Book 1943 - E. Benjamine - Beginners Horoscope Maker and Reader

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Beginner's Horoscope


TMs Is the
personal propsrt/
ol yiDl
By Eibcrt Benjaminc


Pubtithsd by
PO Box 1525. Mnm Office
Lot Angeles, California 90053
Aspect Finder
*Astrodyne Manual
Astrological Lore of All Ages
*Body Disease and Its Stellar Treatment
•Chart Calculator and Progression Dial
Chart Your Future
•How to Select a Vocation
How to Use Modem Ephemendes
Influence of the Planet Pluto
•Progressed Aspects of Standard Astrology
Stellar Dietetics
•When and What Events Will Happen
Ou of p ni

Under the pseudonym of C C Zam

Brotherhood of Light Home Stifdy Courses
Astrology, Alchemy and Magic
Laws of Occultism XI Divmation and
II Astrological Signatures Character Readm
III Spiritual Alchemy XII I Evoltuton of Life
IV Ancient Masonry XII II Evolution of Religi
V Esoteric Psychology XIII Mundane Astrology
VI Sacred Tarot XIV Occultism Applied to
VII Spiritual Astrology Daily Life
VIII Horary Astrology XV Weather Predictmg
IX Mental Alchemy XVI Stellar Healing
X I Delineating the XVII Cosmic Alchemy
Horoscope XVIII Imponderable Forces
II Progressing the XIX Organic Alchemy
Horoscope XX The Next Life
XXI Personal Alchemy

Author of The Brotherhood of Light 21 Home Stuth' Courses
Foreword, by Dons Chase Doane, Hennetician 9
and Timeof Signs and Planets, Tables of Longitude 12
1 Local Mean Time is the Dominant Factor 13
2 Placmg the Signs on the Houses 24
3 Placmg the Planets m the Chart 41
4 Unifying the Horoscope 61
Physical and Mental Diet for Afflicted Planets,
Symbols of Aspects 84
1 We Make an Easy Start 85
2 Each Planet jn Each Sign 103
3 Aspects Between Each Two Planets 121
4 Each Planet m Each House 139
5 Delineating the Horoscope 157
1 Map 1 Standard Time Tones of the United States 176
2 Map 2 Standard Time Zones of the World. 178
3 Mundane Houses 179
4 Ephemens November 1930 180
5 Ephemens Apnl 1943 182
6 Tables of Houses for Lat 41° 54' N 184
7 Table of Pioportional Loganthms 186
8 Conversion of Mean to Sidereal Tune 188
9 Conversion of Longitude to Tune 190
10 Aspect Orbs 191
11 Decimation of Angles 192
12 Table of Mutual Reception 193
13 Table of Essential Dignities 194
Abbreviations ^
Reading References
The late C C Znin Elbert Benjamine one of the most
prolific astrological writers of the present century wrote
over 50 books and thousands of magazine articles A scholar
who mastered every physical science of his time Benjamine
brought this same vigor to his exploration of the occult
The scope of his work is so tremendous that the impact
of his influence is perhaps little understood at the present
However as New Age concepts evolve in a space oriented
environment his genius will become more widely compre
bended It is no wonder that students in pracitcally e\erj
country of the world are benefiting from his Home Study
Courses and that his works continue to be in great demand
NER S HOROSCOPE READER were onginall) published
as two books by The Aries Press Chicago Illinois in 1943
For almost 10 years now BEGINNERS HOROSCOPE
MAKER has been out of print In these past years the writer
has been asked if she knew where a copy of the book was
available As every astrologer and student held on to this
book few appeared in second hand book stores
In this present volume the two books are being published
together so that the beginner in the study of astrology will
have everything at hand in one volume to learn the funda
mentals of the science Part One BEGINNER S HORO
SCOPE MAKER has been revised, to embrace a larger num
berofthe problems one often encounters in chart erect on
and examples are given to make the application of the rules
Remember all you need is s xth grade arithmetic to cal
culate the most precise chart possible Studying these rules
and following the four example charts slra ght through the
text will fully prepare you for calculating your own horo
scope and those of your family and friends Then you may
and use the keywords as springboards to gi\e readings that
wall inform and fascinate those you read for
After years of correct ng the astrological examinations
lint come into Church of I.ight Headquarters I can say
without reservation that few people including some profes
sionals are able to erect a horoscope accurately This vol
ume was designed to help clarify the base rules The
Church of Light standards are kept high and no student
is nJJoucd to submit Jus FmiJ r^nmimtion on astrology
until he cin erect a chart nccuntcl) and completcl) fill in
the Student Chart Blank
B of I Course VIII, Horan Astrolog), b> C C Zain
pi\cs the rules and short cuts lor chart erection, and all of
the examples (14 of them) arc calculated from the noon
Greenwich 1920 cphemens In this present \olumc the
1930 and 1943 cphcmcndcs arc used Furthermore, the two
example charts tor 1943 ore based on the zero hour (mid
night) emphemens
Bcnjaminc, under the pseudonym of C C Zain, rev iscd the
210 Brotherhood of Light Lessons This present revision of
changes he made
GRAMS contains all of the tables diagrams and ephem
endes )OU will need to stud) the material in this book Extra
tables have been added to make the mathematical calcula
tions easier Then follows a list of ABBREVIATIONS used
in this work Finally, the section on READING REFER
ENCES gives you a guide to other reading material which
will make your study and assimihation of the Hermetic
System of Astrology more rapid The reference numbers
throughout the text of this book vv ill lead you to the appro-
priate reference Be sure to consult these references to leam
more about the subject matter
In studying the material at the beginning of this book the
best aid for you is TIME CHANGES IN THE US A The
information contained there will give you a wider picture
about the kind of time that was used at the birth place
When certain words arise that seem foreign to you, consult
LESSONS to find relevant reading material to enlighten
your concept of the topic matter
This volume goes lorward with the thought that it will
assist many astrological students to grasp the importance
of precise erection and detailed reading of the birth chart—
the only mdex to the individual soul Once this road map
is cartographed the native has a tool which may serve him
to build a more useful spiritual and happy life
Dons Chase Doane Hermetician
Secretary The Church of Light

i IP And 7 ^ Libra
2. y Taurus 8 TT], S«orpio
3. X Gemini 9. ^ Sagittarius
4- 25 Cancer 10 VJ Capncom
5. SI Leo 11 Aquarius
6. TlJ Virgo 12. K Pisces
I O Sun 6 Jupiter
2. 2 Moon 7 b Saturn
3 5 Mamry 8 Uranus
4- 9 Venus 9- w Neptune
5 <J Mars 10- E. Pluto
60 seconds (") make 1 minute, marked 0'
60 minutes (') make 1 degree, marked
30 degrees (0) make 1 sign, marked S
12 signs (S)0 make 1 zodiac
360 degrees ( ) make x arclc
60 seconds ($) make 1 minute, marked m
60 minutes (m) make 1 hour, marked h
24 hours (h) make 1 day, marked d
Chapter One
The position of an object or an eventcannot be completely
defined by three dimensions When we say that a certain
individual was on the street level at the intersection of Sev-
enth and Broadway m Los Angeles, full information is not
yet at hand It was Einstein who first emphasized the im-
portance of time as the fourth dimension And the relation
of velocity to time is a significant factor m explaining the
release of planetary energies by progressed aspects which
time and indicate the probable nature of the events that will
enter a given person's life But even in such a simple matter
as locating an individual in Los Angeles, in addition to the
three dimensions—street level, Seventh Street, and Broad
way—the fourth dimension, time must be added It must be
stated he was there on a given day of a given year at a speci
fied time of day
In like manner, to locate a birth, while the surface of the
earth gives one dimension, we must ascertain the latitude
of birth— the distance north or south of the earth s equator
and the longitude of birth — the distance east or west of
Greenwich When the town or city in which, or near which,
birth took place is known, the latitude and longitude of birth
may0 be ascertained from a map or atlas They are expressed
in s and's
Latitude and longitude of birth on the surface of the
earth, however, do not completely locate the birth To these
data, which are essential to the erection of a birth chart,
must be added the year month, day of month and time of
day when the birth took place
Unfortunately for simplicity, the kind of time used in a
given locality at different periods has been made a football
of politicians At various periods they have installed differ
ent systems of recording time Yet as a correct chart cannot
be erected unless the time used at the place of birth is
known, this matter of ascertaining what kind of time was
used on a given date, while often quite complicated, is of
14 Beginner's Horoscope Maker
the utmost importance. And before any attempt is made to
erect a chart of birth, positive information should be gained
not merely as to the time of day the birth took place, but as
to the kind of time used in recording it.'
The Dominant Factor—As the astronomical data given in
the cmphemeris is calcufated for Moan Time, unless the
time of birth is given in terms of local moan time it becomes
necessary to convert the recorded time into local moan time.
Because it is necessary first to find Local Moan Time before
any of the other calculations can bo made, it is called the
The first step in calculating any horoscope, therefore, is
to ascertain this DOMlNArTT FACTOR, or Local Moan
Time. And this necessitates a consideration of the various
systems of recording time that have been employed, and
bow to convert the time thus recorded into local moan time.
In some countries, notably Russia, the Julian Calendar'
was used up to the time of the Revolution in 1917. But
there were exceptions, as some places on the Black Sea used
the calendar of their neighbors. When, however, the date
is given Old Style, as it was reckoned in Russia, it must be
converted into the Gregorian Calendar, or Now Stylo, be-
cause the cphemeris is calculated New Style. This is done
by adding 12 days to Old Style dates occuring in the 19th
Century, and by adding 13 days to Old Style dates since
1900. Thus Josef Stalin's birth, according to his mother, oc-
curred December 21, 1879, Old Style. Adding 12 days to
this date brings us to January 2, 1880, as the date for
which his birth-chart should be erected.
Before November 18, 1883, at Noon, in the United States,
and before 1880 in Great Britain, it was customary to use
local mean time. Therefore the times of such births usually
need no conversion, for as recorded ihey represent the
Such use of focaf mean tme required that every place
having a different longitude should have a different time.
This not only was a nuisance, but as railways stretched
across the continent it became too impractical to tolerate
The clocks in dfferent longitudes might either keep identical
time, or show differences easily adjusted, Standard Time
was adopted in the United States and in most countries of
the world.
IX)cai. MHAN TIMT 15
As shown by Map 1, the United States is divided into six
Standard Time Zones each containing 15° longitude The
standard meridian for Eastern Time is 75°, or 5 hours, west,
the standard meridian for Central Time is 90°, or 6 hours
west, the standard meridian for Mountain Time is 105°,
or 7 hours west, and the standard meridian for Pacific Time
is 120°, or 8 hours, west Puerto Rico has a further zone,
called Atlantic Time, which is but 4 hours nest Hawaii
and Alaska use 150° W
Standard Time is a logical necessity in this day of swift
travel and instanoous long distance communication Nor is
there anything complicated about it The complication arose
when Daylight Saving Time was adopted in many coun-
tries during World War I It was in general use in the U S
durmg 1918 and 1919, and continued in use in some sec
tions of the country up to the date of World War II And
while Daylight Saving Time was made legal in these com
munities, it so complicated railroad schedules that the rail
roads, to conform to the time used in other localities on
their route, used Standard Time Thus for years there were
towns in the eastern U S that were using two kinds of time
During World War II, starting May 3, 1941, and lasting
to August 9, England each year used Double Summer Time,
the clock two hours ahead of Standard Time in summer, and
having it one hour ahead during the balance of the year In
the United States War Time commenced February 9, 1942,
2 00 a m and ended September 30, 1945 The clock was set
one hour ahead of Standard Time, not merely during sum
mer, but for the whole year
Daylight Saving Time in 1918 was in use in the US
from March 31 to October 27, and in 1919 from March 30
to October 26, but where continued the change date varied
When the birth is timed according to the Double Summer
Time of England, it becomes necessary to subtract two
hours from the clock to get the Standard Time When the
birth is timed according to Daylight Saving Time, or War
Time, such as was used in the US, it becomes necessary
to subtract one hour from the clock to get the Standard
Time In the years between World War I and World War
II careful inquiry should be made to be sure which time
was used in the record 1
When the time of birth is recorded in Standard Time or
^ nrctNM-.n's Honoscorr Mart*
js converted from Dn>lighl Saving or WirTjme into Stand
nrd Time b) subtracting one hour, we must next know what
Standard Time Zone was used0
Tbeorcticillv, nil places T'/S cast and west of a stand
ard meridian should keep the same time As a matter of fact,
railroad divisions and natural boundaries greatly influence
the actual place where time changes arc made Furthermore
the dividing line where such changes of time take place has
not remained constant but has shifted along with railroad
changes and the development of certain regions Map I
gives the zones and places of time change But if a birth
is near these places of time change, mucn pains should be
exercised to Icam just what time was used in recording the
All of us arc aware, through listening to radio broadcasts,
that time is later in England than in the United States, and
those west of the Eastern Time Zone are aware that time
in New "York or Washington is later than it is in the other
US Time Zones For instance we on the Pacific Coast
must turn on our radios at 9 00 •» m to listen to a presiden
tnl speech given from the White House in Washington at
noon From everyday experiences we become aware that
there is a close relationship between longitude and time
One cowplevc revoluUon of the earth on vts axis which is
the time between two successive transits of the sun's semi
diameter across the same meridian measures 24 hours In
the complete revolution the 360° of geographical longitude
measuring the earth's circumference pass under the sun at
meridian Dividing 360° by 24 gives 15® that pass under
the sun at meridian every hour Dividing this hour of 60
minutes by 15 gives 4 minutes as the time required for 1°
longitude to pass under the sun at meridian
For reckoning distance on any circle a starting point must
be selected This is tme not only relative to the circle along
which geographical longitude is measured but also of the
circle along which is measured time And to use as such a
Prime Meridian from which to compute geographical longi
tude and to use as a standardized time reference in locating
the position of the heavenly bodies the longitude of Green
wicn England is considered as 0" and 0 hours and the
universally accepted starting point Any adequate map indi
cates how many degrees and minutes each important geog
1-OC.M MHAN Timh 17
nplucil area is cast or west of Greenwich And the inter
national date line (see Map 2) is 12 hours, or 180°, from
Greenn ich
As distance cast or west of Greenwich may be expressed
either in degrees or in hours and minutes of time the prcva
lent manner of locating the standard time meridians has
been to divide the world into 24 such standard time zones
each succcssnc meridian being just IS® of geographical Ion
gitudc and therefore representing just 1 hour difference in
time from the next meridian How the world and how the
U S are thus divided is shown in Maps 1 and 2
On each of these standard meridians the standard time
and the local mean time are identical But as clocks at all
points approximately IV0 both east and west of such a
standard meridian keep the local mean time of this standard
meridian since standard time came into use if the place is
either cast or west of the standard meridian the clock time
must be converted into local mean time (LMT)
Clocks west of a standard meridian are FAST Clocks east
of a standard meridian arc SLOW And as 1° longitude is
the equivalent of 4 minutes time the number of 0 east oi
west of the standard meridian may be converted into time
merely by multiplying by 4 and calling the result minutes of
time If the place is East of the standard meridian ADD the
number of minutes thus found to the standard time If the
place is West of the standard meridian SUBTRACT the
number of minutes thus found from the standard time The
result is the Local Mean Time of Birth and this is the
The Method of Presenting Examples Employed—Where this
seems advisable for the sake of greater clearness other ex
amples of the problems involved in erecting a chart will also
be given but to show in their proper sequence how to em
ploy the principles explained four complete charts repre
sentat'ivc of each candi fwn cxnfTttr&nlfencKKtttered fit acfasi
astrological practice will be erected a step at a time
The problems relating to these four example charts will
be interspersed with other examples but the problems relat
mg to each of these complete example charts wherever they
occur will be preceded by the same capital letter by which
the chart is designated and thus no difficulty will be cncoun
tered in following the steps in its erection from start to
18 Beginner's Horoscope Maker
finish. The data of the four birth-charts thus erected, and
the letters by which their problems are designated, are as
(A) November 14, 1930, 10:44 a.m. Central Europe
Standard Time (GET), Rome, Italy, Longitude 12E29,
Latitude 4IN54.
(B) November 22, 1930,2.00 a.m. Pacific Standard Time
(PST), Thrail, Calif., Longitude 122W29, Latitude 41N54.
(C) April 2, 1943, 2:10 p.m. Central Standard Time
(CST), Elmhurst, 111., Longitude 87W56, Latitude 41N54.
(3:10 p.m. Central War Time.)
(D) April 20, 1943, 11:30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time
(EST), Taunton, Mass., Longitude 71W05, Latitude 4IN54.
(12:30 p.m. Eastern War Time.)
Examples of Finding the LMT of Birth"—Instead of mul-
tiplying the difference in longitude bemeen the birthplace
and the standard meridian by 4, consult the Table of Con-
version of Longitude to Time in Part Three. This Table per-
forms the multiplication for you.
(A) The longitude of Rome is 12" E 29'. The Central
Europe Standard Meridian is 15° E. The difference is 2°
31', for which the Conversion Table gives 10' and 04". As
Rome is west of the standard meridian, the 10'and 4" must
be subtracted from the standard time of birth. A birth at
10:44 a.m. GET, Rome, gives 10.33.56 a.m. as the local
mean time of birth.
(B) The longitude of Thrail, California, is 122° W 29'.
The Pacific Standard Meridian is 120° W. The difference is
2° 29', for which the Conversion Table gives 9' and 56".
As Thrail is west of the standard meridian, 9' and 56" must
be subtracted from the standard time of birth. The birth at
2:00 a.m. PST gives 1:50:04 a.m. as the local mean time of
(C) The longitude ol Elmhurst, Illinois, is 87° W 56'.
The Central Standard Meridian is 90° W. The difference
is 2° 4', for which the Conversion Table gives 8' and 16".
As Elmhurst is east of the standard meridian, 8' and 16"
must be added to the standard time of birth. As the birth
was 2:10 p.m. CST, the local mean time of birth was 2:18:16
(D) The longitude of Taunton, Massachusetts, is 71" W
Local Mean Time 19
05' The Eastern Standard Meridian is 75° W The difference
is 3° 55', for which the Conversion Table gives 25' and 40"
As Taunton is east of the standard meridian, 15' and 40" must
be added to standard time of birth The birth at 11 30 p m
EST gives 11 45 40 p m as the local mean time of birth
The longitude of Berlin, Germany, is 13° E 23' The Cen
tral Europe Standard Meridian is 15° E Here the differ-
ence is 1° 37', for which the Conversion Table gives 6' and
28" As Berlin is west of the standard meridian, 6' and 28"
must be subtracted from the standard time of birth That
is, if a birth was 9 10 a m GET, the local mean time was
9 03 32 a m
The longitude of Tokyo, Japan, is 139° E 45' The Jap
anese Standard Meridian is 135° E The difference is 4°
45', for which the Conversion Table gives 19 As Tokyo is
east of the standard meridian, 19' must be added to the
standard time of birth Thus if a birth occurred at I 15 pm
JST, the local mean time of birth, or Dominant Factor, was
1 34 00 p m
The longitude of New York is 73° W 57' The Eastern
Standard Meridian is 75° W The difference is 1° 03' for
which the Conversion Table gives 4' and 12 ' As New York
is east of the Standard Meridian, 4' and 12" must be added
to the standard time of birth If a birth took place at 2 00
a m EST, it took place at 2 04 12 a m local mean time
The longitude of Washington, D C , is 77° W 01' The
Eastern Standard Meridian is 75° W The difference is 2°
01', for which the Conversion Table gives 8 and 4" As
Washington is west of the standard meridian, 8' and 4"
must be subtracted from the standard time of birth An
event that took place in Washington at exactly noon EST
would have a local mean time of 11 51 56 a m
The longitude of Los Angeles is 118° W 15' The Pacific
Standard Meridian is 120° W The difference is 1° 45', for
which the Conversion Table gives 7 As Los Angeles is east
of the standard meridian, 7' must be added to the standard
time of birth to get the local mean time A birth that took
place at 11 45 p m PST, took place at 11 52 00 p m local
mean time
Tables Needed for Erectmp a Horoscope—To erect a chan
of birth or any horoscope, in addition to the data supplied
20 Beginner's Horoscope Maker
to the astrologer, only two things are required. One is a Ta-
ble of Houses for the latitude of the place, and the other is
an ephemeris for the year of birth.
EPHEMERIDES: To ascertain the position of the plan-
ets, an ephemeris for the year of birth is required. An ephem-
eris, unlike a Table of Houses, if for one year, will not do for
some other year. The most economical method is to pur-
chase the Astrologer's Ephemerides (A-P Ephemerides),
which may be had in convenient volumes each containing
all the positions each day for ten years. These cover the
years 1880 to 1950. There is also a thirty-year volume, cov-
ering years 1850 to 1880. TTie A-P volumes, which end with
the year 1949, are the American Edition of Die Deutsche
Ephemeride, which are still available for the years 1950
through 1970.
The ephemerides used in astrology are calculated from
the government ephemerides — of which the American
Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac is the one published by
the Nautical Almanac Office, U.S. Naval Observatory, and
sold by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington,
D.C. While the true declinations of the planets and the true
longitude of the sun and moon are given, the longitude posi-
tions of the planets are not given. Instead, which is more
convenient for navigation, the positions of the planets are
given in hours, minutes and seconds of Right Ascension.
The astrological ephemeris makers convert this, by means
of tables made for that purpose, into celestial longitude,
which is expressed as signs, degrees and minutes.
Now before the volume of 1925, the planetary and other
positions given in the government ephemeris were for noon.
But changing observatory practice and other practical con-
siderations caused the astronomers to change this long estab-
lished custom in favor of the civil day which begins at mid-
night, twelve hours before mean noon of the same day.
Thus Greenwich Civil Time, which because of its present
universal use by astronomers is now called Universal Time,
Is twelve hours before Greenwich Mean Noon of the same
Beginning with the year 1925, the government ephem-
erides count the day as from midnight, as is the custom in
our ordinary walks of life, instead of from noon to noon as
Local Mean Time 21
previously had been done, and the positions of the planets
since 1925 have been given in the government ephemendes
for zero hour (midnight)
Every additional computation makes the necessity of
checking against slight error more imperative And because
this avoids the necessity of making a computation for the
intervening 12 hour interval when converting the Right
Ascension of the planets as given in the government ephem-
ens into zodiacal longitude, and because to give precision
in computing the places after such a 12 hour interval the
troublesome factor of Acceleration must be included—which
is usually neglected by the makers of ephemendes for
astrological purposes—commencing with the year 1931, the
makers of the A P Ephemendes and Die Deutsche Ephem-
ende have followed the example of the astronomers and
given the various positions at Greenwich Zero Hour (mid-
night), which is Universal Time
In using these highly precise A P Ephemendes therefore,
it must be remembered that preceding and including the
year 1930, the positions are given for Greenwich Noon, but
that since that year they are given for Greenwich Zero
Hour In the example charts which follow, two charts are
erected from the A P noon ephemens, the two pages of
which for November, 1930, are reproduced in Part Three,
ASTROLOGICAL TABLES Furthermore two charts are
erected from the A P Zero hour ephemens, the two pages of
which for April, 1943, are also reproduced in Part Three,
TABLES OF HOUSES A table of houses is perpetual and
good for all years, but the table must cover approximate!)
the geographical latitude of birth Near the equator, differ
ences are small, and therefore a table which is 10 removed
from the latitude of birth is close enough, which means that
if tables cover every 2° that is sufficient But as higher lati
tudes are reached the differences are greater, and the table
should cover every degree of latitude
Until the A P Tables of Houses were published the avail
able tables covered only certain latitudes in one hook, and
other latitudes in other books To get all latitudes for which
such tables are of practical use thus required the purchase
of several volumes For reasons that involve the peculiar
22 Beginner's Horoscope Maker
performance of planets in reference to rising and setting as
the land of the midnight sun is approached, charts in lati-
tudes above 67° present special problems, and cannot con-
veniently be handled in the ordinary way by recourse of a
table of houses. But the A-P Tables of Houses, in addition
to being economical, contain tables suitable for use in all
latitudes in which such tables can be made of value. They
run from the equator to 66° North Latitude; and contain
instructions for easily using them to erect charts in South
Latitudes. In Part Three of this book will be found repro-
duced from the A-P Table of Houses the two pages cover-
ing latitude 41° 54' north, at which latitude the births
took place for which the four example charts of this book
are erected.
for erecting a chart of birth or for calculating progressed
aspects the only mathematical ability necessary is that re-
quired in adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing. The
multiplying ana dividing is employed in solving simple prob-
blems in proportion by the RULE OF THREE such as is
taught in grammar school.
In a proportion the two end numbers are called the
extremes ana the two intermediate numbers are called the
means The Rule of Three is: If three known numbers are
related proportionally, the product of the two of the same
kind divided by the third gives the fourth member of the
proporiion. Therefore, if the extremes are known, divide
their product by the known mean, and the quotient is the
desired unknown term. And if the means arc known, divide
their product by the known extreme, and the quotient is the
desired mean.
Thus on a dav when the Sun moves (a) 59' in the zodiac,
suppose we wisn to know how many minutes (b) it will
move in (d) 7 hours, 25 minutes. 24 x 60 minutes (one
hour) gives (c) 1440 minutes in one day. 7 x 60 minutes,
plus 25 minutes, gives (d) 445 minutes. The proportion
then is:
59: ? :: 1440 ; x 445. 59 x 445 gives 26255. 26255 divided
by 1440 gives 18'as the distance the Sun travels.
Now mathematicians have devised a table of proportional
logarithms based on always considering 1440 minutes (one
day) as the (c) term of the proportion.
IvOC.m. Mean Time 23
With this table problems in proportion involving 24 hours
as one term con be solved merely by addition or subtraction.
To find the distance a planet travels during a given inter-
val (b) the logarithm of the (d) interval is merely added
to the logarithm of the (a) daily motion of the planet. Such
use of logarithms lessens the work and makes for precision.
Turn to the table of logarithms given in Part Three of this
book and observe how the problem above worked by propor-
tion more quickly is handled by logarithms thus:
Log. (a) 1.3875 0° 59' daily motion of Sun
Log. (d) .5100 7h 25m add interval
Log. (b) I 8975 0° 18' distance Sun travels
Chapter Two
The zenith of on observer, the point directly overhead,
traces a circle in the sky due to the eastward rotation of the
earth. For convenience, and to avoid technicalities, let us
call this circle, parallel to the circle along which right ascen-
sion is measured, the mundane circle. And it is important,
for from it arc located the houses of a horoscope, the Mun-
dane Houses.
But there is also a second important circle, the circle in
the sky apparently followed by the sun in its annual journey,
which marks the center of a narrow belt along which all the
planets apparently travel. This belt is called the zodiac, and
the circle followed by the sun is called the ecliptic. The posi-
tions of the planets as recorded in an ephemeris are given
as they appear along this annual path of the sun.
Thus all the planets have two important apparent mo-
tions. They have a clockwise apparent motion that carries
each from the Ascendant to the Midheaven, to the Descend-
ant, to the l.C. and back to the Ascendant again each day.
The sun thus is seen to rise in the morning, to reach the
Midheaven at noon, to disappear below the Descendant in
the evening, and to appear again on the Ascendant on the
moming on the next day. All of the planets perform a simi-
lar daily journey. And in which house of the horoscope
each planet has thus arrived in this clockwise daily journey
is very important; for it indicates both the volume of energy
the planet is able to deliver, and the department of life it
But all the planets also have a slower counter-clockwise
motion through the zodiac. While being swiftly carried
clockwise by the diurnal rotation of the earth, they are
slowly moving counter-clockwise along the zodiacal circle.
Their position on this circle is plotted In the ephemeris for
each day.
In erecting a horoscope, therefore, we have calculations to
make relative to two different circles; the circle of mundane
houses, and the circle of the zodiac.
Signs on the Houses 25
Now both the mundane circle and the zodiacal circle are
divided into segments of 30 degrees each As a circle has 360
degrees there are thus 12 segments on each of the two cir
cles Fach such 30 degree segment of the mundane circle is
called a House, and each 30 degree segment of the zodiac is
called a Sign
The positions of the planets as given in an ephemens
show them to have a longitude of so many degrees and mm
utes in a certain sign That is, their positions are plotted
in the ephemens along the circle w hich is the .apparent an-
nual path of the sun But that does not indicate whether
thet are above the horizon, below the horizon, half way up
to the midheaven in an easterly direction, or how else they
may be located relative to the observer on e*irth To ascer
tain this, the position of the zodiacal circle in reference to
the mundane circle must be calculated
In astrology the position of a planet relative to each of
these circles is important The tone quality of each planet is
influenced b> the sign of the zodiac it is in, that is, in which
of the 30 degree segments along the apparent annual path
of the sun it is found Also the Harmony or discord mapped
by a given planet, and therefore the fortune-attracting or
misfortune-attracting desires of the thought cells within the
Human soul that it maps, is revealed by the aspects it re
ccives from other planets, and these are determined, with
the exception of the parallel .aspect, from the number of
degrees this planet is removed from other planets along this
zodiacal circle which is the apparent annual path of the sun
Also, each aspect a planet receives increases its prominence,
which means that it indicates the thought cells within the
soul which it maps have that much more energy with which
to work *
sets forth the significance of the Sun m each of the twelve
zodiacal signs, and Chapter Two of that Part sets forth the
significance of the Ascendant, the Moon, and each of the
eight planets in each of the twelve zodiacal signs And as
pointed out in Chapter Three of that Part, where the sig-
nificance of the aspects between each two planets is given,
only an ephemens for the year of birth is required to ascer
tain all the aspects between the planets, with the possible
exception of aspects involving the Moon For the day of
2G UrnvNFn's Honoscorp Makfr
birth the sign nnd degree they occup} nro given in such an
ephemens, nnd uith the possible exception of the Moon,
these positions along the circle representing the apparent
path of the sun, which is called the 2od!ac, arc all that is
needed to ascertain all the aspects between the planets
But while the tone qualitv of the influence of a planet,
and Its harmon> and discord, cin thus be ascertained from
Its position in the zodncil circle, the department of life
chicflj influenced by the thought colls it maps, and the vol-
ume of onorgN possessed by these thought cells, can only
be asccrtnlnca when Its position relative to the mundane
circle is known As pointed out in Chapter Four of BEGIN-
NER'S HOROSCOPE READER, where the significance of
each planet in each house is pwen, it is the position of the
planet relative to the circle from which are mapped the
Mundane Ileuses that reveals for events and conditions of
fccting whit department of life the thought-cells mapped by
a planet will work
If you will step outdoors and face the south from time to
time nnd witch the sun, moon, planets and stars, the rela
tion of the two circles, both of which must be used to plot
astrological positions will become clear To us in northern
latitudes the circle of the zodiac, which the sun follows, and
from which the moon and planets never stray more than a
few degrees, is always to the south You will note that the
sun, moon and planets rise in an easterly direction, arch up
to the highest point while somewhat south of the zenith
and then set in a westerly direction This clockwise appar
ent motion of stars and planets is due to the earth turning
eastward on its axis
The eastern horizon of the earth is called the Ascendant
abbreviated Asc, the western horizon is called the Descend
ant, the meridian of the observer, that is a circle passing
through the poles of the earth and the zenith is the Mia
heaven, abbreviated M C and the point opposite the mid
heaven is the IC A circle passing directly eastward from
the zenith cuts the Ascendant the I C, the Descendant and
again readies the Midheaven at the zenith point From this
circle are mapped the Mundane Houses
This mundane circle is divided into four quadrants by
the Ascendant IC Descendant and Midheaven And while
in all geographical latitudes a heavenly body in its appar
Signs on the Houses 27
ent daily circle about the earth reaches the midheaven at
the same moment, and reaches the nadir at the same mo-
ment, the times uhen it appears above the Ascendant, and
disappears below the Descendant are greatly influenced by
the latitude of the observer In other words, whether a plan-
et is above or below the Ascendant or Descendant at the
time of birth may well be determined by the latitude on the
earth where the birth took place See diagram of Mundane
Houses, Part Three
Not only is it important to know whether or not, and
how far, a planet is above or below the Ascendant or De
scendant, but whether or not, and how far, it is within
or without one of the three equal divisions of each of the
mentioned quadrants Each of the equal divisions thus ascer
tamed from the circle about the earth at a given geographi-
cal latitude is called a Mundane House
Now the zodiacal circle is inclined to the earth's equator
at an angle of about 23,A0 But its inclination to the circle
passing directly eastward through the zenith, from which
the houses are ascertained, varies with each degree of geog-
raphical latitude And thus to ascertain the exact degree of
the zodiac on each of the cusps, or partions, which divide
the mundane circle into 12 equal segments, or houses, re
course is had to a table of houses
Ephemens Sidereal Time—To measure along a circle a
starting point is necessary The starting point for measur-
ing geographical longitude is Greenwich, England The
starting point for measuring along the mundane circle is the
Midheaven The starting point for measuring along the cir-
cle of the zodiac is that point in the sky, called the vernal
equinox, where the sun crosses from south to north dechna
tion and thus changes polarity each spring
Now the time that has elapsed since the point of the \er-
nal equinox, where the zodiacal circle commences, was on
the midheaven, which marks the starting point of what is
here called the mundane circle, is the sidereal time The
sidereal time, therefore, shows exactlj what sign and de-
gree of the zodiac are on the midhcaen It thus brings the
two circles — the zodiacal circle and what we here call the
mundancc circle—into coincidence at one point
The ephemens shows the sidereal time either for noon or
midnight That is it indicates what sign and degree of the
30 BrciNNrH's IIonoscorE Mak£«
Problem in order to apply the 9.8Gs correction for sidereal
Finding the Equitalent Greenuick Mean Time Intenal
(F.GMTl) is the Second Key Problem—As explained in Chap-
ter One, each degree of geographical longitude is the equiva-
lent of 4 minutes time. Therefore the number'of degrees of
geographical longitude a place is cast or west of Green-
wich can be converted into minutes of time merely by mul-
tiplying by 4. If the place is west of Greenwich, this differ-
ence in time must be added to the Local Mean Time
(DOMINANT FACTOR) to get the EGMT. If the place
is cast of Greenwich, this difference in time must be sub-
tracted from the Local Mean Time (DOMINANT FAC-
TOR) to get the EGMT.
The Equivalent Greenwich Mean Time thus found is
then a given number of hours and minutes after or before
the noon or zero hour for which the ephemeris is computed.
If the EGMT of birth is p.m., it already represents the re-
quired plus EGMTI if a noon ephemeris is used. If a zero
hour (midnight) ephemeris is used, it must be added to 12
hours to get the required plus EGMTI. For the sake of
greater precision in using the zero hour ephemeris it is bet-
ter to subtract the p.m. EGMT from 12 hours and use the
result as a minus EGMTI on the next day.
If the Equivalent Greenwich Mean Time of birth is a.m ,
and a noon ephemeris is used, it must be subtracted from
12 hours to get the required minus EGMTI. If a zero hour
(midnight) ephemeris is used, it already represents the re-
quired plus EGMT Interval.
To apply these rules, let's find the EGMT of the four ex-
ample charts To find the difference between the birthplace
and Greenwich consult the Table of Comersion of Longitude
to Time in Part Three.
Example: What is the time difference between Washing-
ton, D G., and Greenwich? Washington is 77" W 01'. In
Table, in degree11column, find 77. The time shown is 5h 8m.
In minute cob-" " find Im (of longitude). This corresponds
to 4s of time.
5h 08m 00s 77° long,
add Oh 00m 04s 0T Jong.
5h 08h 04s. Washington is W. of Greenwich
Signs on the Houses 3j
Using this method the following examples show how to
find the EGMTI of the four example charts
(A) lOh 33m 56s a m LMT of birth
49m 56s subtract for 12 E 29 long
9h 44m 00s am EGMT
llh 60m 00s Noon Greenwich
9h 44m 00s subtract EGMT
2h 16m 00s Minus EGMTI
(B ) Ih 50m 04s am LMT of birth
8h 09m 56s add for I22W29 long
lOh 00m 00s EGMT
I2h 00m 00s Noon Greenwich
lOh 00m 00s subtract EGMT
2h 00m 00s Minus EGMTI
(G) 14h I8m 16s LMT of birth (I2h added)
5h 51m 44s add for 87W56 long
20h 10m 00s EGMT and EGMTI due to
zero hour ephemens
(D) 23h 45m 40s LMT of birth (I2h added)
4h 44m 20s add for 71W05 long
28h 30m 00s EGMT and EGMTI due to
zero hour ephemens
The results in these four examples represent an interval
of time difference between the clock at the birth place and
the clock at Greenwich This actual time span is used to cai
culate the Limiting Date (L D ) as well as the 9 86s correc
tion in the First Key Problem Your easiest guide to keeping
these figures straight is a Student Chart Blank sold by The
Church of Light The four example Charts at the beginning
of the next chapter have been calculated on these blanks
The Limiting Date appears on the last line of this blank
While the mathematics of progressing the horoscope right
fully belongs in more advanced work, the beginner will find
it easy to calculate the L D as he leams to erect a chart
28 Beginner's Horoscope Maker
zodiac are on the midheaven at noon or midnight, as the
case may be. Each hour and minute of clock time after noon
or midnight increases the sidereal time by that interval; and
each hour and minute before noon or midnight decreases
the sidereal time by an equivalent interval. Therefore, to
find the sidereal time of birth, we must find the local mean
time interval to or from noon or midnight, according to
which is used in the ephemeris, and add or subtract this
interval to or from the sidereal time given in the ephemeris.
Finding the Sidereal Time of Birth is the First Key Problem
—First we must find the local mean time interval from noon
or zero hour the birth took place. If the local mean time of
birth (DOMINANT FACTOR) is p.m., it already repre-
sents the required plus INTERVAL if a noon ephemeris is
used. If a zero hour (midnight) ephemeris is used, it must
be added to 12 hours to get the required plus interval. For
the sake of greater precision in using the zero hour ephem-
eris it is better to subtract p m. LMT from 12 hours and use
the result as a minus LMT interval on the next day.
If the local mean time of birth (DOMINANT FACTOR)
is a.m. and a noon ephemeris is used, it must be subtracted
from 12 hours to get the required minus interval. If a zero
hour (midnight) ephemeris is used, it already represents
the required plus LMT Interval.
(A) Using the noon ephemeris, to get the LMT Interval
for a birth that took place 10.33:56 a.m. LMT, merely sub-
tract lOh 33m 56s from noon. This gives minus Ih 26m
04s as the required LMT Interval.
(B) Using the noon ephemeris, to get the LMT Interval
for a birth that took place 1:05.04 a.m. LMT, we merely
subtract Ih 50m 04s from noon. This gives minus lOh 09m
56s as required LMT Interval.
(C) When using the zero hour ephemeris to calculate
p.m. charts, it is necessary to add 12 hours to the given time,
keeping in mind the 24-hour day. A birth that took place
at 2:18:16 p.m. LMT would give a I4h I8m I6s LMTI, as
a result of adding 12 hours. (AM. births do not require the
12-hour addition. The given LMT is merely considered as
a plus LMTI.)
(D) Using the zero hour ephemeris, to get the LMTI
for a birth that took place 11:45-40 p m. LMT, we merely
add 12 hours to arrive at a plus 23h 45m 40s LMTI.
•MrNN <1\ Till Hoi •.» *. 29
Tlio nc\t Mcp tn the I irM VCc) Prohltm concerns tlie Sulc
roil Time TJic Sidcroil T imc nt noon or zero hour for cich
<li\ it Grccniiicli is pucn In the ephemens for thejeir in
ulnch the hirth (lite occurs As most hirths do not occur at
noon or zero hour Greenwich, i correction is required
When the I.MT Interval is minus, it is suhtractcd from
the Sulcrcil Time of Rirth piven in the ephemens This
tcsuhs In the Sidtrcil Time of Birth Uncorrected
To find the Sidereal Time at noon or zero Iiour for the
four c\ample charts, consult the cphcmcndcs in Part Three
(A) nh 31m 27s ST noon, Nov Id, 1930
Ih 2fmi Ols suhtr.act LMTI
Uh OSm 23s ST of hirth (uncorrected)
(B) Ifih 03m OOs ST noon, Nov 22. 1930
Iflh OQm suhtr.act LMTI
5h 53m Ods ST of hirth (uncorrected)
(C) I2h 37m 52s ST zero hour, Apr 2 1943
I4h 18m 10s add LMTI
2Gh 5Gm OSs
24h 00m OOs subtract
2li 5Gm 08s ST of hirth (uncorrected)
(D) 13h 48m 50s ST zero hour, Apr 20,1943
23 h 45m 40s add LMTI
"371i 34m 30s
24h 00m OOs subtract
13h 34m 30s ST of birth (uncorrected)
In order to find the True Sidereal Tmic of birth, another
correction is needed m this First Key Problem Sidereal time
increases at the rate of 9 86 seconds per hour As the side
real time m the ophemoris is for noon or zero hour. Green
wich, this correction must be made for the interval before
or after noon or midnight Greenwich on the same day This
requires that the Equivalent Greenwich Mean Time Inter-
val (HGMTI) first be found. Before finishing the First Key
Problem, it becomes necessary to calculate the Second Key
32 Bectsneh's Horoscope Maker
The Limiting Date is a constant enabling the calculation
of tune within the particular calendar jear a major prog
ressed aspect becomes perfect The hours and minutes of the
interval from birth time to Greenwich tune are con\erted
into months and dajs by dividing the hours h> 2 and the
minutes by 4 If this interval is minus, the hours and mm
utes so found are added to the birth daj, month and }ear
If this interval is plus, the hours and mmtues are subtracted
from the birth date
(A) HGMTI is minus 2h !6m 2h divided b^ 2 equals
1 month 16m divided bj 4 equals 4 daj s
year Month Day
1930 II 14 birth date
1 04 add (Minus EGMTI)
IQW 12 /S, orDec. fS, 1930LT)
Following tins rule, calculate the LX) of the other three
example charts Results (B) December 22, 1930, (C) Ma>
29, 1942, and (D) Februai} 12, 1942 (Note that the LD
on (Harts (C) and (D) goes back into the previous }ear,
due to the long plus interval )
This same time difference between the clock at the birth
place and the clock at Greenmch, which we used to obtain
the L.D , is also used to determme the 9 S6s per hour cor
rection m the First Ke> Problem To find the True Sidereal
Time of Birth, multipl} this interv albj 9S6s If the interval
is plus, add the correction to the Uncorrected Sidereal Time,
if minus, subtract it
To save }ou the work of multiplying, refer to Part Three,
Table of Mean Time to Sidereal Time, where this multiphca
tion (b} 9 86s) has been calculated for each minute up to
24 hours
Example Chart (A) has an EGMTI of 2h 16m. Check
ing 2h 16m on this Table shows a correction of 22s As the
Interval is mmus we subtract the correction from the Un
corrected Sidereal Time.
(A) I4h Oom 23s Uncorrected Sidereal Time
22s Minus 9 86s correction
I4h 05 m TJs True Sidereal Time of Birth
SirN". ON Tiij- Plousrs 33
(B) 5h 53 m 04s Uncorrcctcd Sidereal Time
20s Minus 9 86s correction
5h 52m 44s True Sidereal Time of Birth
(C) 2h 56m 08s Uncorrected Sidereal Time
3m 19s Plus 9 86s correction
2h 59m 27s True Sidereal Time of Birth
(D) 13h 34m 30s Uncorrected Sidereal Time
4m 41s Plus 9 86s correction
13h 39m Us True Sidereal Time of Birth
REMINDER The 9 86s correction is alttays based on the
time interval from the birth clock to the Greenwich clock
For instance, m Chart (D) this interval is 28h 30m Using
the Table Coniersion of Mean to Sidereal Time, the prob-
lem is handled as follows
23h 30m Table shows 3m 51 6s
5h 00m Table shows 0m 49 3s
EGMTI 28li 30m 3m 1009s
4-1 m —60
4m 40 9s, or 4m
Finding the Precise Degree and Minute on the House Cusps
—-Turn to the Tables of Houses m Part Three, and m the
extreme left hand column find the nearest sidereal time to
that of birth If the h, m and s exactly match the True Side-
real Time of Birth, merely copy the house cusps there given
As a rule, you will not find the exact h, m and s Then a
problem of interpolation is required If the chart is being
erected for South Latitude, see explanation at the end of
this chapter The following rule should be used in calculat
ing charts for the Northern Hemisphere
This is solved by proportion where A B C D or
4 = S- We recall from arithmetic that the product of the
means (inner terms) equals the product of the extremes
(outer terms) Therefore, BXC = AXD or = D (cor
rection to be made)
34 Beginner's Hokoscoi'e Maker
A. Difference in minutes and seconds between the near-
est and next nearest sidereal time to that of Birth in Tables
of Houses.
B. Difference in minutes and seconds between the True
Sidereal Time of Birth and the nearest sidereal time to that
of Birth in Tables of Houses.
C. Difference between the house cusps corresponding
to the nearest and next nearest sidereal time to that of Birth
in Tables of Houses.
D. Correction to be made.
PROBLEM BY LOGS: To multiply by logarithms we
add logarithms; and to divide, we subtract. Convert A, B
and C to Logs, Log B minus Log A equals Basic Log (to be
used on all cusp corrections) plus Log C equals Log D.
Convert Log D into minutes and seconds of longitude.
TO CORRECT: Add D to cusp given in Tables of Houses
if nearest sidereal time is smaller than True Sidereal Time;
if larger, subtract D.
As all four example charts are for the exact latitude of
410 N 54', no further cusp correction is necessary. "Ihe cal-
culation of house cusps of charts in other exact latitudes
than those given in a Tables of Houses can be computed by
applying the information at the end of this chapter.
Before using the Tables of Houses in Part Three, you can
speed your work by first becoming familiar with the infor-
mation it contains and the format in which it is presented.
Notice the Sidereal Time column that runs all the way
from Oh Om Os at the top left comer down to 24h Om Os at
the bottom right comer of the second page.There are twelve
sections. Follow the sequence of hours from the first page
to the next page until you comprehend it.
The number of house cusps are noted across the top of
each section of the Tables of Houses. 10 stands for the 10th
house cusp (or Midheaven), and Ascen stands for the 1st
house cusp or Ascendant. The other house cusps (11, 12,
2, and 3) are also there. The sign of the zodiac appears
below the house-cusp number, and below that are degrees.
(Watch carefully for sign changes in the body of the Table.
For instance, see the 11th cusp for S.T. Ih 25m 6s, where
it changes to 0° Gemini 00'.)
Only the sign and degree on each of the cusps of the six
eastern houses are given in a table of houses. The opposite
Signs on the Houses 35
house cusp is always occupied by the same degree of the
opposite sign. A table of signs and their opposites is given
on page 8.
When, as often is the case, the same sign is found on
more than one house cusp, certain signs are found missing
after copying from the table of houses. These may be found
by counting the signs in their regular order; and they should
be placed in the map in the middle of those houses where
they fall by their natural sequence in the zodiac. These are
called intercepted signs.
Correcting the house cusps for Chart (A):
A. 14h 06m 59s nearest S.T.
I4h 03m 08s subt. next nearest S T.
3m 51s difference. Log .7947
B. 14h 06m 59s nearest S.T.
14h 05m OIs subt. True S.T. of birth
Im 58s difference, Log 1.0865
C. 4° Scorpio 00' nearest M.C.
3° Scorpio 00' next nearest M.C.
1" 00' difference, Log 1.3802
PROBLEM: Log B. (1m 58s) 1.0865
Log A. (3m 51s) .7947 subtract
2918 Basic Log
Log C. (1°) I 3802 add
Log D, (31m) 1.6720 correction
TO CORRECT: As the nearest ST is larger than the
True S.T of Birth, the correction (D.) is subtracted 31'
from 4° Scorpio 00' (or 3° 60') gives the True Midheaven
(10th cusp) for Chart (A) as 3° Scorpio 29'.
In this particular case, an inspection of theTables of
Houses shows that cusps 11, 12, 2, and 3 are also 1° dif-
ference (C). Therefore, 31' is subtracted from each of these
cusp positions given for the nearest S.T. to birth in the
Tables of Houses. These corrected cusps are shown in Chart
(A) in the next chapter.
Ascendant correction for Chart (A):
C. 8° Capricorn 24' nearest Asc
7° Capricorn 27' subt. next nearest Asc.
0° 57' difference. Log 1.4025
36 Becinnzr's Hohosoope Maker
PROBLEM: .2918 Basic Log
C. 1.4025 add
D. 1.6943 correction, 29'
TO CORRECT: As the nearest S.T. is larger than the
True S.T. of Birth, the correction (D.) is subtracted. 29'
from 8° Capricorn 24' (or 1° 84') gives the True Ascendant
for Chart (A) as 7° Capricorn 55'.
Following this pattern, see if jou can correct the cusps on
the other three example charts, and then check the correct
figures on0 the illustrations in the next chapter.
The 41 N 54' Tables of Houses exactly matched the Birth
latitude of all four example charts. However, a birth occur-
ring at any other degree and minute of latitude w«uld re-
quire another tables of houses. Furthermore, if the latitude
of birth were not given in the tables of houses but fell in
between two latitudes given there, an additional correction
of house cusps would be necessary. This problem is calcu-
lated in the following manner after the zodiacal correction
described above is finished.
A. Difference between nearest and next nearest Latitude
to that of birth in Tables of Houses,
B. Difference between nearest Latitude in Tables of
Houses and Birth Latitude.
C. Difference between cusps corresponding to nearest
and next nearest Latitude to that of Birth in Tables of
D. Correction to be made.
PROBLEMS BY LOGS: (Convert A, B and C to Logs.)
B minus A equals Basic Log (to be used on all cusp ooirec-
tions) plus C equals D. (Convert Log D into minutes and
seconds of longitude.)
TO CORRECT: Add D to house cusps determined in aodi-
acal correction above if the nearest Latitude is smaller than
the True Latitude; if larger, subtract D,
South Latitude—Tables or houses for north latitude may be
used for places in south latitude by adding I2h to the S.T.
and using the degree thus found, but placing opposite signs
on the house cusps. A detailed example of this will be found
on page 3 of the AP TABLES OF HOUSES,
Sh:^ <,M Tnl Honsis 37

