gr fcmctt) to fapt, f

, ■ ^icama batfy in tljt ijcaDt a
flonc of moil noble ijettue,anDfo

of lobptt colour, b;aptD,ge

ticntotf)cintljatt;auc tl;e ilran< loufctb perfect

lj» tbe b?pnt,anb fiiojttlp Ijenlctl],

itputtetb atoap tl}£ truer Quar*

tarnc. aifoitiauetbatoajra
tobptefpot o# perle in tbc epe.
aifo pf a booman loitb tbilC<sbea

re it on ber (be (ball not (oofe bet

bp?ti).3ilfo tije fleibe of tbem fobs

bin anb eaten,13 goobto tbem ^

bane an e>;iilceration,o? fo?t in ?

lunge^jtoitb a ccntumpeiou of al
tbe bocp.anb fptttingofblonbe.
3lfo tlje poutber of tlje becftejf,

boitb tbetpnbc^barbt of trees

tuftl) fomtsrepntg ofiBepptr,^
pjofitable agafnCt tbe ffmerolitjs
ant) grotoingc outofftcQ) aboute

tbe battotb<0. Upltetupretbep

btpngc taboe^biareb tottl) tpn*

m o} bacbes of tree is»b?e a bt tt*

pe fnpoRumc^

cCbetfiftjbeboke ofaibctttijf

S^agiio0,oftbc btctnep of


F0^armue^e au tt l>at^ bteti

fpobenfntbeboobe before of
cettapne (ffecKp, catifeo be tbe

bett«< of ccttapne &f one^anb of

ibepjmatHtlouptjtrtHe e; opcrar
flontttolue boe bopll (peabt fn
Chapter of certapnc

tapne beaOe JJ.

€>f t$e


3 otote
3 gptt buebt


3n bate

3 putpapg

3tucf(t (plotter
a lapbafg.o; blab

S ptlllcano
3 crotor

3 tutttU
3moHe (otoftl


clowlla^t Caglf te abpibe

bnotoen fnougb of oienOf Cbal*
Oeajit tptaU(0^o}ar>at)b of tbe
pttbt# wimbfttig.satf ai fSftajt

twiMatit batpe n fottwpftia

narnre bjif wrtur.'Jjjl.fftff tuakt
6fit be tut bcttinro poultiircJt) be

wteo votw tbeiwk or tbtjbfnu.

lochc.tbeptbattai bftr^tDalYaae
tbcm feiftsbpt^t btart,aot)[tb(p
(ball bot leapt tbebtilbt,^ louse
as tbep BiactjtWf tbtpbaue rc-

ttjiicB. etftt eauie bfijrgiffttte

fs,(d^ tbat f-b^intis btrpecOW
(nromuebtrbat it ensfiitijetb t
rantaftuall t)ertue,tbUtti)isttbe

^Caffo (Sa Beaflt f> (g Bnotuttir

totllpuotiQljf^tig talltb isapa,

oftbe€btiii!tts>aut) of tbt
its eDjtiraio.. a at on rapetti of

ibiir.lff tbt ftttt of it bt bd?ut of

Inj' tban, it (ball mute bc btf*

tb/but be (ball tefrge alia:apes

«.«» to
<E©Mbo,« JStic&e qtoU, j|s
Sucli pnoug^ bno bien^tiicbcifii

rallto^agts oftbe .*$

Qpfbjm&of tije dBnetitg

bemttufylous heittiig of, pftlje
ftotp of it, bp MU:WtiM0h

&&&!!>&nbdttap'mti^ m

$ow c&awt'Mt

, ^ iDftjeaffetf.
mi "rtrft «JJ>$ tiait) ben p^otiri
aiatetpmeofourbjeth^}). acnb

ff'anpwadput tops bttbec bpg

atnie bDle.nib Cogge txipll baruc,
at bVm,but kept (tiencc. 3nb ff

tbefetbtngt? afojtefapbe, fopnea

together bottl) a totnge oftt be h$
get)bptoattee4bj'?t)es tuplt ga»

thee together to that tter»

5arteteciis,t (Botebuche is a beaft
toefl pnoughUnotonejtt tp call rb

of the€balbetS(Srb(ch(>off' gtc<
bes^airat.31ftheblo«tioftt be
tabenboarme boitb btneger. anb
the fupce offtnpll,? fobben togc=

thertottb aglaiTejtt mabetbtlie

glafft (afte as boboe.f ft mare be
cafte dgarnft a toalle, anb not be
btohen.Hnbrf the afojtfarbcotu

fectfon be put in a beftel^anb the

fare of anp man be anotnteb huth

ftimtrnafloup shojtible thing e^

i ■, ■. . A / *
aifl> t&m befttte tbaf
ftatb tbefalKngefttrtnMf, bp du(


ItD of tbe Cbaftefa Cttof, of fee

fKbes 7pbjm.3lft,be blotibeol

ft be put into tbe fapnt of p braft

tallefi ^tellto.d tbett fet on anp

inas beab.tobftb fsipiu a lifatb,

banfngotibis bacbe fpatteo ipbe

tbali feme tbat beib a

Bt>W,m at bp a bcai tpin bea*

tttn.lWb tt rpi0 (art in tbe botte
of SttbOjeatb >of#ercutp,3nbpf
a lantern anotntto tuftb P blouti

of it, be IpQbttnqeb ,it Qall fet^e

tbat all men Saitopnge aboure
bage xrameiltiB beabbrs, fo tfcat

tberebe no outtsarti Ugbt of an

otber canjbtlt.
C^epusi, tbe bare w a bead to e{
pnougb bnotoemof tbt Cbalotta

It 10 catuo tajttetellQ, anO oftije

(Btebes ^)nollofa> tbe btrtueoE

it 10 'beiiotbto bemerttalousjfo^
tfuajt ant) laronfapb tbat § fete
of;tt iopneb mitb a gone ot tmtlj

tbe beabof abTttcqe pmreil,mo<

uetba man to bactiint0 .fo tqat
anb if it be bonnbento bpa lefte

arme,bt tnapgobobetbecbe boii

anbbe ftatl refttrnc fawfe toitb^
oute perpll» ainb pf ft be ge*
tien to abogge to eate, tuittit pe

part of a naefei^fro tbenp.toetb

pf tbei^one <

, ittbanp^ftxUet.-.
not^eaf e fojftfjjace flf fiapcg.
StnDpftteafo^rapbe tllpngt l,

ptittuub a Httell Cucpentpne it

mm tleatt.a fecpnfilp it (balbe

wapte sg a tloo&t a bloufi,anliif

ciLeota t-pon $ a beafte totll v*

notigli fettototn, of Uje CftaHlefe

calleoiBalamHa, of tljf (Srecbcg
JSttuffj. aftljonsepofletbtrbc
wafic of tbeffepnne offctm, anb a

not ftare ftts enempttf, affib pf

m wan toplleateoftbeflffbeof

ppw4a i»pU ^pnfcfbfbpptoaftc

mrniaplbti*, $$ dSttajc f
awonfape, fo; ir<tope(b;fattlj;

oftoafec,t^( Jfiacte retnapnpiis^' tpntsecto taae
ana te at mpjceD to tat blouae of

tat fotolt, eaiieafn Hattne tauU

iar,«oa<ta lomecall in cngUft) a

<5tpt)t,ana romearat)pn,arta at

pat anatt auge in anp place, tad

tbau all aobo mahp fotttetr tatp

bt.crcoutrtadt Ipfe ,a0 taep aaa

before. 9na i^tae tooptt of tapg

trit be atatbtitouf,anBpttttti p
one monetafiat booime (balBt
cbaungcatnto a b«cp biactte tele

of toWtat>ff anp man ttatteaie,

be flfall Dpt. ' ;/

fuSfctentlp bnotoen.lftae^ace
oftapsbtatt be eat; pet qnal
oftbpabtao qtia&ii

fttetbUb a manl^ biiiw'f


iWW^i-.irla tfiitiii sell oi -i 6;

ftBpwpa,# HaptiDmiieD) bbtcie
plou tsim bwuruifWeittl? ww■,

^eMfycta^ftbetfttjefecff K&mfc

Wji of it t)o;n«>moiKiii m$ poflEn

o; great. Unoritpfiei'tiri^irtie

batb ben p;ouet> t bte i>9|iiofffl«r!
b^tbrut. >c;.v. r^lto.CUSJO'ifi

a Imbfofftrtentlp feuotDtn.fWsft

taHeb of tbtCbalDt^ttoUcnaD

fM<!-mnMM»L hi
i I) i il.jgkT.' B

ir»1 '<I<H ftJ< iTTtmii l:P iR Hrffili

lirnnranraraET® w MSii n

fcoacm e in t(;e mouth of the #oude

bf»?Wg,thtphoftwte?ue foonea*

gfeo bp tothe netke of au^ b^tie.

it ftall flfe altoa^ep,hntplt ttfal
fieOO. ana thetight fote of ft bn»
bttmnhote thpniiaftit thp ttio>


tit n

m£DethF8%>- ■ '" i, t
ftCo^aug.caUeti offomc a iftauS
OfthPS fohatefg metuapldtftit as
<£ua£ anh aatoucehctre. 3|fhtt
Jt. SH. ^Jyr*- "i. -- - - *v .. i-

ua^fouiS to (tyro i^i foo*
Btn tggeg. aftfepstttoonf biput

Lltlfr 'j.'. t: m

*i:' I f ^ i \
faficrtrttip kHoiuntyof ti^e

odt^taftft^anotiojinf btf^e a
mnsbftaditf gtuttbto tit lout
anb fMot)tt (if£f ttiin& toomth
3f (t be^atigtb too ffct n<(Ht of
an fy£nnc>Q) tfti1!! atuti ciafeto

fioine^n^pllif fit puttrateafe.

miTMTMi TJslT'T m1«T1 aTl ^lu.

ten toitti ttic bleooe ofttybe'tiBpU

not cwtDtfroihetftens fofttit.
Gtint (0 actttaititSdnflMitiOe

fotbe bneta of tbW

lobtb frafttlp,ti)l)irt)«if it btptit

ftalbt mabt Jttnbca, anOftfttt

^ 'V7'j % ■ »"•
nongt • - | 4 ftj # v' * ■'■

of btaftetf

Ion oftOc Ctmloeto.of tot <Btte*

hcjS |S»tlflF.3f $ Oatt oftbte foult
Iiebdtntln a tnolOt^t (hpnnr, be
tbat btO^ctb ft, (baUnturf bane
anappttptt to coaiftttt Ictbetp

ftOnitbtn^foub.llf ttje battc of

ft be botn0,abo be put abotte tbe

(gStjet of aiw fobDie.tbtrt can ne«

titt ponge birbto beengf tibjtb of

Ibthifroth tbcncefottb. 3nD If §

fetteoftbpofoln.iebt bangeb to
atfee.ft Ml ttofbtare frutte fco

tbtnetfo^tb, 3nt) pf an beatpe

platc,anDau l)0?rc bet anopnteb

biptbttieblouDDc of ft, anb toptl)

liiatefbttntttn tbaf a ^olle tosg

fobbttn,tbe blatbe bcott^ bopli

ongnbnotDtn. Cbeomucof

t$ .W ntctupiouj?, apf tt

tfye fott of ft be tojtapptVfn d Uaf

of a TLauctl tr«,ani) M tMt tn tbe

moat!) of an bo?fevfe« tot ft flecroi

feace, ano ft ft 6c pot fn tftc ncde

of anp fot»fe,tbit«fDalt nc net co<
me fojttl) ponsb^aoftbefe eg*

ge&anb if tboti tofftb^ne a toaf

inolleg.ptrtitin a po^anb qupcbe
birmftonc bfttwebi alitbeotber

nioUesftaltomt tOgetliit fbcta.

anb tbetoattc of tbatbeeoetton

ma hetb a blatbe bojfe bobpte;

c^ernla.a blacbemacbeojeofn
ftiMgafotolttnelfpnouftb brtoi>
boemanbtbe betttieaf ffitfrniEt.

