Material 1 Spring 2020 App

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Harvard College Visiting Undergraduate

Committee on Visiting
Undergraduate Admissions Student Application
86 Brattle Street
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138
Phone: 617-495-9707 for FALL term only of year 20_________
Fax: 617-496-8407
E-mail: [email protected] for SPRING term only of year 20_______

SUBMISSION DEADLINES: for FULL academic year 20___ / 20____

October 1 for Spring Term
April 1 for Fall Term A $75 (USD) Application Fee is required

1. Full legal name _________________________________________________________________________________________________

Last/Family First Middle Jr., etc.

2. Preferred name, if not first name: ______________________________________

3. Sex: _______________

If you would like the opportunity, we invite you to share more about your gender identity:

4. Birthdate __ __/__ __/__ __ 5. Marital Status (please check one): ___Single ___Married __Divorced ___Separated
Month Day Year

6. Citizenship (please check one): ____ a. U.S./dual citizen. If dual, specify other citizenship ________________________
____ b. Other citizenship and U.S. Permanent Resident visa. Citizen of ________________________
____ c. Other citizenship. Please specify country ________________________

7. Permanent Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________________

Number and Street

City State/Province/Country Zip/Postal Code

Home Telephone Number (____) _______________________________ Cell Number (____)______________________________________

8. If different from above, please give your current mailing address: ___________________________________________________________
Number and Street

City State/Province/Country Zip/Postal Code

9. Send decision letter to: ____Permanent Address ____Mailing Address

(If you are admitted, your admit packet will be mailed to the address you indicated.)

10. E-mail Address: ________________________________________________

11. Please list university(ies) attended. List your current university in which you are a degree candidate first. You will need to submit a transcript from all
universities you have attended.

Name of University Location Dates of Attendance (Month/Year)

12. You are currently in year __________ of a __________ year degree program.

13. What is your field of study in university (Economics, Government, etc.)?____________________________________________________

14. Please list secondary school(s) attended, 9th grade through 12th grade.

Name of School Location Dates of Attendance (Month/Year)

15. Have you ever applied previously for admission to Harvard College? ___ No ___ Yes
16. If you previously applied for admission to Harvard College, please indicate for which semester entrance you applied.

Freshman Applicant? ___ No ___ Yes Fall 20_____ Transfer Applicant? ___ No ___ Yes Fall 20_____

Summer School? ___ No ___ Yes Summer 20_____ (If you attended Harvard Summer School, please provide an official transcript.)

VUS? ___No ____Yes (Circle one) Fall / Spring / Full Year 20_____

17. Parent 1 Name ________________________________________________________________ Is s/he living? ______________________

Address ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Number and Street City State/Country Zip/Postal Code

Employment _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Occupation Employer
(Please be specific: teacher, general medical practitioner, insurance agent. If deceased or retired, please give last employment.)

University (if any) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Name Degree Year

Graduate or Professional School (if any) ________________________________________________________________________________

Name Degree Year

Parent 2 Name ________________________________________________________________ Is s/he living? ______________________

Address ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Number and Street City State/Country Zip/Postal Code

Employment _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Occupation Employer
(Please be specific: teacher, general medical practitioner, insurance agent. If deceased or retired, please give last employment.)

University (if any) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Name Degree Year

Graduate or Professional School (if any) ________________________________________________________________________________

Name Degree Year

18. If you have brothers and/or sisters, or a spouse, please give their names and ages. For any who have attended university, please list their university, degree,
and year of graduation next to their names.



19. If you have children, please give their names and ages. __________________________________________________________________
20. Please indicate the number of courses you plan to take per term: _____1 _____2 _____3 _____4
(A typical Harvard academic load is four courses per term. In order to satisfy immigration requirements, international students must take at least three

21. After consulting the catalogue COURSES OF INSTRUCTION OF THE FACULTY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES (online at, list the courses (four courses per term are the maximum permitted) in which you might
wish to enroll for your first term only. Because all Visiting Undergraduates meet with an adviser to discuss the appropriateness of course selection before
selecting a final program of study, it is understood that this course list can only be tentative.