■i ^ (''r 1
pi«. —.

dC a Tfc
UcW (,!.«T— gj ft.
LMTI 1 >■ hWkU
/> di

'i. A> j'i

?*Va k,
38 Beginner's Horoscope Maker

/lit* 3

IS via

Str.s* on tiir Hot 39

—£/L<vi Y- ( C )
^-'* ^ -Y

M J. I Lit


'I, 5 " 5 l)*iv MC Y 3 r 3

LJLSU a. 4. ^1 ' H- 1 fl. 3 S X-
N , , , *-, nu *> V AB 1" M
i;";-. LLLULLt-
■rfiz?^ t, si li ,\ AD *-
„ \ nr a *- Q. A zfc*
iM32 _L
A-Li V t. £2 Q*"*■
s A x-
* P A^Mncxu M A •*■ U.
-7 1(rC ^LAXJ a
*c _
42 UcciNNriTs Ilonoscon: ^tAKts
daily motion (a) of the plunot between the two successive
days within which the (d) EGMT Interval occurs should
first be ascertained. From this by the proportion (a) ; ?
;; (minutes in a day) : (d) the oistance the pianet
travels during the EGMTJ is found. This distance, added
to or subtracted from, the planet's position in the ephem-
cris on the given day gives the sign, degree and minute
occupied by the planet nt birth.
In actual practice, the distance the more slowly moving
planets travel during the given dav may be ascertained by
inspection. As the EGMT Interval is approximately a cer-
tain fraction of the day, the planet's travel during the
EGMT Interval Is approximately the same fraction of its
daily travel. And in actual practice the proportion to find
how far the faster moving planets move during the EGMT
Interval is more readily handled, as explained in Chapter
One, through the use of proportional logarithms. To Log.
(a) add Log. (d). The sum is the Log. (b) of the planet's
travel during the EGMT Interval.
Calculating All Planetary Positions in Chart (A) The
EGMT Interval (d) has been found to be minus 2h 16m.
The logarithm of 2h 16m (see Table Proportional Logari-
thms in Part III) is 1.0248. This is called tnc Constant Log-
boeausc it is one of the logarithms that will be used in lind-
ing the distance traveled by each planet foe chart (A).
Log. (a) 1.3802 0° 60' Sun moves Nov. 14,1930
Log. (d) 1,0248 add Constant Log.
Log. (b) 2,4050 0 ° 06' Sun moves in 2h 16 m
8S 21° 24' Sun in ephemeris Nov. 14, 1930
0° 06' subtract Sun's travel EG MIT
8S 21° 18' Sun is 21 Scorpio 18 at birth
6S 4° 19'Moon in ephemeris Nov. 14
55 20° 08' subtract Moon Nov. 13
14" 11' (a) daily motion Moon
Log. (a) .2284 14° 11' daily motion Moon
Log. (d) 1.0248 add Constant Log.
Log. (b) 1-2532 1° 20' Moon moves in 2h 16 m
65 4° 19' Moon in ephemeris Nov. 14
1° 20' subtract Moon's travel EGMTI
65 2° 59' Moon is 2 Virgo 59 at hitth.
PiANrrs in Tiir Cuatit 43
LoS- (a) 1.1852 1° 34' Mercury moves Nov. 14
Log- (d) 1.0248 add Constant Log.
Log. (b) 2.210(1 0° 09'Mercury moves in 2h 16m
8S 25° 44' Mercury in cphcmcris Nov. 14
0° 09' subtract Mercury's travel EGMTI
8S 25° 35' Mercury is 25 Scorpio 35 at birth
Log. (a) 1.7112 0° 28' Venus moves Nov. 14
Log. (d) 1.0248 add Constant Log.
Log. (b) 2.7360 0° 03' Venus moves in 2h 16m
9S 40 21' Venus in cphcmcris Nov. 14
0° 03' add as Venus is retrograde
9S 4° 24' Venus is 4 Sagittarius 24R at birth.
2h 16m is approximately 1/12 of 24h. Therefore for the
slower planets we need not use logarithms, but merely sub-
tract 1/12 of the daily motion of each from its position in
the cphcmcris on November 14, 1930.
From Nov. 13 to Nov. 14, 1930, Mars moves 21', 1/12 of
21' is approximately 2'.
5S 10° 22' Mars in cphcmcris Nov. 14
0° 02' subtract Mars' travel EGMTI
5S 10° 20' Mars is 10 Leo 20 at birth.
From Nov. 13 to Nov. 14, 1930. Jupiter moves only 1'
yem rogradc; therefore its position at birth is the same as that
theephemeris, 20 Cancer 27R.
FromereNovember 13 to Nov. 14, 1930, Satum moves only
' yh fore,
position may asbe itcopied
movesintolessthethan 1' injust1/12
chart as itofisagiven
day, its
ephemeris, 8 Capicom 32.
From November 13 to Nov. 14. 193a Uranus moves only
IVT0v.retr°g ra
14 may de,-betherefore its position
copied directly in the12ephemeris
into chart, Aries OOR.on
ro rn
r Nov.
it may be copied in the chart just as it isonly
13 to Nov. 14, 1930, Neptune moves 1';
in the
ephemeris. 5 Virgo 37.
's position January each year
As this planet, which is given
was innotthediscov-
Hrr.iVNi nV Jforrn^orr MAKTB

n,.—~fk i. i-c.