rfgbte topnge of ft bt tanftcl bp

to tbt mpbbep of ambottff.toftb

a f eabteafe.tobfeft tbajSblUftpt,

tupptb > no mart toafbl abfi tM

flepem tfmt Mtybtfrft ft-bt

fytt tttute if <#
be pdt DnDtt ttje btabe of a man
fiep^nge.a f»e be fnquieto^t tvtlt
Uareaftijat Done toan


CCfte manct ofDomge aUtljftt

beroite(a2'0 tringojtftat tbe effue

map bc gooDs p^o.Uable i» ttjae

ft be toone onott a faoootabfe
planer,ag Jnpftcc aftBtaemia, s

tbfafo ftttpefrOapra mm ton test

If anp ma tl trfo?e mat bo tiiefc
tbpngep ttn£lp,tBftboutt ficubte

befoaUfpnOt trnttj, $ oirpgreat

effrtt o; bettor, fntbe before faj>&
tbpnpep ap 31 tiaue pmutf,? itnt
Ofttiitpmep togeti)ec toiri? cote
btrtfcen in oure tpme. ®t)£rTc;e
fpnfie plentpe of tfje befo^tfarDc

fblngctf ibarHjepofRffttt) a lo^b*

Qpp anbitttfnta. ^oj if t|jcp ot

;■ n ■ bone
fiotw fn tbtitt tontcatred, ass
gooti effect fn a tnalj ccoufe ffgne*

WSS bectur anb effect C QioutDefie

fetteo fo; t)t0 contrarfc.ft Co gcoff

anD true tbingea tyoutt) be byfp(«

tib.Kae fee seep many to be Dctei*'

«eD>tit fnre«ttue tbingcfMobtdy

tf tbey babbe btiotoen, atib btpte

tbe qualftfea of ftgne#, of tpitieg

tbep ffioulb bant obteyneb tbeyp

tnyll anbefecttifn tbe afOjtefafDe

C'jfibo^uS femttb to faye^tbat P
aftfjep of agteatt ftogge, bo^ne
at a toomanf gf?tt!e. teQcaynctb
greatly tbt commynge of a too'
mana natqcall putgatfon.
•feUnti in a p?obattot),yfft be boil
Den too an l^ennea necbe, tbece

Qail come fojtt) no bloube c^ber*


^ifoff ftbetempertD boftbboa

BeanDrnt^feBir^^ce iDilaar
moiEgrot»«tbett. :; v , '

1i Ifan^ maa irtaee a noggeat

Battc onBto lefcrpDMlt tt)e D03

gta 8)att Bold tBittpeatc^ti not

BatabatB^m. /
Cflarifinan topUi^ntit f tisBt
tpcolatt BDolfe on bus tlgBt ileue

ntpt¥»m(h tio; Boggt# raari

<» ,, » . . v. , t 1

•ft ^ttc Ore cnBett fome Utttttfr

ofSIBatttia^agnua of colonc

SS?on pattftes^trttu^anB efftc

ttadficltapne^crbca, ^lent^'
atm JStaOe^SfbliBete folo»

'ftttB ftitof^tBOtfr euctf

► _T

Qtalt note«tbat an^otirttdtaben
»l 11

oftfrBpafaj dotbf^Uii
10 altoapte tqualU Ctjt tntiquaH
Ijoute IjaconftDtceB.aftir t^at tbe

VMflijf mVBiff B'/^l

tpmt,in tb« Jtoupne

ftanbitb bptai b!>$ balfi(pNre>

ant)|b(F caUttbf bas o»tb«bP^
j)f tbi0ap(»an6bp iba coadatpc
tlje nj'gbt.libap WwiCiD tbat tp<

mt tol)t£t)|<be^tat tfte ba&forff

«quail pattrb^btcbt bttbi bou«
TIT* llini f: 11«H11' ^ I^fFn j till jfli
ipfie of ib t batift^oQ MtKllnt
jDnrfttfniKcontratttofrc o^ragtjt
tnOtbat tljottmayfli tonDcrftonu
nto?t clcttlp^Ut m put tt)t cafe,
tDe^iunut com trbouttf torn bfo

balfetl)l)we,at.bfti.oftl)t epaiu
ffi)ebaue tmtotbegopnge bounc

oftbe ^unnejemtUouttgoftfyc
tpalt.tomtt) me mape tnultfplpt«a£>et)tee be«i^ niinUtts ot

tuecp bouce of tbe &pal,^mr(bal

bane npne bun^etb, $ tb?e fcoce
tnfnuteg,tobicl)tBtntaye DeupBc

bp,)cif.aatb«e bt.fii. boutea of

ebe oape,applying to tuetp boutc

■- bpa pojciott,® mebaue. Dcjec. nit •

nuttg man boure. ttbttfo^c cue.

cp bonce of a bape ftallbaue.Ivpc

mfnutea,tobtcb Q)aU contepnu.

bonces one tbfebe of an botccc of
tbe bpaU.3fnbm all tbat tpme f

botmnfonoftbeipianete of tbat
M\ ilMin

fcleictittb fiojtitttnftsltQidton
l}o«« of bpjK itpQbtc IbftB
nctbaot bur.)c!;mttiutt{!<)xiMtbe

oi D^r0,atcojQUigtaiuCtivtng
oftbc ^tirnietiponibtfiCDtinCf,

tnr t)Or0 betboeneitpstt anli bap?

mil® & He oamtingr pf p

tape tpnot calUb ttje tiapc, put $

tape'tp pjopettpe pnPttQanBe,

Daban tbefipannt ipapfitftut. •

ccpttefc^f tbou; tofUpnge too

ronfp&ettbtiwmltnon of tmtrpe
^!ai«r,fo; tn euttp boutt,.«:iittp

#lanfte batbe ppp pomtnton:,

tfjou ©alte fonftPct tb« poot^p

tbrnt ftlfcPfdftu tpe tcapt ajbioue
toxtttift^ans fotpou mapt tflme

^totpt tnit of tpppurpoft*'! Sllfo

i; : I ^ t'H il-'-:. I;'1:'!'' :;

Of- btdfttit'
tfjfbtgwmtiigc of tie tapt i# ton

ftDertbfrom one of tbe etotke of

etiv&ape^orttg before, ofttt noo»
ne^olet tbt ^onbaretietttox
Oibtnto ttoo eotiail oattro, anb
(tfoof.crt.tioutto.litutlie it fnto
tojo,tfjtn tt)e balfe bape toalbe,
jcbut.anb ttje out folobotng
fbatbe tfye brgpnapnge of Hfyaiv

&IDbetfei?fttbotiQalte conftbtr

tbat feonbaptbafb Ws ftgue ton*


fl^onbare bacb bPO ftgne bn&ct

tfiiemoOnt, "t H

Cufbayebatbe byg Ifgnt fmbtr

tnaw. ; ,

l&e&tiifoapbatbbtKftgne bntce
mptffi vitttt

fEfMitfbape ba^bf^ fpane bnbec

aupttee. < ,

gFiplap batb bfofpsne bnbttif e

frtoi: n«.3

AaturDap^atdi ^ fygne botttf

$>a(ttti)qj8V '•■i •:1 *.

cEfttatoobctiottft ttjat tiut^i
troe am wuftebe bant bobetbltf

pianm. at)i)ttt9t)cmt,|)fttbe
bone <n tfte p.ioptr bape of tyepla

nttf^nD intfuotonepjoptt fious

asfojanfjwmplt. «* ■ . %
tlfntuc $»atni:tiua>lpft,buplt)tng
liocttine,mutatton. . k "
tanbet jupitecvbonout} tbftigbt
ftttD^tptpeMWrattt; : i
Hinbtt ^arp.tjjatcf.p^
tuiDfc tijt £iunne^opr,Iuttefo;

tUnDtt to enu^ftenbe o; felotntc

ftrp.iMepjowf.fttaungeci ; ia
Jonbet ^ctttirp,lofl'tJbet,f»bm

tlliKbtt tbe^pnt^polapft^bjjtiuit

mstfljawKtpftjf&iftr* !5'(af£
U: ■'* '•' ' ' ■ ffijif
a.«(k . •
e Ceconfie tuett

OT,tn t!>e fpfti ftamcntt^ W- tfee

Jjt'.JtiptteMti tlje.bU. ^at«, in §

irifctbe i^unhe^iMDe.ii:. Utna^

in tbe .¥. ^erctt^oUKvin tbe.ict

tf>e #001)*; w tire* pttj iMtw*
tmg; ■■■;>•

■ <E©ttt fnthe bouceof t^e

npsbte Jupifw, in tbe frtonbe
tirtbefotictb $jenu0> inttM fpfte
flpctcuciasf,i!i (©ootK
iWtit .bfLj&atttcnus.tiv


^* . > » v. ■ '• n, "


IL ?\ ; 'ti ini' i if OPj SftlHifc IL

fifye moottt,tn t^e fwonDe ^afnc*
ini0,in tbe tbpjDe'jBpttcc, <n the
fottttb ^atfiiin tbe fpft p jh&w

<11 tbc-t)<.ts}(nu0:in tbe.btt m«»

curia0*tntbe,tu(it. tbe tnoone,iti

tbf .fc.fcatt»tnu$,ta iupp»

tec,in tl)e.rj.mac0,in tfct* #(> tbe

3^5Jut tntbefpjlltlioutt of mon«

bait 0 nigftt tbe feconb

meccunntfjtbetbtrDe tbe moont
intbtfouttbe ^aturntiOiin tbe
ftfte InpiteMntbe.nt. ^aco, in

tbe. bit. tbe 6>unne: (n tbe. btit.

mmus.-iti tbe. (p ^;ecittius»1a

tbe r.tbt 09aonet tn tbe* ti. &Z*

tnctmaao t be.rfi. Jipttec.

C In tbe fptOe bout*of Cuf&apt

in tbe feeoaBe tbe Auntie
intbetbp^be tatenut, in tbe.titi.

S9trcu(iu0,itt tbe fpft tbe moont

tntbe,bf.$l#iiciwja[,in tbe .brt.

the (eeonUe luplte^intht.u^
#arfl,(n. tlje.tut Jtbc d»unne, to

rueiti0»inttjtfeuentt)ett)e fiPooti

w,tl)fi.tittfcAatarau0, in tbe.ijc.

3i!«ptie*: tntbr ftfltfee i^artbtn


« ® f thf Milpjitt
boutc j^ the ttfonde

hns,in tbe fourth'Juptf«in the

(n tlie rtuentiie,iitnu{i>in tbt tp*

gbtt; ^trctft^ rn tije ni>ntbe

•■ in
tljt fccon&e mcnu^fn
tih ii j'ffiiii j n#:' ^M'Trtwrr

ict»<ntl)E.tJ«, ^acstj (tit^e.«(((«
tljc ^oam, in t^e. ty. mcmt&in
the. t. g&ttcutiug:«. fi.^tftt

^oone,^ eh(«rit featuwmg*«

۩n chutfDap in thel^ft bottc

muimrTin »TT (mum iiTTmm

titthe the.iiii;uenuis

«n the.ii<^etc(ictt)S,in the.hi<thE

i!0oone,tn the.t)ii>%anttnU9,in
the^bm.lupittr, in tfte.^to mart,

in the.r.the fetinnt,iti tbe.pi, tie

ems,in tht.rit.mettutins.

fp^tthourethe moone,tn theltrSh

Aiaturnu^in the.iii.Dupitie tin

ti(nfiiei»t.a,#tcttitte8tet. W. &
^Boone:4t^itl.^atntnoD :at .t>.
|u(^ac0. tr. tit. the

mctusiat.Citbe ^oont:at.)Ci.&a

S&iBHt on S tpnbpcu nrgbtai mt

of tbie clotbe #aT$;at<tt.^ ^fine

at.tff«mentio:at, Ufntntrcnc^ttier,

af.b.tb( £lBa(>atur><.3ttpftir:at.t)ttf. mattf;. tbe fewnncs af.j.iaicnu?:

ar.^f. 00(»Kifc t\)t

#oon(. „ i, ;
C£Dn jfeaticbait at ontoff dote

Aatnrnup^t.d*lupft(cat .iff.
~ roatu
vtn^cat.biia^etjcarfoemt Dtii
tt)( #Bon^ ar. Mt(.^ahit;nti0j

the ^unncat ylt.tiiienua.'