Because we must give priority to our regularly enrolled students, Visiting Undergraduate Students are subject to certain restrictions with regard to course
selection. VUS are not permitted to enroll in tutorials (97, 98 or 99), individual study courses (91r), or thesis supervision. They cannot be assured of
enrollment in courses with limited enrollment (e.g., studio courses, proseminars, etc.), or graduate level courses (designated as 200 or 300 level courses in the
course catalogue). In selecting your courses, please note that bracketed courses are not being offered in the current year. If prerequisites are included with a
course description, you must have the necessary preparation to qualify. At least three courses must come from the Faculty of Arts and Sciences.

Please include course number, course name, school, department and term offered, e.g., ENGLISH 53, Poets: British Lyric Poetry, FAS, English, Fall.

1. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Please list two additional courses that would be acceptable to you and your adviser at your current university as possible alternative selections, if your first
choices are unavailable. Please include course number, course name, school, department and term offered:

1. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

22. An OFFICIAL high school transcript must be submitted from all schools you attended. If you were enrolled in an international secondary school system, please
send a certified copy of the appropriate exam results, e.g., A levels, Abitur, I.B., Baccalaureate. If you choose to submit by mail, please send official copies from your
registrar. Official or notarized translations must be provided. Transcripts may also be submitted online by the school. Please check with your registrar to determine if
your school is a member of Scrip-Safe International,, or Parchment/Docufide, and submit using either
online transcript service.

23. OFFICIAL transcripts of all completed university work must be submitted to the Visiting Undergraduate Admissions Office by your college Registrar or Dean
as soon as the transcripts are available. Official or notarized translations must be provided. Transcripts may also be submitted online by the school. Please check with
your registrar to determine if your school is a member of Scrip-Safe International,, or Parchment/Docufide,
and submit using either online transcript service. Please submit transcripts from all universities you have attended, including any summer or study abroad programs.

24. COLLEGE BOARD OR ACT SCORES ARE NOT REQUIRED: However, if you have taken SAT I, SAT II Subject, or ACT Tests, list them below. This
information can be very helpful to the Committee in making its decision. If you wish these scores to be considered they must be received officially via College Board
(Code 3434), or ACT (Code 1840).


__________________________________ ______________________________________ __________________________

Verbal Math Writing Date Subject Score Date English Date

__________________________________ ______________________________________ __________________________

Verbal Math Writing Date Subject Score Date Mathematics

______________________________________ __________________________
Subject Score Date Reading

Science Reasoning


If you have taken A.P. tests, please list with scores and dates _____________________________________________________________

25. TOEFL SCORES: Students whose native language is not English are required to take the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language). The
Harvard College code is #3434.

Date Taken ________________________________________________Score ______________________________________________


26. As part of this application you must submit two Faculty Recommendation forms to be completed by university faculty members submitted either online or
returned with this application. To aid in checking your application for completeness, please give the names of the two faculty members you have selected to
write on your behalf and the university where they teach. Example: John Smith, Harvard.

a) _____________________________________________________b) ________________________________________________________

27. If the answer to either of the following questions is “yes,” please give a detailed explanation. Attach additional pages if necessary.

a) Have you ever been dismissed from or subject to any disciplinary action at any school or university? __Yes __No
b) Has any time elapsed since high school graduation or year(s) in university? __Yes __No
This includes a gap year, military service, employment, bridge program or other activity.

28. Statement: Below, please explain your purpose in studying at Harvard as a Visiting Undergraduate Student. Please share how your background and
experiences have brought you to this point in your education. In addition, we would like to know your current non-academic interests and activities and how
you might benefit from and contribute to Harvard in ways outside of the classroom while you are here. Feel free to include any additional information about
yourself that would be helpful to the Committee. (Approximately 500 words)

29. Submit an updated Resume or Curriculum Vitae: Please be sure this provides an accurate time-line of your pursuits from leaving secondary school to
the present, including any gap year(s) you may have taken.


Your signature below

1. authorizes all schools you attended to provide all requested records and allows review of your application for the admission process.
2. declares that all information in this application (including any supplemental information) is factually true and honestly presented and that you are
the person submitting this application.

Signature __________________________________________________________________________Date ________________________

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