CKf«'. i -• //.i3-«r
Yr vr10

r."1 li Pi«j
- 2V fr
^-lY.v?C r/^jris- i / L?/V=(J
irnrU"-'-"-Yr ' i 7 i ^ ! y | ^ I x 1 J. 1 " A f (
A. «CT.
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-?3 ts' vr O \ '( ■U - a
v'lT *Y j c ) #"*lir n '—I. *■1
_ JS .70 0 0 rtii *i- • • *1 )• Pif-
V*' -a- ec 31* *^7 «t |\J 11 ii\ n i. L- ir* a i* 1' ■AM
Yl. ?3-K. -f/.. J1/.-1I - ! 1 N
« I ( iNf-'i • a. 1
" '^Cxrmxu rAoon
-lAjS -Y 1 i 1 rr 1!fj
~i~t~t sh
Chapter Three
placing the planets in the chart
place in
ethod explained theChapter
signs properly
Tv.o weonhave
the houses
finishedafter the
all cal
culations relative to the clockwise apparent motion of the
t0 t e r0tatl0n
^mams consideration ^ oftkethe
on itsslower
axis But there
cKvvise apparent motion of the planets through the zodiac
80 A he sign, degree and minute of the zodiac occupied by
planet at Greenwich noon or Greenwich zero (twelve
oars before noon) are given for each day of the year in the
0 r The distance the planet travels in a given 24
s is thus the difference between the planet's position
^tid Irom this, successive
by simple daysproportion,
embracingcanthebegiven 24 hours
ascertained the
'^nce traveled during any given portion of the 24 hours,
a therefore exactly where m the zodiac the planet is lo
ed at any hour and minute of time
"ms to ascertain just where the planets arc located in
1 e zothe
.•uat diactime,
at anynotgiven
justhour and minute,
anywhere, but athowever, requires
Greenwich be
Known, for the places of the planets in the ephemens are
calculated for Greenwich The geographical longitudero of
^enwich has been chosen as the Prime Meridian f "}
which to calculate longitude on the earth's surface, and
rcenwich Mean Time nas been selected as a standardized
hnie reference in locating the positions of the heavenly
bodies Thus the places ot the planets in the signs must be
Smted by uslng equivalent Greenwich mean
In using
is not Equivalent
the time of day atGreenwich
GreenwichMean w hichTime (EGMT)butit
is employed
the INTERVAL from noon if the ephemens is calculated
for Greenwich noon, or the Interval from zero hour if the
ephemens is calculated for Greenwich zero hour Thus the
EGMTI becomes the key to the positions of the planets The
EGMTI of all four example charts was calculated in Chapter
Finding the Sign, Degree and Minute Occupied by Each
Planet at Birth is the Final Problem—This requires that the
44 UrciNNnn's Honoscorr. Maker
crcd until 1930, moves less than 2 degrees in the zodiac per
year, this enables its position to be ascertained within less
than V* degree, which is close enough for purposes of deline-
ating a birth-chart. When progressed aspects arc calculated
to tnis planet it is better to have its position as precisely
CLUDING EPHEMERIS OF PLUTO 1840 to 1960, gives
the position of this planet each month from 1840 to 1940;
and once a year from 1940 to 1960. The positions given in
that book for October, November and December, 1930 are:
Day Month
19. X. 20°o Cancer 53' Declination 21°0 N 53'
18. XI. 20 Canccr44' Declination21 N57'
18. XII. 20° Cancer 16' Declination 22° N03'
Hero we find that Pluto retrograded 9' in the 30 days be-
tween October 19 and November 18. From Nov. 14 to Nov.
19 is 4 days. Then 9 (a) x 4 (d) give 36, 36 divided by 30
c) gives I' as the movement of Piuto during 4 days. Add
' to the position of Pluto on Nov. 18—20° Cancer 44'—
and it gives the position of Pluto on Nov. 14, 1930, as 20°
Cancer 45'R.
Declinations—For each chart, in addition to the zodiacal
positions, the declinations of each planet, the M C. and the
Asc. should be calculated. Declination of a planet, the M.C.,
or the Asc. is its angular distance north or south of the
celestial equator. As the movement by declination is so slow,
those of the more slowly moving planets may be copied from
the ephemeris, or be ascertained merely by inspection. The
declination of the Moon should be calculated by logarithms,
just as in calculating the zodiacal position of a planet. It
should be noted that when a planet moves from north decli-
nuation to south decimation, or from south declination to
north declination, the daily motion is not to be had by sub-
tracting the smaller decimation from the greater, as other-
wise is the case, but is the sum of the north declination and
the south declination as recorded in the ephemeris.
Other than the Sun and the Moon the declinations are
given every third day in the AP Ephemeris. The daily mo-
tion of a planet, therefore, is found by dividing the differ
ence between its two successive positions by 3
The M.C and Asc always have the same declination as
46 Becinneii's Horoscope Maker
Log* (a) .6333 5° 35' Moon moves Nov. 14
Log. (d) 1.0248 add Constant Log.
Log. (b) 1.6581 0° 32' Moon moves in 2h 16m.
13° N 37' Moon Nov. 14
32' add as dee!, is decreasing.
14° N 09' declination of Moon at birth.
Between Nov. 13 and Nov. 16, 1930, Mercury increases
declination 85'. 'A of 85 gives 28' as the daily motion, 1/12
of 28 gives 2' as the motion during 2h 16m.
19° S 22' declination Mercury Nov. 13
28' add daily motion
19° S 50' declination Mercury Nov. 14
02' subtract motion for 2h 16m
19° S 48' declination Mercury at birth.
Between Nov. 13 and Nov. 16, 1930, Venus decreases
declination 49'. '/j of 49 gives 16' as the daily motion. 1/12
of 16 gives 1' as the motion during 2h 16m.
25° S 35' declination Venus Nov. 13
16' subtract daily motion
25° S 19' declination Venus Nov. 14
01' add motion for 2h 16m
25° S 20' declination Venus at birth.
Between Nov. 13 and Nov. 16, 1930, Mars decreases dec-
lination 11'. Ytof ll gives 4' as the daily motion. As I/I2 of
4 is less than 'A we ignore the motion during 2h I6m.
19° S 33' declination Mars Nov. 13
4^ subtract daily motion
19° S 29' declination Mars at birth.
Between Nov. 13 and Nov. 16, 1930, Jupiter increases
declination Only I'. Therefore its declination on Nov. 13
may merely be copied from the ephemeris. Jupiter's declina-
tion at birth is 21° N 55'.
PiANrrs in Tire, Chaut 47
Between Nov. 13 and Nov. 16, 1930, Satum decreases
declination only 1'. Therefore its declination on Nov. 13
may merely be copied from the ephemeris. Saturn's decli-
nation at birth is 22° S 46'.
Between Nov. 13 and Nov. 16, 1930, Uranus decreases
declination only 2'. Therefore its declination on Nov. 13
may merely be copied from the ephemeris, Uranus' decli-
ation at birth is 4° N 07'.
Between Nov. 13 and Nov. 16, 1930, Neptune decreases
declination only 1'. Therefore its declination on Nov. 13
may merely be copied from the ephemeris. Neptune's decli-
nation at birth is 10° N 05'.
Between October 19 and Nov. 18, 1930, as shown above
where the positions of Pluto arc given, Pluto increases decli-
nation only 4'. Therefore its declination on November 18
may merely be copied. Pluto's declination at birth is 21°
N 57'.
The M.C. of birth is 3 Scorpio 29. Using the table of
Dedinaiiaix of Angles in Part III, look to second column
under Scorpio, and go down to 3 and 4 degrees. Answer
must appear between corresponding declinations of 12:31
and 12:52. The interval sought is 29'. 29' is half a degree,
thus half the difference between 12:31 and 12,52 is 10'. The
10' must be added to 12-31, and the answer is a declination
of 12S4I. (S, found at the head of column, indicates South
The birth Asc. is 7 Capricorn 55. See third column in
Table and go down to 7 and 8 degrees under Capricorn.
We find a difference in declination (between 23 16 and
23:12) of 4'. The Asc. falls 5', 1/12°, short of 8 Capricorn
4 divided by 12 equals zero. No correction is necessary. The
declination of the Asc. is 23S12.
Calculating All Planetary Paiitiaas m, Chart (B) — The
EGMT Interval (d) has been found to be minus 2h. The
logarithm (see Table of Proportional Logarithms) is 1.0792
This is called the Constant Log because it is one of the
logarithms that will be used in finding the distance traveled
by each planet for chart (B).
Log. (a) 1.3802 1° 00'Sun moves Nov. 21-22,2930
Log. (d) 1.0792 add Constant Log.
Log. (b) 2.4594 0° 05' Sun moves in 2h
nrr,iNNin'< FIoKoicorr MAKO
8S 29° 28' Sun IncpJicmcrls Nov. 22, 1930
Oy subtract Sun's travel EGMTI
8S 29" 23' Sun is 29 Scorpio 23 at birth
Lop. (a) .2629 13° 06' Moon moves Nov. 21-22
Log. (d) 1.0792 add Constant I/)g.
Log. (b) 1.3421 1° 05' Moon moves In 2}i
9S 24°0 48' Moon in cphemeris Nov. 22
1 05' subtract Moon's travel EGMTI
9S 23° 43' Moon is 23 Sagittarius43 at birth
I-og. (a) 1.1946 1° 32'Mcrcur)-moves Nov. 21-22
Log. (d) 1.0792 add Constant I^jg.
Log. (b) 2.2738 0° 08' Mercury moves in 2h
9S 8° 11' Mcrcurj* in cphemeris Nov. 22
08^ subtract Mercury's travel EGMTI
9S 8° 03' Mercury is 8 Sagittarius 03 at birth
Ix)g. (a) 1.5902 0° 37' Venus moves Nov. 21-22
Log. fd) 1.0792 add Constant Log.
Log. (b) 2.6694 0° 03' Venus moves retrograde
In 2h
8S 29° 53' Venus en ephemcris Nov. 22
03' add Venus retrograde travel EGMTI
8S 29° Sfi' Venus is 29 Scorpio 56 at birth
2h is 1/12 of 24h. Therefore, for the slower planets, we
need not use logarithms, but merely subtract I/I2 of the
daily motion of each from its position in the ephemeris on
November 22, 1930.
From Nov. 21, 1930 to Nov. 22, 1930, Mars moves 17'.
1/12 ol 17' is approximately V.
5S 12° 52' Mars in ephemeris Nov. 22
0r_subtract Mars' travel EGMTI
SS 12° 51' Mars is 12 Leo 51 at birth
From Nov. 21, 1930 to Nov. 22, 1930, Jupiter moves 3'
retrograde. 1/12 of 3' is 0. Jupiter is 20 Cancer 10R at birtb.
Planets in the Chart 49
From Nov 21, 1930 to Nov 22, 1930, Saturn moves 6'
1/12 of 6' is 0 Saturn at birth is 9 Capricorn 19
From Nov 21, 1930 to Nov 22, 1930, Uranus moves 2'
retrograde As 1/12 of 2' is less than V2, we merely use the
position of Uranus as given in the ephemens Uranus is 11
Aries 47R at birth
From Nov 21 1930 to Nov 22, 1930, Neptune moves V
Therefore, \\e merely use its position as shown in theephem-
ens Neptune is 5 Virgo 43 at birth
As shown previously, during the 30 days from Nov 18
to December 18, Pluto moves retrograde from 20 Cancer 44
to 20 Cancer 16, or 28' From Nov 18 to Nov 22 is 4 days
Then 28 (a) x4 (d) gives 112' 112' divided by 30 (c) gives
4' as the movement of Pluto during 4 days Subtract from
the position of Pluto on Nov 18—20 Cancer 44—and it
{^ives the position of Pluto on Nov 22, 1930 as 20 Cancer
The Sun on November 22, 1930, has declination of 20 S
03 Between Nov 21, 1930 and Nov 22, 1930, it moves 13'
by declination 1/12 of 13' is I' Subtracting V from 20S03
gives 20 S 02 as the declination of the Sun at birth
The Moon on November 22, 1930, has declination of
27S54 Between Nov 21, 1930 and Nov 22, 1930, it moves
1° 52'
Log (a) 1 1091 1° 52' Moon moves Nov 22
Log (d) I 0792 add Qmstant Log
Log (b) 2 1883 0° 09' Moon moves in 2h
27° S 54' decimation Moon Nov 22
0T subtract Moon's travel EGMTI
27° S 45' decimation Moon at birth
Mercury on November 22, 1930, has decimation of 23S08
Between Nov 19, 1930, and Nov 22, 1930, Mercury in
creases declination 1° 06' (66') '/a of 66 gives 22 as the
daily motion 1 /12 of 22' gives 2' as the motion during 2h
23° S 08' decimation Mercury Nov 22
02^ subtract motion for 2h
23° S 05' decimation Mercury at birth
60 Hr-OirmciTs IIonoscorE Makeh
Venus on November 22, 1930, hns declination of 22S44.
Between Nov. 19, 1930, and Nov. 22, 1930, Venus decreases
declination 1° 04' (64'). Vj of 64' gives 21'as the daily mo-
tion. 1/12 of 21' gives 2' as the motion during 2h.
22° S 44' declination Venus Nov. 22
02' add motion for 2h (decl. decreasing)
22° S 46' declination Venus at birth
Mars on November 22, 1930, hns declination of I9N02-
Between Nov. 19, 1930 and Nov. 22, 1930, declination de-
creases 9', or 3' per day. We use the position in the ephem-
eris. The declination of Mars at birth is 19° N 02'.
Between Nov. 19, 1930, and Nov. 22,1930, Jupiter's decli-
nation increases 2'. We therefore copy its position from the
ephemeris. Jupiter's declination at birth is 22" N 00'.
Between Nov. 19. 1930, and Nov. 22, 1930, Saturn's decli-
nation decreases T. We therefore copy its November 22
position from the ephemeris. Saturn's declination at birth
is 22" S 43'.
Between Nov. 19, 1930, and Nov. 22, 1930, Uranus de-
creases declination 2'. We copv its declination from the
ephemeris for Nov. 22. The declination of Uranus at birth
is 4° N 01'.
Between Nov. 19, 1930, and Nov. 22, 1930, Neptune de-
creases declination !'. We therefore copy its declination
from the ephemeris. Neptune's declination at birth is 10"
N 03'.
Between Nov. 18, 1930, and Dec. 18, 1930, Pluto in-
creases declination 6'. This is a little less than V for 4 days
(Nov. 22). We therefore add 1' to Us declination on No-
vember 18. Pluto's declination at birth is 21° N 58'.
M.C, declination calculation by use of the Table of Decli-
nations of Angles in Part Three; The M. C. of birth is 28
Gemini 20. r,ook to third column under Gemini, and go
down to 28 and 29 degrees. Answer must appear between
corresponding declination of 23*45 and 23:26. The interval
sought is 20'. 20' is Vs", thus Vs the difference between 23 25
ana 23*26 is 0'. Therefore,0 there is no correction Declina-
tion of M.C. at birth is 23 N 25'.
Planets in the Chart 51
Asc. declination at birth is O" N 33', as calculated in the
example given under Decimations.
Calculating All Planetary Positions in Chart (C) — The
EGMT Interval (d) has been found to be minus 3h 50m.
The logarithm of 3h 50 m (see Table of Proportional Loga-
rithms in Part III) is .7966. This is called the Constant Log,
because it is one of the logarithms that will be used in find-
ing the distance traveled by each planet for chart (C).
Log. (a) 1 3875 0° 59'Sun moves April 2,1943
Log. (d) .7966 add Constant Log
Log. (b) 2.1841 0° 09'Sun moves in 3h 50m
IS 12° 22' Sun in ephemeris April 3, 1943
09' subtract Sun's travel EGMTI
IS 12° 13' Sun is 12 Aries 13 at birlh.
Log (a) .2279 14° 12'Moon moves April 2
Log (d) .7966 add Constant Log.
Log. (b) 1 0245 2° 16' Moon moves in 3h 50m
I2S 17° 30' Moon in ephemeris April 3
2° 16' subtract Moan's travel EGMTI
12S 15° 14' Moon is 15 Pisces 14 at birth
Log. (a) 1 0720 2° 02' Mercury moves April 2
Log (d) 7966 add Constant Log
Log (b) 1.8686 0° 19' Mercury moves in 3h 50m
IS 10° 56' Mercury in ephemeris April 3
19' subtract Mercury's travel EGMTI
1S 10° 37' Mercury is 10 Aries 37 at birth
Log (a) 13010 1° 12'Venus moves April 2
Log (d) .7966 add Constant Log.
Log (b) 2.0976 0° 12' Venus moves m 3h 50m
2S 14° 37' Venus m ephemeris April 3
12' subtract Venus' travel EGMTI
2S 14° 25' Venus is 14 Taurus 25 at birth.
BEcriwrn's Honoscorr. Makek
Lc«. (a) 1.5051 0° 45' Mars moves April 2
Log. (d) .79GG ndd Constant Log.
Log. (b) 2.3017 0° 07' Mars moves in 3h 50m
IIS 19° 06' Mars in ephcmcris April 3
07' subtract Mars' travel EGMTT
IIS 18" 59' Mars Is 18 Aquarius 59 at birth.
3h 50m is approximately 1/6 of 24h. Therefore for the
slower planets we need not use logarithms, but merely sub-
tract 1/6 of the daily motion of each planet from its posi-
tion in the ephcmcris on April 3,1943.
On April 2, 1943, Jupiter moves 4'. 1/6 of 4 is 1.
4S 15° 56' Jupiter in ephcmcris April 3
OT subtract Jupiter's travel EGMTF
4S 15° 55' Jupiter is 15 Cancer 55 at birth
On April 2, 1943, Saturn moves 6'. 1/6 of 6 is I.
3S 8° 18' Saturn in ephcmcris April 3
OT subtract Saturn's travel EGMTI
3S 8° 17' Saturn is 8 Gemini 17 at birth.
On April 2, 1943, Uranus moves 3'. As 1/6 of 3 is not
over Vz we may merely copy the position of Uranus from
the cphemeris on April 3. Uranus is 1 Gemini 48 at bfrth.
On April 2, 1943, Neptune moves retrograde only I'.
Therefore we may copy its position from the ephcmcris on
April 3. Neptune is 0 Libra 22R at birth.
The AP Ephemeris, volume 1940 to 1950, shows Pluto
on April 15, 1943, Leo 4 9°. As I/I0 of 60 is 6, 9/10 (.9°)
is 54 . Therefore the approximate position of Pluto is 4 Leo
54R at birth. Using Raphael's Ephemeris, we come closer
as Pluto's position is given every 10 days. Therefore, Chart
(C) shows birth Pluto as 4 Leo S9R.
The Sun on April 3, 1943, has declination 4° N 53'. On
April 2 the Sun increases its declination 23'. I /6 of 23 gives
4'. Subtracting 4' from 4" N 53' gives 4° N 49' as the decli-
nation of the Sun at birth.
The Moon on April 3, 1943, has declination 6° S 49'. On
April 2 the Moon decreases its decimation 4° 15'.
Piamts in TIII Chart 53
Log (a) 7518 4" 15' Moon moves April 2
Log (d) JOHG ndd Constant Log
Log (b) 1 0° 41' Moon moves in 3h 50/n
6" S 49' Moon in ephemens April 3
4r_ndd Moon's Irnvcl EGMTI
7° S 30 declination of Moon nt birth
Between April I, 1943 and April 4, 1943, Mercury in-
creases its declination 2° 45' 'A of 2° 45' gives 55' as the
dad) motion l/6of 55gixcs9'as thcmotionduring3h50m
4° N 10' declination Mercury April 4
55' subtract dail) motion
3° N IS' declination Mcrcurj April 3
09' subtract Mcrcur) 's travel EGMTI
3° N 05' declination Mercury at birth
Between April 1 and April 4, 1943, Venus increases its
dcchnntion 1° 14' '/jofl0 14'gives 25'as the daily motion
l/6of 25gixcs4' as the motion dunng3h50m
17° N 08' declination Venus April 4
25' subtract daily motion
16° N 43' decimation Venus April 3
04' subtract Venus' travel EGMTI
16° N 39' decimation Venus at birth
Between April 1 and April 4, 1943, Mars decreases dech
nation 40' '/a of 40 gives 13' as the daily motion 1/6 of
13 gives 2' as the motion du ring 3h 50m
16° S 02' declination Mars April 4
13' add daily motion
16° S 15' declination April 3
02' add Mars' travel EGMTI
16° S 17 declination Mars at birth
Between April 1 and April 4, 1943, Jupiter decreases its
declination only V Therefore we may copy its decimation
on April 4 Jupiter's decimation at birth is 22° N 53'
54 Br.oNNrn's HoroscorE Makeo
Between April 1 and April 4, 1943, Sntum Increases its
declination 3 . 1/3 of 3 is V. Subtract 1' from the declina-
tion of Saturn in the cphcmcris on April 4, 1943, and it
gives Saturn's declination at birth as 20° N13'.
Between April I and April 4, 1943, Uranus increases its
declination only I'. Therefore we may copy its declination
on April 4. Uranus' declination at birth is 20° N 24'.
Between April 1 and April 4, 1943, Neptune increases its
declination only 2'. Therefore we may copy its declination
on April 4. Neptune's declination at birth is 1° N 09'.
The declination of Pluto in the back of AP Ephemeris,
volume 1940 to 1950, is given for Aoril 15, 1943. Pluto
changes declination very slowly. Thcrclorc it may be copied
as there given. Pluto's declination at birth is 24° N OC.
M.C. of birth is 17 Taurus 20. In Declinations of Angles
Table, look to second column under Taurus, and go down to
17 and 18 degrees. Answer must appear between correspond-
ing declinations of 16:55 and 17:12. The declination sought
is for 17° 20'. 20' is 'A of a degree (60'), thus Vi of 17' (the
difference between 16:55 and 17:12) is 6'. The 6' must be
added to 16-55, and the answer, or declination of the M.C.
at birth, is 17° N 01'. (N, found at head of column adja-
cent to Taurus, signifies North Declination.)
The Asc. is 24 Leo 47. To find its declination by Logs;
Look to 24 and 25 degrees under Leo In the Table of Decli-
nations of Angles. See formula under Declinations.
a) 2 0444 13'
b) 1.3802 60'
(c) 1.8573 20'
(d) 2.5217" 04'
13° N 12' nearest declination
04' add correction
13° N 16' Asc. declination at birth
Calculating All Planetary Positions in Chart (D) — The
EGMT has been found to be 4 30 of April 21, 1943,
giving an interval of 28h 30in (d) from Oh of birth day.
This interval could be used as plus of April 20, 1943, to
Planpts IN nir CiiAnr 55
calcuhtc the planets* true positions at birth However, as
the planets arc uniform in motion during a 24 hour period
and as it is easier and more accurate to work with smaller
intervals, we will correct the planets from the positions of
the daj after birth, April 21, 1943 From zero hour (April
21) to 4 30 a m (April 21) gives a plus interval of 4n 30m
(EGMTI) The Log of 4h 30m is 7270 This is called the
Constant Log because it is one of the logarithms that will
be used in finding the distance traveled by each planet
(both in longitude and declination) for Chart (D) Re
minder the daily planetary travel between April 21 and
April 22 is used, as 4 30 a m falls between Oh of each of
these dates Correction (b) will be added to April 21, 1943
Log (a) 1 3875 0° 59' Sun moves April 21, 1943
Log (d) 7270 add Constant Log
Log (b) 2 1145 0' 11' Sun moves in 4h 30m
2S 0° 01' Sun in cphemens April 21,1943
11' add Sun's travel EGMTI
2S 0" 12' Sun in 00 Taurus 12 at birth
Log (a) 2382 13° 52' Moon moves April 21, 1943
Log (d) 7270 add Constant Log
Log (b) 9652 2° 36' Moon moves in 4h 30m
8S 6° 48' Moon in ephemens April 21
2° 36' add Moon's travel EGMTI
8S 9° 24 Moon is 9 Scorpio 24 at birth
Log (a) 1 1584 1° 40' Mercury moves April 21,
Log (d) 7270 add Constant Log
Log (b) 1 i654 W Meicuiy morves in 4b 30tn
2S 16° 51' Mercury in ephemens April 21
19' add Mercury's travel EGMTI
2s 17° 10 Mercury is 17 Taurus 10 at birth
Log (a) 13133 1° 11'Venus moves April 21, 1943
Log (d) 7270 add Constant Log
Log (b) 2 0403 13' Venus moves in 4h 30m
02 UtcisNP.n's Horoscope Maker
Tlierein it is indicated that the most unchangeable factor
of all arc the characteristics of the energy of the thought-
cells which each planet maps. The nature of these unchang-
ing characteristics of each planet arc set forth in the first
two chapters.
It is also indicated that resonance of the tone, but not
the pitch, of the energy of the thought-cells mapped by a
planet is indicated by the sign the planet occupies. There-
fore, in the first two chapters the significance of each planet
in each sign is considered.
Then, in Chapter Four, after explaining that the house
occupied by n planet has significance relative to the amount
of thought-cell activity mapped, and that the thought-cells
mapped by a house indicate the department of life affected
by tne activity of the thought-cells thus mapped, the sig-
nificance of each planet in each house is set forth.
While Chapter Five of that Part explains how to judge
the most important phases of a life from the chart. Chapter
Three explains that the power of a group of thought-cells
mapped by a planet is indicated not merely by its house
position, but by the aspects the planet receives. The more
numerous and the more powerful the aspects the planets
receive, house position remaining the same, the more active
the thought-cells thus mapped, and therefore the more Im-
portant the events thev arc able to bring into the life, and
the more importantly they arc able to influence the thoughts
and behavior. And in the same chapter, after explaining that
the desires of the thought-cells for fortunate events are
mapped by harmonious aspects, and their desires for unfor-
tunate events are mapped oy discordant aspects, the signfi-
cance of aspects between each two planets is explained.
dicating how to find the significance of any single position
or relation in a chart, and how to judge any significant
phases of the life ss indicated hy birth predispositions, does
not attempt to indicate how to go about it to give a com-
plete reading of a chart. Yet to become truly proficient fn
giving such readings, not only must it constantly be borne
In mind that the specific thing indicated by any one posi-
tion or relation In a chart may be completely nullified or
changed by some other position or relation in the chart, but
that to avoid overlooking important indications some defi-
Unifying the Hohoscope 63
nite system of taking up the various factors should be se-
lected and invariably followed.
In formulating such a system to be followed it should be
home in mind that in proportion to their degree of activity
will the thought-cells mapped by a planet or by a house be
able to affect the thoughts, the behavior and the events
attracted. And that the activity of the thought-cells mapped
by a planet are indicated by two different factors; by the
house the planet is in, and by the aspects the planet receives.
First, Fourth, Seventh and Tenth are angular houses. The
thought-cells they map have very powerful energy.
Second, Fifth, Eighth and Eleventh are succedent houses.
Third, Sixth, Ninth and Tuelfth are cadent houses.
The old rule is that succedent houses map less energy
than angular houses, and cadent houses map less energy
than succedent houses. But modem investigation indicates
that greater precision is gained by substituting for this gen-
eral rule the following:
Eighth, Ninth, Eleventh and Tuelfth houses map thought-
cells having moderately powerful energy.
Second and Third houses map thought-cells having feeble
Fifth and Sixth houses map thought-cells having very fee-
ble energy.
Thus planets in the angular houses are always considered
prominent; but planets in the other houses are not consid-
ered prominent unless they aspect within a reasonable de-
gree of closeness Sun, Moon or Mercury, or are otherwise
very powerfully aspected As every aspect to a planet indi-
cates a stellar aerial which picks up energy of the quality
of the two planets involved, and delivers it to the thought-
cells mapped by these planets, numerous and powerful
aspects to it indicate greater energy of the tought-cells It
Each planet maps a dynamic stellar structure; but dis-
tinct from these most active thought-cells are those less vig-
orous and less well organized thought-cells mapped by a
house of the birthchart which are called common thought-
cells. The volume of activity they possess, and therefore their
power to channel the behavior and the thoughts into expres-
sions related to the department of life mapped by the house,
and their ability to attract events relative to this department
58 BtciNNWi's JIoBoscorc Maker
Mars decreases I is declination by 47' between Nov. 19,
1943, and Nov. 22. 1943, Vj of 47' Is IStV (16'), its daily
motion. Its motion for 2 days is approximately 31'. Sub-
tracting this from 12° S 23' gives 11" S 52', its declination
Nov. 21. 1943.
Log. (n) 1.9542 0® 16' Mars moves Nov. 21, 1943
Log- (d) .7270 add Constant Log.
Log. (b) 2.6812 03' Mars moves in 41i 30m
11° S 52' declination Mars Nov. 21, 1943
03' subtract Mars' travel EGMTI
11° S 49' declination of Mars at birth
Jupiter decreases its declination 3'between Nov. 19, 1943,
and Nov. 22, 1943. This is i' per day, or 2' for two days.
Subtracting 2' from 22® N 43', its declination on Nov. 19.
1943, gives 22® N 41' as its declination on Nov. 21,
1943. We consider this as the declination of birth (no cor-
rection, as Jupiter's daily motion is T).
Saturn increases its declination 3' between Nov. 19,1943,
and Nov. 22, 1943. This is T per day, or 2' for two days.
Adding 2' to 20° N 30' (its declination Nov. 19,1943) gives
the birth declination of Saturn as 20® N 32'.
As Uranus increases its declination by only 2' between
Nov. 19, 1943, and Nov. 22, 1943, we use the declination
on Nov. 22, 1943, the nearest day. This is 20° N 35', the
declination of Uranus at birth.
Neptune increases its declination only I' between Nov.
19, 1943, and Nov. 22, 1943. We use the declination on
Nov. 22,1943, the nearest day. This is I® N 19', the decli-
nation of Neptune at birth.
Pluto's approximate declination is given in A-P Ephem-
eris, volume 1940 to 1950. On April 15, 1943, and also on
Feb. 9, 1944, its declination is given as 24° N 00'. We use
this as the Pluto declination at birth.
M.G. at birth is 26 Libra 44. Using Logs, and the Table
of Declination of Angles, determine the M.C. declination. See
formula under Declinations, page 26 Libra 44 falls be-
tween 026 Libra and 27 Libra. It is 44' from 26 Libra and
16' OA ) from 27 Libra, the nearest longitude. The differ-
GO BrciNNrn's HoRoscopi* March
hovinc fewer decrees than the degree on the cusp of fl house
must he in the house next to the cusp in a clocicwlsc direc-
tion. But planets having more degrees than the degree on
the cusp of n house must be In the house next to the cusp
in a countcr-clochwisc direction This relation between
housc-cusns and planets must be carefully observed when
copiing the zodiacal positions of the planets, when found,
into the chart. Inspection of the places occupied by the
planets in the four example charts will make it dear in
which house each planet should be placed And placing the
filancls in the correct houses is extremely important, as the
louse position determines which of the 12 departments of
life will be chiefly influenced by the thought-cells mopped
by the planet.
Chapter Four
Astrology is the science of finding and utilizing the nat-
ural potentialities as indicated in the planetary chart of
birth Therefore, when the chart has been erected after the
manner indicated in the first three chapters of this book,
there still remain the problems of determining whatpredis
positions it maps, when these predispositions are IiKely to
express in events, and what precautionary actions should
be taken to make the events that actually happen more for-
tunate than they would have been had astrological knowl-
edge been unavailable
The predispositions indicated express as actual events only
at those times when the thought cells receive accessory en
ergy through progressed aspects to the planets mapping the
given predisposition Except for those which affect the
health, determining such periods and what is most apt to
happen during them, and selecting the proper precautionary
actions, are amply treated in the two books, PROGRESSED
the predispositions where health is concerned, the periods
when definite health difficulties are apt to develop, and the
proper precautionary actions are treated in the two books,
STELLAR TREATMENT3 The predispositions toward
ability in the various vocations are amply indicated in the
variety of predispositions indicated by single definite astro
logical relations and how to channel them into more fortu
nate expression are explained in BEGINNER'S HORO
In this we Jeam that in astrology we deal with four dif
ferent factors, each of which signifies definite conditions
relative to the thought cells of the soul As the thoughts,
the behavior and the events attracted ino the life are largelj
determined b> the activity and the desires of these thought
cells, each of these four factors reveals something signifi
cint about the predispositions of the individual whose chart
is under consideration
02 BnciNNnn's Honoscorc Makeh
Therein it is Indicated that the most unchangeable factor
of nil nrc the characteristics of the energy of the thought-
cells which each planet maps. The nature of these unchang-
ing characteristics of each planet nrc set forth in the first
two chapters.
It is also indicated that resonance of the tone, but not
the pitch, of the energy of the thought-cells mapped by a
planet is indicated by the sign the planet occupies. There-
fore, in the first two chapters the significance of each planet
in each sign is considerea.
Then, in Chapter Four, after explaining that the house
occupied by n planet hns significance relative to the amount
of thought-cell activity mapped, and that the thought-cells
mapped by a house indicate the department of fife affected
by the activity of the thought-cells thus mapped, the sig-
nificance of each planet in each house is set forth.
While Chapter Five of that Part explains how to judge
the most important phases of a life from the chart, Chapter
Three explains that the power of a group of thought-cells
mapped by a planet is indicated not merely by its house
position, but by the aspects the planet receives. The more
numerous and the more powerful the aspects the planets
receive, house position remaining the same, the more active
the thought-cells thus mapped, and therefore the more im-
portant the events thev are able to bring into the life, and
the more importantly they are able to influence the thoughts
and behavior. And in the same chapter, after explaining that
the desires of the thought-cells for fortunate events arc
mapped by harmonious aspects, and their desires for unfor-
tunate events arc mapped by discordant aspects, the signh-
cance of aspects between each, two planets is explained.
dicating how to find the significance of any single position
or relation in a chart, and how to judge any significant
phases of the life as indicated by birth predispositions, does
not attempt to indicate how to go about it to give a com-
plete reading of a chart. Yet to become truly proficient in
giving such readings, not only must it constantly be borne
m mind that the specific thing indicated by any one posi-
tion or relation in a chart may be completely nullified or
changed by some other position or relation in the chart, but
that to avoid overlooking important indications some defi-
Umiting tiif Honoscorr 63
" " f. i - -i ^ various factors should be se
In formulating such a system to be followed it should be
bomc in mind tint in proportion to their degree of activity
will the thought cells mapped b> a planet or by a house be
able to affect the thoughts^ the behavior and the events
attracted And that the activity of the thought cells mapped
b> a planet arc indicated by two different factors by the
house the planet is in, and b) the aspects the planet receives
Firsts Fourth^ Seicnth and Tenth are angular houses The
thought cells they map have very powerful energy
Second, Fifth, Eighth and Eleienlh arc succcdent houses
Third, Sixth, Ninth and Tuclfth arc cadcnt houses
The old rule is that succcdent houses map less energy
than angular houses, and cadcnt houses map less energy
than succcdent houses But modem investigation indicates
that greater precision is gained by substituting for this gen
eral rule the following
Eighth, Ninth, Eleienth and Tuelfth houses map thought
cells having moderatel) powerful energy
Second and Third houses map thought cells having feeble
Fifth and Sixth houses map thought cells having very fee-
ble energy
Thus planets in the angular houses are always considered
prominent, but planets in the other houses are not consid
ered prominent unless they aspect within a reasonable de
grce of closeness Sun, Moon or Mercury, or are otherwise
very powerfully aspected As every aspect to a planet indi
cates a stellar aerial which picks up energy of the quality
of the two planets involved and delivers it to the thought
cells mapped by these planets, numerous and powerful
aspects to it indicate greater energy of the tought cells it
maps *
Each planet maps a dynamic stellar structure, but dis
tinct from these most active thought cells are those less vig
orous and less well organized thought cells mapped by a
house of the birthchart which are called common thought
cells The volume of activity they possess and therefore their
power to channel the behavior and the thoughts into expres
sions related to the department of life mapped by the house
and their ability to attract events relative to this department
64 BnciNNr.n's Honoscorr. Makph
of life, nrc shown by the prominence of the plnnct ruling
the house-cusp.
While a planet in a house represents thought-cells more
active than those of a vacant house whose cusp it rules, a
planet actually in a house, hut having a few weak aspects,
may not map thought-cells as active asthecommon thought-
cells of some vacant house whose planetary ruler is power-
ful by position and makes powerful aspects. Thus in judg-
ing the thought-cell activity of a given house, not only the
aspects of any planet in the house must be considered, but
also the aspects and prominence of the planet ruling the
cusp of the house; for It maps the volume of activity of the
common thought-cells.
A planet actually in a house is considered the chief ruler
of the house, and the planet ruling its cusp is considered co-
rnier. When there are more than one planet in a house, the
planet nearest the cusp of the house it is in is commonly
considered chief ruler, and the other planets, along with
the ruler of the house cusp arc considered co-rulers. The
power a planet thus exercises in a house, however, is also
influenced by the strength of the aspects it receives. But
the nearer a planet is to the house-cusp, other things being
equal, the greater the volume of energy It maps. Thus a
planet only 5 degrees below the Ascendant commonly maps
much more thought-cell energy than a planet yet in the
first house but 25 degrees below the Ascendant.
In considering any horoscope it is desirable at once to
appraise the power of the chart as a whole. If many planets
are in angles, especially if they are also powerfully aspected,
the thought-cells have sufficient energy that outstanding
things may be expected from the individual. At least this
indicates enough tnought-cell energy present to attract out-
standing events.
But whether or not the chart indicates, by angular plan-
ets and planets heavdy aspected, a life of momentous events,
or an individual of unusual talents, it indicates that which
is of supreme importance to the individual, and that which,
in so far as this individual is concerned, is of supreme im-
portance to society. It reveals the predispositions, whatever
they may be It maps the equipment which he must use to
attain his ends. And rightly considered it sh»ws him how
best he can employ this equipment not only to benefit him-
Unifying the Horoscope 65
self, but also to benefit all mankind and further the pur-
poses of Deity.
However Jacking in thought-ceJJ energy the individual
may be, or however replete with thought-cell energy, his
natural apitudes—such as they are—and the more impor-
tant events that do enter his life, as well as his more impor-
tant thoughts and behavior, will bear the characteristics of
the most prominent planets. And the departments of life
which will be most significant will be those indicated by
the most active houses of his chart. In other words, the rela-
tive importance of events characteristic of each planet tends
to be indicated by the relative prominence of the various
planets, and the relative importance of each department
of life tends to be indicated by the relative activity of the
houses. And as important things should come first, the
initial appraisal of the chart should note the most promi-
nent planets and the most active houses.
Yet of the characteristics ruled by the most prominent
planets in his chart, the ones the individual habitually ex-
presses in his thoughts and behavior, and the specific na-
ture of the events of these planetary types which come into
his life, are powerfully influenced by Conditioning, that is,
by his reactions to such specific experiences as have been
afforded by his environment in the past. Either environ-
mental conditions or deliberate training based on astrologi-
cal knowledge may develop a habit-system on the part of
the thought-cells to satisfy their desires through certain
events of their planetary type and not through other events
of their pJanetaiy type And either through deliberate train-
ing or through the resistance of environment to events relat-
ing to one department of life and facilities in the environ-
ment for events relating to another department of life, the
thought-cells may acquire the habit of satisfying their de-
sires through events ruled by one house far more frequently
than through events ruled by another house of equal
This is explained with diagrams in PROGRESSED AS-
in further detail, with instructions for beneficially chang-
ing the thought-cell desires, in WHEN AND WHAT
EVENTS WILL HAPPEN'. And in this thoroughly dem-
onstrated fact that active thought-cells can be trained to
GG BeginNrn*5 Honoscopc Maker
cxnrcss their characteristic energy through selected chan-
nels, rather than thorugh less desirable avenues, lies the
value of natal astrology",
finding the Aspects—As house position alone is but one
of the two factors that must be considered in gauging the
amount of thought-cell activity mapped by a planet, facility
in locating the aspects each planet receives is desirable from
the standpoint of appraising the importance of the various
predispositions. And it is desirable from thcadditionnlstand-
point that the fortune or misfortune of these predispositions
arc almost entirely indicated by the nature of these aspects.
There arc ten aspects whose influence is sufficiently dis-
tinct to warrant always giving them consideration. They
map desires of the thought-cells which arc characterized
by the given aspect. That is, each asnect reveals a predispo-
sition on the part of the thought-cells to bring about condi-
tions and events of a definite kind of fortune or misfortune.
The amount of thought-cell energy mapped, and the char-
acteristic expression is most clear-cut when the aspect is
perfect; but the aspect will still manifest its peculiar energy,
though less distinctly, as the number of degrees recedes
from the perfect aspect, until its own distinctive kind of
energy is no longer present. And it has been determined
experimentally the number of degrees removed from the
perfect aspect that each aspect manifests its own kind of
energy with sufficient distinctness to have an appreciable
affect upon the life. The number of degrees awav from the
perfect aspect that a planet thus exerts even tnc slightly
characteristic quality of the aspect is called its orb or influ-
ence, or merely ORB.
and easily remembered rule relative to the orb that should
be allowed for the aspects in angular, succedent and cadent
houses are given in Chapter Three, together with a discus-
sion of the characteristic manner in which each aspect tends
to express. In the table here presented these orbs are given
in greater detail. See Part Three.
In calculating the aspects to any planet, they must always
be calculated the shortest distance, and calculated in counter-
clockwise direction from the clockwise planet to the planet
further along in the direction the planets comrnonly move
through the zodiac. That is, always calculate from the plan-
Unifying the Horoscope 67
et that will enable you to count ahead in the natural order
of the zodiacal signs, and always count the intercepted
signs, as it is the number of signs apart, and not the num-
ber of houses, that makes an aspect
i Conjunction, 0*, expresses through PROMINENCE.
II Semi-Senile, 30*, expresses through GROWTH.
III Scxtsle, 60*. expresses through OPPORTUNITY,
IV Square, 90°, expresses through OBSTACLES
V Tune, 120*, expresses through LOCK.
VI Incocjunct, ISO*, expresses through EXPANSION
VU. Serm-Square, 45*, expresses through FRICTION
VIII. Opposition, ISO', expresses through SEPARATION.
IX Sesqui-Square, 135®, expresses through AGITATION.
X Parallel. O' declination, expresses through INTENSITY.
Planets Occupying Approximately the Same Degree of Any
Sign Are Always in Aspect—If they are in the same sign, as
Jupiter and Pluto in chart (A), they are conjunction If
they are in adjacent signs, as Sun and Uranus in chart (D),
they are semi-sextile. If they are two signs apart, as Mer-
cury and Satum in chart (C), they are sextile. If they are
three signs apart, as Neptune and Venus m chart (A), they
are square. If they are four signs apart, as Jupiter and Sun
in chart (A), they arc trine. II they are five signs apart, as
Mars and Saturn in chart (A), they are inconjunct. And
if they arc six signs apart, as Moon and Midheavcn in
chart (B), they arc opposition.
The Degree Occupied by a Planet Forming Either the Semi'
Square or the Sesqui-Square Hfust Always Be Approximately
Half a Sign, Mare Than That Occupied By the Planet Counted
From—Therefore add 15° to the place of thehrst planet and
notice if any other planet occupies approximately this de-
gree in any other sign. When a planet is found in such a
place notice if it is in a sign that is either a sign and a half,
or four signs and a half, distant. If the former it is a semi-
square. It the latter it is a sesaui-square. But if it is two
signs and a half, three signs and a half, or five signs and a
^8 Hkcixncb's Ilonoscort Make*
half distant, it is a position of little consequence and should
be neglected.
Ix?t us consider chart (A), Neptune is 5°. Adding 15°
gives 20°. Jupiter and Pluto arc 209. Inspection shows
them to be a sign and a half from Neptune, and thus mak-
ing the semi-square aspect to Neptune. The Sun is 21°, but
inspection reveals It to be 2li signs from Neptune and thus
not making an aspect. Adding 15° to the 21° occupied by
the Sun gives 6°. Mars is 10°, but is S'A signs distant, and
thus not making an aspect, Venus is 4°, but Is only approxi-
mately half a sign distant, and thus not making an aspect.
Uranus is 12° and approximately AVz signs distant, but a bit
beyond orb. Saturn and the Asc. arc 8% and as they arc
a sign and a half distant, they form the semi-square with
the Sun. Mercury Is 25°. Add 15° and It gives 10° of the
next sign. Mercury is not only semi-square Saturn and Asc.
in 8°, but is approximately d'/z signs removed from Uranus
in 12°, and thus making the scsqui-squarc with Uranus.
Now considering Pluto and Jupiter, each in 20°. Add IS"
and it gives 5° of the next sign. The Moon is 3®, and the
inspection shows it approximately a sign and a half from
these two planets, and therefore making the semi-square to
them. Their aspect to Neptune we have already considered.
The only other positions in the chart near 5° are Mars in
10", M.C. in 3°, Venus in 4°, and Asc. and Satum in
8°. Mars Is less than one sign distant, and thus making no
aspect with Jupiter and Pluto. M.C. is approximately SVz
signs distant, and thus making no aspect. Satum and Asc.
are across the zodiac approximately five and a half signs
distant, Jupiter is barely within orb of opposition Satum.
But Venus is approximately four and a half signs distant,
and therefore sesqui-square both Jupiter and Piuto.
Beginners usually start by tabulating all the aspects of
each planet in a chart, that they may have them for ready
reference. But as soon as they acquire a little facility they
discard this laborious process. Following the method just in-
dicated, when they consider the predispositions a given
planet maps in the chart, they merely move their eyes swih-
ly around the chart and note the various aspects to the
planet under consideration. In this method of quick inspec-
tion about the only care that needs to be especially exercised
is not to overlook the aspects befneen planets in the first
degrees of certain signs with other planets in the last degrees
Umitinc tiu llono<.corr C9
of other signs For instance, m clnrt (A) Mercury is 25
Scorpio 35 and Venus is 4 Sagittarius 24R They are not
in the same sign, hut being less than 9° distant are con-
junction And in chart (D) Neptune is 29 Virgo 57R Ura-
nus in 2 Gcnum 40 is trine Neptune, and Pluto in 5 Leo
is scxtilc Neptune
In considering the parallel apect it should be remem-
bered that it makes no difference if both planets are south,
both north, or one south and the other north If the degree
and mmutc the two planets occup> arc not drf/crent by
more than a degree, thej arc parallel Thus m chart (A)
Mars in 19 N 29 is parallel Mercury m 19 S 48, and Jupiter
in 21 N 55 is parallel Pluto in 21 N 57
Now suppose we wish to find, b) inspection, the aspects
of the Sun m chart (A) From the Sun we mo%e fonvard in
the 2odiac Mcrcur) is a little more than 4 degrees distant,
and thus makes the conjunction Venus is 13° 06' from the
Sun Sun in angles has .an orb of 15° for the conjunction,
and planets in succcdent houses have an orb of 10° for the
conjunction As we always use the larger orb, Venus is con
junct the Sun
Satum and the Ascendant arc approximately a sign and a
half rcmo\ed, and therefore both are semi square Sun For
the sesqui square the Sun has an orb of 6° in angles, and
planets have an orb of 3° in cadent houses As we always
use the larger orb, Venus is just within orb of a sesqui-
squarc with the Sun
When we get across the zodiac in Taurus, wecannolonger
count forward from the Sun, as the shortest distance in the
natural order of the zodiac will now be from the planet to
the Sun From Pluto and Jupiter to the Sun is approximately
4 signs, therefore, they are both trine Sun From Mars to
the Sun is approximately 316 signs, and therefore forming
no aspect From Moon and Neptune to the Sun is approxi
mately 216 signs, and therefore making no aspect From the
MC to the Sun is a little over 17°, and therefore forming
no aspect5
We have now considered the relation of the Sun to each
of the other 11 stations, and find it conjunction Mercury,
semi-square Asc, semi square Satum, trine Jupiter, and
trine Pluto In other words the Sun thought cells give prom-
inence (conjunction) to honor (tenth) and intellectual
70 BcctNNEn's HonoscopE Maker
CMcrcury) octivily; bring friction fscmi-squarc) to the
health (first) and through responsibility (Saturn); and
work for good luck through certain partnerships (seventh)
and through joviality (Jupiter) and groups (Pluto).
An Aspect Applying:—-When planets arc moving to form
the aspect the orb of influence is slightly less before the
influence of the aspect is noticeable; but because its full
force is yet to be felt such on aspect is stronger to bring
about the condition signified.
An Aspect Scparnting—When planets are moving to form
the aspect the orb of influence is slightly less before the
influence of the aspect is no longer noticeable, because its
vibrations have already been sot in motion and tend to ling-
er; but as the influence is wearing off, such on aspect is
much less potent to produce results.
Oierlapping Aspects—Trine aspects sometimes grade into
scsqui-squarc aspects quickly, and where the aspect is from
the Sun in on angle the orb of the trine overlaps the usual
orb given for the scsqui-squarc. In such instances the more
powerful aspect operates to the full extent of its orb, and
therefore should be given preference by narrowing the orb
of the weaker*.
The Second iVep—Such detailed consideration of the as-
pects to a planet is needed only when judging the predispo-
sitions the given planet maps. In the general appraisal with
which the reading of the cnart should commence, only the
most powerful aspects need to be considered along with the
distribution of the planets in the houses, to be able to gauge
the chief channels into which the life will probably flow.
But whatever power of thought-cell activity is present
may be unyielding, and given to following any habit-system
of expression that is once formed; or it may be so restless
and enterprising that it seeks new things continually; or,
again, it may be of a quality that is adaptable to whatever
situation arises.
As indicating certain fundamental traits of the character,
therefore, it is well to tabulate the number of planets in
movable, fixed and mutable signs. In this tablulation hy
QUALITY twelve stations are considered; as in all tabula-
tion of sign influences the Ascendant, which is the ground
wire over which the electromagnetic forces of thepersonality
must reach the outside worltxT and the Midheaven, which
Umn'wo Tin: Honoscorn 71
amplifies and radiates the energies there to the world at
large, arc considered as planets. See Example Chart tabu-
Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn arc movable signs.
Many planets in movable signs indicate great activity.
Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces are mutable signs.
Manv planets in mutable signs indicate power of adaption
to whatever environment is present.
Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius arc fixed signs. Many
planets in fixed signs indicate determination, rigidity and
attention to details.
Furthermore, in the more minute examination of the pre-
disposition indicated by a planet or house, this quality influ-
ence has significance. Quality of thought-cell activity deter-
The Third Step—The triplicity occupied by the majority of
planets should not be overlooked, as this shows tempera-
mental predispositions. The individual xvhose dynamic
thought-cells—those mapped by the planets—are nearly all
of the fiery triplicity will react very differently to the same
event than will a person whose dynamic thought-cells are
nearly all of the xvater triplicity. Furthermore, the triplicity
occupied by a planet, or on the cusp of a house, has sig-
nificance xvherc the predisposition indicated by that planet
or house is concerned,
Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are fiery signs Many planets
in fiery signs indicate much zeal and enthusiasm
Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are earthy signs. Many
planets in earthy signs indicate practicality.
Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are airy signs Many planets
in airy signs indicate intellectuality and vacillation.
Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are xvatery signs Many plan-
ets in watery signs indicate sympathy, emotion ana recep-
Triplicity reveals TEMPERAMENT.
The Fourth Step—In the initial appraisal of the chart those
houses are noted having most numerous planets, and con-
taining planets having exceptionally powerful aspects. But
at this point it is xvell to note the Society and the Trinity
occupied by the majority of planets, and then the houses in
xvhicn the planets are actually found.
The Trinity of Life embraces the First, Fifth and Ninth
'2 BrciN'Nfn'j Honoscopn M^Krn
Houses. The first house influences the constitution and
vitnflty. The fifth house Influences the life of the offspring.
The ninth house influences the life in relation to religion
and philosophy. Tin's trinity corresponds to the fiery signs
of the zodiac.
The Trinity of Psvehism embraces the Fourth, Eighth
and Twelfth Houses The fourth house influences the home
and the end of life. The eighth house influences death and
inheritance. The twelfth house influences sorrows and im-
prisonment. This trinity corresponds to the watery signs of
the zodiac.
The Trinity of Wealth embraces the Second, Sixth and
Tenth Houses. The second house influences personal prop-
erty. The sixth house influences labor and servants. The
tenth house inllucnccs business and honor. Tin's trinity
corresponds to the earthy signs of the zodiac.
The Trinity of Assodntion embraces the Third, Sesenth
and Eleventh Houses. The third house inllucnccs the
thoughts and the brethren. The seventh house influences
Eartnership and marriage. The eleventh house influences
opes and friends. This trinity corresponds to the airy signs
of the zodiac*.
Authority of One House Oier Another—As each planet maps
a djnamic thought-cell structure, it follows that a house
containing many planets maps enough thought-cell activity
to mafsC its department of lite important. Furthermore, the
characteristics of the events that are apt to be attracted
relative to a given department of life are those of the planet
or planets ruling the house. This influence of each planet
in each house is given in BEGINNER'S HOROSCOPE
But in addition to this, it is well also to note the house
actually occupied by the planet ruling the sign on the cusp
of each of the tw clve houses
Not only is there an intimate connection between the
house upon the cusp of which a given sign is found and
the house occupied By the planet have a certain power over
the things merely ruled by the planet's sign. Thus a planet
away from its home sign places the things represented by
sign under the influence of the things represented by the
house it actually is in. In relation to the things represented
by the Sign on a house cusp ruled by a planet, the things
UNinriNc thf llono^corr 73
ruled hj the house n plinct actual!) occupies exercises an
influence of AUTHORITY
House Cusp Orb—Both the M C and the Asc react as if
the) wore planets nnd thus astrologers have observed that
a planet as man) as 12 degrees from the M C into the ninth
house, has nn influence o\cr tenth house matters and a
[ilanct as man) as 12 degrees from the Asc into the twelfth
louse has an influence oxer the first house affairs They
liaxc this influence b) virtue of being within orb of the con
junction aspect with the M C or Asc But such observation
together with lack of precision in timing births and a con
sequent lack of precision in locating the proper degree on
the various house cusps have given some the impression
that when a planet is within five degrees of a house-cusp
it not onl) everts an influence oxer the things ruled by the
house it is in, but begins to have some influence over things
ruled b) the other house
Yet of the manx thousands of charts in which not only
the birth chart influence but also the influence of the prog
rcsscd positions of the planets have been studied by The
Church of Light Astrological Research Department indud
ing a vast number in which the effect of a progressed planet
moving through one house over the house cusp into another
house has been observed we have been forced to the con
xiction that one house is divided from another by an abrupt
Not only docs a planet always exert its most powerful
mfluenco over the things ruled by the house it Actually
Occupies by Position but except through ruling the sign on
the cusp of the adjoining house or through aspect with a
planet in the adjoining house it has no more influence m
such an adjoining house even when withm one degree of
its cusp than it has in the houses which are not adjoining
Intercepted Signs—Sometimes it is found that there is an
mtercepted sign in a house It should always be considered
as co ruler of the house together with the sign on the cusp
of the house The qualities expressed by the sign on the
cusp of the bouse however manifest more freely than those
denoted by the intercepied sign The qualities of the inter
cepted sign are present but they require stress of circum
stances to bring them into expression Therefore in judging
a house both the planets m an intercepted sign and the
74 BnciPfNcn's HcmoscofE Maker
plnnct ruling this sign should be considered, as well as the
sign on the cusp ana its planets and ruler. Intercepted signs
represent qualities that arc LATENT.
Essential Dignities—Under the sub-heading. Finding the
Aspects, it was stated that the fortune or misfortune of the
predispositions given by thought-cell activity is almost en-
tirely indicated bv the nature of the aspects between the
planets mapping tnese predispositions.
The other factor which in minor degree influences the
prcdisnosition to fortune or misfortune mapped by the
thought-ccll activity is the sign in which the predisposing
planet is found. The influence of each planet in each sign
That influence is due to the fact that the TONE QUALITY
of a planet is determined by the sign in which it is found.
The zodiacal signs arc sounding boards, or instruments,
from which the planetary vibrations reach the earth. Each
is a definite section of the astro-magnetic field of force that
surrounds the sun.
Due to this definite position in a field of force the tension
of astral substance through which the vibrations of a planet
must travel is different in each sign, and varies to a less ex-
tent even in different portions of the same sign. This prop-
erty of the astral substance of a sign may make it a favor
abfc sounding board for transmitting the characteristic
vibrations of one or more planet, but quite unfavorable for
transmission of the wave lengths and frequencies of other
To designate this, when the tension of astral substance
in a certain sign favors the full transmission of the vibra-
tions of a given planet, the planet is said to be Strong in
that sign. But when the vibrations of a planet reverberate
from the sign only with difficulty, and are distorted by it
from their proper tonal effect, the planet is said to be Weak
in that sign.
It has been experimentally determined that a planet not
only sets up vibrations in the sign it occupies, but also in
certain other signs. These special signs arc so sympatheti-
cally tuned to the planet that they vibrate to it no matter
where it is located They arc keyed to the tone of the planet,
and respond to its vibrations, just as a musical instrument
keyed to a particular tone will respond to that tone when
struck on another instrument, even when the other instru-
UNtrviNo Tim Honoscorr 75
mcnt k nt a distance. These signs that persistently trans-
mit the vibrations of a given planet whether or not the
planet is in them are said to be Ruled by that planet. When
the planet is in one of these signs it Rules it is said to be
at HOME.
The sign that a planet rules transmits easily and fully the
nature ol the planet uhen the planet is in it. A planet at
home—in a sign it rules—is Very Strong. The most refined
influence exerted by a planet, however, is not when it is at
home, but when in another sign which not only permits it
to express its energy fully, but which, duo to the peculiar
quality of its astral substance, lends itself particularly to
the expression of the finer and more intense vibrations of
the planetary tone. This other sign, which only transmits
the planet's vibrations strongly when the planet is in it, yet
which lends itself singularly to the highest expression of the
planet's qualities, is called the planet's EXHALTATION.
The ancients held that there is also a particular degree in
the Sign of Exaltation in which the planet exerts a bettor
influence than in any other degree of the zodiac. This degree
The vibratory quality of the signs ruled by a planet is
markctcdly influenced by any modification in the vibra-
tions of the planet. If it sounds from some other sign that
docs not permit harmonious expression, this discord is also
called out in the sign ruled by the planet. That is, the signs
ruled by a planet respond to the vibrations that actually
reach tnem, and these vibrations are given a harmonious
or discordant trend not merely by the aspects of the planet,
but also to a minor extent by the sign in which the planet
Thus it is found experimentally that the sign directly
opposite the exaltation of a planet is a sign in which the
planet finds most difficulty in expressing the higher and
more pleasing side of its nature. In this sign its influence is
distorted and Weakest This sign is called the planet's FALL.
The degree opposite the degree of exaltation is supposed
be the poorest degree
its DEGREE in the zodiac for the plant. It is
When a planet is in the sign opposite its home, or ruler-
ship, it exerts its influence poorly and in an inharmonious
manner. This sign in which the planet is very Weak is
called its DETRIMENT.
7G IJrciN'Nrn's llonoscorc Makcr
There is nnothcr sign in which each planet is able to
express itself moderately well, but not with such strcnCth
as when at home. This sign in which the planet is Moacr-
ntcly Strong is called its HARMONY.
In the sign opposite its harmony a plane: exerts an in-
fluence which is Moderately Weak, This sign in which it
has a rather poor influence is called its INIIARMONY.
Hy his general knowledge of the nature of each plane: and
cacli sign the student becomes able to determine approxi-
mately the strength of a planet in any sign; for as a general
rule a planet is strong in a sign the nature of which is simi-
lar to its own, and weak in a sign having dissimilar
characteristics. But as this matter has been ascertained
experimentally, it is well, from the Table in Part Three, to
mcmorirc the sign in which each planet has its Home, Exal-
tation, Detriment, Fall, Harmony and Inharmony. This
strength or weakness of a planet in being able to express its
own true nature by being in a sign which forms a favorable
or unfavorable sounding hoard for transmitting 5its vibrations
is called the planet's ESSENTIAL DIGNITY .
Mutual Reception—Two planets arc said t* bo in mutual
reception when each occupies the sign which is the exalta-
tion or the home of the other. For example, if Saturn is in
Leo and the Sun is in Capricorn, they arc in mutual recep-
tion. If Jupiter is in Capricorn and Mars is in Cancer, they
are in mutual reception. When two planets arc thus in
mutual reception, they tend to benefit each other through
mutual aims. These two planets need not be within aspect
to each. If they arc in an afflicted aspect, there will be dis-
cord commensurate with the aspect; but in spite of the
aspect, each planet sets up vibrations in the sign that is
the natural medium of the other, and thus renders the other
Mutual reception implies that among some of the things
rufeef by each planet there wf/f be cooperation, ft does not
annul the effects of a discordant aspect between two planets.
The aspect, good or evil, will work out to its fullest extent
in terms of some of the things ruled by the planets, if noth-
ing is done about it. But the mutual reception will still
bring about a cooperation between other things so ruled;
even if it be an unconscious and unwilling cooperation.
The Mutual Reception Table in Part Three will help
UMiifiNo Tiir Horoscope 77
>011 to find them in the clvuts >ou calculate The planets
that arc within mutual reception (MR) in the four exam
pie charts are listed in the last column of the aspcctanan
at the end of Chapter Two in this Part
Rrtrogrode Planets—Due to the relative motion of the
earth there arc times when certain planets apparently move
backward through the zodiac When so moving a planet is
called Retrograde It is then marked in the ephemens where
it apears with an R at the head of its column
The qualities, abilities and events signified by a retrograde
planet are all present as if the planet were direct in motion,
except that thej are repressed or hindered, and thus have
the utmost difficult) in expressing themselves In natal
astrolog) a retrograde planet indicates that there is a repres
sion of the nature of the planet and the department of life
that it rules through which the feelings and desire for action
arc dammed up within In the sense that there is an impedi
ment to adequate evpression a retrograde planet is an affhc
But in a natal chart it is an affliction that can be relieved
The affliction is not due to such thought>cell desires as are
indicated by aspects It is due to the attitude of the soul
toward certain conditions that arise in the life Certain
thoughts and emotions that should normally find expres
sion, through being linked up with early painful emotions,
or with various taboos, are kept in the background along
with the emotions and tab»os with which they accidentally
have been associated Thus the whole personality is often
sidl) warped But it need not remain so, for with the re-
lease of the repressions it ouickly becomes normal A retro
grade planet predisposes toward REPRESSION
Stationary Planets—When a planet direct in motion turns
retrograde or a planet retrograde turns direct in motion,
there may be an interval of several days in which the planet
appears to have no zodiacal motion It is then called a Sta
lionary planet The change from retrograde to direct motion
is marked in the ephemens b> the letter D in the column
occupied by the planet
Such a stationary planet indicates that the tilings it sig
mfies have great permanence, stability and endurance The
thought cell desires thus indicated can be altered onlj by
extraordinary effort, or b) unusual conditions Qualities
78 BcciNNnn's Honoscorr Maker
nnd abilities thus indicated nrc unyielding and persistent.
Whether for good or evil, that wnich is ruled by a sta-
tionary planet is ENDURING.
EIci mcd Planets—The term elevation is used to signify
how high or low in the chart a planet is situated. The high-
est point in the chart is the M.C. The lowest point is the
I.C. A planet above the earth—in the six upper houses of the
chart—expresses itself in such a manner tnat it is noticed
by others, and gets ample credit or discredit, as the ease
may be. Planets below the earth give just as much ability
but do not express their qualities in a manner that draws
public attention to them.
The higher, or more elevated, a planet is in the chart the
easier it is to give full publicity to the affairs signified by it.
Likewise, the lower, or less elevated, a planet is in the chart
the greater the difficulty in drawing public notice to the
things so signified.
People bom with many planets above the earth are al-
ways given ample credit for whatever abilities arc signified
by the planets. People bom with many planets below the
earth arc seldom given credit for the abilities they possess
because the qualities denoted hy the hidden planets—those
below the horizon—do not manifest in a manner to be ree
ognized by people in general. The exception to this is when
a planet below the horizon makes a strong aspect, or very
close aspect, to the M.C. The M.C. is the hroadcastting
station, and any planet aspccting it has facilities for getting
fiublic recognition for the attributes it maps. But aside
rom aspccting the M.C, the most elevated planets in the
chart are always important in that they signify the qualities
that receive full public recognition Elevation means PUB-
Planets East—Life itself embraces the ineraction between
an organism and its environment. Through this interaction
eitber the organism or the environment, or still more com-
monly both, arc modified. But some organisms instead of be-
ing merely molded by environment, exert a power that mod-
ifies markedly the environment. Some men, for instance,
shape their surroundings to their own needs, while others,
perhaps equally successful, are formed and shaped and
directed almost entirely by the various conditions by which
they find themselves surrounded
Unifying tite Honoscopr 79
Those who have many planets on the east side of the
chart impress environment with their personalities and pow
ers That is, the virility of a planet to impress the qualities
it rules upon environment is pronounced when the planet is
on the east side of the chart Therefore, a planet in house
Planets JVest—On the other hand those who have many
planets on the west side of the chart are more influenced
in life's course by the action of people and by their sur-
roundings The virility of a planet to impress the qualities
it rules upon environment is not pronounced when tnc plan-
et is on the west side of the chart Therefore, a planet in
house IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, or IX tends to be MOLDED
The Best House and Best Planet—Because in natal astrol-
ogy the Best House in the chart indicates the department
of hfe from which a given expenditure of effort is likely to
bring greatest advantages, and because in other branches
of astrology it indicates the department from which most
favors may be expected, it should always be ascertained
And as the Best Planet indicates the environmental associa
tions that are most fortunate, it also should be noted It is
particularly significant m vocational selection, and in the
selection of surroundings favorable to health The nature
of the planets, the signs they occupy, the volume of their
energy, and the aspects they make all enter into this con-
sideration Commonly, however, if both Venus and Jupiter
are in the same house it may be taken as the best house'
The IVorst House and Worst Planet — Because in natal
astrology the Worst House indicates the department of life
that is likely to cause the most difficulty, and in other
branches of astrology it indicates trouble, it also should be
ascertained And as the Worst Planet indicates the environ
mental associations that are most unfortunate, it is impor-
tant to note it, so that these things may be avoided Here,
also, the nature of the planets, the signs they occupy, the
volume of their energ>, and the aspects they make must all
be considered Ordinarily, however, if both Mars and Sat-
urn are in the same house it may be taken as the worst
Astrology is Both a Science and a Religion—It is the science
of finding and utilizing the natural potentialities as mdi-