c ® Mt onibt ^atueDKtHEg n(i$t
at one cf tljtjlotfet titare«rfu0,at

ti.tbe featfttntift

at.ttti.3a{iUtt,at<b.ftians»ntv ti<
ttje jfeiunne,at.t){tuet)R0>aM)<it

ttteMSttti&aMtttbe ttiooRt)

^&tntmi0tat .)ri.iapttct,at)ct^
clno not t^at Japftte ana tie<>

tans begooa^amtnaa^ d0arg;

tuell,autt|)(Saunne anO'

|bc 0@ooneinathfanrj
aaQ eueUtt

*■; :.•
« .■...'
fcV "'. i- ' - > ■
ft btgftAiee^ tbe bobt jjf tbf
meruapleu ofti)ttoo#iri,rtt fojtty


— af jsbplofopberjs.fc

motic anb indpne to

tbtnt ft Ke^rtattfe an
attiue anti tatf onable bettue (n

tbe m»tobfelj tbep QUpbe^anb moo

tieaftbelUetijtM felfes) ag to o«
tbe tfiiaff fp?e mouttbto fp>t,anti
toatct to boater.
It 3tUo ttnteenna farbe,t»t)ena!
tilpng Rabetb longt tn;ralte,ft tg

rette#anbtfan!> tbpngeQanb tns

Spnitpnge plate, tt is tnaOe flpn«
ftpngeJtiDpfanpe tbpnot (tan*

betb bottb a boi&maiiytt fe maoe

boiottpfit UatiDe bottba teatefwi

Sltttitfa bead companlttOlAme^

tt iflmabe tractable 9 famplpar^

anti gtntraJJp, it te bet(f£e& or
tbetn bf reafoni$,anbbttie((« etpe
titttcf ^hat ettttp nature mouelb

to byg ttyftbe^aob tbettbttertens

(sbnototiiintbe ftcde qualitteg,

anb lybetopfetn tbcfetonbt anb y
(ami rbaitnmbfntbetbttDfrinft
tbrce is notbingc tnallbtrporitt*

ons^bobicb moueeb to it dlfr, ae*

rowing to big &>bciU pobDtr.Snb

tljfe toagtbetotijanb tbeffconb

bigrimitig of tbi toojtbtg offetti
teg,anb toutne tbou not aboaye


c 2Sftic tba( tbig mag gtafteD in

tbi tnynbig of tbe)bbilofopb«tg

anb tbey foanbe tfte bifpollftion
oftiatutalltbpngig* f0; tbcf
fentto Cutely tbat great colbe is

gtaffeb in iotne, in fotne gnati


MJ t-Wl SponjOj: #f tgiifiqm in*

UQiontfrtB m aijnt*
W &


i$ not Utwe anD DiBetott)*

fttttigttjetljl)#! iv&fjanCUiouitljf

tnouttl) anOcriilj^atttJrtfi: In!]


$ant raft) tfcat tljt Utttl ^ut)

totijeTifWC,^trtreMftf trttmiiu

!}tipcti) ripjsipue. ant) tout

mtp or one mett att into anotMt

caUeO ailclHWttcs bnO'toe'tljattp

t!ianK£ftttutb«,t)Oto tike nattiee

fetcttlf enttett), anti teiofecH) of

tjfji ifne. antr^netf ftenct%ati)

n OPoe ntttfiiO ttilb in if be.

3nt) nine t^ti)i0t)iltgehtlf ifo;

great mttufttidti0i»o;ke#Q)fcli)e
fenebpontllfisi'1" • ,r !f

^jgoto ft («tj^tKf SnDput in

all mensrnifhoeiBitljatetfftftift''
tutail bfrfbt^ns) tgat etrttf 'fta*

nafidaUmnitpBMia (innnfttffjp
fome otfyer.atmtttKpyitf efcattj

ftnii t)o*tibte

be fiacure.aa fea*

i&lti SDoifr,anbubnatiiietbaot
onelp btm altn^bmaiki b(a{),ao£

on#bf figljtjbutalfo b^.tanr, $

tbe bare fearetbtbetcge atibtbe
ifiottCe tlje enttevanfialf onte foo*

teboeaflca feace tbe ^ou^atib

aJtflJietngb}'?l)fSfl}'e. tbeiEagle

anoillliieafteafeart man,«t&£
(srgraiifeb to cuctt one bpnatnte»
^hORtmebaue tbPS ^tttiabuin

toram rt)ectcin,atiCiac all i^atesit

lajffome ottelp,S&KtmHumwlMtt
'1|imi%anbat aeerfa})nt<ttmte. «

•' nib it of a !
. (Pile : ij&lHto®
tcsy Ijat j ijey to^c

[ii li \ iill Hi «TTT'

patfiafanaattogetwi aftee

riimrt of t^e C&fnstaf ttte toolfe

9po aipiirt^tUitabout o? b?um«
OaS^maiie of ffatnnt of awolfs
teacttt) babKbtfainalie of a0c<i
pts f apaiki«iot to bt btat&£>:« fo

is ttitt-al otbnjl. ainb note t^on

tft^fojagtoiiBfttMtea \.
cant it is nratttfefte to atl ;«nf n,
tbatainantstbetntieof namtsl
t^ tbtttailtiatucaltbiafie

acetJF bPW» • be outtcoittiti) ,-all

tijfnaea. ana natucall tbFnstti
iHnucnntucrtUDbetttnce gtafftD
tir tbttn to ntaii«aiH)tbat tnanto
fUtiofall >m(tuaFloufneo,£o;tbat

tubFtn atcailsonOtctono, tbat (0

tn^ftjmpttaimcejtii brat 9 toll*)
f? ropetatt in t&ts- tbmst tljat it
ibpHvWiD in tn te ttte
tff«UtJ)pngt,atiliatlt«ft£ie etft^
fttiii&etst) to mans bDUp.W feiff . ft
eatrp memapiQitottom g corm tbi
fo^tbc of tyto),but amatttatlje
jMifait tljrfe tbrngcfi atowe ttotc
liitttnbtotcs tpmes,anli to J2>r«
tttcCto tottotbuto >ant) to Ijpm ts
fouitoe tbe efftttt of all tfjpngm*;
Cbou fraltmott bofomtKbettas

ronmapfc scotitp^cbttibc.a tmta

mntbe ttjou map p?oHtbp.tb« at*

petitoce^r ntfootuibetQajtto - tUot

tototb ts agapnft raait»

n to if to uomanbuttotb ftootoe
tfcat ftiirptppng to fui oftitfttiet
iooa operatlotiS i anTi tbpu bnfir-
totftnot tobpcbcto gcfateft ope*

tatton,tplltt)DU baaep^Quebtt.

tobeceof be toiotoetb nottytoge,

bob tpat batb boneno plf afwrc to


Bwtti UtiD:euctp t^ngft)<l^ jOt

w« anutoio^thatts p^optc too)

WtnitWDfj'^ts nofemo^entrct)^

fie^s aiMJaft6t?«i<i(Dtbtcinntut»
p epfie* (a TOtttiai t m fwtac® «
ifttft tc fafi&pon.SffnD!)? tl)at:lJtUi

ttetUtbat merttaplttfnf s of tbwi*

geg toinmetli'ftbmljot'flf totDiian
not butftipeilfac tijeci is atfttos
fepngfj^kteuetp tljpngcbatU xi,f

Ijeate anti coJDtttat tonupmSt

tartirj SinD bBtbatbcUucti) tbat

fictreSkfotbobpcbeall tbrngeiS
taitetljercmttitaplcu? anb^pbe

p^optctie^map bttbtu tbatijutri

tbpnge liatljc bP0P?optt' fpgiarc

^ttUdtaU agrepnge to th^Mrtf

tt^mjcaUacomrtt) mHuaptatir'


tolJt^lJegpniwtb.lwgimietl) DH^

luca Demminate atcenbentet ct

if(?(ail tnftneHce^ aht scttrtt)«

pfapftfffccte.o.t bertuc of

iptige,6> i»o?iun0 a ntecuaploua

tljpnge. JloOljc t&amieuetiH*

u»!t^ bp amptpe.jaiiacsacjnptic,

aapgeai an&ftllpfti'f <a« not be

HenptD fo fo; totorauifjtljus bnp'
(ictfall etterpe tbpiigc t$ full,of
Htecuapllous tfjpnge^afttc eufri
to ape .of fcccbpnge t^t natuees

of tbeitt JnD aftec tbac

lofoptoW fenetoetNSjtljepbtga

C#Wo favt!) (ti.TUbJo tegimetji

tbatoe ff)at ii not a rppcotf ta

llog<be,of tol)ftl)e tlje toioe titan
opage $ maOOt teaOp; a Ipfceb

' .. Wx
i&pm'mWe bt tpgbe abb tpeflpfef
Iw thai: tp «tbiiip»8<ln 'HatH'laH

ttilnflf ar» tfldaWbnffJf

#Wb?tl^s, liobte |
tolBi anbw^crtjfebt'efte pjotpc^

tdis of euttp fbpn'gie ftitt telfe! be

©ehjebi anbtabftfte iff not tuft*

nptiote in tbefeitnee bf IIBrolbgy

anb in t&e fffffftcff anbfpgnriff cf
Rtrreff oftDbicfieutrponoftljem

toljicft tfe bp jSPiVatb a bettue«

pitopertpe j «'« not bntKeftanCe

no.z btcifpe^u Ttbpn8tff I to'lipebe

?0bploropbtrW-bau5 tu^ftfen.noj
ean ctrtefpe ail tfopngeff, tobpcfje
fl)all appeabeto manneff lemeff,
aaa foe ©aw-ijb initbbettptJeiR of

tnpnbt ,foi in tftofe tbtngs iff niet

pare aReofogtettibekUefbe
Hjat ail tnaritailoufneff oetbt'ngff

^ttje nttfNI ,

toljantljep btt pW tb »■
fbcr,'tMaref*om aceleHtal fligute
tu&fct) euetptftrttiie getttfft tnf

boufcofbyg bpllpngeoj ^ttfcra*

tton. ijeljatb betiffeD tt fn
<uecp twinge tbafljc batb p^oucD

|ief2>nbetb!t|)at tbe c6ricGttt;fe of

ibptigesfiiiff aicojWttgioftoucfe
oftfic Ittfttd* >tt8 bfetb^^opc a
fjeMpn«fif,8epciitietl) tbe'itdT,«ig

itibgetb t)pif.*3n8tbetfo;e ^ fo
tttaun8fbaUtI)pngc0fdbe non(

rtrfectapn Dares, in cectarn ijon*

teS>fit cettaiite cotnnnctionS,atia

ftperatfoiis, ftr ttttarne arcetrti-

ons, anb ttiftfetouiDe not

attarne to all tbe bnobalebge of

SSbrlofopbers. *
c'S great part of i^briofopbftd
anD pb^fptions, batpc Deltueb
ti^^Utliatmctuapldnftugof et.

mtruaplg, cntnt fconte

to!mn»t)e| b<r

to Ipgftt, bp bqte
tape BjiB inop(te,ani)tljep
tQefe fouc qaalittt&anb put ttient
to be ebe coteg of au macuaplou^
tbpngeg.anDtbe mittton of tbein

is eequftebco wierp meeuaploug

tbpng^btp betffiebtbatrio tbefe

top? iteg«3ttb hjl) att tbep fonupt

tnanpe erpttfmceg pf #l)plofo»

pbeeg,tbep mpgbte not becpfpi
Ibpfe tbpngeg bp botte aiio colbe

but tatijet bp bPP eonttacp. $'t

ebauticetb tbtnt to metuapil con/

tfnuaUptfto beCo.iPf to pen'fe p
pftenttiu!3,altl)3!t3f) tfjtp fe it,
CCpecfo.te t^Uto (apbe fo; a

goob caufc, tbat be bpbpcbe is

itotbecpeonnpitie fa Klogibe,^

tapfe fn tbe btctqe^ of natucalt

- tbpng^,
ft?wf«,ftaU ppt (tttyiiM*
feSDf ipetyqptoHiJ tf)pnges,npJ

fcuotoe tf)etit,pW4>art<rfpat« of g
tjciaftitppfiat)ptufodl)et^, ;
IE $ftcRtoe3*notye M)^.«W'ep

tbpnseftatfet^fiiwftpfbe feffbFis
otoorof fjearaau cplpfeof tpfewJje
it, nta feettj at) gtUtf tbpo ge ffiw

tuatt:bp atcpstut^ Dpjtttfet ana

<«fii«?ett|p>a!mii ftatbip Mi
lt«jj ofibe fttc^antitftt^Bpte

oHn'« gtiietatton,ujl)teb it to#*

itttf) in mojialitpf conftcuttiou,
«wa8tf?n®e3wit^Ot|)tt. s

aia&aottoitijUgOing tu«p tlji?

