Genomes 2nd Edition

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Genomes, 2nd edition

Article  in  The Journal of heredity · September 2003

DOI: 10.1093/jhered/esg082 · Source: OAI

2 17,260

2 authors:

Mazen Karaman Joseph Hacia

Miltenyi Biotec B.V. & Co. KG University of Southern California


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Book Reviews

Genomes, 2nd edition

T. A. Brown, Editor.
BIOS Scientific Publishers, Oxford, U.K. 2002. 572 pp.

An emerging challenge in the current era of whole genome

projects is to integrate these complex data sets with existing
knowledge in biological disciplines ranging from medical
genetics to evolutionary biology. The second edition of
Genomes is a bold attempt to convey the impact these genome
projects have had and will continue to have on biological
research. It bridges the gap between basic textbooks and
emerging data in the scientific literature and distills this
information in a way that is readily accessible to students and
educators alike.
The major strengths of Genomes lies in its unique organi-
zation. It is divided into four parts that proceed through
a logical and intuitive progression of discussions concerning
transcriptosomes and proteomes, genomic technologies and
analytical techniques, genome function, and how genomes
replicate and evolve. All chapters are well organized and
provide supplementary material that is important for those
wishing to explore the subject matter in greater depth. The
‘‘Learning Outcomes,’’ ‘‘Study Aids,’’ and ‘‘Questions’’ sec-
tions that accompany each chapter assist the students and
instructors to set appropriate goals upon which to focus their
efforts. The ‘‘Further Reading’’ section is especially valuable
in highlighting recent reviews on subject matter that may
warrant further attention.
Brown does an admirable job of describing newly
emerging technologies that have helped shape genomic bi-
ology. Nevertheless, several minor errors in the text were
present in discussions regarding DNA microarray technol-
ogy. For example, it would be more correct to state that
phosphoramidite-based chemistry, instead of modified
dNTPs, is commonly used in the chemical synthesis of
high-density oligonucleotide microarrays. Likewise, the de-
sign and application of DNA microarrays that can survey the
expression of many thousands of genes was not sufficiently
emphasized. Future editions may also benefit from discuss-
ing use of DNA microarray technology to classify different
diseases, such as various kinds of cancer.
Genomes is enhanced by beautiful color figures that help

Book Reviews

convey complex information and enhance the natural flow of courses. It provides the basic information necessary to take
the well-written text. The structures of nucleic acid binding the next step towards having an in depth understanding the
proteins such as histones, transcription factors, and RNA professional literature. Due to the current state of genomic
polymerases were especially important in adding intellectual biology, it is likely that the content of certain chapters will
rigor while bringing the text to life. At times, some of the need to be modified in the near future. Therefore, we
more simple diagrammatic figures may have been over-used eagerly look forward to future editions of this wonderful
and distracting to the reader. However, in general, they textbook.
provide a useful resource for students to clarify what is stated
in the text.
Overall, Genomes is successful in keeping up with the MAZEN W. KARAMAN
rapidly changing and dynamic world of genomic biology. JOSEPH G. HACIA
Contrary to what is stated in the Appendix, it is not written Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
on a level roughly equivalent to review articles appearing in Keck School of Medicine
professional journals such as Trends in Genetics and Nature. University of Southern California
However, it is well suited to be a textbook in beginning and 2250 Alcazar Street, IGM 240
mid-level undergraduate courses in molecular or genomic Los Angeles, CA 91101
biology or a supplement for more advanced undergraduate DOI: 10.1093/jhered/esg082


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