BO RfxivMn's IIontKCon M^Knn
cntcd in ll)c plnnctnr)* cl)art of hlrtli. It Injcomcs a religion
A\lien il shows the individual how these natural tendencies
can and should he mlli/ed for the hcnch't of all mankind
nnd tlic furtlieranceof the purposes of Deity.
As n science, the hirth-chart docs not map what the indi-
\UtunI inevitably will think, will do, or the events that will
come into his life. Instead, it mans his soul, showing the
strength nnd desires of the thought-cells which comprised
it at birth. These in turn indicate, as influenced by environ-
ment, hv conditioning, and by progressed aspects, much
about wltcn nnd what lie will probably think, probably do,
and the events that probably s\ill come into his life. But its
chief value as n science lies in indicating how* the individual
should change die degree of activity and the desires of these
thought-cells sshich comprise his soul so that they will cn-
nhlc him to have a life of far greater success, snlrituality
nnd happiness than had he been ignorant of astrology'.
Those who believe in astrology as a religion call them-
selves Stellarinns. Many StcIIarians are also very good Chris-
tians*. Stellarians believe that God speaks to man through
the Bible, but thev hold that spiritual astrology shows Just
what the Word of God as set forth in the Bible — over the
interpretation of which there is so much controversy—truly
They believe that God revealed I lis will to ancient nations
through the prophets, as stated in the Bible. But they be-
lieve in this more enlightened age, God also reveals His will
to groups and nations through mundane astrology".
They believe as related in the Bible that God counseled
Jacob, Samuel, David and various other persons relative to
their personal problems. And they believe that through
astrology—to one who by a little study becomes familiar
with it—God counsels the individual, and shows him how
to live a more spiritual life, and to be of greater help to
himself and others, at this day.
While astrology can be used for a wide variety of pur-
poses. these Stellarians believe its most valuable function is
to reveal the will of God, to give detailed information about
the structure and potentialities of the human soul, and to
instruct individual man at each step of life's journey how
best be can develop his own character and9 most effectively
assist in the realization of Gods Great Plan .
UMniNG riir IIonoM:ori 81
Tlie summnr) pi\cn below can sene as a guide for stu-
dents It shows the order in which calculations were made
tn the four example charts and the lines on winch they were
entered on Student Chart Blanks, which appear at the end
of Chapter Two".
I Establish complete birth data
Ihrthday, month, year Which calendar was used?
Birthplace Obtain correct Latitude and Longitude
Birth hour What kind of time was clock set by?
II Calculate line
a Local Mean Time 10, 12
b Local Mean Tune Intcn al 13, 17
c Sidereal Time in Ephemens 14
d Sidereal Time of birth (uncorrcctctl) Jg
c 1 lours and minutes East or West of
Greenw ich 22
f Eqimalcnt Greenwich Time 23,25
g Equwalcnt Greenwich Mean Time
Interval 26
h Correction for EGMTI (9 86s per hour) 19
i Sidereal Time of Birth (corrected) 20
i. Constant Log (of EGMTI) 27
k Limiting Date 28
1 Longitude of House Cusps
m Longitude of Planets
n Declination of Planets, M C and Asc
III Transfer longitude of house cusps and planets to
wheel and list declinations
chart blankin column provided on
IV Classify planets, signs and houses m boxes on chart
a Qualities (movable, fixed, mutable!
f, Tr.phcities (bre, earth, air. waterl
C House Potver (angular, succedent cadcntl
t Tnmtics inT'uhOmpam0,,shlP-P"U'0
( Planets above homon ' aSS0C,a,,0". P^ch.c)
g Planets east of meridian
h Retrograde planets

\atamin DVitim n 81
or Sunligbt.
Man Iron, Low Prmnn (but
Bi ranrty)
1 and C Xitamina A
Nfptune EncrEX
Lei* food. Calcium,
D andProtne
B t Nitamoi
Pluio 'Vitarco* Iron,
Complex. A. CiCalcium.
Fenamal AUkrmj \fe»/al Alchemy