Jjatbfjta oUpat natural bcttucg.
bp tolucbeeutrytbpnge ig a be*

BfoRfnge pf a nwp.naUoug tfMtc

^mro^eftittsttlmt tiwip pa-

<«« ttiOMctft ft Jjfe otone IpbeJ

;<•? I > • H' , '.• . IN - (, .
; . -f
* '>

oaptotilhts of effftfeftta too^e
«uctptffrnffetbar$iMee,£ f^ttti
i&a» wrtfr tt fa ait^nsfttowi!^

irtb aftotljefcnatHtalt^tneei^
aftf r a t^tte^Wtoare of t|p tftou*

tftemanifefllpitljatf mapftftelpj
tl;p felff,a pifpatefa«to tedfat
3 topU f<i ea
tMgaf^tei)»rolUtttti bf |5l}fla
fopftcF^ anoofiftwauncimrt au*

tijo^.Cljerefo^t'fjaae tbati tbpa

fbpog in tb? mpabe^at an aote mutaaa ft lb bp it ftff
fteipetlj in colbcpafTtonff, ant) tit
faan ipperienct in tbf ,ai agrtttb
ttotta bote tbpnge&bitt fyp accp»
Atnta at fnbietctip^ (jbatttttywc

jiabp acctbent^mapeoeceputtbte

In t be fptd qnalft<e^,fo? pftentp*

'' ■ m$
m«jf aftioteMjpnge (Kaiet^ boofe

Oife > •"f' * ■

fca&t tjp"
pt rictKc.jFitftit be comintt^ toet

tottnoto o(tl)<n8S!,tol)^htc tljtp

bcbott p^jtotDe^ nouputbdf.
atiip aftjec < to tinotfiipiat^ote
tobat iis tb< ^nmuca!
PtopetfUfS of itttulxtbtc {p it bol
Deota oifeacfuln.efltt,^ bontftp,

baccapnt^fo^ of iabat na'turt

Wicp tbpnge baii),bt if b* to

fucbt in tbeft tbpnge&fci Wbtcbt

be is aSociatt. sg tbe llf on to a
beaSe onfeatfuKa batb a natural
bolaeneff«,ebpeaptnbia fojebti

anb barte,aib&ibertfo^ be tbat

tafcetb in.biS fe)6to(bfpitl)e tie o»
beaete of a A«pbn,b? tbe ffernue

mbiebe iabetinene bPsttpoepea

^ftb bslbe aMlloj

„ „ if tfc'e ttopfie.
ftarfullnrjeitooilt bW

Wi.Uiil) scnwaltf ti ?w fiB'iha

Uson btctat to aetieoblDtncf SO

magiiantnitttie* . MjjRetopCma
ibtttct botocmi iO

aiiti l^ttfose jgbrtbfbpOf ti fafr*

Rfott^ tttanpnt btt a cbftfhonbftt'
lotiri ftutt ot,©? Job t<n tlx gia«
ffc o? ban i ft totfb'Sp'0,tn ajbtifl)

8)e bebotbttb Otv fetfe,'|»c sibttb

tioitie anObnfeatfull. xpbeojpfe
ttject ig gtcatt bolOtnetre tn a td^

fecfn fonurcOe tbatl&bl'loropttt

tg (ape.tbattbtV'foti^ adomcp
toban b* ftcto tjpm.'.antittnicWje
tbtp fapr« anp titan bcare an^

tbpngt oftpdjitc goctit boliiip<

38nb Qtrtttalfp etitrp 2Sfa(ie,
liaittcbe bato bblOttreiTe
tiatt bp |latutt jojtbaunct,^!*
'tjt rpconbrunctut buitirmobtytb

T " *' fc.' ' '■ *
vfftben barrttpB^Wtti; bp nw
tore 6;bp tome at(fbtrif tolotueti

to iMtjatftntotieti) (ome to bat®

ttpntW -Setib tt)e«fo?t ^pjloto»

pbeijs bauebotfttebjtbait p ^ule
fo? afiBHctje ap f)« to bttetlp bat#

tfapneofbp? P?opf 1ttpt,aftb mtjw,

focutttt bc.mafef tbmen anbtoo#

men batrapnt, toban Tome parte

of tjpm <3foc(ntcto rn'Ormn, Hnb
Tpbt totfe tot pt tbattoajf bp?n

afo;e tbe'tiatntatl tptrif, ft a gel*

btb than tbtcaufr baptapntp 'iff

gtaffeb in alliljitrr,^ tbei apf Hbt

to a manin tlp,to>i)icb ootb affq*
date to bpnt ftlfe tbefe ijitoatbe
tfengfp Apt$etorfetbdri»l)f«be

tottl mbire (but, lobe mbqf beaft

fonetb ibbbfte i^ehtlpe, bitblpd

daUp in tliat bowee, in' m.bptbe

ftfjamobfte ilpjitiObpips tn !oue«

idfttifr ^ tban-gwrtttfc
^ UK ^ -i

P«« lifp f »|Wf*

appeftu p Ocoh*
gei;,a& ate t^e tartt,t^e

$«3fttb bttamt tbe & baal lofe W.

^etb^ttattlpias )btopIotbpb^
tpif fflft pt SP
itlpmiitctaplpue.: « ^

•jE ^^bipfe tbt bptt^ ® pit A#

toUJtiMcbiillBtii toe bee oi tw/S

betpMppue^ earttatl appttt*

^fipbeiBtre toijapep iuiltnabe

atiiati,roJbeababl^it btintitbe
fptaPabtp piitn||Mlbbpm is

buttobcn Ptp ttpftniaSf ftiii«i

tloqwtnto? bejitabUjibep

fpeafec tnturcraljX) tobntfoetitt

bcrtut o; natural p^opcrtlr.tijiEp

fee In anp natittall tbpnge afebee

an eiectffe.tbtp tljouglitc to ma lit

Ipfte to moue ot tnclvne anp ting

bprpoftD to tltat faint :fo? tliep

bnoto ftnrelptbatitmpgljt mo;e
fyelpe tlian l)urt,in fo mucb as tf

batl) grafftO tn tt,of tljcp? nature

anti all Ptctue motietlj to fucbe
a0 tti0>acco;t)tnge to tbe potorc
Oflt.anD fount ft tl)on PnErrfiaD
ft to be fn metuap!ou0 tbpngt0f
oftDttpcbtbonOtaltbtaif. 2Eno
tbis 10 fapbe too tmrotuce t|)p


tfeiiCbtattctljojUtb^ tegtmentf
faptl) tljat tljctt be tertapne tbptn
gtsmantffftto^ fecr^tnuililcb
toe bnoto no rearon.3inb ctetaln*
be mantfeft bp ceafon, tn tobfdje

toeperceptttiBuilumfenfuni ntc
Gftftf footft).
I'intationem.ainDfii tl;e ffrdbitl*

nta(T,t)Ut cfpcrtuce StiO teaCon i&

to be p?ouet) bp ifpnia cc vet to
lie icnpeD.SnO in (be 1'tconbe bbu
be of (binge# felyrgr is not to be
loiub foi,bpcaiifc it mape not be
fcit. Cb£tfo?e certaj'tic tbpngeS
imifibebcleuebbponlp ttpttitn
ee^itbont tcafon.fojtbei' be bib
from men*

c Cettarne are to be beltueb bp

cm!? teafoitjbpcaure tljrp lac be altbougbe toe fcnotoe

not a inatitftft rcafon toheteto^e

tbe lobe ftoneb^atoerbto it p^on

not toftbCaitDjng ctpectence bo*

ftb mantfene tt (oo,tt)at no matt

map benpe it.Snb ipbe a# tljts t£i

meruapIou£F,tobpebe onelp tepe*
rienfe both (ertt(p,fo (bulb a matt

tttppofe tn otber tljinge?. tunb be

IbuI&etibtDetip any theruaploa^
topnge altljoMg!) Ije Ijatl^iiurea^
(at!,but Ik ougijt to pzotte bp erpe
tience,fo; f> cauCe of tnttuaptousr
tbpngeiS ace fjt'oDe, anb ot fo Dp-,
ttetfe caufes gopnge bcfoie,tl)ac
matrS baaetftimDpngi: aftcc pla»

to,ntapt;tiot ap?f fjcnDc tfjem.

' tljc loDe Rone' Dratotflj
pjtotrtb btt> ahb actrtaj'tte otttc
ftont D^aboetb glaiTe.^o mecuat
lotts tfibigts! are DedareD of pbps

roCojibtrs to be fn tbtttgeo bp ep-

pertenre, U)l)pctK no man oagftc

toDenre, ^nbtbattonocp^o

ueb after tbc fafbton of )bbt!o(o-.

plKtsUBbfeb foutiDc tbatyfoj tfje

pbplofdpbfW raptbe,tbat tbe pat
jjrtet3atree,atiDnbatb tbe male

anb tbe (emate,tb^efO;e bopats

tbe female is npgbe t\)t mafej
tijciwfctrttbfit tbe ftmale,bouif
tounc f o tlie matt^nb tl)t Irafe#
ftjamicbcgofitatcmalicfo foftt,

anb bolct botom to t^t male.

KT^Ebrnfojie toban tbtp fee tljat,
tbeFbrnbetopegftotbemaie to
ti)t fcmair.ittetiOtt ttgofCecta,!!!
ptr fe ipfam qtiaft alcpta Tit #af
eulo pet contmuattonem Cumig

teictciti m mafeuU.iSot ftf tljftan

tpnge manp oftlje auoctent auc*

ti)Oj0,batl) Qiebaeb muuaploug

tIjFngts.tcttFucbnolDOftlie con

men peoplcjf.i.ti tabe fo? a trutb»

Cljttfo^e IQialt IJetoe to t^e tcc

tapne tljrngcs.djattljCMinai'nt

fiablpll? tbp mpnbt bpontljtn.j

tobiiobot iffo^acemrnt ttutbe

bel/iel; reafen can not ftabUfte bp

ftipng.otcaufe tbe fo^efapb belpe

tn tl)cm.3rnt) tbttfo?c ft <0, tbat

tie fonne of S^tftiag fajlie <n tot

tout of tOe btafftp. Jf a tooman

gteat boltb djplfie.put on tljf np<

pactll of a man, an& a man put ft

on aff ec,before lie toaffoe it. if tie
bane tbt fence quartapnejt tnrll


C^nbitigfapaefntbe of
beafte&tbattbe nfbarbt flectti f
p?pnpmcmbfc0 of a man, anofn

an otbec place ir is fapbe ft Car*

mnntitf an otbe man be butteD in
aboueof Cnluetbourc.of be put
totjece bout £S of culuets tnbabtte
Of (cSe,tbetetbep ace mulnplj'iib
bntpir it be full of ttjem,
C^nbtii tbc bode Secinnciof

(Saiene,tti0(apbe tbat ttie&cc.

petit botiiclifstalttb ilcguluotn
Hatfn.aCouattfctiti cEnglj'flic,
ig feme tubat toljite.bpou"bobofe

beab tbete be ttyft i)avics,f» mijii

anp ma feetb tljtm be biettj font.

SnbbPltauanpmanof aap ocbec

^tiinstbrng ItearcH) I]f«i toljiflf

JVijge,l)t l)pcti).36r.6 cticry btalle

tfjatcatetb ofitbritige ttatCjtp*

etl) airo.^nB atiflottl farfcjtobe*

te tftcreis fcinmer.Vit.sl0oneH)£0
anb Ipbctoifc ixuntcc. sF.ljecc tg a
floubttntljetotHclje JMcrs; ace
founbe, laljofe pzopmpe iSjtbat
tljcpneucrre tbein felaeg but t|)ef

bpf,but tobati tbep be beat), tljey

butt notjnbattftotele put craf=
teiptn tlie mpnbe of aiejcanbec,

tljat be OioulbtaKeagteatglafTe

anb boalbc tntf) n tobo.acb tljem,

an!' toban tbep bpb bebolbe tbem
teUus in tbe glaffe tbep bpe b.

