Test-3 Chromsome & DNA Solving A Biological Problem (KEY)

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Test No. 3 (KEY)


Part-I: Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Note: There are four options (A, B, C and D) corresponding to each MCQ. Choose one of
these options.

Each correct answer carries 1 mark. 1/3 mark will be DEDUCTED for each incorrect

Q.1 How many chromosomes are present in a human cell?

A) 22 B) 23
C) 24 D) 46
Q.2 What is the function of telomeres in chromosomes?
A) To protect the ends of B) To replicate the DNA
C) To transcribe the DNA D) To translate the RNA
Q.3 What is the structure of DNA?
A) Double helix B) Single helix
C) Triple helix D) Quadruple helix
Q.4 What is the role of DNA polymerase III in DNA replication?
A) To transcribe the DNA B) To copy the DNA
C) To translate the RNA D) To repair the DNA
Q.5 What is the name of the enzyme that unwinds the DNA double helix during
A) Helicase B) Ligase
C) Polymerase D) Nuclease
Q.6 What is the difference between a silent mutation and a missense mutation?
A) A silent mutation changes the B) A silent mutation does not change the
codon, while a missense mutation amino acid, while a missense mutation
does not does
C) A silent mutation changes the D) A silent mutation changes the DNA
amino acid, while a missense sequence, while a missense mutation
mutation does not changes the RNA sequence
Q.7 What is the name of the enzyme that joins the Okazaki fragments during DNA
A) Helicase B) Ligase
C) Polymerase D) Nuclease
Q.8 What is the name of the process by which a section of DNA is converted into RNA?
A) Replication B) Transcription
C) Translation D) Mitosis
Q.9 What is the name of the nitrogenous base that is only found in RNA and not in

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A) Adenine B) Thymine
C) Cytosine D) Uracil
Q.10 The structures formed by the coiling of chromatin fibers during cell division are:
A) Chromosomes B) Genes
C) Nucleosomes D) Telomeres
Q.11 In a nucleosome, the DNA is wrapped around
A) Histones B) Ribosomes
C) Polymerase molecules D) A thymine dimer
Q.12 A student isolates, purifies, and combines in a test tube a variety of molecules
needed for DNA replication. When she adds some DNA to the mixture, replication
occurs, but each DNA molecule consists of a normal strand paired with numerous
segments of DNA a few hundred nucleotides long. What has she probably left out of
the mixture?
A) DNA polymerase B) DNA ligase
C) Okazaki fragments D) Primase
Q.13 The bonds that hold two complementary strands of DNA together are
A) Hydrogen bonds B) Ionic bonds
C) Peptide bonds D) Phosphodiester bonds
Q.14 Which of the following is NOT part of the Watson–Crick model of the structure of
A) DNA is composed of two strands B) The two DNA strands are oriented in
parallel (5′-to-3′)
C) Purines bind to pyrimidines D) DNA forms a double helix
Q.15 If one strand of a DNA is 5′ ATCGT 3′, then the complementary strand would be
A) 5′ TCAGT 3′ B) 5′ TGCTA 3′
C) 5′ ACGAT 3′ D) 5′ AGTCA 3′
Q.16 What is the first step in solving a biological problem?
A) Experimentation B) Research
C) Hypothesis formation D) Data analysis
Q.17 The process by which a researcher uses the results of an experiment to identify
potential areas for further research is:
A) Gap analysis B) Data collection
C) Data interpretation D) Problem-solving
Q.18 Which of the following best describes the logic of the scientific process?
A) If I generate a testable hypothesis, B) If my prediction is correct, it will lead to
tests and observations will support a testable hypothesis
C) If my observations are accurate, D) If my prediction turns out to be
they will support my hypothesis correct, my hypothesis is supported
Q.19 Scientific reasoning moves from specific to general
A) Inductive B) Deductive
C) Observation D) Both (A) and (B)
Q.20 You are doing a controlled experiment which
A) Proceeds slowly enough that a B) May include experimental groups and
scientist can record the results control groups tested in parallel

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C) Is repeated many times to make D) Proceed slowly enough that a scientist
sure the results are accurate can test predictions
Q.21 Quantitative observation is the use of
A) Senses B) Equipment
C) Guess D) Ratio
Q.22 The information that is gathered as a result of an experiment is called
A) Hypothesis B) Data
C) Theory D) Observation
Q.23 What is a hypothesis?
A) The same thing as an unproven B) A tentative explanation that can be
theory tested and falsified
C) A verifiable observation D) A fact based on quantitative data that is
Q.24 Select the correct sequence of biological method
A) Law → Theory → Reasoning → B) Hypothesis → Theory → Law →
Hypothesis Reasoning
C) Hypothesis → Reasoning → D) Law → Hypothesis → Reasoning →
Theory → Law Theory
Q.25 Which of the following statements best distinguishes hypotheses from theories in
A) Theories are hypotheses that have B) Hypotheses are guesses; theories are
been proved. correct answers.
C) Hypotheses usually are relatively D) Theories are proved true; hypotheses are
narrow in scope; theories have often contradicted by experimental
broad explanatory power results
Q.26 Which of the following is an example of qualitative data?
A) The contents of the stomach are B) The temperature decreased from 20°C to
mixed every 20 seconds 15°C
C) The fish swam in a zigzag motion D) The six pairs of robins hatched an
average of three chicks each
Q.27 A scientific theory is
A) A guess about how things work in B) A statement of how the world works
the world that is supported by experimental data
C) A belief held by many scientists D) Both (A) and (C) are correct
Q.28 The process of inductive reasoning involves
A) The use of general principles to B) The generation of specific predictions
predict a specific result based on a belief system
C) The use of specific observations to D) The use of general principles to support a
develop general principles hypothesis
Q.29 Many scientific discoveries begin with direct observations. Which could be a direct
A) Ants communicate by airborne B) Birds navigate by using magnetic fields
C) Butterflies eat nectar from D) Fish feel vibrations through special
flowers sensors
Q.30 Which describes this statement, “The frog is 4 cm long”?

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A) Quantitative data B) Control group
C) Inference D) Qualitative data

Note: You can calculate the marks of Part-I (MCQs) using this key.

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Marks Obtained

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