d Conjunctjon ^ Inconjunct
X Sctri Sextfle ^ Scem-Squarc
* Scxtilc 8 Opposition
□ Square □ Scsqui-Square
A Trine P Parallel
Chapter One
The first thing the beginner student of astrology should clearly
comprehend is the nature of the interrelationship between the
two planes of being, and how it is possible for non physical
energies, through boundar) line electromagnetic forces having
approximately the velocity of light, to influence physical life.
Astrological energies, while they may influence not only electro-
magnetic energies having approximately the velocity of light,
but also electromagnetic energies within a living organism on
levels where velocities are much slower than hght, are not
physical, but chiefly belong to the astral plane
The Special Theory of Relativity, which lies at the foundation
of modern physics as now taught in most universities, holds that
physical velocities cannot exceed that of light, and that anything
mo\ing with the velocit) of light no longer possesses length,
has infinite mass and so is impervious to the pull of gravitation,
and that for it time has come to a standstill Yet there is a vast
mass of cs idcncc—including prccogniUon, clairvoyance, and
other psychic phenomena that the experimenters at modern
universities have proved take place, as well as the action of
astrological energies—which demonstrates there is an inner world
where velocities are e\cn greater than that of hght These phc
nomcna call for just such properties as a realm of such high
velocities must possess It is the region at all times occupied by
that which scientific men term the subconscious mind or un-
conscious mind, which in reality is identical with the soul
This inner world from which the astro (star) logical energies
influence physical life is called the astral (belonging to a star)
world, or astral plane Its substance interpenetrates all physical
things, and m addition to possessing a ph>sical form, everything
material also possesses associated with it an astral form The
association is made possible by the electromagnetic energies
accompanying things physical
The velocities of the astral world arc too high directly to affect
the low \docity physical substance, and the \elocities of matter
arc too low directly to affect the high velocity astral substance
But electromagnetic energies which, in space, have a velocity
8C BcClNNEn's Ho«OSCorE KE^DEr
approximately thai of light, are not too far removed in their
properties to prevent being influenced by the forces of both
realms. Thus it is that the inner plane affects the outer plane
and the outer plane affects the inner plane only through boun-
dary-line electromagnetic energies.
These electromagnetic energies arc in some degree associated
with all physical substance, but arc generated in profusion by
cells of organic life, and in particular abundance by the cells of
the nervous system of the human body.
In the astral realm of velocities, as already indicated, things
do nor behave as they do in the physical realm. Things happen
that from purely physical experience seem impossible. Prccogni-
tion, for instance, which at Duke and other universities has been
definitely proved to exist, is incomprehensible from the stand-
point of the physical relation of cause and effect Yet it has been
demonstrated by the experiments of university researchers that
man has a faculty by which it is possible to recognize events—
such as the order in which cards will be found when mechanic-
ally shuffled ten dap later, and the order in which dice will turn
face up before the throws begin—in the future. And it has been
demonstrated that distance has no appreciable effect on the case
with which a person through extra-sensory perception picks up
the image in the mind of another person. Therefore it should
not be surprising that the planets, even though distant from the
earth, exercise a profound influence through their astral energies
upon the astral form of man, and that this in turn, unparting
motion to the electromagnetic energies of the body,
influences his thoughts, his behavior and the events which come
into his life.
The signs of the zodiac map definite fields of f«rce in the
astral world, and each planet radiates astral vibrations which
flow as screams of energy, and as such have a definite impact
upon the astral forms of things possessing no material bodies, and
upon the astral forms of all things material All physical things
arc in some measure thus influenced by these streams of plan&
tary energy.
The astral energy radiated from each planet has a different
frequency, and therefore a different influence upon the astral
forms of things Each different musical tone or pitch that can
be heard is a definite vibratory frequency in an or other physical
substance. Each different color that can be seen is a definite
electromagnetic frequency. And the astral energy radiated from
An Il\<r StAnr 87
each planet represents a definite range of astral frequencies which
at the velocity speed of light corresponds to a certain color, and
at the Aclocity speed of physical substance corresponds to a cer-
tain pitch, or tone.
Now, the same colors passing through one kind of transparency
take on a quality that gi\cs them an effect more pleasing or less
pleasing than when they pass through another kind of trans-
parency. And the same musical tone sounded on an oboe has a
quality quite diflcrcnt than when sounded on a fife. Likewise
a planetary tone, or stream of energy, coming from the field of
astral force mapped by one sign of the zodiac has a different
quality in its influence than when coming from the field of
astral force mapped by another sign of the zodiac.
No person who has attended even the lower grades of school
is ignorant of the difference between the planets and the sun
and moon. The sun is a star, about which as a center the planets
revolve. The moon is the satellite which revolves around the
earth. But because in astrology sun, moon and planets have
similar affects on life—each radiating a distinctive range of vibra-
tory frequencies—it is convenient to speak of all as planets. Not
to do so would compfl endless repetition of the phrase, "planets
and sun and moon."
Observation has demonstrated that there arc 12 major distinc-
tive fields of force which commonly are called zodiacal signs.
Each of these 30 degree areas along the path of the sun has also
three minor equal divisions, called dccanatcs because they arc
10 degrees in extent. The signs of the zodiac each impart their
peculiar quality to the influence of any planet found in them,
and the decanatcs each still further modify this tone quality.
The most permanent of all astrological affects is the distinctive
tone, or characteristic influence, of each planet. It is only the
resonance of the lone, not its pitch, which is affected by the sign,
and to a less degree by the decanatc, from which its influence
comes to earth.
Now about the earth is its own field of astral force. And even
as the place m an auditorium where the listener sits has an
influence upon the volume and other acoustic properties of the
sounds from musical instruments played from the stage, so the
place on earth of an object or individual at the time has an
influence upon the volume of the vibratory energy there received,
and where a living organism is concerned also an influence upon
the department of life affected. The variation in the volume of
88 DrcmNrn's Hoiukcope RcADEn
a planet's energy that actualf) reaches a given spot, and the de-
partment of life chiefly affccrcd by these energies, may accurately
be mapped by a circle around the earth, extending from west to
cast and divided into twelve equal sections, Mlfcd mundane
houses The common horoscope blank maps these twelve houses
The astral energies from the planets, even as docs the electro-
magnetic frcqucncj called light from these planets, converge
from different angles at the spot on earth where any individual
or object ma> be And the angle at which any two streams of
planetary energy meet determines die manner in which their
tones harmonize or present discord
Near!) everyone has seen the small whirlpools in water formed
when currents meet at certain angles Those who have driven
across the western deserts have seen whirling dust columns which
arc present only when air currents converge from definite angles
Waterspouts at sea and tornadoes on the land exemplify the same
principle, and lightwaves under certain circumstances arc
brought together so as ro cancel each other's motion. Even as
currents of air, water, or light acquire definite properties when
they meet at certain angles, so also do the astrological energies
from the various planets And experience shows that there are
ten different angles from winch plan-tary energies may converge
to produce distinctive influences, each of the ten having an in
flucncc somewhat different than any of the others These angles
of convergence of planetary energies lhat arc known to produce
a distinctive influence arc called aspects
Any kind of energy is capable of either constructive or destrue
live action Sunlight can burn human skin, or it can enable plants
to manufacture the food that sustains human life Water can
drown an individual, or it can run the turbines that generate
manufacturing power Air can destroy towns or it can drive
sailing vessels Electricity can blast a tree of oak, or it can funush
light for reading at night And a good astrologer always rcmcm
hers, not only that the characteristic influence of each planet
never changes, but that even so, it may act either destructively
or constructively, and it is his job to see to it that it acts con
structively as often as possible
Other than time, we now have briefly considered all the factors
of major significance m astrology Planets, signs, aspects, houses
Of these four, the astral energies radiated by the planets are the
dynamic influences The signs merely represent the fields of
force that do not change the essential influence of the planets
An Easy Start 89
located in them, but do change their resonance They act as
sounding boards for the planetary tones The aspects do not
change the essential characteristics of any planet's influence, but
they do determine the type of harmony or discord the conver-
gence of its stream of energies with the streams of energies of
other planets indicates The houses do not change the character-
istics of cither the planets or their aspects, but they do have a
determining influence over the amount of power a planet's energy
can exert, and what department of life its energies will chiefly
Now these four astrological factors arc at all times operative
But as the dynamic influences called planets revolve about the
sun they move at limes into the various fields of force called
signs, the angles with which their energies converge with those
of other planets, called aspects, change, and as the earth rotates
on its axis their energies reach a given spot on the earth succcs
sivcly through each of the 12 houses within a period of 24 hours
The time clement is essential thus to map the directions in which
streams of astrological energy arc flowing, and also to map
releases of planetary energy by progressed aspects
These streams of astral energy exert a pressure upon the astral
forms of all things on earth As set forth in ASTROLOGICAL
LORE OF ALL AGES", they have profoundly affected the evolu
tion of man, have influenced his social systems, brought periods
of progress and periods of stagnation, and without his knowledge
have instituted and maintained his hohdajs and popular customs
Also they have an influence even upon inanimate objects Things
which arc crosswise, so to speak, to these currents, and especially
if they arc so constituted as to vibrate readily to the convergences
mapped by destructive aspects, have a difficult tune Other things
which offer little resistance to the general flow, and only vibrate
readily to the convergences mapped by constructive aspects,
fare better
A great amount of observation goes to show that living things
that survive birth arc born only at those tunes when their own
astral organism coincides rather closely with the pattern formed
at that umc by the flow of planetary energies For itistaticc, if
the thought-cell organization of a child is too di\c,gcnt from
the pattern of astrological forces, including planetary streams,
signs, aspects and houses, it is believed that the child will not live
However, this flowing astral pattern which permits birth of a
90 Btcjvsrn s Hoboicope Rl\der
living creature ts ccrtainl) not as rigid as steel Instead, when
proper ph)iical conditions arc present it seems to have suffieicnt
clasncitj that children can b- born and live whose thought-cell
organizations var> con$iderabl> from it in detail
Anyone who will talc the trouble to learn to erect and read
a birth-chart can prove for himself that the positions thus mapped
show the predispositions of a child then born The important
thing for the astrologer to remember, so as not to fall into the
errors of fatalistic fortune telling, is that these positions of the
planets at birth did not cause the individual then born to possess
the characteristjcs thej indicate, but that they show the direction
in which the planctat) energies were then flowing and combin
ing with other planetary currents And that the sum total of
these energy streams and their convergences formed an inner
plan- energy pattern which pcrnuttcd only a soul which already
had a corresponding organization to be bom The soul posseaced
certain predispositions It could not be born until there was an
astrological pattern not too divergent from the thought-cell
orgamzaion which was the scat of these predispositions
Each planet in a birth-chart maps dynamic thought-c-lls which
express their energy in thoughts, behavior and events attracted
charactcnstic of the experiences which formed them. The type
of experiences in lower forms of life that built and organized
th- thought-cells mapped by each of the ten planets is set forth
in Chapter Three of HOW TO SELECT A VOCATION
The physical cells and organs of the material body have a
characteristic type of in clligcncc, Inow how to do certain things
without being directed by the bram, have their own desires,
which may or may not be for things which arc beneficial to the
indiv idual, and perform their functions without the active super
vision of objective consciousness So also the thought-cells and
thought structures of the mner plane body possess the kind of
intelligence imparted to them when they were formed, have
desires, and do work from the mn-r plane which may or may
not be beneficial to the individual The amount of energy they
normally possess is mdicatcd by the prominence of the planet
mapping them in the chart of bnth Their desires arc always
characteristic of the planet thus mapping them, but arc modified
in detul as shown by the sign occupied by the planet, and arc
of a nature b-ncfioal or detrimental to the individusl as indicated
by the aspects the planet rcceiv es.
An Easy Start 91
These desires, to the extent the thought-cells possessing them
normally have energy, or acquire it from progressed aspects,
inSuencc the thoughts, the behavior and the events that come
into the life Occupying the inner plane, thought<ells are able
to exert extra physical power to bring to pass the type of physical
events they desire This is the kind of power exercised by mcta
physicians and all other practitioners who do not employ physical
means, to demonstrate health or oth-r conditions for those who
seek their services
Important events come mto an individual's life only when
thought-cells mapped by the house of the birth-chart ruling the
department of life affected reccise new en-rgy from a progressed
aspect And the type of the e\cnt is always characteristic of the
planets forming the progressed aspect. The periods when such
additional energy is given to definite groups of thought-cells
can be predetermined through calculating the progressed aspects
How to make these calculations and appraise the probable event
that will occur while a progressed aspect is operative is explamed
Still further details of practically applying this easy way to judge
progressed aspects, statisucal analyses of the events which have
actually happened in people's lives comctdent with given pro-
gressed aspects, and just what precautionary actions should be
taken when a progressed aspect shows a given event is probable,
arc set forth in WHEN AND WHAT EVENTS WILL
In this beginner's book it is sufficient to point out that the
birth-chart does not map SPECIFIC EVENTS But it docs map
PREDISPOSITIONS toward the types of conditions and events
which will affect each of the 12 departments of the individual's
life, because it maps the general desires of the thought-cells
associated with each The specific conditions and events, as ex-
plamed m3full detail m WHEN AND WHAT EVENTS WjLL
HAPPEN , are determined hj the desires and actmhes of (he
thought-cells m connection with the facilities and resistances to
these desires offered by the physical environment.
Neither do progressed aspects map SPECIFIC EVENTS
Instead they map ENERGY RELEASES of definite tjpes during
limited periods of time which can be predetermined These give
greater activity to definite groups of thought-cells But the specific
esent they are able to bring into the life at such tunes 1$ not
92 JlrriNNrn's Horoscope Rcrder
determined alone b) their desires and pow cr, but is subject also
to the facilities of environment for some specific events, and the
environmental resistance to others
Furthermore, the birth-chart docs not indicate the development
of some particular disease is inevitable But it docs indicate the
PREDISPOSITION toward diseases of a certain t)pc. The pro-
gressed aspects show, not when some disease of tins tjpc will
inevitably develop, but the periods during which there is almost no
danger from such diseases, and the periods during which some
disease of the type is lil.cly to develop unless adequate precaution'
ary actions ate taken This subject is given detailed consideration
The Easy Way to Learn Astrology—Right at the start the student
of astrology should have a general idea of the nature of astro-
logical forces, why they produce the results they do, and how
they operate To impart such essential information has been the
object of this book thus far But from here on the object will
be to make information available in the order with n hich it con
most easily be applied
As the planets arc the chief source of astrological energies, the
beginner early w ill wish to know the chief characteristics of the
influence exerted by each upon human life Then, as zodiacal
signs, which arc fields of force acting as sounding boards, give
resonance and general trends to planetary energy, he will want
to know what these trends arc Following this, he will desire
to know what discords and harmonics arc given to the planetary
energies by their aspects Moving from the more general toward
the more parucular, he will then want to know about the houses
as indicating the departments of life affected by the planets as
aspccccd and located in the signs And finally be will want to
know how to appraise appearance, health, finances, position,
marriage, and other phases of the life that are influenced by
several astrological factors
lie will understand that a precise astrological reading rcqmrw
a birth-chart erected for the year, month, day and time of day
at the geographical location of birth But merely from the posi
lions of the planets on the day of birth certain general conclusions
can be drawn An ephemens for the day of birth will give the
sign positions of the planets, and from the degrees they occupy
their aspects—with the possible exception of those of the Afo«n,
which moves approximately 13 degrees a day—can be ascertained
An Easy Start 93
While neither revealing what department of life js thus chiefly
affected, nor how affected fortunately or unfortunately, the sign
occupied by each planet, as shown in the ephemens on the day,
month and year of birth has some significance over the things that
planet rules Therefore we will commence with a consideration
of the nature of the influence of each planet, and how that in
fluence operates in each of the twelve signs And, as the sign
position of the Sun can be ascertained merely from the date of
birth without the use of an ephemens—except when it is at the
very end of one sign or the beginning of the next—we will start
with the sun sign Furthermore, as such sun sign influence ex
presses the more common influence of each sign, there would
be no point in giving, in another place, the influence of the signs
when not thus occupied by the Sun
SUN The thought-cells mapped by the Sun are the scat of
the individuality They have been organized by those experiences
in lower life forms that express the Drive For Significance, in
eluding tenacity to life They govern the positive, electric energy
of the electromagnetic form On their degree of activity, and
their harmony, depend the ability to withstand illness and to
recuperate Length of life is measured by their power relative
to the afflictions shown by groups of thought<clls mapped by
discordant planets Any aspect of Mars to the Sun, or a harmoni
ous aspect of Jupiter to the Sun, tends markedly to lengthen
the life through increasing their power
Because their chief expression is toward gaining and maintain
ing significance, and their activity strongly influences the relation
of the individual to those in authority, as well as influencing his
authority over others, they are called POWER thought-cells The
thought-elements of which they arc composed are the most deep
seated and persistent of all To the extent these thought<ells
are active is the life influenced by thoughts of pnde, firmness
approbation, conscientiousness or self-esteem
Aspects to the Sun affect the vitality, the relation to authority,
and relations with the male sex Only those with a prominent
birth-chart Sun become successful as politicians or successful in
personally directing the efforts of others Discordant aspects to
the Sun tend toward difficulties with those in authority, or diffl
cultics arising from attempts to exercise authority
When the Sun is prominent in the birth-chart the individual
9V HrriNNrn * Hono^coir llr^Dnn
seeks to be at the held of something, and seldom works to ad
vantage unless given full charge of his work or department
When the Sun is prominent and afflicted the individual may
think, he is entitled to exercise authority for which he is com
plctcl) unsuifed And to increase his feeling of significance, he
ma) hrag and be egotistical Therefore, as early as possible he
should realize that the EULEJiSHJP which he craves cannot
be attained through bragging or DICTAT1VENESS It can only
be attuned through acquiring and using abilities that command
admiration, and gaining the cooperation of o'hers through a
s)mpathcttc consideration of their views and problems
Sun in Anes—The Power thought-cells of the individual born
in Aries, where the Sun ma) be found each )car from March
at to April 21, have been associated with, and desire to express
through, the I AM attitude Even as the Ram, which pictures
among the constellations the influence of this sign, is combative,
uses his head in offensive, and is the leader of his flock, so Aries
people require the zest of competition, feel the need for combat,
and always strive for personal Jcadcrihip
The Sun in Aries marks the birth of spnng and all the world
seems new to an Aries individual He is extremely optimistic,
and this often leads lum into undertakings that arc more than
he can manage One of several things he should avoid is having
loo many irons in the fire at once T7ic same inherent enthusiasm
easily leads him to rush into controversy before he has thoroughly
examined all the evidence And once he thus espouses a musc
he is reluctant to admit himself wrong Rash in love, bright and
lively in conversation, he takes 10 pohucs, for in it leadership
plays an important part Whether working constructively or
destructively he uses creative power and original thought, cm
ploying his brain to gain his ends In business he is apt to overwork
When the Sun is afflicted, his desire for LEADERSHIP, which
is his own proper field, may cause him to make two mistakes
One, already mentioned, is to diffuse his energies, trying to take
in too much territory The other is to develop OFFICIOUS-
NESS, and an inclination to interfere unduly in the affairs of
others The sooner he learns that people resent being bossed about
and told how to do things they already arc doing well, and that
example and fcmdly advice when at is asked gum him the leader
ship he craves, the more successful will his life become
Sun in Taurus—The Power thought-cells of the individual
An Easy Start 95
born m Taurus, where the Jsun may be found each year from
April 21 to May 21, have been associated with, and desire to
express through, the I HAVE attitude Even as the Bull, which
pictures among the constellations the influence of this sign, is
slow moving, plodding and self reliant, but excessively violent
when provoked to anger, so arc Taurus people quiet and thought
ful, patiently awaiting for plans to mature Remarkable for en
durance, industry and application, they sometimes become sullen
and reserved Slow to irritation, when once aroused they arc
furious and violent They make warm friends and implacable
The Taurus individual thinks largely in terms of money He
is neither more acquisitive nor more liberal than other signs,
but he likes to handle money, and to use money for whatever
purposes he has in mind Obedient to his employer, and very
persistent in all he undertakes, he does not possess the initiative
for new undertakings nor the courage to take great risks
When the Sun is afflicted, his desire for STABILITY may
cause hun to follow a set routine 111 the performance of his tasks,
and very much dislike to change Ins methods in any way He
is thorough in all he undertakes, and can neither be hurried
nor frightened from his deliberate pace Carried to the extreme
this inflexibility may express as OBSTINACY The earlier in
life he forms the habit of being steadfast for truth and justice
the more successful will he become, for a recognition of these
will permit him to change and to give way when he perceives
he is in the wrong
Sun in Gemini—The Power thought-cells of the individual
born in Gemini, where the Sun may be found each year from
May 21 to June 22, have been associated with, and desire to
express through, the I THINK attitude Even as the Twins,
which picture among the constellations the influence of this sign
arc human and dual, so Gemmt people like to talk and study
and teach, m a manner characteristic of those who have developed
both reason and intuition They arc versatile and changeable
and able to do more than one tlung at a tune
The Gcmmi individual has a very active brain and is at his
best when his intellect has full scope for work. He 1$ restless,
and must constantly express himself m some way, and may talk
$0 much about unimportant details that important information
00 nroiNNrn** JIoro^coM' HKADCR
is obscured. He has remarkable dexterity, and can do any number
of things well.
In Ins desire for VERSATILITY he may try many occupa-
tions, and he can follow so many different ones with little effort
that he frequently docs not stick to any of them long enough to
make a 'marked success of it. It is unnccccssary for him to endure
disagreeable things in one occupation, because he can always
get a job doing something else.
When the Sun is afflicted, this may lead to CHANGEABLE-
NESS, not merely in reference to jobs, but relative to his point
of \icw, his likes and dislikes, and even may include friendships
and domestic partners. For greatest success, therefore, he should
early realize that any one task can be made worthy of all his
ingenuity and talent, and that instead of changing his occupation,
or his domestic partner and friends, he should change his meth-
ods, and strive thus for greater and greater perfection.
Sun in Cancer—The Power thought-ceils of the individual
born in Cancer, where the Sun may be found each year from
June 22 to July 23, have been associated with, and desire to
express through, the I FEEL attitude. Even as the Crab, which
pictures among the constellations the influence of this sign, is
influenced by the tides and the moon, and is sensitive to its en-
vironment and tenacious of purpose, so Cancer people arc power-
fully influenced by their environment, arc sensitive and mcdium-
istic, arc subject to moods, and have tremendous tenacity. And
in their approach to their work, while their method gives as
good results as any, they arc apt to commence in a manner that
those of other signs consider oblique, even as the Crab has a
side-long gait.
The Cancer individual, while he may love travel, is excep-
tionally fond of, and attached to, his home and family. He is
emotional, and above all else craves sympathy. As he tends to
absorb all the conditions he contacts, he should choose his asso-
ciates and his domestic environment with special care.
When the Sun is afflicted, his fear of ridicule may be so
powerful and distressing as to prevent him properly asserting
himself, and he may fancy he has been slighted where no offense
was meant. He too easily becomes upset at hearing unpleasant
news, and exhibits TOUCHINESS. Instead, he should as early
as possible absorb the idea that people in general arc sympathetic
and friendly, and that those who arc otherwise arc not worth
bothering about. When he makes this thought a part of himself
An Eas\ Start 97
he will no longer refuse to accept, when they arc presented,
the very opportunities which he desires, for when he has an
idea, a friend, or a purpose, he holds to it with the utmost
Sun tn Leo—The Power thought<clls of the individual born
in Leo, where the Sun may be found each year from July 23 to
August 23, ha\c been associated with, and desire to express
through, the I WILL attitude E\cn as the Lion, which pictures
among the constellations the influence of this sign, » the king
of beasts, is noted for its courage, and is especially solicitous of
its oflspring, so Leo people aspire to rule, arc courageous, fond
of their children and will defend them regardless of the cost
The Leo individual lends to be honest, magnanimous, gener
ous to his friends, impulsive, passionate, faithful and ambitious
His ideas usually arc on a large scale, and he seldom stoops to
pettiness or meanness He is fond of entertainment and mixing
with his friends, and must have affection, admiration and worldly
acclaim to be happy He has faith and trust m other people,
and these usually respond to his faith by trjmg to live up to
his expectations He 15 good at deputizing work, not demanding
of his subordinates that which is impossible
When the Sun is afflicted, his desire for significance may lead
him to overdress, and to become a showoff He then goes to great
pains to have a belter car, a finer house, and to entertain more
lavishly than others in his social set It is true that he is better at
directing the efforts of others than in taking orders But also he
readily can believe he should have a position of importance far
beyond any he is capable of properly filling His craving for a
position of authority and for personal notice may develop into
a tendency toward DOMINATION He should, therefore, as
early as possible realize that KINDNESS will advance him
toward the glory he craves, even if its exercise calls for the per-
formance of mcmal tasks, much faster than the arbitrary issuing
of orders
•San m Frrgo—The Power thought-cells of the individual
born in Virgo, where the Sun may be found each year from
August 23 to September 23, have been associated with, and
desire to express through, the I ANALYZE attitude Even as the
irgui a gleaning maid holding in her hand cars of wheat—
which pictures among the constellations the influence of this
Virgo ispeople
modestare and industrious
thoughtful, in gathering
serious, her modest
contemplative, harvest, inso
usirious, and have the ability to assimilate experience and tacts
98 RrciNNiVs Honoscorr Rrader
in such a way at fo reap a rich harvest of knowledge- Always
ready to suggest improvements in existing methods, some of
them become veritable encyclopedias of information.
The Virgo individual loves to deal with facts rather than with
theories. Statistics appeal to him. He takes orders readily and
uses ingenuity and originality in carrying them out. He is clever
at accountancy, and makes a good public servant. He is a master
of detail, and his ability to think straight may take him into the
scientific field, or make him exceptionally valuable to executives
who do planning; for he can dissect a proposition of any kind
and find its weaknesses and determine how these an be strength-
ened. He lives so completely in the intellectual realm that often
it narrows the range of his emotions.
When the Sun is afilictcd, his desire for ANALYSIS may
cause him to be unsympathetic, to be overly fastidious, seldom
to praise, but often to find fault, with others. The earlier he
realizes that it takes just as keen discrimination to find and stress
the good points in people and things, and is far more profitable
than indulging in CRITICISM, the more benefits he will receive
from life.
Sun in Libra—The Power thought-cells of the individual born
in Libra, where the Sun may he found each year from September
23 to October 23, have been associated with, and desire to express
through, the I BALANCE attitude. Even as the Scales, which
pictures among the constellations the influence of this sign, are
easily lipped either way, but regain equilibrium as soon as the
weight is removed, so arc Libra people for a moment easily
swayed by their emotions, but quickly regain their balance. And
even as the Sales arc the symbol of justice, $0 are these people
devoted to justice.
The Libra individual is a lover of peace and harmony, is
amiable, even tempered, affectionate, sympathetic, and inclined
toward marriage. He is fond of art, rcfinco pleasures and amuse-
ments, dislikes unclean work intensely, and feels the need of a
companion to share his lot in life. He loves perfection, craves
understanding, and as a rule should not live an isolated life,
but follow his social inclinations. He is polished and gracious,
and inclined to make a living through the easier methods than
through those more strenuous. Ugliness, strife, discord and
coarseness distress him painfully.
When the Sun is afflicted, his desire for APPROBATION may
cause him to sanction the questionable conduct of others, ana
to be led by them into actions which of his own initiative he
An East Staut 99
would never take Also, instead of specializing in some single
direction, and hence gaining high efficiency, his sense of propor-
tion may influence him to dabble in many things His occupation
should be something in which he contacts others personally and
can capitalize on AFFABILITY And the sooner he realizes
that people will like him better when they find he has sufficient
character to render firm decisions uninfluenced by flattery^ the
sooner he w ill gain his desires
Sun tn .SVorp/o—-The Power thought<clls of the individual
born m Scorpio, w here the Sun may be found each year from
October 13 to November 22, have been associated with, and
desire to express through, the I DESIRE attitude Even as the
Scorpion, which pictures among the constellations the influence
of this sign, is intense in its sexual propensities, is secretive in
habit, is cruel and subtle, is a fighter, and uses a weapon which
is not suspected by its opponent, so arc Scorpio people suspicious,
shrewd, determined, secreti\c, energetic and good fighters, at
times using indirect, but effective methods in attacking their
opponents In their sexual nature they arc intense and given to
The Scorpio individual is thoughtful, contemplative, ingenious
and scientific He is strong in his likes and dislikes, and what
ever he finds to do he docs with his whole might He possesses
a natural healing magnetism, and is never at a loss for plans
by which difficulties may be overcome He can be trusted to
grapple with the most difficult and disagreeable tasks Usually
he knows what he wants from life, and works energetically to
get it
When the Sun is afflicted, his strong sense of duty, or his
cold, calculating and deceitful cruelty towards those he dislikes,
may give rise to TROUBLESOMENESS The earlier he realizes
that his advantage is in concentrating his RESOURCEFUL-
NESS on his own problems and in helping, rather than hinder-
ing others, the sooner he will be able to realize his desires And
he should also learn that success at times depends oa vidLngritv,
to take second place, and that asking questions is not a serious
acknowledgment of inferiority
Sun 1 a Sagittaritts—The Power thought-cells of the individual
born in Sagittarius, where the Sun may be found each year from
November 22 to December 22, have been associated with, and
desire to express through, the I SEE altitude Even as the Ccntaur>
which pictures among the constellations the influence of this
sign, is half animal and half human, is a hunter with the legs
100 RrriNNrrV Hofttncorc Hkadfh
of a hone and the head of a man, and is armed with a bow,
so Sagittarius people have strong animal tendencies and at the
same time arc also well supplied with the higher, nobler, more
generous impulses They arc migratory, loving to travel, and
they arc keen on outdoor sports, but at the same time they have
a strong leaning toward philosophy and religion When the)
speak, what they say goes straight to the mark like an arrow
to the bull's c)c
The Sagittarius individual is free, energetic, ambitious of
ttorldl) position, lopl, patriotic and charitable of the shortcom
ings of others Prompt and decisive in action, he can command
others, and thus makes a good executive On the other hand, he
can also take orders without resentment. Frank and candid in
expressing opinions, he is quick to fight for the rights of others.
He posses huo>ancy and tremendous enthusiasm
When the Sun is adlictcd, he fends toward SPORTIVENESS
He docs need fresh air, exercise and recreation But he also re-
quires ample mental activity The earlier he gains the viewpoint
that the best game of all is to befound m work which contributes
to his ou n success and to the welfare of society, and that to find
and follow this work adsantageously requires the acquisition of
COMPREHENSION, the more he will gam from life
Sun in Capneorn~~Tltc Power thought-cells of the individual
born in Capricorn, where the Sun may b- found each )car from
December 22 to January 20, have b*cn associated with, and desire
to express through, the I USE altitude Even as the Goat, which
pictures among the constellations the influence of this sign,
ascends a mountain by taking advantage of every foothold, so
Capricorn people climb to their- ambitions by grasping every
possible opportumtj, great or small, to advance themselves
Supphantly they bow to the reigning authority, seeking by sun
dry and devious ways to gain the good will of others, that they
may partake in power, much as the goal must bend his knees
and devise many a clever method to crop the foliage among
th- precipitous rocks of his upland pasture
The Capricorn individual is patient and persistent, and by
concentrated effort and skillful maneuvering butts his way
through, or climbs his way around, all but insurmountable
obstacles He is highly ambitious, a good manager, methodical
and inclined to be conventional He carries responsibility well,
and has a faculty for bringing together dissenting factions hut
is too much inclined to carry other people a troubles
When the Sun is afflicted, he tends toward DECEITFUL
An Lasy Staiit 101
NESS The earlier he realizes that the greatest advantage any
person can have is integrity and devotion to the welfare of
others, and cmplojs DIPLOMACY, and his faculty for synthesis
and economy for the good of society, the greater will be those
honors attained which he so ardently craves
Sun tn Aquarius—The Power thought-cells of the individual
born in Aquarius, where the Sun may be found each year from
January 20 to February 20, have been associated with, and desire
to express through, the I KNOW attitude Even as the Man,
which pictures among the constellations the influence of this
sign, measures the energies in the sky with one hand, and with
the other pours down upon earth a flood of information, so
Aquarius people tend to be interested in astrology and all things
new and progressive, have humanitarian instincts, are keen on
education, and desire scientific verification of all theories
The Aquarius individual is inventive, scientific, pleasant,
friendly, determined, faithful, sincere, easily influenced by kind
ncss, fond of society and refinement, and a keen student of
human nature He is independent, cares little for precedent and
convention, and although he may listen with rapt attention to
the ideas of another, he is not apt to be impressed by them.
He forms his own opinions Because he understands human
nature so well, he knows just what to say and what to do to
produce a given effect upon those with whom he is associated
Greatly interested in politics and religion, he lends to view things,
not so much from their benefit to one person or one group, but
m reference to their benefit to society as a whole
When the Sun is afflicted, his iesire for ARGUMENTATION
often causes him to take the opposite side of a question merely
for the sake of the discussion Because he alisorhs knowledge so
quickly he becomes impatient of those who are slow to grasp
new, and perhaps untried, ideas He tends to procrastinate, and
his enthusiasm for bettering the race is too apt to be expended
in verbal discussions which theoretically solve the difficulties of
mankind The earlier he recognizes that wisdom must be accom
panied by practical application if it is to accomplish anything
worthwhile, and the earlier he acquires the habit of action, m
addition to talk, the quicker and more effectively will he be
able to contribute to the ALTRUISM which he seeks
Stm in Pisces—The Power thought-cells of the individual born
m Pisces, where the Sun may be found each year from February
20 to March ar, have been associated with, and desire to express
through, the I BELIEVE attitude Even as the Fishes, wilucl.
102 Beginjnfh's H»hoscope Reader
picture among the constellations the influence of this sign, live
in water, symbol of the emotions, so arc Pisces people unusually
sympathetic and powerfully influenced by their a/fcctions. These
fish arc united by the ribbon of love, and Pisces people long for
the ideal in marriage, and when this ideal is not realized become
restless and discontented. Nor is their idealism confined to
domestic life. They also yearn for universal brotherhood and
peace on earth good will to men.
The Pisces individual is amiable, kind, neat and particular,
yet may be timid and lacking in self-confidence. He is greatly
influenced by his environment, is restless, emotional, and capable
of high intellectual development. Sensitive and mcdiumislic,
capable of psychic lucidity, romantic and a lover of mystery, he
may become too negative and dreamy to realize his ideals. He
readily becomes interested in psychic investigation, is profoundly
disturbed by injustice, and is deeply religious. Even as there arc
two fish, the Pisces individual varies more widely from type
than those born in any other sign.
When the Sun is afllictcd, he is inclined to magnify the im-
portance of actual or threatened adversity, and he easily develops
a tendency to start things which he docs not finish. Even in
his SYMPATHY for others he should early realize he is re-
sponsiblc only in so far as he has ability, and trust Deity with
other details. And the sooner he thus banishes WORRY, and
learns to finish what he starts, the quicker will he realize the
peace and harmony he desires.
104 Beginner's Horoscope Reader
in the more complete explanations of the influence of the sign
which is given relative to the sun-sign.
The most important thing for the beginner always to remem-
ber is that while the aspects show the harmony or discord at
birth of the thought-cells mapped by a given planet, and there-
fore the general birth-chart trend toward fortune or misfortune
relative to the things they influence, this is readily subject to
change by proper precautionary actions after birth. A planet,
according to its position in the chart and the number and power
of the aspects it receives, maps a given volume of thought-cell
energy of a certain type. This energy may express through the
destructive channels characteristic of the planet, or through
constructive channels characteristic of the planet. The type of
thought cell activity cannot be changed but, as amply proved by
the Case Histories cited in "WHEN AND WHAT EVENTS
WILL HAPPEN', it is not too difficult to divert the destructive
thoughl-cell activity mapped by an afflicted planet into the con-
structive thought-cell activity of the type characteristic of the
same planet. By thus training the energy to find expression in
beneficial channels its power is lessened to bring misfortune,
and the life is improved in its fortune relative to the matters
over which the planet has an influence.
To show the individual how to avoid the destructive expression
of thought-cell energy by dclibcxatcly cultivating its constructive
expression, in considering each planet in each sign both the
planet's general destructive trend and its general constructive
trend when in each sign will be mentioned. To ascertain the
sign occupied by each planet on a given date an ephemcris for
that year must be procured- lie most economical method is to
purchase the Astrologer's Ephcmcridcs (AP Ephcmcnd*),
which may be had in convenient volumes each containing al)
positions each day for ten years- These cover the years 1880 to
1950. Die Deutsche Ephemeride cover years 1951 through
MOON: Mental processes arc of two kinds In the type ruled
by Mercury, cerebral processes resort to careful reasoning, classi-
fied observation, and the formulation of words and sentences.
And to get ideas across to others such words and sentences are
Yet the mental attitude as a whole, and the mental capacity,
are not chiefly due to such cerebral processes. Instead, they arise
mostly frcra the unconscious mind and from the impressions
Each Pi.anet in Each Sign 105
received from environment which have not thus been carefully
pigeon-holed. The feelings about certain things, the unreasoned
mental processes, the hunches, intuitions and capacities for ab-
sorbing certain kinds of information which, rather than the
expression of opinions thus formed through words and sentences,
chiefly constitute the mentality, are expressions of the thought-
cells mapped by the Moon.
These thought-cells which so powerfully influence the men-
tality have been organized by experiences in lower life-forms
with famvlv aud the seating of off spring. They govern the nega-
tive, low-frcqucncy energies of the electromagnetic body. Their
degree of activity, and their harmony, arc important in determin-
ing the strength of the physical constitution and therefore the
health. As they are the most receptive of all to impressions from
environment, it becomes easier to receive such impressions through
the avenues indicated by the sign and aspects of the Moon.
Because their chief expression relates to family life they are
called DOMESTIC thought-cells. Aspects to the Moon affect
the mental attitude, everyday affairs, and relations with the
female sex and the common people. To the extent the thought-
cells mapped by the Moon arc active is die life influenced by
thoughts of domestic life, women, the offspring, the weak and
helpless, or by music.
When the Moon is prominent in the birth-chart it denotes
much curiosity and changing moods, and the individual likes
to be before the public or to mix with the masses.
When prominent and afflicted, there is a tendency toward
INCONSTANCY. Therefore the individual with such a chart
should as early as possible realize that to be favorably known
by the public he must not change his mind too often, and must
cultivate the power to persist m some one endeavor until he has
exceptional ability. The tendency to instability should be chan-
neled into ADAPTABILITY-
Moon tn Artcs—With the Domestic thought-cclls expressing
from the 1 Am attitude, the mind should pioneer and seek con-
structive leadership rather than too forceful assertion of opinions.
Moon tn Taurus—With the Domestic thought-cells express-
ing from the I Have attitude, the mind should seek spiritual
knowledge rather than become absorbed in acquiring material
Moon tn Gemnu—-With the Domestic thought-cells expressing
from the I Think attitude, the mind should seek complete
^ Becinneh's Horoscope Reader
mastery of some one subject rather than a smattering of In forma-
tion about many things.
Moon in Cancer—With the Domestic thought-cells express-
ing from the I Fee! attitude, the mind should seek to explain
its thoughts to others rather than be content with absorbing
Moon in Leo—With the Domestic thought-cells expressing
from the I Will attitude, the mind should seek to gain esteem
through kindness rather than through display and domination.
Moon in Virgo—With the Domestic thought-cells expressing
from the I Analyze attitude, the mind should seek worthy service
rather than acid criticism-
Moon in Libra—With the Domestic thought-cells expressing
from the I Balance attitude, the mind should seek beauty and
artistic creation rather than ease and luxury.
Moon in Scorpio—With the Domestic thought-cells expressing
from the I Desire attitude, the mind should seek tasks which arc
helpful to society rather than the destruction of cncmies.
Moan in Sagiirarius—With the Domestic thought-cdls express-
ing from the I See attitude, the mind should seek a sound
philosophy rather than too great interest in sports.
Moon in Capricorn—With the Domcslic thought-cells ex-
pressing from the I Use attitude, the mind should seek honors
through serving society rather than through attainiog sclf-
ccntcred ambitions.
Moon in Aquarius—With the Domestic thought-crlls express-
ing from the I Know attitude, the mind should seek practical
information rather than be content with untried theories.
Moon in Pisces—With the Domestic thought-cells crpressing
from the I Believe attitude, the mind should seek faith that all
will be well rather than dissipating its energy in worry.
determined onlyThe
by sign occupied
erecting by the Ascendant
the horoscope. can
This requires
simple calculations which arc easily made by anyone who will
follow the rules set forth in BEGINNER'S HOROSCOPE
The Ascendant is simply the sign and degree on the eastern
horizon. While its influenac cannot be appraised for a given
chart until that chart has been erected, in importance it is ex-
ceeded only by the positions of the Sun and Moon. The Sun
rules the individuality, the Moon rules the mentality, and the
Ascendant rules the p<3socuJi!y,
El*cn Piwsnet in Lacii Sign 107
In many respects this ascending degree acts as docs a planet
Aspects, either in the birth-chart or by progression, involving
it arc as important as if it were a planet In reality it maps a
heavy line running across the astral body, which can be seen
claino>antly. This is not merely an astral line, but a line of
electromagnetic energy also through which the whole astral
body is grounded Whatever energy the individual has that
reaches the outside world through personal contact and the
electromagnetic forces is powerfully influenced by the active
group of thought-cells mapped by the Ascendant.
Ascendant in Anes—With the personal thought-cells express-
ing from the I Am attitude, the person should seek the thorough
understanding required of leadership rather than impulse and
rash action
Ascendant tn Taurus—With the Personal thought-cells express-
ing from the I Have attitude, the person should seek pleasure in
music or art rather than become the slave of routine
Ascendant in Cemim—With the Personal thought-cells ex-
pressing from the I Think attitude, the person should seek
important information to talk about rather than talking merely
for the sake of speech
Ascendant m Cancer—With the Personal thought-cells express-
ing from the I Feel attitude, the person should work to mold the
environment nthcr than retire into a shell of sensitiveness
Ascendant in Leo—With the Personal thought-cells expressing
from the I Will attitude, the person should use entertainment
to cultivate friendship rather than to exhibit superiority
Ascendant m Virgo—With the Personal thought-cells express
ing from the 1 Analyze attitude, the person should use discrimi
nation to praise and encourage the good points of others rather
than to crmcizc
Ascendant m Libra—With the Personal thought-cells express
ing from the I Balance attitude, the person should seek firmness
for justice rather than yielding to the flattery
Ascendant in Scorpio—With the Personal thought-cells ex
pressing from the I Desire attitude, the person should exercise
resourcefulness in construction rather than in tearing down
Ascendant in Sagittarius—With the Personal thought-cells Cx
pressing from the I See attitude, the person should seek cnthusi
asm for benevolent action rather than abruptness in speech
Ascendant m Capricorn—With the Personal thougm-cclls «
pressing from the I Use attitude, the person should seek to gain
108 Beginner's Horoscope Reader
honors through service to society rather than through material
Ascendant in Aquarius—-With the Personal thought-cells ex-
pressing from the I Know attitude, the person should seek to
spread -true enlightenment rather than spending energy in
Ascendant in Pisces—With the Personal thought-cells express-
ing from the I Believe attitude, the person should express sympa-
thy through positive remedial action rather than through feeling.
MERC I TRY; The electrical currents which cany messages over
the nerv«, and all cerebral processes, including perception and
comparison, arc ruled by M«rcury; and all expression of thought
in speech and writing are expressions of the thought-«clls mapped
by Mercury.
These thought-cells which so powerfully influence the intcl-
lectual ability, the intellectual interests and the habitual methods
of objectisc thinking, have buen organized in lower forms of
hfc through learning to remember and recognize enemies, palat-
able foods, and suitable localities for shelter. Because their chief
expression relates to the intellectual life they arc called INTEL-
LECTUAL thought-cells. Aspects to Mercury affect the mental
interests, the facility and accuracy of expression, and the type
of cerebral activity. To the extent the thought-cells mapped by
Mercury arc acme is the life influenced by thoughts about dmc,
written or verbal expression, calculation, travel, the recognition
of size, weight, form and color, or the solution of perplexities.
When Mercury is prominent in the birth-chart it denotes one
who is mentally active, eatable of liking an cducarion, of func-
tioning on the intellectual level, and of learning new tasks
readily. He is at his best where he can attain his ends by wriitng,
talking Or Havel.
When prominent and afflicted, there is a tendency toward
RESTLESSNESS. Therefore the individual with such a chart
should as early as possible realize that the highest form of
EXPRESSION can be attained only through protracted con-
Mercury in yfrref—With the Intellectual thought-cells express-
ing from the I Am attitude, the speech should be interesting
and clever rather than impulsive and antagonistic.
Mere toy in Tacirtts—With the Intellectual thought-cells ex-
pressing from the I Have attitude, the speech should be practical
and refined rather than too dcfcraiincd and unyielding.
Each Pi-^net in Each Sign 109
Mercury in Gemini—With the Intellectual thought-cells ex
pressing from the I Thmk attitude, the speech should be based
on saluikle infennation rather linn merely loquacious
Mercury m Cancer—With the intellectual thought-cells ex
pressing from the I Feel attitude, the speech should be free and
poetic rather than repressed through scnsilivcaess to the opinions
of others
Mercury in Leo—With the Intellectual thought-cells expressing
from the I Will attitude, the speech should be idealistic and
sympathetic rather than dominating
Mercury in Virgo—-With the Intellectual thought-cells express
ing from the I Analyze attitude, the speech should be persuasive
and constructnc rather than sharp and critical
Mercury tn Libra—With the Intellectual thought-cells express
ing from the I Balance attitude, the speech should be just and
refined rather than merely agreeing with the views of present
Mercury tn Scorpio—With the intellectual thought-cells ex
pressing from the I Desire attitude, the speech should be scientific
and helpful rather than caustic and stmging
Merctry tn Sagittarius—With the Intellectual thought-cells
expressing from the I Sec attitude, the speech should be generous
and lojal rather than impulsive and blunt
Mercury in Capricorn—With the Intellectual thought-cells
expressing from the I Use attitude, the speech should be tactful
and diplomatic rather than self seeking and deceitful
Mercury tn Aquarius—With the Intellectual thought-cells ex
pressing from the I Know attitude, th* speech should be informa
live and educational rather than argumentative
Mercury in Pisces—With the Intellectual thought-cells express-
ing from the I Believe attitude, the speech should be positive
and good humored ra her than timid or fretful
VENUS The thyroid secretions and those of the gonads re
s.porvd to Vmvos and mating, tompamonsVnp, affection and love
are expressions of the thought-cells mapped by this planet
These thought-cells which so powerfully influence all phases
of social activity have been organized in lower forms of life
through experiences with companionship and mating Because
their chief expression relates to the social life they arc called
SOCIAL thought-cells Aspects to Venus affect the emotions,
the social relations and the artistic appreciation To the extent
the thought-cells mapped by Venus are active is the life influenced
110 BegiSiner's Horoscope Reader
b7 thoughts o£ affection, friendship, beauty, art, mirth, conju-
gality, or mhabitivcncss
When Venus is prominent in the birth-chart it denotes one
who is fastidious and who loves grace, music and the arksOc.
Such a person, to be at his best, needs social expression Com
panionship is essential He is unfitted for a life of solitude
Instead of seeking hard and heavy work, he does better where
artistic ability or charm of manner is an asset.
When prominent and afibefed, there is a tendency toward
PLIANCY He is entirely too eager to please others and to find
the line of least resistance The earlier he learns that be more
often pleases when he asserts strength of character, the more ccr
tarn he is of finding satisfactory expression for his AFFECTION
Venus in Anes—With the Social thoughKclls expressing from
the I Am attitude, the affections should be ardent and harraom
ous rather than exacting and impulsively given
Venus m Taurus—With ihc Social thought-eel!* expressing
from the I Have attitude, the affections should be sociable and
demonstrative rather than too greatly influenced by worldly
Venus in Gemini—With the Social thought cells expressing
from the I Think attitude, the affections should lend themselves
to mtcllcctual companionship rather than to inconstancy
Venus in Cancer—With the Soaal thought-cells expressing
from the I Feel attitude, the affections should seek satisfaction
in the domestic life rather than suffer in shrinking tunidity
Venus in Leo—With the Social thought-cells expressing from
the I Will attitude, the affections should seek satisfaction through
children and entertainment rather than in dramatization
Venus in Virgo—With the Social thoughtcells expressing
from the I Analyze attitude, the affections should be given
spontaneous encouragement rather than hampered too greatly
hy cold reason
Venus in Lshra^if ith the Social thought-cells expressing from
the I Balance attitude, the affections should be gisen only after
careful thought rather than pcrmnicd free response to flattery
Venus in Scorpio—V/nh the Soaal thought-cells expressing
from the I Desire attitude, the affections should be given a high
standard rather than finding satisfaction in dissipation
Venus in Sagittarius—With the Social ihought-cdls expressing
from the I See altitude, the affections should find a wonhy sub-
;cct for their loyalty rather than impulsively center on one Jess
Each Planet in Each Sign 111
Venus in Capricorn—With the Social thought-cells expressing
from the I Use attitude, the affections should find satisfaction
and harmony rather than be too gready influenced by ambition
and position
Venus m Aquarius—With the Social thought-cells expressing
from the I Know attitude, the affections should seek satisfaction
in domestic life rather than expend themselves entirely on friends
Venus in Pi/ccr—With the Social thought-cells expressing from
the I Believe attitude, the affections should seek those who can
give like deep response rather than expend on those who take
but cannot give
MARS The secretions of the adrenal glands and those of the
gonads respond to Mars, and construction, destruction, combat
and sex are expressions of the thought-cells mapped by this planet
These thought-cells which so powerfully influence constructive
and destructive activity have been organized in lower forms of
life through experiences with fighting, sex and the acquisition
of food Because their chief expression relates to attacking ob-
stacles they are called the AGGRESSIVE thought-cells Aspects
to Mars bring strife, haste and increased expenditure of energy
To the extent the thought-cells mapped by Mars are active is the
hfe influenced by thoughts of construction, destruction, initiative,
aggression, combat, sex, eating or drinking
When Mars is prominent in the birth-chart it denotes one who
must have an outlet for his abundant energy either in construe
tive or destructive work He must have plenty of action
When prominent and afflicted, there is a tendency toward
quarrelsomeness and HARSHNESS The earlier he realizes that
there is more opportunity for his INITIATIVE in fighting
disease, ignorance and poverty than in combating any human
foe, that undue seventy and antagonism hinder constructive en
dcavors, and that there is greater joy to be found in building up
than m tearing down, the more satisfaction he will gam from life
Mars in Aries—With the Aggressive thought-cells expressing
from the I Am attitude, initiative should be employed in pioneer
mg and mechanical enterprise rather than m asserting superiority
Mars in Taurus—With the Aggressive thought-cells expressing
from the I Have attitude, initiative should be employed in finan
cial matters rather than m seeking sensual pleasures
Mars in Genunt—With the Aggressive thought-cells expressing
from the I Think attitude, initiative should b: employed m ac
quiring information rather than in endless talk
112 Beginner's Horoscope Reader
Mars in Cancer—With the Aggressive thought-cells expressing
from the 1 Feel attitude, initiative should be employed in con-
structing a pleasant home rather than in outbursts of temper.
Mars in Leo—With the Aggressive thought-cells expressing
from the I Will attitude, initiative should be employed in enter-
taining rather than in seeking to compel others to obey orders.
Mars in Virgo—With the Aggressive thought-cells expressing
from the ] Analyze attitude, initiative should be employed in
finding better ways of performing work rather than in fault-
Mars in Libra—With the Aggressive thought-cells expressing
from the I Balance attitude, initiative should be employed in
making a success of marriage rather than in making a hasty
Mars in Seorp/o—With the Aggresivc thought-cells expressing
from the I Desire attitude, initiative should be employed develop-
ing the resourcefulness rather than in self-indulgence or revenge.
Mars in Sagittarius—^ith the Aggressive thought-cells ex-
pressing from the I See attitude, initiative should be employed
acquiring a satisfactory philosophy rather than in questionable
Mars in Capricorn—With the Aggressive thought-cells express-
ing from the I Use atttiude, initiative should be employed in
seeking honors through benefiting others rather than merely in
benefiting self.
Mars in Aquarius—With the Aggressive thought-cells express-