'C lite fapeng of artftotel boap not

beleneb of forfse men.

tfo? luicennafapbe agapnlf 3f«'« any man bpb fee it,be bp

eb.tobetefoie tbete fjs no tcutlje

i.i pi? irtaspe.JSinb tjjtp fapbe, pf

flDf flje merurtsf
jtlttj'tntati tBolDefftbcofflje uipl
be of a tooman, gj'utng Couketo
Jicrotjonc Cougktcr oft so op ere

o!tSf:an6lcttt bepttttu aglafm

biifH.otljan jfti bptna 'ooue oj

ftilutc Ijotife iblictc tbtp goe tit

anb foitb, bouts totll obyOe^u

ttiHlttplpeb tljetc, bntpll rljcp bee

innumtcabtf, ainb tbet fatb, tuba

tbemoutbofatitatiemmits pot

fjpon ijpm tompiaiiett)

o(f)p?btal!pe,!;p0 bcallp ipljEr;#


CSttbSlcyanbetfapb, tobft an?

tbtngtp taktnout of tf)t naupii

of an infant,totycl) cometb, fot ri)

offtbcctir.anD be put bubet tiic

Hone, of a rpngt of fplnet ojt golb

(ban tbe paiTton ot grief of the to
like cometl) not in anpbopfe too
brm t^at bcaretij it.

<a;$N^ <@aUtt(atti^b)i)a ^ icafes

of be eaten,tb«p loufc tbe
btallp. Snboibautbefebeoftt
fji^onbcn^t lonfetb tbebeal(f«
3tiD it ig {ap&e,t9&t tbe rcote of
jfeozeli bangeD bpoon bpm tbat
barb tbe f mine pocbe&tt belpetb

c 3i nb pbilofopbctfif fapc,toban

tbou inplt tbat a bead ectnrne to

bra lodging,anopnt bis fo^ebeab

boitb ^epe rqutUa,anb it topli te


c3nD actdotel fa tbe in tbe bobe

eftbrbcaQea, Jfanpinan pot

bD^ougbttoap bpon tbe bo;n(0
of cotses calfe,tt mil go boitb btiti

toberfocuccbe botllftoutlaboue
3nb if anp man anointe tbe bop
tic of ape tot 11; toape and gDife 0$

pf tcbe $ papne of tbeirfetc gottb


cStiiojfanifbaUanorme ^tun
of tyemeeueT*
jjtj? of,o)F6 tnitb anp taiotee^tp
nttt^ec tafte no? eate meate,tujt
tbc< (^alDUfo? bugcr.eiccept it be

toppeD atoap 14 falte 9 bpneget,

C^nb ffaup man anopntc ^ nt»
tbttparte^ofarocfet tottb ople,

bcuetlKtUJtljno^map tteabe an

c <{ tbou befitt tbat a tocbe tto»

tttenot,anopnte big fytab 9fo?e

btabe toitb ople.

c 31t tefaft) in $ boitt of 3rcbise
11(0 quanbo cam ti(a,of^ bare (0
bangtb bpon bimtbat fufftretb

tbt eoltbt^t p?oftt(tb bpm.

cSnb stidotd fapo^ crmrati'

beo goctb atnap fro bpnt, mi icbe

fittetbbpontbc fbrtme of a £ron
CSnbiftlic tungr of ah barcbe

bjofocn bnto potilbtr anb caQe

abjtobe bpon a place of entotc#,

p?^((mfcc0,fbantbe l^i mctca

of tl)t toojM*.

itane ftjct place,

ft ^ijrlofopttcrfl fapD'.tf tlje fit ftU

Of a goofe be bartgeb bppon bpin

U)()<cb fufFcetij fu>pm pocbeo, be

is bealebbpft.lf (bou boputljat
a tooman be hot bt'ciate no; befp

te meti,tabe the phue inembec of

a iDolfe.anbtbetjeares hobicbbo
grob) on the cbebe^ o; epe bitgbt
Of l)im,attDtbe ijeaceOboUtcbe be
bnbcc bth becDe,anbbutiu it ah,

agtuelctoberitiabtpitciie tolje
tyehnotoetb not,anD Q)i ^aUbc
fpie no otbet man. Sub (be?

fapbjhoban a tuoma Defptetb not

becbnfhanDe.tben lettr h^tboars

banbe tabea iptu of (be tcaiotoe

of a bucbe (Sote, meane bettuene
IpHeanbgceat.a iDIetbpni ano>
pnte Us pifupe tnembec tottb it,
anbbo tbe actt of genecacton (be

(Dal lout b?<n ^nb jbal not bo tbe

jSCjf tl)c meratd
ettte ofgciitcation afcettoattit US

cBnCi tljcp fa pi) tljat tolje f> fna«

}>! ts popf«neD,f,t eateti) tbc Incbe
calUti.o^ganpjanb t$f tiealeb, and
tljtcfoje tljen hnotoe tfjat tije tjft
,be called o;gannpe,batl)lpen btis

dec popfon. ailfo it is rapde tobtti

tfte totfel fjj popfaned erf a Cetpent
iceatetl)eetiie,anjD tbep Hnotoe
l)>'fl)ts,fi)ajt cetue is contarpe to
caind a ^oufe put tinder tlse
rctf) aman bpcattfe Jdc to contra'

rpcandfrarctdnot lipm.
ted,that if anpe tuoman ig barraf

nt tetjan tber to put to ber a ttjig

tbat mattetb a trontan batrapne,
tbattDomati is not barrnpnt>but

ft«tt.f«ll,and cotjtrartbopfc.
•s and
, offtjetootftie:
CSntift is fapDe tliat totian a fp5
Qt Is caflc in topnt micca toa«
ittanDaftvC Diaiucn foitlje ana
Rtapnetanti Ui^pngcDjtije luatct
commett) fo;tb ofit.anb the unne

remapiictb>pnt be not mtjctMo'

tbpngt tominctb Eoitb.
ctCaberences a Done be

^angeb bppon a Sponge, on tbe

tttebeolacbplbt,U)btcbe cougb*

wsb.bps cougb ie mitigatcb anb

rt Itraincb. anb toban it (a put on

tbe btabe of an SOTe, o; into bPi*
founbammte, Sitaeabeupjtbat

tsaflpetoltba blacae (bell.tbat

bjeabttb In cop)e(batDe0 anb ta

blacbt.tallcb a bltcl.euttttb bp in
anbbetucnetb.bntpll it be bja>>
taen from bpm.

Clttafapbealfo>tbat pf anpe

ttotnbe bounbtti to tbt taple of


an afftjlje toil! not b;ap no; ro;r«

Cjlftl)cl)ar?cf of an affebeta*

ucn,tobicl)e ace npglje l)P0p;fup<

mcmb;c,ant)begcufto an? man

biohf in toitl) anp kpnBc of bopne

in a o;pncb(,be begitinctb anone

to fattXtltebopfe pf anp man ta«

luthttK e^gtsof ^pnnetejSant)

bjtabctb tbcm,anb cadetb ttjctn

into toateMnb gene tbcm to anp
mantnaD.iriicne,bcceafcti) not
anone to t attf.tbtp bo Ipbebopfe
tottn topne.

CJnti tti.sfapbejpf tbou Sopite

malic a rpng of a tobbc of a fee®

tnp;e ttce.anb put it on tbp tinge

fpngcr^t mittigatetl; o; ejetrne

tctbtbe fmpoftumt inbet tbc ac

mc boko.

CUn tbe boobe is

fapbe tbat tbe roote of tobpte

b(nbane,bDbabft ip b^ngtb bps

a man

aman ftiffrfnije tt;e coipbc,it fs!

pjofttaBU to Biuj.JBnD &)han,Wl
te ^etcr is put in attcflTel^and Bp

ticgct tipon ttjit topi bop I o) fttu

C3t is faptie alfo iti tlje boobe Of

!)crmfs,tt)t)an Iccbe febe is taftcn

Bpon ljtnegcr,Tl)t Eigtctus oj fo»
lu^eueile of ft goetl) a tmajV ( ,
CTp'ElbinuSfapDcjtofjantfjoii ta

fecft tbctofnteof an eggtanbalu

lite ant) anopnten: a clotfy laitl) it,
anD Uiafljelt it of icitl) Boatec of
tee fca:bepnge D?pe,it Ic ttetlj tbe

fpjte to butne.

c ainoibtcfapbtjtbljonfii'l't^f
fenicum,at)& alutne at taben,anb
btohen, aub tonfecteb, o; mabe

boitbtbefupteottbe i^crbe cat«

leb ^ouapke>anb tbegalle ofa

bull.anb a man anopntetb ftpi
feanbtjs tnptb (t,anb afttttabetb
Ijotc tron, tt bumeil) not tbtmi

i j'dc toift if tljere be tnben )<££

inagtte^r.D altiine^amCti,) «nO

ftronge bj>t;cgcF,anft great malo

a; l)o!p bocke, if $ b?apf ttje

toel! togctbec ano anopntt tb?

banots tbet tortb>f??t battetb

not t!)C!!i.

«>: BDljan tbou ini'It tbat tbep

be tn a palafce^frme tottf)
out beabe^joaisefniect fyfinffos
ne, boitO oj le, anb put it tti a lant
peanbrnafse ij-gbtbaicbit, anb
put it in tbe nttobt^ofmen, anit

tbou (balte fee a matuarlcugt


tbat (bat put an betbe calleb puts

felanbp on bis beobe Qtal not fee

b?.eatne,noi btfton btterlp,

|£3inb Xeiftotetl faitb^bat

fnul tbt fmoiu of

6 tfltRpeputour* tpe b^ngfojtt^
tpdrbpjtpr, before it be pctftte,
anbipbetopfe tbTti cpaunmi) to

tfttap toomen boitb cpplt).

csttdotd fapwijat ttanp man

raufftijbptjFJf bjitte a Camel to

bo tlie acte of genetatton toptp
bpjsotunc mother,yf be pempue
ttbefojicjje toil I ptufuetpt man

bntpll be uplle bpm, anb pf be

pe raurebpbpPtoittean bo^feto

leapt bps otone motbtr,anb be

bno toe it bcfo?e,be tolli apl bpm

fdfe anb bpm that pjonobeb bint

to tbat.
anb labpiofopbttp raptb,pf tbou
b?otone flptp m tbe toater»tbe fe<

mebeab,anbpf tbtpbebntpeb in
affbeo.tbep tpfe bp agapne. anb

toban tboubjonneliaombtr, it

bpttb, ? let bpnegtr be b?oppt&

boune ipbe bctoe bppon it,it is

tittpflsfnet^nb t»^n t^ou btttp

tfl t^eflpe calltDa^tel amonge

(Don butpc a mi

C ^ipbilortjees faplit tbat

te^an $ fttbtrg of £agi«s be put
luftt) t^e fettjeto of otftet fotute^r
t^cf* butite anb mo;ttfiett)emfo|
asbeouftcomttljfnbpatpfe all
bl^e0,anbtule ouet tpem, fo tbe

fetberg of (#agU0 act btablp to

C^nb iSbplofopfjerO tbt
fapneof a Q)tpe be pat In ante pla
ee uoitt) tbt fatnne of aof bat gna

toctb anbconfutnetl} ft. 3nbbt^

puttetb on blm clotbt oftbetool*
leofaC&cpetotjubbatb eaten 3,

blb^tcblngteaCetbnotftotn bim
tmtpll be pnt It of.
canbpf tbou patfuote an boufb

0; platttottb tfie lungt 0 0; Ipgb'

?■ 3l<f« Kjf
of tl?t faoifct,

fit an JKr^tboutUiiaift ft ftS

imp &trpmte anD ^^pfon,
SnDoftt)?3 pi)iloiopt)tti» tindto
tDat it i? gooD aftapuft popfon.
tcCatiantnccpiarttKff ttie tug
cfti^TtaptMi'tige o; biaebeplo*

etc be t)ottB<0 ppon a toaile ^Db*

Ituionetnttbtiit teira tnemo^e (t

C3nD it gitap&eittt^eboobe
of Cleopatra, Utatuotnanbaue

uabelectattott taitb ber bulb tie

taut M;e matreboe ofatoolfe, of

bpp left e (cote ,anb beare it, anb

(be toill lone no manne but bun.
SJsib it is lavbe, bobanne tbe it ft

bPPPt o t bautu e of a male 4D(Hp'

cite 10 (aUtn anb t>0!>leb,o? fetbeb
b)(tl)ii)pif,atiOattec tbe begpn*
jij'tige uz grounbe o( bapjtti&ane a
nypnt eo btptu ttitbe gtotn nuier


Ifltdlftfl fapie ,W flje i) ace
fftttcnt bttatftcn,' tcljan tjc lytutb
rfabbc hangetj bpoh a man,bceri j

Cpcfteof tftt fcutc ©iiattf.rnf, u

pittcKteb it trttcdr jftoaj'e.f nb §

aibbtts fftpnntjtobatt tt fsffrr.j'C

b'dunDeti topon tbe anllc of a too»

man,it baiflt.'b tbe bp«b,but af*

tec tbe bpitfLtt mutt be temouttt

C€bt tttb^ ot al fcrptnte£f,iib5

fbouplacHctttbem futtbe bptps

coo(tei8,aslonge 80 tbe §> rpenc

Ij»mfb,i»ftbepbe liatiffiDbpon a
maftjfpetteof tbe fence quat ame

tbtp taUe atoare tbe feutr qtiat?

tapnefrom bpm.atiD pftbe & :r«

pent btiibgefc bpon a totli abpng

it pjofftetb.Jinbtf aferptntimtr

bsifba bboittau toptb cbpibe, tye

bjtpngetb futtbber cbpICe bttote
stbtpetfeete. stubpiit meete

-3 %it.
of tie toojffilC

ftofflrlttfyhtnfte traoapHtlof
fbjlDt.ft fcailetl) let
li snttltpfaiejiftlotttDilttale
tie ept rot|e of tie agtaQt ealltb
<L tocot ilug in lotintjiti cngli&e

a (f roeoOiK cut of tie bppe ttno?e

palate o: tic leite 0>t)e of |ig mo»
o, i,aoD lange it on a man bepng
fie he oft|e feuerg.if. IteUrl tftn

anl tie fcuctg tcpil not n time a

carne to trm. 3nt) t|tp |ane

favitjthattle? roreio aftaptie

af a toi ptc cecht.aiiti again that

It iiatttHljtffje. 3tiD|et|ae

igani.pnt(b lattb tl<( talob t of

t|f tip nc? of t|t taiotce of tic tei

tngoftlelpone^ati tl not too

go amotrge beaftt g^anl all bcaft*

et arc afreUt) of tit JLfon.anMe

tlmt auovncctl Ipg boCsft toptl

larrs tui<ge»U)Olftgbefataplc of

mettitl S
^(ftfitirtturatfttiUnm citritiS

airt) Dt mt'ttDtoitt) milbe.if a flu


CSftfton toilte tafcc § tight fott

ofafnarlhantbrngc it bpon the

tigJjffotcofaliifcnfiDmnn txf fo
tDt gout,<t wofttctl) it IpUtb-itre
iftftoutjangtbptlTf left? fore of

a fnapll to rtp leftr fotr, tipftafea

toftbtbeaoute. anafotfje tmnti

Of it (0 profitable to tfjt bant anO

tbefpHger,to tl)t ffnger.

SnOpfafprebebrnbleb before a
tnantbattssbiofleuofgrrne toob

offpggetteeo^PO lloones bopll

matte anofe orbotinfpngc.
C*nt)it tsfaj tetn the tcobt of
^ttmpS,U)baii botbe the epes of

tbeiSecebee bounben in ipnncti

clott),bppon ^inidnim abiuto*
einm.tbeppot abaape tbt jf< i't

£lttartapni.»nb it io (a»or,if tue

MU U a inpn mi ^ ni^t
l!>j>!n.the man laaftonptfimifrfta
fct^jflnt) bis i)oo^.3llnbt^fM^
.lEetiyc man fetatttb ^

'Jiiotff .if lit lipitib to bif f a^> too

pfbisaouccfati?. : : ;f
Stub it is faj;Ot,pf a ring bfjijiim
.of tto t»i)rf<:ijotjlft0 of gti iip,,p
be tbaf batb tbe Ealling frfpnfia
fbiittetl) it ou.iufftctl) not tbelib
•i nge fj'tbtttcg. ;,:
. tL % notbfij fapb ,}»i>an tbooM!'

it tbat Eptjitbiif iiot tJ}'g6t.«w»

boafe,tfcati put cottcir im e;t Oftta

um.itt U»l;tttlpme,ani3 after nifi»
fee tljp fecofe tofepfe uoitfe it, Ibalt
ErtOOisU innptopdeetitetu; i
c lODUn tfedu built tfeat tb}> ttite
p> toentfee# etu to tbt al tfeain/e

.jaib tbe Wti$a oi#

■ i-l' " ./.i'/.- ^ '■'■lixjtgl

tn&tbc&eaDof ftftsogge,an&

tbrarbotbianDbta^e (btm t.ita

potrtcrfran# lartttjtmbppon tbe
bitaftof lict flrppng.anb Qx (ball

6ie(^ atttbatQX bsci) Ooik,

tout tolmnAx Stall toaftf,t»lpe (t

at»apef<om l)» b;?aft,ti)atptbe
net ipfeeb top*
cKnbttjcp fope,;rf anp man put

a isilamcnbe pntwr t()t ixabe of

atotowftti Staprng<,Q)c manpfe*

(Ictbtffftebtan otuoutrct;,fo^ if

it be ro,?HUapeti) bartoe out of §

tottobt afcapb?,ano vf not ,fbt ciit«
btfleetf) Ijep bufaanto toftlj gteate
Ipue. ,
CftnDttiepfape.tljatan rffeffein

Wmfc M bangm tpon tbpib^j

tt lettetbtlJtmtobe afrajw,


(it^MWisetotoppon men fpc it

% » in
|ntl;t feuecs tbat tome bp

p# is bttpe ptofptapltji
anbDpeciallptotbe feuec^na^
jfapne. • :-rra.
c3nb ^bpiolbpliicp fapc, tljat
fomt bpnte ojt fpngplate, totifct)
neucr babftcbetteffe^g p?ofpfa»
ble to cutrp ftcbcntp.anb be tbat
bab neuer papnc,belpetb anbbea

letbamanfromtt. '
C snti ib ban rbe boufe tg petfp«
meb tofti) tbe Ufte bopfe of a tntf'
It }flptg remapne not tnit»

c gnb pf tbe barte, epe b; biapnc

pf a JUptopnge o? btacke pioufr,

be bangeb upon a maitg necbe, (t

tg profitable agapnfte forge tfuU
neg,anb 0arpetb tnang btibet^
bpnge. '<

c3if atuomanmafenot eoneefua

tsae an beacttgborne,tnebtbln'

ft) powiOir^ let it be mf^eb tnitb

toftfyt mmflg

it about bcr,an& t«t bcebo tbt at*
tt ofgtnttation^nli Q)c (ball coo

ityut snouts ■

G & grolFe an& (M& fcaptt of a

fl©art0ta?>H,putbppoti a loo?e

fufftrttb nbt?au$altO to rnttr.

G tCbe rotbe of a JFoU o; colre of
Out peace olCfjPUttnfbenetbe of

a cbplbt1mabttb W tctljt to tye<


GCbttotbeofamartput bpott

t be beat) of a man,bepnge maoc t

bcltutrftbbptnanone ftoinein^


dot bnotoj>nge,lct bet tio

Ofgrnerationtn tbat boate, anb

(bf (ball conrrptfe anone,

>C ®bt bOQfeofai> ^otfe prrftt*

tnfp (n a bouft* typut tb atoape
mvlt* 4 Ubefamet^flotltljWp
c ®Uat all the Wftf et (MM
futtti of a (al&.io.vEajic o; blanrfii

fatt it tii tBaftr,anDtt®aUcott|i
fait ball. tCbatfpie mapt copa

few pfl5ater,ta|tt tbe ©elof a«

CiSgt aut) pot t! tn quptite b|pni*

if one a Ume^ Qjttttjeiiole a put
it into toattcanO it cotll benDle..

canbtt ^(apMftbebitbe

Pbtte.beput Upo is MH

lebanb butnetUiu tlje ipoatcr.
c Cuat fbou mapetabe fSpibejl;
taitb tbp banDen.tabt atjp come
titepujcl acpcii in tljf B|eggts.Qf
topne aubin tlje iupie of ijelocbe

ano eattc it too tbe bpj&ea, tucep

©pibe tijat tauttjjof tMa mabi
4k a. ■' J. "A

■ r i »*3
■io;' L
, s . w
i "•* 4 .V
«E3nHtl}fj> (spe pfftip mitt be ft

nopnteb to/tb tftt mtUe ofaiv«tte

Wtbe ■flpeletrflbt boaCe UseU ga«

tljcc to briB* f

JC®;e twit letter? Ojt bilti. bjibi'd)

ic not teabfie but tit tbe upgbte.
Cftfee tbtf gall of afpap^e »#^tnplb

pfA(otee.anb pWittoe the fp^i

witb ujattt of a

hiljitcs of \)fnts (gg^amotittb

ftftec tbey areittnoe glafr^A ^aro

a^attoonc a«b of
ttr tbps fafbtoit tamaoe a

pbiilieall fj t (toone, cat Icb

trop.iriu0,rfitbcc rptiiopneO be#

before tBitb Saffron 01 £f abi ac«

fouubt about 'f be ftone# of a bait

# io^e, d? affe, btpnle

' ' be
ofttpe toojltn

If mrrrt) toi^ U)})hf>ant) P tefna

Imj uen to anp m in to tyfn tte,t)e

fbatl abbotte topnt for a monctfy.

canOpfanpe mannrftall banc
ttran? ttlcg in a mpne b anb

Cljcj* be ftifftceb to Ore in it tc an? (ball abboie

t»pncfo;aptarrt3nb bp cbaume

c Snb it tg fapbe, pf a tope be ta«

ben, tnttb tnbpene a tbeefe iftof.

batb benbangeb bp toitb, anb a

lirie cbaffe ,tt)b(cb a b)t)P;leb)inb

lifttb bp in tbe ap.te^anb let tbent

be put in a potte, anb fet among

of ber pottes.tbat pot (bat bjeabe


it 3lfo tabe tbou a title cf tbo

afoiefapb tope, aub put it on tbe
gfttumtnt, toitb bobtcb ^ b;eabe
pqt in tpt ouen, bopan be that
(Dourtifput (tintfiit oUiOjfliotilM
PMUtin.^ftallnot be ante too

put tt in,but it fyftll Uape out*

ts Cljat men tnftpc feme boitb out

TSbe an SPbtictgUtpnnt anb
^uti piymentum.attl) gcea

|9itci)tef Eeupontitum.anb tbe

boaide ofmtu beta,anb tlje fate of

greaceofon3lffe,anDb?eabt ttjj

aU>anO put tbera in a bul fetbtng

pottt In'- oftoattr^nb ma be tt ta

fttbe at a Rome fj^tjanb afttr tet

it boape ttlOt.anb make a taper;
anb tuttp man tljat fflat (te iigbt
of ttyftalt ftmc btaoufff.

C ^bat men mapt feme to batte

tbebifageoi eountcnaunce of a
boggt* Cahctbefatte out oft be
cart of a boggr,4 anointtboitb tt

a title netoe ^Ibt^ut tt in a nrto

llm|«;6f 'grliritf ttltt, anUfpiiFf

HiiiwjfimjHtjSt "t't» p fyatl

fee irfege of a togge,

^Cljatmtivmaj'cfeme to (ati«
ttytfljeaDtitg. ' -

tV Tabettjc fjaj'te of a teat) affe,

jfritrtnafef a rope,i b^pe it, 3 fane

tbe marp oftlje p^intipall boreof

fits: tppf Biculbfr, ant ntfte it*
Doit I) btrgptta Uiatc,anb anointe

t(era?Cf,nrb put ft fcpoti p ttfst

Qjolbea of tl](i)Oufe,t!;eptbaf co<

rtrt fnto tUt I;oufc mall feme tO'fra'

ue tbjtt btabbf^anbtbtp tbat be
tntlje boufe (bat feme SflTea to ttj&


C1 f tfjoutetittnata in ana %eab'

feme an 30* beat).