ing from the I Know attitude, initiative should be employed in
humanitarian reforms rather than controversies.
Mars in Pisces—With the Aggressive thought-cells expressing
from the I Believe attitude, initiative should be employed in
positive action rather than merely in wishful thinking.
JUPITER: The arterial blood stream of the body and the
financial system of society are expressions of the thought-cells
ruled by Jupiter.
Th«c thooghf-cells which Jo powerfully influence good will
and abundance have been organized in lower forms of life
through experiences with obedience to the ruling authority, such
as the parents, and looking to such higher power for guidance,
protection and the satisfaction of want Because their chief
expression relates to religious devotion they arc called the RE-
LIGIOUS thought-cells. Aspects to Jupiter a flea through
abundance, optimism and joviality. To the extent the thought-
Each Pianet in Each Sicn 113
cells mapped by Jupiter arc acme is the life influenced by
thoughts of benevolence, vcncrauon, hope, devotion, selling,
good will or generosity.
When Jupiter is prominent in the birth-chart it denotes one
who feels menial employment is beneath his dignity As a con
sequence he seeks a profession, engages in merchandising, or
becomes a salesman His joviahty and ability to gain patronage
and favors through the good will he radiates are valuable assets
When prominent and afflicted, the good opinion he has of
himself tends to develop CONCEIT The earlier he recognizes
that Deity has permitted others than himself also to have correct
opinions, and that he therefore should be charitable toward
those opinions, the sooner he will begin to realize the feeling
of BENEVOLENCE which he so strongly craves
Juptter tn Artes—With the Religious thought-cells expressing
from the I Am attitude, faith should be broadened to include
the opinions and abilities of others as well as one's own
Juptter tn Taurus—With the Religious thought<clls express
ing from the I Have attitude, there should be faith in spiritual
things rather than in the power of money to buy
Jupiter w Gemini—With the Rchgious thought-cells expressing
from the I Think attitude, faith should be cultivated in carefully
ascertained facts rather than in voluble statements
Jupiter tn Cancer—With the Religious thought cells expressing
from the I Feel atutudc, faith should be placed in the impressions
rather than in the external appearance of things
Jupiter tn Leo—With the Religious thought-cells expressing
from the I Will attitude, faith should be cultivated in the willing
ncss of others to respond to kindness rather than in the power
to dominate
Jupiter tn Virgo—With the Religious thought-cells expressing
from the I Analyze attitude, faith should be placed in the good
qualities of others rather than in the power of their weaknesses
to cause difficu\ty
Jupiter tn Libra—With the Religious thought cells expressing
from the I Balance attitude, faith should be placed in justice
and firmness rather than in the plaudits of others
Jupiter tn Scwpio—With the Religious thought-cells expressing
from the 1 Desire attitude, faith should be placed in forthright
resourcefulness rather than in hidden action and cunning
Juptter in Sagittarius—VJith the Religious thought-cells ex
^ Beginner's Horoscope Reader
pressing £rom the I See attitude, faith should be placed in prayer
and devotion rather than in impulse and enthusiasm.
Jupiter in Capricorn—With the Religious thought-cells express-
ing from the I Use attitude, faith should beculdvatcd in gaining
honors through benefiting society rather than through deceit.
Jupiter in Aquarius—With the Religious thought-cells express-
ing from the I Know attitude, faith should be placed in facts
and altruism rather than in theories and argument.
Jupiter in Pisces—With the Religious thought-cells expressing
from the I Believe attitude, faith should be cultivated that all
will work out to advantage rather than that difficulties will prove
SATURN: The bony Structure of the body, traits which
stabilize the character, and ability to conserve or hoard material
possessions, arc expressions of the thought-cells ruled by Saturn.
ITicsc thought-cells which so powerfully influence acquisition,
fear, pcisistcncc and selfishness have been organized in lower
forms of life through experiences in seeking security, such as
in fleeing from enemies and hoarding food. Because their chief,
expression relates to obtaining safety they arc called SAFETY
thought-cells. Aspects to Saturn affect the life through work,
responsibility, or economy or loss. To the extent the thought-cclls
mapped by Saturn arc active is the life influenced by thoughts
of safety, secrecy, acquisitiveness, covctousncss, buying, trading,
casualty, comparison, worry, fear, greed, selfishness, system,
order or persistence.
When Saturn is prominent in the birth-chart it denotes one
who works hard, is shrewd and can buy to advantage, but in
selling docs better to employ another. He has a leaning toward
business, is a lover of efficiency, economy and organization, and
has the paiiencc to await for plans to mature.
When prominent and afflicted, he tends to become self-centcred
and unscrupulous in taking advantage of others. The earlier he
realizes that SELFISHNESS docs not pay, that honesty is the
most profitable policy, and devotes his energy to developing
SYSTEM to eliminate waste and inefficiency, the quicker will
he gain the success he desires.
Saturn in Aries—With the Safety thought-cells expressing
from the I Am attitude, security should be sought through
caution and circumspection rather than through contention and
abrupt action.
Saturn in Taurus—With the Safety thought-cells expressing
Each Planet in Each Sign m
from the I Have attitude, security should be sought not in hoard-
ing money but in wisely putting it to active use
Saturn in Gcmtm—With the Safety thought-cells expressing
from the I Think attitude, security should he sought through
system and action rather than in words
Saturn tn Cancer—With the Safety thought-cells expressing
from the I Feel attitude, security should be sought through intui
tion rather than through taking the advice of others
Saturn tn Leo—With the Safety thought-cells expressing from
the I Will attitude, security should be sought in healthful rccrca
tion rather than in show and display
Saturn tn F/rgo—With the Safety thought-cells expressing
from the I Analyze attitude, security should be sought in system
and order rather than in frugality and arduous labor
Saturn tn Libra—With the Safety thought-cells expressing
from the I Balance attitude, security should he sought in calm
judgment rather than in the approbation of associates
Saturn tn Scorpio—With the Safety thought-cells expressing
from the I Desire attitude, security should be sought in careful
attention to details rather than in forceful action.
Saturn in Sagittarius—V/ith the Safety thought-cells expressing
from the I See attitude, security should be sought in faith and
comprehension rather than in impulse and taking hazards
Saturn tn Capricorn—With the Safety thought-cells expressing
from the I Use attitude, security should be sought through serv-
ing the public faithfully rather than through actions that arc
Saturn tn Aquarius—With the Safety thoughtcells expressing
from the I Know attitude, security should be sought through
humanitarian endeavors rather than through influencing others
to their disadvantage
Saturn m Pisces—With the Safety thought-cells expressing
from the I Believe attitude, security should be sought in self-
confident action rather than in anxiety and worry
URANUS The electromagnetic energies generated by the
nervous system arc expressions of the thought-cells ruled by
Hicsc thoughtcells which so powerfully injucnce originality
of thought, and the ability to make marked departures from
precedence and custom, have been organized in lower forms of
life through experiences in departing, under stress of emergency
from food or other habits Because their chief expression relates
lie BrciN'sERS Horoscope Reader
to onginalit) they arc called the INDIVIDUALISTIC thought
cells Aspects to Uranus affect the life through sudden esents,
through the influence of people, and through radical changes.
To the extent the thought<clls mapped b> Uranus are active is
the life influenced bj1 thoughts of independence, onginalily, in
\cntions, the unconventional, methods unusual, or methods
quite new
When Uranus is prominent m the birth-chait it denotes one
svho is interested m things crccptionall) old or exceptionally
new He is apt to be unconventional, is abrupt, and takes extreme
views He has the power to mold the opinions of others through
conversation or orator), and is always enthusiastic about rcforma
turn of some kind
When prominent and afflicted, he tends to go to unreasonable
extremes The earlier he learns that moderate views in most
things, and the avoidance of ECCENTRICITY, will enable him
to get his ORIGINALIIY more readily accepted where essential
matters arc concerned, the sooner he will be able to bring about
the reforms he seeks
Uranus in Anes—With the Individualistic thought-cells ex
pressing from the I Am attitude, originality should be sought
in political reforms or inventions rather than in dress and
Uranus in Taurus—With the Individualistic thought-cells ex
pressing from the I Have attitude, originality should be sought
in handling money rather than in being obstmate
Uranus in Gemini—With the Individiulistic thought-cells
expressing from the I Think attitude, originality should be
sought in developing sound ideas rather than in manner of
writing or spceth.
Uranus in Cancer—With the Individualistic thought-cells cr
pressing from the I Feel atunidc, originality should be sought
in home inprovement rather than in erractic emotions-
Uranus in Leo—With the Individualistic thought-cells express-
ing from the I Will attitude, originality should be sought in
sound political reforms rather than in peculiar plcamrcs.
Urantts in Virgo—With the Individualistic thought-#clls ex
pressing from <hc I Analyze attitude, originality should be
sought in scientific thscov cry rather than in fads relating to foods.
Uranus in Libra—With the Individualistic thought-cells ex
pressing from the I Balance attitude, originality should be sought
in arnstic endeavors rather than in un^omcDDonal attachments-
Each Planet in Each Sign 117
Urania in Scorpio—With the Individualistic thought-cells ex-
pressing from the I Desire attitude, originality should be sought
in electrical or chemical discoveries rather than in unusual
Uranus in Sagittarius—With the Individualistic thought-cells
expressing from the I See attitude, originality should be sought
in finding a satisfactory philosophy rather than in peculiar sports.
Uranus in Capricorn—With the Individuahstic thought-cells
expressing from the I Use attitude, originality should be sought
in giving better service to the public rather than in self seeking
Uranus in Aquarius—With the Individualistic thought-cells
expressing from the I Know attitude, originality should be
sought in humanitarian endeavors rather than in methods of
winning arguments.
Uranus in Pisces—With the Individualistic thought-cells ex-
pressing from the I Believe attitude, originality should be sought
in alleviating suffering rather than in expressing sorrow.
NEPTUNE: Feeling extra-sensory perception and dramatic
talent are expressions of the thought-cells ruled by Neptune.
These thought-cells which so powerfully influence the visions
and the ability to bring through from the astral world conscious-
ness of what is there apprehended have been organized m lower
forms of life through experiences in which mental escape has
been made from the harsh restraining walls of reality. Became
their chief expression relates to images of conditions more perfect
they are called UTOPIAN thought-cells. Aspects to Neptune
affect the life through the imagination, increased sensitiveness,
and schemes. To the extent the thought-cells mapped by Neptune
are active is the life influenced by wishful thinking, fantasy think-
ing, day-dreaming, apprehension, idealistic visions, living in the
imagination, or by thoughts of easy wealth or promotion.
When Neptune is prominent in the birth-chart it denotes one
who has a lively imagination, and who possesses the power to
get others interested in his projects He is a good promoter and
has decided dramatic talents, but dislikes both system and disci-
pline, and seeks to avoid hard work.
When prominent and afflicted, he fails to think things through,
gives way to VAGUENESS, and instead of critically analyzing
his ideas prefers to believe what he wishes to be true. The sooner
he learns that the only valuable ideas are those which may be
118 Becinneh's Horoscope Reader
made practical the more fully will he be able CO realize the
IDEALISM for which he yearns
Neptune tn Anes—With the Utopian thought-cells expressing
from the I Am attitude, idealism should be sought in promoting
useful machines or appliances rather than in stressing personal
Neptune tn Taurus—With the Utopian thought<clIs express-
ing from the I Have attitude, idealism should be sought in
securing freedom from want for all rather than in acquiring a
vast fortune for self.
Neptune tn Gemtm—With the Utopian thought-cells exprtts
ing from the I Think attitude, iricalism should be sought through
clearly formulated speech or writing rather than dissipated in
unproductive •onvcrsation
Neptune tn Cancer—With the Utopian thought-cells express-
ing from the I Feel attitude, idealism should be sought through
dramatic ait or patriotism rather than in wishful thinking
Neptune tn Leo—With the Utopian thought cells expressing
from the I Will attitude, idealism should be sought through
entertainment and constructive politics rather than in self pro-
moting display
Neptune tn Virgo—With the Utopian thought-cells expressing
from the I Analyze attitude, idealism should be sought through
hygiene and diet rather than through seeking to avoid hard work.
Neptune tn Ijbra—With the Utopian thought<clls expressing
from the I Balance attitude, ideahsm should he sought m music
and art rather than m peculiar associations with the opposite sex
Neptune in Scorpio—With the Utopian thought-cells express-
ing from the I Desire attitude, idealism should be sought in
chemical research and hcahng rather than in day-dreaming or
Neptune in Sagittarius—With the Utopian thoughtcclls ex
pressing from the I See attitude, idealism should be sought
through promoting a religion based on facts rather than in
dcsotion based on blind belief
Neptune tn Capricorn—With the Utopian thought-cells ex
pressing from the I Use attitude, idealism should be sought
through widespread organization rather than through deceptive
schemes of promotion
Neptune m Aquarius-—With the Utopian thought-cells express-
ing from the I Know attitude, idealism should be sought through
humanitarian plans rather than ihrough schemes for exploiting
the unwary
Cacii Planet in Each Sign 119
Ncftune In Pisces—With the Utopian thought-cells expressing
from the I Believe attitude, idealism should be sought in chari-
table endeavors rather than in blindly following the advice of
invisible intelligences.
PLUTO; Inner-plane forces, including on the lower side those
most drastic and insidious, and on the upper side the finest and
most spiritual of all, are expressions of the thought-cells ruled
by Pluto.
These thought-cells which so powerfully influence spiritual
aspirations, or on the other hand innucncc inversion and awful
wickedness, have been organized in lower forms of life through
experiences in which there has been division of labor and co-
operation for a mutual end. Because their chief expression relates
to co operation for the welfare of the group, and when spiritual-
ized for the benefit of all, they arc called the UNIVERSAL
WELFARE thought-cells. Aspects to Pluto affect the life through
groups, through subtle force, or through coercion or co-operation.
To the extent the thought-cells mapped by Pluto arc active is
the life influenced by thoughts of groups, statistics, inner-plane
conditions, drastic events, the inside of things, gang methods,
cooperation, coercion, or universal welfare.
When Pluto is prominent in the birth-chart it denotes one
who, consciously or unconsciously, easily tunes in on the thoughts
and energies being broadcast from the inner plane. He is active,
energetic and resourceful, and tends to unite with others to
accomplish a common purpose.
When prominent and afflicted, he lends to be attracted to
groups who use him for their own self seeking purpose, and
who use coercion either to cause him to do as they wish, or to
compel others to do their bidding. The earlier he learns to
recognize and shun INVERSION and instead to work for
UNIVERSAL WELFARE, the more satisfaction he will gain
from life.
Pluto m Ancs—With the Universal Welfare thought-cells ex-
pressing from the I Am attitude, cooperation should be sought
in attaining constructive political leadership rather than in
bureaucratic exploitation.
Pluto w Taurus—With the Universal Welfare thoughtcclls
expressing from the I Have attitude, co-operation should be
sought in attaining freedom from want for all rather than in
monopolizing wealth.
Pluto w Gemini—With the Universal Welfare thoughtcclls
120 Beginner's Horoscope Reader
expressing from the I Think attitude, co-opcradon should be
sought in properly educating the public rather than in mis-
leading it.
Pluto in Cancer—With the Universal Welfare thought-ccDs
expressing from the I Fed attitude, co operation should be sought
in improving the home life of people rather than in submitting
to mediumisde control.
Pluto in Leo—With the Universal Welfare thought-ccDs ex-
pressing from the I Will attitude, co-operation should be sought
in the proper rcanng of children rather than in questionable
Pluto in Firgo—With the Universal Welfare thought-cells
expressing from the I Analyze attitude, co-operation should be
sought in benefiting labor rather than m exploiting labor.
Pluto in libra—With the Universal Welfare thought-cells ex-
pressing from the I Balance attitude, cooperation should be
sought in attaining justice for all rather than defeating the aims
of justice.
Pluto m Scorpio—With the Universal Welfare thought-cells
expressing from the I Desire attitude, co-operation should be
sought in scientific research rather than m exploiting those who
Pluto in Sagiltariuf—With the Unhasal Welfare thought-cells
expressing from the I Sec attitude, co-operation should be sought
to further the spread of facts rather than in exploiting the
Pluto in Capricorn—Witfr the Uiuvcrsaf Weffarc thought-edfs
expressing from the I Use attitude, cooperation should be
sought in organizations beneficial to the public rather than m
those detrimental to it
Pluto in Aquarius—With the Urusersa! Welfare thought-cells
expressing from the I Know altitude, cooperation should be
sought in humamtanan endeasors rather than m advan-
tage of human weaknesses.
Pluto in Pisces—With the Universal Welfare thought-cells
expressing from the I Believe attitude, cooperation should be
sought m alleviating human suffering rather than in placing
people m bondage.
Chapter Three
The aspects between planets arc the angles at which their
energies comcrgc that observation has proved give definite
trends to their influence. The characteristic influence of neither
planet involved in such an aspect changes, but the energies thus
meeting arc accelerated or given a kind of constructive or destruc-
tive movement which is characteristic of the aspect.
Why streams of planetary energy meeting from some angles
seem to be unaffected, but meeting from other definite angles
arc given acceleration or a constructive or destructive force, is
explained in Chapter One. In a chart of birth an aspect maps
the harmony or discord that has been built into the thought-cells
mapped in the finer body by experiences in prehuman forms of
life. Thought-cells arc built, in lower forms of life preceding
human birth and after human birth, by states of consciousness
accompanying experiences. Experiences that give rise to the feel-
ing of friction build discords into the thought-cells characteristic
semi-square aspect.
thwart Experiences
the efforts build that give rise
discords into tothethethought-
cells characteristic of the square aspects. Experiences that give
rise to the buoyant feeling of exceptional good fortune build
harmonics into the thought-cells characteristic of the trine aspect.
In a similar manner specific feelings have built the discords or
harmonies into the thought.cells characteristic of all ten of the
aspects which have been demonstrated to have marked char-
It must be remembered that the thought-cells mapped by
eachC oftheplanetshavebecn built by experiences of that planetary
k k ^ thcrcforc
y always mstrive
and events attracted to expresscharacteristic
a manner through thoughts,
of the
planet mapping them Also, as these experiences which built
them were accompanied by feelings of pleasure or pain of a
certain type, this has influenced their desires, and they strive
Job express through the thoughts, behavior and events attracted
y this same type of harmony or discord that has been built mto
^22 Bccinner's Horoscxipe Header
It will be seen, therefore, that a birth-chan aspect, in addition
to mapping greater volume of thought-cell activity than if the
planets were unaspected, shows no change in the characteristic
of the planets, but only in terms of harmony or discord reveals
the desires the thought-cells have and therefore will try to
express in their effort to influence the thoughts, the behavior
and the even* that come into the life.
Furthermore, it follows that if the desires of the thought-cells
are changed by any maans, instead of striving to influence the
thoughts, behavior and the events attracted according to the
type of harmony or discord indicated by the birth-dunr aspect,
they wfll strive to influence the thoughts, behavior and events
attracted according to the type of harmony or discord they have
now acquired'.
And as a matter of extensive Case History Studies, as set forth
found that the easiest of all factors shown by a birth-chart to
change is the Specific event or condition which the thought-cells
desire, and the next easiest to change is their desire to express
in a given type of harmony or discord. Both the desire for
thoughts, behavior and events of a specific kind and the desire
for thoughts, behavior and events of a particular type of fortune
or misfortune, have been built into the thought-cells by feelings
that have accompanied cxpericn«cs. To slate it more technically,
these desires which arc mapped by the aspects of the planets arc
all due to conditioning; they have been educated to feel the
way they do. And by other not-too-difScuft conditioning they
can be trained to feel differently, to feel and thus to strive to
influence the thoughts, the behavior and the events that come
into the life in the manner that the individual has scleaed
they should.
The fortunetclfcr type of astrologer, not understanding the
cause of the fortune or misfortune indicated by an aspect; has
too often cultivated an attitude of helpless self-pity in those who
have sevese afflictions in. their charts. This is just as sensible
as to cultivate an attitude of helpless self pity in those who have
been erroneously educated in other ways. Instead of resigned
helplessness, in both insfcnccs the individual should be made to
understand the cause of his misfortunes, and urged and in-
structed to replace the erroneous education with proper educa-
tion. The person who has been caught that two plus two is five
needs to be conditioned differently where information Is con-
cerned, and the individual who has powerfully discordant
Aspects Between Each Two Planets 123
thought<ells needs harmoiuously to recondition his thought-cells
It is true that so long as the individual believes two plus two
is five he will have trouble with other people, and it is true that
so long as an individual's thought-cells arc discordant he will
have trouble in the department of life they influence But if in
either ease he has the initiative and persistence to undergo proper
training the trouble will disappear
Each discordant aspect in the birth-chart not only reveals bad
training of the groups of thought-cells mapped by the two
planets in the aspect, but it shows the urgent need for effort
properly duccted toward giving them different desires How
this can be accomplished is revealed by the method the desires
they already possess were acquired As the feeling of pleasure
or pain at the tune these thought-cells were formed is entirely
responsible for the desires they now ha\e, it is evident that these
desires can be altered in the direction of harmony by adding
pleasant feeling energy to them in as much intensity as possible
This process of conversion follows the same general principle
as that used by psychologists in what they call the sublimation
of unruly desires The first step is to recognize both the destrue
live and the constructive thoughts that belong to the thought
elements within the compound to be converted The second
and final step is to tram the thought-cells containing the com
pounds to find more pleasure in expressing their energy through
these constructive thoughts, behavior and events attracted than
through those destructive ^
It is useless to try to repress thought-cell energy, for when
that attempt is made the energy works from the inner plane
m so obscure a manner that only the results it brings about can
be recognized And it should be emphasized that Saturn thought
cell energy can never be made to express through the type of
thoughts, behavior or events characteristic of Mars or Jupiter or
Venus In spite of all we can do, the thought-cell energy mapped
by each planet will express in terms characteristic of that planet
Bat through the indicated process of conversion not an}y arc
the desires of the thought-cells trained to seek more fortunate
expression, but while the process is being applied as well as
after the training has reached a satisfactory conclusion, the energy
of the though t-cclls lb us div-rtcd into constructive activities u
sufficiently consumed that little is left them with which to in
flucncc the thoughts, behavior and events attracted in vvavs that
arc unfortunate
In the effort to reeducate the desires of the thought-cells, it
12+ Beginner's Horoscope Re-mjea
should be understood that the nervous system, through the elec-
trical currents flowing over it is tuned, by the thoughts and
emotions which these currents cany, to pick up, ladk) fashion,
the type of planetary energy, including its harmony or discord,
corresponding to these thoughts and feelings. And these nerve
currents also serve as conduclois to cany this quality of astral
energy, not merely to the tcrmiml of the aspects in which the
planet is involved whose energy is thus handled as a Rallying
Force, but to all the terminals of all the aspects, including the
progressed aspects.
This means that through the deliberate cultivation of Rallying
Forces by using our thoughts and feelings to tune in on some
harmonious birth-chart or progressed aspect, it lies within our
power to determine the type and harmony or discord of planetary
energy reaching most of the thought cells during a ghen period.
This knowledge—which can be used to much better advanlegc
when the progressed aspects operative during the period also arc
known, as explained in Chapter Five of PROGRESSED AS-
PECT'S OF STANDARD ASTROLOGY1—is highly valuable
when the effort is made to recondition discordant thought-cells;
for by employing pleasant rallying forces the desires of the
thought-cells can be favorably changed through giving them
more harmonious energy with which to work.
But whether or not rallying forces arc employed to assist in
reconditioning the desirat of the thought-cells, the essential thing
in the process is to give them so much haimonious feeling energy
that it rearranges the thougfit-elemenls within the thought-cells
and thus insures that their desires shall be harmonious. This is
called Conversion.
However, when thought-cells are highly discordant, it may be
difficult to think of the things their activities arc associated with
without feeling disticss. In these eases the training of the thought-
cells is more readily accomplished through the use of mental
antidotes, which arc thoughts not of the same planetary family,
but belonging to a fatmlv highly harmonious to the thoughts
that need to be trained. TTius Mars thoughts and those of the
Moon or Pluto, Jupiter thoughts and those of Mercury or Uranus,
Saturn thoughts and those of Venus or frcptune, arc menial
antidorcs of each other. The Sun thoughts need only harmonious
association with the thoughts of any of the other planets bcnc-
iicially to change them. They have no mental antidote.
It will now* be seen that while a knowledge of the nature of
each of the ten aspects is interesting, and that the knowledge
of the common trend of the thoughts, behavior and c\cnts at-
tracted bj the aspects between each two planets has significance,
these two classes of information hase small value unless the
individual also knows how to tram his thought-cells to desire
and work to inllucncc his thoughts, behavior and the events
attracted into his life 30 the) will be of greater benefit than had
there been no such knowledge of astrolog) Therefore, in con
sidcrmg the aspects between each two planets, the common trend
of their influence when the aspect is harmonious will be mdi
catcd, and the common trend when the aspect is discordant, and
then it will be bricll) pointed out what should be done to cause
the lhoughl<clls mapped bj the aspect to desire and work for
more fortunate things
With the exception of the Moon which moves approximately
13 degrees a da>, and the Ascendant and Midhcavcn which
require a precise birth-chart to locate, all the aspects can be asccr
lamed merely from noting the positions of the planets in the
ephemens for the )car, month and day of birth
It has been found that streams of planetary energy comcrging
at half a right angle, a right angle (90°), a right angle and a
half, and twice a right angle produce whirls in astral substance
that arc each somewhat different m affect, but all decidedly
destructive It has been found that streams of planetary energy
meeting in almost the same direction of travel, and obhquclv
at a trine and a half, gain in power but not in constructive or
destructive quality And it has been found that streams of
planetary cncrg> meeting at a trine (120°), half a trine, and
one fourth a trine produce whirls in astral substance that arc
each somewhat different vn affect, but all decidedly constructive
In order to produce its characteristic affect an aspect may vary
withm certain limits from perfect This space from perfect aspect
m which the characteristic affect is discernible is called orb of
influence The nearer perfect an aspect is the more pronounced
its influence As the house position of a planet, which can be
known only from a chart creeled for the lime of day of birth,
has some power over the orb of influence of us aspects, greater
details about these orbs, and how to calculate the aspects, arc
it is enough to point out that to the average orb given for a
planet, when Sun or Moon is involved this should be increased
3 degrees for the conjunction and opposition, 2 degrees for the
square and trine, and 1 degree for the semi scxlilc, semi square,
126 Beginner's Hono'core Reader
scxtilc, scsqui square and in conjunct aspects The orb for the
parallel is always r dcgrec.
Conjunction is the aspect formed when two planets occupy
the same degree in the zodiac. It is a neutral aspect. Ihe average
orb of its influence is to degrees. The thought-cells thus mapped
bate been built by experiences characteristic of the two planets
imoKed which ha\c had energy in much volume and entered
consciousness in association, but which have been conditioned
very little by pleasure or pain Such thought-cells desire and
work to express llirough PROMINENCE.
SemtSexttle is the aspect formed when two planets arc one
sign, or 30 degrees, apart in the zodiac. It is a mildly harmonious
aspect. The average orb of its influence is 2 degrees. The thought-
cells thus mapped have been built by experiences characteristic
of the two planets involved which have had bide volume but
have entered consciousness together in association with a steady
feeling of mild pleasure Such lhought<clls desire and work
to express through GROWTH.
Sextile is the aspect forin-d when two planets arc two signs,
or 60 degrees, apart in the zodiac, ft 1$ a harmonious aspect.
The average orb of its influence is 6 degrees. 7he thought-cells
thus mapped have been bmlt by experiences characteristic of
the two plan-ts involved which have entered consciousness
together in association with a continuous strong feeling of
pleasure Such thought-cells desire and work to express through
Square is the asp«c? formed when two planets arc three signs,
or go degrees, apart in the zodiac. It is a strongly discordant
aspect. The average orb of its inSucncc is 8 degrees The thought
cells thus mapped have b-cn built by experiences charactenstic
of the two planets involvad which have had much volume and
entered consciousness together in association with acute pain
due to the conflict between them Such thought-cells desire and
wo'k to express through an OBSTACLE.
Tnne is the aspect when two planets axe four signs, or 120
degrees, apart in the zodiac, ft is powafiifly harmonious The
average orb of influence is 8 degrees The thought-cells thus
mapped have been bmlt by experiences characteristic of the two
planets involved which nave had much volume and entered
•onsaousncss together in association with prolonged and en
thusiastic pleasure. Such thought-cells desire and work to cxprc*
through LUCK.
In conjunct is the aspect formed when two planets are five
Aspect's BimvtrN I1\cii Two Pj^nttn
signs, or 150 degrees, apart in the zodiac. It is a neutral aspect.
The average orb o£ influence is 2 degrees. The thought-cells
thus mapped have been built by experiences characteristic of
the two planets involved relative to dcvclopracnt, which have
had moderate volume and entered consciousness together with
no pronounced feeling of pleasure or annoyance. Such thought-
cells desire and work to express through EXPANSION.
Semi-Square is the aspect formed when two planets arc one
and a half signs, or 45 degrees, apart in the zodiac. It is a dis-
cordant aspect. The average orb of influence is 4 degrees. The
thought-cells thus mapped have been built by experiences
characteristic of the two planets involved in which there was
uncertainty and vacillation, that have entered consciousness to-
gether with the unpleasant feeling of irritation. Such thought-
cells desire and work to express through FRICTION,
Opposition is the aspect formed when two planets arc six
signs, or 180 degrees, apart in the zodiac. It is the most power-
fully discordant aspect. The average orb of influence is 10
degrees. The thought-cclls thus mapped have been built by
experiences characteristic of the two plnncts involved which
have had great volume of energy and entered consciousness
together in such a manner that choice of one and exclusion of
the other had to be made, leading to great distress Such thought-
cclls desire and work to express through SEPARATION.
Sesqut-Squarc is the aspect formed when two planets arc four
and a half signs, or 135 degrees, apart in the zodiac. It is a
discordant aspect. The average orb of influence is 4 degrees The
thought-cells thus mapped have been built by experiences char-
acteristic of the two planets involved in which some of the
time they entered consciousness together pleasantly and at other
limes they entered consciousness with intense feelings of dis-
pleasure. Such thought-cells desire and work to express through
Parallel is the aspect formed when two planets occupy the
same degree of declination, either both north or south, or one
north and the other south. It is a neutral aspect. The orb of
influence is always 1 degree. The thought-cells thus mapped
have been built by experiences charactcrisuc of the two planets
that have repeatedly entered consciousness together but in which
the association has not been pronounced and there has been
httle pleasure or pain. Such thought cells desire and work to
express through INTENSITY.
128 Begin ver's Horoscope Reader
Sun asfccting Vitality, autboniy, and relations with
the male sex influence, and arc influenced by, the mental atti-
tude, everjday aflairs, and the female sex and common people.
A hannomous aspect shows a stable mind, vigorous health, and
favors from superiors and the common people A discordant
aspect shows a vigorous but dissatisfied mind, impaired health
and difficulties from superiors and the common people. Pleasant
thoughts of significance need to be cultivated in association with
thoughts of domestic life and everyday affairs
Sun acpectwg Mercury—As Mercury is never over 28 degrees
from the Sun, the only aspects possible are conjunction, parallel
and semi scxtile. Vitality, relation to authority, and relations
with the male sex influence, and are influenced by, mental inter-
ests, facility and accuracy of expression, and cerebral activity
Pleasant thoughts of significance need to be cultivated m asso-
ciation with thoughts of intellccniaJ expression
Sun aspecting Venus—As Venus is never over 48 degrees from
the Sun, the only aspects possible arc conjunction, parallel, scmi-
s-xtilc and semi square Vitality, authority and relations with
the male sex influence, and are influenced by, the emotions,
social relations and artistic appreciation A harmonious aspect
shows favors from superiors, good vitality, favors from the male
sex, and success in affcclional and soaal matters A discordant
aspect shows difficulties through these dungs Pleasant thoughts
of affection should be cultivated m assocuuon with thoughts of
Sr/n aspetling Mart—Vitality, authority and the relations with
the male sex influence, and axe influenced by, stnfc, haste and
undue expenditure of energy Good vitality, stnfe with or over
authority, and a tendency to rashness and atadent are shown
harmonious aspectthrough
shows loss shows the
strife,through strife Atendency
and greater discordant
acadent or a surgical operation. Pleasant thoughts of domestic
h£c and assisting the helpless should be substituted for thoughts
of stnfc
Sun aspecting Jupiter—Vitality, authonty and relations with
the male sex influence, and arc influenced by, abundance,
optimism and joviality A harmonious asjacct shows good vitality
and favors from people of power A discordant aspect xhon x a
tendency to egotism and extravagance Pleasant thoughts rclat
mg to careful reasoning need to be associated with thoughts of
goodwill and optimism.
Sun aspecting Saturn—Vitality, authonty and relations with
Aspects Between Each Two Planets 129
the male sex influence, and arc influenced by, work, responsibility
and economy or loss A harmonious aspect shows gain through
work, shouldering responsibility, and from elderly people A
discordant aspect shows loss and delays, and difBculty in work
and through elderly people Pleasant thoughts of significance,
and pleasant thoughts of affection and social life need to be
substituted for worry and anxiety
Sun aspecttng Vitality, authority and relations with
the male sex influence, and are influenced by, sudden events,
new acquaintances, and radical changes A harmonious aspect
shows unexpected advancement and gain through the sudden
interests of others, and through unexpected events A discordant
aspect shows that new people entering the life influence it to
disadvantage, and that sudden and unexpected events disrupt
the plans Pleasant thoughts o£ good will and optimism need
to be associated with thoughts of things new and unusual
Sun aspecttng Neptune—Vitality, authority and relations with
the male sex influence, and are influenced by, the imagination,
sensitivity and schemes A harmonious aspect shows benefit
through schemes and ideals A discordant aspect shows vitality
depleted through over sensitivity, and difficulties arising from
believing in the schemes of others Pleasant and positive thoughts
of significance, and pleasant thoughts of labor and the realities
of life, need to be associated with thoughts of the ideal
Sun aspecttng Pluto—Vitality, authority and relations with
the opposite sex influence, and arc influenced by, groups, subtle
force, and coercion or co operation A harmonious aspect shows
benefit and authority through group activity A discordant aspect
shows that groups or those in authority will endeavor to use
coercion and underhanded methods to gain advantage over the
individual Pleasant and positive thoughts of courage in protect
ing the weak and helpless need to be associated with thoughts
of groups and cooperation
Moon aspecttng Mercury—Mental attitude, domestic life and
everyday affairs influence, and arc influenced by, mental inter
ests, facility or accuracy of expression and cerebral activity A
harmonious aspect gives a good brain and ability to express
thoughts readily A discordant aspect gives as ready expression,
may even give brilliancy, but the brain is less stable and less
able to withstand strain Pleasant thoughts of good will and
optimism need to be associated with thoughts of intellectual
Moon aspecttng Venus—Mental attitude, domestic life and
130 Beginner's Horoscope Reader
cvayda^ affairs influence, and arc influenced by, the cmoiion%'
sodal relations and artistic appreciation. A harmonious aspect
favors these matters. A discordant aspect brings difficulties
through them. In a female chart it shows difficulty with the
monthly cycles. Pleasant thoughts of affection need to be asso-
ciated with all thoughts of domestic life.
Moon aspecting Mart—Mental attitude, domestic life and
everyday affairs influence, and arc influenced by, strife, haste
and undue expenditure of energy. A harmonious aspect gives
courage and ability to gain through strife. A discordant aspect
shows difficulty through strife, strife in the domestic life, trouble
through women, and a predisposition to eye trouble. Pleasant
thoughts of protecting the helpless need to be associated with
thoughts of domestic life.
Moon aspecting Jupiter—Mental attitude, domestic life and
everyday affairs influence, and are influenced by, abundance,
optimism and joviality. A harmonious aspect shows favors from
women and the common people. A discordant aspect shows un-
founded optimism that leads into ventures that arc unsound.
Pleasant thoughts of careful reasoning need to be associated
with thoughts of optimism and abundance.
Moon aspecting Saturn—Mental attitude, domestic life and
everyday affairs influence, and arc influenced by, wort, responsi-
bility, and economy or loss. A harmonious aspect shows system,
order, and ability to carry responsibility. A discordant aspect
shows loss through women and through the mental attitude
of fear and anxiety, and a predisposition to ear trouble. Pleasant
thoughts of significance and pleasant thoughts of affection and
social life need to be substituted for worry and anxiety.
Moon aspecting Uranus—Mental attitude, domestic life and
everyday affairs influence, and arc influenced by, sudden even*,
new acquainnnccs and radical changes. A harmonious aspect
brings unexpected advancement through these things. A dis-
cordant aspect shows that new people, sudden events, women,
and radical ctangw disrupt the domestic life. P/easant thoughts
of good-will and optimism need to be associated with thoughts
of the domestic lifc.
Moon aspecting Neptune—Mental attitude, domestic life and
everyday affairs influence, and are influenced by, the imagination,
sensitivity and schemes. A harmonious aspect shows benefit from
schemes and women. A discordant aspect shows difficulties from
ovcrsensitivity, from women, ia the domestic life, and through
Asrrcrs RE-nvrrN Fncii Two Pr^Nrrs 131
believing the schemes of others Pleasant and positive thoughts
of significance, and pleasant thoughts of labor and the realities
of life need to be associated with thoughts of domestic life and
the ideal
Moon aspecting Pluto—Mental attitude, domestic life and
ever)day alTairs influence, and arc influenced by, groups, subtle
force, and coercion or co-operation A harmonious aspect
shows benefit through groups and co-operation A discordant
aspect shows that groups try to coerce and use underhanded
methods to gam an advantage over the individual Pleasant and
positive thoughts of courage in protecting the weak and helpless
need to be associated with thoughts of groups and co-operation
Mercury aspecting Venus—-Mental interests, facility or accuracy
of expression and cerebral activity influence, and arc influenced
by, the emotions, social relations and artistic appreciation A har
monious aspect shows benefit through intellectual activity and
social relations, and some artistic talent A discordant aspect
shows equal artistic ability, but difficulties arising from the
emotions and social relations Pleasant thoughts of trusting in
a higher power need to be associated with thoughts of intellectual
Mercury aspecting Mars—Mental interests, facility or accuracy
of expression and cerebral activity influence, and are influenced
by, strife, haste and undue expenditure of energy A harmonious
aspect shows mathematical ability and mental keenness A dis-
cordant aspect shows as much mathematical ability and keenness,
but a tendency toward hasty speech and quarrels Pleasant
thoughts of protecting the weak and helpless should be subsn
tutcd for thoughts of antagonism
Mercury aspecting Jupiter—Mental interests, facility or ac
curacy of expression and cerebral activity influence, and arc
influenced by abundance, optimism and joviality A harmonious
aspect shows benefits from intellectual interests and pbdosopby
A discordant aspect shows impulsive conclusions resulting m
difficulty Pleasant thoughts of careful reasoning need to be
associated witb thoughts of philosophy and good will
Mercury aspecting Saturn—Mental interests, facility or ac
curacy of expression and cerebral activity influence, and are
influenced by, work responsibility, and economy or loss A har
monious aspect shows sound judgment, shrewdness, system and
order A discordant aspect shows ioss through the mental attitude
132 Beginner s Horoscope Reader
of anxiety and worry Pleasant thoughts of significance and social
life need to be substituted for worry and anxiety
Mercury aspecting Uranus—Mental interests, facility or accur
acy of expression and cerebral activity influence, and arc in
fluenccd by, things very old or things very new, sudden events,
radical changes, and new acquaintances A harmonious aspect
shows talent for research work, astrology and occultism, and
ability to influence others A discordant aspect shows the same
ability and talent, but a tendency to be influenced detrimentally
by others, and by abrupt action, radical ideas and an unstable
nervous system Pleasant thoughts of divine protection and care
need to be associated with thoughts of new and original ideas
Mercury aspecting Neptune—Mental interests, facility or ac
curacy of expression and cerebral activity influence, and arc
influenced by, the imagination, sensitivity, and schemes A bar
moiuous aspect shows benefit through dramatic talent, ideals,
psychic impressions and through promotion enterprises A dis-
cordant aspect gncs equal dramatic talent, but shows diflicultics
arising from psychic impressions, over sensitivity, wishful think
ing, and the schemes of others Pleasant and positive thoughts
of significance, and pleasant thoughts of labor and the realities
of life need to be associated with thoughts of the visionary
and ideal
Mercury aspecting Pluto—Mental interests, facility or accuracy
of expression and cerebral acovity influence, and arc influenced
by, groups, subtle force, and co-operation or coercion. A bar
momoos aspect shows ability to co-operate with others, to work
with groups, and to tune in on inner plane information and
forces to advantage A discordant aspect shows that groups soil
tend to coerce and to tekc undue advantage of the individual,
and that even unseen forces may endeavor to control him
Pleasant and positive thoughts of courage in protecting the weak
and helpless need to be associated with thoughts of groups and
Venus aspecting Mars—Emotions, social relations and artistic
appreciation influence, and arc influenced by, strife, haste and
undue expenditure of energy Such an aspect shows creative
ability and strong sexual proclivities A harmonious aspect indi
cates pleasant and satisfactory conjugal expression, and attraction
toward the opposite sex. A discordant aspect indicates difliculiics
arising from the conjugal relations, a prcdisposinon toward
diseases arismg from sex or affecting the sexual organs, and
Asttcts Between HkCh Two Pi^net^ 133
Molcnt emotions Pleasant thoughts of helping the weak, help-
less and unfortunate need to be substituted for thoughts of s«,
strife and passion
Venus as pectin g /«p//er—Emotions, social relations and artistic
appreciation influence, and arc influenced by, abundance, op-
timism and )o\iality A harmonious aspect shows great benefit
from social life and religion, through the favors of others, and
in financial mailers A discordant aspect shows a predisposition
to over indulgence and the squandering of money on pleasures
A tendency toward sensualism and living too much m the
emotions is indicated Pleasure should be cultivated m resisting
the appetites and the impulses, and m using discrimination m
all things These thoughts should be associated with the effort
to gain higher appreciation of art and beauty
Venus aspecttng Saturn—Emotions, social relations and artistic
appreciation influence, and arc influenced by, work, responsi
bility, and economy or loss A harmonious aspect lends toward
faithfulness, but also cools the passions, and may thus lessen
pleasure in the conjugal relations A discordant aspect shows loss
and grief where the affections arc concerned, and lack of pleasure
m the conjugal relations Pleasant thoughts of things beautiful,
and of aflcctional expression, should be substituted for reticence,
uiircsponsivcness and dissatisfaction
Venus aspectmg Uranus—Emotions, social relations and artistic
appreciation influence, and arc influenced by, sudden events,
new acquaintances, and abrupt changes A harmonious aspect
shows sudden attachments, affectional overtures by unusual jn
dmduals, and that the individual powerfully attracts others in
a sexual way A discordant aspect shows sudden attachments
that arc soon broken, a tendency toward unconventional conduct
where the affections arc involved, and abrupt breaking of a/fee
tional tics Pleasant thoughts of trust and faith in a higher power
need to be associated with thoughts of the affections
Venus aspectmg Neptune—Emotions, social relations and ar
tistic appreciation influence, and arc influenced by, the tmagma
tion, sensitivity, and schemes A harmonious aspect shows that
there will be hope of finding the ideal mate, and of realizing
ideal love relations It indicates ability to dramatize m some form
of ait A discordant aspect shows as much dramatic ability,
but a tendency to be victimircd through the affections, and
of involvement through the affections Thoughts of system,
134 Bscr. vEa's HOBO^coi'E BE.«3EB
caution and practnal foresight need to be associated with all
thoughts of affection
Venus aspectmg P/ttfo—Emotions, social relations and amstic
appreciation influence, and arc influenced by, groups, subtle
force, and coercion or co operation. A barmonious aspect shows
possibility of attaining the lughest form of union with the line
mate, and of cooperating with groups in artistic endeavors or
for benefiting society A discordant aspect shows possibility of
being exploited through the affections, and of being coerced by
those who ffesire, for their owa selfish purposes, to dominate
the affections Pleasant and positive thoughts of protcctiog the
weal and helpless need to be associated with thoughts of the
Mars aspectmg Jupiter—Strife, haste and undue expenditure
of energy influence, and arc influenced by, abundance, optimism
and joviality A harmonious aspect shows conviviality, but even
so a tendency to spend too much tune and energy on a good
time. A discordant aspect showy a predisposition to squander
both substance and energy, especially on sports and in showing
others a good lime. Excess in indulgence is indicated Pleasant
thoughts of intellectually appraising events, and of discnmma
tion, should be substituted for thoughts of conviviality and sen
sual pleasures
Mars arpccimg Saturn—Strife, haste and undue expenditure
of cn-rgy influence, and arc influenced by, work, responsibility,
and economy or loss A harmonious aspect shows work and
responsibility, with ability to do a trcmmdoiis amount of labor,
and commensurate benefit from it and from carrying rcsponsi
bibty A discordant aspect shows a tendency to rush enthusi
asdcally into work, but quickly to ciack under the stnun. Also
a predisposition to accidents or surgical operation. Pleasant
thoughts of significance and of affcctioml matters need to be
associated with thoughts of work and responsibility
Mars aspectmg Uranus—Strife, haste, and undue expenditure
of energy influence, and arc mflu-nccd by, sudden events, peo-
ple, and abrupt changes. A harmonious aspect shows inventive
ncss and mechanical ability A discordant aspect shows equal
imcnrivcncsj and mechanical abiJify, hut also a tendency foivard
injury through accident. Such injuries occur through unusual
circumstances that arc difficult to foresee, and a'c du- to th"
carelessness or the acts of other people. Pleasant thoughts of
Aspects Between 1.ack Two Planets 135
faith and trust in a higher power need to be associated with
thoughts of originality and relating to mechanical work
Mars aspcctmg Neptune—Strife, haste, and undue expenditure
of energy influence, and arc influenced by, the imagination,
sensitivity and schemes A harmonious aspect shows a romantic
nature and ability to promote whatever enterprise the individual
is interested in A discordant aspect shous a tendency to dissipa
tion, to become involved through schemes, and an exaggerated
opinion of what can be done The health may suffer through
drugs or poisons or psychic influences Pleasant thoughts of as
sisting the weak and helpless, and pleasant thoughts of giving
close attention to the practical problems of life should be sub-
stituted for schemes and wishful thinking
Mars aipecUng Pluto—Strife, haste, and undue expenditure
of energy influence, and are influenced by, groups, subtle force,
and coercion or co-operation A harmonious aspect shows ability
to use extra physical power, and to get groups to work for a
common cause A discordant aspect shows a tendency to be
antagonized by groups, to be dominated by invisible influences,
and to be coerced by groups for their own selfish advantage
Pleasant thoughts of initiative, courage and even combat to
defend the rights of people should be substituted for thoughts
of invisible forces and underhanded methods
Juptler aspecttng Saturn—Abundance, optimism and joviality
influence, and arc influenced by, work, responsibility, and ccon
omy or loss A harmonious aspect shows business ability of a high
order, and power to attract money and worldly success A dis
cordant aspect shows that impulse unpairs business ability, and
that there will be periods of financial loss Pleasant thoughts
of discrimination and of appraising all situations from the facts
at hand should be substituted for thoughts of careless optimism,
and for worry, fear and anxiety
Jupiter aspecttng Uranus—Abundance, optimism and joviality
influence, and are influenced by, sudden events, new acquain
tanccs and radical changes A harmonious aspect shows money
and exceptional good fortune through contacts with people, un
expected events and new methods A discordant aspect shows
financial difficulty and misfortune through being unduly in
fluenced by people, and through unexpected events and original
ideas Pleasant thoughts of discrimination and intellectual ap-
praisal need to be associated with thoughts of finances and
130 Brri^rR s Honoscorc RnADEn
Jupiter as peeling Mp/K/tf—Abundance, optimum and jovial
ity influence, and arc influenced b>, the imagination, sensitivity
and schemes A harmonious isp^ct shows ability to handle finan-
cial promotions, and to mahc money through colonization
schemes, stock selling, and the dramatization of financial possi
bihtics A discordant aspect shows abilit) to interest others in
such scnturcs, but also difficulties arising from them Pleasant
thoughts of caution and the hard realities of each situation need
to be substituted for wishful thinking and idealism
Jupiter aspecttng P/k/o—Abundance, optimism and josiality
influence, and arc influenced by, groups, subtle force, and cocr
cion or co-operation A harmonious aspect shows ability to gain
financially and otherwise through co-opcratmg with others and
working with groups A discordant aspect shows that financial
and other dilliculties will arise through the influence of groups,
and in co-opcrati\c entleasors Pleasant thoughts of discnmina
ten and appraising all situations from flic facts at hand should
be associated with thoughts of groups and cooperation
Saturn aspectmg Uranus—Work, responsibility, and economy
or loss influence, and arc influenced by, sudden csents, new
acquaintances, and radical changes A harmonious aspect shows
that new acquaintances, unexpected events, radical changes and
original ideas fa\or the work, bring gains in responsibility, and
contribute to economy A discordant aspect shows that new
acquaintances, unexpected events, and radical ideas hamper the
work, make carrying responsibility difficult, and bring loss
Pleasant thoughts of affection and joy in art and social events
need to be substituted for fear, worry and anxiety
Saturn aspectmg Neptune—Work, responsibility, and economy
or loss influence, and arc influenced by, the imagination, sensi
tivity and sch-mcs. A harmonious aspect shows that the schemes
and ideals can be made practical, and that they bring gams in
responsibility A discordant aspect shows that the schemes and
rdesis hamper the practscal progress of the work, make carrjmg
responsibility difficult, and bring loss Pleasant thoughts of sig
nificance, and pleasant thoughts of affccuon and joy m art and
social events need to be substituted for fear, worry and anxiety
Saturn aspectmg Pluto—Work, responsibility, and economy or
loss influence, and arc influenced by, groups, subtle force, and
co°rcion Mr co-operation A harmonious aspect shows that groups
and co-operation or mass production can be made to aid the
Aspects Between Each Two Planets 137
Work and acquire important responsibility A discordant aspect
shows that groups, coercion and subtle force hamper the work,
and make carrying responsibility difficult Pleasant thoughts of
aggressively assisting the weak and helpless need to be substituted
for fear, worry and anxiety
Uranus aspectmg Neptune—Sudden events, new acquaintances
and radical changes influence, and arc influenced by, the imagm
ation, sensitivity and schemes A harmonious aspect shows that
the ideals and schemes are aided to success through new ac-
quaintances, sudden events and original ideas A discordant
aspect shows that the ideals and schemes are thwarted and dis
ruptcd by new acquaintances, sudden developments, and unex-
pected events Pleasant thoughts of faith and trust m a higher
power need to be associated with the ideals and schemes
Uranus aspectmg Pluto—Sudden events, new acquaintances
and radical changes influence, and are influenced by, groups,
subtle force, and coercion or co-operation A harmonious aspect
shows that new acquaintances, sudden events and original ideas
make it possible to gain through groups and cooperation A
discordant aspect shows that new acquamtances, sudden events
and original ideas bring difficulty from groups, and coercion
Pleasant thoughts of faith and trust in a higher power need to
be associated with thoughts of group activity and co operation
Neptune aspccting Pluto—The imagination, sensitivity and
schemes influence, and arc influenced by, groups, subtle force,
and coercion or co-operation A harmonious aspect shows that
groups and co-operation assist in forwarding schemes and in
realizing the ideals A discordant aspect shows that the schemes
and ideals will be thwarted by groups and will attract coercion
Pleasant thoughts of aggicsively assisting the weak and helpless,
and pleasant thoughts of power and significance, need to be
associated with thoughts of the ideals
■Aspects to the Ascendant—The degree on the cusp of the first
house is the Ascendant It acts as a ground wire over which
such energies as reach the outside world through the elcctromag
nctic forces of the personality must flow This degree acts much
as docs a planet, except that it is negative in the sense that it
acquires something or the nature of each planet aspccting it,
and the nature of the particular aspect. That is, an aspect from
Mars gives the personality some of the aggressiveness of Mars,
an aspect from Saturn some of the caution and system of Saturn,
138 Dccinnfr's Horoscope Reader
and an aspect from Venui some of the mildness of Venus. And
if the aspect is a square, the things indicated by the planet prove
an obstacle to the personality; bur if the aspect is a trine, the
personality experiences good luck from the things the planet rules.
Aipects to the Midheaver—The degree on the cusp of the
tenth house is the Midhcaven, or M.C, It acts as a broadcasting
station. It acts thus much as docs a planet, except that it is nega-
tive in the sense that it acquires something of the nature of each
planet aspecting it, and the nature of the particular aspect. That
is, an aspect from Neptune makes it easy to gain public recog-
nition in aviation, oil or dramatic matters, an aspect from Pluto
makes it easy to gain recognition from mass production, and
an aspect from Uranus makes it easy to gain recognition for new
ideas or inventions. If the aspect is a sextile, the recognition
brings valuable opportunities; but if it is an opposition, the
recognition brings separation and difficulties.
Chapter Four
The experiences in lower life forms which have built the
thought-cells that the planets map, while characteristic of the
planet mapping them, and having the harmony or discord in
dicated by this planets aspects, have each and all related to
some one or more of the 12 deEniie departments of life They
have related to the body s welfare, to physical possessions, to short
journeys and relatives, to the home, or to some of the other
distinct phases of living existence And, even as when assimilated
by the physical body calcium and phosphorous readily move to
that part of the anatomy where they enter into the slructure
of the bones, and when iron is assimilated by the physical body
it moves readily to the region which enables it to be built into
the red blood cells, so also the states of consciousness derived
from experiences with a given department of life readily move
to, and become built into, the compartment of the finer body
mapped by the house governing that department of life
Thus the thought-cell built finer form is divided into 12
distinct compartments, each mapped by one of the mundane
houses of the chart of birth, and each divided and separated
abruptly from the compartments on either side The walls of the
compartment are mapped by the house-cusps of the birth-chart,
as the spokes of the horoscope wheel arc called It is chiefly to
determine the sign and degree of the zodiac on each of these
house-cusps which thus map the dividing line between each
of the twelve compartments and the adjacent compartments,
and reveals which planet or planets influence each department
of life, that for a precise astrological reading it becomes necessary
to have a chart erected for the time of day and geog aphical
longitude and latitude of birth on the day, month and year
of birth How thus to erect a chart is explained in detail, with
Now all sections of the physical body do not have the same
vigor and strength Neither do the thought-cells in all the 12
compartments of the thought built finer form have the same
power of activity Those mapped by some houses other things
being equal, can do a great deal more work than those mapped
by other houses