& lake bpoftbt (suetfnge of ait

Meaaiiopnff trSout;to beab. ■
clfibou ttiflt tbat a tbftben, of

ottm t^fng kapt fit ttit bp®e^ &

ftuito ttt aljorettjtng. fot (t*
iw^equt'etse ftltm i0 Date, inc*

foe!) it fdffjti maKetty it to teape

cj|f t|)0U'Mt fet^at otljtrmg
tan nor.
o?t!iegaU of a male taf,

antitlje fatof ait fttmitai uiltrte

and mfMtlttpmtogitlter.a iOa^

niOi'nftfeP fptMnli tbcufttaUfc

it tltat otlieca can not fee.
cjftitou totitt tmOetftatrtic
tyt boycts: of opt*

fiaiaociareroicittot crooreiows
in ttte. prbfU. tiapc of fitctobtr, 9
go in to a cirtayne looobe toftb
feooges aotoobunte, ano catft

feonwtot^djat tit aft t, iwttveue

fbod QKile|piiDiQ>|ft,and pjipatl

tt toitD tfee part of a fore, 9 tpon

(bait pnPttQanp anont tpt popt *
of bftttg 0? btaftc#. inopftpon
tupUt tpat anp otper Itbrfoffe Pn

beta antejbpffe ppm,OOP pt (pal


C |f tljcu toflt loufe bofiPt#.

ft oinfo tpe tocobf.atiD iobi rt be i^ptpatpptc n«Q toff p
ptr bfttbcsUnP tcpan tpou (palf

betprre.drtrfnepptpt fm,aiip

If nti about tpt pelt of ft toptt#

(Ci utt tpou Pot'lt. fofpopanfpe
ftttptpte.lpt gottp fo^amtapti

pttbfjbcptfbrffit pQill put to tpt

Itr.litigf.aitltfjs bfohtnancpt

snbttatpftptfallttptotpt gro»
lint r bpen tpt Uotpjlopftpt tpou

fpouile Paut put bnfttt tpt tt(ts

ant be tpoupftrttit,aiiPtaPtir«

«.3n tpt ntQ of tpt lapfepngt 01

fctacfce plotutjtljirt iba ccttcivtte
ftO!1f,lOl3|'Cl) t0 Of &tHf ri3 fO OfH 0

b£accttiv)ttl)tl)f,ai)D cijou Ou.c

be tntitrtble.

c 'Cbat a man ma? be alujajug

CtlTabe of tlje tDO^me,U)tbf !i (In

ftetb fn fometjani) gctteti; it to l.;i

if# COata tooman mare confca'e

CCabt a mater ftogge qutrkr^

takeamapebec tttnge^antiptM it
agapne tntotije mater,anb; at y

King? Ditto s pacte of tt?c imtt of

tbe momau lleappii0,U)t)ir i; u t ■ 5
flje is aflKDjlbe Otalfape f> rrotttsu

sy3f milt pm anj> man tit fco

IFl&utbiitiec&tsitcai) tljefbrnne
of an apt,
tfSftfyou imlte tabc a ^olUpnt
^)t)i0t}Ote an €>n(one p; a Itfec o;
cpie a tyt topi tome font fouctpe

toitpout ftnngtfyr,
CHftrpfntgoetljnotnpgl) gat*
Ipbr.anDatioggetaftttbttot anp
tljpnge Drppea nsltg gatlpbrraU
tpougl) Ijebr bungtpe.
CJpJtfumptigf bp tobiebt titeti
man (ball fesntto otfyer tbat be in
fbe tljt fo?meof ettpbi*

tijfanti great bo^feg.

ctiLaiu a fpite tobtclj ig talltb al

cbacrngii? bjtape it,mppe it toitb

a iptU tatte of a 30olpbpn fplfljfji
anomabetl)etofgtapntj!,as bee
of pomccitcen. after perftime
fomc of tbem bpon afire of eotoejs
bunge^bitbe ft mplbeD.Snb let

not a place be tn tbe boufc,Lottie

tobicbe ftnoae mape comr fo^tbe

bwt ut pate »aab tbe tnplbe bee
d>f t^c mwueljaf
tjnUet t!)c cattb tMUb(n,nl bj^^clp'
be it) § lobgene,® all feme aei tljep
tuace gteat men tn p(bapt ofbo?^

ftsianb (Elepl)auttg,anD It is a be
rj> meruaplou^ tljpnge,

cain otbet pecftmiing,bol)tclj

tDbaritftotrmatted.ttjbu feed out3
toatOli' yttne nun,!? men of ma.

tip fpaprja anbtnft'ntte mctuatks

Utbicb are not btfctraeb fo? ttjeyj

CCabe cimar,tl)at is ternrilf*

on an'o tlje Ooone i, a?uluo anb pe$

tietopall oftbesnpountapmia anb
beateit all to poultcc,anb fefte tc
utj'icetttottbtbefat ofaUoipijiti
fpflbe^o^fe o? elepbauie maue
grapneWi eojtneiS after the fafffii

on of tpfe^nb b;r e tbem in a (|)a*

Botoe,|0t,rfumetnlt toban ttjou
bpplte anb ft Qialbe bonne,tbat i#'

.ttySpj. .

^ mu?
IM ** ^

C3i prrfuming to fcin cur fttap*

txiljat tljuige tse to cotnt of goot 9

fc €8 He tlje bloutJe\of an alTe ton

gel tb.fmD tbe fattt Xopt ct
aiiD a fuietc nitenfe 0? gutmnc cat

icb r anb alfo feto?a]r,aD

aifoftj7f-r>Q£itl>tr it altogctbtt

If (quail txjfj'gbttS.anb titttjcm

be niirebjanti graj'ntg 0; cojnejt

bcinaDet()ttcif,ai]t)lttf>ljOi)ft be
ptrfiitneb toitt) tJjfiU.f' tl}^o ©alt
ie bpm in tbp fleape,tbat fbaUQie
tuetotbct ailibjngtSf.

c 31 manet of tnabpuge a matclje

of a canbtUojt tanfit Jtocfet.tubnb
tuba tbou (bait Uent)lr,tl)ou foal*

te fee men, in &>bat Qjape (oetut

. sVCakitbttpcgofan lb?rtl)e
CuLitjitie tpejsofaftlbejbobfcb i!S>

talUb 3ffurfb,{ii)btbe t^pof a

anfit^t gallcoftoolfe^, b^tabe

tIjtpmtottljtbpbanDcis, ampre
tljemtogetljer >ani) puttbcm <n a
fcefftll of glalTe, tban uifjnn tboa
toil boat kef r, take^ facteofan?

beafl tljou teitlf,tl;nt tlila tnav be

twabeintlje ©ape ofif, nieite it,
atiD wppt It ptefftdp botil) tba:

meCfclne, ant) anopnte § mnrciie

Oi canbtl boel}f,boliatfoeiHt tbou

iulltb&ft. fecDlttttnf n iD>

beiSoftOeljotifCjanDtlienic fnail
femein tl)e ©ape of tijat beaRe,
boliofe fatte tijou bib take.

S?3liiotbet matcbe a of eanbcll

o^acanoeilbotke, tftatmtti map
Bppeee tntlje^apeofaunafls.""

CtCake tlietpesofafpfbe,?

tljt fcfeo of jFfloe,tt)8t 10 of a bjea

bet of boi)cS,at)0 bicakc Cljctn bb

tljp ^aube^.atiD make tijem tufc.

Ii,tit, ant)
OfttK toojltt.
Jsnliptit t1)tm in afceOfell ofslafTe
iU.barcs. lifter put fome opUtn
tftem.anP Ipgbtcn (tin a gtettifc
lamp^anDput it before nrenne,
tobicbe be in rlje boufejibey (ball
fte tljctn (elfqs in tbefljape of atm
C Swat bee matfbcoj toe be of a

tanticlhntabpng nun to appeate

CCabe ablac&e latnpeianbpour
in it ople oft be elbecot alter tre
oj qupcke fplucr, ant poure in $
cple oj qnitbefilnec a parte of tbe

Wouteof tbem tbat beein letting

blout.ant put in tbat bloute op It
of tbe elteto? alter tree(fome fai

tb of tbe 23ur tcce)o? qupcbe (p.U

XEa tmrtiaffouglampMntobfcb
appearetiu a tbpnqe of teitpble

quaiuitii Jiautugm tbe boube s

4Df ttje mmtete
dntt fearfttba man,
^^aluagrtneftoggr, affreb-e
if tljf txnbbe of ft topon a gtcne
tlotljc,mailt ftinette metl) ^ ople
of buctcee o; tlbct tree, anb put
in tbe tutbanb Ipgbtctt it in tije
grcnc lampc, tijait fbalttijou fee
ablactie man ftanbtng, bettocne

toljofc Iianbts tbcte (balbealap

anb a mctuaplou# tbpng *

can otbet tocke tobit!) to!)an it

is benbltb, 9 toatttispourtbon

it, toaretb fttong, anb toban tljt

ople is put in,it <0 put out,
^['Caiie ipme tobtcb toatet batb

not toucbtbanbputteit toitb an

toetgbt,fg(ia(toit of toate 9 tbe

imlfe of it of tbe ople of baulmt 9

l^apta dtrina, toitbtquall to it

of b?pmilone,anb mabe a toe be of

it,anb bjtop boune Ip be bctoe bpo
tbe toatct anb It Cbalbe btnbiea.

of tbe tooilte
Jjppon iU

c3jnotbfc\nehf,tol)iclitol)an t't
i? fcenBicD^t! tbuigegleine i»Wt


ercatiea !lijarfiE,anl» cBtatoai

ti)t rat'leof it,an® ta tie that
i?) commrth out,fOiit jss Itfee QHfc

liefildcr.cfffec falteatoefte an®

tttabc i t la ett e toitl) opIf> anoput

it tn a nrtolampc an® UcnDle if,9

an® tije Ijouft itjall feme 5

to!iiee,oe 0 vlte® loitl) ftlu:c.

c3E meruapIcMS opeiatpou of ft

Klampe, intjtcbe pf anp man (ball

boJbf, be ceafet b not to faote,biu

c'Cakerbebioube ofa^naple,
bi^e ft bp (n a U'nen elotb,? made
oi(ratt)E®t,an® Ipgbfen it in a

Xampf.gcitetttoanp man tbon

i%e lpgi)(ititt^>l>e(baU
notceflcetofarff.ijutpllJje let it

&epatte,anD it t$ a mecuapioust
cfltocfct inljlcl) tDbanititf Ipgb
tenet),tojomtu teafe not to Datinee
anObeglaDticaEtopIapcas tfcep
toace mafitie fot great tope,

tfe ^Tabe the bloube of an bare ant)

tbe bloube of a rcttaine fotul l»!)t
cbc ig called a)OlIon,andi3 like a
Cuctell t)oue>and of tfje bloube of
tbt turtellmnle,eqtiale to tbe bal

fcoflt.^banputtnfta boebe.ti
ligljtcn it tn tbt mpbbesi ofi> bou

(e,tn tolndje are fpngers and toe

cbed, and a meruajlouss tbi nge

Clftboutoilte mabe tbat tpce

tnape appeate runnpnge ab?odc
inantautibebdetbat be map not

fleape,tbancatlct!ibt!S bebde tbe

l»e jgfjtt of dnce, o; bolfe bttre of

Hcafeehgt.aub If thou Qall tabe

pUog aaatf&t&etof Qialbe maoe

a totbe.tobttlj toban ft fo Ifgbte

aeb)ettecj>(j)cbt man fcetl) otljec

ipH)e bcf)tmetiq>e of tbc lVcHe=
«elIe,anD mpnp^pnge 02 eictenu'

CWatbontoilttbaf tbou feme

all fitflameO.o? (et on fp^e fto tbr

btao bnto tljp fete 9 not be butt.
C^Dabe tobft gteat matotoea 02
r)olp bocbe,tn^etbem toftb tbe
tobpte of egge&aftet anopnt tbp

bob? toftb ft,anb l et ft be bntfl ft

be t>&>et> bp>anb after anopnt tbe

toftb almue,anb aftertoaeb cade

on ft fmal b^pmdonc beaten bnto

poulbe^fottbe fp?e fs enaameb

onft»a&buetetbnot, anb pftbou
matte bp on tbe palme of tb? bSb*

tboufbaltbeabletobolDe § fp?e
bpftboat butt,

irHftljou toflt tljat attifttgeba

eallen In tbe fpte anb not burnt,
ctEafte one partt of gletu of ff(&

aanegualauantitietoft of alu<
mtjlctrt be petfitelp mpreb,a let
bpneger bepourtb bpon it, lette
tobatfotuer tbpnge tbatbotltebe
confettet) luttb tt.caflrt in £ fpze,
anopnt it toftb tl)f0 anopntemct
it (ball not be burntb.

CJftbou toilt malic a contrarp,

tbat io anp image 02 otijtc tbpng
anbtobaiutigput in ti)e matir

it i^ lienOleO > anb pf tbou Qtaltc

tyatoc it out,it Cbalbe put out 0^

mireit perfttelp iuitb a litle trap
anbtbcopleof^efanum.f nap*

ta.tbat ip to&pte eat tb anb o?pm«

noone.anbmaueofit anpmage
tobanuc tbou Qiaittput itiotuc*
oftlje toOitUKi
jfbefpu ttcnttltti.
tE3ftl)o»UoiUmahe tbat tuljatt
tt^ou opened tbp lianDeo tpon a
iampe,tl)cU3l)t ofdts put out.
ana toiian tfioti clofcit tljem Pp8

it,it kcDteD, an'o it ceafet^) not to

Do tljat,
CCauea fpt'ce, toljicl) id taileo

<&;)uitia,aftet biap it, atiD aftec

maketttottl) toatet ofCaPlietc,

and anopnte tbp banbeo u>itt)it,

aftet open tbetn tntljc tnoutb of
ttje lampe, tbe Ipgbte of it (balbe

put out,aiH) dofe tfya, $ it Qiaibe


cDf tbou toilt fee a tbing,b;ob)«

neb.o; fe bepe in tl)e boater in tbe
npgbte, anb tbat tt ffjall not bee
ntoje bPb to tbe tban in tbe tape

anb reabbe bookeg in a batcke

C^nopnte tl)p face britb tbe

bloutie oftljc nertmoufe o; b&ftt

anb it fbalUe tone tfoat s fart* 3f

(boii Wtlt mabc anf tbtng tuJjde

pcrfiiKinttcftl) bouillon e.

C Jf tl)0(i topi I bpll foone a Sbct*

pcnt,tabc a mud) an tboti unite of

anbtrbe cnlUb I'iottinba anllolo

Bt'a.ffiutUojtjO^mebe galtngale

aub btape tt U3el,anb taat a ftog

geoftlje U)OObofftlbe,atibb}ta»

be ttUtU.anbmi'Fe ft toul) 3irf<

llologfa,anbputft Uutb fcm ftifee

anbtoute mttl) fn paper oj fnenp
of btr ri)tng U)i)lcl) tljou lout (1 bet

te t,anb cade it ta £>tepentf )S.

C3f tliou toilte beart ft'?e m tbp

|)aube,tbat it inapc not bur t tbe.
c ^Take JUpmcjbfffolutb toitb
bot boater of i&eaneb, anb a iptle
flipaarettilcMub a iptlebf great

maloUifp ojbolp {jork^aub tnfc

it botl
anopnte tbt
palmc oft tip banb tnftb if»niiti let
tt be ^ptb>Put ftt it fpje,$ it (bait
Cl^bPtofopbtrtt Tape tbatfitcblt
me butnetb not itttbt fp?e, 3InD

gletutoffpflbefauetbftom fp;r,
anb biipkafannt 3ltyme,atit) fbe
bloub oftbebtad caUcb.^alatna
ti?a,atiti tbelbtobe of an €iucn
ca4t!?on.^bttfb;e toban a anoint
thtnte maptt of all tbtfi ovi of
mtafne oftben)»tbtfp^tbnmtb
not.tEbe tobPtt of an Cggc, anb

gteatc ^alotocs o? bolpt bocbe

banebmncmtbtgmatter. . ,
ijjai tntbe bbbicb^ban it ig ltgb«
tenc& intbtbotifcjtbotiftialre fte

fitene tbfngca flptng sg fpatobob


CffabranebQ tlotbanb put in it

tlje bjavucg of a tfye ft
tljcroofftct tatle,anOtapfet^ein
tn,ai)D mabratoebe oftbctm>an&

putteit tn a netue pent latnpr,

ucntU it in tlje booie boitb tbt o»

pie of tDe£>Une,anl) tlje tbpngtg
tobtclie ftalbe mabe betpe gtene.
anti it (ball feme tljat gttne an&

ft Iftljou ivilte mabt a eanbcl 09

boebe toobeefbabe^anb
lualbe tafyanitiglfgb'

. teneti.
C^abe tbe fbpnne ofaQDolfe, 9

tbe fbpnne of a 30ogge,miD ma be

of tbem botb a boebe, and benble

it toitl) tbe S)pleof S>lpurj anbit


«;®0b»i» tbou built lighten a lan*; bobicb be (ball featt gte


cCabeneboe bobpte ipnntn


(TotK^nDmabc ofttattiefte,ano
jntln e^e botolotomefTe of ft,a tfei
"tieofa^ecpertte aatt gtoffe taltc

and fpll it Uiitl) ofle jDipue, ano

gtue it to aap titan tfyat titou fioilt

a0(oonea$ii;en)aU ftenfile tt}l]e

mall tremble ant) feare gteatelf*

*t 3 metaapiou^ epperienceibaM1'
tlje mabetb men to go into p fyfc

mttbout bntttjO? tb bear e fp?e o?

rcabtettote^on in tVep? Ijanbe
Jjoitbout biirf*
cCabet^etnyeeofffiffmalna $
tbetobpteofan eggr^nbf ftebe
ofan berbe talle& fMfUtum altO'

^ultearia^ berba, anb bjieabr it

bntoponlber>anb mabea confer*
r tori.anbmj'fe tbe tupce of rabpg)

toftb.tbe tobpte of tfte eggei

Sinopntetbpbobpo^banbe boitb
tbpa confectfon^E let it be t>?peD*
: ij©f tbentctuel^ "■,;

itflt # agafnrjifiK^
tWttmai e fHffet botcup tftc

. toilte ti^at tlje t^nge anopnteD

feme to butnc.fcattec bppone bit
"^pcfeebiifatfione totU beaten (n>

to poulbec,anb it (ball feme to be

tiacnet),tb}/an tbt b^mBone ®al
be ben&Ub.anti tt (ball not bntte

bpnt. JftftoutialtblotBetlje
'beKbe talleb Colopbonta ©rtfee,

pttctje beaten btrp fmnll, bppon

'tbt flame oftlje canbeii, bobptb a

•tbanbolbetb (nbpo banbe.ttawg
tnentetb metMaplonflpe tbe fpje,
aftbIpfteb bptpe flame bnto tlje

ijotiPe ronfet'Dbat ttjcu map bta»

re fp?e bnbutte^tt if me bebiitol
beb toitb boote mattt of be an ess,
anDptittbereto a UtU of teatcs
eartbof #ttiua,aUet put too a

Htle greate matot*># o? baif botit

■v.i " %4. '

of ftelMoMWi

toitb toljitbe ccmoy»ePoJtnf)KO

iogttt;« >ano(>nte t^e paiiut ot

^^anHe.antt Itttte^ttop.anD
Com ape t^onbeace anp fp#e ba*
C^bou maift mabe burning tna
tec after tbre-fafftion,

Ol^abe blacbe, tbicbempgbtp 9

oibe lupnti atib in one quattc of

it tbou Qtalte tcpet a letle qutcbc

iptnt anbbjpnittone, beaten tnto
poulbec betpe Cmali, anb leea of
goob bspne anb connnon falte ,
botjtte anb BtofTe,after tbou Qjalt
put it ins (Boutce, baetl tlapeb
anb ©efupec pofito alembico »

tbou (bale DtftiU butnpnge toa«

tct, tobt'cbe tboulboulbe bepe in

a glaffe.

ccboumapamabea grebefp^e
aftet tbPO faflbion.

c^aucQupebe b^pmaoue Uus

IfcDfietifaUe.opleof do one, UnD is
tnon oj)li,malu tt?fm ffttti tuei !t

frropfanpttpagetotnit ta (Mt
bcnie^totjet^eU be eeee o? y*

coiiianb t3<itot3mti>utbue bppt*,

fff.bfneatr o^faobe.

ecfe to bt iitatttaipUb. toue tbe

fuffitpeat eattfejs of bopnge, anb

alfooffiiff(tpng,foi tftbou lobe

botfyetbou (balteuot metwaplf,

fo?tbouamttfeetl)ar tljete ts fo
gceat aptttttg in one fufdcience
of anotb(t,tbae ft maftett) tfcee

obtfomerttapU^fo; boban tbou

ftedtbat tolb biateebcnbltti tbe

drp?t> antiputtetbttt not erne, pf

tbou tboulbe btbolbe tbe bopnge

!eaufe,tbo«l«)oulOe memapie at*

toapetf tobat toace tbe tfffciente

itwff »onttftt(t ittfo tbp? tmc*

t«it thou lobeOto tfc mat#
tcc of that fffvctf.thtt^ ttcsuht
ft is tjmrc auD o^ytuftwej^hpclw
are jjei;? tuflamutatilc,(o that a
fcetp if fie thmge flamtth tbetUt
thou fteft that there ig RQttu>iise
to be nuroapielu.- .

CUfhemrfe ftisaMieruapIe
tljat-athyngeiij huirttcD hp fpfe*

hjljanoi^otthe taufes fs behol*

tcuonefr:©Httoha« rlie nature

oftbtfufftrK o# toeahne© of the

hcerts icfceo on,there tgnomet;*


c If theutepite-mahe acatboa
ticUQij^DJ a t^ngt thpupage
in tht'Wftbte. '
syftafce betfpnianp of the ift*

tie btaftes! IhPnpnge tfp iipghte^

anoput them beaten flu ail t» a

botteltof giaire,ano tlote ft, anb

buti't u fu hoote l|o;ftj3 htiage.
BAped, «&«•

to8f &e t^u fMtotQfU of

tl)em^etalembipfi,brfftct> tfyw
flialt€p«tiii a beiteU of flail

of, ijlafTe^t geuetbfo gteaf elete

mlfe^bat em ft man raape vtat
anb lougljt tn a iat&e place,tMl)<

ce it is. ^ome men manetb tl»te

toatec of tljc gall ot a ^narf, tbt

gall oftUe wefetl^tiKSaUofj^

JoMfjano of a toatet Oogge^ijct

bticp ef bepittfn bunse^a^btQpU


Ci^afve flpenge fp^e nfs

tee tin's mnncr.

s> Calte one pounlie of bivm«'

Ucone.tnjoc poutibe of coolfs of
Uitiotcieoitol'tbp.fJf.poua^e of

(lotrf faUe.tbefe ttnce tlipnges

mud be biapeo berpe fmall, in a
inatbcll itoone>a£tcttwatDe tbon
JSfflepafcttfone at tbp plea&vt
Ipi^otr of pap«;r,flpf ngf # tita*
Kiage thtmOtn .

c J coore too flpe Aouioe bte

lons^fmall ano full of taat btfte
jioulDet.but a rote to make ttytti'
Ore ftouiOe be .^tt) gtoffe anb ;

^alft fall,

svanb enbe pftbefeeeeteg of tta#

jmeelet.tDjttbe bp aibecta*
^@agnuo in jiatpnr,
tiebilp teanflateb



t#3mpjpnttti a t nottbott.bp me

' ? ^^bb#

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