First, Fonrlh, Seventh and Tenth Houses—Thouglif-cclJs have
very powerful energy
Eighth, Ninth, Eleventh and Tivelfth Houses—TfiOught<clIs
have moderately powerful encrgj
Second and Third Houses—Thought-cells have feeble energy
Fifth and Sixth Houses—Thought-cells have very feeble energy.
Trinity of Zj/e—Thought-cells desire to express through per-
sonal life, iifc of offspring, Jifc in religion.
Trinity of Wealth—Thought-cells desire to express through
personal property, work and employees, business and honor
Trinity of Association—Thought-cells desire to express through
thoughts and brethren, partnership and marriage, hopes and
Trinity of Psychism—Thought cells desire to express through
home and end of life, death and inheritance, sorrow and im
Personal Houses—Thought-cells desire to express through the
private life
Companionship Houses—Thought-cells desire to express
through close contact with others
Public Homes—Ihoughi-cclls desire to express through that
which becomes widely known
UeCINNEb's HonOiCOFE JJeadub
c/Tort indiatcd by the phnrt, how important the department
of life influenced by that planet is apt to be, whether or not
events characteristic of that planet will play an important part
in his life; and to what extent the individuals thoughts and
behavior will be influenced toward the type characteristic of
that planet.
The prominence of a planet in the chart of birth is far more
important than the aspects it receives; for the aspects indicate
ihought<cIl desires that readily can be altered through persistent
training. But no amount of training can cause thoughr-celJs of
one planetary type to try to express through thoughts, behavior
or events characteristic of any other planetary type. The most
that can be done is, through proper training, to divert the
thought-cell energy to work for conditions characteristic of their
type which are highly beneficial",
Next to the thought-cells mapped by angular houses in the
\igor of activity they arc able to express, and in the order that
follows, arc those mapped by the eleventh, eighth, ninth and
twelfth houses. These thought-cells arc MODERATELY
The vigor of the thought-ccllt mapped by (he second house
is somewhat more powerful than that of those mapped by the
third house, but the thought-cells mapped by either of these two
houses should be considered FEEBLE.
Those mapped by the sixth house—and for that reason it is
so significant of illness—arc even less vigorous than those mapped
by the fifth house, but the thought-cells mapped by either of
theses two houses should be considered VERY FEEILE.
The thought-cells in the compartment of the asiral body
mapped by a house of the horoscope arc called common thought-
cells They have been built by experiences with the things of
ihc department of life thus indicated that are of the type of the
planet ruling the cusp cf the house. Although this planet may
be located In soar other house of the birth-chart, these common
thought-cells always respond through the principle of resonance
to its ubrations The prominence of the planet ruling the cusp
of a house Jctcrmrnes the comparative degree of acnvity of tie
common thoughtcclh mapped by that house. The characccnstics
of the planet ruling the cusp of a house have an mflucn«e over
the type of conditions to be encountered m that department of
life. The harmony or discord, as shown by ihc aspects of the
planet ruling the cusp of a bouse, indicate to what extent the
Each Pi>net in Each House 143
common thought-cells desire and work for fortunate or unfortu
natc conditions relative to that department of life
The following arc the rulerships of the signs by the planets
Anes is ruled exclusively by Mars
Taurus is ruled exclusively by Venus
Gemini is ruled exclusively by Mercury
Cancer is ruled exclusively by the Moon
Lro is ruled exclusively by the Sun
Virgo ts ruled exclusively by Mercury
Libra is ruled exclusively by Venus
Scorpio is ruled by both Pluto and Mars
Sagtllanus is ruled exclusively by Jupiter
Capricorn is ruled exclusively by Saturn
Aquarius is ruled by both Uranus and Saturn
Puces is ruled by both Neptune and Jupiter
Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are called upper-octave planets
because in some respects the influence of Uranus seems to be
a higher expression of Mercury attributes, Neptune a higher
expression of Venus attributes, and Pluto a higher expression
of the Moon attributes Usually they more pronouncedly influ
cncc Aquarius, Pisces and Scorpio thought-cells, but at other
times the Aquarius thought-cells respond quite as readily to the
influence of Saturn, the Pisces thought-cells respond quite as
readily to the influence of Jupiter, and the Scorpio thought-cells
respond quite as readily to hlars Thus these three signs ha\c
a co-rulcrship
Whatever house a planet rules through the sign on its cusp,
it exerts a still more powerful influence upon the house of the
chart it actually occupies Wherever the planet is m the chart,
it there maps highly active cells Because of their greater activity
and power they are called dynamic thought-cells. Their com
parative degree of activity is indicated by the prominence of the
planet. The department of life which they most profoundly a/Tcct
is shown by the house the planet actually occupies The tjpc of
t-WTniwions ani cvtafts liicsc liiwagVft-ttViS suite 5c/i It-Vautt ts>
that dcpailmcnt of life arc those charactcnstic of the planet
The fortune or misfortune of the events relative to the departm-nt
of life that they desire and work for is indicated by the aspects
of the planet
The department of life indicated by a house containing one
or more planet is influenced by the common thought-cells as
indicated by the planet ruling the house cusp, and is also m
fiucnccd by the dynamic thought-cells mappca by each planet in
BcciNsm's Honoccorr. Bwdep
the house. Other things hcing equal—such as the aspects to each
planet—-the planet nearest the cusp of the house in which it is
located indicates the most active and powerful group of thought-
cells, and the farther removed a planet is from the house cusp,
other things being equal, the less active the thought-cells it maps.
If the ruler of the cusp of the house is cxccptionall)' prominent,
the common thought-cclU may have more power than the
dynamic thought-cells mapped in the house by a weakly aspected
planet. Rut other things being equal, a plarct actually in a house
indicates more powerful and active thought-cells than the com-
mon thought cells influenced by a planet not in the house but
ruling its cusp.
It should Ik understood, however, that what is said in that
which follows about the significance of each planet in each house,
also applies to the house or houses the sign on whose cusp is
ruled by tlie same planet; but chat as a general rule the planet,
if any, actually in the house more accurately describes what the
more powerful thought-cells want and strive to bring to pass.
FIRST HOUSE. The thought-cells mapped by the first house
have been built by experiences relative t* the personality that
cause them to express through thoughts, behavior and events
attracted dial influence the physical body and its health, the
quality of the personal magnetism, the fcmpcramcnt and dis-
position, and purely personal changes.
Sun tn Tint House—With die Power thought-cells expressing
through die personality, vitality and ability to exercise authority
arc shown, fn the constant struggle Tor significance the develop-
ment and exercise of ability should be substituted for show and
Moon in First House—With the Domestic thought-cells ex-
pressing through the personality, fluctuation in health and personal
affairs is shown. Domestic interests should be substituted for
Mercury in First House—With the Intellectual thought-cells
expressing through the personality, there is abihty for speech,
writing and study. A calling should be followed that requires
Venus in First House—Vftth the Social thought-cells expressing
through the personality, there is desire to please, and companion-
ship is essential. Firmness should be cultivated; for it will please
Mars in First House—Wuh the Aggressive thoughr.ccUs ex-
pressing through the personality, mechanical ability and willing-
Each Plan ft in Each Hoi;«r 145
ncss to face danger are shown Constructive activities should be
substituted for those dcstructne
Jupiter in First House—With the Religious thought-cells ex
pressing through the personality, salesmanship and joviality are
shown These should be used to benefit all rather than to :n
dulgc self
Saturn w First House—With the Safety thought-cells cxprcs
sing through the personality, persistence and shrewdness are
shown These used to benefit society will bring more honor and
gain to self
Uranus w First House—With the Individualistic thought cells
expressing through the personality, originality is shown In
vention and reforms tvill give more satisfaction than eccentricity
and uncomcntionahty
Neptune in First House—With the Utopian thought-cells ex
pressing through the personality, idealism and sensitivity arc
shown Willingness to work hard and think clearly to realize
the ideals should be cultivated
Pluto in First House—With the Universal Welfare thought
cells expressing through the personality, spiritual possibilities
and ability to co-operate arc shown Effort to benefit all, rather
than some group will bring higher satisfaction
SECOND HOUSE The thought-cells mapped by the second
house have been built by experiences relative to personal posses
sions that cause them to express through thoughts behavior and
events attracted that influence money and other personal posses-
Sun in Second House—With the Power thought<clIs cxpres
sing through possessions, desire to attain significance through
money is shown It should be realized that nuc significance
comes through benefiting society
Moon in Second House—With the Dorocsac thought-cells ex
pressing through possessions fluctuating finances are shown
Aggressive effort to gam and use money to aid the helpless should
be cultivated
Mercury in Second House—With the Intellectual thought
cells expressing through possessions, much thought about money
is shown Reliance also on a higher power should be cultivated
Venus in Second House—With the Social thought-cells ex
pressing through possessions, money coming through little effort
is shown Friendships and kindness shoulcf be cultivated
Mars in Second House—With the Aggressive thought-cells
expressing through possessions strife over money and too free
146 Bccwwejts Honoscopt RzADzn
spending arc shown Spending only for that which « constructive
and permanent should be cultivated
)ufitter in Second House—With the Religious thought-cells
expressing through possessions, financial abundance is shown
Using tt for philanthropic purposes will bring greatest satisfaction
Saturn tn Second House—With the Safety thouglit-cclls ex
pressing through possessions, fear of financial want is shown
Careful planning and system should be substituted for worry
and anxiety over money
Uranus tn Second House—With the Individualistic thought
cells expressing through possessions, sudden gams and sudden
losses arc shown Original ideas chat will pay financial dividends
should be sought
Neptune tn Second House—With the Utopian thought-cells
expressing through possessions, that money comes with little
cflort or not at all is shown Practical ideas about finances should
be substituted for wishful thinking
Pluto tn Second House—With the Universal Welfare thought
cells expressing through possessions, that money may be gamed
or lost through groups and co-operation is shown The cflort
should be for the wh«Ic group to benefit
THIRD HOUSE The thought-cells mapped by the third
house have been built by experiences relative to Iravcl and relatives
that cause them to express through thoughts, behavior and events
attracted that influence brethren, pnvat'- thoughts and studies
neighbors writing including correspondence, short journeys and
Sun in Third House—With the Power thought-cells expressing
through education desire to gam significance through writing
or travel is shown Educational opportunities should be sought
Moon in Third House—With the Domestic thought-cells ex
pressing through education travel and changing opinion are
shown Mental activity should be encouraged to greater thoro-
Mercury tn Third House—Wifh the fntellectual thought-Cells
expressing through education writing and travel arc shown
Ability to express in writing and talking should b" cultivated
Venus in Third House—-With the Social thought-cells ex
pressing through education benefit from relatives and travel is
shown Companionship of relatives and neighbors should be
Mars tn Third ffor/re—With the Aggressive thought-cells
expressing through education, danger in travel and strife with
Each PuANrx in Each Housr 147
relatives arc sho\vii. Thoughts of helping the weak should be
substituted for thoughts antagonistic
Jupiter in Third House —With the Religious thought-cells
expressing through education, benefit from travel and relatives
is shown. The desire for clear thinking and study should be
Saturn in Third House—'With the Safety thought-cells ex-
pressing through education, deep thinking and responsibility
toward relatives are shown. Pleasure in social activities should
be cultivated.
Uranus %n Third House—With the Individualistic thought-
cells expressing through education, original thought, interest in
things unusual, and sudden journeys arc shown. Research should
be cultivated.
Neptune in Third House—With the Utopian thought-cells ex-
pressing through education, pleasure trips and day-dreaming are
shown. Ability to appraise concrete realities should be cultivated.
Tluto m Third House—With the Universal Welfare thought-
cells expressing through education, co-operation with, or coercion
by, relatives is shown. Educational advantages should be sought
aggrcssiv cly.
FOURTH HOUSE: The thought-cells mapped by the fourth
house have been built by cxpcncnccs relative to the home that
cause them to express through thoughts, behavior and events at-
tracted that influence the home, restaurants, the father, real
estate, raining, crops on the ground, and conditions at the end
of life.
Sun in Fourth House—With the Power thought-cells express-
ing through the home, desire to gain significance through the
home and at the end of life is shown. Comfort for others rather
than exercising authority should be sought in the domestic life.
Moon in Fourth House—With the Domestic thought-cells ex-
pressing through the home, many changes in the home and in
place of residence arc shown Aggressive effort to give domestic
comfort to the helpless should be cultivated.
Mercury in Fourth House—With the Intellectual thought<clls
expressing through the home, study in the home and at the end
of life arc shown. To make the home a place of comfort also
should be cultivated
Venus in Fourth House—With the S*cial thought-cells express-
ing through the home, a pleasant and artistic home is shown.
Making the home also useful should be cultivated.
Mars in Fourth House—With the Aggressive thought-cells ex-
148 Beginners Horoscope Header
pressing through the home, stnfc and accident m the home arc
shown Making it a place of shelter and protection for the weak
should be cultivated
Juptter tn Fourth House—-With the Religious thought-cells
expressing through the home, abundance in the home is shown.
Discrimination should be cultivated relative to home and domes-
tic life.
Satum tn Fourth Home—With the safety tboughr-cclJs cr
pressing throygh the home, it will be a place of hard work and
possibl) of privation Making it a pleasant place for soaal matters
should be cultivated
Uranus m Fourth House—With th- Individualistic thought
cells expressing through the home, many sudden changes m the
domestic life arc shown The home should be used for spreading
progressive ideas
Neptune m Fourth //o«re—With the Utopian thought-cells
expressing through the home, a tendency to retire from the
world is shown Practical participation m world advancement
should be cultivated
Pluto tn Fourth House—With the Universal Welfare thought
cells expressing through the home, group activity in the home
is shown The home should be used for cooperative effort to
benefit all
FIFTH HOUSE The thought-cells majiped b} the fifth house
have been built by experience relative to the offspring and pleas-
ures that cause them to express through thoughts behavior and
events attracted that influence pleasures, love affairs, speculation,
stocks and bonds children and entertainment
Sun tn Ftfth House—With the Power thought-cells czpratsmg
through pleasures, desuc to gam significance through children or
cntcriunment is shown- Ability to entertain rather than show
off should be cultivated
Moon m Fifth House—With the Domestic thought-cells ex
pressing through pleasures changmg love interests arc shown
Aggressive dctcrminauon to adapt rather than change the affee
dons should be cultivated
Mercury in Fifth House—With the Intellectual thought-cells
expressing through pleasure, much thought about affcctional
matters is shown Joviality should be cultivated as an aid to
affcctional relations.
Venus in Fifth House—With tb~ Sooa! tbougbt-cells express-
ing through pleasure, there is strong attraction for the opposite
sex. Steadfast loyalty to one should be cultivated
Each Planet in Each House 149
"Mars in Fifth Home—With the Aggressive thought-cells ex-
pressing through pleasure, strife and perhaps danger through
sports and love affairs arc shown. Protection of the weak and
helpless should be cultivated.
Jupiter in Fifth House—With the Religious thought-cells ex-
pressing through pleasure, fortune in speculation and games of
chance is shown.Discrimination should be cultivated in reference
to all pleasures.
Saturn in Fifth House—With the Safety thought-cells express-
ing through pleasure, delay and disappointment due to children
or the love life arc shown. Pleasure in social activities should be
Uranus in Fifth //owe—With the Individualistic thought-cells
expressing through pleasure, unusual attachments with the op-
posite sex arc shown. Original methods of entertainment should
be cultivated.
Neptune in Fifth House—With the Utopian thought<clls ex-
pressing through pleasure, unbounded faith in the one loved is
shown. Practical experiences of others should be used as a guide
in affcctional matters.
Pluto in Fifth House—With the Universal Welfare thought-
cells expressing through pleasure, finding pleasure with groups
is shown. Co operation in recreation and entertainment should
be cultivated.
SIXTH HOUSE: The thought-cells mapped by the sixth
house have been huilt by experiences relative to work and illness
that cause them to express through thoughts, behavior and events
attracted that influence labor, the condition under which work is
done, tenants, foods, small animals, employees and the quality
of their services, and illness.
Sun m Sixth House—With the Power thought-cells expressing
through work, much concern with health and work is shown.
Knowledge of diet and thought to influence vitality and health
should be gained and used.
Moon w Sixth House—With the Domestic thought-cells ex-
pressing through work, fluctuating health and many changes in
employment arc shown. Adaptability to work and working con-
ditions to the end of attaining stability of employment should
be cultivated.
Mercury in Sixth House—With the Intellectual thought-cells
expressing through work, thought about work and tendency to
nerve disorders arc shown. To work Without much nervous
tension should be cultivated.
150 BECiNNcn's HonoscoPE Reader
Venus tn Sixth House—Wjdj the Soaal thoughr-cc]Is expos-
ing through work, benefit through employees, especially those
of the opposite sex, is shown The lighter kinds of work should
be sought
Mars m Sixth House—With the Aggressive thought-cells ex
pressing through work, strife with employees and inflammatory
disorders arc shown Thoughts of helping the weak should be
substituted for thoughts antagonistic
Jupiter m Sixth //o«re—-With the Jupiter thought-cells express-
ing through work, excellent service from employees is shown
Taste for a well balanced diet rather than for rich foods should
be cultivated
Saturn tn Sixth House—With the Safety thought-cells express-
ing through work, hard work and deficient diet arc shown
Taste for variety in foods and those containing the minerals and
vitamins should be cultivated
Uranus in Sixth House—Witli the Individualistic thought-cells
expressing tlirough work, unusual methods in work, and diseases
difficult to diagnose arc shown High nervous tension should be
Neptune m Sixth House—With the Utopian thought cdls ex
pressing through work, unpractical employees and disorders due
to sensitivity arc shown A feeling of positivcncss should be
Pluto tn Sixth House—With the Universal Welfare thought
cells expressing through work, working with groups is shown
Ability to co-operate should be cultivated
SEVENTH HOUSE The thoughr-cclls mapped by the
seventh house have been built by experiences relative to union
that cause them to express through thoughts, behavior and events
attracted that influence marriage, partnership, the attitude of
those met in public, open enemies, competitors and Jaw suits
Sun m Seventh House—With the Power thought-cells express
ing through partnership, significance through marriage or part
ncrship is shown Marriage should be for love ana harmony
rather than for gain of power
Moon in Seventh House—With the Domestic thought-cells
expressing through partnership, contacting many people is shown
Ability to serve the public well should be cultivated
Mercury tn Seventh House—With the Mercury thought-cells
expressing through partnership, marriage to a person of inH
Icctual interests is shown Ability to speak and write should be
Each Pi-anet in Each House 151
Venus m Seventh Home—With the Social thought-cells ex
pressing through partnership, harmony in marriage is shown
Artistic appreciation should be cultivated for practical ends
Mars in Seventh House—With the Aggressive thought-cells
expressing through partnership, law suits and strife with partners
and the public are shown Constructive efforts should be sub-
stituted for enmities
Jupiter m Seienth House—With the Religious thought<clls
expressing through partnership, wealth or other benefits through
marriage is shown Discnmina*ion in selecting a partner should
be cultivated
Saturn in Seventh House—With the Safety thought-cells ex
pressing through partnership, heavy responsibility or loss through
marriage, and trouble with the public arc shown Pleasure in
social activities should be cultivated
Uranus m Seventh House—With the Individualistic thought
cells expressing through partnership, an unusual marriage or one
ending in separation is shown Tolerance of the opinions of
others should be cultivated
Neptune in Seventh House—With the Utopian thought-cells
expressing through partnership, an ideal roamage, marriage to
one impinclical, or imolvement through partneiship is shown
Ability to appraise others reahslically should be cultivated
Pluto in Seventh House—With the Universal Welfare thought
cells expressing through partnership, association with groups is
shown Ability to cooperate with others for the good of all
should be cultivated
EIGHTH HOUSE The thought-cells mapped by the eighth
house have been built by experiences relative to death that cause
them to express through thoughts, behavior and events attracted
that influence gifts and legacies, the public's money, ability of
those owing to pay, death and the influence of those dead
Sun m Eighth Ho«re—With the Power thought-cells express-
ing through inheritance, significance of inheritance in the life
is shown Dependence on individual effort, rather than on m
heritancc, should be cultivated
Moon in Eighth House—With the Domestic thought-cells ex
pressing through inheritance, death affecting the life numerous
limes is shown Aggressive effort to preserve life and people's
money should be made
Mercury in Eight House—With the Intellectual thought-cells
expressing through inhcntacicc, much thought about death and
HrrfNNrns Ilonoicopr Header
other's monci u shotv n Faith in a higher power to protect should
be eulmated
Venus in Eighth House—With the Social thought-cells ex
pressing through inheritance, benefit through gifts and inhcn
tance is shown Friendships should be uidclj cultivated
Mars in Eighth House—With the Aggressive thought-cells
expressing through inheritance, danger of violent death, and
strife over debts and inheritance arc shown Both borrowing and
lending should be discouraged
fupiter in Eighth House—With the Religious thought-cells
expressing through inheritance, abundance through gifts and
inheritance is shown Business ca n safely be run on a credit basis
Saturn tn Eighth House—With the Safety thought-cells ex
pressing through inhcntancc, loss through death and through
inability of others to pay is shown Financial credit should seldom
be extended to others
Uranus in Eighth House—With the Individualistic thought
cells expressing through inheritance, the sudden death of others
will affect the life profoundly Faith in a higher power to protect
should be cultivated
Neptune tn Eighth House—With the Utopian thoughtcclls
expressing through inheritance, involvement through inheritance
or psychic matters is shown Dependence should not be placed
on the money of others
Pluto in Eighth House—With the Universal Welfare thought
cells expressing through inhcntancc, group deaths affecting the
life arc shown Co-operation in handling the finances of others
should be cultivated
NINTH HOUSE The thought-cdls mapped by the ninth
house have been built bv experiences relative to journeys that
cause them to express through thoughts, behavior and events
attracted that innucncc teaching publishing, advertising lee
turmg, long journeys, religion and the court
Sun in Ninth House—With the Power thought cclls express-
ing through philosophy, that significance is sought through pub-
licly expressed opinions is shown Sound opinions should be
Moon in Ninth Howre—With the Domestic thought-cclls ex
pressing through philosophy, much travel or cxprcsion of ideas
is shown Consistency of ideas expressed publicly should be
Mercury m Ninth House—With the Intellectual thought-cells
Each Pi-amt in E\cit Hou^c 153
expressing through philosophy, ability to get ideas before the
public is shown This ability should be used to get beneficial ideas
before the public
Venus in Ninth House—With the Social thought-cells ex
pressing through philosophj, benefit through publicly expressed
ideas or travel is shown Artistic expression of ideas should be
Mars in Ninth House—With the Aggressive thought-cells ex
pressing through philosophy, strife over religion and opinions is
shown Thoughts presented constructively should be substituted
for attacks on the opinions of others.
Jupiter in Ninth //owe—With the Religious thought-cells
expressing through philosophy, benefit through publishing re
hgion or tra\ el is shown Discrimination in religion and express-
ing opinions should be cultivated
Saturn tn Ninth House—With the Safety thought-cells express-
ing through philosophy, conservative ideas arc shown Social
pleasures should be substituted for opinions based on discipline
and fear
Uranus tn Ninth House—With the Individualistic thought
cells expressing through philosophy, unusual ideas, or unusual
methods m expressing ideas, arc shown Originality rather than
eccentricity of expression should be cultivated
Neptune tn Ninth House—-With the Utopian thought-cells
expressing through philosophy idealistic opinions arc shown
Ability to get the ideals before the public should be cultivated
Pluto in Ninth House—With the Universal Welfare thought
cells expressing through philosophy coercion or cooperation
because of opinions expressed is shown Spiritual opinions should
be cultivatca
TENTH HOUSE The thought-cells mapped by the tenth
house have been built by experiences relative to credit that cause
them to express through thoughts behavior and events attracted
that influence honor business credit, profession and supenors
Sun tn Tenth House—Vfuh the Power thought-cells expressing
through honor, significance is sought through business or politics
Ability to exercise authority wisely should be cultivated
Moon tn Tenth House—With the Domestic thought-cells ex
pressing through honor, wide publicity for the individual is
shown Aggressive actions for the benefit of the weak and help-
less should be cultivated
Mercury tn Tenth House—With the Intellectual thought cells
154 BecinncVs IIoROsoorc REAorji
rrprcsjlng through honor, a busincn requiring brains is showa.
Faith also in a higher power to benefit should be cultivated.
Venus in Tenth Houso-VJhh the Social thought-cells express-
ing through honor, the good opinion of otficrs is shown. Anisiic
and refined methods in business should be cultivated.
Marx in Tenth House—With the Aggressive thought-cells ex-
pressing through honor, much criticism of the individual is
shown. Protecting the weak and helpless should be cultivated.
Jupiter in Tenth House—With the Religious thought-cdls
expressing through honor, honors and high credit arc shown.
Discrimination in all business transactions should be cultivated.
Saturn in Tenth House—With the Safety thought-cells ex-
pressing through honor, vast ambition and much responsibility
arc shown. System and organization that will benefit many,
instead of merely self, should be cultivated.
Uranus in Tenth Houre—With the Individualistic thought-
cells expressing through honor, original methods in business
and sudden changes in fortune arc shown. Unusual methods
that arc valuable, rather than those thai merely arc different,
should be sought.
Neptune in Tenth House—With the Utopian thought-cells
expressing through honor, ability to promote is shown. Things
of true practical value to promote should be sought
Pluto in Tenth House—With the Universal Welfare thought-
cells expressing through honor, credit or discredit through co-
operation or coercion is showa Co-operation for spiritual welfare
should be cultivated.
ELEVENTH HOUSE: The thought-cells mapped by the
eleventh house have been bu3t by experiences relative to hopes
and associates that cause them to express through thoughts,
behavior and events attracted tliat influence friends, hopes and
Sun in Eleventh House—With the Power thoughtcclls ex-
pressing through friends, that realizing hopes of significance
depends on friends is shown. Friends of power and authority
should be cullivatcd.
Moon in Eleventh //owe—With the Domestic thought-cells
expressing through friends, friends among the conunon people
arc showa Aggressive effort should be made to realize the hopes,
rather than merely dreaming of their realization.
Mercury in Eleventh House—With the Intellectual thought-
cells expressing through friends, friends among literary people
15G BegivniVs Ilonoccorc Br^reii
itv, not to gam personal glory and adsantagc, but to relieve
distress u the best avenue to significance
Moon in Twelfth Home—With the Domestic thought.cclls
expressing through disappointment, many minor disappoint-
ments, and the secret enmity of women arc shown Aggressive
measures to remove the restrictions and alleviate the distress of
the common people should be cultivated
Mercury tn Twelfth House—With the Intellectual thought
cells expressing through disappointment, much thought about
sorrow and hidden enemies is shown Faith in a higher power
to remove restrictions and prevent sorrow should be cultivated
Venus tn Twelfth House—With the Social thought-cells cx
pressing through disappointment, sorrows through the affections
arc shown There should be practical work to assist those in
distress and to contribute to the welfare of the needy
Mars tn Twelfth Home—With the Aggressive thought<clls
expressing through disappointment, injury from secret enemies
and a tendency toward hospitahzation arc shown Aggressive
effort to protect the weak and helpless and alleviate their suf
fcring should be cultivated
Jupiter tn Twelfth Home—With the Religious thought-cells
expressing through disappointment, benefit rather than injury
from the efforts of secret enemies is shown Discrimination should
be cultivated in the effort to alleviate the distress of others
Saturn tn Twelfth House—With the Safety thought.cclls ex-
pressing through disappointment, secret sorrows, heavy restric-
tions and crafty secret enemies arc shown Pleasure in social
activities that tend to benefit those in distress should be culcivated
Uranus in Twelfth House—With the Individualistic thought
cells expressing through disappointtnent, disappointments due
to unexpected events or peculiar people arc shown. Faith in a
higher power to remove restrictions and prevent sorrow should
be cultivated
Neptune tn Twelfth House—With the Utopian thought-cells
expressing through disappointment, peculiar restrictions and
mjury through psychic forces or psychic people arc shown Prac-
tical efforts to relieve the distress of others should be cultivated
Pluto tn Twelfth House—With the Uiuvcrsal Welfare thought
cells expressing through disappoiotmcnt, the action of groups
and those who endeavor to coerce arc shown to bring sorrow
Cooperation with others in the effort to relieve the suffering of
those in distress should be cultivated
° Beginner's Horoscope Reader
jhjpj to play an important part in the life, if the eighth home
is active it indicates a predisposition for death and inheritance
to play an important part, and thus with each of the other houses
Which one of the matters ruled by a given house becomes
more important is largely a matter of conditioiung and environ
mcnt An individual with an active third house, and Mercury
prominent, if conditioned that way may fake to writing, but if
conditioned another way may not write, but take many short
journeys If in addition to third house activity Mercury is not
prominent, his relatives may greatly influence his life and he
may travel and write little
Furthcrtnorc, this matter of conditioning after birth may make
one department of life of two whose houses arc equally active
and ruled by the same planet far more important than the
other In reference not merely to the specific events attracted,
or the specific conditions, but also to the departments of life
given importance by the activities of thoughtcclls ruled by the
same planet, conditioning (education by experience) and en
vironment usually are the determining factors'
The predisposition toward the type, or types, of events that
will affect any one of the 12 departments of life 1$ indicated
by the planet, or planets, ruling its house in the birthchart
The conditions and events relative to a house ruled by Mars
will be characteristic in that there will be haste, strife and undue
expenditure of energy where they arc concerned And thus also
the charactcnsucs of each planet will be discerned m reference
to the conditions and events belonging to the department of life
whose houses arc ruled by the planet, for the thoughr<clls thus
mapped have been built by experiences typical of the planet.
The predisposition toward fortune or misfortune relative to
the events and conditions affecting any department of life is
shown by the aspects of the planets ruling the house of the birth
chart mapping it. If there arc only harmonious aspects to the
planet or planets, the thought-cells acsuc and w ork for thoughts,
behavior and events relative to tins department of life that arc
fortunate If there arc only discordant aspects to the planet, or
planets, the thought-cells desire and work for thoughts, behavior
anri c\cn»s relative to this department of life that arc unfortunitc
If there are both discordant and harmonious aspects, the dis-
cordant aspect shows by the house occupied by the afHicting
planet from whence misfortune is apt to come, and the afflicting
planet the characteristics of the misfortune The harmonious
aspect shows by the house occupied by the beneficial planet from
DruNrvrmc the Horoscope 159
whence the good fortune is apt to come, and the beneficial planet
the characteristics of the good fortune The predisposition is to
ha\c misfortune m some respects and good fortune m other re
spects relative to the department of life
Yet it has been pointed out in Chapt-r Three that the easiest
thing to change is the desire of the thought-cells for a specific
event, and that it is not too difficult to change the desires of the
thought-cells so that they will want and strive to bring to pass,
more beneficial thoughts, behavior and events Therefore these
predispositions toward fortune or misfortune relative to any given
department of life, or relative to any specific condition affecting
it, should not be considered as indicating inevitable conditions
They mcrcl) indicate whether or not the thought-cells influencing
a department of life have been corrcctl) or badly educated bffore
human birth, and point out which thought-cells should have
special and persistent reeducation so that they also vv ill work for
those conditions which the individual desires
Some factors in the life, such as short jouni'-ys and children,
belong to but one department of existence, and their predisposi
tions can be judged from a single house Others such as mar
nagc, involve two departments and several factors while health
involves two departments—mapped by the first and sixth houses
—and every planet in the chart Little further explanation need
be given relative to single house affairs for the prominence,
characteristics and aspects of the planet or planets ruling the
house is all that is required But we do n*cd to understand about
those more complex phases of existence in which various factors
are involved
Judging Personal Appearance—The thought-cells of the soul
in influencing physical results of any kind can only bring about
the fulfillment of their desucs m so far as factors in the physical
environment will permit without offering too great resistance
This applies to the stature and appearance of the physical body,
which may be altered during its growth by food and climate,
and is always influenced by the heredity genes which form the
physical link by which race and family characteristics stored up
m their astral counterparts arc transmitted to the astral body
of the child
This means that a chart indicating hght complexion sigiufics
light only m comparison to other members of the same race.
No planetary positions are likely to give a hooked nose to one
belonging to a straight nose race, nor arc they likely to give
curly hair to one belonging to a straight haired race Tall is a
160 Begpvner s Horo^copt Reader
relative term, not only where race is concerned, hut also fainOy
A person may be the tallest member of his family, and yet be
short by ordinary standards Race characteristics arc much more
pronounced in the ph)sical appearance of people than in their
temperament, disposition, mental abilities and characters And
thus, in judging the physical appearance, race and family hercd
ity must always be considered as offering great physical resistance
to any desires of the thought-cells to depart ladically from this
physical pattern
The general trend of the personal description given by each
sign and planet is as follows
ARIES Middle stature, spare, strong body, bushy eyebrows,
dark hair, rather swarthy
TAURUS Short, thickset, dull complexion, large mouth, dark
hair and eyes
GEMINI Tall, long arms, light complexion, brown hair,
quick in action
CANCER Middle h-ighc, upper parts larger, small mouth
and face, pale, milky eyes
LEO Breadth and size to stature, large head, light hair, ruddy
VIRGO Average, compact body, brownish or fresh complex
ion, dark hair
LIBRA Tall and well formed, clear complexion, sparkling
eyes, hair brown or black.
SCORPIO Middle height, thick-set, corpulent, hooked nos^
dark hair, ruddy or swarthy complexion.
SAGITTARIUS Above middle height, high forehead, long
nose, sanguine complexion, hair brown
CAPRICORN Slender rather than stout, thin face, black hair,
dark complexion.
AQUARIUS Stout, well set, fair hair, sanguine complexion,
PISCES Tending to shortness, fleshy, pale face, brown or
dark hair, fishy eyes
SUN A strong vital body, above average size, light com
plcxion, veiy dignified
MOON Tending to shortness and weight, pale complexion,
v. ide forehead, listless
MERCURY Lean, nervous, sharp features, small eyes and
cars hair brown
VENUS Plump and handsome, tending to light complexion,
mirthful, affable
162 Beginner's Horoscope Reader
thin at maturity, and people who arc slight or heavy at maturity
may acquire the opposite appcaranec with, more advanced age.
In these cases it usually will he found that the body at One period
of life is indicated by the rising sign and planets, and at the
other, and usually shorter period, by the sun-sign.
4. So far as the weight and contour is concerned the foimli
factor, which is the dominant planet, has little significance. The
dominanti or ruling planet—not to be confused with the ruler
of the personality (Ascendant)—usually stamps its impress on
the countenance in such a manner that one familiar with the
appearance given by the planets at once notices its influence.
This dominant, or ruling planet^ is the one which has the most
prominence in the chart.
Judging Temperament and Disposition—As influencing the
trend of the temperament and disposition, there arc also four
different factors that need to be considered in the following
order of importance:
1. First of all the dominant, or ruling planet, indicates that
group of thought-cells which has greatest activity, and therefore
most powerfully influcntcs the thoughls and behavior, as well
as the events attracted into the Lfc, It is more Important than
any other single factor in indicating temperament and disposition.
2. Next in importance is the personality, indicated by the
rising sign and any planet, or planets, in the first house. Any
planet in the first house, or within 15 degrees above the cusp
of the first house, has more influence in this respect than the
sign on the Ascendant. But, in addition to the general tendencies
thus revealed, each aspect to the planet which is shown to be chief
ruler of the personality (first house), and each aspect to the de-
gree on the Ascendant, indicates a tendency of the disposition.
3. Of third Importance is the mentality as indicated by the
sign occupied by the Moon. Each aspect to the Moon indicates
a definite trend of the mentality. Ibis is not the same as the
faahty for expression, which is ruled by Mercury. It is a deeper
quality of the mind.
4. Fuially, the sign occupied by the Sun shows those deep-
seated trails of character that arc most permanent, even though
they may be obscured much of the dmc by the more superficial
traits of the personality. Each aspect to the Sun indicates a
definite trend to the character.
Judging Character- Character, as distinct from those traits
which arc most obvious to others, embraces the whole organtza-
Dcuneatinc the Honascorr 163
tion of thought<clls which constitutes the soul The most deep-
seated of these, and those which can be counted on to resist
change, arc indicated by the same four factors that reveal tcm
perament and disposition, but in a different order of importance,
1 Not because it maps as deep seated and persistent thought
cells as those mapped by the Sun, but because it maps the most
active and powerful thought-cells withm the finer form, the
dominant, or ruling, planet must be given first place m apprais
mg character
2 Then comes the Sun as mapping the thought-cells whose
qualities arc most deep seated and permanent of all, even though
they may be less active than various others
3 Of third importance in appraising the character, because it
indicates the type of impressions most readily received and there
fore the mental viewpoint, is the sign occupied by the Moon
4 Finally, because to express through the personality the
character must express through the first house and reach the
outside world through the ground wire of the Ascendant, the
rising sign and rising planet should receive some consideration
The aspects to the planets involved in each of these four factors
arc of significance in showing fortunate and unfortunate events,
and as giving trends to the character mdicatcd by the aspccting
planets But such matters as honesty and dishonesty, social con-
duct and anti social conduct, and cnmmal trends are chiefly due
to the conditioning of the individual by his environment after
birth As explained m detail m Chapter Two of WHEN AND
WHAT EVENTS WILL HAPPEN3, no cluld ,s bom a bar or
a criminal Whatever his hirth-chart, he only becomes a criminal
when his environment is such as to channel tendencies in that
ducction which with a different environment might have been
led to find expression m socially acceptable behavior
Judging Length of Life—In BODY DISEASE AND ITS
STELLAR TREATME^rr3 will be lou-nd the analysiso{ ISO
birth-charts of people whose tune of birth is accurately known,
who cadi lived beyond 70 years Of these, 80 were charts of men,
and 70 were charts of women And there it js pointed out that
hcaltn is not the same thing as vitality An individual may be
quite healthy as long as he lives, but die at an early age because
he docs not develop sufficient vitality to keep the body machine
going and able to resist the impacts it receives Thus the first
tune he is seriously attacked by a disease, he succumbs to it But
Beginner's Horoscope Reader
there are many people who have lived even to ninety years of
age who have never had robust health, who have had most of
the diseases as they came along, and jet have had vitality enough
to overcome them and continue with a considerable degree of
usefulness. Th«e people have not had a particularly strong
CONSnTLTTION, but they have had a powerful VITALITY.
And the degree of vitality is mapped in the birth chart by the Sun.
Analysis of the charts of those who have lived long lives shows
that the thought-cell condition mapped by every harmonious
aspect the Sun receives in the birth-chart, or by progression, tends
to benefit the vitality; provided a progressed aspect docs not stir
into activity thought-cells basically discordant. A bencfidal aspect
from Samra, however, apparently indicates no increase in vital
power, but a thought-cdl condition that enables the individual
to conserve and use to best advantage such vitality as he has. Nor
does a harmonious aspect from Neptune show a condition dirccdy
contributing to the vitality. Instead it indicates benefits indirectly
through suggestion and imagination.
When, however. Mars, the planet of physical energy, is in any
aspect to the Sun—provided it is not inimical enough to attract
violent death, or a virulent infection leading to quick death, such
as smallpox or blood poisoning—it shows a tendency toward
length of hfc, because it increases vitality. And the deaths at-
tracted by thought-cells mapped by Mars afflictions of the Sun
arc not due to low vitality, but to impacts or invasions that arc
powerful enough to end life in spite of vigorous vitality and
rccuperathe power.
Next in importance to an aspect of Mars to the Sun, as indicat-
ing recuperative power and length of life, the analysis indicates,
is a harmonious aspect from Jupiter to the Sun. Afflictions of
Jupiter to the Sun show no benefit to the vitality, as do those
from Mars to the Sun.
The more powerful the Sun thought-cells arc within the finer
form, the more vitality is at the disposal of the individual; that
is, the more electrical energy of proper frequenq" and soltage
is generated. This is indicated by 44% of the women and 48%
of the men who li\cd bejond 70 basing the Sun prominent by
being in an angle of their btnh-charts. Of the women beyond
70 jcars, 77% had some aspect of Mars to the Sun in their btrlh-
charts; and of the men bejond 70 yean, 74% had some aspect
of Man to the Sun in their birth-cJiarts. Of the 73 women past
70 years, 39% had a haimontoui aspect of Jupiter to the Sun
DniNnATiist, Tiir Honoscovr 165
at birth, and of the 80 men past 70 years, 5t% had a harmonious
aspect of Jupiter to the Sun in their charts of birth
Every planet in the chart of birth maps its own strength or
weakness of constitution The most active and discordant thought
cells, as mapped by the most heavily afflicted pronuncnt planet,
show the weakest point in the constitution But the Moon, be-
cause it rules the Constitutional Magnetism, is always important
in indicating strength of constitution Thus 40% of the women
and 38% of the men who lived beyond 70 years, had the Moon
in an angle This prominence of the Moon signifies more than
usual activity of the Moon thought-cells, with a correspondingly
strong generation by the nervous system of Constitutional Mag
The physical body is a replica of the thought-cell body in so
far as physical materials arc at hand for making it so It follows,
therefore, that each planet in the chart maps groups of thought
cells which determine the strength or weakness—that is, harmony
or discord—of some particular part of the physical body Planets
aspccting Sun, Moon or Mercury arc more important as indi
eating particular strengths or weaknesses because the thought
cells they map have direct access to the electromagnetic energies,
through which alone planetary or other astral energies can reach
the physical, or physical forces influence the astral But each other
planet also maps a tendency to strength or weakness in a given
part of the physical body
It will now be seen that the length of life is dctcrmmcd by
the relative power between the weaknesses mapped by the ten
planets—for even the Sun may map a structural weakness—and
the vitality mapped in the birth-chart and by progression by the
Sun So long as the Sun forces arc the stronger, the individual
lives When they become insufficiently powerful—either through
discords such as inharmonious aspects to the Sun indicate, or
through lack of volume of energy—to carry the organism on
vw spite of its diseases and myinies, tlie pbysicd Me is at an end
fudging the Health—The sixth house indicates association with
illness Doctors, nurses and dentists have very active sixth houses
But while the sixth house denotes the various conditions, such
as the services rendered by others, and the general environment,
during illness, it commonly docs not indicate the type of illness
to which the person is most predisposed
If a malefic is in the sixth, however, or if the ruler of the
sixth is severely afflicted, such affliction, because directly associated
166 Begin r^ER's Horoscope Reader
with the •ompartmcnt of the finer form which governs illness,
has greater power to attract illness, and to predispose toward
the kind of illness thus indicated, than if the afflicted planet
were in, or ruled, any other bouse
The most powerful afflictjon in the birth-chart indicates the
type of illness toward which the indmdual is most predisposed
And if the first house (health) and the sixth house (illness) arc
heavily afflicted, the tendency toward illness is greatly increased
For each disease there arc a few well defined factors which
arc constantlj present in the charts of all who hasc that disease.
These arc called the Buth-Chart Constants of the disease.
Likewise it is found that at ihc time the disease mamfcts
there arc equally well defined and constant major progressed
aspects These are called the Progressed Comtanir of ihe disease
These constants arc ascertained b) analyzing the birth-charts
of too persons who hate had a given disease, and by analyzing
the major progressed aspects at the time disease became nofcceablc
Such analyses have b-en completed rchkve to some of the
more common of the senous diseases, and are set forth in tables,
together with comprehensive information relative to the astro-
logical factors involved m 31 health, in the book, B%DY
judging Mental Ability—The mental attitude, and the general
trend of the mental processes as influenced by the unconscious
mind and the impressions received are shown by the sign posinon
and aspects of the Moon. The thought-cells mapped b) the Moon
indicate the most open avenue by which impressions and mforma
tion from the outside world find access to the unconscious mind,
and by which the unconscious mind influences the objective mind
Evcr> planet aspccting the Moon thus indicates a capacity for
understanding things of the nature of that planet
The general trends of the cerebral processes in which reasoning
classified observation and the formulation of words and sentences
arc employed which arc so css-ntial to gee information across
to others, are shown by the sign position and aspects of Mercury
Every aspect Mercurj receives indicates ability to think about
and express ideas of the nature of the aspccting planet. It indi
cat a a certain facihtj for learning about the matters which the
aspccting planet rules
Every aspect to the Moon and Mercury, either harmonious or
discordant increas-s mental opacity or mental ability Every
planet aspccting the Moon shows unconscious trams of thought
DriJNr.vnNO rnr Honoscorr. 167
concerning the things denoted in the chart by the planet. Every
aspect to Mercury increases the facility for expressing the char-
acteristics indicated by the planet making the aspect If the aspect
is harmonious the thoughts, unconscious or expressed, arc pleas-
ant, but if discordant they have disagreeable associations.
Should there be too many powerfully discordant aspects to
these two planets, the mentality may crack under the strain.
Those who sulTcr mental derangements have either Moon or
Mercury, and usually both, heavily afflicted at birth, and when
they break they have a progressed aspect to one or both of these
planets, and heavy progressed afflictions. But however badly
afflicted the Moon and Mercury arc at birth, or by progressed
aspect, mental derangement docs not follow if the chart is other-
wise strong and well balanced. Those who do become psycho-
pathic have other weaknesses in their charts which make it diffi-
cult to withstand strain.
For mental activity the Moon and Mercury should have strong
aspects. And best of all for mental expression arc those between
Mercury and the Moon; for then the unconscious mind, ready
access to which is indicated by the Moon, finds immediate access
to trams of thought in the objective mind. The more prominent
Mercury U in the chart, other things being equal, the more ability
is shown for hard study, and for expressing the thoughts in speech
or writing.
While the Moon maps the most open avenue to the uncon-
scious mind from the physical world, and Mercury maps the
facility of cerebral expression, we must not overlook that the soul
itself is thought-built, and that every planet in the birth-chart
maps a group of thought-built thought-cells. The mapping of the
whole mentality, therefore, must include every planet and aspect
in the chart. The mental processes can only express what the
character contains, and it docs express with different degrees of
facility, all that the character, or soul, possesses. Thus the Moon
and Mercury alone do not indicate the mental ability; merely
those phases of the whole mentality, soul, or character which im-
press the attitude and the ability to express with most facility.
Therefore, for a fuller appraisal of mental ability it is necessary
in addition to the Moon and Mercury, to consider the Sun-sign
as indicating deep-seated trends which influence methods of
thinking ana expression, the Ascendant and its chief ruler as
indicating the personality through which expression must take
place, and the ruling, or dominant planet, as mapping the most
1(18 JirciiNm's Hoboscope RnAnrn
active group of thought-cells which because of their activity arc
sure to influence the thinking and method of expression. These
five arc most important; but of course, to gauge the mental ability
completely every planet and aspect in the chart must receive
Judging the Vocation—Deciding what vocation an individual is
best fitted to follow is so important that a complete book, HOW
TO Sni-HCT A VOCATION,* ha« Ikvii devoted to it. To make
this book as reliable as statistics can make such a volume, and
to present a textbook completely covering the subject of vocational
selection, during 18 years the timed birth-charts of 100 persons
who followed each of 30 different representative vocations were
collected and analysed. Both the tables resulting, and the findings
that followed this long and intcnjjvc study, arc presented in this
Such knowledge is important not merely bcausc it prevents
those of maturity from continuing as round pegs in square holes,
bur because it can be applied to a child be/ore its schooling is
begun. The aptitudes which later in life it will be called on to
Use, if it is to become most successful, can thus be given special
opportunity for early training.
Instead of training the child in such a general manner that
it is fitted for no special calling, or training it for some vocation
that it will spend several adult years learning it is unsuitcd to
follow before turning ro something else, the child, in addition to
its general education, can early be given opportunity to develop
those taJcnis which it will find most useful later in life. Here
only the general principles of such vocational selection can be
pointed out.
Each planet in the birth-chart maps its own kind of natural
aptitude, and each house indicates the power to attract certain
activities. The more prominent a planet, irrespective of whether
its aspects arc harmonious or discordant, the more natural apti-
tude of that particular type the individual possesses. And the more
active a house, the greater power the individual has of attracting
the association ruled by that house.
But for success, ability, which arises from training a natural
aptitude, is only one-half of the requisites. The other half is
what is called The Luc\ Factor. This arises from the tendency
of the thought cells to find facilities for attracting good fortune
amid some associations and for attracting misfortune amid other
associations. However much ability an individual may have.
DriJNrvri"\r mr Ilonnicorr 1C9
he may meet thsistcr through no fault of his own Those as
soennons rcprescn ed bj powerful and discordantly aspectcd
planets m the cha I of birth gi\c opportunity for the thought
cells thus mapped to bring difficullics into the hfc Those as
socianons represented h> powerful and harmoniously aspectcd
planets in the chart of birth give opportunity for the thought
cells thus mapped to bring good fortune into the hfc Careful
analysis of the birth.charts and lives of a great many people
indicates that the associations arc as important for succ-ss as
arc the abilities
fudging Finances—In reference to the pow cr to gain money,
the harmon) and activity of the second house thought-cells arc
of chief importance In judging this the influence of any planet
in the second house, and the planet ruling its cusp, as well as
the aspects of this planer, should be considered That is, as pointed
out in Chapter Four, Uranus in this house indicates sudden gains
and sudden losses and that original ideas may be made to pay
financial dividends, Neptune in this house indicates either that
monc> comes with little effort or not at all, and that there is
need for developing practical ideas about financial matters etc
Jupiter and Saturn are the financial planets. Jupiter, when
prominent and well aspectcd, shows power to attract wealth,
and Saturn when prominent and well aspectcd shows power to
keep it If one or both of these two planets is afflicted, it decreases
the business ability, but even so most successful business men
have some afflictions to one or both of these planets, often very
heavy afflictions to one of them They succeed not because they
never lose, but because their gains arc, on an average, greater
than their various losses
Third in importance relative to making money is the condition
of the thought-cells mapped by the tenth house This house has
directly to do with business and credit
And finally it is found that the Sun and Moon should be
considered m the power to attract money The Sun thought-cells
sh»w the power to attract gold, or its equivalent, and the good
will of those m authority The Moon thought-cells show the
power to attract silver and the good will of the common people
Therefore, if the Sun is well aspectcd and prominent and the
Moon is afflicted, it is a waste of energy to try to promote small
sales to many people The efforts instead should be turned
to important ventures in which if they arc successful the returns
on each Will be large On the other hand if the Moon is pro-
17(1 Brcivwrn«; HoRo<corr Bmofh
rrnncnt md well ajpcctcd, and the Sun is licaMl) afllictcd, more
success will follow making numerous small Irantactioni, depend
ing on the \olume of such transactions to bring in adequate
returns The fnc and ten stores arc an excellent example of utiliz
ing a good Moon, together with harmonious Jupiter and Saturn
to give business sense
When the three factors of business success—flic tenth house,
the Sun, and the business planets, Jupiter and Saturn—arc weak
and much afllictcd, it is better for the individual not to go into
business for himself, but to be content to work m the employ
of others Business success and ability to gam moncj arc not
the same Some people who work for salaries make far more
monc) than those who m a business of their own arc considered
quite successful Others acquire money through gifts, marriage,
or inheritance
A harmonious tenth house is a favorable indication an mdivi
dual cm make a success of a business of his own If he is to
boss others successfully in the enterprise, he should ha\e a pro-
minent Sun Discordant aspects to the Sun indicate difficulties
arising from the exercise of authont) A Sun lacking in promin
cncc indicates lack of ability to exercise authority
Jupiter indicates the ability to sell to advantage, and to attract
business opportunities Saturn mdicntcs bargaining ability, shrewd
ncss, and foresight Thc> do not directly indicate the reputation,
or credit, which is so essential to business success, for this is
indicated by the tenth house, but the acuvity and harmony of
the thought.c-lls they map arc largely responsible for business
judgment and luck in business
fudging Irgal Matters—The seventh house thought-cells in
dicate the general relations with other people. If the s-venth
house is hcasily afflicted the relations with others may hnng
conflict, and conflict may result in recourse to the law The more
afflicted the seventh house the more damage the adscrsary is
able to bring about People with harmonious planets in the seventh
seldom have law suits But an afflicted Saturn there shows dif
ficulties that may take the individual into court, an afflicted
Mars there indicates a tendency to strife with others that may
end in the courts, and an afflicted Uranus there shows contro-
vcrsics or separations that the co-urt may be called upon to
The luck where the law ikclf is concerned, that is, the atntudc
of the judge and jury, is indicated by the planet ruling the ninth
house ancTits aspects The appearance of the individual, or other
Drusrvri'sr Tiir Ilonoscnn 171
circumstances, ma) cause the judge and jury to fed kindly dis
posed, or less kindly disposed Saturn in the ninth, for instance,
if well aspcclcd, indicates a court that is severe and just and not
swayed b> appeal to emotions Rut a well aspectcd Jupiter in
the ninth indicates a court inclined to guc the individual every
benefit of a doubt
fudging Lore—The afTcctional relations in general depend
upon the activity and the harmony of the thought-cells mapped
b) Venus These affcctional relations embrace the sausfactory
and unsatisfactory emotions arising from contacts with the
husband or wife, the children, the parents, the brothers and sisters,
and the friends This satisfaction of the emotions in general, or
their lack of satisfaction, must be judged from the prominence
and aspects of Venus alone
But in reference to the satisfactory emotional relations with
a person or persons belonging to any one of these categories,
this general indication shown by Venus must be combined with
the influence of the planet ruling the house reprcscnung the
particular person or persons And this planet plays the leading
role Thus the success of the affections where friends arc con
ccrncd is not to be judged hy Venus alone, but chielly by the
ruler of the eleventh house, and the success of the affections
where brethren arc concerned is shown chiefly by the ruler of
the third house, with Venus playing a minor part
The success of affcctional relations both w here children and
love affairs arc concerned is to be judged chiefly from the fifth
house Venus may play an important part m love making, but
some love making has very little of the Venus quality of affection
in it If Mars is the ruler of the fifth, love making will attract
strife, if Saturn is the ruler of the fifth, either loss or responsibility
is attracted through love making, if Uranus b the ruler of the
fifth, unusual conditions arise in relation to love making
However, if at the same time Venus is well aspectcd, the in
dications shown by the fifth house arc somewhat modified favor
ably, but if Venus is badly afflicted the indications shown by
the fifth house arc somewhat modified discordandy
Judging Marriage—Marriage is more than a partnership There
fore it must be judged by other factors in addition to the seventh
house The seventh house merely indicates the tendency relative
to partnerships in general If the Sun is in the seventh it indicates
a partner of prominence, if Mercury is there, a partner of inlcl
lectual interests, etc, as indicated m Chapter Four Thus from
the planet m the s'vcnlh, or less precisely from the planet ruling
172 UrriNNrn* Hoiioscopl JlPADrn
(he cusp of (he seventh, can be judged the type of partners in
general that will be attracted
How the partner thus indicated tends to affect the hfc is shown
by the aspects of the planet thus indicating the partner If this
planet is in aspect to (lie planet ruling money, the partner will
tend to affect finances, if it is in aspect to the planet ruling
friends, the partner will influence the friends The nature of
the influence is shown by the hey word of the aspect as given
in Chapter Three
Marriage, however, is a partnership involving the opposite sex
Therefore, the planet ruling the opposite sex must also be given
consideration The Sun is the ruler of the male sex, and the Moon
is the ruler of the female sex If the Sun is well aspcctcd in a
woman s chart, it indicates harmony and good fortune through
associating with men If the Sun is afflicted, men in general tend
to attract trouble Furthermore, as a general rule, the aspects to
which the Sun applies in a woman s chart indicate the men who
come into her life prominently enough (hat there is thought
about and probably opportunity for marriage If the first aspect
made by the Sun after birth is Co a square of Saturn, it indicates
a man who is old, selfish, or ill, through whom if marriage
tabes place there is apt to be loss If the second aspect made by
the Sun after birth is a trine to Mercury, let us say, this indicates
an intellectual man with whom there would be much less dif
ficulty than with the Saturn man indicated by the first aspect
In a mans chart, the affect of women m general upon his
life is indicated by the Moon and its aspects If the Moon is
much afflicted, women in general tend to cause him trouble
But if the Moon is well aspcctcd association with women will
tend to bring good luck
The first aspect the Moon completes after birth as a general
rule indicates (he first opportunity of a man to marry If the
aspect is weak, it may merely bring thoughts of marriage But
the planet thus aspcctcd indicates the outstanding characteristics
of the woman If the first aspect made by the Moon is harmonious,
and the second one is discordant the man will be more fortunate
in marriage if he marries his first love However, the-charactcmtics
of the woman will show whether she is the one indicated by the
harmonious aspect She will show the Jupiter characteristics if
she is indicated by Jupiter, and the characteristics of any other
planet that thus indicates her
In so far as the affcctional relations arc expressed in marriage,
the prominence and aspects of Venus must be considered The
^74 RroiNNrn*1; Honoscopjv Rr_*nrn
what he probably will think, probably will do, and what events
probably will come into his life as the result of the activity and
desires of these thought<clls. On the contrary, its chief value
lies in indicating how he should change the degree of activity
and the desires of these thought-cells which comprise his soul
so that they will enable him to have a life of far greater success,
spirituality and happiness than had he been ignorant of
<i aN'ijard 11mi:xoni* or mii; i ni n:i>static

r 4c
?o\t TIME

Boun danes
»n offecl-
JAN 1. >915' —
JAM 1,1963 —
Map 2.
The time at Greenwich (EGM.T.) k later than jn America,
and earlier than in Alia, Australia and most of Europe.

'2 ft.
1930 NOVEMBER lipliemcris
StdtrMt o O 2 D 2
Ttm« long Daclln Long u» Otclln
814 40H 12Pa flni 20 46 14618 I2N It 3 S8C 20813
281 U14 4844 86 100 2020 4063 1414 6637 24cv 10IS 2I 382fl 2K 4 423
45 1414 42U 68\ 1112 2121 80 1615 2315 181W 4016 00N4228 126 3463
«7 14U £03 6661 1314 2121 80la ie16 61e 27U IB7 31 6460 2317 2360
e 16 7 46 16 21 43 16 27 1011 37 3 60 26 61
100 161616 111916 374441 1716 2122 6016 1617 442 2485 141 46 843 2728 6314
n12 16 23 34 1810 2222 3867 1717 25IS 21CO. 671 66 146 2623 4^43
13 16 27 SI 20 23 20 17 61 2048? IV8 48 4067 1913 1237
in14 151616 8136^0 202724 212J22 242423 424513 181818 23367 1820 31 3 0
41 1 6136 -O687 38188
18ID 161616 436147 101713 262426 2613
2626 4610 10IS10 63228 1014om 4049 00S4O 12 23
2021 It16 6966 63 2728 2827 6533 1910 6035 28IT** «218 321 636963 2218 433
2223 1610 6S 600 20C«» 2828 621 2 2020 163 24 4835 44 6933 2827 6412
24 1616 1410 4963 21 3029 8336 2020 4028 202= 206 66 106 2427 373
262726 1618 22184642 34 3130 4449 2t20 52a '64 1723 44 4919 2116 497
2829 1616 3026 3936 68 32S3 2916 2121 2514 8K 7 3 38 11 64
80 18 34 32 7 34 4 21 58 9IV 6967 21 4861 j 6O S366
0*y w w V
Lai Dadi Laf D.ctln V Lab (\T7\V V
D4cHn| Lat Dtclln
41 0N4J
0 4141 10ION
20 I OS42
O 42 444N151113 000N27122848
25122 48 0ON 001 1 1N54
11 5464
JO137 4141 io10 000 424342 44 97 00 2626(222612222 464647 O0 12 66
00 4141 1010 •0 4142 44 {,3 00 2&122 46 0 32 22 6646<8
2 2
Issaas 1

00 4141 1010 0 41 28122 44

44 0I O0 2424(2222 4243 3(2 32 0
0 41 10 00 4141 3 69 0 24122 41 4l2 41
0« Long w long V Long I? 1j Long V ton<5 Lon9 Long ?
i 61724 ll2V26 72 26 2052' 61)2 V** 401 <»
2 6 28 121) 22 7 30 20 2a 6 4J 71 2 6 29
453 6S6 29(2628 121213 1620IB 777 453640 2020io 5C2Sac 760 1a 777 21 1189 23457
768 66 3aSI 121212 141210 778 60650 20201
20 3131 77 2J48 67 48 1412 3659
©10 6B6 326384 1212 D7 B8 11B 2020 303131 888 346712 666 345918 171916 2549»8
1112 66 86SB 1212 6a 88 1621 2020 29ao ~99 40J9 66 3714 2122 350
13 6 36 12 I fl 27 20 28 10 4 49 24 10
IS14 B6 8783 1211 680 88 3238 2020 2527 1010 4222 34 2152 2725 4413
1617 6S 40£911111 6566 88 4449 2020 2224 1111 222 82 il49 28Dy'Z62S
Iff2018 66B 40111
41 11 606263 9S9 6671 202020 201618 111112 591741 211 15418 32S 3306
2!22 B6 42481111 4947 99 1013(2(120 1013 12■2 6335 29TI153 O 30 6 39
2324 66 4344 nil 4546 99 8125 2020 47 1313 260 2329 4117 II08 1644n
25 5 44 11 43 9 37l20 1 13 40 29 6 12 43
2tl27 66 4545 U11 4142 90 4943 1010 6367 1314 6510 2627 30es 1614 8062
2820 6B 464611111 40SO 109 M2 1919 6045 1414 3724 2326 2260 1817 6624
30 6 4Blll 88 10 t> 19 41 14 60 26 20 20 28
D4t Lit 6 DtcIIn 6 U(9 Dftlln 9 Lfll Dtelln S 00Q
41 1NS0 1 36 3020N2410 6646 6 38 2727 8143 00N48 0 256 13826
1420 20S !3V4B
2 39
1013 111 416347 191918 448367 664 21330 262026 354414 OS15 1719 492? 232 SOIISO
16 2 66 IB 22 4 O 24 46 0 6311 202J 472 22 21 421 0
22192# 222 10174 , 191819 66J12 321 392254 232221 364443 111 26431 ( 3 8 2 1 42
29 3 24 18 48 1 7 0 26 1 56 J »44 473 a2 3jl
1943 APRIL Iphcmcris
0. SMfnal Umm Long O D«clln o 3) Uf2 OKlln 2
H. M. S.
21 1212 37as as65 111QT23 22 4027 4IN SO7 19= 3M18 08 ON 2f4 1114 8 411
4a6 121212 414540 424945 131412 212021 5180 654 SO6310 IT15IT3S2830 342 2N23 26 1549
e 12 63 38 15 19 13 0 z SO 6 54 391 106 4847
t7Ds 131211 6716 353125 171018 171810 171010 070 254710 25I2B2423 5 8 14 9
ID IS 0 21 IB 15 13 7 32 20an232 44 S357 1018 3446
1112 IS13 1713 2117 2021 1214 507 87 1755 142029 24 33 6812 1919 2923
1<IS13 1313IS 282521 11147 242223 10It9 223649 0H0 22SOI 23198/168143 021 172019 14IS18 346833
1617 13IS 3337 04 25S3 Hfl 466 100 44'5 14srp2)2 ON 1 4851 It37 5249SO
1020IB 131313 484440 636067 282729 245 3625I 11JO10 47208 2326OiiiS1253 342 244Z50 4OS 5631
222.231 131413 52560 434340 OJJ 01 53591 4099 111112 401029 204/45
nniwa40 45 512 139 124
4 65 16 15
2324 1414 84 36S3 23 6556 382 1212 5030 183151006 3048 IB18 3030
2527 1414 1216 2926 54 flJ61 4026 1313 299 l=s:i4 7 23 4662 18IB 28a
2829 1414 2+20.2219 87 6043 1020 1314 487 59 3939 584!33 152 3714
30 14 28 15 8 40 47 14 26 SH33 52 8 11
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*i 1N24
I 21 IN I 9 00388 201723
20 24 11833 lIZONIl mo 1714 00N24 0 24 22NS4
22 53
1013 111 212424 iii aii 000 887 102020 282928 111 222 (20 12020 24SO 00 242424 222 475149
15ie 11 2421 ii ii 5S 0U 77 2020 33J1 11 2*2p 20 30 00 2424 .2 45
0 24 2
252228 111 212124 i11 22i 000 777 202020 373529 11I 262827 202020 40373J 00 2521 32 iiS as4037
APRIL 1943
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0—25 11 548 45 888512187 150048 15 52 1817—SB 21 131412 (5122537 1086^0541
45 000 22 50 88 2320 1516 560 201919 62870 1517*
2019 111 5348 50 1215 68661
L 16 «
6 Po 17 1 68 8 35 16 9 21 227 1918 , 2614 1917 106
8»7 000 14isIfl 722 58i1 888 474153 161616 231318 2222 53 20 38 21 15
10 0 12 2 7 8 60 16 28 2324 3823 2123 502 2325 2025
It12 00 100 2 9 00 106 1616 3934 2525 548 2524 2513 2S27 3530
1314 00 87 222 1812 15 0 16 16 45 20 39 28. 37 IB38
15 0 5 2 21 00 2228 IB16 5167 2728 249 2729 480 35 40 40
Iti17 00 42 2 24 0 35 17 3 2829 -1055 orm 1 22 79 3935
18IB 2811159 2 27 0 41 17
0 I 2 30 0 47 17 16 0X25 C 34 11 28 »
20 28 58 22 3338 100 540 1717 2229 1X 1068 34 4556 1316 IB7
2122 2929 6766 Z2 4239 1010 147 1717 433B S2 2641 78 187 1618 3151
2324 2029 5453 22 4548 1010 27 20 17 60 4 12 8 28 20 7
25 20 62 2 51 10 34 1718 674 45 5743 109 CO39 242321 4031fl
2627 -2029 5140 22 6754 1010 4841 1818 1912 e7 2»14 12n ii0 25 50
2B2830 202020 464847 333 471 !11101 e&20 131313 352743 89 2944 151614 314121 212827 20155

!>■» Lat S Dtclln d 9 Dndtn 9 Ut S D»din 52

14 118 1214 1616 S 422 ON 0 2635 15N54
17 8 11 S 263 481N255810 22^45
22 S5
10137 111 201618 1314IS 543821 001 53442 20IS19 242317 000N29354 92 4030 >2>22 28167
16 1 22 13 fi 1 12 21 21 1 2 57 203 1I 4851
222519 1X1 232824 121110 234836 I11 202937 2222J3 406913 Z12 22041 029 51173 2 1t1 192938
28 1 30 9 59 1 45 24 15 2 36
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» 14 41 s 11311 1617 JJ 1414 99
11 a j
uu ISa 13 17 1123
10,2129117 4
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5279 4099(4106/3745(2336) 3315
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ore possible
degrso oftoonysignPlsnet. H 0 0 S I S
shown by
sixteen polntere....
Haas cxoifrr OTCC DEHT UJCOliS
P L p Ii STH nso Sara
10 1 2i. 2 1 ? u 150 IH00SJD1J0T
ESHI-SQ,(aHB / 1 u U •5 6 SSSeOX-SftUARK
EEXTILS 60 ■K 5 6 6 7 7 8 A-«n 60 ssztils
S^UXKS SO n 6 8 8 10 10 12 120 TRINS
OPPOSITION 180 g 11 10 1? 12 IS rf' 0 COtUmCTIOH
T D n- 8 H <?, I B £7
S X S f S Kf
Dtg DM Dtg Dtg Dtc Dtg Dtg Dm Dtg
0 0-00 0 11.28 0 20-09
1 0-23
0 47 21 2I 121211 314911 272829 21 20.22 29
342 11 3612 2627 34 3 202034 46 2723
S 1 59 25 12.52 26 4 20 57 2526
67 24 5 13 12 25 5 21-08
23 4711 2223 67 141313 323211 232224 67 21.29 21 18 232224
9108 8
334 21 9 1430 2120 9 21 -48 8 21.39 2120
1112 342258 201918 1110 1415 49 07 19 110 222221.57 0614 19
1314 5-084 45 17 1213 15.26 15 45 1812
17 13 2232 171618
5.32 16 22 30
1615 5 55 15 1415 1616 2003 141615 161514 2222 36 42 1415
1718 766 044118 131214 171816 1616.38 55 13 17 121113
19 727 It 19 1717.2912 1112 1918 222322 005449
20 78 49 109
222321 8.34 11 1098 2220
21 18-0117 45 109 2201 232304
16 8 22 23 OS12 8
8 56 76 2324 181818.32 657
2425 99-4119 5 25 19 4701 576 h3 24
25 2323
2323 19'6
26 10-02 43 2627 1919 1630 34 2726 4
2728 10103546 2 28 19 44 2 28 2324
1 29 20-0919 57 1 29 2336 2335 231
29 11-07 11 28 0 2337 0
MUTUAL RECEPTION (See next nage)
When the planet in column 1 is in one of the signs below
it, and the planets in column 2 in the space directly to the
right of this sign is in one of the signs above it in column 2
the inthcatetl planets are m mutual reception And when the
planet in column 3 is m one of the signs below it, and the
pianet m column 4 m the space directly to the right of this
sign is in one of the signs above it in column 4 the indi
cated planets are m mutual reception
0 .fl. T ? X y
ss 3) T TS <il
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Col 1 Col. 2 Col 3 Col I
KB. Kale Betri- Eralt Deg. 1^11 Dee.
net Bone nent at ion Exalt Fall rnoHar-
ny Xahar-
0 iq 19 Hr 3L
Tf y 3 3 TA
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■ys 3
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vf / © 5^7
Hani any ©


Ang AngularHouse LMTI Local Mean Time
Asc Ascendant, Interval
cusp of] st house I-of Logarithm
Assoc. Assoaation Houses Dong Longitude
Cad Cadent House m minute
CET Central Medium Coeli
Tune MC Midheavrcn
cusp of 10th house
Comp Companionship
Houses Mov MoiaWe Signs
CST Central Standard MR Mutual Reception
Desc. Descendant, Mut Mutable Signs
cusp of 7th house N North
E East P Parallel
egmt Equivalent
Mean TimeGreenwich P Planet
egmti Equivalent Greenwich Per Personal Houses
Mean Time Interval PST Pacific Standard Time
EST EastemStandard Tune Psy Psjchie Houses
Fix Fixed Signs Pub Public Houses
GMT GreenwichMeanTime KorRx Retrograde
b hour Ret Retrograde
IC Imura Oceli 8 second
cusp of house s Sign South
1ST JTune
a panes© Standard ST Sidereal Time
t I.uminary Sta Stationary
Let Latitude Sue Suceedent House
LD LinuungDate UT Universal Time
LMT Local Mean Time W Wat
Mn'pVi.f rnoiiMfovAi. UMIH JJLWI:


(Thnr nrr ihr trfrrrnrr numlirt rrfrrrrJ to throughoul the let I)
rvalinli niANGl_'
rrcarlme v^Un IN Tltll
IirJ TimrUSA/i>nr< ti) IVn< Oiau1and
(nloplion DiMniilnfli).
* Ginlaint infor
iha an I Irrniinaltnn
nl Mar (htit
T•i»ip ofinDoticlii
tin- ' A t VannC
t/iiitol Stain, an 1 tliatheditnLrcm
Timr, Moilnnctnn. tor
aril lu laJlwlima
<aprlian II J»iUi»r»K«-»iinnt
I mm an IupTrminnn
In tin- pn-wnt.Ilia Tima and llrfarTncc
lint It ffltilnk>DC.
tollovinl ina
will!It PmmliIaniliamantnnrIntputurr utnl uinto a tilthaIr nlndifntum,rormlt Acf«nijvin)in| ! ilia
Inlualnr) id tliaJain
t.n-C-inan fjlm Julian dim
2 STI 14.Ml (|»mrf),
atlnrliiv-i III..M INC. ».V CnC(linnnni
Iiimniilir Zam Horn ) amilailnfonljnntalnjatp anil tabulalr
(ilicconl) for
nrnl, plaitrl.
!!«• ti/:nilifandmint,
ilnmemt |i»T<flun-
and rlf to drtrmnnc
nralnt plinft, (hpiikh,promi
»»II |«(lfmtm a Cnrri lrin«»nt«- StrlUr Djnimicl dim thcrncrKJ ot tnouBhl
1 <i>n,
Ifti»f.l fnnil W M^rs print Ili.SrAliai. It Don. orf> Clm.c OoimrlitMatrnal
Ailrrdogy. /I,hioutII/•hm«>fSetirl
ami and
aU \hutoeolion, Unit otIt/Irmed
ill Happen Aiprctiand AnlUrology
Standard is
< rlmir IrllinC of Strllar
Idr itatittnt,
tiKludng in
Imn-lmli ct afpfitie lonn.
ditcitfJ, coirnng
PtcnU cafh
mcatiani llininimli
Axmlfgiral llriftnli ofIVi.nlmrnl
(hint hair tol>mtoliMn anilytnl ihw b>information
tho Cliurrlt
1 of Liclit
Gate hit
PTt nf tuiTitnnnnr
—nnyir. an I aiimlogiral tramil(Mint ilrninntlralf how tlxin rrlcatpt the life ofTint en
iHinralion,indndii a gtmiar) 16 andtiMn
nf tfrmtto arvl
a rnmplcio chirt index cmlion. progmtionJ ami
+ mi:Diteoter> ISIMJENCl. the planetOKWditt TimidPIAMT riUTO, by FJbert Ccnjomine
18K)ioI0J'of) (oreieh anil amimfluenee
l<> 10 to 1960 iftdudingicnrli ephement of Pfulo,
5 THKlimit ClIUHCU Ol I tf.IIT
detimit (illinirainl AM'Ihrre
aiwt (uvl all nluch
«•<, « <li antr*einunco
mcinnl planet.
and rlitfieal
M (' and
Ate Set the
and theicdialocbsonceof
inflnencf A taluablr tool for all acirologrtt
The Zodiac andnalrml TlieSfGNATI
_S, b> Ctihidt C Zam. providtsA basichelp indiscussion
Student Chirt Olanksto be recordei) m the boxes on the Church of
ensuonmeni rSAClI0L0G\.stnlib> energs C C Zam Hotsandmental theanduseindividual
unconscious canisbeasiociaieil
used as a toolof mindto control releases
rmironnient liowhj the of (he
lioit the mindnumland Evolution
(lie energies as mapped it discussedin (heandhoroscope,gnes acanguide be asusedto
for ralculatmg progressions(foimerl> of thePmlictmg
planets, MEvents), and Asrbya
better tolifediannel
Hott toenergiesireure mapped
the gi-eatestby inhannoniouc
benefit from aspects harmonious toC attract
9 EVOLUTION OF REL1GIOV. h) C.religrant
C. ZamandCit«a ducvttion the evolulmn of theofEiten
Msideal which
tirebytertion whichonconstllule
both"Iheprimitive man» man}-
Ilelieionand of themodemStan rdieiom have developed.
and lit universal wrwjemt
10 MUNDANE Ab'l llOLACy, byaffairs
C C Zain. AttroloRical influenact applied
allowl toendheads
takeworld attitude Ithey
Tow these
or dootheratinfluences
ceilam latunes
be tn a
numaiuirhimtoSuch cart>information
out mutuall)it alsoVenellcta]▼aluable negotiationt
to thehis affair* lor theingood
individual that it
that to tale precaution«r> actions national or world aoodilions.ih«I*
to have in iuth
be Jestheaffected
can lakeb>most ealamiUesadvantage
city,them. and
U now
puled for TO midnight,
places Benjamine Corathe
bow toa findephemendes
when each castGreenwidi
to aipcct horoscopct
u which
perfectNew andcalculate
Ifuw to use
the exactandProgressed
Imrc eoch aspects,
eclipses, sign.
with not How to delermine
the dales of tolarfoundandmlunar Moons
eclipses from Pull Moons
1880 to 19j0, aarf are
other mailer
alphabetical list ofcommonlyMoon positions favorable astrological to 62textbooks,
human acan
12 Other
Hermetic chartSystem
erectionAstrology referencesarethatHORARY furnishASTROLOGY
help to the student of the
and TO CAST ofCook,
HOWInstruction AND READ by TiOURPalmer,
Lynne HOROSCOPE, and HOWa kit TO ofbyC. LPC-Zam,
2 ERECT recordsA
lion, either ALCHEMi.
of the
body,astral mindbybody,
C Zain How to itchange a diseased
festation, within
must he changed into ofa which
harmioous theso that
is antoesterrial
How apply mamThe
thoughts to accomplish
health, success and happiness this, and change your own life mta channels of
factors ofcmployroent,
astrology, occultismTO DAILY LIFE,
and psychology by C C Zam. How to use
a pleasantgethome and attractachieve honors,
happiness be successfulto bein attractive,
marriage, have have
15 ciated
PERSONAL ALCHEhrY, by Cfrom C Zain. Anatomyofandglandular physiology asso-
natal chart towitheatand
anditsmint especially
under each
progressions typetheofviewpoint
as a roadrcap planetary
to health. affliction Using the
cinatmg and interesting LOREsaga OF ALL AGES, Here
of astrology by EJbcrt setBenjamine
isFre-Iucas, fromAtradi
forth Mayas, fas
American how Indians influenced
reachedEgyptians, Az
rsGreece and how
significance in theit now influ

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